path: root/src/gc/gcenv.unix.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gc/gcenv.unix.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 308 deletions
diff --git a/src/gc/gcenv.unix.cpp b/src/gc/gcenv.unix.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0235952e28..0000000000
--- a/src/gc/gcenv.unix.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
-// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
-// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
-#include "env/gcenv.structs.h"
-#include "env/gcenv.base.h"
-#include "env/gcenv.os.h"
-// Initialize the interface implementation
-// Return:
-// true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
-bool GCToOSInterface::Initialize()
- throw nullptr;
-// Shutdown the interface implementation
-void GCToOSInterface::Shutdown()
- throw nullptr;
-// Get numeric id of the current thread if possible on the
-// current platform. It is indended for logging purposes only.
-// Return:
-// Numeric id of the current thread or 0 if the
-uint64_t GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentThreadIdForLogging()
- throw nullptr;
-// Get id of the process
-uint32_t GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentProcessId()
- throw nullptr;
-// Set ideal affinity for the current thread
-// Parameters:
-// affinity - ideal processor affinity for the thread
-// Return:
-// true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
-bool GCToOSInterface::SetCurrentThreadIdealAffinity(GCThreadAffinity* affinity)
- throw nullptr;
-// Get the number of the current processor
-uint32_t GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentProcessorNumber()
- throw nullptr;
-// Check if the OS supports getting current processor number
-bool GCToOSInterface::CanGetCurrentProcessorNumber()
- throw nullptr;
-// Flush write buffers of processors that are executing threads of the current process
-void GCToOSInterface::FlushProcessWriteBuffers()
- throw nullptr;
-// Break into a debugger
-void GCToOSInterface::DebugBreak()
- throw nullptr;
-// Get number of logical processors
-uint32_t GCToOSInterface::GetLogicalCpuCount()
- throw nullptr;
-// Causes the calling thread to sleep for the specified number of milliseconds
-// Parameters:
-// sleepMSec - time to sleep before switching to another thread
-void GCToOSInterface::Sleep(uint32_t sleepMSec)
- throw nullptr;
-// Causes the calling thread to yield execution to another thread that is ready to run on the current processor.
-// Parameters:
-// switchCount - number of times the YieldThread was called in a loop
-void GCToOSInterface::YieldThread(uint32_t switchCount)
- throw nullptr;
-// Reserve virtual memory range.
-// Parameters:
-// size - size of the virtual memory range
-// alignment - requested memory alignment, 0 means no specific alignment requested
-// flags - flags to control special settings like write watching
-// Return:
-// Starting virtual address of the reserved range
-void* GCToOSInterface::VirtualReserve(size_t size, size_t alignment, uint32_t flags)
- throw nullptr;
-// Release virtual memory range previously reserved using VirtualReserve
-// Parameters:
-// address - starting virtual address
-// size - size of the virtual memory range
-// Return:
-// true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
-bool GCToOSInterface::VirtualRelease(void* address, size_t size)
- throw nullptr;
-// Commit virtual memory range. It must be part of a range reserved using VirtualReserve.
-// Parameters:
-// address - starting virtual address
-// size - size of the virtual memory range
-// Return:
-// true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
-bool GCToOSInterface::VirtualCommit(void* address, size_t size)
- throw nullptr;
-// Decomit virtual memory range.
-// Parameters:
-// address - starting virtual address
-// size - size of the virtual memory range
-// Return:
-// true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
-bool GCToOSInterface::VirtualDecommit(void* address, size_t size)
- throw nullptr;
-// Reset virtual memory range. Indicates that data in the memory range specified by address and size is no
-// longer of interest, but it should not be decommitted.
-// Parameters:
-// address - starting virtual address
-// size - size of the virtual memory range
-// unlock - true if the memory range should also be unlocked
-// Return:
-// true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
-bool GCToOSInterface::VirtualReset(void * address, size_t size, bool unlock)
- throw nullptr;
-// Check if the OS supports write watching
-bool GCToOSInterface::SupportsWriteWatch()
- throw nullptr;
-// Reset the write tracking state for the specified virtual memory range.
-// Parameters:
-// address - starting virtual address
-// size - size of the virtual memory range
-void GCToOSInterface::ResetWriteWatch(void* address, size_t size)
- throw nullptr;
-// Retrieve addresses of the pages that are written to in a region of virtual memory
-// Parameters:
-// resetState - true indicates to reset the write tracking state
-// address - starting virtual address
-// size - size of the virtual memory range
-// pageAddresses - buffer that receives an array of page addresses in the memory region
-// pageAddressesCount - on input, size of the lpAddresses array, in array elements
-// on output, the number of page addresses that are returned in the array.
-// Return:
-// true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
-bool GCToOSInterface::GetWriteWatch(bool resetState, void* address, size_t size, void** pageAddresses, uintptr_t* pageAddressesCount)
- throw nullptr;
-// Get size of the largest cache on the processor die
-// Parameters:
-// trueSize - true to return true cache size, false to return scaled up size based on
-// the processor architecture
-// Return:
-// Size of the cache
-size_t GCToOSInterface::GetLargestOnDieCacheSize(bool trueSize)
- throw nullptr;
-// Get affinity mask of the current process
-// Parameters:
-// processMask - affinity mask for the specified process
-// systemMask - affinity mask for the system
-// Return:
-// true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
-// Remarks:
-// A process affinity mask is a bit vector in which each bit represents the processors that
-// a process is allowed to run on. A system affinity mask is a bit vector in which each bit
-// represents the processors that are configured into a system.
-// A process affinity mask is a subset of the system affinity mask. A process is only allowed
-// to run on the processors configured into a system. Therefore, the process affinity mask cannot
-// specify a 1 bit for a processor when the system affinity mask specifies a 0 bit for that processor.
-bool GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentProcessAffinityMask(uintptr_t* processMask, uintptr_t* systemMask)
- throw nullptr;
-// Get number of processors assigned to the current process
-// Return:
-// The number of processors
-uint32_t GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentProcessCpuCount()
- throw nullptr;
-// Return the size of the user-mode portion of the virtual address space of this process.
-// Return:
-// non zero if it has succeeded, 0 if it has failed
-size_t GCToOSInterface::GetVirtualMemoryLimit()
- throw nullptr;
-// Get the physical memory that this process can use.
-// Return:
-// non zero if it has succeeded, 0 if it has failed
-// Remarks:
-// If a process runs with a restricted memory limit, it returns the limit. If there's no limit
-// specified, it returns amount of actual physical memory.
-uint64_t GCToOSInterface::GetPhysicalMemoryLimit()
- throw nullptr;
-// Get memory status
-// Parameters:
-// memory_load - A number between 0 and 100 that specifies the approximate percentage of physical memory
-// that is in use (0 indicates no memory use and 100 indicates full memory use).
-// available_physical - The amount of physical memory currently available, in bytes.
-// available_page_file - The maximum amount of memory the current process can commit, in bytes.
-void GCToOSInterface::GetMemoryStatus(uint32_t* memory_load, uint64_t* available_physical, uint64_t* available_page_file)
- throw nullptr;
-// Get a high precision performance counter
-// Return:
-// The counter value
-int64_t GCToOSInterface::QueryPerformanceCounter()
- throw nullptr;
-// Get a frequency of the high precision performance counter
-// Return:
-// The counter frequency
-int64_t GCToOSInterface::QueryPerformanceFrequency()
- throw nullptr;
-// Get a time stamp with a low precision
-// Return:
-// Time stamp in milliseconds
-uint32_t GCToOSInterface::GetLowPrecisionTimeStamp()
- throw nullptr;
-// Create a new thread for GC use
-// Parameters:
-// function - the function to be executed by the thread
-// param - parameters of the thread
-// affinity - processor affinity of the thread
-// Return:
-// true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed
-bool GCToOSInterface::CreateThread(GCThreadFunction function, void* param, GCThreadAffinity* affinity)
- throw nullptr;
-// Initialize the critical section
-void CLRCriticalSection::Initialize()
- throw nullptr;
-// Destroy the critical section
-void CLRCriticalSection::Destroy()
- throw nullptr;
-// Enter the critical section. Blocks until the section can be entered.
-void CLRCriticalSection::Enter()
- throw nullptr;
-// Leave the critical section
-void CLRCriticalSection::Leave()
- throw nullptr;
-} \ No newline at end of file