path: root/src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/strike.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/strike.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 15640 deletions
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/strike.cpp b/src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/strike.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ed9b4cf71a..0000000000
--- a/src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/strike.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15640 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
-// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
-// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
-// ==++==
-// ==--==
-// ===========================================================================
-// ===========================================================================
-// History:
-// 09/07/99 Microsoft Created
-// SOS is the native debugging extension designed to support investigations into CLR (mis-)
-// behavior by both users of the runtime as well as the code owners. It allows inspection of
-// internal structures, of user visible entities, as well as execution control.
-// This is the main SOS file hosting the implementation of all the exposed commands. A good
-// starting point for understanding the semantics of these commands is the sosdocs.txt file.
-// #CrossPlatformSOS
-// SOS currently supports cross platform debugging from x86 to ARM. It takes a different approach
-// from the DAC: whereas for the DAC we produce one binary for each supported host-target
-// architecture pair, for SOS we produce only one binary for each host architecture; this one
-// binary contains code for all supported target architectures. In doing this SOS depends on two
-// assumptions:
-// . that the debugger will load the appropriate DAC, and
-// . that the host and target word size is identical.
-// The second assumption is identical to the DAC assumption, and there will be considerable effort
-// required (in the EE, the DAC, and SOS) if we ever need to remove it.
-// In an ideal world SOS would be able to retrieve all platform specific information it needs
-// either from the debugger or from DAC. However, SOS has taken some subtle and not so subtle
-// dependencies on the CLR and the target platform.
-// To resolve this problem, SOS now abstracts the target behind the IMachine interface, and uses
-// calls on IMachine to take target-specific actions. It implements X86Machine, ARMMachine, and
-// AMD64Machine. An instance of these exists in each appropriate host (e.g. the X86 version of SOS
-// contains instances of X86Machine and ARMMachine, the ARM version contains an instance of
-// ARMMachine, and the AMD64 version contains an instance of AMD64Machine). The code included in
-// each version if determined by the SosTarget*** MSBuild symbols, and SOS_TARGET_*** conditional
-// compilation symbols (as specified in sos.targets).
-// Most of the target specific code is hosted in disasm.h/.cpp, and disasmX86.cpp, disasmARM.cpp.
-// Some code currently under _TARGET_*** ifdefs may need to be reviewed/revisited.
-// Issues:
-// The one-binary-per-host decision does have some drawbacks:
-// . Currently including system headers or even CLR headers will only account for the host
-// target, IOW, when building the X86 version of SOS, CONTEXT will refer to the X86 CONTEXT
-// structure, so we need to be careful when debugging ARM targets. The CONTEXT issue is
-// partially resolved by CROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT (there is still a need to be very careful
-// when handling arrays of CONTEXTs - see _EFN_StackTrace for details on this).
-// . For larger includes (e.g. GC info), we will need to include files in specific namespaces,
-// with specific _TARGET_*** macros defined in order to avoid name clashes and ensure correct
-// system types are used.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#define DO_NOT_DISABLE_RAND //this is a standalone tool, and can use rand()
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <winver.h>
-#include <winternl.h>
-#include <psapi.h>
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
-#include <list>
-#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
-#include <wchar.h>
-#include "platformspecific.h"
-#define NOEXTAPI
-#define KDEXT_64BIT
-#include <wdbgexts.h>
-#undef StackTrace
-#include <dbghelp.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include "strike.h"
-#include "sos.h"
-#ifndef STRESS_LOG
-#define STRESS_LOG
-#endif // STRESS_LOG
-#include "stresslog.h"
-#include "util.h"
-#include "corhdr.h"
-#include "cor.h"
-#include "cordebug.h"
-#include "dacprivate.h"
-#include "corexcep.h"
-#define CORHANDLE_MASK 0x1
-#define SWITCHED_OUT_FIBER_OSID 0xbaadf00d;
-#include "data.h"
-#include "disasm.h"
-#include "predeftlsslot.h"
-#include "hillclimbing.h"
-#include "sos_md.h"
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
-#include "ExpressionNode.h"
-#include "WatchCmd.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "tls.h"
-typedef struct _VM_COUNTERS {
- SIZE_T PeakVirtualSize;
- SIZE_T VirtualSize;
- ULONG PageFaultCount;
- SIZE_T PeakWorkingSetSize;
- SIZE_T WorkingSetSize;
- SIZE_T QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage;
- SIZE_T QuotaPagedPoolUsage;
- SIZE_T QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage;
- SIZE_T QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage;
- SIZE_T PagefileUsage;
- SIZE_T PeakPagefileUsage;
-const PROCESSINFOCLASS ProcessVmCounters = static_cast<PROCESSINFOCLASS>(3);
-#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
-#include <set>
-#include <vector>
-#include <map>
-BOOL CallStatus;
-BOOL ControlC = FALSE;
-IMetaDataDispenserEx *pDisp = NULL;
-WCHAR g_mdName[mdNameLen];
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
-HMODULE g_hInstance = NULL;
-#include <algorithm>
-#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning(disable:4244) // conversion from 'unsigned int' to 'unsigned short', possible loss of data
-#pragma warning(disable:4189) // local variable is initialized but not referenced
-#define SOSPrefix ""
-#define SOSThreads "clrthreads"
-#define SOSPrefix "!"
-#define SOSThreads "!threads"
-#if defined _X86_ && !defined FEATURE_PAL
-// disable FPO for X86 builds
-#pragma optimize("y", off)
-#undef assert
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning(default:4244)
-#pragma warning(default:4189)
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
-#include "ntinfo.h"
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
-#ifndef IfFailRet
-#define IfFailRet(EXPR) do { Status = (EXPR); if(FAILED(Status)) { return (Status); } } while (0)
-#define NOTHROW
-#else // !FEATURE_PAL
- if (IsMiniDumpFile()) \
- { \
- ExtOut("This command is not supported in a minidump without full memory\n"); \
- ExtOut("To try the command anyway, run !MinidumpMode 0\n"); \
- return Status; \
- }
-#define NOTHROW (std::nothrow)
-#include "safemath.h"
-DECLARE_API (MinidumpMode)
- INIT_API ();
- DWORD_PTR Value=0;
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&Value, COHEX}
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, NULL, 0, arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- if (nArg == 0)
- {
- // Print status of current mode
- ExtOut("Current mode: %s - unsafe minidump commands are %s.\n",
- g_InMinidumpSafeMode ? "1" : "0",
- g_InMinidumpSafeMode ? "disabled" : "enabled");
- }
- else
- {
- if (Value != 0 && Value != 1)
- {
- ExtOut("Mode must be 0 or 1\n");
- return Status;
- }
- g_InMinidumpSafeMode = (BOOL) Value;
- ExtOut("Unsafe minidump commands are %s.\n",
- g_InMinidumpSafeMode ? "disabled" : "enabled");
- }
- return Status;
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to get the MethodDesc for a given eip *
-* *
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- TADDR IP = 0;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&IP, COHEX},
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- if (IP == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("%s is not IP\n", args);
- return Status;
- }
- if ((Status = g_sos->GetMethodDescPtrFromIP(cdaStart, &pMD)) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to request MethodData, not in JIT code range\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DMLOut("MethodDesc: %s\n", DMLMethodDesc(pMD));
- DumpMDInfo(TO_TADDR(pMD), cdaStart, FALSE /* fStackTraceFormat */);
- ULONG linenum;
- // symlines will be non-zero only if SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES was set in the symbol options
- ULONG symlines = 0;
- if (SUCCEEDED(g_ExtSymbols->GetSymbolOptions(&symlines)))
- {
- symlines &= SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES;
- }
- if (symlines != 0 &&
- SUCCEEDED(GetLineByOffset(TO_CDADDR(IP), &linenum, filename, _countof(filename))))
- {
- ExtOut("Source file: %S @ %d\n", filename, linenum);
- }
- return Status;
-// (MAX_STACK_FRAMES is also used by x86 to prevent infinite loops in _EFN_StackTrace)
-#define MAX_STACK_FRAMES 1000
-#if defined(_TARGET_WIN64_)
-#elif defined(_TARGET_ARM_) // _TARGET_WIN64_
-#elif defined(_TARGET_X86_) // _TARGET_ARM_
-#endif // _TARGET_X86_
-// I use a global set of frames for stack walking on win64 because the debugger's
-// GetStackTrace function doesn't provide a way to find out the total size of a stackwalk,
-// and I'd like to have a reasonably big maximum without overflowing the stack by declaring
-// the buffer locally and I also want to get a managed trace in a low memory environment
-// (so no dynamic allocation if possible).
-static HRESULT
-GetContextStackTrace(ULONG osThreadId, PULONG pnumFrames)
- PDEBUG_CONTROL4 debugControl4;
- // Do we have advanced capability?
- if ((hr = g_ExtControl->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDebugControl4), (void **)&debugControl4)) == S_OK)
- {
- ULONG oldId, id;
- g_ExtSystem->GetCurrentThreadId(&oldId);
- if ((hr = g_ExtSystem->GetThreadIdBySystemId(osThreadId, &id)) != S_OK) {
- return hr;
- }
- g_ExtSystem->SetCurrentThreadId(id);
- // GetContextStackTrace fills g_FrameContexts as an array of
- // contexts packed as target architecture contexts. We cannot
- // safely cast this as an array of CROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT, since
- hr = debugControl4->GetContextStackTrace(
- 0,
- g_Frames,
- g_FrameContexts,
- MAX_STACK_FRAMES*g_targetMachine->GetContextSize(),
- g_targetMachine->GetContextSize(),
- pnumFrames);
- g_ExtSystem->SetCurrentThreadId(oldId);
- debugControl4->Release();
- }
- return hr;
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function displays the stack trace. It looks at each DWORD *
-* on stack. If the DWORD is a return address, the symbol name or
-* managed function name is displayed. *
-* *
-void DumpStackInternal(DumpStackFlag *pDSFlag)
- ReloadSymbolWithLineInfo();
- ULONG64 StackOffset;
- g_ExtRegisters->GetStackOffset (&StackOffset);
- if (pDSFlag->top == 0) {
- pDSFlag->top = TO_TADDR(StackOffset);
- }
- size_t value;
- while (g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(TO_CDADDR(pDSFlag->top), &value, sizeof(size_t), NULL) != S_OK) {
- if (IsInterrupt())
- return;
- pDSFlag->top = NextOSPageAddress(pDSFlag->top);
- }
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- if (pDSFlag->end == 0) {
- // Find the current stack range
- NT_TIB teb;
- ULONG64 dwTebAddr=0;
- g_ExtSystem->GetCurrentThreadTeb(&dwTebAddr);
- if (SafeReadMemory(TO_TADDR(dwTebAddr), &teb, sizeof(NT_TIB), NULL))
- {
- if (pDSFlag->top > TO_TADDR(teb.StackLimit)
- && pDSFlag->top <= TO_TADDR(teb.StackBase))
- {
- if (pDSFlag->end == 0 || pDSFlag->end > TO_TADDR(teb.StackBase))
- pDSFlag->end = TO_TADDR(teb.StackBase);
- }
- }
- }
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
- if (pDSFlag->end == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("TEB information is not available so a stack size of 0xFFFF is assumed\n");
- pDSFlag->end = pDSFlag->top + 0xFFFF;
- }
- if (pDSFlag->end < pDSFlag->top)
- {
- ExtOut("Wrong option: stack selection wrong\n");
- return;
- }
- DumpStackWorker(*pDSFlag);
-#if defined(FEATURE_PAL) && defined(_TARGET_AMD64_)
-static BOOL UnwindStackFrames(ULONG32 osThreadId);
- DumpStackFlag DSFlag;
- DSFlag.fEEonly = FALSE;
- DSFlag.fSuppressSrcInfo = FALSE;
- = 0;
- DSFlag.end = 0;
- BOOL unwind = FALSE;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] = {
- // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-EE", &DSFlag.fEEonly, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-n", &DSFlag.fSuppressSrcInfo, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-unwind", &unwind, COBOOL, FALSE},
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE}
- };
- CMDValue arg[] = {
- // vptr, type
- {&, COHEX},
- {&DSFlag.end, COHEX}
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- return Status;
- // symlines will be non-zero only if SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES was set in the symbol options
- ULONG symlines = 0;
- if (!DSFlag.fSuppressSrcInfo && SUCCEEDED(g_ExtSymbols->GetSymbolOptions(&symlines)))
- {
- symlines &= SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES;
- }
- DSFlag.fSuppressSrcInfo = DSFlag.fSuppressSrcInfo || (symlines == 0);
- EnableDMLHolder enabledml(dml);
- ULONG sysId = 0, id = 0;
- g_ExtSystem->GetCurrentThreadSystemId(&sysId);
- ExtOut("OS Thread Id: 0x%x ", sysId);
- g_ExtSystem->GetCurrentThreadId(&id);
- ExtOut("(%d)\n", id);
-#if defined(FEATURE_PAL) && defined(_TARGET_AMD64_)
- if (unwind)
- {
- UnwindStackFrames(sysId);
- }
- else
- {
- DumpStackInternal(&DSFlag);
- }
- return Status;
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function displays the stack trace for threads that EE knows *
-* from ThreadStore. *
-* *
- DumpStackFlag DSFlag;
- DSFlag.fEEonly = FALSE;
- DSFlag.fSuppressSrcInfo = FALSE;
- = 0;
- DSFlag.end = 0;
- BOOL bShortList = FALSE;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-EE", &DSFlag.fEEonly, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-short", &bShortList, COBOOL, FALSE},
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE}
- };
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), NULL, 0, NULL))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder enableDML(dml);
- ULONG Tid;
- g_ExtSystem->GetCurrentThreadId(&Tid);
- DacpThreadStoreData ThreadStore;
- if ((Status = ThreadStore.Request(g_sos)) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to request ThreadStore\n");
- return Status;
- }
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS CurThread = ThreadStore.firstThread;
- while (CurThread)
- {
- if (IsInterrupt())
- break;
- DacpThreadData Thread;
- if ((Status = Thread.Request(g_sos, CurThread)) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to request Thread at %p\n", CurThread);
- return Status;
- }
- ULONG id=0;
- if (g_ExtSystem->GetThreadIdBySystemId (Thread.osThreadId, &id) != S_OK)
- {
- CurThread = Thread.nextThread;
- continue;
- }
- ExtOut("---------------------------------------------\n");
- ExtOut("Thread %3d\n", id);
- BOOL doIt = FALSE;
-#define TS_Hijacked 0x00000080
- if (!bShortList)
- {
- doIt = TRUE;
- }
- else if ((Thread.lockCount > 0) || (Thread.state & TS_Hijacked))
- {
- // TODO: bring back || (int)vThread.m_pFrame != -1 {
- doIt = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- g_ExtRegisters->GetInstructionOffset (&IP);
- JITTypes jitType;
- TADDR methodDesc;
- TADDR gcinfoAddr;
- IP2MethodDesc (TO_TADDR(IP), methodDesc, jitType, gcinfoAddr);
- if (methodDesc)
- {
- doIt = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (doIt)
- {
- g_ExtSystem->SetCurrentThreadId(id);
- = 0;
- DSFlag.end = 0;
- DumpStackInternal(&DSFlag);
- }
- CurThread = Thread.nextThread;
- }
- g_ExtSystem->SetCurrentThreadId(Tid);
- return Status;
-HRESULT DumpStackObjectsRaw(size_t nArg, __in_z LPSTR exprBottom, __in_z LPSTR exprTop, BOOL bVerify)
- size_t StackTop = 0;
- size_t StackBottom = 0;
- if (nArg==0)
- {
- ULONG64 StackOffset;
- g_ExtRegisters->GetStackOffset(&StackOffset);
- StackTop = TO_TADDR(StackOffset);
- }
- else
- {
- StackTop = GetExpression(exprTop);
- if (StackTop == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("wrong option: %s\n", exprTop);
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- if (nArg==2)
- {
- StackBottom = GetExpression(exprBottom);
- if (StackBottom == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("wrong option: %s\n", exprBottom);
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- }
- }
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- NT_TIB teb;
- ULONG64 dwTebAddr=0;
- HRESULT hr = g_ExtSystem->GetCurrentThreadTeb(&dwTebAddr);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && SafeReadMemory (TO_TADDR(dwTebAddr), &teb, sizeof (NT_TIB), NULL))
- {
- if (StackTop > TO_TADDR(teb.StackLimit) && StackTop <= TO_TADDR(teb.StackBase))
- {
- if (StackBottom == 0 || StackBottom > TO_TADDR(teb.StackBase))
- StackBottom = TO_TADDR(teb.StackBase);
- }
- }
- if (StackBottom == 0)
- StackBottom = StackTop + 0xFFFF;
- if (StackBottom < StackTop)
- {
- ExtOut("Wrong option: stack selection wrong\n");
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- // We can use the gc snapshot to eliminate object addresses that are
- // not on the gc heap.
- if (!g_snapshot.Build())
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to determine bounds of gc heap\n");
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- // Print thread ID.
- ULONG id = 0;
- g_ExtSystem->GetCurrentThreadSystemId (&id);
- ExtOut("OS Thread Id: 0x%x ", id);
- g_ExtSystem->GetCurrentThreadId (&id);
- ExtOut("(%d)\n", id);
- DumpStackObjectsHelper(StackTop, StackBottom, bVerify);
- return S_OK;
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to dump the address and name of all *
-* Managed Objects on the stack. *
-* *
- StringHolder exprTop, exprBottom;
- BOOL bVerify = FALSE;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-verify", &bVerify, COBOOL, FALSE},
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE}
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&, COSTRING},
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder enableDML(dml);
- return DumpStackObjectsRaw(nArg,,, bVerify);
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to dump the contents of a MethodDesc *
-* for a given address *
-* *
- DWORD_PTR dwStartAddr = NULL;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&dwStartAddr, COHEX},
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- DumpMDInfo(dwStartAddr);
- return Status;
-BOOL GatherDynamicInfo(TADDR DynamicMethodObj, DacpObjectData *codeArray,
- DacpObjectData *tokenArray, TADDR *ptokenArrayAddr)
- BOOL bRet = FALSE;
- int iOffset;
- DacpObjectData objData; // temp object
- if (codeArray == NULL || tokenArray == NULL)
- return bRet;
- if (objData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(DynamicMethodObj)) != S_OK)
- return bRet;
- iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset(TO_CDADDR(DynamicMethodObj), objData.MethodTable, W("m_resolver"));
- if (iOffset <= 0)
- return bRet;
- TADDR resolverPtr;
- if (FAILED(MOVE(resolverPtr, DynamicMethodObj + iOffset)))
- return bRet;
- if (objData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(resolverPtr)) != S_OK)
- return bRet;
- iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset(TO_CDADDR(resolverPtr), objData.MethodTable, W("m_code"));
- if (iOffset <= 0)
- return bRet;
- TADDR codePtr;
- if (FAILED(MOVE(codePtr, resolverPtr + iOffset)))
- return bRet;
- if (codeArray->Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(codePtr)) != S_OK)
- return bRet;
- if (codeArray->dwComponentSize != 1)
- return bRet;
- // We also need the resolution table
- iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset (TO_CDADDR(resolverPtr), objData.MethodTable, W("m_scope"));
- if (iOffset <= 0)
- return bRet;
- TADDR scopePtr;
- if (FAILED(MOVE(scopePtr, resolverPtr + iOffset)))
- return bRet;
- if (objData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(scopePtr)) != S_OK)
- return bRet;
- iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset (TO_CDADDR(scopePtr), objData.MethodTable, W("m_tokens"));
- if (iOffset <= 0)
- return bRet;
- TADDR tokensPtr;
- if (FAILED(MOVE(tokensPtr, scopePtr + iOffset)))
- return bRet;
- if (objData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(tokensPtr)) != S_OK)
- return bRet;
- iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset(TO_CDADDR(tokensPtr), objData.MethodTable, W("_items"));
- if (iOffset <= 0)
- return bRet;
- TADDR itemsPtr;
- MOVE (itemsPtr, tokensPtr + iOffset);
- *ptokenArrayAddr = itemsPtr;
- if (tokenArray->Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(itemsPtr)) != S_OK)
- return bRet;
- bRet = TRUE; // whew.
- return bRet;
- DWORD_PTR dwStartAddr = NULL;
- DWORD_PTR dwDynamicMethodObj = NULL;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- BOOL fILPointerDirectlySpecified = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"/i", &fILPointerDirectlySpecified, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&dwStartAddr, COHEX},
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- if (dwStartAddr == NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("Must pass a valid expression\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (fILPointerDirectlySpecified)
- {
- return DecodeILFromAddress(NULL, dwStartAddr);
- }
- if (!g_snapshot.Build())
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to build snapshot of the garbage collector state\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (g_snapshot.GetHeap(dwStartAddr) != NULL)
- {
- dwDynamicMethodObj = dwStartAddr;
- }
- if (dwDynamicMethodObj == NULL)
- {
- // We have been given a MethodDesc
- DacpMethodDescData MethodDescData;
- if (MethodDescData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(dwStartAddr)) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("%p is not a MethodDesc\n", SOS_PTR(dwStartAddr));
- return Status;
- }
- if (MethodDescData.bIsDynamic && MethodDescData.managedDynamicMethodObject)
- {
- dwDynamicMethodObj = TO_TADDR(MethodDescData.managedDynamicMethodObject);
- if (dwDynamicMethodObj == NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to print IL for DynamicMethodDesc %p\n", SOS_PTR(dwDynamicMethodObj));
- return Status;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // This is not a dynamic method, print the IL for it.
- // Get the module
- DacpModuleData dmd;
- if (dmd.Request(g_sos, MethodDescData.ModulePtr) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to get module\n");
- return Status;
- }
- ToRelease<IMetaDataImport> pImport = MDImportForModule(&dmd);
- if (pImport == NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("bad import\n");
- return Status;
- }
- ULONG pRva;
- DWORD dwFlags;
- if (pImport->GetRVA(MethodDescData.MDToken, &pRva, &dwFlags) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("error in import\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (g_sos->GetILForModule(MethodDescData.ModulePtr, pRva, &ilAddrClr) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("FindIL failed\n");
- return Status;
- }
- TADDR ilAddr = TO_TADDR(ilAddrClr);
- IfFailRet(DecodeILFromAddress(pImport, ilAddr));
- }
- }
- if (dwDynamicMethodObj != NULL)
- {
- // We have a DynamicMethod managed object, let us visit the town and paint.
- DacpObjectData codeArray;
- DacpObjectData tokenArray;
- DWORD_PTR tokenArrayAddr;
- if (!GatherDynamicInfo (dwDynamicMethodObj, &codeArray, &tokenArray, &tokenArrayAddr))
- {
- DMLOut("Error gathering dynamic info from object at %s.\n", DMLObject(dwDynamicMethodObj));
- return Status;
- }
- // Read the memory into a local buffer
- BYTE *pArray = new NOTHROW BYTE[(SIZE_T)codeArray.dwNumComponents];
- if (pArray == NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("Not enough memory to read IL\n");
- return Status;
- }
- Status = g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(UL64_TO_CDA(codeArray.ArrayDataPtr), pArray, (ULONG)codeArray.dwNumComponents, NULL);
- if (Status != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to read memory\n");
- delete [] pArray;
- return Status;
- }
- // Now we have a local copy of the IL, and a managed array for token resolution.
- // Visit our IL parser with this info.
- ExtOut("This is dynamic IL. Exception info is not reported at this time.\n");
- ExtOut("If a token is unresolved, run \"!do <addr>\" on the addr given\n");
- ExtOut("in parenthesis. You can also look at the token table yourself, by\n");
- ExtOut("running \"!DumpArray %p\".\n\n", SOS_PTR(tokenArrayAddr));
- DecodeDynamicIL(pArray, (ULONG)codeArray.dwNumComponents, tokenArray);
- delete [] pArray;
- }
- return Status;
-void DumpSigWorker (
- DWORD_PTR dwSigAddr,
- DWORD_PTR dwModuleAddr,
- BOOL fMethod)
- //
- // Find the length of the signature and copy it into the debugger process.
- //
- ULONG cbSig = 0;
- const ULONG cbSigInc = 256;
- ArrayHolder<COR_SIGNATURE> pSig = new NOTHROW COR_SIGNATURE[cbSigInc];
- if (pSig == NULL)
- {
- ReportOOM();
- return;
- }
- CQuickBytes sigString;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (IsInterrupt())
- return;
- ULONG cbCopied;
- if (!SafeReadMemory(TO_TADDR(dwSigAddr + cbSig), pSig + cbSig, cbSigInc, &cbCopied))
- return;
- cbSig += cbCopied;
- sigString.ReSize(0);
- GetSignatureStringResults result;
- if (fMethod)
- result = GetMethodSignatureString(pSig, cbSig, dwModuleAddr, &sigString);
- else
- result = GetSignatureString(pSig, cbSig, dwModuleAddr, &sigString);
- if (GSS_ERROR == result)
- return;
- if (GSS_SUCCESS == result)
- break;
- // If we didn't get the full amount back, and we failed to parse the
- // signature, it's not valid because of insufficient data
- if (cbCopied < 256)
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid signature\n");
- return;
- }
-#ifdef _PREFAST_
-#pragma warning(push)
-#pragma warning(disable:6280) // "Suppress PREFast warning about mismatch alloc/free"
- PCOR_SIGNATURE pSigNew = (PCOR_SIGNATURE)realloc(pSig, cbSig+cbSigInc);
-#ifdef _PREFAST_
-#pragma warning(pop)
- if (pSigNew == NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("Out of memory\n");
- return;
- }
- pSig = pSigNew;
- }
- ExtOut("%S\n", (PCWSTR)sigString.Ptr());
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to dump a signature object. *
-* *
- //
- // Fetch arguments
- //
- StringHolder sigExpr;
- StringHolder moduleExpr;
- CMDValue arg[] =
- {
- {&, COSTRING},
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, NULL, 0, arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- if (nArg != 2)
- {
- ExtOut("!DumpSig <sigaddr> <moduleaddr>\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DWORD_PTR dwSigAddr = GetExpression(;
- DWORD_PTR dwModuleAddr = GetExpression(;
- if (dwSigAddr == 0 || dwModuleAddr == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid parameters %s %s\n",,;
- return Status;
- }
- DumpSigWorker(dwSigAddr, dwModuleAddr, TRUE);
- return Status;
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to dump a portion of a signature object. *
-* *
- //
- // Fetch arguments
- //
- StringHolder sigExpr;
- StringHolder moduleExpr;
- CMDValue arg[] =
- {
- {&, COSTRING},
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, NULL, 0, arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- if (nArg != 2)
- {
- ExtOut("!DumpSigElem <sigaddr> <moduleaddr>\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DWORD_PTR dwSigAddr = GetExpression(;
- DWORD_PTR dwModuleAddr = GetExpression(;
- if (dwSigAddr == 0 || dwModuleAddr == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid parameters %s %s\n",,;
- return Status;
- }
- DumpSigWorker(dwSigAddr, dwModuleAddr, FALSE);
- return Status;
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to dump the contents of an EEClass from *
-* a given address
-* *
- DWORD_PTR dwStartAddr = 0;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&dwStartAddr, COHEX}
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- if (nArg == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Missing EEClass address\n");
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS methodTable;
- if ((Status=g_sos->GetMethodTableForEEClass(TO_CDADDR(dwStartAddr), &methodTable)) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid EEClass address\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DacpMethodTableData mtdata;
- if ((Status=mtdata.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(methodTable)))!=S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("EEClass has an invalid MethodTable address\n");
- return Status;
- }
- sos::MethodTable mt = TO_TADDR(methodTable);
- ExtOut("Class Name: %S\n", mt.GetName());
- FileNameForModule(TO_TADDR(mtdata.Module), fileName);
- ExtOut("mdToken: %p\n",;
- ExtOut("File: %S\n", fileName);
- if (mtdata.ParentMethodTable)
- {
- DacpMethodTableData mtdataparent;
- if ((Status=mtdataparent.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(mtdata.ParentMethodTable)))!=S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("EEClass has an invalid MethodTable address\n");
- return Status;
- }
- ParentEEClass = mtdataparent.Class;
- }
- DMLOut("Parent Class: %s\n", DMLClass(ParentEEClass));
- DMLOut("Module: %s\n", DMLModule(mtdata.Module));
- DMLOut("Method Table: %s\n", DMLMethodTable(methodTable));
- ExtOut("Vtable Slots: %x\n", mtdata.wNumVirtuals);
- ExtOut("Total Method Slots: %x\n", mtdata.wNumVtableSlots);
- ExtOut("Class Attributes: %x ", mtdata.dwAttrClass);
- if (IsTdInterface(mtdata.dwAttrClass))
- ExtOut("Interface, ");
- if (IsTdAbstract(mtdata.dwAttrClass))
- ExtOut("Abstract, ");
- if (IsTdImport(mtdata.dwAttrClass))
- ExtOut("ComImport, ");
- ExtOut("\n");
- DacpMethodTableFieldData vMethodTableFields;
- if (SUCCEEDED(vMethodTableFields.Request(g_sos, methodTable)))
- {
- ExtOut("NumInstanceFields: %x\n", vMethodTableFields.wNumInstanceFields);
- ExtOut("NumStaticFields: %x\n", vMethodTableFields.wNumStaticFields);
- if (vMethodTableFields.wNumThreadStaticFields != 0)
- {
- ExtOut("NumThreadStaticFields: %x\n", vMethodTableFields.wNumThreadStaticFields);
- }
- if (vMethodTableFields.wNumInstanceFields + vMethodTableFields.wNumStaticFields > 0)
- {
- DisplayFields(methodTable, &mtdata, &vMethodTableFields, NULL, TRUE, FALSE);
- }
- }
- return Status;
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to dump the contents of a MethodTable *
-* from a given address *
-* *
- DWORD_PTR dwStartAddr=0;
- DWORD_PTR dwOriginalAddr;
- BOOL bDumpMDTable = FALSE;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-MD", &bDumpMDTable, COBOOL, FALSE},
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE}
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&dwStartAddr, COHEX}
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- TableOutput table(2, 16, AlignLeft, false);
- if (nArg == 0)
- {
- Print("Missing MethodTable address\n");
- return Status;
- }
- dwOriginalAddr = dwStartAddr;
- dwStartAddr = dwStartAddr&~3;
- if (!IsMethodTable(dwStartAddr))
- {
- Print(dwOriginalAddr, " is not a MethodTable\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DacpMethodTableData vMethTable;
- vMethTable.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(dwStartAddr));
- if (vMethTable.bIsFree)
- {
- Print("Free MethodTable\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DacpMethodTableCollectibleData vMethTableCollectible;
- vMethTableCollectible.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(dwStartAddr));
- table.WriteRow("EEClass:", EEClassPtr(vMethTable.Class));
- table.WriteRow("Module:", ModulePtr(vMethTable.Module));
- sos::MethodTable mt = (TADDR)dwStartAddr;
- table.WriteRow("Name:", mt.GetName());
- FileNameForModule(TO_TADDR(vMethTable.Module), fileName);
- table.WriteRow("mdToken:", Pointer(;
- table.WriteRow("File:", fileName[0] ? fileName : W("Unknown Module"));
- if (vMethTableCollectible.LoaderAllocatorObjectHandle != NULL)
- {
- TADDR loaderAllocator;
- if (SUCCEEDED(MOVE(loaderAllocator, vMethTableCollectible.LoaderAllocatorObjectHandle)))
- {
- table.WriteRow("LoaderAllocator:", ObjectPtr(loaderAllocator));
- }
- }
- table.WriteRow("BaseSize:", PrefixHex(vMethTable.BaseSize));
- table.WriteRow("ComponentSize:", PrefixHex(vMethTable.ComponentSize));
- table.WriteRow("Slots in VTable:", Decimal(vMethTable.wNumMethods));
- table.SetColWidth(0, 29);
- table.WriteRow("Number of IFaces in IFaceMap:", Decimal(vMethTable.wNumInterfaces));
- if (bDumpMDTable)
- {
- table.ReInit(4, POINTERSIZE_HEX, AlignRight);
- table.SetColAlignment(3, AlignLeft);
- table.SetColWidth(2, 6);
- Print("--------------------------------------\n");
- Print("MethodDesc Table\n");
- table.WriteRow("Entry", "MethodDesc", "JIT", "Name");
- for (DWORD n = 0; n < vMethTable.wNumMethods; n++)
- {
- JITTypes jitType;
- DWORD_PTR methodDesc=0;
- DWORD_PTR gcinfoAddr;
- if (g_sos->GetMethodTableSlot(dwStartAddr, n, &entry) != S_OK)
- {
- PrintLn("<error getting slot ", Decimal(n), ">");
- continue;
- }
- IP2MethodDesc((DWORD_PTR)entry, methodDesc, jitType, gcinfoAddr);
- table.WriteColumn(0, entry);
- table.WriteColumn(1, MethodDescPtr(methodDesc));
- if (jitType == TYPE_UNKNOWN && methodDesc != NULL)
- {
- // We can get a more accurate jitType from NativeCodeAddr of the methoddesc,
- // because the methodtable entry hasn't always been patched.
- DacpMethodDescData tmpMethodDescData;
- if (tmpMethodDescData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(methodDesc)) == S_OK)
- {
- DacpCodeHeaderData codeHeaderData;
- if (codeHeaderData.Request(g_sos,tmpMethodDescData.NativeCodeAddr) == S_OK)
- {
- jitType = (JITTypes) codeHeaderData.JITType;
- }
- }
- }
- const char *pszJitType = "NONE";
- if (jitType == TYPE_JIT)
- pszJitType = "JIT";
- else if (jitType == TYPE_PJIT)
- pszJitType = "PreJIT";
- else
- {
- DacpMethodDescData MethodDescData;
- if (MethodDescData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(methodDesc)) == S_OK)
- {
- // Is it an fcall?
- if ((TO_TADDR(MethodDescData.NativeCodeAddr) >= TO_TADDR(moduleInfo[MSCORWKS].baseAddr)) &&
- ((TO_TADDR(MethodDescData.NativeCodeAddr) < TO_TADDR(moduleInfo[MSCORWKS].baseAddr + moduleInfo[MSCORWKS].size))))
- {
- pszJitType = "FCALL";
- }
- }
- }
- table.WriteColumn(2, pszJitType);
- NameForMD_s(methodDesc,g_mdName,mdNameLen);
- table.WriteColumn(3, g_mdName);
- }
- }
- return Status;
-extern size_t Align (size_t nbytes);
-HRESULT PrintVC(TADDR taMT, TADDR taObject, BOOL bPrintFields = TRUE)
- HRESULT Status;
- DacpMethodTableData mtabledata;
- if ((Status = mtabledata.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(taMT)))!=S_OK)
- return Status;
- size_t size = mtabledata.BaseSize;
- if ((Status=g_sos->GetMethodTableName(TO_CDADDR(taMT), mdNameLen, g_mdName, NULL))!=S_OK)
- return Status;
- ExtOut("Name: %S\n", g_mdName);
- DMLOut("MethodTable: %s\n", DMLMethodTable(taMT));
- DMLOut("EEClass: %s\n", DMLClass(mtabledata.Class));
- ExtOut("Size: %d(0x%x) bytes\n", size, size);
- FileNameForModule(TO_TADDR(mtabledata.Module), g_mdName);
- ExtOut("File: %S\n", g_mdName[0] ? g_mdName : W("Unknown Module"));
- if (bPrintFields)
- {
- DacpMethodTableFieldData vMethodTableFields;
- if ((Status = vMethodTableFields.Request(g_sos,TO_CDADDR(taMT)))!=S_OK)
- return Status;
- ExtOut("Fields:\n");
- if (vMethodTableFields.wNumInstanceFields + vMethodTableFields.wNumStaticFields > 0)
- DisplayFields(TO_CDADDR(taMT), &mtabledata, &vMethodTableFields, taObject, TRUE, TRUE);
- }
- return S_OK;
-void PrintRuntimeTypeInfo(TADDR p_rtObject, const DacpObjectData & rtObjectData)
- // Get the method table
- int iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset(TO_CDADDR(p_rtObject), rtObjectData.MethodTable, W("m_handle"));
- if (iOffset > 0)
- {
- TADDR mtPtr;
- if (SUCCEEDED(GetMTOfObject(p_rtObject + iOffset, &mtPtr)))
- {
- sos::MethodTable mt = mtPtr;
- ExtOut("Type Name: %S\n", mt.GetName());
- DMLOut("Type MT: %s\n", DMLMethodTable(mtPtr));
- }
- }
-HRESULT PrintObj(TADDR taObj, BOOL bPrintFields = TRUE)
- if (!sos::IsObject(taObj, true))
- {
- ExtOut("<Note: this object has an invalid CLASS field>\n");
- }
- DacpObjectData objData;
- HRESULT Status;
- if ((Status=objData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(taObj))) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid object\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (objData.ObjectType==OBJ_FREE)
- {
- ExtOut("Free Object\n");
- DWORD_PTR size = (DWORD_PTR)objData.Size;
- ExtOut("Size: %" POINTERSIZE_TYPE "d(0x%" POINTERSIZE_TYPE "x) bytes\n", size, size);
- return S_OK;
- }
- sos::Object obj = taObj;
- ExtOut("Name: %S\n", obj.GetTypeName());
- DMLOut("MethodTable: %s\n", DMLMethodTable(objData.MethodTable));
- DacpMethodTableData mtabledata;
- if ((Status=mtabledata.Request(g_sos,objData.MethodTable)) == S_OK)
- {
- DMLOut("EEClass: %s\n", DMLClass(mtabledata.Class));
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid EEClass address\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (objData.RCW != NULL)
- {
- DMLOut("RCW: %s\n", DMLRCWrapper(objData.RCW));
- }
- if (objData.CCW != NULL)
- {
- DMLOut("CCW: %s\n", DMLCCWrapper(objData.CCW));
- }
- DWORD_PTR size = (DWORD_PTR)objData.Size;
- ExtOut("Size: %" POINTERSIZE_TYPE "d(0x%" POINTERSIZE_TYPE "x) bytes\n", size, size);
- if (_wcscmp(obj.GetTypeName(), W("System.RuntimeType")) == 0)
- {
- PrintRuntimeTypeInfo(taObj, objData);
- }
- if (_wcscmp(obj.GetTypeName(), W("System.RuntimeType+RuntimeTypeCache")) == 0)
- {
- // Get the method table
- int iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset (TO_CDADDR(taObj), objData.MethodTable, W("m_runtimeType"));
- if (iOffset > 0)
- {
- TADDR rtPtr;
- if (MOVE(rtPtr, taObj + iOffset) == S_OK)
- {
- DacpObjectData rtObjectData;
- if ((Status=rtObjectData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(rtPtr))) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error when reading RuntimeType field\n");
- return Status;
- }
- PrintRuntimeTypeInfo(rtPtr, rtObjectData);
- }
- }
- }
- if (objData.ObjectType==OBJ_ARRAY)
- {
- ExtOut("Array: Rank %d, Number of elements %" POINTERSIZE_TYPE "d, Type %s",
- objData.dwRank, (DWORD_PTR)objData.dwNumComponents, ElementTypeName(objData.ElementType));
- IfDMLOut(" (<exec cmd=\"!DumpArray /d %p\">Print Array</exec>)", SOS_PTR(taObj));
- ExtOut("\n");
- if (objData.ElementType == ELEMENT_TYPE_I1 ||
- objData.ElementType == ELEMENT_TYPE_U1 ||
- objData.ElementType == ELEMENT_TYPE_CHAR)
- {
- bool wide = objData.ElementType == ELEMENT_TYPE_CHAR;
- // Get the size of the character array, but clamp it to a reasonable length.
- TADDR pos = taObj + (2 * sizeof(DWORD_PTR));
- DWORD_PTR num;
- moveN(num, taObj + sizeof(DWORD_PTR));
- if (IsDMLEnabled())
- DMLOut("<exec cmd=\"%s %x L%x\">Content</exec>: ", (wide) ? "dw" : "db", pos, num);
- else
- ExtOut("Content: ");
- CharArrayContent(pos, (ULONG)(num <= 128 ? num : 128), wide);
- ExtOut("\n");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- FileNameForModule(TO_TADDR(mtabledata.Module), g_mdName);
- ExtOut("File: %S\n", g_mdName[0] ? g_mdName : W("Unknown Module"));
- }
- if (objData.ObjectType == OBJ_STRING)
- {
- ExtOut("String: ");
- StringObjectContent(taObj);
- ExtOut("\n");
- }
- else if (objData.ObjectType == OBJ_OBJECT)
- {
- ExtOut("Object\n");
- }
- if (bPrintFields)
- {
- DacpMethodTableFieldData vMethodTableFields;
- if ((Status = vMethodTableFields.Request(g_sos,TO_CDADDR(objData.MethodTable)))!=S_OK)
- return Status;
- ExtOut("Fields:\n");
- if (vMethodTableFields.wNumInstanceFields + vMethodTableFields.wNumStaticFields > 0)
- {
- DisplayFields(objData.MethodTable, &mtabledata, &vMethodTableFields, taObj, TRUE, FALSE);
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("None\n");
- }
- }
- sos::ThinLockInfo lockInfo;
- if (obj.GetThinLock(lockInfo))
- {
- ExtOut("ThinLock owner %x (%p), Recursive %x\n", lockInfo.ThreadId,
- SOS_PTR(lockInfo.ThreadPtr), lockInfo.Recursion);
- }
- return S_OK;
-BOOL IndicesInRange (DWORD * indices, DWORD * lowerBounds, DWORD * bounds, DWORD rank)
- int i = 0;
- if (!ClrSafeInt<int>::subtraction((int)rank, 1, i))
- {
- ExtOut("<integer underflow>\n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- for (; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- if (indices[i] >= bounds[i] + lowerBounds[i])
- {
- if (i == 0)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- indices[i] = lowerBounds[i];
- indices[i - 1]++;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
-void ExtOutIndices (DWORD * indices, DWORD rank)
- for (DWORD i = 0; i < rank; i++)
- {
- ExtOut("[%d]", indices[i]);
- }
-size_t OffsetFromIndices (DWORD * indices, DWORD * lowerBounds, DWORD * bounds, DWORD rank)
- _ASSERTE(rank >= 0);
- size_t multiplier = 1;
- size_t offset = 0;
- int i = 0;
- if (!ClrSafeInt<int>::subtraction((int)rank, 1, i))
- {
- ExtOut("<integer underflow>\n");
- return 0;
- }
- for (; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- DWORD curIndex = indices[i] - lowerBounds[i];
- offset += curIndex * multiplier;
- multiplier *= bounds[i];
- }
- return offset;
-HRESULT PrintArray(DacpObjectData& objData, DumpArrayFlags& flags, BOOL isPermSetPrint);
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-HRESULT PrintPermissionSet (TADDR p_PermSet)
- HRESULT Status = S_OK;
- DacpObjectData PermSetData;
- if ((Status=PermSetData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(p_PermSet))) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid object\n");
- return Status;
- }
- sos::MethodTable mt = TO_TADDR(PermSetData.MethodTable);
- if (_wcscmp (W("System.Security.PermissionSet"), mt.GetName()) != 0 && _wcscmp(W("System.Security.NamedPermissionSet"), mt.GetName()) != 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid PermissionSet object\n");
- return S_FALSE;
- }
- ExtOut("PermissionSet object: %p\n", SOS_PTR(p_PermSet));
- // Print basic info
- // Walk the fields, printing some fields in a special way.
- int iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset (TO_CDADDR(p_PermSet), PermSetData.MethodTable, W("m_Unrestricted"));
- if (iOffset > 0)
- {
- BYTE unrestricted;
- MOVE(unrestricted, p_PermSet + iOffset);
- if (unrestricted)
- ExtOut("Unrestricted: TRUE\n");
- else
- ExtOut("Unrestricted: FALSE\n");
- }
- iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset (TO_CDADDR(p_PermSet), PermSetData.MethodTable, W("m_permSet"));
- if (iOffset > 0)
- {
- TADDR tbSetPtr;
- MOVE(tbSetPtr, p_PermSet + iOffset);
- if (tbSetPtr != NULL)
- {
- DacpObjectData tbSetData;
- if ((Status=tbSetData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(tbSetPtr))) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid object\n");
- return Status;
- }
- iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset (TO_CDADDR(tbSetPtr), tbSetData.MethodTable, W("m_Set"));
- if (iOffset > 0)
- {
- DWORD_PTR PermsArrayPtr;
- MOVE(PermsArrayPtr, tbSetPtr + iOffset);
- if (PermsArrayPtr != NULL)
- {
- // Print all the permissions in the array
- DacpObjectData objData;
- if ((Status=objData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(PermsArrayPtr))) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid object\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DumpArrayFlags flags;
- flags.bDetail = TRUE;
- return PrintArray(objData, flags, TRUE);
- }
- }
- iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset (TO_CDADDR(tbSetPtr), tbSetData.MethodTable, W("m_Obj"));
- if (iOffset > 0)
- {
- DWORD_PTR PermObjPtr;
- MOVE(PermObjPtr, tbSetPtr + iOffset);
- if (PermObjPtr != NULL)
- {
- // Print the permission object
- return PrintObj(PermObjPtr);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return Status;
-#endif // _DEBUG
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to dump the contents of an object from a *
-* given address
-* *
- DumpArrayFlags flags;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-start", &flags.startIndex, COSIZE_T, TRUE},
- {"-length", &flags.Length, COSIZE_T, TRUE},
- {"-details", &flags.bDetail, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-nofields", &flags.bNoFieldsForElement, COBOOL, FALSE},
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&flags.strObject, COSTRING}
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- DWORD_PTR p_Object = GetExpression (flags.strObject);
- if (p_Object == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid parameter %s\n", flags.strObject);
- return Status;
- }
- if (!sos::IsObject(p_Object, true))
- {
- ExtOut("<Note: this object has an invalid CLASS field>\n");
- }
- DacpObjectData objData;
- if ((Status=objData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(p_Object))) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid object\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (objData.ObjectType != OBJ_ARRAY)
- {
- ExtOut("Not an array, please use !DumpObj instead\n");
- return S_OK;
- }
- return PrintArray(objData, flags, FALSE);
-HRESULT PrintArray(DacpObjectData& objData, DumpArrayFlags& flags, BOOL isPermSetPrint)
- HRESULT Status = S_OK;
- if (objData.dwRank != 1 && (flags.Length != (DWORD_PTR)-1 ||flags.startIndex != 0))
- {
- ExtOut("For multi-dimension array, length and start index are supported\n");
- return S_OK;
- }
- if (flags.startIndex > objData.dwNumComponents)
- {
- ExtOut("Start index out of range\n");
- return S_OK;
- }
- if (!flags.bDetail && flags.bNoFieldsForElement)
- {
- ExtOut("-nofields has no effect unless -details is specified\n");
- }
- DWORD i;
- if (!isPermSetPrint)
- {
- // TODO: don't depend on this being a MethodTable
- NameForMT_s(TO_TADDR(objData.ElementTypeHandle), g_mdName, mdNameLen);
- ExtOut("Name: %S[", g_mdName);
- for (i = 1; i < objData.dwRank; i++)
- ExtOut(",");
- ExtOut("]\n");
- DMLOut("MethodTable: %s\n", DMLMethodTable(objData.MethodTable));
- {
- DacpMethodTableData mtdata;
- if (SUCCEEDED(mtdata.Request(g_sos, objData.MethodTable)))
- {
- DMLOut("EEClass: %s\n", DMLClass(mtdata.Class));
- }
- }
- DWORD_PTR size = (DWORD_PTR)objData.Size;
- ExtOut("Size: %" POINTERSIZE_TYPE "d(0x%" POINTERSIZE_TYPE "x) bytes\n", size, size);
- ExtOut("Array: Rank %d, Number of elements %" POINTERSIZE_TYPE "d, Type %s\n",
- objData.dwRank, (DWORD_PTR)objData.dwNumComponents, ElementTypeName(objData.ElementType));
- DMLOut("Element Methodtable: %s\n", DMLMethodTable(objData.ElementTypeHandle));
- }
- BOOL isElementValueType = IsElementValueType(objData.ElementType);
- DWORD dwRankAllocSize;
- if (!ClrSafeInt<DWORD>::multiply(sizeof(DWORD), objData.dwRank, dwRankAllocSize))
- {
- ExtOut("Integer overflow on array rank\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DWORD *lowerBounds = (DWORD *)alloca(dwRankAllocSize);
- if (!SafeReadMemory(objData.ArrayLowerBoundsPtr, lowerBounds, dwRankAllocSize, NULL))
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to read lower bounds info from the array\n");
- return S_OK;
- }
- DWORD *bounds = (DWORD *)alloca(dwRankAllocSize);
- if (!SafeReadMemory (objData.ArrayBoundsPtr, bounds, dwRankAllocSize, NULL))
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to read bounds info from the array\n");
- return S_OK;
- }
- //length is only supported for single-dimension array
- if (objData.dwRank == 1 && flags.Length != (DWORD_PTR)-1)
- {
- bounds[0] = _min(bounds[0], (DWORD)(flags.Length + flags.startIndex) - lowerBounds[0]);
- }
- DWORD *indices = (DWORD *)alloca(dwRankAllocSize);
- for (i = 0; i < objData.dwRank; i++)
- {
- indices[i] = lowerBounds[i];
- }
- //start index is only supported for single-dimension array
- if (objData.dwRank == 1)
- {
- indices[0] = (DWORD)flags.startIndex;
- }
- //Offset should be calculated by OffsetFromIndices. However because of the way
- //how we grow indices, incrementing offset by one happens to match indices in every iteration
- for (size_t offset = OffsetFromIndices (indices, lowerBounds, bounds, objData.dwRank);
- IndicesInRange (indices, lowerBounds, bounds, objData.dwRank);
- indices[objData.dwRank - 1]++, offset++)
- {
- if (IsInterrupt())
- {
- ExtOut("interrupted by user\n");
- break;
- }
- TADDR elementAddress = TO_TADDR(objData.ArrayDataPtr + offset * objData.dwComponentSize);
- TADDR p_Element = NULL;
- if (isElementValueType)
- {
- p_Element = elementAddress;
- }
- else if (!SafeReadMemory (elementAddress, &p_Element, sizeof (p_Element), NULL))
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to read element at ");
- ExtOutIndices(indices, objData.dwRank);
- ExtOut("\n");
- continue;
- }
- if (p_Element)
- {
- ExtOutIndices(indices, objData.dwRank);
- if (isElementValueType)
- {
- DMLOut( " %s\n", DMLValueClass(objData.ElementTypeHandle, p_Element));
- }
- else
- {
- DMLOut(" %s\n", DMLObject(p_Element));
- }
- }
- else if (!isPermSetPrint)
- {
- ExtOutIndices(indices, objData.dwRank);
- ExtOut(" null\n");
- }
- if (flags.bDetail)
- {
- IncrementIndent();
- if (isElementValueType)
- {
- PrintVC(TO_TADDR(objData.ElementTypeHandle), elementAddress, !flags.bNoFieldsForElement);
- }
- else if (p_Element != NULL)
- {
- PrintObj(p_Element, !flags.bNoFieldsForElement);
- }
- DecrementIndent();
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to dump the contents of an object from a *
-* given address
-* *
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- BOOL bNoFields = FALSE;
- BOOL bRefs = FALSE;
- StringHolder str_Object;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-nofields", &bNoFields, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-refs", &bRefs, COBOOL, FALSE},
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- DWORD_PTR p_Object = GetExpression(;
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- if (p_Object == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid parameter %s\n", args);
- return Status;
- }
- Status = PrintObj(p_Object, !bNoFields);
- if (SUCCEEDED(Status) && bRefs)
- {
- ExtOut("GC Refs:\n");
- TableOutput out(2, POINTERSIZE_HEX, AlignRight, 4);
- out.WriteRow("offset", "object");
- for (sos::RefIterator itr(TO_TADDR(p_Object)); itr; ++itr)
- out.WriteRow(Hex(itr.GetOffset()), ObjectPtr(*itr));
- }
- return Status;
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to dump the contents of a delegate from a *
-* given address. *
-* *
- try
- {
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- DWORD_PTR dwAddr = 0;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE}
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&dwAddr, COHEX}
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- if (nArg != 1)
- {
- ExtOut("Usage: !DumpDelegate <delegate object address>\n");
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS delegateAddr = TO_CDADDR(dwAddr);
- if (!sos::IsObject(delegateAddr))
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid object.\n");
- }
- else
- {
- sos::Object delegateObj = TO_TADDR(delegateAddr);
- if (!IsDerivedFrom(TO_CDADDR(delegateObj.GetMT()), W("System.Delegate")))
- {
- ExtOut("Object of type '%S' is not a delegate.", delegateObj.GetTypeName());
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Target Method Name\n");
- std::vector<CLRDATA_ADDRESS> delegatesRemaining;
- delegatesRemaining.push_back(delegateAddr);
- while (delegatesRemaining.size() > 0)
- {
- delegateAddr = delegatesRemaining.back();
- delegatesRemaining.pop_back();
- delegateObj = TO_TADDR(delegateAddr);
- int offset;
- if ((offset = GetObjFieldOffset(delegateObj.GetAddress(), delegateObj.GetMT(), W("_target"))) != 0)
- {
- MOVE(target, delegateObj.GetAddress() + offset);
- if ((offset = GetObjFieldOffset(delegateObj.GetAddress(), delegateObj.GetMT(), W("_invocationList"))) != 0)
- {
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS invocationList;
- MOVE(invocationList, delegateObj.GetAddress() + offset);
- if ((offset = GetObjFieldOffset(delegateObj.GetAddress(), delegateObj.GetMT(), W("_invocationCount"))) != 0)
- {
- int invocationCount;
- MOVE(invocationCount, delegateObj.GetAddress() + offset);
- if (invocationList == NULL)
- {
- DMLOut("%s ", DMLObject(target));
- if (TryGetMethodDescriptorForDelegate(delegateAddr, &md))
- {
- DMLOut("%s ", DMLMethodDesc(md));
- NameForMD_s((DWORD_PTR)md, g_mdName, mdNameLen);
- ExtOut("%S\n", g_mdName);
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("(unknown)\n");
- }
- }
- else if (sos::IsObject(invocationList, false))
- {
- DacpObjectData objData;
- if (objData.Request(g_sos, invocationList) == S_OK &&
- objData.ObjectType == OBJ_ARRAY &&
- invocationCount <= (int)objData.dwNumComponents)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < invocationCount; i++)
- {
- MOVE(elementPtr, TO_CDADDR(objData.ArrayDataPtr + (i * objData.dwComponentSize)));
- if (elementPtr != NULL && sos::IsObject(elementPtr, false))
- {
- delegatesRemaining.push_back(elementPtr);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- catch (const sos::Exception &e)
- {
- ExtOut("%s\n", e.what());
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- // We want to follow back until we get the mt for System.Exception
- DacpMethodTableData dmtd;
- while(walkMT != NULL)
- {
- if (dmtd.Request(g_sos, walkMT) != S_OK)
- {
- break;
- }
- if (walkMT == g_special_usefulGlobals.ExceptionMethodTable)
- {
- return walkMT;
- }
- walkMT = dmtd.ParentMethodTable;
- }
- return NULL;
- // We want to follow back until we get the mt for System.Exception
- DacpMethodTableData dmtd;
- while(walkMT != NULL)
- {
- if (dmtd.Request(g_sos, walkMT) != S_OK)
- {
- break;
- }
- NameForMT_s(TO_TADDR(walkMT), g_mdName, mdNameLen);
- if (_wcscmp(W("System.Security.SecurityException"), g_mdName) == 0)
- {
- return walkMT;
- }
- walkMT = dmtd.ParentMethodTable;
- }
- return NULL;
-// Fill the passed in buffer with a text header for generated exception information.
-// Returns the number of characters in the wszBuffer array on exit.
-// If NULL is passed for wszBuffer, just returns the number of characters needed.
-size_t AddExceptionHeader (__out_ecount_opt(bufferLength) WCHAR *wszBuffer, size_t bufferLength)
-#ifdef _TARGET_WIN64_
- const WCHAR *wszHeader = W(" SP IP Function\n");
- const WCHAR *wszHeader = W(" SP IP Function\n");
-#endif // _TARGET_WIN64_
- if (wszBuffer)
- {
- swprintf_s(wszBuffer, bufferLength, wszHeader);
- }
- return _wcslen(wszHeader);
-struct StackTraceElement
- UINT_PTR ip;
- UINT_PTR sp;
- DWORD_PTR pFunc; // MethodDesc
- // TRUE if this element represents the last frame of the foreign
- // exception stack trace.
- BOOL fIsLastFrameFromForeignStackTrace;
-#include "sos_stacktrace.h"
-class StringOutput
- CQuickString cs;
- StringOutput()
- {
- cs.Alloc(1024);
- cs.String()[0] = L'\0';
- }
- BOOL Append(__in_z LPCWSTR pszStr)
- {
- size_t iInputLen = _wcslen (pszStr);
- size_t iCurLen = _wcslen (cs.String());
- if ((iCurLen + iInputLen + 1) > cs.Size())
- {
- if (cs.ReSize(iCurLen + iInputLen + 1) != S_OK)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- wcsncat_s (cs.String(), cs.Size(), pszStr, _TRUNCATE);
- return TRUE;
- }
- size_t Length()
- {
- return _wcslen(cs.String());
- }
- WCHAR *String()
- {
- return cs.String();
- }
-static HRESULT DumpMDInfoBuffer(DWORD_PTR dwStartAddr, DWORD Flags, ULONG64 Esp, ULONG64 IPAddr, StringOutput& so);
-// Using heuristics to determine if an exception object represented an async (hardware) or a
-// managed exception
-// We need to use these heuristics when the System.Exception object is not the active exception
-// on some thread, but it's something found somewhere on the managed heap.
-// uses the MapWin32FaultToCOMPlusException to figure out how we map async exceptions
-// to managed exceptions and their HRESULTs
-static const HRESULT AsyncHResultValues[] =
- COR_E_ARITHMETIC, // kArithmeticException
- COR_E_OVERFLOW, // kOverflowException
- COR_E_DIVIDEBYZERO, // kDivideByZeroException
- COR_E_FORMAT, // kFormatException
- COR_E_NULLREFERENCE, // kNullReferenceException
- E_POINTER, // kAccessViolationException
- // the EE is raising the next exceptions more often than the OS will raise an async
- // exception for these conditions, so in general treat these as Synchronous
- // COR_E_INDEXOUTOFRANGE, // kIndexOutOfRangeException
- // COR_E_OUTOFMEMORY, // kOutOfMemoryException
- // COR_E_STACKOVERFLOW, // kStackOverflowException
- COR_E_DATAMISALIGNED, // kDataMisalignedException
- // by default we'll treat exceptions as synchronous
- int iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset (taObj, mtObj, W("_xcode"));
- if (iOffset > 0)
- {
- HRESULT hr = MOVE(xcode, taObj + iOffset);
- if (hr != S_OK)
- {
- goto Done;
- }
- }
- if (xcode == EXCEPTION_COMPLUS)
- {
- HRESULT ehr = 0;
- iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset (taObj, mtObj, W("_HResult"));
- if (iOffset > 0)
- {
- HRESULT hr = MOVE(ehr, taObj + iOffset);
- if (hr != S_OK)
- {
- goto Done;
- }
- for (size_t idx = 0; idx < _countof(AsyncHResultValues); ++idx)
- {
- if (ehr == AsyncHResultValues[idx])
- {
- xcode = ehr;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return xcode != EXCEPTION_COMPLUS;
-// Overload that mirrors the code above when the ExceptionObjectData was already retrieved from LS
-BOOL IsAsyncException(const DacpExceptionObjectData & excData)
- if ((DWORD)excData.XCode != EXCEPTION_COMPLUS)
- return TRUE;
- HRESULT ehr = excData.HResult;
- for (size_t idx = 0; idx < _countof(AsyncHResultValues); ++idx)
- {
- if (ehr == AsyncHResultValues[idx])
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
-size_t FormatGeneratedException (DWORD_PTR dataPtr,
- UINT bytes,
- __out_ecount_opt(bufferLength) WCHAR *wszBuffer,
- size_t bufferLength,
- BOOL bAsync,
- BOOL bNestedCase = FALSE,
- BOOL bLineNumbers = FALSE)
- UINT count = bytes / sizeof(StackTraceElement);
- size_t Length = 0;
- if (wszBuffer && bufferLength > 0)
- {
- wszBuffer[0] = L'\0';
- }
- // Buffer is calculated for sprintf below (" %p %p %S\n");
- WCHAR wszLineBuffer[mdNameLen + 8 + sizeof(size_t)*2 + MAX_LONGPATH + 8];
- if (count == 0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- if (bNestedCase)
- {
- // If we are computing the call stack for a nested exception, we
- // don't want to print the last frame, because the outer exception
- // will have that frame.
- count--;
- }
- for (UINT i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- StackTraceElement ste;
- MOVE (ste, dataPtr + i*sizeof(StackTraceElement));
- // ste.ip must be adjusted because of an ancient workaround in the exception
- // infrastructure. The workaround is that the exception needs to have
- // an ip address that will map to the line number where the exception was thrown.
- // (It doesn't matter that it's not a valid instruction). (see /vm/excep.cpp)
- //
- // This "counterhack" is not 100% accurate
- // The biggest issue is that !PrintException must work with exception objects
- // that may not be currently active; as a consequence we cannot rely on the
- // state of some "current thread" to infer whether the IP values stored in
- // the exception object have been adjusted or not. If we could, we may examine
- // the topmost "Frame" and make the decision based on whether it's a
- // FaultingExceptionFrame or not.
- // 1. On IA64 the IP values are never adjusted by the EE so there's nothing
- // to adjust back.
- // 2. On AMD64:
- // (a) if the exception was an async (hardware) exception add 1 to all
- // IP values in the exception object
- // (b) if the exception was a managed exception (either raised by the
- // EE or thrown by managed code) do not adjust any IP values
- // 3. On X86:
- // (a) if the exception was an async (hardware) exception add 1 to
- // all but the topmost IP value in the exception object
- // (b) if the exception was a managed exception (either raised by
- // the EE or thrown by managed code) add 1 to all IP values in
- // the exception object
-#if defined(_TARGET_AMD64_)
- if (bAsync)
- {
- ste.ip += 1;
- }
-#elif defined(_TARGET_X86_)
- if (IsDbgTargetX86() && (!bAsync || i != 0))
- {
- ste.ip += 1;
- }
-#endif // defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined(_TARGET__X86_)
- StringOutput so;
- // If DumpMDInfoBuffer failed (due to out of memory or missing metadata),
- // or did not update so (when ste is an explicit frames), do not update wszBuffer
- if (Status == S_OK)
- {
- WCHAR filename[MAX_LONGPATH] = W("");
- ULONG linenum = 0;
- if (bLineNumbers &&
- SUCCEEDED(GetLineByOffset(TO_CDADDR(ste.ip), &linenum, filename, _countof(filename))))
- {
- swprintf_s(wszLineBuffer, _countof(wszLineBuffer), W(" %s [%s @ %d]\n"), so.String(), filename, linenum);
- }
- else
- {
- swprintf_s(wszLineBuffer, _countof(wszLineBuffer), W(" %s\n"), so.String());
- }
- Length += _wcslen(wszLineBuffer);
- if (wszBuffer)
- {
- wcsncat_s(wszBuffer, bufferLength, wszLineBuffer, _TRUNCATE);
- }
- }
- }
- return Length;
-// ExtOut has an internal limit for the string size
-void SosExtOutLargeString(__inout_z __inout_ecount_opt(len) WCHAR * pwszLargeString, size_t len)
- const size_t chunkLen = 2048;
- WCHAR *pwsz = pwszLargeString; // beginning of a chunk
- size_t count = len/chunkLen;
- // write full chunks
- for (size_t idx = 0; idx < count; ++idx)
- {
- WCHAR *pch = pwsz + chunkLen; // after the chunk
- // zero terminate the chunk
- WCHAR ch = *pch;
- *pch = L'\0';
- ExtOut("%S", pwsz);
- // restore whacked char
- *pch = ch;
- // advance to next chunk
- pwsz += chunkLen;
- }
- // last chunk
- ExtOut("%S", pwsz);
-HRESULT FormatException(CLRDATA_ADDRESS taObj, BOOL bLineNumbers = FALSE)
- HRESULT Status = S_OK;
- DacpObjectData objData;
- if ((Status=objData.Request(g_sos, taObj)) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid object\n");
- return Status;
- }
- // Make sure it is an exception object, and get the MT of Exception
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS exceptionMT = isExceptionObj(objData.MethodTable);
- if (exceptionMT == NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("Not a valid exception object\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DMLOut("Exception object: %s\n", DMLObject(taObj));
- if (NameForMT_s(TO_TADDR(objData.MethodTable), g_mdName, mdNameLen))
- {
- ExtOut("Exception type: %S\n", g_mdName);
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Exception type: <Unknown>\n");
- }
- // Print basic info
- // First try to get exception object data using ISOSDacInterface2
- DacpExceptionObjectData excData;
- BOOL bGotExcData = SUCCEEDED(excData.Request(g_sos, taObj));
- // Walk the fields, printing some fields in a special way.
- // HR, InnerException, Message, StackTrace, StackTraceString
- {
- TADDR taMsg = 0;
- if (bGotExcData)
- {
- taMsg = TO_TADDR(excData.Message);
- }
- else
- {
- int iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset(taObj, objData.MethodTable, W("_message"));
- if (iOffset > 0)
- {
- MOVE (taMsg, taObj + iOffset);
- }
- }
- ExtOut("Message: ");
- if (taMsg)
- StringObjectContent(taMsg);
- else
- ExtOut("<none>");
- ExtOut("\n");
- }
- {
- TADDR taInnerExc = 0;
- if (bGotExcData)
- {
- taInnerExc = TO_TADDR(excData.InnerException);
- }
- else
- {
- int iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset(taObj, objData.MethodTable, W("_innerException"));
- if (iOffset > 0)
- {
- MOVE (taInnerExc, taObj + iOffset);
- }
- }
- ExtOut("InnerException: ");
- if (taInnerExc)
- {
- if (SUCCEEDED(GetMTOfObject(taInnerExc, &taMT)))
- {
- NameForMT_s(taMT, g_mdName, mdNameLen);
- ExtOut("%S, ", g_mdName);
- if (IsDMLEnabled())
- DMLOut("Use <exec cmd=\"!PrintException /d %p\">!PrintException %p</exec> to see more.\n", taInnerExc, taInnerExc);
- else
- ExtOut("Use !PrintException %p to see more.\n", SOS_PTR(taInnerExc));
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("<invalid MethodTable of inner exception>");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("<none>\n");
- }
- }
- BOOL bAsync = bGotExcData ? IsAsyncException(excData)
- : IsAsyncException(taObj, objData.MethodTable);
- {
- TADDR taStackTrace = 0;
- if (bGotExcData)
- {
- taStackTrace = TO_TADDR(excData.StackTrace);
- }
- else
- {
- int iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset (taObj, objData.MethodTable, W("_stackTrace"));
- if (iOffset > 0)
- {
- MOVE(taStackTrace, taObj + iOffset);
- }
- }
- ExtOut("StackTrace (generated):\n");
- if (taStackTrace)
- {
- DWORD arrayLen;
- HRESULT hr = MOVE(arrayLen, taStackTrace + sizeof(DWORD_PTR));
- if (arrayLen != 0 && hr == S_OK)
- {
-#ifdef _TARGET_WIN64_
- DWORD_PTR dataPtr = taStackTrace + sizeof(DWORD_PTR) + sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(DWORD);
- DWORD_PTR dataPtr = taStackTrace + sizeof(DWORD_PTR) + sizeof(DWORD);
-#endif // _TARGET_WIN64_
- size_t stackTraceSize = 0;
- MOVE (stackTraceSize, dataPtr);
- DWORD cbStackSize = static_cast<DWORD>(stackTraceSize * sizeof(StackTraceElement));
- dataPtr += sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(size_t); // skip the array header, then goes the data
- if (stackTraceSize == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to decipher generated stack trace\n");
- }
- else
- {
- size_t iHeaderLength = AddExceptionHeader (NULL, 0);
- size_t iLength = FormatGeneratedException (dataPtr, cbStackSize, NULL, 0, bAsync, FALSE, bLineNumbers);
- WCHAR *pwszBuffer = new NOTHROW WCHAR[iHeaderLength + iLength + 1];
- if (pwszBuffer)
- {
- AddExceptionHeader(pwszBuffer, iHeaderLength + 1);
- FormatGeneratedException(dataPtr, cbStackSize, pwszBuffer + iHeaderLength, iLength + 1, bAsync, FALSE, bLineNumbers);
- SosExtOutLargeString(pwszBuffer, iHeaderLength + iLength + 1);
- delete[] pwszBuffer;
- }
- ExtOut("\n");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("<Not Available>\n");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("<none>\n");
- }
- }
- {
- TADDR taStackString;
- if (bGotExcData)
- {
- taStackString = TO_TADDR(excData.StackTraceString);
- }
- else
- {
- int iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset (taObj, objData.MethodTable, W("_stackTraceString"));
- MOVE (taStackString, taObj + iOffset);
- }
- ExtOut("StackTraceString: ");
- if (taStackString)
- {
- StringObjectContent(taStackString);
- ExtOut("\n\n"); // extra newline looks better
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("<none>\n");
- }
- }
- {
- DWORD hResult;
- if (bGotExcData)
- {
- hResult = excData.HResult;
- }
- else
- {
- int iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset (taObj, objData.MethodTable, W("_HResult"));
- MOVE (hResult, taObj + iOffset);
- }
- ExtOut("HResult: %lx\n", hResult);
- }
- if (isSecurityExceptionObj(objData.MethodTable) != NULL)
- {
- // We have a SecurityException Object: print out the debugString if present
- int iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset (taObj, objData.MethodTable, W("m_debugString"));
- if (iOffset > 0)
- {
- TADDR taDebugString;
- MOVE (taDebugString, taObj + iOffset);
- if (taDebugString)
- {
- ExtOut("SecurityException Message: ");
- StringObjectContent(taDebugString);
- ExtOut("\n\n"); // extra newline looks better
- }
- }
- }
- return Status;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- BOOL bShowNested = FALSE;
- BOOL bLineNumbers = FALSE;
- StringHolder strObject;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-nested", &bShowNested, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-lines", &bLineNumbers, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-l", &bLineNumbers, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-ccw", &bCCW, COBOOL, FALSE},
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE}
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&strObject, COSTRING}
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- if (bLineNumbers)
- {
- ULONG symlines = 0;
- if (SUCCEEDED(g_ExtSymbols->GetSymbolOptions(&symlines)))
- {
- symlines &= SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES;
- }
- if (symlines == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("In order for the option -lines to enable display of source information\n"
- "the debugger must be configured to load the line number information from\n"
- "the symbol files. Use the \".lines; .reload\" command to achieve this.\n");
- // don't even try
- bLineNumbers = FALSE;
- }
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- DWORD_PTR p_Object = NULL;
- if (nArg == 0)
- {
- if (bCCW)
- {
- ExtOut("No CCW pointer specified\n");
- return Status;
- }
- // Look at the last exception object on this thread
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS threadAddr = GetCurrentManagedThread();
- DacpThreadData Thread;
- if ((threadAddr == NULL) || (Thread.Request(g_sos, threadAddr) != S_OK))
- {
- ExtOut("The current thread is unmanaged\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DWORD_PTR dwAddr = NULL;
- if ((!SafeReadMemory(TO_TADDR(Thread.lastThrownObjectHandle),
- &dwAddr,
- sizeof(dwAddr), NULL)) || (dwAddr==NULL))
- {
- ExtOut("There is no current managed exception on this thread\n");
- }
- else
- {
- p_Object = dwAddr;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- p_Object = GetExpression(;
- if (p_Object == 0)
- {
- if (bCCW)
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid CCW pointer %s\n", args);
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid exception object %s\n", args);
- }
- return Status;
- }
- if (bCCW)
- {
- // check if the address is a CCW pointer and then
- // get the exception object from it
- DacpCCWData ccwData;
- if (ccwData.Request(g_sos, p_Object) == S_OK)
- {
- p_Object = TO_TADDR(ccwData.managedObject);
- }
- }
- }
- if (p_Object)
- {
- FormatException(TO_CDADDR(p_Object), bLineNumbers);
- }
- // Are there nested exceptions?
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS threadAddr = GetCurrentManagedThread();
- DacpThreadData Thread;
- if ((threadAddr == NULL) || (Thread.Request(g_sos, threadAddr) != S_OK))
- {
- ExtOut("The current thread is unmanaged\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (Thread.firstNestedException)
- {
- if (!bShowNested)
- {
- ExtOut("There are nested exceptions on this thread. Run with -nested for details\n");
- return Status;
- }
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS currentNested = Thread.firstNestedException;
- do
- {
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS obj = 0, next = 0;
- Status = g_sos->GetNestedExceptionData(currentNested, &obj, &next);
- if (Status != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error retrieving nested exception info %p\n", SOS_PTR(currentNested));
- return Status;
- }
- if (IsInterrupt())
- {
- ExtOut("<aborted>\n");
- return Status;
- }
- ExtOut("\nNested exception -------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- Status = FormatException(obj, bLineNumbers);
- if (Status != S_OK)
- {
- return Status;
- }
- currentNested = next;
- }
- while(currentNested != NULL);
- }
- return Status;
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to dump the contents of an object from a *
-* given address
-* *
- DWORD_PTR p_Object = NULL;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE}
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&p_MT, COHEX},
- {&p_Object, COHEX},
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- if (nArg!=2)
- {
- ExtOut("Usage: !DumpVC <Method Table> <Value object start addr>\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (!IsMethodTable(p_MT))
- {
- ExtOut("Not a managed object\n");
- return S_OK;
- }
- return PrintVC(p_MT, p_Object);
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- StringHolder strObject;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE}
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&strObject, COSTRING}
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- if (nArg == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Missing RCW address\n");
- return Status;
- }
- else
- {
- DWORD_PTR p_RCW = GetExpression(;
- if (p_RCW == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid RCW %s\n", args);
- }
- else
- {
- DacpRCWData rcwData;
- if ((Status = rcwData.Request(g_sos, p_RCW)) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error requesting RCW data\n");
- return Status;
- }
- BOOL isDCOMProxy;
- if (FAILED(rcwData.IsDCOMProxy(g_sos, p_RCW, &isDCOMProxy)))
- {
- isDCOMProxy = FALSE;
- }
- DMLOut("Managed object: %s\n", DMLObject(rcwData.managedObject));
- DMLOut("Creating thread: %p\n", SOS_PTR(rcwData.creatorThread));
- ExtOut("IUnknown pointer: %p\n", SOS_PTR(rcwData.unknownPointer));
- ExtOut("COM Context: %p\n", SOS_PTR(rcwData.ctxCookie));
- ExtOut("Managed ref count: %d\n", rcwData.refCount);
- ExtOut("IUnknown V-table pointer : %p (captured at RCW creation time)\n", SOS_PTR(rcwData.vtablePtr));
- ExtOut("Flags: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n",
- (rcwData.isDisconnected? "IsDisconnected " : ""),
- (rcwData.supportsIInspectable? "SupportsIInspectable " : ""),
- (rcwData.isAggregated? "IsAggregated " : ""),
- (rcwData.isContained? "IsContained " : ""),
- (rcwData.isJupiterObject? "IsJupiterObject " : ""),
- (rcwData.isFreeThreaded? "IsFreeThreaded " : ""),
- (rcwData.identityPointer == TO_CDADDR(p_RCW)? "IsUnique " : ""),
- (isDCOMProxy ? "IsDCOMProxy " : "")
- );
- // Jupiter data hidden by default
- if (rcwData.isJupiterObject)
- {
- ExtOut("IJupiterObject: %p\n", SOS_PTR(rcwData.jupiterObject));
- }
- ExtOut("COM interface pointers:\n");
- ArrayHolder<DacpCOMInterfacePointerData> pArray = new NOTHROW DacpCOMInterfacePointerData[rcwData.interfaceCount];
- if (pArray == NULL)
- {
- ReportOOM();
- return Status;
- }
- if ((Status = g_sos->GetRCWInterfaces(p_RCW, rcwData.interfaceCount, pArray, NULL)) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error requesting COM interface pointers\n");
- return Status;
- }
- ExtOut("%" POINTERSIZE "s %" POINTERSIZE "s %" POINTERSIZE "s Type\n", "IP", "Context", "MT");
- for (int i = 0; i < rcwData.interfaceCount; i++)
- {
- // Ignore any NULL MethodTable interface cache. At this point only IJupiterObject
- // is saved as NULL MethodTable at first slot, and we've already printed outs its
- // value earlier.
- if (pArray[i].methodTable == NULL)
- continue;
- NameForMT_s(TO_TADDR(pArray[i].methodTable), g_mdName, mdNameLen);
- DMLOut("%p %p %s %S\n", SOS_PTR(pArray[i].interfacePtr), SOS_PTR(pArray[i].comContext), DMLMethodTable(pArray[i].methodTable), g_mdName);
- }
- }
- }
- return Status;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- StringHolder strObject;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE}
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&strObject, COSTRING}
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- if (nArg == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Missing CCW address\n");
- return Status;
- }
- else
- {
- DWORD_PTR p_CCW = GetExpression(;
- if (p_CCW == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid CCW %s\n", args);
- }
- else
- {
- DacpCCWData ccwData;
- if ((Status = ccwData.Request(g_sos, p_CCW)) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error requesting CCW data\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (ccwData.ccwAddress != p_CCW)
- ExtOut("CCW: %p\n", SOS_PTR(ccwData.ccwAddress));
- DMLOut("Managed object: %s\n", DMLObject(ccwData.managedObject));
- ExtOut("Outer IUnknown: %p\n", SOS_PTR(ccwData.outerIUnknown));
- ExtOut("Ref count: %d%s\n", ccwData.refCount, ccwData.isNeutered ? " (NEUTERED)" : "");
- ExtOut("Flags: %s%s\n",
- (ccwData.isExtendsCOMObject? "IsExtendsCOMObject " : ""),
- (ccwData.isAggregated? "IsAggregated " : "")
- );
- // Jupiter information hidden by default
- if (ccwData.jupiterRefCount > 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Jupiter ref count: %d%s%s%s%s\n",
- ccwData.jupiterRefCount,
- (ccwData.isPegged || ccwData.isGlobalPegged) ? ", Pegged by" : "",
- ccwData.isPegged ? " Jupiter " : "",
- (ccwData.isPegged && ccwData.isGlobalPegged) ? "&" : "",
- ccwData.isGlobalPegged ? " CLR " : ""
- );
- }
- ExtOut("RefCounted Handle: %p%s\n",
- SOS_PTR(ccwData.handle),
- (ccwData.hasStrongRef ? " (STRONG)" : " (WEAK)"));
- ExtOut("COM interface pointers:\n");
- ArrayHolder<DacpCOMInterfacePointerData> pArray = new NOTHROW DacpCOMInterfacePointerData[ccwData.interfaceCount];
- if (pArray == NULL)
- {
- ReportOOM();
- return Status;
- }
- if ((Status = g_sos->GetCCWInterfaces(p_CCW, ccwData.interfaceCount, pArray, NULL)) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error requesting COM interface pointers\n");
- return Status;
- }
- ExtOut("%" POINTERSIZE "s %" POINTERSIZE "s Type\n", "IP", "MT", "Type");
- for (int i = 0; i < ccwData.interfaceCount; i++)
- {
- if (pArray[i].methodTable == NULL)
- {
- wcscpy_s(g_mdName, mdNameLen, W("IDispatch/IUnknown"));
- }
- else
- {
- NameForMT_s(TO_TADDR(pArray[i].methodTable), g_mdName, mdNameLen);
- }
- DMLOut("%p %s %S\n", pArray[i].interfacePtr, DMLMethodTable(pArray[i].methodTable), g_mdName);
- }
- }
- }
- return Status;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to dump the contents of a PermissionSet *
-* from a given address. *
-* *
- COMMAND: dumppermissionset.
- !DumpPermissionSet <PermissionSet object address>
- This command allows you to examine a PermissionSet object. Note that you can
- also use DumpObj such an object in greater detail. DumpPermissionSet attempts
- to extract all the relevant information from a PermissionSet that you might be
- interested in when performing Code Access Security (CAS) related debugging.
- Here is a simple PermissionSet object:
- 0:000> !DumpPermissionSet 014615f4
- PermissionSet object: 014615f4
- Unrestricted: TRUE
- Note that this is an unrestricted PermissionSet object that does not contain
- any individual permissions.
- Here is another example of a PermissionSet object, one that is not unrestricted
- and contains a single permission:
- 0:003> !DumpPermissionSet 01469fa8
- PermissionSet object: 01469fa8
- Unrestricted: FALSE
- Name: System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermission
- MethodTable: 5b731308
- EEClass: 5b7e0d78
- Size: 12(0xc) bytes
- (C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.x86chk\assembly\GAC_32\mscorlib\2.0.
- 0.0__b77a5c561934e089\mscorlib.dll)
- Fields:
- MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name
- 5b73125c 4001d66 4 System.Int32 0 instance 2 m_flags
- Here is another example of an unrestricted PermissionSet, one that contains
- several permissions. The numbers in parentheses before each Permission object
- represents the index of that Permission in the PermissionSet.
- 0:003> !DumpPermissionSet 01467bd8
- PermissionSet object: 01467bd8
- Unrestricted: FALSE
- [1] 01467e90
- Name: System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermission
- MethodTable: 5b73023c
- EEClass: 5b7dfb18
- Size: 12(0xc) bytes
- (C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.x86chk\assembly\GAC_32\mscorlib\\mscorlib.dll)
- Fields:
- MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name
- 5b730190 4001cc2 4 System.Int32 0 instance 1 access
- [4] 014682a8
- Name: System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermission
- MethodTable: 5b731308
- EEClass: 5b7e0d78
- Size: 12(0xc) bytes
- (C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.x86chk\assembly\GAC_32\mscorlib\\mscorlib.dll)
- Fields:
- MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name
- 5b73125c 4001d66 4 System.Int32 0 instance 0 m_flags
- [17] 0146c060
- Name: System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermission
- MethodTable: 569841c4
- EEClass: 56a03e5c
- Size: 28(0x1c) bytes
- (C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.x86chk\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System\\System.dll)
- Fields:
- MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name
- 5b6d65d4 4003078 4 System.Object[] 0 instance 0146c190 tagNames
- 5b6c9ed8 4003079 8 System.Type 0 instance 0146c17c permissionAccessType
- 5b6cd928 400307a 10 System.Boolean 0 instance 0 isUnrestricted
- 5b6c45f8 400307b c ...ections.Hashtable 0 instance 0146c1a4 rootTable
- 5b6c090c 4003077 bfc System.String 0 static 00000000 computerName
- 56984434 40030e7 14 ...onEntryCollection 0 instance 00000000 innerCollection
- [18] 0146ceb4
- Name: System.Net.WebPermission
- MethodTable: 5696dfc4
- EEClass: 569e256c
- Size: 20(0x14) bytes
- (C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.x86chk\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System\\System.dll)
- Fields:
- MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name
- 5b6cd928 400238e c System.Boolean 0 instance 0 m_Unrestricted
- 5b6cd928 400238f d System.Boolean 0 instance 0 m_UnrestrictedConnect
- 5b6cd928 4002390 e System.Boolean 0 instance 0 m_UnrestrictedAccept
- 5b6c639c 4002391 4 ...ections.ArrayList 0 instance 0146cf3c m_connectList
- 5b6c639c 4002392 8 ...ections.ArrayList 0 instance 0146cf54 m_acceptList
- 569476f8 4002393 8a4 ...Expressions.Regex 0 static 00000000 s_MatchAllRegex
- [19] 0146a5fc
- Name: System.Net.DnsPermission
- MethodTable: 56966408
- EEClass: 569d3c08
- Size: 12(0xc) bytes
- (C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.x86chk\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System\\System.dll)
- Fields:
- MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name
- 5b6cd928 4001d2c 4 System.Boolean 0 instance 1 m_noRestriction
- [20] 0146d8ec
- Name: System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission
- MethodTable: 569831bc
- EEClass: 56a02ccc
- Size: 12(0xc) bytes
- (C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.x86chk\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System\\System.dll)
- Fields:
- MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name
- 56983090 4003074 4 System.Int32 0 instance 600 _level
- [21] 0146e394
- Name: System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationPermission
- MethodTable: 5697ac70
- EEClass: 569f7104
- Size: 16(0x10) bytes
- (C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.x86chk\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System\\System.dll)
- Fields:
- MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name
- 5697ab38 4002c34 4 System.Int32 0 instance 0 access
- 5b6cd928 4002c35 8 System.Boolean 0 instance 0 unrestricted
- The abbreviation !dps can be used for brevity.
- \\
- DWORD_PTR p_Object = NULL;
- CMDValue arg[] =
- {
- {&p_Object, COHEX}
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, NULL, 0, arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- if (nArg!=1)
- {
- ExtOut("Usage: !DumpPermissionSet <PermissionSet object addr>\n");
- return Status;
- }
- return PrintPermissionSet(p_Object);
-#endif // _DEBUG
-void GCPrintGenerationInfo(DacpGcHeapDetails &heap);
-void GCPrintSegmentInfo(DacpGcHeapDetails &heap, DWORD_PTR &total_size);
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
-void DisplayInvalidStructuresMessage()
- ExtOut("The garbage collector data structures are not in a valid state for traversal.\n");
- ExtOut("It is either in the \"plan phase,\" where objects are being moved around, or\n");
- ExtOut("we are at the initialization or shutdown of the gc heap. Commands related to \n");
- ExtOut("displaying, finding or traversing objects as well as gc heap segments may not \n");
- ExtOut("work properly. !dumpheap and !verifyheap may incorrectly complain of heap \n");
- ExtOut("consistency errors.\n");
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function dumps GC heap size. *
-* *
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- BOOL showgc = FALSE;
- BOOL showloader = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-gc", &showgc, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-loader", &showloader, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), NULL, 0, NULL))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- if (showloader || !showgc)
- {
- // Loader heap.
- DWORD_PTR allHeapSize = 0;
- DWORD_PTR wasted = 0;
- DacpAppDomainStoreData adsData;
- if ((Status=adsData.Request(g_sos))!=S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to get AppDomain information\n");
- return Status;
- }
- // The first one is the system domain.
- ExtOut("Loader Heap:\n");
- IfFailRet(PrintDomainHeapInfo("System Domain", adsData.systemDomain, &allHeapSize, &wasted));
- if (adsData.sharedDomain != NULL)
- {
- IfFailRet(PrintDomainHeapInfo("Shared Domain", adsData.sharedDomain, &allHeapSize, &wasted));
- }
- ArrayHolder<CLRDATA_ADDRESS> pArray = new NOTHROW CLRDATA_ADDRESS[adsData.DomainCount];
- if (pArray==NULL)
- {
- ReportOOM();
- return Status;
- }
- if ((Status=g_sos->GetAppDomainList(adsData.DomainCount, pArray, NULL))!=S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to get the array of all AppDomains.\n");
- return Status;
- }
- for (int n=0;n<adsData.DomainCount;n++)
- {
- if (IsInterrupt())
- break;
- char domain[16];
- sprintf_s(domain, _countof(domain), "Domain %d", n+1);
- IfFailRet(PrintDomainHeapInfo(domain, pArray[n], &allHeapSize, &wasted));
- }
- // Jit code heap
- ExtOut("--------------------------------------\n");
- ExtOut("Jit code heap:\n");
- if (IsMiniDumpFile())
- {
- ExtOut("<no information>\n");
- }
- else
- {
- allHeapSize += JitHeapInfo();
- }
- // Module Data
- {
- int numModule;
- ArrayHolder<DWORD_PTR> moduleList = ModuleFromName(NULL, &numModule);
- if (moduleList == NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to request module list.\n");
- }
- else
- {
- // Module Thunk Heaps
- ExtOut("--------------------------------------\n");
- ExtOut("Module Thunk heaps:\n");
- allHeapSize += PrintModuleHeapInfo(moduleList, numModule, ModuleHeapType_ThunkHeap, &wasted);
- // Module Lookup Table Heaps
- ExtOut("--------------------------------------\n");
- ExtOut("Module Lookup Table heaps:\n");
- allHeapSize += PrintModuleHeapInfo(moduleList, numModule, ModuleHeapType_LookupTableHeap, &wasted);
- }
- }
- ExtOut("--------------------------------------\n");
- ExtOut("Total LoaderHeap size: ");
- PrintHeapSize(allHeapSize, wasted);
- ExtOut("=======================================\n");
- }
- if (showgc || !showloader)
- {
- // GC Heap
- DWORD dwNHeaps = 1;
- if (!GetGcStructuresValid())
- {
- DisplayInvalidStructuresMessage();
- }
- DacpGcHeapData gcheap;
- if (gcheap.Request(g_sos) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error requesting GC Heap data\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (gcheap.bServerMode)
- {
- dwNHeaps = gcheap.HeapCount;
- }
- ExtOut("Number of GC Heaps: %d\n", dwNHeaps);
- DWORD_PTR totalSize = 0;
- if (!gcheap.bServerMode)
- {
- DacpGcHeapDetails heapDetails;
- if (heapDetails.Request(g_sos) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error requesting details\n");
- return Status;
- }
- GCHeapInfo (heapDetails, totalSize);
- ExtOut("Total Size: ");
- PrintHeapSize(totalSize, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- DWORD dwAllocSize;
- if (!ClrSafeInt<DWORD>::multiply(sizeof(CLRDATA_ADDRESS), dwNHeaps, dwAllocSize))
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to get GCHeaps: integer overflow\n");
- return Status;
- }
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS *heapAddrs = (CLRDATA_ADDRESS*)alloca(dwAllocSize);
- if (g_sos->GetGCHeapList(dwNHeaps, heapAddrs, NULL) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to get GCHeaps\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DWORD n;
- for (n = 0; n < dwNHeaps; n ++)
- {
- DacpGcHeapDetails heapDetails;
- if (heapDetails.Request(g_sos, heapAddrs[n]) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error requesting details\n");
- return Status;
- }
- ExtOut("------------------------------\n");
- ExtOut("Heap %d (%p)\n", n, SOS_PTR(heapAddrs[n]));
- DWORD_PTR heapSize = 0;
- GCHeapInfo (heapDetails, heapSize);
- totalSize += heapSize;
- ExtOut("Heap Size: " WIN86_8SPACES);
- PrintHeapSize(heapSize, 0);
- }
- }
- ExtOut("------------------------------\n");
- ExtOut("GC Heap Size: " WIN86_8SPACES);
- PrintHeapSize(totalSize, 0);
- }
- return Status;
-void PrintGCStat(HeapStat *inStat, const char* label=NULL)
- if (inStat)
- {
- bool sorted = false;
- try
- {
- inStat->Sort();
- sorted = true;
- inStat->Print(label);
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- ExtOut("Exception occurred while trying to %s the GC stats.\n", sorted ? "print" : "sort");
- }
- inStat->Delete();
- }
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- BOOL bXmlFormat = FALSE;
- BOOL bVerify = FALSE;
- StringHolder Filename;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-xml", &bXmlFormat, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-verify", &bVerify, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&, COSTRING},
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- if (nArg != 1)
- {
- ExtOut("usage: HeapTraverse [-xml] filename\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (!g_snapshot.Build())
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to build snapshot of the garbage collector state\n");
- return Status;
- }
- FILE* file = NULL;
- if (fopen_s(&file,, "w") != 0) {
- ExtOut("Unable to open file\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (!bVerify)
- ExtOut("Assuming a uncorrupted GC heap. If this is a crash dump consider -verify option\n");
- HeapTraverser traverser(bVerify != FALSE);
- ExtOut("Writing %s format to file %s\n", bXmlFormat ? "Xml" : "CLRProfiler",;
- ExtOut("Gathering types...\n");
- // TODO: there may be a canonical list of methodtables in the runtime that we can
- // traverse instead of exploring the gc heap for that list. We could then simplify the
- // tree structure to a sorted list of methodtables, and the index is the ID.
- // TODO: "Traversing object members" code should be generalized and shared between
- // !gcroot and !traverseheap. Also !dumpheap can begin using GCHeapsTraverse.
- if (!traverser.Initialize())
- {
- ExtOut("Error initializing heap traversal\n");
- fclose(file);
- return Status;
- }
- if (!traverser.CreateReport (file, bXmlFormat ? FORMAT_XML : FORMAT_CLRPROFILER))
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to write heap report\n");
- fclose(file);
- return Status;
- }
- fclose(file);
- ExtOut("\nfile %s saved\n",;
- return Status;
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
-struct PrintRuntimeTypeArgs
- DWORD_PTR mtOfRuntimeType;
- int handleFieldOffset;
- DacpAppDomainStoreData adstore;
-void PrintRuntimeTypes(DWORD_PTR objAddr,size_t Size,DWORD_PTR methodTable,LPVOID token)
- PrintRuntimeTypeArgs *pArgs = (PrintRuntimeTypeArgs *)token;
- if (pArgs->mtOfRuntimeType == NULL)
- {
- NameForMT_s(methodTable, g_mdName, mdNameLen);
- if (_wcscmp(g_mdName, W("System.RuntimeType")) == 0)
- {
- pArgs->mtOfRuntimeType = methodTable;
- pArgs->handleFieldOffset = GetObjFieldOffset(TO_CDADDR(objAddr), TO_CDADDR(methodTable), W("m_handle"));
- if (pArgs->handleFieldOffset <= 0)
- ExtOut("Error getting System.RuntimeType.m_handle offset\n");
- pArgs->adstore.Request(g_sos);
- }
- }
- if ((methodTable == pArgs->mtOfRuntimeType) && (pArgs->handleFieldOffset > 0))
- {
- // Get the method table and display the information.
- DWORD_PTR mtPtr;
- if (MOVE(mtPtr, objAddr + pArgs->handleFieldOffset) == S_OK)
- {
- DMLOut(DMLObject(objAddr));
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS appDomain = GetAppDomainForMT(mtPtr);
- if (appDomain != NULL)
- {
- if (appDomain == pArgs->adstore.sharedDomain)
- ExtOut(" %" POINTERSIZE "s", "Shared");
- else if (appDomain == pArgs->adstore.systemDomain)
- ExtOut(" %" POINTERSIZE "s", "System");
- else
- DMLOut(" %s", DMLDomain(appDomain));
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut(" %" POINTERSIZE "s", "?");
- }
- NameForMT_s(mtPtr, g_mdName, mdNameLen);
- DMLOut(" %s %S\n", DMLMethodTable(mtPtr), g_mdName);
- }
- }
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), NULL, 0, NULL))
- return Status;
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- ExtOut("%" POINTERSIZE "s %" POINTERSIZE "s %" POINTERSIZE "s Type Name \n",
- "Address", "Domain", "MT");
- ExtOut("------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- PrintRuntimeTypeArgs pargs;
- ZeroMemory(&pargs, sizeof(PrintRuntimeTypeArgs));
- GCHeapsTraverse(PrintRuntimeTypes, (LPVOID)&pargs);
- return Status;
-namespace sos
- class FragmentationBlock
- {
- public:
- FragmentationBlock(TADDR addr, size_t size, TADDR next, TADDR mt)
- : mAddress(addr), mSize(size), mNext(next), mNextMT(mt)
- {
- }
- inline TADDR GetAddress() const
- {
- return mAddress;
- }
- inline size_t GetSize() const
- {
- return mSize;
- }
- inline TADDR GetNextObject() const
- {
- return mNext;
- }
- inline TADDR GetNextMT() const
- {
- return mNextMT;
- }
- private:
- TADDR mAddress;
- size_t mSize;
- TADDR mNext;
- TADDR mNextMT;
- };
-class DumpHeapImpl
- DumpHeapImpl(PCSTR args)
- : mStart(0), mStop(0), mMT(0), mMinSize(0), mMaxSize(~0),
- mStat(FALSE), mStrings(FALSE), mVerify(FALSE),
- mThinlock(FALSE), mShort(FALSE), mDML(FALSE),
- mLive(FALSE), mDead(FALSE), mType(NULL)
- {
- ArrayHolder<char> type = NULL;
- TADDR minTemp = 0;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-mt", &mMT, COHEX, TRUE}, // dump objects with a given MethodTable
- {"-type", &type, COSTRING, TRUE}, // list objects of specified type
- {"-stat", &mStat, COBOOL, FALSE}, // dump a summary of types and the number of instances of each
- {"-strings", &mStrings, COBOOL, FALSE}, // dump a summary of string objects
- {"-verify", &mVerify, COBOOL, FALSE}, // verify heap objects (!heapverify)
- {"-thinlock", &mThinlock, COBOOL, FALSE},// list only thinlocks
- {"-short", &mShort, COBOOL, FALSE}, // list only addresses
- {"-min", &mMinSize, COHEX, TRUE}, // min size of objects to display
- {"-max", &mMaxSize, COHEX, TRUE}, // max size of objects to display
- {"-live", &mLive, COHEX, FALSE}, // only print live objects
- {"-dead", &mDead, COHEX, FALSE}, // only print dead objects
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &mDML, COBOOL, FALSE}, // Debugger Markup Language
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&mStart, COHEX},
- {&mStop, COHEX}
- };
- size_t nArgs = 0;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArgs))
- sos::Throw<sos::Exception>("Failed to parse command line arguments.");
- if (mStart == 0)
- mStart = minTemp;
- if (mStop == 0)
- mStop = sos::GCHeap::HeapEnd;
- if (type && mMT)
- {
- sos::Throw<sos::Exception>("Cannot specify both -mt and -type");
- }
- if (mLive && mDead)
- {
- sos::Throw<sos::Exception>("Cannot specify both -live and -dead.");
- }
- if (mMinSize > mMaxSize)
- {
- sos::Throw<sos::Exception>("wrong argument");
- }
- // If the user gave us a type, convert it to unicode and clean up "type".
- if (type && !mStrings)
- {
- size_t iLen = strlen(type) + 1;
- mType = new WCHAR[iLen];
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, type, -1, mType, (int)iLen);
- }
- }
- ~DumpHeapImpl()
- {
- if (mType)
- delete [] mType;
- }
- void Run()
- {
- // enable Debugger Markup Language
- EnableDMLHolder dmlholder(mDML);
- sos::GCHeap gcheap;
- if (!gcheap.AreGCStructuresValid())
- DisplayInvalidStructuresMessage();
- if (IsMiniDumpFile())
- {
- ExtOut("In a minidump without full memory, most gc heap structures will not be valid.\n");
- ExtOut("If you need this functionality, get a full memory dump with \".dump /ma mydump.dmp\"\n");
- }
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- if (mLive || mDead)
- {
- GCRootImpl gcroot;
- mLiveness = gcroot.GetLiveObjects();
- }
- // Some of the "specialty" versions of DumpHeap have slightly
- // different implementations than the standard version of DumpHeap.
- // We seperate them out to not clutter the standard DumpHeap function.
- if (mShort)
- DumpHeapShort(gcheap);
- else if (mThinlock)
- DumpHeapThinlock(gcheap);
- else if (mStrings)
- DumpHeapStrings(gcheap);
- else
- DumpHeap(gcheap);
- if (mVerify)
- ValidateSyncTable(gcheap);
- }
- static bool ValidateSyncTable(sos::GCHeap &gcheap)
- {
- bool succeeded = true;
- for (sos::SyncBlkIterator itr; itr; ++itr)
- {
- sos::CheckInterrupt();
- if (!itr->IsFree())
- {
- if (!sos::IsObject(itr->GetObject(), true))
- {
- ExtOut("SyncBlock %d corrupted, points to invalid object %p\n",
- itr->GetIndex(), SOS_PTR(itr->GetObject()));
- succeeded = false;
- }
- else
- {
- // Does the object header point to this syncblock index?
- sos::Object obj = itr->GetObject();
- ULONG header = 0;
- if (!obj.TryGetHeader(header))
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to get object header for object %p while inspecting syncblock at index %d.\n",
- SOS_PTR(itr->GetObject()), itr->GetIndex());
- succeeded = false;
- }
- else
- {
- bool valid = false;
- if ((header & BIT_SBLK_IS_HASH_OR_SYNCBLKINDEX) != 0 && (header & BIT_SBLK_IS_HASHCODE) == 0)
- {
- valid = (ULONG)itr->GetIndex() == index;
- }
- if (!valid)
- {
- ExtOut("Object header for %p should have a SyncBlock index of %d.\n",
- SOS_PTR(itr->GetObject()), itr->GetIndex());
- succeeded = false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return succeeded;
- }
- DumpHeapImpl(const DumpHeapImpl &);
- bool Verify(const sos::ObjectIterator &itr)
- {
- if (mVerify)
- {
- char buffer[1024];
- if (!itr.Verify(buffer, _countof(buffer)))
- {
- ExtOut(buffer);
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool IsCorrectType(const sos::Object &obj)
- {
- if (mMT != NULL)
- return mMT == obj.GetMT();
- if (mType != NULL)
- {
- WString name = obj.GetTypeName();
- return _wcsstr(name.c_str(), mType) != NULL;
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool IsCorrectSize(const sos::Object &obj)
- {
- size_t size = obj.GetSize();
- return size >= mMinSize && size <= mMaxSize;
- }
- bool IsCorrectLiveness(const sos::Object &obj)
- {
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- if (mLive && mLiveness.find(obj.GetAddress()) == mLiveness.end())
- return false;
- if (mDead && (mLiveness.find(obj.GetAddress()) != mLiveness.end() || obj.IsFree()))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- inline void PrintHeader()
- {
- ExtOut("%" POINTERSIZE "s %" POINTERSIZE "s %8s\n", "Address", "MT", "Size");
- }
- void DumpHeap(sos::GCHeap &gcheap)
- {
- HeapStat stats;
- // For heap fragmentation tracking.
- TADDR lastFreeObj = NULL;
- size_t lastFreeSize = 0;
- if (!mStat)
- PrintHeader();
- for (sos::ObjectIterator itr = gcheap.WalkHeap(mStart, mStop); itr; ++itr)
- {
- if (!Verify(itr))
- return;
- bool onLOH = itr.IsCurrObjectOnLOH();
- // Check for free objects to report fragmentation
- if (lastFreeObj != NULL)
- ReportFreeObject(lastFreeObj, lastFreeSize, itr->GetAddress(), itr->GetMT());
- if (!onLOH && itr->IsFree())
- {
- lastFreeObj = *itr;
- lastFreeSize = itr->GetSize();
- }
- else
- {
- lastFreeObj = NULL;
- }
- if (IsCorrectType(*itr) && IsCorrectSize(*itr) && IsCorrectLiveness(*itr))
- {
- stats.Add((DWORD_PTR)itr->GetMT(), (DWORD)itr->GetSize());
- if (!mStat)
- DMLOut("%s %s %8d%s\n", DMLObject(itr->GetAddress()), DMLDumpHeapMT(itr->GetMT()), itr->GetSize(),
- itr->IsFree() ? " Free":" ");
- }
- }
- if (!mStat)
- ExtOut("\n");
- stats.Sort();
- stats.Print();
- PrintFragmentationReport();
- }
- struct StringSetEntry
- {
- StringSetEntry() : count(0), size(0)
- {
- str[0] = 0;
- }
- StringSetEntry(__in_ecount(64) WCHAR tmp[64], size_t _size)
- : count(1), size(_size)
- {
- memcpy(str, tmp, sizeof(str));
- }
- void Add(size_t _size) const
- {
- count++;
- size += _size;
- }
- mutable size_t count;
- mutable size_t size;
- WCHAR str[64];
- bool operator<(const StringSetEntry &rhs) const
- {
- return _wcscmp(str, rhs.str) < 0;
- }
- };
- static bool StringSetCompare(const StringSetEntry &a1, const StringSetEntry &a2)
- {
- return a1.size < a2.size;
- }
- void DumpHeapStrings(sos::GCHeap &gcheap)
- {
- ExtOut("Not implemented.\n");
- const int offset = sos::Object::GetStringDataOffset();
- typedef std::set<StringSetEntry> Set;
- Set set; // A set keyed off of the string's text
- StringSetEntry tmp; // Temp string used to keep track of the set
- ULONG fetched = 0;
- TableOutput out(3, POINTERSIZE_HEX, AlignRight);
- for (sos::ObjectIterator itr = gcheap.WalkHeap(mStart, mStop); itr; ++itr)
- {
- if (IsInterrupt())
- break;
- if (itr->IsString() && IsCorrectSize(*itr) && IsCorrectLiveness(*itr))
- {
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS addr = itr->GetAddress();
- size_t size = itr->GetSize();
- if (!mStat)
- out.WriteRow(ObjectPtr(addr), Pointer(itr->GetMT()), Decimal(size));
- // Don't bother calculating the size of the string, just read the full 64 characters of the buffer. The null
- // terminator we read will terminate the string.
- HRESULT hr = g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(TO_CDADDR(addr+offset), tmp.str, sizeof(WCHAR)*(_countof(tmp.str)-1), &fetched);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- // Ensure we null terminate the string. Note that this will not overrun the buffer as we only
- // wrote a max of 63 characters into the 64 character buffer.
- tmp.str[fetched/sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;
- Set::iterator sitr = set.find(tmp);
- if (sitr == set.end())
- {
- tmp.size = size;
- tmp.count = 1;
- set.insert(tmp);
- }
- else
- {
- sitr->Add(size);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ExtOut("\n");
- // Now flatten the set into a vector. This is much faster than keeping two sets, or using a multimap.
- typedef std::vector<StringSetEntry> Vect;
- Vect v(set.begin(), set.end());
- std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), &DumpHeapImpl::StringSetCompare);
- // Now print out the data. The call to Flatten ensures that we don't print newlines to break up the
- // output in strange ways.
- for (Vect::iterator vitr = v.begin(); vitr != v.end(); ++vitr)
- {
- if (IsInterrupt())
- break;
- Flatten(vitr->str, (unsigned int)_wcslen(vitr->str));
- out.WriteRow(Decimal(vitr->size), Decimal(vitr->count), vitr->str);
- }
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
- }
- void DumpHeapShort(sos::GCHeap &gcheap)
- {
- for (sos::ObjectIterator itr = gcheap.WalkHeap(mStart, mStop); itr; ++itr)
- {
- if (!Verify(itr))
- return;
- if (IsCorrectType(*itr) && IsCorrectSize(*itr) && IsCorrectLiveness(*itr))
- DMLOut("%s\n", DMLObject(itr->GetAddress()));
- }
- }
- void DumpHeapThinlock(sos::GCHeap &gcheap)
- {
- int count = 0;
- PrintHeader();
- for (sos::ObjectIterator itr = gcheap.WalkHeap(mStart, mStop); itr; ++itr)
- {
- if (!Verify(itr))
- return;
- sos::ThinLockInfo lockInfo;
- if (IsCorrectType(*itr) && itr->GetThinLock(lockInfo))
- {
- DMLOut("%s %s %8d", DMLObject(itr->GetAddress()), DMLDumpHeapMT(itr->GetMT()), itr->GetSize());
- ExtOut(" ThinLock owner %x (%p) Recursive %x\n", lockInfo.ThreadId,
- SOS_PTR(lockInfo.ThreadPtr), lockInfo.Recursion);
- count++;
- }
- }
- ExtOut("Found %d objects.\n", count);
- }
- TADDR mStart,
- mStop,
- mMT,
- mMinSize,
- mMaxSize;
- BOOL mStat,
- mStrings,
- mVerify,
- mThinlock,
- mShort,
- mDML,
- mLive,
- mDead;
- WCHAR *mType;
-#if !defined(FEATURE_PAL)
- // Windows only
- std::unordered_set<TADDR> mLiveness;
- typedef std::list<sos::FragmentationBlock> FragmentationList;
- FragmentationList mFrag;
- void InitFragmentationList()
- {
- mFrag.clear();
- }
- void ReportFreeObject(TADDR addr, size_t size, TADDR next, TADDR mt)
- {
- mFrag.push_back(sos::FragmentationBlock(addr, size, next, mt));
- }
- void PrintFragmentationReport()
- {
- if (mFrag.size() > 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Fragmented blocks larger than 0.5 MB:\n");
- ExtOut("%" POINTERSIZE "s %8s %16s\n", "Addr", "Size", "Followed by");
- for (FragmentationList::const_iterator itr = mFrag.begin(); itr != mFrag.end(); ++itr)
- {
- sos::MethodTable mt = itr->GetNextMT();
- ExtOut("%p %6.1fMB " WIN64_8SPACES "%p %S\n",
- SOS_PTR(itr->GetAddress()),
- ((double)itr->GetSize()) / 1024.0 / 1024.0,
- SOS_PTR(itr->GetNextObject()),
- mt.GetName());
- }
- }
- }
- void InitFragmentationList() {}
- void ReportFreeObject(TADDR, TADDR, size_t, TADDR) {}
- void PrintFragmentationReport() {}
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function dumps async state machines on GC heap, *
-* displaying details about each async operation found. *
-* (May not work if GC is in progress.) *
-* *
-void ResolveContinuation(CLRDATA_ADDRESS* contAddr)
- // Ideally this continuation is itself an async method box.
