path: root/src/mscorlib/src/System/Globalization/EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.cs
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diff --git a/src/mscorlib/src/System/Globalization/EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.cs b/src/mscorlib/src/System/Globalization/EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.cs
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index 0000000000..fc1760f916
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+++ b/src/mscorlib/src/System/Globalization/EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.cs
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+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+namespace System.Globalization {
+ using System;
+ using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Notes about EastAsianLunisolarCalendar
+ //
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ [Serializable]
+ public abstract class EastAsianLunisolarCalendar : Calendar {
+ internal const int LeapMonth = 0;
+ internal const int Jan1Month = 1;
+ internal const int Jan1Date = 2;
+ internal const int nDaysPerMonth = 3;
+ // # of days so far in the solar year
+ internal static readonly int[] DaysToMonth365 =
+ {
+ 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334
+ };
+ internal static readonly int[] DaysToMonth366 =
+ {
+ 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335
+ };
+ internal const int DatePartYear = 0;
+ internal const int DatePartDayOfYear = 1;
+ internal const int DatePartMonth = 2;
+ internal const int DatePartDay = 3;
+ // Return the type of the East Asian Lunisolar calendars.
+ //
+ public override CalendarAlgorithmType AlgorithmType {
+ get {
+ return CalendarAlgorithmType.LunisolarCalendar;
+ }
+ }
+ // Return the year number in the 60-year cycle.
+ //
+ public virtual int GetSexagenaryYear (DateTime time) {
+ CheckTicksRange(time.Ticks);
+ int year = 0, month = 0, day = 0;
+ TimeToLunar(time, ref year, ref month, ref day);
+ return ((year - 4) % 60) + 1;
+ }
+ // Return the celestial year from the 60-year cycle.
+ // The returned value is from 1 ~ 10.
+ //
+ public int GetCelestialStem(int sexagenaryYear) {
+ if ((sexagenaryYear < 1) || (sexagenaryYear > 60)) {
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
+ "sexagenaryYear",
+ Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Range", 1, 60));
+ }
+ Contract.EndContractBlock();
+ return ((sexagenaryYear - 1) % 10) + 1;
+ }
+ // Return the Terrestial Branch from the the 60-year cycle.
+ // The returned value is from 1 ~ 12.
+ //
+ public int GetTerrestrialBranch(int sexagenaryYear) {
+ if ((sexagenaryYear < 1) || (sexagenaryYear > 60)) {
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
+ "sexagenaryYear",
+ Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Range", 1, 60));
+ }
+ Contract.EndContractBlock();
+ return ((sexagenaryYear - 1) % 12) + 1;
+ }
+ internal abstract int GetYearInfo(int LunarYear, int Index);
+ internal abstract int GetYear(int year, DateTime time);
+ internal abstract int GetGregorianYear(int year, int era);
+ internal abstract int MinCalendarYear {get;}
+ internal abstract int MaxCalendarYear {get;}
+ internal abstract EraInfo[] CalEraInfo{get;}
+ internal abstract DateTime MinDate {get;}
+ internal abstract DateTime MaxDate {get;}
+ internal const int MaxCalendarMonth = 13;
+ internal const int MaxCalendarDay = 30;
+ internal int MinEraCalendarYear (int era) {
+ EraInfo[] mEraInfo = CalEraInfo;
+ //ChineseLunisolarCalendar does not has m_EraInfo it is going to retuen null
+ if (mEraInfo == null) {
+ return MinCalendarYear;
+ }
+ if (era == Calendar.CurrentEra) {
+ era = CurrentEraValue;
+ }
+ //era has to be in the supported range otherwise we will throw exception in CheckEraRange()
+ if (era == GetEra(MinDate)) {
+ return (GetYear(MinCalendarYear, MinDate));
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < mEraInfo.Length; i++) {
+ if (era == mEraInfo[i].era) {
+ return (mEraInfo[i].minEraYear);
+ }
+ }
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("era", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_InvalidEraValue"));
+ }
+ internal int MaxEraCalendarYear (int era) {
+ EraInfo[] mEraInfo = CalEraInfo;
+ //ChineseLunisolarCalendar does not has m_EraInfo it is going to retuen null
+ if (mEraInfo == null) {
+ return MaxCalendarYear;
+ }
+ if (era == Calendar.CurrentEra) {
+ era = CurrentEraValue;
+ }
+ //era has to be in the supported range otherwise we will throw exception in CheckEraRange()
+ if (era == GetEra(MaxDate)) {
+ return (GetYear(MaxCalendarYear, MaxDate));
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < mEraInfo.Length; i++) {
+ if (era == mEraInfo[i].era) {
+ return (mEraInfo[i].maxEraYear);
+ }
+ }
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("era", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_InvalidEraValue"));
+ }
+ // Construct an instance of EastAsianLunisolar calendar.
