path: root/src/pal/src/include/pal/thread.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/pal/src/include/pal/thread.hpp')
1 files changed, 838 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pal/src/include/pal/thread.hpp b/src/pal/src/include/pal/thread.hpp
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index 0000000000..e6dacd2136
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+Module Name:
+ include/pal/thread.hpp
+ Header file for thread structures
+#ifndef _PAL_THREAD_HPP_
+#define _PAL_THREAD_HPP_
+#include "corunix.hpp"
+#include "shm.hpp"
+#include "cs.hpp"
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <sys/syscall.h>
+#include <mach/mach.h>
+#include "threadsusp.hpp"
+#include "tls.hpp"
+#include "synchobjects.hpp"
+#include <errno.h>
+namespace CorUnix
+ enum PalThreadType
+ {
+ UserCreatedThread,
+ PalWorkerThread,
+ SignalHandlerThread
+ };
+ InternalCreateThread(
+ CPalThread *pThread,
+ DWORD dwStackSize,
+ LPVOID lpParameter,
+ DWORD dwCreationFlags,
+ PalThreadType eThreadType,
+ LPDWORD lpThreadId,
+ HANDLE *phThread
+ );
+ InternalGetThreadPriority(
+ CPalThread *pThread,
+ HANDLE hTargetThread,
+ int *piNewPriority
+ );
+ InternalSetThreadPriority(
+ CPalThread *pThread,
+ HANDLE hTargetThread,
+ int iNewPriority
+ );
+ InternalGetThreadDataFromHandle(
+ CPalThread *pThread,
+ HANDLE hThread,
+ DWORD dwRightsRequired,
+ CPalThread **ppTargetThread,
+ IPalObject **ppobjThread
+ );
+ InternalEndCurrentThread(
+ CPalThread *pThread
+ );
+ InternalCreateDummyThread(
+ CPalThread *pThread,
+ CPalThread **ppDummyThread,
+ HANDLE *phThread
+ );
+ InitializeGlobalThreadData(
+ void
+ );
+ CreateThreadData(
+ CPalThread **ppThread
+ );
+ CreateThreadObject(
+ CPalThread *pThread,
+ CPalThread *pNewThread,
+ HANDLE *phThread
+ );
+ InitializeEndingThreadsData(
+ void
+ );
+ GetThreadTimesInternal(
+ IN HANDLE hThread,
+ OUT LPFILETIME lpKernelTime,
+ // Structure used to return data about a single handler to a caller.
+ struct MachExceptionHandler
+ {
+ exception_mask_t m_mask;
+ exception_handler_t m_handler;
+ exception_behavior_t m_behavior;
+ thread_state_flavor_t m_flavor;
+ };
+ // Class abstracting previously registered Mach exception handlers for a thread.
+ struct CThreadMachExceptionHandlers
+ {
+ public:
+ // Maximum number of exception ports we hook. Must be the count
+ // of all bits set in the exception masks defined in machexception.h.
+ static const int s_nPortsMax = 6;
+ // Saved exception ports, exactly as returned by
+ // thread_swap_exception_ports.
+ mach_msg_type_number_t m_nPorts;
+ exception_mask_t m_masks[s_nPortsMax];
+ exception_handler_t m_handlers[s_nPortsMax];
+ exception_behavior_t m_behaviors[s_nPortsMax];
+ thread_state_flavor_t m_flavors[s_nPortsMax];
+ CThreadMachExceptionHandlers() :
+ m_nPorts(-1)
+ {
+ }
+ // Get handler details for a given type of exception. If successful the structure pointed at by
+ // pHandler is filled in and true is returned. Otherwise false is returned.
+ bool GetHandler(exception_type_t eException, MachExceptionHandler *pHandler);
+ private:
+ // Look for a handler for the given exception within the given handler node. Return its index if
+ // successful or -1 otherwise.
