path: root/src/jit/jitgcinfo.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/jit/jitgcinfo.h')
1 files changed, 452 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/jit/jitgcinfo.h b/src/jit/jitgcinfo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b93ac3376c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jit/jitgcinfo.h
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// Garbage-collector information
+// Keeps track of which variables hold pointers.
+// Generates the GC-tables
+#ifndef _JITGCINFO_H_
+#define _JITGCINFO_H_
+#include "gcinfotypes.h"
+#ifndef JIT32_GCENCODER
+#include "gcinfoencoder.h"
+#ifndef JIT32_GCENCODER
+// Shash typedefs
+struct RegSlotIdKey
+ unsigned short m_regNum;
+ unsigned short m_flags;
+ RegSlotIdKey()
+ {
+ }
+ RegSlotIdKey(unsigned short regNum, unsigned short flags) : m_regNum(regNum), m_flags(flags)
+ {
+ }
+ static unsigned GetHashCode(RegSlotIdKey rsk)
+ {
+ return (rsk.m_flags << (8 * sizeof(unsigned short))) + rsk.m_regNum;
+ }
+ static bool Equals(RegSlotIdKey rsk1, RegSlotIdKey rsk2)
+ {
+ return rsk1.m_regNum == rsk2.m_regNum && rsk1.m_flags == rsk2.m_flags;
+ }
+struct StackSlotIdKey
+ int m_offset;
+ bool m_fpRel;
+ unsigned short m_flags;
+ StackSlotIdKey()
+ {
+ }
+ StackSlotIdKey(int offset, bool fpRel, unsigned short flags) : m_offset(offset), m_fpRel(fpRel), m_flags(flags)
+ {
+ }
+ static unsigned GetHashCode(StackSlotIdKey ssk)
+ {
+ return (ssk.m_flags << (8 * sizeof(unsigned short))) ^ (unsigned)ssk.m_offset ^ (ssk.m_fpRel ? 0x1000000 : 0);
+ }
+ static bool Equals(StackSlotIdKey ssk1, StackSlotIdKey ssk2)
+ {
+ return ssk1.m_offset == ssk2.m_offset && ssk1.m_fpRel == ssk2.m_fpRel && ssk1.m_flags == ssk2.m_flags;
+ }
+typedef SimplerHashTable<RegSlotIdKey, RegSlotIdKey, GcSlotId, JitSimplerHashBehavior> RegSlotMap;
+typedef SimplerHashTable<StackSlotIdKey, StackSlotIdKey, GcSlotId, JitSimplerHashBehavior> StackSlotMap;
+typedef SimplerHashTable<GenTreePtr, PtrKeyFuncs<GenTree>, VARSET_TP*, JitSimplerHashBehavior> NodeToVarsetPtrMap;
+class GCInfo
+ friend class CodeGen;
+ Compiler* compiler;
+ RegSet* regSet;
+ GCInfo(Compiler* theCompiler);
+ void gcResetForBB();
+ void gcMarkRegSetGCref(regMaskTP regMask DEBUGARG(bool forceOutput = false));
+ void gcMarkRegSetByref(regMaskTP regMask DEBUGARG(bool forceOutput = false));
+ void gcMarkRegSetNpt(regMaskTP regMask DEBUGARG(bool forceOutput = false));
+ void gcMarkRegPtrVal(regNumber reg, var_types type);
+ void gcMarkRegPtrVal(GenTreePtr tree);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ void gcDspGCrefSetChanges(regMaskTP gcRegGCrefSetNew DEBUGARG(bool forceOutput = false));
+ void gcDspByrefSetChanges(regMaskTP gcRegByrefSetNew DEBUGARG(bool forceOutput = false));
+#endif // DEBUG
+ /*****************************************************************************/
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // The following keeps track of which registers currently hold pointer
+ // values.
+ //
+ regMaskTP gcRegGCrefSetCur; // current regs holding GCrefs
+ regMaskTP gcRegByrefSetCur; // current regs holding Byrefs
+ VARSET_TP gcTrkStkPtrLcls; // set of tracked stack ptr lcls (GCref and Byref) - no args
+ VARSET_TP gcVarPtrSetCur; // currently live part of "gcTrkStkPtrLcls"
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // The following keeps track of the lifetimes of non-register variables that
+ // hold pointers.