+ internal EastAsianLunisolarCalendar() {
+ }
+ internal void CheckTicksRange(long ticks) {
+ if (ticks < MinSupportedDateTime.Ticks || ticks > MaxSupportedDateTime.Ticks) {
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
+ "time",
+ String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_CalendarRange"),
+ MinSupportedDateTime, MaxSupportedDateTime));
+ }
+ Contract.EndContractBlock();
+ }
+ internal void CheckEraRange (int era) {
+ if (era == Calendar.CurrentEra) {
+ era = CurrentEraValue;
+ }
+ if ((era <GetEra(MinDate)) || (era > GetEra(MaxDate))) {
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("era", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_InvalidEraValue"));
+ }
+ }
+ internal int CheckYearRange(int year, int era) {
+ CheckEraRange(era);
+ year = GetGregorianYear(year, era);
+ if ((year < MinCalendarYear) || (year > MaxCalendarYear)) {
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
+ "year",
+ Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Range", MinEraCalendarYear(era), MaxEraCalendarYear(era)));
+ }
+ return year;
+ }
+ internal int CheckYearMonthRange(int year, int month, int era) {
+ year = CheckYearRange(year, era);
+ if (month == 13)
+ {
+ //Reject if there is no leap month this year
+ if (GetYearInfo(year , LeapMonth) == 0)
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("month", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Month"));
+ }
+ if (month < 1 || month > 13) {
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("month", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Month"));
+ }
+ return year;
+ }
+ internal int InternalGetDaysInMonth(int year, int month) {
+ int nDays;
+ int mask; // mask for extracting bits
+ mask = 0x8000;
+ // convert the lunar day into a lunar month/date
+ mask >>= (month-1);
+ if ((GetYearInfo(year, nDaysPerMonth) & mask)== 0)
+ nDays = 29;
+ else
+ nDays = 30;
+ return nDays;
+ }
+ // Returns the number of days in the month given by the year and
+ // month arguments.
+ //
+ public override int GetDaysInMonth(int year, int month, int era) {
+ year = CheckYearMonthRange(year, month, era);
+ return InternalGetDaysInMonth(year, month);
+ }
+ static int GregorianIsLeapYear(int y) {
+ return ((((y)%4)!=0)?0:((((y)%100)!=0)?1:((((y)%400)!=0)?0:1)));
+ }
+ // Returns the date and time converted to a DateTime value. Throws an exception if the n-tuple is invalid.
+ //
+ public override DateTime ToDateTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond, int era) {
+ year = CheckYearMonthRange(year, month, era);
+ int daysInMonth = InternalGetDaysInMonth(year, month);
+ if (day < 1 || day > daysInMonth) {
+ BCLDebug.Log("year = " + year + ", month = " + month + ", day = " + day);
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
+ "day",
+ Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Day", daysInMonth, month));
+ }
+ int gy=0; int gm=0; int gd=0;
+ if (LunarToGregorian(year, month, day, ref gy, ref gm, ref gd)) {
+ return new DateTime(gy, gm, gd, hour, minute, second, millisecond);
+ } else {
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(null, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_BadYearMonthDay"));
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // GregorianToLunar calculates lunar calendar info for the given gregorian year, month, date.
+ // The input date should be validated before calling this method.
+ //
+ internal void GregorianToLunar(int nSYear, int nSMonth, int nSDate, ref int nLYear, ref int nLMonth, ref int nLDate) {
+ // unsigned int nLYear, nLMonth, nLDate; // lunar ymd
+ int nSolarDay; // day # in solar year
+ int nLunarDay; // day # in lunar year
+ int fLeap; // is it a solar leap year?
