path: root/src/jit/block.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/jit/block.cpp')
1 files changed, 771 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/jit/block.cpp b/src/jit/block.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d37754ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jit/block.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+XX BasicBlock XX
+#include "jitpch.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma hdrstop
+#ifdef DEBUG
+flowList* ShuffleHelper(unsigned hash, flowList* res)
+ flowList* head = res;
+ for (flowList *prev = nullptr; res != nullptr; prev = res, res = res->flNext)
+ {
+ unsigned blkHash = (hash ^ (res->flBlock->bbNum << 16) ^ res->flBlock->bbNum);
+ if (((blkHash % 1879) & 1) && prev != nullptr)
+ {
+ // Swap res with head.
+ prev->flNext = head;
+ jitstd::swap(head->flNext, res->flNext);
+ jitstd::swap(head, res);
+ }
+ }
+ return head;
+unsigned SsaStressHashHelper()
+ // hash = 0: turned off, hash = 1: use method hash, hash = *: use custom hash.
+ unsigned hash = JitConfig.JitSsaStress();
+ if (hash == 0)
+ {
+ return hash;
+ }
+ if (hash == 1)
+ {
+ return JitTls::GetCompiler()->info.compMethodHash();
+ }
+ return ((hash >> 16) == 0) ? ((hash << 16) | hash) : hash;
+EHSuccessorIter::EHSuccessorIter(Compiler* comp, BasicBlock* block)
+ : m_comp(comp)
+ , m_block(block)
+ , m_curRegSucc(nullptr)
+ , m_curTry(comp->ehGetBlockExnFlowDsc(block))
+ , m_remainingRegSuccs(block->NumSucc(comp))
+ // If "block" is a "leave helper" block (the empty BBJ_ALWAYS block that pairs with a
+ // preceding BBJ_CALLFINALLY block to implement a "leave" IL instruction), then no exceptions
+ // can occur within it, so clear m_curTry if it's non-null.
+ if (m_curTry != nullptr)
+ {
+ BasicBlock* beforeBlock = block->bbPrev;
+ if (beforeBlock != nullptr && beforeBlock->isBBCallAlwaysPair())
+ {
+ m_curTry = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_curTry == nullptr && m_remainingRegSuccs > 0)
+ {
+ // Examine the successors to see if any are the start of try blocks.
+ FindNextRegSuccTry();
+ }
+void EHSuccessorIter::FindNextRegSuccTry()
+ assert(m_curTry == nullptr);
+ // Must now consider the next regular successor, if any.
+ while (m_remainingRegSuccs > 0)
+ {
+ m_remainingRegSuccs--;
+ m_curRegSucc = m_block->GetSucc(m_remainingRegSuccs, m_comp);
+ if (m_comp->bbIsTryBeg(m_curRegSucc))
+ {
+ assert(m_curRegSucc->hasTryIndex()); // Since it is a try begin.
+ unsigned newTryIndex = m_curRegSucc->getTryIndex();
+ // If the try region started by "m_curRegSucc" (represented by newTryIndex) contains m_block,
+ // we've already yielded its handler, as one of the EH handler successors of m_block itself.
+ if (m_comp->bbInExnFlowRegions(newTryIndex, m_block))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, consider this try.
+ m_curTry = m_comp->ehGetDsc(newTryIndex);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void EHSuccessorIter::operator++(void)
+ assert(m_curTry != nullptr);
+ if (m_curTry->ebdEnclosingTryIndex != EHblkDsc::NO_ENCLOSING_INDEX)
+ {
+ m_curTry = m_comp->ehGetDsc(m_curTry->ebdEnclosingTryIndex);
+ // If we've gone over into considering try's containing successors,
+ // then the enclosing try must have the successor as its first block.
+ if (m_curRegSucc == nullptr || m_curTry->ebdTryBeg == m_curRegSucc)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, give up, try the next regular successor.
+ m_curTry = nullptr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_curTry = nullptr;
+ }
+ // We've exhausted all try blocks.