+ int GetIndexOfHandler(exception_mask_t bmExceptionMask);
+ };
+#endif // FEATURE_PAL_SXS
+ class CThreadSEHInfo : public CThreadInfoInitializer
+ {
+ public:
+ BOOL safe_state;
+ int signal_code;
+ CThreadSEHInfo()
+ {
+ };
+ };
+ /* In the windows CRT there is a constant defined for the max width
+ of a _ecvt conversion. That constant is 348. 348 for the value, plus
+ the exponent value, decimal, and sign if required. */
+#define ECVT_MAX_COUNT_SIZE 348
+ /*STR_TIME_SIZE is defined as 26 the size of the
+ return val by ctime_r*/
+#define STR_TIME_SIZE 26
+ class CThreadCRTInfo : public CThreadInfoInitializer
+ {
+ public:
+ CHAR * strtokContext; // Context for strtok function
+ WCHAR * wcstokContext; // Context for wcstok function
+ struct PAL_tm localtimeBuffer; // Buffer for localtime function
+ CHAR ctimeBuffer[ STR_TIME_SIZE ]; // Buffer for ctime function
+ CHAR ECVTBuffer[ ECVT_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE ]; // Buffer for _ecvt function.
+ CThreadCRTInfo() :
+ strtokContext(NULL),
+ wcstokContext(NULL)
+ {
+ ZeroMemory(&localtimeBuffer, sizeof(localtimeBuffer));
+ ZeroMemory(ctimeBuffer, sizeof(ctimeBuffer));
+ ZeroMemory(ECVTBuffer, sizeof(ECVTBuffer));
+ };
+ };
+ class CPalThread
+ {
+ friend
+ CorUnix::InternalCreateThread(
+ CPalThread *,
+ PalThreadType,
+ );
+ friend
+ InternalCreateDummyThread(
+ CPalThread *pThread,
+ CPalThread **ppDummyThread,
+ HANDLE *phThread
+ );
+ friend
+ InternalSetThreadPriority(
+ CPalThread *,
+ int
+ );
+ friend
+ InitializeGlobalThreadData(
+ void
+ );
+ friend
+ CreateThreadData(
+ CPalThread **ppThread
+ );
+ friend
+ CreateThreadObject(
+ CPalThread *pThread,
+ CPalThread *pNewThread,
+ HANDLE *phThread
+ );
+ friend CatchHardwareExceptionHolder;
+ private:
+ CPalThread *m_pNext;
+ DWORD m_dwExitCode;
+ BOOL m_fExitCodeSet;
+ bool m_fLockInitialized;
+ bool m_fIsDummy;
+ //
+ // Minimal reference count, used primarily for cleanup purposes. A
+ // new thread object has an initial refcount of 1. This initial
+ // reference is removed by CorUnix::InternalEndCurrentThread.
+ //
+ // The only other spot the refcount is touched is from within
+ // CPalObjectBase::ReleaseReference -- incremented before the
+ // destructors for an ojbect are called, and decremented afterwords.
+ // This permits the freeing of the thread structure to happen after
+ // the freeing of the enclosing thread object has completed.
+ //
+ LONG m_lRefCount;
+ //
+ // The IPalObject for this thread. The thread will release its reference
+ // to this object when it exits.
+ //
+ IPalObject *m_pThreadObject;
+ //
+ // Thread ID info
+ //
+ SIZE_T m_threadId;
+ DWORD m_dwLwpId;
+ pthread_t m_pthreadSelf;
+ mach_port_t m_machPortSelf;
+ // > 0 when there is an exception holder which causes h/w
+ // exceptions to be sent down the C++ exception chain.
+ int m_hardwareExceptionHolderCount;
+ //
+ // Start info
+ //
+ LPVOID m_lpStartParameter;
+ BOOL m_bCreateSuspended;
+ int m_iThreadPriority;
+ PalThreadType m_eThreadType;
+ //
+ // pthread mutex / condition variable for gating thread startup.