- sos::Object contObj = TO_TADDR(*contAddr);
- if (GetObjFieldOffset(contObj.GetAddress(), contObj.GetMT(), W("StateMachine")) == 0)
- {
- // It was something else.
- // If it's a standard task continuation, get its task field.
- int offset;
- if ((offset = GetObjFieldOffset(contObj.GetAddress(), contObj.GetMT(), W("m_task"))) != 0)
- {
- MOVE(*contAddr, contObj.GetAddress() + offset);
- if (sos::IsObject(*contAddr, false))
- {
- contObj = TO_TADDR(*contAddr);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // If it's storing an action wrapper, try to follow to that action's target.
- if ((offset = GetObjFieldOffset(contObj.GetAddress(), contObj.GetMT(), W("m_action"))) != 0)
- {
- MOVE(*contAddr, contObj.GetAddress() + offset);
- if (sos::IsObject(*contAddr, false))
- {
- contObj = TO_TADDR(*contAddr);
- }
- }
- // If we now have an Action, try to follow through to the delegate's target.
- if ((offset = GetObjFieldOffset(contObj.GetAddress(), contObj.GetMT(), W("_target"))) != 0)
- {
- MOVE(*contAddr, contObj.GetAddress() + offset);
- if (sos::IsObject(*contAddr, false))
- {
- contObj = TO_TADDR(*contAddr);
- // In some cases, the delegate's target might be a ContinuationWrapper, in which case we want to unwrap that as well.
- if (_wcsncmp(contObj.GetTypeName(), W("System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+ContinuationWrapper"), 74) == 0 &&
- (offset = GetObjFieldOffset(contObj.GetAddress(), contObj.GetMT(), W("_continuation"))) != 0)
- {
- MOVE(*contAddr, contObj.GetAddress() + offset);
- if (sos::IsObject(*contAddr, false))
- {
- contObj = TO_TADDR(*contAddr);
- if ((offset = GetObjFieldOffset(contObj.GetAddress(), contObj.GetMT(), W("_target"))) != 0)
- {
- MOVE(*contAddr, contObj.GetAddress() + offset);
- if (sos::IsObject(*contAddr, false))
- {
- contObj = TO_TADDR(*contAddr);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Use whatever object we ended with.
- *contAddr = contObj.GetAddress();
- }
-bool TryGetContinuation(CLRDATA_ADDRESS addr, CLRDATA_ADDRESS mt, CLRDATA_ADDRESS* contAddr)
- // Get the continuation field from the task.
- int offset = GetObjFieldOffset(addr, mt, W("m_continuationObject"));
- if (offset != 0)
- {
- DWORD_PTR contObjPtr;
- MOVE(contObjPtr, addr + offset);
- if (sos::IsObject(contObjPtr, false))
- {
- *contAddr = TO_CDADDR(contObjPtr);
- ResolveContinuation(contAddr);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-struct AsyncRecord
- DWORD Size;
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS StateMachineAddr;
- BOOL FilteredByOptions;
- BOOL IsStateMachine;
- BOOL IsValueType;
- BOOL IsTopLevel;
- int TaskStateFlags;
- int StateValue;
- std::vector<CLRDATA_ADDRESS> Continuations;
-bool AsyncRecordIsCompleted(AsyncRecord& ar)
- const int TASK_STATE_COMPLETED_MASK = 0x1600000;
- return (ar.TaskStateFlags & TASK_STATE_COMPLETED_MASK) != 0;
-const char* GetAsyncRecordStatusDescription(AsyncRecord& ar)
- const int TASK_STATE_RAN_TO_COMPLETION = 0x1000000;
- const int TASK_STATE_FAULTED = 0x200000;
- const int TASK_STATE_CANCELED = 0x400000;
- if ((ar.TaskStateFlags & TASK_STATE_RAN_TO_COMPLETION) != 0) return "Success";
- if ((ar.TaskStateFlags & TASK_STATE_FAULTED) != 0) return "Failed";
- if ((ar.TaskStateFlags & TASK_STATE_CANCELED) != 0) return "Canceled";
- return "Pending";
-void ExtOutTaskDelegateMethod(sos::Object& obj)
- DacpFieldDescData actionField;
- int offset = GetObjFieldOffset(obj.GetAddress(), obj.GetMT(), W("m_action"), TRUE, &actionField);
- if (offset != 0)
- {
- MOVE(actionAddr, obj.GetAddress() + offset);
- if (actionAddr != NULL && TryGetMethodDescriptorForDelegate(actionAddr, &actionMD))
- {
- NameForMD_s((DWORD_PTR)actionMD, g_mdName, mdNameLen);
- ExtOut("(%S) ", g_mdName);
- }
- }
-void ExtOutTaskStateFlagsDescription(int stateFlags)
- if (stateFlags == 0) return;
- ExtOut("State Flags: ");
- // TaskCreationOptions.*
- if ((stateFlags & 0x01) != 0) ExtOut("PreferFairness ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x02) != 0) ExtOut("LongRunning ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x04) != 0) ExtOut("AttachedToParent ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x08) != 0) ExtOut("DenyChildAttach ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x10) != 0) ExtOut("HideScheduler ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x40) != 0) ExtOut("RunContinuationsAsynchronously ");
- // InternalTaskOptions.*
- if ((stateFlags & 0x0200) != 0) ExtOut("ContinuationTask ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x0400) != 0) ExtOut("PromiseTask ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x1000) != 0) ExtOut("LazyCancellation ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x2000) != 0) ExtOut("QueuedByRuntime ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x4000) != 0) ExtOut("DoNotDispose ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x10000) != 0) ExtOut("STARTED ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x20000) != 0) ExtOut("DELEGATE_INVOKED ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x40000) != 0) ExtOut("DISPOSED ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x80000) != 0) ExtOut("EXCEPTIONOBSERVEDBYPARENT ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x100000) != 0) ExtOut("CANCELLATIONACKNOWLEDGED ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x200000) != 0) ExtOut("FAULTED ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x400000) != 0) ExtOut("CANCELED ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x800000) != 0) ExtOut("WAITING_ON_CHILDREN ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x1000000) != 0) ExtOut("RAN_TO_COMPLETION ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x2000000) != 0) ExtOut("WAITINGFORACTIVATION ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x4000000) != 0) ExtOut("COMPLETION_RESERVED ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x8000000) != 0) ExtOut("THREAD_WAS_ABORTED ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x10000000) != 0) ExtOut("WAIT_COMPLETION_NOTIFICATION ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x20000000) != 0) ExtOut("EXECUTIONCONTEXT_IS_NULL ");
- if ((stateFlags & 0x40000000) != 0) ExtOut("TASKSCHEDULED_WAS_FIRED ");
- ExtOut("\n");
-void ExtOutStateMachineFields(AsyncRecord& ar)
- DacpMethodTableData mtabledata;
- DacpMethodTableFieldData vMethodTableFields;
- if (mtabledata.Request(g_sos, ar.StateMachineMT) == S_OK &&
- vMethodTableFields.Request(g_sos, ar.StateMachineMT) == S_OK &&
- vMethodTableFields.wNumInstanceFields + vMethodTableFields.wNumStaticFields > 0)
- {
- DisplayFields(ar.StateMachineMT, &mtabledata, &vMethodTableFields, (DWORD_PTR)ar.StateMachineAddr, TRUE, ar.IsValueType);
- }
-void FindStateMachineTypes(DWORD_PTR* corelibModule, mdTypeDef* stateMachineBox, mdTypeDef* debugStateMachineBox)
- int numModule;
- ArrayHolder<DWORD_PTR> moduleList = ModuleFromName(const_cast<LPSTR>("System.Private.CoreLib.dll"), &numModule);
- if (moduleList != NULL && numModule == 1)
- {
- *corelibModule = moduleList[0];
- GetInfoFromName(*corelibModule, "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1+AsyncStateMachineBox`1", stateMachineBox);
- GetInfoFromName(*corelibModule, "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1+DebugFinalizableAsyncStateMachineBox`1", debugStateMachineBox);
- }
- else
- {
- *corelibModule = 0;
- *stateMachineBox = 0;
- *debugStateMachineBox = 0;
- }
- if (!g_snapshot.Build())
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to build snapshot of the garbage collector state\n");
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- try
- {
- // Process command-line arguments.
- size_t nArg = 0;
- TADDR mt = NULL, addr = NULL;
- ArrayHolder<char> ansiType = NULL;
- ArrayHolder<WCHAR> type = NULL;
- BOOL dml = FALSE, includeCompleted = FALSE, includeStacks = FALSE, includeRoots = FALSE, includeAllTasks = FALSE, dumpFields = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- { "-addr", &addr, COHEX, TRUE }, // dump only the async object at the specified address
- { "-mt", &mt, COHEX, TRUE }, // dump only async objects with a given MethodTable
- { "-type", &ansiType, COSTRING, TRUE }, // dump only async objects that contain the specified type substring
- { "-tasks", &includeAllTasks, COBOOL, FALSE }, // include all tasks that can be found on the heap, not just async methods
- { "-completed", &includeCompleted, COBOOL, FALSE }, // include async objects that are in a completed state
- { "-fields", &dumpFields, COBOOL, FALSE }, // show relevant fields of found async objects
- { "-stacks", &includeStacks, COBOOL, FALSE }, // gather and output continuation/stack information
- { "-roots", &includeRoots, COBOOL, FALSE }, // gather and output GC root information
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- { "/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE }, // Debugger Markup Language
- };
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), NULL, 0, &nArg) || nArg != 0)
- {
- sos::Throw<sos::Exception>(
- "Usage: DumpAsync [-addr ObjectAddr] [-mt MethodTableAddr] [-type TypeName] [-tasks] [-completed] [-fields] [-stacks] [-roots]\n"
- "[-addr ObjectAddr] => Only display the async object at the specified address.\n"
- "[-mt MethodTableAddr] => Only display top-level async objects with the specified method table address.\n"
- "[-type TypeName] => Only display top-level async objects whose type name includes the specified substring.\n"
- "[-tasks] => Include Task and Task-derived objects, in addition to any state machine objects found.\n"
- "[-completed] => Include async objects that represent completed operations but that are still on the heap.\n"
- "[-fields] => Show the fields of state machines.\n"
- "[-stacks] => Gather, output, and consolidate based on continuation chains / async stacks for discovered async objects.\n"
- "[-roots] => Perform a gcroot on each rendered async object.\n"
- );
- }
- if (ansiType != NULL)
- {
- size_t ansiTypeLen = strlen(ansiType) + 1;
- type = new WCHAR[ansiTypeLen];
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ansiType, -1, type, (int)ansiTypeLen);
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- BOOL hasTypeFilter = mt != NULL || ansiType != NULL || addr != NULL;
- // Display a message if the heap isn't verified.
- sos::GCHeap gcheap;
- if (!gcheap.AreGCStructuresValid())
- {
- DisplayInvalidStructuresMessage();
- }
- // Find the state machine types
- DWORD_PTR corelibModule;
- mdTypeDef stateMachineBoxMd, debugStateMachineBoxMd;
- FindStateMachineTypes(&corelibModule, &stateMachineBoxMd, &debugStateMachineBoxMd);
- // Walk each heap object looking for async state machine objects. As we're targeting .NET Core 2.1+, all such objects
- // will be Task or Task-derived types.
- std::map<CLRDATA_ADDRESS, AsyncRecord> asyncRecords;
- for (sos::ObjectIterator itr = gcheap.WalkHeap(); !IsInterrupt() && itr != NULL; ++itr)
- {
- // Skip objects too small to be state machines or tasks, avoiding some compiler-generated caching data structures.
- if (itr->GetSize() <= 24)
- {
- continue;
- }
- // Match only async objects.
- if (includeAllTasks)
- {
- // If the user has selected to include all tasks and not just async state machine boxes, we simply need to validate
- // that this is Task or Task-derived, and if it's not, skip it.
- if (!IsDerivedFrom(itr->GetMT(), W("System.Threading.Tasks.Task")))
- {
- continue;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Otherwise, we only care about AsyncStateMachineBox`1 as well as the DebugFinalizableAsyncStateMachineBox`1
- // that's used when certain ETW events are set.
- DacpMethodTableData mtdata;
- if (mtdata.Request(g_sos, TO_TADDR(itr->GetMT())) != S_OK ||
- mtdata.Module != corelibModule ||
- ( != stateMachineBoxMd && != debugStateMachineBoxMd))
- {
- continue;
- }
- }
- // Create an AsyncRecord to store the state for this instance. We're likely going to keep the object at this point,
- // though we may still discard/skip it with a few checks later; to do that, though, we'll need some of the info
- // gathered here, so we construct the record to store the data.
- AsyncRecord ar;
- ar.Address = itr->GetAddress();
- ar.MT = itr->GetMT();
- ar.Size = (DWORD)itr->GetSize();
- ar.StateMachineAddr = itr->GetAddress();
- ar.StateMachineMT = itr->GetMT();
- ar.IsValueType = false;
- ar.IsTopLevel = true;
- ar.IsStateMachine = false;
- ar.TaskStateFlags = 0;
- ar.StateValue = 0;
- ar.FilteredByOptions = // we process all objects to support forming proper chains, but then only display ones that match the user's request
- (mt == NULL || mt == itr->GetMT()) && // Match only MTs the user requested.
- (type == NULL || _wcsstr(itr->GetTypeName(), type) != NULL) && // Match only type name substrings the user requested.
- (addr == NULL || addr == itr->GetAddress()); // Match only the object at the specified address.
- // Get the state flags for the task. This is used to determine whether async objects are completed (and thus should
- // be culled by default). It avoids our needing to depend on interpreting the compiler's "<>1__state" field, and also lets
- // us display state information for non-async state machine objects.
- DacpFieldDescData stateFlagsField;
- int offset = GetObjFieldOffset(ar.Address, ar.MT, W("m_stateFlags"), TRUE, &stateFlagsField);
- if (offset != 0)
- {
- MOVE(ar.TaskStateFlags, ar.Address + offset);
- }
- // Get the async state machine object's StateMachine field.
- DacpFieldDescData stateMachineField;
- int stateMachineFieldOffset = GetObjFieldOffset(TO_CDADDR(itr->GetAddress()), itr->GetMT(), W("StateMachine"), TRUE, &stateMachineField);
- if (stateMachineFieldOffset != 0)
- {
- ar.IsStateMachine = true;
- ar.IsValueType = stateMachineField.Type == ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE;
- // Get the address and method table of the state machine. While it'll generally be a struct, it is valid for it to be a
- // class (the C# compiler generates a class in debug builds to better support Edit-And-Continue), so we accommodate both.
- DacpFieldDescData stateField;
- int stateFieldOffset = -1;
- if (ar.IsValueType)
- {
- ar.StateMachineAddr = itr->GetAddress() + stateMachineFieldOffset;
- ar.StateMachineMT = stateMachineField.MTOfType;
- stateFieldOffset = GetValueFieldOffset(ar.StateMachineMT, W("<>1__state"), &stateField);
- }
- else
- {
- MOVE(ar.StateMachineAddr, itr->GetAddress() + stateMachineFieldOffset);
- DacpObjectData objData;
- if (objData.Request(g_sos, ar.StateMachineAddr) == S_OK)
- {
- ar.StateMachineMT = objData.MethodTable; // update from Canon to actual type
- stateFieldOffset = GetObjFieldOffset(ar.StateMachineAddr, ar.StateMachineMT, W("<>1__state"), TRUE, &stateField);
- }
- }
- if (stateFieldOffset >= 0 && (ar.IsValueType || stateFieldOffset != 0))
- {
- MOVE(ar.StateValue, ar.StateMachineAddr + stateFieldOffset);
- }
- }
- // If we only want to include incomplete async objects, skip this one if it's completed.
- if (!includeCompleted && AsyncRecordIsCompleted(ar))
- {
- continue;
- }
- // If the user has asked to include "async stacks" information, resolve any continuation
- // that might be registered with it. This could be a single continuation, or it could
- // be a list of continuations in the case of the same task being awaited multiple times.
- if (includeStacks && TryGetContinuation(itr->GetAddress(), itr->GetMT(), &nextAddr))
- {
- sos::Object contObj = TO_TADDR(nextAddr);
- if (_wcsncmp(contObj.GetTypeName(), W("System.Collections.Generic.List`1"), 33) == 0)
- {
- // The continuation is a List<object>. Iterate through its internal object[]
- // looking for non-null objects, and adding each one as a continuation.
- int itemsOffset = GetObjFieldOffset(contObj.GetAddress(), contObj.GetMT(), W("_items"));
- if (itemsOffset != 0)
- {
- DWORD_PTR listItemsPtr;
- MOVE(listItemsPtr, contObj.GetAddress() + itemsOffset);
- if (sos::IsObject(listItemsPtr, false))
- {
- DacpObjectData objData;
- if (objData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(listItemsPtr)) == S_OK && objData.ObjectType == OBJ_ARRAY)
- {
- for (SIZE_T i = 0; i < objData.dwNumComponents; i++)
- {
- MOVE(elementPtr, TO_CDADDR(objData.ArrayDataPtr + (i * objData.dwComponentSize)));
- if (elementPtr != NULL && sos::IsObject(elementPtr, false))
- {
- ResolveContinuation(&elementPtr);
- ar.Continuations.push_back(elementPtr);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ar.Continuations.push_back(contObj.GetAddress());
- }
- }
- // We've gathered all of the needed information for this heap object. Add it to our list of async records.
- asyncRecords.insert(std::pair<CLRDATA_ADDRESS, AsyncRecord>(ar.Address, ar));
- }
- // As with DumpHeap, output a summary table about all of the objects we found. In contrast, though, his is based on the filtered
- // list of async records we gathered rather than everything on the heap.
- if (addr == NULL) // no point in stats if we're only targeting a single object
- {
- HeapStat stats;
- for (std::map<CLRDATA_ADDRESS, AsyncRecord>::iterator arIt = asyncRecords.begin(); arIt != asyncRecords.end(); ++arIt)
- {
- if (!hasTypeFilter || arIt->second.FilteredByOptions)
- {
- stats.Add((DWORD_PTR)arIt->second.MT, (DWORD)arIt->second.Size);
- }
- }
- stats.Sort();
- stats.Print();
- }
- // If the user has asked for "async stacks" and if there's not MT/type name filter, look through all of our async records
- // to find the "top-level" nodes that start rather than that are a part of a continuation chain. When we then iterate through
- // async records, we only print ones out that are still classified as top-level. We don't do this if there's a type filter
- // because in that case we consider those and only those objects to be top-level.
- if (includeStacks && !hasTypeFilter)
- {
- size_t uniqueChains = asyncRecords.size();
- for (std::map<CLRDATA_ADDRESS, AsyncRecord>::iterator arIt = asyncRecords.begin(); arIt != asyncRecords.end(); ++arIt)
- {
- for (std::vector<CLRDATA_ADDRESS>::iterator contIt = arIt->second.Continuations.begin(); contIt != arIt->second.Continuations.end(); ++contIt)
- {
- std::map<CLRDATA_ADDRESS, AsyncRecord>::iterator found = asyncRecords.find(*contIt);
- if (found != asyncRecords.end())
- {
- if (found->second.IsTopLevel)
- {
- found->second.IsTopLevel = false;
- uniqueChains--;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ExtOut("In %d chains.\n", uniqueChains);
- }
- // Print out header for the main line of each result.
- ExtOut("%" POINTERSIZE "s %" POINTERSIZE "s %8s ", "Address", "MT", "Size");
- if (includeCompleted) ExtOut("%8s ", "Status");
- ExtOut("%10s %s\n", "State", "Description");
- // Output each top-level async record.
- int counter = 0;
- for (std::map<CLRDATA_ADDRESS, AsyncRecord>::iterator arIt = asyncRecords.begin(); arIt != asyncRecords.end(); ++arIt)
- {
- if (!arIt->second.IsTopLevel || (hasTypeFilter && !arIt->second.FilteredByOptions))
- {
- continue;
- }
- // Output the state machine's details as a single line.
- sos::Object obj = TO_TADDR(arIt->second.Address);
- if (arIt->second.IsStateMachine)
- {
- // This has a StateMachine. Output its details.
- sos::MethodTable mt = TO_TADDR(arIt->second.StateMachineMT);
- DMLOut("%s %s %8d ", DMLAsync(obj.GetAddress()), DMLDumpHeapMT(obj.GetMT()), obj.GetSize());
- if (includeCompleted) ExtOut("%8s ", GetAsyncRecordStatusDescription(arIt->second));
- ExtOut("%10d %S\n", arIt->second.StateValue, mt.GetName());
- if (dumpFields) ExtOutStateMachineFields(arIt->second);
- }
- else
- {
- // This does not have a StateMachine. Output the details of the Task itself.
- DMLOut("%s %s %8d ", DMLAsync(obj.GetAddress()), DMLDumpHeapMT(obj.GetMT()), obj.GetSize());
- if (includeCompleted) ExtOut("%8s ", GetAsyncRecordStatusDescription(arIt->second));
- ExtOut("[%08x] %S ", arIt->second.TaskStateFlags, obj.GetTypeName());
- ExtOutTaskDelegateMethod(obj);
- ExtOut("\n");
- if (dumpFields) ExtOutTaskStateFlagsDescription(arIt->second.TaskStateFlags);
- }
- // If we gathered any continuations for this record, output the chains now.
- if (includeStacks && arIt->second.Continuations.size() > 0)
- {
- ExtOut(includeAllTasks ? "Continuation chains:\n" : "Async \"stack\":\n");
- std::vector<std::pair<int, CLRDATA_ADDRESS>> continuationChainToExplore;
- continuationChainToExplore.push_back(std::pair<int, CLRDATA_ADDRESS>(1, obj.GetAddress()));
- // Do a depth-first traversal of continuations, outputting each continuation found and then
- // looking in our gathered objects list for its continuations.
- std::set<CLRDATA_ADDRESS> seen;
- while (continuationChainToExplore.size() > 0)
- {
- // Pop the next continuation from the stack.
- std::pair<int, CLRDATA_ADDRESS> cur = continuationChainToExplore.back();
- continuationChainToExplore.pop_back();
- // Get the async record for this continuation. It should be one we already know about.
- std::map<CLRDATA_ADDRESS, AsyncRecord>::iterator curAsyncRecord = asyncRecords.find(cur.second);
- if (curAsyncRecord == asyncRecords.end())
- {
- continue;
- }
- // Make sure to avoid cycles in the rare case where async records may refer to each other.
- if (seen.find(cur.second) != seen.end())
- {
- continue;
- }
- seen.insert(cur.second);
- // Iterate through all continuations from this object.
- for (std::vector<CLRDATA_ADDRESS>::iterator contIt = curAsyncRecord->second.Continuations.begin(); contIt != curAsyncRecord->second.Continuations.end(); ++contIt)
- {
- sos::Object cont = TO_TADDR(*contIt);
- // Print out the depth of the continuation with dots, then its address.
- for (int i = 0; i < cur.first; i++) ExtOut(".");
- DMLOut("%s ", DMLObject(cont.GetAddress()));
- // Print out the name of the method for this task's delegate if it has one (state machines won't, but others tasks may).
- ExtOutTaskDelegateMethod(cont);
- // Find the async record for this continuation, and output its name. If it's a state machine,
- // also output its current state value so that a user can see at a glance its status.
- std::map<CLRDATA_ADDRESS, AsyncRecord>::iterator contAsyncRecord = asyncRecords.find(cont.GetAddress());
- if (contAsyncRecord != asyncRecords.end())
- {
- sos::MethodTable contMT = TO_TADDR(contAsyncRecord->second.StateMachineMT);
- if (contAsyncRecord->second.IsStateMachine) ExtOut("(%d) ", contAsyncRecord->second.StateValue);
- ExtOut("%S\n", contMT.GetName());
- if (contAsyncRecord->second.IsStateMachine && dumpFields) ExtOutStateMachineFields(contAsyncRecord->second);
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("%S\n", cont.GetTypeName());
- }
- // Add this continuation to the stack to explore.
- continuationChainToExplore.push_back(std::pair<int, CLRDATA_ADDRESS>(cur.first + 1, *contIt));
- }
- }
- }
- // Finally, output gcroots, as they can serve as alternative/more detailed "async stacks", and also help to highlight
- // state machines that aren't being kept alive. However, they're more expensive to compute, so they're opt-in.
- if (includeRoots)
- {
- ExtOut("GC roots:\n");
- IncrementIndent();
- GCRootImpl gcroot;
- int numRoots = gcroot.PrintRootsForObject(obj.GetAddress(), FALSE, FALSE);
- DecrementIndent();
- if (numRoots == 0 && !AsyncRecordIsCompleted(arIt->second))
- {
- ExtOut("Incomplete state machine or task with 0 roots.\n");
- }
- }
- // If we're rendering more than one line per entry, output a separator to help distinguish the entries.
- if (dumpFields || includeStacks || includeRoots)
- {
- ExtOut("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- catch (const sos::Exception &e)
- {
- ExtOut("%s\n", e.what());
- return E_FAIL;
- }
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function dumps all objects on GC heap. It also displays *
-* statistics of objects. If GC heap is corrupted, it will stop at
-* the bad place. (May not work if GC is in progress.) *
-* *
- if (!g_snapshot.Build())
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to build snapshot of the garbage collector state\n");
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- try
- {
- DumpHeapImpl dumpHeap(args);
- dumpHeap.Run();
- return S_OK;
- }
- catch(const sos::Exception &e)
- {
- ExtOut("%s\n", e.what());
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- if (!g_snapshot.Build())
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to build snapshot of the garbage collector state\n");
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- try
- {
- bool succeeded = true;
- char buffer[1024];
- sos::GCHeap gcheap;
- sos::ObjectIterator itr = gcheap.WalkHeap();
- while (itr)
- {
- if (itr.Verify(buffer, _countof(buffer)))
- {
- ++itr;
- }
- else
- {
- succeeded = false;
- ExtOut(buffer);
- itr.MoveToNextObjectCarefully();
- }
- }
- if (!DumpHeapImpl::ValidateSyncTable(gcheap))
- succeeded = false;
- if (succeeded)
- ExtOut("No heap corruption detected.\n");
- return S_OK;
- }
- catch(const sos::Exception &e)
- {
- ExtOut("%s\n", e.what());
- return E_FAIL;
- }
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
-enum failure_get_memory
- fgm_no_failure = 0,
- fgm_reserve_segment = 1,
- fgm_commit_segment_beg = 2,
- fgm_commit_eph_segment = 3,
- fgm_grow_table = 4,
- fgm_commit_table = 5
-enum oom_reason
- oom_no_failure = 0,
- oom_budget = 1,
- oom_cant_commit = 2,
- oom_cant_reserve = 3,
- oom_loh = 4,
- oom_low_mem = 5,
- oom_unproductive_full_gc = 6
-static const char *const str_oom[] =
- "There was no managed OOM due to allocations on the GC heap", // oom_no_failure
- "This is likely to be a bug in GC", // oom_budget
- "Didn't have enough memory to commit", // oom_cant_commit
- "This is likely to be a bug in GC", // oom_cant_reserve
- "Didn't have enough memory to allocate an LOH segment", // oom_loh
- "Low on memory during GC", // oom_low_mem
- "Could not do a full GC" // oom_unproductive_full_gc
-static const char *const str_fgm[] =
- "There was no failure to allocate memory", // fgm_no_failure
- "Failed to reserve memory", // fgm_reserve_segment
- "Didn't have enough memory to commit beginning of the segment", // fgm_commit_segment_beg
- "Didn't have enough memory to commit the new ephemeral segment", // fgm_commit_eph_segment
- "Didn't have enough memory to grow the internal GC data structures", // fgm_grow_table
- "Didn't have enough memory to commit the internal GC data structures", // fgm_commit_table
-void PrintOOMInfo(DacpOomData* oomData)
- ExtOut("Managed OOM occurred after GC #%d (Requested to allocate %d bytes)\n",
- oomData->gc_index, oomData->alloc_size);
- if ((oomData->reason == oom_budget) ||
- (oomData->reason == oom_cant_reserve))
- {
- // TODO: This message needs to be updated with more precious info.
- ExtOut("%s, please contact PSS\n", str_oom[oomData->reason]);
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Reason: %s\n", str_oom[oomData->reason]);
- }
- // Now print out the more detailed memory info if any.
- if (oomData->fgm != fgm_no_failure)
- {
- ExtOut("Detail: %s: %s (%d bytes)",
- (oomData->loh_p ? "LOH" : "SOH"),
- str_fgm[oomData->fgm],
- oomData->size);
- if ((oomData->fgm == fgm_commit_segment_beg) ||
- (oomData->fgm == fgm_commit_eph_segment) ||
- (oomData->fgm == fgm_grow_table) ||
- (oomData->fgm == fgm_commit_table))
- {
- // If it's a commit error (fgm_grow_table can indicate a reserve
- // or a commit error since we make one VirtualAlloc call to
- // reserve and commit), we indicate the available commit
- // space if we recorded it.
- if (oomData->available_pagefile_mb)
- {
- ExtOut(" - on GC entry available commit space was %d MB",
- oomData->available_pagefile_mb);
- }
- }
- ExtOut("\n");
- }
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- if (!InitializeHeapData ())
- {
- ExtOut("GC Heap not initialized yet.\n");
- return S_OK;
- }
- BOOL bHasManagedOOM = FALSE;
- DacpOomData oomData;
- memset (&oomData, 0, sizeof(oomData));
- if (!IsServerBuild())
- {
- if (oomData.Request(g_sos) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error requesting OOM data\n");
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- if (oomData.reason != oom_no_failure)
- {
- bHasManagedOOM = TRUE;
- PrintOOMInfo(&oomData);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- DWORD dwNHeaps = GetGcHeapCount();
- DWORD dwAllocSize;
- if (!ClrSafeInt<DWORD>::multiply(sizeof(CLRDATA_ADDRESS), dwNHeaps, dwAllocSize))
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to get GCHeaps: integer overflow\n");
- return Status;
- }
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS *heapAddrs = (CLRDATA_ADDRESS*)alloca(dwAllocSize);
- if (g_sos->GetGCHeapList(dwNHeaps, heapAddrs, NULL) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to get GCHeaps\n");
- return Status;
- }
- for (DWORD n = 0; n < dwNHeaps; n ++)
- {
- if (oomData.Request(g_sos, heapAddrs[n]) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Heap %d: Error requesting OOM data\n", n);
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- if (oomData.reason != oom_no_failure)
- {
- if (!bHasManagedOOM)
- {
- bHasManagedOOM = TRUE;
- }
- ExtOut("---------Heap %#-2d---------\n", n);
- PrintOOMInfo(&oomData);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!bHasManagedOOM)
- {
- ExtOut("%s\n", str_oom[oomData.reason]);
- }
- return S_OK;
- _ASSERTE(false);
- return E_FAIL;
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
- TADDR taddrObj = 0;
- TADDR taddrMT;
- size_t objSize;
- BOOL bValid = FALSE;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&taddrObj, COHEX}
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- BOOL bContainsPointers;
- if (FAILED(GetMTOfObject(taddrObj, &taddrMT)) ||
- !GetSizeEfficient(taddrObj, taddrMT, FALSE, objSize, bContainsPointers))
- {
- ExtOut("object %#p does not have valid method table\n", SOS_PTR(taddrObj));
- goto Exit;
- }
- // we need to build g_snapshot as it is later used in GetGeneration
- if (!g_snapshot.Build())
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to build snapshot of the garbage collector state\n");
- goto Exit;
- }
- {
- DacpGcHeapDetails *pheapDetails = g_snapshot.GetHeap(taddrObj);
- bValid = VerifyObject(*pheapDetails, taddrObj, taddrMT, objSize, TRUE);
- }
- if (bValid)
- {
- ExtOut("object %#p is a valid object\n", SOS_PTR(taddrObj));
- }
- return Status;
-void LNODisplayOutput(LPCWSTR tag, TADDR pMT, TADDR currentObj, size_t size)
- sos::Object obj(currentObj, pMT);
- DMLOut("%S %s %12d (0x%x)\t%S\n", tag, DMLObject(currentObj), size, size, obj.GetTypeName());
-#if !defined(FEATURE_PAL)
- TADDR taddrArg = 0;
- TADDR taddrObj = 0;
- // we may want to provide a more exact version of searching for the
- // previous object in the heap, using the brick table, instead of
- // looking for what may be valid method tables...
- //BOOL bExact;
- //CMDOption option[] =
- //{
- // // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- // {"-exact", &bExact, COBOOL, FALSE}
- //};
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- {
- // vptr, type
- {&taddrArg, COHEX}
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg) || nArg != 1)
- {
- ExtOut("Usage: !ListNearObj <obj_address>\n");
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- if (!g_snapshot.Build())
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to build snapshot of the garbage collector state\n");
- return Status;
- }
- taddrObj = Align(taddrArg);
- DacpGcHeapDetails *heap = g_snapshot.GetHeap(taddrArg);
- if (heap == NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("Address %p does not lie in the managed heap\n", SOS_PTR(taddrObj));
- return Status;
- }
- TADDR_SEGINFO trngSeg = {0, 0, 0};
- TADDR_RANGE allocCtx = {0, 0};
- BOOL bLarge;
- int gen;
- if (!GCObjInHeap(taddrObj, *heap, trngSeg, gen, allocCtx, bLarge))
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to find the segment of the managed heap where the object %p resides\n",
- SOS_PTR(taddrObj));
- return Status;
- }
- size_t objSize = 0;
- BOOL bObj = FALSE;
- TADDR taddrCur;
- TADDR curMT = 0;
- size_t curSize = 0;
- BOOL bCur = FALSE;
- TADDR taddrNxt;
- TADDR nxtMT = 0;
- size_t nxtSize = 0;
- BOOL bNxt = FALSE;
- BOOL bContainsPointers;
- std::vector<TADDR> candidate;
- candidate.reserve(10);
- // since we'll be reading back I'll prime the read cache to a buffer before the current address
- MOVE(taddrCur, _max(trngSeg.start, taddrObj-DT_OS_PAGE_SIZE));
- // ===== Look for a good candidate preceeding taddrObj
- for (taddrCur = taddrObj - sizeof(TADDR); taddrCur >= trngSeg.start; taddrCur -= sizeof(TADDR))
- {
- // currently we don't pay attention to allocation contexts. if this
- // proves to be an issue we need to reconsider the code below
- if (SUCCEEDED(GetMTOfObject(taddrCur, &curMT)) &&
- GetSizeEfficient(taddrCur, curMT, bLarge, curSize, bContainsPointers))
- {
- // remember this as one of the possible "good" objects preceeding taddrObj
- candidate.push_back(taddrCur);
- std::vector<TADDR>::iterator it =
- std::find(candidate.begin(), candidate.end(), taddrCur+curSize);
- if (it != candidate.end())
- {
- // We found a chain of two objects preceeding taddrObj. We'll
- // trust this is a good indication that the two objects are valid.
- // What is not valid is possibly the object following the second
- // one...
- taddrCur = *it;
- GetMTOfObject(taddrCur, &curMT);
- GetSizeEfficient(taddrCur, curMT, bLarge, curSize, bContainsPointers);
- bCur = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!bCur && !candidate.empty())
- {
- // pick the closest object to taddrObj
- taddrCur = *(candidate.begin());
- GetMTOfObject(taddrCur, &curMT);
- GetSizeEfficient(taddrCur, curMT, bLarge, curSize, bContainsPointers);
- // we have a candidate, even if not confirmed
- bCur = TRUE;
- }
- taddrNxt = taddrObj;
- if (taddrArg == taddrObj)
- {
- taddrNxt += sizeof(TADDR);
- }
- // ===== Now look at taddrObj
- if (taddrObj == taddrArg)
- {
- // only look at taddrObj if it's the same as what user passed in, meaning it's aligned.
- if (SUCCEEDED(GetMTOfObject(taddrObj, &objMT)) &&
- GetSizeEfficient(taddrObj, objMT, bLarge, objSize, bContainsPointers))
- {
- bObj = TRUE;
- taddrNxt = taddrObj+objSize;
- }
- }
- if ((taddrCur + curSize > taddrArg) && taddrCur + curSize < trngSeg.end)
- {
- if (SUCCEEDED(GetMTOfObject(taddrCur + curSize, &nxtMT)) &&
- GetSizeEfficient(taddrObj, objMT, bLarge, objSize, bContainsPointers))
- {
- taddrNxt = taddrCur+curSize;
- }
- }
- // ===== And finally move on to elements following taddrObj
- for (; taddrNxt < trngSeg.end; taddrNxt += sizeof(TADDR))
- {
- if (SUCCEEDED(GetMTOfObject(taddrNxt, &nxtMT)) &&
- GetSizeEfficient(taddrNxt, nxtMT, bLarge, nxtSize, bContainsPointers))
- {
- bNxt = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (bCur)
- LNODisplayOutput(W("Before: "), curMT, taddrCur, curSize);
- else
- ExtOut("Before: couldn't find any object between %#p and %#p\n",
- SOS_PTR(trngSeg.start), SOS_PTR(taddrArg));
- if (bObj)
- LNODisplayOutput(W("Current:"), objMT, taddrObj, objSize);
- if (bNxt)
- LNODisplayOutput(W("After: "), nxtMT, taddrNxt, nxtSize);
- else
- ExtOut("After: couldn't find any object between %#p and %#p\n",
- SOS_PTR(taddrArg), SOS_PTR(trngSeg.end));
- if (bCur && bNxt &&
- (((taddrCur+curSize == taddrObj) && (taddrObj+objSize == taddrNxt)) || (taddrCur+curSize == taddrNxt)))
- {
- ExtOut("Heap local consistency confirmed.\n");
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Heap local consistency not confirmed.\n");
- }
- return Status;
- _ASSERTE(false);
- return E_FAIL;
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- BOOL bIncUnreachable = FALSE;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] = {
- // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-inclUnrooted", &bIncUnreachable, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-iu", &bIncUnreachable, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE}
- };
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), NULL, 0, NULL))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- ExtOut("%-8s %12s %12s %12s %12s\n", "Heap", "Gen0", "Gen1", "Gen2", "LOH");
- if (!IsServerBuild())
- {
- float tempf;
- DacpGcHeapDetails heapDetails;
- if (heapDetails.Request(g_sos) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtErr("Error requesting gc heap details\n");
- return Status;
- }
- HeapUsageStat hpUsage;
- if (GCHeapUsageStats(heapDetails, bIncUnreachable, &hpUsage))
- {
- hpUsage.genUsage[0].allocd, hpUsage.genUsage[1].allocd,
- hpUsage.genUsage[2].allocd, hpUsage.genUsage[3].allocd);
- ExtOut("\nFree space: Percentage\n");
- hpUsage.genUsage[0].freed, hpUsage.genUsage[1].freed,
- hpUsage.genUsage[2].freed, hpUsage.genUsage[3].freed);
- tempf = ((float)(hpUsage.genUsage[0].freed+hpUsage.genUsage[1].freed+hpUsage.genUsage[2].freed)) /
- (hpUsage.genUsage[0].allocd+hpUsage.genUsage[1].allocd+hpUsage.genUsage[2].allocd);
- ExtOut("SOH:%3d%% LOH:%3d%%\n", (int)(100 * tempf),
- (int)(100*((float)hpUsage.genUsage[3].freed) / (hpUsage.genUsage[3].allocd)));
- if (bIncUnreachable)
- {
- ExtOut("\nUnrooted objects: Percentage\n");
- hpUsage.genUsage[0].unrooted, hpUsage.genUsage[1].unrooted,
- hpUsage.genUsage[2].unrooted, hpUsage.genUsage[3].unrooted);
- tempf = ((float)(hpUsage.genUsage[0].unrooted+hpUsage.genUsage[1].unrooted+hpUsage.genUsage[2].unrooted)) /
- (hpUsage.genUsage[0].allocd+hpUsage.genUsage[1].allocd+hpUsage.genUsage[2].allocd);
- ExtOut("SOH:%3d%% LOH:%3d%%\n", (int)(100 * tempf),
- (int)(100*((float)hpUsage.genUsage[3].unrooted) / (hpUsage.genUsage[3].allocd)));
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- float tempf;
- DacpGcHeapData gcheap;
- if (gcheap.Request(g_sos) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtErr("Error requesting GC Heap data\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DWORD dwAllocSize;
- DWORD dwNHeaps = gcheap.HeapCount;
- if (!ClrSafeInt<DWORD>::multiply(sizeof(CLRDATA_ADDRESS), dwNHeaps, dwAllocSize))
- {
- ExtErr("Failed to get GCHeaps: integer overflow\n");
- return Status;
- }
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS *heapAddrs = (CLRDATA_ADDRESS*)alloca(dwAllocSize);
- if (g_sos->GetGCHeapList(dwNHeaps, heapAddrs, NULL) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtErr("Failed to get GCHeaps\n");
- return Status;
- }
- ArrayHolder<HeapUsageStat> hpUsage = new NOTHROW HeapUsageStat[dwNHeaps];
- if (hpUsage == NULL)
- {
- ReportOOM();
- return Status;
- }
- // aggregate stats across heaps / generation
- GenUsageStat genUsageStat[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
- for (DWORD n = 0; n < dwNHeaps; n ++)
- {
- DacpGcHeapDetails heapDetails;
- if (heapDetails.Request(g_sos, heapAddrs[n]) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtErr("Error requesting gc heap details\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (GCHeapUsageStats(heapDetails, bIncUnreachable, &hpUsage[n]))
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- genUsageStat[i].allocd += hpUsage[n].genUsage[i].allocd;
- genUsageStat[i].freed += hpUsage[n].genUsage[i].freed;
- if (bIncUnreachable)
- {
- genUsageStat[i].unrooted += hpUsage[n].genUsage[i].unrooted;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (DWORD n = 0; n < dwNHeaps; n ++)
- {
- hpUsage[n].genUsage[0].allocd, hpUsage[n].genUsage[1].allocd,
- hpUsage[n].genUsage[2].allocd, hpUsage[n].genUsage[3].allocd);
- }
- genUsageStat[0].allocd, genUsageStat[1].allocd,
- genUsageStat[2].allocd, genUsageStat[3].allocd);
- ExtOut("\nFree space: Percentage\n");
- for (DWORD n = 0; n < dwNHeaps; n ++)
- {
- hpUsage[n].genUsage[0].freed, hpUsage[n].genUsage[1].freed,
- hpUsage[n].genUsage[2].freed, hpUsage[n].genUsage[3].freed);
- tempf = ((float)(hpUsage[n].genUsage[0].freed+hpUsage[n].genUsage[1].freed+hpUsage[n].genUsage[2].freed)) /
- (hpUsage[n].genUsage[0].allocd+hpUsage[n].genUsage[1].allocd+hpUsage[n].genUsage[2].allocd);
- ExtOut("SOH:%3d%% LOH:%3d%%\n", (int)(100 * tempf),
- (int)(100*((float)hpUsage[n].genUsage[3].freed) / (hpUsage[n].genUsage[3].allocd))
- );
- }
- genUsageStat[0].freed, genUsageStat[1].freed,
- genUsageStat[2].freed, genUsageStat[3].freed);
- if (bIncUnreachable)
- {
- ExtOut("\nUnrooted objects: Percentage\n");
- for (DWORD n = 0; n < dwNHeaps; n ++)
- {
- hpUsage[n].genUsage[0].unrooted, hpUsage[n].genUsage[1].unrooted,
- hpUsage[n].genUsage[2].unrooted, hpUsage[n].genUsage[3].unrooted);
- tempf = ((float)(hpUsage[n].genUsage[0].unrooted+hpUsage[n].genUsage[1].unrooted+hpUsage[n].genUsage[2].unrooted)) /
- (hpUsage[n].genUsage[0].allocd+hpUsage[n].genUsage[1].allocd+hpUsage[n].genUsage[2].allocd);
- ExtOut("SOH:%3d%% LOH:%3d%%\n", (int)(100 * tempf),
- (int)(100*((float)hpUsage[n].genUsage[3].unrooted) / (hpUsage[n].genUsage[3].allocd)));
- }
- genUsageStat[0].unrooted, genUsageStat[1].unrooted,
- genUsageStat[2].unrooted, genUsageStat[3].unrooted);
- }
- }
- return Status;
- _ASSERTE(false);
- return E_FAIL;
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function dumps what is in the syncblock cache. By default *
-* it dumps all active syncblocks. Using -all to dump all syncblocks
-* *
- BOOL bDumpAll = FALSE;
- size_t nbAsked = 0;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-all", &bDumpAll, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE}
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&nbAsked, COSIZE_T}
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- DacpSyncBlockData syncBlockData;
- if (syncBlockData.Request(g_sos,1) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error requesting SyncBlk data\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DWORD dwCount = syncBlockData.SyncBlockCount;
- ExtOut("Index" WIN64_8SPACES " SyncBlock MonitorHeld Recursion Owning Thread Info" WIN64_8SPACES " SyncBlock Owner\n");
- ULONG freeCount = 0;
- ULONG CCWCount = 0;
- ULONG RCWCount = 0;
- ULONG CFCount = 0;
- for (DWORD nb = 1; nb <= dwCount; nb++)
- {
- if (IsInterrupt())
- return Status;
- if (nbAsked && nb != nbAsked)
- {
- continue;
- }
- if (syncBlockData.Request(g_sos,nb) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("SyncBlock %d is invalid%s\n", nb,
- (nb != nbAsked) ? ", continuing..." : "");
- continue;
- }
- BOOL bPrint = (bDumpAll || nb == nbAsked || (syncBlockData.MonitorHeld > 0 && !syncBlockData.bFree));
- if (bPrint)
- {
- ExtOut("%5d ", nb);
- if (!syncBlockData.bFree || nb != nbAsked)
- {
- ExtOut("%p ", syncBlockData.SyncBlockPointer);
- ExtOut("%11d ", syncBlockData.MonitorHeld);
- ExtOut("%9d ", syncBlockData.Recursion);
- ExtOut("%p ", syncBlockData.HoldingThread);
- if (syncBlockData.HoldingThread == ~0ul)
- {
- ExtOut(" orphaned ");
- }
- else if (syncBlockData.HoldingThread != NULL)
- {
- DacpThreadData Thread;
- if ((Status = Thread.Request(g_sos, syncBlockData.HoldingThread)) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to request Thread at %p\n", syncBlockData.HoldingThread);
- return Status;
- }
- DMLOut(DMLThreadID(Thread.osThreadId));
- ULONG id;
- if (g_ExtSystem->GetThreadIdBySystemId(Thread.osThreadId, &id) == S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("%4d ", id);
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut(" XXX ");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut(" none ");
- }
- if (syncBlockData.bFree)
- {
- ExtOut(" %8d", 0); // TODO: do we need to print the free synctable list?
- }
- else
- {
- sos::Object obj = TO_TADDR(syncBlockData.Object);
- DMLOut(" %s %S", DMLObject(syncBlockData.Object), obj.GetTypeName());
- }
- }
- }
- if (syncBlockData.bFree)
- {
- freeCount ++;
- if (bPrint) {
- ExtOut(" Free");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (syncBlockData.COMFlags) {
- switch (syncBlockData.COMFlags) {
- CCWCount ++;
- break;
- RCWCount ++;
- break;
- CFCount ++;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (syncBlockData.MonitorHeld > 1)
- {
- // TODO: implement this
- /*
- ExtOut(" ");
- DWORD_PTR pHead = (DWORD_PTR)vSyncBlock.m_Link.m_pNext;
- DWORD_PTR pNext = pHead;
- Thread vThread;
- while (1)
- {
- if (IsInterrupt())
- return Status;
- DWORD_PTR pWaitEventLink = pNext - offsetLinkSB;
- WaitEventLink vWaitEventLink;
- vWaitEventLink.Fill(pWaitEventLink);
- if (!CallStatus) {
- break;
- }
- DWORD_PTR dwAddr = (DWORD_PTR)vWaitEventLink.m_Thread;
- ExtOut("%x ", dwAddr);
- vThread.Fill (dwAddr);
- if (!CallStatus) {
- break;
- }
- if (bPrint)
- DMLOut("%s,", DMLThreadID(vThread.m_OSThreadId));
- pNext = (DWORD_PTR)vWaitEventLink.m_LinkSB.m_pNext;
- if (pNext == 0)
- break;
- }
- */
- }
- if (bPrint)
- ExtOut("\n");
- }
- ExtOut("-----------------------------\n");
- ExtOut("Total %d\n", dwCount);
- ExtOut("CCW %d\n", CCWCount);
- ExtOut("RCW %d\n", RCWCount);
- ExtOut("ComClassFactory %d\n", CFCount);
- ExtOut("Free %d\n", freeCount);
- return Status;
-struct VisitRcwArgs
- BOOL bDetail;
- UINT MTACount;
- UINT STACount;
- VisitRcwArgs *pArgs = (VisitRcwArgs *) token;
- if (pArgs->bDetail)
- {
- if (pArgs->MTACount == 0 && pArgs->STACount == 0 && pArgs->FTMCount == 0)
- {
- // First time, print a header
- ExtOut("RuntimeCallableWrappers (RCW) to be cleaned:\n");
- ExtOut("%" POINTERSIZE "s %" POINTERSIZE "s %" POINTERSIZE "s Apartment\n",
- }
- LPCSTR szThreadApartment;
- if (bIsFreeThreaded)
- {
- szThreadApartment = "(FreeThreaded)";
- pArgs->FTMCount++;
- }
- else if (Thread == NULL)
- {
- szThreadApartment = "(MTA)";
- pArgs->MTACount++;
- }
- else
- {
- szThreadApartment = "(STA)";
- pArgs->STACount++;
- }
- ExtOut("%" POINTERSIZE "p %" POINTERSIZE "p %" POINTERSIZE "p %9s\n",
- SOS_PTR(Context),
- SOS_PTR(Thread),
- szThreadApartment);
- }
- DWORD_PTR p_CleanupList = GetExpression(args);
- VisitRcwArgs travArgs;
- ZeroMemory(&travArgs,sizeof(VisitRcwArgs));
- travArgs.bDetail = TRUE;
- // We need to detect when !RCWCleanupList is called with an expression which evaluates to 0
- // (to print out an Invalid parameter message), but at the same time we need to allow an
- // empty argument list which would result in p_CleanupList equaling 0.
- if (p_CleanupList || strlen(args) == 0)
- {
- HRESULT hr = g_sos->TraverseRCWCleanupList(p_CleanupList, (VISITRCWFORCLEANUP)VisitRcw, &travArgs);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- ExtOut("Free-Threaded Interfaces to be released: %d\n", travArgs.FTMCount);
- ExtOut("MTA Interfaces to be released: %d\n", travArgs.MTACount);
- ExtOut("STA Interfaces to be released: %d\n", travArgs.STACount);
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("An error occurred while traversing the cleanup list.\n");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid parameter %s\n", args);
- }
- return Status;
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to dump the contents of the finalizer *
-* queue. *
-* *
- BOOL bDetail = FALSE;
- BOOL bAllReady = FALSE;
- BOOL bShort = FALSE;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- TADDR taddrMT = 0;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-detail", &bDetail, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-allReady", &bAllReady, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-short", &bShort, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-mt", &taddrMT, COHEX, TRUE},
- };
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), NULL, 0, NULL))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- if (!bShort)
- {
- DacpSyncBlockCleanupData dsbcd;
- ULONG cleanCount = 0;
- while ((dsbcd.Request(g_sos,sbCurrent) == S_OK) && dsbcd.SyncBlockPointer)
- {
- if (bDetail)
- {
- if (cleanCount == 0) // print first time only
- {
- ExtOut("SyncBlocks to be cleaned by the finalizer thread:\n");
- "SyncBlock", "RCW", "CCW", "ComClassFactory");
- }
- (ULONG64) dsbcd.SyncBlockPointer,
- (ULONG64) dsbcd.blockRCW,
- (ULONG64) dsbcd.blockCCW,
- (ULONG64) dsbcd.blockClassFactory);
- }
- cleanCount++;
- sbCurrent = dsbcd.nextSyncBlock;
- if (sbCurrent == NULL)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- ExtOut("SyncBlocks to be cleaned up: %d\n", cleanCount);
- VisitRcwArgs travArgs;
- ZeroMemory(&travArgs,sizeof(VisitRcwArgs));
- travArgs.bDetail = bDetail;
- g_sos->TraverseRCWCleanupList(0, (VISITRCWFORCLEANUP) VisitRcw, &travArgs);
- ExtOut("Free-Threaded Interfaces to be released: %d\n", travArgs.FTMCount);
- ExtOut("MTA Interfaces to be released: %d\n", travArgs.MTACount);
- ExtOut("STA Interfaces to be released: %d\n", travArgs.STACount);
-// noRCW:
- ExtOut("----------------------------------\n");
- }
- // GC Heap
- DWORD dwNHeaps = GetGcHeapCount();
- HeapStat hpStat;
- if (!IsServerBuild())
- {
- DacpGcHeapDetails heapDetails;
- if (heapDetails.Request(g_sos) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error requesting details\n");
- return Status;
- }
- GatherOneHeapFinalization(heapDetails, &hpStat, bAllReady, bShort);
- }
- else
- {
- DWORD dwAllocSize;
- if (!ClrSafeInt<DWORD>::multiply(sizeof(CLRDATA_ADDRESS), dwNHeaps, dwAllocSize))
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to get GCHeaps: integer overflow\n");
- return Status;
- }
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS *heapAddrs = (CLRDATA_ADDRESS*)alloca(dwAllocSize);
- if (g_sos->GetGCHeapList(dwNHeaps, heapAddrs, NULL) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to get GCHeaps\n");
- return Status;
- }
- for (DWORD n = 0; n < dwNHeaps; n ++)
- {
- DacpGcHeapDetails heapDetails;
- if (heapDetails.Request(g_sos, heapAddrs[n]) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error requesting details\n");
- return Status;
- }
- ExtOut("------------------------------\n");
- ExtOut("Heap %d\n", n);
- GatherOneHeapFinalization(heapDetails, &hpStat, bAllReady, bShort);
- }
- }
- if (!bShort)
- {
- if (bAllReady)
- {
- PrintGCStat(&hpStat, "Statistics for all finalizable objects that are no longer rooted:\n");
- }
- else
- {
- PrintGCStat(&hpStat, "Statistics for all finalizable objects (including all objects ready for finalization):\n");
- }
- }
- return Status;
-enum {
- // These are the values set in m_dwTransientFlags.
- // Note that none of these flags survive a prejit save/restore.
