path: root/src/md/inc/imptlb.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/md/inc/imptlb.h')
1 files changed, 778 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/md/inc/imptlb.h b/src/md/inc/imptlb.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7af204ce67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/md/inc/imptlb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,778 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// File: imptlb.h
+// TypeLib importer.
+#ifndef __imptlb_h__
+#define __imptlb_h__
+#error FEATURE_COMINTEROP is required for this file
+#error FEATURE_COMINTEROP_TLB_SUPPORT is required for this file
+//#define TLB_STATS
+#define MAX_TLB_VT VT_LPWSTR + 1
+#define MAX_INIT_SIG 3
+#define MAX_COM_GUID_SIG 6
+// Forward declarations.
+struct ITypeLibImporterNotifySink;
+class Assembly;
+class Module;
+class CImportTlb;
+// Class to perform memory management. Memory is not moved as the heap is
+// expanded, and all of the allocations are cleaned up in the destructor.
+class CWCHARPool : public StgPool
+ CWCHARPool() : StgPool()
+ {
+ HRESULT hr = InitNew();
+ _ASSERTE(hr == S_OK);
+ }
+ // Allocate some bytes from the pool.
+ WCHAR * Alloc(ULONG nChars)
+ {
+ BYTE *pRslt;
+ // Convert from characters to bytes.
+ nChars *= sizeof(WCHAR);
+ if (nChars > GetCbSegAvailable())
+ if (!Grow(nChars))
+ return 0;
+ pRslt = GetNextLocation();
+ SegAllocate(nChars);
+ return (WCHAR*)pRslt;
+ }
+}; // class CDescPool : public StgPool
+// This helper method is used to track an url to typeref token. This makes
+// defining new typerefs faster.
+class CImpTlbTypeRef
+ CImpTlbTypeRef() { }
+ ~CImpTlbTypeRef() { m_Map.Clear(); }
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ // Look for an existing typeref in the map and return if found. If not found,
+ // then create a new one and add it to the map for later.
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ HRESULT DefineTypeRef( // S_OK or error.
+ IMetaDataEmit *pEmit, // Emit interface.
+ mdAssemblyRef ar, // Containing assembly.
+ const LPCWSTR szURL, // URL of the TypeDef, wide chars.
+ mdTypeRef *ptr); // Put mdTypeRef here
+ class TokenOfTypeRefHashKey
+ {
+ public:
+ mdToken tkResolutionScope; // TypeRef's resolution scope.
+ LPCWSTR szName; // TypeRef's name.
+ mdTypeRef tr; // The TypeRef's token.
+ };
+ class CTokenOfTypeRefHash : public CClosedHash<class TokenOfTypeRefHashKey>
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef CClosedHash<class TokenOfTypeRefHashKey> Super;
+ typedef TokenOfTypeRefHashKey T;
+ CTokenOfTypeRefHash() : CClosedHash<class TokenOfTypeRefHashKey>(101) {}
+ ~CTokenOfTypeRefHash() { Clear(); }
+ virtual void Clear();
+ unsigned int Hash(const void *pData) {return Hash((const T*)pData);}
+ unsigned int Hash(const T *pData);
+ unsigned int Compare(const void *p1, BYTE *p2) {return Compare((const T*)p1, (T*)p2);}
+ unsigned int Compare(const T *p1, T *p2);
+ ELEMENTSTATUS Status(BYTE *p) {return Status((T*)p);}
+ void SetStatus(BYTE *p, ELEMENTSTATUS s) {SetStatus((T*)p, s);}
+ void SetStatus(T *p, ELEMENTSTATUS s);
+ void* GetKey(BYTE *p) {return GetKey((T*)p);}
+ void *GetKey(T *p);
+ T* Add(const T *pData);
+ CWCHARPool m_Names; // Heap of names.
+ };
+ CTokenOfTypeRefHash m_Map; // Map of namespace to token.
+// This helper class is used to track source interface ITypeInfo*'s to event
+// information.
+class ImpTlbEventInfo
+ LPCWSTR szSrcItfName; // The source interface name (the key).
+ mdTypeRef trEventItf; // The event interface typedef.
