path: root/src/debug/daccess/dacdbiimpl.h
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1 files changed, 1150 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/debug/daccess/dacdbiimpl.h b/src/debug/daccess/dacdbiimpl.h
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+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// DacDbiImpl.h
+// Implement the interface between the DAC and DBI.
+#ifndef _DACDBI_IMPL_H_
+#define _DACDBI_IMPL_H_
+// Prototype for creation function
+ ICorDebugDataTarget * pTarget,
+ CORDB_ADDRESS baseAddress,
+ IDacDbiInterface::IAllocator * pAllocator,
+ IDacDbiInterface::IMetaDataLookup * pMetaDataLookup,
+ IDacDbiInterface ** ppInterface);
+// This implements the DAC/DBI interface. See that interface declaration for
+// full documentation on these methods.
+// Assumptions:
+// This class is free-threaded and provides its own synchronization.
+// Notes:
+// It inherits from ClrDataAccess to get the DAC-management implementation, and to
+// override GetMDImport.
+class DacDbiInterfaceImpl :
+ public ClrDataAccess,
+ public IDacDbiInterface
+ // Ctor to instantiate a DAC reader around a given data-target.
+ DacDbiInterfaceImpl(ICorDebugDataTarget * pTarget, CORDB_ADDRESS baseAddress, IAllocator * pAllocator, IMetaDataLookup * pLookup);
+ // Destructor.
+ ~DacDbiInterfaceImpl(void);
+ // Overridden from ClrDataAccess. Gets an internal metadata importer for the file.
+ virtual IMDInternalImport* GetMDImport(
+ const PEFile* pPEFile,
+ const ReflectionModule * pReflectionModule,
+ bool fThrowEx);
+ // Check whether the version of the DBI matches the version of the runtime.
+ HRESULT CheckDbiVersion(const DbiVersion * pVersion);
+ // Flush the DAC cache. This should be called when target memory changes.
+ HRESULT FlushCache();
+ // enable or disable DAC target consistency checks
+ void DacSetTargetConsistencyChecks(bool fEnableAsserts);
+ // Destroy the interface object. The client should call this when it's done
+ // with the IDacDbiInterface to free up any resources.
+ void Destroy();
+ IAllocator * GetAllocator()
+ {
+ return m_pAllocator;
+ }
+ // Is Left-side started up?
+ BOOL IsLeftSideInitialized();
+ // Get an LS Appdomain via an AppDomain unique ID.
+ // Fails if the AD is not found or if the ID is invalid.
+ VMPTR_AppDomain GetAppDomainFromId(ULONG appdomainId);
+ // Get the AppDomain ID for an AppDomain.
+ ULONG GetAppDomainId(VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain);
+ // Get the managed AppDomain object for an AppDomain.
+ VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE GetAppDomainObject(VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain);
+ // Determine if the specified AppDomain is the default domain
+ BOOL IsDefaultDomain(VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain);
+ // Get the full AD friendly name for the appdomain.
+ void GetAppDomainFullName(
+ VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain,
+ IStringHolder * pStrName);
+ // Get the values of the JIT Optimization and EnC flags.
+ void GetCompilerFlags (VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile,
+ BOOL * pfAllowJITOpts,
+ BOOL * pfEnableEnC);
+ // Helper function for SetCompilerFlags to set EnC status
+ bool CanSetEnCBits(Module * pModule);
+ // Set the values of the JIT optimization and EnC flags.
+ HRESULT SetCompilerFlags(VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile,
+ BOOL fAllowJitOpts,
+ BOOL fEnableEnC);
+ // Initialize the native/IL sequence points and native var info for a function.
+ void GetNativeCodeSequencePointsAndVarInfo(VMPTR_MethodDesc vmMethodDesc,
+ CORDB_ADDRESS startAddr,
+ BOOL fCodeAvailable,
+ NativeVarData * pNativeVarData,
+ SequencePoints * pSequencePoints);
+ bool IsThreadSuspendedOrHijacked(VMPTR_Thread vmThread);
+ bool AreGCStructuresValid();
+ HRESULT CreateHeapWalk(HeapWalkHandle *pHandle);
+ void DeleteHeapWalk(HeapWalkHandle handle);
+ HRESULT WalkHeap(HeapWalkHandle handle,
+ ULONG count,
+ OUT ULONG *fetched);
+ HRESULT GetHeapSegments(OUT DacDbiArrayList<COR_SEGMENT> *pSegments);
+ bool IsValidObject(CORDB_ADDRESS obj);
+ bool GetAppDomainForObject(CORDB_ADDRESS obj, OUT VMPTR_AppDomain * pApp, OUT VMPTR_Module *pModule, OUT VMPTR_DomainFile *mod);
+ HRESULT CreateRefWalk(RefWalkHandle * pHandle, BOOL walkStacks, BOOL walkFQ, UINT32 handleWalkMask);
+ void DeleteRefWalk(RefWalkHandle handle);
+ HRESULT WalkRefs(RefWalkHandle handle, ULONG count, OUT DacGcReference * objects, OUT ULONG *pFetched);
+ HRESULT GetObjectFields(COR_TYPEID id, ULONG32 celt, COR_FIELD *layout, ULONG32 *pceltFetched);
+ void GetGCHeapInformation(COR_HEAPINFO * pHeapInfo);
+ HRESULT GetPEFileMDInternalRW(VMPTR_PEFile vmPEFile, OUT TADDR* pAddrMDInternalRW);
+ HRESULT GetReJitInfo(VMPTR_Module vmModule, mdMethodDef methodTk, OUT VMPTR_ReJitInfo* pReJitInfo);
+ HRESULT GetReJitInfo(VMPTR_MethodDesc vmMethod, CORDB_ADDRESS codeStartAddress, OUT VMPTR_ReJitInfo* pReJitInfo);
+ HRESULT GetSharedReJitInfo(VMPTR_ReJitInfo vmReJitInfo, VMPTR_SharedReJitInfo* pSharedReJitInfo);
+ HRESULT GetSharedReJitInfoData(VMPTR_SharedReJitInfo sharedReJitInfo, DacSharedReJitInfo* pData);
+ HRESULT GetDefinesBitField(ULONG32 *pDefines);
+ HRESULT GetMDStructuresVersion(ULONG32* pMDStructuresVersion);
+ void TypeHandleToExpandedTypeInfoImpl(AreValueTypesBoxed boxed,
+ VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain,
+ TypeHandle typeHandle,
+ DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData * pTypeInfo);
+ // Get the number of fixed arguments to a function, i.e., the explicit args and the "this" pointer.
