path: root/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontextreader.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontextreader.cpp')
1 files changed, 469 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontextreader.cpp b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontextreader.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e375e0d6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/methodcontextreader.cpp
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+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// MethodContextReader.cpp - Abstraction for reading MethodContexts
+// Should eventually support multithreading
+#include "standardpch.h"
+#include "tocfile.h"
+#include "methodcontextreader.h"
+#include "methodcontext.h"
+#include "logging.h"
+#include "runtimedetails.h"
+// Just a helper...
+HANDLE MethodContextReader::OpenFile(const char *inputFile, DWORD flags)
+ if (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ LogError("Failed to open file '%s'. GetLastError()=%u", inputFile, GetLastError());
+ }
+ return fileHandle;
+static std::string to_lower(const std::string &input)
+ std::string res = input;
+ std::transform(input.cbegin(), input.cend(), res.begin(), tolower);
+ return res;
+// Looks for a file named foo.origSuffix.newSuffix or foo.newSuffix
+// but only if foo.origSuffix exists.
+// Note: filename extensions must be lower-case, even on case-sensitive file systems!
+std::string MethodContextReader::CheckForPairedFile(const std::string &fileName, const std::string &origSuffix, const std::string &newSuffix)
+ std::string tmp = to_lower(origSuffix);
+ // First, check to see if foo.origSuffix exists
+ size_t suffix_offset = fileName.find_last_of('.');
+ if ((SSIZE_T)suffix_offset <= 0
+ || (tmp != to_lower(fileName.substr(suffix_offset)))
+ || (GetFileAttributesA(fileName.c_str()) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES))
+ return std::string();
+ // next, check from foo.orig
+ tmp = fileName + newSuffix;
+ if (GetFileAttributesA(tmp.c_str()) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
+ return tmp;
+ // Now let's check for from
+ tmp = fileName.substr(0, suffix_offset);
+ if (GetFileAttributesA(tmp.c_str()) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
+ return tmp;
+ // Finally, lets try foo.orig from
+ tmp += newSuffix;
+ if (GetFileAttributesA(tmp.c_str()) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
+ return tmp;
+ return std::string();
+MethodContextReader::MethodContextReader(const char *inputFileName, const int *indexes, int indexCount, char *hash, int offset, int increment)
+ , fileSize(0)
+ , curMCIndex(0)
+ , Indexes(indexes)
+ , IndexCount(indexCount)
+ , curIndexPos(0)
+ , Hash(hash)
+ , curTOCIndex(0)
+ , Offset(offset)
+ , Increment(increment)
+ this->mutex = CreateMutexA(NULL, FALSE, nullptr);
+ std::string tocFileName, mchFile;
+ // First, check to see if they passed an MCH file (look for a paired MCT file)
+ tocFileName = MethodContextReader::CheckForPairedFile(inputFileName, ".mch", ".mct");
+ if (!tocFileName.empty())
+ {
+ mchFile = inputFileName;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Okay, it wasn't an MCH file, let's check to see if it was an MCT file
+ // so check for a paired MCH file instead
+ mchFile = MethodContextReader::CheckForPairedFile(inputFileName, ".mct", ".mch");
+ if (!mchFile.empty())
+ {
+ tocFileName = inputFileName;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mchFile = inputFileName;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!tocFileName.empty())
+ this->tocFile.LoadToc(tocFileName.c_str());
+ // we'll get here even if we don't have a valid index file
+ this->fileHandle = OpenFile(mchFile.c_str(), (this->hasTOC() && this->hasIndex()) ? FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL : FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN);
+ if (this->fileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ GetFileSizeEx(this->fileHandle, (PLARGE_INTEGER)&this->fileSize);
+ }
+ if (fileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ CloseHandle(this->fileHandle);
+ }
+ CloseHandle(this->mutex);
+bool MethodContextReader::AcquireLock()
+ DWORD res = WaitForSingleObject(this->mutex, INFINITE);
+ return (res == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
+void MethodContextReader::ReleaseLock()
+ ReleaseMutex(this->mutex);
+bool MethodContextReader::atEof()
+ __int64 pos = 0;
+ SetFilePointerEx(this->fileHandle, *(PLARGE_INTEGER)&pos, (PLARGE_INTEGER)&pos, FILE_CURRENT); // LARGE_INTEGER is a crime against humanity
+ return pos == this->fileSize;
+MethodContextBuffer MethodContextReader::ReadMethodContextNoLock(bool justSkip)
