path: root/src/jit/rationalize.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/jit/rationalize.cpp')
1 files changed, 1056 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/jit/rationalize.cpp b/src/jit/rationalize.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03e0c9a27e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jit/rationalize.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1056 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+#include "jitpch.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma hdrstop
+// state carried over the tree walk, to be used in making
+// a splitting decision.
+struct SplitData
+ GenTree* root; // root stmt of tree being processed
+ BasicBlock* block;
+ Rationalizer* thisPhase;
+// isNodeCallArg - given a context (stack of parent nodes), determine if the TOS is an arg to a call
+GenTree* isNodeCallArg(ArrayStack<GenTree*>* parentStack)
+ for (int i = 1; // 0 is current node, so start at 1
+ i < parentStack->Height(); i++)
+ {
+ GenTree* node = parentStack->Index(i);
+ switch (node->OperGet())
+ {
+ case GT_LIST:
+ break;
+ case GT_NOP:
+ // Currently there's an issue when the rationalizer performs
+ // the fixup of a call argument: the case is when we remove an
+ // inserted NOP as a parent of a call introduced by fgMorph;
+ // when then the rationalizer removes it, the tree stack in the
+ // walk is not consistent with the node it was just deleted, so the
+ // solution is just to go 1 level deeper.
+ // TODO-Cleanup: This has to be fixed in a proper way: make the rationalizer
+ // correctly modify the evaluation stack when removing treenodes.
+ if (node->gtOp.gtOp1->gtOper == GT_CALL)
+ {
+ return node->gtOp.gtOp1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case GT_CALL:
+ return node;
+ default:
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+// return op that is the store equivalent of the given load opcode
+genTreeOps storeForm(genTreeOps loadForm)
+ switch (loadForm)
+ {
+ case GT_LCL_VAR:
+ return GT_STORE_LCL_VAR;
+ case GT_LCL_FLD:
+ return GT_STORE_LCL_FLD;
+ case GT_REG_VAR:
+ noway_assert(!"reg vars only supported in classic backend\n");
+ unreached();
+ default:
+ noway_assert(!"not a data load opcode\n");
+ unreached();
+ }
+// return op that is the addr equivalent of the given load opcode
+genTreeOps addrForm(genTreeOps loadForm)
+ switch (loadForm)
+ {
+ case GT_LCL_VAR:
+ return GT_LCL_VAR_ADDR;
+ case GT_LCL_FLD:
+ return GT_LCL_FLD_ADDR;
+ default:
+ noway_assert(!"not a data load opcode\n");
+ unreached();
+ }
+// return op that is the load equivalent of the given addr opcode
+genTreeOps loadForm(genTreeOps addrForm)
+ switch (addrForm)
+ {
+ return GT_LCL_VAR;
+ return GT_LCL_FLD;
+ default:
+ noway_assert(!"not a local address opcode\n");
+ unreached();
+ }
+// copy the flags determined by mask from src to dst
+void copyFlags(GenTree* dst, GenTree* src, unsigned mask)
+ dst->gtFlags &= ~mask;
+ dst->gtFlags |= (src->gtFlags & mask);
+// call args have other pointers to them which must be fixed up if
+// they are replaced
+void Compiler::fgFixupIfCallArg(ArrayStack<GenTree*>* parentStack, GenTree* oldChild, GenTree* newChild)
+ GenTree* parentCall = isNodeCallArg(parentStack);
+ if (!parentCall)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // we have replaced an arg, so update pointers in argtable
+ fgFixupArgTabEntryPtr(parentCall, oldChild, newChild);
+// fgFixupArgTabEntryPtr: Fixup the fgArgTabEntryPtr of parentCall after
+// replacing oldArg with newArg
+// Arguments:
+// parentCall - a pointer to the parent call node
+// oldArg - the original argument node
+// newArg - the replacement argument node
+void Compiler::fgFixupArgTabEntryPtr(GenTreePtr parentCall, GenTreePtr oldArg, GenTreePtr newArg)
+ assert(parentCall != nullptr);
+ assert(oldArg != nullptr);
+ assert(newArg != nullptr);
+ JITDUMP("parent call was :\n");
+ DISPNODE(parentCall);
+ JITDUMP("old child was :\n");
+ DISPNODE(oldArg);
+ if (oldArg->gtFlags & GTF_LATE_ARG)
+ {
+ newArg->gtFlags |= GTF_LATE_ARG;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fgArgTabEntryPtr fp = Compiler::gtArgEntryByNode(parentCall, oldArg);
+ assert(fp->node == oldArg);
+ fp->node = newArg;
+ }
+// Rewrite a SIMD indirection as GT_IND(GT_LEA(obj.op1)), or as a simple
+// lclVar if possible.