- M_CRST_NOTINITIALIZED = 0x00000001, // Used to prevent destruction of garbage m_crst
- CLASSES_FREED = 0x00000040,
- HAS_PHONY_IL_RVAS = 0x00000080,
- IS_EDIT_AND_CONTINUE = 0x00000200,
-void ModuleMapTraverse(UINT index, CLRDATA_ADDRESS methodTable, LPVOID token)
- ULONG32 rid = (ULONG32)(size_t)token;
- NameForMT_s(TO_TADDR(methodTable), g_mdName, mdNameLen);
- DMLOut("%s 0x%08x %S\n", DMLMethodTable(methodTable), (ULONG32)TokenFromRid(rid, index), g_mdName);
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to dump the contents of a Module *
-* for a given address *
-* *
- DWORD_PTR p_ModuleAddr = NULL;
- BOOL bMethodTables = FALSE;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-mt", &bMethodTables, COBOOL, FALSE},
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE}
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&p_ModuleAddr, COHEX}
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- if (nArg != 1)
- {
- ExtOut("Usage: DumpModule [-mt] <Module Address>\n");
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- DacpModuleData module;
- if ((Status=module.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(p_ModuleAddr)))!=S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Fail to fill Module %p\n", SOS_PTR(p_ModuleAddr));
- return Status;
- }
- FileNameForModule (&module, FileName);
- ExtOut("Name: %S\n", FileName[0] ? FileName : W("Unknown Module"));
- ExtOut("Attributes: ");
- if (module.bIsPEFile)
- ExtOut("PEFile ");
- if (module.bIsReflection)
- ExtOut("Reflection ");
- if (module.dwTransientFlags & SUPPORTS_UPDATEABLE_METHODS)
- ExtOut("SupportsUpdateableMethods");
- ExtOut("\n");
- DMLOut("Assembly: %s\n", DMLAssembly(module.Assembly));
- ExtOut("LoaderHeap: %p\n", SOS_PTR(module.pLookupTableHeap));
- ExtOut("TypeDefToMethodTableMap: %p\n", SOS_PTR(module.TypeDefToMethodTableMap));
- ExtOut("TypeRefToMethodTableMap: %p\n", SOS_PTR(module.TypeRefToMethodTableMap));
- ExtOut("MethodDefToDescMap: %p\n", SOS_PTR(module.MethodDefToDescMap));
- ExtOut("FieldDefToDescMap: %p\n", SOS_PTR(module.FieldDefToDescMap));
- ExtOut("MemberRefToDescMap: %p\n", SOS_PTR(module.MemberRefToDescMap));
- ExtOut("FileReferencesMap: %p\n", SOS_PTR(module.FileReferencesMap));
- ExtOut("AssemblyReferencesMap: %p\n", SOS_PTR(module.ManifestModuleReferencesMap));
- if (module.ilBase && module.metadataStart)
- ExtOut("MetaData start address: %p (%d bytes)\n", SOS_PTR(module.metadataStart), module.metadataSize);
- if (bMethodTables)
- {
- ExtOut("\nTypes defined in this module\n\n");
- ExtOut("%" POINTERSIZE "s %" POINTERSIZE "s %s\n", "MT", "TypeDef", "Name");
- ExtOut("------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- g_sos->TraverseModuleMap(TYPEDEFTOMETHODTABLE, TO_CDADDR(p_ModuleAddr), ModuleMapTraverse, (LPVOID)mdTypeDefNil);
- ExtOut("\nTypes referenced in this module\n\n");
- ExtOut("%" POINTERSIZE "s %" POINTERSIZE "s %s\n", "MT", "TypeRef", "Name");
- ExtOut("------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- g_sos->TraverseModuleMap(TYPEREFTOMETHODTABLE, TO_CDADDR(p_ModuleAddr), ModuleMapTraverse, (LPVOID)mdTypeDefNil);
- }
- return Status;
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to dump the contents of a Domain *
-* for a given address *
-* *
- DWORD_PTR p_DomainAddr = 0;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&p_DomainAddr, COHEX},
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- DacpAppDomainStoreData adsData;
- if ((Status=adsData.Request(g_sos))!=S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to get AppDomain information\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (p_DomainAddr)
- {
- DacpAppDomainData appDomain1;
- if ((Status=appDomain1.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(p_DomainAddr)))!=S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Fail to fill AppDomain\n");
- return Status;
- }
- ExtOut("--------------------------------------\n");
- if (p_DomainAddr == adsData.sharedDomain)
- {
- DMLOut("Shared Domain: %s\n", DMLDomain(adsData.sharedDomain));
- }
- else if (p_DomainAddr == adsData.systemDomain)
- {
- DMLOut("System Domain: %s\n", DMLDomain(adsData.systemDomain));
- }
- else
- {
- DMLOut("Domain %d:%s %s\n", appDomain1.dwId, (appDomain1.dwId >= 10) ? "" : " ", DMLDomain(p_DomainAddr));
- }
- DomainInfo(&appDomain1);
- return Status;
- }
- ExtOut("--------------------------------------\n");
- DMLOut("System Domain: %s\n", DMLDomain(adsData.systemDomain));
- DacpAppDomainData appDomain;
- if ((Status=appDomain.Request(g_sos,adsData.systemDomain))!=S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to get system domain info.\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DomainInfo(&appDomain);
- if (adsData.sharedDomain != NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("--------------------------------------\n");
- DMLOut("Shared Domain: %s\n", DMLDomain(adsData.sharedDomain));
- if ((Status=appDomain.Request(g_sos, adsData.sharedDomain))!=S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to get shared domain info\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DomainInfo(&appDomain);
- }
- ArrayHolder<CLRDATA_ADDRESS> pArray = new NOTHROW CLRDATA_ADDRESS[adsData.DomainCount];
- if (pArray==NULL)
- {
- ReportOOM();
- return Status;
- }
- if ((Status=g_sos->GetAppDomainList(adsData.DomainCount, pArray, NULL))!=S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to get array of AppDomains\n");
- return Status;
- }
- for (int n=0;n<adsData.DomainCount;n++)
- {
- if (IsInterrupt())
- break;
- if ((Status=appDomain.Request(g_sos, pArray[n])) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to get appdomain %p, error %lx\n", SOS_PTR(pArray[n]), Status);
- return Status;
- }
- ExtOut("--------------------------------------\n");
- DMLOut("Domain %d:%s %s\n", appDomain.dwId, (appDomain.dwId >= 10) ? "" : " ", DMLDomain(pArray[n]));
- DomainInfo(&appDomain);
- }
- return Status;
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to dump the contents of a Assembly *
-* for a given address *
-* *
- DWORD_PTR p_AssemblyAddr = 0;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&p_AssemblyAddr, COHEX},
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- if (p_AssemblyAddr == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid Assembly %s\n", args);
- return Status;
- }
- DacpAssemblyData Assembly;
- if ((Status=Assembly.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(p_AssemblyAddr)))!=S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Fail to fill Assembly\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DMLOut("Parent Domain: %s\n", DMLDomain(Assembly.ParentDomain));
- if (g_sos->GetAssemblyName(TO_CDADDR(p_AssemblyAddr), mdNameLen, g_mdName, NULL)==S_OK)
- ExtOut("Name: %S\n", g_mdName);
- else
- ExtOut("Name: Unknown\n");
- AssemblyInfo(&Assembly);
- return Status;
-String GetHostingCapabilities(DWORD hostConfig)
- String result;
- bool bAnythingPrinted = false;
-#define CHK_AND_PRINT(hType,hStr) \
- if (hostConfig & (hType)) { \
- if (bAnythingPrinted) result += ", "; \
- result += hStr; \
- bAnythingPrinted = true; \
- }
- return result;
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to dump the managed threads *
-* *
-HRESULT PrintThreadsFromThreadStore(BOOL bMiniDump, BOOL bPrintLiveThreadsOnly)
- HRESULT Status;
- DacpThreadStoreData ThreadStore;
- if ((Status = ThreadStore.Request(g_sos)) != S_OK)
- {
- Print("Failed to request ThreadStore\n");
- return Status;
- }
- TableOutput table(2, 17);
- table.WriteRow("ThreadCount:", Decimal(ThreadStore.threadCount));
- table.WriteRow("UnstartedThread:", Decimal(ThreadStore.unstartedThreadCount));
- table.WriteRow("BackgroundThread:", Decimal(ThreadStore.backgroundThreadCount));
- table.WriteRow("PendingThread:", Decimal(ThreadStore.pendingThreadCount));
- table.WriteRow("DeadThread:", Decimal(ThreadStore.deadThreadCount));
- if (ThreadStore.fHostConfig & ~CLRHOSTED)
- {
- String hosting = "yes";
- hosting += " (";
- hosting += GetHostingCapabilities(ThreadStore.fHostConfig);
- hosting += ")";
- table.WriteRow("Hosted Runtime:", hosting);
- }
- else
- {
- table.WriteRow("Hosted Runtime:", "no");
- }
- const bool hosted = (ThreadStore.fHostConfig & CLRTASKHOSTED) != 0;
- table.ReInit(hosted ? 12 : 11, POINTERSIZE_HEX);
- table.SetWidths(10, 4, 4, 4, _max(9, POINTERSIZE_HEX),
- table.SetColAlignment(0, AlignRight);
- table.SetColAlignment(1, AlignRight);
- table.SetColAlignment(2, AlignRight);
- table.SetColAlignment(4, AlignRight);
- table.WriteColumn(8, "Lock");
- table.WriteRow("", "ID", "OSID", "ThreadOBJ", "State", "GC Mode", "GC Alloc Context", "Domain", "Count", "Apt");
- if (hosted)
- table.WriteColumn("Fiber");
- table.WriteColumn("Exception");
- DacpThreadData Thread;
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS CurThread = ThreadStore.firstThread;
- while (CurThread)
- {
- if (IsInterrupt())
- break;
- if ((Status = Thread.Request(g_sos, CurThread)) != S_OK)
- {
- PrintLn("Failed to request Thread at ", Pointer(CurThread));
- return Status;
- }
- BOOL bSwitchedOutFiber = Thread.osThreadId == SWITCHED_OUT_FIBER_OSID;
- if (!IsKernelDebugger())
- {
- ULONG id = 0;
- if (bSwitchedOutFiber)
- {
- table.WriteColumn(0, "<<<< ");
- }
- else if (g_ExtSystem->GetThreadIdBySystemId(Thread.osThreadId, &id) == S_OK)
- {
- table.WriteColumn(0, Decimal(id));
- }
- else if (bPrintLiveThreadsOnly)
- {
- CurThread = Thread.nextThread;
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- table.WriteColumn(0, "XXXX ");
- }
- }
- table.WriteColumn(1, Decimal(Thread.corThreadId));
- table.WriteColumn(2, ThreadID(bSwitchedOutFiber ? 0 : Thread.osThreadId));
- table.WriteColumn(3, Pointer(CurThread));
- table.WriteColumn(4, ThreadState(Thread.state));
- table.WriteColumn(5, Thread.preemptiveGCDisabled == 1 ? "Cooperative" : "Preemptive");
- table.WriteColumnFormat(6, "%p:%p", Thread.allocContextPtr, Thread.allocContextLimit);
- if (Thread.domain)
- {
- table.WriteColumn(7, AppDomainPtr(Thread.domain));
- }
- else
- {
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS domain = 0;
- if (FAILED(g_sos->GetDomainFromContext(Thread.context, &domain)))
- table.WriteColumn(7, "<error>");
- else
- table.WriteColumn(7, AppDomainPtr(domain));
- }
- table.WriteColumn(8, Decimal(Thread.lockCount));
- // Apartment state
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- DWORD_PTR OleTlsDataAddr;
- if (!bSwitchedOutFiber
- && SafeReadMemory(Thread.teb + offsetof(TEB, ReservedForOle),
- &OleTlsDataAddr,
- sizeof(OleTlsDataAddr), NULL) && OleTlsDataAddr != 0)
- {
- DWORD AptState;
- if (SafeReadMemory(OleTlsDataAddr+offsetof(SOleTlsData,dwFlags),
- &AptState,
- sizeof(AptState), NULL))
- {
- table.WriteColumn(9, "STA");
- else if (AptState & OLETLS_MULTITHREADED)
- table.WriteColumn(9, "MTA");
- else if (AptState & OLETLS_INNEUTRALAPT)
- table.WriteColumn(9, "NTA");
- else
- table.WriteColumn(9, "Ukn");
- }
- else
- {
- table.WriteColumn(9, "Ukn");
- }
- }
- else
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
- table.WriteColumn(9, "Ukn");
- if (hosted)
- table.WriteColumn(10, Thread.fiberData);
- WString lastCol;
- if (CurThread == ThreadStore.finalizerThread)
- lastCol += W("(Finalizer) ");
- if (CurThread == ThreadStore.gcThread)
- lastCol += W("(GC) ");
- const int TS_TPWorkerThread = 0x01000000; // is this a threadpool worker thread?
- const int TS_CompletionPortThread = 0x08000000; // is this is a completion port thread?
- if (Thread.state & TS_TPWorkerThread)
- lastCol += W("(Threadpool Worker) ");
- else if (Thread.state & TS_CompletionPortThread)
- lastCol += W("(Threadpool Completion Port) ");
- if (Thread.lastThrownObjectHandle && SafeReadMemory(TO_TADDR(Thread.lastThrownObjectHandle),
- &taLTOH, sizeof(taLTOH), NULL) && taLTOH)
- {
- if (SafeReadMemory(taLTOH, &taMT, sizeof(taMT), NULL))
- {
- if (NameForMT_s(taMT, g_mdName, mdNameLen))
- lastCol += WString(g_mdName) + W(" ") + ExceptionPtr(taLTOH);
- else
- lastCol += WString(W("<Invalid Object> (")) + Pointer(taLTOH) + W(")");
- // Print something if there are nested exceptions on the thread
- if (Thread.firstNestedException)
- lastCol += W(" (nested exceptions)");
- }
- }
- table.WriteColumn(lastCol);
- CurThread = Thread.nextThread;
- }
- return Status;
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
-HRESULT PrintSpecialThreads()
- Print("\n");
- DWORD dwCLRTLSDataIndex = 0;
- HRESULT Status = g_sos->GetTLSIndex(&dwCLRTLSDataIndex);
- if (!SUCCEEDED (Status))
- {
- Print("Failed to retrieve Tls Data index\n");
- return Status;
- }
- ULONG ulOriginalThreadID = 0;
- Status = g_ExtSystem->GetCurrentThreadId (&ulOriginalThreadID);
- if (!SUCCEEDED (Status))
- {
- Print("Failed to require current Thread ID\n");
- return Status;
- }
- ULONG ulTotalThreads = 0;
- Status = g_ExtSystem->GetNumberThreads (&ulTotalThreads);
- if (!SUCCEEDED (Status))
- {
- Print("Failed to require total thread number\n");
- return Status;
- }
- TableOutput table(3, 4, AlignRight, 5);
- table.WriteRow("", "OSID", "Special thread type");
- for (ULONG ulThread = 0; ulThread < ulTotalThreads; ulThread++)
- {
- ULONG Id = 0;
- ULONG SysId = 0;
- HRESULT threadStatus = g_ExtSystem->GetThreadIdsByIndex(ulThread, 1, &Id, &SysId);
- if (!SUCCEEDED (threadStatus))
- {
- PrintLn("Failed to get thread ID for thread ", Decimal(ulThread));
- continue;
- }
- threadStatus = g_ExtSystem->SetCurrentThreadId(Id);
- if (!SUCCEEDED (threadStatus))
- {
- PrintLn("Failed to switch to thread ", ThreadID(SysId));
- continue;
- }
- threadStatus = g_ExtSystem->GetCurrentThreadTeb(&cdaTeb);
- if (!SUCCEEDED (threadStatus))
- {
- PrintLn("Failed to get Teb for Thread ", ThreadID(SysId));
- continue;
- }
- TADDR CLRTLSDataAddr = 0;
- TADDR tlsArrayAddr = NULL;
- if (!SafeReadMemory (TO_TADDR(cdaTeb) + WINNT_OFFSETOF__TEB__ThreadLocalStoragePointer , &tlsArrayAddr, sizeof (void**), NULL))
- {
- PrintLn("Failed to get Tls expansion slots for thread ", ThreadID(SysId));
- continue;
- }
- if (tlsArrayAddr == NULL)
- {
- continue;
- }
- TADDR moduleTlsDataAddr = 0;
- if (!SafeReadMemory (tlsArrayAddr + sizeof (void*) * (dwCLRTLSDataIndex & 0xFFFF), &moduleTlsDataAddr, sizeof (void**), NULL))
- {
- PrintLn("Failed to get Tls expansion slots for thread ", ThreadID(SysId));
- continue;
- }
- CLRTLSDataAddr = moduleTlsDataAddr + ((dwCLRTLSDataIndex & 0x7FFF0000) >> 16) + OFFSETOF__TLS__tls_EETlsData;
- if (!SafeReadMemory (CLRTLSDataAddr, &CLRTLSData, sizeof (TADDR), NULL))
- {
- PrintLn("Failed to get CLR Tls data for thread ", ThreadID(SysId));
- continue;
- }
- if (CLRTLSData == NULL)
- {
- continue;
- }
- size_t ThreadType = 0;
- if (!SafeReadMemory (CLRTLSData + sizeof (TADDR) * TlsIdx_ThreadType, &ThreadType, sizeof (size_t), NULL))
- {
- PrintLn("Failed to get thread type info not found for thread ", ThreadID(SysId));
- continue;
- }
- if (ThreadType == 0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- table.WriteColumn(0, Decimal(Id));
- table.WriteColumn(1, ThreadID(SysId));
- String type;
- if (ThreadType & ThreadType_GC)
- {
- type += "GC ";
- }
- if (ThreadType & ThreadType_Timer)
- {
- type += "Timer ";
- }
- if (ThreadType & ThreadType_Gate)
- {
- type += "Gate ";
- }
- if (ThreadType & ThreadType_DbgHelper)
- {
- type += "DbgHelper ";
- }
- if (ThreadType & ThreadType_Shutdown)
- {
- type += "Shutdown ";
- }
- if (ThreadType & ThreadType_DynamicSuspendEE)
- {
- type += "SuspendEE ";
- }
- if (ThreadType & ThreadType_Finalizer)
- {
- type += "Finalizer ";
- }
- if (ThreadType & ThreadType_ShutdownHelper)
- {
- type += "ShutdownHelper ";
- }
- if (ThreadType & ThreadType_Threadpool_IOCompletion)
- {
- type += "IOCompletion ";
- }
- if (ThreadType & ThreadType_Threadpool_Worker)
- {
- type += "ThreadpoolWorker ";
- }
- if (ThreadType & ThreadType_Wait)
- {
- type += "Wait ";
- }
- if (ThreadType & ThreadType_ProfAPI_Attach)
- {
- type += "ProfilingAPIAttach ";
- }
- if (ThreadType & ThreadType_ProfAPI_Detach)
- {
- type += "ProfilingAPIDetach ";
- }
- table.WriteColumn(2, type);
- }
- Status = g_ExtSystem->SetCurrentThreadId (ulOriginalThreadID);
- if (!SUCCEEDED (Status))
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to switch to original thread\n");
- return Status;
- }
- return Status;
-#endif //FEATURE_PAL
-HRESULT SwitchToExceptionThread()
- HRESULT Status;
- DacpThreadStoreData ThreadStore;
- if ((Status = ThreadStore.Request(g_sos)) != S_OK)
- {
- Print("Failed to request ThreadStore\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DacpThreadData Thread;
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS CurThread = ThreadStore.firstThread;
- while (CurThread)
- {
- if (IsInterrupt())
- break;
- if ((Status = Thread.Request(g_sos, CurThread)) != S_OK)
- {
- PrintLn("Failed to request Thread at ", Pointer(CurThread));
- return Status;
- }
- if (Thread.lastThrownObjectHandle != NULL)
- {
- if (SafeReadMemory(TO_TADDR(Thread.lastThrownObjectHandle), &taLTOH, sizeof(taLTOH), NULL))
- {
- if (taLTOH != NULL)
- {
- ULONG id;
- if (g_ExtSystem->GetThreadIdBySystemId(Thread.osThreadId, &id) == S_OK)
- {
- if (g_ExtSystem->SetCurrentThreadId(id) == S_OK)
- {
- PrintLn("Found managed exception on thread ", ThreadID(Thread.osThreadId));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- CurThread = Thread.nextThread;
- }
- return Status;
-struct ThreadStateTable
- unsigned int State;
- const char * Name;
-static const struct ThreadStateTable ThreadStates[] =
- {0x1, "Thread Abort Requested"},
- {0x2, "GC Suspend Pending"},
- {0x4, "User Suspend Pending"},
- {0x8, "Debug Suspend Pending"},
- {0x10, "GC On Transitions"},
- {0x20, "Legal to Join"},
- {0x40, "Yield Requested"},
- {0x80, "Hijacked by the GC"},
- {0x100, "Blocking GC for Stack Overflow"},
- {0x200, "Background"},
- {0x400, "Unstarted"},
- {0x800, "Dead"},
- {0x1000, "CLR Owns"},
- {0x2000, "CoInitialized"},
- {0x4000, "In Single Threaded Apartment"},
- {0x8000, "In Multi Threaded Apartment"},
- {0x10000, "Reported Dead"},
- {0x20000, "Fully initialized"},
- {0x40000, "Task Reset"},
- {0x80000, "Sync Suspended"},
- {0x100000, "Debug Will Sync"},
- {0x200000, "Stack Crawl Needed"},
- {0x400000, "Suspend Unstarted"},
- {0x800000, "Aborted"},
- {0x1000000, "Thread Pool Worker Thread"},
- {0x2000000, "Interruptible"},
- {0x4000000, "Interrupted"},
- {0x8000000, "Completion Port Thread"},
- {0x10000000, "Abort Initiated"},
- {0x20000000, "Finalized"},
- {0x40000000, "Failed to Start"},
- {0x80000000, "Detached"},
- size_t state = GetExpression(args);
- int count = 0;
- if (state)
- {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _countof(ThreadStates); ++i)
- if (state & ThreadStates[i].State)
- {
- ExtOut(" %s\n", ThreadStates[i].Name);
- count++;
- }
- }
- // If we did not find any thread states, print out a message to let the user
- // know that the function is working correctly.
- if (count == 0)
- ExtOut(" No thread states for '%s'\n", args);
- return Status;
- BOOL bPrintSpecialThreads = FALSE;
- BOOL bPrintLiveThreadsOnly = FALSE;
- BOOL bSwitchToManagedExceptionThread = FALSE;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-special", &bPrintSpecialThreads, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-live", &bPrintLiveThreadsOnly, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-managedexception", &bSwitchToManagedExceptionThread, COBOOL, FALSE},
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), NULL, 0, NULL))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- if (bSwitchToManagedExceptionThread)
- {
- return SwitchToExceptionThread();
- }
- // We need to support minidumps for this command.
- BOOL bMiniDump = IsMiniDumpFile();
- if (bMiniDump && bPrintSpecialThreads)
- {
- Print("Special thread information is not available in mini dumps.\n");
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- try
- {
- Status = PrintThreadsFromThreadStore(bMiniDump, bPrintLiveThreadsOnly);
- if (!bMiniDump && bPrintSpecialThreads)
- {
- Print("\n-special not supported.\n");
-#else //FEATURE_PAL
- HRESULT Status2 = PrintSpecialThreads();
- if (!SUCCEEDED(Status2))
- Status = Status2;
-#endif //FEATURE_PAL
- }
- }
- catch (sos::Exception &e)
- {
- ExtOut("%s\n", e.what());
- }
- return Status;
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to dump the Watson Buckets. *
-* *
- // We don't need to support minidumps for this command.
- if (IsMiniDumpFile())
- {
- ExtOut("Not supported on mini dumps.\n");
- }
- // Get the current managed thread.
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS threadAddr = GetCurrentManagedThread();
- DacpThreadData Thread;
- if ((threadAddr == NULL) || ((Status = Thread.Request(g_sos, threadAddr)) != S_OK))
- {
- ExtOut("The current thread is unmanaged\n");
- return Status;
- }
- // Get the definition of GenericModeBlock.
-#include <msodw.h>
- GenericModeBlock gmb;
- if ((Status = g_sos->GetClrWatsonBuckets(threadAddr, &gmb)) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Can't get Watson Buckets\n");
- return Status;
- }
- ExtOut("Watson Bucket parameters:\n");
- ExtOut("b1: %S\n", gmb.wzP1);
- ExtOut("b2: %S\n", gmb.wzP2);
- ExtOut("b3: %S\n", gmb.wzP3);
- ExtOut("b4: %S\n", gmb.wzP4);
- ExtOut("b5: %S\n", gmb.wzP5);
- ExtOut("b6: %S\n", gmb.wzP6);
- ExtOut("b7: %S\n", gmb.wzP7);
- ExtOut("b8: %S\n", gmb.wzP8);
- ExtOut("b9: %S\n", gmb.wzP9);
- return Status;
-} // WatsonBuckets()
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
-struct PendingBreakpoint
- WCHAR szFunctionName[mdNameLen];
- DWORD lineNumber;
- TADDR pModule;
- DWORD ilOffset;
- mdMethodDef methodToken;
- void SetModule(TADDR module)
- {
- pModule = module;
- }
- bool ModuleMatches(TADDR compare)
- {
- return (compare == pModule);
- }
- PendingBreakpoint *pNext;
- PendingBreakpoint() : lineNumber(0), ilOffset(0), methodToken(0), pNext(NULL)
- {
- szModuleName[0] = L'\0';
- szFunctionName[0] = L'\0';
- szFilename[0] = L'\0';
- }
-void IssueDebuggerBPCommand ( CLRDATA_ADDRESS addr )
- const int MaxBPsCached = 1024;
- static CLRDATA_ADDRESS alreadyPlacedBPs[MaxBPsCached];
- static int curLimit = 0;
- // on ARM the debugger requires breakpoint addresses to be sanitized
- if (IsDbgTargetArm())
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- addr &= ~THUMB_CODE;
- addr |= THUMB_CODE; // lldb expects thumb code bit set
- // if we overflowed our cache consider all new BPs unique...
- BOOL bUnique = curLimit >= MaxBPsCached;
- if (!bUnique)
- {
- bUnique = TRUE;
- for (int i = 0; i < curLimit; ++i)
- {
- if (alreadyPlacedBPs[i] == addr)
- {
- bUnique = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (bUnique)
- {
- char buffer[64]; // sufficient for "bp <pointersize>"
- static WCHAR wszNameBuffer[1024]; // should be large enough
- // get the MethodDesc name
- if (g_sos->GetMethodDescPtrFromIP(addr, &pMD) != S_OK
- || g_sos->GetMethodDescName(pMD, 1024, wszNameBuffer, NULL) != S_OK)
- {
- wcscpy_s(wszNameBuffer, _countof(wszNameBuffer), W("UNKNOWN"));
- }
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- sprintf_s(buffer, _countof(buffer), "bp %p", (void*) (size_t) addr);
- sprintf_s(buffer, _countof(buffer), "breakpoint set --address 0x%p", (void*) (size_t) addr);
- ExtOut("Setting breakpoint: %s [%S]\n", buffer, wszNameBuffer);
- g_ExtControl->Execute(DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED, buffer, 0);
- if (curLimit < MaxBPsCached)
- {
- alreadyPlacedBPs[curLimit++] = addr;
- }
- }
-class Breakpoints
- PendingBreakpoint* m_breakpoints;
- Breakpoints()
- {
- m_breakpoints = NULL;
- }
- ~Breakpoints()
- {
- PendingBreakpoint *pCur = m_breakpoints;
- while(pCur)
- {
- PendingBreakpoint *pNext = pCur->pNext;
- delete pCur;
- pCur = pNext;
- }
- m_breakpoints = NULL;
- }
- void Add(__in_z LPWSTR szModule, __in_z LPWSTR szName, TADDR mod, DWORD ilOffset)
- {
- if (!IsIn(szModule, szName, mod))
- {
- PendingBreakpoint *pNew = new PendingBreakpoint();
- wcscpy_s(pNew->szModuleName, MAX_LONGPATH, szModule);
- wcscpy_s(pNew->szFunctionName, mdNameLen, szName);
- pNew->SetModule(mod);
- pNew->ilOffset = ilOffset;
- pNew->pNext = m_breakpoints;
- m_breakpoints = pNew;
- }
- }
- void Add(__in_z LPWSTR szModule, __in_z LPWSTR szName, mdMethodDef methodToken, TADDR mod, DWORD ilOffset)
- {
- if (!IsIn(methodToken, mod, ilOffset))
- {
- PendingBreakpoint *pNew = new PendingBreakpoint();
- wcscpy_s(pNew->szModuleName, MAX_LONGPATH, szModule);
- wcscpy_s(pNew->szFunctionName, mdNameLen, szName);
- pNew->methodToken = methodToken;
- pNew->SetModule(mod);
- pNew->ilOffset = ilOffset;
- pNew->pNext = m_breakpoints;
- m_breakpoints = pNew;
- }
- }
- void Add(__in_z LPWSTR szFilename, DWORD lineNumber, TADDR mod)
- {
- if (!IsIn(szFilename, lineNumber, mod))
- {
- PendingBreakpoint *pNew = new PendingBreakpoint();
- wcscpy_s(pNew->szFilename, MAX_LONGPATH, szFilename);
- pNew->lineNumber = lineNumber;
- pNew->SetModule(mod);
- pNew->pNext = m_breakpoints;
- m_breakpoints = pNew;
- }
- }
- void Add(__in_z LPWSTR szFilename, DWORD lineNumber, mdMethodDef methodToken, TADDR mod, DWORD ilOffset)
- {
- if (!IsIn(methodToken, mod, ilOffset))
- {
- PendingBreakpoint *pNew = new PendingBreakpoint();
- wcscpy_s(pNew->szFilename, MAX_LONGPATH, szFilename);
- pNew->lineNumber = lineNumber;
- pNew->methodToken = methodToken;
- pNew->SetModule(mod);
- pNew->ilOffset = ilOffset;
- pNew->pNext = m_breakpoints;
- m_breakpoints = pNew;
- }
- }
- //returns true if updates are still needed for this module, FALSE if all BPs are now bound
- BOOL Update(TADDR mod, BOOL isNewModule)
- {
- BOOL bNeedUpdates = FALSE;
- PendingBreakpoint *pCur = NULL;
- if(isNewModule)
- {
- SymbolReader symbolReader;
- SymbolReader* pSymReader = &symbolReader;
- if(LoadSymbolsForModule(mod, &symbolReader) != S_OK)
- pSymReader = NULL;
- // Get tokens for any modules that match. If there was a change,
- // update notifications.
- pCur = m_breakpoints;
- while(pCur)
- {
- PendingBreakpoint *pNext = pCur->pNext;
- ResolvePendingNonModuleBoundBreakpoint(mod, pCur, pSymReader);
- pCur = pNext;
- }
- }
- pCur = m_breakpoints;
- while(pCur)
- {
- PendingBreakpoint *pNext = pCur->pNext;
- if (ResolvePendingBreakpoint(mod, pCur))
- {
- bNeedUpdates = TRUE;
- }
- pCur = pNext;
- }
- return bNeedUpdates;
- }
- BOOL UpdateKnownCodeAddress(TADDR mod, CLRDATA_ADDRESS bpLocation)
- {
- PendingBreakpoint *pCur = m_breakpoints;
- BOOL bpSet = FALSE;
- while(pCur)
- {
- PendingBreakpoint *pNext = pCur->pNext;
- if (pCur->ModuleMatches(mod))
- {
- IssueDebuggerBPCommand(bpLocation);
- bpSet = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- pCur = pNext;
- }
- return bpSet;
- }
- void RemovePendingForModule(TADDR mod)
- {
- PendingBreakpoint *pCur = m_breakpoints;
- while(pCur)
- {
- PendingBreakpoint *pNext = pCur->pNext;
- if (pCur->ModuleMatches(mod))
- {
- // Delete the current node, and keep going
- Delete(pCur);
- }
- pCur = pNext;
- }
- }
- void ListBreakpoints()
- {
- PendingBreakpoint *pCur = m_breakpoints;
- size_t iBreakpointIndex = 1;
- ExtOut(SOSPrefix "bpmd pending breakpoint list\n Breakpoint index - Location, ModuleID, Method Token\n");
- while(pCur)
- {
- //windbg likes to format %p as always being 64 bits
- ULONG64 modulePtr = (ULONG64)pCur->pModule;
- if(pCur->szModuleName[0] != L'\0')
- ExtOut("%d - %ws!%ws+%d, 0x%p, 0x%08x\n", iBreakpointIndex, pCur->szModuleName, pCur->szFunctionName, pCur->ilOffset, modulePtr, pCur->methodToken);
- else
- ExtOut("%d - %ws:%d, 0x%p, 0x%08x\n", iBreakpointIndex, pCur->szFilename, pCur->lineNumber, modulePtr, pCur->methodToken);
- iBreakpointIndex++;
- pCur = pCur->pNext;
- }
- }
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- void SaveBreakpoints(FILE* pFile)
- {
- PendingBreakpoint *pCur = m_breakpoints;
- while(pCur)
- {
- if(pCur->szModuleName[0] != L'\0')
- fprintf_s(pFile, "!bpmd %ws %ws %d\n", pCur->szModuleName, pCur->szFunctionName, pCur->ilOffset);
- else
- fprintf_s(pFile, "!bpmd %ws:%d\n", pCur->szFilename, pCur->lineNumber);
- pCur = pCur->pNext;
- }
- }
- void CleanupNotifications()
- {
- if (m_breakpoints == NULL)
- {
- g_ExtServices->ClearExceptionCallback();
- }
- }
- void ClearBreakpoint(size_t breakPointToClear)
- {
- PendingBreakpoint *pCur = m_breakpoints;
- size_t iBreakpointIndex = 1;
- while(pCur)
- {
- if (breakPointToClear == iBreakpointIndex)
- {
- ExtOut("%d - %ws, %ws, %p\n", iBreakpointIndex, pCur->szModuleName, pCur->szFunctionName, pCur->pModule);
- ExtOut("Cleared\n");
- Delete(pCur);
- break;
- }
- iBreakpointIndex++;
- pCur = pCur->pNext;
- }
- if (pCur == NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid pending breakpoint index.\n");
- }
- CleanupNotifications();
- }
- void ClearAllBreakpoints()
- {
- size_t iBreakpointIndex = 1;
- for (PendingBreakpoint *pCur = m_breakpoints; pCur != NULL; )
- {
- PendingBreakpoint* pNext = pCur->pNext;
- Delete(pCur);
- iBreakpointIndex++;
- pCur = pNext;
- }
- CleanupNotifications();
- ExtOut("All pending breakpoints cleared.\n");
- }
- HRESULT LoadSymbolsForModule(TADDR mod, SymbolReader* pSymbolReader)
- {
- HRESULT Status = S_OK;
- ToRelease<IXCLRDataModule> pModule;
- IfFailRet(g_sos->GetModule(mod, &pModule));
- ToRelease<IMetaDataImport> pMDImport = NULL;
- IfFailRet(pModule->QueryInterface(IID_IMetaDataImport, (LPVOID *) &pMDImport));
- IfFailRet(pSymbolReader->LoadSymbols(pMDImport, pModule));
- return S_OK;
- }
- HRESULT ResolvePendingNonModuleBoundBreakpoint(__in_z WCHAR* pFilename, DWORD lineNumber, TADDR mod, SymbolReader* pSymbolReader)
- {
- HRESULT Status = S_OK;
- if(pSymbolReader == NULL)
- return S_FALSE; // no symbols, can't bind here
- mdMethodDef methodDef;
- ULONG32 ilOffset;
- if(FAILED(Status = pSymbolReader->ResolveSequencePoint(pFilename, lineNumber, mod, &methodDef, &ilOffset)))
- {
- return S_FALSE; // not binding in a module is typical
- }
- Add(pFilename, lineNumber, methodDef, mod, ilOffset);
- return Status;
- }
- HRESULT ResolvePendingNonModuleBoundBreakpoint(__in_z WCHAR* pModuleName, __in_z WCHAR* pMethodName, TADDR mod, DWORD ilOffset)
- {
- HRESULT Status = S_OK;
- char szName[mdNameLen];
- int numModule;
- ToRelease<IXCLRDataModule> module;
- IfFailRet(g_sos->GetModule(mod, &module));
- WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pModuleName, (int)(_wcslen(pModuleName) + 1), szName, mdNameLen, NULL, NULL);
- ArrayHolder<DWORD_PTR> moduleList = ModuleFromName(szName, &numModule);
- if (moduleList == NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to request module list.\n");
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < numModule; i++)
- {
- // If any one entry in moduleList matches, then the current PendingBreakpoint
- // is the right one.
- if(moduleList[i] != TO_TADDR(mod))
- continue;
- if (module->StartEnumMethodDefinitionsByName(pMethodName, 0, &h) == S_OK)
- {
- IXCLRDataMethodDefinition *pMeth = NULL;
- while (module->EnumMethodDefinitionByName(&h, &pMeth) == S_OK)
- {
- mdMethodDef methodToken;
- ToRelease<IXCLRDataModule> pUnusedModule;
- IfFailRet(pMeth->GetTokenAndScope(&methodToken, &pUnusedModule));
- Add(pModuleName, pMethodName, methodToken, mod, ilOffset);
- pMeth->Release();
- }
- module->EndEnumMethodDefinitionsByName(h);
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- // Return TRUE if there might be more instances that will be JITTED later
- static BOOL ResolveMethodInstances(IXCLRDataMethodDefinition *pMeth, DWORD ilOffset)
- {
- BOOL bFoundCode = FALSE;
- BOOL bNeedDefer = FALSE;
- if (pMeth->StartEnumInstances (NULL, &h1) == S_OK)
- {
- IXCLRDataMethodInstance *inst = NULL;
- while (pMeth->EnumInstance (&h1, &inst) == S_OK)
- {
- BOOL foundByIlOffset = FALSE;
- ULONG32 rangesNeeded = 0;
- if(inst->GetAddressRangesByILOffset(ilOffset, 0, &rangesNeeded, NULL) == S_OK)
- {
- if (ranges != NULL)
- {
- if (inst->GetAddressRangesByILOffset(ilOffset, rangesNeeded, NULL, ranges) == S_OK)
- {
- for (DWORD i = 0; i < rangesNeeded; i++)
- {
- IssueDebuggerBPCommand(ranges[i].startAddress);
- bFoundCode = TRUE;
- foundByIlOffset = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!foundByIlOffset && ilOffset == 0)
- {
- if (inst->GetRepresentativeEntryAddress(&addr) == S_OK)
- {
- IssueDebuggerBPCommand(addr);
- bFoundCode = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- pMeth->EndEnumInstances (h1);
- }
- // if this is a generic method we need to add a deferred bp
- BOOL bGeneric = FALSE;
- pMeth->HasClassOrMethodInstantiation(&bGeneric);
- bNeedDefer = !bFoundCode || bGeneric;
- // This is down here because we only need to call SetCodeNofiication once.
- if (bNeedDefer)
- {
- if (pMeth->SetCodeNotification (CLRDATA_METHNOTIFY_GENERATED) != S_OK)
- {
- bNeedDefer = FALSE;
- ExtOut("Failed to set code notification\n");
- }
- }
- return bNeedDefer;
- }
- BOOL IsIn(__in_z LPWSTR szModule, __in_z LPWSTR szName, TADDR mod)
- {
- PendingBreakpoint *pCur = m_breakpoints;
- while(pCur)
- {
- if (pCur->ModuleMatches(mod) &&
- _wcsicmp(pCur->szModuleName, szModule) == 0 &&
- _wcscmp(pCur->szFunctionName, szName) == 0)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- pCur = pCur->pNext;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- BOOL IsIn(__in_z LPWSTR szFilename, DWORD lineNumber, TADDR mod)
- {
- PendingBreakpoint *pCur = m_breakpoints;
- while(pCur)
- {
- if (pCur->ModuleMatches(mod) &&
- _wcsicmp(pCur->szFilename, szFilename) == 0 &&
- pCur->lineNumber == lineNumber)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- pCur = pCur->pNext;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- BOOL IsIn(mdMethodDef token, TADDR mod, DWORD ilOffset)
- {
- PendingBreakpoint *pCur = m_breakpoints;
- while(pCur)
- {
- if (pCur->ModuleMatches(mod) &&
- pCur->methodToken == token &&
- pCur->ilOffset == ilOffset)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- pCur = pCur->pNext;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- void Delete(PendingBreakpoint *pDelete)
- {
- PendingBreakpoint *pCur = m_breakpoints;
- PendingBreakpoint *pPrev = NULL;
- while(pCur)
- {
- if (pCur == pDelete)
- {
- if (pPrev == NULL)
- {
- m_breakpoints = pCur->pNext;
- }
- else
- {
- pPrev->pNext = pCur->pNext;
- }
- delete pCur;
- return;
- }
- pPrev = pCur;
- pCur = pCur->pNext;
- }
- }
- HRESULT ResolvePendingNonModuleBoundBreakpoint(TADDR mod, PendingBreakpoint *pCur, SymbolReader* pSymbolReader)
- {
- // This function only works with pending breakpoints that are not module bound.
- if (pCur->pModule == NULL)
- {
- if(pCur->szModuleName[0] != L'\0')
- {
- return ResolvePendingNonModuleBoundBreakpoint(pCur->szModuleName, pCur->szFunctionName, mod, pCur->ilOffset);
- }
- else
- {
- return ResolvePendingNonModuleBoundBreakpoint(pCur->szFilename, pCur->lineNumber, mod, pSymbolReader);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return S_OK;
- }
- }
- // Returns TRUE if further instances may be jitted, FALSE if all instances are now resolved
- BOOL ResolvePendingBreakpoint(TADDR addr, PendingBreakpoint *pCur)
- {
- // Only go forward if the module matches the current PendingBreakpoint
- if (!pCur->ModuleMatches(addr))
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ToRelease<IXCLRDataModule> mod;
- if (FAILED(g_sos->GetModule(addr, &mod)))
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(pCur->methodToken == 0)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ToRelease<IXCLRDataMethodDefinition> pMeth = NULL;
- mod->GetMethodDefinitionByToken(pCur->methodToken, &pMeth);
- // We may not need the code notification. Maybe it was ngen'd and we
- // already have the method?
- // We can delete the current entry if ResolveMethodInstances() set all BPs
- return ResolveMethodInstances(pMeth, pCur->ilOffset);
- }
-Breakpoints g_bpoints;
-// Controls whether optimizations are disabled on module load and whether NGEN can be used
-BOOL g_fAllowJitOptimization = TRUE;
-// Controls whether a one-shot breakpoint should be inserted the next time
-// execution is about to enter a catch clause
-BOOL g_stopOnNextCatch = FALSE;
-// According to the latest debuggers these callbacks will not get called
-// unless the user (or an extension, like SOS :-)) had previously enabled
-// clrn with "sxe clrn".
-class CNotification : public IXCLRDataExceptionNotification5
- static int s_condemnedGen;
- int m_count;
- int m_dbgStatus;
- CNotification()
- : m_count(0)
- {}
- int GetDebugStatus()
- {
- return m_dbgStatus;
- }
- STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface (REFIID iid, void **ppvObject)
- {
- if (ppvObject == NULL)
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- if (IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IUnknown)
- || IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IXCLRDataExceptionNotification)
- || IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IXCLRDataExceptionNotification2)
- || IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IXCLRDataExceptionNotification3)
- || IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IXCLRDataExceptionNotification4)
- || IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IXCLRDataExceptionNotification5))
- {
- *ppvObject = static_cast<IXCLRDataExceptionNotification5*>(this);
- AddRef();
- return S_OK;
- }
- else
- }
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void) { return ++m_count; }
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void)
- {
- m_count--;
- if (m_count < 0)
- {
- m_count = 0;
- }
- return m_count;
- }
- /*
- * New code was generated or discarded for a method.:
- */
- STDMETHODIMP OnCodeGenerated(IXCLRDataMethodInstance* method)
- {
- return S_OK;
- }
- STDMETHODIMP OnCodeGenerated2(IXCLRDataMethodInstance* method, CLRDATA_ADDRESS nativeCodeLocation)
- {
- // Some method has been generated, make a breakpoint.
- ULONG32 len = mdNameLen;
- LPWSTR szModuleName = (LPWSTR)alloca(mdNameLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
- if (method->GetName(0, mdNameLen, &len, g_mdName) == S_OK)
- {
- ToRelease<IXCLRDataModule> pMod;
- HRESULT hr = method->GetTokenAndScope(NULL, &pMod);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- len = mdNameLen;
- if (pMod->GetName(mdNameLen, &len, szModuleName) == S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("JITTED %S!%S\n", szModuleName, g_mdName);
- DacpGetModuleAddress dgma;
- if (SUCCEEDED(dgma.Request(pMod)))
- {
- g_bpoints.UpdateKnownCodeAddress(TO_TADDR(dgma.ModulePtr), nativeCodeLocation);
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to request module address.\n");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- STDMETHODIMP OnCodeDiscarded(IXCLRDataMethodInstance* method)
- {
- return E_NOTIMPL;
- }
- /*
- * The process or task reached the desired execution state.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP OnProcessExecution(ULONG32 state) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
- STDMETHODIMP OnTaskExecution(IXCLRDataTask* task,
- ULONG32 state) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
- /*
- * The given module was loaded or unloaded.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP OnModuleLoaded(IXCLRDataModule* mod)
- {
- DacpGetModuleAddress dgma;
- if (SUCCEEDED(dgma.Request(mod)))
- {
- g_bpoints.Update(TO_TADDR(dgma.ModulePtr), TRUE);
- }
- if(!g_fAllowJitOptimization)
- {
- ToRelease<IXCLRDataModule2> mod2;
- if(FAILED(mod->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IXCLRDataModule2), (void**) &mod2)))
- {
- ExtOut("SOS: warning, optimizations for this module could not be suppressed because this CLR version doesn't support the functionality\n");
- }
- else if(FAILED(hr = mod2->SetJITCompilerFlags(CORDEBUG_JIT_DISABLE_OPTIMIZATION)))
- {
- ExtOut("SOS: warning, optimizations for this module could not be surpressed because an optimized prejitted image was loaded\n");
- else
- ExtOut("SOS: warning, optimizations for this module could not be surpressed hr=0x%x\n", hr);
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- STDMETHODIMP OnModuleUnloaded(IXCLRDataModule* mod)
- {
- DacpGetModuleAddress dgma;
- if (SUCCEEDED(dgma.Request(mod)))
- {
- g_bpoints.RemovePendingForModule(TO_TADDR(dgma.ModulePtr));
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- /*
- * The given type was loaded or unloaded.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP OnTypeLoaded(IXCLRDataTypeInstance* typeInst)
- { return E_NOTIMPL; }
- STDMETHODIMP OnTypeUnloaded(IXCLRDataTypeInstance* typeInst)
- { return E_NOTIMPL; }
- STDMETHODIMP OnAppDomainLoaded(IXCLRDataAppDomain* domain)
- { return E_NOTIMPL; }
- STDMETHODIMP OnAppDomainUnloaded(IXCLRDataAppDomain* domain)
- { return E_NOTIMPL; }
- STDMETHODIMP OnException(IXCLRDataExceptionState* exception)
- { return E_NOTIMPL; }
- STDMETHODIMP OnGcEvent(GcEvtArgs gcEvtArgs)
- // by default don't stop on these notifications...
- IXCLRDataProcess2* idp2 = NULL;
- if (SUCCEEDED(g_clrData->QueryInterface(IID_IXCLRDataProcess2, (void**) &idp2)))
- {
- if (gcEvtArgs.typ == GC_MARK_END)
- {
- // erase notification request
- GcEvtArgs gea = { GC_MARK_END, { 0 } };
- idp2->SetGcNotification(gea);
- s_condemnedGen = bitidx(gcEvtArgs.condemnedGeneration);
- ExtOut("CLR notification: GC - Performing a gen %d collection. Determined surviving objects...\n", s_condemnedGen);
- // GC_MARK_END notification means: give the user a chance to examine the debuggee
- m_dbgStatus = DEBUG_STATUS_BREAK;
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- /*
- * Catch is about to be entered
- */
- STDMETHODIMP ExceptionCatcherEnter(IXCLRDataMethodInstance* method, DWORD catcherNativeOffset)
- {
- if(g_stopOnNextCatch)
- {
- if(method->GetRepresentativeEntryAddress(&startAddr) == S_OK)
- {
- CHAR buffer[100];
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- sprintf_s(buffer, _countof(buffer), "bp /1 %p", (void*) (size_t) (startAddr+catcherNativeOffset));
- sprintf_s(buffer, _countof(buffer), "breakpoint set --one-shot --address 0x%p", (void*) (size_t) (startAddr+catcherNativeOffset));
- g_ExtControl->Execute(DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED, buffer, 0);
- }
- g_stopOnNextCatch = FALSE;
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- static int GetCondemnedGen()
- {
- return s_condemnedGen;
- }
-int CNotification::s_condemnedGen = -1;
- ISOSDacInterface4 *psos4 = NULL;
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS arguments[3];
- HRESULT Status;
- if (SUCCEEDED(Status = g_sos->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ISOSDacInterface4), (void**) &psos4)))
- {
- int count = _countof(arguments);
- int countNeeded = 0;
- Status = psos4->GetClrNotification(arguments, count, &countNeeded);
- psos4->Release();
- if (SUCCEEDED(Status))
- {
- memset(&pdle->ExceptionRecord, 0, sizeof(pdle->ExceptionRecord));
- pdle->FirstChance = TRUE;
- pdle->ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode = CLRDATA_NOTIFY_EXCEPTION;
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- pdle->ExceptionRecord.ExceptionInformation[i] = arguments[i];
- }
- // The rest of the ExceptionRecord isn't used by TranslateExceptionRecordToNotification
- return TRUE;
- }
- // No pending exception notification
- return FALSE;
- }
- // The new DAC based interface doesn't exists so ask the debugger for the last exception
- // information. NOTE: this function doesn't work on xplat version when the coreclr symbols
- // have been stripped.
- ULONG Type, ProcessId, ThreadId;
- ULONG ExtraInformationUsed;
- Status = g_ExtControl->GetLastEventInformation(
- &Type,
- &ProcessId,
- &ThreadId,
- pdle,
- &ExtraInformationUsed,
- 0,
- NULL);
- if (Status != S_OK || Type != DEBUG_EVENT_EXCEPTION)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (!pdle->FirstChance || pdle->ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode != CLRDATA_NOTIFY_EXCEPTION)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
-HRESULT HandleCLRNotificationEvent()
- /*
- * Did we get module load notification? If so, check if any in our pending list
- * need to be registered for jit notification.
- *
- * Did we get a jit notification? If so, check if any can be removed and
- * real breakpoints be set.
- */
- CNotification Notification;
- if (!CheckCLRNotificationEvent(&dle))
- {
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- ExtOut("Expecting first chance CLRN exception\n");
- return E_FAIL;
- g_ExtControl->Execute(DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED, "process continue", 0);
- return S_OK;
- }
- // Notification only needs to live for the lifetime of the call below, so it's a non-static
- // local.
- HRESULT Status = g_clrData->TranslateExceptionRecordToNotification(&dle.ExceptionRecord, &Notification);
- if (Status != S_OK)
- {
- ExtErr("Error processing exception notification\n");
- return Status;
- }
- else
- {
- switch (Notification.GetDebugStatus())
- {
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- g_ExtControl->Execute(DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED, "g", 0);
- g_ExtControl->Execute(DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED, "process continue", 0);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- return HandleCLRNotificationEvent();
-#else // FEATURE_PAL
-HRESULT HandleExceptionNotification(ILLDBServices *client)
- return HandleCLRNotificationEvent();
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
- char buffer[1024];
- if (IsDumpFile())
- {
- ExtOut(SOSPrefix "bpmd is not supported on a dump file.\n");
- return Status;
- }
- // We keep a list of managed breakpoints the user wants to set, and display pending bps
- // bpmd. If you call bpmd <module name> <method> we will set or update an existing bp.
- // bpmd acts as a feeder of breakpoints to bp when the time is right.
- //
- StringHolder DllName,TypeName;
- int lineNumber = 0;
- size_t Offset = 0;
- BOOL fNoFutureModule = FALSE;
- BOOL fList = FALSE;
- size_t clearItem = 0;
- BOOL fClearAll = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-md", &pMD, COHEX, TRUE},
- {"-nofuturemodule", &fNoFutureModule, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-list", &fList, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-clear", &clearItem, COSIZE_T, TRUE},
- {"-clearall", &fClearAll, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&, COSTRING},
- {&, COSTRING},
- {&Offset, COSIZE_T},
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- bool fBadParam = false;
- bool fIsFilename = false;
- int commandsParsed = 0;
- if (pMD != NULL)
- {
- if (nArg != 0)
- {
- fBadParam = true;
- }
- commandsParsed++;
- }
- if (fList)
- {
- commandsParsed++;
- if (nArg != 0)
- {
- fBadParam = true;
- }
- }
- if (fClearAll)
- {
- commandsParsed++;
- if (nArg != 0)
- {
- fBadParam = true;
- }
- }
- if (clearItem != 0)
- {
- commandsParsed++;
- if (nArg != 0)
- {
- fBadParam = true;
- }
- }
- if (1 <= nArg && nArg <= 3)
- {
- commandsParsed++;
- // did we get dll and type name or file:line#? Search for a colon in the first arg
- // to see if it is in fact a file:line#
- CHAR* pColon = strchr(, ':');
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- if (FAILED(g_ExtSymbols->GetModuleByModuleName(MAIN_CLR_MODULE_NAME_A, 0, NULL, NULL))) {
- if (FAILED(g_ExtSymbols->GetModuleByModuleName(MAIN_CLR_DLL_NAME_A, 0, NULL, NULL))) {
- ExtOut("%s not loaded yet\n", MAIN_CLR_DLL_NAME_A);
- return Status;
- }
- if(NULL != pColon)
- {
- fIsFilename = true;
- *pColon = '\0';
- pColon++;
- if(1 != sscanf_s(pColon, "%d", &lineNumber))
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to parse line number\n");
- fBadParam = true;
- }
- else if(lineNumber < 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Line number must be positive\n");
- fBadParam = true;
- }
- if(nArg != 1) fBadParam = 1;
- }
- }
- if (fBadParam || (commandsParsed != 1))
- {
- ExtOut("Usage: " SOSPrefix "bpmd -md <MethodDesc pointer>\n");
- ExtOut("Usage: " SOSPrefix "bpmd [-nofuturemodule] <module name> <managed function name> [<il offset>]\n");
- ExtOut("Usage: " SOSPrefix "bpmd <filename>:<line number>\n");
- ExtOut("Usage: " SOSPrefix "bpmd -list\n");
- ExtOut("Usage: " SOSPrefix "bpmd -clear <pending breakpoint number>\n");
- ExtOut("Usage: " SOSPrefix "bpmd -clearall\n");
- ExtOut("See \"soshelp bpmd\" for more details.\n");
- ExtOut("See \"!help bpmd\" for more details.\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (fList)
- {
- g_bpoints.ListBreakpoints();
- return Status;
- }
- if (clearItem != 0)
- {
- g_bpoints.ClearBreakpoint(clearItem);
- return Status;
- }
- if (fClearAll)
- {
- g_bpoints.ClearAllBreakpoints();
- return Status;
- }
- // Add a breakpoint
- // Do we already have this breakpoint?
