path: root/src/mscorlib/src/System/Security/PermissionListSet.cs
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 535 deletions
diff --git a/src/mscorlib/src/System/Security/PermissionListSet.cs b/src/mscorlib/src/System/Security/PermissionListSet.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 093542ad4e..0000000000
--- a/src/mscorlib/src/System/Security/PermissionListSet.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,535 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
-// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
-// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
-** Purpose: Holds state about A/G/R permissionsets in a callstack or appdomain
-** (Replacement for PermissionListSet)
-namespace System.Security
- using System.Globalization;
- using System.Reflection;
- using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
- using System.Security;
- using System.Security.Permissions;
- using System.Threading;
- using System.Collections;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Diagnostics;
- using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
- [Serializable]
- sealed internal class PermissionListSet
- {
- // Only internal (public) methods are creation methods and demand evaluation methods.
- // Scroll down to the end to see them.
- private PermissionSetTriple m_firstPermSetTriple;
- private ArrayList m_permSetTriples;
- private ArrayList m_zoneList;
- private ArrayList m_originList;
- internal PermissionListSet() {}
- private void EnsureTriplesListCreated()
- {
- if (m_permSetTriples == null)
- {
- m_permSetTriples = new ArrayList();
- if (m_firstPermSetTriple != null)
- {
- m_permSetTriples.Add(m_firstPermSetTriple);
- m_firstPermSetTriple = null;
- }
- }
- }
- internal void UpdateDomainPLS (PermissionListSet adPLS) {
- if (adPLS != null && adPLS.m_firstPermSetTriple != null)
- UpdateDomainPLS(adPLS.m_firstPermSetTriple.GrantSet, adPLS.m_firstPermSetTriple.RefusedSet);
- }
- internal void UpdateDomainPLS (PermissionSet grantSet, PermissionSet deniedSet) {
- Debug.Assert(m_permSetTriples == null, "m_permSetTriples != null");
- if (m_firstPermSetTriple == null)
- m_firstPermSetTriple = new PermissionSetTriple();
- // update the grant and denied sets
- m_firstPermSetTriple.UpdateGrant(grantSet);
- m_firstPermSetTriple.UpdateRefused(deniedSet);
- }
-#endif // FEATURE_PLS
- private void Terminate(PermissionSetTriple currentTriple)
- {
- UpdateTripleListAndCreateNewTriple(currentTriple, null);
- }
- private void Terminate(PermissionSetTriple currentTriple, PermissionListSet pls)
- {
- this.UpdateZoneAndOrigin(pls);
- this.UpdatePermissions(currentTriple, pls);
- this.UpdateTripleListAndCreateNewTriple(currentTriple, null);
- }
- private bool Update(PermissionSetTriple currentTriple, PermissionListSet pls)
- {
- this.UpdateZoneAndOrigin(pls);
- return this.UpdatePermissions(currentTriple, pls);
- }
- private bool Update(PermissionSetTriple currentTriple, FrameSecurityDescriptor fsd)
- {
- FrameSecurityDescriptorWithResolver fsdWithResolver = fsd as FrameSecurityDescriptorWithResolver;
- if (fsdWithResolver != null)
- {
- return Update2(currentTriple, fsdWithResolver);
- }
- // check imperative
- bool fHalt = Update2(currentTriple, fsd, false);
- if (!fHalt)
- {
- // then declarative
- fHalt = Update2(currentTriple, fsd, true);
- }
- return fHalt;
- }
- private bool Update2(PermissionSetTriple currentTriple, FrameSecurityDescriptorWithResolver fsdWithResolver)
- {
- System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicResolver resolver = fsdWithResolver.Resolver;
- CompressedStack dynamicCompressedStack = resolver.GetSecurityContext();
- dynamicCompressedStack.CompleteConstruction(null);
- return this.Update(currentTriple, dynamicCompressedStack.PLS);
- }
- private bool Update2(PermissionSetTriple currentTriple, FrameSecurityDescriptor fsd, bool fDeclarative)
- {
- // Deny
- PermissionSet deniedPset = fsd.GetDenials(fDeclarative);
- if (deniedPset != null)
- {
- currentTriple.UpdateRefused(deniedPset);
- }
- // permit only
- PermissionSet permitOnlyPset = fsd.GetPermitOnly(fDeclarative);
- if (permitOnlyPset != null)
- {
- currentTriple.UpdateGrant(permitOnlyPset);
- }
- // Assert all possible
- if (fsd.GetAssertAllPossible())
- {
- // If we have no grant set, it means that the only assembly we've seen on the stack so
- // far is mscorlib. Since mscorlib will always be fully trusted, the grant set of the
- // compressed stack is also FullTrust.