+// Arguments:
+// use - A use reference for a block node
+// keepBlk - True if this should remain a block node if it is not a lclVar
+// Return Value:
+// None.
+// TODO-1stClassStructs: These should be eliminated earlier, once we can handle
+// lclVars in all the places that used to have GT_OBJ.
+void Rationalizer::RewriteSIMDOperand(LIR::Use& use, bool keepBlk)
+ // No lowering is needed for non-SIMD nodes, so early out if featureSIMD is not enabled.
+ if (!comp->featureSIMD)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ GenTree* tree = use.Def();
+ if (!tree->OperIsIndir())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ var_types simdType = tree->TypeGet();
+ if (!varTypeIsSIMD(simdType))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the operand of is a GT_ADDR(GT_LCL_VAR) and LclVar is known to be of simdType,
+ // replace obj by GT_LCL_VAR.
+ GenTree* addr = tree->AsIndir()->Addr();
+ if (addr->OperIsLocalAddr() && comp->isAddrOfSIMDType(addr))
+ {
+ BlockRange().Remove(tree);
+ addr->SetOper(loadForm(addr->OperGet()));
+ addr->gtType = simdType;
+ use.ReplaceWith(comp, addr);
+ }
+ else if (!keepBlk)
+ {
+ tree->SetOper(GT_IND);
+ tree->gtType = simdType;
+ }
+#endif // FEATURE_SIMD
+// RewriteNodeAsCall : Replace the given tree node by a GT_CALL.
+// Arguments:
+// ppTree - A pointer-to-a-pointer for the tree node
+// fgWalkData - A pointer to tree walk data providing the context
+// callHnd - The method handle of the call to be generated
+// entryPoint - The method entrypoint of the call to be generated
+// args - The argument list of the call to be generated
+// Return Value:
+// None.
+void Rationalizer::RewriteNodeAsCall(GenTree** use,
+ Compiler::fgWalkData* data,
+ GenTreeArgList* args)
+ GenTreePtr tree = *use;
+ Compiler* comp = data->compiler;
+ SplitData* tmpState = (SplitData*)data->pCallbackData;
+ GenTreePtr root = tmpState->root;
+ GenTreePtr treeFirstNode = comp->fgGetFirstNode(tree);
+ GenTreePtr treeLastNode = tree;
+ GenTreePtr treePrevNode = treeFirstNode->gtPrev;
+ GenTreePtr treeNextNode = treeLastNode->gtNext;
+ // Create the call node
+ GenTreeCall* call = comp->gtNewCallNode(CT_USER_FUNC, callHnd, tree->gtType, args);
+ call = comp->fgMorphArgs(call);
+ call->gtCall.setEntryPoint(entryPoint);
+ // Replace "tree" with "call"
+ *use = call;
+ // Rebuild the evaluation order.
+ comp->gtSetStmtInfo(root);
+ // Rebuild the execution order.
+ comp->fgSetTreeSeq(call, treePrevNode);
+ // Restore linear-order Prev and Next for "call".
+ if (treePrevNode)
+ {
+ treeFirstNode = comp->fgGetFirstNode(call);
+ treeFirstNode->gtPrev = treePrevNode;
+ treePrevNode->gtNext = treeFirstNode;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Update the linear oder start of "root" if treeFirstNode
+ // appears to have replaced the original first node.
+ assert(treeFirstNode == root->gtStmt.gtStmtList);
+ root->gtStmt.gtStmtList = comp->fgGetFirstNode(call);
+ }
+ if (treeNextNode)
+ {
+ treeLastNode = call;
+ treeLastNode->gtNext = treeNextNode;
+ treeNextNode->gtPrev = treeLastNode;
+ }
+ comp->fgFixupIfCallArg(data->parentStack, tree, call);
+ // Propagate flags of "call" to its parents.
+ // 0 is current node, so start at 1
+ for (int i = 1; i < data->parentStack->Height(); i++)
+ {
+ GenTree* node = data->parentStack->Index(i);
+ node->gtFlags |= GTF_CALL;
+ node->gtFlags |= call->gtFlags & GTF_ALL_EFFECT;
+ }
+ // Since "tree" is replaced with "call", pop "tree" node (i.e the current node)
+ // and replace it with "call" on parent stack.
