path: root/src/debug/ee/ddunpack.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/debug/ee/ddunpack.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 498 deletions
diff --git a/src/debug/ee/ddunpack.h b/src/debug/ee/ddunpack.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 23be521642..0000000000
--- a/src/debug/ee/ddunpack.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,498 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
-// Unpacker
-// Lives on EE side of the fence
-// Note that this file is generated by ndp\clr\src\Debug\tools\BuildDDMarshal\.
-// Changes should be made to output\DDUnpack_template.h in that directory.
-#ifndef _DDUNPACK_H_
-#define _DDUNPACK_H_
-#include "ddmarshalutil.h"
-#include "ddshared.h"
-// This technique is now misnamed, but I am still using it to lower code churn.
-// When handing memory back and forth between DAC and DBI we use this (forDbi) new variant
-// to ensure that everything goes in the correct heap. In DBI it resolves to new, and in DAC
-// it resolves to calling into a special allocator that DBI passed over that ultimately also
-// calls DBI new. A few types such as DacDbiArrayList get included on both sides of the DLL
-// boundary and they assume there will be a (forDbi) new variant available to them.
-// Now however we have a new in-proc consumer of DAC and again we need to pass memory blocks
-// to it. The most straightforward technique is to consume DAC exactly how DBI does, thus mimicing
-// DBI's new variant here so that all the types which straddle the boundary can continue using
-// it. At some point we might want to change the naming to something more general... 'forDacCaller'
-// perhaps. I don't consider the technique a workaround, just the naming is overly specific.
-#define forDbi (*(forDbiWorker *)NULL)
-// for dbi we just default to new, but we need to have these defined for both dac and dbi
-inline void * operator new(size_t lenBytes, const forDbiWorker &)
- void * result = new BYTE[lenBytes];
- if (result == NULL)
- {
- ThrowOutOfMemory();
- }
- return result;
-inline void * operator new[](size_t lenBytes, const forDbiWorker &)
- void * result = new BYTE[lenBytes];
- if (result == NULL)
- {
- ThrowOutOfMemory();
- }
- return result;
-// Helper to delete memory used with the IDacDbiInterface::IAllocator interface.
-template<class T> inline
-void DeleteDbiMemory(T *p)
- delete p;
-// Header for unpacking
-class DDUnpack
- {
- protected:
- IDacDbiInterface * m_pReal;
- IDacDbiInterface::IAllocator * m_pAllocator;
- public:
- DDUnpack(IDacDbiInterface * pReal, IDacDbiInterface::IAllocator * pAllocator)
- {
- m_pReal = pReal;
- m_pAllocator = pAllocator;
- }
- // Main entry point
- // This will then delegate to the proper unpacking stubs.
- void HandleDDMessage(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- //
- // Stubs
- //
-// Unpacking stubs
- // HRESULT CheckDbiVersion(const DbiVersion * pVersion)
- void Unpack_CheckDbiVersion(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetLocalInterfaceHashAndTimestamp(DWORD & hash1, DWORD & hash2, DWORD & hash3, DWORD & hash4, DWORD & timestamp1, DWORD & timestamp2)
- void Unpack_GetLocalInterfaceHashAndTimestamp(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetRemoteInterfaceHashAndTimestamp(DWORD & hash1, DWORD & hash2, DWORD & hash3, DWORD & hash4, DWORD & timestamp1, DWORD & timestamp2)
- void Unpack_GetRemoteInterfaceHashAndTimestamp(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // HRESULT FlushCache()
- void Unpack_FlushCache(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void DacSetTargetConsistencyChecks(bool fEnableAsserts)
- void Unpack_DacSetTargetConsistencyChecks(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void Destroy()
- void Unpack_Destroy(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // BOOL IsLeftSideInitialized()
- void Unpack_IsLeftSideInitialized(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // VMPTR_AppDomain GetAppDomainFromId(ULONG appdomainId)
- void Unpack_GetAppDomainFromId(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // ULONG GetAppDomainId(VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain)
- void Unpack_GetAppDomainId(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE GetAppDomainObject(VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain)
- void Unpack_GetAppDomainObject(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // BOOL IsDefaultDomain(VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain)
- void Unpack_IsDefaultDomain(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetAssemblyFromDomainAssembly(VMPTR_DomainAssembly vmDomainAssembly, VMPTR_Assembly * vmAssembly)
- void Unpack_GetAssemblyFromDomainAssembly(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // BOOL IsAssemblyFullyTrusted(VMPTR_DomainAssembly vmDomainAssembly)
- void Unpack_IsAssemblyFullyTrusted(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetAppDomainFullName(VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain, IStringHolder * pStrName)
- void Unpack_GetAppDomainFullName(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetModuleSimpleName(VMPTR_Module vmModule, IStringHolder * pStrFilename)
- void Unpack_GetModuleSimpleName(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // BOOL GetAssemblyPath(VMPTR_Assembly vmAssembly, IStringHolder * pStrFilename)
- void Unpack_GetAssemblyPath(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void ResolveTypeReference(const TypeRefData * pTypeRefInfo, TypeRefData * pTargetRefInfo)
- void Unpack_ResolveTypeReference(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // BOOL GetModulePath(VMPTR_Module vmModule, IStringHolder * pStrFilename)
- void Unpack_GetModulePath(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // BOOL GetModuleNGenPath(VMPTR_Module vmModule, IStringHolder * pStrFilename)
- void Unpack_GetModuleNGenPath(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetMetadata(VMPTR_Module vmModule, TargetBuffer * pTargetBuffer)
- void Unpack_GetMetadata(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetSymbolsBuffer(VMPTR_Module vmModule, TargetBuffer * pTargetBuffer, IDacDbiInterface::SymbolFormat * pSymbolFormat)
- void Unpack_GetSymbolsBuffer(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetModuleData(VMPTR_Module vmModule, ModuleInfo * pData)
- void Unpack_GetModuleData(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetDomainFileData(VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile, DomainFileInfo * pData)
- void Unpack_GetDomainFileData(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetModuleForDomainFile(VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile, VMPTR_Module * pModule)
- void Unpack_GetModuleForDomainFile(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // IDacDbiInterface::AddressType GetAddressType(CORDB_ADDRESS address)
- void Unpack_GetAddressType(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // BOOL IsTransitionStub(CORDB_ADDRESS address)
- void Unpack_IsTransitionStub(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetCompilerFlags(VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile, BOOL * pfAllowJITOpts, BOOL * pfEnableEnC)
- void Unpack_GetCompilerFlags(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // HRESULT SetCompilerFlags(VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile, BOOL fAllowJitOpts, BOOL fEnableEnC)
- void Unpack_SetCompilerFlags(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void EnumerateAppDomains(IDacDbiInterface::FP_APPDOMAIN_ENUMERATION_CALLBACK fpCallback, CALLBACK_DATA pUserData)
- void Unpack_EnumerateAppDomains(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void EnumerateAssembliesInAppDomain(VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain, IDacDbiInterface::FP_ASSEMBLY_ENUMERATION_CALLBACK fpCallback, CALLBACK_DATA pUserData)
- void Unpack_EnumerateAssembliesInAppDomain(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void EnumerateModulesInAssembly(VMPTR_DomainAssembly vmAssembly, IDacDbiInterface::FP_MODULE_ENUMERATION_CALLBACK fpCallback, CALLBACK_DATA pUserData)
- void Unpack_EnumerateModulesInAssembly(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void RequestSyncAtEvent()
- void Unpack_RequestSyncAtEvent(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void MarkDebuggerAttachPending()
- void Unpack_MarkDebuggerAttachPending(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void MarkDebuggerAttached(BOOL fAttached)
- void Unpack_MarkDebuggerAttached(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void Hijack(VMPTR_Thread vmThread, ULONG32 dwThreadId, const EXCEPTION_RECORD * pRecord, T_CONTEXT * pOriginalContext, ULONG32 cbSizeContext, EHijackReason::EHijackReason reason, void * pUserData, CORDB_ADDRESS * pRemoteContextAddr)
