path: root/src/debug/inc/coreclrremotedebugginginterfaces.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/debug/inc/coreclrremotedebugginginterfaces.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/src/debug/inc/coreclrremotedebugginginterfaces.h b/src/debug/inc/coreclrremotedebugginginterfaces.h
index 59c8399354..160c40d52b 100644
--- a/src/debug/inc/coreclrremotedebugginginterfaces.h
+++ b/src/debug/inc/coreclrremotedebugginginterfaces.h
@@ -13,52 +13,9 @@
-#include <dbgproxy.h>
class ICoreClrDebugTarget;
-// Mscordbi exports a number of C functions to aid in starting up and shutting down the transport manager
-// (which owns communication with remote machines) and getting a connection to a particular machine's proxy
-// (known as a target).
-extern "C" HRESULT __stdcall InitDbgTransportManager();
-extern "C" void __stdcall ShutdownDbgTransportManager();
-extern "C" HRESULT __stdcall CreateCoreClrDebugTarget(DWORD dwAddress, ICoreClrDebugTarget **ppTarget);
-// Definition of the data that ICoreClrDebugTarget will return about a remote process.
-struct CoreClrDebugProcInfo
- DWORD m_dwPID; // OS assigned process ID
- DWORD m_dwInternalID; // Proxy assigned process ID (recycles less often)
- WCHAR m_wszName[kMaxCommandLine]; // Command and args process is running (possibly truncated)
-// Definition of the data that ICoreClrDebugTarget will return about a remote runtime instance.
-struct CoreClrDebugRuntimeInfo
- DWORD m_dwInternalID; // Proxy assigned runtime instance ID
-// This pseudo-COM interface is provided by mscordbi and called by the port supplier to query details of a
-// remote target.
-class ICoreClrDebugTarget
- STDMETHOD_(void, AddRef)() PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(void, Release)() PURE;
- // Enumerate all user's processes on the target machine (whether they are running managed code or not).
- STDMETHOD(EnumProcesses)(DWORD *pcProcs, CoreClrDebugProcInfo **ppProcs) PURE;
- // Enumerate all runtimes running within the process indicated via the internal process ID.
- STDMETHOD(EnumRuntimes)(DWORD dwInternalProcessID, DWORD *pcRuntimes, CoreClrDebugRuntimeInfo **ppRuntimes) PURE;
- // Free memory returned by Enum* methods.
- STDMETHOD_(void, FreeMemory)(void *pMemory) PURE;