path: root/src/dlls/dbgshim/dbgshim.cpp
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1 files changed, 1093 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dlls/dbgshim/dbgshim.cpp b/src/dlls/dbgshim/dbgshim.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65fe6c3621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dlls/dbgshim/dbgshim.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1093 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// DbgShim.cpp
+// This contains the APIs for creating a telesto managed-debugging session. These APIs serve to locate an
+// mscordbi.dll for a given telesto dll and then instantiate the ICorDebug object.
+#include <winwrap.h>
+#include <utilcode.h>
+#include <log.h>
+#include <tlhelp32.h>
+#include <cor.h>
+#include <sstring.h>
+#include <securityutil.h>
+#include <ex.h>
+#include <cordebug.h> // for Version nunmbers
+#include <pedecoder.h>
+#include <getproductversionnumber.h>
+#include <dbgenginemetrics.h>
+#define PSAPI_VERSION 2
+#include <psapi.h>
+#include "dbgshim.h"
+// Here's a High-level overview of the API usage
+From the debugger:
+A debugger calls GetStartupNotificationEvent(pid of debuggee) to get an event, which is signalled when that
+process loads a Telesto. The debugger thus waits on that event, and when it's signalled, it can call
+EnumerateCLRs / CloseCLREnumeration to get an array of Telestos in the target process (including the one
+that was just loaded).
+It can then call CreateVersionStringFromModule, CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersion to attach to
+any or all Telestos of interest.
+From the debuggee:
+When a new Telesto spins up, it checks for the startup event (created via GetStartupNotificationEvent), and if it
+exists, it will:
+- signal it
+- wait on the "Continue" event, thus giving a debugger a chance to attach to the telesto
+- There is no CreateProcess (Launch) case. All Launching is really an "Early-attach case".
+// Contract for public APIs. These must be NOTHROW.
+ { \
+ } \
+// Public API.
+// GetStartupNotificationEvent -- creates a global, named event that is PID-
+// qualified (i.e. process global) that is used to notify the debugger of
+// any CLR instance startup in the process.
+// debuggeePID -- process ID of the target process
+// phStartupEvent -- out param for the returned event handle
+#define StartupNotifyEventNamePrefix W("TelestoStartupEvent_")
+const int cchEventNameBufferSize = sizeof(StartupNotifyEventNamePrefix)/sizeof(WCHAR) + 8; // + hex DWORD (8). NULL terminator is included in sizeof(StartupNotifyEventNamePrefix)
+HRESULT GetStartupNotificationEvent(DWORD debuggeePID,
+ __out HANDLE* phStartupEvent)
+ if (phStartupEvent == NULL)
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ // Note this event name doesn't have a Global prefix, and so debugging across sessions will not work.
+ WCHAR szEventName[cchEventNameBufferSize];
+ swprintf_s(szEventName, cchEventNameBufferSize, StartupNotifyEventNamePrefix W("%08x"), debuggeePID);
+ // Determine an appropriate ACL and SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES to apply to this event. We use the same logic
+ // here as the debugger uses for other events (like the setup-sync-event). Specifically, this does
+ // the work to ensure a debuggee running as another user, or with a low integrity level can signal
+ // this event.
+ IfFailRet(SecurityUtil::GetACLOfPid(debuggeePID, &pACL));
+ SecurityUtil secUtil(pACL);
+ HandleHolder hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, debuggeePID);
+ if (hProcess == NULL)
+ {
+ return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
+ }
+ IfFailRet(secUtil.Init(hProcess));
+ IfFailRet(secUtil.GetSA(&pSA));
+ HANDLE startupEvent = WszCreateEvent(pSA,
+ FALSE, // false -> auto-reset
+ FALSE, // false -> initially non-signaled
+ szEventName);
+ DWORD dwStatus = GetLastError();
+ if (NULL == startupEvent)
+ {
+ // if the event already exists, try to open it, otherwise we fail.
+ if (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS != dwStatus)
+ return E_FAIL;
+ startupEvent = WszOpenEvent(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, szEventName);
+ if (NULL == startupEvent)
+ return E_FAIL;
+ }
+ *phStartupEvent = startupEvent;
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT GetContinueStartupEvent(DWORD debuggeePID,
+ LPCWSTR szTelestoFullPath,
+ __out HANDLE* phContinueStartupEvent);
+// Public API.
