path: root/src/gc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gc')
48 files changed, 59767 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gc/.gitmirrorall b/src/gc/.gitmirrorall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ee5c57b99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/.gitmirrorall
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This folder will be mirrored by the Git-TFS Mirror recursively. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/gc/CMakeLists.txt b/src/gc/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61e1ced727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+include_directories(BEFORE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
+include_directories(BEFORE ${CLR_DIR}/src/vm)
+include_directories(BEFORE ${CLR_DIR}/src/vm/${ARCH_SOURCES_DIR})
+ add_compile_options(-fPIC)
+ foreach (Config DEBUG CHECKED)
+ endforeach (Config)
+ add_definitions(-DWRITE_BARRIER_CHECK=1)
+ gccommon.cpp
+ gcscan.cpp
+ gcsvr.cpp
+ gcwks.cpp
+ handletable.cpp
+ handletablecore.cpp
+ handletablescan.cpp
+ objecthandle.cpp
+ softwarewritewatch.cpp)
+ gceesvr.cpp
+ gceewks.cpp
+ handletablecache.cpp)
+convert_to_absolute_path(GC_SOURCES_WKS ${GC_SOURCES_WKS})
+convert_to_absolute_path(GC_SOURCES_DAC ${GC_SOURCES_DAC})
diff --git a/src/gc/dac/CMakeLists.txt b/src/gc/dac/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f1c9ebe5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/dac/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+add_library_clr(gc_dac STATIC ${GC_SOURCES_DAC})
diff --git a/src/gc/env/common.cpp b/src/gc/env/common.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..313a4e4875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/env/common.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// common.cpp : source file that includes just the standard includes
+// GCSample.pch will be the pre-compiled header
+// common.obj will contain the pre-compiled type information
+#include "common.h"
diff --git a/src/gc/env/common.h b/src/gc/env/common.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..32c0d93577
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/env/common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// common.h : include file for standard system include files,
+// or project specific include files that are used frequently, but
+// are changed infrequently
+#pragma once
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <wchar.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include <new>
+#include <pthread.h>
+using namespace std;
diff --git a/src/gc/env/etmdummy.h b/src/gc/env/etmdummy.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b47a46e4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/env/etmdummy.h
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+#define FireEtwGCStart(Count, Reason) 0
+#define FireEtwGCStart_V1(Count, Depth, Reason, Type, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCStart_V2(Count, Depth, Reason, Type, ClrInstanceID, ClientSequenceNumber) 0
+#define FireEtwGCEnd(Count, Depth) 0
+#define FireEtwGCEnd_V1(Count, Depth, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCRestartEEEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwGCRestartEEEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCHeapStats(GenerationSize0, TotalPromotedSize0, GenerationSize1, TotalPromotedSize1, GenerationSize2, TotalPromotedSize2, GenerationSize3, TotalPromotedSize3, FinalizationPromotedSize, FinalizationPromotedCount, PinnedObjectCount, SinkBlockCount, GCHandleCount) 0
+#define FireEtwGCHeapStats_V1(GenerationSize0, TotalPromotedSize0, GenerationSize1, TotalPromotedSize1, GenerationSize2, TotalPromotedSize2, GenerationSize3, TotalPromotedSize3, FinalizationPromotedSize, FinalizationPromotedCount, PinnedObjectCount, SinkBlockCount, GCHandleCount, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCCreateSegment(Address, Size, Type) 0
+#define FireEtwGCCreateSegment_V1(Address, Size, Type, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCFreeSegment(Address) 0
+#define FireEtwGCFreeSegment_V1(Address, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCRestartEEBegin() 0
+#define FireEtwGCRestartEEBegin_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCSuspendEEEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwGCSuspendEEEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCSuspendEEBegin(Reason) 0
+#define FireEtwGCSuspendEEBegin_V1(Reason, Count, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCAllocationTick(AllocationAmount, AllocationKind) 0
+#define FireEtwGCAllocationTick_V1(AllocationAmount, AllocationKind, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCAllocationTick_V2(AllocationAmount, AllocationKind, ClrInstanceID, AllocationAmount64, TypeID, TypeName, HeapIndex) 0
+#define FireEtwGCAllocationTick_V3(AllocationAmount, AllocationKind, ClrInstanceID, AllocationAmount64, TypeID, TypeName, HeapIndex, Address) 0
+#define FireEtwGCCreateConcurrentThread() 0
+#define FireEtwGCCreateConcurrentThread_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCTerminateConcurrentThread() 0
+#define FireEtwGCTerminateConcurrentThread_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCFinalizersEnd(Count) 0
+#define FireEtwGCFinalizersEnd_V1(Count, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCFinalizersBegin() 0
+#define FireEtwGCFinalizersBegin_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBulkType(Count, ClrInstanceID, Values_Len_, Values) 0
+#define FireEtwGCBulkRootEdge(Index, Count, ClrInstanceID, Values_Len_, Values) 0
+#define FireEtwGCBulkRootConditionalWeakTableElementEdge(Index, Count, ClrInstanceID, Values_Len_, Values) 0
+#define FireEtwGCBulkNode(Index, Count, ClrInstanceID, Values_Len_, Values) 0
+#define FireEtwGCBulkEdge(Index, Count, ClrInstanceID, Values_Len_, Values) 0
+#define FireEtwGCSampledObjectAllocationHigh(Address, TypeID, ObjectCountForTypeSample, TotalSizeForTypeSample, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCBulkSurvivingObjectRanges(Index, Count, ClrInstanceID, Values_Len_, Values) 0
+#define FireEtwGCBulkMovedObjectRanges(Index, Count, ClrInstanceID, Values_Len_, Values) 0
+#define FireEtwGCGenerationRange(Generation, RangeStart, RangeUsedLength, RangeReservedLength, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCMarkStackRoots(HeapNum, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCMarkFinalizeQueueRoots(HeapNum, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCMarkHandles(HeapNum, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCMarkOlderGenerationRoots(HeapNum, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwFinalizeObject(TypeID, ObjectID, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwSetGCHandle(HandleID, ObjectID, Kind, Generation, AppDomainID, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwDestroyGCHandle(HandleID, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCSampledObjectAllocationLow(Address, TypeID, ObjectCountForTypeSample, TotalSizeForTypeSample, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwPinObjectAtGCTime(HandleID, ObjectID, ObjectSize, TypeName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCTriggered(Reason, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCBulkRootCCW(Count, ClrInstanceID, Values_Len_, Values) 0
+#define FireEtwGCBulkRCW(Count, ClrInstanceID, Values_Len_, Values) 0
+#define FireEtwGCBulkRootStaticVar(Count, AppDomainID, ClrInstanceID, Values_Len_, Values) 0
+#define FireEtwWorkerThreadCreate(WorkerThreadCount, RetiredWorkerThreads) 0
+#define FireEtwWorkerThreadTerminate(WorkerThreadCount, RetiredWorkerThreads) 0
+#define FireEtwWorkerThreadRetire(WorkerThreadCount, RetiredWorkerThreads) 0
+#define FireEtwWorkerThreadUnretire(WorkerThreadCount, RetiredWorkerThreads) 0
+#define FireEtwIOThreadCreate(IOThreadCount, RetiredIOThreads) 0
+#define FireEtwIOThreadCreate_V1(IOThreadCount, RetiredIOThreads, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwIOThreadTerminate(IOThreadCount, RetiredIOThreads) 0
+#define FireEtwIOThreadTerminate_V1(IOThreadCount, RetiredIOThreads, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwIOThreadRetire(IOThreadCount, RetiredIOThreads) 0
+#define FireEtwIOThreadRetire_V1(IOThreadCount, RetiredIOThreads, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwIOThreadUnretire(IOThreadCount, RetiredIOThreads) 0
+#define FireEtwIOThreadUnretire_V1(IOThreadCount, RetiredIOThreads, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadpoolSuspensionSuspendThread(ClrThreadID, CpuUtilization) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadpoolSuspensionResumeThread(ClrThreadID, CpuUtilization) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadPoolWorkerThreadStart(ActiveWorkerThreadCount, RetiredWorkerThreadCount, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadPoolWorkerThreadStop(ActiveWorkerThreadCount, RetiredWorkerThreadCount, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadPoolWorkerThreadRetirementStart(ActiveWorkerThreadCount, RetiredWorkerThreadCount, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadPoolWorkerThreadRetirementStop(ActiveWorkerThreadCount, RetiredWorkerThreadCount, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadPoolWorkerThreadAdjustmentSample(Throughput, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadPoolWorkerThreadAdjustmentAdjustment(AverageThroughput, NewWorkerThreadCount, Reason, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadPoolWorkerThreadAdjustmentStats(Duration, Throughput, ThreadWave, ThroughputWave, ThroughputErrorEstimate, AverageThroughputErrorEstimate, ThroughputRatio, Confidence, NewControlSetting, NewThreadWaveMagnitude, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadPoolWorkerThreadWait(ActiveWorkerThreadCount, RetiredWorkerThreadCount, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadPoolWorkingThreadCount(Count, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadPoolEnqueue(WorkID, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadPoolDequeue(WorkID, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadPoolIOEnqueue(NativeOverlapped, Overlapped, MultiDequeues, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadPoolIODequeue(NativeOverlapped, Overlapped, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadPoolIOPack(NativeOverlapped, Overlapped, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadCreating(ID, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadRunning(ID, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwExceptionThrown() 0
+#define FireEtwExceptionThrown_V1(ExceptionType, ExceptionMessage, ExceptionEIP, ExceptionHRESULT, ExceptionFlags, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwExceptionCatchStart(EntryEIP, MethodID, MethodName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwExceptionCatchStop() 0
+#define FireEtwExceptionFinallyStart(EntryEIP, MethodID, MethodName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwExceptionFinallyStop() 0
+#define FireEtwExceptionFilterStart(EntryEIP, MethodID, MethodName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwExceptionFilterStop() 0
+#define FireEtwExceptionThrownStop() 0
+#define FireEtwContention() 0
+#define FireEtwContentionStart_V1(ContentionFlags, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwContentionStop(ContentionFlags, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwCLRStackWalk(ClrInstanceID, Reserved1, Reserved2, FrameCount, Stack) 0
+#define FireEtwAppDomainMemAllocated(AppDomainID, Allocated, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwAppDomainMemSurvived(AppDomainID, Survived, ProcessSurvived, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadCreated(ManagedThreadID, AppDomainID, Flags, ManagedThreadIndex, OSThreadID, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadTerminated(ManagedThreadID, AppDomainID, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadDomainEnter(ManagedThreadID, AppDomainID, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwILStubGenerated(ClrInstanceID, ModuleID, StubMethodID, StubFlags, ManagedInteropMethodToken, ManagedInteropMethodNamespace, ManagedInteropMethodName, ManagedInteropMethodSignature, NativeMethodSignature, StubMethodSignature, StubMethodILCode) 0
+#define FireEtwILStubCacheHit(ClrInstanceID, ModuleID, StubMethodID, ManagedInteropMethodToken, ManagedInteropMethodNamespace, ManagedInteropMethodName, ManagedInteropMethodSignature) 0
+#define FireEtwDCStartCompleteV2() 0
+#define FireEtwDCEndCompleteV2() 0
+#define FireEtwMethodDCStartV2(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodDCEndV2(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodDCStartVerboseV2(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, MethodNamespace, MethodName, MethodSignature) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodDCEndVerboseV2(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, MethodNamespace, MethodName, MethodSignature) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodLoad(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodLoad_V1(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodLoad_V2(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, ClrInstanceID, ReJITID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodUnload(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodUnload_V1(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodUnload_V2(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, ClrInstanceID, ReJITID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodLoadVerbose(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, MethodNamespace, MethodName, MethodSignature) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodLoadVerbose_V1(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, MethodNamespace, MethodName, MethodSignature, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodLoadVerbose_V2(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, MethodNamespace, MethodName, MethodSignature, ClrInstanceID, ReJITID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodUnloadVerbose(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, MethodNamespace, MethodName, MethodSignature) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodUnloadVerbose_V1(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, MethodNamespace, MethodName, MethodSignature, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodUnloadVerbose_V2(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, MethodNamespace, MethodName, MethodSignature, ClrInstanceID, ReJITID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodJittingStarted(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodToken, MethodILSize, MethodNamespace, MethodName, MethodSignature) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodJittingStarted_V1(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodToken, MethodILSize, MethodNamespace, MethodName, MethodSignature, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodJitInliningSucceeded(MethodBeingCompiledNamespace, MethodBeingCompiledName, MethodBeingCompiledNameSignature, InlinerNamespace, InlinerName, InlinerNameSignature, InlineeNamespace, InlineeName, InlineeNameSignature, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodJitInliningFailed(MethodBeingCompiledNamespace, MethodBeingCompiledName, MethodBeingCompiledNameSignature, InlinerNamespace, InlinerName, InlinerNameSignature, InlineeNamespace, InlineeName, InlineeNameSignature, FailAlways, FailReason, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodJitTailCallSucceeded(MethodBeingCompiledNamespace, MethodBeingCompiledName, MethodBeingCompiledNameSignature, CallerNamespace, CallerName, CallerNameSignature, CalleeNamespace, CalleeName, CalleeNameSignature, TailPrefix, TailCallType, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodJitTailCallFailed(MethodBeingCompiledNamespace, MethodBeingCompiledName, MethodBeingCompiledNameSignature, CallerNamespace, CallerName, CallerNameSignature, CalleeNamespace, CalleeName, CalleeNameSignature, TailPrefix, FailReason, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodILToNativeMap(MethodID, ReJITID, MethodExtent, CountOfMapEntries, ILOffsets, NativeOffsets, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwModuleDCStartV2(ModuleID, AssemblyID, ModuleFlags, Reserved1, ModuleILPath, ModuleNativePath) 0
+#define FireEtwModuleDCEndV2(ModuleID, AssemblyID, ModuleFlags, Reserved1, ModuleILPath, ModuleNativePath) 0
+#define FireEtwDomainModuleLoad(ModuleID, AssemblyID, AppDomainID, ModuleFlags, Reserved1, ModuleILPath, ModuleNativePath) 0
+#define FireEtwDomainModuleLoad_V1(ModuleID, AssemblyID, AppDomainID, ModuleFlags, Reserved1, ModuleILPath, ModuleNativePath, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwModuleLoad(ModuleID, AssemblyID, ModuleFlags, Reserved1, ModuleILPath, ModuleNativePath) 0
+#define FireEtwModuleLoad_V1(ModuleID, AssemblyID, ModuleFlags, Reserved1, ModuleILPath, ModuleNativePath, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwModuleLoad_V2(ModuleID, AssemblyID, ModuleFlags, Reserved1, ModuleILPath, ModuleNativePath, ClrInstanceID, ManagedPdbSignature, ManagedPdbAge, ManagedPdbBuildPath, NativePdbSignature, NativePdbAge, NativePdbBuildPath) 0
+#define FireEtwModuleUnload(ModuleID, AssemblyID, ModuleFlags, Reserved1, ModuleILPath, ModuleNativePath) 0
+#define FireEtwModuleUnload_V1(ModuleID, AssemblyID, ModuleFlags, Reserved1, ModuleILPath, ModuleNativePath, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwModuleUnload_V2(ModuleID, AssemblyID, ModuleFlags, Reserved1, ModuleILPath, ModuleNativePath, ClrInstanceID, ManagedPdbSignature, ManagedPdbAge, ManagedPdbBuildPath, NativePdbSignature, NativePdbAge, NativePdbBuildPath) 0
+#define FireEtwAssemblyLoad(AssemblyID, AppDomainID, AssemblyFlags, FullyQualifiedAssemblyName) 0
+#define FireEtwAssemblyLoad_V1(AssemblyID, AppDomainID, BindingID, AssemblyFlags, FullyQualifiedAssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwAssemblyUnload(AssemblyID, AppDomainID, AssemblyFlags, FullyQualifiedAssemblyName) 0
+#define FireEtwAssemblyUnload_V1(AssemblyID, AppDomainID, BindingID, AssemblyFlags, FullyQualifiedAssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwAppDomainLoad(AppDomainID, AppDomainFlags, AppDomainName) 0
+#define FireEtwAppDomainLoad_V1(AppDomainID, AppDomainFlags, AppDomainName, AppDomainIndex, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwAppDomainUnload(AppDomainID, AppDomainFlags, AppDomainName) 0
+#define FireEtwAppDomainUnload_V1(AppDomainID, AppDomainFlags, AppDomainName, AppDomainIndex, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwModuleRangeLoad(ClrInstanceID, ModuleID, RangeBegin, RangeSize, RangeType) 0
+#define FireEtwStrongNameVerificationStart(VerificationFlags, ErrorCode, FullyQualifiedAssemblyName) 0
+#define FireEtwStrongNameVerificationStart_V1(VerificationFlags, ErrorCode, FullyQualifiedAssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwStrongNameVerificationStop(VerificationFlags, ErrorCode, FullyQualifiedAssemblyName) 0
+#define FireEtwStrongNameVerificationStop_V1(VerificationFlags, ErrorCode, FullyQualifiedAssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwAuthenticodeVerificationStart(VerificationFlags, ErrorCode, ModulePath) 0
+#define FireEtwAuthenticodeVerificationStart_V1(VerificationFlags, ErrorCode, ModulePath, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwAuthenticodeVerificationStop(VerificationFlags, ErrorCode, ModulePath) 0
+#define FireEtwAuthenticodeVerificationStop_V1(VerificationFlags, ErrorCode, ModulePath, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwRuntimeInformationStart(ClrInstanceID, Sku, BclMajorVersion, BclMinorVersion, BclBuildNumber, BclQfeNumber, VMMajorVersion, VMMinorVersion, VMBuildNumber, VMQfeNumber, StartupFlags, StartupMode, CommandLine, ComObjectGuid, RuntimeDllPath) 0
+#define FireEtwIncreaseMemoryPressure(BytesAllocated, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwDecreaseMemoryPressure(BytesFreed, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCMarkWithType(HeapNum, ClrInstanceID, Type, Bytes) 0
+#define FireEtwGCJoin_V2(Heap, JoinTime, JoinType, ClrInstanceID, JoinID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCPerHeapHistory_V3(ClrInstanceID, FreeListAllocated, FreeListRejected, EndOfSegAllocated, CondemnedAllocated, PinnedAllocated, PinnedAllocatedAdvance, RunningFreeListEfficiency, CondemnReasons0, CondemnReasons1, CompactMechanisms, ExpandMechanisms, HeapIndex, ExtraGen0Commit, Count, Values_Len_, Values) 0
+#define FireEtwGCGlobalHeapHistory_V2(FinalYoungestDesired, NumHeaps, CondemnedGeneration, Gen0ReductionCount, Reason, GlobalMechanisms, ClrInstanceID, PauseMode, MemoryPressure) 0
+#define FireEtwDebugIPCEventStart() 0
+#define FireEtwDebugIPCEventEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwDebugExceptionProcessingStart() 0
+#define FireEtwDebugExceptionProcessingEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwCodeSymbols(ModuleId, TotalChunks, ChunkNumber, ChunkLength, Chunk, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwCLRStackWalkDCStart(ClrInstanceID, Reserved1, Reserved2, FrameCount, Stack) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodDCStart(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodDCStart_V1(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodDCStart_V2(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, ClrInstanceID, ReJITID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodDCEnd(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodDCEnd_V1(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodDCEnd_V2(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, ClrInstanceID, ReJITID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodDCStartVerbose(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, MethodNamespace, MethodName, MethodSignature) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodDCStartVerbose_V1(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, MethodNamespace, MethodName, MethodSignature, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodDCStartVerbose_V2(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, MethodNamespace, MethodName, MethodSignature, ClrInstanceID, ReJITID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodDCEndVerbose(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, MethodNamespace, MethodName, MethodSignature) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodDCEndVerbose_V1(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, MethodNamespace, MethodName, MethodSignature, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodDCEndVerbose_V2(MethodID, ModuleID, MethodStartAddress, MethodSize, MethodToken, MethodFlags, MethodNamespace, MethodName, MethodSignature, ClrInstanceID, ReJITID) 0
+#define FireEtwDCStartComplete() 0
+#define FireEtwDCStartComplete_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwDCEndComplete() 0
+#define FireEtwDCEndComplete_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwDCStartInit() 0
+#define FireEtwDCStartInit_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwDCEndInit() 0
+#define FireEtwDCEndInit_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodDCStartILToNativeMap(MethodID, ReJITID, MethodExtent, CountOfMapEntries, ILOffsets, NativeOffsets, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodDCEndILToNativeMap(MethodID, ReJITID, MethodExtent, CountOfMapEntries, ILOffsets, NativeOffsets, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwDomainModuleDCStart(ModuleID, AssemblyID, AppDomainID, ModuleFlags, Reserved1, ModuleILPath, ModuleNativePath) 0
+#define FireEtwDomainModuleDCStart_V1(ModuleID, AssemblyID, AppDomainID, ModuleFlags, Reserved1, ModuleILPath, ModuleNativePath, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwDomainModuleDCEnd(ModuleID, AssemblyID, AppDomainID, ModuleFlags, Reserved1, ModuleILPath, ModuleNativePath) 0
+#define FireEtwDomainModuleDCEnd_V1(ModuleID, AssemblyID, AppDomainID, ModuleFlags, Reserved1, ModuleILPath, ModuleNativePath, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwModuleDCStart(ModuleID, AssemblyID, ModuleFlags, Reserved1, ModuleILPath, ModuleNativePath) 0
+#define FireEtwModuleDCStart_V1(ModuleID, AssemblyID, ModuleFlags, Reserved1, ModuleILPath, ModuleNativePath, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwModuleDCStart_V2(ModuleID, AssemblyID, ModuleFlags, Reserved1, ModuleILPath, ModuleNativePath, ClrInstanceID, ManagedPdbSignature, ManagedPdbAge, ManagedPdbBuildPath, NativePdbSignature, NativePdbAge, NativePdbBuildPath) 0
+#define FireEtwModuleDCEnd(ModuleID, AssemblyID, ModuleFlags, Reserved1, ModuleILPath, ModuleNativePath) 0
+#define FireEtwModuleDCEnd_V1(ModuleID, AssemblyID, ModuleFlags, Reserved1, ModuleILPath, ModuleNativePath, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwModuleDCEnd_V2(ModuleID, AssemblyID, ModuleFlags, Reserved1, ModuleILPath, ModuleNativePath, ClrInstanceID, ManagedPdbSignature, ManagedPdbAge, ManagedPdbBuildPath, NativePdbSignature, NativePdbAge, NativePdbBuildPath) 0
+#define FireEtwAssemblyDCStart(AssemblyID, AppDomainID, AssemblyFlags, FullyQualifiedAssemblyName) 0
+#define FireEtwAssemblyDCStart_V1(AssemblyID, AppDomainID, BindingID, AssemblyFlags, FullyQualifiedAssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwAssemblyDCEnd(AssemblyID, AppDomainID, AssemblyFlags, FullyQualifiedAssemblyName) 0
+#define FireEtwAssemblyDCEnd_V1(AssemblyID, AppDomainID, BindingID, AssemblyFlags, FullyQualifiedAssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwAppDomainDCStart(AppDomainID, AppDomainFlags, AppDomainName) 0
+#define FireEtwAppDomainDCStart_V1(AppDomainID, AppDomainFlags, AppDomainName, AppDomainIndex, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwAppDomainDCEnd(AppDomainID, AppDomainFlags, AppDomainName) 0
+#define FireEtwAppDomainDCEnd_V1(AppDomainID, AppDomainFlags, AppDomainName, AppDomainIndex, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwThreadDC(ManagedThreadID, AppDomainID, Flags, ManagedThreadIndex, OSThreadID, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwModuleRangeDCStart(ClrInstanceID, ModuleID, RangeBegin, RangeSize, RangeType) 0
+#define FireEtwModuleRangeDCEnd(ClrInstanceID, ModuleID, RangeBegin, RangeSize, RangeType) 0
+#define FireEtwRuntimeInformationDCStart(ClrInstanceID, Sku, BclMajorVersion, BclMinorVersion, BclBuildNumber, BclQfeNumber, VMMajorVersion, VMMinorVersion, VMBuildNumber, VMQfeNumber, StartupFlags, StartupMode, CommandLine, ComObjectGuid, RuntimeDllPath) 0
+#define FireEtwStressLogEvent(Facility, LogLevel, Message) 0
+#define FireEtwStressLogEvent_V1(Facility, LogLevel, Message, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwCLRStackWalkStress(ClrInstanceID, Reserved1, Reserved2, FrameCount, Stack) 0
+#define FireEtwGCDecision(DoCompact) 0
+#define FireEtwGCDecision_V1(DoCompact, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCSettings(SegmentSize, LargeObjectSegmentSize, ServerGC) 0
+#define FireEtwGCSettings_V1(SegmentSize, LargeObjectSegmentSize, ServerGC, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCOptimized(DesiredAllocation, NewAllocation, GenerationNumber) 0
+#define FireEtwGCOptimized_V1(DesiredAllocation, NewAllocation, GenerationNumber, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCPerHeapHistory() 0
+#define FireEtwGCPerHeapHistory_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCGlobalHeapHistory(FinalYoungestDesired, NumHeaps, CondemnedGeneration, Gen0ReductionCount, Reason, GlobalMechanisms) 0
+#define FireEtwGCGlobalHeapHistory_V1(FinalYoungestDesired, NumHeaps, CondemnedGeneration, Gen0ReductionCount, Reason, GlobalMechanisms, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCJoin(Heap, JoinTime, JoinType) 0
+#define FireEtwGCJoin_V1(Heap, JoinTime, JoinType, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwPrvGCMarkStackRoots(HeapNum) 0
+#define FireEtwPrvGCMarkStackRoots_V1(HeapNum, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwPrvGCMarkFinalizeQueueRoots(HeapNum) 0
+#define FireEtwPrvGCMarkFinalizeQueueRoots_V1(HeapNum, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwPrvGCMarkHandles(HeapNum) 0
+#define FireEtwPrvGCMarkHandles_V1(HeapNum, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwPrvGCMarkCards(HeapNum) 0
+#define FireEtwPrvGCMarkCards_V1(HeapNum, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBGCBegin(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBGC1stNonConEnd(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBGC1stConEnd(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBGC2ndNonConBegin(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBGC2ndNonConEnd(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBGC2ndConBegin(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBGC2ndConEnd(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBGCPlanEnd(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBGCSweepEnd(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBGCDrainMark(Objects, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBGCRevisit(Pages, Objects, IsLarge, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBGCOverflow(Min, Max, Objects, IsLarge, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBGCAllocWaitBegin(Reason, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBGCAllocWaitEnd(Reason, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGCFullNotify(GenNumber, IsAlloc) 0
+#define FireEtwGCFullNotify_V1(GenNumber, IsAlloc, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwEEStartupStart() 0
+#define FireEtwEEStartupStart_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwEEStartupEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwEEStartupEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwEEConfigSetup() 0
+#define FireEtwEEConfigSetup_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwEEConfigSetupEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwEEConfigSetupEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwLdSysBases() 0
+#define FireEtwLdSysBases_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwLdSysBasesEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwLdSysBasesEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwExecExe() 0
+#define FireEtwExecExe_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwExecExeEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwExecExeEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwMain() 0
+#define FireEtwMain_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwMainEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwMainEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwApplyPolicyStart() 0
+#define FireEtwApplyPolicyStart_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwApplyPolicyEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwApplyPolicyEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwLdLibShFolder() 0
+#define FireEtwLdLibShFolder_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwLdLibShFolderEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwLdLibShFolderEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwPrestubWorker() 0
+#define FireEtwPrestubWorker_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwPrestubWorkerEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwPrestubWorkerEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGetInstallationStart() 0
+#define FireEtwGetInstallationStart_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGetInstallationEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwGetInstallationEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwOpenHModule() 0
+#define FireEtwOpenHModule_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwOpenHModuleEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwOpenHModuleEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwExplicitBindStart() 0
+#define FireEtwExplicitBindStart_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwExplicitBindEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwExplicitBindEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwParseXml() 0
+#define FireEtwParseXml_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwParseXmlEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwParseXmlEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwInitDefaultDomain() 0
+#define FireEtwInitDefaultDomain_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwInitDefaultDomainEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwInitDefaultDomainEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwInitSecurity() 0
+#define FireEtwInitSecurity_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwInitSecurityEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwInitSecurityEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwAllowBindingRedirs() 0
+#define FireEtwAllowBindingRedirs_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwAllowBindingRedirsEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwAllowBindingRedirsEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwEEConfigSync() 0
+#define FireEtwEEConfigSync_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwEEConfigSyncEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwEEConfigSyncEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwFusionBinding() 0
+#define FireEtwFusionBinding_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwFusionBindingEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwFusionBindingEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwLoaderCatchCall() 0
+#define FireEtwLoaderCatchCall_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwLoaderCatchCallEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwLoaderCatchCallEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwFusionInit() 0
+#define FireEtwFusionInit_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwFusionInitEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwFusionInitEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwFusionAppCtx() 0
+#define FireEtwFusionAppCtx_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwFusionAppCtxEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwFusionAppCtxEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwFusion2EE() 0
+#define FireEtwFusion2EE_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwFusion2EEEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwFusion2EEEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwSecurityCatchCall() 0
+#define FireEtwSecurityCatchCall_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwSecurityCatchCallEnd() 0
+#define FireEtwSecurityCatchCallEnd_V1(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwCLRStackWalkPrivate(ClrInstanceID, Reserved1, Reserved2, FrameCount, Stack) 0
+#define FireEtwModuleRangeLoadPrivate(ClrInstanceID, ModuleID, RangeBegin, RangeSize, RangeType, IBCType, SectionType) 0
+#define FireEtwBindingPolicyPhaseStart(AppDomainID, LoadContextID, FromLoaderCache, DynamicLoad, AssemblyCodebase, AssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBindingPolicyPhaseEnd(AppDomainID, LoadContextID, FromLoaderCache, DynamicLoad, AssemblyCodebase, AssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBindingNgenPhaseStart(AppDomainID, LoadContextID, FromLoaderCache, DynamicLoad, AssemblyCodebase, AssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBindingNgenPhaseEnd(AppDomainID, LoadContextID, FromLoaderCache, DynamicLoad, AssemblyCodebase, AssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBindingLookupAndProbingPhaseStart(AppDomainID, LoadContextID, FromLoaderCache, DynamicLoad, AssemblyCodebase, AssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBindingLookupAndProbingPhaseEnd(AppDomainID, LoadContextID, FromLoaderCache, DynamicLoad, AssemblyCodebase, AssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwLoaderPhaseStart(AppDomainID, LoadContextID, FromLoaderCache, DynamicLoad, AssemblyCodebase, AssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwLoaderPhaseEnd(AppDomainID, LoadContextID, FromLoaderCache, DynamicLoad, AssemblyCodebase, AssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBindingPhaseStart(AppDomainID, LoadContextID, FromLoaderCache, DynamicLoad, AssemblyCodebase, AssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBindingPhaseEnd(AppDomainID, LoadContextID, FromLoaderCache, DynamicLoad, AssemblyCodebase, AssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBindingDownloadPhaseStart(AppDomainID, LoadContextID, FromLoaderCache, DynamicLoad, AssemblyCodebase, AssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBindingDownloadPhaseEnd(AppDomainID, LoadContextID, FromLoaderCache, DynamicLoad, AssemblyCodebase, AssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwLoaderAssemblyInitPhaseStart(AppDomainID, LoadContextID, FromLoaderCache, DynamicLoad, AssemblyCodebase, AssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwLoaderAssemblyInitPhaseEnd(AppDomainID, LoadContextID, FromLoaderCache, DynamicLoad, AssemblyCodebase, AssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwLoaderMappingPhaseStart(AppDomainID, LoadContextID, FromLoaderCache, DynamicLoad, AssemblyCodebase, AssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwLoaderMappingPhaseEnd(AppDomainID, LoadContextID, FromLoaderCache, DynamicLoad, AssemblyCodebase, AssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwLoaderDeliverEventsPhaseStart(AppDomainID, LoadContextID, FromLoaderCache, DynamicLoad, AssemblyCodebase, AssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwLoaderDeliverEventsPhaseEnd(AppDomainID, LoadContextID, FromLoaderCache, DynamicLoad, AssemblyCodebase, AssemblyName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwEvidenceGenerated(Type, AppDomain, ILImage, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwModuleTransparencyComputationStart(Module, AppDomainID, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwModuleTransparencyComputationEnd(Module, AppDomainID, IsAllCritical, IsAllTransparent, IsTreatAsSafe, IsOpportunisticallyCritical, SecurityRuleSet, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwTypeTransparencyComputationStart(Type, Module, AppDomainID, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwTypeTransparencyComputationEnd(Type, Module, AppDomainID, IsAllCritical, IsAllTransparent, IsCritical, IsTreatAsSafe, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodTransparencyComputationStart(Method, Module, AppDomainID, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwMethodTransparencyComputationEnd(Method, Module, AppDomainID, IsCritical, IsTreatAsSafe, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwFieldTransparencyComputationStart(Field, Module, AppDomainID, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwFieldTransparencyComputationEnd(Field, Module, AppDomainID, IsCritical, IsTreatAsSafe, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwTokenTransparencyComputationStart(Token, Module, AppDomainID, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwTokenTransparencyComputationEnd(Token, Module, AppDomainID, IsCritical, IsTreatAsSafe, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwNgenBindEvent(ClrInstanceID, BindingID, ReasonCode, AssemblyName) 0
+#define FireEtwFailFast(FailFastUserMessage, FailedEIP, OSExitCode, ClrExitCode, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwPrvFinalizeObject(TypeID, ObjectID, ClrInstanceID, TypeName) 0
+#define FireEtwCCWRefCountChange(HandleID, ObjectID, COMInterfacePointer, NewRefCount, AppDomainID, ClassName, NameSpace, Operation, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwPrvSetGCHandle(HandleID, ObjectID, Kind, Generation, AppDomainID, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwPrvDestroyGCHandle(HandleID, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwFusionMessageEvent(ClrInstanceID, Prepend, Message) 0
+#define FireEtwFusionErrorCodeEvent(ClrInstanceID, Category, ErrorCode) 0
+#define FireEtwPinPlugAtGCTime(PlugStart, PlugEnd, GapBeforeSize, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwAllocRequest(LoaderHeapPtr, MemoryAddress, RequestSize, Unused1, Unused2, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwMulticoreJit(ClrInstanceID, String1, String2, Int1, Int2, Int3) 0
+#define FireEtwMulticoreJitMethodCodeReturned(ClrInstanceID, ModuleID, MethodID) 0
+#define FireEtwIInspectableRuntimeClassName(TypeName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwWinRTUnbox(TypeName, SecondTypeName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwCreateRCW(TypeName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwRCWVariance(TypeName, InterfaceTypeName, VariantInterfaceTypeName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwRCWIEnumerableCasting(TypeName, SecondTypeName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwCreateCCW(TypeName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwCCWVariance(TypeName, InterfaceTypeName, VariantInterfaceTypeName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwObjectVariantMarshallingToNative(TypeName, Int1, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGetTypeFromGUID(TypeName, SecondTypeName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwGetTypeFromProgID(TypeName, SecondTypeName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwConvertToCallbackEtw(TypeName, SecondTypeName, ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwBeginCreateManagedReference(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwEndCreateManagedReference(ClrInstanceID) 0
+#define FireEtwObjectVariantMarshallingToManaged(TypeName, Int1, ClrInstanceID) 0
diff --git a/src/gc/env/gcenv.base.h b/src/gc/env/gcenv.base.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a94f1a6394
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/env/gcenv.base.h
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// Sets up basic environment for CLR GC
+#define REDHAWK_PALIMPORT extern "C"
+#define REDHAWK_PALAPI __stdcall
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+#define __stdcall
+#ifdef __clang__
+#define __forceinline __attribute__((always_inline)) inline
+#else // __clang__
+#define __forceinline inline
+#endif // __clang__
+#endif // !_MSC_VER
+#ifndef SIZE_T_MAX
+#define SIZE_T_MAX ((size_t)-1)
+#ifndef SSIZE_T_MAX
+#define SSIZE_T_MAX ((ptrdiff_t)(SIZE_T_MAX / 2))
+#ifndef _INC_WINDOWS
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Aliases for Win32 types
+typedef uint32_t BOOL;
+typedef uint32_t DWORD;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// HRESULT subset.
+typedef int32_t HRESULT;
+// this must exactly match the typedef used by windows.h
+typedef long HRESULT;
+#define SUCCEEDED(_hr) ((HRESULT)(_hr) >= 0)
+#define FAILED(_hr) ((HRESULT)(_hr) < 0)
+inline HRESULT HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(unsigned long x)
+ return (HRESULT)(x) <= 0 ? (HRESULT)(x) : (HRESULT) (((x) & 0x0000FFFF) | (7 << 16) | 0x80000000);
+#define S_OK 0x0
+#define S_FALSE 0x1
+#define E_FAIL 0x80004005
+#define E_OUTOFMEMORY 0x8007000E
+#define E_UNEXPECTED 0x8000FFFF
+#define E_NOTIMPL 0x80004001
+#define E_INVALIDARG 0x80070057
+#define NOERROR 0x0
+#define ERROR_TIMEOUT 1460
+#define TRUE true
+#define FALSE false
+#define CALLBACK __stdcall
+#define FORCEINLINE __forceinline
+#define ZeroMemory(Destination,Length) memset((Destination),0,(Length))
+#ifndef _countof
+#define _countof(_array) (sizeof(_array)/sizeof(_array[0]))
+#ifndef min
+#define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+#ifndef max
+#define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+#define C_ASSERT(cond) static_assert( cond, #cond )
+#define _vsnprintf vsnprintf
+#define sprintf_s snprintf
+#define swprintf_s swprintf
+#ifdef UNICODE
+#define _tcslen wcslen
+#define _tcscpy wcscpy
+#define _stprintf_s swprintf_s
+#define _tfopen _wfopen
+#define _tcslen strlen
+#define _tcscpy strcpy
+#define _stprintf_s sprintf_s
+#define _tfopen fopen
+#define WINAPI __stdcall
+typedef DWORD (WINAPI *PTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)(void* lpThreadParameter);
+#define WAIT_OBJECT_0 0
+#define WAIT_TIMEOUT 258
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+ #if defined(_ARM_)
+ __forceinline void YieldProcessor() { }
+ extern "C" void __emit(const unsigned __int32 opcode);
+ #pragma intrinsic(__emit)
+ #define MemoryBarrier() { __emit(0xF3BF); __emit(0x8F5F); }
+ #elif defined(_ARM64_)
+ extern "C" void __yield(void);
+ #pragma intrinsic(__yield)
+ __forceinline void YieldProcessor() { __yield();}
+ extern "C" void __dmb(const unsigned __int32 _Type);
+ #pragma intrinsic(__dmb)
+ #define MemoryBarrier() { __dmb(_ARM64_BARRIER_SY); }
+ #elif defined(_AMD64_)
+ extern "C" void
+ _mm_pause (
+ void
+ );
+ extern "C" void
+ _mm_mfence (
+ void
+ );
+ #pragma intrinsic(_mm_pause)
+ #pragma intrinsic(_mm_mfence)
+ #define YieldProcessor _mm_pause
+ #define MemoryBarrier _mm_mfence
+ #elif defined(_X86_)
+ #define YieldProcessor() __asm { rep nop }
+ __forceinline void MemoryBarrier()
+ {
+ int32_t Barrier;
+ __asm {
+ xchg Barrier, eax
+ }
+ }
+ #else // !_ARM_ && !_AMD64_ && !_X86_
+ #error Unsupported architecture
+ #endif
+#else // _MSC_VER
+#endif // _MSC_VER
+typedef struct _PROCESSOR_NUMBER {
+ uint16_t Group;
+ uint8_t Number;
+ uint8_t Reserved;
+#endif // _INC_WINDOWS
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// The subset of the contract code required by the GC/HandleTable sources. If Redhawk moves to support
+// contracts these local definitions will disappear and be replaced by real implementations.
+#define CONTRACTL
+#define CONTRACT(_expr)
+#define THROWS
+#define NOTHROW
+#define MODE_ANY
+#define SO_TOLERANT
+#define GC_TRIGGERS
+#define CAN_TAKE_LOCK
+#define TRIGGERSGC()
+#define WRAPPER(_contract)
+#define DISABLED(_contract)
+#define INJECT_FAULT(_expr)
+#define FAULT_NOT_FATAL()
+#define PRECONDITION(_expr)
+#define POSTCONDITION(_expr)
+#define RETURN return
+#define CONDITIONAL_CONTRACT_VIOLATION(_violation, _expr)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Data access macros
+#include "daccess.h"
+typedef uintptr_t TADDR;
+#define PTR_TO_TADDR(ptr) ((TADDR)(ptr))
+#define DPTR(type) type*
+#define SPTR(type) type*
+#define GVAL_DECL(type, var) \
+ extern type var
+#define GVAL_IMPL(type, var) \
+ type var
+#define GVAL_IMPL_INIT(type, var, init) \
+ type var = init
+#define GPTR_DECL(type, var) \
+ extern type* var
+#define GPTR_IMPL(type, var) \
+ type* var
+#define GPTR_IMPL_INIT(type, var, init) \
+ type* var = init
+#define SPTR_DECL(type, var) \
+ static type* var
+#define SPTR_IMPL(type, cls, var) \
+ type * cls::var
+#define SPTR_IMPL_NS(type, ns, cls, var) \
+ type * cls::var
+#define SPTR_IMPL_NS_INIT(type, ns, cls, var, init) \
+ type * cls::var = init
+#define SVAL_DECL(type, var) \
+ static type var
+#define SVAL_IMPL_NS(type, ns, cls, var) \
+ type cls::var
+#define SVAL_IMPL_NS_INIT(type, ns, cls, var, init) \
+ type cls::var = init
+#define GARY_DECL(type, var, size) \
+ extern type var[size]
+#define GARY_IMPL(type, var, size) \
+ type var[size]
+struct _DacGlobals;
+typedef DPTR(size_t) PTR_size_t;
+typedef DPTR(uint8_t) PTR_uint8_t;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define DATA_ALIGNMENT sizeof(uintptr_t)
+#define RAW_KEYWORD(x) x
+#define DECLSPEC_ALIGN(x) __declspec(align(x))
+#define OS_PAGE_SIZE 4096
+#ifndef _ASSERTE
+#define _ASSERTE(_expr) ASSERT(_expr)
+#define CONSISTENCY_CHECK(_expr) ASSERT(_expr)
+#define PREFIX_ASSUME(cond) ASSERT(cond)
+#define UI64(_literal) _literal##ULL
+class ObjHeader;
+class MethodTable;
+class Object;
+class ArrayBase;
+// Various types used to refer to object references or handles. This will get more complex if we decide
+// Redhawk wants to wrap object references in the debug build.
+typedef DPTR(Object) PTR_Object;
+typedef DPTR(PTR_Object) PTR_PTR_Object;
+typedef PTR_Object OBJECTREF;
+typedef PTR_PTR_Object PTR_OBJECTREF;
+ void* unused;
+// With no object reference wrapping the following macros are very simple.
+#define ObjectToOBJECTREF(_obj) (OBJECTREF)(_obj)
+#define OBJECTREFToObject(_obj) (Object*)(_obj)
+#define VALIDATEOBJECTREF(_objref) _objref;
+#define VOLATILE(T) T volatile
+// This code is extremely compiler- and CPU-specific, and will need to be altered to
+// support new compilers and/or CPUs. Here we enforce that we can only compile using
+// VC++, or Clang on x86, AMD64, ARM and ARM64.
+#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
+#error The Volatile type is currently only defined for Visual C++ and Clang
+#if defined(__clang__) && !defined(_X86_) && !defined(_AMD64_) && !defined(_ARM_) && !defined(_ARM64_)
+#error The Volatile type is currently only defined for Clang when targeting x86, AMD64, ARM or ARM64 CPUs
+#if defined(__clang__)
+#if defined(_ARM_) || defined(_ARM64_)
+// This is functionally equivalent to the MemoryBarrier() macro used on ARM on Windows.
+#define VOLATILE_MEMORY_BARRIER() asm volatile ("dmb sy" : : : "memory")
+// For Clang, we prevent reordering by the compiler by inserting the following after a volatile
+// load (to prevent subsequent operations from moving before the read), and before a volatile
+// write (to prevent prior operations from moving past the write). We don't need to do anything
+// special to prevent CPU reorderings, because the x86 and AMD64 architectures are already
+// sufficiently constrained for our purposes. If we ever need to run on weaker CPU architectures
+// (such as PowerPC), then we will need to do more work.
+// Please do not use this macro outside of this file. It is subject to change or removal without
+// notice.
+#define VOLATILE_MEMORY_BARRIER() asm volatile ("" : : : "memory")
+#endif // !_ARM_
+#elif defined(_ARM_) && _ISO_VOLATILE
+// ARM has a very weak memory model and very few tools to control that model. We're forced to perform a full
+// memory barrier to preserve the volatile semantics. Technically this is only necessary on MP systems but we
+// currently don't have a cheap way to determine the number of CPUs from this header file. Revisit this if it
+// turns out to be a performance issue for the uni-proc case.
+#define VOLATILE_MEMORY_BARRIER() MemoryBarrier()
+// On VC++, reorderings at the compiler and machine level are prevented by the use of the
+// "volatile" keyword in VolatileLoad and VolatileStore. This should work on any CPU architecture
+// targeted by VC++ with /iso_volatile-.
+// VolatileLoad loads a T from a pointer to T. It is guaranteed that this load will not be optimized
+// away by the compiler, and that any operation that occurs after this load, in program order, will
+// not be moved before this load. In general it is not guaranteed that the load will be atomic, though
+// this is the case for most aligned scalar data types. If you need atomic loads or stores, you need
+// to consult the compiler and CPU manuals to find which circumstances allow atomicity.
+template<typename T>
+T VolatileLoad(T const * pt)
+ T val = *(T volatile const *)pt;
+ return val;
+template<typename T>
+T VolatileLoadWithoutBarrier(T const * pt)
+ T val = *(T volatile const *)pt;
+ T val = *pt;
+ return val;
+// VolatileStore stores a T into the target of a pointer to T. Is is guaranteed that this store will
+// not be optimized away by the compiler, and that any operation that occurs before this store, in program
+// order, will not be moved after this store. In general, it is not guaranteed that the store will be
+// atomic, though this is the case for most aligned scalar data types. If you need atomic loads or stores,
+// you need to consult the compiler and CPU manuals to find which circumstances allow atomicity.
+template<typename T>
+void VolatileStore(T* pt, T val)
+ *(T volatile *)pt = val;
+extern GCSystemInfo g_SystemInfo;
+extern MethodTable * g_pFreeObjectMethodTable;
+extern int32_t g_TrapReturningThreads;
+extern bool g_fFinalizerRunOnShutDown;
+// Locks
+struct alloc_context;
+class Thread;
+Thread * GetThread();
+typedef void (CALLBACK *HANDLESCANPROC)(PTR_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF pref, uintptr_t *pExtraInfo, uintptr_t param1, uintptr_t param2);
+class FinalizerThread
+ static bool Initialize();
+ static void EnableFinalization();
+ static bool HaveExtraWorkForFinalizer();
+ static bool IsCurrentThreadFinalizer();
+ static void Wait(DWORD timeout, bool allowReentrantWait = false);
+ static void SignalFinalizationDone(bool fFinalizer);
+ static void SetFinalizerThread(Thread * pThread);
+ static HANDLE GetFinalizerEvent();
+bool IsGCSpecialThread();
+inline bool dbgOnly_IsSpecialEEThread()
+ return false;
+#define ClrFlsSetThreadType(type)
+// Performance logging
+#define COUNTER_ONLY(x)
+//#include "etmdummy.h"
+//#define ETW_EVENT_ENABLED(e,f) false
+namespace ETW
+ typedef enum _GC_ROOT_KIND {
+ GC_ROOT_FQ = 1,
+// Logging
+void LogSpewAlways(const char *fmt, ...);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void StompWriteBarrierEphemeral(bool isRuntimeSuspended);
+void StompWriteBarrierResize(bool isRuntimeSuspended, bool bReqUpperBoundsCheck);
+bool IsGCThread();
+class CLRConfig
+ enum CLRConfigTypes
+ {
+ UNSUPPORTED_GCConfigLogEnabled,
+ EXTERNAL_GCStressStart,
+ INTERNAL_GCStressStartAtJit,
+ INTERNAL_DbgDACSkipVerifyDlls,
+ Config_COUNT
+ };
+ typedef CLRConfigTypes ConfigDWORDInfo;
+ typedef CLRConfigTypes ConfigStringInfo;
+ static uint32_t GetConfigValue(ConfigDWORDInfo eType);
+ static HRESULT GetConfigValue(ConfigStringInfo /*eType*/, __out_z TCHAR * * outVal);
+inline bool FitsInU1(uint64_t val)
+ return val == (uint64_t)(uint8_t)val;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// AppDomain emulation. The we don't have these in Redhawk so instead we emulate the bare minimum of the API
+// touched by the GC/HandleTable and pretend we have precisely one (default) appdomain.
+struct ADIndex
+ DWORD m_dwIndex;
+ ADIndex () : m_dwIndex(RH_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID) {}
+ explicit ADIndex (DWORD id) : m_dwIndex(id) {}
+ BOOL operator==(const ADIndex& ad) const { return m_dwIndex == ad.m_dwIndex; }
+ BOOL operator!=(const ADIndex& ad) const { return m_dwIndex != ad.m_dwIndex; }
+class AppDomain
+ ADIndex GetIndex() { return ADIndex(RH_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID); }
+ BOOL IsRudeUnload() { return FALSE; }
+ BOOL NoAccessToHandleTable() { return FALSE; }
+ void DecNumSizedRefHandles() {}
+class SystemDomain
+ static SystemDomain *System() { return NULL; }
+ static AppDomain *GetAppDomainAtIndex(ADIndex /*index*/) { return (AppDomain *)-1; }
+ static AppDomain *AppDomainBeingUnloaded() { return NULL; }
+ AppDomain *DefaultDomain() { return NULL; }
+ DWORD GetTotalNumSizedRefHandles() { return 0; }
+namespace GCStressPolicy
+ static volatile int32_t s_cGcStressDisables;
+ inline bool IsEnabled() { return s_cGcStressDisables == 0; }
+ inline void GlobalDisable() { Interlocked::Increment(&s_cGcStressDisables); }
+ inline void GlobalEnable() { Interlocked::Decrement(&s_cGcStressDisables); }
+enum gcs_trigger_points
+ cfg_any,
+template <enum gcs_trigger_points tp>
+class GCStress
+ static inline bool IsEnabled()
+ {
+ return g_pConfig->GetGCStressLevel() != 0;
+ }
+#endif // STRESS_HEAP
+class NumaNodeInfo
+ static bool CanEnableGCNumaAware();
+ static void GetGroupForProcessor(uint16_t processor_number, uint16_t * group_number, uint16_t * group_processor_number);
+ static bool GetNumaProcessorNodeEx(PPROCESSOR_NUMBER proc_no, uint16_t * node_no);
+class CPUGroupInfo
+ static bool CanEnableGCCPUGroups();
+ static uint32_t GetNumActiveProcessors();
+ static void GetGroupForProcessor(uint16_t processor_number, uint16_t * group_number, uint16_t * group_processor_number);
+#endif // __GCENV_BASE_INCLUDED__
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new file mode 100644
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// Interface between the GC and EE
+#ifndef __GCENV_EE_H__
+#define __GCENV_EE_H__
+struct ScanContext;
+class CrawlFrame;
+typedef void promote_func(PTR_PTR_Object, ScanContext*, uint32_t);
+typedef void enum_alloc_context_func(alloc_context*, void*);
+typedef struct
+ promote_func* f;
+ ScanContext* sc;
+ CrawlFrame * cf;
+// GC background thread function prototype
+typedef uint32_t (__stdcall *GCBackgroundThreadFunction)(void* param);
+class GCToEEInterface
+ //
+ // Suspend/Resume callbacks
+ //
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ static void SuspendEE(SUSPEND_REASON reason);
+ static void RestartEE(bool bFinishedGC); //resume threads.
+ //
+ // The GC roots enumeration callback
+ //
+ static void GcScanRoots(promote_func* fn, int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext* sc);
+ //
+ // Callbacks issues during GC that the execution engine can do its own bookeeping
+ //
+ // start of GC call back - single threaded
+ static void GcStartWork(int condemned, int max_gen);
+ //EE can perform post stack scanning action, while the
+ // user threads are still suspended
+ static void AfterGcScanRoots(int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext* sc);
+ // Called before BGC starts sweeping, the heap is walkable
+ static void GcBeforeBGCSweepWork();
+ // post-gc callback.
+ static void GcDone(int condemned);
+ // Promote refcounted handle callback
+ static bool RefCountedHandleCallbacks(Object * pObject);
+ // Sync block cache management
+ static void SyncBlockCacheWeakPtrScan(HANDLESCANPROC scanProc, uintptr_t lp1, uintptr_t lp2);
+ static void SyncBlockCacheDemote(int max_gen);
+ static void SyncBlockCachePromotionsGranted(int max_gen);
+ // Thread functions
+ static bool IsPreemptiveGCDisabled(Thread * pThread);
+ static void EnablePreemptiveGC(Thread * pThread);
+ static void DisablePreemptiveGC(Thread * pThread);
+ static alloc_context * GetAllocContext(Thread * pThread);
+ static bool CatchAtSafePoint(Thread * pThread);
+ static void GcEnumAllocContexts(enum_alloc_context_func* fn, void* param);
+ static Thread* CreateBackgroundThread(GCBackgroundThreadFunction threadStart, void* arg);
+#endif // __GCENV_EE_H__
diff --git a/src/gc/env/gcenv.interlocked.h b/src/gc/env/gcenv.interlocked.h
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// Interlocked operations
+// Interlocked operations
+class Interlocked
+ // Increment the value of the specified 32-bit variable as an atomic operation.
+ // Parameters:
+ // addend - variable to be incremented
+ // Return:
+ // The resulting incremented value
+ template<typename T>
+ static T Increment(T volatile *addend);
+ // Decrement the value of the specified 32-bit variable as an atomic operation.
+ // Parameters:
+ // addend - variable to be decremented
+ // Return:
+ // The resulting decremented value
+ template<typename T>
+ static T Decrement(T volatile *addend);
+ // Perform an atomic AND operation on the specified values values
+ // Parameters:
+ // destination - the first operand and the destination
+ // value - second operand
+ template<typename T>
+ static void And(T volatile *destination, T value);
+ // Perform an atomic OR operation on the specified values values
+ // Parameters:
+ // destination - the first operand and the destination
+ // value - second operand
+ template<typename T>
+ static void Or(T volatile *destination, T value);
+ // Set a 32-bit variable to the specified value as an atomic operation.
+ // Parameters:
+ // destination - value to be exchanged
+ // value - value to set the destination to
+ // Return:
+ // The previous value of the destination
+ template<typename T>
+ static T Exchange(T volatile *destination, T value);
+ // Set a pointer variable to the specified value as an atomic operation.
+ // Parameters:
+ // destination - value to be exchanged
+ // value - value to set the destination to
+ // Return:
+ // The previous value of the destination
+ template <typename T>
+ static T ExchangePointer(T volatile * destination, T value);
+ template <typename T>
+ static T ExchangePointer(T volatile * destination, std::nullptr_t value);
+ // Perform an atomic addition of two 32-bit values and return the original value of the addend.
+ // Parameters:
+ // addend - variable to be added to
+ // value - value to add
+ // Return:
+ // The previous value of the addend
+ template<typename T>
+ static T ExchangeAdd(T volatile *addend, T value);
+ // Performs an atomic compare-and-exchange operation on the specified values.
+ // Parameters:
+ // destination - value to be exchanged
+ // exchange - value to set the destination to
+ // comparand - value to compare the destination to before setting it to the exchange.
+ // The destination is set only if the destination is equal to the comparand.
+ // Return:
+ // The original value of the destination
+ template<typename T>
+ static T CompareExchange(T volatile *destination, T exchange, T comparand);
+ // Performs an atomic compare-and-exchange operation on the specified pointers.
+ // Parameters:
+ // destination - value to be exchanged
+ // exchange - value to set the destination to
+ // comparand - value to compare the destination to before setting it to the exchange.
+ // The destination is set only if the destination is equal to the comparand.
+ // Return:
+ // The original value of the destination
+ template <typename T>
+ static T CompareExchangePointer(T volatile *destination, T exchange, T comparand);
+ template <typename T>
+ static T CompareExchangePointer(T volatile *destination, T exchange, std::nullptr_t comparand);
+#endif // __GCENV_INTERLOCKED_H__
diff --git a/src/gc/env/gcenv.interlocked.inl b/src/gc/env/gcenv.interlocked.inl
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// __forceinline implementation of the Interlocked class methods
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#include <intrin.h>
+#endif // _MSC_VER
+// Increment the value of the specified 32-bit variable as an atomic operation.
+// Parameters:
+// addend - variable to be incremented
+// Return:
+// The resulting incremented value
+template <typename T>
+__forceinline T Interlocked::Increment(T volatile *addend)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ static_assert(sizeof(long) == sizeof(T), "Size of long must be the same as size of T");
+ return _InterlockedIncrement((long*)addend);
+ return __sync_add_and_fetch(addend, 1);
+// Decrement the value of the specified 32-bit variable as an atomic operation.
+// Parameters:
+// addend - variable to be decremented
+// Return:
+// The resulting decremented value
+template <typename T>
+__forceinline T Interlocked::Decrement(T volatile *addend)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ static_assert(sizeof(long) == sizeof(T), "Size of long must be the same as size of T");
+ return _InterlockedDecrement((long*)addend);
+ return __sync_sub_and_fetch(addend, 1);
+// Set a 32-bit variable to the specified value as an atomic operation.
+// Parameters:
+// destination - value to be exchanged
+// value - value to set the destination to
+// Return:
+// The previous value of the destination
+template <typename T>
+__forceinline T Interlocked::Exchange(T volatile *destination, T value)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ static_assert(sizeof(long) == sizeof(T), "Size of long must be the same as size of T");
+ return _InterlockedExchange((long*)destination, value);
+ return __sync_swap(destination, value);
+// Performs an atomic compare-and-exchange operation on the specified values.
+// Parameters:
+// destination - value to be exchanged
+// exchange - value to set the destinaton to
+// comparand - value to compare the destination to before setting it to the exchange.
+// The destination is set only if the destination is equal to the comparand.
+// Return:
+// The original value of the destination
+template <typename T>
+__forceinline T Interlocked::CompareExchange(T volatile *destination, T exchange, T comparand)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ static_assert(sizeof(long) == sizeof(T), "Size of long must be the same as size of T");
+ return _InterlockedCompareExchange((long*)destination, exchange, comparand);
+ return __sync_val_compare_and_swap(destination, comparand, exchange);
+// Perform an atomic addition of two 32-bit values and return the original value of the addend.
+// Parameters:
+// addend - variable to be added to
+// value - value to add
+// Return:
+// The previous value of the addend
+template <typename T>
+__forceinline T Interlocked::ExchangeAdd(T volatile *addend, T value)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ static_assert(sizeof(long) == sizeof(T), "Size of long must be the same as size of T");
+ return _InterlockedExchangeAdd((long*)addend, value);
+ return __sync_fetch_and_add(addend, value);
+// Perform an atomic AND operation on the specified values values
+// Parameters:
+// destination - the first operand and the destination
+// value - second operand
+template <typename T>
+__forceinline void Interlocked::And(T volatile *destination, T value)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ static_assert(sizeof(long) == sizeof(T), "Size of long must be the same as size of T");
+ _InterlockedAnd((long*)destination, value);
+ __sync_and_and_fetch(destination, value);
+// Perform an atomic OR operation on the specified values values
+// Parameters:
+// destination - the first operand and the destination
+// value - second operand
+template <typename T>
+__forceinline void Interlocked::Or(T volatile *destination, T value)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ static_assert(sizeof(long) == sizeof(T), "Size of long must be the same as size of T");
+ _InterlockedOr((long*)destination, value);
+ __sync_or_and_fetch(destination, value);
+// Set a pointer variable to the specified value as an atomic operation.
+// Parameters:
+// destination - value to be exchanged
+// value - value to set the destination to
+// Return:
+// The previous value of the destination
+template <typename T>
+__forceinline T Interlocked::ExchangePointer(T volatile * destination, T value)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#ifdef BIT64
+ return (T)(TADDR)_InterlockedExchangePointer((void* volatile *)destination, value);
+ return (T)(TADDR)_InterlockedExchange((long volatile *)(void* volatile *)destination, (long)(void*)value);
+ return (T)(TADDR)__sync_swap((void* volatile *)destination, value);
+template <typename T>
+__forceinline T Interlocked::ExchangePointer(T volatile * destination, std::nullptr_t value)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#ifdef BIT64
+ return (T)(TADDR)_InterlockedExchangePointer((void* volatile *)destination, value);
+ return (T)(TADDR)_InterlockedExchange((long volatile *)(void* volatile *)destination, (long)(void*)value);
+ return (T)(TADDR)__sync_swap((void* volatile *)destination, value);
+// Performs an atomic compare-and-exchange operation on the specified pointers.
+// Parameters:
+// destination - value to be exchanged
+// exchange - value to set the destinaton to
+// comparand - value to compare the destination to before setting it to the exchange.
+// The destination is set only if the destination is equal to the comparand.
+// Return:
+// The original value of the destination
+template <typename T>
+__forceinline T Interlocked::CompareExchangePointer(T volatile *destination, T exchange, T comparand)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#ifdef BIT64
+ return (T)(TADDR)_InterlockedCompareExchangePointer((void* volatile *)destination, exchange, comparand);
+ return (T)(TADDR)_InterlockedCompareExchange((long volatile *)(void* volatile *)destination, (long)(void*)exchange, (long)(void*)comparand);
+ return (T)(TADDR)__sync_val_compare_and_swap((void* volatile *)destination, comparand, exchange);
+template <typename T>
+__forceinline T Interlocked::CompareExchangePointer(T volatile *destination, T exchange, std::nullptr_t comparand)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#ifdef BIT64
+ return (T)(TADDR)_InterlockedCompareExchangePointer((void* volatile *)destination, (void*)exchange, (void*)comparand);
+ return (T)(TADDR)_InterlockedCompareExchange((long volatile *)(void* volatile *)destination, (long)(void*)exchange, (long)(void*)comparand);
+ return (T)(TADDR)__sync_val_compare_and_swap((void* volatile *)destination, (void*)comparand, (void*)exchange);
diff --git a/src/gc/env/gcenv.object.h b/src/gc/env/gcenv.object.h
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+++ b/src/gc/env/gcenv.object.h
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// Low-level types describing GC object layouts.
+// Bits stolen from the sync block index that the GC/HandleTable knows about (currently these are at the same
+// positions as the mainline runtime but we can change this below when it becomes apparent how Redhawk will
+// handle sync blocks).
+#define BIT_SBLK_GC_RESERVE 0x20000000
+#define BIT_SBLK_FINALIZER_RUN 0x40000000
+// The sync block index header (small structure that immediately precedes every object in the GC heap). Only
+// the GC uses this so far, and only to store a couple of bits of information.
+class ObjHeader
+#if defined(BIT64)
+ uint32_t m_uAlignpad;
+#endif // BIT64
+ uint32_t m_uSyncBlockValue;
+ uint32_t GetBits() { return m_uSyncBlockValue; }
+ void SetBit(uint32_t uBit) { Interlocked::Or(&m_uSyncBlockValue, uBit); }
+ void ClrBit(uint32_t uBit) { Interlocked::And(&m_uSyncBlockValue, ~uBit); }
+ void SetGCBit() { m_uSyncBlockValue |= BIT_SBLK_GC_RESERVE; }
+ void ClrGCBit() { m_uSyncBlockValue &= ~BIT_SBLK_GC_RESERVE; }
+#define MTFlag_ContainsPointers 1
+#define MTFlag_HasFinalizer 2
+#define MTFlag_IsArray 4
+class MethodTable
+ uint16_t m_componentSize;
+ uint16_t m_flags;
+ uint32_t m_baseSize;
+ MethodTable * m_pRelatedType;
+ void InitializeFreeObject()
+ {
+ m_baseSize = 3 * sizeof(void *);
+ m_componentSize = 1;
+ m_flags = 0;
+ }
+ uint32_t GetBaseSize()
+ {
+ return m_baseSize;
+ }
+ uint16_t RawGetComponentSize()
+ {
+ return m_componentSize;
+ }
+ bool ContainsPointers()
+ {
+ return (m_flags & MTFlag_ContainsPointers) != 0;
+ }
+ bool ContainsPointersOrCollectible()
+ {
+ return ContainsPointers();
+ }
+ bool HasComponentSize()
+ {
+ return m_componentSize != 0;
+ }
+ bool HasFinalizer()
+ {
+ return (m_flags & MTFlag_HasFinalizer) != 0;
+ }
+ bool HasCriticalFinalizer()
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool IsArray()
+ {
+ return (m_flags & MTFlag_IsArray) != 0;
+ }
+ MethodTable * GetParent()
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(!IsArray());
+ return m_pRelatedType;
+ }
+ bool SanityCheck()
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+class Object
+ MethodTable * m_pMethTab;
+ ObjHeader * GetHeader()
+ {
+ return ((ObjHeader *)this) - 1;
+ }
+ MethodTable * RawGetMethodTable() const
+ {
+ return m_pMethTab;
+ }
+ MethodTable * GetGCSafeMethodTable() const
+ {
+ return (MethodTable *)((uintptr_t)m_pMethTab & ~3);
+ }
+ void RawSetMethodTable(MethodTable * pMT)
+ {
+ m_pMethTab = pMT;
+ }
+#define MIN_OBJECT_SIZE (2*sizeof(uint8_t*) + sizeof(ObjHeader))
+class ArrayBase : public Object
+ uint32_t m_dwLength;
+ uint32_t GetNumComponents()
+ {
+ return m_dwLength;
+ }
+ static size_t GetOffsetOfNumComponents()
+ {
+ return offsetof(ArrayBase, m_dwLength);
+ }
diff --git a/src/gc/env/gcenv.os.h b/src/gc/env/gcenv.os.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb0153f117
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// Interface between GC and the OS specific functionality
+#ifndef __GCENV_OS_H__
+#define __GCENV_OS_H__
+// Critical section used by the GC
+class CLRCriticalSection
+ // Initialize the critical section
+ void Initialize();
+ // Destroy the critical section
+ void Destroy();
+ // Enter the critical section. Blocks until the section can be entered.
+ void Enter();
+ // Leave the critical section
+ void Leave();
+// Flags for the GCToOSInterface::VirtualReserve method
+struct VirtualReserveFlags
+ enum
+ {
+ None = 0,
+ WriteWatch = 1,
+ };
+// Affinity of a GC thread
+struct GCThreadAffinity
+ static const int None = -1;
+ // Processor group index, None if no group is specified
+ int Group;
+ // Processor index, None if no affinity is specified
+ int Processor;
+// GC thread function prototype
+typedef void (*GCThreadFunction)(void* param);
+// Interface that the GC uses to invoke OS specific functionality
+class GCToOSInterface
+ //
+ // Initialization and shutdown of the interface
+ //
+ // Initialize the interface implementation
+ // Return:
+ // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
+ static bool Initialize();
+ // Shutdown the interface implementation
+ static void Shutdown();
+ //
+ // Virtual memory management
+ //
+ // Reserve virtual memory range.
+ // Parameters:
+ // address - starting virtual address, it can be NULL to let the function choose the starting address
+ // size - size of the virtual memory range
+ // alignment - requested memory alignment
+ // flags - flags to control special settings like write watching
+ // Return:
+ // Starting virtual address of the reserved range
+ static void* VirtualReserve(void *address, size_t size, size_t alignment, uint32_t flags);
+ // Release virtual memory range previously reserved using VirtualReserve
+ // Parameters:
+ // address - starting virtual address
+ // size - size of the virtual memory range
+ // Return:
+ // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
+ static bool VirtualRelease(void *address, size_t size);
+ // Commit virtual memory range. It must be part of a range reserved using VirtualReserve.
+ // Parameters:
+ // address - starting virtual address
+ // size - size of the virtual memory range
+ // Return:
+ // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
+ static bool VirtualCommit(void *address, size_t size);
+ // Decomit virtual memory range.
+ // Parameters:
+ // address - starting virtual address
+ // size - size of the virtual memory range
+ // Return:
+ // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
+ static bool VirtualDecommit(void *address, size_t size);
+ // Reset virtual memory range. Indicates that data in the memory range specified by address and size is no
+ // longer of interest, but it should not be decommitted.
+ // Parameters:
+ // address - starting virtual address
+ // size - size of the virtual memory range
+ // unlock - true if the memory range should also be unlocked
+ // Return:
+ // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
+ static bool VirtualReset(void *address, size_t size, bool unlock);
+ //
+ // Write watching
+ //
+ // Check if the OS supports write watching
+ static bool SupportsWriteWatch();
+ // Reset the write tracking state for the specified virtual memory range.
+ // Parameters:
+ // address - starting virtual address
+ // size - size of the virtual memory range
+ static void ResetWriteWatch(void *address, size_t size);
+ // Retrieve addresses of the pages that are written to in a region of virtual memory
+ // Parameters:
+ // resetState - true indicates to reset the write tracking state
+ // address - starting virtual address
+ // size - size of the virtual memory range
+ // pageAddresses - buffer that receives an array of page addresses in the memory region
+ // pageAddressesCount - on input, size of the lpAddresses array, in array elements
+ // on output, the number of page addresses that are returned in the array.
+ // Return:
+ // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
+ static bool GetWriteWatch(bool resetState, void* address, size_t size, void** pageAddresses, uintptr_t* pageAddressesCount);
+ //
+ // Thread and process
+ //
+ // Create a new thread
+ // Parameters:
+ // function - the function to be executed by the thread
+ // param - parameters of the thread
+ // affinity - processor affinity of the thread
+ // Return:
+ // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
+ static bool CreateThread(GCThreadFunction function, void* param, GCThreadAffinity* affinity);
+ // Causes the calling thread to sleep for the specified number of milliseconds
+ // Parameters:
+ // sleepMSec - time to sleep before switching to another thread
+ static void Sleep(uint32_t sleepMSec);
+ // Causes the calling thread to yield execution to another thread that is ready to run on the current processor.
+ // Parameters:
+ // switchCount - number of times the YieldThread was called in a loop
+ static void YieldThread(uint32_t switchCount);
+ // Get the number of the current processor
+ static uint32_t GetCurrentProcessorNumber();
+ // Check if the OS supports getting current processor number
+ static bool CanGetCurrentProcessorNumber();
+ // Set ideal processor for the current thread
+ // Parameters:
+ // processorIndex - index of the processor in the group
+ // affinity - ideal processor affinity for the thread
+ // Return:
+ // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
+ static bool SetCurrentThreadIdealAffinity(GCThreadAffinity* affinity);
+ // Get numeric id of the current thread if possible on the
+ // current platform. It is indended for logging purposes only.
+ // Return:
+ // Numeric id of the current thread or 0 if the
+ static uint64_t GetCurrentThreadIdForLogging();
+ // Get id of the current process
+ // Return:
+ // Id of the current process
+ static uint32_t GetCurrentProcessId();
+ //
+ // Processor topology
+ //
+ // Get number of logical processors
+ static uint32_t GetLogicalCpuCount();
+ // Get size of the largest cache on the processor die
+ // Parameters:
+ // trueSize - true to return true cache size, false to return scaled up size based on
+ // the processor architecture
+ // Return:
+ // Size of the cache
+ static size_t GetLargestOnDieCacheSize(bool trueSize = true);
+ // Get number of processors assigned to the current process
+ // Return:
+ // The number of processors
+ static uint32_t GetCurrentProcessCpuCount();
+ // Get affinity mask of the current process
+ // Parameters:
+ // processMask - affinity mask for the specified process
+ // systemMask - affinity mask for the system
+ // Return:
+ // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
+ // Remarks:
+ // A process affinity mask is a bit vector in which each bit represents the processors that
+ // a process is allowed to run on. A system affinity mask is a bit vector in which each bit
+ // represents the processors that are configured into a system.
+ // A process affinity mask is a subset of the system affinity mask. A process is only allowed
+ // to run on the processors configured into a system. Therefore, the process affinity mask cannot
+ // specify a 1 bit for a processor when the system affinity mask specifies a 0 bit for that processor.
+ static bool GetCurrentProcessAffinityMask(uintptr_t *processMask, uintptr_t *systemMask);
+ //
+ // Global memory info
+ //
+ // Return the size of the user-mode portion of the virtual address space of this process.
+ // Return:
+ // non zero if it has succeeded, 0 if it has failed
+ static size_t GetVirtualMemoryLimit();
+ // Get the physical memory that this process can use.
+ // Return:
+ // non zero if it has succeeded, 0 if it has failed
+ // Remarks:
+ // If a process runs with a restricted memory limit, it returns the limit. If there's no limit
+ // specified, it returns amount of actual physical memory.
+ static uint64_t GetPhysicalMemoryLimit();
+ // Get memory status
+ // Parameters:
+ // memory_load - A number between 0 and 100 that specifies the approximate percentage of physical memory
+ // that is in use (0 indicates no memory use and 100 indicates full memory use).
+ // available_physical - The amount of physical memory currently available, in bytes.
+ // available_page_file - The maximum amount of memory the current process can commit, in bytes.
+ // Remarks:
+ // Any parameter can be null.
+ static void GetMemoryStatus(uint32_t* memory_load, uint64_t* available_physical, uint64_t* available_page_file);
+ //
+ // Misc
+ //
+ // Flush write buffers of processors that are executing threads of the current process
+ static void FlushProcessWriteBuffers();
+ // Break into a debugger
+ static void DebugBreak();
+ //
+ // Time
+ //
+ // Get a high precision performance counter
+ // Return:
+ // The counter value
+ static int64_t QueryPerformanceCounter();
+ // Get a frequency of the high precision performance counter
+ // Return:
+ // The counter frequency
+ static int64_t QueryPerformanceFrequency();
+ // Get a time stamp with a low precision
+ // Return:
+ // Time stamp in milliseconds
+ static uint32_t GetLowPrecisionTimeStamp();
+#endif // __GCENV_OS_H__
diff --git a/src/gc/env/gcenv.structs.h b/src/gc/env/gcenv.structs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5887dd7852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/env/gcenv.structs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// Structs shared between the GC and the environment
+struct GCSystemInfo
+ uint32_t dwNumberOfProcessors;
+ uint32_t dwPageSize;
+ uint32_t dwAllocationGranularity;
+typedef void * HANDLE;
+typedef char TCHAR;
+#define _T(s) s
+#ifndef _INC_WINDOWS
+typedef wchar_t TCHAR;
+#define _T(s) L##s
+class EEThreadId
+ pthread_t m_id;
+ // Indicates whether the m_id is valid or not. pthread_t doesn't have any
+ // portable "invalid" value.
+ bool m_isValid;
+ bool IsCurrentThread()
+ {
+ return m_isValid && pthread_equal(m_id, pthread_self());
+ }
+ void SetToCurrentThread()
+ {
+ m_id = pthread_self();
+ m_isValid = true;
+ }
+ void Clear()
+ {
+ m_isValid = false;
+ }
+#ifndef _INC_WINDOWS
+extern "C" uint32_t __stdcall GetCurrentThreadId();
+class EEThreadId
+ uint32_t m_uiId;
+ bool IsCurrentThread()
+ {
+ return m_uiId == ::GetCurrentThreadId();
+ }
+ void SetToCurrentThread()
+ {
+ m_uiId = ::GetCurrentThreadId();
+ }
+ void Clear()
+ {
+ m_uiId = 0;
+ }
+#endif // PLATFORM_UNIX
+#ifndef _INC_WINDOWS
+typedef struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION {
+ pthread_mutex_t mutex;
+#pragma pack(push, 8)
+typedef struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION {
+ void* DebugInfo;
+ //
+ // The following three fields control entering and exiting the critical
+ // section for the resource
+ //
+ int32_t LockCount;
+ int32_t RecursionCount;
+ HANDLE OwningThread; // from the thread's ClientId->UniqueThread
+ HANDLE LockSemaphore;
+ uintptr_t SpinCount; // force size on 64-bit systems when packed
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#endif // _INC_WINDOWS
diff --git a/src/gc/env/gcenv.sync.h b/src/gc/env/gcenv.sync.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6bee05a19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/env/gcenv.sync.h
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Helper classes expected by the GC
+#define CRST_DEFAULT 0
+#define CrstHandleTable 0
+typedef int CrstFlags;
+typedef int CrstType;
+class CrstStatic
+ CLRCriticalSection m_cs;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ EEThreadId m_holderThreadId;
+ bool InitNoThrow(CrstType eType, CrstFlags eFlags = CRST_DEFAULT)
+ {
+ m_cs.Initialize();
+ return true;
+ }
+ void Destroy()
+ {
+ m_cs.Destroy();
+ }
+ void Enter()
+ {
+ m_cs.Enter();
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ m_holderThreadId.SetToCurrentThread();
+ }
+ void Leave()
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ m_holderThreadId.Clear();
+ m_cs.Leave();
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ EEThreadId GetHolderThreadId()
+ {
+ return m_holderThreadId;
+ }
+ bool OwnedByCurrentThread()
+ {
+ return GetHolderThreadId().IsCurrentThread();
+ }
+class CrstHolder
+ CrstStatic * m_pLock;
+ CrstHolder(CrstStatic * pLock)
+ : m_pLock(pLock)
+ {
+ m_pLock->Enter();
+ }
+ ~CrstHolder()
+ {
+ m_pLock->Leave();
+ }
+class CrstHolderWithState
+ CrstStatic * m_pLock;
+ bool m_fAcquired;
+ CrstHolderWithState(CrstStatic * pLock, bool fAcquire = true)
+ : m_pLock(pLock), m_fAcquired(fAcquire)
+ {
+ if (fAcquire)
+ m_pLock->Enter();
+ }
+ ~CrstHolderWithState()
+ {
+ if (m_fAcquired)
+ m_pLock->Leave();
+ }
+ void Acquire()
+ {
+ if (!m_fAcquired)
+ {
+ m_pLock->Enter();
+ m_fAcquired = true;
+ }
+ }
+ void Release()
+ {
+ if (m_fAcquired)
+ {
+ m_pLock->Leave();
+ m_fAcquired = false;
+ }
+ }
+ CrstStatic * GetValue()
+ {
+ return m_pLock;
+ }
+class CLREventStatic
+ bool CreateAutoEventNoThrow(bool bInitialState);
+ bool CreateManualEventNoThrow(bool bInitialState);
+ bool CreateOSAutoEventNoThrow(bool bInitialState);
+ bool CreateOSManualEventNoThrow(bool bInitialState);
+ void CloseEvent();
+ bool IsValid() const;
+ bool Set();
+ bool Reset();
+ uint32_t Wait(uint32_t dwMilliseconds, bool bAlertable);
+ HANDLE m_hEvent;
+ bool m_fInitialized;
diff --git a/src/gc/gc.cpp b/src/gc/gc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a62b02d33a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/gc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,36954 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// #Overview
+// GC automatically manages memory allocated by managed code.
+// The design doc for GC can be found at Documentation/botr/
+// This file includes both the code for GC and the allocator. The most common
+// case for a GC to be triggered is from the allocator code. See
+// code:#try_allocate_more_space where it calls GarbageCollectGeneration.
+// Entry points for the allocator are GCHeap::Alloc* which are called by the
+// allocation helpers in gcscan.cpp
+#include "gcpriv.h"
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+inline BOOL ShouldTrackMovementForProfilerOrEtw()
+ if (CORProfilerTrackGC())
+ return true;
+ if (ETW::GCLog::ShouldTrackMovementForEtw())
+ return true;
+ return false;
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+#if defined(BACKGROUND_GC) && defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+BOOL bgc_heap_walk_for_etw_p = FALSE;
+#if defined(FEATURE_REDHAWK)
+#define MAYBE_UNUSED_VAR(v) v = v
+#define MAYBE_UNUSED_VAR(v)
+#define MAX_PTR ((uint8_t*)(~(ptrdiff_t)0))
+#ifdef SERVER_GC
+#define partial_size_th 100
+#define num_partial_refs 64
+#else //SERVER_GC
+#define partial_size_th 100
+#define num_partial_refs 32
+#endif //SERVER_GC
+#define demotion_plug_len_th (6*1024*1024)
+#ifdef BIT64
+#endif // BIT64
+#define LOH_PIN_DECAY 10
+// Right now we support maximum 256 procs - meaning that we will create at most
+// 256 GC threads and 256 GC heaps.
+int compact_ratio = 0;
+#error Software write watch requires write barriers.
+// See comments in reset_memory.
+BOOL reset_mm_p = TRUE;
+#if defined (TRACE_GC) && !defined (DACCESS_COMPILE)
+const char * const allocation_state_str[] = {
+ "start",
+ "can_allocate",
+ "cant_allocate",
+ "try_fit",
+ "try_fit_new_seg",
+ "try_fit_new_seg_after_cg",
+ "try_fit_no_seg",
+ "try_fit_after_cg",
+ "try_fit_after_bgc",
+ "try_free_full_seg_in_bgc",
+ "try_free_after_bgc",
+ "try_seg_end",
+ "acquire_seg",
+ "acquire_seg_after_cg",
+ "acquire_seg_after_bgc",
+ "check_and_wait_for_bgc",
+ "trigger_full_compact_gc",
+ "trigger_ephemeral_gc",
+ "trigger_2nd_ephemeral_gc",
+ "check_retry_seg"
+// Keep this in sync with the definition of gc_reason
+#if (defined(DT_LOG) || defined(TRACE_GC)) && !defined (DACCESS_COMPILE)
+static const char* const str_gc_reasons[] =
+ "alloc_soh",
+ "induced",
+ "lowmem",
+ "empty",
+ "alloc_loh",
+ "oos_soh",
+ "oos_loh",
+ "induced_noforce",
+ "gcstress",
+ "induced_lowmem",
+ "induced_compacting"
+static const char* const str_gc_pause_modes[] =
+ "batch",
+ "interactive",
+ "low_latency",
+ "sustained_low_latency",
+ "no_gc"
+#endif // defined(DT_LOG) || defined(TRACE_GC)
+BOOL is_induced (gc_reason reason)
+ return ((reason == reason_induced) ||
+ (reason == reason_induced_noforce) ||
+ (reason == reason_lowmemory) ||
+ (reason == reason_lowmemory_blocking) ||
+ (reason == reason_induced_compacting));
+BOOL is_induced_blocking (gc_reason reason)
+ return ((reason == reason_induced) ||
+ (reason == reason_lowmemory_blocking) ||
+ (reason == reason_induced_compacting));
+int64_t qpf;
+size_t GetHighPrecisionTimeStamp()
+ int64_t ts = GCToOSInterface::QueryPerformanceCounter();
+ return (size_t)(ts / (qpf / 1000));
+#ifdef GC_STATS
+// There is a current and a prior copy of the statistics. This allows us to display deltas per reporting
+// interval, as well as running totals. The 'min' and 'max' values require special treatment. They are
+// Reset (zeroed) in the current statistics when we begin a new interval and they are updated via a
+// comparison with the global min/max.
+GCStatistics g_GCStatistics;
+GCStatistics g_LastGCStatistics;
+TCHAR* GCStatistics::logFileName = NULL;
+FILE* GCStatistics::logFile = NULL;
+void GCStatistics::AddGCStats(const gc_mechanisms& settings, size_t timeInMSec)
+ if (settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ bgc.Accumulate((uint32_t)timeInMSec*1000);
+ cntBGC++;
+ }
+ else if (settings.background_p)
+ {
+ fgc.Accumulate((uint32_t)timeInMSec*1000);
+ cntFGC++;
+ if (settings.compaction)
+ cntCompactFGC++;
+ assert(settings.condemned_generation < max_generation);
+ cntFGCGen[settings.condemned_generation]++;
+ }
+ else
+#endif // BACKGROUND_GC
+ {
+ ngc.Accumulate((uint32_t)timeInMSec*1000);
+ cntNGC++;
+ if (settings.compaction)
+ cntCompactNGC++;
+ cntNGCGen[settings.condemned_generation]++;
+ }
+ if (is_induced (settings.reason))
+ cntReasons[(int)reason_induced]++;
+ else if (settings.stress_induced)
+ cntReasons[(int)reason_gcstress]++;
+ else
+ cntReasons[(int)settings.reason]++;
+ if (settings.concurrent || !settings.background_p)
+ {
+#endif // BACKGROUND_GC
+ RollOverIfNeeded();
+ }
+#endif // BACKGROUND_GC
+void GCStatistics::Initialize()
+ // for efficiency sake we're taking a dependency on the layout of a C++ object
+ // with a vtable. protect against violations of our premise:
+ static_assert(offsetof(GCStatistics, cntDisplay) == sizeof(void*),
+ "The first field of GCStatistics follows the pointer sized vtable");
+ int podOffs = offsetof(GCStatistics, cntDisplay); // offset of the first POD field
+ memset((uint8_t*)(&g_GCStatistics)+podOffs, 0, sizeof(g_GCStatistics)-podOffs);
+ memset((uint8_t*)(&g_LastGCStatistics)+podOffs, 0, sizeof(g_LastGCStatistics)-podOffs);
+void GCStatistics::DisplayAndUpdate()
+ if (logFileName == NULL || logFile == NULL)
+ return;
+ {
+ if (cntDisplay == 0)
+ fprintf(logFile, "\nGCMix **** Initialize *****\n\n");
+ fprintf(logFile, "GCMix **** Summary ***** %d\n", cntDisplay);
+ // NGC summary (total, timing info)
+ ngc.DisplayAndUpdate(logFile, "NGC ", &g_LastGCStatistics.ngc, cntNGC, g_LastGCStatistics.cntNGC, msec);
+ // FGC summary (total, timing info)
+ fgc.DisplayAndUpdate(logFile, "FGC ", &g_LastGCStatistics.fgc, cntFGC, g_LastGCStatistics.cntFGC, msec);
+ // BGC summary
+ bgc.DisplayAndUpdate(logFile, "BGC ", &g_LastGCStatistics.bgc, cntBGC, g_LastGCStatistics.cntBGC, msec);
+ // NGC/FGC break out by generation & compacting vs. sweeping
+ fprintf(logFile, "NGC ");
+ for (int i = max_generation; i >= 0; --i)
+ fprintf(logFile, "gen%d %d (%d). ", i, cntNGCGen[i]-g_LastGCStatistics.cntNGCGen[i], cntNGCGen[i]);
+ fprintf(logFile, "\n");
+ fprintf(logFile, "FGC ");
+ for (int i = max_generation-1; i >= 0; --i)
+ fprintf(logFile, "gen%d %d (%d). ", i, cntFGCGen[i]-g_LastGCStatistics.cntFGCGen[i], cntFGCGen[i]);
+ fprintf(logFile, "\n");
+ // Compacting vs. Sweeping break out
+ int _cntSweep = cntNGC-cntCompactNGC;
+ int _cntLastSweep = g_LastGCStatistics.cntNGC-g_LastGCStatistics.cntCompactNGC;
+ fprintf(logFile, "NGC Sweeping %d (%d) Compacting %d (%d)\n",
+ _cntSweep - _cntLastSweep, _cntSweep,
+ cntCompactNGC - g_LastGCStatistics.cntCompactNGC, cntCompactNGC);
+ _cntSweep = cntFGC-cntCompactFGC;
+ _cntLastSweep = g_LastGCStatistics.cntFGC-g_LastGCStatistics.cntCompactFGC;
+ fprintf(logFile, "FGC Sweeping %d (%d) Compacting %d (%d)\n",
+ _cntSweep - _cntLastSweep, _cntSweep,
+ cntCompactFGC - g_LastGCStatistics.cntCompactFGC, cntCompactFGC);
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ // GC reasons...
+ for (int reason=(int)reason_alloc_soh; reason <= (int)reason_gcstress; ++reason)
+ {
+ if (cntReasons[reason] != 0)
+ fprintf(logFile, "%s %d (%d). ", str_gc_reasons[reason],
+ cntReasons[reason]-g_LastGCStatistics.cntReasons[reason], cntReasons[reason]);
+ }
+#endif // TRACE_GC
+ fprintf(logFile, "\n\n");
+ // flush the log file...
+ fflush(logFile);
+ }
+ g_LastGCStatistics = *this;
+ ngc.Reset();
+ fgc.Reset();
+ bgc.Reset();
+#endif // GC_STATS
+uint32_t bgc_alloc_spin_count = 140;
+uint32_t bgc_alloc_spin_count_loh = 16;
+uint32_t bgc_alloc_spin = 2;
+void c_write (uint32_t& place, uint32_t value)
+ Interlocked::Exchange (&place, value);
+ //place = value;
+// If every heap's gen2 or gen3 size is less than this threshold we will do a blocking GC.
+const size_t bgc_min_per_heap = 4*1024*1024;
+int gc_heap::gchist_index = 0;
+gc_mechanisms_store gc_heap::gchist[max_history_count];
+size_t gc_heap::total_promoted_bytes = 0;
+VOLATILE(bgc_state) gc_heap::current_bgc_state = bgc_not_in_process;
+int gc_heap::gchist_index_per_heap = 0;
+gc_heap::gc_history gc_heap::gchist_per_heap[max_history_count];
+void gc_heap::add_to_history_per_heap()
+#ifdef GC_HISTORY
+ gc_history* current_hist = &gchist_per_heap[gchist_index_per_heap];
+ current_hist->gc_index = settings.gc_index;
+ current_hist->current_bgc_state = current_bgc_state;
+ size_t elapsed = dd_gc_elapsed_time (dynamic_data_of (0));
+ current_hist->gc_time_ms = (uint32_t)elapsed;
+ current_hist->gc_efficiency = (elapsed ? (total_promoted_bytes / elapsed) : total_promoted_bytes);
+ current_hist->eph_low = generation_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation-1));
+ current_hist->gen0_start = generation_allocation_start (generation_of (0));
+ current_hist->eph_high = heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ current_hist->bgc_lowest = background_saved_lowest_address;
+ current_hist->bgc_highest = background_saved_highest_address;
+ current_hist->fgc_lowest = lowest_address;
+ current_hist->fgc_highest = highest_address;
+ current_hist->g_lowest = g_lowest_address;
+ current_hist->g_highest = g_highest_address;
+ gchist_index_per_heap++;
+ if (gchist_index_per_heap == max_history_count)
+ {
+ gchist_index_per_heap = 0;
+ }
+#endif //GC_HISTORY
+void gc_heap::add_to_history()
+#ifdef GC_HISTORY
+ gc_mechanisms_store* current_settings = &gchist[gchist_index];
+ current_settings->store (&settings);
+ gchist_index++;
+ if (gchist_index == max_history_count)
+ {
+ gchist_index = 0;
+ }
+#endif //GC_HISTORY
+#if defined(TRACE_GC) && !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE)
+BOOL gc_log_on = TRUE;
+FILE* gc_log = NULL;
+size_t gc_log_file_size = 0;
+size_t gc_buffer_index = 0;
+size_t max_gc_buffers = 0;
+static CLRCriticalSection gc_log_lock;
+// we keep this much in a buffer and only flush when the buffer is full
+#define gc_log_buffer_size (1024*1024)
+uint8_t* gc_log_buffer = 0;
+size_t gc_log_buffer_offset = 0;
+void log_va_msg(const char *fmt, va_list args)
+ gc_log_lock.Enter();
+ const int BUFFERSIZE = 512;
+ static char rgchBuffer[BUFFERSIZE];
+ char * pBuffer = &rgchBuffer[0];
+ pBuffer[0] = '\n';
+ int buffer_start = 1;
+ int pid_len = sprintf_s (&pBuffer[buffer_start], BUFFERSIZE - buffer_start, "[%5d]", (uint32_t)GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentThreadIdForLogging());
+ buffer_start += pid_len;
+ memset(&pBuffer[buffer_start], '-', BUFFERSIZE - buffer_start);
+ int msg_len = _vsnprintf(&pBuffer[buffer_start], BUFFERSIZE - buffer_start, fmt, args );
+ if (msg_len == -1)
+ {
+ msg_len = BUFFERSIZE - buffer_start;
+ }
+ msg_len += buffer_start;
+ if ((gc_log_buffer_offset + msg_len) > (gc_log_buffer_size - 12))
+ {
+ char index_str[8];
+ memset (index_str, '-', 8);
+ sprintf_s (index_str, _countof(index_str), "%d", (int)gc_buffer_index);
+ gc_log_buffer[gc_log_buffer_offset] = '\n';
+ memcpy (gc_log_buffer + (gc_log_buffer_offset + 1), index_str, 8);
+ gc_buffer_index++;
+ if (gc_buffer_index > max_gc_buffers)
+ {
+ fseek (gc_log, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ gc_buffer_index = 0;
+ }
+ fwrite(gc_log_buffer, gc_log_buffer_size, 1, gc_log);
+ fflush(gc_log);
+ memset (gc_log_buffer, '*', gc_log_buffer_size);
+ gc_log_buffer_offset = 0;
+ }
+ memcpy (gc_log_buffer + gc_log_buffer_offset, pBuffer, msg_len);
+ gc_log_buffer_offset += msg_len;
+ gc_log_lock.Leave();
+void GCLog (const char *fmt, ... )
+ if (gc_log_on && (gc_log != NULL))
+ {
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ log_va_msg (fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ }
+#if defined(GC_CONFIG_DRIVEN) && !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE)
+BOOL gc_config_log_on = FALSE;
+FILE* gc_config_log = NULL;
+// we keep this much in a buffer and only flush when the buffer is full
+#define gc_config_log_buffer_size (1*1024) // TEMP
+uint8_t* gc_config_log_buffer = 0;
+size_t gc_config_log_buffer_offset = 0;
+// For config since we log so little we keep the whole history. Also it's only
+// ever logged by one thread so no need to synchronize.
+void log_va_msg_config(const char *fmt, va_list args)
+ const int BUFFERSIZE = 256;
+ static char rgchBuffer[BUFFERSIZE];
+ char * pBuffer = &rgchBuffer[0];
+ pBuffer[0] = '\n';
+ int buffer_start = 1;
+ int msg_len = _vsnprintf_s (&pBuffer[buffer_start], BUFFERSIZE - buffer_start, _TRUNCATE, fmt, args );
+ assert (msg_len != -1);
+ msg_len += buffer_start;
+ if ((gc_config_log_buffer_offset + msg_len) > gc_config_log_buffer_size)
+ {
+ fwrite(gc_config_log_buffer, gc_config_log_buffer_offset, 1, gc_config_log);
+ fflush(gc_config_log);
+ gc_config_log_buffer_offset = 0;
+ }
+ memcpy (gc_config_log_buffer + gc_config_log_buffer_offset, pBuffer, msg_len);
+ gc_config_log_buffer_offset += msg_len;
+void GCLogConfig (const char *fmt, ... )
+ if (gc_config_log_on && (gc_config_log != NULL))
+ {
+ va_list args;
+ va_start( args, fmt );
+ log_va_msg_config (fmt, args);
+ }
+// Number of GCs have we done since we last logged.
+static unsigned int gc_count_during_log;
+ // In ms. This is how often we print out stats.
+static const unsigned int log_interval = 5000;
+// Time (in ms) when we start a new log interval.
+static unsigned int log_start_tick;
+static unsigned int gc_lock_contended;
+// Cycles accumulated in SuspendEE during log_interval.
+static uint64_t suspend_ee_during_log;
+// Cycles accumulated in RestartEE during log_interval.
+static uint64_t restart_ee_during_log;
+static uint64_t gc_during_log;
+ if (gc_count_during_log == 0)
+ {
+ gc_heap::init_sync_stats();
+ suspend_ee_during_log = 0;
+ restart_ee_during_log = 0;
+ gc_during_log = 0;
+ gc_lock_contended = 0;
+ log_start_tick = GCToOSInterface::GetLowPrecisionTimeStamp();
+ }
+ gc_count_during_log++;
+ unsigned int log_elapsed = GCToOSInterface::GetLowPrecisionTimeStamp() - log_start_tick;
+ if (log_elapsed > log_interval)
+ {
+ // Print out the cycles we spent on average in each suspend and restart.
+ printf("\n_________________________________________________________________________________\n"
+ "Past %d(s): #%3d GCs; Total gc_lock contended: %8u; GC: %12u\n"
+ "SuspendEE: %8u; RestartEE: %8u\n",
+ log_interval / 1000,
+ gc_count_during_log,
+ gc_lock_contended,
+ (unsigned int)(gc_during_log / gc_count_during_log),
+ (unsigned int)(suspend_ee_during_log / gc_count_during_log),
+ (unsigned int)(restart_ee_during_log / gc_count_during_log));
+ gc_heap::print_sync_stats(gc_count_during_log);
+ gc_count_during_log = 0;
+ }
+enum gc_join_stage
+ gc_join_init_cpu_mapping = 0,
+ gc_join_done = 1,
+ gc_join_generation_determined = 2,
+ gc_join_begin_mark_phase = 3,
+ gc_join_scan_dependent_handles = 4,
+ gc_join_rescan_dependent_handles = 5,
+ gc_join_scan_sizedref_done = 6,
+ gc_join_null_dead_short_weak = 7,
+ gc_join_scan_finalization = 8,
+ gc_join_null_dead_long_weak = 9,
+ gc_join_null_dead_syncblk = 10,
+ gc_join_decide_on_compaction = 11,
+ gc_join_rearrange_segs_compaction = 12,
+ gc_join_adjust_handle_age_compact = 13,
+ gc_join_adjust_handle_age_sweep = 14,
+ gc_join_begin_relocate_phase = 15,
+ gc_join_relocate_phase_done = 16,
+ gc_join_verify_objects_done = 17,
+ gc_join_start_bgc = 18,
+ gc_join_restart_ee = 19,
+ gc_join_concurrent_overflow = 20,
+ gc_join_suspend_ee = 21,
+ gc_join_bgc_after_ephemeral = 22,
+ gc_join_allow_fgc = 23,
+ gc_join_bgc_sweep = 24,
+ gc_join_suspend_ee_verify = 25,
+ gc_join_restart_ee_verify = 26,
+ gc_join_set_state_free = 27,
+ gc_r_join_update_card_bundle = 28,
+ gc_join_after_absorb = 29,
+ gc_join_verify_copy_table = 30,
+ gc_join_after_reset = 31,
+ gc_join_after_ephemeral_sweep = 32,
+ gc_join_after_profiler_heap_walk = 33,
+ gc_join_minimal_gc = 34,
+ gc_join_after_commit_soh_no_gc = 35,
+ gc_join_expand_loh_no_gc = 36,
+ gc_join_final_no_gc = 37,
+ gc_join_disable_software_write_watch = 38,
+ gc_join_max = 39
+enum gc_join_flavor
+ join_flavor_server_gc = 0,
+ join_flavor_bgc = 1
+#define first_thread_arrived 2
+struct join_structure
+ CLREvent joined_event[3]; // the last event in the array is only used for first_thread_arrived.
+ VOLATILE(int32_t) join_lock;
+ VOLATILE(int32_t) r_join_lock;
+ VOLATILE(int32_t) join_restart;
+ VOLATILE(int32_t) r_join_restart; // only used by get_here_first and friends.
+ int n_threads;
+ VOLATILE(BOOL) joined_p;
+ // avoid lock_color and join_lock being on same cache line
+ // make sure to modify this if adding/removing variables to layout
+ char cache_line_separator[HS_CACHE_LINE_SIZE - (3*sizeof(int) + sizeof(int) + sizeof(BOOL))];
+ VOLATILE(int) lock_color;
+ VOLATILE(BOOL) wait_done;
+enum join_type
+ type_last_join = 0,
+ type_join = 1,
+ type_restart = 2,
+ type_first_r_join = 3,
+ type_r_join = 4
+enum join_time
+ time_start = 0,
+ time_end = 1
+enum join_heap_index
+ join_heap_restart = 100,
+ join_heap_r_restart = 200
+struct join_event
+ uint32_t heap;
+ join_time time;
+ join_type type;
+class t_join
+ join_structure join_struct;
+ int id;
+ gc_join_flavor flavor;
+#ifdef JOIN_STATS
+ unsigned int start[MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS], end[MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS], start_seq;
+ // remember join id and last thread to arrive so restart can use these
+ int thd;
+ // we want to print statistics every 10 seconds - this is to remember the start of the 10 sec interval
+ uint32_t start_tick;
+ // counters for joins, in 1000's of clock cycles
+ unsigned int elapsed_total[gc_join_max], seq_loss_total[gc_join_max], par_loss_total[gc_join_max], in_join_total[gc_join_max];
+#endif //JOIN_STATS
+ BOOL init (int n_th, gc_join_flavor f)
+ {
+ dprintf (JOIN_LOG, ("Initializing join structure"));
+ join_struct.n_threads = n_th;
+ join_struct.lock_color = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ if (!join_struct.joined_event[i].IsValid())
+ {
+ join_struct.joined_p = FALSE;
+ dprintf (JOIN_LOG, ("Creating join event %d", i));
+ // TODO - changing this to a non OS event
+ // because this is also used by BGC threads which are
+ // managed threads and WaitEx does not allow you to wait
+ // for an OS event on a managed thread.
+ // But we are not sure if this plays well in the hosting
+ // environment.
+ //join_struct.joined_event[i].CreateOSManualEventNoThrow(FALSE);
+ if (!join_struct.joined_event[i].CreateManualEventNoThrow(FALSE))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ join_struct.join_lock = join_struct.n_threads;
+ join_struct.join_restart = join_struct.n_threads - 1;
+ join_struct.r_join_lock = join_struct.n_threads;
+ join_struct.r_join_restart = join_struct.n_threads - 1;
+ join_struct.wait_done = FALSE;
+ flavor = f;
+#ifdef JOIN_STATS
+ start_tick = GCToOSInterface::GetLowPrecisionTimeStamp();
+#endif //JOIN_STATS
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ void destroy ()
+ {
+ dprintf (JOIN_LOG, ("Destroying join structure"));
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ if (join_struct.joined_event[i].IsValid())
+ join_struct.joined_event[i].CloseEvent();
+ }
+ }
+ inline void fire_event (int heap, join_time time, join_type type, int join_id)
+ {
+ FireEtwGCJoin_V2(heap, time, type, GetClrInstanceId(), join_id);
+ }
+ void join (gc_heap* gch, int join_id)
+ {
+#ifdef JOIN_STATS
+ // parallel execution ends here
+ end[gch->heap_number] = GetCycleCount32();
+#endif //JOIN_STATS
+ assert (!join_struct.joined_p);
+ int color = join_struct.lock_color;
+ if (Interlocked::Decrement(&join_struct.join_lock) != 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (JOIN_LOG, ("join%d(%d): Join() Waiting...join_lock is now %d",
+ flavor, join_id, (int32_t)(join_struct.join_lock)));
+ fire_event (gch->heap_number, time_start, type_join, join_id);
+ //busy wait around the color
+ if (color == join_struct.lock_color)
+ {
+ int spin_count = 4096 * g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
+ for (int j = 0; j < spin_count; j++)
+ {
+ if (color != join_struct.lock_color)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ YieldProcessor(); // indicate to the processor that we are spinning
+ }
+ // we've spun, and if color still hasn't changed, fall into hard wait
+ if (color == join_struct.lock_color)
+ {
+ dprintf (JOIN_LOG, ("join%d(%d): Join() hard wait on reset event %d, join_lock is now %d",
+ flavor, join_id, color, (int32_t)(join_struct.join_lock)));
+ //Thread* current_thread = GetThread();
+ //BOOL cooperative_mode = gc_heap::enable_preemptive (current_thread);
+ uint32_t dwJoinWait = join_struct.joined_event[color].Wait(INFINITE, FALSE);
+ //gc_heap::disable_preemptive (current_thread, cooperative_mode);
+ if (dwJoinWait != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+ {
+ STRESS_LOG1 (LF_GC, LL_FATALERROR, "joined event wait failed with code: %Ix", dwJoinWait);
+ }
+ }
+ // avoid race due to the thread about to reset the event (occasionally) being preempted before ResetEvent()
+ if (color == join_struct.lock_color)
+ {
+ goto respin;
+ }
+ dprintf (JOIN_LOG, ("join%d(%d): Join() done, join_lock is %d",
+ flavor, join_id, (int32_t)(join_struct.join_lock)));
+ }
+ fire_event (gch->heap_number, time_end, type_join, join_id);
+ // last thread out should reset event
+ if (Interlocked::Decrement(&join_struct.join_restart) == 0)
+ {
+ // the joined event must be set at this point, because the restarting must have done this
+ join_struct.join_restart = join_struct.n_threads - 1;
+// printf("Reset joined_event %d\n", color);
+ }
+#ifdef JOIN_STATS
+ // parallel execution starts here
+ start[gch->heap_number] = GetCycleCount32();
+ Interlocked::ExchangeAdd(&in_join_total[join_id], (start[gch->heap_number] - end[gch->heap_number])/1000);
+#endif //JOIN_STATS
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fire_event (gch->heap_number, time_start, type_last_join, join_id);
+ join_struct.joined_p = TRUE;
+ dprintf (JOIN_LOG, ("join%d(%d): Last thread to complete the join, setting id", flavor, join_id));
+ join_struct.joined_event[!color].Reset();
+ id = join_id;
+ // this one is alone so it can proceed
+#ifdef JOIN_STATS
+ // remember the join id, the last thread arriving, the start of the sequential phase,
+ // and keep track of the cycles spent waiting in the join
+ thd = gch->heap_number;
+ start_seq = GetCycleCount32();
+ Interlocked::ExchangeAdd(&in_join_total[join_id], (start_seq - end[gch->heap_number])/1000);
+#endif //JOIN_STATS
+ }
+ }
+ // Reverse join - first thread gets here does the work; other threads will only proceed
+ // afte the work is done.
+ // Note that you cannot call this twice in a row on the same thread. Plus there's no
+ // need to call it twice in row - you should just merge the work.
+ BOOL r_join (gc_heap* gch, int join_id)
+ {
+#ifdef JOIN_STATS
+ // parallel execution ends here
+ end[gch->heap_number] = GetCycleCount32();
+#endif //JOIN_STATS
+ if (join_struct.n_threads == 1)
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (Interlocked::Decrement(&join_struct.r_join_lock) != (join_struct.n_threads - 1))
+ {
+ if (!join_struct.wait_done)
+ {
+ dprintf (JOIN_LOG, ("r_join() Waiting..."));
+ fire_event (gch->heap_number, time_start, type_join, join_id);
+ //busy wait around the color
+ if (!join_struct.wait_done)
+ {
+ respin:
+ int spin_count = 2 * 4096 * g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
+ for (int j = 0; j < spin_count; j++)
+ {
+ if (join_struct.wait_done)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ YieldProcessor(); // indicate to the processor that we are spinning
+ }
+ // we've spun, and if color still hasn't changed, fall into hard wait
+ if (!join_struct.wait_done)
+ {
+ dprintf (JOIN_LOG, ("Join() hard wait on reset event %d", first_thread_arrived));
+ uint32_t dwJoinWait = join_struct.joined_event[first_thread_arrived].Wait(INFINITE, FALSE);
+ if (dwJoinWait != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+ {
+ STRESS_LOG1 (LF_GC, LL_FATALERROR, "joined event wait failed with code: %Ix", dwJoinWait);
+ }
+ }
+ // avoid race due to the thread about to reset the event (occasionally) being preempted before ResetEvent()
+ if (!join_struct.wait_done)
+ {
+ goto respin;
+ }
+ dprintf (JOIN_LOG, ("r_join() done"));
+ }
+ fire_event (gch->heap_number, time_end, type_join, join_id);
+#ifdef JOIN_STATS
+ // parallel execution starts here
+ start[gch->heap_number] = GetCycleCount32();
+ Interlocked::ExchangeAdd(&in_join_total[join_id], (start[gch->heap_number] - end[gch->heap_number])/1000);
+#endif //JOIN_STATS
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fire_event (gch->heap_number, time_start, type_first_r_join, join_id);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ void restart()
+ {
+#ifdef JOIN_STATS
+ unsigned int elapsed_seq = GetCycleCount32() - start_seq;
+ unsigned int max = 0, sum = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < join_struct.n_threads; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned int elapsed = end[i] - start[i];
+ if (max < elapsed)
+ max = elapsed;
+ sum += elapsed;
+ }
+ unsigned int seq_loss = (join_struct.n_threads - 1)*elapsed_seq;
+ unsigned int par_loss = join_struct.n_threads*max - sum;
+ double efficiency = 0.0;
+ if (max > 0)
+ efficiency = sum*100.0/(join_struct.n_threads*max);
+ // enable this printf to get statistics on each individual join as it occurs
+// printf("join #%3d seq_loss = %5d par_loss = %5d efficiency = %3.0f%%\n", join_id, seq_loss/1000, par_loss/1000, efficiency);
+ elapsed_total[join_id] += sum/1000;
+ seq_loss_total[join_id] += seq_loss/1000;
+ par_loss_total[join_id] += par_loss/1000;
+ // every 10 seconds, print a summary of the time spent in each type of join, in 1000's of clock cycles
+ if (GCToOSInterface::GetLowPrecisionTimeStamp() - start_tick > 10*1000)
+ {
+ printf("**** summary *****\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ {
+ printf("join #%3d seq_loss = %8u par_loss = %8u in_join_total = %8u\n", i, seq_loss_total[i], par_loss_total[i], in_join_total[i]);
+ elapsed_total[i] = seq_loss_total[i] = par_loss_total[i] = in_join_total[i] = 0;
+ }
+ start_tick = GCToOSInterface::GetLowPrecisionTimeStamp();
+ }
+#endif //JOIN_STATS
+ fire_event (join_heap_restart, time_start, type_restart, -1);
+ assert (join_struct.joined_p);
+ join_struct.joined_p = FALSE;
+ join_struct.join_lock = join_struct.n_threads;
+ dprintf (JOIN_LOG, ("join%d(%d): Restarting from join: join_lock is %d", flavor, id, (int32_t)(join_struct.join_lock)));
+// printf("restart from join #%d at cycle %u from start of gc\n", join_id, GetCycleCount32() - gc_start);
+ int color = join_struct.lock_color;
+ join_struct.lock_color = !color;
+ join_struct.joined_event[color].Set();
+// printf("Set joined_event %d\n", !join_struct.lock_color);
+ fire_event (join_heap_restart, time_end, type_restart, -1);
+#ifdef JOIN_STATS
+ start[thd] = GetCycleCount32();
+#endif //JOIN_STATS
+ }
+ BOOL joined()
+ {
+ dprintf (JOIN_LOG, ("join%d(%d): joined, join_lock is %d", flavor, id, (int32_t)(join_struct.join_lock)));
+ return join_struct.joined_p;
+ }
+ void r_restart()
+ {
+ if (join_struct.n_threads != 1)
+ {
+ fire_event (join_heap_r_restart, time_start, type_restart, -1);
+ join_struct.wait_done = TRUE;
+ join_struct.joined_event[first_thread_arrived].Set();
+ fire_event (join_heap_r_restart, time_end, type_restart, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ void r_init()
+ {
+ if (join_struct.n_threads != 1)
+ {
+ join_struct.r_join_lock = join_struct.n_threads;
+ join_struct.r_join_restart = join_struct.n_threads - 1;
+ join_struct.wait_done = FALSE;
+ join_struct.joined_event[first_thread_arrived].Reset();
+ }
+ }
+t_join gc_t_join;
+t_join bgc_t_join;
+#define spin_and_switch(count_to_spin, expr) \
+{ \
+ for (int j = 0; j < count_to_spin; j++) \
+ { \
+ if (expr) \
+ { \
+ break;\
+ } \
+ YieldProcessor(); \
+ } \
+ if (!(expr)) \
+ { \
+ GCToOSInterface::YieldThread(0); \
+ } \
+#define max_pending_allocs 64
+class exclusive_sync
+ // TODO - verify that this is the right syntax for Volatile.
+ VOLATILE(uint8_t*) rwp_object;
+ VOLATILE(int32_t) needs_checking;
+ int spin_count;
+ uint8_t cache_separator[HS_CACHE_LINE_SIZE - sizeof (int) - sizeof (int32_t)];
+ // TODO - perhaps each object should be on its own cache line...
+ VOLATILE(uint8_t*) alloc_objects[max_pending_allocs];
+ int find_free_index ()
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < max_pending_allocs; i++)
+ {
+ if (alloc_objects [i] == (uint8_t*)0)
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ void init()
+ {
+ spin_count = 32 * (g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors - 1);
+ rwp_object = 0;
+ needs_checking = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < max_pending_allocs; i++)
+ {
+ alloc_objects [i] = (uint8_t*)0;
+ }
+ }
+ void check()
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < max_pending_allocs; i++)
+ {
+ if (alloc_objects [i] != (uint8_t*)0)
+ {
+ GCToOSInterface::DebugBreak();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void bgc_mark_set (uint8_t* obj)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("cm: probing %Ix", obj));
+ if (Interlocked::Exchange (&needs_checking, 1) == 0)
+ {
+ // If we spend too much time spending all the allocs,
+ // consider adding a high water mark and scan up
+ // to that; we'll need to interlock in done when
+ // we update the high watermark.
+ for (int i = 0; i < max_pending_allocs; i++)
+ {
+ if (obj == alloc_objects[i])
+ {
+ needs_checking = 0;
+ dprintf (3, ("cm: will spin"));
+ spin_and_switch (spin_count, (obj != alloc_objects[i]));
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ }
+ rwp_object = obj;
+ needs_checking = 0;
+ dprintf (3, ("cm: set %Ix", obj));
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ spin_and_switch (spin_count, (needs_checking == 0));
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ }
+ int loh_alloc_set (uint8_t* obj)
+ {
+ if (!gc_heap::cm_in_progress)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("loh alloc: probing %Ix", obj));
+ if (Interlocked::Exchange (&needs_checking, 1) == 0)
+ {
+ if (obj == rwp_object)
+ {
+ needs_checking = 0;
+ spin_and_switch (spin_count, (obj != rwp_object));
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int cookie = find_free_index();
+ if (cookie != -1)
+ {
+ alloc_objects[cookie] = obj;
+ needs_checking = 0;
+ //if (cookie >= 4)
+ //{
+ // GCToOSInterface::DebugBreak();
+ //}
+ dprintf (3, ("loh alloc: set %Ix at %d", obj, cookie));
+ return cookie;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ needs_checking = 0;
+ dprintf (3, ("loh alloc: setting %Ix will spin to acquire a free index", obj));
+ spin_and_switch (spin_count, (find_free_index () != -1));
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("loh alloc: will spin on checking %Ix", obj));
+ spin_and_switch (spin_count, (needs_checking == 0));
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ }
+ void bgc_mark_done ()
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("cm: release lock on %Ix", (uint8_t *)rwp_object));
+ rwp_object = 0;
+ }
+ void loh_alloc_done_with_index (int index)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("loh alloc: release lock on %Ix based on %d", (uint8_t *)alloc_objects[index], index));
+ assert ((index >= 0) && (index < max_pending_allocs));
+ alloc_objects[index] = (uint8_t*)0;
+ }
+ void loh_alloc_done (uint8_t* obj)
+ {
+ if (!gc_heap::cm_in_progress)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < max_pending_allocs; i++)
+ {
+ if (alloc_objects [i] == obj)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("loh alloc: release lock on %Ix at %d", (uint8_t *)alloc_objects[i], i));
+ alloc_objects[i] = (uint8_t*)0;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Note that this class was written assuming just synchronization between
+// one background GC thread and multiple user threads that might request
+// an FGC - it does not take into account what kind of locks the multiple
+// user threads might be holding at the time (eg, there could only be one
+// user thread requesting an FGC because it needs to take gc_lock first)
+// so you'll see checks that may not be necessary if you take those conditions
+// into consideration.
+// With the introduction of Server Background GC we no longer use this
+// class to do synchronization between FGCs and BGC.
+class recursive_gc_sync
+ static VOLATILE(int32_t) foreground_request_count;//initial state 0
+ static VOLATILE(BOOL) gc_background_running; //initial state FALSE
+ static VOLATILE(int32_t) foreground_count; // initial state 0;
+ static VOLATILE(uint32_t) foreground_gate; // initial state FALSE;
+ static CLREvent foreground_complete;//Auto Reset
+ static CLREvent foreground_allowed;//Auto Reset
+ static void begin_background();
+ static void end_background();
+ static void begin_foreground();
+ static void end_foreground();
+ BOOL allow_foreground ();
+ static BOOL init();
+ static void shutdown();
+ static BOOL background_running_p() {return gc_background_running;}
+VOLATILE(int32_t) recursive_gc_sync::foreground_request_count = 0;//initial state 0
+VOLATILE(int32_t) recursive_gc_sync::foreground_count = 0; // initial state 0;
+VOLATILE(BOOL) recursive_gc_sync::gc_background_running = FALSE; //initial state FALSE
+VOLATILE(uint32_t) recursive_gc_sync::foreground_gate = 0;
+CLREvent recursive_gc_sync::foreground_complete;//Auto Reset
+CLREvent recursive_gc_sync::foreground_allowed;//Manual Reset
+BOOL recursive_gc_sync::init ()
+ foreground_request_count = 0;
+ foreground_count = 0;
+ gc_background_running = FALSE;
+ foreground_gate = 0;
+ if (!foreground_complete.CreateOSAutoEventNoThrow(FALSE))
+ {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (!foreground_allowed.CreateManualEventNoThrow(FALSE))
+ {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ shutdown();
+ return FALSE;
+void recursive_gc_sync::shutdown()
+ if (foreground_complete.IsValid())
+ foreground_complete.CloseEvent();
+ if (foreground_allowed.IsValid())
+ foreground_allowed.CloseEvent();
+void recursive_gc_sync::begin_background()
+ dprintf (2, ("begin background"));
+ foreground_request_count = 1;
+ foreground_count = 1;
+ foreground_allowed.Reset();
+ gc_background_running = TRUE;
+void recursive_gc_sync::end_background()
+ dprintf (2, ("end background"));
+ gc_background_running = FALSE;
+ foreground_gate = 1;
+ foreground_allowed.Set();
+void recursive_gc_sync::begin_foreground()
+ dprintf (2, ("begin_foreground"));
+ BOOL cooperative_mode = FALSE;
+ Thread* current_thread = 0;
+ if (gc_background_running)
+ {
+ gc_heap::fire_alloc_wait_event_begin (awr_fgc_wait_for_bgc);
+ gc_heap::alloc_wait_event_p = TRUE;
+ Interlocked::Increment (&foreground_request_count);
+ dprintf(2, ("Waiting sync gc point"));
+ assert (foreground_allowed.IsValid());
+ assert (foreground_complete.IsValid());
+ current_thread = GetThread();
+ cooperative_mode = gc_heap::enable_preemptive (current_thread);
+ foreground_allowed.Wait(INFINITE, FALSE);
+ dprintf(2, ("Waiting sync gc point is done"));
+ gc_heap::disable_preemptive (current_thread, cooperative_mode);
+ if (foreground_gate)
+ {
+ Interlocked::Increment (&foreground_count);
+ dprintf (2, ("foreground_count: %d", (int32_t)foreground_count));
+ if (foreground_gate)
+ {
+ gc_heap::settings.concurrent = FALSE;
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ end_foreground();
+ goto try_again_top;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ goto try_again_no_inc;
+ }
+ }
+void recursive_gc_sync::end_foreground()
+ dprintf (2, ("end_foreground"));
+ if (gc_background_running)
+ {
+ Interlocked::Decrement (&foreground_request_count);
+ dprintf (2, ("foreground_count before decrement: %d", (int32_t)foreground_count));
+ if (Interlocked::Decrement (&foreground_count) == 0)
+ {
+ //c_write ((BOOL*)&foreground_gate, 0);
+ // TODO - couldn't make the syntax work with Volatile<T>
+ foreground_gate = 0;
+ if (foreground_count == 0)
+ {
+ foreground_allowed.Reset ();
+ dprintf(2, ("setting foreground complete event"));
+ foreground_complete.Set();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+BOOL recursive_gc_sync::allow_foreground()
+ assert (gc_heap::settings.concurrent);
+ dprintf (100, ("enter allow_foreground, f_req_count: %d, f_count: %d",
+ (int32_t)foreground_request_count, (int32_t)foreground_count));
+ BOOL did_fgc = FALSE;
+ //if we have suspended the EE, just return because
+ //some thread could be waiting on this to proceed.
+ if (!GCHeap::GcInProgress)
+ {
+ //TODO BACKGROUND_GC This is to stress the concurrency between
+ //background and foreground
+// gc_heap::disallow_new_allocation (0);
+ //GCToOSInterface::YieldThread(0);
+ //END of TODO
+ if (foreground_request_count != 0)
+ {
+ //foreground wants to run
+ //save the important settings
+ //TODO BACKGROUND_GC be more selective about the important settings.
+ gc_mechanisms saved_settings = gc_heap::settings;
+ do
+ {
+ did_fgc = TRUE;
+ //c_write ((BOOL*)&foreground_gate, 1);
+ // TODO - couldn't make the syntax work with Volatile<T>
+ foreground_gate = 1;
+ foreground_allowed.Set ();
+ foreground_complete.Wait (INFINITE, FALSE);
+ }while (/*foreground_request_count ||*/ foreground_gate);
+ assert (!foreground_gate);
+ //restore the important settings
+ gc_heap::settings = saved_settings;
+ GCHeap::GcCondemnedGeneration = gc_heap::settings.condemned_generation;
+ //the background GC shouldn't be using gc_high and gc_low
+ //gc_low = lowest_address;
+ //gc_high = highest_address;
+ }
+ //TODO BACKGROUND_GC This is to stress the concurrency between
+ //background and foreground
+// gc_heap::allow_new_allocation (0);
+ //END of TODO
+ }
+ dprintf (100, ("leave allow_foreground"));
+ assert (gc_heap::settings.concurrent);
+ return did_fgc;
+#if defined(COUNT_CYCLES) || defined(JOIN_STATS) || defined(SYNCHRONIZATION_STATS)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(disable:4035)
+#endif //_MSC_VER
+unsigned GetCycleCount32() // enough for about 40 seconds
+__asm push EDX
+__asm _emit 0x0F
+__asm _emit 0x31
+__asm pop EDX
+#pragma warning(default:4035)
+#ifdef TIME_GC
+int mark_time, plan_time, sweep_time, reloc_time, compact_time;
+#endif //TIME_GC
+#define ephemeral_low g_ephemeral_low
+#define ephemeral_high g_ephemeral_high
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+int print_level = DEFAULT_GC_PRN_LVL; //level of detail of the debug trace
+BOOL trace_gc = FALSE;
+int gc_trace_fac = 0;
+hlet* hlet::bindings = 0;
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+void reset_memory (uint8_t* o, size_t sizeo);
+static bool virtual_alloc_hardware_write_watch = false;
+static bool hardware_write_watch_capability = false;
+//check if the write watch APIs are supported.
+void hardware_write_watch_api_supported()
+ if (GCToOSInterface::SupportsWriteWatch())
+ {
+ hardware_write_watch_capability = true;
+ dprintf (2, ("WriteWatch supported"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (2,("WriteWatch not supported"));
+ }
+inline bool can_use_hardware_write_watch()
+ return hardware_write_watch_capability;
+inline bool can_use_write_watch_for_gc_heap()
+ return true;
+ return can_use_hardware_write_watch();
+inline bool can_use_write_watch_for_card_table()
+ return can_use_hardware_write_watch();
+#define mem_reserve (MEM_RESERVE)
+#endif //WRITE_WATCH
+//check if the low memory notification is supported
+void WaitLongerNoInstru (int i)
+ // every 8th attempt:
+ Thread *pCurThread = GetThread();
+ bool bToggleGC = false;
+ if (pCurThread)
+ {
+ bToggleGC = GCToEEInterface::IsPreemptiveGCDisabled(pCurThread);
+ if (bToggleGC)
+ GCToEEInterface::EnablePreemptiveGC(pCurThread);
+ }
+ // if we're waiting for gc to finish, we should block immediately
+ if (!g_TrapReturningThreads)
+ {
+ if (g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors > 1)
+ {
+ YieldProcessor(); // indicate to the processor that we are spining
+ if (i & 0x01f)
+ GCToOSInterface::YieldThread (0);
+ else
+ GCToOSInterface::Sleep (5);
+ }
+ else
+ GCToOSInterface::Sleep (5);
+ }
+ // If CLR is hosted, a thread may reach here while it is in preemptive GC mode,
+ // or it has no Thread object, in order to force a task to yield, or to triger a GC.
+ // It is important that the thread is going to wait for GC. Otherwise the thread
+ // is in a tight loop. If the thread has high priority, the perf is going to be very BAD.
+ if (pCurThread)
+ {
+ if (bToggleGC || g_TrapReturningThreads)
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // In debug builds, all enter_spin_lock operations go through this code. If a GC has
+ // started, it is important to block until the GC thread calls set_gc_done (since it is
+ // guaranteed to have cleared g_TrapReturningThreads by this point). This avoids livelock
+ // conditions which can otherwise occur if threads are allowed to spin in this function
+ // (and therefore starve the GC thread) between the point when the GC thread sets the
+ // WaitForGC event and the point when the GC thread clears g_TrapReturningThreads.
+ if (gc_heap::gc_started)
+ {
+ gc_heap::wait_for_gc_done();
+ }
+#endif // _DEBUG
+ GCToEEInterface::DisablePreemptiveGC(pCurThread);
+ if (!bToggleGC)
+ {
+ GCToEEInterface::EnablePreemptiveGC(pCurThread);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (g_TrapReturningThreads)
+ {
+ GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->WaitUntilGCComplete();
+ }
+static void safe_switch_to_thread()
+ Thread* current_thread = GetThread();
+ BOOL cooperative_mode = gc_heap::enable_preemptive(current_thread);
+ GCToOSInterface::YieldThread(0);
+ gc_heap::disable_preemptive(current_thread, cooperative_mode);
+// We need the following methods to have volatile arguments, so that they can accept
+// raw pointers in addition to the results of the & operator on Volatile<T>.
+static void enter_spin_lock_noinstru (RAW_KEYWORD(volatile) int32_t* lock)
+ if (Interlocked::Exchange (lock, 0) >= 0)
+ {
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ while (VolatileLoad(lock) >= 0)
+ {
+ if ((++i & 7) && !GCHeap::IsGCInProgress())
+ {
+ if (g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors > 1)
+ {
+ int spin_count = 1024 * g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
+ int spin_count = 32 * g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
+ for (int j = 0; j < spin_count; j++)
+ {
+ if (VolatileLoad(lock) < 0 || GCHeap::IsGCInProgress())
+ break;
+ YieldProcessor(); // indicate to the processor that we are spining
+ }
+ if (VolatileLoad(lock) >= 0 && !GCHeap::IsGCInProgress())
+ {
+ safe_switch_to_thread();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ safe_switch_to_thread();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WaitLongerNoInstru(i);
+ }
+ }
+ goto retry;
+ }
+static BOOL try_enter_spin_lock_noinstru(RAW_KEYWORD(volatile) int32_t* lock)
+ return (Interlocked::Exchange (&*lock, 0) < 0);
+static void leave_spin_lock_noinstru (RAW_KEYWORD(volatile) int32_t* lock)
+ VolatileStore<int32_t>((int32_t*)lock, -1);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+static void enter_spin_lock(GCSpinLock *pSpinLock)
+ enter_spin_lock_noinstru(&pSpinLock->lock);
+ assert (pSpinLock->holding_thread == (Thread*)-1);
+ pSpinLock->holding_thread = GetThread();
+static BOOL try_enter_spin_lock(GCSpinLock *pSpinLock)
+ BOOL ret = try_enter_spin_lock_noinstru(&pSpinLock->lock);
+ if (ret)
+ pSpinLock->holding_thread = GetThread();
+ return ret;
+static void leave_spin_lock(GCSpinLock *pSpinLock)
+ BOOL gc_thread_p = IsGCSpecialThread();
+// _ASSERTE((pSpinLock->holding_thread == GetThread()) || gc_thread_p || pSpinLock->released_by_gc_p);
+ pSpinLock->released_by_gc_p = gc_thread_p;
+ pSpinLock->holding_thread = (Thread*) -1;
+ if (pSpinLock->lock != -1)
+ leave_spin_lock_noinstru(&pSpinLock->lock);
+#define ASSERT_HOLDING_SPIN_LOCK(pSpinLock) \
+ _ASSERTE((pSpinLock)->holding_thread == GetThread());
+ _ASSERTE((pSpinLock)->holding_thread != GetThread());
+#else //_DEBUG
+//In the concurrent version, the Enable/DisablePreemptiveGC is optional because
+//the gc thread call WaitLonger.
+void WaitLonger (int i
+ , VOLATILE(GCSpinLock)* spin_lock
+ )
+ (spin_lock->num_wait_longer)++;
+ // every 8th attempt:
+ Thread *pCurThread = GetThread();
+ bool bToggleGC = false;
+ if (pCurThread)
+ {
+ bToggleGC = GCToEEInterface::IsPreemptiveGCDisabled(pCurThread);
+ if (bToggleGC)
+ {
+ GCToEEInterface::EnablePreemptiveGC(pCurThread);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (!"bToggleGC == TRUE");
+ }
+ }
+ // if we're waiting for gc to finish, we should block immediately
+ if (!gc_heap::gc_started)
+ {
+ (spin_lock->num_switch_thread_w)++;
+ if (g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors > 1)
+ {
+ YieldProcessor(); // indicate to the processor that we are spining
+ if (i & 0x01f)
+ GCToOSInterface::YieldThread (0);
+ else
+ GCToOSInterface::Sleep (5);
+ }
+ else
+ GCToOSInterface::Sleep (5);
+ }
+ // If CLR is hosted, a thread may reach here while it is in preemptive GC mode,
+ // or it has no Thread object, in order to force a task to yield, or to triger a GC.
+ // It is important that the thread is going to wait for GC. Otherwise the thread
+ // is in a tight loop. If the thread has high priority, the perf is going to be very BAD.
+ if (pCurThread)
+ {
+ if (bToggleGC || gc_heap::gc_started)
+ {
+ if (gc_heap::gc_started)
+ {
+ gc_heap::wait_for_gc_done();
+ }
+ (spin_lock->num_disable_preemptive_w)++;
+ GCToEEInterface::DisablePreemptiveGC(pCurThread);
+ }
+ }
+static void enter_spin_lock (GCSpinLock* spin_lock)
+ if (Interlocked::Exchange (&spin_lock->lock, 0) >= 0)
+ {
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ while (spin_lock->lock >= 0)
+ {
+ if ((++i & 7) && !gc_heap::gc_started)
+ {
+ if (g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors > 1)
+ {
+ int spin_count = 1024 * g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
+ int spin_count = 32 * g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
+ for (int j = 0; j < spin_count; j++)
+ {
+ if (spin_lock->lock < 0 || gc_heap::gc_started)
+ break;
+ YieldProcessor(); // indicate to the processor that we are spining
+ }
+ if (spin_lock->lock >= 0 && !gc_heap::gc_started)
+ {
+ (spin_lock->num_switch_thread)++;
+ Thread* current_thread = GetThread();
+ BOOL cooperative_mode = gc_heap::enable_preemptive (current_thread);
+ GCToOSInterface::YieldThread(0);
+ gc_heap::disable_preemptive (current_thread, cooperative_mode);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ GCToOSInterface::YieldThread(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WaitLonger(i
+ , spin_lock
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ goto retry;
+ }
+inline BOOL try_enter_spin_lock(GCSpinLock* spin_lock)
+ return (Interlocked::Exchange (&spin_lock->lock, 0) < 0);
+static void leave_spin_lock (GCSpinLock * spin_lock)
+ spin_lock->lock = -1;
+#endif //_DEBUG
+BOOL gc_heap::enable_preemptive (Thread* current_thread)
+ bool cooperative_mode = false;
+ if (current_thread)
+ {
+ cooperative_mode = GCToEEInterface::IsPreemptiveGCDisabled(current_thread);
+ if (cooperative_mode)
+ {
+ GCToEEInterface::EnablePreemptiveGC(current_thread);
+ }
+ }
+ return cooperative_mode;
+void gc_heap::disable_preemptive (Thread* current_thread, BOOL restore_cooperative)
+ if (current_thread)
+ {
+ if (restore_cooperative)
+ {
+ GCToEEInterface::DisablePreemptiveGC(current_thread);
+ }
+ }
+typedef void ** PTR_PTR;
+//This function clears a piece of memory
+// size has to be Dword aligned
+void memclr ( uint8_t* mem, size_t size)
+ dprintf (3, ("MEMCLR: %Ix, %d", mem, size));
+ assert ((size & (sizeof(PTR_PTR)-1)) == 0);
+ assert (sizeof(PTR_PTR) == DATA_ALIGNMENT);
+#if 0
+ // The compiler will recognize this pattern and replace it with memset call. We can as well just call
+ // memset directly to make it obvious what's going on.
+ PTR_PTR m = (PTR_PTR) mem;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size / sizeof(PTR_PTR); i++)
+ *(m++) = 0;
+ memset (mem, 0, size);
+void memcopy (uint8_t* dmem, uint8_t* smem, size_t size)
+ const size_t sz4ptr = sizeof(PTR_PTR)*4;
+ const size_t sz2ptr = sizeof(PTR_PTR)*2;
+ const size_t sz1ptr = sizeof(PTR_PTR)*1;
+ // size must be a multiple of the pointer size
+ assert ((size & (sizeof (PTR_PTR)-1)) == 0);
+ assert (sizeof(PTR_PTR) == DATA_ALIGNMENT);
+ // copy in groups of four pointer sized things at a time
+ if (size >= sz4ptr)
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ ((PTR_PTR)dmem)[0] = ((PTR_PTR)smem)[0];
+ ((PTR_PTR)dmem)[1] = ((PTR_PTR)smem)[1];
+ ((PTR_PTR)dmem)[2] = ((PTR_PTR)smem)[2];
+ ((PTR_PTR)dmem)[3] = ((PTR_PTR)smem)[3];
+ dmem += sz4ptr;
+ smem += sz4ptr;
+ }
+ while ((size -= sz4ptr) >= sz4ptr);
+ }
+ // still two pointer sized things or more left to copy?
+ if (size & sz2ptr)
+ {
+ ((PTR_PTR)dmem)[0] = ((PTR_PTR)smem)[0];
+ ((PTR_PTR)dmem)[1] = ((PTR_PTR)smem)[1];
+ dmem += sz2ptr;
+ smem += sz2ptr;
+ }
+ // still one pointer sized thing left to copy?
+ if (size & sz1ptr)
+ {
+ ((PTR_PTR)dmem)[0] = ((PTR_PTR)smem)[0];
+ // dmem += sz1ptr;
+ // smem += sz1ptr;
+ }
+ptrdiff_t round_down (ptrdiff_t add, int pitch)
+ return ((add / pitch) * pitch);
+// FEATURE_STRUCTALIGN allows the compiler to dictate the alignment,
+// i.e, if a larger alignment matters or is beneficial, the compiler
+// generated info tells us so. RESPECT_LARGE_ALIGNMENT is just the
+// converse - it's a heuristic for the GC to use a larger alignment.
+#error FEATURE_STRUCTALIGN and FEATURE_LOH_COMPACTION are mutually exclusive
+#error if GROWABLE_SEG_MAPPING_TABLE is defined, SEG_MAPPING_TABLE must be defined
+BOOL same_large_alignment_p (uint8_t* p1, uint8_t* p2)
+ return ((((size_t)p1 ^ (size_t)p2) & 7) == 0);
+ return TRUE;
+size_t switch_alignment_size (BOOL already_padded_p)
+ if (already_padded_p)
+ else
+ return (Align (min_obj_size) +((Align (min_obj_size)&DATA_ALIGNMENT)^DATA_ALIGNMENT));
+void set_node_aligninfo (uint8_t *node, int requiredAlignment, ptrdiff_t pad);
+void clear_node_aligninfo (uint8_t *node);
+#define node_realigned(node) (((plug_and_reloc*)(node))[-1].reloc & 1)
+void set_node_realigned (uint8_t* node);
+void clear_node_realigned(uint8_t* node);
+size_t AlignQword (size_t nbytes)
+ // This function is used to align everything on the large object
+ // heap to an 8-byte boundary, to reduce the number of unaligned
+ // accesses to (say) arrays of doubles. With FEATURE_STRUCTALIGN,
+ // the compiler dictates the optimal alignment instead of having
+ // a heuristic in the GC.
+ return Align (nbytes);
+ return (nbytes + 7) & ~7;
+BOOL Aligned (size_t n)
+ return (n & ALIGNCONST) == 0;
+#define OBJECT_ALIGNMENT_OFFSET (sizeof(MethodTable *))
+ptrdiff_t AdjustmentForMinPadSize(ptrdiff_t pad, int requiredAlignment)
+ // The resulting alignpad must be either 0 or at least min_obj_size.
+ // Note that by computing the following difference on unsigned types,
+ // we can do the range check 0 < alignpad < min_obj_size with a
+ // single conditional branch.
+ if ((size_t)(pad - DATA_ALIGNMENT) < Align (min_obj_size) - DATA_ALIGNMENT)
+ {
+ return requiredAlignment;
+ }
+ return 0;
+uint8_t* StructAlign (uint8_t* origPtr, int requiredAlignment, ptrdiff_t alignmentOffset=OBJECT_ALIGNMENT_OFFSET)
+ // required alignment must be a power of two
+ _ASSERTE(((size_t)origPtr & ALIGNCONST) == 0);
+ _ASSERTE(((requiredAlignment - 1) & requiredAlignment) == 0);
+ _ASSERTE(requiredAlignment >= sizeof(void *));
+ _ASSERTE(requiredAlignment <= MAX_STRUCTALIGN);
+ // When this method is invoked for individual objects (i.e., alignmentOffset
+ // is just the size of the PostHeader), what needs to be aligned when
+ // we're done is the pointer to the payload of the object (which means
+ // the actual resulting object pointer is typically not aligned).
+ uint8_t* result = (uint8_t*)Align ((size_t)origPtr + alignmentOffset, requiredAlignment-1) - alignmentOffset;
+ ptrdiff_t alignpad = result - origPtr;
+ return result + AdjustmentForMinPadSize (alignpad, requiredAlignment);
+ptrdiff_t ComputeStructAlignPad (uint8_t* plug, int requiredAlignment, size_t alignmentOffset=OBJECT_ALIGNMENT_OFFSET)
+ return StructAlign (plug, requiredAlignment, alignmentOffset) - plug;
+BOOL IsStructAligned (uint8_t *ptr, int requiredAlignment)
+ return StructAlign (ptr, requiredAlignment) == ptr;
+ptrdiff_t ComputeMaxStructAlignPad (int requiredAlignment)
+ if (requiredAlignment == DATA_ALIGNMENT)
+ return 0;
+ // Since a non-zero alignment padding cannot be less than min_obj_size (so we can fit the
+ // alignment padding object), the worst-case alignment padding is correspondingly larger
+ // than the required alignment.
+ return requiredAlignment + Align (min_obj_size) - DATA_ALIGNMENT;
+ptrdiff_t ComputeMaxStructAlignPadLarge (int requiredAlignment)
+ if (requiredAlignment <= get_alignment_constant (TRUE)+1)
+ return 0;
+ // This is the same as ComputeMaxStructAlignPad, except that in addition to leaving space
+ // for padding before the actual object, it also leaves space for filling a gap after the
+ // actual object. This is needed on the large object heap, as the outer allocation functions
+ // don't operate on an allocation context (which would have left space for the final gap).
+ return requiredAlignment + Align (min_obj_size) * 2 - DATA_ALIGNMENT;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::pad_for_alignment (uint8_t* newAlloc, int requiredAlignment, size_t size, alloc_context* acontext)
+ uint8_t* alignedPtr = StructAlign (newAlloc, requiredAlignment);
+ if (alignedPtr != newAlloc) {
+ make_unused_array (newAlloc, alignedPtr - newAlloc);
+ }
+ acontext->alloc_ptr = alignedPtr + Align (size);
+ return alignedPtr;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::pad_for_alignment_large (uint8_t* newAlloc, int requiredAlignment, size_t size)
+ uint8_t* alignedPtr = StructAlign (newAlloc, requiredAlignment);
+ if (alignedPtr != newAlloc) {
+ make_unused_array (newAlloc, alignedPtr - newAlloc);
+ }
+ if (alignedPtr < newAlloc + ComputeMaxStructAlignPadLarge (requiredAlignment)) {
+ make_unused_array (alignedPtr + AlignQword (size), newAlloc + ComputeMaxStructAlignPadLarge (requiredAlignment) - alignedPtr);
+ }
+ return alignedPtr;
+#define ComputeMaxStructAlignPad(requiredAlignment) 0
+#define ComputeMaxStructAlignPadLarge(requiredAlignment) 0
+//CLR_SIZE is the max amount of bytes from gen0 that is set to 0 in one chunk
+#ifdef SERVER_GC
+#define CLR_SIZE ((size_t)(8*1024))
+#else //SERVER_GC
+#define CLR_SIZE ((size_t)(8*1024))
+#endif //SERVER_GC
+#ifdef SERVER_GC
+#ifdef BIT64
+#define INITIAL_ALLOC ((size_t)((size_t)4*1024*1024*1024))
+#define LHEAP_ALLOC ((size_t)(1024*1024*256))
+#define INITIAL_ALLOC ((size_t)(1024*1024*64))
+#define LHEAP_ALLOC ((size_t)(1024*1024*32))
+#endif // BIT64
+#else //SERVER_GC
+#ifdef BIT64
+#define INITIAL_ALLOC ((size_t)(1024*1024*256))
+#define LHEAP_ALLOC ((size_t)(1024*1024*128))
+#define INITIAL_ALLOC ((size_t)(1024*1024*16))
+#define LHEAP_ALLOC ((size_t)(1024*1024*16))
+#endif // BIT64
+#endif //SERVER_GC
+//amount in bytes of the etw allocation tick
+const size_t etw_allocation_tick = 100*1024;
+const size_t low_latency_alloc = 256*1024;
+const size_t fgn_check_quantum = 2*1024*1024;
+#ifdef MH_SC_MARK
+const int max_snoop_level = 128;
+#endif //MH_SC_MARK
+//threshold of heap size to turn on card bundles.
+#define SH_TH_CARD_BUNDLE (40*1024*1024)
+#define MH_TH_CARD_BUNDLE (180*1024*1024)
+#endif //CARD_BUNDLE
+#define page_size OS_PAGE_SIZE
+size_t align_on_page (size_t add)
+ return ((add + page_size - 1) & ~(page_size - 1));
+uint8_t* align_on_page (uint8_t* add)
+ return (uint8_t*)align_on_page ((size_t) add);
+size_t align_lower_page (size_t add)
+ return (add & ~(page_size - 1));
+uint8_t* align_lower_page (uint8_t* add)
+ return (uint8_t*)align_lower_page ((size_t)add);
+BOOL power_of_two_p (size_t integer)
+ return !(integer & (integer-1));
+BOOL oddp (size_t integer)
+ return (integer & 1) != 0;
+// we only ever use this for WORDs.
+size_t logcount (size_t word)
+ //counts the number of high bits in a 16 bit word.
+ assert (word < 0x10000);
+ size_t count;
+ count = (word & 0x5555) + ( (word >> 1 ) & 0x5555);
+ count = (count & 0x3333) + ( (count >> 2) & 0x3333);
+ count = (count & 0x0F0F) + ( (count >> 4) & 0x0F0F);
+ count = (count & 0x00FF) + ( (count >> 8) & 0x00FF);
+ return count;
+int log2(unsigned int n)
+ int pos = 0;
+ if (n >= 1<<16) { n >>= 16; pos += 16; }
+ if (n >= 1<< 8) { n >>= 8; pos += 8; }
+ if (n >= 1<< 4) { n >>= 4; pos += 4; }
+ if (n >= 1<< 2) { n >>= 2; pos += 2; }
+ if (n >= 1<< 1) { pos += 1; }
+ return pos;
+//extract the low bits [0,low[ of a uint32_t
+#define lowbits(wrd, bits) ((wrd) & ((1 << (bits))-1))
+//extract the high bits [high, 32] of a uint32_t
+#define highbits(wrd, bits) ((wrd) & ~((1 << (bits))-1))
+class mark;
+class generation;
+class heap_segment;
+class CObjectHeader;
+class dynamic_data;
+class l_heap;
+class sorted_table;
+class c_synchronize;
+HRESULT AllocateCFinalize(CFinalize **pCFinalize);
+uint8_t* tree_search (uint8_t* tree, uint8_t* old_address);
+#define _sort introsort::sort
+#define _sort qsort1
+void qsort1(uint8_t** low, uint8_t** high, unsigned int depth);
+void* virtual_alloc (size_t size);
+void virtual_free (void* add, size_t size);
+/* per heap static initialization */
+#ifdef MARK_ARRAY
+SPTR_IMPL_NS(uint32_t, WKS, gc_heap, mark_array);
+#endif //MARK_ARRAY
+#ifdef MARK_LIST
+uint8_t** gc_heap::g_mark_list;
+uint8_t** gc_heap::g_mark_list_copy;
+size_t gc_heap::mark_list_size;
+#endif //MARK_LIST
+seg_mapping* seg_mapping_table;
+sorted_table* gc_heap::seg_table;
+CLREvent gc_heap::ee_suspend_event;
+size_t gc_heap::min_balance_threshold = 0;
+VOLATILE(BOOL) gc_heap::gc_started;
+CLREvent gc_heap::gc_start_event;
+bool gc_heap::gc_thread_no_affinitize_p = false;
+SVAL_IMPL_NS(int, SVR, gc_heap, n_heaps);
+SPTR_IMPL_NS(PTR_gc_heap, SVR, gc_heap, g_heaps);
+size_t* gc_heap::g_promoted;
+#ifdef MH_SC_MARK
+int* gc_heap::g_mark_stack_busy;
+#endif //MH_SC_MARK
+size_t* gc_heap::g_bpromoted;
+size_t gc_heap::g_promoted;
+size_t gc_heap::g_bpromoted;
+size_t gc_heap::reserved_memory = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::reserved_memory_limit = 0;
+BOOL gc_heap::g_low_memory_status;
+static gc_reason gc_trigger_reason = reason_empty;
+gc_mechanisms gc_heap::settings;
+gc_history_global gc_heap::gc_data_global;
+size_t gc_heap::gc_last_ephemeral_decommit_time = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::gc_gen0_desired_high;
+double gc_heap::short_plugs_pad_ratio = 0;
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+#if defined(BIT64)
+// consider putting this in dynamic data -
+// we may want different values for workstation
+// and server GC.
+#define MIN_YOUNGEST_GEN_DESIRED (16*1024*1024)
+size_t gc_heap::youngest_gen_desired_th;
+#endif //BIT64
+uint64_t gc_heap::mem_one_percent;
+uint32_t gc_heap::high_memory_load_th;
+uint64_t gc_heap::total_physical_mem;
+uint64_t gc_heap::entry_available_physical_mem;
+CLREvent gc_heap::bgc_start_event;
+gc_mechanisms gc_heap::saved_bgc_settings;
+CLREvent gc_heap::background_gc_done_event;
+CLREvent gc_heap::ee_proceed_event;
+bool gc_heap::gc_can_use_concurrent = false;
+bool gc_heap::temp_disable_concurrent_p = false;
+uint32_t gc_heap::cm_in_progress = FALSE;
+BOOL gc_heap::dont_restart_ee_p = FALSE;
+BOOL gc_heap::keep_bgc_threads_p = FALSE;
+CLREvent gc_heap::bgc_threads_sync_event;
+BOOL gc_heap::do_ephemeral_gc_p = FALSE;
+BOOL gc_heap::do_concurrent_p = FALSE;
+size_t gc_heap::ephemeral_fgc_counts[max_generation];
+BOOL gc_heap::alloc_wait_event_p = FALSE;
+#if defined (DACCESS_COMPILE) && !defined (MULTIPLE_HEAPS)
+SVAL_IMPL_NS_INIT(gc_heap::c_gc_state, WKS, gc_heap, current_c_gc_state, c_gc_state_free);
+VOLATILE(gc_heap::c_gc_state) gc_heap::current_c_gc_state = c_gc_state_free;
+int gc_heap::spinlock_info_index = 0;
+spinlock_info gc_heap::last_spinlock_info[max_saved_spinlock_info + 8];
+size_t gc_heap::fgn_last_alloc = 0;
+int gc_heap::generation_skip_ratio = 100;
+uint64_t gc_heap::loh_alloc_since_cg = 0;
+BOOL gc_heap::elevation_requested = FALSE;
+BOOL gc_heap::last_gc_before_oom = FALSE;
+SPTR_IMPL_NS_INIT(uint8_t, WKS, gc_heap, background_saved_lowest_address, 0);
+SPTR_IMPL_NS_INIT(uint8_t, WKS, gc_heap, background_saved_highest_address, 0);
+SPTR_IMPL_NS_INIT(uint8_t, WKS, gc_heap, next_sweep_obj, 0);
+uint8_t* gc_heap::current_sweep_pos = 0;
+exclusive_sync* gc_heap::bgc_alloc_lock;
+SVAL_IMPL_NS(oom_history, WKS, gc_heap, oom_info);
+fgm_history gc_heap::fgm_result;
+BOOL gc_heap::ro_segments_in_range;
+size_t gc_heap::gen0_big_free_spaces = 0;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::lowest_address;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::highest_address;
+BOOL gc_heap::ephemeral_promotion;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::saved_ephemeral_plan_start[NUMBERGENERATIONS-1];
+size_t gc_heap::saved_ephemeral_plan_start_size[NUMBERGENERATIONS-1];
+short* gc_heap::brick_table;
+uint32_t* gc_heap::card_table;
+uint32_t* gc_heap::card_bundle_table;
+#endif //CARD_BUNDLE
+uint8_t* gc_heap::gc_low;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::gc_high;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::demotion_low;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::demotion_high;
+BOOL gc_heap::demote_gen1_p = TRUE;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::last_gen1_pin_end;
+gen_to_condemn_tuning gc_heap::gen_to_condemn_reasons;
+size_t gc_heap::etw_allocation_running_amount[2];
+int gc_heap::gc_policy = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::allocation_running_time;
+size_t gc_heap::allocation_running_amount;
+SPTR_IMPL_NS_INIT(heap_segment, WKS, gc_heap, ephemeral_heap_segment, 0);
+BOOL gc_heap::blocking_collection = FALSE;
+heap_segment* gc_heap::freeable_large_heap_segment = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::time_bgc_last = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::mark_stack_tos = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::mark_stack_bos = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::mark_stack_array_length = 0;
+mark* gc_heap::mark_stack_array = 0;
+BOOL gc_heap::verify_pinned_queue_p = FALSE;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::oldest_pinned_plug = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::num_pinned_objects = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::loh_pinned_queue_tos = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::loh_pinned_queue_bos = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::loh_pinned_queue_length = 0;
+mark* gc_heap::loh_pinned_queue = 0;
+BOOL gc_heap::loh_compacted_p = FALSE;
+EEThreadId gc_heap::bgc_thread_id;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::background_written_addresses [array_size+2];
+heap_segment* gc_heap::freeable_small_heap_segment = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::bgc_overflow_count = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::bgc_begin_loh_size = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::end_loh_size = 0;
+uint32_t gc_heap::bgc_alloc_spin_loh = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::bgc_loh_size_increased = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::bgc_loh_allocated_in_free = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::background_soh_alloc_count = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::background_loh_alloc_count = 0;
+uint8_t** gc_heap::background_mark_stack_tos = 0;
+uint8_t** gc_heap::background_mark_stack_array = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::background_mark_stack_array_length = 0;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::background_min_overflow_address =0;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::background_max_overflow_address =0;
+BOOL gc_heap::processed_soh_overflow_p = FALSE;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::background_min_soh_overflow_address =0;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::background_max_soh_overflow_address =0;
+SPTR_IMPL_NS_INIT(heap_segment, WKS, gc_heap, saved_sweep_ephemeral_seg, 0);
+SPTR_IMPL_NS_INIT(uint8_t, WKS, gc_heap, saved_sweep_ephemeral_start, 0);
+heap_segment* gc_heap::saved_overflow_ephemeral_seg = 0;
+Thread* gc_heap::bgc_thread = 0;
+BOOL gc_heap::expanded_in_fgc = FALSE;
+uint8_t** gc_heap::c_mark_list = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::c_mark_list_length = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::c_mark_list_index = 0;
+gc_history_per_heap gc_heap::bgc_data_per_heap;
+BOOL gc_heap::bgc_thread_running;
+CLRCriticalSection gc_heap::bgc_threads_timeout_cs;
+CLREvent gc_heap::gc_lh_block_event;
+#ifdef MARK_LIST
+uint8_t** gc_heap::mark_list;
+uint8_t** gc_heap::mark_list_index;
+uint8_t** gc_heap::mark_list_end;
+#endif //MARK_LIST
+snoop_stats_data gc_heap::snoop_stat;
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+uint8_t* gc_heap::min_overflow_address = MAX_PTR;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::max_overflow_address = 0;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::shigh = 0;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::slow = MAX_PTR;
+size_t gc_heap::ordered_free_space_indices[MAX_NUM_BUCKETS];
+size_t gc_heap::saved_ordered_free_space_indices[MAX_NUM_BUCKETS];
+size_t gc_heap::ordered_plug_indices[MAX_NUM_BUCKETS];
+size_t gc_heap::saved_ordered_plug_indices[MAX_NUM_BUCKETS];
+BOOL gc_heap::ordered_plug_indices_init = FALSE;
+BOOL gc_heap::use_bestfit = FALSE;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::bestfit_first_pin = 0;
+BOOL gc_heap::commit_end_of_seg = FALSE;
+size_t gc_heap::max_free_space_items = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::free_space_buckets = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::free_space_items = 0;
+int gc_heap::trimmed_free_space_index = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::total_ephemeral_plugs = 0;
+seg_free_spaces* gc_heap::bestfit_seg = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::total_ephemeral_size = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::internal_root_array_length = initial_internal_roots;
+SPTR_IMPL_NS_INIT(PTR_uint8_t, WKS, gc_heap, internal_root_array, 0);
+SVAL_IMPL_NS_INIT(size_t, WKS, gc_heap, internal_root_array_index, 0);
+SVAL_IMPL_NS_INIT(BOOL, WKS, gc_heap, heap_analyze_success, TRUE);
+uint8_t* gc_heap::current_obj = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::current_obj_size = 0;
+#endif //HEAP_ANALYZE
+size_t gc_heap::interesting_data_per_gc[max_idp_count];
+//size_t gc_heap::interesting_data_per_heap[max_idp_count];
+//size_t gc_heap::interesting_mechanisms_per_heap[max_im_count];
+no_gc_region_info gc_heap::current_no_gc_region_info;
+BOOL gc_heap::proceed_with_gc_p = FALSE;
+GCSpinLock gc_heap::gc_lock;
+size_t gc_heap::eph_gen_starts_size = 0;
+heap_segment* gc_heap::segment_standby_list;
+size_t gc_heap::last_gc_index = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::min_segment_size = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::time_init = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::time_since_init = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::compact_or_sweep_gcs[2];
+BOOL gc_heap::loh_compaction_always_p = FALSE;
+gc_loh_compaction_mode gc_heap::loh_compaction_mode = loh_compaction_default;
+int gc_heap::loh_pinned_queue_decay = LOH_PIN_DECAY;
+CLREvent gc_heap::full_gc_approach_event;
+CLREvent gc_heap::full_gc_end_event;
+uint32_t gc_heap::fgn_maxgen_percent = 0;
+uint32_t gc_heap::fgn_loh_percent = 0;
+BOOL gc_heap::fgn_last_gc_was_concurrent = FALSE;
+VOLATILE(bool) gc_heap::full_gc_approach_event_set;
+size_t gc_heap::full_gc_counts[gc_type_max];
+BOOL gc_heap::should_expand_in_full_gc = FALSE;
+BOOL gc_heap::heap_analyze_enabled = FALSE;
+#endif //HEAP_ANALYZE
+extern "C" {
+GARY_IMPL(generation, generation_table,NUMBERGENERATIONS+1);
+GARY_IMPL(size_t, interesting_data_per_heap, max_idp_count);
+GARY_IMPL(size_t, compact_reasons_per_heap, max_compact_reasons_count);
+GARY_IMPL(size_t, expand_mechanisms_per_heap, max_expand_mechanisms_count);
+GARY_IMPL(size_t, interesting_mechanism_bits_per_heap, max_gc_mechanism_bits_count);
+alloc_list gc_heap::loh_alloc_list [NUM_LOH_ALIST-1];
+alloc_list gc_heap::gen2_alloc_list[NUM_GEN2_ALIST-1];
+dynamic_data gc_heap::dynamic_data_table [NUMBERGENERATIONS+1];
+gc_history_per_heap gc_heap::gc_data_per_heap;
+size_t gc_heap::maxgen_pinned_compact_before_advance = 0;
+SPTR_IMPL_NS_INIT(uint8_t, WKS, gc_heap, alloc_allocated, 0);
+size_t gc_heap::allocation_quantum = CLR_SIZE;
+GCSpinLock gc_heap::more_space_lock;
+unsigned int gc_heap::good_suspension = 0;
+unsigned int gc_heap::bad_suspension = 0;
+uint64_t gc_heap::total_msl_acquire = 0;
+unsigned int gc_heap::num_msl_acquired = 0;
+unsigned int gc_heap::num_high_msl_acquire = 0;
+unsigned int gc_heap::num_low_msl_acquire = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::alloc_contexts_used = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::soh_allocation_no_gc = 0;
+size_t gc_heap::loh_allocation_no_gc = 0;
+heap_segment* gc_heap::saved_loh_segment_no_gc = 0;
+BOOL gc_heap::gen0_bricks_cleared = FALSE;
+int gc_heap::gen0_must_clear_bricks = 0;
+#endif //FFIND_OBJECT
+SPTR_IMPL_NS_INIT(CFinalize, WKS, gc_heap, finalize_queue, 0);
+/* end of per heap static initialization */
+/* end of static initialization */
+void gen_to_condemn_tuning::print (int heap_num)
+#ifdef DT_LOG
+ dprintf (DT_LOG_0, ("condemned reasons (%d %d)", condemn_reasons_gen, condemn_reasons_condition));
+ dprintf (DT_LOG_0, ("%s", record_condemn_reasons_gen_header));
+ gc_condemn_reason_gen r_gen;
+ for (int i = 0; i < gcrg_max; i++)
+ {
+ r_gen = (gc_condemn_reason_gen)(i);
+ str_reasons_gen[i * 2] = get_gen_char (get_gen (r_gen));
+ }
+ dprintf (DT_LOG_0, ("[%2d]%s", heap_num, str_reasons_gen));
+ dprintf (DT_LOG_0, ("%s", record_condemn_reasons_condition_header));
+ gc_condemn_reason_condition r_condition;
+ for (int i = 0; i < gcrc_max; i++)
+ {
+ r_condition = (gc_condemn_reason_condition)(i);
+ str_reasons_condition[i * 2] = get_condition_char (get_condition (r_condition));
+ }
+ dprintf (DT_LOG_0, ("[%2d]%s", heap_num, str_reasons_condition));
+#endif //DT_LOG
+void gc_generation_data::print (int heap_num, int gen_num)
+#if defined(SIMPLE_DPRINTF) && defined(DT_LOG)
+ dprintf (DT_LOG_0, ("[%2d]gen%d beg %Id fl %Id fo %Id end %Id fl %Id fo %Id in %Id p %Id np %Id alloc %Id",
+ heap_num, gen_num,
+ size_before,
+ free_list_space_before, free_obj_space_before,
+ size_after,
+ free_list_space_after, free_obj_space_after,
+ in, pinned_surv, npinned_surv,
+ new_allocation));
+void gc_history_per_heap::set_mechanism (gc_mechanism_per_heap mechanism_per_heap, uint32_t value)
+ uint32_t* mechanism = &mechanisms[mechanism_per_heap];
+ *mechanism = 0;
+ *mechanism |= mechanism_mask;
+ *mechanism |= (1 << value);
+#ifdef DT_LOG
+ gc_mechanism_descr* descr = &gc_mechanisms_descr[mechanism_per_heap];
+ dprintf (DT_LOG_0, ("setting %s: %s",
+ descr->name,
+ (descr->descr)[value]));
+#endif //DT_LOG
+void gc_history_per_heap::print()
+#if defined(SIMPLE_DPRINTF) && defined(DT_LOG)
+ for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof (gen_data)/sizeof (gc_generation_data)); i++)
+ {
+ gen_data[i].print (heap_index, i);
+ }
+ dprintf (DT_LOG_0, ("fla %Id flr %Id esa %Id ca %Id pa %Id paa %Id, rfle %d, ec %Id",
+ maxgen_size_info.free_list_allocated,
+ maxgen_size_info.free_list_rejected,
+ maxgen_size_info.end_seg_allocated,
+ maxgen_size_info.condemned_allocated,
+ maxgen_size_info.pinned_allocated,
+ maxgen_size_info.pinned_allocated_advance,
+ maxgen_size_info.running_free_list_efficiency,
+ extra_gen0_committed));
+ int mechanism = 0;
+ gc_mechanism_descr* descr = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < max_mechanism_per_heap; i++)
+ {
+ mechanism = get_mechanism ((gc_mechanism_per_heap)i);
+ if (mechanism >= 0)
+ {
+ descr = &gc_mechanisms_descr[(gc_mechanism_per_heap)i];
+ dprintf (DT_LOG_0, ("[%2d]%s%s",
+ heap_index,
+ descr->name,
+ (descr->descr)[mechanism]));
+ }
+ }
+void gc_history_global::print()
+#ifdef DT_LOG
+ char str_settings[64];
+ memset (str_settings, '|', sizeof (char) * 64);
+ str_settings[max_global_mechanisms_count*2] = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < max_global_mechanisms_count; i++)
+ {
+ str_settings[i * 2] = (get_mechanism_p ((gc_global_mechanism_p)i) ? 'Y' : 'N');
+ }
+ dprintf (DT_LOG_0, ("[hp]|c|p|o|d|b|e|"));
+ dprintf (DT_LOG_0, ("%4d|%s", num_heaps, str_settings));
+ dprintf (DT_LOG_0, ("Condemned gen%d(reason: %s; mode: %s), youngest budget %Id(%d), memload %d",
+ condemned_generation,
+ str_gc_reasons[reason],
+ str_gc_pause_modes[pause_mode],
+ final_youngest_desired,
+ gen0_reduction_count,
+ mem_pressure));
+#endif //DT_LOG
+void gc_heap::fire_per_heap_hist_event (gc_history_per_heap* current_gc_data_per_heap, int heap_num)
+ maxgen_size_increase* maxgen_size_info = &(current_gc_data_per_heap->maxgen_size_info);
+ FireEtwGCPerHeapHistory_V3(GetClrInstanceId(),
+ (uint8_t*)(maxgen_size_info->free_list_allocated),
+ (uint8_t*)(maxgen_size_info->free_list_rejected),
+ (uint8_t*)(maxgen_size_info->end_seg_allocated),
+ (uint8_t*)(maxgen_size_info->condemned_allocated),
+ (uint8_t*)(maxgen_size_info->pinned_allocated),
+ (uint8_t*)(maxgen_size_info->pinned_allocated_advance),
+ maxgen_size_info->running_free_list_efficiency,
+ current_gc_data_per_heap->gen_to_condemn_reasons.get_reasons0(),
+ current_gc_data_per_heap->gen_to_condemn_reasons.get_reasons1(),
+ current_gc_data_per_heap->mechanisms[gc_heap_compact],
+ current_gc_data_per_heap->mechanisms[gc_heap_expand],
+ current_gc_data_per_heap->heap_index,
+ (uint8_t*)(current_gc_data_per_heap->extra_gen0_committed),
+ (max_generation + 2),
+ sizeof (gc_generation_data),
+ &(current_gc_data_per_heap->gen_data[0]));
+ current_gc_data_per_heap->print();
+ current_gc_data_per_heap->gen_to_condemn_reasons.print (heap_num);
+void gc_heap::fire_pevents()
+#ifndef CORECLR
+ settings.record (&gc_data_global);
+ gc_data_global.print();
+ FireEtwGCGlobalHeapHistory_V2(gc_data_global.final_youngest_desired,
+ gc_data_global.num_heaps,
+ gc_data_global.condemned_generation,
+ gc_data_global.gen0_reduction_count,
+ gc_data_global.reason,
+ gc_data_global.global_mechanims_p,
+ GetClrInstanceId(),
+ gc_data_global.pause_mode,
+ gc_data_global.mem_pressure);
+ for (int i = 0; i < gc_heap::n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps[i];
+ gc_history_per_heap* current_gc_data_per_heap = hp->get_gc_data_per_heap();
+ fire_per_heap_hist_event (current_gc_data_per_heap, hp->heap_number);
+ }
+ gc_history_per_heap* current_gc_data_per_heap = get_gc_data_per_heap();
+ fire_per_heap_hist_event (current_gc_data_per_heap, heap_number);
+#endif //!CORECLR
+inline BOOL
+gc_heap::dt_low_ephemeral_space_p (gc_tuning_point tp)
+ BOOL ret = FALSE;
+ switch (tp)
+ {
+ case tuning_deciding_condemned_gen:
+ case tuning_deciding_compaction:
+ case tuning_deciding_expansion:
+ case tuning_deciding_full_gc:
+ {
+ ret = (!ephemeral_gen_fit_p (tp));
+ break;
+ }
+ case tuning_deciding_promote_ephemeral:
+ {
+ size_t new_gen0size = approximate_new_allocation();
+ ptrdiff_t plan_ephemeral_size = total_ephemeral_size;
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: plan eph size is %Id, new gen0 is %Id",
+ heap_number, plan_ephemeral_size, new_gen0size));
+ ret = ((size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment) - (heap_segment_mem (ephemeral_heap_segment))) <
+ (plan_ephemeral_size + new_gen0size));
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+gc_heap::dt_high_frag_p (gc_tuning_point tp,
+ int gen_number,
+ BOOL elevate_p)
+ BOOL ret = FALSE;
+ switch (tp)
+ {
+ case tuning_deciding_condemned_gen:
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (gen_number);
+ float fragmentation_burden = 0;
+ if (elevate_p)
+ {
+ ret = (dd_fragmentation (dynamic_data_of (max_generation)) >= dd_max_size(dd));
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: frag is %Id, max size is %Id",
+ heap_number, dd_fragmentation (dd), dd_max_size(dd)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (gen_number == max_generation)
+ {
+ float frag_ratio = (float)(dd_fragmentation (dynamic_data_of (max_generation))) / (float)generation_size (max_generation);
+ if (frag_ratio > 0.65)
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("g2 FR: %d%%", (int)(frag_ratio*100)));
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ size_t fr = generation_unusable_fragmentation (generation_of (gen_number));
+ ret = (fr > dd_fragmentation_limit(dd));
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ fragmentation_burden = (float)fr / generation_size (gen_number);
+ ret = (fragmentation_burden > dd_v_fragmentation_burden_limit (dd));
+ }
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: gen%d, frag is %Id, alloc effi: %d%%, unusable frag is %Id, ratio is %d",
+ heap_number, gen_number, dd_fragmentation (dd),
+ (int)(100*generation_allocator_efficiency (generation_of (gen_number))),
+ fr, (int)(fragmentation_burden*100)));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+inline BOOL
+gc_heap::dt_estimate_reclaim_space_p (gc_tuning_point tp, int gen_number)
+ BOOL ret = FALSE;
+ switch (tp)
+ {
+ case tuning_deciding_condemned_gen:
+ {
+ if (gen_number == max_generation)
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (gen_number);
+ size_t maxgen_allocated = (dd_desired_allocation (dd) - dd_new_allocation (dd));
+ size_t maxgen_total_size = maxgen_allocated + dd_current_size (dd);
+ size_t est_maxgen_surv = (size_t)((float) (maxgen_total_size) * dd_surv (dd));
+ size_t est_maxgen_free = maxgen_total_size - est_maxgen_surv + dd_fragmentation (dd);
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: Total gen2 size: %Id, est gen2 dead space: %Id (s: %d, allocated: %Id), frag: %Id",
+ heap_number,
+ maxgen_total_size,
+ est_maxgen_free,
+ (int)(dd_surv (dd) * 100),
+ maxgen_allocated,
+ dd_fragmentation (dd)));
+ uint32_t num_heaps = 1;
+ num_heaps = gc_heap::n_heaps;
+ size_t min_frag_th = min_reclaim_fragmentation_threshold (num_heaps);
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d, min frag is %Id", heap_number, min_frag_th));
+ ret = (est_maxgen_free >= min_frag_th);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+// DTREVIEW: Right now we only estimate gen2 fragmentation.
+// on 64-bit though we should consider gen1 or even gen0 fragmentatioin as
+// well
+inline BOOL
+gc_heap::dt_estimate_high_frag_p (gc_tuning_point tp, int gen_number, uint64_t available_mem)
+ BOOL ret = FALSE;
+ switch (tp)
+ {
+ case tuning_deciding_condemned_gen:
+ {
+ if (gen_number == max_generation)
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (gen_number);
+ float est_frag_ratio = 0;
+ if (dd_current_size (dd) == 0)
+ {
+ est_frag_ratio = 1;
+ }
+ else if ((dd_fragmentation (dd) == 0) || (dd_fragmentation (dd) + dd_current_size (dd) == 0))
+ {
+ est_frag_ratio = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ est_frag_ratio = (float)dd_fragmentation (dd) / (float)(dd_fragmentation (dd) + dd_current_size (dd));
+ }
+ size_t est_frag = (dd_fragmentation (dd) + (size_t)((dd_desired_allocation (dd) - dd_new_allocation (dd)) * est_frag_ratio));
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: gen%d: current_size is %Id, frag is %Id, est_frag_ratio is %d%%, estimated frag is %Id",
+ heap_number,
+ gen_number,
+ dd_current_size (dd),
+ dd_fragmentation (dd),
+ (int)(est_frag_ratio*100),
+ est_frag));
+ uint32_t num_heaps = 1;
+ num_heaps = gc_heap::n_heaps;
+ uint64_t min_frag_th = min_high_fragmentation_threshold(available_mem, num_heaps);
+ //dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d, min frag is %I64d", heap_number, min_frag_th));
+ ret = (est_frag >= min_frag_th);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+inline BOOL
+gc_heap::dt_low_card_table_efficiency_p (gc_tuning_point tp)
+ BOOL ret = FALSE;
+ switch (tp)
+ {
+ case tuning_deciding_condemned_gen:
+ {
+ /* promote into max-generation if the card table has too many
+ * generation faults besides the n -> 0
+ */
+ ret = (generation_skip_ratio < 30);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+inline BOOL
+in_range_for_segment(uint8_t* add, heap_segment* seg)
+ return ((add >= heap_segment_mem (seg)) && (add < heap_segment_reserved (seg)));
+// The array we allocate is organized as follows:
+// 0th element is the address of the last array we allocated.
+// starting from the 1st element are the segment addresses, that's
+// what buckets() returns.
+struct bk
+ uint8_t* add;
+ size_t val;
+class sorted_table
+ ptrdiff_t size;
+ ptrdiff_t count;
+ bk* slots;
+ bk* buckets() { return (slots + 1); }
+ uint8_t*& last_slot (bk* arr) { return arr[0].add; }
+ bk* old_slots;
+ static sorted_table* make_sorted_table ();
+ BOOL insert (uint8_t* add, size_t val);;
+ size_t lookup (uint8_t*& add);
+ void remove (uint8_t* add);
+ void clear ();
+ void delete_sorted_table();
+ void delete_old_slots();
+ void enqueue_old_slot(bk* sl);
+ BOOL ensure_space_for_insert();
+sorted_table::make_sorted_table ()
+ size_t size = 400;
+ // allocate one more bk to store the older slot address.
+ sorted_table* res = (sorted_table*)new char [sizeof (sorted_table) + (size + 1) * sizeof (bk)];
+ if (!res)
+ return 0;
+ res->size = size;
+ res->slots = (bk*)(res + 1);
+ res->old_slots = 0;
+ res->clear();
+ return res;
+ if (slots != (bk*)(this+1))
+ {
+ delete slots;
+ }
+ delete_old_slots();
+ delete this;
+ uint8_t* sl = (uint8_t*)old_slots;
+ while (sl)
+ {
+ uint8_t* dsl = sl;
+ sl = last_slot ((bk*)sl);
+ delete dsl;
+ }
+ old_slots = 0;
+sorted_table::enqueue_old_slot(bk* sl)
+ last_slot (sl) = (uint8_t*)old_slots;
+ old_slots = sl;
+sorted_table::lookup (uint8_t*& add)
+ ptrdiff_t high = (count-1);
+ ptrdiff_t low = 0;
+ ptrdiff_t ti;
+ ptrdiff_t mid;
+ bk* buck = buckets();
+ while (low <= high)
+ {
+ mid = ((low + high)/2);
+ ti = mid;
+ if (buck[ti].add > add)
+ {
+ if ((ti > 0) && (buck[ti-1].add <= add))
+ {
+ add = buck[ti-1].add;
+ return buck[ti - 1].val;
+ }
+ high = mid - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (buck[ti+1].add > add)
+ {
+ add = buck[ti].add;
+ return buck[ti].val;
+ }
+ low = mid + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ add = 0;
+ return 0;
+ if (count == size)
+ {
+ size = (size * 3)/2;
+ assert((size * sizeof (bk)) > 0);
+ bk* res = (bk*)new (nothrow) char [(size + 1) * sizeof (bk)];
+ assert (res);
+ if (!res)
+ return FALSE;
+ last_slot (res) = 0;
+ memcpy (((bk*)res + 1), buckets(), count * sizeof (bk));
+ bk* last_old_slots = slots;
+ slots = res;
+ if (last_old_slots != (bk*)(this + 1))
+ enqueue_old_slot (last_old_slots);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+sorted_table::insert (uint8_t* add, size_t val)
+ //grow if no more room
+ assert (count < size);
+ //insert sorted
+ ptrdiff_t high = (count-1);
+ ptrdiff_t low = 0;
+ ptrdiff_t ti;
+ ptrdiff_t mid;
+ bk* buck = buckets();
+ while (low <= high)
+ {
+ mid = ((low + high)/2);
+ ti = mid;
+ if (buck[ti].add > add)
+ {
+ if ((ti == 0) || (buck[ti-1].add <= add))
+ {
+ // found insertion point
+ for (ptrdiff_t k = count; k > ti;k--)
+ {
+ buck [k] = buck [k-1];
+ }
+ buck[ti].add = add;
+ buck[ti].val = val;
+ count++;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ high = mid - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (buck[ti+1].add > add)
+ {
+ //found the insertion point
+ for (ptrdiff_t k = count; k > ti+1;k--)
+ {
+ buck [k] = buck [k-1];
+ }
+ buck[ti+1].add = add;
+ buck[ti+1].val = val;
+ count++;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ low = mid + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ assert (0);
+ return TRUE;
+sorted_table::remove (uint8_t* add)
+ ptrdiff_t high = (count-1);
+ ptrdiff_t low = 0;
+ ptrdiff_t ti;
+ ptrdiff_t mid;
+ bk* buck = buckets();
+ while (low <= high)
+ {
+ mid = ((low + high)/2);
+ ti = mid;
+ if (buck[ti].add > add)
+ {
+ if (buck[ti-1].add <= add)
+ {
+ // found the guy to remove
+ for (ptrdiff_t k = ti; k < count; k++)
+ buck[k-1] = buck[k];
+ count--;
+ return;
+ }
+ high = mid - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (buck[ti+1].add > add)
+ {
+ // found the guy to remove
+ for (ptrdiff_t k = ti+1; k < count; k++)
+ buck[k-1] = buck[k];
+ count--;
+ return;
+ }
+ low = mid + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ assert (0);
+ count = 1;
+ buckets()[0].add = MAX_PTR;
+uint8_t* align_on_segment (uint8_t* add)
+ return (uint8_t*)((size_t)(add + (gc_heap::min_segment_size - 1)) & ~(gc_heap::min_segment_size - 1));
+uint8_t* align_lower_segment (uint8_t* add)
+ return (uint8_t*)((size_t)(add) & ~(gc_heap::min_segment_size - 1));
+size_t size_seg_mapping_table_of (uint8_t* from, uint8_t* end)
+ from = align_lower_segment (from);
+ end = align_on_segment (end);
+ dprintf (1, ("from: %Ix, end: %Ix, size: %Ix", from, end, sizeof (seg_mapping)*(((end - from) / gc_heap::min_segment_size))));
+ return sizeof (seg_mapping)*((end - from) / gc_heap::min_segment_size);
+// for seg_mapping_table we want it to start from a pointer sized address.
+size_t align_for_seg_mapping_table (size_t size)
+ return ((size + (sizeof (uint8_t*) - 1)) &~ (sizeof (uint8_t*) - 1));
+size_t seg_mapping_word_of (uint8_t* add)
+ return (size_t)add / gc_heap::min_segment_size;
+BOOL seg_mapping_table_init()
+#ifdef BIT64
+ uint64_t total_address_space = (uint64_t)8*1024*1024*1024*1024;
+ uint64_t total_address_space = (uint64_t)4*1024*1024*1024;
+#endif // BIT64
+ size_t num_entries = (size_t)(total_address_space / gc_heap::min_segment_size);
+ seg_mapping_table = new seg_mapping[num_entries];
+ if (seg_mapping_table)
+ {
+ memset (seg_mapping_table, 0, num_entries * sizeof (seg_mapping));
+ dprintf (1, ("created %d entries for heap mapping (%Id bytes)",
+ num_entries, (num_entries * sizeof (seg_mapping))));
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (1, ("failed to create %d entries for heap mapping (%Id bytes)",
+ num_entries, (num_entries * sizeof (seg_mapping))));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+size_t ro_seg_begin_index (heap_segment* seg)
+ size_t begin_index = (size_t)seg / gc_heap::min_segment_size;
+ begin_index = max (begin_index, (size_t)g_lowest_address / gc_heap::min_segment_size);
+ return begin_index;
+size_t ro_seg_end_index (heap_segment* seg)
+ size_t end_index = (size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (seg) - 1) / gc_heap::min_segment_size;
+ end_index = min (end_index, (size_t)g_highest_address / gc_heap::min_segment_size);
+ return end_index;
+void seg_mapping_table_add_ro_segment (heap_segment* seg)
+ if ((heap_segment_reserved (seg) <= g_lowest_address) || (heap_segment_mem (seg) >= g_highest_address))
+ return;
+ for (size_t entry_index = ro_seg_begin_index (seg); entry_index <= ro_seg_end_index (seg); entry_index++)
+ seg_mapping_table[entry_index].seg1 = (heap_segment*)((size_t)seg_mapping_table[entry_index].seg1 | ro_in_entry);
+void seg_mapping_table_remove_ro_segment (heap_segment* seg)
+#if 0
+// POSSIBLE PERF TODO: right now we are not doing anything because we can't simply remove the flag. If it proves
+// to be a perf problem, we can search in the current ro segs and see if any lands in this range and only
+// remove the flag if none lands in this range.
+#endif //0
+heap_segment* ro_segment_lookup (uint8_t* o)
+ uint8_t* ro_seg_start = o;
+ heap_segment* seg = (heap_segment*)gc_heap::seg_table->lookup (ro_seg_start);
+ if (ro_seg_start && in_range_for_segment (o, seg))
+ return seg;
+ else
+ return 0;
+void gc_heap::seg_mapping_table_add_segment (heap_segment* seg, gc_heap* hp)
+ size_t seg_end = (size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (seg) - 1);
+ size_t begin_index = (size_t)seg / gc_heap::min_segment_size;
+ seg_mapping* begin_entry = &seg_mapping_table[begin_index];
+ size_t end_index = seg_end / gc_heap::min_segment_size;
+ seg_mapping* end_entry = &seg_mapping_table[end_index];
+ dprintf (1, ("adding seg %Ix(%d)-%Ix(%d)",
+ seg, begin_index, heap_segment_reserved (seg), end_index));
+ dprintf (1, ("before add: begin entry%d: boundary: %Ix; end entry: %d: boundary: %Ix",
+ begin_index, (seg_mapping_table[begin_index].boundary + 1),
+ end_index, (seg_mapping_table[end_index].boundary + 1)));
+ dprintf (1, ("begin %d: h0: %Ix(%d), h1: %Ix(%d); end %d: h0: %Ix(%d), h1: %Ix(%d)",
+ begin_index, (uint8_t*)(begin_entry->h0), (begin_entry->h0 ? begin_entry->h0->heap_number : -1),
+ (uint8_t*)(begin_entry->h1), (begin_entry->h1 ? begin_entry->h1->heap_number : -1),
+ end_index, (uint8_t*)(end_entry->h0), (end_entry->h0 ? end_entry->h0->heap_number : -1),
+ (uint8_t*)(end_entry->h1), (end_entry->h1 ? end_entry->h1->heap_number : -1)));
+ assert (end_entry->boundary == 0);
+ assert (end_entry->h0 == 0);
+ end_entry->h0 = hp;
+ assert (begin_entry->h1 == 0);
+ begin_entry->h1 = hp;
+ end_entry->boundary = (uint8_t*)seg_end;
+ dprintf (1, ("set entry %d seg1 and %d seg0 to %Ix", begin_index, end_index, seg));
+ assert ((begin_entry->seg1 == 0) || ((size_t)(begin_entry->seg1) == ro_in_entry));
+ begin_entry->seg1 = (heap_segment*)((size_t)(begin_entry->seg1) | (size_t)seg);
+ end_entry->seg0 = seg;
+ // for every entry inbetween we need to set its heap too.
+ for (size_t entry_index = (begin_index + 1); entry_index <= (end_index - 1); entry_index++)
+ {
+ assert (seg_mapping_table[entry_index].boundary == 0);
+ assert (seg_mapping_table[entry_index].h0 == 0);
+ seg_mapping_table[entry_index].h1 = hp;
+ seg_mapping_table[entry_index].seg1 = seg;
+ }
+ dprintf (1, ("after add: begin entry%d: boundary: %Ix; end entry: %d: boundary: %Ix",
+ begin_index, (seg_mapping_table[begin_index].boundary + 1),
+ end_index, (seg_mapping_table[end_index].boundary + 1)));
+#if defined(MULTIPLE_HEAPS) && defined(SIMPLE_DPRINTF)
+ dprintf (1, ("begin %d: h0: %Ix(%d), h1: %Ix(%d); end: %d h0: %Ix(%d), h1: %Ix(%d)",
+ begin_index, (uint8_t*)(begin_entry->h0), (begin_entry->h0 ? begin_entry->h0->heap_number : -1),
+ (uint8_t*)(begin_entry->h1), (begin_entry->h1 ? begin_entry->h1->heap_number : -1),
+ end_index, (uint8_t*)(end_entry->h0), (end_entry->h0 ? end_entry->h0->heap_number : -1),
+ (uint8_t*)(end_entry->h1), (end_entry->h1 ? end_entry->h1->heap_number : -1)));
+void gc_heap::seg_mapping_table_remove_segment (heap_segment* seg)
+ size_t seg_end = (size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (seg) - 1);
+ size_t begin_index = (size_t)seg / gc_heap::min_segment_size;
+ seg_mapping* begin_entry = &seg_mapping_table[begin_index];
+ size_t end_index = seg_end / gc_heap::min_segment_size;
+ seg_mapping* end_entry = &seg_mapping_table[end_index];
+ dprintf (1, ("removing seg %Ix(%d)-%Ix(%d)",
+ seg, begin_index, heap_segment_reserved (seg), end_index));
+ assert (end_entry->boundary == (uint8_t*)seg_end);
+ end_entry->boundary = 0;
+ gc_heap* hp = heap_segment_heap (seg);
+ assert (end_entry->h0 == hp);
+ end_entry->h0 = 0;
+ assert (begin_entry->h1 == hp);
+ begin_entry->h1 = 0;
+ assert (begin_entry->seg1 != 0);
+ begin_entry->seg1 = (heap_segment*)((size_t)(begin_entry->seg1) & ro_in_entry);
+ end_entry->seg0 = 0;
+ // for every entry inbetween we need to reset its heap too.
+ for (size_t entry_index = (begin_index + 1); entry_index <= (end_index - 1); entry_index++)
+ {
+ assert (seg_mapping_table[entry_index].boundary == 0);
+ assert (seg_mapping_table[entry_index].h0 == 0);
+ assert (seg_mapping_table[entry_index].h1 == hp);
+ seg_mapping_table[entry_index].h1 = 0;
+ seg_mapping_table[entry_index].seg1 = 0;
+ }
+ dprintf (1, ("after remove: begin entry%d: boundary: %Ix; end entry: %d: boundary: %Ix",
+ begin_index, (seg_mapping_table[begin_index].boundary + 1),
+ end_index, (seg_mapping_table[end_index].boundary + 1)));
+ dprintf (1, ("begin %d: h0: %Ix, h1: %Ix; end: %d h0: %Ix, h1: %Ix",
+ begin_index, (uint8_t*)(begin_entry->h0), (uint8_t*)(begin_entry->h1),
+ end_index, (uint8_t*)(end_entry->h0), (uint8_t*)(end_entry->h1)));
+gc_heap* seg_mapping_table_heap_of_worker (uint8_t* o)
+ size_t index = (size_t)o / gc_heap::min_segment_size;
+ seg_mapping* entry = &seg_mapping_table[index];
+ gc_heap* hp = ((o > entry->boundary) ? entry->h1 : entry->h0);
+ dprintf (2, ("checking obj %Ix, index is %Id, entry: boundry: %Ix, h0: %Ix, seg0: %Ix, h1: %Ix, seg1: %Ix",
+ o, index, (entry->boundary + 1),
+ (uint8_t*)(entry->h0), (uint8_t*)(entry->seg0),
+ (uint8_t*)(entry->h1), (uint8_t*)(entry->seg1)));
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ heap_segment* seg = ((o > entry->boundary) ? entry->seg1 : entry->seg0);
+ if ((size_t)seg & ro_in_entry)
+ seg = (heap_segment*)((size_t)seg & ~ro_in_entry);
+ if (seg)
+ {
+ if (in_range_for_segment (o, seg))
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("obj %Ix belongs to segment %Ix(-%Ix)", o, seg, (uint8_t*)heap_segment_allocated (seg)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("found seg %Ix(-%Ix) for obj %Ix, but it's not on the seg",
+ seg, (uint8_t*)heap_segment_allocated (seg), o));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("could not find obj %Ix in any existing segments", o));
+ }
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ return hp;
+gc_heap* seg_mapping_table_heap_of (uint8_t* o)
+ if ((o < g_lowest_address) || (o >= g_highest_address))
+ return 0;
+ return seg_mapping_table_heap_of_worker (o);
+gc_heap* seg_mapping_table_heap_of_gc (uint8_t* o)
+ if ((o < g_lowest_address) || (o >= g_highest_address))
+ return 0;
+ return seg_mapping_table_heap_of_worker (o);
+// Only returns a valid seg if we can actually find o on the seg.
+heap_segment* seg_mapping_table_segment_of (uint8_t* o)
+ if ((o < g_lowest_address) || (o >= g_highest_address))
+ return ro_segment_lookup (o);
+ return 0;
+ size_t index = (size_t)o / gc_heap::min_segment_size;
+ seg_mapping* entry = &seg_mapping_table[index];
+ dprintf (2, ("checking obj %Ix, index is %Id, entry: boundry: %Ix, seg0: %Ix, seg1: %Ix",
+ o, index, (entry->boundary + 1),
+ (uint8_t*)(entry->seg0), (uint8_t*)(entry->seg1)));
+ heap_segment* seg = ((o > entry->boundary) ? entry->seg1 : entry->seg0);
+ if ((size_t)seg & ro_in_entry)
+ seg = (heap_segment*)((size_t)seg & ~ro_in_entry);
+ if (seg)
+ {
+ // Can't assert this when it's callled by everyone (it's true when it's called by mark cards).
+ //assert (in_range_for_segment (o, seg));
+ if (in_range_for_segment (o, seg))
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("obj %Ix belongs to segment %Ix(-%Ix)", o, (uint8_t*)heap_segment_mem(seg), (uint8_t*)heap_segment_reserved(seg)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("found seg %Ix(-%Ix) for obj %Ix, but it's not on the seg, setting it to 0",
+ (uint8_t*)heap_segment_mem(seg), (uint8_t*)heap_segment_reserved(seg), o));
+ seg = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("could not find obj %Ix in any existing segments", o));
+ }
+ // TODO: This was originally written assuming that the seg_mapping_table would always contain entries for ro
+ // segments whenever the ro segment falls into the [g_lowest_address,g_highest_address) range. I.e., it had an
+ // extra "&& (size_t)(entry->seg1) & ro_in_entry" expression. However, at the moment, grow_brick_card_table does
+ // not correctly go through the ro segments and add them back to the seg_mapping_table when the [lowest,highest)
+ // range changes. We should probably go ahead and modify grow_brick_card_table and put back the
+ // "&& (size_t)(entry->seg1) & ro_in_entry" here.
+ if (!seg)
+ {
+ seg = ro_segment_lookup (o);
+ if (seg && !in_range_for_segment (o, seg))
+ seg = 0;
+ }
+ return seg;
+size_t gcard_of ( uint8_t*);
+void gset_card (size_t card);
+#define memref(i) *(uint8_t**)(i)
+//GC Flags
+#define GC_MARKED (size_t)0x1
+#define slot(i, j) ((uint8_t**)(i))[j+1]
+#define free_object_base_size (plug_skew + sizeof(ArrayBase))
+class CObjectHeader : public Object
+ // The GC expects the following methods that are provided by the Object class in the CLR but not provided
+ // by Redhawk's version of Object.
+ uint32_t GetNumComponents()
+ {
+ return ((ArrayBase *)this)->GetNumComponents();
+ }
+ void Validate(BOOL bDeep=TRUE, BOOL bVerifyNextHeader = TRUE)
+ {
+ if (this == NULL)
+ return;
+ MethodTable * pMT = GetMethodTable();
+ _ASSERTE(pMT->SanityCheck());
+ bool noRangeChecks =
+ (g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel() & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_NO_RANGE_CHECKS) == EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_NO_RANGE_CHECKS;
+ BOOL fSmallObjectHeapPtr = FALSE, fLargeObjectHeapPtr = FALSE;
+ if (!noRangeChecks)
+ {
+ fSmallObjectHeapPtr = GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->IsHeapPointer(this, TRUE);
+ if (!fSmallObjectHeapPtr)
+ fLargeObjectHeapPtr = GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->IsHeapPointer(this);
+ _ASSERTE(fSmallObjectHeapPtr || fLargeObjectHeapPtr);
+ }
+ _ASSERTE(IsStructAligned((uint8_t *)this, GetMethodTable()->GetBaseAlignment()));
+ if (pMT->RequiresAlign8())
+ {
+ _ASSERTE((((size_t)this) & 0x7) == (pMT->IsValueType() ? 4U : 0U));
+ }
+ if (bDeep && (g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel() & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_GC))
+ GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->ValidateObjectMember(this);
+ if (fSmallObjectHeapPtr)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(!GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->IsLargeObject(pMT) || GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->IsInFrozenSegment(this));
+ _ASSERTE(!GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->IsLargeObject(pMT));
+ }
+ }
+ void ValidatePromote(ScanContext *sc, uint32_t flags)
+ {
+ Validate();
+ }
+ void ValidateHeap(Object *from, BOOL bDeep)
+ {
+ Validate(bDeep, FALSE);
+ }
+ ADIndex GetAppDomainIndex()
+ {
+ }
+ /////
+ //
+ // Header Status Information
+ //
+ MethodTable *GetMethodTable() const
+ {
+ return( (MethodTable *) (((size_t) RawGetMethodTable()) & (~(GC_MARKED))));
+ }
+ void SetMarked()
+ {
+ RawSetMethodTable((MethodTable *) (((size_t) RawGetMethodTable()) | GC_MARKED));
+ }
+ BOOL IsMarked() const
+ {
+ return !!(((size_t)RawGetMethodTable()) & GC_MARKED);
+ }
+ void SetPinned()
+ {
+ assert (!(gc_heap::settings.concurrent));
+ GetHeader()->SetGCBit();
+ }
+ BOOL IsPinned() const
+ {
+ return !!((((CObjectHeader*)this)->GetHeader()->GetBits()) & BIT_SBLK_GC_RESERVE);
+ }
+ void ClearMarked()
+ {
+ RawSetMethodTable( GetMethodTable() );
+ }
+ CGCDesc *GetSlotMap ()
+ {
+ assert (GetMethodTable()->ContainsPointers());
+ return CGCDesc::GetCGCDescFromMT(GetMethodTable());
+ }
+ void SetFree(size_t size)
+ {
+ assert (size >= free_object_base_size);
+ assert (g_pFreeObjectMethodTable->GetBaseSize() == free_object_base_size);
+ assert (g_pFreeObjectMethodTable->RawGetComponentSize() == 1);
+ RawSetMethodTable( g_pFreeObjectMethodTable );
+ size_t* numComponentsPtr = (size_t*) &((uint8_t*) this)[ArrayBase::GetOffsetOfNumComponents()];
+ *numComponentsPtr = size - free_object_base_size;
+ //This introduces a bug in the free list management.
+ //((void**) this)[-1] = 0; // clear the sync block,
+ assert (*numComponentsPtr >= 0);
+ if (g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel() & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_GC)
+ memset (((uint8_t*)this)+sizeof(ArrayBase), 0xcc, *numComponentsPtr);
+#endif //VERIFY_HEAP
+ }
+ void UnsetFree()
+ {
+ size_t size = free_object_base_size - plug_skew;
+ // since we only need to clear 2 ptr size, we do it manually
+ PTR_PTR m = (PTR_PTR) this;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size / sizeof(PTR_PTR); i++)
+ *(m++) = 0;
+ }
+ BOOL IsFree () const
+ {
+ return (GetMethodTable() == g_pFreeObjectMethodTable);
+ }
+ int GetRequiredAlignment () const
+ {
+ return GetMethodTable()->GetRequiredAlignment();
+ }
+ BOOL ContainsPointers() const
+ {
+ return GetMethodTable()->ContainsPointers();
+ }
+ BOOL Collectible() const
+ {
+ return GetMethodTable()->Collectible();
+ }
+ FORCEINLINE BOOL ContainsPointersOrCollectible() const
+ {
+ MethodTable *pMethodTable = GetMethodTable();
+ return (pMethodTable->ContainsPointers() || pMethodTable->Collectible());
+ }
+ Object* GetObjectBase() const
+ {
+ return (Object*) this;
+ }
+#define header(i) ((CObjectHeader*)(i))
+#define free_list_slot(x) ((uint8_t**)(x))[2]
+#define free_list_undo(x) ((uint8_t**)(x))[-1]
+#define UNDO_EMPTY ((uint8_t*)1)
+void set_plug_padded (uint8_t* node)
+ header(node)->SetMarked();
+void clear_plug_padded (uint8_t* node)
+ header(node)->ClearMarked();
+BOOL is_plug_padded (uint8_t* node)
+ return header(node)->IsMarked();
+#else //SHORT_PLUGS
+inline void set_plug_padded (uint8_t* node){}
+inline void clear_plug_padded (uint8_t* node){}
+BOOL is_plug_padded (uint8_t* node){return FALSE;}
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+inline size_t unused_array_size(uint8_t * p)
+ assert(((CObjectHeader*)p)->IsFree());
+ size_t* numComponentsPtr = (size_t*)(p + ArrayBase::GetOffsetOfNumComponents());
+ return free_object_base_size + *numComponentsPtr;
+heap_segment* heap_segment_rw (heap_segment* ns)
+ if ((ns == 0) || !heap_segment_read_only_p (ns))
+ {
+ return ns;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ ns = heap_segment_next (ns);
+ } while ((ns != 0) && heap_segment_read_only_p (ns));
+ return ns;
+ }
+//returns the next non ro segment.
+heap_segment* heap_segment_next_rw (heap_segment* seg)
+ heap_segment* ns = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ return heap_segment_rw (ns);
+// returns the segment before seg.
+heap_segment* heap_segment_prev_rw (heap_segment* begin, heap_segment* seg)
+ assert (begin != 0);
+ heap_segment* prev = begin;
+ heap_segment* current = heap_segment_next_rw (begin);
+ while (current && current != seg)
+ {
+ prev = current;
+ current = heap_segment_next_rw (current);
+ }
+ if (current == seg)
+ {
+ return prev;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+// returns the segment before seg.
+heap_segment* heap_segment_prev (heap_segment* begin, heap_segment* seg)
+ assert (begin != 0);
+ heap_segment* prev = begin;
+ heap_segment* current = heap_segment_next (begin);
+ while (current && current != seg)
+ {
+ prev = current;
+ current = heap_segment_next (current);
+ }
+ if (current == seg)
+ {
+ return prev;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+heap_segment* heap_segment_in_range (heap_segment* ns)
+ if ((ns == 0) || heap_segment_in_range_p (ns))
+ {
+ return ns;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ ns = heap_segment_next (ns);
+ } while ((ns != 0) && !heap_segment_in_range_p (ns));
+ return ns;
+ }
+heap_segment* heap_segment_next_in_range (heap_segment* seg)
+ heap_segment* ns = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ return heap_segment_in_range (ns);
+typedef struct
+ uint8_t* memory_base;
+} imemory_data;
+typedef struct
+ imemory_data *initial_memory;
+ imemory_data *initial_normal_heap; // points into initial_memory_array
+ imemory_data *initial_large_heap; // points into initial_memory_array
+ size_t block_size_normal;
+ size_t block_size_large;
+ size_t block_count; // # of blocks in each
+ size_t current_block_normal;
+ size_t current_block_large;
+ enum
+ {
+ };
+ size_t allocation_pattern;
+} initial_memory_details;
+initial_memory_details memory_details;
+BOOL reserve_initial_memory (size_t normal_size, size_t large_size, size_t num_heaps)
+ BOOL reserve_success = FALSE;
+ // should only be called once
+ assert (memory_details.initial_memory == 0);
+ memory_details.initial_memory = new (nothrow) imemory_data[num_heaps*2];
+ if (memory_details.initial_memory == 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("failed to reserve %Id bytes for imemory_data", num_heaps*2*sizeof(imemory_data)));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ memory_details.initial_normal_heap = memory_details.initial_memory;
+ memory_details.initial_large_heap = memory_details.initial_memory + num_heaps;
+ memory_details.block_size_normal = normal_size;
+ memory_details.block_size_large = large_size;
+ memory_details.block_count = num_heaps;
+ memory_details.current_block_normal = 0;
+ memory_details.current_block_large = 0;
+ g_lowest_address = MAX_PTR;
+ g_highest_address = 0;
+ if (((size_t)MAX_PTR - large_size) < normal_size)
+ {
+ // we are already overflowing with just one heap.
+ dprintf (2, ("0x%Ix + 0x%Ix already overflow", normal_size, large_size));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (((size_t)MAX_PTR / memory_details.block_count) < (normal_size + large_size))
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("(0x%Ix + 0x%Ix)*0x%Ix overflow", normal_size, large_size, memory_details.block_count));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ size_t requestedMemory = memory_details.block_count * (normal_size + large_size);
+ uint8_t* allatonce_block = (uint8_t*)virtual_alloc (requestedMemory);
+ if (allatonce_block)
+ {
+ g_lowest_address = allatonce_block;
+ g_highest_address = allatonce_block + (memory_details.block_count * (large_size + normal_size));
+ memory_details.allocation_pattern = initial_memory_details::ALLATONCE;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < memory_details.block_count; i++)
+ {
+ memory_details.initial_normal_heap[i].memory_base = allatonce_block + (i*normal_size);
+ memory_details.initial_large_heap[i].memory_base = allatonce_block +
+ (memory_details.block_count*normal_size) + (i*large_size);
+ reserve_success = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // try to allocate 2 blocks
+ uint8_t* b1 = 0;
+ uint8_t* b2 = 0;
+ b1 = (uint8_t*)virtual_alloc (memory_details.block_count * normal_size);
+ if (b1)
+ {
+ b2 = (uint8_t*)virtual_alloc (memory_details.block_count * large_size);
+ if (b2)
+ {
+ memory_details.allocation_pattern = initial_memory_details::TWO_STAGE;
+ g_lowest_address = min(b1,b2);
+ g_highest_address = max(b1 + memory_details.block_count*normal_size,
+ b2 + memory_details.block_count*large_size);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < memory_details.block_count; i++)
+ {
+ memory_details.initial_normal_heap[i].memory_base = b1 + (i*normal_size);
+ memory_details.initial_large_heap[i].memory_base = b2 + (i*large_size);
+ reserve_success = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // b2 allocation failed, we'll go on to try allocating each block.
+ // We could preserve the b1 alloc, but code complexity increases
+ virtual_free (b1, memory_details.block_count * normal_size);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((b2==NULL) && ( memory_details.block_count > 1))
+ {
+ memory_details.allocation_pattern = initial_memory_details::EACH_BLOCK;
+ imemory_data *current_block = memory_details.initial_memory;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < (memory_details.block_count*2); i++, current_block++)
+ {
+ size_t block_size = ((i < memory_details.block_count) ?
+ memory_details.block_size_normal :
+ memory_details.block_size_large);
+ current_block->memory_base =
+ (uint8_t*)virtual_alloc (block_size);
+ if (current_block->memory_base == 0)
+ {
+ // Free the blocks that we've allocated so far
+ current_block = memory_details.initial_memory;
+ for(size_t j = 0; j < i; j++, current_block++){
+ if (current_block->memory_base != 0){
+ block_size = ((j < memory_details.block_count) ?
+ memory_details.block_size_normal :
+ memory_details.block_size_large);
+ virtual_free (current_block->memory_base , block_size);
+ }
+ }
+ reserve_success = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (current_block->memory_base < g_lowest_address)
+ g_lowest_address = current_block->memory_base;
+ if (((uint8_t *) current_block->memory_base + block_size) > g_highest_address)
+ g_highest_address = (current_block->memory_base + block_size);
+ }
+ reserve_success = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return reserve_success;
+void destroy_initial_memory()
+ if (memory_details.initial_memory != NULL)
+ {
+ if (memory_details.allocation_pattern == initial_memory_details::ALLATONCE)
+ {
+ virtual_free(memory_details.initial_memory[0].memory_base,
+ memory_details.block_count*(memory_details.block_size_normal +
+ memory_details.block_size_large));
+ }
+ else if (memory_details.allocation_pattern == initial_memory_details::TWO_STAGE)
+ {
+ virtual_free (memory_details.initial_normal_heap[0].memory_base,
+ memory_details.block_count*memory_details.block_size_normal);
+ virtual_free (memory_details.initial_large_heap[0].memory_base,
+ memory_details.block_count*memory_details.block_size_large);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (memory_details.allocation_pattern == initial_memory_details::EACH_BLOCK);
+ imemory_data *current_block = memory_details.initial_memory;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < (memory_details.block_count*2); i++, current_block++)
+ {
+ size_t block_size = (i < memory_details.block_count) ? memory_details.block_size_normal :
+ memory_details.block_size_large;
+ if (current_block->memory_base != NULL)
+ {
+ virtual_free (current_block->memory_base, block_size);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] memory_details.initial_memory;
+ memory_details.initial_memory = NULL;
+ memory_details.initial_normal_heap = NULL;
+ memory_details.initial_large_heap = NULL;
+ }
+void* next_initial_memory (size_t size)
+ assert ((size == memory_details.block_size_normal) || (size == memory_details.block_size_large));
+ void *res = NULL;
+ if ((size != memory_details.block_size_normal) ||
+ ((memory_details.current_block_normal == memory_details.block_count) &&
+ (memory_details.block_size_normal == memory_details.block_size_large)))
+ {
+ // If the block sizes are the same, flow block requests from normal to large
+ assert (memory_details.current_block_large < memory_details.block_count);
+ assert (memory_details.initial_large_heap != 0);
+ res = memory_details.initial_large_heap[memory_details.current_block_large].memory_base;
+ memory_details.current_block_large++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (memory_details.current_block_normal < memory_details.block_count);
+ assert (memory_details.initial_normal_heap != NULL);
+ res = memory_details.initial_normal_heap[memory_details.current_block_normal].memory_base;
+ memory_details.current_block_normal++;
+ }
+ return res;
+heap_segment* get_initial_segment (size_t size, int h_number)
+ void* mem = next_initial_memory (size);
+ heap_segment* res = gc_heap::make_heap_segment ((uint8_t*)mem, size , h_number);
+ return res;
+void* virtual_alloc (size_t size)
+ size_t requested_size = size;
+ if ((gc_heap::reserved_memory_limit - gc_heap::reserved_memory) < requested_size)
+ {
+ gc_heap::reserved_memory_limit =
+ GCScan::AskForMoreReservedMemory (gc_heap::reserved_memory_limit, requested_size);
+ if ((gc_heap::reserved_memory_limit - gc_heap::reserved_memory) < requested_size)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t flags = VirtualReserveFlags::None;
+ if (virtual_alloc_hardware_write_watch)
+ {
+ flags = VirtualReserveFlags::WriteWatch;
+ }
+ void* prgmem = GCToOSInterface::VirtualReserve (0, requested_size, card_size * card_word_width, flags);
+ void *aligned_mem = prgmem;
+ // We don't want (prgmem + size) to be right at the end of the address space
+ // because we'd have to worry about that everytime we do (address + size).
+ // We also want to make sure that we leave LARGE_OBJECT_SIZE at the end
+ // so we allocate a small object we don't need to worry about overflow there
+ // when we do alloc_ptr+size.
+ if (prgmem)
+ {
+ uint8_t* end_mem = (uint8_t*)prgmem + requested_size;
+ if ((end_mem == 0) || ((size_t)(MAX_PTR - end_mem) <= END_SPACE_AFTER_GC))
+ {
+ GCToOSInterface::VirtualRelease (prgmem, requested_size);
+ dprintf (2, ("Virtual Alloc size %Id returned memory right against 4GB [%Ix, %Ix[ - discarding",
+ requested_size, (size_t)prgmem, (size_t)((uint8_t*)prgmem+requested_size)));
+ prgmem = 0;
+ aligned_mem = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (prgmem)
+ {
+ gc_heap::reserved_memory += requested_size;
+ }
+ dprintf (2, ("Virtual Alloc size %Id: [%Ix, %Ix[",
+ requested_size, (size_t)prgmem, (size_t)((uint8_t*)prgmem+requested_size)));
+ return aligned_mem;
+void virtual_free (void* add, size_t size)
+ GCToOSInterface::VirtualRelease (add, size);
+ gc_heap::reserved_memory -= size;
+ dprintf (2, ("Virtual Free size %Id: [%Ix, %Ix[",
+ size, (size_t)add, (size_t)((uint8_t*)add+size)));
+// We have a few places that call this but the seg size doesn't change so call it
+// once and save the result.
+// TODO: move back after we do this.
+static size_t get_valid_segment_size (BOOL large_seg=FALSE)
+ size_t seg_size, initial_seg_size;
+ if (!large_seg)
+ {
+ initial_seg_size = INITIAL_ALLOC;
+ seg_size = g_pConfig->GetSegmentSize();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ initial_seg_size = LHEAP_ALLOC;
+ seg_size = g_pConfig->GetSegmentSize() / 2;
+ }
+#ifdef BIT64
+ if (!large_seg)
+#endif // BIT64
+ {
+ if (g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors > 4)
+ initial_seg_size /= 2;
+ if (g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors > 8)
+ initial_seg_size /= 2;
+ }
+ // if seg_size is small but not 0 (0 is default if config not set)
+ // then set the segment to the minimum size
+ if (!GCHeap::IsValidSegmentSize(seg_size))
+ {
+ // if requested size is between 1 byte and 4MB, use min
+ if ((seg_size >> 1) && !(seg_size >> 22))
+ seg_size = 1024*1024*4;
+ else
+ seg_size = initial_seg_size;
+ }
+ return (seg_size);
+ int eph_gen_max = max_generation - 1 - (settings.promotion ? 1 : 0);
+ size_t padding_size = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i <= eph_gen_max; i++)
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (i);
+ total_ephemeral_size += (dd_survived_size (dd) - dd_pinned_survived_size (dd));
+ total_ephemeral_size += dd_num_npinned_plugs (dd) * switch_alignment_size (FALSE);
+ total_ephemeral_size += dd_num_npinned_plugs (dd) * MAX_STRUCTALIGN;
+ padding_size += dd_padding_size (dd);
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ }
+ total_ephemeral_size += eph_gen_starts_size;
+ size_t planned_ephemeral_size = heap_segment_plan_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) -
+ generation_plan_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation-1));
+ total_ephemeral_size = min (total_ephemeral_size, planned_ephemeral_size);
+ total_ephemeral_size = Align ((size_t)((double)total_ephemeral_size * short_plugs_pad_ratio) + 1);
+ total_ephemeral_size += Align (DESIRED_PLUG_LENGTH);
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ dprintf (3, ("total ephemeral size is %Ix, padding %Ix(%Ix)",
+ total_ephemeral_size,
+ padding_size, (total_ephemeral_size - padding_size)));
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(disable:4706) // "assignment within conditional expression" is intentional in this function.
+#endif // _MSC_VER
+ size_t size = get_valid_segment_size();
+ ordered_plug_indices_init = FALSE;
+ use_bestfit = FALSE;
+ //compute the size of the new ephemeral heap segment.
+ compute_new_ephemeral_size();
+ if ((settings.pause_mode != pause_low_latency) &&
+ (settings.pause_mode != pause_no_gc)
+ && (!recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ )
+ {
+ allocator* gen_alloc = ((settings.condemned_generation == max_generation) ? 0 :
+ generation_allocator (generation_of (max_generation)));
+ dprintf (2, ("(gen%d)soh_get_segment_to_expand", settings.condemned_generation));
+ // try to find one in the gen 2 segment list, search backwards because the first segments
+ // tend to be more compact than the later ones.
+ heap_segment* fseg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (generation_of (max_generation)));
+ int try_reuse = 0;
+ heap_segment* seg = ephemeral_heap_segment;
+ while ((seg = heap_segment_prev_rw (fseg, seg)) && (seg != fseg))
+ {
+ try_reuse++;
+ if (can_expand_into_p (seg, size/3, total_ephemeral_size, gen_alloc))
+ {
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->set_mechanism (gc_heap_expand,
+ (use_bestfit ? expand_reuse_bestfit : expand_reuse_normal));
+ if (settings.condemned_generation == max_generation)
+ {
+ if (use_bestfit)
+ {
+ build_ordered_free_spaces (seg);
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("can use best fit"));
+ }
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("(gen%d)soh_get_segment_to_expand: found seg #%d to reuse",
+ settings.condemned_generation, try_reuse));
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("max_gen: Found existing segment to expand into %Ix", (size_t)seg));
+ return seg;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("(gen%d)soh_get_segment_to_expand: found seg #%d to reuse - returning",
+ settings.condemned_generation, try_reuse));
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("max_gen-1: Found existing segment to expand into %Ix", (size_t)seg));
+ // If we return 0 here, the allocator will think since we are short on end
+ // of seg we neeed to trigger a full compacting GC. So if sustained low latency
+ // is set we should acquire a new seg instead, that way we wouldn't be short.
+ // The real solution, of course, is to actually implement seg reuse in gen1.
+ if (settings.pause_mode != pause_sustained_low_latency)
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("max_gen-1: SustainedLowLatency is set, acquire a new seg"));
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->set_mechanism (gc_heap_expand, expand_next_full_gc);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ heap_segment* result = get_segment (size, FALSE);
+ if(result)
+ {
+ if (current_c_gc_state == c_gc_state_planning)
+ {
+ // When we expand heap during bgc sweep, we set the seg to be swept so
+ // we'll always look at cards for objects on the new segment.