+ int LDpM; // lunar days/month bitfield
+ int mask; // mask for extracting bits
+ int nDays; // # days this lunar month
+ int nJan1Month, nJan1Date;
+ // calc the solar day of year
+ fLeap = GregorianIsLeapYear(nSYear);
+ nSolarDay = (fLeap==1) ? DaysToMonth366[nSMonth-1]: DaysToMonth365[nSMonth-1] ;
+ nSolarDay += nSDate;
+ // init lunar year info
+ nLunarDay = nSolarDay;
+ nLYear = nSYear;
+ if (nLYear == (MaxCalendarYear + 1)) {
+ nLYear--;
+ nLunarDay += ((GregorianIsLeapYear(nLYear) == 1) ? 366 : 365);
+ nJan1Month = GetYearInfo(nLYear, Jan1Month);
+ nJan1Date = GetYearInfo(nLYear,Jan1Date);
+ } else {
+ nJan1Month = GetYearInfo(nLYear, Jan1Month);
+ nJan1Date = GetYearInfo(nLYear,Jan1Date);
+ // check if this solar date is actually part of the previous
+ // lunar year
+ if ((nSMonth < nJan1Month) ||
+ (nSMonth == nJan1Month && nSDate < nJan1Date)) {
+ // the corresponding lunar day is actually part of the previous
+ // lunar year
+ nLYear--;
+ // add a solar year to the lunar day #
+ nLunarDay += ((GregorianIsLeapYear(nLYear) == 1) ? 366 : 365);
+ // update the new start of year
+ nJan1Month = GetYearInfo(nLYear, Jan1Month);
+ nJan1Date = GetYearInfo(nLYear, Jan1Date);
+ }
+ }
+ // convert solar day into lunar day.
+ // subtract off the beginning part of the solar year which is not
+ // part of the lunar year. since this part is always in Jan or Feb,
+ // we don't need to handle Leap Year (LY only affects March
+ // and later).
+ nLunarDay -= DaysToMonth365[nJan1Month-1];
+ nLunarDay -= (nJan1Date - 1);
+ // convert the lunar day into a lunar month/date
+ mask = 0x8000;
+ LDpM = GetYearInfo(nLYear, nDaysPerMonth);
+ nDays = ((LDpM & mask) != 0) ? 30 : 29;
+ nLMonth = 1;
+ while (nLunarDay > nDays) {
+ nLunarDay -= nDays;
+ nLMonth++;
+ mask >>= 1;
+ nDays = ((LDpM & mask) != 0) ? 30 : 29;
+ }
+ nLDate = nLunarDay;
+ }
+ /*
+ //Convert from Lunar to Gregorian
+ //Highly inefficient, but it works based on the forward conversion
+ */
+ internal bool LunarToGregorian(int nLYear, int nLMonth, int nLDate, ref int nSolarYear, ref int nSolarMonth, ref int nSolarDay) {
+ int numLunarDays;
+ if (nLDate < 1 || nLDate > 30)
+ return false;
+ numLunarDays = nLDate-1;
+ //Add previous months days to form the total num of days from the first of the month.
+ for (int i = 1; i < nLMonth; i++) {
+ numLunarDays += InternalGetDaysInMonth(nLYear, i);
+ }
+ //Get Gregorian First of year
+ int nJan1Month = GetYearInfo(nLYear, Jan1Month);
+ int nJan1Date = GetYearInfo(nLYear, Jan1Date);
+ // calc the solar day of year of 1 Lunar day
+ int fLeap = GregorianIsLeapYear(nLYear);
+ int[] days = (fLeap==1)? DaysToMonth366: DaysToMonth365;
+ nSolarDay = nJan1Date;
+ if (nJan1Month > 1)
+ nSolarDay += days [nJan1Month-1];
+ // Add the actual lunar day to get the solar day we want
+ nSolarDay = nSolarDay + numLunarDays;// - 1;
+ if ( nSolarDay > (fLeap + 365)) {
+ nSolarYear = nLYear + 1;
+ nSolarDay -= (fLeap + 365);
+ } else {
+ nSolarYear = nLYear;
+ }
+ for (nSolarMonth = 1; nSolarMonth < 12; nSolarMonth++) {
+ if (days[nSolarMonth] >= nSolarDay)
+ break;
+ }
+ nSolarDay -= days[nSolarMonth-1];
+ return true;
+ }
+ internal DateTime LunarToTime(DateTime time, int year, int month, int day) {
+ int gy=0; int gm=0; int gd=0;
+ LunarToGregorian(year, month, day, ref gy, ref gm, ref gd);
+ return (GregorianCalendar.GetDefaultInstance().ToDateTime(gy,gm,gd,time.Hour,time.Minute,time.Second,time.Millisecond));
+ }
+ internal void TimeToLunar(DateTime time, ref int year, ref int month, ref int day) {
+ int gy=0; int gm=0; int gd=0;
+ Calendar Greg = GregorianCalendar.GetDefaultInstance();
+ gy = Greg.GetYear(time);
+ gm = Greg.GetMonth(time);
+ gd = Greg.GetDayOfMonth(time);
+ GregorianToLunar(gy, gm, gd, ref year, ref month, ref day);
+ }
+ // Returns the DateTime resulting from adding the given number of
+ // months to the specified DateTime. The result is computed by incrementing
+ // (or decrementing) the year and month parts of the specified DateTime by
+ // value months, and, if required, adjusting the day part of the
+ // resulting date downwards to the last day of the resulting month in the
+ // resulting year. The time-of-day part of the result is the same as the
+ // time-of-day part of the specified DateTime.