+ SIZE_T GetArgCount(MethodDesc * pMD);
+ // Get locations and code offsets for local variables and arguments in a function
+ void GetNativeVarData(MethodDesc * pMethodDesc,
+ CORDB_ADDRESS startAddr,
+ SIZE_T fixedArgCount,
+ NativeVarData * pVarInfo);
+ // Get the native/IL sequence points for a function
+ void GetSequencePoints(MethodDesc * pMethodDesc,
+ CORDB_ADDRESS startAddr,
+ SequencePoints * pNativeMap);
+ // Helper to compose a IL->IL and IL->Native mapping
+ void ComposeMapping(InstrumentedILOffsetMapping profilerILMap, ICorDebugInfo::OffsetMapping nativeMap[], ULONG32* pEntryCount);
+ // Helper function to convert an instrumented IL offset to the corresponding original IL offset.
+ ULONG TranslateInstrumentedILOffsetToOriginal(ULONG ilOffset,
+ const InstrumentedILOffsetMapping * pMapping);
+ // class MapSortILMap: A template class that will sort an array of DebuggerILToNativeMap.
+ // This class is intended to be instantiated on the stack / in temporary storage, and used
+ // to reorder the sequence map.
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ class MapSortILMap : public CQuickSort<DebuggerILToNativeMap>
+ {
+ public:
+ //Constructor
+ MapSortILMap(DebuggerILToNativeMap * map,
+ int count)
+ : CQuickSort<DebuggerILToNativeMap>(map, count) {}
+ // secondary key comparison--if two IL offsets are the same,
+ // we determine order based on native offset
+ int CompareInternal(DebuggerILToNativeMap * first,
+ DebuggerILToNativeMap * second);
+ //Comparison operator
+ int Compare(DebuggerILToNativeMap * first,
+ DebuggerILToNativeMap * second);
+ };
+ // GetILCodeAndSig returns the function's ILCode and SigToken given
+ // a module and a token. The info will come from a MethodDesc, if
+ // one exists or from metadata.
+ //
+ void GetILCodeAndSig(VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile,
+ mdToken functionToken,
+ TargetBuffer * pCodeInfo,
+ mdToken * pLocalSigToken);
+ // Gets the following information about the native code blob for a function, if the native
+ // code is available:
+ // its method desc
+ // whether it's an instantiated generic
+ // its EnC version number
+ // hot and cold region information.
+ void GetNativeCodeInfo(VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile,
+ mdToken functionToken,
+ NativeCodeFunctionData * pCodeInfo);
+ // Gets the following information about the native code blob for a function
+ // its method desc
+ // whether it's an instantiated generic
+ // its EnC version number
+ // hot and cold region information.
+ void GetNativeCodeInfoForAddr(VMPTR_MethodDesc vmMethodDesc,
+ CORDB_ADDRESS hotCodeStartAddr,
+ NativeCodeFunctionData * pCodeInfo);
+ // Get start addresses and sizes for hot and cold regions for a native code blob
+ void GetMethodRegionInfo(MethodDesc * pMethodDesc,
+ NativeCodeFunctionData * pCodeInfo);
+ // Determine if a type is a ValueType
+ BOOL IsValueType (VMPTR_TypeHandle th);
+ // Determine if a type has generic parameters
+ BOOL HasTypeParams (VMPTR_TypeHandle th);
+ // Get type information for a class
+ void GetClassInfo (VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain,
+ VMPTR_TypeHandle thExact,
+ ClassInfo * pData);
+ // get field information and object size for an instantiated generic type
+ void GetInstantiationFieldInfo (VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile,
+ VMPTR_TypeHandle vmThExact,
+ VMPTR_TypeHandle vmThApprox,
+ DacDbiArrayList<FieldData> * pFieldList,
+ SIZE_T * pObjectSize);
+ void GetObjectExpandedTypeInfo(AreValueTypesBoxed boxed,
+ VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain,
+ DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData *pTypeInfo);
+ void GetObjectExpandedTypeInfoFromID(AreValueTypesBoxed boxed,
+ VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain,
+ DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData *pTypeInfo);
+ // @dbgtodo Microsoft inspection: change DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData to DacDbiStructures type hierarchy
+ // once ICorDebugType and ICorDebugClass are DACized
+ // use a type handle to get the information needed to create the corresponding RS CordbType instance
+ void TypeHandleToExpandedTypeInfo(AreValueTypesBoxed boxed,
+ VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain,
+ VMPTR_TypeHandle vmTypeHandle,
+ DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData * pTypeInfo);
+ // Get type handle for a TypeDef token, if one exists. For generics this returns the open type.
+ VMPTR_TypeHandle GetTypeHandle(VMPTR_Module vmModule,
+ mdTypeDef metadataToken);
+ // Get the approximate type handle for an instantiated type. This may be identical to the exact type handle,
+ // but if we have code sharing for generics,it may differ in that it may have canonical type parameters.
+ VMPTR_TypeHandle GetApproxTypeHandle(TypeInfoList * pTypeData);
+ // Get the exact type handle from type data
+ HRESULT DacDbiInterfaceImpl::GetExactTypeHandle(DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData * pTypeData,
+ ArgInfoList * pArgInfo,
+ VMPTR_TypeHandle& vmTypeHandle);
+ // Retrieve the generic type params for a given MethodDesc. This function is specifically
+ // for stackwalking because it requires the generic type token on the stack.
+ void GetMethodDescParams(VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain,
+ VMPTR_MethodDesc vmMethodDesc,
+ GENERICS_TYPE_TOKEN genericsToken,
+ UINT32 * pcGenericClassTypeParams,
+ TypeParamsList * pGenericTypeParams);
+ // Get the target field address of a context or thread local static.
+ CORDB_ADDRESS GetThreadOrContextStaticAddress(VMPTR_FieldDesc vmField,
+ VMPTR_Thread vmRuntimeThread);
+ // Get the target field address of a collectible types static.
+ CORDB_ADDRESS GetCollectibleTypeStaticAddress(VMPTR_FieldDesc vmField,
+ VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain);
+ // Get information about a field added with Edit And Continue.
+ void GetEnCHangingFieldInfo(const EnCHangingFieldInfo * pEnCFieldInfo,
+ FieldData * pFieldData,
+ BOOL * pfStatic);
+ // GetTypeHandleParams gets the necessary data for a type handle, i.e. its
+ // type parameters, e.g. "String" and "List<int>" from the type handle
+ // for "Dict<String,List<int>>", and sends it back to the right side.
+ // This should not fail except for OOM
+ void GetTypeHandleParams(VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain,
+ VMPTR_TypeHandle vmTypeHandle,
+ TypeParamsList * pParams);
+ // DacDbi API: GetSimpleType
+ // gets the metadata token and domain file corresponding to a simple type
+ void GetSimpleType(VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain,
+ CorElementType simpleType,
+ mdTypeDef * pMetadataToken,
+ VMPTR_Module * pVmModule,
+ VMPTR_DomainFile * pVmDomainFile);
+ BOOL IsExceptionObject(VMPTR_Object vmObject);
+ void GetStackFramesFromException(VMPTR_Object vmObject, DacDbiArrayList<DacExceptionCallStackData>& dacStackFrames);
+ // Returns true if the argument is a runtime callable wrapper
+ BOOL IsRcw(VMPTR_Object vmObject);
+ // retrieves the list of COM interfaces implemented by vmObject, as it is known at
+ // the time of the call (the list may change as new interface types become available
+ // in the runtime)
+ void GetRcwCachedInterfaceTypes(
+ VMPTR_Object vmObject,
+ VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain,
+ BOOL bIInspectableOnly,
+ OUT DacDbiArrayList<DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData> * pDacInterfaces);
+ // retrieves the list of interfaces pointers implemented by vmObject, as it is known at
+ // the time of the call (the list may change as new interface types become available
+ // in the runtime)
+ void GetRcwCachedInterfacePointers(
+ VMPTR_Object vmObject,
+ BOOL bIInspectableOnly,
+ OUT DacDbiArrayList<CORDB_ADDRESS> * pDacItfPtrs);
+ // retrieves a list of interface types corresponding to the passed in
+ // list of IIDs. the interface types are retrieved from an app domain
+ // IID / Type cache, that is updated as new types are loaded. will
+ // have NULL entries corresponding to unknown IIDs in "iids"
+ void GetCachedWinRTTypesForIIDs(
+ VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain,
+ DacDbiArrayList<GUID> & iids,
+ OUT DacDbiArrayList<DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData> * pTypes);
+ // retrieves the whole app domain cache of IID / Type mappings.
+ void GetCachedWinRTTypes(
+ VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain,
+ OUT DacDbiArrayList<GUID> * pGuids,
+ OUT DacDbiArrayList<DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData> * pTypes);
+ BOOL IsExceptionObject(MethodTable* pMT);
+ // Get the approximate and exact type handles for a type
+ void GetTypeHandles(VMPTR_TypeHandle vmThExact,
+ VMPTR_TypeHandle vmThApprox,
+ TypeHandle * pThExact,
+ TypeHandle * pThApprox);
+ // Gets the total number of fields for a type.
+ unsigned int GetTotalFieldCount(TypeHandle thApprox);
+ // initializes various values of the ClassInfo data structure, including the
+ // field count, generic args count, size and value class flag
+ void InitClassData(TypeHandle thApprox,
+ BOOL fIsInstantiatedType,
+ ClassInfo * pData);
+ // Gets the base table addresses for both GC and non-GC statics
+ void GetStaticsBases(TypeHandle thExact,
+ AppDomain * pAppDomain,
+ PTR_BYTE * ppGCStaticsBase,
+ PTR_BYTE * ppNonGCStaticsBase);
+ // Computes the field info for pFD and stores it in pcurrentFieldData
+ void ComputeFieldData(PTR_FieldDesc pFD,
+ PTR_BYTE pGCStaticsBase,
+ PTR_BYTE pNonGCStaticsBase,
+ FieldData * pCurrentFieldData);
+ // Gets information for all the fields for a given type
+ void CollectFields(TypeHandle thExact,
+ TypeHandle thApprox,
+ AppDomain * pAppDomain,
+ DacDbiArrayList<FieldData> * pFieldList);
+ // Gets additional information to convert a type handle to an instance of CordbType if the type is E_T_ARRAY
+ void GetArrayTypeInfo(TypeHandle typeHandle,
+ DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData * pTypeInfo,
+ AppDomain * pAppDomain);
+ // Gets additional information to convert a type handle to an instance of CordbType if the type is
+ // E_T_PTR or E_T_BYREF
+ void GetPtrTypeInfo(AreValueTypesBoxed boxed,
+ TypeHandle typeHandle,
+ DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData * pTypeInfo,
+ AppDomain * pAppDomain);
+ // Gets additional information to convert a type handle to an instance of CordbType if the type is E_T_FNPTR
+ void GetFnPtrTypeInfo(AreValueTypesBoxed boxed,
+ TypeHandle typeHandle,
+ DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData * pTypeInfo,
+ AppDomain * pAppDomain);
+ // Gets additional information to convert a type handle to an instance of CordbType if the type is
+ void GetClassTypeInfo(TypeHandle typeHandle,
+ DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData * pTypeInfo,
+ AppDomain * pAppDomain);
+ // Gets the correct CorElementType value from a type handle
+ CorElementType GetElementType (TypeHandle typeHandle);
+ // Gets additional information to convert a type handle to an instance of CordbType for the referent of an
+ // E_T_BYREF or E_T_PTR or for the element type of an E_T_ARRAY or E_T_SZARRAY
+ void TypeHandleToBasicTypeInfo(TypeHandle typeHandle,
+ DebuggerIPCE_BasicTypeData * pTypeInfo,
+ AppDomain * pAppDomain);
+ // wrapper routines to set up for a call to ClassLoader functions to retrieve a type handle for a
+ // particular kind of type
+ // find a loaded type handle for a primitive type
+ static TypeHandle FindLoadedElementType(CorElementType elementType);
+ // find a loaded type handle for an array type (E_T_ARRAY or E_T_SZARRAY)
+ static TypeHandle FindLoadedArrayType(CorElementType elementType, TypeHandle typeArg, unsigned rank);
+ // find a loaded type handle for an address type (E_T_PTR or E_T_BYREF)
+ static TypeHandle FindLoadedPointerOrByrefType(CorElementType elementType, TypeHandle typeArg);
+ // find a loaded type handle for a function pointer type (E_T_FNPTR)
+ static TypeHandle FindLoadedFnptrType(DWORD numTypeArgs, TypeHandle * pInst);
+ // find a loaded type handle for a particular instantiation of a class type (E_T_CLASS or E_T_VALUETYPE)
+ static TypeHandle FindLoadedInstantiation(Module * pModule,
+ mdTypeDef mdToken,
+ DWORD nTypeArgs,
+ TypeHandle * pInst);
+ // TypeDataWalk
+ // This class provides functionality to allow us to read type handles for generic type parameters or the
+ // argument of an array or address type. It takes code sharing into account and allows us to get the canonical
+ // form where necessary. It operates on a list of type arguments gathered on the RS and passed to the constructor.
