path: root/src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/disasm.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/disasm.cpp')
1 files changed, 1123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/disasm.cpp b/src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/disasm.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b76a6c8ea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/disasm.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1123 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
+// ==++==
+// ==--==
+#include "strike.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include <dbghelp.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include "sos_md.h"
+#ifdef SOS_TARGET_X86
+namespace X86GCDump
+#include "gcdump.h"
+#undef assert
+#define assert(a)
+#define CONTRACTL
+#define DAC_ARG(x)
+#define NOTHROW
+#include "gcdecoder.cpp"
+#undef NOTHROW
+#undef _ASSERTE
+#define _ASSERTE(a) do {} while (0)
+#include "gcdump.cpp"
+#include "i386/gcdumpx86.cpp"
+#endif // SOS_TARGET_X86
+#ifdef SOS_TARGET_AMD64
+#include "gcdump.h"
+#define DAC_ARG(x)
+ #ifdef LOG
+ #undef LOG
+ #endif
+ #define LOG(x) ((void)0)
+#include "gcdumpnonx86.cpp"
+#endif // SOS_TARGET_AMD64
+#include "disasm.h"
+#ifndef ERANGE
+#define ERANGE 34
+ PCSTR FilePath,
+ )
+ HANDLE hFile;
+ HANDLE hMappedFile;
+ PVOID MappedFile;
+ hFile = CreateFileA(
+ FilePath,
+ 0,
+ );
+#if 0
+ if ( hFile == NULL || hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
+ if (GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) {
+ // We're on an OS that doesn't support Unicode
+ // file operations. Convert to ANSI and see if
+ // that helps.
+ CHAR FilePathA [ MAX_PATH + 10 ];
+ if (WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP,
+ 0,
+ FilePath,
+ -1,
+ FilePathA,
+ sizeof (FilePathA),
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ) > 0) {
+ hFile = CreateFileA(FilePathA,
+ 0,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( hFile == NULL || hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ *Size = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL);
+ if (*Size == ULONG_MAX) {
+ CloseHandle( hFile );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ hMappedFile = CreateFileMapping (
+ hFile,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ );
+ if ( !hMappedFile ) {
+ CloseHandle ( hFile );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ MappedFile = MapViewOfFile (
+ hMappedFile,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ );
+ CloseHandle (hMappedFile);
+ CloseHandle (hFile);
+ return MappedFile;
+char* PrintOneLine (__in_z char *begin, __in_z char *limit)
+ if (begin == NULL || begin >= limit) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ char line[128];
+ size_t length;
+ char *end;
+ while (1) {
+ if (IsInterrupt())
+ return NULL;
+ length = strlen (begin);
+ end = strstr (begin, "\r\xa");
+ if (end == NULL) {
+ ExtOut ("%s", begin);
+ end = begin+length+1;
+ if (end >= limit) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ end += 2;
+ length = end-begin;
+ while (length) {
+ if (IsInterrupt())
+ return NULL;
+ size_t n = length;
+ if (n > 127) {
+ n = 127;
+ }
+ strncpy_s (line,_countof(line), begin, n);
+ line[n] = '\0';
+ ExtOut ("%s", line);
+ begin += n;
+ length -= n;
+ }
+ return end;
+ }
+ }
+void UnassemblyUnmanaged(DWORD_PTR IP, BOOL bSuppressLines)
+ char filename[MAX_PATH+1];
+ char line[256];
+ int lcount = 10;
+ ULONG linenum = 0;
+ ULONG64 Displacement = 0;
+ BOOL fLineAvailable = FALSE;
+ ULONG64 vIP = 0;
+ if (!bSuppressLines)
+ {
+ ReloadSymbolWithLineInfo();
+ fLineAvailable = SUCCEEDED (g_ExtSymbols->GetLineByOffset (TO_CDADDR(IP), &linenum,
+ filename,
+ &Displacement));
+ }
+ ULONG FileLines = 0;
+ ArrayHolder<ULONG64> Buffer = NULL;
+ if (fLineAvailable)
+ {
+ g_ExtSymbols->GetSourceFileLineOffsets (filename, NULL, 0, &FileLines);
+ if (FileLines == 0xFFFFFFFF || FileLines == 0)
+ fLineAvailable = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (fLineAvailable)
+ {
+ Buffer = new ULONG64[FileLines];
+ if (Buffer == NULL)
+ fLineAvailable = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!fLineAvailable)
+ {
+ // There is no line info. Just disasm the code.
