path: root/src/md/runtime/recordpool.cpp
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1 files changed, 388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/md/runtime/recordpool.cpp b/src/md/runtime/recordpool.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da4bcbc9e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/md/runtime/recordpool.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// RecordPool.cpp -- Implementation of record heaps.
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include <recordpool.h>
+ UINT32 cbRec, // Record size.
+ UINT32 cRecsInit) // Initial guess of count of record.
+ S_UINT32 cbGrow; // Initial grow size of the pool.
+ // Size of each record is fixed.
+ m_cbRec = cbRec;
+ if (cRecsInit > 0)
+ {
+ cbGrow = S_UINT32(cbRec) * S_UINT32(cRecsInit);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ if (cbGrow.IsOverflow())
+ {
+ Debug_ReportInternalError("Growing record pool overflowed.");
+ }
+ m_ulGrowInc = cbGrow.Value();
+ IfFailRet(StgPool::InitNew());
+ // If there is an initial size for the record pool, grow to that now.
+ if (cRecsInit > 0)
+ {
+ if (!Grow(cbGrow.Value()))
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+} // RecordPool::InitNew
+// Load a Record heap from persisted memory. If a copy of the data is made
+// (so that it may be updated), then a new hash table is generated which can
+// be used to elminate duplicates with new Records.
+ ULONG cbRec, // Record size.
+ void *pData, // Predefined data.
+ ULONG iSize, // Size of data.
+ BOOL fReadOnly) // true if append is forbidden.
+ m_cbRec = cbRec;
+ // Let base class init our memory structure.
+ IfFailRet(StgPool::InitOnMem(pData, iSize, fReadOnly));
+ // For init on existing mem case.
+ if ((pData != NULL) && (iSize != 0))
+ {
+ // If we are doing an update in place don't make a copy
+ // If we cannot update, then we don't need a hash table.
+ if (fReadOnly)
+ return S_OK;
+ // Other wise copy the memory to do the update
+ IfFailRet(TakeOwnershipOfInitMem());
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+} // RecordPool::InitOnMem
+// Allocate memory if we don't have any, or grow what we have. If successful,
+// then at least iRequired bytes will be allocated.
+bool RecordPool::Grow( // true if successful.
+ ULONG iRequired) // Min required bytes to allocate.
+ // Allocate the memory.
+ if (!StgPool::Grow(iRequired))
+ return false;
+ // Zero the new memory.
+ memset(GetNextLocation(), 0, GetCbSegAvailable());
+ return true;
+} // bool RecordProol::Grow()
+// The Record will be added to the pool. The index of the Record in the pool
+// is returned in *piIndex. If the Record is already in the pool, then the
+// index will be to the existing copy of the Record.
+ BYTE **ppRecord,
+ UINT32 *pnIndex) // Return 1-based index of Record here.
+ _ASSERTE(pnIndex != NULL);
+ // Space on heap for new Record?
+ if (m_cbRec > GetCbSegAvailable())
+ {
+ if (!Grow(m_cbRec))
+ {
+ *ppRecord = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // Records should be aligned on record boundaries.
+ _ASSERTE((GetNextOffset() % m_cbRec) == 0);
+ // Copy the Record to the heap.
+ *ppRecord = GetNextLocation();
+ // Give the 1-based index back to caller.
+ *pnIndex = (GetNextOffset() / m_cbRec) + 1;
+ // Update heap counters.
+ SegAllocate(m_cbRec);
+ return S_OK;
+} // RecordPool::AddRecord
+// Insert a Record into the pool. The index of the Record before which to
+// insert is specified. Shifts all records down. Return a pointer to the
+// new record.
+ UINT32 nIndex, // [IN] Insert record before this.
+ BYTE **ppRecord)
+ StgPoolSeg *pCurSeg; // Current segment.
+ StgPoolSeg *pPrevSeg; // Previous segment.
+ BYTE *pSegEnd; // Last record in a segment.
+ BYTE *pFrom; // A copy/move source.
+ ULONG cbMove; // Bytes to move.
+ BYTE *pNew; // New record.
+ // Notice the case of appending.
+ if (nIndex == (Count() + 1))
+ {
+ UINT32 nNewIndex_Ignore;
+ return AddRecord(ppRecord, &nNewIndex_Ignore);
+ }
+ // If past end or before beginning, invalid.
+ if ((nIndex > Count()) || (nIndex == 0))
+ {
+ Debug_ReportError("Invalid index passed for inserting record.");
+ }
+ // This code works by allocating a new record at the end.
+ // The last record is moved to the new end record.
+ // Working backwards through the chained segments,
+ // shift the segment by one record, so the empty record
+ // is at the start of the segment instead of the end.
+ // copy the last record of the previous segment to the
+ // newly emptied first record of the current segment.
+ // When the segment containing the insert point is finally
+ // reached, its last record is empty (from above loop), so
+ // shift from the insertion point to the end-1 by one record.
+ // Current last record.
+ pCurSeg = m_pCurSeg;
+ IfFailRet(GetRecord(Count(), &pSegEnd));
+ _ASSERTE(hr == S_OK);
+ // Add an empty record to the end of the heap.
+ {
+ UINT32 nLastRecordIndex_Ignore;
+ IfFailRet(AddRecord(&pNew, &nLastRecordIndex_Ignore));
+ }
+ // Copy the current last record to the new record.
+ memcpy(pNew, pSegEnd, m_cbRec);
+ // While the insert location is prior to the current segment,
+ while (nIndex < GetIndexForRecord(pCurSeg->m_pSegData))
+ {
+ // Shift the segment up by one record.
+ cbMove = (ULONG)(pSegEnd - pCurSeg->m_pSegData);
+ memmove(pCurSeg->m_pSegData + m_cbRec, pCurSeg->m_pSegData, cbMove);
+ // Find the previous segment.
+ pPrevSeg = this;
+ while (pPrevSeg->m_pNextSeg != pCurSeg)
+ {
+ pPrevSeg = pPrevSeg->m_pNextSeg;
+ }
+ // Copy the final record of the previous segment to the start of this one.
+ pSegEnd = pPrevSeg->m_pSegData+pPrevSeg->m_cbSegNext-m_cbRec;
+ memcpy(pCurSeg->m_pSegData, pSegEnd, m_cbRec);
+ // Make the previous segment the current segment.
+ pCurSeg = pPrevSeg;
+ }
+ // Shift at the insert location, forward by one.
+ IfFailRet(GetRecord(nIndex, &pFrom));
+ _ASSERTE(hr == S_OK);
+ cbMove = (ULONG)(pSegEnd - pFrom);
+ memmove(pFrom + m_cbRec, pFrom, cbMove);
+ *ppRecord = pFrom;
+ return S_OK;
+} // RecordPool::InsertRecord
+// Return a pointer to a Record given an index previously handed out by
+// AddRecord or FindRecord.
+ UINT32 nIndex, // 1-based index of Record in pool.
+ BYTE **ppRecord)
+ MetaData::DataBlob record;
+ if (nIndex == 0)
+ {
+ Debug_ReportError("Invalid index 0 passed.");
+ *ppRecord = NULL;
+ }
+ // Convert to 0-based internal form, defer to implementation.
+ HRESULT hr = GetData((nIndex - 1) * m_cbRec, &record);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ *ppRecord = NULL;
+ return hr;
+ }
+ _ASSERTE(record.ContainsData(m_cbRec));
+ *ppRecord = record.GetDataPointer();
+ return hr;
+} // RecordPool::GetRecord
+// Return the first record in a pool, and set up a context for fast
+// iterating through the pool. Note that this scheme does pretty minimal
+// error checking.
+void *RecordPool::GetFirstRecord( // Pointer to Record in pool.
+ void **pContext) // Store context here.
+ StgPoolSeg **ppSeg = reinterpret_cast<StgPoolSeg**>(pContext);
+ *ppSeg = static_cast<StgPoolSeg*>(this);
+ return (*ppSeg)->m_pSegData;
+} // void *RecordPool::GetFirstRecord()
+// Given a pointer to a record, return a pointer to the next record.
+// Note that this scheme does pretty minimal error checking. In particular,
+// this will let the caller walk off of the end of valid data in the last
+// segment.
+void *RecordPool::GetNextRecord( // Pointer to Record in pool.
+ void *pRecord, // Current record.
+ void **pContext) // Stored context here.
+ BYTE *pbRec = reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(pRecord);
+ StgPoolSeg **ppSeg = reinterpret_cast<StgPoolSeg**>(pContext);
+ // Get the next record.
+ pbRec += m_cbRec;
+ // Is the next record outside of the current segment?
+ if (static_cast<ULONG>(pbRec - (*ppSeg)->m_pSegData) >= (*ppSeg)->m_cbSegSize)
+ {
+ // Better be exactly one past current segment.
+ _ASSERTE(static_cast<ULONG>(pbRec - (*ppSeg)->m_pSegData) == (*ppSeg)->m_cbSegSize);
+ // Switch the context pointer.
+ *ppSeg = (*ppSeg)->m_pNextSeg;
+ // Next record is start of next segment.
+ if (*ppSeg)
+ return (*ppSeg)->m_pSegData;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return pbRec;
+} // void *RecordPool::GetNextRecord()
+// Given a pointer to a record, determine the index corresponding to the
+// record.
+ULONG RecordPool::GetIndexForRecord( // 1-based index of Record in pool.
+ const void *pvRecord) // Pointer to Record in pool.
+ ULONG iPrev = 0; // cumulative index of previous segments.
+ const StgPoolSeg *pSeg = this;
+ const BYTE *pRecord = reinterpret_cast<const BYTE*>(pvRecord);
+ const BYTE *pSegData = NULL;
+ ULONG ulSegSize;
+ for (;;)
+ { // Does the current segment contain the record?
+ pSegData = pSeg->GetSegData();
+ ulSegSize = pSeg->GetSegSize();
+ if (pRecord >= pSegData && pRecord < pSegData + ulSegSize)
+ { // The pointer should be to the start of a record.
+ _ASSERTE(((pRecord - pSegData) % m_cbRec) == 0);
+ return (ULONG)(1 + iPrev + (pRecord - pSegData) / m_cbRec);
+ }
+ _ASSERTE((ulSegSize % m_cbRec) == 0);
+ iPrev += ulSegSize / m_cbRec;
+ pSeg = pSeg->GetNextSeg();
+ // If out of data, didn't find the record.
+ if (pSeg == 0)
+ return 0;
+ }
+} // ULONG RecordPool::GetIndexForRecord()
+// Given a purported pointer to a record, determine if the pointer is valid.
+int RecordPool::IsValidPointerForRecord(// true or false.
+ const void *pvRecord) // Pointer to Record in pool.
+ const StgPoolSeg *pSeg;
+ const BYTE *pRecord = reinterpret_cast<const BYTE*>(pvRecord);
+ const BYTE *pSegData = NULL;
+ for (pSeg = this; (pSeg); pSeg = pSeg->GetNextSeg())
+ { // Does the current segment contain the record?
+ pSegData = pSeg->GetSegData();
+ if ((pRecord >= pSegData) && (pRecord < pSegData + pSeg->GetSegSize()))
+ { // The pointer should be to the start of a record.
+ return (((pRecord - pSegData) % m_cbRec) == 0);
+ }
+ _ASSERTE((pSeg->GetSegSize() % m_cbRec) == 0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+} // int RecordPool::IsValidPointerForRecord()
+// Replace the contents of this pool with those from another pool. The other
+// pool loses ownership of the memory.
+HRESULT RecordPool::ReplaceContents(
+ RecordPool *pOther) // The other record pool.
+ // Release any memory currently held.
+ Uninit();
+ // Grab the new data.
+ *this = *pOther;
+ // If the other pool's curseg pointed to itself, make this pool point to itself.
+ if (pOther->m_pCurSeg == pOther)
+ m_pCurSeg = this;
+ // Fix the other pool so it won't free the memory that this one
+ // just hijacked.
+ pOther->m_pSegData = (BYTE*)m_zeros;
+ pOther->m_pNextSeg = 0;
+ pOther->Uninit();
+ return S_OK;
+} // HRESULT RecordPool::ReplaceContents()