path: root/src/debug/inc/dbgipcevents.h
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1 files changed, 2360 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/debug/inc/dbgipcevents.h b/src/debug/inc/dbgipcevents.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ace36e011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/debug/inc/dbgipcevents.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2360 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * DbgIPCEvents.h -- header file for private Debugger data shared by various
+ * debugger components.
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef _DbgIPCEvents_h_
+#define _DbgIPCEvents_h_
+#include <new.hpp>
+#include <cor.h>
+#include <cordebug.h>
+#include <corjit.h> // for ICorDebugInfo::VarLocType & VarLoc
+#include <specstrings.h>
+#include "dbgtargetcontext.h"
+// Get version numbers for IPCHeader stamp
+#include "ndpversion.h"
+#include "dbgappdomain.h"
+#include "./common.h"
+// V3 additions to IPC protocol between LS and RS.
+// Special Exception code for LS to communicate with RS.
+// LS will raise this exception to communicate managed debug events to the RS.
+// Exception codes can't use bit 0x10000000, that's reserved by OS.
+// This is exception argument 0 included in debugger notification events.
+// The debugger uses this as a sanity check.
+// This could be very volatile data that changes between builds.
+// Reasons for hijack.
+namespace EHijackReason
+ enum EHijackReason
+ {
+ kUnhandledException = 1,
+ kM2UHandoff = 2,
+ kFirstChanceSuspend = 3,
+ kGenericHijack = 4,
+ kMax
+ };
+ inline bool IsValid(EHijackReason value)
+ {
+ return (value > 0) && (value < kMax);
+ }
+// Versioning note:
+// This file describes the IPC communication protocol between the LS (mscorwks)
+// and the RS (mscordbi). For Desktop builds, it is private and can change on a
+// daily basis. The version of the LS will always match the version of the RS
+// (but see the discussion of CoreCLR below). They are like a single conceptual
+// DLL split across 2 processes.
+// The only restriction is that it should be flavor agnostic - so don't change
+// layout based off '#ifdef DEBUG'. This lets us drop a Debug flavor RS onto
+// a retail installation w/o any further installation woes. That's very useful
+// for debugging.
+// We want this available for DbgInterface.h - put it here.
+typedef enum
+} IpcTarget;
+// Names of the setup sync event and shared memory used for IPC between the Left Side and the Right Side. NOTE: these
+// names must include a %d for the process id. The process id used is the process id of the debuggee.
+#define CorDBIPCSetupSyncEventName W("CorDBIPCSetupSyncEvent_%d")
+// This define controls whether we always pass first chance exceptions to the in-process first chance hijack filter
+// during interop debugging or if we try to short-circuit and make the decision out-of-process as much as possible.
+#define CorDB_Short_Circuit_First_Chance_Ownership 1
+// Defines for current version numbers for the left and right sides
+#define CorDB_LeftSideProtocolCurrent 2
+#define CorDB_LeftSideProtocolMinSupported 2
+#define CorDB_RightSideProtocolCurrent 2
+#define CorDB_RightSideProtocolMinSupported 2
+// The remaining data structures in this file can be shared between two processes and for network transport
+// based debugging this can mean two different platforms as well. The two platforms that can share these
+// data structures must have identical layouts for them (each field must lie at the same offset and have the
+// same length). The MSLAYOUT macro should be applied to each structure to avoid any compiler packing differences.
+// DebuggerIPCRuntimeOffsets contains addresses and offsets of important global variables, functions, and fields in
+// Runtime objects. This is populated during Left Side initialization and is read by the Right Side. This struct is
+// mostly to facilitate unmanaged debugging support, but it may have some small uses for managed debugging.
+struct MSLAYOUT DebuggerIPCRuntimeOffsets
+ void *m_genericHijackFuncAddr;
+ void *m_signalHijackStartedBPAddr;
+ void *m_excepForRuntimeHandoffStartBPAddr;
+ void *m_excepForRuntimeHandoffCompleteBPAddr;
+ void *m_signalHijackCompleteBPAddr;
+ void *m_excepNotForRuntimeBPAddr;
+ void *m_notifyRSOfSyncCompleteBPAddr;
+ void *m_raiseExceptionAddr; // The address of kernel32!RaiseException in the debuggee
+ SIZE_T m_TLSIndex; // The TLS index the CLR is using to hold Thread objects
+ SIZE_T m_TLSIsSpecialIndex; // The index into the Predef block of the the "IsSpecial" status for a thread.
+ SIZE_T m_TLSCantStopIndex; // The index into the Predef block of the the Can't-Stop count.
+ SIZE_T m_TLSIndexOfPredefs; // The TLS index of the Predef block.
+ SIZE_T m_EEThreadStateOffset; // Offset of m_state in a Thread
+ SIZE_T m_EEThreadStateNCOffset; // Offset of m_stateNC in a Thread
+ SIZE_T m_EEThreadPGCDisabledOffset; // Offset of the bit for whether PGC is disabled or not in a Thread
+ DWORD m_EEThreadPGCDisabledValue; // Value at m_EEThreadPGCDisabledOffset that equals "PGC disabled".
+ SIZE_T m_EEThreadDebuggerWordOffset; // Offset of debugger word in a Thread
+ SIZE_T m_EEThreadFrameOffset; // Offset of the Frame ptr in a Thread
+ SIZE_T m_EEThreadMaxNeededSize; // Max memory to read to get what we need out of a Thread object
+ DWORD m_EEThreadSteppingStateMask; // Mask for Thread::TSNC_DebuggerIsStepping
+ DWORD m_EEMaxFrameValue; // The max Frame value
+ SIZE_T m_EEThreadDebuggerFilterContextOffset; // Offset of debugger's filter context within a Thread Object.
+ SIZE_T m_EEThreadCantStopOffset; // Offset of the can't stop count in a Thread
+ SIZE_T m_EEFrameNextOffset; // Offset of the next ptr in a Frame
+ DWORD m_EEIsManagedExceptionStateMask; // Mask for Thread::TSNC_DebuggerIsManagedException
+ void *m_pPatches; // Addr of patch table
+ BOOL *m_pPatchTableValid; // Addr of g_patchTableValid
+ SIZE_T m_offRgData; // Offset of m_pcEntries
+ SIZE_T m_offCData; // Offset of count of m_pcEntries
+ SIZE_T m_cbPatch; // Size per patch entry
+ SIZE_T m_offAddr; // Offset within patch of target addr
+ SIZE_T m_offOpcode; // Offset within patch of target opcode
+ SIZE_T m_cbOpcode; // Max size of opcode
+ SIZE_T m_offTraceType; // Offset of the trace.type within a patch
+ DWORD m_traceTypeUnmanaged; // TRACE_UNMANAGED
+ DebuggerIPCRuntimeOffsets()
+ {
+ ZeroMemory(this, sizeof(DebuggerIPCRuntimeOffsets));
+ }
+// The size of the send and receive IPC buffers.
+// These must be big enough to fit a DebuggerIPCEvent. Also, the bigger they are, the fewer events
+// it takes to send variable length stuff like the stack trace.
+// But for perf reasons, they need to be small enough to not just push us over a page boundary in an IPC block.
+// Unfortunately, there's a lot of other goo in the IPC block, so we can't use some clean formula. So we
+// have to resort to just tuning things.
+// When using a network transport rather than shared memory buffers CorDBIPC_BUFFER_SIZE is the upper bound
+// for a single DebuggerIPCEvent structure. This now relates to the maximal size of a network message and is
+// orthogonal to the host's page size. Because of this we defer definition of CorDBIPC_BUFFER_SIZE until we've
+// declared DebuggerIPCEvent at the end of this header (and we can do so because in the transport case there
+// aren't any embedded buffers in the DebuggerIPCControlBlock).
+#if defined(DBG_TARGET_X86) || defined(DBG_TARGET_ARM)
+#define CorDBIPC_BUFFER_SIZE (2088) // hand tuned to ensure that ipc block in IPCHeader.h fits in 1 page.
+#else // !_TARGET_X86_ && !_TARGET_ARM_
+// This is the size of a DebuggerIPCEvent. You will hit an assert in Cordb::Initialize() (DI\process.cpp)
+// if this is not defined correctly. AMD64 actually has a page size of 0x1000, not 0x2000.
+#define CorDBIPC_BUFFER_SIZE 4016 // (4016 + 6) * 2 + 148 = 8192 (two (DebuggerIPCEvent + alignment padding) +
+ // other fields = page size)
+// DebuggerIPCControlBlock describes the layout of the shared memory shared between the Left Side and the Right
+// Side. This includes error information, handles for the IPC channel, and space for the send/receive buffers.
+struct MSLAYOUT DebuggerIPCControlBlock
+ // Version data should be first in the control block to ensure that we can read it even if the control block
+ // changes.
+ SIZE_T m_DCBSize; // note this field is used as a semaphore to indicate the DCB is initialized
+ ULONG m_verMajor; // CLR build number for the Left Side.
+ ULONG m_verMinor; // CLR build number for the Left Side.
+ // This next stuff fits in a DWORD.
+ bool m_checkedBuild; // CLR build type for the Left Side.
+ // using the first padding byte to indicate if hosted in fiber mode.