+ // See if there are any remaining regular successors that start try blocks.
+ FindNextRegSuccTry();
+BasicBlock* EHSuccessorIter::operator*()
+ assert(m_curTry != nullptr);
+ return m_curTry->ExFlowBlock();
+flowList* Compiler::BlockPredsWithEH(BasicBlock* blk)
+ BlockToFlowListMap* ehPreds = GetBlockToEHPreds();
+ flowList* res;
+ if (ehPreds->Lookup(blk, &res))
+ {
+ return res;
+ }
+ res = blk->bbPreds;
+ unsigned tryIndex;
+ if (bbIsExFlowBlock(blk, &tryIndex))
+ {
+ // Find the first block of the try.
+ EHblkDsc* ehblk = ehGetDsc(tryIndex);
+ BasicBlock* tryStart = ehblk->ebdTryBeg;
+ for (flowList* tryStartPreds = tryStart->bbPreds; tryStartPreds != nullptr;
+ tryStartPreds = tryStartPreds->flNext)
+ {
+ res = new (this, CMK_FlowList) flowList(tryStartPreds->flBlock, res);
+ genFlowNodeCnt += 1;
+ genFlowNodeSize += sizeof(flowList);
+ }
+ // Now add all blocks handled by this handler (except for second blocks of BBJ_CALLFINALLY/BBJ_ALWAYS pairs;
+ // these cannot cause transfer to the handler...)
+ BasicBlock* prevBB = nullptr;
+ // TODO-Throughput: It would be nice if we could iterate just over the blocks in the try, via
+ // something like:
+ // for (BasicBlock* bb = ehblk->ebdTryBeg; bb != ehblk->ebdTryLast->bbNext; bb = bb->bbNext)
+ // (plus adding in any filter blocks outside the try whose exceptions are handled here).
+ // That doesn't work, however: funclets have caused us to sometimes split the body of a try into
+ // more than one sequence of contiguous blocks. We need to find a better way to do this.
+ for (BasicBlock *bb = fgFirstBB; bb != nullptr; prevBB = bb, bb = bb->bbNext)
+ {
+ if (bbInExnFlowRegions(tryIndex, bb) && (prevBB == nullptr || !prevBB->isBBCallAlwaysPair()))
+ {
+ res = new (this, CMK_FlowList) flowList(bb, res);
+ genFlowNodeCnt += 1;
+ genFlowNodeSize += sizeof(flowList);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ unsigned hash = SsaStressHashHelper();
+ if (hash != 0)
+ {
+ res = ShuffleHelper(hash, res);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG
+ ehPreds->Set(blk, res);
+ }
+ return res;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+// dspBlockILRange(): Display the block's IL range as [XXX...YYY), where XXX and YYY might be "???" for BAD_IL_OFFSET.
+void BasicBlock::dspBlockILRange()
+ if (bbCodeOffs != BAD_IL_OFFSET)
+ {
+ printf("[%03X..", bbCodeOffs);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("[???"
+ "..");
+ }
+ if (bbCodeOffsEnd != BAD_IL_OFFSET)
+ {
+ // brace-matching editor workaround for following line: (
+ printf("%03X)", bbCodeOffsEnd);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // brace-matching editor workaround for following line: (
+ printf("???"
+ ")");
+ }
+// dspFlags: Print out the block's flags
+void BasicBlock::dspFlags()
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_VISITED)
+ {
+ printf("v ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_MARKED)
+ {
+ printf("m ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_CHANGED)
+ {
+ printf("! ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_REMOVED)
+ {
+ printf("del ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_DONT_REMOVE)
+ {
+ printf("keep ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_IMPORTED)
+ {
+ printf("i ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_INTERNAL)
+ {
+ printf("internal ");
+ }
+ {
+ printf("failV ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_TRY_BEG)
+ {
+ printf("try ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_NEEDS_GCPOLL)
+ {
+ printf("poll ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_RUN_RARELY)
+ {
+ printf("rare ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_LOOP_HEAD)
+ {
+ printf("Loop ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_LOOP_CALL0)
+ {
+ printf("Loop0 ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_LOOP_CALL1)
+ {
+ printf("Loop1 ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_HAS_LABEL)
+ {
+ printf("label ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_JMP_TARGET)
+ {
+ printf("target ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_HAS_JMP)
+ {
+ printf("jmp ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_GC_SAFE_POINT)
+ {
+ printf("gcsafe ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_FUNCLET_BEG)
+ {
+ printf("flet ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_HAS_IDX_LEN)
+ {
+ printf("idxlen ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_HAS_NEWARRAY)
+ {
+ printf("new[] ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_HAS_NEWOBJ)
+ {
+ printf("newobj ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_FINALLY_TARGET)
+ {
+ printf("ftarget ");
+ }
+#endif // FEATURE_EH_FUNCLETS && defined(_TARGET_ARM_)
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_BACKWARD_JUMP)
+ {
+ printf("bwd ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_RETLESS_CALL)
+ {
+ printf("retless ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_LOOP_PREHEADER)
+ {
+ printf("LoopPH ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_COLD)
+ {
+ printf("cold ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_PROF_WEIGHT)
+ {
+ printf("IBC ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_FORWARD_SWITCH)
+ {
+ printf("fswitch ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_IS_LIR)
+ {
+ printf("LIR ");
+ }
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_KEEP_BBJ_ALWAYS)
+ {
+ printf("KEEP ");
+ }
+ *
+ * Display the bbPreds basic block list (the block predecessors).
+ * Returns the number of characters printed.
+ */
+unsigned BasicBlock::dspPreds()
+ unsigned count = 0;
+ for (flowList* pred = bbPreds; pred != nullptr; pred = pred->flNext)
+ {
+ if (count != 0)
+ {
+ printf(",");
+ count += 1;
+ }
+ printf("BB%02u", pred->flBlock->bbNum);
+ count += 4;
+ // Account for %02u only handling 2 digits, but we can display more than that.
+ unsigned digits = CountDigits(pred->flBlock->bbNum);
+ if (digits > 2)
+ {
+ count += digits - 2;
+ }
+ // Does this predecessor have an interesting dup count? If so, display it.
+ if (pred->flDupCount > 1)
+ {
+ printf("(%u)", pred->flDupCount);
+ count += 2 + CountDigits(pred->flDupCount);
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+ *
+ * Display the bbCheapPreds basic block list (the block predecessors).
+ * Returns the number of characters printed.
+ */
+unsigned BasicBlock::dspCheapPreds()
+ unsigned count = 0;
+ for (BasicBlockList* pred = bbCheapPreds; pred != nullptr; pred = pred->next)
+ {
+ if (count != 0)
+ {
+ printf(",");
+ count += 1;
+ }
+ printf("BB%02u", pred->block->bbNum);
+ count += 4;
+ // Account for %02u only handling 2 digits, but we can display more than that.
+ unsigned digits = CountDigits(pred->block->bbNum);
+ if (digits > 2)
+ {
+ count += digits - 2;
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+ *
+ * Display the basic block successors.
+ * Returns the count of successors.
+ */
+unsigned BasicBlock::dspSuccs(Compiler* compiler)
+ unsigned numSuccs = NumSucc(compiler);
+ unsigned count = 0;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSuccs; i++)
+ {
+ printf("%s", (count == 0) ? "" : ",");
+ printf("BB%02u", GetSucc(i, compiler)->bbNum);
+ count++;
+ }
+ return count;
+// Display a compact representation of the bbJumpKind, that is, where this block branches.
+// This is similar to code in Compiler::fgTableDispBasicBlock(), but doesn't have that code's requirements to align
+// things strictly.
+void BasicBlock::dspJumpKind()
+ switch (bbJumpKind)
+ {
+ printf(" (finret)");
+ break;
+ printf(" (fltret)");
+ break;
+ printf(" -> BB%02u (cret)", bbJumpDest->bbNum);
+ break;
+ case BBJ_THROW:
+ printf(" (throw)");
+ break;
+ case BBJ_RETURN:
+ printf(" (return)");
+ break;
+ case BBJ_NONE:
+ // For fall-through blocks, print nothing.