+ //
+ public override DateTime AddMonths(DateTime time, int months) {
+ if (months < -120000 || months > 120000) {
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
+ "months",
+ Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Range", -120000, 120000));
+ }
+ Contract.EndContractBlock();
+ CheckTicksRange(time.Ticks);
+ int y=0; int m=0; int d=0;
+ TimeToLunar(time, ref y, ref m, ref d);
+ int i = m + months;
+ if (i > 0) {
+ int monthsInYear = InternalIsLeapYear(y)?13:12;
+ while (i-monthsInYear > 0) {
+ i -= monthsInYear;
+ y++;
+ monthsInYear = InternalIsLeapYear(y)?13:12;
+ }
+ m = i;
+ } else {
+ int monthsInYear;
+ while (i <= 0) {
+ monthsInYear = InternalIsLeapYear(y-1)?13:12;
+ i += monthsInYear;
+ y--;
+ }
+ m = i;
+ }
+ int days = InternalGetDaysInMonth(y, m);
+ if (d > days) {
+ d = days;
+ }
+ DateTime dt = LunarToTime(time, y, m, d);
+ CheckAddResult(dt.Ticks, MinSupportedDateTime, MaxSupportedDateTime);
+ return (dt);
+ }
+ public override DateTime AddYears(DateTime time, int years) {
+ CheckTicksRange(time.Ticks);
+ int y=0; int m=0; int d=0;
+ TimeToLunar(time, ref y, ref m, ref d);
+ y += years;
+ if (m==13 && !InternalIsLeapYear(y)) {
+ m = 12;
+ d = InternalGetDaysInMonth(y, m);
+ }
+ int DaysInMonths = InternalGetDaysInMonth(y, m);
+ if (d > DaysInMonths) {
+ d = DaysInMonths;
+ }
+ DateTime dt = LunarToTime(time, y, m, d);
+ CheckAddResult(dt.Ticks, MinSupportedDateTime, MaxSupportedDateTime);
+ return (dt);
+ }
+ // Returns the day-of-year part of the specified DateTime. The returned value
+ // is an integer between 1 and [354|355 |383|384].
+ //
+ public override int GetDayOfYear(DateTime time) {
+ CheckTicksRange(time.Ticks);
+ int y=0; int m=0; int d=0;
+ TimeToLunar(time, ref y, ref m, ref d);
+ for (int i=1; i<m ;i++)
+ {
+ d = d + InternalGetDaysInMonth(y, i);
+ }
+ return d;
+ }
+ // Returns the day-of-month part of the specified DateTime. The returned
+ // value is an integer between 1 and 29 or 30.
+ //
+ public override int GetDayOfMonth(DateTime time) {
+ CheckTicksRange(time.Ticks);
+ int y=0; int m=0; int d=0;
+ TimeToLunar(time, ref y, ref m, ref d);
+ return d;
+ }
+ // Returns the number of days in the year given by the year argument for the current era.
+ //
+ public override int GetDaysInYear(int year, int era) {
+ year = CheckYearRange(year, era);
+ int Days = 0;
+ int monthsInYear = InternalIsLeapYear(year) ? 13 : 12;
+ while (monthsInYear != 0)
+ Days += InternalGetDaysInMonth(year, monthsInYear--);
+ return Days;
+ }
+ // Returns the month part of the specified DateTime. The returned value is an
+ // integer between 1 and 13.
