path: root/src/jit/lowerarm.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/jit/lowerarm.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/src/jit/lowerarm.cpp b/src/jit/lowerarm.cpp
index 9792b8a9c6..0701520b0a 100644
--- a/src/jit/lowerarm.cpp
+++ b/src/jit/lowerarm.cpp
#include "lsra.h"
-// LowerStoreLoc: Lower a store of a lclVar
-// Arguments:
-// storeLoc - the local store (GT_STORE_LCL_FLD or GT_STORE_LCL_VAR)
-// Notes:
-// This involves:
-// - Widening operations of unsigneds.
-void Lowering::LowerStoreLoc(GenTreeLclVarCommon* storeLoc)
- // Try to widen the ops if they are going into a local var.
- GenTree* op1 = storeLoc->gtGetOp1();
- if ((storeLoc->gtOper == GT_STORE_LCL_VAR) && (op1->gtOper == GT_CNS_INT))
- {
- GenTreeIntCon* con = op1->AsIntCon();
- ssize_t ival = con->gtIconVal;
- unsigned varNum = storeLoc->gtLclNum;
- LclVarDsc* varDsc = comp->lvaTable + varNum;
- if (varDsc->lvIsSIMDType())
- {
- noway_assert(storeLoc->gtType != TYP_STRUCT);
- }
- unsigned size = genTypeSize(storeLoc);
- // If we are storing a constant into a local variable
- // we extend the size of the store here
- if ((size < 4) && !varTypeIsStruct(varDsc))
- {
- if (!varTypeIsUnsigned(varDsc))
- {
- if (genTypeSize(storeLoc) == 1)
- {
- if ((ival & 0x7f) != ival)
- {
- ival = ival | 0xffffff00;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- assert(genTypeSize(storeLoc) == 2);
- if ((ival & 0x7fff) != ival)
- {
- ival = ival | 0xffff0000;
- }
- }
- }
- // A local stack slot is at least 4 bytes in size, regardless of
- // what the local var is typed as, so auto-promote it here
- // unless it is a field of a promoted struct
- // TODO-ARM-CQ: if the field is promoted shouldn't we also be able to do this?
- if (!varDsc->lvIsStructField)
- {
- storeLoc->gtType = TYP_INT;
- con->SetIconValue(ival);
- }
- }
- }
-// LowerCast: Lower GT_CAST(srcType, DstType) nodes.
-// Arguments:
-// tree - GT_CAST node to be lowered
-// Return Value:
-// None.
-// Notes:
-// Casts from small int type to float/double are transformed as follows:
-// GT_CAST(byte, float/double) = GT_CAST(GT_CAST(byte, int32), float/double)
-// GT_CAST(sbyte, float/double) = GT_CAST(GT_CAST(sbyte, int32), float/double)
-// GT_CAST(int16, float/double) = GT_CAST(GT_CAST(int16, int32), float/double)
-// GT_CAST(uint16, float/double) = GT_CAST(GT_CAST(uint16, int32), float/double)
-// Similarly casts from float/double to a smaller int type are transformed as follows:
-// GT_CAST(float/double, byte) = GT_CAST(GT_CAST(float/double, int32), byte)
-// GT_CAST(float/double, sbyte) = GT_CAST(GT_CAST(float/double, int32), sbyte)
-// GT_CAST(float/double, int16) = GT_CAST(GT_CAST(double/double, int32), int16)
-// GT_CAST(float/double, uint16) = GT_CAST(GT_CAST(double/double, int32), uint16)
-// Note that for the overflow conversions we still depend on helper calls and
-// don't expect to see them here.
-// i) GT_CAST(float/double, int type with overflow detection)
-void Lowering::LowerCast(GenTree* tree)
- assert(tree->OperGet() == GT_CAST);
- JITDUMP("LowerCast for: ");
- DISPNODE(tree);
- JITDUMP("\n");
- GenTreePtr op1 = tree->gtOp.gtOp1;
- var_types dstType = tree->CastToType();
- var_types srcType = op1->TypeGet();
- var_types tmpType = TYP_UNDEF;
- if (varTypeIsFloating(srcType))
- {
- noway_assert(!tree->gtOverflow());
- }
- // Case of src is a small type and dst is a floating point type.
- if (varTypeIsSmall(srcType) && varTypeIsFloating(dstType))
- {
- NYI_ARM("Lowering for cast from small type to float"); // Not tested yet.
- // These conversions can never be overflow detecting ones.
- noway_assert(!tree->gtOverflow());
- tmpType = TYP_INT;
- }
- // case of src is a floating point type and dst is a small type.
- else if (varTypeIsFloating(srcType) && varTypeIsSmall(dstType))
- {
- NYI_ARM("Lowering for cast from float to small type"); // Not tested yet.
- tmpType = TYP_INT;
- }
- if (tmpType != TYP_UNDEF)
- {
- GenTreePtr tmp = comp->gtNewCastNode(tmpType, op1, tmpType);
- tmp->gtFlags |= (tree->gtFlags & (GTF_UNSIGNED | GTF_OVERFLOW | GTF_EXCEPT));
- tree->gtFlags &= ~GTF_UNSIGNED;
- tree->gtOp.gtOp1 = tmp;
- BlockRange().InsertAfter(op1, tmp);
- }
-// LowerRotate: Lower GT_ROL and GT_ROL nodes.
-// Arguments:
-// tree - the node to lower
-// Return Value:
-// None.
-void Lowering::LowerRotate(GenTreePtr tree)
- if (tree->OperGet() == GT_ROL)
- {
- // There is no ROL instruction on ARM. Convert ROL into ROR.
- GenTreePtr rotatedValue = tree->gtOp.gtOp1;
- unsigned rotatedValueBitSize = genTypeSize(rotatedValue->gtType) * 8;
- GenTreePtr rotateLeftIndexNode = tree->gtOp.gtOp2;
- if (rotateLeftIndexNode->IsCnsIntOrI())
- {
- ssize_t rotateLeftIndex = rotateLeftIndexNode->gtIntCon.gtIconVal;
- ssize_t rotateRightIndex = rotatedValueBitSize - rotateLeftIndex;
- rotateLeftIndexNode->gtIntCon.gtIconVal = rotateRightIndex;
- }
- else
- {
- GenTreePtr tmp =
- comp->gtNewOperNode(GT_NEG, genActualType(rotateLeftIndexNode->gtType), rotateLeftIndexNode);
- BlockRange().InsertAfter(rotateLeftIndexNode, tmp);
- tree->gtOp.gtOp2 = tmp;
- }
- tree->ChangeOper(GT_ROR);
- }
-// LowerPutArgStk: Lower a GT_PUTARG_STK node
-// Arguments:
-// argNode - a GT_PUTARG_STK node
-// Return Value:
-// None.
-// Notes:
-// There is currently no Lowering required for this on ARM.
-void Lowering::LowerPutArgStk(GenTreePutArgStk* argNode, fgArgTabEntryPtr info)
// IsCallTargetInRange: Can a call target address be encoded in-place?
// Return Value: