path: root/src/gc/gcinterface.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gc/gcinterface.h')
1 files changed, 622 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gc/gcinterface.h b/src/gc/gcinterface.h
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+++ b/src/gc/gcinterface.h
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+#ifndef _GC_INTERFACE_H_
+#define _GC_INTERFACE_H_
+struct ScanContext;
+struct gc_alloc_context;
+class CrawlFrame;
+// Callback passed to GcScanRoots.
+typedef void promote_func(PTR_PTR_Object, ScanContext*, uint32_t);
+// Callback passed to GcEnumAllocContexts.
+typedef void enum_alloc_context_func(gc_alloc_context*, void*);
+// Callback passed to CreateBackgroundThread.
+typedef uint32_t (__stdcall *GCBackgroundThreadFunction)(void* param);
+// Struct often used as a parameter to callbacks.
+typedef struct
+ promote_func* f;
+ ScanContext* sc;
+ CrawlFrame * cf;
+// SUSPEND_REASON is the reason why the GC wishes to suspend the EE,
+// used as an argument to IGCToCLR::SuspendEE.
+typedef enum
+typedef enum
+ walk_for_gc = 1,
+ walk_for_bgc = 2,
+ walk_for_loh = 3
+} walk_surv_type;
+// Different operations that can be done by GCToEEInterface::StompWriteBarrier
+enum class WriteBarrierOp
+ StompResize,
+ StompEphemeral,
+ Initialize
+// Arguments to GCToEEInterface::StompWriteBarrier
+struct WriteBarrierParameters
+ // The operation that StompWriteBarrier will perform.
+ WriteBarrierOp operation;
+ // Whether or not the runtime is currently suspended. If it is not,
+ // the EE will need to suspend it before bashing the write barrier.
+ // Used for all operations.
+ bool is_runtime_suspended;
+ // Whether or not the GC has moved the ephemeral generation to no longer
+ // be at the top of the heap. When the ephemeral generation is at the top
+ // of the heap, and the write barrier observes that a pointer is greater than
+ // g_ephemeral_low, it does not need to check that the pointer is less than
+ // g_ephemeral_high because there is nothing in the GC heap above the ephemeral
+ // generation. When this is not the case, however, the GC must inform the EE
+ // so that the EE can switch to a write barrier that checks that a pointer
+ // is both greater than g_ephemeral_low and less than g_ephemeral_high.
+ // Used for WriteBarrierOp::StompResize.
+ bool requires_upper_bounds_check;
+ // The new card table location. May or may not be the same as the previous
+ // card table. Used for WriteBarrierOp::Initialize and WriteBarrierOp::StompResize.
+ uint32_t* card_table;
+ // The heap's new low boundary. May or may not be the same as the previous
+ // value. Used for WriteBarrierOp::Initialize and WriteBarrierOp::StompResize.
+ uint8_t* lowest_address;
+ // The heap's new high boundary. May or may not be the same as the previous
+ // value. Used for WriteBarrierOp::Initialize and WriteBarrierOp::StompResize.
+ uint8_t* highest_address;
+ // The new start of the ephemeral generation.
+ // Used for WriteBarrierOp::StompEphemeral.
+ uint8_t* ephemeral_lo;
+ // The new end of the ephemeral generation.
+ // Used for WriteBarrierOp::StompEphemeral.
+ uint8_t* ephemeral_hi;
+#include ""
+// The allocation context must be known to the VM for use in the allocation
+// fast path and known to the GC for performing the allocation. Every Thread
+// has its own allocation context that it hands to the GC when allocating.
+struct gc_alloc_context
+ uint8_t* alloc_ptr;
+ uint8_t* alloc_limit;
+ int64_t alloc_bytes; //Number of bytes allocated on SOH by this context
+ int64_t alloc_bytes_loh; //Number of bytes allocated on LOH by this context
+ // These two fields are deliberately not exposed past the EE-GC interface.