+ LPCWSTR szEventItfName; // The event interface name.
+ LPCWSTR szEventProviderName; // The event provider name.
+ Assembly* SrcItfAssembly; // The assembly where source interface resides.
+class CImpTlbEventInfoMap : protected CClosedHash<class ImpTlbEventInfo>
+ typedef CClosedHash<class ImpTlbEventInfo> Super;
+ typedef ImpTlbEventInfo T;
+ CImpTlbEventInfoMap() : CClosedHash<class ImpTlbEventInfo>(101) {}
+ ~CImpTlbEventInfoMap() { Clear(); }
+ HRESULT AddEventInfo(LPCWSTR szSrcItfName, mdTypeRef trEventItf, LPCWSTR szEventItfName, LPCWSTR szEventProviderName, Assembly* SrcItfAssembly);
+ ImpTlbEventInfo *FindEventInfo(LPCWSTR szSrcItfName);
+ HRESULT GetEventInfoList(CQuickArray<ImpTlbEventInfo*> &qbEvInfoList);
+ unsigned int Hash(const void *pData) {return Hash((const T*)pData);}
+ unsigned int Hash(const T *pData);
+ unsigned int Compare(const void *p1, BYTE *p2) {return Compare((const T*)p1, (T*)p2);}
+ unsigned int Compare(const T *p1, T *p2);
+ ELEMENTSTATUS Status(BYTE *p) {return Status((T*)p);}
+ void SetStatus(BYTE *p, ELEMENTSTATUS s) {SetStatus((T*)p, s);}
+ void SetStatus(T *p, ELEMENTSTATUS s);
+ void* GetKey(BYTE *p) {return GetKey((T*)p);}
+ void *GetKey(T *p);
+ T* Add(const T *pData);
+ CWCHARPool m_Names; // Heap of names.
+#if defined(_UNICODE) || defined(UNICODE)
+#define _tHashString(szStr) HashString(szStr)
+#define _tHashString(szStr) HashStringA(szStr)
+// This helper template is used by the TStringMap to track an item by its
+// character name.
+template <class T> class TStringMapItem : HASHENTRY
+ TStringMapItem() :
+ m_szString(0)
+ {
+ }
+ ~TStringMapItem()
+ {
+ delete [] m_szString;
+ }
+ HRESULT SetString(LPCTSTR szValue)
+ {
+ int iLen = (int)(::_tcslen(szValue) + 1);
+ if ((m_szString = new TCHAR[iLen]) == 0)
+ return (OutOfMemory());
+ ::_tcscpy_s((TCHAR*)m_szString, iLen, szValue);
+ return (S_OK);
+ }
+ LPTSTR m_szString; // Key data.
+ T m_value; // Value for this key.
+// IMPORTANT: This data structure is deprecated, please do not add any new uses.
+// The hashtable implementation that should be used instead is code:SHash.
+// If code:SHash does not work for you, talk to mailto:clrdeag.
+// This template provides a map from string to item, determined by the template
+// type passed in.
+template <class T, int iBuckets=17, class TAllocator=CNewData, int iMaxSize=4096>
+class TStringMap :
+ protected CHashTableAndData<TAllocator>
+ typedef CHashTableAndData<TAllocator> Super;
+ typedef TStringMapItem<T> TItemType;
+ typedef TStringMapItem<long> TOffsetType;
+ TStringMap() :
+ CHashTableAndData<TAllocator>(iBuckets)
+ {
+ }
+// This is the second part of construction where we do all of the work that
+// can fail. We also take the array of structs here because the calling class
+// presumably needs to allocate it in its NewInit.
+ HRESULT NewInit() // Return status.
+ {
+ return (CHashTableAndData<TAllocator>::NewInit(
+ CNewData::GrowSize(0)/sizeof(TItemType),
+ sizeof(TItemType),
+ iMaxSize));
+ }
+// For each item still allocated, invoke its dtor so it frees up anything it
+// holds onto.
+ void Clear()
+ {
+ TItemType *p = (TItemType *) FindFirstEntry(&sSrch);
+ while (p != 0)
+ {
+ // Call dtor on the item, since m_value is contained the scalar
+ // dtor will get called.
+ p->~TStringMapItem<T>();
+ p = (TItemType *) FindNextEntry(&sSrch);
+ }
+ CHashTableAndData<TAllocator>::Clear();
+ }
+#endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE
+// Retrieve an item by name.
+ T *GetItem( // Null or object.
+ LPCTSTR szKey) // What to do the lookup on.
+ {
+ TItemType sInfo;
+ TItemType *ptr; // Working pointer.
+ // Create a key.
+ sInfo.m_szString = (LPTSTR) szKey;
+ // Look it up in the hash table.
+ ptr = (TItemType *) Super::Find( _tHashString(szKey), (SIZE_T) &sInfo);
+ // Don't let dtor free our string.
+ sInfo.m_szString = 0;
+ // If pointer found, return to caller. To handle T's that have
+ // an operator &(), find raw address without going through &m_value.
+ if (ptr)
+ return ((T *) ((BYTE *) ptr + offsetof(TOffsetType, m_value)));
+ else
+ return (0);
+ }
+// Initialize an iterator and return the first item.
+ TItemType *FindFirstEntry(
+ HASHFIND *psSrch)
+ {
+ TItemType *ptr = (TItemType *) Super::FindFirstEntry(psSrch);
+ return (ptr);
+ }
+// Return the next item, via an iterator.
+ TItemType *FindNextEntry(
+ HASHFIND *psSrch)
+ {
+ TItemType *ptr = (TItemType *) Super::FindNextEntry(psSrch);
+ return (ptr);
+ }
+// Add an item to the list.
+ HRESULT AddItem( // S_OK, or S_FALSE.
+ LPCTSTR szKey, // The key value for the item.
+ T &item) // Thing to add.
+ {
+ TItemType *ptr; // Working pointer.
+ // Allocate an entry in the hash table.
+ if ((ptr = (TItemType *) this->Add( _tHashString(szKey))) == 0)
+ return (OutOfMemory());
+ // Fill the record.
+ if (ptr->SetString(szKey) < 0)
+ {
+ DelItem(ptr);
+ return (OutOfMemory());
+ }
+ // Call the placement new operator on the item so it can init itself.
+ // To handle T's that have an operator &(), find raw address without
+ // going through &m_value.
+ T *p = new ((void *) ((BYTE *) ptr + offsetof(TOffsetType, m_value))) T;
+ *p = item;
+ return (S_OK);
+ }
+// Delete an item.
+ void DelItem(
+ LPCTSTR szKey) // What to delete.
+ {
+ TItemType sInfo;
+ TItemType *ptr; // Working pointer.
+ // Create a key.
+ sInfo.m_szString = (LPTSTR) szKey;
+ // Look it up in the hash table.
+ ptr = (TItemType *) this->Find( _tHashString(szKey), (BYTE *) &sInfo);
+ // Don't let dtor free our string.
+ sInfo.m_szString = 0;
+ // If found, delete.
+ if (ptr)
+ DelItem(ptr);
+ }
+#endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE
+// Compare the keys for two collections.
+ BOOL Cmp( // 0 or != 0.
+ SIZE_T data, // Raw key data on lookup.
+ const HASHENTRY *pElement) // The element to compare data against.
+ {
+ TItemType *p = (TItemType *) (size_t) pElement;
+ return (::_tcscmp(((TItemType *) data)->m_szString, p->m_szString));
+ }
+ void DelItem(
+ TItemType *pItem) // Entry to delete.
+ {
+ // Need to destruct this item.
+ pItem->~TStringMapItem<T>();
+ CHashTableAndData<TAllocator>::Delete( HashString(pItem->m_szString), (HASHENTRY *)(void *)pItem);
+ }
+class CImpTlbReservedNames
+ CImpTlbReservedNames() {}
+ ~CImpTlbReservedNames() {/*m_StringMap.Clear();*/}
+ HRESULT Init() {return m_StringMap.NewInit();}
+ void AddReservedName(LPCWSTR szName) {BOOL flag = TRUE; m_StringMap.AddItem(szName, flag);}
+ BOOL IsReservedName(LPCWSTR szName) {return m_StringMap.GetItem(szName) != 0;}
+ TStringMap<BOOL> m_StringMap;
+// Helper class to keep track of the mappings from default interfaces to
+// class interfaces.
