path: root/src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/sos.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/sos.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 939 deletions
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/sos.cpp b/src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/sos.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aacc2a2e7..0000000000
--- a/src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/sos.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,939 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
-// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
-// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
-#include "strike.h"
-#include "util.h"
-#include "sos.h"
-#ifdef _ASSERTE
-#undef _ASSERTE
-#define _ASSERTE(a) {;}
-#include "gcdesc.h"
-#undef _ASSERTE
-namespace sos
- template <class T>
- static bool MemOverlap(T beg1, T end1, // first range
- T beg2, T end2) // second range
- {
- if (beg2 >= beg1 && beg2 <= end1) // second range starts within first range
- return true;
- else if (end2 >= beg1 && end2 <= end1) // second range ends within first range
- return true;
- else if (beg1 >= beg2 && beg1 <= end2) // first range starts within second range
- return true;
- else if (end1 >= beg2 && end1 <= end2) // first range ends within second range
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- Object::Object(TADDR addr)
- : mAddress(addr), mMT(0), mSize(~0), mPointers(false), mMTData(0), mTypeName(0)
- {
- if ((mAddress & ~ALIGNCONST) != mAddress)
- sos::Throw<Exception>("Object %p is misaligned.", mAddress);
- }
- Object::Object(TADDR addr, TADDR mt)
- : mAddress(addr), mMT(mt & ~3), mSize(~0), mPointers(false), mMTData(0), mTypeName(0)
- {
- if ((mAddress & ~ALIGNCONST) != mAddress)
- sos::Throw<Exception>("Object %p is misaligned.", mAddress);
- }
- Object::Object(const Object &rhs)
- : mAddress(rhs.mAddress), mMT(rhs.mMT), mSize(rhs.mSize), mPointers(rhs.mPointers), mMTData(rhs.mMTData), mTypeName(rhs.mTypeName)
- {
- rhs.mMTData = 0;
- rhs.mTypeName = 0;
- }
- const Object &Object::operator=(TADDR addr)
- {
- if (mMTData)
- delete mMTData;
- if (mTypeName)
- delete mTypeName;
- mAddress = addr;
- mMT = 0;
- mSize = ~0;
- mMTData = 0;
- mTypeName = 0;
- return *this;
- }
- bool Object::TryGetHeader(ULONG &outHeader) const
- {
- struct ObjectHeader
- {
- #ifdef _WIN64
- ULONG _alignpad;
- #endif
- ULONG SyncBlockValue; // the Index and the Bits
- };
- ObjectHeader header;
- if (SUCCEEDED(rvCache->Read(TO_TADDR(GetAddress() - sizeof(ObjectHeader)), &header, sizeof(ObjectHeader), NULL)))
- {
- outHeader = header.SyncBlockValue;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- ULONG Object::GetHeader() const
- {
- ULONG toReturn = 0;
- if (!TryGetHeader(toReturn))
- sos::Throw<DataRead>("Failed to get header for object %p.", GetAddress());
- return toReturn;
- }
- TADDR Object::GetMT() const
- {
- if (mMT == NULL)
- {
- TADDR temp;
- if (FAILED(MOVE(temp, mAddress)))
- sos::Throw<DataRead>("Object %s has an invalid method table.", DMLListNearObj(mAddress));
- if (temp == NULL)
- sos::Throw<HeapCorruption>("Object %s has an invalid method table.", DMLListNearObj(mAddress));
- mMT = temp & ~3;
- }
- return mMT;
- }
- TADDR Object::GetComponentMT() const
- {
- if (mMT != NULL && mMT != sos::MethodTable::GetArrayMT())
- return NULL;
- DacpObjectData objData;
- if (FAILED(objData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(mAddress))))
- sos::Throw<DataRead>("Failed to request object data for %s.", DMLListNearObj(mAddress));
- if (mMT == NULL)
- mMT = TO_TADDR(objData.MethodTable) & ~3;
- return TO_TADDR(objData.ElementTypeHandle);
- }
- const WCHAR *Object::GetTypeName() const
- {
- if (mTypeName == NULL)
- mTypeName = CreateMethodTableName(GetMT(), GetComponentMT());
- if (mTypeName == NULL)
- return W("<error>");
- return mTypeName;
- }
- void Object::FillMTData() const
- {
- if (mMTData == NULL)
- {
- mMTData = new DacpMethodTableData;
- if (FAILED(mMTData->Request(g_sos, GetMT())))
- {
- delete mMTData;
- mMTData = NULL;
- sos::Throw<DataRead>("Could not request method table data for object %p (MethodTable: %p).", mAddress, mMT);
- }
- }
- }
- void Object::CalculateSizeAndPointers() const
- {
- TADDR mt = GetMT();
- MethodTableInfo* info = g_special_mtCache.Lookup((DWORD_PTR)mt);
- if (!info->IsInitialized())
- {
- // this is the first time we see this method table, so we need to get the information
- // from the target
- FillMTData();
- info->BaseSize = mMTData->BaseSize;
- info->ComponentSize = mMTData->ComponentSize;
- info->bContainsPointers = mMTData->bContainsPointers;
- // The following request doesn't work on older runtimes. For those, the
- // objects would just look like non-collectible, which is acceptable.
