path: root/src/classlibnative/inc/nlsinfo.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/classlibnative/inc/nlsinfo.h')
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/classlibnative/inc/nlsinfo.h b/src/classlibnative/inc/nlsinfo.h
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index 0000000000..1c1ff01f8a
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+++ b/src/classlibnative/inc/nlsinfo.h
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+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// Class: NLSInfo
+// Purpose: This module defines the methods of the COMNlsInfo
+// class. These methods are the helper functions for the
+// managed NLS+ classes.
+// Date: August 12, 1998
+#ifndef _NLSINFO_H_
+#define _NLSINFO_H_
+#define SORT_VERSION_WHIDBEY 0x00001000
+#define SORT_VERSION_V4 0x00060101
+//This structure must map 1-for-1 with the InternalDataItem structure in
+struct EncodingDataItem {
+ const char * webName;
+ unsigned short codePage;
+ // free space here
+//This structure must map 1-for-1 with the InternalCodePageDataItem structure in
+struct CodePageDataItem {
+ unsigned short codePage;
+ unsigned short uiFamilyCodePage;
+ DWORD dwFlags; // only 4-bit used now
+ const char * names;
+// Normalization
+ ( int NormForm, LPCWSTR lpInString, int cchInString);
+ ( int NormForm, LPCWSTR lpInString, int cchInString, LPWSTR lpOutString, int cchOutString);
+ ( int NormForm, BYTE* pTableData);
+// Forward declarations
+class CharTypeTable;
+class CasingTable;
+class SortingTable;
+class NativeTextInfo;
+class CultureDataBaseObject;
+class COMNlsInfo {
+ static INT32 WstrToInteger4(__in_z LPCWSTR wstrLocale, __in int Radix);
+ static INT32 GetCHTLanguage();
+ static INT32 CallGetSystemDefaultUILanguage();
+ static INT32 CallGetUserDefaultUILanguage();
+ static LANGID GetDownLevelSystemDefaultUILanguage();
+ //
+ // Native helper functions for methods in CultureInfo.
+ //
+ static BOOL QCALLTYPE InternalGetDefaultLocaleName(INT32 langType, QCall::StringHandleOnStack defaultLocaleName);
+ static BOOL QCALLTYPE InternalGetUserDefaultUILanguage(QCall::StringHandleOnStack userDefaultUiLanguage);
+ static BOOL QCALLTYPE InternalGetSystemDefaultUILanguage(QCall::StringHandleOnStack systemDefaultUiLanguage);
+// Added but disabled from desktop in .NET 4.0, stayed disabled in .NET 4.5
+ static FCDECL0(Object*, nativeGetResourceFallbackArray);
+ //
+ // Native helper functions for methods in DateTimeFormatInfo
+ //
+ static FCDECL1(FC_BOOL_RET, nativeSetThreadLocale, StringObject* localeNameUNSAFE);
+ static FCDECL2(Object*, nativeGetLocaleInfoEx, StringObject* localeNameUNSAFE, INT32 lcType);
+ static FCDECL2(INT32, nativeGetLocaleInfoExInt, StringObject* localeNameUNSAFE, INT32 lcType);
+ //
+ // Native helper functions for CultureData
+ //
+ static FCDECL1(FC_BOOL_RET, nativeInitCultureData, CultureDataBaseObject *data);
+ static FCDECL3(FC_BOOL_RET, nativeGetNumberFormatInfoValues, StringObject* localeNameUNSAFE, NumberFormatInfo* nfi, CLR_BOOL useUserOverride);
+ static FCDECL1(Object*, LCIDToLocaleName, LCID lcid);
+ static FCDECL1(INT32, LocaleNameToLCID, StringObject* localeNameUNSAFE);
+ static INT32 QCALLTYPE InternalCompareString (INT_PTR handle, INT_PTR handleOrigin, LPCWSTR localeName, LPCWSTR string1, INT32 offset1, INT32 length1, LPCWSTR string2, INT32 offset2, INT32 length2, INT32 flags);