+class ImpTlbClassItfInfo
+ IID ItfIID; // The IID of the interface.
+ LPCWSTR szClassItfName; // The class interface name.
+class CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap : protected CClosedHash<class ImpTlbClassItfInfo>
+ typedef CClosedHash<class ImpTlbClassItfInfo> Super;
+ typedef ImpTlbClassItfInfo T;
+ CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap();
+ ~CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap();
+ HRESULT Init(ITypeLib *pTlb, BSTR bstrNameSpace);
+ LPCWSTR GetClassItfName(IID &rItfIID);
+ HRESULT AddCoClassInterfaces(ITypeInfo *pCoClassITI, TYPEATTR *pCoClassTypeAttr);
+ unsigned int Hash(const void *pData) {return Hash((const T*)pData);}
+ unsigned int Hash(const T *pData);
+ unsigned int Compare(const void *p1, BYTE *p2) {return Compare((const T*)p1, (T*)p2);}
+ unsigned int Compare(const T *p1, T *p2);
+ ELEMENTSTATUS Status(BYTE *p) {return Status((T*)p);}
+ void SetStatus(BYTE *p, ELEMENTSTATUS s) {SetStatus((T*)p, s);}
+ void SetStatus(T *p, ELEMENTSTATUS s);
+ void* GetKey(BYTE *p) {return GetKey((T*)p);}
+ void *GetKey(T *p);
+ T* Add(const T *pData);
+ CWCHARPool m_Names; // Heap of names.
+ BSTR m_bstrNameSpace; // Namespace of the typelib.
+// Helper class to keep track of imported typelibs. Typically, a typelib
+// imports only 2 or 3 other typelibs, so a simple array is used.
+struct CTlbRef
+ GUID guid; // GUID of referenced typelib.
+ mdAssemblyRef ar; // AssemblyRef for the module containing reference.
+ BSTR szNameSpace; // The namespace of the types contained in the assembly.
+ BSTR szAsmName; // The assembly name.
+ Assembly* Asm; // The assembly.
+ CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap *pDefItfToClassItfMap; // The default interface to class interface map.
+ ~CTlbRef()
+ {
+ SysFreeString(szNameSpace);
+ SysFreeString(szAsmName);
+ delete pDefItfToClassItfMap;
+ }
+class CImpTlbLibRef : public CQuickArray<CTlbRef>
+ typedef CQuickArray<CTlbRef> base;
+ CImpTlbLibRef() {base::Shrink(0);}
+ ~CImpTlbLibRef();
+ HRESULT Add(ITypeLib *pITLB, CImportTlb *pImporter, mdAssemblyRef ar, BSTR wzNamespace, BSTR wzAsmName, Assembly* assm, CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap **ppMap);
+ int Find(ITypeLib *pITLB, mdAssemblyRef *par, BSTR *pwzNamespace, BSTR *pwzAsmName, Assembly** assm, CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap **ppDefItfToClassItfMap);
+class CImportTlb
+ static CImportTlb* CreateImporter(LPCWSTR szLibrary, ITypeLib *pitlb, BOOL bGenerateTCEAdapters, BOOL bUnsafeInterfaces, BOOL bSafeArrayAsSystemArray, BOOL bTransformDispRetVals, BOOL bPreventClassMembers, BOOL bSerializableValueClasses);
+ CImportTlb();
+ CImportTlb(LPCWSTR szLibrary, ITypeLib *pitlb, BOOL bGenerateTCEAdapters, BOOL bUnsafeInterfaces, BOOL bSafeArrayAsSystemArray, BOOL bTransformDispRetVals, BOOL bPreventClassMembers, BOOL bSerializableValueClasses);
+ ~CImportTlb();
+ HRESULT Import();
+ HRESULT SetNamespace(WCHAR const *pNamespace);
+ WCHAR *GetNamespace() {return m_wzNamespace;}
+ HRESULT SetNotification(ITypeLibImporterNotifySink *pINotify);
+ HRESULT SetMetaData(IUnknown *pIUnk);
+ void SetAssembly(Assembly *pAssembly) {m_pAssembly = pAssembly;}
+ void SetModule(Module *pModule) {m_pModule = pModule;}
+ HRESULT GetNamespaceOfRefTlb(ITypeLib *pITLB, BSTR *pwzNamespace, CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap **ppDefItfToClassItfMap);
+ HRESULT GetEventInfoList(CQuickArray<ImpTlbEventInfo*> &qbEvInfoList) {return m_EventInfoMap.GetEventInfoList(qbEvInfoList);}
+ static HRESULT GetDefaultInterface(ITypeInfo *pCoClassTI, ITypeInfo **pDefaultItfTI);
+ struct MemberInfo
+ {
+ union
+ {
+ FUNCDESC *m_psFunc; // Pointer to FuncDesc.
