path: root/src/inc/clrinternal.idl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/inc/clrinternal.idl')
1 files changed, 491 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/inc/clrinternal.idl b/src/inc/clrinternal.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4193d1bfe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/inc/clrinternal.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+ ** **
+ ** clrinternal.idl - interface definitions for internal usage. **
+ ** **
+ **************************************************************************************/
+// Interface descriptions
+import "unknwn.idl";
+// import mscoree.idl for BucketParameters definition
+import "mscoree.idl";
+import "hstring.idl";
+interface IActivationFactory;
+cpp_quote("interface IActivationFactory;")
+interface IWinRTClassActivator;
+cpp_quote("interface IWinRTClassActivator;")
+cpp_quote("#if 0")
+typedef struct _OSVERSIONINFOA {
+ DWORD dwOSVersionInfoSize;
+ DWORD dwMajorVersion;
+ DWORD dwMinorVersion;
+ DWORD dwBuildNumber;
+ DWORD dwPlatformId;
+ CHAR szCSDVersion[ 128 ]; // Maintenance string for PSS usage
+typedef struct _OSVERSIONINFOW {
+ DWORD dwOSVersionInfoSize;
+ DWORD dwMajorVersion;
+ DWORD dwMinorVersion;
+ DWORD dwBuildNumber;
+ DWORD dwPlatformId;
+ WCHAR szCSDVersion[ 128 ]; // Maintenance string for PSS usage
+#ifdef UNICODE
+#endif // UNICODE
+// IID IExecutionEngine : uuid(7AF02DAC-2A33-494b-A09F-25E00A93C6F8)
+cpp_quote("EXTERN_GUID(IID_IExecutionEngine, 0x7AF02DAC, 0x2A33, 0x494b, 0xA0, 0x9F, 0x25, 0xE0, 0x0A, 0x93, 0xC6, 0xF8);")
+// IID IEEMemoryManager : uuid{17713B61-B59F-4e13-BAAF-91623DC8ADC0}
+cpp_quote("EXTERN_GUID(IID_IEEMemoryManager, 0x17713b61, 0xb59f, 0x4e13, 0xba, 0xaf, 0x91, 0x62, 0x3d, 0xc8, 0xad, 0xc0);")
+// This ID is embedded in the CLRDEBUGINFO resource so that the shim can differentiate dlls which happen to be named
+// clr.dll from official Microsoft clr.dll implementations. This is not intended to authenticate a CLR in a strong
+// security sense but short of deliberate 3rd party spoofing it should provide a good identity.
+// Using a different ID allows us to completely hide different CLR SKUs from each other. The recommendation is to keep
+// the ID contant between different versions of the same SKU and use mscordbi's logic to determine whether a given
+// version is compatible. This allows debuggers to give different errors for 'future version of the CLR I don't
+// support' vs. 'No CLR is loaded at all.'
+// This guid first appears in version 4.0 of CLR on x86 and amd64 - earlier versions had no resource
+// GUID CLR_ID_V4_DESKTOP : uuid{267F3989-D786-4b9a-9AF6-D19E42D557EC}
+cpp_quote("EXTERN_GUID(CLR_ID_V4_DESKTOP, 0x267f3989, 0xd786, 0x4b9a, 0x9a, 0xf6, 0xd1, 0x9e, 0x42, 0xd5, 0x57, 0xec);")
+// This guid has been set aside for CoreCLR usage - at present CoreCLR doesn't use it though
+// GUID CLR_ID_CORECLR : uuid{8CB8E075-0A91-408E-9228-D66E00A3BFF6}
+cpp_quote("EXTERN_GUID(CLR_ID_CORECLR, 0x8CB8E075, 0x0A91, 0x408E, 0x92, 0x28, 0xD6, 0x6E, 0x00, 0xA3, 0xBF, 0xF6 );")
+// This guid first appears in the CoreCLR port to Windows Phone 8 - note that it is seperate from the CoreCLR id because it will
+// potentially have a different verioning lineage than CoreCLR
+// GUID CLR_ID_PHONE_CLR : uuid{E7237E9C-31C0-488C-AD48-324D3E7ED92A}
+cpp_quote("EXTERN_GUID(CLR_ID_PHONE_CLR, 0xE7237E9C, 0x31C0, 0x488C, 0xAD, 0x48, 0x32, 0x4D, 0x3E, 0x7E, 0xD9, 0x2A);")
+// This guid first appears 8/19/14 as CoreCLR evolves to OneCore, ProjectK, and versions of Phone after PhoneBlue
+// The new guid intentionally creates a breaking change so we can simplify the file naming on mscordaccore.dll and mscordbi.dll
+// in xplat hosting scenarios. Old versions of dbgshim.dll will not be able to support this.