+ // We actually just need one bit. So if needed, can turn this to a bit.
+ // BYTE padding1;
+ bool m_bHostingInFiber;
+ BYTE padding2;
+ BYTE padding3;
+ ULONG m_leftSideProtocolCurrent; // Current protocol version for the Left Side.
+ ULONG m_leftSideProtocolMinSupported; // Minimum protocol the Left Side can support.
+ ULONG m_rightSideProtocolCurrent; // Current protocol version for the Right Side.
+ ULONG m_rightSideProtocolMinSupported; // Minimum protocol the Right Side requires.
+ HRESULT m_errorHR;
+ unsigned int m_errorCode;
+#if defined(DBG_TARGET_WIN64)
+ // 64-bit needs this padding to make the handles after this aligned.
+ // But x86 can't have this padding b/c it breaks binary compatibility between v1.1 and v2.0.
+ ULONG padding4;
+#endif // DBG_TARGET_WIN64
+ RemoteHANDLE m_rightSideEventAvailable;
+ RemoteHANDLE m_rightSideEventRead;
+ // @dbgtodo inspection - this is where LSEA and LSER used to be. We need to the padding to maintain binary compatibility.
+ // Eventually, we expect to remove this whole block.
+ RemoteHANDLE m_paddingObsoleteLSEA;
+ RemoteHANDLE m_paddingObsoleteLSER;
+ RemoteHANDLE m_rightSideProcessHandle;
+ //.............................................................................
+ // Everything above this point must have the exact same binary layout as v1.1.
+ // See protocol details below.
+ //.............................................................................
+ RemoteHANDLE m_leftSideUnmanagedWaitEvent;
+ // This is set immediately when the helper thread is created.
+ // This will be set even if there's a temporary helper thread or if the real helper
+ // thread is not yet pumping (eg, blocked on a loader lock).
+ DWORD m_realHelperThreadId;
+ // This is only published once the helper thread starts running in its main loop.
+ // Thus we can use this field to see if the real helper thread is actually pumping.
+ DWORD m_helperThreadId;
+ // This is non-zero if the LS has a temporary helper thread.
+ DWORD m_temporaryHelperThreadId;
+ // ID of the Helper's canary thread.
+ DWORD m_CanaryThreadId;
+ DebuggerIPCRuntimeOffsets *m_pRuntimeOffsets;
+ void *m_helperThreadStartAddr;
+ void *m_helperRemoteStartAddr;
+ DWORD *m_specialThreadList;
+ BYTE m_receiveBuffer[CorDBIPC_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ BYTE m_sendBuffer[CorDBIPC_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ DWORD m_specialThreadListLength;
+ bool m_shutdownBegun;
+ bool m_rightSideIsWin32Debugger; // RS status
+ bool m_specialThreadListDirty;
+ bool m_rightSideShouldCreateHelperThread;
+ // NOTE The Init method works since there are no virtual functions - don't add any virtual functions without
+ // changing this!
+ // Only initialized by the LS, opened by the RS.
+ HANDLE rsea,
+ HANDLE rser,
+ HANDLE lsea,
+ HANDLE lser,
+ HANDLE lsuwe
+ );
+// We need an alternate definition for the control block if using the transport, because the control block has to be sent over the transport
+// In particular we can't nest the send/receive buffers inside of it and we don't use any of the remote handles
+struct MSLAYOUT DebuggerIPCControlBlockTransport
+ // Version data should be first in the control block to ensure that we can read it even if the control block
+ // changes.
+ SIZE_T m_DCBSize; // note this field is used as a semaphore to indicate the DCB is initialized
+ ULONG m_verMajor; // CLR build number for the Left Side.
+ ULONG m_verMinor; // CLR build number for the Left Side.
+ // This next stuff fits in a DWORD.
+ bool m_checkedBuild; // CLR build type for the Left Side.
+ // using the first padding byte to indicate if hosted in fiber mode.
+ // We actually just need one bit. So if needed, can turn this to a bit.
+ // BYTE padding1;
+ bool m_bHostingInFiber;
+ BYTE padding2;
+ BYTE padding3;
+ ULONG m_leftSideProtocolCurrent; // Current protocol version for the Left Side.
+ ULONG m_leftSideProtocolMinSupported; // Minimum protocol the Left Side can support.
+ ULONG m_rightSideProtocolCurrent; // Current protocol version for the Right Side.
+ ULONG m_rightSideProtocolMinSupported; // Minimum protocol the Right Side requires.
+ HRESULT m_errorHR;
+ unsigned int m_errorCode;
+#if defined(DBG_TARGET_WIN64)
+ // 64-bit needs this padding to make the handles after this aligned.
+ // But x86 can't have this padding b/c it breaks binary compatibility between v1.1 and v2.0.
+ ULONG padding4;
+#endif // DBG_TARGET_WIN64
+ // This is set immediately when the helper thread is created.
+ // This will be set even if there's a temporary helper thread or if the real helper
+ // thread is not yet pumping (eg, blocked on a loader lock).
+ DWORD m_realHelperThreadId;
+ // This is only published once the helper thread starts running in its main loop.
+ // Thus we can use this field to see if the real helper thread is actually pumping.
+ DWORD m_helperThreadId;
+ // This is non-zero if the LS has a temporary helper thread.
+ DWORD m_temporaryHelperThreadId;
+ // ID of the Helper's canary thread.
+ DWORD m_CanaryThreadId;
+ DebuggerIPCRuntimeOffsets *m_pRuntimeOffsets;
+ void *m_helperThreadStartAddr;
+ void *m_helperRemoteStartAddr;
+ DWORD *m_specialThreadList;
+ DWORD m_specialThreadListLength;
+ bool m_shutdownBegun;
+ bool m_rightSideIsWin32Debugger; // RS status
+ bool m_specialThreadListDirty;
+ bool m_rightSideShouldCreateHelperThread;
+ // NOTE The Init method works since there are no virtual functions - don't add any virtual functions without
+ // changing this!
+ // Only initialized by the LS, opened by the RS.
+ HRESULT Init();
+#include "dbgtransportsession.h"
+#if defined(DBG_TARGET_X86) && !defined(FEATURE_CORESYSTEM)
+// We have an versioning requirement.
+// Certain portions of the v1.0 and v1.1 IPC block are shared. This is b/c a v1.1 debugger needs to be able
+// to look at a v2.0 app enough to recognize the version mismatch.
+// This check is only necessary for platforms that ran on v1.1 (Win32-x86)
+// Just to catch any potential illegal change in the IPC block, we assert the offsets against the offsets from v1.1.
+// The constants here are pulled from v1.1.
+// The RS will look at these versioning fields, so they absolutely must line up.
+static_assert_no_msg(offsetof(DebuggerIPCControlBlock, m_leftSideProtocolCurrent) == 0x10);
+static_assert_no_msg(offsetof(DebuggerIPCControlBlock, m_leftSideProtocolMinSupported) == 0x14);
+static_assert_no_msg(offsetof(DebuggerIPCControlBlock, m_rightSideProtocolCurrent) == 0x18);
+static_assert_no_msg(offsetof(DebuggerIPCControlBlock, m_rightSideProtocolMinSupported) == 0x1c);
+// Unfortunately, on detecting such failure, v1.1 will also null out LSEA, LSER and RSPH.
+// If these get adjusted, a version-mismatch attach will effectively null out random fields.
+static_assert_no_msg(offsetof(DebuggerIPCControlBlock, m_paddingObsoleteLSEA) == 0x30);
+static_assert_no_msg(offsetof(DebuggerIPCControlBlock, m_paddingObsoleteLSER) == 0x34);
+static_assert_no_msg(offsetof(DebuggerIPCControlBlock, m_rightSideProcessHandle) == 0x38);
+// Provide some Type-safety in the IPC block when we pass remote pointers around.
+// This is the same in both the LS & RS.
+// Definitions on the LS & RS should be binary compatible. So all storage is
+// declared in GeneralLsPointer, and then the Ls & RS each have their own
+// derived accessors.
+class MSLAYOUT GeneralLsPointer
+ friend ULONG_PTR LsPtrToCookie(GeneralLsPointer p);
+ void * m_ptr;
+ bool IsNull() { return m_ptr == NULL; }
+class MSLAYOUT GeneralRsPointer
+ UINT m_data;
+ bool IsNull() { return m_data == 0; }
+// In some cases, we need to get a uuid from a pointer (ie, in a hash)
+inline ULONG_PTR LsPtrToCookie(GeneralLsPointer p) {
+ return (ULONG_PTR) p.m_ptr;
+#define VmPtrToCookie(vm) LsPtrToCookie((vm).ToLsPtr())
+// Infrasturcture for RS Definitions
+// On the RS, we don't have the LS classes defined, so we can't templatize that
+// in terms of <class T>, but we still want things to be unique.
+// So we create an empty enum for each LS type and then templatize it in terms
+// of the enum.
