path: root/src/md/enc/imptlb.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/md/enc/imptlb.cpp')
1 files changed, 8057 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/md/enc/imptlb.cpp b/src/md/enc/imptlb.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..faeb0d9882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/md/enc/imptlb.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,8057 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// ===========================================================================
+// File: ImpTlb.CPP
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------
+// Who When What
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------
+// WGE 970906 Created
+// ===========================================================================
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "imptlb.h"
+#include <posterror.h>
+#include <strongname.h>
+#include <nsutilpriv.h>
+#include "..\compiler\regmeta.h"
+#include "..\compiler\importhelper.h"
+#include "tlbutils.h" // For GenerateMangledTypeName().
+#include <tlbimpexp.h>
+#include "sstring.h"
+#include "strsafe.h"
+#include <metahost.h>
+// Pointer to the activated CLR interface provided by the shim.
+extern ICLRRuntimeInfo *g_pCLRRuntime;
+#ifdef wcsncmp
+ #undef wcsncmp
+#ifdef wcsncpy
+ #undef wcsncpy
+// deprecated: use the secureCrt replacements
+// _CRTIMP int __cdecl wcsncmp(const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *, size_t);
+// _CRTIMP wchar_t * __cdecl wcsncpy(wchar_t *, const wchar_t *, size_t);
+#define S_CONVERSION_LOSS _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(3) // Non-error code meaning a conversion lost information.
+#define ADD_ITF_MEMBERS_TO_CLASS // Define to add interface members to the CoClass.
+#define ITF_MEMBER_RESOLUTION_NAMEONLY // Define to ignore signatures when looking for collisions (ie, when defined
+ // void Foo(int) and void Foo(String) collide).
+// defines controlling ctor of non-creatable objects.
+#define NONCREATABLE_CTOR_VISIBILITY mdAssem // Define to a visibility flag.
+#define MAX_CLASSNAME_SIZE 1024
+#ifndef lengthof
+#define lengthof(rg) (sizeof(rg)/sizeof(rg[0]))
+#ifndef IfNullGo
+#define IfNullGo(x) do {if (!(x)) IfFailGo(E_OUTOFMEMORY);} while (0)
+#define BUILD_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(type,bytes) {*reinterpret_cast<UNALIGNED type*>(__pca) = bytes; __pca += sizeof(type); _ASSERTE(__pca-__ca <= sizeof(__ca));}
+#define INIT_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(n) {_ASSERTE((n) <= (sizeof(__ca)-sizeof(SHORT)));__pca = __ca; BUILD_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(USHORT,1);}
+#define SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE() ((ULONG) (__pca - __ca))
+#define PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE() (&__ca[0])
+#define DECLARE_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(n) BYTE __ca[(n)+sizeof(SHORT)*2], *__pca;__pca=__ca; INIT_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(n);
+#define APPEND_STRING_TO_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(str) {int l = (int)strlen(str); __pca=(BYTE*)CPackedLen::PutLength(__pca,l);memcpy(__pca,str,l);__pca+=l;}
+#define DECLARE_DYNLEN_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(n) CQuickArray<BYTE> __tmpCAArray; IfFailGo(__tmpCAArray.ReSizeNoThrow(n + sizeof(SHORT)*2)); BYTE *__ca, *__pca; __ca = __tmpCAArray.Ptr(); __pca=__ca; BUILD_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(USHORT,1);
+#define BUILD_DYNLEN_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(type,bytes) {*reinterpret_cast<UNALIGNED type*>(__pca) = bytes; __pca += sizeof(type); _ASSERTE(__pca-__ca <= (int)__tmpCAArray.Size());}
+{ \
+ CQuickArray<char> __tmpStr; \
+ int __cStr = WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); \
+ IfFailGo(__tmpStr.ReSizeNoThrow(__cStr)); \
+ __cStr = WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, __tmpStr.Ptr(), __cStr, NULL, NULL); \
+ __pca=(BYTE*)CPackedLen::PutLength(__pca,__cStr); \
+ memcpy(__pca,__tmpStr.Ptr(),__cStr); \
+ __pca+=__cStr; \
+// The maximum number of bytes the encoding of a DWORD can take.
+#define DWORD_MAX_CB 4
+// The maximum number of bytes the encoding of a DWORD can take.
+// Use the unused variant types m_knowntypes for common types.
+static LPCWSTR szObject = W("System.Object");
+static LPCWSTR szValueType = W("System.ValueType");
+static LPCWSTR szEnum = W("System.Enum");
+static LPCWSTR TLB_CLASSLIB_ARRAY = {W("System.Array")};
+static LPCWSTR TLB_CLASSLIB_DATE = {W("System.DateTime")};
+static LPCWSTR TLB_CLASSLIB_DECIMAL = {W("System.Decimal")};
+static LPCWSTR TLB_CLASSLIB_VARIANT = {W("System.Variant")};
+static LPCWSTR TLB_CLASSLIB_GUID = {W("System.Guid")};
+static LPCWSTR TLB_CLASSLIB_IENUMERABLE = {W("System.Collections.IEnumerable")};
+static LPCWSTR TLB_CLASSLIB_MULTICASTDELEGATE = {W("System.MulticastDelegate")};
+static LPCWSTR TLB_CLASSLIB_TYPE = {W("System.Type")};
+static LPCWSTR TLB_CLASSLIB_STRINGBUFFER = {W("System.Text.StringBuilder")};
+static LPCWSTR COM_STDOLE2 = {W("StdOle")};
+static LPCWSTR COM_GUID = {W("GUID")};
+static const LPCWSTR PROP_DECORATION_GET = {W("get_")};
+static const LPCWSTR PROP_DECORATION_SET = {W("set_")};
+static const LPCWSTR PROP_DECORATION_LET = {W("let_")};
+static const int PROP_DECORATION_LEN = 4;
+static const LPCWSTR DLL_EXTENSION = {W(".dll")};
+static const int DLL_EXTENSION_LEN = 4;
+static const LPCWSTR EXE_EXTENSION = {W(".exe")};
+static const int EXE_EXTENSION_LEN = 4;
+static LPCWSTR const OBJECT_INITIALIZER_NAME = {W(".ctor")};
+static const int OBJECT_INITIALIZER_FLAGS = mdPublic | mdSpecialName;
+static const int OBJECT_INITIALIZER_IMPL_FLAGS = miNative | miRuntime | miInternalCall;
+static const int DEFAULT_INTERFACE_FUNC_FLAGS = mdPublic | mdVirtual | mdAbstract | mdHideBySig | mdNewSlot;
+static const int DEFAULT_PROPERTY_FUNC_FLAGS = mdPublic | mdVirtual | mdAbstract | mdHideBySig | mdSpecialName | mdNewSlot;
+static const int DEFAULT_CONST_FIELD_FLAGS = fdPublic | fdStatic | fdLiteral;
+static const int DEFAULT_RECORD_FIELD_FLAGS = fdPublic;
+static const int DELEGATE_INVOKE_FUNC_FLAGS = mdPublic | mdVirtual;
+static const int DEFAULT_ITF_FUNC_IMPL_FLAGS = miNative | miRuntime | miInternalCall;
+static const WCHAR VTBL_GAP_FUNCTION[] = {W("_VtblGap")};
+static const int VTBL_GAP_FUNCTION_FLAGS = mdPublic | mdSpecialName;
+static const int VTBL_GAP_FUNC_IMPL_FLAGS = miRuntime;
+static const LPCWSTR VTBL_GAP_FORMAT_1 = {W("%ls%d")};
+static const LPCWSTR VTBL_GAP_FORMAT_N = {W("%ls%d_%d")};
+static const DWORD ENUM_TYPE_FLAGS = fdPublic;
+static const LPCWSTR DYNAMIC_NAMESPACE_NAME = {W("DynamicModule")};
+static const LPCWSTR UNSAFE_ITF_PREFIX = {W("Unsafe.")};
+static const LPCWSTR GET_ENUMERATOR_MEMBER_NAME = {W("GetEnumerator")};
+static const WCHAR CLASS_SUFFIX[] = {W("Class")};
+static const WCHAR EVENT_ITF_SUFFIX[] = {W("_Event")};
+static const WCHAR EVENT_PROVIDER_SUFFIX[] = {W("_EventProvider")};
+static const WCHAR EVENT_HANDLER_SUFFIX[] = {W("EventHandler")};
+static const WCHAR EVENT_ADD_METH_PREFIX[] = {W("add_")};
+static const WCHAR EVENT_REM_METH_PREFIX[] = {W("remove_")};
+static const WCHAR DELEGATE_INVOKE_METH_NAME[] = {W("Invoke")};
+// {C013B386-CC3E-4b6d-9B67-A3AE97274BBE}
+static const GUID FREE_STATUS_GUID =
+{ 0xc013b386, 0xcc3e, 0x4b6d, { 0x9b, 0x67, 0xa3, 0xae, 0x97, 0x27, 0x4b, 0xbe } };
+// {C013B387-CC3E-4b6d-9B67-A3AE97274BBE}
+{ 0xc013b387, 0xcc3e, 0x4b6d, { 0x9b, 0x67, 0xa3, 0xae, 0x97, 0x27, 0x4b, 0xbe } };
+// {C013B388-CC3E-4b6d-9B67-A3AE97274BBE}
+static const GUID USED_STATUS_GUID =
+{ 0xc013b388, 0xcc3e, 0x4b6d, { 0x9b, 0x67, 0xa3, 0xae, 0x97, 0x27, 0x4b, 0xbe } };
+static const GUID IID_IEnumerable =
+{ 0x496b0abe, 0xcdee, 0x11d3, { 0x88, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x90, 0x27, 0x54, 0xc4, 0x3a } };
+ #define STRUCTLAYOUT tdSequentialLayout
+// ULONG_MAX is a flag meaning "don't convert".
+static const ULONG rdwTypeFlags[] = {
+ tdPublic | tdSealed, // TKIND_ENUM = 0,
+ tdPublic | tdSealed | tdBeforeFieldInit | STRUCTLAYOUT, // TKIND_RECORD = TKIND_ENUM + 1,
+ tdPublic | tdAbstract, // TKIND_MODULE = TKIND_RECORD + 1,
+ tdPublic | tdInterface | tdAbstract | tdImport, // TKIND_INTERFACE = TKIND_MODULE + 1,
+ tdPublic | tdInterface | tdAbstract | tdImport, // TKIND_DISPATCH = TKIND_INTERFACE + 1,
+ tdPublic | tdImport, // TKIND_COCLASS = TKIND_DISPATCH + 1,
+ tdPublic | tdImport, // TKIND_ALIAS = TKIND_COCLASS + 1,
+ tdPublic | tdSealed | tdExplicitLayout, // TKIND_UNION = TKIND_ALIAS + 1,
+static const LPCWSTR g_szTypekind[] = {
+ W("Enum "),
+ W("Record "),
+ W("Module "),
+ W("Interface "),
+ W("Dispinterface"),
+ W("Coclass "),
+ W("Alias "),
+ W("Union "),
+#define NATIVE_TYPE_NONE ((CorNativeType)(NATIVE_TYPE_MAX+1))
+// External declarations.
+extern mdAssemblyRef DefineAssemblyRefForImportedTypeLib(
+ void *pAssembly, // Assembly importing the typelib.
+ void *pvModule, // Module importing the typelib.
+ IUnknown *pIMeta, // IMetaData* from import module.
+ IUnknown *pIUnk, // IUnknown to referenced Assembly.
+ BSTR *pwzNamespace, // The namespace of the resolved assembly.
+ BSTR *pwzAsmName, // The name of the resolved assembly.
+ Assembly **AssemblyRef); // The resolved assembly.
+extern mdAssemblyRef DefineAssemblyRefForExportedAssembly(
+ LPCWSTR szFullName, // Assembly full name.
+ IUnknown *pIMeta); // Metadata emit interface.
+static HRESULT _UnpackVariantToConstantBlob(VARIANT *pvar, BYTE *pcvType, void **pvValue, __int64 *pd);
+static INT64 _DoubleDateToTicks(const double d);
+static HRESULT TryGetFuncDesc(ITypeInfo *pITI, int i, FUNCDESC **ppFunc);
+// Class factory.
+CImportTlb* CImportTlb::CreateImporter(
+ LPCWSTR szLibrary,
+ ITypeLib *pitlb,
+ BOOL bGenerateTCEAdapters,
+ BOOL bUnsafeInterfaces,
+ BOOL bSafeArrayAsSystemArray,
+ BOOL bTransformDispRetVals,
+ BOOL bPreventClassMembers,
+ BOOL bSerializableValueClasses)
+ return new (nothrow) CImportTlb(szLibrary, pitlb, bGenerateTCEAdapters, bUnsafeInterfaces, bSafeArrayAsSystemArray, bTransformDispRetVals, bPreventClassMembers, bSerializableValueClasses);
+} // CImportTlb* CImportTlb::CreateImporter()
+// Default constructor.
+ : m_szLibrary(NULL),
+ m_pITLB(NULL),
+ m_bGenerateTCEAdapters(false),
+ m_bSafeArrayAsSystemArray(false),
+ m_bTransformDispRetVals(false),
+ m_bPreventClassMembers(false),
+ m_bSerializableValueClasses(false),
+ m_pEmit(NULL),
+ m_pImport(NULL),
+ m_pITI(NULL),
+ m_pOrigITI(NULL),
+ m_psAttr(NULL),
+ m_arSystem(mdAssemblyRefNil),
+ m_Notify(NULL),
+ m_trValueType(0),
+ m_trEnum(0),
+ m_bUnsafeInterfaces(FALSE),
+ m_tkSuppressCheckAttr(mdTokenNil),
+ m_tdHasDefault(0),
+ m_szName(NULL),
+ m_szMember(NULL),
+ m_wzNamespace(NULL),
+ m_tkInterface(0),
+ m_szInterface(NULL),
+ m_pMemberNames(NULL),
+ m_cMemberProps(0),
+ m_ImplIface(eImplIfaceNone)
+ // Clear the known types array. The values will be lazily initialized.
+ memset(m_tkKnownTypes, 0, sizeof(m_tkKnownTypes));
+ memset(m_tkAttr, 0, sizeof(m_tkAttr));
+} // CImportTlb::CImportTlb()
+// Complex constructor.
+ LPCWSTR szLibrary, // Name of library being imported.
+ ITypeLib *pitlb, // The type library to import from.
+ BOOL bGenerateTCEAdapters, // A flag indicating if the TCE adapters are being generated.
+ BOOL bUnsafeInterfaces, // A flag indicating that runtime security checks should be disabled
+ BOOL bSafeArrayAsSystemArray,// A flag indicating whether to import SAFEARRAY's as System.Array's.
+ BOOL bTransformDispRetVals, // A flag indicating if we should do [out,retval] transformation on disp only itfs.
+ BOOL bPreventClassMembers, // A flag indicating if we should add members to CoClasses.
+ BOOL bSerializableValueClasses) // A flag indicating if we should mark value classes serializable.
+ : m_szLibrary(szLibrary),
+ m_pITLB(pitlb),
+ m_bGenerateTCEAdapters(bGenerateTCEAdapters),
+ m_bUnsafeInterfaces(bUnsafeInterfaces),
+ m_bSafeArrayAsSystemArray(bSafeArrayAsSystemArray),
+ m_bTransformDispRetVals(bTransformDispRetVals),
+ m_bPreventClassMembers(bPreventClassMembers),
+ m_bSerializableValueClasses(bSerializableValueClasses),
+ m_pEmit(0),
+ m_pImport(0),
+ m_pITI(0),
+ m_pOrigITI(0),
+ m_psAttr(0),
+ m_arSystem(mdAssemblyRefNil),
+ m_Notify(0),
+ m_trValueType(0),
+ m_trEnum(0),
+ m_tkSuppressCheckAttr(mdTokenNil),
+ m_tdHasDefault(0),
+ m_szName(0),
+ m_szMember(0),
+ m_wzNamespace(0),
+ m_tkInterface(0),
+ m_szInterface(0),
+ m_pMemberNames(0),
+ m_cMemberProps(0),
+ m_ImplIface(eImplIfaceNone)
+ if (pitlb)
+ pitlb->AddRef();
+ // Clear the known types array. The values will be lazily initialized.
+ memset(m_tkKnownTypes, 0, sizeof(m_tkKnownTypes));
+ memset(m_tkAttr, 0, sizeof(m_tkAttr));
+#if defined(TLB_STATS)
+ m_bStats = QueryPerformanceFrequency(&m_freqVal);
+} // CImportTlb::CImportTlb()
+// Destructor.
+ if (m_pEmit)
+ m_pEmit->Release();
+ if (m_pImport)
+ m_pImport->Release();
+ if (m_pITLB)
+ m_pITLB->Release();
+ if (m_Notify)
+ m_Notify->Release();
+ if (m_wzNamespace)
+ ::SysFreeString(m_wzNamespace);
+} // CImportTlb::~CImportTlb()
+// Allow the user to specify a namespace to be used in the conversion.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::SetNamespace(
+ WCHAR const *pNamespace)
+ HRESULT hr=S_OK; // A result.
+ IfNullGo(m_wzNamespace=::SysAllocString(pNamespace));
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::SetNamespace()
+// Allow the user to specify a notification object to be used in the conversion.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::SetNotification(
+ ITypeLibImporterNotifySink *pNotify)
+ _ASSERTE(m_Notify == 0);
+ m_Notify = pNotify;
+ pNotify->AddRef();
+ return S_OK;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::SetNotification()
+// Allow the user to specify the MetaData scope to be used in the conversion.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::SetMetaData(
+ IUnknown *pIUnk)
+ _ASSERTE(m_pEmit == 0);
+ IfFailGo(pIUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IMetaDataEmit2, (void**)&m_pEmit));
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::SetMetaData()
+// Import a TypeLibrary into a CompLib.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::Import()
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ mdModule md; // Module token.
+ VARIANT vt = {0}; // For setting options.
+ ITypeLib2 *pITLB2 = 0; // To get custom attributes.
+ IMetaDataDispenserEx *pDisp = 0; // To create export scope.
+ TLIBATTR *psAttr=0; // The library's attributes.
+ BSTR szLibraryName = 0; // The library's name.
+ LPCWSTR wzFile; // The filename of the typelib (no path).
+ LPCWSTR wzSource; // Source of the typelib, for CA.
+ _ASSERTE(m_Notify);
+ // Quick sanity check.
+ if (!m_pITLB)
+ return (E_INVALIDARG);
+ // Check to see if the type library implements ITypeLib2.
+ if (m_pITLB->QueryInterface(IID_ITypeLib2, (void **)&pITLB2) != S_OK)
+ pITLB2 = 0;
+ // If custom attribute for namespace exists, use it.
+ if (pITLB2)
+ {
+ VariantInit(&vt);
+ if (pITLB2->GetCustData(GUID_ManagedName, &vt) == S_OK)
+ {
+ if (V_VT(&vt) == VT_BSTR)
+ {
+ // If there already was a namespace set, release it.
+ if (m_wzNamespace)
+ SysFreeString(m_wzNamespace);
+ // If the namespace ends with .dll then remove the extension.
+ LPWSTR pDest = wcsstr(vt.bstrVal, DLL_EXTENSION);
+ if (pDest && (pDest[DLL_EXTENSION_LEN] == 0 || pDest[DLL_EXTENSION_LEN] == ' '))
+ *pDest = 0;
+ if (!pDest)
+ {
+ // If the namespace ends with .exe then remove the extension.
+ pDest = wcsstr(vt.bstrVal, EXE_EXTENSION);
+ if (pDest && (pDest[EXE_EXTENSION_LEN] == 0 || pDest[EXE_EXTENSION_LEN] == ' '))
+ *pDest = 0;
+ }
+ if (pDest)
+ {
+ // We removed the extension so re-allocate a string of the new length.
+ m_wzNamespace = SysAllocString(vt.bstrVal);
+ SysFreeString(vt.bstrVal);
+ IfNullGo(m_wzNamespace);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // There was no extension to remove so we can use the string returned
+ // by GetCustData().
+ m_wzNamespace = vt.bstrVal;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VariantClear(&vt);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Use the namespace name if we don't know the filename.
+ if (!m_szLibrary)
+ m_szLibrary = m_wzNamespace;
+ // If the typelib was exported from COM+ to begin with, don't import it.
+ if (pITLB2)
+ {
+ ::VariantInit(&vt);
+ hr = pITLB2->GetCustData(GUID_ExportedFromComPlus, &vt);
+ if (vt.vt != VT_EMPTY)
+ {
+ if (0)
+ {
+ // com emulates option is ON
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ IfFailGo(PostError(TLBX_E_CIRCULAR_IMPORT, m_szLibrary));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _ASSERTE(m_pEmit);
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->QueryInterface(IID_IMetaDataImport2, (void **)&m_pImport));
+ // Initialize the reserved names map.
+ IfFailGo(m_ReservedNames.Init());
+ // Initialize the default interface to class interface map for the TLB being imported.
+ IfFailGo(m_DefItfToClassItfMap.Init(m_pITLB, m_wzNamespace));
+ // Create the Object classref record and AssemblyRef for mscorlib.dll.
+ IfFailGo(_DefineSysRefs());
+ // Create the library record.
+ IfFailGo(_NewLibraryObject());
+ // Note that this was imported.
+ IfFailGo(m_pITLB->GetLibAttr(&psAttr));
+ if (SUCCEEDED(::QueryPathOfRegTypeLib(psAttr->guid, psAttr->wMajorVerNum, psAttr->wMinorVerNum, psAttr->lcid, &szLibraryName)))
+ wzSource = szLibraryName;
+ else
+ wzSource = m_szLibrary;
+ // We can't base the decision on SYSKIND. For example, we can have a SYS_WIN64 tlb loaded as 32-bit with 4-byte aligned pointers.
+ m_cbVtableSlot = 0;
+ IfFailGo(m_pImport->GetModuleFromScope(&md));
+ // Skip the path or drive info
+ wzFile = wcsrchr(wzSource, W('\\'));
+ if (wzFile == 0)
+ { // That's odd, should have been a fully qualified path. Just use an empty string.
+ wzFile = W("");
+ }
+ else
+ { // skip leading backslash
+ wzFile++;
+ }
+ // Convert the typelib.
+ IfFailGo(ConvertTypeLib());
+ if (psAttr)
+ m_pITLB->ReleaseTLibAttr(psAttr);
+ if (szLibraryName)
+ ::SysFreeString(szLibraryName);
+ if (pITLB2)
+ pITLB2->Release();
+ if (pDisp)
+ pDisp->Release();
+ return (hr);
+ DacNotImpl();
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+#endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::Import()
+// Create the Complib to represent the TypeLib.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_NewLibraryObject()
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ TLIBATTR * psAttr=0; // The library's attributes.
+ BSTR szLibraryName=0; // The library's name.
+ CQuickArray<WCHAR> rScopeName; // The name of the scope.
+ // Information about the library.
+ IfFailGo(m_pITLB->GetLibAttr(&psAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pITLB->GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, &szLibraryName, 0, 0, 0));
+ // Create the scope name by using the typelib name and adding .dll.
+ IfFailGo(rScopeName.ReSizeNoThrow(SysStringLen(szLibraryName) + 5 * sizeof(WCHAR)));
+ StringCchPrintf(rScopeName.Ptr(), rScopeName.Size(), W("%s.dll"), szLibraryName);
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->SetModuleProps(rScopeName.Ptr()));
+ if (psAttr)
+ m_pITLB->ReleaseTLibAttr(psAttr);
+ if (szLibraryName)
+ ::SysFreeString(szLibraryName);
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_NewLibraryObject()
+// Define an assembly ref for mscorlib, typeref for Object.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_DefineSysRefs()
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ WCHAR szPath[_MAX_PATH];
+ WCHAR szDrive[_MAX_DRIVE];
+ DWORD dwLen; // Length of system directory name.
+ IMetaDataDispenserEx *pDisp = 0; // To import mscorlib.
+ IMetaDataAssemblyImport *pAImp = 0; // To read mscorlib assembly.
+ IMetaDataAssemblyEmit *pAEmit = 0; // To create mscorlib assembly ref.
+ ASSEMBLYMETADATA amd = {0}; // Assembly metadata.
+ mdToken tk; // A token.
+ const void *pvPublicKey; // Public key.
+ ULONG cbPublicKey; // Length of public key.
+ BYTE *pbToken=0; // Compressed token for public key.
+ ULONG cbToken; // Length of token.
+ ULONG ulHashAlg; // Hash algorithm.
+ DWORD dwFlags; // Assembly flags.
+ // Get the dispenser.
+ IfFailGo(g_pCLRRuntime->GetInterface(
+ CLSID_CorMetaDataDispenser,
+ IID_IMetaDataDispenserEx,
+ (void **)&pDisp));
+ // Get the name of mscorlib.
+ //@todo: define, function, etc., instead of hard coded "mscorlib"
+ dwLen = lengthof(szPath) - 13; // allow space for "mscorlib" ".dll" "\0"
+ IfFailGo(pDisp->GetCORSystemDirectory(szPath, dwLen, &dwLen));
+ SplitPath(szPath, szDrive, _MAX_DRIVE, szDir, _MAX_PATH, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ MakePath(szPath, szDrive, szDir, W("mscorlib"), W(".dll"));
+ // Open the scope, get the details.
+ IfFailGo(pDisp->OpenScope(szPath, 0, IID_IMetaDataAssemblyImport, (IUnknown**)&pAImp));
+ IfFailGo(pAImp->GetAssemblyFromScope(&tk));
+ IfFailGo(pAImp->GetAssemblyProps(tk, &pvPublicKey,&cbPublicKey, &ulHashAlg,
+ szPath,lengthof(szPath),&dwLen, &amd, &dwFlags));
+ if (!StrongNameTokenFromPublicKey((BYTE*)(pvPublicKey),cbPublicKey, &pbToken,&cbToken))
+ {
+ hr = StrongNameErrorInfo();
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ dwFlags &= ~afPublicKey;
+ // Define the assembly ref.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->QueryInterface(IID_IMetaDataAssemblyEmit, (void**)&pAEmit));
+ IfFailGo(pAEmit->DefineAssemblyRef(pbToken,cbToken, szPath, &amd,0,0,dwFlags, &m_arSystem));
+ IfFailGo(m_TRMap.DefineTypeRef(m_pEmit, m_arSystem, szObject, &m_trObject));
+ m_tkKnownTypes[VT_DISPATCH] = m_trObject;
+ m_tkKnownTypes[VT_UNKNOWN] = m_trObject;
+ m_tkKnownTypes[VT_VARIANT] = m_trObject;
+ if (pbToken)
+ StrongNameFreeBuffer(pbToken);
+ if (pDisp)
+ pDisp->Release();
+ if (pAEmit)
+ pAEmit->Release();
+ if (pAImp)
+ pAImp->Release();
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_DefineSysRefs()
+// Lazily get the token for a CustomAttribute.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::GetAttrType(
+ int attr, // The attribute for which the type is desired.
+ mdToken *pTk) // Put the type here.
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result.
+ mdTypeRef tr; // An intermediate typeref.
+ DWORD dwSigSize; // The size of the sig for special sigs.
+ DWORD dwMaxSigSize; // The max size of the special sig.
+ COR_SIGNATURE *pSig; // Pointer to the start of the sig,
+ COR_SIGNATURE *pCurr; // Current sig pointer.
+ mdTypeRef trType; // The typeref for System.Type.
+ _ASSERTE(attr >= 0);
+ //@todo: globally define these names.
+ case ATTR_##x: \
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineTypeRefByName(m_arSystem, INTEROP_##x##_TYPE_W, &tr)); \
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineMemberRef(tr, W(".ctor"), x##_SIG, lengthof(x##_SIG), &m_tkAttr[attr])); \
+ break;
+ if (IsNilToken(m_tkAttr[attr]))
+ {
+ switch (attr)
+ {
+ {
+ // Retrieve token for System.Type.
+ IfFailGo(GetKnownTypeToken(VT_SLOT_FOR_TYPE, &trType));
+ // Build the sig.
+ dwMaxSigSize = 5 + sizeof(mdTypeRef) * 2;
+ pSig = (COR_SIGNATURE*)_alloca(dwMaxSigSize);
+ pCurr = pSig;
+ *pCurr++ = 2;
+ pCurr += CorSigCompressToken(trType, pCurr);
+ pCurr += CorSigCompressToken(trType, pCurr);
+ dwSigSize = (DWORD)(pCurr - pSig);
+ _ASSERTE(dwSigSize <= dwMaxSigSize);
+ // Declare the typeref and the member ref for the CA.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineTypeRefByName(m_arSystem, INTEROP_COMEVENTINTERFACE_TYPE_W, &tr)); \
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineMemberRef(tr, W(".ctor"), pSig, dwSigSize, &m_tkAttr[attr])); \
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ // Retrieve token for System.Type.
+ IfFailGo(GetKnownTypeToken(VT_SLOT_FOR_TYPE, &trType));
+ // Build the sig.
+ dwMaxSigSize = 4 + sizeof(mdTypeRef);
+ pSig = (COR_SIGNATURE*)_alloca(dwMaxSigSize);
+ pCurr = pSig;
+ *pCurr++ = 1;
+ pCurr += CorSigCompressToken(trType, pCurr);
+ dwSigSize = (DWORD)(pCurr - pSig);
+ _ASSERTE(dwSigSize <= dwMaxSigSize);
+ // Declare the typeref and the member ref for the CA.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineTypeRefByName(m_arSystem, INTEROP_COCLASS_TYPE_W, &tr)); \
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineMemberRef(tr, W(".ctor"), pSig, dwSigSize, &m_tkAttr[attr])); \
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *pTk = m_tkAttr[attr];
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::GetAttrType()
+// Create the TypeDefs.
+ int cTi; // Count of TypeInfos.
+ int i; // Loop control.
+ // How many TypeInfos?
+ IfFailGo(cTi = m_pITLB->GetTypeInfoCount());
+ // Iterate over them.
+ for (i = 0; i < cTi; ++i)
+ {
+ // Get the TypeInfo.
+ hr = m_pITLB->GetTypeInfo(i, &m_pITI);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // Save up the original TypeInfo (may be later alias-resolved).
+ _ASSERTE(m_pOrigITI == NULL);
+ m_pOrigITI = m_pITI;
+ m_pOrigITI->AddRef();
+ // Retrieve the attributes of the type info.
+ IfFailGo(m_pITI->GetTypeAttr(&m_psAttr));
+ // Convert the TypeInfo.
+ hr = ConvertTypeInfo();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ { // Reflection emit is broken, no need to try to continue.
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ BSTR szTypeInfoName = NULL;
+ hr = m_pITI->GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, &szTypeInfoName, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ if (szTypeInfoName != NULL)
+ ::SysFreeString(szTypeInfoName);
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ if (CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_MD_TlbImp_BreakOnErr))
+ _ASSERTE(!"Invalid type");
+ }
+ // Release for next TypeInfo.
+ m_pOrigITI->Release();
+ m_pOrigITI = NULL;
+ m_pITI->ReleaseTypeAttr(m_psAttr);
+ m_psAttr = NULL;
+ m_pITI->Release();
+ m_pITI = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_pOrigITI != NULL)
+ {
+ m_pOrigITI->Release();
+ m_pOrigITI = NULL;
+ }
+ if (m_psAttr != NULL)
+ {
+ m_pITI->ReleaseTypeAttr(m_psAttr);
+ m_psAttr = NULL;
+ }
+ if (m_pITI != NULL)
+ {
+ m_pITI->Release();
+ m_pITI = NULL;
+ }
+ return hr;
+} // CImportTlb::ConvertTypeLib
+// Convert a single ITypeInfo into the scope.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::ConvertTypeInfo() // S_OK or error.
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ BSTR bstrManagedName=0; // Managed name (or part thereof).
+ CQuickArray<WCHAR> qbClassName; // The name of the class.
+ ULONG ulFlags; // TypeDef flags.
+ WORD wTypeInfoFlags; // TypeInfo flags. Alias flags, if an alias.
+ mdToken tkAttr; // Attribute type for flags.
+ TYPEKIND tkindAlias; // TYPEKIND of an aliased TypeInfo.
+ GUID guid; // GUID of the typeinfo.
+ BOOL bConversionLoss=false; // If true, info was lost converting sigs.
+ mdToken tkParent; // Parent of the typedef.
+ mdToken td; // For looking up a TypeDef.
+ ITypeInfo2 *pITI2=0; // For getting custom value.
+#if defined(TLB_STATS)
+ WCHAR rcStats[16]; // Buffer for stats.
+ LARGE_INTEGER __startVal;
+ QueryPerformanceCounter(&__startVal);
+ m_tdTypeDef = mdTypeDefNil;
+ // Get some information about the TypeInfo.
+ IfFailGo(m_pITI->GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, &m_szName, 0, 0, 0));
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ LPWSTR strShouldBreakOnTypeName = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_MD_TlbImp_BreakOnTypeImport);
+ if ((NULL != strShouldBreakOnTypeName) && (wcsncmp(strShouldBreakOnTypeName, m_szName, MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH) == 0))
+ _ASSERTE(!"MD_TlbImp_BreakOnTypeImport");
+ // Assume that we will be able to convert the typeinfo.
+ guid = m_psAttr->guid;
+ wTypeInfoFlags = m_psAttr->wTypeFlags;
+ // If this typeinfo is an alias, see what it is an alias for. If for a built-in
+ // type, we will just skip it. If for a user-defined type, we will duplicate
+ // that definition under this alias' name and guid.
+ if (m_psAttr->typekind == TKIND_ALIAS)
+ {
+ hr = _ResolveTypeDescAliasTypeKind(m_pITI, &m_psAttr->tdescAlias, &tkindAlias);
+ IfFailGo(hr);
+ if (hr == S_OK)
+ {
+ TYPEDESC tdesc = m_psAttr->tdescAlias;
+ m_pITI->ReleaseTypeAttr(m_psAttr);
+ m_pITI->Release();
+ IfFailGo(_ResolveTypeDescAlias(m_pOrigITI, &tdesc, &m_pITI, &m_psAttr, &guid));
+ // Now m_pOrigITI refers to the alias whereas m_pITI is the TypeInfo of the aliased type.
+ // We should no longer have an alias.
+ _ASSERTE(m_psAttr->typekind == tkindAlias);
+ _ASSERTE(tkindAlias != TKIND_ALIAS);
+ ulFlags = rdwTypeFlags[tkindAlias];
+ }
+ else
+ ulFlags = ULONG_MAX;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ulFlags = rdwTypeFlags[m_psAttr->typekind];
+ }
+ // Figure out the name.
+ // If the type info is for a CoClass, we need to decorate the name.
+ if (m_psAttr->typekind == TKIND_COCLASS)
+ {
+ // Generate a mangled name for the component.
+ IfFailGo(GetManagedNameForCoClass(m_pOrigITI, qbClassName));
+ m_szMngName = qbClassName.Ptr();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ IfFailGo(GetManagedNameForTypeInfo(m_pOrigITI, m_wzNamespace, NULL, &bstrManagedName));
+ m_szMngName = bstrManagedName;
+ }
+ if (m_psAttr->typekind == TKIND_INTERFACE ||
+ (m_psAttr->typekind == TKIND_DISPATCH && m_psAttr->wTypeFlags & TYPEFLAG_FDUAL))
+ {
+ // If the interface is not derived from IUnknown, or not an interface, we can't convert it.
+ if (IsIUnknownDerived(m_pITI, m_psAttr) != S_OK)
+ {
+ ulFlags = ULONG_MAX;
+ }
+ // If the interface is not derived from IDispatch, but claims to be [dual], give a warning but convert it.
+ if ((m_psAttr->wTypeFlags & TYPEFLAG_FDUAL) && IsIDispatchDerived(m_pITI, m_psAttr) != S_OK)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (m_psAttr->typekind == TKIND_MODULE)
+ { // If module has no vars, skip it. We currently don't import module functions.
+ if (m_psAttr->cVars == 0)
+ ulFlags = ULONG_MAX;
+ }
+ // If something we can convert...
+ if (ulFlags != ULONG_MAX)
+ {
+ // Interfaces derive from nil...
+ if (IsTdInterface(ulFlags))
+ tkParent = mdTypeDefNil;
+ else // ... enums from Enum, ...
+ if (m_psAttr->typekind == TKIND_ENUM)
+ {
+ if (IsNilToken(m_trEnum))
+ IfFailGo(m_TRMap.DefineTypeRef(m_pEmit, m_arSystem, szEnum, &m_trEnum));
+ tkParent = m_trEnum;
+ }
+ else // ... structs from ValueType, ...
+ if (m_psAttr->typekind == TKIND_RECORD || m_psAttr->typekind == TKIND_UNION)
+ {
+ if (IsNilToken(m_trValueType))
+ IfFailGo(m_TRMap.DefineTypeRef(m_pEmit, m_arSystem, szValueType, &m_trValueType));
+ tkParent = m_trValueType;
+ }
+ else // ... and classes derive from Object.
+ tkParent = m_trObject;
+ // The typelib importer generates metadata into an empty ReflectionEmit scope. Because
+ // RE manages type names itself, duplicate checking is turned off. Because of user-defined
+ // names (via CUSTOM), it is possible for the user to declare a duplicate. So,
+ // before adding the new type, check for duplicates.
+ hr = m_pImport->FindTypeDefByName(m_szMngName, mdTypeDefNil, &td);
+ {
+ }
+ // Create the typedef.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineTypeDef(m_szMngName, ulFlags, tkParent, 0, &m_tdTypeDef));
+ IfFailGo(_AddGuidCa(m_tdTypeDef, guid));
+ // Save the typeinfo flags.
+ if (wTypeInfoFlags)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_TYPELIBTYPE, &tkAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(m_tdTypeDef, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(),0));
+ }
+ // Mark unsafe interfaces (suppressed security runtime checks).
+ if (m_bUnsafeInterfaces)
+ {
+ if (m_tkSuppressCheckAttr == mdTokenNil)
+ {
+ mdTypeRef tr;
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineTypeRefByName(m_arSystem, COR_SUPPRESS_UNMANAGED_CODE_CHECK_ATTRIBUTE, &tr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineMemberRef(tr, COR_CTOR_METHOD_NAME_W, rSig, lengthof(rSig), &m_tkSuppressCheckAttr));
+ }
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(m_tdTypeDef, m_tkSuppressCheckAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), 0));
+ }
+ // Fill in the details depending on the type of the TypeInfo.
+ switch (m_psAttr->typekind)
+ {
+ case TKIND_ENUM:
+ hr = ConvEnum(m_pITI, m_psAttr);
+ break;
+ hr = ConvRecord(m_pITI, m_psAttr, FALSE);
+ break;
+ hr = ConvRecord(m_pITI, m_psAttr, TRUE);
+ break;
+ hr = ConvModule(m_pITI, m_psAttr);
+ break;
+ hr = ConvIface(m_pITI, m_psAttr);
+ break;
+ hr = ConvDispatch(m_pITI, m_psAttr);
+ break;
+ hr = ConvCoclass(m_pITI, m_psAttr);
+ break;
+ _ASSERTE(!"Alias should have been resolved!");
+ break;
+ default:
+ _ASSERTE(!"Unexpected TYPEKIND");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ goto ErrExit;
+ if (hr == S_CONVERSION_LOSS)
+ {
+ bConversionLoss = true;
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_COMCONVERSIONLOSS, &tkAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(m_tdTypeDef, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(),SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(),0));
+ }
+ }
+ if (bConversionLoss)
+ else
+ hr = S_OK;
+#if defined(TLB_STATS)
+ LARGE_INTEGER __stopVal;
+ QueryPerformanceCounter(&__stopVal);
+ DWORD __delta;
+ __delta = (DWORD)(__stopVal.QuadPart - __startVal.QuadPart);
+ StringCchPrintf(rcStats, COUNTOF(rcStats), W(" %.2f"),
+ ((float)__delta*1000)/(float)m_freqVal.QuadPart);
+ // Report that this type has been converted.
+ if (pITI2)
+ pITI2->Release();
+ if (m_szName)
+ ::SysFreeString(m_szName), m_szName = 0;
+ if (bstrManagedName)
+ ::SysFreeString(bstrManagedName);
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::ConvertTypeInfo()
+// Determine if the type explicitly implements IEnumerable.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::ExplicitlyImplementsIEnumerable(
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // ITypeInfo* to check for IEnumerable.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttr, // TYPEATTR of TypeInfo.
+ BOOL fLookupPartner) // Flag indicating if we should look at the partner itf.
+ HREFTYPE href; // HREFTYPE of an implemented interface.
+ ITypeInfo *pItiIface=0; // ITypeInfo for an interface.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttrIface=0; // TYPEATTR for an interface.
+ BOOL fFoundImpl = FALSE;
+ int i = 0;
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ ITypeInfo* pITISelf2 = NULL;
+ TYPEATTR psAttrSelf2;
+ int ImplFlags = 0;
+ // Look through each of the implemented/inherited interfaces
+ for (i=0; i<psAttr->cImplTypes && !fFoundImpl; ++i)
+ {
+ // Get an interface
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeOfImplType(i, &href));
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeInfo(href, &pItiIface));
+ IfFailGo(pItiIface->GetTypeAttr(&psAttrIface));
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetImplTypeFlags(i, &ImplFlags));
+ if (!(ImplFlags & IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE))
+ {
+ hr = ExplicitlyImplementsIEnumerable(pItiIface, psAttrIface, TRUE);
+ if (hr == S_OK)
+ fFoundImpl = TRUE;
+ // Check this interface for the IEnumerable.
+ if (psAttrIface->guid == IID_IEnumerable)
+ fFoundImpl = TRUE;
+ }
+ pItiIface->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrIface);
+ psAttrIface = 0;
+ pItiIface->Release();
+ pItiIface = 0;
+ }
+ if ( fLookupPartner && (pITI->GetRefTypeOfImplType(-1, &href) == S_OK) )
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeInfo(href, &pItiIface));
+ IfFailGo(pItiIface->GetTypeAttr(&psAttrIface));
+ hr = ExplicitlyImplementsIEnumerable(pItiIface, psAttrIface, FALSE);
+ if (hr == S_OK)
+ fFoundImpl = TRUE;
+ // Check this interface for the IEnumerable.
+ if (psAttrIface->guid == IID_IEnumerable)
+ fFoundImpl = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (psAttrIface)
+ pItiIface->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrIface);
+ if (pItiIface)
+ pItiIface->Release();
+ return (fFoundImpl) ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
+// Convert the details for a coclass.
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable:21000) // Suppress PREFast warning about overly large function
+HRESULT CImportTlb::ConvCoclass( // S_OK or error.
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // ITypeInfo* to convert.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttr) // TYPEATTR of TypeInfo.
+ BOOL fHadDefaultItf = FALSE;
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ int i; // Loop control.
+ HREFTYPE href; // HREFTYPE of an implemented interface.
+ ITypeInfo *pItiIface=0; // ITypeInfo for an interface.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttrIface=0; // TYPEATTR for an interface.
+ int ImplFlags; // ImplType flags.
+ mdToken tkIface; // Token for an interface.
+ CQuickArray<mdToken> rImpls; // Array of implemented interfaces.
+ CQuickArray<mdToken> rEvents; // Array of implemented event interfaces.
+ CQuickArray<mdToken> rTmpImpls; // Temporary array of impls.
+ CQuickArray<ITypeInfo*> rImplTypes; // Array of implemented ITypeInfo*s.
+ CQuickArray<ITypeInfo*> rSrcTypes; // Array of source ITypeInfo*s.
+ int ixSrc; // Index into rSrcTypes for source interfaces.
+ int ixImpl; // Index into rImpls for implemented interface.
+ int ixTmpImpl; // Index into rTmpImpls.
+ mdToken mdCtor; // Dummy token for the object initializer.
+ mdToken tkAttr; // Token for custom attribute type.
+ mdToken token; // Dummy token for typeref.
+ BOOL fInheritsIEnum = FALSE;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ int bImplIEnumerable=0; // If true, the class implements IEnumerable.
+ // Size the rImpls and rSrcs arrays large enough for impls, events, the IEnumerable itf and two ending nulls.
+ IfFailGo(rImpls.ReSizeNoThrow(psAttr->cImplTypes+2));
+ memset(rImpls.Ptr(), 0, (psAttr->cImplTypes+2)*sizeof(mdToken));
+ IfFailGo(rEvents.ReSizeNoThrow(psAttr->cImplTypes+1));
+ memset(rEvents.Ptr(), 0, (psAttr->cImplTypes+1)*sizeof(mdToken));
+ IfFailGo(rTmpImpls.ReSizeNoThrow(psAttr->cImplTypes+3));
+ memset(rTmpImpls.Ptr(), 0, (psAttr->cImplTypes+3)*sizeof(mdToken));
+ IfFailGo(rImplTypes.ReSizeNoThrow(psAttr->cImplTypes+2));
+ memset(rImplTypes.Ptr(), 0, (psAttr->cImplTypes+2)*sizeof(ITypeInfo*));
+ IfFailGo(rSrcTypes.ReSizeNoThrow(psAttr->cImplTypes+1));
+ memset(rSrcTypes.Ptr(), 0, (psAttr->cImplTypes+1)*sizeof(ITypeInfo*));
+ ixImpl = -1;
+ ixSrc = -1;
+ ixTmpImpl = -1;
+ if (ExplicitlyImplementsIEnumerable(pITI, psAttr) == S_OK)
+ fInheritsIEnum = TRUE;
+ // Build the list of implemented and event interfaces.
+ // The EE cares about implemented interfaces, so we convert them to actual
+ // tokens and add them to the typedef. VB cares about event interfaces,
+ // but we are going to add a list of typeref names as a custom attribute.
+ // We can't build the list as we go along, because the default may not
+ // be the first event source. So, we store tokens for the implemented
+ // interfaces, but ITypeInfo*s for the event sources.
+ for (i=0; i<psAttr->cImplTypes; ++i)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeOfImplType(i, &href));
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeInfo(href, &pItiIface));
+ IfFailGo(pItiIface->GetTypeAttr(&psAttrIface));
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetImplTypeFlags(i, &ImplFlags));
+ // If the interface is derived from IUnknown, or not an interface, we can't use it as an interface.
+ // Don't add explicit IUnknown or IDispatch.
+ if ((IsIUnknownDerived(pItiIface, psAttrIface) != S_OK && psAttrIface->typekind != TKIND_DISPATCH) ||
+ psAttrIface->guid == IID_IDispatch ||
+ psAttrIface->guid == IID_IUnknown)
+ {
+ pItiIface->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrIface);
+ psAttrIface = 0;
+ pItiIface->Release();
+ pItiIface = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Add the event to the impls list or the events list.
+ {
+ // Get the token for the event interface.
+ IfFailGo(_GetTokenForEventItf(pItiIface, &tkIface));
+ // If we've already marked this CoClass as implementing this source interface, don't do so again.
+ for (int iCheck=0; iCheck <= ixSrc; iCheck++)
+ {
+ if (rEvents[iCheck] == tkIface)
+ goto LoopEnd;
+ }
+ // Add the source interface to the list of source interfaces.
+ ++ixSrc;
+ // If this is explicitly the default source interface...
+ {
+ // Put the def source ITypeInfo at the head of the list of source
+ // ITypeInfo's.
+ for (int ix = ixSrc; ix > 0; --ix)
+ {
+ rSrcTypes[ix] = rSrcTypes[ix-1];
+ rEvents[ix] = rEvents[ix-1];
+ }
+ rEvents[0] = tkIface;
+ rSrcTypes[0] = pItiIface;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rEvents[ixSrc] = tkIface;
+ rSrcTypes[ixSrc] = pItiIface;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Get the token for the interface.
+ IfFailGo(_GetTokenForTypeInfo(pItiIface, FALSE, &tkIface));
+ // If we've already marked this CoClass as implementing this interface, don't do so again.
+ for (int iCheck=0; iCheck <= ixImpl; iCheck++)
+ {
+ if (rImpls[iCheck] == tkIface)
+ goto LoopEnd;
+ }
+ // Add the implemented interface to the list of implemented interfaces.
+ ++ixImpl;
+ // If this is explicitly the default interface...
+ {
+ fHadDefaultItf = TRUE;
+ // Put the new interface at the start of the list.
+ for (int ix=ixImpl; ix > 0; --ix)
+ {
+ rImpls[ix] = rImpls[ix-1];
+ rImplTypes[ix] = rImplTypes[ix-1];
+ }
+ rImpls[0] = tkIface;
+ rImplTypes[0] = pItiIface;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rImpls[ixImpl] = tkIface;
+ rImplTypes[ixImpl] = pItiIface;
+ }
+ }
+ pItiIface->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrIface);
+ psAttrIface = 0;
+ pItiIface = 0; // Pointer now owned by array.
+ }
+ // Create an interface that will represent the class.
+ IfFailGo(_CreateClassInterface(pITI, rImplTypes[0], rImpls[0], rEvents[0], &tkIface));
+ // Create a temporary array of interface tokens.
+ if (fHadDefaultItf)
+ {
+ // default interface should be the first interface
+ rTmpImpls[++ixTmpImpl] = rImpls[0];
+ rTmpImpls[++ixTmpImpl] = tkIface;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rTmpImpls[++ixTmpImpl] = tkIface;
+ if (ixImpl >= 0)
+ rTmpImpls[++ixTmpImpl] = rImpls[0];
+ }
+ if (ixSrc >= 0)
+ rTmpImpls[++ixTmpImpl] = rEvents[0];
+ if (ixImpl >= 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(&rTmpImpls[ixTmpImpl + 1], &rImpls[1], ixImpl * sizeof(mdTypeRef));
+ ixTmpImpl += ixImpl;
+ }
+ if (ixSrc >= 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(&rTmpImpls[ixTmpImpl + 1], &rEvents[1], ixSrc * sizeof(mdTypeRef));
+ ixTmpImpl += ixSrc;
+ }
+ // Check to see if the default interface has a member with a DISPID of DISPID_NEWENUM.
+ BOOL fIEnumFound = FALSE;
+ if (ixImpl >= 0)
+ {
+ // The ITypeInfo for the default interface had better be set.
+ _ASSERTE(rImplTypes[0]);
+ if ( (!fInheritsIEnum) && (HasNewEnumMember(rImplTypes[0]) == S_OK) )
+ {
+ IfFailGo(GetKnownTypeToken(VT_SLOT_FOR_IENUMERABLE, &tkIface));
+ rTmpImpls[++ixTmpImpl] = tkIface;
+ fIEnumFound = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ // Else Check to see if the IEnumerable Custom Value exists on the CoClass.
+ if (!fIEnumFound)
+ {
+ BOOL CVExists = FALSE;
+ _ForceIEnumerableCVExists(pITI, &CVExists);
+ if (CVExists && !fInheritsIEnum)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(GetKnownTypeToken(VT_SLOT_FOR_IENUMERABLE, &tkIface));
+ rTmpImpls[++ixTmpImpl] = tkIface;
+ fIEnumFound = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ // Add the implemented interfaces and event interfaces to the TypeDef.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->SetTypeDefProps(m_tdTypeDef, ULONG_MAX/*Classflags*/,
+ ULONG_MAX, (mdToken*)rTmpImpls.Ptr()));
+ // Create an initializer for the class.
+ ULONG ulFlags;
+ if (psAttr->wTypeFlags & TYPEFLAG_FCANCREATE)
+ else
+ {
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineMethod(m_tdTypeDef, OBJECT_INITIALIZER_NAME, ulFlags,
+ }
+ // Set ClassInterfaceType.None on the generated class.
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_CLASSINTERFACE, &tkAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(m_tdTypeDef, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), 0));
+ if (!m_bPreventClassMembers)
+ {
+ // Iterate over the implemented interfaces, and add the members to the coclass.
+ m_ImplIface = eImplIfaceDefault;
+ for (i=0; i<=ixImpl; ++i)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(rImplTypes[i]);
+ // Interface info.
+ m_tkInterface = rImpls[i];
+ pItiIface = rImplTypes[i];
+ rImplTypes[i] = 0; // ownership transferred.
+ // Get interface name for decoration.
+ if (m_szInterface)
+ ::SysFreeString(m_szInterface), m_szInterface = 0;
+ IfFailGo(pItiIface->GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, &m_szInterface, 0,0,0));
+ // Add the interface members to the coclass.
+ IfFailGo(pItiIface->GetTypeAttr(&psAttrIface));
+ switch (psAttrIface->typekind)
+ {
+ hr = ConvDispatch(pItiIface, psAttrIface, false);
+ break;
+ hr = ConvIface(pItiIface, psAttrIface, false);
+ break;
+ default:
+ hr = S_OK;
+ _ASSERTE(!"Unexpected typekind for implemented interface");
+ }
+ pItiIface->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrIface);
+ psAttrIface = 0;
+ IfFailGo(hr);
+ m_ImplIface = eImplIface;
+ rImplTypes[i] = pItiIface;
+ pItiIface = 0; // ownership transferred back.
+ }
+ // Add the methods of the event interfaces to the class.
+ for (i=0; i<=ixSrc; ++i)
+ IfFailGo(_AddSrcItfMembersToClass(rEvents[i]));
+ }
+ // If there are source interfaces, add a custom value for that.
+ if (ixSrc >= 0)
+ {
+ CQuickArray<char> rEvents; // Output buffer.
+ int cbCur; // Current location in output buffer.
+ int cbReq; // Size of an individual piece.
+ CQuickArray<WCHAR> rEvent;
+ // Save 6 bytes at the beginning of the buffer for the custom attribute prolog and
+ // the string length. The string length may require 1, 2, or 4 bytes to express.
+ cbCur = 6;
+ // For each event interface...
+ for (int ix=0; ix <= ixSrc; ++ix)
+ {
+ pItiIface = rSrcTypes[ix];
+ rSrcTypes[ix] = 0;
+ // Get the typeref name for the interface.
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ int cchReq;
+ IfFailGo(_GetTokenForTypeInfo(pItiIface, FALSE, &token, rEvent.Ptr(), (int)rEvent.MaxSize(), &cchReq, TRUE));
+ if (cchReq <= (int)rEvent.MaxSize())
+ break;
+ IfFailGo(rEvent.ReSizeNoThrow(cchReq));
+ }
+ // Append to the buffer. See how much space is required, get it.
+ cbReq = WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8,0, rEvent.Ptr(),-1, 0,0, 0,0);
+ // make sure we have enough space for the extra terminating 0 and for the 00 00 suffix
+ size_t cbNewSize;
+ if (!ClrSafeInt<size_t>::addition(cbCur, cbReq, cbNewSize) ||
+ !ClrSafeInt<size_t>::addition(cbNewSize, 3, cbNewSize))
+ {
+ }
+ if (cbNewSize > rEvents.MaxSize())
+ {
+ IfFailGo(rEvents.ReSizeNoThrow(cbNewSize));
+ }
+ // Do the conversion.
+ WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8,0, rEvent.Ptr(),-1, rEvents.Ptr()+cbCur,cbReq, 0,0);
+ cbCur += cbReq;
+ pItiIface->Release();
+ }
+ pItiIface = 0;
+ // Add an extra terminating 0.
+ *(rEvents.Ptr()+cbCur) = 0;
+ ++cbCur;
+ // Now build the custom attribute.
+ int iLen = cbCur - 6;
+ char *pBytes = rEvents.Ptr();
+ // Length may be encoded with less the 4 bytes.
+ int lenPad = 4 - CPackedLen::Size(iLen);
+ _ASSERTE(lenPad >= 0);
+ pBytes += lenPad;
+ cbCur -= lenPad;
+ // Prologue.
+ pBytes[0] = 0x01;
+ pBytes[1] = 0x00;
+ CPackedLen::PutLength(pBytes + 2, iLen);
+ // Zero named properties/fields.
+ pBytes[cbCur + 0] = 0x00;
+ pBytes[cbCur + 1] = 0x00;
+ cbCur += 2;
+ // Finally, store it.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(m_tdTypeDef, tkAttr, pBytes, cbCur, 0));
+ }
+ if (psAttrIface)
+ pItiIface->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrIface);
+ if (pItiIface)
+ pItiIface->Release();
+ // Clean up any left-over ITypeInfo*.
+ for (ULONG ix=0; ix < rImplTypes.Size(); ++ix)
+ if (rImplTypes[ix])
+ (rImplTypes[ix])->Release();
+ for (ULONG ix=0; ix < rSrcTypes.Size(); ++ix)
+ if (rSrcTypes[ix])
+ (rSrcTypes[ix])->Release();
+ m_tkInterface = 0;
+ if (m_szInterface)
+ ::SysFreeString(m_szInterface), m_szInterface = 0;
+ m_ImplIface = eImplIfaceNone;
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::ConvCoclass()
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(pop)
+// Convert an enum to a class with fields that have default values.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::ConvEnum( // S_OK or error.
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // ITypeInfo* to convert.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttr) // TYPEATTR of TypeInfo.
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ int i; // Loop control.
+ VARDESC *psVar=0; // VARDESC for a member.
+ mdFieldDef mdField; // The FieldDef for the enum's type.
+ // Create the field definition for the enum type. Always import as an __int32.
+ 0,0, -1, &mdField));
+ // Iterate over the vars.
+ for (i=0; i<psAttr->cVars; ++i)
+ {
+ // Get variable information.
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetVarDesc(i, &psVar));
+ // Do the conversion.
+ IfFailGo(_ConvConstant(pITI, psVar, true/*enum member*/));
+ // Release for next var.
+ pITI->ReleaseVarDesc(psVar);
+ psVar = 0;
+ }
+ hr = S_OK;
+ if (psVar)
+ pITI->ReleaseVarDesc(psVar);
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::ConvEnum()
+// Convert a record to a class with fields.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::ConvRecord( // S_OK or error.
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // ITypeInfo* to convert.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttr, // TYPEATTR of TypeInfo.
+ BOOL bUnion) // Convert as a union?
+ HRESULT hr=S_OK; // A result.
+ int i; // Loop control.
+ VARDESC *psVar=0; // VARDESC for a member.
+ mdFieldDef mdField; // Token for a given field.
+ CQuickArray<COR_FIELD_OFFSET> rLayout; // Array for layout information.
+ BOOL bConversionLoss=false; // If true, some attributes were lost on conversion.
+ // Unions with embedded Object Types can't really be converted. Just reserve correct size.
+ if (bUnion && (HasObjectFields(pITI, psAttr) == S_OK))
+ {
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->SetClassLayout(m_tdTypeDef, psAttr->cbAlignment, 0, psAttr->cbSizeInstance));
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ // Prepare for layout info.
+ IfFailGo(rLayout.ReSizeNoThrow(psAttr->cVars+1));
+ // Iterate over the vars.
+ for (i=0; i<psAttr->cVars; ++i)
+ {
+ // Get variable information.
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetVarDesc(i, &psVar));
+ // Do the conversion.
+ IfFailGo(_ConvField(pITI, psVar, &mdField, bUnion));
+ if (hr == S_CONVERSION_LOSS)
+ bConversionLoss = true;
+ // Save the layout info.
+ rLayout[i].ridOfField = mdField;
+ rLayout[i].ulOffset = psVar->oInst;
+ // Release for next var.
+ pITI->ReleaseVarDesc(psVar);
+ psVar = 0;
+ }
+ // If it is a union, Save the layout information.
+ if (bUnion)
+ {
+ rLayout[psAttr->cVars].ridOfField = mdFieldDefNil;
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->SetClassLayout(m_tdTypeDef, psAttr->cbAlignment, rLayout.Ptr(), -1));
+ }
+ else // Not a union. Preserve the alignment.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->SetClassLayout(m_tdTypeDef, psAttr->cbAlignment, 0, -1));
+ // If we are marking these as serializable - do so now.
+ if (m_bSerializableValueClasses)
+ {
+ mdToken tkAttr;
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_SERIALIZABLE, &tkAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(m_tdTypeDef, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(),SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(),0));
+ }
+ if (bConversionLoss)
+ if (psVar)
+ pITI->ReleaseVarDesc(psVar);
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::ConvRecord()
+// Convert an module to a class with fields that have default values.
+// @FUTURE: convert methods as PInvoke methods.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::ConvModule( // S_OK or error.
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // ITypeInfo* to convert.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttr) // TYPEATTR of TypeInfo.
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ int i; // Loop control.
+ VARDESC *psVar=0; // VARDESC for a member.
+ // Iterate over the vars.
+ for (i=0; i<psAttr->cVars; ++i)
+ {
+ // Get variable information.
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetVarDesc(i, &psVar));
+ // Do the conversion.
+ IfFailGo(_ConvConstant(pITI, psVar));
+ // Release for next var.
+ pITI->ReleaseVarDesc(psVar);
+ psVar = 0;
+ }
+ hr = S_OK;
+ if (psVar)
+ pITI->ReleaseVarDesc(psVar);
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::ConvModule()
+// Convert metadata for an interface.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::ConvIface( // S_OK or error.
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // ITypeInfo* to convert.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttr, // TYPEATTR of TypeInfo.
+ BOOL bVtblGapFuncs) // Vtable gap functions?
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ ITypeInfo *pITIBase=0; // ITypeInfo* of base interface.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttrBase=0; // TYPEATTR of base interface.
+ ITypeInfo *pITISelf2=0; // ITypeInfo* of partner.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttrSelf2=0; // TYPEATTR of partner.
+ mdToken tkImpls[3]={0,0,0}; // Token of implemented interfaces.
+ int ixImpls = 0; // Index of current implemented interface.
+ HREFTYPE href; // href of base interface.
+ mdToken tkIface; // Token for an interface.
+ BOOL fInheritsIEnum = FALSE;
+ // If there is a partner interface, prefer it.
+ if (pITI->GetRefTypeOfImplType(-1, &href) == S_OK)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeInfo(href, &pITISelf2));
+ IfFailGo(pITISelf2->GetTypeAttr(&psAttrSelf2));
+ }
+ // Base interface?
+ if (psAttr->cImplTypes == 1)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeOfImplType(0, &href));
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeInfo(href, &pITIBase));
+ IfFailGo(pITIBase->GetTypeAttr(&psAttrBase));
+ // If this interface extends something other than IDispatch or IUnknown, record that
+ // fact as an "implemented interface".
+ if (psAttrBase->guid != IID_IDispatch && psAttrBase->guid != IID_IUnknown)
+ {
+ // Get Token of the base interface.
+ IfFailGo(_GetTokenForTypeInfo(pITIBase, FALSE, &tkImpls[ixImpls++]));
+ }
+ else
+ { // Maybe we're "funky"...
+ if (pITISelf2)
+ {
+ pITIBase->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrBase);
+ pITIBase->Release();
+ pITIBase = 0;
+ psAttrBase = 0;
+ if (psAttrSelf2->cImplTypes == 1)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pITISelf2->GetRefTypeOfImplType(0, &href));
+ IfFailGo(pITISelf2->GetRefTypeInfo(href, &pITIBase));
+ IfFailGo(pITIBase->GetTypeAttr(&psAttrBase));
+ if (psAttrBase->guid != IID_IDispatch && psAttrBase->guid != IID_IUnknown)
+ {
+ // Get Token of the base interface.
+ IfFailGo(_GetTokenForTypeInfo(pITIBase, FALSE, &tkImpls[ixImpls++]));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BSTR szTypeInfoName;
+ pITISelf2->GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, &szTypeInfoName, 0, 0, 0);
+ SysFreeString(szTypeInfoName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pITIBase->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrBase);
+ psAttrBase = 0;
+ pITIBase->Release();
+ pITIBase = 0;
+ }
+ if (ExplicitlyImplementsIEnumerable(pITI, psAttr) == S_OK)
+ fInheritsIEnum = TRUE;
+ // If this interface has a NewEnum member then have it implement IEnumerable.
+ if ( (!fInheritsIEnum) && (HasNewEnumMember(pITI) == S_OK) )
+ {
+ IfFailGo(GetKnownTypeToken(VT_SLOT_FOR_IENUMERABLE, &tkIface));
+ tkImpls[ixImpls++] = tkIface;
+ }
+ // If not processing an implemented interface, add additional interface properties.
+ if (m_ImplIface == eImplIfaceNone)
+ {
+ // Set base interface as an implemented interface.
+ if (tkImpls[0])
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->SetTypeDefProps(m_tdTypeDef, ULONG_MAX/*flags*/, ULONG_MAX/*extends*/, tkImpls));
+ // If the interface is not derived from IDispatch mark it as IUnknown based.
+ if (IsIDispatchDerived(pITI, psAttr) == S_FALSE)
+ {
+ mdMemberRef mr;
+ // Note that this is a vtable, but not IDispatch derived.
+ // Custom attribute buffer.
+ // Set up the attribute.
+ BUILD_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(short, ifVtable);
+ // Store the attribute
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_INTERFACETYPE, &mr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(m_tdTypeDef, mr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), 0));
+ }
+ }
+ // Convert the members on the interface (and base interfaces).
+ // If this interface had a "funky partner", base the conversion on that.
+ if (pITISelf2)
+ IfFailGo(_ConvIfaceMembers(pITISelf2, psAttrSelf2, bVtblGapFuncs, psAttr->wTypeFlags & TYPEFLAG_FDUAL, fInheritsIEnum));
+ else
+ IfFailGo(_ConvIfaceMembers(pITI, psAttr, bVtblGapFuncs, psAttr->wTypeFlags & TYPEFLAG_FDUAL, fInheritsIEnum));
+ if (psAttrSelf2)
+ pITISelf2->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrSelf2);
+ if (pITISelf2)
+ pITISelf2->Release();
+ if (psAttrBase)
+ pITIBase->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrBase);
+ if (pITIBase)
+ pITIBase->Release();
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::ConvIface()
+// Convert the metadata for a dispinterface. Try to convert as a normal
+// interface.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::ConvDispatch( // S_OK or error.
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // ITypeInfo* to convert.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttr, // TYPEATTR of TypeInfo.
+ BOOL bVtblGapFuncs) // Vtable gap functions for interface implementations?
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ HREFTYPE href; // Base interface href.
+ ITypeInfo *pITIBase=0; // Base interface ITypeInfo.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttrBase=0; // TYPEATTR of base interface.
+ mdMemberRef mr; // MemberRef for custom value.
+ DWORD attr[2] = {0x00010001, 0x00000002};
+ BYTE bIface = ifDispatch; // Custom value means "dispinterface"
+ BOOL fInheritsIEnum = FALSE;
+ // If this is a dual interface, treat it like a normal interface.
+ if ((psAttr->wTypeFlags & TYPEFLAG_FDUAL))
+ {
+ hr = ConvIface(pITI, psAttr, bVtblGapFuncs);
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ if (ExplicitlyImplementsIEnumerable(pITI, psAttr) == S_OK)
+ fInheritsIEnum = TRUE;
+ // If there is a vtable view of this interface (funky dispinterface).
+ // @FUTURE: what would be really nice here would be an alias mechanism, so that we could
+ // just point this dispinterface to that other interface, in those situations that it
+ // is dual. OTOH, that is probably pretty rare, because if that other interface
+ // were dual, why would the dispinterface even be needed?
+ if (pITI->GetRefTypeOfImplType(-1, &href) == S_OK)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeInfo(href, &pITIBase));
+ IfFailGo(pITIBase->GetTypeAttr(&psAttrBase));
+ IfFailGo(_ConvIfaceMembers(pITIBase, psAttrBase, bVtblGapFuncs, TRUE, fInheritsIEnum));
+ pITIBase->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrBase);
+ psAttrBase = 0;
+ pITIBase->Release();
+ pITIBase = 0;
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ // If not processing an implemented interface, mark the interface type.
+ if (m_ImplIface == eImplIfaceNone)
+ {
+ // If this interface has a NewEnum member then have it implement IEnumerable.
+ if ((S_OK == HasNewEnumMember(pITI)) && !fInheritsIEnum)
+ {
+ mdToken tkImpl[2] = {0,0};
+ IfFailGo(GetKnownTypeToken(VT_SLOT_FOR_IENUMERABLE, &tkImpl[0]));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->SetTypeDefProps(m_tdTypeDef, ULONG_MAX, ULONG_MAX, tkImpl));
+ }
+ // Note that this is a dispinterface.
+ // Set up the attribute.
+ BUILD_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(short, ifDispatch);
+ // Store the attribute
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_INTERFACETYPE, &mr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(m_tdTypeDef, mr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), 0));
+ }
+ IfFailGo(_ConvDispatchMembers(pITI, psAttr, fInheritsIEnum));
+ if (psAttrBase)
+ pITIBase->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrBase);
+ if (pITIBase)
+ pITIBase->Release();
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::ConvDispatch()
+// Determine if an interface is derived from IUnknown.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::IsIUnknownDerived(
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // The containing ITypeInfo.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttr) // The ITypeInfo's TYPEATTR
+ HRESULT hr=S_OK; // A result.
+ HREFTYPE href; // Base interface href.
+ ITypeInfo *pITIBase=0; // Base interface ITypeInfo.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttrBase=0; // TYPEATTR of base interface.
+ // This should never be called on CoClasses.
+ _ASSERTE(psAttr->typekind != TKIND_COCLASS);
+ // If IDispatch or IUnknown, we've recursed far enough.
+ if (IsEqualGUID(psAttr->guid, IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualGUID(psAttr->guid, IID_IDispatch))
+ {
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ // Handle base interface.
+ if (psAttr->cImplTypes == 1)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeOfImplType(0, &href));
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeInfo(href, &pITIBase));
+ IfFailGo(pITIBase->GetTypeAttr(&psAttrBase));
+ // IUnknow derived if base interface is.
+ hr = IsIUnknownDerived(pITIBase, psAttrBase);
+ pITIBase->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrBase);
+ psAttrBase = 0;
+ pITIBase->Release();
+ pITIBase = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ { // No base interface, not IUnknown, not IDispatch. Not very COM-ish, so don't try to handle.
+ hr = S_FALSE;
+ }
+ if (psAttrBase)
+ pITIBase->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrBase);
+ if (pITIBase)
+ pITIBase->Release();
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::IsIUnknownDerived()
+// Determine if an interface is derived from IDispatch. Note that a pure
+// dispinterface doesn't derive from IDispatch.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::IsIDispatchDerived(
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // The containing ITypeInfo.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttr) // The ITypeInfo's TYPEATTR
+ HRESULT hr=S_OK; // A result.
+ HREFTYPE href; // Base interface href.
+ ITypeInfo *pITIBase=0; // Base interface ITypeInfo.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttrBase=0; // TYPEATTR of base interface.
+ // If IDispatch, we've recursed far enough.
+ if (IsEqualGUID(psAttr->guid, IID_IDispatch))
+ {
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ if (psAttr->typekind == TKIND_DISPATCH)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeOfImplType(-1, &href));
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeInfo(href, &pITIBase));
+ IfFailGo(pITIBase->GetTypeAttr(&psAttrBase));
+ // IDispatch derived if base interface is.
+ hr = IsIDispatchDerived(pITIBase, psAttrBase);
+ pITIBase->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrBase);
+ psAttrBase = 0;
+ pITIBase->Release();
+ pITIBase = 0;
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ // Handle base interface.
+ if (psAttr->cImplTypes == 1)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeOfImplType(0, &href));
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeInfo(href, &pITIBase));
+ IfFailGo(pITIBase->GetTypeAttr(&psAttrBase));
+ // IDispatch derived if base interface is.
+ hr = IsIDispatchDerived(pITIBase, psAttrBase);
+ pITIBase->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrBase);
+ psAttrBase = 0;
+ pITIBase->Release();
+ pITIBase = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ { // No base interface, not IDispatch. Done.
+ hr = S_FALSE;
+ }
+ if (psAttrBase)
+ pITIBase->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrBase);
+ if (pITIBase)
+ pITIBase->Release();
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::IsIDispatchDerived()
+// Determine if an interface has a member with a DISPID of DISPID_NEWENUM.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::HasNewEnumMember( // S_OK if has NewEnum, S_FALSE otherwise.
+ ITypeInfo *pItfTI) // The interface in question.
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result.
+ BOOL bHasNewEnumMember=FALSE;// If true, has a NewEnum
+ TYPEATTR *pAttr = NULL; // A TypeInfo's typeattr
+ FUNCDESC *pFuncDesc = NULL; // A Function's FuncDesc
+ VARDESC *pVarDesc = NULL; // A properties VarDesc
+ int i; // Loop control.
+ ITypeInfo *pITISelf2=0; // Partner interface.
+ HREFTYPE href; // HREF of partner.
+ WCHAR IEnumCA[] = W("{CD2BC5C9-F452-4326-B714-F9C539D4DA58}");
+ // If there is a partner interface, prefer it.
+ if (pItfTI->GetRefTypeOfImplType(-1, &href) == S_OK)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pItfTI->GetRefTypeInfo(href, &pITISelf2));
+ pItfTI = pITISelf2;
+ }
+ // Retrieve the attributes of the interface.
+ IfFailGo(pItfTI->GetTypeAttr(&pAttr));
+ if ((pAttr->typekind == TKIND_DISPATCH) || ((pAttr->typekind == TKIND_INTERFACE) && (IsIDispatchDerived(pItfTI, pAttr) == S_OK)))
+ {
+ // Check to see if the ForceIEnumerable custom value exists on the type
+ _ForceIEnumerableCVExists(pItfTI, &bHasNewEnumMember);
+ // Check to see if the interface has a function with a DISPID of DISPID_NEWENUM.
+ for (i = 0; i < pAttr->cFuncs; i++)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(TryGetFuncDesc(pItfTI, i, &pFuncDesc));
+ if (FuncIsNewEnum(pItfTI, pFuncDesc, i) == S_OK)
+ {
+ // Throw a warning if we find more than one func with DISPID_NEWENUM.
+ if (bHasNewEnumMember == TRUE)
+ {
+ BSTR ObjectName;
+ pItfTI->GetDocumentation(-1, &ObjectName, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ SysFreeString(ObjectName);
+ }
+ // The interface has a function with a DISPID of DISPID_NEWENUM.
+ bHasNewEnumMember = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ pItfTI->ReleaseFuncDesc(pFuncDesc);
+ pFuncDesc = NULL;
+ }
+ // Check to see if the interface as a property with a DISPID of DISPID_NEWENUM.
+ for (i = 0; i < pAttr->cVars; i++)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pItfTI->GetVarDesc(i, &pVarDesc));
+ if (PropertyIsNewEnum(pItfTI, pVarDesc, i) == S_OK)
+ {
+ // Throw a warning if we find more than one func with DISPID_NEWENUM.
+ if (bHasNewEnumMember == TRUE)
+ {
+ BSTR ObjectName;
+ pItfTI->GetDocumentation(-1, &ObjectName, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ SysFreeString(ObjectName);
+ }
+ // The interface has a property with a DISPID of DISPID_NEWENUM.
+ bHasNewEnumMember = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ pItfTI->ReleaseVarDesc(pVarDesc);
+ pVarDesc = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Check to see if the ForceIEnumerable custom value exists on the type
+ // If it does, spit out a warning.
+ _ForceIEnumerableCVExists(pItfTI, &bHasNewEnumMember);
+ if (bHasNewEnumMember)
+ {
+ // Invalid custom attribute on the iface.
+ BSTR CustomValue = SysAllocString((const WCHAR*)&IEnumCA[0]);
+ BSTR ObjectName;
+ pItfTI->GetDocumentation(-1, &ObjectName, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ ReportEvent(NOTIF_CONVERTWARNING, TLBX_W_IENUM_CA_ON_IUNK, CustomValue, ObjectName);
+ SysFreeString(CustomValue);
+ SysFreeString(ObjectName);
+ bHasNewEnumMember = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ hr = bHasNewEnumMember ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
+ if (pAttr)
+ pItfTI->ReleaseTypeAttr(pAttr);
+ if (pFuncDesc)
+ pItfTI->ReleaseFuncDesc(pFuncDesc);
+ if (pVarDesc)
+ pItfTI->ReleaseVarDesc(pVarDesc);
+ if (pITISelf2)
+ pITISelf2->Release();
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::HasNewEnumMember(ITypeInfo *pItfTI)
+// Determine if a given function is a valid NewEnum member.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::FuncIsNewEnum( // S_OK if the function is the NewEnum member S_FALSE otherwise.
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // The ITypeInfo that contains the function.
+ FUNCDESC *pFuncDesc, // The function in question.
+ DWORD index) // The function index
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ BOOL bIsValidNewEnum = FALSE;
+ ITypeInfo* pITIUD = NULL;
+ long lDispSet = 0;
+ _GetDispIDCA(pITI, index, &lDispSet, TRUE);
+ if ((pFuncDesc->memid == DISPID_NEWENUM) || (lDispSet == DISPID_NEWENUM))
+ {
+ if (pFuncDesc->funckind == FUNC_DISPATCH)
+ {
+ if ((pFuncDesc->invkind == INVOKE_PROPERTYGET) || (pFuncDesc->invkind == INVOKE_FUNC))
+ {
+ if (pFuncDesc->cParams == 0)
+ {
+ pType = &pFuncDesc->elemdescFunc.tdesc;
+ }
+ else if ((m_bTransformDispRetVals) && (pFuncDesc->cParams == 1) && (pFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[0].paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FRETVAL))
+ {
+ pType = pFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[0].tdesc.lptdesc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (pFuncDesc->funckind == FUNC_PUREVIRTUAL)
+ {
+ if ((pFuncDesc->cParams == 1) &&
+ ((pFuncDesc->invkind == INVOKE_PROPERTYGET) || (pFuncDesc->invkind == INVOKE_FUNC)) &&
+ (pFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[0].paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FRETVAL) &&
+ (pFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[0].tdesc.vt == VT_PTR))
+ {
+ pType = pFuncDesc->lprgelemdescParam[0].tdesc.lptdesc;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pType)
+ {
+ if (pType->vt == VT_UNKNOWN || pType->vt == VT_DISPATCH)
+ {
+ // The member returns an IUnknown * or an IDispatch * which is valid.
+ bIsValidNewEnum = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (pType->vt == VT_PTR)
+ {
+ pType = pType->lptdesc;
+ if (pType->vt == VT_USERDEFINED)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeInfo(pType->hreftype, &pITIUD));
+ IfFailGo(pITIUD->GetTypeAttr(&pAttr));
+ if (IsEqualGUID(pAttr->guid, IID_IEnumVARIANT) ||
+ IsEqualGUID(pAttr->guid, IID_IUnknown) ||
+ IsEqualGUID(pAttr->guid, IID_IDispatch))
+ {
+ // The member returns a valid interface type for a NewEnum member.
+ bIsValidNewEnum = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pAttr)
+ pITIUD->ReleaseTypeAttr(pAttr);
+ if (pITIUD)
+ pITIUD->Release();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ else
+ return bIsValidNewEnum ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::FuncIsNewEnum(FUNCDESC *pFuncDesc)
+// Determine if a given function is a valid NewEnum member.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::PropertyIsNewEnum( // S_OK if the function is the NewEnum member S_FALSE otherwise.
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // The ITypeInfo that contains the property.
+ VARDESC *pVarDesc, // The function in question.
+ DWORD index) // The property index.
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ BOOL bIsValidNewEnum = FALSE;
+ ITypeInfo* pITIUD = NULL;
+ long lDispSet = 0;
+ _GetDispIDCA(pITI, index, &lDispSet, FALSE);
+ if ( ((pVarDesc->memid == DISPID_NEWENUM) || (lDispSet == DISPID_NEWENUM)) &&
+ (pVarDesc->elemdescVar.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FRETVAL) &&
+ (pVarDesc->wVarFlags & VARFLAG_FREADONLY))
+ {
+ pType = &pVarDesc->elemdescVar.tdesc;
+ if (pType->vt == VT_UNKNOWN || pType->vt == VT_DISPATCH)
+ {
+ // The member returns an IUnknown * or an IDispatch * which is valid.
+ bIsValidNewEnum = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (pType->vt == VT_PTR)
+ {
+ pType = pType->lptdesc;
+ if (pType->vt == VT_USERDEFINED)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeInfo(pType->hreftype, &pITIUD));
+ IfFailGo(pITIUD->GetTypeAttr(&pAttr));
+ if (IsEqualGUID(pAttr->guid, IID_IEnumVARIANT) ||
+ IsEqualGUID(pAttr->guid, IID_IUnknown) ||
+ IsEqualGUID(pAttr->guid, IID_IDispatch))
+ {
+ // The member returns a valid interface type for a NewEnum member.
+ bIsValidNewEnum = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pAttr)
+ pITIUD->ReleaseTypeAttr(pAttr);
+ if (pITIUD)
+ pITIUD->Release();
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ else
+ return bIsValidNewEnum ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::FuncIsNewEnum(FUNCDESC *pFuncDesc)
+// Determine is a TypeInfo has any object fields.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::HasObjectFields( // S_OK, S_FALSE, or error.
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // The TypeInfo in question.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttr) // Attributes of the typeinfo.
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ int i; // Loop control.
+ VARDESC *psVar=0; // VARDESC for a member.
+ // Iterate over the vars.
+ for (i=0; i<psAttr->cVars; ++i)
+ {
+ // Get variable information.
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetVarDesc(i, &psVar));
+ // See if it is an object type.
+ IfFailGo(IsObjectType(pITI, &psVar->elemdescVar.tdesc));
+ // If result is S_FALSE, not an Object; keep looking.
+ if (hr == S_OK)
+ goto ErrExit;
+ // Release for next var.
+ pITI->ReleaseVarDesc(psVar);
+ psVar = 0;
+ }
+ hr = S_FALSE;
+ if (psVar)
+ pITI->ReleaseVarDesc(psVar);
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::HasObjectFields()
+// Is a given type an Object type?
+HRESULT CImportTlb::IsObjectType( // S_OK, S_FALSE, or error.
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // The TypeInfo in question.
+ const TYPEDESC *pType) // The type.
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ TYPEDESC tdTemp; // Copy of TYPEDESC, for R/W.
+ ITypeInfo *pITIAlias=0; // Typeinfo of the aliased type.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttrAlias=0; // TYPEATTR of the aliased typeinfo.
+ int bObjectField=false; // The question to be answered.
+ int iByRef=0; // Indirection.
+ // Strip off leading VT_PTR and VT_BYREF
+ while (pType->vt == VT_PTR)
+ pType = pType->lptdesc, ++iByRef;
+ if (pType->vt & VT_BYREF)
+ {
+ tdTemp = *pType;
+ tdTemp.vt &= ~VT_BYREF;
+ pType = &tdTemp;
+ ++iByRef;
+ }
+ // Determine if the field is/has object type.
+ switch (pType->vt)
+ {
+ case VT_PTR:
+ _ASSERTE(!"Should not have VT_PTR here");
+ break;
+ // These are object types.
+ case VT_BSTR:
+ case VT_VARIANT:
+ case VT_UNKNOWN:
+ case VT_LPSTR:
+ case VT_LPWSTR:
+ bObjectField = true;
+ break;
+ // A user-defined may or may not be/contain Object type.
+ // User defined type. Get the TypeInfo.
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeInfo(pType->hreftype, &pITIAlias));
+ IfFailGo(pITIAlias->GetTypeAttr(&psAttrAlias));
+ // Some user defined class. Is it a value class, or a VOS class?
+ switch (psAttrAlias->typekind)
+ {
+ // Alias -- Is the aliased thing an Object type?
+ hr = IsObjectType(pITIAlias, &psAttrAlias->tdescAlias);
+ goto ErrExit;
+ // Record/Enum/Union -- Does it contain an Object type?
+ case TKIND_ENUM:
+ // Byref/Ptrto record is Object. Contained record might be.
+ if (iByRef)
+ bObjectField = true;
+ else
+ {
+ hr = HasObjectFields(pITIAlias, psAttrAlias);
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ break;
+ // Class/Interface -- An Object Type.
+ bObjectField = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ //case TKIND_MODULE: -- can't pass one of these as a parameter.
+ _ASSERTE(!"Unexpected typekind for user defined type");
+ bObjectField = true;
+ } // switch (psAttrAlias->typekind)
+ break;
+ case VT_CY:
+ case VT_DATE:
+ case VT_DECIMAL:
+ // Pointer to the value type is an object. Contained one isn't.
+ if (iByRef)
+ bObjectField = true;
+ else
+ bObjectField = false;
+ break;
+ // A fixed array is an Object type.
+ case VT_CARRAY:
+ bObjectField = true;
+ break;
+ // Other types I4, etc., are not Object types.
+ default:
+ bObjectField = false;
+ break;
+ } // switch (vt=pType->vt)
+ hr = bObjectField ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
+ if (psAttrAlias)
+ pITIAlias->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrAlias);
+ if (pITIAlias)
+ pITIAlias->Release();
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::IsObjectType()
+// Convert the functions on an interface. Convert the functions on the
+// base interface first, because in COM Classic, parent's functions are also
+// in the derived interface's vtable.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvIfaceMembers(
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // The containing ITypeInfo.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttr, // The ITypeInfo's TYPEATTR
+ BOOL bVtblGapFuncs, // Add functions for vtblGaps?
+ BOOL bAddDispIds, // Add DispIds to the member?
+ BOOL bInheritsIEnum) // Inherits from IEnumerable.
+ HRESULT hr=S_OK; // A result.
+ int i; // Loop control.
+ FUNCDESC *psFunc=0; // FUNCDESC for a member.
+ HREFTYPE href; // Base interface href.
+ ITypeInfo *pITIBase=0; // Base interface ITypeInfo.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttrBase=0; // TYPEATTR of base interface.
+ BOOL bConversionLoss=false; // If true, some attributes were lost on conversion.
+ _ASSERTE( (psAttr->typekind == TKIND_INTERFACE) || (psAttr->typekind == TKIND_DISPATCH) );
+ // If IDispatch or IUnknown, we've recursed far enough.
+ if (IsEqualGUID(psAttr->guid, IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualGUID(psAttr->guid, IID_IDispatch))
+ {
+ if (m_cbVtableSlot == 0)
+ {
+ m_cbVtableSlot = psAttr->cbSizeInstance;
+ }
+ m_Slot = (psAttr->cbSizeVft / m_cbVtableSlot);
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ // Handle base interface.
+ if (psAttr->cImplTypes == 1)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeOfImplType(0, &href));
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeInfo(href, &pITIBase));
+ IfFailGo(pITIBase->GetTypeAttr(&psAttrBase));
+ IfFailGo(_ConvIfaceMembers(pITIBase, psAttrBase, bVtblGapFuncs, bAddDispIds, bInheritsIEnum));
+ pITIBase->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrBase);
+ psAttrBase = 0;
+ pITIBase->Release();
+ pITIBase = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ { // No base interface, not IUnknown, not IDispatch. We shouldn't be here.
+ m_Slot = 0;
+ if (m_cbVtableSlot == 0)
+ {
+ m_cbVtableSlot = psAttr->cbSizeInstance;
+ }
+ _ASSERTE(!"Interface does not derive from IUnknown.");
+ }
+ // Loop over functions.
+ IfFailGo(_FindFirstUserMethod(pITI, psAttr, &i));
+ IfFailGo(BuildMemberList(pITI, i, psAttr->cFuncs, bInheritsIEnum));
+ BOOL bAllowIEnum = !bInheritsIEnum;
+ for (i=0; i<(int)m_MemberList.Size(); ++i)
+ {
+ // Convert the function.
+ IfFailGo(_ConvFunction(pITI, &m_MemberList[i], bVtblGapFuncs, bAddDispIds, FALSE, &bAllowIEnum));
+ if (hr == S_CONVERSION_LOSS)
+ bConversionLoss = true;
+ }
+ // Add the property info.
+ IfFailGo(_ConvPropertiesForFunctions(pITI, psAttr));
+ if (bConversionLoss)
+ // Release FuncDescs.
+ FreeMemberList(pITI);
+ if (psAttrBase)
+ pITIBase->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrBase);
+ if (pITIBase)
+ pITIBase->Release();
+ if (psFunc)
+ pITI->ReleaseFuncDesc(psFunc);
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvIfaceMembers()
+// Convert the functions on a source interface to add_ and remove_ method.
+// Convert the functions on the base interface first, because in COM Classic,
+// parent's functions are also in the derived interface's vtable.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvSrcIfaceMembers(
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // The containing ITypeInfo.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttr, // The ITypeInfo's TYPEATTR
+ BOOL fInheritsIEnum)
+ HRESULT hr=S_OK; // A result.
+ int i; // Loop control.
+ FUNCDESC *psFunc=0; // FUNCDESC for a member.
+ HREFTYPE href; // Base interface href.
+ ITypeInfo *pITIBase=0; // Base interface ITypeInfo.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttrBase=0; // TYPEATTR of base interface.
+ BOOL bConversionLoss=false; // If true, some attributes were lost on conversion.
+ _ASSERTE( (psAttr->typekind == TKIND_INTERFACE) || (psAttr->typekind == TKIND_DISPATCH) );
+ // If IDispatch or IUnknown, we've recursed far enough.
+ if (IsEqualGUID(psAttr->guid, IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualGUID(psAttr->guid, IID_IDispatch))
+ {
+ if (m_cbVtableSlot == 0)
+ {
+ m_cbVtableSlot = psAttr->cbSizeInstance;
+ }
+ m_Slot = (psAttr->cbSizeVft / m_cbVtableSlot);
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ // Handle base interface.
+ if (psAttr->cImplTypes == 1)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeOfImplType(0, &href));
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeInfo(href, &pITIBase));
+ IfFailGo(pITIBase->GetTypeAttr(&psAttrBase));
+ IfFailGo(_ConvSrcIfaceMembers(pITIBase, psAttrBase, fInheritsIEnum));
+ pITIBase->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrBase);
+ psAttrBase = 0;
+ pITIBase->Release();
+ pITIBase = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ { // No base interface, not IUnknown, not IDispatch. We shouldn't be here.
+ m_Slot = 0;
+ if (m_cbVtableSlot == 0)
+ {
+ m_cbVtableSlot = psAttr->cbSizeInstance;
+ }
+ _ASSERTE(!"Interface does not derive from IUnknown.");
+ }
+ // Loop over functions.
+ IfFailGo(_FindFirstUserMethod(pITI, psAttr, &i));
+ IfFailGo(BuildMemberList(pITI, i, psAttr->cFuncs, fInheritsIEnum));
+ // If we have any properties, we want to skip them. Should we add gaps?
+ if (m_cMemberProps != 0)
+ {
+ bConversionLoss = true;
+ }
+ for (i = m_cMemberProps; i<(int)m_MemberList.Size(); ++i)
+ {
+ // Convert the function.
+ IfFailGo(_GenerateEvent(pITI, &m_MemberList[i], fInheritsIEnum));
+ if (hr == S_CONVERSION_LOSS)
+ bConversionLoss = true;
+ }
+ if (bConversionLoss)
+ // Release FuncDescs.
+ FreeMemberList(pITI);
+ if (psAttrBase)
+ pITIBase->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrBase);
+ if (pITIBase)
+ pITIBase->Release();
+ if (psFunc)
+ pITI->ReleaseFuncDesc(psFunc);
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvIfaceMembers()
+// Add the property definitions for property functions.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvPropertiesForFunctions(
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // ITypeInfo* being converted.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttr) // TypeAttr for the typeinfo.
+ HRESULT hr=S_OK; // A result.
+ int ix; // Loop control.
+ int ix2; // More loop control.
+ mdProperty pd; // A property token.
+ USHORT ms; // Some method's semantics.
+ mdToken tk; // A method's token.
+ mdMethodDef mdFuncs[6] ={0}; // Array of setter, getter, other.
+ FUNCDESC *psF=0; // FUNCDESC of Get, Put, or PutRef.
+ TYPEDESC *pProperty; // TYPEDESC of property type.
+ BOOL bPropRetval; // Is the property type a [retval]?
+ ULONG ixValue; // Index of the value parameter for putters.
+ int ixVarArg; // Index of vararg param, if any.
+ CQuickBytes qbComSig; // new signature
+ BYTE *pbSig; // Pointer into the signature.
+ ULONG sigFlags; // Signature handling flags.
+ ULONG cbTotal; // Size of the signature.
+ ULONG cb; // Size of a signature element.
+ LPWSTR pszName; // Possibly decorated name of property.
+ CQuickArray<WCHAR> qbName; // Buffer for name decoration.
+ int iSrcParam; // Param count, as looping through params.
+ int cDestParams; // Count of destination params.
+ CQuickArray<BYTE> qbDummyNativeTypeBuf; // A dummy native type array.
+ ULONG iNativeOfs=0; // Current offset in native type buffer.
+ BOOL bNewEnumMember=FALSE; // Is this a NewEnum property?
+ BOOL bConversionLoss=FALSE; // Was some type not fully converted?
+ int cFound; // Functions found matching a given property.
+ // Using semantics as an index, so be sure array is big enough.
+ _ASSERTE(lengthof(mdFuncs) > msOther);
+ for (ix=m_cMemberProps; ix<(int)m_MemberList.Size(); ++ix)
+ { // See if this one needs to be processed.
+ if (m_MemberList[ix].m_mdFunc == 0)
+ continue;
+ MemberInfo *pMember = &m_MemberList[ix];
+ pMember->GetFuncInfo(tk, ms);
+ // Get the name.
+ if (m_szMember)
+ ::SysFreeString(m_szMember), m_szMember = 0;
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetDocumentation(pMember->m_psFunc->memid, &m_szMember, 0,0,0));
+ // Found one. Put in the right slot.
+ _ASSERTE(ms == msGetter || ms == msSetter || ms==msOther);
+ mdFuncs[msSetter] = mdFuncs[msGetter] = mdFuncs[msOther] = 0;
+ mdFuncs[ms] = tk;
+ pMember->m_mdFunc = 0;
+ // Look for related functions.
+ cFound = 1;
+ for (ix2=ix+1; ix2<(int)m_MemberList.Size(); ++ix2)
+ {
+ MemberInfo *pMember2 = &m_MemberList[ix2];
+ if (pMember2->m_mdFunc != 0 && pMember2->m_psFunc->memid == pMember->m_psFunc->memid)
+ { // Found a related function.
+ pMember2->GetFuncInfo(tk, ms);
+ _ASSERTE(ms == msGetter || ms == msSetter || ms==msOther);
+ _ASSERTE(mdFuncs[ms] == 0);
+ mdFuncs[ms] = tk;
+ pMember2->m_mdFunc = 0;
+ // If have found all three, don't bother looking for more.
+ if (++cFound == 3)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Build the signature for the property.
+ hr = _GetFunctionPropertyInfo(pMember->m_psFunc, &ms, &psF, &pProperty, &bPropRetval, TRUE, m_szMember);
+ // The function really should have a property associated with it, to get here. Check anyway.
+ _ASSERTE(pProperty);
+ if (!pProperty)
+ continue;
+ // Some sort of property accessor.
+ IfFailGo(qbComSig.ReSizeNoThrow(CB_MAX_ELEMENT_TYPE + 1));
+ pbSig = (BYTE *)qbComSig.Ptr();
+ cbTotal = cb = CorSigCompressData((ULONG)IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_PROPERTY, pbSig);
+ // Count of parameters.
+ // If this is a getter, see if there is a retval.
+ if (psF->invkind == INVOKE_PROPERTYGET)
+ { // Examine each param, and count all except the [retval].
+ for (cDestParams=iSrcParam=0; iSrcParam<psF->cParams; ++iSrcParam)
+ {
+ if ((psF->lprgelemdescParam[iSrcParam].paramdesc.wParamFlags & NON_CONVERTED_PARAMS_FLAGS) == 0)
+ ++cDestParams;
+ }
+ // There is no new value param for getters.
+ ixValue = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This is a putter, so 1 param is new value, others are indices (or lcid).
+ for (cDestParams=iSrcParam=0; iSrcParam<psF->cParams-1; ++iSrcParam)
+ {
+ if ((psF->lprgelemdescParam[iSrcParam].paramdesc.wParamFlags & NON_CONVERTED_PARAMS_FLAGS) == 0)
+ ++cDestParams;
+ }
+ // The last parameter is the new value.
+ ixValue = psF->cParams - 1;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // See if there is a vararg param.
+ ixVarArg = psF->cParams + 1;
+ if (psF->cParamsOpt == -1)
+ {
+ // If this is a PROPERTYPUT or PROPERTYPUTREF, skip the last non-retval parameter (it
+ // is the new value to be set).
+ // Find the vararg param.
+ for (iSrcParam=psF->cParams-1; iSrcParam>=0; --iSrcParam)
+ {
+ // The count of optional params does not include any lcid params, nor does
+ // it include the return value, so skip those.
+ if ((psF->lprgelemdescParam[iSrcParam].paramdesc.wParamFlags & (PARAMFLAG_FRETVAL|PARAMFLAG_FLCID)) != 0)
+ continue;
+ // If haven't yet seen the property value, this param is it, so skip it, too.
+ if (bPropVal)
+ {
+ bPropVal = FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ ixVarArg = iSrcParam;
+ break;
+ } // for (iSrcParam=cParams-1...
+ }
+ // Put in the count of index parameters.
+ _ASSERTE(cDestParams >= 0);
+ cb = CorSigCompressData(cDestParams, &pbSig[cbTotal]);
+ cbTotal += cb;
+ // Create the signature for the property type.
+ sigFlags = SIG_ELEM | (bPropRetval ? SIG_RET : (SigFlags)0);
+ IfFailGo(_ConvSignature(pITI, pProperty, sigFlags, qbComSig, cbTotal, &cbTotal, qbDummyNativeTypeBuf, 0, &iNativeOfs, bNewEnumMember));
+ if (hr == S_CONVERSION_LOSS)
+ bConversionLoss = true;
+ // Fill in the "index" part of the property's signature.
+ for (iSrcParam=0; iSrcParam<psF->cParams; ++iSrcParam)
+ {
+ if (psF->lprgelemdescParam[iSrcParam].paramdesc.wParamFlags & NON_CONVERTED_PARAMS_FLAGS)
+ continue;
+ if (iSrcParam == static_cast<int>(ixValue))
+ continue;
+ sigFlags = SIG_FUNC | SIG_USE_BYREF;
+ if (iSrcParam == ixVarArg)
+ sigFlags |= SIG_VARARG;
+ IfFailGo(_ConvSignature(pITI, &psF->lprgelemdescParam[iSrcParam].tdesc, sigFlags, qbComSig, cbTotal, &cbTotal, qbDummyNativeTypeBuf, 0, &iNativeOfs, bNewEnumMember));
+ if (hr == S_CONVERSION_LOSS)
+ bConversionLoss = true;
+ }
+ // Get the property name. Add interface name and make unique, if needed.
+ // m_szInterface should be non-null if processing an implemented interface; should be null otherwise.
+ _ASSERTE(m_ImplIface == eImplIfaceNone || m_szInterface != 0);
+ IfFailGo(qbName.ReSizeNoThrow(wcslen(m_szMember)+2));
+ wcscpy_s(qbName.Ptr(), wcslen(m_szMember)+2, m_szMember);
+ IfFailGo(GenerateUniqueMemberName(qbName, (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)qbComSig.Ptr(), cbTotal, m_szInterface, mdtProperty));
+ pszName = qbName.Ptr();
+ // Define the property.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineProperty(m_tdTypeDef, pszName, 0/*dwFlags*/,
+ (PCCOR_SIGNATURE) qbComSig.Ptr(), cbTotal, 0, 0, -1,
+ mdFuncs[msSetter], mdFuncs[msGetter], &mdFuncs[msOther],
+ &pd));
+ // Handle dispids for non-implemented interfaces, and for default interface
+ if (m_ImplIface != eImplIface)
+ {
+ // Set the dispid CA on the property.
+ long lDispSet = 1;
+ _SetDispIDCA(pITI, pMember->m_iMember, psF->memid, pd, TRUE, &lDispSet, TRUE);
+ // If this property is default property, add a custom attribute to the class.
+ if (lDispSet == DISPID_VALUE)
+ IfFailGo(_AddDefaultMemberCa(m_tdTypeDef, m_szMember));
+ }
+ // Add the alias information if the type is an alias.
+ IfFailGo(_HandleAliasInfo(pITI, pProperty, pd));
+ }
+ if (bConversionLoss)
+ if (m_szMember)
+ ::SysFreeString(m_szMember), m_szMember=0;
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvPropertiesForFunctions()
+// Convert the vars and functions of a dispinterface. Vars actually turn
+// into a getter and possibly a setter.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvDispatchMembers(
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // ITypeInfo* to convert.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttr, // TypeAttr of ITypeInfo.
+ BOOL fInheritsIEnum)
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ int i; // Loop control.
+ BOOL bConversionLoss=FALSE; // If true, some attributes were lost on conversion.
+ IfFailGo(_FindFirstUserMethod(pITI, psAttr, &i));
+ IfFailGo(BuildMemberList(pITI, i, psAttr->cFuncs, fInheritsIEnum));
+ // Dispatch members really have no slot.
+ m_Slot = 0;
+ // Loop over properties.
+ for (i=0; i<m_cMemberProps; ++i)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(_ConvProperty(pITI, &m_MemberList[i]));
+ }
+ // Loop over functions.
+ BOOL bAllowIEnum = !fInheritsIEnum;
+ for (; i<(int)m_MemberList.Size(); ++i)
+ {
+ // Get variable information.
+ IfFailGo(_ConvFunction(pITI, &m_MemberList[i], FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, &bAllowIEnum));
+ if (hr == S_CONVERSION_LOSS)
+ bConversionLoss = TRUE;
+ }
+ // Add the property info.
+ IfFailGo(_ConvPropertiesForFunctions(pITI, psAttr));
+ if (bConversionLoss)
+ // Free the func descs.
+ FreeMemberList(pITI);
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvDispatchMembers()
+// Examine the functions on an interface, and skip the first 3 or first 7
+// if the functions are IUnknown or IDispatch members.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_FindFirstUserMethod(
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // The Typedef to examine.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttr, // TYPEATTR for the typedef.
+ int *pIx) // Put index of first user function here.
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result.
+ int i; // Loop control.
+ FUNCDESC *psFunc=0; // FUNCDESC for a member.
+ BSTR szName=0; // A function's name.
+ // Note: this is a terrible workaround, but in some situations the methods from IUnknown / IDispatch will
+ // show up as though native dispatch functions.
+ i = 0;
+ if (psAttr->cFuncs >= 3)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(TryGetFuncDesc(pITI, i, &psFunc));
+ if (psFunc->memid == 0x60000000 &&
+ psFunc->elemdescFunc.tdesc.vt == VT_VOID &&
+ psFunc->cParams == 2 &&
+ psFunc->lprgelemdescParam[0].tdesc.vt == VT_PTR && // -> VT_USERDEFINED
+ psFunc->lprgelemdescParam[1].tdesc.vt == VT_PTR && // -> VT_PTR -> VT_VOID
+ SUCCEEDED(pITI->GetDocumentation(psFunc->memid, &szName, 0,0,0)) &&
+ (wcscmp(szName, W("QueryInterface")) == 0) )
+ i = 3;
+ pITI->ReleaseFuncDesc(psFunc);
+ psFunc=0;
+ if (szName)
+ ::SysFreeString(szName);
+ szName = 0;
+ if (psAttr->cFuncs >= 7)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(TryGetFuncDesc(pITI, i, &psFunc));
+ if (psFunc->memid == 0x60010000 &&
+ psFunc->elemdescFunc.tdesc.vt == VT_VOID &&
+ psFunc->cParams == 1 &&
+ psFunc->lprgelemdescParam[0].tdesc.vt == VT_PTR && // -> VT_UINT
+ SUCCEEDED(pITI->GetDocumentation(psFunc->memid, &szName, 0,0,0)) &&
+ (wcscmp(szName, W("GetTypeInfoCount")) == 0) )
+ i = 7;
+ pITI->ReleaseFuncDesc(psFunc);
+ psFunc=0;
+ if (szName)
+ ::SysFreeString(szName);
+ szName = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ *pIx = i;
+ if (psFunc)
+ pITI->ReleaseFuncDesc(psFunc);
+ if (szName)
+ ::SysFreeString(szName);
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_FindFirstUserMethod()
+// Given a FUNCDESC that is has INVOKE_PROPERTY* decoration, determine
+// the role of the function, and the property signature type.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_GetFunctionPropertyInfo(
+ FUNCDESC *psFunc, // Function for which to get info.
+ USHORT *pSemantics, // Put appropriate semantics here.
+ FUNCDESC **ppSig, // Put FUNCDESC for signature here.
+ TYPEDESC **ppProperty, // Put TYPEDESC for return here.
+ BOOL *pbRetval, // If true, the type is [retval]
+ BOOL fUseLastParam, // If true, default to the last parameter as the return value
+ BSTR strName) // Name of the property
+ FUNCDESC *psTmp; // FUNCDESC for some method.
+ FUNCDESC *psGet=0; // FUNCDESC for Get method defining a property.
+ FUNCDESC *psPut=0; // FUNCDESC for Put method defining a property.
+ FUNCDESC *psPutRef=0; // FUNCDESC for PutRef method defining a property.
+ TYPEDESC *pReturn=0; // The FUNCDESC's return type.
+ int cFound=0; // Count of functions found.
+ int i; // Loop control.
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ if (psFunc->invkind & INVOKE_PROPERTYGET)
+ { // A "Get", so return type is property type.
+ *ppSig = psFunc;
+ *pSemantics = msGetter;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Search for the "best" method from which to grab the signature. We prefer the Get(),
+ // Followed by the Put(), followed by the PutRef()
+ // Also look for Put() and PutRef(), so we can
+ for (int iFunc=0; iFunc<(int)m_MemberList.Size() && cFound<3; ++iFunc)
+ {
+ // Get a FUNCDESC from the list.
+ psTmp = m_MemberList[iFunc].m_psFunc;
+ // Is it for the same func?
+ if (psTmp->memid != psFunc->memid)
+ continue;
+ // Is it the Get()? If so, it is the one we want.
+ if (psTmp->invkind & INVOKE_PROPERTYGET)
+ {
+ psGet = psTmp;
+ ++cFound;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Is it the Put()? Use it if we don't find a Get().
+ if (psTmp->invkind & INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT)
+ {
+ psPut = psTmp;
+ ++cFound;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Is it the PutRef()? Keep track of it.
+ if (psTmp->invkind & INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF)
+ {
+ psPutRef = psTmp;
+ ++cFound;
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the best FUNCDESC for the signature.
+ *ppSig = psGet ? psGet : (psPut ? psPut : psFunc);
+ // Determine whether this is a the "Set" or "VB specific Let" function.
+ if (psFunc->invkind & INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF)
+ { // This function is the PROPERTYPUTREF. Make it the setter. If
+ // there is also a PROPERTYPUT, it will be the "letter".
+ *pSemantics = msSetter;
+ }
+ else
+ { // We are looking at the PROPERTYPUT function (the "Let" function in native VB6.).
+ // If there is also a PROPERTYPUTREF, make this the "VB Specific Let" function.
+ if (psPutRef)
+ { // A PPROPERTYPUTREF also exists, so make this the "Let" function.
+ *pSemantics = msOther;
+ }
+ else
+ { // There is no PROPERTYPUTREF, so make this the setter.
+ *pSemantics = msSetter;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Occasionally there is a property with no discernable type. In that case, lose the
+ // property on conversion.
+ // Determine the type of the property, based on the "best" accessor.
+ psF = *ppSig;
+ *pbRetval = FALSE;
+ if (psF->invkind & INVOKE_PROPERTYGET)
+ { // look for [retval].
+ for (i=psF->cParams-1; i>=0; --i)
+ {
+ if (psF->lprgelemdescParam[i].paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FRETVAL)
+ { // will consume a level of indirection (later).
+ *pbRetval = TRUE;
+ pReturn = &psF->lprgelemdescParam[i].tdesc;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If no [retval], check return type.
+ if (!pReturn && psF->elemdescFunc.tdesc.vt != VT_VOID && psF->elemdescFunc.tdesc.vt != VT_HRESULT)
+ pReturn = &psF->elemdescFunc.tdesc;
+ if (fUseLastParam)
+ {
+ // We may have stripped the [retval] if this is a disp-only interface. Just use the last parameter.
+ if (!pReturn && (psF->cParams > 0))
+ pReturn = &psF->lprgelemdescParam[psF->cParams-1].tdesc;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If there is no type, don't try to set the getter.
+ if (pReturn && pReturn->vt == VT_VOID)
+ pReturn = NULL;
+ }
+ if (!pReturn)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { // Find lastmost param that isn't [retval]. (Should be the last param, but it is
+ // possible to write an IDL with a PROPERTYPUT that has a [retval].
+ for (i=psF->cParams-1; i>=0; --i)
+ {
+ if ((psF->lprgelemdescParam[psF->cParams-1].paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FRETVAL) == 0)
+ {
+ { // First, and possibly only, param.
+ pReturn = &psF->lprgelemdescParam[i].tdesc;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pReturn == 0)
+ *pSemantics = 0;
+ *ppProperty = pReturn;
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_GetFunctionPropertyInfo()
+// Convert a function description to metadata entries.
+// This can be rather involved. If the function is a INVOKE_PROPERTY*,
+// determine if it will be converted as a COM+ property, and if so, which
+// of up to three functions will be selected to provide the property
+// signature.
+// The function return type is found by scaning the parameters looking for
+// [retval]s.
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable:21000) // Suppress PREFast warning about overly large function
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvFunction(
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // Containing TypeInfo.
+ MemberInfo *pMember, // iNFO for the function.
+ BOOL bVtblGapFuncs, // Add functions for vtblGaps?
+ BOOL bAddDispIds, // Add DispIds to the member?
+ BOOL bDelegateInvokeMeth, // Convert function for a delegate invoke
+ BOOL* bAllowIEnum) // Allowed to change this function to GetEnumerator
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ int iSrcParam; // Param count, as looping through params.
+ int iDestParam; // Param count, as looping through params.
+ int cDestParams; // Count of destination params.
+ int ixOpt; // Index of first param that is optional due to cParamsOpt.
+ int ixVarArg; // Index of vararg param, if any.
+ mdMethodDef mdFunc; // Token of new member.
+ BSTR szTypeName=0; // Name of the type.
+ DWORD dwFlags=0; // Member flags.
+ DWORD dwImplFlags=0; // The impl flags.
+ WCHAR *pszName=0; // Possibly decorated name of member.
