path: root/src/debug/di/dbgtransportmanager.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/debug/di/dbgtransportmanager.h')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/debug/di/dbgtransportmanager.h b/src/debug/di/dbgtransportmanager.h
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index 0000000000..a28d1c718a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/debug/di/dbgtransportmanager.h
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+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+#include "dbgproxy.h"
+#include "coreclrremotedebugginginterfaces.h"
+// Provides access to various process enumeration and control facilities for a remote machine.
+// The top-level entity is a DbgTransportManager. Usually one of these will be allocated per debugger process.
+// The manager maintains a pool of DbgTransportTarget objects. Each of these track a connection to the proxy
+// on a single target machine. In addition to managing the proxy connection a collection of
+// DbgTransportSession objects is maintained, each corresponding to a debug session with a specific CoreCLR
+// runtime instance.
+// Target machine specific state.
+class DbgTransportTarget
+ DbgTransportTarget();
+ // Fill caller allocated table at pdwProcesses with the pids of processes currently alive on the target
+ // system. Return the number of slots filled in *pcProcesses. The size of the table is given by cSlots. If
+ // more than this number of processes are alive then *pcProcesses is set to the total number and
+ // E_OUTOFMEMORY returned.
+ HRESULT EnumProcesses(DWORD *pdwProcesses, DWORD cSlots, DWORD *pcProcesses);
+ // Returns true if the given PID identifies a running process which is hosting at least one CoreCLR
+ // runtime.
+ bool IsManagedProcess(DWORD dwPID);
+ // Given a PID attempt to find or create a DbgTransportSession instance to manage a connection to a
+ // runtime in that process. Returns E_UNEXPECTED if the process can't be found. Also returns a handle that
+ // can be waited on for process termination.
+ HRESULT GetTransportForProcess(DWORD dwPID, DbgTransportSession **ppTransport, HANDLE *phProcessHandle);
+ // Give back a previously acquired transport (if nobody else is using the transport it will close down the
+ // connection at this point).
+ void ReleaseTransport(DbgTransportSession *pTransport);
+ // Run the command line given on the remote machine to create a process. Return the PID of this process.
+ // When and if the process starts a runtime and registers with the proxy it will be told to halt and wait
+ // for a debugger attach.
+ HRESULT CreateProcess(LPCWSTR wszCommand,
+ LPCWSTR wszArgs,
+ LPCWSTR wszCurrentDirectory,
+ LPVOID pvEnvironment,
+ DWORD *pdwPID);
+ // Kill the process identified by PID.
+ void KillProcess(DWORD dwPID);
+ // Indicates when the connection to a proxy has failed: this target object will remain until the last
+ // reference to it is released (DbgTransportManager::ReleaseTransport) but will fail all further requests.
+ // The manager will then allow a new attempt to create a connection to the proxy to be made (wrapped in a
+ // new DbgTransportTarget).
+ bool IsProxyConnectionBad();
+ // A version of EnumProcesses used when we're controlled by the Visual Studio debugger. This API is
+ // exposed to our port supplier implementation via the ICoreClrDebugTarget interface implemented by the
+ // CoreClrDebugTarget class implemented in DbgTransportManager.cpp.
+ HRESULT EnumProcessesForVS(DWORD *pcProcs, CoreClrDebugProcInfo **ppProcs);
+ // A similar API for VS that enumerates runtimes running within the given process. Returns S_FALSE if
+ // there are none.
+ HRESULT EnumRuntimesForVS(PRUID pruidProcess, DWORD *pcRuntimes, CoreClrDebugRuntimeInfo **ppRuntimes);
+ friend class DbgTransportManager;
+ // Initialization and shutdown routines called only by the DbgTransportManager.
+ HRESULT Init(DWORD dwIPAddress, USHORT usPort);
+ void Shutdown();
+ // Data saved for each runtime instance the manager currently knows about. Saved in a singly linked, NULL
+ // terminated list on each ProcessEntry (m_pRuntimes).
+ struct RuntimeEntry
+ {
+ RuntimeEntry *m_pNext; // Next entry in the list
+ PRUID m_pruidRuntime; // Proxy ID for this specific runtime instance
+ USHORT m_usPort; // Port number to connect session to.
+ DbgTransportSession *m_pDbgTransport; // Transport to this runtime or NULL
+ DWORD m_cTransportRef; // Number of references to the transport still outstanding
+ ~RuntimeEntry();
+ };
+ // Data saved for each process the manager currently knows about. Saved in a singly linked, NULL
+ // terminated list (m_pProcessList).
+ struct ProcessEntry
+ {
+ ProcessEntry *m_pNext; // Next entry in the list
+ DWORD m_dwPID; // Process ID for this entry
+ PRUID m_pruidProcess; // Proxy's ID for this process
+ char m_szCommandLine[kMaxCommandLine]; // Command line process is running
+ RuntimeEntry *m_pRuntimes; // Singly linked list of runtimes in process
+ HANDLE m_hExitedEvent; // Event signalled once process terminates
+ HANDLE m_hRuntimeStartedEvent; //Event signalled when first runtime is created in this process
+ bool m_fExited; // Marks processes that have exited but still have a transport
+ bool m_fRemove; // Used only during process list updates, see ProcessProcessList
+ DWORD m_cProcessRef; // Reasons the process can't be deleted yet
+ ~ProcessEntry();
+ };
+ // Record of outgoing request that requires a reply.
