path: root/src/mscorlib/shared/System/Runtime/Serialization/ISafeSerializationData.cs
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diff --git a/src/mscorlib/shared/System/Runtime/Serialization/ISafeSerializationData.cs b/src/mscorlib/shared/System/Runtime/Serialization/ISafeSerializationData.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5089d134c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mscorlib/shared/System/Runtime/Serialization/ISafeSerializationData.cs
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+namespace System.Runtime.Serialization
+ //
+ // #SafeSerialization
+ //
+ // Types which are serializable via the ISerializable interface have a problem when it comes to allowing
+ // transparent subtypes which can allow themselves to serialize since the GetObjectData method is
+ // SecurityCritical.
+ //
+ // For instance, System.Exception implements ISerializable, however it is also desirable to have
+ // transparent exceptions with their own fields that need to be serialized. (For instance, in transparent
+ // assemblies such as the DLR and F#, or even in partial trust application code). Since overriding
+ // GetObjectData requires that the overriding method be security critical, this won't work directly.
+ //
+ // SafeSerializationManager solves this problem by allowing any partial trust code to contribute
+ // individual chunks of serializable data to be included in the serialized version of the derived class.
+ // These chunks are then deserialized back out of the serialized type and notified that they should
+ // populate the fields of the deserialized object when serialization is complete. This allows partial
+ // trust or transparent code to participate in serialization of an ISerializable type without having to
+ // override GetObjectData or implement the ISerializable constructor.
+ //
+ // On the serialization side, SafeSerializationManager has an event SerializeObjectState which it will
+ // fire in response to serialization in order to gather the units of serializable data that should be
+ // stored with the rest of the object during serialization. Methods which respond to these events
+ // create serializable objects which implement the ISafeSerializationData interface and add them to the
+ // collection of other serialized data by calling AddSerializedState on the SafeSerializationEventArgs
+ // passed into the event.
+ //
+ // By using an event rather than a virtual method on the base ISerializable object, we allow multiple
+ // potentially untrusted subclasses to participate in serialization, without each one having to ensure
+ // that it calls up to the base type in order for the whole system to work. (For instance Exception :
+ // TrustedException : UntrustedException, in this scenario UntrustedException would be able to override
+ // the virtual method an prevent TrustedException from ever seeing the method call, either accidentally
+ // or maliciously).
+ //
+ // Further, by only allowing additions of new chunks of serialization state rather than exposing the
+ // whole underlying list, we avoid exposing potentially sensitive serialized state to any of the
+ // potentially untrusted subclasses.
+ //
+ // At deserialization time, SafeSerializationManager performs the reverse operation. It deserializes the
+ // chunks of serialized state, and then notifies them that the object they belong to is deserialized by
+ // calling their CompleteSerialization method. In repsonse to this call, the state objects populate the
+ // fields of the object being deserialized with the state that they held.
+ //
+ // From a security perspective, the chunks of serialized state can only contain data that the specific
+ // subclass itself had access to read (otherwise it wouldn't be able to populate the type with that
+ // data), as opposed to having access to far more data in the SerializationInfo that GetObjectData uses.
+ // Similarly, at deserialization time, the serialized state can only modify fields that the type itself
+ // has access to (again, as opposed to the full SerializationInfo which could be modified).
+ //
+ // Individual types which wish to participate in safe serialization do so by containing an instance of a
+ // SafeSerializationManager and exposing its serialization event. During GetObjectData, the
+ // SafeSerializationManager is serialized just like any other field of the containing type. However, at
+ // the end of serialization it is called back one last time to CompleteSerialization.
+ //
+ // In CompleteSerialization, if the SafeSerializationManager detects that it has extra chunks of
+ // data to handle, it substitutes the root type being serialized (formerly the real type hosting the
+ // SafeSerializationManager) with itself. This allows it to gain more control over the deserialization
+ // process. It also saves away an extra bit of state in the serialization info indicating the real type
+ // of object that should be recreated during deserialization.
+ //
+ // At this point the serialized state looks like this:
+ // Data:
+ // realSerializedData1
+ // ...
+ // realSerializedDataN
+ // safeSerializationData -> this is the serialization data member of the parent type
+ // _serializedState -> list of saved serialized states from subclasses responding to the safe
+ // serialization event
+ // RealTypeSerializationName -> type which is using safe serialization
+ // Type:
+ // SafeSerializationManager
+ //
+ // That is, the serialized data claims to be of type SafeSerializationManager, however contains only the
+ // data from the real object being serialized along with one bit of safe serialization metadata.
+ //
+ // At deserialization time, since the serialized data claims to be of type SafeSerializationManager, the
+ // root object being created is an instance of the SafeSerializationManager class. However, it detects
+ // that this isn't a real SafeSerializationManager (by looking for the real type field in the metadata),
+ // and simply saves away the SerializationInfo and the real type being deserialized.
+ //
+ // Since SafeSerializationManager implements IObjectReference, the next step of deserialization is the
+ // GetRealObject callback. This callback is the one responsible for getting the
+ // SafeSerializationManager out of the way and instead creating an instance of the actual type which was
+ // serialized.
