path: root/src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/xplat/dbgeng.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/xplat/dbgeng.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 485 deletions
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/xplat/dbgeng.h b/src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/xplat/dbgeng.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dcf9572bb..0000000000
--- a/src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/xplat/dbgeng.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,485 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
-// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
-// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
-// Debugger engine interface subset implemented with ILLDBServices
-#ifndef __DBGENG_H__
-#define __DBGENG_H__
-#include <unknwn.h>
-#include <rpc.h>
-#include <lldbservices.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-class DebugClient
- LONG m_ref;
- ILLDBServices *m_lldbservices;
- DebugClient(ILLDBServices *lldbservices) :
- m_ref(1),
- m_lldbservices(lldbservices)
- {
- m_lldbservices->AddRef();
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // IUnknown
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- QueryInterface(
- REFIID InterfaceId,
- PVOID* Interface);
- ULONG AddRef();
- ULONG Release();
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // IDebugControl2
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Checks for a user interrupt, such a Ctrl-C
- // or stop button.
- // This method is reentrant.
- GetInterrupt()
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetInterrupt();
- }
- // Sends output through clients
- // output callbacks if the mask is allowed
- // by the current output control mask and
- // according to the output distribution
- // settings.
- Output(
- ULONG mask,
- PCSTR format,
- ...)
- {
- va_list args;
- va_start (args, format);
- HRESULT result = m_lldbservices->OutputVaList(mask, format, args);
- va_end (args);
- return result;
- }
- OutputVaList(
- ULONG mask,
- PCSTR format,
- va_list args)
- {
- char str[4096];
- int length = _vsnprintf_s(str, sizeof(str), _TRUNCATE, format, args);
- if (length > 0)
- {
- return Output(mask, "%s", str);
- }
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- // The following methods allow direct control
- // over the distribution of the given output
- // for situations where something other than
- // the default is desired. These methods require
- // extra work in the engine so they should
- // only be used when necessary.
- ControlledOutput(
- ULONG outputControl,
- ULONG mask,
- PCSTR format,
- ...)
- {
- va_list args;
- va_start (args, format);
- HRESULT result = ControlledOutputVaList(outputControl, mask, format, args);
- va_end (args);
- return result;
- }
- ControlledOutputVaList(
- ULONG outputControl,
- ULONG mask,
- PCSTR format,
- va_list args)
- {
- return OutputVaList(mask, format, args);
- }
- // Returns information about the debuggee such
- // as user vs. kernel, dump vs. live, etc.
- GetDebuggeeType(
- PULONG debugClass,
- PULONG qualifier)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetDebuggeeType(debugClass, qualifier);
- }
- // Returns the page size for the currently executing
- // processor context. The page size may vary between
- // processor types.
- GetPageSize(
- PULONG size)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetPageSize(size);
- }
- GetExecutingProcessorType(
- PULONG type)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetExecutingProcessorType(type);
- }
- Execute(
- ULONG outputControl,
- PCSTR command,
- ULONG flags)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->Execute(outputControl, command, flags);
- }
- GetLastEventInformation(
- PULONG type,
- PULONG processId,
- PULONG threadId,
- PVOID extraInformation,
- ULONG extraInformationSize,
- PULONG extraInformationUsed,
- PSTR description,
- ULONG descriptionSize,
- PULONG descriptionUsed)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetLastEventInformation(type, processId, threadId, extraInformation,
- extraInformationSize, extraInformationUsed, description, descriptionSize, descriptionUsed);
- }
- Disassemble(
- ULONG64 offset,
- ULONG flags,
- PSTR buffer,
- ULONG bufferSize,
- PULONG disassemblySize,
- PULONG64 endOffset)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->Disassemble(offset, flags, buffer, bufferSize, disassemblySize, endOffset);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // IDebugControl4
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Stack tracing with a full initial context
- // and full context return for each frame.
- // The FrameContextsSize parameter is the total
- // byte size of FrameContexts. FrameContextsEntrySize
- // gives the byte size of each entry in
- // FrameContexts.