+ VARDESC *m_psVar; // Pointer to VarDesc.
+ };
+ LPWSTR m_pName; // Function/Prop's name, possibly decorated.
+ int m_iMember; // The index of the member in the ITypeInfo.
+ union
+ {
+ LPWSTR m_pName2; // Prop's second name, if any.
+ mdToken m_mdFunc; // Function's token & semantics, if not property.
+ USHORT m_msSemantics; // Semantics only.
+ };
+ void SetFuncInfo(mdMethodDef mdFunc, USHORT msSemantics) {m_mdFunc = RidFromToken(mdFunc) | (msSemantics<<24);}
+ void GetFuncInfo(mdMethodDef &mdFunc, USHORT &msSemantics) {mdFunc = m_mdFunc&0xffffff | mdtMethodDef; msSemantics = m_mdFunc>>24;}
+ };
+ HRESULT ConvertTypeLib();
+ HRESULT ConvertTypeInfo();
+ HRESULT ExplicitlyImplementsIEnumerable(ITypeInfo *pITI, TYPEATTR *psAttr, BOOL fLookupPartner = TRUE);
+ HRESULT _NewLibraryObject();
+ HRESULT ConvCoclass(ITypeInfo *pITI, TYPEATTR *psAttr);
+ HRESULT ConvEnum(ITypeInfo *pITI, TYPEATTR *psAttr);
+ HRESULT ConvRecord(ITypeInfo *pITI, TYPEATTR *psAttr, BOOL bUnion);
+ HRESULT ConvIface(ITypeInfo *pITI, TYPEATTR *psAttr, BOOL bVtblGaps=true);
+ HRESULT ConvDispatch(ITypeInfo *pITI, TYPEATTR *psAttr, BOOL bVtblGaps=true);
+ HRESULT ConvModule(ITypeInfo *pITI, TYPEATTR *psAttr);
+ HRESULT IsIUnknownDerived(ITypeInfo *pITI, TYPEATTR *psAttr);
+ HRESULT IsIDispatchDerived(ITypeInfo *pITI, TYPEATTR *psAttr);
+ HRESULT HasNewEnumMember(ITypeInfo *pItfTI);
+ HRESULT FuncIsNewEnum(ITypeInfo *pITI, FUNCDESC *pFuncDesc, DWORD index);
+ HRESULT PropertyIsNewEnum(ITypeInfo *pITI, VARDESC *pVarDesc, DWORD index);
+ HRESULT HasObjectFields(ITypeInfo *pITI, TYPEATTR *psAttr);
+ HRESULT IsObjectType(ITypeInfo *pITI, const TYPEDESC *pType);
+ HRESULT CompareSigsIgnoringRetType(PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSig1, ULONG cbSig1, PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSig2, ULONG cbSig2);
+ HRESULT FindMethod(mdTypeDef td, LPCWSTR szName, PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSig, ULONG cbSig, mdMethodDef *pmb);
+ HRESULT FindProperty(mdTypeDef td, LPCWSTR szName, PCCOR_SIGNATURE pSig, ULONG cbSig, mdProperty *pPr);
+ HRESULT FindEvent(mdTypeDef td, LPCWSTR szName, mdProperty *pEv);
+ HRESULT ReportEvent(int ev, int hr, ...);
+ HRESULT _DefineSysRefs();
+ HRESULT _GetNamespaceName(ITypeLib *pITLB, BSTR *pwzNamespace);
+ HRESULT _GetTokenForTypeInfo(ITypeInfo *pITI, BOOL bConvDefItfToClassItf, mdToken *pToken, __out_ecount (chTypeRef) __out_opt LPWSTR pszTypeRef=0, int chTypeRef=0, int *pchTypeRef=0, BOOL bAsmQualifiedName = FALSE);