+// CloseCLREnumeration -- used to free resources allocated by EnumerateCLRs
+// pHandleArray -- handle array originally returned by EnumerateCLRs
+// pStringArray -- string array originally returned by EnumerateCLRs
+// dwArrayLength -- array length originally returned by EnumerateCLRs
+HRESULT CloseCLREnumeration(HANDLE* pHandleArray, LPWSTR* pStringArray, DWORD dwArrayLength)
+ if ((pHandleArray + dwArrayLength) != (HANDLE*)pStringArray)
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ // It's possible that EnumerateCLRs found nothing to enumerate, in which case
+ // pointers and count are zeroed. If a debugger calls this function in that
+ // case, let's not try to delete [] on NULL.
+ if (pHandleArray == NULL)
+ return S_OK;
+ for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwArrayLength; i++)
+ {
+ HANDLE hTemp = pHandleArray[i];
+ if ( (NULL != hTemp)
+ {
+ CloseHandle(hTemp);
+ }
+ }
+ delete[] pHandleArray;
+ return S_OK;
+// Refer to clr\src\mscoree\mscorwks_ntdef.src.
+const WORD kOrdinalForMetrics = 2;
+// The CLR_ENGINE_METRICS is a static struct in coreclr.dll. It's exported by coreclr.dll at ordinal 2 in
+// the export address table. This function returns the CLR_ENGINE_METRICS and the RVA to the continue
+// startup event for a coreclr.dll specified by its full path.
+// Arguments:
+// szTelestoFullPath - (in) full path of telesto
+// pEngineMetricsOut - (out) filled in based on metrics from target telesto.
+// pdwRVAContinueStartupEvent - (out; optional) return the RVA to the continue startup event
+// Returns:
+// Throwss on error.
+// Notes:
+// When VS pops up the attach dialog box, it is actually enumerating all the processes on the machine
+// (if the appropiate checkbox is checked) and checking each process to see if a DLL named "coreclr.dll"
+// is loaded. If there is one, we will go down this code path, but there is no guarantee that the
+// coreclr.dll is ours. A malicious user can be running a process with a bogus coreclr.dll loaded.
+// That's why we need to be extra careful reading coreclr.dll in this function.
+void GetTargetCLRMetrics(LPCWSTR szTelestoFullPath,
+ CLR_ENGINE_METRICS * pEngineMetricsOut,
+ DWORD * pdwRVAContinueStartupEvent = NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ CONSISTENCY_CHECK(szTelestoFullPath != NULL);
+ CONSISTENCY_CHECK(pEngineMetricsOut != NULL);
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ HandleHolder hCoreClrFile = WszCreateFile(szTelestoFullPath,
+ NULL, // default security descriptor
+ NULL);
+ if (hCoreClrFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ ThrowLastError();
+ }
+ DWORD cbFileHigh = 0;
+ DWORD cbFileLow = GetFileSize(hCoreClrFile, &cbFileHigh);
+ if (cbFileLow == INVALID_FILE_SIZE)
+ {
+ ThrowLastError();
+ }
+ // A maximum size of 100 MB should be more than enough for coreclr.dll.
+ if ((cbFileHigh != 0) || (cbFileLow > 0x6400000) || (cbFileLow == 0))
+ {
+ ThrowHR(E_FAIL);
+ }
+ HandleHolder hCoreClrMap = WszCreateFileMapping(hCoreClrFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, cbFileHigh, cbFileLow, NULL);
+ if (hCoreClrMap == NULL)
+ {
+ ThrowLastError();
+ }
+ MapViewHolder hCoreClrMapView = MapViewOfFile(hCoreClrMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (hCoreClrMapView == NULL)
+ {
+ ThrowLastError();
+ }
+ // At this point we have read the file into the process, but be careful because it is flat, i.e. not mapped.
+ // We need to translate RVAs into file offsets, but fortunately PEDecoder can do all of that for us.
+ PEDecoder pedecoder(hCoreClrMapView, (COUNT_T)cbFileLow);
+ // Check the NT headers.
+ if (!pedecoder.CheckNTFormat())
+ {
+ ThrowHR(E_FAIL);
+ }
+ // At this point we can safely read anything in the NT headers.
+ if (!pedecoder.HasDirectoryEntry(IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT) ||
+ !pedecoder.CheckDirectoryEntry(IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT))
+ {
+ ThrowHR(E_FAIL);
+ }
+ IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY * pExportDirectoryEntry = pedecoder.GetDirectoryEntry(IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT);
+ // At this point we can safely read the IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY of the export directory.
+ if (!pedecoder.CheckDirectory(pExportDirectoryEntry))
+ {
+ ThrowHR(E_FAIL);
+ }
+ reinterpret_cast<IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY *>(pedecoder.GetDirectoryData(pExportDirectoryEntry));
+ // At this point we have checked that everything in the export directory is readable.