+ assert(data->parentStack->Top() == tree);
+ (void)data->parentStack->Pop();
+ data->parentStack->Push(call);
+// RewriteIntrinsicAsUserCall : Rewrite an intrinsic operator as a GT_CALL to the original method.
+// Arguments:
+// ppTree - A pointer-to-a-pointer for the intrinsic node
+// fgWalkData - A pointer to tree walk data providing the context
+// Return Value:
+// None.
+// Some intrinsics, such as operation Sqrt, are rewritten back to calls, and some are not.
+// The ones that are not being rewritten here must be handled in Codegen.
+// Conceptually, the lower is the right place to do the rewrite. Keeping it in rationalization is
+// mainly for throughput issue.
+void Rationalizer::RewriteIntrinsicAsUserCall(GenTree** use, Compiler::fgWalkData* data)
+ GenTreeIntrinsic* intrinsic = (*use)->AsIntrinsic();
+ Compiler* comp = data->compiler;
+ GenTreeArgList* args;
+ if (intrinsic->gtOp.gtOp2 == nullptr)
+ {
+ args = comp->gtNewArgList(intrinsic->gtGetOp1());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ args = comp->gtNewArgList(intrinsic->gtGetOp1(), intrinsic->gtGetOp2());
+ }
+ RewriteNodeAsCall(use, data, intrinsic->gtMethodHandle,
+ intrinsic->gtEntryPoint,
+ args);
+// FixupIfSIMDLocal: Fixup the type of a lclVar tree, as needed, if it is a SIMD type vector.
+// Arguments:
+// comp - the Compiler object.
+// tree - the GenTreeLclVarCommon tree to be fixed up.
+// Return Value:
+// None.
+// TODO-1stClassStructs: This is now only here to preserve existing behavior. It is actually not
+// desirable to change the lclFld nodes back to TYP_SIMD (it will cause them to be loaded
+// into a vector register, and then moved to an int register).
+void Rationalizer::FixupIfSIMDLocal(GenTreeLclVarCommon* node)
+ if (!comp->featureSIMD)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ LclVarDsc* varDsc = &(comp->lvaTable[node->gtLclNum]);
+ // Don't mark byref of SIMD vector as a SIMD type.
+ // Note that struct args though marked as lvIsSIMD=true,
+ // the tree node representing such an arg should not be
+ // marked as a SIMD type, since it is a byref of a SIMD type.
+ if (!varTypeIsSIMD(varDsc))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (node->OperGet())
+ {
+ default:
+ // Nothing to do for most tree nodes.
+ break;
+ case GT_LCL_FLD:
+ // We may see a lclFld used for pointer-sized structs that have been morphed, in which
+ // case we can change it to GT_LCL_VAR.
+ // However, we may also see a lclFld with FieldSeqStore::NotAField() for structs that can't
+ // be analyzed, e.g. those with overlapping fields such as the IL implementation of Vector<T>.
+ if ((node->AsLclFld()->gtFieldSeq == FieldSeqStore::NotAField()) && (node->AsLclFld()->gtLclOffs == 0) &&
+ (node->gtType == TYP_I_IMPL) && (varDsc->lvExactSize == TARGET_POINTER_SIZE))
+ {
+ node->SetOper(GT_LCL_VAR);
+ node->gtFlags &= ~(GTF_VAR_USEASG);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If we access a field of a SIMD lclVar via GT_LCL_FLD, it cannot have been
+ // independently promoted.
+ assert(comp->lvaGetPromotionType(varDsc) != Compiler::PROMOTION_TYPE_INDEPENDENT);
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ assert(node->gtType == TYP_I_IMPL);
+ node->SetOper(GT_STORE_LCL_VAR);
+ node->gtFlags &= ~(GTF_VAR_USEASG);
+ break;
+ }
+ unsigned simdSize = (unsigned int)roundUp(varDsc->lvExactSize, TARGET_POINTER_SIZE);
+ node->gtType = comp->getSIMDTypeForSize(simdSize);
+#endif // FEATURE_SIMD
+#ifdef DEBUG
+void Rationalizer::ValidateStatement(GenTree* tree, BasicBlock* block)
+ assert(tree->gtOper == GT_STMT);
+ DBEXEC(TRUE, JitTls::GetCompiler()->fgDebugCheckNodeLinks(block, tree));
+// sanity checks that apply to all kinds of IR
+void Rationalizer::SanityCheck()
+ // TODO: assert(!IsLIR());
+ BasicBlock* block;
+ foreach_block(comp, block)
+ {
+ for (GenTree* statement = block->bbTreeList; statement != nullptr; statement = statement->gtNext)
+ {
+ ValidateStatement(statement, block);
+ for (GenTree* tree = statement->gtStmt.gtStmtList; tree; tree = tree->gtNext)
+ {
+ // QMARK nodes should have been removed before this phase.