+ static INT32 QCALLTYPE InternalGetGlobalizedHashCode(INT_PTR handle, INT_PTR handleOrigin, LPCWSTR localeName, LPCWSTR pString, INT32 length, INT32 dwFlagsIn, BOOL bForceRandomizedHashing, INT64 additionalEntropy);
+ static BOOL QCALLTYPE InternalIsSortable(INT_PTR handle, INT_PTR handleOrigin, LPCWSTR localeName, LPCWSTR pString, INT32 length);
+ static INT_PTR QCALLTYPE InternalInitSortHandle(LPCWSTR localeName, INT_PTR* handleOrigin);
+ static INT_PTR InitSortHandleHelper(LPCWSTR localeName, INT_PTR* handleOrigin);
+ static INT_PTR InternalInitOsSortHandle(LPCWSTR localeName, INT_PTR* handleOrigin);
+ static INT_PTR InternalInitVersionedSortHandle(LPCWSTR localeName, INT_PTR* handleOrigin);
+ static INT_PTR InternalInitVersionedSortHandle(LPCWSTR localeName, INT_PTR* handleOrigin, DWORD sortVersion);
+ static DWORD QCALLTYPE InternalGetSortVersion();
+ static BOOL QCALLTYPE InternalGetNlsVersionEx(INT_PTR handle, INT_PTR handleOrigin, LPCWSTR lpLocaleName, NLSVERSIONINFOEX * lpVersionInformation);
+ //
+ // Native helper function for methods in TimeZone
+ //
+ static FCDECL0(LONG, nativeGetTimeZoneMinuteOffset);
+ static FCDECL0(Object*, nativeGetStandardName);
+ static FCDECL0(Object*, nativeGetDaylightName);
+ static FCDECL1(Object*, nativeGetDaylightChanges, int year);
+ //
+ // Native helper function for methods in EncodingTable
+ //
+ static FCDECL0(INT32, nativeGetNumEncodingItems);
+ static FCDECL0(EncodingDataItem *, nativeGetEncodingTableDataPointer);
+ static FCDECL0(CodePageDataItem *, nativeGetCodePageTableDataPointer);
+ static FCDECL3(LPVOID, nativeCreateOpenFileMapping,
+ StringObject* inSectionNameUNSAFE, int inBytesToAllocate, HANDLE *mappedFile);
+ //
+ // Native helper function for methods in CharacterInfo
+ //
+ static FCDECL0(void, AllocateCharTypeTable);
+ //
+ // Native helper function for methods in TextInfo
+ //
+ static FCDECL5(FC_CHAR_RET, InternalChangeCaseChar, INT_PTR handle, INT_PTR handleOrigin, StringObject* localeNameUNSAFE, CLR_CHAR wch, CLR_BOOL bIsToUpper);
+ static FCDECL5(Object*, InternalChangeCaseString, INT_PTR handle, INT_PTR handleOrigin, StringObject* localeNameUNSAFE, StringObject* pString, CLR_BOOL bIsToUpper);
+ static FCDECL6(INT32, InternalGetCaseInsHash, INT_PTR handle, INT_PTR handleOrigin, StringObject* localeNameUNSAFE, LPVOID strA, CLR_BOOL bForceRandomizedHashing, INT64 additionalEntropy);
+ static INT32 QCALLTYPE InternalCompareStringOrdinalIgnoreCase(LPCWSTR string1, INT32 index1, LPCWSTR string2, INT32 index2, INT32 length1, INT32 length2);
+ static BOOL QCALLTYPE InternalTryFindStringOrdinalIgnoreCase(
+ __in DWORD dwFindNLSStringFlags, // mutually exclusive flags: FIND_FROMSTART, FIND_STARTSWITH, FIND_FROMEND, FIND_ENDSWITH
+ __in_ecount(cchSource) LPCWSTR lpStringSource, // the string we search in
+ __in int cchSource, // number of characters lpStringSource after sourceIndex
+ __in int sourceIndex, // index from where the search will start in lpStringSource
+ __in_ecount(cchValue) LPCWSTR lpStringValue, // the string we search for
+ __in int cchValue,
+ __out int* foundIndex); // the index in lpStringSource where we found lpStringValue
+ //
+ // Native helper function for methods in Normalization
+ //
+ static FCDECL6(int, nativeNormalizationNormalizeString,
+ int NormForm, int& iError,
+ StringObject* inString, int inLength,
+ CHARArray* outChars, int outLength);
+ static FCDECL4(FC_BOOL_RET, nativeNormalizationIsNormalizedString,
+ int NormForm, int& iError,