+ DWORD bytesRead;
+ char buff[512];
+ unsigned int totalLen = 0;
+ if (atEof())
+ {
+ return MethodContextBuffer();
+ }
+ Assert(ReadFile(this->fileHandle, buff, 2 + sizeof(unsigned int), &bytesRead, NULL) == TRUE);
+ AssertMsg((buff[0] == 'm') && (buff[1] == 'c'), "Didn't find magic number");
+ memcpy(&totalLen, &buff[2], sizeof(unsigned int));
+ if (justSkip)
+ {
+ __int64 pos = totalLen + 2;
+ // Just move the file pointer ahead the correct number of bytes
+ AssertMsg(SetFilePointerEx(this->fileHandle, *(PLARGE_INTEGER)&pos, (PLARGE_INTEGER)&pos, FILE_CURRENT) == TRUE, "SetFilePointerEx failed (Error %X)", GetLastError());
+ //Increment curMCIndex as we advanced the file pointer by another MC
+ ++curMCIndex;
+ return MethodContextBuffer(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned char *buff2 = new unsigned char[totalLen + 2]; //total + End Canary
+ Assert(ReadFile(this->fileHandle, buff2, totalLen + 2, &bytesRead, NULL) == TRUE);
+ //Increment curMCIndex as we read another MC
+ ++curMCIndex;
+ return MethodContextBuffer(buff2, totalLen);
+ }
+MethodContextBuffer MethodContextReader::ReadMethodContext(bool acquireLock, bool justSkip)
+ if (acquireLock && !this->AcquireLock())
+ {
+ LogError("Can't acquire the reader lock!");
+ return MethodContextBuffer(-1);
+ }
+ struct Param {
+ MethodContextReader* pThis;
+ MethodContextBuffer ret;
+ bool justSkip;
+ } param;
+ param.pThis = this;
+ param.ret = MethodContextBuffer(-2);
+ param.justSkip = justSkip;
+ PAL_TRY(Param*, pParam, &param)
+ {
+ pParam->ret = pParam->pThis->ReadMethodContextNoLock(pParam->justSkip);
+ }
+ {
+ this->ReleaseLock();
+ }
+ return param.ret;
+// Read a method context buffer from the ContextCollection
+// (either a hive [single] or an index)
+MethodContextBuffer MethodContextReader::GetNextMethodContext()
+ struct Param : FilterSuperPMIExceptionsParam_CaptureException
+ {
+ MethodContextReader* pThis;
+ MethodContextBuffer mcb;
+ } param;
+ param.pThis = this;
+ PAL_TRY(Param*, pParam, &param)
+ {
+ pParam->mcb = pParam->pThis->GetNextMethodContextHelper();
+ }
+ PAL_EXCEPT_FILTER(FilterSuperPMIExceptions_CaptureExceptionAndStop)
+ {
+ LogError("Method %d is of low integrity.", GetMethodContextIndex());
+ param.mcb = MethodContextBuffer(-1);
+ }
+ return param.mcb;
+MethodContextBuffer MethodContextReader::GetNextMethodContextHelper()
+ //If we have an offset/increment combo
+ if (this->Offset > 0 && this->Increment > 0)
+ return GetNextMethodContextFromOffsetIncrement();
+ //If we have an index
+ if (this->hasIndex())
+ {
+ if (this->curIndexPos < this->IndexCount)
+ {
+ //If we are not done with all of them
+ return GetNextMethodContextFromIndexes();
+ }
+ else //We are done with all of them, return
+ return MethodContextBuffer();
+ }
+ //If we have a hash
+ if (this->Hash != nullptr)
+ return GetNextMethodContextFromHash();
+ //If we don't have any of these options return all MCs one by one
+ return this->ReadMethodContext(true);
+// Read a method context buffer from the ContextCollection using Indexes
+MethodContextBuffer MethodContextReader::GetNextMethodContextFromIndexes()
+ //Assert if we don't have an Index or we are done with all the indexes
+ Assert(this->hasIndex() && this->curIndexPos < this->IndexCount);
+ if (this->hasTOC())
+ {
+ // If we have an index & we have a TOC, we can just jump to that method!
+ return this->GetSpecificMethodContext(this->Indexes[this->curIndexPos++]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Find the current method (either #0, or the previous index)
+ int curMethod = this->curIndexPos ? this->Indexes[this->curIndexPos - 1] : 0;
+ // Get the next method
+ int nextMethod = this->Indexes[this->curIndexPos++];
+ // Skip over methods until we get to the right now
+ while (++curMethod < nextMethod)
+ {
+ // Skip a method context
+ MethodContextBuffer mcb = this->ReadMethodContext(true, true);
+ if (mcb.allDone() || mcb.Error())
+ return mcb;
+ }
+ }
+ return this->ReadMethodContext(true);
+// Read a method context buffer from the ContextCollection using Hash
+MethodContextBuffer MethodContextReader::GetNextMethodContextFromHash()
+ //Assert if we don't have a valid hash
+ Assert(this->Hash != nullptr);
+ if (this->hasTOC())
+ {
+ //We have a TOC so lets go through the TOCElements
+ //one-by-one till we find a matching hash
+ for (; curTOCIndex < (int)this->tocFile.GetTocCount(); curTOCIndex++)
+ {
+ if (_strnicmp(this->Hash, this->tocFile.GetElementPtr(curTOCIndex)->Hash, MD5_HASH_BUFFER_SIZE) == 0)
+ {
+ //We found a match, return this specific method
+ return this->GetSpecificMethodContext(this->tocFile.GetElementPtr(curTOCIndex++)->Number);
