path: root/src/binder/inc/fusionassemblyname.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/binder/inc/fusionassemblyname.hpp')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/binder/inc/fusionassemblyname.hpp b/src/binder/inc/fusionassemblyname.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8dfb554817
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/binder/inc/fusionassemblyname.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// ============================================================
+// FusionAssemblyName.hpp
+// Defines the CAssemblyName class
+// ============================================================
+#include "fusionhelpers.hpp"
+struct FusionProperty
+ union {
+ LPVOID pv;
+ wchar_t* asStr; // For debugging.
+ };
+ DWORD cb;
+class CPropertyArray
+ friend class CAssemblyName;
+ DWORD _dwSig;
+ FusionProperty _rProp[ASM_NAME_MAX_PARAMS];
+ CPropertyArray();
+ ~CPropertyArray();
+ inline HRESULT Set(DWORD PropertyId, LPCVOID pvProperty, DWORD cbProperty);
+ inline HRESULT Get(DWORD PropertyId, LPVOID pvProperty, LPDWORD pcbProperty);
+ inline FusionProperty operator [] (DWORD dwPropId);
+class CAssemblyName : public IAssemblyName
+ DWORD _dwSig;
+ Volatile<LONG> _cRef;
+ CPropertyArray _rProp;
+ BOOL _fIsFinalized;
+ BOOL _fPublicKeyToken;
+ BOOL _fCustom;
+ LPWSTR _pwzPathModifier;
+ LPWSTR _pwzTextualIdentity;
+ LPWSTR _pwzTextualIdentityILFull;
+ DWORD _dw;
+ // IUnknown methods
+ STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid,void ** ppv);
+ // IAssemblyName methods
+ STDMETHOD(SetProperty)(
+ /* in */ DWORD PropertyId,
+ /* in */ LPCVOID pvProperty,
+ /* in */ DWORD cbProperty);
+ STDMETHOD(GetProperty)(
+ /* in */ DWORD PropertyId,
+ /* out */ LPVOID pvProperty,
+ /* in out */ LPDWORD pcbProperty);
+ STDMETHOD(Finalize)();
+ STDMETHOD(GetDisplayName)(
+ __out_ecount_opt(*pccDisplayName) LPOLESTR szDisplayName,
+ __inout LPDWORD pccDisplayName,
+ __in DWORD dwDisplayFlags);
+ __inout LPDWORD lpcwBuffer,
+ __out_ecount_opt(*lpcwBuffer) LPOLESTR pwzBuffer);
+ STDMETHOD(GetVersion)(
+ /* [out] */ LPDWORD pwVersionHi,
+ /* [out] */ LPDWORD pwVersionLow);
+ STDMETHOD (IsEqual)(
+ /* [in] */ LPASSEMBLYNAME pName,
+ /* [in] */ DWORD dwCmpFlags);
+ STDMETHOD(Reserved)(
+ /* in */ REFIID refIID,
+ /* in */ IUnknown *pUnkBindSink,
+ /* in */ IUnknown *pUnkAppCtx,
+ /* in */ LPCOLESTR szCodebase,
+ /* in */ LONGLONG llFlags,
+ /* in */ LPVOID pvReserved,
+ /* in */ DWORD cbReserved,
+ /* out */ VOID **ppv);
+ STDMETHODIMP Clone(IAssemblyName **ppName);
+ HRESULT SetPropertyInternal(/* in */ DWORD PropertyId,
+ /* in */ LPCVOID pvProperty,
+ /* in */ DWORD cbProperty);
+ CAssemblyName();
+ ~CAssemblyName();
+ HRESULT Parse(LPCWSTR szDisplayName);
+ static BOOL IsStronglyNamed(IAssemblyName *pName);
+ static BOOL IsPartial(IAssemblyName *pName,
+ LPDWORD pdwCmpMask = NULL);
+ HRESULT GetVersion(DWORD dwMajorVersionEnumValue,
+ LPDWORD pwVersionHi,
+ LPDWORD pwVersionLow);
+ HRESULT CopyProperties(CAssemblyName *pSource,
+ CAssemblyName *pTarget,
+ const DWORD properties[],
+ DWORD dwSize);