- if (currentTriple.GrantSet == null)
- currentTriple.GrantSet = PermissionSet.s_fullTrust;
- UpdateTripleListAndCreateNewTriple(currentTriple, m_permSetTriples);
- currentTriple.GrantSet = PermissionSet.s_fullTrust;
- currentTriple.UpdateAssert(fsd.GetAssertions(fDeclarative));
- return true;
- }
- // Assert
- PermissionSet assertPset = fsd.GetAssertions(fDeclarative);
- if (assertPset != null)
- {
- if (assertPset.IsUnrestricted())
- {
- // If we have no grant set, it means that the only assembly we've seen on the stack so
- // far is mscorlib. Since mscorlib will always be fully trusted, the grant set of the
- // compressed stack is also FullTrust.
- if (currentTriple.GrantSet == null)
- currentTriple.GrantSet = PermissionSet.s_fullTrust;
- UpdateTripleListAndCreateNewTriple(currentTriple, m_permSetTriples);
- currentTriple.GrantSet = PermissionSet.s_fullTrust;
- currentTriple.UpdateAssert(assertPset);
- return true;
- }
- PermissionSetTriple retTriple = currentTriple.UpdateAssert(assertPset);
- if (retTriple != null)
- {
- EnsureTriplesListCreated();
- m_permSetTriples.Add(retTriple);
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- private void Update(PermissionSetTriple currentTriple, PermissionSet in_g, PermissionSet in_r)
- {
- ZoneIdentityPermission z;
- UrlIdentityPermission u;
- currentTriple.UpdateGrant(in_g, out z, out u);
- currentTriple.UpdateRefused(in_r);
- AppendZoneOrigin(z, u);
- currentTriple.UpdateGrant(in_g);
- currentTriple.UpdateRefused(in_r);
- }
- // Called from the VM for HG CS construction
- private void Update(PermissionSet in_g)
- {
- if (m_firstPermSetTriple == null)
- m_firstPermSetTriple = new PermissionSetTriple();
- Update(m_firstPermSetTriple, in_g, null);
- }
- private void UpdateZoneAndOrigin(PermissionListSet pls)
- {
- if (pls != null)
- {
- if (this.m_zoneList == null && pls.m_zoneList != null && pls.m_zoneList.Count > 0)
- this.m_zoneList = new ArrayList();
- UpdateArrayList(this.m_zoneList, pls.m_zoneList);
- if (this.m_originList == null && pls.m_originList != null && pls.m_originList.Count > 0)
- this.m_originList = new ArrayList();
- UpdateArrayList(this.m_originList, pls.m_originList);
- }
- }
- private bool UpdatePermissions(PermissionSetTriple currentTriple, PermissionListSet pls)
- {
- if (pls != null)
- {
- if (pls.m_permSetTriples != null)
- {
- // DCS has an AGR List. So we need to add the AGR List
- UpdateTripleListAndCreateNewTriple(currentTriple,pls.m_permSetTriples);
- }
- else
- {
- // Common case: One AGR set
- PermissionSetTriple tmp_psTriple = pls.m_firstPermSetTriple;
- PermissionSetTriple retTriple;
- // First try and update currentTriple. Return value indicates if we can stop construction
- if (currentTriple.Update(tmp_psTriple, out retTriple))
- return true;
- // If we got a non-null retTriple, what it means is that compression failed,
- // and we now have 2 triples to deal with: retTriple and currentTriple.
- // retTriple has to be appended first. then currentTriple.