+ CQuickArray<WCHAR> qbName; // Buffer for decorated name.
+ TYPEDESC *pReturn=0; // Return type.
+ int bRetval=false; // Is the return result a [retval] parameter?
+ int ixRetval; // Which param is the [retval]?
+ TYPEDESC *pReturnRetval=0; // Return type from [retval] (incl. indirection).
+ WORD wRetFlags=0; // Return type flags.
+ ULONG offset=0; // Offset of function
+ BSTR *rszParamNames=0; // Parameter names.
+ UINT iNames; // Count of actual names.
+ CQuickBytes qbComSig; // new signature
+ BYTE *pbSig; // Pointer into the signature.
+ ULONG sigFlags; // Signature handling flags.
+ CQuickArray<BYTE> qbNativeBuf; // Native type buffer.
+ CQuickArray<BYTE> qbDummyNativeTypeBuf; // A dummy native type array.
+ CQuickArray<ULONG> qbNativeOfs; // Offset of native type for each param.
+ CQuickArray<ULONG> qbNativeLen; // Length of native type for each param.
+ ULONG iNativeOfs=0; // Current offset in native type buffer.
+ ULONG iNewNativeOfs=0; // New offset in native type buffer.
+ ULONG cb; // Size of an element.
+ ULONG cbTotal = 0; // Size of the signature.
+ int bOleCall=false; // Is the implementation OLE style?(HRESULT or IDispatch)
+ USHORT msSemantics=0; // Property's methodsemantics.
+ WCHAR szSpecial[40]; // To build name of special function.
+ mdToken tkAttr; // Token for custom attribute type.
+ BOOL bConversionLoss=false; // If true, some attributes were lost on conversion.
+ enum {ParamRetval=-1, ParamNone=-2};
+ int iParamError=ParamNone; // Index of param with conversion error.
+ BOOL bNewEnumMember = FALSE; // A flag indicating if the member is the NewEnum member.
+ int iLCIDParam = -1; // Index of the LCID parameter.
+ FUNCDESC *psFunc = pMember->m_psFunc;
+ // If we might insert vtable gaps, then we'd better have initialized the vtable slot size.
+ _ASSERTE(!bVtblGapFuncs || (m_cbVtableSlot != 0));
+ // Retrieve the member name from the member info.
+ IfNullGo(m_szMember = SysAllocString(bDelegateInvokeMeth ? DELEGATE_INVOKE_METH_NAME : pMember->m_pName));
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ LPWSTR funcName = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_TlbImpShouldBreakOnConvFunction);
+ if (funcName)
+ {
+ if (wcscmp(funcName, pMember->m_pName) == 0)
+ _ASSERTE(!"TlbImpBreakOnConvFunction");
+ delete [] funcName;
+ }
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ // Determine if the member is the new enum member.
+ if ((*bAllowIEnum))
+ {
+ bNewEnumMember = FuncIsNewEnum(pITI, psFunc, pMember->m_iMember) == S_OK;
+ // Once a method is converted in this interface, don't convert any more.
+ if (bNewEnumMember)
+ *bAllowIEnum = FALSE;
+ }
+ // We should NEVER have a new enum member when we are dealing with a delegate invoke meth.
+ if (bNewEnumMember && bDelegateInvokeMeth)
+ {
+ // Get the real name of the method
+ BSTR szTypeInfoName = NULL;
+ BSTR szMemberName = NULL;
+ hr = m_pITI->GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, &szTypeInfoName, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ szTypeInfoName = SysAllocString(W("???"));
+ SysFreeString(szMemberName);
+ SysFreeString(szTypeInfoName);
+ }
+ // If there is a gap in the vtable, emit a special function.
+ if (bVtblGapFuncs)
+ {
+ if ((psFunc->oVft / m_cbVtableSlot) != m_Slot)
+ {
+ ULONG n = psFunc->oVft / m_cbVtableSlot;
+ // Make sure slot numbers are monotonically increasing.
+ if (n < m_Slot)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, &szTypeName, 0, 0, 0));
+ IfFailGo(PostError(TLBX_E_BAD_VTABLE, m_szMember, szTypeName, m_szLibrary));
+ }
+ n -= m_Slot;
+ if (n == 1)
+ _snwprintf_s(szSpecial, lengthof(szSpecial), lengthof(szSpecial) - 1, VTBL_GAP_FORMAT_1, VTBL_GAP_FUNCTION, m_Slot);
+ else
+ _snwprintf_s(szSpecial, lengthof(szSpecial), lengthof(szSpecial) - 1, VTBL_GAP_FORMAT_N, VTBL_GAP_FUNCTION, m_Slot, n);
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineMethod(m_tdTypeDef, szSpecial, VTBL_GAP_FUNCTION_FLAGS, VTBL_GAP_SIGNATURE,sizeof(VTBL_GAP_SIGNATURE),
+ 0/* rva*/, VTBL_GAP_FUNC_IMPL_FLAGS, &mdFunc));
+ m_Slot += n;
+ }
+ // What we will expect next time.
+ ++m_Slot;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Determine the return type.
+ // If this is an hresult function, prepare to munge return, params.
+ if (psFunc->elemdescFunc.tdesc.vt == VT_HRESULT)
+ {
+ bOleCall = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((psFunc->elemdescFunc.tdesc.vt != VT_VOID) && (psFunc->elemdescFunc.tdesc.vt != VT_HRESULT))
+ pReturn = &psFunc->elemdescFunc.tdesc;
+ }
+ // Look for [RETVAL].
+ for (iSrcParam=0; iSrcParam<psFunc->cParams; ++iSrcParam)
+ {
+ if (psFunc->lprgelemdescParam[iSrcParam].paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FRETVAL)
+ {
+ // If already have a return, or a DISPATCH function, error.
+ if (pReturn != 0)
+ { // Unexpected return found.
+ }
+ else
+ { // Found a return type.
+ wRetFlags = psFunc->lprgelemdescParam[iSrcParam].paramdesc.wParamFlags;
+ pReturn = &psFunc->lprgelemdescParam[iSrcParam].tdesc;
+ bRetval = true;
+ ixRetval = iSrcParam;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check to see if there is an LCID parameter.
+ for (iSrcParam=0;iSrcParam<psFunc->cParams;iSrcParam++)
+ {
+ if (psFunc->lprgelemdescParam[iSrcParam].paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FLCID)
+ {
+ if (iLCIDParam != -1)
+ IfFailGo(PostError(TLBX_E_MULTIPLE_LCIDS, m_szName, m_szMember));
+ iLCIDParam = iSrcParam;
+ }
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Size buffers to accomodate parameters.
+ // Resize the native type length array.
+ IfFailGo(qbNativeBuf.ReSizeNoThrow(1));
+ IfFailGo(qbNativeLen.ReSizeNoThrow(psFunc->cParams + 1));
+ IfFailGo(qbNativeOfs.ReSizeNoThrow(psFunc->cParams + 1));
+ memset(qbNativeLen.Ptr(), 0, (psFunc->cParams + 1)*sizeof(int));
+ memset(qbNativeOfs.Ptr(), 0, (psFunc->cParams + 1)*sizeof(int));
+ // resize to make room for calling convention and count of argument
+ IfFailGo(qbComSig.ReSizeNoThrow(CB_MAX_ELEMENT_TYPE + 1));
+ pbSig = (BYTE *)qbComSig.Ptr();
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Determine which params need to be marked optional, by virtue of cParamsOpt count.
+ if (psFunc->cParamsOpt == 0)
+ ixVarArg = ixOpt = psFunc->cParams + 1;
+ else
+ {
+ if (psFunc->cParamsOpt == -1)
+ { // Varargs.
+ ixVarArg = ixOpt = psFunc->cParams + 1;
+ // If this is a PROPERTYPUT or PROPERTYPUTREF, skip the last non-retval parameter (it
+ // is the new value to be set).
+ // Find the vararg param.
+ for (iSrcParam=psFunc->cParams-1; iSrcParam>=0; --iSrcParam)
+ {
+ // The count of optional params does not include any lcid params, nor does
+ // it include the return value, so skip those.
+ if ((psFunc->lprgelemdescParam[iSrcParam].paramdesc.wParamFlags & (PARAMFLAG_FRETVAL|PARAMFLAG_FLCID)) != 0)
+ continue;
+ // If haven't yet seen the property value, this param is it, so skip it, too.
+ if (bPropVal)
+ {
+ bPropVal = FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ ixVarArg = iSrcParam;
+ break;
+ } // for (iSrcParam=cParams-1...
+ }
+ else
+ { // ixOpt will be index of first optional parameter.
+ short cOpt = psFunc->cParamsOpt;
+ ixOpt = 0;
+ ixVarArg = psFunc->cParams + 1;
+ for (iSrcParam=psFunc->cParams-1; iSrcParam>=0; --iSrcParam)
+ {
+ // The count of optional params does not include any lcid params, nor does
+ // it include the return value, so skip those.
+ if ((psFunc->lprgelemdescParam[iSrcParam].paramdesc.wParamFlags & (PARAMFLAG_FRETVAL|PARAMFLAG_FLCID)) == 0)
+ {
+ if (--cOpt == 0)
+ {
+ ixOpt = iSrcParam;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } // for (iSrcParam=cParams-1...
+ }
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Get the parameter names.
+ rszParamNames = reinterpret_cast<BSTR*>(_alloca((psFunc->cParams+1) * sizeof(BSTR*)));
+ // Get list of names.
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetNames(psFunc->memid, rszParamNames, psFunc->cParams+1, &iNames));
+ // zero name pointer for non-named params.
+ for (iSrcParam=iNames; iSrcParam<=psFunc->cParams; ++iSrcParam)
+ rszParamNames[iSrcParam] = 0;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Convert the calling convention, param count, and return type.
+ cDestParams = psFunc->cParams;
+ if (bRetval)
+ --cDestParams;
+ if (iLCIDParam != -1)
+ --cDestParams;
+ if (pReturn)
+ {
+ // Param count
+ cb = CorSigCompressData(cDestParams, &(pbSig[cbTotal]));
+ cbTotal += cb;
+ // Return type or [retval].
+ if (bRetval)
+ sigFlags = (SigFlags)(wRetFlags & SIG_FLAGS_MASK) | SIG_FUNC, iParamError=ixRetval;
+ else
+ sigFlags = SIG_FUNC, iParamError=ParamRetval;
+ IfFailGo(_ConvSignature(pITI, pReturn, sigFlags, qbComSig, cbTotal, &cbTotal, qbNativeBuf, iNativeOfs, &iNewNativeOfs, bNewEnumMember));
+ qbNativeLen[0] = iNewNativeOfs - iNativeOfs;
+ qbNativeOfs[0] = iNativeOfs;
+ iNativeOfs = iNewNativeOfs;
+ if (hr == S_CONVERSION_LOSS)
+ bConversionLoss = true;
+ }
+ else
+ { // No return value
+ cb = CorSigCompressData(cDestParams, &(pbSig[cbTotal]));
+ cbTotal += cb;
+ cb = CorSigCompressData(ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID, &pbSig[cbTotal]);
+ cbTotal += cb;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Translate each parameter.
+ for (iSrcParam=0, iDestParam=0; iSrcParam<psFunc->cParams; ++iSrcParam)
+ {
+ if (!(psFunc->lprgelemdescParam[iSrcParam].paramdesc.wParamFlags & NON_CONVERTED_PARAMS_FLAGS))
+ {
+ sigFlags = (SigFlags)(psFunc->lprgelemdescParam[iSrcParam].paramdesc.wParamFlags & SIG_FLAGS_MASK) | SIG_FUNC | SIG_USE_BYREF;
+ if (iSrcParam == ixVarArg)
+ sigFlags |= SIG_VARARG;
+ iParamError = iSrcParam;
+ IfFailGo(_ConvSignature(pITI, &psFunc->lprgelemdescParam[iSrcParam].tdesc, sigFlags, qbComSig, cbTotal, &cbTotal, qbNativeBuf, iNativeOfs, &iNewNativeOfs, bNewEnumMember));
+ qbNativeLen[iDestParam+1] = iNewNativeOfs - iNativeOfs;
+ qbNativeOfs[iDestParam+1] = iNativeOfs;
+ iNativeOfs = iNewNativeOfs;
+ iDestParam++;
+ if (hr == S_CONVERSION_LOSS)
+ bConversionLoss = true;
+ }
+ }
+ iParamError = ParamNone;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Get the previously decorated name. Add interface name and make unique.
+ if (bDelegateInvokeMeth)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // m_szInterface should be non-null if processing an implemented interface; should be null otherwise.
+ _ASSERTE(m_ImplIface == eImplIfaceNone || m_szInterface != 0);
+ IfFailGo(qbName.ReSizeNoThrow(wcslen(pMember->m_pName)+2));
+ wcscpy_s(qbName.Ptr(), wcslen(pMember->m_pName)+2, pMember->m_pName);
+ IfFailGo(GenerateUniqueMemberName(qbName, (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)qbComSig.Ptr(), cbTotal, m_szInterface, mdtMethodDef));
+ pszName = qbName.Ptr();
+ }
+ // Determine the function's semantics, flags and impl flags.
+ if (!bDelegateInvokeMeth)
+ {
+ msSemantics = pMember->m_msSemantics;
+ // If processing an implemented interface, remove the abstract bit. Methods on classes are not abstract.
+ if (m_ImplIface != eImplIfaceNone)
+ dwFlags &= ~mdAbstract;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ msSemantics = 0;
+ dwImplFlags = miRuntime;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Create the function definition in the metadata.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineMethod(m_tdTypeDef, pszName, dwFlags, (PCCOR_SIGNATURE) qbComSig.Ptr(),cbTotal,
+ 0 /* rva*/, dwImplFlags | (bOleCall ? 0 : miPreserveSig), &mdFunc));
+ // If the method is part of a property, save info to set up the property.
+ if (msSemantics)
+ pMember->SetFuncInfo(mdFunc, msSemantics);
+ // Handle dispids for non-implemented interfaces, and for default interface
+ if (m_ImplIface != eImplIface)
+ {
+ // Add the DispIds if the flag is set.
+ long lDispSet = 1;
+ _SetDispIDCA(pITI, pMember->m_iMember, psFunc->memid, mdFunc, bAddDispIds, &lDispSet, TRUE);
+ // If this method is the default, and not a property accessor, add a custom attribute to the class.
+ if (lDispSet == DISPID_VALUE && msSemantics == 0)
+ IfFailGo(_AddDefaultMemberCa(m_tdTypeDef, m_szMember));
+ }
+ // If this method has an LCID then set the LCIDConversion attribute.
+ if (iLCIDParam != -1)
+ {
+ // Dispid for the function.
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_LCIDCONVERSION, &tkAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(mdFunc, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), 0));
+ }
+ // Save the func flags for anyone that needs typelib's flags.
+ if (psFunc->wFuncFlags)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_TYPELIBFUNC, &tkAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(mdFunc, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(),0));
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Convert the param info for the return type.
+ if (pReturn)
+ { // store return value parameter as sequence 0
+ if (bRetval)
+ {
+ hr = _IsAlias(pITI, &psFunc->lprgelemdescParam[ixRetval].tdesc);
+ IfFailGo(hr);
+ if (qbNativeLen[0] || hr == S_OK)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(_ConvParam(pITI, mdFunc, 0, &psFunc->lprgelemdescParam[ixRetval], ParamNormal, 0 /*rszParamNames[ixRetval+1]*/,
+ &qbNativeBuf[qbNativeOfs[0]], qbNativeLen[0]));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hr = _IsAlias(pITI, &psFunc->elemdescFunc.tdesc);
+ IfFailGo(hr);
+ if (qbNativeLen[0] || hr == S_OK)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(_ConvParam(pITI, mdFunc, 0, &psFunc->elemdescFunc, ParamNormal, 0,
+ &qbNativeBuf[qbNativeOfs[0]], qbNativeLen[0]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Convert parameter info (flags, native type, default value).
+ for (iSrcParam=iDestParam=0; iSrcParam<psFunc->cParams; ++iSrcParam)
+ {
+ if ((psFunc->lprgelemdescParam[iSrcParam].paramdesc.wParamFlags & NON_CONVERTED_PARAMS_FLAGS) == 0)
+ {
+ ParamOpts opt = ParamNormal;
+ if (iSrcParam >= ixOpt)
+ opt = ParamOptional;
+ else
+ if (iSrcParam == ixVarArg)
+ opt = ParamVarArg;
+ iDestParam++;
+ IfFailGo(_ConvParam(pITI, mdFunc, iDestParam, &psFunc->lprgelemdescParam[iSrcParam], opt, rszParamNames[iSrcParam + 1],
+ &qbNativeBuf[qbNativeOfs[iDestParam]], qbNativeLen[iDestParam]));
+ }
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // If processing an implemented interface, set up MethodImpls.
+ if (m_ImplIface != eImplIfaceNone)
+ {
+ // Define a memberref on the implemented interface.
+ mdToken mrItfMember;
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineMemberRef(m_tkInterface, pMember->m_pName, (PCCOR_SIGNATURE) qbComSig.Ptr(),cbTotal, &mrItfMember));
+ // Define a method impl.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineMethodImpl(m_tdTypeDef, mdFunc, mrItfMember));
+ }
+ if (bConversionLoss)
+ {
+ }
+ // Special case for typeload load failures -- they're very hard to diagnose.
+ {
+ if (iParamError >= 0 && iParamError < psFunc->cParams && rszParamNames[iParamError+1])
+ ReportEvent(NOTIF_CONVERTWARNING, TLBX_E_PARAM_ERROR_NAMED, m_szName, rszParamNames[iParamError+1], m_szMember);
+ else
+ ReportEvent(NOTIF_CONVERTWARNING, TLBX_E_PARAM_ERROR_UNNAMED, m_szName, iParamError, m_szMember);
+ }
+ if (rszParamNames)
+ {
+ for (iSrcParam=0; iSrcParam<=psFunc->cParams; ++iSrcParam)
+ if (rszParamNames[iSrcParam])
+ ::SysFreeString(rszParamNames[iSrcParam]);
+ }
+ if (m_szMember)
+ ::SysFreeString(m_szMember), m_szMember=0;
+ if (szTypeName)
+ ::SysFreeString(szTypeName);
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvFunction()
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(pop)
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_SetHiddenCA(mdTypeDef token)
+ mdToken tkAttr;
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_TYPELIBTYPE, &tkAttr));
+ m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(token, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), 0);
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_ForceIEnumerableCVExists(ITypeInfo* pITI, BOOL* CVExists)
+ ITypeInfo2 *pITI2 = 0;
+ *CVExists = FALSE;
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ pITI->QueryInterface(IID_ITypeInfo2, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pITI2));
+ if (pITI2)
+ {
+ VARIANT vCustomData;
+ VariantInit(&vCustomData);
+ IfFailGo(pITI2->GetCustData(GUID_ForceIEnumerable, &vCustomData));
+ if (V_VT(&vCustomData) != VT_EMPTY)
+ *CVExists = TRUE;
+ VariantClear(&vCustomData);
+ }
+ if (pITI2)
+ pITI2->Release();
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_GetDispIDCA(
+ ITypeInfo* pITI,
+ int iMember,
+ long* lDispSet,
+ BOOL bFunc
+ )
+ ITypeInfo2 *pITI2=0; // For getting custom value.
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ long lDispId = DISPID_UNKNOWN;
+ // Get the ITypeInfo2 interface if possible
+ pITI->QueryInterface(IID_ITypeInfo2, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pITI2));
+ if (pITI2)
+ {
+ VARIANT vCustomData;
+ VariantInit(&vCustomData);
+ if (bFunc)
+ IfFailGo(pITI2->GetFuncCustData(iMember, GUID_DispIdOverride, &vCustomData));
+ else
+ IfFailGo(pITI2->GetVarCustData(iMember, GUID_DispIdOverride, &vCustomData));
+ if ((V_VT(&vCustomData) == VT_I2) || (V_VT(&vCustomData) == VT_I4))
+ {
+ hr = VariantChangeType(&vCustomData, &vCustomData, 0, VT_I4);
+ if (hr == S_OK)
+ lDispId = vCustomData.lVal;
+ }
+ VariantClear(&vCustomData);
+ }
+ if (lDispSet != NULL)
+ *lDispSet = lDispId;
+ if (pITI2)
+ pITI2->Release();
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_SetDispIDCA(
+ ITypeInfo* pITI,
+ int iMember,
+ long lDispId,
+ mdToken func,
+ BOOL fAlwaysAdd,
+ long* lDispSet,
+ BOOL bFunc
+ )
+ WCHAR DispIDCA[] = W("{CD2BC5C9-F452-4326-B714-F9C539D4DA58}");
+ ITypeInfo2 *pITI2=0; // For getting custom value.
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ // Get the ITypeInfo2 interface if possible
+ pITI->QueryInterface(IID_ITypeInfo2, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pITI2));
+ if (pITI2)
+ {
+ VARIANT vCustomData;
+ VariantInit(&vCustomData);
+ if (bFunc)
+ IfFailGo(pITI2->GetFuncCustData(iMember, GUID_DispIdOverride, &vCustomData));
+ else
+ IfFailGo(pITI2->GetVarCustData(iMember, GUID_DispIdOverride, &vCustomData));
+ if ((V_VT(&vCustomData) == VT_I2) || (V_VT(&vCustomData) == VT_I4))
+ {
+ hr = VariantChangeType(&vCustomData, &vCustomData, 0, VT_I4);
+ if (hr == S_OK)
+ {
+ lDispId = vCustomData.lVal;
+ fAlwaysAdd = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (V_VT(&vCustomData) != VT_EMPTY)
+ {
+ // Invalid Variant type on the data - spit out a warning.
+ BSTR CustomValue = SysAllocString((const WCHAR*)&DispIDCA[0]);
+ BSTR ObjectName;
+ IfFailGo(pITI2->GetDocumentation(iMember+1, &ObjectName, NULL, NULL, NULL));
+ SysFreeString(CustomValue);
+ SysFreeString(ObjectName);
+ }
+ VariantClear(&vCustomData);
+ }
+ // Set the dispid CA on the property.
+ if (fAlwaysAdd)
+ {
+ mdToken tkAttr;
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_DISPID, &tkAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(func, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), 0));
+ }
+ if (lDispSet != NULL)
+ {
+ *lDispSet = lDispId;
+ }
+ if (pITI2)
+ pITI2->Release();
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_CheckForPropertyCustomAttributes(ITypeInfo* pITI, int index, INVOKEKIND* ikind)
+ VARIANT vCustomData;
+ ITypeInfo2* pITI2 = 0;
+ BOOL found = FALSE;
+ VariantInit(&vCustomData);
+ // Get the ITypeInfo2 interface if possible
+ pITI->QueryInterface(IID_ITypeInfo2, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pITI2));
+ if (pITI2)
+ {
+ // First, check for PropGet
+ hr = pITI2->GetFuncCustData(index, GUID_PropGetCA, &vCustomData);
+ IfFailGo(hr);
+ if (V_VT(&vCustomData) != VT_EMPTY)
+ {
+ found = TRUE;
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ // Second, check for PropPut
+ VariantClear(&vCustomData);
+ hr = pITI2->GetFuncCustData(index, GUID_PropPutCA, &vCustomData);
+ IfFailGo(hr);
+ if (V_VT(&vCustomData) != VT_EMPTY)
+ {
+ found = TRUE;
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ }
+ VariantClear(&vCustomData);
+ if (pITI2)
+ pITI2->Release();
+ if (found)
+ return S_OK;
+ return S_FALSE;
+// Generate an event with an add and remove method
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_GenerateEvent(
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // Containing TypeInfo.
+ MemberInfo *pMember, // Info for the function
+ BOOL fInheritsIEnum)
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result.
+ mdMethodDef mdAdd; // Token of add_XXX method.
+ mdMethodDef mdRemove; // Token of remove_XXX method.
+ CQuickArray<WCHAR> qbName; // Buffer for decorated name.
+ CQuickArray<BYTE> qbSig; // The signature.
+ ULONG cb; // Size of an element.
+ ULONG cbTotal = 0; // Size of the signature.
+ mdTypeDef tdDelegate; // The delegate type def.
+ mdEvent tkEvent; // The token for the event.
+ // If this method is a property method, then skip the event.
+ // Also look at the property semantic - it might be we couldn't import this as a property
+ // and fell back to a method.
+ if ((pMember->m_psFunc->invkind != INVOKE_FUNC) && (pMember->m_msSemantics != 0))
+ {
+ }
+ // Generate the delegate.
+ IfFailGo(_GenerateEventDelegate(pITI, pMember, &tdDelegate, fInheritsIEnum));
+ // Generate the sig for the add and remove methods.
+ IfFailGo(qbSig.ReSizeNoThrow(CB_MAX_ELEMENT_TYPE * 2 + 1));
+ cb = CorSigCompressData(1, &(qbSig[cbTotal]));
+ cbTotal += cb;
+ cb = CorSigCompressData(ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID, &qbSig[cbTotal]);
+ cbTotal += cb;
+ cb = CorSigCompressData(ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS, &qbSig[cbTotal]);
+ cbTotal += cb;
+ cb = CorSigCompressToken(tdDelegate, &qbSig[cbTotal]);
+ cbTotal += cb;
+ // Generate the add method.
+ IfFailGo(qbName.ReSizeNoThrow(EVENT_ADD_METH_PREFIX_LENGTH + wcslen(pMember->m_pName) + 1));
+ StringCchPrintf(qbName.Ptr(), qbName.Size(), W("%s%s"), EVENT_ADD_METH_PREFIX, pMember->m_pName);
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineMethod(m_tdTypeDef, qbName.Ptr(), DEFAULT_INTERFACE_FUNC_FLAGS,
+ qbSig.Ptr(), cbTotal, 0 /* rva*/, DEFAULT_ITF_FUNC_IMPL_FLAGS, &mdAdd));
+ // Generate the remove method.
+ IfFailGo(qbName.ReSizeNoThrow(EVENT_REM_METH_PREFIX_LENGTH + wcslen(pMember->m_pName) + 1));
+ StringCchPrintf(qbName.Ptr(), qbName.Size(), W("%s%s"), EVENT_REM_METH_PREFIX, pMember->m_pName);
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineMethod(m_tdTypeDef, qbName.Ptr(), DEFAULT_INTERFACE_FUNC_FLAGS,
+ qbSig.Ptr(), cbTotal, 0 /* rva*/, DEFAULT_ITF_FUNC_IMPL_FLAGS, &mdRemove));
+ // Define the event itself.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineEvent(m_tdTypeDef, pMember->m_pName, 0, tdDelegate,
+ mdAdd, mdRemove, mdTokenNil, NULL, &tkEvent));
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_GenerateEvent()
+// Generate an add and remove method
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_GenerateEventDelegate(
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // Containing TypeInfo.
+ MemberInfo *pMember, // Info for the source interface func
+ mdTypeDef *ptd, // The output typedef.
+ BOOL fInheritsIEnum)
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result.
+ BSTR bstrSrcItfName = NULL; // The name of the source interface.
+ CQuickArray<WCHAR> qbEventHandlerName; // The name of the event handler.
+ BSTR szOldName = NULL; // The old value m_tdTypeDef.
+ mdTypeDef tdOldTypeDef = NULL; // The old value m_szName.
+ CQuickArray<BYTE> qbSig; // The signature.
+ ULONG cb; // Size of an element.
+ ULONG cbTotal = 0; // Total size of signature.
+ mdMethodDef mdFunc; // The defined function.
+ mdTypeRef trMulticastDelegate; // The type ref for System.MulticastDelegate.
+ mdToken tkAttr; // Custom attribute type.
+ // Store the old values of the ITypeInfo name and of the current type def.
+ szOldName = m_szName;
+ tdOldTypeDef = m_tdTypeDef;
+ m_szName = NULL;
+ // Retrieve the full name of the source interface.
+ IfFailGo(GetManagedNameForTypeInfo(pITI, m_wzNamespace, NULL, &bstrSrcItfName));
+ // Generate a unique name for the event handler which will be of the form:
+ // <SrcItfName>_<MethodName>_EventHandler<PotentialSuffix>
+ IfFailGo(qbEventHandlerName.ReSizeNoThrow(wcslen(bstrSrcItfName) + wcslen(pMember->m_pName) + EVENT_HANDLER_SUFFIX_LENGTH + 6));
+ StringCchPrintf(qbEventHandlerName.Ptr(), qbEventHandlerName.Size(), W("%s_%s%s"), bstrSrcItfName, pMember->m_pName, EVENT_HANDLER_SUFFIX);
+ IfFailGo(GenerateUniqueTypeName(qbEventHandlerName));
+ // Set the information on the current type.
+ IfNullGo(m_szName = SysAllocString(qbEventHandlerName.Ptr()));
+ // Retrieve the parent type ref.
+ IfFailGo(GetKnownTypeToken(VT_SLOT_FOR_MULTICASTDEL, &trMulticastDelegate));
+ // Create the typedef for the event interface.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineTypeDef(m_szName, tdPublic | tdSealed, trMulticastDelegate, NULL, &m_tdTypeDef));
+ // Hide the interface from Object Browsers (EventHandler)
+ _SetHiddenCA(m_tdTypeDef);
+ // Make the interface ComVisible(false).
+ {
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_COMVISIBLE, &tkAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(m_tdTypeDef, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), 0));
+ }
+ // Generate the sig for the constructor.
+ IfFailGo(qbSig.ReSizeNoThrow(CB_MAX_ELEMENT_TYPE * 2 + 1));
+ cb = CorSigCompressData(2, &(qbSig[cbTotal]));
+ cbTotal += cb;
+ cb = CorSigCompressData(ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID, &qbSig[cbTotal]);
+ cbTotal += cb;
+ cb = CorSigCompressData(ELEMENT_TYPE_OBJECT, &qbSig[cbTotal]);
+ cbTotal += cb;
+ cb = CorSigCompressData(ELEMENT_TYPE_U, &qbSig[cbTotal]);
+ cbTotal += cb;
+ // Generate the constructor.
+ qbSig.Ptr(), cbTotal, 0 /* rva*/, miRuntime, &mdFunc));
+ // Generate the invoke method.
+ BOOL bAllowIEnum = !fInheritsIEnum;
+ IfFailGo(_ConvFunction(pITI, pMember, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, &bAllowIEnum));
+ // Set the output typedef.
+ *ptd = m_tdTypeDef;
+ if (m_szName)
+ ::SysFreeString(m_szName);
+ if (m_szMember)
+ ::SysFreeString(m_szMember); m_szMember=0;
+ if (bstrSrcItfName)
+ ::SysFreeString(bstrSrcItfName);
+ // Restore the initial values for the ITypeInfo name and the type def.
+ m_szName = szOldName;
+ m_tdTypeDef = tdOldTypeDef;
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_GenerateEventDelegate()
+ mdToken tkKey;
+ mdToken tkData;
+class CTokenHash : public CChainedHash<MDTOKENHASH>
+ virtual bool InUse(MDTOKENHASH *pItem)
+ { return (pItem->tkKey != NULL); }
+ virtual void SetFree(MDTOKENHASH *pItem)
+ {
+ pItem->tkKey = NULL;
+ pItem->tkKey = NULL;
+ }
+ virtual ULONG Hash(const void *pData)
+ {
+ // Do case-insensitive hash
+ return (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)pData;
+ }
+ virtual int Cmp(const void *pData, void *pItem){
+ return (mdToken)(ULONG_PTR)pData != reinterpret_cast<MDTOKENHASH*>(pItem)->tkKey;
+ }
+}; // CTokenHash : public CChainedHash<MDTOKENHASH>
+// Copy methods and events from a source interface to a class that sources the
+// given interface.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_AddSrcItfMembersToClass( // S_OK or error.
+ mdTypeRef trSrcItf) // Typeref of the source interface.
+ HRESULT hr=S_OK; // A result.
+ ULONG i; // Generic counter.
+ HCORENUM MemberEnum = NULL; // The enum of members.
+ ULONG cMembers = 0; // Temp count of members.
+ mdTypeDef tdSrcItf; // A type def to the interface.
+ mdEvent tkItfEvent; // The token of the interface event.
+ mdEvent tkClassEvent; // The token of the class event.
+ mdToken tkEventType; // The event type.
+ mdMethodDef mdItfMethod; // The method def of the interface method.
+ mdMethodDef mdAddMethod; // The add method.
+ mdMethodDef mdRemoveMethod; // The remove method.
+ mdMethodDef mdFireMethod; // The fire method.
+ mdMethodDef mdClassMethod; // The method def of the class method.
+ CQuickArray<mdMethodDef> qbOtherMethods; // The other methods for the property.
+ ULONG cchOtherMethods; // The cound of other methods.
+ CQuickArray<WCHAR> qbMemberName; // Name of the member.
+ CQuickArray<WCHAR> qbEventItfFullName; // Full name of the event interface.
+ CQuickArray<WCHAR> qbEventItfName; // Name of the event interface.
+ ULONG cchName; // Length of a name, in wide chars.
+ ULONG ItfMemberAttr; // The attributes of the interface member.
+ ULONG ItfMemberImplFlags; // The impl flags of the interface member.
+ PCCOR_SIGNATURE ItfMemberSig; // The signature of the interface member.
+ ULONG ItfMemberSigSize; // The size of the member signature.
+ mdMemberRef mrItfMember; // A member ref to the interface member def.
+ BSTR bstrSrcItfName = NULL; // The name of the CoClass.
+ mdAssemblyRef ar; // The assembly ref.
+ CTokenHash ItfMDToClassMDMap; // The interface MD to class MD map.
+ MDTOKENHASH * pItem; // An item in the token hashtable.
+ // Retrieve the name of the event interface.
+ do {
+ IfFailGo(m_pImport->GetTypeRefProps(
+ trSrcItf,
+ &ar,
+ qbEventItfFullName.Ptr(),
+ (ULONG)qbEventItfFullName.MaxSize(),
+ &cchName));
+ if (hr == CLDB_S_TRUNCATION)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(qbEventItfFullName.ReSizeNoThrow(cchName));
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ } while (1);
+ IfFailGo(qbEventItfName.ReSizeNoThrow(cchName));
+ ns::SplitPath(qbEventItfFullName.Ptr(), NULL, 0, qbEventItfName.Ptr(), (int)qbEventItfName.Size());
+ // Resolve the typeref to a typedef.
+ IfFailGo(m_pImport->FindTypeDefByName(qbEventItfFullName.Ptr(), mdTokenNil, &tdSrcItf));
+ // Define methods and method impl's for all the methods in the interface.
+ while ((hr = m_pImport->EnumMethods(&MemberEnum, tdSrcItf, &mdItfMethod, 1, &cMembers)) == S_OK)
+ {
+ // Retrieve the method properties.
+ do {
+ IfFailGo(m_pImport->GetMethodProps(
+ mdItfMethod,
+ qbMemberName.Ptr(),
+ (ULONG)qbMemberName.MaxSize(),
+ &cchName,
+ &ItfMemberAttr,
+ &ItfMemberSig,
+ &ItfMemberSigSize,
+ &ItfMemberImplFlags));
+ if (hr == CLDB_S_TRUNCATION)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(qbMemberName.ReSizeNoThrow(cchName));
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ } while (1);
+ // Define a member ref on the class to the interface member def.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineMemberRef(trSrcItf, qbMemberName.Ptr(), ItfMemberSig, ItfMemberSigSize, &mrItfMember));
+ // Generate a unique name for the class member.
+ IfFailGo(GenerateUniqueMemberName(qbMemberName, NULL, 0, qbEventItfName.Ptr(), mdtMethodDef));
+ // Define a member on the class.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineMethod(m_tdTypeDef, qbMemberName.Ptr(), ItfMemberAttr & ~mdAbstract,
+ ItfMemberSig, ItfMemberSigSize, 0/*rva*/, ItfMemberImplFlags, &mdClassMethod));
+ // Define a method impl.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineMethodImpl(m_tdTypeDef, mdClassMethod, mrItfMember));
+ // Add the interface member to the map.
+ if ((pItem = ItfMDToClassMDMap.Add((const void *)(ULONG_PTR)mdItfMethod)) == NULL)
+ IfFailGo(E_FAIL);
+ pItem->tkKey = mdItfMethod;
+ pItem->tkData = mdClassMethod;
+ }
+ IfFailGo(hr);
+ m_pImport->CloseEnum(MemberEnum);
+ MemberEnum = NULL;
+ // Define all the events in the interface on the class.
+ while ((hr = m_pImport->EnumEvents(&MemberEnum, tdSrcItf, &tkItfEvent, 1, &cMembers)) == S_OK)
+ {
+ // Retrieve the properties of the property.
