path: root/src/jit/emitxarch.cpp
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1 files changed, 11398 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/jit/emitxarch.cpp b/src/jit/emitxarch.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d43f766ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jit/emitxarch.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,11398 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+XX emitX86.cpp XX
+#include "jitpch.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma hdrstop
+#if defined(_TARGET_XARCH_)
+#include "instr.h"
+#include "emit.h"
+#include "codegen.h"
+bool IsSSE2Instruction(instruction ins)
+bool IsSSEOrAVXInstruction(instruction ins)
+ return IsSSE2Instruction(ins);
+bool emitter::IsAVXInstruction(instruction ins)
+ return (UseAVX() && IsSSEOrAVXInstruction(ins));
+ return false;
+#define REX_PREFIX_MASK 0xFF00000000LL
+// Returns true if the AVX instruction is a binary operator that requires 3 operands.
+// When we emit an instruction with only two operands, we will duplicate the destination
+// as a source.
+// TODO-XArch-Cleanup: This is a temporary solution for now. Eventually this needs to
+// be formalized by adding an additional field to instruction table to
+// to indicate whether a 3-operand instruction.
+bool emitter::IsThreeOperandBinaryAVXInstruction(instruction ins)
+ return IsAVXInstruction(ins) &&
+ (ins == INS_cvtsi2ss || ins == INS_cvtsi2sd || ins == INS_cvtss2sd || ins == INS_cvtsd2ss ||
+ ins == INS_addss || ins == INS_addsd || ins == INS_subss || ins == INS_subsd || ins == INS_mulss ||
+ ins == INS_mulsd || ins == INS_divss || ins == INS_divsd || ins == INS_addps || ins == INS_addpd ||
+ ins == INS_subps || ins == INS_subpd || ins == INS_mulps || ins == INS_mulpd || ins == INS_cmpps ||
+ ins == INS_cmppd || ins == INS_andps || ins == INS_andpd || ins == INS_orps || ins == INS_orpd ||
+ ins == INS_xorps || ins == INS_xorpd || ins == INS_dpps || ins == INS_dppd || ins == INS_haddpd ||
+ ins == INS_por || ins == INS_pand || ins == INS_pandn || ins == INS_pcmpeqd || ins == INS_pcmpgtd ||
+ ins == INS_pcmpeqw || ins == INS_pcmpgtw || ins == INS_pcmpeqb || ins == INS_pcmpgtb ||
+ ins == INS_pcmpeqq || ins == INS_pcmpgtq || ins == INS_pmulld || ins == INS_pmullw ||
+ ins == INS_shufps || ins == INS_shufpd || ins == INS_minps || ins == INS_minss || ins == INS_minpd ||
+ ins == INS_minsd || ins == INS_divps || ins == INS_divpd || ins == INS_maxps || ins == INS_maxpd ||
+ ins == INS_maxss || ins == INS_maxsd || ins == INS_andnps || ins == INS_andnpd || ins == INS_paddb ||
+ ins == INS_paddw || ins == INS_paddd || ins == INS_paddq || ins == INS_psubb || ins == INS_psubw ||
+ ins == INS_psubd || ins == INS_psubq || ins == INS_pmuludq || ins == INS_pxor || ins == INS_pmaxub ||
+ ins == INS_pminub || ins == INS_pmaxsw || ins == INS_pminsw || ins == INS_insertps || ins == INS_vinsertf128 ||
+ ins == INS_punpckldq
+ );
+// Returns true if the AVX instruction is a move operator that requires 3 operands.
+// When we emit an instruction with only two operands, we will duplicate the source
+// register in the vvvv field. This is because these merge sources into the dest.
+// TODO-XArch-Cleanup: This is a temporary solution for now. Eventually this needs to
+// be formalized by adding an additional field to instruction table to
+// to indicate whether a 3-operand instruction.
+bool emitter::IsThreeOperandMoveAVXInstruction(instruction ins)
+ return IsAVXInstruction(ins) &&
+ (ins == INS_movlpd || ins == INS_movlps || ins == INS_movhpd || ins == INS_movhps || ins == INS_movss);
+// Returns true if the AVX instruction is a 4-byte opcode.
+// Note that this should be true for any of the instructions in instrsXArch.h
+// that use the SSE38 or SSE3A macro.
+// TODO-XArch-Cleanup: This is a temporary solution for now. Eventually this
+// needs to be addressed by expanding instruction encodings.
+bool Is4ByteAVXInstruction(instruction ins)
+ return (ins == INS_dpps || ins == INS_dppd || ins == INS_insertps || ins == INS_pcmpeqq || ins == INS_pcmpgtq ||
+ ins == INS_vbroadcastss || ins == INS_vbroadcastsd || ins == INS_vpbroadcastb || ins == INS_vpbroadcastw ||
+ ins == INS_vpbroadcastd || ins == INS_vpbroadcastq || ins == INS_vextractf128 || ins == INS_vinsertf128 ||
+ ins == INS_pmulld);
+ return false;
+// Returns true if this instruction requires a VEX prefix
+// All AVX instructions require a VEX prefix
+bool emitter::TakesVexPrefix(instruction ins)
+ // special case vzeroupper as it requires 2-byte VEX prefix
+ if (ins == INS_vzeroupper)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return IsAVXInstruction(ins);
+// Add base VEX prefix without setting W, R, X, or B bits
+// L bit will be set based on emitter attr.
+// 3-byte VEX prefix = C4 <R,X,B,m-mmmm> <W,vvvv,L,pp>
+// - R, X, B, W - bits to express corresponding REX prefixes
+// - m-mmmmm (5-bit)
+// 0-00001 - implied leading 0F opcode byte
+// 0-00010 - implied leading 0F 38 opcode bytes
+// 0-00011 - implied leading 0F 3A opcode bytes
+// Rest - reserved for future use and usage of them will uresult in Undefined instruction exception
+// - vvvv (4-bits) - register specifier in 1's complement form; must be 1111 if unused
+// - L - scalar or AVX-128 bit operations (L=0), 256-bit operations (L=1)
+// - pp (2-bits) - opcode extension providing equivalent functionality of a SIMD size prefix
+// these prefixes are treated mandatory when used with escape opcode 0Fh for
+// some SIMD instructions
+// 00 - None (0F - packed float)
+// 01 - 66 (66 0F - packed double)
+// 10 - F3 (F3 0F - scalar float
+// 11 - F2 (F2 0F - scalar double)
+// TODO-AMD64-CQ: for simplicity of implementation this routine always adds 3-byte VEX
+// prefix. Based on 'attr' param we could add 2-byte VEX prefix in case of scalar
+// and AVX-128 bit operations.
+#define DEFAULT_3BYTE_VEX_PREFIX 0xC4E07800000000ULL
+#define LBIT_IN_3BYTE_VEX_PREFIX 0X00000400000000ULL
+size_t emitter::AddVexPrefix(instruction ins, size_t code, emitAttr attr)
+ // Only AVX instructions require VEX prefix
+ assert(IsAVXInstruction(ins));
+ // Shouldn't have already added Vex prefix
+ assert(!hasVexPrefix(code));
+ // Set L bit to 1 in case of instructions that operate on 256-bits.
+ if (attr == EA_32BYTE)
+ {
+ }
+ return code;
+// Returns true if this instruction, for the given EA_SIZE(attr), will require a REX.W prefix
+bool TakesRexWPrefix(instruction ins, emitAttr attr)
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // movsx should always sign extend out to 8 bytes just because we don't track
+ // whether the dest should be 4 bytes or 8 bytes (attr indicates the size
+ // of the source, not the dest).
+ // A 4-byte movzx is equivalent to an 8 byte movzx, so it is not special
+ // cased here.
+ //
+ // Rex_jmp = jmp with rex prefix always requires rex.w prefix.
+ if (ins == INS_movsx || ins == INS_rex_jmp)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (EA_SIZE(attr) != EA_8BYTE)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (IsSSEOrAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ if (ins == INS_cvttsd2si || ins == INS_cvttss2si || ins == INS_cvtsd2si || ins == INS_cvtss2si ||
+ ins == INS_cvtsi2sd || ins == INS_cvtsi2ss || ins == INS_mov_xmm2i || ins == INS_mov_i2xmm)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // TODO-XArch-Cleanup: Better way to not emit REX.W when we don't need it, than just testing all these
+ // opcodes...
+ // These are all the instructions that default to 8-byte operand without the REX.W bit
+ // With 1 special case: movzx because the 4 byte version still zeros-out the hi 4 bytes
+ // so we never need it
+ if ((ins != INS_push) && (ins != INS_pop) && (ins != INS_movq) && (ins != INS_movzx) && (ins != INS_push_hide) &&
+ (ins != INS_pop_hide) && (ins != INS_ret) && (ins != INS_call) && !((ins >= INS_i_jmp) && (ins <= INS_l_jg)))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+#else //!_TARGET_AMD64 = _TARGET_X86_
+ return false;
+#endif //!_TARGET_AMD64_
+// Returns true if using this register will require a REX.* prefix.
+// Since XMM registers overlap with YMM registers, this routine
+// can also be used to know whether a YMM register if the
+// instruction in question is AVX.
+bool IsExtendedReg(regNumber reg)
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ return ((reg >= REG_R8) && (reg <= REG_R15)) || ((reg >= REG_XMM8) && (reg <= REG_XMM15));
+ // X86 JIT operates in 32-bit mode and hence extended reg are not available.
+ return false;
+// Returns true if using this register, for the given EA_SIZE(attr), will require a REX.* prefix
+bool IsExtendedReg(regNumber reg, emitAttr attr)
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // Not a register, so doesn't need a prefix
+ if (reg > REG_XMM15)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Opcode field only has 3 bits for the register, these high registers
+ // need a 4th bit, that comes from the REX prefix (eiter REX.X, REX.R, or REX.B)
+ if (IsExtendedReg(reg))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (EA_SIZE(attr) != EA_1BYTE)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // There are 12 one byte registers addressible 'below' r8b:
+ // al, cl, dl, bl, ah, ch, dh, bh, spl, bpl, sil, dil.
+ // The first 4 are always addressible, the last 8 are divided into 2 sets:
+ // ah, ch, dh, bh
+ // -- or --
+ // spl, bpl, sil, dil
+ // Both sets are encoded exactly the same, the difference is the presence
+ // of a REX prefix, even a REX prefix with no other bits set (0x40).
+ // So in order to get to the second set we need a REX prefix (but no bits).
+ //
+ // TODO-AMD64-CQ: if we ever want to start using the first set, we'll need a different way of
+ // encoding/tracking/encoding registers.
+ return (reg >= REG_RSP);
+ // X86 JIT operates in 32-bit mode and hence extended reg are not available.
+ return false;
+// Since XMM registers overlap with YMM registers, this routine
+// can also used to know whether a YMM register in case of AVX instructions.
+// Legacy X86: we have XMM0-XMM7 available but this routine cannot be used to
+// determine whether a reg is XMM because they share the same reg numbers
+// with integer registers. Hence always return false.
+bool IsXMMReg(regNumber reg)
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ return (reg >= REG_XMM0) && (reg <= REG_XMM15);
+#else // !_TARGET_AMD64_
+ return (reg >= REG_XMM0) && (reg <= REG_XMM7);
+#endif // !_TARGET_AMD64_
+ return false;
+// Returns bits to be encoded in instruction for the given register.
+regNumber RegEncoding(regNumber reg)
+ // XMM registers do not share the same reg numbers as integer registers.
+ // But register encoding of integer and XMM registers is the same.
+ // Therefore, subtract XMMBASE from regNumber to get the register encoding
+ // in case of XMM registers.
+ return (regNumber)((IsXMMReg(reg) ? reg - XMMBASE : reg) & 0x7);
+ // Legacy X86: XMM registers share the same reg numbers as integer registers and
+ // hence nothing to do to get reg encoding.
+ return (regNumber)(reg & 0x7);
+// Utility routines that abstract the logic of adding REX.W, REX.R, REX.X, REX.B and REX prefixes
+// SSE2: separate 1-byte prefix gets added before opcode.
+// AVX: specific bits within VEX prefix need to be set in bit-inverted form.
+size_t emitter::AddRexWPrefix(instruction ins, size_t code)
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ if (UseAVX() && IsAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ // W-bit is available only in 3-byte VEX prefix that starts with byte C4.
+ assert(hasVexPrefix(code));
+ // W-bit is the only bit that is added in non bit-inverted form.
+ return code | 0x00008000000000ULL;
+ }
+ return code | 0x4800000000ULL;
+ assert(!"UNREACHED");
+ return code;
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+size_t emitter::AddRexRPrefix(instruction ins, size_t code)
+ if (UseAVX() && IsAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ // Right now support 3-byte VEX prefix
+ assert(hasVexPrefix(code));
+ // R-bit is added in bit-inverted form.
+ return code & 0xFF7FFFFFFFFFFFULL;
+ }
+ return code | 0x4400000000ULL;
+size_t emitter::AddRexXPrefix(instruction ins, size_t code)
+ if (UseAVX() && IsAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ // Right now support 3-byte VEX prefix
+ assert(hasVexPrefix(code));
+ // X-bit is added in bit-inverted form.
+ return code & 0xFFBFFFFFFFFFFFULL;
+ }
+ return code | 0x4200000000ULL;
+size_t emitter::AddRexBPrefix(instruction ins, size_t code)
+ if (UseAVX() && IsAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ // Right now support 3-byte VEX prefix
+ assert(hasVexPrefix(code));
+ // B-bit is added in bit-inverted form.
+ return code & 0xFFDFFFFFFFFFFFULL;
+ }
+ return code | 0x4100000000ULL;
+// Adds REX prefix (0x40) without W, R, X or B bits set
+size_t emitter::AddRexPrefix(instruction ins, size_t code)
+ assert(!UseAVX() || !IsAVXInstruction(ins));
+ return code | 0x4000000000ULL;
+bool isPrefix(BYTE b)
+ assert(b != 0); // Caller should check this
+ assert(b != 0x67); // We don't use the address size prefix
+ assert(b != 0x65); // The GS segment override prefix is emitted separately
+ assert(b != 0x64); // The FS segment override prefix is emitted separately
+ assert(b != 0xF0); // The lock prefix is emitted separately
+ assert(b != 0x2E); // We don't use the CS segment override prefix
+ assert(b != 0x3E); // Or the DS segment override prefix
+ assert(b != 0x26); // Or the ES segment override prefix
+ assert(b != 0x36); // Or the SS segment override prefix
+ // That just leaves the size prefixes used in SSE opcodes:
+ // Scalar Double Scalar Single Packed Double
+ return ((b == 0xF2) || (b == 0xF3) || (b == 0x66));
+#endif //_TARGET_AMD64_
+// Outputs VEX prefix (in case of AVX instructions) and REX.R/X/W/B otherwise.
+unsigned emitter::emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(instruction ins, BYTE* dst, size_t& code)
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_ // TODO-x86: This needs to be enabled for AVX support on x86.
+ if (hasVexPrefix(code))
+ {
+ // Only AVX instructions should have a VEX prefix
+ assert(UseAVX() && IsAVXInstruction(ins));
+ size_t vexPrefix = (code >> 32) & 0x00FFFFFF;
+ code &= 0x00000000FFFFFFFFLL;
+ WORD leadingBytes = 0;
+ BYTE check = (code >> 24) & 0xFF;
+ if (check != 0)
+ {
+ // 3-byte opcode: with the bytes ordered as 0x2211RM33 or
+ // 4-byte opcode: with the bytes ordered as 0x22114433
+ // check for a prefix in the 11 position
+ BYTE sizePrefix = (code >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ if (sizePrefix != 0 && isPrefix(sizePrefix))
+ {
+ // 'pp' bits in byte2 of VEX prefix allows us to encode SIMD size prefixes as two bits
+ //
+ // 00 - None (0F - packed float)
+ // 01 - 66 (66 0F - packed double)
+ // 10 - F3 (F3 0F - scalar float
+ // 11 - F2 (F2 0F - scalar double)
+ switch (sizePrefix)
+ {
+ case 0x66:
+ vexPrefix |= 0x01;
+ break;
+ case 0xF3:
+ vexPrefix |= 0x02;
+ break;
+ case 0xF2:
+ vexPrefix |= 0x03;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(!"unrecognized SIMD size prefix");
+ unreached();
+ }
+ // Now the byte in the 22 position must be an escape byte 0F
+ leadingBytes = check;
+ assert(leadingBytes == 0x0F);
+ // Get rid of both sizePrefix and escape byte
+ code &= 0x0000FFFFLL;
+ // Check the byte in the 33 position to see if it is 3A or 38.
+ // In such a case escape bytes must be 0x0F3A or 0x0F38
+ check = code & 0xFF;
+ if (check == 0x3A || check == 0x38)
+ {
+ leadingBytes = (leadingBytes << 8) | check;
+ code &= 0x0000FF00LL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // 2-byte opcode with the bytes ordered as 0x0011RM22
+ // the byte in position 11 must be an escape byte.
+ leadingBytes = (code >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ assert(leadingBytes == 0x0F || leadingBytes == 0x00);
+ code &= 0xFFFF;
+ }
+ // If there is an escape byte it must be 0x0F or 0x0F3A or 0x0F38
+ // m-mmmmm bits in byte 1 of VEX prefix allows us to encode these
+ // implied leading bytes
+ switch (leadingBytes)
+ {
+ case 0x00:
+ // there is no leading byte
+ break;
+ case 0x0F:
+ vexPrefix |= 0x0100;
+ break;
+ case 0x0F38:
+ vexPrefix |= 0x0200;
+ break;
+ case 0x0F3A:
+ vexPrefix |= 0x0300;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(!"encountered unknown leading bytes");
+ unreached();
+ }
+ // At this point
+ // VEX.2211RM33 got transformed as VEX.0000RM33
+ // VEX.0011RM22 got transformed as VEX.0000RM22
+ //
+ // Now output VEX prefix leaving the 4-byte opcode
+ emitOutputByte(dst, ((vexPrefix >> 16) & 0xFF));
+ emitOutputByte(dst + 1, ((vexPrefix >> 8) & 0xFF));
+ emitOutputByte(dst + 2, vexPrefix & 0xFF);
+ return 3;
+ }
+ else if (code > 0x00FFFFFFFFLL)
+ {
+ BYTE prefix = (code >> 32) & 0xFF;
+ noway_assert(prefix >= 0x40 && prefix <= 0x4F);
+ code &= 0x00000000FFFFFFFFLL;
+ // TODO-AMD64-Cleanup: when we remove the prefixes (just the SSE opcodes right now)
+ // we can remove this code as well
+ // The REX prefix is required to come after all other prefixes.
+ // Some of our 'opcodes' actually include some prefixes, if that
+ // is the case, shift them over and place the REX prefix after
+ // the other prefixes, and emit any prefix that got moved out.
+ BYTE check = (code >> 24) & 0xFF;
+ if (check == 0)
+ {
+ // 3-byte opcode: with the bytes ordered as 0x00113322
+ // check for a prefix in the 11 position
+ check = (code >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ if (check != 0 && isPrefix(check))
+ {
+ // Swap the rex prefix and whatever this prefix is
+ code = (((DWORD)prefix << 16) | (code & 0x0000FFFFLL));
+ // and then emit the other prefix
+ return emitOutputByte(dst, check);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // 4-byte opcode with the bytes ordered as 0x22114433
+ // first check for a prefix in the 11 position
+ BYTE check2 = (code >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ if (isPrefix(check2))
+ {
+ assert(!isPrefix(check)); // We currently don't use this, so it is untested
+ if (isPrefix(check))
+ {
+ // 3 prefixes were rex = rr, check = c1, check2 = c2 encoded as 0xrrc1c2XXXX
+ // Change to c2rrc1XXXX, and emit check2 now
+ code = (((size_t)prefix << 24) | ((size_t)check << 16) | (code & 0x0000FFFFLL));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // 2 prefixes were rex = rr, check2 = c2 encoded as 0xrrXXc2XXXX, (check is part of the opcode)
+ // Change to c2XXrrXXXX, and emit check2 now
+ code = (((size_t)check << 24) | ((size_t)prefix << 16) | (code & 0x0000FFFFLL));
+ }
+ return emitOutputByte(dst, check2);
+ }
+ }
+ return emitOutputByte(dst, prefix);
+ }
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ return 0;
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ * Is the last instruction emitted a call instruction?
+ */
+bool emitter::emitIsLastInsCall()
+ if ((emitLastIns != nullptr) && (emitLastIns->idIns() == INS_call))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ * We're about to create an epilog. If the last instruction we output was a 'call',
+ * then we need to insert a NOP, to allow for proper exception-handling behavior.
+ */
+void emitter::emitOutputPreEpilogNOP()
+ if (emitIsLastInsCall())
+ {
+ emitIns(INS_nop);
+ }
+#endif //_TARGET_AMD64_
+// Size of rex prefix in bytes
+unsigned emitter::emitGetRexPrefixSize(instruction ins)
+ // In case of AVX instructions, REX prefixes are part of VEX prefix.
+ // And hence requires no additional byte to encode REX prefixes.
+ if (IsAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // If not AVX, then we would need 1-byte to encode REX prefix.
+ return 1;
+// Size of vex prefix in bytes
+unsigned emitter::emitGetVexPrefixSize(instruction ins, emitAttr attr)
+ // TODO-XArch-CQ: right now we default to 3-byte VEX prefix. There is a
+ // scope for size win by using 2-byte vex prefix for some of the
+ // scalar, avx-128 and most common avx-256 instructions.
+ if (IsAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ return 3;
+ }
+ // If not AVX, then we don't need to encode vex prefix.
+ return 0;
+// VEX prefix encodes some bytes of the opcode and as a result, overall size of the instruction reduces.
+// Therefore, to estimate the size adding VEX prefix size and size of instruction opcode bytes will always overstimate.
+// Instead this routine will adjust the size of VEX prefix based on the number of bytes of opcode it encodes so that
+// instruction size estimate will be accurate.
+// Basically this function will decrease the vexPrefixSize,
+// so that opcodeSize + vexPrefixAdjustedSize will be the right size.
+// rightOpcodeSize + vexPrefixSize
+//=(opcodeSize - ExtrabytesSize) + vexPrefixSize
+//=opcodeSize + (vexPrefixSize - ExtrabytesSize)
+//=opcodeSize + vexPrefixAdjustedSize
+unsigned emitter::emitGetVexPrefixAdjustedSize(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, size_t code)
+ if (IsAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ unsigned vexPrefixAdjustedSize = emitGetVexPrefixSize(ins, attr);
+ // Currently vex prefix size is hard coded as 3 bytes,
+ // In future we should support 2 bytes vex prefix.
+ assert(vexPrefixAdjustedSize == 3);
+ // In this case, opcode will contains escape prefix at least one byte,
+ // vexPrefixAdjustedSize should be minus one.
+ vexPrefixAdjustedSize -= 1;
+ // Get the fourth byte in Opcode.
+ // If this byte is non-zero, then we should check whether the opcode contains SIMD prefix or not.
+ BYTE check = (code >> 24) & 0xFF;
+ if (check != 0)
+ {
+ // 3-byte opcode: with the bytes ordered as 0x2211RM33 or
+ // 4-byte opcode: with the bytes ordered as 0x22114433
+ // Simd prefix is at the first byte.
+ BYTE sizePrefix = (code >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ if (sizePrefix != 0 && isPrefix(sizePrefix))
+ {
+ vexPrefixAdjustedSize -= 1;
+ }
+ // If the opcode size is 4 bytes, then the second escape prefix is at fourth byte in opcode.
+ // But in this case the opcode has not counted R\M part.
+ // opcodeSize + VexPrefixAdjustedSize - ExtraEscapePrefixSize + ModR\MSize
+ //=opcodeSize + VexPrefixAdjustedSize -1 + 1
+ //=opcodeSize + VexPrefixAdjustedSize
+ // So although we may have second byte escape prefix, we won't decrease vexPrefixAjustedSize.
+ }
+ return vexPrefixAdjustedSize;
+ }
+ return 0;
+// Get size of rex or vex prefix emitted in code
+unsigned emitter::emitGetPrefixSize(size_t code)
+ if (code & VEX_PREFIX_MASK_3BYTE)
+ {
+ return 3;
+ }
+ else
+ if (code & REX_PREFIX_MASK)
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+#ifdef _TARGET_X86_
+ *
+ * Record a non-empty stack
+ */
+void emitter::emitMarkStackLvl(unsigned stackLevel)
+ assert(int(stackLevel) >= 0);
+ assert(emitCurStackLvl == 0);
+ assert(emitCurIG->igStkLvl == 0);
+ assert(emitCurIGfreeNext == emitCurIGfreeBase);
+ assert(stackLevel && stackLevel % sizeof(int) == 0);
+ emitCurStackLvl = emitCurIG->igStkLvl = stackLevel;
+ if (emitMaxStackDepth < emitCurStackLvl)
+ emitMaxStackDepth = emitCurStackLvl;
+ *
+ * Get hold of the address mode displacement value for an indirect call.
+ */
+inline ssize_t emitter::emitGetInsCIdisp(instrDesc* id)
+ if (id->idIsLargeCall())
+ {
+ return ((instrDescCGCA*)id)->idcDisp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(!id->idIsLargeDsp());
+ assert(!id->idIsLargeCns());
+ return id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amDisp;
+ }
+/** ***************************************************************************
+ *
+ * The following table is used by the instIsFP()/instUse/DefFlags() helpers.
+ */
+#define INST_DEF_FL 0x20 // does the instruction set flags?
+#define INST_USE_FL 0x40 // does the instruction use flags?
+// clang-format off
+const BYTE CodeGenInterface::instInfo[] =
+ #define INST0(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr ) (INST_USE_FL*rf|INST_DEF_FL*wf|INST_FP*fp),
+ #define INST1(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr ) (INST_USE_FL*rf|INST_DEF_FL*wf|INST_FP*fp),
+ #define INST2(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi ) (INST_USE_FL*rf|INST_DEF_FL*wf|INST_FP*fp),
+ #define INST3(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm ) (INST_USE_FL*rf|INST_DEF_FL*wf|INST_FP*fp),
+ #define INST4(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm, a4 ) (INST_USE_FL*rf|INST_DEF_FL*wf|INST_FP*fp),
+ #define INST5(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm, a4, rr ) (INST_USE_FL*rf|INST_DEF_FL*wf|INST_FP*fp),
+ #include "instrs.h"
+ #undef INST0
+ #undef INST1
+ #undef INST2
+ #undef INST3
+ #undef INST4
+ #undef INST5
+// clang-format on
+ *
+ * Initialize the table used by emitInsModeFormat().
+ */
+// clang-format off
+const BYTE emitter::emitInsModeFmtTab[] =
+ #define INST0(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr ) um,
+ #define INST1(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr ) um,
+ #define INST2(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi ) um,
+ #define INST3(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm ) um,
+ #define INST4(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm, a4 ) um,
+ #define INST5(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm, a4, rr) um,
+ #include "instrs.h"
+ #undef INST0
+ #undef INST1
+ #undef INST2
+ #undef INST3
+ #undef INST4
+ #undef INST5
+// clang-format on
+#ifdef DEBUG
+unsigned const emitter::emitInsModeFmtCnt = sizeof(emitInsModeFmtTab) / sizeof(emitInsModeFmtTab[0]);
+ *
+ * Combine the given base format with the update mode of the instuction.
+ */
+inline emitter::insFormat emitter::emitInsModeFormat(instruction ins, insFormat base)
+ assert(IF_RRD + IUM_RD == IF_RRD);
+ assert(IF_RRD + IUM_WR == IF_RWR);
+ assert(IF_RRD + IUM_RW == IF_RRW);
+ return (insFormat)(base + emitInsUpdateMode(ins));
+ *
+ * A version of scInsModeFormat() that handles X87 floating-point instructions.
+ */
+emitter::insFormat emitter::emitInsModeFormat(instruction ins, insFormat base, insFormat FPld, insFormat FPst)
+ if (CodeGen::instIsFP(ins))
+ {
+ assert(IF_TRD_SRD + 1 == IF_TWR_SRD);
+ assert(IF_TRD_SRD + 2 == IF_TRW_SRD);
+ assert(IF_TRD_MRD + 1 == IF_TWR_MRD);
+ assert(IF_TRD_MRD + 2 == IF_TRW_MRD);
+ assert(IF_TRD_ARD + 1 == IF_TWR_ARD);
+ assert(IF_TRD_ARD + 2 == IF_TRW_ARD);
+ switch (ins)
+ {
+ case INS_fst:
+ case INS_fstp:
+ case INS_fistp:
+ case INS_fistpl:
+ return (insFormat)(FPst);
+ case INS_fld:
+ case INS_fild:
+ return (insFormat)(FPld + 1);
+ case INS_fcomp:
+ case INS_fcompp:
+ case INS_fcomip:
+ return (insFormat)(FPld);
+ default:
+ return (insFormat)(FPld + 2);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return emitInsModeFormat(ins, base);
+ }
+#endif // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+// This is a helper we need due to Vs Whidbey #254016 in order to distinguish
+// if we can not possibly be updating an integer register. This is not the best
+// solution, but the other ones (see bug) are going to be much more complicated.
+// The issue here is that on legacy x86, the XMM registers use the same register numbers
+// as the general purpose registers, so we need to distinguish them.
+// We really only need this for x86 where this issue exists.
+bool emitter::emitInsCanOnlyWriteSSE2OrAVXReg(instrDesc* id)
+ instruction ins = id->idIns();
+ // The following SSE2 instructions write to a general purpose integer register.
+ if (!IsSSEOrAVXInstruction(ins) || ins == INS_mov_xmm2i || ins == INS_cvttsd2si
+ || ins == INS_cvttss2si || ins == INS_cvtsd2si || ins == INS_cvtss2si
+#endif // !LEGACY_BACKEND
+ )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ *
+ * Returns the base encoding of the given CPU instruction.
+ */
+inline size_t insCode(instruction ins)
+ // clang-format off
+ const static
+ size_t insCodes[] =
+ {
+ #define INST0(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr ) mr,
+ #define INST1(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr ) mr,
+ #define INST2(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi ) mr,
+ #define INST3(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm ) mr,
+ #define INST4(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm, a4 ) mr,
+ #define INST5(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm, a4, rr) mr,
+ #include "instrs.h"
+ #undef INST0
+ #undef INST1
+ #undef INST2
+ #undef INST3
+ #undef INST4
+ #undef INST5
+ };
+ // clang-format on
+ assert((unsigned)ins < sizeof(insCodes) / sizeof(insCodes[0]));
+ assert((insCodes[ins] != BAD_CODE));
+ return insCodes[ins];
+ *
+ * Returns the "[r/m], 32-bit icon" encoding of the given CPU instruction.
+ */
+inline size_t insCodeMI(instruction ins)
+ // clang-format off
+ const static
+ size_t insCodesMI[] =
+ {
+ #define INST0(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr )
+ #define INST1(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr )
+ #define INST2(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi ) mi,
+ #define INST3(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm ) mi,
+ #define INST4(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm, a4 ) mi,
+ #define INST5(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm, a4, rr) mi,
+ #include "instrs.h"
+ #undef INST0
+ #undef INST1
+ #undef INST2
+ #undef INST3
+ #undef INST4
+ #undef INST5
+ };
+ // clang-format on
+ assert((unsigned)ins < sizeof(insCodesMI) / sizeof(insCodesMI[0]));
+ assert((insCodesMI[ins] != BAD_CODE));
+ return insCodesMI[ins];
+ *
+ * Returns the "reg, [r/m]" encoding of the given CPU instruction.
+ */
+inline size_t insCodeRM(instruction ins)
+ // clang-format off
+ const static
+ size_t insCodesRM[] =
+ {
+ #define INST0(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr )
+ #define INST1(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr )
+ #define INST2(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi )
+ #define INST3(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm ) rm,
+ #define INST4(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm, a4 ) rm,
+ #define INST5(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm, a4, rr) rm,
+ #include "instrs.h"
+ #undef INST0
+ #undef INST1
+ #undef INST2
+ #undef INST3
+ #undef INST4
+ #undef INST5
+ };
+ // clang-format on
+ assert((unsigned)ins < sizeof(insCodesRM) / sizeof(insCodesRM[0]));
+ assert((insCodesRM[ins] != BAD_CODE));
+ return insCodesRM[ins];
+ *
+ * Returns the "AL/AX/EAX, imm" accumulator encoding of the given instruction.
+ */
+inline size_t insCodeACC(instruction ins)
+ // clang-format off
+ const static
+ size_t insCodesACC[] =
+ {
+ #define INST0(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr )
+ #define INST1(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr )
+ #define INST2(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi )
+ #define INST3(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm )
+ #define INST4(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm, a4 ) a4,
+ #define INST5(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm, a4, rr) a4,
+ #include "instrs.h"
+ #undef INST0
+ #undef INST1
+ #undef INST2
+ #undef INST3
+ #undef INST4
+ #undef INST5
+ };
+ // clang-format on
+ assert((unsigned)ins < sizeof(insCodesACC) / sizeof(insCodesACC[0]));
+ assert((insCodesACC[ins] != BAD_CODE));
+ return insCodesACC[ins];
+ *
+ * Returns the "register" encoding of the given CPU instruction.
+ */
+inline size_t insCodeRR(instruction ins)
+ // clang-format off
+ const static
+ size_t insCodesRR[] =
+ {
+ #define INST0(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr )
+ #define INST1(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr )
+ #define INST2(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi )
+ #define INST3(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm )
+ #define INST4(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm, a4 )
+ #define INST5(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm, a4, rr) rr,
+ #include "instrs.h"
+ #undef INST0
+ #undef INST1
+ #undef INST2
+ #undef INST3
+ #undef INST4
+ #undef INST5
+ };
+ // clang-format on
+ assert((unsigned)ins < sizeof(insCodesRR) / sizeof(insCodesRR[0]));
+ assert((insCodesRR[ins] != BAD_CODE));
+ return insCodesRR[ins];
+// clang-format off
+const static
+size_t insCodesMR[] =
+ #define INST0(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr )
+ #define INST1(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr ) mr,
+ #define INST2(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi ) mr,
+ #define INST3(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm ) mr,
+ #define INST4(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm, a4 ) mr,
+ #define INST5(id, nm, fp, um, rf, wf, mr, mi, rm, a4, rr) mr,
+ #include "instrs.h"
+ #undef INST0
+ #undef INST1
+ #undef INST2
+ #undef INST3
+ #undef INST4
+ #undef INST5
+// clang-format on
+// Returns true iff the give CPU instruction has an MR encoding.
+inline size_t hasCodeMR(instruction ins)
+ assert((unsigned)ins < sizeof(insCodesMR) / sizeof(insCodesMR[0]));
+ return ((insCodesMR[ins] != BAD_CODE));
+ *
+ * Returns the "[r/m], reg" or "[r/m]" encoding of the given CPU instruction.
+ */
+inline size_t insCodeMR(instruction ins)
+ assert((unsigned)ins < sizeof(insCodesMR) / sizeof(insCodesMR[0]));
+ assert((insCodesMR[ins] != BAD_CODE));
+ return insCodesMR[ins];
+ *
+ * Returns an encoding for the specified register to be used in the bit0-2
+ * part of an opcode.
+ */
+inline unsigned emitter::insEncodeReg012(instruction ins, regNumber reg, emitAttr size, size_t* code)
+ assert(reg < REG_STK);
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // Either code is not NULL or reg is not an extended reg.
+ // If reg is an extended reg, instruction needs to be prefixed with 'REX'
+ // which would require code != NULL.
+ assert(code != nullptr || !IsExtendedReg(reg));
+ if (IsExtendedReg(reg))
+ {
+ *code = AddRexBPrefix(ins, *code); // REX.B
+ }
+ else if ((EA_SIZE(size) == EA_1BYTE) && (reg > REG_RBX) && (code != nullptr))
+ {
+ // We are assuming that we only use/encode SPL, BPL, SIL and DIL
+ // not the corresponding AH, CH, DH, or BH
+ *code = AddRexPrefix(ins, *code); // REX
+ }
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ reg = RegEncoding(reg);
+ assert(reg < 8);
+ return reg;
+ assert(reg < 8);
+ return reg;
+ *
+ * Returns an encoding for the specified register to be used in the bit3-5
+ * part of an opcode.
+ */
+inline unsigned emitter::insEncodeReg345(instruction ins, regNumber reg, emitAttr size, size_t* code)
+ assert(reg < REG_STK);
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // Either code is not NULL or reg is not an extended reg.
+ // If reg is an extended reg, instruction needs to be prefixed with 'REX'
+ // which would require code != NULL.