+ // InternalCreateThread waits on the condition variable to determine
+ // when the new thread has reached passed all failure points in
+ // the entry routine
+ //
+ pthread_mutex_t m_startMutex;
+ pthread_cond_t m_startCond;
+ bool m_fStartItemsInitialized;
+ bool m_fStartStatus;
+ bool m_fStartStatusSet;
+ // Base address of the stack of this thread
+ void* m_stackBase;
+ // Limit address of the stack of this thread
+ void* m_stackLimit;
+ // The default stack size of a newly created thread (currently 256KB)
+ // when the dwStackSize paramter of PAL_CreateThread()
+ // is zero. This value can be set by setting the
+ // environment variable PAL_THREAD_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE
+ // (the value should be in bytes and in hex).
+ static DWORD s_dwDefaultThreadStackSize;
+ //
+ // The thread entry routine (called from InternalCreateThread)
+ //
+ static void* ThreadEntry(void * pvParam);
+ //
+ // Data for PAL side-by-side support
+ //
+ private:
+ // This is set whenever this thread is currently executing within
+ // a region of code that depends on this instance of the PAL
+ // in the process.
+ bool m_fInPal;
+ // Record of Mach exception handlers that were already registered when we register our own CoreCLR
+ // specific handlers.
+ CThreadMachExceptionHandlers m_sMachExceptionHandlers;
+#endif // FEATURE_PAL_SXS
+ public:
+ //
+ // Embedded information for areas owned by other subsystems
+ //
+ CThreadSynchronizationInfo synchronizationInfo;
+ CThreadSuspensionInfo suspensionInfo;
+ CThreadSEHInfo sehInfo;
+ CThreadTLSInfo tlsInfo;
+ CThreadApcInfo apcInfo;
+ CThreadCRTInfo crtInfo;
+ CPalThread()
+ :
+ m_pNext(NULL),
+ m_dwExitCode(STILL_ACTIVE),
+ m_fExitCodeSet(FALSE),
+ m_fLockInitialized(FALSE),
+ m_fIsDummy(FALSE),
+ m_lRefCount(1),
+ m_pThreadObject(NULL),
+ m_threadId(0),
+ m_dwLwpId(0),
+ m_pthreadSelf(0),
+ m_machPortSelf(0),
+ m_hardwareExceptionHolderCount(0),
+ m_lpStartAddress(NULL),
+ m_lpStartParameter(NULL),
+ m_bCreateSuspended(FALSE),
+ m_iThreadPriority(THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL),
+ m_eThreadType(UserCreatedThread),
+ m_fStartItemsInitialized(FALSE),
+ m_fStartStatus(FALSE),
+ m_fStartStatusSet(FALSE),
+ m_stackBase(NULL),
+ m_stackLimit(NULL)
+ , m_fInPal(TRUE)
+#endif // FEATURE_PAL_SXS
+ {
+ };
+ virtual ~CPalThread();
+ RunPreCreateInitializers(
+ void
+ );
+ //
+ // m_threadId and m_dwLwpId must be set before calling
+ // RunPostCreateInitializers
+ //
+ RunPostCreateInitializers(
+ void
+ );
+ //
+ // SetStartStatus is called by THREADEntry or InternalSuspendNewThread
+ // to inform InternalCreateThread of the results of the thread's
+ // initialization. InternalCreateThread calls WaitForStartStatus to
+ // obtain this information (and will not return to its caller until
+ // the info is available).
+ //
+ void
+ SetStartStatus(
+ bool fStartSucceeded
+ );
+ bool
+ WaitForStartStatus(
+ void
+ );
+ void
+ Lock(
+ CPalThread *pThread
+ )
+ {
+ InternalEnterCriticalSection(pThread, &m_csLock);
+ };
+ void
+ Unlock(
+ CPalThread *pThread
+ )
+ {
+ InternalLeaveCriticalSection(pThread, &m_csLock);
+ };
+ //
+ // The following three methods provide access to the
+ // native lock used to protect thread native wait data.