+ // See code:CordbType::GatherTypeData for more information.
+ //
+ class TypeDataWalk
+ {
+ private:
+ // list of type arguments
+ DebuggerIPCE_TypeArgData * m_pCurrentData;
+ // number of type arguments still to be processed
+ unsigned int m_nRemaining;
+ public:
+ typedef enum {kGetExact, kGetCanonical} TypeHandleReadType;
+ // constructor
+ TypeDataWalk(DebuggerIPCE_TypeArgData *pData, unsigned int nData);
+ // Compute the type handle for a given type.
+ // This is the top-level function that will return the type handle
+ // for an arbitrary type. It uses mutual recursion with ReadLoadedTypeArg to get
+ // the type handle for a (possibly parameterized) type. Note that the referent of
+ // address types or the element type of an array type are viewed as type parameters.
+ TypeHandle ReadLoadedTypeHandle(TypeHandleReadType retrieveWhich);
+ private:
+ // skip a single node from the list of type handles
+ void Skip();
+ // read and return a single node from the list of type parameters
+ DebuggerIPCE_TypeArgData * ReadOne();
+ //
+ // These are for type arguments. They return null if the item could not be found.
+ // They also optionally find the canonical form for the specified type
+ // (used if generic code sharing is enabled) even if the exact form has not
+ // yet been loaded for some reason
+ //
+ // Read a type handle when it is used in the position of a generic argument or
+ // argument of an array type. Take into account generic code sharing if we
+ // have been requested to find the canonical representation amongst a set of shared-
+ // code generic types. That is, if generics code sharing is enabled then return "Object"
+ // for all reference types, and canonicalize underneath value types, e.g. V<string> --> V<object>.
+ //
+ // Return TypeHandle() (null) if any of the type handles are not loaded.
+ TypeHandle ReadLoadedTypeArg(TypeHandleReadType retrieveWhich);
+ // Iterate through the type argument data, creating type handles as we go.
+ // Return FALSE if any of the type handles are not loaded.
+ BOOL ReadLoadedTypeHandles(TypeHandleReadType retrieveWhich, unsigned int nTypeArgs, TypeHandle *ppResults);
+ // Read an instantiation of a generic type if it has already been created.
+ TypeHandle ReadLoadedInstantiation(TypeHandleReadType retrieveWhich,
+ Module * pModule,
+ mdTypeDef mdToken,
+ unsigned int nTypeArgs);
+ // These are helper functions to get the type handle for specific classes of types
+ TypeHandle ArrayTypeArg(DebuggerIPCE_TypeArgData * pData, TypeHandleReadType retrieveWhich);
+ TypeHandle PtrOrByRefTypeArg(DebuggerIPCE_TypeArgData * pData, TypeHandleReadType retrieveWhich);
+ TypeHandle FnPtrTypeArg(DebuggerIPCE_TypeArgData * pData, TypeHandleReadType retrieveWhich);
+ TypeHandle ClassTypeArg(DebuggerIPCE_TypeArgData * pData, TypeHandleReadType retrieveWhich);
+ TypeHandle ObjRefOrPrimitiveTypeArg(DebuggerIPCE_TypeArgData * pData, CorElementType elementType);
+ }; // class TypeDataWalk
+ // get a typehandle for a class or valuetype from basic type data (metadata token
+ // and domain file
+ TypeHandle GetClassOrValueTypeHandle(DebuggerIPCE_BasicTypeData * pData);
+ // get an exact type handle for an array type
+ TypeHandle GetExactArrayTypeHandle(DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData * pTopLevelTypeData,
+ ArgInfoList * pArgInfo);
+ // get an exact type handle for a PTR or BYREF type
+ TypeHandle GetExactPtrOrByRefTypeHandle(DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData * pTopLevelTypeData,
+ ArgInfoList * pArgInfo);
+ // get an exact type handle for a CLASS or VALUETYPE type
+ TypeHandle GetExactClassTypeHandle(DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData * pTopLevelTypeData,
+ ArgInfoList * pArgInfo);
+ // get an exact type handle for a FNPTR type
+ TypeHandle GetExactFnPtrTypeHandle(ArgInfoList * pArgInfo);
+ // Convert basic type info for a type parameter that came from a top-level type to
+ // the corresponding type handle. If the type parameter is an array or pointer
+ // type, we simply extract the LS type handle from the VMPTR_TypeHandle that is
+ // part of the type information. If the type parameter is a class or value type,
+ // we use the metadata token and domain file in the type info to look up the
+ // appropriate type handle. If the type parameter is any other types, we get the
+ // type handle by having the loader look up the type handle for the element type.
+ TypeHandle BasicTypeInfoToTypeHandle(DebuggerIPCE_BasicTypeData * pArgTypeData);
+ // Convert type information for a top-level type to an exact type handle. This
+ // information includes information about the element type if the top-level type is
+ // an array type, the referent if the top-level type is a pointer type, or actual
+ // parameters if the top-level type is a generic class or value type.