+ //
+ struct varPtrDsc
+ {
+ varPtrDsc* vpdNext;
+ unsigned vpdVarNum; // which variable is this about?
+ unsigned vpdBegOfs; // the offset where life starts
+ unsigned vpdEndOfs; // the offset where life starts
+ };
+ varPtrDsc* gcVarPtrList;
+ varPtrDsc* gcVarPtrLast;
+ void gcVarPtrSetInit();
+ /*****************************************************************************/
+ // 'pointer value' register tracking and argument pushes/pops tracking.
+ enum rpdArgType_t
+ {
+ rpdARG_POP,
+ rpdARG_PUSH,
+ };
+ struct regPtrDsc
+ {
+ regPtrDsc* rpdNext; // next entry in the list
+ unsigned rpdOffs; // the offset of the instruction
+ union // 2-16 byte union (depending on architecture)
+ {
+ struct // 2-16 byte structure (depending on architecture)
+ {
+ regMaskSmall rpdAdd; // regptr bitset being added
+ regMaskSmall rpdDel; // regptr bitset being removed
+ } rpdCompiler;
+ unsigned short rpdPtrArg; // arg offset or popped arg count
+ };
+#ifndef JIT32_GCENCODER
+ unsigned char rpdCallInstrSize; // Length of the call instruction.
+ unsigned short rpdArg : 1; // is this an argument descriptor?
+ unsigned short rpdArgType : 2; // is this an argument push,pop, or kill?
+ rpdArgType_t rpdArgTypeGet()
+ {
+ return (rpdArgType_t)rpdArgType;
+ }
+ unsigned short rpdGCtype : 2; // is this a pointer, after all?
+ GCtype rpdGCtypeGet()
+ {
+ return (GCtype)rpdGCtype;
+ }
+ unsigned short rpdIsThis : 1; // is it the 'this' pointer
+ unsigned short rpdCall : 1; // is this a true call site?
+ unsigned short : 1; // Padding bit, so next two start on a byte boundary
+ unsigned short rpdCallGCrefRegs : CNT_CALLEE_SAVED; // Callee-saved registers containing GC pointers.
+ unsigned short rpdCallByrefRegs : CNT_CALLEE_SAVED; // Callee-saved registers containing byrefs.
+#ifndef JIT32_GCENCODER
+ bool rpdIsCallInstr()
+ {
+ return rpdCall && rpdCallInstrSize != 0;
+ }
+ };
+ regPtrDsc* gcRegPtrList;
+ regPtrDsc* gcRegPtrLast;
+ unsigned gcPtrArgCnt;
+#ifndef JIT32_GCENCODER
+ enum MakeRegPtrMode
+ {
+ };
+ // This method has two modes. In the "assign slots" mode, it figures out what stack locations are
+ // used to contain GC references, and whether those locations contain byrefs or pinning references,
+ // building up mappings from tuples of <offset X byref/pinning> to the corresponding slot id.
+ // In the "do work" mode, we use these slot ids to actually declare live ranges to the encoder.
+ void gcMakeVarPtrTable(GcInfoEncoder* gcInfoEncoder, MakeRegPtrMode mode);
+ // This method expands the tracked stack variables lifetimes so that any lifetimes within filters
+ // are reported as pinned.
+ void gcMarkFilterVarsPinned();
+ // At instruction offset "instrOffset," the set of registers indicated by "regMask" is becoming live or dead,
+ // depending on whether "newState" is "GC_SLOT_DEAD" or "GC_SLOT_LIVE". The subset of registers whose corresponding
+ // bits are set in "byRefMask" contain by-refs rather than regular GC pointers. "*pPtrRegs" is the set of
+ // registers currently known to contain pointers. If "mode" is "ASSIGN_SLOTS", computes and records slot
+ // ids for the registers. If "mode" is "DO_WORK", informs "gcInfoEncoder" about the state transition,
+ // using the previously assigned slot ids, and updates "*pPtrRegs" appropriately.
