path: root/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi/superpmi.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi/superpmi.cpp')
1 files changed, 564 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi/superpmi.cpp b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi/superpmi.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce352070f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi/superpmi.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+#include "standardpch.h"
+#include "coredistools.h"
+#include "commandline.h"
+#include "superpmi.h"
+#include "jitinstance.h"
+#include "neardiffer.h"
+#include "simpletimer.h"
+#include "methodcontext.h"
+#include "methodcontextreader.h"
+#include "mclist.h"
+#include "methodstatsemitter.h"
+extern int doParallelSuperPMI(CommandLine::Options& o);
+// NOTE: these output status strings are parsed by parallelsuperpmi.cpp::ProcessChildStdOut().
+// There must be a single, fixed prefix common to all strings, to ease the determination of when
+// to parse the string fully.
+const char* const g_AllFormatStringFixedPrefix = "Loaded ";
+const char* const g_SummaryFormatString = "Loaded %d Jitted %d FailedCompile %d";
+const char* const g_AsmDiffsSummaryFormatString = "Loaded %d Jitted %d FailedCompile %d Diffs %d";
+//#define SuperPMI_ChewMemory 0x7FFFFFFF //Amount of address space to consume on startup
+void SetSuperPmiTargetArchitecture(const char* targetArchitecture)
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ if ((targetArchitecture != nullptr) && (0 == _stricmp(targetArchitecture, "arm64")))
+ {
+ SpmiTargetArchitecture = SPMI_TARGET_ARCHITECTURE_ARM64;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SpmiTargetArchitecture = SPMI_TARGET_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64;
+ }
+#elif defined(_TARGET_X86_)
+ SpmiTargetArchitecture = SPMI_TARGET_ARCHITECTURE_X86;
+// This function uses PAL_TRY, so it can't be in the a function that requires object unwinding. Extracting it out here
+// avoids compiler error.
+void InvokeNearDiffer(
+ NearDiffer* nearDiffer,
+ CommandLine::Options* o,
+ MethodContext** mc,
+ CompileResult** crl,
+ int* matchCount,
+ MethodContextReader** reader,
+ MCList* failingMCL,
+ MCList* diffMCL
+ )
+ struct Param : FilterSuperPMIExceptionsParam_CaptureException
+ {
+ NearDiffer* nearDiffer;
+ CommandLine::Options* o;
+ MethodContext** mc;
+ CompileResult** crl;
+ int* matchCount;
+ MethodContextReader** reader;
+ MCList* failingMCL;
+ MCList* diffMCL;
+ } param;
+ param.nearDiffer = nearDiffer;
+ param.o = o;
+ = mc;
+ param.crl = crl;
+ param.matchCount = matchCount;
+ param.reader = reader;
+ param.failingMCL = failingMCL;
+ param.diffMCL = diffMCL;
+ PAL_TRY(Param*, pParam, &param)
+ {
+ if (pParam->nearDiffer->compare(*pParam->mc, *pParam->crl, (*pParam->mc)->cr))
+ {
+ (*pParam->matchCount)++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ "main method %d of size %d differs", (*pParam->reader)->GetMethodContextIndex(), (*pParam->mc)->methodSize);
+ //This is a difference in ASM outputs from Jit1 & Jit2 and not a playback failure
+ //We will add this MC to the diffMCList if one is requested
+ //Otherwise this will end up in failingMCList
+ if ((*pParam->o).diffMCLFilename != nullptr)
+ (*pParam->diffMCL).AddMethodToMCL((*pParam->reader)->GetMethodContextIndex());
+ else if ((*pParam->o).mclFilename != nullptr)
+ (*pParam->failingMCL).AddMethodToMCL((*pParam->reader)->GetMethodContextIndex());
+ }
+ }
+ PAL_EXCEPT_FILTER(FilterSuperPMIExceptions_CaptureExceptionAndStop)
+ {
+ SpmiException e(&param.exceptionPointers);
+ LogError("main method %d of size %d failed to load and compile correctly. EnvCnt=%d",
+ (*reader)->GetMethodContextIndex(), (*mc)->methodSize, (*mc)->repEnvironmentGetCount());
+ e.ShowAndDeleteMessage();
+ if ((*o).mclFilename != nullptr)
+ (*failingMCL).AddMethodToMCL((*reader)->GetMethodContextIndex());
+ }
+// Run superpmi. The return value is as follows:
+// 0 : success
+// -1 : general fatal error (e.g., failed to initialize, failed to read files)
+// -2 : JIT failed to initialize
+// 1 : there were compilation failures