+ assert(tree->OperGet() != GT_QMARK);
+ if (tree->OperGet() == GT_ASG)
+ {
+ if (tree->gtGetOp1()->OperGet() == GT_LCL_VAR)
+ {
+ assert(tree->gtGetOp1()->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEF);
+ }
+ else if (tree->gtGetOp2()->OperGet() == GT_LCL_VAR)
+ {
+ assert(!(tree->gtGetOp2()->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEF));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Rationalizer::SanityCheckRational()
+ // TODO-Cleanup : check that the tree is rational here
+ // then do normal checks
+ SanityCheck();
+#endif // DEBUG
+static void RewriteAssignmentIntoStoreLclCore(GenTreeOp* assignment,
+ GenTree* location,
+ GenTree* value,
+ genTreeOps locationOp)
+ assert(assignment != nullptr);
+ assert(assignment->OperGet() == GT_ASG);
+ assert(location != nullptr);
+ assert(value != nullptr);
+ genTreeOps storeOp = storeForm(locationOp);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ JITDUMP("rewriting asg(%s, X) to %s(X)\n", GenTree::NodeName(locationOp), GenTree::NodeName(storeOp));
+#endif // DEBUG
+ assignment->SetOper(storeOp);
+ GenTreeLclVarCommon* store = assignment->AsLclVarCommon();
+ GenTreeLclVarCommon* var = location->AsLclVarCommon();
+ store->SetLclNum(var->gtLclNum);
+ store->SetSsaNum(var->gtSsaNum);
+ if (locationOp == GT_LCL_FLD)
+ {
+ store->gtLclFld.gtLclOffs = var->gtLclFld.gtLclOffs;
+ store->gtLclFld.gtFieldSeq = var->gtLclFld.gtFieldSeq;
+ }
+ copyFlags(store, var, GTF_LIVENESS_MASK);
+ store->gtFlags &= ~GTF_REVERSE_OPS;
+ store->gtType = var->TypeGet();
+ store->gtOp1 = value;
+ DISPNODE(store);
+ JITDUMP("\n");
+void Rationalizer::RewriteAssignmentIntoStoreLcl(GenTreeOp* assignment)
+ assert(assignment != nullptr);
+ assert(assignment->OperGet() == GT_ASG);
+ GenTree* location = assignment->gtGetOp1();
+ GenTree* value = assignment->gtGetOp2();
+ RewriteAssignmentIntoStoreLclCore(assignment, location, value, location->OperGet());
+void Rationalizer::RewriteAssignment(LIR::Use& use)
+ assert(use.IsInitialized());
+ GenTreeOp* assignment = use.Def()->AsOp();
+ assert(assignment->OperGet() == GT_ASG);
+ GenTree* location = assignment->gtGetOp1();
+ GenTree* value = assignment->gtGetOp2();
+ genTreeOps locationOp = location->OperGet();
+ if (varTypeIsSIMD(location) && assignment->OperIsInitBlkOp())
+ {
+ if (location->OperGet() == GT_LCL_VAR)
+ {
+ var_types simdType = location->TypeGet();
+ GenTree* initVal = assignment->gtOp.gtOp2;
+ var_types baseType = comp->getBaseTypeOfSIMDLocal(location);
+ if (baseType != TYP_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ GenTreeSIMD* simdTree = new (comp, GT_SIMD)
+ GenTreeSIMD(simdType, initVal, SIMDIntrinsicInit, baseType, genTypeSize(simdType));
+ assignment->gtOp.gtOp2 = simdTree;
+ value = simdTree;
+ initVal->gtNext = simdTree;
+ simdTree->gtPrev = initVal;
+ simdTree->gtNext = location;
+ location->gtPrev = simdTree;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(location->OperIsBlk());
+ }
+ }
+#endif // FEATURE_SIMD
+ switch (locationOp)
+ {
+ case GT_LCL_VAR:
+ case GT_LCL_FLD:
+ case GT_REG_VAR:
+ case GT_PHI_ARG:
+ RewriteAssignmentIntoStoreLclCore(assignment, location, value, locationOp);
+ BlockRange().Remove(location);
+ break;
+ case GT_IND:
+ {
+ GenTreeStoreInd* store =
+ new (comp, GT_STOREIND) GenTreeStoreInd(location->TypeGet(), location->gtGetOp1(), value);