+ // Check to make sure the ordinal we have fits in the table in the export directory.
+ // The "base" here is like the starting index of the arrays in the export directory.
+ if ((pExportDir->Base > kOrdinalForMetrics) ||
+ (pExportDir->NumberOfFunctions < (kOrdinalForMetrics - pExportDir->Base)))
+ {
+ ThrowHR(E_FAIL);
+ }
+ DWORD dwRealIndex = kOrdinalForMetrics - pExportDir->Base;
+ // Check that we can read the RVA at the element (specified by the ordinal) in the export address table.
+ // Then read the RVA to the CLR_ENGINE_METRICS.
+ if (!pedecoder.CheckRva(pExportDir->AddressOfFunctions, (dwRealIndex + 1) * sizeof(DWORD)))
+ {
+ ThrowHR(E_FAIL);
+ }
+ DWORD rvaMetrics = *reinterpret_cast<DWORD *>(
+ pedecoder.GetRvaData(pExportDir->AddressOfFunctions + dwRealIndex * sizeof(DWORD)));
+ // Make sure we can safely read the CLR_ENGINE_METRICS at the RVA we have retrieved.
+ if (!pedecoder.CheckRva(rvaMetrics, sizeof(*pEngineMetricsOut)))
+ {
+ ThrowHR(E_FAIL);
+ }
+ // Finally, copy the CLR_ENGINE_METRICS into the output buffer.
+ CLR_ENGINE_METRICS * pMetricsInFile = reinterpret_cast<CLR_ENGINE_METRICS *>(pedecoder.GetRvaData(rvaMetrics));
+ *pEngineMetricsOut = *pMetricsInFile;
+ // At this point, we have retrieved the CLR_ENGINE_METRICS from the target process and
+ // stored it in output buffer.
+ if (pEngineMetricsOut->cbSize != sizeof(*pEngineMetricsOut))
+ {
+ }
+ if (pdwRVAContinueStartupEvent != NULL)
+ {
+ // Note that the pointer stored in the CLR_ENGINE_METRICS is assuming that the DLL is loaded at its
+ // preferred base address. We need to translate that to an RVA.
+ if (((SIZE_T)pEngineMetricsOut->phContinueStartupEvent < (SIZE_T)pedecoder.GetPreferredBase()) ||
+ ((SIZE_T)pEngineMetricsOut->phContinueStartupEvent >
+ ((SIZE_T)pedecoder.GetPreferredBase() + pedecoder.GetVirtualSize())))
+ {
+ ThrowHR(E_FAIL);
+ }
+ DWORD rvaContinueStartupEvent =
+ (DWORD)((SIZE_T)pEngineMetricsOut->phContinueStartupEvent - (SIZE_T)pedecoder.GetPreferredBase());
+ // We can't use CheckRva() here because for unmapped files it actually checks the RVA against the file
+ // size as well. We have already checked the RVA above. Now just check that the entire HANDLE
+ // falls in the loaded image.
+ if ((rvaContinueStartupEvent + sizeof(HANDLE)) > pedecoder.GetVirtualSize())
+ {
+ ThrowHR(E_FAIL);
+ }
+ *pdwRVAContinueStartupEvent = rvaContinueStartupEvent;
+ }
+ // Holder will call FreeLibrary()
+// Returns true iff the module represents CoreClr.
+bool IsCoreClr(const WCHAR* pModulePath)
+ _ASSERTE(pModulePath != NULL);
+ //strip off everything up to and including the last slash in the path to get name
+ const WCHAR* pModuleName = pModulePath;
+ while(wcschr(pModuleName, W('\\')) != NULL)
+ {
+ pModuleName = wcschr(pModuleName, W('\\'));
+ pModuleName++; // pass the slash
+ }
+ // MAIN_CLR_MODULE_NAME_W gets changed for desktop builds, so we directly code against the CoreClr name.
+ return _wcsicmp(pModuleName, MAKEDLLNAME_W(W("coreclr"))) == 0;
+// Returns true iff the module sent is named CoreClr.dll and has the metrics expected in it's PE header.
+bool IsCoreClrWithGoodHeader(HANDLE hProcess, HMODULE hModule)
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ WCHAR modulePath[MAX_PATH];
+ modulePath[0] = W('\0');
+ if(0 == GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, hModule, modulePath, MAX_PATH))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ modulePath[MAX_PATH-1] = 0; // on older OS'es this doesn't get null terminated automatically on truncation
+ }
+ if (IsCoreClr(modulePath))
+ {
+ // We don't care about the particular error returned, only that
+ // what we tried wasn't a 'real' coreclr.dll.
+ {
+ CLR_ENGINE_METRICS metricsStruct;
+ GetTargetCLRMetrics(modulePath, &metricsStruct); // throws
+ // If we got this far, then we think it's a good one.
+ }
+ return (hr == S_OK);
+ }
+ return false;
+// Public API.
+// EnumerateCLRs -- returns an array of full paths to each coreclr.dll in the
+// target process. Also returns a corresponding array of continue events
+// that *MUST* be signaled by the caller in order to allow the CLRs in the
+// target process to proceed.
+// debuggeePID -- process ID of the target process
+// ppHandleArrayOut -- out parameter in which an array of handles is returned.
+// the length of this array is returned by the pdwArrayLengthOut out param
+// ppStringArrayOut -- out parameter in which an array of full paths to each
+// coreclr.dll in the process is returned. The length of this array is the
+// same as the handle array and is returned by the pdwArrayLengthOut param
+// pdwArrayLengthOut -- out param in which the length of the two returned arrays
+// are returned.
+// Notes:
+// Callers use code:CloseCLREnumeration to free the returned arrays.
+HRESULT EnumerateCLRs(DWORD debuggeePID,
+ __out HANDLE** ppHandleArrayOut,
+ __out LPWSTR** ppStringArrayOut,
+ __out DWORD* pdwArrayLengthOut)
+ // All out params must be non-NULL.
+ if ((ppHandleArrayOut == NULL) || (ppStringArrayOut == NULL) || (pdwArrayLengthOut == NULL))
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ HandleHolder hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, debuggeePID);
+ if (NULL == hProcess)
+ ThrowHR(E_FAIL);
+ // These shouldn't be freed
+ HMODULE modules[1000];
+ DWORD cbNeeded;
+ if(!EnumProcessModules(hProcess, modules, sizeof(modules), &cbNeeded))
+ {
+ return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
+ }
+ //
+ // count the number of coreclr.dll entries
+ //
+ DWORD count = 0;
+ DWORD countModules = cbNeeded/sizeof(HMODULE);
+ for(DWORD i = 0; i < countModules; i++)
+ {
+ if (IsCoreClrWithGoodHeader(hProcess, modules[i]))
+ {
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we didn't find anything, no point in continuing.
+ if (count == 0)
+ {
+ *ppHandleArrayOut = NULL;
+ *ppStringArrayOut = NULL;
+ *pdwArrayLengthOut = 0;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ size_t cbEventArrayData = sizeof(HANDLE) * count; // event array data
+ size_t cbStringArrayData = sizeof(LPWSTR) * count; // string array data
+ size_t cbStringData = sizeof(WCHAR) * count * MAX_PATH; // strings data
+ size_t cbBuffer = cbEventArrayData + cbStringArrayData + cbStringData;
+ BYTE* pOutBuffer = new (nothrow) BYTE[cbBuffer];
+ if (NULL == pOutBuffer)
+ ZeroMemory(pOutBuffer, cbBuffer);
+ HANDLE* pEventArray = (HANDLE*) &pOutBuffer[0];
+ LPWSTR* pStringArray = (LPWSTR*) &pOutBuffer[cbEventArrayData];
+ WCHAR* pStringData = (WCHAR*) &pOutBuffer[cbEventArrayData + cbStringArrayData];
+ // There's no guarantee that another coreclr hasn't loaded already anyhow,
+ // so if we get the corner case that the second time through we enumerate
+ // more coreclrs, just ignore the extras.
+ // This mismatch could happen when
+ // a) take module shapshot
+ // b) underlying file is opened for exclusive access/deleted/moved/ACL'd etc so we can't open it
+ // c) count is determined
+ // d) file is closed/copied/moved/ACL'd etc so we can find/open it again
+ // e) this loop runs
+ // Thus the loop checks idx < count
+ DWORD idx = 0;
+ for(DWORD i = 0; i < countModules && idx < count; i++)
+ {
+ if (IsCoreClrWithGoodHeader(hProcess, modules[i]))
+ {
+ // fill in path
+ pStringArray[idx] = &pStringData[idx * MAX_PATH];
+ GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, modules[i], pStringArray[idx], MAX_PATH);
+ // fill in event handle -- if GetContinueStartupEvent fails, it will still return
+ // INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE in hContinueStartupEvent, which is what we want. we don't
+ // want to bail out of the enumeration altogether if we can't get an event from
+ // one telesto.