+ //
+ public override int GetMonth(DateTime time) {
+ CheckTicksRange(time.Ticks);
+ int y=0; int m=0; int d=0;
+ TimeToLunar(time, ref y, ref m, ref d);
+ return m;
+ }
+ // Returns the year part of the specified DateTime. The returned value is an
+ // integer between 1 and MaxCalendarYear.
+ //
+ public override int GetYear(DateTime time) {
+ CheckTicksRange(time.Ticks);
+ int y=0; int m=0; int d=0;
+ TimeToLunar(time, ref y, ref m, ref d);
+ return GetYear(y, time);
+ }
+ // Returns the day-of-week part of the specified DateTime. The returned value
+ // is an integer between 0 and 6, where 0 indicates Sunday, 1 indicates
+ // Monday, 2 indicates Tuesday, 3 indicates Wednesday, 4 indicates
+ // Thursday, 5 indicates Friday, and 6 indicates Saturday.
+ //
+ public override DayOfWeek GetDayOfWeek(DateTime time) {
+ CheckTicksRange(time.Ticks);
+ return ((DayOfWeek)((int)(time.Ticks / Calendar.TicksPerDay + 1) % 7));
+ }
+ // Returns the number of months in the specified year and era.
+ public override int GetMonthsInYear(int year, int era) {
+ year = CheckYearRange(year, era);
+ return (InternalIsLeapYear(year)?13:12);
+ }
+ // Checks whether a given day in the specified era is a leap day. This method returns true if
+ // the date is a leap day, or false if not.
+ //
+ public override bool IsLeapDay(int year, int month, int day, int era) {
+ year = CheckYearMonthRange(year, month, era);
+ int daysInMonth = InternalGetDaysInMonth(year, month);
+ if (day < 1 || day > daysInMonth) {
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
+ "day",
+ Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Day", daysInMonth, month));
+ }
+ int m = GetYearInfo(year, LeapMonth);
+ return ((m!=0) && (month == (m+1)));
+ }
+ // Checks whether a given month in the specified era is a leap month. This method returns true if
+ // month is a leap month, or false if not.
+ //
+ public override bool IsLeapMonth(int year, int month, int era) {
+ year = CheckYearMonthRange(year, month, era);
+ int m = GetYearInfo(year, LeapMonth);
+ return ((m!=0) && (month == (m+1)));
+ }
+ // Returns the leap month in a calendar year of the specified era. This method returns 0
+ // if this this year is not a leap year.
+ //
+ public override int GetLeapMonth(int year, int era) {
+ year = CheckYearRange(year, era);
+ int month = GetYearInfo(year, LeapMonth);
+ if (month>0)
+ {
+ return (month+1);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ internal bool InternalIsLeapYear(int year) {
+ return (GetYearInfo(year, LeapMonth)!=0);
+ }
+ // Checks whether a given year in the specified era is a leap year. This method returns true if
+ // year is a leap year, or false if not.
+ //
+ public override bool IsLeapYear(int year, int era) {
+ year = CheckYearRange(year, era);
+ return InternalIsLeapYear(year);
+ }
+ private const int DEFAULT_GREGORIAN_TWO_DIGIT_YEAR_MAX = 2029;
+ public override int TwoDigitYearMax {
+ get {
+ if (twoDigitYearMax == -1) {
+ twoDigitYearMax = GetSystemTwoDigitYearSetting(BaseCalendarID, GetYear(new DateTime(DEFAULT_GREGORIAN_TWO_DIGIT_YEAR_MAX, 1, 1)));
+ }
+ return (twoDigitYearMax);
+ }
+ set {
+ VerifyWritable();
+ if (value < 99 || value > MaxCalendarYear)
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
+ "value",
+ Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_Range", 99, MaxCalendarYear));
+ }
+ twoDigitYearMax = value;
+ }
+ }
+ public override int ToFourDigitYear(int year) {
+ if (year < 0) {
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("year",
+ Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum"));
+ }
+ Contract.EndContractBlock();
+ year = base.ToFourDigitYear(year);
+ CheckYearRange(year, CurrentEra);
+ return (year);
+ }
+ }