+ }
+ }
+ //No more matches in the TOC for our hash value
+ return MethodContextBuffer();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Keep reading all MCs until we hit a match
+ //or we reach the end or hit an error
+ while (true)
+ {
+ // Read a method context
+ // we can't skip because we need to calculate hashes
+ MethodContextBuffer mcb = this->ReadMethodContext(true, false);
+ if (mcb.allDone() || mcb.Error())
+ return mcb;
+ char mcHash[MD5_HASH_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ //Create a temporary copy of mcb.buff plus ending 2-byte canary
+ //this will get freed up by MethodContext constructor
+ unsigned char *buff = new unsigned char[mcb.size + 2];
+ memcpy(buff, mcb.buff, mcb.size + 2);
+ MethodContext *mc;
+ if (!MethodContext::Initialize(-1, buff, mcb.size, &mc))
+ return MethodContextBuffer(-1);
+ mc->dumpMethodMD5HashToBuffer(mcHash, MD5_HASH_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ delete mc;
+ if (_strnicmp(this->Hash, mcHash, MD5_HASH_BUFFER_SIZE) == 0)
+ {
+ //We found a match, return this specific method
+ return mcb;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //We should never get here under normal conditions
+ AssertMsg(true, "Unexpected condition hit while reading input file.");
+ return MethodContextBuffer(-1);
+// Read a method context buffer from the ContextCollection using offset/increment
+MethodContextBuffer MethodContextReader::GetNextMethodContextFromOffsetIncrement()
+ //Assert if we don't have a valid increment/offset combo
+ Assert(this->Offset > 0 && this->Increment > 0);
+ int methodNumber = this->curMCIndex > 0 ? this->curMCIndex + this->Increment : this->Offset;
+ if (this->hasTOC())
+ {
+ //Check if we are within the TOC
+ if ((int)this->tocFile.GetTocCount() >= methodNumber)
+ {
+ //We have a TOC so we can request a specific method context
+ return this->GetSpecificMethodContext(methodNumber);
+ }
+ else
+ return MethodContextBuffer();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Keep skipping MCs until we get to the one we need to return
+ while (this->curMCIndex + 1 < methodNumber)
+ {
+ //skip over a method
+ MethodContextBuffer mcb = this->ReadMethodContext(true, true);
+ if (mcb.allDone() || mcb.Error())
+ return mcb;
+ }
+ }
+ return this->ReadMethodContext(true);
+bool MethodContextReader::hasIndex()
+ return this->IndexCount > 0;
+bool MethodContextReader::hasTOC()
+ return this->tocFile.GetTocCount() > 0;
+bool MethodContextReader::isValid()
+ return this->fileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && this->mutex != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
+double MethodContextReader::PercentComplete()
+ if (this->hasIndex() && this->hasTOC())
+ {
+ // Best estimate I can come up with...
+ return 100.0 * (double)this->curIndexPos / (double)this->IndexCount;
+ }
+ this->AcquireLock();
+ __int64 pos = 0;
+ SetFilePointerEx(this->fileHandle, *(PLARGE_INTEGER)&pos, (PLARGE_INTEGER)&pos, FILE_CURRENT);
+ this->ReleaseLock();
+ return 100.0 * (double)pos / (double)this->fileSize;
+// Binary search to get this method number from the index
+// Returns -1 for not found, or -2 for not indexed
+// Interview question alert: hurray for CLR headers incompatibility with STL :-(
+// Note that TOC is 0 based and MC# are 1 based!
+__int64 MethodContextReader::GetOffset(unsigned int methodNumber)
+ if (!this->hasTOC())
+ return -2;
+ size_t high = this->tocFile.GetTocCount() - 1;
+ size_t low = 0;
+ while (low <= high)
+ {
+ size_t pos = (high + low) / 2;
+ unsigned int num = this->tocFile.GetElementPtr(pos)->Number;
+ if (num == methodNumber)
+ return this->tocFile.GetElementPtr(pos)->Offset;
+ if (num > methodNumber)
+ high = pos - 1;
+ else
+ low = pos + 1;
+ }
+ return -1;
+MethodContextBuffer MethodContextReader::GetSpecificMethodContext(unsigned int methodNumber)
+ __int64 pos = this->GetOffset(methodNumber);
+ if (pos < 0)
+ {
+ return MethodContextBuffer(-3);
+ }
+ // Take the IO lock before we set the file pointer, so we can do this on multiple threads
+ if (!this->AcquireLock())
+ {
+ return MethodContextBuffer(-2);
+ }
+ if (SetFilePointerEx(this->fileHandle, *(PLARGE_INTEGER)&pos, (PLARGE_INTEGER)&pos, FILE_BEGIN))
+ {
+ // ReadMethodContext will release the lock, but we already acquired it
+ MethodContextBuffer mcb = this->ReadMethodContext(false);
+ //The curMCIndex value updated by ReadMethodContext() is incorrect
+ //since we are repositioning the file pointer we need to update it
+ curMCIndex = methodNumber;
+ return mcb;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Don't forget to release the lock!
+ this->ReleaseLock();
+ return MethodContextBuffer(-4);
+ }