+ while (lcount-- > 0)
+ {
+ if (IsInterrupt())
+ return;
+ g_ExtControl->Disassemble (vIP, 0, line, 256, NULL, &vIP);
+ ExtOut (line);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ g_ExtSymbols->GetSourceFileLineOffsets (filename, Buffer, FileLines, NULL);
+ int beginLine = 0;
+ int endLine = 0;
+ int lastLine;
+ linenum --;
+ for (lastLine = linenum; lastLine >= 0; lastLine --) {
+ if (IsInterrupt())
+ return;
+ if (Buffer[lastLine] != DEBUG_INVALID_OFFSET) {
+ g_ExtSymbols->GetNameByOffset(Buffer[lastLine],NULL,0,NULL,&Displacement);
+ if (Displacement == 0) {
+ beginLine = lastLine;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (lastLine < 0) {
+ int n = lcount / 2;
+ lastLine = linenum-1;
+ beginLine = lastLine;
+ while (lastLine >= 0) {
+ if (IsInterrupt())
+ return;
+ if (Buffer[lastLine] != DEBUG_INVALID_OFFSET) {
+ beginLine = lastLine;
+ n --;
+ if (n == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ lastLine --;
+ }
+ }
+ while (beginLine > 0 && Buffer[beginLine-1] == DEBUG_INVALID_OFFSET) {
+ if (IsInterrupt())
+ return;
+ beginLine --;
+ }
+ int endOfFunc = 0;
+ for (lastLine = linenum+1; (ULONG)lastLine < FileLines; lastLine ++) {
+ if (IsInterrupt())
+ return;
+ if (Buffer[lastLine] != DEBUG_INVALID_OFFSET) {
+ g_ExtSymbols->GetNameByOffset(Buffer[lastLine],NULL,0,NULL,&Displacement);
+ if (Displacement == 0) {
+ endLine = lastLine;
+ break;
+ }
+ endOfFunc = lastLine;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((ULONG)lastLine == FileLines) {
+ int n = lcount / 2;
+ lastLine = linenum+1;
+ endLine = lastLine;
+ while ((ULONG)lastLine < FileLines) {
+ if (IsInterrupt())
+ return;
+ if (Buffer[lastLine] != DEBUG_INVALID_OFFSET) {
+ endLine = lastLine;
+ n --;
+ if (n == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ lastLine ++;
+ }
+ }
+ PVOID MappedBase = NULL;
+ ULONG MappedSize = 0;
+ class ToUnmap
+ {
+ PVOID *m_Base;
+ public:
+ ToUnmap (PVOID *base)
+ :m_Base(base)
+ {}
+ ~ToUnmap ()
+ {
+ if (*m_Base) {
+ UnmapViewOfFile (*m_Base);
+ *m_Base = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ ToUnmap toUnmap(&MappedBase);
+#define MAX_SOURCE_PATH 1024
+ char Found[MAX_SOURCE_PATH];
+ char *pFile;
+ if (g_ExtSymbols->FindSourceFile(0, filename,
+ NULL, Found, sizeof(Found), NULL) != S_OK)
+ {
+ pFile = filename;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MappedBase = GenOpenMapping ( Found, &MappedSize );
+ pFile = Found;
+ }
+ lastLine = beginLine;
+ char *pFileCh = (char*)MappedBase;
+ if (MappedBase) {
+ ExtOut ("%s\n", pFile);
+ int n = beginLine;
+ while (n > 0) {
+ while (!(pFileCh[0] == '\r' && pFileCh[1] == 0xa)) {
+ if (IsInterrupt())
+ return;
+ pFileCh ++;
+ }
+ pFileCh += 2;
+ n --;
+ }
+ }
+ char filename1[MAX_PATH+1];
+ for (lastLine = beginLine; lastLine < endLine; lastLine ++) {
+ if (IsInterrupt())
+ return;
+ if (MappedBase) {
+ ExtOut ("%4d ", lastLine+1);
+ pFileCh = PrintOneLine (pFileCh, (char*)MappedBase+MappedSize);
+ }
+ if (Buffer[lastLine] != DEBUG_INVALID_OFFSET) {
+ if (MappedBase == 0) {
+ ExtOut (">>> %s:%d\n", pFile, lastLine+1);
+ }
+ vIP = Buffer[lastLine];
+ ULONG64 vNextLineIP;
+ int i;
+ for (i = lastLine + 1; (ULONG)i < FileLines && Buffer[i] == DEBUG_INVALID_OFFSET; i ++) {
+ if (IsInterrupt())
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((ULONG)i == FileLines) {
+ vNextLineIP = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ vNextLineIP = Buffer[i];
+ while (1) {
+ if (IsInterrupt())
+ return;
+ g_ExtControl->Disassemble (vIP, 0, line, 256, NULL, &vIP);
+ ExtOut (line);
+ if (vIP > vNextLineIP || vNextLineIP - vIP > 40) {
+ if (FAILED (g_ExtSymbols->GetLineByOffset (vIP, &linenum,
+ filename1,
+ &Displacement))) {