+// GUID CLR_ID_ONECORE_CLR : uuid{B1EE760D-6C4A-4533-BA41-6F4F661FABAF}
+cpp_quote("EXTERN_GUID(CLR_ID_ONECORE_CLR, 0xb1ee760d, 0x6c4a, 0x4533, 0xba, 0x41, 0x6f, 0x4f, 0x66, 0x1f, 0xab, 0xaf);")
+// IID_IPrivateManagedExceptionReporting : uuid{AD76A023-332D-4298-8001-07AA9350DCA4}
+cpp_quote("EXTERN_GUID(IID_IPrivateManagedExceptionReporting, 0xad76a023, 0x332d, 0x4298, 0x80, 0x01, 0x07, 0xaa, 0x93, 0x50, 0xdc, 0xa4);")
+// CLSID CLRRuntimeHostInternal : uuid(f7721072-bf57-476d-89f8-a7625d27683a)
+cpp_quote("EXTERN_GUID(CLSID_CLRRuntimeHostInternal, 0xf7721072, 0xbf57, 0x476d, 0x89, 0xf8, 0xa7, 0x62, 0x5d, 0x27, 0x68, 0x3a);")
+// IID ICLRRuntimeHostInternal : uuid{07C4E752-3CBA-4A07-9943-B5F206382178}
+cpp_quote("EXTERN_GUID(IID_ICLRRuntimeHostInternal, 0x07c4e752, 0x3cba, 0x4a07, 0x99, 0x43, 0xb5, 0xf2, 0x06, 0x38, 0x21, 0x78);")
+// CLSID_CLRShimControlInternal : uuid(62D02A5B-F527-44d8-80BC-650BBD3CB082)
+cpp_quote("EXTERN_GUID(CLSID_CLRShimControlInternal, 0x62d02a5b, 0xf527, 0x44d8, 0x80, 0xbc, 0x65, 0xb, 0xbd, 0x3c, 0xb0, 0x82);")
+// IID ICLRShimControlInternal : uuid{826AAAD7-717B-44f8-9BB0-7DAC368B85A5}
+cpp_quote("EXTERN_GUID(IID_ICLRShimControlInternal, 0x826AAAD7, 0x717b, 0x44f8, 0x9b, 0xb0, 0x7d, 0xac, 0x36, 0x8b, 0x85, 0xa5);")
+// CLSID_CLRActivationFactory : uuid{5B132A7D-DA8E-461b-A0F2-109141C768CB}
+cpp_quote("EXTERN_GUID(CLSID_CLRActivationFactory, 0x5b132a7d, 0xda8e, 0x461b, 0xa0, 0xf2, 0x10, 0x91, 0x41, 0xc7, 0x68, 0xcb );")
+// IID_ICLRActivationFactory : uuid{331F2F6C-385F-462c-9125-816712FB2BC6}
+cpp_quote("EXTERN_GUID(IID_ICLRActivationFactory, 0x331f2f6c, 0x385f, 0x462c, 0x91, 0x25, 0x81, 0x67, 0x12, 0xfb, 0x2b, 0xc6);")
+// IID_ICLRActivationFactory2 : uuid{035049E5-2658-40C0-9269-21C48D8F0748}
+cpp_quote("EXTERN_GUID(IID_ICLRActivationFactory2, 0x035049E5, 0x2658, 0x40C0, 0x92, 0x69, 0x21, 0xC4, 0x8D, 0x8F, 0x07, 0x48);")
+// IID IID_ICLRExecutionManager: uuid(1000A3E7-B420-4620-AE30-FB19B587AD1D)
+cpp_quote("EXTERN_GUID(IID_ICLRExecutionManager, 0x1000A3E7, 0xB420, 0x4620, 0xAE, 0x30, 0xFB, 0x19, 0xB5, 0x87, 0xAD, 0x1D);")
+// Interface for exposing services from the EE to other DLLs of the CLR.