+ do {
+ IfFailGo(m_pImport->GetEventProps(
+ tkItfEvent,
+ qbMemberName.Ptr(),
+ (ULONG)qbMemberName.MaxSize(),
+ &cchName,
+ &ItfMemberAttr,
+ &tkEventType,
+ &mdAddMethod,
+ &mdRemoveMethod,
+ &mdFireMethod,
+ qbOtherMethods.Ptr(),
+ (ULONG)qbOtherMethods.MaxSize(),
+ &cchOtherMethods));
+ if (hr == CLDB_S_TRUNCATION)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(qbMemberName.ReSizeNoThrow(cchName));
+ IfFailGo(qbOtherMethods.ReSizeNoThrow(cchOtherMethods));
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ } while (1);
+ // NULL terminate the array of other methods.
+ IfFailGo(qbOtherMethods.ReSizeNoThrow(cchOtherMethods + 1));
+ qbOtherMethods[cchOtherMethods] = NULL;
+ // Replace all the interface method def's with the equivalent class method def's.
+ if (!IsNilToken(mdAddMethod))
+ {
+ pItem = ItfMDToClassMDMap.Find((const void *)(ULONG_PTR)mdAddMethod);
+ _ASSERTE(pItem);
+ mdAddMethod = pItem->tkData;
+ }
+ if (!IsNilToken(mdRemoveMethod))
+ {
+ pItem = ItfMDToClassMDMap.Find((const void *)(ULONG_PTR)mdRemoveMethod);
+ _ASSERTE(pItem);
+ mdRemoveMethod = pItem->tkData;
+ }
+ _ASSERTE(IsNilToken(mdFireMethod));
+ _ASSERTE(cchOtherMethods == 0);
+ // Generate a unique name for the event.
+ IfFailGo(GenerateUniqueMemberName(qbMemberName, NULL, 0, qbEventItfName.Ptr(), mdtEvent));
+ // Define property on the class.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineEvent(m_tdTypeDef, qbMemberName.Ptr(), ItfMemberAttr,
+ tkEventType, mdAddMethod, mdRemoveMethod, mdFireMethod, qbOtherMethods.Ptr(), &tkClassEvent));
+ }
+ IfFailGo(hr);
+ m_pImport->CloseEnum(MemberEnum);
+ MemberEnum = NULL;
+ if (MemberEnum)
+ m_pImport->CloseEnum(MemberEnum);
+ if (bstrSrcItfName)
+ ::SysFreeString(bstrSrcItfName);
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_AddSrcItfMembersToClass()
+// Compare the two signatures ignoring the return type. If the signatures
+// match then TRUE will be returned, FALSE will be returned otherwise.
+// This method assumes the two signatures are in the same scope.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::CompareSigsIgnoringRetType(
+ PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSig1, // The 1st method signature.
+ ULONG cbSig1, // Size of the 1st method signature.
+ PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSig2, // The 2nd method signature.
+ ULONG cbSig2) // Size of the 2nd method signature.
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ ULONG Sig1ParamCount;
+ ULONG Sig2ParamCount;
+ ULONG cbSig1RetType;
+ ULONG cbSig2RetType;
+ // Save the start of the signatures.
+ pbSig1Start = pbSig1;
+ pbSig2Start = pbSig2;
+ // Skip the calling conventions.
+ CorSigUncompressData(pbSig1);
+ CorSigUncompressData(pbSig2);
+ // Compare the param count.
+ Sig1ParamCount = CorSigUncompressData(pbSig1);
+ Sig2ParamCount = CorSigUncompressData(pbSig2);
+ if (Sig1ParamCount != Sig2ParamCount)
+ return S_FALSE;
+ // Skip the return type.
+ cbSig1RetType = cbSig1 - (ULONG)(pbSig1 - pbSig1Start);
+ IfFailGo(_CountBytesOfOneArg(pbSig1, &cbSig1RetType));
+ pbSig1 += cbSig1RetType;
+ cbSig2RetType = cbSig2 - (ULONG)(pbSig2 - pbSig2Start);
+ IfFailGo(_CountBytesOfOneArg(pbSig2, &cbSig2RetType));
+ pbSig2 += cbSig2RetType;
+ // Update the remaining sig sizes.
+ cbSig1 -= (ULONG) (pbSig1 - pbSig1Start);
+ cbSig2 -= (ULONG) (pbSig2 - pbSig2Start);
+ // If the remaining sig sizes are different then the sigs don't match.
+ if (cbSig1 != cbSig2)
+ return S_FALSE;
+ // Compare the rest of the sigs using memcmp.
+ if (memcmp(pbSig1, pbSig2, cbSig1) != 0)
+ return S_FALSE;
+ // The parameters match.
+ return S_OK;
+ // An error occurred.
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::CompareSigsIgnoringRetType()
+// Look up a method in the emit scope. This lookup method does not take the
+// return type into account when comparing using a sig. So 2 methods with
+// the same name, same parameters and a different return type will be
+// considered the same.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::FindMethod( // S_OK or CLDB_E_RECORD_NOTFOUND, or error.
+ mdTypeDef td, // The method typedef.
+ LPCWSTR szName, // The method name.
+ PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbReqSig, // The method signature.
+ ULONG cbReqSig, // Size of the method signature.
+ mdMethodDef *pmb) // Put the method here.
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result.
+ ULONG cbFoundSig = 0;
+ ULONG MethodAttr;
+ ULONG MethodImplFlags;
+ mdMethodDef md;
+ CQuickArray<WCHAR> qbMethodName;
+ HCORENUM MethodEnum = NULL;
+ ULONG cMethods = 0;
+ ULONG cchName;
+ BOOL bMethodFound = FALSE;
+ // Go through all the methods on the class looking for one with the
+ // same name and same parameters.
+ while ((hr = m_pImport->EnumMethods(&MethodEnum, td, &md, 1, &cMethods)) == S_OK)
+ {
+ // Retrieve the method properties.
+ do {
+ IfFailGo(m_pImport->GetMethodProps(
+ md,
+ qbMethodName.Ptr(),
+ (ULONG)qbMethodName.MaxSize(),
+ &cchName,
+ &MethodAttr,
+ &pbFoundSig,
+ &cbFoundSig,
+ &MethodImplFlags));
+ if (hr == CLDB_S_TRUNCATION)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(qbMethodName.ReSizeNoThrow(cchName));
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ } while (1);
+ // Compare the name of the method.
+ if (wcscmp(szName, qbMethodName.Ptr()) != 0)
+ continue;
+ // If the signature of the requested method is specified, then compare
+ // the signature against the signature of the found method ignoring
+ // the return type.
+ if (pbReqSig)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(hr = CompareSigsIgnoringRetType(pbReqSig, cbReqSig, pbFoundSig, cbFoundSig));
+ if (hr == S_FALSE)
+ continue;
+ }
+ // We have found the member.
+ bMethodFound = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ IfFailGo(hr);
+ if (MethodEnum)
+ m_pImport->CloseEnum(MethodEnum);
+ return bMethodFound ? S_OK : CLDB_E_RECORD_NOTFOUND;
+// Look up a property in the emit scope.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::FindProperty( // S_OK or CLDB_E_RECORD_NOTFOUND, or error.
+ mdTypeDef td, // The property typedef.
+ LPCWSTR szName, // The property name.
+ PCCOR_SIGNATURE pbSig, // The property signature.
+ ULONG cbSig, // Size of the property signature.
+ mdProperty *ppr) // Put the property here.
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ RegMeta *pRegMeta = (RegMeta*)(m_pEmit);
+ LPUTF8 szNameAnsi;
+ if (szName == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ UTF8STR(szName, szNameAnsi);
+ hr = ImportHelper::FindProperty(
+ &(pRegMeta->GetMiniStgdb()->m_MiniMd),
+ m_tdTypeDef,
+ szNameAnsi,
+ pbSig,
+ cbSig,
+ ppr);
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::FindProperty()
+// Look up a event in the emit scope.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::FindEvent( // S_OK or CLDB_E_RECORD_NOTFOUND, or error.
+ mdTypeDef td, // The event typedef.
+ LPCWSTR szName, // The event name.
+ mdEvent *pev) // Put the event here.
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ RegMeta *pRegMeta = (RegMeta*)(m_pEmit);
+ LPUTF8 szNameAnsi;
+ if (szName == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ UTF8STR(szName, szNameAnsi);
+ hr = ImportHelper::FindEvent(
+ &(pRegMeta->GetMiniStgdb()->m_MiniMd),
+ m_tdTypeDef,
+ szNameAnsi,
+ pev);
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::FindEvent()
+// Checks to see if the specified TYPEDESC is an alias.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_IsAlias(
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // The ITypeInfo containing the TYPEDESC.
+ TYPEDESC *pTypeDesc) // The token of the param, field, etc.
+ HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; // A result.
+ ITypeInfo *pTypeITI=0; // The ITypeInfo of the type.
+ ITypeLib *pTypeTLB=0; // The TLB that contains the type.
+ TYPEATTR *psTypeAttr=0; // TYPEATTR of the type.
+ // Drill down to the actual type that is pointed to.
+ while (pTypeDesc->vt == VT_PTR)
+ pTypeDesc = pTypeDesc->lptdesc;
+ // If the parameter is an alias then we need to add a custom attribute to the
+ // parameter that describes the alias.
+ if (pTypeDesc->vt == VT_USERDEFINED)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeInfo(pTypeDesc->hreftype, &pTypeITI));
+ IfFailGo(pTypeITI->GetTypeAttr(&psTypeAttr));
+ if (psTypeAttr->typekind == TKIND_ALIAS)
+ {
+ hr = S_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ if (psTypeAttr)
+ pTypeITI->ReleaseTypeAttr(psTypeAttr);
+ if (pTypeITI)
+ pTypeITI->Release();
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_IsAlias()
+// Add alias information if the TYPEDESC represents an alias.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_HandleAliasInfo(
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // The ITypeInfo containing the TYPEDESC.
+ TYPEDESC *pTypeDesc, // The TYPEDESC.
+ mdToken tk) // The token of the param, field, etc.
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result.
+ ITypeInfo *pTypeITI=0; // The ITypeInfo of the type.
+ ITypeLib *pTypeTLB=0; // The TLB that contains the type.
+ TYPEATTR *psTypeAttr=0; // TYPEATTR of the type.
+ BSTR bstrAliasTypeName=0; // The name of the alias type.
+ BSTR bstrAliasTypeLibName=0; // The name of the typelib that contains the alias type.
+ // Drill down to the actual type that is pointed to.
+ while (pTypeDesc->vt == VT_PTR)
+ pTypeDesc = pTypeDesc->lptdesc;
+ // If the parameter is an alias then we need to add a custom attribute to the
+ // parameter that describes the alias.
+ if (pTypeDesc->vt == VT_USERDEFINED)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeInfo(pTypeDesc->hreftype, &pTypeITI));
+ IfFailGo(pTypeITI->GetTypeAttr(&psTypeAttr));
+ if (psTypeAttr->typekind == TKIND_ALIAS)
+ {
+ // Retrieve the name of the alias type.
+ IfFailGo(pTypeITI->GetContainingTypeLib(&pTypeTLB, NULL));
+ IfFailGo(GetNamespaceOfRefTlb(pTypeTLB, &bstrAliasTypeLibName, NULL));
+ IfFailGo(GetManagedNameForTypeInfo(pTypeITI, bstrAliasTypeLibName, NULL, &bstrAliasTypeName));
+ // Add the ComAliasName CA to the parameter.
+ _AddStringCa(ATTR_COMALIASNAME, tk, bstrAliasTypeName);
+ }
+ }
+ if (psTypeAttr)
+ pTypeITI->ReleaseTypeAttr(psTypeAttr);
+ if (pTypeITI)
+ pTypeITI->Release();
+ if (pTypeTLB)
+ pTypeTLB->Release();
+ if (bstrAliasTypeLibName)
+ ::SysFreeString(bstrAliasTypeLibName);
+ if (bstrAliasTypeName)
+ ::SysFreeString(bstrAliasTypeName);
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_HandleAliasInfo()
+// Convert one of a function's parameters.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvParam(
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // Containing TypeInfo.
+ mdMethodDef mdFunc, // Owning member.
+ int iSequence, // Parameter sequence.
+ const ELEMDESC *pdesc, // Param flags, default value.
+ ParamOpts paramOpts, // Is param normal, optional, or vararg?
+ LPCWSTR szName, // Name of the parameter.
+ BYTE *pbNative, // Native type info, if any.
+ ULONG cbNative) // Size of native type info.
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ mdParamDef pdParam; // Token of the parameter.
+ DWORD dwFlags; // Param flags.
+ USHORT Sequence = static_cast<USHORT>(iSequence);
+ BYTE cvType = ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID; // ELEMENT_TYPE_* flag for constant value
+ void *pcvValue=0; // constant value blob
+ __int64 d; // For cases where value is a date.
+ int bDecimal=0; // If true, constant is a decimal.
+ mdToken tkAttr; // For custom attribute token.
+ DECIMAL decVal; // Decimal constant value.
+ // Compute the flags. Only make sense on non-return params.
+ dwFlags = 0;
+ if (iSequence > 0)
+ {
+ if (pdesc->paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FIN)
+ dwFlags |= pdIn;
+ if (pdesc->paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FOUT)
+ dwFlags |= pdOut;
+ if (pdesc->paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FOPT)
+ dwFlags |= pdOptional;
+ if (paramOpts == ParamOptional)
+ dwFlags |= pdOptional;
+ }
+ // Get any default values. Return type, param with iSequence==0, has no default.
+ if (pdesc->paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FHASDEFAULT && iSequence != 0)
+ {
+ switch (pdesc->paramdesc.pparamdescex->varDefaultValue.vt)
+ {
+ case VT_CY:
+ case VT_DECIMAL:
+ case VT_DATE:
+ case VT_UNKNOWN:
+ break;
+ default:
+ // This workaround is because a typelib can store anything that can convert to VT_I4 with a value of 0
+ // for the default value of an interface pointer. But, a VT_I2(0) confuses the consumers
+ // of the managed wrapper dll. So, if it is an interface on the unmanaged side, make
+ // the constant value an ET_CLASS.
+ if (cbNative > 0 && (*pbNative == NATIVE_TYPE_INTF ||
+ *pbNative == NATIVE_TYPE_IUNKNOWN ||
+ {
+ pcvValue = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ IfFailGo( _UnpackVariantToConstantBlob(&pdesc->paramdesc.pparamdescex->varDefaultValue, &cvType, &pcvValue, &d) );
+ }
+ }
+ // Create the param definition.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineParam(mdFunc, iSequence, szName, dwFlags, cvType, pcvValue, -1, &pdParam));
+ // Add the native type if it there is any.
+ if (cbNative > 0)
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->SetFieldMarshal(pdParam, (PCCOR_SIGNATURE) pbNative, cbNative));
+ if (pdesc->paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FHASDEFAULT && iSequence != 0)
+ {
+ switch (pdesc->paramdesc.pparamdescex->varDefaultValue.vt)
+ {
+ case VT_CY:
+ IfFailGo(VarDecFromCy(pdesc->paramdesc.pparamdescex->varDefaultValue.cyVal, &decVal));
+ IfFailGo(DecimalCanonicalize(&decVal));
+ goto StoreDecimal;
+ case VT_DECIMAL:
+ // If there is a decimal constant value, set it as a custom attribute.
+ {
+ decVal = pdesc->paramdesc.pparamdescex->varDefaultValue.decVal;
+ StoreDecimal:
+ DECLARE_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(sizeof(BYTE)+sizeof(BYTE)+sizeof(UINT)+sizeof(UINT)+sizeof(UINT));
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_DECIMALVALUE, &tkAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(pdParam, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(),0));
+ }
+ break;
+ case VT_DATE:
+ {
+ DECLARE_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(sizeof(__int64));
+ __int64 date = _DoubleDateToTicks(pdesc->paramdesc.pparamdescex->;
+ BUILD_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(__int64, date);
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_DATETIMEVALUE, &tkAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(pdParam, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(),0));
+ }
+ break;
+ case VT_UNKNOWN:
+ {
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_IUNKNOWNVALUE, &tkAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(pdParam, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(),0));
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_IDISPATCHVALUE, &tkAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(pdParam, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(),0));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Add the alias information if the param is an alias.
+ IfFailGo(_HandleAliasInfo(pITI, (TYPEDESC*)&pdesc->tdesc, pdParam));
+ // If a vararg param, set the custom attribute.
+ if (paramOpts == ParamVarArg)
+ {
+ mdToken tkAttribute;
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_PARAMARRAY, &tkAttribute));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(pdParam, tkAttribute, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), 0));
+ }
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvParam()
+// Convert a constant into a field with a default value.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvConstant(
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // Containing TypeInfo.
+ VARDESC *psVar, // VARDESC for the property.
+ BOOL bEnumMember) // If true, type is containing class.
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ mdFieldDef mdField; // Token of the new field.
+ DWORD dwFlags; // Member flags.
+ CQuickBytes qbComSig; // The COM+ Signature of the field.
+ ULONG cb, cbTotal;
+ BYTE cvType = ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID; // E_T_Type for constant value
+ void *pcvValue; // Pointer to constant value data.
+ mdToken tkAttr; // Type for custom attribute.
+ __int64 d; // For cases where value is a date.
+ BOOL bConversionLoss=false; // If true, some attributes were lost on conversion.
+ BYTE *pbSig; // Pointer to signature bytes.
+ CQuickArray<BYTE> qbNativeBuf; // Native type buffer.
+ ULONG cbNative = 0; // Size of native type.
+ int bDecimal = 0; // If the value is a decimal.
+ DECIMAL decVal; // Decimal constant value.
+ // Information about the member.
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetDocumentation(psVar->memid, &m_szMember, 0,0,0));
+ // resize to make room for calling convention and count of argument
+ IfFailGo(qbComSig.ReSizeNoThrow(CB_MAX_ELEMENT_TYPE * 4));
+ pbSig = (BYTE *)qbComSig.Ptr();
+ // Compute properties.
+ // Build the signature.
+ cbTotal = cb = CorSigCompressData((ULONG)IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_FIELD, pbSig);
+ if (bEnumMember)
+ {
+ cb = CorSigCompressData(ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE, &pbSig[cbTotal]);
+ cbTotal += cb;
+ cb = CorSigCompressToken(m_tdTypeDef, reinterpret_cast<ULONG*>(&pbSig[cbTotal]));
+ cbTotal += cb;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Use the conversion function to get the signature.
+ ULONG cbSave = cbTotal;
+ IfFailGo(_ConvSignature(pITI, &psVar->elemdescVar.tdesc, SIG_FLAGS_NONE, qbComSig, cbTotal, &cbTotal, qbNativeBuf, 0, &cbNative, FALSE));
+ if (hr == S_CONVERSION_LOSS)
+ bConversionLoss = true;
+ if (psVar->elemdescVar.tdesc.vt == VT_DATE)
+ {
+ // But for dates, convert it as float -- DateTime is reported as R4 in a typelib!
+ cbTotal = cbSave;
+ cb = CorSigCompressData(ELEMENT_TYPE_R4, &pbSig[cbTotal]);
+ cbTotal += cb;
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the default value.
+ switch (psVar->lpvarValue->vt)
+ {
+ case VT_CY:
+ case VT_DECIMAL:
+ case VT_DATE:
+ case VT_UNKNOWN:
+ break;
+ default:
+ // This workaround is because a typelib can store anything that can convert to VT_I4 with a value of 0
+ // for the default value of an interface pointer. But, a VT_I2(0) confuses the consumers
+ // of the managed wrapper dll. So, if it is an interface on the unmanaged side, make
+ // the constant value an ET_CLASS.
+ BYTE *pbNative = NULL;
+ pbNative = qbNativeBuf.Ptr();
+ if (cbNative > 0 && (*pbNative == NATIVE_TYPE_INTF ||
+ *pbNative == NATIVE_TYPE_IUNKNOWN ||
+ {
+ pcvValue = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ IfFailGo( _UnpackVariantToConstantBlob(psVar->lpvarValue, &cvType, &pcvValue, &d) );
+ }
+ // Create the field definition.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineField(m_tdTypeDef, m_szMember, dwFlags, (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)pbSig, cbTotal,
+ cvType, pcvValue, -1, &mdField));
+ switch (psVar->lpvarValue->vt)
+ {
+ case VT_CY:
+ IfFailGo(VarDecFromCy(psVar->lpvarValue->cyVal, &decVal));
+ IfFailGo(DecimalCanonicalize(&decVal));
+ goto StoreDecimal;
+ case VT_DECIMAL:
+ // If there is a decimal constant value, set it as a custom attribute.
+ {
+ decVal = psVar->lpvarValue->decVal;
+ StoreDecimal:
+ DECLARE_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(sizeof(BYTE)+sizeof(BYTE)+sizeof(UINT)+sizeof(UINT)+sizeof(UINT));
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_DECIMALVALUE, &tkAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(mdField, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(),0));
+ }
+ break;
+ case VT_DATE:
+ {
+ DECLARE_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(sizeof(__int64));
+ __int64 date = _DoubleDateToTicks(psVar->lpvarValue->date);
+ BUILD_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(__int64, date);
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_DATETIMEVALUE, &tkAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(mdField, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(),0));
+ }
+ break;
+ case VT_UNKNOWN:
+ {
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_IUNKNOWNVALUE, &tkAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(mdField, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(),0));
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_IDISPATCHVALUE, &tkAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(mdField, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(),0));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ // Save the field flags.
+ if (psVar->wVarFlags)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_TYPELIBVAR, &tkAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(mdField, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(),0));
+ }
+ // Set up the native description, if any.
+ if (cbNative > 0)
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->SetFieldMarshal(mdField, (PCCOR_SIGNATURE) qbNativeBuf.Ptr(), cbNative));
+ // Add the alias information if the type is an alias.
+ IfFailGo(_HandleAliasInfo(pITI, &psVar->elemdescVar.tdesc, mdField));
+ if (bConversionLoss)
+ {
+ }
+ if (m_szMember)
+ ::SysFreeString(m_szMember), m_szMember=0;
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvConstant()
+// Convert a (record) field into a member.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvField(
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // Containing TypeInfo.
+ VARDESC *psVar, // VARDESC for the property.
+ mdFieldDef *pmdField, // Put field token here.
+ BOOL bUnion) // Convert as a union?
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ DWORD dwFlags; // Member flags.
+ CQuickBytes qbComSig; // The COM+ Signature of the field.
+ ULONG cb, cbTotal; // Size of a sig element, signature.
+ BYTE *pbSig; // Pointer to signature bytes.
+ CQuickArray<BYTE> qbNativeBuf; // Native type buffer.
+ ULONG cbNative; // Size of native type.
+ mdToken tkAttr; // CustomAttribute type.
+ BOOL bConversionLoss=false; // If true, some attributes were lost on conversion.
+ // Information about the member.
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetDocumentation(psVar->memid, &m_szMember, 0,0,0));
+ // Compute properties.
+ // resize to make room for calling convention and count of argument
+ IfFailGo(qbComSig.ReSizeNoThrow(CB_MAX_ELEMENT_TYPE * 2));
+ pbSig = (BYTE *)qbComSig.Ptr();
+ // Build the signature.
+ cbTotal = cb = CorSigCompressData((ULONG)IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_FIELD, pbSig);
+ IfFailGo(_ConvSignature(pITI, &psVar->elemdescVar.tdesc, SIG_FIELD, qbComSig, cbTotal, &cbTotal, qbNativeBuf, 0, &cbNative, FALSE));
+ if (hr == S_CONVERSION_LOSS)
+ bConversionLoss = true;
+ // Create the field definition.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineField(m_tdTypeDef, m_szMember, dwFlags, (PCCOR_SIGNATURE) qbComSig.Ptr(),cbTotal,
+ ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID, NULL, -1, pmdField));
+ // Save the field flags.
+ if (psVar->wVarFlags)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_TYPELIBVAR, &tkAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(*pmdField, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(),0));
+ }
+ if (bConversionLoss)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_COMCONVERSIONLOSS, &tkAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(*pmdField, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(),SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(),0));
+ }
+ // Set up the native description, if any.
+ if (cbNative > 0)
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->SetFieldMarshal(*pmdField, (PCCOR_SIGNATURE) qbNativeBuf.Ptr(), cbNative));
+ // Add the alias information if the type is an alias.
+ IfFailGo(_HandleAliasInfo(pITI, &psVar->elemdescVar.tdesc, *pmdField));
+ if (bConversionLoss)
+ {
+ }
+ if (m_szMember)
+ ::SysFreeString(m_szMember), m_szMember=0;
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvField()
+// Convert a dispatch property into a pair of get/set functions.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvProperty(
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // Containing TypeInfo.
+ MemberInfo *pMember) // VARDESC for the property.
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ mdMethodDef mdFuncGet; // A get function.
+ mdMethodDef mdFuncSet; // A set function.
+ mdProperty pdProperty; // Property on the two functions.
+ DWORD dwFlags; // Function flags.
+ WCHAR *pszName=0; // Decorated name of member.
+ CQuickArray<WCHAR> qbName; // Buffer for decorated name.
+ CQuickBytes qbComSig; // com signature buffer
+ ULONG cb; // Size of an element.
+ ULONG cbTotal = 0; // Total size of signature.
+ BYTE *pbSig; // Pointer to signature buffer.
+ BOOL bConversionLoss=false; // If true, some attributes were lost on conversion.
+ CQuickArray<BYTE> qbNativeBuf; // Native type buffer.
+ ULONG iNativeOfs=0; // Current offset in native type buffer.
+ VARDESC *psVar = pMember->m_psVar;
+ // Check to see if the property is the NewEnum member.
+ if (PropertyIsNewEnum(pITI, psVar, pMember->m_iMember) == S_OK)
+ return _ConvNewEnumProperty(pITI, psVar, pMember);
+ // Get the name.
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetDocumentation(psVar->memid, &m_szMember, 0,0,0));
+ // Create the get signature.
+ IfFailGo(qbComSig.ReSizeNoThrow(CB_MAX_ELEMENT_TYPE * 2));
+ pbSig = reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(qbComSig.Ptr());
+ // Getter takes zero parameters.
+ cb = CorSigCompressData(0, &(pbSig[cb]));
+ cbTotal += cb;
+ // Getter returns the property type.
+ IfFailGo(_ConvSignature(pITI, &psVar->elemdescVar.tdesc, SIG_ELEM, qbComSig, cbTotal, &cbTotal, qbNativeBuf, 0, &iNativeOfs, FALSE));
+ if (hr == S_CONVERSION_LOSS)
+ bConversionLoss = true;
+ // Getter properties.
+ // If processing an implemented interface, remove the abstract bit. Methods on classes are not abstract.
+ if (m_ImplIface != eImplIfaceNone)
+ dwFlags &= ~mdAbstract;
+ // Get the previously decorated name. Add interface name and make unique.
+ // m_szInterface should be non-null if processing an implemented interface; should be null otherwise.
+ _ASSERTE(m_ImplIface == eImplIfaceNone || m_szInterface != 0);
+ IfFailGo(qbName.ReSizeNoThrow(wcslen(pMember->m_pName)+2));
+ wcscpy_s(qbName.Ptr(), wcslen(pMember->m_pName)+2, pMember->m_pName);
+ IfFailGo(GenerateUniqueMemberName(qbName, (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)qbComSig.Ptr(), cbTotal, m_szInterface, mdtMethodDef));
+ pszName = qbName.Ptr();
+ // Create the get Accessor.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineMethod(m_tdTypeDef, pszName, dwFlags, (PCCOR_SIGNATURE) qbComSig.Ptr(), cbTotal,
+ // Handle dispids for non-implemented interfaces, and for default interface
+ if (m_ImplIface != eImplIface)
+ {
+ // Set the Dispid CA.
+ _SetDispIDCA(pITI, pMember->m_iMember, psVar->memid, mdFuncGet, TRUE, NULL, FALSE);
+ }
+ // If processing an implemented interface, set up MethodImpls.
+ if (m_ImplIface != eImplIfaceNone)
+ {
+ // Define a memberref on the implemented interface.
+ mdToken mrItfMember;
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineMemberRef(m_tkInterface, pMember->m_pName, (PCCOR_SIGNATURE) qbComSig.Ptr(),cbTotal, &mrItfMember));
+ // Define a method impl.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineMethodImpl(m_tdTypeDef, mdFuncGet, mrItfMember));
+ }
+ // If not a read-only var, create the setter.
+ if ((psVar->wVarFlags & VARFLAG_FREADONLY) == 0)
+ {
+ // Create the setter signature.
+ IfFailGo(qbComSig.ReSizeNoThrow(CB_MAX_ELEMENT_TYPE * 3));
+ pbSig = reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(qbComSig.Ptr());
+ // Setter takes one parameter.
+ cb = CorSigCompressData(1, &(pbSig[cb]));
+ cbTotal += cb;
+ // Setter returns nothing.
+ cb = CorSigCompressData(ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID, &pbSig[cbTotal]);
+ cbTotal += cb;
+ // Setter takes the property type.
+ IfFailGo(_ConvSignature(pITI, &psVar->elemdescVar.tdesc, SIG_ELEM, qbComSig, cbTotal, &cbTotal, qbNativeBuf, 0, &iNativeOfs, FALSE));
+ if (hr == S_CONVERSION_LOSS)
+ bConversionLoss = true;
+ // Setter properties.
+ // If processing an implemented interface, remove the abstract bit. Methods on classes are not abstract.
+ if (m_ImplIface != eImplIfaceNone)
+ dwFlags &= ~mdAbstract;
+ // Get the previously decorated name. Add interface name and make unique.
+ // m_szInterface should be non-null if processing an implemented interface; should be null otherwise.
+ _ASSERTE(m_ImplIface == eImplIfaceNone || m_szInterface != 0);
+ IfFailGo(qbName.ReSizeNoThrow(wcslen(pMember->m_pName2)+2));
+ wcscpy_s(qbName.Ptr(), wcslen(pMember->m_pName2)+2, pMember->m_pName2);
+ IfFailGo(GenerateUniqueMemberName(qbName, (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)qbComSig.Ptr(), cbTotal, m_szInterface, mdtMethodDef));
+ pszName = qbName.Ptr();
+ // Create the setter Accessor.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineMethod(m_tdTypeDef, pszName, dwFlags, (PCCOR_SIGNATURE) qbComSig.Ptr(),cbTotal,
+ // Handle dispids for non-implemented interfaces, and for default interface
+ if (m_ImplIface != eImplIface)
+ {
+ // Set the Dispid CA.
+ _SetDispIDCA(pITI, pMember->m_iMember, psVar->memid, mdFuncSet, TRUE, NULL, FALSE);
+ }
+ // If processing an implemented interface, set up MethodImpls.
+ if (m_ImplIface != eImplIfaceNone)
+ {
+ // Define a memberref on the implemented interface.
+ mdToken mrItfMember;
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineMemberRef(m_tkInterface, pMember->m_pName2, (PCCOR_SIGNATURE) qbComSig.Ptr(),cbTotal, &mrItfMember));
+ // Define a method impl.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineMethodImpl(m_tdTypeDef, mdFuncSet, mrItfMember));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { // read-only, setter method is nil.
+ mdFuncSet = mdMethodDefNil;
+ }
+ // Create the property signature: 'type', or <fieldcallconv><type>
+ cbTotal = cb = CorSigCompressData((ULONG)IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_PROPERTY, pbSig);
+ cb = CorSigCompressData(0, &(pbSig[cb]));
+ cbTotal += cb;
+ // Property is just the property type.
+ IfFailGo(_ConvSignature(pITI, &psVar->elemdescVar.tdesc, SIG_ELEM, qbComSig, cbTotal, &cbTotal, qbNativeBuf, 0, &iNativeOfs, FALSE));
+ if (hr == S_CONVERSION_LOSS)
+ bConversionLoss = true;
+ // Get the property name. Add interface name and make unique, if needed.
+ // m_szInterface should be non-null if processing an implemented interface; should be null otherwise.
+ _ASSERTE(m_ImplIface == eImplIfaceNone || m_szInterface != 0);
+ IfFailGo(qbName.ReSizeNoThrow(wcslen(m_szMember)+2));
+ wcscpy_s(qbName.Ptr(), wcslen(m_szMember)+2, m_szMember);
+ IfFailGo(GenerateUniqueMemberName(qbName, (PCCOR_SIGNATURE)qbComSig.Ptr(), cbTotal, m_szInterface, mdtProperty));
+ pszName = qbName.Ptr();
+ // Set up the Property on the two methods.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineProperty(m_tdTypeDef, pszName, 0/*dwFlags*/, (PCCOR_SIGNATURE) qbComSig.Ptr(),cbTotal, ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID, NULL/*default*/, -1,
+ mdFuncSet, mdFuncGet, NULL, &pdProperty));
+ // Handle dispids for non-implemented interfaces, and for default interface
+ if (m_ImplIface != eImplIface)
+ {
+ // Set the Dispid CA on the property.
+ long lDispSet = 1;
+ _SetDispIDCA(pITI, pMember->m_iMember, psVar->memid, pdProperty, TRUE, &lDispSet, FALSE);
+ // If this property is default property, add a custom attribute to the class.
+ if (lDispSet == DISPID_VALUE)
+ IfFailGo(_AddDefaultMemberCa(m_tdTypeDef, m_szMember));
+ }
+ // Add the alias information if the type is an alias.
+ IfFailGo(_HandleAliasInfo(pITI, &psVar->elemdescVar.tdesc, pdProperty));
+ if (bConversionLoss)
+ {
+ }
+ if (m_szMember)
+ ::SysFreeString(m_szMember), m_szMember=0;
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvProperty()
+// Convert the NewEnum dispatch property into the GetEnumerator method.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvNewEnumProperty(
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // Containing TypeInfo.
+ VARDESC *psVar, // VARDESC for the property.
+ MemberInfo *pMember)
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ mdMethodDef mdGetEnum; // The GetEnumerator method.
+ CQuickBytes qbComSig; // com signature buffer
+ ULONG cb; // Size of an element.
+ ULONG cbTotal = 0; // Total size of signature.
+ BYTE *pbSig; // Pointer to signature buffer.
+ BOOL bConversionLoss=false; // If true, some attributes were lost on conversion.
+ CQuickArray<BYTE> qbNativeBuf; // Native type buffer.
+ ULONG iNativeOfs=0; // Current offset in native type buffer.
+ // Get the name.
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetDocumentation(psVar->memid, &m_szMember, 0,0,0));
+ // Create the GetEnumerator signature.
+ IfFailGo(qbComSig.ReSizeNoThrow(CB_MAX_ELEMENT_TYPE * 2));
+ pbSig = reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(qbComSig.Ptr());
+ // GetEnumerator takes zero parameters.
+ cb = CorSigCompressData(0, &(pbSig[cb]));
+ cbTotal += cb;
+ // Getter returns the property type.
+ IfFailGo(_ConvSignature(pITI, &psVar->elemdescVar.tdesc, SIG_ELEM, qbComSig, cbTotal, &cbTotal, qbNativeBuf, 0, &iNativeOfs, TRUE));
+ if (hr == S_CONVERSION_LOSS)
+ bConversionLoss = true;
+ // Create the GetEnumerator method.
+ // Set the Dispid CA.
+ _SetDispIDCA(pITI, pMember->m_iMember, psVar->memid, mdGetEnum, TRUE, NULL, FALSE);
+ // Add the alias information if the type is an alias.
+ IfFailGo(_HandleAliasInfo(pITI, &psVar->elemdescVar.tdesc, mdGetEnum));
+ if (bConversionLoss)
+ {
+ }
+ if (m_szMember)
+ ::SysFreeString(m_szMember), m_szMember=0;
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvNewEnumProperty()
+// Given an ITypeLib*, come up with a namespace name. Use the typelib name
+// unless there is one specified via custom attribute.
+// NOTE: This returns the member variable m_wzNamespace if the typelib
+// is the importing typelib. That must not be freed!
+HRESULT CImportTlb::GetNamespaceOfRefTlb(
+ ITypeLib *pITLB, // TypeLib for which to get namespace name.
+ BSTR *pwzNamespace, // Put the name here.
+ CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap **ppDefItfToClassItfMap) // Put def itf to class itf map here.
+ mdAssemblyRef arDummy;
+ BSTR wzAsmName = NULL;
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ // If already resolved, just return assembly ref.
+ if (!m_LibRefs.Find(pITLB, &arDummy, pwzNamespace, &wzAsmName, NULL, ppDefItfToClassItfMap))
+ {
+ // Add a reference to the typelib.
+ IfFailGo(_AddTlbRef(pITLB, &arDummy, pwzNamespace, &wzAsmName, ppDefItfToClassItfMap));
+ }
+ if (wzAsmName)
+ ::SysFreeString(wzAsmName);
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::GetNamespaceOfRefTlb()
+// Given a TYPEDESC, resolve the USERDEFINED to the TYPEKIND.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_ResolveTypeDescAliasTypeKind(
+ ITypeInfo *pITIAlias, // The typeinfo containing the typedesc.
+ TYPEDESC *ptdesc, // The typedesc.
+ TYPEKIND *ptkind) // Put the aliased typekind.
