path: root/src/md/inc/metamodelro.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/md/inc/metamodelro.h')
1 files changed, 240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/md/inc/metamodelro.h b/src/md/inc/metamodelro.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00d4ead5f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/md/inc/metamodelro.h
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// MetaModelRO.h -- header file for Read-Only compressed COM+ metadata.
+// Used by the EE.
+#ifndef _METAMODELRO_H_
+#define _METAMODELRO_H_
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1100
+ # pragma once
+#include "metamodel.h"
+#include "../heaps/export.h"
+#include "../tables/export.h"
+// A read-only MiniMd. This is the fastest and smallest possible MiniMd,
+// and as such, is the preferred EE metadata provider.
+template <class MiniMd> class CLiteWeightStgdb;
+class CMiniMdRW;
+class MDInternalRO;
+class CMiniMd : public CMiniMdTemplate<CMiniMd>
+ friend class CLiteWeightStgdb<CMiniMd>;
+ friend class CMiniMdTemplate<CMiniMd>;
+ friend class CMiniMdRW;
+ friend class MDInternalRO;
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT InitOnMem(void *pBuf, ULONG ulBufLen);
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT PostInit(int iLevel); // higher number : more checking
+ // Returns TRUE if token (tk) is valid.
+ // For user strings, consideres 0 as valid token.
+ BOOL _IsValidToken(
+ mdToken tk) // [IN] token to be checked
+ {
+ if (TypeFromToken(tk) == mdtString)
+ {
+ return m_UserStringHeap.IsValidIndex(RidFromToken(tk));
+ }
+ // Base type doesn't know about user string blob (yet)
+ return _IsValidTokenBase(tk);
+ } // CMiniMdRO::_IsValidToken
+ __checkReturn
+ FORCEINLINE HRESULT GetUserString(ULONG nIndex, MetaData::DataBlob *pData)
+ {
+ return m_UserStringHeap.GetBlob(nIndex, pData);
+ }
+ void DisableHotDataUsage()
+ {
+ MetaData::HotHeap emptyHotHeap;
+ // Initialize hot data again with empty heap to disable their usage
+ m_StringHeap.InitializeHotData(emptyHotHeap);
+ m_BlobHeap.InitializeHotData(emptyHotHeap);
+ m_UserStringHeap.InitializeHotData(emptyHotHeap);
+ m_GuidHeap.InitializeHotData(emptyHotHeap);
+ // Disable usage of hot table data (throw it away)
+ m_pHotTablesDirectory = NULL;
+ }
+ // Table info.
+ MetaData::TableRO m_Tables[TBL_COUNT];
+ struct MetaData::HotTablesDirectory * m_pHotTablesDirectory;
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT InitializeTables(MetaData::DataBlob tablesData);
+ __checkReturn
+ virtual HRESULT vSearchTable(ULONG ixTbl, CMiniColDef sColumn, ULONG ulTarget, RID *pRid);
+ __checkReturn
+ virtual HRESULT vSearchTableNotGreater(ULONG ixTbl, CMiniColDef sColumn, ULONG ulTarget, RID *pRid);
+ // Heaps
+ MetaData::StringHeapRO m_StringHeap;
+ MetaData::BlobHeapRO m_BlobHeap;
+ MetaData::BlobHeapRO m_UserStringHeap;
+ MetaData::GuidHeapRO m_GuidHeap;
+ //*************************************************************************
+ // Overridables -- must be provided in derived classes.
+ __checkReturn
+ FORCEINLINE HRESULT Impl_GetString(UINT32 nIndex, __out LPCSTR *pszString)
+ { return m_StringHeap.GetString(nIndex, pszString); }
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT Impl_GetStringW(ULONG ix, __inout_ecount (cchBuffer) LPWSTR szOut, ULONG cchBuffer, ULONG *pcchBuffer);
+ __checkReturn
+ FORCEINLINE HRESULT Impl_GetGuid(UINT32 nIndex, GUID *pTargetGuid)
+ {
+ GUID UNALIGNED *pSourceGuid;
+ IfFailRet(m_GuidHeap.GetGuid(
+ nIndex,
+ &pSourceGuid));
+ // Add void* casts so that the compiler can't make assumptions about alignment.
