path: root/src/debug/di/dbgtransportmanager.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/debug/di/dbgtransportmanager.h')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/debug/di/dbgtransportmanager.h b/src/debug/di/dbgtransportmanager.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a8013eae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/debug/di/dbgtransportmanager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+#include "coreclrremotedebugginginterfaces.h"
+// TODO: Ideally we'd like to remove this class and don't do any process related book keeping in DBI.
+// This is a registry of all the processes a debugger knows about, different components call it in order to
+// obtain right instance of DbgTransportSession for a given PID. It keeps list of processes and transports for them.
+// It also handles things like creating and killing a process.
+// Usual lifecycle looks like this:
+// Debug a new process:
+// * CreateProcess(&pid)
+// * GetTransportForProcess(pid, &transport)
+// * ReleaseTransport(transport)
+// * KillProcess(pid)
+// Attach to an existing process:
+// * Obtain pid from a user
+// * GetTransportForProcess(pid, &transport)
+// * ReleaseTransport(transport)
+class DbgTransportTarget
+ DbgTransportTarget();
+ // Given a PID attempt to find or create a DbgTransportSession instance to manage a connection to a
+ // runtime in that process. Returns E_UNEXPECTED if the process can't be found. Also returns a handle that
+ // can be waited on for process termination.
+ HRESULT GetTransportForProcess(DWORD dwPID, DbgTransportSession **ppTransport, HANDLE *phProcessHandle);
+ // Give back a previously acquired transport (if nobody else is using the transport it will close down the
+ // connection at this point).
+ void ReleaseTransport(DbgTransportSession *pTransport);
+ // When and if the process starts the runtime will be told to halt and wait for a debugger attach.
+ HRESULT CreateProcess(LPCWSTR lpApplicationName,
+ LPCWSTR lpCommandLine,
+ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes,
+ BOOL bInheritHandles,
+ DWORD dwCreationFlags,
+ LPVOID lpEnvironment,
+ LPCWSTR lpCurrentDirectory,
+ LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation);
+ // Kill the process identified by PID.
+ void KillProcess(DWORD dwPID);
+ HRESULT Init();
+ void Shutdown();
+ struct ProcessEntry
+ {
+ ProcessEntry *m_pNext; // Next entry in the list
+ DWORD m_dwPID; // Process ID for this entry
+ HANDLE m_hProcess; // Process handle
+ DbgTransportSession *m_transport; // Debugger's connection to the process
+ DWORD m_cProcessRef; // Ref count
+ ~ProcessEntry();
+ };
+ ProcessEntry *m_pProcessList; // Head of list of currently alive processes (unsorted)
+ RSLock m_sLock; // Lock protecting read and write access to the target list
+ // Locate a process entry by PID. Assumes the lock is already held.
+ ProcessEntry *LocateProcessByPID(DWORD dwPID);
+extern DbgTransportTarget *g_pDbgTransportTarget;