path: root/src/jit/sm.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/jit/sm.cpp')
1 files changed, 344 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/jit/sm.cpp b/src/jit/sm.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8394b23b07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jit/sm.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+XX State machine used in the JIT XX
+XX To take samples, do XX
+XX set complus_JitLRSampling=1 XX
+XX set complus_ngenlocalworker=1 XX
+XX ngen install mscorlib /nologo /silent /NoDependencies XX
+#include "jitpch.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma hdrstop
+#include "smcommon.cpp"
+#ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR // ???? Is this right?
+#undef printf // We don't want to use logf(). Just print out to the stdout. That simple!
+#ifdef DEBUG
+static LONG g_SMTested = 0;
+bool g_HeaderPrinted = false;
+#endif // DEBUG
+// The array to map from EE opcodes (i.e. CEE_ ) to state machine opcodes (i.e. SM_ )
+const SM_OPCODE smOpcodeMap[] =
+ #define OPCODEMAP(eename,eestring,smname) smname,
+ #include "smopcodemap.def"
+ #undef OPCODEMAP
+// ????????? How to make this method inlinable, since it refers to smOpcodeMap????
+/* static */ SM_OPCODE CodeSeqSM::MapToSMOpcode(OPCODE opcode)
+ assert(opcode < CEE_COUNT);
+ SM_OPCODE smOpcode = smOpcodeMap[opcode];
+ assert(smOpcode < SM_COUNT);
+ return smOpcode;
+void CodeSeqSM::Start(Compiler * comp)
+ pComp = comp;
+ States = gp_SMStates;
+ JumpTableCells = gp_SMJumpTableCells;
+ StateWeights = gp_StateWeights;
+ NativeSize = 0;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (!Compiler::s_compInSamplingMode && // No need to test in the sampling mode.
+ InterlockedExchange(&g_SMTested, 1) == 0)
+ {
+ Test();
+ }
+ if (Compiler::s_compInSamplingMode)
+ {
+ if (!g_HeaderPrinted)
+ {
+ PrintSampleHeader();
+ g_HeaderPrinted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ Reset();
+void CodeSeqSM::Reset()
+ curState = SM_STATE_ID_START;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // Reset the state occurence counts
+ memset(StateMatchedCounts, 0, sizeof(StateMatchedCounts));
+ b0Args =
+ b1Args =
+ b2Args =
+ b3AndMoreArgs =
+ bNoLocals = false;
+ bNoCalls = true;
+ instrCount = 0;
+#endif // DEBUG
+void CodeSeqSM::End()
+ if (States[curState].term)
+ {
+ TermStateMatch(curState DEBUGARG(pComp->verbose));
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (pComp->info.compILargsCount == 0)
+ b0Args = true;
+ else if (pComp->info.compILargsCount == 1)
+ b1Args = true;
+ else if (pComp->info.compILargsCount == 2)
+ b2Args = true;
+ else
+ b3AndMoreArgs = true;
+ bNoLocals = (pComp->info.compMethodInfo->locals.numArgs == 0);
+#endif // DEBUG
+void CodeSeqSM::Run(SM_OPCODE opcode DEBUGARG(int level))
+ SM_STATE_ID nextState;
+ SM_STATE_ID rollbackState;
+ assert(level<=MAX_CODE_SEQUENCE_LENGTH);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (opcode == SM_CALL ||
+ opcode == SM_CALLVIRT ||
+ opcode == SM_CALLI
+ )
+ {
+ bNoCalls = false;
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG
+ nextState = GetDestState(curState, opcode);
+ if (nextState != 0)
+ {
+ // This is easy, Just go to the next state.
+ curState = nextState;
+ return;
+ }
+ assert(curState != SM_STATE_ID_START);
+ if (States[curState].term)
+ {
+ TermStateMatch(curState DEBUGARG(pComp->verbose));
+ curState = SM_STATE_ID_START;
+ goto _Next;
+ }
+ // This is hard. We need to rollback to the longest matched term state and restart from there.
+ rollbackState = States[curState].longestTermState;
+ TermStateMatch(rollbackState DEBUGARG(pComp->verbose));
+ assert(States[curState].length > States[rollbackState].length);
+ unsigned numOfOpcodesToRevisit = States[curState].length - States[rollbackState].length + 1;
+ assert(numOfOpcodesToRevisit > 1 &&
+ numOfOpcodesToRevisit <= MAX_CODE_SEQUENCE_LENGTH); // So it can fit in the local array opcodesToRevisit[]
+ SM_OPCODE * p = opcodesToRevisit + (numOfOpcodesToRevisit - 1);
+ *p = opcode;
+ // Fill in the local array:
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i<numOfOpcodesToRevisit-1; ++i)
+ {
+ * (--p) = States[curState].opc;
+ curState = States[curState].prevState;
+ }
+ assert(curState == rollbackState);
+ // Now revisit these opcodes, starting from SM_STATE_ID_START.