+ CopyMemory((void *)pTargetGuid, (void *)pSourceGuid, sizeof(GUID));
+ SwapGuid(pTargetGuid);
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ FORCEINLINE HRESULT Impl_GetBlob(UINT32 nIndex, __out MetaData::DataBlob *pData)
+ { return m_BlobHeap.GetBlob(nIndex, pData); }
+ __checkReturn
+ UINT32 nTableIndex,
+ UINT32 nRowIndex,
+ __deref_out_opt BYTE **ppRecord)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(nTableIndex < TBL_COUNT);
+ return m_Tables[nTableIndex].GetRecord(
+ nRowIndex,
+ ppRecord,
+ m_TableDefs[nTableIndex].m_cbRec,
+ m_Schema.m_cRecs[nTableIndex],
+ m_pHotTablesDirectory,
+ nTableIndex);
+ }
+ // Count of rows in tbl2, pointed to by the column in tbl.
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT Impl_GetEndRidForColumn(
+ UINT32 nTableIndex,
+ RID nRowIndex,
+ CMiniColDef &def, // Column containing the RID into other table.
+ UINT32 nTargetTableIndex, // The other table.
+ RID *pEndRid);
+ __checkReturn
+ FORCEINLINE HRESULT Impl_SearchTable(ULONG ixTbl, CMiniColDef sColumn, ULONG ixCol, ULONG ulTarget, RID *pFoundRid)
+ {
+ return vSearchTable(ixTbl, sColumn, ulTarget, pFoundRid);
+ }
+ // given a rid to the Property table, find an entry in PropertyMap table that contains the back pointer
+ // to its typedef parent
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT FindPropertyMapParentOfProperty(RID rid, RID *pFoundRid)
+ {
+ return vSearchTableNotGreater(TBL_PropertyMap, _COLDEF(PropertyMap,PropertyList), rid, pFoundRid);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT FindParentOfPropertyHelper(
+ mdProperty pr,
+ mdTypeDef *ptd)
+ {
+ RID ridPropertyMap;
+ PropertyMapRec *pRec;
+ IfFailRet(FindPropertyMapParentOfProperty(RidFromToken(pr), &ridPropertyMap));
+ IfFailRet(GetPropertyMapRecord(ridPropertyMap, &pRec));
+ *ptd = getParentOfPropertyMap( pRec );
+ RidToToken(*ptd, mdtTypeDef);
+ return hr;
+ } // HRESULT CMiniMdRW::FindParentOfPropertyHelper()
+ // given a rid to the Event table, find an entry in EventMap table that contains the back pointer
+ // to its typedef parent
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT FindEventMapParentOfEvent(RID rid, RID *pFoundRid)
+ {
+ return vSearchTableNotGreater(TBL_EventMap, _COLDEF(EventMap, EventList), rid, pFoundRid);
+ }
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT FindParentOfEventHelper(
+ mdEvent pr,
+ mdTypeDef *ptd)
+ {
+ RID ridEventMap;
+ EventMapRec *pRec;
+ IfFailRet(FindEventMapParentOfEvent(RidFromToken(pr), &ridEventMap));
+ IfFailRet(GetEventMapRecord(ridEventMap, &pRec));
+ *ptd = getParentOfEventMap( pRec );
+ RidToToken(*ptd, mdtTypeDef);
+ return hr;
+ } // HRESULT CMiniMdRW::FindParentOfEventHelper()
+ FORCEINLINE int Impl_IsRo()
+ { return 1; }
+ //*************************************************************************
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT CommonEnumCustomAttributeByName( // S_OK or error.
+ mdToken tkObj, // [IN] Object with Custom Attribute.
+ LPCUTF8 szName, // [IN] Name of desired Custom Attribute.
+ bool fStopAtFirstFind, // [IN] just find the first one
+ HENUMInternal* phEnum); // enumerator to fill up
+ __checkReturn
+ HRESULT CommonGetCustomAttributeByNameEx( // S_OK or error.
+ mdToken tkObj, // [IN] Object with Custom Attribute.
+ LPCUTF8 szName, // [IN] Name of desired Custom Attribute.
+ mdCustomAttribute *ptkCA, // [OUT] put custom attribute token here
+ const void **ppData, // [OUT] Put pointer to data here.
+ ULONG *pcbData); // [OUT] Put size of data here.
+ public:
+ virtual BOOL IsWritable()
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+}; // class CMiniMd
+#endif // _METAMODELRO_H_