- void Unpack_Hijack(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void EnumerateConnections(IDacDbiInterface::FP_CONNECTION_CALLBACK fpCallback, CALLBACK_DATA pUserData)
- void Unpack_EnumerateConnections(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void EnumerateThreads(IDacDbiInterface::FP_THREAD_ENUMERATION_CALLBACK fpCallback, CALLBACK_DATA pUserData)
- void Unpack_EnumerateThreads(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // bool IsThreadMarkedDead(VMPTR_Thread vmThread)
- void Unpack_IsThreadMarkedDead(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // HANDLE GetThreadHandle(VMPTR_Thread vmThread)
- void Unpack_GetThreadHandle(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE GetThreadObject(VMPTR_Thread vmThread)
- void Unpack_GetThreadObject(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void SetDebugState(VMPTR_Thread vmThread, CorDebugThreadState debugState)
- void Unpack_SetDebugState(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // BOOL HasUnhandledException(VMPTR_Thread vmThread)
- void Unpack_HasUnhandledException(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // CorDebugUserState GetUserState(VMPTR_Thread vmThread)
- void Unpack_GetUserState(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // CONNID GetConnectionID(VMPTR_Thread vmThread)
- void Unpack_GetConnectionID(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // TASKID GetTaskID(VMPTR_Thread vmThread)
- void Unpack_GetTaskID(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // DWORD TryGetVolatileOSThreadID(VMPTR_Thread vmThread)
- void Unpack_TryGetVolatileOSThreadID(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // DWORD GetUniqueThreadID(VMPTR_Thread vmThread)
- void Unpack_GetUniqueThreadID(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE GetCurrentException(VMPTR_Thread vmThread)
- void Unpack_GetCurrentException(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE GetCurrentCustomDebuggerNotification(VMPTR_Thread vmThread)
- void Unpack_GetCurrentCustomDebuggerNotification(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // VMPTR_AppDomain GetCurrentAppDomain(VMPTR_Thread vmThread)
- void Unpack_GetCurrentAppDomain(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // VMPTR_DomainAssembly ResolveAssembly(VMPTR_DomainFile vmScope, mdToken tkAssemblyRef)
- void Unpack_ResolveAssembly(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetNativeCodeSequencePointsAndVarInfo(VMPTR_MethodDesc vmMethodDesc, CORDB_ADDRESS startAddress, BOOL fCodeAvailabe, NativeVarData * pNativeVarData, SequencePoints * pSequencePoints)
- void Unpack_GetNativeCodeSequencePointsAndVarInfo(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // VMPTR_CONTEXT GetManagedStoppedContext(VMPTR_Thread vmThread)
- void Unpack_GetManagedStoppedContext(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void CreateStackWalk(VMPTR_Thread vmThread, DT_CONTEXT * pInternalContextBuffer, StackWalkHandle * ppSFIHandle)
- void Unpack_CreateStackWalk(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void DeleteStackWalk(StackWalkHandle ppSFIHandle)
- void Unpack_DeleteStackWalk(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetStackWalkCurrentContext(StackWalkHandle pSFIHandle, DT_CONTEXT * pContext)
- void Unpack_GetStackWalkCurrentContext(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void SetStackWalkCurrentContext(VMPTR_Thread vmThread, StackWalkHandle pSFIHandle, CorDebugSetContextFlag flag, DT_CONTEXT * pContext)
- void Unpack_SetStackWalkCurrentContext(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // BOOL UnwindStackWalkFrame(StackWalkHandle pSFIHandle)
- void Unpack_UnwindStackWalkFrame(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // HRESULT CheckContext(VMPTR_Thread vmThread, const DT_CONTEXT * pContext)
- void Unpack_CheckContext(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // IDacDbiInterface::FrameType GetStackWalkCurrentFrameInfo(StackWalkHandle pSFIHandle, DebuggerIPCE_STRData * pFrameData)
- void Unpack_GetStackWalkCurrentFrameInfo(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // ULONG32 GetCountOfInternalFrames(VMPTR_Thread vmThread)
- void Unpack_GetCountOfInternalFrames(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void EnumerateInternalFrames(VMPTR_Thread vmThread, IDacDbiInterface::FP_INTERNAL_FRAME_ENUMERATION_CALLBACK fpCallback, CALLBACK_DATA pUserData)
- void Unpack_EnumerateInternalFrames(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // BOOL IsMatchingParentFrame(FramePointer fpToCheck, FramePointer fpParent)
