path: root/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/callutils.cpp
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1 files changed, 416 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/callutils.cpp b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/callutils.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..027929bec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/superpmi/superpmi-shared/callutils.cpp
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+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// CallUtils.cpp - Utility code for analyzing and working with managed calls
+#include "standardpch.h"
+#include "callutils.h"
+#include "typeutils.h"
+#include "errorhandling.h"
+#include "logging.h"
+// String representations of the JIT helper functions
+const char *kHelperName[CORINFO_HELP_COUNT] =
+#define JITHELPER(code, pfnHelper, sig) #code,
+#define DYNAMICJITHELPER(code, pfnHelper,sig) #code,
+#include "jithelpers.h"
+// Provides information about the target of an outgoing call, based on where it was emitted in the
+// generated code stream.
+// Primarily, this returns what the destination of the call is (e.g. a method, a helper function), but this
+// can also provide:
+// - A symbolic name for the call target (i.e. the function name).
+// - For non-helper methods, the method signature of the call target.
+// Arguments:
+// mc - The method context of the method containing this call site.
+// cr - The compile result for the method containing this call site.
+// callInstrOffset - The native offset of the call site in the generated code stream.
+// outSigInfo - [out] The signature of the outgoing call. Optional (pass nullptr if unwanted).
+// outCallTargetSymbol - [out] A string representation of the outgoing call. Optional (pass nullptr if
+// unwanted).
+// Return Value:
+// What type of call the outgoing call is.
+// Notes:
+// - This depends on the JIT having registered the call site with the EE through recordCallSite. If the
+// JIT didn't do this, GetDirectCallSite can obtain most of the same information for direct calls.
+// - If the call site is for a helper method, then outSigInfo will not be changed, since helper calls
+// have no signature information.
+// - If you pass in a valid pointer for outCallTargetSymbol, this function will allocate memory for it
+// if it is able to understand that call (i.e. if it does not return CallType_Unknown). You, the caller,
+// are responsible for freeing the memory (with delete[]).
+CallType CallUtils::GetRecordedCallSiteInfo(MethodContext *mc,
+ CompileResult *cr,
+ unsigned int callInstrOffset,
+ /*out*/ CORINFO_SIG_INFO *outSigInfo,
+ /*out*/ char **outCallTargetSymbol)
+ AssertCodeMsg(mc != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_CALLUTILS,
+ "Null method context passed into GetCallTargetInfo for call at offset %x.",
+ callInstrOffset);
+ AssertCodeMsg(cr != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_CALLUTILS,
+ "Null compile result passed into GetCallTargetInfo for call at offset %x.",
+ callInstrOffset);
+ CallType targetType = CallType_Unknown;
+ bool recordedCallSig = cr->fndRecordCallSiteSigInfo(callInstrOffset, &callSig);
+ CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle = nullptr;
+ bool recordedMethodHandle = cr->fndRecordCallSiteMethodHandle(callInstrOffset, &methodHandle);
+ if (recordedCallSig)
+ {
+ if (outSigInfo != nullptr)
+ *outSigInfo = callSig;
+ if (outCallTargetSymbol != nullptr)
+ *outCallTargetSymbol = (char *)GetMethodFullName(mc, methodHandle, callSig);
+ targetType = CallType_UserFunction;
+ }
+ else if (recordedMethodHandle)
+ {
+ CorInfoHelpFunc helperNum = CallUtils::GetHelperNum(methodHandle);
+ "Unknown call at offset %x with method handle %016llX.",
+ callInstrOffset, methodHandle);
+ size_t length = strlen(kHelperName[helperNum]) + 1;
+ *outCallTargetSymbol = new char[length];
+ strcpy_s(*outCallTargetSymbol, length, kHelperName[helperNum]);
+ targetType = CallType_Helper;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogWarning("Call site at offset %x was not recorded via recordCallSite.", callInstrOffset);
+ }
+ return targetType;
+// Provides information about the target of an outgoing call, based on the outgoing call's target address.
+// Primarily, this returns what the destination of the call is (e.g. a method, a helper function), but this
+// can also provide:
+// - A symbolic name for the call target (i.e. the function name).
+// - For certain types of managed methods, the method signature of the call target.
+// Arguments:
+// mc - The method context of the method containing this outgoing call.
+// callTarget - The target address of the outgoing call.
+// outSigInfo - [out] The signature of the outgoing call. Optional (pass nullptr if unwanted).
+// outCallTargetSymbol - [out] A string representation of the outgoing call. Optional (pass nullptr if
+// unwanted).
+// Return Value:
+// What type of call the outgoing call is.