+ struct Request
+ {
+ Request *m_pNext; // Next in queue of outstanding requests
+ DWORD m_dwID; // ID assigned to request (to match reply)
+ HANDLE m_hCompletionEvent; // Event to signal once the request is completed
+ HRESULT m_hrResult; // Completion result of request
+ union // Request specific output buffers
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ DWORD *m_pdwMajorVersion; // Protocol version employed by the proxy
+ DWORD *m_pdwMinorVersion; // Protocol version employed by the proxy
+ DbgTargetPlatform *m_pePlatform; // Platform type of target system
+ } GetSystemInfo;
+ struct
+ {
+ DWORD *m_pdwPID; // PID of launched process
+ PRUID *m_ppruidProcess; // PRUID of launched process
+ } LaunchProcess;
+ struct
+ {
+ bool *m_pfProcessExited; // Process exited before we could record the attach
+ } EarlyAttach;
+ } OutputBuffers;
+ };
+ ULONGLONG m_ullLastUpdate; // tick count of the last time the process list is updated
+ bool m_fInitLock; // Used to track whether we initialized m_sLock in Init()
+ DWORD m_dwProxyIP; // Proxy IP address in host byte order
+ USHORT m_usProxyPort; // Proxy port number in host byte order
+ DbgTargetPlatform m_ePlatform; // Platform type of the target (e.g. MacX86)
+ ProcessEntry *m_pProcessList; // Head of list of currently alive processes (unsorted)
+ RSLock m_sLock; // Lock protecting read and write access to the process list
+ bool m_fShutdown; // Flag set once Shutdown() has been called
+ HANDLE m_hProcessEventThread; // Handle for the process event thread
+ SecConnMgr *m_pConnectionManager; // Factory for network connections
+ SecConn *m_pConnection; // Connection to the proxy
+ SOCKET m_hSocket; // UDP socket used to communicate with proxy
+ DWORD m_dwNextRequestID; // Next ID to be assigned to an outgoing request
+ Request *m_pRequestList; // List of requests to proxy that haven't had a reply
+ bool m_fProxyConnectionBad; // Initially false, any network failure will transition it
+ // to true for good and all further requests on this
+ // target will fail.
+ // Ask the remote debugger proxy for an updated list of processes and reflect these changes into our local
+ // process list. Any failure will leave the current process list state unchanged.
+ void UpdateProcessList();
+ // Locate a process entry by PID. Assumes the lock is already held.
+ ProcessEntry *LocateProcessByPID(DWORD dwPID);
+ // Deallocate all resources associated with a process list.
+ void DeallocateProcessList(ProcessEntry *pProcessList);
+ // Format and send a request to the proxy then wait on a reply (if appropriate) and return results to the
+ // caller.
+ HRESULT MakeProxyRequest(DbgProxyMessageType eType, ...);
+ // Static entry point for the process event thread.
+ static DWORD WINAPI ProcessEventWorkerStatic(LPVOID lpvContext);
+ // Instance method version of the worker, called from ProcessEventWorkerStatic().
+ void ProcessEventWorker();
+ // If this message is a reply to a right-side request locate that request. Otherwise return NULL.
+ Request *LocateOriginalRequest(DbgProxyMessageHeader *pMessage);
+ // Process an incoming ProcessList message.
+ void ProcessProcessList(DbgProxyMessageHeader *pMessage,
+ Request *pRequest);
+ // Process an incoming RuntimeStarted message.
+ bool ProcessRuntimeStarted(DbgProxyProcessInfo *pProcessInfo,
+ DbgProxyRuntimeInfo *pRuntimeInfo);
+// Process level state.
+class DbgTransportManager
+ DbgTransportManager();
+ // Startup/shutdown calls. These are ref-counted (cordbg, for instance, is constructed in such a way that
+ // the command shell will attempt to load mscordbi and initialize an associated DbgTransportManager
+ // multiple times).
+ HRESULT Init();
+ void Shutdown();
+ // Attempt to connect to a debugging proxy on the machine at the given address and with the specified port
+ // number. If the port number is given as zero use the port stored in user debugger configuration. On
+ // success a pointer to a DbgTransportTarget object will be returned.
+ HRESULT ConnectToTarget(DWORD dwIPAddress, USHORT usPort, DbgTransportTarget **ppTarget);
+ // Add another reference to a target already acquired by ConnectToTarget (used by clients when they want
+ // to hand a target out to independent code).
+ void ReferenceTarget(DbgTransportTarget *pTarget);
+ // Release reference to a DbgTransportTarget. If this is the last active reference then the connection to
+ // the proxy will be severed and the object deallocated.
+ void ReleaseTarget(DbgTransportTarget *pTarget);
+ // Private structure used to track references to DbgTransportTargets we've allocated.
+ struct TargetRef
+ {
+ TargetRef *m_pNext; // Next target in singly linked list (or NULL for end of list)
+ DbgTransportTarget *m_pTarget; // The actual target object
+ DWORD m_dwIPAddress; // IP address of the target machine
+ USHORT m_usPort; // TCP port of the proxy on the machine
+ DWORD m_dwRefCount; // Number of clients with a reference to this target
+ };
+ LONG m_lRefCount; // Number of references to this manager outstanding
+ TargetRef *m_pTargets; // Singly linked list of targets allocated so far
+ RSLock m_sLock; // Lock protecting read and write access to the target list
+// The one and only instance of the DbgTransportManager in the process.
+extern DbgTransportManager *g_pDbgTransportManager;