+ TypeHandle ExpandedTypeInfoToTypeHandle(DebuggerIPCE_ExpandedTypeData * pTopLevelTypeData,
+ ArgInfoList * pArgInfo);
+ // Initialize information about a field added with EnC
+ void InitFieldData(const FieldDesc * pFD,
+ const PTR_CBYTE pORField,
+ const EnCHangingFieldInfo * pEncFieldData,
+ FieldData * pFieldData);
+ // Get the address of a field added with EnC.
+ PTR_CBYTE GetPtrToEnCField(FieldDesc * pFD, const EnCHangingFieldInfo * pEnCFieldInfo);
+ // Get the FieldDesc corresponding to a particular EnC field token
+ FieldDesc * GetEnCFieldDesc(const EnCHangingFieldInfo * pEnCFieldInfo);
+ // Finds information for a particular class field
+ PTR_FieldDesc FindField(TypeHandle thApprox, mdFieldDef fldToken);
+// ============================================================================
+// functions to get information about instances of ICDValue implementations
+// ============================================================================
+ // Get object information for a TypedByRef object. Initializes the objRef and typedByRefType fields of
+ // pObjectData (type info for the referent).
+ void GetTypedByRefInfo(CORDB_ADDRESS pTypedByRef,
+ VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain,
+ DebuggerIPCE_ObjectData * pObjectData);
+ // Get the string length and offset to string base for a string object
+ void GetStringData(CORDB_ADDRESS objectAddress, DebuggerIPCE_ObjectData * pObjectData);
+ // Get information for an array type referent of an objRef, including rank, upper and lower bounds,
+ // element size and type, and the number of elements.
+ void GetArrayData(CORDB_ADDRESS objectAddress, DebuggerIPCE_ObjectData * pObjectData);
+ // Get information about an object for which we have a reference, including the object size and
+ // type information.
+ void GetBasicObjectInfo(CORDB_ADDRESS objectAddress,
+ CorElementType type,
+ VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain,
+ DebuggerIPCE_ObjectData * pObjectData);
+ // Returns the thread which owns the monitor lock on an object and the acquisition count
+ MonitorLockInfo GetThreadOwningMonitorLock(VMPTR_Object vmObject);
+ // Enumerate all threads waiting on the monitor event for an object
+ void EnumerateMonitorEventWaitList(VMPTR_Object vmObject,
+ // Helper function for CheckRef. Sanity check an object.
+ HRESULT FastSanityCheckObject(PTR_Object objPtr);
+ // Perform a sanity check on an object address to determine if this _could be_ a valid object. We can't
+ // tell this for certain without walking the GC heap, but we do some fast tests to rule out clearly
+ // invalid object addresses. See code:DacDbiInterfaceImpl::FastSanityCheckObject for more details.
+ bool CheckRef(PTR_Object objPtr);
+ // Initialize basic object information: type handle, object size, offset to fields and expanded type
+ // information.
+ void InitObjectData(PTR_Object objPtr,
+ VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain,
+ DebuggerIPCE_ObjectData * pObjectData);
+// ============================================================================
+// Functions to test data safety. In these functions we determine whether a lock
+// is held in a code path we need to execute for inspection. If so, we throw an
+// exception.
+// ============================================================================
+ void TestCrst(VMPTR_Crst vmCrst);
+ void TestRWLock(VMPTR_SimpleRWLock vmRWLock);
+// ============================================================================
+// CordbAssembly, CordbModule
+// ============================================================================
+ // Get the full path and file name to the assembly's manifest module.
+ BOOL GetAssemblyPath(VMPTR_Assembly vmAssembly,
+ IStringHolder * pStrFilename);
+ void GetAssemblyFromDomainAssembly(VMPTR_DomainAssembly vmDomainAssembly, VMPTR_Assembly *vmAssembly);
+ // Determines whether the runtime security system has assigned full-trust to this assembly.
+ BOOL IsAssemblyFullyTrusted(VMPTR_DomainAssembly vmDomainAssembly);
+ // get a type def resolved across modules
+ void ResolveTypeReference(const TypeRefData * pTypeRefInfo,
+ TypeRefData * pTargetRefInfo);
+ // Get the full path and file name to the module (if any).
+ BOOL GetModulePath(VMPTR_Module vmModule,
+ IStringHolder * pStrFilename);
+ // Get the full path and file name to the ngen image for the module (if any).
+ BOOL GetModuleNGenPath(VMPTR_Module vmModule,
+ IStringHolder * pStrFilename);
+ // Implementation of IDacDbiInterface::GetModuleSimpleName
+ void GetModuleSimpleName(VMPTR_Module vmModule, IStringHolder * pStrFilename);
+ // Implementation of IDacDbiInterface::GetMetadata
+ void GetMetadata(VMPTR_Module vmModule, TargetBuffer * pTargetBuffer);
+ // Implementation of IDacDbiInterface::GetSymbolsBuffer
+ void GetSymbolsBuffer(VMPTR_Module vmModule, TargetBuffer * pTargetBuffer, SymbolFormat * pSymbolFormat);
+ // Gets properties for a module
+ void GetModuleData(VMPTR_Module vmModule, ModuleInfo * pData);
+ // Gets properties for a domainfile
+ void GetDomainFileData(VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile, DomainFileInfo * pData);
+ void GetModuleForDomainFile(VMPTR_DomainFile vmDomainFile, OUT VMPTR_Module * pModule);
+ // Yields true if the adddress is a CLR stub.
+ BOOL IsTransitionStub(CORDB_ADDRESS address);
+ // Get the "type" of address.
+ AddressType GetAddressType(CORDB_ADDRESS address);
+ // Enumerate the appdomains
+ void EnumerateAppDomains(FP_APPDOMAIN_ENUMERATION_CALLBACK fpCallback,
+ void * pUserData);
+ // Enumerate the assemblies in the appdomain.
+ void EnumerateAssembliesInAppDomain(VMPTR_AppDomain vmAppDomain,
+ void * pUserData);
+ // Enumerate the moduels in the given assembly.
+ void EnumerateModulesInAssembly(
+ VMPTR_DomainAssembly vmAssembly,
+ void * pUserData
+ );
+ // When stopped at an event, request a synchronization.
+ void RequestSyncAtEvent();
+ //sets flag Debugger::m_sendExceptionsOutsideOfJMC on the LS
+ HRESULT SetSendExceptionsOutsideOfJMC(BOOL sendExceptionsOutsideOfJMC);
+ // Notify the debuggee that a debugger attach is pending.
