path: root/src/md/compiler/mdperf.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/md/compiler/mdperf.h')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/md/compiler/mdperf.h b/src/md/compiler/mdperf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f461b2825f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/md/compiler/mdperf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// Mdperf.h
+// Avoid dynamic allocs to display the API names.
+#define API_NAME_STR_SIZE 80
+// In order to add instrumentation for an API, two changes have to be made.
+// One, add the API name in the table below (MD_TABLE).
+// Second, add two lines of code (shown below) in the implementation
+// of the API itself. e.g.
+// RegMeta::MyNewMetataDataAPI(...)
+// {
+// LOG(...);
+// START_MD_PERF(); // <------ add this line as is.
+// ....
+// // API implementation
+// ErrExit:
+// STOP_MD_PERF(RegMeta_MyNewMetaDataAPI); // <---------- add this line with the appropriate name
+// return (hr);
+// ]
+ MD_FUNC(SaveToMemory)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineMethod)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineMethodImpl)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineTypeRefByName)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineImportType)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineMemberRef)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineImportMember)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineEvent)\
+ MD_FUNC(SetClassLayout)\
+ MD_FUNC(DeleteClassLayout)\
+ MD_FUNC(SetFieldMarshal)\
+ MD_FUNC(DeleteFieldMarshal)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefinePermissionSet)\
+ MD_FUNC(SetMemberIndex)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetTokenFromSig)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineModuleRef)\
+ MD_FUNC(SetParent)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetTokenFromTypeSpec)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineUserString)\
+ MD_FUNC(DeleteToken)\
+ MD_FUNC(SetTypeDefProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineNestedType)\
+ MD_FUNC(SetMethodProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(SetEventProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(SetPermissionSetProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefinePinvokeMap)\
+ MD_FUNC(SetPinvokeMap)\
+ MD_FUNC(DeletePinvokeMap)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineField)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineProperty)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineParam)\
+ MD_FUNC(SetFieldProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(SetPropertyProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(SetParamProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumMembers)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumMembersWithName)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumMethods)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumMethodsWithName)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumFields)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumFieldsWithName)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumParams)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumMemberRefs)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumMethodImpls)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumPermissionSets)\
+ MD_FUNC(FindMember)\
+ MD_FUNC(FindMethod)\
+ MD_FUNC(FindField)\
+ MD_FUNC(FindMemberRef)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetMethodProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetMemberRefProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumProperties)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumEvents)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetEventProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumMethodSemantics)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetMethodSemantics)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetClassLayout)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetFieldMarshal)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetPermissionSetProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetSigFromToken)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetModuleRefProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumModuleRefs)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetTypeSpecFromToken)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetNameFromToken)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumUnresolvedMethods)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetUserString)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetPinvokeMap)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumSignatures)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumTypeSpecs)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumUserStrings)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetParamForMethodIndex)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetMemberProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetFieldProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetPropertyProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetParamProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(SetModuleProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(Save)\
+ MD_FUNC(SaveToStream)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetSaveSize)\
+ MD_FUNC(Merge)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineCustomAttribute)\
+ MD_FUNC(SetCustomAttributeValue)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineSecurityAttributeSet)\
+ MD_FUNC(UnmarkAll)\
+ MD_FUNC(MarkToken)\
+ MD_FUNC(IsTokenMarked)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineTypeDef)\
+ MD_FUNC(SetHandler)\
+ MD_FUNC(CountEnum)\
+ MD_FUNC(ResetEnum)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumTypeDefs)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumInterfaceImpls)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumTypeRefs)\
+ MD_FUNC(FindTypeDefByName)\
+ MD_FUNC(FindTypeDefByGUID)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetScopeProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetModuleFromScope)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetTypeDefProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetInterfaceImplProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetCustomAttributeByName)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetTypeRefProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(ResolveTypeRef)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumCustomAttributes)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetCustomAttributeProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(FindTypeRef)\
+ MD_FUNC(RefToDefOptimization)\
+ MD_FUNC(ProcessFilter)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineAssembly)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineAssemblyRef)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineFile)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineExportedType)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineManifestResource)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineExecutionLocation)\
+ MD_FUNC(SetAssemblyProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(SetAssemblyRefProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(SetFileProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(SetExportedTypeProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetAssemblyProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetAssemblyRefProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetFileProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetExportedTypeProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetManifestResourceProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumAssemblyRefs)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumFiles)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumExportedTypes)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumManifestResources)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumExecutionLocations)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetAssemblyFromScope)\
+ MD_FUNC(FindExportedTypeByName)\
+ MD_FUNC(FindManifestResourceByName)\
+ MD_FUNC(FindAssembliesByName)\
+ MD_FUNC(SetGenericPars)\
+ MD_FUNC(DefineGenericParam)\
+ MD_FUNC(SetGenericParamProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(EnumGenericParamConstraints)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetGenericParamProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetGenericParamConstraintProps)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetPEKind)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetVersionString)\
+ MD_FUNC(GetAssemblyUnification)
+// Create an enum of all the API names. This is the index to access the APIs.
+#undef MD_FUNC
+#define MD_FUNC(MDTag)\
+ MDTag ## _ENUM,
+typedef enum _MDAPIs
+} MDApis;
+// Declare the struct which contais all the interesting stats for a particular
+// API call.
+typedef struct _MDAPIPerfData
+ DWORD dwQueryPerfCycles; // # of cycles spent in this call
+ DWORD dwCalledNumTimes; // # of times this API was called
+} MDAPIPerfData;
+// MDCompilerPerf
+class MDCompilerPerf
+ MDCompilerPerf();
+ ~MDCompilerPerf();
+ MDAPIPerfData MDPerfStats[LAST_MD_API];
+ void MetaDataPerfReport ();
+// Note that this macro declares a local var.
+#define START_MD_PERF()\
+ LARGE_INTEGER __startVal;\
+ QueryPerformanceCounter(&__startVal);
+#undef MD_FUNC
+#define MD_FUNC(MDTag)\
+ MDTag ## _ENUM
+// Note that this macro uses the local var startVal declared in START_MD_PERF()
+#define STOP_MD_PERF(MDTag)\
+ LARGE_INTEGER __stopVal;\
+ QueryPerformanceCounter(&__stopVal);\
+ m_MDCompilerPerf.MDPerfStats[MD_FUNC(MDTag)].dwCalledNumTimes++;\
+ m_MDCompilerPerf.MDPerfStats[MD_FUNC(MDTag)].dwQueryPerfCycles += (DWORD)(__stopVal.QuadPart - __startVal.QuadPart);
+#define START_MD_PERF()
+#define STOP_MD_PERF(MDTag)
+#endif // __MDCOMPILERPERF_H__