+ assert(code != nullptr || !IsExtendedReg(reg));
+ if (IsExtendedReg(reg))
+ {
+ *code = AddRexRPrefix(ins, *code); // REX.R
+ }
+ else if ((EA_SIZE(size) == EA_1BYTE) && (reg > REG_RBX) && (code != nullptr))
+ {
+ // We are assuming that we only use/encode SPL, BPL, SIL and DIL
+ // not the corresponding AH, CH, DH, or BH
+ *code = AddRexPrefix(ins, *code); // REX
+ }
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ reg = RegEncoding(reg);
+ assert(reg < 8);
+ return (reg << 3);
+ assert(reg < 8);
+ return (reg << 3);
+ *
+ * Returns modified AVX opcode with the specified register encoded in bits 3-6 of
+ * byte 2 of VEX prefix.
+ */
+inline size_t emitter::insEncodeReg3456(instruction ins, regNumber reg, emitAttr size, size_t code)
+ assert(reg < REG_STK);
+ assert(IsAVXInstruction(ins));
+ assert(hasVexPrefix(code));
+ // Get 4-bit register encoding
+ // RegEncoding() gives lower 3 bits
+ // IsExtendedReg() gives MSB.
+ size_t regBits = RegEncoding(reg);
+ if (IsExtendedReg(reg))
+ {
+ regBits |= 0x08;
+ }
+ // VEX prefix encodes register operand in 1's complement form
+ // Shift count = 4-bytes of opcode + 0-2 bits
+ assert(regBits <= 0xF);
+ regBits <<= 35;
+ return code ^ regBits;
+ return code;
+ *
+ * Returns an encoding for the specified register to be used in the bit3-5
+ * part of an SIB byte (unshifted).
+ * Used exclusively to generate the REX.X bit and truncate the register.
+ */
+inline unsigned emitter::insEncodeRegSIB(instruction ins, regNumber reg, size_t* code)
+ assert(reg < REG_STK);
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // Either code is not NULL or reg is not an extended reg.
+ // If reg is an extended reg, instruction needs to be prefixed with 'REX'
+ // which would require code != NULL.
+ assert(code != nullptr || reg < REG_R8 || (reg >= REG_XMM0 && reg < REG_XMM8));
+ if (IsExtendedReg(reg))
+ {
+ *code = AddRexXPrefix(ins, *code); // REX.X
+ }
+ reg = RegEncoding(reg);
+ assert(reg < 8);
+ return reg;
+ *
+ * Returns the "[r/m]" opcode with the mod/RM field set to register.
+ */
+inline size_t emitter::insEncodeMRreg(instruction ins, size_t code)
+ // If Byte 4 (which is 0xFF00) is 0, that's where the RM encoding goes.
+ // Otherwise, it will be placed after the 4 byte encoding.
+ if ((code & 0xFF00) == 0)
+ {
+ assert((code & 0xC000) == 0);
+ code |= 0xC000;
+ }
+ return code;
+ *
+ * Returns the "[r/m], icon" opcode with the mod/RM field set to register.
+ */
+inline size_t insEncodeMIreg(instruction ins, size_t code)
+ assert((code & 0xC000) == 0);
+ code |= 0xC000;
+ return code;
+ *
+ * Returns the given "[r/m]" opcode with the mod/RM field set to register.
+ */
+inline size_t insEncodeRMreg(instruction ins, size_t code)
+ // If Byte 4 (which is 0xFF00) is 0, that's where the RM encoding goes.
+ // Otherwise, it will be placed after the 4 byte encoding.
+ if ((code & 0xFF00) == 0)
+ {
+ assert((code & 0xC000) == 0);
+ code |= 0xC000;
+ }
+ return code;
+ *
+ * Returns the "byte ptr [r/m]" opcode with the mod/RM field set to
+ * the given register.
+ */
+inline size_t emitter::insEncodeMRreg(instruction ins, regNumber reg, emitAttr size, size_t code)
+ assert((code & 0xC000) == 0);
+ code |= 0xC000;
+ unsigned regcode = insEncodeReg012(ins, reg, size, &code) << 8;
+ code |= regcode;
+ return code;
+ *
+ * Returns the "byte ptr [r/m], icon" opcode with the mod/RM field set to
+ * the given register.
+ */
+inline size_t emitter::insEncodeMIreg(instruction ins, regNumber reg, emitAttr size, size_t code)
+ assert((code & 0xC000) == 0);
+ code |= 0xC000;
+ unsigned regcode = insEncodeReg012(ins, reg, size, &code) << 8;
+ code |= regcode;
+ return code;
+ *
+ * Returns true iff the given instruction does not have a "[r/m], icon" form, but *does* have a
+ * "reg,reg,imm8" form.
+ */
+inline bool insNeedsRRIb(instruction ins)
+ // If this list gets longer, use a switch or a table.
+ return ins == INS_imul;
+ *
+ * Returns the "reg,reg,imm8" opcode with both the reg's set to the
+ * the given register.
+ */
+inline size_t emitter::insEncodeRRIb(instruction ins, regNumber reg, emitAttr size)
+ assert(size == EA_4BYTE); // All we handle for now.
+ assert(insNeedsRRIb(ins));
+ // If this list gets longer, use a switch, or a table lookup.
+ size_t code = 0x69c0;
+ unsigned regcode = insEncodeReg012(ins, reg, size, &code);
+ // We use the same register as source and destination. (Could have another version that does both regs...)
+ code |= regcode;
+ code |= (regcode << 3);
+ return code;
+ *
+ * Returns the "+reg" opcode with the the given register set into the low
+ * nibble of the opcode
+ */
+inline size_t emitter::insEncodeOpreg(instruction ins, regNumber reg, emitAttr size)
+ size_t code = insCodeRR(ins);
+ unsigned regcode = insEncodeReg012(ins, reg, size, &code);
+ code |= regcode;
+ return code;
+ *
+ * Return the 'SS' field value for the given index scale factor.
+ */
+inline unsigned insSSval(unsigned scale)
+ assert(scale == 1 || scale == 2 || scale == 4 || scale == 8);
+ const static BYTE scales[] = {
+ 0x00, // 1
+ 0x40, // 2
+ 0xFF, // 3
+ 0x80, // 4
+ 0xFF, // 5
+ 0xFF, // 6
+ 0xFF, // 7
+ 0xC0, // 8
+ };
+ return scales[scale - 1];
+const instruction emitJumpKindInstructions[] = {INS_nop,
+#define JMP_SMALL(en, rev, ins) INS_##ins,
+#include "emitjmps.h"
+ INS_call};
+const emitJumpKind emitReverseJumpKinds[] = {
+#define JMP_SMALL(en, rev, ins) EJ_##rev,
+#include "emitjmps.h"
+ * Look up the instruction for a jump kind
+ */
+/*static*/ instruction emitter::emitJumpKindToIns(emitJumpKind jumpKind)
+ assert((unsigned)jumpKind < ArrLen(emitJumpKindInstructions));
+ return emitJumpKindInstructions[jumpKind];
+ * Reverse the conditional jump
+ */
+/* static */ emitJumpKind emitter::emitReverseJumpKind(emitJumpKind jumpKind)
+ assert(jumpKind < EJ_COUNT);
+ return emitReverseJumpKinds[jumpKind];
+ * The size for these instructions is less than EA_4BYTE,
+ * but the target register need not be byte-addressable
+ */
+inline bool emitInstHasNoCode(instruction ins)
+ if (ins == INS_align)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ * When encoding instructions that operate on byte registers
+ * we have to ensure that we use a low register (EAX, EBX, ECX or EDX)
+ * otherwise we will incorrectly encode the instruction
+ */
+bool emitter::emitVerifyEncodable(instruction ins, emitAttr size, regNumber reg1, regNumber reg2 /* = REG_NA */)
+ if (size != EA_1BYTE) // Not operating on a byte register is fine
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ((ins != INS_movsx) && // These two instructions support high register
+ (ins != INS_movzx)) // encodings for reg1
+ {
+ // reg1 must be a byte-able register
+ if ((genRegMask(reg1) & RBM_BYTE_REGS) == 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // if reg2 is not REG_NA then reg2 must be a byte-able register
+ if ((reg2 != REG_NA) && ((genRegMask(reg2) & RBM_BYTE_REGS) == 0))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // The instruction can be encoded
+ return true;
+ *
+ * Estimate the size (in bytes of generated code) of the given instruction.
+ */
+inline UNATIVE_OFFSET emitter::emitInsSize(size_t code)
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET size = (code & 0xFF000000) ? 4 : (code & 0x00FF0000) ? 3 : 2;
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ size += emitGetPrefixSize(code);
+ return size;
+inline UNATIVE_OFFSET emitter::emitInsSizeRM(instruction ins)
+ return emitInsSize(insCodeRM(ins));
+inline UNATIVE_OFFSET emitter::emitInsSizeRR(instruction ins, regNumber reg1, regNumber reg2, emitAttr attr)
+ emitAttr size = EA_SIZE(attr);
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // If Byte 4 (which is 0xFF00) is non-zero, that's where the RM encoding goes.
+ // Otherwise, it will be placed after the 4 byte encoding, making the total 5 bytes.
+ // This would probably be better expressed as a different format or something?
+ if (insCodeRM(ins) & 0xFF00)
+ {
+ sz = 5;
+ }
+ else
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ {
+ size_t code = insCodeRM(ins);
+ sz = emitInsSize(insEncodeRMreg(ins, code));
+ }
+ // Most 16-bit operand instructions will need a prefix
+ if (size == EA_2BYTE && ins != INS_movsx && ins != INS_movzx)
+ {
+ sz += 1;
+ }
+ // VEX prefix
+ sz += emitGetVexPrefixAdjustedSize(ins, size, insCodeRM(ins));
+ // REX prefix
+ if ((TakesRexWPrefix(ins, size) && ((ins != INS_xor) || (reg1 != reg2))) || IsExtendedReg(reg1, attr) ||
+ IsExtendedReg(reg2, attr))
+ {
+ sz += emitGetRexPrefixSize(ins);
+ }
+ return sz;
+inline UNATIVE_OFFSET emitter::emitInsSizeSV(size_t code, int var, int dsp)
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET size = emitInsSize(code);
+ bool offsIsUpperBound = true;
+ bool EBPbased = true;
+ /* Is this a temporary? */
+ if (var < 0)
+ {
+ /* An address off of ESP takes an extra byte */
+ if (!emitHasFramePtr)
+ {
+ size++;
+ }
+ // The offset is already assigned. Find the temp.
+ TempDsc* tmp = emitComp->tmpFindNum(var, Compiler::TEMP_USAGE_USED);
+ if (tmp == nullptr)
+ {
+ // It might be in the free lists, if we're working on zero initializing the temps.
+ tmp = emitComp->tmpFindNum(var, Compiler::TEMP_USAGE_FREE);
+ }
+ assert(tmp != nullptr);
+ offs = tmp->tdTempOffs();
+ // We only care about the magnitude of the offset here, to determine instruction size.
+ if (emitComp->isFramePointerUsed())
+ {
+ if ((int)offs < 0)
+ {
+ offs = -(int)offs;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // SP-based offsets must already be positive.
+ assert((int)offs >= 0);
+ }
+ /* We'll have to estimate the max. possible offset of this temp */
+ // TODO: Get an estimate of the temp offset instead of assuming
+ // TODO: that any temp may be at the max. temp offset!!!!!!!!!!
+ if (emitComp->lvaTempsHaveLargerOffsetThanVars())
+ {
+ offs = emitLclSize + emitMaxTmpSize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ offs = emitMaxTmpSize;
+ }
+ offsIsUpperBound = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Get the frame offset of the (non-temp) variable */
+ offs = dsp + emitComp->lvaFrameAddress(var, &EBPbased);
+ /* An address off of ESP takes an extra byte */
+ if (!EBPbased)
+ {
+ ++size;
+ }
+ /* Is this a stack parameter reference? */
+ if (emitComp->lvaIsParameter(var)
+#if !defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined(UNIX_AMD64_ABI)
+ && !emitComp->lvaIsRegArgument(var)
+#endif // !_TARGET_AMD64_ || UNIX_AMD64_ABI
+ )
+ {
+ /* If no EBP frame, arguments are off of ESP, above temps */
+ if (!EBPbased)
+ {
+ assert((int)offs >= 0);
+ offsIsUpperBound = false; // since #temps can increase
+ offs += emitMaxTmpSize;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Locals off of EBP are at negative offsets */
+ if (EBPbased)
+ {
+#if defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) && !defined(PLATFORM_UNIX)
+ // If localloc is not used, then ebp chaining is done and hence
+ // offset of locals will be at negative offsets, Otherwise offsets
+ // will be positive. In future, when RBP gets positioned in the
+ // middle of the frame so as to optimize instruction encoding size,
+ // the below asserts needs to be modified appropriately.
+ // However, for Unix platforms, we always do frame pointer chaining,
+ // so offsets from the frame pointer will always be negative.
+ if (emitComp->compLocallocUsed || emitComp->opts.compDbgEnC)
+ {
+ noway_assert((int)offs >= 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Dev10 804810 - failing this assert can lead to bad codegen and runtime crashes
+#ifdef UNIX_AMD64_ABI
+ LclVarDsc* varDsc = emitComp->lvaTable + var;
+ bool isRegPassedArg = varDsc->lvIsParam && varDsc->lvIsRegArg;
+ // Register passed args could have a stack offset of 0.
+ noway_assert((int)offs < 0 || isRegPassedArg);
+#else // !UNIX_AMD64_ABI
+ noway_assert((int)offs < 0);
+#endif // !UNIX_AMD64_ABI
+ }
+ assert(emitComp->lvaTempsHaveLargerOffsetThanVars());
+ // lvaInlinedPInvokeFrameVar and lvaStubArgumentVar are placed below the temps
+ if (unsigned(var) == emitComp->lvaInlinedPInvokeFrameVar ||
+ unsigned(var) == emitComp->lvaStubArgumentVar)
+ {
+ offs -= emitMaxTmpSize;
+ }
+ if ((int)offs < 0)
+ {
+ // offset is negative
+ return size + ((int(offs) >= SCHAR_MIN) ? sizeof(char) : sizeof(int));
+ }
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // This case arises for localloc frames
+ else
+ {
+ return size + ((offs <= SCHAR_MAX) ? sizeof(char) : sizeof(int));
+ }
+ }
+ if (emitComp->lvaTempsHaveLargerOffsetThanVars() == false)
+ {
+ offs += emitMaxTmpSize;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assert((int)offs >= 0);
+ /* Are we addressing off of ESP? */
+ if (!emitHasFramePtr)
+ {
+ /* Adjust the effective offset if necessary */
+ if (emitCntStackDepth)
+ offs += emitCurStackLvl;
+ // we could (and used to) check for the special case [sp] here but the stack offset
+ // estimator was off, and there is very little harm in overestimating for such a
+ // rare case.
+ }
+// printf("lcl = %04X, tmp = %04X, stk = %04X, offs = %04X\n",
+// emitLclSize, emitMaxTmpSize, emitCurStackLvl, offs);
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ bool useSmallEncoding = (SCHAR_MIN <= (int)offs) && ((int)offs <= SCHAR_MAX);
+ bool useSmallEncoding = (offs <= size_t(SCHAR_MAX));
+ /* If we are using a small encoding, there is a danger that we might
+ end up having to use a larger encoding. Record 'offs' so that
+ we can detect if such a situation occurs */
+ if (useSmallEncoding && !offsIsUpperBound)
+ {
+ if (emitGrowableMaxByteOffs < offs)
+ {
+ emitGrowableMaxByteOffs = offs;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // Remember which instruction this is
+ emitMaxByteOffsIdNum = emitInsCount;
+ }
+ }
+ // If it is ESP based, and the offset is zero, we will not encode the disp part.
+ if (!EBPbased && offs == 0)
+ {
+ return size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return size + (useSmallEncoding ? sizeof(char) : sizeof(int));
+ }
+inline UNATIVE_OFFSET emitter::emitInsSizeSV(instrDesc* id, int var, int dsp, int val)
+ instruction ins = id->idIns();
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET valSize = EA_SIZE_IN_BYTES(id->idOpSize());
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET prefix = 0;
+ bool valInByte = ((signed char)val == val) && (ins != INS_mov) && (ins != INS_test);
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // mov reg, imm64 is the only opcode which takes a full 8 byte immediate
+ // all other opcodes take a sign-extended 4-byte immediate
+ noway_assert(valSize <= sizeof(int) || !id->idIsCnsReloc());
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ if (valSize > sizeof(int))
+ {
+ valSize = sizeof(int);
+ }
+ if (id->idIsCnsReloc())
+ {
+ valInByte = false; // relocs can't be placed in a byte
+ assert(valSize == sizeof(int));
+ }
+ if (valInByte)
+ {
+ valSize = sizeof(char);
+ }
+ // 16-bit operand instructions need a prefix.
+ // This referes to 66h size prefix override
+ if (id->idOpSize() == EA_2BYTE)
+ {
+ prefix = 1;
+ }
+ return prefix + valSize + emitInsSizeSV(insCodeMI(ins), var, dsp);
+static bool baseRegisterRequiresSibByte(regNumber base)
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ return base == REG_ESP || base == REG_R12;
+ return base == REG_ESP;
+static bool baseRegisterRequiresDisplacement(regNumber base)
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ return base == REG_EBP || base == REG_R13;
+ return base == REG_EBP;
+UNATIVE_OFFSET emitter::emitInsSizeAM(instrDesc* id, size_t code)
+ emitAttr attrSize = id->idOpSize();
+ instruction ins = id->idIns();
+ /* The displacement field is in an unusual place for calls */
+ ssize_t dsp = (ins == INS_call) ? emitGetInsCIdisp(id) : emitGetInsAmdAny(id);
+ bool dspInByte = ((signed char)dsp == (ssize_t)dsp);
+ bool dspIsZero = (dsp == 0);
+ // Note that the values in reg and rgx are used in this method to decide
+ // how many bytes will be needed by the address [reg+rgx+cns]
+ // this includes the prefix bytes when reg or rgx are registers R8-R15
+ regNumber reg;
+ regNumber rgx;
+ // The idAddr field is a union and only some of the instruction formats use the iiaAddrMode variant
+ // these are IF_AWR_*, IF_ARD_*, IF_ARW_* and IF_*_ARD
+ // ideally these should really be the only idInsFmts that we see here
+ // but we have some outliers to deal with:
+ // emitIns_R_L adds IF_RWR_LABEL and calls emitInsSizeAM
+ // emitInsRMW adds IF_MRW_CNS, IF_MRW_RRD, IF_MRW_SHF, and calls emitInsSizeAM
+ switch (id->idInsFmt())
+ {
+ case IF_RWR_LABEL:
+ case IF_MRW_CNS:
+ case IF_MRW_RRD:
+ case IF_MRW_SHF:
+ reg = REG_NA;
+ rgx = REG_NA;
+ break;
+ default:
+ reg = id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg;
+ rgx = id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (id->idIsDspReloc())
+ {
+ dspInByte = false; // relocs can't be placed in a byte
+ dspIsZero = false; // relocs won't always be zero
+ }
+ if (code & 0xFF000000)
+ {
+ size = 4;
+ }
+ else if (code & 0x00FF0000)
+ {
+ assert((attrSize == EA_4BYTE) || (attrSize == EA_PTRSIZE) // Only for x64
+ || (attrSize == EA_16BYTE) // only for x64
+ || (ins == INS_movzx) || (ins == INS_movsx));
+ size = 3;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size = 2;
+ // Most 16-bit operands will require a size prefix.
+ // This refers to 66h size prefix override.
+ if ((attrSize == EA_2BYTE) && (ins != INS_fldcw) && (ins != INS_fnstcw))
+#else // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ if (attrSize == EA_2BYTE)
+#endif // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ {
+ size++;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ size += emitGetVexPrefixAdjustedSize(ins, attrSize, code);
+ if (code & REX_PREFIX_MASK)
+ {
+ // REX prefix
+ size += emitGetRexPrefixSize(ins);
+ }
+ else if (TakesRexWPrefix(ins, attrSize))
+ {
+ // REX.W prefix
+ size += emitGetRexPrefixSize(ins);
+ }
+ else if (IsExtendedReg(reg, EA_PTRSIZE) || IsExtendedReg(rgx, EA_PTRSIZE) || IsExtendedReg(id->idReg1(), attrSize))
+ {
+ // Should have a REX byte
+ size += emitGetRexPrefixSize(ins);
+ }
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ if (rgx == REG_NA)
+ {
+ /* The address is of the form "[reg+disp]" */
+ if (reg == REG_NA)
+ {
+ /* The address is of the form "[disp]" */
+ size += sizeof(INT32);
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // If id is not marked for reloc, add 1 additional byte for SIB that follows disp32
+ if (!id->idIsDspReloc())
+ {
+ size++;
+ }
+ return size;
+ }
+ // If the base register is ESP (or R12 on 64-bit systems), a SIB byte must be used.
+ if (baseRegisterRequiresSibByte(reg))
+ {
+ size++;
+ }
+ // If the base register is EBP (or R13 on 64-bit systems), a displacement is required.
+ // Otherwise, the displacement can be elided if it is zero.
+ if (dspIsZero && !baseRegisterRequiresDisplacement(reg))
+ {
+ return size;
+ }
+ /* Does the offset fit in a byte? */
+ if (dspInByte)
+ {
+ size += sizeof(char);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size += sizeof(INT32);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* An index register is present */
+ size++;
+ /* Is the index value scaled? */
+ if (emitDecodeScale(id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amScale) > 1)
+ {
+ /* Is there a base register? */
+ if (reg != REG_NA)
+ {
+ /* The address is "[reg + {2/4/8} * rgx + icon]" */
+ if (dspIsZero && !baseRegisterRequiresDisplacement(reg))
+ {
+ /* The address is "[reg + {2/4/8} * rgx]" */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* The address is "[reg + {2/4/8} * rgx + disp]" */
+ if (dspInByte)
+ {
+ size += sizeof(char);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size += sizeof(int);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* The address is "[{2/4/8} * rgx + icon]" */
+ size += sizeof(INT32);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (dspIsZero && baseRegisterRequiresDisplacement(reg) && !baseRegisterRequiresDisplacement(rgx))
+ {
+ /* Swap reg and rgx, such that reg is not EBP/R13 */
+ regNumber tmp = reg;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = reg = rgx;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = rgx = tmp;
+ }
+ /* The address is "[reg+rgx+dsp]" */
+ if (dspIsZero && !baseRegisterRequiresDisplacement(reg))
+ {
+ /* This is [reg+rgx]" */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* This is [reg+rgx+dsp]" */
+ if (dspInByte)
+ {
+ size += sizeof(char);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size += sizeof(int);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return size;
+inline UNATIVE_OFFSET emitter::emitInsSizeAM(instrDesc* id, size_t code, int val)
+ instruction ins = id->idIns();
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET valSize = EA_SIZE_IN_BYTES(id->idOpSize());
+ bool valInByte = ((signed char)val == val) && (ins != INS_mov) && (ins != INS_test);
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // mov reg, imm64 is the only opcode which takes a full 8 byte immediate
+ // all other opcodes take a sign-extended 4-byte immediate
+ noway_assert(valSize <= sizeof(INT32) || !id->idIsCnsReloc());
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ if (valSize > sizeof(INT32))
+ {
+ valSize = sizeof(INT32);
+ }
+ if (id->idIsCnsReloc())
+ {
+ valInByte = false; // relocs can't be placed in a byte
+ assert(valSize == sizeof(INT32));
+ }
+ if (valInByte)
+ {
+ valSize = sizeof(char);
+ }
+ return valSize + emitInsSizeAM(id, code);
+inline UNATIVE_OFFSET emitter::emitInsSizeCV(instrDesc* id, size_t code)
+ instruction ins = id->idIns();
+ // fgMorph changes any statics that won't fit into 32-bit addresses
+ // into constants with an indir, rather than GT_CLS_VAR
+ // so we should only hit this path for statics that are RIP-relative
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET size = sizeof(INT32);
+ // Most 16-bit operand instructions will need a prefix.
+ // This refers to 66h size prefix override.
+ if (id->idOpSize() == EA_2BYTE && ins != INS_movzx && ins != INS_movsx)
+ {
+ size++;
+ }
+ return size + emitInsSize(code);
+inline UNATIVE_OFFSET emitter::emitInsSizeCV(instrDesc* id, size_t code, int val)
+ instruction ins = id->idIns();
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET valSize = EA_SIZE_IN_BYTES(id->idOpSize());
+ bool valInByte = ((signed char)val == val) && (ins != INS_mov) && (ins != INS_test);
+#ifndef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // occasionally longs get here on x86
+ if (valSize > sizeof(INT32))
+ valSize = sizeof(INT32);
+#endif // !_TARGET_AMD64_
+ if (id->idIsCnsReloc())
+ {
+ valInByte = false; // relocs can't be placed in a byte
+ assert(valSize == sizeof(INT32));
+ }
+ if (valInByte)
+ {
+ valSize = sizeof(char);
+ }
+ return valSize + emitInsSizeCV(id, code);
+ *
+ * Allocate instruction descriptors for instructions with address modes.
+ */
+inline emitter::instrDesc* emitter::emitNewInstrAmd(emitAttr size, ssize_t dsp)
+ if (dsp < AM_DISP_MIN || dsp > AM_DISP_MAX)
+ {
+ instrDescAmd* id = emitAllocInstrAmd(size);
+ id->idSetIsLargeDsp();
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amDisp = AM_DISP_BIG_VAL;
+ id->idaAmdVal = dsp;
+ return id;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ instrDesc* id = emitAllocInstr(size);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amDisp = dsp;
+ assert(id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amDisp == dsp); // make sure the value fit
+ return id;
+ }
+ *
+ * Set the displacement field in an instruction. Only handles instrDescAmd type.
+ */
+inline void emitter::emitSetAmdDisp(instrDescAmd* id, ssize_t dsp)
+ if (dsp < AM_DISP_MIN || dsp > AM_DISP_MAX)
+ {
+ id->idSetIsLargeDsp();
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amDisp = AM_DISP_BIG_VAL;
+ id->idaAmdVal = dsp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ id->idSetIsSmallDsp();
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amDisp = dsp;
+ assert(id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amDisp == dsp); // make sure the value fit
+ }
+ *
+ * Allocate an instruction descriptor for an instruction that uses both
+ * an address mode displacement and a constant.
+ */
+emitter::instrDesc* emitter::emitNewInstrAmdCns(emitAttr size, ssize_t dsp, int cns)
+ if (dsp >= AM_DISP_MIN && dsp <= AM_DISP_MAX)
+ {
+ if (cns >= ID_MIN_SMALL_CNS && cns <= ID_MAX_SMALL_CNS)
+ {
+ instrDesc* id = emitAllocInstr(size);
+ id->idSmallCns(cns);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amDisp = dsp;
+ assert(id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amDisp == dsp); // make sure the value fit
+ return id;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ instrDescCns* id = emitAllocInstrCns(size);
+ id->idSetIsLargeCns();
+ id->idcCnsVal = cns;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amDisp = dsp;
+ assert(id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amDisp == dsp); // make sure the value fit
+ return id;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (cns >= ID_MIN_SMALL_CNS && cns <= ID_MAX_SMALL_CNS)
+ {
+ instrDescAmd* id = emitAllocInstrAmd(size);
+ id->idSetIsLargeDsp();
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amDisp = AM_DISP_BIG_VAL;
+ id->idaAmdVal = dsp;
+ id->idSmallCns(cns);
+ return id;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ instrDescCnsAmd* id = emitAllocInstrCnsAmd(size);
+ id->idSetIsLargeCns();
+ id->idacCnsVal = cns;
+ id->idSetIsLargeDsp();
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amDisp = AM_DISP_BIG_VAL;
+ id->idacAmdVal = dsp;
+ return id;
+ }
+ }
+ *
+ * The next instruction will be a loop head entry point
+ * So insert a dummy instruction here to ensure that
+ * the x86 I-cache alignment rule is followed.
+ */
+void emitter::emitLoopAlign()
+ /* Insert a pseudo-instruction to ensure that we align
+ the next instruction properly */
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrTiny(EA_1BYTE);
+ id->idIns(INS_align);
+ id->idCodeSize(15); // We may need to skip up to 15 bytes of code
+ emitCurIGsize += 15;
+ *
+ * Add a NOP instruction of the given size.
+ */
+void emitter::emitIns_Nop(unsigned size)
+ assert(size <= 15);
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstr();
+ id->idIns(INS_nop);
+ id->idInsFmt(IF_NONE);
+ id->idCodeSize(size);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += size;
+ *
+ * Add an instruction with no operands.
+ */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+static bool isX87InsWithNoOperands(instruction ins)
+ return (ins == INS_f2xm1 || ins == INS_fchs || ins == INS_fld1 || ins == INS_fld1 || ins == INS_fldl2e ||
+ ins == INS_fldz || ins == INS_fprem || ins == INS_frndint || ins == INS_fscale);
+#else // !FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ return false;
+#endif // !FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+#endif // DEBUG
+void emitter::emitIns(instruction ins)
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstr();
+ size_t code = insCodeMR(ins);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (ins != INS_fabs && ins != INS_fsqrt && ins != INS_fsin && ins != INS_fcos)
+#endif // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ {
+ // We cannot have #ifdef inside macro expansion.
+ bool assertCond = (ins == INS_cdq || isX87InsWithNoOperands(ins) || ins == INS_int3 || ins == INS_lock ||
+ ins == INS_leave || ins == INS_movsb || ins == INS_movsd || ins == INS_movsp ||
+ ins == INS_nop || ins == INS_r_movsb || ins == INS_r_movsd || ins == INS_r_movsp ||
+ ins == INS_r_stosb || ins == INS_r_stosd || ins == INS_r_stosp || ins == INS_ret ||
+ ins == INS_sahf || ins == INS_stosb || ins == INS_stosd || ins == INS_stosp
+ || ins == INS_vzeroupper
+ );
+ assert(assertCond);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ assert((code & REX_PREFIX_MASK) == 0); // Can't have a REX bit with no operands, right?
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ if (code & 0xFF000000)
+ {
+ sz = 2; // TODO-XArch-Bug?: Shouldn't this be 4? Or maybe we should assert that we don't see this case.
+ }
+ else if (code & 0x00FF0000)
+ {
+ sz = 3;
+ }
+ else if (code & 0x0000FF00)
+ {
+ sz = 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sz = 1;
+ }
+ // Account for 2-byte VEX prefix in case of vzeroupper
+ if (ins == INS_vzeroupper)
+ {
+ sz += 2;
+ }
+ insFormat fmt = IF_NONE;
+ if (CodeGen::instIsFP(ins))
+ {
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_TRD);
+ }
+#endif // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+#if !defined(LEGACY_BACKEND)
+// Add an instruction with no operands, but whose encoding depends on the size
+// (Only CDQ/CQO currently)
+void emitter::emitIns(instruction ins, emitAttr attr)
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstr(attr);
+ size_t code = insCodeMR(ins);
+ assert(ins == INS_cdq);
+ assert((code & 0xFFFFFF00) == 0);
+ sz = 1;
+ insFormat fmt = IF_NONE;
+ sz += emitGetVexPrefixAdjustedSize(ins, attr, code);
+ if (TakesRexWPrefix(ins, attr))
+ {
+ sz += emitGetRexPrefixSize(ins);
+ }
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+// emitMapFmtForIns: map the instruction format based on the instruction.
+// Shift-by-a-constant instructions have a special format.
+// Arguments:
+// fmt - the instruction format to map
+// ins - the instruction
+// Returns:
+// The mapped instruction format.
+emitter::insFormat emitter::emitMapFmtForIns(insFormat fmt, instruction ins)
+ switch (ins)
+ {
+ case INS_rol_N:
+ case INS_ror_N:
+ case INS_rcl_N:
+ case INS_rcr_N:
+ case INS_shl_N:
+ case INS_shr_N:
+ case INS_sar_N:
+ {
+ switch (fmt)
+ {
+ case IF_RRW_CNS:
+ return IF_RRW_SHF;
+ case IF_MRW_CNS:
+ return IF_MRW_SHF;
+ case IF_SRW_CNS:
+ return IF_SRW_SHF;
+ case IF_ARW_CNS:
+ return IF_ARW_SHF;
+ default:
+ unreached();
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ return fmt;
+ }
+// emitMapFmtAtoM: map the address mode formats ARD, ARW, and AWR to their direct address equivalents.
+// Arguments:
+// fmt - the instruction format to map
+// Returns:
+// The mapped instruction format.
+emitter::insFormat emitter::emitMapFmtAtoM(insFormat fmt)
+ switch (fmt)
+ {
+ case IF_ARD:
+ return IF_MRD;
+ case IF_AWR:
+ return IF_MWR;
+ case IF_ARW:
+ return IF_MRW;
+ case IF_RRD_ARD:
+ return IF_RRD_MRD;
+ case IF_RWR_ARD:
+ return IF_RWR_MRD;
+ case IF_RRW_ARD:
+ return IF_RRW_MRD;
+ case IF_ARD_RRD:
+ return IF_MRD_RRD;
+ case IF_AWR_RRD:
+ return IF_MWR_RRD;
+ case IF_ARW_RRD:
+ return IF_MRW_RRD;
+ case IF_ARD_CNS:
+ return IF_MRD_CNS;
+ case IF_AWR_CNS:
+ return IF_MWR_CNS;
+ case IF_ARW_CNS:
+ return IF_MRW_CNS;
+ case IF_ARW_SHF:
+ return IF_MRW_SHF;
+ default:
+ unreached();
+ }
+// emitHandleMemOp: For a memory operand, fill in the relevant fields of the instrDesc.
+// Arguments:
+// indir - the memory operand.
+// id - the instrDesc to fill in.
+// fmt - the instruction format to use. This must be one of the ARD, AWR, or ARW formats. If necessary (such as for
+// GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR), this function will map it to the correct format.
+// ins - the instruction we are generating. This might affect the instruction format we choose.
+// Assumptions:
+// The correctly sized instrDesc must already be created, e.g., via emitNewInstrAmd() or emitNewInstrAmdCns();
+// Post-conditions:
+// For base address of int constant:
+// -- the caller must have added the int constant base to the instrDesc when creating it via
+// emitNewInstrAmdCns().
+// For simple address modes (base + scale * index + offset):
+// -- the base register, index register, and scale factor are set.
+// -- the caller must have added the addressing mode offset int constant to the instrDesc when creating it via
+// emitNewInstrAmdCns().
+// The instruction format is set.
+// idSetIsDspReloc() is called if necessary.
+void emitter::emitHandleMemOp(GenTreeIndir* indir, instrDesc* id, insFormat fmt, instruction ins)
+ assert(fmt != IF_NONE);
+ GenTree* memBase = indir->Base();
+ if ((memBase != nullptr) && memBase->isContained() && (memBase->OperGet() == GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR))
+ {
+ CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE fldHnd = memBase->gtClsVar.gtClsVarHnd;
+ // Static always need relocs
+ if (!jitStaticFldIsGlobAddr(fldHnd))
+ {
+ // Contract:
+ // fgMorphField() changes any statics that won't fit into 32-bit addresses into
+ // constants with an indir, rather than GT_CLS_VAR, based on reloc type hint given
+ // by VM. Hence emitter should always mark GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR as relocatable.
+ //
+ // Data section constants: these get allocated close to code block of the method and
+ // always addressable IP relative. These too should be marked as relocatable.
+ id->idSetIsDspReloc();
+ }
+ id->idAddr()->iiaFieldHnd = fldHnd;
+ id->idInsFmt(emitMapFmtForIns(emitMapFmtAtoM(fmt), ins));
+ }
+ else if ((memBase != nullptr) && memBase->IsCnsIntOrI() && memBase->isContained())
+ {
+ // Absolute addresses marked as contained should fit within the base of addr mode.
+ assert(memBase->AsIntConCommon()->FitsInAddrBase(emitComp));
+ // Either not generating relocatable code or addr must be an icon handle
+ assert(!emitComp->opts.compReloc || memBase->IsIconHandle());
+ if (memBase->AsIntConCommon()->AddrNeedsReloc(emitComp))
+ {
+ id->idSetIsDspReloc();
+ }
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = REG_NA;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = REG_NA;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amScale = emitter::OPSZ1; // for completeness
+ id->idInsFmt(emitMapFmtForIns(fmt, ins));
+ // Absolute address must have already been set in the instrDesc constructor.
+ assert(emitGetInsAmdAny(id) == memBase->AsIntConCommon()->IconValue());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (memBase != nullptr)
+ {
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = memBase->gtRegNum;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = REG_NA;
+ }
+ if (indir->HasIndex())
+ {
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = indir->Index()->gtRegNum;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = REG_NA;
+ }
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amScale = emitEncodeScale(indir->Scale());
+ id->idInsFmt(emitMapFmtForIns(fmt, ins));
+ // disp must have already been set in the instrDesc constructor.