- void Unpack_IsMatchingParentFrame(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // ULONG32 GetStackParameterSize(CORDB_ADDRESS controlPC)
- void Unpack_GetStackParameterSize(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // FramePointer GetFramePointer(StackWalkHandle pSFIHandle)
- void Unpack_GetFramePointer(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // BOOL IsLeafFrame(VMPTR_Thread vmThread, const DT_CONTEXT * pContext)
- void Unpack_IsLeafFrame(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetContext(VMPTR_Thread vmThread, DT_CONTEXT * pContextBuffer)
- void Unpack_GetContext(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void ConvertContextToDebuggerRegDisplay(const DT_CONTEXT * pInContext, DebuggerREGDISPLAY * pOutDRD, BOOL fActive)
- void Unpack_ConvertContextToDebuggerRegDisplay(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // IDacDbiInterface::DynamicMethodType IsILStubOrLCGMethod(VMPTR_MethodDesc vmMethodDesc)
- void Unpack_IsILStubOrLCGMethod(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // TargetBuffer GetVarArgSig(CORDB_ADDRESS VASigCookieAddr, CORDB_ADDRESS * pArgBase)
- void Unpack_GetVarArgSig(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // BOOL RequiresAlign8(VMPTR_TypeHandle thExact)
- void Unpack_RequiresAlign8(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // GENERICS_TYPE_TOKEN ResolveExactGenericArgsToken(DWORD dwExactGenericArgsTokenIndex, GENERICS_TYPE_TOKEN rawToken)
- void Unpack_ResolveExactGenericArgsToken(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetILCodeAndSig(VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile, mdToken functionToken, TargetBuffer * pCodeInfo, mdToken * pLocalSigToken)
- void Unpack_GetILCodeAndSig(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetNativeCodeInfo(VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile, mdToken functionToken, NativeCodeFunctionData * pCodeInfo)
- void Unpack_GetNativeCodeInfo(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetNativeCodeInfoForAddr(VMPTR_MethodDesc vmMethodDesc, CORDB_ADDRESS hotCodeStartAddr, NativeCodeFunctionData * pCodeInfo)
- void Unpack_GetNativeCodeInfoForAddr(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetClassInfo(VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain, VMPTR_Module vmModule, mdTypeDef metadataToken, VMPTR_TypeHandle thExact, VMPTR_TypeHandle thApprox, ClassInfo * pData)
- void Unpack_GetClassInfo(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetInstantiationFieldInfo(VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile, mdTypeDef metadataToken, VMPTR_TypeHandle vmThExact, VMPTR_TypeHandle vmThApprox, DacDbiArrayList<FieldData> * pFieldList, SIZE_T * pObjectSize)
- void Unpack_GetInstantiationFieldInfo(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void TypeHandleToExpandedTypeInfo(AreValueTypesBoxed boxed, VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain, VMPTR_TypeHandle vmTypeHandle, DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData * pTypeInfo)
- void Unpack_TypeHandleToExpandedTypeInfo(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetObjectExpandedTypeInfo(AreValueTypesBoxed boxed, VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain, CORDB_ADDRESS addr, DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData * pTypeInfo)
- void Unpack_GetObjectExpandedTypeInfo(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetObjectExpandedTypeInfoFromID(AreValueTypesBoxed boxed, VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain, COR_TYPEID id, DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData * pTypeInfo)
- void Unpack_GetObjectExpandedTypeInfoFromID(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // VMPTR_TypeHandle GetApproxTypeHandle(TypeInfoList * pTypeData)
- void Unpack_GetApproxTypeHandle(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // HRESULT GetExactTypeHandle(DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData * pTypeData, ArgInfoList * pArgInfo, VMPTR_TypeHandle & vmTypeHandle)
- void Unpack_GetExactTypeHandle(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetMethodDescParams(VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain, VMPTR_MethodDesc vmMethodDesc, GENERICS_TYPE_TOKEN genericsToken, UINT32 * pcGenericClassTypeParams, TypeParamsList * pGenericTypeParams)