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ ITypeInfo *pTIResolved=0; // The resolved ITypeInfo.
+ TYPEATTR *psResolved=0; // The resolved TypeInfo's TYPEATTR
+ if (ptdesc->vt != VT_USERDEFINED)
+ {
+ *ptkind = TKIND_MAX;
+ return S_FALSE;
+ }
+ hr = _ResolveTypeDescAlias(pITIAlias, ptdesc, &pTIResolved, &psResolved);
+ if (hr == S_OK)
+ *ptkind = psResolved->typekind;
+ else
+ *ptkind = TKIND_MAX;
+ if (psResolved)
+ pTIResolved->ReleaseTypeAttr(psResolved);
+ if (pTIResolved)
+ pTIResolved->Release();
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_ResolveTypeDescAliasTypeKind()
+// Given a TYPEDESC in a TypeInfo, eliminate aliases (get to the aliased
+// type).
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_ResolveTypeDescAlias(
+ ITypeInfo *pITIAlias, // The typeinfo containing the typedesc.
+ const TYPEDESC *ptdesc, // The typedesc.
+ ITypeInfo **ppTIResolved, // Put the aliased ITypeInfo here.
+ TYPEATTR **ppsAttrResolved, // Put the ITypeInfo's TYPEATTR here.
+ GUID *pGuid) // Caller may want aliased object's guid.
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ ITypeInfo *pITI=0; // Referenced typeinfo.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttr=0; // TYPEATTR of referenced typeinfo.
+ // If the TDESC isn't a USERDEFINED, it is already resolved.
+ if (ptdesc->vt != VT_USERDEFINED)
+ {
+ *ppTIResolved = pITIAlias;
+ pITIAlias->AddRef();
+ // Need to addref the [out] psAttr. Only way to do it:
+ IfFailGo(pITIAlias->GetTypeAttr(ppsAttrResolved));
+ hr = S_FALSE;
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ // The TYPEDESC is a USERDEFINED. Get the TypeInfo.
+ IfFailGo(pITIAlias->GetRefTypeInfo(ptdesc->hreftype, &pITI));
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetTypeAttr(&psAttr));
+ // If the caller needs the aliased object's guid, get it now.
+ if (pGuid && *pGuid == GUID_NULL && psAttr->guid != GUID_NULL)
+ *pGuid = psAttr->guid;
+ // If the userdefined typeinfo is not itself an alias, then it is what the alias aliases.
+ // Also, if the userdefined typeinfo is an alias to a builtin type, then the builtin
+ // type is what the alias aliases.
+ if (psAttr->typekind != TKIND_ALIAS || psAttr->tdescAlias.vt != VT_USERDEFINED)
+ {
+ *ppsAttrResolved = psAttr;
+ *ppTIResolved = pITI;
+ if (psAttr->typekind == TKIND_ALIAS)
+ hr = S_FALSE;
+ psAttr = 0;
+ pITI = 0;
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ // The userdefined type was itself an alias to a userdefined type. Alias to what?
+ hr = _ResolveTypeDescAlias(pITI, &psAttr->tdescAlias, ppTIResolved, ppsAttrResolved, pGuid);
+ if (psAttr)
+ pITI->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttr);
+ if (pITI)
+ pITI->Release();
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_ResolveTypeDescAlias()
+// Create the TypeInfo records (AKA classes, AKA critters).
+HRESULT CImportTlb::GetKnownTypeToken(
+ VARTYPE vt, // The type for which the token is desired.
+ mdTypeRef *ptr) // Put the token here.
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result.
+ (vt >= VT_CY && vt <= VT_DECIMAL) || (vt == VT_SAFEARRAY) || (vt == VT_SLOT_FOR_GUID) ||
+ // If it has already been added, just return it.
+ if (m_tkKnownTypes[vt])
+ {
+ *ptr = m_tkKnownTypes[vt];
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ // Not yet created, so create the typeref now.
+ switch (vt)
+ {
+ //=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
+ // WARNING: the VT_EMPTY slot is used for System.GUID!!
+ IfFailGo(m_TRMap.DefineTypeRef(
+ m_pEmit, // The emit scope.
+ m_arSystem, // The system assemblyref.
+ TLB_CLASSLIB_GUID, // URL of the TypeDef, wide chars.
+ &m_tkKnownTypes[VT_SLOT_FOR_GUID])); // Put mdTypeRef here
+ break;
+ // WARNING: the VT_NULL slot is used for System.Collections.IEnumerable!!
+ IfFailGo(m_TRMap.DefineTypeRef(
+ m_pEmit, // The emit scope.
+ m_arSystem, // The system assemblyref.
+ TLB_CLASSLIB_IENUMERABLE, // URL of the TypeDef, wide chars.
+ &m_tkKnownTypes[VT_SLOT_FOR_IENUMERABLE])); // Put mdTypeRef here
+ break;
+ // WARNING: the VT_I2 slot is used for System.MulticastDelegate!!
+ IfFailGo(m_TRMap.DefineTypeRef(
+ m_pEmit, // The emit scope.
+ m_arSystem, // The system assemblyref.
+ TLB_CLASSLIB_MULTICASTDELEGATE, // URL of the TypeDef, wide chars.
+ &m_tkKnownTypes[VT_SLOT_FOR_MULTICASTDEL])); // Put mdTypeRef here
+ break;
+ // WARNING: the VT_I4 slot is used for System.Type!!
+ IfFailGo(m_TRMap.DefineTypeRef(
+ m_pEmit, // The emit scope.
+ m_arSystem, // The system assemblyref.
+ TLB_CLASSLIB_TYPE, // URL of the TypeDef, wide chars.
+ &m_tkKnownTypes[VT_SLOT_FOR_TYPE])); // Put mdTypeRef here
+ break;
+ // WARNING: the VT_I8 slot is used for System.Text.StringBuilder!!
+ IfFailGo(m_TRMap.DefineTypeRef(
+ m_pEmit, // The emit scope.
+ m_arSystem, // The system assemblyref.
+ TLB_CLASSLIB_STRINGBUFFER, // URL of the TypeDef, wide chars.
+ &m_tkKnownTypes[VT_SLOT_FOR_STRINGBUF])); // Put mdTypeRef here
+ break;
+ case VT_CY:
+ IfFailGo(m_TRMap.DefineTypeRef(
+ m_pEmit, // The emit scope.
+ m_arSystem, // The system assemblyref.
+ TLB_CLASSLIB_DECIMAL, // URL of the TypeDef, wide chars.
+ &m_tkKnownTypes[VT_CY])); // Put mdTypeRef here
+ break;
+ case VT_DATE:
+ IfFailGo(m_TRMap.DefineTypeRef(
+ m_pEmit, // The emit scope.
+ m_arSystem, // The system assemblyref.
+ TLB_CLASSLIB_DATE, // URL of the TypeDef, wide chars.
+ &m_tkKnownTypes[VT_DATE])); // Put mdTypeRef here
+ break;
+ case VT_DECIMAL:
+ IfFailGo(m_TRMap.DefineTypeRef(
+ m_pEmit, // The emit scope.
+ m_arSystem, // The system assemblyref.
+ TLB_CLASSLIB_DECIMAL, // URL of the TypeDef, wide chars.
+ &m_tkKnownTypes[VT_DECIMAL])); // Put mdTypeRef here
+ break;
+ IfFailGo(m_TRMap.DefineTypeRef(
+ m_pEmit, // The emit scope.
+ m_arSystem, // The system assemblyref.
+ TLB_CLASSLIB_ARRAY, // URL of the TypeDef, wide chars.
+ &m_tkKnownTypes[VT_SAFEARRAY])); // Put mdTypeRef here
+ break;
+ default:
+ _ASSERTE(!"Unknown type in GetKnownTypes");
+ }
+ _ASSERTE(!IsNilToken(m_tkKnownTypes[vt]));
+ *ptr = m_tkKnownTypes[vt];
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::GetKnownTypeToken()
+// Given an ITypeInfo for a coclass, return an ITypeInfo for the default
+// interface. This is either the explicitly marked default, or the first
+// non-source interface.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::GetDefaultInterface( // Error, S_OK or S_FALSE.
+ ITypeInfo *pCoClassTI, // The TypeInfo of the coclass.
+ ITypeInfo **pDefaultItfTI) // The returned default interface.
+ HRESULT hr; // A result
+ HREFTYPE href; // HREFTYPE of an implemented interface.
+ INT ImplFlags; // ImplType flags.
+ ITypeInfo *pITI=NULL; // ITypeInfo for an interface.
+ TYPEATTR *pCoClassTypeAttr; // The type attributes of the coclass.
+ int NumInterfaces; // The number of interfaces on the coclass.
+ int i; // A counter.
+ // Initialize the default interface to NULL.
+ *pDefaultItfTI = NULL;
+ // Retrieve the number of interfaces the coclass has
+ IfFailGo(pCoClassTI->GetTypeAttr(&pCoClassTypeAttr));
+ NumInterfaces = pCoClassTypeAttr->cImplTypes;
+ pCoClassTI->ReleaseTypeAttr(pCoClassTypeAttr);
+ for (i=0; i < NumInterfaces; i++)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pCoClassTI->GetImplTypeFlags(i, &ImplFlags));
+ {
+ // We have found a default interface.
+ if (*pDefaultItfTI)
+ (*pDefaultItfTI)->Release();
+ IfFailGo(pCoClassTI->GetRefTypeOfImplType(i, &href));
+ IfFailGo(pCoClassTI->GetRefTypeInfo(href, pDefaultItfTI));
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (!(ImplFlags & IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE) && !(*pDefaultItfTI))
+ {
+ // If this is the first normal interface we encounter then we need to
+ // hang on to it in case we don't find any default interfaces. If that
+ // happens then this is the one that will be returned.
+ IfFailGo(pCoClassTI->GetRefTypeOfImplType(i, &href));
+ IfFailGo(pCoClassTI->GetRefTypeInfo(href, pDefaultItfTI));
+ }
+ }
+ // Return either S_OK or S_FALSE depending on if we have found a default interface.
+ if (*pDefaultItfTI)
+ return S_OK;
+ else
+ return S_FALSE;
+ if (pITI)
+ pITI->Release();
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::GetDefaultInterface()
+// Given a TypeInfo, return a TypeDef/TypeRef token.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_GetTokenForTypeInfo(
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // ITypeInfo for which to get token.
+ BOOL bConvDefItfToClassItf, // If TRUE, convert the def itf to its class itf.
+ mdToken *pToken, // Put the token here.
+ __out_ecount (chTypeRef) __out_opt LPWSTR pszTypeRef, // Optional, put the name here.
+ int chTypeRef, // Size of the name buffer in characters.
+ int *pchTypeRef, // Optional, put size of name here.
+ BOOL bAsmQualifiedName) // Assembly qualified name or not?
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ ITypeLib *pITLB=0; // Containing typelib.
+ BSTR bstrNamespace=0; // Namespace of the type.
+ BSTR bstrFullName=0; // Fully qualified name of type.
+ BSTR bstrTempName=0; // Temp name.
+ BSTR bstrAsmName=0; // Assembly name.
+ LPCWSTR strTypeName=0; // The type name.
+ mdAssemblyRef ar; // The typelib's assembly ref.
+ TYPEATTR* psAttr = 0; // The TYPEATTR for the type info.
+ CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap *pDefItfToClassItfMap; // The default interface to class interface map.
+ // Get the library.
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetContainingTypeLib(&pITLB, 0));
+ // Resolve the external reference.
+ IfFailGo(_AddTlbRef(pITLB, &ar, &bstrNamespace, &bstrAsmName, &pDefItfToClassItfMap));
+ // If are converting default interfaces to class interfaces, then check
+ // to see if we need to do the convertion for the current ITypeInfo.
+ if (bConvDefItfToClassItf)
+ {
+ // Retrieve the TYPEATTR.
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetTypeAttr(&psAttr));
+ // If we are dealing with an interface, then check to see if there
+ // is a class interface we should use.
+ if (psAttr->typekind == TKIND_INTERFACE || psAttr->typekind == TKIND_DISPATCH)
+ {
+ strTypeName = pDefItfToClassItfMap->GetClassItfName(psAttr->guid);
+ }
+ }
+ // If we haven't found a class interface, then use the current interface.
+ if (!strTypeName)
+ {
+ // Get the name of the typeinfo.
+ IfFailGo(GetManagedNameForTypeInfo(pITI, bstrNamespace, NULL, &bstrFullName));
+ strTypeName = bstrFullName;
+ }
+ // Give name back to caller, if desired.
+ if (pszTypeRef)
+ wcsncpy_s(pszTypeRef, chTypeRef, strTypeName, chTypeRef-1);
+ if (pchTypeRef)
+ *pchTypeRef = (int)(wcslen(pszTypeRef) + 1);
+ // Define the TypeRef (will return any existing typeref).
+ IfFailGo(m_TRMap.DefineTypeRef(m_pEmit, ar, strTypeName, pToken));
+ // If the caller desires an assembly qualified name, then provide it.
+ if (bAsmQualifiedName)
+ {
+ int cchAsmQualifiedName = SysStringLen(bstrFullName) + SysStringLen(bstrAsmName) + 2;
+ IfNullGo(bstrTempName = ::SysAllocStringLen(0, cchAsmQualifiedName));
+ ns::MakeAssemblyQualifiedName(bstrTempName, cchAsmQualifiedName + 1, bstrFullName, SysStringLen(bstrFullName), bstrAsmName, SysStringLen(bstrAsmName));
+ SysFreeString(bstrFullName);
+ bstrFullName = bstrTempName;
+ }
+ // Give name back to caller, if desired.
+ if (pszTypeRef)
+ wcsncpy_s(pszTypeRef, chTypeRef, bstrFullName, chTypeRef-1);
+ if (pchTypeRef)
+ *pchTypeRef = (int)(wcslen(pszTypeRef) + 1);
+ if (bstrNamespace)
+ ::SysFreeString(bstrNamespace);
+ if (bstrFullName)
+ ::SysFreeString(bstrFullName);
+ if (bstrAsmName)
+ ::SysFreeString(bstrAsmName);
+ if (pITLB)
+ pITLB->Release();
+ if (psAttr)
+ pITI->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttr);
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_GetTokenForTypeInfo()
+// Given a TypeInfo for a source interface, creates a new event interface
+// if none exists or returns an existing one.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_GetTokenForEventItf(ITypeInfo *pSrcItfITI, mdTypeRef *ptr)
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result.
+ ImpTlbEventInfo* pEventInfo; // The event information.
+ BSTR bstrSrcItfName = NULL; // The name of the CoClass.
+ CQuickArray<WCHAR> qbEventItfName; // The name of the event interface.
+ CQuickArray<WCHAR> qbEventProviderName; // The name of the event provider.
+ mdToken tkAttr; // Custom attribute type.
+ BSTR szOldName = NULL; // The old value m_tdTypeDef.
+ mdTypeDef tdOldTypeDef = NULL; // The old value m_szName.
+ TYPEATTR* psAttr = 0; // The TYPEATTR for the source interface.
+ mdTypeRef trEventItf; // A type ref to the event interface.
+ ITypeLib* pTypeTLB; // The typelib containing this interface.
+ mdAssemblyRef ar; // Dummy AssmRef.
+ BSTR wzNamespace=0; // Namespace of the event interface assembly.
+ BSTR wzAsmName=0; // Assembly name of the event interface assembly.
+ Assembly* SrcItfAssembly=0; // The Source Event Interface assembly.
+ CQuickArray<WCHAR> qbSrcItfName; // The name of the source interface.
+ CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap *pDefItfToClassItfMap; // The default interface to class interface map.
+ BOOL fInheritsIEnum = FALSE;
+ // Retrieve the namespace of the typelib containing this source interface.
+ IfFailGo(pSrcItfITI->GetContainingTypeLib(&pTypeTLB, NULL));
+ // Resolve the external reference.
+ IfFailGo(_AddTlbRef(pTypeTLB, &ar, &wzNamespace, &wzAsmName, &pDefItfToClassItfMap));
+ // Get the assembly + namespace the source interface resides in.
+ // May return all NULL - indicating the importing assembly.
+ m_LibRefs.Find(pTypeTLB, &ar, &wzNamespace, &wzAsmName, &SrcItfAssembly, NULL);
+ if (SrcItfAssembly == NULL)
+ SrcItfAssembly = m_pAssembly;
+ // Retrieve the full name of the source interface.
+ if (wzNamespace)
+ IfFailGo(GetManagedNameForTypeInfo(pSrcItfITI, (WCHAR*)wzNamespace, NULL, &bstrSrcItfName));
+ else
+ IfFailGo(GetManagedNameForTypeInfo(pSrcItfITI, m_wzNamespace, NULL, &bstrSrcItfName));
+ // Start by looking up the event information for the source itf type info.
+ pEventInfo = m_EventInfoMap.FindEventInfo(bstrSrcItfName);
+ if (pEventInfo)
+ {
+ SysFreeString(bstrSrcItfName);
+ *ptr = pEventInfo->trEventItf;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ // Store the old values of the ITypeInfo name and of the current type def.
+ szOldName = m_szName;
+ tdOldTypeDef = m_tdTypeDef;
+ m_szName = NULL;
+ // Get some information about the TypeInfo.
+ IfFailGo(pSrcItfITI->GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, &m_szName, 0, 0, 0));
+ IfFailGo(pSrcItfITI->GetTypeAttr(&psAttr));
+ if (ExplicitlyImplementsIEnumerable(pSrcItfITI, psAttr) == S_OK)
+ fInheritsIEnum = TRUE;
+ // Generate a unique name for the event interface which will be of the form:
+ // <ImportingAssemblyNamespace>.<SrcItfName>_Event<PotentialSuffix>
+ // Strip the namespace
+ IfFailGo(qbSrcItfName.ReSizeNoThrow(wcslen(bstrSrcItfName) + 2));
+ ns::SplitPath((WCHAR*)bstrSrcItfName, NULL, 0, qbSrcItfName.Ptr(), (int)wcslen(bstrSrcItfName) + 1);
+ // Add the namespace of the importing typelib and the event suffix
+ IfFailGo(qbEventItfName.ReSizeNoThrow(qbSrcItfName.Size() + wcslen(m_wzNamespace) + EVENT_ITF_SUFFIX_LENGTH + 7));
+ StringCchPrintf(qbEventItfName.Ptr(), qbEventItfName.Size(), W("%s.%s%s"), m_wzNamespace, qbSrcItfName.Ptr(), EVENT_ITF_SUFFIX);
+ IfFailGo(GenerateUniqueTypeName(qbEventItfName));
+ // Generate a unique name for the event provider which will be of the form:
+ // <ImportingAssemblyNamespace>.<SrcItfName>_EventProvider<PotentialSuffix>
+ // Add the namespace of the imporing typelib and the event suffix
+ IfFailGo(qbEventProviderName.ReSizeNoThrow(qbSrcItfName.Size() + wcslen(m_wzNamespace) + EVENT_PROVIDER_SUFFIX_LENGTH + 7));
+ StringCchPrintf(qbEventProviderName.Ptr(), qbEventProviderName.Size(), W("%s.%s%s"), m_wzNamespace, qbSrcItfName.Ptr(), EVENT_PROVIDER_SUFFIX);
+ IfFailGo(GenerateUniqueTypeName(qbEventProviderName));
+ // Add the event provider as a reserved name.
+ m_ReservedNames.AddReservedName(qbEventProviderName.Ptr());
+ // Create the typedef for the event interface.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineTypeDef(qbEventItfName.Ptr(), tdPublic | tdInterface | tdAbstract, mdTypeDefNil, NULL, &m_tdTypeDef));
+ // Hide the event interface from the VB object browser (_Event)
+ _SetHiddenCA(m_tdTypeDef);
+ // Make the interface ComVisible(false).
+ {
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_COMVISIBLE, &tkAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(m_tdTypeDef, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), 0));
+ }
+ // Set the ComEventInterface CA on the interface.
+ {
+ CQuickBytes asmQualifiedSrcItfName;
+ if (!ns::MakeAssemblyQualifiedName(asmQualifiedSrcItfName, bstrSrcItfName, wzAsmName))
+ DECLARE_DYNLEN_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(wcslen((WCHAR*)asmQualifiedSrcItfName.Ptr()) + 5 + wcslen(qbEventProviderName.Ptr()) + 5);
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_COMEVENTINTERFACE, &tkAttr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(m_tdTypeDef, tkAttr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), 0));
+ }
+ // Add the add_XXX and remove_XXX methods to the event interface.
+ IfFailGo(_ConvSrcIfaceMembers(pSrcItfITI, psAttr, fInheritsIEnum));
+ // Define a typeref for the event interface.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineTypeRefByName(TokenFromRid(1, mdtModule), qbEventItfName.Ptr(), &trEventItf));
+ // Add the event info to the map.
+ IfFailGo(m_EventInfoMap.AddEventInfo(bstrSrcItfName, trEventItf, qbEventItfName.Ptr(), qbEventProviderName.Ptr(), SrcItfAssembly));
+ // Set the out type ref.
+ *ptr = trEventItf;
+ if (bstrSrcItfName)
+ ::SysFreeString(bstrSrcItfName);
+ if (m_szName)
+ ::SysFreeString(m_szName);
+ if (psAttr)
+ pSrcItfITI->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttr);
+ if (pTypeTLB)
+ pTypeTLB->Release();
+ // Restore the initial values for the ITypeInfo name and the type def.
+ m_szName = szOldName;
+ m_tdTypeDef = tdOldTypeDef;
+ return (hr);
+ DacNotImpl();
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+#endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_GetTokenForEventItf()
+// Creates an interface with the same name as the class and which implements
+// the default interface and the default event interface.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_CreateClassInterface(ITypeInfo *pCoClassITI, ITypeInfo *pDefItfITI, mdTypeRef trDefItf, mdTypeRef rtDefEvItf, mdToken *ptr)
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result.
+ CQuickArray<mdToken> rImpls; // Array of implemented interfaces.
+ int ixImpl = -1; // Index into rImpls for implemented interface.
+ mdTypeDef tdTypeDef; // The class interface typedef.
+ BSTR bstrFullName = NULL; // The name of the CoClass.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttrIface=0; // TYPEATTR for an interface.
+ CQuickArray<WCHAR> qbClassName; // The name of the class.
+ IfFailGo(rImpls.ReSizeNoThrow(3));
+ memset(rImpls.Ptr(), 0, 3 * sizeof(mdToken));
+ if (trDefItf)
+ rImpls[++ixImpl] = trDefItf;
+ if (rtDefEvItf)
+ rImpls[++ixImpl] = rtDefEvItf;
+ // Retrieve the TypeAttr for the interface.
+ if (pDefItfITI)
+ IfFailGo(pDefItfITI->GetTypeAttr(&psAttrIface));
+ // Retrieve the name of the CoClass (use the original name if this is an alias).
+ IfFailGo(GetManagedNameForTypeInfo(m_pOrigITI, m_wzNamespace, NULL, &bstrFullName));
+ // Create the typedef.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineTypeDef(bstrFullName, rdwTypeFlags[TKIND_INTERFACE], mdTypeDefNil, 0, &tdTypeDef));
+ // Set the IID to the IID of the default interface.
+ IfFailGo(_AddGuidCa(tdTypeDef, psAttrIface ? psAttrIface->guid : GUID_NULL));
+ // Add the CoClass CA to the interface.
+ _AddStringCa(ATTR_COCLASS, tdTypeDef, m_szMngName);
+ // Add the implemented interfaces and event interfaces to the TypeDef.
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->SetTypeDefProps(tdTypeDef, ULONG_MAX/*Classflags*/,
+ ULONG_MAX, (mdToken*)rImpls.Ptr()));
+ // Set the out type def.
+ *ptr = tdTypeDef;
+ if (bstrFullName)
+ ::SysFreeString(bstrFullName);
+ if (psAttrIface)
+ pDefItfITI->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrIface);
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_CreateClassInterface()
+// Creates an interface with the same name as the class and which implements
+// the default interface and the default event interface.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::GetManagedNameForCoClass(ITypeInfo *pITI, CQuickArray<WCHAR> &qbClassName)
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result.
+ BSTR bstrFullName=0; // Fully qualified name of type.
+ // Retrieve the name of the CoClass.
+ IfFailGo(GetManagedNameForTypeInfo(pITI, m_wzNamespace, NULL, &bstrFullName));
+ // Resize the class name to accomodate the Class and potential suffix.
+ IfFailGo(qbClassName.ReSizeNoThrow(wcslen(bstrFullName) + CLASS_SUFFIX_LENGTH + 6));
+ // Set the class name to the CoClass name suffixed with Class.
+ StringCchPrintf(qbClassName.Ptr(), qbClassName.Size(), W("%s%s"), bstrFullName, CLASS_SUFFIX);
+ // Generate a unique name for the class.
+ IfFailGo(GenerateUniqueTypeName(qbClassName));
+ if (bstrFullName)
+ ::SysFreeString(bstrFullName);
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::GetManagedNameForCoClass()
+// Creates an interface with the same name as the class and which implements
+// the default interface and the default event interface.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::GenerateUniqueTypeName(CQuickArray<WCHAR> &qbTypeName)
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result.
+ WCHAR *pSuffix=0; // Location for suffix.
+ size_t cchSuffix;
+ WCHAR *pName=0; // The name without the namespace.
+ int iSuffix=2; // Starting value for suffix.
+ mdToken td; // For looking up a TypeDef.
+ BSTR szTypeInfoName=0; // Name of a typeinfo.
+ ITypeInfo *pITI=0; // A typeinfo.
+ // Resize the class name to accomodate the Class and potential suffix.
+ IfFailGo(qbTypeName.ReSizeNoThrow(wcslen(qbTypeName.Ptr()) + 6));
+ // Set the suffix pointer.
+ pSuffix = qbTypeName.Ptr() + wcslen(qbTypeName.Ptr());
+ cchSuffix = qbTypeName.Size() - wcslen(qbTypeName.Ptr());
+ // Set the name pointer.
+ WCHAR* pTemp = ns::FindSep(qbTypeName.Ptr());
+ if (pTemp == NULL)
+ pName = qbTypeName.Ptr();
+ else
+ pName = pTemp + 1;
+ // Attempt to find a class name that is not in use.
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ // First check to see if the type name is in use in the metadata we
+ // have emitted so far.
+ hr = m_pImport->FindTypeDefByName(qbTypeName.Ptr(), mdTypeDefNil, &td);
+ {
+ // It is not in use in the metadata but we still need to check the
+ // typelib because the type might not have been emitted yet.
+ USHORT cReq = 4;
+ USHORT cFound = cReq;
+ BOOL bTypeInTlb = FALSE;
+ CQuickArray<ITypeInfo *> qbTI;
+ CQuickArray<MEMBERID> qbMemId;
+ // Retrieve all the instances of the name in the typelib.
+ do
+ {
+ // Double the number of requested names.
+ cReq *= 2;
+ // Resize the array's to accomodate the resquested names.
+ IfFailGo(qbTI.ReSizeNoThrow(cReq));
+ IfFailGo(qbMemId.ReSizeNoThrow(cReq));
+ // Request the names.
+ cFound = cReq;
+ IfFailGo(m_pITLB->FindName(pName, 0, qbTI.Ptr(), qbMemId.Ptr(), &cFound));
+ // Release all the ITypeInfo's.
+ for (int i = 0; i < cFound; i++)
+ qbTI[i]->Release();
+ }
+ while (cReq == cFound);
+ // Check to see if one of the instances of the name is for a type.
+ for (int i = 0; i < cFound; i++)
+ {
+ if (qbMemId[i] == MEMBERID_NIL)
+ {
+ bTypeInTlb = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the type name exists in the typelib, but we didn't find it as a type,
+ // we still need to do a deeper check, due to how FindName() works.
+ if (!bTypeInTlb && cFound > 0)
+ {
+ int cTi; // Count of TypeInfos.
+ int i; // Loop control.
+ //@todo: this iterates over every typeinfo every time! We could cache
+ // the names, and skip the types already converted. However, this should
+ // be pretty rare.
+ // How many TypeInfos?
+ IfFailGo(cTi = m_pITLB->GetTypeInfoCount());
+ // Iterate over them.
+ for (i=0; i<cTi; ++i)
+ {
+ // Get the TypeInfo, and its name.
+ IfFailGo(m_pITLB->GetTypeInfo(i, &pITI));
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, &szTypeInfoName, 0, 0, 0));
+ if (wcscmp(pName, szTypeInfoName) == 0)
+ {
+ bTypeInTlb = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Release for next TypeInfo.
+ ::SysFreeString(szTypeInfoName);
+ szTypeInfoName = 0;
+ pITI->Release();
+ pITI = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // The type name is not in the typelib and not in the metadata then we still
+ // need to check to see if is a reserved name.
+ if (!bTypeInTlb)
+ {
+ if (!m_ReservedNames.IsReservedName(qbTypeName.Ptr()))
+ {
+ // The name is not a reserved name so we can use it.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ IfFailGo(hr);
+ // Append the new suffix to the class name.
+ StringCchPrintf(pSuffix, cchSuffix, W("_%i"), iSuffix++);
+ }
+ if (szTypeInfoName)
+ ::SysFreeString(szTypeInfoName);
+ if (pITI)
+ pITI->Release();
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::GenerateUniqueTypeName()
+// Generate a unique member name based on the interface member name.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::GenerateUniqueMemberName(// S_OK or error
+ CQuickArray<WCHAR> &qbMemberName, // Original name of member.
+ PCCOR_SIGNATURE pSig, // Signature of the member.
+ ULONG cSig, // Length of the signature.
+ LPCWSTR szPrefix, // Possible prefix for decoration.
+ mdToken type) // Is it a property? (Not a method?)
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ mdToken tkMember; // Dummy location for token.
+ WCHAR *pSuffix=0; // Location for suffix.
+ size_t cchSuffix = 0;
+ int iSuffix=2; // Starting value for suffix.
+ // Try to find a member name that is not already in use.
+ for (;;)
+ { // See if this is (finally) a unique member or property.
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case mdtProperty:
+ hr = FindProperty(m_tdTypeDef, qbMemberName.Ptr(), 0, 0, &tkMember);
+ // If name is OK as property, check that there is no method or
+ // property with the name.
+ hr = FindMethod(m_tdTypeDef, qbMemberName.Ptr(), 0,0, &tkMember);
+ hr = FindEvent(m_tdTypeDef, qbMemberName.Ptr(), &tkMember);
+ break;
+ case mdtMethodDef:
+ hr = FindMethod(m_tdTypeDef, qbMemberName.Ptr(), pSig, cSig, &tkMember);
+ // If name is OK as method, check that there is no property or
+ // event with the name.
+ hr = FindProperty(m_tdTypeDef, qbMemberName.Ptr(), 0,0, &tkMember);
+ hr = FindEvent(m_tdTypeDef, qbMemberName.Ptr(), &tkMember);
+ break;
+ case mdtEvent:
+ hr = FindEvent(m_tdTypeDef, qbMemberName.Ptr(), &tkMember);
+ // If name is OK as event, check that there is no property or
+ // method with the name.
+ hr = FindProperty(m_tdTypeDef, qbMemberName.Ptr(), 0,0, &tkMember);
+ hr = FindMethod(m_tdTypeDef, qbMemberName.Ptr(), 0,0, &tkMember);
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Unexpected type. Make noise, but let it pass.
+ _ASSERTE(!"Unexpected token type in GenerateUniqueMemberName");
+ }
+ // If name was not found, it is unique.
+ {
+ hr = S_OK;
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ // Test for failure.
+ IfFailGo(hr);
+ // Make a test decoration.
+ if (szPrefix)
+ {
+ size_t iLenPrefix, iLenName;
+ iLenPrefix = wcslen(szPrefix);
+ iLenName = wcslen(qbMemberName.Ptr());
+ IfFailGo(qbMemberName.ReSizeNoThrow(iLenName + iLenPrefix + 2));
+ // Shift by prefix length, plus '_'. Note use of overlap-safe move.
+ memmove(&qbMemberName[iLenPrefix+1], &qbMemberName[0], (iLenName+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
+ wcscpy_s(qbMemberName.Ptr(), iLenPrefix + 1, szPrefix);
+ qbMemberName[iLenPrefix] = W('_');
+ szPrefix = 0;
+ // Try again with prefix before trying a suffix.
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!pSuffix)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(qbMemberName.ReSizeNoThrow(wcslen(qbMemberName.Ptr()) + 6));
+ pSuffix = qbMemberName.Ptr() + wcslen(qbMemberName.Ptr());
+ cchSuffix = qbMemberName.Size() - wcslen(qbMemberName.Ptr());
+ }
+ StringCchPrintf(pSuffix, cchSuffix, W("_%i"), iSuffix++);
+ }
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::GenerateUniqueMemberName()
+// Convert a TYPEDESC to a COM+ signature.
+// Conversion rules:
+// integral types are converted as-is.
+// strings to strings, with native type decoration.
+// VT_UNKNOWN, VT_DISPATCH as ref class (ie, Object)
+// VT_PTR -> VT_USERDEFINED interface as Object
+// VT_USERDEFINED record as value type.
+// With SIG_FUNC:
+// PTR to valuetype depends on other flags:
+// [IN] or [RETVAL] valuetype + NATIVE_TYPE_LPSTRUCT
+// [OUT] or [IN, OUT] byref valuetype
+// PTR to integral type:
+// [IN] @todo: see atti
+// [OUT] [IN, OUT] byref type
+// [RETVAL] type
+// PTR to object
+// [IN] @todo: see atti
+// [OUT] [IN, OUT] byref object
+// [RETVAL] object
+// With SIG_FIELD:
+// PTR to integral type adds ELEMENT_TYPE_PTR.
+// Conversion proceeds in three steps.
+// 1) Parse the COM type info. Accumulate VT_PTR and VT_BYREF into a count
+// of indirections. Follow TKIND_ALIAS to determine the ultimate aliased
+// type, and for non-user-defined types, convert that ultimate type.
+// Collect array sizes and udt names. Determine element type and native
+// type.
+// 2) Normalize to COM+ types. Determine if there is conversion loss.
+// 3) Emit the COM+ signature. Recurse to handle array types. Add native
+// type info if there is any.
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable:21000) // Suppress PREFast warning about overly large function
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvSignature( // S_OK, S_CONVERSION_LOSS, or error.
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // [IN] The typeinfo containing the TYPEDESC.
+ const TYPEDESC *pType, // [IN] The TYPEDESC to convert.
+ ULONG Flags, // [IN] Flags describing the TYPEDESC.
+ CQuickBytes &qbSigBuf, // [IN, OUT] A CQuickBytes containing the signature.
+ ULONG cbSig, // [IN] Where to start building the signature.
+ ULONG *pcbSig, // [OUT] Where the signature ends (ix of first byte past; where to start next).
+ CQuickArray<BYTE> &qbNativeTypeBuf, // [IN, OUT] A CQuickBytes containing the native type.
+ ULONG cbNativeType, // [IN] Where to start building the native type.
+ ULONG *pcbNativeType, // [OUT] Where the native type ends (ix of first byte past; where to start next).
+ BOOL bNewEnumMember, // [IN] A flag indicating if the member is the NewEnum member.
+ int iByRef) // [IN] ByRef count of caller (for recursive calls).
+ HRESULT hr=S_OK; // A result.
+ TYPEDESC tdTemp; // Copy of TYPEDESC, for R/W.
+ VARTYPE vt; // The typelib signature element.
+ int bByRef=false; // If true, convert first pointer as "ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF".
+ COR_SIGNATURE et=0; // The COM+ signature element.
+ mdToken tk=0; // Token from some COM+ signature element.
+ ULONG nt=NATIVE_TYPE_NONE; // Native type decoration.
+ ITypeInfo *pITIAlias=0; // Typeinfo of the aliased type.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttrAlias=0; // TYPEATTR of the aliased typeinfo.
+ ITypeInfo *pITIUD=0; // TypeInfo of an aliased UserDefined type.
+ ITypeLib *pITLBUD=0; // TypeLib of an aliased UserDefined type.
+ BSTR bstrNamespace=0; // Namespace name.
+ BSTR bstrName=0; // UserDefined name.
+ int bConversionLoss=false; // If true, the conversion was lossy.
+ BYTE *pbSig; // Byte pointer for easy pointer math.
+ ULONG cb; // Size of a signature element.
+ ULONG cElems=0; // Count of elements in an array.
+ int i; // Loop control.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttr = 0; // The TYPEATTR for the user defined type being converted.
+ const StdConvertibleItfInfo *pConvertionInfo = 0; // The standard convertible interface information.
+ CQuickArray<BYTE> qbNestedNativeType;// A native type buffer used for array sig convertion.
+ ULONG iNestedNativeTypeOfs=0; // A native type offset.
+ ULONG nested=NATIVE_TYPE_NONE; // A nested native type.
+ // VT_ to ELEMENT_TYPE_ translation table.
+ struct VtSig
+ {
+ CorElementType et;
+ CorNativeType nt;
+ short flags;
+ };
+ // The VARIANT_TYPE to sig mapping table.
+ static const VtSig
+ _VtInfo[MAX_TLB_VT] =
+ {
+ // Relies on {0} initializing the entire sub-structure to 0.
+ // it would be nice to convert these as I and U, with NT_I4 and NT_U4, but that doesn't work.
+ {ELEMENT_TYPE_I4, NATIVE_TYPE_NONE, 0}, // VT_INT = 22 INT is I4 on win32
+ {ELEMENT_TYPE_U4, NATIVE_TYPE_NONE, 0}, // VT_UINT = 23 UINT is UI4 on win32
+ };
+ _ASSERTE(pType && pcbSig && pcbNativeType);
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Parse COM signature
+ // Strip off leading VT_PTR and VT_BYREF
+ while (pType->vt == VT_PTR)
+ pType = pType->lptdesc, ++iByRef;
+ if (pType->vt & VT_BYREF)
+ {
+ tdTemp = *pType;
+ tdTemp.vt &= ~VT_BYREF;
+ ++iByRef;
+ pType = &tdTemp;
+ }
+ // Determine the element type, and possibly the token and/or native type.
+ switch (vt=pType->vt)
+ {
+ case VT_PTR:
+ _ASSERTE(!"Should not have VT_PTR here");
+ break;
+ // These are all known types (plus GUID).
+ case VT_CY:
+ case VT_DATE:
+ case VT_DECIMAL:
+ IfFailGo(GetKnownTypeToken(vt, &tk));
+ et = _VtInfo[vt].et;
+ nt = _VtInfo[vt].nt;
+ break;
+ if (m_bSafeArrayAsSystemArray && !IsSigVarArg(Flags))
+ {
+ IfFailGo(GetKnownTypeToken(vt, &tk));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ IfFailGo(GetKnownTypeToken(vt, &tk));
+ }
+ break;
+ // Resolve the alias to the ultimate aliased type.
+ IfFailGo(_ResolveTypeDescAlias(pITI, pType, &pITIAlias, &psAttrAlias));
+ // If the aliased type was built-in, convert that built-in type.
+ if (psAttrAlias->typekind == TKIND_ALIAS)
+ { // Recurse to follow the alias chain.
+ _ASSERTE(psAttrAlias->tdescAlias.vt != VT_USERDEFINED);
+ hr = _ConvSignature(pITIAlias, &psAttrAlias->tdescAlias, Flags, qbSigBuf, cbSig, pcbSig, qbNativeTypeBuf, cbNativeType, pcbNativeType, bNewEnumMember, iByRef);
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ // If the type is a coclass then we need to retrieve the default interface and
+ // substitute it for the coclass. Look up on the resolved alias, because it is
+ // that class that has a default interface.
+ if (psAttrAlias->typekind == TKIND_COCLASS)
+ {
+ ITypeInfo *pDefaultItf = NULL;
+ hr = GetDefaultInterface(pITIAlias, &pDefaultItf);
+ if ((hr != S_OK) || !pDefaultItf)
+ {
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ pITIUD = pDefaultItf;
+ }
+ else
+ { // USERDEFINED class/interface/record/union/enum. Retrieve the type
+ // info for the user defined type. Note: use the TKIND_ALIAS typeinfo
+ // itself for this conversion (not the aliased type) to preserve
+ // names, lib locations, etc.
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeInfo(pType->hreftype, &pITIUD));
+ }
+ // pITIUD points to the typeinfo for which we'll create a signature.
+ IfFailGo(pITIUD->GetDocumentation(MEMBERID_NIL, &bstrName, 0,0,0));
+ IfFailGo(pITIUD->GetContainingTypeLib(&pITLBUD, 0));
+ IfFailGo(pITIUD->GetTypeAttr(&psAttr));
+ IfFailGo(GetNamespaceNameForTypeLib(pITLBUD, &bstrNamespace));
+ // If the "User Defined Type" is GUID in StdOle2, convert to M.R.GUID
+ if (SString::_wcsicmp(bstrNamespace, COM_STDOLE2) == 0 && wcscmp(bstrName, COM_GUID) == 0)
+ { // Classlib valuetype GUID.
+ IfFailGo(GetKnownTypeToken(VT_SLOT_FOR_GUID, &tk));
+ }
+ else
+ { // Some user defined class. Is it a value class, or a VOS class?
+ tk = 0;
+ switch (psAttrAlias->typekind)
+ {
+ case TKIND_ENUM:
+ break;
+ // A pointer to a user defined type of interface/dispatch/coclass
+ // is a straight COM+ object (the ref is implicit), so eliminate
+ // one byref count for those.
+ // Somehow, there are typelibs written with ([out, retval] IFoo *pOut);
+ if (iByRef <= 0)
+ {
+ // convert to an int.
+ bConversionLoss = true;
+ tk = 0;
+ iByRef = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ --iByRef;
+ // Check for references to Stdole2.IUnknown or Stdole2.IDispatch.
+ if (psAttr->guid == IID_IUnknown)
+ {
+ vt = VT_UNKNOWN;
+ goto IsReallyUnknown;
+ }
+ else if (psAttr->guid == IID_IDispatch)
+ {
+ goto IsReallyUnknown;
+ }
+ // Check to see if this user defined type is one of the standard ones
+ // we generate custom marshalers for.
+ pConvertionInfo = GetConvertionInfoFromNativeIID(psAttr->guid);
+ if (pConvertionInfo)
+ {
+ // Convert the UTF8 string to unicode.
+ int MngTypeNameStrLen = (int)(strlen(pConvertionInfo->m_strMngTypeName) + 1);
+ WCHAR *strFullyQualifiedMngTypeName = (WCHAR *)_alloca(MngTypeNameStrLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ int ret = WszMultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, pConvertionInfo->m_strMngTypeName, MngTypeNameStrLen, strFullyQualifiedMngTypeName, MngTypeNameStrLen);
+ _ASSERTE(ret != 0);
+ if (!ret)
+ IfFailGo(HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError());
+ // Create a TypeRef to the marshaller.
+ IfFailGo(m_TRMap.DefineTypeRef(m_pEmit, m_arSystem, strFullyQualifiedMngTypeName, &tk));
+ // The type is a standard interface that we need to convert.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ //case TKIND_MODULE: -- can't pass one of these as a parameter.
+ //case TKIND_ALIAS: -- should already be resolved.
+ _ASSERTE(!"Unexpected typekind for user defined type");
+ } // switch (psAttrAlias->typekind)
+ }
+ break;
+ IsReallyUnknown:
+ case VT_UNKNOWN:
+ // If the NewEnum member, retrieve the custom marshaler information for IEnumVARIANT.
+ if (bNewEnumMember && (pConvertionInfo=GetConvertionInfoFromNativeIID(IID_IEnumVARIANT)))
+ {
+ // Convert the UTF8 string to unicode.
+ int MngTypeNameStrLen = (int)(strlen(pConvertionInfo->m_strMngTypeName) + 1);
+ WCHAR *strFullyQualifiedMngTypeName = (WCHAR *)_alloca(MngTypeNameStrLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ int ret = WszMultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, pConvertionInfo->m_strMngTypeName, MngTypeNameStrLen, strFullyQualifiedMngTypeName, MngTypeNameStrLen);
+ _ASSERTE(ret != 0);
+ if (!ret)
+ IfFailGo(HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError());
+ // Create a TypeRef to the marshaller.
+ IfFailGo(m_TRMap.DefineTypeRef(m_pEmit, m_arSystem, strFullyQualifiedMngTypeName, &tk));
+ // The type is a standard interface that we need to convert.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ et = _VtInfo[vt].et;
+ nt = _VtInfo[vt].nt;
+ }
+ break;
+ case VT_CARRAY:
+ // Determine the count of elements.
+ for (cElems=1, i=0; i<pType->lpadesc->cDims; ++i)
+ cElems *= pType->lpadesc->rgbounds[i].cElements;
+ // Set the native type based on weither we are dealing with a field or a method sig.
+ if (IsSigField(Flags))
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ // Set the element type.
+ et = _VtInfo[vt].et;
+ break;
+ case VT_BOOL:
+ // Special case for VARIANT_BOOL: If a field of a struct or union, convert
+ // as ET_I2.
+ if (IsSigField(Flags))
+ vt = VT_I2;
+ // Fall through to default case.
+ default:
+ if (vt > VT_LPWSTR)
+ {
+ ReportEvent(NOTIF_CONVERTWARNING, TLBX_E_BAD_VT_TYPE, vt, m_szName, m_szMember);
+ IfFailGo(PostError(TLBX_E_BAD_VT_TYPE, vt, m_szName, m_szMember));
+ }
+ _ASSERTE(vt <= VT_LPWSTR && _VtInfo[vt].et != ELEMENT_TYPE_MAX);
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable:26000) // "Disable PREFast/espX warning about buffer overflow"
+ et = _VtInfo[vt].et;
+ nt = _VtInfo[vt].nt;
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(pop)
+ break;
+ } // switch (vt=pType->vt)
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Normalize to COM+ types.
+ // At this point the type, flags, and pointer nesting are known. Is this a legal combination?
+ // If not, what is the appropriate "simplifing assumption"?
+ if (et == ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID)
+ {
+ if (IsSigField(Flags))
+ { // A void as a field. No byref.
+ iByRef = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Param or return type. "void *" -> ET_I, "void **", "void ***",... -> ET_BYREF ET_I
+ if (iByRef > 1)
+ iByRef = 1;
+ else
+ if (iByRef == 1)
+ iByRef = 0;
+ }
+ tk = 0;
+ }
+ if (et == ELEMENT_TYPE_STRING && iByRef == 0 && !IsSigField(Flags) && IsSigOut(Flags))
+ {
+ // This is an [out] or [in, out] string parameter without indirections.
+ if (vt == VT_BSTR)
+ {
+ // [in, out] System.String does not make much sense. Managed strings are
+ // immutable and we do not have BSTR <-> StringBuilder marshaling support.
+ // Convert them to IntPtr.
+ bConversionLoss = true;
+ tk = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(vt == VT_LPSTR || vt == VT_LPWSTR);
+ // [in, out] C-strings and wide strings have a lossless conversion to StringBuilder.
+ IfFailGo(GetKnownTypeToken(VT_SLOT_FOR_STRINGBUF, &tk));
+ // nt already has the right value
+ }
+ }
+ if (iByRef)
+ {
+ if (et == ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE && iByRef >= 2)
+ {
+ bConversionLoss = true;
+ tk = 0;
+ iByRef = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (Flags & SIG_TYPE_MASK)
+ {
+ case SIG_FIELD:
+ // If ptr to valuetype or class type, we can't handle it.
+ if (et == ELEMENT_TYPE_END ||
+ {
+ bConversionLoss = true;
+ tk = 0;
+ iByRef = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case SIG_FUNC:
+ // Pointer to value type?
+ {
+ // For [retval], eat one level of indirection; otherwise turn one into BYREF
+ if (IsSigOutRet(Flags))
+ { // [out, retval], so reduce one level of indirection.
+ --iByRef;
+ }
+ else
+ if (IsSigUseByref(Flags))
+ {
+ bByRef = true;
+ --iByRef;
+ }
+ if (iByRef > 0)
+ {
+ --iByRef;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else // Pointer to Object or base type.
+ {
+ if (IsSigRet(Flags))
+ { // [retval] so consume one indirection.
+ _ASSERTE(iByRef > 0);
+ --iByRef;
+ }
+ if (iByRef > 0 && IsSigUseByref(Flags))
+ {
+ bByRef = true;
+ --iByRef;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case SIG_ELEM:
+ // This case comes up when a property type is from a [retval].
+ if (IsSigRet(Flags))
+ {
+ if (iByRef > 0)
+ --iByRef;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } // if (iByRef)
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // We don't want any ET_PTR, so if there are any byref counts left, bail.
+ if (iByRef)
+ {
+ bConversionLoss = true;
+ tk = 0;
+ iByRef = 0;
+ bByRef = false;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Build COM+ signature.
+ // Type has been analyzed, and possibly modified. Emit the COM+ signature.
+ // If it is a pointer to something, emit that now.
+ if (bByRef || iByRef)
+ {
+ // Size the array to hold the elements.
+ IfFailGo(qbSigBuf.ReSizeNoThrow(cbSig + CB_MAX_ELEMENT_TYPE * (iByRef+(bByRef?1:0))));
+ pbSig = reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(qbSigBuf.Ptr());
+ // Put in any leading "BYREF"
+ if (bByRef)
+ {
+ pbSig = reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(qbSigBuf.Ptr());
+ cb = CorSigCompressData(ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF, &pbSig[cbSig]);
+ cbSig += cb;
+ }
+ // Put in the "PTR"s.
+ while (iByRef-- > 0)
+ {
+ cb = CorSigCompressData(ELEMENT_TYPE_PTR, &pbSig[cbSig]);
+ cbSig += cb;
+ }
+ }
+ // Emit the type.
+ IfFailGo(qbSigBuf.ReSizeNoThrow(cbSig + CB_MAX_ELEMENT_TYPE));
+ pbSig = reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(qbSigBuf.Ptr());
+ cb = CorSigCompressData(et, &pbSig[cbSig]);
+ cbSig += cb;
+ // Add the class type, the array information, etc.
+ switch (et)
+ {
+ // Size the array to hold the token.
+ IfFailGo(qbSigBuf.ReSizeNoThrow(cbSig + CB_MAX_ELEMENT_TYPE));
+ pbSig = reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(qbSigBuf.Ptr());
+ // If the token hasn't been resolved yet, do that now.
+ if (tk == 0)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(_GetTokenForTypeInfo(pITIUD, TRUE, &tk));
+ }
+ cb = CorSigCompressToken(tk, reinterpret_cast<ULONG*>(&pbSig[cbSig]));
+ cbSig += cb;
+ break;
+ // map to SZARRAY <subtype>
+ IfFailGo(qbSigBuf.ReSizeNoThrow(cbSig + CB_MAX_ELEMENT_TYPE));
+ pbSig = reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(qbSigBuf.Ptr());
+ // Recurse on the type.
+ IfFailGo(_ConvSignature(pITI, &pType->lpadesc->tdescElem, SIG_ELEM, qbSigBuf, cbSig, &cbSig, qbNestedNativeType, 0, &iNestedNativeTypeOfs, bNewEnumMember));
+ if (hr == S_CONVERSION_LOSS)
+ bConversionLoss = true;
+ break;
+ case VT_UNKNOWN:
+ default:
+ _ASSERTE(tk == 0);
+ // et, nt assigned above.
+ break;
+ } // switch (et)
+ // Do any native type info.
+ if (nt != NATIVE_TYPE_NONE)
+ {
+ if (iNestedNativeTypeOfs > 0)
+ CorSigUncompressData(reinterpret_cast<PCCOR_SIGNATURE>(qbNestedNativeType.Ptr()), &nested);
+ {
+ IfFailGo(qbNativeTypeBuf.ReSizeNoThrow(cbNativeType + NATIVE_TYPE_MAX_CB * 2 + DWORD_MAX_CB));
+ cbNativeType += CorSigCompressData(nt, &qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType]);
+ cbNativeType += CorSigCompressData(cElems, &qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType]);
+ if (nested == NATIVE_TYPE_BSTR || nested == NATIVE_TYPE_LPWSTR || nested == NATIVE_TYPE_LPSTR)
+ { // Use the nested type.
+ cbNativeType += CorSigCompressData(nested, &qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType]);
+ }
+ else
+ { // Use a default sub type.
+ cbNativeType += CorSigCompressData(NATIVE_TYPE_MAX, &qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (nt == NATIVE_TYPE_ARRAY)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(qbNativeTypeBuf.ReSizeNoThrow(cbNativeType + NATIVE_TYPE_MAX_CB * 2 + DWORD_MAX_CB * 2));
+ cbNativeType += CorSigCompressData(nt, &qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType]);
+ if (nested == NATIVE_TYPE_BSTR || nested == NATIVE_TYPE_LPWSTR || nested == NATIVE_TYPE_LPSTR)
+ { // Use the nested type.
+ cbNativeType += CorSigCompressData(nested, &qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType]);
+ }
+ else
+ { // Use a default sub type.
+ cbNativeType += CorSigCompressData(NATIVE_TYPE_MAX, &qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType]);
+ }
+ // Use zero for param index.
+ cbNativeType += CorSigCompressData(0, &qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType]);
+ // Use count from typelib for elem count.
+ cbNativeType += CorSigCompressData(cElems, &qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType]);
+ }
+ else if (nt == NATIVE_TYPE_SAFEARRAY)
+ {
+ BOOL bPtrArray = FALSE;
+ CQuickArray<WCHAR> rTemp;
+ CQuickArray<char> rTypeName;
+ LPUTF8 strTypeName = "";
+ TYPEDESC *pTypeDesc = &pType->lpadesc->tdescElem;
+ VARTYPE ArrayElemVT = pTypeDesc->vt;
+ if (ArrayElemVT == VT_PTR)
+ {
+ bPtrArray = TRUE;
+ pTypeDesc = pType->lpadesc->tdescElem.lptdesc;
+ ArrayElemVT = pTypeDesc->vt;
+ if ((ArrayElemVT != VT_USERDEFINED) && (ArrayElemVT != VT_VOID))
+ {
+ // We do not support deep marshalling pointers.
+ ArrayElemVT = VT_INT;
+ bConversionLoss = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we are dealing with a safe array of user defined types and if we
+ // are importing safe array's as System.Array then add the SafeArrayUserDefSubType.
+ if (ArrayElemVT == VT_USERDEFINED)
+ {
+ // Resolve the alias to the ultimate aliased type.
+ IfFailGo(_ResolveTypeDescAlias(pITI, pTypeDesc, &pITIAlias, &psAttrAlias));
+ // If the type is a coclass then we need to retrieve the default interface and
+ // substitute it for the coclass. Look up on the resolved alias, because it is
+ // that class that has a default interface.
+ if (psAttrAlias->typekind == TKIND_COCLASS)
+ {
+ ITypeInfo *pDefaultItf = NULL;
+ hr = GetDefaultInterface(pITIAlias, &pDefaultItf);
+ if ((hr != S_OK) || !pDefaultItf)
+ {
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ pITIUD = pDefaultItf;
+ }
+ else
+ { // USERDEFINED interface/record/union/enum. Retrieve the type
+ // info for the user defined type. Note: use the TKIND_ALIAS typeinfo
+ // itself for this conversion (not the aliased type) to preserve
+ // names, lib locations, etc.
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetRefTypeInfo(pTypeDesc->hreftype, &pITIUD));
+ }
+ // pITIUD points to the typeinfo for which we'll create a signature.
+ IfFailGo(pITIUD->GetTypeAttr(&psAttr));
+ // Get the typeref name for the type.
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ int cchReq;
+ mdToken tkDummy;
+ IfFailGo(_GetTokenForTypeInfo(pITIUD, TRUE, &tkDummy, rTemp.Ptr(), (int)rTemp.MaxSize(), &cchReq, TRUE));
+ if (cchReq <= (int)rTemp.MaxSize())
+ break;
+ IfFailGo(rTemp.ReSizeNoThrow(cchReq));
+ }
+ // Convert the type name to UTF8.
+ ULONG cbReq = WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, rTemp.Ptr(), -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ IfFailGo(rTypeName.ReSizeNoThrow(cbReq + 1));
+ WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, rTemp.Ptr(), -1, rTypeName.Ptr(), cbReq, 0, 0);
+ // Determine the safe array element VT.
+ switch (psAttrAlias->typekind)
+ {
+ case TKIND_ENUM:
+ if (bPtrArray)
+ {
+ ArrayElemVT = VT_INT;
+ bConversionLoss = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ArrayElemVT = psAttrAlias->typekind == TKIND_ENUM ? VT_I4 : VT_RECORD;
+ strTypeName = rTypeName.Ptr();
+ }
+ break;
+ if (!bPtrArray)
+ {
+ ArrayElemVT = VT_INT;
+ bConversionLoss = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (IsIDispatchDerived(pITIUD, psAttr) == S_FALSE)
+ ArrayElemVT = VT_UNKNOWN;
+ else
+ ArrayElemVT = VT_DISPATCH;
+ strTypeName = rTypeName.Ptr();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // If we are not converting the SAFEARRAY to a System.Array, then
+ // we don't need to encode the name of the user defined type.
+ if (!m_bSafeArrayAsSystemArray)
+ strTypeName = "";
+ }
+ // Make sure the native type buffer is large enough.
+ ULONG TypeNameStringLen = (ULONG)strlen(strTypeName);
+ IfFailGo(qbNativeTypeBuf.ReSizeNoThrow(cbNativeType + NATIVE_TYPE_MAX_CB * 2 + DWORD_MAX_CB + TypeNameStringLen + STRING_OVERHEAD_MAX_CB));
+ // Add the native type to the native type info.
+ cbNativeType += CorSigCompressData(nt, &qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType]);
+ // Add the VARTYPE of the array.
+ cbNativeType += CorSigCompressData(ArrayElemVT, &qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType]);
+ // Add the type name to the native type info.
+ BYTE *pNativeType = (BYTE*)CPackedLen::PutLength(&qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType], TypeNameStringLen);
+ cbNativeType += (ULONG)(pNativeType - &qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType]);
+ memcpy(&qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType], strTypeName, TypeNameStringLen);
+ cbNativeType += TypeNameStringLen;
+ }
+ {
+ // Calculate the length of each string and then the total length of the native type info.
+ ULONG MarshalerTypeNameStringLen = (ULONG)strlen(pConvertionInfo->m_strCustomMarshalerTypeName);
+ ULONG CookieStringLen = (ULONG)strlen(pConvertionInfo->m_strCookie);
+ ULONG TotalNativeTypeLen = MarshalerTypeNameStringLen + CookieStringLen;
+ BYTE *pNativeType = 0;
+ // Make sure the native type buffer is large enough.
+ IfFailGo(qbNativeTypeBuf.ReSizeNoThrow(cbNativeType + NATIVE_TYPE_MAX_CB + TotalNativeTypeLen + STRING_OVERHEAD_MAX_CB * 4));
+ // Add the native type to the native type info.
+ cbNativeType += CorSigCompressData(nt, &qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType]);
+ // Add an empty string for the typelib guid.
+ pNativeType = (BYTE*)CPackedLen::PutLength(&qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType], 0);
+ cbNativeType += (ULONG)(pNativeType - &qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType]);
+ // Add an empty string for the unmanaged type name.
+ pNativeType = (BYTE*)CPackedLen::PutLength(&qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType], 0);
+ cbNativeType += (ULONG)(pNativeType - &qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType]);
+ // Add the name of the custom marshaler to the native type info.
+ pNativeType = (BYTE*)CPackedLen::PutLength(&qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType], MarshalerTypeNameStringLen);
+ cbNativeType += (ULONG)(pNativeType - &qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType]);
+ memcpy(&qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType], pConvertionInfo->m_strCustomMarshalerTypeName, MarshalerTypeNameStringLen);
+ cbNativeType += MarshalerTypeNameStringLen;
+ // Add the cookie to the native type info.
+ pNativeType = (BYTE*)CPackedLen::PutLength(&qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType], CookieStringLen);
+ cbNativeType += (ULONG)(pNativeType - &qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType]);
+ memcpy(&qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType], pConvertionInfo->m_strCookie, CookieStringLen);
+ cbNativeType += CookieStringLen;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ IfFailGo(qbNativeTypeBuf.ReSizeNoThrow(cbNativeType + NATIVE_TYPE_MAX_CB + 1));
+ cbNativeType += CorSigCompressData(nt, &qbNativeTypeBuf[cbNativeType]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Return the size of the native type to the caller.
+ *pcbNativeType = cbNativeType;
+ // Return size to caller.
+ *pcbSig = cbSig;
+ // If there was a conversion loss, change the return code.
+ if (bConversionLoss)
+ if (bstrNamespace)
+ ::SysFreeString(bstrNamespace);
+ if (bstrName)
+ ::SysFreeString(bstrName);
+ if(psAttrAlias)
+ pITIAlias->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttrAlias);
+ if (pITIAlias)
+ pITIAlias->Release();
+ if (psAttr)
+ pITIUD->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttr);
+ if (pITIUD)
+ pITIUD->Release();
+ if (pITLBUD)
+ pITLBUD->Release();
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_ConvSignature()
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(pop)
+// Build a sorted list of functions to convert. (Sort by vtable offset.)
+HRESULT CImportTlb::BuildMemberList(
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // TypeInfo with functions.
+ int iStart, // First function to take.
+ int iEnd, // Last function to take.
+ BOOL bInheritsIEnum) // Inherits from IEnumerable.
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ int bNeedSort = false; // If true, need to sort the array.
+ int ix = 0; // Loop counter.
+ int oVftPrev = -1; // To see if oVft is increasing.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttr = 0; // TypeAttr for pITI.
+ LPWSTR pszName; // Working pointer for name.
+ BSTR bstrName=0; // Name from typelib.
+ ITypeInfo2 *pITI2=0; // To get custom attributes.
+ VARIANT vt; // Variant type.
+ BOOL bFunctionToGetter; // Did a given getter come from a managed function?
+ ::VariantInit(&vt);
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetTypeAttr(&psAttr));
+ pITI->QueryInterface(IID_ITypeInfo2, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pITI2));
+ // Get the vars.
+ IfFailGo(m_MemberList.ReSizeNoThrow(psAttr->cVars + iEnd - iStart));
+ memset(m_MemberList.Ptr(), 0, m_MemberList.Size()*sizeof(MemberInfo));
+ for (ix=0; ix<psAttr->cVars; ++ix)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetVarDesc(ix, &(m_MemberList[ix].m_psVar)));
+ m_MemberList[ix].m_iMember = ix;
+ }
+ m_cMemberProps = psAttr->cVars;
+ // Get the funcs.
+ for (; iStart<iEnd; ++iStart, ++ix)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(TryGetFuncDesc(pITI, iStart, &(m_MemberList[ix].m_psFunc)));
+ psFunc = m_MemberList[ix].m_psFunc;
+ if (psFunc->oVft < oVftPrev)
+ bNeedSort = true;
+ oVftPrev = psFunc->oVft;
+ m_MemberList[ix].m_iMember = iStart;
+ }
+ if (bNeedSort)
+ {
+ class Sorter : public CQuickSort<MemberInfo>
+ {
+ typedef CImportTlb::MemberInfo MemberInfo;
+ public:
+ Sorter(MemberInfo *p, int n) : CQuickSort<MemberInfo>(p,n) {}
+ virtual int Compare(MemberInfo *p1, MemberInfo *p2)
+ {
+ if (p1->m_psFunc->oVft < p2->m_psFunc->oVft)
+ return -1;
+ if (p1->m_psFunc->oVft == p2->m_psFunc->oVft)
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ };
+ Sorter sorter(m_MemberList.Ptr()+m_cMemberProps, (int)m_MemberList.Size()-m_cMemberProps);
+ sorter.Sort();
+ // Check for duplicates.
+ oVftPrev = -1;
+ for (ix=m_cMemberProps; ix<(int)m_MemberList.Size(); ++ix)
+ {
+ if (m_MemberList[ix].m_psFunc->oVft == oVftPrev)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ oVftPrev = m_MemberList[ix].m_psFunc->oVft;
+ }
+ }
+ // Build the list of unique names.
+ m_pMemberNames = new (nothrow) CWCHARPool;
+ IfNullGo(m_pMemberNames);
+ // Property names. No possibility of collisions.
+ for (ix=0; ix<m_cMemberProps; ++ix)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetDocumentation(m_MemberList[ix].m_psVar->memid, &bstrName, 0,0,0));
+ IfNullGo(pszName = m_pMemberNames->Alloc((ULONG)wcslen(bstrName)+PROP_DECORATION_LEN+1));
+ wcscpy_s(pszName, wcslen(bstrName)+PROP_DECORATION_LEN+1, PROP_DECORATION_GET);
+ wcscat_s(pszName, wcslen(bstrName)+PROP_DECORATION_LEN+1, bstrName);
+ m_MemberList[ix].m_pName = pszName;
+ if ((m_MemberList[ix].m_psVar->wVarFlags & VARFLAG_FREADONLY) == 0)
+ {
+ IfNullGo(pszName = m_pMemberNames->Alloc((ULONG)wcslen(bstrName)+PROP_DECORATION_LEN+1));
+ wcscpy_s(pszName, wcslen(bstrName)+PROP_DECORATION_LEN+1, PROP_DECORATION_SET);
+ wcscat_s(pszName, wcslen(bstrName)+PROP_DECORATION_LEN+1, bstrName);
+ m_MemberList[ix].m_pName2 = pszName;
+ }
+ ::SysFreeString(bstrName);
+ bstrName = 0;
+ }
+ // Function names. Because of get_/set_ decoration, collisions are possible.
+ for (ix=m_cMemberProps; ix<(int)m_MemberList.Size(); ++ix)
+ {
+ int bNewEnumMember = FALSE;
+ // Build a name based on invkind.
+ psFunc = m_MemberList[ix].m_psFunc;
+ // Unless we are doing the [out, retval] transformation for disp only interfaces,
+ // we need to clear the [retval] flag.
+ if (!m_bTransformDispRetVals)
+ {
+ if (psFunc->funckind == FUNC_DISPATCH)
+ { // If [RETVAL] is set, clear it.
+ for (int i=0; i<psFunc->cParams; ++i)
+ if ((psFunc->lprgelemdescParam[i].paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FRETVAL) != 0)
+ psFunc->lprgelemdescParam[i].paramdesc.wParamFlags &= ~PARAMFLAG_FRETVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ BOOL bExplicitManagedName = FALSE;
+ if ( (!bNewEnumMember) && (!bInheritsIEnum) && (FuncIsNewEnum(pITI, psFunc, m_MemberList[ix].m_iMember) == S_OK) )
+ {
+ // The member is the new enum member so set its name to GetEnumerator.
+ IfNullGo(bstrName = SysAllocString(GET_ENUMERATOR_MEMBER_NAME));
+ bNewEnumMember = TRUE;
+ // To prevent additional methods from implementing the NewEnum method, we mark the interface
+ bInheritsIEnum = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If the managed name custom value is set for this member, then use it.
+ if (pITI2)
+ {
+ hr = pITI2->GetFuncCustData(m_MemberList[ix].m_iMember, GUID_ManagedName, &vt);
+ if (hr == S_OK && vt.vt == VT_BSTR)
+ {
+ IfNullGo(bstrName = SysAllocString(vt.bstrVal));
+ bExplicitManagedName = TRUE;
+ }
+ ::VariantClear(&vt);
+ }
+ if (!bstrName)
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetDocumentation(psFunc->memid, &bstrName, 0,0,0));
+ }
+ // If this is a property getter, see if it was originally a function.
+ bFunctionToGetter = FALSE;
+ if (psFunc->invkind == INVOKE_PROPERTYGET && pITI2)
+ {
+ hr = pITI2->GetFuncCustData(m_MemberList[ix].m_iMember, GUID_Function2Getter, &vt);
+ if (hr == S_OK && vt.vt == VT_I4 && vt.lVal == 1)
+ bFunctionToGetter = TRUE;
+ ::VariantClear(&vt);
+ }
+ // Check for the propget and propset custom attributes if this not already a property.
+ {
+ if (S_OK == _CheckForPropertyCustomAttributes(pITI, m_MemberList[ix].m_iMember, &ikind))
+ psFunc->invkind = ikind;
+ }
+ // If this is a property accessor, but not the 'new enum member', and not
+ // originally from a managed function (that was exported as a getter),
+ // decorate the name appropriately. If the managed name was set explicitly by
+ // the Guid_ManagedName attribute, then don't try an decorate it.
+ ULONG nChars = 0;
+ if (!bExplicitManagedName && (psFunc->invkind & (INVOKE_PROPERTYGET | INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT | INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF) && !bNewEnumMember && !bFunctionToGetter))
+ {
+ nChars = (ULONG)wcslen(bstrName)+PROP_DECORATION_LEN+1;
+ IfNullGo(pszName = m_pMemberNames->Alloc(nChars));
+ USHORT msSemantics=0; // Property's methodsemantics.
+ FUNCDESC *psF; // FUNCDESC of Get, Put, or PutRef.
+ TYPEDESC *pProperty; // TYPEDESC of property type.
+ BOOL bPropRetval; // Is the property type a [retval]?
+ IfFailGo(_GetFunctionPropertyInfo(psFunc, &msSemantics, &psF, &pProperty, &bPropRetval, FALSE, bstrName));
+ m_MemberList[ix].m_msSemantics = msSemantics;
+ switch(msSemantics)
+ {
+ case msGetter:
+ wcscpy_s(pszName, nChars, PROP_DECORATION_GET);
+ break;
+ case msSetter:
+ wcscpy_s(pszName, nChars, PROP_DECORATION_SET);
+ break;
+ case msOther:
+ wcscpy_s(pszName, nChars, PROP_DECORATION_LET);
+ break;
+ default:
+ _ASSERTE(msSemantics == 0);
+ *pszName = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ wcscat_s(pszName, nChars, bstrName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nChars = (ULONG)wcslen(bstrName)+1;
+ IfNullGo(pszName = m_pMemberNames->Alloc(nChars));
+ wcscpy_s(pszName, nChars, bstrName);
+ }
+ // Check for name collision, restore original name if collision occurs.
+ for (int index=0; index<ix; index++)
+ {
+ if ( (m_MemberList[index].m_pName) && (wcscmp(pszName, m_MemberList[index].m_pName) == 0) )
+ {
+ wcscpy_s(pszName, nChars, bstrName);
+ m_MemberList[ix].m_msSemantics = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Save the unique name.
+ m_MemberList[ix].m_pName = pszName;
+ ::SysFreeString(bstrName);
+ bstrName = 0;
+ }
+ if (pITI2)
+ pITI2->Release();
+ if (psAttr)
+ pITI->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttr);
+ if (bstrName)
+ ::SysFreeString(bstrName);
+ ::VariantClear(&vt);
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::BuildMemberList()
+// Free the list built in BuildMemberList().
+HRESULT CImportTlb::FreeMemberList(
+ ITypeInfo *pITI) // TypeInfo with functions.
+ int ix; // Loop control.
+ for (ix=0; ix<m_cMemberProps; ++ix)
+ pITI->ReleaseVarDesc(m_MemberList[ix].m_psVar);
+ m_cMemberProps = 0;
+ for (; ix<(int)m_MemberList.Size(); ++ix)
+ pITI->ReleaseFuncDesc(m_MemberList[ix].m_psFunc);
+ m_MemberList.Shrink(0);
+ if (m_pMemberNames)
+ {
+ delete m_pMemberNames;
+ m_pMemberNames = 0;
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::FreeMemberList()
+// Set a GUID CustomAttribute on an object.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_AddGuidCa( // S_OK or error.
+ mdToken tkObj, // Object to be attributed.
+ REFGUID guid) // The GUID.
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ mdMemberRef mr; // MemberRef for GUID CA.
+ WCHAR wzGuid[40]; // Buffer for Guid, Unicode.
+ CHAR szGuid[40]; // Buffer for Guid, Ansi.
+ // If GUID_NULL, don't store it.
+ if (guid == GUID_NULL)
+ return S_OK;
+ // Get the GUID as a string.
+ // ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4
+ // {12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012}
+ GuidToLPWSTR(guid, wzGuid, lengthof(wzGuid));
+ _ASSERTE(wzGuid[37] == W('}'));
+ wzGuid[37] = W('\0');
+ WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wzGuid+1,-1, szGuid,sizeof(szGuid), 0,0);
+ // Put it in the Custom Attribute.
+ // Store the attribute
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(ATTR_GUID, &mr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(tkObj, mr, PTROF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), SIZEOF_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE(), 0));
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_AddGuidCa()
+// Add a default member as a custom attribute.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_AddDefaultMemberCa(// S_OK or error.
+ mdToken tkObj, // TypeDef with default member.
+ LPCWSTR wzName) // Name of the default member.
+ // Only set once per typedef.
+ if (tkObj == m_tdHasDefault)
+ return S_OK;
+ m_tdHasDefault = tkObj;
+ return _AddStringCa(ATTR_DEFAULTMEMBER, tkObj, wzName);
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_AddDefaultMemberCa()
+// Add a string custom attribute of the given type to the token.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_AddStringCa( // S_OK or error.
+ int attr, // The type of the CA.
+ mdToken tk, // Token to add the CA to.
+ LPCWSTR wzString) // String to put in the CA.
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result.
+ mdMemberRef mr; // MemberRef for DefaultMember CA.
+ BYTE *pca; // Pointer to custom attribute.
+ BYTE *ca; // Pointer to custom attribute.
+ int wzLen; // Length of wide string.
+ int len; // Length of the string.