- DacpMethodTableCollectibleData mtcd;
- if (SUCCEEDED(mtcd.Request(g_sos, GetMT())))
- {
- info->bCollectible = mtcd.bCollectible;
- info->LoaderAllocatorObjectHandle = TO_TADDR(mtcd.LoaderAllocatorObjectHandle);
- }
- }
- if (mSize == (size_t)~0)
- {
- mSize = info->BaseSize;
- if (info->ComponentSize)
- {
- // this is an array, so the size has to include the size of the components. We read the number
- // of components from the target and multiply by the component size to get the size.
- mSize += info->ComponentSize * GetNumComponents(GetAddress());
- }
- // On x64 we do an optimization to save 4 bytes in almost every string we create.
- #ifdef _WIN64
- // Pad to min object size if necessary
- if (mSize < min_obj_size)
- mSize = min_obj_size;
- #endif // _WIN64
- }
- mPointers = info->bContainsPointers != FALSE;
- }
- size_t Object::GetSize() const
- {
- if (mSize == (size_t)~0) // poison value
- {
- CalculateSizeAndPointers();
- }
- SOS_Assert(mSize != (size_t)~0);
- return mSize;
- }
- bool Object::HasPointers() const
- {
- if (mSize == (size_t)~0)
- CalculateSizeAndPointers();
- SOS_Assert(mSize != (size_t)~0);
- return mPointers;
- }
- bool Object::VerifyMemberFields(TADDR pMT, TADDR obj)
- {
- WORD numInstanceFields = 0;
- return VerifyMemberFields(pMT, obj, numInstanceFields);
- }
- bool Object::VerifyMemberFields(TADDR pMT, TADDR obj, WORD &numInstanceFields)
- {
- DacpMethodTableData vMethTable;
- if (FAILED(vMethTable.Request(g_sos, pMT)))
- return false;
- // Recursively verify the parent (this updates numInstanceFields)
- if (vMethTable.ParentMethodTable)
- {
- if (!VerifyMemberFields(TO_TADDR(vMethTable.ParentMethodTable), obj, numInstanceFields))
- return false;
- }
- DacpMethodTableFieldData vMethodTableFields;
- // Verify all fields on the object.
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS dwAddr = vMethodTableFields.FirstField;
- DacpFieldDescData vFieldDesc;
- while (numInstanceFields < vMethodTableFields.wNumInstanceFields)
- {
- CheckInterrupt();
- if (FAILED(vFieldDesc.Request(g_sos, dwAddr)))
- return false;
- if (vFieldDesc.Type >= ELEMENT_TYPE_MAX)
- return false;
- dwAddr = vFieldDesc.NextField;
- if (!vFieldDesc.bIsStatic)
- {
- numInstanceFields++;
- TADDR dwTmp = TO_TADDR(obj + vFieldDesc.dwOffset + sizeof(BaseObject));
- if (vFieldDesc.Type == ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS)
- {
- // Is it a valid object?