- // Or, before setting it, is the module perhaps already loaded and code
- // is available? If so, don't add to our pending list, just go ahead and
- // set the real breakpoint.
- LPWSTR ModuleName = (LPWSTR)alloca(mdNameLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
- LPWSTR FunctionName = (LPWSTR)alloca(mdNameLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
- LPWSTR Filename = (LPWSTR)alloca(MAX_LONGPATH * sizeof(WCHAR));
- BOOL bNeedNotificationExceptions = FALSE;
- if (pMD == NULL)
- {
- int numModule = 0;
- int numMethods = 0;
- ArrayHolder<DWORD_PTR> moduleList = NULL;
- if(!fIsFilename)
- {
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0,, -1, ModuleName, mdNameLen);
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0,, -1, FunctionName, mdNameLen);
- }
- else
- {
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0,, -1, Filename, MAX_LONGPATH);
- }
- // Get modules that may need a breakpoint bound
- if ((Status = CheckEEDll()) == S_OK)
- {
- if ((Status = LoadClrDebugDll()) != S_OK)
- {
- // if the EE is loaded but DAC isn't we should stop.
- DACMessage(Status);
- return Status;
- }
- g_bDacBroken = FALSE; \
- // Get the module list
- moduleList = ModuleFromName(fIsFilename ? NULL :, &numModule);
- // Its OK if moduleList is NULL
- // There is a very normal case when checking for modules after clr is loaded
- // but before any AppDomains or assemblies are created
- // for example:
- // >sxe ld:clr
- // >g
- // ...
- // ModLoad: clr.dll
- // >!bpmd Foo.dll Foo.Bar
- }
- // If LoadClrDebugDll() succeeded make sure we release g_clrData
- ToRelease<IXCLRDataProcess> spIDP(g_clrData);
- ToRelease<ISOSDacInterface> spISD(g_sos);
- ResetGlobals();
- // we can get here with EE not loaded => 0 modules
- // EE is loaded => 0 or more modules
- ArrayHolder<DWORD_PTR> pMDs = NULL;
- for (int iModule = 0; iModule < numModule; iModule++)
- {
- ToRelease<IXCLRDataModule> ModDef;
- if (g_sos->GetModule(moduleList[iModule], &ModDef) != S_OK)
- {
- continue;
- }
- HRESULT symbolsLoaded = S_FALSE;
- if(!fIsFilename)
- {
- g_bpoints.ResolvePendingNonModuleBoundBreakpoint(ModuleName, FunctionName, moduleList[iModule], (DWORD)Offset);
- }
- else
- {
- SymbolReader symbolReader;
- symbolsLoaded = g_bpoints.LoadSymbolsForModule(moduleList[iModule], &symbolReader);
- if(symbolsLoaded == S_OK &&
- g_bpoints.ResolvePendingNonModuleBoundBreakpoint(Filename, lineNumber, moduleList[iModule], &symbolReader) == S_OK)
- {
- // if we have symbols then get the function name so we can lookup the MethodDescs
- mdMethodDef methodDefToken;
- ULONG32 ilOffset;
- if(SUCCEEDED(symbolReader.ResolveSequencePoint(Filename, lineNumber, moduleList[iModule], &methodDefToken, &ilOffset)))
- {
- ToRelease<IXCLRDataMethodDefinition> pMethodDef = NULL;
- if (SUCCEEDED(ModDef->GetMethodDefinitionByToken(methodDefToken, &pMethodDef)))
- {
- ULONG32 nameLen = 0;
- pMethodDef->GetName(0, mdNameLen, &nameLen, FunctionName);
- // get the size of the required buffer
- int buffSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, FunctionName, -1,, 0, NULL, NULL);
- = new NOTHROW char[buffSize];
- if ( != NULL)
- {
- int bytesWritten = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, FunctionName, -1,, buffSize, NULL, NULL);
- _ASSERTE(bytesWritten == buffSize);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- HRESULT gotMethodDescs = GetMethodDescsFromName(moduleList[iModule], ModDef,, &pMDs, &numMethods);
- if (FAILED(gotMethodDescs) && (!fIsFilename))
- {
- // BPs via file name will enumerate through modules so there will be legitimate failures.
- // for module/type name we already found a match so this shouldn't fail (this is the original behavior).
- ExtOut("Error getting MethodDescs for module %p\n", moduleList[iModule]);
- return Status;
- }
- // for filename+line number only print extra info if symbols for this module are loaded (it can get quite noisy otherwise).
- if ((!fIsFilename) || (fIsFilename && symbolsLoaded == S_OK))
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < numMethods; i++)
- {
- if (pMDs[i] == MD_NOT_YET_LOADED)
- {
- continue;
- }
- ExtOut("MethodDesc = %p\n", SOS_PTR(pMDs[i]));
- }
- }
- if (g_bpoints.Update(moduleList[iModule], FALSE))
- {
- bNeedNotificationExceptions = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (!fNoFutureModule)
- {
- // add a pending breakpoint that will find future loaded modules, and
- // wait for the module load notification.
- if (!fIsFilename)
- {
- g_bpoints.Add(ModuleName, FunctionName, NULL, (DWORD)Offset);
- }
- else
- {
- g_bpoints.Add(Filename, lineNumber, NULL);
- }
- bNeedNotificationExceptions = TRUE;
- ULONG32 flags = 0;
- g_clrData->GetOtherNotificationFlags(&flags);
- g_clrData->SetOtherNotificationFlags(flags);
- }
- }
- else /* We were given a MethodDesc already */
- {
- // if we've got an explicit MD, then we better have CLR and mscordacwks loaded
- DacpMethodDescData MethodDescData;
- ExtOut("MethodDesc = %p\n", SOS_PTR(pMD));
- if (MethodDescData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(pMD)) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("%p is not a valid MethodDesc\n", SOS_PTR(pMD));
- return Status;
- }
- if (MethodDescData.bHasNativeCode)
- {
- IssueDebuggerBPCommand((size_t) MethodDescData.NativeCodeAddr);
- }
- else if (MethodDescData.bIsDynamic)
- {
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- // Dynamic methods don't have JIT notifications. This is something we must
- // fix in the next release. Until then, you have a cumbersome user experience.
- ExtOut("This DynamicMethodDesc is not yet JITTED. Placing memory breakpoint at %p\n",
- MethodDescData.AddressOfNativeCodeSlot);
- sprintf_s(buffer, _countof(buffer),
-#ifdef _TARGET_WIN64_
- "ba w8"
- "ba w4"
-#endif // _TARGET_WIN64_
- " /1 %p \"bp poi(%p); g\"",
- (void*) (size_t) MethodDescData.AddressOfNativeCodeSlot,
- (void*) (size_t) MethodDescData.AddressOfNativeCodeSlot);
- Status = g_ExtControl->Execute(DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED, buffer, 0);
- if (FAILED(Status))
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to set breakpoint with IDebugControl::Execute: %x\n",Status);
- ExtOut("Attempted to run: %s\n", buffer);
- }
- ExtErr("This DynamicMethodDesc is not yet JITTED %p\n", MethodDescData.AddressOfNativeCodeSlot);
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
- }
- else
- {
- // Must issue a pending breakpoint.
- if (g_sos->GetMethodDescName(pMD, mdNameLen, FunctionName, NULL) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to get method name for MethodDesc %p\n", SOS_PTR(pMD));
- return Status;
- }
- FileNameForModule ((DWORD_PTR) MethodDescData.ModulePtr, ModuleName);
- // We didn't find code, add a breakpoint.
- g_bpoints.ResolvePendingNonModuleBoundBreakpoint(ModuleName, FunctionName, TO_TADDR(MethodDescData.ModulePtr), 0);
- g_bpoints.Update(TO_TADDR(MethodDescData.ModulePtr), FALSE);
- bNeedNotificationExceptions = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (bNeedNotificationExceptions)
- {
- ExtOut("Adding pending breakpoints...\n");
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- sprintf_s(buffer, _countof(buffer), "sxe -c \"!HandleCLRN\" clrn");
- Status = g_ExtControl->Execute(DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED, buffer, 0);
- Status = g_ExtServices->SetExceptionCallback(HandleExceptionNotification);
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
- }
- return Status;
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to dump the managed threadpool *
-* *
- DacpThreadpoolData threadpool;
- if ((Status = threadpool.Request(g_sos)) == S_OK)
- {
- BOOL doHCDump = FALSE, doWorkItemDump = FALSE, dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-ti", &doHCDump, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-wi", &doWorkItemDump, COBOOL, FALSE},
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), NULL, 0, NULL))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- ExtOut ("CPU utilization: %d%%\n", threadpool.cpuUtilization);
- ExtOut ("Worker Thread:");
- ExtOut (" Total: %d", threadpool.NumWorkingWorkerThreads + threadpool.NumIdleWorkerThreads + threadpool.NumRetiredWorkerThreads);
- ExtOut (" Running: %d", threadpool.NumWorkingWorkerThreads);
- ExtOut (" Idle: %d", threadpool.NumIdleWorkerThreads);
- ExtOut (" MaxLimit: %d", threadpool.MaxLimitTotalWorkerThreads);
- ExtOut (" MinLimit: %d", threadpool.MinLimitTotalWorkerThreads);
- ExtOut ("\n");
- int numWorkRequests = 0;
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS workRequestPtr = threadpool.FirstUnmanagedWorkRequest;
- DacpWorkRequestData workRequestData;
- while (workRequestPtr)
- {
- if ((Status = workRequestData.Request(g_sos,workRequestPtr))!=S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut(" Failed to examine a WorkRequest\n");
- return Status;
- }
- numWorkRequests++;
- workRequestPtr = workRequestData.NextWorkRequest;
- }
- ExtOut ("Work Request in Queue: %d\n", numWorkRequests);
- workRequestPtr = threadpool.FirstUnmanagedWorkRequest;
- while (workRequestPtr)
- {
- if ((Status = workRequestData.Request(g_sos,workRequestPtr))!=S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut(" Failed to examine a WorkRequest\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (workRequestData.Function == threadpool.AsyncTimerCallbackCompletionFPtr)
- ExtOut (" AsyncTimerCallbackCompletion TimerInfo@%p\n", SOS_PTR(workRequestData.Context));
- else
- ExtOut (" Unknown Function: %p Context: %p\n", SOS_PTR(workRequestData.Function),
- SOS_PTR(workRequestData.Context));
- workRequestPtr = workRequestData.NextWorkRequest;
- }
- if (doWorkItemDump && g_snapshot.Build())
- {
- // Display a message if the heap isn't verified.
- sos::GCHeap gcheap;
- if (!gcheap.AreGCStructuresValid())
- {
- DisplayInvalidStructuresMessage();
- }
- // Walk every heap item looking for the global queue and local queues.
- ExtOut("\nQueued work items:\n%" POINTERSIZE "s %" POINTERSIZE "s %s\n", "Queue", "Address", "Work Item");
- HeapStat stats;
- for (sos::ObjectIterator itr = gcheap.WalkHeap(); !IsInterrupt() && itr != NULL; ++itr)
- {
- if (_wcscmp(itr->GetTypeName(), W("System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue")) == 0)
- {
- // We found a global queue (there should be only one, given one AppDomain).
- // Get its workItems ConcurrentQueue<IThreadPoolWorkItem>.
- int offset = GetObjFieldOffset(itr->GetAddress(), itr->GetMT(), W("workItems"));
- if (offset > 0)
- {
- DWORD_PTR workItemsConcurrentQueuePtr;
- MOVE(workItemsConcurrentQueuePtr, itr->GetAddress() + offset);
- if (sos::IsObject(workItemsConcurrentQueuePtr, false))
- {
- // We got the ConcurrentQueue. Get its head segment.
- sos::Object workItemsConcurrentQueue = TO_TADDR(workItemsConcurrentQueuePtr);
- offset = GetObjFieldOffset(workItemsConcurrentQueue.GetAddress(), workItemsConcurrentQueue.GetMT(), W("_head"));
- if (offset > 0)
- {
- // Now, walk from segment to segment, each of which contains an array of work items.
- DWORD_PTR segmentPtr;
- MOVE(segmentPtr, workItemsConcurrentQueue.GetAddress() + offset);
- while (sos::IsObject(segmentPtr, false))
- {
- sos::Object segment = TO_TADDR(segmentPtr);
- // Get the work items array. It's an array of Slot structs, which starts with the T.
- offset = GetObjFieldOffset(segment.GetAddress(), segment.GetMT(), W("_slots"));
- if (offset <= 0)
- {
- break;
- }
- DWORD_PTR slotsPtr;
- MOVE(slotsPtr, segment.GetAddress() + offset);
- if (!sos::IsObject(slotsPtr, false))
- {
- break;
- }
- // Walk every element in the array, outputting details on non-null work items.
- DacpObjectData slotsArray;
- if (slotsArray.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(slotsPtr)) == S_OK && slotsArray.ObjectType == OBJ_ARRAY)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < slotsArray.dwNumComponents; i++)
- {
- MOVE(workItemPtr, TO_CDADDR(slotsArray.ArrayDataPtr + (i * slotsArray.dwComponentSize))); // the item object reference is at the beginning of the Slot
- if (workItemPtr != NULL && sos::IsObject(workItemPtr, false))
- {
- sos::Object workItem = TO_TADDR(workItemPtr);
- stats.Add((DWORD_PTR)workItem.GetMT(), (DWORD)workItem.GetSize());
- DMLOut("%" POINTERSIZE "s %s %S", "[Global]", DMLObject(workItem.GetAddress()), workItem.GetTypeName());
- if ((offset = GetObjFieldOffset(workItem.GetAddress(), workItem.GetMT(), W("_callback"))) > 0 ||
- (offset = GetObjFieldOffset(workItem.GetAddress(), workItem.GetMT(), W("m_action"))) > 0)
- {
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS delegatePtr;
- MOVE(delegatePtr, workItem.GetAddress() + offset);
- if (TryGetMethodDescriptorForDelegate(delegatePtr, &md))
- {
- NameForMD_s((DWORD_PTR)md, g_mdName, mdNameLen);
- ExtOut(" => %S", g_mdName);
- }
- }
- ExtOut("\n");
- }
- }
- }
- // Move to the next segment.
- DacpFieldDescData segmentField;
- offset = GetObjFieldOffset(segment.GetAddress(), segment.GetMT(), W("_nextSegment"), TRUE, &segmentField);
- if (offset <= 0)
- {
- break;
- }
- MOVE(segmentPtr, segment.GetAddress() + offset);
- if (segmentPtr == NULL)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (_wcscmp(itr->GetTypeName(), W("System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue+WorkStealingQueue")) == 0)
- {
- // We found a local queue. Get its work items array.
- int offset = GetObjFieldOffset(itr->GetAddress(), itr->GetMT(), W("m_array"));
- if (offset > 0)
- {
- // Walk every element in the array, outputting details on non-null work items.
- DWORD_PTR workItemArrayPtr;
- MOVE(workItemArrayPtr, itr->GetAddress() + offset);
- DacpObjectData workItemArray;
- if (workItemArray.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(workItemArrayPtr)) == S_OK && workItemArray.ObjectType == OBJ_ARRAY)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < workItemArray.dwNumComponents; i++)
- {
- MOVE(workItemPtr, TO_CDADDR(workItemArray.ArrayDataPtr + (i * workItemArray.dwComponentSize)));
- if (workItemPtr != NULL && sos::IsObject(workItemPtr, false))
- {
- sos::Object workItem = TO_TADDR(workItemPtr);
- stats.Add((DWORD_PTR)workItem.GetMT(), (DWORD)workItem.GetSize());
- DMLOut("%s %s %S", DMLObject(itr->GetAddress()), DMLObject(workItem.GetAddress()), workItem.GetTypeName());
- if ((offset = GetObjFieldOffset(workItem.GetAddress(), workItem.GetMT(), W("_callback"))) > 0 ||
- (offset = GetObjFieldOffset(workItem.GetAddress(), workItem.GetMT(), W("m_action"))) > 0)
- {
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS delegatePtr;
- MOVE(delegatePtr, workItem.GetAddress() + offset);
- if (TryGetMethodDescriptorForDelegate(delegatePtr, &md))
- {
- NameForMD_s((DWORD_PTR)md, g_mdName, mdNameLen);
- ExtOut(" => %S", g_mdName);
- }
- }
- ExtOut("\n");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Output a summary.
- stats.Sort();
- stats.Print();
- ExtOut("\n");
- }
- if (doHCDump)
- {
- ExtOut ("--------------------------------------\n");
- ExtOut ("\nThread Injection History\n");
- if (threadpool.HillClimbingLogSize > 0)
- {
- static char const * const TransitionNames[] =
- {
- "Warmup",
- "Initializing",
- "RandomMove",
- "ClimbingMove",
- "ChangePoint",
- "Stabilizing",
- "Starvation",
- "ThreadTimedOut",
- "Undefined"
- };
- ExtOut("\n Time Transition New #Threads #Samples Throughput\n");
- DacpHillClimbingLogEntry entry;
- // get the most recent entry first, so we can calculate time offsets
- int index = (threadpool.HillClimbingLogFirstIndex + threadpool.HillClimbingLogSize-1) % HillClimbingLogCapacity;
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS entryPtr = threadpool.HillClimbingLog + (index * sizeof(HillClimbingLogEntry));
- if ((Status = entry.Request(g_sos,entryPtr))!=S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut(" Failed to examine a HillClimbing log entry\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DWORD endTime = entry.TickCount;
- for (int i = 0; i < threadpool.HillClimbingLogSize; i++)
- {
- index = (i + threadpool.HillClimbingLogFirstIndex) % HillClimbingLogCapacity;
- entryPtr = threadpool.HillClimbingLog + (index * sizeof(HillClimbingLogEntry));
- if ((Status = entry.Request(g_sos,entryPtr))!=S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut(" Failed to examine a HillClimbing log entry\n");
- return Status;
- }
- ExtOut("%8.2lf %-14s %12d %12d %11.2lf\n",
- (double)(int)(entry.TickCount - endTime) / 1000.0,
- TransitionNames[entry.Transition],
- entry.NewControlSetting,
- entry.LastHistoryCount,
- entry.LastHistoryMean);
- }
- }
- }
- ExtOut ("--------------------------------------\n");
- ExtOut ("Number of Timers: %d\n", threadpool.NumTimers);
- ExtOut ("--------------------------------------\n");
- ExtOut ("Completion Port Thread:");
- ExtOut ("Total: %d", threadpool.NumCPThreads);
- ExtOut (" Free: %d", threadpool.NumFreeCPThreads);
- ExtOut (" MaxFree: %d", threadpool.MaxFreeCPThreads);
- ExtOut (" CurrentLimit: %d", threadpool.CurrentLimitTotalCPThreads);
- ExtOut (" MaxLimit: %d", threadpool.MaxLimitTotalCPThreads);
- ExtOut (" MinLimit: %d", threadpool.MinLimitTotalCPThreads);
- ExtOut ("\n");
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to request ThreadpoolMgr information\n");
- }
- return Status;
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
- DWORD_PTR p_Object = NULL;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&p_Object, COHEX},
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- if ((p_Object == 0) || !sos::IsObject(p_Object))
- {
- ExtOut("%p is not a valid object\n", SOS_PTR(p_Object));
- return Status;
- }
- DacpAppDomainStoreData adstore;
- if (adstore.Request(g_sos) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error getting AppDomain information\n");
- return Status;
- }
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS appDomain = GetAppDomain (TO_CDADDR(p_Object));
- if (appDomain != NULL)
- {
- DMLOut("AppDomain: %s\n", DMLDomain(appDomain));
- if (appDomain == adstore.sharedDomain)
- {
- ExtOut("Name: Shared Domain\n");
- ExtOut("ID: (shared domain)\n");
- }
- else if (appDomain == adstore.systemDomain)
- {
- ExtOut("Name: System Domain\n");
- ExtOut("ID: (system domain)\n");
- }
- else
- {
- DacpAppDomainData domain;
- if ((domain.Request(g_sos, appDomain) != S_OK) ||
- (g_sos->GetAppDomainName(appDomain,mdNameLen,g_mdName, NULL)!=S_OK))
- {
- ExtOut("Error getting AppDomain %p.\n", SOS_PTR(appDomain));
- return Status;
- }
- ExtOut("Name: %S\n", (g_mdName[0]!=L'\0') ? g_mdName : W("None"));
- ExtOut("ID: %d\n", domain.dwId);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("The type is declared in the shared domain and other\n");
- ExtOut("methods of finding the AppDomain failed. Try running\n");
- if (IsDMLEnabled())
- DMLOut("<exec cmd=\"!gcroot /d %p\">!gcroot %p</exec>, and if you find a root on a\n", p_Object, p_Object);
- else
- ExtOut(SOSPrefix "gcroot %p, and if you find a root on a\n", p_Object);
- ExtOut("stack, check the AppDomain of that stack with " SOSThreads ".\n");
- ExtOut("Note that the Thread could have transitioned between\n");
- ExtOut("multiple AppDomains.\n");
- }
- return Status;
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to get the COM state (e.g. APT,contexe *
-* activity. *
-* *
- ULONG numThread;
- ULONG maxId;
- g_ExtSystem->GetTotalNumberThreads(&numThread,&maxId);
- ULONG curId;
- g_ExtSystem->GetCurrentThreadId(&curId);
- SIZE_T AllocSize;
- if (!ClrSafeInt<SIZE_T>::multiply(sizeof(ULONG), numThread, AllocSize))
- {
- ExtOut(" Error! integer overflow on numThread 0x%08x\n", numThread);
- return Status;
- }
- ULONG *ids = (ULONG*)alloca(AllocSize);
- ULONG *sysIds = (ULONG*)alloca(AllocSize);
- g_ExtSystem->GetThreadIdsByIndex(0,numThread,ids,sysIds);
-#if defined(_TARGET_WIN64_)
- ExtOut(" ID TEB APT APTId CallerTID Context\n");
- ExtOut(" ID TEB APT APTId CallerTID Context\n");
- for (ULONG i = 0; i < numThread; i ++) {
- g_ExtSystem->SetCurrentThreadId(ids[i]);
- g_ExtSystem->GetCurrentThreadTeb(&cdaTeb);
- ExtOut("%3d %4x %p", ids[i], sysIds[i], SOS_PTR(CDA_TO_UL64(cdaTeb)));
- // Apartment state
- TADDR OleTlsDataAddr;
- if (SafeReadMemory(TO_TADDR(cdaTeb) + offsetof(TEB,ReservedForOle),
- &OleTlsDataAddr,
- sizeof(OleTlsDataAddr), NULL) && OleTlsDataAddr != 0) {
- DWORD AptState;
- if (SafeReadMemory(OleTlsDataAddr+offsetof(SOleTlsData,dwFlags),
- &AptState,
- sizeof(AptState), NULL)) {
- ExtOut(" STA");
- }
- else if (AptState & OLETLS_MULTITHREADED) {
- ExtOut(" MTA");
- }
- else if (AptState & OLETLS_INNEUTRALAPT) {
- ExtOut(" NTA");
- }
- else {
- ExtOut(" Ukn");
- }
- // Read these fields only if we were able to read anything of the SOleTlsData structure
- DWORD dwApartmentID;
- if (SafeReadMemory(OleTlsDataAddr+offsetof(SOleTlsData,dwApartmentID),
- &dwApartmentID,
- sizeof(dwApartmentID), NULL)) {
- ExtOut(" %8x", dwApartmentID);
- }
- else
- ExtOut(" %8x", 0);
- DWORD dwTIDCaller;
- if (SafeReadMemory(OleTlsDataAddr+offsetof(SOleTlsData,dwTIDCaller),
- &dwTIDCaller,
- sizeof(dwTIDCaller), NULL)) {
- ExtOut(" %8x", dwTIDCaller);
- }
- else
- ExtOut(" %8x", 0);
- size_t Context;
- if (SafeReadMemory(OleTlsDataAddr+offsetof(SOleTlsData,pCurrentCtx),
- &Context,
- sizeof(Context), NULL)) {
- ExtOut(" %p", SOS_PTR(Context));
- }
- else
- ExtOut(" %p", SOS_PTR(0));
- }
- else
- ExtOut(" Ukn");
- }
- else
- ExtOut(" Ukn");
- ExtOut("\n");
- }
- g_ExtSystem->SetCurrentThreadId(curId);
- return Status;
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
-BOOL traverseEh(UINT clauseIndex,UINT totalClauses,DACEHInfo *pEHInfo,LPVOID token)
- size_t methodStart = (size_t) token;
- if (IsInterrupt())
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ExtOut("EHHandler %d: %s ", clauseIndex, EHTypeName(pEHInfo->clauseType));
- LPCWSTR typeName = EHTypedClauseTypeName(pEHInfo);
- if (typeName != NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("catch(%S) ", typeName);
- }
- if (IsClonedFinally(pEHInfo))
- ExtOut("(cloned finally)");
- else if (pEHInfo->isDuplicateClause)
- ExtOut("(duplicate)");
- ExtOut("\n");
- ExtOut("Clause: ");
- ULONG64 addrStart = pEHInfo->tryStartOffset + methodStart;
- ULONG64 addrEnd = pEHInfo->tryEndOffset + methodStart;
-#ifdef _WIN64
- ExtOut("[%08x`%08x, %08x`%08x]",
- (ULONG)(addrStart >> 32), (ULONG)addrStart,
- (ULONG)(addrEnd >> 32), (ULONG)addrEnd);
- ExtOut("[%08x, %08x]", (ULONG)addrStart, (ULONG)addrEnd);
- ExtOut(" [%x, %x]\n",
- (UINT32) pEHInfo->tryStartOffset,
- (UINT32) pEHInfo->tryEndOffset);
- ExtOut("Handler: ");
- addrStart = pEHInfo->handlerStartOffset + methodStart;
- addrEnd = pEHInfo->handlerEndOffset + methodStart;
-#ifdef _WIN64
- ExtOut("[%08x`%08x, %08x`%08x]",
- (ULONG)(addrStart >> 32), (ULONG)addrStart,
- (ULONG)(addrEnd >> 32), (ULONG)addrEnd);
- ExtOut("[%08x, %08x]", (ULONG)addrStart, (ULONG)addrEnd);
- ExtOut(" [%x, %x]\n",
- (UINT32) pEHInfo->handlerStartOffset,
- (UINT32) pEHInfo->handlerEndOffset);
- if (pEHInfo->clauseType == EHFilter)
- {
- ExtOut("Filter: ");
- addrStart = pEHInfo->filterOffset + methodStart;
-#ifdef _WIN64
- ExtOut("[%08x`%08x]", (ULONG)(addrStart >> 32), (ULONG)addrStart);
- ExtOut("[%08x]", (ULONG)addrStart);
- ExtOut(" [%x]\n",
- (UINT32) pEHInfo->filterOffset);
- }
- ExtOut("\n");
- return TRUE;
- DWORD_PTR dwStartAddr = NULL;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&dwStartAddr, COHEX},
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg) || (0 == nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- DWORD_PTR tmpAddr = dwStartAddr;
- if (!IsMethodDesc(dwStartAddr))
- {
- JITTypes jitType;
- DWORD_PTR methodDesc;
- DWORD_PTR gcinfoAddr;
- IP2MethodDesc (dwStartAddr, methodDesc, jitType, gcinfoAddr);
- tmpAddr = methodDesc;
- }
- DacpMethodDescData MD;
- if ((tmpAddr == 0) || (MD.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(tmpAddr)) != S_OK))
- {
- ExtOut("%p is not a MethodDesc\n", SOS_PTR(tmpAddr));
- return Status;
- }
- if (1 == nArg && !MD.bHasNativeCode)
- {
- ExtOut("No EH info available\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DacpCodeHeaderData codeHeaderData;
- if (codeHeaderData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(MD.NativeCodeAddr)) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to get codeHeader information\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DMLOut("MethodDesc: %s\n", DMLMethodDesc(MD.MethodDescPtr));
- DumpMDInfo(TO_TADDR(MD.MethodDescPtr));
- ExtOut("\n");
- Status = g_sos->TraverseEHInfo(TO_CDADDR(MD.NativeCodeAddr), traverseEh, (LPVOID)MD.NativeCodeAddr);
- if (Status == E_ABORT)
- {
- ExtOut("<user aborted>\n");
- }
- else if (Status != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to perform EHInfo traverse\n");
- }
- return Status;
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to dump the GC encoding of a managed *
-* function. *
-* *
- TADDR taStartAddr = NULL;
- TADDR taGCInfoAddr;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&taStartAddr, COHEX},
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg) || (0 == nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- TADDR tmpAddr = taStartAddr;
- if (!IsMethodDesc(taStartAddr))
- {
- JITTypes jitType;
- TADDR methodDesc;
- TADDR gcinfoAddr;
- IP2MethodDesc(taStartAddr, methodDesc, jitType, gcinfoAddr);
- tmpAddr = methodDesc;
- }
- DacpMethodDescData MD;
- if ((tmpAddr == 0) || (MD.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(tmpAddr)) != S_OK))
- {
- ExtOut("%p is not a valid MethodDesc\n", SOS_PTR(taStartAddr));
- return Status;
- }
- if (1 == nArg && !MD.bHasNativeCode)
- {
- ExtOut("No GC info available\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DacpCodeHeaderData codeHeaderData;
- if (
- // Try to get code header data from taStartAddr. This will get the code
- // header corresponding to the IP address, even if the function was rejitted
- (codeHeaderData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(taStartAddr)) != S_OK) &&
- // If that didn't work, just try to use the code address that the MD
- // points to. If the function was rejitted, this will only give you the
- // original JITted code, but that's better than nothing
- (codeHeaderData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(MD.NativeCodeAddr)) != S_OK)
- )
- {
- // We always used to emit this (before rejit support), even if we couldn't get
- // the code header, so keep on doing so.
- ExtOut("entry point %p\n", SOS_PTR(MD.NativeCodeAddr));
- // And now the error....
- ExtOut("Unable to get codeHeader information\n");
- return Status;
- }
- // We have the code header, so use it to determine the method start
- ExtOut("entry point %p\n", SOS_PTR(codeHeaderData.MethodStart));
- if (codeHeaderData.JITType == TYPE_UNKNOWN)
- {
- ExtOut("unknown Jit\n");
- return Status;
- }
- else if (codeHeaderData.JITType == TYPE_JIT)
- {
- ExtOut("Normal JIT generated code\n");
- }
- else if (codeHeaderData.JITType == TYPE_PJIT)
- {
- ExtOut("preJIT generated code\n");
- }
- taGCInfoAddr = TO_TADDR(codeHeaderData.GCInfo);
- ExtOut("GC info %p\n", SOS_PTR(taGCInfoAddr));
- // assume that GC encoding table is never more than
- // 40 + methodSize * 2
- int tableSize = 0;
- if (!ClrSafeInt<int>::multiply(codeHeaderData.MethodSize, 2, tableSize) ||
- !ClrSafeInt<int>::addition(tableSize, 40, tableSize))
- {
- ExtOut("<integer overflow>\n");
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- ArrayHolder<BYTE> table = new NOTHROW BYTE[tableSize];
- if (table == NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("Could not allocate memory to read the gc info.\n");
- }
- memset(table, 0, tableSize);
- // We avoid using move here, because we do not want to return
- if (!SafeReadMemory(taGCInfoAddr, table, tableSize, NULL))
- {
- ExtOut("Could not read memory %p\n", SOS_PTR(taGCInfoAddr));
- return Status;
- }
- // Mutable table pointer since we need to pass the appropriate
- // offset into the table to DumpGCTable.
- GCInfoToken gcInfoToken = { table, GCINFO_VERSION };
- unsigned int methodSize = (unsigned int)codeHeaderData.MethodSize;
- g_targetMachine->DumpGCInfo(gcInfoToken, methodSize, ExtOut, true /*encBytes*/, true /*bPrintHeader*/);
- return Status;
-#if !defined(FEATURE_PAL)
-void DecodeGCTableEntry (const char *fmt, ...)
- GCEncodingInfo *pInfo = (GCEncodingInfo*)GetFiberData();
- va_list va;
- //
- // Append the new data to the buffer
- //
- va_start(va, fmt);
- int cch = _vsnprintf_s(&pInfo->buf[pInfo->cch], _countof(pInfo->buf) - pInfo->cch, _countof(pInfo->buf) - pInfo->cch - 1, fmt, va);
- if (cch >= 0)
- pInfo->cch += cch;
- va_end(va);
- pInfo->buf[pInfo->cch] = '\0';
- //
- // If there are complete lines in the buffer, decode them.
- //
- for (;;)
- {
- char *pNewLine = strchr(pInfo->buf, '\n');
- if (!pNewLine)
- break;
- //
- // The line should start with a 16-bit (x86) or 32-bit (non-x86) hex
- // offset. strtoul returns ULONG_MAX or 0 on failure. 0 is a valid
- // offset for the first encoding, or while the last offset was 0.
- //
- if (isxdigit(pInfo->buf[0]))
- {
- char *pEnd;
- ULONG ofs = strtoul(pInfo->buf, &pEnd, 16);
- if ( isspace(*pEnd)
- && -1 != ofs
- && ( -1 == pInfo->ofs
- || 0 == pInfo->ofs
- || ofs > 0))
- {
- pInfo->ofs = ofs;
- *pNewLine = '\0';
- SwitchToFiber(pInfo->pvMainFiber);
- }
- }
- else if (0 == strncmp(pInfo->buf, "Untracked:", 10))
- {
- pInfo->ofs = 0;
- *pNewLine = '\0';
- SwitchToFiber(pInfo->pvMainFiber);
- }
- //
- // Shift the remaining data to the start of the buffer
- //
- strcpy_s(pInfo->buf, _countof(pInfo->buf), pNewLine+1);
- pInfo->cch = (int)strlen(pInfo->buf);
- }
-VOID CALLBACK DumpGCTableFiberEntry (LPVOID pvGCEncodingInfo)
- GCEncodingInfo *pInfo = (GCEncodingInfo*)pvGCEncodingInfo;
- GCInfoToken gcInfoToken = { pInfo->table, GCINFO_VERSION };
- g_targetMachine->DumpGCInfo(gcInfoToken, pInfo->methodSize, DecodeGCTableEntry, false /*encBytes*/, false /*bPrintHeader*/);
- pInfo->fDoneDecoding = true;
- SwitchToFiber(pInfo->pvMainFiber);
-#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
-BOOL gatherEh(UINT clauseIndex,UINT totalClauses,DACEHInfo *pEHInfo,LPVOID token)
- SOSEHInfo *pInfo = (SOSEHInfo *) token;
- if (pInfo == NULL)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (pInfo->m_pInfos == NULL)
- {
- // First time, initialize structure
- pInfo->EHCount = totalClauses;
- pInfo->m_pInfos = new NOTHROW DACEHInfo[totalClauses];
- if (pInfo->m_pInfos == NULL)
- {
- ReportOOM();
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- pInfo->m_pInfos[clauseIndex] = *((DACEHInfo*)pEHInfo);
- return TRUE;
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to unassembly a managed function. *
-* It tries to print symbolic info for function call, contants... *
-* *
- DWORD_PTR dwStartAddr = NULL;
- BOOL fWithGCInfo = FALSE;
- BOOL fWithEHInfo = FALSE;
- BOOL bSuppressLines = FALSE;
- BOOL bDisplayOffsets = FALSE;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- size_t nArg;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"-gcinfo", &fWithGCInfo, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-ehinfo", &fWithEHInfo, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-n", &bSuppressLines, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-o", &bDisplayOffsets, COBOOL, FALSE},
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&dwStartAddr, COHEX},
- };
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg) || (nArg < 1))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- // symlines will be non-zero only if SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES was set in the symbol options
- ULONG symlines = 0;
- if (!bSuppressLines && SUCCEEDED(g_ExtSymbols->GetSymbolOptions(&symlines)))
- {
- symlines &= SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES;
- }
- bSuppressLines = bSuppressLines || (symlines == 0);
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- // dwStartAddr is either some IP address or a MethodDesc. Start off assuming it's a
- // MethodDesc.
- DWORD_PTR methodDesc = dwStartAddr;
- if (!IsMethodDesc(methodDesc))
- {
- // Not a methodDesc, so gotta find it ourselves
- DWORD_PTR tmpAddr = dwStartAddr;
- JITTypes jt;
- DWORD_PTR gcinfoAddr;
- IP2MethodDesc (tmpAddr, methodDesc, jt,
- gcinfoAddr);
- if (!methodDesc || jt == TYPE_UNKNOWN)
- {
- // It is not managed code.
- ExtOut("Unmanaged code\n");
- UnassemblyUnmanaged(dwStartAddr, bSuppressLines);
- return Status;
- }
- }
- DacpMethodDescData MethodDescData;
- if ((Status=MethodDescData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(methodDesc))) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to get method desc for %p.\n", SOS_PTR(dwStartAddr));
- return Status;
- }
- if (!MethodDescData.bHasNativeCode)
- {
- ExtOut("Not jitted yet\n");
- return Status;
- }
- // Get the appropriate code header. If we were passed an MD, then use
- // MethodDescData.NativeCodeAddr to find the code header; if we were passed an IP, use
- // that IP to find the code header. This ensures that, for rejitted functions, we
- // disassemble the rejit version that the user explicitly specified with their IP.
- DacpCodeHeaderData codeHeaderData;
- if (codeHeaderData.Request(
- g_sos,
- (dwStartAddr == methodDesc) ? MethodDescData.NativeCodeAddr : dwStartAddr)
- ) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to get codeHeader information\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (codeHeaderData.MethodStart == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("not a valid MethodDesc\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (codeHeaderData.JITType == TYPE_UNKNOWN)
- {
- ExtOut("unknown Jit\n");
- return Status;
- }
- else if (codeHeaderData.JITType == TYPE_JIT)
- {
- ExtOut("Normal JIT generated code\n");
- }
- else if (codeHeaderData.JITType == TYPE_PJIT)
- {
- ExtOut("preJIT generated code\n");
- }
- NameForMD_s(methodDesc, g_mdName, mdNameLen);
- ExtOut("%S\n", g_mdName);
- if (codeHeaderData.ColdRegionStart != NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("Begin %p, size %x. Cold region begin %p, size %x\n",
- SOS_PTR(codeHeaderData.MethodStart), codeHeaderData.HotRegionSize,
- SOS_PTR(codeHeaderData.ColdRegionStart), codeHeaderData.ColdRegionSize);
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Begin %p, size %x\n", SOS_PTR(codeHeaderData.MethodStart), codeHeaderData.MethodSize);
- }
-#if !defined(FEATURE_PAL)
- //
- // Set up to mix gc info with the code if requested
- //
- GCEncodingInfo gcEncodingInfo = {0};
- // The actual GC Encoding Table, this is updated during the course of the function.
- gcEncodingInfo.table = NULL;
- // The holder to make sure we clean up the memory for the table
- ArrayHolder<BYTE> table = NULL;
- if (fWithGCInfo)
- {
- // assume that GC encoding table is never more than 40 + methodSize * 2
- int tableSize = 0;
- if (!ClrSafeInt<int>::multiply(codeHeaderData.MethodSize, 2, tableSize) ||
- !ClrSafeInt<int>::addition(tableSize, 40, tableSize))
- {
- ExtOut("<integer overflow>\n");
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- // Assign the new array to the mutable gcEncodingInfo table and to the
- // table ArrayHolder to clean this up when the function exits.
- table = gcEncodingInfo.table = new NOTHROW BYTE[tableSize];
- if (gcEncodingInfo.table == NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("Could not allocate memory to read the gc info.\n");
- }
- memset (gcEncodingInfo.table, 0, tableSize);
- // We avoid using move here, because we do not want to return
- if (!SafeReadMemory(TO_TADDR(codeHeaderData.GCInfo), gcEncodingInfo.table, tableSize, NULL))
- {
- ExtOut("Could not read memory %p\n", SOS_PTR(codeHeaderData.GCInfo));
- return Status;
- }
- //
- // Skip the info header
- //
- gcEncodingInfo.methodSize = (unsigned int)codeHeaderData.MethodSize;
- //
- // DumpGCTable will call gcPrintf for each encoding. We'd like a "give
- // me the next encoding" interface, but we're stuck with the callback.
- // To reconcile this without messing up too much code, we'll create a
- // fiber to dump the gc table. When we need the next gc encoding,
- // we'll switch to this fiber. The callback will note the next offset,
- // and switch back to the main fiber.
- //
- gcEncodingInfo.ofs = -1;
- gcEncodingInfo.hotSizeToAdd = 0;
- gcEncodingInfo.pvMainFiber = ConvertThreadToFiber(NULL);
- if (!gcEncodingInfo.pvMainFiber && ERROR_ALREADY_FIBER == GetLastError())
- gcEncodingInfo.pvMainFiber = GetCurrentFiber();
- if (!gcEncodingInfo.pvMainFiber)
- return Status;
- gcEncodingInfo.pvGCTableFiber = CreateFiber(0, DumpGCTableFiberEntry, &gcEncodingInfo);
- if (!gcEncodingInfo.pvGCTableFiber)
- return Status;
- SwitchToFiber(gcEncodingInfo.pvGCTableFiber);
- }
- SOSEHInfo *pInfo = NULL;
- if (fWithEHInfo)
- {
- pInfo = new NOTHROW SOSEHInfo;
- if (pInfo == NULL)
- {
- ReportOOM();
- }
- else if (g_sos->TraverseEHInfo(MethodDescData.NativeCodeAddr, gatherEh, (LPVOID)pInfo) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to gather EHInfo data\n");
- delete pInfo;
- pInfo = NULL;
- }
- }
- if (codeHeaderData.ColdRegionStart == NULL)
- {
- g_targetMachine->Unassembly (
- (DWORD_PTR) codeHeaderData.MethodStart,
- ((DWORD_PTR)codeHeaderData.MethodStart) + codeHeaderData.MethodSize,
- dwStartAddr,
- (DWORD_PTR) MethodDescData.GCStressCodeCopy,
-#if !defined(FEATURE_PAL)
- fWithGCInfo ? &gcEncodingInfo :
- pInfo,
- bSuppressLines,
- bDisplayOffsets
- );
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Hot region:\n");
- g_targetMachine->Unassembly (
- (DWORD_PTR) codeHeaderData.MethodStart,
- ((DWORD_PTR)codeHeaderData.MethodStart) + codeHeaderData.HotRegionSize,
- dwStartAddr,
- (DWORD_PTR) MethodDescData.GCStressCodeCopy,
-#if !defined(FEATURE_PAL)
- fWithGCInfo ? &gcEncodingInfo :
- pInfo,
- bSuppressLines,
- bDisplayOffsets
- );
- ExtOut("Cold region:\n");
-#if !defined(FEATURE_PAL)
- // Displaying gcinfo for a cold region requires knowing the size of
- // the hot region preceeding.
- gcEncodingInfo.hotSizeToAdd = codeHeaderData.HotRegionSize;
- g_targetMachine->Unassembly (
- (DWORD_PTR) codeHeaderData.ColdRegionStart,
- ((DWORD_PTR)codeHeaderData.ColdRegionStart) + codeHeaderData.ColdRegionSize,
- dwStartAddr,
- ((DWORD_PTR) MethodDescData.GCStressCodeCopy) + codeHeaderData.HotRegionSize,
-#if !defined(FEATURE_PAL)
- fWithGCInfo ? &gcEncodingInfo :
- pInfo,
- bSuppressLines,
- bDisplayOffsets
- );
- }
- if (pInfo)
- {
- delete pInfo;
- pInfo = NULL;
- }
-#if !defined(FEATURE_PAL)
- if (fWithGCInfo)
- DeleteFiber(gcEncodingInfo.pvGCTableFiber);
- return Status;
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to dump the in-memory stress log *
-* !DumpLog [filename] *
-* will dump the stress log corresponding to the clr.dll *
-* loaded in the debuggee's VAS *
-* !DumpLog -addr <addr_of_StressLog::theLog> [filename] *
-* will dump the stress log associated with any DLL linked *
-* against utilcode.lib, most commonly mscordbi.dll *
-* (e.g. !DumpLog -addr mscordbi!StressLog::theLog) *
-* *
- const char* fileName = "StressLog.txt";
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS StressLogAddress = NULL;
- StringHolder sFileName, sLogAddr;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-addr", &, COSTRING, TRUE}
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- if (nArg > 0 && != NULL)
- {
- fileName =;
- }
- // allow users to specify -addr mscordbdi!StressLog::theLog, for example.
- if ( != NULL)
- {
- StressLogAddress = GetExpression(;
- }
- if (StressLogAddress == NULL)
- {
- if (g_bDacBroken)
- {
- ExtOut("No stress log address. DAC is broken; can't get it\n");
- return E_FAIL;
- // Try to find stress log symbols
- DWORD_PTR dwAddr = GetValueFromExpression(MAIN_CLR_MODULE_NAME_A "!StressLog::theLog");
- StressLogAddress = dwAddr;
- }
- else if (g_sos->GetStressLogAddress(&StressLogAddress) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to find stress log via DAC\n");
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- }
- if (StressLogAddress == NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("Please provide the -addr argument for the address of the stress log, since no recognized runtime is loaded.\n");
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- ExtOut("Attempting to dump Stress log to file '%s'\n", fileName);
- Status = StressLog::Dump(StressLogAddress, fileName, g_ExtData);
- if (Status == S_OK)
- ExtOut("SUCCESS: Stress log dumped\n");
- else if (Status == S_FALSE)
- ExtOut("No Stress log in the image, no file written\n");
- else
- ExtOut("FAILURE: Stress log not dumped\n");
- return Status;
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- if (GetEEFlavor() == UNKNOWNEE)
- {
- ExtOut("CLR not loaded\n");
- return Status;
- }
- const char* fileName = "GCLog.txt";
- int iLogSize = 1024*1024;
- BYTE* bGCLog = NULL;
- int iRealLogSize = iLogSize - 1;
- DWORD dwWritten = 0;
- while (isspace (*args))
- args ++;
- if (*args != 0)
- fileName = args;
- DWORD_PTR dwAddr = GetValueFromExpression(MAIN_CLR_MODULE_NAME_A "!SVR::gc_log_buffer");
- moveN (dwAddr, dwAddr);
- if (dwAddr == 0)
- {
- dwAddr = GetValueFromExpression(MAIN_CLR_MODULE_NAME_A "!WKS::gc_log_buffer");
- moveN (dwAddr, dwAddr);
- if (dwAddr == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Can't get either WKS or SVR GC's log file");
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- }
- ExtOut("Dumping GC log at %08x\n", dwAddr);
- g_bDacBroken = FALSE;
- ExtOut("Attempting to dump GC log to file '%s'\n", fileName);
- Status = E_FAIL;
- HANDLE hGCLog = CreateFileA(
- fileName,
- NULL);
- {
- ExtOut("failed to create file: %d\n", GetLastError());
- goto exit;
- }
- bGCLog = new NOTHROW BYTE[iLogSize];
- if (bGCLog == NULL)
- {
- ReportOOM();
- goto exit;
- }
- memset (bGCLog, 0, iLogSize);
- if (!SafeReadMemory(dwAddr, bGCLog, iLogSize, NULL))
- {
- ExtOut("failed to read memory from %08x\n", dwAddr);
- }
- while (iRealLogSize >= 0)
- {
- if (bGCLog[iRealLogSize] != '*')
- {
- break;
- }
- iRealLogSize--;
- }
- WriteFile (hGCLog, bGCLog, iRealLogSize + 1, &dwWritten, NULL);
- Status = S_OK;
- if (bGCLog != NULL)
- {
- delete [] bGCLog;
- }
- {
- CloseHandle (hGCLog);
- }
- if (Status == S_OK)
- ExtOut("SUCCESS: Stress log dumped\n");
- else if (Status == S_FALSE)
- ExtOut("No Stress log in the image, no file written\n");
- else
- ExtOut("FAILURE: Stress log not dumped\n");
- return Status;
-DECLARE_API (DumpGCConfigLog)
- if (GetEEFlavor() == UNKNOWNEE)
- {
- ExtOut("CLR not loaded\n");
- return Status;
- }
- const char* fileName = "GCConfigLog.txt";
- while (isspace (*args))
- args ++;
- if (*args != 0)
- fileName = args;
- if (!InitializeHeapData ())
- {
- ExtOut("GC Heap not initialized yet.\n");
- return S_OK;
- }
- BOOL fIsServerGC = IsServerBuild();
- DWORD_PTR dwAddr = 0;
- DWORD_PTR dwAddrOffset = 0;
- if (fIsServerGC)
- {
- dwAddr = GetValueFromExpression(MAIN_CLR_MODULE_NAME_A "!SVR::gc_config_log_buffer");
- dwAddrOffset = GetValueFromExpression(MAIN_CLR_MODULE_NAME_A "!SVR::gc_config_log_buffer_offset");
- }
- else
- {
- dwAddr = GetValueFromExpression(MAIN_CLR_MODULE_NAME_A "!WKS::gc_config_log_buffer");
- dwAddrOffset = GetValueFromExpression(MAIN_CLR_MODULE_NAME_A "!WKS::gc_config_log_buffer_offset");
- }
- moveN (dwAddr, dwAddr);
- moveN (dwAddrOffset, dwAddrOffset);
- if (dwAddr == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Can't get either WKS or SVR GC's config log buffer");
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- ExtOut("Dumping GC log at %08x\n", dwAddr);
- g_bDacBroken = FALSE;
- ExtOut("Attempting to dump GC log to file '%s'\n", fileName);
- Status = E_FAIL;
- HANDLE hGCLog = CreateFileA(
- fileName,
- NULL);
- {
- ExtOut("failed to create file: %d\n", GetLastError());
- goto exit;
- }
- {
- int iLogSize = (int)dwAddrOffset;
- ArrayHolder<BYTE> bGCLog = new NOTHROW BYTE[iLogSize];
- if (bGCLog == NULL)
- {
- ReportOOM();
- goto exit;
- }
- memset (bGCLog, 0, iLogSize);
- if (!SafeReadMemory(dwAddr, bGCLog, iLogSize, NULL))
- {
- ExtOut("failed to read memory from %08x\n", dwAddr);
- }
- SetFilePointer (hGCLog, 0, 0, FILE_END);
- DWORD dwWritten;
- WriteFile (hGCLog, bGCLog, iLogSize, &dwWritten, NULL);
- }
- Status = S_OK;
- {
- CloseHandle (hGCLog);
- }
- if (Status == S_OK)
- ExtOut("SUCCESS: Stress log dumped\n");
- else if (Status == S_FALSE)
- ExtOut("No Stress log in the image, no file written\n");
- else
- ExtOut("FAILURE: Stress log not dumped\n");
- return Status;
- ExtOut("Not implemented\n");
- return S_OK;
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
-static const char * const str_interesting_data_points[] =
- "pre short", // 0
- "post short", // 1
- "merged pins", // 2
- "converted pins", // 3
- "pre pin", // 4
- "post pin", // 5
- "pre and post pin", // 6
- "pre short padded", // 7
- "post short padded", // 7
-static const char * const str_heap_compact_reasons[] =
- "low on ephemeral space",
- "high fragmentation",
- "couldn't allocate gaps",
- "user specfied compact LOH",
- "last GC before OOM",
- "induced compacting GC",
- "fragmented gen0 (ephemeral GC)",
- "high memory load (ephemeral GC)",
- "high memory load and frag",
- "very high memory load and frag",
- "no gc mode"
-static BOOL gc_heap_compact_reason_mandatory_p[] =
- TRUE, //compact_low_ephemeral = 0,
- FALSE, //compact_high_frag = 1,
- TRUE, //compact_no_gaps = 2,
- TRUE, //compact_loh_forced = 3,
- TRUE, //compact_last_gc = 4
- TRUE, //compact_induced_compacting = 5,
- FALSE, //compact_fragmented_gen0 = 6,
- FALSE, //compact_high_mem_load = 7,
- TRUE, //compact_high_mem_frag = 8,
- TRUE, //compact_vhigh_mem_frag = 9,
- TRUE //compact_no_gc_mode = 10
-static const char * const str_heap_expand_mechanisms[] =
- "reused seg with normal fit",
- "reused seg with best fit",
- "expand promoting eph",
- "expand with a new seg",
- "no memory for a new seg",
- "expand in next full GC"
-static const char * const str_bit_mechanisms[] =
- "using mark list",
- "demotion"
-static const char * const str_gc_global_mechanisms[] =
- "concurrent GCs",
- "compacting GCs",
- "promoting GCs",
- "GCs that did demotion",
- "card bundles",
- "elevation logic"
-void PrintInterestingGCInfo(DacpGCInterestingInfoData* dataPerHeap)
- ExtOut("Interesting data points\n");
- size_t* data = dataPerHeap->interestingDataPoints;
- for (int i = 0; i < DAC_NUM_GC_DATA_POINTS; i++)
- {
- ExtOut("%20s: %d\n", str_interesting_data_points[i], data[i]);
- }
- ExtOut("\nCompacting reasons\n");
- data = dataPerHeap->compactReasons;
- for (int i = 0; i < DAC_MAX_COMPACT_REASONS_COUNT; i++)
- {
- ExtOut("[%s]%35s: %d\n", (gc_heap_compact_reason_mandatory_p[i] ? "M" : "W"), str_heap_compact_reasons[i], data[i]);
- }
- ExtOut("\nExpansion mechanisms\n");
- data = dataPerHeap->expandMechanisms;
- for (int i = 0; i < DAC_MAX_EXPAND_MECHANISMS_COUNT; i++)
- {
- ExtOut("%30s: %d\n", str_heap_expand_mechanisms[i], data[i]);
- }
- ExtOut("\nOther mechanisms enabled\n");
- data = dataPerHeap->bitMechanisms;
- for (int i = 0; i < DAC_MAX_GC_MECHANISM_BITS_COUNT; i++)
- {
- ExtOut("%20s: %d\n", str_bit_mechanisms[i], data[i]);
- }
- if (!InitializeHeapData ())
- {
- ExtOut("GC Heap not initialized yet.\n");
- return S_OK;
- }
- DacpGCInterestingInfoData interestingInfo;
- interestingInfo.RequestGlobal(g_sos);
- for (int i = 0; i < DAC_MAX_GLOBAL_GC_MECHANISMS_COUNT; i++)
- {
- ExtOut("%-30s: %d\n", str_gc_global_mechanisms[i], interestingInfo.globalMechanisms[i]);
- }
- ExtOut("\n[info per heap]\n");
- if (!IsServerBuild())
- {
- if (interestingInfo.Request(g_sos) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error requesting interesting GC info\n");
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- PrintInterestingGCInfo(&interestingInfo);
- }
- else
- {
- DWORD dwNHeaps = GetGcHeapCount();
- DWORD dwAllocSize;
- if (!ClrSafeInt<DWORD>::multiply(sizeof(CLRDATA_ADDRESS), dwNHeaps, dwAllocSize))
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to get GCHeaps: integer overflow\n");
- return Status;
- }
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS *heapAddrs = (CLRDATA_ADDRESS*)alloca(dwAllocSize);
- if (g_sos->GetGCHeapList(dwNHeaps, heapAddrs, NULL) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to get GCHeaps\n");
- return Status;
- }
- for (DWORD n = 0; n < dwNHeaps; n ++)
- {
- if (interestingInfo.Request(g_sos, heapAddrs[n]) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Heap %d: Error requesting interesting GC info\n", n);
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- ExtOut("--------info for heap %d--------\n", n);
- PrintInterestingGCInfo(&interestingInfo);
- ExtOut("\n");
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- ExtOut("Not implemented\n");
- return S_OK;
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to dump the build number and type of the *
-* mscoree.dll *
-* *
- EEFLAVOR eef = GetEEFlavor();
- if (eef == UNKNOWNEE) {
- ExtOut("CLR not loaded\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (g_ExtSymbols2) {
- BOOL ret = GetEEVersion(&version);
- if (ret)
- {
- if (version.dwFileVersionMS != (DWORD)-1)
- {
- ExtOut("%u.%u.%u.%u",
- HIWORD(version.dwFileVersionMS),
- LOWORD(version.dwFileVersionMS),
- HIWORD(version.dwFileVersionLS),
- LOWORD(version.dwFileVersionLS));
- if (version.dwFileFlags & VS_FF_DEBUG)
- {
- ExtOut(" Checked or debug build");
- }
- else
- {
- BOOL fRet = IsRetailBuild ((size_t)moduleInfo[eef].baseAddr);
- if (fRet)
- ExtOut(" retail");
- else
- ExtOut(" free");
- }
- ExtOut("\n");
- }
- }
- }
- if (!InitializeHeapData ())
- ExtOut("GC Heap not initialized, so GC mode is not determined yet.\n");
- else if (IsServerBuild())
- ExtOut("Server mode with %d gc heaps\n", GetGcHeapCount());
- else
- ExtOut("Workstation mode\n");
- if (!GetGcStructuresValid())
- {
- ExtOut("In plan phase of garbage collection\n");
- }
- // Print SOS version
- if (GetSOSVersion(&sosVersion))
- {
- if (sosVersion.dwFileVersionMS != (DWORD)-1)
- {
- ExtOut("SOS Version: %u.%u.%u.%u",
- HIWORD(sosVersion.dwFileVersionMS),
- LOWORD(sosVersion.dwFileVersionMS),
- HIWORD(sosVersion.dwFileVersionLS),
- LOWORD(sosVersion.dwFileVersionLS));
- if (sosVersion.dwFileFlags & VS_FF_DEBUG)
- {
- ExtOut(" Checked or debug build");
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut(" retail build");
- }
- ExtOut("\n");
- }
- }
- return Status;
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to print the environment setting for *
-* the current process. *
-* *
- if (IsDumpFile())
- {
- ExtOut("!ProcInfo is not supported on a dump file.\n");
- return Status;
- }
-#define INFO_ENV 0x00000001
-#define INFO_TIME 0x00000002
-#define INFO_MEM 0x00000004
- DWORD fProcInfo = INFO_ALL;
- if (_stricmp (args, "-env") == 0) {
- fProcInfo = INFO_ENV;
- }
- if (_stricmp (args, "-time") == 0) {
- fProcInfo = INFO_TIME;
- }
- if (_stricmp (args, "-mem") == 0) {
- fProcInfo = INFO_MEM;
- }
- if (fProcInfo & INFO_ENV) {
- ExtOut("---------------------------------------\n");
- ExtOut("Environment\n");
- ULONG64 pPeb;
- g_ExtSystem->GetCurrentProcessPeb(&pPeb);
- static ULONG Offset_ProcessParam = -1;
- static ULONG Offset_Environment = -1;
- if (Offset_ProcessParam == -1)
- {
- ULONG TypeId;
- ULONG64 NtDllBase;
- if (SUCCEEDED(g_ExtSymbols->GetModuleByModuleName ("ntdll",0,NULL,
- &NtDllBase)))
- {
- if (SUCCEEDED(g_ExtSymbols->GetTypeId (NtDllBase, "PEB", &TypeId)))
- {
- if (FAILED (g_ExtSymbols->GetFieldOffset(NtDllBase, TypeId,
- "ProcessParameters", &Offset_ProcessParam)))
- Offset_ProcessParam = -1;
- }
- if (SUCCEEDED(g_ExtSymbols->GetTypeId (NtDllBase, "_RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS", &TypeId)))
- {
- if (FAILED (g_ExtSymbols->GetFieldOffset(NtDllBase, TypeId,
- "Environment", &Offset_Environment)))
- Offset_Environment = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- // We can not get it from PDB. Use the fixed one.