+ assert(emitGetInsAmdAny(id) == ssize_t(indir->Offset())); // make sure "disp" is stored properly
+ }
+// Takes care of storing all incoming register parameters
+// into its corresponding shadow space (defined by the x64 ABI)
+void emitter::spillIntArgRegsToShadowSlots()
+ unsigned argNum;
+ instrDesc* id;
+ assert(emitComp->compGeneratingProlog);
+ for (argNum = 0; argNum < MAX_REG_ARG; ++argNum)
+ {
+ regNumber argReg = intArgRegs[argNum];
+ // The offsets for the shadow space start at RSP + 8
+ // (right before the caller return address)
+ int offset = (argNum + 1) * EA_PTRSIZE;
+ id = emitNewInstrAmd(EA_PTRSIZE, offset);
+ id->idIns(INS_mov);
+ id->idInsFmt(IF_AWR_RRD);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = REG_SPBASE;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = REG_NA;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amScale = emitEncodeScale(1);
+ // The offset has already been set in the intrDsc ctor,
+ // make sure we got it right.
+ assert(emitGetInsAmdAny(id) == ssize_t(offset));
+ id->idReg1(argReg);
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeMR(INS_mov));
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ }
+// this is very similar to emitInsBinary and probably could be folded in to same
+// except the requirements on the incoming parameter are different,
+// ex: the memory op in storeind case must NOT be contained
+void emitter::emitInsMov(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, GenTree* node)
+ instrDesc* id;
+ switch (node->OperGet())
+ {
+ case GT_IND:
+ {
+ GenTreeIndir* mem = node->AsIndir();
+ GenTreePtr addr = mem->Addr();
+ if (addr->OperGet() == GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR)
+ {
+ emitIns_R_C(ins, attr, mem->gtRegNum, addr->gtClsVar.gtClsVarHnd, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (addr->OperGet() == GT_LCL_VAR_ADDR)
+ {
+ GenTreeLclVarCommon* varNode = addr->AsLclVarCommon();
+ emitIns_R_S(ins, attr, mem->gtRegNum, varNode->GetLclNum(), 0);
+ codeGen->genUpdateLife(varNode);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(addr->OperIsAddrMode() || (addr->IsCnsIntOrI() && addr->isContained()) || !addr->isContained());
+ size_t offset = mem->Offset();
+ id = emitNewInstrAmd(attr, offset);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idReg1(mem->gtRegNum);
+ emitHandleMemOp(mem, id, IF_RWR_ARD, ins);
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeRM(ins));
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ GenTreeStoreInd* mem = node->AsStoreInd();
+ GenTreePtr addr = mem->Addr();
+ size_t offset = mem->Offset();
+ GenTree* data = mem->Data();
+ if (addr->OperGet() == GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR)
+ {
+ if (data->isContainedIntOrIImmed())
+ {
+ emitIns_C_I(ins, attr, addr->gtClsVar.gtClsVarHnd, 0, (int)data->AsIntConCommon()->IconValue());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(!data->isContained());
+ emitIns_C_R(ins, attr, addr->gtClsVar.gtClsVarHnd, data->gtRegNum, 0);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (addr->OperGet() == GT_LCL_VAR_ADDR)
+ {
+ GenTreeLclVarCommon* varNode = addr->AsLclVarCommon();
+ if (data->isContainedIntOrIImmed())
+ {
+ emitIns_S_I(ins, attr, varNode->GetLclNum(), 0, (int)data->AsIntConCommon()->IconValue());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(!data->isContained());
+ emitIns_S_R(ins, attr, data->gtRegNum, varNode->GetLclNum(), 0);
+ }
+ codeGen->genUpdateLife(varNode);
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (data->isContainedIntOrIImmed())
+ {
+ int icon = (int)data->AsIntConCommon()->IconValue();
+ id = emitNewInstrAmdCns(attr, offset, icon);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ emitHandleMemOp(mem, id, IF_AWR_CNS, ins);
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeMI(ins), icon);
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(!data->isContained());
+ id = emitNewInstrAmd(attr, offset);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ emitHandleMemOp(mem, id, IF_AWR_RRD, ins);
+ id->idReg1(data->gtRegNum);
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeMR(ins));
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ GenTreeLclVarCommon* varNode = node->AsLclVarCommon();
+ GenTree* data = varNode->gtOp.gtOp1->gtEffectiveVal();
+ codeGen->inst_set_SV_var(varNode);
+ assert(varNode->gtRegNum == REG_NA); // stack store
+ if (data->isContainedIntOrIImmed())
+ {
+ emitIns_S_I(ins, attr, varNode->GetLclNum(), 0, (int)data->AsIntConCommon()->IconValue());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(!data->isContained());
+ emitIns_S_R(ins, attr, data->gtRegNum, varNode->GetLclNum(), 0);
+ }
+ codeGen->genUpdateLife(varNode);
+ }
+ return;
+ default:
+ unreached();
+ }
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE emitter::emitLiteralConst(ssize_t cnsValIn, emitAttr attr /*= EA_8BYTE*/)
+ NYI("emitLiteralConst");
+ return nullptr;
+// Generates a float or double data section constant and returns field handle representing
+// the data offset to access the constant. This is called by emitInsBinary() in case
+// of contained float of double constants.
+CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE emitter::emitFltOrDblConst(GenTreeDblCon* tree, emitAttr attr /*=EA_UNKNOWN*/)
+ if (attr == EA_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ attr = emitTypeSize(tree->TypeGet());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(emitTypeSize(tree->TypeGet()) == attr);
+ }
+ double constValue = tree->gtDblCon.gtDconVal;
+ void* cnsAddr;
+ float f;
+ bool dblAlign;
+ if (attr == EA_4BYTE)
+ {
+ f = forceCastToFloat(constValue);
+ cnsAddr = &f;
+ dblAlign = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cnsAddr = &constValue;
+ dblAlign = true;
+ }
+ // Access to inline data is 'abstracted' by a special type of static member
+ // (produced by eeFindJitDataOffs) which the emitter recognizes as being a reference
+ // to constant data, not a real static field.
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET cnsSize = (attr == EA_4BYTE) ? 4 : 8;
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET cnum = emitDataConst(cnsAddr, cnsSize, dblAlign);
+ return emitComp->eeFindJitDataOffs(cnum);
+// The callee must call genConsumeReg() for all sources, including address registers
+// of both source and destination, and genProduceReg() for the destination register, if any.
+regNumber emitter::emitInsBinary(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, GenTree* dst, GenTree* src)
+ // dst can only be a reg or modrm
+ assert(!dst->isContained() || dst->isContainedMemoryOp() ||
+ instrIs3opImul(ins)); // dst on these isn't really the dst
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // src can be anything but both src and dst cannot be addr modes
+ // or at least cannot be contained addr modes
+ if (dst->isContainedMemoryOp())
+ {
+ assert(!src->isContainedMemoryOp());
+ }
+ if (src->isContainedMemoryOp())
+ {
+ assert(!dst->isContainedMemoryOp());
+ }
+ // find which operand is a memory op (if any)
+ // and what its base is
+ GenTreeIndir* mem = nullptr;
+ GenTree* memBase = nullptr;
+ if (dst->isContainedIndir())
+ {
+ mem = dst->AsIndir();
+ }
+ else if (src->isContainedIndir())
+ {
+ mem = src->AsIndir();
+ }
+ if (mem)
+ {
+ memBase = mem->gtOp1;
+ }
+ // Find immed (if any) - it cannot be the dst
+ // SSE2 instructions allow only the second operand to be a memory operand.
+ GenTreeIntConCommon* intConst = nullptr;
+ GenTreeDblCon* dblConst = nullptr;
+ if (src->isContainedIntOrIImmed())
+ {
+ intConst = src->AsIntConCommon();
+ }
+ else if (src->isContainedFltOrDblImmed())
+ {
+ dblConst = src->AsDblCon();
+ }
+ // find local field if any
+ GenTreeLclFld* lclField = nullptr;
+ if (src->isContainedLclField())
+ {
+ lclField = src->AsLclFld();
+ }
+ else if (dst->isLclField() && dst->gtRegNum == REG_NA)
+ {
+ lclField = dst->AsLclFld();
+ }
+ // find contained lcl var if any
+ GenTreeLclVar* lclVar = nullptr;
+ if (src->isContainedLclVar())
+ {
+ assert(src->IsRegOptional());
+ lclVar = src->AsLclVar();
+ }
+ else if (dst->isContainedLclVar())
+ {
+ assert(dst->IsRegOptional());
+ lclVar = dst->AsLclVar();
+ }
+ // find contained spill tmp if any
+ TempDsc* tmpDsc = nullptr;
+ if (src->isContainedSpillTemp())
+ {
+ assert(src->IsRegOptional());
+ tmpDsc = codeGen->getSpillTempDsc(src);
+ }
+ else if (dst->isContainedSpillTemp())
+ {
+ assert(dst->IsRegOptional());
+ tmpDsc = codeGen->getSpillTempDsc(dst);
+ }
+ // First handle the simple non-memory cases
+ //
+ if ((mem == nullptr) && (lclField == nullptr) && (lclVar == nullptr) && (tmpDsc == nullptr))
+ {
+ if (intConst != nullptr)
+ {
+ // reg, immed
+ assert(!dst->isContained());
+ emitIns_R_I(ins, attr, dst->gtRegNum, intConst->IconValue());
+ // TODO-XArch-Bug?: does the caller call regTracker.rsTrackRegTrash(dst->gtRegNum) or
+ // rsTrackRegIntCns(dst->gtRegNum, intConst->IconValue()) (as appropriate)?
+ }
+ else if (dblConst != nullptr)
+ {
+ // Emit a data section constant for float or double constant.
+ CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE hnd = emitFltOrDblConst(dblConst);
+ emitIns_R_C(ins, attr, dst->gtRegNum, hnd, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // reg, reg
+ assert(!src->isContained() && !dst->isContained());
+ if (instrHasImplicitRegPairDest(ins))
+ {
+ emitIns_R(ins, attr, src->gtRegNum);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ emitIns_R_R(ins, attr, dst->gtRegNum, src->gtRegNum);
+ }
+ // ToDo-XArch-Bug?: does the caller call regTracker.rsTrackRegTrash(dst->gtRegNum) or, for ins=MOV:
+ // regTracker.rsTrackRegCopy(dst->gtRegNum, src->gtRegNum); ?
+ }
+ return dst->gtRegNum;
+ }
+ // Next handle the cases where we have a stack based local memory operand.
+ //
+ unsigned varNum = BAD_VAR_NUM;
+ unsigned offset = (unsigned)-1;
+ if (lclField != nullptr)
+ {
+ varNum = lclField->AsLclVarCommon()->GetLclNum();
+ offset = lclField->gtLclFld.gtLclOffs;
+ }
+ else if (lclVar != nullptr)
+ {
+ varNum = lclVar->AsLclVarCommon()->GetLclNum();
+ offset = 0;
+ }
+ else if (tmpDsc != nullptr)
+ {
+ varNum = tmpDsc->tdTempNum();
+ offset = 0;
+ }
+ // Spill temp numbers are negative and start with -1
+ // which also happens to be BAD_VAR_NUM. For this reason
+ // we also need to check 'tmpDsc != nullptr' here.
+ if (varNum != BAD_VAR_NUM || tmpDsc != nullptr)
+ {
+ // Is the memory op in the source position?
+ if (src->isContainedLclField() || src->isContainedLclVar() || src->isContainedSpillTemp())
+ {
+ if (instrHasImplicitRegPairDest(ins))
+ {
+ // src is a stack based local variable
+ // dst is implicit - RDX:RAX
+ emitIns_S(ins, attr, varNum, offset);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // src is a stack based local variable
+ // dst is a register
+ emitIns_R_S(ins, attr, dst->gtRegNum, varNum, offset);
+ }
+ }
+ else // The memory op is in the dest position.
+ {
+ assert(dst->gtRegNum == REG_NA || dst->IsRegOptional());
+ // src could be int or reg
+ if (src->isContainedIntOrIImmed())
+ {
+ // src is an contained immediate
+ // dst is a stack based local variable
+ emitIns_S_I(ins, attr, varNum, offset, (int)src->gtIntConCommon.IconValue());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // src is a register
+ // dst is a stack based local variable
+ assert(!src->isContained());
+ emitIns_S_R(ins, attr, src->gtRegNum, varNum, offset);
+ }
+ }
+ if (tmpDsc != nullptr)
+ {
+ emitComp->tmpRlsTemp(tmpDsc);
+ }
+ return dst->gtRegNum;
+ }
+ // Now we are left with only the cases where the instruction has some kind of a memory operand
+ //
+ assert(mem != nullptr);
+ // Next handle the class static variable cases
+ //
+ if (memBase->OperGet() == GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR)
+ {
+ // Is the memory op in the source position?
+ if (mem == src)
+ {
+ if (instrHasImplicitRegPairDest(ins))
+ {
+ // src is a class static variable
+ // dst is implicit - RDX:RAX
+ emitIns_C(ins, attr, memBase->gtClsVar.gtClsVarHnd, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // src is a class static variable
+ // dst is a register
+ emitIns_R_C(ins, attr, dst->gtRegNum, memBase->gtClsVar.gtClsVarHnd, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ else // The memory op is in the dest position.
+ {
+ if (src->isContained())
+ {
+ // src is an contained immediate
+ // dst is a class static variable
+ emitIns_C_I(ins, attr, memBase->gtClsVar.gtClsVarHnd, 0, (int)src->gtIntConCommon.IconValue());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // src is a register
+ // dst is a class static variable
+ emitIns_C_R(ins, attr, memBase->gtClsVar.gtClsVarHnd, src->gtRegNum, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ return dst->gtRegNum;
+ }
+ // Finally we handle addressing modes case [regBase + regIndex*scale + const]
+ //
+ // We will have to construct and fill in the instruction descriptor for this case
+ //
+ instrDesc* id = nullptr;
+ // Is the src an immediate constant?
+ if (intConst)
+ {
+ // [mem], imm
+ id = emitNewInstrAmdCns(attr, mem->Offset(), (int)intConst->IconValue());
+ }
+ else // [mem], reg OR reg, [mem]
+ {
+ size_t offset = mem->Offset();
+ id = emitNewInstrAmd(attr, offset);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ GenTree* regTree = (src == mem) ? dst : src;
+ // there must be one non-contained src
+ assert(!regTree->isContained());
+ id->idReg1(regTree->gtRegNum);
+ }
+ assert(id != nullptr);
+ id->idIns(ins); // Set the instruction.
+ // Determine the instruction format
+ //
+ insFormat fmt = IF_NONE;
+ if (mem == dst)
+ {
+ if (!src->isContained())
+ {
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD_RRD);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD_CNS);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(!dst->isContained());
+ if (instrHasImplicitRegPairDest(ins))
+ {
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_RRD_ARD);
+ }
+ }
+ assert(fmt != IF_NONE);
+ emitHandleMemOp(mem, id, fmt, ins);
+ // Determine the instruction size
+ //
+ if (intConst)
+ {
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeMI(ins), (int)intConst->IconValue());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (mem == dst)
+ {
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeMR(ins));
+ }
+ else // mem == src
+ {
+ if (instrHasImplicitRegPairDest(ins))
+ {
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCode(ins));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeRM(ins));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assert(sz != 0);
+ regNumber result = REG_NA;
+ if (src == mem)
+ {
+ result = dst->gtRegNum;
+ }
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ return result;
+// emitInsRMW: Emit logic for Read-Modify-Write binary instructions.
+// Responsible for emitting a single instruction that will perform an operation of the form:
+// *addr = *addr <BinOp> src
+// For example:
+// ADD [RAX], RCX
+// Arguments:
+// ins - instruction to generate
+// attr - emitter attribute for instruction
+// storeInd - indir for RMW addressing mode
+// src - source operand of instruction
+// Assumptions:
+// Lowering has taken care of recognizing the StoreInd pattern of:
+// StoreInd( AddressTree, BinOp( Ind ( AddressTree ), Operand ) )
+// The address to store is already sitting in a register.
+// Notes:
+// This is a no-produce operation, meaning that no register output will
+// be produced for future use in the code stream.
+void emitter::emitInsRMW(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, GenTreeStoreInd* storeInd, GenTree* src)
+ GenTreePtr addr = storeInd->Addr();
+ addr = addr->gtSkipReloadOrCopy();
+ assert(addr->OperGet() == GT_LCL_VAR || addr->OperGet() == GT_LCL_VAR_ADDR || addr->OperGet() == GT_LEA ||
+ addr->OperGet() == GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR || addr->OperGet() == GT_CNS_INT);
+ instrDesc* id = nullptr;
+ size_t offset = 0;
+ if (addr->OperGet() != GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR)
+ {
+ offset = storeInd->Offset();
+ }
+ if (src->isContainedIntOrIImmed())
+ {
+ GenTreeIntConCommon* intConst = src->AsIntConCommon();
+ id = emitNewInstrAmdCns(attr, offset, (int)intConst->IconValue());
+ emitHandleMemOp(storeInd, id, IF_ARW_CNS, ins);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeMI(ins), (int)intConst->IconValue());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(!src->isContained()); // there must be one non-contained src
+ // ind, reg
+ id = emitNewInstrAmd(attr, offset);
+ emitHandleMemOp(storeInd, id, IF_ARW_RRD, ins);
+ id->idReg1(src->gtRegNum);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeMR(ins));
+ }
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+// emitInsRMW: Emit logic for Read-Modify-Write unary instructions.
+// Responsible for emitting a single instruction that will perform an operation of the form:
+// *addr = UnaryOp *addr
+// For example:
+// NOT [RAX]
+// Arguments:
+// ins - instruction to generate
+// attr - emitter attribute for instruction
+// storeInd - indir for RMW addressing mode
+// Assumptions:
+// Lowering has taken care of recognizing the StoreInd pattern of:
+// StoreInd( AddressTree, UnaryOp( Ind ( AddressTree ) ) )
+// The address to store is already sitting in a register.
+// Notes:
+// This is a no-produce operation, meaning that no register output will
+// be produced for future use in the code stream.
+void emitter::emitInsRMW(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, GenTreeStoreInd* storeInd)
+ GenTreePtr addr = storeInd->Addr();
+ addr = addr->gtSkipReloadOrCopy();
+ assert(addr->OperGet() == GT_LCL_VAR || addr->OperGet() == GT_LCL_VAR_ADDR || addr->OperGet() == GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR ||
+ addr->OperGet() == GT_LEA || addr->OperGet() == GT_CNS_INT);
+ size_t offset = 0;
+ if (addr->OperGet() != GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR)
+ {
+ offset = storeInd->Offset();
+ }
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrAmd(attr, offset);
+ emitHandleMemOp(storeInd, id, IF_ARW, ins);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeMR(ins));
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+#endif // !LEGACY_BACKEND
+ *
+ * Add an instruction of the form "op ST(0),ST(n)".
+ */
+void emitter::emitIns_F0_F(instruction ins, unsigned fpreg)
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstr();
+ insFormat fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_TRD_FRD);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idReg1((regNumber)fpreg);
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ *
+ * Add an instruction of the form "op ST(n),ST(0)".
+ */
+void emitter::emitIns_F_F0(instruction ins, unsigned fpreg)
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstr();
+ insFormat fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_FRD_TRD);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idReg1((regNumber)fpreg);
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+#endif // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ *
+ * Add an instruction referencing a single register.
+ */
+void emitter::emitIns_R(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, regNumber reg)
+ emitAttr size = EA_SIZE(attr);
+ assert(size <= EA_PTRSIZE);
+ noway_assert(emitVerifyEncodable(ins, size, reg));
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrTiny(attr);
+ switch (ins)
+ {
+ case INS_inc:
+ case INS_dec:
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ sz = 2; // x64 has no 1-byte opcode (it is the same encoding as the REX prefix)
+#else // !_TARGET_AMD64_
+ if (size == EA_1BYTE)
+ sz = 2; // Use the long form as the small one has no 'w' bit
+ else
+ sz = 1; // Use short form
+#endif // !_TARGET_AMD64_
+ break;
+ case INS_pop:
+ case INS_pop_hide:
+ case INS_push:
+ case INS_push_hide:
+ /* We don't currently push/pop small values */
+ assert(size == EA_PTRSIZE);
+ sz = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* All the sixteen INS_setCCs are contiguous. */
+ if (INS_seto <= ins && ins <= INS_setg)
+ {
+ // Rough check that we used the endpoints for the range check
+ assert(INS_seto + 0xF == INS_setg);
+ // The caller must specify EA_1BYTE for 'attr'
+ assert(attr == EA_1BYTE);
+ /* We expect this to always be a 'big' opcode */
+ assert(insEncodeMRreg(ins, reg, attr, insCodeMR(ins)) & 0x00FF0000);
+ size = attr;
+ sz = 3;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sz = 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ insFormat fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_RRD);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idReg1(reg);
+ // 16-bit operand instructions will need a prefix.
+ // This refers to 66h size prefix override.
+ if (size == EA_2BYTE)
+ {
+ sz += 1;
+ }
+ // Vex bytes
+ sz += emitGetVexPrefixAdjustedSize(ins, attr, insEncodeMRreg(ins, reg, attr, insCodeMR(ins)));
+ // REX byte
+ if (IsExtendedReg(reg, attr) || TakesRexWPrefix(ins, attr))
+ {
+ sz += emitGetRexPrefixSize(ins);
+ }
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ if (ins == INS_push)
+ {
+ emitCurStackLvl += emitCntStackDepth;
+ if (emitMaxStackDepth < emitCurStackLvl)
+ emitMaxStackDepth = emitCurStackLvl;
+ }
+ else if (ins == INS_pop)
+ {
+ emitCurStackLvl -= emitCntStackDepth;
+ assert((int)emitCurStackLvl >= 0);
+ }
+ *
+ * Add an instruction referencing a register and a constant.
+ */
+void emitter::emitIns_R_I(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, regNumber reg, ssize_t val)
+ emitAttr size = EA_SIZE(attr);
+ // Allow emitting SSE2/AVX SIMD instructions of R_I form that can specify EA_16BYTE or EA_32BYTE
+ assert(size <= EA_PTRSIZE || IsSSEOrAVXInstruction(ins));
+ noway_assert(emitVerifyEncodable(ins, size, reg));
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // mov reg, imm64 is the only opcode which takes a full 8 byte immediate
+ // all other opcodes take a sign-extended 4-byte immediate
+ noway_assert(size < EA_8BYTE || ins == INS_mov || ((int)val == val && !EA_IS_CNS_RELOC(attr)));
+ instrDesc* id;
+ insFormat fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_RRD_CNS);
+ bool valInByte = ((signed char)val == val) && (ins != INS_mov) && (ins != INS_test);
+ // Figure out the size of the instruction
+ switch (ins)
+ {
+ case INS_mov:
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // mov reg, imm64 is equivalent to mov reg, imm32 if the high order bits are all 0
+ // and this isn't a reloc constant.
+ if (((size > EA_4BYTE) && (0 == (val & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000LL))) && !EA_IS_CNS_RELOC(attr))
+ {
+ attr = size = EA_4BYTE;
+ }
+ if (size > EA_4BYTE)
+ {
+ sz = 9; // Really it is 10, but we'll add one more later
+ break;
+ }
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ sz = 5;
+ break;
+ case INS_rcl_N:
+ case INS_rcr_N:
+ case INS_rol_N:
+ case INS_ror_N:
+ case INS_shl_N:
+ case INS_shr_N:
+ case INS_sar_N:
+ assert(val != 1);
+ fmt = IF_RRW_SHF;
+ sz = 3;
+ val &= 0x7F;
+ valInByte = true; // shift amount always placed in a byte
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (EA_IS_CNS_RELOC(attr))
+ {
+ valInByte = false; // relocs can't be placed in a byte
+ }
+ if (valInByte)
+ {
+ if (IsSSEOrAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ sz = 5;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sz = 3;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (reg == REG_EAX && !instrIs3opImul(ins))
+ {
+ sz = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sz = 2;
+ }
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ if (size > EA_4BYTE)
+ {
+ // We special-case anything that takes a full 8-byte constant.
+ sz += 4;
+ }
+ else
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ {
+ sz += EA_SIZE_IN_BYTES(attr);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Vex prefix size
+ sz += emitGetVexPrefixSize(ins, attr);
+ // Do we need a REX prefix for AMD64? We need one if we are using any extended register (REX.R), or if we have a
+ // 64-bit sized operand (REX.W). Note that IMUL in our encoding is special, with a "built-in", implicit, target
+ // register. So we also need to check if that built-in register is an extended register.
+ if (IsExtendedReg(reg, attr) || TakesRexWPrefix(ins, size) || instrIsExtendedReg3opImul(ins))
+ {
+ sz += emitGetRexPrefixSize(ins);
+ }
+#ifdef _TARGET_X86_
+ assert(reg < 8);
+ id = emitNewInstrSC(attr, val);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idReg1(reg);
+ // 16-bit operand instructions will need a prefix
+ if (size == EA_2BYTE)
+ {
+ sz += 1;
+ }
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ if (reg == REG_ESP)
+ {
+ if (emitCntStackDepth)
+ {
+ if (ins == INS_sub)
+ {
+ S_UINT32 newStackLvl(emitCurStackLvl);
+ newStackLvl += S_UINT32(val);
+ noway_assert(!newStackLvl.IsOverflow());
+ emitCurStackLvl = newStackLvl.Value();
+ if (emitMaxStackDepth < emitCurStackLvl)
+ emitMaxStackDepth = emitCurStackLvl;
+ }
+ else if (ins == INS_add)
+ {
+ S_UINT32 newStackLvl = S_UINT32(emitCurStackLvl) - S_UINT32(val);
+ noway_assert(!newStackLvl.IsOverflow());
+ emitCurStackLvl = newStackLvl.Value();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *
+ * Add an instruction referencing an integer constant.
+ */
+void emitter::emitIns_I(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, int val)
+ instrDesc* id;
+ bool valInByte = ((signed char)val == val);
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // mov reg, imm64 is the only opcode which takes a full 8 byte immediate
+ // all other opcodes take a sign-extended 4-byte immediate
+ noway_assert(EA_SIZE(attr) < EA_8BYTE || !EA_IS_CNS_RELOC(attr));
+ if (EA_IS_CNS_RELOC(attr))
+ {
+ valInByte = false; // relocs can't be placed in a byte
+ }
+ switch (ins)
+ {
+ case INS_loop:
+ case INS_jge:
+ sz = 2;
+ break;
+ case INS_ret:
+ sz = 3;
+ break;
+ case INS_push_hide:
+ case INS_push:
+ sz = valInByte ? 2 : 5;
+ break;
+ default:
+ NO_WAY("unexpected instruction");
+ }
+ id = emitNewInstrSC(attr, val);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(IF_CNS);
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ if (ins == INS_push)
+ {
+ emitCurStackLvl += emitCntStackDepth;
+ if (emitMaxStackDepth < emitCurStackLvl)
+ emitMaxStackDepth = emitCurStackLvl;
+ }
+ *
+ * Add a "jump through a table" instruction.
+ */
+void emitter::emitIns_IJ(emitAttr attr, regNumber reg, unsigned base)
+ assert(EA_SIZE(attr) == EA_4BYTE);
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET sz = 3 + 4;
+ const instruction ins = INS_i_jmp;
+ if (IsExtendedReg(reg, attr))
+ {
+ sz += emitGetRexPrefixSize(ins);
+ }
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrAmd(attr, base);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(IF_ARD);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = REG_NA;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = reg;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amScale = emitter::OPSZP;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idMemCookie = base;
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ *
+ * Add an instruction with a static data member operand. If 'size' is 0, the
+ * instruction operates on the address of the static member instead of its
+ * value (e.g. "push offset clsvar", rather than "push dword ptr [clsvar]").
+ */
+void emitter::emitIns_C(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE fldHnd, int offs)
+ // Static always need relocs
+ if (!jitStaticFldIsGlobAddr(fldHnd))
+ {
+ attr = EA_SET_FLG(attr, EA_DSP_RELOC_FLG);
+ }
+ instrDesc* id;
+ /* Are we pushing the offset of the class variable? */
+ if (EA_IS_OFFSET(attr))
+ {
+ assert(ins == INS_push);
+ sz = 1 + sizeof(void*);
+ id = emitNewInstrDsp(EA_1BYTE, offs);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(IF_MRD_OFF);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ insFormat fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_MRD, IF_TRD_MRD, IF_MWR_TRD);
+#else // !FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ insFormat fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_MRD);
+#endif // !FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ id = emitNewInstrDsp(attr, offs);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ sz = emitInsSizeCV(id, insCodeMR(ins));
+ }
+ // Vex prefix size
+ sz += emitGetVexPrefixAdjustedSize(ins, attr, insCodeMR(ins));
+ if (TakesRexWPrefix(ins, attr))
+ {
+ // REX.W prefix
+ sz += emitGetRexPrefixSize(ins);
+ }
+ id->idAddr()->iiaFieldHnd = fldHnd;
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ if (ins == INS_push)
+ {
+ emitCurStackLvl += emitCntStackDepth;
+ if (emitMaxStackDepth < emitCurStackLvl)
+ emitMaxStackDepth = emitCurStackLvl;
+ }
+ else if (ins == INS_pop)
+ {
+ emitCurStackLvl -= emitCntStackDepth;
+ assert((int)emitCurStackLvl >= 0);
+ }
+ *
+ * Add an instruction with two register operands.
+ */
+void emitter::emitIns_R_R(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, regNumber reg1, regNumber reg2)
+ emitAttr size = EA_SIZE(attr);
+ /* We don't want to generate any useless mov instructions! */
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // Same-reg 4-byte mov can be useful because it performs a
+ // zero-extension to 8 bytes.
+ assert(ins != INS_mov || reg1 != reg2 || size == EA_4BYTE);
+ assert(ins != INS_mov || reg1 != reg2);
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ assert(size <= EA_32BYTE);
+ noway_assert(emitVerifyEncodable(ins, size, reg1, reg2));
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET sz = emitInsSizeRR(ins, reg1, reg2, attr);
+ /* Special case: "XCHG" uses a different format */
+ insFormat fmt = (ins == INS_xchg) ? IF_RRW_RRW : emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_RRD_RRD);
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrTiny(attr);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idReg1(reg1);
+ id->idReg2(reg2);
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ *
+ * Add an instruction with two register operands and an integer constant.
+ */
+void emitter::emitIns_R_R_I(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, regNumber reg1, regNumber reg2, int ival)
+ // SSE2 version requires 5 bytes and AVX version 6 bytes
+ if (IsSSEOrAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ sz = UseAVX() ? 6 : 5;
+ }
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // mov reg, imm64 is the only opcode which takes a full 8 byte immediate
+ // all other opcodes take a sign-extended 4-byte immediate
+ noway_assert(EA_SIZE(attr) < EA_8BYTE || !EA_IS_CNS_RELOC(attr));
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrSC(attr, ival);
+ // REX prefix
+ if (IsExtendedReg(reg1, attr) || IsExtendedReg(reg2, attr))
+ {
+ sz += emitGetRexPrefixSize(ins);
+ }
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(IF_RRW_RRW_CNS);
+ id->idReg1(reg1);
+ id->idReg2(reg2);
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+* Add an instruction with three register operands.
+void emitter::emitIns_R_R_R(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, regNumber targetReg, regNumber reg1, regNumber reg2)
+ assert(IsSSEOrAVXInstruction(ins));
+ assert(IsThreeOperandAVXInstruction(ins));
+ // Currently vex prefix only use three bytes mode.
+ // size = vex + opcode + ModR/M = 3 + 1 + 1 = 5
+ // TODO-XArch-CQ: We should create function which can calculate all kinds of AVX instructions size in future
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstr(attr);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(IF_RWR_RRD_RRD);
+ id->idReg1(targetReg);
+ id->idReg2(reg1);
+ id->idReg3(reg2);
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ *
+ * Add an instruction with a register + static member operands.
+ */
+void emitter::emitIns_R_C(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, regNumber reg, CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE fldHnd, int offs)
+ // Static always need relocs
+ if (!jitStaticFldIsGlobAddr(fldHnd))
+ {
+ attr = EA_SET_FLG(attr, EA_DSP_RELOC_FLG);
+ }
+ emitAttr size = EA_SIZE(attr);
+ assert(size <= EA_32BYTE);
+ noway_assert(emitVerifyEncodable(ins, size, reg));
+ instrDesc* id;
+ // Are we MOV'ing the offset of the class variable into EAX?
+ if (EA_IS_OFFSET(attr))
+ {
+ id = emitNewInstrDsp(EA_1BYTE, offs);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(IF_RWR_MRD_OFF);
+ assert(ins == INS_mov && reg == REG_EAX);
+ // Special case: "mov eax, [addr]" is smaller
+ sz = 1 + sizeof(void*);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ insFormat fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_RRD_MRD);
+ id = emitNewInstrDsp(attr, offs);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+#ifdef _TARGET_X86_
+ // Special case: "mov eax, [addr]" is smaller.
+ // This case is not enabled for amd64 as it always uses RIP relative addressing
+ // and it results in smaller instruction size than encoding 64-bit addr in the
+ // instruction.
+ if (ins == INS_mov && reg == REG_EAX)
+ {
+ sz = 1 + sizeof(void*);
+ if (size == EA_2BYTE)
+ sz += 1;
+ }
+ else
+#endif //_TARGET_X86_
+ {
+ sz = emitInsSizeCV(id, insCodeRM(ins));
+ }
+ // Special case: mov reg, fs:[ddd]
+ if (fldHnd == FLD_GLOBAL_FS)
+ {
+ sz += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // VEX prefix
+ sz += emitGetVexPrefixAdjustedSize(ins, attr, insCodeRM(ins));
+ // REX prefix
+ if (TakesRexWPrefix(ins, attr) || IsExtendedReg(reg, attr))
+ {
+ sz += emitGetRexPrefixSize(ins);
+ }
+ id->idReg1(reg);
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaFieldHnd = fldHnd;
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ *
+ * Add an instruction with a static member + register operands.
+ */
+void emitter::emitIns_C_R(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE fldHnd, regNumber reg, int offs)
+ // Static always need relocs
+ if (!jitStaticFldIsGlobAddr(fldHnd))
+ {
+ attr = EA_SET_FLG(attr, EA_DSP_RELOC_FLG);
+ }
+ emitAttr size = EA_SIZE(attr);
+#if defined(_TARGET_X86_) && !FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ // For x86 RyuJIT it is valid to storeind a double sized operand in an xmm reg to memory
+ assert(size <= EA_8BYTE);
+ assert(size <= EA_PTRSIZE);
+ noway_assert(emitVerifyEncodable(ins, size, reg));
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrDsp(attr, offs);
+ insFormat fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_MRD_RRD);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+#ifdef _TARGET_X86_
+ // Special case: "mov [addr], EAX" is smaller.
+ // This case is not enable for amd64 as it always uses RIP relative addressing
+ // and it will result in smaller instruction size than encoding 64-bit addr in
+ // the instruction.
+ if (ins == INS_mov && reg == REG_EAX)
+ {
+ sz = 1 + sizeof(void*);
+ if (size == EA_2BYTE)
+ sz += 1;
+ }
+ else
+#endif //_TARGET_X86_
+ {
+ sz = emitInsSizeCV(id, insCodeMR(ins));
+ }
+ // Special case: mov reg, fs:[ddd]
+ if (fldHnd == FLD_GLOBAL_FS)
+ {
+ sz += 1;
+ }
+ // VEX prefix
+ sz += emitGetVexPrefixAdjustedSize(ins, attr, insCodeMR(ins));
+ // REX prefix
+ if (TakesRexWPrefix(ins, attr) || IsExtendedReg(reg, attr))
+ {
+ sz += emitGetRexPrefixSize(ins);
+ }
+ id->idReg1(reg);
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaFieldHnd = fldHnd;
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ *
+ * Add an instruction with a static member + constant.
+ */
+void emitter::emitIns_C_I(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE fldHnd, int offs, int val)
+ // Static always need relocs
+ if (!jitStaticFldIsGlobAddr(fldHnd))
+ {
+ attr = EA_SET_FLG(attr, EA_DSP_RELOC_FLG);
+ }
+ insFormat fmt;
+ switch (ins)
+ {
+ case INS_rcl_N:
+ case INS_rcr_N:
+ case INS_rol_N:
+ case INS_ror_N:
+ case INS_shl_N:
+ case INS_shr_N:
+ case INS_sar_N:
+ assert(val != 1);
+ fmt = IF_MRW_SHF;
+ val &= 0x7F;
+ break;
+ default:
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_MRD_CNS);
+ break;
+ }
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrCnsDsp(attr, val, offs);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ size_t code = insCodeMI(ins);
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET sz = emitInsSizeCV(id, code, val);
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // Vex prefix
+ sz += emitGetVexPrefixAdjustedSize(ins, attr, insCodeMI(ins));
+ // REX prefix, if not already included in "code"
+ if (TakesRexWPrefix(ins, attr) && (code & REX_PREFIX_MASK) == 0)
+ {
+ sz += emitGetRexPrefixSize(ins);
+ }
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ id->idAddr()->iiaFieldHnd = fldHnd;
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+void emitter::emitIns_J_S(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, BasicBlock* dst, int varx, int offs)
+ assert(ins == INS_mov);
+ assert(dst->bbFlags & BBF_JMP_TARGET);
+ instrDescLbl* id = emitNewInstrLbl();
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(IF_SWR_LABEL);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaBBlabel = dst;
+ /* The label reference is always long */
+ id->idjShort = 0;
+ id->idjKeepLong = 1;
+ /* Record the current IG and offset within it */
+ id->idjIG = emitCurIG;
+ id->idjOffs = emitCurIGsize;
+ /* Append this instruction to this IG's jump list */
+ id->idjNext = emitCurIGjmpList;
+ emitCurIGjmpList = id;
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET sz = sizeof(INT32) + emitInsSizeSV(insCodeMI(ins), varx, offs);
+ id->dstLclVar.initLclVarAddr(varx, offs);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idVarRefOffs = emitVarRefOffs;
+ emitTotalIGjmps++;
+#ifndef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // Storing the address of a basicBlock will need a reloc
+ // as the instruction uses the absolute address,
+ // not a relative address.