+ //
+ void
+ AcquireNativeWaitLock(
+ void
+ )
+ {
+ synchronizationInfo.AcquireNativeWaitLock();
+ }
+ void
+ ReleaseNativeWaitLock(
+ void
+ )
+ {
+ synchronizationInfo.ReleaseNativeWaitLock();
+ }
+ bool
+ TryAcquireNativeWaitLock(
+ void
+ )
+ {
+ return synchronizationInfo.TryAcquireNativeWaitLock();
+ }
+ static void
+ SetLastError(
+ DWORD dwLastError
+ )
+ {
+ // Reuse errno to store last error
+ errno = dwLastError;
+ };
+ static DWORD
+ GetLastError(
+ void
+ )
+ {
+ // Reuse errno to store last error
+ return errno;
+ };
+ void
+ SetExitCode(
+ DWORD dwExitCode
+ )
+ {
+ m_dwExitCode = dwExitCode;
+ m_fExitCodeSet = TRUE;
+ };
+ GetExitCode(
+ DWORD *pdwExitCode
+ )
+ {
+ *pdwExitCode = m_dwExitCode;
+ return m_fExitCodeSet;
+ };
+ GetThreadId(
+ void
+ )
+ {
+ return m_threadId;
+ };
+ GetLwpId(
+ void
+ )
+ {
+ return m_dwLwpId;
+ };
+ pthread_t
+ GetPThreadSelf(
+ void
+ )
+ {
+ return m_pthreadSelf;
+ };
+ mach_port_t
+ GetMachPortSelf(
+ void
+ )
+ {
+ return m_machPortSelf;
+ };
+ bool
+ IsHardwareExceptionsEnabled()
+ {
+ return m_hardwareExceptionHolderCount > 0;
+ }
+ GetStartAddress(
+ void
+ )
+ {
+ return m_lpStartAddress;
+ };
+ GetStartParameter(
+ void
+ )
+ {
+ return m_lpStartParameter;
+ };
+ GetCreateSuspended(
+ void
+ )
+ {
+ return m_bCreateSuspended;
+ };
+ PalThreadType
+ GetThreadType(
+ void
+ )
+ {
+ return m_eThreadType;
+ };
+ int
+ GetThreadPriority(
+ void
+ )
+ {
+ return m_iThreadPriority;
+ };
+ IPalObject *
+ GetThreadObject(
+ void
+ )
+ {
+ return m_pThreadObject;
+ }
+ IsDummy(
+ void
+ )
+ {
+ return m_fIsDummy;
+ };
+ CPalThread*
+ GetNext(
+ void
+ )
+ {
+ return m_pNext;
+ };
+ void
+ SetNext(
+ CPalThread *pNext
+ )
+ {
+ m_pNext = pNext;
+ };
+ void
+ AddThreadReference(
+ void
+ );
+ void
+ ReleaseThreadReference(
+ void
+ );
+ // Get base address of the current thread's stack
+ static
+ void *
+ GetStackBase(
+ void
+ );
+ // Get cached base address of this thread's stack
+ // Can be called only for the current thread.
+ void *
+ GetCachedStackBase(
+ void
+ );
+ // Get limit address of the current thread's stack
+ static
+ void *
+ GetStackLimit(
+ void
+ );
+ // Get cached limit address of this thread's stack
+ // Can be called only for the current thread.
+ void *
+ GetCachedStackLimit(
+ void
+ );
+ //
+ // Functions for PAL side-by-side support
+ //
+ // This function needs to be called on a thread when it enters
+ // a region of code that depends on this instance of the PAL
+ // in the process.
+ PAL_ERROR Enter(PAL_Boundary boundary);
+ // This function needs to be called on a thread when it leaves
+ // a region of code that depends on this instance of the PAL
+ // in the process.