+typedef void * CRITSEC_COOKIE;
+typedef void * EVENT_COOKIE;
+typedef void * SEMAPHORE_COOKIE;
+typedef void * MUTEX_COOKIE;
+typedef enum {
+ CRST_REENTRANCY = 0x1, // allow same thread to take lock multiple times.
+ CRST_UNSAFE_SAMELEVEL = 0x2, // AVOID THIS! Can take other locks @ same level in
+ // any order.
+ CRST_UNSAFE_COOPGC = 0x4, // AVOID THIS! Lock must be taken in cooperative mode.
+ CRST_UNSAFE_ANYMODE = 0x8, // AVOID THIS! Lock can be taken in either GC mode.
+ CRST_DEBUGGER_THREAD = 0x10, // This lock can be taken on the debugger's helper thread.
+ CRST_HOST_BREAKABLE = 0x20, // This lock is held while running managed code. It can be terminated by a host.
+ // CRST_UNUSED = 0x40,
+ CRST_TAKEN_DURING_SHUTDOWN = 0x80, // This lock is taken during the shutdown sequence in EEShutdown(helper)
+ // User of this lock cannot trigger GC, while it is locked.
+ // Note that Enter on this lock can trigger GC if called from COOPERATIVE mode.
+ // It is useful for locks which can be taken on GC or debugger threads.
+ // Some rare locks should be taken only in ForbidSuspend region (i.e. profiler cannot walk the stack),
+ // this option will assert it in debug mode.
+} CrstFlags;
+// Callback function for cleaning up TLS
+ uuid(7AF02DAC-2A33-494b-A09F-25E00A93C6F8),
+ helpstring("CLR Coordination Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique),
+ local
+interface IExecutionEngine : IUnknown
+ // Thread Local Storage is based on logical threads. The underlying
+ // implementation could be threads, fibers, or something more exotic.
+ // Slot numbers are predefined. This is not a general extensibility
+ // mechanism.
+ // Associate a callback function for releasing TLS on thread/fiber death.
+ // This can be NULL.
+ void TLS_AssociateCallback([in] DWORD slot, [in] PTLS_CALLBACK_FUNCTION callback);
+ // Get the TLS block for fast Get/Set operations
+ PVOID* TLS_GetDataBlock();
+ // Get the value at a slot
+ PVOID TLS_GetValue([in] DWORD slot);
+ // Get the value at a slot, return FALSE if TLS info block doesn't exist
+ BOOL TLS_CheckValue([in] DWORD slot, [out] PVOID * pValue);
+ // Set the value at a slot
+ void TLS_SetValue([in] DWORD slot, [in] PVOID pData);
+ // Free TLS memory block and make callback
+ void TLS_ThreadDetaching();
+ // Critical Sections are sometimes exposed to the host and therefore need to be
+ // reflected from all CLR DLLs to the EE.
+ //
+ // In addition, we always monitor interactions between the lock & the GC, based
+ // on the GC mode in which the lock is acquired and we restrict what operations
+ // are permitted while holding the lock based on this.
+ //
+ // Finally, we we rank all our locks to prevent deadlock across all the DLLs of
+ // the CLR. This is the level argument to CreateLock.