- if (retTriple != null)
- {
- EnsureTriplesListCreated();
- // we just created a new triple...add the previous one (returned) to the list
- m_permSetTriples.Add(retTriple);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // pls can be null only outside the loop in CreateCompressedState
- UpdateTripleListAndCreateNewTriple(currentTriple, null);
- }
- return false;
- }
- private void UpdateTripleListAndCreateNewTriple(PermissionSetTriple currentTriple, ArrayList tripleList)
- {
- if (!currentTriple.IsEmpty())
- {
- if (m_firstPermSetTriple == null && m_permSetTriples == null)
- {
- m_firstPermSetTriple = new PermissionSetTriple(currentTriple);
- }
- else
- {
- EnsureTriplesListCreated();
- m_permSetTriples.Add(new PermissionSetTriple(currentTriple));
- }
- currentTriple.Reset();
- }
- if (tripleList != null)
- {
- EnsureTriplesListCreated();
- m_permSetTriples.AddRange(tripleList);
- }
- }
- private static void UpdateArrayList(ArrayList current, ArrayList newList)
- {
- if (newList == null)
- return;
- for(int i=0;i < newList.Count; i++)
- {
- if (!current.Contains(newList[i]))
- current.Add(newList[i]);
- }
- }
- private void AppendZoneOrigin(ZoneIdentityPermission z, UrlIdentityPermission u)
- {
- if (z != null)
- {
- if (m_zoneList == null)
- m_zoneList = new ArrayList();
- z.AppendZones(m_zoneList);
- }
- if (u != null)
- {
- if (m_originList == null)
- m_originList = new ArrayList();
- u.AppendOrigin(m_originList);
- }
- }
- // public(internal) interface begins...
- // Creation functions
- static internal PermissionListSet CreateCompressedState(CompressedStack cs, CompressedStack innerCS)
- {
- // function that completes the construction of the compressed stack if not done so already (bottom half for demand evaluation)
- bool bHaltConstruction = false;
- if (cs.CompressedStackHandle == null)
- return null; // FT case or Security off
- PermissionListSet pls = new PermissionListSet();
- PermissionSetTriple currentTriple = new PermissionSetTriple();
- int numDomains = CompressedStack.GetDCSCount(cs.CompressedStackHandle);
- for (int i=numDomains-1; (i >= 0 && !bHaltConstruction) ; i--)
- {
- DomainCompressedStack dcs = CompressedStack.GetDomainCompressedStack(cs.CompressedStackHandle, i);
- if (dcs == null)
- continue; // we hit a FT Domain
- if (dcs.PLS == null)
- {
- // We failed on some DCS
- throw new SecurityException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Environment.GetResourceString("Security_Generic")));
- }
- pls.UpdateZoneAndOrigin(dcs.PLS);
- pls.Update(currentTriple, dcs.PLS);
- bHaltConstruction = dcs.ConstructionHalted;
- }
- if (!bHaltConstruction)
- {
- PermissionListSet tmp_pls = null;
- // Construction did not halt.
- if (innerCS != null)
- {
- innerCS.CompleteConstruction(null);
- tmp_pls = innerCS.PLS;
- }
- pls.Terminate(currentTriple, tmp_pls);
- }
- else
- {
- pls.Terminate(currentTriple);
- }
- return pls;
- }
- static internal PermissionListSet CreateCompressedState(IntPtr unmanagedDCS, out bool bHaltConstruction)
- {
- PermissionListSet pls = new PermissionListSet();
- PermissionSetTriple currentTriple = new PermissionSetTriple();
- PermissionSet tmp_g, tmp_r;
- // Construct the descriptor list
- int descCount = DomainCompressedStack.GetDescCount(unmanagedDCS);
- bHaltConstruction = false;
- for(int i=0; (i < descCount && !bHaltConstruction); i++)
- {
- FrameSecurityDescriptor fsd;
- Assembly assembly;
- if (DomainCompressedStack.GetDescriptorInfo(unmanagedDCS, i, out tmp_g, out tmp_r, out assembly, out fsd))
- {
- // Got an FSD
- bHaltConstruction = pls.Update(currentTriple, fsd);
- }
- else
- {
- pls.Update(currentTriple, tmp_g, tmp_r);
- }
- }
- if (!bHaltConstruction)
- {
- // domain
- if (!DomainCompressedStack.IgnoreDomain(unmanagedDCS))
- {
- DomainCompressedStack.GetDomainPermissionSets(unmanagedDCS, out tmp_g, out tmp_r);
- pls.Update(currentTriple, tmp_g, tmp_r);
- }
- }
- pls.Terminate(currentTriple);
- // return the created object
- return pls;
- }
- static internal PermissionListSet CreateCompressedState_HG()
- {
- PermissionListSet pls = new PermissionListSet();