+ StringObject* inString, int cwLength);
+ static void QCALLTYPE nativeNormalizationInitNormalization(int NormForm, BYTE* pTableData);
+ //
+ // QCalls prototype
+ //
+ static int QCALLTYPE nativeEnumCultureNames(INT32 cultureTypes, QCall::ObjectHandleOnStack retStringArray);
+ static int QCALLTYPE InternalFindNLSStringEx(
+ __in_opt INT_PTR handle, // optional sort handle
+ __in_opt INT_PTR handleOrigin, // optional pointer to the native function that created the sort handle
+ __in_z LPCWSTR lpLocaleName, // locale name
+ __in int dwFindNLSStringFlags, // search falg
+ __in_ecount(cchSource) LPCWSTR lpStringSource, // the string we search in
+ __in int cchSource, // number of characters lpStringSource after sourceIndex
+ __in int sourceIndex, // index from where the search will start in lpStringSource
+ __in_ecount(cchValue) LPCWSTR lpStringValue, // the string we search for
+ __in int cchValue); // length of the string we search for
+ static int QCALLTYPE InternalGetSortKey(
+ __in_opt INT_PTR handle, // PSORTHANDLE
+ __in_opt INT_PTR handleOrigin, // optional pointer to the native function that created the sort handle
+ __in_z LPCWSTR pLocaleName, // locale name
+ __in int flags, // flags
+ __in_ecount(cchSource) LPCWSTR pStringSource, // Source string
+ __in int cchSource, // number of characters in lpStringSource
+ __in_ecount(cchTarget) PBYTE pTarget, // Target data buffer (may be null to count)
+ __in int cchTarget); // Character count for target buffer
+ //
+ // Internal helper functions.
+ //
+ static LPVOID internalEnumSystemLocales(DWORD dwFlags);
+ static INT32 CompareOrdinal(__in_ecount(Length1) WCHAR* strAChars, int Length1, __in_ecount(Length2) WCHAR* strBChars, int Length2 );
+ static INT32 FastIndexOfString(__in WCHAR *sourceString, INT32 startIndex, INT32 endIndex, __in_ecount(patternLength) WCHAR *pattern, INT32 patternLength);
+ static INT32 FastIndexOfStringInsensitive(__in WCHAR *sourceString, INT32 startIndex, INT32 endIndex, __in_ecount(patternLength) WCHAR *pattern, INT32 patternLength);
+ static INT32 FastLastIndexOfString(__in WCHAR *sourceString, INT32 startIndex, INT32 endIndex, __in_ecount(patternLength) WCHAR *pattern, INT32 patternLength);
+ static INT32 FastLastIndexOfStringInsensitive(__in WCHAR *sourceString, INT32 startIndex, INT32 endIndex, __in_ecount(patternLength) WCHAR *pattern, INT32 patternLength);
+ static BOOL GetNativeDigitsFromWin32(LPCWSTR locale, PTRARRAYREF* pOutputStrAry, BOOL useUserOverride);
+ static BOOL CallGetLocaleInfoEx(LPCWSTR locale, int lcType, STRINGREF* pOutputStrRef, BOOL useUserOverride);
+ static BOOL CallGetLocaleInfoEx(LPCWSTR locale, int lcType, INT32* pOutputInt32, BOOL useUserOverride);
+ static BOOL IsWindows7();
+ //
+ // Definitions.
+ //
+ // Normalization
+ static HMODULE m_hNormalization;
+ static PFN_NORMALIZATION_IS_NORMALIZED_STRING m_pfnNormalizationIsNormalizedStringFunc;
+ static PFN_NORMALIZATION_NORMALIZE_STRING m_pfnNormalizationNormalizeStringFunc;
+ static PFN_NORMALIZATION_INIT_NORMALIZATION m_pfnNormalizationInitNormalizationFunc;
+ //
+ // Internal encoding data tables.
+ //
+ const static int m_nEncodingDataTableItems;
+ const static EncodingDataItem EncodingDataTable[];
+ const static int m_nCodePageTableItems;
+ const static CodePageDataItem CodePageDataTable[];
+ static INT_PTR EnsureValidSortHandle(INT_PTR handle, INT_PTR handleOrigin, LPCWSTR localeName);
+#endif // _NLSINFO_H_