+ //
+ // On Amd64, Absolute code addresses should always go through a reloc to
+ // to be encoded as RIP rel32 offset.
+ if (emitComp->opts.compReloc)
+ {
+ id->idSetIsDspReloc();
+ }
+#endif // RELOC_SUPPORT
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ *
+ * Add a label instruction.
+ */
+void emitter::emitIns_R_L(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, BasicBlock* dst, regNumber reg)
+ assert(ins == INS_lea);
+ assert(dst->bbFlags & BBF_JMP_TARGET);
+ instrDescJmp* id = emitNewInstrJmp();
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idReg1(reg);
+ id->idInsFmt(IF_RWR_LABEL);
+ id->idOpSize(EA_SIZE(attr)); // emitNewInstrJmp() sets the size (incorrectly) to EA_1BYTE
+ id->idAddr()->iiaBBlabel = dst;
+ /* The label reference is always long */
+ id->idjShort = 0;
+ id->idjKeepLong = 1;
+ /* Record the current IG and offset within it */
+ id->idjIG = emitCurIG;
+ id->idjOffs = emitCurIGsize;
+ /* Append this instruction to this IG's jump list */
+ id->idjNext = emitCurIGjmpList;
+ emitCurIGjmpList = id;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // Mark the catch return
+ if (emitComp->compCurBB->bbJumpKind == BBJ_EHCATCHRET)
+ {
+ id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idCatchRet = true;
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG
+ emitTotalIGjmps++;
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeRM(ins));
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ // Set the relocation flags - these give hint to zap to perform
+ // relocation of the specified 32bit address.
+ id->idSetRelocFlags(attr);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ *
+ * The following adds instructions referencing address modes.
+ */
+void emitter::emitIns_I_AR(
+ instruction ins, emitAttr attr, int val, regNumber reg, int disp, int memCookie, void* clsCookie)
+ assert((CodeGen::instIsFP(ins) == false) && (EA_SIZE(attr) <= EA_8BYTE));
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // mov reg, imm64 is the only opcode which takes a full 8 byte immediate
+ // all other opcodes take a sign-extended 4-byte immediate
+ noway_assert(EA_SIZE(attr) < EA_8BYTE || !EA_IS_CNS_RELOC(attr));
+ insFormat fmt;
+ switch (ins)
+ {
+ case INS_rcl_N:
+ case INS_rcr_N:
+ case INS_rol_N:
+ case INS_ror_N:
+ case INS_shl_N:
+ case INS_shr_N:
+ case INS_sar_N:
+ assert(val != 1);
+ fmt = IF_ARW_SHF;
+ val &= 0x7F;
+ break;
+ default:
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD_CNS);
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ Useful if you want to trap moves with 0 constant
+ if (ins == INS_mov && val == 0 && EA_SIZE(attr) >= EA_4BYTE)
+ {
+ printf("MOV 0\n");
+ }
+ */
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrAmdCns(attr, disp, val);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ assert((memCookie == NULL) == (clsCookie == nullptr));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idMemCookie = memCookie;
+ id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idClsCookie = clsCookie;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = reg;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = REG_NA;
+ assert(emitGetInsAmdAny(id) == disp); // make sure "disp" is stored properly
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeMI(ins), val);
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+void emitter::emitIns_I_AI(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, int val, ssize_t disp)
+ assert((CodeGen::instIsFP(ins) == false) && (EA_SIZE(attr) <= EA_8BYTE));
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // mov reg, imm64 is the only opcode which takes a full 8 byte immediate
+ // all other opcodes take a sign-extended 4-byte immediate
+ noway_assert(EA_SIZE(attr) < EA_8BYTE || !EA_IS_CNS_RELOC(attr));
+ insFormat fmt;
+ switch (ins)
+ {
+ case INS_rcl_N:
+ case INS_rcr_N:
+ case INS_rol_N:
+ case INS_ror_N:
+ case INS_shl_N:
+ case INS_shr_N:
+ case INS_sar_N:
+ assert(val != 1);
+ fmt = IF_ARW_SHF;
+ val &= 0x7F;
+ break;
+ default:
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD_CNS);
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ Useful if you want to trap moves with 0 constant
+ if (ins == INS_mov && val == 0 && EA_SIZE(attr) >= EA_4BYTE)
+ {
+ printf("MOV 0\n");
+ }
+ */
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrAmdCns(attr, disp, val);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = REG_NA;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = REG_NA;
+ assert(emitGetInsAmdAny(id) == disp); // make sure "disp" is stored properly
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeMI(ins), val);
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+void emitter::emitIns_R_AR(
+ instruction ins, emitAttr attr, regNumber ireg, regNumber base, int disp, int memCookie, void* clsCookie)
+ assert((CodeGen::instIsFP(ins) == false) && (EA_SIZE(attr) <= EA_32BYTE) && (ireg != REG_NA));
+ noway_assert(emitVerifyEncodable(ins, EA_SIZE(attr), ireg));
+ if (ins == INS_lea)
+ {
+ if (ireg == base && disp == 0)
+ {
+ // Maybe the emitter is not the common place for this optimization, but it's a better choke point
+ // for all the emitIns(ins, tree), we would have to be analyzing at each call site
+ //
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrAmd(attr, disp);
+ insFormat fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_RRD_ARD);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idReg1(ireg);
+ assert((memCookie == NULL) == (clsCookie == nullptr));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idMemCookie = memCookie;
+ id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idClsCookie = clsCookie;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = base;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = REG_NA;
+ assert(emitGetInsAmdAny(id) == disp); // make sure "disp" is stored properly
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeRM(ins));
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+void emitter::emitIns_R_AI(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, regNumber ireg, ssize_t disp)
+ assert((CodeGen::instIsFP(ins) == false) && (EA_SIZE(attr) <= EA_8BYTE) && (ireg != REG_NA));
+ noway_assert(emitVerifyEncodable(ins, EA_SIZE(attr), ireg));
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrAmd(attr, disp);
+ insFormat fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_RRD_ARD);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idReg1(ireg);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = REG_NA;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = REG_NA;
+ assert(emitGetInsAmdAny(id) == disp); // make sure "disp" is stored properly
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeRM(ins));
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+void emitter::emitIns_AR_R(
+ instruction ins, emitAttr attr, regNumber ireg, regNumber base, int disp, int memCookie, void* clsCookie)
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrAmd(attr, disp);
+ insFormat fmt;
+ if (ireg == REG_NA)
+ {
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD, IF_TRD_ARD, IF_AWR_TRD);
+#else // !FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD);
+#endif // !FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD_RRD);
+ assert((CodeGen::instIsFP(ins) == false) && (EA_SIZE(attr) <= EA_32BYTE));
+ noway_assert(emitVerifyEncodable(ins, EA_SIZE(attr), ireg));
+ id->idReg1(ireg);
+ }
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ assert((memCookie == NULL) == (clsCookie == nullptr));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idMemCookie = memCookie;
+ id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idClsCookie = clsCookie;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = base;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = REG_NA;
+ assert(emitGetInsAmdAny(id) == disp); // make sure "disp" is stored properly
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeMR(ins));
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ if (ins == INS_push)
+ {
+ emitCurStackLvl += emitCntStackDepth;
+ if (emitMaxStackDepth < emitCurStackLvl)
+ emitMaxStackDepth = emitCurStackLvl;
+ }
+ else if (ins == INS_pop)
+ {
+ emitCurStackLvl -= emitCntStackDepth;
+ assert((int)emitCurStackLvl >= 0);
+ }
+void emitter::emitIns_AI_R(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, regNumber ireg, ssize_t disp)
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrAmd(attr, disp);
+ insFormat fmt;
+ if (ireg == REG_NA)
+ {
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD, IF_TRD_ARD, IF_AWR_TRD);
+#else // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD);
+#endif // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD_RRD);
+ assert((CodeGen::instIsFP(ins) == false) && (EA_SIZE(attr) <= EA_8BYTE));
+ noway_assert(emitVerifyEncodable(ins, EA_SIZE(attr), ireg));
+ id->idReg1(ireg);
+ }
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = REG_NA;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = REG_NA;
+ assert(emitGetInsAmdAny(id) == disp); // make sure "disp" is stored properly
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeMR(ins));
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ if (ins == INS_push)
+ {
+ emitCurStackLvl += emitCntStackDepth;
+ if (emitMaxStackDepth < emitCurStackLvl)
+ emitMaxStackDepth = emitCurStackLvl;
+ }
+ else if (ins == INS_pop)
+ {
+ emitCurStackLvl -= emitCntStackDepth;
+ assert((int)emitCurStackLvl >= 0);
+ }
+void emitter::emitIns_I_ARR(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, int val, regNumber reg, regNumber rg2, int disp)
+ assert((CodeGen::instIsFP(ins) == false) && (EA_SIZE(attr) <= EA_8BYTE));
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // mov reg, imm64 is the only opcode which takes a full 8 byte immediate
+ // all other opcodes take a sign-extended 4-byte immediate
+ noway_assert(EA_SIZE(attr) < EA_8BYTE || !EA_IS_CNS_RELOC(attr));
+ insFormat fmt;
+ switch (ins)
+ {
+ case INS_rcl_N:
+ case INS_rcr_N:
+ case INS_rol_N:
+ case INS_ror_N:
+ case INS_shl_N:
+ case INS_shr_N:
+ case INS_sar_N:
+ assert(val != 1);
+ fmt = IF_ARW_SHF;
+ val &= 0x7F;
+ break;
+ default:
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD_CNS);
+ break;
+ }
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrAmdCns(attr, disp, val);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = reg;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = rg2;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amScale = emitter::OPSZ1;
+ assert(emitGetInsAmdAny(id) == disp); // make sure "disp" is stored properly
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeMI(ins), val);
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+void emitter::emitIns_R_ARR(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, regNumber ireg, regNumber base, regNumber index, int disp)
+ assert((CodeGen::instIsFP(ins) == false) && (EA_SIZE(attr) <= EA_8BYTE) && (ireg != REG_NA));
+ noway_assert(emitVerifyEncodable(ins, EA_SIZE(attr), ireg));
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrAmd(attr, disp);
+ insFormat fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_RRD_ARD);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idReg1(ireg);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = base;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = index;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amScale = emitter::OPSZ1;
+ assert(emitGetInsAmdAny(id) == disp); // make sure "disp" is stored properly
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeRM(ins));
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+void emitter::emitIns_ARR_R(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, regNumber ireg, regNumber reg, regNumber index, int disp)
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrAmd(attr, disp);
+ insFormat fmt;
+ if (ireg == REG_NA)
+ {
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD, IF_TRD_ARD, IF_AWR_TRD);
+#else // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD);
+#endif // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD_RRD);
+ assert((CodeGen::instIsFP(ins) == false) && (EA_SIZE(attr) <= EA_8BYTE));
+ noway_assert(emitVerifyEncodable(ins, EA_SIZE(attr), ireg));
+ id->idReg1(ireg);
+ }
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = reg;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = index;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amScale = emitEncodeScale(1);
+ assert(emitGetInsAmdAny(id) == disp); // make sure "disp" is stored properly
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeMR(ins));
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ if (ins == INS_push)
+ {
+ emitCurStackLvl += emitCntStackDepth;
+ if (emitMaxStackDepth < emitCurStackLvl)
+ emitMaxStackDepth = emitCurStackLvl;
+ }
+ else if (ins == INS_pop)
+ {
+ emitCurStackLvl -= emitCntStackDepth;
+ assert((int)emitCurStackLvl >= 0);
+ }
+void emitter::emitIns_I_ARX(
+ instruction ins, emitAttr attr, int val, regNumber reg, regNumber rg2, unsigned mul, int disp)
+ assert((CodeGen::instIsFP(ins) == false) && (EA_SIZE(attr) <= EA_8BYTE));
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // mov reg, imm64 is the only opcode which takes a full 8 byte immediate
+ // all other opcodes take a sign-extended 4-byte immediate
+ noway_assert(EA_SIZE(attr) < EA_8BYTE || !EA_IS_CNS_RELOC(attr));
+ insFormat fmt;
+ switch (ins)
+ {
+ case INS_rcl_N:
+ case INS_rcr_N:
+ case INS_rol_N:
+ case INS_ror_N:
+ case INS_shl_N:
+ case INS_shr_N:
+ case INS_sar_N:
+ assert(val != 1);
+ fmt = IF_ARW_SHF;
+ val &= 0x7F;
+ break;
+ default:
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD_CNS);
+ break;
+ }
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrAmdCns(attr, disp, val);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = reg;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = rg2;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amScale = emitEncodeScale(mul);
+ assert(emitGetInsAmdAny(id) == disp); // make sure "disp" is stored properly
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeMI(ins), val);
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+void emitter::emitIns_R_ARX(
+ instruction ins, emitAttr attr, regNumber ireg, regNumber base, regNumber index, unsigned mul, int disp)
+ assert((CodeGen::instIsFP(ins) == false) && (EA_SIZE(attr) <= EA_8BYTE) && (ireg != REG_NA));
+ noway_assert(emitVerifyEncodable(ins, EA_SIZE(attr), ireg));
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrAmd(attr, disp);
+ insFormat fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_RRD_ARD);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idReg1(ireg);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = base;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = index;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amScale = emitEncodeScale(mul);
+ assert(emitGetInsAmdAny(id) == disp); // make sure "disp" is stored properly
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeRM(ins));
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+void emitter::emitIns_ARX_R(
+ instruction ins, emitAttr attr, regNumber ireg, regNumber base, regNumber index, unsigned mul, int disp)
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrAmd(attr, disp);
+ insFormat fmt;
+ if (ireg == REG_NA)
+ {
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD, IF_TRD_ARD, IF_AWR_TRD);
+#else // !FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD);
+#endif // !FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD_RRD);
+ noway_assert(emitVerifyEncodable(ins, EA_SIZE(attr), ireg));
+ assert((CodeGen::instIsFP(ins) == false) && (EA_SIZE(attr) <= EA_8BYTE));
+ id->idReg1(ireg);
+ }
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = base;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = index;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amScale = emitEncodeScale(mul);
+ assert(emitGetInsAmdAny(id) == disp); // make sure "disp" is stored properly
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeMR(ins));
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ if (ins == INS_push)
+ {
+ emitCurStackLvl += emitCntStackDepth;
+ if (emitMaxStackDepth < emitCurStackLvl)
+ emitMaxStackDepth = emitCurStackLvl;
+ }
+ else if (ins == INS_pop)
+ {
+ emitCurStackLvl -= emitCntStackDepth;
+ assert((int)emitCurStackLvl >= 0);
+ }
+void emitter::emitIns_I_AX(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, int val, regNumber reg, unsigned mul, int disp)
+ assert((CodeGen::instIsFP(ins) == false) && (EA_SIZE(attr) <= EA_8BYTE));
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // mov reg, imm64 is the only opcode which takes a full 8 byte immediate
+ // all other opcodes take a sign-extended 4-byte immediate
+ noway_assert(EA_SIZE(attr) < EA_8BYTE || !EA_IS_CNS_RELOC(attr));
+ insFormat fmt;
+ switch (ins)
+ {
+ case INS_rcl_N:
+ case INS_rcr_N:
+ case INS_rol_N:
+ case INS_ror_N:
+ case INS_shl_N:
+ case INS_shr_N:
+ case INS_sar_N:
+ assert(val != 1);
+ fmt = IF_ARW_SHF;
+ val &= 0x7F;
+ break;
+ default:
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD_CNS);
+ break;
+ }
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrAmdCns(attr, disp, val);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = REG_NA;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = reg;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amScale = emitEncodeScale(mul);
+ assert(emitGetInsAmdAny(id) == disp); // make sure "disp" is stored properly
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeMI(ins), val);
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+void emitter::emitIns_R_AX(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, regNumber ireg, regNumber reg, unsigned mul, int disp)
+ assert((CodeGen::instIsFP(ins) == false) && (EA_SIZE(attr) <= EA_8BYTE) && (ireg != REG_NA));
+ noway_assert(emitVerifyEncodable(ins, EA_SIZE(attr), ireg));
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrAmd(attr, disp);
+ insFormat fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_RRD_ARD);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idReg1(ireg);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = REG_NA;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = reg;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amScale = emitEncodeScale(mul);
+ assert(emitGetInsAmdAny(id) == disp); // make sure "disp" is stored properly
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeRM(ins));
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+void emitter::emitIns_AX_R(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, regNumber ireg, regNumber reg, unsigned mul, int disp)
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrAmd(attr, disp);
+ insFormat fmt;
+ if (ireg == REG_NA)
+ {
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD, IF_TRD_ARD, IF_AWR_TRD);
+#else // !FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD);
+#endif // !FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_ARD_RRD);
+ noway_assert(emitVerifyEncodable(ins, EA_SIZE(attr), ireg));
+ assert((CodeGen::instIsFP(ins) == false) && (EA_SIZE(attr) <= EA_8BYTE));
+ id->idReg1(ireg);
+ }
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = REG_NA;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = reg;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amScale = emitEncodeScale(mul);
+ assert(emitGetInsAmdAny(id) == disp); // make sure "disp" is stored properly
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeMR(ins));
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ if (ins == INS_push)
+ {
+ emitCurStackLvl += emitCntStackDepth;
+ if (emitMaxStackDepth < emitCurStackLvl)
+ emitMaxStackDepth = emitCurStackLvl;
+ }
+ else if (ins == INS_pop)
+ {
+ emitCurStackLvl -= emitCntStackDepth;
+ assert((int)emitCurStackLvl >= 0);
+ }
+ *
+ * The following add instructions referencing stack-based local variables.
+ */
+void emitter::emitIns_S(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, int varx, int offs)
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstr(attr);
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET sz = emitInsSizeSV(insCodeMR(ins), varx, offs);
+ insFormat fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_SRD, IF_TRD_SRD, IF_SWR_TRD);
+#else // !FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ insFormat fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_SRD);
+#endif // !FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ // 16-bit operand instructions will need a prefix
+ if (EA_SIZE(attr) == EA_2BYTE)
+ {
+ sz += 1;
+ }
+ // VEX prefix
+ sz += emitGetVexPrefixAdjustedSize(ins, attr, insCodeMR(ins));
+ // 64-bit operand instructions will need a REX.W prefix
+ if (TakesRexWPrefix(ins, attr))
+ {
+ sz += emitGetRexPrefixSize(ins);
+ }
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaLclVar.initLclVarAddr(varx, offs);
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idVarRefOffs = emitVarRefOffs;
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ if (ins == INS_push)
+ {
+ emitCurStackLvl += emitCntStackDepth;
+ if (emitMaxStackDepth < emitCurStackLvl)
+ emitMaxStackDepth = emitCurStackLvl;
+ }
+ else if (ins == INS_pop)
+ {
+ emitCurStackLvl -= emitCntStackDepth;
+ assert((int)emitCurStackLvl >= 0);
+ }
+void emitter::emitIns_S_R(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, regNumber ireg, int varx, int offs)
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstr(attr);
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET sz = emitInsSizeSV(insCodeMR(ins), varx, offs);
+ insFormat fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_SRD_RRD);
+ // 16-bit operand instructions will need a prefix
+ if (EA_SIZE(attr) == EA_2BYTE)
+ {
+ sz++;
+ }
+ // VEX prefix
+ sz += emitGetVexPrefixAdjustedSize(ins, attr, insCodeMR(ins));
+ // 64-bit operand instructions will need a REX.W prefix
+ if (TakesRexWPrefix(ins, attr) || IsExtendedReg(ireg, attr))
+ {
+ sz += emitGetRexPrefixSize(ins);
+ }
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idReg1(ireg);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaLclVar.initLclVarAddr(varx, offs);
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idVarRefOffs = emitVarRefOffs;
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+void emitter::emitIns_R_S(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, regNumber ireg, int varx, int offs)
+ emitAttr size = EA_SIZE(attr);
+ noway_assert(emitVerifyEncodable(ins, size, ireg));
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstr(attr);
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET sz = emitInsSizeSV(insCodeRM(ins), varx, offs);
+ insFormat fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_RRD_SRD);
+ // Most 16-bit operand instructions need a prefix
+ if (size == EA_2BYTE && ins != INS_movsx && ins != INS_movzx)
+ {
+ sz++;
+ }
+ // VEX prefix
+ sz += emitGetVexPrefixAdjustedSize(ins, attr, insCodeRM(ins));
+ // 64-bit operand instructions will need a REX.W prefix
+ if (TakesRexWPrefix(ins, attr) || IsExtendedReg(ireg, attr))
+ {
+ sz += emitGetRexPrefixSize(ins);
+ }
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ id->idReg1(ireg);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaLclVar.initLclVarAddr(varx, offs);
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idVarRefOffs = emitVarRefOffs;
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+void emitter::emitIns_S_I(instruction ins, emitAttr attr, int varx, int offs, int val)
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // mov reg, imm64 is the only opcode which takes a full 8 byte immediate
+ // all other opcodes take a sign-extended 4-byte immediate
+ noway_assert(EA_SIZE(attr) < EA_8BYTE || !EA_IS_CNS_RELOC(attr));
+ insFormat fmt;
+ switch (ins)
+ {
+ case INS_rcl_N:
+ case INS_rcr_N:
+ case INS_rol_N:
+ case INS_ror_N:
+ case INS_shl_N:
+ case INS_shr_N:
+ case INS_sar_N:
+ assert(val != 1);
+ fmt = IF_SRW_SHF;
+ val &= 0x7F;
+ break;
+ default:
+ fmt = emitInsModeFormat(ins, IF_SRD_CNS);
+ break;
+ }
+ instrDesc* id = emitNewInstrCns(attr, val);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(fmt);
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET sz = emitInsSizeSV(id, varx, offs, val);
+ // VEX prefix
+ sz += emitGetVexPrefixAdjustedSize(ins, attr, insCodeMI(ins));
+ // 64-bit operand instructions will need a REX.W prefix
+ if (TakesRexWPrefix(ins, attr))
+ {
+ sz += emitGetRexPrefixSize(ins);
+ }
+ id->idAddr()->iiaLclVar.initLclVarAddr(varx, offs);
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idVarRefOffs = emitVarRefOffs;
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ *
+ * Record that a jump instruction uses the short encoding
+ *
+ */
+void emitter::emitSetShortJump(instrDescJmp* id)
+ if (id->idjKeepLong)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ id->idjShort = true;
+ *
+ * Add a jmp instruction.
+ */
+void emitter::emitIns_J(instruction ins, BasicBlock* dst, int instrCount /* = 0 */)
+ instrDescJmp* id = emitNewInstrJmp();
+ assert(dst->bbFlags & BBF_JMP_TARGET);
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idInsFmt(IF_LABEL);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaBBlabel = dst;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // Mark the finally call
+ if (ins == INS_call && emitComp->compCurBB->bbJumpKind == BBJ_CALLFINALLY)
+ {
+ id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idFinallyCall = true;
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG
+ /* Assume the jump will be long */
+ id->idjShort = 0;
+ id->idjKeepLong = emitComp->fgInDifferentRegions(emitComp->compCurBB, dst);
+ /* Record the jump's IG and offset within it */
+ id->idjIG = emitCurIG;
+ id->idjOffs = emitCurIGsize;
+ /* Append this jump to this IG's jump list */
+ id->idjNext = emitCurIGjmpList;
+ emitCurIGjmpList = id;
+ emitTotalIGjmps++;
+ /* Figure out the max. size of the jump/call instruction */
+ if (ins == INS_call)
+ {
+ }
+ else if (ins == INS_push || ins == INS_push_hide)
+ {
+ // Pushing the address of a basicBlock will need a reloc
+ // as the instruction uses the absolute address,
+ // not a relative address
+ if (emitComp->opts.compReloc)
+ {
+ id->idSetIsDspReloc();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ insGroup* tgt;
+ /* This is a jump - assume the worst */
+ sz = (ins == INS_jmp) ? JMP_SIZE_LARGE : JCC_SIZE_LARGE;
+ /* Can we guess at the jump distance? */
+ tgt = (insGroup*)emitCodeGetCookie(dst);
+ if (tgt)
+ {
+ int extra;
+ int jmpDist;
+ /* This is a backward jump - figure out the distance */
+ srcOffs = emitCurCodeOffset + emitCurIGsize + JMP_SIZE_SMALL;
+ /* Compute the distance estimate */
+ jmpDist = srcOffs - tgt->igOffs;
+ assert((int)jmpDist > 0);
+ /* How much beyond the max. short distance does the jump go? */
+ extra = jmpDist + JMP_DIST_SMALL_MAX_NEG;
+ if (id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idNum == (unsigned)INTERESTING_JUMP_NUM || INTERESTING_JUMP_NUM == 0)
+ {
+ {
+ printf("[0] Jump %u:\n", id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idNum);
+ }
+ printf("[0] Jump source is at %08X\n", srcOffs);
+ printf("[0] Label block is at %08X\n", tgt->igOffs);
+ printf("[0] Jump distance - %04X\n", jmpDist);
+ if (extra > 0)
+ {
+ printf("[0] Distance excess = %d \n", extra);
+ }
+ }
+ if (extra <= 0 && !id->idjKeepLong)
+ {
+ /* Wonderful - this jump surely will be short */
+ emitSetShortJump(id);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idNum == (unsigned)INTERESTING_JUMP_NUM || INTERESTING_JUMP_NUM == 0)
+ {
+ {
+ printf("[0] Jump %u:\n", id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idNum);
+ }
+ printf("[0] Jump source is at %04X/%08X\n", emitCurIGsize,
+ emitCurCodeOffset + emitCurIGsize + JMP_SIZE_SMALL);
+ printf("[0] Label block is unknown\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ if (ins == INS_push)
+ {
+ emitCurStackLvl += emitCntStackDepth;
+ if (emitMaxStackDepth < emitCurStackLvl)
+ emitMaxStackDepth = emitCurStackLvl;
+ }
+ *
+ * Add a call instruction (direct or indirect).
+ * argSize<0 means that the caller will pop the arguments
+ *
+ * The other arguments are interpreted depending on callType as shown:
+ * Unless otherwise specified, ireg,xreg,xmul,disp should have default values.
+ *
+ * EC_FUNC_TOKEN : addr is the method address
+ * EC_FUNC_TOKEN_INDIR : addr is the indirect method address
+ * EC_FUNC_ADDR : addr is the absolute address of the function
+ * EC_FUNC_VIRTUAL : "call [ireg+disp]"
+ *
+ * If callType is one of these emitCallTypes, addr has to be NULL.
+ * EC_INDIR_R : "call ireg".
+ * EC_INDIR_SR : "call lcl<disp>" (eg. call [ebp-8]).
+ * EC_INDIR_C : "call clsVar<disp>" (eg. call [clsVarAddr])
+ * EC_INDIR_ARD : "call [ireg+xreg*xmul+disp]"
+ *
+ */
+void emitter::emitIns_Call(EmitCallType callType,
+ INDEBUG_LDISASM_COMMA(CORINFO_SIG_INFO* sigInfo) // used to report call sites to the EE
+ void* addr,
+ ssize_t argSize,
+ emitAttr retSize MULTIREG_HAS_SECOND_GC_RET_ONLY_ARG(emitAttr secondRetSize),
+ regMaskTP gcrefRegs,
+ regMaskTP byrefRegs,
+ regNumber ireg, // = REG_NA
+ regNumber xreg, // = REG_NA
+ unsigned xmul, // = 0
+ ssize_t disp, // = 0
+ bool isJump, // = false
+ bool isNoGC) // = false
+ /* Sanity check the arguments depending on callType */
+ assert(callType < EC_COUNT);
+ assert((callType != EC_FUNC_TOKEN && callType != EC_FUNC_TOKEN_INDIR && callType != EC_FUNC_ADDR) ||
+ (ireg == REG_NA && xreg == REG_NA && xmul == 0 && disp == 0));
+ assert(callType != EC_FUNC_VIRTUAL || (ireg < REG_COUNT && xreg == REG_NA && xmul == 0));
+ assert(callType < EC_INDIR_R || callType == EC_INDIR_ARD || callType == EC_INDIR_C || addr == nullptr);
+ assert(callType != EC_INDIR_R || (ireg < REG_COUNT && xreg == REG_NA && xmul == 0 && disp == 0));
+ assert(callType != EC_INDIR_SR ||
+ (ireg == REG_NA && xreg == REG_NA && xmul == 0 && disp < (int)emitComp->lvaCount));
+ assert(callType != EC_INDIR_C || (ireg == REG_NA && xreg == REG_NA && xmul == 0 && disp != 0));
+ // Our stack level should be always greater than the bytes of arguments we push. Just
+ // a sanity test.
+ assert((unsigned)abs((signed)argSize) <= codeGen->genStackLevel);
+ if (emitComp->opts.compNeedStackProbes)
+ {
+ // If we've pushed more than JIT_RESERVED_STACK allows, do an aditional stack probe
+ // Else, just make sure the prolog does a probe for us. Invariant we're trying
+ // to get is that at any point we go out to unmanaged code, there is at least
+ // CORINFO_STACKPROBE_DEPTH bytes of stack available.
+ //
+ // The reason why we are not doing one probe for the max size at the prolog
+ // is that when don't have the max depth precomputed (it can depend on codegen),
+ // and we need it at the time we generate locallocs
+ //
+ // Compiler::lvaAssignFrameOffsets sets up compLclFrameSize, which takes in
+ // account everything except for the arguments of a callee.
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ if ((sizeof(void*) + // return address for call
+ emitComp->genStackLevel +
+ // Current stack level. This gets resetted on every
+ // localloc and on the prolog (invariant is that
+ // genStackLevel is 0 on basic block entry and exit and
+ // after any alloca). genStackLevel will include any arguments
+ // to the call, so we will insert an aditional probe if
+ // we've consumed more than JIT_RESERVED_STACK bytes
+ // of stack, which is what the prolog probe covers (in
+ // addition to the EE requested size)
+ (emitComp->compHndBBtabCount * sizeof(void*))
+ // Hidden slots for calling finallys
+ {
+ // This happens when you have a call with a lot of arguments or a call is done
+ // when there's a lot of stuff pushed on the stack (for example a call whos returned
+ // value is an argument of another call that has pushed stuff on the stack)
+ // This should't be very frequent.
+ // For different values of JIT_RESERVED_STACK
+ //
+ // For mscorlib (109605 calls)
+ //
+ // 14190 probes in prologs (56760 bytes of code)
+ //
+ // JIT_RESERVED_STACK = 16 : 5452 extra probes
+ // JIT_RESERVED_STACK = 32 : 1084 extra probes
+ // JIT_RESERVED_STACK = 64 : 1 extra probes
+ // JIT_RESERVED_STACK = 96 : 0 extra probes
+ emitComp->genGenerateStackProbe();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (emitComp->compGeneratingProlog || emitComp->compGeneratingEpilog)
+ {
+ if (emitComp->compStackProbePrologDone)
+ {
+ // We already generated a probe and this call is not happening
+ // at a depth >= JIT_RESERVED_STACK, so nothing to do here
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // 3 possible ways to get here:
+ // - We are in an epilog and haven't generated a probe in the prolog.
+ // This shouldn't happen as we don't generate any calls in epilog.
+ // - We are in the prolog, but doing a call before generating the probe.
+ // This shouldn't happen at all.
+ // - We are in the prolog, did not generate a probe but now we need
+ // to generate a probe because we need a call (eg: profiler). We'll
+ // need a probe.
+ //
+ // In any case, we need a probe
+ // Ignore the profiler callback for now.
+ if (!emitComp->compIsProfilerHookNeeded())
+ {
+ assert(!"We do not expect to get here");
+ emitComp->genGenerateStackProbe();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We will need a probe and will generate it in the prolog
+ emitComp->genNeedPrologStackProbe = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif // STACK_PROBES
+ int argCnt;
+ instrDesc* id;
+ /* This is the saved set of registers after a normal call */
+ unsigned savedSet = RBM_CALLEE_SAVED;
+ /* some special helper calls have a different saved set registers */
+ if (isNoGC)
+ {
+ // Get the set of registers that this call kills and remove it from the saved set.
+ savedSet = RBM_ALLINT & ~emitComp->compNoGCHelperCallKillSet(Compiler::eeGetHelperNum(methHnd));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(!emitNoGChelper(Compiler::eeGetHelperNum(methHnd)));
+ }
+ /* Trim out any callee-trashed registers from the live set */
+ gcrefRegs &= savedSet;
+ byrefRegs &= savedSet;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ {
+ printf("\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCall: GCvars=%s ", VarSetOps::ToString(emitComp, ptrVars));
+ dumpConvertedVarSet(emitComp, ptrVars);
+ printf(", gcrefRegs=");
+ printRegMaskInt(gcrefRegs);
+ emitDispRegSet(gcrefRegs);
+ printf(", byrefRegs=");
+ printRegMaskInt(byrefRegs);
+ emitDispRegSet(byrefRegs);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ assert(argSize % sizeof(void*) == 0);
+ argCnt = (int)(argSize / (ssize_t)sizeof(void*)); // we need a signed-divide
+ /* Managed RetVal: emit sequence point for the call */
+ if (emitComp->opts.compDbgInfo && ilOffset != BAD_IL_OFFSET)
+ {
+ codeGen->genIPmappingAdd(ilOffset, false);
+ }
+ /*
+ We need to allocate the appropriate instruction descriptor based
+ on whether this is a direct/indirect call, and whether we need to
+ record an updated set of live GC variables.
+ The stats for a ton of classes is as follows:
+ Direct call w/o GC vars 220,216
+ Indir. call w/o GC vars 144,781
+ Direct call with GC vars 9,440
+ Indir. call with GC vars 5,768
+ */
+ if (callType >= EC_FUNC_VIRTUAL)
+ {
+ /* Indirect call, virtual calls */
+ assert(callType == EC_FUNC_VIRTUAL || callType == EC_INDIR_R || callType == EC_INDIR_SR ||
+ callType == EC_INDIR_C || callType == EC_INDIR_ARD);
+ id = emitNewInstrCallInd(argCnt, disp, ptrVars, gcrefRegs, byrefRegs,
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Helper/static/nonvirtual/function calls (direct or through handle),
+ // and calls to an absolute addr.
+ assert(callType == EC_FUNC_TOKEN || callType == EC_FUNC_TOKEN_INDIR || callType == EC_FUNC_ADDR);
+ id = emitNewInstrCallDir(argCnt, ptrVars, gcrefRegs, byrefRegs,
+ }
+ /* Update the emitter's live GC ref sets */
+ VarSetOps::Assign(emitComp, emitThisGCrefVars, ptrVars);
+ emitThisGCrefRegs = gcrefRegs;
+ emitThisByrefRegs = byrefRegs;
+ /* Set the instruction - special case jumping a function */
+ instruction ins = INS_call;
+ if (isJump)
+ {
+ assert(callType == EC_FUNC_TOKEN || callType == EC_FUNC_TOKEN_INDIR);
+ if (callType == EC_FUNC_TOKEN)
+ {
+ ins = INS_l_jmp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ins = INS_i_jmp;
+ }
+ }
+ id->idIns(ins);
+ id->idSetIsNoGC(isNoGC);
+ // Record the address: method, indirection, or funcptr
+ if (callType >= EC_FUNC_VIRTUAL)
+ {
+ // This is an indirect call (either a virtual call or func ptr call)
+ switch (callType)
+ {
+ case EC_INDIR_C:
+ // Indirect call using an absolute code address.
+ // Must be marked as relocatable and is done at the
+ // branch target location.