+ //
+ // All usage of these locks must be exception-safe. To achieve this, we suggest
+ // using Holders (see holder.h & crst.h). In fact, within the EE code cannot
+ // hold locks except by using exception-safe holders.
+ CRITSEC_COOKIE CreateLock([in] LPCSTR szTag, [in] LPCSTR level, [in] CrstFlags flags);
+ void DestroyLock([in] CRITSEC_COOKIE lock);
+ void AcquireLock([in] CRITSEC_COOKIE lock);
+ void ReleaseLock([in] CRITSEC_COOKIE lock);
+ EVENT_COOKIE CreateAutoEvent([in] BOOL bInitialState);
+ EVENT_COOKIE CreateManualEvent([in] BOOL bInitialState);
+ void CloseEvent([in] EVENT_COOKIE event);
+ BOOL ClrSetEvent([in] EVENT_COOKIE event);
+ BOOL ClrResetEvent([in] EVENT_COOKIE event);
+ DWORD WaitForEvent([in] EVENT_COOKIE event, [in] DWORD dwMilliseconds, [in] BOOL bAlertable);
+ DWORD WaitForSingleObject([in] HANDLE handle, [in] DWORD dwMilliseconds);
+ // OS header file defines CreateSemaphore.
+ SEMAPHORE_COOKIE ClrCreateSemaphore([in] DWORD dwInitial, [in] DWORD dwMax);
+ void ClrCloseSemaphore([in] SEMAPHORE_COOKIE semaphore);
+ DWORD ClrWaitForSemaphore([in] SEMAPHORE_COOKIE semaphore, [in] DWORD dwMilliseconds, [in] BOOL bAlertable);
+ BOOL ClrReleaseSemaphore([in] SEMAPHORE_COOKIE semaphore, [in] LONG lReleaseCount, [in] LONG *lpPreviousCount);
+ MUTEX_COOKIE ClrCreateMutex([in]LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpMutexAttributes, [in]BOOL bInitialOwner, [in]LPCTSTR lpName);
+ DWORD ClrWaitForMutex([in] MUTEX_COOKIE mutex, [in] DWORD dwMilliseconds, [in] BOOL bAlertable);
+ BOOL ClrReleaseMutex([in] MUTEX_COOKIE mutex);
+ void ClrCloseMutex([in] MUTEX_COOKIE mutex);
+ DWORD ClrSleepEx([in] DWORD dwMilliseconds, [in] BOOL bAlertable);
+ BOOL ClrAllocationDisallowed();
+ void GetLastThrownObjectExceptionFromThread([out] void **ppvException);
+}; // interface IExecutionEngine
+// Interface for exposing memory services from the EE to other DLLs of the CLR.
+cpp_quote("#if !defined(_WINNT_) && !defined(_NTMMAPI_)")
+ uuid(17713B61-B59F-4e13-BAAF-91623DC8ADC0),
+ helpstring("CLR Memory Manager Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique),
+ local
+interface IEEMemoryManager : IUnknown
+ LPVOID ClrVirtualAlloc(
+ [in] LPVOID lpAddress, // region to reserve or commit
+ [in] SIZE_T dwSize, // size of region
+ [in] DWORD flAllocationType, // type of allocation
+ [in] DWORD flProtect // type of access protection
+ );
+ BOOL ClrVirtualFree(
+ [in] LPVOID lpAddress, // address of region
+ [in] SIZE_T dwSize, // size of region
+ [in] DWORD dwFreeType // operation type
+ );
+ SIZE_T ClrVirtualQuery(
+ [in] const void* lpAddress, // address of region
+ [in] PMEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION lpBuffer, // information buffer
+ [in] SIZE_T dwLength // size of buffer
+ );
+ BOOL ClrVirtualProtect(
+ [in] LPVOID lpAddress, // region of committed pages
+ [in] SIZE_T dwSize, // size of the region
+ [in] DWORD flNewProtect, // desired access protection
+ [in] DWORD* lpflOldProtect // old protection
+ );
+ HANDLE ClrGetProcessHeap();
+ HANDLE ClrHeapCreate(
+ [in] DWORD flOptions, // heap allocation attributes
+ [in] SIZE_T dwInitialSize, // initial heap size