- if (Offset_ProcessParam == -1)
- Offset_ProcessParam = offsetof (DT_PEB, ProcessParameters);
- if (Offset_Environment == -1)
- Offset_Environment = offsetof (DT_RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS, Environment);
- ULONG64 addr = pPeb + Offset_ProcessParam;
- DWORD_PTR value;
- g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(UL64_TO_CDA(addr), &value, sizeof(PVOID), NULL);
- addr = value + Offset_Environment;
- g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(UL64_TO_CDA(addr), &value, sizeof(PVOID), NULL);
- static WCHAR buffer[DT_OS_PAGE_SIZE/2];
- ULONG readBytes = DT_OS_PAGE_SIZE;
- ULONG64 Page;
- if ((g_ExtData->ReadDebuggerData( DEBUG_DATA_MmPageSize, &Page, sizeof(Page), NULL)) == S_OK
- && Page > 0)
- {
- ULONG uPageSize = (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)Page;
- if (readBytes > uPageSize) {
- readBytes = uPageSize;
- }
- }
- addr = value;
- while (1) {
- if (IsInterrupt())
- return Status;
- if (FAILED(g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(UL64_TO_CDA(addr), &buffer, readBytes, NULL)))
- break;
- addr += readBytes;
- WCHAR *pt = buffer;
- WCHAR *end = pt;
- while (pt < &buffer[DT_OS_PAGE_SIZE/2]) {
- end = _wcschr (pt, L'\0');
- if (end == NULL) {
- char format[20];
- sprintf_s (format,_countof (format), "%dS", &buffer[DT_OS_PAGE_SIZE/2] - pt);
- ExtOut(format, pt);
- break;
- }
- else if (end == pt) {
- break;
- }
- ExtOut("%S\n", pt);
- pt = end + 1;
- }
- if (end == pt) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (fProcInfo & (INFO_TIME | INFO_MEM)) {
- ULONG64 handle;
- g_ExtSystem->GetCurrentProcessHandle(&handle);
- hProcess = (HANDLE)handle;
- }
- if (!IsDumpFile() && fProcInfo & INFO_TIME) {
- FILETIME CreationTime;
- FILETIME ExitTime;
- FILETIME KernelTime;
- FILETIME UserTime;
- static FntGetProcessTimes pFntGetProcessTimes = (FntGetProcessTimes)-1;
- if (pFntGetProcessTimes == (FntGetProcessTimes)-1) {
- HINSTANCE hstat = LoadLibrary ("Kernel32.dll");
- if (hstat != 0)
- {
- pFntGetProcessTimes = (FntGetProcessTimes)GetProcAddress (hstat, "GetProcessTimes");
- FreeLibrary (hstat);
- }
- else
- pFntGetProcessTimes = NULL;
- }
- if (pFntGetProcessTimes && pFntGetProcessTimes (hProcess,&CreationTime,&ExitTime,&KernelTime,&UserTime)) {
- ExtOut("---------------------------------------\n");
- ExtOut("Process Times\n");
- static const char *Month[] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep",
- "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};
- SYSTEMTIME SystemTime;
- FILETIME LocalFileTime;
- if (FileTimeToLocalFileTime (&CreationTime,&LocalFileTime)
- && FileTimeToSystemTime (&LocalFileTime,&SystemTime)) {
- ExtOut("Process Started at: %4d %s %2d %d:%d:%d.%02d\n",
- SystemTime.wYear, Month[SystemTime.wMonth-1], SystemTime.wDay,
- SystemTime.wHour, SystemTime.wMinute,
- SystemTime.wSecond, SystemTime.wMilliseconds/10);
- }
- DWORD nDay = 0;
- DWORD nHour = 0;
- DWORD nMin = 0;
- DWORD nSec = 0;
- DWORD nHundred = 0;
- ULONG64 totalTime;
- totalTime = KernelTime.dwLowDateTime + (((ULONG64)KernelTime.dwHighDateTime) << 32);
- nDay = (DWORD)(totalTime/(24*3600*10000000ui64));
- totalTime %= 24*3600*10000000ui64;
- nHour = (DWORD)(totalTime/(3600*10000000ui64));
- totalTime %= 3600*10000000ui64;
- nMin = (DWORD)(totalTime/(60*10000000));
- totalTime %= 60*10000000;
- nSec = (DWORD)(totalTime/10000000);
- totalTime %= 10000000;
- nHundred = (DWORD)(totalTime/100000);
- ExtOut("Kernel CPU time : %d days %02d:%02d:%02d.%02d\n",
- nDay, nHour, nMin, nSec, nHundred);
- DWORD sDay = nDay;
- DWORD sHour = nHour;
- DWORD sMin = nMin;
- DWORD sSec = nSec;
- DWORD sHundred = nHundred;
- totalTime = UserTime.dwLowDateTime + (((ULONG64)UserTime.dwHighDateTime) << 32);
- nDay = (DWORD)(totalTime/(24*3600*10000000ui64));
- totalTime %= 24*3600*10000000ui64;
- nHour = (DWORD)(totalTime/(3600*10000000ui64));
- totalTime %= 3600*10000000ui64;
- nMin = (DWORD)(totalTime/(60*10000000));
- totalTime %= 60*10000000;
- nSec = (DWORD)(totalTime/10000000);
- totalTime %= 10000000;
- nHundred = (DWORD)(totalTime/100000);
- ExtOut("User CPU time : %d days %02d:%02d:%02d.%02d\n",
- nDay, nHour, nMin, nSec, nHundred);
- sDay += nDay;
- sHour += nHour;
- sMin += nMin;
- sSec += nSec;
- sHundred += nHundred;
- if (sHundred >= 100) {
- sSec += sHundred/100;
- sHundred %= 100;
- }
- if (sSec >= 60) {
- sMin += sSec/60;
- sSec %= 60;
- }
- if (sMin >= 60) {
- sHour += sMin/60;
- sMin %= 60;
- }
- if (sHour >= 24) {
- sDay += sHour/24;
- sHour %= 24;
- }
- ExtOut("Total CPU time : %d days %02d:%02d:%02d.%02d\n",
- sDay, sHour, sMin, sSec, sHundred);
- }
- }
- if (!IsDumpFile() && fProcInfo & INFO_MEM) {
- typedef
- static FntNtQueryInformationProcess pFntNtQueryInformationProcess = (FntNtQueryInformationProcess)-1;
- if (pFntNtQueryInformationProcess == (FntNtQueryInformationProcess)-1) {
- HINSTANCE hstat = LoadLibrary ("ntdll.dll");
- if (hstat != 0)
- {
- pFntNtQueryInformationProcess = (FntNtQueryInformationProcess)GetProcAddress (hstat, "NtQueryInformationProcess");
- FreeLibrary (hstat);
- }
- else
- pFntNtQueryInformationProcess = NULL;
- }
- VM_COUNTERS memory;
- if (pFntNtQueryInformationProcess &&
- NT_SUCCESS (pFntNtQueryInformationProcess (hProcess,ProcessVmCounters,&memory,sizeof(memory),NULL))) {
- ExtOut("---------------------------------------\n");
- ExtOut("Process Memory\n");
- ExtOut("WorkingSetSize: %8d KB PeakWorkingSetSize: %8d KB\n",
- memory.WorkingSetSize/1024, memory.PeakWorkingSetSize/1024);
- ExtOut("VirtualSize: %8d KB PeakVirtualSize: %8d KB\n",
- memory.VirtualSize/1024, memory.PeakVirtualSize/1024);
- ExtOut("PagefileUsage: %8d KB PeakPagefileUsage: %8d KB\n",
- memory.PagefileUsage/1024, memory.PeakPagefileUsage/1024);
- }
- GlobalMemoryStatus (&memstat);
- ExtOut("---------------------------------------\n");
- ExtOut("%ld percent of memory is in use.\n\n",
- memstat.dwMemoryLoad);
- ExtOut("Memory Availability (Numbers in MB)\n\n");
- ExtOut(" %8s %8s\n", "Total", "Avail");
- ExtOut("Physical Memory %8d %8d\n", memstat.dwTotalPhys/1024/1024, memstat.dwAvailPhys/1024/1024);
- ExtOut("Page File %8d %8d\n", memstat.dwTotalPageFile/1024/1024, memstat.dwAvailPageFile/1024/1024);
- ExtOut("Virtual Memory %8d %8d\n", memstat.dwTotalVirtual/1024/1024, memstat.dwAvailVirtual/1024/1024);
- }
- return Status;
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to find the address of EE data for a *
-* metadata token. *
-* *
- StringHolder DllName;
- ULONG64 token = 0;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&, COSTRING},
- {&token, COHEX}
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args,option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- if (nArg!=2)
- {
- ExtOut("Usage: !Token2EE module_name mdToken\n");
- ExtOut(" You can pass * for module_name to search all modules.\n");
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- int numModule;
- ArrayHolder<DWORD_PTR> moduleList = NULL;
- if (strcmp(, "*") == 0)
- {
- moduleList = ModuleFromName(NULL, &numModule);
- }
- else
- {
- moduleList = ModuleFromName(, &numModule);
- }
- if (moduleList == NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to request module list.\n");
- }
- else
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < numModule; i ++)
- {
- if (IsInterrupt())
- break;
- if (i > 0)
- {
- ExtOut("--------------------------------------\n");
- }
- DWORD_PTR dwAddr = moduleList[i];
- FileNameForModule(dwAddr, FileName);
- // We'd like a short form for this output
- LPWSTR pszFilename = _wcsrchr (FileName, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR_W);
- if (pszFilename == NULL)
- {
- pszFilename = FileName;
- }
- else
- {
- pszFilename++; // skip past the last "\" character
- }
- DMLOut("Module: %s\n", DMLModule(dwAddr));
- ExtOut("Assembly: %S\n", pszFilename);
- GetInfoFromModule(dwAddr, (ULONG)token);
- }
- }
- return Status;
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function is called to find the address of EE data for a *
-* metadata token. *
-* *
- StringHolder DllName, TypeName;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&, COSTRING},
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- if (nArg == 1)
- {
- // The input may be in the form <modulename>!<type>
- // If so, do some surgery on the input params.
- // There should be only 1 ! character
- LPSTR pszSeperator = strchr (, '!');
- if (pszSeperator != NULL)
- {
- if (strchr (pszSeperator + 1, '!') == NULL)
- {
- size_t capacity_TypeName_data = strlen(pszSeperator + 1) + 1;
- = new NOTHROW char[capacity_TypeName_data];
- if (
- {
- // get the type name,
- strcpy_s (, capacity_TypeName_data, pszSeperator + 1);
- // and truncate DllName
- *pszSeperator = '\0';
- // Do some extra validation
- if (strlen ( >= 1 &&
- strlen ( > 1)
- {
- nArg = 2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (nArg != 2)
- {
- ExtOut("Usage: " SOSPrefix "name2ee module_name item_name\n");
- ExtOut(" or " SOSPrefix "name2ee module_name!item_name\n");
- ExtOut(" use * for module_name to search all loaded modules\n");
- ExtOut("Examples: " SOSPrefix "name2ee mscorlib.dll System.String.ToString\n");
- ExtOut(" " SOSPrefix "name2ee *!System.String\n");
- return Status;
- }
- int numModule;
- ArrayHolder<DWORD_PTR> moduleList = NULL;
- if (strcmp(, "*") == 0)
- {
- moduleList = ModuleFromName(NULL, &numModule);
- }
- else
- {
- moduleList = ModuleFromName(, &numModule);
- }
- if (moduleList == NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to request module list.\n",;
- }
- else
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < numModule; i ++)
- {
- if (IsInterrupt())
- break;
- if (i > 0)
- {
- ExtOut("--------------------------------------\n");
- }
- DWORD_PTR dwAddr = moduleList[i];
- FileNameForModule (dwAddr, FileName);
- // We'd like a short form for this output
- LPWSTR pszFilename = _wcsrchr (FileName, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR_W);
- if (pszFilename == NULL)
- {
- pszFilename = FileName;
- }
- else
- {
- pszFilename++; // skip past the last "\" character
- }
- DMLOut("Module: %s\n", DMLModule(dwAddr));
- ExtOut("Assembly: %S\n", pszFilename);
- GetInfoFromName(dwAddr,;
- }
- }
- return Status;
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- DWORD_PTR root = NULL;
- DWORD_PTR target = NULL;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- size_t nArg;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&root, COHEX},
- {&target, COHEX},
- };
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- if (root == 0 || target == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid argument %s\n", args);
- return Status;
- }
- GCRootImpl gcroot;
- bool result = gcroot.PrintPathToObject(root, target);
- if (!result)
- ExtOut("Did not find a path from %p to %p.\n", SOS_PTR(root), SOS_PTR(target));
- return Status;
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function finds all roots (on stack or in handles) for a *
-* given object. *
-* *
- BOOL bNoStacks = FALSE;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- BOOL all = FALSE;
- size_t nArg;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-nostacks", &bNoStacks, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-all", &all, COBOOL, FALSE},
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&obj, COHEX}
- };
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- if (obj == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Invalid argument %s\n", args);
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- GCRootImpl gcroot;
- int i = gcroot.PrintRootsForObject(obj, all == TRUE, bNoStacks == TRUE);
- if (IsInterrupt())
- ExtOut("Interrupted, data may be incomplete.\n");
- if (all)
- ExtOut("Found %d roots.\n", i);
- else
- ExtOut("Found %d unique roots (run '" SOSPrefix "gcroot -all' to see all roots).\n", i);
- return Status;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- BOOL bGetBrick;
- BOOL bGetCard;
- TADDR taddrObj = 0;
- size_t nArg;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-brick", &bGetBrick, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-card", &bGetCard, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&taddrObj, COHEX}
- };
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- // Obtain allocation context for each managed thread.
- AllocInfo allocInfo;
- allocInfo.Init();
- TADDR_SEGINFO trngSeg = { 0, 0, 0 };
- TADDR_RANGE allocCtx = { 0, 0 };
- int gen = -1;
- BOOL bLarge = FALSE;
- BOOL bFound = FALSE;
- size_t size = 0;
- if (sos::IsObject(taddrObj))
- {
- TADDR taddrMT;
- BOOL bContainsPointers;
- if(FAILED(GetMTOfObject(taddrObj, &taddrMT)) ||
- !GetSizeEfficient(taddrObj, taddrMT, FALSE, size, bContainsPointers))
- {
- ExtWarn("Couldn't get size for object %#p: possible heap corruption.\n",
- SOS_PTR(taddrObj));
- }
- }
- if (!IsServerBuild())
- {
- DacpGcHeapDetails heapDetails;
- if (heapDetails.Request(g_sos) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error requesting gc heap details\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (GCObjInHeap(taddrObj, heapDetails, trngSeg, gen, allocCtx, bLarge))
- {
- ExtOut("Address " WIN64_8SPACES " Gen Heap segment " WIN64_8SPACES " begin " WIN64_8SPACES " allocated " WIN64_8SPACES " size\n");
- ExtOut("%p %d %2d %p %p %p 0x%x(%d)\n",
- SOS_PTR(taddrObj), gen, 0, SOS_PTR(trngSeg.segAddr), SOS_PTR(trngSeg.start), SOS_PTR(trngSeg.end), size, size);
- bFound = TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- DacpGcHeapData gcheap;
- if (gcheap.Request(g_sos) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error requesting GC Heap data\n");
- return Status;
- }
- DWORD dwAllocSize;
- DWORD dwNHeaps = gcheap.HeapCount;
- if (!ClrSafeInt<DWORD>::multiply(sizeof(CLRDATA_ADDRESS), dwNHeaps, dwAllocSize))
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to get GCHeaps: integer overflow\n");
- return Status;
- }
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS *heapAddrs = (CLRDATA_ADDRESS*)alloca(dwAllocSize);
- if (g_sos->GetGCHeapList(dwNHeaps, heapAddrs, NULL) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to get GCHeaps\n");
- return Status;
- }
- for (DWORD n = 0; n < dwNHeaps; n ++)
- {
- DacpGcHeapDetails heapDetails;
- if (heapDetails.Request(g_sos, heapAddrs[n]) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error requesting details\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (GCObjInHeap(taddrObj, heapDetails, trngSeg, gen, allocCtx, bLarge))
- {
- ExtOut("Address " WIN64_8SPACES " Gen Heap segment " WIN64_8SPACES " begin " WIN64_8SPACES " allocated" WIN64_8SPACES " size\n");
- ExtOut("%p %d %2d %p %p %p 0x%x(%d)\n",
- SOS_PTR(taddrObj), gen, n, SOS_PTR(trngSeg.segAddr), SOS_PTR(trngSeg.start), SOS_PTR(trngSeg.end), size, size);
- bFound = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!bFound)
- {
- ExtOut("Address %#p not found in the managed heap.\n", SOS_PTR(taddrObj));
- }
- return Status;
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- if (IsDumpFile())
- {
- ExtOut("!FindRoots is not supported on a dump file.\n");
- return Status;
- }
- LONG_PTR gen = -100; // initialized outside the legal range: [-1, 2]
- StringHolder sgen;
- TADDR taObj = NULL;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- size_t nArg;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-gen", &, COSTRING, TRUE},
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&taObj, COHEX}
- };
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- if ( != NULL)
- {
- if (_stricmp(, "any") == 0)
- {
- gen = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- gen = GetExpression(;
- }
- }
- if ((gen < -1 || gen > 2) && (taObj == 0))
- {
- ExtOut("Incorrect options. Usage:\n\t!FindRoots -gen <N>\n\t\twhere N is 0, 1, 2, or \"any\". OR\n\t!FindRoots <obj>\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (gen >= -1 && gen <= 2)
- {
- IXCLRDataProcess2* idp2 = NULL;
- if (FAILED(g_clrData->QueryInterface(IID_IXCLRDataProcess2, (void**) &idp2)))
- {
- ExtOut("Your version of the runtime/DAC do not support this command.\n");
- return Status;
- }
- // Request GC_MARK_END notifications from debuggee
- GcEvtArgs gea = { GC_MARK_END, { ((gen == -1) ? 7 : (1 << gen)) } };
- idp2->SetGcNotification(gea);
- // ... and register the notification handler
- g_ExtControl->Execute(DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED, "sxe -c \"!HandleCLRN\" clrn", 0);
- // the above notification is removed in CNotification::OnGcEvent()
- }
- else
- {
- // verify that the last event in the debugger was indeed a CLRN exception
- CNotification Notification;
- if (!CheckCLRNotificationEvent(&dle))
- {
- ExtOut("The command !FindRoots can only be used after the debugger stopped on a CLRN GC notification.\n");
- ExtOut("At this time !GCRoot should be used instead.\n");
- return Status;
- }
- // validate argument
- if (!g_snapshot.Build())
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to build snapshot of the garbage collector state\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (g_snapshot.GetHeap(taObj) == NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("Address %#p is not in the managed heap.\n", SOS_PTR(taObj));
- return Status;
- }
- int ogen = g_snapshot.GetGeneration(taObj);
- if (ogen > CNotification::GetCondemnedGen())
- {
- DMLOut("Object %s will survive this collection:\n\tgen(%#p) = %d > %d = condemned generation.\n",
- DMLObject(taObj), SOS_PTR(taObj), ogen, CNotification::GetCondemnedGen());
- return Status;
- }
- GCRootImpl gcroot;
- int roots = gcroot.FindRoots(CNotification::GetCondemnedGen(), taObj);
- ExtOut("Found %d roots.\n", roots);
- }
- return Status;
- return E_NOTIMPL;
-class GCHandleStatsForDomains
- GCHandleStatsForDomains()
- : m_singleDomainMode(FALSE), m_numDomains(0), m_pStatistics(NULL), m_pDomainPointers(NULL), m_sharedDomainIndex(-1), m_systemDomainIndex(-1)
- {
- }
- ~GCHandleStatsForDomains()
- {
- if (m_pStatistics)
- {
- if (m_singleDomainMode)
- delete m_pStatistics;
- else
- delete [] m_pStatistics;
- }
- if (m_pDomainPointers)
- delete [] m_pDomainPointers;
- }
- BOOL Init(BOOL singleDomainMode)
- {
- m_singleDomainMode = singleDomainMode;
- if (m_singleDomainMode)
- {
- m_numDomains = 1;
- m_pStatistics = new NOTHROW GCHandleStatistics();
- if (m_pStatistics == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- DacpAppDomainStoreData adsData;
- if (adsData.Request(g_sos) != S_OK)
- return FALSE;
- LONG numSpecialDomains = (adsData.sharedDomain != NULL) ? 2 : 1;
- m_numDomains = adsData.DomainCount + numSpecialDomains;
- ArrayHolder<CLRDATA_ADDRESS> pArray = new NOTHROW CLRDATA_ADDRESS[m_numDomains];
- if (pArray == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- int i = 0;
- if (adsData.sharedDomain != NULL)
- {
- pArray[i++] = adsData.sharedDomain;
- }
- pArray[i] = adsData.systemDomain;
- m_sharedDomainIndex = i - 1; // The m_sharedDomainIndex is set to -1 if there is no shared domain
- m_systemDomainIndex = i;
- if (g_sos->GetAppDomainList(adsData.DomainCount, pArray+numSpecialDomains, NULL) != S_OK)
- return FALSE;
- m_pDomainPointers = pArray.Detach();
- m_pStatistics = new NOTHROW GCHandleStatistics[m_numDomains];
- if (m_pStatistics == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- GCHandleStatistics *LookupStatistics(CLRDATA_ADDRESS appDomainPtr) const
- {
- if (m_singleDomainMode)
- {
- // You can pass NULL appDomainPtr if you are in singleDomainMode
- return m_pStatistics;
- }
- else
- {
- for (int i=0; i < m_numDomains; i++)
- if (m_pDomainPointers[i] == appDomainPtr)
- return m_pStatistics + i;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- GCHandleStatistics *GetStatistics(int appDomainIndex) const
- {
- SOS_Assert(appDomainIndex >= 0);
- SOS_Assert(appDomainIndex < m_numDomains);
- return m_singleDomainMode ? m_pStatistics : m_pStatistics + appDomainIndex;
- }
- int GetNumDomains() const
- {
- return m_numDomains;
- }
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS GetDomain(int index) const
- {
- SOS_Assert(index >= 0);
- SOS_Assert(index < m_numDomains);
- return m_pDomainPointers[index];
- }
- int GetSharedDomainIndex()
- {
- return m_sharedDomainIndex;
- }
- int GetSystemDomainIndex()
- {
- return m_systemDomainIndex;
- }
- BOOL m_singleDomainMode;
- int m_numDomains;
- GCHandleStatistics *m_pStatistics;
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS *m_pDomainPointers;
- int m_sharedDomainIndex;
- int m_systemDomainIndex;
-class GCHandlesImpl
- GCHandlesImpl(PCSTR args)
- : mPerDomain(FALSE), mStat(FALSE), mDML(FALSE), mType((int)~0)
- {
- ArrayHolder<char> type = NULL;
- CMDOption option[] =
- {
- {"-perdomain", &mPerDomain, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-stat", &mStat, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-type", &type, COSTRING, TRUE},
- {"/d", &mDML, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- if (!GetCMDOption(args,option,_countof(option),NULL,0,NULL))
- sos::Throw<sos::Exception>("Failed to parse command line arguments.");
- if (type != NULL)
- if (_stricmp(type, "Pinned") == 0)
- else if (_stricmp(type, "RefCounted") == 0)
- else if (_stricmp(type, "WeakShort") == 0)
- else if (_stricmp(type, "WeakLong") == 0)
- else if (_stricmp(type, "Strong") == 0)
- else if (_stricmp(type, "Variable") == 0)
- else if (_stricmp(type, "AsyncPinned") == 0)
- else if (_stricmp(type, "SizedRef") == 0)
- else if (_stricmp(type, "Dependent") == 0)
- else if (_stricmp(type, "WeakWinRT") == 0)
- else
- sos::Throw<sos::Exception>("Unknown handle type '%s'.", type.GetPtr());
- }
- void Run()
- {
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(mDML);
- mOut.ReInit(6, POINTERSIZE_HEX, AlignRight);
- mOut.SetColAlignment(1, AlignLeft);
- if (mHandleStat.Init(!mPerDomain) == FALSE)
- sos::Throw<sos::Exception>("Error getting per-appdomain handle information");
- if (!mStat)
- mOut.WriteRow("Handle", "Type", "Object", "Size", "Data", "Type");
- WalkHandles();
- for (int i=0; (i < mHandleStat.GetNumDomains()) && !IsInterrupt(); i++)
- {
- GCHandleStatistics *pStats = mHandleStat.GetStatistics(i);
- if (mPerDomain)
- {
- Print( "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- Print("GC Handle Statistics for AppDomain ", AppDomainPtr(mHandleStat.GetDomain(i)));
- if (i == mHandleStat.GetSharedDomainIndex())
- Print(" (Shared Domain)\n");
- else if (i == mHandleStat.GetSystemDomainIndex())
- Print(" (System Domain)\n");
- else
- Print("\n");
- }
- if (!mStat)
- Print("\n");
- PrintGCStat(&pStats->hs);
- // Don't print handle stats if the user has filtered by type. All handles will be the same
- // type, and the total count will be displayed by PrintGCStat.
- if (mType == (unsigned int)~0)
- {
- Print("\n");
- PrintGCHandleStats(pStats);
- }
- }
- }
- void WalkHandles()
- {
- ToRelease<ISOSHandleEnum> handles;
- if (FAILED(g_sos->GetHandleEnum(&handles)))
- {
- if (IsMiniDumpFile())
- sos::Throw<sos::Exception>("Unable to display GC handles.\nA minidump without full memory may not have this information.");
- else
- sos::Throw<sos::Exception>("Failed to walk the handle table.");
- }
- // GCC can't handle stacks which are too large.
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- SOSHandleData data[256];
- SOSHandleData data[4];
- unsigned int fetched = 0;
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- do
- {
- if (FAILED(hr = handles->Next(_countof(data), data, &fetched)))
- {
- ExtOut("Error %x while walking the handle table.\n", hr);
- break;
- }
- WalkHandles(data, fetched);
- } while (_countof(data) == fetched);
- }
- void WalkHandles(SOSHandleData data[], unsigned int count)
- {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
- {
- sos::CheckInterrupt();
- if (mType != (unsigned int)~0 && mType != data[i].Type)
- continue;
- GCHandleStatistics *pStats = mHandleStat.LookupStatistics(data[i].AppDomain);
- TADDR objAddr = 0;
- TADDR mtAddr = 0;
- size_t size = 0;
- const WCHAR *mtName = 0;
- const char *type = 0;
- if (FAILED(MOVE(objAddr, data[i].Handle)))
- {
- objAddr = 0;
- mtName = W("<error>");
- }
- else
- {
- sos::Object obj(TO_TADDR(objAddr));
- mtAddr = obj.GetMT();
- if (sos::MethodTable::IsFreeMT(mtAddr))
- {
- mtName = W("<free>");
- }
- else if (!sos::MethodTable::IsValid(mtAddr))
- {
- mtName = W("<error>");
- }
- else
- {
- size = obj.GetSize();
- if (mType == (unsigned int)~0 || mType == data[i].Type)
- pStats->hs.Add(obj.GetMT(), (DWORD)size);
- }
- }
- switch(data[i].Type)
- {
- type = "Pinned";
- if (pStats) pStats->pinnedHandleCount++;
- break;
- type = "RefCounted";
- if (pStats) pStats->refCntHandleCount++;
- break;
- type = "Strong";
- if (pStats) pStats->strongHandleCount++;
- break;
- type = "WeakShort";
- if (pStats) pStats->weakShortHandleCount++;
- break;
- type = "WeakLong";
- if (pStats) pStats->weakLongHandleCount++;
- break;
- type = "AsyncPinned";
- if (pStats) pStats->asyncPinnedHandleCount++;
- break;
- type = "Variable";
- if (pStats) pStats->variableCount++;
- break;
- type = "SizedRef";
- if (pStats) pStats->sizedRefCount++;
- break;
- type = "Dependent";
- if (pStats) pStats->dependentCount++;
- break;
- type = "WeakWinRT";
- if (pStats) pStats->weakWinRTHandleCount++;
- break;
- default:
- DebugBreak();
- type = "Unknown";
- pStats->unknownHandleCount++;
- break;
- }
- if (type && !mStat)
- {
- sos::MethodTable mt = mtAddr;
- if (mtName == 0)
- mtName = mt.GetName();
- if (data[i].Type == HNDTYPE_REFCOUNTED)
- mOut.WriteRow(data[i].Handle, type, ObjectPtr(objAddr), Decimal(size), Decimal(data[i].RefCount), mtName);
- else if (data[i].Type == HNDTYPE_DEPENDENT)
- mOut.WriteRow(data[i].Handle, type, ObjectPtr(objAddr), Decimal(size), ObjectPtr(data[i].Secondary), mtName);
- else if (data[i].Type == HNDTYPE_WEAK_WINRT)
- mOut.WriteRow(data[i].Handle, type, ObjectPtr(objAddr), Decimal(size), Pointer(data[i].Secondary), mtName);
- else
- mOut.WriteRow(data[i].Handle, type, ObjectPtr(objAddr), Decimal(size), "", mtName);
- }
- }
- }
- inline void PrintHandleRow(const char *text, int count)
- {
- if (count)
- mOut.WriteRow(text, Decimal(count));
- }
- void PrintGCHandleStats(GCHandleStatistics *pStats)
- {
- Print("Handles:\n");
- mOut.ReInit(2, 21, AlignLeft, 4);
- PrintHandleRow("Strong Handles:", pStats->strongHandleCount);
- PrintHandleRow("Pinned Handles:", pStats->pinnedHandleCount);
- PrintHandleRow("Async Pinned Handles:", pStats->asyncPinnedHandleCount);
- PrintHandleRow("Ref Count Handles:", pStats->refCntHandleCount);
- PrintHandleRow("Weak Long Handles:", pStats->weakLongHandleCount);
- PrintHandleRow("Weak Short Handles:", pStats->weakShortHandleCount);
- PrintHandleRow("Weak WinRT Handles:", pStats->weakWinRTHandleCount);
- PrintHandleRow("Variable Handles:", pStats->variableCount);
- PrintHandleRow("SizedRef Handles:", pStats->sizedRefCount);
- PrintHandleRow("Dependent Handles:", pStats->dependentCount);
- PrintHandleRow("Other Handles:", pStats->unknownHandleCount);
- }
- BOOL mPerDomain, mStat, mDML;
- unsigned int mType;
- TableOutput mOut;
- GCHandleStatsForDomains mHandleStat;
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function dumps GC Handle statistics *
-* *
- try
- {
- GCHandlesImpl gchandles(args);
- gchandles.Run();
- }
- catch(const sos::Exception &e)
- {
- Print(e.what());
- }
- return Status;
-// This is an experimental and undocumented SOS API that attempts to step through code
-// stopping once jitted code is reached. It currently has some issues - it can take arbitrarily long
-// to reach jitted code and canceling it is terrible. At best it doesn't cancel, at worst it
-// kills the debugger. IsInterrupt() doesn't work nearly as nicely as one would hope :/
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- static ULONG64 g_clrBaseAddr = 0;
- while(true)
- {
- if (IsInterrupt())
- {
- ExtOut("Interrupted\n");
- return S_FALSE;
- }
- ULONG64 Offset;
- g_ExtRegisters->GetInstructionOffset(&Offset);
- DWORD codeType = 0;
- ULONG64 base = 0;
- DacpMethodDescData MethodDescData;
- if(g_ExtSymbols->GetModuleByOffset(Offset, 0, NULL, &base) == S_OK)
- {
- if(g_clrBaseAddr == 0)
- {
- g_ExtSymbols->GetModuleByModuleName (MAIN_CLR_MODULE_NAME_A,0,NULL,
- &g_clrBaseAddr);
- }
- if(g_clrBaseAddr == base)
- {
- ExtOut("Compiled code in CLR\n");
- codeType = 4;
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Compiled code in module @ 0x%I64x\n", base);
- codeType = 8;
- }
- }
- else if (g_sos != NULL || LoadClrDebugDll()==S_OK)
- {
- if(g_sos->GetMethodDescPtrFromIP(cdaStart, &addr) == S_OK)
- {
- WCHAR wszNameBuffer[1024]; // should be large enough
- // get the MethodDesc name
- if ((g_sos->GetMethodDescName(addr, 1024, wszNameBuffer, NULL) == S_OK) &&
- _wcsncmp(W("DomainBoundILStubClass"), wszNameBuffer, 22)==0)
- {
- ExtOut("ILStub\n");
- codeType = 2;
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Jitted code\n");
- codeType = 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Not compiled or jitted, assuming stub\n");
- codeType = 16;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // not compiled but CLR isn't loaded... some other code generator?
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- if(codeType == 1)
- {
- return S_OK;
- }
- else
- {
- Status = g_ExtControl->Execute(DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED, "thr; .echo wait" ,0);
- if (FAILED(Status))
- {
- ExtOut("Error tracing instruction\n");
- return Status;
- }
- }
- }
- return Status;
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
-// This is an experimental and undocumented API that sets a debugger pseudo-register based
-// on the type of code at the given IP. It can be used in scripts to keep stepping until certain
-// kinds of code have been reached. Presumbably its slower than !TraceToCode but at least it
-// cancels much better
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- char buffer[100+mdNameLen];
- size_t ip;
- StringHolder PReg;
- CMDValue arg[] = {
- // vptr, type
- {&ip, COSIZE_T},
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, NULL, 0, arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- size_t preg = 1; // by default
- if (nArg == 2)
- {
- preg = GetExpression(;
- if (preg > 19)
- {
- ExtOut("Pseudo-register number must be between 0 and 19\n");
- return Status;
- }
- }
- sprintf_s(buffer,_countof (buffer),
- "r$t%d=0",
- preg);
- Status = g_ExtControl->Execute(DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED, buffer ,0);
- if (FAILED(Status))
- {
- ExtOut("Error initialized register $t%d to zero\n", preg);
- return Status;
- }
- ULONG64 base = 0;
- DWORD codeType = 0;
- if(g_sos->GetMethodDescPtrFromIP(cdaStart, &addr) == S_OK)
- {
- WCHAR wszNameBuffer[1024]; // should be large enough
- // get the MethodDesc name
- if (g_sos->GetMethodDescName(addr, 1024, wszNameBuffer, NULL) == S_OK &&
- _wcsncmp(W("DomainBoundILStubClass"), wszNameBuffer, 22)==0)
- {
- ExtOut("ILStub\n");
- codeType = 2;
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Jitted code");
- codeType = 1;
- }
- }
- else if(g_ExtSymbols->GetModuleByOffset (ip, 0, NULL, &base) == S_OK)
- {
- ULONG64 clrBaseAddr = 0;
- if(SUCCEEDED(g_ExtSymbols->GetModuleByModuleName (MAIN_CLR_MODULE_NAME_A,0,NULL, &clrBaseAddr)) && base==clrBaseAddr)
- {
- ExtOut("Compiled code in CLR");
- codeType = 4;
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Compiled code in module @ 0x%I64x\n", base);
- codeType = 8;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Not compiled or jitted, assuming stub\n");
- codeType = 16;
- }
- sprintf_s(buffer,_countof (buffer),
- "r$t%d=%x",
- preg, codeType);
- Status = g_ExtControl->Execute(DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED, buffer, 0);
- if (FAILED(Status))
- {
- ExtOut("Error setting register $t%d\n", preg);
- return Status;
- }
- return Status;
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
- char buffer[100+mdNameLen];
- BOOL fDerived = FALSE;
- BOOL fCreate1 = FALSE;
- BOOL fCreate2 = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] = {
- // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-derived", &fDerived, COBOOL, FALSE}, // catch derived exceptions
- {"-create", &fCreate1, COBOOL, FALSE}, // create 1st chance handler
- {"-create2", &fCreate2, COBOOL, FALSE}, // create 2nd chance handler
- };
- StringHolder TypeName,PReg;
- CMDValue arg[] = {
- // vptr, type
- {&, COSTRING},
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- if (IsDumpFile())
- {
- ExtOut("Live debugging session required\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (nArg < 1 || nArg > 2)
- {
- ExtOut("usage: StopOnException [-derived] [-create | -create2] <type name>\n");
- ExtOut(" [<pseudo-register number for result>]\n");
- ExtOut("ex: StopOnException -create System.OutOfMemoryException 1\n");
- return Status;
- }
- size_t preg = 1; // by default
- if (nArg == 2)
- {
- preg = GetExpression(;
- if (preg > 19)
- {
- ExtOut("Pseudo-register number must be between 0 and 19\n");
- return Status;
- }
- }
- sprintf_s(buffer,_countof (buffer),
- "r$t%d=0",
- preg);
- Status = g_ExtControl->Execute(DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED, buffer, 0);
- if (FAILED(Status))
- {
- ExtOut("Error initialized register $t%d to zero\n", preg);
- return Status;
- }
- if (fCreate1 || fCreate2)
- {
- sprintf_s(buffer,_countof (buffer),
- "sxe %s \"!soe %s %s %d;.if(@$t%d==0) {g} .else {.echo '%s hit'}\" %x",
- fCreate1 ? "-c" : "-c2",
- fDerived ? "-derived" : "",
- preg,
- preg,
- );
- Status = g_ExtControl->Execute(DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED, buffer, 0);
- if (FAILED(Status))
- {
- ExtOut("Error setting breakpoint: %s\n", buffer);
- return Status;
- }
- ExtOut("Breakpoint set\n");
- return Status;
- }
- // Find the last thrown exception on this thread.
- // Does it match? If so, set the register.
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS threadAddr = GetCurrentManagedThread();
- DacpThreadData Thread;
- if ((threadAddr == NULL) || (Thread.Request(g_sos, threadAddr) != S_OK))
- {
- ExtOut("The current thread is unmanaged\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (!SafeReadMemory(Thread.lastThrownObjectHandle,
- &taLTOH,
- sizeof(taLTOH), NULL))
- {
- ExtOut("There is no current managed exception on this thread\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (taLTOH)
- {
- LPWSTR typeNameWide = (LPWSTR)alloca(mdNameLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,,-1,typeNameWide,mdNameLen);
- if (SafeReadMemory(taLTOH, &taMT, sizeof(taMT), NULL))
- {
- NameForMT_s (taMT, g_mdName, mdNameLen);
- if ((_wcscmp(g_mdName,typeNameWide) == 0) ||
- (fDerived && IsDerivedFrom(taMT, typeNameWide)))
- {
- sprintf_s(buffer,_countof (buffer),
- "r$t%d=1",
- preg);
- Status = g_ExtControl->Execute(DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED, buffer, 0);
- if (FAILED(Status))
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to execute the following command: %s\n", buffer);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return Status;
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function finds the size of an object or all roots. *
-* *
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- StringHolder str_Object;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- TADDR obj = GetExpression(;
- GCRootImpl gcroot;
- if (obj == 0)
- {
- gcroot.ObjSize();
- }
- else
- {
- if(!sos::IsObject(obj))
- {
- ExtOut("%p is not a valid object.\n", SOS_PTR(obj));
- return Status;
- }
- size_t size = gcroot.ObjSize(obj);
- TADDR mt = 0;
- MOVE(mt, obj);
- sos::MethodTable methodTable = mt;
- ExtOut("sizeof(%p) = %d (0x%x) bytes (%S)\n", SOS_PTR(obj), size, size, methodTable.GetName());
- }
- return Status;
- return E_NOTIMPL;
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- ExtOut("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- ExtOut("GCHandleLeaks will report any GCHandles that couldn't be found in memory. \n");
- ExtOut("Strong and Pinned GCHandles are reported at this time. You can safely abort the\n");
- ExtOut("memory scan with Control-C or Control-Break. \n");
- ExtOut("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- static DWORD_PTR array[2000];
- UINT i;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), NULL, 0, NULL))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- UINT iFinal = FindAllPinnedAndStrong(array,sizeof(array)/sizeof(DWORD_PTR));
- ExtOut("Found %d handles:\n",iFinal);
- for (i=1;i<=iFinal;i++)
- {
- ExtOut("%p\t", SOS_PTR(array[i-1]));
- if ((i % 4) == 0)
- ExtOut("\n");
- }
- ExtOut("\nSearching memory\n");
- // Now search memory for this:
- DWORD_PTR buffer[1024];
- ULONG64 memCur = 0x0;
- BOOL bAbort = FALSE;
- //find out memory used by stress log
- StressLogMem stressLog;
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS StressLogAddress = NULL;
- if (LoadClrDebugDll() != S_OK)
- {
- // Try to find stress log symbols
- DWORD_PTR dwAddr = GetValueFromExpression(MAIN_CLR_MODULE_NAME_A "!StressLog::theLog");
- StressLogAddress = dwAddr;
- g_bDacBroken = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- if (g_sos->GetStressLogAddress(&StressLogAddress) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to find stress log via DAC\n");
- }
- g_bDacBroken = FALSE;
- }
- if (stressLog.Init (StressLogAddress, g_ExtData))
- {
- ExtOut("Reference found in stress log will be ignored\n");
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to read whole or part of stress log, some references may come from stress log\n");
- }
- while (!bAbort)
- {
- NTSTATUS status;
- status = g_ExtData2->QueryVirtual(UL64_TO_CDA(memCur), &memInfo);
- if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) )
- {
- break;
- }
- if (memInfo.State == MEM_COMMIT)
- {
- for (ULONG64 memIter = memCur; memIter < (memCur + memInfo.RegionSize); memIter+=sizeof(buffer))
- {
- if (IsInterrupt())
- {
- ExtOut("Quitting at %p due to user abort\n", SOS_PTR(memIter));
- bAbort = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- if ((memIter % 0x10000000)==0x0)
- {
- ExtOut("Searching %p...\n", SOS_PTR(memIter));
- }
- ULONG size = 0;
- HRESULT ret;
- ret = g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(UL64_TO_CDA(memIter), buffer, sizeof(buffer), &size);
- if (ret == S_OK)
- {
- for (UINT x=0;x<1024;x++)
- {
- DWORD_PTR value = buffer[x];
- // We don't care about the low bit. Also, the GCHandle class turns on the
- // low bit for pinned handles, so without the statement below, we wouldn't
- // notice pinned handles.
- value = value & ~1;
- for (i=0;i<iFinal;i++)
- {
- ULONG64 addrInDebugee = (ULONG64)memIter+(x*sizeof(DWORD_PTR));
- if ((array[i] & ~1) == value)
- {
- if (stressLog.IsInStressLog (addrInDebugee))
- {
- ExtOut("Found %p in stress log at location %p, reference not counted\n", SOS_PTR(value), addrInDebugee);
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Found %p at location %p\n", SOS_PTR(value), addrInDebugee);
- array[i] |= 0x1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (size > 0)
- {
- ExtOut("only read %x bytes at %p\n", size, SOS_PTR(memIter));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- memCur += memInfo.RegionSize;
- }
- int numNotFound = 0;
- for (i=0;i<iFinal;i++)
- {
- if ((array[i] & 0x1) == 0)
- {
- numNotFound++;
- // ExtOut("WARNING: %p not found\n", SOS_PTR(array[i]));
- }
- }
- if (numNotFound > 0)
- {
- ExtOut("------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- ExtOut("Some handles were not found. If the number of not-found handles grows over the\n");
- ExtOut("lifetime of your application, you may have a GCHandle leak. This will cause \n");
- ExtOut("the GC Heap to grow larger as objects are being kept alive, referenced only \n");
- ExtOut("by the orphaned handle. If the number doesn't grow over time, note that there \n");
- ExtOut("may be some noise in this output, as an unmanaged application may be storing \n");
- ExtOut("the handle in a non-standard way, perhaps with some bits flipped. The memory \n");
- ExtOut("scan wouldn't be able to find those. \n");
- ExtOut("------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- ExtOut("Didn't find %d handles:\n", numNotFound);
- int numPrinted=0;
- for (i=0;i<iFinal;i++)
- {
- if ((array[i] & 0x1) == 0)
- {
- numPrinted++;
- ExtOut("%p\t", SOS_PTR(array[i]));
- if ((numPrinted % 4) == 0)
- ExtOut("\n");
- }
- }
- ExtOut("\n");
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- ExtOut("All handles found");
- if (bAbort)
- ExtOut(" even though you aborted.\n");
- else
- ExtOut(".\n");
- ExtOut("A leak may still exist because in a general scan of process memory SOS can't \n");
- ExtOut("differentiate between garbage and valid structures, so you may have false \n");
- ExtOut("positives. If you still suspect a leak, use this function over time to \n");
- ExtOut("identify a possible trend. \n");
- ExtOut("------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- }
- return Status;
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
-class ClrStackImplWithICorDebug
- static HRESULT DereferenceAndUnboxValue(ICorDebugValue * pValue, ICorDebugValue** ppOutputValue, BOOL * pIsNull = NULL)
- {
- HRESULT Status = S_OK;
- *ppOutputValue = NULL;
- if(pIsNull != NULL) *pIsNull = FALSE;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugReferenceValue> pReferenceValue;
- Status = pValue->QueryInterface(IID_ICorDebugReferenceValue, (LPVOID*) &pReferenceValue);
- if (SUCCEEDED(Status))
- {
- BOOL isNull = FALSE;
- IfFailRet(pReferenceValue->IsNull(&isNull));
- if(!isNull)
- {
- ToRelease<ICorDebugValue> pDereferencedValue;
- IfFailRet(pReferenceValue->Dereference(&pDereferencedValue));
- return DereferenceAndUnboxValue(pDereferencedValue, ppOutputValue);
- }
- else
- {
- if(pIsNull != NULL) *pIsNull = TRUE;
- *ppOutputValue = pValue;
- (*ppOutputValue)->AddRef();
- return S_OK;
- }
- }
- ToRelease<ICorDebugBoxValue> pBoxedValue;
- Status = pValue->QueryInterface(IID_ICorDebugBoxValue, (LPVOID*) &pBoxedValue);
- if (SUCCEEDED(Status))
- {
- ToRelease<ICorDebugObjectValue> pUnboxedValue;
- IfFailRet(pBoxedValue->GetObject(&pUnboxedValue));
- return DereferenceAndUnboxValue(pUnboxedValue, ppOutputValue);
- }
- *ppOutputValue = pValue;
- (*ppOutputValue)->AddRef();
- return S_OK;
- }
- static BOOL ShouldExpandVariable(__in_z WCHAR* varToExpand, __in_z WCHAR* currentExpansion)
- {
- if(currentExpansion == NULL || varToExpand == NULL) return FALSE;
- size_t varToExpandLen = _wcslen(varToExpand);
- size_t currentExpansionLen = _wcslen(currentExpansion);
- if(currentExpansionLen > varToExpandLen) return FALSE;
- if(currentExpansionLen < varToExpandLen && varToExpand[currentExpansionLen] != L'.') return FALSE;
- if(_wcsncmp(currentExpansion, varToExpand, currentExpansionLen) != 0) return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- static BOOL IsEnum(ICorDebugValue * pInputValue)
- {
- ToRelease<ICorDebugValue> pValue;
- if(FAILED(DereferenceAndUnboxValue(pInputValue, &pValue, NULL))) return FALSE;
- WCHAR baseTypeName[mdNameLen];
- ToRelease<ICorDebugValue2> pValue2;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugType> pType;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugType> pBaseType;
- if(FAILED(pValue->QueryInterface(IID_ICorDebugValue2, (LPVOID *) &pValue2))) return FALSE;
- if(FAILED(pValue2->GetExactType(&pType))) return FALSE;
- if(FAILED(pType->GetBase(&pBaseType)) || pBaseType == NULL) return FALSE;
- if(FAILED(GetTypeOfValue(pBaseType, baseTypeName, mdNameLen))) return FALSE;
- return (_wcsncmp(baseTypeName, W("System.Enum"), 11) == 0);
- }
- static HRESULT AddGenericArgs(ICorDebugType * pType, __inout_ecount(typeNameLen) WCHAR* typeName, ULONG typeNameLen)
- {
- bool isFirst = true;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugTypeEnum> pTypeEnum;
- if(SUCCEEDED(pType->EnumerateTypeParameters(&pTypeEnum)))
- {
- ULONG numTypes = 0;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugType> pCurrentTypeParam;
- while(SUCCEEDED(pTypeEnum->Next(1, &pCurrentTypeParam, &numTypes)))
- {
- if(numTypes == 0) break;
- if(isFirst)
- {
- isFirst = false;
- wcsncat_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("&lt;"), typeNameLen);
- }
- else wcsncat_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W(","), typeNameLen);
- WCHAR typeParamName[mdNameLen];
- typeParamName[0] = L'\0';
- GetTypeOfValue(pCurrentTypeParam, typeParamName, mdNameLen);
- wcsncat_s(typeName, typeNameLen, typeParamName, typeNameLen);
- }
- if(!isFirst)
- wcsncat_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("&gt;"), typeNameLen);
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- static HRESULT GetTypeOfValue(ICorDebugType * pType, __inout_ecount(typeNameLen) WCHAR* typeName, ULONG typeNameLen)
- {
- HRESULT Status = S_OK;
- CorElementType corElemType;
- IfFailRet(pType->GetType(&corElemType));
- switch (corElemType)
- {
- //List of unsupported CorElementTypes:
- //ELEMENT_TYPE_VAR = 0x13, // a class type variable VAR <U1>
- //ELEMENT_TYPE_GENERICINST = 0x15, // GENERICINST <generic type> <argCnt> <arg1> ... <argn>
- //ELEMENT_TYPE_TYPEDBYREF = 0x16, // TYPEDREF (it takes no args) a typed referece to some other type
- //ELEMENT_TYPE_MVAR = 0x1e, // a method type variable MVAR <U1>
- //ELEMENT_TYPE_CMOD_REQD = 0x1F, // required C modifier : E_T_CMOD_REQD <mdTypeRef/mdTypeDef>
- //ELEMENT_TYPE_CMOD_OPT = 0x20, // optional C modifier : E_T_CMOD_OPT <mdTypeRef/mdTypeDef>
- //ELEMENT_TYPE_INTERNAL = 0x21, // INTERNAL <typehandle>
- //ELEMENT_TYPE_MAX = 0x22, // first invalid element type
- //ELEMENT_TYPE_SENTINEL = 0x01 | ELEMENT_TYPE_MODIFIER, // sentinel for varargs
- //ELEMENT_TYPE_R4_HFA = 0x06 | ELEMENT_TYPE_MODIFIER, // used only internally for R4 HFA types
- //ELEMENT_TYPE_R8_HFA = 0x07 | ELEMENT_TYPE_MODIFIER, // used only internally for R8 HFA types
- default:
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("(Unhandled CorElementType: 0x%x)\0"), corElemType);
- break;
- {
- //Defaults in case we fail...
- if(corElemType == ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE) swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("struct\0"));
- else swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("class\0"));
- mdTypeDef typeDef;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugClass> pClass;
- if(SUCCEEDED(pType->GetClass(&pClass)) && SUCCEEDED(pClass->GetToken(&typeDef)))
- {
- ToRelease<ICorDebugModule> pModule;
- IfFailRet(pClass->GetModule(&pModule));
- ToRelease<IUnknown> pMDUnknown;
- ToRelease<IMetaDataImport> pMD;
- IfFailRet(pModule->GetMetaDataInterface(IID_IMetaDataImport, &pMDUnknown));
- IfFailRet(pMDUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IMetaDataImport, (LPVOID*) &pMD));
- if(SUCCEEDED(NameForToken_s(TokenFromRid(typeDef, mdtTypeDef), pMD, g_mdName, mdNameLen, false)))
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("%s\0"), g_mdName);
- }
- AddGenericArgs(pType, typeName, typeNameLen);
- }
- break;
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("void\0"));
- break;
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("bool\0"));
- break;
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("char\0"));
- break;
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("signed byte\0"));
- break;
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("byte\0"));
- break;
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("short\0"));
- break;
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("unsigned short\0"));
- break;
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("int\0"));
- break;
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("unsigned int\0"));
- break;
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("long\0"));
- break;
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("unsigned long\0"));
- break;
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("float\0"));
- break;
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("double\0"));
- break;
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("object\0"));
- break;
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("string\0"));
- break;
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("IntPtr\0"));
- break;
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("UIntPtr\0"));
- break;
- {
- ToRelease<ICorDebugType> pFirstParameter;
- if(SUCCEEDED(pType->GetFirstTypeParameter(&pFirstParameter)))
- GetTypeOfValue(pFirstParameter, typeName, typeNameLen);
- else
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("<unknown>\0"));
- switch(corElemType)
- {
- wcsncat_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("[]\0"), typeNameLen);
- return S_OK;
- {
- ULONG32 rank = 0;
- pType->GetRank(&rank);
- wcsncat_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("["), typeNameLen);
- for(ULONG32 i = 0; i < rank - 1; i++)
- {
- //
- wcsncat_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W(","), typeNameLen);
- }
- wcsncat_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("]\0"), typeNameLen);
- }
- return S_OK;
- wcsncat_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("&\0"), typeNameLen);
- return S_OK;
- wcsncat_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("*\0"), typeNameLen);
- return S_OK;
- default:
- // note we can never reach here as this is a nested switch
- // and corElemType can only be one of the values above
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("*(...)\0"));
- break;
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("typedbyref\0"));
- break;
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- static HRESULT GetTypeOfValue(ICorDebugValue * pValue, __inout_ecount(typeNameLen) WCHAR* typeName, ULONG typeNameLen)
- {
- HRESULT Status = S_OK;
- CorElementType corElemType;
- IfFailRet(pValue->GetType(&corElemType));
- ToRelease<ICorDebugType> pType;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugValue2> pValue2;
- if(SUCCEEDED(pValue->QueryInterface(IID_ICorDebugValue2, (void**) &pValue2)) && SUCCEEDED(pValue2->GetExactType(&pType)))
- return GetTypeOfValue(pType, typeName, typeNameLen);
- else
- swprintf_s(typeName, typeNameLen, W("<unknown>\0"));
- return S_OK;
- }
- static HRESULT PrintEnumValue(ICorDebugValue* pInputValue, BYTE* enumValue)
- {
- HRESULT Status = S_OK;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugValue> pValue;
- IfFailRet(DereferenceAndUnboxValue(pInputValue, &pValue, NULL));
- mdTypeDef currentTypeDef;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugClass> pClass;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugValue2> pValue2;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugType> pType;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugModule> pModule;
- IfFailRet(pValue->QueryInterface(IID_ICorDebugValue2, (LPVOID *) &pValue2));
- IfFailRet(pValue2->GetExactType(&pType));
- IfFailRet(pType->GetClass(&pClass));
- IfFailRet(pClass->GetModule(&pModule));
- IfFailRet(pClass->GetToken(&currentTypeDef));
- ToRelease<IUnknown> pMDUnknown;
- ToRelease<IMetaDataImport> pMD;
- IfFailRet(pModule->GetMetaDataInterface(IID_IMetaDataImport, &pMDUnknown));
- IfFailRet(pMDUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IMetaDataImport, (LPVOID*) &pMD));
- //First, we need to figure out the underlying enum type so that we can correctly type cast the raw values of each enum constant
- //We get that from the non-static field of the enum variable (I think the field is called __value or something similar)
- ULONG numFields = 0;
- mdFieldDef fieldDef;
- CorElementType enumUnderlyingType = ELEMENT_TYPE_END;
- while(SUCCEEDED(pMD->EnumFields(&fEnum, currentTypeDef, &fieldDef, 1, &numFields)) && numFields != 0)
- {
- DWORD fieldAttr = 0;
- PCCOR_SIGNATURE pSignatureBlob = NULL;
- ULONG sigBlobLength = 0;
- if(SUCCEEDED(pMD->GetFieldProps(fieldDef, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &fieldAttr, &pSignatureBlob, &sigBlobLength, NULL, NULL, NULL)))
- {
- if((fieldAttr & fdStatic) == 0)
- {
- CorSigUncompressCallingConv(pSignatureBlob);
- enumUnderlyingType = CorSigUncompressElementType(pSignatureBlob);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- pMD->CloseEnum(fEnum);
- //Now that we know the underlying enum type, let's decode the enum variable into OR-ed, human readable enum contants
- fEnum = NULL;
- bool isFirst = true;
- ULONG64 remainingValue = *((ULONG64*)enumValue);
- while(SUCCEEDED(pMD->EnumFields(&fEnum, currentTypeDef, &fieldDef, 1, &numFields)) && numFields != 0)
- {
- ULONG nameLen = 0;
- DWORD fieldAttr = 0;
- WCHAR mdName[mdNameLen];
- ULONG rawValueLength = 0;
- if(SUCCEEDED(pMD->GetFieldProps(fieldDef, NULL, mdName, mdNameLen, &nameLen, &fieldAttr, NULL, NULL, NULL, &pRawValue, &rawValueLength)))
- {
- DWORD enumValueRequiredAttributes = fdPublic | fdStatic | fdLiteral | fdHasDefault;
- if((fieldAttr & enumValueRequiredAttributes) != enumValueRequiredAttributes)
- continue;
- ULONG64 currentConstValue = 0;
- switch (enumUnderlyingType)
- {
- currentConstValue = (ULONG64)(*((CHAR*)pRawValue));
- break;
- currentConstValue = (ULONG64)(*((BYTE*)pRawValue));
- break;
- currentConstValue = (ULONG64)(*((SHORT*)pRawValue));
- break;
- currentConstValue = (ULONG64)(*((USHORT*)pRawValue));
- break;
- currentConstValue = (ULONG64)(*((INT32*)pRawValue));
- break;
- currentConstValue = (ULONG64)(*((UINT32*)pRawValue));
- break;
- currentConstValue = (ULONG64)(*((LONG*)pRawValue));
- break;
- currentConstValue = (ULONG64)(*((ULONG*)pRawValue));
- break;
- currentConstValue = (ULONG64)(*((int*)pRawValue));
- break;
- // Technically U and the floating-point ones are options in the CLI, but not in the CLS or C#, so these are NYI
- default:
- currentConstValue = 0;
- }
- if((currentConstValue == remainingValue) || ((currentConstValue != 0) && ((currentConstValue & remainingValue) == currentConstValue)))
- {
- remainingValue &= ~currentConstValue;
- if(isFirst)
- {
- ExtOut(" = %S", mdName);
- isFirst = false;
- }
- else ExtOut(" | %S", mdName);
- }
- }
- }
- pMD->CloseEnum(fEnum);
- return S_OK;
- }
- static HRESULT PrintStringValue(ICorDebugValue * pValue)
- {
- HRESULT Status;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugStringValue> pStringValue;
- IfFailRet(pValue->QueryInterface(IID_ICorDebugStringValue, (LPVOID*) &pStringValue));
- ULONG32 cchValue;
- IfFailRet(pStringValue->GetLength(&cchValue));
- cchValue++; // Allocate one more for null terminator
- CQuickString quickString;
- quickString.Alloc(cchValue);
- ULONG32 cchValueReturned;
- IfFailRet(pStringValue->GetString(
- cchValue,
- &cchValueReturned,
- quickString.String()));
- ExtOut(" = \"%S\"\n", quickString.String());
- return S_OK;
- }
- static HRESULT PrintSzArrayValue(ICorDebugValue * pValue, ICorDebugILFrame * pILFrame, IMetaDataImport * pMD, int indent, __in_z WCHAR* varToExpand, __inout_ecount(currentExpansionSize) WCHAR* currentExpansion, DWORD currentExpansionSize, int currentFrame)
- {
- HRESULT Status = S_OK;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugArrayValue> pArrayValue;
- IfFailRet(pValue->QueryInterface(IID_ICorDebugArrayValue, (LPVOID*) &pArrayValue));
- ULONG32 nRank;
- IfFailRet(pArrayValue->GetRank(&nRank));
- if (nRank != 1)
- {
- return E_UNEXPECTED;
- }
- ULONG32 cElements;
- IfFailRet(pArrayValue->GetCount(&cElements));
- if (cElements == 0) ExtOut(" (empty)\n");
- else if (cElements == 1) ExtOut(" (1 element)\n");
- else ExtOut(" (%d elements)\n", cElements);
- if(!ShouldExpandVariable(varToExpand, currentExpansion)) return S_OK;
- size_t currentExpansionLen = _wcslen(currentExpansion);
- for (ULONG32 i=0; i < cElements; i++)
- {
- for(int j = 0; j <= indent; j++) ExtOut(" ");
- currentExpansion[currentExpansionLen] = L'\0';
- swprintf_s(currentExpansion, mdNameLen, W("%s.[%d]\0"), currentExpansion, i);
- bool printed = false;
- CorElementType corElemType;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugType> pFirstParameter;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugValue2> pValue2;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugType> pType;
- if(SUCCEEDED(pArrayValue->QueryInterface(IID_ICorDebugValue2, (LPVOID *) &pValue2)) && SUCCEEDED(pValue2->GetExactType(&pType)))
- {
- if(SUCCEEDED(pType->GetFirstTypeParameter(&pFirstParameter)) && SUCCEEDED(pFirstParameter->GetType(&corElemType)))
- {
- switch(corElemType)
- {
- //If the array element is something that we can expand with !clrstack, show information about the type of this element
- {
- WCHAR typeOfElement[mdNameLen];
- GetTypeOfValue(pFirstParameter, typeOfElement, mdNameLen);
- DMLOut(" |- %s = %S", DMLManagedVar(currentExpansion, currentFrame, i), typeOfElement);
- printed = true;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!printed) DMLOut(" |- %s", DMLManagedVar(currentExpansion, currentFrame, i));
- ToRelease<ICorDebugValue> pElementValue;
- IfFailRet(pArrayValue->GetElementAtPosition(i, &pElementValue));
- IfFailRet(PrintValue(pElementValue, pILFrame, pMD, indent + 1, varToExpand, currentExpansion, currentExpansionSize, currentFrame));
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- static HRESULT PrintValue(ICorDebugValue * pInputValue, ICorDebugILFrame * pILFrame, IMetaDataImport * pMD, int indent, __in_z WCHAR* varToExpand, __inout_ecount(currentExpansionSize) WCHAR* currentExpansion, DWORD currentExpansionSize, int currentFrame)
- {
- HRESULT Status = S_OK;
- BOOL isNull = TRUE;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugValue> pValue;
- IfFailRet(DereferenceAndUnboxValue(pInputValue, &pValue, &isNull));
- if(isNull)
- {
- ExtOut(" = null\n");
- return S_OK;
- }
- ULONG32 cbSize;
- IfFailRet(pValue->GetSize(&cbSize));
- ArrayHolder<BYTE> rgbValue = new NOTHROW BYTE[cbSize];
- if (rgbValue == NULL)
- {
- ReportOOM();
- }
- memset(rgbValue.GetPtr(), 0, cbSize * sizeof(BYTE));
- CorElementType corElemType;
- IfFailRet(pValue->GetType(&corElemType));
- if (corElemType == ELEMENT_TYPE_STRING)
- {
- return PrintStringValue(pValue);
- }
- if (corElemType == ELEMENT_TYPE_SZARRAY)
- {
- return PrintSzArrayValue(pValue, pILFrame, pMD, indent, varToExpand, currentExpansion, currentExpansionSize, currentFrame);
- }
- ToRelease<ICorDebugGenericValue> pGenericValue;
- IfFailRet(pValue->QueryInterface(IID_ICorDebugGenericValue, (LPVOID*) &pGenericValue));
- IfFailRet(pGenericValue->GetValue((LPVOID) &(rgbValue[0])));
- if(IsEnum(pValue))
- {
- Status = PrintEnumValue(pValue, rgbValue);
- ExtOut("\n");
- return Status;
- }
- switch (corElemType)
- {
- default:
- ExtOut(" (Unhandled CorElementType: 0x%x)\n", corElemType);
- break;
- ExtOut(" = <pointer>\n");
- break;
- {
- CORDB_ADDRESS addr = 0;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugReferenceValue> pReferenceValue = NULL;
- if(SUCCEEDED(pValue->QueryInterface(IID_ICorDebugReferenceValue, (LPVOID*) &pReferenceValue)))
- pReferenceValue->GetValue(&addr);
- ExtOut(" = <function pointer 0x%x>\n", addr);
- }
- break;
- if(SUCCEEDED(pValue->GetAddress(&addr)))
- {
- ExtOut(" @ 0x%I64x\n", addr);
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("\n");
- }
- ProcessFields(pValue, NULL, pILFrame, indent + 1, varToExpand, currentExpansion, currentExpansionSize, currentFrame);
- break;
- ExtOut(" = %s\n", rgbValue[0] == 0 ? "false" : "true");
- break;
- ExtOut(" = '%C'\n", *(WCHAR *) &(rgbValue[0]));
- break;
- ExtOut(" = %d\n", *(char*) &(rgbValue[0]));
- break;
- ExtOut(" = %d\n", *(unsigned char*) &(rgbValue[0]));
- break;
- ExtOut(" = %hd\n", *(short*) &(rgbValue[0]));
- break;
- ExtOut(" = %hu\n", *(unsigned short*) &(rgbValue[0]));
- break;
- ExtOut(" = %d\n", *(int*) &(rgbValue[0]));
- break;
- ExtOut(" = %u\n", *(unsigned int*) &(rgbValue[0]));
- break;
- ExtOut(" = %d\n", *(int*) &(rgbValue[0]));
- break;
- ExtOut(" = %u\n", *(unsigned int*) &(rgbValue[0]));
- break;
- ExtOut(" = %I64d\n", *(__int64*) &(rgbValue[0]));
- break;
- ExtOut(" = %I64u\n", *(unsigned __int64*) &(rgbValue[0]));
- break;
- ExtOut(" = %f\n", (double) *(float*) &(rgbValue[0]));
- break;
- ExtOut(" = %f\n", *(double*) &(rgbValue[0]));
- break;
- ExtOut(" = object\n");
- break;
- // TODO: The following corElementTypes are not yet implemented here. Array
- // might be interesting to add, though the others may be of rather limited use:
- // ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY = 0x14, // MDARRAY <type> <rank> <bcount> <bound1> ... <lbcount> <lb1> ...
- //
- // ELEMENT_TYPE_GENERICINST = 0x15, // GENERICINST <generic type> <argCnt> <arg1> ... <argn>
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- static HRESULT PrintParameters(BOOL bParams, BOOL bLocals, IMetaDataImport * pMD, mdTypeDef typeDef, mdMethodDef methodDef, ICorDebugILFrame * pILFrame, ICorDebugModule * pModule, __in_z WCHAR* varToExpand, int currentFrame)
- {
- HRESULT Status = S_OK;
- ULONG cParams = 0;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugValueEnum> pParamEnum;
- IfFailRet(pILFrame->EnumerateArguments(&pParamEnum));
- IfFailRet(pParamEnum->GetCount(&cParams));
- if (cParams > 0 && bParams)
- {
- DWORD methAttr = 0;
- IfFailRet(pMD->GetMethodProps(methodDef, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &methAttr, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));
- ExtOut("\nPARAMETERS:\n");
- for (ULONG i=0; i < cParams; i++)
- {
- ULONG paramNameLen = 0;
- mdParamDef paramDef;
- WCHAR paramName[mdNameLen] = W("\0");
- if(i == 0 && (methAttr & mdStatic) == 0)
- swprintf_s(paramName, mdNameLen, W("this\0"));
- else
- {
- int idx = ((methAttr & mdStatic) == 0)? i : (i + 1);
- if(SUCCEEDED(pMD->GetParamForMethodIndex(methodDef, idx, &paramDef)))
- pMD->GetParamProps(paramDef, NULL, NULL, paramName, mdNameLen, &paramNameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- }
- if(_wcslen(paramName) == 0)
- swprintf_s(paramName, mdNameLen, W("param_%d\0"), i);
- ToRelease<ICorDebugValue> pValue;
- ULONG cArgsFetched;
- Status = pParamEnum->Next(1, &pValue, &cArgsFetched);
- if (FAILED(Status))
- {
- ExtOut(" + (Error 0x%x retrieving parameter '%S')\n", Status, paramName);
- continue;
- }
- if (Status == S_FALSE)
- {
- break;
- }
- WCHAR typeName[mdNameLen] = W("\0");
- GetTypeOfValue(pValue, typeName, mdNameLen);
- DMLOut(" + %S %s", typeName, DMLManagedVar(paramName, currentFrame, paramName));
- ToRelease<ICorDebugReferenceValue> pRefValue;
- if(SUCCEEDED(pValue->QueryInterface(IID_ICorDebugReferenceValue, (void**)&pRefValue)) && pRefValue != NULL)
- {
- BOOL bIsNull = TRUE;
- pRefValue->IsNull(&bIsNull);
- if(bIsNull)
- {
- ExtOut(" = null\n");
- continue;
- }
- }
- WCHAR currentExpansion[mdNameLen];
- swprintf_s(currentExpansion, mdNameLen, W("%s\0"), paramName);
- if((Status=PrintValue(pValue, pILFrame, pMD, 0, varToExpand, currentExpansion, mdNameLen, currentFrame)) != S_OK)
- ExtOut(" + (Error 0x%x printing parameter %d)\n", Status, i);
- }
- }
- else if (cParams == 0 && bParams)
- ExtOut("\nPARAMETERS: (none)\n");
- ULONG cLocals = 0;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugValueEnum> pLocalsEnum;
- IfFailRet(pILFrame->EnumerateLocalVariables(&pLocalsEnum));
- IfFailRet(pLocalsEnum->GetCount(&cLocals));
- if (cLocals > 0 && bLocals)
- {
- bool symbolsAvailable = false;
- SymbolReader symReader;
- if(SUCCEEDED(symReader.LoadSymbols(pMD, pModule)))
- symbolsAvailable = true;
- ExtOut("\nLOCALS:\n");
- for (ULONG i=0; i < cLocals; i++)
- {
- ULONG paramNameLen = 0;
- WCHAR paramName[mdNameLen] = W("\0");
- ToRelease<ICorDebugValue> pValue;
- if(symbolsAvailable)
- {
- Status = symReader.GetNamedLocalVariable(pILFrame, i, paramName, mdNameLen, &pValue);
- }
- else
- {
- ULONG cArgsFetched;
- Status = pLocalsEnum->Next(1, &pValue, &cArgsFetched);
- }
- if(_wcslen(paramName) == 0)
- swprintf_s(paramName, mdNameLen, W("local_%d\0"), i);
- if (FAILED(Status))
- {
- ExtOut(" + (Error 0x%x retrieving local variable '%S')\n", Status, paramName);
- continue;
- }
- if (Status == S_FALSE)
- {
- break;
- }
- WCHAR typeName[mdNameLen] = W("\0");
- GetTypeOfValue(pValue, typeName, mdNameLen);
- DMLOut(" + %S %s", typeName, DMLManagedVar(paramName, currentFrame, paramName));
- ToRelease<ICorDebugReferenceValue> pRefValue = NULL;
- if(SUCCEEDED(pValue->QueryInterface(IID_ICorDebugReferenceValue, (void**)&pRefValue)) && pRefValue != NULL)
- {
- BOOL bIsNull = TRUE;
- pRefValue->IsNull(&bIsNull);
- if(bIsNull)
- {
- ExtOut(" = null\n");
- continue;
- }
- }
- WCHAR currentExpansion[mdNameLen];
- swprintf_s(currentExpansion, mdNameLen, W("%s\0"), paramName);
- if((Status=PrintValue(pValue, pILFrame, pMD, 0, varToExpand, currentExpansion, mdNameLen, currentFrame)) != S_OK)
- ExtOut(" + (Error 0x%x printing local variable %d)\n", Status, i);
- }
- }
- else if (cLocals == 0 && bLocals)
- ExtOut("\nLOCALS: (none)\n");
- if(bParams || bLocals)
- ExtOut("\n");
- return S_OK;
- }
- static HRESULT ProcessFields(ICorDebugValue* pInputValue, ICorDebugType* pTypeCast, ICorDebugILFrame * pILFrame, int indent, __in_z WCHAR* varToExpand, __inout_ecount(currentExpansionSize) WCHAR* currentExpansion, DWORD currentExpansionSize, int currentFrame)
- {
- if(!ShouldExpandVariable(varToExpand, currentExpansion)) return S_OK;
- size_t currentExpansionLen = _wcslen(currentExpansion);
- HRESULT Status = S_OK;
- BOOL isNull = FALSE;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugValue> pValue;
- IfFailRet(DereferenceAndUnboxValue(pInputValue, &pValue, &isNull));
- if(isNull) return S_OK;
- mdTypeDef currentTypeDef;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugClass> pClass;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugValue2> pValue2;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugType> pType;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugModule> pModule;
- IfFailRet(pValue->QueryInterface(IID_ICorDebugValue2, (LPVOID *) &pValue2));
- if(pTypeCast == NULL)
- IfFailRet(pValue2->GetExactType(&pType));
- else
- {
- pType = pTypeCast;
- pType->AddRef();
- }
- IfFailRet(pType->GetClass(&pClass));
- IfFailRet(pClass->GetModule(&pModule));
- IfFailRet(pClass->GetToken(&currentTypeDef));
- ToRelease<IUnknown> pMDUnknown;
- ToRelease<IMetaDataImport> pMD;
- IfFailRet(pModule->GetMetaDataInterface(IID_IMetaDataImport, &pMDUnknown));
- IfFailRet(pMDUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IMetaDataImport, (LPVOID*) &pMD));
- WCHAR baseTypeName[mdNameLen] = W("\0");
- ToRelease<ICorDebugType> pBaseType;
- if(SUCCEEDED(pType->GetBase(&pBaseType)) && pBaseType != NULL && SUCCEEDED(GetTypeOfValue(pBaseType, baseTypeName, mdNameLen)))
- {
- if(_wcsncmp(baseTypeName, W("System.Enum"), 11) == 0)
- return S_OK;
- else if(_wcsncmp(baseTypeName, W("System.Object"), 13) != 0 && _wcsncmp(baseTypeName, W("System.ValueType"), 16) != 0)
- {
- currentExpansion[currentExpansionLen] = W('\0');
- wcscat_s(currentExpansion, currentExpansionSize, W(".\0"));
- wcscat_s(currentExpansion, currentExpansionSize, W("[basetype]"));
- for(int i = 0; i < indent; i++) ExtOut(" ");
- DMLOut(" |- %S %s\n", baseTypeName, DMLManagedVar(currentExpansion, currentFrame, W("[basetype]")));
- if(ShouldExpandVariable(varToExpand, currentExpansion))
- ProcessFields(pInputValue, pBaseType, pILFrame, indent + 1, varToExpand, currentExpansion, currentExpansionSize, currentFrame);
- }
- }
- ULONG numFields = 0;
- mdFieldDef fieldDef;
- while(SUCCEEDED(pMD->EnumFields(&fEnum, currentTypeDef, &fieldDef, 1, &numFields)) && numFields != 0)
- {
- ULONG nameLen = 0;
- DWORD fieldAttr = 0;
- WCHAR mdName[mdNameLen];
- WCHAR typeName[mdNameLen];
- if(SUCCEEDED(pMD->GetFieldProps(fieldDef, NULL, mdName, mdNameLen, &nameLen, &fieldAttr, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)))
- {
- currentExpansion[currentExpansionLen] = W('\0');
- wcscat_s(currentExpansion, currentExpansionSize, W(".\0"));
- wcscat_s(currentExpansion, currentExpansionSize, mdName);
- ToRelease<ICorDebugValue> pFieldVal;
- if(fieldAttr & fdLiteral)
- {
- //TODO: Is it worth it??
- //ExtOut(" |- const %S", mdName);
- }
- else
- {
- for(int i = 0; i < indent; i++) ExtOut(" ");
- if (fieldAttr & fdStatic)
- pType->GetStaticFieldValue(fieldDef, pILFrame, &pFieldVal);
- else
- {
- ToRelease<ICorDebugObjectValue> pObjValue;
- if (SUCCEEDED(pValue->QueryInterface(IID_ICorDebugObjectValue, (LPVOID*) &pObjValue)))
- pObjValue->GetFieldValue(pClass, fieldDef, &pFieldVal);
- }
- if(pFieldVal != NULL)
- {
- typeName[0] = L'\0';
- GetTypeOfValue(pFieldVal, typeName, mdNameLen);
- DMLOut(" |- %S %s", typeName, DMLManagedVar(currentExpansion, currentFrame, mdName));
- PrintValue(pFieldVal, pILFrame, pMD, indent, varToExpand, currentExpansion, currentExpansionSize, currentFrame);
- }
- else if(!(fieldAttr & fdLiteral))
- ExtOut(" |- < unknown type > %S\n", mdName);
- }
- }
- }
- pMD->CloseEnum(fEnum);
- return S_OK;
- }
- // This is the main worker function used if !clrstack is called with "-i" to indicate
- // that the public ICorDebug* should be used instead of the private DAC interface. NOTE:
- // Currently only bParams is supported. NOTE: This is a work in progress and the
- // following would be good to do:
- // * More thorough testing with interesting stacks, especially with transitions into
- // and out of managed code.
- // * Consider interleaving this code back into the main body of !clrstack if it turns
- // out that there's a lot of duplication of code between these two functions.
- // (Still unclear how things will look once locals is implemented.)
- static HRESULT ClrStackFromPublicInterface(BOOL bParams, BOOL bLocals, BOOL bSuppressLines, __in_z WCHAR* varToExpand = NULL, int onlyShowFrame = -1)
- {
- HRESULT Status;
- IfFailRet(InitCorDebugInterface());
- ExtOut("\n\n\nDumping managed stack and managed variables using ICorDebug.\n");
- ExtOut("=============================================================================\n");
- ToRelease<ICorDebugThread> pThread;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugThread3> pThread3;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugStackWalk> pStackWalk;
- ULONG ulThreadID = 0;
- g_ExtSystem->GetCurrentThreadSystemId(&ulThreadID);
- IfFailRet(g_pCorDebugProcess->GetThread(ulThreadID, &pThread));
- IfFailRet(pThread->QueryInterface(IID_ICorDebugThread3, (LPVOID *) &pThread3));
- IfFailRet(pThread3->CreateStackWalk(&pStackWalk));
- InternalFrameManager internalFrameManager;
- IfFailRet(internalFrameManager.Init(pThread3));
- #if defined(_AMD64_) || defined(_ARM64_)
- ExtOut("%-16s %-16s %s\n", "Child SP", "IP", "Call Site");
- #elif defined(_X86_) || defined(_ARM_)
- ExtOut("%-8s %-8s %s\n", "Child SP", "IP", "Call Site");
- #endif
- int currentFrame = -1;
- for (Status = S_OK; ; Status = pStackWalk->Next())
- {
- currentFrame++;
- if (Status == CORDBG_S_AT_END_OF_STACK)
- {
- ExtOut("Stack walk complete.\n");
- break;
- }
- IfFailRet(Status);
- if (IsInterrupt())
- {
- ExtOut("<interrupted>\n");
- break;
- }
- ULONG32 cbContextActual;
- if ((Status=pStackWalk->GetContext(
- sizeof(context),
- &cbContextActual,
- (BYTE *)&context))!=S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("GetFrameContext failed: %lx\n",Status);
- break;
- }
- // First find the info for the Frame object, if the current frame has an associated clr!Frame.
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS sp = GetSP(context);
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS ip = GetIP(context);
- ToRelease<ICorDebugFrame> pFrame;
- IfFailRet(pStackWalk->GetFrame(&pFrame));
- if (Status == S_FALSE)
- {
- DMLOut("%p %s [NativeStackFrame]\n", SOS_PTR(sp), DMLIP(ip));
- continue;
- }
- // TODO: What about internal frames preceding the above native stack frame?
- // Should I just exclude the above native stack frame from the output?
- // TODO: Compare caller frame (instead of current frame) against internal frame,
- // to deal with issues of current frame's current SP being closer to leaf than
- // EE Frames it pushes. By "caller" I mean not just managed caller, but the
- // very next non-internal frame dbi would return (native or managed). OR...
- // perhaps I should use GetStackRange() instead, to see if the internal frame
- // appears leafier than the base-part of the range of the currently iterated
- // stack frame? I think I like that better.
- _ASSERTE(pFrame != NULL);
- IfFailRet(internalFrameManager.PrintPrecedingInternalFrames(pFrame));
- // Print the stack and instruction pointers.
- DMLOut("%p %s ", SOS_PTR(sp), DMLIP(ip));
- ToRelease<ICorDebugRuntimeUnwindableFrame> pRuntimeUnwindableFrame;
- Status = pFrame->QueryInterface(IID_ICorDebugRuntimeUnwindableFrame, (LPVOID *) &pRuntimeUnwindableFrame);
- if (SUCCEEDED(Status))
- {
- ExtOut("[RuntimeUnwindableFrame]\n");
- continue;
- }
- // Print the method/Frame info
- // CAN BE FOUND VIA GetActiveInternalFrames?
- ToRelease<ICorDebugInternalFrame> pInternalFrame;
- Status = pFrame->QueryInterface(IID_ICorDebugInternalFrame, (LPVOID *) &pInternalFrame);
- if (SUCCEEDED(Status))
- {
- // This is a clr!Frame.
- LPCWSTR pwszFrameName = W("TODO: Implement GetFrameName");
- ExtOut("[%S: p] ", pwszFrameName);
- }
- // Print the frame's associated function info, if it has any.
- ToRelease<ICorDebugILFrame> pILFrame;
- HRESULT hrILFrame = pFrame->QueryInterface(IID_ICorDebugILFrame, (LPVOID*) &pILFrame);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hrILFrame))
- {
- ToRelease<ICorDebugFunction> pFunction;
- Status = pFrame->GetFunction(&pFunction);
- if (FAILED(Status))
- {
- // We're on a JITted frame, but there's no Function for it. So it must
- // be...
- ExtOut("[IL Stub or LCG]\n");
- continue;
- }
- ToRelease<ICorDebugClass> pClass;
- ToRelease<ICorDebugModule> pModule;
- mdMethodDef methodDef;
- IfFailRet(pFunction->GetClass(&pClass));
- IfFailRet(pFunction->GetModule(&pModule));
- IfFailRet(pFunction->GetToken(&methodDef));
- WCHAR wszModuleName[100];
- ULONG32 cchModuleNameActual;
- IfFailRet(pModule->GetName(_countof(wszModuleName), &cchModuleNameActual, wszModuleName));
- ToRelease<IUnknown> pMDUnknown;
- ToRelease<IMetaDataImport> pMD;
- ToRelease<IMDInternalImport> pMDInternal;
- IfFailRet(pModule->GetMetaDataInterface(IID_IMetaDataImport, &pMDUnknown));
- IfFailRet(pMDUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IMetaDataImport, (LPVOID*) &pMD));
- IfFailRet(GetMDInternalFromImport(pMD, &pMDInternal));
- mdTypeDef typeDef;
- IfFailRet(pClass->GetToken(&typeDef));
- // Note that we don't need to pretty print the class, as class name is
- // already printed from GetMethodName below
- CQuickBytes functionName;
- // TODO: WARNING: GetMethodName() appears to include lots of unexercised
- // code, as evidenced by some fundamental bugs I found. It should either be
- // thoroughly reviewed, or some other more exercised code path to grab the
- // name should be used.
- // TODO: If we do stay with GetMethodName, it should be updated to print
- // generics properly. Today, it does not show generic type parameters, and
- // if any arguments have a generic type, those arguments are just shown as
- // "__Canon", even when they're value types.
- GetMethodName(methodDef, pMD, &functionName);
- DMLOut(DMLManagedVar(W("-a"), currentFrame, (LPWSTR)functionName.Ptr()));
- ExtOut(" (%S)\n", wszModuleName);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hrILFrame) && (bParams || bLocals))
- {
- if(onlyShowFrame == -1 || (onlyShowFrame >= 0 && currentFrame == onlyShowFrame))
- IfFailRet(PrintParameters(bParams, bLocals, pMD, typeDef, methodDef, pILFrame, pModule, varToExpand, currentFrame));
- }
- }
- }
- ExtOut("=============================================================================\n");
- // Temporary until we get a process exit notification plumbed from lldb
- UninitCorDebugInterface();
- return S_OK;
- }
-WString BuildRegisterOutput(const SOSStackRefData &ref, bool printObj)
- WString res;
- if (ref.HasRegisterInformation)
- {
- WCHAR reg[32];
- HRESULT hr = g_sos->GetRegisterName(ref.Register, _countof(reg), reg, NULL);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
- res = reg;
- else
- res = W("<unknown register>");
- if (ref.Offset)
- {
- int offset = ref.Offset;
- if (offset > 0)
- {
- res += W("+");
- }
- else
- {
- res += W("-");
- offset = -offset;
- }
- res += Hex(offset);
- }
- res += W(": ");
- }
- if (ref.Address)
- res += WString(Pointer(ref.Address));
- if (printObj)
- {
- if (ref.Address)
- res += W(" -> ");
- res += WString(ObjectPtr(ref.Object));
- }
- if (ref.Flags & SOSRefPinned)
- {
- res += W(" (pinned)");
- }
- if (ref.Flags & SOSRefInterior)
- {
- res += W(" (interior)");
- }
- return res;
-void PrintRef(const SOSStackRefData &ref, TableOutput &out)
- WString res = BuildRegisterOutput(ref);
- if (ref.Object && (ref.Flags & SOSRefInterior) == 0)
- {
- WCHAR type[128];
- sos::BuildTypeWithExtraInfo(TO_TADDR(ref.Object), _countof(type), type);
- res += WString(W(" - ")) + type;
- }
- out.WriteColumn(2, res);
-class ClrStackImpl
- static void PrintThread(ULONG osID, BOOL bParams, BOOL bLocals, BOOL bSuppressLines, BOOL bGC, BOOL bFull, BOOL bDisplayRegVals)
- {
- // Symbols variables
- ULONG symlines = 0; // symlines will be non-zero only if SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES was set in the symbol options
- if (!bSuppressLines && SUCCEEDED(g_ExtSymbols->GetSymbolOptions(&symlines)))
- {
- symlines &= SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES;
- }
- if (symlines == 0)
- bSuppressLines = TRUE;
- ToRelease<IXCLRDataStackWalk> pStackWalk;
- HRESULT hr = CreateStackWalk(osID, &pStackWalk);
- if (FAILED(hr) || pStackWalk == NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to start stack walk: %lx\n", hr);
- return;
- }
- PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME currentNativeFrame = NULL;
- ULONG numNativeFrames = 0;
- if (bFull)
- {
- hr = GetContextStackTrace(osID, &numNativeFrames);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to get native stack frames: %lx\n", hr);
- return;
- }
- currentNativeFrame = &g_Frames[0];
- }
- unsigned int refCount = 0, errCount = 0;
- ArrayHolder<SOSStackRefData> pRefs = NULL;
- ArrayHolder<SOSStackRefError> pErrs = NULL;
- if (bGC && FAILED(GetGCRefs(osID, &pRefs, &refCount, &pErrs, &errCount)))
- refCount = 0;
- TableOutput out(3, POINTERSIZE_HEX, AlignRight);
- out.WriteRow("Child SP", "IP", "Call Site");
- do
- {
- if (IsInterrupt())
- {
- ExtOut("<interrupted>\n");
- break;
- }
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS ip = 0, sp = 0;
- hr = GetFrameLocation(pStackWalk, &ip, &sp);
- DacpFrameData FrameData;
- HRESULT frameDataResult = FrameData.Request(pStackWalk);
- if (SUCCEEDED(frameDataResult) && FrameData.frameAddr)
- sp = FrameData.frameAddr;
- while ((numNativeFrames > 0) && (currentNativeFrame->StackOffset <= sp))
- {
- if (currentNativeFrame->StackOffset != sp)
- {
- PrintNativeStackFrame(out, currentNativeFrame, bSuppressLines);
- }
- currentNativeFrame++;
- numNativeFrames--;
- }
- // Print the stack pointer.
- out.WriteColumn(0, sp);
- // Print the method/Frame info
- if (SUCCEEDED(frameDataResult) && FrameData.frameAddr)
- {
- // Skip the instruction pointer because it doesn't really mean anything for method frames
- out.WriteColumn(1, bFull ? String("") : NativePtr(ip));
- // This is a clr!Frame.
- out.WriteColumn(2, GetFrameFromAddress(TO_TADDR(FrameData.frameAddr), pStackWalk, bFull));
- // Print out gc references for the Frame.
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < refCount; ++i)
- if (pRefs[i].Source == sp)
- PrintRef(pRefs[i], out);
- // Print out an error message if we got one.
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < errCount; ++i)
- if (pErrs[i].Source == sp)
- out.WriteColumn(2, "Failed to enumerate GC references.");
- }
- else
- {
- out.WriteColumn(1, InstructionPtr(ip));
- out.WriteColumn(2, MethodNameFromIP(ip, bSuppressLines, bFull, bFull));
- // Print out gc references. refCount will be zero if bGC is false (or if we
- // failed to fetch gc reference information).
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < refCount; ++i)
- if (pRefs[i].Source == ip && pRefs[i].StackPointer == sp)
- PrintRef(pRefs[i], out);
- // Print out an error message if we got one.
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < errCount; ++i)
- if (pErrs[i].Source == sp)
- out.WriteColumn(2, "Failed to enumerate GC references.");
- if (bParams || bLocals)
- PrintArgsAndLocals(pStackWalk, bParams, bLocals);
- }
- if (bDisplayRegVals)
- PrintManagedFrameContext(pStackWalk);
- } while (pStackWalk->Next() == S_OK);
- while (numNativeFrames > 0)
- {
- PrintNativeStackFrame(out, currentNativeFrame, bSuppressLines);
- currentNativeFrame++;
- numNativeFrames--;
- }
- }
- static HRESULT PrintManagedFrameContext(IXCLRDataStackWalk *pStackWalk)
- {
- HRESULT hr = pStackWalk->GetContext(DT_CONTEXT_FULL, g_targetMachine->GetContextSize(), NULL, (BYTE *)&context);
- if (FAILED(hr) || hr == S_FALSE)
- {
- // GetFrameContext returns S_FALSE if the frame iterator is invalid. That's basically an error for us.
- ExtOut("GetFrameContext failed: %lx\n", hr);
- return E_FAIL;
- }
-#if defined(SOS_TARGET_AMD64)
- String outputFormat3 = " %3s=%016x %3s=%016x %3s=%016x\n";
- String outputFormat2 = " %3s=%016x %3s=%016x\n";
- ExtOut(outputFormat3, "rsp", context.Amd64Context.Rsp, "rbp", context.Amd64Context.Rbp, "rip", context.Amd64Context.Rip);
- ExtOut(outputFormat3, "rax", context.Amd64Context.Rax, "rbx", context.Amd64Context.Rbx, "rcx", context.Amd64Context.Rcx);
- ExtOut(outputFormat3, "rdx", context.Amd64Context.Rdx, "rsi", context.Amd64Context.Rsi, "rdi", context.Amd64Context.Rdi);
- ExtOut(outputFormat3, "r8", context.Amd64Context.R8, "r9", context.Amd64Context.R9, "r10", context.Amd64Context.R10);
- ExtOut(outputFormat3, "r11", context.Amd64Context.R11, "r12", context.Amd64Context.R12, "r13", context.Amd64Context.R13);
- ExtOut(outputFormat2, "r14", context.Amd64Context.R14, "r15", context.Amd64Context.R15);
-#elif defined(SOS_TARGET_X86)
- String outputFormat3 = " %3s=%08x %3s=%08x %3s=%08x\n";
- String outputFormat2 = " %3s=%08x %3s=%08x\n";
- ExtOut(outputFormat3, "esp", context.X86Context.Esp, "ebp", context.X86Context.Ebp, "eip", context.X86Context.Eip);
- ExtOut(outputFormat3, "eax", context.X86Context.Eax, "ebx", context.X86Context.Ebx, "ecx", context.X86Context.Ecx);
- ExtOut(outputFormat3, "edx", context.X86Context.Edx, "esi", context.X86Context.Esi, "edi", context.X86Context.Edi);
-#elif defined(SOS_TARGET_ARM)
- String outputFormat3 = " %3s=%08x %3s=%08x %3s=%08x\n";
- String outputFormat2 = " %s=%08x %s=%08x\n";
- String outputFormat1 = " %s=%08x\n";
- ExtOut(outputFormat3, "r0", context.ArmContext.R0, "r1", context.ArmContext.R1, "r2", context.ArmContext.R2);
- ExtOut(outputFormat3, "r3", context.ArmContext.R3, "r4", context.ArmContext.R4, "r5", context.ArmContext.R5);
- ExtOut(outputFormat3, "r6", context.ArmContext.R6, "r7", context.ArmContext.R7, "r8", context.ArmContext.R8);
- ExtOut(outputFormat3, "r9", context.ArmContext.R9, "r10", context.ArmContext.R10, "r11", context.ArmContext.R11);
- ExtOut(outputFormat1, "r12", context.ArmContext.R12);
- ExtOut(outputFormat3, "sp", context.ArmContext.Sp, "lr", context.ArmContext.Lr, "pc", context.ArmContext.Pc);
- ExtOut(outputFormat2, "cpsr", context.ArmContext.Cpsr, "fpsr", context.ArmContext.Fpscr);
-#elif defined(SOS_TARGET_ARM64)
- String outputXRegFormat3 = " x%d=%016x x%d=%016x x%d=%016x\n";
- String outputXRegFormat1 = " x%d=%016x\n";
- String outputFormat3 = " %s=%016x %s=%016x %s=%016x\n";
- String outputFormat2 = " %s=%08x %s=%08x\n";
- DWORD64 *X = context.Arm64Context.X;
- for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
- {
- ExtOut(outputXRegFormat3, i + 0, X[i + 0], i + 1, X[i + 1], i + 2, X[i + 2]);
- }
- ExtOut(outputXRegFormat1, 28, X[28]);
- ExtOut(outputFormat3, "sp", context.ArmContext.Sp, "lr", context.ArmContext.Lr, "pc", context.ArmContext.Pc);
- ExtOut(outputFormat2, "cpsr", context.ArmContext.Cpsr, "fpsr", context.ArmContext.Fpscr);
- ExtOut("Can't display register values for this platform\n");
- return S_OK;
- }
- static HRESULT GetFrameLocation(IXCLRDataStackWalk *pStackWalk, CLRDATA_ADDRESS *ip, CLRDATA_ADDRESS *sp)
- {
- HRESULT hr = pStackWalk->GetContext(DT_CONTEXT_FULL, g_targetMachine->GetContextSize(), NULL, (BYTE *)&context);
- if (FAILED(hr) || hr == S_FALSE)
- {
- // GetFrameContext returns S_FALSE if the frame iterator is invalid. That's basically an error for us.
- ExtOut("GetFrameContext failed: %lx\n", hr);
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- // First find the info for the Frame object, if the current frame has an associated clr!Frame.
- *ip = GetIP(context);
- *sp = GetSP(context);
- if (IsDbgTargetArm())
- *ip = *ip & ~THUMB_CODE;
- return S_OK;
- }
- static void PrintNativeStackFrame(TableOutput out, PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME frame, BOOL bSuppressLines)
- {
- char filename[MAX_LONGPATH + 1];
- char symbol[1024];
- ULONG64 displacement;
- ULONG64 ip = frame->InstructionOffset;
- out.WriteColumn(0, frame->StackOffset);
- out.WriteColumn(1, NativePtr(ip));
- HRESULT hr = g_ExtSymbols->GetNameByOffset(TO_CDADDR(ip), symbol, _countof(symbol), NULL, &displacement);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && symbol[0] != '\0')
- {
- String frameOutput;
- frameOutput += symbol;
- if (displacement)
- {
- frameOutput += " + ";
- frameOutput += Decimal(displacement);
- }
- if (!bSuppressLines)
- {
- ULONG line;
- hr = g_ExtSymbols->GetLineByOffset(TO_CDADDR(ip), &line, filename, _countof(filename), NULL, NULL);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- frameOutput += " at ";
- frameOutput += filename;
- frameOutput += ":";
- frameOutput += Decimal(line);
- }
- }
- out.WriteColumn(2, frameOutput);
- }
- else
- {
- out.WriteColumn(2, "");
- }
- }
- static void PrintCurrentThread(BOOL bParams, BOOL bLocals, BOOL bSuppressLines, BOOL bGC, BOOL bNative, BOOL bDisplayRegVals)
- {
- ULONG id = 0;
- ULONG osid = 0;
- g_ExtSystem->GetCurrentThreadSystemId(&osid);
- ExtOut("OS Thread Id: 0x%x ", osid);
- g_ExtSystem->GetCurrentThreadId(&id);
- ExtOut("(%d)\n", id);
- PrintThread(osid, bParams, bLocals, bSuppressLines, bGC, bNative, bDisplayRegVals);
- }
- static void PrintAllThreads(BOOL bParams, BOOL bLocals, BOOL bSuppressLines, BOOL bGC, BOOL bNative, BOOL bDisplayRegVals)
- {
- HRESULT Status;
- DacpThreadStoreData ThreadStore;
- if ((Status = ThreadStore.Request(g_sos)) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtErr("Failed to request ThreadStore\n");
- return;
- }
- DacpThreadData Thread;
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS CurThread = ThreadStore.firstThread;
- while (CurThread != 0)
- {
- if (IsInterrupt())
- break;
- if ((Status = Thread.Request(g_sos, CurThread)) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtErr("Failed to request thread at %p\n", CurThread);
- return;
- }
- ExtOut("OS Thread Id: 0x%x\n", Thread.osThreadId);
- PrintThread(Thread.osThreadId, bParams, bLocals, bSuppressLines, bGC, bNative, bDisplayRegVals);
- CurThread = Thread.nextThread;
- }
- }
- static HRESULT CreateStackWalk(ULONG osID, IXCLRDataStackWalk **ppStackwalk)
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- ToRelease<IXCLRDataTask> pTask;
- if ((hr = g_clrData->GetTaskByOSThreadID(osID, &pTask)) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Unable to walk the managed stack. The current thread is likely not a \n");
- ExtOut("managed thread. You can run " SOSThreads " to get a list of managed threads in\n");
- ExtOut("the process\n");
- return hr;
- }
- return pTask->CreateStackWalk(CLRDATA_SIMPFRAME_UNRECOGNIZED |
- ppStackwalk);
- }
- /* Prints the args and locals of for a thread's stack.
- * Params:
- * pStackWalk - the stack we are printing
- * bArgs - whether to print args
- * bLocals - whether to print locals
- */
- static void PrintArgsAndLocals(IXCLRDataStackWalk *pStackWalk, BOOL bArgs, BOOL bLocals)
- {
- ToRelease<IXCLRDataFrame> pFrame;
- ToRelease<IXCLRDataValue> pVal;
- ULONG32 argCount = 0;
- ULONG32 localCount = 0;
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- hr = pStackWalk->GetFrame(&pFrame);
- // Print arguments
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && bArgs)
- hr = pFrame->GetNumArguments(&argCount);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && bArgs)
- hr = ShowArgs(argCount, pFrame, pVal);
- // Print locals
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && bLocals)
- hr = pFrame->GetNumLocalVariables(&localCount);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && bLocals)
- ShowLocals(localCount, pFrame, pVal);
- ExtOut("\n");
- }
- /* Displays the arguments to a function
- * Params:
- * argy - the number of arguments the function has
- * pFramey - the frame we are inspecting
- * pVal - a pointer to the CLRDataValue we use to query for info about the args
- */
- static HRESULT ShowArgs(ULONG32 argy, IXCLRDataFrame *pFramey, IXCLRDataValue *pVal)
- {
- BOOL fPrintedLocation = FALSE;
- ULONG64 outVar = 0;
- ULONG32 tmp;
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- ArrayHolder<WCHAR> argName = new NOTHROW WCHAR[mdNameLen];
- if (!argName)
- {
- ReportOOM();
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- for (ULONG32 i=0; i < argy; i++)
- {
- if (i == 0)
- {
- ExtOut(" PARAMETERS:\n");
- }
- hr = pFramey->GetArgumentByIndex(i,
- &pVal,
- mdNameLen,
- &tmp,
- argName);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return hr;
- ExtOut(" ");
- if (argName[0] != L'\0')
- {
- ExtOut("%S ", argName.GetPtr());
- }
- // At times we cannot print the value of a parameter (most
- // common case being a non-primitive value type). In these
- // cases we need to print the location of the parameter,
- // so that we can later examine it (e.g. using !dumpvc)
- {
- bool result = SUCCEEDED(pVal->GetNumLocations(&tmp)) && tmp == 1;
- if (result)
- result = SUCCEEDED(pVal->GetLocationByIndex(0, &tmp, &addr));
- if (result)
- {
- {
- ExtOut("(<CLR reg>) ");
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("(0x%p) ", SOS_PTR(CDA_TO_UL64(addr)));
- }
- fPrintedLocation = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (argName[0] != L'\0' || fPrintedLocation)
- {
- ExtOut("= ");
- }
- {
- ArrayHolder<BYTE> pByte = new NOTHROW BYTE[tmp + 1];
- if (pByte == NULL)
- {
- ReportOOM();
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- hr = pVal->GetBytes(tmp, &tmp, pByte);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- ExtOut("<unable to retrieve data>\n");
- }
- else
- {
- switch(tmp)
- {
- case 1: outVar = *((BYTE *)pByte.GetPtr()); break;
- case 2: outVar = *((short *)pByte.GetPtr()); break;
- case 4: outVar = *((DWORD *)pByte.GetPtr()); break;
- case 8: outVar = *((ULONG64 *)pByte.GetPtr()); break;
- default: outVar = 0;
- }
- if (outVar)
- DMLOut("0x%s\n", DMLObject(outVar));
- else
- ExtOut("0x%p\n", SOS_PTR(outVar));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("<no data>\n");
- }
- pVal->Release();
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- /* Prints the locals of a frame.
- * Params:
- * localy - the number of locals in the frame
- * pFramey - the frame we are inspecting
- * pVal - a pointer to the CLRDataValue we use to query for info about the args
- */
- static HRESULT ShowLocals(ULONG32 localy, IXCLRDataFrame *pFramey, IXCLRDataValue *pVal)
- {
- for (ULONG32 i=0; i < localy; i++)
- {
- if (i == 0)
- ExtOut(" LOCALS:\n");
- ExtOut(" ");
- // local names don't work in Whidbey.
- hr = pFramey->GetLocalVariableByIndex(i, &pVal, mdNameLen, NULL, g_mdName);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- return hr;
- }
- ULONG32 numLocations;
- if (SUCCEEDED(pVal->GetNumLocations(&numLocations)) &&
- numLocations == 1)
- {
- ULONG32 flags;
- if (SUCCEEDED(pVal->GetLocationByIndex(0, &flags, &addr)))
- {
- {
- ExtOut("<CLR reg> ");
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("0x%p ", SOS_PTR(CDA_TO_UL64(addr)));
- }
- }
- // Can I get a name for the item?
