path: root/src/pal/src/handlemgr/handlemgr.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/pal/src/handlemgr/handlemgr.cpp')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pal/src/handlemgr/handlemgr.cpp b/src/pal/src/handlemgr/handlemgr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3516287af5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pal/src/handlemgr/handlemgr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+Module Name:
+ handlemgr.cpp
+ Implementation of a basic handle table
+#include "pal/thread.hpp"
+#include "pal/handlemgr.hpp"
+#include "pal/cs.hpp"
+#include "pal/malloc.hpp"
+#include "pal/dbgmsg.h"
+using namespace CorUnix;
+/* Constants */
+/* Special handles */
+/* Pseudo handles constant for current thread and process */
+const HANDLE hPseudoCurrentProcess = (HANDLE) 0xFFFFFF01;
+const HANDLE hPseudoCurrentThread = (HANDLE) 0xFFFFFF03;
+/* Pseudo handle constant for the global IO Completion port */
+const HANDLE hPseudoGlobalIOCP = (HANDLE) 0xFFFFFF05;
+ void
+ )
+ PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR;
+ InternalInitializeCriticalSection(&m_csLock);
+ m_fLockInitialized = TRUE;
+ m_dwTableGrowthRate = c_BasicGrowthRate;
+ /* initialize the handle table - the free list is stored in the 'object'
+ field, with the head in the global 'm_hiFreeListStart'. */
+ m_dwTableSize = m_dwTableGrowthRate;
+ m_rghteHandleTable = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY*>(InternalMalloc((m_dwTableSize * sizeof(HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY))));
+ if(NULL == m_rghteHandleTable)
+ {
+ ERROR("Unable to create initial handle table array");
+ goto InitializeExit;
+ }
+ for (DWORD i = 0; i < m_dwTableSize; i++)
+ {
+ m_rghteHandleTable[i].u.hiNextIndex = i + 1;
+ m_rghteHandleTable[i].fEntryAllocated = FALSE;
+ }
+ m_rghteHandleTable[m_dwTableSize - 1].u.hiNextIndex = (HANDLE_INDEX)-1;
+ m_hiFreeListStart = 0;
+ m_hiFreeListEnd = m_dwTableSize - 1;
+ TRACE("Handle Manager initialization complete.\n");
+ return palError;
+ CPalThread *pThread,
+ IPalObject *pObject,
+ DWORD dwAccessRights,
+ bool fInheritable,
+ HANDLE *ph
+ )
+ PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR;
+ DWORD dwIndex;
+ Lock(pThread);
+ /* if no free handles are available, we need to grow the handle table and
+ add new handles to the pool */
+ if (m_hiFreeListStart == c_hiInvalid)
+ {
+ HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY* rghteTempTable;
+ TRACE("Handle pool empty (%d handles allocated), growing handle table "
+ "by %d entries.\n", m_dwTableSize, m_dwTableGrowthRate );
+ /* make sure handle values don't overflow */
+ if (m_dwTableSize + m_dwTableGrowthRate >= c_MaxIndex)
+ {
+ WARN("Unable to allocate handle : maximum (%d) reached!\n",
+ m_dwTableSize);
+ goto AllocateHandleExit;
+ }
+ /* grow handle table */
+ rghteTempTable = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY*>(InternalRealloc(
+ m_rghteHandleTable,
+ (m_dwTableSize + m_dwTableGrowthRate) * sizeof(HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY)));
+ if (NULL == rghteTempTable)
+ {
+ WARN("not enough memory to grow handle table!\n");
+ goto AllocateHandleExit;
+ }
+ m_rghteHandleTable = rghteTempTable;
+ /* update handle table and handle pool */
+ for (DWORD dw = m_dwTableSize; dw < m_dwTableSize + m_dwTableGrowthRate; dw += 1)
+ {
+ /* new handles are initially invalid */
+ /* the last "old" handle was m_dwTableSize-1, so the new
+ handles range from m_dwTableSize to
+ m_dwTableSize+m_dwTableGrowthRate-1 */
+ m_rghteHandleTable[dw].u.hiNextIndex = dw + 1;
+ m_rghteHandleTable[dw].fEntryAllocated = FALSE;
+ }
+ m_hiFreeListStart = m_dwTableSize;
+ m_dwTableSize += m_dwTableGrowthRate;