+ copyFlags(store, assignment, GTF_ALL_EFFECT);
+ copyFlags(store, location, GTF_IND_FLAGS);
+ if (assignment->IsReverseOp())
+ {
+ store->gtFlags |= GTF_REVERSE_OPS;
+ }
+ // TODO: JIT dump
+ // Remove the GT_IND node and replace the assignment node with the store
+ BlockRange().Remove(location);
+ BlockRange().InsertBefore(assignment, store);
+ use.ReplaceWith(comp, store);
+ BlockRange().Remove(assignment);
+ }
+ break;
+ case GT_CLS_VAR:
+ {
+ location->SetOper(GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR);
+ location->gtType = TYP_BYREF;
+ assignment->SetOper(GT_STOREIND);
+ // TODO: JIT dump
+ }
+ break;
+ case GT_BLK:
+ case GT_OBJ:
+ case GT_DYN_BLK:
+ {
+ assert(varTypeIsStruct(location));
+ GenTreeBlk* storeBlk = location->AsBlk();
+ genTreeOps storeOper;
+ switch (location->gtOper)
+ {
+ case GT_BLK:
+ storeOper = GT_STORE_BLK;
+ break;
+ case GT_OBJ:
+ storeOper = GT_STORE_OBJ;
+ break;
+ case GT_DYN_BLK:
+ storeOper = GT_STORE_DYN_BLK;
+ break;
+ default:
+ unreached();
+ }
+ JITDUMP("Rewriting GT_ASG(%s(X), Y) to %s(X,Y):\n", GenTree::NodeName(location->gtOper),
+ GenTree::NodeName(storeOper));
+ storeBlk->gtOper = storeOper;
+ storeBlk->gtFlags &= ~GTF_DONT_CSE;
+ storeBlk->gtFlags |= (assignment->gtFlags & (GTF_ALL_EFFECT | GTF_REVERSE_OPS | GTF_BLK_VOLATILE |
+ storeBlk->gtBlk.Data() = value;
+ // Replace the assignment node with the store
+ use.ReplaceWith(comp, storeBlk);
+ BlockRange().Remove(assignment);
+ DISPTREERANGE(BlockRange(), use.Def());
+ JITDUMP("\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ unreached();
+ break;
+ }
+void Rationalizer::RewriteAddress(LIR::Use& use)
+ assert(use.IsInitialized());
+ GenTreeUnOp* address = use.Def()->AsUnOp();
+ assert(address->OperGet() == GT_ADDR);
+ GenTree* location = address->gtGetOp1();
+ genTreeOps locationOp = location->OperGet();
+ if (location->IsLocal())
+ {
+// We are changing the child from GT_LCL_VAR TO GT_LCL_VAR_ADDR.
+// Therefore gtType of the child needs to be changed to a TYP_BYREF
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (locationOp == GT_LCL_VAR)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(locationOp == GT_LCL_FLD);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG
+ location->SetOper(addrForm(locationOp));
+ location->gtType = TYP_BYREF;
+ copyFlags(location, address, GTF_ALL_EFFECT);
+ use.ReplaceWith(comp, location);
+ BlockRange().Remove(address);
+ }
+ else if (locationOp == GT_CLS_VAR)
+ {
+ location->SetOper(GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR);
+ location->gtType = TYP_BYREF;
+ copyFlags(location, address, GTF_ALL_EFFECT);
+ use.ReplaceWith(comp, location);
+ BlockRange().Remove(address);
+ }
+ else if (location->OperIsIndir())
+ {
+ use.ReplaceWith(comp, location->gtGetOp1());
+ BlockRange().Remove(location);
+ BlockRange().Remove(address);
+ JITDUMP("Rewriting GT_ADDR(GT_IND(X)) to X:\n");
+ }
+ DISPTREERANGE(BlockRange(), use.Def());
+ JITDUMP("\n");
+Compiler::fgWalkResult Rationalizer::RewriteNode(GenTree** useEdge, ArrayStack<GenTree*>& parentStack)
+ assert(useEdge != nullptr);
+ GenTree* node = *useEdge;
+ assert(node != nullptr);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ const bool isLateArg = (node->gtFlags & GTF_LATE_ARG) != 0;
+ // First, remove any preceeding GT_LIST nodes, which are not otherwise visited by the tree walk.
