path: root/src/jit/codegenlinear.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/jit/codegenlinear.cpp')
1 files changed, 1773 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/jit/codegenlinear.cpp b/src/jit/codegenlinear.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9713288e08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jit/codegenlinear.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1773 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+XX Code Generation Support Methods for Linear Codegen XX
+#include "jitpch.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma hdrstop
+#ifndef LEGACY_BACKEND // This file is ONLY used for the RyuJIT backend that uses the linear scan register allocator.
+#include "emit.h"
+#include "codegen.h"
+// genCodeForBBlist: Generate code for all the blocks in a method
+// Arguments:
+// None
+// Notes:
+// This is the main method for linear codegen. It calls genCodeForTreeNode
+// to generate the code for each node in each BasicBlock, and handles BasicBlock
+// boundaries and branches.
+void CodeGen::genCodeForBBlist()
+ unsigned varNum;
+ LclVarDsc* varDsc;
+ unsigned savedStkLvl;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ genInterruptibleUsed = true;
+ // You have to be careful if you create basic blocks from now on
+ compiler->fgSafeBasicBlockCreation = false;
+ // This stress mode is not comptible with fully interruptible GC
+ if (genInterruptible && compiler->opts.compStackCheckOnCall)
+ {
+ compiler->opts.compStackCheckOnCall = false;
+ }
+ // This stress mode is not comptible with fully interruptible GC
+ if (genInterruptible && compiler->opts.compStackCheckOnRet)
+ {
+ compiler->opts.compStackCheckOnRet = false;
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG
+ // Prepare the blocks for exception handling codegen: mark the blocks that needs labels.
+ genPrepForEHCodegen();
+ assert(!compiler->fgFirstBBScratch ||
+ compiler->fgFirstBB == compiler->fgFirstBBScratch); // compiler->fgFirstBBScratch has to be first.
+ /* Initialize the spill tracking logic */
+ regSet.rsSpillBeg();
+ /* Initialize the line# tracking logic */
+ if (compiler->opts.compScopeInfo)
+ {
+ siInit();
+ }
+ // The current implementation of switch tables requires the first block to have a label so it
+ // can generate offsets to the switch label targets.
+ // TODO-CQ: remove this when switches have been re-implemented to not use this.
+ if (compiler->fgHasSwitch)
+ {
+ compiler->fgFirstBB->bbFlags |= BBF_JMP_TARGET;
+ }
+ genPendingCallLabel = nullptr;
+ /* Initialize the pointer tracking code */
+ gcInfo.gcRegPtrSetInit();
+ gcInfo.gcVarPtrSetInit();
+ /* If any arguments live in registers, mark those regs as such */
+ for (varNum = 0, varDsc = compiler->lvaTable; varNum < compiler->lvaCount; varNum++, varDsc++)
+ {
+ /* Is this variable a parameter assigned to a register? */
+ if (!varDsc->lvIsParam || !varDsc->lvRegister)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Is the argument live on entry to the method? */
+ if (!VarSetOps::IsMember(compiler, compiler->fgFirstBB->bbLiveIn, varDsc->lvVarIndex))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Is this a floating-point argument? */
+ if (varDsc->IsFloatRegType())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ noway_assert(!varTypeIsFloating(varDsc->TypeGet()));
+ /* Mark the register as holding the variable */
+ regTracker.rsTrackRegLclVar(varDsc->lvRegNum, varNum);
+ }
+ unsigned finallyNesting = 0;
+ // Make sure a set is allocated for compiler->compCurLife (in the long case), so we can set it to empty without
+ // allocation at the start of each basic block.
+ VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(compiler, compiler->compCurLife, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(compiler));
+ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Walk the basic blocks and generate code for each one
+ *
+ */
+ BasicBlock* block;
+ BasicBlock* lblk; /* previous block */
+ for (lblk = nullptr, block = compiler->fgFirstBB; block != nullptr; lblk = block, block = block->bbNext)
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (compiler->verbose)
+ {
+ printf("\n=============== Generating ");
+ block->dspBlockHeader(compiler, true, true);
+ compiler->fgDispBBLiveness(block);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG
+ // Figure out which registers hold variables on entry to this block
+ regSet.ClearMaskVars();
+ gcInfo.gcRegGCrefSetCur = RBM_NONE;
+ gcInfo.gcRegByrefSetCur = RBM_NONE;
+ compiler->m_pLinearScan->recordVarLocationsAtStartOfBB(block);
+ genUpdateLife(block->bbLiveIn);
+ // Even if liveness didn't change, we need to update the registers containing GC references.
+ // genUpdateLife will update the registers live due to liveness changes. But what about registers that didn't
+ // change? We cleared them out above. Maybe we should just not clear them out, but update the ones that change
+ // here. That would require handling the changes in recordVarLocationsAtStartOfBB().
+ regMaskTP newLiveRegSet = RBM_NONE;
+ regMaskTP newRegGCrefSet = RBM_NONE;
+ regMaskTP newRegByrefSet = RBM_NONE;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(removedGCVars, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(compiler));
+ VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(addedGCVars, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(compiler));
+ VARSET_ITER_INIT(compiler, iter, block->bbLiveIn, varIndex);
+ while (iter.NextElem(compiler, &varIndex))
+ {
+ unsigned varNum = compiler->lvaTrackedToVarNum[varIndex];
+ LclVarDsc* varDsc = &(compiler->lvaTable[varNum]);
+ if (varDsc->lvIsInReg())
+ {
+ newLiveRegSet |= varDsc->lvRegMask();
+ if (varDsc->lvType == TYP_REF)
+ {
+ newRegGCrefSet |= varDsc->lvRegMask();
+ }
+ else if (varDsc->lvType == TYP_BYREF)
+ {
+ newRegByrefSet |= varDsc->lvRegMask();
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (verbose && VarSetOps::IsMember(compiler, gcInfo.gcVarPtrSetCur, varIndex))
+ {
+ VarSetOps::AddElemD(compiler, removedGCVars, varIndex);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG
+ VarSetOps::RemoveElemD(compiler, gcInfo.gcVarPtrSetCur, varIndex);
+ }
+ else if (compiler->lvaIsGCTracked(varDsc))
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (verbose && !VarSetOps::IsMember(compiler, gcInfo.gcVarPtrSetCur, varIndex))
+ {
+ VarSetOps::AddElemD(compiler, addedGCVars, varIndex);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG
+ VarSetOps::AddElemD(compiler, gcInfo.gcVarPtrSetCur, varIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ regSet.rsMaskVars = newLiveRegSet;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (compiler->verbose)
+ {
+ if (!VarSetOps::IsEmpty(compiler, addedGCVars))
+ {
+ printf("\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAdded GCVars: ");
+ dumpConvertedVarSet(compiler, addedGCVars);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ if (!VarSetOps::IsEmpty(compiler, removedGCVars))
+ {
+ printf("\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRemoved GCVars: ");
+ dumpConvertedVarSet(compiler, removedGCVars);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG
+ gcInfo.gcMarkRegSetGCref(newRegGCrefSet DEBUGARG(true));
+ gcInfo.gcMarkRegSetByref(newRegByrefSet DEBUGARG(true));
+ /* Blocks with handlerGetsXcptnObj()==true use GT_CATCH_ARG to
+ represent the exception object (TYP_REF).
+ We mark REG_EXCEPTION_OBJECT as holding a GC object on entry
+ to the block, it will be the first thing evaluated
+ (thanks to GTF_ORDER_SIDEEFF).