- if (FAILED(MOVE(dwTmp, dwTmp)))
- return false;
- if (dwTmp != NULL)
- {
- DacpObjectData objData;
- if (FAILED(objData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(dwTmp))))
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool MethodTable::IsZombie(TADDR addr)
- {
- // Zombie objects are objects that reside in an unloaded AppDomain.
- MethodTable mt = addr;
- return _wcscmp(mt.GetName(), W("<Unloaded Type>")) == 0;
- }
- void MethodTable::Clear()
- {
- if (mName)
- {
- delete [] mName;
- mName = NULL;
- }
- }
- const WCHAR *MethodTable::GetName() const
- {
- if (mName == NULL)
- mName = CreateMethodTableName(mMT);
- if (mName == NULL)
- return W("<error>");
- return mName;
- }
- bool Object::IsValid(TADDR address, bool verifyFields)
- {
- DacpObjectData objectData;
- if (FAILED(objectData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(address))))
- return false;
- if (verifyFields &&
- objectData.MethodTable != g_special_usefulGlobals.FreeMethodTable &&
- !MethodTable::IsZombie(TO_TADDR(objectData.MethodTable)))
- {
- return VerifyMemberFields(TO_TADDR(objectData.MethodTable), address);
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool Object::GetThinLock(ThinLockInfo &out) const
- {
- ULONG header = GetHeader();
- {
- return false;
- }
- out.ThreadId = header & SBLK_MASK_LOCK_THREADID;
- out.Recursion = (header & SBLK_MASK_LOCK_RECLEVEL) >> SBLK_RECLEVEL_SHIFT;
- if (g_sos->GetThreadFromThinlockID(out.ThreadId, &threadPtr) != S_OK)
- {
- out.ThreadPtr = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- out.ThreadPtr = TO_TADDR(threadPtr);
- }
- return out.ThreadId != 0 && out.ThreadPtr != NULL;
- }
- bool Object::GetStringData(__out_ecount(size) WCHAR *buffer, size_t size) const
- {
- SOS_Assert(IsString());
- SOS_Assert(buffer);
- SOS_Assert(size > 0);
- return SUCCEEDED(g_sos->GetObjectStringData(mAddress, (ULONG32)size, buffer, NULL));
- }
- size_t Object::GetStringLength() const
- {
- SOS_Assert(IsString());
- strobjInfo stInfo;
- if (FAILED(MOVE(stInfo, mAddress)))
- sos::Throw<DataRead>("Failed to read object data at %p.", mAddress);
- // We get the method table for free here, if we don't have it already.
- SOS_Assert((mMT == NULL) || (mMT == TO_TADDR(stInfo.methodTable)));
- if (mMT == NULL)
- mMT = TO_TADDR(stInfo.methodTable);
- return (size_t)stInfo.m_StringLength;
- }
- RefIterator::RefIterator(TADDR obj, LinearReadCache *cache)
- : mCache(cache), mGCDesc(0), mArrayOfVC(false), mDone(false), mBuffer(0), mCurrSeries(0), mLoaderAllocatorObjectHandle(0),
- i(0), mCount(0), mCurr(0), mStop(0), mObject(obj), mObjSize(0)
- {
- Init();
- }
- RefIterator::RefIterator(TADDR obj, CGCDesc *desc, bool arrayOfVC, LinearReadCache *cache)
- : mCache(cache), mGCDesc(desc), mArrayOfVC(arrayOfVC), mDone(false), mBuffer(0), mCurrSeries(0), mLoaderAllocatorObjectHandle(0),
- i(0), mCount(0), mCurr(0), mStop(0), mObject(obj), mObjSize(0)
- {
- Init();
- }
- RefIterator::~RefIterator()
- {
- if (mBuffer)
- delete [] mBuffer;
- }
- const RefIterator &RefIterator::operator++()
- {
- if (mDone)
- Throw<Exception>("Attempt to move past the end of the iterator.");
- if (mCurr == mLoaderAllocatorObjectHandle)
- {
- // The mLoaderAllocatorObjectHandle is always the last reference returned
- mDone = true;
- return *this;
- }
- if (!mArrayOfVC)
- {
- mCurr += sizeof(TADDR);
- if (mCurr >= mStop)
- {
- mCurrSeries--;
- if (mCurrSeries < mGCDesc->GetLowestSeries())
- {
- mDone = true;
- }
- else
- {
- mCurr = mObject + mCurrSeries->GetSeriesOffset();
- mStop = mCurr + mCurrSeries->GetSeriesSize() + mObjSize;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- mCurr += sizeof(TADDR);
- if (mCurr >= mStop)
- {
- int i_last = i;
- i--;
- if (i == mCount)
- i = 0;
- mCurr += mCurrSeries->val_serie[i_last].skip;
- mStop = mCurr + mCurrSeries->val_serie[i].nptrs * sizeof(TADDR);
- }
- if (mCurr >= mObject + mObjSize - plug_skew)
- mDone = true;
- }
- if (mDone && mLoaderAllocatorObjectHandle != NULL)
- {
- // The iteration over all regular object references is done, but there is one more
- // reference for collectible types - the LoaderAllocator for GC
- mCurr = mLoaderAllocatorObjectHandle;
- mDone = false;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- TADDR RefIterator::operator*() const
- {
- return ReadPointer(mCurr);
- }
- TADDR RefIterator::GetOffset() const
- {
- return mCurr - mObject;
- }
- void RefIterator::Init()
- {
- TADDR mt = ReadPointer(mObject);
- BOOL bContainsPointers = FALSE;
- BOOL bCollectible = FALSE;
- TADDR loaderAllocatorObjectHandle;
- if (!GetSizeEfficient(mObject, mt, FALSE, mObjSize, bContainsPointers))
- Throw<DataRead>("Failed to get size of object.");
- if (!GetCollectibleDataEfficient(mt, bCollectible, loaderAllocatorObjectHandle))
- Throw<DataRead>("Failed to get collectible info of object.");
- if (!bContainsPointers && !bCollectible)
- {
- mDone = true;
- return;
- }
- if (bContainsPointers)
- {
- if (!mGCDesc)
- {
- int entries = 0;
- if (FAILED(MOVE(entries, mt-sizeof(TADDR))))
- Throw<DataRead>("Failed to request number of entries.");
- // array of vc?
- if (entries < 0)
- {
- entries = -entries;
- mArrayOfVC = true;
- }
- else
- {
- mArrayOfVC = false;
- }
- size_t slots = 1 + entries * sizeof(CGCDescSeries)/sizeof(TADDR);
- ArrayHolder<TADDR> buffer = new TADDR[slots];
- ULONG fetched = 0;
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS address = TO_CDADDR(mt - slots*sizeof(TADDR));
- if (FAILED(g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(address, buffer, (ULONG)(slots*sizeof(TADDR)), &fetched)))
- Throw<DataRead>("Failed to request GCDesc.");
- mBuffer = buffer.Detach();
- mGCDesc = (CGCDesc*)(mBuffer + slots);
- }
- mCurrSeries = mGCDesc->GetHighestSeries();
- if (!mArrayOfVC)
- {
- mCurr = mObject + mCurrSeries->GetSeriesOffset();
- mStop = mCurr + mCurrSeries->GetSeriesSize() + mObjSize;
- }
- else
- {
- i = 0;
- mCurr = mObject + mCurrSeries->startoffset;
- mStop = mCurr + mCurrSeries->val_serie[i].nptrs * sizeof(TADDR);
- mCount = (int)mGCDesc->GetNumSeries();
- }
- if (mCurr == mStop)
- operator++();
- else if (mCurr >= mObject + mObjSize - plug_skew)
- mDone = true;
- }
- else
- {
- mDone = true;
- }
- if (bCollectible)
- {
- mLoaderAllocatorObjectHandle = loaderAllocatorObjectHandle;
- if (mDone)
- {
- // There are no object references, but there is still a reference for
- // collectible types - the LoaderAllocator for GC
- mCurr = mLoaderAllocatorObjectHandle;
- mDone = false;
- }
- }
- }
- const TADDR GCHeap::HeapStart = 0;
- const TADDR GCHeap::HeapEnd = ~0;
- ObjectIterator::ObjectIterator(const DacpGcHeapDetails *heap, int numHeaps, TADDR start, TADDR stop)
- : bLarge(false), mCurrObj(0), mLastObj(0), mStart(start), mEnd(stop), mSegmentEnd(0), mHeaps(heap),
- mNumHeaps(numHeaps), mCurrHeap(0)
- {
- mAllocInfo.Init();
- SOS_Assert(numHeaps > 0);
- TADDR segStart = TO_TADDR(mHeaps[0].generation_table[GetMaxGeneration()].start_segment);
- if (FAILED(mSegment.Request(g_sos, segStart, mHeaps[0])))
- sos::Throw<DataRead>("Could not request segment data at %p.", segStart);
- mCurrObj = mStart < TO_TADDR(mSegment.mem) ? TO_TADDR(mSegment.mem) : mStart;
- mSegmentEnd = (segStart == TO_TADDR(mHeaps[0].ephemeral_heap_segment)) ?
- TO_TADDR(mHeaps[0].alloc_allocated) :
- TO_TADDR(mSegment.allocated);
- CheckSegmentRange();
- }
- bool ObjectIterator::NextSegment()
- {
- if (mCurrHeap >= mNumHeaps)
- return false;
- TADDR next = TO_TADDR(;
- if (next == NULL)
- {
- if (bLarge)
- {
- mCurrHeap++;
- if (mCurrHeap == mNumHeaps)
- return false;
- bLarge = false;
- next = TO_TADDR(mHeaps[mCurrHeap].generation_table[GetMaxGeneration()].start_segment);
- }
- else
- {
- bLarge = true;
- next = TO_TADDR(mHeaps[mCurrHeap].generation_table[GetMaxGeneration()+1].start_segment);
- }
- }
- SOS_Assert(next != NULL);
- if (FAILED(mSegment.Request(g_sos, next, mHeaps[mCurrHeap])))
- sos::Throw<DataRead>("Failed to request segment data at %p.", next);
- mLastObj = 0;
- mCurrObj = mStart < TO_TADDR(mSegment.mem) ? TO_TADDR(mSegment.mem) : mStart;
- mSegmentEnd = (next == TO_TADDR(mHeaps[mCurrHeap].ephemeral_heap_segment)) ?
- TO_TADDR(mHeaps[mCurrHeap].alloc_allocated) :
- TO_TADDR(mSegment.allocated);
- return CheckSegmentRange();
- }
- bool ObjectIterator::CheckSegmentRange()
- {
- CheckInterrupt();
- while (!MemOverlap(mStart, mEnd, TO_TADDR(mSegment.mem), mSegmentEnd))
- if (!NextSegment())
- return false;
- // At this point we know that the current segment contains objects in
- // the correct range. However, there's no telling if the user gave us
- // a starting address that corresponds to an object. If mStart is a
- // valid object, then we'll just start there. If it's not we'll need
- // to walk the segment from the beginning to find the first aligned
- // object on or after mStart.
- if (mCurrObj == mStart && !Object::IsValid(mStart))
- {
- // It's possible mCurrObj will equal mStart after this. That's fine.
- // It means that the starting object is corrupt (and we'll figure
- // that when the user calls GetNext), or IsValid was wrong.
- mLastObj = 0;
- mCurrObj = TO_TADDR(mSegment.mem);
- while (mCurrObj < mStart)
- MoveToNextObject();
- }
- return true;
- }
- const Object &ObjectIterator::operator*() const
- {
- AssertSanity();
- return mCurrObj;
- }
- const Object *ObjectIterator::operator->() const
- {
- AssertSanity();
- return &mCurrObj;
- }
- //Object ObjectIterator::GetNext()
- const ObjectIterator &ObjectIterator::operator++()
- {
- CheckInterrupt();
- // Assert we aren't done walking the heap.
- SOS_Assert(*this);
- AssertSanity();
- MoveToNextObject();
- return *this;
- }
- void ObjectIterator::MoveToNextObjectCarefully()
- {
- CheckInterrupt();
- SOS_Assert(*this);
- AssertSanity();
- // Move to NextObject won't generally throw unless it fails to request the
- // MethodTable of the object. At which point we won't know how large the
- // current object is, nor how to move past it. In this case we'll simply
- // move to the next segment if possible to continue iterating from there.
- try
- {
- MoveToNextObject();
- }
- catch(const sos::Exception &)
- {
- NextSegment();
- }
- }
- void ObjectIterator::AssertSanity() const
- {
- // Assert that we are in a sane state. Function which call this assume two things:
- // 1. That the current object is within the segment bounds.
- // 2. That the current object is within the requested memory range.
- SOS_Assert(mCurrObj >= TO_TADDR(mSegment.mem));
- SOS_Assert(mCurrObj <= TO_TADDR(mSegmentEnd - Align(min_obj_size)));
- SOS_Assert(mCurrObj >= mStart);
- SOS_Assert(mCurrObj <= mEnd);
- }
- void ObjectIterator::MoveToNextObject()
- {
- // Object::GetSize can be unaligned, so we must align it ourselves.
- size_t size = (bLarge ? AlignLarge(mCurrObj.GetSize()) : Align(mCurrObj.GetSize()));
- mLastObj = mCurrObj;
- mCurrObj = mCurrObj.GetAddress() + size;
- if (!bLarge)
- {
- // Is this the end of an allocation context? We need to know this because there can be
- // allocated memory at the end of an allocation context that doesn't yet contain any objects.
- // This happens because we actually allocate a minimum amount of memory (the allocation quantum)
- // whenever we need to get more memory. Typically, a single allocation request won't fill this
- // block, so we'll fulfill subsequent requests out of the remainder of the block until it's
- // depleted.
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < mAllocInfo.num; i ++)
- {
- if (mCurrObj == TO_TADDR(mAllocInfo.array[i].alloc_ptr)) // end of objects in this context
- {
- // Set mCurrObj to point after the context (alloc_limit is the end of the allocation context).
- mCurrObj = TO_TADDR(mAllocInfo.array[i].alloc_limit) + Align(min_obj_size);
- break;
- }
- }
- // We also need to look at the gen0 alloc context.
- if (mCurrObj == TO_TADDR(mHeaps[mCurrHeap].generation_table[0].allocContextPtr))
- mCurrObj = TO_TADDR(mHeaps[mCurrHeap].generation_table[0].allocContextLimit) + Align(min_obj_size);
- }
- if (mCurrObj > mEnd || mCurrObj >= mSegmentEnd)
- NextSegment();
- }
- SyncBlkIterator::SyncBlkIterator()
- : mCurr(1), mTotal(0)
- {
- // If DacpSyncBlockData::Request fails with the call "1", then it means
- // there are no SyncBlocks in the process.
- DacpSyncBlockData syncBlockData;
- if (SUCCEEDED(syncBlockData.Request(g_sos, 1)))
- mTotal = syncBlockData.SyncBlockCount;
- mSyncBlk = mCurr;
- }
- GCHeap::GCHeap()
- {
- if (FAILED(mHeapData.Request(g_sos)))
- sos::Throw<DataRead>("Failed to request GC heap data.");
- if (mHeapData.bServerMode)
- {
- mNumHeaps = mHeapData.HeapCount;
- DWORD dwAllocSize = 0;
- if (!ClrSafeInt<DWORD>::multiply(sizeof(CLRDATA_ADDRESS), mNumHeaps, dwAllocSize))
- sos::Throw<Exception>("Failed to get GCHeaps: Integer overflow.");
