path: root/src/ilasm/writer.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/ilasm/writer.cpp')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 225 deletions
diff --git a/src/ilasm/writer.cpp b/src/ilasm/writer.cpp
index b5b87ce1ad..624c474bde 100644
--- a/src/ilasm/writer.cpp
+++ b/src/ilasm/writer.cpp
@@ -10,10 +10,6 @@
#include "assembler.h"
#include "ceefilegenwriter.h"
-#include "strongname.h"
-#include "LegacyActivationShim.h"
#ifndef _MSC_VER
//cloned definition from ntimage.h that is removed for non MSVC builds
@@ -34,17 +30,8 @@ HRESULT Assembler::InitMetaData()
if(bClock) bClock->cMDInitBegin = GetTickCount();
hr = metaDataGetDispenser(CLSID_CorMetaDataDispenser,
IID_IMetaDataDispenserEx, (void **)&m_pDisp);
- hr = LegacyActivationShim::ClrCoCreateInstance(
- CLSID_CorMetaDataDispenser,
- IID_IMetaDataDispenserEx,
- (void **)&m_pDisp);
if (FAILED(hr))
goto exit;
@@ -66,25 +53,6 @@ HRESULT Assembler::InitMetaData()
if(FAILED(hr = m_pEmitter->QueryInterface(IID_IMetaDataImport2, (void**)&m_pImporter)))
goto exit;
- hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CorSymWriter_SxS,
- IID_ISymUnmanagedWriter,
- (void **)&m_pSymWriter);
- if(SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- if(m_pSymWriter) m_pSymWriter->Initialize((IUnknown*)m_pEmitter,
- m_wzOutputFileName,
- TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error: QueryInterface(IID_ISymUnmanagedWriter) returns %X\n",hr);
- m_pSymWriter = NULL;
- }
//m_Parser = new AsmParse(m_pEmitter);
m_fInitialisedMetaData = TRUE;
@@ -687,197 +655,6 @@ BYTE HexToByte (CHAR wc)
return (BYTE) (wc - L'a' + 10);
-bool GetBytesFromHex (LPCSTR szPublicKeyHexString, ULONG cchPublicKeyHexString, BYTE** buffer, ULONG *cbBufferSize)
- ULONG cchHex = cchPublicKeyHexString;
- if (cchHex % 2 != 0)
- return false;
- *cbBufferSize = cchHex / 2;
- *buffer = new BYTE[*cbBufferSize];
- if (!*buffer)
- return false;
- for (ULONG i = 0; i < *cbBufferSize; i++)
- {
- BYTE msn = HexToByte(*szPublicKeyHexString);
- BYTE lsn = HexToByte(*(szPublicKeyHexString + 1));
- if (msn == 0xFF || lsn == 0xFF)
- {
- delete[] *buffer;
- return false;
- }
- (*buffer)[i] = (BYTE) ( (msn << 4) | lsn );
- szPublicKeyHexString += 2;
- }
- return true;
-HRESULT Assembler::GetSignatureKey()
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- ULONG cbSize = 0;
- void * pvData = NULL;
- LPWSTR pName = NULL;
- CustomDescrList* pCDList = &m_pManifest->m_pAssembly->m_CustomDescrList;
- for (ULONG i = 0;i < pCDList->COUNT(); i++)
- {
- CustomDescr* pCD = pCDList->PEEK(i);
- if(pCD->pBlob)
- {
- pvData = (void *)(pCD->pBlob->ptr());
- cbSize = pCD->pBlob->length();
- pCD->tkOwner = m_pManifest->m_pAssembly->tkTok;
- mdToken tkOwnerType, tkTypeType = TypeFromToken(pCD->tkType);
- if (GetCAName(pCD->tkType, &pName) != S_OK)
- continue;
- if (wcscmp(pName, L"System.Reflection.AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute") == 0)
- {
- if (cbSize < sizeof(WORD) || GET_UNALIGNED_VAL16(pvData) != 1)
- {
- hr = E_FAIL;
- break;;
- }
- pvData = (unsigned char *)pvData + sizeof(WORD);
- cbSize -= sizeof(WORD);
- // String is stored as compressed length, UTF8.
- if (*(const BYTE*)pvData != 0xFF)
- {
- cbSize -= CorSigUncompressedDataSize(sig);
- DWORD len = CorSigUncompressData(sig);
- pvData = (void *)sig;
- if (cbSize < len)
- {
- hr = E_FAIL;
- break;
- }
- AsmManStrongName *pSN = &m_pManifest->m_sStrongName;
- GetBytesFromHex((LPCSTR)pvData, len, &pSN->m_pbSignatureKey, &pSN->m_cbSignatureKey);
- }
- break;
- }
- if (pName)
- {
- delete pName;
- pName = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- if (pName)
- delete pName;
- return hr;
-HRESULT Assembler::AllocateStrongNameSignature()
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- DWORD dwDataLength;
- DWORD dwDataOffset;
- DWORD dwDataRVA;
- VOID *pvBuffer;
- AsmManStrongName *pSN = &m_pManifest->m_sStrongName;
- // Pulls the AssemblySignatureKey attribute from m_CustomDescrList
- // If present, populate the pSN->m_pbSignatureKey from the AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute blob
- if (FAILED(hr = GetSignatureKey()))
- {
- return hr;
- }
- // Determine size of signature blob.