+ HANDLE hContinueStartupEvent = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
+ HRESULT hr = GetContinueStartupEvent(debuggeePID, pStringArray[idx], &hContinueStartupEvent);
+ _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr) == (hContinueStartupEvent != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE));
+ pEventArray[idx] = hContinueStartupEvent;
+ idx++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Patch things up so CloseCLREnumeration() can still have it's
+ // pointer arithmatic checks succeed, and the user doesn't see a 'dead' entry.
+ // Specifically, it's expected that pEventArray and pStringArray point to the
+ // same contiguous chunk of memory so that pStringArray == pEventArray[*pdwArrayLengthOut].
+ // This is expected to be a very rare case.
+ if (idx < count)
+ {
+ // Move the string pointers back.
+ LPWSTR* pSATemp = (LPWSTR*)&pOutBuffer[sizeof(HANDLE)*idx];
+ for (DWORD i = 0; i < idx; i++)
+ {
+ pSATemp[i] = pStringArray[i];
+ }
+ // Fix up string array pointer.
+ pStringArray = (LPWSTR*)&pOutBuffer[sizeof(HANDLE)*idx];
+ // Strings themselves don't need moved.
+ }
+ *ppHandleArrayOut = pEventArray;
+ *ppStringArrayOut = pStringArray;
+ *pdwArrayLengthOut = idx;
+ return S_OK;
+// Get the base address of a module from the remote process.
+// Returns:
+// - On success, base address (in remote process) of mscoree,
+// - NULL if the module is not loaded.
+// - else Throws. *ppBaseAddress = NULL
+BYTE* GetRemoteModuleBaseAddress(DWORD dwPID, LPCWSTR szFullModulePath)
+ {
+ }
+ HandleHolder hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, dwPID);
+ if (NULL == hProcess)
+ ThrowHR(E_FAIL);
+ // These shouldn't be freed
+ HMODULE modules[1000];
+ DWORD cbNeeded;
+ if(!EnumProcessModules(hProcess, modules, sizeof(modules), &cbNeeded))
+ {
+ ThrowHR(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()));
+ }
+ DWORD countModules = cbNeeded/sizeof(HMODULE);
+ for(DWORD i = 0; i < countModules; i++)
+ {
+ WCHAR modulePath[MAX_PATH];
+ if(0 == GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, modules[i], modulePath, MAX_PATH))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ modulePath[MAX_PATH-1] = 0; // on older OS'es this doesn't get null terminated automatically
+ if (_wcsicmp(modulePath, szFullModulePath) == 0)
+ {
+ return (BYTE*) modules[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Successfully enumerated modules but couldn't find the requested one.
+ return NULL;
+// DBI version: max 8 hex chars
+// PID: max 8 hex chars
+// HMODULE: max 16 hex chars (64-bit)
+// PROTOCOL STRING: (variable length)
+const int c_iMaxVersionStringLen = 8 + 1 + 8 + 1 + 16; // 64-bit hmodule
+const int c_iMinVersionStringLen = 8 + 1 + 8 + 1 + 8; // 32-bit hmodule
+const int c_idxFirstSemi = 8;
+const int c_idxSecondSemi = 17;
+// Public API.
+// Given a path to a coreclr.dll, get the Version string.
+// Arguments:
+// pidDebuggee - OS process ID of debuggee.
+// szModuleName - a full or relative path to a valid coreclr.dll in the debuggee.
+// pBuffer - the buffer to fill the version string into
+// if pdwLength != NULL, we set *pdwLength to the length of the version string on
+// output (including the null terminator).
+// cchBuffer - length of pBuffer on input in characters
+// Returns:
+// S_OK - on success.
+// HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) if the buffer is too small.
+// Notes:
+// The null-terminated version string including null, is
+// copied to pVersion on output. Thus *pdwLength == wcslen(pBuffer)+1.
+// The version string is an opaque string that can only be passed back to other
+// DbgShim APIs.
+HRESULT CreateVersionStringFromModule(DWORD pidDebuggee,
+ LPCWSTR szModuleName,
+ __out_ecount_part(cchBuffer, *pdwLength) LPWSTR pBuffer,
+ DWORD cchBuffer,
+ __out DWORD* pdwLength)
+ if (szModuleName == NULL)
+ {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ // it is ok for both to be null (to query the required buffer size) or both to be non-null.
+ if ((pBuffer == NULL) != (cchBuffer == 0))
+ {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ SIZE_T nLengthWithNull = c_iMaxVersionStringLen + 1;
+ _ASSERTE(nLengthWithNull > 0);
+ if (pdwLength != NULL)
+ {
+ *pdwLength = (DWORD) nLengthWithNull;
+ }
+ if (nLengthWithNull > cchBuffer)
+ {
+ }
+ else if (pBuffer != NULL)
+ {
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ {
+ CorDebugInterfaceVersion dbiVersion = CorDebugInvalidVersion;
+ DWORD pid = pidDebuggee;
+ CLR_ENGINE_METRICS metricsStruct;
+ GetTargetCLRMetrics(szModuleName, &metricsStruct); // throws
+ dbiVersion = (CorDebugInterfaceVersion) metricsStruct.dwDbiVersion;
+ BYTE* hmodTargetCLR = GetRemoteModuleBaseAddress(pidDebuggee, szModuleName); // throws
+ swprintf_s(pBuffer, cchBuffer, W("%08x;%08x;%p"), dbiVersion, pid, hmodTargetCLR);
+ }
+ return hr;
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+// Functions that we'll look for in the loaded Mscordbi module.
+typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE *FPCoreCLRCreateCordbObject)(
+ int iDebuggerVersion,
+ DWORD pid,
+ HMODULE hmodTargetCLR,
+ IUnknown ** ppCordb);
+// Parse a version string into useful data.
+// Arguments:
+// szDebuggeeVersion - (in) null terminated version string
+// piDebuggerVersion - (out) interface number that the debugger expects to use.
+// pdwPidDebuggee - (out) OS process ID of debuggee
+// phmodTargetCLR - (out) module handle of CoreClr within the debuggee.
+// Returns:
+// S_OK on success. Else failures.
+// Notes:
+// The version string is coming from the target CoreClr and in the case of a corrupted target, could be
+// an arbitrary string. It should be treated as untrusted public input.
+HRESULT ParseVersionString(LPCWSTR szDebuggeeVersion, CorDebugInterfaceVersion * piDebuggerVersion, DWORD * pdwPidDebuggee,
+ HMODULE * phmodTargetCLR)
+ if ((piDebuggerVersion == NULL) ||
+ (pdwPidDebuggee == NULL) ||
+ (phmodTargetCLR == NULL) ||
+ (wcslen(szDebuggeeVersion) < c_iMinVersionStringLen) ||
+ (W(';') != szDebuggeeVersion[c_idxFirstSemi]) ||
+ (W(';') != szDebuggeeVersion[c_idxSecondSemi]))
+ {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ int numFieldsAssigned = swscanf_s(szDebuggeeVersion, W("%08x;%08x;%p;"), piDebuggerVersion, pdwPidDebuggee,
+ phmodTargetCLR);
+ if (numFieldsAssigned != 3)
+ {
+ return E_FAIL;
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+// Appends "\mscordbi.dll" to the path. This converts a directory name into the full path to mscordbi.dll.
+// Arguments:
+// szFullDbiPath - (in/out): on input, the directory containing dbi. On output, the full path to dbi.dll.
+void AppendDbiDllName(SString & szFullDbiPath)
+ const WCHAR * pDbiDllName = W("\\") MAKEDLLNAME_W(W("mscordbi"));
+ szFullDbiPath.Append(pDbiDllName);
+// Return a path to the dbi next to the runtime, if present.
+// Arguments:
+// pidDebuggee - OS process ID of debuggee
+// hmodTargetCLR - handle to CoreClr within debuggee process
+// szFullDbiPath - (out) the full path of Mscordbi.dll next to the debuggee's CoreClr.dll.
+// Notes:
+// This just calculates a filename and does not determine if the file actually exists.
+void GetDbiFilenameNextToRuntime(DWORD pidDebuggee, HMODULE hmodTargetCLR, SString & szFullDbiPath,
+ SString & szFullCoreClrPath)
+ szFullDbiPath.Clear();
+ //
+ // Step 1: (pid, hmodule) --> full path
+ //
+ HandleHolder hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pidDebuggee);
+ WCHAR modulePath[MAX_PATH];
+ if(0 == GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess, hmodTargetCLR, modulePath, MAX_PATH))
+ {
+ ThrowHR(E_FAIL);
+ }
+ //
+ // Step 2: 'Coreclr.dll' --> 'mscordbi.dll'
+ //
+ WCHAR * pCoreClrPath = modulePath;
+ WCHAR * pLast = wcsrchr(pCoreClrPath, '\\');
+ if (pLast == NULL)
+ {
+ ThrowHR(E_FAIL);
+ }
+ // Change:
+ // c:\abc\coreclr.dll
+ // 01234567890
+ // c:\abc\mscordbi.dll
+ // Copy everything up to but not including the last '\', thus excluding '\coreclr.dll'
+ // Then append '\mscordbi.dll' to get a full path to dbi.