+ HRESULT _FindFirstUserMethod(ITypeInfo *pITI, TYPEATTR *psAttr, int *pIx);
+ HRESULT _ResolveTypeDescAliasTypeKind(ITypeInfo *pITIAlias, TYPEDESC *ptdesc, TYPEKIND *ptkind);
+ HRESULT _ResolveTypeDescAlias(ITypeInfo *pITIAlias, const TYPEDESC *ptdesc, ITypeInfo **ppTIResolved, TYPEATTR **ppsAttrResolved, GUID *pGuid=0);
+ HRESULT _SetHiddenCA(mdTypeDef token);
+ HRESULT _ForceIEnumerableCVExists(ITypeInfo* pITI, BOOL* CVExists);
+ HRESULT _SetDispIDCA(ITypeInfo* pITI, int iMember, long lDispId, mdToken func, BOOL fAlwaysAdd, long* lDispSet, BOOL bFunc);
+ HRESULT _GetDispIDCA(ITypeInfo* pITI, int iMember, long* lDispSet, BOOL bFunc);
+ HRESULT _CheckForPropertyCustomAttributes(ITypeInfo* pITI, int index, INVOKEKIND* ikind);
+ HRESULT _ConvIfaceMembers(ITypeInfo *pITI, TYPEATTR *psAttr, BOOL bVtblGaps, BOOL bAddDispIds, BOOL bInheritsIEnum);
+ HRESULT _ConvSrcIfaceMembers(ITypeInfo *pITI, TYPEATTR* psAttr, BOOL fInheritsIEnum);
+ HRESULT _ConvDispatchMembers(ITypeInfo *pITI, TYPEATTR *psAttr, BOOL fInheritsIEnum);
+ HRESULT _GetFunctionPropertyInfo(FUNCDESC *psFunc, USHORT *pSemantics, FUNCDESC **ppSig, TYPEDESC **ppProperty, BOOL *pbRetval, BOOL fUseLastParam, BSTR strName);
+ HRESULT _ConvFunction(ITypeInfo *pITI, MemberInfo *pMember, int bVtblGapFuncs, BOOL bAddDispIds, BOOL bDelegateInvokeMeth, BOOL* bAllowIEnum);
+ HRESULT _GenerateEvent(ITypeInfo *pITI, MemberInfo *pMember, BOOL fInheritsIEnum);
+ HRESULT _GenerateEventDelegate(ITypeInfo *pITI, MemberInfo *pMember, mdTypeDef *ptd, BOOL fInheritsIEnum);
+ HRESULT _AddSrcItfMembersToClass(mdTypeRef trSrcItf);
+ HRESULT _ConvPropertiesForFunctions(ITypeInfo *pITI, TYPEATTR *psAttr);
+ enum ParamOpts{ParamNormal=0, ParamOptional, ParamVarArg};
+ HRESULT _ConvParam(ITypeInfo *pITI, mdMethodDef mbFunc, int iSequence, const ELEMDESC *pdesc, ParamOpts paramOpts, const WCHAR *pszName, BYTE *pbNative, ULONG cbNative);
+ HRESULT _ConvConstant(ITypeInfo *pITI, VARDESC *psVar, BOOL bEnumMember=false);
+ HRESULT _ConvField(ITypeInfo *pITI, VARDESC *psVar, mdFieldDef *pmdField, BOOL bUnion);
+ HRESULT _ConvProperty(ITypeInfo *pITI, MemberInfo *pMember);
+ HRESULT _ConvNewEnumProperty(ITypeInfo *pITI, VARDESC *psVar, MemberInfo *pMember);
+ HRESULT _HandleAliasInfo(ITypeInfo *pITI, TYPEDESC *pTypeDesc, mdToken tk);
+ HRESULT _AddTlbRef(ITypeLib *pITLB, mdAssemblyRef *par, BSTR *pwzNamespace, BSTR *pwzAsmName, CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap **ppDefItfToClassItfMap);
+ HRESULT _AddGuidCa(mdToken tkObj, REFGUID guid);