+ case EC_INDIR_R: // the address is in a register
+ id->idSetIsCallRegPtr();
+ __fallthrough;
+ case EC_INDIR_ARD: // the address is an indirection
+ case EC_INDIR_SR: // the address is in a lcl var
+ id->idInsFmt(IF_SRD);
+ // disp is really a lclVarNum
+ noway_assert((unsigned)disp == (size_t)disp);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaLclVar.initLclVarAddr((unsigned)disp, 0);
+ sz = emitInsSizeSV(insCodeMR(INS_call), (unsigned)disp, 0);
+ break;
+ // fall-through
+ // The function is "ireg" if id->idIsCallRegPtr(),
+ // else [ireg+xmul*xreg+disp]
+ id->idInsFmt(IF_ARD);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = ireg;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = xreg;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amScale = xmul ? emitEncodeScale(xmul) : emitter::OPSZ1;
+ sz = emitInsSizeAM(id, insCodeMR(INS_call));
+ if (ireg == REG_NA && xreg == REG_NA)
+ {
+ if (codeGen->genCodeIndirAddrNeedsReloc(disp))
+ {
+ id->idSetIsDspReloc();
+ }
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ else
+ {
+ // An absolute indir address that doesn't need reloc should fit within 32-bits
+ // to be encoded as offset relative to zero. This addr mode requires an extra
+ // SIB byte
+ noway_assert(static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(addr)) == (size_t)addr);
+ sz++;
+ }
+#endif //_TARGET_AMD64_
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ NO_WAY("unexpected instruction");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (callType == EC_FUNC_TOKEN_INDIR)
+ {
+ /* "call [method_addr]" */
+ assert(addr != nullptr);
+ id->idInsFmt(IF_METHPTR);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddr = (BYTE*)addr;
+ sz = 6;
+ // Since this is an indirect call through a pointer and we don't
+ // currently pass in emitAttr into this function, we query codegen
+ // whether addr needs a reloc.
+ if (codeGen->genCodeIndirAddrNeedsReloc((size_t)addr))
+ {
+ id->idSetIsDspReloc();
+ }
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ else
+ {
+ // An absolute indir address that doesn't need reloc should fit within 32-bits
+ // to be encoded as offset relative to zero. This addr mode requires an extra
+ // SIB byte
+ noway_assert(static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(addr)) == (size_t)addr);
+ sz++;
+ }
+#endif //_TARGET_AMD64_
+#endif // RELOC_SUPPORT
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* This is a simple direct call: "call helper/method/addr" */
+ assert(callType == EC_FUNC_TOKEN || callType == EC_FUNC_ADDR);
+ assert(addr != nullptr);
+ id->idInsFmt(IF_METHOD);
+ sz = 5;
+ id->idAddr()->iiaAddr = (BYTE*)addr;
+ if (callType == EC_FUNC_ADDR)
+ {
+ id->idSetIsCallAddr();
+ }
+ // Direct call to a method and no addr indirection is needed.
+ if (codeGen->genCodeAddrNeedsReloc((size_t)addr))
+ {
+ id->idSetIsDspReloc();
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (emitComp->verbose && 0)
+ {
+ if (id->idIsLargeCall())
+ {
+ if (callType >= EC_FUNC_VIRTUAL)
+ {
+ printf("[%02u] Rec call GC vars = %s\n", id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idNum,
+ VarSetOps::ToString(emitComp, ((instrDescCGCA*)id)->idcGCvars));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("[%02u] Rec call GC vars = %s\n", id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idNum,
+ VarSetOps::ToString(emitComp, ((instrDescCGCA*)id)->idcGCvars));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(LATE_DISASM)
+ id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idMemCookie = (size_t)methHnd; // method token
+ id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idClsCookie = nullptr;
+ id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idCallSig = sigInfo;
+#if defined(LATE_DISASM)
+ if (addr != nullptr)
+ {
+ codeGen->getDisAssembler().disSetMethod((size_t)addr, methHnd);
+ }
+#endif // defined(LATE_DISASM)
+ id->idCodeSize(sz);
+ dispIns(id);
+ emitCurIGsize += sz;
+ /* The call will pop the arguments */
+ if (emitCntStackDepth && argSize > 0)
+ {
+ noway_assert((ssize_t)emitCurStackLvl >= argSize);
+ emitCurStackLvl -= (int)argSize;
+ assert((int)emitCurStackLvl >= 0);
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ *
+ * The following called for each recorded instruction -- use for debugging.
+ */
+void emitter::emitInsSanityCheck(instrDesc* id)
+ // make certain you only try to put relocs on things that can have them.
+ ID_OPS idOp = (ID_OPS)emitFmtToOps[id->idInsFmt()];
+ if ((idOp == ID_OP_SCNS) && id->idIsLargeCns())
+ {
+ idOp = ID_OP_CNS;
+ }
+ if (!id->idIsTiny())
+ {
+ if (id->idIsDspReloc())
+ {
+ assert(idOp == ID_OP_NONE || idOp == ID_OP_AMD || idOp == ID_OP_DSP || idOp == ID_OP_DSP_CNS ||
+ idOp == ID_OP_AMD_CNS || idOp == ID_OP_SPEC || idOp == ID_OP_CALL || idOp == ID_OP_JMP ||
+ idOp == ID_OP_LBL);
+ }
+ if (id->idIsCnsReloc())
+ {
+ assert(idOp == ID_OP_CNS || idOp == ID_OP_AMD_CNS || idOp == ID_OP_DSP_CNS || idOp == ID_OP_SPEC ||
+ idOp == ID_OP_CALL || idOp == ID_OP_JMP);
+ }
+ }
+ *
+ * Return the allocated size (in bytes) of the given instruction descriptor.
+ */
+size_t emitter::emitSizeOfInsDsc(instrDesc* id)
+ if (emitIsTinyInsDsc(id))
+ {
+ return TINY_IDSC_SIZE;
+ }
+ if (emitIsScnsInsDsc(id))
+ {
+ }
+ assert((unsigned)id->idInsFmt() < emitFmtCount);
+ ID_OPS idOp = (ID_OPS)emitFmtToOps[id->idInsFmt()];
+ // An INS_call instruction may use a "fat" direct/indirect call descriptor
+ // except for a local call to a label (i.e. call to a finally)
+ // Only ID_OP_CALL and ID_OP_SPEC check for this, so we enforce that the
+ // INS_call instruction always uses one of these idOps
+ if (id->idIns() == INS_call)
+ {
+ assert(idOp == ID_OP_CALL || // is a direct call
+ idOp == ID_OP_SPEC || // is a indirect call
+ idOp == ID_OP_JMP); // is a local call to finally clause
+ }
+ switch (idOp)
+ {
+ case ID_OP_NONE:
+ break;
+ case ID_OP_LBL:
+ return sizeof(instrDescLbl);
+ case ID_OP_JMP:
+ return sizeof(instrDescJmp);
+ case ID_OP_CALL:
+ case ID_OP_SPEC:
+ if (id->idIsLargeCall())
+ {
+ /* Must be a "fat" indirect call descriptor */
+ return sizeof(instrDescCGCA);
+ }
+ __fallthrough;
+ case ID_OP_SCNS:
+ case ID_OP_CNS:
+ case ID_OP_DSP:
+ case ID_OP_DSP_CNS:
+ case ID_OP_AMD:
+ case ID_OP_AMD_CNS:
+ if (id->idIsLargeCns())
+ {
+ if (id->idIsLargeDsp())
+ {
+ return sizeof(instrDescCnsDsp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return sizeof(instrDescCns);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (id->idIsLargeDsp())
+ {
+ return sizeof(instrDescDsp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return sizeof(instrDesc);
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ NO_WAY("unexpected instruction descriptor format");
+ break;
+ }
+ return sizeof(instrDesc);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ *
+ * Return a string that represents the given register.
+ */
+const char* emitter::emitRegName(regNumber reg, emitAttr attr, bool varName)
+ static char rb[2][128];
+ static unsigned char rbc = 0;
+ const char* rn = emitComp->compRegVarName(reg, varName);
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ char suffix = '\0';
+ switch (EA_SIZE(attr))
+ {
+ case EA_32BYTE:
+ return emitYMMregName(reg);
+ case EA_16BYTE:
+ return emitXMMregName(reg);
+ case EA_8BYTE:
+ break;
+ case EA_4BYTE:
+ if (reg > REG_R15)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (reg > REG_RDI)
+ {
+ suffix = 'd';
+ }
+ rbc = (rbc + 1) % 2;
+ rb[rbc][0] = 'e';
+ rb[rbc][1] = rn[1];
+ rb[rbc][2] = rn[2];
+ rb[rbc][3] = 0;
+ rn = rb[rbc];
+ break;
+ case EA_2BYTE:
+ if (reg > REG_RDI)
+ {
+ suffix = 'w';
+ }
+ rn++;
+ break;
+ case EA_1BYTE:
+ if (reg > REG_RDI)
+ {
+ suffix = 'b';
+ rbc = (rbc + 1) % 2;
+ rb[rbc][0] = rn[0];
+ rb[rbc][1] = rn[1];
+ if (rn[2])
+ {
+ assert(rn[3] == 0);
+ rb[rbc][2] = rn[2];
+ rb[rbc][3] = suffix;
+ rb[rbc][4] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rb[rbc][2] = suffix;
+ rb[rbc][3] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rbc = (rbc + 1) % 2;
+ rb[rbc][0] = rn[1];
+ if (reg < 4)
+ {
+ rb[rbc][1] = 'l';
+ rb[rbc][2] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rb[rbc][1] = rn[2];
+ rb[rbc][2] = 'l';
+ rb[rbc][3] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ rn = rb[rbc];
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+#ifdef _TARGET_X86_
+ assert(strlen(rn) >= 3);
+ switch (EA_SIZE(attr))
+ {
+ case EA_32BYTE:
+ return emitYMMregName(reg);
+ case EA_16BYTE:
+ return emitXMMregName(reg);
+ case EA_4BYTE:
+ break;
+ case EA_2BYTE:
+ rn++;
+ break;
+ case EA_1BYTE:
+ rbc = (rbc + 1) % 2;
+ rb[rbc][0] = rn[1];
+ rb[rbc][1] = 'l';
+ strcpy_s(&rb[rbc][2], sizeof(rb[0]) - 2, rn + 3);
+ rn = rb[rbc];
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+#endif // _TARGET_X86_
+#if 0
+ // The following is useful if you want register names to be tagged with * or ^ representing gcref or byref, respectively,
+ // however it's possibly not interesting most of the time.
+ if (EA_IS_GCREF(attr) || EA_IS_BYREF(attr))
+ {
+ if (rn != rb[rbc])
+ {
+ rbc = (rbc+1)%2;
+ strcpy_s(rb[rbc], sizeof(rb[rbc]), rn);
+ rn = rb[rbc];
+ }
+ if (EA_IS_GCREF(attr))
+ {
+ strcat_s(rb[rbc], sizeof(rb[rbc]), "*");
+ }
+ else if (EA_IS_BYREF(attr))
+ {
+ strcat_s(rb[rbc], sizeof(rb[rbc]), "^");
+ }
+ }
+#endif // 0
+ return rn;
+ *
+ * Return a string that represents the given FP register.
+ */
+const char* emitter::emitFPregName(unsigned reg, bool varName)
+ assert(reg < REG_COUNT);
+ return emitComp->compFPregVarName((regNumber)(reg), varName);
+ *
+ * Return a string that represents the given XMM register.
+ */
+const char* emitter::emitXMMregName(unsigned reg)
+ static const char* const regNames[] = {
+#define REGDEF(name, rnum, mask, sname) "x" sname,
+#include "register.h"
+#include "registerxmm.h"
+ };
+ assert(reg < REG_COUNT);
+ assert(reg < sizeof(regNames) / sizeof(regNames[0]));
+ return regNames[reg];
+ *
+ * Return a string that represents the given YMM register.
+ */
+const char* emitter::emitYMMregName(unsigned reg)
+ static const char* const regNames[] = {
+#define REGDEF(name, rnum, mask, sname) "y" sname,
+#include "register.h"
+#include "registerxmm.h"
+ };
+ assert(reg < REG_COUNT);
+ assert(reg < sizeof(regNames) / sizeof(regNames[0]));
+ return regNames[reg];
+ *
+ * Display a static data member reference.
+ */
+void emitter::emitDispClsVar(CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE fldHnd, ssize_t offs, bool reloc /* = false */)
+ int doffs;
+ /* Filter out the special case of fs:[offs] */
+ // Munge any pointers if we want diff-able disassembly
+ if (emitComp->opts.disDiffable)
+ {
+ ssize_t top12bits = (offs >> 20);
+ if ((top12bits != 0) && (top12bits != -1))
+ {
+ offs = 0xD1FFAB1E;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fldHnd == FLD_GLOBAL_FS)
+ {
+ printf("FS:[0x%04X]", offs);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (fldHnd == FLD_GLOBAL_DS)
+ {
+ printf("[0x%04X]", offs);
+ return;
+ }
+ printf("[");
+ doffs = Compiler::eeGetJitDataOffs(fldHnd);
+ if (reloc)
+ {
+ printf("reloc ");
+ }
+ if (doffs >= 0)
+ {
+ if (doffs & 1)
+ {
+ printf("@CNS%02u", doffs - 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("@RWD%02u", doffs);
+ }
+ if (offs)
+ {
+ printf("%+Id", offs);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("classVar[%#x]", emitComp->dspPtr(fldHnd));
+ if (offs)
+ {
+ printf("%+Id", offs);
+ }
+ }
+ printf("]");
+ if (emitComp->opts.varNames && offs < 0)
+ {
+ printf("'%s", emitComp->eeGetFieldName(fldHnd));
+ if (offs)
+ {
+ printf("%+Id", offs);
+ }
+ printf("'");
+ }
+ *
+ * Display a stack frame reference.
+ */
+void emitter::emitDispFrameRef(int varx, int disp, int offs, bool asmfm)
+ int addr;
+ bool bEBP;
+ printf("[");
+ if (!asmfm || emitComp->lvaDoneFrameLayout == Compiler::NO_FRAME_LAYOUT)
+ {
+ if (varx < 0)
+ {
+ printf("TEMP_%02u", -varx);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("V%02u", +varx);
+ }
+ if (disp < 0)
+ {
+ printf("-0x%X", -disp);
+ }
+ else if (disp > 0)
+ {
+ printf("+0x%X", +disp);
+ }
+ }
+ if (emitComp->lvaDoneFrameLayout == Compiler::FINAL_FRAME_LAYOUT)
+ {
+ if (!asmfm)
+ {
+ printf(" ");
+ }
+ addr = emitComp->lvaFrameAddress(varx, &bEBP) + disp;
+ if (bEBP)
+ {
+ printf(STR_FPBASE);
+ if (addr < 0)
+ {
+ printf("-%02XH", -addr);
+ }
+ else if (addr > 0)
+ {
+ printf("+%02XH", addr);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Adjust the offset by amount currently pushed on the stack */
+ printf(STR_SPBASE);
+ if (addr < 0)
+ {
+ printf("-%02XH", -addr);
+ }
+ else if (addr > 0)
+ {
+ printf("+%02XH", addr);
+ }
+ if (emitCurStackLvl)
+ printf("+%02XH", emitCurStackLvl);
+ }
+ }
+ printf("]");
+ if (varx >= 0 && emitComp->opts.varNames)
+ {
+ LclVarDsc* varDsc;
+ const char* varName;
+ assert((unsigned)varx < emitComp->lvaCount);
+ varDsc = emitComp->lvaTable + varx;
+ varName = emitComp->compLocalVarName(varx, offs);
+ if (varName)
+ {
+ printf("'%s", varName);
+ if (disp < 0)
+ {
+ printf("-%d", -disp);
+ }
+ else if (disp > 0)
+ {
+ printf("+%d", +disp);
+ }
+ printf("'");
+ }
+ }
+ *
+ * Display an reloc value
+ * If we are formatting for an assembly listing don't print the hex value
+ * since it will prevent us from doing assembly diffs
+ */
+void emitter::emitDispReloc(ssize_t value)
+ if (emitComp->opts.disAsm)
+ {
+ printf("(reloc)");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("(reloc 0x%Ix)", emitComp->dspPtr(value));
+ }
+ *
+ * Display an address mode.
+ */
+void emitter::emitDispAddrMode(instrDesc* id, bool noDetail)
+ bool nsep = false;
+ ssize_t disp;
+ unsigned jtno = 0;
+ dataSection* jdsc = nullptr;
+ /* The displacement field is in an unusual place for calls */
+ disp = (id->idIns() == INS_call) ? emitGetInsCIdisp(id) : emitGetInsAmdAny(id);
+ /* Display a jump table label if this is a switch table jump */
+ if (id->idIns() == INS_i_jmp)
+ {
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET offs = 0;
+ /* Find the appropriate entry in the data section list */
+ for (jdsc = emitConsDsc.dsdList, jtno = 0; jdsc; jdsc = jdsc->dsNext)
+ {
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET size = jdsc->dsSize;
+ /* Is this a label table? */
+ if (size & 1)
+ {
+ size--;
+ jtno++;
+ if (offs == id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idMemCookie)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ offs += size;
+ }
+ /* If we've found a matching entry then is a table jump */
+ if (jdsc)
+ {
+ if (id->idIsDspReloc())
+ {
+ printf("reloc ");
+ }
+ printf("J_M%03u_DS%02u", Compiler::s_compMethodsCount, id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idMemCookie);
+ }
+ disp -= id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idMemCookie;
+ }
+ bool frameRef = false;
+ printf("[");
+ if (id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg != REG_NA)
+ {
+ printf("%s", emitRegName(id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg));
+ nsep = true;
+ if (id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg == REG_ESP)
+ {
+ frameRef = true;
+ }
+ else if (emitComp->isFramePointerUsed() && id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg == REG_EBP)
+ {
+ frameRef = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg != REG_NA)
+ {
+ size_t scale = emitDecodeScale(id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amScale);
+ if (nsep)
+ {
+ printf("+");
+ }
+ if (scale > 1)
+ {
+ printf("%u*", scale);
+ }
+ printf("%s", emitRegName(id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg));
+ nsep = true;
+ }
+ if ((id->idIsDspReloc()) && (id->idIns() != INS_i_jmp))
+ {
+ if (nsep)
+ {
+ printf("+");
+ }
+ emitDispReloc(disp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Munge any pointers if we want diff-able disassembly
+ if (emitComp->opts.disDiffable)
+ {
+ ssize_t top12bits = (disp >> 20);
+ if ((top12bits != 0) && (top12bits != -1))
+ {
+ disp = 0xD1FFAB1E;
+ }
+ }
+ if (disp > 0)
+ {
+ if (nsep)
+ {
+ printf("+");
+ }
+ if (frameRef)
+ {
+ printf("%02XH", disp);
+ }
+ else if (disp < 1000)
+ {
+ printf("%d", disp);
+ }
+ else if (disp <= 0xFFFF)
+ {
+ printf("%04XH", disp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%08XH", disp);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (disp < 0)
+ {
+ if (frameRef)
+ {
+ printf("-%02XH", -disp);
+ }
+ else if (disp > -1000)
+ {
+ printf("-%d", -disp);
+ }
+ else if (disp >= -0xFFFF)
+ {
+ printf("-%04XH", -disp);
+ }
+ else if ((disp & 0x7F000000) != 0x7F000000)
+ {
+ printf("%08XH", disp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("-%08XH", -disp);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!nsep)
+ {
+ printf("%04XH", disp);
+ }
+ }
+ printf("]");
+ if (id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idClsCookie)
+ {
+ if (id->idIns() == INS_call)
+ {
+ printf("%s", emitFncName((CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE)id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idMemCookie));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%s", emitFldName((CORINFO_FIELD_HANDLE)id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idMemCookie));
+ }
+ }
+ // pretty print string if it looks like one
+ else if (id->idGCref() == GCT_GCREF && id->idIns() == INS_mov && id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg == REG_NA)
+ {
+ const wchar_t* str = emitComp->eeGetCPString(disp);
+ if (str != nullptr)
+ {
+ printf(" '%S'", str);
+ }
+ }
+ if (jdsc && !noDetail)
+ {
+ unsigned cnt = (jdsc->dsSize - 1) / sizeof(void*);
+ BasicBlock** bbp = (BasicBlock**)jdsc->dsCont;
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+#define SIZE_LETTER "Q"
+#define SIZE_LETTER "D"
+ printf("\n\n J_M%03u_DS%02u LABEL " SIZE_LETTER "WORD", Compiler::s_compMethodsCount, jtno);
+ /* Display the label table (it's stored as "BasicBlock*" values) */
+ do
+ {
+ insGroup* lab;
+ /* Convert the BasicBlock* value to an IG address */
+ lab = (insGroup*)emitCodeGetCookie(*bbp++);
+ assert(lab);
+ printf("\n D" SIZE_LETTER " G_M%03u_IG%02u", Compiler::s_compMethodsCount, lab->igNum);
+ } while (--cnt);
+ }
+ *
+ * If the given instruction is a shift, display the 2nd operand.
+ */
+void emitter::emitDispShift(instruction ins, int cnt)
+ switch (ins)
+ {
+ case INS_rcl_1:
+ case INS_rcr_1:
+ case INS_rol_1:
+ case INS_ror_1:
+ case INS_shl_1:
+ case INS_shr_1:
+ case INS_sar_1:
+ printf(", 1");
+ break;
+ case INS_rcl:
+ case INS_rcr:
+ case INS_rol:
+ case INS_ror:
+ case INS_shl:
+ case INS_shr:
+ case INS_sar:
+ printf(", cl");
+ break;
+ case INS_rcl_N:
+ case INS_rcr_N:
+ case INS_rol_N:
+ case INS_ror_N:
+ case INS_shl_N:
+ case INS_shr_N:
+ case INS_sar_N:
+ printf(", %d", cnt);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ *
+ * Display (optionally) the bytes for the instruction encoding in hex
+ */
+void emitter::emitDispInsHex(BYTE* code, size_t sz)
+ // We do not display the instruction hex if we want diff-able disassembly
+ if (!emitComp->opts.disDiffable)
+ {
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // how many bytes per instruction we format for
+ const size_t digits = 10;
+#else // _TARGET_X86
+ const size_t digits = 6;
+ printf(" ");
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++)
+ {
+ printf("%02X", (*((BYTE*)(code + i))));
+ }
+ if (sz < digits)
+ {
+ printf("%.*s", 2 * (digits - sz), " ");
+ }
+ }
+ *
+ * Display the given instruction.
+ */
+void emitter::emitDispIns(
+ instrDesc* id, bool isNew, bool doffs, bool asmfm, unsigned offset, BYTE* code, size_t sz, insGroup* ig)
+ emitAttr attr;
+ const char* sstr;
+ instruction ins = id->idIns();
+ if (emitComp->verbose)
+ {
+ unsigned idNum = id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idNum;
+ printf("IN%04x: ", idNum);
+ }
+#define ID_INFO_DSP_RELOC ((bool)(id->idIsDspReloc()))
+#define ID_INFO_DSP_RELOC false
+ /* Display a constant value if the instruction references one */
+ if (!isNew)
+ {
+ switch (id->idInsFmt())
+ {
+ int offs;
+ case IF_MRD_RRD:
+ case IF_MWR_RRD:
+ case IF_MRW_RRD:
+ case IF_RRD_MRD:
+ case IF_RWR_MRD:
+ case IF_RRW_MRD:
+ case IF_MRD_CNS:
+ case IF_MWR_CNS:
+ case IF_MRW_CNS:
+ case IF_MRW_SHF:
+ case IF_MRD:
+ case IF_MWR:
+ case IF_MRW:
+ case IF_TRD_MRD:
+ case IF_TWR_MRD:
+ case IF_TRW_MRD:
+ // case IF_MRD_TRD:
+ // case IF_MRW_TRD:
+ case IF_MWR_TRD:
+#endif // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ case IF_MRD_OFF:
+ /* Is this actually a reference to a data section? */
+ offs = Compiler::eeGetJitDataOffs(id->idAddr()->iiaFieldHnd);
+ if (offs >= 0)
+ {
+ void* addr;
+ /* Display a data section reference */
+ assert((unsigned)offs < emitConsDsc.dsdOffs);
+ addr = emitConsBlock ? emitConsBlock + offs : nullptr;
+#if 0
+ // TODO-XArch-Cleanup: Fix or remove this code.
+ /* Is the operand an integer or floating-point value? */
+ bool isFP = false;
+ if (CodeGen::instIsFP(id->idIns()))
+ {
+ switch (id->idIns())
+ {
+ case INS_fild:
+ case INS_fildl:
+ break;
+ default:
+ isFP = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (offs & 1)
+ printf("@CNS%02u", offs);
+ else
+ printf("@RWD%02u", offs);
+ printf(" ");
+ if (addr)
+ {
+ addr = 0;
+ // TODO-XArch-Bug?:
+ // This was busted by switching the order
+ // in which we output the code block vs.
+ // the data blocks -- when we get here,
+ // the data block has not been filled in
+ // yet, so we'll display garbage.
+ if (isFP)
+ {
+ if (id->idOpSize() == EA_4BYTE)
+ printf("DF %f \n", addr ? *(float *)addr : 0);
+ else
+ printf("DQ %lf\n", addr ? *(double *)addr : 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (id->idOpSize() <= EA_4BYTE)
+ printf("DD %d \n", addr ? *(int *)addr : 0);
+ else
+ printf("DQ %D \n", addr ? *(__int64 *)addr : 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // printf("[F=%s] " , emitIfName(id->idInsFmt()));
+ // printf("INS#%03u: ", id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idNum);
+ // printf("[S=%02u] " , emitCurStackLvl); if (isNew) printf("[M=%02u] ", emitMaxStackDepth);
+ // printf("[S=%02u] " , emitCurStackLvl/sizeof(INT32));
+ // printf("[A=%08X] " , emitSimpleStkMask);
+ // printf("[A=%08X] " , emitSimpleByrefStkMask);
+ // printf("[L=%02u] " , id->idCodeSize());
+ if (!emitComp->opts.dspEmit && !isNew && !asmfm)
+ {
+ doffs = true;
+ }
+ /* Display the instruction offset */
+ emitDispInsOffs(offset, doffs);
+ if (code != nullptr)
+ {
+ /* Display the instruction hex code */
+ emitDispInsHex(code, sz);
+ }
+ /* Display the instruction name */
+ sstr = codeGen->genInsName(ins);
+ if (IsAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ printf(" v%-8s", sstr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf(" %-9s", sstr);
+ }
+#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
+ if (strnlen_s(sstr, 10) > 8)
+#else // FEATURE_PAL
+ if (strnlen(sstr, 10) > 8)
+#endif // FEATURE_PAL
+ {
+ printf(" ");
+ }
+ /* By now the size better be set to something */
+ assert(emitInstCodeSz(id) || emitInstHasNoCode(ins));
+ /* Figure out the operand size */
+ if (id->idGCref() == GCT_GCREF)
+ {
+ attr = EA_GCREF;
+ sstr = "gword ptr ";
+ }
+ else if (id->idGCref() == GCT_BYREF)
+ {
+ attr = EA_BYREF;
+ sstr = "bword ptr ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ attr = id->idOpSize();
+ sstr = codeGen->genSizeStr(attr);
+ if (ins == INS_lea)
+ {
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ assert((attr == EA_4BYTE) || (attr == EA_8BYTE));
+ assert(attr == EA_4BYTE);
+ sstr = "";
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now see what instruction format we've got */
+ // First print the implicit register usage
+ if (instrHasImplicitRegPairDest(ins))
+ {
+ printf("%s:%s, ", emitRegName(REG_EDX, id->idOpSize()), emitRegName(REG_EAX, id->idOpSize()));
+ }
+ else if (instrIs3opImul(ins))
+ {
+ regNumber tgtReg = inst3opImulReg(ins);
+ printf("%s, ", emitRegName(tgtReg, id->idOpSize()));
+ }
+ switch (id->idInsFmt())
+ {
+ ssize_t val;
+ ssize_t offs;
+ CnsVal cnsVal;
+ const char* methodName;
+ case IF_CNS:
+ val = emitGetInsSC(id);
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // no 8-byte immediates allowed here!
+ assert((val >= 0xFFFFFFFF80000000LL) && (val <= 0x000000007FFFFFFFLL));
+ if (id->idIsCnsReloc())
+ {
+ emitDispReloc(val);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Munge any pointers if we want diff-able disassembly
+ if (emitComp->opts.disDiffable)
+ {
+ ssize_t top12bits = (val >> 20);
+ if ((top12bits != 0) && (top12bits != -1))
+ {
+ val = 0xD1FFAB1E;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((val > -1000) && (val < 1000))
+ {
+ printf("%d", val);
+ }
+ else if ((val > 0) || ((val & 0x7F000000) != 0x7F000000))
+ {
+ printf("0x%IX", val);
+ }
+ else
+ { // (val < 0)
+ printf("-0x%IX", -val);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case IF_ARD:
+ case IF_AWR:
+ case IF_ARW:
+ case IF_TRD_ARD:
+ case IF_TWR_ARD:
+ case IF_TRW_ARD:
+ // case IF_ARD_TRD:
+ case IF_AWR_TRD:
+// case IF_ARW_TRD:
+#endif // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ if (ins == INS_call && id->idIsCallRegPtr())
+ {
+ printf("%s", emitRegName(id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg));
+ break;
+ }
+ printf("%s", sstr);
+ emitDispAddrMode(id, isNew);
+ emitDispShift(ins);
+ if (ins == INS_call)
+ {
+ assert(id->idInsFmt() == IF_ARD);
+ /* Ignore indirect calls */
+ if (id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idMemCookie == 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ assert(id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idMemCookie);
+ /* This is a virtual call */
+ methodName = emitComp->eeGetMethodFullName((CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE)id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idMemCookie);
+ printf("%s", methodName);
+ }
+ break;
+ case IF_RRD_ARD:
+ case IF_RWR_ARD:
+ case IF_RRW_ARD:
+ if (IsAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ printf("%s, %s", emitYMMregName((unsigned)id->idReg1()), sstr);
+ }
+ else if (IsSSE2Instruction(ins))
+ {
+ printf("%s, %s", emitXMMregName((unsigned)id->idReg1()), sstr);
+ }
+ else
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ if (ins == INS_movsxd)
+ {
+ printf("%s, %s", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), EA_8BYTE), sstr);
+ }
+ else
+ if (ins == INS_movsx || ins == INS_movzx)
+ {
+ printf("%s, %s", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), EA_PTRSIZE), sstr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%s, %s", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), attr), sstr);
+ }
+ emitDispAddrMode(id);
+ break;
+ case IF_ARD_RRD:
+ case IF_AWR_RRD:
+ case IF_ARW_RRD:
+ printf("%s", sstr);
+ emitDispAddrMode(id);
+ if (IsAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ printf(", %s", emitYMMregName((unsigned)id->idReg1()));
+ }
+ else if (IsSSE2Instruction(ins))
+ {
+ printf(", %s", emitXMMregName((unsigned)id->idReg1()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf(", %s", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), attr));
+ }
+ break;
+ case IF_ARD_CNS:
+ case IF_AWR_CNS:
+ case IF_ARW_CNS:
+ case IF_ARW_SHF:
+ printf("%s", sstr);
+ emitDispAddrMode(id);
+ emitGetInsAmdCns(id, &cnsVal);
+ val = cnsVal.cnsVal;
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // no 8-byte immediates allowed here!
+ assert((val >= 0xFFFFFFFF80000000LL) && (val <= 0x000000007FFFFFFFLL));
+ if (id->idInsFmt() == IF_ARW_SHF)
+ {
+ emitDispShift(ins, (BYTE)val);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf(", ");
+ if (cnsVal.cnsReloc)
+ {
+ emitDispReloc(val);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case IF_SRD:
+ case IF_SWR:
+ case IF_SRW:
+ case IF_TRD_SRD:
+ case IF_TWR_SRD:
+ case IF_TRW_SRD:
+ // case IF_SRD_TRD:
+ // case IF_SRW_TRD:
+ case IF_SWR_TRD:
+#endif // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ printf("%s", sstr);
+ if (ins == INS_pop)
+ emitCurStackLvl -= sizeof(int);
+ emitDispFrameRef(id->idAddr()->iiaLclVar.lvaVarNum(), id->idAddr()->iiaLclVar.lvaOffset(),
+ id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idVarRefOffs, asmfm);
+ if (ins == INS_pop)
+ emitCurStackLvl += sizeof(int);
+ emitDispShift(ins);
+ break;
+ case IF_SRD_RRD:
+ case IF_SWR_RRD:
+ case IF_SRW_RRD:
+ printf("%s", sstr);
+ emitDispFrameRef(id->idAddr()->iiaLclVar.lvaVarNum(), id->idAddr()->iiaLclVar.lvaOffset(),
+ id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idVarRefOffs, asmfm);
+ if (IsAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ printf(", %s", emitYMMregName((unsigned)id->idReg1()));
+ }
+ else if (IsSSE2Instruction(ins))
+ {
+ printf(", %s", emitXMMregName((unsigned)id->idReg1()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf(", %s", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), attr));
+ }
+ break;
+ case IF_SRD_CNS:
+ case IF_SWR_CNS:
+ case IF_SRW_CNS:
+ case IF_SRW_SHF:
+ printf("%s", sstr);
+ emitDispFrameRef(id->idAddr()->iiaLclVar.lvaVarNum(), id->idAddr()->iiaLclVar.lvaOffset(),
+ id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idVarRefOffs, asmfm);
+ emitGetInsCns(id, &cnsVal);
+ val = cnsVal.cnsVal;
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // no 8-byte immediates allowed here!
+ assert((val >= 0xFFFFFFFF80000000LL) && (val <= 0x000000007FFFFFFFLL));
+ if (id->idInsFmt() == IF_SRW_SHF)
+ {
+ emitDispShift(ins, (BYTE)val);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf(", ");
+ if (cnsVal.cnsReloc)
+ {
+ emitDispReloc(val);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case IF_RRD_SRD:
+ case IF_RWR_SRD:
+ case IF_RRW_SRD:
+ if (IsAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ printf("%s, %s", emitYMMregName((unsigned)id->idReg1()), sstr);
+ }
+ else if (IsSSE2Instruction(ins))
+ {
+ printf("%s, %s", emitXMMregName((unsigned)id->idReg1()), sstr);
+ }
+ else
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ if (ins == INS_movsxd)
+ {
+ printf("%s, %s", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), EA_8BYTE), sstr);
+ }
+ else
+ if (ins == INS_movsx || ins == INS_movzx)
+ {
+ printf("%s, %s", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), EA_PTRSIZE), sstr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%s, %s", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), attr), sstr);
+ }
+ emitDispFrameRef(id->idAddr()->iiaLclVar.lvaVarNum(), id->idAddr()->iiaLclVar.lvaOffset(),
+ id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idVarRefOffs, asmfm);
+ break;
+ case IF_RRD_RRD:
+ case IF_RWR_RRD:
+ case IF_RRW_RRD:
+ if (ins == INS_mov_i2xmm)
+ {
+ printf("%s, %s", emitXMMregName((unsigned)id->idReg1()), emitRegName(id->idReg2(), attr));
+ }
+ else if (ins == INS_mov_xmm2i)
+ {
+ printf("%s, %s", emitRegName(id->idReg2(), attr), emitXMMregName((unsigned)id->idReg1()));
+ }
+ else if ((ins == INS_cvtsi2ss) || (ins == INS_cvtsi2sd))
+ {
+ printf(" %s, %s", emitXMMregName((unsigned)id->idReg1()), emitRegName(id->idReg2(), attr));
+ }
+ else if ((ins == INS_cvttsd2si)
+ || (ins == INS_cvtss2si) || (ins == INS_cvtsd2si) || (ins == INS_cvttss2si)
+ )
+ {
+ printf(" %s, %s", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), attr), emitXMMregName((unsigned)id->idReg2()));
+ }
+ else if (IsAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ printf("%s, %s", emitYMMregName((unsigned)id->idReg1()), emitYMMregName((unsigned)id->idReg2()));
+ }
+ else if (IsSSE2Instruction(ins))
+ {
+ printf("%s, %s", emitXMMregName((unsigned)id->idReg1()), emitXMMregName((unsigned)id->idReg2()));
+ }
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ else if (ins == INS_movsxd)
+ {
+ printf("%s, %s", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), EA_8BYTE), emitRegName(id->idReg2(), EA_4BYTE));
+ }
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ else if (ins == INS_movsx || ins == INS_movzx)
+ {
+ printf("%s, %s", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), EA_PTRSIZE), emitRegName(id->idReg2(), attr));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%s, %s", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), attr), emitRegName(id->idReg2(), attr));
+ }
+ break;
+ case IF_RRW_RRW:
+ assert(ins == INS_xchg);
+ printf("%s,", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), attr));
+ printf(" %s", emitRegName(id->idReg2(), attr));
+ break;
+ case IF_RWR_RRD_RRD:
+ assert(IsAVXInstruction(ins));
+ assert(IsThreeOperandAVXInstruction(ins));
+ printf("%s, ", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), attr));
+ printf("%s, ", emitRegName(id->idReg2(), attr));
+ printf("%s", emitRegName(id->idReg3(), attr));
+ break;
+ case IF_RRW_RRW_CNS:
+ if (IsAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ printf("%s,", emitYMMregName((unsigned)id->idReg1()), attr);
+ printf(" %s", emitYMMregName((unsigned)id->idReg2()), attr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%s,", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), attr));
+ printf(" %s", emitRegName(id->idReg2(), attr));
+ }
+ val = emitGetInsSC(id);
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // no 8-byte immediates allowed here!