+ [in] SIZE_T dwMaximumSize // maximum heap size
+ );
+ BOOL ClrHeapDestroy(
+ [in] HANDLE hHeap // handle to heap
+ );
+ LPVOID ClrHeapAlloc(
+ [in] HANDLE hHeap, // handle to private heap block
+ [in] DWORD dwFlags, // heap allocation control
+ [in] SIZE_T dwBytes // number of bytes to allocate
+ );
+ BOOL ClrHeapFree(
+ [in] HANDLE hHeap, // handle to heap
+ [in] DWORD dwFlags, // heap free options
+ [in] LPVOID lpMem // pointer to memory
+ );
+ BOOL ClrHeapValidate(
+ [in] HANDLE hHeap, // handle to heap
+ [in] DWORD dwFlags, // heap access options
+ [in] const void* lpMem // optional pointer to memory block
+ );
+ HANDLE ClrGetProcessExecutableHeap();
+}; // interface IEEMemoryManager
+// Interface for exposing GetBucketParametersForCurrentException to Watson testing harness.
+ uuid(AD76A023-332D-4298-8001-07AA9350DCA4),
+ helpstring("Private Managed Exception Reporting Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique),
+ local
+interface IPrivateManagedExceptionReporting : IUnknown
+ HRESULT GetBucketParametersForCurrentException([out]BucketParameters *pParams);
+ ** ICLRRuntimeHostInternal **
+ ** This is the functionality used only by CLR internal tools that moved from being **
+ ** flat APIs (loading the latest runtime) to something that is runtime-specific and **
+ ** requires the runtime to be loaded. **
+ **************************************************************************************/
+ uuid(07C4E752-3CBA-4A07-9943-B5F206382178),
+ version(1.0),
+ helpstring("CLR internal hosting interface for V4.0"),
+ local
+interface ICLRRuntimeHostInternal : IUnknown
+ HRESULT MetaDataGetDispenser(
+ [in] REFCLSID rclsid,
+ [in] REFIID riid,
+ [out, iid_is(riid), retval] IUnknown **ppInterface);
+ HRESULT GetAssemblyMDImport(
+ [in] LPCWSTR wszFileName, // The scope (file name) to open.
+ [in] REFIID riid, // Desired interface.
+ [out, iid_is(riid), retval] IUnknown **ppIUnk); // Returned interface on success.
+ HRESULT GetMetaDataInternalInterface(
+ [in, size_is(cbData)] BYTE *pbData, // MetaData data.
+ [in] ULONG cbData, // MetaData data size.
+ [in] DWORD flags, // Flags.
+ [in] REFIID riid, // Desired interface.
+ [out, iid_is(riid), retval] LPVOID *ppInterface); // Returned interface.
+ HRESULT GetMetaDataInternalInterfaceFromPublic(
+ [in] IUnknown *pInterface, // Given interface.
+ [in] REFIID riid, // Desired interface.
+ [out, iid_is(riid), retval] LPVOID *ppInterface); // Returned interface.
+ HRESULT GetMetaDataPublicInterfaceFromInternal(
+ [in] IUnknown *pInterface, // Given interface.
+ [in] REFIID riid, // Desired interface.
+ [out, iid_is(riid), retval] LPVOID *ppInterface); // Returned interface.
+ /**********************************************************************************
+ ** Returns the version string that MD emitter should by default write to images.**
+ ** Supersedes: GetCORRequiredVersion **
+ **********************************************************************************/
+ HRESULT GetImageVersionString(
+ [out, size_is(*pcchBuffer), annotation("__out_ecount_opt(*pcchBuffer)")] LPWSTR pwzBuffer, // Returned version string.
+ [in, out] DWORD *pcchBuffer); // Buffer size/version length.