+ //
+ // NOTE: GT_LIST nodes that are used as aggregates, by block ops, and by phi nodes will in fact be visited.
+ for (GenTree* prev = node->gtPrev;
+ prev != nullptr && prev->OperGet() == GT_LIST && !(prev->AsArgList()->IsAggregate());
+ prev = node->gtPrev)
+ {
+ BlockRange().Remove(prev);
+ }
+ // In addition, remove the current node if it is a GT_LIST node that is not an aggregate.
+ if (node->OperGet() == GT_LIST)
+ {
+ GenTreeArgList* list = node->AsArgList();
+ if (!list->IsAggregate())
+ {
+ BlockRange().Remove(list);
+ }
+ return Compiler::WALK_CONTINUE;
+ }
+ LIR::Use use;
+ if (parentStack.Height() < 2)
+ {
+ use = LIR::Use::GetDummyUse(BlockRange(), *useEdge);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ use = LIR::Use(BlockRange(), useEdge, parentStack.Index(1));
+ }
+ assert(node == use.Def());
+ switch (node->OperGet())
+ {
+ case GT_ASG:
+ RewriteAssignment(use);
+ break;
+ case GT_BOX:
+ // GT_BOX at this level just passes through so get rid of it
+ use.ReplaceWith(comp, node->gtGetOp1());
+ BlockRange().Remove(node);
+ break;
+ case GT_ADDR:
+ RewriteAddress(use);
+ break;
+ case GT_NOP:
+ // fgMorph sometimes inserts NOP nodes between defs and uses
+ // supposedly 'to prevent constant folding'. In this case, remove the
+ // NOP.
+ if (node->gtGetOp1() != nullptr)
+ {
+ use.ReplaceWith(comp, node->gtGetOp1());
+ BlockRange().Remove(node);
+ }
+ break;
+ case GT_COMMA:
+ {
+ GenTree* op1 = node->gtGetOp1();
+ if ((op1->gtFlags & GTF_ALL_EFFECT) == 0)
+ {
+ // The LHS has no side effects. Remove it.
+ bool isClosed = false;
+ unsigned sideEffects = 0;
+ LIR::ReadOnlyRange lhsRange = BlockRange().GetTreeRange(op1, &isClosed, &sideEffects);
+ // None of the transforms performed herein violate tree order, so these
+ // should always be true.
+ assert(isClosed);
+ assert((sideEffects & GTF_ALL_EFFECT) == 0);
+ BlockRange().Delete(comp, m_block, std::move(lhsRange));
+ }
+ GenTree* replacement = node->gtGetOp2();
+ if (!use.IsDummyUse())
+ {
+ use.ReplaceWith(comp, replacement);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This is a top-level comma. If the RHS has no side effects we can remove
+ // it as well.
+ if ((replacement->gtFlags & GTF_ALL_EFFECT) == 0)
+ {
+ bool isClosed = false;
+ unsigned sideEffects = 0;
+ LIR::ReadOnlyRange rhsRange = BlockRange().GetTreeRange(replacement, &isClosed, &sideEffects);
+ // None of the transforms performed herein violate tree order, so these
+ // should always be true.
+ assert(isClosed);
+ assert((sideEffects & GTF_ALL_EFFECT) == 0);
+ BlockRange().Delete(comp, m_block, std::move(rhsRange));
+ }
+ }
+ BlockRange().Remove(node);
+ }
+ break;
+ // Remove argplace and list nodes from the execution order.
+ //
+ // TODO: remove phi args and phi nodes as well?
+ BlockRange().Remove(node);
+ break;
+#ifdef _TARGET_XARCH_
+ case GT_CLS_VAR:
+ {
+ // Class vars that are the target of an assignment will get rewritten into
+ // GT_STOREIND(GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR, val) by RewriteAssignment. This check is
+ // not strictly necessary--the GT_IND(GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR) pattern that would
+ // otherwise be generated would also be picked up by RewriteAssignment--but
+ // skipping the rewrite here saves an allocation and a bit of extra work.
+ const bool isLHSOfAssignment = (use.User()->OperGet() == GT_ASG) && (use.User()->gtGetOp1() == node);
+ if (!isLHSOfAssignment)
+ {
+ GenTree* ind = comp->gtNewOperNode(GT_IND, node->TypeGet(), node);
+ node->SetOper(GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR);
+ node->gtType = TYP_BYREF;
+ BlockRange().InsertAfter(node, ind);
+ use.ReplaceWith(comp, ind);
+ // TODO: JIT dump
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+#endif // _TARGET_XARCH_
+ // Non-target intrinsics should have already been rewritten back into user calls.