+ PAL_ERROR Leave(PAL_Boundary boundary);
+ // Returns TRUE whenever this thread is executing in a region
+ // of code that depends on this instance of the PAL in the process.
+ BOOL IsInPal()
+ {
+ return m_fInPal;
+ };
+ // Hook Mach exceptions, i.e., call thread_swap_exception_ports
+ // to replace the thread's current exception ports with our own.
+ // The previously active exception ports are saved. Called when
+ // this thread enters a region of code that depends on this PAL.
+ // Should only fail on internal errors.
+ PAL_ERROR EnableMachExceptions();
+ // Unhook Mach exceptions, i.e., call thread_set_exception_ports
+ // to restore the thread's exception ports with those we saved
+ // in EnableMachExceptions. Called when this thread leaves a
+ // region of code that depends on this PAL. Should only fail
+ // on internal errors.
+ PAL_ERROR DisableMachExceptions();
+ // The exception handling thread needs to be able to get at the list of handlers that installing our
+ // own handler on a thread has displaced (in case we need to forward an exception that we don't want
+ // to handle).
+ CThreadMachExceptionHandlers *GetSavedMachHandlers()
+ {
+ return &m_sMachExceptionHandlers;
+ }
+#endif // FEATURE_PAL_SXS
+ };
+#if defined(FEATURE_PAL_SXS)
+ extern "C" CPalThread *CreateCurrentThreadData();
+#endif // FEATURE_PAL_SXS
+ inline CPalThread *GetCurrentPalThread()
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<CPalThread*>(pthread_getspecific(thObjKey));
+ }
+ inline CPalThread *InternalGetCurrentThread()
+ {
+ CPalThread *pThread = GetCurrentPalThread();
+#if defined(FEATURE_PAL_SXS)
+ if (pThread == nullptr)
+ pThread = CreateCurrentThreadData();
+#endif // FEATURE_PAL_SXS
+ return pThread;
+ }
+ $$TODO: These are needed only to support cross-process thread duplication
+ class CThreadImmutableData
+ {
+ public:
+ DWORD dwProcessId;
+ };
+ class CThreadSharedData
+ {
+ public:
+ DWORD dwThreadId;
+ DWORD dwExitCode;
+ };
+ //
+ // The process local information for a thread is just a pointer
+ // to the underlying CPalThread object.
+ //
+ class CThreadProcessLocalData
+ {
+ public:
+ CPalThread *pThread;
+ };
+ extern CObjectType otThread;
+ void
+ );
+ void
+ );
+ void
+ );
+extern int free_threads_spinlock;
+extern PAL_ActivationFunction g_activationFunction;
+extern PAL_SafeActivationCheckFunction g_safeActivationCheckFunction;
+ THREADSilentGetCurrentThreadId
+ Same as GetCurrentThreadId, but it doesn't output any traces.
+ It is useful for tracing functions to display the thread ID
+ without generating any new traces.
+ TODO: how does the perf of pthread_self compare to
+ InternalGetCurrentThread when we find the thread in the
+ cache?
+ If the perf of pthread_self is comparable to that of the stack
+ bounds based lookaside system, why aren't we using it in the
+ cache?
+ In order to match the thread ids that debuggers use at least for
+ linux we need to use gettid().
+#if defined(__linux__)
+#define THREADSilentGetCurrentThreadId() (SIZE_T)syscall(SYS_gettid)
+#elif defined(__APPLE__)
+inline SIZE_T THREADSilentGetCurrentThreadId() {
+ uint64_t tid;
+ pthread_threadid_np(pthread_self(), &tid);
+ return (SIZE_T)tid;
+#elif defined(__NetBSD__)
+#include <lwp.h>
+#define THREADSilentGetCurrentThreadId() (SIZE_T)_lwp_self()
+#define THREADSilentGetCurrentThreadId() (SIZE_T)pthread_self()
+#endif // _PAL_THREAD_HPP_