- ExtOut("= ");
- }
- ULONG32 dwSize = 0;
- hr = pVal->GetBytes(0, &dwSize, NULL);
- {
- ArrayHolder<BYTE> pByte = new NOTHROW BYTE[dwSize + 1];
- if (pByte == NULL)
- {
- ReportOOM();
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- hr = pVal->GetBytes(dwSize,&dwSize,pByte);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- ExtOut("<unable to retrieve data>\n");
- }
- else
- {
- ULONG64 outVar = 0;
- switch(dwSize)
- {
- case 1: outVar = *((BYTE *) pByte.GetPtr()); break;
- case 2: outVar = *((short *) pByte.GetPtr()); break;
- case 4: outVar = *((DWORD *) pByte.GetPtr()); break;
- case 8: outVar = *((ULONG64 *) pByte.GetPtr()); break;
- default: outVar = 0;
- }
- if (outVar)
- DMLOut("0x%s\n", DMLObject(outVar));
- else
- ExtOut("0x%p\n", SOS_PTR(outVar));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("<no data>\n");
- }
- pVal->Release();
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
-WatchCmd g_watchCmd;
-// The grand new !Watch command, private to Apollo for now
- BOOL bExpression = FALSE;
- StringHolder addExpression;
- StringHolder aExpression;
- StringHolder saveName;
- StringHolder sName;
- StringHolder expression;
- StringHolder filterName;
- StringHolder renameOldName;
- size_t expandIndex = -1;
- size_t removeIndex = -1;
- BOOL clear = FALSE;
- size_t nArg = 0;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-add", &, COSTRING, TRUE},
- {"-a", &, COSTRING, TRUE},
- {"-save", &, COSTRING, TRUE},
- {"-s", &, COSTRING, TRUE},
- {"-clear", &clear, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-c", &clear, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-expand", &expandIndex, COSIZE_T, TRUE},
- {"-filter", &, COSTRING, TRUE},
- {"-r", &removeIndex, COSIZE_T, TRUE},
- {"-remove", &removeIndex, COSIZE_T, TRUE},
- {"-rename", &, COSTRING, TRUE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- };
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- if( != NULL || != NULL)
- {
- swprintf_s(pAddExpression, MAX_EXPRESSION, W("%S"), != NULL ? :;
- Status = g_watchCmd.Add(pAddExpression);
- }
- else if(removeIndex != -1)
- {
- if(removeIndex <= 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Index must be a postive decimal number\n");
- }
- else
- {
- Status = g_watchCmd.Remove((int)removeIndex);
- if(Status == S_OK)
- ExtOut("Watch expression #%d has been removed\n", removeIndex);
- else if(Status == S_FALSE)
- ExtOut("There is no watch expression with index %d\n", removeIndex);
- else
- ExtOut("Unknown failure 0x%x removing watch expression\n", Status);
- }
- }
- else if( != NULL || != NULL)
- {
- swprintf_s(pSaveName, MAX_EXPRESSION, W("%S"), != NULL ? :;
- Status = g_watchCmd.SaveList(pSaveName);
- }
- else if(clear)
- {
- g_watchCmd.Clear();
- }
- else if( != NULL)
- {
- if(nArg != 1)
- {
- ExtOut("Must provide an old and new name. Usage: !watch -rename <old_name> <new_name>.\n");
- return S_FALSE;
- }
- swprintf_s(pOldName, MAX_EXPRESSION, W("%S"),;
- swprintf_s(pNewName, MAX_EXPRESSION, W("%S"),;
- g_watchCmd.RenameList(pOldName, pNewName);
- }
- // print the tree, possibly with filtering and/or expansion
- else if(expandIndex != -1 || == NULL)
- {
- pExpression[0] = '\0';
- if(expandIndex != -1)
- {
- if( != NULL)
- {
- swprintf_s(pExpression, MAX_EXPRESSION, W("%S"),;
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("No expression was provided. Usage !watch -expand <index> <expression>\n");
- return S_FALSE;
- }
- }
- pFilterName[0] = '\0';
- if( != NULL)
- {
- swprintf_s(pFilterName, MAX_EXPRESSION, W("%S"),;
- }
- g_watchCmd.Print((int)expandIndex, pExpression, pFilterName);
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Unrecognized argument: %s\n",;
- }
- return Status;
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
- BOOL bAll = FALSE;
- BOOL bParams = FALSE;
- BOOL bLocals = FALSE;
- BOOL bSuppressLines = FALSE;
- BOOL bICorDebug = FALSE;
- BOOL dml = FALSE;
- BOOL bFull = FALSE;
- BOOL bDisplayRegVals = FALSE;
- BOOL bAllThreads = FALSE;
- DWORD frameToDumpVariablesFor = -1;
- StringHolder cvariableName;
- ArrayHolder<WCHAR> wvariableName = new NOTHROW WCHAR[mdNameLen];
- if (wvariableName == NULL)
- {
- ReportOOM();
- }
- memset(wvariableName, 0, sizeof(wvariableName));
- size_t nArg = 0;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-a", &bAll, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-all", &bAllThreads, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-p", &bParams, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-l", &bLocals, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-n", &bSuppressLines, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-i", &bICorDebug, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-gc", &bGC, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-f", &bFull, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-r", &bDisplayRegVals, COBOOL, FALSE },
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- {"/d", &dml, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&, COSTRING},
- {&frameToDumpVariablesFor, COSIZE_T},
- };
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(dml);
- if (bAll || bParams || bLocals)
- {
- // No parameter or local supports for minidump case!
- }
- if (bAll)
- {
- bParams = bLocals = TRUE;
- }
- if (bICorDebug)
- {
- if(nArg > 0)
- {
- bool firstParamIsNumber = true;
- for(DWORD i = 0; i < strlen(; i++)
- firstParamIsNumber = firstParamIsNumber && isdigit([i]);
- if(firstParamIsNumber && nArg == 1)
- {
- frameToDumpVariablesFor = (DWORD)GetExpression(;
-[0] = '\0';
- }
- }
- if( != NULL && strlen( > 0)
- swprintf_s(wvariableName, mdNameLen, W("%S\0"),;
- if(_wcslen(wvariableName) > 0)
- bParams = bLocals = TRUE;
- EnableDMLHolder dmlHolder(TRUE);
- return ClrStackImplWithICorDebug::ClrStackFromPublicInterface(bParams, bLocals, FALSE, wvariableName, frameToDumpVariablesFor);
- }
- if (bAllThreads) {
- ClrStackImpl::PrintAllThreads(bParams, bLocals, bSuppressLines, bGC, bFull, bDisplayRegVals);
- }
- else {
- ClrStackImpl::PrintCurrentThread(bParams, bLocals, bSuppressLines, bGC, bFull, bDisplayRegVals);
- }
- return S_OK;
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
-BOOL IsMemoryInfoAvailable()
- ULONG Class;
- ULONG Qualifier;
- g_ExtControl->GetDebuggeeType(&Class,&Qualifier);
- if (Qualifier == DEBUG_DUMP_SMALL)
- {
- g_ExtControl->GetDumpFormatFlags(&Qualifier);
- {
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- if (IsMiniDumpFile() || !IsMemoryInfoAvailable())
- {
- ExtOut("!VMMap requires a full memory dump (.dump /ma) or a live process.\n");
- }
- else
- {
- vmmap();
- }
- return Status;
-} // DECLARE_API( vmmap )
- g_clrData->Flush();
- return Status;
-} // DECLARE_API( SOSFlush )
- if (IsMiniDumpFile() || !IsMemoryInfoAvailable())
- {
- ExtOut("!VMStat requires a full memory dump (.dump /ma) or a live process.\n");
- }
- else
- {
- vmstat();
- }
- return Status;
-} // DECLARE_API( vmmap )
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function saves a dll to a file. *
-* *
- StringHolder Location;
- DWORD_PTR moduleAddr = NULL;
- BOOL bIsImage;
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&moduleAddr, COHEX},
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, NULL, 0, arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- if (nArg != 2)
- {
- ExtOut("Usage: SaveModule <address> <file to save>\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if (moduleAddr == 0) {
- ExtOut ("Invalid arg\n");
- return Status;
- }
- char* ptr =;
- DWORD_PTR dllBase = 0;
- ULONG64 base;
- if (g_ExtSymbols->GetModuleByOffset(TO_CDADDR(moduleAddr),0,NULL,&base) == S_OK)
- {
- dllBase = TO_TADDR(base);
- }
- else if (IsModule(moduleAddr))
- {
- DacpModuleData module;
- module.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(moduleAddr));
- dllBase = TO_TADDR(module.ilBase);
- if (dllBase == 0)
- {
- ExtOut ("Module does not have base address\n");
- return Status;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut ("%p is not a Module or base address\n", SOS_PTR(moduleAddr));
- return Status;
- }
- if (FAILED(g_ExtData2->QueryVirtual(TO_CDADDR(dllBase), &mbi)))
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to retrieve information about segment %p", SOS_PTR(dllBase));
- return Status;
- }
- // module loaded as an image or mapped as a flat file?
- bIsImage = (mbi.Type == MEM_IMAGE);
- if (g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(TO_CDADDR(dllBase), &DosHeader, sizeof(DosHeader), NULL) != S_OK)
- return S_FALSE;
- if (g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(TO_CDADDR(dllBase + DosHeader.e_lfanew), &Header, sizeof(Header), NULL) != S_OK)
- return S_FALSE;
- DWORD_PTR sectionAddr = dllBase + DosHeader.e_lfanew + offsetof(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS,OptionalHeader)
- + Header.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader;
- struct MemLocation
- {
- DWORD_PTR FileAddr;
- DWORD_PTR FileSize;
- };
- int nSection = Header.FileHeader.NumberOfSections;
- ExtOut("%u sections in file\n",nSection);
- MemLocation *memLoc = (MemLocation*)_alloca(nSection*sizeof(MemLocation));
- int indxSec = -1;
- int slot;
- for (int n = 0; n < nSection; n++)
- {
- if (g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(TO_CDADDR(sectionAddr), &section, sizeof(section), NULL) == S_OK)
- {
- for (slot = 0; slot <= indxSec; slot ++)
- if (section.PointerToRawData < memLoc[slot].FileAddr)
- break;
- for (int k = indxSec; k >= slot; k --)
- memcpy(&memLoc[k+1], &memLoc[k], sizeof(MemLocation));
- memLoc[slot].VAAddr = section.VirtualAddress;
- memLoc[slot].VASize = section.Misc.VirtualSize;
- memLoc[slot].FileAddr = section.PointerToRawData;
- memLoc[slot].FileSize = section.SizeOfRawData;
- ExtOut("section %d - VA=%x, VASize=%x, FileAddr=%x, FileSize=%x\n",
- n, memLoc[slot].VAAddr,memLoc[slot]. VASize,memLoc[slot].FileAddr,
- memLoc[slot].FileSize);
- indxSec ++;
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Fail to read PE section info\n");
- return Status;
- }
- sectionAddr += sizeof(section);
- }
- if (ptr[0] == '\0')
- {
- ExtOut ("File not specified\n");
- return Status;
- }
- PCSTR file = ptr;
- ptr += strlen(ptr)-1;
- while (isspace(*ptr))
- {
- *ptr = '\0';
- ptr --;
- }
- {
- ExtOut ("Fail to create file %s\n", file);
- return Status;
- }
- ULONG pageSize = OSPageSize();
- char *buffer = (char *)_alloca(pageSize);
- DWORD nRead;
- DWORD nWrite;
- // NT PE Headers
- TADDR dwAddr = dllBase;
- TADDR dwEnd = dllBase + Header.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
- while (dwAddr < dwEnd)
- {
- nRead = pageSize;
- if (dwEnd - dwAddr < nRead)
- nRead = (ULONG)(dwEnd - dwAddr);
- if (g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(TO_CDADDR(dwAddr), buffer, nRead, &nRead) == S_OK)
- {
- WriteFile(hFile,buffer,nRead,&nWrite,NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut ("Fail to read memory\n");
- goto end;
- }
- dwAddr += nRead;
- }
- for (slot = 0; slot <= indxSec; slot ++)
- {
- dwAddr = dllBase + (bIsImage ? memLoc[slot].VAAddr : memLoc[slot].FileAddr);
- dwEnd = memLoc[slot].FileSize + dwAddr - 1;
- while (dwAddr <= dwEnd)
- {
- nRead = pageSize;
- if (dwEnd - dwAddr + 1 < pageSize)
- nRead = (ULONG)(dwEnd - dwAddr + 1);
- if (g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(TO_CDADDR(dwAddr), buffer, nRead, &nRead) == S_OK)
- {
- WriteFile(hFile,buffer,nRead,&nWrite,NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut ("Fail to read memory\n");
- goto end;
- }
- dwAddr += pageSize;
- }
- }
- CloseHandle (hFile);
- return Status;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- BOOL bOff = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-off", &bOff, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), NULL, 0, NULL))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- Output::SetDebugOutputEnabled(!bOff);
- return Status;
- BOOL bOff = FALSE;
- DWORD_PTR filter = 0;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-off", &bOff, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&filter, COHEX}
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option),
- arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- if (bOff)
- {
- g_filterHint = 0;
- return Status;
- }
- g_filterHint = filter;
- return Status;
-#endif // _DEBUG
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
-static HRESULT DumpMDInfoBuffer(DWORD_PTR dwStartAddr, DWORD Flags, ULONG64 Esp,
- ULONG64 IPAddr, StringOutput& so)
-#define DOAPPEND(str) \
- do { \
- if (!so.Append((str))) { \
- return E_OUTOFMEMORY; \
- }} while (0)
- // Should we skip explicit frames? They are characterized by Esp = 0, && Eip = 0 or 1.
- // See comment in FormatGeneratedException() for explanation why on non_IA64 Eip is 1, and not 0
- if (!(Flags & SOS_STACKTRACE_SHOWEXPLICITFRAMES) && (Esp == 0) && (IPAddr == 1))
- {
- return S_FALSE;
- }
- DacpMethodDescData MethodDescData;
- if (MethodDescData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(dwStartAddr)) != S_OK)
- {
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- ArrayHolder<WCHAR> wszNameBuffer = new WCHAR[MAX_LONGPATH+1];
- {
- _snwprintf_s(wszNameBuffer, MAX_LONGPATH, MAX_LONGPATH, W("%p %p "), (void*)(size_t) Esp, (void*)(size_t) IPAddr); // _TRUNCATE
- DOAPPEND(wszNameBuffer);
- }
- DacpModuleData dmd;
- BOOL bModuleNameWorked = FALSE;
- ULONG64 addrInModule = IPAddr;
- if (dmd.Request(g_sos, MethodDescData.ModulePtr) == S_OK)
- {
- if (g_sos->GetPEFileBase(dmd.File, &base) == S_OK)
- {
- if (base)
- {
- addrInModule = base;
- }
- }
- }
- ULONG Index;
- ULONG64 base;
- if (g_ExtSymbols->GetModuleByOffset(UL64_TO_CDA(addrInModule), 0, &Index, &base) == S_OK)
- {
- ArrayHolder<char> szModuleName = new char[MAX_LONGPATH+1];
- if (g_ExtSymbols->GetModuleNames(Index, base, NULL, 0, NULL, szModuleName, MAX_LONGPATH, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL) == S_OK)
- {
- MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, szModuleName, MAX_LONGPATH, wszNameBuffer, MAX_LONGPATH);
- DOAPPEND (wszNameBuffer);
- bModuleNameWorked = TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (g_sos->GetPEFileName(dmd.File, MAX_LONGPATH, wszNameBuffer, NULL) == S_OK)
- {
- if (wszNameBuffer[0] != W('\0'))
- {
- WCHAR *pJustName = _wcsrchr(wszNameBuffer, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR_W);
- if (pJustName == NULL)
- pJustName = wszNameBuffer - 1;
- DOAPPEND(pJustName + 1);
- bModuleNameWorked = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
- // Under certain circumstances DacpMethodDescData::GetMethodDescName()
- // returns a module qualified method name
- HRESULT hr = g_sos->GetMethodDescName(dwStartAddr, MAX_LONGPATH, wszNameBuffer, NULL);
- WCHAR* pwszMethNameBegin = (hr != S_OK ? NULL : _wcschr(wszNameBuffer, L'!'));
- if (!bModuleNameWorked && hr == S_OK && pwszMethNameBegin != NULL)
- {
- // if we weren't able to get the module name, but GetMethodDescName returned
- // the module as part of the returned method name, use this data
- DOAPPEND(wszNameBuffer);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!bModuleNameWorked)
- {
- }
- DOAPPEND(W("!"));
- if (hr == S_OK)
- {
- // the module name we retrieved above from debugger will take
- // precedence over the name possibly returned by GetMethodDescName()
- DOAPPEND(pwszMethNameBegin != NULL ? (pwszMethNameBegin+1) : (WCHAR *)wszNameBuffer);
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- ULONG64 Displacement = (IPAddr - MethodDescData.NativeCodeAddr);
- if (Displacement)
- {
- _snwprintf_s(wszNameBuffer, MAX_LONGPATH, MAX_LONGPATH, W("+%#x"), Displacement); // _TRUNCATE
- DOAPPEND (wszNameBuffer);
- }
- return S_OK;
-#undef DOAPPEND
-BOOL AppendContext(LPVOID pTransitionContexts, size_t maxCount, size_t *pcurCount, size_t uiSizeOfContext,
- if (pTransitionContexts == NULL || *pcurCount >= maxCount)
- {
- ++(*pcurCount);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (uiSizeOfContext == sizeof(StackTrace_SimpleContext))
- {
- StackTrace_SimpleContext *pSimple = (StackTrace_SimpleContext *) pTransitionContexts;
- g_targetMachine->FillSimpleContext(&pSimple[*pcurCount], context);
- }
- else if (uiSizeOfContext == g_targetMachine->GetContextSize())
- {
- // FillTargetContext ensures we only write uiSizeOfContext bytes in pTransitionContexts
- // and not sizeof(CROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT) bytes (which would overrun).
- g_targetMachine->FillTargetContext(pTransitionContexts, context, (int)(*pcurCount));
- }
- else
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- ++(*pcurCount);
- return TRUE;
- __out_ecount_opt(*puiTextLength) WCHAR wszTextOut[],
- size_t *puiTextLength,
- LPVOID pTransitionContexts,
- size_t *puiTransitionContextCount,
- size_t uiSizeOfContext,
- DWORD Flags)
-#define DOAPPEND(str) if (!so.Append((str))) { \
- Status = E_OUTOFMEMORY; \
- goto Exit; \
- HRESULT Status = E_FAIL;
- StringOutput so;
- size_t transitionContextCount = 0;
- if (puiTextLength == NULL)
- {
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- if (pTransitionContexts)
- {
- if (puiTransitionContextCount == NULL)
- {
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- // Do error checking on context size
- if ((uiSizeOfContext != g_targetMachine->GetContextSize()) &&
- (uiSizeOfContext != sizeof(StackTrace_SimpleContext)))
- {
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- }
- IXCLRDataStackWalk *pStackWalk = NULL;
- IXCLRDataTask* Task;
- ULONG ThreadId;
- if ((Status = g_ExtSystem->GetCurrentThreadSystemId(&ThreadId)) != S_OK ||
- (Status = g_clrData->GetTaskByOSThreadID(ThreadId, &Task)) != S_OK)
- {
- // Not a managed thread.
- }
- &pStackWalk);
- Task->Release();
- if (Status != S_OK)
- {
- if (Status == E_FAIL)
- {
- }
- return Status;
- }
-#ifdef _TARGET_WIN64_
- ULONG numFrames = 0;
- BOOL bInNative = TRUE;
- Status = GetContextStackTrace(ThreadId, &numFrames);
- if (FAILED(Status))
- {
- goto Exit;
- }
- for (ULONG i = 0; i < numFrames; i++)
- {
- PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME pCur = g_Frames + i;
- if (g_sos->GetMethodDescPtrFromIP(pCur->InstructionOffset, &pMD) == S_OK)
- {
- if (bInNative || transitionContextCount==0)
- {
- // We only want to list one transition frame if there are multiple frames.
- bInNative = FALSE;
- DOAPPEND (W("(TransitionMU)\n"));
- // For each transition, we need to store the context information
- if (puiTransitionContextCount)
- {
- // below we cast the i-th AMD64_CONTEXT to CROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT
- AppendContext (pTransitionContexts, *puiTransitionContextCount,
- &transitionContextCount, uiSizeOfContext, (CROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT*)(&(g_FrameContexts[i])));
- }
- else
- {
- transitionContextCount++;
- }
- }
- Status = DumpMDInfoBuffer((DWORD_PTR) pMD, Flags,
- pCur->StackOffset, pCur->InstructionOffset, so);
- if (FAILED(Status))
- {
- goto Exit;
- }
- else if (Status == S_OK)
- {
- DOAPPEND (W("\n"));
- }
- // for S_FALSE do not append anything
- }
- else
- {
- if (!bInNative)
- {
- // We only want to list one transition frame if there are multiple frames.
- bInNative = TRUE;
- DOAPPEND (W("(TransitionUM)\n"));
- // For each transition, we need to store the context information
- if (puiTransitionContextCount)
- {
- AppendContext (pTransitionContexts, *puiTransitionContextCount,
- &transitionContextCount, uiSizeOfContext, (CROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT*)(&(g_FrameContexts[i])));
- }
- else
- {
- transitionContextCount++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-#else // _TARGET_WIN64_
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- size_t prevLength = 0;
- static WCHAR wszNameBuffer[1024]; // should be large enough
- wcscpy_s(wszNameBuffer, 1024, W("Frame")); // default value
- BOOL bInNative = TRUE;
- UINT frameCount = 0;
- do
- {
- DacpFrameData FrameData;
- if ((Status = FrameData.Request(pStackWalk)) != S_OK)
- {
- goto Exit;
- }
- if ((Status=pStackWalk->GetContext(DT_CONTEXT_FULL, g_targetMachine->GetContextSize(),
- NULL, (BYTE *)&context))!=S_OK)
- {
- goto Exit;
- }
- ExtDbgOut ( " * Ctx[BSI]: %08x %08x %08x ", GetBP(context), GetSP(context), GetIP(context) );
- if (!FrameData.frameAddr)
- {
- if (bInNative || transitionContextCount==0)
- {
- // We only want to list one transition frame if there are multiple frames.
- bInNative = FALSE;
- DOAPPEND (W("(TransitionMU)\n"));
- // For each transition, we need to store the context information
- if (puiTransitionContextCount)
- {
- AppendContext (pTransitionContexts, *puiTransitionContextCount,
- &transitionContextCount, uiSizeOfContext, &context);
- }
- else
- {
- transitionContextCount++;
- }
- }
- // we may have a method, try to get the methoddesc
- if (g_sos->GetMethodDescPtrFromIP(GetIP(context), &pMD)==S_OK)
- {
- Status = DumpMDInfoBuffer((DWORD_PTR) pMD, Flags,
- GetSP(context), GetIP(context), so);
- if (FAILED(Status))
- {
- goto Exit;
- }
- else if (Status == S_OK)
- {
- DOAPPEND (W("\n"));
- }
- // for S_FALSE do not append anything
- }
- }
- else
- {
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- if (Output::IsDebugOutputEnabled())
- {
- DWORD_PTR vtAddr;
- MOVE(vtAddr, TO_TADDR(FrameData.frameAddr));
- if (g_sos->GetFrameName(TO_CDADDR(vtAddr), 1024, wszNameBuffer, NULL) == S_OK)
- ExtDbgOut("[%ls: %08x] ", wszNameBuffer, FrameData.frameAddr);
- else
- ExtDbgOut("[Frame: %08x] ", FrameData.frameAddr);
- }
- if (!bInNative)
- {
- // We only want to list one transition frame if there are multiple frames.
- bInNative = TRUE;
- DOAPPEND (W("(TransitionUM)\n"));
- // For each transition, we need to store the context information
- if (puiTransitionContextCount)
- {
- AppendContext (pTransitionContexts, *puiTransitionContextCount,
- &transitionContextCount, uiSizeOfContext, &context);
- }
- else
- {
- transitionContextCount++;
- }
- }
- }
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- if (so.Length() > prevLength)
- {
- ExtDbgOut ( "%ls", so.String()+prevLength );
- prevLength = so.Length();
- }
- else
- ExtDbgOut ( "\n" );
- }
- while ((frameCount++) < MAX_STACK_FRAMES && pStackWalk->Next()==S_OK);
- Status = S_OK;
-#endif // _TARGET_WIN64_
- if (pStackWalk)
- {
- pStackWalk->Release();
- pStackWalk = NULL;
- }
- // We have finished. Does the user want to copy this data to a buffer?
- if (Status == S_OK)
- {
- if(wszTextOut)
- {
- // They want at least partial output
- wcsncpy_s (wszTextOut, *puiTextLength, so.String(), *puiTextLength-1); // _TRUNCATE
- }
- else
- {
- *puiTextLength = _wcslen (so.String()) + 1;
- }
- if (puiTransitionContextCount)
- {
- *puiTransitionContextCount = transitionContextCount;
- }
- }
- return Status;
-// TODO: Convert PAL_TRY_NAKED to something that works on the Mac.
-HRESULT CALLBACK ImplementEFNStackTraceTry(
- __out_ecount_opt(*puiTextLength) WCHAR wszTextOut[],
- size_t *puiTextLength,
- LPVOID pTransitionContexts,
- size_t *puiTransitionContextCount,
- size_t uiSizeOfContext,
- DWORD Flags)
- HRESULT Status = E_FAIL;
- {
- Status = ImplementEFNStackTrace(client, wszTextOut, puiTextLength,
- pTransitionContexts, puiTransitionContextCount,
- uiSizeOfContext, Flags);
- }
- {
- }
- return Status;
-// See sos_stacktrace.h for the contract with the callers regarding the LPVOID arguments.
- __out_ecount_opt(*puiTextLength) WCHAR wszTextOut[],
- size_t *puiTextLength,
- __out_bcount_opt(uiSizeOfContext*(*puiTransitionContextCount)) LPVOID pTransitionContexts,
- size_t *puiTransitionContextCount,
- size_t uiSizeOfContext,
- DWORD Flags)
- Status = ImplementEFNStackTraceTry(client, wszTextOut, puiTextLength,
- pTransitionContexts, puiTransitionContextCount,
- uiSizeOfContext, Flags);
- return Status;
-BOOL FormatFromRemoteString(DWORD_PTR strObjPointer, __out_ecount(cchString) PWSTR wszBuffer, ULONG cchString)
- BOOL bRet = FALSE;
- wszBuffer[0] = L'\0';
- DacpObjectData objData;
- if (objData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(strObjPointer))!=S_OK)
- {
- return bRet;
- }
- strobjInfo stInfo;
- if (MOVE(stInfo, strObjPointer) != S_OK)
- {
- return bRet;
- }
- DWORD dwBufLength = 0;
- if (!ClrSafeInt<DWORD>::addition(stInfo.m_StringLength, 1, dwBufLength))
- {
- ExtOut("<integer overflow>\n");
- return bRet;
- }
- LPWSTR pwszBuf = new NOTHROW WCHAR[dwBufLength];
- if (pwszBuf == NULL)
- {
- return bRet;
- }
- if (g_sos->GetObjectStringData(TO_CDADDR(strObjPointer), stInfo.m_StringLength+1, pwszBuf, NULL)!=S_OK)
- {
- delete [] pwszBuf;
- return bRet;
- }
- // String is in format
- // <SP><SP><SP>at <function name>(args,...)\n
- // ...
- // Parse and copy just <function name>(args,...)
- LPWSTR pwszPointer = pwszBuf;
- WCHAR PSZSEP[] = W(" at ");
- UINT Length = 0;
- while(1)
- {
- if (_wcsncmp(pwszPointer, PSZSEP, _countof(PSZSEP)-1) != 0)
- {
- delete [] pwszBuf;
- return bRet;
- }
- pwszPointer += _wcslen(PSZSEP);
- LPWSTR nextPos = _wcsstr(pwszPointer, PSZSEP);
- if (nextPos == NULL)
- {
- // Done! Note that we are leaving the function before we add the last
- // line of stack trace to the output string. This is on purpose because
- // this string needs to be merged with a real trace, and the last line
- // of the trace will be common to the real trace.
- break;
- }
- WCHAR c = *nextPos;
- *nextPos = L'\0';
- // Buffer is calculated for sprintf below (" %p %p %S\n");
- WCHAR wszLineBuffer[mdNameLen + 8 + sizeof(size_t)*2];
- // Note that we don't add a newline because we have this embedded in wszLineBuffer
- swprintf_s(wszLineBuffer, _countof(wszLineBuffer), W(" %p %p %s"), (void*)(size_t)-1, (void*)(size_t)-1, pwszPointer);
- Length += (UINT)_wcslen(wszLineBuffer);
- if (wszBuffer)
- {
- wcsncat_s(wszBuffer, cchString, wszLineBuffer, _TRUNCATE);
- }
- *nextPos = c;
- // Move to the next line.
- pwszPointer = nextPos;
- }
- delete [] pwszBuf;
- // Return TRUE only if the stack string had any information that was successfully parsed.
- // (Length > 0) is a good indicator of that.
- bRet = (Length > 0);
- return bRet;
-HRESULT AppendExceptionInfo(CLRDATA_ADDRESS cdaObj,
- __out_ecount(cchString) PWSTR wszStackString,
- ULONG cchString,
- BOOL bNestedCase) // If bNestedCase is TRUE, the last frame of the computed stack is left off
- DacpObjectData objData;
- if (objData.Request(g_sos, cdaObj) != S_OK)
- {
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- // Make sure it is an exception object, and get the MT of Exception
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS exceptionMT = isExceptionObj(objData.MethodTable);
- if (exceptionMT == NULL)
- {
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- // First try to get exception object data using ISOSDacInterface2
- DacpExceptionObjectData excData;
- BOOL bGotExcData = SUCCEEDED(excData.Request(g_sos, cdaObj));
- int iOffset;
- // Is there a _remoteStackTraceString? We'll want to prepend that data.
- // We only have string data, so IP/SP info has to be set to -1.
- DWORD_PTR strPointer;
- if (bGotExcData)
- {
- strPointer = TO_TADDR(excData.RemoteStackTraceString);
- }
- else
- {
- iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset (cdaObj, objData.MethodTable, W("_remoteStackTraceString"));
- MOVE (strPointer, TO_TADDR(cdaObj) + iOffset);
- }
- if (strPointer)
- {
- WCHAR *pwszBuffer = new NOTHROW WCHAR[cchString];
- if (pwszBuffer == NULL)
- {
- }
- if (FormatFromRemoteString(strPointer, pwszBuffer, cchString))
- {
- // Prepend this stuff to the string for the user
- wcsncat_s(wszStackString, cchString, pwszBuffer, _TRUNCATE);
- }
- delete[] pwszBuffer;
- }
- BOOL bAsync = bGotExcData ? IsAsyncException(excData)
- : IsAsyncException(cdaObj, objData.MethodTable);
- DWORD_PTR arrayPtr;
- if (bGotExcData)
- {
- arrayPtr = TO_TADDR(excData.StackTrace);
- }
- else
- {
- iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset (cdaObj, objData.MethodTable, W("_stackTrace"));
- MOVE (arrayPtr, TO_TADDR(cdaObj) + iOffset);
- }
- if (arrayPtr)
- {
- DWORD arrayLen;
- MOVE (arrayLen, arrayPtr + sizeof(DWORD_PTR));
- if (arrayLen)
- {
-#ifdef _TARGET_WIN64_
- DWORD_PTR dataPtr = arrayPtr + sizeof(DWORD_PTR) + sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(DWORD);
- DWORD_PTR dataPtr = arrayPtr + sizeof(DWORD_PTR) + sizeof(DWORD);
-#endif // _TARGET_WIN64_
- size_t stackTraceSize = 0;
- MOVE (stackTraceSize, dataPtr); // data length is stored at the beginning of the array in this case
- DWORD cbStackSize = static_cast<DWORD>(stackTraceSize * sizeof(StackTraceElement));
- dataPtr += sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(size_t); // skip the array header, then goes the data
- if (stackTraceSize != 0)
- {
- size_t iLength = FormatGeneratedException (dataPtr, cbStackSize, NULL, 0, bAsync, bNestedCase);
- WCHAR *pwszBuffer = new NOTHROW WCHAR[iLength + 1];
- if (pwszBuffer)
- {
- FormatGeneratedException(dataPtr, cbStackSize, pwszBuffer, iLength + 1, bAsync, bNestedCase);
- wcsncat_s(wszStackString, cchString, pwszBuffer, _TRUNCATE);
- delete[] pwszBuffer;
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
-HRESULT ImplementEFNGetManagedExcepStack(
- __out_ecount(cchString) PWSTR wszStackString,
- ULONG cchString)
- HRESULT Status = E_FAIL;
- if (wszStackString == NULL || cchString == 0)
- {
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS threadAddr = GetCurrentManagedThread();
- DacpThreadData Thread;
- BOOL bCanUseThreadContext = TRUE;
- ZeroMemory(&Thread, sizeof(DacpThreadData));
- if ((threadAddr == NULL) || (Thread.Request(g_sos, threadAddr) != S_OK))
- {
- // The current thread is unmanaged
- bCanUseThreadContext = FALSE;
- }
- if (cdaStackObj == NULL)
- {
- if (!bCanUseThreadContext)
- {
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- if ((!SafeReadMemory(TO_TADDR(Thread.lastThrownObjectHandle),
- &taLTOH,
- sizeof(taLTOH), NULL)) || (taLTOH==NULL))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- else
- {
- cdaStackObj = TO_CDADDR(taLTOH);
- }
- }
- // Put the stack trace header on
- AddExceptionHeader(wszStackString, cchString);
- // First is there a nested exception?
- if (bCanUseThreadContext && Thread.firstNestedException)
- {
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS obj = 0, next = 0;
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS currentNested = Thread.firstNestedException;
- do
- {
- Status = g_sos->GetNestedExceptionData(currentNested, &obj, &next);
- // deal with the inability to read a nested exception gracefully
- if (Status != S_OK)
- {
- break;
- }
- Status = AppendExceptionInfo(obj, wszStackString, cchString, TRUE);
- currentNested = next;
- }
- while(currentNested != NULL);
- }
- Status = AppendExceptionInfo(cdaStackObj, wszStackString, cchString, FALSE);
- return Status;
-// TODO: Enable this when ImplementEFNStackTraceTry is fixed.
-// This function, like VerifyDAC, exists for the purpose of testing
-// hard-to-get-to SOS APIs.
- BOOL bVerifyManagedExcepStack = FALSE;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-ManagedExcepStack", &bVerifyManagedExcepStack, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), NULL,0,NULL))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- if (bVerifyManagedExcepStack)
- {
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS threadAddr = GetCurrentManagedThread();
- DacpThreadData Thread;
- TADDR taExc = NULL;
- if ((threadAddr == NULL) || (Thread.Request(g_sos, threadAddr) != S_OK))
- {
- ExtOut("The current thread is unmanaged\n");
- return Status;
- }
- if ((!SafeReadMemory(TO_TADDR(Thread.lastThrownObjectHandle),
- &taLTOH,
- sizeof(taLTOH), NULL)) || (taLTOH == NULL))
- {
- ExtOut("There is no current managed exception on this thread\n");
- return Status;
- }
- else
- {
- taExc = taLTOH;
- }
- const SIZE_T cchStr = 4096;
- WCHAR *wszStr = (WCHAR *)alloca(cchStr * sizeof(WCHAR));
- if (ImplementEFNGetManagedExcepStack(TO_CDADDR(taExc), wszStr, cchStr) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error!\n");
- return Status;
- }
- ExtOut("_EFN_GetManagedExcepStack(%P, wszStr, sizeof(wszStr)) returned:\n", SOS_PTR(taExc));
- ExtOut("%S\n", wszStr);
- if (ImplementEFNGetManagedExcepStack((ULONG64)NULL, wszStr, cchStr) != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error!\n");
- return Status;
- }
- ExtOut("_EFN_GetManagedExcepStack(NULL, wszStr, sizeof(wszStr)) returned:\n");
- ExtOut("%S\n", wszStr);
- }
- else
- {
- size_t textLength = 0;
- size_t contextLength = 0;
- Status = ImplementEFNStackTraceTry(client,
- &textLength,
- &contextLength,
- 0,
- 0);
- if (Status != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error: %lx\n", Status);
- return Status;
- }
- ExtOut("Number of characters requested: %d\n", textLength);
- WCHAR *wszBuffer = new NOTHROW WCHAR[textLength + 1];
- if (wszBuffer == NULL)
- {
- ReportOOM();
- return Status;
- }
- // For the transition contexts buffer the callers are expected to allocate
- // contextLength * sizeof(TARGET_CONTEXT), and not
- // contextLength * sizeof(CROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT). See sos_stacktrace.h for
- // details.
- LPBYTE pContexts = new NOTHROW BYTE[contextLength * g_targetMachine->GetContextSize()];
- if (pContexts == NULL)
- {
- ReportOOM();
- delete[] wszBuffer;
- return Status;
- }
- Status = ImplementEFNStackTrace(client,
- wszBuffer,
- &textLength,
- pContexts,
- &contextLength,
- g_targetMachine->GetContextSize(),
- 0);
- if (Status != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error: %lx\n", Status);
- delete[] wszBuffer;
- delete [] pContexts;
- return Status;
- }
- ExtOut("%S\n", wszBuffer);
- ExtOut("Context information:\n");
- if (IsDbgTargetX86())
- {
- "Ebp", "Esp", "Eip");
- }
- else if (IsDbgTargetAmd64())
- {
- "Rbp", "Rsp", "Rip");
- }
- else if (IsDbgTargetArm())
- {
- "FP", "SP", "PC");
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Unsupported platform");
- delete [] pContexts;
- delete[] wszBuffer;
- return S_FALSE;
- }
- for (size_t j=0; j < contextLength; j++)
- {
- CROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT *pCtx = (CROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT*)(pContexts + j*g_targetMachine->GetContextSize());
- ExtOut("%p %p %p\n", GetBP(*pCtx), GetSP(*pCtx), GetIP(*pCtx));
- }
- delete [] pContexts;
- StackTrace_SimpleContext *pSimple = new NOTHROW StackTrace_SimpleContext[contextLength];
- if (pSimple == NULL)
- {
- ReportOOM();
- delete[] wszBuffer;
- return Status;
- }
- Status = ImplementEFNStackTrace(client,
- wszBuffer,
- &textLength,
- pSimple,
- &contextLength,
- sizeof(StackTrace_SimpleContext),
- 0);
- if (Status != S_OK)
- {
- ExtOut("Error: %lx\n", Status);
- delete[] wszBuffer;
- delete [] pSimple;
- return Status;
- }
- ExtOut("Simple Context information:\n");
- if (IsDbgTargetX86())
- "Ebp", "Esp", "Eip");
- else if (IsDbgTargetAmd64())
- "Rbp", "Rsp", "Rip");
- else if (IsDbgTargetArm())
- "FP", "SP", "PC");
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Unsupported platform");
- delete[] wszBuffer;
- delete [] pSimple;
- return S_FALSE;
- }
- for (size_t j=0; j < contextLength; j++)
- {
- ExtOut("%p %p %p\n", SOS_PTR(pSimple[j].FrameOffset),
- SOS_PTR(pSimple[j].StackOffset),
- SOS_PTR(pSimple[j].InstructionOffset));
- }
- delete [] pSimple;
- delete[] wszBuffer;
- }
- return Status;
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
-// This is an internal-only Apollo extension to de-optimize the code
- StringHolder onOff;
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&, COSTRING},
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, NULL, 0, arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- if(nArg == 1 && (_stricmp(, "On") == 0))
- {
- // if CLR is already loaded, try to change the flags now
- if(CheckEEDll() == S_OK)
- {
- }
- if(!g_fAllowJitOptimization)
- ExtOut("JIT optimization is already suppressed\n");
- else
- {
- g_fAllowJitOptimization = FALSE;
- g_ExtControl->Execute(DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED, "sxe -c \"!HandleCLRN\" clrn", 0);
- ExtOut("JIT optimization will be suppressed\n");
- }
- }
- else if(nArg == 1 && (_stricmp(, "Off") == 0))
- {
- // if CLR is already loaded, try to change the flags now
- if(CheckEEDll() == S_OK)
- {
- }
- if(g_fAllowJitOptimization)
- ExtOut("JIT optimization is already permitted\n");
- else
- {
- g_fAllowJitOptimization = TRUE;
- ExtOut("JIT optimization will be permitted\n");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("Usage: !SuppressJitOptimization <on|off>\n");
- }
- return S_OK;
-// Uses ICorDebug to set the state of desired NGEN compiler flags. This can suppress pre-jitted optimized
-// code
-HRESULT SetNGENCompilerFlags(DWORD flags)
- ToRelease<ICorDebugProcess2> proc2;
- if(FAILED(hr = InitCorDebugInterface()))
- {
- ExtOut("SOS: warning, prejitted code optimizations could not be changed. Failed to load ICorDebug HR = 0x%x\n", hr);
- }
- else if(FAILED(g_pCorDebugProcess->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ICorDebugProcess2), (void**) &proc2)))
- {
- {
- ExtOut("SOS: warning, prejitted code optimizations could not be changed. This CLR version doesn't support the functionality\n");
- }
- else
- {
- hr = S_OK;
- }
- }
- else if(FAILED(hr = proc2->SetDesiredNGENCompilerFlags(flags)))
- {
- // Versions of CLR that don't have SetDesiredNGENCompilerFlags DAC-ized will return E_FAIL.
- // This was first supported in the clr_triton branch around 4/1/12, Apollo release
- // It will likely be supported in desktop CLR during Dev12
- if(hr == E_FAIL)
- {
- {
- ExtOut("SOS: warning, prejitted code optimizations could not be changed. This CLR version doesn't support the functionality\n");
- }
- else
- {
- hr = S_OK;
- }
- }
- {
- {
- ExtOut("SOS: warning, prejitted code optimizations could not be changed. This CLR version doesn't support NGEN\n");
- }
- else
- {
- hr = S_OK;
- }
- }
- {
- DWORD currentFlags = 0;
- if(FAILED(hr = proc2->GetDesiredNGENCompilerFlags(&currentFlags)))
- {
- ExtOut("SOS: warning, prejitted code optimizations could not be changed. GetDesiredNGENCompilerFlags failed hr=0x%x\n", hr);
- }
- else if(currentFlags != flags)
- {
- ExtOut("SOS: warning, prejitted code optimizations could not be changed at this time. This setting is fixed once CLR starts\n");
- }
- else
- {
- hr = S_OK;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ExtOut("SOS: warning, prejitted code optimizations could not be changed at this time. SetDesiredNGENCompilerFlags hr = 0x%x\n", hr);
- }
- }
- return hr;
-// This is an internal-only Apollo extension to save breakpoint/watch state
- StringHolder filePath;
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- {&, COSTRING},
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, NULL, 0, arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- if(nArg == 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Usage: !SaveState <file_path>\n");
- }
- FILE* pFile;
- errno_t error = fopen_s(&pFile,, "w");
- if(error != 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Failed to open file %s, error=0x%x\n",, error);
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- g_bpoints.SaveBreakpoints(pFile);
- g_watchCmd.SaveListToFile(pFile);
- fclose(pFile);
- ExtOut("Session breakpoints and watch expressions saved to %s\n",;
- return S_OK;
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
- g_stopOnNextCatch = TRUE;
- ULONG32 flags = 0;
- g_clrData->GetOtherNotificationFlags(&flags);
- g_clrData->SetOtherNotificationFlags(flags);
- ExtOut("Debuggee will break the next time a managed exception is caught during execution\n");
- return S_OK;
-// This is an undocumented SOS extension command intended to help test SOS
-// It causes the Dml output to be printed to the console uninterpretted so
-// that a test script can read the commands which are hidden in the markup
- Output::SetDMLExposed(true);
- return S_OK;
-// According to kksharma the Windows debuggers always sign-extend
-// arguments when calling externally, therefore StackObjAddr
-// conforms to CLRDATA_ADDRESS contract.
- ULONG64 StackObjAddr,
- __out_ecount (cbString) PSTR szStackString,
- ULONG cbString
- )
- ArrayHolder<WCHAR> tmpStr = new NOTHROW WCHAR[cbString];
- if (tmpStr == NULL)
- {
- ReportOOM();
- }
- if (FAILED(Status = ImplementEFNGetManagedExcepStack(StackObjAddr, tmpStr, cbString)))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- if (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS, tmpStr, -1, szStackString, cbString, NULL, NULL) == 0)
- {
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- return S_OK;
-// same as _EFN_GetManagedExcepStack, but returns the stack as a wide string.
- ULONG64 StackObjAddr,
- __out_ecount(cchString) PWSTR wszStackString,
- ULONG cchString
- )
- return ImplementEFNGetManagedExcepStack(StackObjAddr, wszStackString, cchString);
-// According to kksharma the Windows debuggers always sign-extend
-// arguments when calling externally, therefore objAddr
-// conforms to CLRDATA_ADDRESS contract.
- ULONG64 objAddr,
- __out_ecount (cbName) PSTR szName,
- ULONG cbName
- )
- INIT_API ();
- if (!sos::IsObject(objAddr, false))
- {
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- }
- sos::Object obj = TO_TADDR(objAddr);
- if (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, obj.GetTypeName(), (int) (_wcslen(obj.GetTypeName()) + 1),
- szName, cbName, NULL, NULL) == 0)
- {
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- return S_OK;
-// According to kksharma the Windows debuggers always sign-extend
-// arguments when calling externally, therefore objAddr
-// conforms to CLRDATA_ADDRESS contract.
- ULONG64 objAddr,
- __out_ecount (mdNameLen) PSTR szFieldName,
- PULONG64 pValue,
- PULONG pOffset
- )
- DacpObjectData objData;
- LPWSTR fieldName = (LPWSTR)alloca(mdNameLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
- if (szFieldName == NULL || *szFieldName == '\0' ||
- objAddr == NULL)
- {
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- if (pOffset == NULL && pValue == NULL)
- {
- // One of these needs to be valid
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- if (FAILED(objData.Request(g_sos, objAddr)))
- {
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,szFieldName,-1,fieldName,mdNameLen);
- int iOffset = GetObjFieldOffset (objAddr, objData.MethodTable, fieldName);
- if (iOffset <= 0)
- {
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- if (pOffset)
- {
- *pOffset = (ULONG) iOffset;
- }
- if (pValue)
- {
- if (FAILED(g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(UL64_TO_CDA(objAddr + iOffset), pValue, sizeof(ULONG64), NULL)))
- {
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
-#include <dumpcommon.h>
-#include "datatarget.h"
-extern bool CreateDumpForSOS(const char* programPath, const char* dumpPathTemplate, pid_t pid, MINIDUMP_TYPE minidumpType, ICLRDataTarget* dataTarget);
-extern bool g_diagnostics;
- StringHolder sFileName;
- BOOL normal = FALSE;
- BOOL withHeap = FALSE;
- BOOL triage = FALSE;
- BOOL full = FALSE;
- BOOL diag = FALSE;
- size_t nArg = 0;
- CMDOption option[] =
- { // name, vptr, type, hasValue
- {"-n", &normal, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-h", &withHeap, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-t", &triage, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-f", &full, COBOOL, FALSE},
- {"-d", &diag, COBOOL, FALSE},
- };
- CMDValue arg[] =
- { // vptr, type
- };
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, option, _countof(option), arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- MINIDUMP_TYPE minidumpType = MiniDumpWithPrivateReadWriteMemory;
- ULONG pid = 0;
- g_ExtSystem->GetCurrentProcessId(&pid);
- if (full)
- {
- minidumpType = MiniDumpWithFullMemory;
- }
- else if (withHeap)
- {
- minidumpType = MiniDumpWithPrivateReadWriteMemory;
- }
- else if (triage)
- {
- minidumpType = MiniDumpFilterTriage;
- }
- else if (normal)
- {
- minidumpType = MiniDumpNormal;
- }
- g_diagnostics = diag;
- const char* programPath = g_ExtServices->GetCoreClrDirectory();
- const char* dumpPathTemplate = "/tmp/coredump.%d";
- ToRelease<ICLRDataTarget> dataTarget = new DataTarget();
- dataTarget->AddRef();
- if ( != nullptr)
- {
- dumpPathTemplate =;
- }
- if (!CreateDumpForSOS(programPath, dumpPathTemplate, pid, minidumpType, dataTarget))
- {
- Status = E_FAIL;
- }
- ExtErr("CreateDump not supported on this platform\n");
- return Status;
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
-void PrintHelp (__in_z LPCSTR pszCmdName)
- static LPSTR pText = NULL;
- if (pText == NULL) {
-#ifndef FEATURE_PAL
- HGLOBAL hResource = NULL;
- HRSRC hResInfo = FindResource (g_hInstance, TEXT ("DOCUMENTATION"), TEXT ("TEXT"));
- if (hResInfo) hResource = LoadResource (g_hInstance, hResInfo);
- if (hResource) pText = (LPSTR) LockResource (hResource);
- if (pText == NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("Error loading documentation resource\n");
- return;
- }
- int err = PAL_InitializeDLL();
- if(err != 0)
- {
- ExtOut("Error initializing PAL\n");
- return;
- }
- char lpFilename[MAX_LONGPATH + 12]; // + 12 to make enough room for strcat function.
- strcpy_s(lpFilename, _countof(lpFilename), g_ExtServices->GetCoreClrDirectory());
- strcat_s(lpFilename, _countof(lpFilename), "sosdocsunix.txt");
- if (hSosDocFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
- ExtOut("Error finding documentation file\n");
- return;
- }
- HANDLE hMappedSosDocFile = CreateFileMappingA(hSosDocFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL);
- CloseHandle(hSosDocFile);
- if (hMappedSosDocFile == NULL) {
- ExtOut("Error mapping documentation file\n");
- return;
- }
- pText = (LPSTR)MapViewOfFile(hMappedSosDocFile, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
- CloseHandle(hMappedSosDocFile);
- if (pText == NULL)
- {
- ExtOut("Error loading documentation file\n");
- return;
- }
- }
- // Find our line in the text file
- char searchString[MAX_LONGPATH];
- sprintf_s(searchString, _countof(searchString), "COMMAND: %s.", pszCmdName);
- LPSTR pStart = strstr(pText, searchString);
- LPSTR pEnd = NULL;
- if (!pStart)
- {
- ExtOut("Documentation for %s not found.\n", pszCmdName);
- return;
- }
- // Go to the end of this line:
- pStart = strchr(pStart, '\n');
- if (!pStart)
- {
- ExtOut("Expected newline in documentation resource.\n");
- return;
- }
- // Bypass the newline that pStart points to and setup pEnd for the loop below. We set
- // pEnd to be the old pStart since we add one to it when we call strstr.
- pEnd = pStart++;
- // Find the first occurrence of \\ followed by an \r or an \n on a line by itself.
- do
- {
- pEnd = strstr(pEnd+1, "\\\\");
- } while (pEnd && ((pEnd[-1] != '\r' && pEnd[-1] != '\n') || (pEnd[3] != '\r' && pEnd[3] != '\n')));
- if (pEnd)
- {
- // We have found a \\ followed by a \r or \n. Do not print out the character pEnd points
- // to, as this will be the first \ (this is why we don't add one to the second parameter).
- ExtOut("%.*s", pEnd - pStart, pStart);
- }
- else
- {
- // If pEnd is false then we have run to the end of the document. However, we did find
- // the command to print, so we should simply print to the end of the file. We'll add
- // an extra newline here in case the file does not contain one.
- ExtOut("%s\n", pStart);
- }
-* Routine Description: *
-* *
-* This function displays the commands available in strike and the *
-* arguments passed into each.
-* *
- // Call extension initialization functions directly, because we don't need the DAC dll to be initialized to get help.
- HRESULT Status;
- __ExtensionCleanUp __extensionCleanUp;
- if ((Status = ExtQuery(client)) != S_OK) return Status;
- ControlC = FALSE;
- StringHolder commandName;
- CMDValue arg[] =
- {
- };
- size_t nArg;
- if (!GetCMDOption(args, NULL, 0, arg, _countof(arg), &nArg))
- {
- return Status;
- }
- ExtOut("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- if (nArg == 1)
- {
- // Convert commandName to lower-case
- LPSTR curChar =;
- while (*curChar != '\0')
- {
- if ( ((unsigned) *curChar <= 0x7F) && isupper(*curChar))
- {
- *curChar = (CHAR) tolower(*curChar);
- }
- curChar++;
- }
- // Strip off leading "!" if the user put that.
- curChar =;
- if (*curChar == '!')
- curChar++;
- PrintHelp (curChar);
- }
- else
- {
- PrintHelp ("contents");
- }
- return S_OK;
-#if defined(FEATURE_PAL) && defined(_TARGET_AMD64_)
-static BOOL
-ReadMemoryAdapter(PVOID address, PVOID buffer, SIZE_T size)
- ULONG fetched;
- HRESULT hr = g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(TO_CDADDR(address), buffer, size, &fetched);
- return SUCCEEDED(hr);
-static BOOL
-GetStackFrame(CONTEXT* context, ULONG numNativeFrames)
- memset(&contextPointers, 0, sizeof(contextPointers));
- ULONG64 baseAddress;
- HRESULT hr = g_ExtSymbols->GetModuleByOffset(context->Rip, 0, NULL, &baseAddress);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME frame = &g_Frames[0];
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numNativeFrames; i++, frame++) {
- if (frame->InstructionOffset == context->Rip)
- {
- if ((i + 1) >= numNativeFrames) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- memcpy(context, &(g_FrameContexts[i + 1]), sizeof(*context));
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (!PAL_VirtualUnwindOutOfProc(context, &contextPointers, baseAddress, ReadMemoryAdapter))
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
-static BOOL
-UnwindStackFrames(ULONG32 osThreadId)
- ULONG numNativeFrames = 0;
- HRESULT hr = GetContextStackTrace(osThreadId, &numNativeFrames);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- CONTEXT context;
- memset(&context, 0, sizeof(context));
- context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL;
- hr = g_ExtSystem->GetThreadContextById(osThreadId, CONTEXT_FULL, sizeof(context), (PBYTE)&context);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- TableOutput out(3, POINTERSIZE_HEX, AlignRight);
- out.WriteRow("RSP", "RIP", "Call Site");
- DEBUG_STACK_FRAME nativeFrame;
- memset(&nativeFrame, 0, sizeof(nativeFrame));
- do
- {
- if (context.Rip == 0)
- {
- break;
- }
- nativeFrame.InstructionOffset = context.Rip;
- nativeFrame.ReturnOffset = context.Rip;
- nativeFrame.FrameOffset = context.Rbp;
- nativeFrame.StackOffset = context.Rsp;
- ClrStackImpl::PrintNativeStackFrame(out, &nativeFrame, FALSE);
- } while (GetStackFrame(&context, numNativeFrames));
- return TRUE;
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL && _TARGET_AMD64_