path: root/src/dlls/mscorpe/mscorpe/wrapper.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/dlls/mscorpe/mscorpe/wrapper.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 149 deletions
diff --git a/src/dlls/mscorpe/mscorpe/wrapper.cpp b/src/dlls/mscorpe/mscorpe/wrapper.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d2f1701ec4..0000000000
--- a/src/dlls/mscorpe/mscorpe/wrapper.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
-// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
-// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
-// File: wrapper.cpp
-// This file implements a simple wrapper DLL (mscorpe.dll) which calls properly into mscorpehost.dll.
-// It exists because of compatibility with 1.x/2.0 apps running on CLR 4.0+. Such older apps could pass
-// full path to LoadLibrary() Windows API and get this DLL.
-// Noone in CLR should ever try to load this DLL directly (using LoadLibrary API). Note that hosting APIs
-// and PInvoke redirect mscorpe.dll to mscorpehost.dll automatically.
-#include <MscorpeSxSWrapper.h>
-#include <mscoree.h>
-#include <metahost.h>
-// Globals
-HINSTANCE g_hThisInst; // This library.
-// Handle lifetime of loaded library.
-extern "C"
- HINSTANCE hInstance,
- DWORD dwReason,
- LPVOID lpReserved)
- switch (dwReason)
- {
- { // Save the module handle.
- g_hThisInst = hInstance;
- DisableThreadLibraryCalls((HMODULE)hInstance);
- }
- break;
- break;
- }
- return TRUE;
-} // DllMain
-// Implementation for utilcode
- return g_hThisInst;
-} // GetModuleInst
-// Load correct SxS version of mscorpe.dll and initialize it (uses shim).
-LoadMscorpe(HMODULE * phModule)
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- ICLRMetaHost * pMetaHost = NULL;
- ICLRRuntimeInfo * pCLRRuntimeInfo = NULL;
- // Get full DLL path
- WCHAR wszPath[_MAX_PATH];
- DWORD dwLength = GetModuleFileName((HMODULE)g_hThisInst, wszPath, NumItems(wszPath));
- if ((dwLength == 0) ||
- ((dwLength == NumItems(wszPath)) &&
- {
- }
- // Find start of '\mscorpe.dll'
- LPWSTR wszSeparator = wcsrchr(wszPath, L'\\');
- if (wszSeparator == NULL)
- {
- }
- // Check the name of this DLL
- _ASSERTE(_wcsicmp(wszSeparator, L"\\mscorpe.dll") == 0);
- // Remove the DLL name
- *wszSeparator = 0;
- // Find start of last directory name (\<version>),
- // C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\[[v4.0.12345]]\mscorpe.dll
- LPWSTR wszLastDirectoryName = wcsrchr(wszPath, L'\\');
- if (wszLastDirectoryName == NULL)
- {
- }
- LPWSTR wszVersion = wszLastDirectoryName + 1;
- IfFailGo(CLRCreateInstance(
- CLSID_CLRMetaHost,
- IID_ICLRMetaHost,
- reinterpret_cast<LPVOID *>(&pMetaHost)));
- IfFailGo(pMetaHost->GetRuntime(
- wszVersion,
- IID_ICLRRuntimeInfo,
- reinterpret_cast<LPVOID *>(&pCLRRuntimeInfo)));
- // Shim will load correct SxS version of mscorpe.dll and will initialize it
- IfFailGo(pCLRRuntimeInfo->LoadLibrary(
- L"mscorpe.dll",
- phModule));
- if (pMetaHost != NULL)
- {
- pMetaHost->Release();
- pMetaHost = NULL;
- }
- if (pCLRRuntimeInfo != NULL)
- {
- pCLRRuntimeInfo->Release();
- pCLRRuntimeInfo = NULL;
- }
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- *phModule = NULL;
- }
- return hr;
-} // LoadMscorpe
-// SxS wrapper of mscorpe.dll entrypoints
-typedef MscorpeSxSWrapper<LoadMscorpe> MscorpeSxS;
-// Export of 'original' 1.x/2.0 mscorpe.dll
-HRESULT __stdcall
- ICeeFileGen ** ppCeeFileGen)
- return MscorpeSxS::CreateICeeFileGen(ppCeeFileGen);
-// Export of 'original' 1.x/2.0 mscorpe.dll
-HRESULT __stdcall
-DestroyICeeFileGen(ICeeFileGen ** ppCeeFileGen)
- return MscorpeSxS::DestroyICeeFileGen(ppCeeFileGen);