+// 2 : there were asm diffs
+int __cdecl main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ if (0 != PAL_Initialize(argc, argv))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Fail to PAL_Initialize\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+#endif // FEATURE_PAL
+ Logger::Initialize();
+ SimpleTimer st1;
+ SimpleTimer st2;
+ SimpleTimer st3;
+ SimpleTimer st4;
+ st2.Start();
+ JitInstance::Result res, res2;
+ MethodContext *mc = nullptr;
+ JitInstance *jit = nullptr, *jit2 = nullptr;
+ MethodStatsEmitter *methodStatsEmitter = nullptr;
+#ifdef SuperPMI_ChewMemory
+ //Chew up the base 2gb of memory on x86... helpful in finding any places where classhandles etc are de-ref'd
+ GetSystemInfo(&sSysInfo);
+ LPVOID lpvAddr;
+#undef VirtualAlloc
+ do
+ {
+ lpvAddr = VirtualAlloc(NULL, sSysInfo.dwPageSize, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_NOACCESS);
+ } while ((size_t)lpvAddr < SuperPMI_ChewMemory);
+ bool collectThroughput = false;
+ MCList failingMCL, diffMCL;
+ CommandLine::Options o;
+ if (!CommandLine::Parse(argc, argv, &o))
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (o.parallel)
+ {
+ return doParallelSuperPMI(o);
+ }
+ SetSuperPmiTargetArchitecture(o.targetArchitecture);
+ if (o.methodStatsTypes != NULL && (strchr(o.methodStatsTypes, '*') != NULL || strchr(o.methodStatsTypes, 't') != NULL || strchr(o.methodStatsTypes, 'T') != NULL))
+ {
+ collectThroughput = true;
+ }
+ LogVerbose("Using jit(%s) with input (%s)", o.nameOfJit, o.nameOfInputMethodContextFile);
+ std::string indexesStr = " indexCount=";
+ indexesStr += std::to_string(o.indexCount);
+ indexesStr += " (";
+ for (int i = 0; i < o.indexCount; i++)
+ {
+ indexesStr += std::to_string(o.indexes[i]);
+ if (i < (o.indexCount - 1))
+ indexesStr += ",";
+ }
+ indexesStr += ")";
+ LogVerbose(indexesStr.c_str());
+ if (o.methodStatsTypes != nullptr)
+ LogVerbose(" EmitMethodStats-Types=%s", o.methodStatsTypes);
+ if (o.hash != nullptr)
+ LogVerbose(" MD5Hash=%s", o.hash);
+ if (o.mclFilename != nullptr)
+ LogVerbose(" failingMCList=%s", o.mclFilename);
+ if (o.offset > 0 && o.increment > 0)
+ LogVerbose(" offset=%d increment=%d", o.offset, o.increment);
+ if (o.methodStatsTypes != nullptr)
+ {
+ methodStatsEmitter = new MethodStatsEmitter(o.nameOfInputMethodContextFile);
+ methodStatsEmitter->SetStatsTypes(o.methodStatsTypes);
+ }
+ if (o.mclFilename != nullptr)
+ {
+ failingMCL.InitializeMCL(o.mclFilename);
+ }
+ if (o.diffMCLFilename != nullptr)
+ {
+ diffMCL.InitializeMCL(o.diffMCLFilename);
+ }
+ // The method context reader handles skipping any unrequested method contexts
+ // Used in conjunction with an MCI file, it does a lot less work...
+ MethodContextReader *reader = new MethodContextReader(o.nameOfInputMethodContextFile, o.indexes, o.indexCount, o.hash, o.offset, o.increment);
+ if (!reader->isValid())
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ int loadedCount = 0;
+ int jittedCount = 0;
+ int matchCount = 0;
+ int failCount = 0;
+ int index = 0;
+ st1.Start();
+ NearDiffer nearDiffer(o.targetArchitecture, o.useCoreDisTools);
+ if (o.applyDiff)
+ {
+ nearDiffer.InitAsmDiff();
+ }
+ while (true)
+ {
+ MethodContextBuffer mcb = reader->GetNextMethodContext();
+ if (mcb.Error())
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if (mcb.allDone())
+ {
+ LogDebug("Done processing method contexts");
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((loadedCount % 500 == 0) && (loadedCount > 0))
+ {
+ st1.Stop();
+ if (o.applyDiff)
+ {
+ LogVerbose(" %2.1f%% - Loaded %d Jitted %d Matching %d FailedCompile %d at %d per second",
+ reader->PercentComplete(),
+ loadedCount,
+ jittedCount,
+ matchCount,
+ failCount,
+ (int)((double)500 / st1.GetSeconds()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogVerbose(" %2.1f%% - Loaded %d Jitted %d FailedCompile %d at %d per second",
+ reader->PercentComplete(),
+ loadedCount,
+ jittedCount,
+ failCount,
+ (int)((double)500 / st1.GetSeconds()));
+ }
+ st1.Start();
+ }
+ // Now read the data into a MethodContext. This could throw if the method context data is corrupt.
