path: root/src/inc/clrprivbinding.idl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/inc/clrprivbinding.idl')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/inc/clrprivbinding.idl b/src/inc/clrprivbinding.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5261f076d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/inc/clrprivbinding.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+import "unknwn.idl";
+import "objidl.idl";
+import "fusion.idl";
+// Forward declarations
+interface ICLRPrivBinder;
+interface ICLRPrivAssembly;
+interface ICLRPrivResource;
+interface ICLRPrivResourcePath;
+interface ICLRPrivResourceStream;
+interface ICLRPrivResourceHMODULE;
+interface ICLRPrivAssemblyInfo;
+typedef LPCSTR LPCUTF8;
+ ** This IDL file defines the assembly binding host interfaces. Some things to keep
+ ** in mind:
+ ** - Equality is determined by pointer equality: two interface instances
+ ** should be considered equal if and only if their pointer values are equal.
+ ** - All operations are idempotent: when a method is called more than once with
+ ** the same input values, it is required to return identical results. The only
+ ** possible exceptions center around transient errors such as E_OUTOFMEMORY.
+ **************************************************************************************/
+ ** ICLRPrivBinder - Use to bind to an assembly by name or by metadata reference.
+ **************************************************************************************/
+ uuid(2601F621-E462-404C-B299-3E1DE72F8542),
+ version(1.0),
+ local
+interface ICLRPrivBinder : IUnknown
+ /**********************************************************************************
+ ** BindAssemblyByName -- Binds an assembly by name.
+ ** NOTE: This method is required to be idempotent. See general comment above.
+ **
+ ** pAssemblyName - name of the assembly for which a bind is being requested.
+ ** ppAssembly - upon success, receives the bound assembly.
+ **********************************************************************************/
+ HRESULT BindAssemblyByName(
+ [in] IAssemblyName * pAssemblyName,
+ [out, retval] ICLRPrivAssembly ** ppAssembly);
+ /**********************************************************************************
+ ** VerifyBind
+ **********************************************************************************/
+ HRESULT VerifyBind(
+ [in] IAssemblyName * AssemblyName,
+ [in] ICLRPrivAssembly * pAssembly,
+ [in] ICLRPrivAssemblyInfo * pAssemblyInfo);
+ /**********************************************************************************
+ ** GetBinderFlags
+ ** pBinderFlags, pointer to binder flags.
+ **********************************************************************************/
+ HRESULT GetBinderFlags(
+ [out, retval] DWORD *pBinderFlags);
+ /**********************************************************************************
+ ** GetBinderID
+ ** pBinderId, pointer to binder id. The binder id has the following properties
+ ** It is a pointer that does not change over the lifetime of a binder object
+ ** It points at an object in memory that will remain allocated for the lifetime of the binder.
+ ** This value should be the same for a set of binder objects that represent the same binder behavior.
+ **********************************************************************************/
+ HRESULT GetBinderID(
+ [out, retval] UINT_PTR *pBinderId);
+ /**********************************************************************************
+ ** FindAssemblyBySpec -- if it has been previously bound, guarantees that the same
+ ** result will be returned; if previous result was successful, the bound
+ ** ICLRPrivAssembly will be returned, and if previous result was not successful
+ ** the same failure HRESULT will be assigned to *pResult. Returns failure HR if
+ ** identity has not been requested previously.
+ **
+ ** pvAssemblySpec - the AssemblySpec identity to bind.
+ ** pResult - the result of the previous bind request.
+ ** ppAssembly - when successful, contains the corresponding assembly object.
+ **********************************************************************************/
+ HRESULT FindAssemblyBySpec(
+ [in] LPVOID pvAppDomain,
+ [in] LPVOID pvAssemblySpec,
+ [out] HRESULT * pResult,
+ [out] ICLRPrivAssembly ** ppAssembly);
+ BINDER_NONE = 0x0,
+ ** ASSEMBLY_IMAGE_TYPES - The set of assembly image formats.
+ **************************************************************************************/
+ // IL image format
+ // Native image (NGEN) format
+ // Binder's preferred image type
+ // Only supported on CoreCLR
+ ** ICLRPrivAssembly - Represents an assembly bind result. Extends ICLRPrivBinder, which
+ ** implicitly tracks the parent binder, and enables simple assembly-relative binds.
+ **************************************************************************************/
+ uuid(2601F621-E462-404C-B299-3E1DE72F8543),
+ version(1.0),
+ local
+interface ICLRPrivAssembly : ICLRPrivBinder
+ /**********************************************************************************
+ ** IsShareable - Use to determine if the assembly should be shared.
+ ** NOTE: This method is required to be idempotent. See general comment above.
+ **
+ ** A binder must adhere to the following contract when marking an assembly as
+ ** shareable:
+ ** - all assemblies in the full static binding closure must also be shareable.
+ **
+ ** pbIsShareable - set to TRUE if the assembly can be shared; FALSE otherwise.
+ **********************************************************************************/
+ HRESULT IsShareable(
+ [out, retval] BOOL * pbIsShareable);
+ /**********************************************************************************
+ ** GetAvailableImageTypes - Use to retrieve the set of images available for an
+ ** assembly.
+ ** NOTE: This method is required to be idempotent. See general comment above.
+ **
+ ** pdwImageTypes - set to values from ASSEMBLY_IMAGE_TYPES to indicate
+ ** which image formats are available for the assembly.
+ **********************************************************************************/
+ HRESULT GetAvailableImageTypes(
+ [out, retval] LPDWORD pdwImageTypes);
+ /**********************************************************************************
+ ** GetImageResource - Returns the resource for the given image type. The returned
+ ** IUnknown interface is one of the ICLRPrivResource* interfaces defined below.