+ void MarkDebuggerAttachPending();
+ // Notify the debuggee that a debugger is attached.
+ void MarkDebuggerAttached(BOOL fAttached);
+ // Enumerate connections in the process.
+ void EnumerateConnections(FP_CONNECTION_CALLBACK fpCallback, void * pUserData);
+ void EnumerateThreads(FP_THREAD_ENUMERATION_CALLBACK fpCallback, void * pUserData);
+ bool IsThreadMarkedDead(VMPTR_Thread vmThread);
+ // Return the handle of the specified thread.
+ HANDLE GetThreadHandle(VMPTR_Thread vmThread);
+ // Return the object handle for the managed Thread object corresponding to the specified thread.
+ VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE GetThreadObject(VMPTR_Thread vmThread);
+ // Set and reset the TSNC_DebuggerUserSuspend bit on the state of the specified thread
+ // according to the CorDebugThreadState.
+ void SetDebugState(VMPTR_Thread vmThread,
+ CorDebugThreadState debugState);
+ // Returns TRUE if there is a current exception which is unhandled
+ BOOL HasUnhandledException(VMPTR_Thread vmThread);
+ // Return the user state of the specified thread.
+ CorDebugUserState GetUserState(VMPTR_Thread vmThread);
+ // Returns the user state of the specified thread except for USER_UNSAFE_POINT.
+ CorDebugUserState GetPartialUserState(VMPTR_Thread vmThread);
+ // Return the connection ID of the specified thread.
+ CONNID GetConnectionID(VMPTR_Thread vmThread);
+ // Return the task ID of the specified thread.
+ TASKID GetTaskID(VMPTR_Thread vmThread);
+ // Return the OS thread ID of the specified thread
+ DWORD TryGetVolatileOSThreadID(VMPTR_Thread vmThread);
+ // Return the unique thread ID of the specified thread.
+ DWORD GetUniqueThreadID(VMPTR_Thread vmThread);
+ // Return the object handle to the managed Exception object of the current exception
+ // on the specified thread. The return value could be NULL if there is no current exception.
+ VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE GetCurrentException(VMPTR_Thread vmThread);
+ // Return the object handle to the managed object for a given CCW pointer.
+ // Return the object handle to the managed CustomNotification object of the current notification
+ // on the specified thread. The return value could be NULL if there is no current notification.
+ // This will return non-null if and only if we are currently inside a CustomNotification Callback
+ // (or a dump was generated while in this callback)
+ VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE GetCurrentCustomDebuggerNotification(VMPTR_Thread vmThread);
+ // Return the current appdomain the specified thread is in.
+ VMPTR_AppDomain GetCurrentAppDomain(VMPTR_Thread vmThread);
+ // Given an assembly ref token and metadata scope (via the DomainFile), resolve the assembly.
+ VMPTR_DomainAssembly ResolveAssembly(VMPTR_DomainFile vmScope, mdToken tkAssemblyRef);
+ // Hijack the thread
+ void Hijack(
+ VMPTR_Thread vmThread,
+ ULONG32 dwThreadId,
+ const EXCEPTION_RECORD * pRecord,
+ T_CONTEXT * pOriginalContext,
+ ULONG32 cbSizeContext,
+ EHijackReason::EHijackReason reason,
+ void * pUserData,
+ CORDB_ADDRESS * pRemoteContextAddr);
+ // Return the filter CONTEXT on the LS.
+ VMPTR_CONTEXT GetManagedStoppedContext(VMPTR_Thread vmThread);
+ // Create and return a stackwalker on the specified thread.
+ void CreateStackWalk(VMPTR_Thread vmThread,
+ DT_CONTEXT * pInternalContextBuffer,
+ StackWalkHandle * ppSFIHandle);
+ // Delete the stackwalk object
+ void DeleteStackWalk(StackWalkHandle ppSFIHandle);
+ // Get the CONTEXT of the current frame at which the stackwalker is stopped.
+ void GetStackWalkCurrentContext(StackWalkHandle pSFIHandle,
+ DT_CONTEXT * pContext);
+ void GetStackWalkCurrentContext(StackFrameIterator * pIter, DT_CONTEXT * pContext);
+ // Set the stackwalker to the specified CONTEXT.
+ void SetStackWalkCurrentContext(VMPTR_Thread vmThread,
+ StackWalkHandle pSFIHandle,
+ CorDebugSetContextFlag flag,
+ DT_CONTEXT * pContext);
+ // Unwind the stackwalker to the next frame.
+ BOOL UnwindStackWalkFrame(StackWalkHandle pSFIHandle);
+ HRESULT CheckContext(VMPTR_Thread vmThread,
+ const DT_CONTEXT * pContext);
+ // Retrieve information about the current frame from the stackwalker.
+ FrameType GetStackWalkCurrentFrameInfo(StackWalkHandle pSFIHandle,
+ DebuggerIPCE_STRData * pFrameData);
+ // Return the number of internal frames on the specified thread.
+ ULONG32 GetCountOfInternalFrames(VMPTR_Thread vmThread);
+ // Enumerate the internal frames on the specified thread and invoke the provided callback on each of them.
+ void EnumerateInternalFrames(VMPTR_Thread vmThread,
+ void * pUserData);
+ // Given the FramePointer of the parent frame and the FramePointer of the current frame,
+ // check if the current frame is the parent frame.
+ BOOL IsMatchingParentFrame(FramePointer fpToCheck, FramePointer fpParent);
+ // Return the stack parameter size of the given method.
+ ULONG32 GetStackParameterSize(CORDB_ADDRESS controlPC);
+ // Return the FramePointer of the current frame at which the stackwalker is stopped.
+ FramePointer GetFramePointer(StackWalkHandle pSFIHandle);
+ FramePointer GetFramePointerWorker(StackFrameIterator * pIter);
+ // Return TRUE if the specified CONTEXT is the CONTEXT of the leaf frame.
+ // @dbgtodo filter CONTEXT - Currently we check for the filter CONTEXT first.