+ */
+ if (handlerGetsXcptnObj(block->bbCatchTyp))
+ {
+ for (GenTree* node : LIR::AsRange(block))
+ {
+ if (node->OperGet() == GT_CATCH_ARG)
+ {
+ gcInfo.gcMarkRegSetGCref(RBM_EXCEPTION_OBJECT);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Start a new code output block */
+ genUpdateCurrentFunclet(block);
+#ifdef _TARGET_XARCH_
+ if (genAlignLoops && block->bbFlags & BBF_LOOP_HEAD)
+ {
+ getEmitter()->emitLoopAlign();
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (compiler->opts.dspCode)
+ {
+ printf("\n L_M%03u_BB%02u:\n", Compiler::s_compMethodsCount, block->bbNum);
+ }
+ block->bbEmitCookie = nullptr;
+ if (block->bbFlags & (BBF_JMP_TARGET | BBF_HAS_LABEL))
+ {
+ /* Mark a label and update the current set of live GC refs */
+ block->bbEmitCookie = getEmitter()->emitAddLabel(gcInfo.gcVarPtrSetCur, gcInfo.gcRegGCrefSetCur,
+ gcInfo.gcRegByrefSetCur, FALSE);
+ }
+ if (block == compiler->fgFirstColdBlock)
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (compiler->verbose)
+ {
+ printf("\nThis is the start of the cold region of the method\n");
+ }
+ // We should never have a block that falls through into the Cold section
+ noway_assert(!lblk->bbFallsThrough());
+ // We require the block that starts the Cold section to have a label
+ noway_assert(block->bbEmitCookie);
+ getEmitter()->emitSetFirstColdIGCookie(block->bbEmitCookie);
+ }
+ /* Both stacks are always empty on entry to a basic block */
+ genStackLevel = 0;
+ genAdjustStackLevel(block);
+ savedStkLvl = genStackLevel;
+ /* Tell everyone which basic block we're working on */
+ compiler->compCurBB = block;
+ siBeginBlock(block);
+ // BBF_INTERNAL blocks don't correspond to any single IL instruction.
+ if (compiler->opts.compDbgInfo && (block->bbFlags & BBF_INTERNAL) &&
+ !compiler->fgBBisScratch(block)) // If the block is the distinguished first scratch block, then no need to
+ // emit a NO_MAPPING entry, immediately after the prolog.
+ {
+ genIPmappingAdd((IL_OFFSETX)ICorDebugInfo::NO_MAPPING, true);
+ }
+ bool firstMapping = true;
+ if (block->bbFlags & BBF_FUNCLET_BEG)
+ {
+ genReserveFuncletProlog(block);
+ }
+ // Clear compCurStmt and compCurLifeTree.
+ compiler->compCurStmt = nullptr;
+ compiler->compCurLifeTree = nullptr;
+ // Traverse the block in linear order, generating code for each node as we
+ // as we encounter it.
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // Set the use-order numbers for each node.
+ {
+ int useNum = 0;
+ for (GenTree* node : LIR::AsRange(block).NonPhiNodes())
+ {
+ assert((node->gtDebugFlags & GTF_DEBUG_NODE_CG_CONSUMED) == 0);
+ node->gtUseNum = -1;
+ if (node->isContained() || node->IsCopyOrReload())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (GenTree* operand : node->Operands())
+ {
+ genNumberOperandUse(operand, useNum);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG
+ for (GenTree* node : LIR::AsRange(block).NonPhiNodes())
+ {
+ // Do we have a new IL offset?
+ if (node->OperGet() == GT_IL_OFFSET)
+ {
+ genEnsureCodeEmitted(currentILOffset);
+ currentILOffset = node->gtStmt.gtStmtILoffsx;
+ genIPmappingAdd(currentILOffset, firstMapping);
+ firstMapping = false;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (node->OperGet() == GT_IL_OFFSET)
+ {
+ noway_assert(node->gtStmt.gtStmtLastILoffs <= compiler->info.compILCodeSize ||
+ node->gtStmt.gtStmtLastILoffs == BAD_IL_OFFSET);
+ if (compiler->opts.dspCode && compiler->opts.dspInstrs &&
+ node->gtStmt.gtStmtLastILoffs != BAD_IL_OFFSET)
+ {
+ while (genCurDispOffset <= node->gtStmt.gtStmtLastILoffs)
+ {
+ genCurDispOffset += dumpSingleInstr(compiler->info.compCode, genCurDispOffset, "> ");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG
+ genCodeForTreeNode(node);
+ if (node->gtHasReg() && node->gtLsraInfo.isLocalDefUse)
+ {
+ genConsumeReg(node);
+ }
+ } // end for each node in block
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // The following set of register spill checks and GC pointer tracking checks used to be
+ // performed at statement boundaries. Now, with LIR, there are no statements, so they are
+ // performed at the end of each block.
+ // TODO: could these checks be performed more frequently? E.g., at each location where
+ // the register allocator says there are no live non-variable registers. Perhaps this could
+ // be done by (a) keeping a running count of live non-variable registers by using
+ // gtLsraInfo.srcCount and gtLsraInfo.dstCount to decrement and increment the count, respectively,
+ // and running the checks when the count is zero. Or, (b) use the map maintained by LSRA
+ // (operandToLocationInfoMap) to mark a node somehow when, after the execution of that node,
+ // there will be no live non-variable registers.
+ regSet.rsSpillChk();
+ /* Make sure we didn't bungle pointer register tracking */
+ regMaskTP ptrRegs = gcInfo.gcRegGCrefSetCur | gcInfo.gcRegByrefSetCur;
+ regMaskTP nonVarPtrRegs = ptrRegs & ~regSet.rsMaskVars;
+ // If return is a GC-type, clear it. Note that if a common
+ // epilog is generated (genReturnBB) it has a void return
+ // even though we might return a ref. We can't use the compRetType
+ // as the determiner because something we are tracking as a byref
+ // might be used as a return value of a int function (which is legal)
+ GenTree* blockLastNode = block->lastNode();
+ if ((blockLastNode != nullptr) && (blockLastNode->gtOper == GT_RETURN) &&
+ (varTypeIsGC(compiler->info.compRetType) ||
+ (blockLastNode->gtOp.gtOp1 != nullptr && varTypeIsGC(blockLastNode->gtOp.gtOp1->TypeGet()))))
+ {
+ nonVarPtrRegs &= ~RBM_INTRET;
+ }
+ if (nonVarPtrRegs)
+ {
+ printf("Regset after BB%02u gcr=", block->bbNum);
+ printRegMaskInt(gcInfo.gcRegGCrefSetCur & ~regSet.rsMaskVars);
+ compiler->getEmitter()->emitDispRegSet(gcInfo.gcRegGCrefSetCur & ~regSet.rsMaskVars);
+ printf(", byr=");
+ printRegMaskInt(gcInfo.gcRegByrefSetCur & ~regSet.rsMaskVars);
+ compiler->getEmitter()->emitDispRegSet(gcInfo.gcRegByrefSetCur & ~regSet.rsMaskVars);
+ printf(", regVars=");
+ printRegMaskInt(regSet.rsMaskVars);
+ compiler->getEmitter()->emitDispRegSet(regSet.rsMaskVars);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ noway_assert(nonVarPtrRegs == RBM_NONE);
+#endif // DEBUG
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ if (block->bbNext == nullptr)
+ {
+// Unit testing of the emitter: generate a bunch of instructions into the last block
+// (it's as good as any, but better than the prolog, which can only be a single instruction
+// group) then use COMPlus_JitLateDisasm=* to see if the late disassembler
+// thinks the instructions are the same as we do.
+#if defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) && defined(LATE_DISASM)
+ genAmd64EmitterUnitTests();
+#elif defined(_TARGET_ARM64_)
+ genArm64EmitterUnitTests();
+#endif // _TARGET_ARM64_
+ }
+#endif // defined(DEBUG)
+ // It is possible to reach the end of the block without generating code for the current IL offset.