+ void* gc_reserved_1;
+ void* gc_reserved_2;
+ int alloc_count;
+ void init()
+ {
+ alloc_ptr = 0;
+ alloc_limit = 0;
+ alloc_bytes = 0;
+ alloc_bytes_loh = 0;
+ gc_reserved_1 = 0;
+ gc_reserved_2 = 0;
+ alloc_count = 0;
+ }
+// stub type to abstract a heap segment
+struct gc_heap_segment_stub;
+typedef gc_heap_segment_stub *segment_handle;
+struct segment_info
+ void * pvMem; // base of the allocation, not the first object (must add ibFirstObject)
+ size_t ibFirstObject; // offset to the base of the first object in the segment
+ size_t ibAllocated; // limit of allocated memory in the segment (>= firstobject)
+ size_t ibCommit; // limit of committed memory in the segment (>= alllocated)
+ size_t ibReserved; // limit of reserved memory in the segment (>= commit)
+#define GC_PROFILING //Turn on profiling
+#define LARGE_OBJECT_SIZE ((size_t)(85000))
+// The minimum size of an object is three pointers wide: one for the syncblock,
+// one for the object header, and one for the first field in the object.
+#define min_obj_size ((sizeof(uint8_t*) + sizeof(uintptr_t) + sizeof(size_t)))
+#define max_generation 2
+class Object;
+class IGCHeap;
+// Initializes the garbage collector. Should only be called
+// once, during EE startup.
+IGCHeap* InitializeGarbageCollector(IGCToCLR* clrToGC);
+// The runtime needs to know whether we're using workstation or server GC
+// long before the GCHeap is created. This function sets the type of
+// heap that will be created, before InitializeGarbageCollector is called
+// and the heap is actually recated.
+void InitializeHeapType(bool bServerHeap);
+//always defined, but should be 0 in Server GC
+extern uint8_t* g_GCShadow;
+extern uint8_t* g_GCShadowEnd;
+// saves the g_lowest_address in between GCs to verify the consistency of the shadow segment
+extern uint8_t* g_shadow_lowest_address;
+// For low memory notification from host
+extern int32_t g_bLowMemoryFromHost;
+extern VOLATILE(int32_t) m_GCLock;
+// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+// make sure you change the def in bcl\system\gc.cs
+// if you change this!
+enum collection_mode
+ collection_non_blocking = 0x00000001,
+ collection_blocking = 0x00000002,
+ collection_optimized = 0x00000004,
+ collection_compacting = 0x00000008
+ , collection_gcstress = 0x80000000
+#endif // STRESS_HEAP
+// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+// make sure you change the def in bcl\system\gc.cs
+// if you change this!
+enum wait_full_gc_status
+ wait_full_gc_success = 0,
+ wait_full_gc_failed = 1,
+ wait_full_gc_cancelled = 2,
+ wait_full_gc_timeout = 3,
+ wait_full_gc_na = 4
+// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+// make sure you change the def in bcl\system\gc.cs
+// if you change this!
+enum start_no_gc_region_status
+ start_no_gc_success = 0,
+ start_no_gc_no_memory = 1,
+ start_no_gc_too_large = 2,
+ start_no_gc_in_progress = 3
+enum end_no_gc_region_status
+ end_no_gc_success = 0,
+ end_no_gc_not_in_progress = 1,
+ end_no_gc_induced = 2,
+ end_no_gc_alloc_exceeded = 3
+typedef BOOL (* walk_fn)(Object*, void*);
+typedef void (* gen_walk_fn)(void* context, int generation, uint8_t* range_start, uint8_t* range_end, uint8_t* range_reserved);
+typedef void (* record_surv_fn)(uint8_t* begin, uint8_t* end, ptrdiff_t reloc, size_t context, BOOL compacting_p, BOOL bgc_p);
+typedef void (* fq_walk_fn)(BOOL, void*);
+typedef void (* fq_scan_fn)(Object** ppObject, ScanContext *pSC, uint32_t dwFlags);
+typedef void (* handle_scan_fn)(Object** pRef, Object* pSec, uint32_t flags, ScanContext* context, BOOL isDependent);
+// IGCHeap is the interface that the VM will use when interacting with the GC.