+ result->flags |= heap_segment_flags_swept;
+ }
+ FireEtwGCCreateSegment_V1((size_t)heap_segment_mem(result),
+ (size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (result) - heap_segment_mem(result)),
+ GetClrInstanceId());
+ }
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->set_mechanism (gc_heap_expand, (result ? expand_new_seg : expand_no_memory));
+ if (result == 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("h%d: failed to allocate a new segment!", heap_number));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ heap_segment_heap (result) = this;
+ }
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("(gen%d)creating new segment %Ix", settings.condemned_generation, result));
+ return result;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(default:4706)
+#endif // _MSC_VER
+//returns 0 in case of allocation failure
+gc_heap::get_segment (size_t size, BOOL loh_p)
+ heap_segment* result = 0;
+ if (segment_standby_list != 0)
+ {
+ result = segment_standby_list;
+ heap_segment* last = 0;
+ while (result)
+ {
+ size_t hs = (size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (result) - (uint8_t*)result);
+ if ((hs >= size) && ((hs / 2) < size))
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("Hoarded segment %Ix found", (size_t) result));
+ if (last)
+ {
+ heap_segment_next (last) = heap_segment_next (result);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ segment_standby_list = heap_segment_next (result);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ last = result;
+ result = heap_segment_next (result);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (result)
+ {
+ init_heap_segment (result);
+ if (should_commit_mark_array())
+ {
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("hoarded seg %Ix, mark_array is %Ix", result, mark_array));
+ if (!commit_mark_array_new_seg (__this, result))
+ {
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("failed to commit mark array for hoarded seg"));
+ // If we can't use it we need to thread it back.
+ if (segment_standby_list != 0)
+ {
+ heap_segment_next (result) = segment_standby_list;
+ segment_standby_list = result;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ segment_standby_list = result;
+ }
+ result = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (result)
+ seg_mapping_table_add_segment (result, __this);
+ }
+ if (!result)
+ {
+ if (!seg_table->ensure_space_for_insert ())
+ return 0;
+ void* mem = virtual_alloc (size);
+ if (!mem)
+ {
+ fgm_result.set_fgm (fgm_reserve_segment, size, loh_p);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ result = gc_heap::make_heap_segment ((uint8_t*)mem, size, heap_number);
+ if (result)
+ {
+ uint8_t* start;
+ uint8_t* end;
+ if (mem < g_lowest_address)
+ {
+ start = (uint8_t*)mem;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ start = (uint8_t*)g_lowest_address;
+ }
+ if (((uint8_t*)mem + size) > g_highest_address)
+ {
+ end = (uint8_t*)mem + size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ end = (uint8_t*)g_highest_address;
+ }
+ if (gc_heap::grow_brick_card_tables (start, end, size, result, __this, loh_p) != 0)
+ {
+ virtual_free (mem, size);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fgm_result.set_fgm (fgm_commit_segment_beg, SEGMENT_INITIAL_COMMIT, loh_p);
+ virtual_free (mem, size);
+ }
+ if (result)
+ {
+ seg_mapping_table_add_segment (result, __this);
+ gc_heap::seg_table->insert ((uint8_t*)result, delta);
+ }
+ }
+ if (result)
+ {
+ ::record_changed_seg ((uint8_t*)result, heap_segment_reserved (result),
+ settings.gc_index, current_bgc_state,
+ seg_added);
+ bgc_verify_mark_array_cleared (result);
+ }
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("h%d: new seg: %Ix-%Ix (%Id)", heap_number, result, ((uint8_t*)result + size), size));
+ return result;
+void release_segment (heap_segment* sg)
+ ptrdiff_t delta = 0;
+ FireEtwGCFreeSegment_V1((size_t)heap_segment_mem(sg), GetClrInstanceId());
+ virtual_free (sg, (uint8_t*)heap_segment_reserved (sg)-(uint8_t*)sg);
+heap_segment* gc_heap::get_segment_for_loh (size_t size
+ , gc_heap* hp
+ )
+ gc_heap* hp = 0;
+ heap_segment* res = hp->get_segment (size, TRUE);
+ if (res != 0)
+ {
+ heap_segment_heap (res) = hp;
+ res->flags |= heap_segment_flags_loh;
+ FireEtwGCCreateSegment_V1((size_t)heap_segment_mem(res), (size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (res) - heap_segment_mem(res)), ETW::GCLog::ETW_GC_INFO::LARGE_OBJECT_HEAP, GetClrInstanceId());
+ if (CORProfilerTrackGC())
+ UpdateGenerationBounds();
+#endif // GC_PROFILING
+ hp->thread_loh_segment (res);
+ thread_loh_segment (res);
+ }
+ return res;
+void gc_heap::thread_loh_segment (heap_segment* new_seg)
+ heap_segment* seg = generation_allocation_segment (generation_of (max_generation + 1));
+ while (heap_segment_next_rw (seg))
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ heap_segment_next (seg) = new_seg;
+gc_heap::get_large_segment (size_t size, BOOL* did_full_compact_gc)
+ *did_full_compact_gc = FALSE;
+ size_t last_full_compact_gc_count = get_full_compact_gc_count();
+ //access to get_segment needs to be serialized
+ add_saved_spinlock_info (me_release, mt_get_large_seg);
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]Seg: Lmsl", heap_number));
+ leave_spin_lock (&more_space_lock);
+ enter_spin_lock (&gc_heap::gc_lock);
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]Seg: Egc", heap_number));
+ // if a GC happened between here and before we ask for a segment in
+ // get_large_segment, we need to count that GC.
+ size_t current_full_compact_gc_count = get_full_compact_gc_count();
+ if (current_full_compact_gc_count > last_full_compact_gc_count)
+ {
+ *did_full_compact_gc = TRUE;
+ }
+ while (current_c_gc_state == c_gc_state_planning)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("lh state planning, waiting to get a large seg"));
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]Seg: P, Lgc", heap_number));
+ leave_spin_lock (&gc_lock);
+ background_gc_wait_lh (awr_get_loh_seg);
+ enter_spin_lock (&gc_lock);
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]Seg: P, Egc", heap_number));
+ }
+ assert ((current_c_gc_state == c_gc_state_free) ||
+ (current_c_gc_state == c_gc_state_marking));
+ heap_segment* res = get_segment_for_loh (size
+ , this
+ );
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]Seg: A Lgc", heap_number));
+ leave_spin_lock (&gc_heap::gc_lock);
+ enter_spin_lock (&more_space_lock);
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]Seg: A Emsl", heap_number));
+ add_saved_spinlock_info (me_acquire, mt_get_large_seg);
+ wait_for_background_planning (awr_get_loh_seg);
+ return res;
+#if 0
+BOOL gc_heap::unprotect_segment (heap_segment* seg)
+ uint8_t* start = align_lower_page (heap_segment_mem (seg));
+ ptrdiff_t region_size = heap_segment_allocated (seg) - start;
+ if (region_size != 0 )
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("unprotecting segment %Ix:", (size_t)seg));
+ BOOL status = GCToOSInterface::VirtualUnprotect (start, region_size);
+ assert (status);
+ return status;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+#ifdef _X86_
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(disable:4035)
+ static ptrdiff_t get_cycle_count()
+ {
+ __asm rdtsc
+ }
+#pragma warning(default:4035)
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+ static ptrdiff_t get_cycle_count()
+ {
+ ptrdiff_t cycles;
+ ptrdiff_t cyclesHi;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ ("rdtsc":"=a" (cycles), "=d" (cyclesHi));
+ return cycles;
+ }
+#else //_MSC_VER
+#error Unknown compiler
+#endif //_MSC_VER
+#elif defined(_TARGET_AMD64_)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+extern "C" uint64_t __rdtsc();
+#pragma intrinsic(__rdtsc)
+ static ptrdiff_t get_cycle_count()
+ {
+ return (ptrdiff_t)__rdtsc();
+ }
+#elif defined(__clang__)
+ static ptrdiff_t get_cycle_count()
+ {
+ ptrdiff_t cycles;
+ ptrdiff_t cyclesHi;
+ __asm__ __volatile__
+ ("rdtsc":"=a" (cycles), "=d" (cyclesHi));
+ return (cyclesHi << 32) | cycles;
+ }
+#else // _MSC_VER
+ extern "C" ptrdiff_t get_cycle_count(void);
+#endif // _MSC_VER
+#elif defined(_TARGET_ARM_)
+ static ptrdiff_t get_cycle_count()
+ {
+ // @ARMTODO: cycle counter is not exposed to user mode by CoreARM. For now (until we can show this
+ // makes a difference on the ARM configurations on which we'll run) just return 0. This will result in
+ // all buffer access times being reported as equal in access_time().
+ return 0;
+ }
+#elif defined(_TARGET_ARM64_)
+ static ptrdiff_t get_cycle_count()
+ {
+ // @ARM64TODO: cycle counter is not exposed to user mode by CoreARM. For now (until we can show this
+ // makes a difference on the ARM configurations on which we'll run) just return 0. This will result in
+ // all buffer access times being reported as equal in access_time().
+ return 0;
+ }
+#error NYI platform: get_cycle_count
+#endif //_TARGET_X86_
+class heap_select
+ heap_select() {}
+ static uint8_t* sniff_buffer;
+ static unsigned n_sniff_buffers;
+ static unsigned cur_sniff_index;
+ static uint8_t proc_no_to_heap_no[MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS];
+ static uint8_t heap_no_to_proc_no[MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS];
+ static uint8_t heap_no_to_numa_node[MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS];
+ static uint8_t heap_no_to_cpu_group[MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS];
+ static uint8_t heap_no_to_group_proc[MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS];
+ static uint8_t numa_node_to_heap_map[MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS+4];
+ static int access_time(uint8_t *sniff_buffer, int heap_number, unsigned sniff_index, unsigned n_sniff_buffers)
+ {
+ ptrdiff_t start_cycles = get_cycle_count();
+ uint8_t sniff = sniff_buffer[(1 + heap_number*n_sniff_buffers + sniff_index)*HS_CACHE_LINE_SIZE];
+ assert (sniff == 0);
+ ptrdiff_t elapsed_cycles = get_cycle_count() - start_cycles;
+ // add sniff here just to defeat the optimizer
+ elapsed_cycles += sniff;
+ return (int) elapsed_cycles;
+ }
+ static BOOL init(int n_heaps)
+ {
+ assert (sniff_buffer == NULL && n_sniff_buffers == 0);
+ if (!GCToOSInterface::CanGetCurrentProcessorNumber())
+ {
+ n_sniff_buffers = n_heaps*2+1;
+ size_t sniff_buf_size = 0;
+ size_t n_cache_lines = 1 + n_heaps*n_sniff_buffers + 1;
+ sniff_buf_size = n_cache_lines * HS_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
+ S_SIZE_T safe_sniff_buf_size = S_SIZE_T(1 + n_heaps*n_sniff_buffers + 1);
+ safe_sniff_buf_size *= HS_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
+ if (safe_sniff_buf_size.IsOverflow())
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ sniff_buf_size = safe_sniff_buf_size.Value();
+ sniff_buffer = new (nothrow) uint8_t[sniff_buf_size];
+ if (sniff_buffer == 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ memset(sniff_buffer, 0, sniff_buf_size*sizeof(uint8_t));
+ }
+ //can not enable gc numa aware, force all heaps to be in
+ //one numa node by filling the array with all 0s
+ if (!NumaNodeInfo::CanEnableGCNumaAware())
+ memset(heap_no_to_numa_node, 0, MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ static void init_cpu_mapping(gc_heap * /*heap*/, int heap_number)
+ {
+ if (GCToOSInterface::CanGetCurrentProcessorNumber())
+ {
+ uint32_t proc_no = GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentProcessorNumber() % gc_heap::n_heaps;
+ // We can safely cast heap_number to a BYTE 'cause GetCurrentProcessCpuCount
+ // only returns up to MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS procs right now. We only ever create at most
+ proc_no_to_heap_no[proc_no] = (uint8_t)heap_number;
+ }
+ }
+ static void mark_heap(int heap_number)
+ {
+ if (GCToOSInterface::CanGetCurrentProcessorNumber())
+ return;
+ for (unsigned sniff_index = 0; sniff_index < n_sniff_buffers; sniff_index++)
+ sniff_buffer[(1 + heap_number*n_sniff_buffers + sniff_index)*HS_CACHE_LINE_SIZE] &= 1;
+ }
+ static int select_heap(alloc_context* acontext, int /*hint*/)
+ {
+ UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(acontext); // only referenced by dprintf
+ if (GCToOSInterface::CanGetCurrentProcessorNumber())
+ return proc_no_to_heap_no[GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentProcessorNumber() % gc_heap::n_heaps];
+ unsigned sniff_index = Interlocked::Increment(&cur_sniff_index);
+ sniff_index %= n_sniff_buffers;
+ int best_heap = 0;
+ int best_access_time = 1000*1000*1000;
+ int second_best_access_time = best_access_time;
+ uint8_t *l_sniff_buffer = sniff_buffer;
+ unsigned l_n_sniff_buffers = n_sniff_buffers;
+ for (int heap_number = 0; heap_number < gc_heap::n_heaps; heap_number++)
+ {
+ int this_access_time = access_time(l_sniff_buffer, heap_number, sniff_index, l_n_sniff_buffers);
+ if (this_access_time < best_access_time)
+ {
+ second_best_access_time = best_access_time;
+ best_access_time = this_access_time;
+ best_heap = heap_number;
+ }
+ else if (this_access_time < second_best_access_time)
+ {
+ second_best_access_time = this_access_time;
+ }
+ }
+ if (best_access_time*2 < second_best_access_time)
+ {
+ sniff_buffer[(1 + best_heap*n_sniff_buffers + sniff_index)*HS_CACHE_LINE_SIZE] &= 1;
+ dprintf (3, ("select_heap yields crisp %d for context %p\n", best_heap, (void *)acontext));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("select_heap yields vague %d for context %p\n", best_heap, (void *)acontext ));
+ }
+ return best_heap;
+ }
+ static bool can_find_heap_fast()
+ {
+ return GCToOSInterface::CanGetCurrentProcessorNumber();
+ }
+ static uint8_t find_proc_no_from_heap_no(int heap_number)
+ {
+ return heap_no_to_proc_no[heap_number];
+ }
+ static void set_proc_no_for_heap(int heap_number, uint8_t proc_no)
+ {
+ heap_no_to_proc_no[heap_number] = proc_no;
+ }
+ static uint8_t find_numa_node_from_heap_no(int heap_number)
+ {
+ return heap_no_to_numa_node[heap_number];
+ }
+ static void set_numa_node_for_heap(int heap_number, uint8_t numa_node)
+ {
+ heap_no_to_numa_node[heap_number] = numa_node;
+ }
+ static uint8_t find_cpu_group_from_heap_no(int heap_number)
+ {
+ return heap_no_to_cpu_group[heap_number];
+ }
+ static void set_cpu_group_for_heap(int heap_number, uint8_t group_number)
+ {
+ heap_no_to_cpu_group[heap_number] = group_number;
+ }
+ static uint8_t find_group_proc_from_heap_no(int heap_number)
+ {
+ return heap_no_to_group_proc[heap_number];
+ }
+ static void set_group_proc_for_heap(int heap_number, uint8_t group_proc)
+ {
+ heap_no_to_group_proc[heap_number] = group_proc;
+ }
+ static void init_numa_node_to_heap_map(int nheaps)
+ { // called right after GCHeap::Init() for each heap is finished
+ // when numa is not enabled, heap_no_to_numa_node[] are all filled
+ // with 0s during initialization, and will be treated as one node
+ numa_node_to_heap_map[0] = 0;
+ int node_index = 1;
+ for (int i=1; i < nheaps; i++)
+ {
+ if (heap_no_to_numa_node[i] != heap_no_to_numa_node[i-1])
+ numa_node_to_heap_map[node_index++] = (uint8_t)i;
+ }
+ numa_node_to_heap_map[node_index] = (uint8_t)nheaps; //mark the end with nheaps
+ }
+ static void get_heap_range_for_heap(int hn, int* start, int* end)
+ { // 1-tier/no numa case: heap_no_to_numa_node[] all zeros,
+ // and treated as in one node. thus: start=0, end=n_heaps
+ uint8_t numa_node = heap_no_to_numa_node[hn];
+ *start = (int)numa_node_to_heap_map[numa_node];
+ *end = (int)(numa_node_to_heap_map[numa_node+1]);
+ }
+uint8_t* heap_select::sniff_buffer;
+unsigned heap_select::n_sniff_buffers;
+unsigned heap_select::cur_sniff_index;
+uint8_t heap_select::proc_no_to_heap_no[MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS];
+uint8_t heap_select::heap_no_to_proc_no[MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS];
+uint8_t heap_select::heap_no_to_numa_node[MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS];
+uint8_t heap_select::heap_no_to_cpu_group[MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS];
+uint8_t heap_select::heap_no_to_group_proc[MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS];
+uint8_t heap_select::numa_node_to_heap_map[MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS+4];
+BOOL gc_heap::create_thread_support (unsigned number_of_heaps)
+ BOOL ret = FALSE;
+ if (!gc_start_event.CreateOSManualEventNoThrow (FALSE))
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (!ee_suspend_event.CreateOSAutoEventNoThrow (FALSE))
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (!gc_t_join.init (number_of_heaps, join_flavor_server_gc))
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ ret = TRUE;
+ if (!ret)
+ {
+ destroy_thread_support();
+ }
+ return ret;
+void gc_heap::destroy_thread_support ()
+ if (ee_suspend_event.IsValid())
+ {
+ ee_suspend_event.CloseEvent();
+ }
+ if (gc_start_event.IsValid())
+ {
+ gc_start_event.CloseEvent();
+ }
+#if !defined(FEATURE_PAL)
+void set_thread_group_affinity_for_heap(int heap_number, GCThreadAffinity* affinity)
+ affinity->Group = GCThreadAffinity::None;
+ affinity->Processor = GCThreadAffinity::None;
+ uint16_t gn, gpn;
+ CPUGroupInfo::GetGroupForProcessor((uint16_t)heap_number, &gn, &gpn);
+ int bit_number = 0;
+ for (uintptr_t mask = 1; mask !=0; mask <<=1)
+ {
+ if (bit_number == gpn)
+ {
+ dprintf(3, ("using processor group %d, mask %Ix for heap %d\n", gn, mask, heap_number));
+ affinity->Processor = gpn;
+ affinity->Group = gn;
+ heap_select::set_cpu_group_for_heap(heap_number, (uint8_t)gn);
+ heap_select::set_group_proc_for_heap(heap_number, (uint8_t)gpn);
+ if (NumaNodeInfo::CanEnableGCNumaAware())
+ {
+ proc_no.Group = gn;
+ proc_no.Number = (uint8_t)gpn;
+ proc_no.Reserved = 0;
+ uint16_t node_no = 0;
+ if (NumaNodeInfo::GetNumaProcessorNodeEx(&proc_no, &node_no))
+ heap_select::set_numa_node_for_heap(heap_number, (uint8_t)node_no);
+ }
+ else
+ { // no numa setting, each cpu group is treated as a node
+ heap_select::set_numa_node_for_heap(heap_number, (uint8_t)gn);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ bit_number++;
+ }
+void set_thread_affinity_mask_for_heap(int heap_number, GCThreadAffinity* affinity)
+ affinity->Group = GCThreadAffinity::None;
+ affinity->Processor = GCThreadAffinity::None;
+ uintptr_t pmask, smask;
+ if (GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentProcessAffinityMask(&pmask, &smask))
+ {
+ pmask &= smask;
+ int bit_number = 0;
+ uint8_t proc_number = 0;
+ for (uintptr_t mask = 1; mask != 0; mask <<= 1)
+ {
+ if ((mask & pmask) != 0)
+ {
+ if (bit_number == heap_number)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Using processor %d for heap %d", proc_number, heap_number));
+ affinity->Processor = proc_number;
+ heap_select::set_proc_no_for_heap(heap_number, proc_number);
+ if (NumaNodeInfo::CanEnableGCNumaAware())
+ {
+ uint16_t node_no = 0;
+ proc_no.Group = 0;
+ proc_no.Number = (uint8_t)proc_number;
+ proc_no.Reserved = 0;
+ if (NumaNodeInfo::GetNumaProcessorNodeEx(&proc_no, &node_no))
+ {
+ heap_select::set_numa_node_for_heap(heap_number, (uint8_t)node_no);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ bit_number++;
+ }
+ proc_number++;
+ }
+ }
+#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
+bool gc_heap::create_gc_thread ()
+ dprintf (3, ("Creating gc thread\n"));
+ GCThreadAffinity affinity;
+ affinity.Group = GCThreadAffinity::None;
+ affinity.Processor = GCThreadAffinity::None;
+#if !defined(FEATURE_PAL)
+ if (!gc_thread_no_affinitize_p)
+ {
+ //We are about to set affinity for GC threads, it is a good place to setup NUMA and
+ //CPU groups, because the process mask, processor number, group number are all
+ //readyly available.
+ if (CPUGroupInfo::CanEnableGCCPUGroups())
+ set_thread_group_affinity_for_heap(heap_number, &affinity);
+ else
+ set_thread_affinity_mask_for_heap(heap_number, &affinity);
+ }
+#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
+ return GCToOSInterface::CreateThread(gc_thread_stub, this, &affinity);
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(disable:4715) //IA64 xcompiler recognizes that without the 'break;' the while(1) will never end and therefore not return a value for that code path
+#endif //_MSC_VER
+void gc_heap::gc_thread_function ()
+ assert (gc_done_event.IsValid());
+ assert (gc_start_event.IsValid());
+ dprintf (3, ("gc thread started"));
+ heap_select::init_cpu_mapping(this, heap_number);
+ while (1)
+ {
+ assert (!gc_t_join.joined());
+ if (heap_number == 0)
+ {
+ gc_heap::ee_suspend_event.Wait(INFINITE, FALSE);
+ BEGIN_TIMING(suspend_ee_during_log);
+ GCToEEInterface::SuspendEE(GCToEEInterface::SUSPEND_FOR_GC);
+ END_TIMING(suspend_ee_during_log);
+ proceed_with_gc_p = TRUE;
+ if (!should_proceed_with_gc())
+ {
+ update_collection_counts_for_no_gc();
+ proceed_with_gc_p = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ settings.init_mechanisms();
+ dprintf (3, ("%d gc thread waiting...", heap_number));
+ gc_start_event.Set();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gc_start_event.Wait(INFINITE, FALSE);
+ dprintf (3, ("%d gc thread waiting... Done", heap_number));
+ }
+ if (proceed_with_gc_p)
+ garbage_collect (GCHeap::GcCondemnedGeneration);
+ if (heap_number == 0)
+ {
+ if (proceed_with_gc_p && (!settings.concurrent))
+ {
+ do_post_gc();
+ }
+ recover_bgc_settings();
+ for (int i = 0; i < gc_heap::n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps[i];
+ hp->add_saved_spinlock_info (me_release, mt_block_gc);
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]GC Lmsl", i));
+ leave_spin_lock(&hp->more_space_lock);
+ }
+ gc_heap::gc_started = FALSE;
+ BEGIN_TIMING(restart_ee_during_log);
+ GCToEEInterface::RestartEE(TRUE);
+ END_TIMING(restart_ee_during_log);
+ process_sync_log_stats();
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("GC Lgc"));
+ leave_spin_lock (&gc_heap::gc_lock);
+ gc_heap::internal_gc_done = true;
+ set_gc_done();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int spin_count = 32 * (g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors - 1);
+ // wait until RestartEE has progressed to a stage where we can restart user threads
+ while (!gc_heap::internal_gc_done && !GCHeap::SafeToRestartManagedThreads())
+ {
+ spin_and_switch (spin_count, (gc_heap::internal_gc_done || GCHeap::SafeToRestartManagedThreads()));
+ }
+ set_gc_done();
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(default:4715) //IA64 xcompiler recognizes that without the 'break;' the while(1) will never end and therefore not return a value for that code path
+#endif //_MSC_VER
+bool virtual_alloc_commit_for_heap(void* addr, size_t size, int h_number)
+#if defined(MULTIPLE_HEAPS) && !defined(FEATURE_REDHAWK) && !defined(FEATURE_PAL)
+ // Currently there is no way for us to specific the numa node to allocate on via hosting interfaces to
+ // a host. This will need to be added later.
+ if (!CLRMemoryHosted())
+ {
+ if (NumaNodeInfo::CanEnableGCNumaAware())
+ {
+ uint32_t numa_node = heap_select::find_numa_node_from_heap_no(h_number);
+ void * ret = NumaNodeInfo::VirtualAllocExNuma(GetCurrentProcess(), addr, size,
+ if (ret != NULL)
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ //numa aware not enabled, or call failed --> fallback to VirtualCommit()
+ return GCToOSInterface::VirtualCommit(addr, size);
+heap_segment* gc_heap::segment_of (uint8_t* add, ptrdiff_t& delta, BOOL verify_p)
+ uint8_t* sadd = add;
+ heap_segment* hs = 0;
+ heap_segment* hs1 = 0;
+ if (!((add >= g_lowest_address) && (add < g_highest_address)))
+ {
+ delta = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //repeat in case there is a concurrent insertion in the table.
+ do
+ {
+ hs = hs1;
+ sadd = add;
+ seg_table->lookup (sadd);
+ hs1 = (heap_segment*)sadd;
+ } while (hs1 && !in_range_for_segment (add, hs1) && (hs != hs1));
+ hs = hs1;
+ if ((hs == 0) ||
+ (verify_p && (add > heap_segment_reserved ((heap_segment*)(sadd + delta)))))
+ delta = 0;
+ return hs;
+class mark
+ uint8_t* first;
+ size_t len;
+ // If we want to save space we can have a pool of plug_and_gap's instead of
+ // always having 2 allocated for each pinned plug.
+ gap_reloc_pair saved_pre_plug;
+ // If we decide to not compact, we need to restore the original values.
+ gap_reloc_pair saved_pre_plug_reloc;
+ gap_reloc_pair saved_post_plug;
+ // Supposedly Pinned objects cannot have references but we are seeing some from pinvoke
+ // frames. Also if it's an artificially pinned plug created by us, it can certainly
+ // have references.
+ // We know these cases will be rare so we can optimize this to be only allocated on decommand.
+ gap_reloc_pair saved_post_plug_reloc;
+ // We need to calculate this after we are done with plan phase and before compact
+ // phase because compact phase will change the bricks so relocate_address will no
+ // longer work.
+ uint8_t* saved_pre_plug_info_reloc_start;
+ // We need to save this because we will have no way to calculate it, unlike the
+ // pre plug info start which is right before this plug.
+ uint8_t* saved_post_plug_info_start;
+ uint8_t* allocation_context_start_region;
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ // How the bits in these bytes are organized:
+ // MSB --> LSB
+ // bit to indicate whether it's a short obj | 3 bits for refs in this short obj | 2 unused bits | bit to indicate if it's collectible | last bit
+ // last bit indicates if there's pre or post info associated with this plug. If it's not set all other bits will be 0.
+ BOOL saved_pre_p;
+ BOOL saved_post_p;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // We are seeing this is getting corrupted for a PP with a NP after.
+ // Save it when we first set it and make sure it doesn't change.
+ gap_reloc_pair saved_post_plug_debug;
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ size_t get_max_short_bits()
+ {
+ return (sizeof (gap_reloc_pair) / sizeof (uint8_t*));
+ }
+ // pre bits
+ size_t get_pre_short_start_bit ()
+ {
+ return (sizeof (saved_pre_p) * 8 - 1 - (sizeof (gap_reloc_pair) / sizeof (uint8_t*)));
+ }
+ BOOL pre_short_p()
+ {
+ return (saved_pre_p & (1 << (sizeof (saved_pre_p) * 8 - 1)));
+ }
+ void set_pre_short()
+ {
+ saved_pre_p |= (1 << (sizeof (saved_pre_p) * 8 - 1));
+ }
+ void set_pre_short_bit (size_t bit)
+ {
+ saved_pre_p |= 1 << (get_pre_short_start_bit() + bit);
+ }
+ BOOL pre_short_bit_p (size_t bit)
+ {
+ return (saved_pre_p & (1 << (get_pre_short_start_bit() + bit)));
+ }
+ void set_pre_short_collectible()
+ {
+ saved_pre_p |= 2;
+ }
+ BOOL pre_short_collectible_p()
+ {
+ return (saved_pre_p & 2);
+ }
+ // post bits
+ size_t get_post_short_start_bit ()
+ {
+ return (sizeof (saved_post_p) * 8 - 1 - (sizeof (gap_reloc_pair) / sizeof (uint8_t*)));
+ }
+ BOOL post_short_p()
+ {
+ return (saved_post_p & (1 << (sizeof (saved_post_p) * 8 - 1)));
+ }
+ void set_post_short()
+ {
+ saved_post_p |= (1 << (sizeof (saved_post_p) * 8 - 1));
+ }
+ void set_post_short_bit (size_t bit)
+ {
+ saved_post_p |= 1 << (get_post_short_start_bit() + bit);
+ }
+ BOOL post_short_bit_p (size_t bit)
+ {
+ return (saved_post_p & (1 << (get_post_short_start_bit() + bit)));
+ }
+ void set_post_short_collectible()
+ {
+ saved_post_p |= 2;
+ }
+ BOOL post_short_collectible_p()
+ {
+ return (saved_post_p & 2);
+ }
+ uint8_t* get_plug_address() { return first; }
+ BOOL has_pre_plug_info() { return saved_pre_p; }
+ BOOL has_post_plug_info() { return saved_post_p; }
+ gap_reloc_pair* get_pre_plug_reloc_info() { return &saved_pre_plug_reloc; }
+ gap_reloc_pair* get_post_plug_reloc_info() { return &saved_post_plug_reloc; }
+ void set_pre_plug_info_reloc_start (uint8_t* reloc) { saved_pre_plug_info_reloc_start = reloc; }
+ uint8_t* get_post_plug_info_start() { return saved_post_plug_info_start; }
+ // We need to temporarily recover the shortened plugs for compact phase so we can
+ // copy over the whole plug and their related info (mark bits/cards). But we will
+ // need to set the artificial gap back so compact phase can keep reading the plug info.
+ // We also need to recover the saved info because we'll need to recover it later.
+ //
+ // So we would call swap_p*_plug_and_saved once to recover the object info; then call
+ // it again to recover the artifical gap.
+ void swap_pre_plug_and_saved()
+ {
+ gap_reloc_pair temp;
+ memcpy (&temp, (first - sizeof (plug_and_gap)), sizeof (temp));
+ memcpy ((first - sizeof (plug_and_gap)), &saved_pre_plug_reloc, sizeof (saved_pre_plug_reloc));
+ saved_pre_plug_reloc = temp;
+ }
+ void swap_post_plug_and_saved()
+ {
+ gap_reloc_pair temp;
+ memcpy (&temp, saved_post_plug_info_start, sizeof (temp));
+ memcpy (saved_post_plug_info_start, &saved_post_plug_reloc, sizeof (saved_post_plug_reloc));
+ saved_post_plug_reloc = temp;
+ }
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ void swap_pre_plug_and_saved_for_profiler()
+ {
+ gap_reloc_pair temp;
+ memcpy (&temp, (first - sizeof (plug_and_gap)), sizeof (temp));
+ memcpy ((first - sizeof (plug_and_gap)), &saved_pre_plug, sizeof (saved_pre_plug));
+ saved_pre_plug = temp;
+ }
+ void swap_post_plug_and_saved_for_profiler()
+ {
+ gap_reloc_pair temp;
+ memcpy (&temp, saved_post_plug_info_start, sizeof (temp));
+ memcpy (saved_post_plug_info_start, &saved_post_plug, sizeof (saved_post_plug));
+ saved_post_plug = temp;
+ }
+ // We should think about whether it's really necessary to have to copy back the pre plug
+ // info since it was already copied during compacting plugs. But if a plug doesn't move
+ // by < 3 ptr size, it means we'd have to recover pre plug info.
+ void recover_plug_info()
+ {
+ if (saved_pre_p)
+ {
+ if (gc_heap::settings.compaction)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("%Ix: REC Pre: %Ix-%Ix",
+ first,
+ &saved_pre_plug_reloc,
+ saved_pre_plug_info_reloc_start));
+ memcpy (saved_pre_plug_info_reloc_start, &saved_pre_plug_reloc, sizeof (saved_pre_plug_reloc));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("%Ix: REC Pre: %Ix-%Ix",
+ first,
+ &saved_pre_plug,
+ (first - sizeof (plug_and_gap))));
+ memcpy ((first - sizeof (plug_and_gap)), &saved_pre_plug, sizeof (saved_pre_plug));
+ }
+ }
+ if (saved_post_p)
+ {
+ if (gc_heap::settings.compaction)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("%Ix: REC Post: %Ix-%Ix",
+ first,
+ &saved_post_plug_reloc,
+ saved_post_plug_info_start));
+ memcpy (saved_post_plug_info_start, &saved_post_plug_reloc, sizeof (saved_post_plug_reloc));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("%Ix: REC Post: %Ix-%Ix",
+ first,
+ &saved_post_plug,
+ saved_post_plug_info_start));
+ memcpy (saved_post_plug_info_start, &saved_post_plug, sizeof (saved_post_plug));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void gc_mechanisms::init_mechanisms()
+ condemned_generation = 0;
+ promotion = FALSE;//TRUE;
+ compaction = TRUE;
+ loh_compaction = gc_heap::should_compact_loh();
+ loh_compaction = FALSE;
+ heap_expansion = FALSE;
+ concurrent = FALSE;
+ demotion = FALSE;
+ elevation_reduced = FALSE;
+ found_finalizers = FALSE;
+ background_p = recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p() != FALSE;
+ allocations_allowed = TRUE;
+#ifdef BIT64
+ entry_memory_load = 0;
+#endif // BIT64
+ stress_induced = FALSE;
+#endif // STRESS_HEAP
+void gc_mechanisms::first_init()
+ gc_index = 0;
+ gen0_reduction_count = 0;
+ should_lock_elevation = FALSE;
+ elevation_locked_count = 0;
+ reason = reason_empty;
+ pause_mode = gc_heap::gc_can_use_concurrent ? pause_interactive : pause_batch;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ int debug_pause_mode = g_pConfig->GetGCLatencyMode();
+ if (debug_pause_mode >= 0)
+ {
+ assert (debug_pause_mode <= pause_sustained_low_latency);
+ pause_mode = (gc_pause_mode)debug_pause_mode;
+ }
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ pause_mode = pause_batch;
+ init_mechanisms();
+void gc_mechanisms::record (gc_history_global* history)
+ history->num_heaps = gc_heap::n_heaps;
+ history->num_heaps = 1;
+ history->condemned_generation = condemned_generation;
+ history->gen0_reduction_count = gen0_reduction_count;
+ history->reason = reason;
+ history->pause_mode = (int)pause_mode;
+ history->mem_pressure = entry_memory_load;
+ history->global_mechanims_p = 0;
+ // start setting the boolean values.
+ if (concurrent)
+ history->set_mechanism_p (global_concurrent);
+ if (compaction)
+ history->set_mechanism_p (global_compaction);
+ if (promotion)
+ history->set_mechanism_p (global_promotion);
+ if (demotion)
+ history->set_mechanism_p (global_demotion);
+ if (card_bundles)
+ history->set_mechanism_p (global_card_bundles);
+ if (elevation_reduced)
+ history->set_mechanism_p (global_elevation);
+ called at the beginning of GC to fix the allocated size to
+ what is really allocated, or to turn the free area into an unused object
+ It needs to be called after all of the other allocation contexts have been
+ fixed since it relies on alloc_allocated.
+ ********************************/
+//for_gc_p indicates that the work is being done for GC,
+//as opposed to concurrent heap verification
+void gc_heap::fix_youngest_allocation_area (BOOL for_gc_p)
+ assert (alloc_allocated);
+ alloc_context* acontext = generation_alloc_context (youngest_generation);
+ dprintf (3, ("generation 0 alloc context: ptr: %Ix, limit %Ix",
+ (size_t)acontext->alloc_ptr, (size_t)acontext->alloc_limit));
+ fix_allocation_context (acontext, for_gc_p, get_alignment_constant (TRUE));
+ if (for_gc_p)
+ {
+ acontext->alloc_ptr = alloc_allocated;
+ acontext->alloc_limit = acontext->alloc_ptr;
+ }
+ heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) =
+ alloc_allocated;
+void gc_heap::fix_large_allocation_area (BOOL for_gc_p)
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ alloc_context* acontext =
+#endif // _DEBUG
+ generation_alloc_context (large_object_generation);
+ assert (acontext->alloc_ptr == 0);
+ assert (acontext->alloc_limit == 0);
+#if 0
+ dprintf (3, ("Large object alloc context: ptr: %Ix, limit %Ix",
+ (size_t)acontext->alloc_ptr, (size_t)acontext->alloc_limit));
+ fix_allocation_context (acontext, FALSE, get_alignment_constant (FALSE));
+ if (for_gc_p)
+ {
+ acontext->alloc_ptr = 0;
+ acontext->alloc_limit = acontext->alloc_ptr;
+ }
+#endif //0
+//for_gc_p indicates that the work is being done for GC,
+//as opposed to concurrent heap verification
+void gc_heap::fix_allocation_context (alloc_context* acontext, BOOL for_gc_p,
+ int align_const)
+ dprintf (3, ("Fixing allocation context %Ix: ptr: %Ix, limit: %Ix",
+ (size_t)acontext,
+ (size_t)acontext->alloc_ptr, (size_t)acontext->alloc_limit));
+ if (((size_t)(alloc_allocated - acontext->alloc_limit) > Align (min_obj_size, align_const)) ||
+ !for_gc_p)
+ {
+ uint8_t* point = acontext->alloc_ptr;
+ if (point != 0)
+ {
+ size_t size = (acontext->alloc_limit - acontext->alloc_ptr);
+ // the allocation area was from the free list
+ // it was shortened by Align (min_obj_size) to make room for
+ // at least the shortest unused object
+ size += Align (min_obj_size, align_const);
+ assert ((size >= Align (min_obj_size)));
+ dprintf(3,("Making unused area [%Ix, %Ix[", (size_t)point,
+ (size_t)point + size ));
+ make_unused_array (point, size);
+ if (for_gc_p)
+ {
+ generation_free_obj_space (generation_of (0)) += size;
+ alloc_contexts_used ++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (for_gc_p)
+ {
+ alloc_allocated = acontext->alloc_ptr;
+ assert (heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) <=
+ heap_segment_committed (ephemeral_heap_segment));
+ alloc_contexts_used ++;
+ }
+ if (for_gc_p)
+ {
+ acontext->alloc_ptr = 0;
+ acontext->alloc_limit = acontext->alloc_ptr;
+ }
+//used by the heap verification for concurrent gc.
+//it nulls out the words set by fix_allocation_context for heap_verification
+void repair_allocation (alloc_context* acontext, void*)
+ uint8_t* point = acontext->alloc_ptr;
+ if (point != 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Clearing [%Ix, %Ix[", (size_t)acontext->alloc_ptr,
+ (size_t)acontext->alloc_limit+Align(min_obj_size)));
+ memclr (acontext->alloc_ptr - plug_skew,
+ (acontext->alloc_limit - acontext->alloc_ptr)+Align (min_obj_size));
+ }
+void void_allocation (alloc_context* acontext, void*)
+ uint8_t* point = acontext->alloc_ptr;
+ if (point != 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Void [%Ix, %Ix[", (size_t)acontext->alloc_ptr,
+ (size_t)acontext->alloc_limit+Align(min_obj_size)));
+ acontext->alloc_ptr = 0;
+ acontext->alloc_limit = acontext->alloc_ptr;
+ }
+void gc_heap::repair_allocation_contexts (BOOL repair_p)
+ GCToEEInterface::GcEnumAllocContexts (repair_p ? repair_allocation : void_allocation, NULL);
+ alloc_context* acontext = generation_alloc_context (youngest_generation);
+ if (repair_p)
+ repair_allocation (acontext, NULL);
+ else
+ void_allocation (acontext, NULL);
+struct fix_alloc_context_args
+ BOOL for_gc_p;
+ void* heap;
+void fix_alloc_context(alloc_context* acontext, void* param)
+ fix_alloc_context_args* args = (fix_alloc_context_args*)param;
+ GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->FixAllocContext(acontext, FALSE, (void*)(size_t)(args->for_gc_p), args->heap);
+void gc_heap::fix_allocation_contexts(BOOL for_gc_p)
+ fix_alloc_context_args args;
+ args.for_gc_p = for_gc_p;
+ args.heap = __this;
+ GCToEEInterface::GcEnumAllocContexts(fix_alloc_context, &args);
+ fix_youngest_allocation_area(for_gc_p);
+ fix_large_allocation_area(for_gc_p);
+void gc_heap::fix_older_allocation_area (generation* older_gen)
+ heap_segment* older_gen_seg = generation_allocation_segment (older_gen);
+ if (generation_allocation_limit (older_gen) !=
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (older_gen_seg))
+ {
+ uint8_t* point = generation_allocation_pointer (older_gen);
+ size_t size = (generation_allocation_limit (older_gen) -
+ generation_allocation_pointer (older_gen));
+ if (size != 0)
+ {
+ assert ((size >= Align (min_obj_size)));
+ dprintf(3,("Making unused area [%Ix, %Ix[", (size_t)point, (size_t)point+size));
+ make_unused_array (point, size);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (older_gen_seg != ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (older_gen_seg) =
+ generation_allocation_pointer (older_gen);
+ generation_allocation_limit (older_gen) =
+ generation_allocation_pointer (older_gen);
+ }
+void gc_heap::set_allocation_heap_segment (generation* gen)
+ uint8_t* p = generation_allocation_start (gen);
+ assert (p);
+ heap_segment* seg = generation_allocation_segment (gen);
+ if (in_range_for_segment (p, seg))
+ return;
+ // try ephemeral heap segment in case of heap expansion
+ seg = ephemeral_heap_segment;
+ if (!in_range_for_segment (p, seg))
+ {
+ seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ while (!in_range_for_segment (p, seg))
+ {
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ }
+ }
+ generation_allocation_segment (gen) = seg;
+void gc_heap::reset_allocation_pointers (generation* gen, uint8_t* start)
+ assert (start);
+ assert (Align ((size_t)start) == (size_t)start);
+ generation_allocation_start (gen) = start;
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen) = 0;//start + Align (min_obj_size);
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) = 0;//generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ set_allocation_heap_segment (gen);
+//TODO BACKGROUND_GC this is for test only
+gc_heap::disallow_new_allocation (int gen_number)
+ settings.allocations_allowed = FALSE;
+gc_heap::allow_new_allocation (int gen_number)
+ settings.allocations_allowed = TRUE;
+bool gc_heap::new_allocation_allowed (int gen_number)
+ //TODO BACKGROUND_GC this is for test only
+ if (!settings.allocations_allowed)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("new allocation not allowed"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (dd_new_allocation (dynamic_data_of (gen_number)) < 0)
+ {
+ if (gen_number != 0)
+ {
+ // For LOH we will give it more budget before we try a GC.
+ if (settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd2 = dynamic_data_of (max_generation + 1 );
+ if (dd_new_allocation (dd2) <= (ptrdiff_t)(-2 * dd_desired_allocation (dd2)))
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else if ((settings.pause_mode != pause_no_gc) && (gen_number == 0))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("evaluating allocation rate"));
+ dynamic_data* dd0 = dynamic_data_of (0);
+ if ((allocation_running_amount - dd_new_allocation (dd0)) >
+ dd_min_gc_size (dd0))
+ {
+ uint32_t ctime = GCToOSInterface::GetLowPrecisionTimeStamp();
+ if ((ctime - allocation_running_time) > 1000)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, (">1s since last gen0 gc"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ allocation_running_amount = dd_new_allocation (dd0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ptrdiff_t gc_heap::get_desired_allocation (int gen_number)
+ return dd_desired_allocation (dynamic_data_of (gen_number));
+ptrdiff_t gc_heap::get_new_allocation (int gen_number)
+ return dd_new_allocation (dynamic_data_of (gen_number));
+//return the amount allocated so far in gen_number
+ptrdiff_t gc_heap::get_allocation (int gen_number)
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (gen_number);
+ return dd_desired_allocation (dd) - dd_new_allocation (dd);
+BOOL grow_mark_stack (mark*& m, size_t& len, size_t init_len)
+ size_t new_size = max (init_len, 2*len);
+ mark* tmp = new (nothrow) mark [new_size];
+ if (tmp)
+ {
+ memcpy (tmp, m, len * sizeof (mark));
+ delete m;
+ m = tmp;
+ len = new_size;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (1, ("Failed to allocate %Id bytes for mark stack", (len * sizeof (mark))));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+uint8_t* pinned_plug (mark* m)
+ return m->first;
+size_t& pinned_len (mark* m)
+ return m->len;
+void set_new_pin_info (mark* m, uint8_t* pin_free_space_start)
+ m->len = pinned_plug (m) - pin_free_space_start;
+ m->allocation_context_start_region = pin_free_space_start;
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+uint8_t*& pin_allocation_context_start_region (mark* m)
+ return m->allocation_context_start_region;
+uint8_t* get_plug_start_in_saved (uint8_t* old_loc, mark* pinned_plug_entry)
+ uint8_t* saved_pre_plug_info = (uint8_t*)(pinned_plug_entry->get_pre_plug_reloc_info());
+ uint8_t* plug_start_in_saved = saved_pre_plug_info + (old_loc - (pinned_plug (pinned_plug_entry) - sizeof (plug_and_gap)));
+ //dprintf (1, ("detected a very short plug: %Ix before PP %Ix, pad %Ix",
+ // old_loc, pinned_plug (pinned_plug_entry), plug_start_in_saved));
+ dprintf (1, ("EP: %Ix(%Ix), %Ix", old_loc, pinned_plug (pinned_plug_entry), plug_start_in_saved));
+ return plug_start_in_saved;
+void set_padding_in_expand (uint8_t* old_loc,
+ BOOL set_padding_on_saved_p,
+ mark* pinned_plug_entry)
+ if (set_padding_on_saved_p)
+ {
+ set_plug_padded (get_plug_start_in_saved (old_loc, pinned_plug_entry));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ set_plug_padded (old_loc);
+ }
+void clear_padding_in_expand (uint8_t* old_loc,
+ BOOL set_padding_on_saved_p,
+ mark* pinned_plug_entry)
+ if (set_padding_on_saved_p)
+ {
+ clear_plug_padded (get_plug_start_in_saved (old_loc, pinned_plug_entry));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ clear_plug_padded (old_loc);
+ }
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+void gc_heap::reset_pinned_queue()
+ mark_stack_tos = 0;
+ mark_stack_bos = 0;
+void gc_heap::reset_pinned_queue_bos()
+ mark_stack_bos = 0;
+// last_pinned_plug is only for asserting purpose.
+void gc_heap::merge_with_last_pinned_plug (uint8_t* last_pinned_plug, size_t plug_size)
+ if (last_pinned_plug)
+ {
+ mark& last_m = mark_stack_array[mark_stack_tos - 1];
+ assert (last_pinned_plug == last_m.first);
+ if (last_m.saved_post_p)
+ {
+ last_m.saved_post_p = FALSE;
+ dprintf (3, ("setting last plug %Ix post to false", last_m.first));
+ // We need to recover what the gap has overwritten.
+ memcpy ((last_m.first + last_m.len - sizeof (plug_and_gap)), &(last_m.saved_post_plug), sizeof (gap_reloc_pair));
+ }
+ last_m.len += plug_size;
+ dprintf (3, ("recovered the last part of plug %Ix, setting its plug size to %Ix", last_m.first, last_m.len));
+ }
+void gc_heap::set_allocator_next_pin (uint8_t* alloc_pointer, uint8_t*& alloc_limit)
+ dprintf (3, ("sanp: ptr: %Ix, limit: %Ix", alloc_pointer, alloc_limit));
+ dprintf (3, ("oldest %Id: %Ix", mark_stack_bos, pinned_plug (oldest_pin())));
+ if (!(pinned_plug_que_empty_p()))
+ {
+ mark* oldest_entry = oldest_pin();
+ uint8_t* plug = pinned_plug (oldest_entry);
+ if ((plug >= alloc_pointer) && (plug < alloc_limit))
+ {
+ alloc_limit = pinned_plug (oldest_entry);
+ dprintf (3, ("now setting alloc context: %Ix->%Ix(%Id)",
+ alloc_pointer, alloc_limit, (alloc_limit - alloc_pointer)));
+ }
+ }
+void gc_heap::set_allocator_next_pin (generation* gen)
+ dprintf (3, ("SANP: gen%d, ptr; %Ix, limit: %Ix", gen->gen_num, generation_allocation_pointer (gen), generation_allocation_limit (gen)));
+ if (!(pinned_plug_que_empty_p()))
+ {
+ mark* oldest_entry = oldest_pin();
+ uint8_t* plug = pinned_plug (oldest_entry);
+ if ((plug >= generation_allocation_pointer (gen)) &&
+ (plug < generation_allocation_limit (gen)))
+ {
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) = pinned_plug (oldest_entry);
+ dprintf (3, ("SANP: get next pin free space in gen%d for alloc: %Ix->%Ix(%Id)",
+ gen->gen_num,
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen), generation_allocation_limit (gen),
+ (generation_allocation_limit (gen) - generation_allocation_pointer (gen))));
+ }
+ else
+ assert (!((plug < generation_allocation_pointer (gen)) &&
+ (plug >= heap_segment_mem (generation_allocation_segment (gen)))));
+ }
+// After we set the info, we increase tos.
+void gc_heap::set_pinned_info (uint8_t* last_pinned_plug, size_t plug_len, uint8_t* alloc_pointer, uint8_t*& alloc_limit)
+ UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(last_pinned_plug);
+ mark& m = mark_stack_array[mark_stack_tos];
+ assert (m.first == last_pinned_plug);
+ m.len = plug_len;
+ mark_stack_tos++;
+ set_allocator_next_pin (alloc_pointer, alloc_limit);
+// After we set the info, we increase tos.
+void gc_heap::set_pinned_info (uint8_t* last_pinned_plug, size_t plug_len, generation* gen)
+ UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(last_pinned_plug);
+ mark& m = mark_stack_array[mark_stack_tos];
+ assert (m.first == last_pinned_plug);
+ m.len = plug_len;
+ mark_stack_tos++;
+ assert (gen != 0);
+ // Why are we checking here? gen is never 0.
+ if (gen != 0)
+ {
+ set_allocator_next_pin (gen);
+ }
+size_t gc_heap::deque_pinned_plug ()
+ dprintf (3, ("dequed: %Id", mark_stack_bos));
+ size_t m = mark_stack_bos;
+ mark_stack_bos++;
+ return m;
+mark* gc_heap::pinned_plug_of (size_t bos)
+ return &mark_stack_array [ bos ];
+mark* gc_heap::oldest_pin ()
+ return pinned_plug_of (mark_stack_bos);
+BOOL gc_heap::pinned_plug_que_empty_p ()
+ return (mark_stack_bos == mark_stack_tos);
+mark* gc_heap::before_oldest_pin()
+ if (mark_stack_bos >= 1)
+ return pinned_plug_of (mark_stack_bos-1);
+ else
+ return 0;
+BOOL gc_heap::ephemeral_pointer_p (uint8_t* o)
+ return ((o >= ephemeral_low) && (o < ephemeral_high));
+#ifdef MH_SC_MARK
+int& gc_heap::mark_stack_busy()
+ return g_mark_stack_busy [(heap_number+2)*HS_CACHE_LINE_SIZE/sizeof(int)];
+#endif //MH_SC_MARK
+void gc_heap::make_mark_stack (mark* arr)
+ reset_pinned_queue();
+ mark_stack_array = arr;
+ mark_stack_array_length = MARK_STACK_INITIAL_LENGTH;
+#ifdef MH_SC_MARK
+ mark_stack_busy() = 0;
+#endif //MH_SC_MARK
+size_t& gc_heap::bpromoted_bytes(int thread)
+ return g_bpromoted [thread*16];
+ return g_bpromoted;
+void gc_heap::make_background_mark_stack (uint8_t** arr)
+ background_mark_stack_array = arr;
+ background_mark_stack_array_length = MARK_STACK_INITIAL_LENGTH;
+ background_mark_stack_tos = arr;
+void gc_heap::make_c_mark_list (uint8_t** arr)
+ c_mark_list = arr;
+ c_mark_list_index = 0;
+ c_mark_list_length = 1 + (page_size / MIN_OBJECT_SIZE);
+#if defined (_TARGET_AMD64_)
+#define brick_size ((size_t)4096)
+#define brick_size ((size_t)2048)
+#endif //_TARGET_AMD64_
+size_t gc_heap::brick_of (uint8_t* add)
+ return (size_t)(add - lowest_address) / brick_size;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::brick_address (size_t brick)
+ return lowest_address + (brick_size * brick);
+void gc_heap::clear_brick_table (uint8_t* from, uint8_t* end)
+ for (size_t i = brick_of (from);i < brick_of (end); i++)
+ brick_table[i] = 0;
+//codes for the brick entries:
+//entry == 0 -> not assigned
+//entry >0 offset is entry-1
+//entry <0 jump back entry bricks
+void gc_heap::set_brick (size_t index, ptrdiff_t val)
+ if (val < -32767)
+ {
+ val = -32767;
+ }
+ assert (val < 32767);
+ if (val >= 0)
+ brick_table [index] = (short)val+1;
+ else
+ brick_table [index] = (short)val;
+int gc_heap::brick_entry (size_t index)
+ int val = brick_table [index];
+ if (val == 0)
+ {
+ return -32768;
+ }
+ else if (val < 0)
+ {
+ return val;
+ }
+ else
+ return val-1;
+uint8_t* align_on_brick (uint8_t* add)
+ return (uint8_t*)((size_t)(add + brick_size - 1) & ~(brick_size - 1));
+uint8_t* align_lower_brick (uint8_t* add)
+ return (uint8_t*)(((size_t)add) & ~(brick_size - 1));
+size_t size_brick_of (uint8_t* from, uint8_t* end)
+ assert (((size_t)from & (brick_size-1)) == 0);
+ assert (((size_t)end & (brick_size-1)) == 0);
+ return ((end - from) / brick_size) * sizeof (short);
+uint8_t* gc_heap::card_address (size_t card)
+ return (uint8_t*) (card_size * card);
+size_t gc_heap::card_of ( uint8_t* object)
+ return (size_t)(object) / card_size;
+size_t gc_heap::card_to_brick (size_t card)
+ return brick_of (card_address (card));
+uint8_t* align_on_card (uint8_t* add)
+ return (uint8_t*)((size_t)(add + card_size - 1) & ~(card_size - 1 ));
+uint8_t* align_on_card_word (uint8_t* add)
+ return (uint8_t*) ((size_t)(add + (card_size*card_word_width)-1) & ~(card_size*card_word_width - 1));
+uint8_t* align_lower_card (uint8_t* add)
+ return (uint8_t*)((size_t)add & ~(card_size-1));
+void gc_heap::clear_card (size_t card)
+ card_table [card_word (card)] =
+ (card_table [card_word (card)] & ~(1 << card_bit (card)));
+ dprintf (3,("Cleared card %Ix [%Ix, %Ix[", card, (size_t)card_address (card),
+ (size_t)card_address (card+1)));
+void gc_heap::set_card (size_t card)
+ card_table [card_word (card)] =
+ (card_table [card_word (card)] | (1 << card_bit (card)));
+void gset_card (size_t card)
+ g_card_table [card_word (card)] |= (1 << card_bit (card));
+BOOL gc_heap::card_set_p (size_t card)
+ return ( card_table [ card_word (card) ] & (1 << card_bit (card)));
+// Returns the number of DWORDs in the card table that cover the
+// range of addresses [from, end[.
+size_t count_card_of (uint8_t* from, uint8_t* end)
+ return card_word (gcard_of (end - 1)) - card_word (gcard_of (from)) + 1;
+// Returns the number of bytes to allocate for a card table
+// that covers the range of addresses [from, end[.
+size_t size_card_of (uint8_t* from, uint8_t* end)
+ return count_card_of (from, end) * sizeof(uint32_t);
+//The card bundle keeps track of groups of card words
+#define card_bundle_word_width ((size_t)32)
+//how do we express the fact that 32 bits (card_word_width) is one uint32_t?
+#define card_bundle_size ((size_t)(OS_PAGE_SIZE/(sizeof (uint32_t)*card_bundle_word_width)))
+size_t card_bundle_word (size_t cardb)
+ return cardb / card_bundle_word_width;
+uint32_t card_bundle_bit (size_t cardb)
+ return (uint32_t)(cardb % card_bundle_word_width);
+size_t align_cardw_on_bundle (size_t cardw)
+ return ((size_t)(cardw + card_bundle_size - 1) & ~(card_bundle_size - 1 ));
+size_t cardw_card_bundle (size_t cardw)
+ return cardw/card_bundle_size;
+size_t card_bundle_cardw (size_t cardb)
+ return cardb*card_bundle_size;
+void gc_heap::card_bundle_clear(size_t cardb)
+ card_bundle_table [card_bundle_word (cardb)] &= ~(1 << card_bundle_bit (cardb));
+ dprintf (3,("Cleared card bundle %Ix [%Ix, %Ix[", cardb, (size_t)card_bundle_cardw (cardb),
+ (size_t)card_bundle_cardw (cardb+1)));
+// printf ("Cleared card bundle %Ix\n", cardb);
+void gc_heap::card_bundles_set (size_t start_cardb, size_t end_cardb)
+ size_t start_word = card_bundle_word (start_cardb);
+ size_t end_word = card_bundle_word (end_cardb);
+ if (start_word < end_word)
+ {
+ //set the partial words
+ card_bundle_table [start_word] |= highbits (~0u, card_bundle_bit (start_cardb));
+ if (card_bundle_bit (end_cardb))
+ card_bundle_table [end_word] |= lowbits (~0u, card_bundle_bit (end_cardb));
+ for (size_t i = start_word+1; i < end_word; i++)
+ card_bundle_table [i] = ~0u;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ card_bundle_table [start_word] |= (highbits (~0u, card_bundle_bit (start_cardb)) &
+ lowbits (~0u, card_bundle_bit (end_cardb)));
+ }
+BOOL gc_heap::card_bundle_set_p (size_t cardb)
+ return ( card_bundle_table [ card_bundle_word (cardb) ] & (1 << card_bundle_bit (cardb)));
+size_t size_card_bundle_of (uint8_t* from, uint8_t* end)
+ //align from to lower
+ from = (uint8_t*)((size_t)from & ~(card_size*card_word_width*card_bundle_size*card_bundle_word_width - 1));
+ //align to to upper
+ end = (uint8_t*)((size_t)(end + (card_size*card_word_width*card_bundle_size*card_bundle_word_width - 1)) &
+ ~(card_size*card_word_width*card_bundle_size*card_bundle_word_width - 1));
+ assert (((size_t)from & ((card_size*card_word_width*card_bundle_size*card_bundle_word_width)-1)) == 0);
+ assert (((size_t)end & ((card_size*card_word_width*card_bundle_size*card_bundle_word_width)-1)) == 0);
+ return ((end - from) / (card_size*card_word_width*card_bundle_size*card_bundle_word_width)) * sizeof (uint32_t);
+uint32_t* translate_card_bundle_table (uint32_t* cb)
+ return (uint32_t*)((uint8_t*)cb - ((((size_t)g_lowest_address) / (card_size*card_word_width*card_bundle_size*card_bundle_word_width)) * sizeof (uint32_t)));
+void gc_heap::enable_card_bundles ()
+ if (can_use_write_watch_for_card_table() && (!card_bundles_enabled()))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Enabling card bundles"));
+ //set all of the card bundles
+ card_bundles_set (cardw_card_bundle (card_word (card_of (lowest_address))),
+ cardw_card_bundle (align_cardw_on_bundle (card_word (card_of (highest_address)))));
+ settings.card_bundles = TRUE;
+ }
+BOOL gc_heap::card_bundles_enabled ()
+ return settings.card_bundles;
+#endif //CARD_BUNDLE
+// We don't store seg_mapping_table in card_table_info because there's only always one view.
+class card_table_info
+ unsigned recount;
+ uint8_t* lowest_address;
+ uint8_t* highest_address;
+ short* brick_table;
+ uint32_t* card_bundle_table;
+#endif //CARD_BUNDLE
+ // mark_array is always at the end of the data structure because we
+ // want to be able to make one commit call for everything before it.
+#ifdef MARK_ARRAY
+ uint32_t* mark_array;
+#endif //MARK_ARRAY
+ size_t size;
+ uint32_t* next_card_table;
+//These are accessors on untranslated cardtable
+unsigned& card_table_refcount (uint32_t* c_table)
+ return *(unsigned*)((char*)c_table - sizeof (card_table_info));
+uint8_t*& card_table_lowest_address (uint32_t* c_table)
+ return ((card_table_info*)((uint8_t*)c_table - sizeof (card_table_info)))->lowest_address;
+uint32_t* translate_card_table (uint32_t* ct)
+ return (uint32_t*)((uint8_t*)ct - card_word (gcard_of (card_table_lowest_address (ct))) * sizeof(uint32_t));
+uint8_t*& card_table_highest_address (uint32_t* c_table)
+ return ((card_table_info*)((uint8_t*)c_table - sizeof (card_table_info)))->highest_address;
+short*& card_table_brick_table (uint32_t* c_table)
+ return ((card_table_info*)((uint8_t*)c_table - sizeof (card_table_info)))->brick_table;
+uint32_t*& card_table_card_bundle_table (uint32_t* c_table)
+ return ((card_table_info*)((uint8_t*)c_table - sizeof (card_table_info)))->card_bundle_table;
+#endif //CARD_BUNDLE
+#ifdef MARK_ARRAY
+/* Support for mark_array */
+uint32_t*& card_table_mark_array (uint32_t* c_table)
+ return ((card_table_info*)((uint8_t*)c_table - sizeof (card_table_info)))->mark_array;
+#ifdef BIT64
+#define mark_bit_pitch ((size_t)16)
+#define mark_bit_pitch ((size_t)8)
+#endif // BIT64
+#define mark_word_width ((size_t)32)
+#define mark_word_size (mark_word_width * mark_bit_pitch)
+uint8_t* align_on_mark_bit (uint8_t* add)
+ return (uint8_t*)((size_t)(add + (mark_bit_pitch - 1)) & ~(mark_bit_pitch - 1));
+uint8_t* align_lower_mark_bit (uint8_t* add)
+ return (uint8_t*)((size_t)(add) & ~(mark_bit_pitch - 1));
+BOOL is_aligned_on_mark_word (uint8_t* add)
+ return ((size_t)add == ((size_t)(add) & ~(mark_word_size - 1)));
+uint8_t* align_on_mark_word (uint8_t* add)
+ return (uint8_t*)((size_t)(add + mark_word_size - 1) & ~(mark_word_size - 1));
+uint8_t* align_lower_mark_word (uint8_t* add)
+ return (uint8_t*)((size_t)(add) & ~(mark_word_size - 1));
+size_t mark_bit_of (uint8_t* add)
+ return ((size_t)add / mark_bit_pitch);
+unsigned int mark_bit_bit (size_t mark_bit)
+ return (unsigned int)(mark_bit % mark_word_width);
+size_t mark_bit_word (size_t mark_bit)
+ return (mark_bit / mark_word_width);
+size_t mark_word_of (uint8_t* add)
+ return ((size_t)add) / mark_word_size;
+uint8_t* mark_word_address (size_t wd)
+ return (uint8_t*)(wd*mark_word_size);
+uint8_t* mark_bit_address (size_t mark_bit)
+ return (uint8_t*)(mark_bit*mark_bit_pitch);
+size_t mark_bit_bit_of (uint8_t* add)
+ return (((size_t)add / mark_bit_pitch) % mark_word_width);
+unsigned int gc_heap::mark_array_marked(uint8_t* add)
+ return mark_array [mark_word_of (add)] & (1 << mark_bit_bit_of (add));
+BOOL gc_heap::is_mark_bit_set (uint8_t* add)
+ return (mark_array [mark_word_of (add)] & (1 << mark_bit_bit_of (add)));
+void gc_heap::mark_array_set_marked (uint8_t* add)
+ size_t index = mark_word_of (add);
+ uint32_t val = (1 << mark_bit_bit_of (add));
+ Interlocked::Or (&(mark_array [index]), val);
+ mark_array [index] |= val;
+void gc_heap::mark_array_clear_marked (uint8_t* add)
+ mark_array [mark_word_of (add)] &= ~(1 << mark_bit_bit_of (add));
+size_t size_mark_array_of (uint8_t* from, uint8_t* end)
+ assert (((size_t)from & ((mark_word_size)-1)) == 0);
+ assert (((size_t)end & ((mark_word_size)-1)) == 0);
+ return sizeof (uint32_t)*(((end - from) / mark_word_size));
+//In order to eliminate the lowest_address in the mark array
+//computations (mark_word_of, etc) mark_array is offset
+// according to the lowest_address.
+uint32_t* translate_mark_array (uint32_t* ma)
+ return (uint32_t*)((uint8_t*)ma - size_mark_array_of (0, g_lowest_address));
+// from and end must be page aligned addresses.
+void gc_heap::clear_mark_array (uint8_t* from, uint8_t* end, BOOL check_only/*=TRUE*/
+ , BOOL read_only/*=FALSE*/
+ )
+ if(!gc_can_use_concurrent)
+ return;
+ if (!read_only)
+ {
+ assert (from == align_on_mark_word (from));
+ }
+ assert (end == align_on_mark_word (end));
+ uint8_t* current_lowest_address = background_saved_lowest_address;
+ uint8_t* current_highest_address = background_saved_highest_address;
+ uint8_t* current_lowest_address = lowest_address;
+ uint8_t* current_highest_address = highest_address;
+ //there is a possibility of the addresses to be
+ //outside of the covered range because of a newly allocated
+ //large object segment
+ if ((end <= current_highest_address) && (from >= current_lowest_address))
+ {
+ size_t beg_word = mark_word_of (align_on_mark_word (from));
+ MAYBE_UNUSED_VAR(beg_word);
+ //align end word to make sure to cover the address
+ size_t end_word = mark_word_of (align_on_mark_word (end));
+ MAYBE_UNUSED_VAR(end_word);
+ dprintf (3, ("Calling clearing mark array [%Ix, %Ix[ for addresses [%Ix, %Ix[(%s)",
+ (size_t)mark_word_address (beg_word),
+ (size_t)mark_word_address (end_word),
+ (size_t)from, (size_t)end,
+ (check_only ? "check_only" : "clear")));
+ if (!check_only)
+ {
+ uint8_t* op = from;
+ while (op < mark_word_address (beg_word))
+ {
+ mark_array_clear_marked (op);
+ op += mark_bit_pitch;
+ }
+ memset (&mark_array[beg_word], 0, (end_word - beg_word)*sizeof (uint32_t));
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ else
+ {
+ //Beware, it is assumed that the mark array word straddling
+ //start has been cleared before
+ //verify that the array is empty.
+ size_t markw = mark_word_of (align_on_mark_word (from));
+ size_t markw_end = mark_word_of (align_on_mark_word (end));
+ while (markw < markw_end)
+ {
+ assert (!(mark_array [markw]));
+ markw++;
+ }
+ uint8_t* p = mark_word_address (markw_end);
+ while (p < end)
+ {
+ assert (!(mark_array_marked (p)));
+ p++;
+ }
+ }
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ }
+#endif //MARK_ARRAY
+//These work on untranslated card tables
+uint32_t*& card_table_next (uint32_t* c_table)
+ return ((card_table_info*)((uint8_t*)c_table - sizeof (card_table_info)))->next_card_table;
+size_t& card_table_size (uint32_t* c_table)
+ return ((card_table_info*)((uint8_t*)c_table - sizeof (card_table_info)))->size;
+void own_card_table (uint32_t* c_table)
+ card_table_refcount (c_table) += 1;
+void destroy_card_table (uint32_t* c_table);
+void delete_next_card_table (uint32_t* c_table)
+ uint32_t* n_table = card_table_next (c_table);
+ if (n_table)
+ {
+ if (card_table_next (n_table))
+ {
+ delete_next_card_table (n_table);
+ }
+ if (card_table_refcount (n_table) == 0)
+ {
+ destroy_card_table (n_table);
+ card_table_next (c_table) = 0;
+ }
+ }
+void release_card_table (uint32_t* c_table)
+ assert (card_table_refcount (c_table) >0);
+ card_table_refcount (c_table) -= 1;
+ if (card_table_refcount (c_table) == 0)
+ {
+ delete_next_card_table (c_table);
+ if (card_table_next (c_table) == 0)
+ {
+ destroy_card_table (c_table);
+ // sever the link from the parent
+ if (&g_card_table[card_word (gcard_of(g_lowest_address))] == c_table)
+ {
+ g_card_table = 0;
+ SoftwareWriteWatch::StaticClose();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint32_t* p_table = &g_card_table[card_word (gcard_of(g_lowest_address))];
+ if (p_table)
+ {
+ while (p_table && (card_table_next (p_table) != c_table))
+ p_table = card_table_next (p_table);
+ card_table_next (p_table) = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void destroy_card_table (uint32_t* c_table)
+// delete (uint32_t*)&card_table_refcount(c_table);
+ GCToOSInterface::VirtualRelease (&card_table_refcount(c_table), card_table_size(c_table));
+ dprintf (2, ("Table Virtual Free : %Ix", (size_t)&card_table_refcount(c_table)));
+uint32_t* gc_heap::make_card_table (uint8_t* start, uint8_t* end)
+ assert (g_lowest_address == start);
+ assert (g_highest_address == end);
+ uint32_t virtual_reserve_flags = VirtualReserveFlags::None;
+ size_t bs = size_brick_of (start, end);
+ size_t cs = size_card_of (start, end);
+#ifdef MARK_ARRAY
+ size_t ms = (gc_can_use_concurrent ?
+ size_mark_array_of (start, end) :
+ 0);
+ size_t ms = 0;
+#endif //MARK_ARRAY
+ size_t cb = 0;
+ if (can_use_write_watch_for_card_table())
+ {
+ virtual_reserve_flags |= VirtualReserveFlags::WriteWatch;
+ cb = size_card_bundle_of (g_lowest_address, g_highest_address);
+ }
+#endif //CARD_BUNDLE
+ size_t wws = 0;
+ size_t sw_ww_table_offset = 0;
+ if (gc_can_use_concurrent)
+ {
+ size_t sw_ww_size_before_table = sizeof(card_table_info) + cs + bs + cb;
+ sw_ww_table_offset = SoftwareWriteWatch::GetTableStartByteOffset(sw_ww_size_before_table);
+ wws = sw_ww_table_offset - sw_ww_size_before_table + SoftwareWriteWatch::GetTableByteSize(start, end);
+ }
+ size_t st = size_seg_mapping_table_of (g_lowest_address, g_highest_address);
+ size_t st_table_offset = sizeof(card_table_info) + cs + bs + cb + wws;
+ size_t st_table_offset_aligned = align_for_seg_mapping_table (st_table_offset);
+ st += (st_table_offset_aligned - st_table_offset);
+ size_t st = 0;
+ // it is impossible for alloc_size to overflow due bounds on each of
+ // its components.
+ size_t alloc_size = sizeof (uint8_t)*(sizeof(card_table_info) + cs + bs + cb + wws + st + ms);
+ size_t alloc_size_aligned = Align (alloc_size, g_SystemInfo.dwAllocationGranularity-1);
+ uint8_t* mem = (uint8_t*)GCToOSInterface::VirtualReserve (0, alloc_size_aligned, 0, virtual_reserve_flags);
+ if (!mem)
+ return 0;
+ dprintf (2, ("Init - Card table alloc for %Id bytes: [%Ix, %Ix[",
+ alloc_size, (size_t)mem, (size_t)(mem+alloc_size)));
+ // mark array will be committed separately (per segment).
+ size_t commit_size = alloc_size - ms;
+ if (!GCToOSInterface::VirtualCommit (mem, commit_size))
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("Card table commit failed"));
+ GCToOSInterface::VirtualRelease (mem, alloc_size_aligned);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // initialize the ref count
+ uint32_t* ct = (uint32_t*)(mem+sizeof (card_table_info));
+ card_table_refcount (ct) = 0;
+ card_table_lowest_address (ct) = start;
+ card_table_highest_address (ct) = end;
+ card_table_brick_table (ct) = (short*)((uint8_t*)ct + cs);
+ card_table_size (ct) = alloc_size_aligned;
+ card_table_next (ct) = 0;
+ card_table_card_bundle_table (ct) = (uint32_t*)((uint8_t*)card_table_brick_table (ct) + bs);
+#endif //CARD_BUNDLE
+ if (gc_can_use_concurrent)
+ {
+ SoftwareWriteWatch::InitializeUntranslatedTable(mem + sw_ww_table_offset, start);
+ }
+ seg_mapping_table = (seg_mapping*)(mem + st_table_offset_aligned);
+ seg_mapping_table = (seg_mapping*)((uint8_t*)seg_mapping_table -
+ size_seg_mapping_table_of (0, (align_lower_segment (g_lowest_address))));
+#ifdef MARK_ARRAY
+ if (gc_can_use_concurrent)
+ card_table_mark_array (ct) = (uint32_t*)((uint8_t*)card_table_brick_table (ct) + bs + cb + wws + st);
+ else
+ card_table_mark_array (ct) = NULL;
+#endif //MARK_ARRAY
+ return translate_card_table(ct);
+void gc_heap::set_fgm_result (failure_get_memory f, size_t s, BOOL loh_p)
+ for (int hn = 0; hn < gc_heap::n_heaps; hn++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps [hn];
+ hp->fgm_result.set_fgm (f, s, loh_p);
+ }
+ fgm_result.set_fgm (f, s, loh_p);
+//returns 0 for success, -1 otherwise
+// We are doing all the decommitting here because we want to make sure we have
+// enough memory to do so - if we do this during copy_brick_card_table and
+// and fail to decommit it would make the failure case very complicated to
+// handle. This way we can waste some decommit if we call this multiple
+// times before the next FGC but it's easier to handle the failure case.
+int gc_heap::grow_brick_card_tables (uint8_t* start,
+ uint8_t* end,
+ size_t size,
+ heap_segment* new_seg,
+ gc_heap* hp,
+ BOOL loh_p)
+ uint8_t* la = g_lowest_address;
+ uint8_t* ha = g_highest_address;
+ uint8_t* saved_g_lowest_address = min (start, g_lowest_address);
+ uint8_t* saved_g_highest_address = max (end, g_highest_address);
+ // This value is only for logging purpose - it's not necessarily exactly what we
+ // would commit for mark array but close enough for diagnostics purpose.
+ size_t logging_ma_commit_size = size_mark_array_of (0, (uint8_t*)size);
+ // See if the address is already covered
+ if ((la != saved_g_lowest_address ) || (ha != saved_g_highest_address))
+ {
+ {
+ //modify the higest address so the span covered
+ //is twice the previous one.
+ uint8_t* top = (uint8_t*)0 + Align (GCToOSInterface::GetVirtualMemoryLimit());
+ // On non-Windows systems, we get only an approximate value that can possibly be
+ // slightly lower than the saved_g_highest_address.
+ // In such case, we set the top to the saved_g_highest_address so that the
+ // card and brick tables always cover the whole new range.
+ if (top < saved_g_highest_address)
+ {
+ top = saved_g_highest_address;
+ }
+ size_t ps = ha-la;
+#ifdef BIT64
+ if (ps > (uint64_t)200*1024*1024*1024)
+ ps += (uint64_t)100*1024*1024*1024;
+ else
+#endif // BIT64
+ ps *= 2;
+ if (saved_g_lowest_address < g_lowest_address)
+ {
+ if (ps > (size_t)g_lowest_address)
+ saved_g_lowest_address = (uint8_t*)OS_PAGE_SIZE;
+ else
+ {
+ assert (((size_t)g_lowest_address - ps) >= OS_PAGE_SIZE);
+ saved_g_lowest_address = min (saved_g_lowest_address, (g_lowest_address - ps));
+ }
+ }
+ if (saved_g_highest_address > g_highest_address)
+ {
+ saved_g_highest_address = max ((saved_g_lowest_address + ps), saved_g_highest_address);
+ if (saved_g_highest_address > top)
+ saved_g_highest_address = top;
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("Growing card table [%Ix, %Ix[",
+ (size_t)saved_g_lowest_address,
+ (size_t)saved_g_highest_address));
+ bool write_barrier_updated = false;
+ uint32_t virtual_reserve_flags = VirtualReserveFlags::None;
+ uint32_t* saved_g_card_table = g_card_table;
+ uint32_t* ct = 0;
+ uint32_t* translated_ct = 0;
+ short* bt = 0;
+ size_t cs = size_card_of (saved_g_lowest_address, saved_g_highest_address);
+ size_t bs = size_brick_of (saved_g_lowest_address, saved_g_highest_address);
+#ifdef MARK_ARRAY
+ size_t ms = (gc_heap::gc_can_use_concurrent ?
+ size_mark_array_of (saved_g_lowest_address, saved_g_highest_address) :
+ 0);
+ size_t ms = 0;
+#endif //MARK_ARRAY
+ size_t cb = 0;
+ if (can_use_write_watch_for_card_table())
+ {
+ virtual_reserve_flags = VirtualReserveFlags::WriteWatch;
+ cb = size_card_bundle_of (saved_g_lowest_address, saved_g_highest_address);
+ }
+#endif //CARD_BUNDLE
+ size_t wws = 0;
+ size_t sw_ww_table_offset = 0;
+ if (gc_can_use_concurrent)
+ {
+ size_t sw_ww_size_before_table = sizeof(card_table_info) + cs + bs + cb;
+ sw_ww_table_offset = SoftwareWriteWatch::GetTableStartByteOffset(sw_ww_size_before_table);
+ wws =
+ sw_ww_table_offset -
+ sw_ww_size_before_table +
+ SoftwareWriteWatch::GetTableByteSize(saved_g_lowest_address, saved_g_highest_address);
+ }
+ size_t st = size_seg_mapping_table_of (saved_g_lowest_address, saved_g_highest_address);
+ size_t st_table_offset = sizeof(card_table_info) + cs + bs + cb + wws;
+ size_t st_table_offset_aligned = align_for_seg_mapping_table (st_table_offset);
+ st += (st_table_offset_aligned - st_table_offset);
+ size_t st = 0;
+ // it is impossible for alloc_size to overflow due bounds on each of
+ // its components.
+ size_t alloc_size = sizeof (uint8_t)*(sizeof(card_table_info) + cs + bs + cb + wws + st + ms);
+ size_t alloc_size_aligned = Align (alloc_size, g_SystemInfo.dwAllocationGranularity-1);
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("card table: %Id; brick table: %Id; card bundle: %Id; sw ww table: %Id; seg table: %Id; mark array: %Id",
+ cs, bs, cb, wws, st, ms));
+ uint8_t* mem = (uint8_t*)GCToOSInterface::VirtualReserve (0, alloc_size_aligned, 0, virtual_reserve_flags);
+ if (!mem)
+ {
+ set_fgm_result (fgm_grow_table, alloc_size, loh_p);
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("Table alloc for %Id bytes: [%Ix, %Ix[",
+ alloc_size, (size_t)mem, (size_t)((uint8_t*)mem+alloc_size)));
+ {
+ // mark array will be committed separately (per segment).
+ size_t commit_size = alloc_size - ms;
+ if (!GCToOSInterface::VirtualCommit (mem, commit_size))
+ {
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("Table commit failed"));
+ set_fgm_result (fgm_commit_table, commit_size, loh_p);
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ }
+ ct = (uint32_t*)(mem + sizeof (card_table_info));
+ card_table_refcount (ct) = 0;
+ card_table_lowest_address (ct) = saved_g_lowest_address;
+ card_table_highest_address (ct) = saved_g_highest_address;
+ card_table_next (ct) = &g_card_table[card_word (gcard_of (la))];
+ //clear the card table
+ memclr ((uint8_t*)ct,
+ (((saved_g_highest_address - saved_g_lowest_address)*sizeof (uint32_t) /
+ (card_size * card_word_width))
+ + sizeof (uint32_t)));
+ bt = (short*)((uint8_t*)ct + cs);
+ // No initialization needed, will be done in copy_brick_card
+ card_table_brick_table (ct) = bt;
+ card_table_card_bundle_table (ct) = (uint32_t*)((uint8_t*)card_table_brick_table (ct) + bs);
+ //set all bundle to look at all of the cards
+ memset(card_table_card_bundle_table (ct), 0xFF, cb);
+#endif //CARD_BUNDLE
+ {
+ seg_mapping* new_seg_mapping_table = (seg_mapping*)(mem + st_table_offset_aligned);
+ new_seg_mapping_table = (seg_mapping*)((uint8_t*)new_seg_mapping_table -
+ size_seg_mapping_table_of (0, (align_lower_segment (saved_g_lowest_address))));
+ memcpy(&new_seg_mapping_table[seg_mapping_word_of(g_lowest_address)],
+ &seg_mapping_table[seg_mapping_word_of(g_lowest_address)],
+ size_seg_mapping_table_of(g_lowest_address, g_highest_address));
+ seg_mapping_table = new_seg_mapping_table;
+ }
+#ifdef MARK_ARRAY
+ if(gc_can_use_concurrent)
+ card_table_mark_array (ct) = (uint32_t*)((uint8_t*)card_table_brick_table (ct) + bs + cb + wws + st);
+ else
+ card_table_mark_array (ct) = NULL;
+#endif //MARK_ARRAY
+ translated_ct = translate_card_table (ct);
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("card table: %Ix(translated: %Ix), seg map: %Ix, mark array: %Ix",
+ (size_t)ct, (size_t)translated_ct, (size_t)seg_mapping_table, (size_t)card_table_mark_array (ct)));
+ if (hp->should_commit_mark_array())
+ {
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("new low: %Ix, new high: %Ix, latest mark array is %Ix(translate: %Ix)",
+ saved_g_lowest_address, saved_g_highest_address,
+ card_table_mark_array (ct),
+ translate_mark_array (card_table_mark_array (ct))));
+ uint32_t* new_mark_array = (uint32_t*)((uint8_t*)card_table_mark_array (ct) - size_mark_array_of (0, saved_g_lowest_address));
+ if (!commit_new_mark_array_global (new_mark_array))
+ {
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("failed to commit portions in the mark array for existing segments"));
+ set_fgm_result (fgm_commit_table, logging_ma_commit_size, loh_p);
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (!commit_mark_array_new_seg (hp, new_seg, translated_ct, saved_g_lowest_address))
+ {
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("failed to commit mark array for the new seg"));
+ set_fgm_result (fgm_commit_table, logging_ma_commit_size, loh_p);
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ clear_commit_flag_global();
+ }
+ if (gc_can_use_concurrent)
+ {
+ // The current design of software write watch requires that the runtime is suspended during resize. Suspending
+ // on resize is preferred because it is a far less frequent operation than GetWriteWatch() / ResetWriteWatch().
+ // Suspending here allows copying dirty state from the old table into the new table, and not have to merge old
+ // table info lazily as done for card tables.
+ // Either this thread was the thread that did the suspension which means we are suspended; or this is called
+ // from a GC thread which means we are in a blocking GC and also suspended.
+ BOOL is_runtime_suspended = IsGCThread();
+ if (!is_runtime_suspended)
+ {
+ // Note on points where the runtime is suspended anywhere in this function. Upon an attempt to suspend the
+ // runtime, a different thread may suspend first, causing this thread to block at the point of the suspend call.
+ // So, at any suspend point, externally visible state needs to be consistent, as code that depends on that state
+ // may run while this thread is blocked. This includes updates to g_card_table, g_lowest_address, and
+ // g_highest_address.
+ suspend_EE();
+ }
+ g_card_table = translated_ct;
+ SoftwareWriteWatch::SetResizedUntranslatedTable(
+ mem + sw_ww_table_offset,
+ saved_g_lowest_address,
+ saved_g_highest_address);
+ // Since the runtime is already suspended, update the write barrier here as well.
+ // This passes a bool telling whether we need to switch to the post
+ // grow version of the write barrier. This test tells us if the new
+ // segment was allocated at a lower address than the old, requiring
+ // that we start doing an upper bounds check in the write barrier.
+ StompWriteBarrierResize(true, la != saved_g_lowest_address);
+ write_barrier_updated = true;
+ if (!is_runtime_suspended)
+ {
+ restart_EE();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_card_table = translated_ct;
+ }
+ if (!write_barrier_updated)
+ {
+ // This passes a bool telling whether we need to switch to the post
+ // grow version of the write barrier. This test tells us if the new
+ // segment was allocated at a lower address than the old, requiring
+ // that we start doing an upper bounds check in the write barrier.
+ // This will also suspend the runtime if the write barrier type needs
+ // to be changed, so we are doing this after all global state has
+ // been updated. See the comment above suspend_EE() above for more
+ // info.
+ StompWriteBarrierResize(!!IsGCThread(), la != saved_g_lowest_address);
+ }
+ // We need to make sure that other threads executing checked write barriers
+ // will see the g_card_table update before g_lowest/highest_address updates.
+ // Otherwise, the checked write barrier may AV accessing the old card table
+ // with address that it does not cover. Write barriers access card table
+ // without memory barriers for performance reasons, so we need to flush
+ // the store buffers here.
+ GCToOSInterface::FlushProcessWriteBuffers();
+ g_lowest_address = saved_g_lowest_address;
+ VolatileStore(&g_highest_address, saved_g_highest_address);
+ return 0;
+ //cleanup mess and return -1;
+ if (mem)
+ {
+ assert(g_card_table == saved_g_card_table);
+ //delete (uint32_t*)((uint8_t*)ct - sizeof(card_table_info));
+ if (!GCToOSInterface::VirtualRelease (mem, alloc_size_aligned))
+ {
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("GCToOSInterface::VirtualRelease failed"));
+ assert (!"release failed");
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (hp->should_commit_mark_array())
+ {
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("in range new seg %Ix, mark_array is %Ix", new_seg, hp->mark_array));
+ if (!commit_mark_array_new_seg (hp, new_seg))
+ {
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("failed to commit mark array for the new seg in range"));
+ set_fgm_result (fgm_commit_table, logging_ma_commit_size, loh_p);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+//copy all of the arrays managed by the card table for a page aligned range
+void gc_heap::copy_brick_card_range (uint8_t* la, uint32_t* old_card_table,
+ short* old_brick_table,
+ heap_segment* seg,
+ uint8_t* start, uint8_t* end)
+ ptrdiff_t brick_offset = brick_of (start) - brick_of (la);
+ dprintf (2, ("copying tables for range [%Ix %Ix[", (size_t)start, (size_t)end));
+ // copy brick table
+ short* brick_start = &brick_table [brick_of (start)];
+ if (old_brick_table)
+ {
+ // segments are always on page boundaries
+ memcpy (brick_start, &old_brick_table[brick_offset],
+ size_brick_of (start, end));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This is a large heap, just clear the brick table
+ }
+ uint32_t* old_ct = &old_card_table[card_word (card_of (la))];
+#ifdef MARK_ARRAY
+ if (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ {
+ uint32_t* old_mark_array = card_table_mark_array (old_ct);
+ // We don't need to go through all the card tables here because
+ // we only need to copy from the GC version of the mark array - when we
+ // mark (even in allocate_large_object) we always use that mark array.
+ if ((card_table_highest_address (old_ct) >= start) &&
+ (card_table_lowest_address (old_ct) <= end))
+ {
+ if ((background_saved_highest_address >= start) &&
+ (background_saved_lowest_address <= end))
+ {
+ //copy the mark bits
+ // segments are always on page boundaries
+ uint8_t* m_start = max (background_saved_lowest_address, start);
+ uint8_t* m_end = min (background_saved_highest_address, end);
+ memcpy (&mark_array[mark_word_of (m_start)],
+ &old_mark_array[mark_word_of (m_start) - mark_word_of (la)],
+ size_mark_array_of (m_start, m_end));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //only large segments can be out of range
+ assert (old_brick_table == 0);
+ }
+ }
+ assert (seg != 0);
+ clear_mark_array (start, heap_segment_committed(seg));
+#endif //MARK_ARRAY
+ // n way merge with all of the card table ever used in between
+ uint32_t* ct = card_table_next (&card_table[card_word (card_of(lowest_address))]);
+ assert (ct);
+ while (card_table_next (old_ct) != ct)
+ {
+ //copy if old card table contained [start, end[
+ if ((card_table_highest_address (ct) >= end) &&
+ (card_table_lowest_address (ct) <= start))
+ {
+ // or the card_tables
+ uint32_t* dest = &card_table [card_word (card_of (start))];
+ uint32_t* src = &((translate_card_table (ct)) [card_word (card_of (start))]);
+ ptrdiff_t count = count_card_of (start, end);
+ for (int x = 0; x < count; x++)
+ {
+ *dest |= *src;
+ dest++;
+ src++;
+ }
+ }
+ ct = card_table_next (ct);
+ }
+//initialize all of the arrays managed by the card table for a page aligned range when an existing ro segment becomes in range
+void gc_heap::init_brick_card_range (heap_segment* seg)
+ dprintf (2, ("initialising tables for range [%Ix %Ix[",
+ (size_t)heap_segment_mem (seg),
+ (size_t)heap_segment_allocated (seg)));
+ // initialize the brick table
+ for (size_t b = brick_of (heap_segment_mem (seg));
+ b < brick_of (align_on_brick (heap_segment_allocated (seg)));
+ b++)
+ {
+ set_brick (b, -1);
+ }
+#ifdef MARK_ARRAY
+ if (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p() && (seg->flags & heap_segment_flags_ma_committed))
+ {
+ assert (seg != 0);
+ clear_mark_array (heap_segment_mem (seg), heap_segment_committed(seg));
+ }
+#endif //MARK_ARRAY
+ clear_card_for_addresses (heap_segment_mem (seg),
+ heap_segment_allocated (seg));
+void gc_heap::copy_brick_card_table()
+ uint8_t* la = lowest_address;
+ uint8_t* ha = highest_address;
+ uint32_t* old_card_table = card_table;
+ short* old_brick_table = brick_table;
+ assert (la == card_table_lowest_address (&old_card_table[card_word (card_of (la))]));
+ assert (ha == card_table_highest_address (&old_card_table[card_word (card_of (la))]));
+ /* todo: Need a global lock for this */
+ uint32_t* ct = &g_card_table[card_word (gcard_of (g_lowest_address))];
+ own_card_table (ct);
+ card_table = translate_card_table (ct);
+ /* End of global lock */
+ highest_address = card_table_highest_address (ct);
+ lowest_address = card_table_lowest_address (ct);
+ brick_table = card_table_brick_table (ct);
+#ifdef MARK_ARRAY
+ if (gc_can_use_concurrent)
+ {
+ mark_array = translate_mark_array (card_table_mark_array (ct));
+ assert (mark_word_of (g_highest_address) ==
+ mark_word_of (align_on_mark_word (g_highest_address)));
+ }
+ else
+ mark_array = NULL;
+#endif //MARK_ARRAY
+#if defined(MARK_ARRAY) && defined(_DEBUG)
+ size_t st = size_seg_mapping_table_of (g_lowest_address, g_highest_address);
+ size_t st = 0;
+#endif //MARK_ARRAY && _DEBUG
+ card_bundle_table = translate_card_bundle_table (card_table_card_bundle_table (ct));
+ assert (&card_bundle_table [card_bundle_word (cardw_card_bundle (card_word (card_of (g_lowest_address))))] ==
+ card_table_card_bundle_table (ct));
+ //set the card table if we are in a heap growth scenario
+ if (card_bundles_enabled())
+ {
+ card_bundles_set (cardw_card_bundle (card_word (card_of (lowest_address))),
+ cardw_card_bundle (align_cardw_on_bundle (card_word (card_of (highest_address)))));
+ }
+ //check if we need to turn on card_bundles.
+ // use INT64 arithmetic here because of possible overflow on 32p
+ uint64_t th = (uint64_t)MH_TH_CARD_BUNDLE*gc_heap::n_heaps;
+ // use INT64 arithmetic here because of possible overflow on 32p
+ uint64_t th = (uint64_t)SH_TH_CARD_BUNDLE;
+ if (reserved_memory >= th)
+ {
+ enable_card_bundles();
+ }
+#endif //CARD_BUNDLE
+ // for each of the segments and heaps, copy the brick table and
+ // or the card table
+ heap_segment* seg = generation_start_segment (generation_of (max_generation));
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ if (heap_segment_read_only_p (seg) && !heap_segment_in_range_p (seg))
+ {
+ //check if it became in range
+ if ((heap_segment_reserved (seg) > lowest_address) &&
+ (heap_segment_mem (seg) < highest_address))
+ {
+ set_ro_segment_in_range (seg);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint8_t* end = align_on_page (heap_segment_allocated (seg));
+ copy_brick_card_range (la, old_card_table,
+ old_brick_table,
+ seg,
+ align_lower_page (heap_segment_mem (seg)),
+ end);
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ }
+ seg = generation_start_segment (large_object_generation);
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ if (heap_segment_read_only_p (seg) && !heap_segment_in_range_p (seg))
+ {
+ //check if it became in range
+ if ((heap_segment_reserved (seg) > lowest_address) &&
+ (heap_segment_mem (seg) < highest_address))
+ {
+ set_ro_segment_in_range (seg);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint8_t* end = align_on_page (heap_segment_allocated (seg));
+ copy_brick_card_range (la, old_card_table,
+ 0,
+ seg,
+ align_lower_page (heap_segment_mem (seg)),
+ end);
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ }
+ release_card_table (&old_card_table[card_word (card_of(la))]);
+BOOL gc_heap::insert_ro_segment (heap_segment* seg)
+ enter_spin_lock (&gc_heap::gc_lock);
+ if (!gc_heap::seg_table->ensure_space_for_insert ()
+ || (should_commit_mark_array() && !commit_mark_array_new_seg(__this, seg)))
+ {
+ leave_spin_lock(&gc_heap::gc_lock);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ //insert at the head of the segment list
+ generation* gen2 = generation_of (max_generation);
+ heap_segment* oldhead = generation_start_segment (gen2);
+ heap_segment_next (seg) = oldhead;
+ generation_start_segment (gen2) = seg;
+ seg_table->insert (heap_segment_mem(seg), (size_t)seg);
+ seg_mapping_table_add_ro_segment (seg);
+ //test if in range
+ if ((heap_segment_reserved (seg) > lowest_address) &&
+ (heap_segment_mem (seg) < highest_address))
+ {
+ set_ro_segment_in_range (seg);
+ }
+ FireEtwGCCreateSegment_V1((size_t)heap_segment_mem(seg), (size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (seg) - heap_segment_mem(seg)), ETW::GCLog::ETW_GC_INFO::READ_ONLY_HEAP, GetClrInstanceId());
+ leave_spin_lock (&gc_heap::gc_lock);
+ return TRUE;
+// No one is calling this function right now. If this is getting called we need
+// to take care of decommitting the mark array for it - we will need to remember
+// which portion of the mark array was committed and only decommit that.
+void gc_heap::remove_ro_segment (heap_segment* seg)
+//clear the mark bits so a new segment allocated in its place will have a clear mark bits
+#ifdef MARK_ARRAY
+ if (gc_can_use_concurrent)
+ {
+ clear_mark_array (align_lower_mark_word (max (heap_segment_mem (seg), lowest_address)),
+ align_on_card_word (min (heap_segment_allocated (seg), highest_address)),
+ false); // read_only segments need the mark clear
+ }
+#endif //MARK_ARRAY
+ enter_spin_lock (&gc_heap::gc_lock);
+ seg_table->remove ((uint8_t*)seg);
+ seg_mapping_table_remove_ro_segment (seg);
+ // Locate segment (and previous segment) in the list.
+ generation* gen2 = generation_of (max_generation);
+ heap_segment* curr_seg = generation_start_segment (gen2);
+ heap_segment* prev_seg = NULL;
+ while (curr_seg && curr_seg != seg)
+ {
+ prev_seg = curr_seg;
+ curr_seg = heap_segment_next (curr_seg);
+ }
+ assert (curr_seg == seg);
+ // Patch previous segment (or list head if there is none) to skip the removed segment.
+ if (prev_seg)
+ heap_segment_next (prev_seg) = heap_segment_next (curr_seg);
+ else
+ generation_start_segment (gen2) = heap_segment_next (curr_seg);
+ leave_spin_lock (&gc_heap::gc_lock);
+BOOL gc_heap::set_ro_segment_in_range (heap_segment* seg)
+ //set it in range
+ seg->flags |= heap_segment_flags_inrange;
+// init_brick_card_range (seg);
+ ro_segments_in_range = TRUE;
+ //right now, segments aren't protected
+ //unprotect_segment (seg);
+ return TRUE;
+#ifdef MARK_LIST
+uint8_t** make_mark_list (size_t size)
+ uint8_t** mark_list = new (nothrow) uint8_t* [size];
+ return mark_list;
+#define swap(a,b){uint8_t* t; t = a; a = b; b = t;}
+void verify_qsort_array (uint8_t* *low, uint8_t* *high)
+ uint8_t **i = 0;
+ for (i = low+1; i <= high; i++)
+ {
+ if (*i < *(i-1))
+ {
+ }
+ }
+void qsort1( uint8_t* *low, uint8_t* *high, unsigned int depth)
+ if (((low + 16) >= high) || (depth > 100))
+ {
+ //insertion sort
+ uint8_t **i, **j;
+ for (i = low+1; i <= high; i++)
+ {
+ uint8_t* val = *i;
+ for (j=i;j >low && val<*(j-1);j--)
+ {
+ *j=*(j-1);
+ }
+ *j=val;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint8_t *pivot, **left, **right;
+ //sort low middle and high
+ if (*(low+((high-low)/2)) < *low)
+ swap (*(low+((high-low)/2)), *low);
+ if (*high < *low)
+ swap (*low, *high);
+ if (*high < *(low+((high-low)/2)))
+ swap (*(low+((high-low)/2)), *high);
+ swap (*(low+((high-low)/2)), *(high-1));
+ pivot = *(high-1);
+ left = low; right = high-1;
+ while (1) {
+ while (*(--right) > pivot);
+ while (*(++left) < pivot);
+ if (left < right)
+ {
+ swap(*left, *right);
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ swap (*left, *(high-1));
+ qsort1(low, left-1, depth+1);
+ qsort1(left+1, high, depth+1);
+ }
+void rqsort1( uint8_t* *low, uint8_t* *high)
+ if ((low + 16) >= high)
+ {
+ //insertion sort
+ uint8_t **i, **j;
+ for (i = low+1; i <= high; i++)
+ {
+ uint8_t* val = *i;
+ for (j=i;j >low && val>*(j-1);j--)
+ {
+ *j=*(j-1);
+ }
+ *j=val;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint8_t *pivot, **left, **right;
+ //sort low middle and high
+ if (*(low+((high-low)/2)) > *low)
+ swap (*(low+((high-low)/2)), *low);
+ if (*high > *low)
+ swap (*low, *high);
+ if (*high > *(low+((high-low)/2)))
+ swap (*(low+((high-low)/2)), *high);
+ swap (*(low+((high-low)/2)), *(high-1));
+ pivot = *(high-1);
+ left = low; right = high-1;
+ while (1) {
+ while (*(--right) < pivot);
+ while (*(++left) > pivot);
+ if (left < right)
+ {
+ swap(*left, *right);
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ swap (*left, *(high-1));
+ rqsort1(low, left-1);
+ rqsort1(left+1, high);
+ }
+class introsort
+ static const int size_threshold = 64;
+ static const int max_depth = 100;
+inline static void swap_elements(uint8_t** i,uint8_t** j)
+ {
+ uint8_t* t=*i;
+ *i=*j;
+ *j=t;
+ }
+ static void sort (uint8_t** begin, uint8_t** end, int ignored)
+ {
+ ignored = 0;
+ introsort_loop (begin, end, max_depth);
+ insertionsort (begin, end);
+ }
+ static void introsort_loop (uint8_t** lo, uint8_t** hi, int depth_limit)
+ {
+ while (hi-lo >= size_threshold)
+ {
+ if (depth_limit == 0)
+ {
+ heapsort (lo, hi);
+ return;
+ }
+ uint8_t** p=median_partition (lo, hi);
+ depth_limit=depth_limit-1;
+ introsort_loop (p, hi, depth_limit);
+ hi=p-1;
+ }
+ }
+ static uint8_t** median_partition (uint8_t** low, uint8_t** high)
+ {
+ uint8_t *pivot, **left, **right;
+ //sort low middle and high
+ if (*(low+((high-low)/2)) < *low)
+ swap_elements ((low+((high-low)/2)), low);
+ if (*high < *low)
+ swap_elements (low, high);
+ if (*high < *(low+((high-low)/2)))
+ swap_elements ((low+((high-low)/2)), high);
+ swap_elements ((low+((high-low)/2)), (high-1));
+ pivot = *(high-1);
+ left = low; right = high-1;
+ while (1) {
+ while (*(--right) > pivot);
+ while (*(++left) < pivot);
+ if (left < right)
+ {
+ swap_elements(left, right);
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ swap_elements (left, (high-1));
+ return left;
+ }
+ static void insertionsort (uint8_t** lo, uint8_t** hi)
+ {
+ for (uint8_t** i=lo+1; i <= hi; i++)
+ {
+ uint8_t** j = i;
+ uint8_t* t = *i;
+ while((j > lo) && (t <*(j-1)))
+ {
+ *j = *(j-1);
+ j--;
+ }
+ *j = t;
+ }
+ }
+ static void heapsort (uint8_t** lo, uint8_t** hi)
+ {
+ size_t n = hi - lo + 1;
+ for (size_t i=n / 2; i >= 1; i--)
+ {
+ downheap (i,n,lo);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = n; i > 1; i--)
+ {
+ swap_elements (lo, lo + i - 1);
+ downheap(1, i - 1, lo);
+ }
+ }
+ static void downheap (size_t i, size_t n, uint8_t** lo)
+ {
+ uint8_t* d = *(lo + i - 1);
+ size_t child;
+ while (i <= n / 2)
+ {
+ child = 2*i;
+ if (child < n && *(lo + child - 1)<(*(lo + child)))
+ {
+ child++;
+ }
+ if (!(d<*(lo + child - 1)))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ *(lo + i - 1) = *(lo + child - 1);
+ i = child;
+ }
+ *(lo + i - 1) = d;
+ }
+void gc_heap::sort_mark_list()
+ // if this heap had a mark list overflow, we don't do anything
+ if (mark_list_index > mark_list_end)
+ {
+// printf("sort_mark_list: overflow on heap %d\n", heap_number);
+ return;
+ }
+ // if any other heap had a mark list overflow, we fake one too,
+ // so we don't use an incomplete mark list by mistake
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ if (g_heaps[i]->mark_list_index > g_heaps[i]->mark_list_end)
+ {
+ mark_list_index = mark_list_end + 1;
+// printf("sort_mark_list: overflow on heap %d\n", i);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+// unsigned long start = GetCycleCount32();
+ dprintf (3, ("Sorting mark lists"));
+ if (mark_list_index > mark_list)
+ _sort (mark_list, mark_list_index - 1, 0);
+// printf("first phase of sort_mark_list for heap %d took %u cycles to sort %u entries\n", this->heap_number, GetCycleCount32() - start, mark_list_index - mark_list);
+// start = GetCycleCount32();
+ // first set the pieces for all heaps to empty
+ int heap_num;
+ for (heap_num = 0; heap_num < n_heaps; heap_num++)
+ {
+ mark_list_piece_start[heap_num] = NULL;
+ mark_list_piece_end[heap_num] = NULL;
+ }
+ uint8_t** x = mark_list;
+// predicate means: x is still within the mark list, and within the bounds of this heap
+#define predicate(x) (((x) < mark_list_index) && (*(x) < heap->ephemeral_high))
+ heap_num = -1;
+ while (x < mark_list_index)
+ {
+ gc_heap* heap;
+ // find the heap x points into - searching cyclically from the last heap,
+ // because in many cases the right heap is the next one or comes soon after
+ int last_heap_num = heap_num;
+ MAYBE_UNUSED_VAR(last_heap_num);
+ do
+ {
+ heap_num++;
+ if (heap_num >= n_heaps)
+ heap_num = 0;
+ assert(heap_num != last_heap_num); // we should always find the heap - infinite loop if not!
+ heap = g_heaps[heap_num];
+ }
+ while (!(*x >= heap->ephemeral_low && *x < heap->ephemeral_high));
+ // x is the start of the mark list piece for this heap
+ mark_list_piece_start[heap_num] = x;
+ // to find the end of the mark list piece for this heap, find the first x
+ // that has !predicate(x), i.e. that is either not in this heap, or beyond the end of the list
+ if (predicate(x))
+ {
+ // let's see if we get lucky and the whole rest belongs to this piece
+ if (predicate(mark_list_index-1))
+ {
+ x = mark_list_index;
+ mark_list_piece_end[heap_num] = x;
+ break;
+ }
+ // we play a variant of binary search to find the point sooner.
+ // the first loop advances by increasing steps until the predicate turns false.
+ // then we retreat the last step, and the second loop advances by decreasing steps, keeping the predicate true.
+ unsigned inc = 1;
+ do
+ {
+ inc *= 2;
+ uint8_t** temp_x = x;
+ x += inc;
+ if (temp_x > x)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ while (predicate(x));
+ // we know that only the last step was wrong, so we undo it
+ x -= inc;
+ do
+ {
+ // loop invariant - predicate holds at x, but not x + inc
+ assert (predicate(x) && !(((x + inc) > x) && predicate(x + inc)));
+ inc /= 2;
+ if (((x + inc) > x) && predicate(x + inc))
+ {
+ x += inc;
+ }
+ }
+ while (inc > 1);
+ // the termination condition and the loop invariant together imply this:
+ assert(predicate(x) && !predicate(x + inc) && (inc == 1));
+ // so the spot we're looking for is one further
+ x += 1;
+ }
+ mark_list_piece_end[heap_num] = x;
+ }
+#undef predicate
+// printf("second phase of sort_mark_list for heap %d took %u cycles\n", this->heap_number, GetCycleCount32() - start);
+void gc_heap::append_to_mark_list(uint8_t **start, uint8_t **end)
+ size_t slots_needed = end - start;
+ size_t slots_available = mark_list_end + 1 - mark_list_index;
+ size_t slots_to_copy = min(slots_needed, slots_available);
+ memcpy(mark_list_index, start, slots_to_copy*sizeof(*start));
+ mark_list_index += slots_to_copy;
+// printf("heap %d: appended %Id slots to mark_list\n", heap_number, slots_to_copy);
+void gc_heap::merge_mark_lists()
+ uint8_t** source[MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS];
+ uint8_t** source_end[MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS];
+ int source_heap[MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS];
+ int source_count = 0;
+ // in case of mark list overflow, don't bother
+ if (mark_list_index > mark_list_end)
+ {
+// printf("merge_mark_lists: overflow\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ dprintf(3, ("merge_mark_lists: heap_number = %d starts out with %Id entries", heap_number, mark_list_index - mark_list));
+// unsigned long start = GetCycleCount32();
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* heap = g_heaps[i];
+ if (heap->mark_list_piece_start[heap_number] < heap->mark_list_piece_end[heap_number])
+ {
+ source[source_count] = heap->mark_list_piece_start[heap_number];
+ source_end[source_count] = heap->mark_list_piece_end[heap_number];
+ source_heap[source_count] = i;
+ if (source_count < MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS)
+ source_count++;
+ }
+ }
+// printf("first phase of merge_mark_lists for heap %d took %u cycles\n", heap_number, GetCycleCount32() - start);
+ dprintf(3, ("heap_number = %d has %d sources\n", heap_number, source_count));
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(TRACE_GC)
+ for (int j = 0; j < source_count; j++)
+ {
+ dprintf(3, ("heap_number = %d ", heap_number));
+ dprintf(3, (" source from heap %d = %Ix .. %Ix (%Id entries)",
+ (size_t)(source_heap[j]), (size_t)(source[j][0]), (size_t)(source_end[j][-1]), (size_t)(source_end[j] - source[j])));
+ // the sources should all be sorted
+ for (uint8_t **x = source[j]; x < source_end[j] - 1; x++)
+ {
+ if (x[0] > x[1])
+ {
+ dprintf(3, ("oops, mark_list from source %d for heap %d isn't sorted\n", j, heap_number));
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif //_DEBUG || TRACE_GC
+// start = GetCycleCount32();
+ mark_list = &g_mark_list_copy [heap_number*mark_list_size];
+ mark_list_index = mark_list;
+ mark_list_end = &mark_list [mark_list_size-1];
+ int piece_count = 0;
+ if (source_count == 0)
+ {
+ ; // nothing to do
+ }
+ else if (source_count == 1)
+ {
+ mark_list = source[0];
+ mark_list_index = source_end[0];
+ mark_list_end = mark_list_index;
+ piece_count++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (source_count > 1)
+ {
+ // find the lowest and second lowest value in the sources we're merging from
+ int lowest_source = 0;
+ uint8_t *lowest = *source[0];
+ uint8_t *second_lowest = *source[1];
+ for (int i = 1; i < source_count; i++)
+ {
+ if (lowest > *source[i])
+ {
+ second_lowest = lowest;
+ lowest = *source[i];
+ lowest_source = i;
+ }
+ else if (second_lowest > *source[i])
+ {
+ second_lowest = *source[i];
+ }
+ }
+ // find the point in the lowest source where it either runs out or is not <= second_lowest anymore
+ // let's first try to get lucky and see if the whole source is <= second_lowest -- this is actually quite common
+ uint8_t **x;
+ if (source_end[lowest_source][-1] <= second_lowest)
+ x = source_end[lowest_source];
+ else
+ {
+ // use linear search to find the end -- could also use binary search as in sort_mark_list,
+ // but saw no improvement doing that
+ for (x = source[lowest_source]; x < source_end[lowest_source] && *x <= second_lowest; x++)
+ ;
+ }
+ // blast this piece to the mark list
+ append_to_mark_list(source[lowest_source], x);
+ piece_count++;
+ source[lowest_source] = x;
+ // check whether this source is now exhausted
+ if (x >= source_end[lowest_source])
+ {
+ // if it's not the source with the highest index, copy the source with the highest index
+ // over it so the non-empty sources are always at the beginning
+ if (lowest_source < source_count-1)
+ {
+ source[lowest_source] = source[source_count-1];
+ source_end[lowest_source] = source_end[source_count-1];
+ }
+ source_count--;
+ }
+ }
+ // we're left with just one source that we copy
+ append_to_mark_list(source[0], source_end[0]);
+ piece_count++;
+ }
+// printf("second phase of merge_mark_lists for heap %d took %u cycles to merge %d pieces\n", heap_number, GetCycleCount32() - start, piece_count);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(TRACE_GC)
+ // the final mark list must be sorted
+ for (uint8_t **x = mark_list; x < mark_list_index - 1; x++)
+ {
+ if (x[0] > x[1])
+ {
+ dprintf(3, ("oops, mark_list for heap %d isn't sorted at the end of merge_mark_lists", heap_number));
+ assert (0);
+ }
+ }
+#endif //defined(_DEBUG) || defined(TRACE_GC)
+void gc_heap::combine_mark_lists()
+ dprintf (3, ("Combining mark lists"));
+ //verify if a heap has overflowed its mark list
+ BOOL use_mark_list = TRUE;
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ if (g_heaps [i]->mark_list_index > g_heaps [i]->mark_list_end)
+ {
+ use_mark_list = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (use_mark_list)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Using mark list"));
+ //compact the gaps out of the mark list
+ int gn = 0;
+ uint8_t** current_gap = g_heaps [gn]->mark_list_index;
+ uint8_t** current_gap_end = g_heaps[gn]->mark_list_end + 1;
+ uint8_t** dst_last = current_gap-1;
+ int srcn = n_heaps-1;
+ gc_heap* srch = g_heaps [srcn];
+ uint8_t** src = srch->mark_list_index - 1;
+ uint8_t** src_beg = srch->mark_list;
+ while (current_gap <= src)
+ {
+ while ((gn < n_heaps-1) && (current_gap >= current_gap_end))
+ {
+ //go to the next gap
+ gn++;
+ dprintf (3, ("Going to the next gap %d", gn));
+ assert (gn < n_heaps);
+ current_gap = g_heaps [gn]->mark_list_index;
+ current_gap_end = g_heaps[gn]->mark_list_end + 1;
+ assert ((gn == (n_heaps-1)) || (current_gap_end == g_heaps[gn+1]->mark_list));
+ }
+ while ((srcn > 0) && (src < src_beg))
+ {
+ //go to the previous source
+ srcn--;
+ dprintf (3, ("going to the previous source %d", srcn));
+ assert (srcn>=0);
+ gc_heap* srch = g_heaps [srcn];
+ src = srch->mark_list_index - 1;
+ src_beg = srch->mark_list;
+ }
+ if (current_gap < src)
+ {
+ dst_last = current_gap;
+ *current_gap++ = *src--;
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("src: %Ix dst_last: %Ix", (size_t)src, (size_t)dst_last));
+ uint8_t** end_of_list = max (src, dst_last);
+ //sort the resulting compacted list
+ assert (end_of_list < &g_mark_list [n_heaps*mark_list_size]);
+ if (end_of_list > &g_mark_list[0])
+ _sort (&g_mark_list[0], end_of_list, 0);
+ //adjust the mark_list to the begining of the resulting mark list.
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ g_heaps [i]->mark_list = g_mark_list;
+ g_heaps [i]->mark_list_index = end_of_list + 1;
+ g_heaps [i]->mark_list_end = end_of_list + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint8_t** end_of_list = g_mark_list;
+ //adjust the mark_list to the begining of the resulting mark list.
+ //put the index beyond the end to turn off mark list processing
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ g_heaps [i]->mark_list = g_mark_list;
+ g_heaps [i]->mark_list_index = end_of_list + 1;
+ g_heaps [i]->mark_list_end = end_of_list;
+ }
+ }
+#endif //MARK_LIST
+#ifdef BIT64
+#endif // BIT64
+size_t round_up_power2 (size_t size)
+ unsigned short shift = 1;
+ size_t shifted = 0;
+ size--;
+ for (unsigned short i = 0; i < TOTAL_TIMES_TO_SHIFT; i++)
+ {
+ shifted = size | (size >> shift);
+ if (shifted == size)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ size = shifted;
+ shift <<= 1;
+ }
+ shifted++;
+ return shifted;
+size_t round_down_power2 (size_t size)
+ size_t power2 = round_up_power2 (size);
+ if (power2 != size)
+ {
+ power2 >>= 1;
+ }
+ return power2;
+// the index starts from 0.
+int index_of_set_bit (size_t power2)
+ int low = 0;
+ int high = sizeof (size_t) * 8 - 1;
+ int mid;
+ while (low <= high)
+ {
+ mid = ((low + high)/2);
+ size_t temp = (size_t)1 << mid;
+ if (power2 & temp)
+ {
+ return mid;
+ }
+ else if (power2 < temp)
+ {
+ high = mid - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ low = mid + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+int relative_index_power2_plug (size_t power2)
+ int index = index_of_set_bit (power2);
+ assert (index <= MAX_INDEX_POWER2);
+ return ((index < MIN_INDEX_POWER2) ? 0 : (index - MIN_INDEX_POWER2));
+int relative_index_power2_free_space (size_t power2)
+ int index = index_of_set_bit (power2);
+ assert (index <= MAX_INDEX_POWER2);
+ return ((index < MIN_INDEX_POWER2) ? -1 : (index - MIN_INDEX_POWER2));
+class seg_free_spaces
+ struct seg_free_space
+ {
+ BOOL is_plug;
+ void* start;
+ };
+ struct free_space_bucket
+ {
+ seg_free_space* free_space;
+ ptrdiff_t count_add; // Assigned when we first contruct the array.
+ ptrdiff_t count_fit; // How many items left when we are fitting plugs.
+ };
+ void move_bucket (int old_power2, int new_power2)
+ {
+ // PREFAST warning 22015: old_power2 could be negative
+ assert (old_power2 >= 0);
+ assert (old_power2 >= new_power2);
+ if (old_power2 == new_power2)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ seg_free_space* src_index = free_space_buckets[old_power2].free_space;
+ for (int i = old_power2; i > new_power2; i--)
+ {
+ seg_free_space** dest = &(free_space_buckets[i].free_space);
+ (*dest)++;
+ seg_free_space* dest_index = free_space_buckets[i - 1].free_space;
+ if (i > (new_power2 + 1))
+ {
+ seg_free_space temp = *src_index;
+ *src_index = *dest_index;
+ *dest_index = temp;
+ }
+ src_index = dest_index;
+ }
+ free_space_buckets[old_power2].count_fit--;
+ free_space_buckets[new_power2].count_fit++;
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ void dump_free_space (seg_free_space* item)
+ {
+ uint8_t* addr = 0;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ if (item->is_plug)
+ {
+ mark* m = (mark*)(item->start);
+ len = pinned_len (m);
+ addr = pinned_plug (m) - len;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ heap_segment* seg = (heap_segment*)(item->start);
+ addr = heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg);
+ len = heap_segment_committed (seg) - addr;
+ }
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]0x%Ix %Id", heap_num, addr, len));
+ }
+ void dump()
+ {
+ seg_free_space* item = NULL;
+ int i = 0;
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]----------------------------------\nnow the free spaces look like:", heap_num));
+ for (i = 0; i < (free_space_bucket_count - 1); i++)
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]Free spaces for 2^%d bucket:", heap_num, (base_power2 + i)));
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]%s %s", heap_num, "start", "len"));
+ item = free_space_buckets[i].free_space;
+ while (item < free_space_buckets[i + 1].free_space)
+ {
+ dump_free_space (item);
+ item++;
+ }
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]----------------------------------", heap_num));
+ }
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]Free spaces for 2^%d bucket:", heap_num, (base_power2 + i)));
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]%s %s", heap_num, "start", "len"));
+ item = free_space_buckets[i].free_space;
+ while (item <= &seg_free_space_array[free_space_item_count - 1])
+ {
+ dump_free_space (item);
+ item++;
+ }
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]----------------------------------", heap_num));
+ }
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ free_space_bucket* free_space_buckets;
+ seg_free_space* seg_free_space_array;
+ ptrdiff_t free_space_bucket_count;
+ ptrdiff_t free_space_item_count;
+ int base_power2;
+ int heap_num;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ BOOL has_end_of_seg;
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ seg_free_spaces (int h_number)
+ {
+ heap_num = h_number;
+ }
+ BOOL alloc ()
+ {
+ size_t total_prealloc_size =
+ MAX_NUM_BUCKETS * sizeof (free_space_bucket) +
+ MAX_NUM_FREE_SPACES * sizeof (seg_free_space);
+ free_space_buckets = (free_space_bucket*) new (nothrow) uint8_t[total_prealloc_size];
+ return (!!free_space_buckets);
+ }
+ // We take the ordered free space array we got from the 1st pass,
+ // and feed the portion that we decided to use to this method, ie,
+ // the largest item_count free spaces.
+ void add_buckets (int base, size_t* ordered_free_spaces, int bucket_count, size_t item_count)
+ {
+ assert (free_space_buckets);
+ assert (item_count <= (size_t)MAX_PTR);
+ free_space_bucket_count = bucket_count;
+ free_space_item_count = item_count;
+ base_power2 = base;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ has_end_of_seg = FALSE;
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ ptrdiff_t total_item_count = 0;
+ ptrdiff_t i = 0;
+ seg_free_space_array = (seg_free_space*)(free_space_buckets + free_space_bucket_count);
+ for (i = 0; i < (ptrdiff_t)item_count; i++)
+ {
+ seg_free_space_array[i].start = 0;
+ seg_free_space_array[i].is_plug = FALSE;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < bucket_count; i++)
+ {
+ free_space_buckets[i].count_add = ordered_free_spaces[i];
+ free_space_buckets[i].count_fit = ordered_free_spaces[i];
+ free_space_buckets[i].free_space = &seg_free_space_array[total_item_count];
+ total_item_count += free_space_buckets[i].count_add;
+ }
+ assert (total_item_count == (ptrdiff_t)item_count);
+ }
+ // If we are adding a free space before a plug we pass the
+ // mark stack position so we can update the length; we could
+ // also be adding the free space after the last plug in which
+ // case start is the segment which we'll need to update the
+ // heap_segment_plan_allocated.
+ void add (void* start, BOOL plug_p, BOOL first_p)
+ {
+ size_t size = (plug_p ?
+ pinned_len ((mark*)start) :
+ (heap_segment_committed ((heap_segment*)start) -
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated ((heap_segment*)start)));
+ if (plug_p)
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]Adding a free space before plug: %Id", heap_num, size));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]Adding a free space at end of seg: %Id", heap_num, size));
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ has_end_of_seg = TRUE;
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ }
+ if (first_p)
+ {
+ size_t eph_gen_starts = gc_heap::eph_gen_starts_size;
+ size -= eph_gen_starts;
+ if (plug_p)
+ {
+ mark* m = (mark*)(start);
+ pinned_len (m) -= eph_gen_starts;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ heap_segment* seg = (heap_segment*)start;
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) += eph_gen_starts;
+ }
+ }
+ int bucket_power2 = index_of_set_bit (round_down_power2 (size));
+ if (bucket_power2 < base_power2)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ free_space_bucket* bucket = &free_space_buckets[bucket_power2 - base_power2];
+ seg_free_space* bucket_free_space = bucket->free_space;
+ assert (plug_p || (!plug_p && bucket->count_add));
+ if (bucket->count_add == 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]Already have enough of 2^%d", heap_num, bucket_power2));
+ return;
+ }
+ ptrdiff_t index = bucket->count_add - 1;
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]Building free spaces: adding %Ix; len: %Id (2^%d)",
+ heap_num,
+ (plug_p ?
+ (pinned_plug ((mark*)start) - pinned_len ((mark*)start)) :
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated ((heap_segment*)start)),
+ size,
+ bucket_power2));
+ if (plug_p)
+ {
+ bucket_free_space[index].is_plug = TRUE;
+ }
+ bucket_free_space[index].start = start;
+ bucket->count_add--;
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // Do a consistency check after all free spaces are added.
+ void check()
+ {
+ ptrdiff_t i = 0;
+ int end_of_seg_count = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < free_space_item_count; i++)
+ {
+ assert (seg_free_space_array[i].start);
+ if (!(seg_free_space_array[i].is_plug))
+ {
+ end_of_seg_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (has_end_of_seg)
+ {
+ assert (end_of_seg_count == 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (end_of_seg_count == 0);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < free_space_bucket_count; i++)
+ {
+ assert (free_space_buckets[i].count_add == 0);
+ }
+ }
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ uint8_t* fit (uint8_t* old_loc,
+ BOOL set_padding_on_saved_p,
+ mark* pinned_plug_entry,
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ size_t plug_size
+ {
+ if (old_loc)
+ {
+ assert (!is_plug_padded (old_loc));
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ assert (!node_realigned (old_loc));
+ }
+ size_t saved_plug_size = plug_size;
+ // BARTOKTODO (4841): this code path is disabled (see can_fit_all_blocks_p) until we take alignment requirements into account
+ _ASSERTE(requiredAlignment == DATA_ALIGNMENT && false);
+ // TODO: this is also not large alignment ready. We would need to consider alignment when chosing the
+ // the bucket.
+ size_t plug_size_to_fit = plug_size;
+ int pad_in_front = (old_loc != 0) ? USE_PADDING_FRONT : 0;
+ plug_size_to_fit += (pad_in_front ? Align(min_obj_size) : 0);
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ int plug_power2 = index_of_set_bit (round_up_power2 (plug_size_to_fit + Align(min_obj_size)));
+ ptrdiff_t i;
+ uint8_t* new_address = 0;
+ if (plug_power2 < base_power2)
+ {
+ plug_power2 = base_power2;
+ }
+ int chosen_power2 = plug_power2 - base_power2;
+ for (i = chosen_power2; i < free_space_bucket_count; i++)
+ {
+ if (free_space_buckets[i].count_fit != 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ chosen_power2++;
+ }
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]Fitting plug len %Id (2^%d) using 2^%d free space",
+ heap_num,
+ plug_size,
+ plug_power2,
+ (chosen_power2 + base_power2)));
+ assert (i < free_space_bucket_count);
+ seg_free_space* bucket_free_space = free_space_buckets[chosen_power2].free_space;
+ ptrdiff_t free_space_count = free_space_buckets[chosen_power2].count_fit;
+ size_t new_free_space_size = 0;
+ BOOL can_fit = FALSE;
+ size_t pad = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < free_space_count; i++)
+ {
+ size_t free_space_size = 0;
+ pad = 0;
+ BOOL short_plugs_padding_p = FALSE;
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ BOOL realign_padding_p = FALSE;
+ if (bucket_free_space[i].is_plug)
+ {
+ mark* m = (mark*)(bucket_free_space[i].start);
+ uint8_t* plug_free_space_start = pinned_plug (m) - pinned_len (m);
+ if ((pad_in_front & USE_PADDING_FRONT) &&
+ (((plug_free_space_start - pin_allocation_context_start_region (m))==0) ||
+ ((plug_free_space_start - pin_allocation_context_start_region (m))>=DESIRED_PLUG_LENGTH)))
+ {
+ pad = Align (min_obj_size);
+ short_plugs_padding_p = TRUE;
+ }
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ if (!((old_loc == 0) || same_large_alignment_p (old_loc, plug_free_space_start+pad)))
+ {
+ pad += switch_alignment_size (pad != 0);
+ realign_padding_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ plug_size = saved_plug_size + pad;
+ free_space_size = pinned_len (m);
+ new_address = pinned_plug (m) - pinned_len (m);
+ if (free_space_size >= (plug_size + Align (min_obj_size)) ||
+ free_space_size == plug_size)
+ {
+ new_free_space_size = free_space_size - plug_size;
+ pinned_len (m) = new_free_space_size;
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("[%d]FP: 0x%Ix->0x%Ix(%Ix)(%Ix), [0x%Ix (2^%d) -> [0x%Ix (2^%d)",
+ heap_num,
+ old_loc,
+ new_address,
+ (plug_size - pad),
+ pad,
+ pinned_plug (m),
+ index_of_set_bit (round_down_power2 (free_space_size)),
+ (pinned_plug (m) - pinned_len (m)),
+ index_of_set_bit (round_down_power2 (new_free_space_size))));
+ if (short_plugs_padding_p)
+ {
+ pin_allocation_context_start_region (m) = plug_free_space_start;
+ set_padding_in_expand (old_loc, set_padding_on_saved_p, pinned_plug_entry);
+ }
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ if (realign_padding_p)
+ {
+ set_node_realigned (old_loc);
+ }
+ can_fit = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ heap_segment* seg = (heap_segment*)(bucket_free_space[i].start);
+ free_space_size = heap_segment_committed (seg) - heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg);
+ if (!((old_loc == 0) || same_large_alignment_p (old_loc, heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg))))
+ {
+ pad = switch_alignment_size (FALSE);
+ realign_padding_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ plug_size = saved_plug_size + pad;
+ if (free_space_size >= (plug_size + Align (min_obj_size)) ||
+ free_space_size == plug_size)
+ {
+ new_address = heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg);
+ new_free_space_size = free_space_size - plug_size;
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) = new_address + plug_size;
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("[%d]FS: 0x%Ix-> 0x%Ix(%Ix) (2^%d) -> 0x%Ix (2^%d)",
+ heap_num,
+ old_loc,
+ new_address,
+ (plug_size - pad),
+ index_of_set_bit (round_down_power2 (free_space_size)),
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg),
+ index_of_set_bit (round_down_power2 (new_free_space_size))));
+ if (realign_padding_p)
+ set_node_realigned (old_loc);
+ can_fit = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (can_fit)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!can_fit)
+ {
+ assert (chosen_power2 == 0);
+ chosen_power2 = 1;
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (pad)
+ {
+ new_address += pad;
+ }
+ assert ((chosen_power2 && (i == 0)) ||
+ (!chosen_power2) && (i < free_space_count));
+ }
+ int new_bucket_power2 = index_of_set_bit (round_down_power2 (new_free_space_size));
+ if (new_bucket_power2 < base_power2)
+ {
+ new_bucket_power2 = base_power2;
+ }
+ move_bucket (chosen_power2, new_bucket_power2 - base_power2);
+ //dump();
+ return new_address;
+ }
+ void cleanup ()
+ {
+ if (free_space_buckets)
+ {
+ delete [] free_space_buckets;
+ }
+ if (seg_free_space_array)
+ {
+ delete [] seg_free_space_array;
+ }
+ }
+#define marked(i) header(i)->IsMarked()
+#define set_marked(i) header(i)->SetMarked()
+#define clear_marked(i) header(i)->ClearMarked()
+#define pinned(i) header(i)->IsPinned()
+#define set_pinned(i) header(i)->SetPinned()
+#define clear_pinned(i) header(i)->GetHeader()->ClrGCBit();
+inline size_t my_get_size (Object* ob)
+ MethodTable* mT = header(ob)->GetMethodTable();
+ return (mT->GetBaseSize() +
+ (mT->HasComponentSize() ?
+ ((size_t)((CObjectHeader*)ob)->GetNumComponents() * mT->RawGetComponentSize()) : 0));
+//#define size(i) header(i)->GetSize()
+#define size(i) my_get_size (header(i))
+#define contain_pointers(i) header(i)->ContainsPointers()
+#define contain_pointers_or_collectible(i) header(i)->ContainsPointersOrCollectible()
+#define get_class_object(i) method_table(i)->GetLoaderAllocatorObjectForGC()
+#define is_collectible(i) method_table(i)->Collectible()
+#define contain_pointers_or_collectible(i) header(i)->ContainsPointers()
+#if defined (MARK_ARRAY) && defined (BACKGROUND_GC)
+void gc_heap::seg_clear_mark_array_bits_soh (heap_segment* seg)
+ uint8_t* range_beg = 0;
+ uint8_t* range_end = 0;
+ if (bgc_mark_array_range (seg, FALSE, &range_beg, &range_end))
+ {
+ clear_mark_array (range_beg, align_on_mark_word (range_end), FALSE
+ , TRUE
+ );
+ }
+void gc_heap::clear_batch_mark_array_bits (uint8_t* start, uint8_t* end)
+ if ((start < background_saved_highest_address) &&
+ (end > background_saved_lowest_address))
+ {
+ start = max (start, background_saved_lowest_address);
+ end = min (end, background_saved_highest_address);
+ size_t start_mark_bit = mark_bit_of (start);
+ size_t end_mark_bit = mark_bit_of (end);
+ unsigned int startbit = mark_bit_bit (start_mark_bit);
+ unsigned int endbit = mark_bit_bit (end_mark_bit);
+ size_t startwrd = mark_bit_word (start_mark_bit);
+ size_t endwrd = mark_bit_word (end_mark_bit);
+ dprintf (3, ("Clearing all mark array bits between [%Ix:%Ix-[%Ix:%Ix",
+ (size_t)start, (size_t)start_mark_bit,
+ (size_t)end, (size_t)end_mark_bit));
+ unsigned int firstwrd = lowbits (~0, startbit);
+ unsigned int lastwrd = highbits (~0, endbit);
+ if (startwrd == endwrd)
+ {
+ unsigned int wrd = firstwrd | lastwrd;
+ mark_array[startwrd] &= wrd;
+ return;
+ }
+ // clear the first mark word.
+ if (startbit)
+ {
+ mark_array[startwrd] &= firstwrd;
+ startwrd++;
+ }
+ for (size_t wrdtmp = startwrd; wrdtmp < endwrd; wrdtmp++)
+ {
+ mark_array[wrdtmp] = 0;
+ }
+ // clear the last mark word.
+ if (endbit)
+ {
+ mark_array[endwrd] &= lastwrd;
+ }
+ }
+void gc_heap::bgc_clear_batch_mark_array_bits (uint8_t* start, uint8_t* end)
+ if ((start < background_saved_highest_address) &&
+ (end > background_saved_lowest_address))
+ {
+ start = max (start, background_saved_lowest_address);
+ end = min (end, background_saved_highest_address);
+ clear_batch_mark_array_bits (start, end);
+ }
+void gc_heap::clear_mark_array_by_objects (uint8_t* from, uint8_t* end, BOOL loh_p)
+ dprintf (3, ("clearing mark array bits by objects for addr [%Ix,[%Ix",
+ from, end));
+ int align_const = get_alignment_constant (!loh_p);
+ uint8_t* o = from;
+ while (o < end)
+ {
+ uint8_t* next_o = o + Align (size (o), align_const);
+ if (background_object_marked (o, TRUE))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("%Ix was marked by bgc, is now cleared", o));
+ }
+ o = next_o;
+ }
+BOOL gc_heap::is_mark_set (uint8_t* o)
+ return marked (o);
+#if defined (_MSC_VER) && defined (_TARGET_X86_)
+#pragma optimize("y", on) // Small critical routines, don't put in EBP frame
+#endif //_MSC_VER && _TARGET_X86_
+// return the generation number of an object.
+// It is assumed that the object is valid.
+//Note that this will return max_generation for a LOH object
+int gc_heap::object_gennum (uint8_t* o)
+ if (in_range_for_segment (o, ephemeral_heap_segment) &&
+ (o >= generation_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation-1))))
+ {
+ // in an ephemeral generation.
+ for ( int i = 0; i < max_generation-1; i++)
+ {
+ if ((o >= generation_allocation_start (generation_of (i))))
+ return i;
+ }
+ return max_generation-1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return max_generation;
+ }
+int gc_heap::object_gennum_plan (uint8_t* o)
+ if (in_range_for_segment (o, ephemeral_heap_segment))
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i <= max_generation-1; i++)
+ {
+ uint8_t* plan_start = generation_plan_allocation_start (generation_of (i));
+ if (plan_start && (o >= plan_start))
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return max_generation;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_TARGET_X86_)
+#pragma optimize("", on) // Go back to command line default optimizations
+#endif //_MSC_VER && _TARGET_X86_
+heap_segment* gc_heap::make_heap_segment (uint8_t* new_pages, size_t size, int h_number)
+ size_t initial_commit = SEGMENT_INITIAL_COMMIT;
+ //Commit the first page
+ if (!virtual_alloc_commit_for_heap (new_pages, initial_commit, h_number))
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //overlay the heap_segment
+ heap_segment* new_segment = (heap_segment*)new_pages;
+ uint8_t* start = 0;
+ //leave the first page to contain only segment info
+ //because otherwise we could need to revisit the first page frequently in
+ // background GC.
+ start = new_pages + OS_PAGE_SIZE;
+ start = new_pages +
+ Align (sizeof (heap_segment), get_alignment_constant (FALSE));
+ heap_segment_mem (new_segment) = start;
+ heap_segment_used (new_segment) = start;
+ heap_segment_reserved (new_segment) = new_pages + size;
+ heap_segment_committed (new_segment) = new_pages + initial_commit;
+ init_heap_segment (new_segment);
+ dprintf (2, ("Creating heap segment %Ix", (size_t)new_segment));
+ return new_segment;
+void gc_heap::init_heap_segment (heap_segment* seg)
+ seg->flags = 0;
+ heap_segment_next (seg) = 0;
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ heap_segment_allocated (seg) = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ heap_segment_background_allocated (seg) = 0;
+ heap_segment_saved_bg_allocated (seg) = 0;
+//Releases the segment to the OS.
+// this is always called on one thread only so calling seg_table->remove is fine.
+void gc_heap::delete_heap_segment (heap_segment* seg, BOOL consider_hoarding)
+ if (!heap_segment_loh_p (seg))
+ {
+ //cleanup the brick table back to the empty value
+ clear_brick_table (heap_segment_mem (seg), heap_segment_reserved (seg));
+ }
+ if (consider_hoarding)
+ {
+ assert ((heap_segment_mem (seg) - (uint8_t*)seg) <= 2*OS_PAGE_SIZE);
+ size_t ss = (size_t) (heap_segment_reserved (seg) - (uint8_t*)seg);
+ //Don't keep the big ones.
+ if (ss <= INITIAL_ALLOC)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("Hoarding segment %Ix", (size_t)seg));
+ // We don't need to clear the decommitted flag because when this segment is used
+ // for a new segment the flags will be cleared.
+ if (!heap_segment_decommitted_p (seg))
+ {
+ decommit_heap_segment (seg);
+ }
+ seg_mapping_table_remove_segment (seg);
+ heap_segment_next (seg) = segment_standby_list;
+ segment_standby_list = seg;
+ seg = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (seg != 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("h%d: del seg: [%Ix, %Ix[",
+ heap_number, (size_t)seg,
+ (size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (seg))));
+ ::record_changed_seg ((uint8_t*)seg, heap_segment_reserved (seg),
+ settings.gc_index, current_bgc_state,
+ seg_deleted);
+ decommit_mark_array_by_seg (seg);
+ seg_mapping_table_remove_segment (seg);
+ seg_table->remove ((uint8_t*)seg);
+ release_segment (seg);
+ }
+//resets the pages beyond alloctes size so they won't be swapped out and back in
+void gc_heap::reset_heap_segment_pages (heap_segment* seg)
+#ifndef FEATURE_PAL // No MEM_RESET support in PAL VirtualAlloc
+ size_t page_start = align_on_page ((size_t)heap_segment_allocated (seg));
+ size_t size = (size_t)heap_segment_committed (seg) - page_start;
+ if (size != 0)
+ GCToOSInterface::VirtualReset((void*)page_start, size, false /* unlock */);
+#endif //!FEATURE_PAL
+void gc_heap::decommit_heap_segment_pages (heap_segment* seg,
+ size_t extra_space)
+ uint8_t* page_start = align_on_page (heap_segment_allocated(seg));
+ size_t size = heap_segment_committed (seg) - page_start;
+ extra_space = align_on_page (extra_space);
+ if (size >= max ((extra_space + 2*OS_PAGE_SIZE), 100*OS_PAGE_SIZE))
+ {
+ page_start += max(extra_space, 32*OS_PAGE_SIZE);
+ size -= max (extra_space, 32*OS_PAGE_SIZE);
+ GCToOSInterface::VirtualDecommit (page_start, size);
+ dprintf (3, ("Decommitting heap segment [%Ix, %Ix[(%d)",
+ (size_t)page_start,
+ (size_t)(page_start + size),
+ size));
+ heap_segment_committed (seg) = page_start;
+ if (heap_segment_used (seg) > heap_segment_committed (seg))
+ {
+ heap_segment_used (seg) = heap_segment_committed (seg);
+ }
+ }
+//decommit all pages except one or 2
+void gc_heap::decommit_heap_segment (heap_segment* seg)
+ uint8_t* page_start = align_on_page (heap_segment_mem (seg));
+ dprintf (3, ("Decommitting heap segment %Ix", (size_t)seg));
+ page_start += OS_PAGE_SIZE;
+ size_t size = heap_segment_committed (seg) - page_start;
+ GCToOSInterface::VirtualDecommit (page_start, size);
+ //re-init the segment object
+ heap_segment_committed (seg) = page_start;
+ if (heap_segment_used (seg) > heap_segment_committed (seg))
+ {
+ heap_segment_used (seg) = heap_segment_committed (seg);
+ }
+void gc_heap::clear_gen0_bricks()
+ if (!gen0_bricks_cleared)
+ {
+ gen0_bricks_cleared = TRUE;
+ //initialize brick table for gen 0
+ for (size_t b = brick_of (generation_allocation_start (generation_of (0)));
+ b < brick_of (align_on_brick
+ (heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment)));
+ b++)
+ {
+ set_brick (b, -1);
+ }
+ }
+void gc_heap::rearrange_small_heap_segments()
+ heap_segment* seg = freeable_small_heap_segment;
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ heap_segment* next_seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ // TODO: we need to consider hoarding here.
+ delete_heap_segment (seg, FALSE);
+ seg = next_seg;
+ }
+ freeable_small_heap_segment = 0;
+void gc_heap::rearrange_large_heap_segments()
+ dprintf (2, ("deleting empty large segments"));
+ heap_segment* seg = freeable_large_heap_segment;
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ heap_segment* next_seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ delete_heap_segment (seg, (g_pConfig->GetGCRetainVM() != 0));
+ seg = next_seg;
+ }
+ freeable_large_heap_segment = 0;
+void gc_heap::rearrange_heap_segments(BOOL compacting)
+ heap_segment* seg =
+ generation_start_segment (generation_of (max_generation));
+ heap_segment* prev_seg = 0;
+ heap_segment* next_seg = 0;
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ next_seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ //link ephemeral segment when expanding
+ if ((next_seg == 0) && (seg != ephemeral_heap_segment))
+ {
+ seg->next = ephemeral_heap_segment;
+ next_seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ }
+ //re-used expanded heap segment
+ if ((seg == ephemeral_heap_segment) && next_seg)
+ {
+ heap_segment_next (prev_seg) = next_seg;
+ heap_segment_next (seg) = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint8_t* end_segment = (compacting ?
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) :
+ heap_segment_allocated (seg));
+ // check if the segment was reached by allocation
+ if ((end_segment == heap_segment_mem (seg))&&
+ !heap_segment_read_only_p (seg))
+ {
+ //if not, unthread and delete
+ assert (prev_seg);
+ assert (seg != ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ heap_segment_next (prev_seg) = next_seg;
+ delete_heap_segment (seg, (g_pConfig->GetGCRetainVM() != 0));
+ dprintf (2, ("Deleting heap segment %Ix", (size_t)seg));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!heap_segment_read_only_p (seg))
+ {
+ if (compacting)
+ {
+ heap_segment_allocated (seg) =
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg);
+ }
+ // reset the pages between allocated and committed.
+ if (seg != ephemeral_heap_segment)
+ {
+ decommit_heap_segment_pages (seg, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ prev_seg = seg;
+ }
+ }
+ seg = next_seg;
+ }
+uint8_t* g_addresses [array_size+2]; // to get around the bug in GetWriteWatch
+static unsigned int tot_cycles = 0;
+void gc_heap::update_card_table_bundle()
+ if (card_bundles_enabled())
+ {
+ uint8_t* base_address = (uint8_t*)(&card_table[card_word (card_of (lowest_address))]);
+ uint8_t* saved_base_address = base_address;
+ uintptr_t bcount = array_size;
+ uint8_t* high_address = (uint8_t*)(&card_table[card_word (card_of (highest_address))]);
+ size_t saved_region_size = align_on_page (high_address) - saved_base_address;
+ do
+ {
+ size_t region_size = align_on_page (high_address) - base_address;
+ dprintf (3,("Probing card table pages [%Ix, %Ix[", (size_t)base_address, (size_t)base_address+region_size));
+ bool success = GCToOSInterface::GetWriteWatch (false /* resetState */ , base_address, region_size,
+ (void**)g_addresses,
+ &bcount);
+ assert (success);
+ dprintf (3,("Found %d pages written", bcount));
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < bcount; i++)
+ {
+ size_t bcardw = (uint32_t*)(max(g_addresses[i],base_address)) - &card_table[0];
+ size_t ecardw = (uint32_t*)(min(g_addresses[i]+OS_PAGE_SIZE, high_address)) - &card_table[0];
+ assert (bcardw >= card_word (card_of (g_lowest_address)));
+ card_bundles_set (cardw_card_bundle (bcardw),
+ cardw_card_bundle (align_cardw_on_bundle (ecardw)));
+ dprintf (3,("Set Card bundle [%Ix, %Ix[",
+ cardw_card_bundle (bcardw), cardw_card_bundle (align_cardw_on_bundle (ecardw))));
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ for (size_t x = cardw_card_bundle (bcardw); x < cardw_card_bundle (ecardw); x++)
+ {
+ if (!card_bundle_set_p (x))
+ {
+ assert (!"Card bundle not set");
+ dprintf (3, ("Card bundle %Ix not set", x));
+ }
+ }
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ }
+ if (bcount >= array_size){
+ base_address = g_addresses [array_size-1] + OS_PAGE_SIZE;
+ bcount = array_size;
+ }
+ } while ((bcount >= array_size) && (base_address < high_address));
+ GCToOSInterface::ResetWriteWatch (saved_base_address, saved_region_size);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ size_t lowest_card = card_word (card_of (lowest_address));
+ size_t highest_card = card_word (card_of (highest_address));
+ size_t cardb = cardw_card_bundle (lowest_card);
+ size_t end_cardb = cardw_card_bundle (align_cardw_on_bundle (highest_card));
+ //find a non null bundle
+ while (cardb < end_cardb)
+ {
+ if (card_bundle_set_p (cardb)==0)
+ {
+ //verify that the cards are indeed empty
+ uint32_t* card_word = &card_table[max(card_bundle_cardw (cardb), lowest_card)];
+ uint32_t* card_word_end = &card_table[min(card_bundle_cardw (cardb+1), highest_card)];
+ while (card_word < card_word_end)
+ {
+ if ((*card_word) != 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("gc: %d, Card word %Ix for address %Ix set, card_bundle %Ix clear",
+ dd_collection_count (dynamic_data_of (0)),
+ (size_t)(card_word-&card_table[0]),
+ (size_t)(card_address ((size_t)(card_word-&card_table[0]) * card_word_width)), cardb));
+ }
+ assert((*card_word)==0);
+ card_word++;
+ }
+ }
+ //end of verification
+ cardb++;
+ }
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ }
+#endif //CARD_BUNDLE
+// static
+void gc_heap::reset_write_watch_for_gc_heap(void* base_address, size_t region_size)
+ SoftwareWriteWatch::ClearDirty(base_address, region_size);
+ GCToOSInterface::ResetWriteWatch(base_address, region_size);
+// static
+void gc_heap::get_write_watch_for_gc_heap(bool reset, void *base_address, size_t region_size, void** dirty_pages, uintptr_t* dirty_page_count_ref, bool is_runtime_suspended)
+ SoftwareWriteWatch::GetDirty(base_address, region_size, dirty_pages, dirty_page_count_ref, reset, is_runtime_suspended);
+ UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(is_runtime_suspended);
+ bool success = GCToOSInterface::GetWriteWatch(reset, base_address, region_size, dirty_pages, dirty_page_count_ref);
+ assert(success);
+const size_t ww_reset_quantum = 128*1024*1024;
+void gc_heap::switch_one_quantum()
+ Thread* current_thread = GetThread();
+ enable_preemptive (current_thread);
+ GCToOSInterface::Sleep (1);
+ disable_preemptive (current_thread, TRUE);
+void gc_heap::reset_ww_by_chunk (uint8_t* start_address, size_t total_reset_size)
+ size_t reset_size = 0;
+ size_t remaining_reset_size = 0;
+ size_t next_reset_size = 0;
+ while (reset_size != total_reset_size)
+ {
+ remaining_reset_size = total_reset_size - reset_size;
+ next_reset_size = ((remaining_reset_size >= ww_reset_quantum) ? ww_reset_quantum : remaining_reset_size);
+ if (next_reset_size)
+ {
+ reset_write_watch_for_gc_heap(start_address, next_reset_size);
+ reset_size += next_reset_size;
+ switch_one_quantum();
+ }
+ }
+ assert (reset_size == total_reset_size);
+// This does a Sleep(1) for every reset ww_reset_quantum bytes of reset
+// we do concurrently.
+void gc_heap::switch_on_reset (BOOL concurrent_p, size_t* current_total_reset_size, size_t last_reset_size)
+ if (concurrent_p)
+ {
+ *current_total_reset_size += last_reset_size;
+ dprintf (2, ("reset %Id bytes so far", *current_total_reset_size));
+ if (*current_total_reset_size > ww_reset_quantum)
+ {
+ switch_one_quantum();
+ *current_total_reset_size = 0;
+ }
+ }
+void gc_heap::reset_write_watch (BOOL concurrent_p)
+ // Software write watch currently requires the runtime to be suspended during reset. See SoftwareWriteWatch::ClearDirty().
+ assert(!concurrent_p);
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (generation_of (max_generation)));
+ size_t reset_size = 0;
+ size_t region_size = 0;
+ dprintf (2, ("bgc lowest: %Ix, bgc highest: %Ix", background_saved_lowest_address, background_saved_highest_address));
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ uint8_t* base_address = align_lower_page (heap_segment_mem (seg));
+ base_address = max (base_address, background_saved_lowest_address);
+ uint8_t* high_address = 0;
+ high_address = ((seg == ephemeral_heap_segment) ? alloc_allocated : heap_segment_allocated (seg));
+ high_address = min (high_address, background_saved_highest_address);
+ if (base_address < high_address)
+ {
+ region_size = high_address - base_address;
+ unsigned int time_start = GetCycleCount32();
+ dprintf (3, ("h%d: soh ww: [%Ix(%Id)", heap_number, (size_t)base_address, region_size));
+ //reset_ww_by_chunk (base_address, region_size);
+ reset_write_watch_for_gc_heap(base_address, region_size);
+ unsigned int time_stop = GetCycleCount32();
+ tot_cycles += time_stop - time_start;
+ printf ("ResetWriteWatch Duration: %d, total: %d\n",
+ time_stop - time_start, tot_cycles);
+ switch_on_reset (concurrent_p, &reset_size, region_size);
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("CRWW soh");
+ }
+ //concurrent_print_time_delta ("CRW soh");
+ seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (large_object_generation));
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ uint8_t* base_address = align_lower_page (heap_segment_mem (seg));
+ uint8_t* high_address = heap_segment_allocated (seg);
+ base_address = max (base_address, background_saved_lowest_address);
+ high_address = min (high_address, background_saved_highest_address);
+ if (base_address < high_address)
+ {
+ region_size = high_address - base_address;
+ unsigned int time_start = GetCycleCount32();
+ dprintf (3, ("h%d: loh ww: [%Ix(%Id)", heap_number, (size_t)base_address, region_size));
+ //reset_ww_by_chunk (base_address, region_size);
+ reset_write_watch_for_gc_heap(base_address, region_size);
+ unsigned int time_stop = GetCycleCount32();
+ tot_cycles += time_stop - time_start;
+ printf ("ResetWriteWatch Duration: %d, total: %d\n",
+ time_stop - time_start, tot_cycles);
+ switch_on_reset (concurrent_p, &reset_size, region_size);
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("CRWW loh");
+ }
+ debug_write_watch = (uint8_t**)~0;
+#endif //WRITE_WATCH
+void gc_heap::restart_vm()
+ //assert (generation_allocation_pointer (youngest_generation) == 0);
+ dprintf (3, ("Restarting EE"));
+ STRESS_LOG0(LF_GC, LL_INFO10000, "Concurrent GC: Retarting EE\n");
+ ee_proceed_event.Set();
+void fire_alloc_wait_event (alloc_wait_reason awr, BOOL begin_p)
+ if (awr != awr_ignored)
+ {
+ if (begin_p)
+ {
+ FireEtwBGCAllocWaitBegin (awr, GetClrInstanceId());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FireEtwBGCAllocWaitEnd (awr, GetClrInstanceId());
+ }
+ }
+void gc_heap::fire_alloc_wait_event_begin (alloc_wait_reason awr)
+ fire_alloc_wait_event (awr, TRUE);
+void gc_heap::fire_alloc_wait_event_end (alloc_wait_reason awr)
+ fire_alloc_wait_event (awr, FALSE);
+void gc_heap::make_generation (generation& gen, heap_segment* seg, uint8_t* start, uint8_t* pointer)
+ gen.allocation_start = start;
+ gen.allocation_context.alloc_ptr = pointer;
+ gen.allocation_context.alloc_limit = pointer;
+ gen.allocation_context.alloc_bytes = 0;
+ gen.allocation_context.alloc_bytes_loh = 0;
+ gen.allocation_context_start_region = pointer;
+ gen.start_segment = seg;
+ gen.allocation_segment = seg;
+ gen.plan_allocation_start = 0;
+ gen.free_list_space = 0;
+ gen.pinned_allocated = 0;
+ gen.free_list_allocated = 0;
+ gen.end_seg_allocated = 0;
+ gen.condemned_allocated = 0;
+ gen.free_obj_space = 0;
+ gen.allocation_size = 0;
+ gen.pinned_allocation_sweep_size = 0;
+ gen.pinned_allocation_compact_size = 0;
+ gen.allocate_end_seg_p = FALSE;
+ gen.free_list_allocator.clear();
+ memset (gen.gen_free_spaces, 0, sizeof (gen.gen_free_spaces));
+ memset (gen.gen_current_pinned_free_spaces, 0, sizeof (gen.gen_current_pinned_free_spaces));
+ memset (gen.gen_plugs, 0, sizeof (gen.gen_plugs));
+void gc_heap::adjust_ephemeral_limits (bool is_runtime_suspended)
+ ephemeral_low = generation_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation - 1));
+ ephemeral_high = heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ dprintf (3, ("new ephemeral low: %Ix new ephemeral high: %Ix",
+ (size_t)ephemeral_low, (size_t)ephemeral_high))
+ // This updates the write barrier helpers with the new info.
+ StompWriteBarrierEphemeral(is_runtime_suspended);
+#if defined(TRACE_GC) || defined(GC_CONFIG_DRIVEN)
+FILE* CreateLogFile(const CLRConfig::ConfigStringInfo & info, BOOL is_config)
+ FILE* logFile;
+ TCHAR * temp_logfile_name = NULL;
+ CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(info, &temp_logfile_name);
+ TCHAR logfile_name[MAX_LONGPATH+1];
+ if (temp_logfile_name != 0)
+ {
+ _tcscpy(logfile_name, temp_logfile_name);
+ }
+ size_t logfile_name_len = _tcslen(logfile_name);
+ TCHAR* szPid = logfile_name + logfile_name_len;
+ size_t remaining_space = MAX_LONGPATH + 1 - logfile_name_len;
+ _stprintf_s(szPid, remaining_space, _T(".%d%s"), GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentProcessId(), (is_config ? _T(".config.log") : _T(".log")));
+ logFile = _tfopen(logfile_name, _T("wb"));
+ delete temp_logfile_name;
+ return logFile;
+HRESULT gc_heap::initialize_gc (size_t segment_size,
+ size_t heap_size
+ ,unsigned number_of_heaps
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ int log_last_gcs = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::UNSUPPORTED_GCLogEnabled);
+ if (log_last_gcs)
+ {
+ gc_log = CreateLogFile(CLRConfig::UNSUPPORTED_GCLogFile, FALSE);
+ if (gc_log == NULL)
+ return E_FAIL;
+ // GCLogFileSize in MBs.
+ gc_log_file_size = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::UNSUPPORTED_GCLogFileSize);
+ if (gc_log_file_size > 500)
+ {
+ fclose (gc_log);
+ return E_FAIL;
+ }
+ gc_log_lock.Initialize();
+ gc_log_buffer = new (nothrow) uint8_t [gc_log_buffer_size];
+ if (!gc_log_buffer)
+ {
+ fclose(gc_log);
+ return E_FAIL;
+ }
+ memset (gc_log_buffer, '*', gc_log_buffer_size);
+ max_gc_buffers = gc_log_file_size * 1024 * 1024 / gc_log_buffer_size;
+ }
+#endif // TRACE_GC
+ gc_config_log_on = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::UNSUPPORTED_GCConfigLogEnabled);
+ if (gc_config_log_on)
+ {
+ gc_config_log = CreateLogFile(CLRConfig::UNSUPPORTED_GCConfigLogFile, TRUE);
+ if (gc_config_log == NULL)
+ return E_FAIL;
+ gc_config_log_buffer = new (nothrow) uint8_t [gc_config_log_buffer_size];
+ if (!gc_config_log_buffer)
+ {
+ fclose(gc_config_log);
+ return E_FAIL;
+ }
+ compact_ratio = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::UNSUPPORTED_GCCompactRatio);
+ // h# | GC | gen | C | EX | NF | BF | ML | DM || PreS | PostS | Merge | Conv | Pre | Post | PrPo | PreP | PostP |
+ cprintf (("%2s | %6s | %1s | %1s | %2s | %2s | %2s | %2s | %2s || %5s | %5s | %5s | %5s | %5s | %5s | %5s | %5s | %5s |",
+ "h#", // heap index
+ "GC", // GC index
+ "g", // generation
+ "C", // compaction (empty means sweeping), 'M' means it was mandatory, 'W' means it was not
+ "EX", // heap expansion
+ "NF", // normal fit
+ "BF", // best fit (if it indicates neither NF nor BF it means it had to acquire a new seg.
+ "ML", // mark list
+ "DM", // demotion
+ "PreS", // short object before pinned plug
+ "PostS", // short object after pinned plug
+ "Merge", // merged pinned plugs
+ "Conv", // converted to pinned plug
+ "Pre", // plug before pinned plug but not after
+ "Post", // plug after pinned plug but not before
+ "PrPo", // plug both before and after pinned plug
+ "PreP", // pre short object padded
+ "PostP" // post short object padded
+ ));
+ }
+#ifdef GC_STATS
+ GCStatistics::logFileName = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::UNSUPPORTED_GCMixLog);
+ if (GCStatistics::logFileName != NULL)
+ {
+ GCStatistics::logFile = _tfopen(GCStatistics::logFileName, _T("a"));
+ }
+#endif // GC_STATS
+ HRESULT hres = S_OK;
+ hardware_write_watch_api_supported();
+ if (can_use_write_watch_for_gc_heap() && g_pConfig->GetGCconcurrent() != 0)
+ {
+ gc_can_use_concurrent = true;
+ virtual_alloc_hardware_write_watch = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gc_can_use_concurrent = false;
+ }
+#endif //WRITE_WATCH
+ reserved_memory = 0;
+ unsigned block_count;
+ reserved_memory_limit = (segment_size + heap_size) * number_of_heaps;
+ block_count = number_of_heaps;
+ reserved_memory_limit = segment_size + heap_size;
+ block_count = 1;
+ if (!reserve_initial_memory(segment_size,heap_size,block_count))
+ //check if we need to turn on card_bundles.
+ // use INT64 arithmetic here because of possible overflow on 32p
+ uint64_t th = (uint64_t)MH_TH_CARD_BUNDLE*number_of_heaps;
+ // use INT64 arithmetic here because of possible overflow on 32p
+ uint64_t th = (uint64_t)SH_TH_CARD_BUNDLE;
+ if (can_use_write_watch_for_card_table() && reserved_memory >= th)
+ {
+ settings.card_bundles = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ settings.card_bundles = FALSE;
+ }
+#endif //CARD_BUNDLE
+ settings.first_init();
+ g_card_table = make_card_table (g_lowest_address, g_highest_address);
+ if (!g_card_table)
+ gc_started = FALSE;
+ n_heaps = number_of_heaps;
+ g_heaps = new (nothrow) gc_heap* [number_of_heaps];
+ if (!g_heaps)
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable:22011) // Suppress PREFast warning about integer underflow/overflow
+#endif // _PREFAST_
+ g_promoted = new (nothrow) size_t [number_of_heaps*16];
+ g_bpromoted = new (nothrow) size_t [number_of_heaps*16];
+#ifdef MH_SC_MARK
+ g_mark_stack_busy = new (nothrow) int[(number_of_heaps+2)*HS_CACHE_LINE_SIZE/sizeof(int)];
+#endif //MH_SC_MARK
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif // _PREFAST_
+ if (!g_promoted || !g_bpromoted)
+#ifdef MH_SC_MARK
+ if (!g_mark_stack_busy)
+#endif //MH_SC_MARK
+ if (!create_thread_support (number_of_heaps))
+ if (!heap_select::init (number_of_heaps))
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ print_level = g_pConfig->GetGCprnLvl();
+ gc_trace_fac = g_pConfig->GetGCtraceFac();
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ if (!init_semi_shared())
+ {
+ hres = E_FAIL;
+ }
+ return hres;
+//Initializes PER_HEAP_ISOLATED data members.
+ int ret = 0;
+ // This is used for heap expansion - it's to fix exactly the start for gen 0
+ // through (max_generation-1). When we expand the heap we allocate all these
+ // gen starts at the beginning of the new ephemeral seg.
+ eph_gen_starts_size = (Align (min_obj_size)) * max_generation;
+#ifdef MARK_LIST
+ size_t gen0size = GCHeap::GetValidGen0MaxSize(get_valid_segment_size());
+ MAYBE_UNUSED_VAR(gen0size);
+ mark_list_size = min (150*1024, max (8192, get_valid_segment_size()/(2*10*32)));
+ g_mark_list = make_mark_list (mark_list_size*n_heaps);
+ min_balance_threshold = alloc_quantum_balance_units * CLR_SIZE * 2;
+ g_mark_list_copy = make_mark_list (mark_list_size*n_heaps);
+ if (!g_mark_list_copy)
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ mark_list_size = max (8192, get_valid_segment_size()/(64*32));
+ g_mark_list = make_mark_list (mark_list_size);
+ dprintf (3, ("gen0 size: %d, mark_list_size: %d",
+ gen0size, mark_list_size));
+ if (!g_mark_list)
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+#endif //MARK_LIST
+ if (!seg_mapping_table_init())
+ goto cleanup;
+ seg_table = sorted_table::make_sorted_table();
+ if (!seg_table)
+ goto cleanup;
+ segment_standby_list = 0;
+ if (!full_gc_approach_event.CreateManualEventNoThrow(FALSE))
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (!full_gc_end_event.CreateManualEventNoThrow(FALSE))
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ fgn_maxgen_percent = 0;
+ fgn_loh_percent = 0;
+ full_gc_approach_event_set = false;
+ memset (full_gc_counts, 0, sizeof (full_gc_counts));
+ last_gc_index = 0;
+ should_expand_in_full_gc = FALSE;
+ loh_compaction_always_p = (g_pConfig->GetGCLOHCompactionMode() != 0);
+ loh_compaction_mode = loh_compaction_default;
+ memset (ephemeral_fgc_counts, 0, sizeof (ephemeral_fgc_counts));
+ bgc_alloc_spin_count = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::UNSUPPORTED_BGCSpinCount);
+ bgc_alloc_spin = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::UNSUPPORTED_BGCSpin);
+ {
+ int number_bgc_threads = 1;
+ number_bgc_threads = n_heaps;
+ if (!create_bgc_threads_support (number_bgc_threads))
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ memset (&current_no_gc_region_info, 0, sizeof (current_no_gc_region_info));
+ compact_or_sweep_gcs[0] = 0;
+ compact_or_sweep_gcs[1] = 0;
+ short_plugs_pad_ratio = (double)DESIRED_PLUG_LENGTH / (double)(DESIRED_PLUG_LENGTH - Align (min_obj_size));
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ ret = 1;
+ if (!ret)
+ {
+ if (full_gc_approach_event.IsValid())
+ {
+ full_gc_approach_event.CloseEvent();
+ }
+ if (full_gc_end_event.IsValid())
+ {
+ full_gc_end_event.CloseEvent();
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+gc_heap* gc_heap::make_gc_heap (
+ GCHeap* vm_hp,
+ int heap_number
+ )
+ gc_heap* res = 0;
+ res = new (nothrow) gc_heap;
+ if (!res)
+ return 0;
+ res->vm_heap = vm_hp;
+ res->alloc_context_count = 0;
+#ifdef MARK_LIST
+ res->mark_list_piece_start = new (nothrow) uint8_t**[n_heaps];
+ if (!res->mark_list_piece_start)
+ return 0;
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable:22011) // Suppress PREFast warning about integer underflow/overflow
+#endif // _PREFAST_
+ res->mark_list_piece_end = new (nothrow) uint8_t**[n_heaps + 32]; // +32 is padding to reduce false sharing
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif // _PREFAST_
+ if (!res->mark_list_piece_end)
+ return 0;
+#endif //MARK_LIST
+ if (res->init_gc_heap (
+ heap_number
+ 0
+ )==0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return res;
+ return (gc_heap*)1;
+gc_heap::wait_for_gc_done(int32_t timeOut)
+ Thread* current_thread = GetThread();
+ BOOL cooperative_mode = enable_preemptive (current_thread);
+ uint32_t dwWaitResult = NOERROR;
+ gc_heap* wait_heap = NULL;
+ while (gc_heap::gc_started)
+ {
+ wait_heap = GCHeap::GetHeap(heap_select::select_heap(NULL, 0))->pGenGCHeap;
+ dprintf(2, ("waiting for the gc_done_event on heap %d", wait_heap->heap_number));
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(wait_heap != NULL);
+#endif // _PREFAST_
+ dwWaitResult = wait_heap->gc_done_event.Wait(timeOut, FALSE);
+ }
+ disable_preemptive (current_thread, cooperative_mode);
+ return dwWaitResult;
+ enter_gc_done_event_lock();
+ if (!gc_done_event_set)
+ {
+ gc_done_event_set = true;
+ dprintf (2, ("heap %d: setting gc_done_event", heap_number));
+ gc_done_event.Set();
+ }
+ exit_gc_done_event_lock();
+ enter_gc_done_event_lock();
+ if (gc_done_event_set)
+ {
+ gc_done_event_set = false;
+ dprintf (2, ("heap %d: resetting gc_done_event", heap_number));
+ gc_done_event.Reset();
+ }
+ exit_gc_done_event_lock();
+ uint32_t dwSwitchCount = 0;
+ if (Interlocked::Exchange (&gc_done_event_lock, 0) >= 0)
+ {
+ while (gc_done_event_lock >= 0)
+ {
+ if (g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors > 1)
+ {
+ int spin_count = 32 * g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
+ for (int j = 0; j < spin_count; j++)
+ {
+ if (gc_done_event_lock < 0)
+ break;
+ YieldProcessor(); // indicate to the processor that we are spining
+ }
+ if (gc_done_event_lock >= 0)
+ GCToOSInterface::YieldThread(++dwSwitchCount);
+ }
+ else
+ GCToOSInterface::YieldThread(++dwSwitchCount);
+ }
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ gc_done_event_lock = -1;
+int gc_heap::loh_state_index = 0;
+gc_heap::loh_state_info gc_heap::last_loh_states[max_saved_loh_states];
+VOLATILE(int32_t) gc_heap::gc_done_event_lock;
+VOLATILE(bool) gc_heap::gc_done_event_set;
+CLREvent gc_heap::gc_done_event;
+VOLATILE(bool) gc_heap::internal_gc_done;
+void gc_heap::add_saved_spinlock_info (
+ msl_enter_state enter_state,
+ msl_take_state take_state)
+ spinlock_info* current = &last_spinlock_info[spinlock_info_index];
+ current->enter_state = enter_state;
+ current->take_state = take_state;
+ current->thread_id.SetToCurrentThread();
+ spinlock_info_index++;
+ assert (spinlock_info_index <= max_saved_spinlock_info);
+ if (spinlock_info_index >= max_saved_spinlock_info)
+ {
+ spinlock_info_index = 0;
+ }
+ MAYBE_UNUSED_VAR(enter_state);
+ MAYBE_UNUSED_VAR(take_state);
+gc_heap::init_gc_heap (int h_number)
+ time_bgc_last = 0;
+ spinlock_info_index = 0;
+ memset (last_spinlock_info, 0, sizeof(last_spinlock_info));
+ // initialize per heap members.
+ ephemeral_low = (uint8_t*)1;
+ ephemeral_high = MAX_PTR;
+ ephemeral_heap_segment = 0;
+ freeable_large_heap_segment = 0;
+ condemned_generation_num = 0;
+ blocking_collection = FALSE;
+ generation_skip_ratio = 100;
+ mark_stack_tos = 0;
+ mark_stack_bos = 0;
+ mark_stack_array_length = 0;
+ mark_stack_array = 0;
+ verify_pinned_queue_p = FALSE;
+ loh_pinned_queue_tos = 0;
+ loh_pinned_queue_bos = 0;
+ loh_pinned_queue_length = 0;
+ loh_pinned_queue_decay = LOH_PIN_DECAY;
+ loh_pinned_queue = 0;
+ min_overflow_address = MAX_PTR;
+ max_overflow_address = 0;
+ gen0_bricks_cleared = FALSE;
+ gen0_must_clear_bricks = 0;
+ allocation_quantum = CLR_SIZE;
+ more_space_lock = gc_lock;
+ ro_segments_in_range = FALSE;
+ loh_alloc_since_cg = 0;
+ new_heap_segment = NULL;
+ loh_state_index = 0;
+ if (h_number > n_heaps)
+ {
+ assert (!"Number of heaps exceeded");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ heap_number = h_number;
+ memset (&oom_info, 0, sizeof (oom_info));
+ memset (&fgm_result, 0, sizeof (fgm_result));
+ if (!gc_done_event.CreateManualEventNoThrow(FALSE))
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ gc_done_event_lock = -1;
+ gc_done_event_set = false;
+ if (!gc_heap::seg_table->ensure_space_for_insert ())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ heap_segment* seg = get_initial_segment (get_valid_segment_size(), h_number);
+ if (!seg)
+ return 0;
+ FireEtwGCCreateSegment_V1((size_t)heap_segment_mem(seg),
+ (size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (seg) - heap_segment_mem(seg)),
+ GetClrInstanceId());
+ seg_mapping_table_add_segment (seg, __this);
+ seg_table->insert ((uint8_t*)seg, sdelta);
+ heap_segment_heap (seg) = this;
+ /* todo: Need a global lock for this */
+ uint32_t* ct = &g_card_table [card_word (card_of (g_lowest_address))];
+ own_card_table (ct);
+ card_table = translate_card_table (ct);
+ /* End of global lock */
+ brick_table = card_table_brick_table (ct);
+ highest_address = card_table_highest_address (ct);
+ lowest_address = card_table_lowest_address (ct);
+ card_bundle_table = translate_card_bundle_table (card_table_card_bundle_table (ct));
+ assert (&card_bundle_table [card_bundle_word (cardw_card_bundle (card_word (card_of (g_lowest_address))))] ==
+ card_table_card_bundle_table (ct));
+#endif //CARD_BUNDLE
+#ifdef MARK_ARRAY
+ if (gc_can_use_concurrent)
+ mark_array = translate_mark_array (card_table_mark_array (&g_card_table[card_word (card_of (g_lowest_address))]));
+ else
+ mark_array = NULL;
+#endif //MARK_ARRAY
+ uint8_t* start = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 1 + max_generation; i++)
+ {
+ make_generation (generation_table [ (max_generation - i) ],
+ seg, start, 0);
+ generation_table [(max_generation - i)].gen_num = max_generation - i;
+ start += Align (min_obj_size);
+ }
+ heap_segment_allocated (seg) = start;
+ alloc_allocated = start;
+ heap_segment_used (seg) = start - plug_skew;
+ ephemeral_heap_segment = seg;
+ if (!gc_heap::seg_table->ensure_space_for_insert ())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //Create the large segment generation
+ heap_segment* lseg = get_initial_segment(get_valid_segment_size(TRUE), h_number);
+ if (!lseg)
+ return 0;
+ lseg->flags |= heap_segment_flags_loh;
+ FireEtwGCCreateSegment_V1((size_t)heap_segment_mem(lseg),
+ (size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (lseg) - heap_segment_mem(lseg)),
+ GetClrInstanceId());
+ seg_mapping_table_add_segment (lseg, __this);
+ seg_table->insert ((uint8_t*)lseg, sdelta);
+ generation_table [max_generation].free_list_allocator = allocator(NUM_GEN2_ALIST, BASE_GEN2_ALIST, gen2_alloc_list);
+ //assign the alloc_list for the large generation
+ generation_table [max_generation+1].free_list_allocator = allocator(NUM_LOH_ALIST, BASE_LOH_ALIST, loh_alloc_list);
+ generation_table [max_generation+1].gen_num = max_generation+1;
+ make_generation (generation_table [max_generation+1],lseg, heap_segment_mem (lseg), 0);
+ heap_segment_allocated (lseg) = heap_segment_mem (lseg) + Align (min_obj_size, get_alignment_constant (FALSE));
+ heap_segment_used (lseg) = heap_segment_allocated (lseg) - plug_skew;
+ for (int gen_num = 0; gen_num <= 1 + max_generation; gen_num++)
+ {
+ generation* gen = generation_of (gen_num);
+ make_unused_array (generation_allocation_start (gen), Align (min_obj_size));
+ }
+ heap_segment_heap (lseg) = this;
+ //initialize the alloc context heap
+ generation_alloc_context (generation_of (0))->alloc_heap = vm_heap;
+ //initialize the alloc context heap
+ generation_alloc_context (generation_of (max_generation+1))->alloc_heap = vm_heap;
+ //Do this only once
+ if (h_number == 0)
+ {
+ //set the brick_table for large objects
+ //but default value is clearded
+ //clear_brick_table ((uint8_t*)heap_segment_mem (lseg),
+ // (uint8_t*)heap_segment_reserved (lseg));
+ //Because of the interior pointer business, we have to clear
+ //the whole brick table
+ //but the default value is cleared
+ // clear_brick_table (lowest_address, highest_address);
+ }
+ if (!init_dynamic_data())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ etw_allocation_running_amount[0] = 0;
+ etw_allocation_running_amount[1] = 0;
+ //needs to be done after the dynamic data has been initialized
+ allocation_running_amount = dd_min_gc_size (dynamic_data_of (0));
+ fgn_last_alloc = dd_min_gc_size (dynamic_data_of (0));
+ mark* arr = new (nothrow) (mark [MARK_STACK_INITIAL_LENGTH]);
+ if (!arr)
+ return 0;
+ make_mark_stack(arr);
+ freeable_small_heap_segment = 0;
+ gchist_index_per_heap = 0;
+ uint8_t** b_arr = new (nothrow) (uint8_t* [MARK_STACK_INITIAL_LENGTH]);
+ if (!b_arr)
+ return 0;
+ make_background_mark_stack (b_arr);
+ adjust_ephemeral_limits(true);
+#ifdef MARK_ARRAY
+ // why would we clear the mark array for this page? it should be cleared..
+ // clear the first committed page
+ //if(gc_can_use_concurrent)
+ //{
+ // clear_mark_array (align_lower_page (heap_segment_mem (seg)), heap_segment_committed (seg));
+ //}
+#endif //MARK_ARRAY
+ //register the heap in the heaps array
+ if (!create_gc_thread ())
+ return 0;
+ g_heaps [heap_number] = this;
+ HRESULT hr = AllocateCFinalize(&finalize_queue);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return 0;
+ max_free_space_items = MAX_NUM_FREE_SPACES;
+ bestfit_seg = new (nothrow) seg_free_spaces (heap_number);
+ if (!bestfit_seg)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!bestfit_seg->alloc())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ last_gc_before_oom = FALSE;
+ heap_analyze_success = TRUE;
+ internal_root_array = 0;
+ internal_root_array_index = 0;
+ internal_root_array_length = initial_internal_roots;
+ current_obj = 0;
+ current_obj_size = 0;
+#endif //HEAP_ANALYZE
+ bgc_thread_id.Clear();
+ if (!create_bgc_thread_support())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bgc_alloc_lock = new (nothrow) exclusive_sync;
+ if (!bgc_alloc_lock)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bgc_alloc_lock->init();
+ if (h_number == 0)
+ {
+ if (!recursive_gc_sync::init())
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bgc_thread_running = 0;
+ bgc_thread = 0;
+ bgc_threads_timeout_cs.Initialize();
+ expanded_in_fgc = 0;
+ current_bgc_state = bgc_not_in_process;
+ background_soh_alloc_count = 0;
+ background_loh_alloc_count = 0;
+ bgc_overflow_count = 0;
+ end_loh_size = dd_min_gc_size (dynamic_data_of (max_generation + 1));
+ memset (interesting_data_per_heap, 0, sizeof (interesting_data_per_heap));
+ memset(compact_reasons_per_heap, 0, sizeof (compact_reasons_per_heap));
+ memset(expand_mechanisms_per_heap, 0, sizeof (expand_mechanisms_per_heap));
+ memset(interesting_mechanism_bits_per_heap, 0, sizeof (interesting_mechanism_bits_per_heap));
+ return 1;
+//TODO: will need to move this to per heap
+// if (c_mark_list)
+// delete c_mark_list;
+//#endif //BACKGROUND_GC
+#ifdef MARK_LIST
+ if (g_mark_list)
+ delete g_mark_list;
+#endif //MARK_LIST
+ if (seg_mapping_table)
+ delete seg_mapping_table;
+ //destroy the segment map
+ seg_table->delete_sorted_table();
+ kill_gc_thread();
+ if (gc_done_event.IsValid())
+ {
+ gc_done_event.CloseEvent();
+ }
+ // destroy every segment.
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (generation_of (max_generation)));
+ heap_segment* next_seg;
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ next_seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ delete_heap_segment (seg);
+ seg = next_seg;
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (generation_of (max_generation+1)));
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ next_seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ delete_heap_segment (seg);
+ seg = next_seg;
+ }
+ // get rid of the card table
+ release_card_table (card_table);
+ // destroy the mark stack
+ delete mark_stack_array;
+ if (finalize_queue)
+ delete finalize_queue;
+gc_heap::destroy_gc_heap(gc_heap* heap)
+ heap->self_destroy();
+ delete heap;
+// Destroys resources owned by gc. It is assumed that a last GC has been performed and that
+// the finalizer queue has been drained.
+void gc_heap::shutdown_gc()
+ destroy_semi_shared();
+ //delete the heaps array
+ delete g_heaps;
+ destroy_thread_support();
+ n_heaps = 0;
+ //destroy seg_manager
+ destroy_initial_memory();
+ GCToOSInterface::Shutdown();
+BOOL gc_heap::size_fit_p (size_t size REQD_ALIGN_AND_OFFSET_DCL, uint8_t* alloc_pointer, uint8_t* alloc_limit,
+ uint8_t* old_loc, int use_padding)
+ BOOL already_padded = FALSE;
+ if ((old_loc != 0) && (use_padding & USE_PADDING_FRONT))
+ {
+ alloc_pointer = alloc_pointer + Align (min_obj_size);
+ already_padded = TRUE;
+ }
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ if (!((old_loc == 0) || same_large_alignment_p (old_loc, alloc_pointer)))
+ size = size + switch_alignment_size (already_padded);
+ alloc_pointer = StructAlign(alloc_pointer, requiredAlignment, alignmentOffset);
+ // in allocate_in_condemned_generation we can have this when we
+ // set the alloc_limit to plan_allocated which could be less than
+ // alloc_ptr
+ if (alloc_limit < alloc_pointer)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (old_loc != 0)
+ {
+ return (((size_t)(alloc_limit - alloc_pointer) >= (size + ((use_padding & USE_PADDING_TAIL)? Align(min_obj_size) : 0)))
+ ||((!(use_padding & USE_PADDING_FRONT)) && ((alloc_pointer + size) == alloc_limit))
+#else //SHORT_PLUGS
+ ||((alloc_pointer + size) == alloc_limit)
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (size == Align (min_obj_size));
+ return ((size_t)(alloc_limit - alloc_pointer) >= size);
+ }
+BOOL gc_heap::a_size_fit_p (size_t size, uint8_t* alloc_pointer, uint8_t* alloc_limit,
+ int align_const)
+ // We could have run into cases where this is true when alloc_allocated is the
+ // the same as the seg committed.
+ if (alloc_limit < alloc_pointer)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return ((size_t)(alloc_limit - alloc_pointer) >= (size + Align(min_obj_size, align_const)));
+// Grow by committing more pages
+BOOL gc_heap::grow_heap_segment (heap_segment* seg, uint8_t* high_address)
+ assert (high_address <= heap_segment_reserved (seg));
+ //return 0 if we are at the end of the segment.
+ if (align_on_page (high_address) > heap_segment_reserved (seg))
+ return FALSE;
+ if (high_address <= heap_segment_committed (seg))
+ return TRUE;
+ size_t c_size = align_on_page ((size_t)(high_address - heap_segment_committed (seg)));
+ c_size = max (c_size, 16*OS_PAGE_SIZE);
+ c_size = min (c_size, (size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (seg) - heap_segment_committed (seg)));
+ if (c_size == 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ "Growing heap_segment: %Ix high address: %Ix\n",
+ (size_t)seg, (size_t)high_address);
+ dprintf(3, ("Growing segment allocation %Ix %Ix", (size_t)heap_segment_committed(seg),c_size));
+ if (!virtual_alloc_commit_for_heap(heap_segment_committed (seg), c_size, heap_number))
+ {
+ dprintf(3, ("Cannot grow heap segment"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+#ifdef MARK_ARRAY
+ clear_mark_array (heap_segment_committed (seg),
+ heap_segment_committed (seg)+c_size, TRUE);
+#endif //MARK_ARRAY
+ heap_segment_committed (seg) += c_size;
+ STRESS_LOG1(LF_GC, LL_INFO10000, "New commit: %Ix",
+ (size_t)heap_segment_committed (seg));
+ assert (heap_segment_committed (seg) <= heap_segment_reserved (seg));
+ assert (high_address <= heap_segment_committed (seg));
+ return TRUE;
+int gc_heap::grow_heap_segment (heap_segment* seg, uint8_t* allocated, uint8_t* old_loc, size_t size, BOOL pad_front_p REQD_ALIGN_AND_OFFSET_DCL)
+ if ((old_loc != 0) && pad_front_p)
+ {
+ allocated = allocated + Align (min_obj_size);
+ }
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ if (!((old_loc == 0) || same_large_alignment_p (old_loc, allocated)))
+ size = size + switch_alignment_size (FALSE);
+ size_t pad = ComputeStructAlignPad(allocated, requiredAlignment, alignmentOffset);
+ return grow_heap_segment (seg, allocated + pad + size);
+ return grow_heap_segment (seg, allocated + size);
+//used only in older generation allocation (i.e during gc).
+void gc_heap::adjust_limit (uint8_t* start, size_t limit_size, generation* gen,
+ int gennum)
+ dprintf (3, ("gc Expanding segment allocation"));
+ heap_segment* seg = generation_allocation_segment (gen);
+ if ((generation_allocation_limit (gen) != start) || (start != heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg)))
+ {
+ if (generation_allocation_limit (gen) == heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (gen) >= heap_segment_mem (seg));
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (gen) <= heap_segment_committed (seg));
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (generation_allocation_segment (gen)) = generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint8_t* hole = generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ size_t size = (generation_allocation_limit (gen) - generation_allocation_pointer (gen));
+ if (size != 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("filling up hole: %Ix, size %Ix", hole, size));
+ size_t allocated_size = generation_allocation_pointer (gen) - generation_allocation_context_start_region (gen);
+ if (size >= Align (min_free_list))
+ {
+ if (allocated_size < min_free_list)
+ {
+ if (size >= (Align (min_free_list) + Align (min_obj_size)))
+ {
+ //split hole into min obj + threadable free item
+ make_unused_array (hole, min_obj_size);
+ generation_free_obj_space (gen) += Align (min_obj_size);
+ make_unused_array (hole + Align (min_obj_size), size - Align (min_obj_size));
+ generation_free_list_space (gen) += size - Align (min_obj_size);
+ generation_allocator(gen)->thread_item_front (hole + Align (min_obj_size),
+ size - Align (min_obj_size));
+ add_gen_free (gen->gen_num, (size - Align (min_obj_size)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("allocated size too small, can't put back rest on free list %Ix", allocated_size));
+ make_unused_array (hole, size);
+ generation_free_obj_space (gen) += size;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("threading hole in front of free list"));
+ make_unused_array (hole, size);
+ generation_free_list_space (gen) += size;
+ generation_allocator(gen)->thread_item_front (hole, size);
+ add_gen_free (gen->gen_num, size);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ make_unused_array (hole, size);
+ generation_free_obj_space (gen) += size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen) = start;
+ generation_allocation_context_start_region (gen) = start;
+ }
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) = (start + limit_size);
+void verify_mem_cleared (uint8_t* start, size_t size)
+ if (!Aligned (size))
+ {
+ }
+ PTR_PTR curr_ptr = (PTR_PTR) start;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size / sizeof(PTR_PTR); i++)
+ {
+ if (*(curr_ptr++) != 0)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+#if defined (VERIFY_HEAP) && defined (BACKGROUND_GC)
+void gc_heap::set_batch_mark_array_bits (uint8_t* start, uint8_t* end)
+ size_t start_mark_bit = mark_bit_of (start);
+ size_t end_mark_bit = mark_bit_of (end);
+ unsigned int startbit = mark_bit_bit (start_mark_bit);
+ unsigned int endbit = mark_bit_bit (end_mark_bit);
+ size_t startwrd = mark_bit_word (start_mark_bit);
+ size_t endwrd = mark_bit_word (end_mark_bit);
+ dprintf (3, ("Setting all mark array bits between [%Ix:%Ix-[%Ix:%Ix",
+ (size_t)start, (size_t)start_mark_bit,
+ (size_t)end, (size_t)end_mark_bit));
+ unsigned int firstwrd = ~(lowbits (~0, startbit));
+ unsigned int lastwrd = ~(highbits (~0, endbit));
+ if (startwrd == endwrd)
+ {
+ unsigned int wrd = firstwrd & lastwrd;
+ mark_array[startwrd] |= wrd;
+ return;
+ }
+ // set the first mark word.
+ if (startbit)
+ {
+ mark_array[startwrd] |= firstwrd;
+ startwrd++;
+ }
+ for (size_t wrdtmp = startwrd; wrdtmp < endwrd; wrdtmp++)
+ {
+ mark_array[wrdtmp] = ~(unsigned int)0;
+ }
+ // set the last mark word.
+ if (endbit)
+ {
+ mark_array[endwrd] |= lastwrd;
+ }
+// makes sure that the mark array bits between start and end are 0.
+void gc_heap::check_batch_mark_array_bits (uint8_t* start, uint8_t* end)
+ size_t start_mark_bit = mark_bit_of (start);
+ size_t end_mark_bit = mark_bit_of (end);
+ unsigned int startbit = mark_bit_bit (start_mark_bit);
+ unsigned int endbit = mark_bit_bit (end_mark_bit);
+ size_t startwrd = mark_bit_word (start_mark_bit);
+ size_t endwrd = mark_bit_word (end_mark_bit);
+ //dprintf (3, ("Setting all mark array bits between [%Ix:%Ix-[%Ix:%Ix",
+ // (size_t)start, (size_t)start_mark_bit,
+ // (size_t)end, (size_t)end_mark_bit));
+ unsigned int firstwrd = ~(lowbits (~0, startbit));
+ unsigned int lastwrd = ~(highbits (~0, endbit));
+ if (startwrd == endwrd)
+ {
+ unsigned int wrd = firstwrd & lastwrd;
+ if (mark_array[startwrd] & wrd)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("The %Ix portion of mark bits at 0x%Ix:0x%Ix(addr: 0x%Ix) were not cleared",
+ wrd, startwrd,
+ mark_array [startwrd], mark_word_address (startwrd)));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // set the first mark word.
+ if (startbit)
+ {
+ if (mark_array[startwrd] & firstwrd)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("The %Ix portion of mark bits at 0x%Ix:0x%Ix(addr: 0x%Ix) were not cleared",
+ firstwrd, startwrd,
+ mark_array [startwrd], mark_word_address (startwrd)));
+ }
+ startwrd++;
+ }
+ for (size_t wrdtmp = startwrd; wrdtmp < endwrd; wrdtmp++)
+ {
+ if (mark_array[wrdtmp])
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("The mark bits at 0x%Ix:0x%Ix(addr: 0x%Ix) were not cleared",
+ wrdtmp,
+ mark_array [wrdtmp], mark_word_address (wrdtmp)));
+ }
+ }
+ // set the last mark word.
+ if (endbit)
+ {
+ if (mark_array[endwrd] & lastwrd)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("The %Ix portion of mark bits at 0x%Ix:0x%Ix(addr: 0x%Ix) were not cleared",
+ lastwrd, lastwrd,
+ mark_array [lastwrd], mark_word_address (lastwrd)));
+ }
+ }
+allocator::allocator (unsigned int num_b, size_t fbs, alloc_list* b)
+ assert (num_b < MAX_BUCKET_COUNT);
+ num_buckets = num_b;
+ frst_bucket_size = fbs;
+ buckets = b;
+alloc_list& allocator::alloc_list_of (unsigned int bn)
+ assert (bn < num_buckets);
+ if (bn == 0)
+ return first_bucket;
+ else
+ return buckets [bn-1];
+size_t& allocator::alloc_list_damage_count_of (unsigned int bn)
+ assert (bn < num_buckets);
+ if (bn == 0)
+ return first_bucket.alloc_list_damage_count();
+ else
+ return buckets [bn-1].alloc_list_damage_count();
+void allocator::unlink_item (unsigned int bn, uint8_t* item, uint8_t* prev_item, BOOL use_undo_p)
+ //unlink the free_item
+ alloc_list* al = &alloc_list_of (bn);
+ if (prev_item)
+ {
+ if (use_undo_p && (free_list_undo (prev_item) == UNDO_EMPTY))
+ {
+ assert (item == free_list_slot (prev_item));
+ free_list_undo (prev_item) = item;
+ alloc_list_damage_count_of (bn)++;
+ }
+ free_list_slot (prev_item) = free_list_slot(item);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ al->alloc_list_head() = (uint8_t*)free_list_slot(item);
+ }
+ if (al->alloc_list_tail() == item)
+ {
+ al->alloc_list_tail() = prev_item;
+ }
+void allocator::clear()
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_buckets; i++)
+ {
+ alloc_list_head_of (i) = 0;
+ alloc_list_tail_of (i) = 0;
+ }
+//always thread to the end.
+void allocator::thread_free_item (uint8_t* item, uint8_t*& head, uint8_t*& tail)
+ free_list_slot (item) = 0;
+ free_list_undo (item) = UNDO_EMPTY;
+ assert (item != head);
+ if (head == 0)
+ {
+ head = item;
+ }
+ //TODO: This shouldn't happen anymore - verify that's the case.
+ //the following is necessary because the last free element
+ //may have been truncated, and tail isn't updated.
+ else if (free_list_slot (head) == 0)
+ {
+ free_list_slot (head) = item;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (item != tail);
+ assert (free_list_slot(tail) == 0);
+ free_list_slot (tail) = item;
+ }
+ tail = item;
+void allocator::thread_item (uint8_t* item, size_t size)
+ size_t sz = frst_bucket_size;
+ unsigned int a_l_number = 0;
+ for (; a_l_number < (num_buckets-1); a_l_number++)
+ {
+ if (size < sz)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ sz = sz * 2;
+ }
+ alloc_list* al = &alloc_list_of (a_l_number);
+ thread_free_item (item,
+ al->alloc_list_head(),
+ al->alloc_list_tail());
+void allocator::thread_item_front (uint8_t* item, size_t size)
+ //find right free list
+ size_t sz = frst_bucket_size;
+ unsigned int a_l_number = 0;
+ for (; a_l_number < (num_buckets-1); a_l_number++)
+ {
+ if (size < sz)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ sz = sz * 2;
+ }
+ alloc_list* al = &alloc_list_of (a_l_number);
+ free_list_slot (item) = al->alloc_list_head();
+ free_list_undo (item) = UNDO_EMPTY;
+ if (al->alloc_list_tail() == 0)
+ {
+ al->alloc_list_tail() = al->alloc_list_head();
+ }
+ al->alloc_list_head() = item;
+ if (al->alloc_list_tail() == 0)
+ {
+ al->alloc_list_tail() = item;
+ }
+void allocator::copy_to_alloc_list (alloc_list* toalist)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_buckets; i++)
+ {
+ toalist [i] = alloc_list_of (i);
+ uint8_t* free_item = alloc_list_head_of (i);
+ size_t count = 0;
+ while (free_item)
+ {
+ count++;
+ free_item = free_list_slot (free_item);
+ }
+ toalist[i].item_count = count;
+ }
+void allocator::copy_from_alloc_list (alloc_list* fromalist)
+ BOOL repair_list = !discard_if_no_fit_p ();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_buckets; i++)
+ {
+ size_t count = alloc_list_damage_count_of (i);
+ alloc_list_of (i) = fromalist [i];
+ assert (alloc_list_damage_count_of (i) == 0);
+ if (repair_list)
+ {
+ //repair the the list
+ //new items may have been added during the plan phase
+ //items may have been unlinked.
+ uint8_t* free_item = alloc_list_head_of (i);
+ while (free_item && count)
+ {
+ assert (((CObjectHeader*)free_item)->IsFree());
+ if ((free_list_undo (free_item) != UNDO_EMPTY))
+ {
+ count--;
+ free_list_slot (free_item) = free_list_undo (free_item);
+ free_list_undo (free_item) = UNDO_EMPTY;
+ }
+ free_item = free_list_slot (free_item);
+ }
+ free_item = alloc_list_head_of (i);
+ size_t item_count = 0;
+ while (free_item)
+ {
+ item_count++;
+ free_item = free_list_slot (free_item);
+ }
+ assert (item_count == alloc_list_of (i).item_count);
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ uint8_t* tail_item = alloc_list_tail_of (i);
+ assert ((tail_item == 0) || (free_list_slot (tail_item) == 0));
+ }
+void allocator::commit_alloc_list_changes()
+ BOOL repair_list = !discard_if_no_fit_p ();
+ if (repair_list)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_buckets; i++)
+ {
+ //remove the undo info from list.
+ uint8_t* free_item = alloc_list_head_of (i);
+ size_t count = alloc_list_damage_count_of (i);
+ while (free_item && count)
+ {
+ assert (((CObjectHeader*)free_item)->IsFree());
+ if (free_list_undo (free_item) != UNDO_EMPTY)
+ {
+ free_list_undo (free_item) = UNDO_EMPTY;
+ count--;
+ }
+ free_item = free_list_slot (free_item);
+ }
+ alloc_list_damage_count_of (i) = 0;
+ }
+ }
+void gc_heap::adjust_limit_clr (uint8_t* start, size_t limit_size,
+ alloc_context* acontext, heap_segment* seg,
+ int align_const, int gen_number)
+ size_t aligned_min_obj_size = Align(min_obj_size, align_const);
+ //probably should pass seg==0 for free lists.
+ if (seg)
+ {
+ assert (heap_segment_used (seg) <= heap_segment_committed (seg));
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("Expanding segment allocation [%Ix, %Ix[", (size_t)start,
+ (size_t)start + limit_size - aligned_min_obj_size));
+ if ((acontext->alloc_limit != start) &&
+ (acontext->alloc_limit + aligned_min_obj_size)!= start)
+ {
+ uint8_t* hole = acontext->alloc_ptr;
+ if (hole != 0)
+ {
+ size_t size = (acontext->alloc_limit - acontext->alloc_ptr);
+ dprintf (3, ("filling up hole [%Ix, %Ix[", (size_t)hole, (size_t)hole + size + Align (min_obj_size, align_const)));
+ // when we are finishing an allocation from a free list
+ // we know that the free area was Align(min_obj_size) larger
+ acontext->alloc_bytes -= size;
+ size_t free_obj_size = size + aligned_min_obj_size;
+ make_unused_array (hole, free_obj_size);
+ generation_free_obj_space (generation_of (gen_number)) += free_obj_size;
+ }
+ acontext->alloc_ptr = start;
+ }
+ acontext->alloc_limit = (start + limit_size - aligned_min_obj_size);
+ acontext->alloc_bytes += limit_size - ((gen_number < max_generation + 1) ? aligned_min_obj_size : 0);
+ if (g_fEnableARM)
+ {
+ AppDomain* alloc_appdomain = GetAppDomain();
+ alloc_appdomain->RecordAllocBytes (limit_size, heap_number);
+ }
+ uint8_t* saved_used = 0;
+ if (seg)
+ {
+ saved_used = heap_segment_used (seg);
+ }
+ if (seg == ephemeral_heap_segment)
+ {
+ //Sometimes the allocated size is advanced without clearing the
+ //memory. Let's catch up here
+ if (heap_segment_used (seg) < (alloc_allocated - plug_skew))
+ {
+#ifdef MARK_ARRAY
+ clear_mark_array (heap_segment_used (seg) + plug_skew, alloc_allocated);
+#endif //MARK_ARRAY
+ heap_segment_used (seg) = alloc_allocated - plug_skew;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (seg)
+ {
+ uint8_t* old_allocated = heap_segment_allocated (seg) - plug_skew - limit_size;
+ old_allocated -= Align (loh_padding_obj_size, align_const);
+ assert (heap_segment_used (seg) >= old_allocated);
+ }
+ if ((seg == 0) ||
+ (start - plug_skew + limit_size) <= heap_segment_used (seg))
+ {
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]Lmsl to clear memory(1)", heap_number));
+ add_saved_spinlock_info (me_release, mt_clr_mem);
+ leave_spin_lock (&more_space_lock);
+ dprintf (3, ("clearing memory at %Ix for %d bytes", (start - plug_skew), limit_size));
+ memclr (start - plug_skew, limit_size);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint8_t* used = heap_segment_used (seg);
+ heap_segment_used (seg) = start + limit_size - plug_skew;
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]Lmsl to clear memory", heap_number));
+ add_saved_spinlock_info (me_release, mt_clr_mem);
+ leave_spin_lock (&more_space_lock);
+ if ((start - plug_skew) < used)
+ {
+ if (used != saved_used)
+ {
+ }
+ dprintf (2, ("clearing memory before used at %Ix for %Id bytes",
+ (start - plug_skew), (plug_skew + used - start)));
+ memclr (start - plug_skew, used - (start - plug_skew));
+ }
+ }
+ //this portion can be done after we release the lock
+ if (seg == ephemeral_heap_segment)
+ {
+ if (gen0_must_clear_bricks > 0)
+ {
+ //set the brick table to speed up find_object
+ size_t b = brick_of (acontext->alloc_ptr);
+ set_brick (b, acontext->alloc_ptr - brick_address (b));
+ b++;
+ dprintf (3, ("Allocation Clearing bricks [%Ix, %Ix[",
+ b, brick_of (align_on_brick (start + limit_size))));
+ volatile short* x = &brick_table [b];
+ short* end_x = &brick_table [brick_of (align_on_brick (start + limit_size))];
+ for (;x < end_x;x++)
+ *x = -1;
+ }
+ else
+#endif //FFIND_OBJECT
+ {
+ gen0_bricks_cleared = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ // verifying the memory is completely cleared.
+ //verify_mem_cleared (start - plug_skew, limit_size);
+/* in order to make the allocator faster, allocate returns a
+ * 0 filled object. Care must be taken to set the allocation limit to the
+ * allocation pointer after gc
+ */
+size_t gc_heap::limit_from_size (size_t size, size_t room, int gen_number,
+ int align_const)
+ size_t new_limit = new_allocation_limit ((size + Align (min_obj_size, align_const)),
+ min (room,max (size + Align (min_obj_size, align_const),
+ ((gen_number < max_generation+1) ?
+ allocation_quantum :
+ 0))),
+ gen_number);
+ assert (new_limit >= (size + Align (min_obj_size, align_const)));
+ dprintf (100, ("requested to allocate %Id bytes, actual size is %Id", size, new_limit));
+ return new_limit;
+void gc_heap::handle_oom (int heap_num, oom_reason reason, size_t alloc_size,
+ uint8_t* allocated, uint8_t* reserved)
+ dprintf (1, ("total committed on the heap is %Id", get_total_committed_size()));
+ if (reason == oom_budget)
+ {
+ alloc_size = dd_min_gc_size (dynamic_data_of (0)) / 2;
+ }
+ if ((reason == oom_budget) && ((!fgm_result.loh_p) && (fgm_result.fgm != fgm_no_failure)))
+ {
+ // This means during the last GC we needed to reserve and/or commit more memory
+ // but we couldn't. We proceeded with the GC and ended up not having enough
+ // memory at the end. This is a legitimate OOM situtation. Otherwise we
+ // probably made a mistake and didn't expand the heap when we should have.
+ reason = oom_low_mem;
+ }
+ oom_info.reason = reason;
+ oom_info.allocated = allocated;
+ oom_info.reserved = reserved;
+ oom_info.alloc_size = alloc_size;
+ oom_info.gc_index = settings.gc_index;
+ oom_info.fgm = fgm_result.fgm;
+ oom_info.size = fgm_result.size;
+ oom_info.available_pagefile_mb = fgm_result.available_pagefile_mb;
+ oom_info.loh_p = fgm_result.loh_p;
+ fgm_result.fgm = fgm_no_failure;
+ // Break early - before the more_space_lock is release so no other threads
+ // could have allocated on the same heap when OOM happened.
+ if (g_pConfig->IsGCBreakOnOOMEnabled())
+ {
+ GCToOSInterface::DebugBreak();
+ }
+BOOL gc_heap::background_allowed_p()
+ return ( gc_can_use_concurrent && ((settings.pause_mode == pause_interactive) || (settings.pause_mode == pause_sustained_low_latency)) );
+void gc_heap::check_for_full_gc (int gen_num, size_t size)
+ BOOL should_notify = FALSE;
+ // if we detect full gc because of the allocation budget specified this is TRUE;
+ // it's FALSE if it's due to other factors.
+ BOOL alloc_factor = TRUE;
+ int i = 0;
+ int n = 0;
+ int n_initial = gen_num;
+ BOOL local_blocking_collection = FALSE;
+ BOOL local_elevation_requested = FALSE;
+ int new_alloc_remain_percent = 0;
+ if (full_gc_approach_event_set)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (gen_num != (max_generation + 1))
+ {
+ gen_num = max_generation;
+ }
+ dynamic_data* dd_full = dynamic_data_of (gen_num);
+ ptrdiff_t new_alloc_remain = 0;
+ uint32_t pct = ((gen_num == (max_generation + 1)) ? fgn_loh_percent : fgn_maxgen_percent);
+ for (int gen_index = 0; gen_index <= (max_generation + 1); gen_index++)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("FGN: h#%d: gen%d: %Id(%Id)",
+ heap_number, gen_index,
+ dd_new_allocation (dynamic_data_of (gen_index)),
+ dd_desired_allocation (dynamic_data_of (gen_index))));
+ }
+ // For small object allocations we only check every fgn_check_quantum bytes.
+ if (n_initial == 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("FGN: gen0 last recorded alloc: %Id", fgn_last_alloc));
+ dynamic_data* dd_0 = dynamic_data_of (n_initial);
+ if (((fgn_last_alloc - dd_new_allocation (dd_0)) < fgn_check_quantum) &&
+ (dd_new_allocation (dd_0) >= 0))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fgn_last_alloc = dd_new_allocation (dd_0);
+ dprintf (2, ("FGN: gen0 last recorded alloc is now: %Id", fgn_last_alloc));
+ }
+ // We don't consider the size that came from soh 'cause it doesn't contribute to the
+ // gen2 budget.
+ size = 0;
+ }
+ for (i = n+1; i <= max_generation; i++)
+ {
+ if (get_new_allocation (i) <= 0)
+ {
+ n = min (i, max_generation);
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ dprintf (2, ("FGN: h#%d: gen%d budget exceeded", heap_number, n));
+ if (gen_num == max_generation)
+ {
+ // If it's small object heap we should first see if we will even be looking at gen2 budget
+ // in the next GC or not. If not we should go directly to checking other factors.
+ if (n < (max_generation - 1))
+ {
+ goto check_other_factors;
+ }
+ }
+ new_alloc_remain = dd_new_allocation (dd_full) - size;
+ new_alloc_remain_percent = (int)(((float)(new_alloc_remain) / (float)dd_desired_allocation (dd_full)) * 100);
+ dprintf (2, ("FGN: alloc threshold for gen%d is %d%%, current threshold is %d%%",
+ gen_num, pct, new_alloc_remain_percent));
+ if (new_alloc_remain_percent <= (int)pct)
+ {
+ // If background GC is enabled, we still want to check whether this will
+ // be a blocking GC or not because we only want to notify when it's a
+ // blocking full GC.
+ if (background_allowed_p())
+ {
+ goto check_other_factors;
+ }
+ should_notify = TRUE;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ dprintf (2, ("FGC: checking other factors"));
+ n = generation_to_condemn (n,
+ &local_blocking_collection,
+ &local_elevation_requested,
+ TRUE);
+ if (local_elevation_requested && (n == max_generation))
+ {
+ if (settings.should_lock_elevation)
+ {
+ int local_elevation_locked_count = settings.elevation_locked_count + 1;
+ if (local_elevation_locked_count != 6)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("FGN: lock count is %d - Condemning max_generation-1",
+ local_elevation_locked_count));
+ n = max_generation - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf (2, ("FGN: we estimate gen%d will be collected", n));
+ // When background GC is enabled it decreases the accurancy of our predictability -
+ // by the time the GC happens, we may not be under BGC anymore. If we try to
+ // predict often enough it should be ok.
+ if ((n == max_generation) &&
+ (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p()))
+ {
+ n = max_generation - 1;
+ dprintf (2, ("FGN: bgc - 1 instead of 2"));
+ }
+ if ((n == max_generation) && !local_blocking_collection)
+ {
+ if (!background_allowed_p())
+ {
+ local_blocking_collection = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf (2, ("FGN: we estimate gen%d will be collected: %s",
+ n,
+ (local_blocking_collection ? "blocking" : "background")));
+ if ((n == max_generation) && local_blocking_collection)
+ {
+ alloc_factor = FALSE;
+ should_notify = TRUE;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (should_notify)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("FGN: gen%d detecting full GC approaching(%s) (GC#%d) (%Id%% left in gen%d)",
+ n_initial,
+ (alloc_factor ? "alloc" : "other"),
+ dd_collection_count (dynamic_data_of (0)),
+ new_alloc_remain_percent,
+ gen_num));
+ send_full_gc_notification (n_initial, alloc_factor);
+ }
+void gc_heap::send_full_gc_notification (int gen_num, BOOL due_to_alloc_p)
+ if (!full_gc_approach_event_set)
+ {
+ assert (full_gc_approach_event.IsValid());
+ FireEtwGCFullNotify_V1 (gen_num, due_to_alloc_p, GetClrInstanceId());
+ full_gc_end_event.Reset();
+ full_gc_approach_event.Set();
+ full_gc_approach_event_set = true;
+ }
+wait_full_gc_status gc_heap::full_gc_wait (CLREvent *event, int time_out_ms)
+ if (fgn_maxgen_percent == 0)
+ {
+ return wait_full_gc_na;
+ }
+ uint32_t wait_result = user_thread_wait(event, FALSE, time_out_ms);
+ if ((wait_result == WAIT_OBJECT_0) || (wait_result == WAIT_TIMEOUT))
+ {
+ if (fgn_maxgen_percent == 0)
+ {
+ return wait_full_gc_cancelled;
+ }
+ if (wait_result == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+ {
+ if (fgn_last_gc_was_concurrent)
+ {
+ fgn_last_gc_was_concurrent = FALSE;
+ return wait_full_gc_na;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return wait_full_gc_success;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return wait_full_gc_timeout;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return wait_full_gc_failed;
+ }
+size_t gc_heap::get_full_compact_gc_count()
+ return full_gc_counts[gc_type_compacting];
+// DTREVIEW - we should check this in dt_low_ephemeral_space_p
+// as well.
+BOOL gc_heap::short_on_end_of_seg (int gen_number,
+ heap_segment* seg,
+ int align_const)
+ uint8_t* allocated = heap_segment_allocated(seg);
+ return (!a_size_fit_p (end_space_after_gc(),
+ allocated,
+ heap_segment_reserved (seg),
+ align_const));
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(disable:4706) // "assignment within conditional expression" is intentional in this function.
+#endif // _MSC_VER
+BOOL gc_heap::a_fit_free_list_p (int gen_number,
+ size_t size,
+ alloc_context* acontext,
+ int align_const)
+ BOOL can_fit = FALSE;
+ generation* gen = generation_of (gen_number);
+ allocator* gen_allocator = generation_allocator (gen);
+ size_t sz_list = gen_allocator->first_bucket_size();
+ for (unsigned int a_l_idx = 0; a_l_idx < gen_allocator->number_of_buckets(); a_l_idx++)
+ {
+ if ((size < sz_list) || (a_l_idx == (gen_allocator->number_of_buckets()-1)))
+ {
+ uint8_t* free_list = gen_allocator->alloc_list_head_of (a_l_idx);
+ uint8_t* prev_free_item = 0;
+ while (free_list != 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("considering free list %Ix", (size_t)free_list));
+ size_t free_list_size = unused_array_size (free_list);
+ if ((size + Align (min_obj_size, align_const)) <= free_list_size)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Found adequate unused area: [%Ix, size: %Id",
+ (size_t)free_list, free_list_size));
+ gen_allocator->unlink_item (a_l_idx, free_list, prev_free_item, FALSE);
+ // We ask for more Align (min_obj_size)
+ // to make sure that we can insert a free object
+ // in adjust_limit will set the limit lower
+ size_t limit = limit_from_size (size, free_list_size, gen_number, align_const);
+ uint8_t* remain = (free_list + limit);
+ size_t remain_size = (free_list_size - limit);
+ if (remain_size >= Align(min_free_list, align_const))
+ {
+ make_unused_array (remain, remain_size);
+ gen_allocator->thread_item_front (remain, remain_size);
+ assert (remain_size >= Align (min_obj_size, align_const));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //absorb the entire free list
+ limit += remain_size;
+ }
+ generation_free_list_space (gen) -= limit;
+ adjust_limit_clr (free_list, limit, acontext, 0, align_const, gen_number);
+ can_fit = TRUE;
+ goto end;
+ }
+ else if (gen_allocator->discard_if_no_fit_p())
+ {
+ assert (prev_free_item == 0);
+ dprintf (3, ("couldn't use this free area, discarding"));
+ generation_free_obj_space (gen) += free_list_size;
+ gen_allocator->unlink_item (a_l_idx, free_list, prev_free_item, FALSE);
+ generation_free_list_space (gen) -= free_list_size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ prev_free_item = free_list;
+ }
+ free_list = free_list_slot (free_list);
+ }
+ }
+ sz_list = sz_list * 2;
+ }
+ return can_fit;
+void gc_heap::bgc_loh_alloc_clr (uint8_t* alloc_start,
+ size_t size,
+ alloc_context* acontext,
+ int align_const,
+ int lock_index,
+ BOOL check_used_p,
+ heap_segment* seg)
+ make_unused_array (alloc_start, size);
+ if (g_fEnableARM)
+ {
+ AppDomain* alloc_appdomain = GetAppDomain();
+ alloc_appdomain->RecordAllocBytes (size, heap_number);
+ }
+ size_t size_of_array_base = sizeof(ArrayBase);
+ bgc_alloc_lock->loh_alloc_done_with_index (lock_index);
+ // clear memory while not holding the lock.
+ size_t size_to_skip = size_of_array_base;
+ size_t size_to_clear = size - size_to_skip - plug_skew;
+ size_t saved_size_to_clear = size_to_clear;
+ if (check_used_p)
+ {
+ uint8_t* end = alloc_start + size - plug_skew;
+ uint8_t* used = heap_segment_used (seg);
+ if (used < end)
+ {
+ if ((alloc_start + size_to_skip) < used)
+ {
+ size_to_clear = used - (alloc_start + size_to_skip);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_to_clear = 0;
+ }
+ dprintf (2, ("bgc loh: setting used to %Ix", end));
+ heap_segment_used (seg) = end;
+ }
+ dprintf (2, ("bgc loh: used: %Ix, alloc: %Ix, end of alloc: %Ix, clear %Id bytes",
+ used, alloc_start, end, size_to_clear));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("bgc loh: [%Ix-[%Ix(%Id)", alloc_start, alloc_start+size, size));
+ }
+ // since we filled in 0xcc for free object when we verify heap,
+ // we need to make sure we clear those bytes.
+ if (g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel() & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_GC)
+ {
+ if (size_to_clear < saved_size_to_clear)
+ {
+ size_to_clear = saved_size_to_clear;
+ }
+ }
+#endif //VERIFY_HEAP
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]Lmsl to clear large obj", heap_number));
+ add_saved_spinlock_info (me_release, mt_clr_large_mem);
+ leave_spin_lock (&more_space_lock);
+ memclr (alloc_start + size_to_skip, size_to_clear);
+ bgc_alloc_lock->loh_alloc_set (alloc_start);
+ acontext->alloc_ptr = alloc_start;
+ acontext->alloc_limit = (alloc_start + size - Align (min_obj_size, align_const));
+ // need to clear the rest of the object before we hand it out.