+ COUNT_T len = (COUNT_T) (pLast - pCoreClrPath); // length not including final '\'
+ szFullDbiPath.Set(pCoreClrPath, len);
+ AppendDbiDllName(szFullDbiPath);
+ szFullCoreClrPath.Set(pCoreClrPath, (COUNT_T)wcslen(pCoreClrPath));
+// The current policy is that the DBI DLL must live right next to the coreclr DLL. We check the product
+// version number of both of them to make sure they match.
+// Arguments:
+// szFullDbiPath - full path to mscordbi.dll
+// szFullCoreClrPath - full path to coreclr.dll
+// Return Value:
+// true if the versions match
+bool CheckDbiAndRuntimeVersion(SString & szFullDbiPath, SString & szFullCoreClrPath)
+ DWORD dwDbiVersionMS = 0;
+ DWORD dwDbiVersionLS = 0;
+ DWORD dwCoreClrVersionMS = 0;
+ DWORD dwCoreClrVersionLS = 0;
+ // The version numbers follow the convention used by VS_FIXEDFILEINFO.
+ GetProductVersionNumber(szFullDbiPath, &dwDbiVersionMS, &dwDbiVersionLS);
+ GetProductVersionNumber(szFullCoreClrPath, &dwCoreClrVersionMS, &dwCoreClrVersionLS);
+ if ((dwDbiVersionMS == dwCoreClrVersionMS) &&
+ (dwDbiVersionLS == dwCoreClrVersionLS))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+// Public API.
+// Given a version string, create the matching mscordbi.dll for it.
+// Create a managed debugging interface for the specified version.
+// Parameters:
+// iDebuggerVersion - the version of interface the debugger (eg, Cordbg) expects.
+// szDebuggeeVersion - the version of the debuggee. This will map to a version of mscordbi.dll
+// ppCordb - the outparameter used to return the debugging interface object.
+// Return:
+// S_OK on success. *ppCordb will be non-null.
+// CORDBG_E_INCOMPATIBLE_PROTOCOL - if the proper DBI is not available. This can be a very common error if
+// the right debug pack is not installed.
+// else Error. (*ppCordb will be null)
+HRESULT CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersionEx(
+ int iDebuggerVersion,
+ LPCWSTR szDebuggeeVersion,
+ IUnknown ** ppCordb
+ HRESULT hrIgnore; // ignored HResult
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ IUnknown * pCordb = NULL;
+ SString szFullDbiPath;
+ SString szFullCoreClrPath;
+ LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_EVERYTHING, "Calling CreateDebuggerInterfaceFromVersion, ver=%S\n", szDebuggeeVersion));
+ if ((szDebuggeeVersion == NULL) || (ppCordb == NULL))
+ {
+ goto Exit;
+ }
+ *ppCordb = NULL;
+ //
+ // Step 1: Parse version information into internal data structures
+ //
+ CorDebugInterfaceVersion iTargetVersion; // the CorDebugInterfaceVersion (CorDebugVersion_2_0)
+ DWORD pidDebuggee; // OS process ID of the debuggee
+ HMODULE hmodTargetCLR; // module of Telesto in target (the clrInstanceId)
+ hr = ParseVersionString(szDebuggeeVersion, &iTargetVersion, &pidDebuggee, &hmodTargetCLR);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ goto Exit;
+ //
+ // Step 2: Find the proper Dbi module (mscordbi.dll) and load it.
+ //
+ // Check for dbi next to target CLR.
+ // This will be very common for internal developer setups, but not common in end-user setups.
+ {
+ GetDbiFilenameNextToRuntime(pidDebuggee, hmodTargetCLR, szFullDbiPath, szFullCoreClrPath);
+ if (!CheckDbiAndRuntimeVersion(szFullDbiPath, szFullCoreClrPath))
+ {
+ goto Exit;
+ }
+ // We calculated where dbi would be, but haven't yet verified if it's there.
+ // Try to load it. We're using this to check for file existence.
+ // Issue:951525: coreclr mscordbi load fails on downlevel OS since LoadLibraryEx can't find
+ // dependent forwarder DLLs. Force LoadLibrary to look for dependencies in szFullDbiPath plus the default
+ // search paths.
+ }
+ EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hrIgnore); // failure leaves hMod null
+ // Couldn't find Dbi, likely because the right debug pack is not installed. Failure.
+ if (NULL == hMod)
+ {
+ // Check for the following two HRESULTs and return them specifically. These are returned by
+ // CreateToolhelp32Snapshot() and could be transient errors. The debugger may choose to retry.
+ {
+ hr = hrIgnore;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ goto Exit;
+ }
+ //
+ // Step 3: Now that module is loaded, instantiate an ICorDebug.