+ void gcInfoRecordGCRegStateChange(GcInfoEncoder* gcInfoEncoder,
+ MakeRegPtrMode mode,
+ unsigned instrOffset,
+ regMaskSmall regMask,
+ GcSlotState newState,
+ regMaskSmall byRefMask,
+ regMaskSmall* pPtrRegs);
+ // regPtrDsc is also used to encode writes to the outgoing argument space (as if they were pushes)
+ void gcInfoRecordGCStackArgLive(GcInfoEncoder* gcInfoEncoder, MakeRegPtrMode mode, regPtrDsc* genStackPtr);
+ // Walk all the pushes between genStackPtrFirst (inclusive) and genStackPtrLast (exclusive)
+ // and mark them as going dead at instrOffset
+ void gcInfoRecordGCStackArgsDead(GcInfoEncoder* gcInfoEncoder,
+ unsigned instrOffset,
+ regPtrDsc* genStackPtrFirst,
+ regPtrDsc* genStackPtrLast);
+ static size_t s_gcRegPtrDscSize;
+ static size_t s_gcTotalPtrTabSize;
+ regPtrDsc* gcRegPtrAllocDsc();
+ /*****************************************************************************/
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // If we're not generating fully interruptible code, we create a simple
+ // linked list of call descriptors.
+ //
+ struct CallDsc
+ {
+ CallDsc* cdNext;
+ void* cdBlock; // the code block of the call
+ unsigned cdOffs; // the offset of the call
+#ifndef JIT32_GCENCODER
+ unsigned short cdCallInstrSize; // the size of the call instruction.
+ unsigned short cdArgCnt;
+ union {
+ struct // used if cdArgCnt == 0
+ {
+ unsigned cdArgMask; // ptr arg bitfield
+ unsigned cdByrefArgMask; // byref qualifier for cdArgMask
+ } u1;
+ unsigned* cdArgTable; // used if cdArgCnt != 0
+ };
+ regMaskSmall cdGCrefRegs;
+ regMaskSmall cdByrefRegs;
+ };
+ CallDsc* gcCallDescList;
+ CallDsc* gcCallDescLast;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void gcCountForHeader(UNALIGNED unsigned int* untrackedCount, UNALIGNED unsigned int* varPtrTableSize);
+ size_t gcMakeRegPtrTable(BYTE* dest, int mask, const InfoHdr& header, unsigned codeSize, size_t* pArgTabOffset);
+ RegSlotMap* m_regSlotMap;
+ StackSlotMap* m_stackSlotMap;
+ // This method has two modes. In the "assign slots" mode, it figures out what registers and stack
+ // locations are used to contain GC references, and whether those locations contain byrefs or pinning
+ // references, building up mappings from tuples of <reg/offset X byref/pinning> to the corresponding
+ // slot id (in the two member fields declared above). In the "do work" mode, we use these slot ids to
+ // actually declare live ranges to the encoder.
+ void gcMakeRegPtrTable(GcInfoEncoder* gcInfoEncoder, unsigned codeSize, unsigned prologSize, MakeRegPtrMode mode);
+ size_t gcPtrTableSize(const InfoHdr& header, unsigned codeSize, size_t* pArgTabOffset);
+ BYTE* gcPtrTableSave(BYTE* destPtr, const InfoHdr& header, unsigned codeSize, size_t* pArgTabOffset);
+ void gcRegPtrSetInit();
+ /*****************************************************************************/
+ // This enumeration yields the result of the analysis below, whether a store
+ // requires a write barrier:
+ enum WriteBarrierForm
+ {
+ WBF_NoBarrier, // No barrier is required
+ WBF_BarrierUnknown, // A barrier is required, no information on checked/unchecked.
+ WBF_BarrierChecked, // A checked barrier is required.
+ WBF_BarrierUnchecked, // An unchecked barrier is required.
+ WBF_NoBarrier_CheckNotHeapInDebug, // We believe that no barrier is required because the
+ // target is not in the heap -- but in debug build use a
+ // barrier call that verifies this property. (Because the
+ // target not being in the heap relies on a convention that
+ // might accidentally be violated in the future.)