+ ** It is the binder's choice as to which resource type is returned. If
+ ** pdwImageType is non-null, then this will be set to indicate the image type
+ ** returned.
+ ** NOTE: This method is required to be idempotent. See general comment above.
+ **********************************************************************************/
+ HRESULT GetImageResource(
+ [in] DWORD dwImageType,
+ [out] DWORD* pdwImageType,
+ [out, retval] ICLRPrivResource ** ppIResource);
+ ** ICLRPrivResource - Generic resource that must be queried for more specific
+ ** interface.
+ **************************************************************************************/
+ uuid(2601F621-E462-404C-B299-3E1DE72F8547),
+ version(1.0),
+ local
+interface ICLRPrivResource : IUnknown
+ /**********************************************************************************
+ ** GetResourceType - use to query the interface IID of the specific resource type.
+ **
+ ** priid - set to the IID corresponding to the resource type.
+ **********************************************************************************/
+ HRESULT GetResourceType(
+ [out, retval] IID *pIID);
+ ** ICLRPrivResourcePath - Encapsulates a resource identified by path.
+ **************************************************************************************/
+ uuid(2601F621-E462-404C-B299-3E1DE72F8544),
+ version(1.0),
+ local
+interface ICLRPrivResourcePath : IUnknown
+ /**********************************************************************************
+ ** GetPath - Use to retrieve the resource's absolute file path.
+ ** NOTE: This method is required to be idempotent. See general comment above.
+ **
+ ** cchBuffer - the count of unicode characters available in the buffer.
+ **********************************************************************************/
+ HRESULT GetPath(
+ [in] DWORD cchBuffer,
+ [out] LPDWORD pcchBuffer,
+ [out, size_is(cchBuffer), length_is(*pcchBuffer), string, optional] LPWSTR wzBuffer);
+ ** ICLRPrivResourceStream - Encapsulates a resource identified by IStream.
+ **************************************************************************************/
+ uuid(2601F621-E462-404C-B299-3E1DE72F8545),
+ version(1.0),
+ local
+interface ICLRPrivResourceStream : IUnknown
+ /**********************************************************************************
+ ** GetStream - Use to retrieve IStream instance corresponding to the resource.
+ ** NOTE: This method is required to be idempotent. See general comment above.
+ **
+ ** riid - the IID of the interface to return. Typically IID_IStream.
+ ** ppvStream - contains the returned interface.
+ **********************************************************************************/
+ HRESULT GetStream(
+ [in] REFIID riid,
+ [out, iid_is(riid), retval] LPVOID * ppvStream);
+ ** ICLRPrivResourceHMODULE - Encapsulates a resource identified by HMODULE.
+ **************************************************************************************/
+ uuid(2601F621-E462-404C-B299-3E1DE72F8546),
+ version(1.0),
+ local
+interface ICLRPrivResourceHMODULE : IUnknown
+ /**********************************************************************************
+ ** GetStream - Use to retrieve the resource's HMODULE value. The HMODULE's
+ ** reference count is not changed; the ICLRPrivResourceHMODULE instance must be
+ ** kept until the HMODULE is either reference counted or no longer used.
+ ** NOTE: This method is required to be idempotent. See general comment above.
+ **********************************************************************************/
+ [out, retval] HMODULE * phModule);
+ uuid(8d2d3cc9-1249-4ad4-977d-b772bd4e8a94),
+ version(1.0),
+ local
+interface ICLRPrivResourceAssembly : IUnknown
+ /**********************************************************************************
+ ** GetAssembly - Use to retrieve the resource's BINDER_SPACE::Assembly value.
+ ** NOTE: This method is required to be idempotent. See general comment above.
+ **********************************************************************************/
+ HRESULT GetAssembly(
+ [out, retval] LPVOID * pAssembly);
+ ** ICLRPrivAssemblyInfo - Encapsulates assembly image info.
+ **************************************************************************************/
+ uuid(5653946E-800B-48B7-8B09-B1B879B54F68),
+ version(1.0),
+ local
+interface ICLRPrivAssemblyInfo : IUnknown
+ HRESULT GetAssemblyName(
+ [in] DWORD cchBuffer,
+ [out] LPDWORD pcchBuffer,
+ [out, string, optional] LPWSTR wzBuffer);
+ HRESULT GetAssemblyVersion(
+ [out] USHORT *pMajor,
+ [out] USHORT *pMinor,
+ [out] USHORT *pBuild,
+ [out] USHORT *pRevision);
+ HRESULT GetAssemblyPublicKey(
+ [in] DWORD cbBuffer,
+ [out] LPDWORD pcbBuffer,
+ [out, size_is(cbBuffer), length_is(*pcbBuffer), optional] BYTE *pbBuffer);
+ ** ICLRPrivAssemblyID_WinRT - Provides identification for WinRT assembly - allows dynamic casting inside code:CLRPrivAssemblyWinRT.
+ **************************************************************************************/
+ uuid(4372D277-9906-4FED-BF53-30C0B4010896),
+ version(1.0),
+ local
+interface ICLRPrivAssemblyID_WinRT : IUnknown
+ ** ICLRPrivWinRtTypeBinder - Provides binding to WinRT types that are already loaded.
+ **************************************************************************************/
+ uuid(6DE2A085-EFF4-4078-9F60-B9D366736398),
+ version(1.0),
+ local
+interface ICLRPrivWinRtTypeBinder : IUnknown
+ /**********************************************************************************
+ ** FindAssemblyForWinRtTypeIfLoaded
+ ** Finds Assembly * for type in AppDomain * if it is loaded.
+ ** Returns NULL if assembly is not loaded or type is not found.
+ **********************************************************************************/
+ void * FindAssemblyForWinRtTypeIfLoaded(
+ void * pAppDomain,
+ LPCUTF8 szNamespace,
+ LPCUTF8 szClassName);