+ assert(Compiler::IsTargetIntrinsic(node->gtIntrinsic.gtIntrinsicId));
+ break;
+ case GT_BLK:
+ case GT_OBJ:
+ {
+ // TODO-1stClassStructs: These should have been transformed to GT_INDs, but in order
+ // to preserve existing behavior, we will keep this as a block node if this is the
+ // lhs of a block assignment, and either:
+ // - It is a "generic" TYP_STRUCT assignment, OR
+ // - It is an initblk, OR
+ // - Neither the lhs or rhs are known to be of SIMD type.
+ GenTree* parent = use.User();
+ bool keepBlk = false;
+ if ((parent->OperGet() == GT_ASG) && (node == parent->gtGetOp1()))
+ {
+ if ((node->TypeGet() == TYP_STRUCT) || parent->OperIsInitBlkOp())
+ {
+ keepBlk = true;
+ }
+ else if (!comp->isAddrOfSIMDType(node->AsBlk()->Addr()))
+ {
+ GenTree* dataSrc = parent->gtGetOp2();
+ if (!dataSrc->IsLocal() && (dataSrc->OperGet() != GT_SIMD))
+ {
+ noway_assert(dataSrc->OperIsIndir());
+ keepBlk = !comp->isAddrOfSIMDType(dataSrc->AsIndir()->Addr());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ RewriteSIMDOperand(use, keepBlk);
+ }
+ break;
+ case GT_LCL_FLD:
+ // TODO-1stClassStructs: Eliminate this.
+ FixupIfSIMDLocal(node->AsLclVarCommon());
+ break;
+ case GT_SIMD:
+ {
+ noway_assert(comp->featureSIMD);
+ GenTreeSIMD* simdNode = node->AsSIMD();
+ unsigned simdSize = simdNode->gtSIMDSize;
+ var_types simdType = comp->getSIMDTypeForSize(simdSize);
+ // TODO-1stClassStructs: This should be handled more generally for enregistered or promoted
+ // structs that are passed or returned in a different register type than their enregistered
+ // type(s).
+ if (simdNode->gtType == TYP_I_IMPL && simdNode->gtSIMDSize == TARGET_POINTER_SIZE)
+ {
+ // This happens when it is consumed by a GT_RET_EXPR.
+ // It can only be a Vector2f or Vector2i.
+ assert(genTypeSize(simdNode->gtSIMDBaseType) == 4);
+ simdNode->gtType = TYP_SIMD8;
+ }
+ // Certain SIMD trees require rationalizing.
+ if (simdNode->gtSIMD.gtSIMDIntrinsicID == SIMDIntrinsicInitArray)
+ {
+ // Rewrite this as an explicit load.
+ JITDUMP("Rewriting GT_SIMD array init as an explicit load:\n");
+ unsigned int baseTypeSize = genTypeSize(simdNode->gtSIMDBaseType);
+ GenTree* address = new (comp, GT_LEA) GenTreeAddrMode(TYP_BYREF, simdNode->gtOp1, simdNode->gtOp2,
+ baseTypeSize, offsetof(CORINFO_Array, u1Elems));
+ GenTree* ind = comp->gtNewOperNode(GT_IND, simdType, address);
+ BlockRange().InsertBefore(simdNode, address, ind);
+ use.ReplaceWith(comp, ind);
+ BlockRange().Remove(simdNode);
+ DISPTREERANGE(BlockRange(), use.Def());
+ JITDUMP("\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This code depends on the fact that NONE of the SIMD intrinsics take vector operands
+ // of a different width. If that assumption changes, we will EITHER have to make these type
+ // transformations during importation, and plumb the types all the way through the JIT,
+ // OR add a lot of special handling here.
+ GenTree* op1 = simdNode->gtGetOp1();
+ if (op1 != nullptr && op1->gtType == TYP_STRUCT)
+ {
+ op1->gtType = simdType;
+ }
+ GenTree* op2 = simdNode->gtGetOp2();
+ if (op2 != nullptr && op2->gtType == TYP_STRUCT)
+ {
+ op2->gtType = simdType;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+#endif // FEATURE_SIMD
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ // Do some extra processing on top-level nodes to remove unused local reads.