+ m_rghteHandleTable[m_dwTableSize - 1].u.hiNextIndex = (HANDLE_INDEX)-1;
+ m_hiFreeListEnd = m_dwTableSize - 1;
+ }
+ /* take the next free handle */
+ dwIndex = m_hiFreeListStart;
+ /* remove the handle from the pool */
+ m_hiFreeListStart = m_rghteHandleTable[dwIndex].u.hiNextIndex;
+ /* clear the tail record if this is the last handle slot available */
+ if(m_hiFreeListStart == c_hiInvalid)
+ {
+ m_hiFreeListEnd = c_hiInvalid;
+ }
+ /* save the data associated with the new handle */
+ *ph = HandleIndexToHandle(dwIndex);
+ pObject->AddReference();
+ m_rghteHandleTable[dwIndex].u.pObject = pObject;
+ m_rghteHandleTable[dwIndex].dwAccessRights = dwAccessRights;
+ m_rghteHandleTable[dwIndex].fInheritable = fInheritable;
+ m_rghteHandleTable[dwIndex].fEntryAllocated = TRUE;
+ Unlock(pThread);
+ return palError;
+ CPalThread *pThread,
+ DWORD *pdwRightsGranted,
+ IPalObject **ppObject
+ )
+ PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR;
+ Lock(pThread);
+ if (!ValidateHandle(h))
+ {
+ ERROR("Tried to dereference an invalid handle %p\n", h);
+ goto GetObjectFromHandleExit;
+ }
+ hi = HandleToHandleIndex(h);
+ *pdwRightsGranted = m_rghteHandleTable[hi].dwAccessRights;
+ *ppObject = m_rghteHandleTable[hi].u.pObject;
+ (*ppObject)->AddReference();
+ Unlock(pThread);
+ return palError;
+ CPalThread *pThread,
+ )
+ PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR;
+ IPalObject *pobj = NULL;
+ HANDLE_INDEX hi = HandleToHandleIndex(h);
+ Lock(pThread);
+ if (!ValidateHandle(h))
+ {
+ ERROR("Trying to free invalid handle %p.\n", h);
+ goto FreeHandleExit;
+ }
+ if (HandleIsSpecial(h))
+ {
+ ASSERT("Trying to free Special Handle %p.\n", h);
+ goto FreeHandleExit;
+ }
+ pobj = m_rghteHandleTable[hi].u.pObject;
+ m_rghteHandleTable[hi].fEntryAllocated = FALSE;
+ /* add handle to the free pool */
+ if(m_hiFreeListEnd != c_hiInvalid)
+ {
+ m_rghteHandleTable[m_hiFreeListEnd].u.hiNextIndex = hi;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_hiFreeListStart = hi;
+ }
+ m_rghteHandleTable[hi].u.hiNextIndex = c_hiInvalid;
+ m_hiFreeListEnd = hi;
+ Unlock(pThread);
+ if (NULL != pobj)
+ {
+ pobj->ReleaseReference(pThread);
+ }
+ return palError;
+Function :
+ ValidateHandle
+ Check if a handle was allocated by this handle manager
+Parameters :
+ HANDLE handle : handle to check.
+Return Value :
+ TRUE if valid, FALSE if invalid.
+bool CSimpleHandleManager::ValidateHandle(HANDLE handle)
+ DWORD dwIndex;
+ if (NULL == m_rghteHandleTable)
+ {
+ ASSERT("Handle Manager is not initialized!\n");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || handle == 0)
+ {
+ TRACE( "INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE or NULL value is not a valid handle.\n" );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (HandleIsSpecial(handle))
+ {
+ //
+ // Special handles are valid in the general sense. They are not valid
+ // in this context, though, as they were not allocated by the handle
+ // manager. Hitting this case indicates a logic error within the PAL
+ // (since clients of the handle manager should have already dealt with
+ // the specialness of the handle) so we assert here.
+ //
+ ASSERT ("Handle %p is a special handle, returning FALSE.\n", handle);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ dwIndex = HandleToHandleIndex(handle);
+ if (dwIndex >= m_dwTableSize)
+ {
+ WARN( "The handle value(%p) is out of the bounds for the handle table.\n", handle );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!m_rghteHandleTable[dwIndex].fEntryAllocated)
+ {
+ WARN("The handle value (%p) has not been allocated\n", handle);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ )
+ return (hPseudoCurrentProcess == h ||
+ hPseudoCurrentThread == h ||
+ hPseudoGlobalIOCP == h);