+template <typename T>
+class MSLAYOUT LsPointer : public GeneralLsPointer
+ void Set(void * p)
+ {
+ m_ptr = p;
+ }
+ void * UnsafeGet()
+ {
+ return m_ptr;
+ }
+ static LsPointer<T> NullPtr()
+ {
+ return MakePtr(NULL);
+ }
+ static LsPointer<T> MakePtr(T* p)
+ {
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable:6001) // PREfast warning: Using uninitialize memory 't'
+#endif // _PREFAST_
+ LsPointer<T> t;
+ t.Set(p);
+ return t;
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif // _PREFAST_
+ }
+ bool operator!= (void * p) { return m_ptr != p; }
+ bool operator== (void * p) { return m_ptr == p; }
+ bool operator==(LsPointer<T> p) { return p.m_ptr == this->m_ptr; }
+ // We should never UnWrap() them in the RS, so we don't define that here.
+class CordbProcess;
+template <class T> UINT AllocCookie(CordbProcess * pProc, T * p);
+template <class T> T * UnwrapCookie(CordbProcess * pProc, UINT cookie);
+UINT AllocCookieCordbEval(CordbProcess * pProc, class CordbEval * p);
+class CordbEval * UnwrapCookieCordbEval(CordbProcess * pProc, UINT cookie);
+template <class CordbEval> UINT AllocCookie(CordbProcess * pProc, CordbEval * p)
+ return AllocCookieCordbEval(pProc, p);
+template <class CordbEval> CordbEval * UnwrapCookie(CordbProcess * pProc, UINT cookie)
+ return UnwrapCookieCordbEval(pProc, cookie);
+// This is how the RS sees the pointers in the IPC block.
+template<class T>
+class MSLAYOUT RsPointer : public GeneralRsPointer
+ // Since we're being used inside a union, we can't have a ctor.
+ static RsPointer<T> NullPtr()
+ {
+ RsPointer<T> t;
+ t.m_data = 0;
+ return t;
+ }
+ bool AllocHandle(CordbProcess *pProc, T* p)
+ {
+ // This will force validation.
+ m_data = AllocCookie<T>(pProc, p);
+ return (m_data != 0);
+ }
+ bool operator==(RsPointer<T> p) { return p.m_data == this->m_data; }
+ T* UnWrapAndRemove(CordbProcess *pProc)
+ {
+ return UnwrapCookie<T>(pProc, m_data);
+ }
+// Forward declare a class so that each type of LS pointer can have
+// its own type. We use the real class name to be compatible with VMPTRs.
+#define DEFINE_LSPTR_TYPE(ls_type, ptr_name) \
+ ls_type; \
+ typedef LsPointer<ls_type> ptr_name;
+#define DEFINE_RSPTR_TYPE(rs_type, ptr_name) \
+ class rs_type; \
+ typedef RsPointer<rs_type> ptr_name;
+// Infrastructure for LS Definitions
+// This is how the LS sees the pointers in the IPC block.
+template<typename T>
+class MSLAYOUT LsPointer : public GeneralLsPointer
+ // Since we're being used inside a union, we can't have a ctor.
+ //LsPointer() { }
+ static LsPointer<T> NullPtr()
+ {
+ return MakePtr(NULL);
+ }
+ static LsPointer<T> MakePtr(T * p)
+ {
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable:6001) // PREfast warning: Using uninitialize memory 't'
+#endif // _PREFAST_
+ LsPointer<T> t;
+ t.Set(p);
+ return t;
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif // _PREFAST_
+ }
+ bool operator!= (void * p) { return m_ptr != p; }
+ bool operator== (void * p) { return m_ptr == p; }
+ bool operator==(LsPointer<T> p) { return p.m_ptr == this->m_ptr; }
+ // @todo - we want to be able to swap out Set + Unwrap functions
+ void Set(T * p)
+ {
+ // We could validate the pointer here.
+ m_ptr = p;
+ }
+ T * UnWrap()
+ {
+ // If we wanted to validate the pointer, here's our chance.
+ return static_cast<T*>(m_ptr);
+ }
+template <class n>
+class MSLAYOUT RsPointer : public GeneralRsPointer
+ static RsPointer<n> NullPtr()
+ {
+ RsPointer<n> t;
+ t.m_data = 0;
+ return t;
+ }
+ bool operator==(RsPointer<n> p) { return p.m_data == this->m_data; }
+ // We should never UnWrap() them in the LS, so we don't define that here.
+#define DEFINE_LSPTR_TYPE(ls_type, ptr_name) \
+ ls_type; \
+ typedef LsPointer<ls_type> ptr_name;
+#define DEFINE_RSPTR_TYPE(rs_type, ptr_name) \
+ enum __RS__##rs_type { }; \
+ typedef RsPointer<__RS__##rs_type> ptr_name;
+// We must be binary compatible w/ a pointer.
+static_assert_no_msg(sizeof(LsPointer<void>) == sizeof(GeneralLsPointer));
+static_assert_no_msg(sizeof(void*) == sizeof(GeneralLsPointer));
+// Definitions for Left-Side ptrs.
+// NOTE: Use VMPTR instead of LSPTR. Don't add new LSPTR types.
+DEFINE_LSPTR_TYPE(class DebuggerJitInfo, LSPTR_DJI);
+DEFINE_LSPTR_TYPE(class DebuggerMethodInfo, LSPTR_DMI);
+// Need to be careful not to annoy the compiler here since DT_CONTEXT is a typedef, not a struct.
+#if defined(RIGHT_SIDE_COMPILE)
+DEFINE_LSPTR_TYPE(class TypeHandleDummyPtr, LSPTR_TYPEHANDLE); // TypeHandle in the LS is not a direct pointer.
+// Definitions for Right-Side ptrs.
+// VMPTR_Base is the base type for an abstraction over pointers into the VM so
+// that DBI can treat them as opaque handles. Classes will derive from it to
+// provide type-safe Target pointers, which ICD will view as opaque handles.
+// Lifetimes:
+// VMPTR_ objects survive across flushing the DAC cache. Therefore, the underlying
+// storage must be a target-pointer (and not a marshalled host pointer).
+// The RS must ensure they're still in sync with the LS (eg, by
+// tracking unload events).
+// Assumptions:
+// These handles are TADDR pointers and must not require any cleanup from DAC/DBI.
+// For direct untyped pointers into the VM, use CORDB_ADDRESS.
+// Notes:
+// 1. This helps enforce that DBI goes through the primitives interface
+// for all access (and that it doesn't accidentally start calling
+// dac-ized methods on the objects)
+// 2. This isolates DBI from VM headers.
+// 3. This isolates DBI from the dac implementation (of DAC_Ptr)
+// 4. This is distinct from LSPTR because LSPTRs are truly opaque handles, whereas VMPtrs
+// move across VM, DAC, and DBI, exposing proper functionality in each component.
+// 5. VMPTRs are blittable because they are Target Addresses which act as opaque
+// handles outside of the Target / Dac-marshaller.
+template <typename TTargetPtr, typename TDacPtr>
+ // Underlying pointer into Target address space.
+ // Target pointers are blittable.
+ // - In Target: can be used as normal local pointers.
+ // - In DAC: must be marshalled to a host-pointer and then they can be used via DAC
+ // - In RS: opaque handles.
+ TADDR m_addr;
+ typedef VMPTR_Base<TTargetPtr,TDacPtr> VMPTR_This;
+ // For DBI, VMPTRs are opaque handles.
+ // But the DAC side is allowed to inspect the handles to get at the raw pointer.
+#if defined(ALLOW_VMPTR_ACCESS)
+ //
+ // Case 1: Using in DAcDbi implementation
+ //
+ // DAC accessor
+ TDacPtr GetDacPtr() const
+ {
+ return TDacPtr(m_addr);
+ }
+ // This will initialize the handle to a given target-pointer.
+ // We choose TADDR to make it explicit that it's a target pointer and avoid the risk
+ // of it accidentally getting marshalled to a host pointer.
+ void SetDacTargetPtr(TADDR addr)
+ {
+ m_addr = addr;
+ }
+ void SetHostPtr(const TTargetPtr * pObject)
+ {
+ m_addr = PTR_HOST_TO_TADDR(pObject);
+ }
+#elif !defined(RIGHT_SIDE_COMPILE)
+ //
+ // Case 2: Used in Left-side. Can get/set from local pointers.
+ //
+ // This will set initialize from a Target pointer. Since this is happening in the
+ // Left-side (Target), the pointer is local.
+ // This is commonly used by the Left-side to create a VMPTR_ for a notification event.
+ void SetRawPtr(TTargetPtr * ptr)
+ {
+ m_addr = reinterpret_cast<TADDR>(ptr);
+ }
+ // This will get the raw underlying target pointer.
+ // This can be used by inproc Left-side code to unwrap a VMPTR (Eg, for a func-eval
+ // hijack or in-proc worker threads)
+ TTargetPtr * GetRawPtr()
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<TTargetPtr*>(m_addr);
+ }
+ // Convenience for converting TTargetPtr --> VMPTR
+ static VMPTR_This MakePtr(TTargetPtr * ptr)
+ {
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable:6001) // PREfast warning: Using uninitialize memory 't'
+#endif // _PREFAST_
+ VMPTR_This t;
+ t.SetRawPtr(ptr);
+ return t;
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif // _PREFAST_
+ }
+ //
+ // Case 3: Used in RS. Opaque handles only.
+ //
+ // For compatibility, these can be converted to LSPTRs on the RS or LS (case 2 and 3). We don't allow
+ // this in the DAC case because it's a cast between address spaces which we're trying to eliminate
+ // in the DAC code.