- CompressedStack.GetHomogeneousPLS(pls);
- return pls;
- }
- // Private Demand evaluation functions - only called from the VM
- internal bool CheckDemandNoThrow(CodeAccessPermission demand)
- {
- // AppDomain permissions - no asserts. So there should only be one triple to work with
- Debug.Assert(m_permSetTriples == null && m_firstPermSetTriple != null, "More than one PermissionSetTriple encountered in AD PermissionListSet");
- PermissionToken permToken = null;
- if (demand != null)
- permToken = PermissionToken.GetToken(demand);
- return m_firstPermSetTriple.CheckDemandNoThrow(demand, permToken);
- }
- internal bool CheckSetDemandNoThrow(PermissionSet pSet)
- {
- // AppDomain permissions - no asserts. So there should only be one triple to work with
- Debug.Assert(m_permSetTriples == null && m_firstPermSetTriple != null, "More than one PermissionSetTriple encountered in AD PermissionListSet");
- return m_firstPermSetTriple.CheckSetDemandNoThrow(pSet);
- }
- // Demand evauation functions
- internal bool CheckDemand(CodeAccessPermission demand, PermissionToken permToken, RuntimeMethodHandleInternal rmh)
- {
- bool bRet = SecurityRuntime.StackContinue;
- if (m_permSetTriples != null)
- {
- for (int i=0; (i < m_permSetTriples.Count && bRet != SecurityRuntime.StackHalt) ; i++)
- {
- PermissionSetTriple psTriple = (PermissionSetTriple)m_permSetTriples[i];
- bRet = psTriple.CheckDemand(demand, permToken, rmh);
- }
- }
- else if (m_firstPermSetTriple != null)
- {
- bRet = m_firstPermSetTriple.CheckDemand(demand, permToken, rmh);
- }
- return bRet;
- }
- internal bool CheckSetDemand(PermissionSet pset , RuntimeMethodHandleInternal rmh)
- {
- PermissionSet unused;
- CheckSetDemandWithModification(pset, out unused, rmh);
- return SecurityRuntime.StackHalt; // CS demand check always terminates the stackwalk
- }
- internal bool CheckSetDemandWithModification(PermissionSet pset, out PermissionSet alteredDemandSet, RuntimeMethodHandleInternal rmh)
- {
- bool bRet = SecurityRuntime.StackContinue;
- PermissionSet demandSet = pset;
- alteredDemandSet = null;
- if (m_permSetTriples != null)
- {
- for (int i=0; (i < m_permSetTriples.Count && bRet != SecurityRuntime.StackHalt) ; i++)
- {
- PermissionSetTriple psTriple = (PermissionSetTriple)m_permSetTriples[i];
- bRet = psTriple.CheckSetDemand(demandSet, out alteredDemandSet, rmh);
- if (alteredDemandSet != null)
- demandSet = alteredDemandSet;
- }
- }
- else if (m_firstPermSetTriple != null)
- {
- bRet = m_firstPermSetTriple.CheckSetDemand(demandSet, out alteredDemandSet, rmh);
- }
- return bRet;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Check to see if the PLS satisfies a demand for the special permissions encoded in flags
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="flags">set of flags to check (See PermissionType)</param>
- private bool CheckFlags(int flags)
- {
- Debug.Assert(flags != 0, "Invalid permission flag demand");
- bool check = true;
- if (m_permSetTriples != null)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < m_permSetTriples.Count && check && flags != 0; i++)
- {
- check &= ((PermissionSetTriple)m_permSetTriples[i]).CheckFlags(ref flags);
- }
- }
- else if (m_firstPermSetTriple != null)
- {
- check = m_firstPermSetTriple.CheckFlags(ref flags);
- }
- return check;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Demand which succeeds if either a set of special permissions or a permission set is granted
- /// to the call stack
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="flags">set of flags to check (See PermissionType)</param>
- /// <param name="grantSet">alternate permission set to check</param>
- internal void DemandFlagsOrGrantSet(int flags, PermissionSet grantSet)
- {
- if (CheckFlags(flags))
- return;
- CheckSetDemand(grantSet, RuntimeMethodHandleInternal.EmptyHandle);
- }
- internal void GetZoneAndOrigin(ArrayList zoneList, ArrayList originList, PermissionToken zoneToken, PermissionToken originToken)
- {
- if (m_zoneList != null)
- zoneList.AddRange(m_zoneList);
- if (m_originList != null)
- originList.AddRange(m_originList);
- }
- }