+ curState = SM_STATE_ID_START;
+ for (p = opcodesToRevisit; p< opcodesToRevisit + numOfOpcodesToRevisit; ++p)
+ {
+ Run(*p DEBUGARG(level+1));
+ }
+SM_STATE_ID CodeSeqSM::GetDestState(SM_STATE_ID srcState, SM_OPCODE opcode)
+ assert(opcode < SM_COUNT);
+ JumpTableCell * pThisJumpTable = (JumpTableCell * )(((PBYTE)JumpTableCells) + States[srcState].jumpTableByteOffset);
+ JumpTableCell * cell = pThisJumpTable+opcode;
+ if (cell->srcState != srcState)
+ {
+ assert(cell->srcState == 0 || cell->srcState != srcState); // Either way means there is not outgoing edge from srcState.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return cell->destState;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+const char * CodeSeqSM::StateDesc(SM_STATE_ID stateID)
+ static char s_StateDesc[500];
+ static SM_OPCODE s_StateDescOpcodes[MAX_CODE_SEQUENCE_LENGTH];
+ if (stateID == 0)
+ return "invalid";
+ if (stateID == SM_STATE_ID_START)
+ return "start";
+ unsigned i = 0;
+ SM_STATE_ID b = stateID;
+ while (States[b].prevState != 0)
+ {
+ s_StateDescOpcodes[i] = States[b].opc;
+ b = States[b].prevState;
+ ++i;
+ }
+ assert(i == States[stateID].length && i>0);
+ * s_StateDesc = 0;
+ while (--i>0)
+ {
+ strcat(s_StateDesc, smOpcodeNames[s_StateDescOpcodes[i]]);
+ strcat(s_StateDesc, " -> ");
+ }
+ strcat(s_StateDesc, smOpcodeNames[s_StateDescOpcodes[0]]);
+ return s_StateDesc;
+void CodeSeqSM::PrintSampleHeader()
+ // Output the NUM_SM_STATES here for the linear regression tool to generate the weight array with this size.
+ printf("# MethodName{NUM_SM_STATES=%d}| NativeSize| ILBytes| ILInstrCount| 0Args| 1Args| 2Args| 3AndMoreArgs| NoLocals| NoCalls", NUM_SM_STATES);
+ for (BYTE i=1; i<NUM_SM_STATES; ++i)
+ {
+ if (States[i].term)
+ {
+ printf("| %s[%d]", StateDesc(i), i);
+ }
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+void CodeSeqSM::PrintSampleResult()
+ printf("%s| %d| %d| %d",
+ pComp->info.compFullName,
+ BBCodeSize, // NativeSize
+ pComp->info.compILCodeSize, // ILBytes
+ instrCount); // ILInstrCount
+ printf("| %d| %d| %d| %d| %d| %d", b0Args, b1Args, b2Args, b3AndMoreArgs, bNoLocals, bNoCalls);
+ for (unsigned i=1; i<NUM_SM_STATES; ++i)
+ {
+ if (States[i].term)
+ {
+ printf("| %d [%3d]", StateMatchedCounts[i], i);
+ }
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+int s_TermStateReachedCounts[NUM_SM_STATES]; // How many times have we reached these termination states?
+// Test the state machine to make sure it does recognize the interesting code sequences.
+void CodeSeqSM::Test()
+ memset(s_TermStateReachedCounts, 0, sizeof(s_TermStateReachedCounts));
+ //
+ // Process all interesting code sequences
+ //
+ SM_OPCODE * CodeSeqs = (SM_OPCODE *)s_CodeSeqs;
+ while (*CodeSeqs != CODE_SEQUENCE_END)
+ {
+ TestSeq(CodeSeqs);
+ }
+ // Now make sure we have ended at each termination state.
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<NUM_SM_STATES; ++i)
+ {
+ if (States[i].term)
+ {
+ assert(s_TermStateReachedCounts[i] == 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(s_TermStateReachedCounts[i] == 0);
+ }
+ }
+void CodeSeqSM::TestSeq(SM_OPCODE * CodeSeq)
+ // Reset all the counters.
+ Reset();
+ while (*CodeSeq != CODE_SEQUENCE_END)
+ {
+ Run(*CodeSeq++ DEBUGARG(0));
+ }
+ // Make sure we end at a termination state.
+ assert(States[curState].term);
+ s_TermStateReachedCounts[curState]++;
+#endif // DEBUG