- void Unpack_GetMethodDescParams(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // CORDB_ADDRESS GetThreadOrContextStaticAddress(VMPTR_FieldDesc vmField, VMPTR_Thread vmRuntimeThread)
- void Unpack_GetThreadOrContextStaticAddress(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // CORDB_ADDRESS GetCollectibleTypeStaticAddress(VMPTR_FieldDesc vmField, VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain)
- void Unpack_GetCollectibleTypeStaticAddress(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetEnCHangingFieldInfo(const EnCHangingFieldInfo * pEnCFieldInfo, FieldData * pFieldData, BOOL * pfStatic)
- void Unpack_GetEnCHangingFieldInfo(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetTypeHandleParams(VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain, VMPTR_TypeHandle vmTypeHandle, TypeParamsList * pParams)
- void Unpack_GetTypeHandleParams(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetSimpleType(VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain, CorElementType simpleType, mdTypeDef * pMetadataToken, VMPTR_Module * pVmModule, VMPTR_DomainFile * pVmDomainFile)
- void Unpack_GetSimpleType(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // BOOL IsExceptionObject(VMPTR_Object vmObject)
- void Unpack_IsExceptionObject(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetStackFramesFromException(VMPTR_Object vmObject, DacDbiArrayList<DacExceptionCallStackData> & dacStackFrames)
- void Unpack_GetStackFramesFromException(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // BOOL IsRcw(VMPTR_Object vmObject)
- void Unpack_IsRcw(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetRcwCachedInterfaceTypes(VMPTR_Object vmObject, VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain, BOOL bIInspectableOnly, DacDbiArrayList<DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData> * pDacInterfaces)
- void Unpack_GetRcwCachedInterfaceTypes(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetRcwCachedInterfacePointers(VMPTR_Object vmObject, BOOL bIInspectableOnly, DacDbiArrayList<CORDB_ADDRESS> * pDacItfPtrs)
- void Unpack_GetRcwCachedInterfacePointers(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetCachedWinRTTypesForIIDs(VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain, DacDbiArrayList<GUID> & iids, DacDbiArrayList<DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData> * pTypes)
- void Unpack_GetCachedWinRTTypesForIIDs(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetCachedWinRTTypes(VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain, DacDbiArrayList<GUID> * piids, DacDbiArrayList<DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData> * pTypes)
- void Unpack_GetCachedWinRTTypes(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetTypedByRefInfo(CORDB_ADDRESS pTypedByRef, VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain, DebuggerIPCE_ObjectData * pObjectData)
- void Unpack_GetTypedByRefInfo(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetStringData(CORDB_ADDRESS objectAddress, DebuggerIPCE_ObjectData * pObjectData)
- void Unpack_GetStringData(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetArrayData(CORDB_ADDRESS objectAddress, DebuggerIPCE_ObjectData * pObjectData)
- void Unpack_GetArrayData(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetBasicObjectInfo(CORDB_ADDRESS objectAddress, CorElementType type, VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain, DebuggerIPCE_ObjectData * pObjectData)
- void Unpack_GetBasicObjectInfo(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void TestCrst(VMPTR_Crst vmCrst)
- void Unpack_TestCrst(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void TestRWLock(VMPTR_SimpleRWLock vmRWLock)
- void Unpack_TestRWLock(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // CORDB_ADDRESS GetDebuggerControlBlockAddress()
- void Unpack_GetDebuggerControlBlockAddress(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // VMPTR_Object GetObjectFromRefPtr(CORDB_ADDRESS ptr)
- void Unpack_GetObjectFromRefPtr(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // VMPTR_Object GetObject(CORDB_ADDRESS ptr)
- void Unpack_GetObject(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // HRESULT EnableNGENPolicy(CorDebugNGENPolicy ePolicy)
- void Unpack_EnableNGENPolicy(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE GetVmObjectHandle(CORDB_ADDRESS handleAddress)
- void Unpack_GetVmObjectHandle(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // BOOL IsVmObjectHandleValid(VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE vmHandle)