+ clear_unused_array(alloc_start, size);
+BOOL gc_heap::a_fit_free_list_large_p (size_t size,
+ alloc_context* acontext,
+ int align_const)
+ wait_for_background_planning (awr_loh_alloc_during_plan);
+ BOOL can_fit = FALSE;
+ int gen_number = max_generation + 1;
+ generation* gen = generation_of (gen_number);
+ allocator* loh_allocator = generation_allocator (gen);
+ size_t loh_pad = Align (loh_padding_obj_size, align_const);
+ int cookie = -1;
+ size_t sz_list = loh_allocator->first_bucket_size();
+ for (unsigned int a_l_idx = 0; a_l_idx < loh_allocator->number_of_buckets(); a_l_idx++)
+ {
+ if ((size < sz_list) || (a_l_idx == (loh_allocator->number_of_buckets()-1)))
+ {
+ uint8_t* free_list = loh_allocator->alloc_list_head_of (a_l_idx);
+ uint8_t* prev_free_item = 0;
+ while (free_list != 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("considering free list %Ix", (size_t)free_list));
+ size_t free_list_size = unused_array_size(free_list);
+ if ((size + loh_pad) <= free_list_size)
+ if (((size + Align (min_obj_size, align_const)) <= free_list_size)||
+ (size == free_list_size))
+ {
+ cookie = bgc_alloc_lock->loh_alloc_set (free_list);
+ //unlink the free_item
+ loh_allocator->unlink_item (a_l_idx, free_list, prev_free_item, FALSE);
+ // Substract min obj size because limit_from_size adds it. Not needed for LOH
+ size_t limit = limit_from_size (size - Align(min_obj_size, align_const), free_list_size,
+ gen_number, align_const);
+ make_unused_array (free_list, loh_pad);
+ limit -= loh_pad;
+ free_list += loh_pad;
+ free_list_size -= loh_pad;
+ uint8_t* remain = (free_list + limit);
+ size_t remain_size = (free_list_size - limit);
+ if (remain_size != 0)
+ {
+ assert (remain_size >= Align (min_obj_size, align_const));
+ make_unused_array (remain, remain_size);
+ }
+ if (remain_size >= Align(min_free_list, align_const))
+ {
+ loh_thread_gap_front (remain, remain_size, gen);
+ assert (remain_size >= Align (min_obj_size, align_const));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ generation_free_obj_space (gen) += remain_size;
+ }
+ generation_free_list_space (gen) -= free_list_size;
+ dprintf (3, ("found fit on loh at %Ix", free_list));
+ if (cookie != -1)
+ {
+ bgc_loh_alloc_clr (free_list, limit, acontext, align_const, cookie, FALSE, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ adjust_limit_clr (free_list, limit, acontext, 0, align_const, gen_number);
+ }
+ //fix the limit to compensate for adjust_limit_clr making it too short
+ acontext->alloc_limit += Align (min_obj_size, align_const);
+ can_fit = TRUE;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ prev_free_item = free_list;
+ free_list = free_list_slot (free_list);
+ }
+ }
+ sz_list = sz_list * 2;
+ }
+ return can_fit;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(default:4706)
+#endif // _MSC_VER
+BOOL gc_heap::a_fit_segment_end_p (int gen_number,
+ heap_segment* seg,
+ size_t size,
+ alloc_context* acontext,
+ int align_const,
+ BOOL* commit_failed_p)
+ *commit_failed_p = FALSE;
+ size_t limit = 0;
+ int cookie = -1;
+ uint8_t*& allocated = ((gen_number == 0) ?
+ alloc_allocated :
+ heap_segment_allocated(seg));
+ size_t pad = Align (min_obj_size, align_const);
+ if (gen_number == (max_generation + 1))
+ {
+ pad += Align (loh_padding_obj_size, align_const);
+ }
+ uint8_t* end = heap_segment_committed (seg) - pad;
+ if (a_size_fit_p (size, allocated, end, align_const))
+ {
+ limit = limit_from_size (size,
+ (end - allocated),
+ gen_number, align_const);
+ goto found_fit;
+ }
+ end = heap_segment_reserved (seg) - pad;
+ if (a_size_fit_p (size, allocated, end, align_const))
+ {
+ limit = limit_from_size (size,
+ (end - allocated),
+ gen_number, align_const);
+ if (grow_heap_segment (seg, allocated + limit))
+ {
+ goto found_fit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("can't grow segment, doing a full gc"));
+ *commit_failed_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ goto found_no_fit;
+ if (gen_number != 0)
+ {
+ cookie = bgc_alloc_lock->loh_alloc_set (allocated);
+ }
+ uint8_t* old_alloc;
+ old_alloc = allocated;
+ if (gen_number == (max_generation + 1))
+ {
+ size_t loh_pad = Align (loh_padding_obj_size, align_const);
+ make_unused_array (old_alloc, loh_pad);
+ old_alloc += loh_pad;
+ allocated += loh_pad;
+ limit -= loh_pad;
+ }
+#if defined (VERIFY_HEAP) && defined (_DEBUG)
+ ((void**) allocated)[-1] = 0; //clear the sync block
+#endif //VERIFY_HEAP && _DEBUG
+ allocated += limit;
+ dprintf (3, ("found fit at end of seg: %Ix", old_alloc));
+ if (cookie != -1)
+ {
+ bgc_loh_alloc_clr (old_alloc, limit, acontext, align_const, cookie, TRUE, seg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ adjust_limit_clr (old_alloc, limit, acontext, seg, align_const, gen_number);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL gc_heap::loh_a_fit_segment_end_p (int gen_number,
+ size_t size,
+ alloc_context* acontext,
+ int align_const,
+ BOOL* commit_failed_p,
+ oom_reason* oom_r)
+ *commit_failed_p = FALSE;
+ heap_segment* seg = generation_allocation_segment (generation_of (gen_number));
+ BOOL can_allocate_p = FALSE;
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ if (a_fit_segment_end_p (gen_number, seg, (size - Align (min_obj_size, align_const)),
+ acontext, align_const, commit_failed_p))
+ {
+ acontext->alloc_limit += Align (min_obj_size, align_const);
+ can_allocate_p = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (*commit_failed_p)
+ {
+ *oom_r = oom_cant_commit;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return can_allocate_p;
+void gc_heap::wait_for_background (alloc_wait_reason awr)
+ dprintf (2, ("BGC is already in progress, waiting for it to finish"));
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]Lmsl to wait for bgc done", heap_number));
+ add_saved_spinlock_info (me_release, mt_wait_bgc);
+ leave_spin_lock (&more_space_lock);
+ background_gc_wait (awr);
+ enter_spin_lock (&more_space_lock);
+ add_saved_spinlock_info (me_acquire, mt_wait_bgc);
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]Emsl after waiting for bgc done", heap_number));
+void gc_heap::wait_for_bgc_high_memory (alloc_wait_reason awr)
+ if (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ {
+ uint32_t memory_load;
+ get_memory_info (&memory_load);
+ if (memory_load >= 95)
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("high mem - wait for BGC to finish, wait reason: %d", awr));
+ wait_for_background (awr);
+ }
+ }
+// We request to trigger an ephemeral GC but we may get a full compacting GC.
+// return TRUE if that's the case.
+BOOL gc_heap::trigger_ephemeral_gc (gc_reason gr)
+ wait_for_bgc_high_memory (awr_loh_oos_bgc);
+ BOOL did_full_compact_gc = FALSE;
+ dprintf (2, ("triggering a gen1 GC"));
+ size_t last_full_compact_gc_count = get_full_compact_gc_count();
+ vm_heap->GarbageCollectGeneration(max_generation - 1, gr);
+ enter_spin_lock (&more_space_lock);
+ add_saved_spinlock_info (me_acquire, mt_t_eph_gc);
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]Emsl after a GC", heap_number));
+ size_t current_full_compact_gc_count = get_full_compact_gc_count();
+ if (current_full_compact_gc_count > last_full_compact_gc_count)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("attempted to trigger an ephemeral GC and got a full compacting GC"));
+ did_full_compact_gc = TRUE;
+ }
+ return did_full_compact_gc;
+BOOL gc_heap::soh_try_fit (int gen_number,
+ size_t size,
+ alloc_context* acontext,
+ int align_const,
+ BOOL* commit_failed_p,
+ BOOL* short_seg_end_p)
+ BOOL can_allocate = TRUE;
+ if (short_seg_end_p)
+ {
+ *short_seg_end_p = FALSE;
+ }
+ can_allocate = a_fit_free_list_p (gen_number, size, acontext, align_const);
+ if (!can_allocate)
+ {
+ if (short_seg_end_p)
+ {
+ *short_seg_end_p = short_on_end_of_seg (gen_number, ephemeral_heap_segment, align_const);
+ }
+ // If the caller doesn't care, we always try to fit at the end of seg;
+ // otherwise we would only try if we are actually not short at end of seg.
+ if (!short_seg_end_p || !(*short_seg_end_p))
+ {
+ can_allocate = a_fit_segment_end_p (gen_number, ephemeral_heap_segment, size,
+ acontext, align_const, commit_failed_p);
+ }
+ }
+ return can_allocate;
+BOOL gc_heap::allocate_small (int gen_number,
+ size_t size,
+ alloc_context* acontext,
+ int align_const)
+#if defined (BACKGROUND_GC) && !defined (MULTIPLE_HEAPS)
+ if (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ {
+ background_soh_alloc_count++;
+ if ((background_soh_alloc_count % bgc_alloc_spin_count) == 0)
+ {
+ Thread* current_thread = GetThread();
+ add_saved_spinlock_info (me_release, mt_alloc_small);
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]spin Lmsl", heap_number));
+ leave_spin_lock (&more_space_lock);
+ BOOL cooperative_mode = enable_preemptive (current_thread);
+ GCToOSInterface::Sleep (bgc_alloc_spin);
+ disable_preemptive (current_thread, cooperative_mode);
+ enter_spin_lock (&more_space_lock);
+ add_saved_spinlock_info (me_acquire, mt_alloc_small);
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]spin Emsl", heap_number));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //GCToOSInterface::YieldThread (0);
+ }
+ }
+ gc_reason gr = reason_oos_soh;
+ oom_reason oom_r = oom_no_failure;
+ // No variable values should be "carried over" from one state to the other.
+ // That's why there are local variable for each state
+ allocation_state soh_alloc_state = a_state_start;
+ // If we can get a new seg it means allocation will succeed.
+ while (1)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("[h%d]soh state is %s", heap_number, allocation_state_str[soh_alloc_state]));
+ switch (soh_alloc_state)
+ {
+ case a_state_can_allocate:
+ case a_state_cant_allocate:
+ {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ case a_state_start:
+ {
+ soh_alloc_state = a_state_try_fit;
+ break;
+ }
+ case a_state_try_fit:
+ {
+ BOOL commit_failed_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL can_use_existing_p = FALSE;
+ can_use_existing_p = soh_try_fit (gen_number, size, acontext,
+ align_const, &commit_failed_p,
+ NULL);
+ soh_alloc_state = (can_use_existing_p ?
+ a_state_can_allocate :
+ (commit_failed_p ?
+ a_state_trigger_full_compact_gc :
+ a_state_trigger_ephemeral_gc));
+ break;
+ }
+ case a_state_try_fit_after_bgc:
+ {
+ BOOL commit_failed_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL can_use_existing_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL short_seg_end_p = FALSE;
+ can_use_existing_p = soh_try_fit (gen_number, size, acontext,
+ align_const, &commit_failed_p,
+ &short_seg_end_p);
+ soh_alloc_state = (can_use_existing_p ?
+ a_state_can_allocate :
+ (short_seg_end_p ?
+ a_state_trigger_2nd_ephemeral_gc :
+ a_state_trigger_full_compact_gc));
+ break;
+ }
+ case a_state_try_fit_after_cg:
+ {
+ BOOL commit_failed_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL can_use_existing_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL short_seg_end_p = FALSE;
+ can_use_existing_p = soh_try_fit (gen_number, size, acontext,
+ align_const, &commit_failed_p,
+ &short_seg_end_p);
+ if (short_seg_end_p)
+ {
+ soh_alloc_state = a_state_cant_allocate;
+ oom_r = oom_budget;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (can_use_existing_p)
+ {
+ soh_alloc_state = a_state_can_allocate;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!commit_failed_p)
+ {
+ // some other threads already grabbed the more space lock and allocated
+ // so we should attemp an ephemeral GC again.
+ assert (heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) < alloc_allocated);
+ soh_alloc_state = a_state_trigger_ephemeral_gc;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (commit_failed_p);
+ soh_alloc_state = a_state_cant_allocate;
+ oom_r = oom_cant_commit;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case a_state_check_and_wait_for_bgc:
+ {
+ BOOL bgc_in_progress_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL did_full_compacting_gc = FALSE;
+ bgc_in_progress_p = check_and_wait_for_bgc (awr_gen0_oos_bgc, &did_full_compacting_gc);
+ soh_alloc_state = (did_full_compacting_gc ?
+ a_state_try_fit_after_cg :
+ a_state_try_fit_after_bgc);
+ break;
+ }
+ case a_state_trigger_ephemeral_gc:
+ {
+ BOOL commit_failed_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL can_use_existing_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL short_seg_end_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL bgc_in_progress_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL did_full_compacting_gc = FALSE;
+ did_full_compacting_gc = trigger_ephemeral_gc (gr);
+ if (did_full_compacting_gc)
+ {
+ soh_alloc_state = a_state_try_fit_after_cg;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ can_use_existing_p = soh_try_fit (gen_number, size, acontext,
+ align_const, &commit_failed_p,
+ &short_seg_end_p);
+ bgc_in_progress_p = recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p();
+ if (short_seg_end_p)
+ {
+ soh_alloc_state = (bgc_in_progress_p ?
+ a_state_check_and_wait_for_bgc :
+ a_state_trigger_full_compact_gc);
+ if (fgn_maxgen_percent)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("FGN: doing last GC before we throw OOM"));
+ send_full_gc_notification (max_generation, FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (can_use_existing_p)
+ {
+ soh_alloc_state = a_state_can_allocate;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!commit_failed_p)
+ {
+ // some other threads already grabbed the more space lock and allocated
+ // so we should attemp an ephemeral GC again.
+ assert (heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) < alloc_allocated);
+ soh_alloc_state = a_state_trigger_ephemeral_gc;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ soh_alloc_state = a_state_trigger_full_compact_gc;
+ if (fgn_maxgen_percent)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("FGN: failed to commit, doing full compacting GC"));
+ send_full_gc_notification (max_generation, FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case a_state_trigger_2nd_ephemeral_gc:
+ {
+ BOOL commit_failed_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL can_use_existing_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL short_seg_end_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL did_full_compacting_gc = FALSE;
+ did_full_compacting_gc = trigger_ephemeral_gc (gr);
+ if (did_full_compacting_gc)
+ {
+ soh_alloc_state = a_state_try_fit_after_cg;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ can_use_existing_p = soh_try_fit (gen_number, size, acontext,
+ align_const, &commit_failed_p,
+ &short_seg_end_p);
+ if (short_seg_end_p || commit_failed_p)
+ {
+ soh_alloc_state = a_state_trigger_full_compact_gc;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (can_use_existing_p);
+ soh_alloc_state = a_state_can_allocate;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case a_state_trigger_full_compact_gc:
+ {
+ BOOL got_full_compacting_gc = FALSE;
+ got_full_compacting_gc = trigger_full_compact_gc (gr, &oom_r);
+ soh_alloc_state = (got_full_compacting_gc ? a_state_try_fit_after_cg : a_state_cant_allocate);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ assert (!"Invalid state!");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (soh_alloc_state == a_state_cant_allocate)
+ {
+ assert (oom_r != oom_no_failure);
+ handle_oom (heap_number,
+ oom_r,
+ size,
+ heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment),
+ heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment));
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]Lmsl for oom", heap_number));
+ add_saved_spinlock_info (me_release, mt_alloc_small_cant);
+ leave_spin_lock (&more_space_lock);
+ }
+ return (soh_alloc_state == a_state_can_allocate);
+void gc_heap::wait_for_background_planning (alloc_wait_reason awr)
+ while (current_c_gc_state == c_gc_state_planning)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("lh state planning, cannot allocate"));
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]Lmsl to wait for bgc plan", heap_number));
+ add_saved_spinlock_info (me_release, mt_wait_bgc_plan);
+ leave_spin_lock (&more_space_lock);
+ background_gc_wait_lh (awr);
+ enter_spin_lock (&more_space_lock);
+ add_saved_spinlock_info (me_acquire, mt_wait_bgc_plan);
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]Emsl after waiting for bgc plan", heap_number));
+ }
+ assert ((current_c_gc_state == c_gc_state_free) ||
+ (current_c_gc_state == c_gc_state_marking));
+BOOL gc_heap::bgc_loh_should_allocate()
+ size_t min_gc_size = dd_min_gc_size(dynamic_data_of (max_generation + 1));
+ if ((bgc_begin_loh_size + bgc_loh_size_increased) < (min_gc_size * 10))
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (((bgc_begin_loh_size / end_loh_size) >= 2) || (bgc_loh_size_increased >= bgc_begin_loh_size))
+ {
+ if ((bgc_begin_loh_size / end_loh_size) > 2)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("alloc-ed too much before bgc started"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("alloc-ed too much after bgc started"));
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bgc_alloc_spin_loh = (uint32_t)(((float)bgc_loh_size_increased / (float)bgc_begin_loh_size) * 10);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+size_t gc_heap::get_large_seg_size (size_t size)
+ size_t default_seg_size = get_valid_segment_size(TRUE);
+ size_t align_size = default_seg_size;
+ size_t align_size = default_seg_size / 2;
+ int align_const = get_alignment_constant (FALSE);
+ size_t large_seg_size = align_on_page (
+ max (default_seg_size,
+ ((size + 2 * Align(min_obj_size, align_const) + OS_PAGE_SIZE +
+ align_size) / align_size * align_size)));
+ return large_seg_size;
+BOOL gc_heap::loh_get_new_seg (generation* gen,
+ size_t size,
+ int align_const,
+ BOOL* did_full_compact_gc,
+ oom_reason* oom_r)
+ *did_full_compact_gc = FALSE;
+ size_t seg_size = get_large_seg_size (size);
+ heap_segment* new_seg = get_large_segment (seg_size, did_full_compact_gc);
+ if (new_seg)
+ {
+ loh_alloc_since_cg += seg_size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *oom_r = oom_loh;
+ }
+ return (new_seg != 0);
+BOOL gc_heap::retry_full_compact_gc (size_t size)
+ size_t seg_size = get_large_seg_size (size);
+ if (loh_alloc_since_cg >= (2 * (uint64_t)seg_size))
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ uint64_t total_alloc_size = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ total_alloc_size += g_heaps[i]->loh_alloc_since_cg;
+ }
+ if (total_alloc_size >= (2 * (uint64_t)seg_size))
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL gc_heap::check_and_wait_for_bgc (alloc_wait_reason awr,
+ BOOL* did_full_compact_gc)
+ BOOL bgc_in_progress = FALSE;
+ *did_full_compact_gc = FALSE;
+ if (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ {
+ bgc_in_progress = TRUE;
+ size_t last_full_compact_gc_count = get_full_compact_gc_count();
+ wait_for_background (awr);
+ size_t current_full_compact_gc_count = get_full_compact_gc_count();
+ if (current_full_compact_gc_count > last_full_compact_gc_count)
+ {
+ *did_full_compact_gc = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return bgc_in_progress;
+BOOL gc_heap::loh_try_fit (int gen_number,
+ size_t size,
+ alloc_context* acontext,
+ int align_const,
+ BOOL* commit_failed_p,
+ oom_reason* oom_r)
+ BOOL can_allocate = TRUE;
+ if (!a_fit_free_list_large_p (size, acontext, align_const))
+ {
+ can_allocate = loh_a_fit_segment_end_p (gen_number, size,
+ acontext, align_const,
+ commit_failed_p, oom_r);
+ if (can_allocate && recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ {
+ bgc_loh_size_increased += size;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ {
+ bgc_loh_allocated_in_free += size;
+ }
+ }
+ return can_allocate;
+BOOL gc_heap::trigger_full_compact_gc (gc_reason gr,
+ oom_reason* oom_r)
+ BOOL did_full_compact_gc = FALSE;
+ size_t last_full_compact_gc_count = get_full_compact_gc_count();
+ // Set this so the next GC will be a full compacting GC.
+ if (!last_gc_before_oom)
+ {
+ last_gc_before_oom = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ {
+ wait_for_background ((gr == reason_oos_soh) ? awr_gen0_oos_bgc : awr_loh_oos_bgc);
+ dprintf (2, ("waited for BGC - done"));
+ }
+ size_t current_full_compact_gc_count = get_full_compact_gc_count();
+ if (current_full_compact_gc_count > last_full_compact_gc_count)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("a full compacting GC triggered while waiting for BGC (%d->%d)", last_full_compact_gc_count, current_full_compact_gc_count));
+ assert (current_full_compact_gc_count > last_full_compact_gc_count);
+ did_full_compact_gc = TRUE;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("h%d full GC", heap_number));
+ vm_heap->GarbageCollectGeneration(max_generation, gr);
+ enter_spin_lock (&more_space_lock);
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]Emsl after full gc", heap_number));
+ add_saved_spinlock_info (me_acquire, mt_t_full_gc);
+ current_full_compact_gc_count = get_full_compact_gc_count();
+ if (current_full_compact_gc_count == last_full_compact_gc_count)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("attempted to trigger a full compacting GC but didn't get it"));
+ // We requested a full GC but didn't get because of the elevation logic
+ // which means we should fail.
+ *oom_r = oom_unproductive_full_gc;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("h%d: T full compacting GC (%d->%d)",
+ heap_number,
+ last_full_compact_gc_count,
+ current_full_compact_gc_count));
+ assert (current_full_compact_gc_count > last_full_compact_gc_count);
+ did_full_compact_gc = TRUE;
+ }
+ return did_full_compact_gc;
+void gc_heap::add_saved_loh_state (allocation_state loh_state_to_save, EEThreadId thread_id)
+ // When the state is can_allocate we already have released the more
+ // space lock. So we are not logging states here since this code
+ // is not thread safe.
+ if (loh_state_to_save != a_state_can_allocate)
+ {
+ last_loh_states[loh_state_index].alloc_state = loh_state_to_save;
+ last_loh_states[loh_state_index].thread_id = thread_id;
+ loh_state_index++;
+ if (loh_state_index == max_saved_loh_states)
+ {
+ loh_state_index = 0;
+ }
+ assert (loh_state_index < max_saved_loh_states);
+ }
+BOOL gc_heap::allocate_large (int gen_number,
+ size_t size,
+ alloc_context* acontext,
+ int align_const)
+ if (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p() && (current_c_gc_state != c_gc_state_planning))
+ {
+ background_loh_alloc_count++;
+ //if ((background_loh_alloc_count % bgc_alloc_spin_count_loh) == 0)
+ {
+ if (bgc_loh_should_allocate())
+ {
+ if (!bgc_alloc_spin_loh)
+ {
+ Thread* current_thread = GetThread();
+ add_saved_spinlock_info (me_release, mt_alloc_large);
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]spin Lmsl loh", heap_number));
+ leave_spin_lock (&more_space_lock);
+ BOOL cooperative_mode = enable_preemptive (current_thread);
+ GCToOSInterface::YieldThread (bgc_alloc_spin_loh);
+ disable_preemptive (current_thread, cooperative_mode);
+ enter_spin_lock (&more_space_lock);
+ add_saved_spinlock_info (me_acquire, mt_alloc_large);
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]spin Emsl loh", heap_number));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wait_for_background (awr_loh_alloc_during_bgc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gc_reason gr = reason_oos_loh;
+ generation* gen = generation_of (gen_number);
+ oom_reason oom_r = oom_no_failure;
+ size_t current_full_compact_gc_count = 0;
+ // No variable values should be "carried over" from one state to the other.
+ // That's why there are local variable for each state
+ allocation_state loh_alloc_state = a_state_start;
+ EEThreadId current_thread_id;
+ current_thread_id.SetToCurrentThread();
+ // If we can get a new seg it means allocation will succeed.
+ while (1)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("[h%d]loh state is %s", heap_number, allocation_state_str[loh_alloc_state]));
+ add_saved_loh_state (loh_alloc_state, current_thread_id);
+ switch (loh_alloc_state)
+ {
+ case a_state_can_allocate:
+ case a_state_cant_allocate:
+ {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ case a_state_start:
+ {
+ loh_alloc_state = a_state_try_fit;
+ break;
+ }
+ case a_state_try_fit:
+ {
+ BOOL commit_failed_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL can_use_existing_p = FALSE;
+ can_use_existing_p = loh_try_fit (gen_number, size, acontext,
+ align_const, &commit_failed_p, &oom_r);
+ loh_alloc_state = (can_use_existing_p ?
+ a_state_can_allocate :
+ (commit_failed_p ?
+ a_state_trigger_full_compact_gc :
+ a_state_acquire_seg));
+ assert ((loh_alloc_state == a_state_can_allocate) == (acontext->alloc_ptr != 0));
+ break;
+ }
+ case a_state_try_fit_new_seg:
+ {
+ BOOL commit_failed_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL can_use_existing_p = FALSE;
+ can_use_existing_p = loh_try_fit (gen_number, size, acontext,
+ align_const, &commit_failed_p, &oom_r);
+ // Even after we got a new seg it doesn't necessarily mean we can allocate,
+ // another LOH allocating thread could have beat us to acquire the msl so
+ // we need to try again.
+ loh_alloc_state = (can_use_existing_p ? a_state_can_allocate : a_state_try_fit);
+ assert ((loh_alloc_state == a_state_can_allocate) == (acontext->alloc_ptr != 0));
+ break;
+ }
+ case a_state_try_fit_new_seg_after_cg:
+ {
+ BOOL commit_failed_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL can_use_existing_p = FALSE;
+ can_use_existing_p = loh_try_fit (gen_number, size, acontext,
+ align_const, &commit_failed_p, &oom_r);
+ // Even after we got a new seg it doesn't necessarily mean we can allocate,
+ // another LOH allocating thread could have beat us to acquire the msl so
+ // we need to try again. However, if we failed to commit, which means we
+ // did have space on the seg, we bail right away 'cause we already did a
+ // full compacting GC.
+ loh_alloc_state = (can_use_existing_p ?
+ a_state_can_allocate :
+ (commit_failed_p ?
+ a_state_cant_allocate :
+ a_state_acquire_seg_after_cg));
+ assert ((loh_alloc_state == a_state_can_allocate) == (acontext->alloc_ptr != 0));
+ break;
+ }
+ case a_state_try_fit_no_seg:
+ {
+ BOOL commit_failed_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL can_use_existing_p = FALSE;
+ can_use_existing_p = loh_try_fit (gen_number, size, acontext,
+ align_const, &commit_failed_p, &oom_r);
+ loh_alloc_state = (can_use_existing_p ? a_state_can_allocate : a_state_cant_allocate);
+ assert ((loh_alloc_state == a_state_can_allocate) == (acontext->alloc_ptr != 0));
+ assert ((loh_alloc_state != a_state_cant_allocate) || (oom_r != oom_no_failure));
+ break;
+ }
+ case a_state_try_fit_after_cg:
+ {
+ BOOL commit_failed_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL can_use_existing_p = FALSE;
+ can_use_existing_p = loh_try_fit (gen_number, size, acontext,
+ align_const, &commit_failed_p, &oom_r);
+ loh_alloc_state = (can_use_existing_p ?
+ a_state_can_allocate :
+ (commit_failed_p ?
+ a_state_cant_allocate :
+ a_state_acquire_seg_after_cg));
+ assert ((loh_alloc_state == a_state_can_allocate) == (acontext->alloc_ptr != 0));
+ break;
+ }
+ case a_state_try_fit_after_bgc:
+ {
+ BOOL commit_failed_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL can_use_existing_p = FALSE;
+ can_use_existing_p = loh_try_fit (gen_number, size, acontext,
+ align_const, &commit_failed_p, &oom_r);
+ loh_alloc_state = (can_use_existing_p ?
+ a_state_can_allocate :
+ (commit_failed_p ?
+ a_state_trigger_full_compact_gc :
+ a_state_acquire_seg_after_bgc));
+ assert ((loh_alloc_state == a_state_can_allocate) == (acontext->alloc_ptr != 0));
+ break;
+ }
+ case a_state_acquire_seg:
+ {
+ BOOL can_get_new_seg_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL did_full_compacting_gc = FALSE;
+ current_full_compact_gc_count = get_full_compact_gc_count();
+ can_get_new_seg_p = loh_get_new_seg (gen, size, align_const, &did_full_compacting_gc, &oom_r);
+ loh_alloc_state = (can_get_new_seg_p ?
+ a_state_try_fit_new_seg :
+ (did_full_compacting_gc ?
+ a_state_check_retry_seg :
+ a_state_check_and_wait_for_bgc));
+ break;
+ }
+ case a_state_acquire_seg_after_cg:
+ {
+ BOOL can_get_new_seg_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL did_full_compacting_gc = FALSE;
+ current_full_compact_gc_count = get_full_compact_gc_count();
+ can_get_new_seg_p = loh_get_new_seg (gen, size, align_const, &did_full_compacting_gc, &oom_r);
+ // Since we release the msl before we try to allocate a seg, other
+ // threads could have allocated a bunch of segments before us so
+ // we might need to retry.
+ loh_alloc_state = (can_get_new_seg_p ?
+ a_state_try_fit_new_seg_after_cg :
+ a_state_check_retry_seg);
+ break;
+ }
+ case a_state_acquire_seg_after_bgc:
+ {
+ BOOL can_get_new_seg_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL did_full_compacting_gc = FALSE;
+ current_full_compact_gc_count = get_full_compact_gc_count();
+ can_get_new_seg_p = loh_get_new_seg (gen, size, align_const, &did_full_compacting_gc, &oom_r);
+ loh_alloc_state = (can_get_new_seg_p ?
+ a_state_try_fit_new_seg :
+ (did_full_compacting_gc ?
+ a_state_check_retry_seg :
+ a_state_trigger_full_compact_gc));
+ assert ((loh_alloc_state != a_state_cant_allocate) || (oom_r != oom_no_failure));
+ break;
+ }
+ case a_state_check_and_wait_for_bgc:
+ {
+ BOOL bgc_in_progress_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL did_full_compacting_gc = FALSE;
+ if (fgn_maxgen_percent)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("FGN: failed to acquire seg, may need to do a full blocking GC"));
+ send_full_gc_notification (max_generation, FALSE);
+ }
+ bgc_in_progress_p = check_and_wait_for_bgc (awr_loh_oos_bgc, &did_full_compacting_gc);
+ loh_alloc_state = (!bgc_in_progress_p ?
+ a_state_trigger_full_compact_gc :
+ (did_full_compacting_gc ?
+ a_state_try_fit_after_cg :
+ a_state_try_fit_after_bgc));
+ break;
+ }
+ case a_state_trigger_full_compact_gc:
+ {
+ BOOL got_full_compacting_gc = FALSE;
+ got_full_compacting_gc = trigger_full_compact_gc (gr, &oom_r);
+ loh_alloc_state = (got_full_compacting_gc ? a_state_try_fit_after_cg : a_state_cant_allocate);
+ assert ((loh_alloc_state != a_state_cant_allocate) || (oom_r != oom_no_failure));
+ break;
+ }
+ case a_state_check_retry_seg:
+ {
+ BOOL should_retry_gc = retry_full_compact_gc (size);
+ BOOL should_retry_get_seg = FALSE;
+ if (!should_retry_gc)
+ {
+ size_t last_full_compact_gc_count = current_full_compact_gc_count;
+ current_full_compact_gc_count = get_full_compact_gc_count();
+ if (current_full_compact_gc_count > (last_full_compact_gc_count + 1))
+ {
+ should_retry_get_seg = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ loh_alloc_state = (should_retry_gc ?
+ a_state_trigger_full_compact_gc :
+ (should_retry_get_seg ?
+ a_state_acquire_seg_after_cg :
+ a_state_cant_allocate));
+ assert ((loh_alloc_state != a_state_cant_allocate) || (oom_r != oom_no_failure));
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ assert (!"Invalid state!");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (loh_alloc_state == a_state_cant_allocate)
+ {
+ assert (oom_r != oom_no_failure);
+ handle_oom (heap_number,
+ oom_r,
+ size,
+ 0,
+ 0);
+ add_saved_spinlock_info (me_release, mt_alloc_large_cant);
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]Lmsl for loh oom", heap_number));
+ leave_spin_lock (&more_space_lock);
+ }
+ return (loh_alloc_state == a_state_can_allocate);
+int gc_heap::try_allocate_more_space (alloc_context* acontext, size_t size,
+ int gen_number)
+ if (gc_heap::gc_started)
+ {
+ wait_for_gc_done();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ unsigned int msl_acquire_start = GetCycleCount32();
+ enter_spin_lock (&more_space_lock);
+ add_saved_spinlock_info (me_acquire, mt_try_alloc);
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]Emsl for alloc", heap_number));
+ unsigned int msl_acquire = GetCycleCount32() - msl_acquire_start;
+ total_msl_acquire += msl_acquire;
+ num_msl_acquired++;
+ if (msl_acquire > 200)
+ {
+ num_high_msl_acquire++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ num_low_msl_acquire++;
+ }
+ /*
+ // We are commenting this out 'cause we don't see the point - we already
+ // have checked gc_started when we were acquiring the msl - no need to check
+ // again. This complicates the logic in bgc_suspend_EE 'cause that one would
+ // need to release msl which causes all sorts of trouble.
+ if (gc_heap::gc_started)
+ {
+ good_suspension++;
+ BOOL fStress = (g_pConfig->GetGCStressLevel() & EEConfig::GCSTRESS_TRANSITION) != 0;
+ if (!fStress)
+ {
+ //Rendez vous early (MP scaling issue)
+ //dprintf (1, ("[%d]waiting for gc", heap_number));
+ wait_for_gc_done();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ dprintf (3, ("requested to allocate %d bytes on gen%d", size, gen_number));
+ int align_const = get_alignment_constant (gen_number != (max_generation+1));
+ if (fgn_maxgen_percent)
+ {
+ check_for_full_gc (gen_number, size);
+ }
+ if (!(new_allocation_allowed (gen_number)))
+ {
+ if (fgn_maxgen_percent && (gen_number == 0))
+ {
+ // We only check gen0 every so often, so take this opportunity to check again.
+ check_for_full_gc (gen_number, size);
+ }
+ wait_for_bgc_high_memory (awr_gen0_alloc);
+ bad_suspension++;
+ dprintf (/*100*/ 2, ("running out of budget on gen%d, gc", gen_number));
+ if (!settings.concurrent || (gen_number == 0))
+ {
+ vm_heap->GarbageCollectGeneration (0, ((gen_number == 0) ? reason_alloc_soh : reason_alloc_loh));
+ enter_spin_lock (&more_space_lock);
+ add_saved_spinlock_info (me_acquire, mt_try_budget);
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("[%d]Emsl out budget", heap_number));
+ }
+ }
+ BOOL can_allocate = ((gen_number == 0) ?
+ allocate_small (gen_number, size, acontext, align_const) :
+ allocate_large (gen_number, size, acontext, align_const));
+ if (can_allocate)
+ {
+ //ETW trace for allocation tick
+ size_t alloc_context_bytes = acontext->alloc_limit + Align (min_obj_size, align_const) - acontext->alloc_ptr;
+ int etw_allocation_index = ((gen_number == 0) ? 0 : 1);
+ etw_allocation_running_amount[etw_allocation_index] += alloc_context_bytes;
+ if (etw_allocation_running_amount[etw_allocation_index] > etw_allocation_tick)
+ {
+ FireEtwGCAllocationTick_V1((uint32_t)etw_allocation_running_amount[etw_allocation_index],
+ ((gen_number == 0) ? ETW::GCLog::ETW_GC_INFO::AllocationSmall : ETW::GCLog::ETW_GC_INFO::AllocationLarge),
+ GetClrInstanceId());
+ // Unfortunately some of the ETW macros do not check whether the ETW feature is enabled.
+ // The ones that do are much less efficient.
+ if (EventEnabledGCAllocationTick_V2())
+ {
+ fire_etw_allocation_event (etw_allocation_running_amount[etw_allocation_index], gen_number, acontext->alloc_ptr);
+ }
+ etw_allocation_running_amount[etw_allocation_index] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return (int)can_allocate;
+void gc_heap::balance_heaps (alloc_context* acontext)
+ if (acontext->alloc_count < 4)
+ {
+ if (acontext->alloc_count == 0)
+ {
+ acontext->home_heap = GCHeap::GetHeap( heap_select::select_heap(acontext, 0) );
+ gc_heap* hp = acontext->home_heap->pGenGCHeap;
+ dprintf (3, ("First allocation for context %Ix on heap %d\n", (size_t)acontext, (size_t)hp->heap_number));
+ acontext->alloc_heap = acontext->home_heap;
+ hp->alloc_context_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BOOL set_home_heap = FALSE;
+ int hint = 0;
+ if (heap_select::can_find_heap_fast())
+ {
+ if (acontext->home_heap != NULL)
+ hint = acontext->home_heap->pGenGCHeap->heap_number;
+ if (acontext->home_heap != GCHeap::GetHeap(hint = heap_select::select_heap(acontext, hint)) || ((acontext->alloc_count & 15) == 0))
+ {
+ set_home_heap = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // can't use gdt
+ if ((acontext->alloc_count & 3) == 0)
+ set_home_heap = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (set_home_heap)
+ {
+ // Since we are balancing up to MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS, no need for this.
+ if (n_heaps > MAX_SUPPORTED_CPUS)
+ {
+ // on machines with many processors cache affinity is really king, so don't even try
+ // to balance on these.
+ acontext->home_heap = GCHeap::GetHeap( heap_select::select_heap(acontext, hint) );
+ acontext->alloc_heap = acontext->home_heap;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gc_heap* org_hp = acontext->alloc_heap->pGenGCHeap;
+ dynamic_data* dd = org_hp->dynamic_data_of (0);
+ ptrdiff_t org_size = dd_new_allocation (dd);
+ int org_alloc_context_count;
+ int max_alloc_context_count;
+ gc_heap* max_hp;
+ ptrdiff_t max_size;
+ size_t delta = dd_min_size (dd)/4;
+ int start, end, finish;
+ heap_select::get_heap_range_for_heap(org_hp->heap_number, &start, &end);
+ finish = start + n_heaps;
+ do
+ {
+ max_hp = org_hp;
+ max_size = org_size + delta;
+ acontext->home_heap = GCHeap::GetHeap( heap_select::select_heap(acontext, hint) );
+ if (org_hp == acontext->home_heap->pGenGCHeap)
+ max_size = max_size + delta;
+ org_alloc_context_count = org_hp->alloc_context_count;
+ max_alloc_context_count = org_alloc_context_count;
+ if (max_alloc_context_count > 1)
+ max_size /= max_alloc_context_count;
+ for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = GCHeap::GetHeap(i%n_heaps)->pGenGCHeap;
+ dd = hp->dynamic_data_of (0);
+ ptrdiff_t size = dd_new_allocation (dd);
+ if (hp == acontext->home_heap->pGenGCHeap)
+ size = size + delta;
+ int hp_alloc_context_count = hp->alloc_context_count;
+ if (hp_alloc_context_count > 0)
+ size /= (hp_alloc_context_count + 1);
+ if (size > max_size)
+ {
+ max_hp = hp;
+ max_size = size;
+ max_alloc_context_count = hp_alloc_context_count;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while (org_alloc_context_count != org_hp->alloc_context_count ||
+ max_alloc_context_count != max_hp->alloc_context_count);
+ if ((max_hp == org_hp) && (end < finish))
+ {
+ start = end; end = finish;
+ delta = dd_min_size(dd)/2; // Make it twice as hard to balance to remote nodes on NUMA.
+ goto try_again;
+ }
+ if (max_hp != org_hp)
+ {
+ org_hp->alloc_context_count--;
+ max_hp->alloc_context_count++;
+ acontext->alloc_heap = GCHeap::GetHeap(max_hp->heap_number);
+#if !defined(FEATURE_PAL)
+ if (CPUGroupInfo::CanEnableGCCPUGroups())
+ { //only set ideal processor when max_hp and org_hp are in the same cpu
+ uint8_t org_gn = heap_select::find_cpu_group_from_heap_no(org_hp->heap_number);
+ uint8_t max_gn = heap_select::find_cpu_group_from_heap_no(max_hp->heap_number);
+ if (org_gn == max_gn) //only set within CPU group, so SetThreadIdealProcessor is enough
+ {
+ uint8_t group_proc_no = heap_select::find_group_proc_from_heap_no(max_hp->heap_number);
+ GCThreadAffinity affinity;
+ affinity.Processor = group_proc_no;
+ affinity.Group = org_gn;
+ if (!GCToOSInterface::SetCurrentThreadIdealAffinity(&affinity))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Failed to set the ideal processor and group for heap %d.",
+ org_hp->heap_number));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint8_t proc_no = heap_select::find_proc_no_from_heap_no(max_hp->heap_number);
+ GCThreadAffinity affinity;
+ affinity.Processor = proc_no;
+ affinity.Group = GCThreadAffinity::None;
+ if (!GCToOSInterface::SetCurrentThreadIdealAffinity(&affinity))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Failed to set the ideal processor for heap %d.",
+ org_hp->heap_number));
+ }
+ }
+#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
+ dprintf (3, ("Switching context %p (home heap %d) ",
+ acontext,
+ acontext->home_heap->pGenGCHeap->heap_number));
+ dprintf (3, (" from heap %d (%Id free bytes, %d contexts) ",
+ org_hp->heap_number,
+ org_size,
+ org_alloc_context_count));
+ dprintf (3, (" to heap %d (%Id free bytes, %d contexts)\n",
+ max_hp->heap_number,
+ dd_new_allocation(max_hp->dynamic_data_of(0)),
+ max_alloc_context_count));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ acontext->alloc_count++;
+gc_heap* gc_heap::balance_heaps_loh (alloc_context* acontext, size_t /*size*/)
+ gc_heap* org_hp = acontext->alloc_heap->pGenGCHeap;
+ //dprintf (1, ("LA: %Id", size));
+ //if (size > 128*1024)
+ if (1)
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd = org_hp->dynamic_data_of (max_generation + 1);
+ ptrdiff_t org_size = dd_new_allocation (dd);
+ gc_heap* max_hp;
+ ptrdiff_t max_size;
+ size_t delta = dd_min_size (dd) * 4;
+ int start, end, finish;
+ heap_select::get_heap_range_for_heap(org_hp->heap_number, &start, &end);
+ finish = start + n_heaps;
+ {
+ max_hp = org_hp;
+ max_size = org_size + delta;
+ dprintf (3, ("orig hp: %d, max size: %d",
+ org_hp->heap_number,
+ max_size));
+ for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = GCHeap::GetHeap(i%n_heaps)->pGenGCHeap;
+ dd = hp->dynamic_data_of (max_generation + 1);
+ ptrdiff_t size = dd_new_allocation (dd);
+ dprintf (3, ("hp: %d, size: %d",
+ hp->heap_number,
+ size));
+ if (size > max_size)
+ {
+ max_hp = hp;
+ max_size = size;
+ dprintf (3, ("max hp: %d, max size: %d",
+ max_hp->heap_number,
+ max_size));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((max_hp == org_hp) && (end < finish))
+ {
+ start = end; end = finish;
+ delta = dd_min_size(dd) * 4; // Need to tuning delta
+ goto try_again;
+ }
+ if (max_hp != org_hp)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("loh: %d(%Id)->%d(%Id)",
+ org_hp->heap_number, dd_new_allocation (org_hp->dynamic_data_of (max_generation + 1)),
+ max_hp->heap_number, dd_new_allocation (max_hp->dynamic_data_of (max_generation + 1))));
+ }
+ return max_hp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return org_hp;
+ }
+BOOL gc_heap::allocate_more_space(alloc_context* acontext, size_t size,
+ int alloc_generation_number)
+ int status;
+ do
+ {
+ if (alloc_generation_number == 0)
+ {
+ balance_heaps (acontext);
+ status = acontext->alloc_heap->pGenGCHeap->try_allocate_more_space (acontext, size, alloc_generation_number);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gc_heap* alloc_heap = balance_heaps_loh (acontext, size);
+ status = alloc_heap->try_allocate_more_space (acontext, size, alloc_generation_number);
+ }
+ status = try_allocate_more_space (acontext, size, alloc_generation_number);
+ }
+ while (status == -1);
+ return (status != 0);
+CObjectHeader* gc_heap::allocate (size_t jsize, alloc_context* acontext)
+ size_t size = Align (jsize);
+ assert (size >= Align (min_obj_size));
+ {
+ retry:
+ uint8_t* result = acontext->alloc_ptr;
+ acontext->alloc_ptr+=size;
+ if (acontext->alloc_ptr <= acontext->alloc_limit)
+ {
+ CObjectHeader* obj = (CObjectHeader*)result;
+ assert (obj != 0);
+ return obj;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ acontext->alloc_ptr -= size;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma inline_depth(0)
+#endif //_MSC_VER
+ if (! allocate_more_space (acontext, size, 0))
+ return 0;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma inline_depth(20)
+#endif //_MSC_VER
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ }
+CObjectHeader* gc_heap::try_fast_alloc (size_t jsize)
+ size_t size = Align (jsize);
+ assert (size >= Align (min_obj_size));
+ generation* gen = generation_of (0);
+ uint8_t* result = generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen) += size;
+ if (generation_allocation_pointer (gen) <=
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen))
+ {
+ return (CObjectHeader*)result;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen) -= size;
+ return 0;
+ }
+void gc_heap::leave_allocation_segment (generation* gen)
+ adjust_limit (0, 0, gen, max_generation);
+void gc_heap::init_free_and_plug()
+ for (int i = 0; i <= settings.condemned_generation; i++)
+ {
+ generation* gen = generation_of (i);
+ memset (gen->gen_free_spaces, 0, sizeof (gen->gen_free_spaces));
+ memset (gen->gen_plugs, 0, sizeof (gen->gen_plugs));
+ memset (gen->gen_current_pinned_free_spaces, 0, sizeof (gen->gen_current_pinned_free_spaces));
+ }
+ if (settings.condemned_generation != max_generation)
+ {
+ for (int i = (settings.condemned_generation + 1); i <= max_generation; i++)
+ {
+ generation* gen = generation_of (i);
+ memset (gen->gen_plugs, 0, sizeof (gen->gen_plugs));
+ }
+ }
+void gc_heap::print_free_and_plug (const char* msg)
+#if defined(FREE_USAGE_STATS) && defined(SIMPLE_DPRINTF)
+ int older_gen = ((settings.condemned_generation == max_generation) ? max_generation : (settings.condemned_generation + 1));
+ for (int i = 0; i <= older_gen; i++)
+ {
+ generation* gen = generation_of (i);
+ for (int j = 0; j < NUM_GEN_POWER2; j++)
+ {
+ if ((gen->gen_free_spaces[j] != 0) || (gen->gen_plugs[j] != 0))
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("[%s][h%d][%s#%d]gen%d: 2^%d: F: %Id, P: %Id",
+ msg,
+ heap_number,
+ (settings.concurrent ? "BGC" : "GC"),
+ settings.gc_index,
+ i,
+ (j + 9), gen->gen_free_spaces[j], gen->gen_plugs[j]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void gc_heap::add_gen_plug (int gen_number, size_t plug_size)
+ dprintf (3, ("adding plug size %Id to gen%d", plug_size, gen_number));
+ generation* gen = generation_of (gen_number);
+ size_t sz = BASE_GEN_SIZE;
+ int i = 0;
+ for (; i < NUM_GEN_POWER2; i++)
+ {
+ if (plug_size < sz)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ sz = sz * 2;
+ }
+ (gen->gen_plugs[i])++;
+void gc_heap::add_item_to_current_pinned_free (int gen_number, size_t free_size)
+ generation* gen = generation_of (gen_number);
+ size_t sz = BASE_GEN_SIZE;
+ int i = 0;
+ for (; i < NUM_GEN_POWER2; i++)
+ {
+ if (free_size < sz)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ sz = sz * 2;
+ }
+ (gen->gen_current_pinned_free_spaces[i])++;
+ generation_pinned_free_obj_space (gen) += free_size;
+ dprintf (3, ("left pin free %Id(2^%d) to gen%d, total %Id bytes (%Id)",
+ free_size, (i + 10), gen_number,
+ generation_pinned_free_obj_space (gen),
+ gen->gen_current_pinned_free_spaces[i]));
+void gc_heap::add_gen_free (int gen_number, size_t free_size)
+ dprintf (3, ("adding free size %Id to gen%d", free_size, gen_number));
+ generation* gen = generation_of (gen_number);
+ size_t sz = BASE_GEN_SIZE;
+ int i = 0;
+ for (; i < NUM_GEN_POWER2; i++)
+ {
+ if (free_size < sz)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ sz = sz * 2;
+ }
+ (gen->gen_free_spaces[i])++;
+void gc_heap::remove_gen_free (int gen_number, size_t free_size)
+ dprintf (3, ("removing free %Id from gen%d", free_size, gen_number));
+ generation* gen = generation_of (gen_number);
+ size_t sz = BASE_GEN_SIZE;
+ int i = 0;
+ for (; i < NUM_GEN_POWER2; i++)
+ {
+ if (free_size < sz)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ sz = sz * 2;
+ }
+ (gen->gen_free_spaces[i])--;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::allocate_in_older_generation (generation* gen, size_t size,
+ int from_gen_number,
+ uint8_t* old_loc REQD_ALIGN_AND_OFFSET_DCL)
+ size = Align (size);
+ assert (size >= Align (min_obj_size));
+ assert (from_gen_number < max_generation);
+ assert (from_gen_number >= 0);
+ assert (generation_of (from_gen_number + 1) == gen);
+ allocator* gen_allocator = generation_allocator (gen);
+ BOOL discard_p = gen_allocator->discard_if_no_fit_p ();
+ int pad_in_front = (old_loc != 0)? USE_PADDING_FRONT : 0;
+ size_t real_size = size + Align (min_obj_size);
+ if (pad_in_front)
+ real_size += Align (min_obj_size);
+ if (! (size_fit_p (size REQD_ALIGN_AND_OFFSET_ARG, generation_allocation_pointer (gen),
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen), old_loc, USE_PADDING_TAIL | pad_in_front)))
+ {
+ size_t sz_list = gen_allocator->first_bucket_size();
+ for (unsigned int a_l_idx = 0; a_l_idx < gen_allocator->number_of_buckets(); a_l_idx++)
+ {
+ if ((real_size < (sz_list / 2)) || (a_l_idx == (gen_allocator->number_of_buckets()-1)))
+ {
+ uint8_t* free_list = gen_allocator->alloc_list_head_of (a_l_idx);
+ uint8_t* prev_free_item = 0;
+ while (free_list != 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("considering free list %Ix", (size_t)free_list));
+ size_t free_list_size = unused_array_size (free_list);
+ if (size_fit_p (size REQD_ALIGN_AND_OFFSET_ARG, free_list, (free_list + free_list_size),
+ old_loc, USE_PADDING_TAIL | pad_in_front))
+ {
+ dprintf (4, ("F:%Ix-%Id",
+ (size_t)free_list, free_list_size));
+ gen_allocator->unlink_item (a_l_idx, free_list, prev_free_item, !discard_p);
+ generation_free_list_space (gen) -= free_list_size;
+ remove_gen_free (gen->gen_num, free_list_size);
+ adjust_limit (free_list, free_list_size, gen, from_gen_number+1);
+ goto finished;
+ }
+ // We do first fit on bucket 0 because we are not guaranteed to find a fit there.
+ else if (discard_p || (a_l_idx == 0))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("couldn't use this free area, discarding"));
+ generation_free_obj_space (gen) += free_list_size;
+ gen_allocator->unlink_item (a_l_idx, free_list, prev_free_item, FALSE);
+ generation_free_list_space (gen) -= free_list_size;
+ remove_gen_free (gen->gen_num, free_list_size);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ prev_free_item = free_list;
+ }
+ free_list = free_list_slot (free_list);
+ }
+ }
+ sz_list = sz_list * 2;
+ }
+ //go back to the beginning of the segment list
+ generation_allocate_end_seg_p (gen) = TRUE;
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ if (seg != generation_allocation_segment (gen))
+ {
+ leave_allocation_segment (gen);
+ generation_allocation_segment (gen) = seg;
+ }
+ while (seg != ephemeral_heap_segment)
+ {
+ if (size_fit_p(size REQD_ALIGN_AND_OFFSET_ARG, heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg),
+ heap_segment_committed (seg), old_loc, USE_PADDING_TAIL | pad_in_front))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("using what's left in committed"));
+ adjust_limit (heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg),
+ heap_segment_committed (seg) -
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg),
+ gen, from_gen_number+1);
+ // dformat (t, 3, "Expanding segment allocation");
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) =
+ heap_segment_committed (seg);
+ goto finished;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (size_fit_p (size REQD_ALIGN_AND_OFFSET_ARG, heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg),
+ heap_segment_reserved (seg), old_loc, USE_PADDING_TAIL | pad_in_front) &&
+ grow_heap_segment (seg, heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg), old_loc, size, pad_in_front REQD_ALIGN_AND_OFFSET_ARG))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("using what's left in reserved"));
+ adjust_limit (heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg),
+ heap_segment_committed (seg) -
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg),
+ gen, from_gen_number+1);
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) =
+ heap_segment_committed (seg);
+ goto finished;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ leave_allocation_segment (gen);
+ heap_segment* next_seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ if (next_seg)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("getting next segment"));
+ generation_allocation_segment (gen) = next_seg;
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen) = heap_segment_mem (next_seg);
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) = generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size = 0;
+ goto finished;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ seg = generation_allocation_segment (gen);
+ }
+ //No need to fix the last region. Will be done later
+ size = 0;
+ goto finished;
+ }
+ finished:
+ if (0 == size)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint8_t* result = generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ size_t pad = 0;
+ if ((pad_in_front & USE_PADDING_FRONT) &&
+ (((generation_allocation_pointer (gen) - generation_allocation_context_start_region (gen))==0) ||
+ ((generation_allocation_pointer (gen) - generation_allocation_context_start_region (gen))>=DESIRED_PLUG_LENGTH)))
+ {
+ pad = Align (min_obj_size);
+ set_plug_padded (old_loc);
+ }
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ _ASSERTE(!old_loc || alignmentOffset != 0);
+ _ASSERTE(old_loc || requiredAlignment == DATA_ALIGNMENT);
+ if (old_loc != 0)
+ {
+ size_t pad1 = ComputeStructAlignPad(result+pad, requiredAlignment, alignmentOffset);
+ set_node_aligninfo (old_loc, requiredAlignment, pad1);
+ pad += pad1;
+ }
+ if (!((old_loc == 0) || same_large_alignment_p (old_loc, result+pad)))
+ {
+ pad += switch_alignment_size (is_plug_padded (old_loc));
+ set_node_realigned (old_loc);
+ dprintf (3, ("Allocation realignment old_loc: %Ix, new_loc:%Ix",
+ (size_t)old_loc, (size_t)(result+pad)));
+ assert (same_large_alignment_p (result + pad, old_loc));
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("Allocate %Id bytes", size));
+ if ((old_loc == 0) || (pad != 0))
+ {
+ //allocating a non plug or a gap, so reset the start region
+ generation_allocation_context_start_region (gen) = generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ }
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen) += size + pad;
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (gen) <= generation_allocation_limit (gen));
+ if (generation_allocate_end_seg_p (gen))
+ {
+ generation_end_seg_allocated (gen) += size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ generation_free_list_allocated (gen) += size;
+ }
+ generation_allocation_size (gen) += size;
+ dprintf (3, ("aio: ptr: %Ix, limit: %Ix, sr: %Ix",
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen), generation_allocation_limit (gen),
+ generation_allocation_context_start_region (gen)));
+ return result + pad;;
+ }
+void gc_heap::repair_allocation_in_expanded_heap (generation* consing_gen)
+ //make sure that every generation has a planned allocation start
+ int gen_number = max_generation - 1;
+ while (gen_number>= 0)
+ {
+ generation* gen = generation_of (gen_number);
+ if (0 == generation_plan_allocation_start (gen))
+ {
+ realloc_plan_generation_start (gen, consing_gen);
+ assert (generation_plan_allocation_start (gen));
+ }
+ gen_number--;
+ }
+ // now we know the planned allocation size
+ size_t size = (generation_allocation_limit (consing_gen) - generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen));
+ heap_segment* seg = generation_allocation_segment (consing_gen);
+ if (generation_allocation_limit (consing_gen) == heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ if (size != 0)
+ {
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) = generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (settings.condemned_generation == max_generation);
+ uint8_t* first_address = generation_allocation_limit (consing_gen);
+ //look through the pinned plugs for relevant ones.
+ //Look for the right pinned plug to start from.
+ size_t mi = 0;
+ mark* m = 0;
+ while (mi != mark_stack_tos)
+ {
+ m = pinned_plug_of (mi);
+ if ((pinned_plug (m) == first_address))
+ break;
+ else
+ mi++;
+ }
+ assert (mi != mark_stack_tos);
+ pinned_len (m) = size;
+ }
+//tododefrag optimize for new segment (plan_allocated == mem)
+uint8_t* gc_heap::allocate_in_expanded_heap (generation* gen,
+ size_t size,
+ BOOL& adjacentp,
+ uint8_t* old_loc,
+ BOOL set_padding_on_saved_p,
+ mark* pinned_plug_entry,
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ BOOL consider_bestfit,
+ int active_new_gen_number
+ UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(active_new_gen_number);
+ dprintf (3, ("aie: P: %Ix, size: %Ix", old_loc, size));
+ size = Align (size);
+ assert (size >= Align (min_obj_size));
+ int pad_in_front = (old_loc != 0) ? USE_PADDING_FRONT : 0;
+ if (consider_bestfit && use_bestfit)
+ {
+ assert (bestfit_seg);
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("reallocating 0x%Ix in expanded heap, size: %Id",
+ old_loc, size));
+ return bestfit_seg->fit (old_loc,
+ set_padding_on_saved_p,
+ pinned_plug_entry,
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ }
+ heap_segment* seg = generation_allocation_segment (gen);
+ if (! (size_fit_p (size REQD_ALIGN_AND_OFFSET_ARG, generation_allocation_pointer (gen),
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen), old_loc,
+ ((generation_allocation_limit (gen) !=
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg))? USE_PADDING_TAIL : 0) | pad_in_front)))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("aie: can't fit: ptr: %Ix, limit: %Ix", generation_allocation_pointer (gen),
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen)));
+ adjacentp = FALSE;
+ uint8_t* first_address = (generation_allocation_limit (gen) ?
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) :
+ heap_segment_mem (seg));
+ assert (in_range_for_segment (first_address, seg));
+ uint8_t* end_address = heap_segment_reserved (seg);
+ dprintf (3, ("aie: first_addr: %Ix, gen alloc limit: %Ix, end_address: %Ix",
+ first_address, generation_allocation_limit (gen), end_address));
+ size_t mi = 0;
+ mark* m = 0;
+ if (heap_segment_allocated (seg) != heap_segment_mem (seg))
+ {
+ assert (settings.condemned_generation == max_generation);
+ //look through the pinned plugs for relevant ones.
+ //Look for the right pinned plug to start from.
+ while (mi != mark_stack_tos)
+ {
+ m = pinned_plug_of (mi);
+ if ((pinned_plug (m) >= first_address) && (pinned_plug (m) < end_address))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("aie: found pin: %Ix", pinned_plug (m)));
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ mi++;
+ }
+ if (mi != mark_stack_tos)
+ {
+ //fix old free list.
+ size_t hsize = (generation_allocation_limit (gen) - generation_allocation_pointer (gen));
+ {
+ dprintf(3,("gc filling up hole"));
+ ptrdiff_t mi1 = (ptrdiff_t)mi;
+ while ((mi1 >= 0) &&
+ (pinned_plug (pinned_plug_of(mi1)) != generation_allocation_limit (gen)))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("aie: checking pin %Ix", pinned_plug (pinned_plug_of(mi1))));
+ mi1--;
+ }
+ if (mi1 >= 0)
+ {
+ size_t saved_pinned_len = pinned_len (pinned_plug_of(mi1));
+ pinned_len (pinned_plug_of(mi1)) = hsize;
+ dprintf (3, ("changing %Ix len %Ix->%Ix",
+ pinned_plug (pinned_plug_of(mi1)),
+ saved_pinned_len, pinned_len (pinned_plug_of(mi1))));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (generation_allocation_limit (gen) ==
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen));
+ mi = mark_stack_tos;
+ }
+ while ((mi != mark_stack_tos) && in_range_for_segment (pinned_plug (m), seg))
+ {
+ size_t len = pinned_len (m);
+ uint8_t* free_list = (pinned_plug (m) - len);
+ dprintf (3, ("aie: testing free item: %Ix->%Ix(%Ix)",
+ free_list, (free_list + len), len));
+ if (size_fit_p (size REQD_ALIGN_AND_OFFSET_ARG, free_list, (free_list + len), old_loc, USE_PADDING_TAIL | pad_in_front))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("aie: Found adequate unused area: %Ix, size: %Id",
+ (size_t)free_list, len));
+ {
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen) = free_list;
+ generation_allocation_context_start_region (gen) = generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) = (free_list + len);
+ }
+ goto allocate_in_free;
+ }
+ mi++;
+ m = pinned_plug_of (mi);
+ }
+ //switch to the end of the segment.
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen) = heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg);
+ generation_allocation_context_start_region (gen) = generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) = heap_segment_committed (seg);
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) = heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg);
+ dprintf (3, ("aie: switching to end of seg: %Ix->%Ix(%Ix)",
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen), generation_allocation_limit (gen),
+ (generation_allocation_limit (gen) - generation_allocation_pointer (gen))));
+ if (!size_fit_p (size REQD_ALIGN_AND_OFFSET_ARG, generation_allocation_pointer (gen),
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen), old_loc, USE_PADDING_TAIL | pad_in_front))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("aie: ptr: %Ix, limit: %Ix, can't alloc", generation_allocation_pointer (gen),
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen)));
+ assert (!"Can't allocate if no free space");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ adjacentp = TRUE;
+ }
+ {
+ uint8_t* result = generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ size_t pad = 0;
+ if ((pad_in_front & USE_PADDING_FRONT) &&
+ (((generation_allocation_pointer (gen) - generation_allocation_context_start_region (gen))==0) ||
+ ((generation_allocation_pointer (gen) - generation_allocation_context_start_region (gen))>=DESIRED_PLUG_LENGTH)))
+ {
+ pad = Align (min_obj_size);
+ set_padding_in_expand (old_loc, set_padding_on_saved_p, pinned_plug_entry);
+ }
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ _ASSERTE(!old_loc || alignmentOffset != 0);
+ _ASSERTE(old_loc || requiredAlignment == DATA_ALIGNMENT);
+ if (old_loc != 0)
+ {
+ size_t pad1 = ComputeStructAlignPad(result+pad, requiredAlignment, alignmentOffset);
+ set_node_aligninfo (old_loc, requiredAlignment, pad1);
+ pad += pad1;
+ adjacentp = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!((old_loc == 0) || same_large_alignment_p (old_loc, result+pad)))
+ {
+ pad += switch_alignment_size (is_plug_padded (old_loc));
+ set_node_realigned (old_loc);
+ dprintf (3, ("Allocation realignment old_loc: %Ix, new_loc:%Ix",
+ (size_t)old_loc, (size_t)(result+pad)));
+ assert (same_large_alignment_p (result + pad, old_loc));
+ adjacentp = FALSE;
+ }
+ if ((old_loc == 0) || (pad != 0))
+ {
+ //allocating a non plug or a gap, so reset the start region
+ generation_allocation_context_start_region (gen) = generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ }
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen) += size + pad;
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (gen) <= generation_allocation_limit (gen));
+ dprintf (3, ("Allocated in expanded heap %Ix:%Id", (size_t)(result+pad), size));
+ dprintf (3, ("aie: ptr: %Ix, limit: %Ix, sr: %Ix",
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen), generation_allocation_limit (gen),
+ generation_allocation_context_start_region (gen)));
+ return result + pad;
+ }
+generation* gc_heap::ensure_ephemeral_heap_segment (generation* consing_gen)
+ heap_segment* seg = generation_allocation_segment (consing_gen);
+ if (seg != ephemeral_heap_segment)
+ {
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen)>= heap_segment_mem (seg));
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen)<= heap_segment_committed (seg));
+ //fix the allocated size of the segment.
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) = generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen);
+ generation* new_consing_gen = generation_of (max_generation - 1);
+ generation_allocation_pointer (new_consing_gen) =
+ heap_segment_mem (ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ generation_allocation_limit (new_consing_gen) =
+ generation_allocation_pointer (new_consing_gen);
+ generation_allocation_context_start_region (new_consing_gen) =
+ generation_allocation_pointer (new_consing_gen);
+ generation_allocation_segment (new_consing_gen) = ephemeral_heap_segment;
+ return new_consing_gen;
+ }
+ else
+ return consing_gen;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::allocate_in_condemned_generations (generation* gen,
+ size_t size,
+ int from_gen_number,
+ BOOL* convert_to_pinned_p,
+ uint8_t* next_pinned_plug,
+ heap_segment* current_seg,
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ uint8_t* old_loc
+ // Make sure that the youngest generation gap hasn't been allocated
+ if (settings.promotion)
+ {
+ assert (generation_plan_allocation_start (youngest_generation) == 0);
+ }
+ size = Align (size);
+ assert (size >= Align (min_obj_size));
+ int to_gen_number = from_gen_number;
+ if (from_gen_number != (int)max_generation)
+ {
+ to_gen_number = from_gen_number + (settings.promotion ? 1 : 0);
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("aic gen%d: s: %Id", gen->gen_num, size));
+ int pad_in_front = (old_loc != 0) ? USE_PADDING_FRONT : 0;
+ if ((from_gen_number != -1) && (from_gen_number != (int)max_generation) && settings.promotion)
+ {
+ generation_condemned_allocated (generation_of (from_gen_number + (settings.promotion ? 1 : 0))) += size;
+ generation_allocation_size (generation_of (from_gen_number + (settings.promotion ? 1 : 0))) += size;
+ }
+ {
+ heap_segment* seg = generation_allocation_segment (gen);
+ if (! (size_fit_p (size REQD_ALIGN_AND_OFFSET_ARG, generation_allocation_pointer (gen),
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen), old_loc,
+ ((generation_allocation_limit (gen) != heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg))?USE_PADDING_TAIL:0)|pad_in_front)))
+ {
+ if ((! (pinned_plug_que_empty_p()) &&
+ (generation_allocation_limit (gen) ==
+ pinned_plug (oldest_pin()))))
+ {
+ size_t entry = deque_pinned_plug();
+ mark* pinned_plug_entry = pinned_plug_of (entry);
+ size_t len = pinned_len (pinned_plug_entry);
+ uint8_t* plug = pinned_plug (pinned_plug_entry);
+ set_new_pin_info (pinned_plug_entry, generation_allocation_pointer (gen));
+ generation_allocated_in_pinned_free (gen) += generation_allocated_since_last_pin (gen);
+ dprintf (3, ("allocated %Id so far within pin %Ix, total->%Id",
+ generation_allocated_since_last_pin (gen),
+ plug,
+ generation_allocated_in_pinned_free (gen)));
+ generation_allocated_since_last_pin (gen) = 0;
+ add_item_to_current_pinned_free (gen->gen_num, pinned_len (pinned_plug_of (entry)));
+ dprintf (3, ("mark stack bos: %Id, tos: %Id, aic: p %Ix len: %Ix->%Ix",
+ mark_stack_bos, mark_stack_tos, plug, len, pinned_len (pinned_plug_of (entry))));
+ assert(mark_stack_array[entry].len == 0 ||
+ mark_stack_array[entry].len >= Align(min_obj_size));
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen) = plug + len;
+ generation_allocation_context_start_region (gen) = generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) = heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg);
+ set_allocator_next_pin (gen);
+ //Add the size of the pinned plug to the right pinned allocations
+ //find out which gen this pinned plug came from
+ int frgn = object_gennum (plug);
+ if ((frgn != (int)max_generation) && settings.promotion)
+ {
+ generation_pinned_allocation_sweep_size ((generation_of (frgn +1))) += len;
+ int togn = object_gennum_plan (plug);
+ if (frgn < togn)
+ {
+ generation_pinned_allocation_compact_size (generation_of (togn)) += len;
+ }
+ }
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ if (generation_allocation_limit (gen) != heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) = heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg);
+ dprintf (3, ("changed limit to plan alloc: %Ix", generation_allocation_limit (gen)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) != heap_segment_committed (seg))
+ {
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) = heap_segment_committed (seg);
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) = heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg);
+ dprintf (3, ("changed limit to commit: %Ix", generation_allocation_limit (gen)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (gen != youngest_generation);
+ if (size_fit_p (size REQD_ALIGN_AND_OFFSET_ARG, generation_allocation_pointer (gen),
+ heap_segment_reserved (seg), old_loc, USE_PADDING_TAIL | pad_in_front) &&
+ (grow_heap_segment (seg, generation_allocation_pointer (gen), old_loc,
+ size, pad_in_front REQD_ALIGN_AND_OFFSET_ARG)))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Expanded segment allocation by committing more memory"));
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) = heap_segment_committed (seg);
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) = heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ heap_segment* next_seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (gen)>=
+ heap_segment_mem (seg));
+ // Verify that all pinned plugs for this segment are consumed
+ if (!pinned_plug_que_empty_p() &&
+ ((pinned_plug (oldest_pin()) <
+ heap_segment_allocated (seg)) &&
+ (pinned_plug (oldest_pin()) >=
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen))))
+ {
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO10, "remaining pinned plug %Ix while leaving segment on allocation",
+ pinned_plug (oldest_pin())));
+ }
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (gen)>=
+ heap_segment_mem (seg));
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (gen)<=
+ heap_segment_committed (seg));
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) = generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ if (next_seg)
+ {
+ generation_allocation_segment (gen) = next_seg;
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen) = heap_segment_mem (next_seg);
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) = generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ generation_allocation_context_start_region (gen) = generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0; //should only happen during allocation of generation 0 gap
+ // in that case we are going to grow the heap anyway
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set_allocator_next_pin (gen);
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (gen)>=
+ heap_segment_mem (generation_allocation_segment (gen)));
+ uint8_t* result = generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ size_t pad = 0;
+ if ((pad_in_front & USE_PADDING_FRONT) &&
+ (((generation_allocation_pointer (gen) - generation_allocation_context_start_region (gen))==0) ||
+ ((generation_allocation_pointer (gen) - generation_allocation_context_start_region (gen))>=DESIRED_PLUG_LENGTH)))
+ {
+ ptrdiff_t dist = old_loc - result;
+ if (dist == 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("old alloc: %Ix, same as new alloc, not padding", old_loc));
+ pad = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((dist > 0) && (dist < (ptrdiff_t)Align (min_obj_size)))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("old alloc: %Ix, only %d bytes > new alloc! Shouldn't happen", old_loc, dist));
+ }
+ pad = Align (min_obj_size);
+ set_plug_padded (old_loc);
+ }
+ }
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ _ASSERTE(!old_loc || alignmentOffset != 0);
+ _ASSERTE(old_loc || requiredAlignment == DATA_ALIGNMENT);
+ if ((old_loc != 0))
+ {
+ size_t pad1 = ComputeStructAlignPad(result+pad, requiredAlignment, alignmentOffset);
+ set_node_aligninfo (old_loc, requiredAlignment, pad1);
+ pad += pad1;
+ }
+ if (!((old_loc == 0) || same_large_alignment_p (old_loc, result+pad)))
+ {
+ pad += switch_alignment_size (is_plug_padded (old_loc));
+ set_node_realigned(old_loc);
+ dprintf (3, ("Allocation realignment old_loc: %Ix, new_loc:%Ix",
+ (size_t)old_loc, (size_t)(result+pad)));
+ assert (same_large_alignment_p (result + pad, old_loc));
+ }
+ if ((next_pinned_plug != 0) && (pad != 0) && (generation_allocation_segment (gen) == current_seg))
+ {
+ assert (old_loc != 0);
+ ptrdiff_t dist_to_next_pin = (ptrdiff_t)(next_pinned_plug - (generation_allocation_pointer (gen) + size + pad));
+ assert (dist_to_next_pin >= 0);
+ if ((dist_to_next_pin >= 0) && (dist_to_next_pin < (ptrdiff_t)Align (min_obj_size)))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("%Ix->(%Ix,%Ix),%Ix(%Ix)(%Ix),NP->PP",
+ old_loc,
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen),
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen),
+ next_pinned_plug,
+ size,
+ dist_to_next_pin));
+ clear_plug_padded (old_loc);
+ pad = 0;
+ *convert_to_pinned_p = TRUE;
+ record_interesting_data_point (idp_converted_pin);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ if ((old_loc == 0) || (pad != 0))
+ {
+ //allocating a non plug or a gap, so reset the start region
+ generation_allocation_context_start_region (gen) = generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ }
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen) += size + pad;
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (gen) <= generation_allocation_limit (gen));
+ generation_allocated_since_last_pin (gen) += size;
+ dprintf (3, ("aic: ptr: %Ix, limit: %Ix, sr: %Ix",
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen), generation_allocation_limit (gen),
+ generation_allocation_context_start_region (gen)));
+ assert (result + pad);
+ return result + pad;
+ }
+inline int power (int x, int y)
+ int z = 1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < y; i++)
+ {
+ z = z*x;
+ }
+ return z;
+int gc_heap::joined_generation_to_condemn (BOOL should_evaluate_elevation,
+ int n_initial,
+ BOOL* blocking_collection_p
+ STRESS_HEAP_ARG(int n_original))
+ int n = n_initial;
+ BOOL blocking_p = *blocking_collection_p;
+ if (!blocking_p)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ if (g_heaps[i]->last_gc_before_oom)
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d is setting blocking to TRUE", i));
+ *blocking_collection_p = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (should_evaluate_elevation && (n == max_generation))
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("lock: %d(%d)",
+ (settings.should_lock_elevation ? 1 : 0),
+ settings.elevation_locked_count));
+ if (settings.should_lock_elevation)
+ {
+ settings.elevation_locked_count++;
+ if (settings.elevation_locked_count == 6)
+ {
+ settings.elevation_locked_count = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ n = max_generation - 1;
+ settings.elevation_reduced = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ settings.elevation_locked_count = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ settings.should_lock_elevation = FALSE;
+ settings.elevation_locked_count = 0;
+ }
+ // We can only do Concurrent GC Stress if the caller did not explicitly ask for all
+ // generations to be collected,
+ if (n_original != max_generation &&
+ g_pConfig->GetGCStressLevel() && gc_can_use_concurrent)
+ {
+ // for the GC stress mix mode throttle down gen2 collections
+ if (g_pConfig->IsGCStressMix())
+ {
+ size_t current_gc_count = 0;
+ current_gc_count = (size_t)dd_collection_count (g_heaps[0]->dynamic_data_of (0));
+ current_gc_count = (size_t)dd_collection_count (dynamic_data_of (0));
+ // in gc stress, only escalate every 10th non-gen2 collection to a gen2...
+ if ((current_gc_count % 10) == 0)
+ {
+ n = max_generation;
+ }
+ }
+ // for traditional GC stress
+ else
+ if (*blocking_collection_p)
+ {
+ // We call StressHeap() a lot for Concurrent GC Stress. However,
+ // if we can not do a concurrent collection, no need to stress anymore.
+ // @TODO: Enable stress when the memory pressure goes down again
+ GCStressPolicy::GlobalDisable();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ n = max_generation;
+ }
+ }
+#endif //STRESS_HEAP
+ return n;
+size_t get_survived_size (gc_history_per_heap* hist)
+ size_t surv_size = 0;
+ gc_generation_data* gen_data;
+ for (int gen_number = 0; gen_number <= (max_generation + 1); gen_number++)
+ {
+ gen_data = &(hist->gen_data[gen_number]);
+ surv_size += (gen_data->size_after -
+ gen_data->free_list_space_after -
+ gen_data->free_obj_space_after);
+ }
+ return surv_size;
+size_t gc_heap::get_total_survived_size()
+ size_t total_surv_size = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < gc_heap::n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps[i];
+ gc_history_per_heap* current_gc_data_per_heap = hp->get_gc_data_per_heap();
+ total_surv_size += get_survived_size (current_gc_data_per_heap);
+ }
+ gc_history_per_heap* current_gc_data_per_heap = get_gc_data_per_heap();
+ total_surv_size = get_survived_size (current_gc_data_per_heap);
+ return total_surv_size;
+// Gets what's allocated on both SOH and LOH that hasn't been collected.
+size_t gc_heap::get_current_allocated()
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (0);
+ size_t current_alloc = dd_desired_allocation (dd) - dd_new_allocation (dd);
+ dd = dynamic_data_of (max_generation + 1);
+ current_alloc += dd_desired_allocation (dd) - dd_new_allocation (dd);
+ return current_alloc;
+size_t gc_heap::get_total_allocated()
+ size_t total_current_allocated = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < gc_heap::n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps[i];
+ total_current_allocated += hp->get_current_allocated();
+ }
+ total_current_allocated = get_current_allocated();
+ return total_current_allocated;
+size_t gc_heap::current_generation_size (int gen_number)
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (gen_number);
+ size_t gen_size = (dd_current_size (dd) + dd_desired_allocation (dd)
+ - dd_new_allocation (dd));
+ return gen_size;
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable:6326) // "Potential comparison of a constant with another constant" is intentional in this function.
+#endif //_PREFAST_
+ This is called by when we are actually doing a GC, or when we are just checking whether
+ we would do a full blocking GC, in which case check_only_p is TRUE.
+ The difference between calling this with check_only_p TRUE and FALSE is that when it's
+ settings.reason is ignored
+ budgets are not checked (since they are checked before this is called)
+ it doesn't change anything non local like generation_skip_ratio
+int gc_heap::generation_to_condemn (int n_initial,
+ BOOL* blocking_collection_p,
+ BOOL* elevation_requested_p,
+ BOOL check_only_p)
+ gc_mechanisms temp_settings = settings;
+ gen_to_condemn_tuning temp_condemn_reasons;
+ gc_mechanisms* local_settings = (check_only_p ? &temp_settings : &settings);
+ gen_to_condemn_tuning* local_condemn_reasons = (check_only_p ? &temp_condemn_reasons : &gen_to_condemn_reasons);
+ if (!check_only_p)
+ {
+ if ((local_settings->reason == reason_oos_soh) || (local_settings->reason == reason_oos_loh))
+ {
+ assert (n_initial >= 1);
+ }
+ assert (settings.reason != reason_empty);
+ }
+ local_condemn_reasons->init();
+ int n = n_initial;
+ int n_alloc = n;
+ if (heap_number == 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("init: %d(%d)", n_initial, settings.reason));
+ }
+ int i = 0;
+ int temp_gen = 0;
+ BOOL low_memory_detected = g_low_memory_status;
+ uint32_t memory_load = 0;
+ uint64_t available_physical = 0;
+ uint64_t available_page_file = 0;
+ BOOL check_memory = FALSE;
+ BOOL high_fragmentation = FALSE;
+ BOOL v_high_memory_load = FALSE;
+ BOOL high_memory_load = FALSE;
+ BOOL low_ephemeral_space = FALSE;
+ BOOL evaluate_elevation = TRUE;
+ *elevation_requested_p = FALSE;
+ *blocking_collection_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL check_max_gen_alloc = TRUE;
+ int orig_gen = n;
+#endif //STRESS_HEAP
+ if (!check_only_p)
+ {
+ dd_fragmentation (dynamic_data_of (0)) =
+ generation_free_list_space (youngest_generation) +
+ generation_free_obj_space (youngest_generation);
+ dd_fragmentation (dynamic_data_of (max_generation + 1)) =
+ generation_free_list_space (large_object_generation) +
+ generation_free_obj_space (large_object_generation);
+ //save new_allocation
+ for (i = 0; i <= max_generation+1; i++)
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (i);
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: g%d: l: %Id (%Id)",
+ heap_number, i,
+ dd_new_allocation (dd),
+ dd_desired_allocation (dd)));
+ dd_gc_new_allocation (dd) = dd_new_allocation (dd);
+ }
+ local_condemn_reasons->set_gen (gen_initial, n);
+ temp_gen = n;
+ if (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("bgc in prog, 1"));
+ check_max_gen_alloc = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (check_max_gen_alloc)
+ {
+ //figure out if large objects need to be collected.
+ if (get_new_allocation (max_generation+1) <= 0)
+ {
+ n = max_generation;
+ local_condemn_reasons->set_gen (gen_alloc_budget, n);
+ }
+ }
+ //figure out which generation ran out of allocation
+ for (i = n+1; i <= (check_max_gen_alloc ? max_generation : (max_generation - 1)); i++)
+ {
+ if (get_new_allocation (i) <= 0)
+ {
+ n = i;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (n > temp_gen)
+ {
+ local_condemn_reasons->set_gen (gen_alloc_budget, n);
+ }
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: g%d budget", heap_number, ((get_new_allocation (max_generation+1) <= 0) ? 3 : n)));
+ n_alloc = n;
+#if defined(BACKGROUND_GC) && !defined(MULTIPLE_HEAPS)
+ //time based tuning
+ // if enough time has elapsed since the last gc
+ // and the number of gc is too low (1/10 of lower gen) then collect
+ // This should also be enabled if we have memory concerns
+ int n_time_max = max_generation;
+ if (!check_only_p)
+ {
+ if (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ {
+ n_time_max = max_generation - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((local_settings->pause_mode == pause_interactive) ||
+ (local_settings->pause_mode == pause_sustained_low_latency))
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd0 = dynamic_data_of (0);
+ size_t now = GetHighPrecisionTimeStamp();
+ temp_gen = n;
+ for (i = (temp_gen+1); i <= n_time_max; i++)
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (i);
+ if ((now > dd_time_clock(dd) + power (10, i)*1000) &&
+ (dd_gc_clock (dd0) > (dd_gc_clock (dd) + (power (10, i)))) &&
+ ((n < max_generation) || ((dd_current_size (dd) < dd_max_size (dd0)))))
+ {
+ n = min (i, n_time_max);
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("time %d", n));
+ }
+ }
+ if (n > temp_gen)
+ {
+ local_condemn_reasons->set_gen (gen_time_tuning, n);
+ }
+ }
+ if (n != n_alloc)
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("Condemning %d based on time tuning and fragmentation", n));
+ }
+ if (n < (max_generation - 1))
+ {
+ if (dt_low_card_table_efficiency_p (tuning_deciding_condemned_gen))
+ {
+ n = max (n, max_generation - 1);
+ local_settings->promotion = TRUE;
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: skip %d, c %d",
+ heap_number, generation_skip_ratio, n));
+ local_condemn_reasons->set_condition (gen_low_card_p);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!check_only_p)
+ {
+ generation_skip_ratio = 100;
+ }
+ if (dt_low_ephemeral_space_p (check_only_p ?
+ tuning_deciding_full_gc :
+ tuning_deciding_condemned_gen))
+ {
+ low_ephemeral_space = TRUE;
+ n = max (n, max_generation - 1);
+ local_condemn_reasons->set_condition (gen_low_ephemeral_p);
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: low eph", heap_number));
+ if (!gc_can_use_concurrent || (generation_free_list_space (generation_of (max_generation)) == 0))
+ {
+ //It is better to defragment first if we are running out of space for
+ //the ephemeral generation but we have enough fragmentation to make up for it
+ //in the non ephemeral generation. Essentially we are trading a gen2 for
+ // having to expand heap in ephemeral collections.
+ if (dt_high_frag_p (tuning_deciding_condemned_gen,
+ max_generation - 1,
+ TRUE))
+ {
+ high_fragmentation = TRUE;
+ local_condemn_reasons->set_condition (gen_max_high_frag_e_p);
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("heap%d: gen1 frag", heap_number));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //figure out which ephemeral generation is too fragramented
+ temp_gen = n;
+ for (i = n+1; i < max_generation; i++)
+ {
+ if (dt_high_frag_p (tuning_deciding_condemned_gen, i))
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d g%d too frag", heap_number, i));
+ n = i;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ if (low_ephemeral_space)
+ {
+ //enable promotion
+ local_settings->promotion = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (n > temp_gen)
+ {
+ local_condemn_reasons->set_condition (gen_eph_high_frag_p);
+ }
+ if (!check_only_p)
+ {
+ if (settings.pause_mode == pause_low_latency)
+ {
+ if (!is_induced (settings.reason))
+ {
+ n = min (n, max_generation - 1);
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("low latency mode is enabled, condemning %d", n));
+ evaluate_elevation = FALSE;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // It's hard to catch when we get to the point that the memory load is so high
+ // we get an induced GC from the finalizer thread so we are checking the memory load
+ // for every gen0 GC.
+ check_memory = (check_only_p ?
+ (n >= 0) :
+ ((n >= 1) || low_memory_detected));
+ if (check_memory)
+ {
+ //find out if we are short on memory
+ get_memory_info (&memory_load, &available_physical, &available_page_file);
+ if (heap_number == 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("ml: %d", memory_load));
+ }
+ // Need to get it early enough for all heaps to use.
+ entry_available_physical_mem = available_physical;
+ local_settings->entry_memory_load = memory_load;
+ // @TODO: Force compaction more often under GCSTRESS
+ if (memory_load >= high_memory_load_th || low_memory_detected)
+ {
+ // stress log can't handle any parameter that's bigger than a void*.
+ if (heap_number == 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("tp: %I64d, ap: %I64d", total_physical_mem, available_physical));
+ }
+ high_memory_load = TRUE;
+ if (memory_load >= v_high_memory_load_th || low_memory_detected)
+ {
+ // TODO: Perhaps in 64-bit we should be estimating gen1's fragmentation as well since
+ // gen1/gen0 may take a lot more memory than gen2.
+ if (!high_fragmentation)
+ {
+ high_fragmentation = dt_estimate_reclaim_space_p (tuning_deciding_condemned_gen, max_generation);
+ }
+ v_high_memory_load = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!high_fragmentation)
+ {
+ high_fragmentation = dt_estimate_high_frag_p (tuning_deciding_condemned_gen, max_generation, available_physical);
+ }
+ }
+ if (high_fragmentation)
+ {
+ if (high_memory_load)
+ {
+ local_condemn_reasons->set_condition (gen_max_high_frag_m_p);
+ }
+ else if (v_high_memory_load)
+ {
+ local_condemn_reasons->set_condition (gen_max_high_frag_vm_p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: le: %d, hm: %d, vm: %d, f: %d",
+ heap_number, low_ephemeral_space, high_memory_load, v_high_memory_load,
+ high_fragmentation));
+ if (should_expand_in_full_gc)
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: expand_in_full - BLOCK", heap_number));
+ *blocking_collection_p = TRUE;
+ if (!check_only_p)
+ {
+ should_expand_in_full_gc = FALSE;
+ }
+ evaluate_elevation = FALSE;
+ n = max_generation;
+ local_condemn_reasons->set_condition (gen_expand_fullgc_p);
+ }
+ if (last_gc_before_oom)
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: alloc full - BLOCK", heap_number));
+ n = max_generation;
+ *blocking_collection_p = TRUE;
+ local_condemn_reasons->set_condition (gen_before_oom);
+ }
+ if (!check_only_p)
+ {
+ if (is_induced_blocking (settings.reason) &&
+ n_initial == max_generation
+ IN_STRESS_HEAP( && !settings.stress_induced ))
+ {
+ if (heap_number == 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("induced - BLOCK"));
+ }
+ *blocking_collection_p = TRUE;
+ local_condemn_reasons->set_condition (gen_induced_fullgc_p);
+ evaluate_elevation = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (settings.reason == reason_induced_noforce)
+ {
+ local_condemn_reasons->set_condition (gen_induced_noforce_p);
+ evaluate_elevation = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (evaluate_elevation && (low_ephemeral_space || high_memory_load || v_high_memory_load))
+ {
+ *elevation_requested_p = TRUE;
+#ifdef BIT64
+ // if we are in high memory load and have consumed 10% of the gen2 budget, do a gen2 now.
+ if (high_memory_load || v_high_memory_load)
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd_max = dynamic_data_of (max_generation);
+ if (((float)dd_new_allocation (dd_max) / (float)dd_desired_allocation (dd_max)) < 0.9)
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("%Id left in gen2 alloc (%Id)",
+ dd_new_allocation (dd_max), dd_desired_allocation (dd_max)));
+ n = max_generation;
+ local_condemn_reasons->set_condition (gen_almost_max_alloc);
+ }
+ }
+ if (n <= max_generation)
+ {
+#endif // BIT64
+ if (high_fragmentation)
+ {
+ //elevate to max_generation
+ n = max_generation;
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: f full", heap_number));
+ if (high_memory_load || v_high_memory_load)
+ {
+ // For background GC we want to do blocking collections more eagerly because we don't
+ // want to get into the situation where the memory load becomes high while we are in
+ // a background GC and we'd have to wait for the background GC to finish to start
+ // a blocking collection (right now the implemenation doesn't handle converting
+ // a background GC to a blocking collection midway.
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: bgc - BLOCK", heap_number));
+ *blocking_collection_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (v_high_memory_load)
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: - BLOCK", heap_number));
+ *blocking_collection_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ n = max (n, max_generation - 1);
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: nf c %d", heap_number, n));
+ }
+#ifdef BIT64
+ }
+#endif // BIT64
+ }
+ if ((n == (max_generation - 1)) && (n_alloc < (max_generation -1)))
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: budget %d, check 2",
+ heap_number, n_alloc));
+ if (get_new_allocation (max_generation) <= 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: budget alloc", heap_number));
+ n = max_generation;
+ local_condemn_reasons->set_condition (gen_max_gen1);
+ }
+ }
+ //figure out if max_generation is too fragmented -> blocking collection
+ if (n == max_generation)
+ {
+ if (dt_high_frag_p (tuning_deciding_condemned_gen, n))
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: g%d too frag", heap_number, n));
+ local_condemn_reasons->set_condition (gen_max_high_frag_p);
+ if (local_settings->pause_mode != pause_sustained_low_latency)
+ {
+ *blocking_collection_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (n == max_generation)
+ {
+ if (heap_number == 0)
+ {
+ BOOL bgc_heap_too_small = TRUE;
+ size_t gen2size = 0;
+ size_t gen3size = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ if (((g_heaps[i]->current_generation_size (max_generation)) > bgc_min_per_heap) ||
+ ((g_heaps[i]->current_generation_size (max_generation + 1)) > bgc_min_per_heap))
+ {
+ bgc_heap_too_small = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((current_generation_size (max_generation) > bgc_min_per_heap) ||
+ (current_generation_size (max_generation + 1) > bgc_min_per_heap))
+ {
+ bgc_heap_too_small = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (bgc_heap_too_small)
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("gen2 and gen3 too small"));
+ // do not turn stress-induced collections into blocking GCs
+ if (!settings.stress_induced)
+#endif //STRESS_HEAP
+ {
+ *blocking_collection_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ local_condemn_reasons->set_condition (gen_gen2_too_small);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!check_only_p)
+ {
+ // We can only do Concurrent GC Stress if the caller did not explicitly ask for all
+ // generations to be collected,
+ if (orig_gen != max_generation &&
+ g_pConfig->GetGCStressLevel() && gc_can_use_concurrent)
+ {
+ *elevation_requested_p = FALSE;
+ }
+#endif //STRESS_HEAP
+ if (check_memory)
+ {
+ fgm_result.available_pagefile_mb = (size_t)(available_page_file / (1024 * 1024));
+ }
+ local_condemn_reasons->set_gen (gen_final_per_heap, n);
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->gen_to_condemn_reasons.init (local_condemn_reasons);
+#ifdef DT_LOG
+ local_condemn_reasons->print (heap_number);
+#endif //DT_LOG
+ if ((local_settings->reason == reason_oos_soh) ||
+ (local_settings->reason == reason_oos_loh))
+ {
+ assert (n >= 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (n == max_generation)
+ {
+ if (SystemDomain::System()->RequireAppDomainCleanup())
+ {
+ // do not turn stress-induced collections into blocking GCs, unless there
+ // have already been more full BGCs than full NGCs
+#if 0
+ // This exposes DevDiv 94129, so we'll leave this out for now
+ if (!settings.stress_induced ||
+ full_gc_counts[gc_type_blocking] <= full_gc_counts[gc_type_background])
+#endif // 0
+#endif // BACKGROUND_GC
+ {
+ *blocking_collection_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return n;
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif //_PREFAST_
+size_t gc_heap::min_reclaim_fragmentation_threshold (uint32_t num_heaps)
+ // if the memory load is higher, the threshold we'd want to collect gets lower.
+ size_t min_mem_based_on_available =
+ (500 - (settings.entry_memory_load - high_memory_load_th) * 40) * 1024 * 1024 / num_heaps;
+ size_t ten_percent_size = (size_t)((float)generation_size (max_generation) * 0.10);
+ uint64_t three_percent_mem = mem_one_percent * 3 / num_heaps;
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("min av: %Id, 10%% gen2: %Id, 3%% mem: %I64d",
+ min_mem_based_on_available, ten_percent_size, three_percent_mem));
+ return (size_t)(min (min_mem_based_on_available, min (ten_percent_size, three_percent_mem)));
+uint64_t gc_heap::min_high_fragmentation_threshold(uint64_t available_mem, uint32_t num_heaps)
+ return min (available_mem, (256*1024*1024)) / num_heaps;
+enum {
+CORINFO_EXCEPTION_GC = 0xE0004743 // 'GC'
+void gc_heap::init_background_gc ()
+ //reset the allocation so foreground gc can allocate into older (max_generation) generation
+ generation* gen = generation_of (max_generation);
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen)= 0;
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) = 0;
+ generation_allocation_segment (gen) = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(generation_allocation_segment(gen) != NULL);
+ //reset the plan allocation for each segment
+ for (heap_segment* seg = generation_allocation_segment (gen); seg != ephemeral_heap_segment;
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg))
+ {
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) = heap_segment_allocated (seg);
+ }
+ if (heap_number == 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("heap%d: bgc lowest: %Ix, highest: %Ix",
+ heap_number,
+ background_saved_lowest_address,
+ background_saved_highest_address));
+ }
+ gc_lh_block_event.Reset();
+#define fire_bgc_event(x) { FireEtw##x(GetClrInstanceId()); }
+void fire_drain_mark_list_event (size_t mark_list_objects)
+ FireEtwBGCDrainMark (mark_list_objects, GetClrInstanceId());
+void fire_revisit_event (size_t dirtied_pages,
+ size_t marked_objects,
+ BOOL large_objects_p)
+ FireEtwBGCRevisit (dirtied_pages, marked_objects, large_objects_p, GetClrInstanceId());
+void fire_overflow_event (uint8_t* overflow_min,
+ uint8_t* overflow_max,
+ size_t marked_objects,
+ int large_objects_p)
+ FireEtwBGCOverflow ((uint64_t)overflow_min, (uint64_t)overflow_max,
+ marked_objects, large_objects_p,
+ GetClrInstanceId());
+void gc_heap::concurrent_print_time_delta (const char* msg)
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ size_t current_time = GetHighPrecisionTimeStamp();
+ size_t elapsed_time = current_time - time_bgc_last;
+ time_bgc_last = current_time;
+ dprintf (2, ("h%d: %s T %Id ms", heap_number, msg, elapsed_time));
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+void gc_heap::free_list_info (int gen_num, const char* msg)
+#if defined (BACKGROUND_GC) && defined (TRACE_GC)
+ dprintf (3, ("h%d: %s", heap_number, msg));
+ for (int i = 0; i <= (max_generation + 1); i++)
+ {
+ generation* gen = generation_of (i);
+ if ((generation_allocation_size (gen) == 0) &&
+ (generation_free_list_space (gen) == 0) &&
+ (generation_free_obj_space (gen) == 0))
+ {
+ // don't print if everything is 0.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("h%d: g%d: a-%Id, fl-%Id, fo-%Id",
+ heap_number, i,
+ generation_allocation_size (gen),
+ generation_free_list_space (gen),
+ generation_free_obj_space (gen)));
+ }
+ }
+void gc_heap::update_collection_counts_for_no_gc()
+ assert (settings.pause_mode == pause_no_gc);
+ settings.condemned_generation = max_generation;
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ g_heaps[i]->update_collection_counts();
+ update_collection_counts();
+ full_gc_counts[gc_type_blocking]++;
+BOOL gc_heap::should_proceed_with_gc()
+ if (gc_heap::settings.pause_mode == pause_no_gc)
+ {
+ if (current_no_gc_region_info.started)
+ {
+ // The no_gc mode was already in progress yet we triggered another GC,
+ // this effectively exits the no_gc mode.
+ restore_data_for_no_gc();
+ }
+ else
+ return should_proceed_for_no_gc();
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+//internal part of gc used by the serial and concurrent version
+void gc_heap::gc1()
+ assert (settings.concurrent == (uint32_t)(bgc_thread_id.IsCurrentThread()));
+#ifdef TIME_GC
+ mark_time = plan_time = reloc_time = compact_time = sweep_time = 0;
+#endif //TIME_GC
+ verify_soh_segment_list();
+ int n = settings.condemned_generation;
+ update_collection_counts ();
+ bgc_alloc_lock->check();
+ free_list_info (max_generation, "beginning");
+ vm_heap->GcCondemnedGeneration = settings.condemned_generation;
+ assert (g_card_table == card_table);
+ {
+ if (n == max_generation)
+ {
+ gc_low = lowest_address;
+ gc_high = highest_address;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gc_low = generation_allocation_start (generation_of (n));
+ gc_high = heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ }
+ if (settings.concurrent)
+ {
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ time_bgc_last = GetHighPrecisionTimeStamp();
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ fire_bgc_event (BGCBegin);
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("BGC");
+//#ifdef WRITE_WATCH
+ //reset_write_watch (FALSE);
+//#endif //WRITE_WATCH
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("RW");
+ background_mark_phase();
+ free_list_info (max_generation, "after mark phase");
+ background_sweep();
+ free_list_info (max_generation, "after sweep phase");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mark_phase (n, FALSE);
+ GCScan::GcRuntimeStructuresValid (FALSE);
+ plan_phase (n);
+ GCScan::GcRuntimeStructuresValid (TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ size_t end_gc_time = GetHighPrecisionTimeStamp();
+// printf ("generation: %d, elapsed time: %Id\n", n, end_gc_time - dd_time_clock (dynamic_data_of (0)));
+ //adjust the allocation size from the pinned quantities.
+ for (int gen_number = 0; gen_number <= min (max_generation,n+1); gen_number++)
+ {
+ generation* gn = generation_of (gen_number);
+ if (settings.compaction)
+ {
+ generation_pinned_allocated (gn) += generation_pinned_allocation_compact_size (gn);
+ generation_allocation_size (generation_of (gen_number)) += generation_pinned_allocation_compact_size (gn);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ generation_pinned_allocated (gn) += generation_pinned_allocation_sweep_size (gn);
+ generation_allocation_size (generation_of (gen_number)) += generation_pinned_allocation_sweep_size (gn);
+ }
+ generation_pinned_allocation_sweep_size (gn) = 0;
+ generation_pinned_allocation_compact_size (gn) = 0;
+ }
+ if (settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (n);
+ dd_gc_elapsed_time (dd) = end_gc_time - dd_time_clock (dd);
+ free_list_info (max_generation, "after computing new dynamic data");
+ gc_history_per_heap* current_gc_data_per_heap = get_gc_data_per_heap();
+ for (int gen_number = 0; gen_number < max_generation; gen_number++)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("end of BGC: gen%d new_alloc: %Id",
+ gen_number, dd_desired_allocation (dynamic_data_of (gen_number))));
+ current_gc_data_per_heap->gen_data[gen_number].size_after = generation_size (gen_number);
+ current_gc_data_per_heap->gen_data[gen_number].free_list_space_after = generation_free_list_space (generation_of (gen_number));
+ current_gc_data_per_heap->gen_data[gen_number].free_obj_space_after = generation_free_obj_space (generation_of (gen_number));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ free_list_info (max_generation, "end");
+ for (int gen_number = 0; gen_number <= n; gen_number++)
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (gen_number);
+ dd_gc_elapsed_time (dd) = end_gc_time - dd_time_clock (dd);
+ compute_new_dynamic_data (gen_number);
+ }
+ if (n != max_generation)
+ {
+ int gen_num_for_data = ((n < (max_generation - 1)) ? (n + 1) : (max_generation + 1));
+ for (int gen_number = (n + 1); gen_number <= gen_num_for_data; gen_number++)
+ {
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->gen_data[gen_number].size_after = generation_size (gen_number);
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->gen_data[gen_number].free_list_space_after = generation_free_list_space (generation_of (gen_number));
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->gen_data[gen_number].free_obj_space_after = generation_free_obj_space (generation_of (gen_number));
+ }
+ }
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->maxgen_size_info.running_free_list_efficiency = (uint32_t)(generation_allocator_efficiency (generation_of (max_generation)) * 100);
+ free_list_info (max_generation, "after computing new dynamic data");
+ if (heap_number == 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("GC#%d(gen%d) took %Idms",
+ dd_collection_count (dynamic_data_of (0)),
+ settings.condemned_generation,
+ dd_gc_elapsed_time (dynamic_data_of (0))));
+ }
+ for (int gen_number = 0; gen_number <= (max_generation + 1); gen_number++)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("end of FGC/NGC: gen%d new_alloc: %Id",
+ gen_number, dd_desired_allocation (dynamic_data_of (gen_number))));
+ }
+ }
+ if (n < max_generation)
+ {
+ compute_promoted_allocation (1 + n);
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (1 + n);
+ size_t new_fragmentation = generation_free_list_space (generation_of (1 + n)) +
+ generation_free_obj_space (generation_of (1 + n));
+ if (current_c_gc_state != c_gc_state_planning)
+ {
+ if (settings.promotion)
+ {
+ dd_fragmentation (dd) = new_fragmentation;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //assert (dd_fragmentation (dd) == new_fragmentation);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ adjust_ephemeral_limits(!!IsGCThread());
+ }
+ assert (ephemeral_low == generation_allocation_start (generation_of ( max_generation -1)));
+ assert (ephemeral_high == heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment));
+ if (fgn_maxgen_percent)
+ {
+ if (settings.condemned_generation == (max_generation - 1))
+ {
+ check_for_full_gc (max_generation - 1, 0);
+ }
+ else if (settings.condemned_generation == max_generation)
+ {
+ if (full_gc_approach_event_set
+ && (heap_number == 0)
+ )
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("FGN-GC: setting gen2 end event"));
+ full_gc_approach_event.Reset();
+ // By definition WaitForFullGCComplete only succeeds if it's full, *blocking* GC, otherwise need to return N/A
+ fgn_last_gc_was_concurrent = settings.concurrent ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ full_gc_end_event.Set();
+ full_gc_approach_event_set = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ //decide on the next allocation quantum
+ if (alloc_contexts_used >= 1)
+ {
+ allocation_quantum = Align (min ((size_t)CLR_SIZE,
+ (size_t)max (1024, get_new_allocation (0) / (2 * alloc_contexts_used))),
+ get_alignment_constant(FALSE));
+ dprintf (3, ("New allocation quantum: %d(0x%Ix)", allocation_quantum, allocation_quantum));
+ }
+ }
+ reset_write_watch(FALSE);
+ descr_generations (FALSE);
+ descr_card_table();
+ verify_soh_segment_list();
+ add_to_history_per_heap();
+ if (heap_number == 0)
+ {
+ add_to_history();
+ }
+#endif // BACKGROUND_GC
+#ifdef GC_STATS
+ if (GCStatistics::Enabled() && heap_number == 0)
+ g_GCStatistics.AddGCStats(settings,
+ dd_gc_elapsed_time(dynamic_data_of(settings.condemned_generation)));
+#endif // GC_STATS
+#ifdef TIME_GC
+ fprintf (stdout, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",
+ n, mark_time, plan_time, reloc_time, compact_time, sweep_time);
+#endif //TIME_GC
+ assert (settings.concurrent == (uint32_t)(bgc_thread_id.IsCurrentThread()));
+#if defined(VERIFY_HEAP) || (defined (FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE) && defined(BACKGROUND_GC))
+ if (FALSE
+ // Note that right now g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel always returns the same
+ // value. If we ever allow randomly adjusting this as the process runs,
+ // we cannot call it this way as joins need to match - we must have the same
+ // value for all heaps like we do with bgc_heap_walk_for_etw_p.
+ || (g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel() & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_GC)
+#if defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE) && defined(BACKGROUND_GC)
+ || (bgc_heap_walk_for_etw_p && settings.concurrent)
+ )
+ {
+ Thread* current_thread = GetThread();
+ BOOL cooperative_mode = TRUE;
+ if (settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ cooperative_mode = enable_preemptive (current_thread);
+ bgc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_suspend_ee_verify);
+ if (bgc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ bgc_threads_sync_event.Reset();
+ dprintf(2, ("Joining BGC threads to suspend EE for verify heap"));
+ bgc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ if (heap_number == 0)
+ {
+ suspend_EE();
+ bgc_threads_sync_event.Set();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bgc_threads_sync_event.Wait(INFINITE, FALSE);
+ dprintf (2, ("bgc_threads_sync_event is signalled"));
+ }
+ suspend_EE();
+ //fix the allocation area so verify_heap can proceed.
+ fix_allocation_contexts (FALSE);
+ }
+ assert (settings.concurrent == (uint32_t)(bgc_thread_id.IsCurrentThread()));
+ if (bgc_heap_walk_for_etw_p && settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ make_free_lists_for_profiler_for_bgc();
+ }
+ if (g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel() & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_GC)
+ verify_heap (FALSE);
+#endif // VERIFY_HEAP
+ if (settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ repair_allocation_contexts (TRUE);
+ bgc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_restart_ee_verify);
+ if (bgc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ bgc_threads_sync_event.Reset();
+ dprintf(2, ("Joining BGC threads to restart EE after verify heap"));
+ bgc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ if (heap_number == 0)
+ {
+ restart_EE();
+ bgc_threads_sync_event.Set();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bgc_threads_sync_event.Wait(INFINITE, FALSE);
+ dprintf (2, ("bgc_threads_sync_event is signalled"));
+ }
+ restart_EE();
+ disable_preemptive (current_thread, cooperative_mode);
+ }
+ }
+#endif // defined(VERIFY_HEAP) || (defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE) && defined(BACKGROUND_GC))
+ if (!settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_done);
+ if (gc_t_join.joined ())
+ {
+ gc_heap::internal_gc_done = false;
+ //equalize the new desired size of the generations
+ int limit = settings.condemned_generation;
+ if (limit == max_generation)
+ {
+ limit = max_generation+1;
+ }
+ for (int gen = 0; gen <= limit; gen++)
+ {
+ size_t total_desired = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < gc_heap::n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps[i];
+ dynamic_data* dd = hp->dynamic_data_of (gen);
+ size_t temp_total_desired = total_desired + dd_desired_allocation (dd);
+ if (temp_total_desired < total_desired)
+ {
+ // we overflowed.
+ total_desired = (size_t)MAX_PTR;
+ break;
+ }
+ total_desired = temp_total_desired;
+ }
+ size_t desired_per_heap = Align (total_desired/gc_heap::n_heaps,
+ get_alignment_constant ((gen != (max_generation+1))));
+ if (gen == 0)
+ {
+#if 1 //subsumed by the linear allocation model
+ // to avoid spikes in mem usage due to short terms fluctuations in survivorship,
+ // apply some smoothing.
+ static size_t smoothed_desired_per_heap = 0;
+ size_t smoothing = 3; // exponential smoothing factor
+ if (smoothing > VolatileLoad(&settings.gc_index))
+ smoothing = VolatileLoad(&settings.gc_index);
+ smoothed_desired_per_heap = desired_per_heap / smoothing + ((smoothed_desired_per_heap / smoothing) * (smoothing-1));
+ dprintf (1, ("sn = %Id n = %Id", smoothed_desired_per_heap, desired_per_heap));
+ desired_per_heap = Align(smoothed_desired_per_heap, get_alignment_constant (true));
+#endif //0
+ // if desired_per_heap is close to min_gc_size, trim it
+ // down to min_gc_size to stay in the cache
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps[0];
+ dynamic_data* dd = hp->dynamic_data_of (gen);
+ size_t min_gc_size = dd_min_gc_size(dd);
+ // if min GC size larger than true on die cache, then don't bother
+ // limiting the desired size
+ if ((min_gc_size <= GCToOSInterface::GetLargestOnDieCacheSize(TRUE) / GCToOSInterface::GetLogicalCpuCount()) &&
+ desired_per_heap <= 2*min_gc_size)
+ {
+ desired_per_heap = min_gc_size;
+ }
+#ifdef BIT64
+ desired_per_heap = joined_youngest_desired (desired_per_heap);
+ dprintf (2, ("final gen0 new_alloc: %Id", desired_per_heap));
+#endif // BIT64
+ gc_data_global.final_youngest_desired = desired_per_heap;
+ }
+#if 1 //subsumed by the linear allocation model
+ if (gen == (max_generation + 1))
+ {
+ // to avoid spikes in mem usage due to short terms fluctuations in survivorship,
+ // apply some smoothing.
+ static size_t smoothed_desired_per_heap_loh = 0;
+ size_t smoothing = 3; // exponential smoothing factor
+ size_t loh_count = dd_collection_count (dynamic_data_of (max_generation));
+ if (smoothing > loh_count)
+ smoothing = loh_count;
+ smoothed_desired_per_heap_loh = desired_per_heap / smoothing + ((smoothed_desired_per_heap_loh / smoothing) * (smoothing-1));
+ dprintf( 2, ("smoothed_desired_per_heap_loh = %Id desired_per_heap = %Id", smoothed_desired_per_heap_loh, desired_per_heap));
+ desired_per_heap = Align(smoothed_desired_per_heap_loh, get_alignment_constant (false));
+ }
+#endif //0
+ for (int i = 0; i < gc_heap::n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps[i];
+ dynamic_data* dd = hp->dynamic_data_of (gen);
+ dd_desired_allocation (dd) = desired_per_heap;
+ dd_gc_new_allocation (dd) = desired_per_heap;
+ dd_new_allocation (dd) = desired_per_heap;
+ if (gen == 0)
+ {
+ hp->fgn_last_alloc = desired_per_heap;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ BOOL all_heaps_compacted_p = TRUE;
+ for (int i = 0; i < gc_heap::n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps[i];
+ hp->decommit_ephemeral_segment_pages();
+ hp->rearrange_large_heap_segments();
+ all_heaps_compacted_p &= hp->loh_compacted_p;
+ }
+ check_loh_compact_mode (all_heaps_compacted_p);
+ fire_pevents();
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ alloc_context_count = 0;
+ heap_select::mark_heap (heap_number);
+ }
+ gc_data_global.final_youngest_desired =
+ dd_desired_allocation (dynamic_data_of (0));
+ check_loh_compact_mode (loh_compacted_p);
+ decommit_ephemeral_segment_pages();
+ fire_pevents();
+ if (!(settings.concurrent))
+ {
+ rearrange_large_heap_segments();
+ do_post_gc();
+ }
+ recover_bgc_settings();
+void gc_heap::save_data_for_no_gc()
+ current_no_gc_region_info.saved_pause_mode = settings.pause_mode;
+ // This is to affect heap balancing.
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ current_no_gc_region_info.saved_gen0_min_size = dd_min_size (g_heaps[i]->dynamic_data_of (0));
+ dd_min_size (g_heaps[i]->dynamic_data_of (0)) = min_balance_threshold;
+ current_no_gc_region_info.saved_gen3_min_size = dd_min_size (g_heaps[i]->dynamic_data_of (max_generation + 1));
+ dd_min_size (g_heaps[i]->dynamic_data_of (max_generation + 1)) = 0;
+ }
+void gc_heap::restore_data_for_no_gc()
+ gc_heap::settings.pause_mode = current_no_gc_region_info.saved_pause_mode;
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ dd_min_size (g_heaps[i]->dynamic_data_of (0)) = current_no_gc_region_info.saved_gen0_min_size;
+ dd_min_size (g_heaps[i]->dynamic_data_of (max_generation + 1)) = current_no_gc_region_info.saved_gen3_min_size;
+ }
+start_no_gc_region_status gc_heap::prepare_for_no_gc_region (uint64_t total_size,
+ BOOL loh_size_known,
+ uint64_t loh_size,
+ BOOL disallow_full_blocking)
+ if (current_no_gc_region_info.started)
+ {
+ return start_no_gc_in_progress;
+ }
+ start_no_gc_region_status status = start_no_gc_success;
+ save_data_for_no_gc();
+ settings.pause_mode = pause_no_gc;
+ current_no_gc_region_info.start_status = start_no_gc_success;
+ size_t allocation_no_gc_loh = 0;
+ size_t allocation_no_gc_soh = 0;
+ size_t size_per_heap = 0;
+ if (loh_size_known)
+ {
+ allocation_no_gc_loh = (size_t)loh_size;
+ allocation_no_gc_soh = (size_t)(total_size - loh_size);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ allocation_no_gc_soh = (size_t)total_size;
+ allocation_no_gc_loh = (size_t)total_size;
+ }
+ size_t soh_segment_size = get_valid_segment_size();
+ int num_heaps = 1;
+ num_heaps = n_heaps;
+ size_t total_allowed_soh_allocation = (soh_segment_size - OS_PAGE_SIZE) * num_heaps;
+ if (allocation_no_gc_soh > total_allowed_soh_allocation)
+ {
+ status = start_no_gc_too_large;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (disallow_full_blocking)
+ current_no_gc_region_info.minimal_gc_p = TRUE;
+ if (allocation_no_gc_soh != 0)
+ {
+ current_no_gc_region_info.soh_allocation_size = (size_t)((float)allocation_no_gc_soh * 1.05);
+ //current_no_gc_region_info.soh_allocation_size = allocation_no_gc_soh;
+ size_per_heap = current_no_gc_region_info.soh_allocation_size;
+ size_per_heap /= n_heaps;
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ // due to heap balancing we need to allow some room before we even look to balance to another heap.
+ g_heaps[i]->soh_allocation_no_gc = min (Align (size_per_heap + min_balance_threshold, get_alignment_constant (TRUE)), (soh_segment_size - OS_PAGE_SIZE));
+ }
+ soh_allocation_no_gc = min (Align (size_per_heap, get_alignment_constant (TRUE)), (soh_segment_size - OS_PAGE_SIZE));
+ }
+ if (allocation_no_gc_loh != 0)
+ {
+ current_no_gc_region_info.loh_allocation_size = (size_t)((float)allocation_no_gc_loh * 1.05);
+ size_per_heap = current_no_gc_region_info.loh_allocation_size;
+ size_per_heap /= n_heaps;
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ g_heaps[i]->loh_allocation_no_gc = Align (size_per_heap, get_alignment_constant (FALSE));
+ loh_allocation_no_gc = Align (size_per_heap, get_alignment_constant (FALSE));
+ }
+ if (status != start_no_gc_success)
+ restore_data_for_no_gc();
+ return status;
+void gc_heap::handle_failure_for_no_gc()
+ gc_heap::restore_data_for_no_gc();
+ // sets current_no_gc_region_info.started to FALSE here.
+ memset (&current_no_gc_region_info, 0, sizeof (current_no_gc_region_info));
+start_no_gc_region_status gc_heap::get_start_no_gc_region_status()
+ return current_no_gc_region_info.start_status;
+void gc_heap::record_gcs_during_no_gc()
+ if (current_no_gc_region_info.started)
+ {
+ current_no_gc_region_info.num_gcs++;
+ if (is_induced (settings.reason))
+ current_no_gc_region_info.num_gcs_induced++;
+ }
+BOOL gc_heap::find_loh_free_for_no_gc()
+ allocator* loh_allocator = generation_allocator (generation_of (max_generation + 1));
+ size_t sz_list = loh_allocator->first_bucket_size();
+ size_t size = loh_allocation_no_gc;
+ for (unsigned int a_l_idx = 0; a_l_idx < loh_allocator->number_of_buckets(); a_l_idx++)
+ {
+ if ((size < sz_list) || (a_l_idx == (loh_allocator->number_of_buckets()-1)))
+ {
+ uint8_t* free_list = loh_allocator->alloc_list_head_of (a_l_idx);
+ while (free_list)
+ {
+ size_t free_list_size = unused_array_size(free_list);
+ if (free_list_size > loh_allocation_no_gc)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("free item %Ix(%Id) for no gc", (size_t)free_list, free_list_size));
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ free_list = free_list_slot (free_list);
+ }
+ }
+ sz_list = sz_list * 2;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL gc_heap::find_loh_space_for_no_gc()
+ saved_loh_segment_no_gc = 0;
+ if (find_loh_free_for_no_gc())
+ return TRUE;
+ heap_segment* seg = generation_allocation_segment (generation_of (max_generation + 1));
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ size_t remaining = heap_segment_reserved (seg) - heap_segment_allocated (seg);
+ if (remaining >= loh_allocation_no_gc)
+ {
+ saved_loh_segment_no_gc = seg;
+ break;
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ }
+ if (!saved_loh_segment_no_gc && current_no_gc_region_info.minimal_gc_p)
+ {
+ // If no full GC is allowed, we try to get a new seg right away.
+ saved_loh_segment_no_gc = get_segment_for_loh (get_large_seg_size (loh_allocation_no_gc)
+ , this
+ );
+ }
+ return (saved_loh_segment_no_gc != 0);
+BOOL gc_heap::loh_allocated_for_no_gc()
+ if (!saved_loh_segment_no_gc)
+ return FALSE;
+ heap_segment* seg = generation_allocation_segment (generation_of (max_generation + 1));
+ do
+ {
+ if (seg == saved_loh_segment_no_gc)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ } while (seg);
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL gc_heap::commit_loh_for_no_gc (heap_segment* seg)
+ uint8_t* end_committed = heap_segment_allocated (seg) + loh_allocation_no_gc;
+ assert (end_committed <= heap_segment_reserved (seg));
+ return (grow_heap_segment (seg, end_committed));
+void gc_heap::thread_no_gc_loh_segments()
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = g_heaps[i];
+ if (hp->loh_allocated_for_no_gc())
+ {
+ hp->thread_loh_segment (hp->saved_loh_segment_no_gc);
+ hp->saved_loh_segment_no_gc = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (loh_allocated_for_no_gc())
+ {
+ thread_loh_segment (saved_loh_segment_no_gc);
+ saved_loh_segment_no_gc = 0;
+ }
+void gc_heap::set_loh_allocations_for_no_gc()
+ if (current_no_gc_region_info.loh_allocation_size != 0)
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (max_generation + 1);
+ dd_new_allocation (dd) = loh_allocation_no_gc;
+ dd_gc_new_allocation (dd) = dd_new_allocation (dd);
+ }
+void gc_heap::set_soh_allocations_for_no_gc()
+ if (current_no_gc_region_info.soh_allocation_size != 0)
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (0);
+ dd_new_allocation (dd) = soh_allocation_no_gc;
+ dd_gc_new_allocation (dd) = dd_new_allocation (dd);
+ alloc_context_count = 0;
+ }
+void gc_heap::set_allocations_for_no_gc()
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = g_heaps[i];
+ hp->set_loh_allocations_for_no_gc();
+ hp->set_soh_allocations_for_no_gc();
+ }
+ set_loh_allocations_for_no_gc();
+ set_soh_allocations_for_no_gc();
+BOOL gc_heap::should_proceed_for_no_gc()
+ BOOL gc_requested = FALSE;
+ BOOL loh_full_gc_requested = FALSE;
+ BOOL soh_full_gc_requested = FALSE;
+ BOOL no_gc_requested = FALSE;
+ BOOL get_new_loh_segments = FALSE;
+ if (current_no_gc_region_info.soh_allocation_size)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = g_heaps[i];
+ if ((size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (hp->ephemeral_heap_segment) - hp->alloc_allocated) < hp->soh_allocation_no_gc)
+ {
+ gc_requested = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment) - alloc_allocated) < soh_allocation_no_gc)
+ gc_requested = TRUE;
+ if (!gc_requested)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = g_heaps[i];
+ if (!(hp->grow_heap_segment (hp->ephemeral_heap_segment, (hp->alloc_allocated + hp->soh_allocation_no_gc))))
+ {
+ soh_full_gc_requested = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!grow_heap_segment (ephemeral_heap_segment, (alloc_allocated + soh_allocation_no_gc)))
+ soh_full_gc_requested = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!current_no_gc_region_info.minimal_gc_p && gc_requested)
+ {
+ soh_full_gc_requested = TRUE;
+ }
+ no_gc_requested = !(soh_full_gc_requested || gc_requested);
+ if (soh_full_gc_requested && current_no_gc_region_info.minimal_gc_p)
+ {
+ current_no_gc_region_info.start_status = start_no_gc_no_memory;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (!soh_full_gc_requested && current_no_gc_region_info.loh_allocation_size)
+ {
+ // Check to see if we have enough reserved space.
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = g_heaps[i];
+ if (!hp->find_loh_space_for_no_gc())
+ {
+ loh_full_gc_requested = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!find_loh_space_for_no_gc())
+ loh_full_gc_requested = TRUE;
+ // Check to see if we have committed space.
+ if (!loh_full_gc_requested)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = g_heaps[i];
+ if (hp->saved_loh_segment_no_gc &&!hp->commit_loh_for_no_gc (hp->saved_loh_segment_no_gc))
+ {
+ loh_full_gc_requested = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (saved_loh_segment_no_gc && !commit_loh_for_no_gc (saved_loh_segment_no_gc))
+ loh_full_gc_requested = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (loh_full_gc_requested || soh_full_gc_requested)
+ {
+ if (current_no_gc_region_info.minimal_gc_p)
+ current_no_gc_region_info.start_status = start_no_gc_no_memory;
+ }
+ no_gc_requested = !(loh_full_gc_requested || soh_full_gc_requested || gc_requested);
+ if (current_no_gc_region_info.start_status == start_no_gc_success)
+ {
+ if (no_gc_requested)
+ set_allocations_for_no_gc();
+ }
+ if ((current_no_gc_region_info.start_status == start_no_gc_success) && !no_gc_requested)
+ return TRUE;
+ else
+ {
+ // We are done with starting the no gc region.
+ current_no_gc_region_info.started = TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+end_no_gc_region_status gc_heap::end_no_gc_region()
+ dprintf (1, ("end no gc called"));
+ end_no_gc_region_status status = end_no_gc_success;
+ if (!(current_no_gc_region_info.started))
+ status = end_no_gc_not_in_progress;
+ if (current_no_gc_region_info.num_gcs_induced)
+ status = end_no_gc_induced;
+ else if (current_no_gc_region_info.num_gcs)
+ status = end_no_gc_alloc_exceeded;
+ if (settings.pause_mode == pause_no_gc)
+ restore_data_for_no_gc();
+ // sets current_no_gc_region_info.started to FALSE here.
+ memset (&current_no_gc_region_info, 0, sizeof (current_no_gc_region_info));
+ return status;
+//update counters
+void gc_heap::update_collection_counts ()
+ dynamic_data* dd0 = dynamic_data_of (0);
+ dd_gc_clock (dd0) += 1;
+ size_t now = GetHighPrecisionTimeStamp();
+ for (int i = 0; i <= settings.condemned_generation;i++)
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (i);
+ dd_collection_count (dd)++;
+ //this is needed by the linear allocation model
+ if (i == max_generation)
+ dd_collection_count (dynamic_data_of (max_generation+1))++;
+ dd_gc_clock (dd) = dd_gc_clock (dd0);
+ dd_time_clock (dd) = now;
+ }
+BOOL AnalyzeSurvivorsRequested(int condemnedGeneration)
+ // Is the list active?
+ GcNotifications gn(g_pGcNotificationTable);
+ if (gn.IsActive())
+ {
+ GcEvtArgs gea = { GC_MARK_END, { (1<<condemnedGeneration) } };
+ if (gn.GetNotification(gea) != 0)
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void DACNotifyGcMarkEnd(int condemnedGeneration)
+ // Is the list active?
+ GcNotifications gn(g_pGcNotificationTable);
+ if (gn.IsActive())
+ {
+ GcEvtArgs gea = { GC_MARK_END, { (1<<condemnedGeneration) } };
+ if (gn.GetNotification(gea) != 0)
+ {
+ DACNotify::DoGCNotification(gea);
+ }
+ }
+#endif // HEAP_ANALYZE
+BOOL gc_heap::expand_soh_with_minimal_gc()
+ if ((size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment) - heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment)) >= soh_allocation_no_gc)
+ return TRUE;
+ heap_segment* new_seg = soh_get_segment_to_expand();
+ if (new_seg)
+ {
+ settings.promotion = TRUE;
+ settings.demotion = FALSE;
+ ephemeral_promotion = TRUE;
+ save_ephemeral_generation_starts();
+ size_t ephemeral_size = (heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) -
+ generation_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation - 1)));
+ heap_segment_next (ephemeral_heap_segment) = new_seg;
+ ephemeral_heap_segment = new_seg;
+ uint8_t* start = heap_segment_mem (ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ for (int i = (max_generation - 1); i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ generation* gen = generation_of (i);
+ size_t gen_start_size = Align (min_obj_size);
+ make_generation (generation_table[i], ephemeral_heap_segment, start, 0);
+ generation_plan_allocation_start (gen) = start;
+ generation_plan_allocation_start_size (gen) = gen_start_size;
+ start += gen_start_size;
+ }
+ heap_segment_used (ephemeral_heap_segment) = start - plug_skew;
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) = start;
+ fix_generation_bounds ((max_generation - 1), generation_of (0));
+ dd_gc_new_allocation (dynamic_data_of (max_generation)) -= ephemeral_size;
+ dd_new_allocation (dynamic_data_of (max_generation)) = dd_gc_new_allocation (dynamic_data_of (max_generation));
+ adjust_ephemeral_limits(!!IsGCThread());
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+void gc_heap::allocate_for_no_gc_after_gc()
+ if (current_no_gc_region_info.minimal_gc_p)
+ repair_allocation_contexts (TRUE);
+ if (current_no_gc_region_info.start_status != start_no_gc_no_memory)
+ {
+ if (current_no_gc_region_info.soh_allocation_size != 0)
+ {
+ if (((size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment) - heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment)) < soh_allocation_no_gc) ||
+ (!grow_heap_segment (ephemeral_heap_segment, (heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) + soh_allocation_no_gc))))
+ {
+ current_no_gc_region_info.start_status = start_no_gc_no_memory;
+ }
+ if (!current_no_gc_region_info.minimal_gc_p &&
+ (current_no_gc_region_info.loh_allocation_size != 0))
+ {
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_after_commit_soh_no_gc);
+ if (gc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((current_no_gc_region_info.start_status == start_no_gc_success) &&
+ !(current_no_gc_region_info.minimal_gc_p) &&
+ (current_no_gc_region_info.loh_allocation_size != 0))
+ {
+ gc_policy = policy_compact;
+ saved_loh_segment_no_gc = 0;
+ if (!find_loh_free_for_no_gc())
+ {
+ heap_segment* seg = generation_allocation_segment (generation_of (max_generation + 1));
+ BOOL found_seg_p = FALSE;
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ if ((size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (seg) - heap_segment_allocated (seg)) >= loh_allocation_no_gc)
+ {
+ found_seg_p = TRUE;
+ if (!commit_loh_for_no_gc (seg))
+ {
+ current_no_gc_region_info.start_status = start_no_gc_no_memory;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ }
+ if (!found_seg_p)
+ gc_policy = policy_expand;
+ }
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_expand_loh_no_gc);
+ if (gc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = g_heaps[i];
+ if (hp->gc_policy == policy_expand)
+ {
+ hp->saved_loh_segment_no_gc = get_segment_for_loh (get_large_seg_size (loh_allocation_no_gc), hp);
+ if (!(hp->saved_loh_segment_no_gc))
+ current_no_gc_region_info.start_status = start_no_gc_no_memory;
+ }
+ }
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ if (gc_policy == policy_expand)
+ {
+ saved_loh_segment_no_gc = get_segment_for_loh (get_large_seg_size (loh_allocation_no_gc));
+ if (!saved_loh_segment_no_gc)
+ current_no_gc_region_info.start_status = start_no_gc_no_memory;
+ }
+ if ((current_no_gc_region_info.start_status == start_no_gc_success) && saved_loh_segment_no_gc)
+ {
+ if (!commit_loh_for_no_gc (saved_loh_segment_no_gc))
+ {
+ current_no_gc_region_info.start_status = start_no_gc_no_memory;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_final_no_gc);
+ if (gc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ if (current_no_gc_region_info.start_status == start_no_gc_success)
+ {
+ set_allocations_for_no_gc();
+ current_no_gc_region_info.started = TRUE;
+ }
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+void gc_heap::init_records()
+ memset (&gc_data_per_heap, 0, sizeof (gc_data_per_heap));
+ gc_data_per_heap.heap_index = heap_number;
+ if (heap_number == 0)
+ memset (&gc_data_global, 0, sizeof (gc_data_global));
+ memset (interesting_data_per_gc, 0, sizeof (interesting_data_per_gc));
+int gc_heap::garbage_collect (int n)
+ //reset the number of alloc contexts
+ alloc_contexts_used = 0;
+ fix_allocation_contexts (TRUE);
+ clear_gen0_bricks();
+ if ((settings.pause_mode == pause_no_gc) && current_no_gc_region_info.minimal_gc_p)
+ {
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_minimal_gc);
+ if (gc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ // this is serialized because we need to get a segment
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ if (!(g_heaps[i]->expand_soh_with_minimal_gc()))
+ current_no_gc_region_info.start_status = start_no_gc_no_memory;
+ }
+ if (!expand_soh_with_minimal_gc())
+ current_no_gc_region_info.start_status = start_no_gc_no_memory;
+ update_collection_counts_for_no_gc();
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ goto done;
+ }
+ init_records();
+ memset (&fgm_result, 0, sizeof (fgm_result));
+ settings.reason = gc_trigger_reason;
+ verify_pinned_queue_p = FALSE;
+ num_pinned_objects = 0;
+ if (settings.reason == reason_gcstress)
+ {
+ settings.reason = reason_induced;
+ settings.stress_induced = TRUE;
+ }
+#endif // STRESS_HEAP
+ //align all heaps on the max generation to condemn
+ dprintf (3, ("Joining for max generation to condemn"));
+ condemned_generation_num = generation_to_condemn (n,
+ &blocking_collection,
+ &elevation_requested,
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_generation_determined);
+ if (gc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ int gc_count = (int)dd_collection_count (dynamic_data_of (0));
+ if (gc_count >= g_pConfig->GetGCtraceStart())
+ trace_gc = 1;
+ if (gc_count >= g_pConfig->GetGCtraceEnd())
+ trace_gc = 0;
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ //delete old slots from the segment table
+ seg_table->delete_old_slots();
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ //copy the card and brick tables
+ if (g_card_table != g_heaps[i]->card_table)
+ {
+ g_heaps[i]->copy_brick_card_table();
+ }
+ g_heaps[i]->rearrange_large_heap_segments();
+ if (!recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ {
+ g_heaps[i]->rearrange_small_heap_segments();
+ }
+ }
+ //delete old slots from the segment table
+ seg_table->delete_old_slots();
+ rearrange_large_heap_segments();
+ if (!recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ {
+ rearrange_small_heap_segments();
+ }
+ // check for card table growth
+ if (g_card_table != card_table)
+ copy_brick_card_table();
+ BOOL should_evaluate_elevation = FALSE;
+ BOOL should_do_blocking_collection = FALSE;
+ int gen_max = condemned_generation_num;
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ if (gen_max < g_heaps[i]->condemned_generation_num)
+ gen_max = g_heaps[i]->condemned_generation_num;
+ if ((!should_evaluate_elevation) && (g_heaps[i]->elevation_requested))
+ should_evaluate_elevation = TRUE;
+ if ((!should_do_blocking_collection) && (g_heaps[i]->blocking_collection))
+ should_do_blocking_collection = TRUE;
+ }
+ settings.condemned_generation = gen_max;
+//logically continues after GC_PROFILING.
+ settings.condemned_generation = generation_to_condemn (n,
+ &blocking_collection,
+ &elevation_requested,
+ should_evaluate_elevation = elevation_requested;
+ should_do_blocking_collection = blocking_collection;
+ settings.condemned_generation = joined_generation_to_condemn (
+ should_evaluate_elevation,
+ settings.condemned_generation,
+ &should_do_blocking_collection
+ );
+ "condemned generation num: %d\n", settings.condemned_generation);
+ record_gcs_during_no_gc();
+ if (settings.condemned_generation > 1)
+ settings.promotion = TRUE;
+ // At this point we've decided what generation is condemned
+ // See if we've been requested to analyze survivors after the mark phase
+ if (AnalyzeSurvivorsRequested(settings.condemned_generation))
+ {
+ heap_analyze_enabled = TRUE;
+ }
+#endif // HEAP_ANALYZE
+ // If we're tracking GCs, then we need to walk the first generation
+ // before collection to track how many items of each class has been
+ // allocated.
+ UpdateGenerationBounds();
+ GarbageCollectionStartedCallback(settings.condemned_generation, settings.reason == reason_induced);
+ {
+ size_t profiling_context = 0;
+ int hn = 0;
+ for (hn = 0; hn < gc_heap::n_heaps; hn++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps [hn];
+ // When we're walking objects allocated by class, then we don't want to walk the large
+ // object heap because then it would count things that may have been around for a while.
+ hp->walk_heap (&AllocByClassHelper, (void *)&profiling_context, 0, FALSE);
+ }
+ // When we're walking objects allocated by class, then we don't want to walk the large
+ // object heap because then it would count things that may have been around for a while.
+ gc_heap::walk_heap (&AllocByClassHelper, (void *)&profiling_context, 0, FALSE);
+ // Notify that we've reached the end of the Gen 0 scan
+ g_profControlBlock.pProfInterface->EndAllocByClass(&profiling_context);
+ }
+#endif // GC_PROFILING
+ if ((settings.condemned_generation == max_generation) &&
+ (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p()))
+ {
+ //TODO BACKGROUND_GC If we just wait for the end of gc, it won't woork
+ // because we have to collect 0 and 1 properly
+ // in particular, the allocation contexts are gone.
+ // For now, it is simpler to collect max_generation-1
+ settings.condemned_generation = max_generation - 1;
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("bgc - 1 instead of 2"));
+ }
+ if ((settings.condemned_generation == max_generation) &&
+ (should_do_blocking_collection == FALSE) &&
+ gc_can_use_concurrent &&
+ !temp_disable_concurrent_p &&
+ ((settings.pause_mode == pause_interactive) || (settings.pause_mode == pause_sustained_low_latency)))
+ {
+ keep_bgc_threads_p = TRUE;
+ c_write (settings.concurrent, TRUE);
+ }
+ settings.gc_index = (uint32_t)dd_collection_count (dynamic_data_of (0)) + 1;
+ // Call the EE for start of GC work
+ // just one thread for MP GC
+ GCToEEInterface::GcStartWork (settings.condemned_generation,
+ max_generation);
+ // TODO: we could fire an ETW event to say this GC as a concurrent GC but later on due to not being able to
+ // create threads or whatever, this could be a non concurrent GC. Maybe for concurrent GC we should fire
+ // it in do_background_gc and if it failed to be a CGC we fire it in gc1... in other words, this should be
+ // fired in gc1.
+ do_pre_gc();
+ gc_start_event.Reset();
+ //start all threads on the roots.
+ dprintf(3, ("Starting all gc threads for gc"));
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ {
+ int gen_num_for_data = max_generation + 1;
+ for (int i = 0; i <= gen_num_for_data; i++)
+ {
+ gc_data_per_heap.gen_data[i].size_before = generation_size (i);
+ generation* gen = generation_of (i);
+ gc_data_per_heap.gen_data[i].free_list_space_before = generation_free_list_space (gen);
+ gc_data_per_heap.gen_data[i].free_obj_space_before = generation_free_obj_space (gen);
+ }
+ }
+ descr_generations (TRUE);
+// descr_card_table();
+ fix_card_table();
+ if ((g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel() & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_GC) &&
+ !(g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel() & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_POST_GC_ONLY))
+ {
+ verify_heap (TRUE);
+ }
+ if (g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel() & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_BARRIERCHECK)
+ checkGCWriteBarrier();
+#endif // VERIFY_HEAP
+ if (settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ // We need to save the settings because we'll need to restore it after each FGC.
+ assert (settings.condemned_generation == max_generation);
+ settings.compaction = FALSE;
+ saved_bgc_settings = settings;
+ if (heap_number == 0)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ prepare_bgc_thread (g_heaps[i]);
+ }
+ dprintf (2, ("setting bgc_threads_sync_event"));
+ bgc_threads_sync_event.Set();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bgc_threads_sync_event.Wait(INFINITE, FALSE);
+ dprintf (2, ("bgc_threads_sync_event is signalled"));
+ }
+ prepare_bgc_thread(0);
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_start_bgc);
+ if (gc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ do_concurrent_p = TRUE;
+ do_ephemeral_gc_p = FALSE;
+ dprintf(2, ("Joined to perform a background GC"));
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = g_heaps[i];
+ if (!(hp->bgc_thread) || !hp->commit_mark_array_bgc_init (hp->mark_array))
+ {
+ do_concurrent_p = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hp->background_saved_lowest_address = hp->lowest_address;
+ hp->background_saved_highest_address = hp->highest_address;
+ }
+ }
+ do_concurrent_p = (!!bgc_thread && commit_mark_array_bgc_init (mark_array));
+ if (do_concurrent_p)
+ {
+ background_saved_lowest_address = lowest_address;
+ background_saved_highest_address = highest_address;
+ }
+ if (do_concurrent_p)
+ {
+ SoftwareWriteWatch::EnableForGCHeap();
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ g_heaps[i]->current_bgc_state = bgc_initialized;
+ current_bgc_state = bgc_initialized;
+ int gen = check_for_ephemeral_alloc();
+ // always do a gen1 GC before we start BGC.
+ // This is temporary for testing purpose.
+ //int gen = max_generation - 1;
+ dont_restart_ee_p = TRUE;
+ if (gen == -1)
+ {
+ // If we decide to not do a GC before the BGC we need to
+ // restore the gen0 alloc context.
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ generation_allocation_pointer (g_heaps[i]->generation_of (0)) = 0;
+ generation_allocation_limit (g_heaps[i]->generation_of (0)) = 0;
+ }
+ generation_allocation_pointer (youngest_generation) = 0;
+ generation_allocation_limit (youngest_generation) = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ do_ephemeral_gc_p = TRUE;
+ settings.init_mechanisms();
+ settings.condemned_generation = gen;
+ settings.gc_index = (size_t)dd_collection_count (dynamic_data_of (0)) + 2;
+ do_pre_gc();
+ // TODO BACKGROUND_GC need to add the profiling stuff here.
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("doing gen%d before doing a bgc", gen));
+ }
+ //clear the cards so they don't bleed in gen 1 during collection
+ // shouldn't this always be done at the beginning of any GC?
+ //clear_card_for_addresses (
+ // generation_allocation_start (generation_of (0)),
+ // heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment));
+ if (!do_ephemeral_gc_p)
+ {
+ do_background_gc();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ settings.compaction = TRUE;
+ c_write (settings.concurrent, FALSE);
+ }
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ if (do_concurrent_p)
+ {
+ // At this point we are sure we'll be starting a BGC, so save its per heap data here.
+ // global data is only calculated at the end of the GC so we don't need to worry about
+ // FGCs overwriting it.
+ memset (&bgc_data_per_heap, 0, sizeof (bgc_data_per_heap));
+ memcpy (&bgc_data_per_heap, &gc_data_per_heap, sizeof(gc_data_per_heap));
+ if (do_ephemeral_gc_p)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("GC threads running, doing gen%d GC", settings.condemned_generation));
+ gen_to_condemn_reasons.init();
+ gen_to_condemn_reasons.set_condition (gen_before_bgc);
+ gc_data_per_heap.gen_to_condemn_reasons.init (&gen_to_condemn_reasons);
+ gc1();
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_bgc_after_ephemeral);
+ if (gc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ do_post_gc();
+ settings = saved_bgc_settings;
+ assert (settings.concurrent);
+ do_background_gc();
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("couldn't create BGC threads, reverting to doing a blocking GC"));
+ gc1();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gc1();
+ }
+ allocation_running_time = (size_t)GCToOSInterface::GetLowPrecisionTimeStamp();
+ allocation_running_amount = dd_new_allocation (dynamic_data_of (0));
+ fgn_last_alloc = dd_new_allocation (dynamic_data_of (0));
+ if (settings.pause_mode == pause_no_gc)
+ allocate_for_no_gc_after_gc();
+ int gn = settings.condemned_generation;
+ return gn;
+#define mark_stack_empty_p() (mark_stack_base == mark_stack_tos)
+size_t& gc_heap::promoted_bytes(int thread)
+ return g_promoted [thread*16];
+ return g_promoted;
+heap_segment* gc_heap::find_segment (uint8_t* interior, BOOL small_segment_only_p)
+ heap_segment* seg = seg_mapping_table_segment_of (interior);
+ if (seg)
+ {
+ if (small_segment_only_p && heap_segment_loh_p (seg))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return seg;
+ for (int i = 0; i < gc_heap::n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* h = gc_heap::g_heaps [i];
+ hs = h->find_segment_per_heap (o, small_segment_only_p);
+ if (hs)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ gc_heap* h = pGenGCHeap;
+ hs = h->find_segment_per_heap (o, small_segment_only_p);
+ }
+heap_segment* gc_heap::find_segment_per_heap (uint8_t* interior, BOOL small_segment_only_p)
+ return find_segment (interior, small_segment_only_p);
+ if (in_range_for_segment (interior, ephemeral_heap_segment))
+ {
+ return ephemeral_heap_segment;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ heap_segment* found_seg = 0;
+ {
+ heap_segment* seg = generation_start_segment (generation_of (max_generation));
+ do
+ {
+ if (in_range_for_segment (interior, seg))
+ {
+ found_seg = seg;
+ goto end_find_segment;
+ }
+ } while ((seg = heap_segment_next (seg)) != 0);
+ }
+ if (!small_segment_only_p)
+ {
+ {
+ ptrdiff_t delta = 0;
+ heap_segment* seg = segment_of (interior, delta);
+ if (seg && in_range_for_segment (interior, seg))
+ {
+ found_seg = seg;
+ }
+ goto end_find_segment;
+ }
+ heap_segment* seg = generation_start_segment (generation_of (max_generation+1));
+ do
+ {
+ if (in_range_for_segment(interior, seg))
+ {
+ found_seg = seg;
+ goto end_find_segment;
+ }
+ } while ((seg = heap_segment_next (seg)) != 0);
+ }
+ return found_seg;
+ }
+#if !defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(__GNUC__)
+inline // This causes link errors if global optimization is off
+#endif //!_DEBUG && !__GNUC__
+gc_heap* gc_heap::heap_of (uint8_t* o)
+ if (o == 0)
+ return g_heaps [0];
+ gc_heap* hp = seg_mapping_table_heap_of (o);
+ return (hp ? hp : g_heaps[0]);
+ ptrdiff_t delta = 0;
+ heap_segment* seg = segment_of (o, delta);
+ return (seg ? heap_segment_heap (seg) : g_heaps [0]);
+ return __this;
+gc_heap* gc_heap::heap_of_gc (uint8_t* o)
+ if (o == 0)
+ return g_heaps [0];
+ gc_heap* hp = seg_mapping_table_heap_of_gc (o);
+ return (hp ? hp : g_heaps[0]);
+ ptrdiff_t delta = 0;
+ heap_segment* seg = segment_of (o, delta);
+ return (seg ? heap_segment_heap (seg) : g_heaps [0]);
+ return __this;
+// will find all heap objects (large and small)
+uint8_t* gc_heap::find_object (uint8_t* interior, uint8_t* low)
+ if (!gen0_bricks_cleared)
+ {
+ assert (!"Should have already been done in server GC");
+ gen0_bricks_cleared = TRUE;
+ //initialize brick table for gen 0
+ for (size_t b = brick_of (generation_allocation_start (generation_of (0)));
+ b < brick_of (align_on_brick
+ (heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment)));
+ b++)
+ {
+ set_brick (b, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ //indicate that in the future this needs to be done during allocation
+ gen0_must_clear_bricks = FFIND_DECAY*gc_heap::n_heaps;
+ gen0_must_clear_bricks = FFIND_DECAY;
+#endif //FFIND_OBJECT
+ int brick_entry = brick_table [brick_of (interior)];
+ if (brick_entry == 0)
+ {
+ // this is a pointer to a large object
+ heap_segment* seg = find_segment_per_heap (interior, FALSE);
+ if (seg
+ && (!g_pConfig->GetGCConservative() || interior <= heap_segment_allocated(seg))
+ )
+ {
+ // If interior falls within the first free object at the beginning of a generation,
+ // we don't have brick entry for it, and we may incorrectly treat it as on large object heap.
+ int align_const = get_alignment_constant (heap_segment_read_only_p (seg)
+ || (g_pConfig->GetGCConservative() && !heap_segment_loh_p (seg))
+ );
+ //int align_const = get_alignment_constant (heap_segment_read_only_p (seg));
+ assert (interior < heap_segment_allocated (seg));
+ uint8_t* o = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ while (o < heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ uint8_t* next_o = o + Align (size (o), align_const);
+ assert (next_o > o);
+ if ((o <= interior) && (interior < next_o))
+ return o;
+ o = next_o;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (interior >= low)
+ {
+ heap_segment* seg = find_segment_per_heap (interior, TRUE);
+ if (seg)
+ {
+ if (interior >= heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ return 0;
+ assert (interior < heap_segment_allocated (seg));
+ uint8_t* o = find_first_object (interior, heap_segment_mem (seg));
+ return o;
+ }
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ return 0;
+gc_heap::find_object_for_relocation (uint8_t* interior, uint8_t* low, uint8_t* high)
+ uint8_t* old_address = interior;
+ if (!((old_address >= low) && (old_address < high)))
+ return 0;
+ uint8_t* plug = 0;
+ size_t brick = brick_of (old_address);
+ int brick_entry = brick_table [ brick ];
+ if (brick_entry != 0)
+ {
+ retry:
+ {
+ while (brick_entry < 0)
+ {
+ brick = (brick + brick_entry);
+ brick_entry = brick_table [ brick ];
+ }
+ uint8_t* old_loc = old_address;
+ uint8_t* node = tree_search ((brick_address (brick) + brick_entry-1),
+ old_loc);
+ if (node <= old_loc)
+ plug = node;
+ else
+ {
+ brick = brick - 1;
+ brick_entry = brick_table [ brick ];
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ }
+ assert (plug);
+ //find the object by going along the plug
+ uint8_t* o = plug;
+ while (o <= interior)
+ {
+ uint8_t* next_o = o + Align (size (o));
+ assert (next_o > o);
+ if (next_o > interior)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ o = next_o;
+ }
+ assert ((o <= interior) && ((o + Align (size (o))) > interior));
+ return o;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // this is a pointer to a large object
+ heap_segment* seg = find_segment_per_heap (interior, FALSE);
+ if (seg)
+ {
+ assert (interior < heap_segment_allocated (seg));
+ uint8_t* o = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ while (o < heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ uint8_t* next_o = o + Align (size (o));
+ assert (next_o > o);
+ if ((o < interior) && (interior < next_o))
+ return o;
+ o = next_o;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+uint8_t* gc_heap::find_object (uint8_t* o, uint8_t* low)
+ return o;
+#ifdef MARK_LIST
+#define m_boundary(o) {if (mark_list_index <= mark_list_end) {*mark_list_index = o;mark_list_index++;} else {mark_list_index++;} if (slow > o) slow = o; if (shigh < o) shigh = o;}
+#define m_boundary(o) {if (mark_list_index <= mark_list_end) {*mark_list_index = o;mark_list_index++;}if (slow > o) slow = o; if (shigh < o) shigh = o;}
+#else //MARK_LIST
+#define m_boundary(o) {if (slow > o) slow = o; if (shigh < o) shigh = o;}
+#endif //MARK_LIST
+#define m_boundary_fullgc(o) {if (slow > o) slow = o; if (shigh < o) shigh = o;}
+#define method_table(o) ((CObjectHeader*)(o))->GetMethodTable()
+BOOL gc_heap::gc_mark1 (uint8_t* o)
+ BOOL marked = !marked (o);
+ set_marked (o);
+ dprintf (3, ("*%Ix*, newly marked: %d", (size_t)o, marked));
+ return marked;
+BOOL gc_heap::gc_mark (uint8_t* o, uint8_t* low, uint8_t* high)
+ BOOL marked = FALSE;
+ if ((o >= low) && (o < high))
+ marked = gc_mark1 (o);
+ else if (o)
+ {
+ //find the heap
+ gc_heap* hp = heap_of_gc (o);
+ assert (hp);
+ if ((o >= hp->gc_low) && (o < hp->gc_high))
+ marked = gc_mark1 (o);
+ }
+ snoop_stat.objects_checked_count++;
+ if (marked)
+ {
+ snoop_stat.objects_marked_count++;
+ }
+ if (!o)
+ {
+ snoop_stat.zero_ref_count++;
+ }
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+ return marked;
+BOOL gc_heap::background_marked (uint8_t* o)
+ return mark_array_marked (o);
+BOOL gc_heap::background_mark1 (uint8_t* o)
+ BOOL to_mark = !mark_array_marked (o);
+ dprintf (3, ("b*%Ix*b(%d)", (size_t)o, (to_mark ? 1 : 0)));
+ if (to_mark)
+ {
+ mark_array_set_marked (o);
+ dprintf (4, ("n*%Ix*n", (size_t)o));
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+// TODO: we could consider filtering out NULL's here instead of going to
+// look for it on other heaps
+BOOL gc_heap::background_mark (uint8_t* o, uint8_t* low, uint8_t* high)
+ BOOL marked = FALSE;
+ if ((o >= low) && (o < high))
+ marked = background_mark1 (o);
+ else if (o)
+ {
+ //find the heap
+ gc_heap* hp = heap_of (o);
+ assert (hp);
+ if ((o >= hp->background_saved_lowest_address) && (o < hp->background_saved_highest_address))
+ marked = background_mark1 (o);
+ }
+ return marked;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::next_end (heap_segment* seg, uint8_t* f)
+ if (seg == ephemeral_heap_segment)
+ return f;
+ else
+ return heap_segment_allocated (seg);
+#define new_start() {if (ppstop <= start) {break;} else {parm = start}}
+#define ignore_start 0
+#define use_start 1
+#define go_through_object(mt,o,size,parm,start,start_useful,limit,exp) \
+{ \
+ CGCDesc* map = CGCDesc::GetCGCDescFromMT((MethodTable*)(mt)); \
+ CGCDescSeries* cur = map->GetHighestSeries(); \
+ ptrdiff_t cnt = (ptrdiff_t) map->GetNumSeries(); \
+ \
+ if (cnt >= 0) \
+ { \
+ CGCDescSeries* last = map->GetLowestSeries(); \
+ uint8_t** parm = 0; \
+ do \
+ { \
+ assert (parm <= (uint8_t**)((o) + cur->GetSeriesOffset())); \
+ parm = (uint8_t**)((o) + cur->GetSeriesOffset()); \
+ uint8_t** ppstop = \
+ (uint8_t**)((uint8_t*)parm + cur->GetSeriesSize() + (size));\
+ if (!start_useful || (uint8_t*)ppstop > (start)) \
+ { \
+ if (start_useful && (uint8_t*)parm < (start)) parm = (uint8_t**)(start);\
+ while (parm < ppstop) \
+ { \
+ {exp} \
+ parm++; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ cur--; \
+ \
+ } while (cur >= last); \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ /* Handle the repeating case - array of valuetypes */ \
+ uint8_t** parm = (uint8_t**)((o) + cur->startoffset); \
+ if (start_useful && start > (uint8_t*)parm) \
+ { \
+ ptrdiff_t cs = mt->RawGetComponentSize(); \
+ parm = (uint8_t**)((uint8_t*)parm + (((start) - (uint8_t*)parm)/cs)*cs); \
+ } \
+ while ((uint8_t*)parm < ((o)+(size)-plug_skew)) \
+ { \
+ for (ptrdiff_t __i = 0; __i > cnt; __i--) \
+ { \
+ HALF_SIZE_T skip = cur->val_serie[__i].skip; \
+ HALF_SIZE_T nptrs = cur->val_serie[__i].nptrs; \
+ uint8_t** ppstop = parm + nptrs; \
+ if (!start_useful || (uint8_t*)ppstop > (start)) \
+ { \
+ if (start_useful && (uint8_t*)parm < (start)) parm = (uint8_t**)(start); \
+ do \
+ { \
+ {exp} \
+ parm++; \
+ } while (parm < ppstop); \
+ } \
+ parm = (uint8_t**)((uint8_t*)ppstop + skip); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ } \
+#define go_through_object_nostart(mt,o,size,parm,exp) {go_through_object(mt,o,size,parm,o,ignore_start,(o + size),exp); }
+// 1 thing to note about this macro:
+// 1) you can use *parm safely but in general you don't want to use parm
+// because for the collectible types it's not an address on the managed heap.
+#define go_through_object_cl(mt,o,size,parm,exp) \
+{ \
+ if (header(o)->ContainsPointers()) \
+ { \
+ go_through_object_nostart(mt,o,size,parm,exp); \
+ } \
+#define go_through_object_cl(mt,o,size,parm,exp) \
+{ \
+ if (header(o)->Collectible()) \
+ { \
+ uint8_t* class_obj = get_class_object (o); \
+ uint8_t** parm = &class_obj; \
+ do {exp} while (false); \
+ } \
+ if (header(o)->ContainsPointers()) \
+ { \
+ go_through_object_nostart(mt,o,size,parm,exp); \
+ } \
+// This starts a plug. But mark_stack_tos isn't increased until set_pinned_info is called.
+void gc_heap::enque_pinned_plug (uint8_t* plug,
+ BOOL save_pre_plug_info_p,
+ uint8_t* last_object_in_last_plug)
+ if (mark_stack_array_length <= mark_stack_tos)
+ {
+ if (!grow_mark_stack (mark_stack_array, mark_stack_array_length, MARK_STACK_INITIAL_LENGTH))
+ {
+ // we don't want to continue here due to security
+ // risks. This happens very rarely and fixing it in the
+ // way so that we can continue is a bit involved and will
+ // not be done in Dev10.
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("enquing P #%Id(%Ix): %Ix. oldest: %Id, LO: %Ix, pre: %d",
+ mark_stack_tos, &mark_stack_array[mark_stack_tos], plug, mark_stack_bos, last_object_in_last_plug, (save_pre_plug_info_p ? 1 : 0)));
+ mark& m = mark_stack_array[mark_stack_tos];
+ m.first = plug;
+ // Must be set now because if we have a short object we'll need the value of saved_pre_p.
+ m.saved_pre_p = save_pre_plug_info_p;
+ if (save_pre_plug_info_p)
+ {
+ BOOL is_padded = is_plug_padded (last_object_in_last_plug);
+ if (is_padded)
+ clear_plug_padded (last_object_in_last_plug);
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ memcpy (&(m.saved_pre_plug), &(((plug_and_gap*)plug)[-1]), sizeof (gap_reloc_pair));
+ if (is_padded)
+ set_plug_padded (last_object_in_last_plug);
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ memcpy (&(m.saved_pre_plug_reloc), &(((plug_and_gap*)plug)[-1]), sizeof (gap_reloc_pair));
+ // If the last object in the last plug is too short, it requires special handling.
+ size_t last_obj_size = plug - last_object_in_last_plug;
+ if (last_obj_size < min_pre_pin_obj_size)
+ {
+ record_interesting_data_point (idp_pre_short);
+ if (is_padded)
+ record_interesting_data_point (idp_pre_short_padded);
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ dprintf (3, ("encountered a short object %Ix right before pinned plug %Ix!",
+ last_object_in_last_plug, plug));
+ // Need to set the short bit regardless of having refs or not because we need to
+ // indicate that this object is not walkable.
+ m.set_pre_short();
+ if (is_collectible (last_object_in_last_plug))
+ {
+ m.set_pre_short_collectible();
+ }
+ if (contain_pointers (last_object_in_last_plug))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("short object: %Ix(%Ix)", last_object_in_last_plug, last_obj_size));
+ go_through_object_nostart (method_table(last_object_in_last_plug), last_object_in_last_plug, last_obj_size, pval,
+ {
+ size_t gap_offset = (((size_t)pval - (size_t)(plug - sizeof (gap_reloc_pair) - plug_skew))) / sizeof (uint8_t*);
+ dprintf (3, ("member: %Ix->%Ix, %Id ptrs from beginning of gap", (uint8_t*)pval, *pval, gap_offset));
+ m.set_pre_short_bit (gap_offset);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ m.saved_post_p = FALSE;
+void gc_heap::save_post_plug_info (uint8_t* last_pinned_plug, uint8_t* last_object_in_last_plug, uint8_t* post_plug)
+ UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(last_pinned_plug);
+ mark& m = mark_stack_array[mark_stack_tos - 1];
+ assert (last_pinned_plug == m.first);
+ m.saved_post_plug_info_start = (uint8_t*)&(((plug_and_gap*)post_plug)[-1]);
+ BOOL is_padded = is_plug_padded (last_object_in_last_plug);
+ if (is_padded)
+ clear_plug_padded (last_object_in_last_plug);
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ memcpy (&(m.saved_post_plug), m.saved_post_plug_info_start, sizeof (gap_reloc_pair));
+ if (is_padded)
+ set_plug_padded (last_object_in_last_plug);
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ memcpy (&(m.saved_post_plug_reloc), m.saved_post_plug_info_start, sizeof (gap_reloc_pair));
+ // This is important - we need to clear all bits here except the last one.
+ m.saved_post_p = TRUE;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ = 1;
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ dprintf (3, ("PP %Ix has NP %Ix right after", last_pinned_plug, post_plug));
+ size_t last_obj_size = post_plug - last_object_in_last_plug;
+ if (last_obj_size < min_pre_pin_obj_size)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("PP %Ix last obj %Ix is too short", last_pinned_plug, last_object_in_last_plug));
+ record_interesting_data_point (idp_post_short);
+ if (is_padded)
+ record_interesting_data_point (idp_post_short_padded);
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ m.set_post_short();
+ verify_pinned_queue_p = TRUE;
+ if (is_collectible (last_object_in_last_plug))
+ {
+ m.set_post_short_collectible();
+ }
+ if (contain_pointers (last_object_in_last_plug))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("short object: %Ix(%Ix)", last_object_in_last_plug, last_obj_size));
+ // TODO: since we won't be able to walk this object in relocation, we still need to
+ // take care of collectible assemblies here.
+ go_through_object_nostart (method_table(last_object_in_last_plug), last_object_in_last_plug, last_obj_size, pval,
+ {
+ size_t gap_offset = (((size_t)pval - (size_t)(post_plug - sizeof (gap_reloc_pair) - plug_skew))) / sizeof (uint8_t*);
+ dprintf (3, ("member: %Ix->%Ix, %Id ptrs from beginning of gap", (uint8_t*)pval, *pval, gap_offset));
+ m.set_post_short_bit (gap_offset);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ }
+//#define PREFETCH
+#ifdef PREFETCH
+__declspec(naked) void __fastcall Prefetch(void* addr)
+ __asm {
+ ret
+ };
+#else //PREFETCH
+inline void Prefetch (void* addr)
+#endif //PREFETCH
+#ifdef MH_SC_MARK
+VOLATILE(uint8_t*)& gc_heap::ref_mark_stack (gc_heap* hp, int index)
+ return ((VOLATILE(uint8_t*)*)(hp->mark_stack_array))[index];
+#endif //MH_SC_MARK
+#define stolen 2
+#define partial 1
+#define partial_object 3
+uint8_t* ref_from_slot (uint8_t* r)
+ return (uint8_t*)((size_t)r & ~(stolen | partial));
+BOOL stolen_p (uint8_t* r)
+ return (((size_t)r&2) && !((size_t)r&1));
+BOOL ready_p (uint8_t* r)
+ return ((size_t)r != 1);
+BOOL partial_p (uint8_t* r)
+ return (((size_t)r&1) && !((size_t)r&2));
+BOOL straight_ref_p (uint8_t* r)
+ return (!stolen_p (r) && !partial_p (r));
+BOOL partial_object_p (uint8_t* r)
+ return (((size_t)r & partial_object) == partial_object);
+BOOL ref_p (uint8_t* r)
+ return (straight_ref_p (r) || partial_object_p (r));
+void gc_heap::mark_object_simple1 (uint8_t* oo, uint8_t* start THREAD_NUMBER_DCL)
+ SERVER_SC_MARK_VOLATILE(uint8_t*)* mark_stack_tos = (SERVER_SC_MARK_VOLATILE(uint8_t*)*)mark_stack_array;
+ SERVER_SC_MARK_VOLATILE(uint8_t*)* mark_stack_limit = (SERVER_SC_MARK_VOLATILE(uint8_t*)*)&mark_stack_array[mark_stack_array_length];
+ SERVER_SC_MARK_VOLATILE(uint8_t*)* mark_stack_base = mark_stack_tos;
+ SERVER_SC_MARK_VOLATILE(uint8_t*)* sorted_tos = mark_stack_base;
+ // If we are doing a full GC we don't use mark list anyway so use m_boundary_fullgc that doesn't
+ // update mark list.
+ BOOL full_p = (settings.condemned_generation == max_generation);
+ assert ((start >= oo) && (start < oo+size(oo)));
+#ifndef MH_SC_MARK
+ *mark_stack_tos = oo;
+#endif //!MH_SC_MARK
+ while (1)
+ {
+ const int thread = 0;
+ if (oo && ((size_t)oo != 4))
+ {
+ size_t s = 0;
+ if (stolen_p (oo))
+ {
+ --mark_stack_tos;
+ goto next_level;
+ }
+ else if (!partial_p (oo) && ((s = size (oo)) < (partial_size_th*sizeof (uint8_t*))))
+ {
+ BOOL overflow_p = FALSE;
+ if (mark_stack_tos + (s) /sizeof (uint8_t*) >= (mark_stack_limit - 1))
+ {
+ size_t num_components = ((method_table(oo))->HasComponentSize() ? ((CObjectHeader*)oo)->GetNumComponents() : 0);
+ if (mark_stack_tos + CGCDesc::GetNumPointers(method_table(oo), s, num_components) >= (mark_stack_limit - 1))
+ {
+ overflow_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (overflow_p == FALSE)
+ {
+ dprintf(3,("pushing mark for %Ix ", (size_t)oo));
+ go_through_object_cl (method_table(oo), oo, s, ppslot,
+ {
+ uint8_t* o = *ppslot;
+ Prefetch(o);
+ if (gc_mark (o, gc_low, gc_high))
+ {
+ if (full_p)
+ {
+ m_boundary_fullgc (o);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_boundary (o);
+ }
+ size_t obj_size = size (o);
+ promoted_bytes (thread) += obj_size;
+ if (contain_pointers_or_collectible (o))
+ {
+ *(mark_stack_tos++) = o;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf(3,("mark stack overflow for object %Ix ", (size_t)oo));
+ min_overflow_address = min (min_overflow_address, oo);
+ max_overflow_address = max (max_overflow_address, oo);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (partial_p (oo))
+ {
+ start = ref_from_slot (oo);
+ oo = ref_from_slot (*(--mark_stack_tos));
+ dprintf (4, ("oo: %Ix, start: %Ix\n", (size_t)oo, (size_t)start));
+ assert ((oo < start) && (start < (oo + size (oo))));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If there's a class object, push it now. We are guaranteed to have the slot since
+ // we just popped one object off.
+ if (is_collectible (oo))
+ {
+ uint8_t* class_obj = get_class_object (oo);
+ if (gc_mark (class_obj, gc_low, gc_high))
+ {
+ if (full_p)
+ {
+ m_boundary_fullgc (class_obj);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_boundary (class_obj);
+ }
+ size_t obj_size = size (class_obj);
+ promoted_bytes (thread) += obj_size;
+ *(mark_stack_tos++) = class_obj;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ s = size (oo);
+ BOOL overflow_p = FALSE;
+ if (mark_stack_tos + (num_partial_refs + 2) >= mark_stack_limit)
+ {
+ overflow_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (overflow_p == FALSE)
+ {
+ dprintf(3,("pushing mark for %Ix ", (size_t)oo));
+ //push the object and its current
+ SERVER_SC_MARK_VOLATILE(uint8_t*)* place = ++mark_stack_tos;
+ mark_stack_tos++;
+#ifdef MH_SC_MARK
+ *(place-1) = 0;
+ *(place) = (uint8_t*)partial;
+#endif //MH_SC_MARK
+ int i = num_partial_refs;
+ uint8_t* ref_to_continue = 0;
+ go_through_object (method_table(oo), oo, s, ppslot,
+ start, use_start, (oo + s),
+ {
+ uint8_t* o = *ppslot;
+ Prefetch(o);
+ if (gc_mark (o, gc_low, gc_high))
+ {
+ if (full_p)
+ {
+ m_boundary_fullgc (o);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_boundary (o);
+ }
+ size_t obj_size = size (o);
+ promoted_bytes (thread) += obj_size;
+ if (contain_pointers_or_collectible (o))
+ {
+ *(mark_stack_tos++) = o;
+ if (--i == 0)
+ {
+ ref_to_continue = (uint8_t*)((size_t)(ppslot+1) | partial);
+ goto more_to_do;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ //we are finished with this object
+ assert (ref_to_continue == 0);
+#ifdef MH_SC_MARK
+ assert ((*(place-1)) == (uint8_t*)0);
+#else //MH_SC_MARK
+ *(place-1) = 0;
+#endif //MH_SC_MARK
+ *place = 0;
+ // shouldn't we decrease tos by 2 here??
+ if (ref_to_continue)
+ {
+ //update the start
+#ifdef MH_SC_MARK
+ assert ((*(place-1)) == (uint8_t*)0);
+ *(place-1) = (uint8_t*)((size_t)oo | partial_object);
+ assert (((*place) == (uint8_t*)1) || ((*place) == (uint8_t*)2));
+#endif //MH_SC_MARK
+ *place = ref_to_continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf(3,("mark stack overflow for object %Ix ", (size_t)oo));
+ min_overflow_address = min (min_overflow_address, oo);
+ max_overflow_address = max (max_overflow_address, oo);
+ }
+ }
+ if (mark_stack_tos > sorted_tos + mark_stack_array_length/8)
+ {
+ rqsort1 (sorted_tos, mark_stack_tos-1);
+ sorted_tos = mark_stack_tos-1;
+ }
+ }
+ next_level:
+ if (!(mark_stack_empty_p()))
+ {
+ oo = *(--mark_stack_tos);
+ start = oo;
+ sorted_tos = min ((size_t)sorted_tos, (size_t)mark_stack_tos);
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+#ifdef MH_SC_MARK
+BOOL same_numa_node_p (int hn1, int hn2)
+ return (heap_select::find_numa_node_from_heap_no (hn1) == heap_select::find_numa_node_from_heap_no (hn2));
+int find_next_buddy_heap (int this_heap_number, int current_buddy, int n_heaps)
+ int hn = (current_buddy+1)%n_heaps;
+ while (hn != current_buddy)
+ {
+ if ((this_heap_number != hn) && (same_numa_node_p (this_heap_number, hn)))
+ return hn;
+ hn = (hn+1)%n_heaps;
+ }
+ return current_buddy;
+ mark_stack_busy() = 0;
+ //clear the mark stack in the snooping range
+ for (int i = 0; i < max_snoop_level; i++)
+ {
+ ((VOLATILE(uint8_t*)*)(mark_stack_array))[i] = 0;
+ }
+ //pick the next heap as our buddy
+ int thpn = find_next_buddy_heap (heap_number, heap_number, n_heaps);
+ dprintf (SNOOP_LOG, ("(GC%d)heap%d: start snooping %d", settings.gc_index, heap_number, (heap_number+1)%n_heaps));
+ uint32_t begin_tick = GCToOSInterface::GetLowPrecisionTimeStamp();
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+ int idle_loop_count = 0;
+ int first_not_ready_level = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = g_heaps [thpn];
+ int level = first_not_ready_level;
+ first_not_ready_level = 0;
+ while (check_next_mark_stack (hp) && (level < (max_snoop_level-1)))
+ {
+ idle_loop_count = 0;
+ snoop_stat.busy_count++;
+ dprintf (SNOOP_LOG, ("heap%d: looking at next heap level %d stack contents: %Ix",
+ heap_number, level, (int)((uint8_t**)(hp->mark_stack_array))[level]));
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+ uint8_t* o = ref_mark_stack (hp, level);
+ uint8_t* start = o;
+ if (ref_p (o))
+ {
+ mark_stack_busy() = 1;
+ BOOL success = TRUE;
+ uint8_t* next = (ref_mark_stack (hp, level+1));
+ if (ref_p (next))
+ {
+ if (((size_t)o > 4) && !partial_object_p (o))
+ {
+ //this is a normal object, not a partial mark tuple
+ //success = (Interlocked::CompareExchangePointer (&ref_mark_stack (hp, level), 0, o)==o);
+ success = (Interlocked::CompareExchangePointer (&ref_mark_stack (hp, level), (uint8_t*)4, o)==o);
+ snoop_stat.interlocked_count++;
+ if (success)
+ snoop_stat.normal_count++;
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //it is a stolen entry, or beginning/ending of a partial mark
+ level++;
+ snoop_stat.stolen_or_pm_count++;
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+ success = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (stolen_p (next))
+ {
+ //ignore the stolen guy and go to the next level
+ success = FALSE;
+ level+=2;
+ snoop_stat.stolen_entry_count++;
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (partial_p (next));
+ start = ref_from_slot (next);
+ //re-read the object
+ o = ref_from_slot (ref_mark_stack (hp, level));
+ if (o && start)
+ {
+ //steal the object
+ success = (Interlocked::CompareExchangePointer (&ref_mark_stack (hp, level+1), (uint8_t*)stolen, next)==next);
+ snoop_stat.interlocked_count++;
+ if (success)
+ {
+ snoop_stat.partial_mark_parent_count++;
+ }
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // stack is not ready, or o is completely different from the last time we read from this stack level.
+ // go up 2 levels to steal children or totally unrelated objects.
+ success = FALSE;
+ if (first_not_ready_level == 0)
+ {
+ first_not_ready_level = level;
+ }
+ level+=2;
+ snoop_stat.pm_not_ready_count++;
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+ }
+ }
+ if (success)
+ {
+ dprintf (SNOOP_LOG, ("heap%d: marking %Ix from %d [%d] tl:%dms",
+ heap_number, (size_t)o, (heap_number+1)%n_heaps, level,
+ (GCToOSInterface::GetLowPrecisionTimeStamp()-begin_tick)));
+ uint32_t start_tick = GCToOSInterface::GetLowPrecisionTimeStamp();
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+ mark_object_simple1 (o, start, heap_number);
+ dprintf (SNOOP_LOG, ("heap%d: done marking %Ix from %d [%d] %dms tl:%dms",
+ heap_number, (size_t)o, (heap_number+1)%n_heaps, level,
+ (GCToOSInterface::GetLowPrecisionTimeStamp()-start_tick),(GCToOSInterface::GetLowPrecisionTimeStamp()-begin_tick)));
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+ mark_stack_busy() = 0;
+ //clear the mark stack in snooping range
+ for (int i = 0; i < max_snoop_level; i++)
+ {
+ if (((uint8_t**)mark_stack_array)[i] != 0)
+ {
+ ((VOLATILE(uint8_t*)*)(mark_stack_array))[i] = 0;
+ snoop_stat.stack_bottom_clear_count++;
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+ }
+ }
+ level = 0;
+ }
+ mark_stack_busy() = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //slot is either partial or stolen
+ level++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((first_not_ready_level != 0) && hp->mark_stack_busy())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!hp->mark_stack_busy())
+ {
+ first_not_ready_level = 0;
+ idle_loop_count++;
+ if ((idle_loop_count % (6) )==1)
+ {
+ snoop_stat.switch_to_thread_count++;
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+ GCToOSInterface::Sleep(1);
+ }
+ int free_count = 1;
+ snoop_stat.stack_idle_count++;
+ //dprintf (SNOOP_LOG, ("heap%d: counting idle threads", heap_number));
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+ for (int hpn = (heap_number+1)%n_heaps; hpn != heap_number;)
+ {
+ if (!((g_heaps [hpn])->mark_stack_busy()))
+ {
+ free_count++;
+ dprintf (SNOOP_LOG, ("heap%d: %d idle", heap_number, free_count));
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+ }
+ else if (same_numa_node_p (hpn, heap_number) || ((idle_loop_count%1000))==999)
+ {
+ thpn = hpn;
+ break;
+ }
+ hpn = (hpn+1)%n_heaps;
+ YieldProcessor();
+ }
+ if (free_count == n_heaps)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+BOOL gc_heap::check_next_mark_stack (gc_heap* next_heap)
+ snoop_stat.check_level_count++;
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+ return (next_heap->mark_stack_busy()>=1);
+#endif //MH_SC_MARK
+void gc_heap::print_snoop_stat()
+ dprintf (1234, ("%4s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s",
+ "heap", "check", "zero", "mark", "stole", "pstack", "nstack", "nonsk"));
+ dprintf (1234, ("%4d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d",
+ snoop_stat.heap_index,
+ snoop_stat.objects_checked_count,
+ snoop_stat.zero_ref_count,
+ snoop_stat.objects_marked_count,
+ snoop_stat.stolen_stack_count,
+ snoop_stat.partial_stack_count,
+ snoop_stat.normal_stack_count,
+ snoop_stat.non_stack_count));
+ dprintf (1234, ("%4s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s",
+ "heap", "level", "busy", "xchg", "pmparent", "s_pm", "stolen", "nready", "clear"));
+ dprintf (1234, ("%4d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d\n",
+ snoop_stat.heap_index,
+ snoop_stat.check_level_count,
+ snoop_stat.busy_count,
+ snoop_stat.interlocked_count,
+ snoop_stat.partial_mark_parent_count,
+ snoop_stat.stolen_or_pm_count,
+ snoop_stat.stolen_entry_count,
+ snoop_stat.pm_not_ready_count,
+ snoop_stat.normal_count,
+ snoop_stat.stack_bottom_clear_count));
+ printf ("\n%4s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s\n",
+ "heap", "check", "zero", "mark", "idle", "switch");
+ printf ("%4d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d\n",
+ snoop_stat.heap_index,
+ snoop_stat.objects_checked_count,
+ snoop_stat.zero_ref_count,
+ snoop_stat.objects_marked_count,
+ snoop_stat.stack_idle_count,
+ snoop_stat.switch_to_thread_count);
+ printf ("%4s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s\n",
+ "heap", "level", "busy", "xchg", "pmparent", "s_pm", "stolen", "nready", "normal", "clear");
+ printf ("%4d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d\n",
+ snoop_stat.heap_index,
+ snoop_stat.check_level_count,
+ snoop_stat.busy_count,
+ snoop_stat.interlocked_count,
+ snoop_stat.partial_mark_parent_count,
+ snoop_stat.stolen_or_pm_count,
+ snoop_stat.stolen_entry_count,
+ snoop_stat.pm_not_ready_count,
+ snoop_stat.normal_count,
+ snoop_stat.stack_bottom_clear_count);
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+gc_heap::ha_mark_object_simple (uint8_t** po THREAD_NUMBER_DCL)
+ if (!internal_root_array)
+ {
+ internal_root_array = new (nothrow) uint8_t* [internal_root_array_length];
+ if (!internal_root_array)
+ {
+ heap_analyze_success = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (heap_analyze_success && (internal_root_array_length <= internal_root_array_index))
+ {
+ size_t new_size = 2*internal_root_array_length;
+ uint64_t available_physical = 0;
+ get_memory_info (NULL, &available_physical);
+ if (new_size > (size_t)(available_physical / 10))
+ {
+ heap_analyze_success = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint8_t** tmp = new (nothrow) uint8_t* [new_size];
+ if (tmp)
+ {
+ memcpy (tmp, internal_root_array,
+ internal_root_array_length*sizeof (uint8_t*));
+ delete[] internal_root_array;
+ internal_root_array = tmp;
+ internal_root_array_length = new_size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ heap_analyze_success = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (heap_analyze_success)
+ {
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(internal_root_array_index < internal_root_array_length);
+ uint8_t* ref = (uint8_t*)po;
+ if (!current_obj ||
+ !((ref >= current_obj) && (ref < (current_obj + current_obj_size))))
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::heap_of (ref);
+ current_obj = hp->find_object (ref, hp->lowest_address);
+ current_obj_size = size (current_obj);
+ internal_root_array[internal_root_array_index] = current_obj;
+ internal_root_array_index++;
+ }
+ }
+ mark_object_simple (po THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+#endif //HEAP_ANALYZE
+//this method assumes that *po is in the [low. high[ range
+gc_heap::mark_object_simple (uint8_t** po THREAD_NUMBER_DCL)
+ uint8_t* o = *po;
+ const int thread = 0;
+ {
+ snoop_stat.objects_checked_count++;
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+ if (gc_mark1 (o))
+ {
+ m_boundary (o);
+ size_t s = size (o);
+ promoted_bytes (thread) += s;
+ {
+ go_through_object_cl (method_table(o), o, s, poo,
+ {
+ uint8_t* oo = *poo;
+ if (gc_mark (oo, gc_low, gc_high))
+ {
+ m_boundary (oo);
+ size_t obj_size = size (oo);
+ promoted_bytes (thread) += obj_size;
+ if (contain_pointers_or_collectible (oo))
+ mark_object_simple1 (oo, oo THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+uint8_t* gc_heap::mark_object (uint8_t* o THREAD_NUMBER_DCL)
+ if ((o >= gc_low) && (o < gc_high))
+ mark_object_simple (&o THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+ else if (o)
+ {
+ //find the heap
+ gc_heap* hp = heap_of (o);
+ assert (hp);
+ if ((o >= hp->gc_low) && (o < hp->gc_high))
+ mark_object_simple (&o THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+ }
+ return o;
+void gc_heap::background_mark_simple1 (uint8_t* oo THREAD_NUMBER_DCL)
+ uint8_t** mark_stack_limit = &background_mark_stack_array[background_mark_stack_array_length];
+ uint8_t** sorted_tos = background_mark_stack_array;
+ background_mark_stack_tos = background_mark_stack_array;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ const int thread = 0;
+ if (oo)
+ {
+ size_t s = 0;
+ if ((((size_t)oo & 1) == 0) && ((s = size (oo)) < (partial_size_th*sizeof (uint8_t*))))
+ {
+ BOOL overflow_p = FALSE;
+ if (background_mark_stack_tos + (s) /sizeof (uint8_t*) >= (mark_stack_limit - 1))
+ {
+ size_t num_components = ((method_table(oo))->HasComponentSize() ? ((CObjectHeader*)oo)->GetNumComponents() : 0);
+ size_t num_pointers = CGCDesc::GetNumPointers(method_table(oo), s, num_components);
+ if (background_mark_stack_tos + num_pointers >= (mark_stack_limit - 1))
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("h%d: %Id left, obj (mt: %Ix) %Id ptrs",
+ heap_number,
+ (size_t)(mark_stack_limit - 1 - background_mark_stack_tos),
+ method_table(oo),
+ num_pointers));
+ bgc_overflow_count++;
+ overflow_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (overflow_p == FALSE)
+ {
+ dprintf(3,("pushing mark for %Ix ", (size_t)oo));
+ go_through_object_cl (method_table(oo), oo, s, ppslot,
+ {
+ uint8_t* o = *ppslot;
+ Prefetch(o);
+ if (background_mark (o,
+ background_saved_lowest_address,
+ background_saved_highest_address))
+ {
+ //m_boundary (o);
+ size_t obj_size = size (o);
+ bpromoted_bytes (thread) += obj_size;
+ if (contain_pointers_or_collectible (o))
+ {
+ *(background_mark_stack_tos++) = o;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3,("mark stack overflow for object %Ix ", (size_t)oo));
+ background_min_overflow_address = min (background_min_overflow_address, oo);
+ background_max_overflow_address = max (background_max_overflow_address, oo);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint8_t* start = oo;
+ if ((size_t)oo & 1)
+ {
+ oo = (uint8_t*)((size_t)oo & ~1);
+ start = *(--background_mark_stack_tos);
+ dprintf (4, ("oo: %Ix, start: %Ix\n", (size_t)oo, (size_t)start));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If there's a class object, push it now. We are guaranteed to have the slot since
+ // we just popped one object off.
+ if (is_collectible (oo))
+ {
+ uint8_t* class_obj = get_class_object (oo);
+ if (background_mark (class_obj,
+ background_saved_lowest_address,
+ background_saved_highest_address))
+ {
+ size_t obj_size = size (class_obj);
+ bpromoted_bytes (thread) += obj_size;
+ *(background_mark_stack_tos++) = class_obj;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ s = size (oo);
+ BOOL overflow_p = FALSE;
+ if (background_mark_stack_tos + (num_partial_refs + 2) >= mark_stack_limit)
+ {
+ size_t num_components = ((method_table(oo))->HasComponentSize() ? ((CObjectHeader*)oo)->GetNumComponents() : 0);
+ size_t num_pointers = CGCDesc::GetNumPointers(method_table(oo), s, num_components);
+ dprintf (2, ("h%d: PM: %Id left, obj %Ix (mt: %Ix) start: %Ix, total: %Id",
+ heap_number,
+ (size_t)(mark_stack_limit - background_mark_stack_tos),
+ oo,
+ method_table(oo),
+ start,
+ num_pointers));
+ bgc_overflow_count++;
+ overflow_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (overflow_p == FALSE)
+ {
+ dprintf(3,("pushing mark for %Ix ", (size_t)oo));
+ //push the object and its current
+ uint8_t** place = background_mark_stack_tos++;
+ *(place) = start;
+ *(background_mark_stack_tos++) = (uint8_t*)((size_t)oo | 1);
+ int i = num_partial_refs;
+ go_through_object (method_table(oo), oo, s, ppslot,
+ start, use_start, (oo + s),
+ {
+ uint8_t* o = *ppslot;
+ Prefetch(o);
+ if (background_mark (o,
+ background_saved_lowest_address,
+ background_saved_highest_address))
+ {
+ //m_boundary (o);
+ size_t obj_size = size (o);
+ bpromoted_bytes (thread) += obj_size;
+ if (contain_pointers_or_collectible (o))
+ {
+ *(background_mark_stack_tos++) = o;
+ if (--i == 0)
+ {
+ //update the start
+ *place = (uint8_t*)(ppslot+1);
+ goto more_to_do;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ //we are finished with this object
+ *place = 0;
+ *(place+1) = 0;
+ more_to_do:;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3,("mark stack overflow for object %Ix ", (size_t)oo));
+ background_min_overflow_address = min (background_min_overflow_address, oo);
+ background_max_overflow_address = max (background_max_overflow_address, oo);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (background_mark_stack_tos > sorted_tos + mark_stack_array_length/8)
+ {
+ rqsort1 (sorted_tos, background_mark_stack_tos-1);
+ sorted_tos = background_mark_stack_tos-1;
+ }
+ allow_fgc();
+ if (!(background_mark_stack_tos == background_mark_stack_array))
+ {
+ oo = *(--background_mark_stack_tos);
+ sorted_tos = (uint8_t**)min ((size_t)sorted_tos, (size_t)background_mark_stack_tos);
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ assert (background_mark_stack_tos == background_mark_stack_array);
+//this version is different than the foreground GC because
+//it can't keep pointers to the inside of an object
+//while calling background_mark_simple1. The object could be moved
+//by an intervening foreground gc.
+//this method assumes that *po is in the [low. high[ range
+gc_heap::background_mark_simple (uint8_t* o THREAD_NUMBER_DCL)
+ const int thread = 0;
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("bmarking %Ix", o));
+ if (background_mark1 (o))
+ {
+ //m_boundary (o);
+ size_t s = size (o);
+ bpromoted_bytes (thread) += s;
+ if (contain_pointers_or_collectible (o))
+ {
+ background_mark_simple1 (o THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+uint8_t* gc_heap::background_mark_object (uint8_t* o THREAD_NUMBER_DCL)
+ if ((o >= background_saved_lowest_address) && (o < background_saved_highest_address))
+ {
+ background_mark_simple (o THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (o)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("or-%Ix", o));
+ }
+ }
+ return o;
+void gc_heap::background_verify_mark (Object*& object, ScanContext* sc, uint32_t flags)
+ assert (settings.concurrent);
+ uint8_t* o = (uint8_t*)object;
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::heap_of (o);
+ if (flags & GC_CALL_INTERIOR)
+ {
+ o = hp->find_object (o, background_saved_lowest_address);
+ }
+ if (!background_object_marked (o, FALSE))
+ {
+ }
+void gc_heap::background_promote (Object** ppObject, ScanContext* sc, uint32_t flags)
+ //in order to save space on the array, mark the object,
+ //knowing that it will be visited later
+ assert (settings.concurrent);
+ const int thread = 0;
+ uint8_t* o = (uint8_t*)*ppObject;
+ if (o == 0)
+ return;
+#ifdef DEBUG_DestroyedHandleValue
+ // we can race with destroy handle during concurrent scan
+ if (o == (uint8_t*)DEBUG_DestroyedHandleValue)
+ return;
+#endif //DEBUG_DestroyedHandleValue
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::heap_of (o);
+ if ((o < hp->background_saved_lowest_address) || (o >= hp->background_saved_highest_address))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (flags & GC_CALL_INTERIOR)
+ {
+ o = hp->find_object (o, hp->background_saved_lowest_address);
+ if (o == 0)
+ return;
+ }
+ // For conservative GC, a value on stack may point to middle of a free object.
+ // In this case, we don't need to promote the pointer.
+ if (g_pConfig->GetGCConservative() && ((CObjectHeader*)o)->IsFree())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ ((CObjectHeader*)o)->Validate();
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ dprintf (BGC_LOG, ("Background Promote %Ix", (size_t)o));
+ //needs to be called before the marking because it is possible for a foreground
+ //gc to take place during the mark and move the object
+ STRESS_LOG3(LF_GC|LF_GCROOTS, LL_INFO1000000, " GCHeap::Promote: Promote GC Root *%p = %p MT = %pT", ppObject, o, o ? ((Object*) o)->GetGCSafeMethodTable() : NULL);
+ hpt->background_mark_simple (o THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+//used by the ephemeral collection to scan the local background structures
+//containing references.
+gc_heap::scan_background_roots (promote_func* fn, int hn, ScanContext *pSC)
+ ScanContext sc;
+ if (pSC == 0)
+ pSC = &sc;
+ pSC->thread_number = hn;
+ pSC->pCurrentDomain = 0;
+ BOOL relocate_p = (fn == &GCHeap::Relocate);
+ dprintf (3, ("Scanning background mark list"));
+ //scan mark_list
+ size_t mark_list_finger = 0;
+ while (mark_list_finger < c_mark_list_index)
+ {
+ uint8_t** o = &c_mark_list [mark_list_finger];
+ if (!relocate_p)
+ {
+ // We may not be able to calculate the size during relocate as POPO
+ // may have written over the object.
+ size_t s = size (*o);
+ assert (Align (s) >= Align (min_obj_size));
+ dprintf(3,("background root %Ix", (size_t)*o));
+ }
+ (*fn) ((Object**)o, pSC, 0);
+ mark_list_finger++;
+ }
+ //scan the mark stack
+ dprintf (3, ("Scanning background mark stack"));
+ uint8_t** finger = background_mark_stack_array;
+ while (finger < background_mark_stack_tos)
+ {
+ if ((finger + 1) < background_mark_stack_tos)
+ {
+ // We need to check for the partial mark case here.
+ uint8_t* parent_obj = *(finger + 1);
+ if ((size_t)parent_obj & 1)
+ {
+ uint8_t* place = *finger;
+ size_t place_offset = 0;
+ uint8_t* real_parent_obj = (uint8_t*)((size_t)parent_obj & ~1);
+ if (relocate_p)
+ {
+ *(finger + 1) = real_parent_obj;
+ place_offset = place - real_parent_obj;
+ dprintf(3,("relocating background root %Ix", (size_t)real_parent_obj));
+ (*fn) ((Object**)(finger + 1), pSC, 0);
+ real_parent_obj = *(finger + 1);
+ *finger = real_parent_obj + place_offset;
+ *(finger + 1) = (uint8_t*)((size_t)real_parent_obj | 1);
+ dprintf(3,("roots changed to %Ix, %Ix", *finger, *(finger + 1)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint8_t** temp = &real_parent_obj;
+ dprintf(3,("marking background root %Ix", (size_t)real_parent_obj));
+ (*fn) ((Object**)temp, pSC, 0);
+ }
+ finger += 2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf(3,("background root %Ix", (size_t)*finger));
+ (*fn) ((Object**)finger, pSC, 0);
+ finger++;
+ }
+void gc_heap::fix_card_table ()
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (generation_of (max_generation)));
+ bool reset_watch_state = !!settings.concurrent;
+ bool reset_watch_state = false;
+ BOOL small_object_segments = TRUE;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (seg == 0)
+ {
+ if (small_object_segments)
+ {
+ small_object_segments = FALSE;
+ seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (large_object_generation));
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ uint8_t* base_address = align_lower_page (heap_segment_mem (seg));
+ uint8_t* high_address = align_on_page (
+ (seg != ephemeral_heap_segment) ?
+ heap_segment_allocated (seg) :
+ generation_allocation_start (generation_of (0))
+ );
+ uintptr_t bcount = array_size;
+ do
+ {
+ if(high_address <= base_address)
+ break;
+ size_t region_size = high_address - base_address;
+ assert (region_size > 0);
+ dprintf (3,("Probing pages [%Ix, %Ix[", (size_t)base_address, (size_t)high_address));
+ unsigned int time_start = GetCycleCount32();
+ get_write_watch_for_gc_heap(reset_watch_state, base_address, region_size,
+ (void**)g_addresses,
+ &bcount, true);
+ unsigned int time_stop = GetCycleCount32();
+ tot_cycles += time_stop - time_start;
+ printf ("get_write_watch_for_gc_heap Duration: %d, total: %d\n",
+ time_stop - time_start, tot_cycles);
+ assert( ((card_size * card_word_width)&(OS_PAGE_SIZE-1))==0 );
+ //printf ("%Ix written into\n", bcount);
+ dprintf (3,("Found %Id pages written", bcount));
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < bcount; i++)
+ {
+ for (unsigned j = 0; j< (card_size*card_word_width)/OS_PAGE_SIZE; j++)
+ {
+ card_table [card_word (card_of (g_addresses [i]))+j] = ~0u;
+ }
+ dprintf (2,("Set Cards [%Ix:%Ix, %Ix:%Ix[",
+ card_of (g_addresses [i]), (size_t)g_addresses [i],
+ card_of (g_addresses [i]+OS_PAGE_SIZE), (size_t)g_addresses [i]+OS_PAGE_SIZE));
+ }
+ if (bcount >= array_size){
+ base_address = g_addresses [array_size-1] + OS_PAGE_SIZE;
+ bcount = array_size;
+ }
+ } while (bcount >= array_size);
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ }
+ if (settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ //reset the ephemeral page allocated by generation_of (0)
+ uint8_t* base_address =
+ align_on_page (generation_allocation_start (generation_of (0)));
+ size_t region_size =
+ heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) - base_address;
+ reset_write_watch_for_gc_heap(base_address, region_size);
+ }
+#endif //WRITE_WATCH
+void gc_heap::background_mark_through_object (uint8_t* oo THREAD_NUMBER_DCL)
+ if (contain_pointers (oo))
+ {
+ size_t total_refs = 0;
+ size_t s = size (oo);
+ go_through_object_nostart (method_table(oo), oo, s, po,
+ {
+ uint8_t* o = *po;
+ total_refs++;
+ background_mark_object (o THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+ }
+ );
+ dprintf (3,("Background marking through %Ix went through %Id refs",
+ (size_t)oo,
+ total_refs));
+ }
+uint8_t* gc_heap::background_seg_end (heap_segment* seg, BOOL concurrent_p)
+ if (concurrent_p && (seg == saved_overflow_ephemeral_seg))
+ {
+ // for now we stop at where gen1 started when we started processing
+ return background_min_soh_overflow_address;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return heap_segment_allocated (seg);
+ }
+uint8_t* gc_heap::background_first_overflow (uint8_t* min_add,
+ heap_segment* seg,
+ BOOL concurrent_p,
+ BOOL small_object_p)
+ uint8_t* o = 0;
+ if (small_object_p)
+ {
+ if (in_range_for_segment (min_add, seg))
+ {
+ // min_add was the beginning of gen1 when we did the concurrent
+ // overflow. Now we could be in a situation where min_add is
+ // actually the same as allocated for that segment (because
+ // we expanded heap), in which case we can not call
+ // find first on this address or we will AV.
+ if (min_add >= heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ return min_add;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (concurrent_p &&
+ ((seg == saved_overflow_ephemeral_seg) && (min_add >= background_min_soh_overflow_address)))
+ {
+ return background_min_soh_overflow_address;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ o = find_first_object (min_add, heap_segment_mem (seg));
+ return o;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ o = max (heap_segment_mem (seg), min_add);
+ return o;
+void gc_heap::background_process_mark_overflow_internal (int condemned_gen_number,
+ uint8_t* min_add, uint8_t* max_add,
+ BOOL concurrent_p)
+ if (concurrent_p)
+ {
+ current_bgc_state = bgc_overflow_soh;
+ }
+ size_t total_marked_objects = 0;
+ int thread = heap_number;
+ exclusive_sync* loh_alloc_lock = 0;
+ dprintf (2,("Processing Mark overflow [%Ix %Ix]", (size_t)min_add, (size_t)max_add));
+ // We don't have each heap scan all heaps concurrently because we are worried about
+ // multiple threads calling things like find_first_object.
+ int h_start = (concurrent_p ? heap_number : 0);
+ int h_end = (concurrent_p ? (heap_number + 1) : n_heaps);
+ for (int hi = h_start; hi < h_end; hi++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = (concurrent_p ? this : g_heaps [(heap_number + hi) % n_heaps]);
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = 0;
+ BOOL small_object_segments = TRUE;
+ int align_const = get_alignment_constant (small_object_segments);
+ generation* gen = hp->generation_of (condemned_gen_number);
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_in_range (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ loh_alloc_lock = hp->bgc_alloc_lock;
+ uint8_t* o = hp->background_first_overflow (min_add,
+ seg,
+ concurrent_p,
+ small_object_segments);
+ while (1)
+ {
+ while ((o < hp->background_seg_end (seg, concurrent_p)) && (o <= max_add))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("considering %Ix", (size_t)o));
+ size_t s;
+ if (concurrent_p && !small_object_segments)
+ {
+ loh_alloc_lock->bgc_mark_set (o);
+ if (((CObjectHeader*)o)->IsFree())
+ {
+ s = unused_array_size (o);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s = size (o);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s = size (o);
+ }
+ if (background_object_marked (o, FALSE) && contain_pointers_or_collectible (o))
+ {
+ total_marked_objects++;
+ go_through_object_cl (method_table(o), o, s, poo,
+ uint8_t* oo = *poo;
+ background_mark_object (oo THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+ );
+ }
+ if (concurrent_p && !small_object_segments)
+ {
+ loh_alloc_lock->bgc_mark_done ();
+ }
+ o = o + Align (s, align_const);
+ if (concurrent_p)
+ {
+ allow_fgc();
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf (2, ("went through overflow objects in segment %Ix (%d) (so far %Id marked)",
+ heap_segment_mem (seg), (small_object_segments ? 0 : 1), total_marked_objects));
+ if ((concurrent_p && (seg == hp->saved_overflow_ephemeral_seg)) ||
+ (seg = heap_segment_next_in_range (seg)) == 0)
+ {
+ if (small_object_segments)
+ {
+ if (concurrent_p)
+ {
+ current_bgc_state = bgc_overflow_loh;
+ }
+ dprintf (2, ("h%d: SOH: ov-mo: %Id", heap_number, total_marked_objects));
+ fire_overflow_event (min_add, max_add, total_marked_objects, !small_object_segments);
+ concurrent_print_time_delta (concurrent_p ? "Cov SOH" : "Nov SOH");
+ total_marked_objects = 0;
+ small_object_segments = FALSE;
+ align_const = get_alignment_constant (small_object_segments);
+ seg = heap_segment_in_range (generation_start_segment (hp->generation_of (max_generation+1)));
+ o = max (heap_segment_mem (seg), min_add);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: LOH: ov-mo: %Id", heap_number, total_marked_objects));
+ fire_overflow_event (min_add, max_add, total_marked_objects, !small_object_segments);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ o = hp->background_first_overflow (min_add,
+ seg,
+ concurrent_p,
+ small_object_segments);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+BOOL gc_heap::background_process_mark_overflow (BOOL concurrent_p)
+ BOOL grow_mark_array_p = TRUE;
+ if (concurrent_p)
+ {
+ assert (!processed_soh_overflow_p);
+ if ((background_max_overflow_address != 0) &&
+ (background_min_overflow_address != MAX_PTR))
+ {
+ // We have overflow to process but we know we can't process the ephemeral generations
+ // now (we actually could process till the current gen1 start but since we are going to
+ // make overflow per segment, for now I'll just stop at the saved gen1 start.
+ saved_overflow_ephemeral_seg = ephemeral_heap_segment;
+ background_max_soh_overflow_address = heap_segment_reserved (saved_overflow_ephemeral_seg);
+ background_min_soh_overflow_address = generation_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation-1));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert ((saved_overflow_ephemeral_seg == 0) ||
+ ((background_max_soh_overflow_address != 0) &&
+ (background_min_soh_overflow_address != MAX_PTR)));
+ if (!processed_soh_overflow_p)
+ {
+ // if there was no more overflow we just need to process what we didn't process
+ // on the saved ephemeral segment.
+ if ((background_max_overflow_address == 0) && (background_min_overflow_address == MAX_PTR))
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("final processing mark overflow - no more overflow since last time"));
+ grow_mark_array_p = FALSE;
+ }
+ background_min_overflow_address = min (background_min_overflow_address,
+ background_min_soh_overflow_address);
+ background_max_overflow_address = max (background_max_overflow_address,
+ background_max_soh_overflow_address);
+ processed_soh_overflow_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ BOOL overflow_p = FALSE;
+ if ((! ((background_max_overflow_address == 0)) ||
+ ! ((background_min_overflow_address == MAX_PTR))))
+ {
+ overflow_p = TRUE;
+ if (grow_mark_array_p)
+ {
+ // Try to grow the array.
+ size_t new_size = max (MARK_STACK_INITIAL_LENGTH, 2*background_mark_stack_array_length);
+ if ((new_size * sizeof(mark)) > 100*1024)
+ {
+ size_t new_max_size = (get_total_heap_size() / 10) / sizeof(mark);
+ new_size = min(new_max_size, new_size);
+ }
+ if ((background_mark_stack_array_length < new_size) &&
+ ((new_size - background_mark_stack_array_length) > (background_mark_stack_array_length / 2)))
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("h%d: ov grow to %Id", heap_number, new_size));
+ uint8_t** tmp = new (nothrow) uint8_t* [new_size];
+ if (tmp)
+ {
+ delete background_mark_stack_array;
+ background_mark_stack_array = tmp;
+ background_mark_stack_array_length = new_size;
+ background_mark_stack_tos = background_mark_stack_array;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ grow_mark_array_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ uint8_t* min_add = background_min_overflow_address;
+ uint8_t* max_add = background_max_overflow_address;
+ background_max_overflow_address = 0;
+ background_min_overflow_address = MAX_PTR;
+ background_process_mark_overflow_internal (max_generation, min_add, max_add, concurrent_p);
+ if (!concurrent_p)
+ {
+ goto recheck;
+ }
+ }
+ return overflow_p;
+void gc_heap::mark_through_object (uint8_t* oo, BOOL mark_class_object_p THREAD_NUMBER_DCL)
+ UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(mark_class_object_p);
+ BOOL to_mark_class_object = FALSE;
+ BOOL to_mark_class_object = (mark_class_object_p && (is_collectible(oo)));
+ if (contain_pointers (oo) || to_mark_class_object)
+ {
+ dprintf(3,( "Marking through %Ix", (size_t)oo));
+ size_t s = size (oo);
+ if (to_mark_class_object)
+ {
+ uint8_t* class_obj = get_class_object (oo);
+ mark_object (class_obj THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+ }
+ if (contain_pointers (oo))
+ {
+ go_through_object_nostart (method_table(oo), oo, s, po,
+ uint8_t* o = *po;
+ mark_object (o THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+ );
+ }
+ }
+size_t gc_heap::get_total_heap_size()
+ size_t total_heap_size = 0;
+ int hn = 0;
+ for (hn = 0; hn < gc_heap::n_heaps; hn++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp2 = gc_heap::g_heaps [hn];
+ total_heap_size += hp2->generation_size (max_generation + 1) + hp2->generation_sizes (hp2->generation_of (max_generation));
+ }
+ total_heap_size = generation_size (max_generation + 1) + generation_sizes (generation_of (max_generation));
+ return total_heap_size;
+size_t gc_heap::committed_size()
+ generation* gen = generation_of (max_generation);
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ size_t total_committed = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ total_committed += heap_segment_committed (seg) - (uint8_t*)seg;
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ if (!seg)
+ {
+ if (gen != large_object_generation)
+ {
+ gen = generation_of (max_generation + 1);
+ seg = generation_start_segment (gen);
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return total_committed;
+size_t gc_heap::get_total_committed_size()
+ size_t total_committed = 0;
+ int hn = 0;
+ for (hn = 0; hn < gc_heap::n_heaps; hn++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps [hn];
+ total_committed += hp->committed_size();
+ }
+ total_committed = committed_size();
+ return total_committed;
+void gc_heap::get_memory_info (uint32_t* memory_load,
+ uint64_t* available_physical,
+ uint64_t* available_page_file)
+ GCToOSInterface::GetMemoryStatus(memory_load, available_physical, available_page_file);
+void fire_mark_event (int heap_num, int root_type, size_t bytes_marked)
+ dprintf (DT_LOG_0, ("-----------[%d]mark %d: %Id", heap_num, root_type, bytes_marked));
+ FireEtwGCMarkWithType (heap_num, GetClrInstanceId(), root_type, bytes_marked);
+//returns TRUE is an overflow happened.
+BOOL gc_heap::process_mark_overflow(int condemned_gen_number)
+ size_t last_promoted_bytes = promoted_bytes (heap_number);
+ BOOL overflow_p = FALSE;
+ if ((! (max_overflow_address == 0) ||
+ ! (min_overflow_address == MAX_PTR)))
+ {
+ overflow_p = TRUE;
+ // Try to grow the array.
+ size_t new_size =
+ max (MARK_STACK_INITIAL_LENGTH, 2*mark_stack_array_length);
+ if ((new_size * sizeof(mark)) > 100*1024)
+ {
+ size_t new_max_size = (get_total_heap_size() / 10) / sizeof(mark);
+ new_size = min(new_max_size, new_size);
+ }
+ if ((mark_stack_array_length < new_size) &&
+ ((new_size - mark_stack_array_length) > (mark_stack_array_length / 2)))
+ {
+ mark* tmp = new (nothrow) mark [new_size];
+ if (tmp)
+ {
+ delete mark_stack_array;
+ mark_stack_array = tmp;
+ mark_stack_array_length = new_size;
+ }
+ }
+ uint8_t* min_add = min_overflow_address;
+ uint8_t* max_add = max_overflow_address;
+ max_overflow_address = 0;
+ min_overflow_address = MAX_PTR;
+ process_mark_overflow_internal (condemned_gen_number, min_add, max_add);
+ goto recheck;
+ }
+ size_t current_promoted_bytes = promoted_bytes (heap_number);
+ if (current_promoted_bytes != last_promoted_bytes)
+ fire_mark_event (heap_number, ETW::GC_ROOT_OVERFLOW, (current_promoted_bytes - last_promoted_bytes));
+ return overflow_p;
+void gc_heap::process_mark_overflow_internal (int condemned_gen_number,
+ uint8_t* min_add, uint8_t* max_add)
+ int thread = heap_number;
+ BOOL full_p = (condemned_gen_number == max_generation);
+ dprintf(3,("Processing Mark overflow [%Ix %Ix]", (size_t)min_add, (size_t)max_add));
+ for (int hi = 0; hi < n_heaps; hi++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = g_heaps [(heap_number + hi) % n_heaps];
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = 0;
+ BOOL small_object_segments = TRUE;
+ int align_const = get_alignment_constant (small_object_segments);
+ generation* gen = hp->generation_of (condemned_gen_number);
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_in_range (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ uint8_t* o = max (heap_segment_mem (seg), min_add);
+ while (1)
+ {
+ uint8_t* end = heap_segment_allocated (seg);
+ while ((o < end) && (o <= max_add))
+ {
+ assert ((min_add <= o) && (max_add >= o));
+ dprintf (3, ("considering %Ix", (size_t)o));
+ if (marked (o))
+ {
+ mark_through_object (o, TRUE THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+ }
+ o = o + Align (size (o), align_const);
+ }
+ if (( seg = heap_segment_next_in_range (seg)) == 0)
+ {
+ if (small_object_segments && full_p)
+ {
+ small_object_segments = FALSE;
+ align_const = get_alignment_constant (small_object_segments);
+ seg = heap_segment_in_range (generation_start_segment (hp->generation_of (max_generation+1)));
+ o = max (heap_segment_mem (seg), min_add);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ o = max (heap_segment_mem (seg), min_add);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Scanning for promotion for dependent handles need special handling. Because the primary holds a strong
+// reference to the secondary (when the primary itself is reachable) and this can cause a cascading series of
+// promotions (the secondary of one handle is or promotes the primary of another) we might need to perform the
+// promotion scan multiple times.
+// This helper encapsulates the logic to complete all dependent handle promotions when running a server GC. It
+// also has the effect of processing any mark stack overflow.
+// When multiple heaps are enabled we have must utilize a more complex algorithm in order to keep all the GC
+// worker threads synchronized. The algorithms are sufficiently divergent that we have different
+// implementations based on whether MULTIPLE_HEAPS is defined or not.
+// Define some static variables used for synchronization in the method below. These should really be defined
+// locally but MSVC complains when the VOLATILE macro is expanded into an instantiation of the Volatile class.
+// A note about the synchronization used within this method. Communication between the worker threads is
+// achieved via two shared booleans (defined below). These both act as latches that are transitioned only from
+// false -> true by unsynchronized code. They are only read or reset to false by a single thread under the
+// protection of a join.
+static VOLATILE(BOOL) s_fUnpromotedHandles = FALSE;
+static VOLATILE(BOOL) s_fUnscannedPromotions = FALSE;
+static VOLATILE(BOOL) s_fScanRequired;
+void gc_heap::scan_dependent_handles (int condemned_gen_number, ScanContext *sc, BOOL initial_scan_p)
+ // Whenever we call this method there may have been preceding object promotions. So set
+ // s_fUnscannedPromotions unconditionally (during further iterations of the scanning loop this will be set
+ // based on the how the scanning proceeded).
+ s_fUnscannedPromotions = TRUE;
+ // We don't know how many times we need to loop yet. In particular we can't base the loop condition on
+ // the state of this thread's portion of the dependent handle table. That's because promotions on other
+ // threads could cause handle promotions to become necessary here. Even if there are definitely no more
+ // promotions possible in this thread's handles, we still have to stay in lock-step with those worker
+ // threads that haven't finished yet (each GC worker thread has to join exactly the same number of times
+ // as all the others or they'll get out of step).
+ while (true)
+ {
+ // The various worker threads are all currently racing in this code. We need to work out if at least
+ // one of them think they have work to do this cycle. Each thread needs to rescan its portion of the
+ // dependent handle table when both of the following conditions apply:
+ // 1) At least one (arbitrary) object might have been promoted since the last scan (because if this
+ // object happens to correspond to a primary in one of our handles we might potentially have to
+ // promote the associated secondary).
+ // 2) The table for this thread has at least one handle with a secondary that isn't promoted yet.
+ //
+ // The first condition is represented by s_fUnscannedPromotions. This is always non-zero for the first
+ // iteration of this loop (see comment above) and in subsequent cycles each thread updates this
+ // whenever a mark stack overflow occurs or scanning their dependent handles results in a secondary
+ // being promoted. This value is cleared back to zero in a synchronized fashion in the join that
+ // follows below. Note that we can't read this outside of the join since on any iteration apart from
+ // the first threads will be racing between reading this value and completing their previous
+ // iteration's table scan.
+ //
+ // The second condition is tracked by the dependent handle code itself on a per worker thread basis
+ // (and updated by the GcDhReScan() method). We call GcDhUnpromotedHandlesExist() on each thread to
+ // determine the local value and collect the results into the s_fUnpromotedHandles variable in what is
+ // effectively an OR operation. As per s_fUnscannedPromotions we can't read the final result until
+ // we're safely joined.
+ if (GCScan::GcDhUnpromotedHandlesExist(sc))
+ s_fUnpromotedHandles = TRUE;
+ // Synchronize all the threads so we can read our state variables safely. The shared variable
+ // s_fScanRequired, indicating whether we should scan the tables or terminate the loop, will be set by
+ // a single thread inside the join.
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_scan_dependent_handles);
+ if (gc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ // We're synchronized so it's safe to read our shared state variables. We update another shared
+ // variable to indicate to all threads whether we'll be scanning for another cycle or terminating
+ // the loop. We scan if there has been at least one object promotion since last time and at least
+ // one thread has a dependent handle table with a potential handle promotion possible.
+ s_fScanRequired = s_fUnscannedPromotions && s_fUnpromotedHandles;
+ // Reset our shared state variables (ready to be set again on this scan or with a good initial
+ // value for the next call if we're terminating the loop).
+ s_fUnscannedPromotions = FALSE;
+ s_fUnpromotedHandles = FALSE;
+ if (!s_fScanRequired)
+ {
+ // We're terminating the loop. Perform any last operations that require single threaded access.
+ if (!initial_scan_p)
+ {
+ // On the second invocation we reconcile all mark overflow ranges across the heaps. This can help
+ // load balance if some of the heaps have an abnormally large workload.
+ uint8_t* all_heaps_max = 0;
+ uint8_t* all_heaps_min = MAX_PTR;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ if (all_heaps_max < g_heaps[i]->max_overflow_address)
+ all_heaps_max = g_heaps[i]->max_overflow_address;
+ if (all_heaps_min > g_heaps[i]->min_overflow_address)
+ all_heaps_min = g_heaps[i]->min_overflow_address;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ g_heaps[i]->max_overflow_address = all_heaps_max;
+ g_heaps[i]->min_overflow_address = all_heaps_min;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Restart all the workers.
+ dprintf(3, ("Starting all gc thread mark stack overflow processing"));
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ // Handle any mark stack overflow: scanning dependent handles relies on all previous object promotions
+ // being visible. If there really was an overflow (process_mark_overflow returns true) then set the
+ // global flag indicating that at least one object promotion may have occurred (the usual comment
+ // about races applies). (Note it's OK to set this flag even if we're about to terminate the loop and
+ // exit the method since we unconditionally set this variable on method entry anyway).
+ if (process_mark_overflow(condemned_gen_number))
+ s_fUnscannedPromotions = TRUE;
+ // If we decided that no scan was required we can terminate the loop now.
+ if (!s_fScanRequired)
+ break;
+ // Otherwise we must join with the other workers to ensure that all mark stack overflows have been
+ // processed before we start scanning dependent handle tables (if overflows remain while we scan we
+ // could miss noting the promotion of some primary objects).
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_rescan_dependent_handles);
+ if (gc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ // Restart all the workers.
+ dprintf(3, ("Starting all gc thread for dependent handle promotion"));
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ // If the portion of the dependent handle table managed by this worker has handles that could still be
+ // promoted perform a rescan. If the rescan resulted in at least one promotion note this fact since it
+ // could require a rescan of handles on this or other workers.
+ if (GCScan::GcDhUnpromotedHandlesExist(sc))
+ if (GCScan::GcDhReScan(sc))
+ s_fUnscannedPromotions = TRUE;
+ }
+// Non-multiple heap version of scan_dependent_handles: much simpler without the need to keep multiple worker
+// threads synchronized.
+void gc_heap::scan_dependent_handles (int condemned_gen_number, ScanContext *sc, BOOL initial_scan_p)
+ // Whenever we call this method there may have been preceding object promotions. So set
+ // fUnscannedPromotions unconditionally (during further iterations of the scanning loop this will be set
+ // based on the how the scanning proceeded).
+ bool fUnscannedPromotions = true;
+ // Loop until there are either no more dependent handles that can have their secondary promoted or we've
+ // managed to perform a scan without promoting anything new.
+ while (GCScan::GcDhUnpromotedHandlesExist(sc) && fUnscannedPromotions)
+ {
+ // On each iteration of the loop start with the assumption that no further objects have been promoted.
+ fUnscannedPromotions = false;
+ // Handle any mark stack overflow: scanning dependent handles relies on all previous object promotions
+ // being visible. If there was an overflow (process_mark_overflow returned true) then additional
+ // objects now appear to be promoted and we should set the flag.
+ if (process_mark_overflow(condemned_gen_number))
+ fUnscannedPromotions = true;
+ // Perform the scan and set the flag if any promotions resulted.
+ if (GCScan::GcDhReScan(sc))
+ fUnscannedPromotions = true;
+ }
+ // Process any mark stack overflow that may have resulted from scanning handles (or if we didn't need to
+ // scan any handles at all this is the processing of overflows that may have occurred prior to this method
+ // invocation).
+ process_mark_overflow(condemned_gen_number);
+void gc_heap::mark_phase (int condemned_gen_number, BOOL mark_only_p)
+ assert (settings.concurrent == FALSE);
+ ScanContext sc;
+ sc.thread_number = heap_number;
+ sc.promotion = TRUE;
+ sc.concurrent = FALSE;
+ dprintf(2,("---- Mark Phase condemning %d ----", condemned_gen_number));
+ BOOL full_p = (condemned_gen_number == max_generation);
+#ifdef TIME_GC
+ unsigned start;
+ unsigned finish;
+ start = GetCycleCount32();
+#endif //TIME_GC
+ int gen_to_init = condemned_gen_number;
+ if (condemned_gen_number == max_generation)
+ {
+ gen_to_init = max_generation + 1;
+ }
+ for (int gen_idx = 0; gen_idx <= gen_to_init; gen_idx++)
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (gen_idx);
+ dd_begin_data_size (dd) = generation_size (gen_idx) -
+ dd_fragmentation (dd) -
+ Align (size (generation_allocation_start (generation_of (gen_idx))));
+ dprintf (2, ("begin data size for gen%d is %Id", gen_idx, dd_begin_data_size (dd)));
+ dd_survived_size (dd) = 0;
+ dd_pinned_survived_size (dd) = 0;
+ dd_artificial_pinned_survived_size (dd) = 0;
+ dd_added_pinned_size (dd) = 0;
+ dd_padding_size (dd) = 0;
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ dd_num_npinned_plugs (dd) = 0;
+ }
+ if (gen0_must_clear_bricks > 0)
+ gen0_must_clear_bricks--;
+#endif //FFIND_OBJECT
+ size_t last_promoted_bytes = 0;
+ promoted_bytes (heap_number) = 0;
+ reset_mark_stack();
+ memset (&snoop_stat, 0, sizeof(snoop_stat));
+ snoop_stat.heap_index = heap_number;
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+#ifdef MH_SC_MARK
+ if (full_p)
+ {
+ //initialize the mark stack
+ for (int i = 0; i < max_snoop_level; i++)
+ {
+ ((uint8_t**)(mark_stack_array))[i] = 0;
+ }
+ mark_stack_busy() = 1;
+ }
+#endif //MH_SC_MARK
+ static uint32_t num_sizedrefs = 0;
+#ifdef MH_SC_MARK
+ static BOOL do_mark_steal_p = FALSE;
+#endif //MH_SC_MARK
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_begin_mark_phase);
+ if (gc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ num_sizedrefs = SystemDomain::System()->GetTotalNumSizedRefHandles();
+#ifdef MH_SC_MARK
+ if (full_p)
+ {
+ size_t total_heap_size = get_total_heap_size();
+ if (total_heap_size > (100 * 1024 * 1024))
+ {
+ do_mark_steal_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ do_mark_steal_p = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ do_mark_steal_p = FALSE;
+ }
+#endif //MH_SC_MARK
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ {
+#ifdef MARK_LIST
+ //set up the mark lists from g_mark_list
+ assert (g_mark_list);
+ mark_list = &g_mark_list [heap_number*mark_list_size];
+ mark_list = g_mark_list;
+ //dont use the mark list for full gc
+ //because multiple segments are more complex to handle and the list
+ //is likely to overflow
+ if (condemned_gen_number != max_generation)
+ mark_list_end = &mark_list [mark_list_size-1];
+ else
+ mark_list_end = &mark_list [0];
+ mark_list_index = &mark_list [0];
+#endif //MARK_LIST
+ shigh = (uint8_t*) 0;
+ slow = MAX_PTR;
+ //%type% category = quote (mark);
+ if ((condemned_gen_number == max_generation) && (num_sizedrefs > 0))
+ {
+ GCScan::GcScanSizedRefs(GCHeap::Promote, condemned_gen_number, max_generation, &sc);
+ fire_mark_event (heap_number, ETW::GC_ROOT_SIZEDREF, (promoted_bytes (heap_number) - last_promoted_bytes));
+ last_promoted_bytes = promoted_bytes (heap_number);
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_scan_sizedref_done);
+ if (gc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ dprintf(3, ("Done with marking all sized refs. Starting all gc thread for marking other strong roots"));
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf(3,("Marking Roots"));
+ GCScan::GcScanRoots(GCHeap::Promote,
+ condemned_gen_number, max_generation,
+ &sc);
+ fire_mark_event (heap_number, ETW::GC_ROOT_STACK, (promoted_bytes (heap_number) - last_promoted_bytes));
+ last_promoted_bytes = promoted_bytes (heap_number);
+ if (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ {
+ scan_background_roots (GCHeap::Promote, heap_number, &sc);
+ }
+ dprintf(3, ("Marking finalization data"));
+ finalize_queue->GcScanRoots(GCHeap::Promote, heap_number, 0);
+ fire_mark_event (heap_number, ETW::GC_ROOT_FQ, (promoted_bytes (heap_number) - last_promoted_bytes));
+ last_promoted_bytes = promoted_bytes (heap_number);
+ {
+ dprintf(3,("Marking handle table"));
+ GCScan::GcScanHandles(GCHeap::Promote,
+ condemned_gen_number, max_generation,
+ &sc);
+ fire_mark_event (heap_number, ETW::GC_ROOT_HANDLES, (promoted_bytes (heap_number) - last_promoted_bytes));
+ last_promoted_bytes = promoted_bytes (heap_number);
+ }
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ size_t promoted_before_cards = promoted_bytes (heap_number);
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ dprintf (3, ("before cards: %Id", promoted_before_cards));
+ if (!full_p)
+ {
+ if (gc_t_join.r_join(this, gc_r_join_update_card_bundle))
+ {
+ update_card_table_bundle ();
+ gc_t_join.r_restart();
+ }
+#endif //CARD_BUNDLE
+ card_fn mark_object_fn = &gc_heap::mark_object_simple;
+ heap_analyze_success = TRUE;
+ if (heap_analyze_enabled)
+ {
+ internal_root_array_index = 0;
+ current_obj = 0;
+ current_obj_size = 0;
+ mark_object_fn = &gc_heap::ha_mark_object_simple;
+ }
+#endif //HEAP_ANALYZE
+ dprintf(3,("Marking cross generation pointers"));
+ mark_through_cards_for_segments (mark_object_fn, FALSE);
+ dprintf(3,("Marking cross generation pointers for large objects"));
+ mark_through_cards_for_large_objects (mark_object_fn, FALSE);
+ dprintf (3, ("marked by cards: %Id",
+ (promoted_bytes (heap_number) - promoted_before_cards)));
+ fire_mark_event (heap_number, ETW::GC_ROOT_OLDER, (promoted_bytes (heap_number) - last_promoted_bytes));
+ last_promoted_bytes = promoted_bytes (heap_number);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef MH_SC_MARK
+ if (do_mark_steal_p)
+ {
+ mark_steal();
+ }
+#endif //MH_SC_MARK
+ // Dependent handles need to be scanned with a special algorithm (see the header comment on
+ // scan_dependent_handles for more detail). We perform an initial scan without synchronizing with other
+ // worker threads or processing any mark stack overflow. This is not guaranteed to complete the operation
+ // but in a common case (where there are no dependent handles that are due to be collected) it allows us
+ // to optimize away further scans. The call to scan_dependent_handles is what will cycle through more
+ // iterations if required and will also perform processing of any mark stack overflow once the dependent
+ // handle table has been fully promoted.
+ GCScan::GcDhInitialScan(GCHeap::Promote, condemned_gen_number, max_generation, &sc);
+ scan_dependent_handles(condemned_gen_number, &sc, true);
+ dprintf(3, ("Joining for short weak handle scan"));
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_null_dead_short_weak);
+ if (gc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ heap_analyze_enabled = FALSE;
+ DACNotifyGcMarkEnd(condemned_gen_number);
+#endif // HEAP_ANALYZE
+ GCToEEInterface::AfterGcScanRoots (condemned_gen_number, max_generation, &sc);
+ if (!full_p)
+ {
+ // we used r_join and need to reinitialize states for it here.
+ gc_t_join.r_init();
+ }
+ //start all threads on the roots.
+ dprintf(3, ("Starting all gc thread for short weak handle scan"));
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ // null out the target of short weakref that were not promoted.
+ GCScan::GcShortWeakPtrScan(GCHeap::Promote, condemned_gen_number, max_generation,&sc);
+// MTHTS: keep by single thread
+ dprintf(3, ("Joining for finalization"));
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_scan_finalization);
+ if (gc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ //start all threads on the roots.
+ dprintf(3, ("Starting all gc thread for Finalization"));
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ //Handle finalization.
+ size_t promoted_bytes_live = promoted_bytes (heap_number);
+ dprintf (3, ("Finalize marking"));
+ finalize_queue->ScanForFinalization (GCHeap::Promote, condemned_gen_number, mark_only_p, __this);
+ if (CORProfilerTrackGC())
+ {
+ finalize_queue->WalkFReachableObjects (__this);
+ }
+#endif //GC_PROFILING
+ // Scan dependent handles again to promote any secondaries associated with primaries that were promoted
+ // for finalization. As before scan_dependent_handles will also process any mark stack overflow.
+ scan_dependent_handles(condemned_gen_number, &sc, false);
+ dprintf(3, ("Joining for weak pointer deletion"));
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_null_dead_long_weak);
+ if (gc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ //start all threads on the roots.
+ dprintf(3, ("Starting all gc thread for weak pointer deletion"));
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ // null out the target of long weakref that were not promoted.
+ GCScan::GcWeakPtrScan (GCHeap::Promote, condemned_gen_number, max_generation, &sc);
+// MTHTS: keep by single thread
+#ifdef MARK_LIST
+// unsigned long start = GetCycleCount32();
+ sort_mark_list();
+// printf("sort_mark_list took %u cycles\n", GetCycleCount32() - start);
+#endif //MARK_LIST
+ dprintf (3, ("Joining for sync block cache entry scanning"));
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_null_dead_syncblk);
+ if (gc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ // scan for deleted entries in the syncblk cache
+ GCScan::GcWeakPtrScanBySingleThread (condemned_gen_number, max_generation, &sc);
+ if (g_fEnableARM)
+ {
+ size_t promoted_all_heaps = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ promoted_all_heaps += promoted_bytes (i);
+ }
+ promoted_all_heaps = promoted_bytes (heap_number);
+ SystemDomain::RecordTotalSurvivedBytes (promoted_all_heaps);
+ }
+#ifdef MARK_LIST
+ //compact g_mark_list and sort it.
+ combine_mark_lists();
+#endif //MARK_LIST
+ //decide on promotion
+ if (!settings.promotion)
+ {
+ size_t m = 0;
+ for (int n = 0; n <= condemned_gen_number;n++)
+ {
+ m += (size_t)(dd_min_gc_size (dynamic_data_of (n))*(n+1)*0.1);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd = g_heaps[i]->dynamic_data_of (min (condemned_gen_number +1,
+ max_generation));
+ size_t older_gen_size = (dd_current_size (dd) +
+ (dd_desired_allocation (dd) -
+ dd_new_allocation (dd)));
+ if ((m > (older_gen_size)) ||
+ (promoted_bytes (i) > m))
+ {
+ settings.promotion = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (do_mark_steal_p)
+ {
+ size_t objects_checked_count = 0;
+ size_t zero_ref_count = 0;
+ size_t objects_marked_count = 0;
+ size_t check_level_count = 0;
+ size_t busy_count = 0;
+ size_t interlocked_count = 0;
+ size_t partial_mark_parent_count = 0;
+ size_t stolen_or_pm_count = 0;
+ size_t stolen_entry_count = 0;
+ size_t pm_not_ready_count = 0;
+ size_t normal_count = 0;
+ size_t stack_bottom_clear_count = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = g_heaps[i];
+ hp->print_snoop_stat();
+ objects_checked_count += hp->snoop_stat.objects_checked_count;
+ zero_ref_count += hp->snoop_stat.zero_ref_count;
+ objects_marked_count += hp->snoop_stat.objects_marked_count;
+ check_level_count += hp->snoop_stat.check_level_count;
+ busy_count += hp->snoop_stat.busy_count;
+ interlocked_count += hp->snoop_stat.interlocked_count;
+ partial_mark_parent_count += hp->snoop_stat.partial_mark_parent_count;
+ stolen_or_pm_count += hp->snoop_stat.stolen_or_pm_count;
+ stolen_entry_count += hp->snoop_stat.stolen_entry_count;
+ pm_not_ready_count += hp->snoop_stat.pm_not_ready_count;
+ normal_count += hp->snoop_stat.normal_count;
+ stack_bottom_clear_count += hp->snoop_stat.stack_bottom_clear_count;
+ }
+ fflush (stdout);
+ printf ("-------total stats-------\n");
+ printf ("%8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s | %8s\n",
+ "checked", "zero", "marked", "level", "busy", "xchg", "pmparent", "s_pm", "stolen", "nready", "normal", "clear");
+ printf ("%8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d | %8d\n",
+ objects_checked_count,
+ zero_ref_count,
+ objects_marked_count,
+ check_level_count,
+ busy_count,
+ interlocked_count,
+ partial_mark_parent_count,
+ stolen_or_pm_count,
+ stolen_entry_count,
+ pm_not_ready_count,
+ normal_count,
+ stack_bottom_clear_count);
+ }
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+ //start all threads.
+ dprintf(3, ("Starting all threads for end of mark phase"));
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ //decide on promotion
+ if (!settings.promotion)
+ {
+ size_t m = 0;
+ for (int n = 0; n <= condemned_gen_number;n++)
+ {
+ m += (size_t)(dd_min_gc_size (dynamic_data_of (n))*(n+1)*0.06);
+ }
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (min (condemned_gen_number +1,
+ max_generation));
+ size_t older_gen_size = (dd_current_size (dd) +
+ (dd_desired_allocation (dd) -
+ dd_new_allocation (dd)));
+ dprintf (2, ("promotion threshold: %Id, promoted bytes: %Id size n+1: %Id",
+ m, promoted_bytes (heap_number), older_gen_size));
+ if ((m > older_gen_size) ||
+ (promoted_bytes (heap_number) > m))
+ {
+ settings.promotion = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef MARK_LIST
+// start = GetCycleCount32();
+ merge_mark_lists();
+// printf("merge_mark_lists took %u cycles\n", GetCycleCount32() - start);
+#endif //MARK_LIST
+ total_promoted_bytes = promoted_bytes (heap_number);
+ promoted_bytes (heap_number) -= promoted_bytes_live;
+#ifdef TIME_GC
+ finish = GetCycleCount32();
+ mark_time = finish - start;
+#endif //TIME_GC
+ dprintf(2,("---- End of mark phase ----"));
+void gc_heap::pin_object (uint8_t* o, uint8_t** ppObject, uint8_t* low, uint8_t* high)
+ dprintf (3, ("Pinning %Ix", (size_t)o));
+ if ((o >= low) && (o < high))
+ {
+ dprintf(3,("^%Ix^", (size_t)o));
+ set_pinned (o);
+ if(EventEnabledPinObjectAtGCTime())
+ {
+ fire_etw_pin_object_event(o, ppObject);
+ }
+ num_pinned_objects++;
+ }
+size_t gc_heap::get_total_pinned_objects()
+ size_t total_num_pinned_objects = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < gc_heap::n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps[i];
+ total_num_pinned_objects += hp->num_pinned_objects;
+ }
+ return total_num_pinned_objects;
+ return num_pinned_objects;
+void gc_heap::reset_mark_stack ()
+ reset_pinned_queue();
+ max_overflow_address = 0;
+ min_overflow_address = MAX_PTR;
+// The word with left child, right child, and align info is laid out as follows:
+// | upper short word | lower short word |
+// |<------------> <----->|<------------> <----->|
+// | left child info hi| right child info lo|
+// x86: | 10 bits 6 bits| 10 bits 6 bits|
+// where left/right child are signed values and concat(info hi, info lo) is unsigned.
+// The "align info" encodes two numbers: the required alignment (a power of two)
+// and the misalignment (the number of machine words the destination address needs
+// to be adjusted by to provide alignment - so this number is always smaller than
+// the required alignment). Thus, the two can be represented as the "logical or"
+// of the two numbers. Note that the actual pad is computed from the misalignment
+// by adding the alignment iff the misalignment is non-zero and less than min_obj_size.
+// The number of bits in a brick.
+#if defined (_TARGET_AMD64_)
+#define brick_bits (12)
+#define brick_bits (11)
+#endif //_TARGET_AMD64_
+C_ASSERT(brick_size == (1 << brick_bits));
+// The number of bits needed to represent the offset to a child node.
+// "brick_bits + 1" allows us to represent a signed offset within a brick.
+#define child_bits (brick_bits + 1 - LOG2_PTRSIZE)
+// The number of bits in each of the pad hi, pad lo fields.
+#define pad_bits (sizeof(short) * 8 - child_bits)
+#define child_from_short(w) (((signed short)(w) / (1 << (pad_bits - LOG2_PTRSIZE))) & ~((1 << LOG2_PTRSIZE) - 1))
+#define pad_mask ((1 << pad_bits) - 1)
+#define pad_from_short(w) ((size_t)(w) & pad_mask)
+#define child_from_short(w) (w)
+short node_left_child(uint8_t* node)
+ return child_from_short(((plug_and_pair*)node)[-1].m_pair.left);
+void set_node_left_child(uint8_t* node, ptrdiff_t val)
+ assert (val > -(ptrdiff_t)brick_size);
+ assert (val < (ptrdiff_t)brick_size);
+ assert (Aligned (val));
+ size_t pad = pad_from_short(((plug_and_pair*)node)[-1].m_pair.left);
+ ((plug_and_pair*)node)[-1].m_pair.left = ((short)val << (pad_bits - LOG2_PTRSIZE)) | (short)pad;
+ ((plug_and_pair*)node)[-1].m_pair.left = (short)val;
+ assert (node_left_child (node) == val);
+short node_right_child(uint8_t* node)
+ return child_from_short(((plug_and_pair*)node)[-1].m_pair.right);
+void set_node_right_child(uint8_t* node, ptrdiff_t val)
+ assert (val > -(ptrdiff_t)brick_size);
+ assert (val < (ptrdiff_t)brick_size);
+ assert (Aligned (val));
+ size_t pad = pad_from_short(((plug_and_pair*)node)[-1].m_pair.right);
+ ((plug_and_pair*)node)[-1].m_pair.right = ((short)val << (pad_bits - LOG2_PTRSIZE)) | (short)pad;
+ ((plug_and_pair*)node)[-1].m_pair.right = (short)val;
+ assert (node_right_child (node) == val);
+void node_aligninfo (uint8_t* node, int& requiredAlignment, ptrdiff_t& pad)
+ // Extract the single-number aligninfo from the fields.
+ short left = ((plug_and_pair*)node)[-1].m_pair.left;
+ short right = ((plug_and_pair*)node)[-1].m_pair.right;
+ ptrdiff_t pad_shifted = (pad_from_short(left) << pad_bits) | pad_from_short(right);
+ ptrdiff_t aligninfo = pad_shifted * DATA_ALIGNMENT;
+ // Replicate the topmost bit into all lower bits.
+ ptrdiff_t x = aligninfo;
+ x |= x >> 8;
+ x |= x >> 4;
+ x |= x >> 2;
+ x |= x >> 1;
+ // Clear all bits but the highest.
+ requiredAlignment = (int)(x ^ (x >> 1));
+ pad = aligninfo - requiredAlignment;
+ pad += AdjustmentForMinPadSize(pad, requiredAlignment);
+ptrdiff_t node_alignpad (uint8_t* node)
+ int requiredAlignment;
+ ptrdiff_t alignpad;
+ node_aligninfo (node, requiredAlignment, alignpad);
+ return alignpad;
+void clear_node_aligninfo (uint8_t* node)
+ ((plug_and_pair*)node)[-1].m_pair.left &= ~0 << pad_bits;
+ ((plug_and_pair*)node)[-1].m_pair.right &= ~0 << pad_bits;
+void set_node_aligninfo (uint8_t* node, int requiredAlignment, ptrdiff_t pad)
+ // Encode the alignment requirement and alignment offset as a single number
+ // as described above.
+ ptrdiff_t aligninfo = (size_t)requiredAlignment + (pad & (requiredAlignment-1));
+ assert (Aligned (aligninfo));
+ ptrdiff_t aligninfo_shifted = aligninfo / DATA_ALIGNMENT;
+ assert (aligninfo_shifted < (1 << (pad_bits + pad_bits)));
+ ptrdiff_t hi = aligninfo_shifted >> pad_bits;
+ assert (pad_from_short(((plug_and_gap*)node)[-1].m_pair.left) == 0);
+ ((plug_and_pair*)node)[-1].m_pair.left |= hi;
+ ptrdiff_t lo = aligninfo_shifted & pad_mask;
+ assert (pad_from_short(((plug_and_gap*)node)[-1].m_pair.right) == 0);
+ ((plug_and_pair*)node)[-1].m_pair.right |= lo;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ int requiredAlignment2;
+ ptrdiff_t pad2;
+ node_aligninfo (node, requiredAlignment2, pad2);
+ assert (requiredAlignment == requiredAlignment2);
+ assert (pad == pad2);
+#endif // _DEBUG
+void loh_set_node_relocation_distance(uint8_t* node, ptrdiff_t val)
+ ptrdiff_t* place = &(((loh_obj_and_pad*)node)[-1].reloc);
+ *place = val;
+ptrdiff_t loh_node_relocation_distance(uint8_t* node)
+ return (((loh_obj_and_pad*)node)[-1].reloc);
+ptrdiff_t node_relocation_distance (uint8_t* node)
+ return (((plug_and_reloc*)(node))[-1].reloc & ~3);
+void set_node_relocation_distance(uint8_t* node, ptrdiff_t val)
+ assert (val == (val & ~3));
+ ptrdiff_t* place = &(((plug_and_reloc*)node)[-1].reloc);
+ //clear the left bit and the relocation field
+ *place &= 1;
+ // store the value
+ *place |= val;
+#define node_left_p(node) (((plug_and_reloc*)(node))[-1].reloc & 2)
+#define set_node_left(node) ((plug_and_reloc*)(node))[-1].reloc |= 2;
+void set_node_realigned(uint8_t* node)
+ ((plug_and_reloc*)(node))[-1].reloc |= 1;
+void clear_node_realigned(uint8_t* node)
+ ((plug_and_reloc*)(node))[-1].reloc &= ~1;
+size_t node_gap_size (uint8_t* node)
+ return ((plug_and_gap *)node)[-1].gap;
+void set_gap_size (uint8_t* node, size_t size)
+ assert (Aligned (size));
+ // clear the 2 uint32_t used by the node.
+ ((plug_and_gap *)node)[-1].reloc = 0;
+ ((plug_and_gap *)node)[-1].lr =0;
+ ((plug_and_gap *)node)[-1].gap = size;
+ assert ((size == 0 )||(size >= sizeof(plug_and_reloc)));
+uint8_t* gc_heap::insert_node (uint8_t* new_node, size_t sequence_number,
+ uint8_t* tree, uint8_t* last_node)
+ dprintf (3, ("IN: %Ix(%Ix), T: %Ix(%Ix), L: %Ix(%Ix) [%Ix]",
+ (size_t)new_node, brick_of(new_node),
+ (size_t)tree, brick_of(tree),
+ (size_t)last_node, brick_of(last_node),
+ sequence_number));
+ if (power_of_two_p (sequence_number))
+ {
+ set_node_left_child (new_node, (tree - new_node));
+ dprintf (3, ("NT: %Ix, LC->%Ix", (size_t)new_node, (tree - new_node)));
+ tree = new_node;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (oddp (sequence_number))
+ {
+ set_node_right_child (last_node, (new_node - last_node));
+ dprintf (3, ("%Ix RC->%Ix", last_node, (new_node - last_node)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint8_t* earlier_node = tree;
+ size_t imax = logcount(sequence_number) - 2;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i != imax; i++)
+ {
+ earlier_node = earlier_node + node_right_child (earlier_node);
+ }
+ int tmp_offset = node_right_child (earlier_node);
+ assert (tmp_offset); // should never be empty
+ set_node_left_child (new_node, ((earlier_node + tmp_offset ) - new_node));
+ set_node_right_child (earlier_node, (new_node - earlier_node));
+ dprintf (3, ("%Ix LC->%Ix, %Ix RC->%Ix",
+ new_node, ((earlier_node + tmp_offset ) - new_node),
+ earlier_node, (new_node - earlier_node)));
+ }
+ }
+ return tree;
+size_t gc_heap::update_brick_table (uint8_t* tree, size_t current_brick,
+ uint8_t* x, uint8_t* plug_end)
+ dprintf (3, ("tree: %Ix, current b: %Ix, x: %Ix, plug_end: %Ix",
+ tree, current_brick, x, plug_end));
+ if (tree > 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("b- %Ix->%Ix pointing to tree %Ix",
+ current_brick, (size_t)(tree - brick_address (current_brick)), tree));
+ set_brick (current_brick, (tree - brick_address (current_brick)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("b- %Ix->-1", current_brick));
+ set_brick (current_brick, -1);
+ }
+ size_t b = 1 + current_brick;
+ ptrdiff_t offset = 0;
+ size_t last_br = brick_of (plug_end-1);
+ current_brick = brick_of (x-1);
+ dprintf (3, ("ubt: %Ix->%Ix]->%Ix]", b, last_br, current_brick));
+ while (b <= current_brick)
+ {
+ if (b <= last_br)
+ {
+ set_brick (b, --offset);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ set_brick (b,-1);
+ }
+ b++;
+ }
+ return brick_of (x);
+void gc_heap::plan_generation_start (generation* gen, generation* consing_gen, uint8_t* next_plug_to_allocate)
+#ifdef BIT64
+ // We should never demote big plugs to gen0.
+ if (gen == youngest_generation)
+ {
+ heap_segment* seg = ephemeral_heap_segment;
+ size_t mark_stack_large_bos = mark_stack_bos;
+ size_t large_plug_pos = 0;
+ while (mark_stack_large_bos < mark_stack_tos)
+ {
+ if (mark_stack_array[mark_stack_large_bos].len > demotion_plug_len_th)
+ {
+ while (mark_stack_bos <= mark_stack_large_bos)
+ {
+ size_t entry = deque_pinned_plug();
+ size_t len = pinned_len (pinned_plug_of (entry));
+ uint8_t* plug = pinned_plug (pinned_plug_of(entry));
+ if (len > demotion_plug_len_th)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("ps(%d): S %Ix (%Id)(%Ix)", gen->gen_num, plug, len, (plug+len)));
+ }
+ pinned_len (pinned_plug_of (entry)) = plug - generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen);
+ assert(mark_stack_array[entry].len == 0 ||
+ mark_stack_array[entry].len >= Align(min_obj_size));
+ generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen) = plug + len;
+ generation_allocation_limit (consing_gen) = heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg);
+ set_allocator_next_pin (consing_gen);
+ }
+ }
+ mark_stack_large_bos++;
+ }
+ }
+#endif // BIT64
+ generation_plan_allocation_start (gen) =
+ allocate_in_condemned_generations (consing_gen, Align (min_obj_size), -1);
+ generation_plan_allocation_start_size (gen) = Align (min_obj_size);
+ size_t allocation_left = (size_t)(generation_allocation_limit (consing_gen) - generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen));
+ if (next_plug_to_allocate)
+ {
+ size_t dist_to_next_plug = (size_t)(next_plug_to_allocate - generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen));
+ if (allocation_left > dist_to_next_plug)
+ {
+ allocation_left = dist_to_next_plug;
+ }
+ }
+ if (allocation_left < Align (min_obj_size))
+ {
+ generation_plan_allocation_start_size (gen) += allocation_left;
+ generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen) += allocation_left;
+ }
+ dprintf (1, ("plan alloc gen%d(%Ix) start at %Ix (ptr: %Ix, limit: %Ix, next: %Ix)", gen->gen_num,
+ generation_plan_allocation_start (gen),
+ generation_plan_allocation_start_size (gen),
+ generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen), generation_allocation_limit (consing_gen),
+ next_plug_to_allocate));
+void gc_heap::realloc_plan_generation_start (generation* gen, generation* consing_gen)
+ BOOL adjacentp = FALSE;
+ generation_plan_allocation_start (gen) =
+ allocate_in_expanded_heap (consing_gen, Align(min_obj_size), adjacentp, 0,
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ generation_plan_allocation_start_size (gen) = Align (min_obj_size);
+ size_t allocation_left = (size_t)(generation_allocation_limit (consing_gen) - generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen));
+ if ((allocation_left < Align (min_obj_size)) &&
+ (generation_allocation_limit (consing_gen)!=heap_segment_plan_allocated (generation_allocation_segment (consing_gen))))
+ {
+ generation_plan_allocation_start_size (gen) += allocation_left;
+ generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen) += allocation_left;
+ }
+ dprintf (1, ("plan re-alloc gen%d start at %Ix (ptr: %Ix, limit: %Ix)", gen->gen_num,
+ generation_plan_allocation_start (consing_gen),
+ generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen),
+ generation_allocation_limit (consing_gen)));
+void gc_heap::plan_generation_starts (generation*& consing_gen)
+ //make sure that every generation has a planned allocation start
+ int gen_number = settings.condemned_generation;
+ while (gen_number >= 0)
+ {
+ if (gen_number < max_generation)
+ {
+ consing_gen = ensure_ephemeral_heap_segment (consing_gen);
+ }
+ generation* gen = generation_of (gen_number);
+ if (0 == generation_plan_allocation_start (gen))
+ {
+ plan_generation_start (gen, consing_gen, 0);
+ assert (generation_plan_allocation_start (gen));
+ }
+ gen_number--;
+ }
+ // now we know the planned allocation size
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) =
+ generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen);
+void gc_heap::advance_pins_for_demotion (generation* gen)
+ uint8_t* original_youngest_start = generation_allocation_start (youngest_generation);
+ heap_segment* seg = ephemeral_heap_segment;
+ if ((!(pinned_plug_que_empty_p())))
+ {
+ size_t gen1_pinned_promoted = generation_pinned_allocation_compact_size (generation_of (max_generation));
+ size_t gen1_pins_left = dd_pinned_survived_size (dynamic_data_of (max_generation - 1)) - gen1_pinned_promoted;
+ size_t total_space_to_skip = last_gen1_pin_end - generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ float pin_frag_ratio = (float)gen1_pins_left / (float)total_space_to_skip;
+ float pin_surv_ratio = (float)gen1_pins_left / (float)(dd_survived_size (dynamic_data_of (max_generation - 1)));
+ if ((pin_frag_ratio > 0.15) && (pin_surv_ratio > 0.30))
+ {
+ while (!pinned_plug_que_empty_p() &&
+ (pinned_plug (oldest_pin()) < original_youngest_start))
+ {
+ size_t entry = deque_pinned_plug();
+ size_t len = pinned_len (pinned_plug_of (entry));
+ uint8_t* plug = pinned_plug (pinned_plug_of(entry));
+ pinned_len (pinned_plug_of (entry)) = plug - generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ assert(mark_stack_array[entry].len == 0 ||
+ mark_stack_array[entry].len >= Align(min_obj_size));
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen) = plug + len;
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) = heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg);
+ set_allocator_next_pin (gen);
+ //Add the size of the pinned plug to the right pinned allocations
+ //find out which gen this pinned plug came from
+ int frgn = object_gennum (plug);
+ if ((frgn != (int)max_generation) && settings.promotion)
+ {
+ int togn = object_gennum_plan (plug);
+ generation_pinned_allocation_sweep_size ((generation_of (frgn +1))) += len;
+ if (frgn < togn)
+ {
+ generation_pinned_allocation_compact_size (generation_of (togn)) += len;
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf (2, ("skipping gap %d, pin %Ix (%Id)",
+ pinned_len (pinned_plug_of (entry)), plug, len));
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf (2, ("ad_p_d: PL: %Id, SL: %Id, pfr: %d, psr: %d",
+ gen1_pins_left, total_space_to_skip, (int)(pin_frag_ratio*100), (int)(pin_surv_ratio*100)));
+ }
+void gc_heap::process_ephemeral_boundaries (uint8_t* x,
+ int& active_new_gen_number,
+ int& active_old_gen_number,
+ generation*& consing_gen,
+ BOOL& allocate_in_condemned)
+ if ((active_old_gen_number > 0) &&
+ (x >= generation_allocation_start (generation_of (active_old_gen_number - 1))))
+ {
+ dprintf (1, ("crossing gen%d, x is %Ix", active_old_gen_number - 1, x));
+ if (!pinned_plug_que_empty_p())
+ {
+ dprintf (1, ("oldest pin: %Ix(%Id)",
+ pinned_plug (oldest_pin()),
+ (x - pinned_plug (oldest_pin()))));
+ }
+ if (active_old_gen_number <= (settings.promotion ? (max_generation - 1) : max_generation))
+ {
+ active_new_gen_number--;
+ }
+ active_old_gen_number--;
+ assert ((!settings.promotion) || (active_new_gen_number>0));
+ if (active_new_gen_number == (max_generation - 1))
+ {
+ if (settings.condemned_generation == max_generation)
+ {
+ // We need to do this before we skip the rest of the pinned plugs.
+ generation* gen_2 = generation_of (max_generation);
+ generation* gen_1 = generation_of (max_generation - 1);
+ size_t total_num_pinned_free_spaces_left = 0;
+ // We are about to allocate gen1, check to see how efficient fitting in gen2 pinned free spaces is.
+ for (int j = 0; j < NUM_GEN_POWER2; j++)
+ {
+ dprintf (1, ("[h%d][#%Id]2^%d: current: %Id, S: 2: %Id, 1: %Id(%Id)",
+ heap_number,
+ settings.gc_index,
+ (j + 10),
+ gen_2->gen_current_pinned_free_spaces[j],
+ gen_2->gen_plugs[j], gen_1->gen_plugs[j],
+ (gen_2->gen_plugs[j] + gen_1->gen_plugs[j])));
+ total_num_pinned_free_spaces_left += gen_2->gen_current_pinned_free_spaces[j];
+ }
+ float pinned_free_list_efficiency = 0;
+ size_t total_pinned_free_space = generation_allocated_in_pinned_free (gen_2) + generation_pinned_free_obj_space (gen_2);
+ if (total_pinned_free_space != 0)
+ {
+ pinned_free_list_efficiency = (float)(generation_allocated_in_pinned_free (gen_2)) / (float)total_pinned_free_space;
+ }
+ dprintf (1, ("[h%d] gen2 allocated %Id bytes with %Id bytes pinned free spaces (effi: %d%%), %Id (%Id) left",
+ heap_number,
+ generation_allocated_in_pinned_free (gen_2),
+ total_pinned_free_space,
+ (int)(pinned_free_list_efficiency * 100),
+ generation_pinned_free_obj_space (gen_2),
+ total_num_pinned_free_spaces_left));
+ }
+ //Go past all of the pinned plugs for this generation.
+ while (!pinned_plug_que_empty_p() &&
+ (!in_range_for_segment ((pinned_plug (oldest_pin())), ephemeral_heap_segment)))
+ {
+ size_t entry = deque_pinned_plug();
+ mark* m = pinned_plug_of (entry);
+ uint8_t* plug = pinned_plug (m);
+ size_t len = pinned_len (m);
+ // detect pinned block in different segment (later) than
+ // allocation segment, skip those until the oldest pin is in the ephemeral seg.
+ // adjust the allocation segment along the way (at the end it will
+ // be the ephemeral segment.
+ heap_segment* nseg = heap_segment_in_range (generation_allocation_segment (consing_gen));
+ while (!((plug >= generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen))&&
+ (plug < heap_segment_allocated (nseg))))
+ {
+ //adjust the end of the segment to be the end of the plug
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen)>=
+ heap_segment_mem (nseg));
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen)<=
+ heap_segment_committed (nseg));
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (nseg) =
+ generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen);
+ //switch allocation segment
+ nseg = heap_segment_next_rw (nseg);
+ generation_allocation_segment (consing_gen) = nseg;
+ //reset the allocation pointer and limits
+ generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen) =
+ heap_segment_mem (nseg);
+ }
+ set_new_pin_info (m, generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen));
+ assert(pinned_len(m) == 0 || pinned_len(m) >= Align(min_obj_size));
+ generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen) = plug + len;
+ generation_allocation_limit (consing_gen) =
+ generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen);
+ }
+ allocate_in_condemned = TRUE;
+ consing_gen = ensure_ephemeral_heap_segment (consing_gen);
+ }
+ if (active_new_gen_number != max_generation)
+ {
+ if (active_new_gen_number == (max_generation - 1))
+ {
+ maxgen_pinned_compact_before_advance = generation_pinned_allocation_compact_size (generation_of (max_generation));
+ if (!demote_gen1_p)
+ advance_pins_for_demotion (consing_gen);
+ }
+ plan_generation_start (generation_of (active_new_gen_number), consing_gen, x);
+ dprintf (1, ("process eph: allocated gen%d start at %Ix",
+ active_new_gen_number,
+ generation_plan_allocation_start (generation_of (active_new_gen_number))));
+ if ((demotion_low == MAX_PTR) && !pinned_plug_que_empty_p())
+ {
+ uint8_t* pplug = pinned_plug (oldest_pin());
+ if (object_gennum (pplug) > 0)
+ {
+ demotion_low = pplug;
+ dprintf (3, ("process eph: dlow->%Ix", demotion_low));
+ }
+ }
+ assert (generation_plan_allocation_start (generation_of (active_new_gen_number)));
+ }
+ goto retry;
+ }
+void gc_heap::seg_clear_mark_bits (heap_segment* seg)
+ uint8_t* o = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ while (o < heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ if (marked (o))
+ {
+ clear_marked (o);
+ }
+ o = o + Align (size (o));
+ }
+void gc_heap::sweep_ro_segments (heap_segment* start_seg)
+ //go through all of the segment in range and reset the mark bit
+ //TODO works only on small object segments
+ heap_segment* seg = start_seg;
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ if (heap_segment_read_only_p (seg) &&
+ heap_segment_in_range_p (seg))
+ {
+ if (settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ seg_clear_mark_array_bits_soh (seg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ seg_clear_mark_bits (seg);
+ }
+#ifdef MARK_ARRAY
+ if(gc_can_use_concurrent)
+ {
+ clear_mark_array (max (heap_segment_mem (seg), lowest_address),
+ min (heap_segment_allocated (seg), highest_address),
+ FALSE); // read_only segments need the mark clear
+ }
+#else //MARK_ARRAY
+ seg_clear_mark_bits (seg);
+#endif //MARK_ARRAY
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ }
+BOOL gc_heap::loh_pinned_plug_que_empty_p()
+ return (loh_pinned_queue_bos == loh_pinned_queue_tos);
+void gc_heap::loh_set_allocator_next_pin()
+ if (!(loh_pinned_plug_que_empty_p()))
+ {
+ mark* oldest_entry = loh_oldest_pin();
+ uint8_t* plug = pinned_plug (oldest_entry);
+ generation* gen = large_object_generation;
+ if ((plug >= generation_allocation_pointer (gen)) &&
+ (plug < generation_allocation_limit (gen)))
+ {
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) = pinned_plug (oldest_entry);
+ }
+ else
+ assert (!((plug < generation_allocation_pointer (gen)) &&
+ (plug >= heap_segment_mem (generation_allocation_segment (gen)))));
+ }
+size_t gc_heap::loh_deque_pinned_plug ()
+ size_t m = loh_pinned_queue_bos;
+ loh_pinned_queue_bos++;
+ return m;
+mark* gc_heap::loh_pinned_plug_of (size_t bos)
+ return &loh_pinned_queue[bos];
+mark* gc_heap::loh_oldest_pin()
+ return loh_pinned_plug_of (loh_pinned_queue_bos);
+// If we can't grow the queue, then don't compact.
+BOOL gc_heap::loh_enque_pinned_plug (uint8_t* plug, size_t len)
+ assert(len >= Align(min_obj_size, get_alignment_constant (FALSE)));
+ if (loh_pinned_queue_length <= loh_pinned_queue_tos)
+ {
+ if (!grow_mark_stack (loh_pinned_queue, loh_pinned_queue_length, LOH_PIN_QUEUE_LENGTH))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf (3, (" P: %Ix(%Id)", plug, len));
+ mark& m = loh_pinned_queue[loh_pinned_queue_tos];
+ m.first = plug;
+ m.len = len;
+ loh_pinned_queue_tos++;
+ loh_set_allocator_next_pin();
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL gc_heap::loh_size_fit_p (size_t size, uint8_t* alloc_pointer, uint8_t* alloc_limit)
+ dprintf (1235, ("trying to fit %Id(%Id) between %Ix and %Ix (%Id)",
+ size,
+ (2* AlignQword (loh_padding_obj_size) + size),
+ alloc_pointer,
+ alloc_limit,
+ (alloc_limit - alloc_pointer)));
+ return ((alloc_pointer + 2* AlignQword (loh_padding_obj_size) + size) <= alloc_limit);
+uint8_t* gc_heap::loh_allocate_in_condemned (uint8_t* old_loc, size_t size)
+ generation* gen = large_object_generation;
+ dprintf (1235, ("E: p:%Ix, l:%Ix, s: %Id",
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen),
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen),
+ size));
+ {
+ heap_segment* seg = generation_allocation_segment (gen);
+ if (!(loh_size_fit_p (size, generation_allocation_pointer (gen), generation_allocation_limit (gen))))
+ {
+ if ((!(loh_pinned_plug_que_empty_p()) &&
+ (generation_allocation_limit (gen) ==
+ pinned_plug (loh_oldest_pin()))))
+ {
+ mark* m = loh_pinned_plug_of (loh_deque_pinned_plug());
+ size_t len = pinned_len (m);
+ uint8_t* plug = pinned_plug (m);
+ dprintf (1235, ("AIC: %Ix->%Ix(%Id)", generation_allocation_pointer (gen), plug, plug - generation_allocation_pointer (gen)));
+ pinned_len (m) = plug - generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen) = plug + len;
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) = heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg);
+ loh_set_allocator_next_pin();
+ dprintf (1235, ("s: p: %Ix, l: %Ix (%Id)",
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen),
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen),
+ (generation_allocation_limit (gen) - generation_allocation_pointer (gen))));
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ if (generation_allocation_limit (gen) != heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) = heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg);
+ dprintf (1235, ("l->pa(%Ix)", generation_allocation_limit (gen)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) != heap_segment_committed (seg))
+ {
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) = heap_segment_committed (seg);
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) = heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg);
+ dprintf (1235, ("l->c(%Ix)", generation_allocation_limit (gen)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (loh_size_fit_p (size, generation_allocation_pointer (gen), heap_segment_reserved (seg)) &&
+ (grow_heap_segment (seg, (generation_allocation_pointer (gen) + size + 2* AlignQword (loh_padding_obj_size)))))
+ {
+ dprintf (1235, ("growing seg from %Ix to %Ix\n", heap_segment_committed (seg),
+ (generation_allocation_pointer (gen) + size)));
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) = heap_segment_committed (seg);
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) = heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg);
+ dprintf (1235, ("g: p: %Ix, l: %Ix (%Id)",
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen),
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen),
+ (generation_allocation_limit (gen) - generation_allocation_pointer (gen))));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ heap_segment* next_seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (gen)>=
+ heap_segment_mem (seg));
+ // Verify that all pinned plugs for this segment are consumed
+ if (!loh_pinned_plug_que_empty_p() &&
+ ((pinned_plug (loh_oldest_pin()) <
+ heap_segment_allocated (seg)) &&
+ (pinned_plug (loh_oldest_pin()) >=
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen))))
+ {
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO10, "remaining pinned plug %Ix while leaving segment on allocation",
+ pinned_plug (loh_oldest_pin())));
+ dprintf (1236, ("queue empty: %d", loh_pinned_plug_que_empty_p()));
+ }
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (gen)>=
+ heap_segment_mem (seg));
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (gen)<=
+ heap_segment_committed (seg));
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) = generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ if (next_seg)
+ {
+ // for LOH do we want to try starting from the first LOH every time though?
+ generation_allocation_segment (gen) = next_seg;
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen) = heap_segment_mem (next_seg);
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) = generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ dprintf (1235, ("n: p: %Ix, l: %Ix (%Id)",
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen),
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen),
+ (generation_allocation_limit (gen) - generation_allocation_pointer (gen))));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (1, ("We ran out of space compacting, shouldn't happen"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ loh_set_allocator_next_pin();
+ dprintf (1235, ("r: p: %Ix, l: %Ix (%Id)",
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen),
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen),
+ (generation_allocation_limit (gen) - generation_allocation_pointer (gen))));
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (gen)>=
+ heap_segment_mem (generation_allocation_segment (gen)));
+ uint8_t* result = generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ size_t loh_pad = AlignQword (loh_padding_obj_size);
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen) += size + loh_pad;
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (gen) <= generation_allocation_limit (gen));
+ dprintf (1235, ("p: %Ix, l: %Ix (%Id)",
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen),
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen),
+ (generation_allocation_limit (gen) - generation_allocation_pointer (gen))));
+ assert (result + loh_pad);
+ return result + loh_pad;
+ }
+BOOL gc_heap::should_compact_loh()
+ return (loh_compaction_always_p || (loh_compaction_mode != loh_compaction_default));
+void gc_heap::check_loh_compact_mode (BOOL all_heaps_compacted_p)
+ if (settings.loh_compaction && (loh_compaction_mode == loh_compaction_once))
+ {
+ if (all_heaps_compacted_p)
+ {
+ // If the compaction mode says to compact once and we are going to compact LOH,
+ // we need to revert it back to no compaction.
+ loh_compaction_mode = loh_compaction_default;
+ }
+ }
+BOOL gc_heap::plan_loh()
+ if (!loh_pinned_queue)
+ {
+ loh_pinned_queue = new (nothrow) (mark [LOH_PIN_QUEUE_LENGTH]);
+ if (!loh_pinned_queue)
+ {
+ dprintf (1, ("Cannot allocate the LOH pinned queue (%Id bytes), no compaction",
+ LOH_PIN_QUEUE_LENGTH * sizeof (mark)));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ loh_pinned_queue_length = LOH_PIN_QUEUE_LENGTH;
+ }
+ if (heap_number == 0)
+ loh_pinned_queue_decay = LOH_PIN_DECAY;
+ loh_pinned_queue_tos = 0;
+ loh_pinned_queue_bos = 0;
+ generation* gen = large_object_generation;
+ heap_segment* start_seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(start_seg != NULL);
+ heap_segment* seg = start_seg;
+ uint8_t* o = generation_allocation_start (gen);
+ dprintf (1235, ("before GC LOH size: %Id, free list: %Id, free obj: %Id\n",
+ generation_size (max_generation + 1),
+ generation_free_list_space (gen),
+ generation_free_obj_space (gen)));
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ }
+ seg = start_seg;
+ //Skip the generation gap object
+ o = o + AlignQword (size (o));
+ // We don't need to ever realloc gen3 start so don't touch it.
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) = o;
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen) = o;
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) = generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ generation_allocation_segment (gen) = start_seg;
+ uint8_t* free_space_start = o;
+ uint8_t* free_space_end = o;
+ uint8_t* new_address = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (o >= heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ if (seg == 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ o = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ }
+ if (marked (o))
+ {
+ free_space_end = o;
+ size_t size = AlignQword (size (o));
+ dprintf (1235, ("%Ix(%Id) M", o, size));
+ if (pinned (o))
+ {
+ // We don't clear the pinned bit yet so we can check in
+ // compact phase how big a free object we should allocate
+ // in front of the pinned object. We use the reloc address
+ // field to store this.
+ if (!loh_enque_pinned_plug (o, size))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ new_address = o;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ new_address = loh_allocate_in_condemned (o, size);
+ }
+ loh_set_node_relocation_distance (o, (new_address - o));
+ dprintf (1235, ("lobj %Ix-%Ix -> %Ix-%Ix (%Id)", o, (o + size), new_address, (new_address + size), (new_address - o)));
+ o = o + size;
+ free_space_start = o;
+ if (o < heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ assert (!marked (o));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (o < heap_segment_allocated (seg) && !marked (o))
+ {
+ dprintf (1235, ("%Ix(%Id) F (%d)", o, AlignQword (size (o)), ((method_table (o) == g_pFreeObjectMethodTable) ? 1 : 0)));
+ o = o + AlignQword (size (o));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while (!loh_pinned_plug_que_empty_p())
+ {
+ mark* m = loh_pinned_plug_of (loh_deque_pinned_plug());
+ size_t len = pinned_len (m);
+ uint8_t* plug = pinned_plug (m);
+ // detect pinned block in different segment (later) than
+ // allocation segment
+ heap_segment* nseg = heap_segment_rw (generation_allocation_segment (gen));
+ while ((plug < generation_allocation_pointer (gen)) ||
+ (plug >= heap_segment_allocated (nseg)))
+ {
+ assert ((plug < heap_segment_mem (nseg)) ||
+ (plug > heap_segment_reserved (nseg)));
+ //adjust the end of the segment to be the end of the plug
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (gen)>=
+ heap_segment_mem (nseg));
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (gen)<=
+ heap_segment_committed (nseg));
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (nseg) =
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ //switch allocation segment
+ nseg = heap_segment_next_rw (nseg);
+ generation_allocation_segment (gen) = nseg;
+ //reset the allocation pointer and limits
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen) =
+ heap_segment_mem (nseg);
+ }
+ dprintf (1235, ("SP: %Ix->%Ix(%Id)", generation_allocation_pointer (gen), plug, plug - generation_allocation_pointer (gen)));
+ pinned_len (m) = plug - generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen) = plug + len;
+ }
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (generation_allocation_segment (gen)) = generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen) = 0;
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen) = 0;
+ return TRUE;
+void gc_heap::compact_loh()
+ assert (should_compact_loh());
+ generation* gen = large_object_generation;
+ heap_segment* start_seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(start_seg != NULL);
+ heap_segment* seg = start_seg;
+ heap_segment* prev_seg = 0;
+ uint8_t* o = generation_allocation_start (gen);
+ //Skip the generation gap object
+ o = o + AlignQword (size (o));
+ // We don't need to ever realloc gen3 start so don't touch it.
+ uint8_t* free_space_start = o;
+ uint8_t* free_space_end = o;
+ generation_allocator (gen)->clear();
+ generation_free_list_space (gen) = 0;
+ generation_free_obj_space (gen) = 0;
+ loh_pinned_queue_bos = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (o >= heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ heap_segment* next_seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ if ((heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) == heap_segment_mem (seg)) &&
+ (seg != start_seg) && !heap_segment_read_only_p (seg))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Preparing empty large segment %Ix", (size_t)seg));
+ assert (prev_seg);
+ heap_segment_next (prev_seg) = next_seg;
+ heap_segment_next (seg) = freeable_large_heap_segment;
+ freeable_large_heap_segment = seg;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!heap_segment_read_only_p (seg))
+ {
+ // We grew the segment to accommondate allocations.
+ if (heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) > heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ if ((heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) - plug_skew) > heap_segment_used (seg))
+ {
+ heap_segment_used (seg) = heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) - plug_skew;
+ }
+ }
+ heap_segment_allocated (seg) = heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg);
+ dprintf (3, ("Trimming seg to %Ix[", heap_segment_allocated (seg)));
+ decommit_heap_segment_pages (seg, 0);
+ dprintf (1236, ("CLOH: seg: %Ix, alloc: %Ix, used: %Ix, committed: %Ix",
+ seg,
+ heap_segment_allocated (seg),
+ heap_segment_used (seg),
+ heap_segment_committed (seg)));
+ //heap_segment_used (seg) = heap_segment_allocated (seg) - plug_skew;
+ dprintf (1236, ("CLOH: used is set to %Ix", heap_segment_used (seg)));
+ }
+ prev_seg = seg;
+ }
+ seg = next_seg;
+ if (seg == 0)
+ break;
+ else
+ {
+ o = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ }
+ }
+ if (marked (o))
+ {
+ free_space_end = o;
+ size_t size = AlignQword (size (o));
+ size_t loh_pad;
+ uint8_t* reloc = o;
+ clear_marked (o);
+ if (pinned (o))
+ {
+ // We are relying on the fact the pinned objects are always looked at in the same order
+ // in plan phase and in compact phase.
+ mark* m = loh_pinned_plug_of (loh_deque_pinned_plug());
+ uint8_t* plug = pinned_plug (m);
+ assert (plug == o);
+ loh_pad = pinned_len (m);
+ clear_pinned (o);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ loh_pad = AlignQword (loh_padding_obj_size);
+ reloc += loh_node_relocation_distance (o);
+ gcmemcopy (reloc, o, size, TRUE);
+ }
+ thread_gap ((reloc - loh_pad), loh_pad, gen);
+ o = o + size;
+ free_space_start = o;
+ if (o < heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ assert (!marked (o));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (o < heap_segment_allocated (seg) && !marked (o))
+ {
+ o = o + AlignQword (size (o));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assert (loh_pinned_plug_que_empty_p());
+ dprintf (1235, ("after GC LOH size: %Id, free list: %Id, free obj: %Id\n\n",
+ generation_size (max_generation + 1),
+ generation_free_list_space (gen),
+ generation_free_obj_space (gen)));
+void gc_heap::relocate_in_loh_compact()
+ generation* gen = large_object_generation;
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ uint8_t* o = generation_allocation_start (gen);
+ //Skip the generation gap object
+ o = o + AlignQword (size (o));
+ relocate_args args;
+ args.low = gc_low;
+ args.high = gc_high;
+ args.last_plug = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (o >= heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ if (seg == 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ o = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ }
+ if (marked (o))
+ {
+ size_t size = AlignQword (size (o));
+ check_class_object_demotion (o);
+ if (contain_pointers (o))
+ {
+ go_through_object_nostart (method_table (o), o, size(o), pval,
+ {
+ reloc_survivor_helper (pval);
+ });
+ }
+ o = o + size;
+ if (o < heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ assert (!marked (o));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (o < heap_segment_allocated (seg) && !marked (o))
+ {
+ o = o + AlignQword (size (o));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf (1235, ("after GC LOH size: %Id, free list: %Id, free obj: %Id\n\n",
+ generation_size (max_generation + 1),
+ generation_free_list_space (gen),
+ generation_free_obj_space (gen)));
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+void gc_heap::walk_relocation_loh (size_t profiling_context)
+ generation* gen = large_object_generation;
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ uint8_t* o = generation_allocation_start (gen);
+ //Skip the generation gap object
+ o = o + AlignQword (size (o));
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (o >= heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ if (seg == 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ o = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ }
+ if (marked (o))
+ {
+ size_t size = AlignQword (size (o));
+ ptrdiff_t reloc = loh_node_relocation_distance (o);
+ STRESS_LOG_PLUG_MOVE(o, (o + size), -reloc);
+ {
+ ETW::GCLog::MovedReference(
+ o,
+ (o + size),
+ reloc,
+ profiling_context,
+ settings.compaction);
+ }
+ o = o + size;
+ if (o < heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ assert (!marked (o));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (o < heap_segment_allocated (seg) && !marked (o))
+ {
+ o = o + AlignQword (size (o));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+BOOL gc_heap::loh_object_p (uint8_t* o)
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps [0];
+ int brick_entry = hp->brick_table[hp->brick_of (o)];
+ int brick_entry = brick_table[brick_of (o)];
+ return (brick_entry == 0);
+void gc_heap::convert_to_pinned_plug (BOOL& last_npinned_plug_p,
+ BOOL& last_pinned_plug_p,
+ BOOL& pinned_plug_p,
+ size_t ps,
+ size_t& artificial_pinned_size)
+ last_npinned_plug_p = FALSE;
+ last_pinned_plug_p = TRUE;
+ pinned_plug_p = TRUE;
+ artificial_pinned_size = ps;
+// Because we have the artifical pinning, we can't gaurantee that pinned and npinned
+// plugs are always interleaved.
+void gc_heap::store_plug_gap_info (uint8_t* plug_start,
+ uint8_t* plug_end,
+ BOOL& last_npinned_plug_p,
+ BOOL& last_pinned_plug_p,
+ uint8_t*& last_pinned_plug,
+ BOOL& pinned_plug_p,
+ uint8_t* last_object_in_last_plug,
+ BOOL& merge_with_last_pin_p,
+ // this is only for verification purpose
+ size_t last_plug_len)
+ if (!last_npinned_plug_p && !last_pinned_plug_p)
+ {
+ //dprintf (3, ("last full plug end: %Ix, full plug start: %Ix", plug_end, plug_start));
+ dprintf (3, ("Free: %Ix", (plug_start - plug_end)));
+ assert ((plug_start == plug_end) || ((size_t)(plug_start - plug_end) >= Align (min_obj_size)));
+ set_gap_size (plug_start, plug_start - plug_end);
+ }
+ if (pinned (plug_start))
+ {
+ BOOL save_pre_plug_info_p = FALSE;
+ if (last_npinned_plug_p || last_pinned_plug_p)
+ {
+ //if (last_plug_len == Align (min_obj_size))
+ //{
+ // dprintf (3, ("debugging only - last npinned plug is min, check to see if it's correct"));
+ // GCToOSInterface::DebugBreak();
+ //}
+ save_pre_plug_info_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ pinned_plug_p = TRUE;
+ last_npinned_plug_p = FALSE;
+ if (last_pinned_plug_p)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("last plug %Ix was also pinned, should merge", last_pinned_plug));
+ merge_with_last_pin_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ last_pinned_plug_p = TRUE;
+ last_pinned_plug = plug_start;
+ enque_pinned_plug (last_pinned_plug, save_pre_plug_info_p, last_object_in_last_plug);
+ if (save_pre_plug_info_p)
+ {
+ set_gap_size (plug_start, sizeof (gap_reloc_pair));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (last_pinned_plug_p)
+ {
+ //if (Align (last_plug_len) < min_pre_pin_obj_size)
+ //{
+ // dprintf (3, ("debugging only - last pinned plug is min, check to see if it's correct"));
+ // GCToOSInterface::DebugBreak();
+ //}
+ save_post_plug_info (last_pinned_plug, last_object_in_last_plug, plug_start);
+ set_gap_size (plug_start, sizeof (gap_reloc_pair));
+ verify_pins_with_post_plug_info("after saving post plug info");
+ }
+ last_npinned_plug_p = TRUE;
+ last_pinned_plug_p = FALSE;
+ }
+void gc_heap::record_interesting_data_point (interesting_data_point idp)
+ (interesting_data_per_gc[idp])++;
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable:21000) // Suppress PREFast warning about overly large function
+#endif //_PREFAST_
+void gc_heap::plan_phase (int condemned_gen_number)
+ size_t old_gen2_allocated = 0;
+ size_t old_gen2_size = 0;
+ if (condemned_gen_number == (max_generation - 1))
+ {
+ old_gen2_allocated = generation_free_list_allocated (generation_of (max_generation));
+ old_gen2_size = generation_size (max_generation);
+ }
+ assert (settings.concurrent == FALSE);
+ // %type% category = quote (plan);
+#ifdef TIME_GC
+ unsigned start;
+ unsigned finish;
+ start = GetCycleCount32();
+#endif //TIME_GC
+ dprintf (2,("---- Plan Phase ---- Condemned generation %d, promotion: %d",
+ condemned_gen_number, settings.promotion ? 1 : 0));
+ generation* condemned_gen1 = generation_of (condemned_gen_number);
+#ifdef MARK_LIST
+ BOOL use_mark_list = FALSE;
+ uint8_t** mark_list_next = &mark_list[0];
+ dprintf (3, ("total number of marked objects: %Id (%Id)",
+ (mark_list_index - &mark_list[0]), ((mark_list_end - &mark_list[0]))));
+ dprintf (3, ("mark_list length: %Id",
+ (mark_list_index - &mark_list[0])));
+ if ((condemned_gen_number < max_generation) &&
+ (mark_list_index <= mark_list_end)
+ && (!recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ )
+ {
+ _sort (&mark_list[0], mark_list_index-1, 0);
+ //printf ("using mark list at GC #%d", dd_collection_count (dynamic_data_of (0)));
+ //verify_qsort_array (&mark_list[0], mark_list_index-1);
+ use_mark_list = TRUE;
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->set_mechanism_bit (gc_mark_list_bit);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("mark_list not used"));
+ }
+#endif //MARK_LIST
+ if ((generation_start_segment (condemned_gen1) != ephemeral_heap_segment) &&
+ ro_segments_in_range)
+ {
+ sweep_ro_segments (generation_start_segment (condemned_gen1));
+ }
+ if (shigh != (uint8_t*)0)
+ {
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (condemned_gen1));
+ heap_segment* fseg = seg;
+ do
+ {
+ if (slow > heap_segment_mem (seg) &&
+ slow < heap_segment_reserved (seg))
+ {
+ if (seg == fseg)
+ {
+ uint8_t* o = generation_allocation_start (condemned_gen1) +
+ Align (size (generation_allocation_start (condemned_gen1)));
+ if (slow > o)
+ {
+ assert ((slow - o) >= (int)Align (min_obj_size));
+ if (current_c_gc_state == c_gc_state_marking)
+ {
+ bgc_clear_batch_mark_array_bits (o, slow);
+ }
+ make_unused_array (o, slow - o);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (condemned_gen_number == max_generation);
+ make_unused_array (heap_segment_mem (seg),
+ slow - heap_segment_mem (seg));
+ }
+ }
+ if (in_range_for_segment (shigh, seg))
+ {
+ if (current_c_gc_state == c_gc_state_marking)
+ {
+ bgc_clear_batch_mark_array_bits ((shigh + Align (size (shigh))), heap_segment_allocated (seg));
+ }
+ heap_segment_allocated (seg) = shigh + Align (size (shigh));
+ }
+ // test if the segment is in the range of [slow, shigh]
+ if (!((heap_segment_reserved (seg) >= slow) &&
+ (heap_segment_mem (seg) <= shigh)))
+ {
+ // shorten it to minimum
+ heap_segment_allocated (seg) = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ } while (seg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (condemned_gen1));
+ heap_segment* sseg = seg;
+ do
+ {
+ // shorten it to minimum
+ if (seg == sseg)
+ {
+ // no survivors make all generations look empty
+ uint8_t* o = generation_allocation_start (condemned_gen1) +
+ Align (size (generation_allocation_start (condemned_gen1)));
+ if (current_c_gc_state == c_gc_state_marking)
+ {
+ bgc_clear_batch_mark_array_bits (o, heap_segment_allocated (seg));
+ }
+ heap_segment_allocated (seg) = o;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (condemned_gen_number == max_generation);
+ if (current_c_gc_state == c_gc_state_marking)
+ {
+ bgc_clear_batch_mark_array_bits (heap_segment_mem (seg), heap_segment_allocated (seg));
+ }
+ heap_segment_allocated (seg) = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ } while (seg);
+ }
+ heap_segment* seg1 = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (condemned_gen1));
+ uint8_t* end = heap_segment_allocated (seg1);
+ uint8_t* first_condemned_address = generation_allocation_start (condemned_gen1);
+ uint8_t* x = first_condemned_address;
+ assert (!marked (x));
+ uint8_t* plug_end = x;
+ uint8_t* tree = 0;
+ size_t sequence_number = 0;
+ uint8_t* last_node = 0;
+ size_t current_brick = brick_of (x);
+ BOOL allocate_in_condemned = ((condemned_gen_number == max_generation)||
+ (settings.promotion == FALSE));
+ int active_old_gen_number = condemned_gen_number;
+ int active_new_gen_number = (allocate_in_condemned ? condemned_gen_number:
+ (1 + condemned_gen_number));
+ generation* older_gen = 0;
+ generation* consing_gen = condemned_gen1;
+ alloc_list r_free_list [MAX_BUCKET_COUNT];
+ size_t r_free_list_space = 0;
+ size_t r_free_obj_space = 0;
+ size_t r_older_gen_free_list_allocated = 0;
+ size_t r_older_gen_condemned_allocated = 0;
+ size_t r_older_gen_end_seg_allocated = 0;
+ uint8_t* r_allocation_pointer = 0;
+ uint8_t* r_allocation_limit = 0;
+ uint8_t* r_allocation_start_region = 0;
+ heap_segment* r_allocation_segment = 0;
+ size_t r_older_gen_free_space[NUM_GEN_POWER2];
+ if ((condemned_gen_number < max_generation))
+ {
+ older_gen = generation_of (min (max_generation, 1 + condemned_gen_number));
+ generation_allocator (older_gen)->copy_to_alloc_list (r_free_list);
+ r_free_list_space = generation_free_list_space (older_gen);
+ r_free_obj_space = generation_free_obj_space (older_gen);
+ memcpy (r_older_gen_free_space, older_gen->gen_free_spaces, sizeof (r_older_gen_free_space));
+ generation_allocate_end_seg_p (older_gen) = FALSE;
+ r_older_gen_free_list_allocated = generation_free_list_allocated (older_gen);
+ r_older_gen_condemned_allocated = generation_condemned_allocated (older_gen);
+ r_older_gen_end_seg_allocated = generation_end_seg_allocated (older_gen);
+ r_allocation_limit = generation_allocation_limit (older_gen);
+ r_allocation_pointer = generation_allocation_pointer (older_gen);
+ r_allocation_start_region = generation_allocation_context_start_region (older_gen);
+ r_allocation_segment = generation_allocation_segment (older_gen);
+ heap_segment* start_seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (older_gen));
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(start_seg != NULL);
+ if (start_seg != ephemeral_heap_segment)
+ {
+ assert (condemned_gen_number == (max_generation - 1));
+ while (start_seg && (start_seg != ephemeral_heap_segment))
+ {
+ assert (heap_segment_allocated (start_seg) >=
+ heap_segment_mem (start_seg));
+ assert (heap_segment_allocated (start_seg) <=
+ heap_segment_reserved (start_seg));
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (start_seg) =
+ heap_segment_allocated (start_seg);
+ start_seg = heap_segment_next_rw (start_seg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //reset all of the segment allocated sizes
+ {
+ heap_segment* seg2 = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (condemned_gen1));
+ while (seg2)
+ {
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg2) =
+ heap_segment_mem (seg2);
+ seg2 = heap_segment_next_rw (seg2);
+ }
+ }
+ int condemned_gn = condemned_gen_number;
+ int bottom_gen = 0;
+ init_free_and_plug();
+ while (condemned_gn >= bottom_gen)
+ {
+ generation* condemned_gen2 = generation_of (condemned_gn);
+ generation_allocator (condemned_gen2)->clear();
+ generation_free_list_space (condemned_gen2) = 0;
+ generation_free_obj_space (condemned_gen2) = 0;
+ generation_allocation_size (condemned_gen2) = 0;
+ generation_condemned_allocated (condemned_gen2) = 0;
+ generation_pinned_allocated (condemned_gen2) = 0;
+ generation_free_list_allocated(condemned_gen2) = 0;
+ generation_end_seg_allocated (condemned_gen2) = 0;
+ generation_pinned_allocation_sweep_size (condemned_gen2) = 0;
+ generation_pinned_allocation_compact_size (condemned_gen2) = 0;
+ generation_pinned_free_obj_space (condemned_gen2) = 0;
+ generation_allocated_in_pinned_free (condemned_gen2) = 0;
+ generation_allocated_since_last_pin (condemned_gen2) = 0;
+ generation_plan_allocation_start (condemned_gen2) = 0;
+ generation_allocation_segment (condemned_gen2) =
+ heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (condemned_gen2));
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(generation_allocation_segment(condemned_gen2) != NULL);
+ if (generation_start_segment (condemned_gen2) != ephemeral_heap_segment)
+ {
+ generation_allocation_pointer (condemned_gen2) =
+ heap_segment_mem (generation_allocation_segment (condemned_gen2));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ generation_allocation_pointer (condemned_gen2) = generation_allocation_start (condemned_gen2);
+ }
+ generation_allocation_limit (condemned_gen2) = generation_allocation_pointer (condemned_gen2);
+ generation_allocation_context_start_region (condemned_gen2) = generation_allocation_pointer (condemned_gen2);
+ condemned_gn--;
+ }
+ BOOL allocate_first_generation_start = FALSE;
+ if (allocate_in_condemned)
+ {
+ allocate_first_generation_start = TRUE;
+ }
+ dprintf(3,( " From %Ix to %Ix", (size_t)x, (size_t)end));
+ demotion_low = MAX_PTR;
+ demotion_high = heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ // If we are doing a gen1 only because of cards, it means we should not demote any pinned plugs
+ // from gen1. They should get promoted to gen2.
+ demote_gen1_p = !(settings.promotion &&
+ (settings.condemned_generation == (max_generation - 1)) &&
+ gen_to_condemn_reasons.is_only_condition (gen_low_card_p));
+ total_ephemeral_size = 0;
+ print_free_and_plug ("BP");
+ for (int gen_idx = 0; gen_idx <= max_generation; gen_idx++)
+ {
+ generation* temp_gen = generation_of (gen_idx);
+ dprintf (2, ("gen%d start %Ix, plan start %Ix",
+ gen_idx,
+ generation_allocation_start (temp_gen),
+ generation_plan_allocation_start (temp_gen)));
+ }
+ size_t last_plug_len = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (x >= end)
+ {
+ assert (x == end);
+ assert (heap_segment_allocated (seg1) == end);
+ heap_segment_allocated (seg1) = plug_end;
+ current_brick = update_brick_table (tree, current_brick, x, plug_end);
+ dprintf (3, ("end of seg: new tree, sequence# 0"));
+ sequence_number = 0;
+ tree = 0;
+ if (heap_segment_next_rw (seg1))
+ {
+ seg1 = heap_segment_next_rw (seg1);
+ end = heap_segment_allocated (seg1);
+ plug_end = x = heap_segment_mem (seg1);
+ current_brick = brick_of (x);
+ dprintf(3,( " From %Ix to %Ix", (size_t)x, (size_t)end));
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ BOOL last_npinned_plug_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL last_pinned_plug_p = FALSE;
+ // last_pinned_plug is the beginning of the last pinned plug. If we merge a plug into a pinned
+ // plug we do not change the value of last_pinned_plug. This happens with artificially pinned plugs -
+ // it can be merged with a previous pinned plug and a pinned plug after it can be merged with it.
+ uint8_t* last_pinned_plug = 0;
+ size_t num_pinned_plugs_in_plug = 0;
+ uint8_t* last_object_in_plug = 0;
+ while ((x < end) && marked (x))
+ {
+ uint8_t* plug_start = x;
+ uint8_t* saved_plug_end = plug_end;
+ BOOL pinned_plug_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL npin_before_pin_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL saved_last_npinned_plug_p = last_npinned_plug_p;
+ uint8_t* saved_last_object_in_plug = last_object_in_plug;
+ BOOL merge_with_last_pin_p = FALSE;
+ size_t added_pinning_size = 0;
+ size_t artificial_pinned_size = 0;
+ store_plug_gap_info (plug_start, plug_end, last_npinned_plug_p, last_pinned_plug_p,
+ last_pinned_plug, pinned_plug_p, last_object_in_plug,
+ merge_with_last_pin_p, last_plug_len);
+ int requiredAlignment = ((CObjectHeader*)plug_start)->GetRequiredAlignment();
+ size_t alignmentOffset = OBJECT_ALIGNMENT_OFFSET;
+ {
+ uint8_t* xl = x;
+ while ((xl < end) && marked (xl) && (pinned (xl) == pinned_plug_p))
+ {
+ assert (xl < end);
+ if (pinned(xl))
+ {
+ clear_pinned (xl);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int obj_requiredAlignment = ((CObjectHeader*)xl)->GetRequiredAlignment();
+ if (obj_requiredAlignment > requiredAlignment)
+ {
+ requiredAlignment = obj_requiredAlignment;
+ alignmentOffset = xl - plug_start + OBJECT_ALIGNMENT_OFFSET;
+ }
+ }
+ clear_marked (xl);
+ dprintf(4, ("+%Ix+", (size_t)xl));
+ assert ((size (xl) > 0));
+ assert ((size (xl) <= LARGE_OBJECT_SIZE));
+ last_object_in_plug = xl;
+ xl = xl + Align (size (xl));
+ Prefetch (xl);
+ }
+ BOOL next_object_marked_p = ((xl < end) && marked (xl));
+ if (pinned_plug_p)
+ {
+ // If it is pinned we need to extend to the next marked object as we can't use part of
+ // a pinned object to make the artificial gap (unless the last 3 ptr sized words are all
+ // references but for now I am just using the next non pinned object for that).
+ if (next_object_marked_p)
+ {
+ clear_marked (xl);
+ last_object_in_plug = xl;
+ size_t extra_size = Align (size (xl));
+ xl = xl + extra_size;
+ added_pinning_size = extra_size;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (next_object_marked_p)
+ npin_before_pin_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ assert (xl <= end);
+ x = xl;
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ( "%Ix[", (size_t)x));
+ plug_end = x;
+ size_t ps = plug_end - plug_start;
+ last_plug_len = ps;
+ dprintf (3, ( "%Ix[(%Ix)", (size_t)x, ps));
+ uint8_t* new_address = 0;
+ if (!pinned_plug_p)
+ {
+ if (allocate_in_condemned &&
+ (settings.condemned_generation == max_generation) &&
+ (ps > (OS_PAGE_SIZE)))
+ {
+ ptrdiff_t reloc = plug_start - generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen);
+ //reloc should >=0 except when we relocate
+ //across segments and the dest seg is higher then the src
+ if ((ps > (8*OS_PAGE_SIZE)) &&
+ (reloc > 0) &&
+ ((size_t)reloc < (ps/16)))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Pinning %Ix; reloc would have been: %Ix",
+ (size_t)plug_start, reloc));
+ // The last plug couldn't have been a npinned plug or it would have
+ // included this plug.
+ assert (!saved_last_npinned_plug_p);
+ if (last_pinned_plug)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("artificially pinned plug merged with last pinned plug"));
+ merge_with_last_pin_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ enque_pinned_plug (plug_start, FALSE, 0);
+ last_pinned_plug = plug_start;
+ }
+ convert_to_pinned_plug (last_npinned_plug_p, last_pinned_plug_p, pinned_plug_p,
+ ps, artificial_pinned_size);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (allocate_first_generation_start)
+ {
+ allocate_first_generation_start = FALSE;
+ plan_generation_start (condemned_gen1, consing_gen, plug_start);
+ assert (generation_plan_allocation_start (condemned_gen1));
+ }
+ if (seg1 == ephemeral_heap_segment)
+ {
+ process_ephemeral_boundaries (plug_start, active_new_gen_number,
+ active_old_gen_number,
+ consing_gen,
+ allocate_in_condemned);
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("adding %Id to gen%d surv", ps, active_old_gen_number));
+ dynamic_data* dd_active_old = dynamic_data_of (active_old_gen_number);
+ dd_survived_size (dd_active_old) += ps;
+ BOOL convert_to_pinned_p = FALSE;
+ if (!pinned_plug_p)
+ {
+ dd_num_npinned_plugs (dd_active_old)++;
+ add_gen_plug (active_old_gen_number, ps);
+ if (allocate_in_condemned)
+ {
+ verify_pins_with_post_plug_info("before aic");
+ new_address =
+ allocate_in_condemned_generations (consing_gen,
+ ps,
+ active_old_gen_number,
+ &convert_to_pinned_p,
+ (npin_before_pin_p ? plug_end : 0),
+ seg1,
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ verify_pins_with_post_plug_info("after aic");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ new_address = allocate_in_older_generation (older_gen, ps, active_old_gen_number, plug_start REQD_ALIGN_AND_OFFSET_ARG);
+ if (new_address != 0)
+ {
+ if (settings.condemned_generation == (max_generation - 1))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, (" NA: %Ix-%Ix -> %Ix, %Ix (%Ix)",
+ plug_start, plug_end,
+ (size_t)new_address, (size_t)new_address + (plug_end - plug_start),
+ (size_t)(plug_end - plug_start)));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ allocate_in_condemned = TRUE;
+ new_address = allocate_in_condemned_generations (consing_gen, ps, active_old_gen_number,
+ &convert_to_pinned_p,
+ (npin_before_pin_p ? plug_end : 0),
+ seg1,
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ }
+ }
+ if (convert_to_pinned_p)
+ {
+ assert (last_npinned_plug_p != FALSE);
+ assert (last_pinned_plug_p == FALSE);
+ convert_to_pinned_plug (last_npinned_plug_p, last_pinned_plug_p, pinned_plug_p,
+ ps, artificial_pinned_size);
+ enque_pinned_plug (plug_start, FALSE, 0);
+ last_pinned_plug = plug_start;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!new_address)
+ {
+ //verify that we are at then end of the ephemeral segment
+ assert (generation_allocation_segment (consing_gen) ==
+ ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ //verify that we are near the end
+ assert ((generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen) + Align (ps)) <
+ heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment));
+ assert ((generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen) + Align (ps)) >
+ (heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) + Align (min_obj_size)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("(%Ix)[%Ix->%Ix, NA: [%Ix(%Id), %Ix[: %Ix(%d)",
+ (size_t)(node_gap_size (plug_start)),
+ plug_start, plug_end, (size_t)new_address, (size_t)(plug_start - new_address),
+ (size_t)new_address + ps, ps,
+ (is_plug_padded (plug_start) ? 1 : 0)));
+ if (is_plug_padded (plug_start))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("%Ix was padded", plug_start));
+ dd_padding_size (dd_active_old) += Align (min_obj_size);
+ }
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pinned_plug_p)
+ {
+ if (fire_pinned_plug_events_p)
+ FireEtwPinPlugAtGCTime(plug_start, plug_end,
+ (merge_with_last_pin_p ? 0 : (uint8_t*)node_gap_size (plug_start)),
+ GetClrInstanceId());
+ if (merge_with_last_pin_p)
+ {
+ merge_with_last_pinned_plug (last_pinned_plug, ps);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (last_pinned_plug == plug_start);
+ set_pinned_info (plug_start, ps, consing_gen);
+ }
+ new_address = plug_start;
+ dprintf (3, ( "(%Ix)PP: [%Ix, %Ix[%Ix](m:%d)",
+ (size_t)(node_gap_size (plug_start)), (size_t)plug_start,
+ (size_t)plug_end, ps,
+ (merge_with_last_pin_p ? 1 : 0)));
+ dprintf (3, ("adding %Id to gen%d pinned surv", plug_end - plug_start, active_old_gen_number));
+ dd_pinned_survived_size (dd_active_old) += plug_end - plug_start;
+ dd_added_pinned_size (dd_active_old) += added_pinning_size;
+ dd_artificial_pinned_survived_size (dd_active_old) += artificial_pinned_size;
+ if (!demote_gen1_p && (active_old_gen_number == (max_generation - 1)))
+ {
+ last_gen1_pin_end = plug_end;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // detect forward allocation in the same segment
+ assert (!((new_address > plug_start) &&
+ (new_address < heap_segment_reserved (seg1))));
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ if (!merge_with_last_pin_p)
+ {
+ if (current_brick != brick_of (plug_start))
+ {
+ current_brick = update_brick_table (tree, current_brick, plug_start, saved_plug_end);
+ sequence_number = 0;
+ tree = 0;
+ }
+ set_node_relocation_distance (plug_start, (new_address - plug_start));
+ if (last_node && (node_relocation_distance (last_node) ==
+ (node_relocation_distance (plug_start) +
+ (int)node_gap_size (plug_start))))
+ {
+ //dprintf(3,( " Lb"));
+ dprintf (3, ("%Ix Lb", plug_start));
+ set_node_left (plug_start);
+ }
+ if (0 == sequence_number)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("sn: 0, tree is set to %Ix", plug_start));
+ tree = plug_start;
+ }
+ verify_pins_with_post_plug_info("before insert node");
+ tree = insert_node (plug_start, ++sequence_number, tree, last_node);
+ dprintf (3, ("tree is %Ix (b: %Ix) after insert_node", tree, brick_of (tree)));
+ last_node = plug_start;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // If we detect if the last plug is pinned plug right before us, we should save this gap info
+ if (!pinned_plug_p)
+ {
+ if (mark_stack_tos > 0)
+ {
+ mark& m = mark_stack_array[mark_stack_tos - 1];
+ if (m.has_post_plug_info())
+ {
+ uint8_t* post_plug_info_start = m.saved_post_plug_info_start;
+ size_t* current_plug_gap_start = (size_t*)(plug_start - sizeof (plug_and_gap));
+ if ((uint8_t*)current_plug_gap_start == post_plug_info_start)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Ginfo: %Ix, %Ix, %Ix",
+ *current_plug_gap_start, *(current_plug_gap_start + 1),
+ *(current_plug_gap_start + 2)));
+ memcpy (&(m.saved_post_plug_debug), current_plug_gap_start, sizeof (gap_reloc_pair));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ verify_pins_with_post_plug_info("after insert node");
+ }
+ }
+ if (num_pinned_plugs_in_plug > 1)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("more than %Id pinned plugs in this plug", num_pinned_plugs_in_plug));
+ }
+ {
+#ifdef MARK_LIST
+ if (use_mark_list)
+ {
+ while ((mark_list_next < mark_list_index) &&
+ (*mark_list_next <= x))
+ {
+ mark_list_next++;
+ }
+ if ((mark_list_next < mark_list_index)
+ && (*mark_list_next < end) //for multiple segments
+ )
+ x = *mark_list_next;
+ else
+ x = end;
+ }
+ else
+#endif //MARK_LIST
+ {
+ uint8_t* xl = x;
+ if (current_c_gc_state == c_gc_state_marking)
+ {
+ assert (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p());
+ while ((xl < end) && !marked (xl))
+ {
+ dprintf (4, ("-%Ix-", (size_t)xl));
+ assert ((size (xl) > 0));
+ background_object_marked (xl, TRUE);
+ xl = xl + Align (size (xl));
+ Prefetch (xl);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while ((xl < end) && !marked (xl))
+ {
+ dprintf (4, ("-%Ix-", (size_t)xl));
+ assert ((size (xl) > 0));
+ xl = xl + Align (size (xl));
+ Prefetch (xl);
+ }
+ }
+ assert (xl <= end);
+ x = xl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while (!pinned_plug_que_empty_p())
+ {
+ if (settings.promotion)
+ {
+ uint8_t* pplug = pinned_plug (oldest_pin());
+ if (in_range_for_segment (pplug, ephemeral_heap_segment))
+ {
+ consing_gen = ensure_ephemeral_heap_segment (consing_gen);
+ //allocate all of the generation gaps
+ while (active_new_gen_number > 0)
+ {
+ active_new_gen_number--;
+ if (active_new_gen_number == (max_generation - 1))
+ {
+ maxgen_pinned_compact_before_advance = generation_pinned_allocation_compact_size (generation_of (max_generation));
+ if (!demote_gen1_p)
+ advance_pins_for_demotion (consing_gen);
+ }
+ generation* gen = generation_of (active_new_gen_number);
+ plan_generation_start (gen, consing_gen, 0);
+ if (demotion_low == MAX_PTR)
+ {
+ demotion_low = pplug;
+ dprintf (3, ("end plan: dlow->%Ix", demotion_low));
+ }
+ dprintf (2, ("(%d)gen%d plan start: %Ix",
+ heap_number, active_new_gen_number, (size_t)generation_plan_allocation_start (gen)));
+ assert (generation_plan_allocation_start (gen));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pinned_plug_que_empty_p())
+ break;
+ size_t entry = deque_pinned_plug();
+ mark* m = pinned_plug_of (entry);
+ uint8_t* plug = pinned_plug (m);
+ size_t len = pinned_len (m);
+ // detect pinned block in different segment (later) than
+ // allocation segment
+ heap_segment* nseg = heap_segment_rw (generation_allocation_segment (consing_gen));
+ while ((plug < generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen)) ||
+ (plug >= heap_segment_allocated (nseg)))
+ {
+ assert ((plug < heap_segment_mem (nseg)) ||
+ (plug > heap_segment_reserved (nseg)));
+ //adjust the end of the segment to be the end of the plug
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen)>=
+ heap_segment_mem (nseg));
+ assert (generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen)<=
+ heap_segment_committed (nseg));
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (nseg) =
+ generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen);
+ //switch allocation segment
+ nseg = heap_segment_next_rw (nseg);
+ generation_allocation_segment (consing_gen) = nseg;
+ //reset the allocation pointer and limits
+ generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen) =
+ heap_segment_mem (nseg);
+ }
+ set_new_pin_info (m, generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen));
+ dprintf (2, ("pin %Ix b: %Ix->%Ix", plug, brick_of (plug),
+ (size_t)(brick_table[brick_of (plug)])));
+ generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen) = plug + len;
+ generation_allocation_limit (consing_gen) =
+ generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen);
+ //Add the size of the pinned plug to the right pinned allocations
+ //find out which gen this pinned plug came from
+ int frgn = object_gennum (plug);
+ if ((frgn != (int)max_generation) && settings.promotion)
+ {
+ generation_pinned_allocation_sweep_size ((generation_of (frgn +1))) += len;
+ }
+ }
+ plan_generation_starts (consing_gen);
+ print_free_and_plug ("AP");
+ {
+ for (int gen_idx = 0; gen_idx <= max_generation; gen_idx++)
+ {
+ generation* temp_gen = generation_of (gen_idx);
+ dynamic_data* temp_dd = dynamic_data_of (gen_idx);
+ int added_pinning_ratio = 0;
+ int artificial_pinned_ratio = 0;
+ if (dd_pinned_survived_size (temp_dd) != 0)
+ {
+ added_pinning_ratio = (int)((float)dd_added_pinned_size (temp_dd) * 100 / (float)dd_pinned_survived_size (temp_dd));
+ artificial_pinned_ratio = (int)((float)dd_artificial_pinned_survived_size (temp_dd) * 100 / (float)dd_pinned_survived_size (temp_dd));
+ }
+ size_t padding_size =
+ dd_padding_size (temp_dd);
+ 0;
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ dprintf (1, ("gen%d: %Ix, %Ix(%Id), NON PIN alloc: %Id, pin com: %Id, sweep: %Id, surv: %Id, pinsurv: %Id(%d%% added, %d%% art), np surv: %Id, pad: %Id",
+ gen_idx,
+ generation_allocation_start (temp_gen),
+ generation_plan_allocation_start (temp_gen),
+ (size_t)(generation_plan_allocation_start (temp_gen) - generation_allocation_start (temp_gen)),
+ generation_allocation_size (temp_gen),
+ generation_pinned_allocation_compact_size (temp_gen),
+ generation_pinned_allocation_sweep_size (temp_gen),
+ dd_survived_size (temp_dd),
+ dd_pinned_survived_size (temp_dd),
+ added_pinning_ratio,
+ artificial_pinned_ratio,
+ (dd_survived_size (temp_dd) - dd_pinned_survived_size (temp_dd)),
+ padding_size));
+ }
+ }
+ if (settings.condemned_generation == (max_generation - 1 ))
+ {
+ size_t plan_gen2_size = generation_plan_size (max_generation);
+ size_t growth = plan_gen2_size - old_gen2_size;
+ if (growth > 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (1, ("gen2 grew %Id (end seg alloc: %Id, gen1 c alloc: %Id",
+ growth, generation_end_seg_allocated (generation_of (max_generation)),
+ generation_condemned_allocated (generation_of (max_generation - 1))));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (1, ("gen2 shrank %Id (end seg alloc: %Id, gen1 c alloc: %Id",
+ (old_gen2_size - plan_gen2_size), generation_end_seg_allocated (generation_of (max_generation)),
+ generation_condemned_allocated (generation_of (max_generation - 1))));
+ }
+ generation* older_gen = generation_of (settings.condemned_generation + 1);
+ size_t rejected_free_space = generation_free_obj_space (older_gen) - r_free_obj_space;
+ size_t free_list_allocated = generation_free_list_allocated (older_gen) - r_older_gen_free_list_allocated;
+ size_t end_seg_allocated = generation_end_seg_allocated (older_gen) - r_older_gen_end_seg_allocated;
+ size_t condemned_allocated = generation_condemned_allocated (older_gen) - r_older_gen_condemned_allocated;
+ dprintf (1, ("older gen's free alloc: %Id->%Id, seg alloc: %Id->%Id, condemned alloc: %Id->%Id",
+ r_older_gen_free_list_allocated, generation_free_list_allocated (older_gen),
+ r_older_gen_end_seg_allocated, generation_end_seg_allocated (older_gen),
+ r_older_gen_condemned_allocated, generation_condemned_allocated (older_gen)));
+ dprintf (1, ("this GC did %Id free list alloc(%Id bytes free space rejected), %Id seg alloc and %Id condemned alloc, gen1 condemned alloc is %Id",
+ free_list_allocated, rejected_free_space, end_seg_allocated,
+ condemned_allocated, generation_condemned_allocated (generation_of (settings.condemned_generation))));
+ maxgen_size_increase* maxgen_size_info = &(get_gc_data_per_heap()->maxgen_size_info);
+ maxgen_size_info->free_list_allocated = free_list_allocated;
+ maxgen_size_info->free_list_rejected = rejected_free_space;
+ maxgen_size_info->end_seg_allocated = end_seg_allocated;
+ maxgen_size_info->condemned_allocated = condemned_allocated;
+ maxgen_size_info->pinned_allocated = maxgen_pinned_compact_before_advance;
+ maxgen_size_info->pinned_allocated_advance = generation_pinned_allocation_compact_size (generation_of (max_generation)) - maxgen_pinned_compact_before_advance;
+ int free_list_efficiency = 0;
+ if ((free_list_allocated + rejected_free_space) != 0)
+ free_list_efficiency = (int)(((float) (free_list_allocated) / (float)(free_list_allocated + rejected_free_space)) * (float)100);
+ int running_free_list_efficiency = (int)(generation_allocator_efficiency(older_gen)*100);
+ dprintf (1, ("gen%d free list alloc effi: %d%%, current effi: %d%%",
+ older_gen->gen_num,
+ free_list_efficiency, running_free_list_efficiency));
+ dprintf (1, ("gen2 free list change"));
+ for (int j = 0; j < NUM_GEN_POWER2; j++)
+ {
+ dprintf (1, ("[h%d][#%Id]: 2^%d: F: %Id->%Id(%Id), P: %Id",
+ heap_number,
+ settings.gc_index,
+ (j + 10), r_older_gen_free_space[j], older_gen->gen_free_spaces[j],
+ (ptrdiff_t)(r_older_gen_free_space[j] - older_gen->gen_free_spaces[j]),
+ (generation_of(max_generation - 1))->gen_plugs[j]));
+ }
+ }
+ size_t fragmentation =
+ generation_fragmentation (generation_of (condemned_gen_number),
+ consing_gen,
+ heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment));
+ dprintf (2,("Fragmentation: %Id", fragmentation));
+ dprintf (2,("---- End of Plan phase ----"));
+#ifdef TIME_GC
+ finish = GetCycleCount32();
+ plan_time = finish - start;
+#endif //TIME_GC
+ // We may update write barrier code. We assume here EE has been suspended if we are on a GC thread.
+ assert(GCHeap::IsGCInProgress());
+ BOOL should_expand = FALSE;
+ BOOL should_compact= FALSE;
+ ephemeral_promotion = FALSE;
+#ifdef BIT64
+ if ((!settings.concurrent) &&
+ ((condemned_gen_number < max_generation) &&
+ ((settings.gen0_reduction_count > 0) || (settings.entry_memory_load >= 95))))
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("gen0 reduction count is %d, condemning %d, mem load %d",
+ settings.gen0_reduction_count,
+ condemned_gen_number,
+ settings.entry_memory_load));
+ should_compact = TRUE;
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->set_mechanism (gc_heap_compact,
+ ((settings.gen0_reduction_count > 0) ? compact_fragmented_gen0 : compact_high_mem_load));
+ if ((condemned_gen_number >= (max_generation - 1)) &&
+ dt_low_ephemeral_space_p (tuning_deciding_expansion))
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("Not enough space for all ephemeral generations with compaction"));
+ should_expand = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#endif // BIT64
+ should_compact = decide_on_compacting (condemned_gen_number, fragmentation, should_expand);
+#ifdef BIT64
+ }
+#endif // BIT64
+ loh_compacted_p = FALSE;
+ if (condemned_gen_number == max_generation)
+ {
+ if (settings.loh_compaction)
+ {
+ if (plan_loh())
+ {
+ should_compact = TRUE;
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->set_mechanism (gc_heap_compact, compact_loh_forced);
+ loh_compacted_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((heap_number == 0) && (loh_pinned_queue))
+ {
+ loh_pinned_queue_decay--;
+ if (!loh_pinned_queue_decay)
+ {
+ delete loh_pinned_queue;
+ loh_pinned_queue = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!loh_compacted_p)
+ {
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ if (ShouldTrackMovementForProfilerOrEtw())
+ notify_profiler_of_surviving_large_objects();
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ sweep_large_objects();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ settings.loh_compaction = FALSE;
+ }
+ new_heap_segment = NULL;
+ if (should_compact && should_expand)
+ gc_policy = policy_expand;
+ else if (should_compact)
+ gc_policy = policy_compact;
+ else
+ gc_policy = policy_sweep;
+ //vote for result of should_compact
+ dprintf (3, ("Joining for compaction decision"));
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_decide_on_compaction);
+ if (gc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ //safe place to delete large heap segments
+ if (condemned_gen_number == max_generation)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ g_heaps [i]->rearrange_large_heap_segments ();
+ }
+ }
+ settings.demotion = FALSE;
+ int pol_max = policy_sweep;
+ BOOL is_compaction_mandatory = FALSE;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ if (pol_max < g_heaps[i]->gc_policy)
+ pol_max = policy_compact;
+ // set the demotion flag is any of the heap has demotion
+ if (g_heaps[i]->demotion_high >= g_heaps[i]->demotion_low)
+ {
+ (g_heaps[i]->get_gc_data_per_heap())->set_mechanism_bit (gc_demotion_bit);
+ settings.demotion = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!is_compaction_mandatory)
+ {
+ int compact_reason = (g_heaps[i]->get_gc_data_per_heap())->get_mechanism (gc_heap_compact);
+ if (compact_reason >= 0)
+ {
+ if (gc_heap_compact_reason_mandatory_p[compact_reason])
+ is_compaction_mandatory = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!is_compaction_mandatory)
+ {
+ // If compaction is not mandatory we can feel free to change it to a sweeping GC.
+ // Note that we may want to change this to only checking every so often instead of every single GC.
+ if (should_do_sweeping_gc (pol_max >= policy_compact))
+ {
+ pol_max = policy_sweep;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (pol_max == policy_sweep)
+ pol_max = policy_compact;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ if (pol_max > g_heaps[i]->gc_policy)
+ g_heaps[i]->gc_policy = pol_max;
+ //get the segment while we are serialized
+ if (g_heaps[i]->gc_policy == policy_expand)
+ {
+ g_heaps[i]->new_heap_segment =
+ g_heaps[i]->soh_get_segment_to_expand();
+ if (!g_heaps[i]->new_heap_segment)
+ {
+ set_expand_in_full_gc (condemned_gen_number);
+ //we are out of memory, cancel the expansion
+ g_heaps[i]->gc_policy = policy_compact;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ BOOL is_full_compacting_gc = FALSE;
+ if ((gc_policy >= policy_compact) && (condemned_gen_number == max_generation))
+ {
+ full_gc_counts[gc_type_compacting]++;
+ is_full_compacting_gc = TRUE;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ //copy the card and brick tables
+ if (g_card_table!= g_heaps[i]->card_table)
+ {
+ g_heaps[i]->copy_brick_card_table();
+ }
+ if (is_full_compacting_gc)
+ {
+ g_heaps[i]->loh_alloc_since_cg = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ //start all threads on the roots.
+ dprintf(3, ("Starting all gc threads after compaction decision"));
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ //reset the local variable accordingly
+ should_compact = (gc_policy >= policy_compact);
+ should_expand = (gc_policy >= policy_expand);
+ //safe place to delete large heap segments
+ if (condemned_gen_number == max_generation)
+ {
+ rearrange_large_heap_segments ();
+ }
+ settings.demotion = ((demotion_high >= demotion_low) ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ if (settings.demotion)
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->set_mechanism_bit (gc_demotion_bit);
+ BOOL is_compaction_mandatory = FALSE;
+ int compact_reason = get_gc_data_per_heap()->get_mechanism (gc_heap_compact);
+ if (compact_reason >= 0)
+ is_compaction_mandatory = gc_heap_compact_reason_mandatory_p[compact_reason];
+ if (!is_compaction_mandatory)
+ {
+ if (should_do_sweeping_gc (should_compact))
+ should_compact = FALSE;
+ else
+ should_compact = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (should_compact && (condemned_gen_number == max_generation))
+ {
+ full_gc_counts[gc_type_compacting]++;
+ loh_alloc_since_cg = 0;
+ }
+ if (should_compact)
+ {
+ dprintf (2,( "**** Doing Compacting GC ****"));
+ if (should_expand)
+ {
+ heap_segment* new_heap_segment = soh_get_segment_to_expand();
+ if (new_heap_segment)
+ {
+ consing_gen = expand_heap(condemned_gen_number,
+ consing_gen,
+ new_heap_segment);
+ }
+ // If we couldn't get a new segment, or we were able to
+ // reserve one but no space to commit, we couldn't
+ // expand heap.
+ if (ephemeral_heap_segment != new_heap_segment)
+ {
+ set_expand_in_full_gc (condemned_gen_number);
+ should_expand = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ generation_allocation_limit (condemned_gen1) =
+ generation_allocation_pointer (condemned_gen1);
+ if ((condemned_gen_number < max_generation))
+ {
+ generation_allocator (older_gen)->commit_alloc_list_changes();
+ // Fix the allocation area of the older generation
+ fix_older_allocation_area (older_gen);
+ }
+ assert (generation_allocation_segment (consing_gen) ==
+ ephemeral_heap_segment);
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ if (ShouldTrackMovementForProfilerOrEtw())
+ {
+ record_survived_for_profiler(condemned_gen_number, first_condemned_address);
+ }
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ relocate_phase (condemned_gen_number, first_condemned_address);
+ compact_phase (condemned_gen_number, first_condemned_address,
+ (!settings.demotion && settings.promotion));
+ fix_generation_bounds (condemned_gen_number, consing_gen);
+ assert (generation_allocation_limit (youngest_generation) ==
+ generation_allocation_pointer (youngest_generation));
+ if (condemned_gen_number >= (max_generation -1))
+ {
+ // this needs be serialized just because we have one
+ // segment_standby_list/seg_table for all heaps. We should make it at least
+ // so that when hoarding is not on we don't need this join because
+ // decommitting memory can take a long time.
+ //must serialize on deleting segments
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_rearrange_segs_compaction);
+ if (gc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ g_heaps[i]->rearrange_heap_segments(TRUE);
+ }
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ rearrange_heap_segments(TRUE);
+ if (should_expand)
+ {
+ //fix the start_segment for the ephemeral generations
+ for (int i = 0; i < max_generation; i++)
+ {
+ generation* gen = generation_of (i);
+ generation_start_segment (gen) = ephemeral_heap_segment;
+ generation_allocation_segment (gen) = ephemeral_heap_segment;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ finalize_queue->UpdatePromotedGenerations (condemned_gen_number,
+ (!settings.demotion && settings.promotion));
+ dprintf(3, ("Joining after end of compaction"));
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_adjust_handle_age_compact);
+ if (gc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ //join all threads to make sure they are synchronized
+ dprintf(3, ("Restarting after Promotion granted"));
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ ScanContext sc;
+ sc.thread_number = heap_number;
+ sc.promotion = FALSE;
+ sc.concurrent = FALSE;
+ // new generations bounds are set can call this guy
+ if (settings.promotion && !settings.demotion)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("Promoting EE roots for gen %d",
+ condemned_gen_number));
+ GCScan::GcPromotionsGranted(condemned_gen_number,
+ max_generation, &sc);
+ }
+ else if (settings.demotion)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("Demoting EE roots for gen %d",
+ condemned_gen_number));
+ GCScan::GcDemote (condemned_gen_number, max_generation, &sc);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ gen0_big_free_spaces = 0;
+ reset_pinned_queue_bos();
+ unsigned int gen_number = min (max_generation, 1 + condemned_gen_number);
+ generation* gen = generation_of (gen_number);
+ uint8_t* low = generation_allocation_start (generation_of (gen_number-1));
+ uint8_t* high = heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ while (!pinned_plug_que_empty_p())
+ {
+ mark* m = pinned_plug_of (deque_pinned_plug());
+ size_t len = pinned_len (m);
+ uint8_t* arr = (pinned_plug (m) - len);
+ dprintf(3,("free [%Ix %Ix[ pin",
+ (size_t)arr, (size_t)arr + len));
+ if (len != 0)
+ {
+ assert (len >= Align (min_obj_size));
+ make_unused_array (arr, len);
+ // fix fully contained bricks + first one
+ // if the array goes beyong the first brick
+ size_t start_brick = brick_of (arr);
+ size_t end_brick = brick_of (arr + len);
+ if (end_brick != start_brick)
+ {
+ dprintf (3,
+ ("Fixing bricks [%Ix, %Ix[ to point to unused array %Ix",
+ start_brick, end_brick, (size_t)arr));
+ set_brick (start_brick,
+ arr - brick_address (start_brick));
+ size_t brick = start_brick+1;
+ while (brick < end_brick)
+ {
+ set_brick (brick, start_brick - brick);
+ brick++;
+ }
+ }
+ //when we take an old segment to make the new
+ //ephemeral segment. we can have a bunch of
+ //pinned plugs out of order going to the new ephemeral seg
+ //and then the next plugs go back to max_generation
+ if ((heap_segment_mem (ephemeral_heap_segment) <= arr) &&
+ (heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment) > arr))
+ {
+ while ((low <= arr) && (high > arr))
+ {
+ gen_number--;
+ assert ((gen_number >= 1) || (demotion_low != MAX_PTR) ||
+ settings.demotion || !settings.promotion);
+ dprintf (3, ("new free list generation %d", gen_number));
+ gen = generation_of (gen_number);
+ if (gen_number >= 1)
+ low = generation_allocation_start (generation_of (gen_number-1));
+ else
+ low = high;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("new free list generation %d", max_generation));
+ gen_number = max_generation;
+ gen = generation_of (gen_number);
+ }
+ dprintf(3,("threading it into generation %d", gen_number));
+ thread_gap (arr, len, gen);
+ add_gen_free (gen_number, len);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ for (int x = 0; x <= max_generation; x++)
+ {
+ assert (generation_allocation_start (generation_of (x)));
+ }
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ if (!settings.demotion && settings.promotion)
+ {
+ //clear card for generation 1. generation 0 is empty
+ clear_card_for_addresses (
+ generation_allocation_start (generation_of (1)),
+ generation_allocation_start (generation_of (0)));
+ }
+ if (settings.promotion && !settings.demotion)
+ {
+ uint8_t* start = generation_allocation_start (youngest_generation);
+ assert (heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) ==
+ (start + Align (size (start))));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //force promotion for sweep
+ settings.promotion = TRUE;
+ settings.compaction = FALSE;
+ ScanContext sc;
+ sc.thread_number = heap_number;
+ sc.promotion = FALSE;
+ sc.concurrent = FALSE;
+ dprintf (2, ("**** Doing Mark and Sweep GC****"));
+ if ((condemned_gen_number < max_generation))
+ {
+ generation_allocator (older_gen)->copy_from_alloc_list (r_free_list);
+ generation_free_list_space (older_gen) = r_free_list_space;
+ generation_free_obj_space (older_gen) = r_free_obj_space;
+ generation_free_list_allocated (older_gen) = r_older_gen_free_list_allocated;
+ generation_end_seg_allocated (older_gen) = r_older_gen_end_seg_allocated;
+ generation_condemned_allocated (older_gen) = r_older_gen_condemned_allocated;
+ generation_allocation_limit (older_gen) = r_allocation_limit;
+ generation_allocation_pointer (older_gen) = r_allocation_pointer;
+ generation_allocation_context_start_region (older_gen) = r_allocation_start_region;
+ generation_allocation_segment (older_gen) = r_allocation_segment;
+ }
+ if ((condemned_gen_number < max_generation))
+ {
+ // Fix the allocation area of the older generation
+ fix_older_allocation_area (older_gen);
+ }
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ if (ShouldTrackMovementForProfilerOrEtw())
+ {
+ record_survived_for_profiler(condemned_gen_number, first_condemned_address);
+ }
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ gen0_big_free_spaces = 0;
+ make_free_lists (condemned_gen_number);
+ recover_saved_pinned_info();
+ finalize_queue->UpdatePromotedGenerations (condemned_gen_number, TRUE);
+// MTHTS: leave single thread for HT processing on plan_phase
+ dprintf(3, ("Joining after end of sweep"));
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_adjust_handle_age_sweep);
+ if (gc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ GCScan::GcPromotionsGranted(condemned_gen_number,
+ max_generation, &sc);
+ if (condemned_gen_number >= (max_generation -1))
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ g_heaps[i]->rearrange_heap_segments(FALSE);
+ }
+ rearrange_heap_segments(FALSE);
+ }
+ //join all threads to make sure they are synchronized
+ dprintf(3, ("Restarting after Promotion granted"));
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ for (int x = 0; x <= max_generation; x++)
+ {
+ assert (generation_allocation_start (generation_of (x)));
+ }
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ //clear card for generation 1. generation 0 is empty
+ clear_card_for_addresses (
+ generation_allocation_start (generation_of (1)),
+ generation_allocation_start (generation_of (0)));
+ assert ((heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) ==
+ (generation_allocation_start (youngest_generation) +
+ Align (min_obj_size))));
+ }
+ //verify_partial();
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif //_PREFAST_
+Called after compact phase to fix all generation gaps
+void gc_heap::fix_generation_bounds (int condemned_gen_number,
+ generation* consing_gen)
+ assert (generation_allocation_segment (consing_gen) ==
+ ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ //assign the planned allocation start to the generation
+ int gen_number = condemned_gen_number;
+ int bottom_gen = 0;
+ while (gen_number >= bottom_gen)
+ {
+ generation* gen = generation_of (gen_number);
+ dprintf(3,("Fixing generation pointers for %Ix", gen_number));
+ if ((gen_number < max_generation) && ephemeral_promotion)
+ {
+ make_unused_array (saved_ephemeral_plan_start[gen_number],
+ saved_ephemeral_plan_start_size[gen_number]);
+ }
+ reset_allocation_pointers (gen, generation_plan_allocation_start (gen));
+ make_unused_array (generation_allocation_start (gen), generation_plan_allocation_start_size (gen));
+ dprintf(3,(" start %Ix", (size_t)generation_allocation_start (gen)));
+ gen_number--;
+ }
+ if (ephemeral_promotion)
+ {
+ //we are creating a generation fault. set the cards.
+ // and we are only doing this for multiple heaps because in the single heap scenario the
+ // new ephemeral generations will be empty and there'll be no need to set cards for the
+ // old ephemeral generations that got promoted into max_generation.
+ ptrdiff_t delta = 0;
+ heap_segment* old_ephemeral_seg = seg_mapping_table_segment_of (saved_ephemeral_plan_start[max_generation-1]);
+ heap_segment* old_ephemeral_seg = segment_of (saved_ephemeral_plan_start[max_generation-1], delta);
+ assert (in_range_for_segment (saved_ephemeral_plan_start[max_generation-1], old_ephemeral_seg));
+ size_t end_card = card_of (align_on_card (heap_segment_plan_allocated (old_ephemeral_seg)));
+ size_t card = card_of (saved_ephemeral_plan_start[max_generation-1]);
+ while (card != end_card)
+ {
+ set_card (card);
+ card++;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ alloc_allocated = heap_segment_plan_allocated(ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ //reset the allocated size
+ uint8_t* start = generation_allocation_start (youngest_generation);
+ if (settings.promotion && !settings.demotion)
+ {
+ assert ((start + Align (size (start))) ==
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated(ephemeral_heap_segment));
+ }
+ heap_segment_allocated(ephemeral_heap_segment)=
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated(ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ }
+uint8_t* gc_heap::generation_limit (int gen_number)
+ if (settings.promotion)
+ {
+ if (gen_number <= 1)
+ return heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ else
+ return generation_allocation_start (generation_of ((gen_number - 2)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (gen_number <= 0)
+ return heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ else
+ return generation_allocation_start (generation_of ((gen_number - 1)));
+ }
+BOOL gc_heap::ensure_gap_allocation (int condemned_gen_number)
+ uint8_t* start = heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ size_t size = Align (min_obj_size)*(condemned_gen_number+1);
+ assert ((start + size) <=
+ heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment));
+ if ((start + size) >
+ heap_segment_committed (ephemeral_heap_segment))
+ {
+ if (!grow_heap_segment (ephemeral_heap_segment, start + size))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::allocate_at_end (size_t size)
+ uint8_t* start = heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ size = Align (size);
+ uint8_t* result = start;
+ // only called to allocate a min obj so can't overflow here.
+ assert ((start + size) <=
+ heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment));
+ //ensure_gap_allocation took care of it
+ assert ((start + size) <=
+ heap_segment_committed (ephemeral_heap_segment));
+ heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) += size;
+ return result;
+void gc_heap::make_free_lists (int condemned_gen_number)
+#ifdef TIME_GC
+ unsigned start;
+ unsigned finish;
+ start = GetCycleCount32();
+#endif //TIME_GC
+ //Promotion has to happen in sweep case.
+ assert (settings.promotion);
+ generation* condemned_gen = generation_of (condemned_gen_number);
+ uint8_t* start_address = generation_allocation_start (condemned_gen);
+ size_t current_brick = brick_of (start_address);
+ heap_segment* current_heap_segment = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (condemned_gen));
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(current_heap_segment != NULL);
+ uint8_t* end_address = heap_segment_allocated (current_heap_segment);
+ size_t end_brick = brick_of (end_address-1);
+ make_free_args args;
+ args.free_list_gen_number = min (max_generation, 1 + condemned_gen_number);
+ args.current_gen_limit = (((condemned_gen_number == max_generation)) ?
+ (generation_limit (args.free_list_gen_number)));
+ args.free_list_gen = generation_of (args.free_list_gen_number);
+ args.highest_plug = 0;
+ if ((start_address < end_address) ||
+ (condemned_gen_number == max_generation))
+ {
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if ((current_brick > end_brick))
+ {
+ if (args.current_gen_limit == MAX_PTR)
+ {
+ //We had an empty segment
+ //need to allocate the generation start
+ generation* gen = generation_of (max_generation);
+ heap_segment* start_seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(start_seg != NULL);
+ uint8_t* gap = heap_segment_mem (start_seg);
+ generation_allocation_start (gen) = gap;
+ heap_segment_allocated (start_seg) = gap + Align (min_obj_size);
+ make_unused_array (gap, Align (min_obj_size));
+ reset_allocation_pointers (gen, gap);
+ dprintf (3, ("Start segment empty, fixing generation start of %d to: %Ix",
+ max_generation, (size_t)gap));
+ args.current_gen_limit = generation_limit (args.free_list_gen_number);
+ }
+ if (heap_segment_next_rw (current_heap_segment))
+ {
+ current_heap_segment = heap_segment_next_rw (current_heap_segment);
+ current_brick = brick_of (heap_segment_mem (current_heap_segment));
+ end_brick = brick_of (heap_segment_allocated (current_heap_segment)-1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ int brick_entry = brick_table [ current_brick ];
+ if ((brick_entry >= 0))
+ {
+ make_free_list_in_brick (brick_address (current_brick) + brick_entry-1, &args);
+ dprintf(3,("Fixing brick entry %Ix to %Ix",
+ current_brick, (size_t)args.highest_plug));
+ set_brick (current_brick,
+ (args.highest_plug - brick_address (current_brick)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((brick_entry > -32768))
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ ptrdiff_t offset = brick_of (args.highest_plug) - current_brick;
+ if ((brick_entry != -32767) && (! ((offset == brick_entry))))
+ {
+ assert ((brick_entry == -1));
+ }
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ //init to -1 for faster find_first_object
+ set_brick (current_brick, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ current_brick++;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ int bottom_gen = 0;
+ args.free_list_gen_number--;
+ while (args.free_list_gen_number >= bottom_gen)
+ {
+ uint8_t* gap = 0;
+ generation* gen2 = generation_of (args.free_list_gen_number);
+ gap = allocate_at_end (Align(min_obj_size));
+ generation_allocation_start (gen2) = gap;
+ reset_allocation_pointers (gen2, gap);
+ dprintf(3,("Fixing generation start of %d to: %Ix",
+ args.free_list_gen_number, (size_t)gap));
+ make_unused_array (gap, Align (min_obj_size));
+ args.free_list_gen_number--;
+ }
+ //reset the allocated size
+ uint8_t* start2 = generation_allocation_start (youngest_generation);
+ alloc_allocated = start2 + Align (size (start2));
+ }
+#ifdef TIME_GC
+ finish = GetCycleCount32();
+ sweep_time = finish - start;
+#endif //TIME_GC
+void gc_heap::make_free_list_in_brick (uint8_t* tree, make_free_args* args)
+ assert ((tree != NULL));
+ {
+ int right_node = node_right_child (tree);
+ int left_node = node_left_child (tree);
+ args->highest_plug = 0;
+ if (! (0 == tree))
+ {
+ if (! (0 == left_node))
+ {
+ make_free_list_in_brick (tree + left_node, args);
+ }
+ {
+ uint8_t* plug = tree;
+ size_t gap_size = node_gap_size (tree);
+ uint8_t* gap = (plug - gap_size);
+ dprintf (3,("Making free list %Ix len %d in %d",
+ //dprintf (3,("F: %Ix len %Ix in %d",
+ (size_t)gap, gap_size, args->free_list_gen_number));
+ args->highest_plug = tree;
+ if (is_plug_padded (plug))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("%Ix padded", plug));
+ clear_plug_padded (plug);
+ }
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ gen_crossing:
+ {
+ if ((args->current_gen_limit == MAX_PTR) ||
+ ((plug >= args->current_gen_limit) &&
+ ephemeral_pointer_p (plug)))
+ {
+ dprintf(3,(" Crossing Generation boundary at %Ix",
+ (size_t)args->current_gen_limit));
+ if (!(args->current_gen_limit == MAX_PTR))
+ {
+ args->free_list_gen_number--;
+ args->free_list_gen = generation_of (args->free_list_gen_number);
+ }
+ dprintf(3,( " Fixing generation start of %d to: %Ix",
+ args->free_list_gen_number, (size_t)gap));
+ reset_allocation_pointers (args->free_list_gen, gap);
+ args->current_gen_limit = generation_limit (args->free_list_gen_number);
+ if ((gap_size >= (2*Align (min_obj_size))))
+ {
+ dprintf(3,(" Splitting the gap in two %Id left",
+ gap_size));
+ make_unused_array (gap, Align(min_obj_size));
+ gap_size = (gap_size - Align(min_obj_size));
+ gap = (gap + Align(min_obj_size));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ make_unused_array (gap, gap_size);
+ gap_size = 0;
+ }
+ goto gen_crossing;
+ }
+ }
+ thread_gap (gap, gap_size, args->free_list_gen);
+ add_gen_free (args->free_list_gen->gen_num, gap_size);
+ }
+ if (! (0 == right_node))
+ {
+ make_free_list_in_brick (tree + right_node, args);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void gc_heap::thread_gap (uint8_t* gap_start, size_t size, generation* gen)
+ assert (generation_allocation_start (gen));
+ if ((size > 0))
+ {
+ if ((gen->gen_num == 0) && (size > CLR_SIZE))
+ {
+ gen0_big_free_spaces += size;
+ }
+ assert ((heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen))!=
+ ephemeral_heap_segment) ||
+ (gap_start > generation_allocation_start (gen)));
+ // The beginning of a segment gap is not aligned
+ assert (size >= Align (min_obj_size));
+ make_unused_array (gap_start, size,
+ (!settings.concurrent && (gen != youngest_generation)),
+ (gen->gen_num == max_generation));
+ dprintf (3, ("fr: [%Ix, %Ix[", (size_t)gap_start, (size_t)gap_start+size));
+ if ((size >= min_free_list))
+ {
+ generation_free_list_space (gen) += size;
+ generation_allocator (gen)->thread_item (gap_start, size);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ generation_free_obj_space (gen) += size;
+ }
+ }
+void gc_heap::loh_thread_gap_front (uint8_t* gap_start, size_t size, generation* gen)
+ assert (generation_allocation_start (gen));
+ if (size >= min_free_list)
+ {
+ generation_free_list_space (gen) += size;
+ generation_allocator (gen)->thread_item_front (gap_start, size);
+ }
+void gc_heap::make_unused_array (uint8_t* x, size_t size, BOOL clearp, BOOL resetp)
+ dprintf (3, ("Making unused array [%Ix, %Ix[",
+ (size_t)x, (size_t)(x+size)));
+ assert (size >= Align (min_obj_size));
+//#if defined (VERIFY_HEAP) && defined (BACKGROUND_GC)
+// check_batch_mark_array_bits (x, x+size);
+ if (resetp)
+ reset_memory (x, size);
+ ((CObjectHeader*)x)->SetFree(size);
+#ifdef BIT64
+#error "This won't work on big endian platforms"
+ size_t size_as_object = (uint32_t)(size - free_object_base_size) + free_object_base_size;
+ if (size_as_object < size)
+ {
+ //
+ // If the size is more than 4GB, we need to create multiple objects because of
+ // the Array::m_NumComponents is uint32_t and the high 32 bits of unused array
+ // size is ignored in regular object size computation.
+ //
+ uint8_t * tmp = x + size_as_object;
+ size_t remaining_size = size - size_as_object;
+ while (remaining_size > UINT32_MAX)
+ {
+ // Make sure that there will be at least Align(min_obj_size) left
+ size_t current_size = UINT32_MAX - get_alignment_constant (FALSE)
+ - Align (min_obj_size, get_alignment_constant (FALSE));
+ ((CObjectHeader*)tmp)->SetFree(current_size);
+ remaining_size -= current_size;
+ tmp += current_size;
+ }
+ ((CObjectHeader*)tmp)->SetFree(remaining_size);
+ }
+ if (clearp)
+ clear_card_for_addresses (x, x + Align(size));
+// Clear memory set by make_unused_array.
+void gc_heap::clear_unused_array (uint8_t* x, size_t size)
+ // Also clear the sync block
+ *(((PTR_PTR)x)-1) = 0;
+ ((CObjectHeader*)x)->UnsetFree();
+#ifdef BIT64
+#error "This won't work on big endian platforms"
+ // The memory could have been cleared in the meantime. We have to mirror the algorithm
+ // from make_unused_array since we cannot depend on the object sizes in memory.
+ size_t size_as_object = (uint32_t)(size - free_object_base_size) + free_object_base_size;
+ if (size_as_object < size)
+ {
+ uint8_t * tmp = x + size_as_object;
+ size_t remaining_size = size - size_as_object;
+ while (remaining_size > UINT32_MAX)
+ {
+ size_t current_size = UINT32_MAX - get_alignment_constant (FALSE)
+ - Align (min_obj_size, get_alignment_constant (FALSE));
+ ((CObjectHeader*)tmp)->UnsetFree();
+ remaining_size -= current_size;
+ tmp += current_size;
+ }
+ ((CObjectHeader*)tmp)->UnsetFree();
+ }
+uint8_t* tree_search (uint8_t* tree, uint8_t* old_address)
+ uint8_t* candidate = 0;
+ int cn;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (tree < old_address)
+ {
+ if ((cn = node_right_child (tree)) != 0)
+ {
+ assert (candidate < tree);
+ candidate = tree;
+ tree = tree + cn;
+ Prefetch (tree - 8);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (tree > old_address)
+ {
+ if ((cn = node_left_child (tree)) != 0)
+ {
+ tree = tree + cn;
+ Prefetch (tree - 8);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tree <= old_address)
+ return tree;
+ else if (candidate)
+ return candidate;
+ else
+ return tree;
+bool gc_heap::frozen_object_p (Object* obj)
+ heap_segment* pSegment = gc_heap::find_segment ((uint8_t*)obj, FALSE);
+ _ASSERTE(pSegment);
+ return heap_segment_read_only_p(pSegment);
+// TODO: this was added on RH, we have not done perf runs to see if this is the right
+// thing to do for other versions of the CLR.
+void gc_heap::relocate_address (uint8_t** pold_address THREAD_NUMBER_DCL)
+ uint8_t* old_address = *pold_address;
+ if (!((old_address >= gc_low) && (old_address < gc_high)))
+ {
+ if (old_address == 0)
+ return;
+ gc_heap* hp = heap_of (old_address);
+ if ((hp == this) ||
+ !((old_address >= hp->gc_low) && (old_address < hp->gc_high)))
+ return;
+ }
+ return ;
+ // delta translates old_address into address_gc (old_address);
+ size_t brick = brick_of (old_address);
+ int brick_entry = brick_table [ brick ];
+ uint8_t* new_address = old_address;
+ if (! ((brick_entry == 0)))
+ {
+ retry:
+ {
+ while (brick_entry < 0)
+ {
+ brick = (brick + brick_entry);
+ brick_entry = brick_table [ brick ];
+ }
+ uint8_t* old_loc = old_address;
+ uint8_t* node = tree_search ((brick_address (brick) + brick_entry-1),
+ old_loc);
+ if ((node <= old_loc))
+ new_address = (old_address + node_relocation_distance (node));
+ else
+ {
+ if (node_left_p (node))
+ {
+ dprintf(3,(" L: %Ix", (size_t)node));
+ new_address = (old_address +
+ (node_relocation_distance (node) +
+ node_gap_size (node)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ brick = brick - 1;
+ brick_entry = brick_table [ brick ];
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *pold_address = new_address;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (loh_compacted_p
+ && !frozen_object_p((Object*)old_address)
+ )
+ {
+ *pold_address = old_address + loh_node_relocation_distance (old_address);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *pold_address = new_address;
+ }
+inline void
+gc_heap::check_class_object_demotion (uint8_t* obj)
+ if (is_collectible(obj))
+ {
+ check_class_object_demotion_internal (obj);
+ }
+gc_heap::check_class_object_demotion_internal (uint8_t* obj)
+ if (settings.demotion)
+ {
+ // We set the card without checking the demotion range 'cause at this point
+ // the handle that points to the loader allocator object may or may not have
+ // been relocated by other GC threads.
+ set_card (card_of (obj));
+ uint8_t* class_obj = get_class_object (obj);
+ dprintf (3, ("%Ix: got classobj %Ix", obj, class_obj));
+ uint8_t* temp_class_obj = class_obj;
+ uint8_t** temp = &temp_class_obj;
+ relocate_address (temp THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+ check_demotion_helper (temp, obj);
+ }
+inline void
+gc_heap::check_demotion_helper (uint8_t** pval, uint8_t* parent_obj)
+ // detect if we are demoting an object
+ if ((*pval < demotion_high) &&
+ (*pval >= demotion_low))
+ {
+ dprintf(3, ("setting card %Ix:%Ix",
+ card_of((uint8_t*)pval),
+ (size_t)pval));
+ set_card (card_of (parent_obj));
+ }
+ else if (settings.demotion)
+ {
+ dprintf (4, ("Demotion active, computing heap_of object"));
+ gc_heap* hp = heap_of (*pval);
+ if ((*pval < hp->demotion_high) &&
+ (*pval >= hp->demotion_low))
+ {
+ dprintf(3, ("setting card %Ix:%Ix",
+ card_of((uint8_t*)pval),
+ (size_t)pval));
+ set_card (card_of (parent_obj));
+ }
+ }
+inline void
+gc_heap::reloc_survivor_helper (uint8_t** pval)
+ relocate_address (pval THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+ check_demotion_helper (pval, (uint8_t*)pval);
+inline void
+gc_heap::relocate_obj_helper (uint8_t* x, size_t s)
+ if (contain_pointers (x))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("$%Ix$", (size_t)x));
+ go_through_object_nostart (method_table(x), x, s, pval,
+ {
+ uint8_t* child = *pval;
+ reloc_survivor_helper (pval);
+ if (child)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("%Ix->%Ix->%Ix", (uint8_t*)pval, child, *pval));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ check_class_object_demotion (x);
+void gc_heap::reloc_ref_in_shortened_obj (uint8_t** address_to_set_card, uint8_t** address_to_reloc)
+ uint8_t* old_val = (address_to_reloc ? *address_to_reloc : 0);
+ relocate_address (address_to_reloc THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+ if (address_to_reloc)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("SR %Ix: %Ix->%Ix", (uint8_t*)address_to_reloc, old_val, *address_to_reloc));
+ }
+ //check_demotion_helper (current_saved_info_to_relocate, (uint8_t*)pval);
+ uint8_t* relocated_addr = *address_to_reloc;
+ if ((relocated_addr < demotion_high) &&
+ (relocated_addr >= demotion_low))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("set card for location %Ix(%Ix)",
+ (size_t)address_to_set_card, card_of((uint8_t*)address_to_set_card)));
+ set_card (card_of ((uint8_t*)address_to_set_card));
+ }
+ else if (settings.demotion)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = heap_of (relocated_addr);
+ if ((relocated_addr < hp->demotion_high) &&
+ (relocated_addr >= hp->demotion_low))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("%Ix on h%d, set card for location %Ix(%Ix)",
+ relocated_addr, hp->heap_number, (size_t)address_to_set_card, card_of((uint8_t*)address_to_set_card)));
+ set_card (card_of ((uint8_t*)address_to_set_card));
+ }
+ }
+void gc_heap::relocate_pre_plug_info (mark* pinned_plug_entry)
+ uint8_t* plug = pinned_plug (pinned_plug_entry);
+ uint8_t* pre_plug_start = plug - sizeof (plug_and_gap);
+ // Note that we need to add one ptr size here otherwise we may not be able to find the relocated
+ // address. Consider this scenario:
+ // gen1 start | 3-ptr sized NP | PP
+ // 0 | 0x18 | 0x30
+ // If we are asking for the reloc address of 0x10 we will AV in relocate_address because
+ // the first plug we saw in the brick is 0x18 which means 0x10 will cause us to go back a brick
+ // which is 0, and then we'll AV in tree_search when we try to do node_right_child (tree).
+ pre_plug_start += sizeof (uint8_t*);
+ uint8_t** old_address = &pre_plug_start;
+ uint8_t* old_val = (old_address ? *old_address : 0);
+ relocate_address (old_address THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+ if (old_address)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("PreR %Ix: %Ix->%Ix, set reloc: %Ix",
+ (uint8_t*)old_address, old_val, *old_address, (pre_plug_start - sizeof (uint8_t*))));
+ }
+ pinned_plug_entry->set_pre_plug_info_reloc_start (pre_plug_start - sizeof (uint8_t*));
+void gc_heap::relocate_shortened_obj_helper (uint8_t* x, size_t s, uint8_t* end, mark* pinned_plug_entry, BOOL is_pinned)
+ uint8_t* plug = pinned_plug (pinned_plug_entry);
+ if (!is_pinned)
+ {
+ //// Temporary - we just wanna make sure we are doing things right when padding is needed.
+ //if ((x + s) < plug)
+ //{
+ // dprintf (3, ("obj %Ix needed padding: end %Ix is %d bytes from pinned obj %Ix",
+ // x, (x + s), (plug- (x + s)), plug));
+ // GCToOSInterface::DebugBreak();
+ //}
+ relocate_pre_plug_info (pinned_plug_entry);
+ }
+ verify_pins_with_post_plug_info("after relocate_pre_plug_info");
+ uint8_t* saved_plug_info_start = 0;
+ uint8_t** saved_info_to_relocate = 0;
+ if (is_pinned)
+ {
+ saved_plug_info_start = (uint8_t*)(pinned_plug_entry->get_post_plug_info_start());
+ saved_info_to_relocate = (uint8_t**)(pinned_plug_entry->get_post_plug_reloc_info());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ saved_plug_info_start = (plug - sizeof (plug_and_gap));
+ saved_info_to_relocate = (uint8_t**)(pinned_plug_entry->get_pre_plug_reloc_info());
+ }
+ uint8_t** current_saved_info_to_relocate = 0;
+ uint8_t* child = 0;
+ dprintf (3, ("x: %Ix, pp: %Ix, end: %Ix", x, plug, end));
+ if (contain_pointers (x))
+ {
+ dprintf (3,("$%Ix$", (size_t)x));
+ go_through_object_nostart (method_table(x), x, s, pval,
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("obj %Ix, member: %Ix->%Ix", x, (uint8_t*)pval, *pval));
+ if ((uint8_t*)pval >= end)
+ {
+ current_saved_info_to_relocate = saved_info_to_relocate + ((uint8_t*)pval - saved_plug_info_start) / sizeof (uint8_t**);
+ child = *current_saved_info_to_relocate;
+ reloc_ref_in_shortened_obj (pval, current_saved_info_to_relocate);
+ dprintf (3, ("last part: R-%Ix(saved: %Ix)->%Ix ->%Ix",
+ (uint8_t*)pval, current_saved_info_to_relocate, child, *current_saved_info_to_relocate));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ reloc_survivor_helper (pval);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ check_class_object_demotion (x);
+void gc_heap::relocate_survivor_helper (uint8_t* plug, uint8_t* plug_end)
+ uint8_t* x = plug;
+ while (x < plug_end)
+ {
+ size_t s = size (x);
+ uint8_t* next_obj = x + Align (s);
+ Prefetch (next_obj);
+ relocate_obj_helper (x, s);
+ assert (s > 0);
+ x = next_obj;
+ }
+// if we expanded, right now we are not handling it as We are not saving the new reloc info.
+void gc_heap::verify_pins_with_post_plug_info (const char* msg)
+#if defined (_DEBUG) && defined (VERIFY_HEAP)
+ if (g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel() & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_GC)
+ {
+ if (!verify_pinned_queue_p)
+ return;
+ if (settings.heap_expansion)
+ return;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < mark_stack_tos; i++)
+ {
+ mark& m = mark_stack_array[i];
+ mark* pinned_plug_entry = pinned_plug_of(i);
+ if (pinned_plug_entry->has_post_plug_info() &&
+ pinned_plug_entry->post_short_p() &&
+ (pinned_plug_entry-> != 1))
+ {
+ uint8_t* next_obj = pinned_plug_entry->get_post_plug_info_start() + sizeof (plug_and_gap);
+ // object after pin
+ dprintf (3, ("OFP: %Ix, G: %Ix, R: %Ix, LC: %d, RC: %d",
+ next_obj, node_gap_size (next_obj), node_relocation_distance (next_obj),
+ (int)node_left_child (next_obj), (int)node_right_child (next_obj)));
+ size_t* post_plug_debug = (size_t*)(&m.saved_post_plug_debug);
+ if (node_gap_size (next_obj) != *post_plug_debug)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("obj: %Ix gap should be %Ix but it is %Ix",
+ next_obj, *post_plug_debug, (size_t)(node_gap_size (next_obj))));
+ }
+ post_plug_debug++;
+ // can't do node_relocation_distance here as it clears the left bit.
+ //if (node_relocation_distance (next_obj) != *post_plug_debug)
+ if (*((size_t*)(next_obj - 3 * sizeof (size_t))) != *post_plug_debug)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("obj: %Ix reloc should be %Ix but it is %Ix",
+ next_obj, *post_plug_debug, (size_t)(node_relocation_distance (next_obj))));
+ }
+ if (node_left_child (next_obj) > 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("obj: %Ix, vLC: %d\n", next_obj, (int)(node_left_child (next_obj))));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("%s verified", msg));
+ }
+#else // _DEBUG && VERIFY_HEAP
+#endif // _DEBUG && VERIFY_HEAP
+// We don't want to burn another ptr size space for pinned plugs to record this so just
+// set the card unconditionally for collectible objects if we are demoting.
+inline void
+gc_heap::unconditional_set_card_collectible (uint8_t* obj)
+ if (settings.demotion)
+ {
+ set_card (card_of (obj));
+ }
+void gc_heap::relocate_shortened_survivor_helper (uint8_t* plug, uint8_t* plug_end, mark* pinned_plug_entry)
+ uint8_t* x = plug;
+ uint8_t* p_plug = pinned_plug (pinned_plug_entry);
+ BOOL is_pinned = (plug == p_plug);
+ BOOL check_short_obj_p = (is_pinned ? pinned_plug_entry->post_short_p() : pinned_plug_entry->pre_short_p());
+ plug_end += sizeof (gap_reloc_pair);
+ //dprintf (3, ("%s %Ix is shortened, and last object %s overwritten", (is_pinned ? "PP" : "NP"), plug, (check_short_obj_p ? "is" : "is not")));
+ dprintf (3, ("%s %Ix-%Ix short, LO: %s OW", (is_pinned ? "PP" : "NP"), plug, plug_end, (check_short_obj_p ? "is" : "is not")));
+ verify_pins_with_post_plug_info("begin reloc short surv");
+ while (x < plug_end)
+ {
+ if (check_short_obj_p && ((plug_end - x) < min_pre_pin_obj_size))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("last obj %Ix is short", x));
+ if (is_pinned)
+ {
+ if (pinned_plug_entry->post_short_collectible_p())
+ unconditional_set_card_collectible (x);
+ // Relocate the saved references based on bits set.
+ uint8_t** saved_plug_info_start = (uint8_t**)(pinned_plug_entry->get_post_plug_info_start());
+ uint8_t** saved_info_to_relocate = (uint8_t**)(pinned_plug_entry->get_post_plug_reloc_info());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pinned_plug_entry->get_max_short_bits(); i++)
+ {
+ if (pinned_plug_entry->post_short_bit_p (i))
+ {
+ reloc_ref_in_shortened_obj ((saved_plug_info_start + i), (saved_info_to_relocate + i));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (pinned_plug_entry->pre_short_collectible_p())
+ unconditional_set_card_collectible (x);
+ relocate_pre_plug_info (pinned_plug_entry);
+ // Relocate the saved references based on bits set.
+ uint8_t** saved_plug_info_start = (uint8_t**)(p_plug - sizeof (plug_and_gap));
+ uint8_t** saved_info_to_relocate = (uint8_t**)(pinned_plug_entry->get_pre_plug_reloc_info());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pinned_plug_entry->get_max_short_bits(); i++)
+ {
+ if (pinned_plug_entry->pre_short_bit_p (i))
+ {
+ reloc_ref_in_shortened_obj ((saved_plug_info_start + i), (saved_info_to_relocate + i));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ size_t s = size (x);
+ uint8_t* next_obj = x + Align (s);
+ Prefetch (next_obj);
+ if (next_obj >= plug_end)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("object %Ix is at the end of the plug %Ix->%Ix",
+ next_obj, plug, plug_end));
+ verify_pins_with_post_plug_info("before reloc short obj");
+ relocate_shortened_obj_helper (x, s, (x + Align (s) - sizeof (plug_and_gap)), pinned_plug_entry, is_pinned);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ relocate_obj_helper (x, s);
+ }
+ assert (s > 0);
+ x = next_obj;
+ }
+ verify_pins_with_post_plug_info("end reloc short surv");
+void gc_heap::relocate_survivors_in_plug (uint8_t* plug, uint8_t* plug_end,
+ BOOL check_last_object_p,
+ mark* pinned_plug_entry)
+ //dprintf(3,("Relocating pointers in Plug [%Ix,%Ix[", (size_t)plug, (size_t)plug_end));
+ dprintf (3,("RP: [%Ix,%Ix[", (size_t)plug, (size_t)plug_end));
+ if (check_last_object_p)
+ {
+ relocate_shortened_survivor_helper (plug, plug_end, pinned_plug_entry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ relocate_survivor_helper (plug, plug_end);
+ }
+void gc_heap::relocate_survivors_in_brick (uint8_t* tree, relocate_args* args)
+ assert ((tree != NULL));
+ dprintf (3, ("tree: %Ix, args->last_plug: %Ix, left: %Ix, right: %Ix, gap(t): %Ix",
+ tree, args->last_plug,
+ (tree + node_left_child (tree)),
+ (tree + node_right_child (tree)),
+ node_gap_size (tree)));
+ if (node_left_child (tree))
+ {
+ relocate_survivors_in_brick (tree + node_left_child (tree), args);
+ }
+ {
+ uint8_t* plug = tree;
+ BOOL has_post_plug_info_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL has_pre_plug_info_p = FALSE;
+ if (tree == oldest_pinned_plug)
+ {
+ args->pinned_plug_entry = get_oldest_pinned_entry (&has_pre_plug_info_p,
+ &has_post_plug_info_p);
+ assert (tree == pinned_plug (args->pinned_plug_entry));
+ dprintf (3, ("tree is the oldest pin: %Ix", tree));
+ }
+ if (args->last_plug)
+ {
+ size_t gap_size = node_gap_size (tree);
+ uint8_t* gap = (plug - gap_size);
+ dprintf (3, ("tree: %Ix, gap: %Ix (%Ix)", tree, gap, gap_size));
+ assert (gap_size >= Align (min_obj_size));
+ uint8_t* last_plug_end = gap;
+ BOOL check_last_object_p = (args->is_shortened || has_pre_plug_info_p);
+ {
+ relocate_survivors_in_plug (args->last_plug, last_plug_end, check_last_object_p, args->pinned_plug_entry);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (!has_pre_plug_info_p);
+ }
+ args->last_plug = plug;
+ args->is_shortened = has_post_plug_info_p;
+ if (has_post_plug_info_p)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("setting %Ix as shortened", plug));
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("last_plug: %Ix(shortened: %d)", plug, (args->is_shortened ? 1 : 0)));
+ }
+ if (node_right_child (tree))
+ {
+ relocate_survivors_in_brick (tree + node_right_child (tree), args);
+ }
+void gc_heap::update_oldest_pinned_plug()
+ oldest_pinned_plug = (pinned_plug_que_empty_p() ? 0 : pinned_plug (oldest_pin()));
+void gc_heap::relocate_survivors (int condemned_gen_number,
+ uint8_t* first_condemned_address)
+ generation* condemned_gen = generation_of (condemned_gen_number);
+ uint8_t* start_address = first_condemned_address;
+ size_t current_brick = brick_of (start_address);
+ heap_segment* current_heap_segment = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (condemned_gen));
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(current_heap_segment != NULL);
+ uint8_t* end_address = 0;
+ reset_pinned_queue_bos();
+ update_oldest_pinned_plug();
+ end_address = heap_segment_allocated (current_heap_segment);
+ size_t end_brick = brick_of (end_address - 1);
+ relocate_args args;
+ args.low = gc_low;
+ args.high = gc_high;
+ args.is_shortened = FALSE;
+ args.pinned_plug_entry = 0;
+ args.last_plug = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (current_brick > end_brick)
+ {
+ if (args.last_plug)
+ {
+ {
+ assert (!(args.is_shortened));
+ relocate_survivors_in_plug (args.last_plug,
+ heap_segment_allocated (current_heap_segment),
+ args.is_shortened,
+ args.pinned_plug_entry);
+ }
+ args.last_plug = 0;
+ }
+ if (heap_segment_next_rw (current_heap_segment))
+ {
+ current_heap_segment = heap_segment_next_rw (current_heap_segment);
+ current_brick = brick_of (heap_segment_mem (current_heap_segment));
+ end_brick = brick_of (heap_segment_allocated (current_heap_segment)-1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ int brick_entry = brick_table [ current_brick ];
+ if (brick_entry >= 0)
+ {
+ relocate_survivors_in_brick (brick_address (current_brick) +
+ brick_entry -1,
+ &args);
+ }
+ }
+ current_brick++;
+ }
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+void gc_heap::walk_plug (uint8_t* plug, size_t size, BOOL check_last_object_p, walk_relocate_args* args, size_t profiling_context)
+ if (check_last_object_p)
+ {
+ size += sizeof (gap_reloc_pair);
+ mark* entry = args->pinned_plug_entry;
+ if (args->is_shortened)
+ {
+ assert (entry->has_post_plug_info());
+ entry->swap_post_plug_and_saved_for_profiler();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (entry->has_pre_plug_info());
+ entry->swap_pre_plug_and_saved_for_profiler();
+ }
+ }
+ ptrdiff_t last_plug_relocation = node_relocation_distance (plug);
+ ptrdiff_t reloc = settings.compaction ? last_plug_relocation : 0;
+ STRESS_LOG_PLUG_MOVE(plug, (plug + size), -last_plug_relocation);
+ ETW::GCLog::MovedReference(plug,
+ (plug + size),
+ reloc,
+ profiling_context,
+ settings.compaction);
+ if (check_last_object_p)
+ {
+ mark* entry = args->pinned_plug_entry;
+ if (args->is_shortened)
+ {
+ entry->swap_post_plug_and_saved_for_profiler();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ entry->swap_pre_plug_and_saved_for_profiler();
+ }
+ }
+void gc_heap::walk_relocation_in_brick (uint8_t* tree, walk_relocate_args* args, size_t profiling_context)
+ assert ((tree != NULL));
+ if (node_left_child (tree))
+ {
+ walk_relocation_in_brick (tree + node_left_child (tree), args, profiling_context);
+ }
+ uint8_t* plug = tree;
+ BOOL has_pre_plug_info_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL has_post_plug_info_p = FALSE;
+ if (tree == oldest_pinned_plug)
+ {
+ args->pinned_plug_entry = get_oldest_pinned_entry (&has_pre_plug_info_p,
+ &has_post_plug_info_p);
+ assert (tree == pinned_plug (args->pinned_plug_entry));
+ }
+ if (args->last_plug != 0)
+ {
+ size_t gap_size = node_gap_size (tree);
+ uint8_t* gap = (plug - gap_size);
+ uint8_t* last_plug_end = gap;
+ size_t last_plug_size = (last_plug_end - args->last_plug);
+ dprintf (3, ("tree: %Ix, last_plug: %Ix, gap: %Ix(%Ix), last_plug_end: %Ix, size: %Ix",
+ tree, args->last_plug, gap, gap_size, last_plug_end, last_plug_size));
+ BOOL check_last_object_p = (args->is_shortened || has_pre_plug_info_p);
+ if (!check_last_object_p)
+ {
+ assert (last_plug_size >= Align (min_obj_size));
+ }
+ walk_plug (args->last_plug, last_plug_size, check_last_object_p, args, profiling_context);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (!has_pre_plug_info_p);
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("set args last plug to plug: %Ix", plug));
+ args->last_plug = plug;
+ args->is_shortened = has_post_plug_info_p;
+ if (node_right_child (tree))
+ {
+ walk_relocation_in_brick (tree + node_right_child (tree), args, profiling_context);
+ }
+void gc_heap::walk_relocation (int condemned_gen_number,
+ uint8_t* first_condemned_address,
+ size_t profiling_context)
+ generation* condemned_gen = generation_of (condemned_gen_number);
+ uint8_t* start_address = first_condemned_address;
+ size_t current_brick = brick_of (start_address);
+ heap_segment* current_heap_segment = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (condemned_gen));
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(current_heap_segment != NULL);
+ reset_pinned_queue_bos();
+ update_oldest_pinned_plug();
+ size_t end_brick = brick_of (heap_segment_allocated (current_heap_segment)-1);
+ walk_relocate_args args;
+ args.is_shortened = FALSE;
+ args.pinned_plug_entry = 0;
+ args.last_plug = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (current_brick > end_brick)
+ {
+ if (args.last_plug)
+ {
+ walk_plug (args.last_plug,
+ (heap_segment_allocated (current_heap_segment) - args.last_plug),
+ args.is_shortened,
+ &args, profiling_context);
+ args.last_plug = 0;
+ }
+ if (heap_segment_next_rw (current_heap_segment))
+ {
+ current_heap_segment = heap_segment_next_rw (current_heap_segment);
+ current_brick = brick_of (heap_segment_mem (current_heap_segment));
+ end_brick = brick_of (heap_segment_allocated (current_heap_segment)-1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ int brick_entry = brick_table [ current_brick ];
+ if (brick_entry >= 0)
+ {
+ walk_relocation_in_brick (brick_address (current_brick) +
+ brick_entry - 1,
+ &args,
+ profiling_context);
+ }
+ }
+ current_brick++;
+ }
+#if defined(BACKGROUND_GC) && defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+void gc_heap::walk_relocation_for_bgc(size_t profiling_context)
+ // This should only be called for BGCs
+ assert(settings.concurrent);
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (generation_of (max_generation)));
+ BOOL small_object_segments = TRUE;
+ int align_const = get_alignment_constant (small_object_segments);
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (seg == 0)
+ {
+ if (small_object_segments)
+ {
+ //switch to large segment
+ small_object_segments = FALSE;
+ align_const = get_alignment_constant (small_object_segments);
+ seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (large_object_generation));
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ uint8_t* o = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ uint8_t* end = heap_segment_allocated (seg);
+ while (o < end)
+ {
+ if (method_table(o) == g_pFreeObjectMethodTable)
+ {
+ o += Align (size (o), align_const);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // It's survived. Make a fake plug, starting at o,
+ // and send the event
+ uint8_t* plug_start = o;
+ while (method_table(o) != g_pFreeObjectMethodTable)
+ {
+ o += Align (size (o), align_const);
+ if (o >= end)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ uint8_t* plug_end = o;
+ // Note on last parameter: since this is for bgc, only ETW
+ // should be sending these events so that existing profapi profilers
+ // don't get confused.
+ ETW::GCLog::MovedReference(
+ plug_start,
+ plug_end,
+ 0, // Reloc distance == 0 as this is non-compacting
+ profiling_context,
+ FALSE, // Non-compacting
+ FALSE); // fAllowProfApiNotification
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ }
+void gc_heap::make_free_lists_for_profiler_for_bgc ()
+ assert(settings.concurrent);
+ size_t profiling_context = 0;
+ ETW::GCLog::BeginMovedReferences(&profiling_context);
+ // This provides the profiler with information on what blocks of
+ // memory are moved during a gc.
+ walk_relocation_for_bgc(profiling_context);
+ // Notify the EE-side profiling code that all the references have been traced for
+ // this heap, and that it needs to flush all cached data it hasn't sent to the
+ // profiler and release resources it no longer needs. Since this is for bgc, only
+ // ETW should be sending these events so that existing profapi profilers don't get confused.
+ ETW::GCLog::EndMovedReferences(profiling_context, FALSE /* fAllowProfApiNotification */);
+ bgc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_after_profiler_heap_walk);
+ if (bgc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ bgc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+#endif // defined(BACKGROUND_GC) && defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+void gc_heap::relocate_phase (int condemned_gen_number,
+ uint8_t* first_condemned_address)
+ ScanContext sc;
+ sc.thread_number = heap_number;
+ sc.promotion = FALSE;
+ sc.concurrent = FALSE;
+#ifdef TIME_GC
+ unsigned start;
+ unsigned finish;
+ start = GetCycleCount32();
+#endif //TIME_GC
+// %type% category = quote (relocate);
+ dprintf (2,("---- Relocate phase -----"));
+ //join all threads to make sure they are synchronized
+ dprintf(3, ("Joining after end of plan"));
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_begin_relocate_phase);
+ if (gc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ //join all threads to make sure they are synchronized
+ dprintf(3, ("Restarting for relocation"));
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ dprintf(3,("Relocating roots"));
+ GCScan::GcScanRoots(GCHeap::Relocate,
+ condemned_gen_number, max_generation, &sc);
+ verify_pins_with_post_plug_info("after reloc stack");
+ if (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ {
+ scan_background_roots (GCHeap::Relocate, heap_number, &sc);
+ }
+ if (condemned_gen_number != max_generation)
+ {
+ dprintf(3,("Relocating cross generation pointers"));
+ mark_through_cards_for_segments (&gc_heap::relocate_address, TRUE);
+ verify_pins_with_post_plug_info("after reloc cards");
+ }
+ if (condemned_gen_number != max_generation)
+ {
+ dprintf(3,("Relocating cross generation pointers for large objects"));
+ mark_through_cards_for_large_objects (&gc_heap::relocate_address, TRUE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (loh_compacted_p)
+ {
+ assert (settings.condemned_generation == max_generation);
+ relocate_in_loh_compact();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ relocate_in_large_objects ();
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ dprintf(3,("Relocating survivors"));
+ relocate_survivors (condemned_gen_number,
+ first_condemned_address);
+ }
+ dprintf(3,("Relocating finalization data"));
+ finalize_queue->RelocateFinalizationData (condemned_gen_number,
+ __this);
+ {
+ dprintf(3,("Relocating handle table"));
+ GCScan::GcScanHandles(GCHeap::Relocate,
+ condemned_gen_number, max_generation, &sc);
+ }
+ //join all threads to make sure they are synchronized
+ dprintf(3, ("Joining after end of relocation"));
+ gc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_relocate_phase_done);
+#ifdef TIME_GC
+ finish = GetCycleCount32();
+ reloc_time = finish - start;
+#endif //TIME_GC
+ dprintf(2,( "---- End of Relocate phase ----"));
+// This compares to see if tree is the current pinned plug and returns info
+// for this pinned plug. Also advances the pinned queue if that's the case.
+// We don't change the values of the plug info if tree is not the same as
+// the current pinned plug - the caller is responsible for setting the right
+// values to begin with.
+// POPO TODO: We are keeping this temporarily as this is also used by realloc
+// where it passes FALSE to deque_p, change it to use the same optimization
+// as relocate. Not as essential since realloc is already a slow path.
+mark* gc_heap::get_next_pinned_entry (uint8_t* tree,
+ BOOL* has_pre_plug_info_p,
+ BOOL* has_post_plug_info_p,
+ BOOL deque_p)
+ if (!pinned_plug_que_empty_p())
+ {
+ mark* oldest_entry = oldest_pin();
+ uint8_t* oldest_plug = pinned_plug (oldest_entry);
+ if (tree == oldest_plug)
+ {
+ *has_pre_plug_info_p = oldest_entry->has_pre_plug_info();
+ *has_post_plug_info_p = oldest_entry->has_post_plug_info();
+ if (deque_p)
+ {
+ deque_pinned_plug();
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("found a pinned plug %Ix, pre: %d, post: %d",
+ tree,
+ (*has_pre_plug_info_p ? 1 : 0),
+ (*has_post_plug_info_p ? 1 : 0)));
+ return oldest_entry;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// This also deques the oldest entry and update the oldest plug
+mark* gc_heap::get_oldest_pinned_entry (BOOL* has_pre_plug_info_p,
+ BOOL* has_post_plug_info_p)
+ mark* oldest_entry = oldest_pin();
+ *has_pre_plug_info_p = oldest_entry->has_pre_plug_info();
+ *has_post_plug_info_p = oldest_entry->has_post_plug_info();
+ deque_pinned_plug();
+ update_oldest_pinned_plug();
+ return oldest_entry;
+void gc_heap::copy_cards_range (uint8_t* dest, uint8_t* src, size_t len, BOOL copy_cards_p)
+ if (copy_cards_p)
+ copy_cards_for_addresses (dest, src, len);
+ else
+ clear_card_for_addresses (dest, dest + len);
+// POPO TODO: We should actually just recover the artifically made gaps here..because when we copy
+// we always copy the earlier plugs first which means we won't need the gap sizes anymore. This way
+// we won't need to individually recover each overwritten part of plugs.
+void gc_heap::gcmemcopy (uint8_t* dest, uint8_t* src, size_t len, BOOL copy_cards_p)
+ if (dest != src)
+ {
+ if (current_c_gc_state == c_gc_state_marking)
+ {
+ //TODO: should look to see whether we should consider changing this
+ // to copy a consecutive region of the mark array instead.
+ copy_mark_bits_for_addresses (dest, src, len);
+ }
+ //dprintf(3,(" Memcopy [%Ix->%Ix, %Ix->%Ix[", (size_t)src, (size_t)dest, (size_t)src+len, (size_t)dest+len));
+ dprintf(3,(" mc: [%Ix->%Ix, %Ix->%Ix[", (size_t)src, (size_t)dest, (size_t)src+len, (size_t)dest+len));
+ memcopy (dest - plug_skew, src - plug_skew, (int)len);
+ if (SoftwareWriteWatch::IsEnabledForGCHeap())
+ {
+ // The ranges [src - plug_kew .. src[ and [src + len - plug_skew .. src + len[ are ObjHeaders, which don't have GC
+ // references, and are not relevant for write watch. The latter range actually corresponds to the ObjHeader for the
+ // object at (src + len), so it can be ignored anyway.
+ SoftwareWriteWatch::SetDirtyRegion(dest, len - plug_skew);
+ }
+ copy_cards_range (dest, src, len, copy_cards_p);
+ }
+void gc_heap::compact_plug (uint8_t* plug, size_t size, BOOL check_last_object_p, compact_args* args)
+ args->print();
+ uint8_t* reloc_plug = plug + args->last_plug_relocation;
+ if (check_last_object_p)
+ {
+ size += sizeof (gap_reloc_pair);
+ mark* entry = args->pinned_plug_entry;
+ if (args->is_shortened)
+ {
+ assert (entry->has_post_plug_info());
+ entry->swap_post_plug_and_saved();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (entry->has_pre_plug_info());
+ entry->swap_pre_plug_and_saved();
+ }
+ }
+ int old_brick_entry = brick_table [brick_of (plug)];
+ assert (node_relocation_distance (plug) == args->last_plug_relocation);
+ ptrdiff_t alignpad = node_alignpad(plug);
+ if (alignpad)
+ {
+ make_unused_array (reloc_plug - alignpad, alignpad);
+ if (brick_of (reloc_plug - alignpad) != brick_of (reloc_plug))
+ {
+ // The alignment padding is straddling one or more bricks;
+ // it has to be the last "object" of its first brick.
+ fix_brick_to_highest (reloc_plug - alignpad, reloc_plug);
+ }
+ }
+ size_t unused_arr_size = 0;
+ BOOL already_padded_p = FALSE;
+ if (is_plug_padded (plug))
+ {
+ already_padded_p = TRUE;
+ clear_plug_padded (plug);
+ unused_arr_size = Align (min_obj_size);
+ }
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ if (node_realigned (plug))
+ {
+ unused_arr_size += switch_alignment_size (already_padded_p);
+ }
+ if (unused_arr_size != 0)
+ {
+ make_unused_array (reloc_plug - unused_arr_size, unused_arr_size);
+ if (brick_of (reloc_plug - unused_arr_size) != brick_of (reloc_plug))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("fix B for padding: %Id: %Ix->%Ix",
+ unused_arr_size, (reloc_plug - unused_arr_size), reloc_plug));
+ // The alignment padding is straddling one or more bricks;
+ // it has to be the last "object" of its first brick.
+ fix_brick_to_highest (reloc_plug - unused_arr_size, reloc_plug);
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_plug_padded (plug))
+ {
+ make_unused_array (reloc_plug - Align (min_obj_size), Align (min_obj_size));
+ if (brick_of (reloc_plug - Align (min_obj_size)) != brick_of (reloc_plug))
+ {
+ // The alignment padding is straddling one or more bricks;
+ // it has to be the last "object" of its first brick.
+ fix_brick_to_highest (reloc_plug - Align (min_obj_size), reloc_plug);
+ }
+ }
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ gcmemcopy (reloc_plug, plug, size, args->copy_cards_p);
+ if (args->check_gennum_p)
+ {
+ int src_gennum = args->src_gennum;
+ if (src_gennum == -1)
+ {
+ src_gennum = object_gennum (plug);
+ }
+ int dest_gennum = object_gennum_plan (reloc_plug);
+ if (src_gennum < dest_gennum)
+ {
+ generation_allocation_size (generation_of (dest_gennum)) += size;
+ }
+ }
+ size_t current_reloc_brick = args->current_compacted_brick;
+ if (brick_of (reloc_plug) != current_reloc_brick)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("last reloc B: %Ix, current reloc B: %Ix",
+ current_reloc_brick, brick_of (reloc_plug)));
+ if (args->before_last_plug)
+ {
+ dprintf (3,(" fixing last brick %Ix to point to last plug %Ix(%Ix)",
+ current_reloc_brick,
+ args->before_last_plug,
+ (args->before_last_plug - brick_address (current_reloc_brick))));
+ {
+ set_brick (current_reloc_brick,
+ args->before_last_plug - brick_address (current_reloc_brick));
+ }
+ }
+ current_reloc_brick = brick_of (reloc_plug);
+ }
+ size_t end_brick = brick_of (reloc_plug + size-1);
+ if (end_brick != current_reloc_brick)
+ {
+ // The plug is straddling one or more bricks
+ // It has to be the last plug of its first brick
+ dprintf (3,("plug spanning multiple bricks, fixing first brick %Ix to %Ix(%Ix)",
+ current_reloc_brick, (size_t)reloc_plug,
+ (reloc_plug - brick_address (current_reloc_brick))));
+ {
+ set_brick (current_reloc_brick,
+ reloc_plug - brick_address (current_reloc_brick));
+ }
+ // update all intervening brick
+ size_t brick = current_reloc_brick + 1;
+ dprintf (3,("setting intervening bricks %Ix->%Ix to -1",
+ brick, (end_brick - 1)));
+ while (brick < end_brick)
+ {
+ set_brick (brick, -1);
+ brick++;
+ }
+ // code last brick offset as a plug address
+ args->before_last_plug = brick_address (end_brick) -1;
+ current_reloc_brick = end_brick;
+ dprintf (3, ("setting before last to %Ix, last brick to %Ix",
+ args->before_last_plug, current_reloc_brick));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("still in the same brick: %Ix", end_brick));
+ args->before_last_plug = reloc_plug;
+ }
+ args->current_compacted_brick = current_reloc_brick;
+ if (check_last_object_p)
+ {
+ mark* entry = args->pinned_plug_entry;
+ if (args->is_shortened)
+ {
+ entry->swap_post_plug_and_saved();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ entry->swap_pre_plug_and_saved();
+ }
+ }
+void gc_heap::compact_in_brick (uint8_t* tree, compact_args* args)
+ assert (tree != NULL);
+ int left_node = node_left_child (tree);
+ int right_node = node_right_child (tree);
+ ptrdiff_t relocation = node_relocation_distance (tree);
+ args->print();
+ if (left_node)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("B: L: %d->%Ix", left_node, (tree + left_node)));
+ compact_in_brick ((tree + left_node), args);
+ }
+ uint8_t* plug = tree;
+ BOOL has_pre_plug_info_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL has_post_plug_info_p = FALSE;
+ if (tree == oldest_pinned_plug)
+ {
+ args->pinned_plug_entry = get_oldest_pinned_entry (&has_pre_plug_info_p,
+ &has_post_plug_info_p);
+ assert (tree == pinned_plug (args->pinned_plug_entry));
+ }
+ if (args->last_plug != 0)
+ {
+ size_t gap_size = node_gap_size (tree);
+ uint8_t* gap = (plug - gap_size);
+ uint8_t* last_plug_end = gap;
+ size_t last_plug_size = (last_plug_end - args->last_plug);
+ dprintf (3, ("tree: %Ix, last_plug: %Ix, gap: %Ix(%Ix), last_plug_end: %Ix, size: %Ix",
+ tree, args->last_plug, gap, gap_size, last_plug_end, last_plug_size));
+ BOOL check_last_object_p = (args->is_shortened || has_pre_plug_info_p);
+ if (!check_last_object_p)
+ {
+ assert (last_plug_size >= Align (min_obj_size));
+ }
+ compact_plug (args->last_plug, last_plug_size, check_last_object_p, args);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (!has_pre_plug_info_p);
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("set args last plug to plug: %Ix, reloc: %Ix", plug, relocation));
+ args->last_plug = plug;
+ args->last_plug_relocation = relocation;
+ args->is_shortened = has_post_plug_info_p;
+ if (right_node)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("B: R: %d->%Ix", right_node, (tree + right_node)));
+ compact_in_brick ((tree + right_node), args);
+ }
+void gc_heap::recover_saved_pinned_info()
+ reset_pinned_queue_bos();
+ while (!(pinned_plug_que_empty_p()))
+ {
+ mark* oldest_entry = oldest_pin();
+ oldest_entry->recover_plug_info();
+ if (oldest_entry->has_pre_plug_info() && oldest_entry->has_post_plug_info())
+ record_interesting_data_point (idp_pre_and_post_pin);
+ else if (oldest_entry->has_pre_plug_info())
+ record_interesting_data_point (idp_pre_pin);
+ else if (oldest_entry->has_post_plug_info())
+ record_interesting_data_point (idp_post_pin);
+ deque_pinned_plug();
+ }
+void gc_heap::compact_phase (int condemned_gen_number,
+ uint8_t* first_condemned_address,
+ BOOL clear_cards)
+// %type% category = quote (compact);
+#ifdef TIME_GC
+ unsigned start;
+ unsigned finish;
+ start = GetCycleCount32();
+#endif //TIME_GC
+ generation* condemned_gen = generation_of (condemned_gen_number);
+ uint8_t* start_address = first_condemned_address;
+ size_t current_brick = brick_of (start_address);
+ heap_segment* current_heap_segment = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (condemned_gen));
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(current_heap_segment != NULL);
+ reset_pinned_queue_bos();
+ update_oldest_pinned_plug();
+ BOOL reused_seg = expand_reused_seg_p();
+ if (reused_seg)
+ {
+ for (int i = 1; i <= max_generation; i++)
+ {
+ generation_allocation_size (generation_of (i)) = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ uint8_t* end_address = heap_segment_allocated (current_heap_segment);
+ size_t end_brick = brick_of (end_address-1);
+ compact_args args;
+ args.last_plug = 0;
+ args.before_last_plug = 0;
+ args.current_compacted_brick = ~((size_t)1);
+ args.is_shortened = FALSE;
+ args.pinned_plug_entry = 0;
+ args.copy_cards_p = (condemned_gen_number >= 1) || !clear_cards;
+ args.check_gennum_p = reused_seg;
+ if (args.check_gennum_p)
+ {
+ args.src_gennum = ((current_heap_segment == ephemeral_heap_segment) ? -1 : 2);
+ }
+ dprintf (2,("---- Compact Phase: %Ix(%Ix)----",
+ first_condemned_address, brick_of (first_condemned_address)));
+ //restart
+ if (gc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ dprintf(3, ("Restarting for compaction"));
+ gc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ reset_pinned_queue_bos();
+ if (loh_compacted_p)
+ {
+ compact_loh();
+ }
+ if ((start_address < end_address) ||
+ (condemned_gen_number == max_generation))
+ {
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (current_brick > end_brick)
+ {
+ if (args.last_plug != 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("compacting last plug: %Ix", args.last_plug))
+ compact_plug (args.last_plug,
+ (heap_segment_allocated (current_heap_segment) - args.last_plug),
+ args.is_shortened,
+ &args);
+ }
+ if (heap_segment_next_rw (current_heap_segment))
+ {
+ current_heap_segment = heap_segment_next_rw (current_heap_segment);
+ current_brick = brick_of (heap_segment_mem (current_heap_segment));
+ end_brick = brick_of (heap_segment_allocated (current_heap_segment)-1);
+ args.last_plug = 0;
+ if (args.check_gennum_p)
+ {
+ args.src_gennum = ((current_heap_segment == ephemeral_heap_segment) ? -1 : 2);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (args.before_last_plug !=0)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Fixing last brick %Ix to point to plug %Ix",
+ args.current_compacted_brick, (size_t)args.before_last_plug));
+ assert (args.current_compacted_brick != ~1u);
+ set_brick (args.current_compacted_brick,
+ args.before_last_plug - brick_address (args.current_compacted_brick));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ int brick_entry = brick_table [ current_brick ];
+ dprintf (3, ("B: %Ix(%Ix)->%Ix",
+ current_brick, (size_t)brick_entry, (brick_address (current_brick) + brick_entry - 1)));
+ if (brick_entry >= 0)
+ {
+ compact_in_brick ((brick_address (current_brick) + brick_entry -1),
+ &args);
+ }
+ }
+ current_brick++;
+ }
+ }
+ recover_saved_pinned_info();
+#ifdef TIME_GC
+ finish = GetCycleCount32();
+ compact_time = finish - start;
+#endif //TIME_GC
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("compact end");
+ dprintf(2,("---- End of Compact phase ----"));
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable:4702) // C4702: unreachable code: gc_thread_function may not return
+#endif //_MSC_VER
+void __stdcall gc_heap::gc_thread_stub (void* arg)
+ ClrFlsSetThreadType (ThreadType_GC);
+ // We commit the thread's entire stack to ensure we're robust in low memory conditions.
+ BOOL fSuccess = Thread::CommitThreadStack(NULL);
+ if (!fSuccess)
+ {
+ // For background GC we revert to doing a blocking GC.
+ return;
+ STRESS_LOG0(LF_GC, LL_ALWAYS, "Thread::CommitThreadStack failed.");
+ _ASSERTE(!"Thread::CommitThreadStack failed.");
+ }
+ gc_heap* heap = (gc_heap*)arg;
+ _alloca (256*heap->heap_number);
+ heap->gc_thread_function();
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif //_MSC_VER
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable:4702) // C4702: unreachable code: gc_thread_function may not return
+#endif //_MSC_VER
+uint32_t __stdcall gc_heap::bgc_thread_stub (void* arg)
+ gc_heap* heap = (gc_heap*)arg;
+ return heap->bgc_thread_function();
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif //_MSC_VER
+/*------------------ Background GC ----------------------------*/
+void gc_heap::background_drain_mark_list (int thread)
+ size_t saved_c_mark_list_index = c_mark_list_index;
+ if (saved_c_mark_list_index)
+ {
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("SML");
+ }
+ while (c_mark_list_index != 0)
+ {
+ size_t current_index = c_mark_list_index - 1;
+ uint8_t* o = c_mark_list [current_index];
+ background_mark_object (o THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+ c_mark_list_index--;
+ }
+ if (saved_c_mark_list_index)
+ {
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("EML");
+ }
+ fire_drain_mark_list_event (saved_c_mark_list_index);
+// The background GC version of scan_dependent_handles (see that method for a more in-depth comment).
+// Since we only scan dependent handles while we are stopped we'll never interfere with FGCs scanning
+// them. So we can use the same static variables.
+void gc_heap::background_scan_dependent_handles (ScanContext *sc)
+ // Whenever we call this method there may have been preceding object promotions. So set
+ // s_fUnscannedPromotions unconditionally (during further iterations of the scanning loop this will be set
+ // based on the how the scanning proceeded).
+ s_fUnscannedPromotions = TRUE;
+ // We don't know how many times we need to loop yet. In particular we can't base the loop condition on
+ // the state of this thread's portion of the dependent handle table. That's because promotions on other
+ // threads could cause handle promotions to become necessary here. Even if there are definitely no more
+ // promotions possible in this thread's handles, we still have to stay in lock-step with those worker
+ // threads that haven't finished yet (each GC worker thread has to join exactly the same number of times
+ // as all the others or they'll get out of step).
+ while (true)
+ {
+ // The various worker threads are all currently racing in this code. We need to work out if at least
+ // one of them think they have work to do this cycle. Each thread needs to rescan its portion of the
+ // dependent handle table when both of the following conditions apply:
+ // 1) At least one (arbitrary) object might have been promoted since the last scan (because if this
+ // object happens to correspond to a primary in one of our handles we might potentially have to
+ // promote the associated secondary).
+ // 2) The table for this thread has at least one handle with a secondary that isn't promoted yet.
+ //
+ // The first condition is represented by s_fUnscannedPromotions. This is always non-zero for the first
+ // iteration of this loop (see comment above) and in subsequent cycles each thread updates this
+ // whenever a mark stack overflow occurs or scanning their dependent handles results in a secondary
+ // being promoted. This value is cleared back to zero in a synchronized fashion in the join that
+ // follows below. Note that we can't read this outside of the join since on any iteration apart from
+ // the first threads will be racing between reading this value and completing their previous
+ // iteration's table scan.
+ //
+ // The second condition is tracked by the dependent handle code itself on a per worker thread basis
+ // (and updated by the GcDhReScan() method). We call GcDhUnpromotedHandlesExist() on each thread to
+ // determine the local value and collect the results into the s_fUnpromotedHandles variable in what is
+ // effectively an OR operation. As per s_fUnscannedPromotions we can't read the final result until
+ // we're safely joined.
+ if (GCScan::GcDhUnpromotedHandlesExist(sc))
+ s_fUnpromotedHandles = TRUE;
+ // Synchronize all the threads so we can read our state variables safely. The following shared
+ // variable (indicating whether we should scan the tables or terminate the loop) will be set by a
+ // single thread inside the join.
+ bgc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_scan_dependent_handles);
+ if (bgc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ // We're synchronized so it's safe to read our shared state variables. We update another shared
+ // variable to indicate to all threads whether we'll be scanning for another cycle or terminating
+ // the loop. We scan if there has been at least one object promotion since last time and at least
+ // one thread has a dependent handle table with a potential handle promotion possible.
+ s_fScanRequired = s_fUnscannedPromotions && s_fUnpromotedHandles;
+ // Reset our shared state variables (ready to be set again on this scan or with a good initial
+ // value for the next call if we're terminating the loop).
+ s_fUnscannedPromotions = FALSE;
+ s_fUnpromotedHandles = FALSE;
+ if (!s_fScanRequired)
+ {
+ uint8_t* all_heaps_max = 0;
+ uint8_t* all_heaps_min = MAX_PTR;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ if (all_heaps_max < g_heaps[i]->background_max_overflow_address)
+ all_heaps_max = g_heaps[i]->background_max_overflow_address;
+ if (all_heaps_min > g_heaps[i]->background_min_overflow_address)
+ all_heaps_min = g_heaps[i]->background_min_overflow_address;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ g_heaps[i]->background_max_overflow_address = all_heaps_max;
+ g_heaps[i]->background_min_overflow_address = all_heaps_min;
+ }
+ }
+ // Restart all the workers.
+ dprintf(2, ("Starting all gc thread mark stack overflow processing"));
+ bgc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ // Handle any mark stack overflow: scanning dependent handles relies on all previous object promotions
+ // being visible. If there really was an overflow (process_mark_overflow returns true) then set the
+ // global flag indicating that at least one object promotion may have occurred (the usual comment
+ // about races applies). (Note it's OK to set this flag even if we're about to terminate the loop and
+ // exit the method since we unconditionally set this variable on method entry anyway).
+ if (background_process_mark_overflow (sc->concurrent))
+ s_fUnscannedPromotions = TRUE;
+ // If we decided that no scan was required we can terminate the loop now.
+ if (!s_fScanRequired)
+ break;
+ // Otherwise we must join with the other workers to ensure that all mark stack overflows have been
+ // processed before we start scanning dependent handle tables (if overflows remain while we scan we
+ // could miss noting the promotion of some primary objects).
+ bgc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_rescan_dependent_handles);
+ if (bgc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ // Restart all the workers.
+ dprintf(3, ("Starting all gc thread for dependent handle promotion"));
+ bgc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ // If the portion of the dependent handle table managed by this worker has handles that could still be
+ // promoted perform a rescan. If the rescan resulted in at least one promotion note this fact since it
+ // could require a rescan of handles on this or other workers.
+ if (GCScan::GcDhUnpromotedHandlesExist(sc))
+ if (GCScan::GcDhReScan(sc))
+ s_fUnscannedPromotions = TRUE;
+ }
+void gc_heap::background_scan_dependent_handles (ScanContext *sc)
+ // Whenever we call this method there may have been preceding object promotions. So set
+ // fUnscannedPromotions unconditionally (during further iterations of the scanning loop this will be set
+ // based on the how the scanning proceeded).
+ bool fUnscannedPromotions = true;
+ // Scan dependent handles repeatedly until there are no further promotions that can be made or we made a
+ // scan without performing any new promotions.
+ while (GCScan::GcDhUnpromotedHandlesExist(sc) && fUnscannedPromotions)
+ {
+ // On each iteration of the loop start with the assumption that no further objects have been promoted.
+ fUnscannedPromotions = false;
+ // Handle any mark stack overflow: scanning dependent handles relies on all previous object promotions
+ // being visible. If there was an overflow (background_process_mark_overflow returned true) then
+ // additional objects now appear to be promoted and we should set the flag.
+ if (background_process_mark_overflow (sc->concurrent))
+ fUnscannedPromotions = true;
+ // Perform the scan and set the flag if any promotions resulted.
+ if (GCScan::GcDhReScan (sc))
+ fUnscannedPromotions = true;
+ }
+ // Perform a last processing of any overflowed mark stack.
+ background_process_mark_overflow (sc->concurrent);
+void gc_heap::recover_bgc_settings()
+ if ((settings.condemned_generation < max_generation) && recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("restoring bgc settings"));
+ settings = saved_bgc_settings;
+ GCHeap::GcCondemnedGeneration = gc_heap::settings.condemned_generation;
+ }
+void gc_heap::allow_fgc()
+ assert (bgc_thread == GetThread());
+ if (GCToEEInterface::IsPreemptiveGCDisabled(bgc_thread) && GCToEEInterface::CatchAtSafePoint(bgc_thread))
+ {
+ GCToEEInterface::EnablePreemptiveGC(bgc_thread);
+ GCToEEInterface::DisablePreemptiveGC(bgc_thread);
+ }
+BOOL gc_heap::should_commit_mark_array()
+ return (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p() || (current_bgc_state == bgc_initialized));
+void gc_heap::clear_commit_flag()
+ generation* gen = generation_of (max_generation);
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_in_range (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (seg == 0)
+ {
+ if (gen != large_object_generation)
+ {
+ gen = large_object_generation;
+ seg = heap_segment_in_range (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (seg->flags & heap_segment_flags_ma_committed)
+ {
+ seg->flags &= ~heap_segment_flags_ma_committed;
+ }
+ if (seg->flags & heap_segment_flags_ma_pcommitted)
+ {
+ seg->flags &= ~heap_segment_flags_ma_pcommitted;
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ }
+void gc_heap::clear_commit_flag_global()
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ g_heaps[i]->clear_commit_flag();
+ }
+ clear_commit_flag();
+void gc_heap::verify_mark_array_cleared (uint8_t* begin, uint8_t* end, uint32_t* mark_array_addr)
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ size_t markw = mark_word_of (begin);
+ size_t markw_end = mark_word_of (end);
+ while (markw < markw_end)
+ {
+ if (mark_array_addr[markw])
+ {
+ dprintf (1, ("The mark bits at 0x%Ix:0x%Ix(addr: 0x%Ix) were not cleared",
+ markw, mark_array_addr[markw], mark_word_address (markw)));
+ }
+ markw++;
+ }
+#else // _DEBUG
+ UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(mark_array_addr);
+#endif //_DEBUG
+void gc_heap::verify_mark_array_cleared (heap_segment* seg, uint32_t* mark_array_addr)
+ verify_mark_array_cleared (heap_segment_mem (seg), heap_segment_reserved (seg), mark_array_addr);
+BOOL gc_heap::commit_mark_array_new_seg (gc_heap* hp,
+ heap_segment* seg,
+ uint32_t* new_card_table,
+ uint8_t* new_lowest_address)
+ UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hp); // compiler bug? -- this *is*, indeed, referenced
+ uint8_t* start = (heap_segment_read_only_p(seg) ? heap_segment_mem(seg) : (uint8_t*)seg);
+ uint8_t* end = heap_segment_reserved (seg);
+ uint8_t* lowest = hp->background_saved_lowest_address;
+ uint8_t* highest = hp->background_saved_highest_address;
+ uint8_t* commit_start = NULL;
+ uint8_t* commit_end = NULL;
+ size_t commit_flag = 0;
+ if ((highest >= start) &&
+ (lowest <= end))
+ {
+ if ((start >= lowest) && (end <= highest))
+ {
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("completely in bgc range: seg %Ix-%Ix, bgc: %Ix-%Ix",
+ start, end, lowest, highest));
+ commit_flag = heap_segment_flags_ma_committed;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("partially in bgc range: seg %Ix-%Ix, bgc: %Ix-%Ix",
+ start, end, lowest, highest));
+ commit_flag = heap_segment_flags_ma_pcommitted;
+ }
+ commit_start = max (lowest, start);
+ commit_end = min (highest, end);
+ if (!commit_mark_array_by_range (commit_start, commit_end, hp->mark_array))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (new_card_table == 0)
+ {
+ new_card_table = g_card_table;
+ }
+ if (hp->card_table != new_card_table)
+ {
+ if (new_lowest_address == 0)
+ {
+ new_lowest_address = g_lowest_address;
+ }
+ uint32_t* ct = &new_card_table[card_word (gcard_of (new_lowest_address))];
+ uint32_t* ma = (uint32_t*)((uint8_t*)card_table_mark_array (ct) - size_mark_array_of (0, new_lowest_address));
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("table realloc-ed: %Ix->%Ix, MA: %Ix->%Ix",
+ hp->card_table, new_card_table,
+ hp->mark_array, ma));
+ if (!commit_mark_array_by_range (commit_start, commit_end, ma))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ seg->flags |= commit_flag;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL gc_heap::commit_mark_array_by_range (uint8_t* begin, uint8_t* end, uint32_t* mark_array_addr)
+ size_t beg_word = mark_word_of (begin);
+ size_t end_word = mark_word_of (align_on_mark_word (end));
+ uint8_t* commit_start = align_lower_page ((uint8_t*)&mark_array_addr[beg_word]);
+ uint8_t* commit_end = align_on_page ((uint8_t*)&mark_array_addr[end_word]);
+ size_t size = (size_t)(commit_end - commit_start);
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("range: %Ix->%Ix mark word: %Ix->%Ix(%Id), mark array: %Ix->%Ix(%Id), commit %Ix->%Ix(%Id)",
+ begin, end,
+ beg_word, end_word,
+ (end_word - beg_word) * sizeof (uint32_t),
+ &mark_array_addr[beg_word],
+ &mark_array_addr[end_word],
+ (size_t)(&mark_array_addr[end_word] - &mark_array_addr[beg_word]),
+ commit_start, commit_end,
+ size));
+ if (GCToOSInterface::VirtualCommit (commit_start, size))
+ {
+ // We can only verify the mark array is cleared from begin to end, the first and the last
+ // page aren't necessarily all cleared 'cause they could be used by other segments or
+ // card bundle.
+ verify_mark_array_cleared (begin, end, mark_array_addr);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("failed to commit %Id bytes", (end_word - beg_word) * sizeof (uint32_t)));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+BOOL gc_heap::commit_mark_array_with_check (heap_segment* seg, uint32_t* new_mark_array_addr)
+ uint8_t* start = (heap_segment_read_only_p(seg) ? heap_segment_mem(seg) : (uint8_t*)seg);
+ uint8_t* end = heap_segment_reserved (seg);
+ uint8_t* lowest = heap_segment_heap (seg)->background_saved_lowest_address;
+ uint8_t* highest = heap_segment_heap (seg)->background_saved_highest_address;
+ uint8_t* lowest = background_saved_lowest_address;
+ uint8_t* highest = background_saved_highest_address;
+ if ((highest >= start) &&
+ (lowest <= end))
+ {
+ start = max (lowest, start);
+ end = min (highest, end);
+ if (!commit_mark_array_by_range (start, end, new_mark_array_addr))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL gc_heap::commit_mark_array_by_seg (heap_segment* seg, uint32_t* mark_array_addr)
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("seg: %Ix->%Ix; MA: %Ix",
+ seg,
+ heap_segment_reserved (seg),
+ mark_array_addr));
+ uint8_t* start = (heap_segment_read_only_p (seg) ? heap_segment_mem (seg) : (uint8_t*)seg);
+ return commit_mark_array_by_range (start, heap_segment_reserved (seg), mark_array_addr);
+BOOL gc_heap::commit_mark_array_bgc_init (uint32_t* mark_array_addr)
+ UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(mark_array_addr);
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("BGC init commit: lowest: %Ix, highest: %Ix, mark_array: %Ix",
+ lowest_address, highest_address, mark_array));
+ generation* gen = generation_of (max_generation);
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_in_range (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (seg == 0)
+ {
+ if (gen != large_object_generation)
+ {
+ gen = large_object_generation;
+ seg = heap_segment_in_range (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("seg: %Ix, flags: %Id", seg, seg->flags));
+ if (!(seg->flags & heap_segment_flags_ma_committed))
+ {
+ // For ro segments they could always be only partially in range so we'd
+ // be calling this at the beginning of every BGC. We are not making this
+ // more efficient right now - ro segments are currently only used by redhawk.
+ if (heap_segment_read_only_p (seg))
+ {
+ if ((heap_segment_mem (seg) >= lowest_address) &&
+ (heap_segment_reserved (seg) <= highest_address))
+ {
+ if (commit_mark_array_by_seg (seg, mark_array))
+ {
+ seg->flags |= heap_segment_flags_ma_committed;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint8_t* start = max (lowest_address, heap_segment_mem (seg));
+ uint8_t* end = min (highest_address, heap_segment_reserved (seg));
+ if (commit_mark_array_by_range (start, end, mark_array))
+ {
+ seg->flags |= heap_segment_flags_ma_pcommitted;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // For normal segments they are by design completely in range so just
+ // commit the whole mark array for each seg.
+ if (commit_mark_array_by_seg (seg, mark_array))
+ {
+ if (seg->flags & heap_segment_flags_ma_pcommitted)
+ {
+ seg->flags &= ~heap_segment_flags_ma_pcommitted;
+ }
+ seg->flags |= heap_segment_flags_ma_committed;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// This function doesn't check the commit flag since it's for a new array -
+// the mark_array flag for these segments will remain the same.
+BOOL gc_heap::commit_new_mark_array (uint32_t* new_mark_array_addr)
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("commiting existing segs on MA %Ix", new_mark_array_addr));
+ generation* gen = generation_of (max_generation);
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_in_range (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (seg == 0)
+ {
+ if (gen != large_object_generation)
+ {
+ gen = large_object_generation;
+ seg = heap_segment_in_range (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!commit_mark_array_with_check (seg, new_mark_array_addr))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ }
+ if (new_heap_segment)
+ {
+ if (!commit_mark_array_with_check (new_heap_segment, new_mark_array_addr))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL gc_heap::commit_new_mark_array_global (uint32_t* new_mark_array)
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ if (!g_heaps[i]->commit_new_mark_array (new_mark_array))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!commit_new_mark_array (new_mark_array))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+void gc_heap::decommit_mark_array_by_seg (heap_segment* seg)
+ // if BGC is disabled (the finalize watchdog does this at shutdown), the mark array could have
+ // been set to NULL.
+ if (mark_array == NULL)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("decommitting seg %Ix(%Ix), MA: %Ix", seg, seg->flags, mark_array));
+ size_t flags = seg->flags;
+ if ((flags & heap_segment_flags_ma_committed) ||
+ (flags & heap_segment_flags_ma_pcommitted))
+ {
+ uint8_t* start = (heap_segment_read_only_p(seg) ? heap_segment_mem(seg) : (uint8_t*)seg);
+ uint8_t* end = heap_segment_reserved (seg);
+ if (flags & heap_segment_flags_ma_pcommitted)
+ {
+ start = max (lowest_address, start);
+ end = min (highest_address, end);
+ }
+ size_t beg_word = mark_word_of (start);
+ size_t end_word = mark_word_of (align_on_mark_word (end));
+ uint8_t* decommit_start = align_on_page ((uint8_t*)&mark_array[beg_word]);
+ uint8_t* decommit_end = align_lower_page ((uint8_t*)&mark_array[end_word]);
+ size_t size = (size_t)(decommit_end - decommit_start);
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("seg: %Ix mark word: %Ix->%Ix(%Id), mark array: %Ix->%Ix(%Id), decommit %Ix->%Ix(%Id)",
+ seg,
+ beg_word, end_word,
+ (end_word - beg_word) * sizeof (uint32_t),
+ &mark_array[beg_word],
+ &mark_array[end_word],
+ (size_t)(&mark_array[end_word] - &mark_array[beg_word]),
+ decommit_start, decommit_end,
+ size));
+ if (decommit_start < decommit_end)
+ {
+ if (!GCToOSInterface::VirtualDecommit (decommit_start, size))
+ {
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("GCToOSInterface::VirtualDecommit on %Ix for %Id bytes failed",
+ decommit_start, size));
+ assert (!"decommit failed");
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf (GC_TABLE_LOG, ("decommited [%Ix for address [%Ix", beg_word, seg));
+ }
+void gc_heap::background_mark_phase ()
+ verify_mark_array_cleared();
+ ScanContext sc;
+ sc.thread_number = heap_number;
+ sc.promotion = TRUE;
+ sc.concurrent = FALSE;
+ Thread* current_thread = GetThread();
+ BOOL cooperative_mode = TRUE;
+ const int thread = heap_number;
+ dprintf(2,("-(GC%d)BMark-", VolatileLoad(&settings.gc_index)));
+ assert (settings.concurrent);
+#ifdef TIME_GC
+ unsigned start;
+ unsigned finish;
+ start = GetCycleCount32();
+#endif //TIME_GC
+ if (gen0_must_clear_bricks > 0)
+ gen0_must_clear_bricks--;
+#endif //FFIND_OBJECT
+ background_soh_alloc_count = 0;
+ background_loh_alloc_count = 0;
+ bgc_overflow_count = 0;
+ bpromoted_bytes (heap_number) = 0;
+ static uint32_t num_sizedrefs = 0;
+ background_min_overflow_address = MAX_PTR;
+ background_max_overflow_address = 0;
+ background_min_soh_overflow_address = MAX_PTR;
+ background_max_soh_overflow_address = 0;
+ processed_soh_overflow_p = FALSE;
+ {
+ //set up the mark lists from g_mark_list
+ assert (g_mark_list);
+ mark_list = g_mark_list;
+ //dont use the mark list for full gc
+ //because multiple segments are more complex to handle and the list
+ //is likely to overflow
+ mark_list_end = &mark_list [0];
+ mark_list_index = &mark_list [0];
+ c_mark_list_index = 0;
+ shigh = (uint8_t*) 0;
+ slow = MAX_PTR;
+ generation* gen = generation_of (max_generation);
+ dprintf(3,("BGC: stack marking"));
+ sc.concurrent = TRUE;
+ GCScan::GcScanRoots(background_promote_callback,
+ max_generation, max_generation,
+ &sc);
+ }
+ {
+ dprintf(3,("BGC: finalization marking"));
+ finalize_queue->GcScanRoots(background_promote_callback, heap_number, 0);
+ }
+ size_t total_loh_size = generation_size (max_generation + 1);
+ bgc_begin_loh_size = total_loh_size;
+ bgc_alloc_spin_loh = 0;
+ bgc_loh_size_increased = 0;
+ bgc_loh_allocated_in_free = 0;
+ size_t total_soh_size = generation_sizes (generation_of (max_generation));
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("BM: h%d: loh: %Id, soh: %Id", heap_number, total_loh_size, total_soh_size));
+ {
+ //concurrent_print_time_delta ("copying stack roots");
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("CS");
+ fire_bgc_event (BGC1stNonConEnd);
+ expanded_in_fgc = FALSE;
+ saved_overflow_ephemeral_seg = 0;
+ current_bgc_state = bgc_reset_ww;
+ // we don't need a join here - just whichever thread that gets here
+ // first can change the states and call restart_vm.
+ // this is not true - we can't let the EE run when we are scanning stack.
+ // since we now allow reset ww to run concurrently and have a join for it,
+ // we can do restart ee on the 1st thread that got here. Make sure we handle the
+ // sizedref handles correctly.
+ bgc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_restart_ee);
+ if (bgc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ // Resetting write watch for software write watch is pretty fast, much faster than for hardware write watch. Reset
+ // can be done while the runtime is suspended or after the runtime is restarted, the preference was to reset while
+ // the runtime is suspended. The reset for hardware write watch is done after the runtime is restarted below.
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("CRWW begin");
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ g_heaps[i]->reset_write_watch (FALSE);
+ }
+ reset_write_watch (FALSE);
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("CRWW");
+#endif //WRITE_WATCH
+ num_sizedrefs = SystemDomain::System()->GetTotalNumSizedRefHandles();
+ // this c_write is not really necessary because restart_vm
+ // has an instruction that will flush the cpu cache (interlocked
+ // or whatever) but we don't want to rely on that.
+ dprintf (BGC_LOG, ("setting cm_in_progress"));
+ c_write (cm_in_progress, TRUE);
+ //restart all thread, doing the marking from the array
+ assert (dont_restart_ee_p);
+ dont_restart_ee_p = FALSE;
+ restart_vm();
+ GCToOSInterface::YieldThread (0);
+ dprintf(3, ("Starting all gc threads for gc"));
+ bgc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ bgc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_after_reset);
+ if (bgc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ disable_preemptive (current_thread, TRUE);
+ // When software write watch is enabled, resetting write watch is done while the runtime is suspended above. The
+ // post-reset call to revisit_written_pages is only necessary for concurrent reset_write_watch, to discard dirtied
+ // pages during the concurrent reset.
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("CRWW begin");
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ g_heaps[i]->reset_write_watch (TRUE);
+ }
+ reset_write_watch (TRUE);
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("CRWW");
+#endif //WRITE_WATCH
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ g_heaps[i]->revisit_written_pages (TRUE, TRUE);
+ }
+ revisit_written_pages (TRUE, TRUE);
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("CRW");
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ g_heaps[i]->current_bgc_state = bgc_mark_handles;
+ }
+ current_bgc_state = bgc_mark_handles;
+ current_c_gc_state = c_gc_state_marking;
+ enable_preemptive (current_thread);
+ dprintf(3, ("Joining BGC threads after resetting writewatch"));
+ bgc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ disable_preemptive (current_thread, TRUE);
+ if (num_sizedrefs > 0)
+ {
+ GCScan::GcScanSizedRefs(background_promote, max_generation, max_generation, &sc);
+ enable_preemptive (current_thread);
+ bgc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_scan_sizedref_done);
+ if (bgc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ dprintf(3, ("Done with marking all sized refs. Starting all bgc thread for marking other strong roots"));
+ bgc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ disable_preemptive (current_thread, TRUE);
+ }
+ dprintf (3,("BGC: handle table marking"));
+ GCScan::GcScanHandles(background_promote,
+ max_generation, max_generation,
+ &sc);
+ //concurrent_print_time_delta ("concurrent marking handle table");
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("CRH");
+ current_bgc_state = bgc_mark_stack;
+ dprintf (2,("concurrent draining mark list"));
+ background_drain_mark_list (thread);
+ //concurrent_print_time_delta ("concurrent marking stack roots");
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("CRS");
+ dprintf (2,("concurrent revisiting dirtied pages"));
+ revisit_written_pages (TRUE);
+ revisit_written_pages (TRUE);
+ //concurrent_print_time_delta ("concurrent marking dirtied pages on LOH");
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("CRre");
+ enable_preemptive (current_thread);
+ bgc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_concurrent_overflow);
+ if (bgc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ uint8_t* all_heaps_max = 0;
+ uint8_t* all_heaps_min = MAX_PTR;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("heap %d overflow max is %Ix, min is %Ix",
+ i,
+ g_heaps[i]->background_max_overflow_address,
+ g_heaps[i]->background_min_overflow_address));
+ if (all_heaps_max < g_heaps[i]->background_max_overflow_address)
+ all_heaps_max = g_heaps[i]->background_max_overflow_address;
+ if (all_heaps_min > g_heaps[i]->background_min_overflow_address)
+ all_heaps_min = g_heaps[i]->background_min_overflow_address;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ g_heaps[i]->background_max_overflow_address = all_heaps_max;
+ g_heaps[i]->background_min_overflow_address = all_heaps_min;
+ }
+ dprintf(3, ("Starting all bgc threads after updating the overflow info"));
+ bgc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ disable_preemptive (current_thread, TRUE);
+ dprintf (2, ("before CRov count: %d", bgc_overflow_count));
+ bgc_overflow_count = 0;
+ background_process_mark_overflow (TRUE);
+ dprintf (2, ("after CRov count: %d", bgc_overflow_count));
+ bgc_overflow_count = 0;
+ //concurrent_print_time_delta ("concurrent processing mark overflow");
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("CRov");
+ // Stop all threads, crawl all stacks and revisit changed pages.
+ fire_bgc_event (BGC1stConEnd);
+ dprintf (2, ("Stopping the EE"));
+ enable_preemptive (current_thread);
+ bgc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_suspend_ee);
+ if (bgc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ bgc_threads_sync_event.Reset();
+ dprintf(3, ("Joining BGC threads for non concurrent final marking"));
+ bgc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ if (heap_number == 0)
+ {
+ enter_spin_lock (&gc_lock);
+ bgc_suspend_EE ();
+ //suspend_EE ();
+ bgc_threads_sync_event.Set();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bgc_threads_sync_event.Wait(INFINITE, FALSE);
+ dprintf (2, ("bgc_threads_sync_event is signalled"));
+ }
+ assert (settings.concurrent);
+ assert (settings.condemned_generation == max_generation);
+ dprintf (2, ("clearing cm_in_progress"));
+ c_write (cm_in_progress, FALSE);
+ bgc_alloc_lock->check();
+ current_bgc_state = bgc_final_marking;
+ //concurrent_print_time_delta ("concurrent marking ended");
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("CR");
+ fire_bgc_event (BGC2ndNonConBegin);
+ mark_absorb_new_alloc();
+ // We need a join here 'cause find_object would complain if the gen0
+ // bricks of another heap haven't been fixed up. So we need to make sure
+ // that every heap's gen0 bricks are fixed up before we proceed.
+ bgc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_after_absorb);
+ if (bgc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ dprintf(3, ("Joining BGC threads after absorb"));
+ bgc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ // give VM a chance to do work
+ GCToEEInterface::GcBeforeBGCSweepWork();
+ //reset the flag, indicating that the EE no longer expect concurrent
+ //marking
+ sc.concurrent = FALSE;
+ total_loh_size = generation_size (max_generation + 1);
+ total_soh_size = generation_sizes (generation_of (max_generation));
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("FM: h%d: loh: %Id, soh: %Id", heap_number, total_loh_size, total_soh_size));
+ dprintf (2, ("nonconcurrent marking stack roots"));
+ GCScan::GcScanRoots(background_promote,
+ max_generation, max_generation,
+ &sc);
+ //concurrent_print_time_delta ("nonconcurrent marking stack roots");
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("NRS");
+// finalize_queue->EnterFinalizeLock();
+ finalize_queue->GcScanRoots(background_promote, heap_number, 0);
+// finalize_queue->LeaveFinalizeLock();
+ dprintf (2, ("nonconcurrent marking handle table"));
+ GCScan::GcScanHandles(background_promote,
+ max_generation, max_generation,
+ &sc);
+ //concurrent_print_time_delta ("nonconcurrent marking handle table");
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("NRH");
+ dprintf (2,("---- (GC%d)final going through written pages ----", VolatileLoad(&settings.gc_index)));
+ revisit_written_pages (FALSE);
+ //concurrent_print_time_delta ("nonconcurrent revisit dirtied pages on LOH");
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("NRre LOH");
+ bgc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_disable_software_write_watch);
+ if (bgc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ // The runtime is suspended, and we will be doing a final query of dirty pages, so pause tracking written pages to
+ // avoid further perf penalty after the runtime is restarted
+ SoftwareWriteWatch::DisableForGCHeap();
+ dprintf(3, ("Restarting BGC threads after disabling software write watch"));
+ bgc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ dprintf (2, ("before NR 1st Hov count: %d", bgc_overflow_count));
+ bgc_overflow_count = 0;
+ // Dependent handles need to be scanned with a special algorithm (see the header comment on
+ // scan_dependent_handles for more detail). We perform an initial scan without processing any mark
+ // stack overflow. This is not guaranteed to complete the operation but in a common case (where there
+ // are no dependent handles that are due to be collected) it allows us to optimize away further scans.
+ // The call to background_scan_dependent_handles is what will cycle through more iterations if
+ // required and will also perform processing of any mark stack overflow once the dependent handle
+ // table has been fully promoted.
+ dprintf (2, ("1st dependent handle scan and process mark overflow"));
+ GCScan::GcDhInitialScan(background_promote, max_generation, max_generation, &sc);
+ background_scan_dependent_handles (&sc);
+ //concurrent_print_time_delta ("1st nonconcurrent dependent handle scan and process mark overflow");
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("NR 1st Hov");
+ dprintf (2, ("after NR 1st Hov count: %d", bgc_overflow_count));
+ bgc_overflow_count = 0;
+ bgc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_null_dead_short_weak);
+ if (bgc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ GCToEEInterface::AfterGcScanRoots (max_generation, max_generation, &sc);
+ dprintf(3, ("Joining BGC threads for short weak handle scan"));
+ bgc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ // null out the target of short weakref that were not promoted.
+ GCScan::GcShortWeakPtrScan(background_promote, max_generation, max_generation,&sc);
+ //concurrent_print_time_delta ("bgc GcShortWeakPtrScan");
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("NR GcShortWeakPtrScan");
+ }
+ {
+ bgc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_scan_finalization);
+ if (bgc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ dprintf(3, ("Joining BGC threads for finalization"));
+ bgc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ //Handle finalization.
+ dprintf(3,("Marking finalization data"));
+ //concurrent_print_time_delta ("bgc joined to mark finalization");
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("NRj");
+// finalize_queue->EnterFinalizeLock();
+ finalize_queue->ScanForFinalization (background_promote, max_generation, FALSE, __this);
+// finalize_queue->LeaveFinalizeLock();
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("NRF");
+ }
+ dprintf (2, ("before NR 2nd Hov count: %d", bgc_overflow_count));
+ bgc_overflow_count = 0;
+ // Scan dependent handles again to promote any secondaries associated with primaries that were promoted
+ // for finalization. As before background_scan_dependent_handles will also process any mark stack
+ // overflow.
+ dprintf (2, ("2nd dependent handle scan and process mark overflow"));
+ background_scan_dependent_handles (&sc);
+ //concurrent_print_time_delta ("2nd nonconcurrent dependent handle scan and process mark overflow");
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("NR 2nd Hov");
+ bgc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_null_dead_long_weak);
+ if (bgc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ dprintf(2, ("Joining BGC threads for weak pointer deletion"));
+ bgc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ // null out the target of long weakref that were not promoted.
+ GCScan::GcWeakPtrScan (background_promote, max_generation, max_generation, &sc);
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("NR GcWeakPtrScan");
+ bgc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_null_dead_syncblk);
+ if (bgc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("calling GcWeakPtrScanBySingleThread"));
+ // scan for deleted entries in the syncblk cache
+ GCScan::GcWeakPtrScanBySingleThread (max_generation, max_generation, &sc);
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("NR GcWeakPtrScanBySingleThread");
+ dprintf(2, ("Starting BGC threads for end of background mark phase"));
+ bgc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ gen0_bricks_cleared = FALSE;
+ dprintf (2, ("end of bgc mark: loh: %d, soh: %d",
+ generation_size (max_generation + 1),
+ generation_sizes (generation_of (max_generation))));
+ for (int gen_idx = max_generation; gen_idx <= (max_generation + 1); gen_idx++)
+ {
+ generation* gen = generation_of (gen_idx);
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (gen_idx);
+ dd_begin_data_size (dd) = generation_size (gen_idx) -
+ (generation_free_list_space (gen) + generation_free_obj_space (gen)) -
+ Align (size (generation_allocation_start (gen)));
+ dd_survived_size (dd) = 0;
+ dd_pinned_survived_size (dd) = 0;
+ dd_artificial_pinned_survived_size (dd) = 0;
+ dd_added_pinned_size (dd) = 0;
+ }
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (generation_of (max_generation)));
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ seg->flags &= ~heap_segment_flags_swept;
+ if (heap_segment_allocated (seg) == heap_segment_mem (seg))
+ {
+ // This can't happen...
+ }
+ if (seg == ephemeral_heap_segment)
+ {
+ heap_segment_background_allocated (seg) = generation_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation - 1));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ heap_segment_background_allocated (seg) = heap_segment_allocated (seg);
+ }
+ dprintf (2, ("seg %Ix background allocated is %Ix",
+ heap_segment_mem (seg),
+ heap_segment_background_allocated (seg)));
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ }
+ // We need to void alloc contexts here 'cause while background_ephemeral_sweep is running
+ // we can't let the user code consume the left over parts in these alloc contexts.
+ repair_allocation_contexts (FALSE);
+#ifdef TIME_GC
+ finish = GetCycleCount32();
+ mark_time = finish - start;
+#endif //TIME_GC
+ dprintf (2, ("end of bgc mark: gen2 free list space: %d, free obj space: %d",
+ generation_free_list_space (generation_of (max_generation)),
+ generation_free_obj_space (generation_of (max_generation))));
+ dprintf(2,("---- (GC%d)End of background mark phase ----", VolatileLoad(&settings.gc_index)));
+gc_heap::suspend_EE ()
+ dprintf (2, ("suspend_EE"));
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps[0];
+ GCToEEInterface::SuspendEE(GCToEEInterface::SUSPEND_FOR_GC_PREP);
+ GCToEEInterface::SuspendEE(GCToEEInterface::SUSPEND_FOR_GC_PREP);
+gc_heap::bgc_suspend_EE ()
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap::g_heaps[i]->reset_gc_done();
+ }
+ gc_started = TRUE;
+ dprintf (2, ("bgc_suspend_EE"));
+ GCToEEInterface::SuspendEE(GCToEEInterface::SUSPEND_FOR_GC_PREP);
+ gc_started = FALSE;
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap::g_heaps[i]->set_gc_done();
+ }
+gc_heap::bgc_suspend_EE ()
+ reset_gc_done();
+ gc_started = TRUE;
+ dprintf (2, ("bgc_suspend_EE"));
+ GCToEEInterface::SuspendEE(GCToEEInterface::SUSPEND_FOR_GC_PREP);
+ gc_started = FALSE;
+ set_gc_done();
+gc_heap::restart_EE ()
+ dprintf (2, ("restart_EE"));
+ GCToEEInterface::RestartEE(FALSE);
+ GCToEEInterface::RestartEE(FALSE);
+inline uint8_t* gc_heap::high_page ( heap_segment* seg, BOOL concurrent_p)
+ if (concurrent_p)
+ {
+ uint8_t* end = ((seg == ephemeral_heap_segment) ?
+ generation_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation-1)) :
+ heap_segment_allocated (seg));
+ return align_lower_page (end);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return heap_segment_allocated (seg);
+ }
+void gc_heap::revisit_written_page (uint8_t* page,
+ uint8_t* end,
+ BOOL concurrent_p,
+ heap_segment* seg,
+ uint8_t*& last_page,
+ uint8_t*& last_object,
+ BOOL large_objects_p,
+ size_t& num_marked_objects)
+ uint8_t* start_address = page;
+ uint8_t* o = 0;
+ int align_const = get_alignment_constant (!large_objects_p);
+ uint8_t* high_address = end;
+ uint8_t* current_lowest_address = background_saved_lowest_address;
+ uint8_t* current_highest_address = background_saved_highest_address;
+ BOOL no_more_loop_p = FALSE;
+ const int thread = heap_number;
+ if (large_objects_p)
+ {
+ o = last_object;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (((last_page + OS_PAGE_SIZE) == page)
+ || (start_address <= last_object))
+ {
+ o = last_object;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ o = find_first_object (start_address, last_object);
+ // We can visit the same object again, but on a different page.
+ assert (o >= last_object);
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf (3,("page %Ix start: %Ix, %Ix[ ",
+ (size_t)page, (size_t)o,
+ (size_t)(min (high_address, page + OS_PAGE_SIZE))));
+ while (o < (min (high_address, page + OS_PAGE_SIZE)))
+ {
+ size_t s;
+ if (concurrent_p && large_objects_p)
+ {
+ bgc_alloc_lock->bgc_mark_set (o);
+ if (((CObjectHeader*)o)->IsFree())
+ {
+ s = unused_array_size (o);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s = size (o);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s = size (o);
+ }
+ dprintf (3,("Considering object %Ix(%s)", (size_t)o, (background_object_marked (o, FALSE) ? "bm" : "nbm")));
+ assert (Align (s) >= Align (min_obj_size));
+ uint8_t* next_o = o + Align (s, align_const);
+ if (next_o >= start_address)
+ {
+ if (concurrent_p)
+ {
+ // We set last_object here for SVR BGC here because SVR BGC has more than
+ // one GC thread. When we have more than one GC thread we would run into this
+ // situation if we skipped unmarked objects:
+ // bgc thread 1 calls GWW, and detect object X not marked so it would skip it
+ // for revisit.
+ // bgc thread 2 marks X and all its current children.
+ // user thread comes along and dirties more (and later) pages in X.
+ // bgc thread 1 calls GWW again and gets those later pages but it will not mark anything
+ // on them because it had already skipped X. We need to detect that this object is now
+ // marked and mark the children on the dirtied pages.
+ // In the future if we have less BGC threads than we have heaps we should add
+ // the check to the number of BGC threads.
+ last_object = o;
+ }
+ if (contain_pointers (o) &&
+ (!((o >= current_lowest_address) && (o < current_highest_address)) ||
+ background_marked (o)))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("going through %Ix", (size_t)o));
+ go_through_object (method_table(o), o, s, poo, start_address, use_start, (o + s),
+ if ((uint8_t*)poo >= min (high_address, page + OS_PAGE_SIZE))
+ {
+ no_more_loop_p = TRUE;
+ goto end_limit;
+ }
+ uint8_t* oo = *poo;
+ num_marked_objects++;
+ background_mark_object (oo THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+ );
+ }
+ else if (
+ concurrent_p &&
+#ifndef FEATURE_USE_SOFTWARE_WRITE_WATCH_FOR_GC_HEAP // see comment below
+ large_objects_p &&
+ ((CObjectHeader*)o)->IsFree() &&
+ (next_o > min (high_address, page + OS_PAGE_SIZE)))
+ {
+ // We need to not skip the object here because of this corner scenario:
+ // A large object was being allocated during BGC mark so we first made it
+ // into a free object, then cleared its memory. In this loop we would detect
+ // that it's a free object which normally we would skip. But by the next time
+ // we call GetWriteWatch we could still be on this object and the object had
+ // been made into a valid object and some of its memory was changed. We need
+ // to be sure to process those written pages so we can't skip the object just
+ // yet.
+ //
+ // Similarly, when using software write watch, don't advance last_object when
+ // the current object is a free object that spans beyond the current page or
+ // high_address. Software write watch acquires gc_lock before the concurrent
+ // GetWriteWatch() call during revisit_written_pages(). A foreground GC may
+ // happen at that point and allocate from this free region, so when
+ // revisit_written_pages() continues, it cannot skip now-valid objects in this
+ // region.
+ no_more_loop_p = TRUE;
+ goto end_limit;
+ }
+ }
+ if (concurrent_p && large_objects_p)
+ {
+ bgc_alloc_lock->bgc_mark_done ();
+ }
+ if (no_more_loop_p)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ o = next_o;
+ }
+ if (concurrent_p)
+ {
+ assert (last_object < (min (high_address, page + OS_PAGE_SIZE)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ last_object = o;
+ }
+ dprintf (3,("Last object: %Ix", (size_t)last_object));
+ last_page = align_lower_page (o);
+// When reset_only_p is TRUE, we should only reset pages that are in range
+// because we need to consider the segments or part of segments that were
+// allocated out of range all live.
+void gc_heap::revisit_written_pages (BOOL concurrent_p, BOOL reset_only_p)
+ if (concurrent_p && !reset_only_p)
+ {
+ current_bgc_state = bgc_revisit_soh;
+ }
+ size_t total_dirtied_pages = 0;
+ size_t total_marked_objects = 0;
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (generation_of (max_generation)));
+ bool reset_watch_state = !!concurrent_p;
+ bool is_runtime_suspended = !concurrent_p;
+ BOOL small_object_segments = TRUE;
+ int align_const = get_alignment_constant (small_object_segments);
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (seg == 0)
+ {
+ if (small_object_segments)
+ {
+ //switch to large segment
+ if (concurrent_p && !reset_only_p)
+ {
+ current_bgc_state = bgc_revisit_loh;
+ }
+ if (!reset_only_p)
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: SOH: dp:%Id; mo: %Id", heap_number, total_dirtied_pages, total_marked_objects));
+ fire_revisit_event (total_dirtied_pages, total_marked_objects, !small_object_segments);
+ concurrent_print_time_delta (concurrent_p ? "CR SOH" : "NR SOH");
+ total_dirtied_pages = 0;
+ total_marked_objects = 0;
+ }
+ small_object_segments = FALSE;
+ //concurrent_print_time_delta (concurrent_p ? "concurrent marking dirtied pages on SOH" : "nonconcurrent marking dirtied pages on SOH");
+ dprintf (3, ("now revisiting large object segments"));
+ align_const = get_alignment_constant (small_object_segments);
+ seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (large_object_generation));
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (reset_only_p)
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: tdp: %Id", heap_number, total_dirtied_pages));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: LOH: dp:%Id; mo: %Id", heap_number, total_dirtied_pages, total_marked_objects));
+ fire_revisit_event (total_dirtied_pages, total_marked_objects, !small_object_segments);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ uint8_t* base_address = (uint8_t*)heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ //we need to truncate to the base of the page because
+ //some newly allocated could exist beyond heap_segment_allocated
+ //and if we reset the last page write watch status,
+ // they wouldn't be guaranteed to be visited -> gc hole.
+ uintptr_t bcount = array_size;
+ uint8_t* last_page = 0;
+ uint8_t* last_object = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ uint8_t* high_address = 0;
+ BOOL skip_seg_p = FALSE;
+ if (reset_only_p)
+ {
+ if ((heap_segment_mem (seg) >= background_saved_lowest_address) ||
+ (heap_segment_reserved (seg) <= background_saved_highest_address))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("h%d: sseg: %Ix(-%Ix)", heap_number,
+ heap_segment_mem (seg), heap_segment_reserved (seg)));
+ skip_seg_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!skip_seg_p)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("looking at seg %Ix", (size_t)last_object));
+ if (reset_only_p)
+ {
+ base_address = max (base_address, background_saved_lowest_address);
+ dprintf (3, ("h%d: reset only starting %Ix", heap_number, base_address));
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("h%d: starting: %Ix, seg %Ix-%Ix", heap_number, base_address,
+ heap_segment_mem (seg), heap_segment_reserved (seg)));
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (reset_only_p)
+ {
+ high_address = ((seg == ephemeral_heap_segment) ? alloc_allocated : heap_segment_allocated (seg));
+ high_address = min (high_address, background_saved_highest_address);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ high_address = high_page (seg, concurrent_p);
+ }
+ if ((base_address < high_address) &&
+ (bcount >= array_size))
+ {
+ ptrdiff_t region_size = high_address - base_address;
+ dprintf (3, ("h%d: gw: [%Ix(%Id)", heap_number, (size_t)base_address, (size_t)region_size));
+ // When the runtime is not suspended, it's possible for the table to be resized concurrently with the scan
+ // for dirty pages below. Prevent that by synchronizing with grow_brick_card_tables(). When the runtime is
+ // suspended, it's ok to scan for dirty pages concurrently from multiple background GC threads for disjoint
+ // memory regions.
+ if (!is_runtime_suspended)
+ {
+ enter_spin_lock(&gc_lock);
+ }
+ get_write_watch_for_gc_heap (reset_watch_state, base_address, region_size,
+ (void**)background_written_addresses,
+ &bcount, is_runtime_suspended);
+ if (!is_runtime_suspended)
+ {
+ leave_spin_lock(&gc_lock);
+ }
+ if (bcount != 0)
+ {
+ total_dirtied_pages += bcount;
+ dprintf (3, ("Found %d pages [%Ix, %Ix[",
+ bcount, (size_t)base_address, (size_t)high_address));
+ }
+ if (!reset_only_p)
+ {
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < bcount; i++)
+ {
+ card_table [card_word (card_of (background_written_addresses [i]))] = ~0u;
+ dprintf (3,("Set Cards [%p:%p, %p:%p[",
+ card_of (background_written_addresses [i]), g_addresses [i],
+ card_of (background_written_addresses [i]+OS_PAGE_SIZE), background_written_addresses [i]+OS_PAGE_SIZE));
+ uint8_t* page = (uint8_t*)background_written_addresses[i];
+ dprintf (3, ("looking at page %d at %Ix(h: %Ix)", i,
+ (size_t)page, (size_t)high_address));
+ if (page < high_address)
+ {
+ //search for marked objects in the page
+ revisit_written_page (page, high_address, concurrent_p,
+ seg, last_page, last_object,
+ !small_object_segments,
+ total_marked_objects);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("page %d at %Ix is >= %Ix!", i, (size_t)page, (size_t)high_address));
+ assert (!"page shouldn't have exceeded limit");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (bcount >= array_size){
+ base_address = background_written_addresses [array_size-1] + OS_PAGE_SIZE;
+ bcount = array_size;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ }
+#endif //WRITE_WATCH
+void gc_heap::background_grow_c_mark_list()
+ assert (c_mark_list_index >= c_mark_list_length);
+ BOOL should_drain_p = FALSE;
+ const int thread = heap_number;
+ dprintf (2, ("stack copy buffer overflow"));
+ uint8_t** new_c_mark_list = 0;
+ {
+ if (c_mark_list_length >= (SIZE_T_MAX / (2 * sizeof (uint8_t*))))
+ {
+ should_drain_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ new_c_mark_list = new (nothrow) uint8_t*[c_mark_list_length*2];
+ if (new_c_mark_list == 0)
+ {
+ should_drain_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (should_drain_p)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("No more memory for the stacks copy, draining.."));
+ //drain the list by marking its elements
+ background_drain_mark_list (thread);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (new_c_mark_list);
+ memcpy (new_c_mark_list, c_mark_list, c_mark_list_length*sizeof(uint8_t*));
+ c_mark_list_length = c_mark_list_length*2;
+ delete c_mark_list;
+ c_mark_list = new_c_mark_list;
+ }
+void gc_heap::background_promote_callback (Object** ppObject, ScanContext* sc,
+ uint32_t flags)
+ //in order to save space on the array, mark the object,
+ //knowing that it will be visited later
+ assert (settings.concurrent);
+ const int thread = 0;
+ uint8_t* o = (uint8_t*)*ppObject;
+ if (o == 0)
+ return;
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::heap_of (o);
+ if ((o < hp->background_saved_lowest_address) || (o >= hp->background_saved_highest_address))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (flags & GC_CALL_INTERIOR)
+ {
+ o = hp->find_object (o, hp->background_saved_lowest_address);
+ if (o == 0)
+ return;
+ }
+ // For conservative GC, a value on stack may point to middle of a free object.
+ // In this case, we don't need to promote the pointer.
+ if (g_pConfig->GetGCConservative() && ((CObjectHeader*)o)->IsFree())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ ((CObjectHeader*)o)->Validate();
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ dprintf (3, ("Concurrent Background Promote %Ix", (size_t)o));
+ if (o && (size (o) > LARGE_OBJECT_SIZE))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Brc %Ix", (size_t)o));
+ }
+ if (hpt->c_mark_list_index >= hpt->c_mark_list_length)
+ {
+ hpt->background_grow_c_mark_list();
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("pushing %08x into mark_list", (size_t)o));
+ hpt->c_mark_list [hpt->c_mark_list_index++] = o;
+ STRESS_LOG3(LF_GC|LF_GCROOTS, LL_INFO1000000, " GCHeap::Background Promote: Promote GC Root *%p = %p MT = %pT", ppObject, o, o ? ((Object*) o)->GetGCSafeMethodTable() : NULL);
+void gc_heap::mark_absorb_new_alloc()
+ fix_allocation_contexts (FALSE);
+ gen0_bricks_cleared = FALSE;
+ clear_gen0_bricks();
+BOOL gc_heap::prepare_bgc_thread(gc_heap* gh)
+ BOOL success = FALSE;
+ BOOL thread_created = FALSE;
+ dprintf (2, ("Preparing gc thread"));
+ gh->bgc_threads_timeout_cs.Enter();
+ if (!(gh->bgc_thread_running))
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("GC thread not runnning"));
+ if ((gh->bgc_thread == 0) && create_bgc_thread(gh))
+ {
+ success = TRUE;
+ thread_created = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("GC thread already running"));
+ success = TRUE;
+ }
+ gh->bgc_threads_timeout_cs.Leave();
+ if(thread_created)
+ FireEtwGCCreateConcurrentThread_V1(GetClrInstanceId());
+ return success;
+BOOL gc_heap::create_bgc_thread(gc_heap* gh)
+ assert (background_gc_done_event.IsValid());
+ //dprintf (2, ("Creating BGC thread"));
+ gh->bgc_thread = GCToEEInterface::CreateBackgroundThread(gh->bgc_thread_stub, gh);
+ gh->bgc_thread_running = (gh->bgc_thread != NULL);
+ return gh->bgc_thread_running;
+BOOL gc_heap::create_bgc_threads_support (int number_of_heaps)
+ BOOL ret = FALSE;
+ dprintf (3, ("Creating concurrent GC thread for the first time"));
+ if (!background_gc_done_event.CreateManualEventNoThrow(TRUE))
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (!bgc_threads_sync_event.CreateManualEventNoThrow(FALSE))
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (!ee_proceed_event.CreateAutoEventNoThrow(FALSE))
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (!bgc_start_event.CreateManualEventNoThrow(FALSE))
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ bgc_t_join.init (number_of_heaps, join_flavor_bgc);
+ UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(number_of_heaps);
+ ret = TRUE;
+ if (!ret)
+ {
+ if (background_gc_done_event.IsValid())
+ {
+ background_gc_done_event.CloseEvent();
+ }
+ if (bgc_threads_sync_event.IsValid())
+ {
+ bgc_threads_sync_event.CloseEvent();
+ }
+ if (ee_proceed_event.IsValid())
+ {
+ ee_proceed_event.CloseEvent();
+ }
+ if (bgc_start_event.IsValid())
+ {
+ bgc_start_event.CloseEvent();
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+BOOL gc_heap::create_bgc_thread_support()
+ BOOL ret = FALSE;
+ uint8_t** parr;
+ if (!gc_lh_block_event.CreateManualEventNoThrow(FALSE))
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ //needs to have room for enough smallest objects fitting on a page
+ parr = new (nothrow) (uint8_t* [1 + page_size / MIN_OBJECT_SIZE]);
+ if (!parr)
+ {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ make_c_mark_list (parr);
+ ret = TRUE;
+ if (!ret)
+ {
+ if (gc_lh_block_event.IsValid())
+ {
+ gc_lh_block_event.CloseEvent();
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+int gc_heap::check_for_ephemeral_alloc()
+ int gen = ((settings.reason == reason_oos_soh) ? (max_generation - 1) : -1);
+ if (gen == -1)
+ {
+ for (int heap_index = 0; heap_index < n_heaps; heap_index++)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i <= (max_generation - 1); i++)
+ {
+ if (g_heaps[heap_index]->get_new_allocation (i) <= 0)
+ if (get_new_allocation (i) <= 0)
+ {
+ gen = max (gen, i);
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return gen;
+// Wait for gc to finish sequential part
+void gc_heap::wait_to_proceed()
+ assert (background_gc_done_event.IsValid());
+ assert (bgc_start_event.IsValid());
+ user_thread_wait(&ee_proceed_event, FALSE);
+// Start a new concurrent gc
+void gc_heap::start_c_gc()
+ assert (background_gc_done_event.IsValid());
+ assert (bgc_start_event.IsValid());
+//Need to make sure that the gc thread is in the right place.
+ background_gc_done_event.Wait(INFINITE, FALSE);
+ background_gc_done_event.Reset();
+ bgc_start_event.Set();
+void gc_heap::do_background_gc()
+ dprintf (2, ("starting a BGC"));
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ g_heaps[i]->init_background_gc();
+ }
+ init_background_gc();
+ //start the background gc
+ start_c_gc ();
+ //wait until we get restarted by the BGC.
+ wait_to_proceed();
+void gc_heap::kill_gc_thread()
+ //assert (settings.concurrent == FALSE);
+ // We are doing a two-stage shutdown now.
+ // In the first stage, we do minimum work, and call ExitProcess at the end.
+ // In the secodn stage, we have the Loader lock and only one thread is
+ // alive. Hence we do not need to kill gc thread.
+ background_gc_done_event.CloseEvent();
+ gc_lh_block_event.CloseEvent();
+ bgc_start_event.CloseEvent();
+ bgc_threads_timeout_cs.Destroy();
+ bgc_thread = 0;
+ recursive_gc_sync::shutdown();
+uint32_t gc_heap::bgc_thread_function()
+ assert (background_gc_done_event.IsValid());
+ assert (bgc_start_event.IsValid());
+ dprintf (3, ("gc_thread thread starting..."));
+ BOOL do_exit = FALSE;
+ Thread* current_thread = GetThread();
+ BOOL cooperative_mode = TRUE;
+ bgc_thread_id.SetToCurrentThread();
+ dprintf (1, ("bgc_thread_id is set to %x", (uint32_t)GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentThreadIdForLogging()));
+ while (1)
+ {
+ // Wait for work to do...
+ dprintf (3, ("bgc thread: waiting..."));
+ cooperative_mode = enable_preemptive (current_thread);
+ //current_thread->m_fPreemptiveGCDisabled = 0;
+ uint32_t result = bgc_start_event.Wait(
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ 2000,
+#else //_DEBUG
+ 20000,
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ dprintf (2, ("gc thread: finished waiting"));
+ // not calling disable_preemptive here 'cause we
+ // can't wait for GC complete here - RestartEE will be called
+ // when we've done the init work.
+ if (result == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
+ {
+ // Should join the bgc threads and terminate all of them
+ // at once.
+ dprintf (1, ("GC thread timeout"));
+ bgc_threads_timeout_cs.Enter();
+ if (!keep_bgc_threads_p)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("GC thread exiting"));
+ bgc_thread_running = FALSE;
+ bgc_thread = 0;
+ bgc_thread_id.Clear();
+ do_exit = TRUE;
+ }
+ bgc_threads_timeout_cs.Leave();
+ if (do_exit)
+ break;
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("GC thread needed, not exiting"));
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // if we signal the thread with no concurrent work to do -> exit
+ if (!settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("no concurrent GC needed, exiting"));
+ break;
+ }
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ //trace_gc = TRUE;
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ recursive_gc_sync::begin_background();
+ dprintf (2, ("beginning of bgc: gen2 FL: %d, FO: %d, frag: %d",
+ generation_free_list_space (generation_of (max_generation)),
+ generation_free_obj_space (generation_of (max_generation)),
+ dd_fragmentation (dynamic_data_of (max_generation))));
+ gc1();
+ current_bgc_state = bgc_not_in_process;
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ //trace_gc = FALSE;
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ enable_preemptive (current_thread);
+ bgc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_done);
+ if (bgc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ enter_spin_lock (&gc_lock);
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("bgc Egc"));
+ bgc_start_event.Reset();
+ do_post_gc();
+ for (int gen = max_generation; gen <= (max_generation + 1); gen++)
+ {
+ size_t desired_per_heap = 0;
+ size_t total_desired = 0;
+ gc_heap* hp = 0;
+ dynamic_data* dd;
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ hp = g_heaps[i];
+ dd = hp->dynamic_data_of (gen);
+ size_t temp_total_desired = total_desired + dd_desired_allocation (dd);
+ if (temp_total_desired < total_desired)
+ {
+ // we overflowed.
+ total_desired = (size_t)MAX_PTR;
+ break;
+ }
+ total_desired = temp_total_desired;
+ }
+ desired_per_heap = Align ((total_desired/n_heaps), get_alignment_constant (FALSE));
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ hp = gc_heap::g_heaps[i];
+ dd = hp->dynamic_data_of (gen);
+ dd_desired_allocation (dd) = desired_per_heap;
+ dd_gc_new_allocation (dd) = desired_per_heap;
+ dd_new_allocation (dd) = desired_per_heap;
+ }
+ }
+ fire_pevents();
+ c_write (settings.concurrent, FALSE);
+ recursive_gc_sync::end_background();
+ keep_bgc_threads_p = FALSE;
+ background_gc_done_event.Set();
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("bgc Lgc"));
+ leave_spin_lock (&gc_lock);
+ dprintf(1, ("End of BGC - starting all BGC threads"));
+ bgc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ // We can't disable preempt here because there might've been a GC already
+ // started and decided to do a BGC and waiting for a BGC thread to restart
+ // vm. That GC will be waiting in wait_to_proceed and we are waiting for it
+ // to restart the VM so we deadlock.
+ //gc_heap::disable_preemptive (current_thread, TRUE);
+ }
+ FireEtwGCTerminateConcurrentThread_V1(GetClrInstanceId());
+ dprintf (3, ("bgc_thread thread exiting"));
+ return 0;
+//Clear the cards [start_card, end_card[
+void gc_heap::clear_cards (size_t start_card, size_t end_card)
+ if (start_card < end_card)
+ {
+ size_t start_word = card_word (start_card);
+ size_t end_word = card_word (end_card);
+ if (start_word < end_word)
+ {
+ unsigned bits = card_bit (start_card);
+ card_table [start_word] &= lowbits (~0, bits);
+ for (size_t i = start_word+1; i < end_word; i++)
+ card_table [i] = 0;
+ bits = card_bit (end_card);
+ // Don't write beyond end_card (and possibly uncommitted card table space).
+ if (bits != 0)
+ {
+ card_table [end_word] &= highbits (~0, bits);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ card_table [start_word] &= (lowbits (~0, card_bit (start_card)) |
+ highbits (~0, card_bit (end_card)));
+ }
+ size_t card = start_card;
+ while (card < end_card)
+ {
+ assert (! (card_set_p (card)));
+ card++;
+ }
+ dprintf (3,("Cleared cards [%Ix:%Ix, %Ix:%Ix[",
+ start_card, (size_t)card_address (start_card),
+ end_card, (size_t)card_address (end_card)));
+ }
+void gc_heap::clear_card_for_addresses (uint8_t* start_address, uint8_t* end_address)
+ size_t start_card = card_of (align_on_card (start_address));
+ size_t end_card = card_of (align_lower_card (end_address));
+ clear_cards (start_card, end_card);
+// copy [srccard, ...[ to [dst_card, end_card[
+// This will set the same bit twice. Can be optimized.
+void gc_heap::copy_cards (size_t dst_card, size_t src_card,
+ size_t end_card, BOOL nextp)
+ // If the range is empty, this function is a no-op - with the subtlety that
+ // either of the accesses card_table[srcwrd] or card_table[dstwrd] could be
+ // outside the committed region. To avoid the access, leave early.
+ if (!(dst_card < end_card))
+ return;
+ unsigned int srcbit = card_bit (src_card);
+ unsigned int dstbit = card_bit (dst_card);
+ size_t srcwrd = card_word (src_card);
+ size_t dstwrd = card_word (dst_card);
+ unsigned int srctmp = card_table[srcwrd];
+ unsigned int dsttmp = card_table[dstwrd];
+ for (size_t card = dst_card; card < end_card; card++)
+ {
+ if (srctmp & (1 << srcbit))
+ dsttmp |= 1 << dstbit;
+ else
+ dsttmp &= ~(1 << dstbit);
+ if (!(++srcbit % 32))
+ {
+ srctmp = card_table[++srcwrd];
+ srcbit = 0;
+ }
+ if (nextp)
+ {
+ if (srctmp & (1 << srcbit))
+ dsttmp |= 1 << dstbit;
+ }
+ if (!(++dstbit % 32))
+ {
+ card_table[dstwrd] = dsttmp;
+ dstwrd++;
+ dsttmp = card_table[dstwrd];
+ dstbit = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ card_table[dstwrd] = dsttmp;
+void gc_heap::copy_cards_for_addresses (uint8_t* dest, uint8_t* src, size_t len)
+ ptrdiff_t relocation_distance = src - dest;
+ size_t start_dest_card = card_of (align_on_card (dest));
+ size_t end_dest_card = card_of (dest + len - 1);
+ size_t dest_card = start_dest_card;
+ size_t src_card = card_of (card_address (dest_card)+relocation_distance);
+ dprintf (3,("Copying cards [%Ix:%Ix->%Ix:%Ix, ",
+ src_card, (size_t)src, dest_card, (size_t)dest));
+ dprintf (3,(" %Ix->%Ix:%Ix[",
+ (size_t)src+len, end_dest_card, (size_t)dest+len));
+ dprintf (3, ("dest: %Ix, src: %Ix, len: %Ix, reloc: %Ix, align_on_card(dest) is %Ix",
+ dest, src, len, relocation_distance, (align_on_card (dest))));
+ dprintf (3, ("start_dest_card: %Ix (address: %Ix), end_dest_card: %Ix(addr: %Ix), card_of (dest): %Ix",
+ start_dest_card, card_address (start_dest_card), end_dest_card, card_address (end_dest_card), card_of (dest)));
+ //First card has two boundaries
+ if (start_dest_card != card_of (dest))
+ {
+ if ((card_of (card_address (start_dest_card) + relocation_distance) <= card_of (src + len - 1))&&
+ card_set_p (card_of (card_address (start_dest_card) + relocation_distance)))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("card_address (start_dest_card) + reloc is %Ix, card: %Ix(set), src+len-1: %Ix, card: %Ix",
+ (card_address (start_dest_card) + relocation_distance),
+ card_of (card_address (start_dest_card) + relocation_distance),
+ (src + len - 1),
+ card_of (src + len - 1)));
+ dprintf (3, ("setting card: %Ix", card_of (dest)));
+ set_card (card_of (dest));
+ }
+ }
+ if (card_set_p (card_of (src)))
+ set_card (card_of (dest));
+ copy_cards (dest_card, src_card, end_dest_card,
+ ((dest - align_lower_card (dest)) != (src - align_lower_card (src))));
+ //Last card has two boundaries.
+ if ((card_of (card_address (end_dest_card) + relocation_distance) >= card_of (src)) &&
+ card_set_p (card_of (card_address (end_dest_card) + relocation_distance)))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("card_address (end_dest_card) + reloc is %Ix, card: %Ix(set), src: %Ix, card: %Ix",
+ (card_address (end_dest_card) + relocation_distance),
+ card_of (card_address (end_dest_card) + relocation_distance),
+ src,
+ card_of (src)));
+ dprintf (3, ("setting card: %Ix", end_dest_card));
+ set_card (end_dest_card);
+ }
+ if (card_set_p (card_of (src + len - 1)))
+ set_card (end_dest_card);
+// this does not need the Interlocked version of mark_array_set_marked.
+void gc_heap::copy_mark_bits_for_addresses (uint8_t* dest, uint8_t* src, size_t len)
+ dprintf (3, ("Copying mark_bits for addresses [%Ix->%Ix, %Ix->%Ix[",
+ (size_t)src, (size_t)dest,
+ (size_t)src+len, (size_t)dest+len));
+ uint8_t* src_o = src;
+ uint8_t* dest_o;
+ uint8_t* src_end = src + len;
+ int align_const = get_alignment_constant (TRUE);
+ ptrdiff_t reloc = dest - src;
+ while (src_o < src_end)
+ {
+ uint8_t* next_o = src_o + Align (size (src_o), align_const);
+ if (background_object_marked (src_o, TRUE))
+ {
+ dest_o = src_o + reloc;
+ //if (background_object_marked (dest_o, FALSE))
+ //{
+ // dprintf (3, ("*%Ix shouldn't have already been marked!", (size_t)(dest_o)));
+ //}
+ background_mark (dest_o,
+ background_saved_lowest_address,
+ background_saved_highest_address);
+ dprintf (3, ("bc*%Ix*bc, b*%Ix*b", (size_t)src_o, (size_t)(dest_o)));
+ }
+ src_o = next_o;
+ }
+void gc_heap::fix_brick_to_highest (uint8_t* o, uint8_t* next_o)
+ size_t new_current_brick = brick_of (o);
+ set_brick (new_current_brick,
+ (o - brick_address (new_current_brick)));
+ size_t b = 1 + new_current_brick;
+ size_t limit = brick_of (next_o);
+ //dprintf(3,(" fixing brick %Ix to point to object %Ix, till %Ix(%Ix)",
+ dprintf(3,("b:%Ix->%Ix-%Ix",
+ new_current_brick, (size_t)o, (size_t)next_o));
+ while (b < limit)
+ {
+ set_brick (b,(new_current_brick - b));
+ b++;
+ }
+// start can not be >= heap_segment_allocated for the segment.
+uint8_t* gc_heap::find_first_object (uint8_t* start, uint8_t* first_object)
+ size_t brick = brick_of (start);
+ uint8_t* o = 0;
+ //last_object == null -> no search shortcut needed
+ if ((brick == brick_of (first_object) || (start <= first_object)))
+ {
+ o = first_object;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ptrdiff_t min_brick = (ptrdiff_t)brick_of (first_object);
+ ptrdiff_t prev_brick = (ptrdiff_t)brick - 1;
+ int brick_entry = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (prev_brick < min_brick)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((brick_entry = brick_table [ prev_brick ]) >= 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ assert (! ((brick_entry == 0)));
+ prev_brick = (brick_entry + prev_brick);
+ }
+ o = ((prev_brick < min_brick) ? first_object :
+ brick_address (prev_brick) + brick_entry - 1);
+ assert (o <= start);
+ }
+ assert (Align (size (o)) >= Align (min_obj_size));
+ uint8_t* next_o = o + Align (size (o));
+ size_t curr_cl = (size_t)next_o / brick_size;
+ size_t min_cl = (size_t)first_object / brick_size;
+ //dprintf (3,( "Looking for intersection with %Ix from %Ix", (size_t)start, (size_t)o));
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ unsigned int n_o = 1;
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ uint8_t* next_b = min (align_lower_brick (next_o) + brick_size, start+1);
+ while (next_o <= start)
+ {
+ do
+ {
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ n_o++;
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ o = next_o;
+ assert (Align (size (o)) >= Align (min_obj_size));
+ next_o = o + Align (size (o));
+ Prefetch (next_o);
+ }while (next_o < next_b);
+ if (((size_t)next_o / brick_size) != curr_cl)
+ {
+ if (curr_cl >= min_cl)
+ {
+ fix_brick_to_highest (o, next_o);
+ }
+ curr_cl = (size_t) next_o / brick_size;
+ }
+ next_b = min (align_lower_brick (next_o) + brick_size, start+1);
+ }
+ size_t bo = brick_of (o);
+ //dprintf (3, ("Looked at %Id objects, fixing brick [%Ix-[%Ix",
+ dprintf (3, ("%Id o, [%Ix-[%Ix",
+ n_o, bo, brick));
+ if (bo < brick)
+ {
+ set_brick (bo, (o - brick_address(bo)));
+ size_t b = 1 + bo;
+ int x = -1;
+ while (b < brick)
+ {
+ set_brick (b,x--);
+ b++;
+ }
+ }
+ return o;
+BOOL gc_heap::find_card_dword (size_t& cardw, size_t cardw_end)
+ dprintf (3, ("gc: %d, find_card_dword cardw: %Ix, cardw_end: %Ix",
+ dd_collection_count (dynamic_data_of (0)), cardw, cardw_end));
+ if (card_bundles_enabled())
+ {
+ size_t cardb = cardw_card_bundle (cardw);
+ size_t end_cardb = cardw_card_bundle (align_cardw_on_bundle (cardw_end));
+ while (1)
+ {
+ //find a non null bundle
+ while ((cardb < end_cardb) &&
+ (card_bundle_set_p (cardb)==0))
+ {
+ cardb++;
+ }
+ if (cardb == end_cardb)
+ return FALSE;
+ //find a non empty card word
+ uint32_t* card_word = &card_table[max(card_bundle_cardw (cardb),cardw)];
+ uint32_t* card_word_end = &card_table[min(card_bundle_cardw (cardb+1),cardw_end)];
+ while ((card_word < card_word_end) &&
+ !(*card_word))
+ {
+ card_word++;
+ }
+ if (card_word != card_word_end)
+ {
+ cardw = (card_word - &card_table [0]);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else if ((cardw <= card_bundle_cardw (cardb)) &&
+ (card_word == &card_table [card_bundle_cardw (cardb+1)]))
+ {
+ // a whole bundle was explored and is empty
+ dprintf (3, ("gc: %d, find_card_dword clear bundle: %Ix cardw:[%Ix,%Ix[",
+ dd_collection_count (dynamic_data_of (0)),
+ cardb, card_bundle_cardw (cardb),
+ card_bundle_cardw (cardb+1)));
+ card_bundle_clear (cardb);
+ }
+ cardb++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint32_t* card_word = &card_table[cardw];
+ uint32_t* card_word_end = &card_table [cardw_end];
+ while (card_word < card_word_end)
+ {
+ if ((*card_word) != 0)
+ {
+ cardw = (card_word - &card_table [0]);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ card_word++;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+#endif //CARD_BUNDLE
+BOOL gc_heap::find_card (uint32_t* card_table, size_t& card,
+ size_t card_word_end, size_t& end_card)
+ uint32_t* last_card_word;
+ uint32_t y;
+ uint32_t z;
+ // Find the first card which is set
+ last_card_word = &card_table [card_word (card)];
+ z = card_bit (card);
+ y = (*last_card_word) >> z;
+ if (!y)
+ {
+ z = 0;
+ size_t lcw = card_word(card)+1;
+ if (gc_heap::find_card_dword (lcw, card_word_end) == FALSE)
+ return FALSE;
+ else
+ {
+ last_card_word = &card_table [lcw];
+ y = *last_card_word;
+ }
+#else //CARD_BUNDLE
+ do
+ {
+ ++last_card_word;
+ }
+ while ((last_card_word < &card_table [card_word_end]) &&
+ !(*last_card_word));
+ if (last_card_word < &card_table [card_word_end])
+ y = *last_card_word;
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+#endif //CARD_BUNDLE
+ }
+ // Look for the lowest bit set
+ if (y)
+ {
+ while (!(y & 1))
+ {
+ z++;
+ y = y / 2;
+ }
+ }
+ card = (last_card_word - &card_table [0])* card_word_width + z;
+ do
+ {
+ z++;
+ y = y / 2;
+ if ((z == card_word_width) &&
+ (last_card_word < &card_table [card_word_end]))
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ y = *(++last_card_word);
+ }while ((last_card_word < &card_table [card_word_end]) &&
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ (y == (1 << card_word_width)-1)
+ // if left shift count >= width of type,
+ // gcc reports error.
+ (y == ~0u)
+#endif // _MSC_VER
+ );
+ z = 0;
+ }
+ } while (y & 1);
+ end_card = (last_card_word - &card_table [0])* card_word_width + z;
+ //dprintf (3, ("find_card: [%Ix, %Ix[ set", card, end_card));
+ dprintf (3, ("fc: [%Ix, %Ix[", card, end_card));
+ return TRUE;
+ //because of heap expansion, computing end is complicated.
+uint8_t* compute_next_end (heap_segment* seg, uint8_t* low)
+ if ((low >= heap_segment_mem (seg)) &&
+ (low < heap_segment_allocated (seg)))
+ return low;
+ else
+ return heap_segment_allocated (seg);
+gc_heap::compute_next_boundary (uint8_t* low, int gen_number,
+ BOOL relocating)
+ //when relocating, the fault line is the plan start of the younger
+ //generation because the generation is promoted.
+ if (relocating && (gen_number == (settings.condemned_generation + 1)))
+ {
+ generation* gen = generation_of (gen_number - 1);
+ uint8_t* gen_alloc = generation_plan_allocation_start (gen);
+ assert (gen_alloc);
+ return gen_alloc;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (gen_number > settings.condemned_generation);
+ return generation_allocation_start (generation_of (gen_number - 1 ));
+ }
+inline void
+gc_heap::keep_card_live (uint8_t* o, size_t& n_gen,
+ size_t& cg_pointers_found)
+ if ((gc_low <= o) && (gc_high > o))
+ {
+ n_gen++;
+ }
+ else if (o)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = heap_of (o);
+ if (hp != this)
+ {
+ if ((hp->gc_low <= o) &&
+ (hp->gc_high > o))
+ {
+ n_gen++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cg_pointers_found ++;
+ dprintf (4, ("keep card live for %Ix", o));
+inline void
+gc_heap::mark_through_cards_helper (uint8_t** poo, size_t& n_gen,
+ size_t& cg_pointers_found,
+ card_fn fn, uint8_t* nhigh,
+ uint8_t* next_boundary)
+ if ((gc_low <= *poo) && (gc_high > *poo))
+ {
+ n_gen++;
+ call_fn(fn) (poo THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+ }
+ else if (*poo)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = heap_of_gc (*poo);
+ if (hp != this)
+ {
+ if ((hp->gc_low <= *poo) &&
+ (hp->gc_high > *poo))
+ {
+ n_gen++;
+ call_fn(fn) (poo THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+ }
+ if ((fn == &gc_heap::relocate_address) ||
+ ((hp->ephemeral_low <= *poo) &&
+ (hp->ephemeral_high > *poo)))
+ {
+ cg_pointers_found++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((next_boundary <= *poo) && (nhigh > *poo))
+ {
+ cg_pointers_found ++;
+ dprintf (4, ("cg pointer %Ix found, %Id so far",
+ (size_t)*poo, cg_pointers_found ));
+ }
+BOOL gc_heap::card_transition (uint8_t* po, uint8_t* end, size_t card_word_end,
+ size_t& cg_pointers_found,
+ size_t& n_eph, size_t& n_card_set,
+ size_t& card, size_t& end_card,
+ BOOL& foundp, uint8_t*& start_address,
+ uint8_t*& limit, size_t& n_cards_cleared)
+ dprintf (3, ("pointer %Ix past card %Ix", (size_t)po, (size_t)card));
+ dprintf (3, ("ct: %Id cg", cg_pointers_found));
+ BOOL passed_end_card_p = FALSE;
+ foundp = FALSE;
+ if (cg_pointers_found == 0)
+ {
+ //dprintf(3,(" Clearing cards [%Ix, %Ix[ ",
+ dprintf(3,(" CC [%Ix, %Ix[ ",
+ (size_t)card_address(card), (size_t)po));
+ clear_cards (card, card_of(po));
+ n_card_set -= (card_of (po) - card);
+ n_cards_cleared += (card_of (po) - card);
+ }
+ n_eph +=cg_pointers_found;
+ cg_pointers_found = 0;
+ card = card_of (po);
+ if (card >= end_card)
+ {
+ passed_end_card_p = TRUE;
+ dprintf (3, ("card %Ix exceeding end_card %Ix",
+ (size_t)card, (size_t)end_card));
+ foundp = find_card (card_table, card, card_word_end, end_card);
+ if (foundp)
+ {
+ n_card_set+= end_card - card;
+ start_address = card_address (card);
+ dprintf (3, ("NewC: %Ix, start: %Ix, end: %Ix",
+ (size_t)card, (size_t)start_address,
+ (size_t)card_address (end_card)));
+ }
+ limit = min (end, card_address (end_card));
+ assert (!((limit == card_address (end_card))&&
+ card_set_p (end_card)));
+ }
+ return passed_end_card_p;
+void gc_heap::mark_through_cards_for_segments (card_fn fn, BOOL relocating)
+ dprintf (3, ("current_sweep_pos is %Ix, saved_sweep_ephemeral_seg is %Ix(%Ix)",
+ current_sweep_pos, saved_sweep_ephemeral_seg, saved_sweep_ephemeral_start));
+ heap_segment* soh_seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (generation_of (max_generation)));
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(soh_seg != NULL);
+ while (soh_seg )
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("seg %Ix, bgc_alloc: %Ix, alloc: %Ix",
+ soh_seg,
+ heap_segment_background_allocated (soh_seg),
+ heap_segment_allocated (soh_seg)));
+ soh_seg = heap_segment_next_rw (soh_seg);
+ }
+ uint8_t* low = gc_low;
+ uint8_t* high = gc_high;
+ size_t end_card = 0;
+ generation* oldest_gen = generation_of (max_generation);
+ int curr_gen_number = max_generation;
+ uint8_t* gen_boundary = generation_allocation_start
+ (generation_of (curr_gen_number - 1));
+ uint8_t* next_boundary = (compute_next_boundary
+ (gc_low, curr_gen_number, relocating));
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (oldest_gen));
+ uint8_t* beg = generation_allocation_start (oldest_gen);
+ uint8_t* end = compute_next_end (seg, low);
+ uint8_t* last_object = beg;
+ size_t cg_pointers_found = 0;
+ size_t card_word_end = (card_of (align_on_card_word (end)) /
+ card_word_width);
+ size_t n_eph = 0;
+ size_t n_gen = 0;
+ size_t n_card_set = 0;
+ uint8_t* nhigh = (relocating ?
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) : high);
+ BOOL foundp = FALSE;
+ uint8_t* start_address = 0;
+ uint8_t* limit = 0;
+ size_t card = card_of (beg);
+ BOOL consider_bgc_mark_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL check_current_sweep_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL check_saved_sweep_p = FALSE;
+ should_check_bgc_mark (seg, &consider_bgc_mark_p, &check_current_sweep_p, &check_saved_sweep_p);
+ dprintf(3, ("CMs: %Ix->%Ix", (size_t)beg, (size_t)end));
+ size_t total_cards_cleared = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (card_of(last_object) > card)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Found %Id cg pointers", cg_pointers_found));
+ if (cg_pointers_found == 0)
+ {
+ dprintf(3,(" Clearing cards [%Ix, %Ix[ ", (size_t)card_address(card), (size_t)last_object));
+ clear_cards (card, card_of(last_object));
+ n_card_set -= (card_of (last_object) - card);
+ total_cards_cleared += (card_of (last_object) - card);
+ }
+ n_eph +=cg_pointers_found;
+ cg_pointers_found = 0;
+ card = card_of (last_object);
+ }
+ if (card >= end_card)
+ {
+ foundp = find_card (card_table, card, card_word_end, end_card);
+ if (foundp)
+ {
+ n_card_set+= end_card - card;
+ start_address = max (beg, card_address (card));
+ }
+ limit = min (end, card_address (end_card));
+ }
+ if ((!foundp) || (last_object >= end) || (card_address (card) >= end))
+ {
+ if ((foundp) && (cg_pointers_found == 0))
+ {
+ dprintf(3,(" Clearing cards [%Ix, %Ix[ ", (size_t)card_address(card),
+ (size_t)end));
+ clear_cards (card, card_of (end));
+ n_card_set -= (card_of (end) - card);
+ total_cards_cleared += (card_of (end) - card);
+ }
+ n_eph +=cg_pointers_found;
+ cg_pointers_found = 0;
+ if ((seg = heap_segment_next_in_range (seg)) != 0)
+ {
+ should_check_bgc_mark (seg, &consider_bgc_mark_p, &check_current_sweep_p, &check_saved_sweep_p);
+ beg = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ end = compute_next_end (seg, low);
+ card_word_end = card_of (align_on_card_word (end)) / card_word_width;
+ card = card_of (beg);
+ last_object = beg;
+ end_card = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ assert (card_set_p (card));
+ {
+ uint8_t* o = last_object;
+ o = find_first_object (start_address, last_object);
+ //Never visit an object twice.
+ assert (o >= last_object);
+ //dprintf(3,("Considering card %Ix start object: %Ix, %Ix[ boundary: %Ix",
+ dprintf(3, ("c: %Ix, o: %Ix, l: %Ix[ boundary: %Ix",
+ card, (size_t)o, (size_t)limit, (size_t)gen_boundary));
+ while (o < limit)
+ {
+ assert (Align (size (o)) >= Align (min_obj_size));
+ size_t s = size (o);
+ uint8_t* next_o = o + Align (s);
+ Prefetch (next_o);
+ if ((o >= gen_boundary) &&
+ (seg == ephemeral_heap_segment))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("switching gen boundary %Ix", (size_t)gen_boundary));
+ curr_gen_number--;
+ assert ((curr_gen_number > 0));
+ gen_boundary = generation_allocation_start
+ (generation_of (curr_gen_number - 1));
+ next_boundary = (compute_next_boundary
+ (low, curr_gen_number, relocating));
+ }
+ dprintf (4, ("|%Ix|", (size_t)o));
+ if (next_o < start_address)
+ {
+ goto end_object;
+ }
+ if (!fgc_should_consider_object (o, seg, consider_bgc_mark_p, check_current_sweep_p, check_saved_sweep_p))
+ {
+ goto end_object;
+ }
+ if (is_collectible(o))
+ {
+ BOOL passed_end_card_p = FALSE;
+ if (card_of (o) > card)
+ {
+ passed_end_card_p = card_transition (o, end, card_word_end,
+ cg_pointers_found,
+ n_eph, n_card_set,
+ card, end_card,
+ foundp, start_address,
+ limit, total_cards_cleared);
+ }
+ if ((!passed_end_card_p || foundp) && (card_of (o) == card))
+ {
+ // card is valid and it covers the head of the object
+ if (fn == &gc_heap::relocate_address)
+ {
+ keep_card_live (o, n_gen, cg_pointers_found);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint8_t* class_obj = get_class_object (o);
+ mark_through_cards_helper (&class_obj, n_gen,
+ cg_pointers_found, fn,
+ nhigh, next_boundary);
+ }
+ }
+ if (passed_end_card_p)
+ {
+ if (foundp && (card_address (card) < next_o))
+ {
+ goto go_through_refs;
+ }
+ else if (foundp && (start_address < limit))
+ {
+ next_o = find_first_object (start_address, o);
+ goto end_object;
+ }
+ else
+ goto end_limit;
+ }
+ }
+ if (contain_pointers (o))
+ {
+ dprintf(3,("Going through %Ix start_address: %Ix", (size_t)o, (size_t)start_address));
+ {
+ dprintf (4, ("normal object path"));
+ go_through_object
+ (method_table(o), o, s, poo,
+ start_address, use_start, (o + s),
+ {
+ dprintf (4, ("<%Ix>:%Ix", (size_t)poo, (size_t)*poo));
+ if (card_of ((uint8_t*)poo) > card)
+ {
+ BOOL passed_end_card_p = card_transition ((uint8_t*)poo, end,
+ card_word_end,
+ cg_pointers_found,
+ n_eph, n_card_set,
+ card, end_card,
+ foundp, start_address,
+ limit, total_cards_cleared);
+ if (passed_end_card_p)
+ {
+ if (foundp && (card_address (card) < next_o))
+ {
+ //new_start();
+ {
+ if (ppstop <= (uint8_t**)start_address)
+ {break;}
+ else if (poo < (uint8_t**)start_address)
+ {poo = (uint8_t**)start_address;}
+ }
+ }
+ else if (foundp && (start_address < limit))
+ {
+ next_o = find_first_object (start_address, o);
+ goto end_object;
+ }
+ else
+ goto end_limit;
+ }
+ }
+ mark_through_cards_helper (poo, n_gen,
+ cg_pointers_found, fn,
+ nhigh, next_boundary);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ end_object:
+ if (((size_t)next_o / brick_size) != ((size_t) o / brick_size))
+ {
+ if (brick_table [brick_of (o)] <0)
+ fix_brick_to_highest (o, next_o);
+ }
+ o = next_o;
+ }
+ end_limit:
+ last_object = o;
+ }
+ }
+ // compute the efficiency ratio of the card table
+ if (!relocating)
+ {
+ generation_skip_ratio = ((n_eph > 400)? (int)(((float)n_gen / (float)n_eph) * 100) : 100);
+ dprintf (3, ("Msoh: cross: %Id, useful: %Id, cards set: %Id, cards cleared: %Id, ratio: %d",
+ n_eph, n_gen , n_card_set, total_cards_cleared, generation_skip_ratio));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("R: Msoh: cross: %Id, useful: %Id, cards set: %Id, cards cleared: %Id, ratio: %d",
+ n_gen, n_eph, n_card_set, total_cards_cleared, generation_skip_ratio));
+ }
+size_t gc_heap::dump_buckets (size_t* ordered_indices, int count, size_t* total_size)
+ size_t total_items = 0;
+ *total_size = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ total_items += ordered_indices[i];
+ *total_size += ordered_indices[i] << (MIN_INDEX_POWER2 + i);
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("[%d]%4d 2^%2d", heap_number, ordered_indices[i], (MIN_INDEX_POWER2 + i)));
+ }
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("[%d]Total %d items, total size is 0x%Ix", heap_number, total_items, *total_size));
+ return total_items;
+#endif // SEG_REUSE_STATS
+void gc_heap::count_plug (size_t last_plug_size, uint8_t*& last_plug)
+ // detect pinned plugs
+ if (!pinned_plug_que_empty_p() && (last_plug == pinned_plug (oldest_pin())))
+ {
+ deque_pinned_plug();
+ update_oldest_pinned_plug();
+ dprintf (3, ("dequed pin,now oldest pin is %Ix", pinned_plug (oldest_pin())));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_t plug_size = last_plug_size + Align(min_obj_size);
+ BOOL is_padded = FALSE;
+ plug_size += Align (min_obj_size);
+ is_padded = TRUE;
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ plug_size += switch_alignment_size (is_padded);
+ total_ephemeral_plugs += plug_size;
+ size_t plug_size_power2 = round_up_power2 (plug_size);
+ ordered_plug_indices[relative_index_power2_plug (plug_size_power2)]++;
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]count_plug: adding 0x%Ix - %Id (2^%d) to ordered plug array",
+ heap_number,
+ last_plug,
+ plug_size,
+ (relative_index_power2_plug (plug_size_power2) + MIN_INDEX_POWER2)));
+ }
+void gc_heap::count_plugs_in_brick (uint8_t* tree, uint8_t*& last_plug)
+ assert ((tree != NULL));
+ if (node_left_child (tree))
+ {
+ count_plugs_in_brick (tree + node_left_child (tree), last_plug);
+ }
+ if (last_plug != 0)
+ {
+ uint8_t* plug = tree;
+ size_t gap_size = node_gap_size (plug);
+ uint8_t* gap = (plug - gap_size);
+ uint8_t* last_plug_end = gap;
+ size_t last_plug_size = (last_plug_end - last_plug);
+ dprintf (3, ("tree: %Ix, last plug: %Ix, gap size: %Ix, gap: %Ix, last plug size: %Ix",
+ tree, last_plug, gap_size, gap, last_plug_size));
+ if (tree == oldest_pinned_plug)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("tree %Ix is pinned, last plug is %Ix, size is %Ix",
+ tree, last_plug, last_plug_size));
+ mark* m = oldest_pin();
+ if (m->has_pre_plug_info())
+ {
+ last_plug_size += sizeof (gap_reloc_pair);
+ dprintf (3, ("pin %Ix has pre plug, adjusting plug size to %Ix", tree, last_plug_size));
+ }
+ }
+ // Can't assert here - if it's a pinned plug it can be less.
+ //assert (last_plug_size >= Align (min_obj_size));
+ count_plug (last_plug_size, last_plug);
+ }
+ last_plug = tree;
+ if (node_right_child (tree))
+ {
+ count_plugs_in_brick (tree + node_right_child (tree), last_plug);
+ }
+void gc_heap::build_ordered_plug_indices ()
+ memset (ordered_plug_indices, 0, sizeof(ordered_plug_indices));
+ memset (saved_ordered_plug_indices, 0, sizeof(saved_ordered_plug_indices));
+ uint8_t* start_address = generation_limit (max_generation);
+ uint8_t* end_address = heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ size_t current_brick = brick_of (start_address);
+ size_t end_brick = brick_of (end_address - 1);
+ uint8_t* last_plug = 0;
+ //Look for the right pinned plug to start from.
+ reset_pinned_queue_bos();
+ while (!pinned_plug_que_empty_p())
+ {
+ mark* m = oldest_pin();
+ if ((m->first >= start_address) && (m->first < end_address))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("found a pin %Ix between %Ix and %Ix", m->first, start_address, end_address));
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ deque_pinned_plug();
+ }
+ update_oldest_pinned_plug();
+ while (current_brick <= end_brick)
+ {
+ int brick_entry = brick_table [ current_brick ];
+ if (brick_entry >= 0)
+ {
+ count_plugs_in_brick (brick_address (current_brick) + brick_entry -1, last_plug);
+ }
+ current_brick++;
+ }
+ if (last_plug !=0)
+ {
+ count_plug (end_address - last_plug, last_plug);
+ }
+ // we need to make sure that after fitting all the existing plugs, we
+ // have big enough free space left to guarantee that the next allocation
+ // will succeed.
+ size_t extra_size = END_SPACE_AFTER_GC + Align (min_obj_size);
+ total_ephemeral_plugs += extra_size;
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("Making sure we can fit a large object after fitting all plugs"));
+ ordered_plug_indices[relative_index_power2_plug (round_up_power2 (extra_size))]++;
+ memcpy (saved_ordered_plug_indices, ordered_plug_indices, sizeof(ordered_plug_indices));
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("Plugs:"));
+ size_t total_plug_power2 = 0;
+ dump_buckets (ordered_plug_indices, MAX_NUM_BUCKETS, &total_plug_power2);
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("plugs: 0x%Ix (rounded up to 0x%Ix (%d%%))",
+ total_ephemeral_plugs,
+ total_plug_power2,
+ (total_ephemeral_plugs ?
+ (total_plug_power2 * 100 / total_ephemeral_plugs) :
+ 0)));
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("-------------------"));
+#endif // SEG_REUSE_STATS
+void gc_heap::init_ordered_free_space_indices ()
+ memset (ordered_free_space_indices, 0, sizeof(ordered_free_space_indices));
+ memset (saved_ordered_free_space_indices, 0, sizeof(saved_ordered_free_space_indices));
+void gc_heap::trim_free_spaces_indices ()
+ trimmed_free_space_index = -1;
+ size_t max_count = max_free_space_items - 1;
+ size_t count = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ for (i = (MAX_NUM_BUCKETS - 1); i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ count += ordered_free_space_indices[i];
+ if (count >= max_count)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ptrdiff_t extra_free_space_items = count - max_count;
+ if (extra_free_space_items > 0)
+ {
+ ordered_free_space_indices[i] -= extra_free_space_items;
+ free_space_items = max_count;
+ trimmed_free_space_index = i;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ free_space_items = count;
+ }
+ if (i == -1)
+ {
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ free_space_buckets = MAX_NUM_BUCKETS - i;
+ for (--i; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ ordered_free_space_indices[i] = 0;
+ }
+ memcpy (saved_ordered_free_space_indices,
+ ordered_free_space_indices,
+ sizeof(ordered_free_space_indices));
+// We fit as many plugs as we can and update the number of plugs left and the number
+// of free spaces left.
+BOOL gc_heap::can_fit_in_spaces_p (size_t* ordered_blocks, int small_index, size_t* ordered_spaces, int big_index)
+ assert (small_index <= big_index);
+ assert (big_index < MAX_NUM_BUCKETS);
+ size_t small_blocks = ordered_blocks[small_index];
+ if (small_blocks == 0)
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ size_t big_spaces = ordered_spaces[big_index];
+ if (big_spaces == 0)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]Fitting %Id 2^%d plugs into %Id 2^%d free spaces",
+ heap_number,
+ small_blocks, (small_index + MIN_INDEX_POWER2),
+ big_spaces, (big_index + MIN_INDEX_POWER2)));
+ size_t big_to_small = big_spaces << (big_index - small_index);
+ ptrdiff_t extra_small_spaces = big_to_small - small_blocks;
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]%d 2^%d spaces can fit %d 2^%d blocks",
+ heap_number,
+ big_spaces, (big_index + MIN_INDEX_POWER2), big_to_small, (small_index + MIN_INDEX_POWER2)));
+ BOOL can_fit = (extra_small_spaces >= 0);
+ if (can_fit)
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]Can fit with %d 2^%d extras blocks",
+ heap_number,
+ extra_small_spaces, (small_index + MIN_INDEX_POWER2)));
+ }
+ int i = 0;
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]Setting # of 2^%d spaces to 0", heap_number, (big_index + MIN_INDEX_POWER2)));
+ ordered_spaces[big_index] = 0;
+ if (extra_small_spaces > 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]Setting # of 2^%d blocks to 0", heap_number, (small_index + MIN_INDEX_POWER2)));
+ ordered_blocks[small_index] = 0;
+ for (i = small_index; i < big_index; i++)
+ {
+ if (extra_small_spaces & 1)
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]Increasing # of 2^%d spaces from %d to %d",
+ heap_number,
+ (i + MIN_INDEX_POWER2), ordered_spaces[i], (ordered_spaces[i] + 1)));
+ ordered_spaces[i] += 1;
+ }
+ extra_small_spaces >>= 1;
+ }
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]Finally increasing # of 2^%d spaces from %d to %d",
+ heap_number,
+ (i + MIN_INDEX_POWER2), ordered_spaces[i], (ordered_spaces[i] + extra_small_spaces)));
+ ordered_spaces[i] += extra_small_spaces;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]Decreasing # of 2^%d blocks from %d to %d",
+ heap_number,
+ (small_index + MIN_INDEX_POWER2),
+ ordered_blocks[small_index],
+ (ordered_blocks[small_index] - big_to_small)));
+ ordered_blocks[small_index] -= big_to_small;
+ }
+ size_t temp;
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]Plugs became:", heap_number));
+ dump_buckets (ordered_blocks, MAX_NUM_BUCKETS, &temp);
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("[%d]Free spaces became:", heap_number));
+ dump_buckets (ordered_spaces, MAX_NUM_BUCKETS, &temp);
+ return can_fit;
+// space_index gets updated to the biggest available space index.
+BOOL gc_heap::can_fit_blocks_p (size_t* ordered_blocks, int block_index, size_t* ordered_spaces, int* space_index)
+ assert (*space_index >= block_index);
+ while (!can_fit_in_spaces_p (ordered_blocks, block_index, ordered_spaces, *space_index))
+ {
+ (*space_index)--;
+ if (*space_index < block_index)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL gc_heap::can_fit_all_blocks_p (size_t* ordered_blocks, size_t* ordered_spaces, int count)
+ // BARTOKTODO (4841): reenable when can_fit_in_spaces_p takes alignment requirements into account
+ return FALSE;
+ int space_index = count - 1;
+ for (int block_index = (count - 1); block_index >= 0; block_index--)
+ {
+ if (!can_fit_blocks_p (ordered_blocks, block_index, ordered_spaces, &space_index))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+void gc_heap::build_ordered_free_spaces (heap_segment* seg)
+ assert (bestfit_seg);
+ //bestfit_seg->add_buckets (MAX_NUM_BUCKETS - free_space_buckets + MIN_INDEX_POWER2,
+ // ordered_free_space_indices + (MAX_NUM_BUCKETS - free_space_buckets),
+ // free_space_buckets,
+ // free_space_items);
+ bestfit_seg->add_buckets (MIN_INDEX_POWER2,
+ ordered_free_space_indices,
+ free_space_items);
+ assert (settings.condemned_generation == max_generation);
+ uint8_t* first_address = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ uint8_t* end_address = heap_segment_reserved (seg);
+ //look through the pinned plugs for relevant ones.
+ //Look for the right pinned plug to start from.
+ reset_pinned_queue_bos();
+ mark* m = 0;
+ // See comment in can_expand_into_p why we need (max_generation + 1).
+ size_t eph_gen_starts = (Align (min_obj_size)) * (max_generation + 1);
+ BOOL has_fit_gen_starts = FALSE;
+ while (!pinned_plug_que_empty_p())
+ {
+ m = oldest_pin();
+ if ((pinned_plug (m) >= first_address) &&
+ (pinned_plug (m) < end_address) &&
+ (pinned_len (m) >= eph_gen_starts))
+ {
+ assert ((pinned_plug (m) - pinned_len (m)) == bestfit_first_pin);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ deque_pinned_plug();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!pinned_plug_que_empty_p())
+ {
+ bestfit_seg->add ((void*)m, TRUE, TRUE);
+ deque_pinned_plug();
+ m = oldest_pin();
+ has_fit_gen_starts = TRUE;
+ }
+ while (!pinned_plug_que_empty_p() &&
+ ((pinned_plug (m) >= first_address) && (pinned_plug (m) < end_address)))
+ {
+ bestfit_seg->add ((void*)m, TRUE, FALSE);
+ deque_pinned_plug();
+ m = oldest_pin();
+ }
+ if (commit_end_of_seg)
+ {
+ if (!has_fit_gen_starts)
+ {
+ assert (bestfit_first_pin == heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg));
+ }
+ bestfit_seg->add ((void*)seg, FALSE, (!has_fit_gen_starts));
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ bestfit_seg->check();
+#endif //_DEBUG
+BOOL gc_heap::try_best_fit (BOOL end_of_segment_p)
+ if (!end_of_segment_p)
+ {
+ trim_free_spaces_indices ();
+ }
+ BOOL can_bestfit = can_fit_all_blocks_p (ordered_plug_indices,
+ ordered_free_space_indices,
+ return can_bestfit;
+BOOL gc_heap::best_fit (size_t free_space,
+ size_t largest_free_space,
+ size_t additional_space,
+ BOOL* use_additional_space)
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("gen%d: trying best fit mechanism", settings.condemned_generation));
+ assert (!additional_space || (additional_space && use_additional_space));
+ if (use_additional_space)
+ {
+ *use_additional_space = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (ordered_plug_indices_init == FALSE)
+ {
+ total_ephemeral_plugs = 0;
+ build_ordered_plug_indices();
+ ordered_plug_indices_init = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ memcpy (ordered_plug_indices, saved_ordered_plug_indices, sizeof(ordered_plug_indices));
+ }
+ if (total_ephemeral_plugs == (END_SPACE_AFTER_GC + Align (min_obj_size)))
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("No ephemeral plugs to realloc, done"));
+ size_t empty_eph = (END_SPACE_AFTER_GC + Align (min_obj_size) + (Align (min_obj_size)) * (max_generation + 1));
+ BOOL can_fit_empty_eph = (largest_free_space >= empty_eph);
+ if (!can_fit_empty_eph)
+ {
+ can_fit_empty_eph = (additional_space >= empty_eph);
+ if (can_fit_empty_eph)
+ {
+ *use_additional_space = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return can_fit_empty_eph;
+ }
+ if ((total_ephemeral_plugs + approximate_new_allocation()) >= (free_space + additional_space))
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("We won't have enough free space left in this segment after fitting, done"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if ((free_space + additional_space) == 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("No free space in this segment, done"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("Free spaces:"));
+ size_t total_free_space_power2 = 0;
+ size_t total_free_space_items =
+ dump_buckets (ordered_free_space_indices,
+ &total_free_space_power2);
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("currently max free spaces is %Id", max_free_space_items));
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("Ephemeral plugs: 0x%Ix, free space: 0x%Ix (rounded down to 0x%Ix (%Id%%)), additional free_space: 0x%Ix",
+ total_ephemeral_plugs,
+ free_space,
+ total_free_space_power2,
+ (free_space ? (total_free_space_power2 * 100 / free_space) : 0),
+ additional_space));
+ size_t saved_all_free_space_indices[MAX_NUM_BUCKETS];
+ memcpy (saved_all_free_space_indices,
+ ordered_free_space_indices,
+ sizeof(saved_all_free_space_indices));
+#endif // SEG_REUSE_STATS
+ if (total_ephemeral_plugs > (free_space + additional_space))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ use_bestfit = try_best_fit(FALSE);
+ if (!use_bestfit && additional_space)
+ {
+ int relative_free_space_index = relative_index_power2_free_space (round_down_power2 (additional_space));
+ if (relative_free_space_index != -1)
+ {
+ int relative_plug_index = 0;
+ size_t plugs_to_fit = 0;
+ for (relative_plug_index = (MAX_NUM_BUCKETS - 1); relative_plug_index >= 0; relative_plug_index--)
+ {
+ plugs_to_fit = ordered_plug_indices[relative_plug_index];
+ if (plugs_to_fit != 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((relative_plug_index > relative_free_space_index) ||
+ ((relative_plug_index == relative_free_space_index) &&
+ (plugs_to_fit > 1)))
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("additional space is 2^%d but we stopped at %d 2^%d plug(s)",
+ (relative_free_space_index + MIN_INDEX_POWER2),
+ plugs_to_fit,
+ (relative_plug_index + MIN_INDEX_POWER2)));
+#endif // SEG_REUSE_STATS
+ goto adjust;
+ }
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("Adding end of segment (2^%d)", (relative_free_space_index + MIN_INDEX_POWER2)));
+ ordered_free_space_indices[relative_free_space_index]++;
+ use_bestfit = try_best_fit(TRUE);
+ if (use_bestfit)
+ {
+ free_space_items++;
+ // Since we might've trimmed away some of the free spaces we had, we should see
+ // if we really need to use end of seg space - if it's the same or smaller than
+ // the largest space we trimmed we can just add that one back instead of
+ // using end of seg.
+ if (relative_free_space_index > trimmed_free_space_index)
+ {
+ *use_additional_space = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If the addition space is <= than the last trimmed space, we
+ // should just use that last trimmed space instead.
+ saved_ordered_free_space_indices[trimmed_free_space_index]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!use_bestfit)
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("couldn't fit..."));
+ size_t saved_max = max_free_space_items;
+ BOOL temp_bestfit = FALSE;
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("----Starting experiment process----"));
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("----Couldn't fit with max free items %Id", max_free_space_items));
+ // TODO: need to take the end of segment into consideration.
+ while (max_free_space_items <= total_free_space_items)
+ {
+ max_free_space_items += max_free_space_items / 2;
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("----Temporarily increasing max free spaces to %Id", max_free_space_items));
+ memcpy (ordered_free_space_indices,
+ saved_all_free_space_indices,
+ sizeof(ordered_free_space_indices));
+ if (try_best_fit(FALSE))
+ {
+ temp_bestfit = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (temp_bestfit)
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("----With %Id max free spaces we could fit", max_free_space_items));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("----Tried all free spaces and still couldn't fit, lost too much space"));
+ }
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("----Restoring max free spaces to %Id", saved_max));
+ max_free_space_items = saved_max;
+#endif // SEG_REUSE_STATS
+ if (free_space_items)
+ {
+ max_free_space_items = min (MAX_NUM_FREE_SPACES, free_space_items * 2);
+ max_free_space_items = max (max_free_space_items, MIN_NUM_FREE_SPACES);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ max_free_space_items = MAX_NUM_FREE_SPACES;
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("Adjusted number of max free spaces to %Id", max_free_space_items));
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("------End of best fitting process------\n"));
+ return use_bestfit;
+BOOL gc_heap::process_free_space (heap_segment* seg,
+ size_t free_space,
+ size_t min_free_size,
+ size_t min_cont_size,
+ size_t* total_free_space,
+ size_t* largest_free_space)
+ *total_free_space += free_space;
+ *largest_free_space = max (*largest_free_space, free_space);
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1, ("free space len: %Ix, total free space: %Ix, largest free space: %Ix",
+ free_space, *total_free_space, *largest_free_space));
+ if ((*total_free_space >= min_free_size) && (*largest_free_space >= min_cont_size))
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("(gen%d)total free: %Ix(min: %Ix), largest free: %Ix(min: %Ix). Found segment %Ix to reuse without bestfit",
+ settings.condemned_generation,
+ *total_free_space, min_free_size, *largest_free_space, min_cont_size,
+ (size_t)seg));
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ int free_space_index = relative_index_power2_free_space (round_down_power2 (free_space));
+ if (free_space_index != -1)
+ {
+ ordered_free_space_indices[free_space_index]++;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL gc_heap::expand_reused_seg_p()
+ BOOL reused_seg = FALSE;
+ int heap_expand_mechanism = gc_data_per_heap.get_mechanism (gc_heap_expand);
+ if ((heap_expand_mechanism == expand_reuse_bestfit) ||
+ (heap_expand_mechanism == expand_reuse_normal))
+ {
+ reused_seg = TRUE;
+ }
+ return reused_seg;
+BOOL gc_heap::can_expand_into_p (heap_segment* seg, size_t min_free_size, size_t min_cont_size,
+ allocator* gen_allocator)
+ min_cont_size += END_SPACE_AFTER_GC;
+ use_bestfit = FALSE;
+ commit_end_of_seg = FALSE;
+ bestfit_first_pin = 0;
+ uint8_t* first_address = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ uint8_t* end_address = heap_segment_reserved (seg);
+ size_t end_extra_space = end_space_after_gc();
+ if ((heap_segment_reserved (seg) - end_extra_space) <= heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("can_expand_into_p: can't use segment [%Ix %Ix, has less than %d bytes at the end",
+ first_address, end_address, end_extra_space));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ end_address -= end_extra_space;
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("can_expand_into_p(gen%d): min free: %Ix, min continuous: %Ix",
+ settings.condemned_generation, min_free_size, min_cont_size));
+ size_t eph_gen_starts = eph_gen_starts_size;
+ if (settings.condemned_generation == max_generation)
+ {
+ size_t free_space = 0;
+ size_t largest_free_space = free_space;
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("can_expand_into_p: gen2: testing segment [%Ix %Ix", first_address, end_address));
+ //Look through the pinned plugs for relevant ones and Look for the right pinned plug to start from.
+ //We are going to allocate the generation starts in the 1st free space,
+ //so start from the first free space that's big enough for gen starts and a min object size.
+ // If we see a free space that is >= gen starts but < gen starts + min obj size we just don't use it -
+ // we could use it by allocating the last generation start a bit bigger but
+ // the complexity isn't worth the effort (those plugs are from gen2
+ // already anyway).
+ reset_pinned_queue_bos();
+ mark* m = 0;
+ BOOL has_fit_gen_starts = FALSE;
+ init_ordered_free_space_indices ();
+ while (!pinned_plug_que_empty_p())
+ {
+ m = oldest_pin();
+ if ((pinned_plug (m) >= first_address) &&
+ (pinned_plug (m) < end_address) &&
+ (pinned_len (m) >= (eph_gen_starts + Align (min_obj_size))))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ deque_pinned_plug();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!pinned_plug_que_empty_p())
+ {
+ bestfit_first_pin = pinned_plug (m) - pinned_len (m);
+ if (process_free_space (seg,
+ pinned_len (m) - eph_gen_starts,
+ min_free_size, min_cont_size,
+ &free_space, &largest_free_space))
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ deque_pinned_plug();
+ m = oldest_pin();
+ has_fit_gen_starts = TRUE;
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("first pin is %Ix", pinned_plug (m)));
+ //tally up free space
+ while (!pinned_plug_que_empty_p() &&
+ ((pinned_plug (m) >= first_address) && (pinned_plug (m) < end_address)))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("looking at pin %Ix", pinned_plug (m)));
+ if (process_free_space (seg,
+ pinned_len (m),
+ min_free_size, min_cont_size,
+ &free_space, &largest_free_space))
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ deque_pinned_plug();
+ m = oldest_pin();
+ }
+ //try to find space at the end of the segment.
+ size_t end_space = (end_address - heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg));
+ size_t additional_space = ((min_free_size > free_space) ? (min_free_size - free_space) : 0);
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("end space: %Ix; additional: %Ix", end_space, additional_space));
+ if (end_space >= additional_space)
+ {
+ BOOL can_fit = TRUE;
+ commit_end_of_seg = TRUE;
+ if (largest_free_space < min_cont_size)
+ {
+ if (end_space >= min_cont_size)
+ {
+ additional_space = max (min_cont_size, additional_space);
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("(gen2)Found segment %Ix to reuse without bestfit, with committing end of seg for eph",
+ seg));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ can_fit = FALSE;
+ commit_end_of_seg = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_t additional_space_bestfit = additional_space;
+ if (!has_fit_gen_starts)
+ {
+ if (additional_space_bestfit < (eph_gen_starts + Align (min_obj_size)))
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("(gen2)Couldn't fit, gen starts not allocated yet and end space is too small: %Id",
+ additional_space_bestfit));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ bestfit_first_pin = heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg);
+ additional_space_bestfit -= eph_gen_starts;
+ }
+ can_fit = best_fit (free_space,
+ largest_free_space,
+ additional_space_bestfit,
+ &commit_end_of_seg);
+ if (can_fit)
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("(gen2)Found segment %Ix to reuse with bestfit, %s committing end of seg",
+ seg, (commit_end_of_seg ? "with" : "without")));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("(gen2)Couldn't fit, total free space is %Ix", (free_space + end_space)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("(gen2)Found segment %Ix to reuse without bestfit, with committing end of seg", seg));
+ }
+ assert (additional_space <= end_space);
+ if (commit_end_of_seg)
+ {
+ if (!grow_heap_segment (seg, heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) + additional_space))
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("Couldn't commit end of segment?!"));
+ use_bestfit = FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (use_bestfit)
+ {
+ // We increase the index here because growing heap segment could create a discrepency with
+ // the additional space we used (could be bigger).
+ size_t free_space_end_of_seg =
+ heap_segment_committed (seg) - heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg);
+ int relative_free_space_index = relative_index_power2_free_space (round_down_power2 (free_space_end_of_seg));
+ saved_ordered_free_space_indices[relative_free_space_index]++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (use_bestfit)
+ {
+ memcpy (ordered_free_space_indices,
+ saved_ordered_free_space_indices,
+ sizeof(ordered_free_space_indices));
+ max_free_space_items = max (MIN_NUM_FREE_SPACES, free_space_items * 3 / 2);
+ max_free_space_items = min (MAX_NUM_FREE_SPACES, max_free_space_items);
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("could fit! %Id free spaces, %Id max", free_space_items, max_free_space_items));
+ }
+ return can_fit;
+ }
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("(gen2)Couldn't fit, total free space is %Ix", (free_space + end_space)));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (settings.condemned_generation == (max_generation-1));
+ size_t free_space = (end_address - heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg));
+ size_t largest_free_space = free_space;
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("can_expand_into_p: gen1: testing segment [%Ix %Ix", first_address, end_address));
+ //find the first free list in range of the current segment
+ size_t sz_list = gen_allocator->first_bucket_size();
+ unsigned int a_l_idx = 0;
+ uint8_t* free_list = 0;
+ for (; a_l_idx < gen_allocator->number_of_buckets(); a_l_idx++)
+ {
+ if ((eph_gen_starts <= sz_list) || (a_l_idx == (gen_allocator->number_of_buckets()-1)))
+ {
+ free_list = gen_allocator->alloc_list_head_of (a_l_idx);
+ while (free_list)
+ {
+ if ((free_list >= first_address) &&
+ (free_list < end_address) &&
+ (unused_array_size (free_list) >= eph_gen_starts))
+ {
+ goto next;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ free_list = free_list_slot (free_list);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (free_list)
+ {
+ init_ordered_free_space_indices ();
+ if (process_free_space (seg,
+ unused_array_size (free_list) - eph_gen_starts + Align (min_obj_size),
+ min_free_size, min_cont_size,
+ &free_space, &largest_free_space))
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ free_list = free_list_slot (free_list);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("(gen1)Couldn't fit, no free list"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ //tally up free space
+ while (1)
+ {
+ while (free_list)
+ {
+ if ((free_list >= first_address) && (free_list < end_address) &&
+ process_free_space (seg,
+ unused_array_size (free_list),
+ min_free_size, min_cont_size,
+ &free_space, &largest_free_space))
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ free_list = free_list_slot (free_list);
+ }
+ a_l_idx++;
+ if (a_l_idx < gen_allocator->number_of_buckets())
+ {
+ free_list = gen_allocator->alloc_list_head_of (a_l_idx);
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("(gen1)Couldn't fit, total free space is %Ix", free_space));
+ return FALSE;
+ /*
+ BOOL can_fit = best_fit (free_space, 0, NULL);
+ if (can_fit)
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("(gen1)Found segment %Ix to reuse with bestfit", seg));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0, ("(gen1)Couldn't fit, total free space is %Ix", free_space));
+ }
+ return can_fit;
+ */
+ }
+void gc_heap::realloc_plug (size_t last_plug_size, uint8_t*& last_plug,
+ generation* gen, uint8_t* start_address,
+ unsigned int& active_new_gen_number,
+ uint8_t*& last_pinned_gap, BOOL& leftp,
+ BOOL shortened_p
+ , mark* pinned_plug_entry
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ )
+ // detect generation boundaries
+ // make sure that active_new_gen_number is not the youngest generation.
+ // because the generation_limit wouldn't return the right thing in this case.
+ if (!use_bestfit)
+ {
+ if ((active_new_gen_number > 1) &&
+ (last_plug >= generation_limit (active_new_gen_number)))
+ {
+ assert (last_plug >= start_address);
+ active_new_gen_number--;
+ realloc_plan_generation_start (generation_of (active_new_gen_number), gen);
+ assert (generation_plan_allocation_start (generation_of (active_new_gen_number)));
+ leftp = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ // detect pinned plugs
+ if (!pinned_plug_que_empty_p() && (last_plug == pinned_plug (oldest_pin())))
+ {
+ size_t entry = deque_pinned_plug();
+ mark* m = pinned_plug_of (entry);
+ size_t saved_pinned_len = pinned_len(m);
+ pinned_len(m) = last_plug - last_pinned_gap;
+ //dprintf (3,("Adjusting pinned gap: [%Ix, %Ix[", (size_t)last_pinned_gap, (size_t)last_plug));
+ if (m->has_post_plug_info())
+ {
+ last_plug_size += sizeof (gap_reloc_pair);
+ dprintf (3, ("ra pinned %Ix was shortened, adjusting plug size to %Ix", last_plug, last_plug_size))
+ }
+ last_pinned_gap = last_plug + last_plug_size;
+ dprintf (3, ("ra found pin %Ix, len: %Ix->%Ix, last_p: %Ix, last_p_size: %Ix",
+ pinned_plug (m), saved_pinned_len, pinned_len (m), last_plug, last_plug_size));
+ leftp = FALSE;
+ //we are creating a generation fault. set the cards.
+ {
+ size_t end_card = card_of (align_on_card (last_plug + last_plug_size));
+ size_t card = card_of (last_plug);
+ while (card != end_card)
+ {
+ set_card (card);
+ card++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (last_plug >= start_address)
+ {
+ int requiredAlignment;
+ ptrdiff_t pad;
+ node_aligninfo (last_plug, requiredAlignment, pad);
+ // from how we previously aligned the plug's destination address,
+ // compute the actual alignment offset.
+ uint8_t* reloc_plug = last_plug + node_relocation_distance (last_plug);
+ ptrdiff_t alignmentOffset = ComputeStructAlignPad(reloc_plug, requiredAlignment, 0);
+ if (!alignmentOffset)
+ {
+ // allocate_in_expanded_heap doesn't expect alignmentOffset to be zero.
+ alignmentOffset = requiredAlignment;
+ }
+ //clear the alignment info because we are reallocating
+ clear_node_aligninfo (last_plug);
+ //clear the realignment flag because we are reallocating
+ clear_node_realigned (last_plug);
+ BOOL adjacentp = FALSE;
+ BOOL set_padding_on_saved_p = FALSE;
+ if (shortened_p)
+ {
+ last_plug_size += sizeof (gap_reloc_pair);
+ assert (pinned_plug_entry != NULL);
+ if (last_plug_size <= sizeof (plug_and_gap))
+ {
+ set_padding_on_saved_p = TRUE;
+ }
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ dprintf (3, ("ra plug %Ix was shortened, adjusting plug size to %Ix", last_plug, last_plug_size))
+ }
+ clear_padding_in_expand (last_plug, set_padding_on_saved_p, pinned_plug_entry);
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ uint8_t* new_address = allocate_in_expanded_heap(gen, last_plug_size, adjacentp, last_plug,
+ set_padding_on_saved_p,
+ pinned_plug_entry,
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ TRUE, active_new_gen_number REQD_ALIGN_AND_OFFSET_ARG);
+ dprintf (3, ("ra NA: [%Ix, %Ix[: %Ix", new_address, (new_address + last_plug_size), last_plug_size));
+ assert (new_address);
+ set_node_relocation_distance (last_plug, new_address - last_plug);
+ if (leftp && node_alignpad (last_plug) == 0)
+ if (leftp && !node_realigned (last_plug))
+ {
+ // TODO - temporarily disable L optimization because of a bug in it.
+ //set_node_left (last_plug);
+ }
+ dprintf (3,(" Re-allocating %Ix->%Ix len %Id", (size_t)last_plug, (size_t)new_address, last_plug_size));
+ leftp = adjacentp;
+ }
+void gc_heap::realloc_in_brick (uint8_t* tree, uint8_t*& last_plug,
+ uint8_t* start_address,
+ generation* gen,
+ unsigned int& active_new_gen_number,
+ uint8_t*& last_pinned_gap, BOOL& leftp)
+ assert (tree != NULL);
+ int left_node = node_left_child (tree);
+ int right_node = node_right_child (tree);
+ dprintf (3, ("ra: tree: %Ix, last_pin_gap: %Ix, last_p: %Ix, L: %d, R: %d",
+ tree, last_pinned_gap, last_plug, left_node, right_node));
+ if (left_node)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("LN: realloc %Ix(%Ix)", (tree + left_node), last_plug));
+ realloc_in_brick ((tree + left_node), last_plug, start_address,
+ gen, active_new_gen_number, last_pinned_gap,
+ leftp);
+ }
+ if (last_plug != 0)
+ {
+ uint8_t* plug = tree;
+ BOOL has_pre_plug_info_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL has_post_plug_info_p = FALSE;
+ mark* pinned_plug_entry = get_next_pinned_entry (tree,
+ &has_pre_plug_info_p,
+ &has_post_plug_info_p,
+ // We only care about the pre plug info 'cause that's what decides if the last plug is shortened.
+ // The pinned plugs are handled in realloc_plug.
+ size_t gap_size = node_gap_size (plug);
+ uint8_t* gap = (plug - gap_size);
+ uint8_t* last_plug_end = gap;
+ size_t last_plug_size = (last_plug_end - last_plug);
+ // Cannot assert this - a plug could be less than that due to the shortened ones.
+ //assert (last_plug_size >= Align (min_obj_size));
+ dprintf (3, ("ra: plug %Ix, gap size: %Ix, last_pin_gap: %Ix, last_p: %Ix, last_p_end: %Ix, shortened: %d",
+ plug, gap_size, last_pinned_gap, last_plug, last_plug_end, (has_pre_plug_info_p ? 1 : 0)));
+ realloc_plug (last_plug_size, last_plug, gen, start_address,
+ active_new_gen_number, last_pinned_gap,
+ leftp, has_pre_plug_info_p
+ , pinned_plug_entry
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ );
+ }
+ last_plug = tree;
+ if (right_node)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("RN: realloc %Ix(%Ix)", (tree + right_node), last_plug));
+ realloc_in_brick ((tree + right_node), last_plug, start_address,
+ gen, active_new_gen_number, last_pinned_gap,
+ leftp);
+ }
+gc_heap::realloc_plugs (generation* consing_gen, heap_segment* seg,
+ uint8_t* start_address, uint8_t* end_address,
+ unsigned active_new_gen_number)
+ dprintf (3, ("--- Reallocing ---"));
+ if (use_bestfit)
+ {
+ //make sure that every generation has a planned allocation start
+ int gen_number = max_generation - 1;
+ while (gen_number >= 0)
+ {
+ generation* gen = generation_of (gen_number);
+ if (0 == generation_plan_allocation_start (gen))
+ {
+ generation_plan_allocation_start (gen) =
+ bestfit_first_pin + (max_generation - gen_number - 1) * Align (min_obj_size);
+ generation_plan_allocation_start_size (gen) = Align (min_obj_size);
+ assert (generation_plan_allocation_start (gen));
+ }
+ gen_number--;
+ }
+ }
+ uint8_t* first_address = start_address;
+ //Look for the right pinned plug to start from.
+ reset_pinned_queue_bos();
+ uint8_t* planned_ephemeral_seg_end = heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg);
+ while (!pinned_plug_que_empty_p())
+ {
+ mark* m = oldest_pin();
+ if ((pinned_plug (m) >= planned_ephemeral_seg_end) && (pinned_plug (m) < end_address))
+ {
+ if (pinned_plug (m) < first_address)
+ {
+ first_address = pinned_plug (m);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ deque_pinned_plug();
+ }
+ size_t current_brick = brick_of (first_address);
+ size_t end_brick = brick_of (end_address-1);
+ uint8_t* last_plug = 0;
+ uint8_t* last_pinned_gap = heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg);
+ BOOL leftp = FALSE;
+ dprintf (3, ("start addr: %Ix, first addr: %Ix, current oldest pin: %Ix",
+ start_address, first_address, pinned_plug (oldest_pin())));
+ while (current_brick <= end_brick)
+ {
+ int brick_entry = brick_table [ current_brick ];
+ if (brick_entry >= 0)
+ {
+ realloc_in_brick ((brick_address (current_brick) + brick_entry - 1),
+ last_plug, start_address, consing_gen,
+ active_new_gen_number, last_pinned_gap,
+ leftp);
+ }
+ current_brick++;
+ }
+ if (last_plug != 0)
+ {
+ realloc_plug (end_address - last_plug, last_plug, consing_gen,
+ start_address,
+ active_new_gen_number, last_pinned_gap,
+ leftp, FALSE
+ , NULL
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ );
+ }
+ //Fix the old segment allocated size
+ assert (last_pinned_gap >= heap_segment_mem (seg));
+ assert (last_pinned_gap <= heap_segment_committed (seg));
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) = last_pinned_gap;
+void gc_heap::verify_no_pins (uint8_t* start, uint8_t* end)
+ if (g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel() & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_GC)
+ {
+ BOOL contains_pinned_plugs = FALSE;
+ size_t mi = 0;
+ mark* m = 0;
+ while (mi != mark_stack_tos)
+ {
+ m = pinned_plug_of (mi);
+ if ((pinned_plug (m) >= start) && (pinned_plug (m) < end))
+ {
+ contains_pinned_plugs = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ mi++;
+ }
+ if (contains_pinned_plugs)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+#endif //VERIFY_HEAP
+void gc_heap::set_expand_in_full_gc (int condemned_gen_number)
+ if (!should_expand_in_full_gc)
+ {
+ if ((condemned_gen_number != max_generation) &&
+ (settings.pause_mode != pause_low_latency) &&
+ (settings.pause_mode != pause_sustained_low_latency))
+ {
+ should_expand_in_full_gc = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+void gc_heap::save_ephemeral_generation_starts()
+ for (int ephemeral_generation = 0; ephemeral_generation < max_generation; ephemeral_generation++)
+ {
+ saved_ephemeral_plan_start[ephemeral_generation] =
+ generation_plan_allocation_start (generation_of (ephemeral_generation));
+ saved_ephemeral_plan_start_size[ephemeral_generation] =
+ generation_plan_allocation_start_size (generation_of (ephemeral_generation));
+ }
+generation* gc_heap::expand_heap (int condemned_generation,
+ generation* consing_gen,
+ heap_segment* new_heap_segment)
+ UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(condemned_generation);
+ assert (condemned_generation >= (max_generation -1));
+ unsigned int active_new_gen_number = max_generation; //Set one too high to get generation gap
+ uint8_t* start_address = generation_limit (max_generation);
+ uint8_t* end_address = heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ BOOL should_promote_ephemeral = FALSE;
+ ptrdiff_t eph_size = total_ephemeral_size;
+ dprintf(2,("%s: ---- Heap Expansion ----", (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p() ? "FGC" : "NGC")));
+ settings.heap_expansion = TRUE;
+ if (cm_in_progress)
+ {
+ if (!expanded_in_fgc)
+ {
+ expanded_in_fgc = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ //reset the elevation state for next time.
+ dprintf (2, ("Elevation: elevation = el_none"));
+ if (settings.should_lock_elevation && !expand_reused_seg_p())
+ settings.should_lock_elevation = FALSE;
+ heap_segment* new_seg = new_heap_segment;
+ if (!new_seg)
+ return consing_gen;
+ //copy the card and brick tables
+ if (g_card_table!= card_table)
+ copy_brick_card_table();
+ BOOL new_segment_p = (heap_segment_next (new_seg) == 0);
+ dprintf (2, ("new_segment_p %Ix", (size_t)new_segment_p));
+ assert (generation_plan_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation-1)));
+ assert (generation_plan_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation-1)) >=
+ heap_segment_mem (ephemeral_heap_segment));
+ assert (generation_plan_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation-1)) <=
+ heap_segment_committed (ephemeral_heap_segment));
+ assert (generation_plan_allocation_start (youngest_generation));
+ assert (generation_plan_allocation_start (youngest_generation) <
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment));
+ if (settings.pause_mode == pause_no_gc)
+ {
+ // We don't reuse for no gc, so the size used on the new eph seg is eph_size.
+ if ((size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (new_seg) - heap_segment_mem (new_seg)) < (eph_size + soh_allocation_no_gc))
+ should_promote_ephemeral = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!use_bestfit)
+ {
+ should_promote_ephemeral = dt_low_ephemeral_space_p (tuning_deciding_promote_ephemeral);
+ }
+ }
+ if (should_promote_ephemeral)
+ {
+ ephemeral_promotion = TRUE;
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->set_mechanism (gc_heap_expand, expand_new_seg_ep);
+ dprintf (2, ("promoting ephemeral"));
+ save_ephemeral_generation_starts();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // commit the new ephemeral segment all at once if it is a new one.
+ if ((eph_size > 0) && new_segment_p)
+ {
+ // The destination may require a larger alignment padding than the source.
+ // Assume the worst possible alignment padding.
+ eph_size += ComputeStructAlignPad(heap_segment_mem (new_seg), MAX_STRUCTALIGN, OBJECT_ALIGNMENT_OFFSET);
+ //Since the generation start can be larger than min_obj_size
+ //The alignment could be switched.
+ eph_size += switch_alignment_size(FALSE);
+ //Since the generation start can be larger than min_obj_size
+ //Compare the alignemnt of the first object in gen1
+ if (grow_heap_segment (new_seg, heap_segment_mem (new_seg) + eph_size) == 0)
+ {
+ fgm_result.set_fgm (fgm_commit_eph_segment, eph_size, FALSE);
+ return consing_gen;
+ }
+ heap_segment_used (new_seg) = heap_segment_committed (new_seg);
+ }
+ //Fix the end of the old ephemeral heap segment
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) =
+ generation_plan_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation-1));
+ dprintf (3, ("Old ephemeral allocated set to %Ix",
+ (size_t)heap_segment_plan_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment)));
+ }
+ if (new_segment_p)
+ {
+ // TODO - Is this really necessary? We should think about it.
+ //initialize the first brick
+ size_t first_brick = brick_of (heap_segment_mem (new_seg));
+ set_brick (first_brick,
+ heap_segment_mem (new_seg) - brick_address (first_brick));
+ }
+ //From this point on, we cannot run out of memory
+ //reset the allocation of the consing generation back to the end of the
+ //old ephemeral segment
+ generation_allocation_limit (consing_gen) =
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen) = generation_allocation_limit (consing_gen);
+ generation_allocation_segment (consing_gen) = ephemeral_heap_segment;
+ //clear the generation gap for all of the ephemeral generations
+ {
+ int generation_num = max_generation-1;
+ while (generation_num >= 0)
+ {
+ generation* gen = generation_of (generation_num);
+ generation_plan_allocation_start (gen) = 0;
+ generation_num--;
+ }
+ }
+ heap_segment* old_seg = ephemeral_heap_segment;
+ ephemeral_heap_segment = new_seg;
+ //Note: the ephemeral segment shouldn't be threaded onto the segment chain
+ //because the relocation and compact phases shouldn't see it
+ // set the generation members used by allocate_in_expanded_heap
+ // and switch to ephemeral generation
+ consing_gen = ensure_ephemeral_heap_segment (consing_gen);
+ if (!should_promote_ephemeral)
+ {
+ realloc_plugs (consing_gen, old_seg, start_address, end_address,
+ active_new_gen_number);
+ }
+ if (!use_bestfit)
+ {
+ repair_allocation_in_expanded_heap (consing_gen);
+ }
+ // assert that the generation gap for all of the ephemeral generations were allocated.
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ {
+ int generation_num = max_generation-1;
+ while (generation_num >= 0)
+ {
+ generation* gen = generation_of (generation_num);
+ assert (generation_plan_allocation_start (gen));
+ generation_num--;
+ }
+ }
+#endif // _DEBUG
+ if (!new_segment_p)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("Demoting ephemeral segment"));
+ //demote the entire segment.
+ settings.demotion = TRUE;
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->set_mechanism_bit (gc_demotion_bit);
+ demotion_low = heap_segment_mem (ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ demotion_high = heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ demotion_low = MAX_PTR;
+ demotion_high = 0;
+ settings.demotion = FALSE;
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->clear_mechanism_bit (gc_demotion_bit);
+ }
+ ptrdiff_t eph_size1 = total_ephemeral_size;
+ MAYBE_UNUSED_VAR(eph_size1);
+ if (!should_promote_ephemeral && new_segment_p)
+ {
+ assert (eph_size1 <= eph_size);
+ }
+ if (heap_segment_mem (old_seg) == heap_segment_plan_allocated (old_seg))
+ {
+ // This is to catch when we accidently delete a segment that has pins.
+ verify_no_pins (heap_segment_mem (old_seg), heap_segment_reserved (old_seg));
+ }
+ verify_no_pins (heap_segment_plan_allocated (old_seg), heap_segment_reserved(old_seg));
+ dprintf(2,("---- End of Heap Expansion ----"));
+ return consing_gen;
+bool gc_heap::init_dynamic_data()
+ qpf = GCToOSInterface::QueryPerformanceFrequency();
+ uint32_t now = (uint32_t)GetHighPrecisionTimeStamp();
+ //clear some fields
+ for (int i = 0; i < max_generation+1; i++)
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (i);
+ dd->gc_clock = 0;
+ dd->time_clock = now;
+ }
+ if (heap_number == 0)
+ time_init = now;
+ // get the registry setting for generation 0 size
+ size_t gen0size = GCHeap::GetValidGen0MaxSize(get_valid_segment_size());
+ dprintf (2, ("gen 0 size: %Id", gen0size));
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (0);
+ dd->current_size = 0;
+ dd->promoted_size = 0;
+ dd->collection_count = 0;
+// dd->limit = 3.0f;
+ dd->limit = 20.0f; // be more aggressive on server gc
+ dd->max_limit = 40.0f;
+ dd->limit = 9.0f;
+// dd->max_limit = 15.0f; //10.0f;
+ dd->max_limit = 20.0f;
+ dd->min_gc_size = Align(gen0size / 8 * 5);
+ dd->min_size = dd->min_gc_size;
+ //dd->max_size = Align (gen0size);
+ //gc_can_use_concurrent is not necessarily 0 for server builds
+ bool can_use_concurrent = gc_can_use_concurrent;
+#else // !BACKGROUND_GC
+ bool can_use_concurrent = false;
+#endif // BACKGROUND_GC
+ dd->max_size = max (6*1024*1024, min ( Align(get_valid_segment_size()/2), 200*1024*1024));
+ dd->max_size = (can_use_concurrent ?
+ 6*1024*1024 :
+ max (6*1024*1024, min ( Align(get_valid_segment_size()/2), 200*1024*1024)));
+ dd->new_allocation = dd->min_gc_size;
+ dd->gc_new_allocation = dd->new_allocation;
+ dd->desired_allocation = dd->new_allocation;
+ dd->default_new_allocation = dd->min_gc_size;
+ dd->fragmentation = 0;
+ dd->fragmentation_limit = 40000;
+ dd->fragmentation_burden_limit = 0.5f;
+ dd = dynamic_data_of (1);
+ dd->current_size = 0;
+ dd->promoted_size = 0;
+ dd->collection_count = 0;
+ dd->limit = 2.0f;
+// dd->max_limit = 15.0f;
+ dd->max_limit = 7.0f;
+ dd->min_gc_size = 9*32*1024;
+ dd->min_size = dd->min_gc_size;
+// dd->max_size = 2397152;
+ dd->max_size = max (6*1024*1024, Align(get_valid_segment_size()/2));
+ dd->max_size = (can_use_concurrent ?
+ 6*1024*1024 :
+ max (6*1024*1024, Align(get_valid_segment_size()/2)));
+ dd->new_allocation = dd->min_gc_size;
+ dd->gc_new_allocation = dd->new_allocation;
+ dd->desired_allocation = dd->new_allocation;
+ dd->default_new_allocation = dd->min_gc_size;
+ dd->fragmentation = 0;
+ dd->fragmentation_limit = 80000;
+ dd->fragmentation_burden_limit = 0.5f;
+ dd = dynamic_data_of (2);
+ dd->current_size = 0;
+ dd->promoted_size = 0;
+ dd->collection_count = 0;
+ dd->limit = 1.2f;
+ dd->max_limit = 1.8f;
+ dd->min_gc_size = 256*1024;
+ dd->min_size = dd->min_gc_size;
+ dd->max_size = SSIZE_T_MAX;
+ dd->new_allocation = dd->min_gc_size;
+ dd->gc_new_allocation = dd->new_allocation;
+ dd->desired_allocation = dd->new_allocation;
+ dd->default_new_allocation = dd->min_gc_size;
+ dd->fragmentation = 0;
+ dd->fragmentation_limit = 200000;
+ dd->fragmentation_burden_limit = 0.25f;
+ //dynamic data for large objects
+ dd = dynamic_data_of (3);
+ dd->current_size = 0;
+ dd->promoted_size = 0;
+ dd->collection_count = 0;
+ dd->limit = 1.25f;
+ dd->max_limit = 4.5f;
+ dd->min_gc_size = 3*1024*1024;
+ dd->min_size = dd->min_gc_size;
+ dd->max_size = SSIZE_T_MAX;
+ dd->new_allocation = dd->min_gc_size;
+ dd->gc_new_allocation = dd->new_allocation;
+ dd->desired_allocation = dd->new_allocation;
+ dd->default_new_allocation = dd->min_gc_size;
+ dd->fragmentation = 0;
+ dd->fragmentation_limit = 0;
+ dd->fragmentation_burden_limit = 0.0f;
+ return true;
+float gc_heap::surv_to_growth (float cst, float limit, float max_limit)
+ if (cst < ((max_limit - limit ) / (limit * (max_limit-1.0f))))
+ return ((limit - limit*cst) / (1.0f - (cst * limit)));
+ else
+ return max_limit;
+//if the allocation budget wasn't exhausted, the new budget may be wrong because the survival may
+//not be correct (collection happened too soon). Correct with a linear estimation based on the previous
+//value of the budget
+static size_t linear_allocation_model (float allocation_fraction, size_t new_allocation,
+ size_t previous_desired_allocation, size_t collection_count)
+ if ((allocation_fraction < 0.95) && (allocation_fraction > 0.0))
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("allocation fraction: %d", (int)(allocation_fraction/100.0)));
+ new_allocation = (size_t)(allocation_fraction*new_allocation + (1.0-allocation_fraction)*previous_desired_allocation);
+ }
+#if 0
+ size_t smoothing = 3; // exponential smoothing factor
+ if (smoothing > collection_count)
+ smoothing = collection_count;
+ new_allocation = new_allocation / smoothing + ((previous_desired_allocation / smoothing) * (smoothing-1));
+ UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(collection_count);
+#endif //0
+ return new_allocation;
+size_t gc_heap::desired_new_allocation (dynamic_data* dd,
+ size_t out, int gen_number,
+ int pass)
+ gc_history_per_heap* current_gc_data_per_heap = get_gc_data_per_heap();
+ if (dd_begin_data_size (dd) == 0)
+ {
+ size_t new_allocation = dd_default_new_allocation (dd);
+ current_gc_data_per_heap->gen_data[gen_number].new_allocation = new_allocation;
+ return new_allocation;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ float cst;
+ size_t previous_desired_allocation = dd_desired_allocation (dd);
+ size_t current_size = dd_current_size (dd);
+ float max_limit = dd_max_limit (dd);
+ float limit = dd_limit (dd);
+ size_t min_gc_size = dd_min_gc_size (dd);
+ float f = 0;
+ size_t max_size = dd_max_size (dd);
+ size_t new_allocation = 0;
+ float allocation_fraction = (float) (dd_desired_allocation (dd) - dd_gc_new_allocation (dd)) / (float) (dd_desired_allocation (dd));
+ if (gen_number >= max_generation)
+ {
+ size_t new_size = 0;
+ cst = min (1.0f, float (out) / float (dd_begin_data_size (dd)));
+ f = surv_to_growth (cst, limit, max_limit);
+ size_t max_growth_size = (size_t)(max_size / f);
+ if (current_size >= max_growth_size)
+ {
+ new_size = max_size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ new_size = (size_t) min (max ( (f * current_size), min_gc_size), max_size);
+ }
+ assert ((new_size >= current_size) || (new_size == max_size));
+ if (gen_number == max_generation)
+ {
+ new_allocation = max((new_size - current_size), min_gc_size);
+ new_allocation = linear_allocation_model (allocation_fraction, new_allocation,
+ dd_desired_allocation (dd), dd_collection_count (dd));
+ if ((dd_fragmentation (dd) > ((size_t)((f-1)*current_size))))
+ {
+ //reducing allocation in case of fragmentation
+ size_t new_allocation1 = max (min_gc_size,
+ (size_t)((float)new_allocation * current_size /
+ ((float)current_size + 2*dd_fragmentation (dd))));
+ dprintf (2, ("Reducing max_gen allocation due to fragmentation from %Id to %Id",
+ new_allocation, new_allocation1));
+ new_allocation = new_allocation1;
+ }
+ }
+ else //large object heap
+ {
+ uint64_t available_physical = 0;
+ get_memory_info (NULL, &available_physical);
+ if (available_physical > 1024*1024)
+ available_physical -= 1024*1024;
+ uint64_t available_free = available_physical + (uint64_t)generation_free_list_space (generation_of (gen_number));
+ if (available_free > (uint64_t)MAX_PTR)
+ {
+ available_free = (uint64_t)MAX_PTR;
+ }
+ //try to avoid OOM during large object allocation
+ new_allocation = max (min(max((new_size - current_size), dd_desired_allocation (dynamic_data_of (max_generation))),
+ (size_t)available_free),
+ max ((current_size/4), min_gc_size));
+ new_allocation = linear_allocation_model (allocation_fraction, new_allocation,
+ dd_desired_allocation (dd), dd_collection_count (dd));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_t survivors = out;
+ cst = float (survivors) / float (dd_begin_data_size (dd));
+ f = surv_to_growth (cst, limit, max_limit);
+ new_allocation = (size_t) min (max ((f * (survivors)), min_gc_size), max_size);
+ new_allocation = linear_allocation_model (allocation_fraction, new_allocation,
+ dd_desired_allocation (dd), dd_collection_count (dd));
+ if (gen_number == 0)
+ {
+ if (pass == 0)
+ {
+ //printf ("%f, %Id\n", cst, new_allocation);
+ size_t free_space = generation_free_list_space (generation_of (gen_number));
+ // DTREVIEW - is min_gc_size really a good choice?
+ // on 64-bit this will almost always be true.
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("frag: %Id, min: %Id", free_space, min_gc_size));
+ if (free_space > min_gc_size)
+ {
+ settings.gen0_reduction_count = 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (settings.gen0_reduction_count > 0)
+ settings.gen0_reduction_count--;
+ }
+ }
+ if (settings.gen0_reduction_count > 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("Reducing new allocation based on fragmentation"));
+ new_allocation = min (new_allocation,
+ max (min_gc_size, (max_size/3)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t new_allocation_ret =
+ Align (new_allocation, get_alignment_constant (!(gen_number == (max_generation+1))));
+ int gen_data_index = gen_number;
+ gc_generation_data* gen_data = &(current_gc_data_per_heap->gen_data[gen_data_index]);
+ gen_data->new_allocation = new_allocation_ret;
+ dd_surv (dd) = cst;
+ dprintf (1, ("h%d g%d surv: %Id current: %Id alloc: %Id (%d%%) f: %d%% new-size: %Id new-alloc: %Id",
+ heap_number, gen_number, out, current_size, (dd_desired_allocation (dd) - dd_gc_new_allocation (dd)),
+ (int)(cst*100), (int)(f*100), current_size + new_allocation, new_allocation));
+ dprintf (1,("gen: %d in: %Id out: %Id ", gen_number, generation_allocation_size (generation_of (gen_number)), out));
+ dprintf (1,("current: %Id alloc: %Id ", current_size, (dd_desired_allocation (dd) - dd_gc_new_allocation (dd))));
+ dprintf (1,(" surv: %d%% f: %d%% new-size: %Id new-alloc: %Id",
+ (int)(cst*100), (int)(f*100), current_size + new_allocation, new_allocation));
+ return new_allocation_ret;
+ }
+//returns the planned size of a generation (including free list element)
+size_t gc_heap::generation_plan_size (int gen_number)
+ if (0 == gen_number)
+ return max((heap_segment_plan_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) -
+ generation_plan_allocation_start (generation_of (gen_number))),
+ (int)Align (min_obj_size));
+ else
+ {
+ generation* gen = generation_of (gen_number);
+ if (heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen)) == ephemeral_heap_segment)
+ return (generation_plan_allocation_start (generation_of (gen_number - 1)) -
+ generation_plan_allocation_start (generation_of (gen_number)));
+ else
+ {
+ size_t gensize = 0;
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ while (seg && (seg != ephemeral_heap_segment))
+ {
+ gensize += heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg) -
+ heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ }
+ if (seg)
+ {
+ gensize += (generation_plan_allocation_start (generation_of (gen_number - 1)) -
+ heap_segment_mem (ephemeral_heap_segment));
+ }
+ return gensize;
+ }
+ }
+//returns the size of a generation (including free list element)
+size_t gc_heap::generation_size (int gen_number)
+ if (0 == gen_number)
+ return max((heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) -
+ generation_allocation_start (generation_of (gen_number))),
+ (int)Align (min_obj_size));
+ else
+ {
+ generation* gen = generation_of (gen_number);
+ if (heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen)) == ephemeral_heap_segment)
+ return (generation_allocation_start (generation_of (gen_number - 1)) -
+ generation_allocation_start (generation_of (gen_number)));
+ else
+ {
+ size_t gensize = 0;
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ while (seg && (seg != ephemeral_heap_segment))
+ {
+ gensize += heap_segment_allocated (seg) -
+ heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ }
+ if (seg)
+ {
+ gensize += (generation_allocation_start (generation_of (gen_number - 1)) -
+ heap_segment_mem (ephemeral_heap_segment));
+ }
+ return gensize;
+ }
+ }
+size_t gc_heap::compute_in (int gen_number)
+ assert (gen_number != 0);
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (gen_number);
+ size_t in = generation_allocation_size (generation_of (gen_number));
+ if (gen_number == max_generation && ephemeral_promotion)
+ {
+ in = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i <= max_generation; i++)
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (i);
+ in += dd_survived_size (dd);
+ if (i != max_generation)
+ {
+ generation_condemned_allocated (generation_of (gen_number)) += dd_survived_size (dd);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dd_gc_new_allocation (dd) -= in;
+ dd_new_allocation (dd) = dd_gc_new_allocation (dd);
+ gc_history_per_heap* current_gc_data_per_heap = get_gc_data_per_heap();
+ gc_generation_data* gen_data = &(current_gc_data_per_heap->gen_data[gen_number]);
+ gen_data->in = in;
+ generation_allocation_size (generation_of (gen_number)) = 0;
+ return in;
+void gc_heap::compute_promoted_allocation (int gen_number)
+ compute_in (gen_number);
+#ifdef BIT64
+size_t gc_heap::trim_youngest_desired (uint32_t memory_load,
+ size_t total_new_allocation,
+ size_t total_min_allocation)
+ if (memory_load < MAX_ALLOWED_MEM_LOAD)
+ {
+ // If the total of memory load and gen0 budget exceeds
+ // our max memory load limit, trim the gen0 budget so the total
+ // is the max memory load limit.
+ size_t remain_memory_load = (MAX_ALLOWED_MEM_LOAD - memory_load) * mem_one_percent;
+ return min (total_new_allocation, remain_memory_load);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return max (mem_one_percent, total_min_allocation);
+ }
+size_t gc_heap::joined_youngest_desired (size_t new_allocation)
+ dprintf (2, ("Entry memory load: %d; gen0 new_alloc: %Id", settings.entry_memory_load, new_allocation));
+ size_t final_new_allocation = new_allocation;
+ if (new_allocation > MIN_YOUNGEST_GEN_DESIRED)
+ {
+ uint32_t num_heaps = 1;
+ num_heaps = gc_heap::n_heaps;
+ size_t total_new_allocation = new_allocation * num_heaps;
+ size_t total_min_allocation = MIN_YOUNGEST_GEN_DESIRED * num_heaps;
+ if ((settings.entry_memory_load >= MAX_ALLOWED_MEM_LOAD) ||
+ (total_new_allocation > max (youngest_gen_desired_th, total_min_allocation)))
+ {
+ uint32_t memory_load = 0;
+ get_memory_info (&memory_load);
+ dprintf (2, ("Current emory load: %d", memory_load));
+ size_t final_total =
+ trim_youngest_desired (memory_load, total_new_allocation, total_min_allocation);
+ size_t max_new_allocation =
+ dd_max_size (g_heaps[0]->dynamic_data_of (0));
+ dd_max_size (dynamic_data_of (0));
+ final_new_allocation = min (Align ((final_total / num_heaps), get_alignment_constant (TRUE)), max_new_allocation);
+ }
+ }
+ if (final_new_allocation < new_allocation)
+ {
+ settings.gen0_reduction_count = 2;
+ }
+ return final_new_allocation;
+#endif // BIT64
+gc_history_per_heap* gc_heap::get_gc_data_per_heap()
+ return (settings.concurrent ? &bgc_data_per_heap : &gc_data_per_heap);
+ return &gc_data_per_heap;
+void gc_heap::compute_new_dynamic_data (int gen_number)
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(gen_number >= 0);
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(gen_number <= max_generation);
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (gen_number);
+ generation* gen = generation_of (gen_number);
+ size_t in = (gen_number==0) ? 0 : compute_in (gen_number);
+ size_t total_gen_size = generation_size (gen_number);
+ //keep track of fragmentation
+ dd_fragmentation (dd) = generation_free_list_space (gen) + generation_free_obj_space (gen);
+ dd_current_size (dd) = total_gen_size - dd_fragmentation (dd);
+ gc_history_per_heap* current_gc_data_per_heap = get_gc_data_per_heap();
+ size_t out = dd_survived_size (dd);
+ gc_generation_data* gen_data = &(current_gc_data_per_heap->gen_data[gen_number]);
+ gen_data->size_after = total_gen_size;
+ gen_data->free_list_space_after = generation_free_list_space (gen);
+ gen_data->free_obj_space_after = generation_free_obj_space (gen);
+ if ((settings.pause_mode == pause_low_latency) && (gen_number <= 1))
+ {
+ // When we are in the low latency mode, we can still be
+ // condemning more than gen1's 'cause of induced GCs.
+ dd_desired_allocation (dd) = low_latency_alloc;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (gen_number == 0)
+ {
+ //compensate for dead finalizable objects promotion.
+ //they shoudn't be counted for growth.
+ size_t final_promoted = 0;
+ final_promoted = min (promoted_bytes (heap_number), out);
+ // Prefast: this is clear from above but prefast needs to be told explicitly
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(final_promoted <= out);
+ dprintf (2, ("gen: %d final promoted: %Id", gen_number, final_promoted));
+ dd_freach_previous_promotion (dd) = final_promoted;
+ size_t lower_bound = desired_new_allocation (dd, out-final_promoted, gen_number, 0);
+ if (settings.condemned_generation == 0)
+ {
+ //there is no noise.
+ dd_desired_allocation (dd) = lower_bound;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_t higher_bound = desired_new_allocation (dd, out, gen_number, 1);
+ // <TODO>This assert was causing AppDomains\unload\test1n\test1nrun.bat to fail</TODO>
+ //assert ( lower_bound <= higher_bound);
+ //discount the noise. Change the desired allocation
+ //only if the previous value is outside of the range.
+ if (dd_desired_allocation (dd) < lower_bound)
+ {
+ dd_desired_allocation (dd) = lower_bound;
+ }
+ else if (dd_desired_allocation (dd) > higher_bound)
+ {
+ dd_desired_allocation (dd) = higher_bound;
+ }
+#if defined (BIT64) && !defined (MULTIPLE_HEAPS)
+ dd_desired_allocation (dd) = joined_youngest_desired (dd_desired_allocation (dd));
+#endif // BIT64 && !MULTIPLE_HEAPS
+ trim_youngest_desired_low_memory();
+ dprintf (2, ("final gen0 new_alloc: %Id", dd_desired_allocation (dd)));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dd_desired_allocation (dd) = desired_new_allocation (dd, out, gen_number, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ gen_data->pinned_surv = dd_pinned_survived_size (dd);
+ gen_data->npinned_surv = dd_survived_size (dd) - dd_pinned_survived_size (dd);
+ dd_gc_new_allocation (dd) = dd_desired_allocation (dd);
+ dd_new_allocation (dd) = dd_gc_new_allocation (dd);
+ //update counter
+ dd_promoted_size (dd) = out;
+ if (gen_number == max_generation)
+ {
+ dd = dynamic_data_of (max_generation+1);
+ total_gen_size = generation_size (max_generation + 1);
+ dd_fragmentation (dd) = generation_free_list_space (large_object_generation) +
+ generation_free_obj_space (large_object_generation);
+ dd_current_size (dd) = total_gen_size - dd_fragmentation (dd);
+ dd_survived_size (dd) = dd_current_size (dd);
+ in = 0;
+ out = dd_current_size (dd);
+ dd_desired_allocation (dd) = desired_new_allocation (dd, out, max_generation+1, 0);
+ dd_gc_new_allocation (dd) = Align (dd_desired_allocation (dd),
+ get_alignment_constant (FALSE));
+ dd_new_allocation (dd) = dd_gc_new_allocation (dd);
+ gen_data = &(current_gc_data_per_heap->gen_data[max_generation+1]);
+ gen_data->size_after = total_gen_size;
+ gen_data->free_list_space_after = generation_free_list_space (large_object_generation);
+ gen_data->free_obj_space_after = generation_free_obj_space (large_object_generation);
+ gen_data->npinned_surv = out;
+ end_loh_size = total_gen_size;
+ //update counter
+ dd_promoted_size (dd) = out;
+ }
+void gc_heap::trim_youngest_desired_low_memory()
+ if (g_low_memory_status)
+ {
+ size_t committed_mem = 0;
+ heap_segment* seg = generation_start_segment (generation_of (max_generation));
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ committed_mem += heap_segment_committed (seg) - heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ }
+ seg = generation_start_segment (generation_of (max_generation + 1));
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ committed_mem += heap_segment_committed (seg) - heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ }
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (0);
+ size_t current = dd_desired_allocation (dd);
+ size_t candidate = max (Align ((committed_mem / 10), get_alignment_constant(FALSE)), dd_min_gc_size (dd));
+ dd_desired_allocation (dd) = min (current, candidate);
+ }
+void gc_heap::decommit_ephemeral_segment_pages()
+ if (settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ size_t slack_space = heap_segment_committed (ephemeral_heap_segment) - heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (0);
+ size_t extra_space = (g_low_memory_status ? 0 : (512 * 1024));
+ size_t decommit_timeout = (g_low_memory_status ? 0 : GC_EPHEMERAL_DECOMMIT_TIMEOUT);
+ size_t ephemeral_elapsed = dd_time_clock(dd) - gc_last_ephemeral_decommit_time;
+ if (dd_desired_allocation (dd) > gc_gen0_desired_high)
+ {
+ gc_gen0_desired_high = dd_desired_allocation (dd) + extra_space;
+ }
+ if (ephemeral_elapsed >= decommit_timeout)
+ {
+ slack_space = min (slack_space, gc_gen0_desired_high);
+ gc_last_ephemeral_decommit_time = dd_time_clock(dd);
+ gc_gen0_desired_high = 0;
+ }
+ if (settings.condemned_generation >= (max_generation-1))
+ {
+ size_t new_slack_space =
+#ifdef BIT64
+ max(min(min(get_valid_segment_size()/32, dd_max_size(dd)), (generation_size (max_generation) / 10)), dd_desired_allocation(dd));
+ dd_desired_allocation (dd);
+ dd_max_size (dd);
+#endif // BIT64
+ slack_space = min (slack_space, new_slack_space);
+ }
+ decommit_heap_segment_pages (ephemeral_heap_segment, slack_space);
+ gc_history_per_heap* current_gc_data_per_heap = get_gc_data_per_heap();
+ current_gc_data_per_heap->extra_gen0_committed = heap_segment_committed (ephemeral_heap_segment) - heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment);
+size_t gc_heap::new_allocation_limit (size_t size, size_t free_size, int gen_number)
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (gen_number);
+ ptrdiff_t new_alloc = dd_new_allocation (dd);
+ assert (new_alloc == (ptrdiff_t)Align (new_alloc,
+ get_alignment_constant (!(gen_number == (max_generation+1)))));
+ size_t limit = min (max (new_alloc, (ptrdiff_t)size), (ptrdiff_t)free_size);
+ assert (limit == Align (limit, get_alignment_constant (!(gen_number == (max_generation+1)))));
+ dd_new_allocation (dd) = (new_alloc - limit );
+ return limit;
+//This is meant to be called by decide_on_compacting.
+size_t gc_heap::generation_fragmentation (generation* gen,
+ generation* consing_gen,
+ uint8_t* end)
+ size_t frag;
+ uint8_t* alloc = generation_allocation_pointer (consing_gen);
+ // If the allocation pointer has reached the ephemeral segment
+ // fine, otherwise the whole ephemeral segment is considered
+ // fragmentation
+ if (in_range_for_segment (alloc, ephemeral_heap_segment))
+ {
+ if (alloc <= heap_segment_allocated(ephemeral_heap_segment))
+ frag = end - alloc;
+ else
+ {
+ // case when no survivors, allocated set to beginning
+ frag = 0;
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("ephemeral frag: %Id", frag));
+ }
+ else
+ frag = (heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) -
+ heap_segment_mem (ephemeral_heap_segment));
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ while (seg != ephemeral_heap_segment)
+ {
+ frag += (heap_segment_allocated (seg) -
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg));
+ dprintf (3, ("seg: %Ix, frag: %Id", (size_t)seg,
+ (heap_segment_allocated (seg) -
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (seg))));
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ assert (seg);
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("frag: %Id discounting pinned plugs", frag));
+ //add the length of the dequeued plug free space
+ size_t bos = 0;
+ while (bos < mark_stack_bos)
+ {
+ frag += (pinned_len (pinned_plug_of (bos)));
+ bos++;
+ }
+ return frag;
+// for SOH this returns the total sizes of the generation and its
+// younger generation(s).
+// for LOH this returns just LOH size.
+size_t gc_heap::generation_sizes (generation* gen)
+ size_t result = 0;
+ if (generation_start_segment (gen ) == ephemeral_heap_segment)
+ result = (heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) -
+ generation_allocation_start (gen));
+ else
+ {
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_in_range (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ result += (heap_segment_allocated (seg) -
+ heap_segment_mem (seg));
+ seg = heap_segment_next_in_range (seg);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+BOOL gc_heap::decide_on_compacting (int condemned_gen_number,
+ size_t fragmentation,
+ BOOL& should_expand)
+ BOOL should_compact = FALSE;
+ should_expand = FALSE;
+ generation* gen = generation_of (condemned_gen_number);
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (condemned_gen_number);
+ size_t gen_sizes = generation_sizes(gen);
+ float fragmentation_burden = ( ((0 == fragmentation) || (0 == gen_sizes)) ? (0.0f) :
+ (float (fragmentation) / gen_sizes) );
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("fragmentation: %Id (%d%%)", fragmentation, (int)(fragmentation_burden * 100.0)));
+ // for pure GC stress runs we need compaction, for GC stress "mix"
+ // we need to ensure a better mix of compacting and sweeping collections
+ if (GCStress<cfg_any>::IsEnabled() && !settings.concurrent
+ && !g_pConfig->IsGCStressMix())
+ should_compact = TRUE;
+#ifdef GC_STATS
+ // in GC stress "mix" mode, for stress induced collections make sure we
+ // keep sweeps and compactions relatively balanced. do not (yet) force sweeps
+ // against the GC's determination, as it may lead to premature OOMs.
+ if (g_pConfig->IsGCStressMix() && settings.stress_induced)
+ {
+ int compactions = g_GCStatistics.cntCompactFGC+g_GCStatistics.cntCompactNGC;
+ int sweeps = g_GCStatistics.cntFGC + g_GCStatistics.cntNGC - compactions;
+ if (compactions < sweeps / 10)
+ {
+ should_compact = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+#endif // GC_STATS
+#endif //STRESS_HEAP
+ if (g_pConfig->GetGCForceCompact())
+ should_compact = TRUE;
+ if ((condemned_gen_number == max_generation) && last_gc_before_oom)
+ {
+ should_compact = TRUE;
+ last_gc_before_oom = FALSE;
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->set_mechanism (gc_heap_compact, compact_last_gc);
+ }
+ if (settings.reason == reason_induced_compacting)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("induced compacting GC"));
+ should_compact = TRUE;
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->set_mechanism (gc_heap_compact, compact_induced_compacting);
+ }
+ dprintf (2, ("Fragmentation: %d Fragmentation burden %d%%",
+ fragmentation, (int) (100*fragmentation_burden)));
+ if (!should_compact)
+ {
+ if (dt_low_ephemeral_space_p (tuning_deciding_compaction))
+ {
+ dprintf(GTC_LOG, ("compacting due to low ephemeral"));
+ should_compact = TRUE;
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->set_mechanism (gc_heap_compact, compact_low_ephemeral);
+ }
+ }
+ if (should_compact)
+ {
+ if ((condemned_gen_number >= (max_generation - 1)))
+ {
+ if (dt_low_ephemeral_space_p (tuning_deciding_expansion))
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG,("Not enough space for all ephemeral generations with compaction"));
+ should_expand = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef BIT64
+ BOOL high_memory = FALSE;
+#endif // BIT64
+ if (!should_compact)
+ {
+ // We are not putting this in dt_high_frag_p because it's not exactly
+ // high fragmentation - it's just enough planned fragmentation for us to
+ // want to compact. Also the "fragmentation" we are talking about here
+ // is different from anywhere else.
+ BOOL frag_exceeded = ((fragmentation >= dd_fragmentation_limit (dd)) &&
+ (fragmentation_burden >= dd_fragmentation_burden_limit (dd)));
+ if (frag_exceeded)
+ {
+ // do not force compaction if this was a stress-induced GC
+ IN_STRESS_HEAP(if (!settings.stress_induced))
+ {
+#endif // BACKGROUND_GC
+ assert (settings.concurrent == FALSE);
+ should_compact = TRUE;
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->set_mechanism (gc_heap_compact, compact_high_frag);
+ }
+#endif // BACKGROUND_GC
+ }
+#ifdef BIT64
+ // check for high memory situation
+ if(!should_compact)
+ {
+ uint32_t num_heaps = 1;
+ num_heaps = gc_heap::n_heaps;
+ ptrdiff_t reclaim_space = generation_size(max_generation) - generation_plan_size(max_generation);
+ if((settings.entry_memory_load >= high_memory_load_th) && (settings.entry_memory_load < v_high_memory_load_th))
+ {
+ if(reclaim_space > (int64_t)(min_high_fragmentation_threshold (entry_available_physical_mem, num_heaps)))
+ {
+ dprintf(GTC_LOG,("compacting due to fragmentation in high memory"));
+ should_compact = TRUE;
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->set_mechanism (gc_heap_compact, compact_high_mem_frag);
+ }
+ high_memory = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if(settings.entry_memory_load >= v_high_memory_load_th)
+ {
+ if(reclaim_space > (ptrdiff_t)(min_reclaim_fragmentation_threshold (num_heaps)))
+ {
+ dprintf(GTC_LOG,("compacting due to fragmentation in very high memory"));
+ should_compact = TRUE;
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->set_mechanism (gc_heap_compact, compact_vhigh_mem_frag);
+ }
+ high_memory = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+#endif // BIT64
+ }
+ // The purpose of calling ensure_gap_allocation here is to make sure
+ // that we actually are able to commit the memory to allocate generation
+ // starts.
+ if ((should_compact == FALSE) &&
+ (ensure_gap_allocation (condemned_gen_number) == FALSE))
+ {
+ should_compact = TRUE;
+ get_gc_data_per_heap()->set_mechanism (gc_heap_compact, compact_no_gaps);
+ }
+ if (settings.condemned_generation == max_generation)
+ {
+ //check the progress
+ if (
+#ifdef BIT64
+ (high_memory && !should_compact) ||
+#endif // BIT64
+ (generation_plan_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation - 1)) >=
+ generation_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation - 1))))
+ {
+ dprintf (2, (" Elevation: gen2 size: %d, gen2 plan size: %d, no progress, elevation = locked",
+ generation_size (max_generation),
+ generation_plan_size (max_generation)));
+ //no progress -> lock
+ settings.should_lock_elevation = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (settings.pause_mode == pause_no_gc)
+ {
+ should_compact = TRUE;
+ if ((size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment) - heap_segment_plan_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment))
+ < soh_allocation_no_gc)
+ {
+ should_expand = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf (2, ("will %s", (should_compact ? "compact" : "sweep")));
+ return should_compact;
+size_t align_lower_good_size_allocation (size_t size)
+ return (size/64)*64;
+size_t gc_heap::approximate_new_allocation()
+ dynamic_data* dd0 = dynamic_data_of (0);
+ return max (2*dd_min_size (dd0), ((dd_desired_allocation (dd0)*2)/3));
+// After we did a GC we expect to have at least this
+// much space at the end of the segment to satisfy
+// a reasonable amount of allocation requests.
+size_t gc_heap::end_space_after_gc()
+ return max ((dd_min_gc_size (dynamic_data_of (0))/2), (END_SPACE_AFTER_GC + Align (min_obj_size)));
+BOOL gc_heap::ephemeral_gen_fit_p (gc_tuning_point tp)
+ uint8_t* start = 0;
+ if ((tp == tuning_deciding_condemned_gen) ||
+ (tp == tuning_deciding_compaction))
+ {
+ start = (settings.concurrent ? alloc_allocated : heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment));
+ if (settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("%Id left at the end of ephemeral segment (alloc_allocated)",
+ (size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment) - alloc_allocated)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("%Id left at the end of ephemeral segment (allocated)",
+ (size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment) - heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment))));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (tp == tuning_deciding_expansion)
+ {
+ start = heap_segment_plan_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("%Id left at the end of ephemeral segment based on plan",
+ (size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment) - start)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (tp == tuning_deciding_full_gc);
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("FGC: %Id left at the end of ephemeral segment (alloc_allocated)",
+ (size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment) - alloc_allocated)));
+ start = alloc_allocated;
+ }
+ if (start == 0) // empty ephemeral generations
+ {
+ assert (tp == tuning_deciding_expansion);
+ // if there are no survivors in the ephemeral segment,
+ // this should be the beginning of ephemeral segment.
+ start = generation_allocation_pointer (generation_of (max_generation));
+ assert (start == heap_segment_mem (ephemeral_heap_segment));
+ }
+ if (tp == tuning_deciding_expansion)
+ {
+ assert (settings.condemned_generation >= (max_generation-1));
+ size_t gen0size = approximate_new_allocation();
+ size_t eph_size = gen0size;
+ for (int j = 1; j <= max_generation-1; j++)
+ {
+ eph_size += 2*dd_min_size (dynamic_data_of(j));
+ }
+ // We must find room for one large object and enough room for gen0size
+ if ((size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment) - start) > eph_size)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Enough room before end of segment"));
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_t room = align_lower_good_size_allocation
+ (heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment) - start);
+ size_t end_seg = room;
+ //look at the plug free space
+ size_t largest_alloc = END_SPACE_AFTER_GC + Align (min_obj_size);
+ bool large_chunk_found = FALSE;
+ size_t bos = 0;
+ uint8_t* gen0start = generation_plan_allocation_start (youngest_generation);
+ dprintf (3, ("ephemeral_gen_fit_p: gen0 plan start: %Ix", (size_t)gen0start));
+ if (gen0start == 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ dprintf (3, ("ephemeral_gen_fit_p: room before free list search %Id, needed: %Id",
+ room, gen0size));
+ while ((bos < mark_stack_bos) &&
+ !((room >= gen0size) && large_chunk_found))
+ {
+ uint8_t* plug = pinned_plug (pinned_plug_of (bos));
+ if (in_range_for_segment (plug, ephemeral_heap_segment))
+ {
+ if (plug >= gen0start)
+ {
+ size_t chunk = align_lower_good_size_allocation (pinned_len (pinned_plug_of (bos)));
+ room += chunk;
+ if (!large_chunk_found)
+ {
+ large_chunk_found = (chunk >= largest_alloc);
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("ephemeral_gen_fit_p: room now %Id, large chunk: %Id",
+ room, large_chunk_found));
+ }
+ }
+ bos++;
+ }
+ if (room >= gen0size)
+ {
+ if (large_chunk_found)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Enough room"));
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // now we need to find largest_alloc at the end of the segment.
+ if (end_seg >= end_space_after_gc())
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Enough room (may need end of seg)"));
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("Not enough room"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_t end_space = 0;
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (0);
+ if ((tp == tuning_deciding_condemned_gen) ||
+ (tp == tuning_deciding_full_gc))
+ {
+ end_space = 2*dd_min_size (dd);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (tp == tuning_deciding_compaction);
+ end_space = approximate_new_allocation();
+ }
+ if (!((size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment) - start) > end_space))
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("ephemeral_gen_fit_p: does not fit without compaction"));
+ }
+ return ((size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment) - start) > end_space);
+ }
+CObjectHeader* gc_heap::allocate_large_object (size_t jsize, int64_t& alloc_bytes)
+ //create a new alloc context because gen3context is shared.
+ alloc_context acontext;
+ acontext.alloc_ptr = 0;
+ acontext.alloc_limit = 0;
+ acontext.alloc_bytes = 0;
+ acontext.alloc_heap = vm_heap;
+#ifdef MARK_ARRAY
+ uint8_t* current_lowest_address = lowest_address;
+ uint8_t* current_highest_address = highest_address;
+ if (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ {
+ current_lowest_address = background_saved_lowest_address;
+ current_highest_address = background_saved_highest_address;
+ }
+#endif // MARK_ARRAY
+ size_t maxObjectSize = (INT32_MAX - 7 - Align(min_obj_size));
+#ifdef BIT64
+ if (g_pConfig->GetGCAllowVeryLargeObjects())
+ {
+ maxObjectSize = (INT64_MAX - 7 - Align(min_obj_size));
+ }
+ if (jsize >= maxObjectSize)
+ {
+ if (g_pConfig->IsGCBreakOnOOMEnabled())
+ {
+ GCToOSInterface::DebugBreak();
+ }
+ ThrowOutOfMemoryDimensionsExceeded();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ size_t size = AlignQword (jsize);
+ int align_const = get_alignment_constant (FALSE);
+ size_t pad = Align (loh_padding_obj_size, align_const);
+ size_t pad = 0;
+ assert (size >= Align (min_obj_size, align_const));
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma inline_depth(0)
+#endif //_MSC_VER
+ if (! allocate_more_space (&acontext, (size + pad), max_generation+1))
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma inline_depth(20)
+#endif //_MSC_VER
+ // The GC allocator made a free object already in this alloc context and
+ // adjusted the alloc_ptr accordingly.
+ uint8_t* result = acontext.alloc_ptr;
+ assert ((size_t)(acontext.alloc_limit - acontext.alloc_ptr) == size);
+ CObjectHeader* obj = (CObjectHeader*)result;
+#ifdef MARK_ARRAY
+ if (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ {
+ if ((result < current_highest_address) && (result >= current_lowest_address))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Clearing mark bit at address %Ix",
+ (size_t)(&mark_array [mark_word_of (result)])));
+ mark_array_clear_marked (result);
+ }
+ //the object has to cover one full mark uint32_t
+ assert (size > mark_word_size);
+ if (current_c_gc_state == c_gc_state_marking)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Concurrent allocation of a large object %Ix",
+ (size_t)obj));
+ //mark the new block specially so we know it is a new object
+ if ((result < current_highest_address) && (result >= current_lowest_address))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Setting mark bit at address %Ix",
+ (size_t)(&mark_array [mark_word_of (result)])));
+ mark_array_set_marked (result);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif //MARK_ARRAY
+ assert (obj != 0);
+ assert ((size_t)obj == Align ((size_t)obj, align_const));
+ alloc_bytes += acontext.alloc_bytes;
+ return obj;
+void reset_memory (uint8_t* o, size_t sizeo)
+#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
+ if (sizeo > 128 * 1024)
+ {
+ // We cannot reset the memory for the useful part of a free object.
+ size_t size_to_skip = min_free_list - plug_skew;
+ size_t page_start = align_on_page ((size_t)(o + size_to_skip));
+ size_t size = align_lower_page ((size_t)o + sizeo - size_to_skip - plug_skew) - page_start;
+ // Note we need to compensate for an OS bug here. This bug would cause the MEM_RESET to fail
+ // on write watched memory.
+ if (reset_mm_p)
+ {
+ reset_mm_p = GCToOSInterface::VirtualReset((void*)page_start, size, true /* unlock */);
+ }
+ }
+#endif //!FEATURE_PAL
+void gc_heap::reset_large_object (uint8_t* o)
+ // If it's a large object, allow the O/S to discard the backing store for these pages.
+ reset_memory (o, size(o));
+BOOL gc_heap::large_object_marked (uint8_t* o, BOOL clearp)
+ // It shouldn't be necessary to do these comparisons because this is only used for blocking
+ // GCs and LOH segments cannot be out of range.
+ if ((o >= lowest_address) && (o < highest_address))
+ {
+ if (marked (o))
+ {
+ if (clearp)
+ {
+ clear_marked (o);
+ if (pinned (o))
+ clear_pinned(o);
+ }
+ m = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ m = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ m = TRUE;
+ return m;
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+void gc_heap::record_survived_for_profiler(int condemned_gen_number, uint8_t * start_address)
+ size_t profiling_context = 0;
+ ETW::GCLog::BeginMovedReferences(&profiling_context);
+ // Now walk the portion of memory that is actually being relocated.
+ walk_relocation(condemned_gen_number, start_address, profiling_context);
+ if (loh_compacted_p)
+ {
+ walk_relocation_loh (profiling_context);
+ }
+ // Notify the EE-side profiling code that all the references have been traced for
+ // this heap, and that it needs to flush all cached data it hasn't sent to the
+ // profiler and release resources it no longer needs.
+ ETW::GCLog::EndMovedReferences(profiling_context);
+void gc_heap::notify_profiler_of_surviving_large_objects ()
+ size_t profiling_context = 0;
+ ETW::GCLog::BeginMovedReferences(&profiling_context);
+ generation* gen = large_object_generation;
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));;
+ uint8_t* o = generation_allocation_start (gen);
+ uint8_t* plug_end = o;
+ uint8_t* plug_start = o;
+ // Generally, we can only get here if this is TRUE:
+ // (CORProfilerTrackGC() || ETW::GCLog::ShouldTrackMovementForEtw())
+ // But we can't always assert that, as races could theoretically cause GC profiling
+ // or ETW to turn off just before we get here. This is harmless (we do checks later
+ // on, under appropriate locks, before actually calling into profilers), though it's
+ // a slowdown to determine these plugs for nothing.
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (o >= heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ if (seg == 0)
+ break;
+ else
+ o = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ }
+ if (large_object_marked(o, FALSE))
+ {
+ plug_start = o;
+ BOOL m = TRUE;
+ while (m)
+ {
+ o = o + AlignQword (size (o));
+ if (o >= heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ m = large_object_marked (o, FALSE);
+ }
+ plug_end = o;
+ ETW::GCLog::MovedReference(
+ plug_start,
+ plug_end,
+ 0,
+ profiling_context,
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (o < heap_segment_allocated (seg) && !large_object_marked(o, FALSE))
+ {
+ o = o + AlignQword (size (o));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ETW::GCLog::EndMovedReferences(profiling_context);
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+BOOL gc_heap::background_object_marked (uint8_t* o, BOOL clearp)
+ if ((o >= background_saved_lowest_address) && (o < background_saved_highest_address))
+ {
+ if (mark_array_marked (o))
+ {
+ if (clearp)
+ {
+ mark_array_clear_marked (o);
+ //dprintf (3, ("mark array bit for object %Ix is cleared", o));
+ dprintf (3, ("CM: %Ix", o));
+ }
+ m = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ m = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ m = TRUE;
+ dprintf (3, ("o %Ix(%d) %s", o, size(o), (m ? "was bm" : "was NOT bm")));
+ return m;
+uint8_t* gc_heap::background_next_end (heap_segment* seg, BOOL large_objects_p)
+ return
+ (large_objects_p ? heap_segment_allocated (seg) : heap_segment_background_allocated (seg));
+void gc_heap::set_mem_verify (uint8_t* start, uint8_t* end, uint8_t b)
+ if (end > start)
+ {
+ if ((g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel() & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_GC) &&
+ !(g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel() & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_NO_MEM_FILL))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("setting mem to %c [%Ix, [%Ix", b, start, end));
+ memset (start, b, (end - start));
+ }
+ }
+#endif //VERIFY_HEAP
+void gc_heap::generation_delete_heap_segment (generation* gen,
+ heap_segment* seg,
+ heap_segment* prev_seg,
+ heap_segment* next_seg)
+ dprintf (3, ("bgc sweep: deleting seg %Ix", seg));
+ if (gen == large_object_generation)
+ {
+ heap_segment_next (prev_seg) = next_seg;
+ dprintf (3, ("Preparing empty large segment %Ix for deletion", (size_t)seg));
+ heap_segment_next (seg) = freeable_large_heap_segment;
+ freeable_large_heap_segment = seg;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (seg == ephemeral_heap_segment)
+ {
+ }
+ heap_segment_next (next_seg) = prev_seg;
+ dprintf (3, ("Preparing empty small segment %Ix for deletion", (size_t)seg));
+ heap_segment_next (seg) = freeable_small_heap_segment;
+ freeable_small_heap_segment = seg;
+ }
+ decommit_heap_segment (seg);
+ seg->flags |= heap_segment_flags_decommitted;
+ set_mem_verify (heap_segment_allocated (seg) - plug_skew, heap_segment_used (seg), 0xbb);
+void gc_heap::process_background_segment_end (heap_segment* seg,
+ generation* gen,
+ uint8_t* last_plug_end,
+ heap_segment* start_seg,
+ BOOL* delete_p)
+ *delete_p = FALSE;
+ uint8_t* allocated = heap_segment_allocated (seg);
+ uint8_t* background_allocated = heap_segment_background_allocated (seg);
+ dprintf (3, ("Processing end of background segment [%Ix, %Ix[(%Ix[)",
+ (size_t)heap_segment_mem (seg), background_allocated, allocated));
+ if (allocated != background_allocated)
+ {
+ if (gen == large_object_generation)
+ {
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("Make a free object before newly promoted objects [%Ix, %Ix[",
+ (size_t)last_plug_end, background_allocated));
+ thread_gap (last_plug_end, background_allocated - last_plug_end, generation_of (max_generation));
+ fix_brick_to_highest (last_plug_end, background_allocated);
+ // When we allowed fgc's during going through gaps, we could have erased the brick
+ // that corresponds to bgc_allocated 'cause we had to update the brick there,
+ // recover it here.
+ fix_brick_to_highest (background_allocated, background_allocated);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // by default, if allocated == background_allocated, it can't
+ // be the ephemeral segment.
+ if (seg == ephemeral_heap_segment)
+ {
+ }
+ if (allocated == heap_segment_mem (seg))
+ {
+ // this can happen with LOH segments when multiple threads
+ // allocate new segments and not all of them were needed to
+ // satisfy allocation requests.
+ assert (gen == large_object_generation);
+ }
+ if (last_plug_end == heap_segment_mem (seg))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Segment allocated is %Ix (beginning of this seg) - %s be deleted",
+ (size_t)allocated, (*delete_p ? "should" : "should not")));
+ if (seg != start_seg)
+ {
+ *delete_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Trimming seg to %Ix[", (size_t)last_plug_end));
+ heap_segment_allocated (seg) = last_plug_end;
+ set_mem_verify (heap_segment_allocated (seg) - plug_skew, heap_segment_used (seg), 0xbb);
+ decommit_heap_segment_pages (seg, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("verifying seg %Ix's mark array was completely cleared", seg));
+ bgc_verify_mark_array_cleared (seg);
+void gc_heap::process_n_background_segments (heap_segment* seg,
+ heap_segment* prev_seg,
+ generation* gen)
+ assert (gen != large_object_generation);
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("processing seg %Ix (not seen by bgc mark)", seg));
+ heap_segment* next_seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ if (heap_segment_read_only_p (seg))
+ {
+ prev_seg = seg;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (heap_segment_allocated (seg) == heap_segment_mem (seg))
+ {
+ // This can happen - if we have a LOH segment where nothing survived
+ // or a SOH segment allocated by a gen1 GC when BGC was going where
+ // nothing survived last time we did a gen1 GC.
+ generation_delete_heap_segment (gen, seg, prev_seg, next_seg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ prev_seg = seg;
+ }
+ }
+ verify_soh_segment_list();
+ seg = next_seg;
+ }
+BOOL gc_heap::fgc_should_consider_object (uint8_t* o,
+ heap_segment* seg,
+ BOOL consider_bgc_mark_p,
+ BOOL check_current_sweep_p,
+ BOOL check_saved_sweep_p)
+ // the logic for this function must be kept in sync with the analogous function
+ // in ToolBox\SOS\Strike\gc.cpp
+ // TRUE means we don't need to check the bgc mark bit
+ // FALSE means we do.
+ BOOL no_bgc_mark_p = FALSE;
+ if (consider_bgc_mark_p)
+ {
+ if (check_current_sweep_p && (o < current_sweep_pos))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("no bgc mark - o: %Ix < cs: %Ix", o, current_sweep_pos));
+ no_bgc_mark_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!no_bgc_mark_p)
+ {
+ if(check_saved_sweep_p && (o >= saved_sweep_ephemeral_start))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("no bgc mark - o: %Ix >= ss: %Ix", o, saved_sweep_ephemeral_start));
+ no_bgc_mark_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!check_saved_sweep_p)
+ {
+ uint8_t* background_allocated = heap_segment_background_allocated (seg);
+ // if this was the saved ephemeral segment, check_saved_sweep_p
+ // would've been true.
+ assert (heap_segment_background_allocated (seg) != saved_sweep_ephemeral_start);
+ // background_allocated could be 0 for the new segments acquired during bgc
+ // sweep and we still want no_bgc_mark_p to be true.
+ if (o >= background_allocated)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("no bgc mark - o: %Ix >= ba: %Ix", o, background_allocated));
+ no_bgc_mark_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ no_bgc_mark_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("bgc mark %Ix: %s (bm: %s)", o, (no_bgc_mark_p ? "no" : "yes"), (background_object_marked (o, FALSE) ? "yes" : "no")));
+ return (no_bgc_mark_p ? TRUE : background_object_marked (o, FALSE));
+// consider_bgc_mark_p tells you if you need to care about the bgc mark bit at all
+// if it's TRUE, check_current_sweep_p tells you if you should consider the
+// current sweep position or not.
+void gc_heap::should_check_bgc_mark (heap_segment* seg,
+ BOOL* consider_bgc_mark_p,
+ BOOL* check_current_sweep_p,
+ BOOL* check_saved_sweep_p)
+ // the logic for this function must be kept in sync with the analogous function
+ // in ToolBox\SOS\Strike\gc.cpp
+ *consider_bgc_mark_p = FALSE;
+ *check_current_sweep_p = FALSE;
+ *check_saved_sweep_p = FALSE;
+ if (current_c_gc_state == c_gc_state_planning)
+ {
+ // We are doing the current_sweep_pos comparison here because we have yet to
+ // turn on the swept flag for the segment but in_range_for_segment will return
+ // FALSE if the address is the same as reserved.
+ if ((seg->flags & heap_segment_flags_swept) || (current_sweep_pos == heap_segment_reserved (seg)))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("seg %Ix is already swept by bgc", seg));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *consider_bgc_mark_p = TRUE;
+ dprintf (3, ("seg %Ix hasn't been swept by bgc", seg));
+ if (seg == saved_sweep_ephemeral_seg)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("seg %Ix is the saved ephemeral seg", seg));
+ *check_saved_sweep_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (in_range_for_segment (current_sweep_pos, seg))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("current sweep pos is %Ix and within seg %Ix",
+ current_sweep_pos, seg));
+ *check_current_sweep_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void gc_heap::background_ephemeral_sweep()
+ dprintf (3, ("bgc ephemeral sweep"));
+ int align_const = get_alignment_constant (TRUE);
+ saved_sweep_ephemeral_seg = ephemeral_heap_segment;
+ saved_sweep_ephemeral_start = generation_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation - 1));
+ // Since we don't want to interfere with gen0 allocation while we are threading gen0 free list,
+ // we thread onto a list first then publish it when we are done.
+ allocator youngest_free_list;
+ size_t youngest_free_list_space = 0;
+ size_t youngest_free_obj_space = 0;
+ youngest_free_list.clear();
+ for (int i = 0; i <= (max_generation - 1); i++)
+ {
+ generation* gen_to_reset = generation_of (i);
+ assert (generation_free_list_space (gen_to_reset) == 0);
+ // Can only assert free_list_space is 0, not free_obj_space as the allocator could have added
+ // something there.
+ }
+ for (int i = (max_generation - 1); i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ generation* current_gen = generation_of (i);
+ uint8_t* o = generation_allocation_start (current_gen);
+ //Skip the generation gap object
+ o = o + Align(size (o), align_const);
+ uint8_t* end = ((i > 0) ?
+ generation_allocation_start (generation_of (i - 1)) :
+ heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment));
+ uint8_t* plug_end = o;
+ uint8_t* plug_start = o;
+ BOOL marked_p = FALSE;
+ while (o < end)
+ {
+ marked_p = background_object_marked (o, TRUE);
+ if (marked_p)
+ {
+ plug_start = o;
+ size_t plug_size = plug_start - plug_end;
+ if (i >= 1)
+ {
+ thread_gap (plug_end, plug_size, current_gen);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (plug_size > 0)
+ {
+ make_unused_array (plug_end, plug_size);
+ if (plug_size >= min_free_list)
+ {
+ youngest_free_list_space += plug_size;
+ youngest_free_list.thread_item (plug_end, plug_size);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ youngest_free_obj_space += plug_size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fix_brick_to_highest (plug_end, plug_start);
+ fix_brick_to_highest (plug_start, plug_start);
+ BOOL m = TRUE;
+ while (m)
+ {
+ o = o + Align (size (o), align_const);
+ if (o >= end)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ m = background_object_marked (o, TRUE);
+ }
+ plug_end = o;
+ dprintf (3, ("bgs: plug [%Ix, %Ix[", (size_t)plug_start, (size_t)plug_end));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while ((o < end) && !background_object_marked (o, FALSE))
+ {
+ o = o + Align (size (o), align_const);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (plug_end != end)
+ {
+ if (i >= 1)
+ {
+ thread_gap (plug_end, end - plug_end, current_gen);
+ fix_brick_to_highest (plug_end, end);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) = plug_end;
+ // the following line is temporary.
+ heap_segment_saved_bg_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) = plug_end;
+ if (g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel() & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_GC)
+ {
+ make_unused_array (plug_end, (end - plug_end));
+ }
+#endif //VERIFY_HEAP
+ }
+ }
+ dd_fragmentation (dynamic_data_of (i)) =
+ generation_free_list_space (current_gen) + generation_free_obj_space (current_gen);
+ }
+ generation* youngest_gen = generation_of (0);
+ generation_free_list_space (youngest_gen) = youngest_free_list_space;
+ generation_free_obj_space (youngest_gen) = youngest_free_obj_space;
+ dd_fragmentation (dynamic_data_of (0)) = youngest_free_list_space + youngest_free_obj_space;
+ generation_allocator (youngest_gen)->copy_with_no_repair (&youngest_free_list);
+void gc_heap::background_sweep()
+ Thread* current_thread = GetThread();
+ generation* gen = generation_of (max_generation);
+ dynamic_data* dd = dynamic_data_of (max_generation);
+ // For SOH segments we go backwards.
+ heap_segment* start_seg = ephemeral_heap_segment;
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(start_seg != NULL);
+ heap_segment* fseg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (generation_of (max_generation)));
+ heap_segment* seg = start_seg;
+ uint8_t* o = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ heap_segment* prev_seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ int align_const = get_alignment_constant (TRUE);
+ if (seg == fseg)
+ {
+ assert (o == generation_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation)));
+ o = o + Align(size (o), align_const);
+ }
+ uint8_t* plug_end = o;
+ uint8_t* plug_start = o;
+ next_sweep_obj = o;
+ current_sweep_pos = o;
+ //uint8_t* end = background_next_end (seg, (gen == large_object_generation));
+ uint8_t* end = heap_segment_background_allocated (seg);
+ BOOL delete_p = FALSE;
+ //concurrent_print_time_delta ("finished with mark and start with sweep");
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("Sw");
+ dprintf (2, ("---- (GC%d)Background Sweep Phase ----", VolatileLoad(&settings.gc_index)));
+ //block concurrent allocation for large objects
+ dprintf (3, ("lh state: planning"));
+ if (gc_lh_block_event.IsValid())
+ {
+ gc_lh_block_event.Reset();
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i <= (max_generation + 1); i++)
+ {
+ generation* gen_to_reset = generation_of (i);
+ generation_allocator (gen_to_reset)->clear();
+ generation_free_list_space (gen_to_reset) = 0;
+ generation_free_obj_space (gen_to_reset) = 0;
+ generation_free_list_allocated (gen_to_reset) = 0;
+ generation_end_seg_allocated (gen_to_reset) = 0;
+ generation_condemned_allocated (gen_to_reset) = 0;
+ //reset the allocation so foreground gc can allocate into older generation
+ generation_allocation_pointer (gen_to_reset)= 0;
+ generation_allocation_limit (gen_to_reset) = 0;
+ generation_allocation_segment (gen_to_reset) = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen_to_reset));
+ }
+ fire_bgc_event (BGC2ndNonConEnd);
+ current_bgc_state = bgc_sweep_soh;
+ verify_soh_segment_list();
+ if ((generation_start_segment (gen) != ephemeral_heap_segment) &&
+ ro_segments_in_range)
+ {
+ sweep_ro_segments (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ }
+ //TODO BACKGROUND_GC: can we move this to where we switch to the LOH?
+ if (current_c_gc_state != c_gc_state_planning)
+ {
+ current_c_gc_state = c_gc_state_planning;
+ }
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("Swe");
+ heap_segment* loh_seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (generation_of (max_generation + 1)));
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(loh_seg != NULL);
+ while (loh_seg )
+ {
+ loh_seg->flags &= ~heap_segment_flags_swept;
+ heap_segment_background_allocated (loh_seg) = heap_segment_allocated (loh_seg);
+ loh_seg = heap_segment_next_rw (loh_seg);
+ }
+ bgc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_restart_ee);
+ if (bgc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ dprintf(2, ("Starting BGC threads for resuming EE"));
+ bgc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ if (heap_number == 0)
+ {
+ restart_EE ();
+ }
+ fire_bgc_event (BGC2ndConBegin);
+ background_ephemeral_sweep();
+ bgc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_after_ephemeral_sweep);
+ if (bgc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ bgc_heap_walk_for_etw_p = ETW::GCLog::ShouldTrackMovementForEtw();
+ leave_spin_lock (&gc_lock);
+ dprintf(2, ("Starting BGC threads for BGC sweeping"));
+ bgc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ disable_preemptive (current_thread, TRUE);
+ dprintf (2, ("bgs: sweeping gen2 objects"));
+ dprintf (2, ("bgs: seg: %Ix, [%Ix, %Ix[%Ix", (size_t)seg,
+ (size_t)heap_segment_mem (seg),
+ (size_t)heap_segment_allocated (seg),
+ (size_t)heap_segment_background_allocated (seg)));
+ int num_objs = 256;
+ int current_num_objs = 0;
+ heap_segment* next_seg = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (o >= end)
+ {
+ if (gen == large_object_generation)
+ {
+ next_seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ next_seg = heap_segment_prev (fseg, seg);
+ }
+ delete_p = FALSE;
+ if (!heap_segment_read_only_p (seg))
+ {
+ if (gen == large_object_generation)
+ {
+ // we can treat all LOH segments as in the bgc domain
+ // regardless of whether we saw in bgc mark or not
+ // because we don't allow LOH allocations during bgc
+ // sweep anyway - the LOH segments can't change.
+ process_background_segment_end (seg, gen, plug_end,
+ start_seg, &delete_p);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert (heap_segment_background_allocated (seg) != 0);
+ process_background_segment_end (seg, gen, plug_end,
+ start_seg, &delete_p);
+ assert (next_seg || !delete_p);
+ }
+ }
+ if (delete_p)
+ {
+ generation_delete_heap_segment (gen, seg, prev_seg, next_seg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ prev_seg = seg;
+ dprintf (2, ("seg %Ix has been swept", seg));
+ seg->flags |= heap_segment_flags_swept;
+ }
+ verify_soh_segment_list();
+ seg = next_seg;
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("seg: %Ix, next_seg: %Ix, prev_seg: %Ix", seg, next_seg, prev_seg));
+ if (seg == 0)
+ {
+ generation_allocation_segment (gen) = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(generation_allocation_segment(gen) != NULL);
+ if (gen != large_object_generation)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("bgs: sweeping gen3 objects"));
+ current_bgc_state = bgc_sweep_loh;
+ gen = generation_of (max_generation+1);
+ start_seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(start_seg != NULL);
+ seg = start_seg;
+ prev_seg = 0;
+ o = generation_allocation_start (gen);
+ assert (method_table (o) == g_pFreeObjectMethodTable);
+ align_const = get_alignment_constant (FALSE);
+ o = o + Align(size (o), align_const);
+ plug_end = o;
+ end = heap_segment_allocated (seg);
+ dprintf (2, ("sweeping gen3 objects"));
+ generation_free_obj_space (gen) = 0;
+ generation_allocator (gen)->clear();
+ generation_free_list_space (gen) = 0;
+ dprintf (2, ("bgs: seg: %Ix, [%Ix, %Ix[%Ix", (size_t)seg,
+ (size_t)heap_segment_mem (seg),
+ (size_t)heap_segment_allocated (seg),
+ (size_t)heap_segment_background_allocated (seg)));
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ o = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ if (seg == fseg)
+ {
+ assert (gen != large_object_generation);
+ assert (o == generation_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation)));
+ align_const = get_alignment_constant (TRUE);
+ o = o + Align(size (o), align_const);
+ }
+ plug_end = o;
+ current_sweep_pos = o;
+ next_sweep_obj = o;
+ allow_fgc();
+ end = background_next_end (seg, (gen == large_object_generation));
+ dprintf (2, ("bgs: seg: %Ix, [%Ix, %Ix[%Ix", (size_t)seg,
+ (size_t)heap_segment_mem (seg),
+ (size_t)heap_segment_allocated (seg),
+ (size_t)heap_segment_background_allocated (seg)));
+ }
+ }
+ if ((o < end) && background_object_marked (o, TRUE))
+ {
+ plug_start = o;
+ if (gen == large_object_generation)
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("loh fr: [%Ix-%Ix[(%Id)", plug_end, plug_start, plug_start-plug_end));
+ }
+ thread_gap (plug_end, plug_start-plug_end, gen);
+ if (gen != large_object_generation)
+ {
+ add_gen_free (max_generation, plug_start-plug_end);
+ fix_brick_to_highest (plug_end, plug_start);
+ // we need to fix the brick for the next plug here 'cause an FGC can
+ // happen and can't read a stale brick.
+ fix_brick_to_highest (plug_start, plug_start);
+ }
+ BOOL m = TRUE;
+ while (m)
+ {
+ next_sweep_obj = o + Align(size (o), align_const);
+ current_num_objs++;
+ if (current_num_objs >= num_objs)
+ {
+ current_sweep_pos = next_sweep_obj;
+ allow_fgc();
+ current_num_objs = 0;
+ }
+ o = next_sweep_obj;
+ if (o >= end)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ m = background_object_marked (o, TRUE);
+ }
+ plug_end = o;
+ if (gen != large_object_generation)
+ {
+ add_gen_plug (max_generation, plug_end-plug_start);
+ dd_survived_size (dd) += (plug_end - plug_start);
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("bgs: plug [%Ix, %Ix[", (size_t)plug_start, (size_t)plug_end));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while ((o < end) && !background_object_marked (o, FALSE))
+ {
+ next_sweep_obj = o + Align(size (o), align_const);;
+ current_num_objs++;
+ if (current_num_objs >= num_objs)
+ {
+ current_sweep_pos = plug_end;
+ dprintf (1234, ("f: swept till %Ix", current_sweep_pos));
+ allow_fgc();
+ current_num_objs = 0;
+ }
+ o = next_sweep_obj;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t total_loh_size = generation_size (max_generation + 1);
+ size_t total_soh_size = generation_sizes (generation_of (max_generation));
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: S: loh: %Id, soh: %Id", heap_number, total_loh_size, total_soh_size));
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("end of bgc sweep: gen2 FL: %Id, FO: %Id",
+ generation_free_list_space (generation_of (max_generation)),
+ generation_free_obj_space (generation_of (max_generation))));
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("h%d: end of bgc sweep: gen3 FL: %Id, FO: %Id",
+ heap_number,
+ generation_free_list_space (generation_of (max_generation + 1)),
+ generation_free_obj_space (generation_of (max_generation + 1))));
+ fire_bgc_event (BGC2ndConEnd);
+ concurrent_print_time_delta ("background sweep");
+ heap_segment* reset_seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (generation_of (max_generation)));
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(reset_seg != NULL);
+ while (reset_seg)
+ {
+ heap_segment_saved_bg_allocated (reset_seg) = heap_segment_background_allocated (reset_seg);
+ heap_segment_background_allocated (reset_seg) = 0;
+ reset_seg = heap_segment_next_rw (reset_seg);
+ }
+ // We calculate dynamic data here because if we wait till we signal the lh event,
+ // the allocation thread can change the fragmentation and we may read an intermediate
+ // value (which can be greater than the generation size). Plus by that time it won't
+ // be accurate.
+ compute_new_dynamic_data (max_generation);
+ enable_preemptive (current_thread);
+ bgc_t_join.join(this, gc_join_set_state_free);
+ if (bgc_t_join.joined())
+ {
+ // TODO: We are using this join just to set the state. Should
+ // look into eliminating it - check to make sure things that use
+ // this state can live with per heap state like should_check_bgc_mark.
+ current_c_gc_state = c_gc_state_free;
+ dprintf(2, ("Starting BGC threads after background sweep phase"));
+ bgc_t_join.restart();
+ }
+ disable_preemptive (current_thread, TRUE);
+ if (gc_lh_block_event.IsValid())
+ {
+ gc_lh_block_event.Set();
+ }
+ //dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("---- (GC%d)End Background Sweep Phase ----", VolatileLoad(&settings.gc_index)));
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("---- (GC%d)ESw ----", VolatileLoad(&settings.gc_index)));
+void gc_heap::sweep_large_objects ()
+ //this min value is for the sake of the dynamic tuning.
+ //so we know that we are not starting even if we have no
+ //survivors.
+ generation* gen = large_object_generation;
+ heap_segment* start_seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(start_seg != NULL);
+ heap_segment* seg = start_seg;
+ heap_segment* prev_seg = 0;
+ uint8_t* o = generation_allocation_start (gen);
+ int align_const = get_alignment_constant (FALSE);
+ //Skip the generation gap object
+ o = o + Align(size (o), align_const);
+ uint8_t* plug_end = o;
+ uint8_t* plug_start = o;
+ generation_allocator (gen)->clear();
+ generation_free_list_space (gen) = 0;
+ generation_free_obj_space (gen) = 0;
+ dprintf (3, ("sweeping large objects"));
+ dprintf (3, ("seg: %Ix, [%Ix, %Ix[, starting from %Ix",
+ (size_t)seg,
+ (size_t)heap_segment_mem (seg),
+ (size_t)heap_segment_allocated (seg),
+ o));
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (o >= heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ heap_segment* next_seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ //delete the empty segment if not the only one
+ if ((plug_end == heap_segment_mem (seg)) &&
+ (seg != start_seg) && !heap_segment_read_only_p (seg))
+ {
+ //prepare for deletion
+ dprintf (3, ("Preparing empty large segment %Ix", (size_t)seg));
+ assert (prev_seg);
+ heap_segment_next (prev_seg) = next_seg;
+ heap_segment_next (seg) = freeable_large_heap_segment;
+ freeable_large_heap_segment = seg;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!heap_segment_read_only_p (seg))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Trimming seg to %Ix[", (size_t)plug_end));
+ heap_segment_allocated (seg) = plug_end;
+ decommit_heap_segment_pages (seg, 0);
+ }
+ prev_seg = seg;
+ }
+ seg = next_seg;
+ if (seg == 0)
+ break;
+ else
+ {
+ o = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ plug_end = o;
+ dprintf (3, ("seg: %Ix, [%Ix, %Ix[", (size_t)seg,
+ (size_t)heap_segment_mem (seg),
+ (size_t)heap_segment_allocated (seg)));
+ }
+ }
+ if (large_object_marked(o, TRUE))
+ {
+ plug_start = o;
+ //everything between plug_end and plug_start is free
+ thread_gap (plug_end, plug_start-plug_end, gen);
+ BOOL m = TRUE;
+ while (m)
+ {
+ o = o + AlignQword (size (o));
+ if (o >= heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ m = large_object_marked (o, TRUE);
+ }
+ plug_end = o;
+ dprintf (3, ("plug [%Ix, %Ix[", (size_t)plug_start, (size_t)plug_end));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (o < heap_segment_allocated (seg) && !large_object_marked(o, FALSE))
+ {
+ o = o + AlignQword (size (o));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ generation_allocation_segment (gen) = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ PREFIX_ASSUME(generation_allocation_segment(gen) != NULL);
+void gc_heap::relocate_in_large_objects ()
+ relocate_args args;
+ args.low = gc_low;
+ args.high = gc_high;
+ args.last_plug = 0;
+ generation* gen = large_object_generation;
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ uint8_t* o = generation_allocation_start (gen);
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (o >= heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ if (seg == 0)
+ break;
+ else
+ {
+ o = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ }
+ }
+ while (o < heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ check_class_object_demotion (o);
+ if (contain_pointers (o))
+ {
+ dprintf(3, ("Relocating through large object %Ix", (size_t)o));
+ go_through_object_nostart (method_table (o), o, size(o), pval,
+ {
+ reloc_survivor_helper (pval);
+ });
+ }
+ o = o + AlignQword (size (o));
+ }
+ }
+void gc_heap::mark_through_cards_for_large_objects (card_fn fn,
+ BOOL relocating)
+ uint8_t* low = gc_low;
+ size_t end_card = 0;
+ generation* oldest_gen = generation_of (max_generation+1);
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (oldest_gen));
+ uint8_t* beg = generation_allocation_start (oldest_gen);
+ uint8_t* end = heap_segment_allocated (seg);
+ size_t cg_pointers_found = 0;
+ size_t card_word_end = (card_of (align_on_card_word (end)) /
+ card_word_width);
+ size_t n_eph = 0;
+ size_t n_gen = 0;
+ size_t n_card_set = 0;
+ uint8_t* next_boundary = (relocating ?
+ generation_plan_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation -1)) :
+ ephemeral_low);
+ uint8_t* nhigh = (relocating ?
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment) :
+ ephemeral_high);
+ BOOL foundp = FALSE;
+ uint8_t* start_address = 0;
+ uint8_t* limit = 0;
+ size_t card = card_of (beg);
+ uint8_t* o = beg;
+ BOOL consider_bgc_mark_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL check_current_sweep_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL check_saved_sweep_p = FALSE;
+ should_check_bgc_mark (seg, &consider_bgc_mark_p, &check_current_sweep_p, &check_saved_sweep_p);
+ size_t total_cards_cleared = 0;
+ //dprintf(3,( "scanning large objects from %Ix to %Ix", (size_t)beg, (size_t)end));
+ dprintf(3, ("CMl: %Ix->%Ix", (size_t)beg, (size_t)end));
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if ((o < end) && (card_of(o) > card))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Found %Id cg pointers", cg_pointers_found));
+ if (cg_pointers_found == 0)
+ {
+ dprintf(3,(" Clearing cards [%Ix, %Ix[ ", (size_t)card_address(card), (size_t)o));
+ clear_cards (card, card_of((uint8_t*)o));
+ total_cards_cleared += (card_of((uint8_t*)o) - card);
+ }
+ n_eph +=cg_pointers_found;
+ cg_pointers_found = 0;
+ card = card_of ((uint8_t*)o);
+ }
+ if ((o < end) &&(card >= end_card))
+ {
+ foundp = find_card (card_table, card, card_word_end, end_card);
+ if (foundp)
+ {
+ n_card_set+= end_card - card;
+ start_address = max (beg, card_address (card));
+ }
+ limit = min (end, card_address (end_card));
+ }
+ if ((!foundp) || (o >= end) || (card_address (card) >= end))
+ {
+ if ((foundp) && (cg_pointers_found == 0))
+ {
+ dprintf(3,(" Clearing cards [%Ix, %Ix[ ", (size_t)card_address(card),
+ (size_t)card_address(card+1)));
+ clear_cards (card, card+1);
+ total_cards_cleared += 1;
+ }
+ n_eph +=cg_pointers_found;
+ cg_pointers_found = 0;
+ if ((seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg)) != 0)
+ {
+ should_check_bgc_mark (seg, &consider_bgc_mark_p, &check_current_sweep_p, &check_saved_sweep_p);
+ beg = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ end = compute_next_end (seg, low);
+ card_word_end = card_of (align_on_card_word (end)) / card_word_width;
+ card = card_of (beg);
+ o = beg;
+ end_card = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ assert (card_set_p (card));
+ {
+ dprintf(3,("card %Ix: o: %Ix, l: %Ix[ ",
+ card, (size_t)o, (size_t)limit));
+ assert (Align (size (o)) >= Align (min_obj_size));
+ size_t s = size (o);
+ uint8_t* next_o = o + AlignQword (s);
+ Prefetch (next_o);
+ while (o < limit)
+ {
+ s = size (o);
+ assert (Align (s) >= Align (min_obj_size));
+ next_o = o + AlignQword (s);
+ Prefetch (next_o);
+ dprintf (4, ("|%Ix|", (size_t)o));
+ if (next_o < start_address)
+ {
+ goto end_object;
+ }
+ if (!fgc_should_consider_object (o, seg, consider_bgc_mark_p, check_current_sweep_p, check_saved_sweep_p))
+ {
+ goto end_object;
+ }
+ if (is_collectible(o))
+ {
+ BOOL passed_end_card_p = FALSE;
+ if (card_of (o) > card)
+ {
+ passed_end_card_p = card_transition (o, end, card_word_end,
+ cg_pointers_found,
+ n_eph, n_card_set,
+ card, end_card,
+ foundp, start_address,
+ limit, total_cards_cleared);
+ }
+ if ((!passed_end_card_p || foundp) && (card_of (o) == card))
+ {
+ // card is valid and it covers the head of the object
+ if (fn == &gc_heap::relocate_address)
+ {
+ keep_card_live (o, n_gen, cg_pointers_found);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint8_t* class_obj = get_class_object (o);
+ mark_through_cards_helper (&class_obj, n_gen,
+ cg_pointers_found, fn,
+ nhigh, next_boundary);
+ }
+ }
+ if (passed_end_card_p)
+ {
+ if (foundp && (card_address (card) < next_o))
+ {
+ goto go_through_refs;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ goto end_object;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (contain_pointers (o))
+ {
+ dprintf(3,("Going through %Ix", (size_t)o));
+ go_through_object (method_table(o), o, s, poo,
+ start_address, use_start, (o + s),
+ {
+ if (card_of ((uint8_t*)poo) > card)
+ {
+ BOOL passed_end_card_p = card_transition ((uint8_t*)poo, end,
+ card_word_end,
+ cg_pointers_found,
+ n_eph, n_card_set,
+ card, end_card,
+ foundp, start_address,
+ limit, total_cards_cleared);
+ if (passed_end_card_p)
+ {
+ if (foundp && (card_address (card) < next_o))
+ {
+ //new_start();
+ {
+ if (ppstop <= (uint8_t**)start_address)
+ {break;}
+ else if (poo < (uint8_t**)start_address)
+ {poo = (uint8_t**)start_address;}
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ goto end_object;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mark_through_cards_helper (poo, n_gen,
+ cg_pointers_found, fn,
+ nhigh, next_boundary);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ end_object:
+ o = next_o;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // compute the efficiency ratio of the card table
+ if (!relocating)
+ {
+ generation_skip_ratio = min (((n_eph > 800) ?
+ (int)(((float)n_gen / (float)n_eph) * 100) : 100),
+ generation_skip_ratio);
+ dprintf (3, ("Mloh: cross: %Id, useful: %Id, cards cleared: %Id, cards set: %Id, ratio: %d",
+ n_eph, n_gen, total_cards_cleared, n_card_set, generation_skip_ratio));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("R: Mloh: cross: %Id, useful: %Id, cards set: %Id, ratio: %d",
+ n_eph, n_gen, n_card_set, generation_skip_ratio));
+ }
+void gc_heap::descr_segment (heap_segment* seg )
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ uint8_t* x = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ while (x < heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ dprintf(2, ( "%Ix: %d ", (size_t)x, size (x)));
+ x = x + Align(size (x));
+ }
+#else // TRACE_GC
+#endif // TRACE_GC
+void gc_heap::descr_card_table ()
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ if (trace_gc && (print_level >= 4))
+ {
+ ptrdiff_t min = -1;
+ dprintf(3,("Card Table set at: "));
+ for (size_t i = card_of (lowest_address); i < card_of (highest_address); i++)
+ {
+ if (card_set_p (i))
+ {
+ if (min == -1)
+ {
+ min = i;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (! ((min == -1)))
+ {
+ dprintf (3,("[%Ix %Ix[, ",
+ (size_t)card_address (min), (size_t)card_address (i)));
+ min = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+void gc_heap::descr_generations_to_profiler (gen_walk_fn fn, void *context)
+ int n_heaps = GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->GetNumberOfHeaps ();
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = GCHeap::GetHeap(i)->pGenGCHeap;
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = NULL;
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+ // prefix complains about us dereferencing hp in wks build even though we only access static members
+ // this way. not sure how to shut it up except for this ugly workaround:
+#endif // _PREFAST_
+ int curr_gen_number0 = max_generation+1;
+ while (curr_gen_number0 >= 0)
+ {
+ generation* gen = hp->generation_of (curr_gen_number0);
+ heap_segment* seg = generation_start_segment (gen);
+ while (seg && (seg != hp->ephemeral_heap_segment))
+ {
+ assert (curr_gen_number0 > 0);
+ // report bounds from heap_segment_mem (seg) to
+ // heap_segment_allocated (seg);
+ // for generation # curr_gen_number0
+ // for heap # heap_no
+ fn(context, curr_gen_number0, heap_segment_mem (seg),
+ heap_segment_allocated (seg),
+ curr_gen_number0 == max_generation+1 ? heap_segment_reserved (seg) : heap_segment_allocated (seg));
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ }
+ if (seg)
+ {
+ assert (seg == hp->ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ assert (curr_gen_number0 <= max_generation);
+ //
+ if (curr_gen_number0 == max_generation)
+ {
+ if (heap_segment_mem (seg) < generation_allocation_start (hp->generation_of (max_generation-1)))
+ {
+ // report bounds from heap_segment_mem (seg) to
+ // generation_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation-1))
+ // for heap # heap_number
+ fn(context, curr_gen_number0, heap_segment_mem (seg),
+ generation_allocation_start (hp->generation_of (max_generation-1)),
+ generation_allocation_start (hp->generation_of (max_generation-1)) );
+ }
+ }
+ else if (curr_gen_number0 != 0)
+ {
+ //report bounds from generation_allocation_start (generation_of (curr_gen_number0))
+ // to generation_allocation_start (generation_of (curr_gen_number0-1))
+ // for heap # heap_number
+ fn(context, curr_gen_number0, generation_allocation_start (hp->generation_of (curr_gen_number0)),
+ generation_allocation_start (hp->generation_of (curr_gen_number0-1)),
+ generation_allocation_start (hp->generation_of (curr_gen_number0-1)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //report bounds from generation_allocation_start (generation_of (curr_gen_number0))
+ // to heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ // for heap # heap_number
+ fn(context, curr_gen_number0, generation_allocation_start (hp->generation_of (curr_gen_number0)),
+ heap_segment_allocated (hp->ephemeral_heap_segment),
+ heap_segment_reserved (hp->ephemeral_heap_segment) );
+ }
+ }
+ curr_gen_number0--;
+ }
+ }
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+// Note that when logging is on it can take a long time to go through the free items.
+void gc_heap::print_free_list (int gen, heap_segment* seg)
+ if (settings.concurrent == FALSE)
+ {
+ uint8_t* seg_start = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ uint8_t* seg_end = heap_segment_allocated (seg);
+ dprintf (3, ("Free list in seg %Ix:", seg_start));
+ size_t total_free_item = 0;
+ allocator* gen_allocator = generation_allocator (generation_of (gen));
+ for (unsigned int b = 0; b < gen_allocator->number_of_buckets(); b++)
+ {
+ uint8_t* fo = gen_allocator->alloc_list_head_of (b);
+ while (fo)
+ {
+ if (fo >= seg_start && fo < seg_end)
+ {
+ total_free_item++;
+ size_t free_item_len = size(fo);
+ dprintf (3, ("[%Ix, %Ix[:%Id",
+ (size_t)fo,
+ (size_t)(fo + free_item_len),
+ free_item_len));
+ }
+ fo = free_list_slot (fo);
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf (3, ("total %Id free items", total_free_item));
+ }
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+void gc_heap::descr_generations (BOOL begin_gc_p)
+#ifdef STRESS_LOG
+ if (StressLog::StressLogOn(LF_GC, LL_INFO10))
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = 0;
+ hp= this;
+ STRESS_LOG1(LF_GC, LL_INFO10, "GC Heap %p\n", hp);
+ for (int n = max_generation; n >= 0; --n)
+ {
+ STRESS_LOG4(LF_GC, LL_INFO10, " Generation %d [%p, %p] cur = %p\n",
+ n,
+ generation_allocation_start(generation_of(n)),
+ generation_allocation_limit(generation_of(n)),
+ generation_allocation_pointer(generation_of(n)));
+ heap_segment* seg = generation_start_segment(generation_of(n));
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ STRESS_LOG4(LF_GC, LL_INFO10, " Segment mem %p alloc = %p used %p committed %p\n",
+ heap_segment_mem(seg),
+ heap_segment_allocated(seg),
+ heap_segment_used(seg),
+ heap_segment_committed(seg));
+ seg = heap_segment_next(seg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif // STRESS_LOG
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ dprintf (2, ("lowest_address: %Ix highest_address: %Ix",
+ (size_t) lowest_address, (size_t) highest_address));
+ dprintf (2, ("bgc lowest_address: %Ix bgc highest_address: %Ix",
+ (size_t) background_saved_lowest_address, (size_t) background_saved_highest_address));
+ if (heap_number == 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (1, ("total heap size: %Id, commit size: %Id", get_total_heap_size(), get_total_committed_size()));
+ }
+ int curr_gen_number = max_generation+1;
+ while (curr_gen_number >= 0)
+ {
+ size_t total_gen_size = generation_size (curr_gen_number);
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("[%s][g%d]gen %d:, size: %Id, frag: %Id(L: %Id, O: %Id), f: %d%% %s %s %s",
+ (begin_gc_p ? "BEG" : "END"),
+ settings.condemned_generation,
+ curr_gen_number,
+ total_gen_size,
+ dd_fragmentation (dynamic_data_of (curr_gen_number)),
+ generation_free_list_space (generation_of (curr_gen_number)),
+ generation_free_obj_space (generation_of (curr_gen_number)),
+ (total_gen_size ?
+ (int)(((double)dd_fragmentation (dynamic_data_of (curr_gen_number)) / (double)total_gen_size) * 100) :
+ 0),
+ (begin_gc_p ? ("") : (settings.compaction ? "(compact)" : "(sweep)")),
+ (settings.heap_expansion ? "(EX)" : " "),
+ (settings.promotion ? "Promotion" : "NoPromotion")));
+ dprintf (2, ( "Generation %d: gap size: %d, generation size: %Id, fragmentation: %Id",
+ curr_gen_number,
+ size (generation_allocation_start (generation_of (curr_gen_number))),
+ total_gen_size,
+ dd_fragmentation (dynamic_data_of (curr_gen_number))));
+ generation* gen = generation_of (curr_gen_number);
+ heap_segment* seg = generation_start_segment (gen);
+ while (seg && (seg != ephemeral_heap_segment))
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("g%d: [%Ix %Ix[-%Ix[ (%Id) (%Id)",
+ curr_gen_number,
+ (size_t)heap_segment_mem (seg),
+ (size_t)heap_segment_allocated (seg),
+ (size_t)heap_segment_committed (seg),
+ (size_t)(heap_segment_allocated (seg) - heap_segment_mem (seg)),
+ (size_t)(heap_segment_committed (seg) - heap_segment_allocated (seg))));
+ print_free_list (curr_gen_number, seg);
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ }
+ if (seg && (seg != generation_start_segment (gen)))
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("g%d: [%Ix %Ix[",
+ curr_gen_number,
+ (size_t)heap_segment_mem (seg),
+ (size_t)generation_allocation_start (generation_of (curr_gen_number-1))));
+ print_free_list (curr_gen_number, seg);
+ }
+ else if (seg)
+ {
+ dprintf (GTC_LOG, ("g%d: [%Ix %Ix[",
+ curr_gen_number,
+ (size_t)generation_allocation_start (generation_of (curr_gen_number)),
+ (size_t)(((curr_gen_number == 0)) ?
+ (heap_segment_allocated
+ (generation_start_segment
+ (generation_of (curr_gen_number)))) :
+ (generation_allocation_start
+ (generation_of (curr_gen_number - 1))))
+ ));
+ print_free_list (curr_gen_number, seg);
+ }
+ curr_gen_number--;
+ }
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+#undef TRACE_GC
+//#define TRACE_GC
+// VM Specific support
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ unsigned int PromotedObjectCount = 0;
+ unsigned int CreatedObjectCount = 0;
+ unsigned int AllocDuration = 0;
+ unsigned int AllocCount = 0;
+ unsigned int AllocBigCount = 0;
+ unsigned int AllocSmallCount = 0;
+ unsigned int AllocStart = 0;
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+//Static member variables.
+//CMCSafeLock* GCHeap::fGcLock;
+CLREvent *GCHeap::WaitForGCEvent = NULL;
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+unsigned int GCHeap::GcDuration;
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+unsigned GCHeap::GcCondemnedGeneration = 0;
+size_t GCHeap::totalSurvivedSize = 0;
+CFinalize* GCHeap::m_Finalize = 0;
+BOOL GCHeap::GcCollectClasses = FALSE;
+VOLATILE(int32_t) GCHeap::m_GCFLock = 0;
+#ifndef FEATURE_REDHAWK // Redhawk forces relocation a different way
+int GCHeap::gc_stress_fgcs_in_bgc = 0;
+#endif // BACKGROUND_GC
+int GCHeap::m_CurStressObj = 0;
+#endif // !MULTIPLE_HEAPS
+#endif // STRESS_HEAP
+static void spin_lock ()
+ enter_spin_lock_noinstru (&m_GCLock);
+void EnterAllocLock()
+#if defined(_TARGET_X86_)
+ __asm {
+ inc dword ptr m_GCLock
+ jz gotit
+ call spin_lock
+ gotit:
+ }
+#else //_TARGET_X86_
+ spin_lock();
+#endif //_TARGET_X86_
+void LeaveAllocLock()
+ // Trick this out
+ leave_spin_lock_noinstru (&m_GCLock);
+class AllocLockHolder
+ AllocLockHolder()
+ {
+ EnterAllocLock();
+ }
+ ~AllocLockHolder()
+ {
+ LeaveAllocLock();
+ }
+// An explanation of locking for finalization:
+// Multiple threads allocate objects. During the allocation, they are serialized by
+// the AllocLock above. But they release that lock before they register the object
+// for finalization. That's because there is much contention for the alloc lock, but
+// finalization is presumed to be a rare case.
+// So registering an object for finalization must be protected by the FinalizeLock.
+// There is another logical queue that involves finalization. When objects registered
+// for finalization become unreachable, they are moved from the "registered" queue to
+// the "unreachable" queue. Note that this only happens inside a GC, so no other
+// threads can be manipulating either queue at that time. Once the GC is over and
+// threads are resumed, the Finalizer thread will dequeue objects from the "unreachable"
+// queue and call their finalizers. This dequeue operation is also protected with
+// the finalize lock.
+// At first, this seems unnecessary. Only one thread is ever enqueuing or dequeuing
+// on the unreachable queue (either the GC thread during a GC or the finalizer thread
+// when a GC is not in progress). The reason we share a lock with threads enqueuing
+// on the "registered" queue is that the "registered" and "unreachable" queues are
+// interrelated.
+// They are actually two regions of a longer list, which can only grow at one end.
+// So to enqueue an object to the "registered" list, you actually rotate an unreachable
+// object at the boundary between the logical queues, out to the other end of the
+// unreachable queue -- where all growing takes place. Then you move the boundary
+// pointer so that the gap we created at the boundary is now on the "registered"
+// side rather than the "unreachable" side. Now the object can be placed into the
+// "registered" side at that point. This is much more efficient than doing moves
+// of arbitrarily long regions, but it causes the two queues to require a shared lock.
+// Notice that Enter/LeaveFinalizeLock is not a GC-aware spin lock. Instead, it relies
+// on the fact that the lock will only be taken for a brief period and that it will
+// never provoke or allow a GC while the lock is held. This is critical. If the
+// FinalizeLock used enter_spin_lock (and thus sometimes enters preemptive mode to
+// allow a GC), then the Alloc client would have to GC protect a finalizable object
+// to protect against that eventuality. That is too slow!
+BOOL IsValidObject99(uint8_t *pObject)
+ if (!((CObjectHeader*)pObject)->IsFree())
+ ((CObjectHeader *) pObject)->Validate();
+#endif //VERIFY_HEAP
+ return(TRUE);
+BOOL gc_heap::bgc_mark_array_range (heap_segment* seg,
+ BOOL whole_seg_p,
+ uint8_t** range_beg,
+ uint8_t** range_end)
+ uint8_t* seg_start = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ uint8_t* seg_end = (whole_seg_p ? heap_segment_reserved (seg) : align_on_mark_word (heap_segment_allocated (seg)));
+ if ((seg_start < background_saved_highest_address) &&
+ (seg_end > background_saved_lowest_address))
+ {
+ *range_beg = max (seg_start, background_saved_lowest_address);
+ *range_end = min (seg_end, background_saved_highest_address);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+void gc_heap::bgc_verify_mark_array_cleared (heap_segment* seg)
+#if defined (VERIFY_HEAP) && defined (MARK_ARRAY)
+ if (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p() && g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel() & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_GC)
+ {
+ uint8_t* range_beg = 0;
+ uint8_t* range_end = 0;
+ if (bgc_mark_array_range (seg, TRUE, &range_beg, &range_end))
+ {
+ size_t markw = mark_word_of (range_beg);
+ size_t markw_end = mark_word_of (range_end);
+ while (markw < markw_end)
+ {
+ if (mark_array [markw])
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("The mark bits at 0x%Ix:0x%Ix(addr: 0x%Ix) were not cleared",
+ markw, mark_array [markw], mark_word_address (markw)));
+ }
+ markw++;
+ }
+ uint8_t* p = mark_word_address (markw_end);
+ while (p < range_end)
+ {
+ assert (!(mark_array_marked (p)));
+ p++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void gc_heap::verify_mark_bits_cleared (uint8_t* obj, size_t s)
+#if defined (VERIFY_HEAP) && defined (MARK_ARRAY)
+ size_t start_mark_bit = mark_bit_of (obj) + 1;
+ size_t end_mark_bit = mark_bit_of (obj + s);
+ unsigned int startbit = mark_bit_bit (start_mark_bit);
+ unsigned int endbit = mark_bit_bit (end_mark_bit);
+ size_t startwrd = mark_bit_word (start_mark_bit);
+ size_t endwrd = mark_bit_word (end_mark_bit);
+ unsigned int result = 0;
+ unsigned int firstwrd = ~(lowbits (~0, startbit));
+ unsigned int lastwrd = ~(highbits (~0, endbit));
+ if (startwrd == endwrd)
+ {
+ unsigned int wrd = firstwrd & lastwrd;
+ result = mark_array[startwrd] & wrd;
+ if (result)
+ {
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // verify the first mark word is cleared.
+ if (startbit)
+ {
+ result = mark_array[startwrd] & firstwrd;
+ if (result)
+ {
+ }
+ startwrd++;
+ }
+ for (size_t wrdtmp = startwrd; wrdtmp < endwrd; wrdtmp++)
+ {
+ result = mark_array[wrdtmp];
+ if (result)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ // set the last mark word.
+ if (endbit)
+ {
+ result = mark_array[endwrd] & lastwrd;
+ if (result)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+void gc_heap::clear_all_mark_array()
+#ifdef MARK_ARRAY
+ //size_t num_dwords_written = 0;
+ //size_t begin_time = GetHighPrecisionTimeStamp();
+ generation* gen = generation_of (max_generation);
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (seg == 0)
+ {
+ if (gen != large_object_generation)
+ {
+ gen = generation_of (max_generation+1);
+ seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ uint8_t* range_beg = 0;
+ uint8_t* range_end = 0;
+ if (bgc_mark_array_range (seg, (seg == ephemeral_heap_segment), &range_beg, &range_end))
+ {
+ size_t markw = mark_word_of (range_beg);
+ size_t markw_end = mark_word_of (range_end);
+ size_t size_total = (markw_end - markw) * sizeof (uint32_t);
+ //num_dwords_written = markw_end - markw;
+ size_t size = 0;
+ size_t size_left = 0;
+ assert (((size_t)&mark_array[markw] & (sizeof(PTR_PTR)-1)) == 0);
+ if ((size_total & (sizeof(PTR_PTR) - 1)) != 0)
+ {
+ size = (size_total & ~(sizeof(PTR_PTR) - 1));
+ size_left = size_total - size;
+ assert ((size_left & (sizeof (uint32_t) - 1)) == 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size = size_total;
+ }
+ memclr ((uint8_t*)&mark_array[markw], size);
+ if (size_left != 0)
+ {
+ uint32_t* markw_to_clear = &mark_array[markw + size / sizeof (uint32_t)];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_left / sizeof (uint32_t)); i++)
+ {
+ *markw_to_clear = 0;
+ markw_to_clear++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ }
+ //size_t end_time = GetHighPrecisionTimeStamp() - begin_time;
+ //printf ("took %Id ms to clear %Id bytes\n", end_time, num_dwords_written*sizeof(uint32_t));
+#endif //MARK_ARRAY
+void gc_heap::verify_mark_array_cleared (heap_segment* seg)
+#if defined (VERIFY_HEAP) && defined (MARK_ARRAY)
+ assert (card_table == g_card_table);
+ size_t markw = mark_word_of (heap_segment_mem (seg));
+ size_t markw_end = mark_word_of (heap_segment_reserved (seg));
+ while (markw < markw_end)
+ {
+ if (mark_array [markw])
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("The mark bits at 0x%Ix:0x%Ix(addr: 0x%Ix) were not cleared",
+ markw, mark_array [markw], mark_word_address (markw)));
+ }
+ markw++;
+ }
+void gc_heap::verify_mark_array_cleared ()
+#if defined (VERIFY_HEAP) && defined (MARK_ARRAY)
+ if (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p() && g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel() & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_GC)
+ {
+ generation* gen = generation_of (max_generation);
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (seg == 0)
+ {
+ if (gen != large_object_generation)
+ {
+ gen = generation_of (max_generation+1);
+ seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ bgc_verify_mark_array_cleared (seg);
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ }
+ }
+void gc_heap::verify_seg_end_mark_array_cleared()
+#if defined (VERIFY_HEAP) && defined (MARK_ARRAY)
+ if (g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel() & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_GC)
+ {
+ generation* gen = generation_of (max_generation);
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (seg == 0)
+ {
+ if (gen != large_object_generation)
+ {
+ gen = generation_of (max_generation+1);
+ seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // We already cleared all mark array bits for ephemeral generations
+ // at the beginning of bgc sweep
+ uint8_t* from = ((seg == ephemeral_heap_segment) ?
+ generation_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation - 1)) :
+ heap_segment_allocated (seg));
+ size_t markw = mark_word_of (align_on_mark_word (from));
+ size_t markw_end = mark_word_of (heap_segment_reserved (seg));
+ while (from < mark_word_address (markw))
+ {
+ if (is_mark_bit_set (from))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("mark bit for %Ix was not cleared", from));
+ }
+ from += mark_bit_pitch;
+ }
+ while (markw < markw_end)
+ {
+ if (mark_array [markw])
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("The mark bits at 0x%Ix:0x%Ix(addr: 0x%Ix) were not cleared",
+ markw, mark_array [markw], mark_word_address (markw)));
+ }
+ markw++;
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ }
+ }
+// This function is called to make sure we don't mess up the segment list
+// in SOH. It's called by:
+// 1) begin and end of ephemeral GCs
+// 2) during bgc sweep when we switch segments.
+void gc_heap::verify_soh_segment_list()
+ if (g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel() & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_GC)
+ {
+ generation* gen = generation_of (max_generation);
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ heap_segment* last_seg = 0;
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ last_seg = seg;
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ }
+ if (last_seg != ephemeral_heap_segment)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+#endif //VERIFY_HEAP
+// This function can be called at any foreground GCs or blocking GCs. For background GCs,
+// it can be called at the end of the final marking; and at any point during background
+// sweep.
+// NOTE - to be able to call this function during background sweep, we need to temporarily
+// NOT clear the mark array bits as we go.
+void gc_heap::verify_partial ()
+ //printf ("GC#%d: Verifying loh during sweep\n", settings.gc_index);
+ //generation* gen = large_object_generation;
+ generation* gen = generation_of (max_generation);
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ int align_const = get_alignment_constant (gen != large_object_generation);
+ uint8_t* o = 0;
+ uint8_t* end = 0;
+ size_t s = 0;
+ // Different ways to fail.
+ BOOL mark_missed_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL bad_ref_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL free_ref_p = FALSE;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (seg == 0)
+ {
+ if (gen != large_object_generation)
+ {
+ //switch to LOH
+ gen = large_object_generation;
+ align_const = get_alignment_constant (gen != large_object_generation);
+ seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ o = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ end = heap_segment_allocated (seg);
+ //printf ("validating [%Ix-[%Ix\n", o, end);
+ while (o < end)
+ {
+ s = size (o);
+ BOOL marked_p = background_object_marked (o, FALSE);
+ if (marked_p)
+ {
+ go_through_object_cl (method_table (o), o, s, oo,
+ {
+ if (*oo)
+ {
+ //dprintf (3, ("VOM: verifying member %Ix in obj %Ix", (size_t)*oo, o));
+ MethodTable *pMT = method_table (*oo);
+ if (pMT == g_pFreeObjectMethodTable)
+ {
+ free_ref_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!pMT->SanityCheck())
+ {
+ bad_ref_p = TRUE;
+ dprintf (3, ("Bad member of %Ix %Ix",
+ (size_t)oo, (size_t)*oo));
+ }
+ if (current_bgc_state == bgc_final_marking)
+ {
+ if (marked_p && !background_object_marked (*oo, FALSE))
+ {
+ mark_missed_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ o = o + Align(s, align_const);
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ }
+ //printf ("didn't find any large object large enough...\n");
+ //printf ("finished verifying loh\n");
+gc_heap::verify_free_lists ()
+ for (int gen_num = 0; gen_num <= max_generation+1; gen_num++)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Verifying free list for gen:%d", gen_num));
+ allocator* gen_alloc = generation_allocator (generation_of (gen_num));
+ size_t sz = gen_alloc->first_bucket_size();
+ bool verify_undo_slot = (gen_num != 0) && (gen_num != max_generation+1) && !gen_alloc->discard_if_no_fit_p();
+ for (unsigned int a_l_number = 0; a_l_number < gen_alloc->number_of_buckets(); a_l_number++)
+ {
+ uint8_t* free_list = gen_alloc->alloc_list_head_of (a_l_number);
+ uint8_t* prev = 0;
+ while (free_list)
+ {
+ if (!((CObjectHeader*)free_list)->IsFree())
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Verifiying Heap: curr free list item %Ix isn't a free object)",
+ (size_t)free_list));
+ }
+ if (((a_l_number < (gen_alloc->number_of_buckets()-1))&& (unused_array_size (free_list) >= sz))
+ || ((a_l_number != 0) && (unused_array_size (free_list) < sz/2)))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Verifiying Heap: curr free list item %Ix isn't in the right bucket",
+ (size_t)free_list));
+ }
+ if (verify_undo_slot && (free_list_undo (free_list) != UNDO_EMPTY))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Verifiying Heap: curr free list item %Ix has non empty undo slot",
+ (size_t)free_list));
+ }
+ if ((gen_num != max_generation+1)&&(object_gennum (free_list)!= gen_num))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Verifiying Heap: curr free list item %Ix is in the wrong generation free list",
+ (size_t)free_list));
+ }
+ prev = free_list;
+ free_list = free_list_slot (free_list);
+ }
+ //verify the sanity of the tail
+ uint8_t* tail = gen_alloc->alloc_list_tail_of (a_l_number);
+ if (!((tail == 0) || (tail == prev)))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Verifying Heap: tail of free list is not correct"));
+ }
+ if (tail == 0)
+ {
+ uint8_t* head = gen_alloc->alloc_list_head_of (a_l_number);
+ if ((head != 0) && (free_list_slot (head) != 0))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Verifying Heap: tail of free list is not correct"));
+ }
+ }
+ sz *=2;
+ }
+ }
+gc_heap::verify_heap (BOOL begin_gc_p)
+ int heap_verify_level = g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel();
+ size_t last_valid_brick = 0;
+ BOOL bCurrentBrickInvalid = FALSE;
+ BOOL large_brick_p = TRUE;
+ size_t curr_brick = 0;
+ size_t prev_brick = (size_t)-1;
+ int curr_gen_num = max_generation+1;
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_in_range (generation_start_segment (generation_of (curr_gen_num ) ));
+ uint8_t* curr_object = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ uint8_t* prev_object = 0;
+ uint8_t* begin_youngest = generation_allocation_start(generation_of(0));
+ uint8_t* end_youngest = heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ uint8_t* next_boundary = generation_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation - 1));
+ int align_const = get_alignment_constant (FALSE);
+ size_t total_objects_verified = 0;
+ size_t total_objects_verified_deep = 0;
+ BOOL consider_bgc_mark_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL check_current_sweep_p = FALSE;
+ BOOL check_saved_sweep_p = FALSE;
+ should_check_bgc_mark (seg, &consider_bgc_mark_p, &check_current_sweep_p, &check_saved_sweep_p);
+ t_join* current_join = &gc_t_join;
+ if (settings.concurrent && (bgc_thread_id.IsCurrentThread()))
+ {
+ // We always call verify_heap on entry of GC on the SVR GC threads.
+ current_join = &bgc_t_join;
+ }
+ dprintf (2,("[%s]GC#%d(%s): Verifying heap - begin",
+ (begin_gc_p ? "BEG" : "END"),
+ VolatileLoad(&settings.gc_index),
+ (settings.concurrent ? "BGC" : (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p() ? "FGC" : "NGC"))));
+ dprintf (2,("[%s]GC#%d: Verifying heap - begin",
+ (begin_gc_p ? "BEG" : "END"), VolatileLoad(&settings.gc_index)));
+ if ((g_ephemeral_low != generation_allocation_start (generation_of (max_generation - 1))) ||
+ (g_ephemeral_high != heap_segment_reserved (ephemeral_heap_segment)))
+ {
+ }
+ //don't touch the memory because the program is allocating from it.
+ if (!settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ if (!(heap_verify_level & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_NO_MEM_FILL))
+ {
+ //uninit the unused portions of segments.
+ generation* gen1 = large_object_generation;
+ heap_segment* seg1 = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen1));
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (seg1)
+ {
+ uint8_t* clear_start = heap_segment_allocated (seg1) - plug_skew;
+ if (heap_segment_used (seg1) > clear_start)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("setting end of seg %Ix: [%Ix-[%Ix to 0xaa",
+ heap_segment_mem (seg1),
+ clear_start ,
+ heap_segment_used (seg1)));
+ memset (heap_segment_allocated (seg1) - plug_skew, 0xaa,
+ (heap_segment_used (seg1) - clear_start));
+ }
+ seg1 = heap_segment_next_rw (seg1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (gen1 == large_object_generation)
+ {
+ gen1 = generation_of (max_generation);
+ seg1 = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen1));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ current_join->join(this, gc_join_verify_copy_table);
+ if (current_join->joined())
+ {
+ // in concurrent GC, new segment could be allocated when GC is working so the card brick table might not be updated at this point
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ //copy the card and brick tables
+ if (g_card_table != g_heaps[i]->card_table)
+ {
+ g_heaps[i]->copy_brick_card_table();
+ }
+ }
+ current_join->restart();
+ }
+ if (g_card_table != card_table)
+ copy_brick_card_table();
+ //verify that the generation structures makes sense
+ {
+ generation* gen = generation_of (max_generation);
+ assert (generation_allocation_start (gen) ==
+ heap_segment_mem (heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen))));
+ int gen_num = max_generation-1;
+ generation* prev_gen = gen;
+ while (gen_num >= 0)
+ {
+ gen = generation_of (gen_num);
+ assert (generation_allocation_segment (gen) == ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ assert (generation_allocation_start (gen) >= heap_segment_mem (ephemeral_heap_segment));
+ assert (generation_allocation_start (gen) < heap_segment_allocated (ephemeral_heap_segment));
+ if (generation_start_segment (prev_gen ) ==
+ generation_start_segment (gen))
+ {
+ assert (generation_allocation_start (prev_gen) <
+ generation_allocation_start (gen));
+ }
+ prev_gen = gen;
+ gen_num--;
+ }
+ }
+ while (1)
+ {
+ // Handle segment transitions
+ if (curr_object >= heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ if (curr_object > heap_segment_allocated(seg))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Verifiying Heap: curr_object: %Ix > heap_segment_allocated (seg: %Ix)",
+ (size_t)curr_object, (size_t)seg));
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_next_in_range (seg);
+ if (seg)
+ {
+ should_check_bgc_mark (seg, &consider_bgc_mark_p, &check_current_sweep_p, &check_saved_sweep_p);
+ curr_object = heap_segment_mem(seg);
+ prev_object = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (curr_gen_num == (max_generation+1))
+ {
+ curr_gen_num--;
+ seg = heap_segment_in_range (generation_start_segment (generation_of (curr_gen_num)));
+ should_check_bgc_mark (seg, &consider_bgc_mark_p, &check_current_sweep_p, &check_saved_sweep_p);
+ curr_object = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ prev_object = 0;
+ large_brick_p = FALSE;
+ align_const = get_alignment_constant (TRUE);
+ }
+ else
+ break; // Done Verifying Heap -- no more segments
+ }
+ }
+ // Are we at the end of the youngest_generation?
+ if (seg == ephemeral_heap_segment)
+ {
+ if (curr_object >= end_youngest)
+ {
+ // prev_object length is too long if we hit this int3
+ if (curr_object > end_youngest)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Verifiying Heap: curr_object: %Ix > end_youngest: %Ix",
+ (size_t)curr_object, (size_t)end_youngest));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((curr_object >= next_boundary) && (curr_gen_num > 0))
+ {
+ curr_gen_num--;
+ if (curr_gen_num > 0)
+ {
+ next_boundary = generation_allocation_start (generation_of (curr_gen_num - 1));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //if (is_mark_set (curr_object))
+ //{
+ // printf ("curr_object: %Ix is marked!",(size_t)curr_object);
+ //}
+ size_t s = size (curr_object);
+ dprintf (3, ("o: %Ix, s: %d", (size_t)curr_object, s));
+ if (s == 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Verifying Heap: size of current object %Ix == 0", curr_object));
+ }
+ // If object is not in the youngest generation, then lets
+ // verify that the brick table is correct....
+ if (((seg != ephemeral_heap_segment) ||
+ (brick_of(curr_object) < brick_of(begin_youngest))))
+ {
+ curr_brick = brick_of(curr_object);
+ // Brick Table Verification...
+ //
+ // On brick transition
+ // if brick is negative
+ // verify that brick indirects to previous valid brick
+ // else
+ // set current brick invalid flag to be flipped if we
+ // encounter an object at the correct place
+ //
+ if (curr_brick != prev_brick)
+ {
+ // If the last brick we were examining had positive
+ // entry but we never found the matching object, then
+ // we have a problem
+ // If prev_brick was the last one of the segment
+ // it's ok for it to be invalid because it is never looked at
+ if (bCurrentBrickInvalid &&
+ (curr_brick != brick_of (heap_segment_mem (seg))) &&
+ !heap_segment_read_only_p (seg))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("curr brick %Ix invalid", curr_brick));
+ }
+ if (large_brick_p)
+ {
+ //large objects verify the table only if they are in
+ //range.
+ if ((heap_segment_reserved (seg) <= highest_address) &&
+ (heap_segment_mem (seg) >= lowest_address) &&
+ brick_table [curr_brick] != 0)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("curr_brick %Ix for large object %Ix not set to -32768",
+ curr_brick, (size_t)curr_object));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bCurrentBrickInvalid = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If the current brick contains a negative value make sure
+ // that the indirection terminates at the last valid brick
+ if (brick_table [curr_brick] <= 0)
+ {
+ if (brick_table [curr_brick] == 0)
+ {
+ dprintf(3, ("curr_brick %Ix for object %Ix set to 0",
+ curr_brick, (size_t)curr_object));
+ }
+ ptrdiff_t i = curr_brick;
+ while ((i >= ((ptrdiff_t) brick_of (heap_segment_mem (seg)))) &&
+ (brick_table[i] < 0))
+ {
+ i = i + brick_table[i];
+ }
+ if (i < ((ptrdiff_t)(brick_of (heap_segment_mem (seg))) - 1))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("ptrdiff i: %Ix < brick_of (heap_segment_mem (seg)):%Ix - 1. curr_brick: %Ix",
+ i, brick_of (heap_segment_mem (seg)),
+ curr_brick));
+ }
+ // if (i != last_valid_brick)
+ bCurrentBrickInvalid = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if (!heap_segment_read_only_p (seg))
+ {
+ bCurrentBrickInvalid = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (bCurrentBrickInvalid)
+ {
+ if (curr_object == (brick_address(curr_brick) + brick_table[curr_brick] - 1))
+ {
+ bCurrentBrickInvalid = FALSE;
+ last_valid_brick = curr_brick;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (*((uint8_t**)curr_object) != (uint8_t *) g_pFreeObjectMethodTable)
+ {
+ if ((curr_gen_num == (max_generation+1)) && (prev_object != 0))
+ {
+ assert (method_table (prev_object) == g_pFreeObjectMethodTable);
+ }
+ total_objects_verified++;
+ BOOL can_verify_deep = TRUE;
+ can_verify_deep = fgc_should_consider_object (curr_object, seg, consider_bgc_mark_p, check_current_sweep_p, check_saved_sweep_p);
+ BOOL deep_verify_obj = can_verify_deep;
+ if ((heap_verify_level & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_DEEP_ON_COMPACT) && !settings.compaction)
+ deep_verify_obj = FALSE;
+ ((CObjectHeader*)curr_object)->ValidateHeap((Object*)curr_object, deep_verify_obj);
+ if (can_verify_deep)
+ {
+ if (curr_gen_num > 0)
+ {
+ BOOL need_card_p = FALSE;
+ if (contain_pointers_or_collectible (curr_object))
+ {
+ dprintf (4, ("curr_object: %Ix", (size_t)curr_object));
+ size_t crd = card_of (curr_object);
+ BOOL found_card_p = card_set_p (crd);
+ if (is_collectible(curr_object))
+ {
+ uint8_t* class_obj = get_class_object (curr_object);
+ if ((class_obj < ephemeral_high) && (class_obj >= next_boundary))
+ {
+ if (!found_card_p)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Card not set, curr_object = [%Ix:%Ix pointing to class object %Ix",
+ card_of (curr_object), (size_t)curr_object, class_obj));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (contain_pointers(curr_object))
+ {
+ go_through_object_nostart
+ (method_table(curr_object), curr_object, s, oo,
+ {
+ if ((crd != card_of ((uint8_t*)oo)) && !found_card_p)
+ {
+ crd = card_of ((uint8_t*)oo);
+ found_card_p = card_set_p (crd);
+ need_card_p = FALSE;
+ }
+ if ((*oo < ephemeral_high) && (*oo >= next_boundary))
+ {
+ need_card_p = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (need_card_p && !found_card_p)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Card not set, curr_object = [%Ix:%Ix, %Ix:%Ix[",
+ card_of (curr_object), (size_t)curr_object,
+ card_of (curr_object+Align(s, align_const)), (size_t)curr_object+Align(s, align_const)));
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ if (need_card_p && !found_card_p)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("Card not set, curr_object = [%Ix:%Ix, %Ix:%Ix[",
+ card_of (curr_object), (size_t)curr_object,
+ card_of (curr_object+Align(s, align_const)), (size_t)curr_object+Align(s, align_const)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ total_objects_verified_deep++;
+ }
+ }
+ prev_object = curr_object;
+ prev_brick = curr_brick;
+ curr_object = curr_object + Align(s, align_const);
+ if (curr_object < prev_object)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("overflow because of a bad object size: %Ix size %Ix", prev_object, s));
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf (2, ("(%s)(%s)(%s) total_objects_verified is %Id, total_objects_verified_deep is %Id",
+ (settings.concurrent ? "BGC" : (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p () ? "FGC" : "NGC")),
+ (begin_gc_p ? "BEG" : "END"),
+ ((current_c_gc_state == c_gc_state_planning) ? "in plan" : "not in plan"),
+ total_objects_verified, total_objects_verified_deep));
+ if (current_c_gc_state != c_gc_state_planning)
+ {
+ assert (total_objects_verified == total_objects_verified_deep);
+ }
+ verify_free_lists();
+ finalize_queue->CheckFinalizerObjects();
+ {
+ // to be consistent with handle table APIs pass a ScanContext*
+ // to provide the heap number. the SC isn't complete though so
+ // limit its scope to handle table verification.
+ ScanContext sc;
+ sc.thread_number = heap_number;
+ GCScan::VerifyHandleTable(max_generation, max_generation, &sc);
+ }
+ current_join->join(this, gc_join_verify_objects_done);
+ if (current_join->joined())
+ {
+ SyncBlockCache::GetSyncBlockCache()->VerifySyncTableEntry();
+ current_join->restart();
+ }
+ if (!settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ if (current_c_gc_state == c_gc_state_planning)
+ {
+ // temporarily commenting this out 'cause an FGC
+ // could be triggered before we sweep ephemeral.
+ //verify_seg_end_mark_array_cleared();
+ }
+ }
+ if (settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ verify_mark_array_cleared();
+ }
+ dprintf (2,("GC%d(%s): Verifying heap - end",
+ VolatileLoad(&settings.gc_index),
+ (settings.concurrent ? "BGC" : (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p() ? "FGC" : "NGC"))));
+ dprintf (2,("GC#d: Verifying heap - end", VolatileLoad(&settings.gc_index)));
+void GCHeap::ValidateObjectMember (Object* obj)
+ size_t s = size (obj);
+ uint8_t* o = (uint8_t*)obj;
+ go_through_object_cl (method_table (obj), o, s, oo,
+ {
+ uint8_t* child_o = *oo;
+ if (child_o)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("VOM: m: %Ix obj %Ix", (size_t)child_o, o));
+ MethodTable *pMT = method_table (child_o);
+ if (!pMT->SanityCheck()) {
+ dprintf (3, ("Bad member of %Ix %Ix",
+ (size_t)oo, (size_t)child_o));
+ }
+ }
+ } );
+#endif //VERIFY_HEAP
+void DestructObject (CObjectHeader* hdr)
+ UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hdr); // compiler bug? -- this *is*, indeed, referenced
+ hdr->~CObjectHeader();
+HRESULT GCHeap::Shutdown ()
+ deleteGCShadow();
+ GCScan::GcRuntimeStructuresValid (FALSE);
+ // Cannot assert this, since we use SuspendEE as the mechanism to quiesce all
+ // threads except the one performing the shutdown.
+ // ASSERT( !GcInProgress );
+ // Guard against any more GC occurring and against any threads blocking
+ // for GC to complete when the GC heap is gone. This fixes a race condition
+ // where a thread in GC is destroyed as part of process destruction and
+ // the remaining threads block for GC complete.
+ //EnterAllocLock();
+ //Enter();
+ //EnterFinalizeLock();
+ //SetGCDone();
+ // during shutdown lot of threads are suspended
+ // on this even, we don't want to wake them up just yet
+ //CloseHandle (WaitForGCEvent);
+ //find out if the global card table hasn't been used yet
+ uint32_t* ct = &g_card_table[card_word (gcard_of (g_lowest_address))];
+ if (card_table_refcount (ct) == 0)
+ {
+ destroy_card_table (ct);
+ g_card_table = 0;
+ SoftwareWriteWatch::StaticClose();
+ }
+ //destroy all segments on the standby list
+ while(gc_heap::segment_standby_list != 0)
+ {
+ heap_segment* next_seg = heap_segment_next (gc_heap::segment_standby_list);
+ (gc_heap::g_heaps[0])->delete_heap_segment (gc_heap::segment_standby_list, FALSE);
+ pGenGCHeap->delete_heap_segment (gc_heap::segment_standby_list, FALSE);
+ gc_heap::segment_standby_list = next_seg;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < gc_heap::n_heaps; i ++)
+ {
+ delete gc_heap::g_heaps[i]->vm_heap;
+ //destroy pure GC stuff
+ gc_heap::destroy_gc_heap (gc_heap::g_heaps[i]);
+ }
+ gc_heap::destroy_gc_heap (pGenGCHeap);
+ gc_heap::shutdown_gc();
+ return S_OK;
+// Wait until a garbage collection is complete
+// returns NOERROR if wait was OK, other error code if failure.
+// WARNING: This will not undo the must complete state. If you are
+// in a must complete when you call this, you'd better know what you're
+// doing.
+HRESULT AllocateCFinalize(CFinalize **pCFinalize)
+ *pCFinalize = new (nothrow) CFinalize();
+ if (*pCFinalize == NULL || !(*pCFinalize)->Initialize())
+ return S_OK;
+// init the instance heap
+HRESULT GCHeap::Init(size_t hn)
+ HRESULT hres = S_OK;
+ //Initialize all of the instance members.
+ m_GCLock = -1;
+ // Rest of the initialization
+ if ((pGenGCHeap = gc_heap::make_gc_heap(this, (int)hn)) == 0)
+ if (!gc_heap::make_gc_heap())
+ // Failed.
+ return hres;
+//System wide initialization
+HRESULT GCHeap::Initialize ()
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ if (!GCToOSInterface::Initialize())
+ {
+ return E_FAIL;
+ }
+//Initialize the static members.
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ GcDuration = 0;
+ CreatedObjectCount = 0;
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ size_t seg_size = get_valid_segment_size();
+ size_t large_seg_size = get_valid_segment_size(TRUE);
+ gc_heap::min_segment_size = min (seg_size, large_seg_size);
+ if (g_pConfig->GetGCNoAffinitize())
+ gc_heap::gc_thread_no_affinitize_p = true;
+ uint32_t nhp_from_config = g_pConfig->GetGCHeapCount();
+ // GetGCProcessCpuCount only returns up to 64 procs.
+ uint32_t nhp_from_process = CPUGroupInfo::CanEnableGCCPUGroups() ?
+ CPUGroupInfo::GetNumActiveProcessors():
+ GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentProcessCpuCount();
+ uint32_t nhp = ((nhp_from_config == 0) ? nhp_from_process :
+ (min (nhp_from_config, nhp_from_process)));
+ hr = gc_heap::initialize_gc (seg_size, large_seg_size /*LHEAP_ALLOC*/, nhp);
+ hr = gc_heap::initialize_gc (seg_size, large_seg_size /*LHEAP_ALLOC*/);
+ if (hr != S_OK)
+ return hr;
+ gc_heap::total_physical_mem = GCToOSInterface::GetPhysicalMemoryLimit();
+ gc_heap::mem_one_percent = gc_heap::total_physical_mem / 100;
+ gc_heap::mem_one_percent /= g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
+ // We should only use this if we are in the "many process" mode which really is only applicable
+ // to very powerful machines - before that's implemented, temporarily I am only enabling this for 80GB+ memory.
+ // For now I am using an estimate to calculate these numbers but this should really be obtained
+ // programmatically going forward.
+ // I am assuming 47 processes using WKS GC and 3 using SVR GC.
+ // I am assuming 3 in part due to the "very high memory load" is 97%.
+ int available_mem_th = 10;
+ if (gc_heap::total_physical_mem >= ((uint64_t)80 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024))
+ {
+ int adjusted_available_mem_th = 3 + (int)((float)47 / (float)(g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors));
+ available_mem_th = min (available_mem_th, adjusted_available_mem_th);
+ }
+ gc_heap::high_memory_load_th = 100 - available_mem_th;
+#if defined(BIT64)
+ gc_heap::youngest_gen_desired_th = gc_heap::mem_one_percent;
+#endif // BIT64
+ WaitForGCEvent = new (nothrow) CLREvent;
+ if (!WaitForGCEvent)
+ {
+ }
+ if (!WaitForGCEvent->CreateManualEventNoThrow(TRUE))
+ {
+ return E_FAIL;
+ }
+ StompWriteBarrierResize(true, false);
+#ifndef FEATURE_REDHAWK // Redhawk forces relocation a different way
+#if defined (STRESS_HEAP) && !defined (MULTIPLE_HEAPS)
+ if (GCStress<cfg_any>::IsEnabled()) {
+ for(int i = 0; i < GCHeap::NUM_HEAP_STRESS_OBJS; i++)
+ m_StressObjs[i] = CreateGlobalHandle(0);
+ m_CurStressObj = 0;
+ }
+ initGCShadow(); // If we are debugging write barriers, initialize heap shadow
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < nhp; i++)
+ {
+ GCHeap* Hp = new (nothrow) GCHeap();
+ if (!Hp)
+ if ((hr = Hp->Init (i))!= S_OK)
+ {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ }
+ // initialize numa node to heap map
+ heap_select::init_numa_node_to_heap_map(nhp);
+ hr = Init (0);
+ if (hr == S_OK)
+ {
+ GCScan::GcRuntimeStructuresValid (TRUE);
+ if (CORProfilerTrackGC())
+ UpdateGenerationBounds();
+#endif // GC_PROFILING
+ }
+ return hr;
+// GC callback functions
+BOOL GCHeap::IsPromoted(Object* object)
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ ((CObjectHeader*)object)->Validate();
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ uint8_t* o = (uint8_t*)object;
+ if (gc_heap::settings.condemned_generation == max_generation)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps[0];
+ gc_heap* hp = pGenGCHeap;
+ if (gc_heap::settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ BOOL is_marked = (!((o < hp->background_saved_highest_address) && (o >= hp->background_saved_lowest_address))||
+ hp->background_marked (o));
+ return is_marked;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return (!((o < hp->highest_address) && (o >= hp->lowest_address))
+ || hp->is_mark_set (o));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::heap_of (o);
+ return (!((o < hp->gc_high) && (o >= hp->gc_low))
+ || hp->is_mark_set (o));
+ }
+size_t GCHeap::GetPromotedBytes(int heap_index)
+ if (gc_heap::settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ return gc_heap::bpromoted_bytes (heap_index);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return gc_heap::promoted_bytes (heap_index);
+ }
+unsigned int GCHeap::WhichGeneration (Object* object)
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::heap_of ((uint8_t*)object);
+ unsigned int g = hp->object_gennum ((uint8_t*)object);
+ dprintf (3, ("%Ix is in gen %d", (size_t)object, g));
+ return g;
+BOOL GCHeap::IsEphemeral (Object* object)
+ uint8_t* o = (uint8_t*)object;
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::heap_of (o);
+ return hp->ephemeral_pointer_p (o);
+// Return NULL if can't find next object. When EE is not suspended,
+// the result is not accurate: if the input arg is in gen0, the function could
+// return zeroed out memory as next object
+Object * GCHeap::NextObj (Object * object)
+ uint8_t* o = (uint8_t*)object;
+ if (!((o < g_highest_address) && (o >= g_lowest_address)))
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ heap_segment * hs = gc_heap::find_segment (o, FALSE);
+ if (!hs)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ BOOL large_object_p = heap_segment_loh_p (hs);
+ if (large_object_p)
+ return NULL; //could be racing with another core allocating.
+ gc_heap* hp = heap_segment_heap (hs);
+ gc_heap* hp = 0;
+ unsigned int g = hp->object_gennum ((uint8_t*)object);
+ if ((g == 0) && hp->settings.demotion)
+ return NULL;//could be racing with another core allocating.
+ int align_const = get_alignment_constant (!large_object_p);
+ uint8_t* nextobj = o + Align (size (o), align_const);
+ if (nextobj <= o) // either overflow or 0 sized object.
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ((nextobj < heap_segment_mem(hs)) ||
+ (nextobj >= heap_segment_allocated(hs) && hs != hp->ephemeral_heap_segment) ||
+ (nextobj >= hp->alloc_allocated))
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return (Object *)nextobj;
+BOOL GCHeap::IsInFrozenSegment (Object * object)
+ uint8_t* o = (uint8_t*)object;
+ heap_segment * hs = gc_heap::find_segment (o, FALSE);
+ //We create a frozen object for each frozen segment before the segment is inserted
+ //to segment list; during ngen, we could also create frozen objects in segments which
+ //don't belong to current GC heap.
+ //So we return true if hs is NULL. It might create a hole about detecting invalidate
+ //object. But given all other checks present, the hole should be very small
+ return !hs || heap_segment_read_only_p (hs);
+#endif //VERIFY_HEAP
+// returns TRUE if the pointer is in one of the GC heaps.
+BOOL GCHeap::IsHeapPointer (void* vpObject, BOOL small_heap_only)
+ // removed STATIC_CONTRACT_CAN_TAKE_LOCK here because find_segment
+ // no longer calls CLREvent::Wait which eventually takes a lock.
+ uint8_t* object = (uint8_t*) vpObject;
+ if (!((object < g_highest_address) && (object >= g_lowest_address)))
+ return FALSE;
+ heap_segment * hs = gc_heap::find_segment (object, small_heap_only);
+ return !!hs;
+static n_promote = 0;
+// promote an object
+void GCHeap::Promote(Object** ppObject, ScanContext* sc, uint32_t flags)
+ const int thread = 0;
+ uint8_t* o = (uint8_t*)*ppObject;
+ if (o == 0)
+ return;
+#ifdef DEBUG_DestroyedHandleValue
+ // we can race with destroy handle during concurrent scan
+ if (o == (uint8_t*)DEBUG_DestroyedHandleValue)
+ return;
+#endif //DEBUG_DestroyedHandleValue
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::heap_of (o);
+ dprintf (3, ("Promote %Ix", (size_t)o));
+ if (flags & GC_CALL_INTERIOR)
+ {
+ if ((o < hp->gc_low) || (o >= hp->gc_high))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( (o = hp->find_object (o, hp->gc_low)) == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // For conservative GC, a value on stack may point to middle of a free object.
+ // In this case, we don't need to promote the pointer.
+ if (g_pConfig->GetGCConservative()
+ && ((CObjectHeader*)o)->IsFree())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ ((CObjectHeader*)o)->ValidatePromote(sc, flags);
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ if (flags & GC_CALL_PINNED)
+ hp->pin_object (o, (uint8_t**) ppObject, hp->gc_low, hp->gc_high);
+ if ((++n_promote % 20) == 1)
+ hp->pin_object (o, (uint8_t**) ppObject, hp->gc_low, hp->gc_high);
+ size_t promoted_size_begin = hp->promoted_bytes (thread);
+ if ((o >= hp->gc_low) && (o < hp->gc_high))
+ {
+ hpt->mark_object_simple (&o THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+ }
+ size_t promoted_size_end = hp->promoted_bytes (thread);
+ if (g_fEnableARM)
+ {
+ if (sc->pCurrentDomain)
+ {
+ sc->pCurrentDomain->RecordSurvivedBytes ((promoted_size_end - promoted_size_begin), thread);
+ }
+ }
+ STRESS_LOG_ROOT_PROMOTE(ppObject, o, o ? header(o)->GetMethodTable() : NULL);
+void GCHeap::Relocate (Object** ppObject, ScanContext* sc,
+ uint32_t flags)
+ uint8_t* object = (uint8_t*)(Object*)(*ppObject);
+ //dprintf (3, ("Relocate location %Ix\n", (size_t)ppObject));
+ dprintf (3, ("R: %Ix", (size_t)ppObject));
+ if (object == 0)
+ return;
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::heap_of (object);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ if (!(flags & GC_CALL_INTERIOR))
+ {
+ // We cannot validate this object if it's in the condemned gen because it could
+ // be one of the objects that were overwritten by an artificial gap due to a pinned plug.
+ if (!((object >= hp->gc_low) && (object < hp->gc_high)))
+ {
+ ((CObjectHeader*)object)->Validate(FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ dprintf (3, ("Relocate %Ix\n", (size_t)object));
+ uint8_t* pheader;
+ if ((flags & GC_CALL_INTERIOR) && gc_heap::settings.loh_compaction)
+ {
+ if (!((object >= hp->gc_low) && (object < hp->gc_high)))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (gc_heap::loh_object_p (object))
+ {
+ pheader = hp->find_object (object, 0);
+ if (pheader == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ ptrdiff_t ref_offset = object - pheader;
+ hp->relocate_address(&pheader THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+ *ppObject = (Object*)(pheader + ref_offset);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ pheader = object;
+ hp->relocate_address(&pheader THREAD_NUMBER_ARG);
+ *ppObject = (Object*)pheader;
+ }
+ STRESS_LOG_ROOT_RELOCATE(ppObject, object, pheader, ((!(flags & GC_CALL_INTERIOR)) ? ((Object*)object)->GetGCSafeMethodTable() : 0));
+/*static*/ BOOL GCHeap::IsObjectInFixedHeap(Object *pObj)
+ // For now we simply look at the size of the object to determine if it in the
+ // fixed heap or not. If the bit indicating this gets set at some point
+ // we should key off that instead.
+ return size( pObj ) >= LARGE_OBJECT_SIZE;
+#ifndef FEATURE_REDHAWK // Redhawk forces relocation a different way
+void StressHeapDummy ();
+static int32_t GCStressStartCount = -1;
+static int32_t GCStressCurCount = 0;
+static int32_t GCStressStartAtJit = -1;
+// the maximum number of foreground GCs we'll induce during one BGC
+// (this number does not include "naturally" occuring GCs).
+static int32_t GCStressMaxFGCsPerBGC = -1;
+// CLRRandom implementation can produce FPU exceptions if
+// the test/application run by CLR is enabling any FPU exceptions.
+// We want to avoid any unexpected exception coming from stress
+// infrastructure, so CLRRandom is not an option.
+// The code below is a replicate of CRT rand() implementation.
+// Using CRT rand() is not an option because we will interfere with the user application
+// that may also use it.
+int StressRNG(int iMaxValue)
+ static BOOL bisRandInit = FALSE;
+ static int lHoldrand = 1L;
+ if (!bisRandInit)
+ {
+ lHoldrand = (int)time(NULL);
+ bisRandInit = TRUE;
+ }
+ int randValue = (((lHoldrand = lHoldrand * 214013L + 2531011L) >> 16) & 0x7fff);
+ return randValue % iMaxValue;
+// free up object so that things will move and then do a GC
+//return TRUE if GC actually happens, otherwise FALSE
+BOOL GCHeap::StressHeap(alloc_context * acontext)
+ // if GC stress was dynamically disabled during this run we return FALSE
+ if (!GCStressPolicy::IsEnabled())
+ return FALSE;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ if (g_pConfig->FastGCStressLevel() && !GetThread()->StressHeapIsEnabled()) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ if ((g_pConfig->GetGCStressLevel() & EEConfig::GCSTRESS_UNIQUE)
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ || g_pConfig->FastGCStressLevel() > 1
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ ) {
+ if (!Thread::UniqueStack(&acontext)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ // don't trigger a GC from the GC threads but still trigger GCs from user threads.
+ if (IsGCSpecialThread())
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (GCStressStartAtJit == -1 || GCStressStartCount == -1)
+ {
+ GCStressStartCount = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::EXTERNAL_GCStressStart);
+ GCStressStartAtJit = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_GCStressStartAtJit);
+ }
+ if (GCStressMaxFGCsPerBGC == -1)
+ {
+ GCStressMaxFGCsPerBGC = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_GCStressMaxFGCsPerBGC);
+ if (g_pConfig->IsGCStressMix() && GCStressMaxFGCsPerBGC == -1)
+ GCStressMaxFGCsPerBGC = 6;
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ if (g_JitCount < GCStressStartAtJit)
+ return FALSE;
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ // Allow programmer to skip the first N Stress GCs so that you can
+ // get to the interesting ones faster.
+ Interlocked::Increment(&GCStressCurCount);
+ if (GCStressCurCount < GCStressStartCount)
+ return FALSE;
+ // throttle the number of stress-induced GCs by a factor given by GCStressStep
+ if ((GCStressCurCount % g_pConfig->GetGCStressStep()) != 0)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (IsConcurrentGCEnabled() && IsConcurrentGCInProgress())
+ {
+ // allow a maximum number of stress induced FGCs during one BGC
+ if (gc_stress_fgcs_in_bgc >= GCStressMaxFGCsPerBGC)
+ return FALSE;
+ ++gc_stress_fgcs_in_bgc;
+ }
+#endif // BACKGROUND_GC
+ if (g_pStringClass == 0)
+ {
+ // If the String class has not been loaded, dont do any stressing. This should
+ // be kept to a minimum to get as complete coverage as possible.
+ _ASSERTE(g_fEEInit);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ static int32_t OneAtATime = -1;
+ if (acontext == 0)
+ acontext = generation_alloc_context (pGenGCHeap->generation_of(0));
+ // Only bother with this if the stress level is big enough and if nobody else is
+ // doing it right now. Note that some callers are inside the AllocLock and are
+ // guaranteed synchronized. But others are using AllocationContexts and have no
+ // particular synchronization.
+ //
+ // For this latter case, we want a very high-speed way of limiting this to one
+ // at a time. A secondary advantage is that we release part of our StressObjs
+ // buffer sparingly but just as effectively.
+ if (Interlocked::Increment(&OneAtATime) == 0 &&
+ !TrackAllocations()) // Messing with object sizes can confuse the profiler (see ICorProfilerInfo::GetObjectSize)
+ {
+ StringObject* str;
+ // If the current string is used up
+ if (ObjectFromHandle(m_StressObjs[m_CurStressObj]) == 0)
+ {
+ // Populate handles with strings
+ int i = m_CurStressObj;
+ while(ObjectFromHandle(m_StressObjs[i]) == 0)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(m_StressObjs[i] != 0);
+ unsigned strLen = (LARGE_OBJECT_SIZE - 32) / sizeof(WCHAR);
+ unsigned strSize = PtrAlign(StringObject::GetSize(strLen));
+ // update the cached type handle before allocating
+ SetTypeHandleOnThreadForAlloc(TypeHandle(g_pStringClass));
+ str = (StringObject*) pGenGCHeap->allocate (strSize, acontext);
+ if (str)
+ {
+ str->SetMethodTable (g_pStringClass);
+ str->SetStringLength (strLen);
+ if (g_pConfig->AppDomainLeaks() && str->SetAppDomainNoThrow())
+ {
+ StoreObjectInHandle(m_StressObjs[i], ObjectToOBJECTREF(str));
+ }
+ }
+ i = (i + 1) % NUM_HEAP_STRESS_OBJS;
+ if (i == m_CurStressObj) break;
+ }
+ // advance the current handle to the next string
+ m_CurStressObj = (m_CurStressObj + 1) % NUM_HEAP_STRESS_OBJS;
+ }
+ // Get the current string
+ str = (StringObject*) OBJECTREFToObject(ObjectFromHandle(m_StressObjs[m_CurStressObj]));
+ if (str)
+ {
+ // Chop off the end of the string and form a new object out of it.
+ // This will 'free' an object at the begining of the heap, which will
+ // force data movement. Note that we can only do this so many times.
+ // before we have to move on to the next string.
+ unsigned sizeOfNewObj = (unsigned)Align(min_obj_size * 31);
+ if (str->GetStringLength() > sizeOfNewObj / sizeof(WCHAR))
+ {
+ unsigned sizeToNextObj = (unsigned)Align(size(str));
+ uint8_t* freeObj = ((uint8_t*) str) + sizeToNextObj - sizeOfNewObj;
+ pGenGCHeap->make_unused_array (freeObj, sizeOfNewObj);
+ str->SetStringLength(str->GetStringLength() - (sizeOfNewObj / sizeof(WCHAR)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Let the string itself become garbage.
+ // will be realloced next time around
+ StoreObjectInHandle(m_StressObjs[m_CurStressObj], 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Interlocked::Decrement(&OneAtATime);
+#endif // !MULTIPLE_HEAPS
+ if (IsConcurrentGCEnabled())
+ {
+ int rgen = StressRNG(10);
+ // gen0:gen1:gen2 distribution: 40:40:20
+ if (rgen >= 8)
+ rgen = 2;
+ else if (rgen >= 4)
+ rgen = 1;
+ else
+ rgen = 0;
+ GarbageCollectTry (rgen, FALSE, collection_gcstress);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GarbageCollect(max_generation, FALSE, collection_gcstress);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+#endif // STRESS_HEAP
+#define REGISTER_FOR_FINALIZATION(_object, _size) \
+ hp->finalize_queue->RegisterForFinalization (0, (_object), (_size))
+#define REGISTER_FOR_FINALIZATION(_object, _size) true
+#define CHECK_ALLOC_AND_POSSIBLY_REGISTER_FOR_FINALIZATION(_object, _size, _register) do { \
+ if ((_object) == NULL || ((_register) && !REGISTER_FOR_FINALIZATION(_object, _size))) \
+ { \
+ return NULL; \
+ } \
+} while (false)
+#define CHECK_ALLOC_AND_POSSIBLY_REGISTER_FOR_FINALIZATION(_object, _size, _register) do { \
+ if ((_object) == NULL) \
+ { \
+ ThrowOutOfMemory(); \
+ } \
+ if (_register) \
+ { \
+ REGISTER_FOR_FINALIZATION(_object, _size); \
+ } \
+} while (false)
+// Small Object Allocator
+Object *
+GCHeap::Alloc( size_t size, uint32_t flags REQD_ALIGN_DCL)
+ // Under Redhawk NULL is returned on failure.
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(FEATURE_REDHAWK)
+ if (g_pConfig->ShouldInjectFault(INJECTFAULT_GCHEAP))
+ {
+ char *a = new char;
+ delete a;
+ }
+ assert (!GCHeap::UseAllocationContexts());
+ Object* newAlloc = NULL;
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ AllocStart = GetCycleCount32();
+ unsigned finish;
+ unsigned AllocStart = GetInstLogTime();
+ unsigned finish;
+#endif //COUNT_CYCLES
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ //take the first heap....
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps[0];
+ gc_heap* hp = pGenGCHeap;
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+ // prefix complains about us dereferencing hp in wks build even though we only access static members
+ // this way. not sure how to shut it up except for this ugly workaround:
+#endif //_PREFAST_
+ {
+ AllocLockHolder lh;
+ GCStress<gc_on_alloc>::MaybeTrigger(generation_alloc_context(hp->generation_of(0)));
+ alloc_context* acontext = 0;
+ if (size < LARGE_OBJECT_SIZE)
+ {
+ acontext = generation_alloc_context (hp->generation_of (0));
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ AllocSmallCount++;
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ newAlloc = (Object*) hp->allocate (size + ComputeMaxStructAlignPad(requiredAlignment), acontext);
+ newAlloc = (Object*) hp->pad_for_alignment ((uint8_t*) newAlloc, requiredAlignment, size, acontext);
+ // ASSERT (newAlloc);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ acontext = generation_alloc_context (hp->generation_of (max_generation+1));
+ newAlloc = (Object*) hp->allocate_large_object (size + ComputeMaxStructAlignPadLarge(requiredAlignment), acontext->alloc_bytes_loh);
+ newAlloc = (Object*) hp->pad_for_alignment_large ((uint8_t*) newAlloc, requiredAlignment, size);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ finish = GetCycleCount32();
+ finish = GetInstLogTime();
+#endif //COUNT_CYCLES
+ AllocDuration += finish - AllocStart;
+ AllocCount++;
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ return newAlloc;
+// Allocate small object with an alignment requirement of 8-bytes. Non allocation context version.
+Object *
+GCHeap::AllocAlign8( size_t size, uint32_t flags)
+ // Under Redhawk NULL is returned on failure.
+ assert (!GCHeap::UseAllocationContexts());
+ Object* newAlloc = NULL;
+ {
+ AllocLockHolder lh;
+ //take the first heap....
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps[0];
+ gc_heap* hp = pGenGCHeap;
+ newAlloc = AllocAlign8Common(hp, generation_alloc_context (hp->generation_of (0)), size, flags);
+ }
+ return newAlloc;
+// Allocate small object with an alignment requirement of 8-bytes. Allocation context version.
+GCHeap::AllocAlign8(alloc_context* acontext, size_t size, uint32_t flags )
+ // Under Redhawk NULL is returned on failure.
+ if (acontext->alloc_heap == 0)
+ {
+ AssignHeap (acontext);
+ assert (acontext->alloc_heap);
+ }
+ gc_heap* hp = acontext->alloc_heap->pGenGCHeap;
+ gc_heap* hp = pGenGCHeap;
+ return AllocAlign8Common(hp, acontext, size, flags);
+// Common code used by both variants of AllocAlign8 above.
+GCHeap::AllocAlign8Common(void* _hp, alloc_context* acontext, size_t size, uint32_t flags)
+ // Under Redhawk NULL is returned on failure.
+ gc_heap* hp = (gc_heap*)_hp;
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(FEATURE_REDHAWK)
+ if (g_pConfig->ShouldInjectFault(INJECTFAULT_GCHEAP))
+ {
+ char *a = new char;
+ delete a;
+ }
+ Object* newAlloc = NULL;
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ AllocStart = GetCycleCount32();
+ unsigned finish;
+ unsigned AllocStart = GetInstLogTime();
+ unsigned finish;
+#endif //COUNT_CYCLES
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ GCStress<gc_on_alloc>::MaybeTrigger(acontext);
+ if (size < LARGE_OBJECT_SIZE)
+ {
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ AllocSmallCount++;
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ // Depending on where in the object the payload requiring 8-byte alignment resides we might have to
+ // align the object header on an 8-byte boundary or midway between two such boundaries. The unaligned
+ // case is indicated to the GC via the GC_ALLOC_ALIGN8_BIAS flag.
+ size_t desiredAlignment = (flags & GC_ALLOC_ALIGN8_BIAS) ? 4 : 0;
+ // Retrieve the address of the next allocation from the context (note that we're inside the alloc
+ // lock at this point).
+ uint8_t* result = acontext->alloc_ptr;
+ // Will an allocation at this point yield the correct alignment and fit into the remainder of the
+ // context?
+ if ((((size_t)result & 7) == desiredAlignment) && ((result + size) <= acontext->alloc_limit))
+ {
+ // Yes, we can just go ahead and make the allocation.
+ newAlloc = (Object*) hp->allocate (size, acontext);
+ ASSERT(((size_t)newAlloc & 7) == desiredAlignment);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // No, either the next available address is not aligned in the way we require it or there's
+ // not enough space to allocate an object of the required size. In both cases we allocate a
+ // padding object (marked as a free object). This object's size is such that it will reverse
+ // the alignment of the next header (asserted below).
+ //
+ // We allocate both together then decide based on the result whether we'll format the space as
+ // free object + real object or real object + free object.
+ ASSERT((Align(min_obj_size) & 7) == 4);
+ CObjectHeader *freeobj = (CObjectHeader*) hp->allocate (Align(size) + Align(min_obj_size), acontext);
+ if (freeobj)
+ {
+ if (((size_t)freeobj & 7) == desiredAlignment)
+ {
+ // New allocation has desired alignment, return this one and place the free object at the
+ // end of the allocated space.
+ newAlloc = (Object*)freeobj;
+ freeobj = (CObjectHeader*)((uint8_t*)freeobj + Align(size));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // New allocation is still mis-aligned, format the initial space as a free object and the
+ // rest of the space should be correctly aligned for the real object.
+ newAlloc = (Object*)((uint8_t*)freeobj + Align(min_obj_size));
+ ASSERT(((size_t)newAlloc & 7) == desiredAlignment);
+ }
+ freeobj->SetFree(min_obj_size);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // The LOH always guarantees at least 8-byte alignment, regardless of platform. Moreover it doesn't
+ // support mis-aligned object headers so we can't support biased headers as above. Luckily for us
+ // we've managed to arrange things so the only case where we see a bias is for boxed value types and
+ // these can never get large enough to be allocated on the LOH.
+ ASSERT((flags & GC_ALLOC_ALIGN8_BIAS) == 0);
+ alloc_context* acontext = generation_alloc_context (hp->generation_of (max_generation+1));
+ newAlloc = (Object*) hp->allocate_large_object (size, acontext->alloc_bytes_loh);
+ ASSERT(((size_t)newAlloc & 7) == 0);
+ }
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ finish = GetCycleCount32();
+ finish = GetInstLogTime();
+#endif //COUNT_CYCLES
+ AllocDuration += finish - AllocStart;
+ AllocCount++;
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ return newAlloc;
+Object *
+GCHeap::AllocLHeap( size_t size, uint32_t flags REQD_ALIGN_DCL)
+ // Under Redhawk NULL is returned on failure.
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(FEATURE_REDHAWK)
+ if (g_pConfig->ShouldInjectFault(INJECTFAULT_GCHEAP))
+ {
+ char *a = new char;
+ delete a;
+ }
+ Object* newAlloc = NULL;
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ AllocStart = GetCycleCount32();
+ unsigned finish;
+ unsigned AllocStart = GetInstLogTime();
+ unsigned finish;
+#endif //COUNT_CYCLES
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ //take the first heap....
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps[0];
+ gc_heap* hp = pGenGCHeap;
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+ // prefix complains about us dereferencing hp in wks build even though we only access static members
+ // this way. not sure how to shut it up except for this ugly workaround:
+#endif //_PREFAST_
+ GCStress<gc_on_alloc>::MaybeTrigger(generation_alloc_context(hp->generation_of(0)));
+ alloc_context* acontext = generation_alloc_context (hp->generation_of (max_generation+1));
+ newAlloc = (Object*) hp->allocate_large_object (size + ComputeMaxStructAlignPadLarge(requiredAlignment), acontext->alloc_bytes_loh);
+ newAlloc = (Object*) hp->pad_for_alignment_large ((uint8_t*) newAlloc, requiredAlignment, size);
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ finish = GetCycleCount32();
+ finish = GetInstLogTime();
+#endif //COUNT_CYCLES
+ AllocDuration += finish - AllocStart;
+ AllocCount++;
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ return newAlloc;
+GCHeap::Alloc(alloc_context* acontext, size_t size, uint32_t flags REQD_ALIGN_DCL)
+ // Under Redhawk NULL is returned on failure.
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(FEATURE_REDHAWK)
+ if (g_pConfig->ShouldInjectFault(INJECTFAULT_GCHEAP))
+ {
+ char *a = new char;
+ delete a;
+ }
+ Object* newAlloc = NULL;
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ AllocStart = GetCycleCount32();
+ unsigned finish;
+ unsigned AllocStart = GetInstLogTime();
+ unsigned finish;
+#endif //COUNT_CYCLES
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ if (acontext->alloc_heap == 0)
+ {
+ AssignHeap (acontext);
+ assert (acontext->alloc_heap);
+ }
+ GCStress<gc_on_alloc>::MaybeTrigger(acontext);
+ gc_heap* hp = acontext->alloc_heap->pGenGCHeap;
+ gc_heap* hp = pGenGCHeap;
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+ // prefix complains about us dereferencing hp in wks build even though we only access static members
+ // this way. not sure how to shut it up except for this ugly workaround:
+#endif //_PREFAST_
+ if (size < LARGE_OBJECT_SIZE)
+ {
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ AllocSmallCount++;
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ newAlloc = (Object*) hp->allocate (size + ComputeMaxStructAlignPad(requiredAlignment), acontext);
+ newAlloc = (Object*) hp->pad_for_alignment ((uint8_t*) newAlloc, requiredAlignment, size, acontext);
+// ASSERT (newAlloc);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ newAlloc = (Object*) hp->allocate_large_object (size + ComputeMaxStructAlignPadLarge(requiredAlignment), acontext->alloc_bytes_loh);
+ newAlloc = (Object*) hp->pad_for_alignment_large ((uint8_t*) newAlloc, requiredAlignment, size);
+ }
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ finish = GetCycleCount32();
+ finish = GetInstLogTime();
+#endif //COUNT_CYCLES
+ AllocDuration += finish - AllocStart;
+ AllocCount++;
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ return newAlloc;
+GCHeap::FixAllocContext (alloc_context* acontext, BOOL lockp, void* arg, void *heap)
+ if (arg != 0)
+ acontext->alloc_count = 0;
+ uint8_t * alloc_ptr = acontext->alloc_ptr;
+ if (!alloc_ptr)
+ return;
+ // The acontext->alloc_heap can be out of sync with the ptrs because
+ // of heap re-assignment in allocate
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::heap_of (alloc_ptr);
+ gc_heap* hp = pGenGCHeap;
+ if (heap == NULL || heap == hp)
+ {
+ if (lockp)
+ {
+ enter_spin_lock (&hp->more_space_lock);
+ }
+ hp->fix_allocation_context (acontext, ((arg != 0)? TRUE : FALSE),
+ get_alignment_constant(TRUE));
+ if (lockp)
+ {
+ leave_spin_lock (&hp->more_space_lock);
+ }
+ }
+GCHeap::GetContainingObject (void *pInteriorPtr)
+ uint8_t *o = (uint8_t*)pInteriorPtr;
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::heap_of (o);
+ if (o >= hp->lowest_address && o < hp->highest_address)
+ {
+ o = hp->find_object (o, hp->gc_low);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ o = NULL;
+ }
+ return (Object *)o;
+BOOL should_collect_optimized (dynamic_data* dd, BOOL low_memory_p)
+ if (dd_new_allocation (dd) < 0)
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (((float)(dd_new_allocation (dd)) / (float)dd_desired_allocation (dd)) < (low_memory_p ? 0.7 : 0.3))
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// #GarbageCollector
+// API to ensure that a complete new garbage collection takes place
+GCHeap::GarbageCollect (int generation, BOOL low_memory_p, int mode)
+#if defined(BIT64)
+ if (low_memory_p)
+ {
+ size_t total_allocated = 0;
+ size_t total_desired = 0;
+ int hn = 0;
+ for (hn = 0; hn < gc_heap::n_heaps; hn++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps [hn];
+ total_desired += dd_desired_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (0));
+ total_allocated += dd_desired_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (0))-
+ dd_new_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (0));
+ }
+ gc_heap* hp = pGenGCHeap;
+ total_desired = dd_desired_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (0));
+ total_allocated = dd_desired_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (0))-
+ dd_new_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (0));
+ if ((total_desired > gc_heap::mem_one_percent) && (total_allocated < gc_heap::mem_one_percent))
+ {
+ dprintf (2, ("Async low mem but we've only allocated %d (< 10%% of physical mem) out of %d, returning",
+ total_allocated, total_desired));
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ }
+#endif // BIT64
+ gc_heap* hpt = gc_heap::g_heaps[0];
+ gc_heap* hpt = 0;
+ generation = (generation < 0) ? max_generation : min (generation, max_generation);
+ dynamic_data* dd = hpt->dynamic_data_of (generation);
+ if (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ {
+ if ((mode == collection_optimized) || (mode & collection_non_blocking))
+ {
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ if (mode & collection_blocking)
+ {
+ pGenGCHeap->background_gc_wait();
+ if (mode & collection_optimized)
+ {
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (mode & collection_optimized)
+ {
+ if (pGenGCHeap->gc_started)
+ {
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BOOL should_collect = FALSE;
+ BOOL should_check_loh = (generation == max_generation);
+ for (int i = 0; i < gc_heap::n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd1 = gc_heap::g_heaps [i]->dynamic_data_of (generation);
+ dynamic_data* dd2 = (should_check_loh ?
+ (gc_heap::g_heaps [i]->dynamic_data_of (max_generation + 1)) :
+ 0);
+ if (should_collect_optimized (dd1, low_memory_p))
+ {
+ should_collect = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (dd2 && should_collect_optimized (dd2, low_memory_p))
+ {
+ should_collect = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ should_collect = should_collect_optimized (dd, low_memory_p);
+ if (!should_collect && should_check_loh)
+ {
+ should_collect =
+ should_collect_optimized (hpt->dynamic_data_of (max_generation + 1), low_memory_p);
+ }
+ if (!should_collect)
+ {
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t CollectionCountAtEntry = dd_collection_count (dd);
+ size_t BlockingCollectionCountAtEntry = gc_heap::full_gc_counts[gc_type_blocking];
+ size_t CurrentCollectionCount = 0;
+ CurrentCollectionCount = GarbageCollectTry(generation, low_memory_p, mode);
+ if ((mode & collection_blocking) &&
+ (generation == max_generation) &&
+ (gc_heap::full_gc_counts[gc_type_blocking] == BlockingCollectionCountAtEntry))
+ {
+ if (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ {
+ pGenGCHeap->background_gc_wait();
+ }
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ if (CollectionCountAtEntry == CurrentCollectionCount)
+ {
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+GCHeap::GarbageCollectTry (int generation, BOOL low_memory_p, int mode)
+ int gen = (generation < 0) ?
+ max_generation : min (generation, max_generation);
+ gc_reason reason = reason_empty;
+ if (low_memory_p)
+ {
+ if (mode & collection_blocking)
+ reason = reason_lowmemory_blocking;
+ else
+ reason = reason_lowmemory;
+ }
+ else
+ reason = reason_induced;
+ if (reason == reason_induced)
+ {
+ if (mode & collection_compacting)
+ {
+ reason = reason_induced_compacting;
+ }
+ else if (mode & collection_non_blocking)
+ {
+ reason = reason_induced_noforce;
+ }
+ else if (mode & collection_gcstress)
+ {
+ reason = reason_gcstress;
+ }
+ }
+ return GarbageCollectGeneration (gen, reason);
+void gc_heap::do_pre_gc()
+#ifdef STRESS_LOG
+ STRESS_LOG_GC_START(VolatileLoad(&settings.gc_index),
+ (uint32_t)settings.condemned_generation,
+ (uint32_t)settings.reason);
+#endif // STRESS_LOG
+ gc_heap* hp = g_heaps[0];
+ gc_heap* hp = 0;
+ settings.b_state = hp->current_bgc_state;
+ dprintf (1, ("*GC* %d(gen0:%d)(%d)(%s)(%d)",
+ VolatileLoad(&settings.gc_index),
+ dd_collection_count (hp->dynamic_data_of (0)),
+ settings.condemned_generation,
+ (settings.concurrent ? "BGC" : (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p() ? "FGC" : "NGC")),
+ settings.b_state));
+ dprintf (1, ("*GC* %d(gen0:%d)(%d)",
+ VolatileLoad(&settings.gc_index),
+ dd_collection_count(hp->dynamic_data_of(0)),
+ settings.condemned_generation));
+ // TODO: this can's because of the way we are calling
+ // do_pre_gc, will fix later.
+ //if (last_gc_index > VolatileLoad(&settings.gc_index))
+ //{
+ //}
+ last_gc_index = VolatileLoad(&settings.gc_index);
+ GCHeap::UpdatePreGCCounters();
+ if (settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ full_gc_counts[gc_type_background]++;
+#if defined(STRESS_HEAP) && !defined(FEATURE_REDHAWK)
+ GCHeap::gc_stress_fgcs_in_bgc = 0;
+#endif // BACKGROUND_GC
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (settings.condemned_generation == max_generation)
+ {
+ full_gc_counts[gc_type_blocking]++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (settings.background_p)
+ {
+ ephemeral_fgc_counts[settings.condemned_generation]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (g_fEnableARM)
+ {
+ SystemDomain::ResetADSurvivedBytes();
+ }
+void gc_heap::record_interesting_info_per_heap()
+ // datapoints are always from the last blocking GC so don't record again
+ // for BGCs.
+ if (!(settings.concurrent))
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < max_idp_count; i++)
+ {
+ interesting_data_per_heap[i] += interesting_data_per_gc[i];
+ }
+ }
+ int compact_reason = get_gc_data_per_heap()->get_mechanism (gc_heap_compact);
+ if (compact_reason >= 0)
+ (compact_reasons_per_heap[compact_reason])++;
+ int expand_mechanism = get_gc_data_per_heap()->get_mechanism (gc_heap_expand);
+ if (expand_mechanism >= 0)
+ (expand_mechanisms_per_heap[expand_mechanism])++;
+ for (int i = 0; i < max_gc_mechanism_bits_count; i++)
+ {
+ if (get_gc_data_per_heap()->is_mechanism_bit_set ((gc_mechanism_bit_per_heap)i))
+ (interesting_mechanism_bits_per_heap[i])++;
+ }
+ // h# | GC | gen | C | EX | NF | BF | ML | DM || PreS | PostS | Merge | Conv | Pre | Post | PrPo | PreP | PostP |
+ cprintf (("%2d | %6d | %1d | %1s | %2s | %2s | %2s | %2s | %2s || %5Id | %5Id | %5Id | %5Id | %5Id | %5Id | %5Id | %5Id | %5Id |",
+ heap_number,
+ (size_t)settings.gc_index,
+ settings.condemned_generation,
+ // TEMP - I am just doing this for wks GC 'cuase I wanna see the pattern of doing C/S GCs.
+ (settings.compaction ? (((compact_reason >= 0) && gc_heap_compact_reason_mandatory_p[compact_reason]) ? "M" : "W") : ""), // compaction
+ ((expand_mechanism >= 0)? "X" : ""), // EX
+ ((expand_mechanism == expand_reuse_normal) ? "X" : ""), // NF
+ ((expand_mechanism == expand_reuse_bestfit) ? "X" : ""), // BF
+ (get_gc_data_per_heap()->is_mechanism_bit_set (gc_mark_list_bit) ? "X" : ""), // ML
+ (get_gc_data_per_heap()->is_mechanism_bit_set (gc_demotion_bit) ? "X" : ""), // DM
+ interesting_data_per_gc[idp_pre_short],
+ interesting_data_per_gc[idp_post_short],
+ interesting_data_per_gc[idp_merged_pin],
+ interesting_data_per_gc[idp_converted_pin],
+ interesting_data_per_gc[idp_pre_pin],
+ interesting_data_per_gc[idp_post_pin],
+ interesting_data_per_gc[idp_pre_and_post_pin],
+ interesting_data_per_gc[idp_pre_short_padded],
+ interesting_data_per_gc[idp_post_short_padded]));
+void gc_heap::record_global_mechanisms()
+ for (int i = 0; i < max_global_mechanisms_count; i++)
+ {
+ if (gc_data_global.get_mechanism_p ((gc_global_mechanism_p)i))
+ {
+ ::record_global_mechanism (i);
+ }
+ }
+BOOL gc_heap::should_do_sweeping_gc (BOOL compact_p)
+ if (!compact_ratio)
+ return (!compact_p);
+ size_t compact_count = compact_or_sweep_gcs[0];
+ size_t sweep_count = compact_or_sweep_gcs[1];
+ size_t total_count = compact_count + sweep_count;
+ BOOL should_compact = compact_p;
+ if (total_count > 3)
+ {
+ if (compact_p)
+ {
+ int temp_ratio = (int)((compact_count + 1) * 100 / (total_count + 1));
+ if (temp_ratio > compact_ratio)
+ {
+ // cprintf (("compact would be: %d, total_count: %d, ratio would be %d%% > target\n",
+ // (compact_count + 1), (total_count + 1), temp_ratio));
+ should_compact = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int temp_ratio = (int)((sweep_count + 1) * 100 / (total_count + 1));
+ if (temp_ratio > (100 - compact_ratio))
+ {
+ // cprintf (("sweep would be: %d, total_count: %d, ratio would be %d%% > target\n",
+ // (sweep_count + 1), (total_count + 1), temp_ratio));
+ should_compact = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return !should_compact;
+void gc_heap::do_post_gc()
+ if (!settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ GCProfileWalkHeap();
+ initGCShadow();
+ }
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ AllocStart = GetCycleCount32();
+ AllocStart = clock();
+#endif //COUNT_CYCLES
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ gc_heap* hp = g_heaps[0];
+ gc_heap* hp = 0;
+ GCToEEInterface::GcDone(settings.condemned_generation);
+ if (!settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ UpdateGenerationBounds();
+ GarbageCollectionFinishedCallback();
+ }
+#endif // GC_PROFILING
+ //dprintf (1, (" ****end of Garbage Collection**** %d(gen0:%d)(%d)",
+ dprintf (1, ("*EGC* %d(gen0:%d)(%d)(%s)",
+ VolatileLoad(&settings.gc_index),
+ dd_collection_count(hp->dynamic_data_of(0)),
+ settings.condemned_generation,
+ (settings.concurrent ? "BGC" : "GC")));
+ GCHeap::UpdatePostGCCounters();
+ //if (g_fEnableARM)
+ //{
+ // SystemDomain::GetADSurvivedBytes();
+ //}
+#ifdef STRESS_LOG
+ STRESS_LOG_GC_END(VolatileLoad(&settings.gc_index),
+ (uint32_t)settings.condemned_generation,
+ (uint32_t)settings.reason);
+#endif // STRESS_LOG
+ if (!settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ if (settings.compaction)
+ (compact_or_sweep_gcs[0])++;
+ else
+ (compact_or_sweep_gcs[1])++;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_heaps; i++)
+ g_heaps[i]->record_interesting_info_per_heap();
+ record_interesting_info_per_heap();
+ record_global_mechanisms();
+unsigned GCHeap::GetGcCount()
+ return (unsigned int)VolatileLoad(&pGenGCHeap->settings.gc_index);
+GCHeap::GarbageCollectGeneration (unsigned int gen, gc_reason reason)
+ dprintf (2, ("triggered a GC!"));
+ gc_heap* hpt = gc_heap::g_heaps[0];
+ gc_heap* hpt = 0;
+ Thread* current_thread = GetThread();
+ BOOL cooperative_mode = TRUE;
+ dynamic_data* dd = hpt->dynamic_data_of (gen);
+ size_t localCount = dd_collection_count (dd);
+ enter_spin_lock (&gc_heap::gc_lock);
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("GC Egc"));
+ ASSERT_HOLDING_SPIN_LOCK(&gc_heap::gc_lock);
+ //don't trigger another GC if one was already in progress
+ //while waiting for the lock
+ {
+ size_t col_count = dd_collection_count (dd);
+ if (localCount != col_count)
+ {
+ gc_lock_contended++;
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("no need GC Lgc"));
+ leave_spin_lock (&gc_heap::gc_lock);
+ // We don't need to release msl here 'cause this means a GC
+ // has happened and would have release all msl's.
+ return col_count;
+ }
+ }
+ int gc_start = GetCycleCount32();
+#endif //COUNT_CYCLES
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ AllocDuration += GetCycleCount32() - AllocStart;
+ AllocDuration += clock() - AllocStart;
+#endif //COUNT_CYCLES
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ gc_heap::g_low_memory_status = (reason == reason_lowmemory) ||
+ (reason == reason_lowmemory_blocking) ||
+ g_bLowMemoryFromHost;
+ if (g_bLowMemoryFromHost)
+ reason = reason_lowmemory_host;
+ gc_trigger_reason = reason;
+ for (int i = 0; i < gc_heap::n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap::g_heaps[i]->reset_gc_done();
+ }
+ gc_heap::reset_gc_done();
+ gc_heap::gc_started = TRUE;
+ {
+ init_sync_log_stats();
+ cooperative_mode = gc_heap::enable_preemptive (current_thread);
+ dprintf (2, ("Suspending EE"));
+ BEGIN_TIMING(suspend_ee_during_log);
+ GCToEEInterface::SuspendEE(GCToEEInterface::SUSPEND_FOR_GC);
+ END_TIMING(suspend_ee_during_log);
+ gc_heap::proceed_with_gc_p = gc_heap::should_proceed_with_gc();
+ gc_heap::disable_preemptive (current_thread, cooperative_mode);
+ if (gc_heap::proceed_with_gc_p)
+ pGenGCHeap->settings.init_mechanisms();
+ else
+ gc_heap::update_collection_counts_for_no_gc();
+ }
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ unsigned start;
+ unsigned finish;
+ start = GetCycleCount32();
+ clock_t start;
+ clock_t finish;
+ start = clock();
+#endif //COUNT_CYCLES
+ PromotedObjectCount = 0;
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+ unsigned int condemned_generation_number = gen;
+ // We want to get a stack from the user thread that triggered the GC
+ // instead of on the GC thread which is the case for Server GC.
+ // But we are doing it for Workstation GC as well to be uniform.
+ FireEtwGCTriggered((int) reason, GetClrInstanceId());
+ GcCondemnedGeneration = condemned_generation_number;
+ cooperative_mode = gc_heap::enable_preemptive (current_thread);
+ BEGIN_TIMING(gc_during_log);
+ gc_heap::ee_suspend_event.Set();
+ gc_heap::wait_for_gc_done();
+ END_TIMING(gc_during_log);
+ gc_heap::disable_preemptive (current_thread, cooperative_mode);
+ condemned_generation_number = GcCondemnedGeneration;
+ if (gc_heap::proceed_with_gc_p)
+ {
+ BEGIN_TIMING(gc_during_log);
+ pGenGCHeap->garbage_collect (condemned_generation_number);
+ END_TIMING(gc_during_log);
+ }
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ finish = GetCycleCount32();
+ finish = clock();
+#endif //COUNT_CYCLES
+ GcDuration += finish - start;
+ dprintf (3,
+ ("<GC# %d> Condemned: %d, Duration: %d, total: %d Alloc Avg: %d, Small Objects:%d Large Objects:%d",
+ VolatileLoad(&pGenGCHeap->settings.gc_index), condemned_generation_number,
+ finish - start, GcDuration,
+ AllocCount ? (AllocDuration / AllocCount) : 0,
+ AllocSmallCount, AllocBigCount));
+ AllocCount = 0;
+ AllocDuration = 0;
+#endif // TRACE_GC
+ // We are deciding whether we should fire the alloc wait end event here
+ // because in begin_foreground we could be calling end_foreground
+ // if we need to retry.
+ if (gc_heap::alloc_wait_event_p)
+ {
+ hpt->fire_alloc_wait_event_end (awr_fgc_wait_for_bgc);
+ gc_heap::alloc_wait_event_p = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!gc_heap::dont_restart_ee_p)
+ {
+ BEGIN_TIMING(restart_ee_during_log);
+ GCToEEInterface::RestartEE(TRUE);
+ END_TIMING(restart_ee_during_log);
+ }
+ printf ("GC: %d Time: %d\n", GcCondemnedGeneration,
+ GetCycleCount32() - gc_start);
+#endif //COUNT_CYCLES
+ process_sync_log_stats();
+ gc_heap::gc_started = FALSE;
+ gc_heap::set_gc_done();
+ dprintf (SPINLOCK_LOG, ("GC Lgc"));
+ leave_spin_lock (&gc_heap::gc_lock);
+ if ((!pGenGCHeap->settings.concurrent && pGenGCHeap->settings.found_finalizers) ||
+ FinalizerThread::HaveExtraWorkForFinalizer())
+ {
+ FinalizerThread::EnableFinalization();
+ }
+ return dd_collection_count (dd);
+size_t GCHeap::GetTotalBytesInUse ()
+ //enumarate all the heaps and get their size.
+ size_t tot_size = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < gc_heap::n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ GCHeap* Hp = gc_heap::g_heaps [i]->vm_heap;
+ tot_size += Hp->ApproxTotalBytesInUse (FALSE);
+ }
+ return tot_size;
+ return ApproxTotalBytesInUse ();
+int GCHeap::CollectionCount (int generation, int get_bgc_fgc_count)
+ if (get_bgc_fgc_count != 0)
+ {
+ if (generation == max_generation)
+ {
+ return (int)(gc_heap::full_gc_counts[gc_type_background]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return (int)(gc_heap::ephemeral_fgc_counts[generation]);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps [0];
+ gc_heap* hp = pGenGCHeap;
+ if (generation > max_generation)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return (int)dd_collection_count (hp->dynamic_data_of (generation));
+size_t GCHeap::ApproxTotalBytesInUse(BOOL small_heap_only)
+ size_t totsize = 0;
+ //ASSERT(InMustComplete());
+ enter_spin_lock (&pGenGCHeap->gc_lock);
+ heap_segment* eph_seg = generation_allocation_segment (pGenGCHeap->generation_of (0));
+ // Get small block heap size info
+ totsize = (pGenGCHeap->alloc_allocated - heap_segment_mem (eph_seg));
+ heap_segment* seg1 = generation_start_segment (pGenGCHeap->generation_of (max_generation));
+ while (seg1 != eph_seg)
+ {
+ totsize += heap_segment_allocated (seg1) -
+ heap_segment_mem (seg1);
+ seg1 = heap_segment_next (seg1);
+ }
+ //discount the fragmentation
+ for (int i = 0; i <= max_generation; i++)
+ {
+ generation* gen = pGenGCHeap->generation_of (i);
+ totsize -= (generation_free_list_space (gen) + generation_free_obj_space (gen));
+ }
+ if (!small_heap_only)
+ {
+ heap_segment* seg2 = generation_start_segment (pGenGCHeap->generation_of (max_generation+1));
+ while (seg2 != 0)
+ {
+ totsize += heap_segment_allocated (seg2) -
+ heap_segment_mem (seg2);
+ seg2 = heap_segment_next (seg2);
+ }
+ //discount the fragmentation
+ generation* loh_gen = pGenGCHeap->generation_of (max_generation+1);
+ size_t frag = generation_free_list_space (loh_gen) + generation_free_obj_space (loh_gen);
+ totsize -= frag;
+ }
+ leave_spin_lock (&pGenGCHeap->gc_lock);
+ return totsize;
+void GCHeap::AssignHeap (alloc_context* acontext)
+ // Assign heap based on processor
+ acontext->alloc_heap = GetHeap(heap_select::select_heap(acontext, 0));
+ acontext->home_heap = acontext->alloc_heap;
+GCHeap* GCHeap::GetHeap (int n)
+ assert (n < gc_heap::n_heaps);
+ return gc_heap::g_heaps [n]->vm_heap;
+bool GCHeap::IsThreadUsingAllocationContextHeap(alloc_context* acontext, int thread_number)
+ return ((acontext->home_heap == GetHeap(thread_number)) ||
+ ((acontext->home_heap == 0) && (thread_number == 0)));
+ return true;
+// Returns the number of processors required to trigger the use of thread based allocation contexts
+int GCHeap::GetNumberOfHeaps ()
+ return gc_heap::n_heaps;
+ return 1;
+ in this way we spend extra time cycling through all the heaps while create the handle
+ it ought to be changed by keeping alloc_context.home_heap as number (equals heap_number)
+int GCHeap::GetHomeHeapNumber ()
+ Thread *pThread = GetThread();
+ for (int i = 0; i < gc_heap::n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ if (pThread)
+ {
+ GCHeap *hp = GCToEEInterface::GetAllocContext(pThread)->home_heap;
+ if (hp == gc_heap::g_heaps[i]->vm_heap) return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ return 0;
+unsigned int GCHeap::GetCondemnedGeneration()
+ return gc_heap::settings.condemned_generation;
+int GCHeap::GetGcLatencyMode()
+ return (int)(pGenGCHeap->settings.pause_mode);
+int GCHeap::SetGcLatencyMode (int newLatencyMode)
+ if (gc_heap::settings.pause_mode == pause_no_gc)
+ return (int)set_pause_mode_no_gc;
+ gc_pause_mode new_mode = (gc_pause_mode)newLatencyMode;
+ if (new_mode == pause_low_latency)
+ {
+ pGenGCHeap->settings.pause_mode = new_mode;
+ }
+ else if (new_mode == pause_sustained_low_latency)
+ {
+ if (gc_heap::gc_can_use_concurrent)
+ {
+ pGenGCHeap->settings.pause_mode = new_mode;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pGenGCHeap->settings.pause_mode = new_mode;
+ }
+ if (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ {
+ // If we get here, it means we are doing an FGC. If the pause
+ // mode was altered we will need to save it in the BGC settings.
+ if (gc_heap::saved_bgc_settings.pause_mode != new_mode)
+ {
+ gc_heap::saved_bgc_settings.pause_mode = new_mode;
+ }
+ }
+ return (int)set_pause_mode_success;
+int GCHeap::GetLOHCompactionMode()
+ return pGenGCHeap->loh_compaction_mode;
+void GCHeap::SetLOHCompactionMode (int newLOHCompactionyMode)
+ pGenGCHeap->loh_compaction_mode = (gc_loh_compaction_mode)newLOHCompactionyMode;
+BOOL GCHeap::RegisterForFullGCNotification(uint32_t gen2Percentage,
+ uint32_t lohPercentage)
+ for (int hn = 0; hn < gc_heap::n_heaps; hn++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps [hn];
+ hp->fgn_last_alloc = dd_new_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (0));
+ }
+ pGenGCHeap->fgn_last_alloc = dd_new_allocation (pGenGCHeap->dynamic_data_of (0));
+ pGenGCHeap->full_gc_approach_event.Reset();
+ pGenGCHeap->full_gc_end_event.Reset();
+ pGenGCHeap->full_gc_approach_event_set = false;
+ pGenGCHeap->fgn_maxgen_percent = gen2Percentage;
+ pGenGCHeap->fgn_loh_percent = lohPercentage;
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL GCHeap::CancelFullGCNotification()
+ pGenGCHeap->fgn_maxgen_percent = 0;
+ pGenGCHeap->fgn_loh_percent = 0;
+ pGenGCHeap->full_gc_approach_event.Set();
+ pGenGCHeap->full_gc_end_event.Set();
+ return TRUE;
+int GCHeap::WaitForFullGCApproach(int millisecondsTimeout)
+ dprintf (2, ("WFGA: Begin wait"));
+ int result = gc_heap::full_gc_wait (&(pGenGCHeap->full_gc_approach_event), millisecondsTimeout);
+ dprintf (2, ("WFGA: End wait"));
+ return result;
+int GCHeap::WaitForFullGCComplete(int millisecondsTimeout)
+ dprintf (2, ("WFGE: Begin wait"));
+ int result = gc_heap::full_gc_wait (&(pGenGCHeap->full_gc_end_event), millisecondsTimeout);
+ dprintf (2, ("WFGE: End wait"));
+ return result;
+int GCHeap::StartNoGCRegion(uint64_t totalSize, BOOL lohSizeKnown, uint64_t lohSize, BOOL disallowFullBlockingGC)
+ AllocLockHolder lh;
+ dprintf (1, ("begin no gc called"));
+ start_no_gc_region_status status = gc_heap::prepare_for_no_gc_region (totalSize, lohSizeKnown, lohSize, disallowFullBlockingGC);
+ if (status == start_no_gc_success)
+ {
+ GarbageCollect (max_generation);
+ status = gc_heap::get_start_no_gc_region_status();
+ }
+ if (status != start_no_gc_success)
+ gc_heap::handle_failure_for_no_gc();
+ return (int)status;
+int GCHeap::EndNoGCRegion()
+ AllocLockHolder lh;
+ return (int)gc_heap::end_no_gc_region();
+void GCHeap::PublishObject (uint8_t* Obj)
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::heap_of (Obj);
+ hp->bgc_alloc_lock->loh_alloc_done (Obj);
+// The spec for this one isn't clear. This function
+// returns the size that can be allocated without
+// triggering a GC of any kind.
+size_t GCHeap::ApproxFreeBytes()
+ //ASSERT(InMustComplete());
+ enter_spin_lock (&pGenGCHeap->gc_lock);
+ generation* gen = pGenGCHeap->generation_of (0);
+ size_t res = generation_allocation_limit (gen) - generation_allocation_pointer (gen);
+ leave_spin_lock (&pGenGCHeap->gc_lock);
+ return res;
+HRESULT GCHeap::GetGcCounters(int gen, gc_counters* counters)
+ if ((gen < 0) || (gen > max_generation))
+ return E_FAIL;
+ counters->current_size = 0;
+ counters->promoted_size = 0;
+ counters->collection_count = 0;
+ //enumarate all the heaps and get their counters.
+ for (int i = 0; i < gc_heap::n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd = gc_heap::g_heaps [i]->dynamic_data_of (gen);
+ counters->current_size += dd_current_size (dd);
+ counters->promoted_size += dd_promoted_size (dd);
+ if (i == 0)
+ counters->collection_count += dd_collection_count (dd);
+ }
+ dynamic_data* dd = pGenGCHeap->dynamic_data_of (gen);
+ counters->current_size = dd_current_size (dd);
+ counters->promoted_size = dd_promoted_size (dd);
+ counters->collection_count = dd_collection_count (dd);
+ return S_OK;
+// Get the segment size to use, making sure it conforms.
+size_t GCHeap::GetValidSegmentSize(BOOL large_seg)
+ return get_valid_segment_size (large_seg);
+// Get the max gen0 heap size, making sure it conforms.
+size_t GCHeap::GetValidGen0MaxSize(size_t seg_size)
+ size_t gen0size = g_pConfig->GetGCgen0size();
+ if ((gen0size == 0) || !GCHeap::IsValidGen0MaxSize(gen0size))
+ {
+#ifdef SERVER_GC
+ // performance data seems to indicate halving the size results
+ // in optimal perf. Ask for adjusted gen0 size.
+ gen0size = max(GCToOSInterface::GetLargestOnDieCacheSize(FALSE)/GCToOSInterface::GetLogicalCpuCount(),(256*1024));
+#if (defined(_TARGET_AMD64_))
+ // if gen0 size is too large given the available memory, reduce it.
+ // Get true cache size, as we don't want to reduce below this.
+ size_t trueSize = max(GCToOSInterface::GetLargestOnDieCacheSize(TRUE)/GCToOSInterface::GetLogicalCpuCount(),(256*1024));
+ dprintf (2, ("cache: %Id-%Id, cpu: %Id",
+ GCToOSInterface::GetLargestOnDieCacheSize(FALSE),
+ GCToOSInterface::GetLargestOnDieCacheSize(TRUE),
+ GCToOSInterface::GetLogicalCpuCount()));
+ // if the total min GC across heaps will exceed 1/6th of available memory,
+ // then reduce the min GC size until it either fits or has been reduced to cache size.
+ while ((gen0size * gc_heap::n_heaps) > GCToOSInterface::GetPhysicalMemoryLimit() / 6)
+ {
+ gen0size = gen0size / 2;
+ if (gen0size <= trueSize)
+ {
+ gen0size = trueSize;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+#endif //_TARGET_AMD64_
+#else //SERVER_GC
+ gen0size = max((4*GCToOSInterface::GetLargestOnDieCacheSize(TRUE)/5),(256*1024));
+#endif //SERVER_GC
+ }
+ // Generation 0 must never be more than 1/2 the segment size.
+ if (gen0size >= (seg_size / 2))
+ gen0size = seg_size / 2;
+ return (gen0size);
+void GCHeap::SetReservedVMLimit (size_t vmlimit)
+ gc_heap::reserved_memory_limit = vmlimit;
+//versions of same method on each heap
+Object* GCHeap::GetNextFinalizableObject()
+ //return the first non critical one in the first queue.
+ for (int hn = 0; hn < gc_heap::n_heaps; hn++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps [hn];
+ Object* O = hp->finalize_queue->GetNextFinalizableObject(TRUE);
+ if (O)
+ return O;
+ }
+ //return the first non crtitical/critical one in the first queue.
+ for (int hn = 0; hn < gc_heap::n_heaps; hn++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps [hn];
+ Object* O = hp->finalize_queue->GetNextFinalizableObject(FALSE);
+ if (O)
+ return O;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ return pGenGCHeap->finalize_queue->GetNextFinalizableObject();
+size_t GCHeap::GetNumberFinalizableObjects()
+ size_t cnt = 0;
+ for (int hn = 0; hn < gc_heap::n_heaps; hn++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps [hn];
+ cnt += hp->finalize_queue->GetNumberFinalizableObjects();
+ }
+ return cnt;
+ return pGenGCHeap->finalize_queue->GetNumberFinalizableObjects();
+size_t GCHeap::GetFinalizablePromotedCount()
+ size_t cnt = 0;
+ for (int hn = 0; hn < gc_heap::n_heaps; hn++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps [hn];
+ cnt += hp->finalize_queue->GetPromotedCount();
+ }
+ return cnt;
+ return pGenGCHeap->finalize_queue->GetPromotedCount();
+BOOL GCHeap::FinalizeAppDomain(AppDomain *pDomain, BOOL fRunFinalizers)
+ BOOL foundp = FALSE;
+ for (int hn = 0; hn < gc_heap::n_heaps; hn++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps [hn];
+ if (hp->finalize_queue->FinalizeAppDomain (pDomain, fRunFinalizers))
+ foundp = TRUE;
+ }
+ return foundp;
+ return pGenGCHeap->finalize_queue->FinalizeAppDomain (pDomain, fRunFinalizers);
+BOOL GCHeap::ShouldRestartFinalizerWatchDog()
+ // This condition was historically used as part of the condition to detect finalizer thread timeouts
+ return gc_heap::gc_lock.lock != -1;
+void GCHeap::SetFinalizeQueueForShutdown(BOOL fHasLock)
+ for (int hn = 0; hn < gc_heap::n_heaps; hn++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps [hn];
+ hp->finalize_queue->SetSegForShutDown(fHasLock);
+ }
+ pGenGCHeap->finalize_queue->SetSegForShutDown(fHasLock);
+// Finalized class tracking
+bool GCHeap::RegisterForFinalization (int gen, Object* obj)
+ if (gen == -1)
+ gen = 0;
+ if (((((CObjectHeader*)obj)->GetHeader()->GetBits()) & BIT_SBLK_FINALIZER_RUN))
+ {
+ //just reset the bit
+ ((CObjectHeader*)obj)->GetHeader()->ClrBit(BIT_SBLK_FINALIZER_RUN);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::heap_of ((uint8_t*)obj);
+ return hp->finalize_queue->RegisterForFinalization (gen, obj);
+ }
+void GCHeap::SetFinalizationRun (Object* obj)
+ ((CObjectHeader*)obj)->GetHeader()->SetBit(BIT_SBLK_FINALIZER_RUN);
+// Write Barrier Support for bulk copy ("Clone") operations
+// StartPoint is the target bulk copy start point
+// len is the length of the bulk copy (in bytes)
+// Performance Note:
+// This is implemented somewhat "conservatively", that is we
+// assume that all the contents of the bulk copy are object
+// references. If they are not, and the value lies in the
+// ephemeral range, we will set false positives in the card table.
+// We could use the pointer maps and do this more accurately if necessary
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_TARGET_X86_)
+#pragma optimize("y", on) // Small critical routines, don't put in EBP frame
+#endif //_MSC_VER && _TARGET_X86_
+GCHeap::SetCardsAfterBulkCopy( Object **StartPoint, size_t len )
+ Object **rover;
+ Object **end;
+ // Target should aligned
+ assert(Aligned ((size_t)StartPoint));
+ // Don't optimize the Generation 0 case if we are checking for write barrier voilations
+ // since we need to update the shadow heap even in the generation 0 case.
+#if defined (WRITE_BARRIER_CHECK) && !defined (SERVER_GC)
+ if (g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel() & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_BARRIERCHECK)
+ for(unsigned i=0; i < len / sizeof(Object*); i++)
+ updateGCShadow(&StartPoint[i], StartPoint[i]);
+ if (SoftwareWriteWatch::IsEnabledForGCHeap())
+ {
+ SoftwareWriteWatch::SetDirtyRegion(StartPoint, len);
+ }
+ // If destination is in Gen 0 don't bother
+ if (
+ (!gc_heap::settings.concurrent) &&
+ (GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->WhichGeneration( (Object*) StartPoint ) == 0))
+ return;
+ rover = StartPoint;
+ end = StartPoint + (len/sizeof(Object*));
+ while (rover < end)
+ {
+ if ( (((uint8_t*)*rover) >= g_ephemeral_low) && (((uint8_t*)*rover) < g_ephemeral_high) )
+ {
+ // Set Bit For Card and advance to next card
+ size_t card = gcard_of ((uint8_t*)rover);
+ Interlocked::Or (&g_card_table[card/card_word_width], (1U << (card % card_word_width)));
+ // Skip to next card for the object
+ rover = (Object**)align_on_card ((uint8_t*)(rover+1));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rover++;
+ }
+ }
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_TARGET_X86_)
+#pragma optimize("", on) // Go back to command line default optimizations
+#endif //_MSC_VER && _TARGET_X86_
+// Support for finalization
+unsigned int gen_segment (int gen)
+ assert (((signed)NUMBERGENERATIONS - gen - 1)>=0);
+ return (NUMBERGENERATIONS - gen - 1);
+bool CFinalize::Initialize()
+ m_Array = new (nothrow)(Object*[100]);
+ if (!m_Array)
+ {
+ ASSERT (m_Array);
+ STRESS_LOG_OOM_STACK(sizeof(Object*[100]));
+ if (g_pConfig->IsGCBreakOnOOMEnabled())
+ {
+ GCToOSInterface::DebugBreak();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_EndArray = &m_Array[100];
+ for (int i =0; i < FreeList; i++)
+ {
+ SegQueueLimit (i) = m_Array;
+ }
+ m_PromotedCount = 0;
+ lock = -1;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ lockowner_threadid.Clear();
+#endif // _DEBUG
+ return true;
+ delete m_Array;
+size_t CFinalize::GetPromotedCount ()
+ return m_PromotedCount;
+void CFinalize::EnterFinalizeLock()
+ _ASSERTE(dbgOnly_IsSpecialEEThread() ||
+ GetThread() == 0 ||
+ GCToEEInterface::IsPreemptiveGCDisabled(GetThread()));
+ if (Interlocked::Exchange (&lock, 0) >= 0)
+ {
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ while (lock >= 0)
+ {
+ YieldProcessor(); // indicate to the processor that we are spining
+ if (++i & 7)
+ GCToOSInterface::YieldThread (0);
+ else
+ GCToOSInterface::Sleep (5);
+ }
+ goto retry;
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ lockowner_threadid.SetToCurrentThread();
+#endif // _DEBUG
+void CFinalize::LeaveFinalizeLock()
+ _ASSERTE(dbgOnly_IsSpecialEEThread() ||
+ GetThread() == 0 ||
+ GCToEEInterface::IsPreemptiveGCDisabled(GetThread()));
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ lockowner_threadid.Clear();
+#endif // _DEBUG
+ lock = -1;
+CFinalize::RegisterForFinalization (int gen, Object* obj, size_t size)
+ // Under Redhawk false is returned on failure.
+ EnterFinalizeLock();
+ // Adjust gen
+ unsigned int dest = 0;
+ if (g_fFinalizerRunOnShutDown)
+ {
+ //no method table available yet,
+ //put it in the finalizer queue and sort out when
+ //dequeueing
+ dest = FinalizerListSeg;
+ }
+ else
+ dest = gen_segment (gen);
+ // Adjust boundary for segments so that GC will keep objects alive.
+ Object*** s_i = &SegQueue (FreeList);
+ if ((*s_i) == m_EndArray)
+ {
+ if (!GrowArray())
+ {
+ LeaveFinalizeLock();
+ if (method_table(obj) == NULL)
+ {
+ // If the object is uninitialized, a valid size should have been passed.
+ assert (size >= Align (min_obj_size));
+ dprintf (3, ("Making unused array [%Ix, %Ix[", (size_t)obj, (size_t)(obj+size)));
+ ((CObjectHeader*)obj)->SetFree(size);
+ }
+ if (g_pConfig->IsGCBreakOnOOMEnabled())
+ {
+ GCToOSInterface::DebugBreak();
+ }
+ return false;
+ ThrowOutOfMemory();
+ }
+ }
+ Object*** end_si = &SegQueueLimit (dest);
+ do
+ {
+ //is the segment empty?
+ if (!(*s_i == *(s_i-1)))
+ {
+ //no, swap the end elements.
+ *(*s_i) = *(*(s_i-1));
+ }
+ //increment the fill pointer
+ (*s_i)++;
+ //go to the next segment.
+ s_i--;
+ } while (s_i > end_si);
+ // We have reached the destination segment
+ // store the object
+ **s_i = obj;
+ // increment the fill pointer
+ (*s_i)++;
+ LeaveFinalizeLock();
+ return true;
+CFinalize::GetNextFinalizableObject (BOOL only_non_critical)
+ Object* obj = 0;
+ //serialize
+ EnterFinalizeLock();
+ if (!IsSegEmpty(FinalizerListSeg))
+ {
+ if (g_fFinalizerRunOnShutDown)
+ {
+ obj = *(SegQueueLimit (FinalizerListSeg)-1);
+ if (method_table(obj)->HasCriticalFinalizer())
+ {
+ MoveItem ((SegQueueLimit (FinalizerListSeg)-1),
+ FinalizerListSeg, CriticalFinalizerListSeg);
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ else
+ --SegQueueLimit (FinalizerListSeg);
+ }
+ else
+ obj = *(--SegQueueLimit (FinalizerListSeg));
+ }
+ else if (!only_non_critical && !IsSegEmpty(CriticalFinalizerListSeg))
+ {
+ //the FinalizerList is empty, we can adjust both
+ // limit instead of moving the object to the free list
+ obj = *(--SegQueueLimit (CriticalFinalizerListSeg));
+ --SegQueueLimit (FinalizerListSeg);
+ }
+ if (obj)
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("running finalizer for %Ix (mt: %Ix)", obj, method_table (obj)));
+ }
+ LeaveFinalizeLock();
+ return obj;
+CFinalize::SetSegForShutDown(BOOL fHasLock)
+ int i;
+ if (!fHasLock)
+ EnterFinalizeLock();
+ for (i = 0; i <= max_generation; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned int seg = gen_segment (i);
+ Object** startIndex = SegQueueLimit (seg)-1;
+ Object** stopIndex = SegQueue (seg);
+ for (Object** po = startIndex; po >= stopIndex; po--)
+ {
+ Object* obj = *po;
+ if (method_table(obj)->HasCriticalFinalizer())
+ {
+ MoveItem (po, seg, CriticalFinalizerListSeg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MoveItem (po, seg, FinalizerListSeg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!fHasLock)
+ LeaveFinalizeLock();
+ //empty the finalization queue
+ Object** startIndex = SegQueueLimit (FinalizerListSeg)-1;
+ Object** stopIndex = SegQueue (FinalizerListSeg);
+ for (Object** po = startIndex; po >= stopIndex; po--)
+ {
+ MoveItem (po, FinalizerListSeg, FreeList);
+ }
+ return SegQueueLimit (FinalizerListSeg) -
+ (g_fFinalizerRunOnShutDown ? m_Array : SegQueue(FinalizerListSeg));
+CFinalize::FinalizeSegForAppDomain (AppDomain *pDomain,
+ BOOL fRunFinalizers,
+ unsigned int Seg)
+ BOOL finalizedFound = FALSE;
+ Object** endIndex = SegQueue (Seg);
+ for (Object** i = SegQueueLimit (Seg)-1; i >= endIndex ;i--)
+ {
+ CObjectHeader* obj = (CObjectHeader*)*i;
+ // Objects are put into the finalization queue before they are complete (ie their methodtable
+ // may be null) so we must check that the object we found has a method table before checking
+ // if it has the index we are looking for. If the methodtable is null, it can't be from the
+ // unloading domain, so skip it.
+ if (method_table(obj) == NULL)
+ continue;
+ // eagerly finalize all objects except those that may be agile.
+ if (obj->GetAppDomainIndex() != pDomain->GetIndex())
+ continue;
+ if (method_table(obj)->IsAgileAndFinalizable())
+ {
+ // If an object is both agile & finalizable, we leave it in the
+ // finalization queue during unload. This is OK, since it's agile.
+ // Right now only threads can be this way, so if that ever changes, change
+ // the assert to just continue if not a thread.
+ _ASSERTE(method_table(obj) == g_pThreadClass);
+ if (method_table(obj) == g_pThreadClass)
+ {
+ // However, an unstarted thread should be finalized. It could be holding a delegate
+ // in the domain we want to unload. Once the thread has been started, its
+ // delegate is cleared so only unstarted threads are a problem.
+ Thread *pThread = ((THREADBASEREF)ObjectToOBJECTREF(obj))->GetInternal();
+ if (! pThread || ! pThread->IsUnstarted())
+ {
+ // This appdomain is going to be gone soon so let us assign
+ // it the appdomain that's guaranteed to exist
+ // The object is agile and the delegate should be null so we can do it
+ obj->GetHeader()->ResetAppDomainIndexNoFailure(SystemDomain::System()->DefaultDomain()->GetIndex());
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ obj->GetHeader()->ResetAppDomainIndexNoFailure(SystemDomain::System()->DefaultDomain()->GetIndex());
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!fRunFinalizers || (obj->GetHeader()->GetBits()) & BIT_SBLK_FINALIZER_RUN)
+ {
+ //remove the object because we don't want to
+ //run the finalizer
+ MoveItem (i, Seg, FreeList);
+ //Reset the bit so it will be put back on the queue
+ //if resurrected and re-registered.
+ obj->GetHeader()->ClrBit (BIT_SBLK_FINALIZER_RUN);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (method_table(obj)->HasCriticalFinalizer())
+ {
+ finalizedFound = TRUE;
+ MoveItem (i, Seg, CriticalFinalizerListSeg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (pDomain->IsRudeUnload())
+ {
+ MoveItem (i, Seg, FreeList);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ finalizedFound = TRUE;
+ MoveItem (i, Seg, FinalizerListSeg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return finalizedFound;
+CFinalize::FinalizeAppDomain (AppDomain *pDomain, BOOL fRunFinalizers)
+ BOOL finalizedFound = FALSE;
+ unsigned int startSeg = gen_segment (max_generation);
+ EnterFinalizeLock();
+ for (unsigned int Seg = startSeg; Seg <= gen_segment (0); Seg++)
+ {
+ if (FinalizeSegForAppDomain (pDomain, fRunFinalizers, Seg))
+ {
+ finalizedFound = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ LeaveFinalizeLock();
+ return finalizedFound;
+CFinalize::MoveItem (Object** fromIndex,
+ unsigned int fromSeg,
+ unsigned int toSeg)
+ int step;
+ ASSERT (fromSeg != toSeg);
+ if (fromSeg > toSeg)
+ step = -1;
+ else
+ step = +1;
+ // Place the element at the boundary closest to dest
+ Object** srcIndex = fromIndex;
+ for (unsigned int i = fromSeg; i != toSeg; i+= step)
+ {
+ Object**& destFill = m_FillPointers[i+(step - 1 )/2];
+ Object** destIndex = destFill - (step + 1)/2;
+ if (srcIndex != destIndex)
+ {
+ Object* tmp = *srcIndex;
+ *srcIndex = *destIndex;
+ *destIndex = tmp;
+ }
+ destFill -= step;
+ srcIndex = destIndex;
+ }
+CFinalize::GcScanRoots (promote_func* fn, int hn, ScanContext *pSC)
+ ScanContext sc;
+ if (pSC == 0)
+ pSC = &sc;
+ pSC->thread_number = hn;
+ //scan the finalization queue
+ Object** startIndex = SegQueue (CriticalFinalizerListSeg);
+ Object** stopIndex = SegQueueLimit (FinalizerListSeg);
+ for (Object** po = startIndex; po < stopIndex; po++)
+ {
+ Object* o = *po;
+ //dprintf (3, ("scan freacheable %Ix", (size_t)o));
+ dprintf (3, ("scan f %Ix", (size_t)o));
+ if (g_fEnableARM)
+ {
+ pSC->pCurrentDomain = SystemDomain::GetAppDomainAtIndex(o->GetAppDomainIndex());
+ }
+ (*fn)(po, pSC, 0);
+ }
+void CFinalize::WalkFReachableObjects (gc_heap* hp)
+ BEGIN_PIN_PROFILER(CORProfilerPresent());
+ Object** startIndex = SegQueue (CriticalFinalizerListSeg);
+ Object** stopCriticalIndex = SegQueueLimit (CriticalFinalizerListSeg);
+ Object** stopIndex = SegQueueLimit (FinalizerListSeg);
+ for (Object** po = startIndex; po < stopIndex; po++)
+ {
+ //report *po
+ g_profControlBlock.pProfInterface->FinalizeableObjectQueued(po < stopCriticalIndex, (ObjectID)*po);
+ }
+#endif //GC_PROFILING
+CFinalize::ScanForFinalization (promote_func* pfn, int gen, BOOL mark_only_p,
+ gc_heap* hp)
+ ScanContext sc;
+ sc.promotion = TRUE;
+ sc.thread_number = hp->heap_number;
+ BOOL finalizedFound = FALSE;
+ //start with gen and explore all the younger generations.
+ unsigned int startSeg = gen_segment (gen);
+ {
+ m_PromotedCount = 0;
+ for (unsigned int Seg = startSeg; Seg <= gen_segment(0); Seg++)
+ {
+ Object** endIndex = SegQueue (Seg);
+ for (Object** i = SegQueueLimit (Seg)-1; i >= endIndex ;i--)
+ {
+ CObjectHeader* obj = (CObjectHeader*)*i;
+ dprintf (3, ("scanning: %Ix", (size_t)obj));
+ if (!GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->IsPromoted (obj))
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("freacheable: %Ix", (size_t)obj));
+ assert (method_table(obj)->HasFinalizer());
+ if (method_table(obj) == pWeakReferenceMT || method_table(obj)->GetCanonicalMethodTable() == pWeakReferenceOfTCanonMT)
+ {
+ //destruct the handle right there.
+ FinalizeWeakReference (obj);
+ MoveItem (i, Seg, FreeList);
+ }
+ else
+ if ((obj->GetHeader()->GetBits()) & BIT_SBLK_FINALIZER_RUN)
+ {
+ //remove the object because we don't want to
+ //run the finalizer
+ MoveItem (i, Seg, FreeList);
+ //Reset the bit so it will be put back on the queue
+ //if resurrected and re-registered.
+ obj->GetHeader()->ClrBit (BIT_SBLK_FINALIZER_RUN);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_PromotedCount++;
+ if (method_table(obj)->HasCriticalFinalizer())
+ {
+ MoveItem (i, Seg, CriticalFinalizerListSeg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MoveItem (i, Seg, FinalizerListSeg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((gen == max_generation) && (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p()))
+ {
+ // TODO - fix the following line.
+ //assert (gc_heap::background_object_marked ((uint8_t*)obj, FALSE));
+ dprintf (3, ("%Ix is marked", (size_t)obj));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ finalizedFound = !IsSegEmpty(FinalizerListSeg) ||
+ !IsSegEmpty(CriticalFinalizerListSeg);
+ if (finalizedFound)
+ {
+ //Promote the f-reachable objects
+ GcScanRoots (pfn,
+ hp->heap_number
+ 0
+ , 0);
+ hp->settings.found_finalizers = TRUE;
+ if (hp->settings.concurrent)
+ {
+ hp->settings.found_finalizers = !(IsSegEmpty(FinalizerListSeg) && IsSegEmpty(CriticalFinalizerListSeg));
+ }
+ if (hp->settings.concurrent && hp->settings.found_finalizers)
+ {
+ if (!mark_only_p)
+ FinalizerThread::EnableFinalization();
+ }
+ }
+ return finalizedFound;
+//Relocates all of the objects in the finalization array
+CFinalize::RelocateFinalizationData (int gen, gc_heap* hp)
+ ScanContext sc;
+ sc.promotion = FALSE;
+ sc.thread_number = hp->heap_number;
+ unsigned int Seg = gen_segment (gen);
+ Object** startIndex = SegQueue (Seg);
+ for (Object** po = startIndex; po < SegQueue (FreeList);po++)
+ {
+ GCHeap::Relocate (po, &sc);
+ }
+CFinalize::UpdatePromotedGenerations (int gen, BOOL gen_0_empty_p)
+ // update the generation fill pointers.
+ // if gen_0_empty is FALSE, test each object to find out if
+ // it was promoted or not
+ if (gen_0_empty_p)
+ {
+ for (int i = min (gen+1, max_generation); i > 0; i--)
+ {
+ m_FillPointers [gen_segment(i)] = m_FillPointers [gen_segment(i-1)];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Look for demoted or promoted plugs
+ for (int i = gen; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ unsigned int Seg = gen_segment (i);
+ Object** startIndex = SegQueue (Seg);
+ for (Object** po = startIndex;
+ po < SegQueueLimit (gen_segment(i)); po++)
+ {
+ int new_gen = GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->WhichGeneration (*po);
+ if (new_gen != i)
+ {
+ if (new_gen > i)
+ {
+ //promotion
+ MoveItem (po, gen_segment (i), gen_segment (new_gen));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //demotion
+ MoveItem (po, gen_segment (i), gen_segment (new_gen));
+ //back down in order to see all objects.
+ po--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t oldArraySize = (m_EndArray - m_Array);
+ size_t newArraySize = (size_t)(((float)oldArraySize / 10) * 12);
+ Object** newArray = new (nothrow) Object*[newArraySize];
+ if (!newArray)
+ {
+ // It's not safe to throw here, because of the FinalizeLock. Tell our caller
+ // to throw for us.
+// ASSERT (newArray);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ memcpy (newArray, m_Array, oldArraySize*sizeof(Object*));
+ //adjust the fill pointers
+ for (int i = 0; i < FreeList; i++)
+ {
+ m_FillPointers [i] += (newArray - m_Array);
+ }
+ delete m_Array;
+ m_Array = newArray;
+ m_EndArray = &m_Array [newArraySize];
+ return TRUE;
+void CFinalize::CheckFinalizerObjects()
+ for (int i = 0; i <= max_generation; i++)
+ {
+ Object **startIndex = SegQueue (gen_segment (i));
+ Object **stopIndex = SegQueueLimit (gen_segment (i));
+ for (Object **po = startIndex; po < stopIndex; po++)
+ {
+ if ((int)GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->WhichGeneration (*po) < i)
+ ((CObjectHeader*)*po)->Validate();
+ }
+ }
+#endif //VERIFY_HEAP
+// End of VM specific support
+void gc_heap::walk_heap (walk_fn fn, void* context, int gen_number, BOOL walk_large_object_heap_p)
+ generation* gen = gc_heap::generation_of (gen_number);
+ heap_segment* seg = generation_start_segment (gen);
+ uint8_t* x = ((gen_number == max_generation) ? heap_segment_mem (seg) :
+ generation_allocation_start (gen));
+ uint8_t* end = heap_segment_allocated (seg);
+ BOOL small_object_segments = TRUE;
+ int align_const = get_alignment_constant (small_object_segments);
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (x >= end)
+ {
+ if ((seg = heap_segment_next (seg)) != 0)
+ {
+ x = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ end = heap_segment_allocated (seg);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (small_object_segments && walk_large_object_heap_p)
+ {
+ small_object_segments = FALSE;
+ align_const = get_alignment_constant (small_object_segments);
+ seg = generation_start_segment (large_object_generation);
+ x = heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ end = heap_segment_allocated (seg);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t s = size (x);
+ CObjectHeader* o = (CObjectHeader*)x;
+ if (!o->IsFree())
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(((size_t)o & 0x3) == 0); // Last two bits should never be set at this point
+ if (!fn (o->GetObjectBase(), context))
+ return;
+ }
+ x = x + Align (s, align_const);
+ }
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+void GCHeap::WalkObject (Object* obj, walk_fn fn, void* context)
+ uint8_t* o = (uint8_t*)obj;
+ if (o)
+ {
+ go_through_object_cl (method_table (o), o, size(o), oo,
+ {
+ if (*oo)
+ {
+ Object *oh = (Object*)*oo;
+ if (!fn (oh, context))
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+#endif //defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+// Go through and touch (read) each page straddled by a memory block.
+void TouchPages(void * pStart, size_t cb)
+ const uint32_t pagesize = OS_PAGE_SIZE;
+ _ASSERTE(0 == (pagesize & (pagesize-1))); // Must be a power of 2.
+ if (cb)
+ {
+ VOLATILE(char)* pEnd = (VOLATILE(char)*)(cb + (char*)pStart);
+ VOLATILE(char)* p = (VOLATILE(char)*)(((char*)pStart) - (((size_t)pStart) & (pagesize-1)));
+ while (p < pEnd)
+ {
+ char a;
+ a = VolatileLoad(p);
+ //printf("Touching page %lxh\n", (uint32_t)p);
+ p += pagesize;
+ }
+ }
+#if defined(WRITE_BARRIER_CHECK) && !defined (SERVER_GC)
+ // This code is designed to catch the failure to update the write barrier
+ // The way it works is to copy the whole heap right after every GC. The write
+ // barrier code has been modified so that it updates the shadow as well as the
+ // real GC heap. Before doing the next GC, we walk the heap, looking for pointers
+ // that were updated in the real heap, but not the shadow. A mismatch indicates
+ // an error. The offending code can be found by breaking after the correct GC,
+ // and then placing a data breakpoint on the Heap location that was updated without
+ // going through the write barrier.
+ // Called at process shutdown
+void deleteGCShadow()
+ if (g_GCShadow != 0)
+ GCToOSInterface::VirtualRelease (g_GCShadow, g_GCShadowEnd - g_GCShadow);
+ g_GCShadow = 0;
+ g_GCShadowEnd = 0;
+ // Called at startup and right after a GC, get a snapshot of the GC Heap
+void initGCShadow()
+ if (!(g_pConfig->GetHeapVerifyLevel() & EEConfig::HEAPVERIFY_BARRIERCHECK))
+ return;
+ size_t len = g_highest_address - g_lowest_address;
+ if (len > (size_t)(g_GCShadowEnd - g_GCShadow))
+ {
+ deleteGCShadow();
+ g_GCShadowEnd = g_GCShadow = (uint8_t *)GCToOSInterface::VirtualReserve(0, len, 0, VirtualReserveFlags::None);
+ if (g_GCShadow == NULL || !GCToOSInterface::VirtualCommit(g_GCShadow, len))
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(!"Not enough memory to run HeapVerify level 2");
+ // If after the assert we decide to allow the program to continue
+ // running we need to be in a state that will not trigger any
+ // additional AVs while we fail to allocate a shadow segment, i.e.
+ // ensure calls to updateGCShadow() checkGCWriteBarrier() don't AV
+ deleteGCShadow();
+ return;
+ }
+ g_GCShadowEnd += len;
+ }
+ // save the value of g_lowest_address at this time. If this value changes before
+ // the next call to checkGCWriteBarrier() it means we extended the heap (with a
+ // large object segment most probably), and the whole shadow segment is inconsistent.
+ g_shadow_lowest_address = g_lowest_address;
+ //****** Copy the whole GC heap ******
+ //
+ // NOTE: This is the one situation where the combination of heap_segment_rw(gen_start_segment())
+ // can produce a NULL result. This is because the initialization has not completed.
+ //
+ generation* gen = gc_heap::generation_of (max_generation);
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ ptrdiff_t delta = g_GCShadow - g_lowest_address;
+ BOOL small_object_segments = TRUE;
+ while(1)
+ {
+ if (!seg)
+ {
+ if (small_object_segments)
+ {
+ small_object_segments = FALSE;
+ seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gc_heap::generation_of (max_generation+1)));
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ // Copy the segment
+ uint8_t* start = heap_segment_mem(seg);
+ uint8_t* end = heap_segment_allocated (seg);
+ memcpy(start + delta, start, end - start);
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ }
+#define INVALIDGCVALUE (void*)((size_t)0xcccccccd)
+ // test to see if 'ptr' was only updated via the write barrier.
+inline void testGCShadow(Object** ptr)
+ Object** shadow = (Object**) &g_GCShadow[((uint8_t*) ptr - g_lowest_address)];
+ if (*ptr != 0 && (uint8_t*) shadow < g_GCShadowEnd && *ptr != *shadow)
+ {
+ // If you get this assertion, someone updated a GC poitner in the heap without
+ // using the write barrier. To find out who, check the value of
+ // dd_collection_count (dynamic_data_of (0)). Also
+ // note the value of 'ptr'. Rerun the App that the previous GC just occurred.
+ // Then put a data breakpoint for the value of 'ptr' Then check every write
+ // to pointer between the two GCs. The last one is not using the write barrier.
+ // If the memory of interest does not exist at system startup,
+ // you need to set the data breakpoint right after the memory gets committed
+ // Set a breakpoint at the end of grow_heap_segment, and put the value of 'ptr'
+ // in the memory window. run until the memory gets mapped. Then you can set
+ // your breakpoint
+ // Note a recent change, we've identified race conditions when updating the gc shadow.
+ // Throughout the runtime, code will update an address in the gc heap, then erect the
+ // write barrier, which calls updateGCShadow. With an app that pounds one heap location
+ // from multiple threads, you can hit this assert even though all involved are using the
+ // write barrier properly. Thusly, we detect the race and set this location to INVALIDGCVALUE.
+ // TODO: the code in jithelp.asm doesn't call updateGCShadow, and hasn't been
+ // TODO: fixed to detect the race. We've only seen this race from VolatileWritePtr,
+ // TODO: so elect not to fix jithelp.asm at this time. It should be done if we start hitting
+ // TODO: erroneous asserts in here.
+ if(*shadow!=INVALIDGCVALUE)
+ {
+ // Write barriers for stores of references to frozen objects may be optimized away.
+ if (!gc_heap::frozen_object_p(*ptr))
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(!"Pointer updated without using write barrier");
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ else
+ {
+ printf("saw a INVALIDGCVALUE. (just to let you know)\n");
+ }
+ */
+ }
+void testGCShadowHelper (uint8_t* x)
+ size_t s = size (x);
+ if (contain_pointers (x))
+ {
+ go_through_object_nostart (method_table(x), x, s, oo,
+ { testGCShadow((Object**) oo); });
+ }
+ // Walk the whole heap, looking for pointers that were not updated with the write barrier.
+void checkGCWriteBarrier()
+ // g_shadow_lowest_address != g_lowest_address means the GC heap was extended by a segment
+ // and the GC shadow segment did not track that change!
+ if (g_GCShadowEnd <= g_GCShadow || g_shadow_lowest_address != g_lowest_address)
+ {
+ // No shadow stack, nothing to check.
+ return;
+ }
+ {
+ generation* gen = gc_heap::generation_of (max_generation);
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ while(seg)
+ {
+ uint8_t* x = heap_segment_mem(seg);
+ while (x < heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ size_t s = size (x);
+ testGCShadowHelper (x);
+ x = x + Align (s);
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ // go through large object heap
+ int alignment = get_alignment_constant(FALSE);
+ generation* gen = gc_heap::generation_of (max_generation+1);
+ heap_segment* seg = heap_segment_rw (generation_start_segment (gen));
+ while(seg)
+ {
+ uint8_t* x = heap_segment_mem(seg);
+ while (x < heap_segment_allocated (seg))
+ {
+ size_t s = size (x);
+ testGCShadowHelper (x);
+ x = x + Align (s, alignment);
+ }
+ seg = heap_segment_next_rw (seg);
+ }
+ }
+void gc_heap::walk_read_only_segment(heap_segment *seg, void *pvContext, object_callback_func pfnMethodTable, object_callback_func pfnObjRef)
+ uint8_t *o = heap_segment_mem(seg);
+ // small heap alignment constant
+ int alignment = get_alignment_constant(TRUE);
+ while (o < heap_segment_allocated(seg))
+ {
+ pfnMethodTable(pvContext, o);
+ if (contain_pointers (o))
+ {
+ go_through_object_nostart (method_table (o), o, size(o), oo,
+ {
+ if (*oo)
+ pfnObjRef(pvContext, oo);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ o += Align(size(o), alignment);
+ }
+HRESULT GCHeap::WaitUntilConcurrentGCCompleteAsync(int millisecondsTimeout)
+ if (recursive_gc_sync::background_running_p())
+ {
+ uint32_t dwRet = pGenGCHeap->background_gc_wait(awr_ignored, millisecondsTimeout);
+ if (dwRet == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+ return S_OK;
+ else if (dwRet == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
+ else
+ return E_FAIL; // It is not clear if what the last error would be if the wait failed,
+ // as there are too many layers in between. The best we can do is to return E_FAIL;
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+void GCHeap::TemporaryEnableConcurrentGC()
+ gc_heap::temp_disable_concurrent_p = false;
+void GCHeap::TemporaryDisableConcurrentGC()
+ gc_heap::temp_disable_concurrent_p = true;
+BOOL GCHeap::IsConcurrentGCEnabled()
+ return (gc_heap::gc_can_use_concurrent && !(gc_heap::temp_disable_concurrent_p));
+ return FALSE;
diff --git a/src/gc/gc.h b/src/gc/gc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14c6baee83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/gc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,680 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+Module Name:
+ gc.h
+#ifndef __GC_H
+#define __GC_H
+#define GC_PROFILING //Turn on profiling
+ * Promotion Function Prototypes
+ */
+typedef void enum_func (Object*);
+// callback functions for heap walkers
+typedef void object_callback_func(void * pvContext, void * pvDataLoc);
+// stub type to abstract a heap segment
+struct gc_heap_segment_stub;
+typedef gc_heap_segment_stub *segment_handle;
+struct segment_info
+ void * pvMem; // base of the allocation, not the first object (must add ibFirstObject)
+ size_t ibFirstObject; // offset to the base of the first object in the segment
+ size_t ibAllocated; // limit of allocated memory in the segment (>= firstobject)
+ size_t ibCommit; // limit of committed memory in the segment (>= alllocated)
+ size_t ibReserved; // limit of reserved memory in the segment (>= commit)
+/* If you modify failure_get_memory and */
+/* oom_reason be sure to make the corresponding */
+/* changes in toolbox\sos\strike\strike.cpp. */
+enum failure_get_memory
+ fgm_no_failure = 0,
+ fgm_reserve_segment = 1,
+ fgm_commit_segment_beg = 2,
+ fgm_commit_eph_segment = 3,
+ fgm_grow_table = 4,
+ fgm_commit_table = 5
+struct fgm_history
+ failure_get_memory fgm;
+ size_t size;
+ size_t available_pagefile_mb;
+ BOOL loh_p;
+ void set_fgm (failure_get_memory f, size_t s, BOOL l)
+ {
+ fgm = f;
+ size = s;
+ loh_p = l;
+ }
+enum oom_reason
+ oom_no_failure = 0,
+ oom_budget = 1,
+ oom_cant_commit = 2,
+ oom_cant_reserve = 3,
+ oom_loh = 4,
+ oom_low_mem = 5,
+ oom_unproductive_full_gc = 6
+struct oom_history
+ oom_reason reason;
+ size_t alloc_size;
+ uint8_t* reserved;
+ uint8_t* allocated;
+ size_t gc_index;
+ failure_get_memory fgm;
+ size_t size;
+ size_t available_pagefile_mb;
+ BOOL loh_p;
+/* forward declerations */
+class CObjectHeader;
+class Object;
+class GCHeap;
+/* misc defines */
+#define LARGE_OBJECT_SIZE ((size_t)(85000))
+GPTR_DECL(GCHeap, g_pGCHeap);
+GARY_DECL(size_t, gc_global_mechanisms, MAX_GLOBAL_GC_MECHANISMS_COUNT);
+extern "C" {
+class DacHeapWalker;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#define _LOGALLOC
+//always defined, but should be 0 in Server GC
+extern uint8_t* g_GCShadow;
+extern uint8_t* g_GCShadowEnd;
+// saves the g_lowest_address in between GCs to verify the consistency of the shadow segment
+extern uint8_t* g_shadow_lowest_address;
+#define MP_LOCKS
+extern "C" uint8_t* g_ephemeral_low;
+extern "C" uint8_t* g_ephemeral_high;
+namespace WKS {
+ ::GCHeap* CreateGCHeap();
+ class GCHeap;
+ class gc_heap;
+ }
+#if defined(FEATURE_SVR_GC)
+namespace SVR {
+ ::GCHeap* CreateGCHeap();
+ class GCHeap;
+ class gc_heap;
+#endif // defined(FEATURE_SVR_GC)
+ * Ephemeral Garbage Collected Heap Interface
+ */
+struct alloc_context
+ friend class WKS::gc_heap;
+#if defined(FEATURE_SVR_GC)
+ friend class SVR::gc_heap;
+ friend class SVR::GCHeap;
+#endif // defined(FEATURE_SVR_GC)
+ friend struct ClassDumpInfo;
+ uint8_t* alloc_ptr;
+ uint8_t* alloc_limit;
+ int64_t alloc_bytes; //Number of bytes allocated on SOH by this context
+ int64_t alloc_bytes_loh; //Number of bytes allocated on LOH by this context
+#if defined(FEATURE_SVR_GC)
+ SVR::GCHeap* alloc_heap;
+ SVR::GCHeap* home_heap;
+#endif // defined(FEATURE_SVR_GC)
+ int alloc_count;
+ void init()
+ {
+ alloc_ptr = 0;
+ alloc_limit = 0;
+ alloc_bytes = 0;
+ alloc_bytes_loh = 0;
+#if defined(FEATURE_SVR_GC)
+ alloc_heap = 0;
+ home_heap = 0;
+#endif // defined(FEATURE_SVR_GC)
+ alloc_count = 0;
+ }
+struct ScanContext
+ Thread* thread_under_crawl;
+ int thread_number;
+ uintptr_t stack_limit; // Lowest point on the thread stack that the scanning logic is permitted to read
+ BOOL promotion; //TRUE: Promotion, FALSE: Relocation.
+ BOOL concurrent; //TRUE: concurrent scanning
+ AppDomain *pCurrentDomain;
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined (DACCESS_COMPILE)
+ MethodDesc *pMD;
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ EtwGCRootKind dwEtwRootKind;
+ ScanContext()
+ {
+ thread_under_crawl = 0;
+ thread_number = -1;
+ stack_limit = 0;
+ promotion = FALSE;
+ concurrent = FALSE;
+ pMD = NULL;
+#endif //GC_PROFILING
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ dwEtwRootKind = kEtwGCRootKindOther;
+ }
+typedef BOOL (* walk_fn)(Object*, void*);
+typedef void (* gen_walk_fn)(void *context, int generation, uint8_t *range_start, uint8_t * range_end, uint8_t *range_reserved);
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+struct ProfilingScanContext : ScanContext
+ BOOL fProfilerPinned;
+ void * pvEtwContext;
+ void *pHeapId;
+ ProfilingScanContext(BOOL fProfilerPinnedParam) : ScanContext()
+ {
+ pHeapId = NULL;
+ fProfilerPinned = fProfilerPinnedParam;
+ pvEtwContext = NULL;
+ // To not confuse GCScan::GcScanRoots
+ promotion = g_pConfig->GetGCConservative();
+ }
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+#define IN_STRESS_HEAP(x) x
+#define STRESS_HEAP_ARG(x) ,x
+#else // STRESS_HEAP
+#define IN_STRESS_HEAP(x)
+#define STRESS_HEAP_ARG(x)
+#endif // STRESS_HEAP
+//dynamic data interface
+struct gc_counters
+ size_t current_size;
+ size_t promoted_size;
+ size_t collection_count;
+// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+// make sure you change the def in bcl\system\gc.cs
+// if you change this!
+enum collection_mode
+ collection_non_blocking = 0x00000001,
+ collection_blocking = 0x00000002,
+ collection_optimized = 0x00000004,
+ collection_compacting = 0x00000008
+ , collection_gcstress = 0x80000000
+#endif // STRESS_HEAP
+// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+// make sure you change the def in bcl\system\gc.cs
+// if you change this!
+enum wait_full_gc_status
+ wait_full_gc_success = 0,
+ wait_full_gc_failed = 1,
+ wait_full_gc_cancelled = 2,
+ wait_full_gc_timeout = 3,
+ wait_full_gc_na = 4
+// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+// make sure you change the def in bcl\system\gc.cs
+// if you change this!
+enum start_no_gc_region_status
+ start_no_gc_success = 0,
+ start_no_gc_no_memory = 1,
+ start_no_gc_too_large = 2,
+ start_no_gc_in_progress = 3
+enum end_no_gc_region_status
+ end_no_gc_success = 0,
+ end_no_gc_not_in_progress = 1,
+ end_no_gc_induced = 2,
+ end_no_gc_alloc_exceeded = 3
+enum bgc_state
+ bgc_not_in_process = 0,
+ bgc_initialized,
+ bgc_reset_ww,
+ bgc_mark_handles,
+ bgc_mark_stack,
+ bgc_revisit_soh,
+ bgc_revisit_loh,
+ bgc_overflow_soh,
+ bgc_overflow_loh,
+ bgc_final_marking,
+ bgc_sweep_soh,
+ bgc_sweep_loh,
+ bgc_plan_phase
+enum changed_seg_state
+ seg_deleted,
+ seg_added
+void record_changed_seg (uint8_t* start, uint8_t* end,
+ size_t current_gc_index,
+ bgc_state current_bgc_state,
+ changed_seg_state changed_state);
+void record_global_mechanism (int mech_index);
+//constants for the flags parameter to the gc call back
+#define GC_CALL_INTERIOR 0x1
+#define GC_CALL_PINNED 0x2
+//flags for GCHeap::Alloc(...)
+#define GC_ALLOC_FINALIZE 0x1
+#define GC_ALLOC_ALIGN8_BIAS 0x4
+#define GC_ALLOC_ALIGN8 0x8
+class GCHeap {
+ friend struct ::_DacGlobals;
+ friend class ClrDataAccess;
+ virtual ~GCHeap() {}
+ static GCHeap *GetGCHeap()
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(g_pGCHeap != NULL);
+ return g_pGCHeap;
+ }
+ static BOOL IsGCInProgress(BOOL bConsiderGCStart = FALSE)
+ {
+ return (IsGCHeapInitialized() ? GetGCHeap()->IsGCInProgressHelper(bConsiderGCStart) : false);
+ }
+ static BOOL IsGCHeapInitialized()
+ {
+ return (g_pGCHeap != NULL);
+ }
+ static void WaitForGCCompletion(BOOL bConsiderGCStart = FALSE)
+ {
+ if (IsGCHeapInitialized())
+ GetGCHeap()->WaitUntilGCComplete(bConsiderGCStart);
+ }
+ // The runtime needs to know whether we're using workstation or server GC
+ // long before the GCHeap is created. So IsServerHeap cannot be a virtual
+ // method on GCHeap. Instead we make it a static method and initialize
+ // gcHeapType before any of the calls to IsServerHeap. Note that this also
+ // has the advantage of getting the answer without an indirection
+ // (virtual call), which is important for perf critical codepaths.
+ static void InitializeHeapType(bool bServerHeap)
+ {
+ gcHeapType = bServerHeap ? GC_HEAP_SVR : GC_HEAP_WKS;
+ if (gcHeapType == GC_HEAP_SVR)
+ {
+ g_GCShadow = 0;
+ g_GCShadowEnd = 0;
+ }
+#else // FEATURE_SVR_GC
+ CONSISTENCY_CHECK(bServerHeap == false);
+#endif // FEATURE_SVR_GC
+ }
+ #endif
+ static BOOL IsValidSegmentSize(size_t cbSize)
+ {
+ //Must be aligned on a Mb and greater than 4Mb
+ return (((cbSize & (1024*1024-1)) ==0) && (cbSize >> 22));
+ }
+ static BOOL IsValidGen0MaxSize(size_t cbSize)
+ {
+ return (cbSize >= 64*1024);
+ }
+ inline static bool IsServerHeap()
+ {
+ return (gcHeapType == GC_HEAP_SVR);
+#else // FEATURE_SVR_GC
+ return false;
+#endif // FEATURE_SVR_GC
+ }
+ inline static bool UseAllocationContexts()
+ {
+ // SIMPLIFY: only use allocation contexts
+ return true;
+#if defined(_TARGET_ARM_) || defined(FEATURE_PAL)
+ return true;
+ return ((IsServerHeap() ? true : (g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors >= 2)));
+ }
+ inline static bool MarkShouldCompeteForStatics()
+ {
+ return IsServerHeap() && g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors >= 2;
+ }
+ static GCHeap * CreateGCHeap()
+ {
+ GCHeap * pGCHeap;
+#if defined(FEATURE_SVR_GC)
+ pGCHeap = (IsServerHeap() ? SVR::CreateGCHeap() : WKS::CreateGCHeap());
+ pGCHeap = WKS::CreateGCHeap();
+#endif // defined(FEATURE_SVR_GC)
+ g_pGCHeap = pGCHeap;
+ return pGCHeap;
+ }
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ GC_HEAP_WKS = 1,
+ SVAL_DECL(uint32_t,gcHeapType);
+#endif // FEATURE_SVR_GC
+ // TODO Synchronization, should be moved out
+ virtual BOOL IsGCInProgressHelper (BOOL bConsiderGCStart = FALSE) = 0;
+ virtual uint32_t WaitUntilGCComplete (BOOL bConsiderGCStart = FALSE) = 0;
+ virtual void SetGCInProgress(BOOL fInProgress) = 0;
+ virtual CLREventStatic * GetWaitForGCEvent() = 0;
+ virtual void SetFinalizationRun (Object* obj) = 0;
+ virtual Object* GetNextFinalizable() = 0;
+ virtual size_t GetNumberOfFinalizable() = 0;
+ virtual void SetFinalizeQueueForShutdown(BOOL fHasLock) = 0;
+ virtual BOOL FinalizeAppDomain(AppDomain *pDomain, BOOL fRunFinalizers) = 0;
+ virtual BOOL ShouldRestartFinalizerWatchDog() = 0;
+ //wait for concurrent GC to finish
+ virtual void WaitUntilConcurrentGCComplete () = 0; // Use in managed threads
+ virtual HRESULT WaitUntilConcurrentGCCompleteAsync(int millisecondsTimeout) = 0; // Use in native threads. TRUE if succeed. FALSE if failed or timeout
+ virtual BOOL IsConcurrentGCInProgress() = 0;
+ // Enable/disable concurrent GC
+ virtual void TemporaryEnableConcurrentGC() = 0;
+ virtual void TemporaryDisableConcurrentGC() = 0;
+ virtual BOOL IsConcurrentGCEnabled() = 0;
+ virtual void FixAllocContext (alloc_context* acontext, BOOL lockp, void* arg, void *heap) = 0;
+ virtual Object* Alloc (alloc_context* acontext, size_t size, uint32_t flags) = 0;
+ // This is safe to call only when EE is suspended.
+ virtual Object* GetContainingObject(void *pInteriorPtr) = 0;
+ // TODO Should be folded into constructor
+ virtual HRESULT Initialize () = 0;
+ virtual HRESULT GarbageCollect (int generation = -1, BOOL low_memory_p=FALSE, int mode = collection_blocking) = 0;
+ virtual Object* Alloc (size_t size, uint32_t flags) = 0;
+ virtual Object* AllocAlign8 (size_t size, uint32_t flags) = 0;
+ virtual Object* AllocAlign8 (alloc_context* acontext, size_t size, uint32_t flags) = 0;
+ virtual Object* AllocAlign8Common (void* hp, alloc_context* acontext, size_t size, uint32_t flags) = 0;
+ virtual Object* AllocLHeap (size_t size, uint32_t flags) = 0;
+ virtual void SetReservedVMLimit (size_t vmlimit) = 0;
+ virtual void SetCardsAfterBulkCopy( Object**, size_t ) = 0;
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ virtual void WalkObject (Object* obj, walk_fn fn, void* context) = 0;
+#endif //defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ virtual bool IsThreadUsingAllocationContextHeap(alloc_context* acontext, int thread_number) = 0;
+ virtual int GetNumberOfHeaps () = 0;
+ virtual int GetHomeHeapNumber () = 0;
+ virtual int CollectionCount (int generation, int get_bgc_fgc_count = 0) = 0;
+ // Finalizer queue stuff (should stay)
+ virtual bool RegisterForFinalization (int gen, Object* obj) = 0;
+ // General queries to the GC
+ virtual BOOL IsPromoted (Object *object) = 0;
+ virtual unsigned WhichGeneration (Object* object) = 0;
+ virtual BOOL IsEphemeral (Object* object) = 0;
+ virtual BOOL IsHeapPointer (void* object, BOOL small_heap_only = FALSE) = 0;
+ virtual unsigned GetCondemnedGeneration() = 0;
+ virtual int GetGcLatencyMode() = 0;
+ virtual int SetGcLatencyMode(int newLatencyMode) = 0;
+ virtual int GetLOHCompactionMode() = 0;
+ virtual void SetLOHCompactionMode(int newLOHCompactionyMode) = 0;
+ virtual BOOL RegisterForFullGCNotification(uint32_t gen2Percentage,
+ uint32_t lohPercentage) = 0;
+ virtual BOOL CancelFullGCNotification() = 0;
+ virtual int WaitForFullGCApproach(int millisecondsTimeout) = 0;
+ virtual int WaitForFullGCComplete(int millisecondsTimeout) = 0;
+ virtual int StartNoGCRegion(uint64_t totalSize, BOOL lohSizeKnown, uint64_t lohSize, BOOL disallowFullBlockingGC) = 0;
+ virtual int EndNoGCRegion() = 0;
+ virtual BOOL IsObjectInFixedHeap(Object *pObj) = 0;
+ virtual size_t GetTotalBytesInUse () = 0;
+ virtual size_t GetCurrentObjSize() = 0;
+ virtual size_t GetLastGCStartTime(int generation) = 0;
+ virtual size_t GetLastGCDuration(int generation) = 0;
+ virtual size_t GetNow() = 0;
+ virtual unsigned GetGcCount() = 0;
+ virtual void TraceGCSegments() = 0;
+ virtual void PublishObject(uint8_t* obj) = 0;
+ // static if since restricting for all heaps is fine
+ virtual size_t GetValidSegmentSize(BOOL large_seg = FALSE) = 0;
+ static BOOL IsLargeObject(MethodTable *mt) {
+ return mt->GetBaseSize() >= LARGE_OBJECT_SIZE;
+ }
+ static unsigned GetMaxGeneration() {
+ return max_generation;
+ }
+ virtual size_t GetPromotedBytes(int heap_index) = 0;
+ enum {
+ max_generation = 2,
+ };
+ // frozen segment management functions
+ virtual segment_handle RegisterFrozenSegment(segment_info *pseginfo) = 0;
+ virtual void UnregisterFrozenSegment(segment_handle seg) = 0;
+ // debug support
+#ifndef FEATURE_REDHAWK // Redhawk forces relocation a different way
+ //return TRUE if GC actually happens, otherwise FALSE
+ virtual BOOL StressHeap(alloc_context * acontext = 0) = 0;
+ virtual void ValidateObjectMember (Object *obj) = 0;
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ virtual void DescrGenerationsToProfiler (gen_walk_fn fn, void *context) = 0;
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ // Return NULL if can't find next object. When EE is not suspended,
+ // the result is not accurate: if the input arg is in gen0, the function could
+ // return zeroed out memory as next object
+ virtual Object * NextObj (Object * object) = 0;
+ // Return TRUE if object lives in frozen segment
+ virtual BOOL IsInFrozenSegment (Object * object) = 0;
+#endif //VERIFY_HEAP
+extern VOLATILE(int32_t) m_GCLock;
+// Go through and touch (read) each page straddled by a memory block.
+void TouchPages(void * pStart, size_t cb);
+// For low memory notification from host
+extern int32_t g_bLowMemoryFromHost;
+void updateGCShadow(Object** ptr, Object* val);
+// the method table for the WeakReference class
+extern MethodTable *pWeakReferenceMT;
+// The canonical method table for WeakReference<T>
+extern MethodTable *pWeakReferenceOfTCanonMT;
+extern void FinalizeWeakReference(Object * obj);
+#endif // __GC_H
diff --git a/src/gc/gccommon.cpp b/src/gc/gccommon.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..779aac7296
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/gccommon.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+ *
+ * Code common to both SVR and WKS gcs
+ */
+#include "common.h"
+#include "gcenv.h"
+#include "gc.h"
+#endif // FEATURE_SVR_GC
+/* global versions of the card table and brick table */
+/* absolute bounds of the GC memory */
+GARY_IMPL(size_t, gc_global_mechanisms, MAX_GLOBAL_GC_MECHANISMS_COUNT);
+uint8_t* g_ephemeral_low = (uint8_t*)1;
+uint8_t* g_ephemeral_high = (uint8_t*)~0;
+uint8_t* g_GCShadow;
+uint8_t* g_GCShadowEnd;
+uint8_t* g_shadow_lowest_address = NULL;
+VOLATILE(int32_t) m_GCLock = -1;
+void record_global_mechanism (int mech_index)
+ (gc_global_mechanisms[mech_index])++;
+int32_t g_bLowMemoryFromHost = 0;
+#define INVALIDGCVALUE (void *)((size_t)0xcccccccd)
+ // called by the write barrier to update the shadow heap
+void updateGCShadow(Object** ptr, Object* val)
+ Object** shadow = (Object**) &g_GCShadow[((uint8_t*) ptr - g_lowest_address)];
+ if ((uint8_t*) shadow < g_GCShadowEnd)
+ {
+ *shadow = val;
+ // Ensure that the write to the shadow heap occurs before the read from
+ // the GC heap so that race conditions are caught by INVALIDGCVALUE.
+ MemoryBarrier();
+ if(*ptr!=val)
+ *shadow = (Object *) INVALIDGCVALUE;
+ }
+struct changed_seg
+ uint8_t * start;
+ uint8_t * end;
+ size_t gc_index;
+ bgc_state bgc;
+ changed_seg_state changed;
+const int max_saved_changed_segs = 128;
+changed_seg saved_changed_segs[max_saved_changed_segs];
+int saved_changed_segs_count = 0;
+void record_changed_seg (uint8_t* start, uint8_t* end,
+ size_t current_gc_index,
+ bgc_state current_bgc_state,
+ changed_seg_state changed_state)
+ if (saved_changed_segs_count < max_saved_changed_segs)
+ {
+ saved_changed_segs[saved_changed_segs_count].start = start;
+ saved_changed_segs[saved_changed_segs_count].end = end;
+ saved_changed_segs[saved_changed_segs_count].gc_index = current_gc_index;
+ saved_changed_segs[saved_changed_segs_count].bgc = current_bgc_state;
+ saved_changed_segs[saved_changed_segs_count].changed = changed_state;
+ saved_changed_segs_count++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ saved_changed_segs_count = 0;
+ }
diff --git a/src/gc/gcdesc.h b/src/gc/gcdesc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7cc132a640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/gcdesc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// GC Object Pointer Location Series Stuff
+#ifndef _GCDESC_H_
+#define _GCDESC_H_
+#ifdef BIT64
+typedef uint32_t HALF_SIZE_T;
+#else // BIT64
+typedef uint16_t HALF_SIZE_T;
+typedef size_t *JSlot;
+// These two classes make up the apparatus with which the object references
+// within an object can be found.
+// CGCDescSeries:
+// The CGCDescSeries class describes a series of object references within an
+// object by describing the size of the series (which has an adjustment which
+// will be explained later) and the starting point of the series.
+// The series size is adjusted when the map is created by subtracting the
+// GetBaseSize() of the object. On retieval of the size the total size
+// of the object is added back. For non-array objects the total object
+// size is equal to the base size, so this returns the same value. For
+// array objects this will yield the size of the data portion of the array.
+// Since arrays containing object references will contain ONLY object references
+// this is a fast way of handling arrays and normal objects without a
+// conditional test
+// CGCDesc:
+// The CGCDesc is a collection of CGCDescSeries objects to describe all the
+// different runs of pointers in a particular object. <TODO> [add more on the strange
+// way the CGCDesc grows backwards in memory behind the MethodTable]
+struct val_serie_item
+ HALF_SIZE_T nptrs;
+ HALF_SIZE_T skip;
+ void set_val_serie_item (HALF_SIZE_T nptrs, HALF_SIZE_T skip)
+ {
+ this->nptrs = nptrs;
+ this->skip = skip;
+ }
+struct val_array_series
+ val_serie_item items[1];
+ size_t m_startOffset;
+ size_t m_count;
+typedef DPTR(class CGCDescSeries) PTR_CGCDescSeries;
+typedef DPTR(class MethodTable) PTR_MethodTable;
+class CGCDescSeries
+ union
+ {
+ size_t seriessize; // adjusted length of series (see above) in bytes
+ val_serie_item val_serie[1]; //coded serie for value class array
+ };
+ size_t startoffset;
+ size_t GetSeriesCount ()
+ {
+ return seriessize/sizeof(JSlot);
+ }
+ void SetSeriesCount (size_t newcount)
+ {
+ seriessize = newcount * sizeof(JSlot);
+ }
+ void IncSeriesCount (size_t increment = 1)
+ {
+ seriessize += increment * sizeof(JSlot);
+ }
+ size_t GetSeriesSize ()
+ {
+ return seriessize;
+ }
+ void SetSeriesSize (size_t newsize)
+ {
+ seriessize = newsize;
+ }
+ void SetSeriesValItem (val_serie_item item, int index)
+ {
+ val_serie [index] = item;
+ }
+ void SetSeriesOffset (size_t newoffset)
+ {
+ startoffset = newoffset;
+ }
+ size_t GetSeriesOffset ()
+ {
+ return startoffset;
+ }
+typedef DPTR(class CGCDesc) PTR_CGCDesc;
+class CGCDesc
+ // Don't construct me, you have to hand me a ptr to the *top* of my storage in Init.
+ CGCDesc () {}
+ //
+ // NOTE: for alignment reasons, NumSeries is stored as a size_t.
+ // This makes everything nicely 8-byte aligned on IA64.
+ //
+ static size_t ComputeSize (size_t NumSeries)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE (ptrdiff_t(NumSeries) > 0);
+ return sizeof(size_t) + NumSeries*sizeof(CGCDescSeries);
+ }
+ // For value type array
+ static size_t ComputeSizeRepeating (size_t NumSeries)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE (ptrdiff_t(NumSeries) > 0);
+ return sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(CGCDescSeries) +
+ (NumSeries-1)*sizeof(val_serie_item);
+ }
+ static void Init (void* mem, size_t NumSeries)
+ {
+ *((size_t*)mem-1) = NumSeries;
+ }
+ static void InitValueClassSeries (void* mem, size_t NumSeries)
+ {
+ *((ptrdiff_t*)mem-1) = -((ptrdiff_t)NumSeries);
+ }
+ static PTR_CGCDesc GetCGCDescFromMT (MethodTable * pMT)
+ {
+ // If it doesn't contain pointers, there isn't a GCDesc
+ PTR_MethodTable mt(pMT);
+ _ASSERTE(mt->ContainsPointersOrCollectible());
+ return PTR_CGCDesc(mt);
+ }
+ size_t GetNumSeries ()
+ {
+ return *(PTR_size_t(PTR_CGCDesc(this))-1);
+ }
+ // Returns lowest series in memory.
+ // Cannot be used for valuetype arrays
+ PTR_CGCDescSeries GetLowestSeries ()
+ {
+ _ASSERTE (ptrdiff_t(GetNumSeries()) > 0);
+ return PTR_CGCDescSeries(PTR_uint8_t(PTR_CGCDesc(this))
+ - ComputeSize(GetNumSeries()));
+ }
+ // Returns highest series in memory.
+ PTR_CGCDescSeries GetHighestSeries ()
+ {
+ return PTR_CGCDescSeries(PTR_size_t(PTR_CGCDesc(this))-1)-1;
+ }
+ // Returns number of immediate pointers this object has.
+ // size is only used if you have an array of value types.
+ static size_t GetNumPointers (MethodTable* pMT, size_t ObjectSize, size_t NumComponents)
+ {
+ size_t NumOfPointers = 0;
+ CGCDesc* map = GetCGCDescFromMT(pMT);
+ CGCDescSeries* cur = map->GetHighestSeries();
+ ptrdiff_t cnt = (ptrdiff_t) map->GetNumSeries();
+ if (cnt > 0)
+ {
+ CGCDescSeries* last = map->GetLowestSeries();
+ while (cur >= last)
+ {
+ NumOfPointers += (cur->GetSeriesSize() + ObjectSize) / sizeof(JSlot);
+ cur--;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Handle the repeating case - array of valuetypes */
+ for (ptrdiff_t __i = 0; __i > cnt; __i--)
+ {
+ NumOfPointers += cur->val_serie[__i].nptrs;
+ }
+ NumOfPointers *= NumComponents;
+ }
+ return NumOfPointers;
+ }
+ // Size of the entire slot map.
+ size_t GetSize ()
+ {
+ ptrdiff_t numSeries = (ptrdiff_t) GetNumSeries();
+ if (numSeries < 0)
+ {
+ return ComputeSizeRepeating(-numSeries);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return ComputeSize(numSeries);
+ }
+ }
+ uint8_t *GetStartOfGCData()
+ {
+ return ((uint8_t *)this) - GetSize();
+ }
+ BOOL IsValueClassSeries()
+ {
+ return ((ptrdiff_t) GetNumSeries()) < 0;
+ }
+#endif // _GCDESC_H_
diff --git a/src/gc/gcee.cpp b/src/gc/gcee.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d37eaf4de9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/gcee.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,883 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// sets up vars for GC
+#include "gcpriv.h"
+size_t g_GenerationSizes[NUMBERGENERATIONS];
+size_t g_GenerationPromotedSizes[NUMBERGENERATIONS];
+void GCHeap::UpdatePreGCCounters()
+ gc_heap* hp = 0;
+ gc_heap* hp = pGenGCHeap;
+ size_t allocation_0 = 0;
+ size_t allocation_3 = 0;
+ // Publish perf stats
+ g_TotalTimeInGC = GET_CYCLE_COUNT();
+ int hn = 0;
+ for (hn = 0; hn < gc_heap::n_heaps; hn++)
+ {
+ hp = gc_heap::g_heaps [hn];
+ allocation_0 +=
+ dd_desired_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (0))-
+ dd_new_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (0));
+ allocation_3 +=
+ dd_desired_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (max_generation+1))-
+ dd_new_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (max_generation+1));
+ }
+ allocation_0 =
+ dd_desired_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (0))-
+ dd_new_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (0));
+ allocation_3 =
+ dd_desired_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (max_generation+1))-
+ dd_new_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (max_generation+1));
+ GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cbAlloc += allocation_0;
+ GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cbAlloc += allocation_3;
+ GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cbLargeAlloc += allocation_3;
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+ // prefix complains about us dereferencing hp in wks build even though we only access static members
+ // this way. not sure how to shut it up except for this ugly workaround:
+#endif //_PREFAST_
+ if (hp->settings.reason == reason_induced IN_STRESS_HEAP( && !hp->settings.stress_induced))
+ {
+ COUNTER_ONLY(GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cInducedGCs++);
+ }
+ GetPerfCounters().m_Security.timeRTchecks = 0;
+ GetPerfCounters().m_Security.timeRTchecksBase = 1; // To avoid divide by zero
+ //take the first heap....
+ gc_mechanisms *pSettings = &gc_heap::g_heaps[0]->settings;
+ gc_mechanisms *pSettings = &gc_heap::settings;
+ Info.GCStart.Count = (uint32_t)pSettings->gc_index;
+ Info.GCStart.Depth = (uint32_t)pSettings->condemned_generation;
+ Info.GCStart.Reason = (ETW::GCLog::ETW_GC_INFO::GC_REASON)((int)(pSettings->reason));
+ Info.GCStart.Type = ETW::GCLog::ETW_GC_INFO::GC_NGC;
+ if (pSettings->concurrent)
+ {
+ Info.GCStart.Type = ETW::GCLog::ETW_GC_INFO::GC_BGC;
+ }
+ else if (Info.GCStart.Depth < max_generation)
+ {
+ if (pSettings->background_p)
+ Info.GCStart.Type = ETW::GCLog::ETW_GC_INFO::GC_FGC;
+ }
+ ETW::GCLog::FireGcStartAndGenerationRanges(&Info);
+void GCHeap::UpdatePostGCCounters()
+ totalSurvivedSize = gc_heap::get_total_survived_size();
+ //
+ // The following is for instrumentation.
+ //
+ // Calculate the common ones for ETW and perf counters.
+ //take the first heap....
+ gc_heap* hp1 = gc_heap::g_heaps[0];
+ gc_mechanisms *pSettings = &hp1->settings;
+ gc_heap* hp1 = pGenGCHeap;
+ gc_mechanisms *pSettings = &gc_heap::settings;
+ int condemned_gen = pSettings->condemned_generation;
+ memset (g_GenerationSizes, 0, sizeof (g_GenerationSizes));
+ memset (g_GenerationPromotedSizes, 0, sizeof (g_GenerationPromotedSizes));
+ size_t total_num_gc_handles = g_dwHandles;
+ uint32_t total_num_sync_blocks = SyncBlockCache::GetSyncBlockCache()->GetActiveCount();
+ // Note this is however for perf counter only, for legacy reasons. What we showed
+ // in perf counters for "gen0 size" was really the gen0 budget which made
+ // sense (somewhat) at the time. For backward compatibility we are keeping
+ // this calculated the same way. For ETW we use the true gen0 size (and
+ // gen0 budget is also reported in an event).
+ size_t youngest_budget = 0;
+ size_t promoted_finalization_mem = 0;
+ size_t total_num_pinned_objects = gc_heap::get_total_pinned_objects();
+ // if a max gen garbage collection was performed, resync the GC Handle counter;
+ // if threads are currently suspended, we do not need to obtain a lock on each handle table
+ if (condemned_gen == max_generation)
+ total_num_gc_handles = HndCountAllHandles(!GCHeap::IsGCInProgress());
+ // per generation calculation.
+ for (int gen_index = 0; gen_index <= (max_generation+1); gen_index++)
+ {
+ int hn = 0;
+ for (hn = 0; hn < gc_heap::n_heaps; hn++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps[hn];
+ gc_heap* hp = pGenGCHeap;
+ {
+ dynamic_data* dd = hp->dynamic_data_of (gen_index);
+ if (gen_index == 0)
+ {
+ youngest_budget += dd_desired_allocation (hp->dynamic_data_of (gen_index));
+ }
+ g_GenerationSizes[gen_index] += hp->generation_size (gen_index);
+ if (gen_index <= condemned_gen)
+ {
+ g_GenerationPromotedSizes[gen_index] += dd_promoted_size (dd);
+ }
+ if ((gen_index == (max_generation+1)) && (condemned_gen == max_generation))
+ {
+ g_GenerationPromotedSizes[gen_index] += dd_promoted_size (dd);
+ }
+ if (gen_index == 0)
+ {
+ promoted_finalization_mem += dd_freach_previous_promotion (dd);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Info.GCEnd.Depth = condemned_gen;
+ Info.GCEnd.Count = (uint32_t)pSettings->gc_index;
+ ETW::GCLog::FireGcEndAndGenerationRanges(Info.GCEnd.Count, Info.GCEnd.Depth);
+ ETW::GCLog::ETW_GC_INFO HeapInfo;
+ ZeroMemory(&HeapInfo, sizeof(HeapInfo));
+ for (int gen_index = 0; gen_index <= (max_generation+1); gen_index++)
+ {
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.GenInfo[gen_index].GenerationSize = g_GenerationSizes[gen_index];
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.GenInfo[gen_index].TotalPromotedSize = g_GenerationPromotedSizes[gen_index];
+ }
+ dprintf (2, ("GC#%d: 0: %Id(%Id); 1: %Id(%Id); 2: %Id(%Id); 3: %Id(%Id)",
+ Info.GCEnd.Count,
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.GenInfo[0].GenerationSize,
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.GenInfo[0].TotalPromotedSize,
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.GenInfo[1].GenerationSize,
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.GenInfo[1].TotalPromotedSize,
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.GenInfo[2].GenerationSize,
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.GenInfo[2].TotalPromotedSize,
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.GenInfo[3].GenerationSize,
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.GenInfo[3].TotalPromotedSize));
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.FinalizationPromotedSize = promoted_finalization_mem;
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.FinalizationPromotedCount = GetFinalizablePromotedCount();
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.PinnedObjectCount = (uint32_t)total_num_pinned_objects;
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.SinkBlockCount = total_num_sync_blocks;
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.GCHandleCount = (uint32_t)total_num_gc_handles;
+ FireEtwGCHeapStats_V1(HeapInfo.HeapStats.GenInfo[0].GenerationSize, HeapInfo.HeapStats.GenInfo[0].TotalPromotedSize,
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.GenInfo[1].GenerationSize, HeapInfo.HeapStats.GenInfo[1].TotalPromotedSize,
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.GenInfo[2].GenerationSize, HeapInfo.HeapStats.GenInfo[2].TotalPromotedSize,
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.GenInfo[3].GenerationSize, HeapInfo.HeapStats.GenInfo[3].TotalPromotedSize,
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.FinalizationPromotedSize,
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.FinalizationPromotedCount,
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.PinnedObjectCount,
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.SinkBlockCount,
+ HeapInfo.HeapStats.GCHandleCount,
+ GetClrInstanceId());
+ for (int gen_index = 0; gen_index <= (max_generation+1); gen_index++)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(FitsIn<size_t>(g_GenerationSizes[gen_index]));
+ _ASSERTE(FitsIn<size_t>(g_GenerationPromotedSizes[gen_index]));
+ if (gen_index == (max_generation+1))
+ {
+ GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cLrgObjSize = static_cast<size_t>(g_GenerationSizes[gen_index]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cGenHeapSize[gen_index] = ((gen_index == 0) ?
+ youngest_budget :
+ static_cast<size_t>(g_GenerationSizes[gen_index]));
+ }
+ // the perf counters only count the promoted size for gen0 and gen1.
+ if (gen_index < max_generation)
+ {
+ GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cbPromotedMem[gen_index] = static_cast<size_t>(g_GenerationPromotedSizes[gen_index]);
+ }
+ if (gen_index <= max_generation)
+ {
+ GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cGenCollections[gen_index] =
+ dd_collection_count (hp1->dynamic_data_of (gen_index));
+ }
+ }
+ // Committed and reserved memory
+ {
+ size_t committed_mem = 0;
+ size_t reserved_mem = 0;
+ int hn = 0;
+ for (hn = 0; hn < gc_heap::n_heaps; hn++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps [hn];
+ gc_heap* hp = pGenGCHeap;
+ {
+ heap_segment* seg = generation_start_segment (hp->generation_of (max_generation));
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ committed_mem += heap_segment_committed (seg) - heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ reserved_mem += heap_segment_reserved (seg) - heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ }
+ //same for large segments
+ seg = generation_start_segment (hp->generation_of (max_generation + 1));
+ while (seg)
+ {
+ committed_mem += heap_segment_committed (seg) -
+ heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ reserved_mem += heap_segment_reserved (seg) -
+ heap_segment_mem (seg);
+ seg = heap_segment_next (seg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cTotalCommittedBytes = committed_mem;
+ GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cTotalReservedBytes = reserved_mem;
+ }
+ _ASSERTE(FitsIn<size_t>(HeapInfo.HeapStats.FinalizationPromotedSize));
+ _ASSERTE(FitsIn<size_t>(HeapInfo.HeapStats.FinalizationPromotedCount));
+ GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cbPromotedFinalizationMem = static_cast<size_t>(HeapInfo.HeapStats.FinalizationPromotedSize);
+ GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cSurviveFinalize = static_cast<size_t>(HeapInfo.HeapStats.FinalizationPromotedCount);
+ // Compute Time in GC
+ g_TotalTimeInGC = _currentPerfCounterTimer - g_TotalTimeInGC;
+ PERF_COUNTER_TIMER_PRECISION _timeInGCBase = (_currentPerfCounterTimer - g_TotalTimeSinceLastGCEnd);
+ if (_timeInGCBase < g_TotalTimeInGC)
+ g_TotalTimeInGC = 0; // isn't likely except on some SMP machines-- perhaps make sure that
+ // _timeInGCBase >= g_TotalTimeInGC by setting affinity in GET_CYCLE_COUNT
+ while (_timeInGCBase > UINT_MAX)
+ {
+ _timeInGCBase = _timeInGCBase >> 8;
+ g_TotalTimeInGC = g_TotalTimeInGC >> 8;
+ }
+ // Update Total Time
+ GetPerfCounters().m_GC.timeInGC = (uint32_t)g_TotalTimeInGC;
+ GetPerfCounters().m_GC.timeInGCBase = (uint32_t)_timeInGCBase;
+ if (!GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cProcessID)
+ GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cProcessID = (size_t)GetCurrentProcessId();
+ g_TotalTimeSinceLastGCEnd = _currentPerfCounterTimer;
+ GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cPinnedObj = total_num_pinned_objects;
+ GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cHandles = total_num_gc_handles;
+ GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cSinkBlocks = total_num_sync_blocks;
+size_t GCHeap::GetCurrentObjSize()
+ return (totalSurvivedSize + gc_heap::get_total_allocated());
+size_t GCHeap::GetLastGCStartTime(int generation)
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps[0];
+ gc_heap* hp = pGenGCHeap;
+ return dd_time_clock (hp->dynamic_data_of (generation));
+size_t GCHeap::GetLastGCDuration(int generation)
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps[0];
+ gc_heap* hp = pGenGCHeap;
+ return dd_gc_elapsed_time (hp->dynamic_data_of (generation));
+size_t GetHighPrecisionTimeStamp();
+size_t GCHeap::GetNow()
+ return GetHighPrecisionTimeStamp();
+void ProfScanRootsHelper(Object** ppObject, ScanContext *pSC, uint32_t dwFlags)
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ Object *pObj = *ppObject;
+ if (dwFlags & GC_CALL_INTERIOR)
+ {
+ uint8_t *o = (uint8_t*)pObj;
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::heap_of (o);
+ if ((o < hp->gc_low) || (o >= hp->gc_high))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ pObj = (Object*) hp->find_object(o, hp->gc_low);
+ }
+ ScanRootsHelper(pObj, ppObject, pSC, dwFlags);
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+// TODO - at some point we would like to completely decouple profiling
+// from ETW tracing using a pattern similar to this, where the
+// ProfilingScanContext has flags about whether or not certain things
+// should be tracked, and each one of these ProfilerShouldXYZ functions
+// will check these flags and determine what to do based upon that.
+// GCProfileWalkHeapWorker can, in turn, call those methods without fear
+// of things being ifdef'd out.
+// Returns TRUE if GC profiling is enabled and the profiler
+// should scan dependent handles, FALSE otherwise.
+BOOL ProfilerShouldTrackConditionalWeakTableElements()
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING)
+ return CORProfilerTrackConditionalWeakTableElements();
+ return FALSE;
+#endif // defined (GC_PROFILING)
+// If GC profiling is enabled, informs the profiler that we are done
+// tracing dependent handles.
+void ProfilerEndConditionalWeakTableElementReferences(void* heapId)
+#if defined (GC_PROFILING)
+ g_profControlBlock.pProfInterface->EndConditionalWeakTableElementReferences(heapId);
+#endif // defined (GC_PROFILING)
+// If GC profiling is enabled, informs the profiler that we are done
+// tracing root references.
+void ProfilerEndRootReferences2(void* heapId)
+#if defined (GC_PROFILING)
+ g_profControlBlock.pProfInterface->EndRootReferences2(heapId);
+#endif // defined (GC_PROFILING)
+// This is called only if we've determined that either:
+// a) The Profiling API wants to do a walk of the heap, and it has pinned the
+// profiler in place (so it cannot be detached), and it's thus safe to call into the
+// profiler, OR
+// b) ETW infrastructure wants to do a walk of the heap either to log roots,
+// objects, or both.
+// This can also be called to do a single walk for BOTH a) and b) simultaneously. Since
+// ETW can ask for roots, but not objects
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+void GCProfileWalkHeapWorker(BOOL fProfilerPinned, BOOL fShouldWalkHeapRootsForEtw, BOOL fShouldWalkHeapObjectsForEtw)
+ {
+ ProfilingScanContext SC(fProfilerPinned);
+ // **** Scan roots: Only scan roots if profiling API wants them or ETW wants them.
+ if (fProfilerPinned || fShouldWalkHeapRootsForEtw)
+ {
+ int hn;
+ // Must emulate each GC thread number so we can hit each
+ // heap for enumerating the roots.
+ for (hn = 0; hn < gc_heap::n_heaps; hn++)
+ {
+ // Ask the vm to go over all of the roots for this specific
+ // heap.
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps [hn];
+ SC.thread_number = hn;
+ GCScan::GcScanRoots(&ProfScanRootsHelper, max_generation, max_generation, &SC);
+ // The finalizer queue is also a source of roots
+ SC.dwEtwRootKind = kEtwGCRootKindFinalizer;
+ hp->finalize_queue->GcScanRoots(&ProfScanRootsHelper, hn, &SC);
+ }
+ // Ask the vm to go over all of the roots
+ GCScan::GcScanRoots(&ProfScanRootsHelper, max_generation, max_generation, &SC);
+ // The finalizer queue is also a source of roots
+ SC.dwEtwRootKind = kEtwGCRootKindFinalizer;
+ pGenGCHeap->finalize_queue->GcScanRoots(&ProfScanRootsHelper, 0, &SC);
+ // Handles are kept independent of wks/svr/concurrent builds
+ SC.dwEtwRootKind = kEtwGCRootKindHandle;
+ GCScan::GcScanHandlesForProfilerAndETW(max_generation, &SC);
+ // indicate that regular handle scanning is over, so we can flush the buffered roots
+ // to the profiler. (This is for profapi only. ETW will flush after the
+ // entire heap was is complete, via ETW::GCLog::EndHeapDump.)
+ if (fProfilerPinned)
+ {
+ ProfilerEndRootReferences2(&SC.pHeapId);
+ }
+ }
+ // **** Scan dependent handles: only if the profiler supports it or ETW wants roots
+ if ((fProfilerPinned && ProfilerShouldTrackConditionalWeakTableElements()) ||
+ fShouldWalkHeapRootsForEtw)
+ {
+ // GcScanDependentHandlesForProfiler double-checks
+ // CORProfilerTrackConditionalWeakTableElements() before calling into the profiler
+ GCScan::GcScanDependentHandlesForProfilerAndETW(max_generation, &SC);
+ // indicate that dependent handle scanning is over, so we can flush the buffered roots
+ // to the profiler. (This is for profapi only. ETW will flush after the
+ // entire heap was is complete, via ETW::GCLog::EndHeapDump.)
+ if (fProfilerPinned && ProfilerShouldTrackConditionalWeakTableElements())
+ {
+ ProfilerEndConditionalWeakTableElementReferences(&SC.pHeapId);
+ }
+ }
+ ProfilerWalkHeapContext profilerWalkHeapContext(fProfilerPinned, SC.pvEtwContext);
+ // **** Walk objects on heap: only if profiling API wants them or ETW wants them.
+ if (fProfilerPinned || fShouldWalkHeapObjectsForEtw)
+ {
+ int hn;
+ // Walk the heap and provide the objref to the profiler
+ for (hn = 0; hn < gc_heap::n_heaps; hn++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* hp = gc_heap::g_heaps [hn];
+ hp->walk_heap(&HeapWalkHelper, &profilerWalkHeapContext, max_generation, TRUE /* walk the large object heap */);
+ }
+ gc_heap::walk_heap(&HeapWalkHelper, &profilerWalkHeapContext, max_generation, TRUE);
+ }
+ // **** Done! Indicate to ETW helpers that the heap walk is done, so any buffers
+ // should be flushed into the ETW stream
+ if (fShouldWalkHeapObjectsForEtw || fShouldWalkHeapRootsForEtw)
+ {
+ ETW::GCLog::EndHeapDump(&profilerWalkHeapContext);
+ }
+ }
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+void GCProfileWalkHeap()
+ BOOL fWalkedHeapForProfiler = FALSE;
+ if (ETW::GCLog::ShouldWalkStaticsAndCOMForEtw())
+ ETW::GCLog::WalkStaticsAndCOMForETW();
+ BOOL fShouldWalkHeapRootsForEtw = ETW::GCLog::ShouldWalkHeapRootsForEtw();
+ BOOL fShouldWalkHeapObjectsForEtw = ETW::GCLog::ShouldWalkHeapObjectsForEtw();
+ BOOL fShouldWalkHeapRootsForEtw = FALSE;
+ BOOL fShouldWalkHeapObjectsForEtw = FALSE;
+#if defined (GC_PROFILING)
+ {
+ GCProfileWalkHeapWorker(TRUE /* fProfilerPinned */, fShouldWalkHeapRootsForEtw, fShouldWalkHeapObjectsForEtw);
+ fWalkedHeapForProfiler = TRUE;
+ }
+#endif // defined (GC_PROFILING)
+#if defined (GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ // we need to walk the heap if one of GC_PROFILING or FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE
+ // is defined, since both of them make use of the walk heap worker.
+ if (!fWalkedHeapForProfiler &&
+ (fShouldWalkHeapRootsForEtw || fShouldWalkHeapObjectsForEtw))
+ {
+ GCProfileWalkHeapWorker(FALSE /* fProfilerPinned */, fShouldWalkHeapRootsForEtw, fShouldWalkHeapObjectsForEtw);
+ }
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+BOOL GCHeap::IsGCInProgressHelper (BOOL bConsiderGCStart)
+ return GcInProgress || (bConsiderGCStart? VolatileLoad(&gc_heap::gc_started) : FALSE);
+uint32_t GCHeap::WaitUntilGCComplete(BOOL bConsiderGCStart)
+ if (bConsiderGCStart)
+ {
+ if (gc_heap::gc_started)
+ {
+ gc_heap::wait_for_gc_done();
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t dwWaitResult = NOERROR;
+ if (GcInProgress)
+ {
+ ASSERT( WaitForGCEvent->IsValid() );
+ // wait for GC to complete
+ dwWaitResult = WaitForGCEvent->Wait(DETECT_DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT, FALSE );
+ if (dwWaitResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
+ // Even in retail, stop in the debugger if available. Ideally, the
+ // following would use DebugBreak, but debspew.h makes this a null
+ // macro in retail. Note that in debug, we don't use the debspew.h
+ // macros because these take a critical section that may have been
+ // taken by a suspended thread.
+ FreeBuildDebugBreak();
+ goto BlockAgain;
+ }
+ dwWaitResult = WaitForGCEvent->Wait(INFINITE, FALSE );
+ }
+ return dwWaitResult;
+void GCHeap::SetGCInProgress(BOOL fInProgress)
+ GcInProgress = fInProgress;
+CLREvent * GCHeap::GetWaitForGCEvent()
+ return WaitForGCEvent;
+void GCHeap::WaitUntilConcurrentGCComplete()
+ if (pGenGCHeap->settings.concurrent)
+ pGenGCHeap->background_gc_wait();
+BOOL GCHeap::IsConcurrentGCInProgress()
+ return pGenGCHeap->settings.concurrent;
+ return FALSE;
+void gc_heap::fire_etw_allocation_event (size_t allocation_amount, int gen_number, uint8_t* object_address)
+ void * typeId = nullptr;
+ const WCHAR * name = nullptr;
+ typeId = RedhawkGCInterface::GetLastAllocEEType();
+ InlineSString<MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH> strTypeName;
+ {
+ TypeHandle th = GetThread()->GetTHAllocContextObj();
+ if (th != 0)
+ {
+ th.GetName(strTypeName);
+ name = strTypeName.GetUnicode();
+ typeId = th.GetMethodTable();
+ }
+ }
+ EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions)
+ if (typeId != nullptr)
+ {
+ FireEtwGCAllocationTick_V3((uint32_t)allocation_amount,
+ ((gen_number == 0) ? ETW::GCLog::ETW_GC_INFO::AllocationSmall : ETW::GCLog::ETW_GC_INFO::AllocationLarge),
+ GetClrInstanceId(),
+ allocation_amount,
+ typeId,
+ name,
+ heap_number,
+ object_address
+ );
+ }
+void gc_heap::fire_etw_pin_object_event (uint8_t* object, uint8_t** ppObject)
+ Object* obj = (Object*)object;
+ InlineSString<MAX_CLASSNAME_LENGTH> strTypeName;
+ {
+ TypeHandle th = obj->GetGCSafeTypeHandleIfPossible();
+ if(th != NULL)
+ {
+ th.GetName(strTypeName);
+ }
+ FireEtwPinObjectAtGCTime(ppObject,
+ object,
+ obj->GetSize(),
+ strTypeName.GetUnicode(),
+ GetClrInstanceId());
+ }
+ EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions)
+uint32_t gc_heap::user_thread_wait (CLREvent *event, BOOL no_mode_change, int time_out_ms)
+ Thread* pCurThread = NULL;
+ bool mode = false;
+ uint32_t dwWaitResult = NOERROR;
+ if (!no_mode_change)
+ {
+ pCurThread = GetThread();
+ mode = pCurThread ? GCToEEInterface::IsPreemptiveGCDisabled(pCurThread) : false;
+ if (mode)
+ {
+ GCToEEInterface::EnablePreemptiveGC(pCurThread);
+ }
+ }
+ dwWaitResult = event->Wait(time_out_ms, FALSE);
+ if (!no_mode_change && mode)
+ {
+ GCToEEInterface::DisablePreemptiveGC(pCurThread);
+ }
+ return dwWaitResult;
+// Wait for background gc to finish
+uint32_t gc_heap::background_gc_wait (alloc_wait_reason awr, int time_out_ms)
+ dprintf(2, ("Waiting end of background gc"));
+ assert (background_gc_done_event.IsValid());
+ fire_alloc_wait_event_begin (awr);
+ uint32_t dwRet = user_thread_wait (&background_gc_done_event, FALSE, time_out_ms);
+ fire_alloc_wait_event_end (awr);
+ dprintf(2, ("Waiting end of background gc is done"));
+ return dwRet;
+// Wait for background gc to finish sweeping large objects
+void gc_heap::background_gc_wait_lh (alloc_wait_reason awr)
+ dprintf(2, ("Waiting end of background large sweep"));
+ assert (gc_lh_block_event.IsValid());
+ fire_alloc_wait_event_begin (awr);
+ user_thread_wait (&gc_lh_block_event, FALSE);
+ fire_alloc_wait_event_end (awr);
+ dprintf(2, ("Waiting end of background large sweep is done"));
+::GCHeap* CreateGCHeap() {
+ return new(nothrow) GCHeap(); // we return wks or svr
+void GCHeap::TraceGCSegments()
+ heap_segment* seg = 0;
+ // walk segments in each heap
+ for (int i = 0; i < gc_heap::n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap* h = gc_heap::g_heaps [i];
+ {
+ gc_heap* h = pGenGCHeap;
+ for (seg = generation_start_segment (h->generation_of (max_generation)); seg != 0; seg = heap_segment_next(seg))
+ {
+ Info.GCCreateSegment.Address = (size_t)heap_segment_mem(seg);
+ Info.GCCreateSegment.Size = (size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (seg) - heap_segment_mem(seg));
+ Info.GCCreateSegment.Type = (heap_segment_read_only_p (seg) ?
+ FireEtwGCCreateSegment_V1(Info.GCCreateSegment.Address, Info.GCCreateSegment.Size, Info.GCCreateSegment.Type, GetClrInstanceId());
+ }
+ // large obj segments
+ for (seg = generation_start_segment (h->generation_of (max_generation+1)); seg != 0; seg = heap_segment_next(seg))
+ {
+ FireEtwGCCreateSegment_V1((size_t)heap_segment_mem(seg),
+ (size_t)(heap_segment_reserved (seg) - heap_segment_mem(seg)),
+ GetClrInstanceId());
+ }
+ }
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+void GCHeap::DescrGenerationsToProfiler (gen_walk_fn fn, void *context)
+ pGenGCHeap->descr_generations_to_profiler(fn, context);
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+segment_handle GCHeap::RegisterFrozenSegment(segment_info *pseginfo)
+ heap_segment * seg = new (nothrow) heap_segment;
+ if (!seg)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ uint8_t* base_mem = (uint8_t*)pseginfo->pvMem;
+ heap_segment_mem(seg) = base_mem + pseginfo->ibFirstObject;
+ heap_segment_allocated(seg) = base_mem + pseginfo->ibAllocated;
+ heap_segment_committed(seg) = base_mem + pseginfo->ibCommit;
+ heap_segment_reserved(seg) = base_mem + pseginfo->ibReserved;
+ heap_segment_next(seg) = 0;
+ heap_segment_used(seg) = heap_segment_allocated(seg);
+ heap_segment_plan_allocated(seg) = 0;
+ seg->flags = heap_segment_flags_readonly;
+#if defined (MULTIPLE_HEAPS) && !defined (ISOLATED_HEAPS)
+ gc_heap* heap = gc_heap::g_heaps[0];
+ heap_segment_heap(seg) = heap;
+ gc_heap* heap = pGenGCHeap;
+ if (heap->insert_ro_segment(seg) == FALSE)
+ {
+ delete seg;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return reinterpret_cast< segment_handle >(seg);
+void GCHeap::UnregisterFrozenSegment(segment_handle seg)
+#if defined (MULTIPLE_HEAPS) && !defined (ISOLATED_HEAPS)
+ gc_heap* heap = gc_heap::g_heaps[0];
+ gc_heap* heap = pGenGCHeap;
+ heap->remove_ro_segment(reinterpret_cast<heap_segment*>(seg));
diff --git a/src/gc/gceesvr.cpp b/src/gc/gceesvr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aacae486f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/gceesvr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+#include "common.h"
+#if defined(FEATURE_SVR_GC)
+#include "gcenv.h"
+#include "gc.h"
+#include "gcscan.h"
+#define SERVER_GC 1
+namespace SVR {
+#include "gcimpl.h"
+#include "gcee.cpp"
+#if defined(FEATURE_PAL) && !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE)
+// Initializes the SVR DAC table entries
+void DacGlobals::InitializeSVREntries(TADDR baseAddress)
+#define DEFINE_DACVAR_SVR(id_type, size, id, var) id = PTR_TO_TADDR(&var) - baseAddress;
+#include "dacvars.h"
+#endif // FEATURE_SVR_GC
diff --git a/src/gc/gceewks.cpp b/src/gc/gceewks.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72a7d3bdb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/gceewks.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+#include "common.h"
+#include "gcenv.h"
+#include "gc.h"
+#include "gcscan.h"
+#ifdef SERVER_GC
+#undef SERVER_GC
+namespace WKS {
+#include "gcimpl.h"
+#include "gcee.cpp"
diff --git a/src/gc/gcimpl.h b/src/gc/gcimpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a4ee86cd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/gcimpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+#ifndef GCIMPL_H_
+#define GCIMPL_H_
+#define CLREvent CLREventStatic
+#ifdef SERVER_GC
+#endif // SERVER_GC
+#define PER_HEAP
+#define PER_HEAP static
+#define PER_HEAP_ISOLATED static
+#if defined(WRITE_BARRIER_CHECK) && !defined (MULTIPLE_HEAPS)
+void initGCShadow();
+void deleteGCShadow();
+void checkGCWriteBarrier();
+inline void initGCShadow() {}
+inline void deleteGCShadow() {}
+inline void checkGCWriteBarrier() {}
+void GCProfileWalkHeap();
+class GCHeap;
+class gc_heap;
+class CFinalize;
+// TODO : it would be easier to make this an ORed value
+enum gc_reason
+ reason_alloc_soh = 0,
+ reason_induced = 1,
+ reason_lowmemory = 2,
+ reason_empty = 3,
+ reason_alloc_loh = 4,
+ reason_oos_soh = 5,
+ reason_oos_loh = 6,
+ reason_induced_noforce = 7, // it's an induced GC and doesn't have to be blocking.
+ reason_gcstress = 8, // this turns into reason_induced & gc_mechanisms.stress_induced = true
+ reason_lowmemory_blocking = 9,
+ reason_induced_compacting = 10,
+ reason_lowmemory_host = 11,
+ reason_max
+class GCHeap : public ::GCHeap
+ gc_heap* pGenGCHeap;
+ #define pGenGCHeap ((gc_heap*)0)
+ friend class CFinalize;
+ friend class gc_heap;
+ friend struct ::alloc_context;
+ friend void EnterAllocLock();
+ friend void LeaveAllocLock();
+ friend void ProfScanRootsHelper(Object** object, ScanContext *pSC, uint32_t dwFlags);
+ friend void GCProfileWalkHeap();
+ //In order to keep gc.cpp cleaner, ugly EE specific code is relegated to methods.
+ static void UpdatePreGCCounters();
+ static void UpdatePostGCCounters();
+ GCHeap(){};
+ ~GCHeap(){};
+ /* BaseGCHeap Methods*/
+ size_t GetTotalBytesInUse ();
+ // Gets the amount of bytes objects currently occupy on the GC heap.
+ size_t GetCurrentObjSize();
+ size_t GetLastGCStartTime(int generation);
+ size_t GetLastGCDuration(int generation);
+ size_t GetNow();
+ void TraceGCSegments ();
+ void PublishObject(uint8_t* obj);
+ BOOL IsGCInProgressHelper (BOOL bConsiderGCStart = FALSE);
+ uint32_t WaitUntilGCComplete (BOOL bConsiderGCStart = FALSE);
+ void SetGCInProgress(BOOL fInProgress);
+ CLREvent * GetWaitForGCEvent();
+ HRESULT Initialize ();
+ Object* Alloc (size_t size, uint32_t flags);
+ Object* AllocAlign8 (size_t size, uint32_t flags);
+ Object* AllocAlign8 (alloc_context* acontext, size_t size, uint32_t flags);
+ Object* AllocAlign8Common (void* hp, alloc_context* acontext, size_t size, uint32_t flags);
+ Object* AllocLHeap (size_t size, uint32_t flags);
+ Object* Alloc (alloc_context* acontext, size_t size, uint32_t flags);
+ void FixAllocContext (alloc_context* acontext,
+ BOOL lockp, void* arg, void *heap);
+ Object* GetContainingObject(void *pInteriorPtr);
+ static void AssignHeap (alloc_context* acontext);
+ static GCHeap* GetHeap (int);
+ int GetHomeHeapNumber ();
+ bool IsThreadUsingAllocationContextHeap(alloc_context* acontext, int thread_number);
+ int GetNumberOfHeaps ();
+ void HideAllocContext(alloc_context*);
+ void RevealAllocContext(alloc_context*);
+ BOOL IsObjectInFixedHeap(Object *pObj);
+ HRESULT GarbageCollect (int generation = -1, BOOL low_memory_p=FALSE, int mode=collection_blocking);
+ ////
+ // GC callback functions
+ // Check if an argument is promoted (ONLY CALL DURING
+ BOOL IsPromoted (Object *object);
+ size_t GetPromotedBytes (int heap_index);
+ int CollectionCount (int generation, int get_bgc_fgc_count = 0);
+ // promote an object
+ PER_HEAP_ISOLATED void Promote (Object** object,
+ ScanContext* sc,
+ uint32_t flags=0);
+ // Find the relocation address for an object
+ PER_HEAP_ISOLATED void Relocate (Object** object,
+ ScanContext* sc,
+ uint32_t flags=0);
+ HRESULT Init (size_t heapSize);
+ //Register an object for finalization
+ bool RegisterForFinalization (int gen, Object* obj);
+ //Unregister an object for finalization
+ void SetFinalizationRun (Object* obj);
+ //returns the generation number of an object (not valid during relocation)
+ unsigned WhichGeneration (Object* object);
+ // returns TRUE is the object is ephemeral
+ BOOL IsEphemeral (Object* object);
+ BOOL IsHeapPointer (void* object, BOOL small_heap_only = FALSE);
+ void ValidateObjectMember (Object *obj);
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ PER_HEAP size_t ApproxTotalBytesInUse(BOOL small_heap_only = FALSE);
+ PER_HEAP size_t ApproxFreeBytes();
+ unsigned GetCondemnedGeneration();
+ int GetGcLatencyMode();
+ int SetGcLatencyMode(int newLatencyMode);
+ int GetLOHCompactionMode();
+ void SetLOHCompactionMode(int newLOHCompactionyMode);
+ BOOL RegisterForFullGCNotification(uint32_t gen2Percentage,
+ uint32_t lohPercentage);
+ BOOL CancelFullGCNotification();
+ int WaitForFullGCApproach(int millisecondsTimeout);
+ int WaitForFullGCComplete(int millisecondsTimeout);
+ int StartNoGCRegion(uint64_t totalSize, BOOL lohSizeKnown, uint64_t lohSize, BOOL disallowFullBlockingGC);
+ int EndNoGCRegion();
+ PER_HEAP_ISOLATED unsigned GetMaxGeneration();
+ unsigned GetGcCount();
+ Object* GetNextFinalizable() { return GetNextFinalizableObject(); };
+ size_t GetNumberOfFinalizable() { return GetNumberFinalizableObjects(); }
+ PER_HEAP_ISOLATED HRESULT GetGcCounters(int gen, gc_counters* counters);
+ size_t GetValidSegmentSize(BOOL large_seg = FALSE);
+ static size_t GetValidGen0MaxSize(size_t seg_size);
+ void SetReservedVMLimit (size_t vmlimit);
+ PER_HEAP_ISOLATED Object* GetNextFinalizableObject();
+ PER_HEAP_ISOLATED size_t GetNumberFinalizableObjects();
+ PER_HEAP_ISOLATED size_t GetFinalizablePromotedCount();
+ void SetFinalizeQueueForShutdown(BOOL fHasLock);
+ BOOL FinalizeAppDomain(AppDomain *pDomain, BOOL fRunFinalizers);
+ BOOL ShouldRestartFinalizerWatchDog();
+ void SetCardsAfterBulkCopy( Object**, size_t);
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ void WalkObject (Object* obj, walk_fn fn, void* context);
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+public: // FIX
+ // Lock for finalization
+ VOLATILE(int32_t) m_GCFLock;
+ VOLATILE(BOOL) GcInProgress; // used for syncing w/GC
+ PER_HEAP_ISOLATED unsigned GcCondemnedGeneration;
+ // calculated at the end of a GC.
+ PER_HEAP_ISOLATED size_t totalSurvivedSize;
+ // Use only for GC tracing.
+ PER_HEAP unsigned int GcDuration;
+ size_t GarbageCollectGeneration (unsigned int gen=0, gc_reason reason=reason_empty);
+ // Interface with gc_heap
+ size_t GarbageCollectTry (int generation, BOOL low_memory_p=FALSE, int mode=collection_blocking);
+ // frozen segment management functions
+ virtual segment_handle RegisterFrozenSegment(segment_info *pseginfo);
+ virtual void UnregisterFrozenSegment(segment_handle seg);
+ void WaitUntilConcurrentGCComplete (); // Use in managd threads
+ HRESULT WaitUntilConcurrentGCCompleteAsync(int millisecondsTimeout); // Use in native threads. TRUE if succeed. FALSE if failed or timeout
+ BOOL IsConcurrentGCInProgress();
+ // Enable/disable concurrent GC
+ void TemporaryEnableConcurrentGC();
+ void TemporaryDisableConcurrentGC();
+ BOOL IsConcurrentGCEnabled();
+ PER_HEAP_ISOLATED CLREvent *WaitForGCEvent; // used for syncing w/GC
+ PER_HEAP_ISOLATED CFinalize* m_Finalize;
+ PER_HEAP_ISOLATED gc_heap* Getgc_heap();
+ static bool SafeToRestartManagedThreads()
+ {
+ // Note: this routine should return true when the last barrier
+ // to threads returning to cooperative mode is down after gc.
+ // In other words, if the sequence in GCHeap::RestartEE changes,
+ // the condition here may have to change as well.
+ return g_TrapReturningThreads == 0;
+ }
+#ifndef FEATURE_REDHAWK // Redhawk forces relocation a different way
+ //return TRUE if GC actually happens, otherwise FALSE
+ BOOL StressHeap(alloc_context * acontext = 0);
+ // only used in BACKGROUND_GC, but the symbol is not defined yet...
+ PER_HEAP_ISOLATED int gc_stress_fgcs_in_bgc;
+#if !defined(MULTIPLE_HEAPS)
+ // handles to hold the string objects that will force GC movement
+ enum { NUM_HEAP_STRESS_OBJS = 8 };
+ PER_HEAP int m_CurStressObj;
+#endif // !defined(MULTIPLE_HEAPS)
+#endif // STRESS_HEAP
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ virtual void DescrGenerationsToProfiler (gen_walk_fn fn, void *context);
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ Object * NextObj (Object * object);
+ BOOL IsInFrozenSegment (Object * object);
+#endif //VERIFY_HEAP
+#endif // GCIMPL_H_
diff --git a/src/gc/gcpriv.h b/src/gc/gcpriv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03a23454a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/gcpriv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,4354 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// optimize for speed
+#ifndef _DEBUG
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma optimize( "t", on )
+#define inline __forceinline
+#include "gc.h"
+//#define DT_LOG
+#include "gcrecord.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(disable:4293)
+#pragma warning(disable:4477)
+#endif //_MSC_VER
+inline void FATAL_GC_ERROR()
+ GCToOSInterface::DebugBreak();
+ _ASSERTE(!"Fatal Error in GC.");
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma inline_depth(20)
+/* the following section defines the optional features */
+// FEATURE_STRUCTALIGN was added by Midori. In CLR we are not interested
+// in supporting custom alignments on LOH. Currently FEATURE_LOH_COMPACTION
+// and FEATURE_STRUCTALIGN are mutually exclusive. It shouldn't be much
+// work to make FEATURE_STRUCTALIGN not apply to LOH so they can be both
+// turned on.
+// We need the following feature as part of keeping 64-bit types aligned in the GC heap.
+#define RESPECT_LARGE_ALIGNMENT //used to keep "double" objects aligned during
+ //relocation
+#define SHORT_PLUGS //used to keep ephemeral plugs short so they fit better into the oldest generation free items
+#define DESIRED_PLUG_LENGTH (1000)
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+#define GC_HISTORY
+#define initial_internal_roots (1024*16)
+#endif // HEAP_ANALYZE
+#define MARK_LIST //used sorted list to speed up plan phase
+#define BACKGROUND_GC //concurrent background GC (requires WRITE_WATCH)
+#ifdef SERVER_GC
+#define MH_SC_MARK //scalable marking
+//#define SNOOP_STATS //diagnostic
+#define PARALLEL_MARK_LIST_SORT //do the sorting and merging of the multiple mark lists in server gc in parallel
+#endif //SERVER_GC
+//This is used to mark some type volatile only when the scalable marking is used.
+#if defined (SERVER_GC) && defined (MH_SC_MARK)
+//#define MULTIPLE_HEAPS //Allow multiple heaps for servers
+#define INTERIOR_POINTERS //Allow interior pointers in the code manager
+#define CARD_BUNDLE //enable card bundle feature.(requires WRITE_WATCH)
+// If this is defined we use a map for segments in order to find the heap for
+// a segment fast. But it does use more memory as we have to cover the whole
+// heap range and for each entry we allocate a struct of 5 ptr-size words
+// (3 for WKS as there's only one heap).
+// If allocating the heap mapping table for the available VA consumes too
+// much memory, you can enable this to allocate only the portion that
+// corresponds to rw segments and grow it when needed in grow_brick_card_table.
+// However in heap_of you will need to always compare the address with
+// g_lowest/highest before you can look at the heap mapping table.
+#define MARK_ARRAY //Mark bit in an array
+#define WRITE_WATCH //Write Watch feature
+#define array_size 100
+#endif //WRITE_WATCH
+//#define SHORT_PLUGS //keep plug short
+#define FFIND_OBJECT //faster find_object, slower allocation
+#define FFIND_DECAY 7 //Number of GC for which fast find will be active
+//#define NO_WRITE_BARRIER //no write barrier, use Write Watch feature
+//#define DEBUG_WRITE_WATCH //Additional debug for write watch
+//#define STRESS_PINNING //Stress pinning by pinning randomly
+//#define TRACE_GC //debug trace gc operation
+//#define TIME_GC //time allocation and garbage collection
+//#define TIME_WRITE_WATCH //time GetWriteWatch and ResetWriteWatch calls
+//#define COUNT_CYCLES //Use cycle counter for timing
+//#define JOIN_STATS //amount of time spent in the join
+//also, see TIME_SUSPEND in switches.h.
+//#define SEG_REUSE_STATS
+#if defined (SYNCHRONIZATION_STATS) || defined (STAGE_STATS)
+#define BEGIN_TIMING(x) \
+ int64_t x##_start; \
+ x##_start = GCToOSInterface::QueryPerformanceCounter()
+#define END_TIMING(x) \
+ int64_t x##_end; \
+ x##_end = GCToOSInterface::QueryPerformanceCounter(); \
+ x += x##_end - x##_start
+#define BEGIN_TIMING(x)
+#define END_TIMING(x)
+/* End of optional features */
+void GCLogConfig (const char *fmt, ... );
+#define cprintf(x) {GCLogConfig x;}
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#define TRACE_GC
+#define NUMBERGENERATIONS 4 //Max number of generations
+// For the bestfit algorithm when we relocate ephemeral generations into an
+// existing gen2 segment.
+// We recorded sizes from 2^6, 2^7, 2^8...up to 2^30 (1GB). So that's 25 sizes total.
+#define MIN_INDEX_POWER2 6
+#ifdef SERVER_GC
+#ifdef BIT64
+#define MAX_INDEX_POWER2 30
+#define MAX_INDEX_POWER2 26
+#endif // BIT64
+#else //SERVER_GC
+#ifdef BIT64
+#define MAX_INDEX_POWER2 28
+#define MAX_INDEX_POWER2 24
+#endif // BIT64
+#endif //SERVER_GC
+#define MAX_NUM_FREE_SPACES 200
+//Please leave these definitions intact.
+#define CLREvent CLREventStatic
+// hosted api
+#ifdef memcpy
+#undef memcpy
+#endif //memcpy
+#define REQD_ALIGN_DCL ,int requiredAlignment
+#define REQD_ALIGN_ARG ,requiredAlignment
+#define REQD_ALIGN_AND_OFFSET_DCL ,int requiredAlignment,size_t alignmentOffset
+#define REQD_ALIGN_AND_OFFSET_DEFAULT_DCL ,int requiredAlignment=DATA_ALIGNMENT,size_t alignmentOffset=0
+#define REQD_ALIGN_AND_OFFSET_ARG ,requiredAlignment,alignmentOffset
+#define THREAD_NUMBER_DCL ,int thread
+#define THREAD_NUMBER_ARG ,thread
+#define THREAD_NUMBER_FROM_CONTEXT int thread = sc->thread_number;
+#define THREAD_FROM_HEAP int thread = heap_number;
+#define HEAP_FROM_THREAD gc_heap* hpt = gc_heap::g_heaps[thread];
+#define HEAP_FROM_THREAD gc_heap* hpt = 0;
+//These constants are ordered
+const int policy_sweep = 0;
+const int policy_compact = 1;
+const int policy_expand = 2;
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+extern int print_level;
+extern BOOL trace_gc;
+extern int gc_trace_fac;
+class hlet
+ static hlet* bindings;
+ int prev_val;
+ int* pval;
+ hlet* prev_let;
+ hlet (int& place, int value)
+ {
+ prev_val = place;
+ pval = &place;
+ place = value;
+ prev_let = bindings;
+ bindings = this;
+ }
+ ~hlet ()
+ {
+ *pval = prev_val;
+ bindings = prev_let;
+ }
+#define let(p,v) hlet __x = hlet (p, v);
+#else //TRACE_GC
+#define gc_count -1
+#define let(s,v)
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+#define SEG_REUSE_LOG_0 7
+#define SEG_REUSE_LOG_1 (SEG_REUSE_LOG_0 + 1)
+#define DT_LOG_0 (SEG_REUSE_LOG_1 + 1)
+#define BGC_LOG (DT_LOG_0 + 1)
+#define GTC_LOG (DT_LOG_0 + 2)
+#define GC_TABLE_LOG (DT_LOG_0 + 3)
+#define JOIN_LOG (DT_LOG_0 + 4)
+#define SPINLOCK_LOG (DT_LOG_0 + 5)
+#define SNOOP_LOG (DT_LOG_0 + 6)
+//#define dprintf(l,x) {if (trace_gc && ((l<=print_level)||gc_heap::settings.concurrent)) {printf ("\n");printf x ; fflush(stdout);}}
+void GCLog (const char *fmt, ... );
+//#define dprintf(l,x) {if (trace_gc && (l<=print_level)) {GCLog x;}}
+//#define dprintf(l,x) {if ((l==SEG_REUSE_LOG_0) || (l==SEG_REUSE_LOG_1) || (trace_gc && (l<=3))) {GCLog x;}}
+//#define dprintf(l,x) {if (l == DT_LOG_0) {GCLog x;}}
+//#define dprintf(l,x) {if (trace_gc && ((l <= 2) || (l == BGC_LOG) || (l==GTC_LOG))) {GCLog x;}}
+//#define dprintf(l,x) {if ((l == 1) || (l == 2222)) {GCLog x;}}
+#define dprintf(l,x) {if ((l <= 1) || (l == GTC_LOG)) {GCLog x;}}
+//#define dprintf(l,x) {if ((l==GTC_LOG) || (l <= 1)) {GCLog x;}}
+//#define dprintf(l,x) {if (trace_gc && ((l <= print_level) || (l==GTC_LOG))) {GCLog x;}}
+//#define dprintf(l,x) {if (l==GTC_LOG) {printf ("\n");printf x ; fflush(stdout);}}
+// The GCTrace output goes to stdout by default but can get sent to the stress log or the logfile if the
+// reg key GCTraceFacility is set. THe stress log can only take a format string and 4 numbers or
+// string literals.
+#define dprintf(l,x) {if (trace_gc && (l<=print_level)) { \
+ if ( !gc_trace_fac) {printf ("\n");printf x ; fflush(stdout);} \
+ else if ( gc_trace_fac == 2) {LogSpewAlways x;LogSpewAlways ("\n");} \
+ else if ( gc_trace_fac == 1) {STRESS_LOG_VA(x);}}}
+#define dprintf(l,x)
+#else //TRACE_GC
+#define dprintf(l,x)
+#endif //TRACE_GC
+#undef assert
+#define assert _ASSERTE
+#undef ASSERT
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+struct GCDebugSpinLock {
+ VOLATILE(int32_t) lock; // -1 if free, 0 if held
+ VOLATILE(Thread *) holding_thread; // -1 if no thread holds the lock.
+ VOLATILE(BOOL) released_by_gc_p; // a GC thread released the lock.
+ GCDebugSpinLock()
+ : lock(-1), holding_thread((Thread*) -1)
+ {
+ }
+typedef GCDebugSpinLock GCSpinLock;
+struct GCSpinLockInstru {
+ VOLATILE(int32_t) lock;
+ // number of times we went into SwitchToThread in enter_spin_lock.
+ unsigned int num_switch_thread;
+ // number of times we went into WaitLonger.
+ unsigned int num_wait_longer;
+ // number of times we went to calling SwitchToThread in WaitLonger.
+ unsigned int num_switch_thread_w;
+ // number of times we went to calling DisablePreemptiveGC in WaitLonger.
+ unsigned int num_disable_preemptive_w;
+ GCSpinLockInstru()
+ : lock(-1), num_switch_thread(0), num_wait_longer(0), num_switch_thread_w(0), num_disable_preemptive_w(0)
+ {
+ }
+ void init()
+ {
+ num_switch_thread = 0;
+ num_wait_longer = 0;
+ num_switch_thread_w = 0;
+ num_disable_preemptive_w = 0;
+ }
+typedef GCSpinLockInstru GCSpinLock;
+struct GCDebugSpinLock {
+ VOLATILE(int32_t) lock; // -1 if free, 0 if held
+ GCDebugSpinLock()
+ : lock(-1)
+ {
+ }
+typedef GCDebugSpinLock GCSpinLock;
+class mark;
+class heap_segment;
+class CObjectHeader;
+class l_heap;
+class sorted_table;
+class c_synchronize;
+class seg_free_spaces;
+class gc_heap;
+class exclusive_sync;
+class recursive_gc_sync;
+// The following 2 modes are of the same format as in clr\src\bcl\system\runtime\gcsettings.cs
+// make sure you change that one if you change this one!
+enum gc_pause_mode
+ pause_batch = 0, //We are not concerned about pause length
+ pause_interactive = 1, //We are running an interactive app
+ pause_low_latency = 2, //short pauses are essential
+ //avoid long pauses from blocking full GCs unless running out of memory
+ pause_sustained_low_latency = 3,
+ pause_no_gc = 4
+enum gc_loh_compaction_mode
+ loh_compaction_default = 1, // the default mode, don't compact LOH.
+ loh_compaction_once = 2, // only compact once the next time a blocking full GC happens.
+ loh_compaction_auto = 4 // GC decides when to compact LOH, to be implemented.
+enum set_pause_mode_status
+ set_pause_mode_success = 0,
+ set_pause_mode_no_gc = 1 // NoGCRegion is in progress, can't change pause mode.
+enum gc_tuning_point
+ tuning_deciding_condemned_gen,
+ tuning_deciding_full_gc,
+ tuning_deciding_compaction,
+ tuning_deciding_expansion,
+ tuning_deciding_promote_ephemeral
+#if defined(TRACE_GC) && defined(BACKGROUND_GC)
+static const char * const str_bgc_state[] =
+ "not_in_process",
+ "mark_handles",
+ "mark_stack",
+ "revisit_soh",
+ "revisit_loh",
+ "overflow_soh",
+ "overflow_loh",
+ "final_marking",
+ "sweep_soh",
+ "sweep_loh",
+ "plan_phase"
+#endif // defined(TRACE_GC) && defined(BACKGROUND_GC)
+enum allocation_state
+ a_state_start = 0,
+ a_state_can_allocate,
+ a_state_cant_allocate,
+ a_state_try_fit,
+ a_state_try_fit_new_seg,
+ a_state_try_fit_new_seg_after_cg,
+ a_state_try_fit_no_seg,
+ a_state_try_fit_after_cg,
+ a_state_try_fit_after_bgc,
+ a_state_try_free_full_seg_in_bgc,
+ a_state_try_free_after_bgc,
+ a_state_try_seg_end,
+ a_state_acquire_seg,
+ a_state_acquire_seg_after_cg,
+ a_state_acquire_seg_after_bgc,
+ a_state_check_and_wait_for_bgc,
+ a_state_trigger_full_compact_gc,
+ a_state_trigger_ephemeral_gc,
+ a_state_trigger_2nd_ephemeral_gc,
+ a_state_check_retry_seg,
+ a_state_max
+enum gc_type
+ gc_type_compacting = 0,
+ gc_type_blocking = 1,
+ gc_type_background = 2,
+ gc_type_max = 3
+#define v_high_memory_load_th 97
+//encapsulates the mechanism for the current gc
+class gc_mechanisms
+ VOLATILE(size_t) gc_index; // starts from 1 for the first GC, like dd_collection_count
+ int condemned_generation;
+ BOOL promotion;
+ BOOL compaction;
+ BOOL loh_compaction;
+ BOOL heap_expansion;
+ uint32_t concurrent;
+ BOOL demotion;
+ BOOL card_bundles;
+ int gen0_reduction_count;
+ BOOL should_lock_elevation;
+ int elevation_locked_count;
+ BOOL elevation_reduced;
+ BOOL minimal_gc;
+ gc_reason reason;
+ gc_pause_mode pause_mode;
+ BOOL found_finalizers;
+ BOOL background_p;
+ bgc_state b_state;
+ BOOL allocations_allowed;
+ BOOL stress_induced;
+#endif // STRESS_HEAP
+ uint32_t entry_memory_load;
+ void init_mechanisms(); //for each GC
+ void first_init(); // for the life of the EE
+ void record (gc_history_global* history);
+// This is a compact version of gc_mechanism that we use to save in the history.
+class gc_mechanisms_store
+ size_t gc_index;
+ bool promotion;
+ bool compaction;
+ bool loh_compaction;
+ bool heap_expansion;
+ bool concurrent;
+ bool demotion;
+ bool card_bundles;
+ bool should_lock_elevation;
+ int condemned_generation : 8;
+ int gen0_reduction_count : 8;
+ int elevation_locked_count : 8;
+ gc_reason reason : 8;
+ gc_pause_mode pause_mode : 8;
+ bgc_state b_state : 8;
+ bool found_finalizers;
+ bool background_p;
+ bool stress_induced;
+#endif // STRESS_HEAP
+#ifdef BIT64
+ uint32_t entry_memory_load;
+#endif // BIT64
+ void store (gc_mechanisms* gm)
+ {
+ gc_index = gm->gc_index;
+ condemned_generation = gm->condemned_generation;
+ promotion = (gm->promotion != 0);
+ compaction = (gm->compaction != 0);
+ loh_compaction = (gm->loh_compaction != 0);
+ heap_expansion = (gm->heap_expansion != 0);
+ concurrent = (gm->concurrent != 0);
+ demotion = (gm->demotion != 0);
+ card_bundles = (gm->card_bundles != 0);
+ gen0_reduction_count = gm->gen0_reduction_count;
+ should_lock_elevation = (gm->should_lock_elevation != 0);
+ elevation_locked_count = gm->elevation_locked_count;
+ reason = gm->reason;
+ pause_mode = gm->pause_mode;
+ found_finalizers = (gm->found_finalizers != 0);
+ background_p = (gm->background_p != 0);
+ b_state = gm->b_state;
+ stress_induced = (gm->stress_induced != 0);
+#endif // STRESS_HEAP
+#ifdef BIT64
+ entry_memory_load = gm->entry_memory_load;
+#endif // BIT64
+ }
+#ifdef GC_STATS
+// GC specific statistics, tracking counts and timings for GCs occuring in the system.
+// This writes the statistics to a file every 60 seconds, if a file is specified in
+// COMPlus_GcMixLog
+struct GCStatistics
+ : public StatisticsBase
+ // initialized to the contents of COMPlus_GcMixLog, or NULL, if not present
+ static TCHAR* logFileName;
+ static FILE* logFile;
+ // number of times we executed a background GC, a foreground GC, or a
+ // non-concurrent GC
+ int cntBGC, cntFGC, cntNGC;
+ // min, max, and total time spent performing BGCs, FGCs, NGCs
+ // (BGC time includes everything between the moment the BGC starts until
+ // it completes, i.e. the times of all FGCs occuring concurrently)
+ MinMaxTot bgc, fgc, ngc;
+ // number of times we executed a compacting GC (sweeping counts can be derived)
+ int cntCompactNGC, cntCompactFGC;
+ // count of reasons
+ int cntReasons[reason_max];
+ // count of condemned generation, by NGC and FGC:
+ int cntNGCGen[max_generation+1];
+ int cntFGCGen[max_generation];
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Internal mechanism:
+ virtual void Initialize();
+ virtual void DisplayAndUpdate();
+ // Public API
+ static BOOL Enabled()
+ { return logFileName != NULL; }
+ void AddGCStats(const gc_mechanisms& settings, size_t timeInMSec);
+extern GCStatistics g_GCStatistics;
+extern GCStatistics g_LastGCStatistics;
+#endif // GC_STATS
+typedef DPTR(class heap_segment) PTR_heap_segment;
+typedef DPTR(class gc_heap) PTR_gc_heap;
+typedef DPTR(PTR_gc_heap) PTR_PTR_gc_heap;
+typedef DPTR(class CFinalize) PTR_CFinalize;
+//generation free list. It is an array of free lists bucketed by size, starting at sizes lower than first_bucket_size
+//and doubling each time. The last bucket (index == num_buckets) is for largest sizes with no limit
+#define MAX_BUCKET_COUNT (13)//Max number of buckets for the small generations.
+class alloc_list
+ uint8_t* head;
+ uint8_t* tail;
+ size_t damage_count;
+ size_t item_count;
+ uint8_t*& alloc_list_head () { return head;}
+ uint8_t*& alloc_list_tail () { return tail;}
+ size_t& alloc_list_damage_count(){ return damage_count; }
+ alloc_list()
+ {
+ head = 0;
+ tail = 0;
+ damage_count = 0;
+ }
+class allocator
+ size_t num_buckets;
+ size_t frst_bucket_size;
+ alloc_list first_bucket;
+ alloc_list* buckets;
+ alloc_list& alloc_list_of (unsigned int bn);
+ size_t& alloc_list_damage_count_of (unsigned int bn);
+ allocator (unsigned int num_b, size_t fbs, alloc_list* b);
+ allocator()
+ {
+ num_buckets = 1;
+ frst_bucket_size = SIZE_T_MAX;
+ }
+ unsigned int number_of_buckets() {return (unsigned int)num_buckets;}
+ size_t first_bucket_size() {return frst_bucket_size;}
+ uint8_t*& alloc_list_head_of (unsigned int bn)
+ {
+ return alloc_list_of (bn).alloc_list_head();
+ }
+ uint8_t*& alloc_list_tail_of (unsigned int bn)
+ {
+ return alloc_list_of (bn).alloc_list_tail();
+ }
+ void clear();
+ BOOL discard_if_no_fit_p()
+ {
+ return (num_buckets == 1);
+ }
+ // This is when we know there's nothing to repair because this free
+ // list has never gone through plan phase. Right now it's only used
+ // by the background ephemeral sweep when we copy the local free list
+ // to gen0's free list.
+ //
+ // We copy head and tail manually (vs together like copy_to_alloc_list)
+ // since we need to copy tail first because when we get the free items off
+ // of each bucket we check head first. We also need to copy the
+ // smaller buckets first so when gen0 allocation needs to thread
+ // smaller items back that bucket is guaranteed to have been full
+ // copied.
+ void copy_with_no_repair (allocator* allocator_to_copy)
+ {
+ assert (num_buckets == allocator_to_copy->number_of_buckets());
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_buckets; i++)
+ {
+ alloc_list* al = &(allocator_to_copy->alloc_list_of (i));
+ alloc_list_tail_of(i) = al->alloc_list_tail();
+ alloc_list_head_of(i) = al->alloc_list_head();
+ }
+ }
+ void unlink_item (unsigned int bucket_number, uint8_t* item, uint8_t* previous_item, BOOL use_undo_p);
+ void thread_item (uint8_t* item, size_t size);
+ void thread_item_front (uint8_t* itme, size_t size);
+ void thread_free_item (uint8_t* free_item, uint8_t*& head, uint8_t*& tail);
+ void copy_to_alloc_list (alloc_list* toalist);
+ void copy_from_alloc_list (alloc_list* fromalist);
+ void commit_alloc_list_changes();
+#define NUM_GEN_POWER2 (20)
+#define BASE_GEN_SIZE (1*512)
+// group the frequently used ones together (need intrumentation on accessors)
+class generation
+ // Don't move these first two fields without adjusting the references
+ // from the __asm in jitinterface.cpp.
+ alloc_context allocation_context;
+ heap_segment* allocation_segment;
+ PTR_heap_segment start_segment;
+ uint8_t* allocation_context_start_region;
+ uint8_t* allocation_start;
+ allocator free_list_allocator;
+ size_t free_list_allocated;
+ size_t end_seg_allocated;
+ BOOL allocate_end_seg_p;
+ size_t condemned_allocated;
+ size_t free_list_space;
+ size_t free_obj_space;
+ size_t allocation_size;
+ uint8_t* plan_allocation_start;
+ size_t plan_allocation_start_size;
+ // this is the pinned plugs that got allocated into this gen.
+ size_t pinned_allocated;
+ size_t pinned_allocation_compact_size;
+ size_t pinned_allocation_sweep_size;
+ int gen_num;
+ size_t gen_free_spaces[NUM_GEN_POWER2];
+ // these are non pinned plugs only
+ size_t gen_plugs[NUM_GEN_POWER2];
+ size_t gen_current_pinned_free_spaces[NUM_GEN_POWER2];
+ size_t pinned_free_obj_space;
+ // this is what got allocated into the pinned free spaces.
+ size_t allocated_in_pinned_free;
+ size_t allocated_since_last_pin;
+// The dynamic data fields are grouped into 3 categories:
+// calculated logical data (like desired_allocation)
+// physical data (like fragmentation)
+// const data (like min_gc_size), initialized at the beginning
+class dynamic_data
+ ptrdiff_t new_allocation;
+ ptrdiff_t gc_new_allocation; // new allocation at beginning of gc
+ float surv;
+ size_t desired_allocation;
+ // # of bytes taken by objects (ie, not free space) at the beginning
+ // of the GC.
+ size_t begin_data_size;
+ // # of bytes taken by survived objects after mark.
+ size_t survived_size;
+ // # of bytes taken by survived pinned plugs after mark.
+ size_t pinned_survived_size;
+ size_t artificial_pinned_survived_size;
+ size_t added_pinned_size;
+ size_t padding_size;
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ // # of plugs that are not pinned plugs.
+ size_t num_npinned_plugs;
+ //total object size after a GC, ie, doesn't include fragmentation
+ size_t current_size;
+ size_t collection_count;
+ size_t promoted_size;
+ size_t freach_previous_promotion;
+ size_t fragmentation; //fragmentation when we don't compact
+ size_t gc_clock; //gc# when last GC happened
+ size_t time_clock; //time when last gc started
+ size_t gc_elapsed_time; // Time it took for the gc to complete
+ float gc_speed; // speed in bytes/msec for the gc to complete
+ // min_size is always the same as min_gc_size..
+ size_t min_gc_size;
+ size_t max_size;
+ size_t min_size;
+ size_t default_new_allocation;
+ size_t fragmentation_limit;
+ float fragmentation_burden_limit;
+ float limit;
+ float max_limit;
+#define ro_in_entry 0x1
+// Note that I am storing both h0 and seg0, even though in Server GC you can get to
+// the heap* from the segment info. This is because heap_of needs to be really fast
+// and we would not want yet another indirection.
+struct seg_mapping
+ // if an address is > boundary it belongs to h1; else h0.
+ // since we init h0 and h1 to 0, if we get 0 it means that
+ // address doesn't exist on managed segments. And heap_of
+ // would just return heap0 which is what it does now.
+ uint8_t* boundary;
+ gc_heap* h0;
+ gc_heap* h1;
+ // You could have an address that's inbetween 2 segments and
+ // this would return a seg, the caller then will use
+ // in_range_for_segment to determine if it's on that seg.
+ heap_segment* seg0; // this is what the seg for h0 is.
+ heap_segment* seg1; // this is what the seg for h1 is.
+ // Note that when frozen objects are used we mask seg1
+ // with 0x1 to indicate that there is a ro segment for
+ // this entry.
+// alignment helpers
+//Alignment constant for allocation
+size_t Align (size_t nbytes, int alignment=ALIGNCONST)
+ return (nbytes + alignment) & ~alignment;
+//return alignment constant for small object heap vs large object heap
+int get_alignment_constant (BOOL small_object_p)
+ // If any objects on the large object heap require 8-byte alignment,
+ // the compiler will tell us so. Let's not guess an alignment here.
+ return ALIGNCONST;
+ return small_object_p ? ALIGNCONST : 7;
+struct etw_opt_info
+ size_t desired_allocation;
+ size_t new_allocation;
+ int gen_number;
+enum alloc_wait_reason
+ // When we don't care about firing an event for
+ // this.
+ awr_ignored = -1,
+ // when we detect we are in low memory
+ awr_low_memory = 0,
+ // when we detect the ephemeral segment is too full
+ awr_low_ephemeral = 1,
+ // we've given out too much budget for gen0.
+ awr_gen0_alloc = 2,
+ // we've given out too much budget for loh.
+ awr_loh_alloc = 3,
+ // this event is really obsolete - it's for pre-XP
+ // OSs where low mem notification is not supported.
+ awr_alloc_loh_low_mem = 4,
+ // we ran out of VM spaced to reserve on loh.
+ awr_loh_oos = 5,
+ // ran out of space when allocating a small object
+ awr_gen0_oos_bgc = 6,
+ // ran out of space when allocating a large object
+ awr_loh_oos_bgc = 7,
+ // waiting for BGC to let FGC happen
+ awr_fgc_wait_for_bgc = 8,
+ // wait for bgc to finish to get loh seg.
+ awr_get_loh_seg = 9,
+ // we don't allow loh allocation during bgc planning.
+ awr_loh_alloc_during_plan = 10,
+ // we don't allow too much loh allocation during bgc.
+ awr_loh_alloc_during_bgc = 11
+struct alloc_thread_wait_data
+ int awr;
+enum msl_take_state
+ mt_get_large_seg,
+ mt_wait_bgc_plan,
+ mt_wait_bgc,
+ mt_block_gc,
+ mt_clr_mem,
+ mt_clr_large_mem,
+ mt_t_eph_gc,
+ mt_t_full_gc,
+ mt_alloc_small,
+ mt_alloc_large,
+ mt_alloc_small_cant,
+ mt_alloc_large_cant,
+ mt_try_alloc,
+ mt_try_budget
+enum msl_enter_state
+ me_acquire,
+ me_release
+struct spinlock_info
+ msl_enter_state enter_state;
+ msl_take_state take_state;
+ EEThreadId thread_id;
+const unsigned HS_CACHE_LINE_SIZE = 128;
+struct snoop_stats_data
+ int heap_index;
+ // total number of objects that we called
+ // gc_mark on.
+ size_t objects_checked_count;
+ // total number of time we called gc_mark
+ // on a 0 reference.
+ size_t zero_ref_count;
+ // total objects actually marked.
+ size_t objects_marked_count;
+ // number of objects written to the mark stack because
+ // of mark_stolen.
+ size_t stolen_stack_count;
+ // number of objects pushed onto the mark stack because
+ // of the partial mark code path.
+ size_t partial_stack_count;
+ // number of objects pushed onto the mark stack because
+ // of the non partial mark code path.
+ size_t normal_stack_count;
+ // number of references marked without mark stack.
+ size_t non_stack_count;
+ // number of times we detect next heap's mark stack
+ // is not busy.
+ size_t stack_idle_count;
+ // number of times we do switch to thread.
+ size_t switch_to_thread_count;
+ // number of times we are checking if the next heap's
+ // mark stack is busy.
+ size_t check_level_count;
+ // number of times next stack is busy and level is
+ // at the bottom.
+ size_t busy_count;
+ // how many interlocked exchange operations we did
+ size_t interlocked_count;
+ // numer of times parent objects stolen
+ size_t partial_mark_parent_count;
+ // numer of times we look at a normal stolen entry,
+ // or the beginning/ending PM pair.
+ size_t stolen_or_pm_count;
+ // number of times we see 2 for the entry.
+ size_t stolen_entry_count;
+ // number of times we see a PM entry that's not ready.
+ size_t pm_not_ready_count;
+ // number of stolen normal marked objects and partial mark children.
+ size_t normal_count;
+ // number of times the bottom of mark stack was cleared.
+ size_t stack_bottom_clear_count;
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+struct no_gc_region_info
+ size_t soh_allocation_size;
+ size_t loh_allocation_size;
+ size_t started;
+ size_t num_gcs;
+ size_t num_gcs_induced;
+ start_no_gc_region_status start_status;
+ gc_pause_mode saved_pause_mode;
+ size_t saved_gen0_min_size;
+ size_t saved_gen3_min_size;
+ BOOL minimal_gc_p;
+// if you change these, make sure you update them for sos (strike.cpp) as well.
+// !!!NOTE!!!
+// Right now I am only recording data from blocking GCs. When recording from BGC,
+// it should have its own copy just like gc_data_per_heap.
+// for BGCs we will have a very different set of datapoints to record.
+enum interesting_data_point
+ idp_pre_short = 0,
+ idp_post_short = 1,
+ idp_merged_pin = 2,
+ idp_converted_pin = 3,
+ idp_pre_pin = 4,
+ idp_post_pin = 5,
+ idp_pre_and_post_pin = 6,
+ idp_pre_short_padded = 7,
+ idp_post_short_padded = 8,
+ max_idp_count
+//class definition of the internal class
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+extern void GCProfileWalkHeapWorker(BOOL fProfilerPinned, BOOL fShouldWalkHeapRootsForEtw, BOOL fShouldWalkHeapObjectsForEtw);
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+class gc_heap
+ friend struct ::_DacGlobals;
+ friend class ::ClrDataAccess;
+ friend class ::DacHeapWalker;
+ friend class GCHeap;
+ friend class CFinalize;
+ friend struct ::alloc_context;
+ friend void ProfScanRootsHelper(Object** object, ScanContext *pSC, uint32_t dwFlags);
+ friend void GCProfileWalkHeapWorker(BOOL fProfilerPinned, BOOL fShouldWalkHeapRootsForEtw, BOOL fShouldWalkHeapObjectsForEtw);
+ friend class t_join;
+ friend class gc_mechanisms;
+ friend class seg_free_spaces;
+ friend class exclusive_sync;
+ friend class recursive_gc_sync;
+#if defined (WRITE_BARRIER_CHECK) && !defined (SERVER_GC)
+ friend void checkGCWriteBarrier();
+ friend void initGCShadow();
+#endif //defined (WRITE_BARRIER_CHECK) && !defined (SERVER_GC)
+ typedef void (gc_heap::* card_fn) (uint8_t**, int);
+#define call_fn(fn) (this->*fn)
+#define __this this
+ typedef void (* card_fn) (uint8_t**);
+#define call_fn(fn) (*fn)
+#define __this (gc_heap*)0
+#ifdef TRACE_GC
+ void print_free_list (int gen, heap_segment* seg);
+#endif // TRACE_GC
+ void init_sync_stats()
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < gc_heap::n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap::g_heaps[i]->init_heap_sync_stats();
+ }
+ init_heap_sync_stats();
+ }
+ void print_sync_stats(unsigned int gc_count_during_log)
+ {
+ // bad/good gl acquire is accumulative during the log interval (because the numbers are too small)
+ // min/max msl_acquire is the min/max during the log interval, not each GC.
+ // Threads is however many allocation threads for the last GC.
+ // num of msl acquired, avg_msl, high and low are all for each GC.
+ printf("%2s%2s%10s%10s%12s%6s%4s%8s( st, wl, stw, dpw)\n",
+ "H", "T", "good_sus", "bad_sus", "avg_msl", "high", "low", "num_msl");
+ for (int i = 0; i < gc_heap::n_heaps; i++)
+ {
+ gc_heap::g_heaps[i]->print_heap_sync_stats(i, gc_count_during_log);
+ }
+ print_heap_sync_stats(0, gc_count_during_log);
+ }
+ void verify_soh_segment_list();
+ void verify_mark_array_cleared (heap_segment* seg);
+ void verify_mark_array_cleared();
+ void verify_seg_end_mark_array_cleared();
+ void verify_partial();
+ void verify_free_lists();
+ void verify_heap (BOOL begin_gc_p);
+#endif //VERIFY_HEAP
+ void fire_per_heap_hist_event (gc_history_per_heap* current_gc_data_per_heap, int heap_num);
+ void fire_pevents();
+ static void walk_read_only_segment(heap_segment *seg, void *pvContext, object_callback_func pfnMethodTable, object_callback_func pfnObjRef);
+ static
+ heap_segment* make_heap_segment (uint8_t* new_pages,
+ size_t size,
+ int h_number);
+ static
+ l_heap* make_large_heap (uint8_t* new_pages, size_t size, BOOL managed);
+ static
+ gc_heap* make_gc_heap(
+#if defined (MULTIPLE_HEAPS)
+ GCHeap* vm_heap,
+ int heap_number
+ );
+ static
+ void destroy_gc_heap(gc_heap* heap);
+ static
+ HRESULT initialize_gc (size_t segment_size,
+ size_t heap_size
+ , unsigned number_of_heaps
+ );
+ static
+ void shutdown_gc();
+ CObjectHeader* allocate (size_t jsize,
+ alloc_context* acontext);
+ static void balance_heaps (alloc_context* acontext);
+ static
+ gc_heap* balance_heaps_loh (alloc_context* acontext, size_t size);
+ static
+ void __stdcall gc_thread_stub (void* arg);
+ CObjectHeader* try_fast_alloc (size_t jsize);
+ // For LOH allocations we only update the alloc_bytes_loh in allocation
+ // context - we don't actually use the ptr/limit from it so I am
+ // making this explicit by not passing in the alloc_context.
+ CObjectHeader* allocate_large_object (size_t size, int64_t& alloc_bytes);
+ uint8_t* pad_for_alignment_large (uint8_t* newAlloc, int requiredAlignment, size_t size);
+ void do_pre_gc();
+ void do_post_gc();
+ BOOL expand_soh_with_minimal_gc();
+ // EE is always suspended when this method is called.
+ // returning FALSE means we actually didn't do a GC. This happens
+ // when we figured that we needed to do a BGC.
+ int garbage_collect (int n);
+ void init_records();
+ static
+ uint32_t* make_card_table (uint8_t* start, uint8_t* end);
+ static
+ void set_fgm_result (failure_get_memory f, size_t s, BOOL loh_p);
+ static
+ int grow_brick_card_tables (uint8_t* start,
+ uint8_t* end,
+ size_t size,
+ heap_segment* new_seg,
+ gc_heap* hp,
+ BOOL loh_p);
+ BOOL is_mark_set (uint8_t* o);
+ bool frozen_object_p(Object* obj);
+ void walk_heap (walk_fn fn, void* context, int gen_number, BOOL walk_large_object_heap_p);
+ struct walk_relocate_args
+ {
+ uint8_t* last_plug;
+ BOOL is_shortened;
+ mark* pinned_plug_entry;
+ };
+ void walk_plug (uint8_t* plug, size_t size, BOOL check_last_object_p,
+ walk_relocate_args* args, size_t profiling_context);
+ void walk_relocation (int condemned_gen_number,
+ uint8_t* first_condemned_address, size_t profiling_context);
+ void walk_relocation_in_brick (uint8_t* tree, walk_relocate_args* args, size_t profiling_context);
+#if defined(BACKGROUND_GC) && defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ void walk_relocation_for_bgc(size_t profiling_context);
+ void make_free_lists_for_profiler_for_bgc();
+#endif // defined(BACKGROUND_GC) && defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ int generation_to_condemn (int n,
+ BOOL* blocking_collection_p,
+ BOOL* elevation_requested_p,
+ BOOL check_only_p);
+ int joined_generation_to_condemn (BOOL should_evaluate_elevation, int n_initial, BOOL* blocking_collection
+ STRESS_HEAP_ARG(int n_original));
+ size_t min_reclaim_fragmentation_threshold (uint32_t num_heaps);
+ uint64_t min_high_fragmentation_threshold (uint64_t available_mem, uint32_t num_heaps);
+ void concurrent_print_time_delta (const char* msg);
+ void free_list_info (int gen_num, const char* msg);
+ // in svr GC on entry and exit of this method, the GC threads are not
+ // synchronized
+ void gc1();
+ void save_data_for_no_gc();
+ void restore_data_for_no_gc();
+ void update_collection_counts_for_no_gc();
+ BOOL should_proceed_with_gc();
+ void record_gcs_during_no_gc();
+ BOOL find_loh_free_for_no_gc();
+ BOOL find_loh_space_for_no_gc();
+ BOOL commit_loh_for_no_gc (heap_segment* seg);
+ start_no_gc_region_status prepare_for_no_gc_region (uint64_t total_size,
+ BOOL loh_size_known,
+ uint64_t loh_size,
+ BOOL disallow_full_blocking);
+ BOOL loh_allocated_for_no_gc();
+ void release_no_gc_loh_segments();
+ void thread_no_gc_loh_segments();
+ void allocate_for_no_gc_after_gc();
+ void set_loh_allocations_for_no_gc();
+ void set_soh_allocations_for_no_gc();
+ void prepare_for_no_gc_after_gc();
+ void set_allocations_for_no_gc();
+ BOOL should_proceed_for_no_gc();
+ start_no_gc_region_status get_start_no_gc_region_status();
+ end_no_gc_region_status end_no_gc_region();
+ void handle_failure_for_no_gc();
+ void fire_etw_allocation_event (size_t allocation_amount, int gen_number, uint8_t* object_address);
+ void fire_etw_pin_object_event (uint8_t* object, uint8_t** ppObject);
+ size_t limit_from_size (size_t size, size_t room, int gen_number,
+ int align_const);
+ int try_allocate_more_space (alloc_context* acontext, size_t jsize,
+ int alloc_generation_number);
+ BOOL allocate_more_space (alloc_context* acontext, size_t jsize,
+ int alloc_generation_number);
+ size_t get_full_compact_gc_count();
+ BOOL short_on_end_of_seg (int gen_number,
+ heap_segment* seg,
+ int align_const);
+ BOOL a_fit_free_list_p (int gen_number,
+ size_t size,
+ alloc_context* acontext,
+ int align_const);
+ void wait_for_background (alloc_wait_reason awr);
+ void wait_for_bgc_high_memory (alloc_wait_reason awr);
+ void bgc_loh_alloc_clr (uint8_t* alloc_start,
+ size_t size,
+ alloc_context* acontext,
+ int align_const,
+ int lock_index,
+ BOOL check_used_p,
+ heap_segment* seg);
+ void wait_for_background_planning (alloc_wait_reason awr);
+ BOOL bgc_loh_should_allocate();
+#define max_saved_spinlock_info 48
+ int spinlock_info_index;
+ spinlock_info last_spinlock_info[max_saved_spinlock_info + 8];
+ void add_saved_spinlock_info (
+ msl_enter_state enter_state,
+ msl_take_state take_state);
+ BOOL a_fit_free_list_large_p (size_t size,
+ alloc_context* acontext,
+ int align_const);
+ BOOL a_fit_segment_end_p (int gen_number,
+ heap_segment* seg,
+ size_t size,
+ alloc_context* acontext,
+ int align_const,
+ BOOL* commit_failed_p);
+ BOOL loh_a_fit_segment_end_p (int gen_number,
+ size_t size,
+ alloc_context* acontext,
+ int align_const,
+ BOOL* commit_failed_p,
+ oom_reason* oom_r);
+ BOOL loh_get_new_seg (generation* gen,
+ size_t size,
+ int align_const,
+ BOOL* commit_failed_p,
+ oom_reason* oom_r);
+ size_t get_large_seg_size (size_t size);
+ BOOL retry_full_compact_gc (size_t size);
+ BOOL check_and_wait_for_bgc (alloc_wait_reason awr,
+ BOOL* did_full_compact_gc);
+ BOOL trigger_full_compact_gc (gc_reason gr,
+ oom_reason* oom_r);
+ BOOL trigger_ephemeral_gc (gc_reason gr);
+ BOOL soh_try_fit (int gen_number,
+ size_t size,
+ alloc_context* acontext,
+ int align_const,
+ BOOL* commit_failed_p,
+ BOOL* short_seg_end_p);
+ BOOL loh_try_fit (int gen_number,
+ size_t size,
+ alloc_context* acontext,
+ int align_const,
+ BOOL* commit_failed_p,
+ oom_reason* oom_r);
+ BOOL allocate_small (int gen_number,
+ size_t size,
+ alloc_context* acontext,
+ int align_const);
+ enum c_gc_state
+ {
+ c_gc_state_marking,
+ c_gc_state_planning,
+ c_gc_state_free
+ };
+ #define max_saved_loh_states 12
+ int loh_state_index;
+ struct loh_state_info
+ {
+ allocation_state alloc_state;
+ EEThreadId thread_id;
+ };
+ loh_state_info last_loh_states[max_saved_loh_states];
+ void add_saved_loh_state (allocation_state loh_state_to_save, EEThreadId thread_id);
+ BOOL allocate_large (int gen_number,
+ size_t size,
+ alloc_context* acontext,
+ int align_const);
+ int init_semi_shared();
+ int init_gc_heap (int heap_number);
+ void self_destroy();
+ void destroy_semi_shared();
+ void repair_allocation_contexts (BOOL repair_p);
+ void fix_allocation_contexts (BOOL for_gc_p);
+ void fix_youngest_allocation_area (BOOL for_gc_p);
+ void fix_allocation_context (alloc_context* acontext, BOOL for_gc_p,
+ int align_const);
+ void fix_large_allocation_area (BOOL for_gc_p);
+ void fix_older_allocation_area (generation* older_gen);
+ void set_allocation_heap_segment (generation* gen);
+ void reset_allocation_pointers (generation* gen, uint8_t* start);
+ int object_gennum (uint8_t* o);
+ int object_gennum_plan (uint8_t* o);
+ void init_heap_segment (heap_segment* seg);
+ void delete_heap_segment (heap_segment* seg, BOOL consider_hoarding=FALSE);
+ BOOL insert_ro_segment (heap_segment* seg);
+ void remove_ro_segment (heap_segment* seg);
+ BOOL set_ro_segment_in_range (heap_segment* seg);
+ BOOL unprotect_segment (heap_segment* seg);
+ heap_segment* soh_get_segment_to_expand();
+ heap_segment* get_segment (size_t size, BOOL loh_p);
+ void seg_mapping_table_add_segment (heap_segment* seg, gc_heap* hp);
+ void seg_mapping_table_remove_segment (heap_segment* seg);
+ heap_segment* get_large_segment (size_t size, BOOL* did_full_compact_gc);
+ void thread_loh_segment (heap_segment* new_seg);
+ heap_segment* get_segment_for_loh (size_t size
+ , gc_heap* hp
+ );
+ void reset_heap_segment_pages (heap_segment* seg);
+ void decommit_heap_segment_pages (heap_segment* seg, size_t extra_space);
+ void decommit_heap_segment (heap_segment* seg);
+ void clear_gen0_bricks();
+ void rearrange_small_heap_segments();
+ void rearrange_large_heap_segments();
+ void rearrange_heap_segments(BOOL compacting);
+ void reset_write_watch_for_gc_heap(void* base_address, size_t region_size);
+ void get_write_watch_for_gc_heap(bool reset, void *base_address, size_t region_size, void** dirty_pages, uintptr_t* dirty_page_count_ref, bool is_runtime_suspended);
+ void switch_one_quantum();
+ void reset_ww_by_chunk (uint8_t* start_address, size_t total_reset_size);
+ void switch_on_reset (BOOL concurrent_p, size_t* current_total_reset_size, size_t last_reset_size);
+ void reset_write_watch (BOOL concurrent_p);
+ void adjust_ephemeral_limits (bool is_runtime_suspended);
+ void make_generation (generation& gen, heap_segment* seg,
+ uint8_t* start, uint8_t* pointer);
+ BOOL size_fit_p (size_t size REQD_ALIGN_AND_OFFSET_DCL, uint8_t* alloc_pointer, uint8_t* alloc_limit,
+ uint8_t* old_loc=0, int use_padding=USE_PADDING_TAIL);
+ BOOL a_size_fit_p (size_t size, uint8_t* alloc_pointer, uint8_t* alloc_limit,
+ int align_const);
+ void handle_oom (int heap_num, oom_reason reason, size_t alloc_size,
+ uint8_t* allocated, uint8_t* reserved);
+ size_t card_of ( uint8_t* object);
+ uint8_t* brick_address (size_t brick);
+ size_t brick_of (uint8_t* add);
+ uint8_t* card_address (size_t card);
+ size_t card_to_brick (size_t card);
+ void clear_card (size_t card);
+ void set_card (size_t card);
+ BOOL card_set_p (size_t card);
+ void card_table_set_bit (uint8_t* location);
+ void update_card_table_bundle();
+ void reset_card_table_write_watch();
+ void card_bundle_clear(size_t cardb);
+ void card_bundles_set (size_t start_cardb, size_t end_cardb);
+ BOOL card_bundle_set_p (size_t cardb);
+ BOOL find_card_dword (size_t& cardw, size_t cardw_end);
+ void enable_card_bundles();
+ BOOL card_bundles_enabled();
+#endif //CARD_BUNDLE
+ BOOL find_card (uint32_t* card_table, size_t& card,
+ size_t card_word_end, size_t& end_card);
+ BOOL grow_heap_segment (heap_segment* seg, uint8_t* high_address);
+ int grow_heap_segment (heap_segment* seg, uint8_t* high_address, uint8_t* old_loc, size_t size, BOOL pad_front_p REQD_ALIGN_AND_OFFSET_DCL);
+ void copy_brick_card_range (uint8_t* la, uint32_t* old_card_table,
+ short* old_brick_table,
+ heap_segment* seg,
+ uint8_t* start, uint8_t* end);
+ void init_brick_card_range (heap_segment* seg);
+ void copy_brick_card_table_l_heap ();
+ void copy_brick_card_table();
+ void clear_brick_table (uint8_t* from, uint8_t* end);
+ void set_brick (size_t index, ptrdiff_t val);
+ int brick_entry (size_t index);
+#ifdef MARK_ARRAY
+ unsigned int mark_array_marked (uint8_t* add);
+ void mark_array_set_marked (uint8_t* add);
+ BOOL is_mark_bit_set (uint8_t* add);
+ void gmark_array_set_marked (uint8_t* add);
+ void set_mark_array_bit (size_t mark_bit);
+ BOOL mark_array_bit_set (size_t mark_bit);
+ void mark_array_clear_marked (uint8_t* add);
+ void clear_mark_array (uint8_t* from, uint8_t* end, BOOL check_only=TRUE
+ , BOOL read_only=FALSE
+ );
+ void seg_clear_mark_array_bits_soh (heap_segment* seg);
+ void clear_batch_mark_array_bits (uint8_t* start, uint8_t* end);
+ void bgc_clear_batch_mark_array_bits (uint8_t* start, uint8_t* end);
+ void clear_mark_array_by_objects (uint8_t* from, uint8_t* end, BOOL loh_p);
+ void set_batch_mark_array_bits (uint8_t* start, uint8_t* end);
+ void check_batch_mark_array_bits (uint8_t* start, uint8_t* end);
+#endif //VERIFY_HEAP
+#endif //MARK_ARRAY
+ BOOL large_object_marked (uint8_t* o, BOOL clearp);
+ BOOL background_allowed_p();
+ void send_full_gc_notification (int gen_num, BOOL due_to_alloc_p);
+ void check_for_full_gc (int gen_num, size_t size);
+ void adjust_limit (uint8_t* start, size_t limit_size, generation* gen,
+ int gen_number);
+ void adjust_limit_clr (uint8_t* start, size_t limit_size,
+ alloc_context* acontext, heap_segment* seg,
+ int align_const, int gen_number);
+ void leave_allocation_segment (generation* gen);
+ void init_free_and_plug();
+ void print_free_and_plug (const char* msg);
+ void add_gen_plug (int gen_number, size_t plug_size);
+ void add_gen_free (int gen_number, size_t free_size);
+ void add_item_to_current_pinned_free (int gen_number, size_t free_size);
+ void remove_gen_free (int gen_number, size_t free_size);
+ uint8_t* allocate_in_older_generation (generation* gen, size_t size,
+ int from_gen_number,
+ uint8_t* old_loc=0
+ generation* ensure_ephemeral_heap_segment (generation* consing_gen);
+ uint8_t* allocate_in_condemned_generations (generation* gen,
+ size_t size,
+ int from_gen_number,
+ BOOL* convert_to_pinned_p=NULL,
+ uint8_t* next_pinned_plug=0,
+ heap_segment* current_seg=0,
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ uint8_t* old_loc=0
+ // Verifies that interior is actually in the range of seg; otherwise
+ // returns 0.
+ heap_segment* find_segment (uint8_t* interior, BOOL small_segment_only_p);
+ heap_segment* find_segment_per_heap (uint8_t* interior, BOOL small_segment_only_p);
+ uint8_t* find_object_for_relocation (uint8_t* o, uint8_t* low, uint8_t* high);
+ gc_heap* heap_of (uint8_t* object);
+ gc_heap* heap_of_gc (uint8_t* object);
+ size_t& promoted_bytes (int);
+ uint8_t* find_object (uint8_t* o, uint8_t* low);
+ dynamic_data* dynamic_data_of (int gen_number);
+ ptrdiff_t get_desired_allocation (int gen_number);
+ ptrdiff_t get_new_allocation (int gen_number);
+ ptrdiff_t get_allocation (int gen_number);
+ bool new_allocation_allowed (int gen_number);
+ void allow_new_allocation (int gen_number);
+ void disallow_new_allocation (int gen_number);
+ void reset_pinned_queue();
+ void reset_pinned_queue_bos();
+ void set_allocator_next_pin (generation* gen);
+ void set_allocator_next_pin (uint8_t* alloc_pointer, uint8_t*& alloc_limit);
+ void enque_pinned_plug (generation* gen, uint8_t* plug, size_t len);
+ void enque_pinned_plug (uint8_t* plug,
+ BOOL save_pre_plug_info_p,
+ uint8_t* last_object_in_last_plug);
+ void merge_with_last_pinned_plug (uint8_t* last_pinned_plug, size_t plug_size);
+ void set_pinned_info (uint8_t* last_pinned_plug,
+ size_t plug_len,
+ uint8_t* alloc_pointer,
+ uint8_t*& alloc_limit);
+ void set_pinned_info (uint8_t* last_pinned_plug, size_t plug_len, generation* gen);
+ void save_post_plug_info (uint8_t* last_pinned_plug, uint8_t* last_object_in_last_plug, uint8_t* post_plug);
+ size_t deque_pinned_plug ();
+ mark* pinned_plug_of (size_t bos);
+ mark* oldest_pin ();
+ mark* before_oldest_pin();
+ BOOL pinned_plug_que_empty_p ();
+ void make_mark_stack (mark* arr);
+#ifdef MH_SC_MARK
+ int& mark_stack_busy();
+ VOLATILE(uint8_t*)& ref_mark_stack (gc_heap* hp, int index);
+ size_t& bpromoted_bytes (int);
+ void make_background_mark_stack (uint8_t** arr);
+ void make_c_mark_list (uint8_t** arr);
+ generation* generation_of (int n);
+ BOOL gc_mark1 (uint8_t* o);
+ BOOL gc_mark (uint8_t* o, uint8_t* low, uint8_t* high);
+ uint8_t* mark_object(uint8_t* o THREAD_NUMBER_DCL);
+ void ha_mark_object_simple (uint8_t** o THREAD_NUMBER_DCL);
+#endif //HEAP_ANALYZE
+ void mark_object_simple (uint8_t** o THREAD_NUMBER_DCL);
+ void mark_object_simple1 (uint8_t* o, uint8_t* start THREAD_NUMBER_DCL);
+#ifdef MH_SC_MARK
+ void mark_steal ();
+#endif //MH_SC_MARK
+ BOOL background_marked (uint8_t* o);
+ BOOL background_mark1 (uint8_t* o);
+ BOOL background_mark (uint8_t* o, uint8_t* low, uint8_t* high);
+ uint8_t* background_mark_object (uint8_t* o THREAD_NUMBER_DCL);
+ void background_mark_simple (uint8_t* o THREAD_NUMBER_DCL);
+ void background_mark_simple1 (uint8_t* o THREAD_NUMBER_DCL);
+ void background_promote (Object**, ScanContext* , uint32_t);
+ BOOL background_object_marked (uint8_t* o, BOOL clearp);
+ void init_background_gc();
+ uint8_t* background_next_end (heap_segment*, BOOL);
+ void generation_delete_heap_segment (generation*,
+ heap_segment*, heap_segment*, heap_segment*);
+ void set_mem_verify (uint8_t*, uint8_t*, uint8_t);
+ void process_background_segment_end (heap_segment*, generation*, uint8_t*,
+ heap_segment*, BOOL*);
+ void process_n_background_segments (heap_segment*, heap_segment*, generation* gen);
+ BOOL fgc_should_consider_object (uint8_t* o,
+ heap_segment* seg,
+ BOOL consider_bgc_mark_p,
+ BOOL check_current_sweep_p,
+ BOOL check_saved_sweep_p);
+ void should_check_bgc_mark (heap_segment* seg,
+ BOOL* consider_bgc_mark_p,
+ BOOL* check_current_sweep_p,
+ BOOL* check_saved_sweep_p);
+ void background_ephemeral_sweep();
+ void background_sweep ();
+ void background_mark_through_object (uint8_t* oo THREAD_NUMBER_DCL);
+ uint8_t* background_seg_end (heap_segment* seg, BOOL concurrent_p);
+ uint8_t* background_first_overflow (uint8_t* min_add,
+ heap_segment* seg,
+ BOOL concurrent_p,
+ BOOL small_object_p);
+ void background_process_mark_overflow_internal (int condemned_gen_number,
+ uint8_t* min_add, uint8_t* max_add,
+ BOOL concurrent_p);
+ BOOL background_process_mark_overflow (BOOL concurrent_p);
+ // for foreground GC to get hold of background structures containing refs
+ void
+ scan_background_roots (promote_func* fn, int hn, ScanContext *pSC);
+ BOOL bgc_mark_array_range (heap_segment* seg,
+ BOOL whole_seg_p,
+ uint8_t** range_beg,
+ uint8_t** range_end);
+ void bgc_verify_mark_array_cleared (heap_segment* seg);
+ void verify_mark_bits_cleared (uint8_t* obj, size_t s);
+ void clear_all_mark_array();
+ uint8_t* next_end (heap_segment* seg, uint8_t* f);
+ void fix_card_table ();
+ void mark_through_object (uint8_t* oo, BOOL mark_class_object_p THREAD_NUMBER_DCL);
+ BOOL process_mark_overflow (int condemned_gen_number);
+ void process_mark_overflow_internal (int condemned_gen_number,
+ uint8_t* min_address, uint8_t* max_address);
+ void print_snoop_stat();
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+#ifdef MH_SC_MARK
+ BOOL check_next_mark_stack (gc_heap* next_heap);
+#endif //MH_SC_MARK
+ void scan_dependent_handles (int condemned_gen_number, ScanContext *sc, BOOL initial_scan_p);
+ void mark_phase (int condemned_gen_number, BOOL mark_only_p);
+ void pin_object (uint8_t* o, uint8_t** ppObject, uint8_t* low, uint8_t* high);
+ size_t get_total_pinned_objects();
+ void reset_mark_stack ();
+ uint8_t* insert_node (uint8_t* new_node, size_t sequence_number,
+ uint8_t* tree, uint8_t* last_node);
+ size_t update_brick_table (uint8_t* tree, size_t current_brick,
+ uint8_t* x, uint8_t* plug_end);
+ void plan_generation_start (generation* gen, generation* consing_gen, uint8_t* next_plug_to_allocate);
+ void realloc_plan_generation_start (generation* gen, generation* consing_gen);
+ void plan_generation_starts (generation*& consing_gen);
+ void advance_pins_for_demotion (generation* gen);
+ void process_ephemeral_boundaries(uint8_t* x, int& active_new_gen_number,
+ int& active_old_gen_number,
+ generation*& consing_gen,
+ BOOL& allocate_in_condemned);
+ void seg_clear_mark_bits (heap_segment* seg);
+ void sweep_ro_segments (heap_segment* start_seg);
+ void convert_to_pinned_plug (BOOL& last_npinned_plug_p,
+ BOOL& last_pinned_plug_p,
+ BOOL& pinned_plug_p,
+ size_t ps,
+ size_t& artificial_pinned_size);
+ void store_plug_gap_info (uint8_t* plug_start,
+ uint8_t* plug_end,
+ BOOL& last_npinned_plug_p,
+ BOOL& last_pinned_plug_p,
+ uint8_t*& last_pinned_plug,
+ BOOL& pinned_plug_p,
+ uint8_t* last_object_in_last_plug,
+ BOOL& merge_with_last_pin_p,
+ // this is only for verification purpose
+ size_t last_plug_len);
+ void plan_phase (int condemned_gen_number);
+ void record_interesting_data_point (interesting_data_point idp);
+ void record_interesting_info_per_heap();
+ void record_global_mechanisms();
+ BOOL should_do_sweeping_gc (BOOL compact_p);
+ // plan_loh can allocate memory so it can fail. If it fails, we will
+ // fall back to sweeping.
+ BOOL plan_loh();
+ void compact_loh();
+ void relocate_in_loh_compact();
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ void walk_relocation_loh (size_t profiling_context);
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ BOOL loh_enque_pinned_plug (uint8_t* plug, size_t len);
+ void loh_set_allocator_next_pin();
+ BOOL loh_pinned_plug_que_empty_p();
+ size_t loh_deque_pinned_plug();
+ mark* loh_pinned_plug_of (size_t bos);
+ mark* loh_oldest_pin();
+ BOOL loh_size_fit_p (size_t size, uint8_t* alloc_pointer, uint8_t* alloc_limit);
+ uint8_t* loh_allocate_in_condemned (uint8_t* old_loc, size_t size);
+ BOOL loh_object_p (uint8_t* o);
+ BOOL should_compact_loh();
+ // If the LOH compaction mode is just to compact once,
+ // we need to see if we should reset it back to not compact.
+ // We would only reset if every heap's LOH was compacted.
+ void check_loh_compact_mode (BOOL all_heaps_compacted_p);
+ void decommit_ephemeral_segment_pages (int condemned_gen_number);
+ void fix_generation_bounds (int condemned_gen_number,
+ generation* consing_gen);
+ uint8_t* generation_limit (int gen_number);
+ struct make_free_args
+ {
+ int free_list_gen_number;
+ uint8_t* current_gen_limit;
+ generation* free_list_gen;
+ uint8_t* highest_plug;
+ };
+ uint8_t* allocate_at_end (size_t size);
+ BOOL ensure_gap_allocation (int condemned_gen_number);
+ // make_free_lists is only called by blocking GCs.