+ BOOL IsLeafFrame(VMPTR_Thread vmThread,
+ const DT_CONTEXT * pContext);
+ // DacDbi API: Get the context for a particular thread of the target process
+ void GetContext(VMPTR_Thread vmThread, DT_CONTEXT * pContextBuffer);
+ // This is a simple helper function to convert a CONTEXT to a DebuggerREGDISPLAY. We need to do this
+ // inside DDI because the RS has no notion of REGDISPLAY.
+ void ConvertContextToDebuggerRegDisplay(const DT_CONTEXT * pInContext,
+ DebuggerREGDISPLAY * pOutDRD,
+ BOOL fActive);
+ // Check if the given method is an IL stub or an LCD method.
+ DynamicMethodType IsILStubOrLCGMethod(VMPTR_MethodDesc vmMethodDesc);
+ // Return a TargetBuffer for the raw vararg signature.
+ TargetBuffer GetVarArgSig(CORDB_ADDRESS VASigCookieAddr,
+ CORDB_ADDRESS * pArgBase);
+ // returns TRUE if the type requires 8-byte alignment
+ BOOL RequiresAlign8(VMPTR_TypeHandle thExact);
+ // Resolve the raw generics token to the real generics type token. The resolution is based on the
+ // given index.
+ GENERICS_TYPE_TOKEN ResolveExactGenericArgsToken(DWORD dwExactGenericArgsTokenIndex,
+ // Enumerate all monitors blocking a thread
+ void EnumerateBlockingObjects(VMPTR_Thread vmThread,
+ // Returns a bitfield reflecting the managed debugging state at the time of
+ // the jit attach.
+ // This class used to be stateless, but we are relaxing the requirements
+ // slightly to gain perf. We should still be stateless in the sense that an API call
+ // should always return the same result regardless of the internal state. Hence
+ // a caller can not distinguish that we have any state. Internally however we are
+ // allowed to cache pieces of frequently used data to improve the perf of various
+ // operations. All of this cached data should be flushed when the DAC is flushed.
+ // But it can have helper methods.
+ // The allocator object is conceptually stateless. It lets us allocate data buffers to hand back.
+ IAllocator * m_pAllocator;
+ // Callback to DBI to get internal metadata.
+ IMetaDataLookup * m_pMetaDataLookup;
+ // Metadata lookups is just a property on the PEFile in the normal builds,
+ // and so VM code tends to access the same metadata importer many times in a row.
+ // Cache the most-recently used to avoid excessive redundant lookups.
+ // PEFile of Cached Importer. Invalidated between Flush calls. If this is Non-null,
+ // then the importer is m_pCachedImporter, and we can avoid using IMetaDataLookup
+ VMPTR_PEFile m_pCachedPEFile;
+ // Value of cached importer, corresponds with m_pCachedPEFile.
+ IMDInternalImport * m_pCachedImporter;
+ // Value of cached hijack function list, corresponds to g_pDebugger->m_rgHijackFunction
+ BOOL m_isCachedHijackFunctionValid;
+ TargetBuffer m_pCachedHijackFunction[Debugger::kMaxHijackFunctions];
+ // Helper to write structured data to target.
+ template<typename T>
+ void SafeWriteStructOrThrow(CORDB_ADDRESS pRemotePtr, const T * pLocalBuffer);
+ // Helper to read structured data from the target process.
+ template<typename T>
+ void SafeReadStructOrThrow(CORDB_ADDRESS pRemotePtr, T * pLocalBuffer);
+ TADDR GetHijackAddress();
+ void AlignStackPointer(CORDB_ADDRESS * pEsp);
+ template <class T>
+ CORDB_ADDRESS PushHelper(CORDB_ADDRESS * pEsp, const T * pData, BOOL fAlignStack);
+ // Write an EXCEPTION_RECORD structure to the remote target at the specified address while taking
+ // into account the number of exception parameters.
+ void WriteExceptionRecordHelper(CORDB_ADDRESS pRemotePtr, const EXCEPTION_RECORD * pExcepRecord);
+ typedef DPTR(struct DebuggerIPCControlBlock) PTR_DebuggerIPCControlBlock;
+ // Get the address of the Debugger control block on the helper thread. Returns
+ // NULL if the control block has not been successfully allocated
+ CORDB_ADDRESS GetDebuggerControlBlockAddress();
+ // Creates a VMPTR of an Object from a target address
+ VMPTR_Object GetObject(CORDB_ADDRESS ptr);
+ // sets state in the native binder
+ HRESULT EnableNGENPolicy(CorDebugNGENPolicy ePolicy);
+ // Sets the NGEN compiler flags. This restricts NGEN to only use images with certain
+ // types of pregenerated code.
+ HRESULT SetNGENCompilerFlags(DWORD dwFlags);
+ // Gets the NGEN compiler flags currently in effect.
+ HRESULT GetNGENCompilerFlags(DWORD *pdwFlags);
+ // Creates a VMPTR of an Object from a target address pointing to an OBJECTREF
+ VMPTR_Object GetObjectFromRefPtr(CORDB_ADDRESS ptr);
+ // Get the target address from a VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE, i.e., the handle address
+ CORDB_ADDRESS GetHandleAddressFromVmHandle(VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE vmHandle);
+ // Gets the target address of an VMPTR of an Object
+ TargetBuffer GetObjectContents(VMPTR_Object vmObj);
+ // Create a VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE from a CORDB_ADDRESS pointing to an object handle
+ VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE GetVmObjectHandle(CORDB_ADDRESS handleAddress);
+ // Validate that the VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE refers to a legitimate managed object
+ BOOL IsVmObjectHandleValid(VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE vmHandle);
+ // if the specified module is a WinRT module then isWinRT will equal TRUE
+ HRESULT IsWinRTModule(VMPTR_Module vmModule, BOOL& isWinRT);
+ // Determines the app domain id for the object refered to by a given VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE
+ ULONG GetAppDomainIdFromVmObjectHandle(VMPTR_OBJECTHANDLE vmHandle);
+ bool IsThreadMarkedDeadWorker(Thread * pThread);
+ // Check whether the specified thread is at a GC-safe place, i.e. in an interruptible region.
+ BOOL IsThreadAtGCSafePlace(VMPTR_Thread vmThread);
+ // Fill in the structure with information about the current frame at which the stackwalker is stopped
+ void InitFrameData(StackFrameIterator * pIter,
+ FrameType ft,
+ DebuggerIPCE_STRData * pFrameData);
+ // Helper method to fill in the address and the size of the hot and cold regions.