+class IGCHeap {
+ /*
+ ===========================================================================
+ Hosting APIs. These are used by GC hosting. The code that
+ calls these methods may possibly be moved behind the interface -
+ today, the VM handles the setting of segment size and max gen 0 size.
+ (See src/vm/corehost.cpp)
+ ===========================================================================
+ */
+ // Returns whether or not the given size is a valid segment size.
+ virtual BOOL IsValidSegmentSize(size_t size) = 0;
+ // Returns whether or not the given size is a valid gen 0 max size.
+ virtual BOOL IsValidGen0MaxSize(size_t size) = 0;
+ // Gets a valid segment size.
+ virtual size_t GetValidSegmentSize(BOOL large_seg = FALSE) = 0;
+ // Sets the limit for reserved virtual memory.
+ virtual void SetReservedVMLimit(size_t vmlimit) = 0;
+ /*
+ ===========================================================================
+ Concurrent GC routines. These are used in various places in the VM
+ to synchronize with the GC, when the VM wants to update something that
+ the GC is potentially using, if it's doing a background GC.
+ Concrete examples of this are moving async pinned handles across appdomains
+ and profiling/ETW scenarios.
+ ===========================================================================
+ */
+ // Blocks until any running concurrent GCs complete.
+ virtual void WaitUntilConcurrentGCComplete() = 0;
+ // Returns true if a concurrent GC is in progress, false otherwise.
+ virtual BOOL IsConcurrentGCInProgress() = 0;
+ // Temporarily enables concurrent GC, used during profiling.
+ virtual void TemporaryEnableConcurrentGC() = 0;
+ // Temporarily disables concurrent GC, used during profiling.
+ virtual void TemporaryDisableConcurrentGC() = 0;
+ // Returns whether or not Concurrent GC is enabled.
+ virtual BOOL IsConcurrentGCEnabled() = 0;
+ // Wait for a concurrent GC to complete if one is in progress, with the given timeout.
+ virtual HRESULT WaitUntilConcurrentGCCompleteAsync(int millisecondsTimeout) = 0; // Use in native threads. TRUE if succeed. FALSE if failed or timeout
+ /*
+ ===========================================================================
+ Finalization routines. These are used by the finalizer thread to communicate
+ with the GC.
+ ===========================================================================
+ */
+ // Finalizes an app domain by finalizing objects within that app domain.
+ virtual BOOL FinalizeAppDomain(AppDomain* pDomain, BOOL fRunFinalizers) = 0;
+ // Finalizes all registered objects for shutdown, even if they are still reachable.
+ virtual void SetFinalizeQueueForShutdown(BOOL fHasLock) = 0;
+ // Gets the number of finalizable objects.
+ virtual size_t GetNumberOfFinalizable() = 0;
+ // Traditionally used by the finalizer thread on shutdown to determine
+ // whether or not to time out. Returns true if the GC lock has not been taken.
+ virtual BOOL ShouldRestartFinalizerWatchDog() = 0;
+ // Gets the next finalizable object.
+ virtual Object* GetNextFinalizable() = 0;
+ /*
+ ===========================================================================
+ BCL routines. These are routines that are directly exposed by mscorlib
+ as a part of the `System.GC` class. These routines behave in the same
+ manner as the functions on `System.GC`.
+ ===========================================================================
+ */
+ // Gets the current GC latency mode.
+ virtual int GetGcLatencyMode() = 0;
+ // Sets the current GC latency mode. newLatencyMode has already been
+ // verified by mscorlib to be valid.
+ virtual int SetGcLatencyMode(int newLatencyMode) = 0;
+ // Gets the current LOH compaction mode.