- if (pSN->m_pbSignatureKey != NULL)
- {
- // If m_pbSignatureKey present use it, else fall back to using identity key.
- if (FAILED(hr = LegacyActivationShim::StrongNameSignatureSize_HRESULT(
- pSN->m_pbSignatureKey,
- pSN->m_cbSignatureKey,
- &dwDataLength)))
- {
- return hr;
- }
- }
- else if (FAILED(hr = LegacyActivationShim::StrongNameSignatureSize_HRESULT(
- pSN->m_pbPublicKey,
- pSN->m_cbPublicKey,
- &dwDataLength)))
- {
- return hr;
- }
- // Grab memory in the section for our stuff.
- if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->GetIlSection(m_pCeeFile,
- &hSection)))
- return hr;
- if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionBlock(hSection,
- dwDataLength,
- 4,
- &pvBuffer)))
- return hr;
- // Where did we get that memory?
- if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionDataLen(hSection,
- &dwDataOffset)))
- return hr;
- dwDataOffset -= dwDataLength;
- // Convert to an RVA.
- if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->GetMethodRVA(m_pCeeFile,
- dwDataOffset,
- &dwDataRVA)))
- return hr;
- // Emit the directory entry.
- if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->SetStrongNameEntry(m_pCeeFile,
- dwDataLength,
- dwDataRVA)))
- return hr;
- return S_OK;
-HRESULT Assembler::StrongNameSign()
- LPWSTR wszOutputFile;
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- AsmManStrongName *pSN = &m_pManifest->m_sStrongName;
- // Determine what the ouput PE was called.
- if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->GetOutputFileName(m_pCeeFile,
- &wszOutputFile)))
- return hr;
- // Update the output PE image with a strong name signature.
- if (FAILED(hr = LegacyActivationShim::StrongNameSignatureGeneration_HRESULT(
- wszOutputFile,
- pSN->m_wzKeyContainer,
- pSN->m_pbPrivateKey,
- pSN->m_cbPrivateKey,
- NULL)))
- {
- return hr;
- }
- return S_OK;
BOOL Assembler::EmitFieldsMethods(Class* pClass)
@@ -1205,6 +982,62 @@ BOOL Assembler::EmitEventsProps(Class* pClass)
return ret;
+HRESULT Assembler::AllocateStrongNameSignature()
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ DWORD dwDataLength;
+ DWORD dwDataOffset;
+ DWORD dwDataRVA;
+ VOID *pvBuffer;
+ AsmManStrongName *pSN = &m_pManifest->m_sStrongName;
+ // pSN->m_cbPublicKey is the length of the m_pbPublicKey
+ dwDataLength = ((int)pSN->m_cbPublicKey < 128 + 32) ? 128 : (int)pSN->m_cbPublicKey - 32;
+ // Grab memory in the section for our stuff.
+ if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->GetIlSection(m_pCeeFile,
+ &hSection)))
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionBlock(hSection,
+ dwDataLength,
+ 4,
+ &pvBuffer)))
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ // Where did we get that memory?
+ if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->GetSectionDataLen(hSection,
+ &dwDataOffset)))
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ dwDataOffset -= dwDataLength;
+ // Convert to an RVA.
+ if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->GetMethodRVA(m_pCeeFile,
+ dwDataOffset,
+ &dwDataRVA)))
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ // Emit the directory entry.
+ if (FAILED(hr = m_pCeeFileGen->SetStrongNameEntry(m_pCeeFile,
+ dwDataLength,
+ dwDataRVA)))
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ return S_OK;
#ifdef _PREFAST_
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:21000) // Suppress PREFast warning about overly large function
@@ -1231,13 +1064,15 @@ HRESULT Assembler::CreatePEFile(__in __nullterminated WCHAR *pwzOutputFilename)
if(bClock) bClock->cMDEmit1 = GetTickCount();
// Allocate space for a strong name signature if we're delay or full
// signing the assembly.
if (m_pManifest->m_sStrongName.m_pbPublicKey)
+ {
if (FAILED(hr = AllocateStrongNameSignature()))
+ {
goto exit;
+ }
+ }
if(bClock) bClock->cMDEmit2 = GetTickCount();