+ assert((val >= 0xFFFFFFFF80000000LL) && (val <= 0x000000007FFFFFFFLL));
+ printf(", ");
+ if (id->idIsCnsReloc())
+ {
+ emitDispReloc(val);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ case IF_RRD:
+ case IF_RWR:
+ case IF_RRW:
+ printf("%s", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), attr));
+ emitDispShift(ins);
+ break;
+ case IF_RRW_SHF:
+ printf("%s", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), attr));
+ emitDispShift(ins, (BYTE)emitGetInsSC(id));
+ break;
+ case IF_RRD_MRD:
+ case IF_RWR_MRD:
+ case IF_RRW_MRD:
+ if (ins == INS_movsx || ins == INS_movzx)
+ {
+ attr = EA_PTRSIZE;
+ }
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ else if (ins == INS_movsxd)
+ {
+ attr = EA_PTRSIZE;
+ }
+ if (IsAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ printf("%s, %s", emitYMMregName((unsigned)id->idReg1()), sstr);
+ }
+ else if (IsSSE2Instruction(ins))
+ {
+ printf("%s, %s", emitXMMregName((unsigned)id->idReg1()), sstr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%s, %s", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), attr), sstr);
+ }
+ offs = emitGetInsDsp(id);
+ emitDispClsVar(id->idAddr()->iiaFieldHnd, offs, ID_INFO_DSP_RELOC);
+ break;
+ case IF_RWR_MRD_OFF:
+ printf("%s, %s", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), attr), "offset");
+ offs = emitGetInsDsp(id);
+ emitDispClsVar(id->idAddr()->iiaFieldHnd, offs, ID_INFO_DSP_RELOC);
+ break;
+ case IF_MRD_RRD:
+ case IF_MWR_RRD:
+ case IF_MRW_RRD:
+ printf("%s", sstr);
+ offs = emitGetInsDsp(id);
+ emitDispClsVar(id->idAddr()->iiaFieldHnd, offs, ID_INFO_DSP_RELOC);
+ printf(", %s", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), attr));
+ break;
+ case IF_MRD_CNS:
+ case IF_MWR_CNS:
+ case IF_MRW_CNS:
+ case IF_MRW_SHF:
+ printf("%s", sstr);
+ offs = emitGetInsDsp(id);
+ emitDispClsVar(id->idAddr()->iiaFieldHnd, offs, ID_INFO_DSP_RELOC);
+ emitGetInsDcmCns(id, &cnsVal);
+ val = cnsVal.cnsVal;
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // no 8-byte immediates allowed here!
+ assert((val >= 0xFFFFFFFF80000000LL) && (val <= 0x000000007FFFFFFFLL));
+ if (cnsVal.cnsReloc)
+ {
+ emitDispReloc(val);
+ }
+ else
+ if (id->idInsFmt() == IF_MRW_SHF)
+ {
+ emitDispShift(ins, (BYTE)val);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf(", ");
+ }
+ break;
+ case IF_MRD:
+ case IF_MWR:
+ case IF_MRW:
+ case IF_TRD_MRD:
+ case IF_TWR_MRD:
+ case IF_TRW_MRD:
+ // case IF_MRD_TRD:
+ // case IF_MRW_TRD:
+ case IF_MWR_TRD:
+#endif // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ printf("%s", sstr);
+ offs = emitGetInsDsp(id);
+ emitDispClsVar(id->idAddr()->iiaFieldHnd, offs, ID_INFO_DSP_RELOC);
+ emitDispShift(ins);
+ break;
+ case IF_MRD_OFF:
+ printf("offset ");
+ offs = emitGetInsDsp(id);
+ emitDispClsVar(id->idAddr()->iiaFieldHnd, offs, ID_INFO_DSP_RELOC);
+ break;
+ case IF_RRD_CNS:
+ case IF_RWR_CNS:
+ case IF_RRW_CNS:
+ printf("%s, ", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), attr));
+ val = emitGetInsSC(id);
+ if (id->idIsCnsReloc())
+ {
+ emitDispReloc(val);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ case IF_TRD_FRD:
+ case IF_TWR_FRD:
+ case IF_TRW_FRD:
+ switch (ins)
+ {
+ case INS_fld:
+ case INS_fxch:
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("%s, ", emitFPregName(0));
+ break;
+ }
+ printf("%s", emitFPregName((unsigned)id->idReg1()));
+ break;
+ case IF_FRD_TRD:
+ case IF_FWR_TRD:
+ case IF_FRW_TRD:
+ printf("%s", emitFPregName((unsigned)id->idReg1()));
+ if (ins != INS_fst && ins != INS_fstp)
+ printf(", %s", emitFPregName(0));
+ break;
+#endif // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ case IF_LABEL:
+ case IF_RWR_LABEL:
+ case IF_SWR_LABEL:
+ if (ins == INS_lea)
+ {
+ printf("%s, ", emitRegName(id->idReg1(), attr));
+ }
+ else if (ins == INS_mov)
+ {
+ /* mov dword ptr [frame.callSiteReturnAddress], label */
+ assert(id->idInsFmt() == IF_SWR_LABEL);
+ instrDescLbl* idlbl = (instrDescLbl*)id;
+ emitDispFrameRef(idlbl->dstLclVar.lvaVarNum(), idlbl->dstLclVar.lvaOffset(), 0, asmfm);
+ printf(", ");
+ }
+ if (((instrDescJmp*)id)->idjShort)
+ {
+ printf("SHORT ");
+ }
+ if (id->idIsBound())
+ {
+ printf("G_M%03u_IG%02u", Compiler::s_compMethodsCount, id->idAddr()->iiaIGlabel->igNum);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("L_M%03u_BB%02u", Compiler::s_compMethodsCount, id->idAddr()->iiaBBlabel->bbNum);
+ }
+ break;
+ case IF_METHOD:
+ case IF_METHPTR:
+ if (id->idIsCallAddr())
+ {
+ offs = (ssize_t)id->idAddr()->iiaAddr;
+ methodName = "";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ offs = 0;
+ methodName = emitComp->eeGetMethodFullName((CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE)id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idMemCookie);
+ }
+ if (id->idInsFmt() == IF_METHPTR)
+ {
+ printf("[");
+ }
+ if (offs)
+ {
+ if (id->idIsDspReloc())
+ {
+ printf("reloc ");
+ }
+ printf("%08X", offs);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%s", methodName);
+ }
+ if (id->idInsFmt() == IF_METHPTR)
+ {
+ printf("]");
+ }
+ break;
+ case IF_TRD:
+ case IF_TWR:
+ case IF_TRW:
+#endif // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ case IF_NONE:
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("unexpected format %s", emitIfName(id->idInsFmt()));
+ assert(!"unexpectedFormat");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (sz != 0 && sz != id->idCodeSize() && (!asmfm || emitComp->verbose))
+ {
+ // Code size in the instrDesc is different from the actual code size we've been given!
+ printf(" (ECS:%d, ACS:%d)", id->idCodeSize(), sz);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ *
+ * Output nBytes bytes of NOP instructions
+ */
+static BYTE* emitOutputNOP(BYTE* dst, size_t nBytes)
+ assert(nBytes <= 15);
+#ifndef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // TODO-X86-CQ: when VIA C3 CPU's are out of circulation, switch to the
+ // more efficient real NOP: 0x0F 0x1F +modR/M
+ // Also can't use AMD recommended, multiple size prefixes (i.e. 0x66 0x66 0x90 for 3 byte NOP)
+ // because debugger and msdis don't like it, so maybe VIA doesn't either
+ // So instead just stick to repeating single byte nops
+ switch (nBytes)
+ {
+ case 15:
+ *dst++ = 0x90;
+ __fallthrough;
+ case 14:
+ *dst++ = 0x90;
+ __fallthrough;
+ case 13:
+ *dst++ = 0x90;
+ __fallthrough;
+ case 12:
+ *dst++ = 0x90;
+ __fallthrough;
+ case 11:
+ *dst++ = 0x90;
+ __fallthrough;
+ case 10:
+ *dst++ = 0x90;
+ __fallthrough;
+ case 9:
+ *dst++ = 0x90;
+ __fallthrough;
+ case 8:
+ *dst++ = 0x90;
+ __fallthrough;
+ case 7:
+ *dst++ = 0x90;
+ __fallthrough;
+ case 6:
+ *dst++ = 0x90;
+ __fallthrough;
+ case 5:
+ *dst++ = 0x90;
+ __fallthrough;
+ case 4:
+ *dst++ = 0x90;
+ __fallthrough;
+ case 3:
+ *dst++ = 0x90;
+ __fallthrough;
+ case 2:
+ *dst++ = 0x90;
+ __fallthrough;
+ case 1:
+ *dst++ = 0x90;
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ }
+#else // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ switch (nBytes)
+ {
+ case 2:
+ *dst++ = 0x66;
+ __fallthrough;
+ case 1:
+ *dst++ = 0x90;
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ *dst++ = 0x0F;
+ *dst++ = 0x1F;
+ *dst++ = 0x00;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ *dst++ = 0x0F;
+ *dst++ = 0x1F;
+ *dst++ = 0x40;
+ *dst++ = 0x00;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ *dst++ = 0x66;
+ __fallthrough;
+ case 5:
+ *dst++ = 0x0F;
+ *dst++ = 0x1F;
+ *dst++ = 0x44;
+ *dst++ = 0x00;
+ *dst++ = 0x00;
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ *dst++ = 0x0F;
+ *dst++ = 0x1F;
+ *dst++ = 0x80;
+ *dst++ = 0x00;
+ *dst++ = 0x00;
+ *dst++ = 0x00;
+ *dst++ = 0x00;
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ // More than 3 prefixes is slower than just 2 NOPs
+ dst = emitOutputNOP(emitOutputNOP(dst, 7), 8);
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ // More than 3 prefixes is slower than just 2 NOPs
+ dst = emitOutputNOP(emitOutputNOP(dst, 7), 7);
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ // More than 3 prefixes is slower than just 2 NOPs
+ dst = emitOutputNOP(emitOutputNOP(dst, 5), 8);
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ // More than 3 prefixes is slower than just 2 NOPs
+ dst = emitOutputNOP(emitOutputNOP(dst, 4), 8);
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ *dst++ = 0x66;
+ __fallthrough;
+ case 10:
+ *dst++ = 0x66;
+ __fallthrough;
+ case 9:
+ *dst++ = 0x66;
+ __fallthrough;
+ case 8:
+ *dst++ = 0x0F;
+ *dst++ = 0x1F;
+ *dst++ = 0x84;
+ *dst++ = 0x00;
+ *dst++ = 0x00;
+ *dst++ = 0x00;
+ *dst++ = 0x00;
+ *dst++ = 0x00;
+ break;
+ }
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ return dst;
+ *
+ * Output an instruction involving an address mode.
+ */
+BYTE* emitter::emitOutputAM(BYTE* dst, instrDesc* id, size_t code, CnsVal* addc)
+ regNumber reg;
+ regNumber rgx;
+ ssize_t dsp;
+ bool dspInByte;
+ bool dspIsZero;
+ instruction ins = id->idIns();
+ emitAttr size = id->idOpSize();
+ size_t opsz = EA_SIZE_IN_BYTES(size);
+ // Get the base/index registers
+ reg = id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg;
+ rgx = id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg;
+ // For INS_call the instruction size is actually the return value size
+ if (ins == INS_call)
+ {
+ // Special case: call via a register
+ if (id->idIsCallRegPtr())
+ {
+ size_t opcode = insEncodeMRreg(INS_call, reg, EA_PTRSIZE, insCodeMR(INS_call));
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, opcode);
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, opcode);
+ goto DONE;
+ }
+ // The displacement field is in an unusual place for calls
+ dsp = emitGetInsCIdisp(id);
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // Compute the REX prefix if it exists
+ if (IsExtendedReg(reg, EA_PTRSIZE))
+ {
+ insEncodeReg012(ins, reg, EA_PTRSIZE, &code);
+ reg = RegEncoding(reg);
+ }
+ if (IsExtendedReg(rgx, EA_PTRSIZE))
+ {
+ insEncodeRegSIB(ins, rgx, &code);
+ rgx = RegEncoding(rgx);
+ }
+ // And emit the REX prefix
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ goto GOT_DSP;
+ }
+ // Is there a large constant operand?
+ if (addc && (size > EA_1BYTE))
+ {
+ ssize_t cval = addc->cnsVal;
+ // Does the constant fit in a byte?
+ if ((signed char)cval == cval &&
+ addc->cnsReloc == false &&
+ ins != INS_mov && ins != INS_test)
+ {
+ if (id->idInsFmt() != IF_ARW_SHF)
+ {
+ code |= 2;
+ }
+ opsz = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Emit VEX prefix if required
+ // There are some callers who already add VEX prefix and call this routine.
+ // Therefore, add VEX prefix is one is not already present.
+ code = AddVexPrefixIfNeededAndNotPresent(ins, code, size);
+ // For this format, moves do not support a third operand, so we only need to handle the binary ops.
+ if (IsThreeOperandBinaryAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ // Encode source operand reg in 'vvvv' bits in 1's compliement form
+ // The order of operands are reversed, therefore use reg2 as the source.
+ code = insEncodeReg3456(ins, id->idReg1(), size, code);
+ }
+ // Emit the REX prefix if required
+ if (TakesRexWPrefix(ins, size))
+ {
+ code = AddRexWPrefix(ins, code);
+ }
+ if (IsExtendedReg(reg, EA_PTRSIZE))
+ {
+ insEncodeReg012(ins, reg, EA_PTRSIZE, &code);
+ reg = RegEncoding(reg);
+ }
+ if (IsExtendedReg(rgx, EA_PTRSIZE))
+ {
+ insEncodeRegSIB(ins, rgx, &code);
+ rgx = RegEncoding(rgx);
+ }
+ // Is this a 'big' opcode?
+ if (code & 0xFF000000)
+ {
+ // Output the REX prefix
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ // Output the highest word of the opcode
+ // We need to check again as in case of AVX instructions leading opcode bytes are stripped off
+ // and encoded as part of VEX prefix.
+ if (code & 0xFF000000)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code >> 16);
+ code &= 0x0000FFFF;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (code & 0x00FF0000)
+ {
+ // Output the REX prefix
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ // Output the highest byte of the opcode
+ if (code & 0x00FF0000)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code >> 16);
+ code &= 0x0000FFFF;
+ }
+ // Use the large version if this is not a byte. This trick will not
+ // work in case of SSE2 and AVX instructions.
+ if ((size != EA_1BYTE) && (ins != INS_imul) && !IsSSE2Instruction(ins) && !IsAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ code++;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (CodeGen::instIsFP(ins))
+ {
+ assert(size == EA_4BYTE || size == EA_8BYTE || ins == INS_fldcw || ins == INS_fnstcw);
+#else // !FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ assert(size == EA_4BYTE || size == EA_8BYTE);
+#endif // ! FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ if (size == EA_8BYTE)
+ {
+ code += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!IsSSE2Instruction(ins) && !IsAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ /* Is the operand size larger than a byte? */
+ switch (size)
+ {
+ case EA_1BYTE:
+ break;
+ case EA_2BYTE:
+ /* Output a size prefix for a 16-bit operand */
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0x66);
+ __fallthrough;
+ case EA_4BYTE:
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ case EA_8BYTE:
+ /* Set the 'w' bit to get the large version */
+ code |= 0x1;
+ break;
+#ifdef _TARGET_X86_
+ case EA_8BYTE:
+ /* Double operand - set the appropriate bit */
+ code |= 0x04;
+ break;
+#endif // _TARGET_X86_
+ default:
+ NO_WAY("unexpected size");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Output the REX prefix
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ // Get the displacement value
+ dsp = emitGetInsAmdAny(id);
+ dspInByte = ((signed char)dsp == (ssize_t)dsp);
+ dspIsZero = (dsp == 0);
+ if (id->idIsDspReloc())
+ {
+ dspInByte = false; // relocs can't be placed in a byte
+ }
+ // Is there a [scaled] index component?
+ if (rgx == REG_NA)
+ {
+ // The address is of the form "[reg+disp]"
+ switch (reg)
+ {
+ case REG_NA:
+ if (id->idIsDspReloc())
+ {
+ INT32 addlDelta = 0;
+ // The address is of the form "[disp]"
+ // On x86 - disp is relative to zero
+ // On Amd64 - disp is relative to RIP
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x0500);
+ if (addc)
+ {
+ // It is of the form "ins [disp], immed"
+ // For emitting relocation, we also need to take into account of the
+ // additional bytes of code emitted for immed val.
+ ssize_t cval = addc->cnsVal;
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // all these opcodes only take a sign-extended 4-byte immediate
+ noway_assert(opsz < 8 || ((int)cval == cval && !addc->cnsReloc));
+ noway_assert(opsz <= 4);
+ switch (opsz)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ case 4:
+ case 8:
+ addlDelta = -4;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ addlDelta = -2;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ addlDelta = -1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(!"unexpected operand size");
+ unreached();
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // We emit zero on Amd64, to avoid the assert in emitOutputLong()
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, 0);
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, dsp);
+ emitRecordRelocation((void*)(dst - sizeof(INT32)), (void*)dsp, IMAGE_REL_BASED_DISP32, 0,
+ addlDelta);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef _TARGET_X86_
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x0500);
+#else //_TARGET_AMD64_
+ // Amd64: addr fits within 32-bits and can be encoded as a displacement relative to zero.
+ // This addr mode should never be used while generating relocatable ngen code nor if
+ // the addr can be encoded as pc-relative address.
+ noway_assert(!emitComp->opts.compReloc);
+ noway_assert(codeGen->genAddrRelocTypeHint((size_t)dsp) != IMAGE_REL_BASED_REL32);
+ noway_assert((int)dsp == dsp);
+ // This requires, specifying a SIB byte after ModRM byte.
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x0400);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0x25);
+#endif //_TARGET_AMD64_
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, dsp);
+ }
+ break;
+ case REG_EBP:
+ // Does the offset fit in a byte?
+ if (dspInByte)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x4500);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, dsp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x8500);
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, dsp);
+ if (id->idIsDspReloc())
+ {
+ emitRecordRelocation((void*)(dst - sizeof(INT32)), (void*)dsp, IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case REG_ESP:
+ // REG_ESP could be REG_R12, which applies to any instruction
+ //
+ // This assert isn't too helpful from the OptJit point of view
+ //
+ // a better question is why is it here at all
+ //
+ assert((ins == INS_lea) || (ins == INS_mov) || (ins == INS_test) || (ins == INS_cmp) ||
+ (ins == INS_fld && dspIsZero) || (ins == INS_fstp && dspIsZero) ||
+ (ins == INS_fistp && dspIsZero) || IsSSE2Instruction(ins) || IsAVXInstruction(ins) ||
+ (ins == INS_or));
+ // Is the offset 0 or does it at least fit in a byte?
+ if (dspIsZero)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x0400);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0x24);
+ }
+ else if (dspInByte)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x4400);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0x24);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, dsp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x8400);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0x24);
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, dsp);
+ if (id->idIsDspReloc())
+ {
+ emitRecordRelocation((void*)(dst - sizeof(INT32)), (void*)dsp, IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Put the register in the opcode
+ code |= insEncodeReg012(ins, reg, EA_PTRSIZE, nullptr) << 8;
+ // Is there a displacement?
+ if (dspIsZero)
+ {
+ // This is simply "[reg]"
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This is [reg + dsp]" -- does the offset fit in a byte?
+ if (dspInByte)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x4000);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, dsp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x8000);
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, dsp);
+ if (id->idIsDspReloc())
+ {
+ emitRecordRelocation((void*)(dst - sizeof(INT32)), (void*)dsp, IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned regByte;
+ // We have a scaled index operand
+ unsigned mul = emitDecodeScale(id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amScale);
+ // Is the index operand scaled?
+ if (mul > 1)
+ {
+ // Is there a base register?
+ if (reg != REG_NA)
+ {
+ // The address is "[reg + {2/4/8} * rgx + icon]"
+ regByte = insEncodeReg012(ins, reg, EA_PTRSIZE, nullptr) |
+ insEncodeReg345(ins, rgx, EA_PTRSIZE, nullptr) | insSSval(mul);
+ // Emit [ebp + {2/4/8} * rgz] as [ebp + {2/4/8} * rgx + 0]
+ if (dspIsZero && reg != REG_EBP)
+ {
+ // The address is "[reg + {2/4/8} * rgx]"
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x0400);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, regByte);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // The address is "[reg + {2/4/8} * rgx + disp]"
+ if (dspInByte)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x4400);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, regByte);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, dsp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x8400);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, regByte);
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, dsp);
+ if (id->idIsDspReloc())
+ {
+ emitRecordRelocation((void*)(dst - sizeof(INT32)), (void*)dsp, IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // The address is "[{2/4/8} * rgx + icon]"
+ regByte = insEncodeReg012(ins, REG_EBP, EA_PTRSIZE, nullptr) |
+ insEncodeReg345(ins, rgx, EA_PTRSIZE, nullptr) | insSSval(mul);
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x0400);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, regByte);
+ // Special case: jump through a jump table
+ if (ins == INS_i_jmp)
+ {
+ dsp += (size_t)emitConsBlock;
+ }
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, dsp);
+ if (id->idIsDspReloc())
+ {
+ emitRecordRelocation((void*)(dst - sizeof(INT32)), (void*)dsp, IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // The address is "[reg+rgx+dsp]"
+ regByte = insEncodeReg012(ins, reg, EA_PTRSIZE, nullptr) | insEncodeReg345(ins, rgx, EA_PTRSIZE, nullptr);
+ if (dspIsZero && reg != REG_EBP)
+ {
+ // This is [reg+rgx]"
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x0400);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, regByte);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This is [reg+rgx+dsp]" -- does the offset fit in a byte?
+ if (dspInByte)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x4400);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, regByte);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, dsp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x8400);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, regByte);
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, dsp);
+ if (id->idIsDspReloc())
+ {
+ emitRecordRelocation((void*)(dst - sizeof(INT32)), (void*)dsp, IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Now generate the constant value, if present
+ if (addc)
+ {
+ ssize_t cval = addc->cnsVal;
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // all these opcodes only take a sign-extended 4-byte immediate
+ noway_assert(opsz < 8 || ((int)cval == cval && !addc->cnsReloc));
+ switch (opsz)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ case 4:
+ case 8:
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, cval);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, cval);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, cval);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(!"unexpected operand size");
+ }
+ if (addc->cnsReloc)
+ {
+ emitRecordRelocation((void*)(dst - sizeof(INT32)), (void*)(size_t)cval, IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW);
+ assert(opsz == 4);
+ }
+ }
+ // Does this instruction operate on a GC ref value?
+ if (id->idGCref())
+ {
+ switch (id->idInsFmt())
+ {
+ case IF_ARD:
+ case IF_AWR:
+ case IF_ARW:
+ break;
+ case IF_RRD_ARD:
+ break;
+ case IF_RWR_ARD:
+ emitGCregLiveUpd(id->idGCref(), id->idReg1(), dst);
+ break;
+ case IF_RRW_ARD:
+ assert(id->idGCref() == GCT_BYREF);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ regMaskTP regMask;
+ regMask = genRegMask(id->idReg1());
+ // <BUGNUM> VSW 335101 </BUGNUM>
+ // Either id->idReg1(), id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg, or id->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg
+ // could be a BYREF.
+ // For example in the following case:
+ // mov EDX, bword ptr [EBP-78H] ; EDX becomes BYREF after this instr.
+ // add EAX, bword ptr [EDX+8] ; It is the EDX that's causing id->idGCref to be GCT_BYREF.
+ // ; EAX becomes BYREF after this instr.
+ // <BUGNUM> DD 273707 </BUGNUM>
+ // add EDX, bword ptr [036464E0H] ; int + static field (technically a GCREF)=BYREF
+ regMaskTP baseRegMask;
+ if (reg == REG_NA)
+ {
+ baseRegMask = RBM_NONE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ baseRegMask = genRegMask(reg);
+ }
+ regMaskTP indexRegMask;
+ if (rgx == REG_NA)
+ {
+ indexRegMask = RBM_NONE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ indexRegMask = genRegMask(rgx);
+ }
+ // r1 could have been a GCREF as GCREF + int=BYREF
+ // or BYREF+/-int=BYREF
+ assert(((reg == REG_NA) && (rgx == REG_NA) && (ins == INS_add || ins == INS_sub)) ||
+ (((regMask | baseRegMask | indexRegMask) & emitThisGCrefRegs) && (ins == INS_add)) ||
+ (((regMask | baseRegMask | indexRegMask) & emitThisByrefRegs) &&
+ (ins == INS_add || ins == INS_sub)));
+ // Mark it as holding a GCT_BYREF
+ emitGCregLiveUpd(GCT_BYREF, id->idReg1(), dst);
+ break;
+ case IF_ARD_RRD:
+ case IF_AWR_RRD:
+ break;
+ case IF_ARD_CNS:
+ case IF_AWR_CNS:
+ break;
+ case IF_ARW_RRD:
+ case IF_ARW_CNS:
+ assert(id->idGCref() == GCT_BYREF && (ins == INS_add || ins == INS_sub));
+ break;
+ default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ emitDispIns(id, false, false, false);
+ assert(!"unexpected GC ref instruction format");
+ }
+ // mul can never produce a GC ref
+ assert(!instrIs3opImul(ins));
+ assert(ins != INS_mulEAX && ins != INS_imulEAX);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (emitInsCanOnlyWriteSSE2OrAVXReg(id))
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (id->idInsFmt())
+ {
+ case IF_RWR_ARD:
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(id->idReg1(), dst);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ins == INS_mulEAX || ins == INS_imulEAX)
+ {
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(REG_EAX, dst);
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(REG_EDX, dst);
+ }
+ // For the three operand imul instruction the target register
+ // is encoded in the opcode
+ if (instrIs3opImul(ins))
+ {
+ regNumber tgtReg = inst3opImulReg(ins);
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(tgtReg, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return dst;
+ *
+ * Output an instruction involving a stack frame value.
+ */
+BYTE* emitter::emitOutputSV(BYTE* dst, instrDesc* id, size_t code, CnsVal* addc)
+ int adr;
+ int dsp;
+ bool EBPbased;
+ bool dspInByte;
+ bool dspIsZero;
+ instruction ins = id->idIns();
+ emitAttr size = id->idOpSize();
+ size_t opsz = EA_SIZE_IN_BYTES(size);
+ assert(ins != INS_imul || id->idReg1() == REG_EAX || size == EA_4BYTE || size == EA_8BYTE);
+ // Is there a large constant operand?
+ if (addc && (size > EA_1BYTE))
+ {
+ ssize_t cval = addc->cnsVal;
+ // Does the constant fit in a byte?
+ if ((signed char)cval == cval &&
+ addc->cnsReloc == false &&
+ ins != INS_mov && ins != INS_test)
+ {
+ if (id->idInsFmt() != IF_SRW_SHF)
+ {
+ code |= 2;
+ }
+ opsz = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Add VEX prefix if required.
+ // There are some callers who already add VEX prefix and call this routine.
+ // Therefore, add VEX prefix is one is not already present.
+ code = AddVexPrefixIfNeededAndNotPresent(ins, code, size);
+ // Compute the REX prefix
+ if (TakesRexWPrefix(ins, size))
+ {
+ code = AddRexWPrefix(ins, code);
+ }
+ // Special case emitting AVX instructions
+ if (Is4ByteAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ size_t regcode = insEncodeReg345(ins, id->idReg1(), size, &code);
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ // Emit last opcode byte
+ assert((code & 0xFF) == 0);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, (code >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ code = regcode;
+ }
+ // Is this a 'big' opcode?
+ else if (code & 0xFF000000)
+ {
+ // Output the REX prefix
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ // Output the highest word of the opcode
+ // We need to check again because in case of AVX instructions the leading
+ // escape byte(s) (e.g. 0x0F) will be encoded as part of VEX prefix.
+ if (code & 0xFF000000)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code >> 16);
+ code &= 0x0000FFFF;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (code & 0x00FF0000)
+ {
+ // Output the REX prefix
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ // Output the highest byte of the opcode.
+ // We need to check again because in case of AVX instructions the leading
+ // escape byte(s) (e.g. 0x0F) will be encoded as part of VEX prefix.
+ if (code & 0x00FF0000)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code >> 16);
+ code &= 0x0000FFFF;
+ }
+ // Use the large version if this is not a byte
+ if ((size != EA_1BYTE) && (ins != INS_imul) && (!insIsCMOV(ins)) && !IsSSE2Instruction(ins) &&
+ !IsAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ code |= 0x1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (CodeGen::instIsFP(ins))
+ {
+ assert(size == EA_4BYTE || size == EA_8BYTE);
+ if (size == EA_8BYTE)
+ {
+ code += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!IsSSE2Instruction(ins) && !IsAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ // Is the operand size larger than a byte?
+ switch (size)
+ {
+ case EA_1BYTE:
+ break;
+ case EA_2BYTE:
+ // Output a size prefix for a 16-bit operand
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0x66);
+ __fallthrough;
+ case EA_4BYTE:
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ case EA_8BYTE:
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ /* Set the 'w' size bit to indicate 32-bit operation
+ * Note that incrementing "code" for INS_call (0xFF) would
+ * overflow, whereas setting the lower bit to 1 just works out
+ */
+ code |= 0x01;
+ break;
+#ifdef _TARGET_X86_
+ case EA_8BYTE:
+ // Double operand - set the appropriate bit.
+ // I don't know what a legitimate reason to end up in this case would be
+ // considering that FP is taken care of above...
+ // what is an instruction that takes a double which is not covered by the
+ // above instIsFP? Of the list in instrsxarch, only INS_fprem
+ code |= 0x04;
+ NO_WAY("bad 8 byte op");
+ break;
+#endif // _TARGET_X86_
+ default:
+ NO_WAY("unexpected size");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Output the REX prefix
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ // Figure out the variable's frame position
+ int varNum = id->idAddr()->iiaLclVar.lvaVarNum();
+ adr = emitComp->lvaFrameAddress(varNum, &EBPbased);
+ dsp = adr + id->idAddr()->iiaLclVar.lvaOffset();
+ dspInByte = ((signed char)dsp == (int)dsp);
+ dspIsZero = (dsp == 0);
+ // for stack varaibles the dsp should never be a reloc
+ assert(id->idIsDspReloc() == 0);
+ if (EBPbased)
+ {
+ // EBP-based variable: does the offset fit in a byte?
+ if (Is4ByteAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ if (dspInByte)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code | 0x45);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, dsp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code | 0x85);
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, dsp);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (dspInByte)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x4500);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, dsp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x8500);
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, dsp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Adjust the offset by the amount currently pushed on the CPU stack
+ dsp += emitCurStackLvl;
+ dspInByte = ((signed char)dsp == (int)dsp);
+ dspIsZero = (dsp == 0);
+ // Does the offset fit in a byte?
+ if (Is4ByteAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ if (dspInByte)
+ {
+ if (dspIsZero)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code | 0x04);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0x24);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code | 0x44);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0x24);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, dsp);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code | 0x84);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0x24);
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, dsp);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (dspInByte)
+ {
+ if (dspIsZero)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x0400);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0x24);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x4400);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0x24);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, dsp);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x8400);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0x24);
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, dsp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Now generate the constant value, if present
+ if (addc)
+ {
+ ssize_t cval = addc->cnsVal;
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // all these opcodes only take a sign-extended 4-byte immediate
+ noway_assert(opsz < 8 || ((int)cval == cval && !addc->cnsReloc));
+ switch (opsz)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ case 4:
+ case 8:
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, cval);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, cval);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, cval);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(!"unexpected operand size");
+ }
+ if (addc->cnsReloc)
+ {
+ emitRecordRelocation((void*)(dst - sizeof(INT32)), (void*)(size_t)cval, IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW);
+ assert(opsz == 4);
+ }
+ }
+ // Does this instruction operate on a GC ref value?
+ if (id->idGCref())
+ {
+ // Factor in the sub-variable offset
+ adr += AlignDown(id->idAddr()->iiaLclVar.lvaOffset(), TARGET_POINTER_SIZE);
+ switch (id->idInsFmt())
+ {
+ case IF_SRD:
+ // Read stack -- no change
+ break;
+ case IF_SWR: // Stack Write (So we need to update GC live for stack var)
+ // Write stack -- GC var may be born
+ emitGCvarLiveUpd(adr, varNum, id->idGCref(), dst);
+ break;
+ case IF_SRD_CNS:
+ // Read stack -- no change
+ break;
+ case IF_SWR_CNS:
+ // Write stack -- no change
+ break;
+ case IF_SRD_RRD:
+ case IF_RRD_SRD:
+ // Read stack , read register -- no change
+ break;
+ case IF_RWR_SRD: // Register Write, Stack Read (So we need to update GC live for register)
+ // Read stack , write register -- GC reg may be born
+ emitGCregLiveUpd(id->idGCref(), id->idReg1(), dst);
+ break;
+ case IF_SWR_RRD: // Stack Write, Register Read (So we need to update GC live for stack var)
+ // Read register, write stack -- GC var may be born
+ emitGCvarLiveUpd(adr, varNum, id->idGCref(), dst);
+ break;
+ case IF_RRW_SRD: // Register Read/Write, Stack Read (So we need to update GC live for register)
+ // reg could have been a GCREF as GCREF + int=BYREF
+ // or BYREF+/-int=BYREF
+ assert(id->idGCref() == GCT_BYREF && (ins == INS_add || ins == INS_sub));
+ emitGCregLiveUpd(id->idGCref(), id->idReg1(), dst);
+ break;
+ case IF_SRW_CNS:
+ case IF_SRW_RRD:
+ // += -= of a byref, no change
+ case IF_SRW:
+ break;
+ default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ emitDispIns(id, false, false, false);
+ assert(!"unexpected GC ref instruction format");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (emitInsCanOnlyWriteSSE2OrAVXReg(id))
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (id->idInsFmt())
+ {
+ case IF_RWR_SRD: // Register Write, Stack Read
+ case IF_RRW_SRD: // Register Read/Write, Stack Read
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(id->idReg1(), dst);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ins == INS_mulEAX || ins == INS_imulEAX)
+ {
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(REG_EAX, dst);
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(REG_EDX, dst);
+ }
+ // For the three operand imul instruction the target register
+ // is encoded in the opcode
+ if (instrIs3opImul(ins))
+ {
+ regNumber tgtReg = inst3opImulReg(ins);
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(tgtReg, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return dst;
+ *
+ * Output an instruction with a static data member (class variable).
+ */
+BYTE* emitter::emitOutputCV(BYTE* dst, instrDesc* id, size_t code, CnsVal* addc)
+ BYTE* addr;
+ ssize_t offs;
+ int doff;
+ emitAttr size = id->idOpSize();
+ size_t opsz = EA_SIZE_IN_BYTES(size);
+ instruction ins = id->idIns();
+ bool isMoffset = false;
+ // Get hold of the field handle and offset
+ fldh = id->idAddr()->iiaFieldHnd;
+ offs = emitGetInsDsp(id);
+ // Special case: mov reg, fs:[ddd]
+ if (fldh == FLD_GLOBAL_FS)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0x64);
+ }
+ // Compute VEX prefix
+ // Some of its callers already add VEX prefix and then call this routine.
+ // Therefore add VEX prefix is not already present.
+ code = AddVexPrefixIfNeededAndNotPresent(ins, code, size);
+ // Compute the REX prefix
+ if (TakesRexWPrefix(ins, size))
+ {
+ code = AddRexWPrefix(ins, code);
+ }
+ // Is there a large constant operand?
+ if (addc && (size > EA_1BYTE))
+ {
+ ssize_t cval = addc->cnsVal;
+ // Does the constant fit in a byte?
+ if ((signed char)cval == cval &&
+ addc->cnsReloc == false &&
+ ins != INS_mov && ins != INS_test)
+ {
+ if (id->idInsFmt() != IF_MRW_SHF)
+ {
+ code |= 2;
+ }
+ opsz = 1;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef _TARGET_X86_
+ else
+ {
+ // Special case: "mov eax, [addr]" and "mov [addr], eax"
+ // Amd64: this is one case where addr can be 64-bit in size. This is
+ // currently unused or not enabled on amd64 as it always uses RIP
+ // relative addressing which results in smaller instruction size.