+ CQuickArray<BYTE> buf;
+ if (wzString == NULL)
+ {
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ // Prolog, up to 4 bytes length, string, epilog
+ wzLen = (int)wcslen(wzString);
+ len = WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8,0, wzString, wzLen, 0,0, 0,0);
+ IfFailGo(buf.ReSizeNoThrow(2 + 4 + len + 2));
+ ca = pca = buf.Ptr();
+ // Add prolog.
+ *reinterpret_cast<UNALIGNED USHORT*>(pca) = 1;
+ pca += sizeof(USHORT);
+ // Add length.
+ pca = reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(CPackedLen::PutLength(pca, len));
+ // Add string.
+ WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8,0, wzString, wzLen, reinterpret_cast<char*>(pca), len, 0, 0);
+ pca += len;
+ // Add epilog.
+ *reinterpret_cast<UNALIGNED USHORT*>(pca) = 0;
+ pca += sizeof(USHORT);
+ // Store the attribute
+ IfFailGo(GetAttrType(attr, &mr));
+ IfFailGo(m_pEmit->DefineCustomAttribute(tk, mr, ca, (ULONG)(pca-ca), 0));
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_AddStringCa()
+// Add a referenced typelib to the list of referenced typelibs. Check if
+// it is "this" typelib first.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::_AddTlbRef( // S_OK or error.
+ ITypeLib *pITLB, // The referenced typelib.
+ mdAssemblyRef *par, // The AssemblyRef in this module.
+ BSTR *pwzNamespace, // The namespace contained in the resolved assembly.
+ BSTR *pwzAsmName, // The name of the resolved assembly.
+ CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap **ppDefItfToClassItfMap) // The default interface to class interface map.
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result.
+ IUnknown *pIUnk=0; // IUnknown for external assembly.
+ mdAssemblyRef ar=0; // Assembly ref in the module containing the typeref.
+ ITypeLib2 *pITLB2=0; // To get custom attributes.
+ VARIANT vt; // Variant type.
+ Assembly* ResolvedAssembly=0; // The resolved assembly.
+ CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap *pDefItfToClassItfMap; // Temp def itf to class itf map.
+ // Validate the arguments.
+ _ASSERTE(pITLB && par && pwzNamespace && pwzAsmName);
+ // Initialize the out parameters to NULL.
+ *par = mdTokenNil;
+ *pwzNamespace = NULL;
+ *pwzAsmName = NULL;
+ if (ppDefItfToClassItfMap)
+ *ppDefItfToClassItfMap = NULL;
+ ::VariantInit(&vt);
+ // If not the importing typelib, add it to the list.
+ if (pITLB == m_pITLB)
+ { // Not an external assembly.
+ //*par = mdAssemblyRefNil;
+ *par = TokenFromRid(1, mdtModule);
+ IfNullGo(*pwzNamespace = SysAllocStringLen(m_wzNamespace, SysStringLen(m_wzNamespace)));
+ *pwzAsmName = NULL;
+ if (ppDefItfToClassItfMap)
+ *ppDefItfToClassItfMap = &m_DefItfToClassItfMap;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ // If already resolved, just return assembly ref.
+ if (m_LibRefs.Find(pITLB, par, pwzNamespace, pwzAsmName, NULL, ppDefItfToClassItfMap))
+ return S_OK;
+ // See if the typelib was exported, in which case it already has assembly ref information.
+ if (pITLB->QueryInterface(IID_ITypeLib2, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pITLB2)) == S_OK)
+ {
+ hr = pITLB2->GetCustData(GUID_ExportedFromComPlus, &vt);
+ if (vt.vt == VT_BSTR)
+ {
+ // Use the CA data to get a reference.
+ //CQuickArray<BYTE> rBuf;
+ //int iLen;
+ // The buffer should have been converted with CP_ACP, and should convert back directly.
+ //IfFailGo(rBuf.ReSizeNoThrow(iLen=::SysStringLen(vt.bstrVal)));
+ //if (iLen=WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0, vt.bstrVal,iLen, (char*)rBuf.Ptr(),iLen, 0,0))
+ {
+ // Define the assembly ref for the exported assembly.
+ //ar = DefineAssemblyRefForExportedAssembly(rBuf.Ptr(),(DWORD)rBuf.Size(), m_pEmit);
+ ar = DefineAssemblyRefForExportedAssembly(vt.bstrVal, m_pEmit);
+ // Retrieve the namespace from the typelib.
+ IfFailGo(GetNamespaceNameForTypeLib(pITLB, pwzNamespace));
+ // Set the assembly name.
+ IfNullGo(*pwzAsmName = SysAllocStringLen(vt.bstrVal, SysStringLen(vt.bstrVal)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If it wasn't directly converted to a reference, callback to the resolver.
+ if (IsNilToken(ar))
+ {
+ // Get the assembly for that typelib.
+ if (FAILED(m_Notify->ResolveRef(pITLB, &pIUnk)))
+ // If a NULL assembly was returned, then stop converting the type but
+ // continue the import.
+ if (pIUnk == NULL)
+ // Create an assembly ref in local assembly for referenced assembly.
+ ar = DefineAssemblyRefForImportedTypeLib(m_pAssembly, m_pModule, m_pEmit, pIUnk, pwzNamespace, pwzAsmName, &ResolvedAssembly);
+ }
+ // Make sure the ref was resolved before adding to cache.
+ if (IsNilToken(ar))
+ // Add the TLB to the list of references.
+ IfFailGo(m_LibRefs.Add(pITLB, this, ar, *pwzNamespace, *pwzAsmName, ResolvedAssembly, &pDefItfToClassItfMap));
+ // Set the output parameters.
+ *par = ar;
+ if (ppDefItfToClassItfMap)
+ *ppDefItfToClassItfMap = pDefItfToClassItfMap;
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ if (*pwzNamespace)
+ {
+ SysFreeString(*pwzNamespace);
+ *pwzNamespace = NULL;
+ }
+ if (*pwzAsmName)
+ {
+ SysFreeString(*pwzAsmName);
+ *pwzAsmName = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pIUnk)
+ pIUnk->Release();
+ if (pITLB2)
+ pITLB2->Release();
+ VariantClear(&vt);
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::_AddTlbRef()
+// Error reporting helper.
+HRESULT CImportTlb::ReportEvent( // Returns the original HR.
+ int ev, // The event kind.
+ int hrRpt, // HR.
+ ...) // Variable args.
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ va_list marker; // User text.
+ BSTR bstrBuf=0; // BSTR for bufferrr.
+ BSTR bstrMsg=0; // BSTR for message.
+ const int iSize = 1024; // Message size;
+ // We need a BSTR anyway for the call to ReportEvent, so just allocate a
+ // big one for the buffer.
+ IfNullGo(bstrBuf = ::SysAllocStringLen(0, iSize));
+ // Format the message.
+ va_start(marker, hrRpt);
+ hr = FormatRuntimeErrorVa(bstrBuf, iSize, hrRpt, marker);
+ va_end(marker);
+ // Display it.
+ IfNullGo(bstrMsg = ::SysAllocString(bstrBuf));
+ m_Notify->ReportEvent(static_cast<ImporterEventKind>(ev), hrRpt, bstrMsg);
+ // Clean up.
+ if (bstrBuf)
+ ::SysFreeString(bstrBuf);
+ if (bstrMsg)
+ ::SysFreeString(bstrMsg);
+ return hrRpt;
+} // HRESULT CImportTlb::ReportEvent()
+// Helper function to perform the shared functions of creating a TypeRef.
+HRESULT CImpTlbTypeRef::DefineTypeRef( // S_OK or error.
+ IMetaDataEmit *pEmit, // Emit interface.
+ mdAssemblyRef ar, // The system assemblyref.
+ const LPCWSTR szURL, // URL of the TypeDef, wide chars.
+ mdTypeRef *ptr) // Put mdTypeRef here
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result.
+ LPCWSTR szLookup; // The name to look up.
+ mdToken tkNester; // Token of enclosing class.
+ // If the name contains a '+', this is a nested type. The first part becomes
+ // the resolution scope for the part after the '+'.
+ szLookup = wcsrchr(szURL, NESTED_SEPARATOR_WCHAR);
+ if (szLookup)
+ {
+ CQuickArray<WCHAR> qbName;
+ IfFailGo(qbName.ReSizeNoThrow(szLookup - szURL + 1));
+ wcsncpy_s(qbName.Ptr(), (szLookup - szURL + 1), szURL, szLookup - szURL);
+ IfFailGo(DefineTypeRef(pEmit, ar, qbName.Ptr(), &tkNester));
+ ar = tkNester;
+ ++szLookup;
+ }
+ else
+ szLookup = szURL;
+ // Look for the item in the map.
+ CImpTlbTypeRef::TokenOfTypeRefHashKey sSearch, *pMapped;
+ sSearch.tkResolutionScope = ar;
+ sSearch.szName = szLookup;
+ pMapped = m_Map.Find(&sSearch);
+ if (pMapped)
+ {
+ *ptr = pMapped->tr;
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ // Wasn't found, create a new one and add to the map.
+ hr = pEmit->DefineTypeRefByName(ar, szLookup, ptr);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ = *ptr;
+ pMapped = m_Map.Add(&sSearch);
+ IfNullGo(pMapped);
+ }
+ return (hr);
+} // HRESULT CImpTlbTypeRef::DefineTypeRef()
+// Free the held typelibs in the list of imported typelibs.
+ for (ULONG i = 0; i < Size(); i++)
+ {
+ SysFreeString(operator[](i).szNameSpace);
+ delete operator[](i).pDefItfToClassItfMap;
+ }
+} // CImpTlbLibRef::~CImpTlbLibRef()
+// Add a new typelib reference to the list.
+HRESULT CImpTlbLibRef::Add(
+ ITypeLib *pITLB,
+ CImportTlb *pImporter,
+ mdAssemblyRef ar,
+ BSTR wzNamespace,
+ BSTR wzAsmName,
+ Assembly* assm,
+ CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap **ppMap)
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK; // A result.
+ TLIBATTR *pAttr=0; // A typelib attribute.
+ ULONG i; // Index.
+ CTlbRef *pTlbRef=0; // A pointer to the TlbRef struct.
+ CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap *pDefItfToClassItfMap = NULL; // ptr to the default interface to class interface map.
+ // Validate the arguments.
+ _ASSERTE(wzNamespace);
+ _ASSERTE(wzAsmName);
+ IfFailGo(pITLB->GetLibAttr(&pAttr));
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ for (i=0; i<Size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (operator[](i).guid == pAttr->guid)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(!"External TypeLib already referenced");
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ }
+ i = (ULONG)Size();
+ // Allocate and initialize the default interface to class interface map.
+ pDefItfToClassItfMap = new (nothrow) CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap();
+ IfNullGo(pDefItfToClassItfMap);
+ IfFailGo(pDefItfToClassItfMap->Init(pITLB, wzNamespace));
+ // Attemp to resize the array.
+ IfFailGo(ReSizeNoThrow(i+1));
+ pTlbRef = &operator[](i);
+ pTlbRef->guid = pAttr->guid;
+ pTlbRef->ar = ar;
+ IfNullGo(pTlbRef->szNameSpace = SysAllocString(wzNamespace));
+ IfNullGo(pTlbRef->szAsmName = SysAllocString(wzAsmName));
+ pTlbRef->pDefItfToClassItfMap = pDefItfToClassItfMap;
+ pTlbRef->Asm = assm;
+ if (pAttr)
+ pITLB->ReleaseTLibAttr(pAttr);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ if (pTlbRef && pTlbRef->szNameSpace)
+ SysFreeString(pTlbRef->szNameSpace);
+ if (pTlbRef && pTlbRef->szAsmName)
+ SysFreeString(pTlbRef->szAsmName);
+ delete pDefItfToClassItfMap;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *ppMap = pDefItfToClassItfMap;
+ }
+ return hr;
+} // void CImpTlbLibRef::Add()
+// Find an existing typelib reference.
+int CImpTlbLibRef::Find(
+ ITypeLib *pITLB,
+ mdAssemblyRef *par,
+ BSTR *pwzNamespace,
+ BSTR *pwzAsmName,
+ Assembly** assm,
+ CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap **ppDefItfToClassItfMap)
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ TLIBATTR *pAttr=0; // A typelib attribute.
+ int rslt = FALSE; // Return result.
+ ULONG i; // Loop control.
+ _ASSERTE(pwzNamespace);
+ _ASSERTE(pwzAsmName);
+ // Initalize the out parameters to NULL.
+ *pwzNamespace = NULL;
+ *pwzAsmName = NULL;
+ if (assm)
+ *assm = NULL;
+ IfFailGo(pITLB->GetLibAttr(&pAttr));
+ for (i=0; i<Size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (operator[](i).guid == pAttr->guid)
+ {
+ *par = operator[](i).ar;
+ IfNullGo(*pwzNamespace = SysAllocString(operator[](i).szNameSpace));
+ IfNullGo(*pwzAsmName = SysAllocString(operator[](i).szAsmName));
+ if (ppDefItfToClassItfMap)
+ *ppDefItfToClassItfMap = operator[](i).pDefItfToClassItfMap;
+ if (assm)
+ *assm = operator[](i).Asm;
+ rslt = TRUE;
+ goto ErrExit;
+ }
+ }
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ if (*pwzNamespace)
+ SysFreeString(*pwzNamespace);
+ if (*pwzAsmName)
+ SysFreeString(*pwzAsmName);
+ }
+ if (pAttr)
+ pITLB->ReleaseTLibAttr(pAttr);
+ return rslt;
+} // void CImpTlbLibRef::Find()
+// unpack variant to an ELEMENT_TYPE_* plus a blob value
+// If VT_BOOL, it is a two-byte value.
+HRESULT _UnpackVariantToConstantBlob(VARIANT *pvar, BYTE *pcvType, void **pvValue, __int64 *pd)
+ switch (pvar->vt)
+ {
+ case VT_BOOL:
+ *((VARIANT_BOOL **)pvValue) = &(pvar->boolVal);
+ break;
+ case VT_I1:
+ *pcvType = ELEMENT_TYPE_I1;
+ *((CHAR **)pvValue) = &(pvar->cVal);
+ break;
+ case VT_UI1:
+ *pcvType = ELEMENT_TYPE_U1;
+ *((BYTE **)pvValue) = &(pvar->bVal);
+ break;
+ case VT_I2:
+ *pcvType = ELEMENT_TYPE_I2;
+ *((SHORT **)pvValue) = &(pvar->iVal);
+ break;
+ case VT_UI2:
+ *pcvType = ELEMENT_TYPE_U2;
+ *((USHORT **)pvValue) = &(pvar->uiVal);
+ break;
+ case VT_I4:
+ case VT_INT:
+ *pcvType = ELEMENT_TYPE_I4;
+ *((LONG **)pvValue) = &(pvar->lVal);
+ break;
+ case VT_UI4:
+ case VT_UINT:
+ *pcvType = ELEMENT_TYPE_U4;
+ *((ULONG **)pvValue) = &(pvar->ulVal);
+ break;
+ case VT_R4:
+ *pcvType = ELEMENT_TYPE_R4;
+ *((float **)pvValue) = &(pvar->fltVal);
+ break;
+ case VT_I8:
+ *pcvType = ELEMENT_TYPE_I8;
+ *((LONGLONG **)pvValue) = &(pvar->cyVal.int64);
+ break;
+ case VT_R8:
+ *pcvType = ELEMENT_TYPE_R8;
+ *((double **)pvValue) = &(pvar->dblVal);
+ break;
+ case VT_BSTR:
+ *((BSTR *)pvValue) = pvar->bstrVal;
+ break;
+ case VT_DATE:
+ *pcvType = ELEMENT_TYPE_I8;
+ *pd = _DoubleDateToTicks(pvar->date);
+ *((LONGLONG **)pvValue) = pd;
+ break;
+ case VT_UNKNOWN:
+ _ASSERTE(pvar->punkVal == NULL);
+ *((IUnknown ***)pvValue) = &(pvar->punkVal);
+ break;
+ default:
+ _ASSERTE(!"Not a valid type to specify default value!");
+ break;
+ }
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT _UnpackVariantToConstantBlob()
+// Stolen from classlib.
+INT64 _DoubleDateToTicks(const double d)
+ const INT64 MillisPerSecond = 1000;
+ const INT64 MillisPerDay = MillisPerSecond * 60 * 60 * 24;
+ const INT64 TicksPerMillisecond = 10000;
+ const INT64 TicksPerSecond = TicksPerMillisecond * 1000;
+ const INT64 TicksPerMinute = TicksPerSecond * 60;
+ const INT64 TicksPerHour = TicksPerMinute * 60;
+ const INT64 TicksPerDay = TicksPerHour * 24;
+ const int DaysPer4Years = 365 * 4 + 1;
+ const int DaysPer100Years = DaysPer4Years * 25 - 1;
+ const int DaysPer400Years = DaysPer100Years * 4 + 1;
+ const int DaysTo1899 = DaysPer400Years * 4 + DaysPer100Years * 3 - 367;
+ const INT64 DoubleDateOffset = DaysTo1899 * TicksPerDay;
+ const int DaysTo10000 = DaysPer400Years * 25 - 366;
+ const INT64 MaxMillis = DaysTo10000 * MillisPerDay;
+ INT64 millis = (INT64)(d * MillisPerDay + (d >= 0? 0.5: -0.5));
+ if (millis < 0) millis -= (millis % MillisPerDay) * 2;
+ millis += DoubleDateOffset / TicksPerMillisecond;
+ if (millis < 0 || millis >= MaxMillis) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return millis * TicksPerMillisecond;
+} // INT64 _DoubleDateToTicks()
+// Wrapper for GetFuncDesc to catch errors.
+static HRESULT TryGetFuncDesc( // S_OK or error.
+ ITypeInfo *pITI, // ITypeInfo with function.
+ int i, // Function index.
+ FUNCDESC **ppFunc) // Put FUNCDESC here.
+ HRESULT hr; // A return code.
+ __try
+ {
+ hr = pITI->GetFuncDesc(i, ppFunc);
+ }
+ __except(1)
+ {
+ hr = PostError(TLBX_E_TLB_EXCEPTION, _exception_code());
+ }
+ return hr;
+} // static HRESULT TryGetFuncDesc()
+// Implementation of a hashed ResolutionScope+Name to TypeRef map.
+void CImpTlbTypeRef::CTokenOfTypeRefHash::Clear()
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ // printf("Name to TypeRef cache: %d buckets, %d used, %d collisions\n", Buckets(), Count(), Collisions());
+ CClosedHash<class TokenOfTypeRefHashKey>::Clear();
+} // void CImpTlbTypeRef::CTokenOfTypeRefHash::Clear()
+unsigned int CImpTlbTypeRef::CTokenOfTypeRefHash::Hash(const TokenOfTypeRefHashKey *pData)
+ // Starting value for hash.
+ ULONG hash = 5381;
+ // Hash in the resolution scope token.
+ const BYTE *pbData = reinterpret_cast<const BYTE *>(&pData->tkResolutionScope);
+ int iSize = 4;
+ while (--iSize >= 0)
+ {
+ hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) ^ *pbData;
+ ++pbData;
+ }
+ // Hash in the typeref name.
+ LPCWSTR szStr = pData->szName;
+ int c;
+ while ((c = *szStr) != 0)
+ {
+ hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) ^ c;
+ ++szStr;
+ }
+ return hash;
+} // unsigned int CImpTlbTypeRef::CTokenOfTypeRefHash::Hash()
+unsigned int CImpTlbTypeRef::CTokenOfTypeRefHash::Compare(const TokenOfTypeRefHashKey *p1, TokenOfTypeRefHashKey *p2)
+ // Resolution scopes are fast to compare.
+ if (p1->tkResolutionScope < p2->tkResolutionScope)
+ return -1;
+ if (p1->tkResolutionScope > p2->tkResolutionScope)
+ return 1;
+ // But if they are the same, compare the names.
+ return wcscmp(p1->szName, p2->szName);
+} // unsigned int CImpTlbTypeRef::CTokenOfTypeRefHash::Compare()
+CImpTlbTypeRef::CTokenOfTypeRefHash::ELEMENTSTATUS CImpTlbTypeRef::CTokenOfTypeRefHash::Status(TokenOfTypeRefHashKey *p)
+ if (p->tkResolutionScope == static_cast<mdToken>(FREE))
+ return (FREE);
+ if (p->tkResolutionScope == static_cast<mdToken>(DELETED))
+ return (DELETED);
+ return (USED);
+} // CImpTlbTypeRef::CTokenOfTypeRefHash::ELEMENTSTATUS CImpTlbTypeRef::CTokenOfTypeRefHash::Status()
+void CImpTlbTypeRef::CTokenOfTypeRefHash::SetStatus(TokenOfTypeRefHashKey *p, ELEMENTSTATUS s)
+ p->tkResolutionScope = static_cast<mdToken>(s);
+} // void CImpTlbTypeRef::CTokenOfTypeRefHash::SetStatus()
+void *CImpTlbTypeRef::CTokenOfTypeRefHash::GetKey(TokenOfTypeRefHashKey *p)
+ return p;
+} // void *CImpTlbTypeRef::CTokenOfTypeRefHash::GetKey()
+CImpTlbTypeRef::TokenOfTypeRefHashKey* CImpTlbTypeRef::CTokenOfTypeRefHash::Add(const TokenOfTypeRefHashKey *pData)
+ LPWSTR pName;
+ const void *pvData = pData;
+ TokenOfTypeRefHashKey *pNew = Super::Add(const_cast<void*>(pvData));
+ if (pNew == 0)
+ return 0;
+ pNew->szName = pName = m_Names.Alloc((ULONG)wcslen(pData->szName)+1);
+ if (pNew->szName == 0)
+ return 0;
+ wcscpy_s(pName, wcslen(pData->szName)+1, pData->szName);
+ pNew->tkResolutionScope = pData->tkResolutionScope;
+ pNew->tr = pData->tr;
+ return pNew;
+} // TokenOfTypeRefHashKey* CImpTlbTypeRef::CTokenOfTypeRefHash::Add()
+// Implementation of a hashed ITypeInfo * source interface to event information
+// map.
+HRESULT CImpTlbEventInfoMap::AddEventInfo(LPCWSTR szSrcItfName, mdTypeRef trEventItf, LPCWSTR szEventItfName, LPCWSTR szEventProviderName, Assembly* SrcItfAssembly)
+ ImpTlbEventInfo sNew;
+ sNew.szSrcItfName = szSrcItfName;
+ sNew.trEventItf = trEventItf;
+ sNew.szEventItfName = szEventItfName;
+ sNew.szEventProviderName = szEventProviderName;
+ sNew.SrcItfAssembly = SrcItfAssembly;
+ return Add(&sNew) != NULL ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY;
+} // BOOL CImpTlbEventInfoMap::AddEventInfo()
+ImpTlbEventInfo *CImpTlbEventInfoMap::FindEventInfo(LPCWSTR szSrcItfName)
+ ImpTlbEventInfo sSearch, *pMapped;
+ sSearch.szSrcItfName = szSrcItfName;
+ pMapped = Find(&sSearch);
+ return pMapped;
+} // ImpTlbEventInfo *CImpTlbEventInfoMap::FindEventInfo()
+HRESULT CImpTlbEventInfoMap::GetEventInfoList(CQuickArray<ImpTlbEventInfo*> &qbEvInfoList)
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ int cCurrEvInfo = 0;
+ // Resise the event info list.
+ IfFailGo(qbEvInfoList.ReSizeNoThrow(Count()));
+ // Retrieve the first event info.
+ ImpTlbEventInfo *pEvInfo = GetFirst();
+ // Add all the event info's to the list.
+ while (pEvInfo)
+ {
+ qbEvInfoList[cCurrEvInfo++] = pEvInfo;
+ pEvInfo = GetNext(pEvInfo);
+ }
+ return hr;
+} // HRESULT CImpTlbEventInfoMap::GetEventInfoList()
+unsigned int CImpTlbEventInfoMap::Hash(const ImpTlbEventInfo *pData)
+ // Starting value for hash.
+ ULONG hash = 5381;
+ // Hash in the source interface name.
+ LPCWSTR szStr = pData->szSrcItfName;
+ int c;
+ while ((c = *szStr) != 0)
+ {
+ hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) ^ c;
+ ++szStr;
+ }
+ return hash;
+} // unsigned int CImpTlbEventInfoMap::Hash()
+unsigned int CImpTlbEventInfoMap::Compare(const ImpTlbEventInfo *p1, ImpTlbEventInfo *p2)
+ // Compare the source interface names.
+ return wcscmp(p1->szSrcItfName, p2->szSrcItfName);
+} // unsigned int CImpTlbEventInfoMap::Compare()
+CImpTlbEventInfoMap::ELEMENTSTATUS CImpTlbEventInfoMap::Status(ImpTlbEventInfo *p)
+ if (p->szSrcItfName == reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(FREE))
+ return (FREE);
+ if (p->szSrcItfName == reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(DELETED))
+ return (DELETED);
+ return (USED);
+} // CImpTlbEventInfoMap::ELEMENTSTATUS CImpTlbEventInfoMap::Status()
+void CImpTlbEventInfoMap::SetStatus(ImpTlbEventInfo *p, ELEMENTSTATUS s)
+ p->szSrcItfName = reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(s);
+} // void CImpTlbEventInfoMap::SetStatus()
+void *CImpTlbEventInfoMap::GetKey(ImpTlbEventInfo *p)
+ return p;
+} // void *CImpTlbEventInfoMap::GetKey()
+ImpTlbEventInfo* CImpTlbEventInfoMap::Add(const ImpTlbEventInfo *pData)
+ // Add the new entry to the map.
+ const void *pvData = pData;
+ ImpTlbEventInfo *pNew = Super::Add(const_cast<void*>(pvData));
+ if (pNew == 0)
+ return 0;
+ // Copy the source interface name.
+ pNew->szSrcItfName = m_Names.Alloc((ULONG)wcslen(pData->szSrcItfName)+1);
+ if (pNew->szSrcItfName == 0)
+ return 0;
+ wcscpy_s((LPWSTR)pNew->szSrcItfName, wcslen(pData->szSrcItfName)+1, pData->szSrcItfName);
+ // Copy the event interface type def.
+ pNew->trEventItf = pData->trEventItf;
+ // Copy the event interface name.
+ pNew->szEventItfName = m_Names.Alloc((ULONG)wcslen(pData->szEventItfName)+1);
+ if (pNew->szEventItfName == 0)
+ return 0;
+ wcscpy_s((LPWSTR)pNew->szEventItfName, wcslen(pData->szEventItfName)+1, pData->szEventItfName);
+ // Copy the event provider name.
+ pNew->szEventProviderName = m_Names.Alloc((ULONG)wcslen(pData->szEventProviderName)+1);
+ if (pNew->szEventProviderName == 0)
+ return 0;
+ wcscpy_s((LPWSTR)pNew->szEventProviderName, wcslen(pData->szEventProviderName)+1, pData->szEventProviderName);
+ // Copy the Source Interface Assembly pointer
+ pNew->SrcItfAssembly = pData->SrcItfAssembly;
+ // Return the new entry.
+ return pNew;
+} // ImpTlbEventInfo* CImpTlbEventInfoMap::Add()
+: CClosedHash<class ImpTlbClassItfInfo>(101)
+, m_bstrNameSpace(NULL)
+ Clear();
+ if (m_bstrNameSpace)
+ {
+ ::SysFreeString(m_bstrNameSpace);
+ m_bstrNameSpace = NULL;
+ }
+HRESULT CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap::Init(ITypeLib *pTlb, BSTR bstrNameSpace)
+ HRESULT hr; // A result.
+ int cTi; // Count of TypeInfos.
+ int i; // Loop control.
+ TYPEATTR *psAttr=0; // TYPEATTR for the ITypeInfo.
+ TYPEATTR *psDefItfAttr=0; // TYPEATTR for the default interface.
+ ITypeInfo *pITI=0; // The ITypeInfo.
+ ITypeInfo *pDefItfITI=0; // The ITypeInfo for the default interface.
+ // Save the namespace.
+ IfNullGo(m_bstrNameSpace = SysAllocString(bstrNameSpace));
+ // How many TypeInfos?
+ IfFailGo(cTi = pTlb->GetTypeInfoCount());
+ // Iterate over them.
+ for (i = 0; i < cTi; ++i)
+ {
+ // Get the TypeInfo.
+ hr = pTlb->GetTypeInfo(i, &pITI);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ // Retrieve the attributes of the type info.
+ IfFailGo(pITI->GetTypeAttr(&psAttr));
+ // If we are dealing with a CoClass, then set up the default interface to
+ // class interface mapping.
+ if (psAttr->typekind == TKIND_COCLASS)
+ IfFailGo(AddCoClassInterfaces(pITI, psAttr));
+ // Release for next TypeInfo.
+ if (psAttr)
+ {
+ pITI->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttr);
+ psAttr = 0;
+ }
+ if (pITI)
+ {
+ pITI->Release();
+ pITI = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (psAttr)
+ pITI->ReleaseTypeAttr(psAttr);
+ if (pITI)
+ pITI->Release();
+ return (hr);
+HRESULT CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap::AddCoClassInterfaces(ITypeInfo *pCoClassITI, TYPEATTR *pCoClassTypeAttr)
+ HRESULT hr; // A result
+ HREFTYPE href; // HREFTYPE of an implemented interface.
+ INT ImplFlags; // ImplType flags.
+ int NumInterfaces; // The number of interfaces on the coclass.
+ int i; // A counter.
+ ITypeInfo *pItfITI=0; // The ITypeInfo for the current interface.
+ ITypeInfo *pBaseItfITI=0; // The ITypeInfo for the base interface.
+ TYPEATTR *psItfAttr=0; // TYPEATTR for the interface.
+ BSTR bstrClassItfName=0; // The name of the class interface.
+ // Retrieve the name of the CoClass.
+ IfFailGo(GetManagedNameForTypeInfo(pCoClassITI, m_bstrNameSpace, NULL, &bstrClassItfName));
+ // Retrieve the default interface for the CoClass.
+ IfFailGo(CImportTlb::GetDefaultInterface(pCoClassITI, &pItfITI));
+ // If there is a default interface, then add it to the map.
+ if (hr == S_OK)
+ {
+ // Retrieve the attributes of the default interface type info.
+ IfFailGo(pItfITI->GetTypeAttr(&psItfAttr));
+ // If there already is a CoClass that implements this
+ // interface then we do not want to do the mapping.
+ ImpTlbClassItfInfo sSearch, *pMapped;
+ sSearch.ItfIID = psItfAttr->guid;
+ pMapped = Find(&sSearch);
+ if (pMapped)
+ {
+ // There already is a CoClass that implements the interface so
+ // we set the class itf name to NULL to indicate not to do the def
+ // itf to class itf convertion for this interface.
+ pMapped->szClassItfName = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Unless the default interface is IUnknown or IDispatch, add the
+ // def itf to class itf entry to the map.
+ if (psItfAttr->guid != IID_IUnknown && psItfAttr->guid != IID_IDispatch)
+ {
+ ImpTlbClassItfInfo sNew;
+ sNew.ItfIID = psItfAttr->guid;
+ sNew.szClassItfName = bstrClassItfName;
+ IfNullGo(Add(&sNew));
+ }
+ }
+ // Release for next interface.
+ pItfITI->ReleaseTypeAttr(psItfAttr);
+ psItfAttr = 0;
+ pItfITI->Release();
+ pItfITI = 0;
+ }
+ // Retrieve the number of interfaces the coclass has
+ NumInterfaces = pCoClassTypeAttr->cImplTypes;
+ // Go through all the interfaces and add them to the map.
+ for (i=0; i < NumInterfaces; i++)
+ {
+ // Get the impl flags.
+ IfFailGo(pCoClassITI->GetImplTypeFlags(i, &ImplFlags));
+ // If this is an implemented interface.
+ if (!(ImplFlags & IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE))
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pCoClassITI->GetRefTypeOfImplType(i, &href));
+ IfFailGo(pCoClassITI->GetRefTypeInfo(href, &pItfITI));
+ do
+ {
+ // Retrieve the attributes of the interface type info.
+ IfFailGo(pItfITI->GetTypeAttr(&psItfAttr));
+ // If there already is a CoClass that implements this
+ // interface then we do not want to do the mapping.
+ ImpTlbClassItfInfo sSearch, *pMapped;
+ sSearch.ItfIID = psItfAttr->guid;
+ pMapped = Find(&sSearch);
+ if (pMapped)
+ {
+ // There already is a CoClass that implements the interface. If that
+ // CoClass is not the current one, then we we set the class itf name
+ // to NULL to indicate not to do the def itf to class itf convertion
+ // for this interface.
+ if (pMapped->szClassItfName && wcscmp(pMapped->szClassItfName, bstrClassItfName) != 0)
+ pMapped->szClassItfName = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Add an entry with a NULL name to prevent future substitutions.
+ ImpTlbClassItfInfo sNew;
+ sNew.ItfIID = psItfAttr->guid;
+ sNew.szClassItfName = NULL;
+ IfNullGo(Add(&sNew));
+ }
+ // If there is a base interface, then handle it also.
+ if (psItfAttr->cImplTypes == 1)
+ {
+ IfFailGo(pItfITI->GetRefTypeOfImplType(0, &href));
+ IfFailGo(pItfITI->GetRefTypeInfo(href, &pBaseItfITI));
+ }
+ // Release for next interface.
+ if (psItfAttr)
+ {
+ pItfITI->ReleaseTypeAttr(psItfAttr);
+ psItfAttr = 0;
+ }
+ if (pItfITI)
+ {
+ pItfITI->Release();
+ pItfITI = 0;
+ }
+ // Set the current interface to the base interface.
+ pItfITI = pBaseItfITI;
+ pBaseItfITI = 0;
+ }
+ while(pItfITI);
+ }
+ }
+ if (psItfAttr)
+ pItfITI->ReleaseTypeAttr(psItfAttr);
+ if (pItfITI)
+ pItfITI->Release();
+ if (bstrClassItfName)
+ ::SysFreeString(bstrClassItfName);
+ return hr;
+LPCWSTR CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap::GetClassItfName(IID &rItfIID)
+ ImpTlbClassItfInfo sSearch, *pMapped;
+ sSearch.ItfIID = rItfIID;
+ pMapped = Find(&sSearch);
+ return pMapped ? pMapped->szClassItfName : NULL;
+unsigned int CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap::Hash(const ImpTlbClassItfInfo *pData)
+ // Starting value for hash.
+ ULONG hash = 5381;
+ // Hash in the IID.
+ const BYTE *pbData = reinterpret_cast<const BYTE *>(&pData->ItfIID);
+ int iSize = sizeof(IID);
+ while (--iSize >= 0)
+ {
+ hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) ^ *pbData;
+ ++pbData;
+ }
+ return hash;
+} // unsigned int CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap::Hash()
+unsigned int CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap::Compare(const ImpTlbClassItfInfo *p1, ImpTlbClassItfInfo *p2)
+ // Compare the IID's.
+ return memcmp(&p1->ItfIID, &p2->ItfIID, sizeof(IID));
+} // unsigned int CImpTlbEventInfoMap::Compare()
+CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap::ELEMENTSTATUS CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap::Status(ImpTlbClassItfInfo *p)
+ {
+ return (FREE);
+ }
+ else if (IsEqualGUID(p->ItfIID, DELETED_STATUS_GUID))
+ {
+ return (DELETED);
+ }
+ return (USED);
+} // CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap::ELEMENTSTATUS CImpTlbEventInfoMap::Status()
+void CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap::SetStatus(ImpTlbClassItfInfo *p, ELEMENTSTATUS s)
+ if (s == FREE)
+ {
+ }
+ else if (s == DELETED)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(!"Invalid status!");
+ }
+} // void CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap::SetStatus()
+void *CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap::GetKey(ImpTlbClassItfInfo *p)
+ return p;
+} // void *CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap::GetKey()
+ImpTlbClassItfInfo* CImpTlbDefItfToClassItfMap::Add(const ImpTlbClassItfInfo *pData)
+ // Add the new entry to the map.
+ const void *pvData = pData;
+ ImpTlbClassItfInfo *pNew = Super::Add(const_cast<void*>(pvData));
+ if (pNew == 0)
+ return 0;
+ // Copy the IID.
+ pNew->ItfIID = pData->ItfIID;
+ // Copy the class interface name.
+ if (pData->szClassItfName)
+ {
+ pNew->szClassItfName = m_Names.Alloc((ULONG)wcslen(pData->szClassItfName)+1);
+ if (pNew->szClassItfName == 0)
+ return 0;
+ wcscpy_s((LPWSTR)pNew->szClassItfName, wcslen(pData->szClassItfName)+1, pData->szClassItfName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pNew->szClassItfName = NULL;
+ }
+ // Return the new entry.
+ return pNew;
+} // ImpTlbEventInfo* CImpTlbEventInfoMap::Add()
+// EOF =======================================================================