+ // For example, if the following IR ends the current block, no code will have been generated for
+ // offset 21:
+ //
+ // ( 0, 0) [000040] ------------ il_offset void IL offset: 21
+ //
+ // N001 ( 0, 0) [000039] ------------ nop void
+ //
+ // This can lead to problems when debugging the generated code. To prevent these issues, make sure
+ // we've generated code for the last IL offset we saw in the block.
+ genEnsureCodeEmitted(currentILOffset);
+ if (compiler->opts.compScopeInfo && (compiler->info.compVarScopesCount > 0))
+ {
+ siEndBlock(block);
+ /* Is this the last block, and are there any open scopes left ? */
+ bool isLastBlockProcessed = (block->bbNext == nullptr);
+ if (block->isBBCallAlwaysPair())
+ {
+ isLastBlockProcessed = (block->bbNext->bbNext == nullptr);
+ }
+ if (isLastBlockProcessed && siOpenScopeList.scNext)
+ {
+ /* This assert no longer holds, because we may insert a throw
+ block to demarcate the end of a try or finally region when they
+ are at the end of the method. It would be nice if we could fix
+ our code so that this throw block will no longer be necessary. */
+ // noway_assert(block->bbCodeOffsEnd != compiler->info.compILCodeSize);
+ siCloseAllOpenScopes();
+ }
+ }
+ genStackLevel -= savedStkLvl;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // compCurLife should be equal to the liveOut set, except that we don't keep
+ // it up to date for vars that are not register candidates
+ // (it would be nice to have a xor set function)
+ VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(extraLiveVars, VarSetOps::Diff(compiler, block->bbLiveOut, compiler->compCurLife));
+ VarSetOps::UnionD(compiler, extraLiveVars, VarSetOps::Diff(compiler, compiler->compCurLife, block->bbLiveOut));
+ VARSET_ITER_INIT(compiler, extraLiveVarIter, extraLiveVars, extraLiveVarIndex);
+ while (extraLiveVarIter.NextElem(compiler, &extraLiveVarIndex))
+ {
+ unsigned varNum = compiler->lvaTrackedToVarNum[extraLiveVarIndex];
+ LclVarDsc* varDsc = compiler->lvaTable + varNum;
+ assert(!varDsc->lvIsRegCandidate());
+ }
+ /* Both stacks should always be empty on exit from a basic block */
+ noway_assert(genStackLevel == 0);
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // On AMD64, we need to generate a NOP after a call that is the last instruction of the block, in several
+ // situations, to support proper exception handling semantics. This is mostly to ensure that when the stack
+ // walker computes an instruction pointer for a frame, that instruction pointer is in the correct EH region.
+ // The document "X64 and ARM ABIs.docx" has more details. The situations:
+ // 1. If the call instruction is in a different EH region as the instruction that follows it.
+ // 2. If the call immediately precedes an OS epilog. (Note that what the JIT or VM consider an epilog might
+ // be slightly different from what the OS considers an epilog, and it is the OS-reported epilog that matters
+ // here.)
+ // We handle case #1 here, and case #2 in the emitter.
+ if (getEmitter()->emitIsLastInsCall())
+ {
+ // Ok, the last instruction generated is a call instruction. Do any of the other conditions hold?
+ // Note: we may be generating a few too many NOPs for the case of call preceding an epilog. Technically,
+ // if the next block is a BBJ_RETURN, an epilog will be generated, but there may be some instructions
+ // generated before the OS epilog starts, such as a GS cookie check.
+ if ((block->bbNext == nullptr) || !BasicBlock::sameEHRegion(block, block->bbNext))
+ {
+ // We only need the NOP if we're not going to generate any more code as part of the block end.
+ switch (block->bbJumpKind)
+ {
+ case BBJ_ALWAYS:
+ case BBJ_THROW:
+ // We're going to generate more code below anyway, so no need for the NOP.
+ case BBJ_RETURN:
+ // These are the "epilog follows" case, handled in the emitter.
+ break;
+ case BBJ_NONE:
+ if (block->bbNext == nullptr)
+ {
+ // Call immediately before the end of the code; we should never get here .
+ instGen(INS_BREAKPOINT); // This should never get executed
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We need the NOP
+ instGen(INS_nop);
+ }
+ break;
+ case BBJ_COND:
+ case BBJ_SWITCH:
+ // These can't have a call as the last instruction!
+ default:
+ noway_assert(!"Unexpected bbJumpKind");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ /* Do we need to generate a jump or return? */
+ switch (block->bbJumpKind)
+ {
+ case BBJ_ALWAYS:
+ inst_JMP(EJ_jmp, block->bbJumpDest);
+ break;
+ case BBJ_RETURN:
+ genExitCode(block);
+ break;
+ case BBJ_THROW:
+ // If we have a throw at the end of a function or funclet, we need to emit another instruction
+ // afterwards to help the OS unwinder determine the correct context during unwind.
+ // We insert an unexecuted breakpoint instruction in several situations
+ // following a throw instruction:
+ // 1. If the throw is the last instruction of the function or funclet. This helps
+ // the OS unwinder determine the correct context during an unwind from the
+ // thrown exception.
+ // 2. If this is this is the last block of the hot section.
+ // 3. If the subsequent block is a special throw block.
+ // 4. On AMD64, if the next block is in a different EH region.
+ if ((block->bbNext == nullptr) || (block->bbNext->bbFlags & BBF_FUNCLET_BEG) ||
+ !BasicBlock::sameEHRegion(block, block->bbNext) ||
+ (!isFramePointerUsed() && compiler->fgIsThrowHlpBlk(block->bbNext)) ||
+ block->bbNext == compiler->fgFirstColdBlock)
+ {
+ instGen(INS_BREAKPOINT); // This should never get executed
+ }
+ break;
+ block = genCallFinally(block, lblk);
+ break;
+ genEHCatchRet(block);
+ __fallthrough;
+ genReserveFuncletEpilog(block);
+ break;
+ noway_assert(!"Unexpected BBJ_EHCATCHRET"); // not used on x86
+ genEHFinallyOrFilterRet(block);
+ break;
+ case BBJ_NONE:
+ case BBJ_COND:
+ case BBJ_SWITCH:
+ break;
+ default:
+ noway_assert(!"Unexpected bbJumpKind");
+ break;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ compiler->compCurBB = nullptr;
+ } //------------------ END-FOR each block of the method -------------------
+ /* Nothing is live at this point */
+ genUpdateLife(VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(compiler));
+ /* Finalize the spill tracking logic */
+ regSet.rsSpillEnd();
+ /* Finalize the temp tracking logic */
+ compiler->tmpEnd();
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (compiler->verbose)
+ {
+ printf("\n# ");
+ printf("compCycleEstimate = %6d, compSizeEstimate = %5d ", compiler->compCycleEstimate,
+ compiler->compSizeEstimate);
+ printf("%s\n", compiler->info.compFullName);
+ }
+XX Register Management XX
+// genGetAssignedReg: Get the register assigned to the given node
+// Arguments:
+// tree - the lclVar node whose assigned register we want
+// Return Value:
+// The assigned regNumber
+regNumber CodeGenInterface::genGetAssignedReg(GenTreePtr tree)
+ return tree->gtRegNum;
+// genSpillVar: Spill a local variable
+// Arguments:
+// tree - the lclVar node for the variable being spilled
+// Return Value:
+// None.
+// Assumptions:
+// The lclVar must be a register candidate (lvRegCandidate)
+void CodeGen::genSpillVar(GenTreePtr tree)
+ unsigned varNum = tree->gtLclVarCommon.gtLclNum;
+ LclVarDsc* varDsc = &(compiler->lvaTable[varNum]);
+ assert(varDsc->lvIsRegCandidate());
+ // We don't actually need to spill if it is already living in memory
+ bool needsSpill = ((tree->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEF) == 0 && varDsc->lvIsInReg());
+ if (needsSpill)
+ {
+ // In order for a lclVar to have been allocated to a register, it must not have been aliasable, and can
+ // therefore be store-normalized (rather than load-normalized). In fact, not performing store normalization
+ // can lead to problems on architectures where a lclVar may be allocated to a register that is not
+ // addressable at the granularity of the lclVar's defined type (e.g. x86).
+ var_types lclTyp = genActualType(varDsc->TypeGet());
+ emitAttr size = emitTypeSize(lclTyp);
+ bool restoreRegVar = false;
+ if (tree->gtOper == GT_REG_VAR)
+ {
+ tree->SetOper(GT_LCL_VAR);
+ restoreRegVar = true;
+ }
+ // mask off the flag to generate the right spill code, then bring it back
+ tree->gtFlags &= ~GTF_REG_VAL;
+ instruction storeIns = ins_Store(tree->TypeGet(), compiler->isSIMDTypeLocalAligned(varNum));
+ if (varTypeIsMultiReg(tree))
+ {
+ assert(varDsc->lvRegNum == genRegPairLo(tree->gtRegPair));
+ assert(varDsc->lvOtherReg == genRegPairHi(tree->gtRegPair));
+ regNumber regLo = genRegPairLo(tree->gtRegPair);
+ regNumber regHi = genRegPairHi(tree->gtRegPair);
+ inst_TT_RV(storeIns, tree, regLo);
+ inst_TT_RV(storeIns, tree, regHi, 4);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(varDsc->lvRegNum == tree->gtRegNum);
+ inst_TT_RV(storeIns, tree, tree->gtRegNum, 0, size);
+ }
+ tree->gtFlags |= GTF_REG_VAL;
+ if (restoreRegVar)
+ {
+ tree->SetOper(GT_REG_VAR);
+ }
+ genUpdateRegLife(varDsc, /*isBorn*/ false, /*isDying*/ true DEBUGARG(tree));
+ gcInfo.gcMarkRegSetNpt(varDsc->lvRegMask());
+ if (VarSetOps::IsMember(compiler, gcInfo.gcTrkStkPtrLcls, varDsc->lvVarIndex))
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (!VarSetOps::IsMember(compiler, gcInfo.gcVarPtrSetCur, varDsc->lvVarIndex))
+ {
+ JITDUMP("\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVar V%02u becoming live\n", varNum);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ JITDUMP("\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVar V%02u continuing live\n", varNum);
+ }
+ VarSetOps::AddElemD(compiler, gcInfo.gcVarPtrSetCur, varDsc->lvVarIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ tree->gtFlags &= ~GTF_SPILL;
+ varDsc->lvRegNum = REG_STK;
+ if (varTypeIsMultiReg(tree))
+ {
+ varDsc->lvOtherReg = REG_STK;
+ }
+// genUpdateVarReg: Update the current register location for a lclVar
+// Arguments:
+// varDsc - the LclVarDsc for the lclVar
+// tree - the lclVar node
+// inline
+void CodeGenInterface::genUpdateVarReg(LclVarDsc* varDsc, GenTreePtr tree)
+ assert(tree->OperIsScalarLocal() || (tree->gtOper == GT_COPY));
+ varDsc->lvRegNum = tree->gtRegNum;
+// sameRegAsDst: Return the child that has the same reg as the dst (if any)
+// Arguments:
+// tree - the node of interest
+// other - an out parameter to return the other child
+// Notes:
+// If 'tree' has a child with the same assigned register as its target reg,
+// that child will be returned, and 'other' will contain the non-matching child.
+// Otherwise, both other and the return value will be nullptr.
+GenTree* sameRegAsDst(GenTree* tree, GenTree*& other /*out*/)
+ if (tree->gtRegNum == REG_NA)
+ {
+ other = nullptr;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ GenTreePtr op1 = tree->gtOp.gtOp1;
+ GenTreePtr op2 = tree->gtOp.gtOp2;
+ if (op1->gtRegNum == tree->gtRegNum)
+ {
+ other = op2;
+ return op1;
+ }
+ if (op2->gtRegNum == tree->gtRegNum)
+ {
+ other = op1;
+ return op2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ other = nullptr;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+// genUnspillRegIfNeeded: Reload the value into a register, if needed
+// Arguments:
+// tree - the node of interest.
+// Notes:
+// In the normal case, the value will be reloaded into the register it
+// was originally computed into. However, if that register is not available,
+// the register allocator will have allocated a different register, and
+// inserted a GT_RELOAD to indicate the register into which it should be
+// reloaded.
+void CodeGen::genUnspillRegIfNeeded(GenTree* tree)
+ regNumber dstReg = tree->gtRegNum;
+ GenTree* unspillTree = tree;
+ if (tree->gtOper == GT_RELOAD)
+ {
+ unspillTree = tree->gtOp.gtOp1;
+ }
+ if ((unspillTree->gtFlags & GTF_SPILLED) != 0)
+ {
+ if (genIsRegCandidateLocal(unspillTree))
+ {
+ // Reset spilled flag, since we are going to load a local variable from its home location.
+ unspillTree->gtFlags &= ~GTF_SPILLED;
+ GenTreeLclVarCommon* lcl = unspillTree->AsLclVarCommon();
+ LclVarDsc* varDsc = &compiler->lvaTable[lcl->gtLclNum];
+// TODO-Cleanup: The following code could probably be further merged and cleaned up.
+#ifdef _TARGET_XARCH_
+ // Load local variable from its home location.
+ // In most cases the tree type will indicate the correct type to use for the load.
+ // However, if it is NOT a normalizeOnLoad lclVar (i.e. NOT a small int that always gets
+ // widened when loaded into a register), and its size is not the same as genActualType of
+ // the type of the lclVar, then we need to change the type of the tree node when loading.
+ // This situation happens due to "optimizations" that avoid a cast and
+ // simply retype the node when using long type lclVar as an int.
+ // While loading the int in that case would work for this use of the lclVar, if it is
+ // later used as a long, we will have incorrectly truncated the long.
+ // In the normalizeOnLoad case ins_Load will return an appropriate sign- or zero-
+ // extending load.
+ var_types treeType = unspillTree->TypeGet();
+ if (treeType != genActualType(varDsc->lvType) && !varTypeIsGC(treeType) && !varDsc->lvNormalizeOnLoad())
+ {
+ assert(!varTypeIsGC(varDsc));
+ var_types spillType = genActualType(varDsc->lvType);
+ unspillTree->gtType = spillType;
+ inst_RV_TT(ins_Load(spillType, compiler->isSIMDTypeLocalAligned(lcl->gtLclNum)), dstReg, unspillTree);
+ unspillTree->gtType = treeType;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ inst_RV_TT(ins_Load(treeType, compiler->isSIMDTypeLocalAligned(lcl->gtLclNum)), dstReg, unspillTree);
+ }
+#elif defined(_TARGET_ARM64_)
+ var_types targetType = unspillTree->gtType;
+ instruction ins = ins_Load(targetType, compiler->isSIMDTypeLocalAligned(lcl->gtLclNum));
+ emitAttr attr = emitTypeSize(targetType);
+ emitter* emit = getEmitter();
+ // Fixes Issue #3326
+ attr = emit->emitInsAdjustLoadStoreAttr(ins, attr);
+ // Load local variable from its home location.
+ inst_RV_TT(ins, dstReg, unspillTree, 0, attr);
+ NYI("Unspilling not implemented for this target architecture.");
+ unspillTree->SetInReg();
+ // TODO-Review: We would like to call:
+ // genUpdateRegLife(varDsc, /*isBorn*/ true, /*isDying*/ false DEBUGARG(tree));
+ // instead of the following code, but this ends up hitting this assert:
+ // assert((regSet.rsMaskVars & regMask) == 0);
+ // due to issues with LSRA resolution moves.
+ // So, just force it for now. This probably indicates a condition that creates a GC hole!
+ //
+ // Extra note: I think we really want to call something like gcInfo.gcUpdateForRegVarMove,
+ // because the variable is not really going live or dead, but that method is somewhat poorly
+ // factored because it, in turn, updates rsMaskVars which is part of RegSet not GCInfo.
+ // TODO-Cleanup: This code exists in other CodeGen*.cpp files, and should be moved to CodeGenCommon.cpp.
+ // Don't update the variable's location if we are just re-spilling it again.
+ if ((unspillTree->gtFlags & GTF_SPILL) == 0)
+ {
+ genUpdateVarReg(varDsc, tree);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (VarSetOps::IsMember(compiler, gcInfo.gcVarPtrSetCur, varDsc->lvVarIndex))
+ {
+ JITDUMP("\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRemoving V%02u from gcVarPtrSetCur\n", lcl->gtLclNum);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG
+ VarSetOps::RemoveElemD(compiler, gcInfo.gcVarPtrSetCur, varDsc->lvVarIndex);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (compiler->verbose)
+ {
+ printf("\t\t\t\t\t\t\tV%02u in reg ", lcl->gtLclNum);
+ varDsc->PrintVarReg();
+ printf(" is becoming live ");
+ compiler->printTreeID(unspillTree);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG
+ regSet.AddMaskVars(genGetRegMask(varDsc));
+ }
+ gcInfo.gcMarkRegPtrVal(dstReg, unspillTree->TypeGet());
+ }
+ else if (unspillTree->IsMultiRegCall())
+ {
+ GenTreeCall* call = unspillTree->AsCall();
+ ReturnTypeDesc* retTypeDesc = call->GetReturnTypeDesc();
+ unsigned regCount = retTypeDesc->GetReturnRegCount();
+ GenTreeCopyOrReload* reloadTree = nullptr;
+ if (tree->OperGet() == GT_RELOAD)
+ {
+ reloadTree = tree->AsCopyOrReload();
+ }
+ // In case of multi-reg call node, GTF_SPILLED flag on it indicates that
+ // one or more of its result regs are spilled. Call node needs to be
+ // queried to know which specific result regs to be unspilled.
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < regCount; ++i)
+ {
+ unsigned flags = call->GetRegSpillFlagByIdx(i);
+ if ((flags & GTF_SPILLED) != 0)
+ {
+ var_types dstType = retTypeDesc->GetReturnRegType(i);
+ regNumber unspillTreeReg = call->GetRegNumByIdx(i);
+ if (reloadTree != nullptr)
+ {
+ dstReg = reloadTree->GetRegNumByIdx(i);
+ if (dstReg == REG_NA)
+ {
+ dstReg = unspillTreeReg;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dstReg = unspillTreeReg;
+ }
+ TempDsc* t = regSet.rsUnspillInPlace(call, unspillTreeReg, i);
+ getEmitter()->emitIns_R_S(ins_Load(dstType), emitActualTypeSize(dstType), dstReg, t->tdTempNum(),
+ 0);
+ compiler->tmpRlsTemp(t);
+ gcInfo.gcMarkRegPtrVal(dstReg, dstType);
+ }
+ }
+ unspillTree->gtFlags &= ~GTF_SPILLED;
+ unspillTree->SetInReg();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TempDsc* t = regSet.rsUnspillInPlace(unspillTree, unspillTree->gtRegNum);
+ getEmitter()->emitIns_R_S(ins_Load(unspillTree->gtType), emitActualTypeSize(unspillTree->TypeGet()), dstReg,
+ t->tdTempNum(), 0);
+ compiler->tmpRlsTemp(t);
+ unspillTree->gtFlags &= ~GTF_SPILLED;
+ unspillTree->SetInReg();
+ gcInfo.gcMarkRegPtrVal(dstReg, unspillTree->TypeGet());
+ }
+ }
+// genCopyRegIfNeeded: Copy the given node into the specified register
+// Arguments:
+// node - The node that has been evaluated (consumed).
+// needReg - The register in which its value is needed.
+// Notes:
+// This must be a node that has a register.
+void CodeGen::genCopyRegIfNeeded(GenTree* node, regNumber needReg)
+ assert((node->gtRegNum != REG_NA) && (needReg != REG_NA));
+ if (node->gtRegNum != needReg)
+ {
+ inst_RV_RV(INS_mov, needReg, node->gtRegNum, node->TypeGet());
+ }
+// Do Liveness update for a subnodes that is being consumed by codegen
+// including the logic for reload in case is needed and also takes care
+// of locating the value on the desired register.
+void CodeGen::genConsumeRegAndCopy(GenTree* node, regNumber needReg)
+ if (needReg == REG_NA)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ regNumber treeReg = genConsumeReg(node);
+ genCopyRegIfNeeded(node, needReg);
+// Check that registers are consumed in the right order for the current node being generated.
+#ifdef DEBUG
+void CodeGen::genNumberOperandUse(GenTree* const operand, int& useNum) const
+ assert(operand != nullptr);
+ assert(operand->gtUseNum == -1);
+ // Ignore argument placeholders.
+ if (operand->OperGet() == GT_ARGPLACE)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!operand->isContained() && !operand->IsCopyOrReload())
+ {
+ operand->gtUseNum = useNum;
+ useNum++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (GenTree* operand : operand->Operands())
+ {
+ genNumberOperandUse(operand, useNum);
+ }
+ }
+void CodeGen::genCheckConsumeNode(GenTree* const node)
+ assert(node != nullptr);
+ if (verbose)
+ {
+ if ((node->gtDebugFlags & GTF_DEBUG_NODE_CG_CONSUMED) != 0)
+ {
+ printf("Node was consumed twice:\n");
+ compiler->gtDispTree(node, nullptr, nullptr, true);
+ }
+ else if ((lastConsumedNode != nullptr) && (node->gtUseNum < lastConsumedNode->gtUseNum))
+ {
+ printf("Nodes were consumed out-of-order:\n");
+ compiler->gtDispTree(lastConsumedNode, nullptr, nullptr, true);
+ compiler->gtDispTree(node, nullptr, nullptr, true);
+ }
+ }
+ assert((node->OperGet() == GT_CATCH_ARG) || ((node->gtDebugFlags & GTF_DEBUG_NODE_CG_CONSUMED) == 0));
+ assert((lastConsumedNode == nullptr) || (node->gtUseNum == -1) || (node->gtUseNum > lastConsumedNode->gtUseNum));
+ node->gtDebugFlags |= GTF_DEBUG_NODE_CG_CONSUMED;
+ lastConsumedNode = node;
+#endif // DEBUG
+// genConsumeReg: Do liveness update for a subnode that is being
+// consumed by codegen.
+// Arguments:
+// tree - GenTree node
+// Return Value:
+// Returns the reg number of tree.
+// In case of multi-reg call node returns the first reg number
+// of the multi-reg return.
+regNumber CodeGen::genConsumeReg(GenTree* tree)
+ if (tree->OperGet() == GT_COPY)
+ {
+ genRegCopy(tree);
+ }
+ // Handle the case where we have a lclVar that needs to be copied before use (i.e. because it
+ // interferes with one of the other sources (or the target, if it's a "delayed use" register)).
+ // TODO-Cleanup: This is a special copyReg case in LSRA - consider eliminating these and
+ // always using GT_COPY to make the lclVar location explicit.
+ // Note that we have to do this before calling genUpdateLife because otherwise if we spill it
+ // the lvRegNum will be set to REG_STK and we will lose track of what register currently holds
+ // the lclVar (normally when a lclVar is spilled it is then used from its former register
+ // location, which matches the gtRegNum on the node).
+ // (Note that it doesn't matter if we call this before or after genUnspillRegIfNeeded
+ // because if it's on the stack it will always get reloaded into tree->gtRegNum).
+ if (genIsRegCandidateLocal(tree))
+ {
+ GenTreeLclVarCommon* lcl = tree->AsLclVarCommon();
+ LclVarDsc* varDsc = &compiler->lvaTable[lcl->GetLclNum()];
+ if (varDsc->lvRegNum != REG_STK && varDsc->lvRegNum != tree->gtRegNum)
+ {
+ inst_RV_RV(ins_Copy(tree->TypeGet()), tree->gtRegNum, varDsc->lvRegNum);
+ }
+ }
+ genUnspillRegIfNeeded(tree);
+ // genUpdateLife() will also spill local var if marked as GTF_SPILL by calling CodeGen::genSpillVar
+ genUpdateLife(tree);
+ assert(tree->gtHasReg());
+ // there are three cases where consuming a reg means clearing the bit in the live mask
+ // 1. it was not produced by a local
+ // 2. it was produced by a local that is going dead
+ // 3. it was produced by a local that does not live in that reg (like one allocated on the stack)
+ if (genIsRegCandidateLocal(tree))
+ {
+ GenTreeLclVarCommon* lcl = tree->AsLclVarCommon();
+ LclVarDsc* varDsc = &compiler->lvaTable[lcl->GetLclNum()];
+ assert(varDsc->lvLRACandidate);
+ if ((tree->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEATH) != 0)
+ {
+ gcInfo.gcMarkRegSetNpt(genRegMask(varDsc->lvRegNum));
+ }
+ else if (varDsc->lvRegNum == REG_STK)
+ {
+ // We have loaded this into a register only temporarily
+ gcInfo.gcMarkRegSetNpt(genRegMask(tree->gtRegNum));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gcInfo.gcMarkRegSetNpt(tree->gtGetRegMask());
+ }
+ genCheckConsumeNode(tree);
+ return tree->gtRegNum;
+// Do liveness update for an address tree: one of GT_LEA, GT_LCL_VAR, or GT_CNS_INT (for call indirect).
+void CodeGen::genConsumeAddress(GenTree* addr)
+ if (!addr->isContained())
+ {
+ genConsumeReg(addr);
+ }
+ else if (addr->OperGet() == GT_LEA)
+ {
+ genConsumeAddrMode(addr->AsAddrMode());
+ }
+// do liveness update for a subnode that is being consumed by codegen
+void CodeGen::genConsumeAddrMode(GenTreeAddrMode* addr)
+ genConsumeOperands(addr);
+void CodeGen::genConsumeRegs(GenTree* tree)
+#if !defined(_TARGET_64BIT_)
+ if (tree->OperGet() == GT_LONG)
+ {
+ genConsumeRegs(tree->gtGetOp1());
+ genConsumeRegs(tree->gtGetOp2());
+ return;
+ }
+#endif // !defined(_TARGET_64BIT_)
+ if (tree->isContained())
+ {
+ if (tree->isContainedSpillTemp())
+ {
+ // spill temps are un-tracked and hence no need to update life
+ }
+ else if (tree->isIndir())
+ {
+ genConsumeAddress(tree->AsIndir()->Addr());
+ }
+ else if (tree->OperGet() == GT_AND)
+ {
+ // This is the special contained GT_AND that we created in Lowering::TreeNodeInfoInitCmp()
+ // Now we need to consume the operands of the GT_AND node.
+ genConsumeOperands(tree->AsOp());
+ }
+#ifdef _TARGET_XARCH_
+ else if (tree->OperGet() == GT_LCL_VAR)
+ {
+ // A contained lcl var must be living on stack and marked as reg optional, or not be a
+ // register candidate.
+ unsigned varNum = tree->AsLclVarCommon()->GetLclNum();
+ LclVarDsc* varDsc = compiler->lvaTable + varNum;
+ noway_assert(varDsc->lvRegNum == REG_STK);
+ noway_assert(tree->IsRegOptional() || !varDsc->lvLRACandidate);
+ // Update the life of the lcl var.
+ genUpdateLife(tree);
+ }
+#endif // _TARGET_XARCH_
+ else if (tree->OperIsInitVal())
+ {
+ genConsumeReg(tree->gtGetOp1());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // (In)Equality operation that produces bool result, when compared
+ // against Vector zero, marks its Vector Zero operand as contained.
+ assert(tree->OperIsLeaf() || tree->IsIntegralConstVector(0));
+ assert(tree->OperIsLeaf());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ genConsumeReg(tree);
+ }
+// genConsumeOperands: Do liveness update for the operands of a unary or binary tree
+// Arguments:
+// tree - the GenTreeOp whose operands will have their liveness updated.
+// Return Value:
+// None.
+// Notes:
+// Note that this logic is localized here because we must do the liveness update in
+// the correct execution order. This is important because we may have two operands
+// that involve the same lclVar, and if one is marked "lastUse" we must handle it
+// after the first.
+void CodeGen::genConsumeOperands(GenTreeOp* tree)
+ GenTree* firstOp = tree->gtOp1;
+ GenTree* secondOp = tree->gtOp2;
+ if ((tree->gtFlags & GTF_REVERSE_OPS) != 0)
+ {
+ assert(secondOp != nullptr);
+ firstOp = secondOp;
+ secondOp = tree->gtOp1;
+ }
+ if (firstOp != nullptr)
+ {
+ genConsumeRegs(firstOp);
+ }
+ if (secondOp != nullptr)
+ {
+ genConsumeRegs(secondOp);
+ }
+// genConsumePutStructArgStk: Do liveness update for the operands of a PutArgStk node.
+// Also loads in the right register the addresses of the
+// src/dst for rep mov operation.
+// Arguments:
+// putArgNode - the PUTARG_STK tree.
+// dstReg - the dstReg for the rep move operation.
+// srcReg - the srcReg for the rep move operation.
+// sizeReg - the sizeReg for the rep move operation.
+// Return Value:
+// None.
+// Notes:
+// sizeReg can be REG_NA when this function is used to consume the dstReg and srcReg
+// for copying on the stack a struct with references.
+// The source address/offset is determined from the address on the GT_OBJ node, while
+// the destination address is the address contained in 'm_stkArgVarNum' plus the offset
+// provided in the 'putArgNode'.
+// m_stkArgVarNum must be set to the varnum for the local used for placing the "by-value" args on the stack.
+void CodeGen::genConsumePutStructArgStk(GenTreePutArgStk* putArgNode,
+ regNumber dstReg,
+ regNumber srcReg,
+ regNumber sizeReg)
+ assert(varTypeIsStruct(putArgNode));
+ // The putArgNode children are always contained. We should not consume any registers.
+ assert(putArgNode->gtGetOp1()->isContained());
+ GenTree* dstAddr = putArgNode;
+ // Get the source address.
+ GenTree* src = putArgNode->gtGetOp1();
+ assert((src->gtOper == GT_OBJ) || ((src->gtOper == GT_IND && varTypeIsSIMD(src))));
+ GenTree* srcAddr = src->gtGetOp1();
+ size_t size = putArgNode->getArgSize();
+ assert(dstReg != REG_NA);
+ assert(srcReg != REG_NA);
+ // Consume the registers only if they are not contained or set to REG_NA.
+ if (srcAddr->gtRegNum != REG_NA)
+ {
+ genConsumeReg(srcAddr);
+ }
+ // If the op1 is already in the dstReg - nothing to do.
+ // Otherwise load the op1 (GT_ADDR) into the dstReg to copy the struct on the stack by value.
+#ifdef _TARGET_X86_
+ assert(dstReg != REG_SPBASE);
+ inst_RV_RV(INS_mov, dstReg, REG_SPBASE);
+#else // !_TARGET_X86_
+ if (dstAddr->gtRegNum != dstReg)
+ {
+ // Generate LEA instruction to load the stack of the outgoing var + SlotNum offset (or the incoming arg area
+ // for tail calls) in RDI.
+ // Destination is always local (on the stack) - use EA_PTRSIZE.
+ assert(m_stkArgVarNum != BAD_VAR_NUM);
+ getEmitter()->emitIns_R_S(INS_lea, EA_PTRSIZE, dstReg, m_stkArgVarNum, putArgNode->getArgOffset());
+ }
+#endif // !_TARGET_X86_
+ if (srcAddr->gtRegNum != srcReg)
+ {
+ if (srcAddr->OperIsLocalAddr())
+ {
+ // The OperLocalAddr is always contained.
+ assert(srcAddr->isContained());
+ GenTreeLclVarCommon* lclNode = srcAddr->AsLclVarCommon();
+ // Generate LEA instruction to load the LclVar address in RSI.
+ // Source is known to be on the stack. Use EA_PTRSIZE.
+ unsigned int offset = 0;
+ if (srcAddr->OperGet() == GT_LCL_FLD_ADDR)
+ {
+ offset = srcAddr->AsLclFld()->gtLclOffs;
+ }
+ getEmitter()->emitIns_R_S(INS_lea, EA_PTRSIZE, srcReg, lclNode->gtLclNum, offset);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(srcAddr->gtRegNum != REG_NA);
+ // Source is not known to be on the stack. Use EA_BYREF.
+ getEmitter()->emitIns_R_R(INS_mov, EA_BYREF, srcReg, srcAddr->gtRegNum);
+ }
+ }
+ if (sizeReg != REG_NA)
+ {
+ inst_RV_IV(INS_mov, sizeReg, size, EA_PTRSIZE);
+ }
+// genSetBlockSize: Ensure that the block size is in the given register
+// Arguments:
+// blkNode - The block node
+// sizeReg - The register into which the block's size should go
+void CodeGen::genSetBlockSize(GenTreeBlk* blkNode, regNumber sizeReg)
+ if (sizeReg != REG_NA)
+ {
+ unsigned blockSize = blkNode->Size();
+ if (blockSize != 0)
+ {
+ assert((blkNode->gtRsvdRegs & genRegMask(sizeReg)) != 0);
+ genSetRegToIcon(sizeReg, blockSize);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ noway_assert(blkNode->gtOper == GT_STORE_DYN_BLK);
+ GenTree* sizeNode = blkNode->AsDynBlk()->gtDynamicSize;
+ if (sizeNode->gtRegNum != sizeReg)
+ {
+ inst_RV_RV(INS_mov, sizeReg, sizeNode->gtRegNum, sizeNode->TypeGet());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// genConsumeBlockSrc: Consume the source address register of a block node, if any.
+// Arguments:
+// blkNode - The block node
+void CodeGen::genConsumeBlockSrc(GenTreeBlk* blkNode)
+ GenTree* src = blkNode->Data();
+ if (blkNode->OperIsCopyBlkOp())
+ {
+ // For a CopyBlk we need the address of the source.
+ if (src->OperGet() == GT_IND)
+ {
+ src = src->gtOp.gtOp1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This must be a local.
+ // For this case, there is no source address register, as it is a
+ // stack-based address.
+ assert(src->OperIsLocal());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (src->OperIsInitVal())
+ {
+ src = src->gtGetOp1();
+ }
+ }
+ genConsumeReg(src);
+// genSetBlockSrc: Ensure that the block source is in its allocated register.
+// Arguments:
+// blkNode - The block node
+// srcReg - The register in which to set the source (address or init val).
+void CodeGen::genSetBlockSrc(GenTreeBlk* blkNode, regNumber srcReg)
+ GenTree* src = blkNode->Data();
+ if (blkNode->OperIsCopyBlkOp())
+ {
+ // For a CopyBlk we need the address of the source.
+ if (src->OperGet() == GT_IND)
+ {
+ src = src->gtOp.gtOp1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This must be a local struct.
+ // Load its address into srcReg.
+ inst_RV_TT(INS_lea, srcReg, src, 0, EA_BYREF);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (src->OperIsInitVal())
+ {
+ src = src->gtGetOp1();
+ }
+ }
+ genCopyRegIfNeeded(src, srcReg);
+// genConsumeBlockOp: Ensure that the block's operands are enregistered
+// as needed.
+// Arguments:
+// blkNode - The block node
+// Notes:
+// This ensures that the operands are consumed in the proper order to
+// obey liveness modeling.
+void CodeGen::genConsumeBlockOp(GenTreeBlk* blkNode, regNumber dstReg, regNumber srcReg, regNumber sizeReg)
+ // We have to consume the registers, and perform any copies, in the actual execution order.
+ // The nominal order is: dst, src, size. However this may have been changed
+ // with reverse flags on the blkNode and the setting of gtEvalSizeFirst in the case of a dynamic
+ // block size.
+ // Note that the register allocator ensures that the registers ON THE NODES will not interfere
+ // with one another if consumed (i.e. reloaded or moved to their ASSIGNED reg) in execution order.
+ // Further, it ensures that they will not interfere with one another if they are then copied
+ // to the REQUIRED register (if a fixed register requirement) in execution order. This requires,
+ // then, that we first consume all the operands, then do any necessary moves.
+ GenTree* dstAddr = blkNode->Addr();
+ GenTree* src = nullptr;
+ unsigned blockSize = blkNode->Size();
+ GenTree* size = nullptr;
+ bool evalSizeFirst = true;
+ // First, consume all the sources in order
+ if (blkNode->OperGet() == GT_STORE_DYN_BLK)
+ {
+ size = blkNode->AsDynBlk()->gtDynamicSize;
+ if (blkNode->AsDynBlk()->gtEvalSizeFirst)
+ {
+ genConsumeReg(size);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ evalSizeFirst = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (blkNode->IsReverseOp())
+ {
+ genConsumeBlockSrc(blkNode);
+ genConsumeReg(dstAddr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ genConsumeReg(dstAddr);
+ genConsumeBlockSrc(blkNode);
+ }
+ if (!evalSizeFirst)
+ {
+ noway_assert(size != nullptr);
+ genConsumeReg(size);
+ }
+ // Next, perform any necessary moves.
+ if (evalSizeFirst)
+ {
+ genSetBlockSize(blkNode, sizeReg);
+ }
+ if (blkNode->IsReverseOp())
+ {
+ genSetBlockSrc(blkNode, srcReg);
+ genCopyRegIfNeeded(dstAddr, dstReg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ genCopyRegIfNeeded(dstAddr, dstReg);
+ genSetBlockSrc(blkNode, srcReg);
+ }
+ if (!evalSizeFirst)
+ {
+ genSetBlockSize(blkNode, sizeReg);
+ }
+// genProduceReg: do liveness update for register produced by the current
+// node in codegen.
+// Arguments:
+// tree - Gentree node
+// Return Value:
+// None.
+void CodeGen::genProduceReg(GenTree* tree)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ assert((tree->gtDebugFlags & GTF_DEBUG_NODE_CG_PRODUCED) == 0);
+ tree->gtDebugFlags |= GTF_DEBUG_NODE_CG_PRODUCED;
+ if (tree->gtFlags & GTF_SPILL)
+ {
+ // Code for GT_COPY node gets generated as part of consuming regs by its parent.
+ // A GT_COPY node in turn produces reg result and it should never be marked to
+ // spill.
+ //
+ // Similarly GT_RELOAD node gets generated as part of consuming regs by its
+ // parent and should never be marked for spilling.