+ break;
+ case BBJ_ALWAYS:
+ if (bbFlags & BBF_KEEP_BBJ_ALWAYS)
+ {
+ printf(" -> BB%02u (ALWAYS)", bbJumpDest->bbNum);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf(" -> BB%02u (always)", bbJumpDest->bbNum);
+ }
+ break;
+ case BBJ_LEAVE:
+ printf(" -> BB%02u (leave)", bbJumpDest->bbNum);
+ break;
+ printf(" -> BB%02u (callf)", bbJumpDest->bbNum);
+ break;
+ case BBJ_COND:
+ printf(" -> BB%02u (cond)", bbJumpDest->bbNum);
+ break;
+ case BBJ_SWITCH:
+ printf(" ->");
+ unsigned jumpCnt;
+ jumpCnt = bbJumpSwt->bbsCount;
+ BasicBlock** jumpTab;
+ jumpTab = bbJumpSwt->bbsDstTab;
+ do
+ {
+ printf("%cBB%02u", (jumpTab == bbJumpSwt->bbsDstTab) ? ' ' : ',', (*jumpTab)->bbNum);
+ } while (++jumpTab, --jumpCnt);
+ printf(" (switch)");
+ break;
+ default:
+ unreached();
+ break;
+ }
+void BasicBlock::dspBlockHeader(Compiler* compiler,
+ bool showKind /*= true*/,
+ bool showFlags /*= false*/,
+ bool showPreds /*= true*/)
+ printf("BB%02u ", bbNum);
+ dspBlockILRange();
+ if (showKind)
+ {
+ dspJumpKind();
+ }
+ if (showPreds)
+ {
+ printf(", preds={");
+ if (compiler->fgCheapPredsValid)
+ {
+ dspCheapPreds();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dspPreds();
+ }
+ printf("} succs={");
+ dspSuccs(compiler);
+ printf("}");
+ }
+ if (showFlags)
+ {
+ printf(" flags=0x%08x: ", bbFlags);
+ dspFlags();
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+#endif // DEBUG
+// Allocation function for HeapPhiArg.
+void* BasicBlock::HeapPhiArg::operator new(size_t sz, Compiler* comp)
+ return comp->compGetMem(sz, CMK_HeapPhiArg);
+void BasicBlock::CloneBlockState(Compiler* compiler, BasicBlock* to, const BasicBlock* from)
+ assert(to->bbTreeList == nullptr);
+ to->bbFlags = from->bbFlags;
+ to->bbWeight = from->bbWeight;
+ BlockSetOps::AssignAllowUninitRhs(compiler, to->bbReach, from->bbReach);
+ to->copyEHRegion(from);
+ to->bbCatchTyp = from->bbCatchTyp;
+ to->bbRefs = from->bbRefs;
+ to->bbStkTempsIn = from->bbStkTempsIn;
+ to->bbStkTempsOut = from->bbStkTempsOut;
+ to->bbStkDepth = from->bbStkDepth;
+ to->bbCodeOffs = from->bbCodeOffs;
+ to->bbCodeOffsEnd = from->bbCodeOffsEnd;
+ VarSetOps::AssignAllowUninitRhs(compiler, to->bbScope, from->bbScope);
+ to->bbFPStateX87 = from->bbFPStateX87;
+#endif // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87
+ to->bbNatLoopNum = from->bbNatLoopNum;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ to->bbLoopNum = from->bbLoopNum;
+ to->bbTgtStkDepth = from->bbTgtStkDepth;
+#endif // DEBUG
+ for (GenTreePtr fromStmt = from->bbTreeList; fromStmt != nullptr; fromStmt = fromStmt->gtNext)
+ {
+ compiler->fgInsertStmtAtEnd(to,
+ compiler->fgNewStmtFromTree(compiler->gtCloneExpr(fromStmt->gtStmt.gtStmtExpr)));
+ }
+// LIR helpers
+void BasicBlock::MakeLIR(GenTree* firstNode, GenTree* lastNode)
+ unreached();
+ assert(!IsLIR());
+ assert((firstNode == nullptr) == (lastNode == nullptr));
+ assert((firstNode == lastNode) || firstNode->Precedes(lastNode));
+ m_firstNode = firstNode;
+ m_lastNode = lastNode;
+ bbFlags |= BBF_IS_LIR;
+bool BasicBlock::IsLIR()
+ return false;
+ const bool isLIR = (bbFlags & BBF_IS_LIR) != 0;
+ assert((bbTreeList == nullptr) || ((isLIR) == !bbTreeList->IsStatement()));
+ return isLIR;
+// firstStmt: Returns the first statement in the block
+// Arguments:
+// None.
+// Return Value:
+// The first statement in the block's bbTreeList.
+GenTreeStmt* BasicBlock::firstStmt()
+ if (bbTreeList == nullptr)
+ {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return bbTreeList->AsStmt();
+// lastStmt: Returns the last statement in the block
+// Arguments:
+// None.
+// Return Value:
+// The last statement in the block's bbTreeList.
+GenTreeStmt* BasicBlock::lastStmt()
+ if (bbTreeList == nullptr)
+ {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ GenTree* result = bbTreeList->gtPrev;
+ assert(result && result->gtNext == nullptr);
+ return result->AsStmt();
+// BasicBlock::firstNode: Returns the first node in the block.
+GenTree* BasicBlock::firstNode()
+ return IsLIR() ? bbTreeList : Compiler::fgGetFirstNode(firstStmt()->gtStmtExpr);
+// BasicBlock::lastNode: Returns the last node in the block.
+GenTree* BasicBlock::lastNode()
+ return IsLIR() ? m_lastNode : lastStmt()->gtStmtExpr;
+// GetUniquePred: Returns the unique predecessor of a block, if one exists.
+// The predecessor lists must be accurate.
+// Arguments:
+// None.
+// Return Value:
+// The unique predecessor of a block, or nullptr if there is no unique predecessor.
+// Notes:
+// If the first block has a predecessor (which it may have, if it is the target of
+// a backedge), we never want to consider it "unique" because the prolog is an
+// implicit predecessor.
+BasicBlock* BasicBlock::GetUniquePred(Compiler* compiler)
+ if ((bbPreds == nullptr) || (bbPreds->flNext != nullptr) || (this == compiler->fgFirstBB))
+ {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return bbPreds->flBlock;
+ }
+// GetUniqueSucc: Returns the unique successor of a block, if one exists.
+// Only considers BBJ_ALWAYS and BBJ_NONE block types.
+// Arguments:
+// None.
+// Return Value:
+// The unique successor of a block, or nullptr if there is no unique successor.
+BasicBlock* BasicBlock::GetUniqueSucc()
+ if (bbJumpKind == BBJ_ALWAYS)
+ {
+ return bbJumpDest;
+ }
+ else if (bbJumpKind == BBJ_NONE)
+ {
+ return bbNext;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+// Static vars.
+BasicBlock::HeapPhiArg* BasicBlock::EmptyHeapPhiDef = (BasicBlock::HeapPhiArg*)0x1;
+unsigned PtrKeyFuncs<BasicBlock>::GetHashCode(const BasicBlock* ptr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ unsigned hash = SsaStressHashHelper();
+ if (hash != 0)
+ {
+ return (hash ^ (ptr->bbNum << 16) ^ ptr->bbNum);
+ }
+ return ptr->bbNum;
+bool BasicBlock::isEmpty()
+ if (!IsLIR())
+ {
+ return (this->FirstNonPhiDef() == nullptr);
+ }
+ for (GenTree* node : LIR::AsRange(this).NonPhiNodes())
+ {
+ if (node->OperGet() != GT_IL_OFFSET)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;