+// Assumptions:
+// The given method address does not point to a jump stub.
+// Notes:
+// - This only works for direct calls that have a static target address.
+// - If you pass in a valid pointer for outCallTargetSymbol, this function will allocate memory for it
+// if it is able to understand that call (i.e. if it does not return CallType_Unknown). You, the caller,
+// are responsible for freeing the memory (with delete[]).
+CallType CallUtils::GetDirectCallSiteInfo(MethodContext *mc,
+ void *callTarget,
+ /*out*/ CORINFO_SIG_INFO *outSigInfo,
+ /*out*/ char **outCallTargetSymbol)
+ AssertCodeMsg(mc != nullptr, EXCEPTIONCODE_CALLUTILS,
+ "Null method context passed into GetCallTargetInfo for call to target %016llX.", callTarget);
+ CallType targetType = CallType_Unknown;
+ MethodContext::DLD functionEntryPoint;
+ // Try to first obtain a method handle associated with this call target
+ functionEntryPoint.A = (DWORDLONG)callTarget;
+ functionEntryPoint.B = 0; // TODO-Cleanup: we should be more conscious of this...
+ if (mc->fndGetFunctionEntryPoint(functionEntryPoint, &methodHandle))
+ {
+ // Now try to obtain the call info associated with this method handle
+ struct Param {
+ MethodContext* mc;
+ char** outCallTargetSymbol;
+ CallType* pTargetType;
+ } param;
+ = mc;
+ param.outSigInfo = outSigInfo;
+ param.outCallTargetSymbol = outCallTargetSymbol;
+ param.pTargetType = &targetType;
+ param.pMethodHandle = &methodHandle;
+ PAL_TRY(Param*, pParam, &param)
+ {
+ pParam->mc->repGetCallInfoFromMethodHandle(*pParam->pMethodHandle, &callInfo);
+ if (pParam->outSigInfo != nullptr)
+ *pParam->outSigInfo = callInfo.sig;
+ if (pParam->outCallTargetSymbol != nullptr)
+ *pParam->outCallTargetSymbol = (char *)GetMethodFullName(pParam->mc, *pParam->pMethodHandle, callInfo.sig);
+ *pParam->pTargetType = CallType_UserFunction;
+ }
+ PAL_EXCEPT_FILTER(FilterSuperPMIExceptions_CatchMC)
+ {
+ LogWarning("Didn't find call info for method handle %016llX (call target: %016llX)",
+ methodHandle, callTarget);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // No method handle associated with this target, so check if it's a helper
+ CorInfoHelpFunc helperNum;
+ if (mc->fndGetHelperFtn(callTarget, &helperNum))
+ {
+ if (outCallTargetSymbol != nullptr)
+ {
+ size_t length = strlen(kHelperName[helperNum]) + 1;
+ *outCallTargetSymbol = new char[length];
+ strcpy_s(*outCallTargetSymbol, length, kHelperName[helperNum]);
+ }
+ targetType = CallType_Helper;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogWarning("Call to target %016llX has no method handle and is not a helper call.",
+ callTarget);
+ }
+ }
+ return targetType;
+// Utilty code that was stolen from various sections of the JIT codebase and tweaked to go through
+// SuperPMI's method context replaying instead of directly making calls into the JIT/EE interface.
+// Stolen from Compiler::impMethodInfo_hasRetBuffArg (in the importer)
+bool CallUtils::HasRetBuffArg(MethodContext *mc, CORINFO_SIG_INFO args)
+ if (args.retType != CORINFO_TYPE_VALUECLASS &&
+ args.retType != CORINFO_TYPE_REFANY)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+#if defined(_TARGET_AMD64_)
+ // We don't need a return buffer if:
+ // i) TYP_STRUCT argument that can fit into a single register and
+ // ii) Power of two sized TYP_STRUCT on AMD64.
+ unsigned size = mc->repGetClassSize(args.retTypeClass);
+ return (size > sizeof(void*)) || ((size & (size-1)) != 0);
+ return true;
+// Originally from src/jit/ee_il_dll.cpp
+const char *CallUtils::GetMethodName(MethodContext *mc,
+ const char **classNamePtr)
+ if (GetHelperNum(method))
+ {
+ if (classNamePtr != nullptr)
+ *classNamePtr = "HELPER";
+ // The JIT version uses the getHelperName JIT/EE interface call, but this is easier for us
+ return kHelperName[GetHelperNum(method)];
+ }
+ if (IsNativeMethod(method))
+ {
+ if (classNamePtr != nullptr)
+ *classNamePtr = "NATIVE";
+ method = GetMethodHandleForNative(method);
+ }
+ return(mc->repGetMethodName(method, classNamePtr));
+// Originally from src/jit/eeinterface.cpp
+const char *CallUtils::GetMethodFullName(MethodContext *mc,
+ const char* returnType = NULL;
+ const char* className;
+ const char* methodName = GetMethodName(mc, hnd, &className);
+ if ((GetHelperNum(hnd) != CORINFO_HELP_UNDEF) || IsNativeMethod(hnd))
+ {
+ return methodName;
+ }
+ size_t length = 0;
+ unsigned i;
+ /* Generating the full signature is a two-pass process. First we have to walk
+ the components in order to assess the total size, then we allocate the buffer
+ and copy the elements into it.