- GetContextStackTrace(
- PVOID startContext,
- ULONG startContextSize,
- ULONG framesSize,
- PVOID frameContexts,
- ULONG frameContextsSize,
- ULONG frameContextsEntrySize,
- PULONG framesFilled)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetContextStackTrace(startContext, startContextSize, frames,
- framesSize, frameContexts, frameContextsSize, frameContextsEntrySize, framesFilled);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // IDebugDataSpaces
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ReadVirtual(
- ULONG64 offset,
- PVOID buffer,
- ULONG bufferSize,
- PULONG bytesRead)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->ReadVirtual(offset, buffer, bufferSize, bytesRead);
- }
- WriteVirtual(
- ULONG64 offset,
- PVOID buffer,
- ULONG bufferSize,
- PULONG bytesWritten)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->WriteVirtual(offset, buffer, bufferSize, bytesWritten);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // IDebugSymbols
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GetSymbolOptions(
- PULONG options)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetSymbolOptions(options);
- }
- GetNameByOffset(
- ULONG64 offset,
- PSTR nameBuffer,
- ULONG nameBufferSize,
- PULONG nameSize,
- PULONG64 displacement)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetNameByOffset(offset, nameBuffer, nameBufferSize, nameSize, displacement);
- }
- GetNumberModules(
- PULONG loaded,
- PULONG unloaded)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetNumberModules(loaded, unloaded);
- }
- HRESULT GetModuleByIndex(
- ULONG index,
- PULONG64 base)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetModuleByIndex(index, base);
- }
- GetModuleByModuleName(
- PCSTR name,
- ULONG startIndex,
- PULONG index,
- PULONG64 base)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetModuleByModuleName(name, startIndex, index, base);
- }
- GetModuleByOffset(
- ULONG64 offset,
- ULONG startIndex,
- PULONG index,
- PULONG64 base)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetModuleByOffset(offset, startIndex, index, base);
- }
- GetModuleNames(
- ULONG index,
- ULONG64 base,
- PSTR imageNameBuffer,
- ULONG imageNameBufferSize,
- PULONG imageNameSize,
- PSTR moduleNameBuffer,
- ULONG moduleNameBufferSize,
- PULONG moduleNameSize,
- PSTR loadedImageNameBuffer,
- ULONG loadedImageNameBufferSize,
- PULONG loadedImageNameSize)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetModuleNames(index, base, imageNameBuffer, imageNameBufferSize, imageNameSize, moduleNameBuffer,
- moduleNameBufferSize, moduleNameSize, loadedImageNameBuffer, loadedImageNameBufferSize, loadedImageNameSize);
- }
- GetLineByOffset(
- ULONG64 offset,
- PULONG line,
- PSTR fileBuffer,
- ULONG fileBufferSize,
- PULONG fileSize,
- PULONG64 displacement)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetLineByOffset(offset, line, fileBuffer, fileBufferSize, fileSize, displacement);
- }
- GetSourceFileLineOffsets(
- PCSTR file,
- PULONG64 buffer,
- ULONG bufferLines,
- PULONG fileLines)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetSourceFileLineOffsets(file, buffer, bufferLines, fileLines);
- }
- // Uses the given file path and the source path
- // information to try and locate an existing file.
- // The given file path is merged with elements
- // of the source path and checked for existence.
- // If a match is found the element used is returned.
- // A starting element can be specified to restrict
- // the search to a subset of the path elements;
- // this can be useful when checking for multiple
- // matches along the source path.
- // The returned element can be 1, indicating
- // the file was found directly and not on the path.
- FindSourceFile(
- ULONG startElement,
- PCSTR file,
- ULONG flags,
- PULONG foundElement,
- PSTR buffer,
- ULONG bufferSize,
- PULONG foundSize)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->FindSourceFile(startElement, file, flags, foundElement, buffer, bufferSize, foundSize);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // IDebugSystemObjects
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GetCurrentProcessId(
- PULONG id)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetCurrentProcessId(id);
- }
- GetCurrentThreadId(
- PULONG id)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetCurrentThreadId(id);
- }
- SetCurrentThreadId(
- ULONG id)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->SetCurrentThreadId(id);
- }
- GetCurrentThreadSystemId(
- PULONG sysId)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetCurrentThreadSystemId(sysId);
- }
- GetThreadIdBySystemId(
- ULONG sysId,
- PULONG threadId)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetThreadIdBySystemId(sysId, threadId);
- }
- GetThreadContextById(
- /* in */ ULONG32 threadID,
- /* in */ ULONG32 contextFlags,
- /* in */ ULONG32 contextSize,
- /* out */ PBYTE context)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetThreadContextById(threadID, contextFlags, contextSize, context);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // IDebugRegisters
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GetValueByName(
- PCSTR name,
- PDWORD_PTR debugValue)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetValueByName(name, debugValue);
- }
- GetInstructionOffset(
- PULONG64 offset)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetInstructionOffset(offset);
- }
- GetStackOffset(
- PULONG64 offset)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetStackOffset(offset);
- }
- GetFrameOffset(
- PULONG64 offset)
- {
- return m_lldbservices->GetFrameOffset(offset);
- }
-IDebugControl2 : DebugClient
-IDebugControl4 : DebugClient
-IDebugDataSpaces : DebugClient
-IDebugSymbols : DebugClient
-IDebugSystemObjects : DebugClient
-IDebugRegisters : DebugClient
-typedef interface ILLDBServices* PDEBUG_CLIENT;
-typedef interface IDebugControl2* PDEBUG_CONTROL2;
-typedef interface IDebugControl4* PDEBUG_CONTROL4;
-typedef interface IDebugDataSpaces* PDEBUG_DATA_SPACES;
-typedef interface IDebugSymbols* PDEBUG_SYMBOLS;
-typedef interface IDebugSystemObjects* PDEBUG_SYSTEM_OBJECTS;
-typedef interface IDebugRegisters* PDEBUG_REGISTERS;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif // #ifndef __DBGENG_H__