+ // @dbgtodo inspection: LSPTRs will go away entirely once we've moved completely over to DAC
+ LsPointer<TTargetPtr> ToLsPtr()
+ {
+ return LsPointer<TTargetPtr>::MakePtr( reinterpret_cast<TTargetPtr *>(m_addr));
+ }
+ //
+ // Operators to emulate Pointer semantics.
+ //
+ bool IsNull() { SUPPORTS_DAC; return m_addr == NULL; }
+ static VMPTR_This NullPtr()
+ {
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable:6001) // PREfast warning: Using uninitialize memory 't'
+#endif // _PREFAST_
+ VMPTR_This dummy;
+ dummy.m_addr = NULL;
+ return dummy;
+#ifdef _PREFAST_
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif // _PREFAST_
+ }
+ bool operator!= (VMPTR_This vmOther) const { SUPPORTS_DAC; return this->m_addr != vmOther.m_addr; }
+ bool operator== (VMPTR_This vmOther) const { SUPPORTS_DAC; return this->m_addr == vmOther.m_addr; }
+#if defined(ALLOW_VMPTR_ACCESS)
+// Helper macro to define a VMPTR.
+// This is used in the DAC case, so this definition connects the pointers up to their DAC values.
+#define DEFINE_VMPTR(ls_type, dac_ptr_type, ptr_name) \
+ ls_type; \
+ typedef VMPTR_Base<ls_type, dac_ptr_type> ptr_name;
+// Helper macro to define a VMPTR.
+// This is used in the Right-side and Left-side (but not DAC) case.
+// This definition explicitly ignores dac_ptr_type to prevent accidental DAC usage.
+#define DEFINE_VMPTR(ls_type, dac_ptr_type, ptr_name) \
+ ls_type; \
+ typedef VMPTR_Base<ls_type, void> ptr_name;
+// Declare VMPTRs.
+// The naming convention for instantiating a VMPTR is a 'vm' prefix.
+// VM definition, DAC definition, pretty name for VMPTR
+DEFINE_VMPTR(class AppDomain, PTR_AppDomain, VMPTR_AppDomain);
+// Need to be careful not to annoy the compiler here since DT_CONTEXT is a typedef, not a struct.
+#if defined(ALLOW_VMPTR_ACCESS)
+// DomainFile is a base-class for a CLR module, with app-domain affinity.
+// For domain-neutral modules (like mscorlib), there is a DomainFile instance
+// for each appdomain the module lives in.
+// This is the canonical handle ICorDebug uses to a CLR module.
+DEFINE_VMPTR(class DomainFile, PTR_DomainFile, VMPTR_DomainFile);
+DEFINE_VMPTR(class Module, PTR_Module, VMPTR_Module);
+// DomainAssembly derives from DomainFile and represents a manifest module.
+DEFINE_VMPTR(class DomainAssembly, PTR_DomainAssembly, VMPTR_DomainAssembly);
+DEFINE_VMPTR(class Assembly, PTR_Assembly, VMPTR_Assembly);
+DEFINE_VMPTR(class MethodDesc, PTR_MethodDesc, VMPTR_MethodDesc);
+DEFINE_VMPTR(class FieldDesc, PTR_FieldDesc, VMPTR_FieldDesc);
+// ObjectHandle is a safe way to represent an object into the GC heap. It gets updated
+// when a GC occurs.
+DEFINE_VMPTR(class TypeHandle, PTR_TypeHandle, VMPTR_TypeHandle);
+// A VMPTR_Thread represents a thread that has entered the runtime at some point.
+// It may or may not have executed managed code yet; and it may or may not have managed code
+// on its callstack.
+DEFINE_VMPTR(class Thread, PTR_Thread, VMPTR_Thread);
+DEFINE_VMPTR(class Object, PTR_Object, VMPTR_Object);
+DEFINE_VMPTR(class CrstBase, PTR_Crst, VMPTR_Crst);
+DEFINE_VMPTR(class SimpleRWLock, PTR_SimpleRWLock, VMPTR_SimpleRWLock);
+DEFINE_VMPTR(class SimpleRWLock, PTR_SimpleRWLock, VMPTR_RWLock);
+DEFINE_VMPTR(struct ReJitInfo, PTR_ReJitInfo, VMPTR_ReJitInfo);
+DEFINE_VMPTR(struct SharedReJitInfo, PTR_SharedReJitInfo, VMPTR_SharedReJitInfo);
+// We pass some fixed size strings in the IPC block.
+// Helper class to wrap the buffer and protect against buffer overflows.
+// This should be binary compatible w/ a wchar[] array.
+template <int nMaxLengthIncludingNull>
+class MSLAYOUT EmbeddedIPCString
+ // Set, caller responsibility that wcslen(pData) < nMaxLengthIncludingNull
+ void SetString(const WCHAR * pData)
+ {
+ // If the string doesn't fit into the buffer, that's an issue (and so this is a real
+ // assert, not just a simplifying assumption). To fix it, either:
+ // - make the buffer larger
+ // - don't pass the string as an embedded string in the IPC block.
+ // This will truncate (rather than AV on the RS).
+ int ret;
+ ret = SafeCopy(pData);
+ // See comment above - caller should guarantee that buffer is large enough.
+ }
+ // Set a string from a substring. This will truncate if necessary.
+ void SetStringTruncate(const WCHAR * pData)
+ {
+ // ignore return value because truncation is ok.
+ SafeCopy(pData);
+ }
+ const WCHAR * GetString()
+ {
+ // For a null-termination just in case an issue in the debuggee process
+ // yields a malformed string.
+ m_data[nMaxLengthIncludingNull - 1] = W('\0');
+ return &m_data[0];
+ }
+ int GetMaxSize() const { return nMaxLengthIncludingNull; }
+ int SafeCopy(const WCHAR * pData)
+ {
+ return wcsncpy_s(
+ m_data, nMaxLengthIncludingNull,
+ pData, _TRUNCATE);
+ }
+ WCHAR m_data[nMaxLengthIncludingNull];
+// Types of events that can be sent between the Runtime Controller and
+// the Debugger Interface. Some of these events are one way only, while
+// others go both ways. The grouping of the event numbers is an attempt
+// to show this distinction and perhaps even allow generic operations
+// based on the type of the event.
+enum DebuggerIPCEventType
+#define IPC_EVENT_TYPE0(type, val) type = val,
+#define IPC_EVENT_TYPE1(type, val) type = val,
+#define IPC_EVENT_TYPE2(type, val) type = val,
+#include "dbgipceventtypes.h"
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+// This is a static debugging structure to help breaking at the right place.
+// Debug only. This is to track the number of events that have been happened so far.
+// User can choose to set break point base on the number of events.
+// Variables are named as the event name with prefix m_iDebugCount. For example
+// m_iDebugCount_DB_IPCE_BREAKPOINT if for event DB_IPCE_BREAKPOINT.
+struct MSLAYOUT DebugEventCounter
+// we don't need the event type 0
+#define IPC_EVENT_TYPE0(type, val)
+#define IPC_EVENT_TYPE1(type, val) int m_iDebugCount_##type;
+#define IPC_EVENT_TYPE2(type, val) int m_iDebugCount_##type;
+#include "dbgipceventtypes.h"
+#endif // _DEBUG
+#if !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE)
+struct MSLAYOUT IPCEventTypeNameMapping
+ {
+ DebuggerIPCEventType eventType;
+ const char * eventName;
+extern const IPCEventTypeNameMapping DECLSPEC_SELECTANY DbgIPCEventTypeNames[] =
+ #define IPC_EVENT_TYPE0(type, val) { type, #type },
+ #define IPC_EVENT_TYPE1(type, val) { type, #type },
+ #define IPC_EVENT_TYPE2(type, val) { type, #type },
+ #include "dbgipceventtypes.h"
+ #undef IPC_EVENT_TYPE2
+ #undef IPC_EVENT_TYPE1
+ #undef IPC_EVENT_TYPE0
+const size_t nameCount = sizeof(DbgIPCEventTypeNames) / sizeof(DbgIPCEventTypeNames[0]);
+struct MSLAYOUT IPCENames // We use a class/struct so that the function can remain in a shared header file
+ static const DebuggerIPCEventType GetEventType(__in_z char * strEventType)
+ {
+ // pass in the string of event name and find the matching enum value
+ // This is a linear search which is pretty slow. However, this is only used
+ // at startup time when debug assert is turn on and with registry key set. So it is not that bad.
+ //
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < nameCount; i++)
+ {
+ if (_stricmp(DbgIPCEventTypeNames[i].eventName, strEventType) == 0)
+ return DbgIPCEventTypeNames[i].eventType;
+ }
+ }
+ static const char * GetName(DebuggerIPCEventType eventType)
+ {
+ enum DbgIPCEventTypeNum
+ {
+ #define IPC_EVENT_TYPE0(type, val) type##_Num,
+ #define IPC_EVENT_TYPE1(type, val) type##_Num,
+ #define IPC_EVENT_TYPE2(type, val) type##_Num,
+ #include "dbgipceventtypes.h"
+ #undef IPC_EVENT_TYPE2
+ #undef IPC_EVENT_TYPE1
+ #undef IPC_EVENT_TYPE0
+ };
+ unsigned int i, lim;
+ if (eventType < DB_IPCE_DEBUGGER_FIRST)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lim = nameCount;
+ }
+ for (/**/; i < lim; i++)
+ {
+ if (DbgIPCEventTypeNames[i].eventType == eventType)
+ return DbgIPCEventTypeNames[i].eventName;
+ }
+ return DbgIPCEventTypeNames[nameCount - 1].eventName;
+ }
+// NOTE: CPU-specific values below!