+ };
+ WriteBarrierForm gcIsWriteBarrierCandidate(GenTreePtr tgt, GenTreePtr assignVal);
+ bool gcIsWriteBarrierAsgNode(GenTreePtr op);
+ // Returns a WriteBarrierForm decision based on the form of "tgtAddr", which is assumed to be the
+ // argument of a GT_IND LHS.
+ WriteBarrierForm gcWriteBarrierFormFromTargetAddress(GenTreePtr tgtAddr);
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // These record the info about the procedure in the info-block
+ //
+ BYTE* gcEpilogTable;
+ unsigned gcEpilogPrevOffset;
+ size_t gcInfoBlockHdrSave(BYTE* dest,
+ int mask,
+ unsigned methodSize,
+ unsigned prologSize,
+ unsigned epilogSize,
+ InfoHdr* header,
+ int* s_cached);
+ static void gcInitEncoderLookupTable();
+ static size_t gcRecordEpilog(void* pCallBackData, unsigned offset);
+#else // JIT32_GCENCODER
+ void gcInfoBlockHdrSave(GcInfoEncoder* gcInfoEncoder, unsigned methodSize, unsigned prologSize);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ void gcDumpVarPtrDsc(varPtrDsc* desc);
+#endif // DEBUG
+#endif // JIT32_GCENCODER
+ void gcFindPtrsInFrame(const void* infoBlock, const void* codeBlock, unsigned offs);
+ unsigned gcInfoBlockHdrDump(const BYTE* table,
+ InfoHdr* header, /* OUT */
+ unsigned* methodSize); /* OUT */
+ unsigned gcDumpPtrTable(const BYTE* table, const InfoHdr& header, unsigned methodSize);
+#endif // JIT32_GCENCODER
+#endif // DUMP_GC_TABLES
+ // This method updates the appropriate reg masks when a variable is moved.
+ void gcUpdateForRegVarMove(regMaskTP srcMask, regMaskTP dstMask, LclVarDsc* varDsc);
+#endif // !LEGACY_BACKEND
+inline unsigned char encodeUnsigned(BYTE* dest, unsigned value)
+ unsigned char size = 1;
+ unsigned tmp = value;
+ while (tmp > 0x7F)
+ {
+ tmp >>= 7;
+ assert(size < 6); // Invariant.
+ size++;
+ }
+ if (dest)
+ {
+ // write the bytes starting at the end of dest in LSB to MSB order
+ BYTE* p = dest + size;
+ BYTE cont = 0; // The last byte has no continuation flag
+ while (value > 0x7F)
+ {
+ *--p = cont | (value & 0x7f);
+ value >>= 7;
+ cont = 0x80; // Non last bytes have a continuation flag
+ }
+ *--p = cont | (BYTE)value; // Now write the first byte
+ assert(p == dest);
+ }
+ return size;
+inline unsigned char encodeUDelta(BYTE* dest, unsigned value, unsigned lastValue)
+ assert(value >= lastValue);
+ return encodeUnsigned(dest, value - lastValue);
+inline unsigned char encodeSigned(BYTE* dest, int val)
+ unsigned char size = 1;
+ unsigned value = val;
+ BYTE neg = 0;
+ if (val < 0)
+ {
+ value = -val;
+ neg = 0x40;
+ }
+ unsigned tmp = value;
+ while (tmp > 0x3F)
+ {
+ tmp >>= 7;
+ assert(size < 16); // Definitely sufficient for unsigned. Fits in an unsigned char, certainly.
+ size++;
+ }
+ if (dest)
+ {
+ // write the bytes starting at the end of dest in LSB to MSB order
+ BYTE* p = dest + size;
+ BYTE cont = 0; // The last byte has no continuation flag
+ while (value > 0x3F)
+ {
+ *--p = cont | (value & 0x7f);
+ value >>= 7;
+ cont = 0x80; // Non last bytes have a continuation flag
+ }
+ *--p = neg | cont | (BYTE)value; // Now write the first byte
+ assert(p == dest);
+ }
+ return size;
+#endif // _JITGCINFO_H_