+ if (ins == INS_mov && id->idReg1() == REG_EAX)
+ {
+ switch (id->idInsFmt())
+ {
+ case IF_RWR_MRD:
+ assert((unsigned)code ==
+ (insCodeRM(ins) | (insEncodeReg345(ins, REG_EAX, EA_PTRSIZE, NULL) << 8) | 0x0500));
+ code &= ~((size_t)0xFFFFFFFF);
+ code |= 0xA0;
+ isMoffset = true;
+ break;
+ case IF_MWR_RRD:
+ assert((unsigned)code ==
+ (insCodeMR(ins) | (insEncodeReg345(ins, REG_EAX, EA_PTRSIZE, NULL) << 8) | 0x0500));
+ code &= ~((size_t)0xFFFFFFFF);
+ code |= 0xA2;
+ isMoffset = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif //_TARGET_X86_
+ // Special case emitting AVX instructions
+ if (Is4ByteAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ size_t regcode = insEncodeReg345(ins, id->idReg1(), size, &code);
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ // Emit last opcode byte
+ // TODO-XArch-CQ: Right now support 4-byte opcode instructions only
+ assert((code & 0xFF) == 0);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, (code >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ code = 0;
+ // Emit Mod,R/M byte
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, regcode | 0x05);
+ }
+ // Is this a 'big' opcode?
+ else if (code & 0xFF000000)
+ {
+ // Output the REX prefix
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ // Output the highest word of the opcode.
+ // Check again since AVX instructions encode leading opcode bytes as part of VEX prefix.
+ if (code & 0xFF000000)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code >> 16);
+ }
+ code &= 0x0000FFFF;
+ }
+ else if (code & 0x00FF0000)
+ {
+ // Output the REX prefix
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ // Check again as VEX prefix would have encoded leading opcode byte
+ if (code & 0x00FF0000)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code >> 16);
+ code &= 0x0000FFFF;
+ }
+ if ((ins == INS_movsx || ins == INS_movzx || ins == INS_cmpxchg || ins == INS_xchg || ins == INS_xadd ||
+ insIsCMOV(ins)) &&
+ size != EA_1BYTE)
+ {
+ // movsx and movzx are 'big' opcodes but also have the 'w' bit
+ code++;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (CodeGen::instIsFP(ins))
+ {
+ assert(size == EA_4BYTE || size == EA_8BYTE);
+ if (size == EA_8BYTE)
+ {
+ code += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Is the operand size larger than a byte?
+ switch (size)
+ {
+ case EA_1BYTE:
+ break;
+ case EA_2BYTE:
+ // Output a size prefix for a 16-bit operand
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0x66);
+ __fallthrough;
+ case EA_4BYTE:
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ case EA_8BYTE:
+ // Set the 'w' bit to get the large version
+ code |= 0x1;
+ break;
+#ifdef _TARGET_X86_
+ case EA_8BYTE:
+ // Double operand - set the appropriate bit
+ code |= 0x04;
+ break;
+#endif // _TARGET_X86_
+ default:
+ assert(!"unexpected size");
+ }
+ }
+ // Output the REX prefix
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ if (code)
+ {
+ if (id->idInsFmt() == IF_MRD_OFF || id->idInsFmt() == IF_RWR_MRD_OFF || isMoffset)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code);
+ }
+ }
+ // Do we have a constant or a static data member?
+ doff = Compiler::eeGetJitDataOffs(fldh);
+ if (doff >= 0)
+ {
+ addr = emitConsBlock + doff;
+ int byteSize = EA_SIZE_IN_BYTES(size);
+ // this instruction has a fixed size (4) src.
+ if (ins == INS_cvttss2si || ins == INS_cvtss2sd || ins == INS_vbroadcastss)
+ {
+ byteSize = 4;
+ }
+ // This has a fixed size (8) source.
+ if (ins == INS_vbroadcastsd)
+ {
+ byteSize = 8;
+ }
+#endif // !LEGACY_BACKEND
+ // Check that the offset is properly aligned (i.e. the ddd in [ddd])
+ assert((emitChkAlign == false) || (ins == INS_lea) || (((size_t)addr & (byteSize - 1)) == 0));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Special case: mov reg, fs:[ddd] or mov reg, [ddd]
+ if (jitStaticFldIsGlobAddr(fldh))
+ {
+ addr = nullptr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addr = (BYTE*)emitComp->info.compCompHnd->getFieldAddress(fldh, nullptr);
+ if (addr == nullptr)
+ {
+ NO_WAY("could not obtain address of static field");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ BYTE* target = (addr + offs);
+ if (!isMoffset)
+ {
+ INT32 addlDelta = 0;
+ if (addc)
+ {
+ // It is of the form "ins [disp], immed"
+ // For emitting relocation, we also need to take into account of the
+ // additional bytes of code emitted for immed val.
+ ssize_t cval = addc->cnsVal;
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // all these opcodes only take a sign-extended 4-byte immediate
+ noway_assert(opsz < 8 || ((int)cval == cval && !addc->cnsReloc));
+ noway_assert(opsz <= 4);
+ switch (opsz)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ case 4:
+ case 8:
+ addlDelta = -4;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ addlDelta = -2;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ addlDelta = -1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(!"unexpected operand size");
+ unreached();
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // All static field and data section constant accesses should be marked as relocatable
+ noway_assert(id->idIsDspReloc());
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, 0);
+#else //_TARGET_X86_
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, (int)target);
+#endif //_TARGET_X86_
+ if (id->idIsDspReloc())
+ {
+ emitRecordRelocation((void*)(dst - sizeof(int)), target, IMAGE_REL_BASED_DISP32, 0, addlDelta);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // This code path should never be hit on amd64 since it always uses RIP relative addressing.
+ // In future if ever there is a need to enable this special case, also enable the logic
+ // that sets isMoffset to true on amd64.
+ unreached();
+#else //_TARGET_X86_
+ dst += emitOutputSizeT(dst, (ssize_t)target);
+ if (id->idIsDspReloc())
+ {
+ emitRecordRelocation((void*)(dst - sizeof(void*)), target, IMAGE_REL_BASED_MOFFSET);
+ }
+#endif //_TARGET_X86_
+ }
+ // Now generate the constant value, if present
+ if (addc)
+ {
+ ssize_t cval = addc->cnsVal;
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // all these opcodes only take a sign-extended 4-byte immediate
+ noway_assert(opsz < 8 || ((int)cval == cval && !addc->cnsReloc));
+ switch (opsz)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ case 4:
+ case 8:
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, cval);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, cval);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, cval);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(!"unexpected operand size");
+ }
+ if (addc->cnsReloc)
+ {
+ emitRecordRelocation((void*)(dst - sizeof(INT32)), (void*)(size_t)cval, IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW);
+ assert(opsz == 4);
+ }
+ }
+ // Does this instruction operate on a GC ref value?
+ if (id->idGCref())
+ {
+ switch (id->idInsFmt())
+ {
+ case IF_MRD:
+ case IF_MRW:
+ case IF_MWR:
+ break;
+ case IF_RRD_MRD:
+ break;
+ case IF_RWR_MRD:
+ emitGCregLiveUpd(id->idGCref(), id->idReg1(), dst);
+ break;
+ case IF_MRD_RRD:
+ case IF_MWR_RRD:
+ case IF_MRW_RRD:
+ break;
+ case IF_MRD_CNS:
+ case IF_MWR_CNS:
+ case IF_MRW_CNS:
+ break;
+ case IF_RRW_MRD:
+ assert(id->idGCref() == GCT_BYREF);
+ assert(ins == INS_add || ins == INS_sub);
+ // Mark it as holding a GCT_BYREF
+ emitGCregLiveUpd(GCT_BYREF, id->idReg1(), dst);
+ break;
+ default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ emitDispIns(id, false, false, false);
+ assert(!"unexpected GC ref instruction format");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (emitInsCanOnlyWriteSSE2OrAVXReg(id))
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (id->idInsFmt())
+ {
+ case IF_RWR_MRD:
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(id->idReg1(), dst);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ins == INS_mulEAX || ins == INS_imulEAX)
+ {
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(REG_EAX, dst);
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(REG_EDX, dst);
+ }
+ // For the three operand imul instruction the target register
+ // is encoded in the opcode
+ if (instrIs3opImul(ins))
+ {
+ regNumber tgtReg = inst3opImulReg(ins);
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(tgtReg, dst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return dst;
+ *
+ * Output an instruction with one register operand.
+ */
+BYTE* emitter::emitOutputR(BYTE* dst, instrDesc* id)
+ size_t code;
+ instruction ins = id->idIns();
+ regNumber reg = id->idReg1();
+ emitAttr size = id->idOpSize();
+ // We would to update GC info correctly
+ assert(!IsSSE2Instruction(ins));
+ assert(!IsAVXInstruction(ins));
+ // Get the 'base' opcode
+ switch (ins)
+ {
+ case INS_inc:
+ case INS_dec:
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ if (true)
+ if (size == EA_1BYTE)
+ {
+ assert(INS_inc_l == INS_inc + 1);
+ assert(INS_dec_l == INS_dec + 1);
+ // Can't use the compact form, use the long form
+ ins = (instruction)(ins + 1);
+ if (size == EA_2BYTE)
+ {
+ // Output a size prefix for a 16-bit operand
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0x66);
+ }
+ code = insCodeRR(ins);
+ if (size != EA_1BYTE)
+ {
+ // Set the 'w' bit to get the large version
+ code |= 0x1;
+ }
+ if (TakesRexWPrefix(ins, size))
+ {
+ code = AddRexWPrefix(ins, code);
+ }
+ // Register...
+ unsigned regcode = insEncodeReg012(ins, reg, size, &code);
+ // Output the REX prefix
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | (regcode << 8));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (size == EA_2BYTE)
+ {
+ // Output a size prefix for a 16-bit operand
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0x66);
+ }
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, insCodeRR(ins) | insEncodeReg012(ins, reg, size, nullptr));
+ }
+ break;
+ case INS_pop:
+ case INS_pop_hide:
+ case INS_push:
+ case INS_push_hide:
+ assert(size == EA_PTRSIZE);
+ code = insEncodeOpreg(ins, reg, size);
+ assert(!TakesVexPrefix(ins));
+ assert(!TakesRexWPrefix(ins, size));
+ // Output the REX prefix
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code);
+ break;
+ case INS_seto:
+ case INS_setno:
+ case INS_setb:
+ case INS_setae:
+ case INS_sete:
+ case INS_setne:
+ case INS_setbe:
+ case INS_seta:
+ case INS_sets:
+ case INS_setns:
+ case INS_setpe:
+ case INS_setpo:
+ case INS_setl:
+ case INS_setge:
+ case INS_setle:
+ case INS_setg:
+ assert(id->idGCref() == GCT_NONE);
+ assert(size == EA_1BYTE);
+ code = insEncodeMRreg(ins, reg, EA_1BYTE, insCodeMR(ins));
+ // Output the REX prefix
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ // We expect this to always be a 'big' opcode
+ assert(code & 0x00FF0000);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code >> 16);
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code & 0x0000FFFF);
+ break;
+ case INS_mulEAX:
+ case INS_imulEAX:
+ // Kill off any GC refs in EAX or EDX
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(REG_EAX, dst);
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(REG_EDX, dst);
+ __fallthrough;
+ default:
+ assert(id->idGCref() == GCT_NONE);
+ code = insEncodeMRreg(ins, reg, size, insCodeMR(ins));
+ if (size != EA_1BYTE)
+ {
+ // Set the 'w' bit to get the large version
+ code |= 0x1;
+ if (size == EA_2BYTE)
+ {
+ // Output a size prefix for a 16-bit operand
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0x66);
+ }
+ }
+ code = AddVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, code, size);
+ if (TakesRexWPrefix(ins, size))
+ {
+ code = AddRexWPrefix(ins, code);
+ }
+ // Output the REX prefix
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Are we writing the register? if so then update the GC information
+ switch (id->idInsFmt())
+ {
+ case IF_RRD:
+ break;
+ case IF_RWR:
+ if (id->idGCref())
+ {
+ emitGCregLiveUpd(id->idGCref(), id->idReg1(), dst);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(id->idReg1(), dst);
+ }
+ break;
+ case IF_RRW:
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ regMaskTP regMask = genRegMask(reg);
+ if (id->idGCref())
+ {
+ // The reg must currently be holding either a gcref or a byref
+ // and the instruction must be inc or dec
+ assert(((emitThisGCrefRegs | emitThisByrefRegs) & regMask) &&
+ (ins == INS_inc || ins == INS_dec || ins == INS_inc_l || ins == INS_dec_l));
+ assert(id->idGCref() == GCT_BYREF);
+ // Mark it as holding a GCT_BYREF
+ emitGCregLiveUpd(GCT_BYREF, id->idReg1(), dst);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Can't use RRW to trash a GC ref. It's OK for unverifiable code
+ // to trash Byrefs.
+ assert((emitThisGCrefRegs & regMask) == 0);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ emitDispIns(id, false, false, false);
+ assert(!"unexpected instruction format");
+ break;
+ }
+ return dst;
+ *
+ * Output an instruction with two register operands.
+ */
+BYTE* emitter::emitOutputRR(BYTE* dst, instrDesc* id)
+ size_t code;
+ instruction ins = id->idIns();
+ regNumber reg1 = id->idReg1();
+ regNumber reg2 = id->idReg2();
+ emitAttr size = id->idOpSize();
+ // Get the 'base' opcode
+ code = insCodeRM(ins);
+ code = AddVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, code, size);
+ if (IsSSE2Instruction(ins) || IsAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ code = insEncodeRMreg(ins, code);
+ if (TakesRexWPrefix(ins, size))
+ {
+ code = AddRexWPrefix(ins, code);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((ins == INS_movsx) || (ins == INS_movzx) || (insIsCMOV(ins)))
+ {
+ code = insEncodeRMreg(ins, code) | (int)(size == EA_2BYTE);
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ assert((size < EA_4BYTE) || (insIsCMOV(ins)));
+ if ((size == EA_8BYTE) || (ins == INS_movsx))
+ {
+ code = AddRexWPrefix(ins, code);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ins == INS_movsxd)
+ {
+ code = insEncodeRMreg(ins, code);
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ code = insEncodeMRreg(ins, insCodeMR(ins));
+ if (ins != INS_test)
+ {
+ code |= 2;
+ }
+ switch (size)
+ {
+ case EA_1BYTE:
+ noway_assert(RBM_BYTE_REGS & genRegMask(reg1));
+ noway_assert(RBM_BYTE_REGS & genRegMask(reg2));
+ break;
+ case EA_2BYTE:
+ // Output a size prefix for a 16-bit operand
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0x66);
+ __fallthrough;
+ case EA_4BYTE:
+ // Set the 'w' bit to get the large version
+ code |= 0x1;
+ break;
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ case EA_8BYTE:
+ // TODO-AMD64-CQ: Better way to not emit REX.W when we don't need it
+ // Don't need to zero out the high bits explicitly
+ if ((ins != INS_xor) || (reg1 != reg2))
+ {
+ code = AddRexWPrefix(ins, code);
+ }
+ // Set the 'w' bit to get the large version
+ code |= 0x1;
+ break;
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ default:
+ assert(!"unexpected size");
+ }
+ }
+ unsigned regCode = insEncodeReg345(ins, reg1, size, &code);
+ regCode |= insEncodeReg012(ins, reg2, size, &code);
+ // In case of AVX instructions that take 3 operands, we generally want to encode reg1
+ // as first source. In this case, reg1 is both a source and a destination.
+ // The exception is the "merge" 3-operand case, where we have a move instruction, such
+ // as movss, and we want to merge the source with itself.
+ //
+ // TODO-XArch-CQ: Eventually we need to support 3 operand instruction formats. For
+ // now we use the single source as source1 and source2.
+ if (IsThreeOperandBinaryAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ // encode source/dest operand reg in 'vvvv' bits in 1's compliement form
+ code = insEncodeReg3456(ins, reg1, size, code);
+ }
+ else if (IsThreeOperandMoveAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ // encode source operand reg in 'vvvv' bits in 1's compliement form
+ code = insEncodeReg3456(ins, reg2, size, code);
+ }
+ // Output the REX prefix
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ // Is this a 'big' opcode?
+ if (code & 0xFF000000)
+ {
+ // Output the highest word of the opcode
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code >> 16);
+ code &= 0x0000FFFF;
+ }
+ else if (code & 0x00FF0000)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code >> 16);
+ code &= 0x0000FFFF;
+ }
+ // If byte 4 is 0xC0, then it contains the Mod/RM encoding for a 3-byte
+ // encoding. Otherwise, this is an instruction with a 4-byte encoding,
+ // and the MOd/RM encoding needs to go in the 5th byte.
+ // TODO-XArch-CQ: Currently, this will only support registers in the 5th byte.
+ // We probably need a different mechanism to identify the 4-byte encodings.
+ if ((code & 0xFF) == 0x00)
+ {
+ // This case happens for AVX instructions only
+ assert(IsAVXInstruction(ins));
+ if ((code & 0xFF00) == 0xC000)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, (0xC0 | regCode));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, (code >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, (0xC0 | regCode));
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((code & 0xFF00) == 0xC000)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | (regCode << 8));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, (0xC0 | regCode));
+ }
+ // Does this instruction operate on a GC ref value?
+ if (id->idGCref())
+ {
+ switch (id->idInsFmt())
+ {
+ case IF_RRD_RRD:
+ break;
+ case IF_RWR_RRD:
+ if (emitSyncThisObjReg != REG_NA && emitIGisInProlog(emitCurIG) && reg2 == (int)REG_ARG_0)
+ {
+ // We're relocating "this" in the prolog
+ assert(emitComp->lvaIsOriginalThisArg(0));
+ assert(emitComp->lvaTable[0].lvRegister);
+ assert(emitComp->lvaTable[0].lvRegNum == reg1);
+ if (emitFullGCinfo)
+ {
+ emitGCregLiveSet(id->idGCref(), genRegMask(reg1), dst, true);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* If emitFullGCinfo==false, the we don't use any
+ regPtrDsc's and so explictly note the location
+ of "this" in GCEncode.cpp
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ emitGCregLiveUpd(id->idGCref(), id->idReg1(), dst);
+ break;
+ case IF_RRW_RRD:
+ switch (id->idIns())
+ {
+ /*
+ This must be one of the following cases:
+ xor reg, reg to assign NULL
+ and r1 , r2 if (ptr1 && ptr2) ...
+ or r1 , r2 if (ptr1 || ptr2) ...
+ add r1 , r2 to compute a normal byref
+ sub r1 , r2 to compute a strange byref (VC only)
+ */
+ case INS_xor:
+ assert(id->idReg1() == id->idReg2());
+ emitGCregLiveUpd(id->idGCref(), id->idReg1(), dst);
+ break;
+ case INS_or:
+ case INS_and:
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(id->idReg1(), dst);
+ break;
+ case INS_add:
+ case INS_sub:
+ assert(id->idGCref() == GCT_BYREF);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ regMaskTP regMask;
+ regMask = genRegMask(reg1) | genRegMask(reg2);
+ // r1/r2 could have been a GCREF as GCREF + int=BYREF
+ // or BYREF+/-int=BYREF
+ assert(((regMask & emitThisGCrefRegs) && (ins == INS_add)) ||
+ ((regMask & emitThisByrefRegs) && (ins == INS_add || ins == INS_sub)));
+ // Mark r1 as holding a byref
+ emitGCregLiveUpd(GCT_BYREF, id->idReg1(), dst);
+ break;
+ default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ emitDispIns(id, false, false, false);
+ assert(!"unexpected GC reg update instruction");
+ }
+ break;
+ case IF_RRW_RRW:
+ // This must be "xchg reg1, reg2"
+ assert(id->idIns() == INS_xchg);
+ // If we got here, the GC-ness of the registers doesn't match, so we have to "swap" them in the GC
+ // register pointer mask.
+ GCtype gc1, gc2;
+ gc1 = emitRegGCtype(reg1);
+ gc2 = emitRegGCtype(reg2);
+ if (gc1 != gc2)
+ {
+ // Kill the GC-info about the GC registers
+ if (needsGC(gc1))
+ {
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(reg1, dst);
+ }
+ if (needsGC(gc2))
+ {
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(reg2, dst);
+ }
+ // Now, swap the info
+ if (needsGC(gc1))
+ {
+ emitGCregLiveUpd(gc1, reg2, dst);
+ }
+ if (needsGC(gc2))
+ {
+ emitGCregLiveUpd(gc2, reg1, dst);
+ }
+ }
+#endif // !LEGACY_BACKEND
+ break;
+ default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ emitDispIns(id, false, false, false);
+ assert(!"unexpected GC ref instruction format");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (emitInsCanOnlyWriteSSE2OrAVXReg(id))
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (id->idInsFmt())
+ {
+ case IF_RRD_CNS:
+ // INS_mulEAX can not be used with any of these formats
+ assert(ins != INS_mulEAX && ins != INS_imulEAX);
+ // For the three operand imul instruction the target
+ // register is encoded in the opcode
+ if (instrIs3opImul(ins))
+ {
+ regNumber tgtReg = inst3opImulReg(ins);
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(tgtReg, dst);
+ }
+ break;
+ case IF_RWR_RRD:
+ case IF_RRW_RRD:
+ // INS_movxmm2i writes to reg2.
+ if (ins == INS_mov_xmm2i)
+ {
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(id->idReg2(), dst);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(id->idReg1(), dst);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return dst;
+BYTE* emitter::emitOutputRRR(BYTE* dst, instrDesc* id)
+ size_t code;
+ instruction ins = id->idIns();
+ assert(IsAVXInstruction(ins));
+ assert(IsThreeOperandAVXInstruction(ins));
+ regNumber targetReg = id->idReg1();
+ regNumber src1 = id->idReg2();
+ regNumber src2 = id->idReg3();
+ emitAttr size = id->idOpSize();
+ code = insCodeRM(ins);
+ code = AddVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, code, size);
+ code = insEncodeRMreg(ins, code);
+ if (TakesRexWPrefix(ins, size))
+ {
+ code = AddRexWPrefix(ins, code);
+ }
+ unsigned regCode = insEncodeReg345(ins, targetReg, size, &code);
+ regCode |= insEncodeReg012(ins, src2, size, &code);
+ // encode source operand reg in 'vvvv' bits in 1's compliement form
+ code = insEncodeReg3456(ins, src1, size, code);
+ // Output the REX prefix
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ // Is this a 'big' opcode?
+ if (code & 0xFF000000)
+ {
+ // Output the highest word of the opcode
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code >> 16);
+ code &= 0x0000FFFF;
+ }
+ else if (code & 0x00FF0000)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code >> 16);
+ code &= 0x0000FFFF;
+ }
+ // If byte 4 is 0xC0, then it contains the Mod/RM encoding for a 3-byte
+ // encoding. Otherwise, this is an instruction with a 4-byte encoding,
+ // and the MOd/RM encoding needs to go in the 5th byte.
+ // TODO-XArch-CQ: Currently, this will only support registers in the 5th byte.
+ // We probably need a different mechanism to identify the 4-byte encodings.
+ if ((code & 0xFF) == 0x00)
+ {
+ // This case happens for AVX instructions only
+ assert(IsAVXInstruction(ins));
+ if ((code & 0xFF00) == 0xC000)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, (0xC0 | regCode));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, (code >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, (0xC0 | regCode));
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((code & 0xFF00) == 0xC000)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | (regCode << 8));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, (0xC0 | regCode));
+ }
+ noway_assert(!id->idGCref());
+ return dst;
+ *
+ * Output an instruction with a register and constant operands.
+ */
+BYTE* emitter::emitOutputRI(BYTE* dst, instrDesc* id)
+ size_t code;
+ emitAttr size = id->idOpSize();
+ instruction ins = id->idIns();
+ regNumber reg = id->idReg1();
+ ssize_t val = emitGetInsSC(id);
+ bool valInByte = ((signed char)val == val) && (ins != INS_mov) && (ins != INS_test);
+ if (id->idIsCnsReloc())
+ {
+ valInByte = false; // relocs can't be placed in a byte
+ }
+ noway_assert(emitVerifyEncodable(ins, size, reg));
+ if (IsSSEOrAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ // Handle SSE2 instructions of the form "opcode reg, immed8"
+ assert(id->idGCref() == GCT_NONE);
+ assert(valInByte);
+ assert(ins == INS_psrldq || ins == INS_pslldq);
+ // Get the 'base' opcode.
+ code = insCodeMI(ins);
+ code = AddVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, code, size);
+ code = insEncodeMIreg(ins, reg, size, code);
+ assert(code & 0x00FF0000);
+ if (TakesVexPrefix(ins))
+ {
+ // The 'vvvv' bits encode the destination register, which for this case (RI)
+ // is the same as the source.
+ code = insEncodeReg3456(ins, reg, size, code);
+ }
+ // In case of psrldq
+ // Reg/Opcode = 3
+ // R/M = reg1
+ //
+ // In case of pslldq
+ // Reg/Opcode = 7
+ // R/M = reg1
+ regNumber regOpcode = (regNumber)((ins == INS_psrldq) ? 3 : 7);
+ unsigned regcode = (insEncodeReg345(ins, regOpcode, size, &code) | insEncodeReg012(ins, reg, size, &code)) << 8;
+ // Output the REX prefix
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ if (code & 0xFF000000)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code >> 16);
+ }
+ else if (code & 0xFF0000)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code >> 16);
+ }
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | regcode);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, val);
+ return dst;
+ }
+#endif // !LEGACY_BACKEND
+ // The 'mov' opcode is special
+ if (ins == INS_mov)
+ {
+ code = insCodeACC(ins);
+ assert(code < 0x100);
+ code |= 0x08; // Set the 'w' bit
+ unsigned regcode = insEncodeReg012(ins, reg, size, &code);
+ code |= regcode;
+ // This is INS_mov and will not take VEX prefix
+ assert(!TakesVexPrefix(ins));
+ if (TakesRexWPrefix(ins, size))
+ {
+ code = AddRexWPrefix(ins, code);
+ }
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code);
+ if (size == EA_4BYTE)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, val);
+ }
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ else
+ {
+ assert(size == EA_PTRSIZE);
+ dst += emitOutputSizeT(dst, val);
+ }
+ if (id->idIsCnsReloc())
+ {
+ emitRecordRelocation((void*)(dst - (unsigned)EA_SIZE(size)), (void*)(size_t)val, IMAGE_REL_BASED_MOFFSET);
+ }
+ goto DONE;
+ }
+ // Decide which encoding is the shortest
+ bool useSigned, useACC;
+ if (reg == REG_EAX && !instrIs3opImul(ins))
+ {
+ if (size == EA_1BYTE || (ins == INS_test))
+ {
+ // For al, ACC encoding is always the smallest
+ useSigned = false;
+ useACC = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* For ax/eax, we avoid ACC encoding for small constants as we
+ * can emit the small constant and have it sign-extended.
+ * For big constants, the ACC encoding is better as we can use
+ * the 1 byte opcode
+ */
+ if (valInByte)
+ {
+ // avoid using ACC encoding
+ useSigned = true;
+ useACC = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ useSigned = false;
+ useACC = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ useACC = false;
+ if (valInByte)
+ {
+ useSigned = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ useSigned = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // "test" has no 's' bit
+ if (ins == INS_test)
+ {
+ useSigned = false;
+ }
+ // Get the 'base' opcode
+ if (useACC)
+ {
+ assert(!useSigned);
+ code = insCodeACC(ins);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(!useSigned || valInByte);
+ // Some instructions (at least 'imul') do not have a
+ // r/m, immed form, but do have a dstReg,srcReg,imm8 form.
+ if (valInByte && useSigned && insNeedsRRIb(ins))
+ {
+ code = insEncodeRRIb(ins, reg, size);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ code = insCodeMI(ins);
+ code = AddVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, code, size);
+ code = insEncodeMIreg(ins, reg, size, code);
+ }
+ }
+ switch (size)
+ {
+ case EA_1BYTE:
+ break;
+ case EA_2BYTE:
+ // Output a size prefix for a 16-bit operand
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0x66);
+ __fallthrough;
+ case EA_4BYTE:
+ // Set the 'w' bit to get the large version
+ code |= 0x1;
+ break;
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ case EA_8BYTE:
+ /* Set the 'w' bit to get the large version */
+ /* and the REX.W bit to get the really large version */
+ code = AddRexWPrefix(ins, code);
+ code |= 0x1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(!"unexpected size");
+ }
+ // Output the REX prefix
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ // Does the value fit in a sign-extended byte?
+ // Important! Only set the 's' bit when we have a size larger than EA_1BYTE.
+ // Note: A sign-extending immediate when (size == EA_1BYTE) is invalid in 64-bit mode.
+ if (useSigned && (size > EA_1BYTE))
+ {
+ // We can just set the 's' bit, and issue an immediate byte
+ code |= 0x2; // Set the 's' bit to use a sign-extended immediate byte.
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, val);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Can we use an accumulator (EAX) encoding?
+ if (useACC)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code);
+ }
+ switch (size)
+ {
+ case EA_1BYTE:
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, val);
+ break;
+ case EA_2BYTE:
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, val);
+ break;
+ case EA_4BYTE:
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, val);
+ break;
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ case EA_8BYTE:
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, val);
+ break;
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (id->idIsCnsReloc())
+ {
+ emitRecordRelocation((void*)(dst - sizeof(INT32)), (void*)(size_t)val, IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW);
+ assert(size == EA_4BYTE);
+ }
+ }
+ // Does this instruction operate on a GC ref value?
+ if (id->idGCref())
+ {
+ switch (id->idInsFmt())
+ {
+ case IF_RRD_CNS:
+ break;
+ case IF_RWR_CNS:
+ emitGCregLiveUpd(id->idGCref(), id->idReg1(), dst);
+ break;
+ case IF_RRW_CNS:
+ assert(id->idGCref() == GCT_BYREF);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ regMaskTP regMask;
+ regMask = genRegMask(reg);
+ // FIXNOW review the other places and relax the assert there too
+ // The reg must currently be holding either a gcref or a byref
+ if (emitThisGCrefRegs & regMask)
+ {
+ assert(ins == INS_add);
+ }
+ if (emitThisByrefRegs & regMask)
+ {
+ assert(ins == INS_add || ins == INS_sub);
+ }
+ // Mark it as holding a GCT_BYREF
+ emitGCregLiveUpd(GCT_BYREF, id->idReg1(), dst);
+ break;
+ default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ emitDispIns(id, false, false, false);
+ assert(!"unexpected GC ref instruction format");
+ }
+ // mul can never produce a GC ref
+ assert(!instrIs3opImul(ins));
+ assert(ins != INS_mulEAX && ins != INS_imulEAX);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (id->idInsFmt())
+ {
+ case IF_RRD_CNS:
+ // INS_mulEAX can not be used with any of these formats
+ assert(ins != INS_mulEAX && ins != INS_imulEAX);
+ // For the three operand imul instruction the target
+ // register is encoded in the opcode
+ if (instrIs3opImul(ins))
+ {
+ regNumber tgtReg = inst3opImulReg(ins);
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(tgtReg, dst);
+ }
+ break;
+ case IF_RRW_CNS:
+ case IF_RWR_CNS:
+ assert(!instrIs3opImul(ins));
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(id->idReg1(), dst);
+ break;
+ default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ emitDispIns(id, false, false, false);
+ assert(!"unexpected GC ref instruction format");
+ }
+ }
+ return dst;
+ *
+ * Output an instruction with a constant operand.
+ */
+BYTE* emitter::emitOutputIV(BYTE* dst, instrDesc* id)
+ size_t code;
+ instruction ins = id->idIns();
+ emitAttr size = id->idOpSize();
+ ssize_t val = emitGetInsSC(id);
+ bool valInByte = ((signed char)val == val);
+ // We would to update GC info correctly
+ assert(!IsSSE2Instruction(ins));
+ assert(!IsAVXInstruction(ins));
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // all these opcodes take a sign-extended 4-byte immediate, max
+ noway_assert(size < EA_8BYTE || ((int)val == val && !id->idIsCnsReloc()));
+ if (id->idIsCnsReloc())
+ {
+ valInByte = false; // relocs can't be placed in a byte
+ // Of these instructions only the push instruction can have reloc
+ assert(ins == INS_push || ins == INS_push_hide);
+ }
+ switch (ins)
+ {
+ case INS_jge:
+ assert((val >= -128) && (val <= 127));
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, insCode(ins));
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, val);
+ break;
+ case INS_loop:
+ assert((val >= -128) && (val <= 127));
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, insCodeMI(ins));
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, val);
+ break;
+ case INS_ret:
+ assert(val);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, insCodeMI(ins));
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, val);
+ break;
+ case INS_push_hide:
+ case INS_push:
+ code = insCodeMI(ins);
+ // Does the operand fit in a byte?
+ if (valInByte)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code | 2);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, val);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (TakesRexWPrefix(ins, size))
+ {
+ code = AddRexWPrefix(ins, code);
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ }
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code);
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, val);
+ if (id->idIsCnsReloc())
+ {
+ emitRecordRelocation((void*)(dst - sizeof(INT32)), (void*)(size_t)val, IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW);
+ }
+ }
+ // Did we push a GC ref value?
+ if (id->idGCref())
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("UNDONE: record GCref push [cns]\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(!"unexpected instruction");
+ }
+ return dst;
+ *
+ * Output a local jump instruction.
+ * This function also handles non-jumps that have jump-like characteristics, like RIP-relative LEA of a label that
+ * needs to get bound to an actual address and processed by branch shortening.
+ */
+BYTE* emitter::emitOutputLJ(BYTE* dst, instrDesc* i)
+ unsigned srcOffs;
+ unsigned dstOffs;
+ ssize_t distVal;
+ instrDescJmp* id = (instrDescJmp*)i;
+ instruction ins = id->idIns();
+ bool jmp;
+ bool relAddr = true; // does the instruction use relative-addressing?
+ // SSE2 doesnt make any sense here
+ assert(!IsSSE2Instruction(ins));
+ assert(!IsAVXInstruction(ins));
+ size_t ssz;
+ size_t lsz;
+ switch (ins)
+ {
+ default:
+ jmp = true;
+ break;
+ case INS_jmp:
+ jmp = true;
+ break;
+ case INS_call:
+ ssz = lsz = CALL_INST_SIZE;
+ jmp = false;
+ break;
+ case INS_push_hide:
+ case INS_push:
+ ssz = lsz = 5;
+ jmp = false;
+ relAddr = false;
+ break;
+ case INS_mov:
+ case INS_lea:
+ ssz = lsz = id->idCodeSize();
+ jmp = false;
+ relAddr = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Figure out the distance to the target
+ srcOffs = emitCurCodeOffs(dst);
+ dstOffs = id->idAddr()->iiaIGlabel->igOffs;
+ if (relAddr)
+ {
+ distVal = (ssize_t)(emitOffsetToPtr(dstOffs) - emitOffsetToPtr(srcOffs));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ distVal = (ssize_t)emitOffsetToPtr(dstOffs);
+ }
+ if (dstOffs <= srcOffs)
+ {
+ // This is a backward jump - distance is known at this point
+ if (id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idNum == (unsigned)INTERESTING_JUMP_NUM || INTERESTING_JUMP_NUM == 0)
+ {
+ size_t blkOffs = id->idjIG->igOffs;
+ {
+ printf("[3] Jump %u:\n", id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idNum);
+ }
+ printf("[3] Jump block is at %08X - %02X = %08X\n", blkOffs, emitOffsAdj, blkOffs - emitOffsAdj);
+ printf("[3] Jump is at %08X - %02X = %08X\n", srcOffs, emitOffsAdj, srcOffs - emitOffsAdj);
+ printf("[3] Label block is at %08X - %02X = %08X\n", dstOffs, emitOffsAdj, dstOffs - emitOffsAdj);
+ }
+ // Can we use a short jump?
+ if (jmp && distVal - ssz >= (size_t)JMP_DIST_SMALL_MAX_NEG)
+ {
+ emitSetShortJump(id);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This is a forward jump - distance will be an upper limit
+ emitFwdJumps = true;
+ // The target offset will be closer by at least 'emitOffsAdj', but only if this
+ // jump doesn't cross the hot-cold boundary.
+ if (!emitJumpCrossHotColdBoundary(srcOffs, dstOffs))
+ {
+ dstOffs -= emitOffsAdj;
+ distVal -= emitOffsAdj;
+ }
+ // Record the location of the jump for later patching
+ id->idjOffs = dstOffs;
+ // Are we overflowing the id->idjOffs bitfield?
+ if (id->idjOffs != dstOffs)
+ {
+ IMPL_LIMITATION("Method is too large");
+ }
+ if (id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idNum == (unsigned)INTERESTING_JUMP_NUM || INTERESTING_JUMP_NUM == 0)
+ {
+ size_t blkOffs = id->idjIG->igOffs;
+ {
+ printf("[4] Jump %u:\n", id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idNum);
+ }
+ printf("[4] Jump block is at %08X\n", blkOffs);
+ printf("[4] Jump is at %08X\n", srcOffs);
+ printf("[4] Label block is at %08X - %02X = %08X\n", dstOffs + emitOffsAdj, emitOffsAdj, dstOffs);
+ }
+ // Can we use a short jump?