+ void make_free_lists (int condemned_gen_number);
+ void make_free_list_in_brick (uint8_t* tree, make_free_args* args);
+ void thread_gap (uint8_t* gap_start, size_t size, generation* gen);
+ void loh_thread_gap_front (uint8_t* gap_start, size_t size, generation* gen);
+ void make_unused_array (uint8_t* x, size_t size, BOOL clearp=FALSE, BOOL resetp=FALSE);
+ void clear_unused_array (uint8_t* x, size_t size);
+ void relocate_address (uint8_t** old_address THREAD_NUMBER_DCL);
+ struct relocate_args
+ {
+ uint8_t* last_plug;
+ uint8_t* low;
+ uint8_t* high;
+ BOOL is_shortened;
+ mark* pinned_plug_entry;
+ };
+ void reloc_survivor_helper (uint8_t** pval);
+ void check_class_object_demotion (uint8_t* obj);
+ void check_class_object_demotion_internal (uint8_t* obj);
+ void check_demotion_helper (uint8_t** pval, uint8_t* parent_obj);
+ void relocate_survivor_helper (uint8_t* plug, uint8_t* plug_end);
+ void verify_pins_with_post_plug_info (const char* msg);
+ void unconditional_set_card_collectible (uint8_t* obj);
+ void relocate_shortened_survivor_helper (uint8_t* plug, uint8_t* plug_end, mark* pinned_plug_entry);
+ void relocate_obj_helper (uint8_t* x, size_t s);
+ void reloc_ref_in_shortened_obj (uint8_t** address_to_set_card, uint8_t** address_to_reloc);
+ void relocate_pre_plug_info (mark* pinned_plug_entry);
+ void relocate_shortened_obj_helper (uint8_t* x, size_t s, uint8_t* end, mark* pinned_plug_entry, BOOL is_pinned);
+ void relocate_survivors_in_plug (uint8_t* plug, uint8_t* plug_end,
+ BOOL check_last_object_p,
+ mark* pinned_plug_entry);
+ void relocate_survivors_in_brick (uint8_t* tree, relocate_args* args);
+ void update_oldest_pinned_plug();
+ void relocate_survivors (int condemned_gen_number,
+ uint8_t* first_condemned_address );
+ void relocate_phase (int condemned_gen_number,
+ uint8_t* first_condemned_address);
+ struct compact_args
+ {
+ BOOL copy_cards_p;
+ uint8_t* last_plug;
+ ptrdiff_t last_plug_relocation;
+ uint8_t* before_last_plug;
+ size_t current_compacted_brick;
+ BOOL is_shortened;
+ mark* pinned_plug_entry;
+ BOOL check_gennum_p;
+ int src_gennum;
+ void print()
+ {
+ dprintf (3, ("last plug: %Ix, last plug reloc: %Ix, before last: %Ix, b: %Ix",
+ last_plug, last_plug_relocation, before_last_plug, current_compacted_brick));
+ }
+ };
+ void copy_cards_range (uint8_t* dest, uint8_t* src, size_t len, BOOL copy_cards_p);
+ void gcmemcopy (uint8_t* dest, uint8_t* src, size_t len, BOOL copy_cards_p);
+ void compact_plug (uint8_t* plug, size_t size, BOOL check_last_object_p, compact_args* args);
+ void compact_in_brick (uint8_t* tree, compact_args* args);
+ mark* get_next_pinned_entry (uint8_t* tree,
+ BOOL* has_pre_plug_info_p,
+ BOOL* has_post_plug_info_p,
+ BOOL deque_p=TRUE);
+ mark* get_oldest_pinned_entry (BOOL* has_pre_plug_info_p, BOOL* has_post_plug_info_p);
+ void recover_saved_pinned_info();
+ void compact_phase (int condemned_gen_number, uint8_t*
+ first_condemned_address, BOOL clear_cards);
+ void clear_cards (size_t start_card, size_t end_card);
+ void clear_card_for_addresses (uint8_t* start_address, uint8_t* end_address);
+ void copy_cards (size_t dst_card, size_t src_card,
+ size_t end_card, BOOL nextp);
+ void copy_cards_for_addresses (uint8_t* dest, uint8_t* src, size_t len);
+ void copy_mark_bits (size_t dst_mark_bit, size_t src_mark_bit, size_t end_mark_bit);
+ void copy_mark_bits_for_addresses (uint8_t* dest, uint8_t* src, size_t len);
+ BOOL ephemeral_pointer_p (uint8_t* o);
+ void fix_brick_to_highest (uint8_t* o, uint8_t* next_o);
+ uint8_t* find_first_object (uint8_t* start_address, uint8_t* first_object);
+ uint8_t* compute_next_boundary (uint8_t* low, int gen_number, BOOL relocating);
+ void keep_card_live (uint8_t* o, size_t& n_gen,
+ size_t& cg_pointers_found);
+ void mark_through_cards_helper (uint8_t** poo, size_t& ngen,
+ size_t& cg_pointers_found,
+ card_fn fn, uint8_t* nhigh,
+ uint8_t* next_boundary);
+ BOOL card_transition (uint8_t* po, uint8_t* end, size_t card_word_end,
+ size_t& cg_pointers_found,
+ size_t& n_eph, size_t& n_card_set,
+ size_t& card, size_t& end_card,
+ BOOL& foundp, uint8_t*& start_address,
+ uint8_t*& limit, size_t& n_cards_cleared);
+ void mark_through_cards_for_segments (card_fn fn, BOOL relocating);
+ void repair_allocation_in_expanded_heap (generation* gen);
+ BOOL can_fit_in_spaces_p (size_t* ordered_blocks, int small_index, size_t* ordered_spaces, int big_index);
+ BOOL can_fit_blocks_p (size_t* ordered_blocks, int block_index, size_t* ordered_spaces, int* space_index);
+ BOOL can_fit_all_blocks_p (size_t* ordered_blocks, size_t* ordered_spaces, int count);
+ size_t dump_buckets (size_t* ordered_indices, int count, size_t* total_size);
+ void build_ordered_free_spaces (heap_segment* seg);
+ void count_plug (size_t last_plug_size, uint8_t*& last_plug);
+ void count_plugs_in_brick (uint8_t* tree, uint8_t*& last_plug);
+ void build_ordered_plug_indices ();
+ void init_ordered_free_space_indices ();
+ void trim_free_spaces_indices ();
+ BOOL try_best_fit (BOOL end_of_segment_p);
+ BOOL best_fit (size_t free_space, size_t largest_free_space, size_t additional_space, BOOL* use_additional_space);
+ BOOL process_free_space (heap_segment* seg,
+ size_t free_space,
+ size_t min_free_size,
+ size_t min_cont_size,
+ size_t* total_free_space,
+ size_t* largest_free_space);
+ size_t compute_eph_gen_starts_size();
+ void compute_new_ephemeral_size();
+ BOOL expand_reused_seg_p();
+ BOOL can_expand_into_p (heap_segment* seg, size_t min_free_size,
+ size_t min_cont_size, allocator* al);
+ uint8_t* allocate_in_expanded_heap (generation* gen, size_t size,
+ BOOL& adjacentp, uint8_t* old_loc,
+ BOOL set_padding_on_saved_p,
+ mark* pinned_plug_entry,
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ BOOL consider_bestfit, int active_new_gen_number
+ void realloc_plug (size_t last_plug_size, uint8_t*& last_plug,
+ generation* gen, uint8_t* start_address,
+ unsigned int& active_new_gen_number,
+ uint8_t*& last_pinned_gap, BOOL& leftp,
+ BOOL shortened_p
+ , mark* pinned_plug_entry
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ );
+ void realloc_in_brick (uint8_t* tree, uint8_t*& last_plug, uint8_t* start_address,
+ generation* gen,
+ unsigned int& active_new_gen_number,
+ uint8_t*& last_pinned_gap, BOOL& leftp);
+ void realloc_plugs (generation* consing_gen, heap_segment* seg,
+ uint8_t* start_address, uint8_t* end_address,
+ unsigned active_new_gen_number);
+ void set_expand_in_full_gc (int condemned_gen_number);
+ void verify_no_pins (uint8_t* start, uint8_t* end);
+ generation* expand_heap (int condemned_generation,
+ generation* consing_gen,
+ heap_segment* new_heap_segment);
+ void save_ephemeral_generation_starts();
+ bool init_dynamic_data ();
+ float surv_to_growth (float cst, float limit, float max_limit);
+ size_t desired_new_allocation (dynamic_data* dd, size_t out,
+ int gen_number, int pass);
+ void trim_youngest_desired_low_memory();
+ void decommit_ephemeral_segment_pages();
+#ifdef BIT64
+ size_t trim_youngest_desired (uint32_t memory_load,
+ size_t total_new_allocation,
+ size_t total_min_allocation);
+ size_t joined_youngest_desired (size_t new_allocation);
+#endif // BIT64
+ size_t get_total_heap_size ();
+ size_t get_total_committed_size();
+ void get_memory_info (uint32_t* memory_load,
+ uint64_t* available_physical=NULL,
+ uint64_t* available_page_file=NULL);
+ size_t generation_size (int gen_number);
+ size_t get_total_survived_size();
+ size_t get_current_allocated();
+ size_t get_total_allocated();
+ size_t current_generation_size (int gen_number);
+ size_t generation_plan_size (int gen_number);
+ void compute_promoted_allocation (int gen_number);
+ size_t compute_in (int gen_number);
+ void compute_new_dynamic_data (int gen_number);
+ gc_history_per_heap* get_gc_data_per_heap();
+ size_t new_allocation_limit (size_t size, size_t free_size, int gen_number);
+ size_t generation_fragmentation (generation* gen,
+ generation* consing_gen,
+ uint8_t* end);
+ size_t generation_sizes (generation* gen);
+ size_t committed_size();
+ size_t approximate_new_allocation();
+ size_t end_space_after_gc();
+ BOOL decide_on_compacting (int condemned_gen_number,
+ size_t fragmentation,
+ BOOL& should_expand);
+ BOOL ephemeral_gen_fit_p (gc_tuning_point tp);
+ void reset_large_object (uint8_t* o);
+ void sweep_large_objects ();
+ void relocate_in_large_objects ();
+ void mark_through_cards_for_large_objects (card_fn fn, BOOL relocating);
+ void descr_segment (heap_segment* seg);
+ void descr_card_table ();
+ void descr_generations (BOOL begin_gc_p);
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ void descr_generations_to_profiler (gen_walk_fn fn, void *context);
+ void record_survived_for_profiler(int condemned_gen_number, uint8_t * first_condemned_address);
+ void notify_profiler_of_surviving_large_objects ();
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ /*------------ Multiple non isolated heaps ----------------*/
+ BOOL create_thread_support (unsigned number_of_heaps);
+ void destroy_thread_support ();
+ bool create_gc_thread();
+ void gc_thread_function();
+#ifdef MARK_LIST
+ void sort_mark_list();
+ void merge_mark_lists();
+ void append_to_mark_list(uint8_t **start, uint8_t **end);
+ void combine_mark_lists();
+ /*------------ End of Multiple non isolated heaps ---------*/
+ heap_segment* segment_of (uint8_t* add, ptrdiff_t & delta,
+ BOOL verify_p = FALSE);
+ //this is called by revisit....
+ uint8_t* high_page (heap_segment* seg, BOOL concurrent_p);
+ void revisit_written_page (uint8_t* page, uint8_t* end, BOOL concurrent_p,
+ heap_segment* seg, uint8_t*& last_page,
+ uint8_t*& last_object, BOOL large_objects_p,
+ size_t& num_marked_objects);
+ void revisit_written_pages (BOOL concurrent_p, BOOL reset_only_p=FALSE);
+ void concurrent_scan_dependent_handles (ScanContext *sc);
+ void suspend_EE ();
+ void bgc_suspend_EE ();
+ void restart_EE ();
+ void background_verify_mark (Object*& object, ScanContext* sc, uint32_t flags);
+ void background_scan_dependent_handles (ScanContext *sc);
+ void allow_fgc();
+ // Restores BGC settings if necessary.
+ void recover_bgc_settings();
+ void save_bgc_data_per_heap();
+ BOOL should_commit_mark_array();
+ void clear_commit_flag();
+ void clear_commit_flag_global();
+ void verify_mark_array_cleared (heap_segment* seg, uint32_t* mark_array_addr);
+ void verify_mark_array_cleared (uint8_t* begin, uint8_t* end, uint32_t* mark_array_addr);
+ BOOL commit_mark_array_by_range (uint8_t* begin,
+ uint8_t* end,
+ uint32_t* mark_array_addr);
+ BOOL commit_mark_array_new_seg (gc_heap* hp,
+ heap_segment* seg,
+ uint32_t* new_card_table = 0,
+ uint8_t* new_lowest_address = 0);
+ BOOL commit_mark_array_with_check (heap_segment* seg, uint32_t* mark_array_addr);
+ // commit the portion of the mark array that corresponds to
+ // this segment (from beginning to reserved).
+ // seg and heap_segment_reserved (seg) are guaranteed to be
+ // page aligned.
+ BOOL commit_mark_array_by_seg (heap_segment* seg, uint32_t* mark_array_addr);
+ // During BGC init, we commit the mark array for all in range
+ // segments whose mark array hasn't been committed or fully
+ // committed. All rw segments are in range, only ro segments
+ // can be partial in range.
+ BOOL commit_mark_array_bgc_init (uint32_t* mark_array_addr);
+ BOOL commit_new_mark_array (uint32_t* new_mark_array);
+ // We need to commit all segments that intersect with the bgc
+ // range. If a segment is only partially in range, we still
+ // should commit the mark array for the whole segment as
+ // we will set the mark array commit flag for this segment.
+ BOOL commit_new_mark_array_global (uint32_t* new_mark_array);
+ // We can't decommit the first and the last page in the mark array
+ // if the beginning and ending don't happen to be page aligned.
+ void decommit_mark_array_by_seg (heap_segment* seg);
+ void background_mark_phase();
+ void background_drain_mark_list (int thread);
+ void background_grow_c_mark_list();
+ void background_promote_callback(Object** object, ScanContext* sc, uint32_t flags);
+ void mark_absorb_new_alloc();
+ void restart_vm();
+ BOOL prepare_bgc_thread(gc_heap* gh);
+ BOOL create_bgc_thread(gc_heap* gh);
+ BOOL create_bgc_threads_support (int number_of_heaps);
+ BOOL create_bgc_thread_support();
+ int check_for_ephemeral_alloc();
+ void wait_to_proceed();
+ void fire_alloc_wait_event_begin (alloc_wait_reason awr);
+ void fire_alloc_wait_event_end (alloc_wait_reason awr);
+ void background_gc_wait_lh (alloc_wait_reason awr = awr_ignored);
+ uint32_t background_gc_wait (alloc_wait_reason awr = awr_ignored, int time_out_ms = INFINITE);
+ void start_c_gc();
+ void kill_gc_thread();
+ uint32_t bgc_thread_function();
+ void do_background_gc();
+ static
+ uint32_t __stdcall bgc_thread_stub (void* arg);
+ VOLATILE(bool) internal_gc_done;
+ uint32_t cm_in_progress;
+ BOOL expanded_in_fgc;
+ // normally this is FALSE; we set it to TRUE at the end of the gen1 GC
+ // we do right before the bgc starts.
+ BOOL dont_restart_ee_p;
+ CLREvent bgc_start_event;
+ uint32_t wait_for_gc_done(int32_t timeOut = INFINITE);
+ // Returns TRUE if the thread used to be in cooperative mode
+ // before calling this function.
+ BOOL enable_preemptive (Thread* current_thread);
+ void disable_preemptive (Thread* current_thread, BOOL restore_cooperative);
+ /* ------------------- per heap members --------------------------*/
+ CLREvent gc_done_event;
+ CLREvent gc_done_event;
+ VOLATILE(int32_t) gc_done_event_lock;
+ VOLATILE(bool) gc_done_event_set;
+ void set_gc_done();
+ void reset_gc_done();
+ void enter_gc_done_event_lock();
+ void exit_gc_done_event_lock();
+ uint8_t* ephemeral_low; //lowest ephemeral address
+ uint8_t* ephemeral_high; //highest ephemeral address
+ uint32_t* card_table;
+ short* brick_table;
+#ifdef MARK_ARRAY
+ uint32_t* mark_array;
+ SPTR_DECL(uint32_t, mark_array);
+#endif //MARK_ARRAY
+ uint32_t* card_bundle_table;
+#endif //CARD_BUNDLE
+ sorted_table* seg_table;
+ VOLATILE(BOOL) gc_started;
+ // The following 2 events are there to support the gen2
+ // notification feature which is only enabled if concurrent
+ // GC is disabled.
+ CLREvent full_gc_approach_event;
+ CLREvent full_gc_end_event;
+ // Full GC Notification percentages.
+ uint32_t fgn_maxgen_percent;
+ uint32_t fgn_loh_percent;
+ VOLATILE(bool) full_gc_approach_event_set;
+ BOOL fgn_last_gc_was_concurrent;
+ size_t fgn_last_alloc;
+ static uint32_t user_thread_wait (CLREvent *event, BOOL no_mode_change, int time_out_ms=INFINITE);
+ static wait_full_gc_status full_gc_wait (CLREvent *event, int time_out_ms);
+ uint8_t* demotion_low;
+ uint8_t* demotion_high;
+ BOOL demote_gen1_p;
+ uint8_t* last_gen1_pin_end;
+ gen_to_condemn_tuning gen_to_condemn_reasons;
+ size_t etw_allocation_running_amount[2];
+ int gc_policy; //sweep, compact, expand
+ bool gc_thread_no_affinitize_p;
+ CLREvent gc_start_event;
+ CLREvent ee_suspend_event;
+ heap_segment* new_heap_segment;
+#define alloc_quantum_balance_units (16)
+ size_t min_balance_threshold;
+ size_t allocation_running_time;
+ size_t allocation_running_amount;
+ gc_mechanisms settings;
+ gc_history_global gc_data_global;
+ size_t gc_last_ephemeral_decommit_time;
+ size_t gc_gen0_desired_high;
+ size_t gen0_big_free_spaces;
+ double short_plugs_pad_ratio;
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+#ifdef BIT64
+ size_t youngest_gen_desired_th;
+#endif //BIT64
+ uint32_t high_memory_load_th;
+ uint64_t mem_one_percent;
+ uint64_t total_physical_mem;
+ uint64_t entry_available_physical_mem;
+ size_t last_gc_index;
+ size_t min_segment_size;
+ uint8_t* lowest_address;
+ uint8_t* highest_address;
+ BOOL ephemeral_promotion;
+ uint8_t* saved_ephemeral_plan_start[NUMBERGENERATIONS-1];
+ size_t saved_ephemeral_plan_start_size[NUMBERGENERATIONS-1];
+ GCHeap* vm_heap;
+ int heap_number;
+ VOLATILE(int) alloc_context_count;
+#define vm_heap ((GCHeap*) g_pGCHeap)
+#define heap_number (0)
+ SPTR_DECL(heap_segment,ephemeral_heap_segment);
+ heap_segment* ephemeral_heap_segment;
+#endif // !MULTIPLE_HEAPS
+ size_t time_bgc_last;
+ uint8_t* gc_low; // lowest address being condemned
+ uint8_t* gc_high; //highest address being condemned
+ size_t mark_stack_tos;
+ size_t mark_stack_bos;
+ size_t mark_stack_array_length;
+ mark* mark_stack_array;
+ BOOL verify_pinned_queue_p;
+ uint8_t* oldest_pinned_plug;
+ size_t num_pinned_objects;
+ size_t loh_pinned_queue_tos;
+ size_t loh_pinned_queue_bos;
+ size_t loh_pinned_queue_length;
+ int loh_pinned_queue_decay;
+ mark* loh_pinned_queue;
+ // This is for forced LOH compaction via the complus env var
+ BOOL loh_compaction_always_p;
+ // This is set by the user.
+ gc_loh_compaction_mode loh_compaction_mode;
+ // We may not compact LOH on every heap if we can't
+ // grow the pinned queue. This is to indicate whether
+ // this heap's LOH is compacted or not. So even if
+ // settings.loh_compaction is TRUE this may not be TRUE.
+ BOOL loh_compacted_p;
+ EEThreadId bgc_thread_id;
+ uint8_t* background_written_addresses [array_size+2];
+#endif //WRITE_WATCH
+#if defined (DACCESS_COMPILE) && !defined (MULTIPLE_HEAPS)
+ // doesn't need to be volatile for DAC.
+ SVAL_DECL(c_gc_state, current_c_gc_state);
+ VOLATILE(c_gc_state) current_c_gc_state; //tells the large object allocator to
+ //mark the object as new since the start of gc.
+ gc_mechanisms saved_bgc_settings;
+ gc_history_per_heap bgc_data_per_heap;
+ BOOL bgc_thread_running; // gc thread is its main loop
+ BOOL keep_bgc_threads_p;
+ // This event is used by BGC threads to do something on
+ // one specific thread while other BGC threads have to
+ // wait. This is different from a join 'cause you can't
+ // specify which thread should be doing some task
+ // while other threads have to wait.
+ // For example, to make the BGC threads managed threads
+ // we need to create them on the thread that called
+ // SuspendEE which is heap 0.
+ CLREvent bgc_threads_sync_event;
+ Thread* bgc_thread;
+ CLRCriticalSection bgc_threads_timeout_cs;
+ CLREvent background_gc_done_event;
+ CLREvent ee_proceed_event;
+ CLREvent gc_lh_block_event;
+ bool gc_can_use_concurrent;
+ bool temp_disable_concurrent_p;
+ BOOL do_ephemeral_gc_p;
+ BOOL do_concurrent_p;
+ VOLATILE(bgc_state) current_bgc_state;
+ struct gc_history
+ {
+ size_t gc_index;
+ bgc_state current_bgc_state;
+ uint32_t gc_time_ms;
+ // This is in bytes per ms; consider breaking it
+ // into the efficiency per phase.
+ size_t gc_efficiency;
+ uint8_t* eph_low;
+ uint8_t* gen0_start;
+ uint8_t* eph_high;
+ uint8_t* bgc_highest;
+ uint8_t* bgc_lowest;
+ uint8_t* fgc_highest;
+ uint8_t* fgc_lowest;
+ uint8_t* g_highest;
+ uint8_t* g_lowest;
+ };
+#define max_history_count 64
+ int gchist_index_per_heap;
+ gc_history gchist_per_heap[max_history_count];
+ int gchist_index;
+ gc_mechanisms_store gchist[max_history_count];
+ void add_to_history_per_heap();
+ void add_to_history();
+ size_t total_promoted_bytes;
+ size_t bgc_overflow_count;
+ size_t bgc_begin_loh_size;
+ size_t end_loh_size;
+ // We need to throttle the LOH allocations during BGC since we can't
+ // collect LOH when BGC is in progress.
+ // We allow the LOH heap size to double during a BGC. So for every
+ // 10% increase we will have the LOH allocating thread sleep for one more
+ // ms. So we are already 30% over the original heap size the thread will
+ // sleep for 3ms.
+ uint32_t bgc_alloc_spin_loh;
+ // This includes what we allocate at the end of segment - allocating
+ // in free list doesn't increase the heap size.
+ size_t bgc_loh_size_increased;
+ size_t bgc_loh_allocated_in_free;
+ size_t background_soh_alloc_count;
+ size_t background_loh_alloc_count;
+ uint8_t** background_mark_stack_tos;
+ uint8_t** background_mark_stack_array;
+ size_t background_mark_stack_array_length;
+ uint8_t* background_min_overflow_address;
+ uint8_t* background_max_overflow_address;
+ // We can't process the soh range concurrently so we
+ // wait till final mark to process it.
+ BOOL processed_soh_overflow_p;
+ uint8_t* background_min_soh_overflow_address;
+ uint8_t* background_max_soh_overflow_address;
+ heap_segment* saved_overflow_ephemeral_seg;
+ SPTR_DECL(heap_segment, saved_sweep_ephemeral_seg);
+ SPTR_DECL(uint8_t, saved_sweep_ephemeral_start);
+ SPTR_DECL(uint8_t, background_saved_lowest_address);
+ SPTR_DECL(uint8_t, background_saved_highest_address);
+ heap_segment* saved_sweep_ephemeral_seg;
+ uint8_t* saved_sweep_ephemeral_start;
+ uint8_t* background_saved_lowest_address;
+ uint8_t* background_saved_highest_address;
+ // This is used for synchronization between the bgc thread
+ // for this heap and the user threads allocating on this
+ // heap.
+ exclusive_sync* bgc_alloc_lock;
+ snoop_stats_data snoop_stat;
+#endif //SNOOP_STATS
+ uint8_t** c_mark_list;
+ size_t c_mark_list_length;
+ size_t c_mark_list_index;
+#ifdef MARK_LIST
+ uint8_t** mark_list;
+ size_t mark_list_size;
+ uint8_t** mark_list_end;
+ uint8_t** mark_list_index;
+ uint8_t** g_mark_list;
+ uint8_t** g_mark_list_copy;
+ uint8_t*** mark_list_piece_start;
+ uint8_t*** mark_list_piece_end;
+#endif //MARK_LIST
+ uint8_t* min_overflow_address;
+ uint8_t* max_overflow_address;
+ uint8_t* shigh; //keeps track of the highest marked object
+ uint8_t* slow; //keeps track of the lowest marked object
+ size_t allocation_quantum;
+ size_t alloc_contexts_used;
+ no_gc_region_info current_no_gc_region_info;
+ size_t soh_allocation_no_gc;
+ size_t loh_allocation_no_gc;
+ heap_segment* saved_loh_segment_no_gc;
+ BOOL proceed_with_gc_p;
+#define youngest_generation (generation_of (0))
+#define large_object_generation (generation_of (max_generation+1))
+ SPTR_DECL(uint8_t,alloc_allocated);
+ uint8_t* alloc_allocated; //keeps track of the highest
+ //address allocated by alloc
+#endif // !MULTIPLE_HEAPS
+ // The more_space_lock and gc_lock is used for 3 purposes:
+ //
+ // 1) to coordinate threads that exceed their quantum (UP & MP) (more_space_lock)
+ // 2) to synchronize allocations of large objects (more_space_lock)
+ // 3) to synchronize the GC itself (gc_lock)
+ //
+ GCSpinLock gc_lock; //lock while doing GC
+ GCSpinLock more_space_lock; //lock while allocating more space
+ unsigned int good_suspension;
+ unsigned int bad_suspension;
+ // Number of times when msl_acquire is > 200 cycles.
+ unsigned int num_high_msl_acquire;
+ // Number of times when msl_acquire is < 200 cycles.
+ unsigned int num_low_msl_acquire;
+ // Number of times the more_space_lock is acquired.
+ unsigned int num_msl_acquired;
+ // Total cycles it takes to acquire the more_space_lock.
+ uint64_t total_msl_acquire;
+ void init_heap_sync_stats()
+ {
+ good_suspension = 0;
+ bad_suspension = 0;
+ num_msl_acquired = 0;
+ total_msl_acquire = 0;
+ num_high_msl_acquire = 0;
+ num_low_msl_acquire = 0;
+ more_space_lock.init();
+ gc_lock.init();
+ }
+ void print_heap_sync_stats(unsigned int heap_num, unsigned int gc_count_during_log)
+ {
+ printf("%2d%2d%10u%10u%12u%6u%4u%8u(%4u,%4u,%4u,%4u)\n",
+ heap_num,
+ alloc_contexts_used,
+ good_suspension,
+ bad_suspension,
+ (unsigned int)(total_msl_acquire / gc_count_during_log),
+ num_high_msl_acquire / gc_count_during_log,
+ num_low_msl_acquire / gc_count_during_log,
+ num_msl_acquired / gc_count_during_log,
+ more_space_lock.num_switch_thread / gc_count_during_log,
+ more_space_lock.num_wait_longer / gc_count_during_log,
+ more_space_lock.num_switch_thread_w / gc_count_during_log,
+ more_space_lock.num_disable_preemptive_w / gc_count_during_log);
+ }
+ generation generation_table [NUMBERGENERATIONS+1];
+#define NUM_LOH_ALIST (7)
+#define BASE_LOH_ALIST (64*1024)
+ alloc_list loh_alloc_list[NUM_LOH_ALIST-1];
+#define NUM_GEN2_ALIST (12)
+#ifdef BIT64
+#define BASE_GEN2_ALIST (1*256)
+#define BASE_GEN2_ALIST (1*128)
+#endif // BIT64
+ alloc_list gen2_alloc_list[NUM_GEN2_ALIST-1];
+ dynamic_data dynamic_data_table [NUMBERGENERATIONS+1];
+ gc_history_per_heap gc_data_per_heap;
+ size_t maxgen_pinned_compact_before_advance;
+ // dynamic tuning.
+ BOOL dt_low_ephemeral_space_p (gc_tuning_point tp);
+ // if elevate_p is FALSE, it means we are determining fragmentation for a generation
+ // to see if we should condemn this gen; otherwise it means we are determining if
+ // we should elevate to doing max_gen from an ephemeral gen.
+ BOOL dt_high_frag_p (gc_tuning_point tp, int gen_number, BOOL elevate_p=FALSE);
+ dt_estimate_reclaim_space_p (gc_tuning_point tp, int gen_number);
+ BOOL dt_estimate_high_frag_p (gc_tuning_point tp, int gen_number, uint64_t available_mem);
+ BOOL dt_low_card_table_efficiency_p (gc_tuning_point tp);
+ int generation_skip_ratio;//in %
+ BOOL gen0_bricks_cleared;
+ int gen0_must_clear_bricks;
+#endif //FFIND_OBJECT
+ size_t full_gc_counts[gc_type_max];
+ // the # of bytes allocates since the last full compacting GC.
+ uint64_t loh_alloc_since_cg;
+ BOOL elevation_requested;
+ // if this is TRUE, we should always guarantee that we do a
+ // full compacting GC before we OOM.
+ BOOL last_gc_before_oom;
+ BOOL should_expand_in_full_gc;
+ size_t ephemeral_fgc_counts[max_generation];
+ BOOL alloc_wait_event_p;
+ SPTR_DECL(uint8_t, next_sweep_obj);
+ uint8_t* next_sweep_obj;
+ uint8_t* current_sweep_pos;
+ SVAL_DECL(oom_history, oom_info);
+ SPTR_DECL(CFinalize,finalize_queue);
+ oom_history oom_info;
+ PTR_CFinalize finalize_queue;
+#endif // !MULTIPLE_HEAPS
+ fgm_history fgm_result;
+ size_t eph_gen_starts_size;
+ size_t time_init;
+ size_t time_since_init;
+ // 0 stores compacting GCs;
+ // 1 stores sweeping GCs;
+ size_t compact_or_sweep_gcs[2];
+ size_t interesting_data_per_gc[max_idp_count];
+ size_t interesting_data_per_heap[max_idp_count];
+ size_t compact_reasons_per_heap[max_compact_reasons_count];
+ size_t expand_mechanisms_per_heap[max_expand_mechanisms_count];
+ size_t interesting_mechanism_bits_per_heap[max_gc_mechanism_bits_count];
+ BOOL ro_segments_in_range;
+ heap_segment* freeable_small_heap_segment;
+ heap_segment* freeable_large_heap_segment;
+ heap_segment* segment_standby_list;
+ size_t ordered_free_space_indices[MAX_NUM_BUCKETS];
+ size_t saved_ordered_free_space_indices[MAX_NUM_BUCKETS];
+ size_t ordered_plug_indices[MAX_NUM_BUCKETS];
+ size_t saved_ordered_plug_indices[MAX_NUM_BUCKETS];
+ BOOL ordered_plug_indices_init;
+ BOOL use_bestfit;
+ uint8_t* bestfit_first_pin;
+ BOOL commit_end_of_seg;
+ size_t max_free_space_items; // dynamically adjusted.
+ size_t free_space_buckets;
+ size_t free_space_items;
+ // -1 means we are using all the free
+ // spaces we have (not including
+ // end of seg space).
+ int trimmed_free_space_index;
+ size_t total_ephemeral_plugs;
+ seg_free_spaces* bestfit_seg;
+ // Note: we know this from the plan phase.
+ // total_ephemeral_plugs actually has the same value
+ // but while we are calculating its value we also store
+ // info on how big the plugs are for best fit which we
+ // don't do in plan phase.
+ // TODO: get rid of total_ephemeral_plugs.
+ size_t total_ephemeral_size;
+ BOOL heap_analyze_enabled;
+ size_t internal_root_array_length;
+ SPTR_DECL(PTR_uint8_t, internal_root_array);
+ SVAL_DECL(size_t, internal_root_array_index);
+ SVAL_DECL(BOOL, heap_analyze_success);
+ uint8_t** internal_root_array;
+ size_t internal_root_array_index;
+ BOOL heap_analyze_success;
+#endif // !MULTIPLE_HEAPS
+ // next two fields are used to optimize the search for the object
+ // enclosing the current reference handled by ha_mark_object_simple.
+ uint8_t* current_obj;
+ size_t current_obj_size;
+#endif //HEAP_ANALYZE
+ /* ----------------------- global members ----------------------- */
+ int condemned_generation_num;
+ BOOL blocking_collection;
+ SVAL_DECL(int, n_heaps);
+ SPTR_DECL(PTR_gc_heap, g_heaps);
+ static
+ size_t* g_promoted;
+ static
+ size_t* g_bpromoted;
+#ifdef MH_SC_MARK
+ int* g_mark_stack_busy;
+#endif //MH_SC_MARK
+ static
+ size_t g_promoted;
+ static
+ size_t g_bpromoted;
+ static
+ size_t reserved_memory;
+ static
+ size_t reserved_memory_limit;
+ static
+ BOOL g_low_memory_status;
+ void update_collection_counts ();
+}; // class gc_heap
+class CFinalize
+ friend class ::ClrDataAccess;
+ //adjust the count and add a constant to add a segment
+ static const int ExtraSegCount = 2;
+ static const int FinalizerListSeg = NUMBERGENERATIONS+1;
+ static const int CriticalFinalizerListSeg = NUMBERGENERATIONS;
+ //Does not correspond to a segment
+ static const int FreeList = NUMBERGENERATIONS+ExtraSegCount;
+ PTR_PTR_Object m_Array;
+ PTR_PTR_Object m_FillPointers[NUMBERGENERATIONS+ExtraSegCount];
+ PTR_PTR_Object m_EndArray;
+ size_t m_PromotedCount;
+ VOLATILE(int32_t) lock;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ EEThreadId lockowner_threadid;
+#endif // _DEBUG
+ BOOL GrowArray();
+ void MoveItem (Object** fromIndex,
+ unsigned int fromSeg,
+ unsigned int toSeg);
+ inline PTR_PTR_Object& SegQueue (unsigned int Seg)
+ {
+ return (Seg ? m_FillPointers [Seg-1] : m_Array);
+ }
+ inline PTR_PTR_Object& SegQueueLimit (unsigned int Seg)
+ {
+ return m_FillPointers [Seg];
+ }
+ BOOL IsSegEmpty ( unsigned int i)
+ {
+ ASSERT ( (int)i < FreeList);
+ return (SegQueueLimit(i) == SegQueue (i));
+ }
+ BOOL FinalizeSegForAppDomain (AppDomain *pDomain,
+ BOOL fRunFinalizers,
+ unsigned int Seg);
+ ~CFinalize();
+ bool Initialize();
+ void EnterFinalizeLock();
+ void LeaveFinalizeLock();
+ bool RegisterForFinalization (int gen, Object* obj, size_t size=0);
+ Object* GetNextFinalizableObject (BOOL only_non_critical=FALSE);
+ BOOL ScanForFinalization (promote_func* fn, int gen,BOOL mark_only_p, gc_heap* hp);
+ void RelocateFinalizationData (int gen, gc_heap* hp);
+ void WalkFReachableObjects (gc_heap* hp);
+#endif //GC_PROFILING
+ void GcScanRoots (promote_func* fn, int hn, ScanContext *pSC);
+ void UpdatePromotedGenerations (int gen, BOOL gen_0_empty_p);
+ size_t GetPromotedCount();
+ //Methods used by the shutdown code to call every finalizer
+ void SetSegForShutDown(BOOL fHasLock);
+ size_t GetNumberFinalizableObjects();
+ void DiscardNonCriticalObjects();
+ //Methods used by the app domain unloading call to finalize objects in an app domain
+ BOOL FinalizeAppDomain (AppDomain *pDomain, BOOL fRunFinalizers);
+ void CheckFinalizerObjects();
+ size_t& dd_begin_data_size (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->begin_data_size;
+ size_t& dd_survived_size (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->survived_size;
+ size_t& dd_num_npinned_plugs(dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->num_npinned_plugs;
+size_t& dd_pinned_survived_size (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->pinned_survived_size;
+size_t& dd_added_pinned_size (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->added_pinned_size;
+size_t& dd_artificial_pinned_survived_size (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->artificial_pinned_survived_size;
+size_t& dd_padding_size (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->padding_size;
+#endif //SHORT_PLUGS
+ size_t& dd_current_size (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->current_size;
+float& dd_surv (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->surv;
+size_t& dd_freach_previous_promotion (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->freach_previous_promotion;
+size_t& dd_desired_allocation (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->desired_allocation;
+size_t& dd_collection_count (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->collection_count;
+size_t& dd_promoted_size (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->promoted_size;
+float& dd_limit (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->limit;
+float& dd_max_limit (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->max_limit;
+size_t& dd_min_gc_size (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->min_gc_size;
+size_t& dd_max_size (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->max_size;
+size_t& dd_min_size (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->min_size;
+ptrdiff_t& dd_new_allocation (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->new_allocation;
+ptrdiff_t& dd_gc_new_allocation (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->gc_new_allocation;
+size_t& dd_default_new_allocation (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->default_new_allocation;
+size_t& dd_fragmentation_limit (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->fragmentation_limit;
+float& dd_fragmentation_burden_limit (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->fragmentation_burden_limit;
+float dd_v_fragmentation_burden_limit (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return (min (2*dd_fragmentation_burden_limit (inst), 0.75f));
+size_t& dd_fragmentation (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->fragmentation;
+size_t& dd_gc_clock (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->gc_clock;
+size_t& dd_time_clock (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->time_clock;
+size_t& dd_gc_elapsed_time (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->gc_elapsed_time;
+float& dd_gc_speed (dynamic_data* inst)
+ return inst->gc_speed;
+alloc_context* generation_alloc_context (generation* inst)
+ return &(inst->allocation_context);
+uint8_t*& generation_allocation_start (generation* inst)
+ return inst->allocation_start;
+uint8_t*& generation_allocation_pointer (generation* inst)
+ return inst->allocation_context.alloc_ptr;
+uint8_t*& generation_allocation_limit (generation* inst)
+ return inst->allocation_context.alloc_limit;
+allocator* generation_allocator (generation* inst)
+ return &inst->free_list_allocator;
+PTR_heap_segment& generation_start_segment (generation* inst)
+ return inst->start_segment;
+heap_segment*& generation_allocation_segment (generation* inst)
+ return inst->allocation_segment;
+uint8_t*& generation_plan_allocation_start (generation* inst)
+ return inst->plan_allocation_start;
+size_t& generation_plan_allocation_start_size (generation* inst)
+ return inst->plan_allocation_start_size;
+uint8_t*& generation_allocation_context_start_region (generation* inst)
+ return inst->allocation_context_start_region;
+size_t& generation_free_list_space (generation* inst)
+ return inst->free_list_space;
+size_t& generation_free_obj_space (generation* inst)
+ return inst->free_obj_space;
+size_t& generation_allocation_size (generation* inst)
+ return inst->allocation_size;
+size_t& generation_pinned_allocated (generation* inst)
+ return inst->pinned_allocated;
+size_t& generation_pinned_allocation_sweep_size (generation* inst)
+ return inst->pinned_allocation_sweep_size;
+size_t& generation_pinned_allocation_compact_size (generation* inst)
+ return inst->pinned_allocation_compact_size;
+size_t& generation_free_list_allocated (generation* inst)
+ return inst->free_list_allocated;
+size_t& generation_end_seg_allocated (generation* inst)
+ return inst->end_seg_allocated;
+BOOL& generation_allocate_end_seg_p (generation* inst)
+ return inst->allocate_end_seg_p;
+size_t& generation_condemned_allocated (generation* inst)
+ return inst->condemned_allocated;
+size_t& generation_pinned_free_obj_space (generation* inst)
+ return inst->pinned_free_obj_space;
+size_t& generation_allocated_in_pinned_free (generation* inst)
+ return inst->allocated_in_pinned_free;
+size_t& generation_allocated_since_last_pin (generation* inst)
+ return inst->allocated_since_last_pin;
+float generation_allocator_efficiency (generation* inst)
+ if ((generation_free_list_allocated (inst) + generation_free_obj_space (inst)) != 0)
+ {
+ return ((float) (generation_free_list_allocated (inst)) / (float)(generation_free_list_allocated (inst) + generation_free_obj_space (inst)));
+ }
+ else
+ return 0;
+size_t generation_unusable_fragmentation (generation* inst)
+ return (size_t)(generation_free_obj_space (inst) +
+ (1.0f-generation_allocator_efficiency(inst))*generation_free_list_space (inst));
+#define plug_skew sizeof(ObjHeader)
+#define min_obj_size (sizeof(uint8_t*)+plug_skew+sizeof(size_t))//syncblock + vtable+ first field
+//Note that this encodes the fact that plug_skew is a multiple of uint8_t*.
+// We always use USE_PADDING_TAIL when fitting so items on the free list should be
+// twice the min_obj_size.
+#define min_free_list (2*min_obj_size)
+struct plug
+ uint8_t * skew[plug_skew / sizeof(uint8_t *)];
+class pair
+ short left;
+ short right;
+//Note that these encode the fact that plug_skew is a multiple of uint8_t*.
+// Each of new field is prepended to the prior struct.
+struct plug_and_pair
+ pair m_pair;
+ plug m_plug;
+struct plug_and_reloc
+ ptrdiff_t reloc;
+ pair m_pair;
+ plug m_plug;
+struct plug_and_gap
+ ptrdiff_t gap;
+ ptrdiff_t reloc;
+ union
+ {
+ pair m_pair;
+ int lr; //for clearing the entire pair in one instruction
+ };
+ plug m_plug;
+struct gap_reloc_pair
+ size_t gap;
+ size_t reloc;
+ pair m_pair;
+#define min_pre_pin_obj_size (sizeof (gap_reloc_pair) + min_obj_size)
+struct DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) aligned_plug_and_gap
+ plug_and_gap plugandgap;
+struct loh_obj_and_pad
+ ptrdiff_t reloc;
+ plug m_plug;
+struct loh_padding_obj
+ uint8_t* mt;
+ size_t len;
+ ptrdiff_t reloc;
+ plug m_plug;
+#define loh_padding_obj_size (sizeof(loh_padding_obj))
+//flags description
+#define heap_segment_flags_readonly 1
+#define heap_segment_flags_inrange 2
+#define heap_segment_flags_unmappable 4
+#define heap_segment_flags_loh 8
+#define heap_segment_flags_swept 16
+#define heap_segment_flags_decommitted 32
+#define heap_segment_flags_ma_committed 64
+// for segments whose mark array is only partially committed.
+#define heap_segment_flags_ma_pcommitted 128
+//need to be careful to keep enough pad items to fit a relocation node
+//padded to QuadWord before the plug_skew
+class heap_segment
+ uint8_t* allocated;
+ uint8_t* committed;
+ uint8_t* reserved;
+ uint8_t* used;
+ uint8_t* mem;
+ size_t flags;
+ PTR_heap_segment next;
+ uint8_t* plan_allocated;
+ uint8_t* background_allocated;
+ uint8_t* saved_bg_allocated;
+ gc_heap* heap;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+// Disable this warning - we intentionally want __declspec(align()) to insert padding for us
+#pragma warning(disable:4324) // structure was padded due to __declspec(align())
+ aligned_plug_and_gap padandplug;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(default:4324) // structure was padded due to __declspec(align())
+uint8_t*& heap_segment_reserved (heap_segment* inst)
+ return inst->reserved;
+uint8_t*& heap_segment_committed (heap_segment* inst)
+ return inst->committed;
+uint8_t*& heap_segment_used (heap_segment* inst)
+ return inst->used;
+uint8_t*& heap_segment_allocated (heap_segment* inst)
+ return inst->allocated;
+BOOL heap_segment_read_only_p (heap_segment* inst)
+ return ((inst->flags & heap_segment_flags_readonly) != 0);
+BOOL heap_segment_in_range_p (heap_segment* inst)
+ return (!(inst->flags & heap_segment_flags_readonly) ||
+ ((inst->flags & heap_segment_flags_inrange) != 0));
+BOOL heap_segment_unmappable_p (heap_segment* inst)
+ return (!(inst->flags & heap_segment_flags_readonly) ||
+ ((inst->flags & heap_segment_flags_unmappable) != 0));
+BOOL heap_segment_loh_p (heap_segment * inst)
+ return !!(inst->flags & heap_segment_flags_loh);
+BOOL heap_segment_decommitted_p (heap_segment * inst)
+ return !!(inst->flags & heap_segment_flags_decommitted);
+PTR_heap_segment & heap_segment_next (heap_segment* inst)
+ return inst->next;
+uint8_t*& heap_segment_mem (heap_segment* inst)
+ return inst->mem;
+uint8_t*& heap_segment_plan_allocated (heap_segment* inst)
+ return inst->plan_allocated;
+uint8_t*& heap_segment_background_allocated (heap_segment* inst)
+ return inst->background_allocated;
+uint8_t*& heap_segment_saved_bg_allocated (heap_segment* inst)
+ return inst->saved_bg_allocated;
+gc_heap*& heap_segment_heap (heap_segment* inst)
+ return inst->heap;
+extern "C" {
+GARY_DECL(size_t, interesting_data_per_heap, max_idp_count);
+GARY_DECL(size_t, compact_reasons_per_heap, max_compact_reasons_count);
+GARY_DECL(size_t, expand_mechanisms_per_heap, max_expand_mechanisms_count);
+GARY_DECL(size_t, interesting_mechanism_bits_per_heap, max_gc_mechanism_bits_count);
+generation* gc_heap::generation_of (int n)
+ assert (((n <= max_generation+1) && (n >= 0)));
+ return &generation_table [ n ];
+dynamic_data* gc_heap::dynamic_data_of (int gen_number)
+ return &dynamic_data_table [ gen_number ];
+extern "C" uint8_t* g_ephemeral_low;
+extern "C" uint8_t* g_ephemeral_high;
+#define card_word_width ((size_t)32)
+// The value of card_size is determined empirically according to the average size of an object
+// In the code we also rely on the assumption that one card_table entry (uint32_t) covers an entire os page
+#if defined (BIT64)
+#define card_size ((size_t)(2*OS_PAGE_SIZE/card_word_width))
+#define card_size ((size_t)(OS_PAGE_SIZE/card_word_width))
+#endif // BIT64
+size_t card_word (size_t card)
+ return card / card_word_width;
+unsigned card_bit (size_t card)
+ return (unsigned)(card % card_word_width);
+size_t gcard_of (uint8_t* object)
+ return (size_t)(object) / card_size;
diff --git a/src/gc/gcrecord.h b/src/gc/gcrecord.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c95ad04d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/gcrecord.h
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+Module Name:
+ gcrecord.h
+#ifndef __gc_record_h__
+#define __gc_record_h__
+#define max_generation 2
+// We pack the dynamic tuning for deciding which gen to condemn in a uint32_t.
+// We assume that 2 bits are enough to represent the generation.
+#define bits_generation 2
+#define generation_mask (~(~0u << bits_generation))
+//=======================note !!!===================================//
+// If you add stuff to this enum, remember to update total_gen_reasons
+// and record_condemn_gen_reasons below.
+//=======================note !!!===================================//
+// These are condemned reasons related to generations.
+// Each reason takes up 2 bits as we have 3 generations.
+// So we can store up to 16 reasons in this uint32_t.
+// They need processing before being used.
+// See the set and the get method for details.
+enum gc_condemn_reason_gen
+ gen_initial = 0, // indicates the initial gen to condemn.
+ gen_final_per_heap = 1, // indicates the final gen to condemn per heap.
+ gen_alloc_budget = 2, // indicates which gen's budget is exceeded.
+ gen_time_tuning = 3, // indicates the gen number that time based tuning decided.
+ gcrg_max = 4
+// These are condemned reasons related to conditions we are in.
+// For example, we are in very high memory load which is a condition.
+// Each condition takes up a single bit indicates TRUE or FALSE.
+// We can store 32 of these.
+enum gc_condemn_reason_condition
+ gen_induced_fullgc_p = 0,
+ gen_expand_fullgc_p = 1,
+ gen_high_mem_p = 2,
+ gen_very_high_mem_p = 3,
+ gen_low_ephemeral_p = 4,
+ gen_low_card_p = 5,
+ gen_eph_high_frag_p = 6,
+ gen_max_high_frag_p = 7,
+ gen_max_high_frag_e_p = 8,
+ gen_max_high_frag_m_p = 9,
+ gen_max_high_frag_vm_p = 10,
+ gen_max_gen1 = 11,
+ gen_before_oom = 12,
+ gen_gen2_too_small = 13,
+ gen_induced_noforce_p = 14,
+ gen_before_bgc = 15,
+ gen_almost_max_alloc = 16,
+ gcrc_max = 17
+#ifdef DT_LOG
+static char* record_condemn_reasons_gen_header = "[cg]i|f|a|t|";
+static char* record_condemn_reasons_condition_header = "[cc]i|e|h|v|l|l|e|m|m|m|m|g|o|s|n|b|a|";
+static char char_gen_number[4] = {'0', '1', '2', '3'};
+#endif //DT_LOG
+class gen_to_condemn_tuning
+ uint32_t condemn_reasons_gen;
+ uint32_t condemn_reasons_condition;
+#ifdef DT_LOG
+ char str_reasons_gen[64];
+ char str_reasons_condition[64];
+#endif //DT_LOG
+ void init_str()
+ {
+#ifdef DT_LOG
+ memset (str_reasons_gen, '|', sizeof (char) * 64);
+ str_reasons_gen[gcrg_max*2] = 0;
+ memset (str_reasons_condition, '|', sizeof (char) * 64);
+ str_reasons_condition[gcrc_max*2] = 0;
+#endif //DT_LOG
+ }
+ void init()
+ {
+ condemn_reasons_gen = 0;
+ condemn_reasons_condition = 0;
+ init_str();
+ }
+ void init (gen_to_condemn_tuning* reasons)
+ {
+ condemn_reasons_gen = reasons->condemn_reasons_gen;
+ condemn_reasons_condition = reasons->condemn_reasons_condition;
+ init_str();
+ }
+ void set_gen (gc_condemn_reason_gen condemn_gen_reason, uint32_t value)
+ {
+ assert ((value & (~generation_mask)) == 0);
+ condemn_reasons_gen |= (value << (condemn_gen_reason * 2));
+ }
+ void set_condition (gc_condemn_reason_condition condemn_gen_reason)
+ {
+ condemn_reasons_condition |= (1 << condemn_gen_reason);
+ }
+ // This checks if condition_to_check is the only condition set.
+ BOOL is_only_condition (gc_condemn_reason_condition condition_to_check)
+ {
+ uint32_t temp_conditions = 1 << condition_to_check;
+ return !(condemn_reasons_condition ^ temp_conditions);
+ }
+ uint32_t get_gen (gc_condemn_reason_gen condemn_gen_reason)
+ {
+ uint32_t value = ((condemn_reasons_gen >> (condemn_gen_reason * 2)) & generation_mask);
+ return value;
+ }
+ uint32_t get_condition (gc_condemn_reason_condition condemn_gen_reason)
+ {
+ uint32_t value = (condemn_reasons_condition & (1 << condemn_gen_reason));
+ return value;
+ }
+ uint32_t get_reasons0()
+ {
+ return condemn_reasons_gen;
+ }
+ uint32_t get_reasons1()
+ {
+ return condemn_reasons_condition;
+ }
+#ifdef DT_LOG
+ char get_gen_char (uint32_t value)
+ {
+ return char_gen_number[value];
+ }
+ char get_condition_char (uint32_t value)
+ {
+ return (value ? 'Y' : 'N');
+ }
+#endif //DT_LOG
+ void print (int heap_num);
+// Right now these are all size_t's but if you add a type that requires
+// padding you should add a pragma pack here since I am firing this as
+// a struct in an ETW event.
+struct gc_generation_data
+ // data recorded at the beginning of a GC
+ size_t size_before; // including fragmentation.
+ size_t free_list_space_before;
+ size_t free_obj_space_before;
+ // data recorded at the end of a GC
+ size_t size_after; // including fragmentation.
+ size_t free_list_space_after;
+ size_t free_obj_space_after;
+ size_t in;
+ size_t pinned_surv;
+ size_t npinned_surv;
+ size_t new_allocation;
+ void print (int heap_num, int gen_num);
+struct maxgen_size_increase
+ size_t free_list_allocated;
+ size_t free_list_rejected;
+ size_t end_seg_allocated;
+ size_t condemned_allocated;
+ size_t pinned_allocated;
+ size_t pinned_allocated_advance;
+ uint32_t running_free_list_efficiency;
+// The following indicates various mechanisms and one value
+// related to each one. Each value has its corresponding string
+// representation so if you change the enum's, make sure you
+// also add its string form.
+// Note that if we are doing a gen1 GC, we won't
+// really expand the heap if we are reusing, but
+// we'll record the can_expand_into_p result here.
+enum gc_heap_expand_mechanism
+ expand_reuse_normal = 0,
+ expand_reuse_bestfit = 1,
+ expand_new_seg_ep = 2, // new seg with ephemeral promotion
+ expand_new_seg = 3,
+ expand_no_memory = 4, // we can't get a new seg.
+ expand_next_full_gc = 5,
+ max_expand_mechanisms_count = 6
+#ifdef DT_LOG
+static char* str_heap_expand_mechanisms[] =
+ "reused seg with normal fit",
+ "reused seg with best fit",
+ "expand promoting eph",
+ "expand with a new seg",
+ "no memory for a new seg",
+ "expand in next full GC"
+#endif //DT_LOG
+enum gc_heap_compact_reason
+ compact_low_ephemeral = 0,
+ compact_high_frag = 1,
+ compact_no_gaps = 2,
+ compact_loh_forced = 3,
+ compact_last_gc = 4,
+ compact_induced_compacting = 5,
+ compact_fragmented_gen0 = 6,
+ compact_high_mem_load = 7,
+ compact_high_mem_frag = 8,
+ compact_vhigh_mem_frag = 9,
+ compact_no_gc_mode = 10,
+ max_compact_reasons_count = 11
+static BOOL gc_heap_compact_reason_mandatory_p[] =
+ TRUE, //compact_low_ephemeral = 0,
+ FALSE, //compact_high_frag = 1,
+ TRUE, //compact_no_gaps = 2,
+ TRUE, //compact_loh_forced = 3,
+ TRUE, //compact_last_gc = 4
+ TRUE, //compact_induced_compacting = 5,
+ FALSE, //compact_fragmented_gen0 = 6,
+ FALSE, //compact_high_mem_load = 7,
+ TRUE, //compact_high_mem_frag = 8,
+ TRUE, //compact_vhigh_mem_frag = 9,
+ TRUE //compact_no_gc_mode = 10
+static BOOL gc_expand_mechanism_mandatory_p[] =
+ FALSE, //expand_reuse_normal = 0,
+ TRUE, //expand_reuse_bestfit = 1,
+ FALSE, //expand_new_seg_ep = 2, // new seg with ephemeral promotion
+ TRUE, //expand_new_seg = 3,
+ FALSE, //expand_no_memory = 4, // we can't get a new seg.
+ TRUE //expand_next_full_gc = 5
+#ifdef DT_LOG
+static char* str_heap_compact_reasons[] =
+ "low on ephemeral space",
+ "high fragmetation",
+ "couldn't allocate gaps",
+ "user specfied compact LOH",
+ "last GC before OOM",
+ "induced compacting GC",
+ "fragmented gen0 (ephemeral GC)",
+ "high memory load (ephemeral GC)",
+ "high memory load and frag",
+ "very high memory load and frag",
+ "no gc mode"
+#endif //DT_LOG
+enum gc_mechanism_per_heap
+ gc_heap_expand,
+ gc_heap_compact,
+ max_mechanism_per_heap
+enum gc_mechanism_bit_per_heap
+ gc_mark_list_bit = 0,
+ gc_demotion_bit = 1,
+ max_gc_mechanism_bits_count = 2
+#ifdef DT_LOG
+struct gc_mechanism_descr
+ char* name;
+ char** descr;
+static gc_mechanism_descr gc_mechanisms_descr[max_mechanism_per_heap] =
+ {"expanded heap ", str_heap_expand_mechanisms},
+ {"compacted because of ", str_heap_compact_reasons}
+#endif //DT_LOG
+int index_of_set_bit (size_t power2);
+#define mechanism_mask (1 << (sizeof (uint32_t) * 8 - 1))
+// interesting per heap data we want to record for each GC.
+class gc_history_per_heap
+ gc_generation_data gen_data[max_generation+2];
+ maxgen_size_increase maxgen_size_info;
+ gen_to_condemn_tuning gen_to_condemn_reasons;
+ // The mechanisms data is compacted in the following way:
+ // most significant bit indicates if we did the operation.
+ // the rest of the bits indicate the reason/mechanism
+ // why we chose to do the operation. For example:
+ // if we did a heap expansion using best fit we'd have
+ // 0x80000002 for the gc_heap_expand mechanism.
+ // Only one value is possible for each mechanism - meaning the
+ // values are all exclusive
+ // TODO: for the config stuff I need to think more about how to represent this
+ // because we might want to know all reasons (at least all mandatory ones) for
+ // compact.
+ // TODO: no need to the MSB for this
+ uint32_t mechanisms[max_mechanism_per_heap];
+ // Each bit in this uint32_t represent if a mechanism was used or not.
+ uint32_t machanism_bits;
+ uint32_t heap_index;
+ size_t extra_gen0_committed;
+ void set_mechanism (gc_mechanism_per_heap mechanism_per_heap, uint32_t value);
+ void set_mechanism_bit (gc_mechanism_bit_per_heap mech_bit)
+ {
+ machanism_bits |= 1 << mech_bit;
+ }
+ void clear_mechanism_bit (gc_mechanism_bit_per_heap mech_bit)
+ {
+ machanism_bits &= ~(1 << mech_bit);
+ }
+ BOOL is_mechanism_bit_set (gc_mechanism_bit_per_heap mech_bit)
+ {
+ return (machanism_bits & (1 << mech_bit));
+ }
+ void clear_mechanism(gc_mechanism_per_heap mechanism_per_heap)
+ {
+ uint32_t* mechanism = &mechanisms[mechanism_per_heap];
+ *mechanism = 0;
+ }
+ int get_mechanism (gc_mechanism_per_heap mechanism_per_heap)
+ {
+ uint32_t mechanism = mechanisms[mechanism_per_heap];
+ if (mechanism & mechanism_mask)
+ {
+ int index = index_of_set_bit ((size_t)(mechanism & (~mechanism_mask)));
+ assert (index != -1);
+ return index;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ void print();
+// we store up to 32 boolean settings.
+enum gc_global_mechanism_p
+ global_concurrent = 0,
+ global_compaction = 1,
+ global_promotion = 2,
+ global_demotion = 3,
+ global_card_bundles = 4,
+ global_elevation = 5,
+ max_global_mechanisms_count
+struct gc_history_global
+ // We may apply other factors after we calculated gen0 budget in
+ // desired_new_allocation such as equalization or smoothing so
+ // record the final budget here.
+ size_t final_youngest_desired;
+ uint32_t num_heaps;
+ int condemned_generation;
+ int gen0_reduction_count;
+ gc_reason reason;
+ int pause_mode;
+ uint32_t mem_pressure;
+ uint32_t global_mechanims_p;
+ void set_mechanism_p (gc_global_mechanism_p mechanism)
+ {
+ global_mechanims_p |= (1 << mechanism);
+ }
+ BOOL get_mechanism_p (gc_global_mechanism_p mechanism)
+ {
+ return (global_mechanims_p & (1 << mechanism));
+ }
+ void print();
+#endif //__gc_record_h__
diff --git a/src/gc/gcscan.cpp b/src/gc/gcscan.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42989e0414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/gcscan.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+ *
+ * GC Root Scanning
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "common.h"
+#include "gcenv.h"
+#include "gcscan.h"
+#include "gc.h"
+#include "objecthandle.h"
+SVAL_IMPL_INIT(int32_t, GCScan, m_GcStructuresInvalidCnt, 1);
+VOLATILE(int32_t) GCScan::m_GcStructuresInvalidCnt = 1;
+bool GCScan::GetGcRuntimeStructuresValid ()
+ _ASSERTE ((int32_t)m_GcStructuresInvalidCnt >= 0);
+ return (int32_t)m_GcStructuresInvalidCnt == 0;
+GCScan::EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags)
+ m_GcStructuresInvalidCnt.EnumMem();
+// Dependent handle promotion scan support
+// This method is called first during the mark phase. It's job is to set up the context for further scanning
+// (remembering the scan parameters the GC gives us and initializing some state variables we use to determine
+// whether further scans will be required or not).
+// This scan is not guaranteed to return complete results due to the GC context in which we are called. In
+// particular it is possible, due to either a mark stack overflow or unsynchronized operation in server GC
+// mode, that not all reachable objects will be reported as promoted yet. However, the operations we perform
+// will still be correct and this scan allows us to spot a common optimization where no dependent handles are
+// due for retirement in this particular GC. This is an important optimization to take advantage of since
+// synchronizing the GC to calculate complete results is a costly operation.
+void GCScan::GcDhInitialScan(promote_func* fn, int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext* sc)
+ // We allocate space for dependent handle scanning context during Ref_Initialize. Under server GC there
+ // are actually as many contexts as heaps (and CPUs). Ref_GetDependentHandleContext() retrieves the
+ // correct context for the current GC thread based on the ScanContext passed to us by the GC.
+ DhContext *pDhContext = Ref_GetDependentHandleContext(sc);
+ // Record GC callback parameters in the DH context so that the GC doesn't continually have to pass the
+ // same data to each call.
+ pDhContext->m_pfnPromoteFunction = fn;
+ pDhContext->m_iCondemned = condemned;
+ pDhContext->m_iMaxGen = max_gen;
+ pDhContext->m_pScanContext = sc;
+ // Look for dependent handle whose primary has been promoted but whose secondary has not. Promote the
+ // secondary in those cases. Additionally this scan sets the m_fUnpromotedPrimaries and m_fPromoted state
+ // flags in the DH context. The m_fUnpromotedPrimaries flag is the most interesting here: if this flag is
+ // false after the scan then it doesn't matter how many object promotions might currently be missing since
+ // there are no secondary objects that are currently unpromoted anyway. This is the (hopefully common)
+ // circumstance under which we don't have to perform any costly additional re-scans.
+ Ref_ScanDependentHandlesForPromotion(pDhContext);
+// This method is called after GcDhInitialScan and before each subsequent scan (GcDhReScan below). It
+// determines whether any handles are left that have unpromoted secondaries.
+bool GCScan::GcDhUnpromotedHandlesExist(ScanContext* sc)
+ // Locate our dependent handle context based on the GC context.
+ DhContext *pDhContext = Ref_GetDependentHandleContext(sc);
+ return pDhContext->m_fUnpromotedPrimaries;
+// Perform a re-scan of dependent handles, promoting secondaries associated with newly promoted primaries as
+// above. We may still need to call this multiple times since promotion of a secondary late in the table could
+// promote a primary earlier in the table. Also, GC graph promotions are not guaranteed to be complete by the
+// time the promotion callback returns (the mark stack can overflow). As a result the GC might have to call
+// this method in a loop. The scan records state that let's us know when to terminate (no further handles to
+// be promoted or no promotions in the last scan). Returns true if at least one object was promoted as a
+// result of the scan.
+bool GCScan::GcDhReScan(ScanContext* sc)
+ // Locate our dependent handle context based on the GC context.
+ DhContext *pDhContext = Ref_GetDependentHandleContext(sc);
+ return Ref_ScanDependentHandlesForPromotion(pDhContext);
+ * Scan for dead weak pointers
+ */
+void GCScan::GcWeakPtrScan( promote_func* fn, int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext* sc )
+ // Clear out weak pointers that are no longer live.
+ Ref_CheckReachable(condemned, max_gen, (uintptr_t)sc);
+ // Clear any secondary objects whose primary object is now definitely dead.
+ Ref_ScanDependentHandlesForClearing(condemned, max_gen, sc, fn);
+static void CALLBACK CheckPromoted(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pObjRef, uintptr_t * /*pExtraInfo*/, uintptr_t /*lp1*/, uintptr_t /*lp2*/)
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO100000, LOG_HANDLE_OBJECT_CLASS("Checking referent of Weak-", pObjRef, "to ", *pObjRef)));
+ Object **pRef = (Object **)pObjRef;
+ if (!GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->IsPromoted(*pRef))
+ {
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO100, LOG_HANDLE_OBJECT_CLASS("Severing Weak-", pObjRef, "to unreachable ", *pObjRef)));
+ *pRef = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO1000000, "reachable " LOG_OBJECT_CLASS(*pObjRef)));
+ }
+void GCScan::GcWeakPtrScanBySingleThread( int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext* sc )
+ GCToEEInterface::SyncBlockCacheWeakPtrScan(&CheckPromoted, (uintptr_t)sc, 0);
+void GCScan::GcScanSizedRefs(promote_func* fn, int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext* sc)
+ Ref_ScanSizedRefHandles(condemned, max_gen, sc, fn);
+void GCScan::GcShortWeakPtrScan(promote_func* fn, int condemned, int max_gen,
+ ScanContext* sc)
+ Ref_CheckAlive(condemned, max_gen, (uintptr_t)sc);
+ * Scan all stack roots in this 'namespace'
+ */
+void GCScan::GcScanRoots(promote_func* fn, int condemned, int max_gen,
+ ScanContext* sc)
+ GCToEEInterface::GcScanRoots(fn, condemned, max_gen, sc);
+ * Scan all handle roots in this 'namespace'
+ */
+void GCScan::GcScanHandles (promote_func* fn, int condemned, int max_gen,
+ ScanContext* sc)
+ STRESS_LOG1(LF_GC|LF_GCROOTS, LL_INFO10, "GcScanHandles (Promotion Phase = %d)\n", sc->promotion);
+ if (sc->promotion)
+ {
+ Ref_TracePinningRoots(condemned, max_gen, sc, fn);
+ Ref_TraceNormalRoots(condemned, max_gen, sc, fn);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Ref_UpdatePointers(condemned, max_gen, sc, fn);
+ Ref_UpdatePinnedPointers(condemned, max_gen, sc, fn);
+ Ref_ScanDependentHandlesForRelocation(condemned, max_gen, sc, fn);
+ }
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ * Scan all handle roots in this 'namespace' for profiling
+ */
+void GCScan::GcScanHandlesForProfilerAndETW (int max_gen, ScanContext* sc)
+ LOG((LF_GC|LF_GCROOTS, LL_INFO10, "Profiler Root Scan Phase, Handles\n"));
+ Ref_ScanPointersForProfilerAndETW(max_gen, (uintptr_t)sc);
+ * Scan dependent handles in this 'namespace' for profiling
+ */
+void GCScan::GcScanDependentHandlesForProfilerAndETW (int max_gen, ProfilingScanContext* sc)
+ LOG((LF_GC|LF_GCROOTS, LL_INFO10, "Profiler Root Scan Phase, DependentHandles\n"));
+ Ref_ScanDependentHandlesForProfilerAndETW(max_gen, sc);
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+void GCScan::GcRuntimeStructuresValid (BOOL bValid)
+ if (!bValid)
+ {
+ int32_t result;
+ result = Interlocked::Increment (&m_GcStructuresInvalidCnt);
+ _ASSERTE (result > 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int32_t result;
+ result = Interlocked::Decrement (&m_GcStructuresInvalidCnt);
+ _ASSERTE (result >= 0);
+ }
+void GCScan::GcDemote (int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext* sc)
+ Ref_RejuvenateHandles (condemned, max_gen, (uintptr_t)sc);
+ if (!GCHeap::IsServerHeap() || sc->thread_number == 0)
+ GCToEEInterface::SyncBlockCacheDemote(max_gen);
+void GCScan::GcPromotionsGranted (int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext* sc)
+ Ref_AgeHandles(condemned, max_gen, (uintptr_t)sc);
+ if (!GCHeap::IsServerHeap() || sc->thread_number == 0)
+ GCToEEInterface::SyncBlockCachePromotionsGranted(max_gen);
+size_t GCScan::AskForMoreReservedMemory (size_t old_size, size_t need_size)
+#if !defined(FEATURE_CORECLR) && !defined(FEATURE_REDHAWK)
+ // call the host....
+ IGCHostControl *pGCHostControl = CorHost::GetGCHostControl();
+ if (pGCHostControl)
+ {
+ size_t new_max_limit_size = need_size;
+ pGCHostControl->RequestVirtualMemLimit (old_size,
+ (SIZE_T*)&new_max_limit_size);
+ return new_max_limit_size;
+ }
+ return old_size + need_size;
+void GCScan::VerifyHandleTable(int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext* sc)
+ Ref_VerifyHandleTable(condemned, max_gen, sc);
diff --git a/src/gc/gcscan.h b/src/gc/gcscan.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3515b8e1b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/gcscan.h
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+ *
+ * GC Root Scanning
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _GCSCAN_H_
+#define _GCSCAN_H_
+#include "gc.h"
+// Scanning dependent handles for promotion can become a complex operation due to cascaded dependencies and
+// other issues (see the comments for GcDhInitialScan and friends in gcscan.cpp for further details). As a
+// result we need to maintain a context between all the DH scanning methods called during a single mark phase.
+// The structure below describes this context. We allocate one of these per GC heap at Ref_Initialize time and
+// select between them based on the ScanContext passed to us by the GC during the mark phase.
+struct DhContext
+ bool m_fUnpromotedPrimaries; // Did last scan find at least one non-null unpromoted primary?
+ bool m_fPromoted; // Did last scan promote at least one secondary?
+ promote_func *m_pfnPromoteFunction; // GC promote callback to be used for all secondary promotions
+ int m_iCondemned; // The condemned generation
+ int m_iMaxGen; // The maximum generation
+ ScanContext *m_pScanContext; // The GC's scan context for this phase
+class GCScan
+ friend struct ::_DacGlobals;
+ public:
+ static void GcScanSizedRefs(promote_func* fn, int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext* sc);
+ // Regular stack Roots
+ static void GcScanRoots (promote_func* fn, int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext* sc);
+ //
+ static void GcScanHandles (promote_func* fn, int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext* sc);
+ static void GcRuntimeStructuresValid (BOOL bValid);
+ static bool GetGcRuntimeStructuresValid ();
+ static void EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags);
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ static void GcScanHandlesForProfilerAndETW (int max_gen, ScanContext* sc);
+ static void GcScanDependentHandlesForProfilerAndETW (int max_gen, ProfilingScanContext* sc);
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ // scan for dead weak pointers
+ static void GcWeakPtrScan (promote_func* fn, int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext*sc );
+ static void GcWeakPtrScanBySingleThread (int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext*sc );
+ // scan for dead weak pointers
+ static void GcShortWeakPtrScan (promote_func* fn, int condemned, int max_gen,
+ ScanContext* sc);
+ //
+ // Dependent handle promotion scan support
+ //
+ // Perform initial (incomplete) scan which will deterimine if there's any further work required.
+ static void GcDhInitialScan(promote_func* fn, int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext* sc);
+ // Called between scans to ask if any handles with an unpromoted secondary existed at the end of the last
+ // scan.
+ static bool GcDhUnpromotedHandlesExist(ScanContext* sc);
+ // Rescan the handles for additonal primaries that have been promoted since the last scan. Return true if
+ // any objects were promoted as a result.
+ static bool GcDhReScan(ScanContext* sc);
+ // post-promotions callback
+ static void GcPromotionsGranted (int condemned, int max_gen,
+ ScanContext* sc);
+ // post-promotions callback some roots were demoted
+ static void GcDemote (int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext* sc);
+ static size_t AskForMoreReservedMemory (size_t old_size, size_t need_size);
+ static void VerifyHandleTable(int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext* sc);
+ SVAL_DECL(int32_t, m_GcStructuresInvalidCnt);
+ static VOLATILE(int32_t) m_GcStructuresInvalidCnt;
+// These two functions are utilized to scan the heap if requested by ETW
+// or a profiler. The implementations of these two functions are in profheapwalkhelper.cpp.
+#if defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE) | defined(GC_PROFILING)
+void ScanRootsHelper(Object* pObj, Object** ppRoot, ScanContext * pSC, DWORD dwFlags);
+BOOL HeapWalkHelper(Object * pBO, void * pvContext);
+#endif // _GCSCAN_H_
diff --git a/src/gc/gcsvr.cpp b/src/gc/gcsvr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf5fc9335f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/gcsvr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+#include "common.h"
+#if defined(FEATURE_SVR_GC)
+#include "gcenv.h"
+#include "gc.h"
+#include "gcscan.h"
+#include "gcdesc.h"
+#define SERVER_GC 1
+namespace SVR {
+#include "gcimpl.h"
+#include "gc.cpp"
+#endif // defined(FEATURE_SVR_GC)
diff --git a/src/gc/gcwks.cpp b/src/gc/gcwks.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..574df8215a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/gcwks.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+#include "common.h"
+#include "gcenv.h"
+#include "gc.h"
+#include "gcscan.h"
+#include "gcdesc.h"
+#ifdef SERVER_GC
+#undef SERVER_GC
+namespace WKS {
+#include "gcimpl.h"
+#include "gc.cpp"
diff --git a/src/gc/handletable.cpp b/src/gc/handletable.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43b43ffcea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/handletable.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1474 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+ * Generational GC handle manager. Main Entrypoint Layer.
+ *
+ * Implements generic support for external roots into a GC heap.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "common.h"
+#include "gcenv.h"
+#include "gc.h"
+#include "objecthandle.h"
+#include "handletablepriv.h"
+#include "nativeoverlapped.h"
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+void DEBUG_PostGCScanHandler(HandleTable *pTable, const uint32_t *types, uint32_t typeCount, uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, ScanCallbackInfo *info);
+void DEBUG_LogScanningStatistics(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t level);
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * Table
+ *
+ * Gets and validates the table pointer from a table handle.
+ *
+ */
+__inline PTR_HandleTable Table(HHANDLETABLE hTable)
+ // convert the handle to a pointer
+ PTR_HandleTable pTable = (PTR_HandleTable)hTable;
+ // sanity
+ _ASSERTE(pTable);
+ // return the table pointer
+ return pTable;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * HndCreateHandleTable
+ *
+ * Alocates and initializes a handle table.
+ *
+ */
+HHANDLETABLE HndCreateHandleTable(const uint32_t *pTypeFlags, uint32_t uTypeCount, ADIndex uADIndex)
+ {
+ }
+ // sanity
+ _ASSERTE(uTypeCount);
+ // verify that we can handle the specified number of types
+ // may need to increase HANDLE_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES (by 4)
+ // verify that segment header layout we're using fits expected size
+ _ASSERTE(sizeof(_TableSegmentHeader) <= HANDLE_HEADER_SIZE);
+ // if you hit this then TABLE LAYOUT IS BROKEN
+ // compute the size of the handle table allocation
+ uint32_t dwSize = sizeof(HandleTable) + (uTypeCount * sizeof(HandleTypeCache));
+ // allocate the table
+ HandleTable *pTable = (HandleTable *) new (nothrow) uint8_t[dwSize];
+ if (pTable == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ memset (pTable, 0, dwSize);
+ // allocate the initial handle segment
+ pTable->pSegmentList = SegmentAlloc(pTable);
+ // if that failed then we are also out of business
+ if (!pTable->pSegmentList)
+ {
+ // free the table's memory and get out
+ delete [] (uint8_t*)pTable;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // initialize the table's lock
+ // We need to allow CRST_UNSAFE_SAMELEVEL, because
+ // during AD unload, we need to move some TableSegment from unloaded domain to default domain.
+ // We need to take both locks for the two HandleTable's to avoid racing with concurrent gc thread.
+ {
+ SegmentFree(pTable->pSegmentList);
+ delete [] (uint8_t*)pTable;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // remember how many types we are supporting
+ pTable->uTypeCount = uTypeCount;
+ // Store user data
+ pTable->uTableIndex = (uint32_t) -1;
+ pTable->uADIndex = uADIndex;
+ // loop over various arrays an initialize them
+ uint32_t u;
+ // initialize the type flags for the types we were passed
+ for (u = 0; u < uTypeCount; u++)
+ pTable->rgTypeFlags[u] = pTypeFlags[u];
+ // preinit the rest to HNDF_NORMAL
+ pTable->rgTypeFlags[u++] = HNDF_NORMAL;
+ // initialize the main cache
+ for (u = 0; u < uTypeCount; u++)
+ {
+ // at init time, the only non-zero field in a type cache is the free index
+ pTable->rgMainCache[u].lFreeIndex = HANDLES_PER_CACHE_BANK;
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // set up scanning stats
+ pTable->_DEBUG_iMaxGen = -1;
+ // all done - return the newly created table
+ return (HHANDLETABLE)pTable;
+ * HndDestroyHandleTable
+ *
+ * Cleans up and frees the specified handle table.
+ *
+ */
+void HndDestroyHandleTable(HHANDLETABLE hTable)
+ // fetch the handle table pointer
+ HandleTable *pTable = Table(hTable);
+ // decrement handle count by number of handles in this table
+ COUNTER_ONLY(GetPerfCounters().m_GC.cHandles -= HndCountHandles(hTable));
+ // We are going to free the memory for this HandleTable.
+ // Let us reset the copy in g_pHandleTableArray to NULL.
+ // Otherwise, GC will think this HandleTable is still available.
+ // free the lock
+ pTable->Lock.Destroy();
+ // fetch the segment list and null out the list pointer
+ TableSegment *pSegment = pTable->pSegmentList;
+ pTable->pSegmentList = NULL;
+ // walk the segment list, freeing the segments as we go
+ while (pSegment)
+ {
+ // fetch the next segment
+ TableSegment *pNextSegment = pSegment->pNextSegment;
+ // free the current one and advance to the next
+ SegmentFree(pSegment);
+ pSegment = pNextSegment;
+ }
+ // free the table's memory
+ delete [] (uint8_t*) pTable;
+ * HndSetHandleTableIndex
+ *
+ * Sets the index associated with a handle table at creation
+ */
+void HndSetHandleTableIndex(HHANDLETABLE hTable, uint32_t uTableIndex)
+ // fetch the handle table pointer
+ HandleTable *pTable = Table(hTable);
+ pTable->uTableIndex = uTableIndex;
+ * HndGetHandleTableIndex
+ *
+ * Retrieves the index associated with a handle table at creation
+ */
+uint32_t HndGetHandleTableIndex(HHANDLETABLE hTable)
+ // fetch the handle table pointer
+ HandleTable *pTable = Table(hTable);
+ _ASSERTE (pTable->uTableIndex != (uint32_t) -1); // We have not set uTableIndex yet.
+ return pTable->uTableIndex;
+ * HndGetHandleTableIndex
+ *
+ * Retrieves the AppDomain index associated with a handle table at creation
+ */
+ADIndex HndGetHandleTableADIndex(HHANDLETABLE hTable)
+ // fetch the handle table pointer
+ HandleTable *pTable = Table(hTable);
+ return pTable->uADIndex;
+ * HndGetHandleTableIndex
+ *
+ * Retrieves the AppDomain index associated with a handle table at creation
+ */
+ADIndex HndGetHandleADIndex(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ // fetch the handle table pointer
+ HandleTable *pTable = Table(HndGetHandleTable(handle));
+ return pTable->uADIndex;
+ * HndCreateHandle
+ *
+ * Entrypoint for allocating an individual handle.
+ *
+ */
+OBJECTHANDLE HndCreateHandle(HHANDLETABLE hTable, uint32_t uType, OBJECTREF object, uintptr_t lExtraInfo)
+ {
+ // Redhawk returns NULL on failure.
+ if (object != NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+#if defined( _DEBUG) && !defined(FEATURE_REDHAWK)
+ if (g_pConfig->ShouldInjectFault(INJECTFAULT_HANDLETABLE))
+ {
+ char *a = new char;
+ delete a;
+ }
+ // fetch the handle table pointer
+ HandleTable *pTable = Table(hTable);
+ // sanity check the type index
+ _ASSERTE(uType < pTable->uTypeCount);
+ // get a handle from the table's cache
+ OBJECTHANDLE handle = TableAllocSingleHandleFromCache(pTable, uType);
+ // did the allocation succeed?
+ if (!handle)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ ThrowOutOfMemory();
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG_DestroyedHandleValue
+ if (*(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *)handle == DEBUG_DestroyedHandleValue)
+ // yep - the handle better not point at anything yet
+ // we are not holding the lock - check to see if there is nonzero extra info
+ if (lExtraInfo)
+ {
+ // initialize the user data BEFORE assigning the referent
+ // this ensures proper behavior if we are currently scanning
+ HandleQuickSetUserData(handle, lExtraInfo);
+ }
+ // store the reference
+ HndAssignHandle(handle, object);
+ g_dwHandles++;
+ {
+ g_profControlBlock.pProfInterface->HandleCreated((uintptr_t)handle, (ObjectID)OBJECTREF_TO_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF(object));
+ }
+#endif //GC_PROFILING
+ STRESS_LOG2(LF_GC, LL_INFO1000, "CreateHandle: %p, type=%d\n", handle, uType);
+ // return the result
+ return handle;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+void ValidateFetchObjrefForHandle(OBJECTREF objref, ADIndex appDomainIndex)
+ AppDomain *pDomain = SystemDomain::GetAppDomainAtIndex(appDomainIndex);
+ // Access to a handle in unloaded domain is not allowed
+ _ASSERTE(pDomain != NULL);
+ _ASSERTE(!pDomain->NoAccessToHandleTable());
+ if (g_pConfig->AppDomainLeaks() && objref != NULL)
+ {
+ if (appDomainIndex.m_dwIndex)
+ objref->TryAssignAppDomain(pDomain);
+ else
+ objref->TrySetAppDomainAgile();
+ }
+void ValidateAssignObjrefForHandle(OBJECTREF objref, ADIndex appDomainIndex)
+ AppDomain *pDomain = SystemDomain::GetAppDomainAtIndex(appDomainIndex);
+ // Access to a handle in unloaded domain is not allowed
+ _ASSERTE(pDomain != NULL);
+ _ASSERTE(!pDomain->NoAccessToHandleTable());
+ if (g_pConfig->AppDomainLeaks() && objref != NULL)
+ {
+ if (appDomainIndex.m_dwIndex)
+ objref->TryAssignAppDomain(pDomain);
+ else
+ objref->TrySetAppDomainAgile();
+ }
+void ValidateAppDomainForHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+#ifdef DEBUG_DestroyedHandleValue
+ // Verify that we are not trying to access freed handle.
+ _ASSERTE("Attempt to access destroyed handle." && *(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *)handle != DEBUG_DestroyedHandleValue);
+ ADIndex id = HndGetHandleADIndex(handle);
+ AppDomain *pUnloadingDomain = SystemDomain::AppDomainBeingUnloaded();
+ if (!pUnloadingDomain || pUnloadingDomain->GetIndex() != id)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!pUnloadingDomain->NoAccessToHandleTable())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ _ASSERTE (!"Access to a handle in unloaded domain is not allowed");
+ * HndDestroyHandle
+ *
+ * Entrypoint for freeing an individual handle.
+ *
+ */
+void HndDestroyHandle(HHANDLETABLE hTable, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ {
+ CAN_TAKE_LOCK; // because of TableFreeSingleHandleToCache
+ }
+ STRESS_LOG2(LF_GC, LL_INFO1000, "DestroyHandle: *%p->%p\n", handle, *(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *)handle);
+ FireEtwDestroyGCHandle((void*) handle, GetClrInstanceId());
+ FireEtwPrvDestroyGCHandle((void*) handle, GetClrInstanceId());
+ // sanity check handle we are being asked to free
+ _ASSERTE(handle);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ ValidateAppDomainForHandle(handle);
+ // fetch the handle table pointer
+ HandleTable *pTable = Table(hTable);
+ {
+ g_profControlBlock.pProfInterface->HandleDestroyed((uintptr_t)handle);
+ }
+#endif //GC_PROFILING
+ g_dwHandles--;
+ // sanity check the type index
+ _ASSERTE(uType < pTable->uTypeCount);
+ _ASSERTE(HandleFetchType(handle) == uType);
+ // return the handle to the table's cache
+ TableFreeSingleHandleToCache(pTable, uType, handle);
+ * HndDestroyHandleOfUnknownType
+ *
+ * Entrypoint for freeing an individual handle whose type is unknown.
+ *
+ */
+void HndDestroyHandleOfUnknownType(HHANDLETABLE hTable, OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ {
+ }
+ // sanity check handle we are being asked to free
+ _ASSERTE(handle);
+ // If we're being asked to destroy a WinRT weak handle, that will cause a leak
+ // of the IWeakReference* that it holds in its extra data. Instead of using this
+ // API use DestroyWinRTWeakHandle instead.
+ _ASSERTE(HandleFetchType(handle) != HNDTYPE_WEAK_WINRT);
+ // fetch the type and then free normally
+ HndDestroyHandle(hTable, HandleFetchType(handle), handle);
+ * HndCreateHandles
+ *
+ * Entrypoint for allocating handles in bulk.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t HndCreateHandles(HHANDLETABLE hTable, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandles, uint32_t uCount)
+ // fetch the handle table pointer
+ HandleTable *pTable = Table(hTable);
+ // sanity check the type index
+ _ASSERTE(uType < pTable->uTypeCount);
+ // keep track of the number of handles we've allocated
+ uint32_t uSatisfied = 0;
+ // if this is a large number of handles then bypass the cache
+ if (uCount > SMALL_ALLOC_COUNT)
+ {
+ CrstHolder ch(&pTable->Lock);
+ // allocate handles in bulk from the main handle table
+ uSatisfied = TableAllocBulkHandles(pTable, uType, pHandles, uCount);
+ }
+ // do we still need to get some handles?
+ if (uSatisfied < uCount)
+ {
+ // get some handles from the cache
+ uSatisfied += TableAllocHandlesFromCache(pTable, uType, pHandles + uSatisfied, uCount - uSatisfied);
+ }
+ g_dwHandles += uSatisfied;
+ {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < uSatisfied; i++)
+ g_profControlBlock.pProfInterface->HandleCreated((uintptr_t)pHandles[i], 0);
+ }
+#endif //GC_PROFILING
+ // return the number of handles we allocated
+ return uSatisfied;
+ * HndDestroyHandles
+ *
+ * Entrypoint for freeing handles in bulk.
+ *
+ */
+void HndDestroyHandles(HHANDLETABLE hTable, uint32_t uType, const OBJECTHANDLE *pHandles, uint32_t uCount)
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ ValidateAppDomainForHandle(pHandles[0]);
+ // fetch the handle table pointer
+ HandleTable *pTable = Table(hTable);
+ // sanity check the type index
+ _ASSERTE(uType < pTable->uTypeCount);
+ {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < uCount; i++)
+ g_profControlBlock.pProfInterface->HandleDestroyed((uintptr_t)pHandles[i]);
+ }
+ g_dwHandles -= uCount;
+ // is this a small number of handles?
+ if (uCount <= SMALL_ALLOC_COUNT)
+ {
+ // yes - free them via the handle cache
+ TableFreeHandlesToCache(pTable, uType, pHandles, uCount);
+ return;
+ }
+ // acquire the handle manager lock
+ {
+ CrstHolder ch(&pTable->Lock);
+ // free the unsorted handles in bulk to the main handle table
+ TableFreeBulkUnpreparedHandles(pTable, uType, pHandles, uCount);
+ }
+ * HndSetHandleExtraInfo
+ *
+ * Stores owner data with handle.
+ *
+ */
+void HndSetHandleExtraInfo(OBJECTHANDLE handle, uint32_t uType, uintptr_t lExtraInfo)
+ // fetch the user data slot for this handle if we have the right type
+ uintptr_t *pUserData = HandleValidateAndFetchUserDataPointer(handle, uType);
+ // is there a slot?
+ if (pUserData)
+ {
+ // yes - store the info
+ *pUserData = lExtraInfo;
+ }
+* HndCompareExchangeHandleExtraInfo
+* Stores owner data with handle.
+uintptr_t HndCompareExchangeHandleExtraInfo(OBJECTHANDLE handle, uint32_t uType, uintptr_t lOldExtraInfo, uintptr_t lNewExtraInfo)
+ // fetch the user data slot for this handle if we have the right type
+ uintptr_t *pUserData = HandleValidateAndFetchUserDataPointer(handle, uType);
+ // is there a slot?
+ if (pUserData)
+ {
+ // yes - attempt to store the info
+ return (uintptr_t)Interlocked::CompareExchangePointer((void**)pUserData, (void*)lNewExtraInfo, (void*)lOldExtraInfo);
+ }
+ _ASSERTE(!"Shouldn't be trying to call HndCompareExchangeHandleExtraInfo on handle types without extra info");
+ return NULL;
+ * HndGetHandleExtraInfo
+ *
+ * Retrieves owner data from handle.
+ *
+ */
+uintptr_t HndGetHandleExtraInfo(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ // assume zero until we actually get it
+ uintptr_t lExtraInfo = 0L;
+ // fetch the user data slot for this handle
+ PTR_uintptr_t pUserData = HandleQuickFetchUserDataPointer(handle);
+ // if we did then copy the value
+ if (pUserData)
+ {
+ lExtraInfo = *(pUserData);
+ }
+ // return the value to our caller
+ return lExtraInfo;
+ * HndGetHandleTable
+ *
+ * Returns the containing table of a handle.
+ *
+ */
+ PTR_HandleTable pTable = HandleFetchHandleTable(handle);
+ return (HHANDLETABLE)pTable;
+void HndLogSetEvent(OBJECTHANDLE handle, _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF value)
+#if !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) && defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ {
+ uint32_t hndType = HandleFetchType(handle);
+ ADIndex appDomainIndex = HndGetHandleADIndex(handle);
+ AppDomain* pAppDomain = SystemDomain::GetAppDomainAtIndex(appDomainIndex);
+ uint32_t generation = value != 0 ? GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->WhichGeneration(value) : 0;
+ FireEtwSetGCHandle((void*) handle, value, hndType, generation, (int64_t) pAppDomain, GetClrInstanceId());
+ FireEtwPrvSetGCHandle((void*) handle, value, hndType, generation, (int64_t) pAppDomain, GetClrInstanceId());
+ // Also fire the things pinned by Async pinned handles
+ {
+ if (value->GetMethodTable() == g_pOverlappedDataClass)
+ {
+ OverlappedDataObject* overlapped = (OverlappedDataObject*) value;
+ if (overlapped->m_isArray)
+ {
+ ArrayBase* pUserObject = (ArrayBase*)OBJECTREFToObject(overlapped->m_userObject);
+ Object **ppObj = (Object**)pUserObject->GetDataPtr(TRUE);
+ size_t num = pUserObject->GetNumComponents();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i ++)
+ {
+ value = ppObj[i];
+ uint32_t generation = value != 0 ? GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->WhichGeneration(value) : 0;
+ FireEtwSetGCHandle(overlapped, value, HNDTYPE_PINNED, generation, (int64_t) pAppDomain, GetClrInstanceId());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ value = OBJECTREF_TO_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF(overlapped->m_userObject);
+ uint32_t generation = value != 0 ? GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->WhichGeneration(value) : 0;
+ FireEtwSetGCHandle(overlapped, value, HNDTYPE_PINNED, generation, (int64_t) pAppDomain, GetClrInstanceId());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * HndWriteBarrier
+ *
+ * Resets the generation number for the handle's clump to zero.
+ *
+ */
+void HndWriteBarrier(OBJECTHANDLE handle, OBJECTREF objref)
+ // unwrap the objectref we were given
+ _ASSERTE (objref != NULL);
+ // find the write barrier for this handle
+ uint8_t *barrier = (uint8_t *)((uintptr_t)handle & HANDLE_SEGMENT_ALIGN_MASK);
+ // sanity
+ _ASSERTE(barrier);
+ // find the offset of this handle into the segment
+ uintptr_t offset = (uintptr_t)handle & HANDLE_SEGMENT_CONTENT_MASK;
+ // make sure it is in the handle area and not the header
+ // compute the clump index for this handle
+ // Be careful to read and write the age byte via volatile operations. Otherwise the compiler has been
+ // observed to translate the read + conditional write sequence below into an unconditional read/write
+ // (utilizing a conditional register move to determine whether the write is an update or simply writes
+ // back what was read). This is a legal transformation for non-volatile accesses but obviously leads to a
+ // race condition where we can lose an update (see the comment below for the race condition).
+ volatile uint8_t * pClumpAge = barrier + offset;
+ // if this age is smaller than age of the clump, update the clump age
+ if (*pClumpAge != 0) // Perf optimization: if clumpAge is 0, nothing more to do
+ {
+ // find out generation
+ int generation = GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->WhichGeneration(value);
+ uint32_t uType = HandleFetchType(handle);
+ //OverlappedData need special treatment: because all user data pointed by it needs to be reported by this handle,
+ //its age is consider to be min age of the user data, to be simple, we just make it 0
+ if (uType == HNDTYPE_ASYNCPINNED && objref->GetGCSafeMethodTable () == g_pOverlappedDataClass)
+ {
+ generation = 0;
+ }
+ {
+ generation = 0;
+ }
+ if (*pClumpAge > (uint8_t) generation)
+ {
+ // We have to be careful here. HndWriteBarrier is not under any synchronization
+ // Consider the scenario where 2 threads are hitting the line below at the same
+ // time. Only one will win. If the winner has an older age than the loser, we
+ // just created a potential GC hole (The clump will not be reporting the
+ // youngest handle in the clump, thus GC may skip the clump). To fix this
+ // we just set the clump age to 0, which means that whoever wins the race
+ // results are the same, as GC will always look at the clump
+ *pClumpAge = (uint8_t)0;
+ }
+ }
+ * HndEnumHandles
+ *
+ * Enumerates all handles of the specified type in the handle table.
+ *
+ * This entrypoint is provided for utility code (debugger support etc) that
+ * needs to enumerate all roots in the handle table.
+ *
+ */
+void HndEnumHandles(HHANDLETABLE hTable, const uint32_t *puType, uint32_t uTypeCount,
+ HANDLESCANPROC pfnEnum, uintptr_t lParam1, uintptr_t lParam2, bool fAsync)
+ // fetch the handle table pointer
+ PTR_HandleTable pTable = Table(hTable);
+ // per-block scanning callback
+ // do we need to support user data?
+ BOOL fEnumUserData = TypesRequireUserDataScanning(pTable, puType, uTypeCount);
+ if (fEnumUserData)
+ {
+ // scan all handles with user data
+ pfnBlock = BlockScanBlocksWithUserData;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // scan all handles without user data
+ pfnBlock = BlockScanBlocksWithoutUserData;
+ }
+ // set up parameters for handle enumeration
+ ScanCallbackInfo info;
+ info.uFlags = (fAsync? HNDGCF_ASYNC : HNDGCF_NORMAL);
+ info.fEnumUserData = fEnumUserData;
+ info.dwAgeMask = 0;
+ info.pCurrentSegment = NULL;
+ info.pfnScan = pfnEnum;
+ info.param1 = lParam1;
+ info.param2 = lParam2;
+ // choose a scanning method based on the async flag
+ TABLESCANPROC pfnScanTable = TableScanHandles;
+ if (fAsync)
+ pfnScanTable = xxxTableScanHandlesAsync;
+ {
+ // acquire the handle manager lock
+ CrstHolderWithState ch(&pTable->Lock);
+ // scan the table
+ pfnScanTable(pTable, puType, uTypeCount, FullSegmentIterator, pfnBlock, &info, &ch);
+ }
+ * HndScanHandlesForGC
+ *
+ * Multiple type scanning entrypoint for GC.
+ *
+ * This entrypoint is provided for GC-time scnas of the handle table ONLY. It
+ * enables ephemeral scanning of the table, and optionally ages the write barrier
+ * as it scans.
+ *
+ */
+void HndScanHandlesForGC(HHANDLETABLE hTable, HANDLESCANPROC scanProc, uintptr_t param1, uintptr_t param2,
+ const uint32_t *types, uint32_t typeCount, uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, uint32_t flags)
+ // fetch the table pointer
+ PTR_HandleTable pTable = Table(hTable);
+ // per-segment and per-block callbacks
+ // do we need to support user data?
+ BOOL enumUserData =
+ ((flags & HNDGCF_EXTRAINFO) &&
+ TypesRequireUserDataScanning(pTable, types, typeCount));
+ // what type of GC are we performing?
+ if (condemned >= maxgen)
+ {
+ // full GC - use our full-service segment iterator
+ pfnSegment = FullSegmentIterator;
+ // see if there is a callback
+ if (scanProc)
+ {
+ // do we need to scan blocks with user data?
+ if (enumUserData)
+ {
+ // scan all with user data
+ pfnBlock = BlockScanBlocksWithUserData;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // scan all without user data
+ pfnBlock = BlockScanBlocksWithoutUserData;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (flags & HNDGCF_AGE)
+ {
+ // there is only aging to do
+ pfnBlock = BlockAgeBlocks;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // this is an ephemeral GC - is it g0?
+ if (condemned == 0)
+ {
+ // yes - do bare-bones enumeration
+ pfnSegment = QuickSegmentIterator;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // no - do normal enumeration
+ pfnSegment = StandardSegmentIterator;
+ }
+ // see if there is a callback
+ if (scanProc)
+ {
+ // there is a scan callback - scan the condemned generation
+ pfnBlock = BlockScanBlocksEphemeral;
+ }
+ else if (flags & HNDGCF_AGE)
+ {
+ // there is only aging to do
+ pfnBlock = BlockAgeBlocksEphemeral;
+ }
+ }
+ // set up parameters for scan callbacks
+ ScanCallbackInfo info;
+ info.uFlags = flags;
+ info.fEnumUserData = enumUserData;
+ info.dwAgeMask = BuildAgeMask(condemned, maxgen);
+ info.pCurrentSegment = NULL;
+ info.pfnScan = scanProc;
+ info.param1 = param1;
+ info.param2 = param2;
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE)
+ info.DEBUG_BlocksScanned = 0;
+ info.DEBUG_BlocksScannedNonTrivially = 0;
+ info.DEBUG_HandleSlotsScanned = 0;
+ info.DEBUG_HandlesActuallyScanned = 0;
+ // choose a scanning method based on the async flag
+ TABLESCANPROC pfnScanTable = TableScanHandles;
+ if (flags & HNDGCF_ASYNC)
+ {
+ pfnScanTable = xxxTableScanHandlesAsync;
+ }
+ {
+ // lock the table down for concurrent GC only
+ CrstHolderWithState ch(&pTable->Lock, (flags & HNDGCF_ASYNC) != 0);
+ // perform the scan
+ pfnScanTable(pTable, types, typeCount, pfnSegment, pfnBlock, &info, &ch);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE)
+ // update our scanning statistics for this generation
+ DEBUG_PostGCScanHandler(pTable, types, typeCount, condemned, maxgen, &info);
+ #endif
+ }
+ * HndResetAgeMap
+ *
+ * Service to forceably reset the age map for a set of handles.
+ *
+ * Provided for GC-time resetting the handle table's write barrier. This is not
+ * normally advisable, as it increases the amount of work that will be done in
+ * subsequent scans. Under some circumstances, however, this is precisely what is
+ * desired. Generally this entrypoint should only be used under some exceptional
+ * condition during garbage collection, like objects being demoted from a higher
+ * generation to a lower one.
+ *
+ */
+void HndResetAgeMap(HHANDLETABLE hTable, const uint32_t *types, uint32_t typeCount, uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, uint32_t flags)
+ // fetch the table pointer
+ HandleTable *pTable = Table(hTable);
+ // set up parameters for scan callbacks
+ ScanCallbackInfo info;
+ info.uFlags = flags;
+ info.fEnumUserData = FALSE;
+ info.dwAgeMask = BuildAgeMask(condemned, maxgen);
+ info.pCurrentSegment = NULL;
+ info.pfnScan = NULL;
+ info.param1 = 0;
+ info.param2 = 0;
+ {
+ // lock the table down
+ CrstHolderWithState ch(&pTable->Lock);
+ // perform the scan
+ TableScanHandles(pTable, types, typeCount, QuickSegmentIterator, BlockResetAgeMapForBlocks, &info, &ch);
+ }
+ * HndVerifyTable
+ *
+ * Service to check the correctness of the handle table for a set of handles
+ *
+ * Provided for checking the correctness of handle table and the gc.
+ * Will validate that each handle points to a valid object.
+ * Will also validate that the generation of the handle is <= generation of the object.
+ * Cannot have == because the handle table only remembers the generation for a group of
+ * 16 handles.
+ *
+ */
+void HndVerifyTable(HHANDLETABLE hTable, const uint32_t *types, uint32_t typeCount, uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, uint32_t flags)
+ // fetch the table pointer
+ HandleTable *pTable = Table(hTable);
+ // set up parameters for scan callbacks
+ ScanCallbackInfo info;
+ info.uFlags = flags;
+ info.fEnumUserData = FALSE;
+ info.dwAgeMask = BuildAgeMask(condemned, maxgen);
+ info.pCurrentSegment = NULL;
+ info.pfnScan = NULL;
+ info.param1 = 0;
+ info.param2 = 0;
+ {
+ // lock the table down
+ CrstHolderWithState ch(&pTable->Lock);
+ // perform the scan
+ TableScanHandles(pTable, types, typeCount, QuickSegmentIterator, BlockVerifyAgeMapForBlocks, &info, &ch);
+ }
+ * HndNotifyGcCycleComplete
+ *
+ * Informs the handle table that a GC has completed.
+ *
+ */
+void HndNotifyGcCycleComplete(HHANDLETABLE hTable, uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen)
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // fetch the handle table pointer
+ HandleTable *pTable = Table(hTable);
+ {
+ // lock the table down
+ CrstHolder ch(&pTable->Lock);
+ // if this was a full GC then dump a cumulative log of scanning stats
+ if (condemned >= maxgen)
+ DEBUG_LogScanningStatistics(pTable, LL_INFO10);
+ }
+extern int getNumberOfSlots();
+ * HndCountHandles
+ *
+ * Counts the number of handles owned by the handle table that are marked as
+ * "used" that are not currently residing in the handle table's cache.
+ *
+ * Provided to compute the correct value for the GC Handle perfcounter.
+ * The caller is responsible for acquiring the handle table's lock if
+ * it is necessary.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t HndCountHandles(HHANDLETABLE hTable)
+ // fetch the handle table pointer
+ HandleTable *pTable = Table(hTable);
+ // initialize the count of handles in the cache to 0
+ uint32_t uCacheCount = 0;
+ // fetch the count of handles marked as "used"
+ uint32_t uCount = pTable->dwCount;
+ // loop through the main cache for each handle type
+ HandleTypeCache *pCache = pTable->rgMainCache;
+ HandleTypeCache *pCacheEnd = pCache + pTable->uTypeCount;
+ for (; pCache != pCacheEnd; ++pCache)
+ {
+ // get relevant indexes for the reserve bank and the free bank
+ int32_t lFreeIndex = pCache->lFreeIndex;
+ int32_t lReserveIndex = pCache->lReserveIndex;
+ // clamp the min free index and min reserve index to be non-negative;
+ // this is necessary since interlocked operations can set these variables
+ // to negative values, and once negative they stay negative until the
+ // cache is rebalanced
+ if (lFreeIndex < 0) lFreeIndex = 0;
+ if (lReserveIndex < 0) lReserveIndex = 0;
+ // compute the number of handles
+ uint32_t uHandleCount = (uint32_t)lReserveIndex + (HANDLES_PER_CACHE_BANK - (uint32_t)lFreeIndex);
+ // add the number of handles to the total handle count and update
+ // dwCount in this HandleTable
+ uCacheCount += uHandleCount;
+ }
+ // it is not necessary to have the lock while reading the quick cache;
+ // loop through the quick cache for each handle type
+ OBJECTHANDLE * pQuickCache = pTable->rgQuickCache;
+ for (; pQuickCache != pQuickCacheEnd; ++pQuickCache)
+ if (*pQuickCache)
+ ++uCacheCount;
+ // return the number of handles marked as "used" that are not
+ // residing in the cache
+ return (uCount - uCacheCount);
+ * HndCountAllHandles
+ *
+ * Counts the total number of handles that are marked as "used" that are not
+ * currently residing in some handle table's cache.
+ *
+ * Provided to compute the correct value for the GC Handle perfcounter.
+ * The 'fUseLocks' flag specifies whether to acquire each handle table's lock
+ * while its handles are being counted.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t HndCountAllHandles(BOOL fUseLocks)
+ uint32_t uCount = 0;
+ int offset = 0;
+ // get number of HandleTables per HandleTableBucket
+ int n_slots = getNumberOfSlots();
+ // fetch the pointer to the head of the list
+ struct HandleTableMap * walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ // walk the list
+ while (walk)
+ {
+ int nextOffset = walk->dwMaxIndex;
+ int max = nextOffset - offset;
+ PTR_PTR_HandleTableBucket pBucket = walk->pBuckets;
+ PTR_PTR_HandleTableBucket pLastBucket = pBucket + max;
+ // loop through each slot in this node
+ for (; pBucket != pLastBucket; ++pBucket)
+ {
+ // if there is a HandleTableBucket in this slot
+ if (*pBucket)
+ {
+ // loop through the HandleTables inside this HandleTableBucket,
+ // and accumulate the handle count of each HandleTable
+ HHANDLETABLE * pTable = (*pBucket)->pTable;
+ HHANDLETABLE * pLastTable = pTable + n_slots;
+ // if the 'fUseLocks' flag is set, acquire the lock for this handle table before
+ // calling HndCountHandles() - this will prevent dwCount from being modified and
+ // it will also prevent any of the main caches from being rebalanced
+ if (fUseLocks)
+ for (; pTable != pLastTable; ++pTable)
+ {
+ CrstHolder ch(&(Table(*pTable)->Lock));
+ uCount += HndCountHandles(*pTable);
+ }
+ else
+ for (; pTable != pLastTable; ++pTable)
+ uCount += HndCountHandles(*pTable);
+ }
+ }
+ offset = nextOffset;
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+ //return the total number of handles in all HandleTables
+ return uCount;
+BOOL Ref_HandleAsyncPinHandles()
+ {
+ }
+ HandleTableBucket *pBucket = g_HandleTableMap.pBuckets[0];
+ BOOL result = FALSE;
+ int limit = getNumberOfSlots();
+ for (int n = 0; n < limit; n ++ )
+ {
+ if (TableHandleAsyncPinHandles(Table(pBucket->pTable[n])))
+ {
+ result = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+void Ref_RelocateAsyncPinHandles(HandleTableBucket *pSource, HandleTableBucket *pTarget)
+ {
+ }
+ int limit = getNumberOfSlots();
+ for (int n = 0; n < limit; n ++ )
+ {
+ TableRelocateAsyncPinHandles(Table(pSource->pTable[n]), Table(pTarget->pTable[n]));
+ }
+BOOL Ref_ContainHandle(HandleTableBucket *pBucket, OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ {
+ }
+ int limit = getNumberOfSlots();
+ for (int n = 0; n < limit; n ++ )
+ {
+ if (TableContainHandle(Table(pBucket->pTable[n]), handle))
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+void DEBUG_PostGCScanHandler(HandleTable *pTable, const uint32_t *types, uint32_t typeCount, uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, ScanCallbackInfo *info)
+ // looks like the GC supports more generations than we expected
+ _ASSERTE(condemned < MAXSTATGEN);
+ // remember the highest generation we've seen
+ if (pTable->_DEBUG_iMaxGen < (int)condemned)
+ pTable->_DEBUG_iMaxGen = (int)condemned;
+ // update the statistics
+ pTable->_DEBUG_TotalBlocksScanned [condemned] += info->DEBUG_BlocksScanned;
+ pTable->_DEBUG_TotalBlocksScannedNonTrivially [condemned] += info->DEBUG_BlocksScannedNonTrivially;
+ pTable->_DEBUG_TotalHandleSlotsScanned [condemned] += info->DEBUG_HandleSlotsScanned;
+ pTable->_DEBUG_TotalHandlesActuallyScanned [condemned] += info->DEBUG_HandlesActuallyScanned;
+ // if this is an ephemeral GC then dump ephemeral stats for this scan right now
+ if (condemned < maxgen)
+ {
+ // dump a header for the stats with the condemned generation number
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO1000, "--------------------------------------------------------------\n"));
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO1000, "Ephemeral Handle Scan Summary:\n"));
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO1000, " Generation = %u\n", condemned));
+ // dump the handle types we were asked to scan
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO1000, " Handle Type(s) = %u", *types));
+ for (uint32_t u = 1; u < typeCount; u++)
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO1000, ",%u", types[u]));
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO1000, "\n"));
+ // dump the number of blocks and slots we scanned
+ uint32_t blockHandles = info->DEBUG_BlocksScanned * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK;
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO1000, " Blocks Scanned = %u (%u slots)\n", info->DEBUG_BlocksScanned, blockHandles));
+ // if we scanned any blocks then summarize some stats
+ if (blockHandles)
+ {
+ uint32_t nonTrivialBlockHandles = info->DEBUG_BlocksScannedNonTrivially * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK;
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO1000, " Blocks Examined = %u (%u slots)\n", info->DEBUG_BlocksScannedNonTrivially, nonTrivialBlockHandles));
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO1000, " Slots Scanned = %u\n", info->DEBUG_HandleSlotsScanned));
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO1000, " Handles Scanned = %u\n", info->DEBUG_HandlesActuallyScanned));
+ double scanRatio = ((double)info->DEBUG_HandlesActuallyScanned / (double)blockHandles) * 100.0;
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO1000, " Handle Scanning Ratio = %1.1lf%%\n", scanRatio));
+ }
+ // dump a footer for the stats
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO1000, "--------------------------------------------------------------\n"));
+ }
+void DEBUG_LogScanningStatistics(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t level)
+ // have we done any GC's yet?
+ if (pTable->_DEBUG_iMaxGen >= 0)
+ {
+ // dump a header for the stats
+ LOG((LF_GC, level, "\n==============================================================\n"));
+ LOG((LF_GC, level, " Cumulative Handle Scan Summary:\n"));
+ // for each generation we've collected, dump the current stats
+ for (int i = 0; i <= pTable->_DEBUG_iMaxGen; i++)
+ {
+ int64_t totalBlocksScanned = pTable->_DEBUG_TotalBlocksScanned[i];
+ // dump the generation number and the number of blocks scanned
+ LOG((LF_GC, level, "--------------------------------------------------------------\n"));
+ LOG((LF_GC, level, " Condemned Generation = %d\n", i));
+ LOG((LF_GC, level, " Blocks Scanned = %I64u\n", totalBlocksScanned));
+ // if we scanned any blocks in this generation then dump some interesting numbers
+ if (totalBlocksScanned)
+ {
+ LOG((LF_GC, level, " Blocks Examined = %I64u\n", pTable->_DEBUG_TotalBlocksScannedNonTrivially[i]));
+ LOG((LF_GC, level, " Slots Scanned = %I64u\n", pTable->_DEBUG_TotalHandleSlotsScanned [i]));
+ LOG((LF_GC, level, " Handles Scanned = %I64u\n", pTable->_DEBUG_TotalHandlesActuallyScanned [i]));
+ double blocksScanned = (double) totalBlocksScanned;
+ double blocksExamined = (double) pTable->_DEBUG_TotalBlocksScannedNonTrivially[i];
+ double slotsScanned = (double) pTable->_DEBUG_TotalHandleSlotsScanned [i];
+ double handlesScanned = (double) pTable->_DEBUG_TotalHandlesActuallyScanned [i];
+ double totalSlots = (double) (totalBlocksScanned * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK);
+ LOG((LF_GC, level, " Block Scan Ratio = %1.1lf%%\n", (100.0 * (blocksExamined / blocksScanned)) ));
+ LOG((LF_GC, level, " Clump Scan Ratio = %1.1lf%%\n", (100.0 * (slotsScanned / totalSlots)) ));
+ LOG((LF_GC, level, " Scanned Clump Saturation = %1.1lf%%\n", (100.0 * (handlesScanned / slotsScanned)) ));
+ LOG((LF_GC, level, " Overall Handle Scan Ratio = %1.1lf%%\n", (100.0 * (handlesScanned / totalSlots)) ));
+ }
+ }
+ // dump a footer for the stats
+ LOG((LF_GC, level, "==============================================================\n\n"));
+ }
+#endif // _DEBUG
diff --git a/src/gc/handletable.h b/src/gc/handletable.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbb8b1db22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/handletable.h
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+ * Generational GC handle manager. Entrypoint Header.
+ *
+ * Implements generic support for external handles into a GC heap.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#define DEBUG_DestroyedHandleValue ((_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF)0x7)
+ * handle flags used by HndCreateHandleTable
+ */
+#define HNDF_NORMAL (0x00)
+#define HNDF_EXTRAINFO (0x01)
+ * handle to handle table
+ */
+typedef DPTR(struct HandleTable) PTR_HandleTable;
+typedef DPTR(PTR_HandleTable) PTR_PTR_HandleTable;
+typedef PTR_HandleTable HHANDLETABLE;
+typedef PTR_PTR_HandleTable PTR_HHANDLETABLE;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * handle manager init and shutdown routines
+ */
+HHANDLETABLE HndCreateHandleTable(const uint32_t *pTypeFlags, uint32_t uTypeCount, ADIndex uADIndex);
+void HndDestroyHandleTable(HHANDLETABLE hTable);
+ * retrieve index stored in table at creation
+ */
+void HndSetHandleTableIndex(HHANDLETABLE hTable, uint32_t uTableIndex);
+uint32_t HndGetHandleTableIndex(HHANDLETABLE hTable);
+ADIndex HndGetHandleTableADIndex(HHANDLETABLE hTable);
+ADIndex HndGetHandleADIndex(OBJECTHANDLE handle);
+ * individual handle allocation and deallocation
+ */
+OBJECTHANDLE HndCreateHandle(HHANDLETABLE hTable, uint32_t uType, OBJECTREF object, uintptr_t lExtraInfo = 0);
+void HndDestroyHandle(HHANDLETABLE hTable, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE handle);
+void HndDestroyHandleOfUnknownType(HHANDLETABLE hTable, OBJECTHANDLE handle);
+ * bulk handle allocation and deallocation
+ */
+uint32_t HndCreateHandles(HHANDLETABLE hTable, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandles, uint32_t uCount);
+void HndDestroyHandles(HHANDLETABLE hTable, uint32_t uType, const OBJECTHANDLE *pHandles, uint32_t uCount);
+ * owner data associated with handles
+ */
+void HndSetHandleExtraInfo(OBJECTHANDLE handle, uint32_t uType, uintptr_t lExtraInfo);
+uintptr_t HndCompareExchangeHandleExtraInfo(OBJECTHANDLE handle, uint32_t uType, uintptr_t lOldExtraInfo, uintptr_t lNewExtraInfo);
+uintptr_t HndGetHandleExtraInfo(OBJECTHANDLE handle);
+ * get parent table of handle
+ */
+ * write barrier
+ */
+void HndWriteBarrier(OBJECTHANDLE handle, OBJECTREF value);
+ * logging an ETW event (for inlined methods)
+ */
+void HndLogSetEvent(OBJECTHANDLE handle, _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF value);
+ /*
+ * Scanning callback.
+ */
+typedef void (CALLBACK *HANDLESCANPROC)(PTR_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF pref, uintptr_t *pExtraInfo, uintptr_t param1, uintptr_t param2);
+ * NON-GC handle enumeration
+ */
+void HndEnumHandles(HHANDLETABLE hTable, const uint32_t *puType, uint32_t uTypeCount,
+ HANDLESCANPROC pfnEnum, uintptr_t lParam1, uintptr_t lParam2, bool fAsync);
+ * GC-time handle scanning
+ */
+#define HNDGCF_NORMAL (0x00000000) // normal scan
+#define HNDGCF_AGE (0x00000001) // age handles while scanning
+#define HNDGCF_ASYNC (0x00000002) // drop the table lock while scanning
+#define HNDGCF_EXTRAINFO (0x00000004) // iterate per-handle data while scanning
+void HndScanHandlesForGC(HHANDLETABLE hTable,
+ uintptr_t param1,
+ uintptr_t param2,
+ const uint32_t *types,
+ uint32_t typeCount,
+ uint32_t condemned,
+ uint32_t maxgen,
+ uint32_t flags);
+void HndResetAgeMap(HHANDLETABLE hTable, const uint32_t *types, uint32_t typeCount, uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, uint32_t flags);
+void HndVerifyTable(HHANDLETABLE hTable, const uint32_t *types, uint32_t typeCount, uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, uint32_t flags);
+void HndNotifyGcCycleComplete(HHANDLETABLE hTable, uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen);
+ * Handle counting
+ */
+uint32_t HndCountHandles(HHANDLETABLE hTable);
+uint32_t HndCountAllHandles(BOOL fUseLocks);
+#if defined(USE_CHECKED_OBJECTREFS) && !defined(_NOVM)
+#define OBJECTREF_TO_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF(objref) (objref)
+#ifdef _DEBUG_IMPL
+void ValidateAssignObjrefForHandle(OBJECTREF, ADIndex appDomainIndex);
+void ValidateFetchObjrefForHandle(OBJECTREF, ADIndex appDomainIndex);
+void ValidateAppDomainForHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle);
+ * handle assignment
+ */
+void HndAssignHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle, OBJECTREF objref);
+ * interlocked-exchange assignment
+ */
+void* HndInterlockedCompareExchangeHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle, OBJECTREF objref, OBJECTREF oldObjref);
+ * Note that HndFirstAssignHandle is similar to HndAssignHandle, except that it only
+ * succeeds if transitioning from NULL to non-NULL. In other words, if this handle
+ * is being initialized for the first time.
+ */
+BOOL HndFirstAssignHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle, OBJECTREF objref);
+ * inline handle dereferencing
+ */
+ // sanity
+ _ASSERTE(handle);
+#ifdef _DEBUG_IMPL
+ _ASSERTE("Attempt to access destroyed handle." && *(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *)handle != DEBUG_DestroyedHandleValue);
+ // Make sure the objref for handle is valid
+ ValidateFetchObjrefForHandle(ObjectToOBJECTREF(*(Object **)handle),
+ HndGetHandleTableADIndex(HndGetHandleTable(handle)));
+#endif // _DEBUG_IMPL
+ // wrap the raw objectref and return it
+ * inline null testing (needed in certain cases where we're in the wrong GC mod)
+ */
+ // sanity
+ _ASSERTE(handle);
+ return NULL == *(Object **)handle;
+ * inline handle checking
+ */
+ return (handle == NULL || (*(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *)handle) == NULL);
+ *
+ * Checks handle value for null or special value used for free handles in cache.
+ *
+ */
+#ifdef DEBUG_DestroyedHandleValue
+ if (value == DEBUG_DestroyedHandleValue)
+ return TRUE;
+ return (value == NULL);
+#include "handletable.inl"
+#endif //_HANDLETABLE_H
diff --git a/src/gc/handletable.inl b/src/gc/handletable.inl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae815c129b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/handletable.inl
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+inline void HndAssignHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle, OBJECTREF objref)
+ {
+ }
+ // sanity
+ _ASSERTE(handle);
+#ifdef _DEBUG_IMPL
+ // handle should not be in unloaded domain
+ ValidateAppDomainForHandle(handle);
+ // Make sure the objref is valid before it is assigned to a handle
+ ValidateAssignObjrefForHandle(objref, HndGetHandleTableADIndex(HndGetHandleTable(handle)));
+ // unwrap the objectref we were given
+ HndLogSetEvent(handle, value);
+ // if we are doing a non-NULL pointer store then invoke the write-barrier
+ if (value)
+ HndWriteBarrier(handle, objref);
+ // store the pointer
+ *(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *)handle = value;
+inline void* HndInterlockedCompareExchangeHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle, OBJECTREF objref, OBJECTREF oldObjref)
+ // sanity
+ _ASSERTE(handle);
+#ifdef _DEBUG_IMPL
+ // handle should not be in unloaded domain
+ ValidateAppDomainForHandle(handle);
+ // Make sure the objref is valid before it is assigned to a handle
+ ValidateAssignObjrefForHandle(objref, HndGetHandleTableADIndex(HndGetHandleTable(handle)));
+ // unwrap the objectref we were given
+ // if we are doing a non-NULL pointer store then invoke the write-barrier
+ if (value)
+ HndWriteBarrier(handle, objref);
+ // store the pointer
+ void* ret = Interlocked::CompareExchangePointer(reinterpret_cast<_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF volatile*>(handle), value, oldValue);
+ if (ret == oldValue)
+ HndLogSetEvent(handle, value);
+ return ret;
+inline BOOL HndFirstAssignHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle, OBJECTREF objref)
+ {
+ }
+ // sanity
+ _ASSERTE(handle);
+#ifdef _DEBUG_IMPL
+ // handle should not be in unloaded domain
+ ValidateAppDomainForHandle(handle);
+ // Make sure the objref is valid before it is assigned to a handle
+ ValidateAssignObjrefForHandle(objref, HndGetHandleTableADIndex(HndGetHandleTable(handle)));
+ // unwrap the objectref we were given
+ // store the pointer if we are the first ones here
+ BOOL success = (NULL == Interlocked::CompareExchangePointer(reinterpret_cast<_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF volatile*>(handle),
+ value,
+ null));
+ // if we successfully did a non-NULL pointer store then invoke the write-barrier
+ if (success)
+ {
+ if (value)
+ HndWriteBarrier(handle, objref);
+ HndLogSetEvent(handle, value);
+ }
+ // return our result
+ return success;
diff --git a/src/gc/handletablecache.cpp b/src/gc/handletablecache.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2af40c829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/handletablecache.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,881 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+ * Generational GC handle manager. Handle Caching Routines.
+ *
+ * Implementation of handle table allocation cache.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "common.h"
+#include "gcenv.h"
+#include "handletablepriv.h"
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * SpinUntil
+ *
+ * Spins on a variable until its state matches a desired state.
+ *
+ * This routine will assert if it spins for a very long time.
+ *
+ */
+void SpinUntil(void *pCond, BOOL fNonZero)
+ /*
+ */
+ // if we have to sleep then we will keep track of a sleep period
+ uint32_t dwThisSleepPeriod = 1; // first just give up our timeslice
+ uint32_t dwNextSleepPeriod = 10; // next try a real delay
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ uint32_t dwTotalSlept = 0;
+ uint32_t dwNextComplain = 1000;
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ // on MP machines, allow ourselves some spin time before sleeping
+ uint32_t uNonSleepSpins = 8 * (g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors - 1);
+ // spin until the specificed condition is met
+ while ((*(uintptr_t *)pCond != 0) != (fNonZero != 0))
+ {
+ // have we exhausted the non-sleep spin count?
+ if (!uNonSleepSpins)
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // yes, missed again - before sleeping, check our current sleep time
+ if (dwTotalSlept >= dwNextComplain)
+ {
+ //
+ //
+ // The only time this assert can be ignored is if you have
+ // another thread intentionally suspended in a way that either
+ // directly or indirectly leaves a thread suspended in the
+ // handle table while the current thread (this assert) is
+ // running normally.
+ //
+ // Otherwise, this assert should be investigated as a bug.
+ //
+ // slow down the assert rate so people can investigate
+ dwNextComplain = 3 * dwNextComplain;
+ }
+ // now update our total sleep time
+ dwTotalSlept += dwThisSleepPeriod;
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ // sleep for a little while
+ GCToOSInterface::Sleep(dwThisSleepPeriod);
+ // now update our sleep period
+ dwThisSleepPeriod = dwNextSleepPeriod;
+ // now increase the next sleep period if it is still small
+ if (dwNextSleepPeriod < 1000)
+ dwNextSleepPeriod += 10;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // nope - just spin again
+ YieldProcessor(); // indicate to the processor that we are spining
+ uNonSleepSpins--;
+ }
+ }
+ * ReadAndZeroCacheHandles
+ *
+ * Reads a set of handles from a bank in the handle cache, zeroing them as they are taken.
+ *
+ * This routine will assert if a requested handle is missing.
+ *
+ */
+OBJECTHANDLE *ReadAndZeroCacheHandles(OBJECTHANDLE *pDst, OBJECTHANDLE *pSrc, uint32_t uCount)
+ // set up to loop
+ OBJECTHANDLE *pLast = pDst + uCount;
+ // loop until we've copied all of them
+ while (pDst < pLast)
+ {
+ // this version assumes we have handles to read
+ _ASSERTE(*pSrc);
+ // copy the handle and zero it from the source
+ *pDst = *pSrc;
+ *pSrc = 0;
+ // set up for another handle
+ pDst++;
+ pSrc++;
+ }
+ // return the next unfilled slot after what we filled in
+ return pLast;
+ * SyncReadAndZeroCacheHandles
+ *
+ * Reads a set of handles from a bank in the handle cache, zeroing them as they are taken.
+ *
+ * This routine will spin until all requested handles are obtained.
+ *
+ */
+OBJECTHANDLE *SyncReadAndZeroCacheHandles(OBJECTHANDLE *pDst, OBJECTHANDLE *pSrc, uint32_t uCount)
+ /*
+ */
+ // set up to loop
+ // we loop backwards since that is the order handles are added to the bank
+ // this is designed to reduce the chance that we will have to spin on a handle
+ OBJECTHANDLE *pBase = pDst;
+ pSrc += uCount;
+ pDst += uCount;
+ // remember the end of the array
+ OBJECTHANDLE *pLast = pDst;
+ // loop until we've copied all of them
+ while (pDst > pBase)
+ {
+ // advance to the next slot
+ pDst--;
+ pSrc--;
+ // this version spins if there is no handle to read
+ if (!*pSrc)
+ SpinUntil(pSrc, TRUE);
+ // copy the handle and zero it from the source
+ *pDst = *pSrc;
+ *pSrc = 0;
+ }
+ // return the next unfilled slot after what we filled in
+ return pLast;
+ * WriteCacheHandles
+ *
+ * Writes a set of handles to a bank in the handle cache.
+ *
+ * This routine will assert if it is about to clobber an existing handle.
+ *
+ */
+void WriteCacheHandles(OBJECTHANDLE *pDst, OBJECTHANDLE *pSrc, uint32_t uCount)
+ // set up to loop
+ OBJECTHANDLE *pLimit = pSrc + uCount;
+ // loop until we've copied all of them
+ while (pSrc < pLimit)
+ {
+ // this version assumes we have space to store the handles
+ _ASSERTE(!*pDst);
+ // copy the handle
+ *pDst = *pSrc;
+ // set up for another handle
+ pDst++;
+ pSrc++;
+ }
+ * SyncWriteCacheHandles
+ *
+ * Writes a set of handles to a bank in the handle cache.
+ *
+ * This routine will spin until lingering handles in the cache bank are gone.
+ *
+ */
+void SyncWriteCacheHandles(OBJECTHANDLE *pDst, OBJECTHANDLE *pSrc, uint32_t uCount)
+ /*
+ */
+ // set up to loop
+ // we loop backwards since that is the order handles are removed from the bank
+ // this is designed to reduce the chance that we will have to spin on a handle
+ OBJECTHANDLE *pBase = pSrc;
+ pSrc += uCount;
+ pDst += uCount;
+ // loop until we've copied all of them
+ while (pSrc > pBase)
+ {
+ // set up for another handle
+ pDst--;
+ pSrc--;
+ // this version spins if there is no handle to read
+ if (*pDst)
+ SpinUntil(pDst, FALSE);
+ // copy the handle
+ *pDst = *pSrc;
+ }
+ * SyncTransferCacheHandles
+ *
+ * Transfers a set of handles from one bank of the handle cache to another,
+ * zeroing the source bank as the handles are removed.
+ *
+ * The routine will spin until all requested handles can be transferred.
+ *
+ * This routine is equivalent to SyncReadAndZeroCacheHandles + SyncWriteCacheHandles
+ *
+ */
+void SyncTransferCacheHandles(OBJECTHANDLE *pDst, OBJECTHANDLE *pSrc, uint32_t uCount)
+ /*
+ */
+ // set up to loop
+ // we loop backwards since that is the order handles are added to the bank
+ // this is designed to reduce the chance that we will have to spin on a handle
+ OBJECTHANDLE *pBase = pDst;
+ pSrc += uCount;
+ pDst += uCount;
+ // loop until we've copied all of them
+ while (pDst > pBase)
+ {
+ // advance to the next slot
+ pDst--;
+ pSrc--;
+ // this version spins if there is no handle to read or no place to write it
+ if (*pDst || !*pSrc)
+ {
+ SpinUntil(pSrc, TRUE);
+ SpinUntil(pDst, FALSE);
+ }
+ // copy the handle and zero it from the source
+ *pDst = *pSrc;
+ *pSrc = 0;
+ }
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * TableFullRebalanceCache
+ *
+ * Rebalances a handle cache by transferring handles from the cache's
+ * free bank to its reserve bank. If the free bank does not provide
+ * enough handles to replenish the reserve bank, handles are allocated
+ * in bulk from the main handle table. If too many handles remain in
+ * the free bank, the extra handles are returned in bulk to the main
+ * handle table.
+ *
+ * This routine attempts to reduce fragmentation in the main handle
+ * table by sorting the handles according to table order, preferring to
+ * refill the reserve bank with lower handles while freeing higher ones.
+ * The sorting also allows the free routine to operate more efficiently,
+ * as it can optimize the case where handles near each other are freed.
+ *
+ */
+void TableFullRebalanceCache(HandleTable *pTable,
+ HandleTypeCache *pCache,
+ uint32_t uType,
+ int32_t lMinReserveIndex,
+ int32_t lMinFreeIndex,
+ OBJECTHANDLE *pExtraOutHandle,
+ OBJECTHANDLE extraInHandle)
+ /*
+ */
+ // we need a temporary space to sort our free handles in
+ // set up a base handle pointer to keep track of where we are
+ OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase = rgHandles;
+ // do we have a spare incoming handle?
+ if (extraInHandle)
+ {
+ // remember the extra handle now
+ *pHandleBase = extraInHandle;
+ pHandleBase++;
+ }
+ // if there are handles in the reserve bank then gather them up
+ // (we don't need to wait on these since they are only put there by this
+ // function inside our own lock)
+ if (lMinReserveIndex > 0)
+ pHandleBase = ReadAndZeroCacheHandles(pHandleBase, pCache->rgReserveBank, (uint32_t)lMinReserveIndex);
+ else
+ lMinReserveIndex = 0;
+ // if there are handles in the free bank then gather them up
+ if (lMinFreeIndex < HANDLES_PER_CACHE_BANK)
+ {
+ // this may have underflowed
+ if (lMinFreeIndex < 0)
+ lMinFreeIndex = 0;
+ // here we need to wait for all pending freed handles to be written by other threads
+ pHandleBase = SyncReadAndZeroCacheHandles(pHandleBase,
+ pCache->rgFreeBank + lMinFreeIndex,
+ HANDLES_PER_CACHE_BANK - (uint32_t)lMinFreeIndex);
+ }
+ // compute the number of handles we have
+ uint32_t uHandleCount = (uint32_t) (pHandleBase - rgHandles);
+ // do we have enough handles for a balanced cache?
+ if (uHandleCount < REBALANCE_LOWATER_MARK)
+ {
+ // nope - allocate some more
+ uint32_t uAlloc = HANDLES_PER_CACHE_BANK - uHandleCount;
+ // if we have an extra outgoing handle then plan for that too
+ if (pExtraOutHandle)
+ uAlloc++;
+ {
+ // allocate the new handles - we intentionally don't check for success here
+ uHandleCount += TableAllocBulkHandles(pTable, uType, pHandleBase, uAlloc);
+ }
+ }
+ // reset the base handle pointer
+ pHandleBase = rgHandles;
+ // by default the whole free bank is available
+ // if we have handles left over then we need to do some more work
+ if (uHandleCount)
+ {
+ // do we have too many handles for a balanced cache?
+ if (uHandleCount > REBALANCE_HIWATER_MARK)
+ {
+ //
+ // sort the array by reverse handle order - this does two things:
+ // (1) combats handle fragmentation by preferring low-address handles to high ones
+ // (2) allows the free routine to run much more efficiently over the ones we free
+ //
+ QuickSort((uintptr_t *)pHandleBase, 0, uHandleCount - 1, CompareHandlesByFreeOrder);
+ // yup, we need to free some - calculate how many
+ uint32_t uFree = uHandleCount - HANDLES_PER_CACHE_BANK;
+ // free the handles - they are already 'prepared' (eg zeroed and sorted)
+ TableFreeBulkPreparedHandles(pTable, uType, pHandleBase, uFree);
+ // update our array base and length
+ uHandleCount -= uFree;
+ pHandleBase += uFree;
+ }
+ // if we have an extra outgoing handle then fill it now
+ if (pExtraOutHandle)
+ {
+ // account for the handle we're giving away
+ uHandleCount--;
+ // now give it away
+ *pExtraOutHandle = pHandleBase[uHandleCount];
+ }
+ // if we have more than a reserve bank of handles then put some in the free bank
+ if (uHandleCount > HANDLES_PER_CACHE_BANK)
+ {
+ // compute the number of extra handles we need to save away
+ uint32_t uStore = uHandleCount - HANDLES_PER_CACHE_BANK;
+ // compute the index to start writing the handles to
+ lMinFreeIndex = HANDLES_PER_CACHE_BANK - uStore;
+ // store the handles
+ // (we don't need to wait on these since we already waited while reading them)
+ WriteCacheHandles(pCache->rgFreeBank + lMinFreeIndex, pHandleBase, uStore);
+ // update our array base and length
+ uHandleCount -= uStore;
+ pHandleBase += uStore;
+ }
+ }
+ // update the write index for the free bank
+ // NOTE: we use an interlocked exchange here to guarantee relative store order on MP
+ Interlocked::Exchange(&pCache->lFreeIndex, lMinFreeIndex);
+ // now if we have any handles left, store them in the reserve bank
+ if (uHandleCount)
+ {
+ // store the handles
+ // (here we need to wait for all pending allocated handles to be taken
+ // before we set up new ones in their places)
+ SyncWriteCacheHandles(pCache->rgReserveBank, pHandleBase, uHandleCount);
+ }
+ // compute the index to start serving handles from
+ lMinReserveIndex = (int32_t)uHandleCount;
+ // update the read index for the reserve bank
+ // NOTE: we use an interlocked exchange here to guarantee relative store order on MP
+ Interlocked::Exchange(&pCache->lReserveIndex, lMinReserveIndex);
+ * TableQuickRebalanceCache
+ *
+ * Rebalances a handle cache by transferring handles from the cache's free bank
+ * to its reserve bank. If the free bank does not provide enough handles to
+ * replenish the reserve bank or too many handles remain in the free bank, the
+ * routine just punts and calls TableFullRebalanceCache.
+ *
+ */
+void TableQuickRebalanceCache(HandleTable *pTable,
+ HandleTypeCache *pCache,
+ uint32_t uType,
+ int32_t lMinReserveIndex,
+ int32_t lMinFreeIndex,
+ OBJECTHANDLE *pExtraOutHandle,
+ OBJECTHANDLE extraInHandle)
+ /*
+ */
+ // clamp the min free index to be non-negative
+ if (lMinFreeIndex < 0)
+ lMinFreeIndex = 0;
+ // clamp the min reserve index to be non-negative
+ if (lMinReserveIndex < 0)
+ lMinReserveIndex = 0;
+ // compute the number of slots in the free bank taken by handles
+ uint32_t uFreeAvail = HANDLES_PER_CACHE_BANK - (uint32_t)lMinFreeIndex;
+ // compute the number of handles we have to fiddle with
+ uint32_t uHandleCount = (uint32_t)lMinReserveIndex + uFreeAvail + (extraInHandle != 0);
+ // can we rebalance these handles in place?
+ if ((uHandleCount < REBALANCE_LOWATER_MARK) ||
+ {
+ // nope - perform a full rebalance of the handle cache
+ TableFullRebalanceCache(pTable, pCache, uType, lMinReserveIndex, lMinFreeIndex,
+ pExtraOutHandle, extraInHandle);
+ // all done
+ return;
+ }
+ // compute the number of empty slots in the reserve bank
+ uint32_t uEmptyReserve = HANDLES_PER_CACHE_BANK - lMinReserveIndex;
+ // we want to transfer as many handles as we can from the free bank
+ uint32_t uTransfer = uFreeAvail;
+ // but only as many as we have room to store in the reserve bank
+ if (uTransfer > uEmptyReserve)
+ uTransfer = uEmptyReserve;
+ // transfer the handles
+ SyncTransferCacheHandles(pCache->rgReserveBank + lMinReserveIndex,
+ pCache->rgFreeBank + lMinFreeIndex,
+ uTransfer);
+ // adjust the free and reserve indices to reflect the transfer
+ lMinFreeIndex += uTransfer;
+ lMinReserveIndex += uTransfer;
+ // do we have an extra incoming handle to store?
+ if (extraInHandle)
+ {
+ //
+ // Workaround: For code size reasons, we don't handle all cases here.
+ // We assume an extra IN handle means a cache overflow during a free.
+ //
+ // After the rebalance above, the reserve bank should be full, and
+ // there may be a few handles sitting in the free bank. The HIWATER
+ // check above guarantees that we have room to store the handle.
+ //
+ _ASSERTE(!pExtraOutHandle);
+ // store the handle in the next available free bank slot
+ pCache->rgFreeBank[--lMinFreeIndex] = extraInHandle;
+ }
+ else if (pExtraOutHandle) // do we have an extra outgoing handle to satisfy?
+ {
+ //
+ // For code size reasons, we don't handle all cases here.
+ // We assume an extra OUT handle means a cache underflow during an alloc.
+ //
+ // After the rebalance above, the free bank should be empty, and
+ // the reserve bank may not be fully populated. The LOWATER check above
+ // guarantees that the reserve bank has at least one handle we can steal.
+ //
+ // take the handle from the reserve bank and update the reserve index
+ *pExtraOutHandle = pCache->rgReserveBank[--lMinReserveIndex];
+ // zero the cache slot we chose
+ pCache->rgReserveBank[lMinReserveIndex] = NULL;
+ }
+ // update the write index for the free bank
+ // NOTE: we use an interlocked exchange here to guarantee relative store order on MP
+ Interlocked::Exchange(&pCache->lFreeIndex, lMinFreeIndex);
+ // update the read index for the reserve bank
+ // NOTE: we use an interlocked exchange here to guarantee relative store order on MP
+ Interlocked::Exchange(&pCache->lReserveIndex, lMinReserveIndex);
+ * TableCacheMissOnAlloc
+ *
+ * Gets a single handle of the specified type from the handle table,
+ * making the assumption that the reserve cache for that type was
+ * recently emptied. This routine acquires the handle manager lock and
+ * attempts to get a handle from the reserve cache again. If this second
+ * get operation also fails, the handle is allocated by means of a cache
+ * rebalance.
+ *
+ */
+OBJECTHANDLE TableCacheMissOnAlloc(HandleTable *pTable, HandleTypeCache *pCache, uint32_t uType)
+ // assume we get no handle
+ // acquire the handle manager lock
+ CrstHolder ch(&pTable->Lock);
+ // try again to take a handle (somebody else may have rebalanced)
+ int32_t lReserveIndex = Interlocked::Decrement(&pCache->lReserveIndex);
+ // are we still waiting for handles?
+ if (lReserveIndex < 0)
+ {
+ // yup, suspend free list usage...
+ int32_t lFreeIndex = Interlocked::Exchange(&pCache->lFreeIndex, 0);
+ // ...and rebalance the cache...
+ TableQuickRebalanceCache(pTable, pCache, uType, lReserveIndex, lFreeIndex, &handle, NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // somebody else rebalanced the cache for us - take the handle
+ handle = pCache->rgReserveBank[lReserveIndex];
+ // zero the handle slot
+ pCache->rgReserveBank[lReserveIndex] = 0;
+ }
+ // return the handle we got
+ return handle;
+ * TableCacheMissOnFree
+ *
+ * Returns a single handle of the specified type to the handle table,
+ * making the assumption that the free cache for that type was recently
+ * filled. This routine acquires the handle manager lock and attempts
+ * to store the handle in the free cache again. If this second store
+ * operation also fails, the handle is freed by means of a cache
+ * rebalance.
+ *
+ */
+void TableCacheMissOnFree(HandleTable *pTable, HandleTypeCache *pCache, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ /*
+ */
+ // acquire the handle manager lock
+ CrstHolder ch(&pTable->Lock);
+ // try again to take a slot (somebody else may have rebalanced)
+ int32_t lFreeIndex = Interlocked::Decrement(&pCache->lFreeIndex);
+ // are we still waiting for free slots?
+ if (lFreeIndex < 0)
+ {
+ // yup, suspend reserve list usage...
+ int32_t lReserveIndex = Interlocked::Exchange(&pCache->lReserveIndex, 0);
+ // ...and rebalance the cache...
+ TableQuickRebalanceCache(pTable, pCache, uType, lReserveIndex, lFreeIndex, NULL, handle);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // somebody else rebalanced the cache for us - free the handle
+ pCache->rgFreeBank[lFreeIndex] = handle;
+ }
+ * TableAllocSingleHandleFromCache
+ *
+ * Gets a single handle of the specified type from the handle table by
+ * trying to fetch it from the reserve cache for that handle type. If the
+ * reserve cache is empty, this routine calls TableCacheMissOnAlloc.
+ *
+ */
+OBJECTHANDLE TableAllocSingleHandleFromCache(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t uType)
+ // we use this in two places
+ // first try to get a handle from the quick cache
+ if (pTable->rgQuickCache[uType])
+ {
+ // try to grab the handle we saw
+ handle = Interlocked::ExchangePointer(pTable->rgQuickCache + uType, (OBJECTHANDLE)NULL);
+ // if it worked then we're done
+ if (handle)
+ return handle;
+ }
+ // ok, get the main handle cache for this type
+ HandleTypeCache *pCache = pTable->rgMainCache + uType;
+ // try to take a handle from the main cache
+ int32_t lReserveIndex = Interlocked::Decrement(&pCache->lReserveIndex);
+ // did we underflow?
+ if (lReserveIndex < 0)
+ {
+ // yep - the cache is out of handles
+ return TableCacheMissOnAlloc(pTable, pCache, uType);
+ }
+ // get our handle
+ handle = pCache->rgReserveBank[lReserveIndex];
+ // zero the handle slot
+ pCache->rgReserveBank[lReserveIndex] = 0;
+ // sanity
+ _ASSERTE(handle);
+ // return our handle
+ return handle;
+ * TableFreeSingleHandleToCache
+ *
+ * Returns a single handle of the specified type to the handle table
+ * by trying to store it in the free cache for that handle type. If the
+ * free cache is full, this routine calls TableCacheMissOnFree.
+ *
+ */
+void TableFreeSingleHandleToCache(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ {
+ CAN_TAKE_LOCK; // because of TableCacheMissOnFree
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG_DestroyedHandleValue
+ *(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *)handle = DEBUG_DestroyedHandleValue;
+ // zero the handle's object pointer
+ // if this handle type has user data then clear it - AFTER the referent is cleared!
+ if (TypeHasUserData(pTable, uType))
+ HandleQuickSetUserData(handle, 0L);
+ // is there room in the quick cache?
+ if (!pTable->rgQuickCache[uType])
+ {
+ // yup - try to stuff our handle in the slot we saw
+ handle = Interlocked::ExchangePointer(&pTable->rgQuickCache[uType], handle);
+ // if we didn't end up with another handle then we're done
+ if (!handle)
+ return;
+ }
+ // ok, get the main handle cache for this type
+ HandleTypeCache *pCache = pTable->rgMainCache + uType;
+ // try to take a free slot from the main cache
+ int32_t lFreeIndex = Interlocked::Decrement(&pCache->lFreeIndex);
+ // did we underflow?
+ if (lFreeIndex < 0)
+ {
+ // yep - we're out of free slots
+ TableCacheMissOnFree(pTable, pCache, uType, handle);
+ return;
+ }
+ // we got a slot - save the handle in the free bank
+ pCache->rgFreeBank[lFreeIndex] = handle;
+ * TableAllocHandlesFromCache
+ *
+ * Allocates multiple handles of the specified type by repeatedly
+ * calling TableAllocSingleHandleFromCache.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t TableAllocHandlesFromCache(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount)
+ // loop until we have satisfied all the handles we need to allocate
+ uint32_t uSatisfied = 0;
+ while (uSatisfied < uCount)
+ {
+ // get a handle from the cache
+ OBJECTHANDLE handle = TableAllocSingleHandleFromCache(pTable, uType);
+ // if we can't get any more then bail out
+ if (!handle)
+ break;
+ // store the handle in the caller's array
+ *pHandleBase = handle;
+ // on to the next one
+ uSatisfied++;
+ pHandleBase++;
+ }
+ // return the number of handles we allocated
+ return uSatisfied;
+ * TableFreeHandlesToCache
+ *
+ * Frees multiple handles of the specified type by repeatedly
+ * calling TableFreeSingleHandleToCache.
+ *
+ */
+void TableFreeHandlesToCache(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t uType, const OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount)
+ // loop until we have freed all the handles
+ while (uCount)
+ {
+ // get the next handle to free
+ OBJECTHANDLE handle = *pHandleBase;
+ // advance our state
+ uCount--;
+ pHandleBase++;
+ // sanity
+ _ASSERTE(handle);
+ // return the handle to the cache
+ TableFreeSingleHandleToCache(pTable, uType, handle);
+ }
diff --git a/src/gc/handletablecore.cpp b/src/gc/handletablecore.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e077de8a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/handletablecore.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2772 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+ * Generational GC handle manager. Core Table Implementation.
+ *
+ * Implementation of core table management routines.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "common.h"
+#include "gcenv.h"
+#include "nativeoverlapped.h"
+#include "handletablepriv.h"
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+const uint8_t c_rgLowBitIndex[256] =
+ 0xff, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x05, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x06, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x05, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x07, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x05, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x06, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x05, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
+ * A 32/64 neutral quicksort
+ */
+//<TODO>@TODO: move/merge into common util file</TODO>
+typedef int (*PFNCOMPARE)(uintptr_t p, uintptr_t q);
+void QuickSort(uintptr_t *pData, int left, int right, PFNCOMPARE pfnCompare)
+ do
+ {
+ int i = left;
+ int j = right;
+ uintptr_t x = pData[(i + j + 1) / 2];
+ do
+ {
+ while (pfnCompare(pData[i], x) < 0)
+ i++;
+ while (pfnCompare(x, pData[j]) < 0)
+ j--;
+ if (i > j)
+ break;
+ if (i < j)
+ {
+ uintptr_t t = pData[i];
+ pData[i] = pData[j];
+ pData[j] = t;
+ }
+ i++;
+ j--;
+ } while (i <= j);
+ if ((j - left) <= (right - i))
+ {
+ if (left < j)
+ QuickSort(pData, left, j, pfnCompare);
+ left = i;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (i < right)
+ QuickSort(pData, i, right, pfnCompare);
+ right = j;
+ }
+ } while (left < right);
+ * CompareHandlesByFreeOrder
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * <0 - handle P should be freed before handle Q
+ * =0 - handles are eqivalent for free order purposes
+ * >0 - handle Q should be freed before handle P
+ *
+ */
+int CompareHandlesByFreeOrder(uintptr_t p, uintptr_t q)
+ // compute the segments for the handles
+ TableSegment *pSegmentP = (TableSegment *)(p & HANDLE_SEGMENT_ALIGN_MASK);
+ TableSegment *pSegmentQ = (TableSegment *)(q & HANDLE_SEGMENT_ALIGN_MASK);
+ // are the handles in the same segment?
+ if (pSegmentP == pSegmentQ)
+ {
+ // return the in-segment handle free order
+ return (int)((intptr_t)q - (intptr_t)p);
+ }
+ else if (pSegmentP)
+ {
+ // do we have two valid segments?
+ if (pSegmentQ)
+ {
+ // return the sequence order of the two segments
+ return (int)(uint32_t)pSegmentQ->bSequence - (int)(uint32_t)pSegmentP->bSequence;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // only the P handle is valid - free Q first
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (pSegmentQ)
+ {
+ // only the Q handle is valid - free P first
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // neither handle is valid
+ return 0;
+ * ZeroHandles
+ *
+ * Zeroes the object pointers for an array of handles.
+ *
+ */
+void ZeroHandles(OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount)
+ // compute our stopping point
+ OBJECTHANDLE *pLastHandle = pHandleBase + uCount;
+ // loop over the array, zeroing as we go
+ while (pHandleBase < pLastHandle)
+ {
+ // get the current handle from the array
+ OBJECTHANDLE handle = *pHandleBase;
+ // advance to the next handle
+ pHandleBase++;
+ // zero the handle's object pointer
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+void CALLBACK DbgCountEnumeratedBlocks(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo)
+ // accumulate the block count in pInfo->param1
+ pInfo->param1 += uCount;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * TableCanFreeSegmentNow
+ *
+ * Determines if it is OK to free the specified segment at this time.
+ *
+ */
+BOOL TableCanFreeSegmentNow(HandleTable *pTable, TableSegment *pSegment)
+ // sanity
+ _ASSERTE(pTable);
+ _ASSERTE(pSegment);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // there have been cases in the past where the original assert would
+ // fail but by the time a dump was created the lock was unowned so
+ // there was no way to tell who the previous owner was.
+ EEThreadId threadId = pTable->Lock.GetHolderThreadId();
+ _ASSERTE(threadId.IsCurrentThread());
+#endif // _DEBUG
+ // deterine if any segment is currently being scanned asynchronously
+ TableSegment *pSegmentAsync = NULL;
+ // do we have async info?
+ AsyncScanInfo *pAsyncInfo = pTable->pAsyncScanInfo;
+ if (pAsyncInfo)
+ {
+ // must always have underlying callback info in an async scan
+ _ASSERTE(pAsyncInfo->pCallbackInfo);
+ // yes - if a segment is being scanned asynchronously it is listed here
+ pSegmentAsync = pAsyncInfo->pCallbackInfo->pCurrentSegment;
+ }
+ // we can free our segment if it isn't being scanned asynchronously right now
+ return (pSegment != pSegmentAsync);
+ * BlockFetchUserDataPointer
+ *
+ * Gets the user data pointer for the first handle in a block.
+ *
+ */
+PTR_uintptr_t BlockFetchUserDataPointer(PTR__TableSegmentHeader pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, BOOL fAssertOnError)
+ // assume NULL until we actually find the data
+ PTR_uintptr_t pUserData = NULL;
+ // get the user data index for this block
+ uint32_t blockIndex = pSegment->rgUserData[uBlock];
+ // is there user data for the block?
+ if (blockIndex != BLOCK_INVALID)
+ {
+ // In DAC builds, we may not have the entire segment table mapped and in any case it will be quite
+ // large. Since we only need one element, we'll retrieve just that one element.
+ pUserData = PTR_uintptr_t(PTR_TO_TADDR(pSegment) + offsetof(TableSegment, rgValue) +
+ (blockIndex * HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK));
+ }
+ else if (fAssertOnError)
+ {
+ // no user data is associated with this block
+ //
+ // we probably got here for one of the following reasons:
+ // 1) an outside caller tried to do a user data operation on an incompatible handle
+ // 2) the user data map in the segment is corrupt
+ // 3) the global type flags are corrupt
+ //
+ }
+ // return the result
+ return pUserData;
+ * HandleFetchSegmentPointer
+ *
+ * Computes the segment pointer for a given handle.
+ *
+ */
+__inline PTR__TableSegmentHeader HandleFetchSegmentPointer(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ // find the segment for this handle
+ PTR__TableSegmentHeader pSegment = PTR__TableSegmentHeader((uintptr_t)handle & HANDLE_SEGMENT_ALIGN_MASK);
+ // sanity
+ _ASSERTE(pSegment);
+ // return the segment pointer
+ return pSegment;
+ * HandleValidateAndFetchUserDataPointer
+ *
+ * Gets the user data pointer for the specified handle.
+ * ASSERTs and returns NULL if handle is not of the expected type.
+ *
+ */
+uintptr_t *HandleValidateAndFetchUserDataPointer(OBJECTHANDLE handle, uint32_t uTypeExpected)
+ // get the segment for this handle
+ PTR__TableSegmentHeader pSegment = HandleFetchSegmentPointer(handle);
+ // find the offset of this handle into the segment
+ uintptr_t offset = (uintptr_t)handle & HANDLE_SEGMENT_CONTENT_MASK;
+ // make sure it is in the handle area and not the header
+ // convert the offset to a handle index
+ uint32_t uHandle = (uint32_t)((offset - HANDLE_HEADER_SIZE) / HANDLE_SIZE);
+ // compute the block this handle resides in
+ uint32_t uBlock = uHandle / HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK;
+ // fetch the user data for this block
+ PTR_uintptr_t pUserData = BlockFetchUserDataPointer(pSegment, uBlock, TRUE);
+ // did we get the user data block?
+ if (pUserData)
+ {
+ // yup - adjust the pointer to be handle-specific
+ pUserData += (uHandle - (uBlock * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK));
+ // validate the block type before returning the pointer
+ if (pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock] != uTypeExpected)
+ {
+ // type mismatch - caller error
+ // don't return a pointer to the caller
+ pUserData = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // return the result
+ return pUserData;
+ * HandleQuickFetchUserDataPointer
+ *
+ * Gets the user data pointer for a handle.
+ * Less validation is performed.
+ *
+ */
+PTR_uintptr_t HandleQuickFetchUserDataPointer(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ /*
+ */
+ // get the segment for this handle
+ PTR__TableSegmentHeader pSegment = HandleFetchSegmentPointer(handle);
+ // find the offset of this handle into the segment
+ uintptr_t offset = (uintptr_t)handle & HANDLE_SEGMENT_CONTENT_MASK;
+ // make sure it is in the handle area and not the header
+ // convert the offset to a handle index
+ uint32_t uHandle = (uint32_t)((offset - HANDLE_HEADER_SIZE) / HANDLE_SIZE);
+ // compute the block this handle resides in
+ uint32_t uBlock = uHandle / HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK;
+ // fetch the user data for this block
+ PTR_uintptr_t pUserData = BlockFetchUserDataPointer(pSegment, uBlock, TRUE);
+ // if we got the user data block then adjust the pointer to be handle-specific
+ if (pUserData)
+ pUserData += (uHandle - (uBlock * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK));
+ // return the result
+ return pUserData;
+ * HandleQuickSetUserData
+ *
+ * Stores user data with a handle.
+ *
+ */
+void HandleQuickSetUserData(OBJECTHANDLE handle, uintptr_t lUserData)
+ /*
+ */
+ // fetch the user data slot for this handle
+ uintptr_t *pUserData = HandleQuickFetchUserDataPointer(handle);
+ // is there a slot?
+ if (pUserData)
+ {
+ // yes - store the info
+ *pUserData = lUserData;
+ }
+ * HandleFetchType
+ *
+ * Computes the type index for a given handle.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t HandleFetchType(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ // get the segment for this handle
+ PTR__TableSegmentHeader pSegment = HandleFetchSegmentPointer(handle);
+ // find the offset of this handle into the segment
+ uintptr_t offset = (uintptr_t)handle & HANDLE_SEGMENT_CONTENT_MASK;
+ // make sure it is in the handle area and not the header
+ // convert the offset to a handle index
+ uint32_t uHandle = (uint32_t)((offset - HANDLE_HEADER_SIZE) / HANDLE_SIZE);
+ // compute the block this handle resides in
+ uint32_t uBlock = uHandle / HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK;
+ // return the block's type
+ return pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock];
+ * HandleFetchHandleTable
+ *
+ * Computes the type index for a given handle.
+ *
+ */
+PTR_HandleTable HandleFetchHandleTable(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ // get the segment for this handle
+ PTR__TableSegmentHeader pSegment = HandleFetchSegmentPointer(handle);
+ // return the table
+ return pSegment->pHandleTable;
+ * SegmentInitialize
+ *
+ * Initializes a segment.
+ *
+ */
+BOOL SegmentInitialize(TableSegment *pSegment, HandleTable *pTable)
+ /*
+ */
+ // we want to commit enough for the header PLUS some handles
+ uint32_t dwCommit = HANDLE_HEADER_SIZE;
+#ifndef FEATURE_REDHAWK // todo: implement SafeInt
+ // Prefast overflow sanity check the addition
+ if (!ClrSafeInt<uint32_t>::addition(dwCommit, g_SystemInfo.dwPageSize, dwCommit))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // Round down to the dwPageSize
+ dwCommit &= ~(g_SystemInfo.dwPageSize - 1);
+ // commit the header
+ if (!GCToOSInterface::VirtualCommit(pSegment, dwCommit))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // remember how many blocks we commited
+ pSegment->bCommitLine = (uint8_t)((dwCommit - HANDLE_HEADER_SIZE) / HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK);
+ // now preinitialize the 0xFF guys
+ memset(pSegment->rgGeneration, 0xFF, sizeof(pSegment->rgGeneration));
+ memset(pSegment->rgTail, BLOCK_INVALID, sizeof(pSegment->rgTail));
+ memset(pSegment->rgHint, BLOCK_INVALID, sizeof(pSegment->rgHint));
+ memset(pSegment->rgFreeMask, 0xFF, sizeof(pSegment->rgFreeMask));
+ memset(pSegment->rgBlockType, TYPE_INVALID, sizeof(pSegment->rgBlockType));
+ memset(pSegment->rgUserData, BLOCK_INVALID, sizeof(pSegment->rgUserData));
+ // prelink the free chain
+ uint8_t u = 0;
+ while (u < (HANDLE_BLOCKS_PER_SEGMENT - 1))
+ {
+ uint8_t next = u + 1;
+ pSegment->rgAllocation[u] = next;
+ u = next;
+ }
+ // and terminate the last node
+ pSegment->rgAllocation[u] = BLOCK_INVALID;
+ // store the back pointer from our new segment to its owning table
+ pSegment->pHandleTable = pTable;
+ // all done
+ return TRUE;
+ * SegmentFree
+ *
+ * Frees the specified segment.
+ *
+ */
+void SegmentFree(TableSegment *pSegment)
+ /*
+ */
+ // free the segment's memory
+ GCToOSInterface::VirtualRelease(pSegment, HANDLE_SEGMENT_SIZE);
+ * SegmentAlloc
+ *
+ * Allocates a new segment.
+ *
+ */
+TableSegment *SegmentAlloc(HandleTable *pTable)
+ /*
+ */
+ // allocate the segment's address space
+ TableSegment *pSegment = NULL;
+ // All platforms currently require 64Kb aligned table segments, which is what VirtualAlloc guarantees.
+ // The actual requirement is that the alignment of the reservation equals or exceeds the size of the
+ // reservation. This requirement stems from the method the handle table uses to map quickly from a handle
+ // address back to the handle table segment header.
+ pSegment = (TableSegment *)GCToOSInterface::VirtualReserve(NULL, HANDLE_SEGMENT_SIZE, HANDLE_SEGMENT_ALIGNMENT, VirtualReserveFlags::None);
+ _ASSERTE(((size_t)pSegment % HANDLE_SEGMENT_ALIGNMENT) == 0);
+ // bail out if we couldn't get any memory
+ if (!pSegment)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // initialize the header
+ if (!SegmentInitialize(pSegment, pTable))
+ {
+ SegmentFree(pSegment);
+ pSegment = NULL;
+ }
+ // all done
+ return pSegment;
+// Mark a handle being free.
+__inline void SegmentMarkFreeMask(TableSegment *pSegment, _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF* h)
+ {
+ }
+ uint32_t uMask = (uint32_t)(h - pSegment->rgValue);
+ uint32_t uBit = uMask % HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_MASK;
+ pSegment->rgFreeMask[uMask] |= (1<<uBit);
+// Mark a handle being used.
+__inline void SegmentUnMarkFreeMask(TableSegment *pSegment, _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF* h)
+ {
+ }
+ uint32_t uMask = (uint32_t)(h - pSegment->rgValue);
+ uint32_t uBit = uMask % HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_MASK;
+ pSegment->rgFreeMask[uMask] &= ~(1<<uBit);
+// Prepare a segment to be moved to default domain.
+// Remove all non-async pin handles.
+void SegmentPreCompactAsyncPinHandles(TableSegment *pSegment)
+ {
+ }
+ pSegment->fResortChains = true;
+ pSegment->fNeedsScavenging = true;
+ // Zero out all non-async pin handles
+ uint32_t uBlock;
+ for (uBlock = 0; uBlock < pSegment->bEmptyLine; uBlock ++)
+ {
+ if (pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock] == TYPE_INVALID)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock] != HNDTYPE_ASYNCPINNED)
+ {
+ _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pValue = pSegment->rgValue + (uBlock * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK);
+ do
+ {
+ *pValue = NULL;
+ pValue ++;
+ } while (pValue < pLast);
+ ((uint32_t*)pSegment->rgGeneration)[uBlock] = (uint32_t)-1;
+ uint32_t *pdwMask = pSegment->rgFreeMask + (uBlock * HANDLE_MASKS_PER_BLOCK);
+ uint32_t *pdwMaskLast = pdwMask + HANDLE_MASKS_PER_BLOCK;
+ do
+ {
+ *pdwMask = MASK_EMPTY;
+ pdwMask ++;
+ } while (pdwMask < pdwMaskLast);
+ pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock] = TYPE_INVALID;
+ pSegment->rgUserData[uBlock] = BLOCK_INVALID;
+ pSegment->rgLocks[uBlock] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Return all non-async pin handles to free list
+ uint32_t uType;
+ for (uType = 0; uType < HANDLE_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES; uType ++)
+ {
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ pSegment->rgFreeCount[uType] = 0;
+ if (pSegment->rgHint[uType] != BLOCK_INVALID)
+ {
+ uint32_t uLast = pSegment->rgHint[uType];
+ uint8_t uFirst = pSegment->rgAllocation[uLast];
+ pSegment->rgAllocation[uLast] = pSegment->bFreeList;
+ pSegment->bFreeList = uFirst;
+ pSegment->rgHint[uType] = BLOCK_INVALID;
+ pSegment->rgTail[uType] = BLOCK_INVALID;
+ }
+ }
+ // make sure the remaining async handle has MethodTable that exists in default domain
+ uBlock = pSegment->rgHint[HNDTYPE_ASYNCPINNED];
+ if (uBlock == BLOCK_INVALID)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t freeCount = 0;
+ for (uBlock = 0; uBlock < pSegment->bEmptyLine; uBlock ++)
+ {
+ if (pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock] != HNDTYPE_ASYNCPINNED)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pSegment->rgFreeMask[uBlock*2] == (uint32_t)-1 && pSegment->rgFreeMask[uBlock*2+1] == (uint32_t)-1)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pValue = pSegment->rgValue + (uBlock * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK);
+ do
+ {
+ _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF value = *pValue;
+ if (!HndIsNullOrDestroyedHandle(value))
+ {
+ _ASSERTE (value->GetMethodTable() == g_pOverlappedDataClass);
+ if (overlapped->HasCompleted())
+ {
+ // IO has finished. We don't need to pin the user buffer any longer.
+ overlapped->m_userObject = NULL;
+ }
+ BashMTForPinnedObject(ObjectToOBJECTREF(value));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // reset free mask
+ SegmentMarkFreeMask(pSegment, pValue);
+ freeCount ++;
+ }
+ pValue ++;
+ } while (pValue != pLast);
+ }
+ pSegment->rgFreeCount[HNDTYPE_ASYNCPINNED] = freeCount;
+// Copy a handle to a different segment in the same HandleTable
+BOOL SegmentCopyAsyncPinHandle(TableSegment *pSegment, _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *h)
+ {
+ }
+ _ASSERTE (HandleFetchSegmentPointer((OBJECTHANDLE)h) != pSegment);
+ if (pSegment->rgFreeCount[HNDTYPE_ASYNCPINNED] == 0)
+ {
+ uint8_t uBlock = pSegment->bFreeList;
+ if (uBlock == BLOCK_INVALID)
+ {
+ // All slots are used up.
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ pSegment->bFreeList = pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock];
+ pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock] = HNDTYPE_ASYNCPINNED;
+ pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock] = pSegment->rgHint[HNDTYPE_ASYNCPINNED];
+ pSegment->rgHint[HNDTYPE_ASYNCPINNED] = uBlock;
+ }
+ uint8_t uBlock = pSegment->rgHint[HNDTYPE_ASYNCPINNED];
+ uint8_t uLast = uBlock;
+ do
+ {
+ uint32_t* pMask = pSegment->rgFreeMask + n;
+ if (pMask[0] != 0 || pMask[1] != 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ uBlock = pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock];
+ } while (uBlock != uLast);
+ _ASSERTE (uBlock != uLast);
+ pSegment->rgHint[HNDTYPE_ASYNCPINNED] = uBlock;
+ _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pValue = pSegment->rgValue + (uBlock * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK);
+ do
+ {
+ if (*pValue == NULL)
+ {
+ SegmentUnMarkFreeMask(pSegment,pValue);
+ *pValue = *h;
+ *h = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ pValue ++;
+ } while (pValue != pLast);
+ _ASSERTE (pValue != pLast);
+ pSegment->rgFreeCount[HNDTYPE_ASYNCPINNED] --;
+ return TRUE;
+void SegmentCompactAsyncPinHandles(TableSegment *pSegment, TableSegment **ppWorkerSegment)
+ {
+ }
+ uint32_t uBlock = pSegment->rgHint[HNDTYPE_ASYNCPINNED];
+ if (uBlock == BLOCK_INVALID)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (uBlock = 0; uBlock < pSegment->bEmptyLine; uBlock ++)
+ {
+ if (pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock] != HNDTYPE_ASYNCPINNED)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pSegment->rgFreeMask[uBlock*2] == (uint32_t)-1 && pSegment->rgFreeMask[uBlock*2+1] == (uint32_t)-1)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pValue = pSegment->rgValue + (uBlock * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK);
+ do
+ {
+ BOOL fNeedNewSegment = FALSE;
+ _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF value = *pValue;
+ if (!HndIsNullOrDestroyedHandle(value))
+ {
+ _ASSERTE (value->GetMethodTable() == g_pOverlappedDataClass);
+ if (overlapped->HasCompleted())
+ {
+ // IO has finished. We don't need to pin the user buffer any longer.
+ overlapped->m_userObject = NULL;
+ }
+ BashMTForPinnedObject(ObjectToOBJECTREF(value));
+ fNeedNewSegment = !SegmentCopyAsyncPinHandle(*ppWorkerSegment,pValue);
+ }
+ if (fNeedNewSegment)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE ((*ppWorkerSegment)->rgFreeCount[HNDTYPE_ASYNCPINNED] == 0 &&
+ (*ppWorkerSegment)->bFreeList == BLOCK_INVALID);
+ TableSegment *pNextSegment = (*ppWorkerSegment)->pNextSegment;
+ SegmentPreCompactAsyncPinHandles(pNextSegment);
+ *ppWorkerSegment = pNextSegment;
+ if (pNextSegment == pSegment)
+ {
+ // The current segment will be moved to default domain.
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pValue ++;
+ }
+ } while (pValue != pLast);
+ }
+// Mark AsyncPinHandles ready to be cleaned when the marker job is processed
+BOOL SegmentHandleAsyncPinHandles (TableSegment *pSegment)
+ {
+ }
+ uint32_t uBlock = pSegment->rgHint[HNDTYPE_ASYNCPINNED];
+ if (uBlock == BLOCK_INVALID)
+ {
+ // There is no pinning handles.
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ BOOL result = FALSE;
+ for (uBlock = 0; uBlock < pSegment->bEmptyLine; uBlock ++)
+ {
+ if (pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock] != HNDTYPE_ASYNCPINNED)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pSegment->rgFreeMask[uBlock*2] == (uint32_t)-1 && pSegment->rgFreeMask[uBlock*2+1] == (uint32_t)-1)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pValue = pSegment->rgValue + (uBlock * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK);
+ do
+ {
+ _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF value = *pValue;
+ if (!HndIsNullOrDestroyedHandle(value))
+ {
+ _ASSERTE (value->GetMethodTable() == g_pOverlappedDataClass);
+ if (overlapped->GetAppDomainId() != DefaultADID && overlapped->HasCompleted())
+ {
+ overlapped->HandleAsyncPinHandle();
+ result = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ pValue ++;
+ } while (pValue != pLast);
+ }
+ return result;
+// Replace an async pin handle with one from default domain
+void SegmentRelocateAsyncPinHandles (TableSegment *pSegment, HandleTable *pTargetTable)
+ {
+ }
+ uint32_t uBlock = pSegment->rgHint[HNDTYPE_ASYNCPINNED];
+ if (uBlock == BLOCK_INVALID)
+ {
+ // There is no pinning handles.
+ return;
+ }
+ for (uBlock = 0; uBlock < pSegment->bEmptyLine; uBlock ++)
+ {
+ if (pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock] != HNDTYPE_ASYNCPINNED)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pSegment->rgFreeMask[uBlock*2] == (uint32_t)-1 && pSegment->rgFreeMask[uBlock*2+1] == (uint32_t)-1)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pValue = pSegment->rgValue + (uBlock * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK);
+ do
+ {
+ _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF value = *pValue;
+ if (!HndIsNullOrDestroyedHandle(value))
+ {
+ _ASSERTE (value->GetMethodTable() == g_pOverlappedDataClass);
+ if (overlapped->HasCompleted())
+ {
+ // IO has finished. We don't need to pin the user buffer any longer.
+ overlapped->m_userObject = NULL;
+ }
+ BashMTForPinnedObject(ObjectToOBJECTREF(value));
+ overlapped->m_pinSelf = CreateAsyncPinningHandle((HHANDLETABLE)pTargetTable,ObjectToOBJECTREF(value));
+ *pValue = NULL;
+ }
+ pValue ++;
+ } while (pValue != pLast);
+ }
+// Mark all non-pending AsyncPinHandle ready for cleanup.
+// We will queue a marker Overlapped to io completion port. We use the marker
+// to make sure that all iocompletion jobs before this marker have been processed.
+// After that we can free the async pinned handles.
+BOOL TableHandleAsyncPinHandles(HandleTable *pTable)
+ {
+ }
+ _ASSERTE (pTable->uADIndex.m_dwIndex == DefaultADID);
+ BOOL result = FALSE;
+ TableSegment *pSegment = pTable->pSegmentList;
+ CrstHolder ch(&pTable->Lock);
+ while (pSegment)
+ {
+ if (SegmentHandleAsyncPinHandles (pSegment))
+ {
+ result = TRUE;
+ }
+ pSegment = pSegment->pNextSegment;
+ }
+ return result;
+// Keep needed async Pin Handle by moving them to default domain.
+// Strategy:
+// 1. Try to create pin handles in default domain to replace it.
+// 2. If 1 failed due to OOM, we will relocate segments from this HandleTable to default domain.
+// a. Clean the segment so that only saved pin handles exist. This segment becomes the worker segment.
+// b. Copy pin handles from remaining segments to the worker segment. If worker segment is full, start
+// from a again.
+// c. After copying all handles to worker segments, move the segments to default domain.
+// It is very important that in step 2, we should not fail for OOM, which means no memory allocation.
+void TableRelocateAsyncPinHandles(HandleTable *pTable, HandleTable *pTargetTable)
+ {
+ }
+ _ASSERTE (pTargetTable->uADIndex == SystemDomain::System()->DefaultDomain()->GetIndex()); // must be for default domain
+ BOOL fGotException = FALSE;
+ TableSegment *pSegment = pTable->pSegmentList;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // on debug builds, execute the OOM path 10% of the time.
+ if (GetRandomInt(100) < 10)
+ goto SLOW_PATH;
+ // Step 1: replace pinning handles with ones from default domain
+ {
+ while (pSegment)
+ {
+ SegmentRelocateAsyncPinHandles (pSegment, pTargetTable);
+ pSegment = pSegment->pNextSegment;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ fGotException = TRUE;
+ }
+ EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions);
+ if (!fGotException)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // step 2: default domain runs out of space
+ // compact all remaining pinning handles and move the segments to default domain
+ while (true)
+ {
+ CrstHolderWithState ch(&pTable->Lock);
+ // We cannot move segments to a different table if we're asynchronously scanning the current table as
+ // part of a concurrent GC. That's because the async table scanning code does most of its work without
+ // the table lock held. So we'll take the table lock and then look to see if we're in a concurrent GC.
+ // If we are we'll back out and try again. This doesn't prevent a concurrent GC from initiating while
+ // we have the lock held but the part we care about (the async table scan) takes the table lock during
+ // a preparation step so we'll be able to complete our segment moves before the async scan has a
+ // chance to interfere with us (or vice versa).
+ if (GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->IsConcurrentGCInProgress())
+ {
+ // A concurrent GC is in progress so someone might be scanning our segments asynchronously.
+ // Release the lock, wait for the GC to complete and try again. The order is important; if we wait
+ // before releasing the table lock we can deadlock with an async table scan.
+ ch.Release();
+ GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->WaitUntilConcurrentGCComplete();
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If we get here then we managed to acquire the table lock and observe that no concurrent GC was in
+ // progress. A concurrent GC could start at any time so that state may have changed, but since we took
+ // the table lock first we know that the GC could only have gotten as far as attempting to initiate an
+ // async handle table scan (which attempts to acquire the table lock). So as long as we complete our
+ // segment compaction and moves without releasing the table lock we're guaranteed to complete before
+ // the async scan can get in and observe any of the segments.
+ // Compact async pinning handles into the smallest number of leading segments we can (the worker
+ // segments).
+ TableSegment *pWorkerSegment = pTable->pSegmentList;
+ SegmentPreCompactAsyncPinHandles (pWorkerSegment);
+ pSegment = pWorkerSegment->pNextSegment;
+ while (pSegment)
+ {
+ SegmentCompactAsyncPinHandles (pSegment, &pWorkerSegment);
+ pSegment= pSegment->pNextSegment;
+ }
+ // Empty the remaining segments.
+ pSegment = pWorkerSegment->pNextSegment;
+ while (pSegment)
+ {
+ memset(pSegment->rgValue, 0, (uint32_t)pSegment->bCommitLine * HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK);
+ pSegment = pSegment->pNextSegment;
+ }
+ // Move the worker segments over to the tail end of the default domain's segment list.
+ {
+ CrstHolder ch1(&pTargetTable->Lock);
+ // Locate the segment currently at the tail of the default domain's segment list.
+ TableSegment *pTargetSegment = pTargetTable->pSegmentList;
+ while (pTargetSegment->pNextSegment)
+ {
+ pTargetSegment = pTargetSegment->pNextSegment;
+ }
+ // Take the worker segments and point them to their new handle table and recalculate their
+ // sequence numbers to be consistent with the queue they're moving to.
+ uint8_t bLastSequence = pTargetSegment->bSequence;
+ pSegment = pTable->pSegmentList;
+ while (pSegment != pWorkerSegment->pNextSegment)
+ {
+ pSegment->pHandleTable = pTargetTable;
+ pSegment->bSequence = (uint8_t)(((uint32_t)bLastSequence + 1) % 0x100);
+ bLastSequence = pSegment->bSequence;
+ pSegment = pSegment->pNextSegment;
+ }
+ // Join the worker segments to the tail of the default domain segment list.
+ pTargetSegment->pNextSegment = pTable->pSegmentList;
+ // Reset the current handle table segment list to omit the removed worker segments and start at
+ // the first non-worker.
+ pTable->pSegmentList = pWorkerSegment->pNextSegment;
+ // The last worker segment is now the end of the default domain's segment list.
+ pWorkerSegment->pNextSegment = NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ * Check if a handle is part of a HandleTable
+ */
+BOOL TableContainHandle(HandleTable *pTable, OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ _ASSERTE (handle);
+ // get the segment for this handle
+ TableSegment *pSegment = (TableSegment *)HandleFetchSegmentPointer(handle);
+ CrstHolder ch(&pTable->Lock);
+ TableSegment *pWorkerSegment = pTable->pSegmentList;
+ while (pWorkerSegment)
+ {
+ if (pWorkerSegment == pSegment)
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ pWorkerSegment = pWorkerSegment->pNextSegment;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ * SegmentRemoveFreeBlocks
+ *
+ * Scans a segment for free blocks of the specified type
+ * and moves them to the segment's free list.
+ *
+ */
+void SegmentRemoveFreeBlocks(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uType, BOOL *pfScavengeLater)
+ /*
+ */
+ // fetch the tail block for the specified chain
+ uint32_t uPrev = pSegment->rgTail[uType];
+ // if it's a terminator then there are no blocks in the chain
+ if (uPrev == BLOCK_INVALID)
+ return;
+ // we may need to clean up user data blocks later
+ BOOL fCleanupUserData = FALSE;
+ // start iterating with the head block
+ uint32_t uStart = pSegment->rgAllocation[uPrev];
+ uint32_t uBlock = uStart;
+ // keep track of how many blocks we removed
+ uint32_t uRemoved = 0;
+ // we want to preserve the relative order of any blocks we free
+ // this is the best we can do until the free list is resorted
+ uint32_t uFirstFreed = BLOCK_INVALID;
+ uint32_t uLastFreed = BLOCK_INVALID;
+ // loop until we've processed the whole chain
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ // fetch the next block index
+ uint32_t uNext = pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock];
+ // determine whether this block is empty
+ if (((uint64_t*)pSegment->rgFreeMask)[uBlock] == UI64(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF))
+ // assume this block is empty until we know otherwise
+ BOOL fEmpty = TRUE;
+ // get the first mask for this block
+ uint32_t *pdwMask = pSegment->rgFreeMask + (uBlock * HANDLE_MASKS_PER_BLOCK);
+ uint32_t *pdwMaskLast = pdwMask + HANDLE_MASKS_PER_BLOCK;
+ // loop through the masks until we've processed them all or we've found handles
+ do
+ {
+ // is this mask empty?
+ if (*pdwMask != MASK_EMPTY)
+ {
+ // nope - this block still has handles in it
+ fEmpty = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ // on to the next mask
+ pdwMask++;
+ } while (pdwMask < pdwMaskLast);
+ // is this block empty?
+ if (fEmpty)
+ {
+ // is this block currently locked?
+ if (BlockIsLocked(pSegment, uBlock))
+ {
+ // block cannot be freed, if we were passed a scavenge flag then set it
+ if (pfScavengeLater)
+ *pfScavengeLater = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // safe to free - did it have user data associated?
+ uint32_t uData = pSegment->rgUserData[uBlock];
+ if (uData != BLOCK_INVALID)
+ {
+ // data blocks are 'empty' so we keep them locked
+ // unlock the block so it can be reclaimed below
+ BlockUnlock(pSegment, uData);
+ // unlink the data block from the handle block
+ pSegment->rgUserData[uBlock] = BLOCK_INVALID;
+ // remember that we need to scavenge the data block chain
+ fCleanupUserData = TRUE;
+ }
+ // mark the block as free
+ pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock] = TYPE_INVALID;
+ // have we freed any other blocks yet?
+ if (uFirstFreed == BLOCK_INVALID)
+ {
+ // no - this is the first one - remember it as the new head
+ uFirstFreed = uBlock;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // yes - link this block to the other ones in order
+ pSegment->rgAllocation[uLastFreed] = (uint8_t)uBlock;
+ }
+ // remember this block for later
+ uLastFreed = uBlock;
+ // are there other blocks in the chain?
+ if (uPrev != uBlock)
+ {
+ // yes - unlink this block from the chain
+ pSegment->rgAllocation[uPrev] = (uint8_t)uNext;
+ // if we are removing the tail then pick a new tail
+ if (pSegment->rgTail[uType] == uBlock)
+ pSegment->rgTail[uType] = (uint8_t)uPrev;
+ // if we are removing the hint then pick a new hint
+ if (pSegment->rgHint[uType] == uBlock)
+ pSegment->rgHint[uType] = (uint8_t)uNext;
+ // we removed the current block - reset uBlock to a valid block
+ uBlock = uPrev;
+ // N.B. we'll check if we freed uStart later when it's safe to recover
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // we're removing last block - sanity check the loop condition
+ _ASSERTE(uNext == uStart);
+ // mark this chain as completely empty
+ pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock] = BLOCK_INVALID;
+ pSegment->rgTail[uType] = BLOCK_INVALID;
+ pSegment->rgHint[uType] = BLOCK_INVALID;
+ }
+ // update the number of blocks we've removed
+ uRemoved++;
+ }
+ }
+ // if we are back at the beginning then it is time to stop
+ if (uNext == uStart)
+ break;
+ // now see if we need to reset our start block
+ if (uStart == uLastFreed)
+ uStart = uNext;
+ // on to the next block
+ uPrev = uBlock;
+ uBlock = uNext;
+ }
+ // did we remove any blocks?
+ if (uRemoved)
+ {
+ // yes - link the new blocks into the free list
+ pSegment->rgAllocation[uLastFreed] = pSegment->bFreeList;
+ pSegment->bFreeList = (uint8_t)uFirstFreed;
+ // update the free count for this chain
+ pSegment->rgFreeCount[uType] -= (uRemoved * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK);
+ // mark for a resort - the free list (and soon allocation chains) may be out of order
+ pSegment->fResortChains = TRUE;
+ // if we removed blocks that had user data then we need to reclaim those too
+ if (fCleanupUserData)
+ SegmentRemoveFreeBlocks(pSegment, HNDTYPE_INTERNAL_DATABLOCK, NULL);
+ }
+ * SegmentInsertBlockFromFreeListWorker
+ *
+ * Inserts a block into a block list within a segment. Blocks are obtained from the
+ * segment's free list. Returns the index of the block inserted, or BLOCK_INVALID
+ * if no blocks were avaliable.
+ *
+ * This routine is the core implementation for SegmentInsertBlockFromFreeList.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t SegmentInsertBlockFromFreeListWorker(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uType, BOOL fUpdateHint)
+ /*
+ */
+ // fetch the next block from the free list
+ uint8_t uBlock = pSegment->bFreeList;
+ // if we got the terminator then there are no more blocks
+ if (uBlock != BLOCK_INVALID)
+ {
+ // are we eating out of the last empty range of blocks?
+ if (uBlock >= pSegment->bEmptyLine)
+ {
+ // get the current commit line
+ uint32_t uCommitLine = pSegment->bCommitLine;
+ // if this block is uncommitted then commit some memory now
+ if (uBlock >= uCommitLine)
+ {
+ // figure out where to commit next
+ void * pvCommit = pSegment->rgValue + (uCommitLine * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK);
+ // we should commit one more page of handles
+ uint32_t dwCommit = g_SystemInfo.dwPageSize;
+ // commit the memory
+ if (!GCToOSInterface::VirtualCommit(pvCommit, dwCommit))
+ // use the previous commit line as the new decommit line
+ pSegment->bDecommitLine = (uint8_t)uCommitLine;
+ // adjust the commit line by the number of blocks we commited
+ pSegment->bCommitLine = (uint8_t)(uCommitLine + (dwCommit / HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK));
+ }
+ // update our empty line
+ pSegment->bEmptyLine = uBlock + 1;
+ }
+ // unlink our block from the free list
+ pSegment->bFreeList = pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock];
+ // link our block into the specified chain
+ uint32_t uOldTail = pSegment->rgTail[uType];
+ if (uOldTail == BLOCK_INVALID)
+ {
+ // first block, set as head and link to itself
+ pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock] = (uint8_t)uBlock;
+ // there are no other blocks - update the hint anyway
+ fUpdateHint = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // not first block - link circularly
+ pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock] = pSegment->rgAllocation[uOldTail];
+ pSegment->rgAllocation[uOldTail] = (uint8_t)uBlock;
+ // chain may need resorting depending on what we added
+ pSegment->fResortChains = TRUE;
+ }
+ // mark this block with the type we're using it for
+ pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock] = (uint8_t)uType;
+ // update the chain tail
+ pSegment->rgTail[uType] = (uint8_t)uBlock;
+ // if we are supposed to update the hint, then point it at the new block
+ if (fUpdateHint)
+ pSegment->rgHint[uType] = (uint8_t)uBlock;
+ // increment the chain's free count to reflect the additional block
+ pSegment->rgFreeCount[uType] += HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK;
+ }
+ // all done
+ return uBlock;
+ * SegmentInsertBlockFromFreeList
+ *
+ * Inserts a block into a block list within a segment. Blocks are obtained from the
+ * segment's free list. Returns the index of the block inserted, or BLOCK_INVALID
+ * if no blocks were avaliable.
+ *
+ * This routine does the work of securing a parallel user data block if required.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t SegmentInsertBlockFromFreeList(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uType, BOOL fUpdateHint)
+ /*
+ */
+ uint32_t uBlock, uData = 0;
+ // does this block type require user data?
+ BOOL fUserData = TypeHasUserData(pSegment->pHandleTable, uType);
+ // if we need user data then we need to make sure it can go in the same segment as the handles
+ if (fUserData)
+ {
+ // if we can't also fit the user data in this segment then bail
+ uBlock = pSegment->bFreeList;
+ if ((uBlock == BLOCK_INVALID) || (pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock] == BLOCK_INVALID))
+ // allocate our user data block (we do it in this order so that free order is nicer)
+ uData = SegmentInsertBlockFromFreeListWorker(pSegment, HNDTYPE_INTERNAL_DATABLOCK, FALSE);
+ }
+ // now allocate the requested block
+ uBlock = SegmentInsertBlockFromFreeListWorker(pSegment, uType, fUpdateHint);
+ // should we have a block for user data too?
+ if (fUserData)
+ {
+ // did we get them both?
+ if ((uBlock != BLOCK_INVALID) && (uData != BLOCK_INVALID))
+ {
+ // link the data block to the requested block
+ pSegment->rgUserData[uBlock] = (uint8_t)uData;
+ // no handles are ever allocated out of a data block
+ // lock the block so it won't be reclaimed accidentally
+ BlockLock(pSegment, uData);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // NOTE: We pre-screened that the blocks exist above, so we should only
+ // get here under heavy load when a MEM_COMMIT operation fails.
+ // if the type block allocation succeeded then scavenge the type block list
+ if (uBlock != BLOCK_INVALID)
+ SegmentRemoveFreeBlocks(pSegment, uType, NULL);
+ // if the user data allocation succeeded then scavenge the user data list
+ if (uData != BLOCK_INVALID)
+ SegmentRemoveFreeBlocks(pSegment, HNDTYPE_INTERNAL_DATABLOCK, NULL);
+ // make sure we return failure
+ }
+ }
+ // all done
+ return uBlock;
+ * SegmentResortChains
+ *
+ * Sorts the block chains for optimal scanning order.
+ * Sorts the free list to combat fragmentation.
+ *
+ */
+void SegmentResortChains(TableSegment *pSegment)
+ // clear the sort flag for this segment
+ pSegment->fResortChains = FALSE;
+ // first, do we need to scavenge any blocks?
+ if (pSegment->fNeedsScavenging)
+ {
+ // clear the scavenge flag
+ pSegment->fNeedsScavenging = FALSE;
+ // we may need to explicitly scan the user data chain too
+ BOOL fCleanupUserData = FALSE;
+ // fetch the empty line for this segment
+ uint32_t uLast = pSegment->bEmptyLine;
+ // loop over all active blocks, scavenging the empty ones as we go
+ for (uint32_t uBlock = 0; uBlock < uLast; uBlock++)
+ {
+ // fetch the block type of this block
+ uint32_t uType = pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock];
+ // only process public block types - we handle data blocks separately
+ {
+ // determine whether this block is empty
+ if (((uint64_t*)pSegment->rgFreeMask)[uBlock] == UI64(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF))
+ // assume this block is empty until we know otherwise
+ BOOL fEmpty = TRUE;
+ // get the first mask for this block
+ uint32_t *pdwMask = pSegment->rgFreeMask + (uBlock * HANDLE_MASKS_PER_BLOCK);
+ uint32_t *pdwMaskLast = pdwMask + HANDLE_MASKS_PER_BLOCK;
+ // loop through the masks until we've processed them all or we've found handles
+ do
+ {
+ // is this mask empty?
+ if (*pdwMask != MASK_EMPTY)
+ {
+ // nope - this block still has handles in it
+ fEmpty = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ // on to the next mask
+ pdwMask++;
+ } while (pdwMask < pdwMaskLast);
+ // is this block empty?
+ if (fEmpty)
+ {
+ // is the block unlocked?
+ if (!BlockIsLocked(pSegment, uBlock))
+ {
+ // safe to free - did it have user data associated?
+ uint32_t uData = pSegment->rgUserData[uBlock];
+ if (uData != BLOCK_INVALID)
+ {
+ // data blocks are 'empty' so we keep them locked
+ // unlock the block so it can be reclaimed below
+ BlockUnlock(pSegment, uData);
+ // unlink the data block from the handle block
+ pSegment->rgUserData[uBlock] = BLOCK_INVALID;
+ // remember that we need to scavenge the data block chain
+ fCleanupUserData = TRUE;
+ }
+ // mark the block as free
+ pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock] = TYPE_INVALID;
+ // fix up the free count for the block's type
+ pSegment->rgFreeCount[uType] -= HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK;
+ // N.B. we don't update the list linkages here since they are rebuilt below
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // if we have to clean up user data then do that now
+ if (fCleanupUserData)
+ SegmentRemoveFreeBlocks(pSegment, HNDTYPE_INTERNAL_DATABLOCK, NULL);
+ }
+ // keep some per-chain data
+ uint8_t rgChainCurr[HANDLE_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES];
+ uint8_t rgChainHigh[HANDLE_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES];
+ uint8_t bChainFree = BLOCK_INVALID;
+ uint32_t uEmptyLine = BLOCK_INVALID;
+ BOOL fContiguousWithFreeList = TRUE;
+ // preinit the chain data to no blocks
+ uint32_t uType;
+ for (uType = 0; uType < HANDLE_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES; uType++)
+ rgChainHigh[uType] = rgChainCurr[uType] = BLOCK_INVALID;
+ // scan back through the block types
+ while (uBlock > 0)
+ {
+ // decrement the block index
+ uBlock--;
+ // fetch the type for this block
+ uType = pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock];
+ // is this block allocated?
+ if (uType != TYPE_INVALID)
+ {
+ // looks allocated
+ fContiguousWithFreeList = FALSE;
+ // hope the segment's not corrupt :)
+ // remember the first block we see for each type
+ if (rgChainHigh[uType] == BLOCK_INVALID)
+ rgChainHigh[uType] = uBlock;
+ // link this block to the last one we saw of this type
+ pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock] = rgChainCurr[uType];
+ // remember this block in type chain
+ rgChainCurr[uType] = (uint8_t)uBlock;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // block is free - is it also contiguous with the free list?
+ if (fContiguousWithFreeList)
+ uEmptyLine = uBlock;
+ // link this block to the last one in the free chain
+ pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock] = bChainFree;
+ // add this block to the free list
+ bChainFree = (uint8_t)uBlock;
+ }
+ }
+ // now close the loops and store the tails
+ for (uType = 0; uType < HANDLE_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES; uType++)
+ {
+ // get the first block in the list
+ uint8_t bBlock = rgChainCurr[uType];
+ // if there is a list then make it circular and save it
+ if (bBlock != BLOCK_INVALID)
+ {
+ // highest block we saw becomes tail
+ uint32_t uTail = rgChainHigh[uType];
+ // store tail in segment
+ pSegment->rgTail[uType] = (uint8_t)uTail;
+ // link tail to head
+ pSegment->rgAllocation[uTail] = bBlock;
+ // If we scavenged blocks above then we might have left the hint pointing at the free chain. Reset
+ // it back into this chain if so (the choice of block is arbitrary, this case is very rare).
+ if (pSegment->rgBlockType[pSegment->rgHint[uType]] != uType)
+ pSegment->rgHint[uType] = bBlock;
+ }
+ }
+ // store the new free list head
+ pSegment->bFreeList = bChainFree;
+ // compute the new empty line
+ // store the updated empty line
+ pSegment->bEmptyLine = (uint8_t)uEmptyLine;
+ * DoesSegmentNeedsToTrimExcessPages
+ *
+ * Checks to see if any pages can be decommitted from the segment
+ *
+ */
+BOOL DoesSegmentNeedsToTrimExcessPages(TableSegment *pSegment)
+ // fetch the empty and decommit lines
+ uint32_t uEmptyLine = pSegment->bEmptyLine;
+ uint32_t uDecommitLine = pSegment->bDecommitLine;
+ // check to see if we can decommit some handles
+ // NOTE: we use '<' here to avoid playing ping-pong on page boundaries
+ // this is OK since the zero case is handled elsewhere (segment gets freed)
+ if (uEmptyLine < uDecommitLine)
+ {
+ // derive some useful info about the page size
+ uintptr_t dwPageRound = (uintptr_t)g_SystemInfo.dwPageSize - 1;
+ uintptr_t dwPageMask = ~dwPageRound;
+ // compute the address corresponding to the empty line
+ uintptr_t dwLo = (uintptr_t)pSegment->rgValue + (uEmptyLine * HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK);
+ // adjust the empty line address to the start of the nearest whole empty page
+ dwLo = (dwLo + dwPageRound) & dwPageMask;
+ // compute the address corresponding to the old commit line
+ uintptr_t dwHi = (uintptr_t)pSegment->rgValue + ((uint32_t)pSegment->bCommitLine * HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK);
+ // is there anything to decommit?
+ if (dwHi > dwLo)
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ * SegmentTrimExcessPages
+ *
+ * Checks to see if any pages can be decommitted from the segment.
+ * In case there any unused pages it goes and decommits them.
+ *
+ */
+void SegmentTrimExcessPages(TableSegment *pSegment)
+ // fetch the empty and decommit lines
+ uint32_t uEmptyLine = pSegment->bEmptyLine;
+ uint32_t uDecommitLine = pSegment->bDecommitLine;
+ // check to see if we can decommit some handles
+ // NOTE: we use '<' here to avoid playing ping-pong on page boundaries
+ // this is OK since the zero case is handled elsewhere (segment gets freed)
+ if (uEmptyLine < uDecommitLine)
+ {
+ // derive some useful info about the page size
+ uintptr_t dwPageRound = (uintptr_t)g_SystemInfo.dwPageSize - 1;
+ uintptr_t dwPageMask = ~dwPageRound;
+ // compute the address corresponding to the empty line
+ uintptr_t dwLo = (uintptr_t)pSegment->rgValue + (uEmptyLine * HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK);
+ // adjust the empty line address to the start of the nearest whole empty page
+ dwLo = (dwLo + dwPageRound) & dwPageMask;
+ // compute the address corresponding to the old commit line
+ uintptr_t dwHi = (uintptr_t)pSegment->rgValue + ((uint32_t)pSegment->bCommitLine * HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK);
+ // is there anything to decommit?
+ if (dwHi > dwLo)
+ {
+ // decommit the memory
+ GCToOSInterface::VirtualDecommit((void *)dwLo, dwHi - dwLo);
+ // update the commit line
+ pSegment->bCommitLine = (uint8_t)((dwLo - (size_t)pSegment->rgValue) / HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK);
+ // compute the address for the new decommit line
+ size_t dwDecommitAddr = dwLo - g_SystemInfo.dwPageSize;
+ // assume a decommit line of zero until we know otheriwse
+ uDecommitLine = 0;
+ // if the address is within the handle area then compute the line from the address
+ if (dwDecommitAddr > (size_t)pSegment->rgValue)
+ uDecommitLine = (uint32_t)((dwDecommitAddr - (size_t)pSegment->rgValue) / HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK);
+ // update the decommit line
+ pSegment->bDecommitLine = (uint8_t)uDecommitLine;
+ }
+ }
+ * BlockAllocHandlesInMask
+ *
+ * Attempts to allocate the requested number of handes of the specified type,
+ * from the specified mask of the specified handle block.
+ *
+ * Returns the number of available handles actually allocated.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t BlockAllocHandlesInMask(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock,
+ uint32_t *pdwMask, uint32_t uHandleMaskDisplacement,
+ OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount)
+ // keep track of how many handles we have left to allocate
+ uint32_t uRemain = uCount;
+ // fetch the free mask into a local so we can play with it
+ uint32_t dwFree = *pdwMask;
+ // keep track of our displacement within the mask
+ uint32_t uByteDisplacement = 0;
+ // examine the mask byte by byte for free handles
+ do
+ {
+ // grab the low byte of the mask
+ uint32_t dwLowByte = (dwFree & MASK_LOBYTE);
+ // are there any free handles here?
+ if (dwLowByte)
+ {
+ // remember which handles we've taken
+ uint32_t dwAlloc = 0;
+ // loop until we've allocated all the handles we can from here
+ do
+ {
+ // get the index of the next handle
+ uint32_t uIndex = c_rgLowBitIndex[dwLowByte];
+ // compute the mask for the handle we chose
+ dwAlloc |= (1 << uIndex);
+ // remove this handle from the mask byte
+ dwLowByte &= ~dwAlloc;
+ // compute the index of this handle in the segment
+ uIndex += uHandleMaskDisplacement + uByteDisplacement;
+ // store the allocated handle in the handle array
+ *pHandleBase = (OBJECTHANDLE)(pSegment->rgValue + uIndex);
+ // adjust our count and array pointer
+ uRemain--;
+ pHandleBase++;
+ } while (dwLowByte && uRemain);
+ // shift the allocation mask into position
+ dwAlloc <<= uByteDisplacement;
+ // update the mask to account for the handles we allocated
+ *pdwMask &= ~dwAlloc;
+ }
+ // on to the next byte in the mask
+ dwFree >>= BITS_PER_BYTE;
+ uByteDisplacement += BITS_PER_BYTE;
+ } while (uRemain && dwFree);
+ // return the number of handles we got
+ return (uCount - uRemain);
+ * BlockAllocHandlesInitial
+ *
+ * Allocates a specified number of handles from a newly committed (empty) block.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t BlockAllocHandlesInitial(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uType, uint32_t uBlock,
+ OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount)
+ // sanity check
+ _ASSERTE(uCount);
+ // validate the number of handles we were asked to allocate
+ {
+ }
+ // keep track of how many handles we have left to mark in masks
+ uint32_t uRemain = uCount;
+ // get the first mask for this block
+ uint32_t *pdwMask = pSegment->rgFreeMask + (uBlock * HANDLE_MASKS_PER_BLOCK);
+ // loop through the masks, zeroing the appropriate free bits
+ do
+ {
+ // this is a brand new block - all masks we encounter should be totally free
+ _ASSERTE(*pdwMask == MASK_EMPTY);
+ // pick an initial guess at the number to allocate
+ uint32_t uAlloc = uRemain;
+ // compute the default mask based on that count
+ uint32_t dwNewMask;
+ // are we allocating all of them?
+ {
+ dwNewMask = MASK_FULL; // avoid unpredictable shift
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dwNewMask = (MASK_EMPTY << uAlloc);
+ }
+ // set the free mask
+ *pdwMask = dwNewMask;
+ // update our count and mask pointer
+ uRemain -= uAlloc;
+ pdwMask++;
+ } while (uRemain);
+ // compute the bounds for allocation so we can copy the handles
+ _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pValue = pSegment->rgValue + (uBlock * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK);
+ _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pLast = pValue + uCount;
+ // loop through filling in the output array with handles
+ do
+ {
+ // store the next handle in the next array slot
+ *pHandleBase = (OBJECTHANDLE)pValue;
+ // increment our source and destination
+ pValue++;
+ pHandleBase++;
+ } while (pValue < pLast);
+ // return the number of handles we allocated
+ return uCount;
+ * BlockAllocHandles
+ *
+ * Attempts to allocate the requested number of handes of the specified type,
+ * from the specified handle block.
+ *
+ * Returns the number of available handles actually allocated.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t BlockAllocHandles(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount)
+ /*
+ */
+ // keep track of how many handles we have left to allocate
+ uint32_t uRemain = uCount;
+ // set up our loop and limit mask pointers
+ uint32_t *pdwMask = pSegment->rgFreeMask + (uBlock * HANDLE_MASKS_PER_BLOCK);
+ uint32_t *pdwMaskLast = pdwMask + HANDLE_MASKS_PER_BLOCK;
+ // keep track of the handle displacement for the mask we're scanning
+ uint32_t uDisplacement = uBlock * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK;
+ // loop through all the masks, allocating handles as we go
+ do
+ {
+ // if this mask indicates free handles then grab them
+ if (*pdwMask)
+ {
+ // allocate as many handles as we need from this mask
+ uint32_t uSatisfied = BlockAllocHandlesInMask(pSegment, uBlock, pdwMask, uDisplacement, pHandleBase, uRemain);
+ // adjust our count and array pointer
+ uRemain -= uSatisfied;
+ pHandleBase += uSatisfied;
+ // if there are no remaining slots to be filled then we are done
+ if (!uRemain)
+ break;
+ }
+ // on to the next mask
+ pdwMask++;
+ uDisplacement += HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_MASK;
+ } while (pdwMask < pdwMaskLast);
+ // return the number of handles we got
+ return (uCount - uRemain);
+ * SegmentAllocHandlesFromTypeChain
+ *
+ * Attempts to allocate the requested number of handes of the specified type,
+ * from the specified segment's block chain for the specified type. This routine
+ * ONLY scavenges existing blocks in the type chain. No new blocks are committed.
+ *
+ * Returns the number of available handles actually allocated.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t SegmentAllocHandlesFromTypeChain(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount)
+ /*
+ */
+ // fetch the number of handles available in this chain
+ uint32_t uAvail = pSegment->rgFreeCount[uType];
+ // is the available count greater than the requested count?
+ if (uAvail > uCount)
+ {
+ // yes - all requested handles are available
+ uAvail = uCount;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // no - we can only satisfy some of the request
+ uCount = uAvail;
+ }
+ // did we find that any handles are available?
+ if (uAvail)
+ {
+ // yes - fetch the head of the block chain and set up a loop limit
+ uint32_t uBlock = pSegment->rgHint[uType];
+ uint32_t uLast = uBlock;
+ // loop until we have found all handles known to be available
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ // try to allocate handles from the current block
+ uint32_t uSatisfied = BlockAllocHandles(pSegment, uBlock, pHandleBase, uAvail);
+ // did we get everything we needed?
+ if (uSatisfied == uAvail)
+ {
+ // yes - update the hint for this type chain and get out
+ pSegment->rgHint[uType] = (uint8_t)uBlock;
+ break;
+ }
+ // adjust our count and array pointer
+ uAvail -= uSatisfied;
+ pHandleBase += uSatisfied;
+ // fetch the next block in the type chain
+ uBlock = pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock];
+ // are we out of blocks?
+ if (uBlock == uLast)
+ {
+ // free count is corrupt
+ // avoid making the problem any worse
+ uCount -= uAvail;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // update the free count
+ pSegment->rgFreeCount[uType] -= uCount;
+ }
+ // return the number of handles we got
+ return uCount;
+ * SegmentAllocHandlesFromFreeList
+ *
+ * Attempts to allocate the requested number of handes of the specified type,
+ * by committing blocks from the free list to that type's type chain.
+ *
+ * Returns the number of available handles actually allocated.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t SegmentAllocHandlesFromFreeList(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount)
+ /*
+ */
+ // keep track of how many handles we have left to allocate
+ uint32_t uRemain = uCount;
+ // loop allocating handles until we are done or we run out of free blocks
+ do
+ {
+ // start off assuming we can allocate all the handles
+ uint32_t uAlloc = uRemain;
+ // we can only get a block-full of handles at a time
+ // try to get a block from the free list
+ uint32_t uBlock = SegmentInsertBlockFromFreeList(pSegment, uType, (uRemain == uCount));
+ // if there are no free blocks left then we are done
+ if (uBlock == BLOCK_INVALID)
+ break;
+ // initialize the block by allocating the required handles into the array
+ uAlloc = BlockAllocHandlesInitial(pSegment, uType, uBlock, pHandleBase, uAlloc);
+ // adjust our count and array pointer
+ uRemain -= uAlloc;
+ pHandleBase += uAlloc;
+ } while (uRemain);
+ // compute the number of handles we took
+ uCount -= uRemain;
+ // update the free count by the number of handles we took
+ pSegment->rgFreeCount[uType] -= uCount;
+ // return the number of handles we got
+ return uCount;
+ * SegmentAllocHandles
+ *
+ * Attempts to allocate the requested number of handes of the specified type,
+ * from the specified segment.
+ *
+ * Returns the number of available handles actually allocated.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t SegmentAllocHandles(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount)
+ /*
+ */
+ // first try to get some handles from the existing type chain
+ uint32_t uSatisfied = SegmentAllocHandlesFromTypeChain(pSegment, uType, pHandleBase, uCount);
+ // if there are still slots to be filled then we need to commit more blocks to the type chain
+ if (uSatisfied < uCount)
+ {
+ // adjust our count and array pointer
+ uCount -= uSatisfied;
+ pHandleBase += uSatisfied;
+ // get remaining handles by committing blocks from the free list
+ uSatisfied += SegmentAllocHandlesFromFreeList(pSegment, uType, pHandleBase, uCount);
+ }
+ // return the number of handles we got
+ return uSatisfied;
+ * TableAllocBulkHandles
+ *
+ * Attempts to allocate the requested number of handes of the specified type.
+ *
+ * Returns the number of handles that were actually allocated. This is always
+ * the same as the number of handles requested except in out-of-memory conditions,
+ * in which case it is the number of handles that were successfully allocated.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t TableAllocBulkHandles(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount)
+ /*
+ */
+ // keep track of how many handles we have left to allocate
+ uint32_t uRemain = uCount;
+ // start with the first segment and loop until we are done
+ TableSegment *pSegment = pTable->pSegmentList;
+ uint8_t bLastSequence = 0;
+ BOOL fNewSegment = FALSE;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ // get some handles from the current segment
+ uint32_t uSatisfied = SegmentAllocHandles(pSegment, uType, pHandleBase, uRemain);
+ // adjust our count and array pointer
+ uRemain -= uSatisfied;
+ pHandleBase += uSatisfied;
+ // if there are no remaining slots to be filled then we are done
+ if (!uRemain)
+ break;
+ // fetch the next segment in the chain.
+ TableSegment *pNextSegment = NULL;
+ if (!fNewSegment)
+ {
+ pNextSegment = pSegment->pNextSegment;
+ if (!pNextSegment)
+ {
+ bLastSequence = pSegment->bSequence;
+ fNewSegment = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ // if are no more segments then allocate another
+ if (fNewSegment)
+ {
+ // ok if this fails then we're out of luck
+ pNextSegment = SegmentAlloc(pTable);
+ if (!pNextSegment)
+ {
+ // we ran out of memory allocating a new segment.
+ // this may not be catastrophic - if there are still some
+ // handles in the cache then some allocations may succeed.
+ break;
+ }
+ // set up the correct sequence number for the new segment
+ pNextSegment->bSequence = (uint8_t)(((uint32_t)bLastSequence + 1) % 0x100);
+ bLastSequence = pNextSegment->bSequence;
+ // link the new segment into the list by the order of segment address
+ TableSegment* pWalk = pTable->pSegmentList;
+ if ((uintptr_t)pNextSegment < (uintptr_t)pWalk)
+ {
+ pNextSegment->pNextSegment = pWalk;
+ pTable->pSegmentList = pNextSegment;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (pWalk)
+ {
+ if (pWalk->pNextSegment == NULL)
+ {
+ pWalk->pNextSegment = pNextSegment;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if ((uintptr_t)pWalk->pNextSegment > (uintptr_t)pNextSegment)
+ {
+ pNextSegment->pNextSegment = pWalk->pNextSegment;
+ pWalk->pNextSegment = pNextSegment;
+ break;
+ }
+ pWalk = pWalk->pNextSegment;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // try again with new segment
+ pSegment = pNextSegment;
+ }
+ // compute the number of handles we actually got
+ uint32_t uAllocated = (uCount - uRemain);
+ // update the count of handles marked as "used"
+ pTable->dwCount += uAllocated;
+ // return the number of handles we actually got
+ return uAllocated;
+ * BlockFreeHandlesInMask
+ *
+ * Frees some portion of an array of handles of the specified type.
+ * The array is scanned forward and handles are freed until a handle
+ * from a different mask is encountered.
+ *
+ * Returns the number of handles that were freed from the front of the array.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t BlockFreeHandlesInMask(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uMask, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount,
+ uintptr_t *pUserData, uint32_t *puActualFreed, BOOL *pfAllMasksFree)
+ // keep track of how many handles we have left to free
+ uint32_t uRemain = uCount;
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable:6305) // "This code deals with a bit vector mapped piece of code, so there is no mismatch between sizeof and countof"
+ // if this block has user data, convert the pointer to be mask-relative
+ if (pUserData)
+ pUserData += (uMask * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_MASK);
+ // convert our mask index to be segment-relative
+ uMask += (uBlock * HANDLE_MASKS_PER_BLOCK);
+ // compute the handle bounds for our mask
+ OBJECTHANDLE firstHandle = (OBJECTHANDLE)(pSegment->rgValue + (uMask * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_MASK));
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(pop)
+ // keep a local copy of the free mask to update as we free handles
+ uint32_t dwFreeMask = pSegment->rgFreeMask[uMask];
+ // keep track of how many bogus frees we are asked to do
+ uint32_t uBogus = 0;
+ // loop freeing handles until we encounter one outside our block or there are none left
+ do
+ {
+ // fetch the next handle in the array
+ OBJECTHANDLE handle = *pHandleBase;
+ // if the handle is outside our segment then we are done
+ if ((handle < firstHandle) || (handle >= lastHandle))
+ break;
+ // sanity check - the handle should no longer refer to an object here
+ _ASSERTE(HndIsNullOrDestroyedHandle(*(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *)handle));
+ // compute the handle index within the mask
+ uint32_t uHandle = (uint32_t)(handle - firstHandle);
+ // if there is user data then clear the user data for this handle
+ if (pUserData)
+ pUserData[uHandle] = 0L;
+ // compute the mask bit for this handle
+ uint32_t dwFreeBit = (1 << uHandle);
+ // the handle should not already be free
+ if ((dwFreeMask & dwFreeBit) != 0)
+ {
+ uBogus++;
+ }
+ // add this handle to the tally of freed handles
+ dwFreeMask |= dwFreeBit;
+ // adjust our count and array pointer
+ uRemain--;
+ pHandleBase++;
+ } while (uRemain);
+ // update the mask to reflect the handles we changed
+ pSegment->rgFreeMask[uMask] = dwFreeMask;
+ // if not all handles in this mask are free then tell our caller not to check the block
+ if (dwFreeMask != MASK_EMPTY)
+ *pfAllMasksFree = FALSE;
+ // compute the number of handles we processed from the array
+ uint32_t uFreed = (uCount - uRemain);
+ // tell the caller how many handles we actually freed
+ *puActualFreed += (uFreed - uBogus);
+ // return the number of handles we actually freed
+ return uFreed;
+ * BlockFreeHandles
+ *
+ * Frees some portion of an array of handles of the specified type.
+ * The array is scanned forward and handles are freed until a handle
+ * from a different block is encountered.
+ *
+ * Returns the number of handles that were freed from the front of the array.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t BlockFreeHandles(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount,
+ uint32_t *puActualFreed, BOOL *pfScanForFreeBlocks)
+ /*
+ */
+ // keep track of how many handles we have left to free
+ uint32_t uRemain = uCount;
+ // fetch the user data for this block, if any
+ uintptr_t *pBlockUserData = BlockFetchUserDataPointer(pSegment, uBlock, FALSE);
+ // compute the handle bounds for our block
+ OBJECTHANDLE firstHandle = (OBJECTHANDLE)(pSegment->rgValue + (uBlock * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK));
+ // this variable will only stay TRUE if all masks we touch end up in the free state
+ BOOL fAllMasksWeTouchedAreFree = TRUE;
+ // loop freeing handles until we encounter one outside our block or there are none left
+ do
+ {
+ // fetch the next handle in the array
+ OBJECTHANDLE handle = *pHandleBase;
+ // if the handle is outside our segment then we are done
+ if ((handle < firstHandle) || (handle >= lastHandle))
+ break;
+ // compute the mask that this handle resides in
+ uint32_t uMask = (uint32_t)((handle - firstHandle) / HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_MASK);
+ // free as many handles as this mask owns from the front of the array
+ uint32_t uFreed = BlockFreeHandlesInMask(pSegment, uBlock, uMask, pHandleBase, uRemain,
+ pBlockUserData, puActualFreed, &fAllMasksWeTouchedAreFree);
+ // adjust our count and array pointer
+ uRemain -= uFreed;
+ pHandleBase += uFreed;
+ } while (uRemain);
+ // are all masks we touched free?
+ if (fAllMasksWeTouchedAreFree)
+ {
+ // is the block unlocked?
+ if (!BlockIsLocked(pSegment, uBlock))
+ {
+ // tell the caller it might be a good idea to scan for free blocks
+ *pfScanForFreeBlocks = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ // return the number of handles we actually freed
+ return (uCount - uRemain);
+ * SegmentFreeHandles
+ *
+ * Frees some portion of an array of handles of the specified type.
+ * The array is scanned forward and handles are freed until a handle
+ * from a different segment is encountered.