- void Unpack_IsVmObjectHandleValid(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // HRESULT IsWinRTModule(VMPTR_Module vmModule, BOOL & isWinRT)
- void Unpack_IsWinRTModule(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // ULONG GetAppDomainIdFromVmObjectHandle(VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE vmHandle)
- void Unpack_GetAppDomainIdFromVmObjectHandle(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // CORDB_ADDRESS GetHandleAddressFromVmHandle(VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE vmHandle)
- void Unpack_GetHandleAddressFromVmHandle(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // TargetBuffer GetObjectContents(VMPTR_Object obj)
- void Unpack_GetObjectContents(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void EnumerateBlockingObjects(VMPTR_Thread vmThread, IDacDbiInterface::FP_BLOCKINGOBJECT_ENUMERATION_CALLBACK fpCallback, CALLBACK_DATA pUserData)
- void Unpack_EnumerateBlockingObjects(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // MonitorLockInfo GetThreadOwningMonitorLock(VMPTR_Object vmObject)
- void Unpack_GetThreadOwningMonitorLock(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void EnumerateMonitorEventWaitList(VMPTR_Object vmObject, IDacDbiInterface::FP_THREAD_ENUMERATION_CALLBACK fpCallback, CALLBACK_DATA pUserData)
- void Unpack_EnumerateMonitorEventWaitList(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- void Unpack_GetAttachStateFlags(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // bool GetMetaDataFileInfoFromPEFile(VMPTR_PEFile vmPEFile, DWORD & dwTimeStamp, DWORD & dwImageSize, bool & isNGEN, IStringHolder * pStrFilename)
- void Unpack_GetMetaDataFileInfoFromPEFile(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // bool GetILImageInfoFromNgenPEFile(VMPTR_PEFile vmPEFile, DWORD & dwTimeStamp, DWORD & dwSize, IStringHolder * pStrFilename)
- void Unpack_GetILImageInfoFromNgenPEFile(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // bool IsThreadSuspendedOrHijacked(VMPTR_Thread vmThread)
- void Unpack_IsThreadSuspendedOrHijacked(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // bool AreGCStructuresValid()
- void Unpack_AreGCStructuresValid(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // HRESULT CreateHeapWalk(HeapWalkHandle * pHandle)
- void Unpack_CreateHeapWalk(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void DeleteHeapWalk(HeapWalkHandle handle)
- void Unpack_DeleteHeapWalk(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // HRESULT WalkHeap(HeapWalkHandle handle, ULONG count, COR_HEAPOBJECT * objects, ULONG * pFetched)
- void Unpack_WalkHeap(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // HRESULT GetHeapSegments(DacDbiArrayList<COR_SEGMENT> * pSegments)
- void Unpack_GetHeapSegments(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // bool IsValidObject(CORDB_ADDRESS obj)
- void Unpack_IsValidObject(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // bool GetAppDomainForObject(CORDB_ADDRESS obj, VMPTR_AppDomain * pApp, VMPTR_Module * pModule, VMPTR_DomainFile * pDomainFile)
- void Unpack_GetAppDomainForObject(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // HRESULT CreateRefWalk(RefWalkHandle * pHandle, BOOL walkStacks, BOOL walkFQ, UINT32 handleWalkMask)
- void Unpack_CreateRefWalk(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void DeleteRefWalk(RefWalkHandle handle)
- void Unpack_DeleteRefWalk(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // HRESULT WalkRefs(RefWalkHandle handle, ULONG count, DacGcReference * refs, ULONG * pFetched)
- void Unpack_WalkRefs(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- void Unpack_GetTypeID(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // HRESULT GetObjectFields(COR_TYPEID id, ULONG32 celt, COR_FIELD * layout, ULONG32 * pceltFetched)
- void Unpack_GetObjectFields(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // HRESULT GetTypeLayout(COR_TYPEID id, COR_TYPE_LAYOUT * pLayout)
- void Unpack_GetTypeLayout(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // HRESULT GetArrayLayout(COR_TYPEID id, COR_ARRAY_LAYOUT * pLayout)
- void Unpack_GetArrayLayout(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- // void GetGCHeapInformation(COR_HEAPINFO * pHeapInfo)
- void Unpack_GetGCHeapInformation(ReadBuffer * pSend, WriteBuffer * pResult);
- };
-#endif // _DDUNPACK_H_
-// end of file