+ /**********************************************************************************
+ ** Locks the given module for this runtime. The HRESULT is S_OK if it is the **
+ ** runtime represented by this instance, S_FALSE if somebody beat us to it. **
+ **********************************************************************************/
+ HRESULT LockModuleForRuntime(
+ [in] BYTE *pModuleBase, // Address where the module is mapped.
+ [in] REFIID riid, // Desired interface.
+ [out, iid_is(riid)] LPVOID *ppRuntime); // The owning runtime.
+ /**********************************************************************************
+ ** Asks the Shim to attempt a graceful shutdown of all other runtimes loaded **
+ ** in this process, then to exit the process via ::ExitProcess(). V4+ runtimes **
+ ** call this instead of ::ExitProcess(). **
+ **********************************************************************************/
+ HRESULT ShutdownAllRuntimesThenExit(
+ [in] UINT exitCode); // Process exit code.
+ /**********************************************************************************
+ ** GetTrueOSVersion - Bypasses the OS compatibility shim **
+ **********************************************************************************/
+ HRESULT GetTrueOSVersion(
+ [out, in] LPOSVERSIONINFO osvi); // OS Version.
+ /**********************************************************************************
+ ** Returns the runtime that a COM component with the given CLSID would be **
+ ** activated in. Returns runtime represented by this instance for Fx types. **
+ **********************************************************************************/
+ HRESULT GetRuntimeForManagedCOMObject(
+ [in] REFCLSID rclsid, // CLSID of the component.
+ [in] REFIID riid, // Desired runtime interface.
+ [out, iid_is(riid), retval] LPVOID *ppRuntime); // Returned runtime.
+}; // interface ICLRRuntimeHostInternal
+ ** ICLRShimControlInternal **
+ ** This is the functionality used only by CLR internal tools that moved from being **
+ ** flat APIs (loading the latest runtime) to controlshim behavior **
+ **************************************************************************************/
+ uuid(826AAAD7-717B-44f8-9BB0-7DAC368B85A5),
+ version(1.0),
+ helpstring("CLR internal hosting interface for V4.0"),
+ local
+interface ICLRShimControlInternal : IUnknown
+ HRESULT SetShouldSkipSkuCheck(
+ [in] BOOL bValue
+ );
+}; // interface ICLRRuntimeHostInternal
+ ** ICLRActivationFactory **
+ ** This is the functionality used only by CLR to provide in-proc **
+ ** hosting **
+ **************************************************************************************/
+ uuid(331F2F6C-385F-462c-9125-816712FB2BC6),
+ version(1.0),
+ helpstring("CLR internal activation factory for V4.5"),
+ local
+interface ICLRActivationFactory : IUnknown
+ HRESULT CreateFactory([in] LPCWSTR activatableClassId,
+ [out, retval] IActivationFactory** factory);
+}; // interface ICLRActivationFactory
+ ** ICLRActivationFactory2 **
+ ** This is functionality exposed by the CLR to enable hosting WinRT components in a **
+ ** non-AppX process **
+ **************************************************************************************/
+ uuid(035049E5-2658-40C0-9269-21C48D8F0748),
+ version(1.0),
+ helpstring("CLR internal activation factory for desktop WinRT activation"),
+ local
+interface ICLRActivationFactory2 : ICLRActivationFactory
+ HRESULT GetClassActivatorForApplication(HSTRING appPath, [out] IWinRTClassActivator** ppActivator);
+typedef enum
+} PauseFlags;
+ uuid(1000A3E7-B420-4620-AE30-FB19B587AD1D),
+ version(1.0),
+ helpstring("Pause and Resume Interface"),
+ pointer_default(unique),
+ local
+interface ICLRExecutionManager : IUnknown
+ // Pause all managed threads
+ // Parameters are ignored and reserved for future use.
+ HRESULT Pause([in] DWORD dwAppDomainId, [in] DWORD dwFlags);
+ // Resume managed threads
+ // Parameters are ignored and reserved for future use.
+ HRESULT Resume([in] DWORD dwAppDomainId);