+ void InitNativeCodeAddrAndSize(TADDR taStartAddr,
+ DebuggerIPCE_JITFuncData * pJITFuncData);
+ // Fill in the information about the parent frame.
+ void InitParentFrameInfo(CrawlFrame * pCF,
+ DebuggerIPCE_JITFuncData * pJITFuncData);
+ // Return the stack parameter size of the given method.
+ ULONG32 GetStackParameterSize(EECodeInfo * pCodeInfo);
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ kFromManagedToUnmanaged,
+ kFromUnmanagedToManaged,
+ } StackAdjustmentDirection;
+ // Adjust the stack pointer in the CONTEXT for the stack parameter.
+ void AdjustRegDisplayForStackParameter(REGDISPLAY * pRD,
+ DWORD cbStackParameterSize,
+ BOOL fIsActiveFrame,
+ StackAdjustmentDirection direction);
+ // Given an explicit frame, return the corresponding type in terms of CorDebugInternalFrameType.
+ CorDebugInternalFrameType GetInternalFrameType(Frame * pFrame);
+ // Helper method to convert a REGDISPLAY to a CONTEXT.
+ void UpdateContextFromRegDisp(REGDISPLAY * pRegDisp,
+ T_CONTEXT * pContext);
+ // Check if a control PC is in one of the native functions which require special unwinding.
+ bool IsRuntimeUnwindableStub(PCODE taControlPC);
+ // Given the REGDISPLAY of a stack frame for one of the redirect functions, retrieve the original CONTEXT
+ // before the thread redirection.
+ PTR_CONTEXT RetrieveHijackedContext(REGDISPLAY * pRD);
+ // Unwind special native stack frame which the runtime knows how to unwind.
+ BOOL UnwindRuntimeStackFrame(StackFrameIterator * pIter);
+ // Look up the EnC version number of a particular jitted instance of a managed method.
+ void LookupEnCVersions(Module* pModule,
+ VMPTR_MethodDesc vmMethodDesc,
+ mdMethodDef mdMethod,
+ CORDB_ADDRESS pNativeStartAddress,
+ SIZE_T * pLatestEnCVersion,
+ SIZE_T * pJittedInstanceEnCVersion = NULL);
+ // @dbgtodo - This method should be removed once CordbFunctionBreakpoint and SetIP are moved OOP and
+ // no longer use nativeCodeJITInfoToken.
+ void SetDJIPointer(Module * pModule,
+ MethodDesc * pMD,
+ mdMethodDef mdMethod,
+ DebuggerIPCE_JITFuncData * pJITFuncData);
+ // This is just a worker function for GetILCodeAndSig. It returns the function's ILCode and SigToken
+ // given a module, a token, and the RVA. If a MethodDesc is provided, it has to be consistent with
+ // the token and the RVA.
+ mdSignature GetILCodeAndSigHelper(Module * pModule,
+ MethodDesc * pMD,
+ mdMethodDef mdMethodToken,
+ RVA methodRVA,
+ TargetBuffer * pIL);
+ // APIs for picking up the info needed for a debugger to look up an ngen image or IL image
+ // from it's search path.
+ bool GetMetaDataFileInfoFromPEFile(VMPTR_PEFile vmPEFile,
+ DWORD &dwTimeStamp,
+ DWORD &dwSize,
+ bool &isNGEN,
+ IStringHolder* pStrFilename);
+ bool GetILImageInfoFromNgenPEFile(VMPTR_PEFile vmPEFile,
+ DWORD &dwTimeStamp,
+ DWORD &dwSize,
+ IStringHolder* pStrFilename);
+// Global allocator for DD. Access is protected under the g_dacCritSec lock.
+extern "C" IDacDbiInterface::IAllocator * g_pAllocator;
+class DDHolder
+ DDHolder(DacDbiInterfaceImpl* pContainer, bool fAllowReentrant)
+ {
+ EnterCriticalSection(&g_dacCritSec);
+ // If we're not re-entrant, then assert.
+ if (!fAllowReentrant)
+ {
+ _ASSERTE(g_dacImpl == NULL);
+ }
+ // This cast is safe because ClrDataAccess can't call the DacDbi layer.
+ m_pOldContainer = static_cast<DacDbiInterfaceImpl *> (g_dacImpl);
+ m_pOldAllocator = g_pAllocator;
+ g_dacImpl = pContainer;
+ g_pAllocator = pContainer->GetAllocator();
+ }
+ ~DDHolder()
+ {
+ // If an exception is being thrown, we won't be in the PAL (but in normal return paths it will).
+ g_dacImpl = m_pOldContainer;
+ g_pAllocator = m_pOldAllocator;
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&g_dacCritSec);
+ }
+ DacDbiInterfaceImpl * m_pOldContainer;
+ IDacDbiInterface::IAllocator * m_pOldAllocator;
+// Use this macro at the start of each DD function.
+// This may nest if a DD primitive takes in a callback that then calls another DD primitive.
+ DDHolder __dacHolder(this, true); \
+// Non-reentrant version of DD_ENTER_MAY_THROW. Asserts non-reentrancy.
+// Use this macro at the start of each DD function.
+// This may nest if a DD primitive takes in a callback that then calls another DD primitive.
+ DDHolder __dacHolder(this, false); \
+#include "dacdbiimpl.inl"
+class DacRefWalker
+ DacRefWalker(ClrDataAccess *dac, BOOL walkStacks, BOOL walkFQ, UINT32 handleMask);
+ ~DacRefWalker();
+ HRESULT Init();
+ HRESULT Next(ULONG celt, DacGcReference roots[], ULONG *pceltFetched);
+ UINT32 GetHandleWalkerMask();
+ void Clear();
+ HRESULT NextThread();
+ ClrDataAccess *mDac;
+ BOOL mWalkStacks, mWalkFQ;
+ UINT32 mHandleMask;
+ // Stacks
+ DacStackReferenceWalker *mStackWalker;
+ // Handles
+ DacHandleWalker *mHandleWalker;
+ // FQ
+ PTR_PTR_Object mFQStart;
+ PTR_PTR_Object mFQEnd;
+ PTR_PTR_Object mFQCurr;
+#endif // _DACDBI_IMPL_H_