+ //
+ // It does this by first creating an instance of the real type being deserialzed (saved away in the
+ // deserialzation constructor), but not running any of its constructors. Instead, it walks the
+ // inheritance hierarchy (moving toward the most derived type) looking for the last full trust type to
+ // implement the standard ISerializable constructor before any type does not implement the constructor.
+ // It is this last type's deserialization constructor which is then invoked, passing in the saved
+ // SerializationInfo. Once the constructors are run, we return this object as the real deserialized
+ // object.
+ //
+ // The reason that we do this walk is so that ISerializable types can protect themselves from malicious
+ // input during deserialization by making their deserialization constructors unavailable to partial
+ // trust code. By not requiring every type have a copy of this constructor, partial trust code can
+ // participate in safe serialization and not be required to have access to the parent's constructor.
+ //
+ // It should be noted however, that this heuristic means that if a full trust type does derive from
+ // a transparent or partial trust type using this safe serialization mechanism, that full trust type
+ // will not have its constructor called. Further, the protection of not invoking partial trust
+ // deserialization constructors only comes into play if SafeSerializationManager is in control of
+ // deserialization, which means there must be at least one (even empty) safe serialization event
+ // handler registered.
+ //
+ // Another interesting note is that at this point there are now two SafeSerializationManagers alive for
+ // this deserialization. The first object is the one which is controlling the deserialization and was
+ // created as the root object of the deserialization. The second one is the object which contains the
+ // serialized data chunks and is a data member of the real object being deserialized. For this reason,
+ // the data objects cannot be notified that the deserialization is complete during GetRealObject since
+ // the ISafeSerializationData objects are not members of the active SafeSerializationManager instance.
+ //
+ // The next step is the OnDeserialized callback, which comes to SafeSerializableObject since it was
+ // pretending to be the root object of the deserialization. It responds to this callback by calling
+ // any existing OnDeserialized callback on the real type that was deserialized.
+ //
+ // The real type needs to call its data member SafeSerializationData object's CompleteDeserialization
+ // method in response to the OnDeserialized call. This CompleteDeserialization call will then iterate
+ // through the ISafeSerializationData objects calling each of their CompleteDeserialization methods so
+ // that they can plug the nearly-complete object with their saved data.
+ //
+ // The reason for having a new ISafeSerializationData interface which is basically identical to
+ // IDeserializationCallback is that IDeserializationCallback will be called on the stored data chunks
+ // by the serialization code when they are deserialized, and that's not a desirable behavior.
+ // Essentially, we need to change the meaning of the object parameter to mean "parent object which
+ // participated in safe serialization", rather than "this object".
+ //
+ // Implementing safe serialization on an ISerialiable type is relatively straight forward. (For an
+ // example, see System.Exception):
+ //
+ // 1. Include a data member of type SafeSerializationManager:
+ //
+ // private SafeSerializationManager _safeSerializationManager;
+ //
+ // 2. Add a protected SerializeObjectState event, which passes through to the SafeSerializationManager:
+ //
+ // protected event EventHandler<SafeSerializationEventArgs> SerializeObjectState
+ // {
+ // add { _safeSerializationManager.SerializeObjectState += value; }
+ // remove { _safeSerializationManager.SerializeObjectState -= value; }
+ // }
+ //
+ // 3. Serialize the safe serialization object in GetObjectData, and call its CompleteSerialization method:
+ //
+ // {
+ // info.AddValue("_safeSerializationManager", _safeSerializationManager, typeof(SafeSerializationManager));
+ // _safeSerializationManager.CompleteSerialization(this, info, context);
+ // }
+ //
+ // 4. Add an OnDeserialized handler if one doesn't already exist, and call CompleteDeserialization in it:
+ //
+ // [OnDeserialized]
+ // private void OnDeserialized(StreamingContext context)
+ // {
+ // _safeSerializationManager.CompleteDeserialization(this);
+ // }
+ //
+ // On the client side, using safe serialization is also pretty easy. For example:
+ //
+ // [Serializable]
+ // public class TransparentException : Exception
+ // {
+ // [Serializable]
+ // private struct TransparentExceptionState : ISafeSerializationData
+ // {
+ // public string _extraData;
+ //
+ // void ISafeSerializationData.CompleteDeserialization(object obj)
+ // {
+ // TransparentException exception = obj as TransparentException;
+ // exception._state = this;
+ // }
+ // }
+ //
+ // [NonSerialized]
+ // private TransparentExceptionState _state = new TransparentExceptionState();
+ //
+ // public TransparentException()
+ // {
+ // SerializeObjectState += delegate(object exception, SafeSerializationEventArgs eventArgs)
+ // {
+ // eventArgs.AddSerializedState(_state);
+ // };
+ // }
+ //
+ // public string ExtraData
+ // {
+ // get { return _state._extraData; }
+ // set { _state._extraData = value; }
+ // }
+ // }
+ //
+ // Interface to be supported by objects which are stored in safe serialization stores
+ public interface ISafeSerializationData
+ {
+ // CompleteDeserialization is called when the object to which the extra serialized data was attached
+ // has completed its deserialization, and now needs to be populated with the extra data stored in
+ // this object.
+ void CompleteDeserialization(object deserialized);
+ }