+ loadedCount++;
+ if (!MethodContext::Initialize(loadedCount, mcb.buff, mcb.size, &mc))
+ return -1;
+ if (jit == nullptr)
+ {
+ SimpleTimer st4;
+ jit = JitInstance::InitJit(o.nameOfJit, o.breakOnAssert, &st4, mc);
+ if (jit == nullptr)
+ {
+ // InitJit already printed a failure message
+ return -2;
+ }
+ if (o.nameOfJit2 != nullptr)
+ {
+ jit2 = JitInstance::InitJit(o.nameOfJit2, o.breakOnAssert, &st4, mc);
+ if (jit2 == nullptr)
+ {
+ // InitJit already printed a failure message
+ return -2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // I needed to reason about what crl contains at any point in time
+ // Here is my guess based on reading the code so far
+ // crl initially contains the CompileResult from the MCH file
+ // However if we have a second jit it has the CompileResult from Jit1
+ CompileResult *crl = mc->cr;
+ mc->cr = new CompileResult();
+ mc->originalCR = crl;
+ jittedCount++;
+ st3.Start();
+ res = jit->CompileMethod(mc, reader->GetMethodContextIndex(), collectThroughput);
+ st3.Stop();
+ LogDebug("Method %d compiled in %fms, result %d", reader->GetMethodContextIndex(), st3.GetMilliseconds(), res);
+ if ((res == JitInstance::RESULT_SUCCESS) && Logger::IsLogLevelEnabled(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG))
+ {
+ mc->cr->dumpToConsole(); // Dump the compile results if doing debug logging
+ }
+ if (o.nameOfJit2 != nullptr)
+ {
+ // Lets get the results for the 2nd JIT
+ // We will save the first JIT's CR to save space for the 2nd JIT CR
+ // Note that the recorded CR is still stored in MC->originalCR
+ crl = mc->cr;
+ mc->cr = new CompileResult();
+ st4.Start();
+ res2 = jit2->CompileMethod(mc, reader->GetMethodContextIndex(), collectThroughput);
+ st4.Stop();
+ LogDebug("Method %d compiled by JIT2 in %fms, result %d", reader->GetMethodContextIndex(), st4.GetMilliseconds(), res2);
+ if ((res2 == JitInstance::RESULT_SUCCESS) && Logger::IsLogLevelEnabled(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG))
+ {
+ mc->cr->dumpToConsole(); // Dump the compile results if doing debug logging
+ }
+ if (res2 == JitInstance::RESULT_ERROR)
+ {
+ LogError("JIT2 main method %d of size %d failed to load and compile correctly. EnvCnt=%d",
+ reader->GetMethodContextIndex(), mc->methodSize, mc->repEnvironmentGetCount());
+ }
+ // Methods that don't compile due to missing JIT-EE information
+ // should still be added to the failing MC list.
+ // However, we will not add this MC# if JIT1 also failed, Else there will be duplicate logging
+ if ((res == JitInstance::RESULT_SUCCESS) &&
+ (res2 != JitInstance::RESULT_SUCCESS) &&
+ (o.mclFilename != nullptr))
+ {
+ failingMCL.AddMethodToMCL(reader->GetMethodContextIndex());
+ }
+ }
+ if (res == JitInstance::RESULT_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ if (collectThroughput)
+ {
+ if (o.nameOfJit2 != nullptr && res2 == JitInstance::RESULT_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ //TODO-Bug?: bug in getting the lowest cycle time??