+ virtual int GetLOHCompactionMode() = 0;
+ // Sets the current LOH compaction mode. newLOHCompactionMode has
+ // already been verified by mscorlib to be valid.
+ virtual void SetLOHCompactionMode(int newLOHCompactionMode) = 0;
+ // Registers for a full GC notification, raising a notification if the gen 2 or
+ // LOH object heap thresholds are exceeded.
+ virtual BOOL RegisterForFullGCNotification(uint32_t gen2Percentage, uint32_t lohPercentage) = 0;
+ // Cancels a full GC notification that was requested by `RegisterForFullGCNotification`.
+ virtual BOOL CancelFullGCNotification() = 0;
+ // Returns the status of a registered notification for determining whether a blocking
+ // Gen 2 collection is about to be initiated, with the given timeout.
+ virtual int WaitForFullGCApproach(int millisecondsTimeout) = 0;
+ // Returns the status of a registered notification for determining whether a blocking
+ // Gen 2 collection has completed, with the given timeout.
+ virtual int WaitForFullGCComplete(int millisecondsTimeout) = 0;
+ // Returns the generation in which obj is found. Also used by the VM
+ // in some places, in particular syncblk code.
+ virtual unsigned WhichGeneration(Object* obj) = 0;
+ // Returns the number of GCs that have transpired in the given generation
+ // since the beginning of the life of the process. Also used by the VM
+ // for debug code and app domains.
+ virtual int CollectionCount(int generation, int get_bgc_fgc_coutn = 0) = 0;
+ // Begins a no-GC region, returning a code indicating whether entering the no-GC
+ // region was successful.
+ virtual int StartNoGCRegion(uint64_t totalSize, BOOL lohSizeKnown, uint64_t lohSize, BOOL disallowFullBlockingGC) = 0;
+ // Exits a no-GC region.
+ virtual int EndNoGCRegion() = 0;
+ // Gets the total number of bytes in use.
+ virtual size_t GetTotalBytesInUse() = 0;
+ // Forces a garbage collection of the given generation. Also used extensively
+ // throughout the VM.
+ virtual HRESULT GarbageCollect(int generation = -1, BOOL low_memory_p = FALSE, int mode = collection_blocking) = 0;
+ // Gets the largest GC generation. Also used extensively throughout the VM.
+ virtual unsigned GetMaxGeneration() = 0;
+ // Indicates that an object's finalizer should not be run upon the object's collection.
+ virtual void SetFinalizationRun(Object* obj) = 0;
+ // Indicates that an object's finalizer should be run upon the object's collection.
+ virtual bool RegisterForFinalization(int gen, Object* obj) = 0;
+ /*
+ ===========================================================================
+ Miscellaneous routines used by the VM.
+ ===========================================================================
+ */
+ // Initializes the GC heap, returning whether or not the initialization
+ // was successful.
+ virtual HRESULT Initialize() = 0;
+ // Returns whether nor this GC was promoted by the last GC.
+ virtual BOOL IsPromoted(Object* object) = 0;
+ // Returns true if this pointer points into a GC heap, false otherwise.
+ virtual BOOL IsHeapPointer(void* object, BOOL small_heap_only = FALSE) = 0;
+ // Return the generation that has been condemned by the current GC.
+ virtual unsigned GetCondemnedGeneration() = 0;
+ // Returns whether or not a GC is in progress.
+ virtual BOOL IsGCInProgressHelper(BOOL bConsiderGCStart = FALSE) = 0;
+ // Returns the number of GCs that have occured. Mainly used for
+ // sanity checks asserting that a GC has not occured.
+ virtual unsigned GetGcCount() = 0;
+ // Sets cards after an object has been memmoved.
+ virtual void SetCardsAfterBulkCopy(Object** obj, size_t length) = 0;
+ // Gets whether or not the home heap of this alloc context matches the heap
+ // associated with this thread.