+ LPASSEMBLYNAME *ppAssemblyName,
+ LPCOLESTR szAssemblyName,
+ DWORD dwFlags,
+ LPVOID pvReserved);
+ LPASSEMBLYNAME *ppAssemblyName,
+ LPCOLESTR szAssemblyName,
+ LPVOID pvReserved);
+namespace LegacyFusion
+ HRESULT SetStringProperty(IAssemblyName *pIAssemblyName,
+ DWORD dwPropertyId,
+ SString &value);
+ HRESULT SetBufferProperty(IAssemblyName *pIAssemblyName,
+ DWORD dwPropertyId,
+ SBuffer &value);
+ HRESULT SetWordProperty(IAssemblyName *pIAssemblyName,
+ DWORD dwPropertyId,
+ DWORD dwValue);
+ HRESULT SetDwordProperty(IAssemblyName *pIAssemblyName,
+ DWORD dwPropertyId,
+ DWORD dwValue);
+namespace fusion
+ namespace util
+ {
+ // Fills the provided buffer with the contents of the property. pcbBuf is
+ // set to be either the required buffer space when insufficient buffer is
+ // provided, or the number of bytes written.
+ //
+ // Returns S_FALSE if the property has not been set, regardless of the values of pBuf and pcbBuf.
+ HRESULT GetProperty(IAssemblyName * pName, DWORD dwProperty, PVOID pBuf, DWORD *pcbBuf);
+ // Fills the provided buffer with the contents of the property. If no buffer is provided
+ // (*ppBuf == nullptr), then a buffer is allocated for the caller and ppBuf is set to point
+ // at the allocated buffer on return. pcbBuf is set to be either the required buffer space
+ // when insufficient buffer is provided, or the number of bytes written.
+ //
+ // Returns S_FALSE if the property has not been set, regardless of the values of pBuf and pcbBuf.
+ HRESULT GetProperty(IAssemblyName * pName, DWORD dwProperty, PBYTE * ppBuf, DWORD *pcbBuf);
+ // Fills the provided SString with the contents of the property.
+ //
+ // Returns S_FALSE if the property has not been set.
+ HRESULT GetProperty(IAssemblyName * pName, DWORD dwProperty, SString & ssVal);
+ // Returns an allocated buffer with the contents of the property.
+ //
+ // Returns S_FALSE if the property has not been set.
+ HRESULT GetProperty(IAssemblyName * pName, DWORD dwProperty, __deref_out LPWSTR * pwzVal);
+ inline HRESULT GetProperty(IAssemblyName * pName, DWORD dwProperty, LPCWSTR *pwzOut)
+ { return GetProperty(pName, dwProperty, const_cast<LPWSTR*>(pwzOut)); }
+ // Returns an allocated buffer with the contents of the property.
+ //
+ // Returns S_FALSE if the property has not been set.
+ HRESULT GetProperty(IAssemblyName * pName, DWORD dwProperty, __deref_out LPSTR *pwzOut);
+ inline HRESULT GetProperty(IAssemblyName * pName, DWORD dwProperty, LPCSTR *pwzOut)
+ { return GetProperty(pName, dwProperty, const_cast<LPSTR*>(pwzOut)); }
+ template <typename T> inline
+ typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer< typename std::remove_cv< T >::type >::value, HRESULT>::type
+ GetProperty(IAssemblyName * pName, DWORD dwProperty, T * pVal)
+ {
+ DWORD cbBuf = sizeof(T);
+ HRESULT hr = GetProperty(pName, dwProperty, pVal, &cbBuf);
+ if (hr == S_OK && cbBuf != sizeof(T))
+ return hr;
+ }
+ inline HRESULT GetSimpleName(IAssemblyName * pName, SString & ssName)
+ { return GetProperty(pName, ASM_NAME_NAME, ssName); }
+ } // namespace fusion.util
+} // namespace fusion