+ HRESULT _AddDefaultMemberCa(mdToken tkObj, LPCWSTR szName);
+ HRESULT _AddStringCa(int attr, mdToken tk, LPCWSTR wzString);
+ HRESULT GetKnownTypeToken(VARTYPE vt, mdTypeRef *ptr);
+ HRESULT _GetTokenForEventItf(ITypeInfo *pSrcItfITI, mdTypeRef *ptr);
+ HRESULT _CreateClassInterface(ITypeInfo *pCoClassITI, ITypeInfo *pDefItfITI, mdTypeRef trDefItf, mdTypeRef rtDefEvItf, mdToken *ptr);
+ HRESULT GetManagedNameForCoClass(ITypeInfo *pITI, CQuickArray<WCHAR> &qbClassName);
+ HRESULT GenerateUniqueTypeName(CQuickArray<WCHAR> &qbTypeName);
+ HRESULT GenerateUniqueMemberName(CQuickArray<WCHAR> &qbMemberName, PCCOR_SIGNATURE pSig, ULONG SigSize, LPCWSTR szPrefix, mdToken type);
+ HRESULT _IsAlias(ITypeInfo *pITI, TYPEDESC *pTypeDesc);
+ HRESULT GetDefMemberName(ITypeInfo *pITI, BOOL bItfQualified, CQuickArray<WCHAR> &qbDefMemberName);
+ enum SigFlags {
+ // These match the typelib values
+ SIG_IN = 0x0001, // Input param.
+ SIG_OUT = 0x0002, // Output param.
+ SIG_RET = 0x0008, // Retval. Currently unused.
+ SIG_OPT = 0x0010, // Optional param. Currently unused.
+ SIG_FLAGS_MASK = 0x001b, // Mask of flags from TypeLib PARAMFLAGs
+ SIG_FUNC = 0x0100, // Convert signature for function.
+ SIG_FIELD = 0x0200, // Convert signature for field.
+ SIG_ELEM = 0x0300, // Convert signature for sub element (eg, array of X).
+ SIG_TYPE_MASK = 0x0300,
+ SIG_USE_BYREF = 0x1000, // If set convert one ptr as E_T_BYREF.
+ SIG_VARARG = 0x4000, // If set, this is a paramarray type. Use szArray, not System.Array.
+ SIG_FLAGS_NONE = 0 // '0' of this enum type.
+ };
+ #define IsSigIn(flags) ((flags & SIG_IN) == SIG_IN)
+ #define IsSigOut(flags) ((flags & SIG_OUT) == SIG_OUT)
+ #define IsSigRet(flags) ((flags & SIG_RET) == SIG_RET)
+ #define IsSigOpt(flags) ((flags & SIG_OPT) == SIG_OPT)
+ #define IsSigOutRet(flags) ((flags & (SIG_OUT|SIG_RET)) == (SIG_OUT|SIG_RET))
+ #define IsSigFunc(flags) ((flags & SIG_TYPE_MASK) == SIG_FUNC)
+ #define IsSigField(flags) ((flags & SIG_TYPE_MASK) == SIG_FIELD)
+ #define IsSigElem(flags) ((flags & SIG_TYPE_MASK) == SIG_ELEM)
+ #define IsSigUseByref(flags) ((flags & SIG_USE_BYREF) == SIG_USE_BYREF)
+ #define IsSigVarArg(flags) ((flags & SIG_VARARG) == SIG_VARARG)
+ HRESULT _ConvSignature(ITypeInfo *pITI, const TYPEDESC *pType, ULONG Flags, CQuickBytes &qbSigBuf, ULONG cbSig, ULONG *pcbSig, CQuickArray<BYTE> &qbNativeTypeBuf, ULONG cbNativeType, ULONG *pcbNativeType, BOOL bNewEnumMember, int iByRef=0);
+ // For handling out-of-order vtables.
+ CQuickArray<MemberInfo> m_MemberList;
+ CWCHARPool *m_pMemberNames;
+ int m_cMemberProps; // Count of props in memberlist.
+ HRESULT BuildMemberList(ITypeInfo *pITI, int iStart, int iEnd, BOOL bInheritsIEnum);
+ HRESULT FreeMemberList(ITypeInfo *pITI);
+ // List of predefined token types for custom attributes.
+ // Last value gives array size.
+ mdToken m_tkAttr[ATTR_COUNT];
+ HRESULT GetAttrType(int attr, mdToken *ptk);
+ // look up table for known type
+ mdTypeRef m_tkKnownTypes[MAX_TLB_VT];
+ LPCWSTR m_szLibrary; // Name of typelib being imported.
+ BOOL m_bGenerateTCEAdapters; // A flag indicating if the TCE adapters are being generated or not.
+ BOOL m_bUnsafeInterfaces; // A flag indicating whether runtime security checks should be disabled on an interface
+ BOOL m_bSafeArrayAsSystemArray; // A flag indicating whether to import SAFEARRAY's as System.Array's.
+ BOOL m_bTransformDispRetVals; // A flag indicating if we should do [out,retval] transformation on disp only itfs.
+ BOOL m_bPreventClassMembers; // A flag indicating if we should add members to CoClasses.
+ BOOL m_bSerializableValueClasses; // A flag indicating if we should mark value classes as serializable.
+ mdMemberRef m_tkSuppressCheckAttr; // Cached ctor for security check custom attribute
+ ITypeLib *m_pITLB; // Typelib being imported.
+ IMetaDataEmit2 *m_pEmit; // Emit API Interface pointer.
+ IMetaDataImport2 *m_pImport; // Import API Interface pointer.
+ BSTR m_wzNamespace; // Namespace of the created TypeDefs.
+ mdTypeRef m_trObject; // Token of System.Object.
+ mdTypeRef m_trValueType; // Token of System.ValueType.
+ mdTypeRef m_trEnum; // Token of System.Enum.
+ mdAssemblyRef m_arSystem; // AssemblyRef for classlib.
+ ITypeInfo *m_pITI; // "Current" ITypeInfo being converted.
+ ITypeInfo *m_pOrigITI; // Original "Current" ITypeInfo being converted,
+ // represents TKIND_ALIAS or is equal to m_pITI.
+ TYPEATTR *m_psAttr; // "TYPEATTR" of current ITypeInfo.
+ BSTR m_szName; // Name of original current ITypeInfo.
+ BSTR m_szMember; // Name of current Member (method or field).
+ LPWSTR m_szMngName; // Full name of the managed type.
+ ULONG m_cbVtableSlot; // Size of a vtable slot.
+ ULONG m_Slot; // "Current" vtbl index within an interface.
+ void *m_psClass; // "Current" class record.
+ mdTypeDef m_tdTypeDef; // Current TypeDef.
+ mdTypeDef m_tdHasDefault; // Most recent TypeDef with a default.
+ enum {eImplIfaceNone, eImplIfaceDefault, eImplIface} m_ImplIface;
+ mdToken m_tkInterface; // Interface being added to a coclass.
+ BSTR m_szInterface; // Interface name for decoration.
+ CImpTlbTypeRef m_TRMap; // Typeref map.
+ CImpTlbLibRef m_LibRefs; // Referenced typelibs.
+ CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap m_DefItfToClassItfMap; // The default interface to class interface map.
+ CImpTlbReservedNames m_ReservedNames; // Reserved names.
+ CImpTlbEventInfoMap m_EventInfoMap; // Map of event info's.
+ ITypeLibImporterNotifySink *m_Notify; // Notification object.
+ Assembly *m_pAssembly; // Containing assembly.
+ Module *m_pModule; // Module we are emiting into.
+#if defined(TLB_STATS)
+ LARGE_INTEGER m_freqVal; // Frequency of perf counter.
+ BOOL m_bStats; // If true, collect timings.
+#endif // TLB_STATS