+ virtual bool IsThreadUsingAllocationContextHeap(gc_alloc_context* acontext, int thread_number) = 0;
+ // Returns whether or not this object resides in an ephemeral generation.
+ virtual BOOL IsEphemeral(Object* object) = 0;
+ // Blocks until a GC is complete, returning a code indicating the wait was successful.
+ virtual uint32_t WaitUntilGCComplete(BOOL bConsiderGCStart = FALSE) = 0;
+ // "Fixes" an allocation context by binding its allocation pointer to a
+ // location on the heap.
+ virtual void FixAllocContext(gc_alloc_context* acontext, BOOL lockp, void* arg, void* heap) = 0;
+ // Gets the total survived size plus the total allocated bytes on the heap.
+ virtual size_t GetCurrentObjSize() = 0;
+ // Sets whether or not a GC is in progress.
+ virtual void SetGCInProgress(BOOL fInProgress) = 0;
+ /*
+ ============================================================================
+ Add/RemoveMemoryPressure support routines. These are on the interface
+ for now, but we should move Add/RemoveMemoryPressure from the VM to the GC.
+ When that occurs, these three routines can be removed from the interface.
+ ============================================================================
+ */
+ // Get the timestamp corresponding to the last GC that occured for the
+ // given generation.
+ virtual size_t GetLastGCStartTime(int generation) = 0;
+ // Gets the duration of the last GC that occured for the given generation.
+ virtual size_t GetLastGCDuration(int generation) = 0;
+ // Gets a timestamp for the current moment in time.
+ virtual size_t GetNow() = 0;
+ /*
+ ===========================================================================
+ Allocation routines. These all call into the GC's allocator and may trigger a garbage
+ collection. All allocation routines return NULL when the allocation request
+ couldn't be serviced due to being out of memory.
+ ===========================================================================
+ */
+ // Allocates an object on the given allocation context with the given size and flags.
+ virtual Object* Alloc(gc_alloc_context* acontext, size_t size, uint32_t flags) = 0;
+ // Allocates an object on the default allocation context with the given size and flags.
+ virtual Object* Alloc(size_t size, uint32_t flags) = 0;
+ // Allocates an object on the large object heap with the given size and flags.
+ virtual Object* AllocLHeap(size_t size, uint32_t flags) = 0;
+ // Allocates an object on the default allocation context, aligned to 64 bits,
+ // with the given size and flags.
+ virtual Object* AllocAlign8 (size_t size, uint32_t flags) = 0;
+ // Allocates an object on the given allocation context, aligned to 64 bits,
+ // with the given size and flags.
+ virtual Object* AllocAlign8 (gc_alloc_context* acontext, size_t size, uint32_t flags) = 0;
+ // This is for the allocator to indicate it's done allocating a large object during a
+ // background GC as the BGC threads also need to walk LOH.
+ virtual void PublishObject(uint8_t* obj) = 0;
+ // Gets the event that suspended threads will use to wait for the
+ // end of a GC.
+ virtual CLREventStatic* GetWaitForGCEvent() = 0;
+ /*
+ ===========================================================================
+ Heap verification routines. These are used during heap verification only.
+ ===========================================================================
+ */
+ // Returns whether or not this object is in the fixed heap.
+ virtual BOOL IsObjectInFixedHeap(Object* pObj) = 0;
+ // Walks an object and validates its members.
+ virtual void ValidateObjectMember(Object* obj) = 0;
+ // Retrieves the next object after the given object. When the EE
+ // is not suspended, the result is not accurate - if the input argument
+ // is in Gen0, the function could return zeroed out memory as the next object.
+ virtual Object* NextObj(Object* object) = 0;
+ // Given an interior pointer, return a pointer to the object
+ // containing that pointer. This is safe to call only when the EE is suspended.
+ virtual Object* GetContainingObject(void* pInteriorPtr) = 0;
+ /*
+ ===========================================================================
+ Profiling routines. Used for event tracing and profiling to broadcast
+ information regarding the heap.
+ ===========================================================================
+ */
+ // Walks an object, invoking a callback on each member.
+ virtual void DiagWalkObject(Object* obj, walk_fn fn, void* context) = 0;
+ // Walk the heap object by object.
+ virtual void DiagWalkHeap(walk_fn fn, void* context, int gen_number, BOOL walk_large_object_heap_p) = 0;
+ // Walks the survivors and get the relocation information if objects have moved.
+ virtual void DiagWalkSurvivorsWithType(void* gc_context, record_surv_fn fn, size_t diag_context, walk_surv_type type) = 0;
+ // Walks the finalization queue.
+ virtual void DiagWalkFinalizeQueue(void* gc_context, fq_walk_fn fn) = 0;
+ // Scan roots on finalizer queue. This is a generic function.
+ virtual void DiagScanFinalizeQueue(fq_scan_fn fn, ScanContext* context) = 0;
+ // Scan handles for profiling or ETW.
+ virtual void DiagScanHandles(handle_scan_fn fn, int gen_number, ScanContext* context) = 0;
+ // Scan dependent handles for profiling or ETW.
+ virtual void DiagScanDependentHandles(handle_scan_fn fn, int gen_number, ScanContext* context) = 0;
+ // Describes all generations to the profiler, invoking a callback on each generation.
+ virtual void DiagDescrGenerations(gen_walk_fn fn, void* context) = 0;
+ // Traces all GC segments and fires ETW events with information on them.
+ virtual void DiagTraceGCSegments() = 0;
+ /*
+ ===========================================================================
+ GC Stress routines. Used only when running under GC Stress.
+ ===========================================================================
+ */
+ // Returns TRUE if GC actually happens, otherwise FALSE
+ virtual BOOL StressHeap(gc_alloc_context* acontext = 0) = 0;
+ /*
+ ===========================================================================
+ Routines to register read only segments for frozen objects.
+ Only valid if FEATURE_BASICFREEZE is defined.
+ ===========================================================================
+ */
+ // Registers a frozen segment with the GC.
+ virtual segment_handle RegisterFrozenSegment(segment_info *pseginfo) = 0;
+ // Unregisters a frozen segment.
+ virtual void UnregisterFrozenSegment(segment_handle seg) = 0;
+ IGCHeap() {}
+ virtual ~IGCHeap() {}
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ GC_HEAP_WKS = 1,
+ SVAL_DECL(uint32_t, gcHeapType);
+ SVAL_DECL(uint32_t, maxGeneration);
+void updateGCShadow(Object** ptr, Object* val);
+//constants for the flags parameter to the gc call back
+#define GC_CALL_INTERIOR 0x1
+#define GC_CALL_PINNED 0x2
+//flags for IGCHeapAlloc(...)
+#define GC_ALLOC_FINALIZE 0x1
+#define GC_ALLOC_ALIGN8_BIAS 0x4
+#define GC_ALLOC_ALIGN8 0x8
+struct ScanContext
+ Thread* thread_under_crawl;
+ int thread_number;
+ uintptr_t stack_limit; // Lowest point on the thread stack that the scanning logic is permitted to read
+ BOOL promotion; //TRUE: Promotion, FALSE: Relocation.
+ BOOL concurrent; //TRUE: concurrent scanning
+ AppDomain *pCurrentDomain;
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined (DACCESS_COMPILE)
+ MethodDesc *pMD;
+#if defined(GC_PROFILING) || defined(FEATURE_EVENT_TRACE)
+ EtwGCRootKind dwEtwRootKind;
+ ScanContext()
+ {
+ thread_under_crawl = 0;
+ thread_number = -1;
+ stack_limit = 0;
+ promotion = FALSE;
+ concurrent = FALSE;
+ pMD = NULL;
+#endif //GC_PROFILING
+ dwEtwRootKind = kEtwGCRootKindOther;
+ }
+#endif // _GC_INTERFACE_H_