+// DebuggerREGDISPLAY is very similar to the EE REGDISPLAY structure. It holds
+// register values that can be saved over calls for each frame in a stack
+// trace.
+// DebuggerIPCE_FloatCount is the number of doubles in the processor's
+// floating point stack.
+// <TODO>Note: We used to just pass the values of the registers for each frame to the Right Side, but I had to add in the
+// address of each register, too, to support using enregistered variables on non-leaf frames as args to a func eval. Its
+// very, very possible that we would rework the entire code base to just use the register's address instead of passing
+// both, but its way, way too late in V1 to undertake that, so I'm just using these addresses to suppport our one func
+// eval case. Clearly, this needs to be cleaned up post V1.
+// -- Fri Feb 09 11:21:24 2001</TODO>
+#if defined(DBG_TARGET_X86)
+ #define DebuggerIPCE_FloatCount 8
+ SIZE_T Edi;
+ void *pEdi;
+ SIZE_T Esi;
+ void *pEsi;
+ SIZE_T Ebx;
+ void *pEbx;
+ SIZE_T Edx;
+ void *pEdx;
+ SIZE_T Ecx;
+ void *pEcx;
+ SIZE_T Eax;
+ void *pEax;
+ void *pFP;
+#elif defined(DBG_TARGET_AMD64)
+ #define DebuggerIPCE_FloatCount 16
+ SIZE_T Rax;
+ void *pRax;
+ SIZE_T Rcx;
+ void *pRcx;
+ SIZE_T Rdx;
+ void *pRdx;
+ SIZE_T Rbx;
+ void *pRbx;
+ SIZE_T Rbp;
+ void *pRbp;
+ SIZE_T Rsi;
+ void *pRsi;
+ SIZE_T Rdi;
+ void *pRdi;
+ SIZE_T R8;
+ void *pR8;
+ SIZE_T R9;
+ void *pR9;
+ SIZE_T R10;
+ void *pR10;
+ SIZE_T R11;
+ void *pR11;
+ SIZE_T R12;
+ void *pR12;
+ SIZE_T R13;
+ void *pR13;
+ SIZE_T R14;
+ void *pR14;
+ SIZE_T R15;
+ void *pR15;
+#elif defined(DBG_TARGET_ARM)
+ #define DebuggerIPCE_FloatCount 32
+ SIZE_T R0;
+ void *pR0;
+ SIZE_T R1;
+ void *pR1;
+ SIZE_T R2;
+ void *pR2;
+ SIZE_T R3;
+ void *pR3;
+ SIZE_T R4;
+ void *pR4;
+ SIZE_T R5;
+ void *pR5;
+ SIZE_T R6;
+ void *pR6;
+ SIZE_T R7;
+ void *pR7;
+ SIZE_T R8;
+ void *pR8;
+ SIZE_T R9;
+ void *pR9;
+ SIZE_T R10;
+ void *pR10;
+ SIZE_T R11;
+ void *pR11;
+ SIZE_T R12;
+ void *pR12;
+ void *pSP;
+ void *pLR;
+ void *pPC;
+#elif defined(DBG_TARGET_ARM64)
+ #define DebuggerIPCE_FloatCount 32
+ SIZE_T X[29];
+ #define DebuggerIPCE_FloatCount 1
+ void *pFP;
+inline LPVOID GetSPAddress(const DebuggerREGDISPLAY * display)
+ return (LPVOID)&display->SP;
+#if !defined(DBG_TARGET_AMD64) && !defined(DBG_TARGET_ARM)
+inline LPVOID GetFPAddress(const DebuggerREGDISPLAY * display)
+ return (LPVOID)&display->FP;
+#endif // !DBG_TARGET_AMD64
+class MSLAYOUT FramePointer
+friend bool IsCloserToLeaf(FramePointer fp1, FramePointer fp2);
+friend bool IsCloserToRoot(FramePointer fp1, FramePointer fp2);
+friend bool IsEqualOrCloserToLeaf(FramePointer fp1, FramePointer fp2);
+friend bool IsEqualOrCloserToRoot(FramePointer fp1, FramePointer fp2);
+ static FramePointer MakeFramePointer(LPVOID sp)
+ {
+ FramePointer fp;
+ fp.m_sp = sp;
+ return fp;
+ }
+ static FramePointer MakeFramePointer(UINT_PTR sp)
+ {
+ return MakeFramePointer((LPVOID)sp);
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(FramePointer fp)
+ {
+ return (m_sp == fp.m_sp);
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(FramePointer fp)
+ {
+ return !(*this == fp);
+ }
+ // This is needed because on the RS, the m_id values of CordbFrame and
+ // CordbChain are really FramePointers.
+ LPVOID GetSPValue() const
+ {
+ return m_sp;
+ }
+ // Declare some private constructors which signatures matching common usage of FramePointer
+ // to prevent people from accidentally assigning a pointer to a FramePointer().
+ FramePointer &operator=(LPVOID sp);
+ FramePointer &operator=(BYTE* sp);
+ FramePointer &operator=(const BYTE* sp);
+ LPVOID m_sp;
+// For non-IA64 platforms, we use stack pointers as frame pointers.
+// (Stack grows towards smaller address.)
+#define LEAF_MOST_FRAME FramePointer::MakeFramePointer((LPVOID)NULL)
+#define ROOT_MOST_FRAME FramePointer::MakeFramePointer((LPVOID)-1)
+static_assert_no_msg(sizeof(FramePointer) == sizeof(void*));
+inline bool IsCloserToLeaf(FramePointer fp1, FramePointer fp2)
+ return (fp1.m_sp < fp2.m_sp);
+inline bool IsCloserToRoot(FramePointer fp1, FramePointer fp2)
+ return (fp1.m_sp > fp2.m_sp);
+inline bool IsEqualOrCloserToLeaf(FramePointer fp1, FramePointer fp2)
+ return !IsCloserToRoot(fp1, fp2);
+inline bool IsEqualOrCloserToRoot(FramePointer fp1, FramePointer fp2)
+ return !IsCloserToLeaf(fp1, fp2);
+// struct DebuggerIPCE_FuncData: DebuggerIPCE_FuncData holds data
+// to describe a given function, its
+// class, and a little bit about the code for the function. This is used
+// in the stack trace result data to pass function information back that
+// may be needed. Its also used when getting data about a specific function.
+// void* nativeStartAddressPtr: Ptr to CORDB_ADDRESS, which is
+// the address of the real start address of the native code.
+// This field will be NULL only if the method hasn't been JITted
+// yet (and thus no code is available). Otherwise, it will be
+// the adress of a CORDB_ADDRESS in the remote memory. This
+// CORDB_ADDRESS may be NULL, in which case the code is unavailable
+// has been pitched (return CORDBG_E_CODE_NOT_AVAILABLE)
+// SIZE_T nVersion: The version of the code that this instance of the
+// function is using.
+struct MSLAYOUT DebuggerIPCE_FuncData
+ mdMethodDef funcMetadataToken;
+ VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile;
+ mdTypeDef classMetadataToken;
+ void* ilStartAddress;
+ SIZE_T ilSize;
+ SIZE_T currentEnCVersion;
+ mdSignature localVarSigToken;
+// struct DebuggerIPCE_JITFuncData: DebuggerIPCE_JITFuncData holds
+// a little bit about the JITted code for the function.
+// void* nativeStartAddressPtr: Ptr to CORDB_ADDRESS, which is
+// the address of the real start address of the native code.
+// This field will be NULL only if the method hasn't been JITted
+// yet (and thus no code is available). Otherwise, it will be
+// the address of a CORDB_ADDRESS in the remote memory. This
+// CORDB_ADDRESS may be NULL, in which case the code is unavailable
+// or has been pitched (return CORDBG_E_CODE_NOT_AVAILABLE)
+// SIZE_T nativeSize: Size of the native code.
+// SIZE_T nativeOffset: Offset from the beginning of the function,
+// in bytes. This may be non-zero even when nativeStartAddressPtr
+// is NULL
+// void * nativeCodeJITInfoToken: An opaque value to hand back to the left
+// side when fetching the JITInfo for the native code, i.e. the
+// IL->native maps for the variables. This may be NULL if no JITInfo is available.
+// void * nativeCodeMethodDescToken: An opaque value to hand back to the left
+// side when fetching the code. In addition this token can act as the
+// unique identity for the native code in the case where there are
+// multiple blobs of native code per IL method (i.e. if the method is
+// generic code of some kind)
+// BOOL isInstantiatedGeneric: Indicates if the method is
+// generic code of some kind.
+// BOOL jsutAfterILThrow: indicates that code just threw a software exception and
+// nativeOffset points to an instruction just after [call IL_Throw].