+ ULONGLONG dif1, dif2, dif3, dif4;
+ dif1 = (jit->times[0] - jit2->times[0]) * (jit->times[0] - jit2->times[0]);
+ dif2 = (jit->times[0] - jit2->times[1]) * (jit->times[0] - jit2->times[1]);
+ dif3 = (jit->times[1] - jit2->times[0]) * (jit->times[1] - jit2->times[0]);
+ dif4 = (jit->times[1] - jit2->times[1]) * (jit->times[1] - jit2->times[1]);
+ if (dif1 < dif2)
+ {
+ if (dif3 < dif4)
+ {
+ if (dif1 < dif3)
+ {
+ crl->clockCyclesToCompile = jit->times[0];
+ mc->cr->clockCyclesToCompile = jit2->times[0];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ crl->clockCyclesToCompile = jit->times[1];
+ mc->cr->clockCyclesToCompile = jit2->times[0];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (dif1 < dif4)
+ {
+ crl->clockCyclesToCompile = jit->times[0];
+ mc->cr->clockCyclesToCompile = jit2->times[0];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ crl->clockCyclesToCompile = jit->times[1];
+ mc->cr->clockCyclesToCompile = jit2->times[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (dif3 < dif4)
+ {
+ if (dif2 < dif3)
+ {
+ crl->clockCyclesToCompile = jit->times[0];
+ mc->cr->clockCyclesToCompile = jit2->times[1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ crl->clockCyclesToCompile = jit->times[1];
+ mc->cr->clockCyclesToCompile = jit2->times[0];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (dif2 < dif4)
+ {
+ crl->clockCyclesToCompile = jit->times[0];
+ mc->cr->clockCyclesToCompile = jit2->times[1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ crl->clockCyclesToCompile = jit->times[1];
+ mc->cr->clockCyclesToCompile = jit2->times[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (methodStatsEmitter != nullptr)
+ {
+ methodStatsEmitter->Emit(reader->GetMethodContextIndex(), mc, crl->clockCyclesToCompile, mc->cr->clockCyclesToCompile);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (jit->times[0] > jit->times[1])
+ mc->cr->clockCyclesToCompile = jit->times[1];
+ else
+ mc->cr->clockCyclesToCompile = jit->times[0];
+ if (methodStatsEmitter != nullptr)
+ {
+ methodStatsEmitter->Emit(reader->GetMethodContextIndex(), mc, mc->cr->clockCyclesToCompile, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!collectThroughput && methodStatsEmitter != nullptr)
+ {
+ //We have a separate call to Emit for collectThroughput
+ methodStatsEmitter->Emit(reader->GetMethodContextIndex(), mc, -1, -1);
+ }
+ if (o.applyDiff)
+ {
+ // We need at least two compile results to diff: they can either both come from JIT
+ // invocations, or one can be loaded from the method context file.
+ // We need to check both CompileResults to ensure we have a valid CR
+ if (crl->AllocMem == nullptr || mc->cr->AllocMem == nullptr)
+ {
+ LogError("method %d is missing a compileResult, cannot do diffing", reader->GetMethodContextIndex());
+ // If we are here this means that either we have 2 Jits and the second Jit failed to compile
+ // Or we have single Jit and the MethodContext doesn't have an originalCR
+ // In both cases we don't need to add this to the MCList again
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ InvokeNearDiffer(&nearDiffer, &o, &mc, &crl, &matchCount, &reader, &failingMCL, &diffMCL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ failCount++;
+ if (o.mclFilename != nullptr)
+ failingMCL.AddMethodToMCL(reader->GetMethodContextIndex());
+ // The following only apply specifically to failures caused by errors (as opposed
+ // to, for instance, failures caused by missing JIT-EE details).
+ if (res == JitInstance::RESULT_ERROR)
+ {
+ LogError("main method %d of size %d failed to load and compile correctly. EnvCnt=%d", reader->GetMethodContextIndex(), mc->methodSize, mc->repEnvironmentGetCount());
+ if ((o.reproName != nullptr) && (o.indexCount == -1))
+ {
+ char buff[500];
+ sprintf_s(buff, 500, "", o.reproName, reader->GetMethodContextIndex());
+ {
+ LogError("Failed to open output '%s'. GetLastError()=%u", buff, GetLastError());
+ return -1;
+ }
+ mc->saveToFile(hFileOut);
+ if (CloseHandle(hFileOut) == 0)
+ {
+ LogError("CloseHandle for output file failed. GetLastError()=%u", GetLastError());
+ return -1;
+ }
+ LogInfo("Wrote out repro to '%s'", buff);
+ }
+ if (o.breakOnError)
+ {
+ if (o.indexCount == -1)
+ LogInfo("HINT: to repro add '/c %d' to cmdline", reader->GetMethodContextIndex());
+ __debugbreak();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete crl;
+ delete mc;
+ }
+ delete reader;
+ int result = 0;
+ // NOTE: these output status strings are parsed by parallelsuperpmi.cpp::ProcessChildStdOut().
+ if (o.applyDiff)
+ {
+ LogInfo(g_AsmDiffsSummaryFormatString, loadedCount, jittedCount, failCount, jittedCount - failCount - matchCount);
+ if (matchCount != jittedCount)
+ {
+ result = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogInfo(g_SummaryFormatString, loadedCount, jittedCount, failCount);
+ }
+ // Failure to JIT overrides diffs for the error code.
+ if (failCount > 0)
+ {
+ result = 1;
+ }
+ st2.Stop();
+ LogVerbose("Total time: %fms", st2.GetMilliseconds());
+ if (methodStatsEmitter != nullptr)
+ {
+ delete methodStatsEmitter;
+ }
+ if (o.mclFilename != nullptr)
+ {
+ failingMCL.CloseMCL();
+ }
+ if (o.diffMCLFilename != nullptr)
+ {
+ diffMCL.CloseMCL();
+ }
+ Logger::Shutdown();
+ return result;