+ if (jmp && distVal - ssz <= (size_t)JMP_DIST_SMALL_MAX_POS)
+ {
+ emitSetShortJump(id);
+ }
+ }
+ // Adjust the offset to emit relative to the end of the instruction
+ if (relAddr)
+ {
+ distVal -= id->idjShort ? ssz : lsz;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (0 && emitComp->verbose)
+ {
+ size_t sz = id->idjShort ? ssz : lsz;
+ int distValSize = id->idjShort ? 4 : 8;
+ printf("; %s jump [%08X/%03u] from %0*X to %0*X: dist = %08XH\n", (dstOffs <= srcOffs) ? "Fwd" : "Bwd",
+ emitComp->dspPtr(id), id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idNum, distValSize, srcOffs + sz, distValSize, dstOffs,
+ distVal);
+ }
+ // What size jump should we use?
+ if (id->idjShort)
+ {
+ // Short jump
+ assert(!id->idjKeepLong);
+ assert(emitJumpCrossHotColdBoundary(srcOffs, dstOffs) == false);
+ assert(JMP_SIZE_SMALL == 2);
+ assert(jmp);
+ if (emitInstCodeSz(id) != JMP_SIZE_SMALL)
+ {
+ emitOffsAdj += emitInstCodeSz(id) - JMP_SIZE_SMALL;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (emitComp->verbose)
+ {
+ printf("; NOTE: size of jump [%08X] mis-predicted\n", emitComp->dspPtr(id));
+ }
+ }
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, insCode(ins));
+ // For forward jumps, record the address of the distance value
+ id->idjTemp.idjAddr = (distVal > 0) ? dst : nullptr;
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, distVal);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_t code;
+ // Long jump
+ if (jmp)
+ {
+ assert(INS_jmp + (INS_l_jmp - INS_jmp) == INS_l_jmp);
+ assert(INS_jo + (INS_l_jmp - INS_jmp) == INS_l_jo);
+ assert(INS_jb + (INS_l_jmp - INS_jmp) == INS_l_jb);
+ assert(INS_jae + (INS_l_jmp - INS_jmp) == INS_l_jae);
+ assert(INS_je + (INS_l_jmp - INS_jmp) == INS_l_je);
+ assert(INS_jne + (INS_l_jmp - INS_jmp) == INS_l_jne);
+ assert(INS_jbe + (INS_l_jmp - INS_jmp) == INS_l_jbe);
+ assert(INS_ja + (INS_l_jmp - INS_jmp) == INS_l_ja);
+ assert(INS_js + (INS_l_jmp - INS_jmp) == INS_l_js);
+ assert(INS_jns + (INS_l_jmp - INS_jmp) == INS_l_jns);
+ assert(INS_jpe + (INS_l_jmp - INS_jmp) == INS_l_jpe);
+ assert(INS_jpo + (INS_l_jmp - INS_jmp) == INS_l_jpo);
+ assert(INS_jl + (INS_l_jmp - INS_jmp) == INS_l_jl);
+ assert(INS_jge + (INS_l_jmp - INS_jmp) == INS_l_jge);
+ assert(INS_jle + (INS_l_jmp - INS_jmp) == INS_l_jle);
+ assert(INS_jg + (INS_l_jmp - INS_jmp) == INS_l_jg);
+ code = insCode((instruction)(ins + (INS_l_jmp - INS_jmp)));
+ }
+ else if (ins == INS_push || ins == INS_push_hide)
+ {
+ assert(insCodeMI(INS_push) == 0x68);
+ code = 0x68;
+ }
+ else if (ins == INS_mov)
+ {
+ // Make it look like IF_SWR_CNS so that emitOutputSV emits the r/m32 for us
+ insFormat tmpInsFmt = id->idInsFmt();
+ insGroup* tmpIGlabel = id->idAddr()->iiaIGlabel;
+ bool tmpDspReloc = id->idIsDspReloc();
+ id->idInsFmt(IF_SWR_CNS);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaLclVar = ((instrDescLbl*)id)->dstLclVar;
+ id->idSetIsDspReloc(false);
+ dst = emitOutputSV(dst, id, insCodeMI(ins));
+ // Restore id fields with original values
+ id->idInsFmt(tmpInsFmt);
+ id->idAddr()->iiaIGlabel = tmpIGlabel;
+ id->idSetIsDspReloc(tmpDspReloc);
+ code = 0xCC;
+ }
+ else if (ins == INS_lea)
+ {
+ // Make an instrDesc that looks like IF_RWR_ARD so that emitOutputAM emits the r/m32 for us.
+ // We basically are doing what emitIns_R_AI does.
+ // TODO-XArch-Cleanup: revisit this.
+ instrDescAmd idAmdStackLocal;
+ instrDescAmd* idAmd = &idAmdStackLocal;
+ *(instrDesc*)idAmd = *(instrDesc*)id; // copy all the "core" fields
+ memset((BYTE*)idAmd + sizeof(instrDesc), 0,
+ sizeof(instrDescAmd) - sizeof(instrDesc)); // zero out the tail that wasn't copied
+ idAmd->idInsFmt(IF_RWR_ARD);
+ idAmd->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amBaseReg = REG_NA;
+ idAmd->idAddr()->iiaAddrMode.amIndxReg = REG_NA;
+ emitSetAmdDisp(idAmd, distVal); // set the displacement
+ idAmd->idSetIsDspReloc(id->idIsDspReloc());
+ assert(emitGetInsAmdAny(idAmd) == distVal); // make sure "disp" is stored properly
+ UNATIVE_OFFSET sz = emitInsSizeAM(idAmd, insCodeRM(ins));
+ idAmd->idCodeSize(sz);
+ code = insCodeRM(ins);
+ code |= (insEncodeReg345(ins, id->idReg1(), EA_PTRSIZE, &code) << 8);
+ dst = emitOutputAM(dst, idAmd, code, nullptr);
+ code = 0xCC;
+ // For forward jumps, record the address of the distance value
+ // Hard-coded 4 here because we already output the displacement, as the last thing.
+ id->idjTemp.idjAddr = (dstOffs > srcOffs) ? (dst - 4) : nullptr;
+ // We're done
+ return dst;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ code = 0xE8;
+ }
+ if (ins != INS_mov)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code);
+ if (code & 0xFF00)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code >> 8);
+ }
+ }
+ // For forward jumps, record the address of the distance value
+ id->idjTemp.idjAddr = (dstOffs > srcOffs) ? dst : nullptr;
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, distVal);
+#ifndef _TARGET_AMD64_ // all REL32 on AMD have to go through recordRelocation
+ if (emitComp->opts.compReloc)
+ {
+ if (!relAddr)
+ {
+ emitRecordRelocation((void*)(dst - sizeof(INT32)), (void*)distVal, IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW);
+ }
+ else if (emitJumpCrossHotColdBoundary(srcOffs, dstOffs))
+ {
+ assert(id->idjKeepLong);
+ emitRecordRelocation((void*)(dst - sizeof(INT32)), dst + distVal, IMAGE_REL_BASED_REL32);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Local calls kill all registers
+ if (ins == INS_call && (emitThisGCrefRegs | emitThisByrefRegs))
+ {
+ emitGCregDeadUpdMask(emitThisGCrefRegs | emitThisByrefRegs, dst);
+ }
+ return dst;
+ *
+ * Append the machine code corresponding to the given instruction descriptor
+ * to the code block at '*dp'; the base of the code block is 'bp', and 'ig'
+ * is the instruction group that contains the instruction. Updates '*dp' to
+ * point past the generated code, and returns the size of the instruction
+ * descriptor in bytes.
+ */
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable : 21000) // Suppress PREFast warning about overly large function
+size_t emitter::emitOutputInstr(insGroup* ig, instrDesc* id, BYTE** dp)
+ assert(emitIssuing);
+ BYTE* dst = *dp;
+ size_t sz = sizeof(instrDesc);
+ instruction ins = id->idIns();
+ unsigned char callInstrSize = 0;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ bool dspOffs = emitComp->opts.dspGCtbls;
+#endif // DEBUG
+ emitAttr size = id->idOpSize();
+ assert(REG_NA == (int)REG_NA);
+ assert(ins != INS_imul || size >= EA_4BYTE); // Has no 'w' bit
+ assert(instrIs3opImul(id->idIns()) == 0 || size >= EA_4BYTE); // Has no 'w' bit
+ VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(GCvars, VarSetOps::UninitVal());
+ // What instruction format have we got?
+ switch (id->idInsFmt())
+ {
+ size_t code;
+ size_t regcode;
+ int args;
+ CnsVal cnsVal;
+ BYTE* addr;
+ bool recCall;
+ regMaskTP gcrefRegs;
+ regMaskTP byrefRegs;
+ /********************************************************************/
+ /* No operands */
+ /********************************************************************/
+ case IF_NONE:
+ // the loop alignment pseudo instruction
+ if (ins == INS_align)
+ {
+ dst = emitOutputNOP(dst, (-(int)(size_t)dst) & 0x0f);
+ assert(((size_t)dst & 0x0f) == 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ins == INS_nop)
+ {
+ dst = emitOutputNOP(dst, id->idCodeSize());
+ break;
+ }
+ // the cdq instruction kills the EDX register implicitly
+ if (ins == INS_cdq)
+ {
+ emitGCregDeadUpd(REG_EDX, dst);
+ }
+ __fallthrough;
+ case IF_TRD:
+ case IF_TWR:
+ case IF_TRW:
+#endif // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ assert(id->idGCref() == GCT_NONE);
+ code = insCodeMR(ins);
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // Support only scalar AVX instructions and hence size is hard coded to 4-byte.
+ code = AddVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, code, EA_4BYTE);
+ if (ins == INS_cdq && TakesRexWPrefix(ins, id->idOpSize()))
+ {
+ code = AddRexWPrefix(ins, code);
+ }
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ // Is this a 'big' opcode?
+ if (code & 0xFF000000)
+ {
+ // The high word and then the low word
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code >> 16);
+ code &= 0x0000FFFF;
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code);
+ }
+ else if (code & 0x00FF0000)
+ {
+ // The high byte and then the low word
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code >> 16);
+ code &= 0x0000FFFF;
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code);
+ }
+ else if (code & 0xFF00)
+ {
+ // The 2 byte opcode
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // The 1 byte opcode
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code);
+ }
+ break;
+ /********************************************************************/
+ /* Simple constant, local label, method */
+ /********************************************************************/
+ case IF_CNS:
+ dst = emitOutputIV(dst, id);
+ sz = emitSizeOfInsDsc(id);
+ break;
+ case IF_LABEL:
+ case IF_RWR_LABEL:
+ case IF_SWR_LABEL:
+ assert(id->idGCref() == GCT_NONE);
+ assert(id->idIsBound());
+ // TODO-XArch-Cleanup: handle IF_RWR_LABEL in emitOutputLJ() or change it to emitOutputAM()?
+ dst = emitOutputLJ(dst, id);
+ sz = (id->idInsFmt() == IF_SWR_LABEL ? sizeof(instrDescLbl) : sizeof(instrDescJmp));
+ break;
+ case IF_METHOD:
+ case IF_METHPTR:
+ // Assume we'll be recording this call
+ recCall = true;
+ // Get hold of the argument count and field Handle
+ args = emitGetInsCDinfo(id);
+ // Is this a "fat" call descriptor?
+ if (id->idIsLargeCall())
+ {
+ instrDescCGCA* idCall = (instrDescCGCA*)id;
+ gcrefRegs = idCall->idcGcrefRegs;
+ byrefRegs = idCall->idcByrefRegs;
+ VarSetOps::Assign(emitComp, GCvars, idCall->idcGCvars);
+ sz = sizeof(instrDescCGCA);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(!id->idIsLargeDsp());
+ assert(!id->idIsLargeCns());
+ gcrefRegs = emitDecodeCallGCregs(id);
+ byrefRegs = 0;
+ VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(emitComp, GCvars, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(emitComp));
+ sz = sizeof(instrDesc);
+ }
+ addr = (BYTE*)id->idAddr()->iiaAddr;
+ assert(addr != nullptr);
+ // Some helpers don't get recorded in GC tables
+ if (id->idIsNoGC())
+ {
+ recCall = false;
+ }
+ // What kind of a call do we have here?
+ if (id->idInsFmt() == IF_METHPTR)
+ {
+ // This is call indirect via a method pointer
+ code = insCodeMR(ins);
+ if (ins == INS_i_jmp)
+ {
+ code |= 1;
+ }
+ if (id->idIsDspReloc())
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x0500);
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, 0);
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, (int)addr);
+ emitRecordRelocation((void*)(dst - sizeof(int)), addr, IMAGE_REL_BASED_DISP32);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef _TARGET_X86_
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x0500);
+#else //_TARGET_AMD64_
+ // Amd64: addr fits within 32-bits and can be encoded as a displacement relative to zero.
+ // This addr mode should never be used while generating relocatable ngen code nor if
+ // the addr can be encoded as pc-relative address.
+ noway_assert(!emitComp->opts.compReloc);
+ noway_assert(codeGen->genAddrRelocTypeHint((size_t)addr) != IMAGE_REL_BASED_REL32);
+ noway_assert(static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(addr)) == (ssize_t)addr);
+ // This requires, specifying a SIB byte after ModRM byte.
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | 0x0400);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0x25);
+#endif //_TARGET_AMD64_
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(addr)));
+ }
+ goto DONE_CALL;
+ }
+ // Else
+ // This is call direct where we know the target, thus we can
+ // use a direct call; the target to jump to is in iiaAddr.
+ assert(id->idInsFmt() == IF_METHOD);
+ // Output the call opcode followed by the target distance
+ dst += (ins == INS_l_jmp) ? emitOutputByte(dst, insCode(ins)) : emitOutputByte(dst, insCodeMI(ins));
+ ssize_t offset;
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // All REL32 on Amd64 go through recordRelocation. Here we will output zero to advance dst.
+ offset = 0;
+ assert(id->idIsDspReloc());
+ // Calculate PC relative displacement.
+ // Although you think we should be using sizeof(void*), the x86 and x64 instruction set
+ // only allow a 32-bit offset, so we correctly use sizeof(INT32)
+ offset = addr - (dst + sizeof(INT32));
+ dst += emitOutputLong(dst, offset);
+ if (id->idIsDspReloc())
+ {
+ emitRecordRelocation((void*)(dst - sizeof(INT32)), addr, IMAGE_REL_BASED_REL32);
+ }
+ /* We update the GC info before the call as the variables cannot be
+ used by the call. Killing variables before the call helps with
+ boundary conditions if the call is CORINFO_HELP_THROW - see bug 50029.
+ If we ever track aliased variables (which could be used by the
+ call), we would have to keep them alive past the call.
+ */
+ assert(FitsIn<unsigned char>(dst - *dp));
+ callInstrSize = static_cast<unsigned char>(dst - *dp);
+ emitUpdateLiveGCvars(GCvars, *dp);
+ // If the method returns a GC ref, mark EAX appropriately
+ if (id->idGCref() == GCT_GCREF)
+ {
+ gcrefRegs |= RBM_EAX;
+ }
+ else if (id->idGCref() == GCT_BYREF)
+ {
+ byrefRegs |= RBM_EAX;
+ }
+ // If is a multi-register return method is called, mark RDX appropriately (for System V AMD64).
+ if (id->idIsLargeCall())
+ {
+ instrDescCGCA* idCall = (instrDescCGCA*)id;
+ if (idCall->idSecondGCref() == GCT_GCREF)
+ {
+ gcrefRegs |= RBM_RDX;
+ }
+ else if (idCall->idSecondGCref() == GCT_BYREF)
+ {
+ byrefRegs |= RBM_RDX;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the GC register set has changed, report the new set
+ if (gcrefRegs != emitThisGCrefRegs)
+ {
+ emitUpdateLiveGCregs(GCT_GCREF, gcrefRegs, dst);
+ }
+ if (byrefRegs != emitThisByrefRegs)
+ {
+ emitUpdateLiveGCregs(GCT_BYREF, byrefRegs, dst);
+ }
+ if (recCall || args)
+ {
+ // For callee-pop, all arguments will be popped after the call.
+ // For caller-pop, any GC arguments will go dead after the call.
+ assert(callInstrSize != 0);
+ if (args >= 0)
+ {
+ emitStackPop(dst, /*isCall*/ true, callInstrSize, args);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ emitStackKillArgs(dst, -args, callInstrSize);
+ }
+ }
+ // Do we need to record a call location for GC purposes?
+ if (!emitFullGCinfo && recCall)
+ {
+ assert(callInstrSize != 0);
+ emitRecordGCcall(dst, callInstrSize);
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (ins == INS_call)
+ {
+ emitRecordCallSite(emitCurCodeOffs(*dp), id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idCallSig,
+ (CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE)id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idMemCookie);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG
+ break;
+ /********************************************************************/
+ /* One register operand */
+ /********************************************************************/
+ case IF_RRD:
+ case IF_RWR:
+ case IF_RRW:
+ dst = emitOutputR(dst, id);
+ break;
+ /********************************************************************/
+ /* Register and register/constant */
+ /********************************************************************/
+ case IF_RRW_SHF:
+ code = insCodeMR(ins);
+ // Emit the VEX prefix if it exists
+ code = AddVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, code, size);
+ code = insEncodeMRreg(ins, id->idReg1(), size, code);
+ // set the W bit
+ if (size != EA_1BYTE)
+ {
+ code |= 1;
+ }
+ // Emit the REX prefix if it exists
+ if (TakesRexWPrefix(ins, size))
+ {
+ code = AddRexWPrefix(ins, code);
+ }
+ // Output a size prefix for a 16-bit operand
+ if (size == EA_2BYTE)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0x66);
+ }
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, emitGetInsSC(id));
+ sz = emitSizeOfInsDsc(id);
+ break;
+ case IF_RRD_RRD:
+ case IF_RWR_RRD:
+ case IF_RRW_RRD:
+ case IF_RRW_RRW:
+ dst = emitOutputRR(dst, id);
+ break;
+ case IF_RRD_CNS:
+ case IF_RWR_CNS:
+ case IF_RRW_CNS:
+ dst = emitOutputRI(dst, id);
+ sz = emitSizeOfInsDsc(id);
+ break;
+ case IF_RWR_RRD_RRD:
+ dst = emitOutputRRR(dst, id);
+ sz = emitSizeOfInsDsc(id);
+ break;
+ case IF_RRW_RRW_CNS:
+ assert(id->idGCref() == GCT_NONE);
+ // Get the 'base' opcode (it's a big one)
+ // Also, determine which operand goes where in the ModRM byte.
+ regNumber mReg;
+ regNumber rReg;
+ // if (ins == INS_shld || ins == INS_shrd || ins == INS_vextractf128 || ins == INS_vinsertf128)
+ if (hasCodeMR(ins))
+ {
+ code = insCodeMR(ins);
+ // Emit the VEX prefix if it exists
+ code = AddVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, code, size);
+ code = insEncodeMRreg(ins, code);
+ mReg = id->idReg1();
+ rReg = id->idReg2();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ code = insCodeRM(ins);
+ // Emit the VEX prefix if it exists
+ code = AddVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, code, size);
+ code = insEncodeRMreg(ins, code);
+ mReg = id->idReg2();
+ rReg = id->idReg1();
+ }
+ assert(code & 0x00FF0000);
+ if (TakesVexPrefix(ins))
+ {
+ if (IsThreeOperandBinaryAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ // Encode source/dest operand reg in 'vvvv' bits in 1's complement form
+ // This code will have to change when we support 3 operands.
+ // For now, we always overload this source with the destination (always reg1).
+ // (Though we will need to handle the few ops that can have the 'vvvv' bits as destination,
+ // e.g. pslldq, when/if we support those instructions with 2 registers.)
+ // (see x64 manual Table 2-9. Instructions with a VEX.vvvv destination)
+ code = insEncodeReg3456(ins, id->idReg1(), size, code);
+ }
+ else if (IsThreeOperandMoveAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ // This is a "merge" move instruction.
+ // Encode source operand reg in 'vvvv' bits in 1's complement form
+ code = insEncodeReg3456(ins, id->idReg2(), size, code);
+ }
+ }
+ regcode = (insEncodeReg345(ins, rReg, size, &code) | insEncodeReg012(ins, mReg, size, &code)) << 8;
+ // Output the REX prefix
+ dst += emitOutputRexOrVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, dst, code);
+ if (UseAVX() && Is4ByteAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ // We just need to output the last byte of the opcode.
+ assert((code & 0xFF) == 0);
+ assert((code & 0xFF00) != 0xC000);
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, (code >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ code = 0;
+ }
+ else if (code & 0xFF000000)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code >> 16);
+ code &= 0x0000FFFF;
+ }
+ else if (code & 0x00FF0000)
+ {
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, code >> 16);
+ code &= 0x0000FFFF;
+ }
+ // Note that regcode is shifted by 8-bits above to align with RM byte.
+ if (code != 0)
+ {
+ assert((code & 0xFF00) == 0xC000);
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, code | regcode);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This case occurs for AVX instructions.
+ // Note that regcode is left shifted by 8-bits.
+ assert(Is4ByteAVXInstruction(ins));
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, 0xC0 | (regcode >> 8));
+ }
+ dst += emitOutputByte(dst, emitGetInsSC(id));
+ sz = emitSizeOfInsDsc(id);
+ break;
+ /********************************************************************/
+ /* Address mode operand */
+ /********************************************************************/
+ case IF_ARD:
+ case IF_AWR:
+ case IF_ARW:
+ case IF_TRD_ARD:
+ case IF_TWR_ARD:
+ case IF_TRW_ARD:
+ // case IF_ARD_TRD:
+ // case IF_ARW_TRD:
+ case IF_AWR_TRD:
+#endif // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ dst = emitCodeWithInstructionSize(dst, emitOutputAM(dst, id, insCodeMR(ins)), &callInstrSize);
+ switch (ins)
+ {
+ case INS_call:
+ // Get hold of the argument count and method handle
+ args = emitGetInsCIargs(id);
+ // Is this a "fat" call descriptor?
+ if (id->idIsLargeCall())
+ {
+ instrDescCGCA* idCall = (instrDescCGCA*)id;
+ gcrefRegs = idCall->idcGcrefRegs;
+ byrefRegs = idCall->idcByrefRegs;
+ VarSetOps::Assign(emitComp, GCvars, idCall->idcGCvars);
+ sz = sizeof(instrDescCGCA);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(!id->idIsLargeDsp());
+ assert(!id->idIsLargeCns());
+ gcrefRegs = emitDecodeCallGCregs(id);
+ byrefRegs = 0;
+ VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(emitComp, GCvars, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(emitComp));
+ sz = sizeof(instrDesc);
+ }
+ recCall = true;
+ goto DONE_CALL;
+ default:
+ sz = emitSizeOfInsDsc(id);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case IF_RRD_ARD:
+ case IF_RWR_ARD:
+ case IF_RRW_ARD:
+ code = insCodeRM(ins);
+ code = AddVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, code, size);
+ regcode = (insEncodeReg345(ins, id->idReg1(), size, &code) << 8);
+ dst = emitOutputAM(dst, id, code | regcode);
+ sz = emitSizeOfInsDsc(id);
+ break;
+ case IF_ARD_RRD:
+ case IF_AWR_RRD:
+ case IF_ARW_RRD:
+ code = insCodeMR(ins);
+ code = AddVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, code, size);
+ regcode = (insEncodeReg345(ins, id->idReg1(), size, &code) << 8);
+ dst = emitOutputAM(dst, id, code | regcode);
+ sz = emitSizeOfInsDsc(id);
+ break;
+ case IF_ARD_CNS:
+ case IF_AWR_CNS:
+ case IF_ARW_CNS:
+ emitGetInsAmdCns(id, &cnsVal);
+ dst = emitOutputAM(dst, id, insCodeMI(ins), &cnsVal);
+ sz = emitSizeOfInsDsc(id);
+ break;
+ case IF_ARW_SHF:
+ emitGetInsAmdCns(id, &cnsVal);
+ dst = emitOutputAM(dst, id, insCodeMR(ins), &cnsVal);
+ sz = emitSizeOfInsDsc(id);
+ break;
+ /********************************************************************/
+ /* Stack-based operand */
+ /********************************************************************/
+ case IF_SRD:
+ case IF_SWR:
+ case IF_SRW:
+ case IF_TRD_SRD:
+ case IF_TWR_SRD:
+ case IF_TRW_SRD:
+ // case IF_SRD_TRD:
+ // case IF_SRW_TRD:
+ case IF_SWR_TRD:
+#endif // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ assert(ins != INS_pop_hide);
+ if (ins == INS_pop)
+ {
+ // The offset in "pop [ESP+xxx]" is relative to the new ESP value
+ emitCurStackLvl -= sizeof(int);
+ dst = emitOutputSV(dst, id, insCodeMR(ins));
+ emitCurStackLvl += sizeof(int);
+ break;
+ }
+ dst = emitCodeWithInstructionSize(dst, emitOutputSV(dst, id, insCodeMR(ins)), &callInstrSize);
+ if (ins == INS_call)
+ {
+ goto IND_CALL;
+ }
+ break;
+ case IF_SRD_CNS:
+ case IF_SWR_CNS:
+ case IF_SRW_CNS:
+ emitGetInsCns(id, &cnsVal);
+ dst = emitOutputSV(dst, id, insCodeMI(ins), &cnsVal);
+ sz = emitSizeOfInsDsc(id);
+ break;
+ case IF_SRW_SHF:
+ emitGetInsCns(id, &cnsVal);
+ dst = emitOutputSV(dst, id, insCodeMR(ins), &cnsVal);
+ sz = emitSizeOfInsDsc(id);
+ break;
+ case IF_RRD_SRD:
+ case IF_RWR_SRD:
+ case IF_RRW_SRD:
+ code = insCodeRM(ins);
+ // 4-byte AVX instructions are special cased inside emitOutputSV
+ // since they do not have space to encode ModRM byte.
+ if (Is4ByteAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ dst = emitOutputSV(dst, id, code);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ code = AddVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, code, size);
+ // In case of AVX instructions that take 3 operands, encode reg1 as first source.
+ // Note that reg1 is both a source and a destination.
+ //
+ // TODO-XArch-CQ: Eventually we need to support 3 operand instruction formats. For
+ // now we use the single source as source1 and source2.
+ // For this format, moves do not support a third operand, so we only need to handle the binary ops.
+ if (IsThreeOperandBinaryAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ // encode source operand reg in 'vvvv' bits in 1's compliement form
+ code = insEncodeReg3456(ins, id->idReg1(), size, code);
+ }
+ regcode = (insEncodeReg345(ins, id->idReg1(), size, &code) << 8);
+ dst = emitOutputSV(dst, id, code | regcode);
+ }
+ break;
+ case IF_SRD_RRD:
+ case IF_SWR_RRD:
+ case IF_SRW_RRD:
+ code = insCodeMR(ins);
+ code = AddVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, code, size);
+ // In case of AVX instructions that take 3 operands, encode reg1 as first source.
+ // Note that reg1 is both a source and a destination.
+ //
+ // TODO-XArch-CQ: Eventually we need to support 3 operand instruction formats. For
+ // now we use the single source as source1 and source2.
+ // For this format, moves do not support a third operand, so we only need to handle the binary ops.
+ if (IsThreeOperandBinaryAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ // encode source operand reg in 'vvvv' bits in 1's compliement form
+ code = insEncodeReg3456(ins, id->idReg1(), size, code);
+ }
+ regcode = (insEncodeReg345(ins, id->idReg1(), size, &code) << 8);
+ dst = emitOutputSV(dst, id, code | regcode);
+ break;
+ /********************************************************************/
+ /* Direct memory address */
+ /********************************************************************/
+ case IF_MRD:
+ case IF_MRW:
+ case IF_MWR:
+ case IF_TRD_MRD:
+ case IF_TWR_MRD:
+ case IF_TRW_MRD:
+ // case IF_MRD_TRD:
+ // case IF_MRW_TRD:
+ case IF_MWR_TRD:
+#endif // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ noway_assert(ins != INS_call);
+ dst = emitOutputCV(dst, id, insCodeMR(ins) | 0x0500);
+ sz = emitSizeOfInsDsc(id);
+ break;
+ case IF_MRD_OFF:
+ dst = emitOutputCV(dst, id, insCodeMI(ins));
+ break;
+ case IF_RRD_MRD:
+ case IF_RWR_MRD:
+ case IF_RRW_MRD:
+ code = insCodeRM(ins);
+ // Special case 4-byte AVX instructions
+ if (Is4ByteAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ dst = emitOutputCV(dst, id, code);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ code = AddVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, code, size);
+ // In case of AVX instructions that take 3 operands, encode reg1 as first source.
+ // Note that reg1 is both a source and a destination.
+ //
+ // TODO-XArch-CQ: Eventually we need to support 3 operand instruction formats. For
+ // now we use the single source as source1 and source2.
+ // For this format, moves do not support a third operand, so we only need to handle the binary ops.
+ if (IsThreeOperandBinaryAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ // encode source operand reg in 'vvvv' bits in 1's compliement form
+ code = insEncodeReg3456(ins, id->idReg1(), size, code);
+ }
+ regcode = (insEncodeReg345(ins, id->idReg1(), size, &code) << 8);
+ dst = emitOutputCV(dst, id, code | regcode | 0x0500);
+ }
+ sz = emitSizeOfInsDsc(id);
+ break;
+ case IF_RWR_MRD_OFF:
+ code = insCode(ins);
+ code = AddVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, code, size);
+ // In case of AVX instructions that take 3 operands, encode reg1 as first source.
+ // Note that reg1 is both a source and a destination.
+ //
+ // TODO-XArch-CQ: Eventually we need to support 3 operand instruction formats. For
+ // now we use the single source as source1 and source2.
+ // For this format, moves do not support a third operand, so we only need to handle the binary ops.
+ if (IsThreeOperandBinaryAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ // encode source operand reg in 'vvvv' bits in 1's compliement form
+ code = insEncodeReg3456(ins, id->idReg1(), size, code);
+ }
+ regcode = insEncodeReg012(id->idIns(), id->idReg1(), size, &code);
+ dst = emitOutputCV(dst, id, code | 0x30 | regcode);
+ sz = emitSizeOfInsDsc(id);
+ break;
+ case IF_MRD_RRD:
+ case IF_MWR_RRD:
+ case IF_MRW_RRD:
+ code = insCodeMR(ins);
+ code = AddVexPrefixIfNeeded(ins, code, size);
+ // In case of AVX instructions that take 3 operands, encode reg1 as first source.
+ // Note that reg1 is both a source and a destination.
+ //
+ // TODO-XArch-CQ: Eventually we need to support 3 operand instruction formats. For
+ // now we use the single source as source1 and source2.
+ // For this format, moves do not support a third operand, so we only need to handle the binary ops.
+ if (IsThreeOperandBinaryAVXInstruction(ins))
+ {
+ // encode source operand reg in 'vvvv' bits in 1's compliement form
+ code = insEncodeReg3456(ins, id->idReg1(), size, code);
+ }
+ regcode = (insEncodeReg345(ins, id->idReg1(), size, &code) << 8);
+ dst = emitOutputCV(dst, id, code | regcode | 0x0500);
+ sz = emitSizeOfInsDsc(id);
+ break;
+ case IF_MRD_CNS:
+ case IF_MWR_CNS:
+ case IF_MRW_CNS:
+ emitGetInsDcmCns(id, &cnsVal);
+ dst = emitOutputCV(dst, id, insCodeMI(ins) | 0x0500, &cnsVal);
+ sz = emitSizeOfInsDsc(id);
+ break;
+ case IF_MRW_SHF:
+ emitGetInsDcmCns(id, &cnsVal);
+ dst = emitOutputCV(dst, id, insCodeMR(ins) | 0x0500, &cnsVal);
+ sz = emitSizeOfInsDsc(id);
+ break;
+ /********************************************************************/
+ /* FP coprocessor stack operands */
+ /********************************************************************/
+ case IF_TRD_FRD:
+ case IF_TWR_FRD:
+ case IF_TRW_FRD:
+ assert(id->idGCref() == GCT_NONE);
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, insCodeMR(ins) | 0xC000 | (id->idReg1() << 8));
+ break;
+ case IF_FRD_TRD:
+ case IF_FWR_TRD:
+ case IF_FRW_TRD:
+ assert(id->idGCref() == GCT_NONE);
+ dst += emitOutputWord(dst, insCodeMR(ins) | 0xC004 | (id->idReg1() << 8));
+ break;
+#endif // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ /********************************************************************/
+ /* oops */
+ /********************************************************************/
+ default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("unexpected format %s\n", emitIfName(id->idInsFmt()));
+ assert(!"don't know how to encode this instruction");
+ break;
+ }
+ // Make sure we set the instruction descriptor size correctly
+ assert(sz == emitSizeOfInsDsc(id));
+ // Make sure we keep the current stack level up to date
+ if (!emitIGisInProlog(ig) && !emitIGisInEpilog(ig))
+ {
+ switch (ins)
+ {
+ case INS_push:
+ // Please note: {INS_push_hide,IF_LABEL} is used to push the address of the
+ // finally block for calling it locally for an op_leave.
+ emitStackPush(dst, id->idGCref());
+ break;
+ case INS_pop:
+ emitStackPop(dst, false, /*callInstrSize*/ 0, 1);
+ break;
+ case INS_sub:
+ // Check for "sub ESP, icon"
+ if (ins == INS_sub && id->idInsFmt() == IF_RRW_CNS && id->idReg1() == REG_ESP)
+ {
+ assert((size_t)emitGetInsSC(id) < 0x00000000FFFFFFFFLL);
+ emitStackPushN(dst, (unsigned)(emitGetInsSC(id) / sizeof(void*)));
+ }
+ break;
+ case INS_add:
+ // Check for "add ESP, icon"
+ if (ins == INS_add && id->idInsFmt() == IF_RRW_CNS && id->idReg1() == REG_ESP)
+ {
+ assert((size_t)emitGetInsSC(id) < 0x00000000FFFFFFFFLL);
+ emitStackPop(dst, /*isCall*/ false, /*callInstrSize*/ 0,
+ (unsigned)(emitGetInsSC(id) / sizeof(void*)));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ assert((int)emitCurStackLvl >= 0);
+ // Only epilog "instructions" and some pseudo-instrs
+ // are allowed not to generate any code
+ assert(*dp != dst || emitInstHasNoCode(ins));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (emitComp->opts.disAsm || emitComp->opts.dspEmit || emitComp->verbose)
+ {
+ emitDispIns(id, false, dspOffs, true, emitCurCodeOffs(*dp), *dp, (dst - *dp));
+ }
+ if (emitComp->compDebugBreak)
+ {
+ // set JitEmitPrintRefRegs=1 will print out emitThisGCrefRegs and emitThisByrefRegs
+ // at the beginning of this method.
+ if (JitConfig.JitEmitPrintRefRegs() != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Before emitOutputInstr for id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idNum=0x%02x\n", id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idNum);
+ printf(" emitThisGCrefRegs(0x%p)=", emitComp->dspPtr(&emitThisGCrefRegs));
+ printRegMaskInt(emitThisGCrefRegs);
+ emitDispRegSet(emitThisGCrefRegs);
+ printf("\n");
+ printf(" emitThisByrefRegs(0x%p)=", emitComp->dspPtr(&emitThisByrefRegs));
+ printRegMaskInt(emitThisByrefRegs);
+ emitDispRegSet(emitThisByrefRegs);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ // For example, set JitBreakEmitOutputInstr=a6 will break when this method is called for
+ // emitting instruction a6, (i.e. IN00a6 in jitdump).
+ if ((unsigned)JitConfig.JitBreakEmitOutputInstr() == id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idNum)
+ {
+ assert(!"JitBreakEmitOutputInstr reached");
+ }
+ }
+ if (*dp != dst)
+ {
+ // only map instruction groups to instruction groups
+ MapCode(id->idDebugOnlyInfo()->idilStart, *dp);
+ }
+ *dp = dst;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (ins == INS_mulEAX || ins == INS_imulEAX)
+ {
+ // INS_mulEAX has implicit target of Edx:Eax. Make sure
+ // that we detected this cleared its GC-status.
+ assert(((RBM_EAX | RBM_EDX) & (emitThisGCrefRegs | emitThisByrefRegs)) == 0);
+ }
+ if (instrIs3opImul(ins))
+ {
+ // The target of the 3-operand imul is implicitly encoded. Make sure
+ // that we detected the implicit register and cleared its GC-status.
+ regMaskTP regMask = genRegMask(inst3opImulReg(ins));
+ assert((regMask & (emitThisGCrefRegs | emitThisByrefRegs)) == 0);
+ }
+ return sz;
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif // defined(_TARGET_XARCH_)