- CLRDATA_ADDRESS *heapAddrs = (CLRDATA_ADDRESS*)alloca(dwAllocSize);
- if (FAILED(g_sos->GetGCHeapList(mNumHeaps, heapAddrs, NULL)))
- sos::Throw<DataRead>("Failed to get GCHeaps.");
- mHeaps = new DacpGcHeapDetails[mNumHeaps];
- for (int i = 0; i < mNumHeaps; i++)
- if (FAILED(mHeaps[i].Request(g_sos, heapAddrs[i])))
- sos::Throw<DataRead>("Failed to get GC heap details at %p.", heapAddrs[i]);
- }
- else
- {
- mHeaps = new DacpGcHeapDetails[1];
- mNumHeaps = 1;
- if (FAILED(mHeaps[0].Request(g_sos)))
- sos::Throw<DataRead>("Failed to request GC details data.");
- }
- }
- GCHeap::~GCHeap()
- {
- delete [] mHeaps;
- }
- ObjectIterator GCHeap::WalkHeap(TADDR start, TADDR stop) const
- {
- return ObjectIterator(mHeaps, mNumHeaps, start, stop);
- }
- bool GCHeap::AreGCStructuresValid() const
- {
- return mHeapData.bGcStructuresValid != FALSE;
- }
- // SyncBlk class
- SyncBlk::SyncBlk()
- : mIndex(0)
- {
- }
- SyncBlk::SyncBlk(int index)
- : mIndex(index)
- {
- Init();
- }
- const SyncBlk &SyncBlk::operator=(int index)
- {
- mIndex = index;
- Init();
- return *this;
- }
- void SyncBlk::Init()
- {
- if (FAILED(mData.Request(g_sos, mIndex)))
- sos::Throw<DataRead>("Failed to request SyncBlk at index %d.", mIndex);
- }
- TADDR SyncBlk::GetAddress() const
- {
- SOS_Assert(mIndex);
- return TO_TADDR(mData.SyncBlockPointer);
- }
- TADDR SyncBlk::GetObject() const
- {
- SOS_Assert(mIndex);
- return TO_TADDR(mData.Object);
- }
- int SyncBlk::GetIndex() const
- {
- return mIndex;
- }
- bool SyncBlk::IsFree() const
- {
- SOS_Assert(mIndex);
- return mData.bFree != FALSE;
- }
- unsigned int SyncBlk::GetMonitorHeldCount() const
- {
- SOS_Assert(mIndex);
- return mData.MonitorHeld;
- }
- unsigned int SyncBlk::GetRecursion() const
- {
- SOS_Assert(mIndex);
- return mData.Recursion;
- }
- DWORD SyncBlk::GetCOMFlags() const
- {
- SOS_Assert(mIndex);
- return mData.COMFlags;
- #else
- return 0;
- #endif
- }
- unsigned int SyncBlk::GetAdditionalThreadCount() const
- {
- SOS_Assert(mIndex);
- return mData.AdditionalThreadCount;
- }
- TADDR SyncBlk::GetHoldingThread() const
- {
- SOS_Assert(mIndex);
- return TO_TADDR(mData.HoldingThread);
- }
- TADDR SyncBlk::GetAppDomain() const
- {
- SOS_Assert(mIndex);
- return TO_TADDR(mData.appDomainPtr);
- }
- void BuildTypeWithExtraInfo(TADDR addr, unsigned int size, __inout_ecount(size) WCHAR *buffer)
- {
- try
- {
- sos::Object obj(addr);
- TADDR mtAddr = obj.GetMT();
- bool isArray = sos::MethodTable::IsArrayMT(mtAddr);
- bool isString = obj.IsString();
- sos::MethodTable mt(isArray ? obj.GetComponentMT() : mtAddr);
- if (isArray)
- {
- swprintf_s(buffer, size, W("%s[]"), mt.GetName());
- }
- else if (isString)
- {
- WCHAR str[32];
- obj.GetStringData(str, _countof(str));
- _snwprintf_s(buffer, size, _TRUNCATE, W("%s: \"%s\""), mt.GetName(), str);
- }
- else
- {
- _snwprintf_s(buffer, size, _TRUNCATE, W("%s"), mt.GetName());
- }
- }
- catch (const sos::Exception &e)
- {
- int len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, e.what(), -1, NULL, 0);
- ArrayHolder<WCHAR> tmp = new WCHAR[len];
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, e.what(), -1, (WCHAR*)tmp, len);
- swprintf_s(buffer, size, W("<invalid object: '%s'>"), (WCHAR*)tmp);
- }
- }