+ */
+ /* Right now there is a race-condition in the EE, className can be NULL */
+ /* initialize length with length of className and '.' */
+ if (className != nullptr)
+ length = strlen(className)+1;
+ else
+ {
+ // Tweaked to avoid using CRT assertions
+ Assert(strlen("<NULL>.") == 7);
+ length = 7;
+ }
+ /* add length of methodName and opening bracket */
+ length += strlen(methodName) + 1;
+ CORINFO_ARG_LIST_HANDLE argList = sig.args;
+ for (i = 0; i < sig.numArgs; i++)
+ {
+ // Tweaked to use EE types instead of JIT-specific types
+ DWORD exception;
+ CorInfoType type = strip(mc->repGetArgType(&sig, argList, &typeHandle, &exception));
+ length += strlen(TypeUtils::GetCorInfoTypeName(type));
+ argList = mc->repGetArgNext(argList);
+ }
+ /* add ',' if there is more than one argument */
+ if (sig.numArgs > 1)
+ length += (sig.numArgs - 1);
+ // Tweaked to use EE types instead of JIT-specific types
+ if (sig.retType != CORINFO_TYPE_VOID)
+ {
+ returnType = TypeUtils::GetCorInfoTypeName(sig.retType);
+ length += strlen(returnType) + 1; // don't forget the delimiter ':'
+ }
+ // Does it have a 'this' pointer? Don't count explicit this, which has the this pointer type as the first element of the arg type list
+ if (sig.hasThis() && !sig.hasExplicitThis())
+ {
+ // Tweaked to avoid using CRT assertions
+ Assert(strlen(":this") == 5);
+ length += 5;
+ }
+ /* add closing bracket and null terminator */
+ length += 2;
+ char *retName = new char[length]; // Tweaked to use "new" instead of compGetMem
+ /* Now generate the full signature string in the allocated buffer */
+ if (className)
+ {
+ strcpy_s(retName, length, className);
+ strcat_s(retName, length, ":");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy_s(retName, length, "<NULL>.");
+ }
+ strcat_s(retName, length, methodName);
+ // append the signature
+ strcat_s(retName, length, "(");
+ argList = sig.args;
+ for (i = 0; i < sig.numArgs; i++)
+ {
+ // Tweaked to use EE types instead of JIT-specific types
+ DWORD exception;
+ CorInfoType type = strip(mc->repGetArgType(&sig, argList, &typeHandle, &exception));
+ strcat_s(retName, length, TypeUtils::GetCorInfoTypeName(type));
+ argList = mc->repGetArgNext(argList);
+ if (i + 1 < sig.numArgs)
+ strcat_s(retName, length, ",");
+ }
+ strcat_s(retName, length, ")");
+ if (returnType)
+ {
+ strcat_s(retName, length, ":");
+ strcat_s(retName, length, returnType);
+ }
+ // Does it have a 'this' pointer? Don't count explicit this, which has the this pointer type as the first element of the arg type list
+ if (sig.hasThis() && !sig.hasExplicitThis())
+ {
+ strcat_s(retName, length, ":this");
+ }
+ // Tweaked to avoid using CRT assertions
+ Assert(strlen(retName) == (length-1));
+ return(retName);
+// Originally from jit/compiler.hpp
+inline CorInfoHelpFunc CallUtils::GetHelperNum(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method)
+ // Helpers are marked by the fact that they are odd numbers
+ if (!(((size_t) method) & 1))
+ return((CorInfoHelpFunc) (((size_t) method) >> 2));
+// Originally from jit/compiler.hpp
+inline bool CallUtils::IsNativeMethod(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method)
+ return ((((size_t)method) & 0x2) == 0x2);
+// Originally from jit/compiler.hpp
+inline CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE CallUtils::GetMethodHandleForNative(CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE method)
+ // Tweaked to avoid using CRT assertions
+ Assert((((size_t) method) & 0x3) == 0x2);
+ return (CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE)(((size_t)method)& ~0x3);