+// This is being used to figure out a real offset of the exception origin.
+// By subtracting STACKWALK_CONTROLPC_ADJUST_OFFSET from nativeOffset you can get
+// an address somewhere inside [call IL_Throw] instruction.
+// void *ilToNativeMapAddr etc.: If nativeCodeJITInfoToken is not NULL then these
+// specify the table giving the mapping of IPs.
+struct MSLAYOUT DebuggerIPCE_JITFuncData
+ TADDR nativeStartAddressPtr;
+ SIZE_T nativeHotSize;
+ // If we have a cold region, need its size & the pointer to where starts.
+ TADDR nativeStartAddressColdPtr;
+ SIZE_T nativeColdSize;
+ SIZE_T nativeOffset;
+ LSPTR_DJI nativeCodeJITInfoToken;
+ VMPTR_MethodDesc vmNativeCodeMethodDescToken;
+#if defined(DBG_TARGET_WIN64) || defined(DBG_TARGET_ARM)
+ BOOL fIsFilterFrame;
+ SIZE_T parentNativeOffset;
+ FramePointer fpParentOrSelf;
+ // indicates if the MethodDesc is a generic function or a method inside a generic class (or
+ // both!).
+ BOOL isInstantiatedGeneric;
+ // this is the version of the jitted code
+ SIZE_T enCVersion;
+ BOOL jsutAfterILThrow;
+// DebuggerIPCE_STRData holds data for each stack frame or chain. This data is passed
+// from the RC to the DI during a stack walk.
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#pragma warning( push )
+#pragma warning( disable:4324 ) // the compiler pads a structure to comply with alignment requirements
+#endif // ARM context structures have a 16-byte alignment requirement
+struct MSLAYOUT DebuggerIPCE_STRData
+ FramePointer fp;
+ // @dbgtodo stackwalker/shim- Ideally we should be able to get rid of the DebuggerREGDISPLAY and just use the CONTEXT.
+ DebuggerREGDISPLAY rd;
+ bool quicklyUnwound;
+ VMPTR_AppDomain vmCurrentAppDomainToken;
+ enum EType
+ {
+ cMethodFrame = 0,
+ cChain,
+ cStubFrame,
+ cRuntimeNativeFrame
+ } eType;
+ union MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ // Data for a chain
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ CorDebugChainReason chainReason;
+ bool managed;
+ } u;
+ // Data for a Method
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ struct DebuggerIPCE_FuncData funcData;
+ struct DebuggerIPCE_JITFuncData jitFuncData;
+ SIZE_T ILOffset;
+ CorDebugMappingResult mapping;
+ bool fVarArgs;
+ // Indicates whether the managed method has any metadata.
+ // Some dynamic methods such as IL stubs and LCG methods don't have any metadata.
+ // This is used only by the V3 stackwalker, not the V2 one, because we only
+ // expose dynamic methods as real stack frames in V3.
+ bool fNoMetadata;
+ TADDR taAmbientESP;
+ GENERICS_TYPE_TOKEN exactGenericArgsToken;
+ DWORD dwExactGenericArgsTokenIndex;
+ } v;
+ // Data for an Stub Frame.
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ mdMethodDef funcMetadataToken;
+ VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile;
+ VMPTR_MethodDesc vmMethodDesc;
+ CorDebugInternalFrameType frameType;
+ } stubFrame;
+ };
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#pragma warning( pop )
+// DebuggerIPCE_BasicTypeData and DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData
+// hold data for each type sent across the
+// boundary, whether it be a constructed type List<String> or a non-constructed
+// type such as String, Foo or Object.
+// Logically speaking DebuggerIPCE_BasicTypeData might just be "typeHandle", as
+// we could then send further events to ask what the elementtype, typeToken and moduleToken
+// are for the type handle. But as
+// nearly all types are non-generic we send across even the basic type information in
+// the slightly expanded form shown below, sending the element type and the
+// tokens with the type handle itself. The fields debuggerModuleToken, metadataToken and typeHandle
+// are only used as follows:
+// elementType debuggerModuleToken metadataToken typeHandle
+// E_T_INT8 : E_T_INT8 No No No
+// Boxed E_T_INT8: E_T_CLASS No No No
+// E_T_CLASS, non-generic class: E_T_CLASS Yes Yes No
+// E_T_VALUETYPE, non-generic: E_T_VALUETYPE Yes Yes No
+// E_T_CLASS, generic class: E_T_CLASS Yes Yes Yes
+// E_T_VALUETYPE, generic class: E_T_VALUETYPE Yes Yes Yes
+// E_T_BYREF : E_T_BYREF No No Yes
+// E_T_PTR : E_T_PTR No No Yes
+// E_T_ARRAY etc. : E_T_ARRAY No No Yes
+// E_T_FNPTR etc. : E_T_FNPTR No No Yes
+// This allows us to always set "typeHandle" to NULL except when dealing with highly nested
+// types or function-pointer types (the latter are too complexe to transfer over in one hit).
+struct MSLAYOUT DebuggerIPCE_BasicTypeData
+ CorElementType elementType;
+ mdTypeDef metadataToken;
+ VMPTR_Module vmModule;
+ VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile;
+ VMPTR_TypeHandle vmTypeHandle;
+// DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData contains more information showing further
+// details for array types, byref types etc.
+// Whenever you fetch type information from the left-side
+// you get back one of these. These in turn contain further
+// DebuggerIPCE_BasicTypeData's and typeHandles which you can
+// then query to get further information about the type parameters.
+// This copes with the nested cases, e.g. jagged arrays,
+// String ****, &(String*), Pair<String,Pair<String>>
+// and so on.
+// So this type information is not "fully expanded", it's just a little
+// more detail then DebuggerIPCE_BasicTypeData. For type
+// instantiatons (e.g. List<int>) and
+// function pointer types you will need to make further requests for
+// information about the type parameters.
+// For array types there is always only one type parameter so
+// we include that as part of the expanded data.
+struct MSLAYOUT DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData
+ CorElementType elementType; // Note this is _never_ E_T_VAR, E_T_WITH or E_T_MVAR
+ union MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ // used for E_T_CLASS and E_T_VALUECLASS, E_T_PTR, E_T_BYREF etc.
+ // For non-constructed E_T_CLASS or E_T_VALUECLASS the tokens will be set and the typeHandle will be NULL
+ // For constructed E_T_CLASS or E_T_VALUECLASS the tokens will be set and the typeHandle will be non-NULL
+ // For E_T_PTR etc. the tokens will be NULL and the typeHandle will be non-NULL.
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ mdTypeDef metadataToken;
+ VMPTR_Module vmModule;
+ VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile;
+ VMPTR_TypeHandle typeHandle; // if non-null then further fetches will be needed to get type arguments
+ } ClassTypeData;
+ // used for E_T_PTR, E_T_BYREF etc.
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ DebuggerIPCE_BasicTypeData unaryTypeArg; // used only when sending back to debugger
+ } UnaryTypeData;
+ // used for E_T_ARRAY etc.
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ DebuggerIPCE_BasicTypeData arrayTypeArg; // used only when sending back to debugger
+ DWORD arrayRank;
+ } ArrayTypeData;
+ // used for E_T_FNPTR
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ VMPTR_TypeHandle typeHandle; // if non-null then further fetches needed to get type arguments
+ } NaryTypeData;
+ };
+// DebuggerIPCE_TypeArgData is used when sending type arguments
+// across to a funceval. It contains the DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData describing the
+// essence of the type, but the typeHandle and other
+// BasicTypeData fields should be zero and will be ignored.
+// The DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData is then followed
+// by the required number of type arguments, each of which
+// will be a further DebuggerIPCE_TypeArgData record in the stream of
+// flattened type argument data.
+struct MSLAYOUT DebuggerIPCE_TypeArgData
+ DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData data;
+ unsigned int numTypeArgs; // number of immediate children on the type tree
+// DebuggerIPCE_ObjectData holds the results of a
+// GetAndSendObjectInfo, i.e., all the info about an object that the
+// Right Side would need to access it. (This include array, string,
+// and nstruct info.)
+struct MSLAYOUT DebuggerIPCE_ObjectData
+ void *objRef;
+ bool objRefBad;
+ SIZE_T objSize;
+ // Offset from the beginning of the object to the beginning of the first field
+ SIZE_T objOffsetToVars;
+ // The type of the object....
+ struct DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData objTypeData;
+ union MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ SIZE_T length;
+ SIZE_T offsetToStringBase;
+ } stringInfo;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ SIZE_T rank;
+ SIZE_T offsetToArrayBase;
+ SIZE_T offsetToLowerBounds; // 0 if not present
+ SIZE_T offsetToUpperBounds; // 0 if not present
+ SIZE_T componentCount;
+ SIZE_T elementSize;
+ } arrayInfo;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ struct DebuggerIPCE_BasicTypeData typedByrefType; // the type of the thing contained in a typedByref...
+ } typedByrefInfo;
+ };
+// Remote enregistered info used by CordbValues and for passing
+// variable homes between the left and right sides during a func eval.
