path: root/src/classlibnative/bcltype/console.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/classlibnative/bcltype/console.cpp')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/classlibnative/bcltype/console.cpp b/src/classlibnative/bcltype/console.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7dfb30a5f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/classlibnative/bcltype/console.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// File: Console.cpp
+// Purpose: Native methods on System.Console
+#include "common.h"
+#include "sbuffer.h"
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "console.h"
+// GetConsoleTitle sometimes interprets the second parameter (nSize) as number of bytes and sometimes as the number of chars.
+// Instead of doing complicated and dangerous logic to determine if this may or may not occur,
+// we simply assume the worst and reserve a bigger buffer. This way we may use a bit more memory,
+// but we will always be safe. This macro helps us doing that:
+#define ADJUST_NUM_CHARS(numChars) ((numChars) * 2)
+#define BUFF_SIZE(numChars) ( ((numChars) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) )
+// A buffer of size ConsoleNative::MaxConsoleTitleLength is quite big.
+// First, we try allocating a smaller buffer because most often, the console title is short.
+// If it turns out that the short buffer size is insufficient, we try again using a larger buffer.
+INT32 QCALLTYPE ConsoleNative::GetTitle(QCall::StringHandleOnStack outTitle, INT32& outTitleLen) {
+ INT32 result = 0;
+ // Reserve buffer:
+ InlineSBuffer< ADJUST_NUM_CHARS(BUFF_SIZE(ShortConsoleTitleLength)) > titleBuff;
+ // Hold last error:
+ DWORD lastError;
+ // Read console title, get length of the title:
+ BYTE *buffPtr = titleBuff.OpenRawBuffer( ADJUST_NUM_CHARS(BUFF_SIZE(ShortConsoleTitleLength)) );
+ SetLastError(0);
+ DWORD len = GetConsoleTitle((TCHAR *) buffPtr, ADJUST_NUM_CHARS(ShortConsoleTitleLength + 1));
+ lastError = GetLastError();
+ titleBuff.CloseRawBuffer();
+ // If the title length is larger than supported maximum, do not bother reading it, just return the length:
+ if (len > MaxConsoleTitleLength) {
+ outTitleLen = len;
+ outTitle.Set(W(""));
+ result = 0;
+ // If title length is within valid range:
+ } else {
+ // If the title is longer than the short buffer, but can fit in the max supported length,
+ // read it again with the long buffer:
+ if (len > ShortConsoleTitleLength) {
+ titleBuff.SetSize(buffSize);
+ BYTE *buffPtr = titleBuff.OpenRawBuffer(buffSize);
+ SetLastError(0);
+ len = GetConsoleTitle((TCHAR *) buffPtr, ADJUST_NUM_CHARS(len + 1));
+ lastError = GetLastError();
+ titleBuff.CloseRawBuffer();
+ }
+ // Zero may indicate error or empty title. Check for error:
+ result = (INT32) (0 == len ? lastError : 0);
+ // If no error, set title and length:
+ if (0 == result) {
+ const BYTE *cBuffPtr = (const BYTE *) titleBuff;
+ outTitle.Set((TCHAR *) cBuffPtr);
+ outTitleLen = (INT32) len;
+ // If error, set to empty:
+ } else {
+ outTitleLen = (INT32) -1;
+ // No need to set the title string if we have an error anyway.
+ }
+ } // if title length is within valid range.
+ return result;
+// Block waiting for data to become available on the console stream indicated by the safe file handle passed.
+// Ensure that the thread remains abortable in the process.
+FCIMPL2(void, ConsoleStreamHelper::WaitForAvailableConsoleInput, SafeHandle* refThisUNSAFE, CLR_BOOL bIsPipe)
+ SAFEHANDLEREF refConsoleHandle(refThisUNSAFE);
+ HELPER_METHOD_FRAME_BEGIN_1(refConsoleHandle);
+ // Prevent the console handle being closed under our feet.
+ SafeHandleHolder shh(&refConsoleHandle);
+ // Don't pass the address of the native handle within the safe handle to DoAppropriateWait since the safe
+ // handle is on the GC heap and could be moved. Instead copy the native handle out into a stack location
+ // (this is safe because we've ref-counted the safe handle to prevent it being disposed on us).
+ HANDLE hNativeConsoleHandle = refConsoleHandle->GetHandle();
+ bool skipWait = false;
+ // If we are reading from a pipe and the other end of the pipe was closed, then do not block. No one can write to it.
+ // Also we can skip blocking if we do have data available. We should block if nothing is available, with the assumption
+ // that Windows is smart enough to handle pipes where the other end is closed.
+ if (bIsPipe)
+ {
+ DWORD cBytesRead, cTotalBytesAvailable, cBytesLeftThisMessage;
+ int r = PeekNamedPipe(hNativeConsoleHandle, NULL, 0, &cBytesRead, &cTotalBytesAvailable, &cBytesLeftThisMessage);
+ if (r != 0)
+ {
+ skipWait = cTotalBytesAvailable > 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Windows returns ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE if the other side of a pipe is closed. However, we've seen
+ // pipes return ERROR_NO_DATA and ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED. Check for those too.
+ int errorCode = GetLastError();
+ skipWait = errorCode == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE || errorCode == ERROR_NO_DATA || errorCode == ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED;
+ }
+ }
+ // Perform the wait (DoAppropriateWait automatically handles thread aborts).
+ if (!skipWait)
+ {
+ GetThread()->DoAppropriateWait(1, &hNativeConsoleHandle, TRUE, INFINITE, WaitMode_Alertable);
+ }
+#endif // ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR