path: root/src/inc/slist.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/inc/slist.h')
1 files changed, 387 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/inc/slist.h b/src/inc/slist.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b81f9ba90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/inc/slist.h
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// @File: slist.h
+// @commn: Bunch of utility classes
+// 02/03/98: created helper classes
+// SLink, link node for singly linked list, every class that is intrusively
+// linked should have a data member of this type
+// SList, template linked list class, contains only inline
+// methods for fast list operations, with proper type checking
+// see below for futher info. on how to use these template classes
+//#ifndef _H_UTIL
+//#error I am a part of util.hpp Please don't include me alone !
+#ifndef _H_SLIST_
+#define _H_SLIST_
+// struct SLink, to use a singly linked list
+// have a data member m_Link of type SLink in your class
+// and instantiate the template SList class
+struct SLink;
+typedef DPTR(struct SLink) PTR_SLink;
+struct SLink
+ PTR_SLink m_pNext;
+ SLink()
+ {
+ m_pNext = NULL;
+ }
+ void InsertAfter(SLink* pLinkToInsert)
+ {
+ PRECONDITION_MSG(NULL == pLinkToInsert->m_pNext, "This method does not support inserting lists");
+ PTR_SLink pTemp = m_pNext;
+ m_pNext = PTR_SLink(pLinkToInsert);
+ pLinkToInsert->m_pNext = pTemp;
+ }
+ // find pLink within the list starting at pHead
+ // if found remove the link from the list and return the link
+ // otherwise return NULL
+ static SLink* FindAndRemove(SLink *pHead, SLink* pLink, SLink ** ppPrior)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(pHead != NULL);
+ _ASSERTE(pLink != NULL);
+ SLink* pFreeLink = NULL;
+ *ppPrior = NULL;
+ while (pHead->m_pNext != NULL)
+ {
+ if (pHead->m_pNext == pLink)
+ {
+ pFreeLink = pLink;
+ pHead->m_pNext = pLink->m_pNext;
+ *ppPrior = pHead;
+ break;
+ }
+ pHead = pHead->m_pNext;
+ }
+ return pFreeLink;
+ }
+// class SList. Intrusive singly linked list.
+// To use SList with the default instantiation, your class should
+// define a data member of type SLink and named 'm_Link'. To use a
+// different field name, you need to provide an explicit LinkPtr
+// template argument. For example:
+// 'SList<MyClass, false, MyClass*, &MyClass::m_FieldName>'
+// SList has two different behaviours depending on boolean
+// fHead variable,
+// if fHead is true, then the list allows only InsertHead operations
+// if fHead is false, then the list allows only InsertTail operations
+// the code is optimized to perform these operations
+// all methods are inline, and conditional compiled based on template
+// argument 'fHead'
+// so there is no actual code size increase
+template <class T, bool fHead = false, typename __PTR = T*, SLink T::*LinkPtr = &T::m_Link>
+class SList
+ // typedef used by the Queue class below
+ typedef T ENTRY_TYPE;
+ // used as sentinel
+ SLink m_link; // slink.m_pNext == Null
+ PTR_SLink m_pHead;
+ PTR_SLink m_pTail;
+ // get the list node within the object
+ static SLink* GetLink (T* pLink)
+ {
+ return &(pLink->*LinkPtr);
+ }
+ // move to the beginning of the object given the pointer within the object
+ static T* GetObject (SLink* pLink)
+ {
+ if (pLink == NULL)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+ // GCC defines offsetof to be __builtin_offsetof, which doesn't use the
+ // old-school memory model trick to determine offset.
+ const UINT_PTR offset = (((UINT_PTR)&(((T *)0x1000)->*LinkPtr))-0x1000);
+ return (T*)__PTR(dac_cast<TADDR>(pLink) - offset);
+ return (T*)__PTR(dac_cast<TADDR>(pLink) - offsetof(T, *LinkPtr));
+#endif // __GNUC__
+ }
+ }
+ SList()
+ {
+ Init();
+#endif // !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE)
+ }
+ void Init()
+ {
+ m_pHead = &m_link;
+ // NOTE :: fHead variable is template argument
+ // the following code is a compiled in, only if the fHead flag
+ // is set to false,
+ if (!fHead)
+ {
+ m_pTail = &m_link;
+ }
+ }
+ bool IsEmpty()
+ {
+ return m_pHead->m_pNext == NULL;
+ }
+ void InsertTail(T *pObj)
+ {
+ // NOTE : conditional compilation on fHead template variable
+ if (!fHead)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(pObj != NULL);
+ SLink *pLink = GetLink(pObj);
+ m_pTail->m_pNext = pLink;
+ m_pTail = pLink;
+ }
+ else
+ {// you instantiated this class asking only for InsertHead operations
+ _ASSERTE(0);
+ }
+ }
+ void InsertHead(T *pObj)
+ {
+ // NOTE : conditional compilation on fHead template variable
+ if (fHead)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(pObj != NULL);
+ SLink *pLink = GetLink(pObj);
+ pLink->m_pNext = m_pHead->m_pNext;
+ m_pHead->m_pNext = pLink;
+ }
+ else
+ {// you instantiated this class asking only for InsertTail operations
+ _ASSERTE(0);
+ }
+ }
+ T* RemoveHead()
+ {
+ SLink* pLink = m_pHead->m_pNext;
+ if (pLink != NULL)
+ {
+ m_pHead->m_pNext = pLink->m_pNext;
+ }
+ // conditionally compiled, if the instantiated class
+ // uses Insert Tail operations
+ if (!fHead)
+ {
+ if(m_pTail == pLink)
+ {
+ m_pTail = m_pHead;
+ }
+ }
+ return GetObject(pLink);
+ }
+ T* GetHead()
+ {
+ return GetObject(m_pHead->m_pNext);
+ }
+ T* GetTail()
+ {
+ // conditional compile
+ if (fHead)
+ { // you instantiated this class asking only for InsertHead operations
+ // you need to walk the list yourself to find the tail
+ _ASSERTE(0);
+ }
+ return (m_pHead != m_pTail) ? GetObject(m_pTail) : NULL;
+ }
+ static T *GetNext(T *pObj)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(pObj != NULL);
+ return GetObject(GetLink(pObj)->m_pNext);
+ }
+ T* FindAndRemove(T *pObj)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(pObj != NULL);
+ SLink *prior;
+ SLink *ret = SLink::FindAndRemove(m_pHead, GetLink(pObj), &prior);
+ if (ret == m_pTail)
+ m_pTail = prior;
+ return GetObject(ret);
+ }
+ class Iterator
+ {
+ friend class SList;
+ public:
+ Iterator & operator++()
+ { _ASSERTE(m_cur != NULL); m_cur = SList::GetNext(m_cur); return *this; }
+ Iterator operator++(int)
+ { Iterator it(m_cur); ++(*this); return it; }
+ bool operator==(Iterator const & other) const
+ {
+ return m_cur == other.m_cur ||
+ (m_cur != NULL && other.m_cur != NULL && *m_cur == *other.m_cur);
+ }
+ bool operator!=(Iterator const & other) const
+ { return !(*this == other); }
+ T & operator*()
+ { _ASSERTE(m_cur != NULL); return *m_cur; }
+ T * operator->() const
+ { return m_cur; }
+ private:
+ Iterator(SList * pList)
+ : m_cur(pList->GetHead())
+ { }
+ Iterator(T* pObj)
+ : m_cur(pObj)
+ { }
+ Iterator()
+ : m_cur(NULL)
+ { }
+ T* m_cur;
+ };
+ Iterator begin()
+ { return Iterator(GetHead()); }
+ Iterator end()
+ { return Iterator(); }
+template <typename ElemT>
+struct SListElem
+ SLink m_Link;
+ ElemT m_Value;
+ operator ElemT const &() const
+ { return m_Value; }
+ operator ElemT &()
+ { return m_Value; }
+ ElemT const & operator*() const
+ { return m_Value; }
+ ElemT & operator*()
+ { return m_Value; }
+ ElemT const & GetValue() const
+ { return m_Value; }
+ ElemT & GetValue()
+ { return m_Value; }
+ SListElem()
+ : m_Link()
+ , m_Value()
+ { }
+ template <typename T1>
+ SListElem(T1&& val)
+ : m_Link()
+ , m_Value(std::forward<T1>(val))
+ { }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ SListElem(T1&& val1, T2&& val2)
+ : m_Link()
+ , m_Value(std::forward<T1>(val1), std::forward<T2>(val2))
+ { }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
+ SListElem(T1&& val1, T2&& val2, T3&& val3)
+ : m_Link()
+ , m_Value(std::forward<T1>(val1), std::forward<T2>(val2), std::forward<T3>(val3))
+ { }
+ template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
+ SListElem(T1&& val1, T2&& val2, T3&& val3, T4&& val4)
+ : m_Link()
+ , m_Value(std::forward<T1>(val1), std::forward<T2>(val2), std::forward<T3>(val3), std::forward<T4>(val4))
+ { }
+#endif // _H_SLIST_
+// End of file: list.h