+enum RemoteAddressKind
+ RAK_NONE = 0,
+const CORDB_ADDRESS kLeafFrameRegAddr = 0;
+const CORDB_ADDRESS kNonLeafFrameRegAddr = (CORDB_ADDRESS)(-1);
+struct MSLAYOUT RemoteAddress
+ RemoteAddressKind kind;
+ void *frame;
+ CorDebugRegister reg1;
+ void *reg1Addr;
+ SIZE_T reg1Value; // this is the actual value of the register
+ union MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ CorDebugRegister reg2;
+ void *reg2Addr;
+ SIZE_T reg2Value; // this is the actual value of the register
+ } u;
+ DWORD floatIndex;
+ };
+// DebuggerIPCE_FuncEvalType specifies the type of a function
+// evaluation that will occur.
+enum DebuggerIPCE_FuncEvalType
+enum NameChangeType
+// DebuggerIPCE_FuncEvalArgData holds data for each argument to a
+// function evaluation.
+struct MSLAYOUT DebuggerIPCE_FuncEvalArgData
+ RemoteAddress argHome; // enregistered variable home
+ void *argAddr; // address if not enregistered
+ CorElementType argElementType;
+ unsigned int fullArgTypeNodeCount; // Pointer to LS (DebuggerIPCE_TypeArgData *) buffer holding full description of the argument type (if needed - only needed for struct types)
+ void *fullArgType; // Pointer to LS (DebuggerIPCE_TypeArgData *) buffer holding full description of the argument type (if needed - only needed for struct types)
+ BYTE argLiteralData[8]; // copy of generic value data
+ bool argIsLiteral; // true if value is in argLiteralData
+ bool argIsHandleValue; // true if argAddr is OBJECTHANDLE
+// DebuggerIPCE_FuncEvalInfo holds info necessary to setup a func eval
+// operation.
+struct MSLAYOUT DebuggerIPCE_FuncEvalInfo
+ VMPTR_Thread vmThreadToken;
+ DebuggerIPCE_FuncEvalType funcEvalType;
+ mdMethodDef funcMetadataToken;
+ mdTypeDef funcClassMetadataToken;
+ VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile;
+ bool evalDuringException;
+ unsigned int argCount;
+ unsigned int genericArgsCount;
+ unsigned int genericArgsNodeCount;
+ SIZE_T stringSize;
+ SIZE_T arrayRank;
+// Used in DebuggerIPCFirstChanceData. This tells the LS what action to take within the hijack
+enum HijackAction
+// DebuggerIPCFirstChanceData holds info communicated from the LS to the RS when signaling that an exception does not
+// belong to the runtime from a first chance hijack. This is used when Win32 debugging only.
+struct MSLAYOUT DebuggerIPCFirstChanceData
+ LSPTR_CONTEXT pLeftSideContext;
+ HijackAction action;
+ UINT debugCounter;
+// DebuggerIPCSecondChanceData holds info communicated from the RS
+// to the LS when setting up a second chance exception hijack. This is
+// used when Win32 debugging only.
+struct MSLAYOUT DebuggerIPCSecondChanceData
+ DT_CONTEXT threadContext;
+// This struct holds pointer from the LS and needs to copy to
+// the RS. We have to free the memory on the RS.
+// The transfer function is called when the RS first reads the event. At this point,
+// the LS is stopped while sending the event. Thus the LS pointers only need to be
+// valid while the LS is in SendIPCEvent.
+// Since this data is in an IPC/Marshallable block, it can't have any Ctors (holders)
+// in it.
+struct MSLAYOUT Ls_Rs_BaseBuffer
+ // copy data can happen on both LS and RS. In LS case,
+ // ReadProcessMemory is really reading from its own process memory.
+ //
+ void CopyLSDataToRSWorker(ICorDebugDataTarget * pTargethProcess);
+ // retrieve the RS data and own it
+ BYTE *TransferRSDataWorker()
+ {
+ BYTE *pbRS = m_pbRS;
+ m_pbRS = NULL;
+ return pbRS;
+ }
+ void CleanUp()
+ {
+ if (m_pbRS != NULL)
+ {
+ delete [] m_pbRS;
+ m_pbRS = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // Only LS can call this API
+ void SetLsData(BYTE *pbLS, DWORD cbSize)
+ {
+ m_pbRS = NULL;
+ m_pbLS = pbLS;
+ m_cbSize = cbSize;
+ }
+ // Common APIs.
+ DWORD GetSize() { return m_cbSize; }
+ // Size of data in bytes
+ DWORD m_cbSize;
+ // If this is non-null, pointer into LS for buffer.
+ // LS can free this after the debug event is continued.
+ BYTE *m_pbLS; // @dbgtodo cross-plat- for cross-platform purposes, this should be a TADDR
+ // If this is non-null, pointer into RS for buffer. RS must then free this.
+ // This buffer was copied from the LS (via CopyLSDataToRSWorker).
+ BYTE *m_pbRS;
+// Byte wrapper around the buffer.
+struct MSLAYOUT Ls_Rs_ByteBuffer : public Ls_Rs_BaseBuffer
+ BYTE *GetRSPointer()
+ {
+ return m_pbRS;
+ }
+ void CopyLSDataToRS(ICorDebugDataTarget * pTarget);
+ BYTE *TransferRSData()
+ {
+ return TransferRSDataWorker();
+ }
+// Wrapper around a Ls_rS_Buffer to get it as a string.
+// This can also do some sanity checking.
+struct MSLAYOUT Ls_Rs_StringBuffer : public Ls_Rs_BaseBuffer
+ const WCHAR * GetString()
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const WCHAR*> (m_pbRS);
+ }
+ // Copy over the string.
+ void CopyLSDataToRS(ICorDebugDataTarget * pTarget);
+ // Caller will pick up ownership.
+ // Since caller will delete this data, we can't give back a constant pointer.
+ WCHAR * TransferStringData()
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<WCHAR*> (TransferRSDataWorker());
+ }
+// Data for an Managed Debug Assistant Probe (MDA).
+struct MSLAYOUT DebuggerMDANotification
+ Ls_Rs_StringBuffer szName;
+ Ls_Rs_StringBuffer szDescription;
+ Ls_Rs_StringBuffer szXml;
+ DWORD dwOSThreadId;
+ CorDebugMDAFlags flags;
+// The only remaining problem is that register number mappings are different for each platform. It turns out
+// that the debugger only uses REGNUM_SP and REGNUM_AMBIENT_SP though, so we can just virtualize these two for
+// the target platform.
+// Keep this is sync with the definitions in inc/corinfo.h.
+#if defined(DBG_TARGET_X86)
+#ifdef _TARGET_X86_
+static_assert_no_msg(DBG_TARGET_REGNUM_SP == ICorDebugInfo::REGNUM_SP);
+static_assert_no_msg(DBG_TARGET_REGNUM_AMBIENT_SP == ICorDebugInfo::REGNUM_AMBIENT_SP);
+#endif // _TARGET_X86_
+#elif defined(DBG_TARGET_AMD64)
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+static_assert_no_msg(DBG_TARGET_REGNUM_SP == ICorDebugInfo::REGNUM_SP);
+static_assert_no_msg(DBG_TARGET_REGNUM_AMBIENT_SP == ICorDebugInfo::REGNUM_AMBIENT_SP);
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+#elif defined(DBG_TARGET_ARM)
+#ifdef _TARGET_ARM_
+#endif // _TARGET_ARM_
+#elif defined(DBG_TARGET_ARM64)
+#ifdef _TARGET_ARM64_
+#endif // _TARGET_ARM64_
+#error Target registers are not defined for this platform
+// Event structure that is passed between the Runtime Controller and the
+// Debugger Interface. Some types of events are a fixed size and have
+// entries in the main union, while others are variable length and have
+// more specialized data structures that are attached to the end of this
+// structure.
+struct MSLAYOUT DebuggerIPCEvent
+ DebuggerIPCEvent* next;
+ DebuggerIPCEventType type;
+ DWORD processId;
+ VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain;
+ VMPTR_Thread vmThread;
+ bool replyRequired;
+ bool asyncSend;
+ union MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ // Pointer to a BOOL in the target.
+ CORDB_ADDRESS pfBeingDebugged;
+ } LeftSideStartupData;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ // Module whos metadata is being updated
+ // This tells the RS that the metadata for that module has become invalid.
+ VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile;
+ } MetadataUpdateData;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ // Handle to CLR's internal appdomain object.
+ VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain;
+ } AppDomainData;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ VMPTR_DomainAssembly vmDomainAssembly;
+ } AssemblyData;
+ // information necessary for testing whether the LS holds a lock on data
+ // the RS needs to inspect. See code:DataTest::TestDataSafety and
+ // code:IDacDbiInterface::TestCrst for more information
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ // the lock to be tested
+ VMPTR_Crst vmCrst;
+ // indicates whether the LS holds the lock
+ bool fOkToTake;
+ } TestCrstData;
+ // information necessary for testing whether the LS holds a lock on data
+ // the RS needs to inspect. See code:DataTest::TestDataSafety and
+ // code:IDacDbiInterface::TestCrst for more information
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ // the lock to be tested
+ VMPTR_SimpleRWLock vmRWLock;
+ // indicates whether the LS holds the lock
+ bool fOkToTake;
+ } TestRWLockData;
+ // Debug event that a module has been loaded
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ // Module that was just loaded.
+ VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile;
+ }LoadModuleData;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile;
+ LSPTR_ASSEMBLY debuggerAssemblyToken;
+ } UnloadModuleData;
+ // The given module's pdb has been updated.
+ // Queury PDB from OOP
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile;
+ } UpdateModuleSymsData;
+ DebuggerMDANotification MDANotification;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ LSPTR_BREAKPOINT breakpointToken;
+ mdMethodDef funcMetadataToken;
+ VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile;
+ bool isIL;
+ SIZE_T offset;
+ SIZE_T encVersion;
+ LSPTR_METHODDESC nativeCodeMethodDescToken; // points to the MethodDesc if !isIL
+ } BreakpointData;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ LSPTR_BREAKPOINT breakpointToken;
+ } BreakpointSetErrorData;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ LSPTR_STEPPER stepperToken;
+ VMPTR_Thread vmThreadToken;
+ FramePointer frameToken;
+ bool stepIn;
+ bool rangeIL;
+ bool IsJMCStop;
+ unsigned int totalRangeCount;
+ CorDebugStepReason reason;
+ CorDebugUnmappedStop rgfMappingStop;
+ CorDebugIntercept rgfInterceptStop;
+ unsigned int rangeCount;
+ COR_DEBUG_STEP_RANGE range; //note that this is an array
+ } StepData;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ // An unvalidated GC-handle
+ } GetGCHandleInfo;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ // An unvalidated GC-handle for which we're returning the results
+ // The following are initialized by the LS in response to our query:
+ VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain; // AD that handle is in (only applicable if fValid).
+ bool fValid; // Did the LS determine the GC handle to be valid?
+ } GetGCHandleInfoResult;
+ // Allocate memory on the left-side
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ ULONG bufSize; // number of bytes to allocate
+ } GetBuffer;
+ // Memory allocated on the left-side
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ void *pBuffer; // LS pointer to the buffer allocated
+ HRESULT hr; // success / failure
+ } GetBufferResult;
+ // Free a buffer allocated on the left-side with GetBuffer
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ void *pBuffer; // Pointer previously returned in GetBufferResult
+ } ReleaseBuffer;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ } ReleaseBufferResult;
+ // Apply an EnC edit
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile; // Module to edit
+ DWORD cbDeltaMetadata; // size of blob pointed to by pDeltaMetadata
+ CORDB_ADDRESS pDeltaMetadata; // pointer to delta metadata in debuggee
+ // it's the RS's responsibility to allocate and free
+ // this (and pDeltaIL) using GetBuffer / ReleaseBuffer
+ CORDB_ADDRESS pDeltaIL; // pointer to delta IL in debugee
+ DWORD cbDeltaIL; // size of blob pointed to by pDeltaIL
+ } ApplyChanges;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ } ApplyChangesResult;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ mdTypeDef classMetadataToken;
+ VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile;
+ LSPTR_ASSEMBLY classDebuggerAssemblyToken;
+ } LoadClass;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ mdTypeDef classMetadataToken;
+ VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile;
+ LSPTR_ASSEMBLY classDebuggerAssemblyToken;
+ } UnloadClass;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile;
+ bool flag;
+ } SetClassLoad;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE vmExceptionHandle;
+ bool firstChance;
+ bool continuable;
+ } Exception;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ VMPTR_Thread vmThreadToken;
+ } ClearException;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ void *address;
+ } IsTransitionStub;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ bool isStub;
+ } IsTransitionStubResult;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ CORDB_ADDRESS startAddress;
+ bool fCanSetIPOnly;
+ VMPTR_Thread vmThreadToken;
+ VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile;
+ mdMethodDef mdMethod;
+ VMPTR_MethodDesc vmMethodDesc;
+ SIZE_T offset;
+ bool fIsIL;
+ void * firstExceptionHandler;
+ } SetIP; // this is also used for CanSetIP
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ int iLevel;
+ EmbeddedIPCString<MAX_LOG_SWITCH_NAME_LEN + 1> szCategory;
+ Ls_Rs_StringBuffer szContent;
+ } FirstLogMessage;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ int iLevel;
+ int iReason;
+ EmbeddedIPCString<MAX_LOG_SWITCH_NAME_LEN + 1> szSwitchName;
+ EmbeddedIPCString<MAX_LOG_SWITCH_NAME_LEN + 1> szParentSwitchName;
+ } LogSwitchSettingMessage;
+ // information needed to send to the RS as part of a custom notification from the target
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ // Domain file for the domain in which the notification occurred
+ VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile;
+ // metadata token for the type of the CustomNotification object's type
+ mdTypeDef classToken;
+ } CustomNotification;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ VMPTR_Thread vmThreadToken;
+ CorDebugThreadState debugState;
+ } SetAllDebugState;
+ DebuggerIPCE_FuncEvalInfo FuncEval;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ CORDB_ADDRESS argDataArea;
+ } FuncEvalSetupComplete;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ bool successful;
+ bool aborted;
+ void *resultAddr;
+ // AppDomain that the result is in.
+ VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain;
+ DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData resultType;
+ } FuncEvalComplete;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ } FuncEvalAbort;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ } FuncEvalRudeAbort;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ } FuncEvalCleanup;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ void *objectRefAddress;
+ void *newReference;
+ } SetReference;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ NameChangeType eventType;
+ VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain;
+ VMPTR_Thread vmThread;
+ } NameChange;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile;
+ BOOL fAllowJitOpts;
+ BOOL fEnableEnC;
+ } JitDebugInfo;
+ // EnC Remap opportunity
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile;
+ mdMethodDef funcMetadataToken ; // methodDef of function with remap opportunity
+ SIZE_T currentVersionNumber; // version currently executing
+ SIZE_T resumeVersionNumber; // latest version
+ SIZE_T currentILOffset; // the IL offset of the current IP
+ SIZE_T *resumeILOffset; // pointer into left-side where an offset to resume
+ // to should be written if remap is desired.
+ } EnCRemap;
+ // EnC Remap has taken place
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile;
+ mdMethodDef funcMetadataToken; // methodDef of function that was remapped
+ } EnCRemapComplete;
+ // Notification that the LS is about to update a CLR data structure to account for a
+ // specific edit made by EnC (function add/update or field add).
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile;
+ mdToken memberMetadataToken; // Either a methodDef token indicating the function that
+ // was updated/added, or a fieldDef token indicating the
+ // field which was added.
+ mdTypeDef classMetadataToken; // TypeDef token of the class in which the update was made
+ SIZE_T newVersionNumber; // The new function/module version
+ } EnCUpdate;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ void *oldData;
+ void *newData;
+ DebuggerIPCE_BasicTypeData type;
+ } SetValueClass;
+ // Event used to tell LS if a single function is user or non-user code.
+ // Same structure used to get function status.
+ // @todo - Perhaps we can bundle these up so we can set multiple funcs w/ 1 event?
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile;
+ mdMethodDef funcMetadataToken;
+ DWORD dwStatus;
+ } SetJMCFunctionStatus;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ TASKID taskid;
+ } GetThreadForTaskId;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ VMPTR_Thread vmThreadToken;
+ } GetThreadForTaskIdResult;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ CONNID connectionId;
+ } ConnectionChange;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ CONNID connectionId;
+ EmbeddedIPCString<MAX_LONGPATH> wzConnectionName;
+ } CreateConnection;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ void *objectToken;
+ BOOL fStrong;
+ } CreateHandle;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ } CreateHandleResult;
+ // used in DB_IPCE_DISPOSE_HANDLE event
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ BOOL fStrong;
+ } DisposeHandle;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ FramePointer framePointer;
+ SIZE_T nOffset;
+ CorDebugExceptionCallbackType eventType;
+ DWORD dwFlags;
+ VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE vmExceptionHandle;
+ } ExceptionCallback2;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ CorDebugExceptionUnwindCallbackType eventType;
+ DWORD dwFlags;
+ } ExceptionUnwind;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ VMPTR_Thread vmThreadToken;
+ FramePointer frameToken;
+ } InterceptException;
+ struct MSLAYOUT
+ {
+ VMPTR_Module vmModule;
+ void * pMetadataStart;
+ ULONG nMetadataSize;
+ } MetadataUpdateRequest;
+ };
+// When using a network transport rather than shared memory buffers CorDBIPC_BUFFER_SIZE is the upper bound
+// for a single DebuggerIPCEvent structure. This now relates to the maximal size of a network message and is
+// orthogonal to the host's page size. Round the buffer size up to a multiple of 8 since MSVC seems more
+// aggressive in this regard than gcc.
+#define CorDBIPC_TRANSPORT_BUFFER_SIZE (((sizeof(DebuggerIPCEvent) + 7) / 8) * 8)
+// A DebuggerIPCEvent must fit in the send & receive buffers, which are CorDBIPC_BUFFER_SIZE bytes.
+static_assert_no_msg(sizeof(DebuggerIPCEvent) <= CorDBIPC_BUFFER_SIZE);
+// 2*sizeof(WCHAR) for the two string terminating characters in the FirstLogMessage
+#define LOG_MSG_PADDING 4
+#endif /* _DbgIPCEvents_h_ */