+ if (use.IsDummyUse() && node->OperIsLocalRead())
+ {
+ assert((node->gtFlags & GTF_ALL_EFFECT) == 0);
+ comp->lvaDecRefCnts(node);
+ BlockRange().Remove(node);
+ }
+ assert(isLateArg == ((node->gtFlags & GTF_LATE_ARG) != 0));
+ return Compiler::WALK_CONTINUE;
+void Rationalizer::DoPhase()
+ DBEXEC(TRUE, SanityCheck());
+ comp->compCurBB = nullptr;
+ comp->fgOrder = Compiler::FGOrderLinear;
+ BasicBlock* firstBlock = comp->fgFirstBB;
+ for (BasicBlock* block = comp->fgFirstBB; block != nullptr; block = block->bbNext)
+ {
+ comp->compCurBB = block;
+ m_block = block;
+ // Establish the first and last nodes for the block. This is necessary in order for the LIR
+ // utilities that hang off the BasicBlock type to work correctly.
+ GenTreeStmt* firstStatement = block->firstStmt();
+ if (firstStatement == nullptr)
+ {
+ // No statements in this block; skip it.
+ block->MakeLIR(nullptr, nullptr);
+ continue;
+ }
+ GenTreeStmt* lastStatement = block->lastStmt();
+ // Rewrite intrinsics that are not supported by the target back into user calls.
+ // This needs to be done before the transition to LIR because it relies on the use
+ // of fgMorphArgs, which is designed to operate on HIR. Once this is done for a
+ // particular statement, link that statement's nodes into the current basic block.
+ //
+ // This walk also clears the GTF_VAR_USEDEF bit on locals, which is not necessary
+ // in the backend.
+ GenTree* lastNodeInPreviousStatement = nullptr;
+ for (GenTreeStmt* statement = firstStatement; statement != nullptr; statement = statement->getNextStmt())
+ {
+ assert(statement->gtStmtList != nullptr);
+ assert(statement->gtStmtList->gtPrev == nullptr);
+ assert(statement->gtStmtExpr != nullptr);
+ assert(statement->gtStmtExpr->gtNext == nullptr);
+ SplitData splitData;
+ splitData.root = statement;
+ splitData.block = block;
+ splitData.thisPhase = this;
+ comp->fgWalkTreePost(&statement->gtStmtExpr,
+ [](GenTree** use, Compiler::fgWalkData* walkData) -> Compiler::fgWalkResult {
+ GenTree* node = *use;
+ if (node->OperGet() == GT_INTRINSIC &&
+ Compiler::IsIntrinsicImplementedByUserCall(node->gtIntrinsic.gtIntrinsicId))
+ {
+ RewriteIntrinsicAsUserCall(use, walkData);
+ }
+ else if (node->OperIsLocal())
+ {
+ node->gtFlags &= ~GTF_VAR_USEDEF;
+ }
+ return Compiler::WALK_CONTINUE;
+ },
+ &splitData, true);
+ GenTree* firstNodeInStatement = statement->gtStmtList;
+ if (lastNodeInPreviousStatement != nullptr)
+ {
+ lastNodeInPreviousStatement->gtNext = firstNodeInStatement;
+ }
+ firstNodeInStatement->gtPrev = lastNodeInPreviousStatement;
+ lastNodeInPreviousStatement = statement->gtStmtExpr;
+ }
+ block->MakeLIR(firstStatement->gtStmtList, lastStatement->gtStmtExpr);
+ // Rewrite HIR nodes into LIR nodes.
+ for (GenTreeStmt *statement = firstStatement, *nextStatement; statement != nullptr; statement = nextStatement)
+ {
+ nextStatement = statement->getNextStmt();
+ // If this statement has correct offset information, change it into an IL offset
+ // node and insert it into the LIR.
+ if (statement->gtStmtILoffsx != BAD_IL_OFFSET)
+ {
+ assert(!statement->IsPhiDefnStmt());
+ statement->SetOper(GT_IL_OFFSET);
+ statement->gtNext = nullptr;
+ statement->gtPrev = nullptr;
+ BlockRange().InsertBefore(statement->gtStmtList, statement);
+ }
+ m_statement = statement;
+ comp->fgWalkTreePost(&statement->gtStmtExpr,
+ [](GenTree** use, Compiler::fgWalkData* walkData) -> Compiler::fgWalkResult {
+ return reinterpret_cast<Rationalizer*>(walkData->pCallbackData)
+ ->RewriteNode(use, *walkData->parentStack);
+ },
+ this, true);
+ }
+ assert(BlockRange().CheckLIR(comp));
+ }
+ comp->compRationalIRForm = true;