+ //
+ FPCoreCLRCreateCordbObject fpCreate2 = (FPCoreCLRCreateCordbObject) GetProcAddress(hMod, "CoreCLRCreateCordbObject");
+ if (fpCreate2 == NULL)
+ {
+ // New-style creation API didn't exist - this DBI must be the wrong version, for the Mix07 protocol
+ goto Exit;
+ }
+ // Invoke to instantiate an ICorDebug. This export was introduced after the Mix'07 release.
+ hr = fpCreate2(iDebuggerVersion, pidDebuggee, hmodTargetCLR, &pCordb);
+ _ASSERTE((pCordb == NULL) == FAILED(hr));
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ if (pCordb != NULL)
+ {
+ pCordb->Release();
+ pCordb = NULL;
+ }
+ if (hMod != NULL)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(pCordb == NULL);
+ FreeLibrary(hMod);
+ }
+ }
+ // Set our outparam.
+ if (ppCordb != NULL)
+ {
+ *ppCordb = pCordb;
+ }
+ // On success case, mscordbi.dll is leaked.
+ // - We never give the caller back the module handle, so our caller can't do FreeLibrary().
+ // - ICorDebug can't unload itself.
+ return hr;
+// Public API.
+// Superceded by CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersionEx in SLv4.
+// Given a version string, create the matching mscordbi.dll for it.
+// Create a managed debugging interface for the specified version.
+// Parameters:
+// szDebuggeeVersion - the version of the debuggee. This will map to a version of mscordbi.dll
+// ppCordb - the outparameter used to return the debugging interface object.
+// Return:
+// S_OK on success. *ppCordb will be non-null.
+// CORDBG_E_INCOMPATIBLE_PROTOCOL - if the proper DBI is not available. This can be a very common error if
+// the right debug pack is not installed.
+// else Error. (*ppCordb will be null)
+HRESULT CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersion(
+ LPCWSTR szDebuggeeVersion,
+ IUnknown ** ppCordb
+ return CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersionEx(CorDebugVersion_2_0,
+ szDebuggeeVersion,
+ ppCordb);
+// Manually retrieves the "continue startup" event from the correct CLR instance
+// in the target process.
+// Arguments:
+// debuggeePID - (in) OS Process ID of debuggee
+// szTelestoFullPath - (in) full path to telesto within the process.
+// phContinueStartupEvent - (out)
+// Returns:
+// S_OK on success.
+HRESULT GetContinueStartupEvent(DWORD debuggeePID,
+ LPCWSTR szTelestoFullPath,
+ __out HANDLE* phContinueStartupEvent)
+ if ((phContinueStartupEvent == NULL) || (szTelestoFullPath == NULL))
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ {
+ *phContinueStartupEvent = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
+ DWORD dwCoreClrContinueEventOffset = 0;
+ CLR_ENGINE_METRICS metricsStruct;
+ GetTargetCLRMetrics(szTelestoFullPath, &metricsStruct, &dwCoreClrContinueEventOffset); // throws
+ BYTE* pbBaseAddress = GetRemoteModuleBaseAddress(debuggeePID, szTelestoFullPath); // throws
+ HandleHolder hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, debuggeePID);
+ if (NULL == hProcess)
+ ThrowHR(E_FAIL);
+ HANDLE continueEvent = NULL;
+ SIZE_T nBytesRead;
+ if (!ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, pbBaseAddress + dwCoreClrContinueEventOffset, &continueEvent,
+ sizeof(continueEvent), &nBytesRead))
+ {
+ ThrowHR(E_FAIL);
+ }
+ if (NULL != continueEvent)
+ {
+ if (!DuplicateHandle(hProcess, continueEvent, GetCurrentProcess(), &continueEvent,
+ {
+ ThrowHR(E_FAIL);
+ }
+ }
+ *phContinueStartupEvent = continueEvent;
+ }
+ return hr;
+#if defined(FEATURE_CORESYSTEM) && defined(_TARGET_X86_)
+#include "debugshim.h"
+HRESULT CLRCreateInstance(REFCLSID clsid, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppInterface)
+#if defined(FEATURE_CORESYSTEM) && defined(_TARGET_X86_)
+ if (ppInterface == NULL)
+ return E_POINTER;
+ if (clsid != CLSID_CLRDebugging || riid != IID_ICLRDebugging)
+#elif defined(FEATURE_CORECLR)
+ CLRDebuggingImpl *pDebuggingImpl = new CLRDebuggingImpl(skuId);
+ return pDebuggingImpl->QueryInterface(riid, ppInterface);
+ return E_NOTIMPL;