+ *
+ * Returns the number of handles that were freed from the front of the array.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t SegmentFreeHandles(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount)
+ /*
+ */
+ // keep track of how many handles we have left to free
+ uint32_t uRemain = uCount;
+ // compute the handle bounds for our segment
+ OBJECTHANDLE firstHandle = (OBJECTHANDLE)pSegment->rgValue;
+ // the per-block free routines will set this if there is a chance some blocks went free
+ BOOL fScanForFreeBlocks = FALSE;
+ // track the number of handles we actually free
+ uint32_t uActualFreed = 0;
+ // loop freeing handles until we encounter one outside our segment or there are none left
+ do
+ {
+ // fetch the next handle in the array
+ OBJECTHANDLE handle = *pHandleBase;
+ // if the handle is outside our segment then we are done
+ if ((handle < firstHandle) || (handle >= lastHandle))
+ break;
+ // compute the block that this handle resides in
+ uint32_t uBlock = (uint32_t)(((uintptr_t)handle - (uintptr_t)firstHandle) / (HANDLE_SIZE * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK));
+ // sanity check that this block is the type we expect to be freeing
+ _ASSERTE(pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock] == uType);
+ // free as many handles as this block owns from the front of the array
+ uint32_t uFreed = BlockFreeHandles(pSegment, uBlock, pHandleBase, uRemain, &uActualFreed, &fScanForFreeBlocks);
+ // adjust our count and array pointer
+ uRemain -= uFreed;
+ pHandleBase += uFreed;
+ } while (uRemain);
+ // compute the number of handles we actually freed
+ uint32_t uFreed = (uCount - uRemain);
+ // update the free count
+ pSegment->rgFreeCount[uType] += uActualFreed;
+ // if we saw blocks that may have gone totally free then do a free scan
+ if (fScanForFreeBlocks)
+ {
+ // assume we no scavenging is required
+ BOOL fNeedsScavenging = FALSE;
+ // try to remove any free blocks we may have created
+ SegmentRemoveFreeBlocks(pSegment, uType, &fNeedsScavenging);
+ // did SegmentRemoveFreeBlocks have to skip over any free blocks?
+ if (fNeedsScavenging)
+ {
+ // yup, arrange to scavenge them later
+ pSegment->fResortChains = TRUE;
+ pSegment->fNeedsScavenging = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ // return the total number of handles we freed
+ return uFreed;
+ * TableFreeBulkPreparedHandles
+ *
+ * Frees an array of handles of the specified type.
+ *
+ * This routine is optimized for a sorted array of handles but will accept any order.
+ *
+ */
+void TableFreeBulkPreparedHandles(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount)
+ //Update the count of handles marked as "used"
+ pTable->dwCount -= uCount;
+ /*
+ */
+ // loop until all handles are freed
+ do
+ {
+ // get the segment for the first handle
+ TableSegment * pSegment = (TableSegment *)HandleFetchSegmentPointer(*pHandleBase);
+ // sanity
+ _ASSERTE(pSegment->pHandleTable == pTable);
+ // free as many handles as this segment owns from the front of the array
+ uint32_t uFreed = SegmentFreeHandles(pSegment, uType, pHandleBase, uCount);
+ // adjust our count and array pointer
+ uCount -= uFreed;
+ pHandleBase += uFreed;
+ } while (uCount);
+ * TableFreeBulkUnpreparedHandlesWorker
+ *
+ * Frees an array of handles of the specified type by preparing them and calling TableFreeBulkPreparedHandles.
+ * Uses the supplied scratch buffer to prepare the handles.
+ *
+ */
+void TableFreeBulkUnpreparedHandlesWorker(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t uType, const OBJECTHANDLE *pHandles, uint32_t uCount,
+ OBJECTHANDLE *pScratchBuffer)
+ // copy the handles into the destination buffer
+ memcpy(pScratchBuffer, pHandles, uCount * sizeof(OBJECTHANDLE));
+ // sort them for optimal free order
+ QuickSort((uintptr_t *)pScratchBuffer, 0, uCount - 1, CompareHandlesByFreeOrder);
+ // make sure the handles are zeroed too
+ ZeroHandles(pScratchBuffer, uCount);
+ // prepare and free these handles
+ TableFreeBulkPreparedHandles(pTable, uType, pScratchBuffer, uCount);
+ * TableFreeBulkUnpreparedHandles
+ *
+ * Frees an array of handles of the specified type by preparing them and calling
+ * TableFreeBulkPreparedHandlesWorker one or more times.
+ *
+ */
+void TableFreeBulkUnpreparedHandles(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t uType, const OBJECTHANDLE *pHandles, uint32_t uCount)
+ {
+ }
+ // preparation / free buffer
+ OBJECTHANDLE *pScratchBuffer = rgStackHandles;
+ OBJECTHANDLE *pLargeScratchBuffer = NULL;
+ uint32_t uFreeGranularity = _countof(rgStackHandles);
+ // if there are more handles than we can put on the stack then try to allocate a sorting buffer
+ if (uCount > uFreeGranularity)
+ {
+ // try to allocate a bigger buffer to work in
+ pLargeScratchBuffer = new (nothrow) OBJECTHANDLE[uCount];
+ // did we get it?
+ if (pLargeScratchBuffer)
+ {
+ // yes - use this buffer to prepare and free the handles
+ pScratchBuffer = pLargeScratchBuffer;
+ uFreeGranularity = uCount;
+ }
+ }
+ // loop freeing handles until we have freed them all
+ while (uCount)
+ {
+ // decide how many we can process in this iteration
+ if (uFreeGranularity > uCount)
+ uFreeGranularity = uCount;
+ // prepare and free these handles
+ TableFreeBulkUnpreparedHandlesWorker(pTable, uType, pHandles, uFreeGranularity, pScratchBuffer);
+ // adjust our pointers and move on
+ uCount -= uFreeGranularity;
+ pHandles += uFreeGranularity;
+ }
+ // if we allocated a sorting buffer then free it now
+ if (pLargeScratchBuffer)
+ delete [] pLargeScratchBuffer;
diff --git a/src/gc/handletablepriv.h b/src/gc/handletablepriv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59c08ca744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/handletablepriv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1069 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+ * Generational GC handle manager. Internal Implementation Header.
+ *
+ * Shared defines and declarations for handle table implementation.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "common.h"
+#include "handletable.h"
+//<TODO>@TODO: find a home for this in a project-level header file</TODO>
+#define BITS_PER_BYTE (8)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+// 64k reserved per segment with 4k as header.
+#define HANDLE_SEGMENT_SIZE (0x10000) // MUST be a power of 2 (and currently must be 64K due to VirtualAlloc semantics)
+#define HANDLE_HEADER_SIZE (0x1000) // SHOULD be <= OS page size
+ // little-endian write barrier mask manipulation
+ #define GEN_CLUMP_0_MASK (0x000000FF)
+ #define NEXT_CLUMP_IN_MASK(dw) (dw >> BITS_PER_BYTE)
+ // big-endian write barrier mask manipulation
+ #define GEN_CLUMP_0_MASK (0xFF000000)
+ #define NEXT_CLUMP_IN_MASK(dw) (dw << BITS_PER_BYTE)
+// if the above numbers change than these will likely change as well
+#define HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_CLUMP (16) // segment write-barrier granularity
+#define HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK (64) // segment suballocation granularity
+#define HANDLE_OPTIMIZE_FOR_64_HANDLE_BLOCKS // flag for certain optimizations
+// maximum number of internally supported handle types
+#define HANDLE_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES (12) // should be a multiple of 4
+// number of types allowed for public callers
+#define HANDLE_MAX_PUBLIC_TYPES (HANDLE_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES - 1) // reserve one internal type
+// internal block types
+#define HNDTYPE_INTERNAL_DATABLOCK (HANDLE_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES - 1) // reserve last type for data blocks
+// max number of generations to support statistics on
+#define MAXSTATGEN (5)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+// fast handle-to-segment mapping
+// table layout metrics
+#define HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_MASK (sizeof(uint32_t) * BITS_PER_BYTE)
+// We use this relation to check for free mask per block.
+// cache layout metrics
+#define HANDLE_CACHE_TYPE_SIZE 128 // 128 == 63 handles per bank
+// cache policy defines
+// bulk alloc policy defines
+// misc constants
+#define MASK_FULL (0)
+#define MASK_LOBYTE (0x000000FF)
+#define TYPE_INVALID ((uint8_t)0xFF)
+#define BLOCK_INVALID ((uint8_t)0xFF)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * we need byte packing for the handle table layout to work
+ */
+#pragma pack(push,1)
+ * Table Segment Header
+ *
+ * Defines the layout for a segment's header data.
+ */
+struct _TableSegmentHeader
+ /*
+ * Write Barrier Generation Numbers
+ *
+ * Each slot holds four bytes. Each byte corresponds to a clump of handles.
+ * The value of the byte corresponds to the lowest possible generation that a
+ * handle in that clump could point into.
+ *
+ * WARNING: Although this array is logically organized as a uint8_t[], it is sometimes
+ * accessed as uint32_t[] when processing bytes in parallel. Code which treats the
+ * array as an array of ULONG32s must handle big/little endian issues itself.
+ */
+ uint8_t rgGeneration[HANDLE_BLOCKS_PER_SEGMENT * sizeof(uint32_t) / sizeof(uint8_t)];
+ /*
+ * Block Allocation Chains
+ *
+ * Each slot indexes the next block in an allocation chain.
+ */
+ uint8_t rgAllocation[HANDLE_BLOCKS_PER_SEGMENT];
+ /*
+ * Block Free Masks
+ *
+ * Masks - 1 bit for every handle in the segment.
+ */
+ uint32_t rgFreeMask[HANDLE_MASKS_PER_SEGMENT];
+ /*
+ * Block Handle Types
+ *
+ * Each slot holds the handle type of the associated block.
+ */
+ uint8_t rgBlockType[HANDLE_BLOCKS_PER_SEGMENT];
+ /*
+ * Block User Data Map
+ *
+ * Each slot holds the index of a user data block (if any) for the associated block.
+ */
+ uint8_t rgUserData[HANDLE_BLOCKS_PER_SEGMENT];
+ /*
+ * Block Lock Count
+ *
+ * Each slot holds a lock count for its associated block.
+ * Locked blocks are not freed, even when empty.
+ */
+ /*
+ * Allocation Chain Tails
+ *
+ * Each slot holds the tail block index for an allocation chain.
+ */
+ /*
+ * Allocation Chain Hints
+ *
+ * Each slot holds a hint block index for an allocation chain.
+ */
+ /*
+ * Free Count
+ *
+ * Each slot holds the number of free handles in an allocation chain.
+ */
+ uint32_t rgFreeCount[HANDLE_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES];
+ /*
+ * Next Segment
+ *
+ * Points to the next segment in the chain (if we ran out of space in this one).
+ */
+ TADDR pNextSegment;
+ struct TableSegment *pNextSegment;
+ /*
+ * Handle Table
+ *
+ * Points to owning handle table for this table segment.
+ */
+ PTR_HandleTable pHandleTable;
+ /*
+ * Flags
+ */
+ uint8_t fResortChains : 1; // allocation chains need sorting
+ uint8_t fNeedsScavenging : 1; // free blocks need scavenging
+ uint8_t _fUnused : 6; // unused
+ /*
+ * Free List Head
+ *
+ * Index of the first free block in the segment.
+ */
+ uint8_t bFreeList;
+ /*
+ * Empty Line
+ *
+ * Index of the first KNOWN block of the last group of unused blocks in the segment.
+ */
+ uint8_t bEmptyLine;
+ /*
+ * Commit Line
+ *
+ * Index of the first uncommited block in the segment.
+ */
+ uint8_t bCommitLine;
+ /*
+ * Decommit Line
+ *
+ * Index of the first block in the highest committed page of the segment.
+ */
+ uint8_t bDecommitLine;
+ /*
+ * Sequence
+ *
+ * Indicates the segment sequence number.
+ */
+ uint8_t bSequence;
+typedef DPTR(struct _TableSegmentHeader) PTR__TableSegmentHeader;
+typedef DPTR(uintptr_t) PTR_uintptr_t;
+// The handle table is large and may not be entirely mapped. That's one reason for splitting out the table
+// segment and the header as two separate classes. In DAC builds, we generally need only a single element from
+// the table segment, so we can use the DAC to retrieve just the information we require.
+ * Table Segment
+ *
+ * Defines the layout for a handle table segment.
+ */
+struct TableSegment : public _TableSegmentHeader
+ /*
+ * Filler
+ */
+ uint8_t rgUnused[HANDLE_HEADER_SIZE - sizeof(_TableSegmentHeader)];
+ /*
+ * Handles
+ */
+ static uint32_t DacSize(TADDR addr);
+typedef SPTR(struct TableSegment) PTR_TableSegment;
+ * restore default packing
+ */
+#pragma pack(pop)
+ * Handle Type Cache
+ *
+ * Defines the layout of a per-type handle cache.
+ */
+struct HandleTypeCache
+ /*
+ * reserve bank
+ */
+ /*
+ * index of next available handle slot in the reserve bank
+ */
+ int32_t lReserveIndex;
+ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * N.B. this structure is split up this way so that when HANDLES_PER_CACHE_BANK is
+ * large enough, lReserveIndex and lFreeIndex will reside in different cache lines
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*
+ * free bank
+ */
+ /*
+ * index of next empty slot in the free bank
+ */
+ int32_t lFreeIndex;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * ScanCallbackInfo
+ *
+ * Carries parameters for per-segment and per-block scanning callbacks.
+ *
+ */
+struct ScanCallbackInfo
+ PTR_TableSegment pCurrentSegment; // segment we are presently scanning, if any
+ uint32_t uFlags; // HNDGCF_* flags
+ BOOL fEnumUserData; // whether user data is being enumerated as well
+ HANDLESCANPROC pfnScan; // per-handle scan callback
+ uintptr_t param1; // callback param 1
+ uintptr_t param2; // callback param 2
+ uint32_t dwAgeMask; // generation mask for ephemeral GCs
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ uint32_t DEBUG_BlocksScanned;
+ uint32_t DEBUG_BlocksScannedNonTrivially;
+ uint32_t DEBUG_HandleSlotsScanned;
+ uint32_t DEBUG_HandlesActuallyScanned;
+ *
+ * Prototype for callbacks that implement per-block scanning logic.
+ *
+ */
+typedef void (CALLBACK *BLOCKSCANPROC)(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo);
+ *
+ * Prototype for callbacks that implement per-segment scanning logic.
+ *
+ */
+typedef PTR_TableSegment (CALLBACK *SEGMENTITERATOR)(PTR_HandleTable pTable, PTR_TableSegment pPrevSegment, CrstHolderWithState *pCrstHolder);
+ *
+ * Prototype for TableScanHandles and xxxTableScanHandlesAsync.
+ *
+ */
+typedef void (CALLBACK *TABLESCANPROC)(PTR_HandleTable pTable,
+ const uint32_t *puType, uint32_t uTypeCount,
+ SEGMENTITERATOR pfnSegmentIterator,
+ BLOCKSCANPROC pfnBlockHandler,
+ ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo,
+ CrstHolderWithState *pCrstHolder);
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * AsyncScanInfo
+ *
+ * Tracks the state of an async scan for a handle table.
+ *
+ */
+struct AsyncScanInfo
+ /*
+ * Underlying Callback Info
+ *
+ * Specifies callback info for the underlying block handler.
+ */
+ struct ScanCallbackInfo *pCallbackInfo;
+ /*
+ * Underlying Segment Iterator
+ *
+ * Specifies the segment iterator to be used during async scanning.
+ */
+ SEGMENTITERATOR pfnSegmentIterator;
+ /*
+ * Underlying Block Handler
+ *
+ * Specifies the block handler to be used during async scanning.
+ */
+ BLOCKSCANPROC pfnBlockHandler;
+ /*
+ * Scan Queue
+ *
+ * Specifies the nodes to be processed asynchronously.
+ */
+ struct ScanQNode *pScanQueue;
+ /*
+ * Queue Tail
+ *
+ * Specifies the tail node in the queue, or NULL if the queue is empty.
+ */
+ struct ScanQNode *pQueueTail;
+ * Handle Table
+ *
+ * Defines the layout of a handle table object.
+ */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4200 ) // zero-sized array
+struct HandleTable
+ /*
+ * flags describing handle attributes
+ *
+ * N.B. this is at offset 0 due to frequent access by cache free codepath
+ */
+ uint32_t rgTypeFlags[HANDLE_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES];
+ /*
+ * lock for this table
+ */
+ CrstStatic Lock;
+ /*
+ * number of types this table supports
+ */
+ uint32_t uTypeCount;
+ /*
+ * number of handles owned by this table that are marked as "used"
+ * (this includes the handles residing in rgMainCache and rgQuickCache)
+ */
+ uint32_t dwCount;
+ /*
+ * head of segment list for this table
+ */
+ PTR_TableSegment pSegmentList;
+ /*
+ * information on current async scan (if any)
+ */
+ AsyncScanInfo *pAsyncScanInfo;
+ /*
+ * per-table user info
+ */
+ uint32_t uTableIndex;
+ /*
+ * per-table AppDomain info
+ */
+ ADIndex uADIndex;
+ /*
+ * one-level per-type 'quick' handle cache
+ */
+ OBJECTHANDLE rgQuickCache[HANDLE_MAX_INTERNAL_TYPES]; // interlocked ops used here
+ /*
+ * debug-only statistics
+ */
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ int _DEBUG_iMaxGen;
+ int64_t _DEBUG_TotalBlocksScanned [MAXSTATGEN];
+ int64_t _DEBUG_TotalBlocksScannedNonTrivially[MAXSTATGEN];
+ int64_t _DEBUG_TotalHandleSlotsScanned [MAXSTATGEN];
+ int64_t _DEBUG_TotalHandlesActuallyScanned [MAXSTATGEN];
+ /*
+ * primary per-type handle cache
+ */
+ HandleTypeCache rgMainCache[0]; // interlocked ops used here
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(pop)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * A 32/64 comparison callback
+ *<TODO>
+ * @TODO: move/merge into common util file
+ *</TODO>
+ */
+typedef int (*PFNCOMPARE)(uintptr_t p, uintptr_t q);
+ * A 32/64 neutral quicksort
+ *<TODO>
+ * @TODO: move/merge into common util file
+ *</TODO>
+ */
+void QuickSort(uintptr_t *pData, int left, int right, PFNCOMPARE pfnCompare);
+ * CompareHandlesByFreeOrder
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * <0 - handle P should be freed before handle Q
+ * =0 - handles are eqivalent for free order purposes
+ * >0 - handle Q should be freed before handle P
+ *
+ */
+int CompareHandlesByFreeOrder(uintptr_t p, uintptr_t q);
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * TypeHasUserData
+ *
+ * Determines whether a given handle type has user data.
+ *
+ */
+__inline BOOL TypeHasUserData(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t uType)
+ // sanity
+ // consult the type flags
+ return (pTable->rgTypeFlags[uType] & HNDF_EXTRAINFO);
+ * TableCanFreeSegmentNow
+ *
+ * Determines if it is OK to free the specified segment at this time.
+ *
+ */
+BOOL TableCanFreeSegmentNow(HandleTable *pTable, TableSegment *pSegment);
+ * BlockIsLocked
+ *
+ * Determines if the lock count for the specified block is currently non-zero.
+ *
+ */
+__inline BOOL BlockIsLocked(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock)
+ // sanity
+ // fetch the lock count and compare it to zero
+ return (pSegment->rgLocks[uBlock] != 0);
+ * BlockLock
+ *
+ * Increases the lock count for a block.
+ *
+ */
+__inline void BlockLock(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock)
+ // fetch the old lock count
+ uint8_t bLocks = pSegment->rgLocks[uBlock];
+ // assert if we are about to trash the count
+ _ASSERTE(bLocks < 0xFF);
+ // store the incremented lock count
+ pSegment->rgLocks[uBlock] = bLocks + 1;
+ * BlockUnlock
+ *
+ * Decreases the lock count for a block.
+ *
+ */
+__inline void BlockUnlock(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock)
+ // fetch the old lock count
+ uint8_t bLocks = pSegment->rgLocks[uBlock];
+ // assert if we are about to trash the count
+ _ASSERTE(bLocks > 0);
+ // store the decremented lock count
+ pSegment->rgLocks[uBlock] = bLocks - 1;
+ * BlockFetchUserDataPointer
+ *
+ * Gets the user data pointer for the first handle in a block.
+ *
+ */
+PTR_uintptr_t BlockFetchUserDataPointer(PTR__TableSegmentHeader pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, BOOL fAssertOnError);
+ * HandleValidateAndFetchUserDataPointer
+ *
+ * Gets the user data pointer for a handle.
+ * ASSERTs and returns NULL if handle is not of the expected type.
+ *
+ */
+uintptr_t *HandleValidateAndFetchUserDataPointer(OBJECTHANDLE handle, uint32_t uTypeExpected);
+ * HandleQuickFetchUserDataPointer
+ *
+ * Gets the user data pointer for a handle.
+ * Less validation is performed.
+ *
+ */
+PTR_uintptr_t HandleQuickFetchUserDataPointer(OBJECTHANDLE handle);
+ * HandleQuickSetUserData
+ *
+ * Stores user data with a handle.
+ * Less validation is performed.
+ *
+ */
+void HandleQuickSetUserData(OBJECTHANDLE handle, uintptr_t lUserData);
+ * HandleFetchType
+ *
+ * Computes the type index for a given handle.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t HandleFetchType(OBJECTHANDLE handle);
+ * HandleFetchHandleTable
+ *
+ * Returns the containing handle table of a given handle.
+ *
+ */
+PTR_HandleTable HandleFetchHandleTable(OBJECTHANDLE handle);
+ * SegmentAlloc
+ *
+ * Allocates a new segment.
+ *
+ */
+TableSegment *SegmentAlloc(HandleTable *pTable);
+ * SegmentFree
+ *
+ * Frees the specified segment.
+ *
+ */
+void SegmentFree(TableSegment *pSegment);
+ * TableHandleAsyncPinHandles
+ *
+ * Mark ready for all non-pending OverlappedData that get moved to default domain.
+ *
+ */
+BOOL TableHandleAsyncPinHandles(HandleTable *pTable);
+ * TableRelocateAsyncPinHandles
+ *
+ * Replaces async pin handles with ones in default domain.
+ *
+ */
+void TableRelocateAsyncPinHandles(HandleTable *pTable, HandleTable *pTargetTable);
+ * Check if a handle is part of a HandleTable
+ */
+BOOL TableContainHandle(HandleTable *pTable, OBJECTHANDLE handle);
+ * SegmentRemoveFreeBlocks
+ *
+ * Removes a block from a block list in a segment. The block is returned to
+ * the segment's free list.
+ *
+ */
+void SegmentRemoveFreeBlocks(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uType);
+ * SegmentResortChains
+ *
+ * Sorts the block chains for optimal scanning order.
+ * Sorts the free list to combat fragmentation.
+ *
+ */
+void SegmentResortChains(TableSegment *pSegment);
+ * DoesSegmentNeedsToTrimExcessPages
+ *
+ * Checks to see if any pages can be decommitted from the segment.
+ *
+ */
+BOOL DoesSegmentNeedsToTrimExcessPages(TableSegment *pSegment);
+ * SegmentTrimExcessPages
+ *
+ * Checks to see if any pages can be decommitted from the segment.
+ * In case there any unused pages it goes and decommits them.
+ *
+ */
+void SegmentTrimExcessPages(TableSegment *pSegment);
+ * TableAllocBulkHandles
+ *
+ * Attempts to allocate the requested number of handes of the specified type.
+ *
+ * Returns the number of handles that were actually allocated. This is always
+ * the same as the number of handles requested except in out-of-memory conditions,
+ * in which case it is the number of handles that were successfully allocated.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t TableAllocBulkHandles(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount);
+ * TableFreeBulkPreparedHandles
+ *
+ * Frees an array of handles of the specified type.
+ *
+ * This routine is optimized for a sorted array of handles but will accept any order.
+ *
+ */
+void TableFreeBulkPreparedHandles(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount);
+ * TableFreeBulkUnpreparedHandles
+ *
+ * Frees an array of handles of the specified type by preparing them and calling TableFreeBulkPreparedHandles.
+ *
+ */
+void TableFreeBulkUnpreparedHandles(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t uType, const OBJECTHANDLE *pHandles, uint32_t uCount);
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * TableAllocSingleHandleFromCache
+ *
+ * Gets a single handle of the specified type from the handle table by
+ * trying to fetch it from the reserve cache for that handle type. If the
+ * reserve cache is empty, this routine calls TableCacheMissOnAlloc.
+ *
+ */
+OBJECTHANDLE TableAllocSingleHandleFromCache(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t uType);
+ * TableFreeSingleHandleToCache
+ *
+ * Returns a single handle of the specified type to the handle table
+ * by trying to store it in the free cache for that handle type. If the
+ * free cache is full, this routine calls TableCacheMissOnFree.
+ *
+ */
+void TableFreeSingleHandleToCache(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE handle);
+ * TableAllocHandlesFromCache
+ *
+ * Allocates multiple handles of the specified type by repeatedly
+ * calling TableAllocSingleHandleFromCache.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t TableAllocHandlesFromCache(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t uType, OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount);
+ * TableFreeHandlesToCache
+ *
+ * Frees multiple handles of the specified type by repeatedly
+ * calling TableFreeSingleHandleToCache.
+ *
+ */
+void TableFreeHandlesToCache(HandleTable *pTable, uint32_t uType, const OBJECTHANDLE *pHandleBase, uint32_t uCount);
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * TableScanHandles
+ *
+ * Implements the core handle scanning loop for a table.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK TableScanHandles(PTR_HandleTable pTable,
+ const uint32_t *puType,
+ uint32_t uTypeCount,
+ SEGMENTITERATOR pfnSegmentIterator,
+ BLOCKSCANPROC pfnBlockHandler,
+ ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo,
+ CrstHolderWithState *pCrstHolder);
+ * xxxTableScanHandlesAsync
+ *
+ * Implements asynchronous handle scanning for a table.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK xxxTableScanHandlesAsync(PTR_HandleTable pTable,
+ const uint32_t *puType,
+ uint32_t uTypeCount,
+ SEGMENTITERATOR pfnSegmentIterator,
+ BLOCKSCANPROC pfnBlockHandler,
+ ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo,
+ CrstHolderWithState *pCrstHolder);
+ * TypesRequireUserDataScanning
+ *
+ * Determines whether the set of types listed should get user data during scans
+ *
+ * if ALL types passed have user data then this function will enable user data support
+ * otherwise it will disable user data support
+ *
+ *
+ */
+BOOL TypesRequireUserDataScanning(HandleTable *pTable, const uint32_t *types, uint32_t typeCount);
+ * BuildAgeMask
+ *
+ * Builds an age mask to be used when examining/updating the write barrier.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t BuildAgeMask(uint32_t uGen, uint32_t uMaxGen);
+ * QuickSegmentIterator
+ *
+ * Returns the next segment to be scanned in a scanning loop.
+ *
+ */
+PTR_TableSegment CALLBACK QuickSegmentIterator(PTR_HandleTable pTable, PTR_TableSegment pPrevSegment, CrstHolderWithState *pCrstHolder = 0);
+ * StandardSegmentIterator
+ *
+ * Returns the next segment to be scanned in a scanning loop.
+ *
+ * This iterator performs some maintenance on the segments,
+ * primarily making sure the block chains are sorted so that
+ * g0 scans are more likely to operate on contiguous blocks.
+ *
+ */
+PTR_TableSegment CALLBACK StandardSegmentIterator(PTR_HandleTable pTable, PTR_TableSegment pPrevSegment, CrstHolderWithState *pCrstHolder = 0);
+ * FullSegmentIterator
+ *
+ * Returns the next segment to be scanned in a scanning loop.
+ *
+ * This iterator performs full maintenance on the segments,
+ * including freeing those it notices are empty along the way.
+ *
+ */
+PTR_TableSegment CALLBACK FullSegmentIterator(PTR_HandleTable pTable, PTR_TableSegment pPrevSegment, CrstHolderWithState *pCrstHolder = 0);
+ * BlockScanBlocksWithoutUserData
+ *
+ * Calls the specified callback for each handle, optionally aging the corresponding generation clumps.
+ * NEVER propagates per-handle user data to the callback.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK BlockScanBlocksWithoutUserData(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo);
+ * BlockScanBlocksWithUserData
+ *
+ * Calls the specified callback for each handle, optionally aging the corresponding generation clumps.
+ * ALWAYS propagates per-handle user data to the callback.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK BlockScanBlocksWithUserData(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo);
+ * BlockScanBlocksEphemeral
+ *
+ * Calls the specified callback for each handle from the specified generation.
+ * Propagates per-handle user data to the callback if present.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK BlockScanBlocksEphemeral(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo);
+ * BlockAgeBlocks
+ *
+ * Ages all clumps in a range of consecutive blocks.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK BlockAgeBlocks(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo);
+ * BlockAgeBlocksEphemeral
+ *
+ * Ages all clumps within the specified generation.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK BlockAgeBlocksEphemeral(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo);
+ * BlockResetAgeMapForBlocks
+ *
+ * Clears the age maps for a range of blocks.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK BlockResetAgeMapForBlocks(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo);
+ * BlockVerifyAgeMapForBlocks
+ *
+ * Verifies the age maps for a range of blocks, and also validates the objects pointed to.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK BlockVerifyAgeMapForBlocks(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo);
+ * xxxAsyncSegmentIterator
+ *
+ * Implements the core handle scanning loop for a table.
+ *
+ */
+PTR_TableSegment CALLBACK xxxAsyncSegmentIterator(PTR_HandleTable pTable, TableSegment *pPrevSegment, CrstHolderWithState *pCrstHolder);
diff --git a/src/gc/handletablescan.cpp b/src/gc/handletablescan.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..863b5a52b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/handletablescan.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1861 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+ * Generational GC handle manager. Table Scanning Routines.
+ *
+ * Implements support for scanning handles in the table.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "common.h"
+#include "gcenv.h"
+#include "gc.h"
+#include "objecthandle.h"
+#include "handletablepriv.h"
+#include "nativeoverlapped.h"
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ /*
+How the macros work:
+Handle table's generation (TableSegmentHeader::rgGeneration) is actually a byte array, each byte is generation of a clump.
+However it's often used as a uint32_t array for perf reasons, 1 uint32_t contains 4 bytes for ages of 4 clumps. Operations on such
+a uint32_t include:
+1. COMPUTE_CLUMP_MASK. For some GC operations, we only want to scan handles in certain generation. To do that, we calculate
+a Mask uint32_t from the original generation uint32_t:
+ MaskDWORD = COMPUTE_CLUMP_MASK (GenerationDWORD, BuildAgeMask(generationToScan, MaxGen))
+so that if a byte in GenerationDWORD is smaller than or equals to generationToScan, the corresponding byte in MaskDWORD is non-zero,
+otherwise it is zero. However, if a byte in GenerationDWORD is between [2, 3E] and generationToScan is 2, the corresponding byte in
+MaskDWORD is also non-zero.
+2. AgeEphemeral. When Ephemeral GC happens, ages for handles which belong to the GC condemned generation should be
+incremented by 1. The operation is done by calculating a new uint32_t using the old uint32_t value:
+ NewGenerationDWORD = COMPUTE_AGED_CLUMPS(OldGenerationDWORD, BuildAgeMask(condemnedGeneration, MaxGen))
+so that if a byte in OldGenerationDWORD is smaller than or equals to condemnedGeneration. the coresponding byte in
+NewGenerationDWORD is 1 bigger than the old value, otherwise it remains unchanged.
+3. Age. Similar as AgeEphemeral, but we use a special mask if condemned generation is max gen (2):
+under this operation, if a byte in OldGenerationDWORD is bigger than or equals to max gen(2) but smaller than 3F, the corresponding byte in
+NewGenerationDWORD will be incremented by 1. Basically, a handle clump's age could be in [0, 3E]. But from GC's point of view, [2,3E]
+are all considered as gen 2.
+If you change any of those algorithm, please verify it by this program:
+ void Verify ()
+ {
+ //the initial value of each byte is 0xff, which means there's no handle in the clump
+ VerifyMaskCalc (0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0);
+ VerifyMaskCalc (0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 1);
+ VerifyMaskCalc (0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 2);
+ VerifyAgeEphemeralCalc (0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0);
+ VerifyAgeEphemeralCalc (0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 1);
+ VerifyAgeCalc (0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
+ //each byte could independently change from 0 to 0x3e
+ for (byte b0 = 0; b0 <= 0x3f; b0++)
+ {
+ for (byte b1 = 0; b1 <= 0x3f; b1++)
+ {
+ for (byte b2 = 0; b2 <= 0x3f; b2++)
+ {
+ for (byte b3 = 0; b3 <= 0x3f; b3++)
+ {
+ //verify we calculate mask correctly
+ VerifyMaskCalc (b0, b1, b2, b3, 0);
+ VerifyMaskCalc (b0, b1, b2, b3, 1);
+ VerifyMaskCalc (b0, b1, b2, b3, 2);
+ //verify BlockAgeBlocksEphemeral would work correctly
+ VerifyAgeEphemeralCalc (b0, b1, b2, b3, 0);
+ VerifyAgeEphemeralCalc (b0, b1, b2, b3, 1);
+ //verify BlockAgeBlock would work correctly
+ VerifyAgeCalc (b0, b1, b2, b3);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void VerifyMaskCalc (byte b0, byte b1, byte b2, byte b3, uint gennum)
+ {
+ uint genDword = (uint)(b0 | b1 << 8 | b2 << 16 | b3 << 24);
+ uint maskedByGen0 = COMPUTE_CLUMP_MASK(genDword, BuildAgeMask (gennum, 2));
+ byte b0_ = (byte)(maskedByGen0 & 0xff);
+ byte b1_ = (byte)((maskedByGen0 & 0xff00) >> 8);
+ byte b2_ = (byte)((maskedByGen0 & 0xff0000) >> 16);
+ byte b3_ = (byte)((maskedByGen0 & 0xff000000)>> 24);
+ AssertGenMask (b0, b0_, gennum);
+ AssertGenMask (b1, b1_, gennum);
+ AssertGenMask (b2, b2_, gennum);
+ AssertGenMask (b3, b3_, gennum);
+ }
+ void AssertGenMask (byte gen, byte mask, uint gennum)
+ {
+ //3f or ff is not a valid generation
+ if (gen == 0x3f || gen == 0xff)
+ {
+ assert (mask == 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ //any generaion bigger than 2 is actually 2
+ if (gen > 2)
+ gen = 2;
+ if (gen <= gennum)
+ assert (mask != 0);
+ else
+ assert (mask == 0);
+ }
+ void VerifyAgeEphemeralCalc (byte b0, byte b1, byte b2, byte b3, uint gennum)
+ {
+ uint genDword = (uint)(b0 | b1 << 8 | b2 << 16 | b3 << 24);
+ uint agedClump = COMPUTE_AGED_CLUMPS(genDword, BuildAgeMask (gennum, 2));
+ byte b0_ = (byte)(agedClump & 0xff);
+ byte b1_ = (byte)((agedClump & 0xff00) >> 8);
+ byte b2_ = (byte)((agedClump & 0xff0000) >> 16);
+ byte b3_ = (byte)((agedClump & 0xff000000) >> 24);
+ AssertAgedClump (b0, b0_, gennum);
+ AssertAgedClump (b1, b1_, gennum);
+ AssertAgedClump (b2, b2_, gennum);
+ AssertAgedClump (b3, b3_, gennum);
+ }
+ void AssertAgedClump (byte gen, byte agedGen, uint gennum)
+ {
+ //generation will stop growing at 0x3e
+ if (gen >= 0x3e)
+ {
+ assert (agedGen == gen);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (gen <= gennum || (gen > 2 && gennum >= 2))
+ assert (agedGen == gen + 1);
+ else
+ assert (agedGen == gen);
+ }
+ void VerifyAgeCalc (byte b0, byte b1, byte b2, byte b3)
+ {
+ uint genDword = (uint)(b0 | b1 << 8 | b2 << 16 | b3 << 24);
+ uint agedClump = COMPUTE_AGED_CLUMPS(genDword, GEN_FULLGC);
+ byte b0_ = (byte)(agedClump & 0xff);
+ byte b1_ = (byte)((agedClump & 0xff00) >> 8);
+ byte b2_ = (byte)((agedClump & 0xff0000) >> 16);
+ byte b3_ = (byte)((agedClump & 0xff000000) >> 24);
+ AssertAgedClump (b0, b0_, 2);
+ AssertAgedClump (b1, b1_, 2);
+ AssertAgedClump (b2, b2_, 2);
+ AssertAgedClump (b3, b3_, 2);
+ }
+ */
+#define GEN_MAX_AGE (0x3F)
+#define GEN_CLAMP (0x3F3F3F3F)
+#define GEN_AGE_LIMIT (0x3E3E3E3E)
+#define GEN_INVALID (0xC0C0C0C0)
+#define GEN_FILL (0x80808080)
+#define GEN_MASK (0x40404040)
+#define GEN_INC_SHIFT (6)
+#define PREFOLD_FILL_INTO_AGEMASK(msk) (1 + (msk) + (~GEN_FILL))
+#define MAKE_CLUMP_MASK_ADDENDS(bytes) (bytes >> GEN_INC_SHIFT)
+#define APPLY_CLUMP_ADDENDS(gen, addend) (gen + addend)
+#define COMPUTE_CLUMP_MASK(gen, msk) (((gen & GEN_CLAMP) - msk) & GEN_MASK)
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * ScanRange
+ *
+ * Specifies a range of blocks for scanning.
+ *
+ */
+struct ScanRange
+ /*
+ * Start Index
+ *
+ * Specifies the first block in the range.
+ */
+ uint32_t uIndex;
+ /*
+ * Count
+ *
+ * Specifies the number of blocks in the range.
+ */
+ uint32_t uCount;
+ * ScanQNode
+ *
+ * Specifies a set of block ranges in a scan queue.
+ *
+ */
+struct ScanQNode
+ /*
+ * Next Node
+ *
+ * Specifies the next node in a scan list.
+ */
+ struct ScanQNode *pNext;
+ /*
+ * Entry Count
+ *
+ * Specifies how many entries in this block are valid.
+ */
+ uint32_t uEntries;
+ /*
+ * Range Entries
+ *
+ * Each entry specifies a range of blocks to process.
+ */
+ ScanRange rgRange[HANDLE_BLOCKS_PER_SEGMENT / 4];
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Number of elements in a type inclusion map.
+ *
+ */
+ * BuildInclusionMap
+ *
+ * Creates an inclusion map for the specified type array.
+ *
+ */
+void BuildInclusionMap(BOOL *rgTypeInclusion, const uint32_t *puType, uint32_t uTypeCount)
+ // by default, no types are scanned
+ ZeroMemory(rgTypeInclusion, INCLUSION_MAP_SIZE * sizeof(BOOL));
+ // add the specified types to the inclusion map
+ for (uint32_t u = 0; u < uTypeCount; u++)
+ {
+ // fetch a type we are supposed to scan
+ uint32_t uType = puType[u];
+ // hope we aren't about to trash the stack :)
+ // add this type to the inclusion map
+ rgTypeInclusion[uType + 1] = TRUE;
+ }
+ * IsBlockIncluded
+ *
+ * Checks a type inclusion map for the inclusion of a particular block.
+ *
+ */
+__inline BOOL IsBlockIncluded(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, const BOOL *rgTypeInclusion)
+ // fetch the adjusted type for this block
+ uint32_t uType = (uint32_t)(((int)(signed char)pSegment->rgBlockType[uBlock]) + 1);
+ // hope the adjusted type was valid
+ // return the inclusion value for the block's type
+ return rgTypeInclusion[uType];
+ * TypesRequireUserDataScanning
+ *
+ * Determines whether the set of types listed should get user data during scans
+ *
+ * if ALL types passed have user data then this function will enable user data support
+ * otherwise it will disable user data support
+ *
+ *
+ */
+BOOL TypesRequireUserDataScanning(HandleTable *pTable, const uint32_t *types, uint32_t typeCount)
+ // count up the number of types passed that have user data associated
+ uint32_t userDataCount = 0;
+ for (uint32_t u = 0; u < typeCount; u++)
+ {
+ if (TypeHasUserData(pTable, types[u]))
+ userDataCount++;
+ }
+ // if all have user data then we can enum user data
+ if (userDataCount == typeCount)
+ return TRUE;
+ // WARNING: user data is all or nothing in scanning!!!
+ // since we have some types which don't support user data, we can't use the user data scanning code
+ // this means all callbacks will get NULL for user data!!!!!
+ _ASSERTE(userDataCount == 0);
+ // no user data
+ return FALSE;
+ * BuildAgeMask
+ *
+ * Builds an age mask to be used when examining/updating the write barrier.
+ *
+ */
+uint32_t BuildAgeMask(uint32_t uGen, uint32_t uMaxGen)
+ // an age mask is composed of repeated bytes containing the next older generation
+ if (uGen == uMaxGen)
+ uGen = GEN_MAX_AGE;
+ uGen++;
+ // clamp the generation to the maximum age we support in our macros
+ if (uGen > GEN_MAX_AGE)
+ uGen = GEN_MAX_AGE;
+ // pack up a word with age bytes and fill bytes pre-folded as well
+ return PREFOLD_FILL_INTO_AGEMASK(uGen | (uGen << 8) | (uGen << 16) | (uGen << 24));
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Prototype for callbacks that implement handle array scanning logic.
+ *
+ */
+ ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo, uintptr_t *pUserData);
+ * ScanConsecutiveHandlesWithoutUserData
+ *
+ * Unconditionally scans a consecutive range of handles.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK ScanConsecutiveHandlesWithoutUserData(PTR_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF pValue,
+ ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo,
+ uintptr_t *)
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // update our scanning statistics
+ pInfo->DEBUG_HandleSlotsScanned += (int)(pLast - pValue);
+ // get frequently used params into locals
+ HANDLESCANPROC pfnScan = pInfo->pfnScan;
+ uintptr_t param1 = pInfo->param1;
+ uintptr_t param2 = pInfo->param2;
+ // scan for non-zero handles
+ do
+ {
+ // call the callback for any we find
+ if (!HndIsNullOrDestroyedHandle(*pValue))
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // update our scanning statistics
+ pInfo->DEBUG_HandlesActuallyScanned++;
+ // process this handle
+ pfnScan(pValue, NULL, param1, param2);
+ }
+ // on to the next handle
+ pValue++;
+ } while (pValue < pLast);
+ * ScanConsecutiveHandlesWithUserData
+ *
+ * Unconditionally scans a consecutive range of handles.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK ScanConsecutiveHandlesWithUserData(PTR_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF pValue,
+ ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo,
+ uintptr_t *pUserData)
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // this function will crash if it is passed bad extra info
+ _ASSERTE(pUserData);
+ // update our scanning statistics
+ pInfo->DEBUG_HandleSlotsScanned += (int)(pLast - pValue);
+ // get frequently used params into locals
+ HANDLESCANPROC pfnScan = pInfo->pfnScan;
+ uintptr_t param1 = pInfo->param1;
+ uintptr_t param2 = pInfo->param2;
+ // scan for non-zero handles
+ do
+ {
+ // call the callback for any we find
+ if (!HndIsNullOrDestroyedHandle(*pValue))
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // update our scanning statistics
+ pInfo->DEBUG_HandlesActuallyScanned++;
+ // process this handle
+ pfnScan(pValue, pUserData, param1, param2);
+ }
+ // on to the next handle
+ pValue++;
+ pUserData++;
+ } while (pValue < pLast);
+ * BlockAgeBlocks
+ *
+ * Ages all clumps in a range of consecutive blocks.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK BlockAgeBlocks(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo)
+ // set up to update the specified blocks
+ uint32_t *pdwGen = (uint32_t *)pSegment->rgGeneration + uBlock;
+ uint32_t *pdwGenLast = pdwGen + uCount;
+ // loop over all the blocks, aging their clumps as we go
+ do
+ {
+ // compute and store the new ages in parallel
+ } while (++pdwGen < pdwGenLast);
+ * BlockScanBlocksWithoutUserData
+ *
+ * Calls the specified callback once for each handle in a range of blocks,
+ * optionally aging the corresponding generation clumps.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK BlockScanBlocksWithoutUserData(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo)
+ // get the first and limit handles for these blocks
+ _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pValue = pSegment->rgValue + (uBlock * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK);
+ // scan the specified handles
+ ScanConsecutiveHandlesWithoutUserData(pValue, pLast, pInfo, NULL);
+ // optionally update the clump generations for these blocks too
+ if (pInfo->uFlags & HNDGCF_AGE)
+ BlockAgeBlocks(pSegment, uBlock, uCount, pInfo);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // update our scanning statistics
+ pInfo->DEBUG_BlocksScannedNonTrivially += uCount;
+ pInfo->DEBUG_BlocksScanned += uCount;
+ * BlockScanBlocksWithUserData
+ *
+ * Calls the specified callback once for each handle in a range of blocks,
+ * optionally aging the corresponding generation clumps.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK BlockScanBlocksWithUserData(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo)
+ // iterate individual blocks scanning with user data
+ for (uint32_t u = 0; u < uCount; u++)
+ {
+ // compute the current block
+ uint32_t uCur = (u + uBlock);
+ // fetch the user data for this block
+ uintptr_t *pUserData = BlockFetchUserDataPointer(PTR__TableSegmentHeader(pSegment), uCur, TRUE);
+ // get the first and limit handles for these blocks
+ _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pValue = pSegment->rgValue + (uCur * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_BLOCK);
+ // scan the handles in this block
+ ScanConsecutiveHandlesWithUserData(pValue, pLast, pInfo, pUserData);
+ }
+ // optionally update the clump generations for these blocks too
+ if (pInfo->uFlags & HNDGCF_AGE)
+ BlockAgeBlocks(pSegment, uBlock, uCount, pInfo);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // update our scanning statistics
+ pInfo->DEBUG_BlocksScannedNonTrivially += uCount;
+ pInfo->DEBUG_BlocksScanned += uCount;
+ * BlockScanBlocksEphemeralWorker
+ *
+ * Calls the specified callback once for each handle in any clump
+ * identified by the clump mask in the specified block.
+ *
+ */
+void BlockScanBlocksEphemeralWorker(uint32_t *pdwGen, uint32_t dwClumpMask, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo)
+ //
+ // OPTIMIZATION: Since we expect to call this worker fairly rarely compared to
+ // the number of times we pass through the outer loop, this function intentionally
+ // does not take pSegment as a param.
+ //
+ // We do this so that the compiler won't try to keep pSegment in a register during
+ // the outer loop, leaving more registers for the common codepath.
+ //
+ // You might wonder why this is an issue considering how few locals we have in
+ // BlockScanBlocksEphemeral. For some reason the x86 compiler doesn't like to use
+ // all the registers during that loop, so a little coaxing was necessary to get
+ // the right output.
+ //
+ // fetch the table segment we are working in
+ PTR_TableSegment pSegment = pInfo->pCurrentSegment;
+ // if we should age the clumps then do so now (before we trash dwClumpMask)
+ if (pInfo->uFlags & HNDGCF_AGE)
+ // compute the index of the first clump in the block
+ uint32_t uClump = (uint32_t)((uint8_t *)pdwGen - pSegment->rgGeneration);
+ // compute the first handle in the first clump of this block
+ _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pValue = pSegment->rgValue + (uClump * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_CLUMP);
+ // some scans require us to report per-handle extra info - assume this one doesn't
+ ARRAYSCANPROC pfnScanHandles = ScanConsecutiveHandlesWithoutUserData;
+ uintptr_t *pUserData = NULL;
+ // do we need to pass user data to the callback?
+ if (pInfo->fEnumUserData)
+ {
+ // scan with user data enabled
+ pfnScanHandles = ScanConsecutiveHandlesWithUserData;
+ // get the first user data slot for this block
+ pUserData = BlockFetchUserDataPointer(PTR__TableSegmentHeader(pSegment), (uClump / HANDLE_CLUMPS_PER_BLOCK), TRUE);
+ }
+ // loop over the clumps, scanning those that are identified by the mask
+ do
+ {
+ // compute the last handle in this clump
+ // if this clump should be scanned then scan it
+ if (dwClumpMask & GEN_CLUMP_0_MASK)
+ pfnScanHandles(pValue, pLast, pInfo, pUserData);
+ // skip to the next clump
+ dwClumpMask = NEXT_CLUMP_IN_MASK(dwClumpMask);
+ pValue = pLast;
+ } while (dwClumpMask);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // update our scanning statistics
+ pInfo->DEBUG_BlocksScannedNonTrivially++;
+ * BlockScanBlocksEphemeral
+ *
+ * Calls the specified callback once for each handle from the specified
+ * generation in a block.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK BlockScanBlocksEphemeral(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo)
+ // get frequently used params into locals
+ uint32_t dwAgeMask = pInfo->dwAgeMask;
+ // set up to update the specified blocks
+ uint32_t *pdwGen = (uint32_t *)pSegment->rgGeneration + uBlock;
+ uint32_t *pdwGenLast = pdwGen + uCount;
+ // loop over all the blocks, checking for elligible clumps as we go
+ do
+ {
+ // determine if any clumps in this block are elligible
+ uint32_t dwClumpMask = COMPUTE_CLUMP_MASK(*pdwGen, dwAgeMask);
+ // if there are any clumps to scan then scan them now
+ if (dwClumpMask)
+ {
+ // ok we need to scan some parts of this block
+ //
+ // OPTIMIZATION: Since we expect to call the worker fairly rarely compared
+ // to the number of times we pass through the loop, the function below
+ // intentionally does not take pSegment as a param.
+ //
+ // We do this so that the compiler won't try to keep pSegment in a register
+ // during our loop, leaving more registers for the common codepath.
+ //
+ // You might wonder why this is an issue considering how few locals we have
+ // here. For some reason the x86 compiler doesn't like to use all the
+ // registers available during this loop and instead was hitting the stack
+ // repeatedly, so a little coaxing was necessary to get the right output.
+ //
+ BlockScanBlocksEphemeralWorker(pdwGen, dwClumpMask, pInfo);
+ }
+ // on to the next block's generation info
+ pdwGen++;
+ } while (pdwGen < pdwGenLast);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // update our scanning statistics
+ pInfo->DEBUG_BlocksScanned += uCount;
+ * BlockAgeBlocksEphemeral
+ *
+ * Ages all clumps within the specified generation.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK BlockAgeBlocksEphemeral(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo)
+ // get frequently used params into locals
+ uint32_t dwAgeMask = pInfo->dwAgeMask;
+ // set up to update the specified blocks
+ uint32_t *pdwGen = (uint32_t *)pSegment->rgGeneration + uBlock;
+ uint32_t *pdwGenLast = pdwGen + uCount;
+ // loop over all the blocks, aging their clumps as we go
+ do
+ {
+ // compute and store the new ages in parallel
+ *pdwGen = COMPUTE_AGED_CLUMPS(*pdwGen, dwAgeMask);
+ } while (++pdwGen < pdwGenLast);
+ * BlockResetAgeMapForBlocksWorker
+ *
+ * Figures out the minimum age of the objects referred to by the handles in any clump
+ * identified by the clump mask in the specified block.
+ *
+ */
+void BlockResetAgeMapForBlocksWorker(uint32_t *pdwGen, uint32_t dwClumpMask, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo)
+ // fetch the table segment we are working in
+ TableSegment *pSegment = pInfo->pCurrentSegment;
+ // compute the index of the first clump in the block
+ uint32_t uClump = (uint32_t)((uint8_t *)pdwGen - pSegment->rgGeneration);
+ // compute the first handle in the first clump of this block
+ _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pValue = pSegment->rgValue + (uClump * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_CLUMP);
+ // loop over the clumps, scanning those that are identified by the mask
+ do
+ {
+ // compute the last handle in this clump
+ // if this clump should be scanned then scan it
+ if (dwClumpMask & GEN_CLUMP_0_MASK)
+ {
+ // for each clump, determine the minimum age of the objects pointed at.
+ int minAge = GEN_MAX_AGE;
+ for ( ; pValue < pLast; pValue++)
+ {
+ if (!HndIsNullOrDestroyedHandle(*pValue))
+ {
+ int thisAge = GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->WhichGeneration(*pValue);
+ if (minAge > thisAge)
+ minAge = thisAge;
+ if ((*pValue)->GetGCSafeMethodTable() == g_pOverlappedDataClass)
+ {
+ // reporting the pinned user objects
+ OverlappedDataObject *pOverlapped = (OverlappedDataObject *)(*pValue);
+ if (pOverlapped->m_userObject != NULL)
+ {
+ Object * pUserObject = OBJECTREFToObject(pOverlapped->m_userObject);
+ thisAge = GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->WhichGeneration(pUserObject);
+ if (minAge > thisAge)
+ minAge = thisAge;
+ if (pOverlapped->m_isArray)
+ {
+ ArrayBase* pUserArrayObject = (ArrayBase*)pUserObject;
+ Object **pObj = (Object**)pUserArrayObject->GetDataPtr(TRUE);
+ size_t num = pUserArrayObject->GetNumComponents();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i ++)
+ {
+ thisAge = GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->WhichGeneration(pObj[i]);
+ if (minAge > thisAge)
+ minAge = thisAge;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _ASSERTE(FitsInU1(minAge));
+ ((uint8_t *)pSegment->rgGeneration)[uClump] = static_cast<uint8_t>(minAge);
+ }
+ // skip to the next clump
+ dwClumpMask = NEXT_CLUMP_IN_MASK(dwClumpMask);
+ pValue = pLast;
+ uClump++;
+ } while (dwClumpMask);
+ * BlockResetAgeMapForBlocks
+ *
+ * Sets the age maps for a range of blocks. Called in the case of demotion. Even in this case
+ * though, most handles refer to objects that don't get demoted and that need to be aged therefore.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK BlockResetAgeMapForBlocks(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo)
+#if 0
+ // zero the age map for the specified range of blocks
+ ZeroMemory((uint32_t *)pSegment->rgGeneration + uBlock, uCount * sizeof(uint32_t));
+ // Actually, we need to be more sophisticated than the above code - there are scenarios
+ // where there is demotion in almost every gc cycle, so none of handles get
+ // aged appropriately.
+ // get frequently used params into locals
+ uint32_t dwAgeMask = pInfo->dwAgeMask;
+ // set up to update the specified blocks
+ uint32_t *pdwGen = (uint32_t *)pSegment->rgGeneration + uBlock;
+ uint32_t *pdwGenLast = pdwGen + uCount;
+ // loop over all the blocks, checking for eligible clumps as we go
+ do
+ {
+ // determine if any clumps in this block are eligible
+ uint32_t dwClumpMask = COMPUTE_CLUMP_MASK(*pdwGen, dwAgeMask);
+ // if there are any clumps to scan then scan them now
+ if (dwClumpMask)
+ {
+ // ok we need to scan some parts of this block
+ // This code is a variation of the code in BlockScanBlocksEphemeral,
+ // so the OPTIMIZATION comment there applies here as well
+ BlockResetAgeMapForBlocksWorker(pdwGen, dwClumpMask, pInfo);
+ }
+ // on to the next block's generation info
+ pdwGen++;
+ } while (pdwGen < pdwGenLast);
+static void VerifyObject(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF from, _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF obj)
+ MethodTable* pMT = (MethodTable*)(obj->GetGCSafeMethodTable());
+ pMT->SanityCheck();
+ obj->ValidateHeap(from);
+static void VerifyObjectAndAge(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pValue, _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF from, _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF obj, uint8_t minAge)
+ VerifyObject(from, obj);
+ int thisAge = GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->WhichGeneration(obj);
+ //debugging code
+ //if (minAge > thisAge && thisAge < GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->GetMaxGeneration())
+ //{
+ // if ((*pValue) == obj)
+ // printf("Handle (age %u) %p -> %p (age %u)", minAge, pValue, obj, thisAge);
+ // else
+ // printf("Handle (age %u) %p -> %p -> %p (age %u)", minAge, pValue, from, obj, thisAge);
+ // // for test programs - if the object is a string, print it
+ // if (obj->GetGCSafeMethodTable() == g_pStringClass)
+ // {
+ // printf("'%ls'\n", ((StringObject *)obj)->GetBuffer());
+ // }
+ // else
+ // {
+ // printf("\n");
+ // }
+ //}
+ if (minAge >= GEN_MAX_AGE || (minAge > thisAge && thisAge < static_cast<int>(GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->GetMaxGeneration())))
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(!"Fatal Error in HandleTable.");
+ }
+ * BlockVerifyAgeMapForBlocksWorker
+ *
+ * Verifies out the minimum age of the objects referred to by the handles in any clump
+ * identified by the clump mask in the specified block.
+ * Also validates the objects themselves.
+ *
+ */
+void BlockVerifyAgeMapForBlocksWorker(uint32_t *pdwGen, uint32_t dwClumpMask, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo, uint32_t uType)
+ // fetch the table segment we are working in
+ TableSegment *pSegment = pInfo->pCurrentSegment;
+ // compute the index of the first clump in the block
+ uint32_t uClump = (uint32_t)((uint8_t *)pdwGen - pSegment->rgGeneration);
+ // compute the first handle in the first clump of this block
+ _UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pValue = pSegment->rgValue + (uClump * HANDLE_HANDLES_PER_CLUMP);
+ // loop over the clumps, scanning those that are identified by the mask
+ do
+ {
+ // compute the last handle in this clump
+ // if this clump should be scanned then scan it
+ if (dwClumpMask & GEN_CLUMP_0_MASK)
+ {
+ // for each clump, check whether any object is younger than the age indicated by the clump
+ uint8_t minAge = ((uint8_t *)pSegment->rgGeneration)[uClump];
+ for ( ; pValue < pLast; pValue++)
+ {
+ if (!HndIsNullOrDestroyedHandle(*pValue))
+ {
+ VerifyObjectAndAge(pValue, (*pValue), (*pValue), minAge);
+ if ((*pValue)->GetGCSafeMethodTable() == g_pOverlappedDataClass)
+ {
+ // reporting the pinned user objects
+ OverlappedDataObject *pOverlapped = (OverlappedDataObject *)(*pValue);
+ if (pOverlapped->m_userObject != NULL)
+ {
+ Object * pUserObject = OBJECTREFToObject(pOverlapped->m_userObject);
+ VerifyObjectAndAge(pValue, (*pValue), pUserObject, minAge);
+ if (pOverlapped->m_isArray)
+ {
+ ArrayBase* pUserArrayObject = (ArrayBase*)pUserObject;
+ Object **pObj = (Object**)pUserArrayObject->GetDataPtr(TRUE);
+ size_t num = pUserArrayObject->GetNumComponents();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i ++)
+ {
+ VerifyObjectAndAge(pValue, pUserObject, pObj[i], minAge);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ PTR_uintptr_t pUserData = HandleQuickFetchUserDataPointer((OBJECTHANDLE)pValue);
+ // if we did then copy the value
+ if (pUserData)
+ {
+ if (pSecondary)
+ {
+ VerifyObject(pSecondary, pSecondary);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// else
+// printf("skipping clump with age %x\n", ((uint8_t *)pSegment->rgGeneration)[uClump]);
+ // skip to the next clump
+ dwClumpMask = NEXT_CLUMP_IN_MASK(dwClumpMask);
+ pValue = pLast;
+ uClump++;
+ } while (dwClumpMask);
+ * BlockVerifyAgeMapForBlocks
+ *
+ * Sets the age maps for a range of blocks. Called in the case of demotion. Even in this case
+ * though, most handles refer to objects that don't get demoted and that need to be aged therefore.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK BlockVerifyAgeMapForBlocks(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo)
+ for (uint32_t u = 0; u < uCount; u++)
+ {
+ uint32_t uCur = (u + uBlock);
+ uint32_t *pdwGen = (uint32_t *)pSegment->rgGeneration + uCur;
+ uint32_t uType = pSegment->rgBlockType[uCur];
+ BlockVerifyAgeMapForBlocksWorker(pdwGen, 0xFFFFFFFF, pInfo, uType);
+ }
+ * BlockLockBlocks
+ *
+ * Locks all blocks in the specified range.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK BlockLockBlocks(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *)
+ // loop over the blocks in the specified range and lock them
+ for (uCount += uBlock; uBlock < uCount; uBlock++)
+ BlockLock(pSegment, uBlock);
+ * BlockUnlockBlocks
+ *
+ * Unlocks all blocks in the specified range.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK BlockUnlockBlocks(TableSegment *pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *)
+ // loop over the blocks in the specified range and unlock them
+ for (uCount += uBlock; uBlock < uCount; uBlock++)
+ BlockUnlock(pSegment, uBlock);
+ * BlockQueueBlocksForAsyncScan
+ *
+ * Queues the specified blocks to be scanned asynchronously.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK BlockQueueBlocksForAsyncScan(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uBlock, uint32_t uCount, ScanCallbackInfo *)
+ {
+ }
+ // fetch our async scan information
+ AsyncScanInfo *pAsyncInfo = pSegment->pHandleTable->pAsyncScanInfo;
+ // sanity
+ _ASSERTE(pAsyncInfo);
+ // fetch the current queue tail
+ ScanQNode *pQNode = pAsyncInfo->pQueueTail;
+ // did we get a tail?
+ if (pQNode)
+ {
+ // we got an existing tail - is the tail node full already?
+ if (pQNode->uEntries >= _countof(pQNode->rgRange))
+ {
+ // the node is full - is there another node in the queue?
+ if (!pQNode->pNext)
+ {
+ // no more nodes - allocate a new one
+ ScanQNode *pQNodeT = new (nothrow) ScanQNode();
+ // did it succeed?
+ if (!pQNodeT)
+ {
+ //
+ // We couldn't allocate another queue node.
+ //
+ //
+ // The reason we can survive this is that asynchronous scans are not
+ // guaranteed to enumerate all handles anyway. Since the table can
+ // change while the lock is released, the caller may assume only that
+ // asynchronous scanning will enumerate a reasonably high percentage
+ // of the handles requested, most of the time.
+ //
+ // The typical use of an async scan is to process as many handles as
+ // possible asynchronously, so as to reduce the amount of time spent
+ // in the inevitable synchronous scan that follows.
+ //
+ // As a practical example, the Concurrent Mark phase of garbage
+ // collection marks as many objects as possible asynchronously, and
+ // subsequently performs a normal, synchronous mark to catch the
+ // stragglers. Since most of the reachable objects in the heap are
+ // already marked at this point, the synchronous scan ends up doing
+ // very little work.
+ //
+ // So the moral of the story is that yes, we happily drop some of
+ // your blocks on the floor in this out of memory case, and that's
+ //
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_WARNING, "WARNING: Out of memory queueing for async scan. Some blocks skipped.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ memset (pQNodeT, 0, sizeof(ScanQNode));
+ // link the new node into the queue
+ pQNode->pNext = pQNodeT;
+ }
+ // either way, use the next node in the queue
+ pQNode = pQNode->pNext;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // no tail - this is a brand new queue; start the tail at the head node
+ pQNode = pAsyncInfo->pScanQueue;
+ }
+ // we will be using the last slot after the existing entries
+ uint32_t uSlot = pQNode->uEntries;
+ // fetch the slot where we will be storing the new block range
+ ScanRange *pNewRange = pQNode->rgRange + uSlot;
+ // update the entry count in the node
+ pQNode->uEntries = uSlot + 1;
+ // fill in the new slot with the block range info
+ pNewRange->uIndex = uBlock;
+ pNewRange->uCount = uCount;
+ // remember the last block we stored into as the new queue tail
+ pAsyncInfo->pQueueTail = pQNode;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Prototype for callbacks that implement per ScanQNode scanning logic.
+ *
+ */
+typedef void (CALLBACK *QNODESCANPROC)(AsyncScanInfo *pAsyncInfo, ScanQNode *pQNode, uintptr_t lParam);
+ * ProcessScanQueue
+ *
+ * Calls the specified handler once for each node in a scan queue.
+ *
+ */
+void ProcessScanQueue(AsyncScanInfo *pAsyncInfo, QNODESCANPROC pfnNodeHandler, uintptr_t lParam, BOOL fCountEmptyQNodes)
+ if (pAsyncInfo->pQueueTail == NULL && fCountEmptyQNodes == FALSE)
+ return;
+ // if any entries were added to the block list after our initial node, clean them up now
+ ScanQNode *pQNode = pAsyncInfo->pScanQueue;
+ while (pQNode)
+ {
+ // remember the next node
+ ScanQNode *pNext = pQNode->pNext;
+ // call the handler for the current node and then advance to the next
+ pfnNodeHandler(pAsyncInfo, pQNode, lParam);
+ pQNode = pNext;
+ }
+ * ProcessScanQNode
+ *
+ * Calls the specified block handler once for each range of blocks in a ScanQNode.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK ProcessScanQNode(AsyncScanInfo *pAsyncInfo, ScanQNode *pQNode, uintptr_t lParam)
+ // get the block handler from our lParam
+ // fetch the params we will be passing to the handler
+ ScanCallbackInfo *pCallbackInfo = pAsyncInfo->pCallbackInfo;
+ PTR_TableSegment pSegment = pCallbackInfo->pCurrentSegment;
+ // set up to iterate the ranges in the queue node
+ ScanRange *pRange = pQNode->rgRange;
+ ScanRange *pRangeLast = pRange + pQNode->uEntries;
+ // loop over all the ranges, calling the block handler for each one
+ while (pRange < pRangeLast) {
+ // call the block handler with the current block range
+ pfnBlockHandler(pSegment, pRange->uIndex, pRange->uCount, pCallbackInfo);
+ // advance to the next range
+ pRange++;
+ }
+ * UnlockAndForgetQueuedBlocks
+ *
+ * Unlocks all blocks referenced in the specified node and marks the node as empty.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK UnlockAndForgetQueuedBlocks(AsyncScanInfo *pAsyncInfo, ScanQNode *pQNode, uintptr_t)
+ // unlock the blocks named in this node
+ ProcessScanQNode(pAsyncInfo, pQNode, (uintptr_t)BlockUnlockBlocks);
+ // reset the node so it looks empty
+ pQNode->uEntries = 0;
+ * FreeScanQNode
+ *
+ * Frees the specified ScanQNode
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK FreeScanQNode(AsyncScanInfo *, ScanQNode *pQNode, uintptr_t)
+ // free the node's memory
+ delete pQNode;
+ * xxxTableScanQueuedBlocksAsync
+ *
+ * Performs and asynchronous scan of the queued blocks for the specified segment.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+void xxxTableScanQueuedBlocksAsync(PTR_HandleTable pTable, PTR_TableSegment pSegment, CrstHolderWithState *pCrstHolder)
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // fetch our table's async and sync scanning info
+ AsyncScanInfo *pAsyncInfo = pTable->pAsyncScanInfo;
+ ScanCallbackInfo *pCallbackInfo = pAsyncInfo->pCallbackInfo;
+ // make a note that we are now processing this segment
+ pCallbackInfo->pCurrentSegment = pSegment;
+ // loop through and lock down all the blocks referenced by the queue
+ ProcessScanQueue(pAsyncInfo, ProcessScanQNode, (uintptr_t)BlockLockBlocks, FALSE);
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // leave the table lock
+ _ASSERTE(pCrstHolder->GetValue()==(&pTable->Lock));
+ pCrstHolder->Release();
+ // sanity - this isn't a very asynchronous scan if we don't actually leave
+ _ASSERTE(!pTable->Lock.OwnedByCurrentThread());
+ // perform the actual scanning of the specified blocks
+ ProcessScanQueue(pAsyncInfo, ProcessScanQNode, (uintptr_t)pAsyncInfo->pfnBlockHandler, FALSE);
+ // re-enter the table lock
+ pCrstHolder->Acquire();
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // loop through, unlock all the blocks we had locked, and reset the queue nodes
+ ProcessScanQueue(pAsyncInfo, UnlockAndForgetQueuedBlocks, NULL, FALSE);
+ // we are done processing this segment
+ pCallbackInfo->pCurrentSegment = NULL;
+ // reset the "queue tail" pointer to indicate an empty queue
+ pAsyncInfo->pQueueTail = NULL;
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * QuickSegmentIterator
+ *
+ * Returns the next segment to be scanned in a scanning loop.
+ *
+ */
+PTR_TableSegment CALLBACK QuickSegmentIterator(PTR_HandleTable pTable, PTR_TableSegment pPrevSegment, CrstHolderWithState *)
+ PTR_TableSegment pNextSegment;
+ // do we have a previous segment?
+ if (!pPrevSegment)
+ {
+ // nope - start with the first segment in our list
+ pNextSegment = pTable->pSegmentList;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // yup, fetch the next segment in the list
+ pNextSegment = pPrevSegment->pNextSegment;
+ }
+ // return the segment pointer
+ return pNextSegment;
+ * StandardSegmentIterator
+ *
+ * Returns the next segment to be scanned in a scanning loop.
+ *
+ * This iterator performs some maintenance on the segments,
+ * primarily making sure the block chains are sorted so that
+ * g0 scans are more likely to operate on contiguous blocks.
+ *
+ */
+PTR_TableSegment CALLBACK StandardSegmentIterator(PTR_HandleTable pTable, PTR_TableSegment pPrevSegment, CrstHolderWithState *)
+ {
+ }
+ // get the next segment using the quick iterator
+ PTR_TableSegment pNextSegment = QuickSegmentIterator(pTable, pPrevSegment);
+ // re-sort the block chains if neccessary
+ if (pNextSegment && pNextSegment->fResortChains)
+ SegmentResortChains(pNextSegment);
+ // return the segment we found
+ return pNextSegment;
+ * FullSegmentIterator
+ *
+ * Returns the next segment to be scanned in a scanning loop.
+ *
+ * This iterator performs full maintenance on the segments,
+ * including freeing those it notices are empty along the way.
+ *
+ */
+PTR_TableSegment CALLBACK FullSegmentIterator(PTR_HandleTable pTable, PTR_TableSegment pPrevSegment, CrstHolderWithState *)
+ {
+ }
+ // we will be resetting the next segment's sequence number
+ uint32_t uSequence = 0;
+ // if we have a previous segment then compute the next sequence number from it
+ if (pPrevSegment)
+ uSequence = (uint32_t)pPrevSegment->bSequence + 1;
+ // loop until we find an appropriate segment to return
+ PTR_TableSegment pNextSegment;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ // first, call the standard iterator to get the next segment
+ pNextSegment = StandardSegmentIterator(pTable, pPrevSegment);
+ // if there are no more segments then we're done
+ if (!pNextSegment)
+ break;
+ // check if we should decommit any excess pages in this segment
+ if (DoesSegmentNeedsToTrimExcessPages(pNextSegment))
+ {
+ CrstHolder ch(&pTable->Lock);
+ SegmentTrimExcessPages(pNextSegment);
+ }
+ // if the segment has handles in it then it will survive and be returned
+ if (pNextSegment->bEmptyLine > 0)
+ {
+ // update this segment's sequence number
+ pNextSegment->bSequence = (uint8_t)(uSequence % 0x100);
+ // break out and return the segment
+ break;
+ }
+ CrstHolder ch(&pTable->Lock);
+ // this segment is completely empty - can we free it now?
+ if (pNextSegment->bEmptyLine == 0 && TableCanFreeSegmentNow(pTable, pNextSegment))
+ {
+ // yup, we probably want to free this one
+ PTR_TableSegment pNextNext = pNextSegment->pNextSegment;
+ // was this the first segment in the list?
+ if (!pPrevSegment)
+ {
+ // yes - are there more segments?
+ if (pNextNext)
+ {
+ // yes - unlink the head
+ pTable->pSegmentList = pNextNext;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // no - leave this one in the list and enumerate it
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // no - unlink this segment from the segment list
+ pPrevSegment->pNextSegment = pNextNext;
+ }
+ // free this segment
+ SegmentFree(pNextSegment);
+ }
+ // The code above has a side effect we need to preserve:
+ // while neither pNextSegment nor pPrevSegment are modified, their fields
+ // are, which affects the handle table walk. Since TableCanFreeSegmentNow
+ // actually only checks to see if something is asynchronously scanning this
+ // segment (and returns FALSE if something is), we'll assume it always
+ // returns TRUE. (Since we can't free memory in the Dac, it doesn't matter
+ // if there's another async scan going on.)
+ pPrevSegment = pNextSegment;
+ }
+ // return the segment we found
+ return pNextSegment;
+ * xxxAsyncSegmentIterator
+ *
+ * Implements the core handle scanning loop for a table.
+ *
+ * This iterator wraps another iterator, checking for queued blocks from the
+ * previous segment before advancing to the next. If there are queued blocks,
+ * the function processes them by calling xxxTableScanQueuedBlocksAsync.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+PTR_TableSegment CALLBACK xxxAsyncSegmentIterator(PTR_HandleTable pTable, PTR_TableSegment pPrevSegment, CrstHolderWithState *pCrstHolder)
+ // fetch our table's async scanning info
+ AsyncScanInfo *pAsyncInfo = pTable->pAsyncScanInfo;
+ // sanity
+ _ASSERTE(pAsyncInfo);
+ // if we have queued some blocks from the previous segment then scan them now
+ if (pAsyncInfo->pQueueTail)
+ xxxTableScanQueuedBlocksAsync(pTable, pPrevSegment, pCrstHolder);
+ // fetch the underlying iterator from our async info
+ SEGMENTITERATOR pfnCoreIterator = pAsyncInfo->pfnSegmentIterator;
+ // call the underlying iterator to get the next segment
+ return pfnCoreIterator(pTable, pPrevSegment, pCrstHolder);
+ *
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * SegmentScanByTypeChain
+ *
+ * Implements the single-type block scanning loop for a single segment.
+ *
+ */
+void SegmentScanByTypeChain(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, uint32_t uType, BLOCKSCANPROC pfnBlockHandler, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo)
+ // hope we are enumerating a valid type chain :)
+ // fetch the tail
+ uint32_t uBlock = pSegment->rgTail[uType];
+ // if we didn't find a terminator then there's blocks to enumerate
+ if (uBlock != BLOCK_INVALID)
+ {
+ // start walking from the head
+ uBlock = pSegment->rgAllocation[uBlock];
+ // scan until we loop back to the first block
+ uint32_t uHead = uBlock;
+ do
+ {
+ // search forward trying to batch up sequential runs of blocks
+ uint32_t uLast, uNext = uBlock;
+ do
+ {
+ // compute the next sequential block for comparison
+ uLast = uNext + 1;
+ // fetch the next block in the allocation chain
+ uNext = pSegment->rgAllocation[uNext];
+ } while ((uNext == uLast) && (uNext != uHead));
+ // call the calback for this group of blocks
+ pfnBlockHandler(pSegment, uBlock, (uLast - uBlock), pInfo);
+ // advance to the next block
+ uBlock = uNext;
+ } while (uBlock != uHead);
+ }
+ * SegmentScanByTypeMap
+ *
+ * Implements the multi-type block scanning loop for a single segment.
+ *
+ */
+void SegmentScanByTypeMap(PTR_TableSegment pSegment, const BOOL *rgTypeInclusion,
+ BLOCKSCANPROC pfnBlockHandler, ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo)
+ // start scanning with the first block in the segment
+ uint32_t uBlock = 0;
+ // we don't need to scan the whole segment, just up to the empty line
+ uint32_t uLimit = pSegment->bEmptyLine;
+ // loop across the segment looking for blocks to scan
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ // find the first block included by the type map
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ // if we are out of range looking for a start point then we're done
+ if (uBlock >= uLimit)
+ return;
+ // if the type is one we are scanning then we found a start point
+ if (IsBlockIncluded(pSegment, uBlock, rgTypeInclusion))
+ break;
+ // keep searching with the next block
+ uBlock++;
+ }
+ // remember this block as the first that needs scanning
+ uint32_t uFirst = uBlock;
+ // find the next block not included in the type map
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ // advance the block index
+ uBlock++;
+ // if we are beyond the limit then we are done
+ if (uBlock >= uLimit)
+ break;
+ // if the type is not one we are scanning then we found an end point
+ if (!IsBlockIncluded(pSegment, uBlock, rgTypeInclusion))
+ break;
+ }
+ // call the calback for the group of blocks we found
+ pfnBlockHandler(pSegment, uFirst, (uBlock - uFirst), pInfo);
+ // look for another range starting with the next block
+ uBlock++;
+ }
+ * TableScanHandles
+ *
+ * Implements the core handle scanning loop for a table.
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK TableScanHandles(PTR_HandleTable pTable,
+ const uint32_t *puType,
+ uint32_t uTypeCount,
+ SEGMENTITERATOR pfnSegmentIterator,
+ BLOCKSCANPROC pfnBlockHandler,
+ ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo,
+ CrstHolderWithState *pCrstHolder)
+ // sanity - caller must ALWAYS provide a valid ScanCallbackInfo
+ _ASSERTE(pInfo);
+ // we may need a type inclusion map for multi-type scans
+ // we only need to scan types if we have a type array and a callback to call
+ if (!pfnBlockHandler || !puType)
+ uTypeCount = 0;
+ // if we will be scanning more than one type then initialize the inclusion map
+ if (uTypeCount > 1)
+ BuildInclusionMap(rgTypeInclusion, puType, uTypeCount);
+ // now, iterate over the segments, scanning blocks of the specified type(s)
+ PTR_TableSegment pSegment = NULL;
+ while ((pSegment = pfnSegmentIterator(pTable, pSegment, pCrstHolder)) != NULL)
+ {
+ // if there are types to scan then enumerate the blocks in this segment
+ // (we do this test inside the loop since the iterators should still run...)
+ if (uTypeCount >= 1)
+ {
+ // make sure the "current segment" pointer in the scan info is up to date
+ pInfo->pCurrentSegment = pSegment;
+ // is this a single type or multi-type enumeration?
+ if (uTypeCount == 1)
+ {
+ // single type enumeration - walk the type's allocation chain
+ SegmentScanByTypeChain(pSegment, *puType, pfnBlockHandler, pInfo);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // multi-type enumeration - walk the type map to find eligible blocks
+ SegmentScanByTypeMap(pSegment, rgTypeInclusion, pfnBlockHandler, pInfo);
+ }
+ // make sure the "current segment" pointer in the scan info is up to date
+ pInfo->pCurrentSegment = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ * xxxTableScanHandlesAsync
+ *
+ * Implements asynchronous handle scanning for a table.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+void CALLBACK xxxTableScanHandlesAsync(PTR_HandleTable pTable,
+ const uint32_t *puType,
+ uint32_t uTypeCount,
+ SEGMENTITERATOR pfnSegmentIterator,
+ BLOCKSCANPROC pfnBlockHandler,
+ ScanCallbackInfo *pInfo,
+ CrstHolderWithState *pCrstHolder)
+ // presently only one async scan is allowed at a time
+ if (pTable->pAsyncScanInfo)
+ {
+ // somebody tried to kick off multiple async scans
+ return;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // we keep an initial scan list node on the stack (for perf)
+ ScanQNode initialNode;
+ initialNode.pNext = NULL;
+ initialNode.uEntries = 0;
+ // initialize our async scanning info
+ AsyncScanInfo asyncInfo;
+ asyncInfo.pCallbackInfo = pInfo;
+ asyncInfo.pfnSegmentIterator = pfnSegmentIterator;
+ asyncInfo.pfnBlockHandler = pfnBlockHandler;
+ asyncInfo.pScanQueue = &initialNode;
+ asyncInfo.pQueueTail = NULL;
+ // link our async scan info into the table
+ pTable->pAsyncScanInfo = &asyncInfo;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // call the synchronous scanner with our async callbacks
+ TableScanHandles(pTable,
+ puType, uTypeCount,
+ xxxAsyncSegmentIterator,
+ BlockQueueBlocksForAsyncScan,
+ pInfo,
+ pCrstHolder);
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // if we dynamically allocated more nodes then free them now
+ if (initialNode.pNext)
+ {
+ // adjust the head to point to the first dynamically allocated block
+ asyncInfo.pScanQueue = initialNode.pNext;
+ // loop through and free all the queue nodes
+ ProcessScanQueue(&asyncInfo, FreeScanQNode, NULL, TRUE);
+ }
+ // unlink our async scanning info from the table
+ pTable->pAsyncScanInfo = NULL;
+// TableSegment is variable size, where the data up to "rgValue" is static,
+// then more is committed as TableSegment::bCommitLine * HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK.
+// See SegmentInitialize in HandleTableCore.cpp.
+uint32_t TableSegment::DacSize(TADDR addr)
+ uint8_t commitLine = 0;
+ DacReadAll(addr + offsetof(TableSegment, bCommitLine), &commitLine, sizeof(commitLine), true);
+ return offsetof(TableSegment, rgValue) + (uint32_t)commitLine * HANDLE_BYTES_PER_BLOCK;
diff --git a/src/gc/objecthandle.cpp b/src/gc/objecthandle.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74a8a71c5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/objecthandle.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1986 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+ * Wraps handle table to implement various handle types (Strong, Weak, etc.)
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "common.h"
+#include "gcenv.h"
+#include "gc.h"
+#include "gcscan.h"
+#include "objecthandle.h"
+#include "handletablepriv.h"
+#include "comcallablewrapper.h"
+#include "nativeoverlapped.h"
+GVAL_IMPL(HandleTableMap, g_HandleTableMap);
+// Array of contexts used while scanning dependent handles for promotion. There are as many contexts as GC
+// heaps and they're allocated by Ref_Initialize and initialized during each GC by GcDhInitialScan.
+DhContext *g_pDependentHandleContexts;
+ * struct VARSCANINFO
+ *
+ * used when tracing variable-strength handles.
+ */
+ uintptr_t lEnableMask; // mask of types to trace
+ HANDLESCANPROC pfnTrace; // tracing function to use
+ uintptr_t lp2; // second parameter
+ * Scan callback for tracing variable-strength handles.
+ *
+ * This callback is called to trace individual objects referred to by handles
+ * in the variable-strength table.
+ */
+void CALLBACK VariableTraceDispatcher(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pObjRef, uintptr_t *pExtraInfo, uintptr_t lp1, uintptr_t lp2)
+ // lp2 is a pointer to our VARSCANINFO
+ struct VARSCANINFO *pInfo = (struct VARSCANINFO *)lp2;
+ // is the handle's dynamic type one we're currently scanning?
+ if ((*pExtraInfo & pInfo->lEnableMask) != 0)
+ {
+ // yes - call the tracing function for this handle
+ pInfo->pfnTrace(pObjRef, NULL, lp1, pInfo->lp2);
+ }
+ * Scan callback for tracing ref-counted handles.
+ *
+ * This callback is called to trace individual objects referred to by handles
+ * in the refcounted table.
+ */
+void CALLBACK PromoteRefCounted(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pObjRef, uintptr_t *pExtraInfo, uintptr_t lp1, uintptr_t lp2)
+ // there are too many races when asychnronously scanning ref-counted handles so we no longer support it
+ _ASSERTE(!((ScanContext*)lp1)->concurrent);
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO1000, LOG_HANDLE_OBJECT_CLASS("", pObjRef, "causes promotion of ", *pObjRef)));
+ Object *pObj = VolatileLoad((PTR_Object*)pObjRef);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ Object *pOldObj = pObj;
+ if (!HndIsNullOrDestroyedHandle(pObj) && !GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->IsPromoted(pObj))
+ {
+ if (GCToEEInterface::RefCountedHandleCallbacks(pObj))
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(lp2);
+ promote_func* callback = (promote_func*) lp2;
+ callback(&pObj, (ScanContext *)lp1, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ // Assert this object wasn't relocated since we are passing a temporary object's address.
+ _ASSERTE(pOldObj == pObj);
+void CALLBACK TraceDependentHandle(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pObjRef, uintptr_t *pExtraInfo, uintptr_t lp1, uintptr_t lp2)
+ if (pObjRef == NULL || pExtraInfo == NULL)
+ return;
+ // At this point, it's possible that either or both of the primary and secondary
+ // objects are NULL. However, if the secondary object is non-NULL, then the primary
+ // object should also be non-NULL.
+ _ASSERTE(*pExtraInfo == NULL || *pObjRef != NULL);
+ // lp2 is a HANDLESCANPROC
+ // is the handle's secondary object non-NULL?
+ if ((*pObjRef != NULL) && (*pExtraInfo != 0))
+ {
+ // yes - call the tracing function for this handle
+ pfnTrace(pObjRef, NULL, lp1, *pExtraInfo);
+ }
+void CALLBACK UpdateDependentHandle(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pObjRef, uintptr_t *pExtraInfo, uintptr_t lp1, uintptr_t lp2)
+ _ASSERTE(pExtraInfo);
+ Object **pPrimaryRef = (Object **)pObjRef;
+ Object **pSecondaryRef = (Object **)pExtraInfo;
+ LOG((LF_GC|LF_ENC, LL_INFO10000, LOG_HANDLE_OBJECT("Querying for new location of ",
+ pPrimaryRef, "to ", *pPrimaryRef)));
+ pSecondaryRef, "to ", *pSecondaryRef)));
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ Object *pOldPrimary = *pPrimaryRef;
+ Object *pOldSecondary = *pSecondaryRef;
+ _ASSERTE(lp2);
+ promote_func* callback = (promote_func*) lp2;
+ callback(pPrimaryRef, (ScanContext *)lp1, 0);
+ callback(pSecondaryRef, (ScanContext *)lp1, 0);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ if (pOldPrimary != *pPrimaryRef)
+ LOG((LF_GC|LF_ENC, LL_INFO10000, "Updating " FMT_HANDLE "from" FMT_ADDR "to " FMT_OBJECT "\n",
+ DBG_ADDR(pPrimaryRef), DBG_ADDR(pOldPrimary), DBG_ADDR(*pPrimaryRef)));
+ else
+ LOG((LF_GC|LF_ENC, LL_INFO10000, "Updating " FMT_HANDLE "- " FMT_OBJECT "did not move\n",
+ DBG_ADDR(pPrimaryRef), DBG_ADDR(*pPrimaryRef)));
+ if (pOldSecondary != *pSecondaryRef)
+ LOG((LF_GC|LF_ENC, LL_INFO10000, "Updating " FMT_HANDLE "from" FMT_ADDR "to " FMT_OBJECT "\n",
+ DBG_ADDR(pSecondaryRef), DBG_ADDR(pOldSecondary), DBG_ADDR(*pSecondaryRef)));
+ else
+ LOG((LF_GC|LF_ENC, LL_INFO10000, "Updating " FMT_HANDLE "- " FMT_OBJECT "did not move\n",
+ DBG_ADDR(pSecondaryRef), DBG_ADDR(*pSecondaryRef)));
+void CALLBACK PromoteDependentHandle(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pObjRef, uintptr_t *pExtraInfo, uintptr_t lp1, uintptr_t lp2)
+ _ASSERTE(pExtraInfo);
+ Object **pPrimaryRef = (Object **)pObjRef;
+ Object **pSecondaryRef = (Object **)pExtraInfo;
+ LOG((LF_GC|LF_ENC, LL_INFO1000, "Checking promotion of DependentHandle"));
+ LOG((LF_GC|LF_ENC, LL_INFO1000, LOG_HANDLE_OBJECT_CLASS("\tPrimary:\t", pObjRef, "to ", *pObjRef)));
+ LOG((LF_GC|LF_ENC, LL_INFO1000, LOG_HANDLE_OBJECT_CLASS("\tSecondary\t", pSecondaryRef, "to ", *pSecondaryRef)));
+ ScanContext *sc = (ScanContext*)lp1;
+ DhContext *pDhContext = Ref_GetDependentHandleContext(sc);
+ if (*pObjRef && GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->IsPromoted(*pPrimaryRef))
+ {
+ if (!GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->IsPromoted(*pSecondaryRef))
+ {
+ LOG((LF_GC|LF_ENC, LL_INFO10000, "\tPromoting secondary " LOG_OBJECT_CLASS(*pSecondaryRef)));
+ _ASSERTE(lp2);
+ promote_func* callback = (promote_func*) lp2;
+ callback(pSecondaryRef, (ScanContext *)lp1, 0);
+ // need to rescan because we might have promoted an object that itself has added fields and this
+ // promotion might be all that is pinning that object. If we've already scanned that dependent
+ // handle relationship, we could lose it secondary object.
+ pDhContext->m_fPromoted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (*pObjRef)
+ {
+ // If we see a non-cleared primary which hasn't been promoted, record the fact. We will only require a
+ // rescan if this flag has been set (if it's clear then the previous scan found only clear and
+ // promoted handles, so there's no chance of finding an additional handle being promoted on a
+ // subsequent scan).
+ pDhContext->m_fUnpromotedPrimaries = true;
+ }
+void CALLBACK ClearDependentHandle(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pObjRef, uintptr_t *pExtraInfo, uintptr_t /*lp1*/, uintptr_t /*lp2*/)
+ _ASSERTE(pExtraInfo);
+ Object **pPrimaryRef = (Object **)pObjRef;
+ Object **pSecondaryRef = (Object **)pExtraInfo;
+ LOG((LF_GC|LF_ENC, LL_INFO1000, "Checking referent of DependentHandle"));
+ LOG((LF_GC|LF_ENC, LL_INFO1000, LOG_HANDLE_OBJECT_CLASS("\tPrimary:\t", pPrimaryRef, "to ", *pPrimaryRef)));
+ LOG((LF_GC|LF_ENC, LL_INFO1000, LOG_HANDLE_OBJECT_CLASS("\tSecondary\t", pSecondaryRef, "to ", *pSecondaryRef)));
+ if (!GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->IsPromoted(*pPrimaryRef))
+ {
+ LOG((LF_GC|LF_ENC, LL_INFO1000, "\tunreachable ", LOG_OBJECT_CLASS(*pPrimaryRef)));
+ LOG((LF_GC|LF_ENC, LL_INFO1000, "\tunreachable ", LOG_OBJECT_CLASS(*pSecondaryRef)));
+ *pPrimaryRef = NULL;
+ *pSecondaryRef = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->IsPromoted(*pSecondaryRef));
+ LOG((LF_GC|LF_ENC, LL_INFO10000, "\tPrimary is reachable " LOG_OBJECT_CLASS(*pPrimaryRef)));
+ LOG((LF_GC|LF_ENC, LL_INFO10000, "\tSecondary is reachable " LOG_OBJECT_CLASS(*pSecondaryRef)));
+ }
+ * Scan callback for pinning handles.
+ *
+ * This callback is called to pin individual objects referred to by handles in
+ * the pinning table.
+ */
+void CALLBACK PinObject(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pObjRef, uintptr_t *pExtraInfo, uintptr_t lp1, uintptr_t lp2)
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_WARNING, LOG_HANDLE_OBJECT_CLASS("WARNING: ", pObjRef, "causes pinning of ", *pObjRef)));
+ Object **pRef = (Object **)pObjRef;
+ _ASSERTE(lp2);
+ promote_func* callback = (promote_func*) lp2;
+ callback(pRef, (ScanContext *)lp1, GC_CALL_PINNED);
+ Object * pPinnedObj = *pRef;
+ if (!HndIsNullOrDestroyedHandle(pPinnedObj) && pPinnedObj->GetGCSafeMethodTable() == g_pOverlappedDataClass)
+ {
+ // reporting the pinned user objects
+ OverlappedDataObject *pOverlapped = (OverlappedDataObject *)pPinnedObj;
+ if (pOverlapped->m_userObject != NULL)
+ {
+ //callback(OBJECTREF_TO_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF(pOverlapped->m_userObject), (ScanContext *)lp1, GC_CALL_PINNED);
+ if (pOverlapped->m_isArray)
+ {
+ pOverlapped->m_userObjectInternal = static_cast<void*>(OBJECTREFToObject(pOverlapped->m_userObject));
+ ArrayBase* pUserObject = (ArrayBase*)OBJECTREFToObject(pOverlapped->m_userObject);
+ Object **ppObj = (Object**)pUserObject->GetDataPtr(TRUE);
+ size_t num = pUserObject->GetNumComponents();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i ++)
+ {
+ callback(ppObj + i, (ScanContext *)lp1, GC_CALL_PINNED);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ callback(&OBJECTREF_TO_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF(pOverlapped->m_userObject), (ScanContext *)lp1, GC_CALL_PINNED);
+ }
+ }
+ if (pOverlapped->GetAppDomainId() != DefaultADID && pOverlapped->GetAppDomainIndex().m_dwIndex == DefaultADID)
+ {
+ OverlappedDataObject::MarkCleanupNeededFromGC();
+ }
+ }
+ * Scan callback for tracing strong handles.
+ *
+ * This callback is called to trace individual objects referred to by handles
+ * in the strong table.
+ */
+void CALLBACK PromoteObject(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pObjRef, uintptr_t *pExtraInfo, uintptr_t lp1, uintptr_t lp2)
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO1000, LOG_HANDLE_OBJECT_CLASS("", pObjRef, "causes promotion of ", *pObjRef)));
+ Object **ppRef = (Object **)pObjRef;
+ _ASSERTE(lp2);
+ promote_func* callback = (promote_func*) lp2;
+ callback(ppRef, (ScanContext *)lp1, 0);
+ * Scan callback for disconnecting dead handles.
+ *
+ * This callback is called to check promotion of individual objects referred to by
+ * handles in the weak tables.
+ */
+void CALLBACK CheckPromoted(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pObjRef, uintptr_t *pExtraInfo, uintptr_t lp1, uintptr_t lp2)
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO100000, LOG_HANDLE_OBJECT_CLASS("Checking referent of Weak-", pObjRef, "to ", *pObjRef)));
+ Object **ppRef = (Object **)pObjRef;
+ if (!GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->IsPromoted(*ppRef))
+ {
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO100, LOG_HANDLE_OBJECT_CLASS("Severing Weak-", pObjRef, "to unreachable ", *pObjRef)));
+ *ppRef = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO1000000, "reachable " LOG_OBJECT_CLASS(*pObjRef)));
+ }
+void CALLBACK CalculateSizedRefSize(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pObjRef, uintptr_t *pExtraInfo, uintptr_t lp1, uintptr_t lp2)
+ _ASSERTE(pExtraInfo);
+ Object **ppSizedRef = (Object **)pObjRef;
+ size_t* pSize = (size_t *)pExtraInfo;
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO100000, LOG_HANDLE_OBJECT_CLASS("Getting size of referent of SizedRef-", pObjRef, "to ", *pObjRef)));
+ ScanContext* sc = (ScanContext *)lp1;
+ promote_func* callback = (promote_func*) lp2;
+ size_t sizeBegin = GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->GetPromotedBytes(sc->thread_number);
+ callback(ppSizedRef, (ScanContext *)lp1, 0);
+ size_t sizeEnd = GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->GetPromotedBytes(sc->thread_number);
+ *pSize = sizeEnd - sizeBegin;
+ * Scan callback for updating pointers.
+ *
+ * This callback is called to update pointers for individual objects referred to by
+ * handles in the weak and strong tables.
+ */
+void CALLBACK UpdatePointer(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pObjRef, uintptr_t *pExtraInfo, uintptr_t lp1, uintptr_t lp2)
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO100000, LOG_HANDLE_OBJECT("Querying for new location of ", pObjRef, "to ", *pObjRef)));
+ Object **ppRef = (Object **)pObjRef;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ Object *pOldLocation = *ppRef;
+ _ASSERTE(lp2);
+ promote_func* callback = (promote_func*) lp2;
+ callback(ppRef, (ScanContext *)lp1, 0);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ if (pOldLocation != *pObjRef)
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO10000, "Updating " FMT_HANDLE "from" FMT_ADDR "to " FMT_OBJECT "\n",
+ DBG_ADDR(pObjRef), DBG_ADDR(pOldLocation), DBG_ADDR(*pObjRef)));
+ else
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO100000, "Updating " FMT_HANDLE "- " FMT_OBJECT "did not move\n",
+ DBG_ADDR(pObjRef), DBG_ADDR(*pObjRef)));
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ * Scan callback for updating pointers.
+ *
+ * This callback is called to update pointers for individual objects referred to by
+ * handles in the weak and strong tables.
+ */
+void CALLBACK ScanPointerForProfilerAndETW(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pObjRef, uintptr_t *pExtraInfo, uintptr_t lp1, uintptr_t lp2)
+ {
+ if (GetThreadNULLOk()) { MODE_COOPERATIVE; }
+ }
+ LOG((LF_GC | LF_CORPROF, LL_INFO100000, LOG_HANDLE_OBJECT_CLASS("Notifying profiler of ", pObjRef, "to ", *pObjRef)));
+ // Get the baseobject (which can subsequently be cast into an OBJECTREF == ObjectID
+ Object **pRef = (Object **)pObjRef;
+ // Get a hold of the heap ID that's tacked onto the end of the scancontext struct.
+ ProfilingScanContext *pSC = (ProfilingScanContext *)lp1;
+ uint32_t rootFlags = 0;
+ BOOL isDependent = FALSE;
+ switch (HandleFetchType(handle))
+ {
+ isDependent = TRUE;
+ break;
+ rootFlags |= kEtwGCRootFlagsWeakRef;
+ break;
+ break;
+ rootFlags |= kEtwGCRootFlagsPinning;
+ break;
+ {
+ // Set the appropriate ETW flags for the current strength of this variable handle
+ uint32_t nVarHandleType = GetVariableHandleType(handle);
+ if (((nVarHandleType & VHT_WEAK_SHORT) != 0) ||
+ ((nVarHandleType & VHT_WEAK_LONG) != 0))
+ {
+ rootFlags |= kEtwGCRootFlagsWeakRef;
+ }
+ if ((nVarHandleType & VHT_PINNED) != 0)
+ {
+ rootFlags |= kEtwGCRootFlagsPinning;
+ }
+ // No special ETW flag for strong handles (VHT_STRONG)
+ }
+ _ASSERTE(!"Variable handle encountered");
+ break;
+ rootFlags |= kEtwGCRootFlagsRefCounted;
+ if (*pRef != NULL)
+ {
+ ComCallWrapper* pWrap = ComCallWrapper::GetWrapperForObject((OBJECTREF)*pRef);
+ if (pWrap == NULL || !pWrap->IsWrapperActive())
+ rootFlags |= kEtwGCRootFlagsWeakRef;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Give the profiler the objectref.
+ if (pSC->fProfilerPinned)
+ {
+ if (!isDependent)
+ {
+ g_profControlBlock.pProfInterface->RootReference2(
+ (uint8_t *)*pRef,
+ kEtwGCRootKindHandle,
+ (EtwGCRootFlags)rootFlags,
+ pRef,
+ &pSC->pHeapId);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BEGIN_PIN_PROFILER(CORProfilerTrackConditionalWeakTableElements());
+ pSec = (_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF)HndGetHandleExtraInfo(handle);
+ g_profControlBlock.pProfInterface->ConditionalWeakTableElementReference(
+ (uint8_t*)*pRef,
+ (uint8_t*)pSec,
+ pRef,
+ &pSC->pHeapId);
+ }
+ }
+#endif // GC_PROFILING
+ // Notify ETW of the handle
+ if (ETW::GCLog::ShouldWalkHeapRootsForEtw())
+ {
+ if (isDependent && (pSec == NULL))
+ {
+ pSec = (_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF)HndGetHandleExtraInfo(handle);
+ }
+ ETW::GCLog::RootReference(
+ handle,
+ *pRef, // object being rooted
+ pSec, // pSecondaryNodeForDependentHandle
+ isDependent,
+ pSC,
+ 0, // dwGCFlags,
+ rootFlags); // ETW handle flags
+ }
+#endif // defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ * Scan callback for updating pointers.
+ *
+ * This callback is called to update pointers for individual objects referred to by
+ * handles in the pinned table.
+ */
+void CALLBACK UpdatePointerPinned(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pObjRef, uintptr_t *pExtraInfo, uintptr_t lp1, uintptr_t lp2)
+ Object **ppRef = (Object **)pObjRef;
+ _ASSERTE(lp2);
+ promote_func* callback = (promote_func*) lp2;
+ callback(ppRef, (ScanContext *)lp1, GC_CALL_PINNED);
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO100000, LOG_HANDLE_OBJECT("Updating ", pObjRef, "to pinned ", *pObjRef)));
+// flags describing the handle types
+static const uint32_t s_rgTypeFlags[] =
+int getNumberOfSlots()
+ // when Ref_Initialize called, GCHeap::GetNumberOfHeaps() is still 0, so use #procs as a workaround
+ // it is legal since even if later #heaps < #procs we create handles by thread home heap
+ // and just have extra unused slots in HandleTableBuckets, which does not take a lot of space
+ if (!GCHeap::IsServerHeap())
+ return 1;
+ return g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
+ return (CPUGroupInfo::CanEnableGCCPUGroups() ? CPUGroupInfo::GetNumActiveProcessors() :
+ g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors);
+class HandleTableBucketHolder
+ HandleTableBucket* m_bucket;
+ int m_slots;
+ BOOL m_SuppressRelease;
+ HandleTableBucketHolder(HandleTableBucket* bucket, int slots);
+ ~HandleTableBucketHolder();
+ void SuppressRelease()
+ {
+ m_SuppressRelease = TRUE;
+ }
+HandleTableBucketHolder::HandleTableBucketHolder(HandleTableBucket* bucket, int slots)
+ :m_bucket(bucket), m_slots(slots), m_SuppressRelease(FALSE)
+ if (m_SuppressRelease)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_bucket->pTable)
+ {
+ for (int n = 0; n < m_slots; n ++)
+ {
+ if (m_bucket->pTable[n])
+ {
+ HndDestroyHandleTable(m_bucket->pTable[n]);
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] m_bucket->pTable;
+ }
+ delete m_bucket;
+bool Ref_Initialize()
+ {
+ INJECT_FAULT(return false);
+ }
+ // sanity
+ _ASSERTE(g_HandleTableMap.pBuckets == NULL);
+ // Create an array of INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE HandleTableBuckets to hold the handle table sets
+ HandleTableBucket** pBuckets = new (nothrow) HandleTableBucket * [ INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE ];
+ if (pBuckets == NULL)
+ return false;
+ ZeroMemory(pBuckets,
+ INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof (HandleTableBucket *));
+ // Crate the first bucket
+ HandleTableBucket * pBucket = new (nothrow) HandleTableBucket;
+ if (pBucket != NULL)
+ {
+ pBucket->HandleTableIndex = 0;
+ int n_slots = getNumberOfSlots();
+ HandleTableBucketHolder bucketHolder(pBucket, n_slots);
+ // create the handle table set for the first bucket
+ pBucket->pTable = new (nothrow) HHANDLETABLE[n_slots];
+ if (pBucket->pTable == NULL)
+ goto CleanupAndFail;
+ ZeroMemory(pBucket->pTable,
+ n_slots * sizeof(HHANDLETABLE));
+ for (int uCPUindex = 0; uCPUindex < n_slots; uCPUindex++)
+ {
+ pBucket->pTable[uCPUindex] = HndCreateHandleTable(s_rgTypeFlags, _countof(s_rgTypeFlags), ADIndex(1));
+ if (pBucket->pTable[uCPUindex] == NULL)
+ goto CleanupAndFail;
+ HndSetHandleTableIndex(pBucket->pTable[uCPUindex], 0);
+ }
+ pBuckets[0] = pBucket;
+ bucketHolder.SuppressRelease();
+ g_HandleTableMap.pBuckets = pBuckets;
+ g_HandleTableMap.dwMaxIndex = INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE;
+ g_HandleTableMap.pNext = NULL;
+ // Allocate contexts used during dependent handle promotion scanning. There's one of these for every GC
+ // heap since they're scanned in parallel.
+ g_pDependentHandleContexts = new (nothrow) DhContext[n_slots];
+ if (g_pDependentHandleContexts == NULL)
+ goto CleanupAndFail;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (pBuckets != NULL)
+ delete[] pBuckets;
+ return false;
+void Ref_Shutdown()
+ if (g_pDependentHandleContexts)
+ {
+ delete [] g_pDependentHandleContexts;
+ g_pDependentHandleContexts = NULL;
+ }
+ // are there any handle tables?
+ if (g_HandleTableMap.pBuckets)
+ {
+ // don't destroy any of the indexed handle tables; they should
+ // be destroyed externally.
+ // destroy the global handle table bucket tables
+ Ref_DestroyHandleTableBucket(g_HandleTableMap.pBuckets[0]);
+ // destroy the handle table bucket array
+ HandleTableMap *walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ while (walk) {
+ delete [] walk->pBuckets;
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+ // null out the handle table array
+ g_HandleTableMap.pNext = NULL;
+ g_HandleTableMap.dwMaxIndex = 0;
+ // null out the global table handle
+ g_HandleTableMap.pBuckets = NULL;
+ }
+// ATTENTION: interface changed
+// Note: this function called only from AppDomain::Init()
+HandleTableBucket *Ref_CreateHandleTableBucket(ADIndex uADIndex)
+ {
+ }
+ HandleTableBucket *result = NULL;
+ HandleTableMap *walk;
+ walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ HandleTableMap *last = NULL;
+ uint32_t offset = 0;
+ result = new HandleTableBucket;
+ result->pTable = NULL;
+ // create handle table set for the bucket
+ int n_slots = getNumberOfSlots();
+ HandleTableBucketHolder bucketHolder(result, n_slots);
+ result->pTable = new HHANDLETABLE [ n_slots ];
+ ZeroMemory(result->pTable, n_slots * sizeof (HHANDLETABLE));
+ for (int uCPUindex=0; uCPUindex < n_slots; uCPUindex++) {
+ result->pTable[uCPUindex] = HndCreateHandleTable(s_rgTypeFlags, _countof(s_rgTypeFlags), uADIndex);
+ if (!result->pTable[uCPUindex])
+ COMPlusThrowOM();
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ // Do we have free slot
+ while (walk) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i ++) {
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] == 0) {
+ for (int uCPUindex=0; uCPUindex < n_slots; uCPUindex++)
+ HndSetHandleTableIndex(result->pTable[uCPUindex], i+offset);
+ result->HandleTableIndex = i+offset;
+ if (Interlocked::CompareExchangePointer(&walk->pBuckets[i], result, NULL) == 0) {
+ // Get a free slot.
+ bucketHolder.SuppressRelease();
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ last = walk;
+ offset = walk->dwMaxIndex;
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+ // No free slot.
+ // Let's create a new node
+ NewHolder<HandleTableMap> newMap;
+ newMap = new HandleTableMap;
+ newMap->pBuckets = new HandleTableBucket * [ INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE ];
+ newMap.SuppressRelease();
+ newMap->dwMaxIndex = last->dwMaxIndex + INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE;
+ newMap->pNext = NULL;
+ ZeroMemory(newMap->pBuckets,
+ INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof (HandleTableBucket *));
+ if (Interlocked::CompareExchangePointer(&last->pNext, newMap.GetValue(), NULL) != NULL)
+ {
+ // This thread loses.
+ delete [] newMap->pBuckets;
+ delete newMap;
+ }
+ walk = last->pNext;
+ offset = last->dwMaxIndex;
+ }
+void Ref_RemoveHandleTableBucket(HandleTableBucket *pBucket)
+ size_t index = pBucket->HandleTableIndex;
+ HandleTableMap* walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ size_t offset = 0;
+ while (walk)
+ {
+ if ((index < walk->dwMaxIndex) && (index >= offset))
+ {
+ // During AppDomain unloading, we first remove a handle table and then destroy
+ // the table. As soon as the table is removed, the slot can be reused.
+ if (walk->pBuckets[index - offset] == pBucket)
+ {
+ walk->pBuckets[index - offset] = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ offset = walk->dwMaxIndex;
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+ // Didn't find it. This will happen typically from Ref_DestroyHandleTableBucket if
+ // we explicitly call Ref_RemoveHandleTableBucket first.
+void Ref_DestroyHandleTableBucket(HandleTableBucket *pBucket)
+ // this check is because here we might be called from AppDomain::Terminate after AppDomain::ClearGCRoots,
+ // which calls Ref_RemoveHandleTableBucket itself
+ Ref_RemoveHandleTableBucket(pBucket);
+ for (int uCPUindex=0; uCPUindex < getNumberOfSlots(); uCPUindex++)
+ {
+ HndDestroyHandleTable(pBucket->pTable[uCPUindex]);
+ }
+ delete [] pBucket->pTable;
+ delete pBucket;
+int getSlotNumber(ScanContext* sc)
+ return (GCHeap::IsServerHeap() ? sc->thread_number : 0);
+// <TODO> - reexpress as complete only like hndtable does now!!! -fmh</REVISIT_TODO>
+void Ref_EndSynchronousGC(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen)
+// NOT used, must be modified for MTHTS (scalable HandleTable scan) if planned to use:
+// need to pass ScanContext info to split HT bucket by threads, or to be performed under t_join::join
+ // tell the table we finished a GC
+ HandleTableMap *walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ while (walk) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i ++) {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pTable[i];
+ if (hTable)
+ HndNotifyGcCycleComplete(hTable, condemned, maxgen);
+ }
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+OBJECTHANDLE CreateDependentHandle(HHANDLETABLE table, OBJECTREF primary, OBJECTREF secondary)
+ {
+ }
+ OBJECTHANDLE handle = HndCreateHandle(table, HNDTYPE_DEPENDENT, primary);
+ SetDependentHandleSecondary(handle, secondary);
+ return handle;
+void SetDependentHandleSecondary(OBJECTHANDLE handle, OBJECTREF objref)
+ {
+ }
+ // sanity
+ _ASSERTE(handle);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // handle should not be in unloaded domain
+ ValidateAppDomainForHandle(handle);
+ // Make sure the objref is valid before it is assigned to a handle
+ ValidateAssignObjrefForHandle(objref, HndGetHandleTableADIndex(HndGetHandleTable(handle)));
+ // unwrap the objectref we were given
+ // if we are doing a non-NULL pointer store then invoke the write-barrier
+ if (value)
+ HndWriteBarrier(handle, objref);
+ // store the pointer
+ HndSetHandleExtraInfo(handle, HNDTYPE_DEPENDENT, (uintptr_t)value);
+ * CreateVariableHandle.
+ *
+ * Creates a variable-strength handle.
+ *
+ * N.B. This routine is not a macro since we do validation in RETAIL.
+ * We always validate the type here because it can come from external callers.
+ */
+OBJECTHANDLE CreateVariableHandle(HHANDLETABLE hTable, OBJECTREF object, uint32_t type)
+ // verify that we are being asked to create a valid type
+ if (!IS_VALID_VHT_VALUE(type))
+ {
+ // bogus value passed in
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // create the handle
+ return HndCreateHandle(hTable, HNDTYPE_VARIABLE, object, (uintptr_t)type);
+* GetVariableHandleType.
+* Retrieves the dynamic type of a variable-strength handle.
+uint32_t GetVariableHandleType(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ return (uint32_t)HndGetHandleExtraInfo(handle);
+ * UpdateVariableHandleType.
+ *
+ * Changes the dynamic type of a variable-strength handle.
+ *
+ * N.B. This routine is not a macro since we do validation in RETAIL.
+ * We always validate the type here because it can come from external callers.
+ */
+void UpdateVariableHandleType(OBJECTHANDLE handle, uint32_t type)
+ // verify that we are being asked to set a valid type
+ if (!IS_VALID_VHT_VALUE(type))
+ {
+ // bogus value passed in
+ return;
+ }
+ //
+ // If/when concurrent GC is implemented, we need to make sure variable handles
+ // DON'T change type during an asynchronous scan, OR that we properly recover
+ // from the change. Some changes are benign, but for example changing to or
+ // from a pinning handle in the middle of a scan would not be fun.
+ //
+ // store the type in the handle's extra info
+ HndSetHandleExtraInfo(handle, HNDTYPE_VARIABLE, (uintptr_t)type);
+* CompareExchangeVariableHandleType.
+* Changes the dynamic type of a variable-strength handle. Unlike UpdateVariableHandleType we assume that the
+* types have already been validated.
+uint32_t CompareExchangeVariableHandleType(OBJECTHANDLE handle, uint32_t oldType, uint32_t newType)
+ // verify that we are being asked to get/set valid types
+ // attempt to store the type in the handle's extra info
+ return (uint32_t)HndCompareExchangeHandleExtraInfo(handle, HNDTYPE_VARIABLE, (uintptr_t)oldType, (uintptr_t)newType);
+ * TraceVariableHandles.
+ *
+ * Convenience function for tracing variable-strength handles.
+ * Wraps HndScanHandlesForGC.
+ */
+void TraceVariableHandles(HANDLESCANPROC pfnTrace, uintptr_t lp1, uintptr_t lp2, uint32_t uEnableMask, uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, uint32_t flags)
+ // set up to scan variable handles with the specified mask and trace function
+ uint32_t type = HNDTYPE_VARIABLE;
+ struct VARSCANINFO info = { (uintptr_t)uEnableMask, pfnTrace, lp2 };
+ HandleTableMap *walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ while (walk) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[getSlotNumber((ScanContext*) lp1)];
+ if (hTable)
+ {
+ if (g_fEnableARM)
+ {
+ ScanContext* sc = (ScanContext *)lp1;
+ sc->pCurrentDomain = SystemDomain::GetAppDomainAtIndex(HndGetHandleTableADIndex(hTable));
+ }
+ HndScanHandlesForGC(hTable, VariableTraceDispatcher,
+ lp1, (uintptr_t)&info, &type, 1, condemned, maxgen, HNDGCF_EXTRAINFO | flags);
+ }
+ }
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+ loop scan version of TraceVariableHandles for single-thread-managed Ref_* functions
+ should be kept in sync with the code above
+void TraceVariableHandlesBySingleThread(HANDLESCANPROC pfnTrace, uintptr_t lp1, uintptr_t lp2, uint32_t uEnableMask, uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, uint32_t flags)
+ // set up to scan variable handles with the specified mask and trace function
+ uint32_t type = HNDTYPE_VARIABLE;
+ struct VARSCANINFO info = { (uintptr_t)uEnableMask, pfnTrace, lp2 };
+ HandleTableMap *walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ while (walk) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i ++)
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ // this is the one of Ref_* function performed by single thread in MULTI_HEAPS case, so we need to loop through all HT of the bucket
+ for (int uCPUindex=0; uCPUindex < getNumberOfSlots(); uCPUindex++)
+ {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[uCPUindex];
+ if (hTable)
+ HndScanHandlesForGC(hTable, VariableTraceDispatcher,
+ lp1, (uintptr_t)&info, &type, 1, condemned, maxgen, HNDGCF_EXTRAINFO | flags);
+ }
+ }
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+void Ref_TracePinningRoots(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, ScanContext* sc, Ref_promote_func* fn)
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO10000, "Pinning referents of pinned handles in generation %u\n", condemned));
+ // pin objects pointed to by pinning handles
+ uint32_t flags = sc->concurrent ? HNDGCF_ASYNC : HNDGCF_NORMAL;
+ HandleTableMap *walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ while (walk) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i ++)
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[getSlotNumber((ScanContext*) sc)];
+ if (hTable)
+ {
+ if (g_fEnableARM)
+ {
+ sc->pCurrentDomain = SystemDomain::GetAppDomainAtIndex(HndGetHandleTableADIndex(hTable));
+ }
+ HndScanHandlesForGC(hTable, PinObject, uintptr_t(sc), uintptr_t(fn), types, _countof(types), condemned, maxgen, flags);
+ }
+ }
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+ // pin objects pointed to by variable handles whose dynamic type is VHT_PINNED
+ TraceVariableHandles(PinObject, uintptr_t(sc), uintptr_t(fn), VHT_PINNED, condemned, maxgen, flags);
+void Ref_TraceNormalRoots(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, ScanContext* sc, Ref_promote_func* fn)
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO10000, "Promoting referents of strong handles in generation %u\n", condemned));
+ // promote objects pointed to by strong handles
+ // during ephemeral GCs we also want to promote the ones pointed to by sizedref handles.
+ uint32_t types[2] = {HNDTYPE_STRONG, HNDTYPE_SIZEDREF};
+ uint32_t uTypeCount = (((condemned >= maxgen) && !GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->IsConcurrentGCInProgress()) ? 1 : _countof(types));
+ uint32_t flags = (sc->concurrent) ? HNDGCF_ASYNC : HNDGCF_NORMAL;
+ HandleTableMap *walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ while (walk) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i ++)
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[getSlotNumber(sc)];
+ if (hTable)
+ {
+ if (g_fEnableARM)
+ {
+ sc->pCurrentDomain = SystemDomain::GetAppDomainAtIndex(HndGetHandleTableADIndex(hTable));
+ }
+ HndScanHandlesForGC(hTable, PromoteObject, uintptr_t(sc), uintptr_t(fn), types, uTypeCount, condemned, maxgen, flags);
+ }
+ }
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+ // promote objects pointed to by variable handles whose dynamic type is VHT_STRONG
+ TraceVariableHandles(PromoteObject, uintptr_t(sc), uintptr_t(fn), VHT_STRONG, condemned, maxgen, flags);
+ // don't scan ref-counted handles during concurrent phase as the clean-up of CCWs can race with AD unload and cause AV's
+ if (!sc->concurrent)
+ {
+ // promote ref-counted handles
+ uint32_t type = HNDTYPE_REFCOUNTED;
+ walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ while (walk) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i ++)
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[getSlotNumber(sc)];
+ if (hTable)
+ HndScanHandlesForGC(hTable, PromoteRefCounted, uintptr_t(sc), uintptr_t(fn), &type, 1, condemned, maxgen, flags );
+ }
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+ }
+void Ref_TraceRefCountHandles(HANDLESCANPROC callback, uintptr_t lParam1, uintptr_t lParam2)
+ int max_slots = getNumberOfSlots();
+ uint32_t handleType = HNDTYPE_REFCOUNTED;
+ HandleTableMap *walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ while (walk)
+ {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
+ {
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < max_slots; j++)
+ {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[j];
+ if (hTable)
+ HndEnumHandles(hTable, &handleType, 1, callback, lParam1, lParam2, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+void Ref_CheckReachable(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, uintptr_t lp1)
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO10000, "Checking reachability of referents of long-weak handles in generation %u\n", condemned));
+ // these are the handle types that need to be checked
+ uint32_t types[] =
+ {
+ };
+ // check objects pointed to by short weak handles
+ uint32_t flags = (((ScanContext*) lp1)->concurrent) ? HNDGCF_ASYNC : HNDGCF_NORMAL;
+ int uCPUindex = getSlotNumber((ScanContext*) lp1);
+ HandleTableMap *walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ while (walk) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i ++)
+ {
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[uCPUindex];
+ if (hTable)
+ HndScanHandlesForGC(hTable, CheckPromoted, lp1, 0, types, _countof(types), condemned, maxgen, flags);
+ }
+ }
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+ // check objects pointed to by variable handles whose dynamic type is VHT_WEAK_LONG
+ TraceVariableHandles(CheckPromoted, lp1, 0, VHT_WEAK_LONG, condemned, maxgen, flags);
+// Dependent handles manages the relationship between primary and secondary objects, where the lifetime of
+// the secondary object is dependent upon that of the primary. The handle itself holds the primary instance,
+// while the extra handle info holds the secondary object. The secondary object should always be promoted
+// when the primary is, and the handle should be cleared if the primary is not promoted. Can't use ordinary
+// strong handle to refer to the secondary as this could case a cycle in the graph if the secondary somehow
+// pointed back to the primary. Can't use weak handle because that would not keep the secondary object alive.
+// The result is that a dependenHandle has the EFFECT of
+// * long weak handles in both the primary and secondary objects
+// * a strong reference from the primary object to the secondary one
+// Dependent handles are currently used for
+// * managing fields added to EnC classes, where the handle itself holds the this pointer and the
+// secondary object represents the new field that was added.
+// * it is exposed to managed code (as System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DependentHandle) and is used in the
+// implementation of ConditionWeakTable.
+// Retrieve the dependent handle context associated with the current GC scan context.
+DhContext *Ref_GetDependentHandleContext(ScanContext* sc)
+ return &g_pDependentHandleContexts[getSlotNumber(sc)];
+// Scan the dependent handle table promoting any secondary object whose associated primary object is promoted.
+// Multiple scans may be required since (a) secondary promotions made during one scan could cause the primary
+// of another handle to be promoted and (b) the GC may not have marked all promoted objects at the time it
+// initially calls us.
+// Returns true if any promotions resulted from this scan.
+bool Ref_ScanDependentHandlesForPromotion(DhContext *pDhContext)
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO10000, "Checking liveness of referents of dependent handles in generation %u\n", pDhContext->m_iCondemned));
+ uint32_t type = HNDTYPE_DEPENDENT;
+ uint32_t flags = (pDhContext->m_pScanContext->concurrent) ? HNDGCF_ASYNC : HNDGCF_NORMAL;
+ // Keep a note of whether we promoted anything over the entire scan (not just the last iteration). We need
+ // to return this data since under server GC promotions from this table may cause further promotions in
+ // tables handled by other threads.
+ bool fAnyPromotions = false;
+ // Keep rescanning the table while both the following conditions are true:
+ // 1) There's at least primary object left that could have been promoted.
+ // 2) We performed at least one secondary promotion (which could have caused a primary promotion) on the
+ // last scan.
+ // Note that even once we terminate the GC may call us again (because it has caused more objects to be
+ // marked as promoted). But we scan in a loop here anyway because it is cheaper for us to loop than the GC
+ // (especially on server GC where each external cycle has to be synchronized between GC worker threads).
+ do
+ {
+ // Assume the conditions for re-scanning are both false initially. The scan callback below
+ // (PromoteDependentHandle) will set the relevant flag on the first unpromoted primary it sees or
+ // secondary promotion it performs.
+ pDhContext->m_fUnpromotedPrimaries = false;
+ pDhContext->m_fPromoted = false;
+ HandleTableMap *walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ while (walk)
+ {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i ++)
+ {
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[getSlotNumber(pDhContext->m_pScanContext)];
+ if (hTable)
+ {
+ HndScanHandlesForGC(hTable,
+ PromoteDependentHandle,
+ uintptr_t(pDhContext->m_pScanContext),
+ uintptr_t(pDhContext->m_pfnPromoteFunction),
+ &type, 1,
+ pDhContext->m_iCondemned,
+ pDhContext->m_iMaxGen,
+ flags );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+ if (pDhContext->m_fPromoted)
+ fAnyPromotions = true;
+ } while (pDhContext->m_fUnpromotedPrimaries && pDhContext->m_fPromoted);
+ return fAnyPromotions;
+// Perform a scan of dependent handles for the purpose of clearing any that haven't had their primary
+// promoted.
+void Ref_ScanDependentHandlesForClearing(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, ScanContext* sc, Ref_promote_func* fn)
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO10000, "Clearing dead dependent handles in generation %u\n", condemned));
+ uint32_t type = HNDTYPE_DEPENDENT;
+ uint32_t flags = (sc->concurrent) ? HNDGCF_ASYNC : HNDGCF_NORMAL;
+ HandleTableMap *walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ while (walk)
+ {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i ++)
+ {
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[getSlotNumber(sc)];
+ if (hTable)
+ {
+ HndScanHandlesForGC(hTable, ClearDependentHandle, uintptr_t(sc), uintptr_t(fn), &type, 1, condemned, maxgen, flags );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+// Perform a scan of dependent handles for the purpose of updating handles to track relocated objects.
+void Ref_ScanDependentHandlesForRelocation(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, ScanContext* sc, Ref_promote_func* fn)
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO10000, "Relocating moved dependent handles in generation %u\n", condemned));
+ uint32_t type = HNDTYPE_DEPENDENT;
+ uint32_t flags = (sc->concurrent) ? HNDGCF_ASYNC : HNDGCF_NORMAL;
+ HandleTableMap *walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ while (walk)
+ {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i ++)
+ {
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[getSlotNumber(sc)];
+ if (hTable)
+ {
+ HndScanHandlesForGC(hTable, UpdateDependentHandle, uintptr_t(sc), uintptr_t(fn), &type, 1, condemned, maxgen, flags );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+ loop scan version of TraceVariableHandles for single-thread-managed Ref_* functions
+ should be kept in sync with the code above
+void TraceDependentHandlesBySingleThread(HANDLESCANPROC pfnTrace, uintptr_t lp1, uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, uint32_t flags)
+ // set up to scan variable handles with the specified mask and trace function
+ uint32_t type = HNDTYPE_DEPENDENT;
+ HandleTableMap *walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ while (walk) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i ++)
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ // this is the one of Ref_* function performed by single thread in MULTI_HEAPS case, so we need to loop through all HT of the bucket
+ for (int uCPUindex=0; uCPUindex < getNumberOfSlots(); uCPUindex++)
+ {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[uCPUindex];
+ if (hTable)
+ HndScanHandlesForGC(hTable, TraceDependentHandle,
+ lp1, (uintptr_t)pfnTrace, &type, 1, condemned, maxgen, HNDGCF_EXTRAINFO | flags);
+ }
+ }
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+// We scan handle tables by their buckets (ie, AD index). We could get into the situation where
+// the AD indices are not very compacted (for example if we have just unloaded ADs and their
+// indices haven't been reused yet) and we could be scanning them in an unbalanced fashion.
+// Consider using an array to represent the compacted form of all AD indices exist for the
+// sized ref handles.
+void ScanSizedRefByAD(uint32_t maxgen, HANDLESCANPROC scanProc, ScanContext* sc, Ref_promote_func* fn, uint32_t flags)
+ HandleTableMap *walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ uint32_t type = HNDTYPE_SIZEDREF;
+ int uCPUindex = getSlotNumber(sc);
+ int n_slots = GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->GetNumberOfHeaps();
+ while (walk)
+ {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i ++)
+ {
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ ADIndex adIndex = HndGetHandleTableADIndex(walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[0]);
+ if ((adIndex.m_dwIndex % n_slots) == (uint32_t)uCPUindex)
+ {
+ for (int index = 0; index < n_slots; index++)
+ {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[index];
+ if (hTable)
+ {
+ if (g_fEnableARM)
+ {
+ sc->pCurrentDomain = SystemDomain::GetAppDomainAtIndex(adIndex);
+ }
+ HndScanHandlesForGC(hTable, scanProc, uintptr_t(sc), uintptr_t(fn), &type, 1, maxgen, maxgen, flags);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+void ScanSizedRefByCPU(uint32_t maxgen, HANDLESCANPROC scanProc, ScanContext* sc, Ref_promote_func* fn, uint32_t flags)
+ HandleTableMap *walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ uint32_t type = HNDTYPE_SIZEDREF;
+ int uCPUindex = getSlotNumber(sc);
+ while (walk)
+ {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i ++)
+ {
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[uCPUindex];
+ if (hTable)
+ {
+ if (g_fEnableARM)
+ {
+ sc->pCurrentDomain = SystemDomain::GetAppDomainAtIndex(HndGetHandleTableADIndex(hTable));
+ }
+ HndScanHandlesForGC(hTable, scanProc, uintptr_t(sc), uintptr_t(fn), &type, 1, maxgen, maxgen, flags);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+void Ref_ScanSizedRefHandles(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, ScanContext* sc, Ref_promote_func* fn)
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO10000, "Scanning SizedRef handles to in generation %u\n", condemned));
+ _ASSERTE (condemned == maxgen);
+ uint32_t flags = (sc->concurrent ? HNDGCF_ASYNC : HNDGCF_NORMAL) | HNDGCF_EXTRAINFO;
+ ScanSizedRefByCPU(maxgen, CalculateSizedRefSize, sc, fn, flags);
+void Ref_CheckAlive(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, uintptr_t lp1)
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO10000, "Checking liveness of referents of short-weak handles in generation %u\n", condemned));
+ // perform a multi-type scan that checks for unreachable objects
+ uint32_t types[] =
+ {
+ };
+ uint32_t flags = (((ScanContext*) lp1)->concurrent) ? HNDGCF_ASYNC : HNDGCF_NORMAL;
+ int uCPUindex = getSlotNumber((ScanContext*) lp1);
+ HandleTableMap *walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ while (walk)
+ {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i ++)
+ {
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[uCPUindex];
+ if (hTable)
+ HndScanHandlesForGC(hTable, CheckPromoted, lp1, 0, types, _countof(types), condemned, maxgen, flags);
+ }
+ }
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+ // check objects pointed to by variable handles whose dynamic type is VHT_WEAK_SHORT
+ TraceVariableHandles(CheckPromoted, lp1, 0, VHT_WEAK_SHORT, condemned, maxgen, flags);
+static VOLATILE(int32_t) uCount = 0;
+// NOTE: Please: if you update this function, update the very similar profiling function immediately below!!!
+void Ref_UpdatePointers(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, ScanContext* sc, Ref_promote_func* fn)
+ // For now, treat the syncblock as if it were short weak handles. <REVISIT_TODO>Later, get
+ // the benefits of fast allocation / free & generational awareness by supporting
+ // the SyncTable as a new block type.
+ // @TODO cwb: wait for compelling performance measurements.</REVISIT_TODO>
+ BOOL bDo = TRUE;
+ if (GCHeap::IsServerHeap())
+ {
+ bDo = (Interlocked::Increment(&uCount) == 1);
+ Interlocked::CompareExchange (&uCount, 0, GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->GetNumberOfHeaps());
+ _ASSERTE (uCount <= GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->GetNumberOfHeaps());
+ }
+ if (bDo)
+ GCToEEInterface::SyncBlockCacheWeakPtrScan(&UpdatePointer, uintptr_t(sc), uintptr_t(fn));
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO10000, "Updating pointers to referents of non-pinning handles in generation %u\n", condemned));
+ // these are the handle types that need their pointers updated
+ uint32_t types[] =
+ {
+ };
+ // perform a multi-type scan that updates pointers
+ uint32_t flags = (sc->concurrent) ? HNDGCF_ASYNC : HNDGCF_NORMAL;
+ HandleTableMap *walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ while (walk) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i ++)
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[getSlotNumber(sc)];
+ if (hTable)
+ HndScanHandlesForGC(hTable, UpdatePointer, uintptr_t(sc), uintptr_t(fn), types, _countof(types), condemned, maxgen, flags);
+ }
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+ // update pointers in variable handles whose dynamic type is VHT_WEAK_SHORT, VHT_WEAK_LONG or VHT_STRONG
+ TraceVariableHandles(UpdatePointer, uintptr_t(sc), uintptr_t(fn), VHT_WEAK_SHORT | VHT_WEAK_LONG | VHT_STRONG, condemned, maxgen, flags);
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+// Please update this if you change the Ref_UpdatePointers function above.
+void Ref_ScanPointersForProfilerAndETW(uint32_t maxgen, uintptr_t lp1)
+ LOG((LF_GC | LF_CORPROF, LL_INFO10000, "Scanning all handle roots for profiler.\n"));
+ // Don't scan the sync block because they should not be reported. They are weak handles only
+ // <REVISIT_TODO>We should change the following to not report weak either
+ // these are the handle types that need their pointers updated</REVISIT_TODO>
+ uint32_t types[] =
+ {
+ };
+ uint32_t flags = HNDGCF_NORMAL;
+ // perform a multi-type scan that updates pointers
+ HandleTableMap *walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ while (walk) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i ++)
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] != NULL)
+ // this is the one of Ref_* function performed by single thread in MULTI_HEAPS case, so we need to loop through all HT of the bucket
+ for (int uCPUindex=0; uCPUindex < getNumberOfSlots(); uCPUindex++)
+ {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[uCPUindex];
+ if (hTable)
+ HndScanHandlesForGC(hTable, &ScanPointerForProfilerAndETW, lp1, 0, types, _countof(types), maxgen, maxgen, flags);
+ }
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+ // update pointers in variable handles whose dynamic type is VHT_WEAK_SHORT, VHT_WEAK_LONG or VHT_STRONG
+ TraceVariableHandlesBySingleThread(&ScanPointerForProfilerAndETW, lp1, 0, VHT_WEAK_SHORT | VHT_WEAK_LONG | VHT_STRONG, maxgen, maxgen, flags);
+void Ref_ScanDependentHandlesForProfilerAndETW(uint32_t maxgen, ProfilingScanContext * SC)
+ LOG((LF_GC | LF_CORPROF, LL_INFO10000, "Scanning dependent handles for profiler.\n"));
+ uint32_t flags = HNDGCF_NORMAL;
+ uintptr_t lp1 = (uintptr_t)SC;
+ // we'll re-use pHeapId (which was either unused (0) or freed by EndRootReferences2
+ // (-1)), so reset it to NULL
+ _ASSERTE((*((size_t *)(&SC->pHeapId)) == (size_t)(-1)) ||
+ (*((size_t *)(&SC->pHeapId)) == (size_t)(0)));
+ SC->pHeapId = NULL;
+ TraceDependentHandlesBySingleThread(&ScanPointerForProfilerAndETW, lp1, maxgen, maxgen, flags);
+#endif // defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+// Callback to enumerate all object references held in handles.
+void CALLBACK ScanPointer(_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF *pObjRef, uintptr_t *pExtraInfo, uintptr_t lp1, uintptr_t lp2)
+ Object **pRef = (Object **)pObjRef;
+ _ASSERTE(lp2);
+ promote_func* callback = (promote_func*)lp2;
+ callback(pRef, (ScanContext *)lp1, 0);
+// Enumerate all object references held by any of the handle tables in the system.
+void Ref_ScanPointers(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, ScanContext* sc, Ref_promote_func* fn)
+ uint32_t types[] =
+ {
+ };
+ uint32_t flags = HNDGCF_NORMAL;
+ // perform a multi-type scan that enumerates pointers
+ for (HandleTableMap * walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ walk != nullptr;
+ walk = walk->pNext)
+ {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
+ {
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ // this is the one of Ref_* function performed by single thread in MULTI_HEAPS case, so we need to loop through all HT of the bucket
+ for (int uCPUindex = 0; uCPUindex < getNumberOfSlots(); uCPUindex++)
+ {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[uCPUindex];
+ if (hTable)
+ HndScanHandlesForGC(hTable, &ScanPointer, uintptr_t(sc), uintptr_t(fn), types, _countof(types), condemned, maxgen, flags);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // enumerate pointers in variable handles whose dynamic type is VHT_WEAK_SHORT, VHT_WEAK_LONG or VHT_STRONG
+ TraceVariableHandlesBySingleThread(&ScanPointer, uintptr_t(sc), uintptr_t(fn), VHT_WEAK_SHORT | VHT_WEAK_LONG | VHT_STRONG, condemned, maxgen, flags);
+void Ref_UpdatePinnedPointers(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, ScanContext* sc, Ref_promote_func* fn)
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO10000, "Updating pointers to referents of pinning handles in generation %u\n", condemned));
+ // these are the handle types that need their pointers updated
+ uint32_t flags = (sc->concurrent) ? HNDGCF_ASYNC : HNDGCF_NORMAL;
+ HandleTableMap *walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ while (walk) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i ++)
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[getSlotNumber(sc)];
+ if (hTable)
+ HndScanHandlesForGC(hTable, UpdatePointerPinned, uintptr_t(sc), uintptr_t(fn), types, _countof(types), condemned, maxgen, flags);
+ }
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+ // update pointers in variable handles whose dynamic type is VHT_PINNED
+ TraceVariableHandles(UpdatePointerPinned, uintptr_t(sc), uintptr_t(fn), VHT_PINNED, condemned, maxgen, flags);
+void Ref_AgeHandles(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, uintptr_t lp1)
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO10000, "Aging handles in generation %u\n", condemned));
+ // these are the handle types that need their ages updated
+ uint32_t types[] =
+ {
+ };
+ int uCPUindex = getSlotNumber((ScanContext*) lp1);
+ // perform a multi-type scan that ages the handles
+ HandleTableMap *walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ while (walk) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i ++)
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[uCPUindex];
+ if (hTable)
+ HndScanHandlesForGC(hTable, NULL, 0, 0, types, _countof(types), condemned, maxgen, HNDGCF_AGE);
+ }
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+void Ref_RejuvenateHandles(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, uintptr_t lp1)
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO10000, "Rejuvenating handles.\n"));
+ // these are the handle types that need their ages updated
+ uint32_t types[] =
+ {
+ };
+ int uCPUindex = getSlotNumber((ScanContext*) lp1);
+ // reset the ages of these handles
+ HandleTableMap *walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ while (walk) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i ++)
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[uCPUindex];
+ if (hTable)
+ HndResetAgeMap(hTable, types, _countof(types), condemned, maxgen, HNDGCF_NORMAL);
+ }
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+void Ref_VerifyHandleTable(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, ScanContext* sc)
+ LOG((LF_GC, LL_INFO10000, "Verifying handles.\n"));
+ // these are the handle types that need to be verified
+ uint32_t types[] =
+ {
+ };
+ // verify these handles
+ HandleTableMap *walk = &g_HandleTableMap;
+ while (walk)
+ {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INITIAL_HANDLE_TABLE_ARRAY_SIZE; i ++)
+ {
+ if (walk->pBuckets[i] != NULL)
+ {
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = walk->pBuckets[i]->pTable[getSlotNumber(sc)];
+ if (hTable)
+ HndVerifyTable(hTable, types, _countof(types), condemned, maxgen, HNDGCF_NORMAL);
+ }
+ }
+ walk = walk->pNext;
+ }
+int GetCurrentThreadHomeHeapNumber()
+ if (!GCHeap::IsGCHeapInitialized())
+ return 0;
+ return GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->GetHomeHeapNumber();
+bool HandleTableBucket::Contains(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ if (NULL == handle)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = HndGetHandleTable(handle);
+ for (int uCPUindex=0; uCPUindex < GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->GetNumberOfHeaps(); uCPUindex++)
+ {
+ if (hTable == this->pTable[uCPUindex])
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void DestroySizedRefHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ {
+ }
+ HHANDLETABLE hTable = HndGetHandleTable(handle);
+ HndDestroyHandle(hTable , HNDTYPE_SIZEDREF, handle);
+ AppDomain* pDomain = SystemDomain::GetAppDomainAtIndex(HndGetHandleTableADIndex(hTable));
+ pDomain->DecNumSizedRefHandles();
+void DestroyWinRTWeakHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ {
+ }
+ // Release the WinRT weak reference if we have one. We're assuming that this will not reenter the
+ // runtime, since if we are pointing at a managed object, we should not be using a HNDTYPE_WEAK_WINRT
+ IWeakReference* pWinRTWeakReference = reinterpret_cast<IWeakReference*>(HndGetHandleExtraInfo(handle));
+ if (pWinRTWeakReference != NULL)
+ {
+ pWinRTWeakReference->Release();
+ }
+ HndDestroyHandle(HndGetHandleTable(handle), HNDTYPE_WEAK_WINRT, handle);
+OBJECTREF GetDependentHandleSecondary(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
diff --git a/src/gc/objecthandle.h b/src/gc/objecthandle.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89365267d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/objecthandle.h
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+ * Wraps handle table to implement various handle types (Strong, Weak, etc.)
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ * include handle manager declarations
+ */
+#include "handletable.h"
+#include <weakreference.h>
+ * Convenience macros for accessing handles. StoreFirstObjectInHandle is like
+ * StoreObjectInHandle, except it only succeeds if transitioning from NULL to
+ * non-NULL. In other words, if this handle is being initialized for the first
+ * time.
+ */
+#define ObjectFromHandle(handle) HndFetchHandle(handle)
+#define StoreObjectInHandle(handle, object) HndAssignHandle(handle, object)
+#define InterlockedCompareExchangeObjectInHandle(handle, object, oldObj) HndInterlockedCompareExchangeHandle(handle, object, oldObj)
+#define StoreFirstObjectInHandle(handle, object) HndFirstAssignHandle(handle, object)
+#define ObjectHandleIsNull(handle) HndIsNull(handle)
+#define IsHandleNullUnchecked(handle) HndCheckForNullUnchecked(handle)
+ *
+ * The default type of handle is a strong handle.
+ *
+ */
+ *
+ * Weak handles are handles that track an object as long as it is alive,
+ * but do not keep the object alive if there are no strong references to it.
+ *
+ * The default type of weak handle is 'long-lived' weak handle.
+ *
+ */
+ *
+ * Short-lived weak handles are weak handles that track an object until the
+ * first time it is detected to be unreachable. At this point, the handle is
+ * severed, even if the object will be visible from a pending finalization
+ * graph. This further implies that short weak handles do not track
+ * across object resurrections.
+ *
+ */
+ *
+ * Long-lived weak handles are weak handles that track an object until the
+ * object is actually reclaimed. Unlike short weak handles, long weak handles
+ * continue to track their referents through finalization and across any
+ * resurrections that may occur.
+ *
+ */
+#define HNDTYPE_WEAK_LONG (1)
+ *
+ * Strong handles are handles which function like a normal object reference.
+ * The existence of a strong handle for an object will cause the object to
+ * be promoted (remain alive) through a garbage collection cycle.
+ *
+ */
+#define HNDTYPE_STRONG (2)
+ *
+ * Pinned handles are strong handles which have the added property that they
+ * prevent an object from moving during a garbage collection cycle. This is
+ * useful when passing a pointer to object innards out of the runtime while GC
+ * may be enabled.
+ *
+ */
+#define HNDTYPE_PINNED (3)
+ *
+ * Variable handles are handles whose type can be changed dynamically. They
+ * are larger than other types of handles, and are scanned a little more often,
+ * but are useful when the handle owner needs an efficient way to change the
+ * strength of a handle on the fly.
+ *
+ */
+ *
+ * Refcounted handles are handles that behave as strong handles while the
+ * refcount on them is greater than 0 and behave as weak handles otherwise.
+ *
+ * N.B. These are currently NOT general purpose.
+ * The implementation is tied to COM Interop.
+ *
+ */
+ *
+ * Dependent handles are two handles that need to have the same lifetime. One handle refers to a secondary object
+ * that needs to have the same lifetime as the primary object. The secondary object should not cause the primary
+ * object to be referenced, but as long as the primary object is alive, so must be the secondary
+ *
+ * They are currently used for EnC for adding new field members to existing instantiations under EnC modes where
+ * the primary object is the original instantiation and the secondary represents the added field.
+ *
+ * They are also used to implement the ConditionalWeakTable class in mscorlib.dll. If you want to use
+ * these from managed code, they are exposed to BCL through the managed DependentHandle class.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ * PINNED HANDLES for asynchronous operation
+ *
+ * Pinned handles are strong handles which have the added property that they
+ * prevent an object from moving during a garbage collection cycle. This is
+ * useful when passing a pointer to object innards out of the runtime while GC
+ * may be enabled.
+ *
+ */
+ *
+ * SizedRef handles are strong handles. Each handle has a piece of user data associated
+ * with it that stores the size of the object this handle refers to. These handles
+ * are scanned as strong roots during each GC but only during full GCs would the size
+ * be calculated.
+ *
+ */
+ *
+ * WinRT weak reference handles hold two different types of weak handles to any
+ * RCW with an underlying COM object that implements IWeakReferenceSource. The
+ * object reference itself is a short weak handle to the RCW. In addition an
+ * IWeakReference* to the underlying COM object is stored, allowing the handle
+ * to create a new RCW if the existing RCW is collected. This ensures that any
+ * code holding onto a WinRT weak reference can always access an RCW to the
+ * underlying COM object as long as it has not been released by all of its strong
+ * references.
+ */
+typedef DPTR(struct HandleTableMap) PTR_HandleTableMap;
+typedef DPTR(struct HandleTableBucket) PTR_HandleTableBucket;
+typedef DPTR(PTR_HandleTableBucket) PTR_PTR_HandleTableBucket;
+struct HandleTableMap
+ PTR_PTR_HandleTableBucket pBuckets;
+ PTR_HandleTableMap pNext;
+ uint32_t dwMaxIndex;
+GVAL_DECL(HandleTableMap, g_HandleTableMap);
+// struct containing g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors HHANDLETABLEs and current table index
+// instead of just single HHANDLETABLE for on-fly balancing while adding handles on multiproc machines
+struct HandleTableBucket
+ uint32_t HandleTableIndex;
+ bool Contains(OBJECTHANDLE handle);
+ * Type mask definitions for HNDTYPE_VARIABLE handles.
+ */
+#define VHT_WEAK_SHORT (0x00000100) // avoid using low byte so we don't overlap normal types
+#define VHT_WEAK_LONG (0x00000200) // avoid using low byte so we don't overlap normal types
+#define VHT_STRONG (0x00000400) // avoid using low byte so we don't overlap normal types
+#define VHT_PINNED (0x00000800) // avoid using low byte so we don't overlap normal types
+#define IS_VALID_VHT_VALUE(flag) ((flag == VHT_WEAK_SHORT) || \
+ (flag == VHT_WEAK_LONG) || \
+ (flag == VHT_STRONG) || \
+ (flag == VHT_PINNED))
+ * Convenience macros and prototypes for the various handle types we define
+ */
+inline OBJECTHANDLE CreateTypedHandle(HHANDLETABLE table, OBJECTREF object, int type)
+ return HndCreateHandle(table, type, object);
+inline void DestroyTypedHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ HndDestroyHandleOfUnknownType(HndGetHandleTable(handle), handle);
+inline OBJECTHANDLE CreateHandle(HHANDLETABLE table, OBJECTREF object)
+ return HndCreateHandle(table, HNDTYPE_DEFAULT, object);
+inline void DestroyHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ {
+ }
+ HndDestroyHandle(HndGetHandleTable(handle), HNDTYPE_DEFAULT, handle);
+inline OBJECTHANDLE CreateDuplicateHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle) {
+ // Create a new STRONG handle in the same table as an existing handle.
+ return HndCreateHandle(HndGetHandleTable(handle), HNDTYPE_DEFAULT, ObjectFromHandle(handle));
+inline OBJECTHANDLE CreateWeakHandle(HHANDLETABLE table, OBJECTREF object)
+ return HndCreateHandle(table, HNDTYPE_WEAK_DEFAULT, object);
+inline void DestroyWeakHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ HndDestroyHandle(HndGetHandleTable(handle), HNDTYPE_WEAK_DEFAULT, handle);
+inline OBJECTHANDLE CreateShortWeakHandle(HHANDLETABLE table, OBJECTREF object)
+ return HndCreateHandle(table, HNDTYPE_WEAK_SHORT, object);
+inline void DestroyShortWeakHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ HndDestroyHandle(HndGetHandleTable(handle), HNDTYPE_WEAK_SHORT, handle);
+inline OBJECTHANDLE CreateLongWeakHandle(HHANDLETABLE table, OBJECTREF object)
+ return HndCreateHandle(table, HNDTYPE_WEAK_LONG, object);
+inline void DestroyLongWeakHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ HndDestroyHandle(HndGetHandleTable(handle), HNDTYPE_WEAK_LONG, handle);
+typedef Holder<OBJECTHANDLE,DoNothing<OBJECTHANDLE>,DestroyLongWeakHandle> LongWeakHandleHolder;
+inline OBJECTHANDLE CreateStrongHandle(HHANDLETABLE table, OBJECTREF object)
+ return HndCreateHandle(table, HNDTYPE_STRONG, object);
+inline void DestroyStrongHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ HndDestroyHandle(HndGetHandleTable(handle), HNDTYPE_STRONG, handle);
+inline OBJECTHANDLE CreatePinningHandle(HHANDLETABLE table, OBJECTREF object)
+ return HndCreateHandle(table, HNDTYPE_PINNED, object);
+inline void DestroyPinningHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ HndDestroyHandle(HndGetHandleTable(handle), HNDTYPE_PINNED, handle);
+typedef Wrapper<OBJECTHANDLE, DoNothing<OBJECTHANDLE>, DestroyPinningHandle, NULL> PinningHandleHolder;
+inline OBJECTHANDLE CreateAsyncPinningHandle(HHANDLETABLE table, OBJECTREF object)
+ return HndCreateHandle(table, HNDTYPE_ASYNCPINNED, object);
+inline void DestroyAsyncPinningHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ HndDestroyHandle(HndGetHandleTable(handle), HNDTYPE_ASYNCPINNED, handle);
+typedef Wrapper<OBJECTHANDLE, DoNothing<OBJECTHANDLE>, DestroyAsyncPinningHandle, NULL> AsyncPinningHandleHolder;
+inline OBJECTHANDLE CreateSizedRefHandle(HHANDLETABLE table, OBJECTREF object)
+ return HndCreateHandle(table, HNDTYPE_SIZEDREF, object, (uintptr_t)0);
+void DestroySizedRefHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle);
+typedef Wrapper<OBJECTHANDLE, DoNothing<OBJECTHANDLE>, DestroySizedRefHandle, NULL> SizeRefHandleHolder;
+inline OBJECTHANDLE CreateRefcountedHandle(HHANDLETABLE table, OBJECTREF object)
+ return HndCreateHandle(table, HNDTYPE_REFCOUNTED, object);
+inline void DestroyRefcountedHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ HndDestroyHandle(HndGetHandleTable(handle), HNDTYPE_REFCOUNTED, handle);
+inline OBJECTHANDLE CreateWinRTWeakHandle(HHANDLETABLE table, OBJECTREF object, IWeakReference* pWinRTWeakReference)
+ _ASSERTE(pWinRTWeakReference != NULL);
+ return HndCreateHandle(table, HNDTYPE_WEAK_WINRT, object, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(pWinRTWeakReference));
+void DestroyWinRTWeakHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle);
+OBJECTREF GetDependentHandleSecondary(OBJECTHANDLE handle);
+OBJECTHANDLE CreateDependentHandle(HHANDLETABLE table, OBJECTREF primary, OBJECTREF secondary);
+void SetDependentHandleSecondary(OBJECTHANDLE handle, OBJECTREF secondary);
+inline void DestroyDependentHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ HndDestroyHandle(HndGetHandleTable(handle), HNDTYPE_DEPENDENT, handle);
+OBJECTHANDLE CreateVariableHandle(HHANDLETABLE hTable, OBJECTREF object, uint32_t type);
+uint32_t GetVariableHandleType(OBJECTHANDLE handle);
+void UpdateVariableHandleType(OBJECTHANDLE handle, uint32_t type);
+uint32_t CompareExchangeVariableHandleType(OBJECTHANDLE handle, uint32_t oldType, uint32_t newType);
+inline void DestroyVariableHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ HndDestroyHandle(HndGetHandleTable(handle), HNDTYPE_VARIABLE, handle);
+void GCHandleValidatePinnedObject(OBJECTREF obj);
+ * Holder for OBJECTHANDLE
+ */
+typedef Wrapper<OBJECTHANDLE, DoNothing<OBJECTHANDLE>, DestroyHandle > OHWrapper;
+class OBJECTHANDLEHolder : public OHWrapper
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ OHWrapper::operator=(p);
+ }
+typedef Wrapper<OBJECTHANDLE, DoNothing<OBJECTHANDLE>, DestroyRefcountedHandle> RefCountedOHWrapper;
+class RCOBJECTHANDLEHolder : public RefCountedOHWrapper
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ RefCountedOHWrapper::operator=(p);
+ }
+ * Convenience prototypes for using the global handles
+ */
+int GetCurrentThreadHomeHeapNumber();
+inline OBJECTHANDLE CreateGlobalTypedHandle(OBJECTREF object, int type)
+ return HndCreateHandle(g_HandleTableMap.pBuckets[0]->pTable[GetCurrentThreadHomeHeapNumber()], type, object);
+inline void DestroyGlobalTypedHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ HndDestroyHandleOfUnknownType(HndGetHandleTable(handle), handle);
+inline OBJECTHANDLE CreateGlobalHandle(OBJECTREF object)
+ return HndCreateHandle(g_HandleTableMap.pBuckets[0]->pTable[GetCurrentThreadHomeHeapNumber()], HNDTYPE_DEFAULT, object);
+inline void DestroyGlobalHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ HndDestroyHandle(HndGetHandleTable(handle), HNDTYPE_DEFAULT, handle);
+inline OBJECTHANDLE CreateGlobalWeakHandle(OBJECTREF object)
+ return HndCreateHandle(g_HandleTableMap.pBuckets[0]->pTable[GetCurrentThreadHomeHeapNumber()], HNDTYPE_WEAK_DEFAULT, object);
+inline void DestroyGlobalWeakHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ HndDestroyHandle(HndGetHandleTable(handle), HNDTYPE_WEAK_DEFAULT, handle);
+inline OBJECTHANDLE CreateGlobalShortWeakHandle(OBJECTREF object)
+ return HndCreateHandle(g_HandleTableMap.pBuckets[0]->pTable[GetCurrentThreadHomeHeapNumber()], HNDTYPE_WEAK_SHORT, object);
+inline void DestroyGlobalShortWeakHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ HndDestroyHandle(HndGetHandleTable(handle), HNDTYPE_WEAK_SHORT, handle);
+typedef Holder<OBJECTHANDLE,DoNothing<OBJECTHANDLE>,DestroyGlobalShortWeakHandle> GlobalShortWeakHandleHolder;
+inline OBJECTHANDLE CreateGlobalLongWeakHandle(OBJECTREF object)
+ return HndCreateHandle(g_HandleTableMap.pBuckets[0]->pTable[GetCurrentThreadHomeHeapNumber()], HNDTYPE_WEAK_LONG, object);
+inline void DestroyGlobalLongWeakHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ HndDestroyHandle(HndGetHandleTable(handle), HNDTYPE_WEAK_LONG, handle);
+inline OBJECTHANDLE CreateGlobalStrongHandle(OBJECTREF object)
+ return HndCreateHandle(g_HandleTableMap.pBuckets[0]->pTable[GetCurrentThreadHomeHeapNumber()], HNDTYPE_STRONG, object);
+inline void DestroyGlobalStrongHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ HndDestroyHandle(HndGetHandleTable(handle), HNDTYPE_STRONG, handle);
+typedef Holder<OBJECTHANDLE,DoNothing<OBJECTHANDLE>,DestroyGlobalStrongHandle> GlobalStrongHandleHolder;
+inline OBJECTHANDLE CreateGlobalPinningHandle(OBJECTREF object)
+ return HndCreateHandle(g_HandleTableMap.pBuckets[0]->pTable[GetCurrentThreadHomeHeapNumber()], HNDTYPE_PINNED, object);
+inline void DestroyGlobalPinningHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ HndDestroyHandle(HndGetHandleTable(handle), HNDTYPE_PINNED, handle);
+inline OBJECTHANDLE CreateGlobalRefcountedHandle(OBJECTREF object)
+ return HndCreateHandle(g_HandleTableMap.pBuckets[0]->pTable[GetCurrentThreadHomeHeapNumber()], HNDTYPE_REFCOUNTED, object);
+inline void DestroyGlobalRefcountedHandle(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ HndDestroyHandle(HndGetHandleTable(handle), HNDTYPE_REFCOUNTED, handle);
+inline void ResetOBJECTHANDLE(OBJECTHANDLE handle)
+ StoreObjectInHandle(handle, NULL);
+typedef Holder<OBJECTHANDLE,DoNothing<OBJECTHANDLE>,ResetOBJECTHANDLE> ObjectInHandleHolder;
+ * Table maintenance routines
+ */
+bool Ref_Initialize();
+void Ref_Shutdown();
+HandleTableBucket *Ref_CreateHandleTableBucket(ADIndex uADIndex);
+BOOL Ref_HandleAsyncPinHandles();
+void Ref_RelocateAsyncPinHandles(HandleTableBucket *pSource, HandleTableBucket *pTarget);
+void Ref_RemoveHandleTableBucket(HandleTableBucket *pBucket);
+void Ref_DestroyHandleTableBucket(HandleTableBucket *pBucket);
+BOOL Ref_ContainHandle(HandleTableBucket *pBucket, OBJECTHANDLE handle);
+ * GC-time scanning entrypoints
+ */
+struct ScanContext;
+struct DhContext;
+struct ProfilingScanContext;
+void Ref_BeginSynchronousGC (uint32_t uCondemnedGeneration, uint32_t uMaxGeneration);
+void Ref_EndSynchronousGC (uint32_t uCondemnedGeneration, uint32_t uMaxGeneration);
+typedef void Ref_promote_func(class Object**, ScanContext*, uint32_t);
+void Ref_TraceRefCountHandles(HANDLESCANPROC callback, uintptr_t lParam1, uintptr_t lParam2);
+void Ref_TracePinningRoots(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, ScanContext* sc, Ref_promote_func* fn);
+void Ref_TraceNormalRoots(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, ScanContext* sc, Ref_promote_func* fn);
+void Ref_UpdatePointers(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, ScanContext* sc, Ref_promote_func* fn);
+void Ref_UpdatePinnedPointers(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, ScanContext* sc, Ref_promote_func* fn);
+DhContext *Ref_GetDependentHandleContext(ScanContext* sc);
+bool Ref_ScanDependentHandlesForPromotion(DhContext *pDhContext);
+void Ref_ScanDependentHandlesForClearing(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, ScanContext* sc, Ref_promote_func* fn);
+void Ref_ScanDependentHandlesForRelocation(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, ScanContext* sc, Ref_promote_func* fn);
+void Ref_ScanSizedRefHandles(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, ScanContext* sc, Ref_promote_func* fn);
+void Ref_ScanPointers(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, ScanContext* sc, Ref_promote_func* fn);
+void Ref_CheckReachable (uint32_t uCondemnedGeneration, uint32_t uMaxGeneration, uintptr_t lp1);
+void Ref_CheckAlive (uint32_t uCondemnedGeneration, uint32_t uMaxGeneration, uintptr_t lp1);
+void Ref_ScanPointersForProfilerAndETW(uint32_t uMaxGeneration, uintptr_t lp1);
+void Ref_ScanDependentHandlesForProfilerAndETW(uint32_t uMaxGeneration, ProfilingScanContext * SC);
+void Ref_AgeHandles (uint32_t uCondemnedGeneration, uint32_t uMaxGeneration, uintptr_t lp1);
+void Ref_RejuvenateHandles(uint32_t uCondemnedGeneration, uint32_t uMaxGeneration, uintptr_t lp1);
+void Ref_VerifyHandleTable(uint32_t condemned, uint32_t maxgen, ScanContext* sc);
diff --git a/src/gc/sample/CMakeLists.txt b/src/gc/sample/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..572fba371f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/sample/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ GCSample.cpp
+ ../gccommon.cpp
+ ../gceewks.cpp
+ ../gcscan.cpp
+ ../gcwks.cpp
+ ../handletable.cpp
+ ../handletablecache.cpp
+ ../handletablecore.cpp
+ ../handletablescan.cpp
+ ../objecthandle.cpp
+ ../softwarewritewatch.cpp
+ add_definitions(-DUNICODE=1)
+ gcenv.unix.cpp)
diff --git a/src/gc/sample/GCSample.cpp b/src/gc/sample/GCSample.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e07834ced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/sample/GCSample.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// GCSample.cpp
+// This sample demonstrates:
+// * How to initialize GC without the rest of CoreCLR
+// * How to create a type layout information in format that the GC expects
+// * How to implement fast object allocator and write barrier
+// * How to allocate objects and work with GC handles
+// An important part of the sample is the GC environment (gcenv.*) that provides methods for GC to interact
+// with the OS and execution engine.
+// The methods to interact with the OS should be no surprise - block memory allocation, synchronization primitives, etc.
+// The important methods that the execution engine needs to provide to GC are:
+// * Thread suspend/resume:
+// static void SuspendEE(SUSPEND_REASON reason);
+// static void RestartEE(bool bFinishedGC); //resume threads.
+// * Enumeration of thread-local allocators:
+// static void GcEnumAllocContexts (enum_alloc_context_func* fn, void* param);
+// * Scanning of stack roots:
+// static void GcScanRoots(promote_func* fn, int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext* sc);
+// The sample has trivial implementation for these methods. It is single threaded, and there are no stack roots to
+// be reported. There are number of other callbacks that GC calls to optionally allow the execution engine to do its
+// own bookkeeping.
+// For now, the sample GC environment has some cruft in it to decouple the GC from Windows and rest of CoreCLR.
+// It is something we would like to clean up.
+#include "common.h"
+#include "gcenv.h"
+#include "gc.h"
+#include "objecthandle.h"
+#include "gcdesc.h"
+// The fast paths for object allocation and write barriers is performance critical. They are often
+// hand written in assembly code, etc.
+Object * AllocateObject(MethodTable * pMT)
+ alloc_context * acontext = GetThread()->GetAllocContext();
+ Object * pObject;
+ size_t size = pMT->GetBaseSize();
+ uint8_t* result = acontext->alloc_ptr;
+ uint8_t* advance = result + size;
+ if (advance <= acontext->alloc_limit)
+ {
+ acontext->alloc_ptr = advance;
+ pObject = (Object *)result;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pObject = GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->Alloc(acontext, size, 0);
+ if (pObject == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pObject->RawSetMethodTable(pMT);
+ return pObject;
+#if defined(BIT64)
+// Card byte shift is different on 64bit.
+#define card_byte_shift 11
+#define card_byte_shift 10
+#define card_byte(addr) (((size_t)(addr)) >> card_byte_shift)
+inline void ErectWriteBarrier(Object ** dst, Object * ref)
+ // if the dst is outside of the heap (unboxed value classes) then we
+ // simply exit
+ if (((uint8_t*)dst < g_lowest_address) || ((uint8_t*)dst >= g_highest_address))
+ return;
+ if((uint8_t*)ref >= g_ephemeral_low && (uint8_t*)ref < g_ephemeral_high)
+ {
+ // volatile is used here to prevent fetch of g_card_table from being reordered
+ // with g_lowest/highest_address check above. See comment in code:gc_heap::grow_brick_card_tables.
+ uint8_t* pCardByte = (uint8_t *)*(volatile uint8_t **)(&g_card_table) + card_byte((uint8_t *)dst);
+ if(*pCardByte != 0xFF)
+ *pCardByte = 0xFF;
+ }
+void WriteBarrier(Object ** dst, Object * ref)
+ *dst = ref;
+ ErectWriteBarrier(dst, ref);
+int __cdecl main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ //
+ // Initialize system info
+ //
+ if (!GCToOSInterface::Initialize())
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ //
+ // Initialize free object methodtable. The GC uses a special array-like methodtable as placeholder
+ // for collected free space.
+ //
+ static MethodTable freeObjectMT;
+ freeObjectMT.InitializeFreeObject();
+ g_pFreeObjectMethodTable = &freeObjectMT;
+ //
+ // Initialize handle table
+ //
+ if (!Ref_Initialize())
+ return -1;
+ //
+ // Initialize GC heap
+ //
+ GCHeap *pGCHeap = GCHeap::CreateGCHeap();
+ if (!pGCHeap)
+ return -1;
+ if (FAILED(pGCHeap->Initialize()))
+ return -1;
+ //
+ // Initialize current thread
+ //
+ ThreadStore::AttachCurrentThread();
+ //
+ // Create a Methodtable with GCDesc
+ //
+ class My : Object {
+ public:
+ Object * m_pOther1;
+ int dummy_inbetween;
+ Object * m_pOther2;
+ };
+ static struct My_MethodTable
+ {
+ // GCDesc
+ CGCDescSeries m_series[2];
+ size_t m_numSeries;
+ // The actual methodtable
+ MethodTable m_MT;
+ }
+ My_MethodTable;
+ // 'My' contains the MethodTable*
+ uint32_t baseSize = sizeof(My);
+ // GC expects the size of ObjHeader (extra void*) to be included in the size.
+ baseSize = baseSize + sizeof(ObjHeader);
+ // Add padding as necessary. GC requires the object size to be at least MIN_OBJECT_SIZE.
+ My_MethodTable.m_MT.m_baseSize = max(baseSize, MIN_OBJECT_SIZE);
+ My_MethodTable.m_MT.m_componentSize = 0; // Array component size
+ My_MethodTable.m_MT.m_flags = MTFlag_ContainsPointers;
+ My_MethodTable.m_numSeries = 2;
+ // The GC walks the series backwards. It expects the offsets to be sorted in descending order.
+ My_MethodTable.m_series[0].SetSeriesOffset(offsetof(My, m_pOther2));
+ My_MethodTable.m_series[0].SetSeriesCount(1);
+ My_MethodTable.m_series[0].seriessize -= My_MethodTable.m_MT.m_baseSize;
+ My_MethodTable.m_series[1].SetSeriesOffset(offsetof(My, m_pOther1));
+ My_MethodTable.m_series[1].SetSeriesCount(1);
+ My_MethodTable.m_series[1].seriessize -= My_MethodTable.m_MT.m_baseSize;
+ MethodTable * pMyMethodTable = &My_MethodTable.m_MT;
+ // Allocate instance of MyObject
+ Object * pObj = AllocateObject(pMyMethodTable);
+ if (pObj == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ // Create strong handle and store the object into it
+ OBJECTHANDLE oh = CreateGlobalHandle(pObj);
+ if (oh == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
+ {
+ Object * pBefore = ((My *)ObjectFromHandle(oh))->m_pOther1;
+ // Allocate more instances of the same object
+ Object * p = AllocateObject(pMyMethodTable);
+ if (p == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ Object * pAfter = ((My *)ObjectFromHandle(oh))->m_pOther1;
+ // Uncomment this assert to see how GC triggered inside AllocateObject moved objects around
+ // assert(pBefore == pAfter);
+ // Store the newly allocated object into a field using WriteBarrier
+ WriteBarrier(&(((My *)ObjectFromHandle(oh))->m_pOther1), p);
+ }
+ // Create weak handle that points to our object
+ OBJECTHANDLE ohWeak = CreateGlobalWeakHandle(ObjectFromHandle(oh));
+ if (ohWeak == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ // Destroy the strong handle so that nothing will be keeping out object alive
+ DestroyGlobalHandle(oh);
+ // Explicitly trigger full GC
+ pGCHeap->GarbageCollect();
+ // Verify that the weak handle got cleared by the GC
+ assert(ObjectFromHandle(ohWeak) == NULL);
+ printf("Done\n");
+ return 0;
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+#include "common.h"
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "gcenv.h"
+#include "gc.h"
+EEConfig * g_pConfig;
+bool CLREventStatic::CreateManualEventNoThrow(bool bInitialState)
+ m_hEvent = CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, bInitialState, NULL);
+ m_fInitialized = true;
+ return IsValid();
+bool CLREventStatic::CreateAutoEventNoThrow(bool bInitialState)
+ m_hEvent = CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, bInitialState, NULL);
+ m_fInitialized = true;
+ return IsValid();
+bool CLREventStatic::CreateOSManualEventNoThrow(bool bInitialState)
+ m_hEvent = CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, bInitialState, NULL);
+ m_fInitialized = true;
+ return IsValid();
+bool CLREventStatic::CreateOSAutoEventNoThrow(bool bInitialState)
+ m_hEvent = CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, bInitialState, NULL);
+ m_fInitialized = true;
+ return IsValid();
+void CLREventStatic::CloseEvent()
+ if (m_fInitialized && m_hEvent != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ CloseHandle(m_hEvent);
+ }
+bool CLREventStatic::IsValid() const
+ return m_fInitialized && m_hEvent != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
+bool CLREventStatic::Set()
+ if (!m_fInitialized)
+ return false;
+ return !!SetEvent(m_hEvent);
+bool CLREventStatic::Reset()
+ if (!m_fInitialized)
+ return false;
+ return !!ResetEvent(m_hEvent);
+uint32_t CLREventStatic::Wait(uint32_t dwMilliseconds, bool bAlertable)
+ if (m_fInitialized)
+ {
+ bool disablePreemptive = false;
+ Thread * pCurThread = GetThread();
+ if (NULL != pCurThread)
+ {
+ if (GCToEEInterface::IsPreemptiveGCDisabled(pCurThread))
+ {
+ GCToEEInterface::EnablePreemptiveGC(pCurThread);
+ disablePreemptive = true;
+ }
+ }
+ result = WaitForSingleObjectEx(m_hEvent, dwMilliseconds, bAlertable);
+ if (disablePreemptive)
+ {
+ GCToEEInterface::DisablePreemptiveGC(pCurThread);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+__declspec(thread) Thread * pCurrentThread;
+Thread * GetThread()
+ return pCurrentThread;
+Thread * g_pThreadList = NULL;
+Thread * ThreadStore::GetThreadList(Thread * pThread)
+ if (pThread == NULL)
+ return g_pThreadList;
+ return pThread->m_pNext;
+void ThreadStore::AttachCurrentThread()
+ // TODO: Locks
+ Thread * pThread = new Thread();
+ pThread->GetAllocContext()->init();
+ pCurrentThread = pThread;
+ pThread->m_pNext = g_pThreadList;
+ g_pThreadList = pThread;
+void GCToEEInterface::SuspendEE(GCToEEInterface::SUSPEND_REASON reason)
+ GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->SetGCInProgress(TRUE);
+ // TODO: Implement
+void GCToEEInterface::RestartEE(bool bFinishedGC)
+ // TODO: Implement
+ GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->SetGCInProgress(FALSE);
+void GCToEEInterface::GcScanRoots(promote_func* fn, int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext* sc)
+ // TODO: Implement - Scan stack roots on given thread
+void GCToEEInterface::GcStartWork(int condemned, int max_gen)
+void GCToEEInterface::AfterGcScanRoots(int condemned, int max_gen, ScanContext* sc)
+void GCToEEInterface::GcBeforeBGCSweepWork()
+void GCToEEInterface::GcDone(int condemned)
+bool GCToEEInterface::RefCountedHandleCallbacks(Object * pObject)
+ return false;
+bool GCToEEInterface::IsPreemptiveGCDisabled(Thread * pThread)
+ return pThread->PreemptiveGCDisabled();
+void GCToEEInterface::EnablePreemptiveGC(Thread * pThread)
+ return pThread->EnablePreemptiveGC();
+void GCToEEInterface::DisablePreemptiveGC(Thread * pThread)
+ pThread->DisablePreemptiveGC();
+alloc_context * GCToEEInterface::GetAllocContext(Thread * pThread)
+ return pThread->GetAllocContext();
+bool GCToEEInterface::CatchAtSafePoint(Thread * pThread)
+ return pThread->CatchAtSafePoint();
+void GCToEEInterface::GcEnumAllocContexts (enum_alloc_context_func* fn, void* param)
+ Thread * pThread = NULL;
+ while ((pThread = ThreadStore::GetThreadList(pThread)) != NULL)
+ {
+ fn(pThread->GetAllocContext(), param);
+ }
+void GCToEEInterface::SyncBlockCacheWeakPtrScan(HANDLESCANPROC /*scanProc*/, uintptr_t /*lp1*/, uintptr_t /*lp2*/)
+void GCToEEInterface::SyncBlockCacheDemote(int /*max_gen*/)
+void GCToEEInterface::SyncBlockCachePromotionsGranted(int /*max_gen*/)
+Thread* GCToEEInterface::CreateBackgroundThread(GCBackgroundThreadFunction threadStart, void* arg)
+ // TODO: Implement for background GC
+ return NULL;
+void FinalizerThread::EnableFinalization()
+ // Signal to finalizer thread that there are objects to finalize
+ // TODO: Implement for finalization
+bool FinalizerThread::HaveExtraWorkForFinalizer()
+ return false;
+bool IsGCSpecialThread()
+ // TODO: Implement for background GC
+ return false;
+void StompWriteBarrierEphemeral(bool /* isRuntimeSuspended */)
+void StompWriteBarrierResize(bool /* isRuntimeSuspended */, bool /*bReqUpperBoundsCheck*/)
+bool IsGCThread()
+ return false;
+void SwitchToWriteWatchBarrier()
+void SwitchToNonWriteWatchBarrier()
+void LogSpewAlways(const char * /*fmt*/, ...)
+uint32_t CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(ConfigDWORDInfo eType)
+ switch (eType)
+ {
+ case UNSUPPORTED_BGCSpinCount:
+ return 140;
+ return 2;
+ case UNSUPPORTED_GCLogEnabled:
+ case UNSUPPORTED_GCLogFileSize:
+ case EXTERNAL_GCStressStart:
+ case INTERNAL_GCStressStartAtJit:
+ case INTERNAL_DbgDACSkipVerifyDlls:
+ return 0;
+ case Config_COUNT:
+ default:
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(suppress:4127) // Constant conditional expression in ASSERT below
+ ASSERT(!"Unknown config value type");
+ return 0;
+ }
+HRESULT CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(ConfigStringInfo /*eType*/, TCHAR * * outVal)
+ *outVal = NULL;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/gc/sample/gcenv.h b/src/gc/sample/gcenv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d560789751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/sample/gcenv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+#ifndef _DEBUG_IMPL
+#define _DEBUG_IMPL 1
+#define ASSERT(_expr) assert(_expr)
+#define ASSERT(_expr)
+#ifndef _ASSERTE
+#define _ASSERTE(_expr) ASSERT(_expr)
+#include "gcenv.structs.h"
+#include "gcenv.base.h"
+#include ""
+#include "gcenv.os.h"
+#include "gcenv.interlocked.h"
+#include "gcenv.interlocked.inl"
+#include "gcenv.object.h"
+#include "gcenv.sync.h"
+#define MAX_LONGPATH 1024
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#define SUPPRESS_WARNING_4127 \
+ __pragma(warning(push)) \
+ __pragma(warning(disable:4127)) /* conditional expression is constant*/
+ __pragma(warning(pop))
+#else // _MSC_VER
+#define SUPPRESS_WARNING_4127
+#endif // _MSC_VER
+#define WHILE_0 \
+ while(0) \
+#define LL_INFO10 4
+#define STRESS_LOG_VA(msg) do { } WHILE_0
+#define STRESS_LOG0(facility, level, msg) do { } WHILE_0
+#define STRESS_LOG1(facility, level, msg, data1) do { } WHILE_0
+#define STRESS_LOG2(facility, level, msg, data1, data2) do { } WHILE_0
+#define STRESS_LOG3(facility, level, msg, data1, data2, data3) do { } WHILE_0
+#define STRESS_LOG4(facility, level, msg, data1, data2, data3, data4) do { } WHILE_0
+#define STRESS_LOG5(facility, level, msg, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5) do { } WHILE_0
+#define STRESS_LOG6(facility, level, msg, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6) do { } WHILE_0
+#define STRESS_LOG7(facility, level, msg, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6, data7) do { } WHILE_0
+#define STRESS_LOG_PLUG_MOVE(plug_start, plug_end, plug_delta) do { } WHILE_0
+#define STRESS_LOG_ROOT_PROMOTE(root_addr, objPtr, methodTable) do { } WHILE_0
+#define STRESS_LOG_ROOT_RELOCATE(root_addr, old_value, new_value, methodTable) do { } WHILE_0
+#define STRESS_LOG_GC_START(gcCount, Gen, collectClasses) do { } WHILE_0
+#define STRESS_LOG_GC_END(gcCount, Gen, collectClasses) do { } WHILE_0
+#define STRESS_LOG_OOM_STACK(size) do { } while(0)
+#define STRESS_LOG_RESERVE_MEM(numChunks) do {} while (0)
+#define LOG(x)
+// Thread
+struct alloc_context;
+class Thread
+ uint32_t m_fPreemptiveGCDisabled;
+ uintptr_t m_alloc_context[16]; // Reserve enough space to fix allocation context
+ friend class ThreadStore;
+ Thread * m_pNext;
+ Thread()
+ {
+ }
+ bool PreemptiveGCDisabled()
+ {
+ return !!m_fPreemptiveGCDisabled;
+ }
+ void EnablePreemptiveGC()
+ {
+ m_fPreemptiveGCDisabled = false;
+ }
+ void DisablePreemptiveGC()
+ {
+ m_fPreemptiveGCDisabled = true;
+ }
+ alloc_context* GetAllocContext()
+ {
+ return (alloc_context *)&m_alloc_context;
+ }
+ void SetGCSpecial(bool fGCSpecial)
+ {
+ }
+ bool CatchAtSafePoint()
+ {
+ // This is only called by the GC on a background GC worker thread that's explicitly interested in letting
+ // a foreground GC proceed at that point. So it's always safe to return true.
+ return true;
+ }
+Thread * GetThread();
+class ThreadStore
+ static Thread * GetThreadList(Thread * pThread);
+ static void AttachCurrentThread();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Config file enumulation
+class EEConfig
+ enum HeapVerifyFlags {
+ HEAPVERIFY_GC = 1, // Verify the heap at beginning and end of GC
+ HEAPVERIFY_BARRIERCHECK = 2, // Verify the brick table
+ HEAPVERIFY_SYNCBLK = 4, // Verify sync block scanning
+ // the following options can be used to mitigate some of the overhead introduced
+ // by heap verification. some options might cause heap verifiction to be less
+ // effective depending on the scenario.
+ HEAPVERIFY_NO_RANGE_CHECKS = 0x10, // Excludes checking if an OBJECTREF is within the bounds of the managed heap
+ HEAPVERIFY_NO_MEM_FILL = 0x20, // Excludes filling unused segment portions with fill pattern
+ HEAPVERIFY_POST_GC_ONLY = 0x40, // Performs heap verification post-GCs only (instead of before and after each GC)
+ HEAPVERIFY_DEEP_ON_COMPACT = 0x80 // Performs deep object verfication only on compacting GCs.
+ };
+ enum GCStressFlags {
+ GCSTRESS_ALLOC = 1, // GC on all allocs and 'easy' places
+ GCSTRESS_TRANSITION = 2, // GC on transitions to preemptive GC
+ GCSTRESS_INSTR_JIT = 4, // GC on every allowable JITed instr
+ GCSTRESS_INSTR_NGEN = 8, // GC on every allowable NGEN instr
+ GCSTRESS_UNIQUE = 16, // GC only on a unique stack trace
+ };
+ int GetHeapVerifyLevel() { return 0; }
+ bool IsHeapVerifyEnabled() { return GetHeapVerifyLevel() != 0; }
+ GCStressFlags GetGCStressLevel() const { return GCSTRESS_NONE; }
+ bool IsGCStressMix() const { return false; }
+ int GetGCtraceStart() const { return 0; }
+ int GetGCtraceEnd() const { return 0; }//1000000000; }
+ int GetGCtraceFac() const { return 0; }
+ int GetGCprnLvl() const { return 0; }
+ bool IsGCBreakOnOOMEnabled() const { return false; }
+ int GetGCgen0size() const { return 0; }
+ int GetSegmentSize() const { return 0; }
+ int GetGCconcurrent() const { return 1; }
+ int GetGCLatencyMode() const { return 1; }
+ int GetGCForceCompact() const { return 0; }
+ int GetGCRetainVM() const { return 0; }
+ int GetGCTrimCommit() const { return 0; }
+ int GetGCLOHCompactionMode() const { return 0; }
+ bool GetGCAllowVeryLargeObjects() const { return false; }
+ bool GetGCConservative() const { return true; }
+extern EEConfig * g_pConfig;
+#include "etmdummy.h"
+#define ETW_EVENT_ENABLED(e,f) false
diff --git a/src/gc/sample/gcenv.unix.cpp b/src/gc/sample/gcenv.unix.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5e9e83ee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/sample/gcenv.unix.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// Implementation of the GC environment
+#include "common.h"
+#include "gcenv.h"
+#include "gc.h"
+// TODO: Implement
diff --git a/src/gc/sample/ b/src/gc/sample/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76187f2185
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/sample/
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// Implementation of the GC environment
+#include "common.h"
+#include "windows.h"
+#include "gcenv.h"
+#include "gc.h"
+MethodTable * g_pFreeObjectMethodTable;
+int32_t g_TrapReturningThreads;
+bool g_fFinalizerRunOnShutDown;
+GCSystemInfo g_SystemInfo;
+static LARGE_INTEGER g_performanceFrequency;
+// Initialize the interface implementation
+// Return:
+// true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
+bool GCToOSInterface::Initialize()
+ if (!::QueryPerformanceFrequency(&g_performanceFrequency))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ SYSTEM_INFO systemInfo;
+ GetSystemInfo(&systemInfo);
+ g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors = systemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
+ g_SystemInfo.dwPageSize = systemInfo.dwPageSize;
+ g_SystemInfo.dwAllocationGranularity = systemInfo.dwAllocationGranularity;
+ return true;
+// Shutdown the interface implementation
+void GCToOSInterface::Shutdown()
+// Get numeric id of the current thread if possible on the
+// current platform. It is indended for logging purposes only.
+// Return:
+// Numeric id of the current thread or 0 if the
+uint64_t GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentThreadIdForLogging()
+ return ::GetCurrentThreadId();
+// Get id of the process
+// Return:
+// Id of the current process
+uint32_t GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentProcessId()
+ return ::GetCurrentProcessId();
+// Set ideal affinity for the current thread
+// Parameters:
+// affinity - ideal processor affinity for the thread
+// Return:
+// true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
+bool GCToOSInterface::SetCurrentThreadIdealAffinity(GCThreadAffinity* affinity)
+ bool success = true;
+ SetThreadIdealProcessor(GetCurrentThread(), (DWORD)affinity->Processor);
+ if (affinity->Group != -1)
+ {
+ proc.Group = (WORD)affinity->Group;
+ proc.Number = (BYTE)affinity->Processor;
+ proc.Reserved = 0;
+ success = !!SetThreadIdealProcessorEx(GetCurrentThread(), &proc, NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (GetThreadIdealProcessorEx(GetCurrentThread(), &proc))
+ {
+ proc.Number = affinity->Processor;
+ success = !!SetThreadIdealProcessorEx(GetCurrentThread(), &proc, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ return success;
+// Get the number of the current processor
+uint32_t GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentProcessorNumber()
+ _ASSERTE(GCToOSInterface::CanGetCurrentProcessorNumber());
+ return ::GetCurrentProcessorNumber();
+// Check if the OS supports getting current processor number
+bool GCToOSInterface::CanGetCurrentProcessorNumber()
+ return true;
+// Flush write buffers of processors that are executing threads of the current process
+void GCToOSInterface::FlushProcessWriteBuffers()
+ ::FlushProcessWriteBuffers();
+// Break into a debugger
+void GCToOSInterface::DebugBreak()
+ ::DebugBreak();
+// Get number of logical processors
+uint32_t GCToOSInterface::GetLogicalCpuCount()
+ return g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
+// Causes the calling thread to sleep for the specified number of milliseconds
+// Parameters:
+// sleepMSec - time to sleep before switching to another thread
+void GCToOSInterface::Sleep(uint32_t sleepMSec)
+ ::Sleep(sleepMSec);
+// Causes the calling thread to yield execution to another thread that is ready to run on the current processor.
+// Parameters:
+// switchCount - number of times the YieldThread was called in a loop
+void GCToOSInterface::YieldThread(uint32_t switchCount)
+ SwitchToThread();
+// Reserve virtual memory range.
+// Parameters:
+// address - starting virtual address, it can be NULL to let the function choose the starting address
+// size - size of the virtual memory range
+// alignment - requested memory alignment
+// flags - flags to control special settings like write watching
+// Return:
+// Starting virtual address of the reserved range
+void* GCToOSInterface::VirtualReserve(void* address, size_t size, size_t alignment, uint32_t flags)
+ DWORD memFlags = (flags & VirtualReserveFlags::WriteWatch) ? (MEM_RESERVE | MEM_WRITE_WATCH) : MEM_RESERVE;
+ return ::VirtualAlloc(0, size, memFlags, PAGE_READWRITE);
+// Release virtual memory range previously reserved using VirtualReserve
+// Parameters:
+// address - starting virtual address
+// size - size of the virtual memory range
+// Return:
+// true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
+bool GCToOSInterface::VirtualRelease(void* address, size_t size)
+ return !!::VirtualFree(address, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
+// Commit virtual memory range. It must be part of a range reserved using VirtualReserve.
+// Parameters:
+// address - starting virtual address
+// size - size of the virtual memory range
+// Return:
+// true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
+bool GCToOSInterface::VirtualCommit(void* address, size_t size)
+ return ::VirtualAlloc(address, size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE) != NULL;
+// Decomit virtual memory range.
+// Parameters:
+// address - starting virtual address
+// size - size of the virtual memory range
+// Return:
+// true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
+bool GCToOSInterface::VirtualDecommit(void* address, size_t size)
+ return !!::VirtualFree(address, size, MEM_DECOMMIT);
+// Reset virtual memory range. Indicates that data in the memory range specified by address and size is no
+// longer of interest, but it should not be decommitted.
+// Parameters:
+// address - starting virtual address
+// size - size of the virtual memory range
+// unlock - true if the memory range should also be unlocked
+// Return:
+// true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
+bool GCToOSInterface::VirtualReset(void * address, size_t size, bool unlock)
+ bool success = ::VirtualAlloc(address, size, MEM_RESET, PAGE_READWRITE) != NULL;
+ if (success && unlock)
+ {
+ // Remove the page range from the working set
+ ::VirtualUnlock(address, size);
+ }
+ return success;
+// Check if the OS supports write watching
+bool GCToOSInterface::SupportsWriteWatch()
+ return false;
+// Reset the write tracking state for the specified virtual memory range.
+// Parameters:
+// address - starting virtual address
+// size - size of the virtual memory range
+void GCToOSInterface::ResetWriteWatch(void* address, size_t size)
+// Retrieve addresses of the pages that are written to in a region of virtual memory
+// Parameters:
+// resetState - true indicates to reset the write tracking state
+// address - starting virtual address
+// size - size of the virtual memory range
+// pageAddresses - buffer that receives an array of page addresses in the memory region
+// pageAddressesCount - on input, size of the lpAddresses array, in array elements
+// on output, the number of page addresses that are returned in the array.
+// Return:
+// true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
+bool GCToOSInterface::GetWriteWatch(bool resetState, void* address, size_t size, void** pageAddresses, uintptr_t* pageAddressesCount)
+ return false;
+// Get size of the largest cache on the processor die
+// Parameters:
+// trueSize - true to return true cache size, false to return scaled up size based on
+// the processor architecture
+// Return:
+// Size of the cache
+size_t GCToOSInterface::GetLargestOnDieCacheSize(bool trueSize)
+ // TODO: implement
+ return 0;
+// Get affinity mask of the current process
+// Parameters:
+// processMask - affinity mask for the specified process
+// systemMask - affinity mask for the system
+// Return:
+// true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
+// Remarks:
+// A process affinity mask is a bit vector in which each bit represents the processors that
+// a process is allowed to run on. A system affinity mask is a bit vector in which each bit
+// represents the processors that are configured into a system.
+// A process affinity mask is a subset of the system affinity mask. A process is only allowed
+// to run on the processors configured into a system. Therefore, the process affinity mask cannot
+// specify a 1 bit for a processor when the system affinity mask specifies a 0 bit for that processor.
+bool GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentProcessAffinityMask(uintptr_t* processMask, uintptr_t* systemMask)
+ return false;
+// Get number of processors assigned to the current process
+// Return:
+// The number of processors
+uint32_t GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentProcessCpuCount()
+ return g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
+// Return the size of the user-mode portion of the virtual address space of this process.
+// Return:
+// non zero if it has succeeded, 0 if it has failed
+size_t GCToOSInterface::GetVirtualMemoryLimit()
+ memStatus.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX);
+ BOOL fRet = GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&memStatus);
+ _ASSERTE(fRet);
+ return (size_t)memStatus.ullTotalVirtual;
+// Get the physical memory that this process can use.
+// Return:
+// non zero if it has succeeded, 0 if it has failed
+uint64_t GCToOSInterface::GetPhysicalMemoryLimit()
+ memStatus.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX);
+ BOOL fRet = GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&memStatus);
+ _ASSERTE(fRet);
+ return memStatus.ullTotalPhys;
+// Get memory status
+// Parameters:
+// memory_load - A number between 0 and 100 that specifies the approximate percentage of physical memory
+// that is in use (0 indicates no memory use and 100 indicates full memory use).
+// available_physical - The amount of physical memory currently available, in bytes.
+// available_page_file - The maximum amount of memory the current process can commit, in bytes.
+void GCToOSInterface::GetMemoryStatus(uint32_t* memory_load, uint64_t* available_physical, uint64_t* available_page_file)
+ memStatus.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX);
+ BOOL fRet = GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&memStatus);
+ _ASSERTE (fRet);
+ // If the machine has more RAM than virtual address limit, let us cap it.
+ // The GC can never use more than virtual address limit.
+ if (memStatus.ullAvailPhys > memStatus.ullTotalVirtual)
+ {
+ memStatus.ullAvailPhys = memStatus.ullAvailVirtual;
+ }
+ if (memory_load != NULL)
+ *memory_load = memStatus.dwMemoryLoad;
+ if (available_physical != NULL)
+ *available_physical = memStatus.ullAvailPhys;
+ if (available_page_file != NULL)
+ *available_page_file = memStatus.ullAvailPageFile;
+// Get a high precision performance counter
+// Return:
+// The counter value
+int64_t GCToOSInterface::QueryPerformanceCounter()
+ if (!::QueryPerformanceCounter(&ts))
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(!"Fatal Error - cannot query performance counter.");
+ abort();
+ }
+ return ts.QuadPart;
+// Get a frequency of the high precision performance counter
+// Return:
+// The counter frequency
+int64_t GCToOSInterface::QueryPerformanceFrequency()
+ return g_performanceFrequency.QuadPart;
+// Get a time stamp with a low precision
+// Return:
+// Time stamp in milliseconds
+uint32_t GCToOSInterface::GetLowPrecisionTimeStamp()
+ return ::GetTickCount();
+// Parameters of the GC thread stub
+struct GCThreadStubParam
+ GCThreadFunction GCThreadFunction;
+ void* GCThreadParam;
+// GC thread stub to convert GC thread function to an OS specific thread function
+static DWORD __stdcall GCThreadStub(void* param)
+ GCThreadStubParam *stubParam = (GCThreadStubParam*)param;
+ GCThreadFunction function = stubParam->GCThreadFunction;
+ void* threadParam = stubParam->GCThreadParam;
+ delete stubParam;
+ function(threadParam);
+ return 0;
+// Create a new thread
+// Parameters:
+// function - the function to be executed by the thread
+// param - parameters of the thread
+// affinity - processor affinity of the thread
+// Return:
+// true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
+bool GCToOSInterface::CreateThread(GCThreadFunction function, void* param, GCThreadAffinity* affinity)
+ DWORD thread_id;
+ GCThreadStubParam* stubParam = new (nothrow) GCThreadStubParam();
+ if (stubParam == NULL)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ stubParam->GCThreadFunction = function;
+ stubParam->GCThreadParam = param;
+ HANDLE gc_thread = ::CreateThread(NULL, 0, GCThreadStub, stubParam, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &thread_id);
+ if (!gc_thread)
+ {
+ delete stubParam;
+ return false;
+ }
+ ResumeThread(gc_thread);
+ CloseHandle(gc_thread);
+ return true;
+// Initialize the critical section
+void CLRCriticalSection::Initialize()
+ ::InitializeCriticalSection(&m_cs);
+// Destroy the critical section
+void CLRCriticalSection::Destroy()
+ ::DeleteCriticalSection(&m_cs);
+// Enter the critical section. Blocks until the section can be entered.
+void CLRCriticalSection::Enter()
+ ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs);
+// Leave the critical section
+void CLRCriticalSection::Leave()
+ ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs);
diff --git a/src/gc/softwarewritewatch.cpp b/src/gc/softwarewritewatch.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..519744900b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/softwarewritewatch.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+#include "common.h"
+#include "softwarewritewatch.h"
+#include "gcenv.h"
+static_assert((static_cast<size_t>(1) << SOFTWARE_WRITE_WATCH_AddressToTableByteIndexShift) == OS_PAGE_SIZE, "Unexpected OS_PAGE_SIZE");
+extern "C"
+ uint8_t *g_sw_ww_table = nullptr;
+ bool g_sw_ww_enabled_for_gc_heap = false;
+void SoftwareWriteWatch::StaticClose()
+ if (GetTable() == nullptr)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ g_sw_ww_enabled_for_gc_heap = false;
+ g_sw_ww_table = nullptr;
+bool SoftwareWriteWatch::GetDirtyFromBlock(
+ uint8_t *block,
+ uint8_t *firstPageAddressInBlock,
+ size_t startByteIndex,
+ size_t endByteIndex,
+ void **dirtyPages,
+ size_t *dirtyPageIndexRef,
+ size_t dirtyPageCount,
+ bool clearDirty)
+ assert(block != nullptr);
+ assert(ALIGN_DOWN(block, sizeof(size_t)) == block);
+ assert(firstPageAddressInBlock == reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(GetPageAddress(block - GetTable())));
+ assert(startByteIndex < endByteIndex);
+ assert(endByteIndex <= sizeof(size_t));
+ assert(dirtyPages != nullptr);
+ assert(dirtyPageIndexRef != nullptr);
+ size_t &dirtyPageIndex = *dirtyPageIndexRef;
+ assert(dirtyPageIndex < dirtyPageCount);
+ size_t dirtyBytes = *reinterpret_cast<size_t *>(block);
+ if (dirtyBytes == 0)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (startByteIndex != 0)
+ {
+ size_t numLowBitsToClear = startByteIndex * 8;
+ dirtyBytes >>= numLowBitsToClear;
+ dirtyBytes <<= numLowBitsToClear;
+ }
+ if (endByteIndex != sizeof(size_t))
+ {
+ size_t numHighBitsToClear = (sizeof(size_t) - endByteIndex) * 8;
+ dirtyBytes <<= numHighBitsToClear;
+ dirtyBytes >>= numHighBitsToClear;
+ }
+ while (dirtyBytes != 0)
+ {
+ DWORD bitIndex;
+ static_assert(sizeof(size_t) <= 8, "Unexpected sizeof(size_t)");
+ if (sizeof(size_t) == 8)
+ {
+ BitScanForward64(&bitIndex, static_cast<DWORD64>(dirtyBytes));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BitScanForward(&bitIndex, static_cast<DWORD>(dirtyBytes));
+ }
+ // Each byte is only ever set to 0 or 0xff
+ assert(bitIndex % 8 == 0);
+ size_t byteMask = static_cast<size_t>(0xff) << bitIndex;
+ assert((dirtyBytes & byteMask) == byteMask);
+ dirtyBytes ^= byteMask;
+ DWORD byteIndex = bitIndex / 8;
+ if (clearDirty)
+ {
+ // Clear only the bytes for which pages are recorded as dirty
+ block[byteIndex] = 0;
+ }
+ void *pageAddress = firstPageAddressInBlock + byteIndex * OS_PAGE_SIZE;
+ assert(pageAddress >= GetHeapStartAddress());
+ assert(pageAddress < GetHeapEndAddress());
+ assert(dirtyPageIndex < dirtyPageCount);
+ dirtyPages[dirtyPageIndex] = pageAddress;
+ ++dirtyPageIndex;
+ if (dirtyPageIndex == dirtyPageCount)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+void SoftwareWriteWatch::GetDirty(
+ void *baseAddress,
+ size_t regionByteSize,
+ void **dirtyPages,
+ size_t *dirtyPageCountRef,
+ bool clearDirty,
+ bool isRuntimeSuspended)
+ VerifyCreated();
+ VerifyMemoryRegion(baseAddress, regionByteSize);
+ assert(dirtyPages != nullptr);
+ assert(dirtyPageCountRef != nullptr);
+ size_t dirtyPageCount = *dirtyPageCountRef;
+ if (dirtyPageCount == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!isRuntimeSuspended)
+ {
+ // When a page is marked as dirty, a memory barrier is not issued after the write most of the time. Issue a memory
+ // barrier on all active threads of the process now to make recent changes to dirty state visible to this thread.
+ GCToOSInterface::FlushProcessWriteBuffers();
+ }
+ uint8_t *tableRegionStart;
+ size_t tableRegionByteSize;
+ TranslateToTableRegion(baseAddress, regionByteSize, &tableRegionStart, &tableRegionByteSize);
+ uint8_t *tableRegionEnd = tableRegionStart + tableRegionByteSize;
+ uint8_t *blockStart = ALIGN_DOWN(tableRegionStart, sizeof(size_t));
+ assert(blockStart >= GetUntranslatedTable());
+ uint8_t *blockEnd = ALIGN_UP(tableRegionEnd, sizeof(size_t));
+ assert(blockEnd <= GetUntranslatedTableEnd());
+ uint8_t *fullBlockEnd = ALIGN_DOWN(tableRegionEnd, sizeof(size_t));
+ size_t dirtyPageIndex = 0;
+ uint8_t *currentBlock = blockStart;
+ uint8_t *firstPageAddressInCurrentBlock = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(GetPageAddress(currentBlock - GetTable()));
+ do
+ {
+ if (blockStart == fullBlockEnd)
+ {
+ if (GetDirtyFromBlock(
+ currentBlock,
+ firstPageAddressInCurrentBlock,
+ tableRegionStart - blockStart,
+ tableRegionEnd - fullBlockEnd,
+ dirtyPages,
+ &dirtyPageIndex,
+ dirtyPageCount,
+ clearDirty))
+ {
+ *dirtyPageCountRef = dirtyPageIndex;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tableRegionStart != blockStart)
+ {
+ if (!GetDirtyFromBlock(
+ currentBlock,
+ firstPageAddressInCurrentBlock,
+ tableRegionStart - blockStart,
+ sizeof(size_t),
+ dirtyPages,
+ &dirtyPageIndex,
+ dirtyPageCount,
+ clearDirty))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ currentBlock += sizeof(size_t);
+ firstPageAddressInCurrentBlock += sizeof(size_t) * OS_PAGE_SIZE;
+ }
+ while (currentBlock < fullBlockEnd)
+ {
+ if (!GetDirtyFromBlock(
+ currentBlock,
+ firstPageAddressInCurrentBlock,
+ 0,
+ sizeof(size_t),
+ dirtyPages,
+ &dirtyPageIndex,
+ dirtyPageCount,
+ clearDirty))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ currentBlock += sizeof(size_t);
+ firstPageAddressInCurrentBlock += sizeof(size_t) * OS_PAGE_SIZE;
+ }
+ if (currentBlock < fullBlockEnd)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tableRegionEnd != fullBlockEnd &&
+ !GetDirtyFromBlock(
+ currentBlock,
+ firstPageAddressInCurrentBlock,
+ 0,
+ tableRegionEnd - fullBlockEnd,
+ dirtyPages,
+ &dirtyPageIndex,
+ dirtyPageCount,
+ clearDirty))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ *dirtyPageCountRef = dirtyPageIndex;
+ } while (false);
+ if (!isRuntimeSuspended && clearDirty && dirtyPageIndex != 0)
+ {
+ // When dirtying a page, the dirty state of the page is first checked to see if the page is already dirty. If already
+ // dirty, the write to mark it as dirty is skipped. So, when the dirty state of a page is cleared, we need to make sure
+ // the cleared state is visible to other threads that may dirty the page, before marking through objects in the page, so
+ // that the GC will not miss marking through dirtied objects in the page. Issue a memory barrier on all active threads
+ // of the process now.
+ MemoryBarrier(); // flush writes from this thread first to guarantee ordering
+ GCToOSInterface::FlushProcessWriteBuffers();
+ }
diff --git a/src/gc/softwarewritewatch.h b/src/gc/softwarewritewatch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c8491cecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/softwarewritewatch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+extern void SwitchToWriteWatchBarrier(bool isRuntimeSuspended);
+extern void SwitchToNonWriteWatchBarrier(bool isRuntimeSuspended);
+#define SOFTWARE_WRITE_WATCH_AddressToTableByteIndexShift 0xc
+extern "C"
+ // Table containing the dirty state. This table is translated to exclude the lowest address it represents, see
+ // TranslateTableToExcludeHeapStartAddress.
+ extern uint8_t *g_sw_ww_table;
+ // Write watch may be disabled when it is not needed (between GCs for instance). This indicates whether it is enabled.
+ extern bool g_sw_ww_enabled_for_gc_heap;
+ extern uint8_t *g_lowest_address; // start address of the GC heap
+ extern uint8_t *g_highest_address; // end address of the GC heap
+class SoftwareWriteWatch
+ // The granularity of dirty state in the table is one page. Dirtiness is tracked per byte of the table so that
+ // synchronization is not required when changing the dirty state. Shifting-right an address by the following value yields
+ // the byte index of the address into the write watch table. For instance,
+ // GetTable()[address >> AddressToTableByteIndexShift] is the byte that represents the region of memory for 'address'.
+ static const uint8_t AddressToTableByteIndexShift = SOFTWARE_WRITE_WATCH_AddressToTableByteIndexShift;
+ static void VerifyCreated();
+ static void VerifyMemoryRegion(void *baseAddress, size_t regionByteSize);
+ static void VerifyMemoryRegion(void *baseAddress, size_t regionByteSize, void *heapStartAddress, void *heapEndAddress);
+ static uint8_t *GetTable();
+ static uint8_t *GetUntranslatedTable();
+ static uint8_t *GetUntranslatedTable(uint8_t *table, void *heapStartAddress);
+ static uint8_t *GetUntranslatedTableEnd();
+ static uint8_t *GetUntranslatedTableEnd(uint8_t *table, void *heapEndAddress);
+ static void InitializeUntranslatedTable(uint8_t *untranslatedTable, void *heapStartAddress);
+ static void SetUntranslatedTable(uint8_t *untranslatedTable, void *heapStartAddress);
+ static void SetResizedUntranslatedTable(uint8_t *untranslatedTable, void *heapStartAddress, void *heapEndAddress);
+ static bool IsEnabledForGCHeap();
+ static void EnableForGCHeap();
+ static void DisableForGCHeap();
+ static void *GetHeapStartAddress();
+ static void *GetHeapEndAddress();
+ static void StaticClose();
+ static size_t GetTableByteIndex(void *address);
+ static void *GetPageAddress(size_t tableByteIndex);
+ static size_t GetTableByteSize(void *heapStartAddress, void *heapEndAddress);
+ static size_t GetTableStartByteOffset(size_t byteSizeBeforeTable);
+ static uint8_t *TranslateTableToExcludeHeapStartAddress(uint8_t *table, void *heapStartAddress);
+ static void TranslateToTableRegion(void *baseAddress, size_t regionByteSize, uint8_t **tableBaseAddressRef, size_t *tableRegionByteSizeRef);
+ static void ClearDirty(void *baseAddress, size_t regionByteSize);
+ static void SetDirty(void *address, size_t writeByteSize);
+ static void SetDirtyRegion(void *baseAddress, size_t regionByteSize);
+ static bool GetDirtyFromBlock(uint8_t *block, uint8_t *firstPageAddressInBlock, size_t startByteIndex, size_t endByteIndex, void **dirtyPages, size_t *dirtyPageIndexRef, size_t dirtyPageCount, bool clearDirty);
+ static void GetDirty(void *baseAddress, size_t regionByteSize, void **dirtyPages, size_t *dirtyPageCountRef, bool clearDirty, bool isRuntimeSuspended);
+inline void SoftwareWriteWatch::VerifyCreated()
+ assert(GetTable() != nullptr);
+ assert(GetHeapStartAddress() != nullptr);
+ assert(GetHeapEndAddress() != nullptr);
+ assert(GetHeapStartAddress() < GetHeapEndAddress());
+inline void SoftwareWriteWatch::VerifyMemoryRegion(void *baseAddress, size_t regionByteSize)
+ VerifyMemoryRegion(baseAddress, regionByteSize, GetHeapStartAddress(), GetHeapEndAddress());
+inline void SoftwareWriteWatch::VerifyMemoryRegion(
+ void *baseAddress,
+ size_t regionByteSize,
+ void *heapStartAddress,
+ void *heapEndAddress)
+ VerifyCreated();
+ assert(baseAddress != nullptr);
+ assert(heapStartAddress != nullptr);
+ assert(heapStartAddress >= GetHeapStartAddress());
+ assert(heapEndAddress != nullptr);
+ assert(heapEndAddress <= GetHeapEndAddress());
+ assert(baseAddress >= heapStartAddress);
+ assert(baseAddress < heapEndAddress);
+ assert(regionByteSize != 0);
+ assert(regionByteSize <= reinterpret_cast<size_t>(heapEndAddress) - reinterpret_cast<size_t>(baseAddress));
+inline uint8_t *SoftwareWriteWatch::GetTable()
+ return g_sw_ww_table;
+inline uint8_t *SoftwareWriteWatch::GetUntranslatedTable()
+ VerifyCreated();
+ return GetUntranslatedTable(GetTable(), GetHeapStartAddress());
+inline uint8_t *SoftwareWriteWatch::GetUntranslatedTable(uint8_t *table, void *heapStartAddress)
+ assert(table != nullptr);
+ assert(heapStartAddress != nullptr);
+ assert(heapStartAddress >= GetHeapStartAddress());
+ uint8_t *untranslatedTable = table + GetTableByteIndex(heapStartAddress);
+ assert(ALIGN_DOWN(untranslatedTable, sizeof(size_t)) == untranslatedTable);
+ return untranslatedTable;
+inline uint8_t *SoftwareWriteWatch::GetUntranslatedTableEnd()
+ VerifyCreated();
+ return GetUntranslatedTableEnd(GetTable(), GetHeapEndAddress());
+inline uint8_t *SoftwareWriteWatch::GetUntranslatedTableEnd(uint8_t *table, void *heapEndAddress)
+ assert(table != nullptr);
+ assert(heapEndAddress != nullptr);
+ assert(heapEndAddress <= GetHeapEndAddress());
+ return ALIGN_UP(&table[GetTableByteIndex(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(heapEndAddress) - 1) + 1], sizeof(size_t));
+inline void SoftwareWriteWatch::InitializeUntranslatedTable(uint8_t *untranslatedTable, void *heapStartAddress)
+ assert(GetTable() == nullptr);
+ SetUntranslatedTable(untranslatedTable, heapStartAddress);
+inline void SoftwareWriteWatch::SetUntranslatedTable(uint8_t *untranslatedTable, void *heapStartAddress)
+ assert(untranslatedTable != nullptr);
+ assert(ALIGN_DOWN(untranslatedTable, sizeof(size_t)) == untranslatedTable);
+ assert(heapStartAddress != nullptr);
+ g_sw_ww_table = TranslateTableToExcludeHeapStartAddress(untranslatedTable, heapStartAddress);
+inline void SoftwareWriteWatch::SetResizedUntranslatedTable(
+ uint8_t *untranslatedTable,
+ void *heapStartAddress,
+ void *heapEndAddress)
+ // The runtime needs to be suspended during this call, and background GC threads need to synchronize calls to ClearDirty()
+ // and GetDirty() such that they are not called concurrently with this function
+ VerifyCreated();
+ assert(untranslatedTable != nullptr);
+ assert(ALIGN_DOWN(untranslatedTable, sizeof(size_t)) == untranslatedTable);
+ assert(heapStartAddress != nullptr);
+ assert(heapEndAddress != nullptr);
+ assert(heapStartAddress <= GetHeapStartAddress());
+ assert(heapEndAddress >= GetHeapEndAddress());
+ assert(heapStartAddress < GetHeapStartAddress() || heapEndAddress > GetHeapEndAddress());
+ uint8_t *oldUntranslatedTable = GetUntranslatedTable();
+ void *oldTableHeapStartAddress = GetHeapStartAddress();
+ size_t oldTableByteSize = GetTableByteSize(oldTableHeapStartAddress, GetHeapEndAddress());
+ SetUntranslatedTable(untranslatedTable, heapStartAddress);
+ uint8_t *tableRegionStart = &GetTable()[GetTableByteIndex(oldTableHeapStartAddress)];
+ memcpy(tableRegionStart, oldUntranslatedTable, oldTableByteSize);
+inline bool SoftwareWriteWatch::IsEnabledForGCHeap()
+ return g_sw_ww_enabled_for_gc_heap;
+inline void SoftwareWriteWatch::EnableForGCHeap()
+ // The runtime needs to be suspended during this call. This is how it currently guarantees that GC heap writes from other
+ // threads between calls to EnableForGCHeap() and DisableForGCHeap() will be tracked.
+ VerifyCreated();
+ assert(!IsEnabledForGCHeap());
+ g_sw_ww_enabled_for_gc_heap = true;
+ SwitchToWriteWatchBarrier(true);
+inline void SoftwareWriteWatch::DisableForGCHeap()
+ // The runtime needs to be suspended during this call. This is how it currently guarantees that GC heap writes from other
+ // threads between calls to EnableForGCHeap() and DisableForGCHeap() will be tracked.
+ VerifyCreated();
+ assert(IsEnabledForGCHeap());
+ g_sw_ww_enabled_for_gc_heap = false;
+ SwitchToNonWriteWatchBarrier(true);
+inline void *SoftwareWriteWatch::GetHeapStartAddress()
+ return g_lowest_address;
+inline void *SoftwareWriteWatch::GetHeapEndAddress()
+ return g_highest_address;
+inline size_t SoftwareWriteWatch::GetTableByteIndex(void *address)
+ assert(address != nullptr);
+ size_t tableByteIndex = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(address) >> AddressToTableByteIndexShift;
+ assert(tableByteIndex != 0);
+ return tableByteIndex;
+inline void *SoftwareWriteWatch::GetPageAddress(size_t tableByteIndex)
+ assert(tableByteIndex != 0);
+ void *pageAddress = reinterpret_cast<void *>(tableByteIndex << AddressToTableByteIndexShift);
+ assert(pageAddress >= GetHeapStartAddress());
+ assert(pageAddress < GetHeapEndAddress());
+ assert(ALIGN_DOWN(pageAddress, OS_PAGE_SIZE) == pageAddress);
+ return pageAddress;
+inline size_t SoftwareWriteWatch::GetTableByteSize(void *heapStartAddress, void *heapEndAddress)
+ assert(heapStartAddress != nullptr);
+ assert(heapEndAddress != nullptr);
+ assert(heapStartAddress < heapEndAddress);
+ size_t tableByteSize =
+ GetTableByteIndex(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(heapEndAddress) - 1) - GetTableByteIndex(heapStartAddress) + 1;
+ tableByteSize = ALIGN_UP(tableByteSize, sizeof(size_t));
+ return tableByteSize;
+inline size_t SoftwareWriteWatch::GetTableStartByteOffset(size_t byteSizeBeforeTable)
+ return ALIGN_UP(byteSizeBeforeTable, sizeof(size_t)); // start of the table needs to be aligned to size_t
+inline uint8_t *SoftwareWriteWatch::TranslateTableToExcludeHeapStartAddress(uint8_t *table, void *heapStartAddress)
+ assert(table != nullptr);
+ assert(heapStartAddress != nullptr);
+ // Exclude the table byte index corresponding to the heap start address from the table pointer, so that each lookup in the
+ // table by address does not have to calculate (address - heapStartAddress)
+ return table - GetTableByteIndex(heapStartAddress);
+inline void SoftwareWriteWatch::TranslateToTableRegion(
+ void *baseAddress,
+ size_t regionByteSize,
+ uint8_t **tableBaseAddressRef,
+ size_t *tableRegionByteSizeRef)
+ VerifyCreated();
+ VerifyMemoryRegion(baseAddress, regionByteSize);
+ assert(tableBaseAddressRef != nullptr);
+ assert(tableRegionByteSizeRef != nullptr);
+ size_t baseAddressTableByteIndex = GetTableByteIndex(baseAddress);
+ *tableBaseAddressRef = &GetTable()[baseAddressTableByteIndex];
+ *tableRegionByteSizeRef =
+ GetTableByteIndex(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(baseAddress) + (regionByteSize - 1)) - baseAddressTableByteIndex + 1;
+inline void SoftwareWriteWatch::ClearDirty(void *baseAddress, size_t regionByteSize)
+ VerifyCreated();
+ VerifyMemoryRegion(baseAddress, regionByteSize);
+ uint8_t *tableBaseAddress;
+ size_t tableRegionByteSize;
+ TranslateToTableRegion(baseAddress, regionByteSize, &tableBaseAddress, &tableRegionByteSize);
+ memset(tableBaseAddress, 0, tableRegionByteSize);
+inline void SoftwareWriteWatch::SetDirty(void *address, size_t writeByteSize)
+ VerifyCreated();
+ VerifyMemoryRegion(address, writeByteSize);
+ assert(address != nullptr);
+ assert(writeByteSize <= sizeof(void *));
+ size_t tableByteIndex = GetTableByteIndex(address);
+ assert(GetTableByteIndex(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(address) + (writeByteSize - 1)) == tableByteIndex);
+ uint8_t *tableByteAddress = &GetTable()[tableByteIndex];
+ if (*tableByteAddress == 0)
+ {
+ *tableByteAddress = 0xff;
+ }
+inline void SoftwareWriteWatch::SetDirtyRegion(void *baseAddress, size_t regionByteSize)
+ VerifyCreated();
+ VerifyMemoryRegion(baseAddress, regionByteSize);
+ uint8_t *tableBaseAddress;
+ size_t tableRegionByteSize;
+ TranslateToTableRegion(baseAddress, regionByteSize, &tableBaseAddress, &tableRegionByteSize);
+ memset(tableBaseAddress, ~0, tableRegionByteSize);
+#endif // !__SOFTWARE_WRITE_WATCH_H__
diff --git a/src/gc/wks/CMakeLists.txt b/src/gc/wks/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fcb95a385e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gc/wks/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+add_library_clr(gc_wks STATIC ${GC_SOURCES_WKS})