+ noway_assert(!tree->IsCopyOrReload());
+ if (genIsRegCandidateLocal(tree))
+ {
+ // Store local variable to its home location.
+ tree->gtFlags &= ~GTF_REG_VAL;
+ // Ensure that lclVar stores are typed correctly.
+ unsigned varNum = tree->gtLclVarCommon.gtLclNum;
+ assert(!compiler->lvaTable[varNum].lvNormalizeOnStore() ||
+ (tree->TypeGet() == genActualType(compiler->lvaTable[varNum].TypeGet())));
+ inst_TT_RV(ins_Store(tree->gtType, compiler->isSIMDTypeLocalAligned(varNum)), tree, tree->gtRegNum);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // In case of multi-reg call node, spill flag on call node
+ // indicates that one or more of its allocated regs need to
+ // be spilled. Call node needs to be further queried to
+ // know which of its result regs needs to be spilled.
+ if (tree->IsMultiRegCall())
+ {
+ GenTreeCall* call = tree->AsCall();
+ ReturnTypeDesc* retTypeDesc = call->GetReturnTypeDesc();
+ unsigned regCount = retTypeDesc->GetReturnRegCount();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < regCount; ++i)
+ {
+ unsigned flags = call->GetRegSpillFlagByIdx(i);
+ if ((flags & GTF_SPILL) != 0)
+ {
+ regNumber reg = call->GetRegNumByIdx(i);
+ call->SetInReg();
+ regSet.rsSpillTree(reg, call, i);
+ gcInfo.gcMarkRegSetNpt(genRegMask(reg));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tree->SetInReg();
+ regSet.rsSpillTree(tree->gtRegNum, tree);
+ gcInfo.gcMarkRegSetNpt(genRegMask(tree->gtRegNum));
+ }
+ tree->gtFlags |= GTF_SPILLED;
+ tree->gtFlags &= ~GTF_SPILL;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ genUpdateLife(tree);
+ // If we've produced a register, mark it as a pointer, as needed.
+ if (tree->gtHasReg())
+ {
+ // We only mark the register in the following cases:
+ // 1. It is not a register candidate local. In this case, we're producing a
+ // register from a local, but the local is not a register candidate. Thus,
+ // we must be loading it as a temp register, and any "last use" flag on
+ // the register wouldn't be relevant.
+ // 2. The register candidate local is going dead. There's no point to mark
+ // the register as live, with a GC pointer, if the variable is dead.
+ if (!genIsRegCandidateLocal(tree) || ((tree->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEATH) == 0))
+ {
+ // Multi-reg call node will produce more than one register result.
+ // Mark all the regs produced by call node.
+ if (tree->IsMultiRegCall())
+ {
+ GenTreeCall* call = tree->AsCall();
+ ReturnTypeDesc* retTypeDesc = call->GetReturnTypeDesc();
+ unsigned regCount = retTypeDesc->GetReturnRegCount();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < regCount; ++i)
+ {
+ regNumber reg = call->GetRegNumByIdx(i);
+ var_types type = retTypeDesc->GetReturnRegType(i);
+ gcInfo.gcMarkRegPtrVal(reg, type);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (tree->IsCopyOrReloadOfMultiRegCall())
+ {
+ // we should never see reload of multi-reg call here
+ // because GT_RELOAD gets generated in reg consuming path.
+ noway_assert(tree->OperGet() == GT_COPY);
+ // A multi-reg GT_COPY node produces those regs to which
+ // copy has taken place.
+ GenTreeCopyOrReload* copy = tree->AsCopyOrReload();
+ GenTreeCall* call = copy->gtGetOp1()->AsCall();
+ ReturnTypeDesc* retTypeDesc = call->GetReturnTypeDesc();
+ unsigned regCount = retTypeDesc->GetReturnRegCount();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < regCount; ++i)
+ {
+ var_types type = retTypeDesc->GetReturnRegType(i);
+ regNumber fromReg = call->GetRegNumByIdx(i);
+ regNumber toReg = copy->GetRegNumByIdx(i);
+ if (toReg != REG_NA)
+ {
+ gcInfo.gcMarkRegPtrVal(toReg, type);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gcInfo.gcMarkRegPtrVal(tree->gtRegNum, tree->TypeGet());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tree->SetInReg();
+// transfer gc/byref status of src reg to dst reg
+void CodeGen::genTransferRegGCState(regNumber dst, regNumber src)
+ regMaskTP srcMask = genRegMask(src);
+ regMaskTP dstMask = genRegMask(dst);
+ if (gcInfo.gcRegGCrefSetCur & srcMask)
+ {
+ gcInfo.gcMarkRegSetGCref(dstMask);
+ }
+ else if (gcInfo.gcRegByrefSetCur & srcMask)
+ {
+ gcInfo.gcMarkRegSetByref(dstMask);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gcInfo.gcMarkRegSetNpt(dstMask);
+ }
+// generates an ip-relative call or indirect call via reg ('call reg')
+// pass in 'addr' for a relative call or 'base' for a indirect register call
+// methHnd - optional, only used for pretty printing
+// retSize - emitter type of return for GC purposes, should be EA_BYREF, EA_GCREF, or EA_PTRSIZE(not GC)
+void CodeGen::genEmitCall(int callType,
+ INDEBUG_LDISASM_COMMA(CORINFO_SIG_INFO* sigInfo) void* addr X86_ARG(ssize_t argSize),
+ emitAttr retSize MULTIREG_HAS_SECOND_GC_RET_ONLY_ARG(emitAttr secondRetSize),
+ IL_OFFSETX ilOffset,
+ regNumber base,
+ bool isJump,
+ bool isNoGC)
+#if !defined(_TARGET_X86_)
+ ssize_t argSize = 0;
+#endif // !defined(_TARGET_X86_)
+ getEmitter()->emitIns_Call(emitter::EmitCallType(callType), methHnd, INDEBUG_LDISASM_COMMA(sigInfo) addr, argSize,
+ retSize MULTIREG_HAS_SECOND_GC_RET_ONLY_ARG(secondRetSize), gcInfo.gcVarPtrSetCur,
+ gcInfo.gcRegGCrefSetCur, gcInfo.gcRegByrefSetCur, ilOffset, base, REG_NA, 0, 0, isJump,
+ emitter::emitNoGChelper(compiler->eeGetHelperNum(methHnd)));
+// generates an indirect call via addressing mode (call []) given an indir node
+// methHnd - optional, only used for pretty printing
+// retSize - emitter type of return for GC purposes, should be EA_BYREF, EA_GCREF, or EA_PTRSIZE(not GC)
+void CodeGen::genEmitCall(int callType,
+ INDEBUG_LDISASM_COMMA(CORINFO_SIG_INFO* sigInfo) GenTreeIndir* indir X86_ARG(ssize_t argSize),
+ emitAttr retSize MULTIREG_HAS_SECOND_GC_RET_ONLY_ARG(emitAttr secondRetSize),
+ IL_OFFSETX ilOffset)
+#if !defined(_TARGET_X86_)
+ ssize_t argSize = 0;
+#endif // !defined(_TARGET_X86_)
+ genConsumeAddress(indir->Addr());
+ getEmitter()->emitIns_Call(emitter::EmitCallType(callType), methHnd, INDEBUG_LDISASM_COMMA(sigInfo) nullptr,
+ argSize, retSize MULTIREG_HAS_SECOND_GC_RET_ONLY_ARG(secondRetSize),
+ gcInfo.gcVarPtrSetCur, gcInfo.gcRegGCrefSetCur, gcInfo.gcRegByrefSetCur, ilOffset,
+ indir->Base() ? indir->Base()->gtRegNum : REG_NA,
+ indir->Index() ? indir->Index()->gtRegNum : REG_NA, indir->Scale(), indir->Offset());
+#endif // !LEGACY_BACKEND