+ if (lastLine != endOfFunc) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (strstr (line, "ret") || strstr (line, "jmp")) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (linenum != (ULONG)lastLine+1 || strcmp (filename, filename1)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (vIP == vNextLineIP) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void DisasmAndClean (DWORD_PTR &IP, __out_ecount (length) __out_opt char *line, ULONG length)
+ g_ExtControl->Disassemble (vIP, 0, line, length, NULL, &vIP);
+ // remove the ending '\n'
+ char *ptr = strrchr (line, '\n');
+ if (ptr != NULL)
+ ptr[0] = '\0';
+// If byref, move to pass the byref prefix
+BOOL IsByRef (__deref_inout_z char *& ptr)
+ BOOL bByRef = FALSE;
+ const char* qindirCh = "qword ptr [";
+ const char* dindirCh = "dword ptr [";
+ const char* qindirDsCh = "qword ptr ds:[";
+ const char* dindirDsCh = "dword ptr ds:[";
+ if (ptr[0] == '[')
+ {
+ bByRef = TRUE;
+ ptr ++;
+ }
+ else if (!IsDbgTargetArm() && !strncmp (ptr, IsDbgTargetWin64() ? qindirCh : dindirCh, 11))
+ {
+ bByRef = TRUE;
+ ptr += 11;
+ }
+ // The new disassembly engine for windbg formats indirect calls
+ // slightly differently:
+ else if (!IsDbgTargetArm() && !strncmp (ptr, IsDbgTargetWin64() ? qindirDsCh : dindirDsCh, 14))
+ {
+ bByRef = TRUE;
+ ptr += 14;
+ }
+ return bByRef;
+BOOL IsTermSep (char ch)
+ return (ch == '\0' || isspace (ch) || ch == ',' || ch == '\n');
+// Find next term. A term is seperated by space or ,
+void NextTerm (__deref_inout_z char *& ptr)
+ // If we have a byref, skip to ']'
+ if (IsByRef (ptr))
+ {
+ while (ptr[0] != ']' && ptr[0] != '\0')
+ {
+ if (IsInterrupt())
+ return;
+ ptr ++;
+ }
+ if (ptr[0] == ']')
+ ptr ++;
+ }
+ while (!IsTermSep (ptr[0]))
+ {
+ if (IsInterrupt())
+ return;
+ ptr ++;
+ }
+ while (IsTermSep(ptr[0]) && (*ptr != '\0'))
+ {
+ if (IsInterrupt())
+ return;
+ ptr ++;
+ }
+// Parses something like 6e24d310, 0x6e24d310, or 6e24d310h.
+// On 64-bit, also parses things like 000006fb`f9b70f50 and
+// 000006fbf9b70f50 (as well as their 0x-prefix, -h suffix variations).
+INT_PTR ParseHexNumber (__in_z char *ptr, __out char **endptr)
+ char *endptr1;
+ INT_PTR value1 = strtoul(ptr, &endptr1, 16);
+#ifdef _TARGET_WIN64_
+ if ('`' == endptr1[0] && isxdigit(endptr1[1]))
+ {
+ char *endptr2;
+ INT_PTR value2 = strtoul(endptr1+1, &endptr2, 16);
+ value1 = (value1 << 32) | value2;
+ endptr1 = endptr2;
+ }
+ // if the hex number was specified as 000006fbf9b70f50, an overflow occured
+ else if (ULONG_MAX == value1 && errno == ERANGE)
+ {
+ if (!strncmp(ptr, "0x", 2))
+ ptr += 2;
+ char savedigit = ptr[8];
+ ptr[8] = '\0';
+ value1 = strtoul(ptr, &endptr1, 16);
+ ptr[8] = savedigit;
+ char *endptr2;
+ INT_PTR value2 = strtoul(ptr+8, &endptr2, 16);
+ size_t ndigits2 = endptr2 - (ptr+8);
+ value1 = (value1 << (ndigits2*4)) | value2;
+ endptr1 = endptr2;
+ }
+#endif // _TARGET_WIN64_
+ // account for the possible 'h' suffix
+ if ((*endptr1 == 'h') || (*endptr1 == 'H'))
+ {
+ ++endptr1;
+ }
+ *endptr = endptr1;
+ return value1;
+// only handle pure value, or memory address
+INT_PTR GetValueFromExpr(__in_z char *ptr, INT_PTR &value)
+ BOOL bNegative = FALSE;
+ value = 0;
+ char *myPtr = ptr;
+ BOOL bByRef = IsByRef (myPtr);
+ // ARM disassembly contains '#' prefixes for hex constants
+ if (*myPtr == '#')
+ ++myPtr;
+ if (myPtr[0] == '-')
+ {
+ myPtr ++;
+ bNegative = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!strncmp (myPtr, "0x", 2) || isxdigit (myPtr[0]))
+ {
+ char *endptr;
+ value = ParseHexNumber(myPtr, &endptr);
+ if (!bByRef && IsTermSep (endptr[0])
+ || bByRef && endptr[0] == ']')
+ {
+ if (bNegative)
+ value = -value;
+ ptr = endptr;
+ if (bByRef)
+ {
+ ptr += 1;
+ SafeReadMemory (TO_TADDR(value), &value, 4, NULL);
+ }
+ return ptr - myPtr;
+ }
+ }
+ // handle mscorlib+0xed310 (6e24d310)
+ if (!bByRef)
+ {
+ ptr = myPtr;
+ // handle 'offset ' before the expression:
+ if (strncmp(ptr, "offset ", 7) == 0)
+ {
+ ptr += 7;
+ }
+ while (ptr[0] != ' ' && ptr[0] != '+' && ptr[0] != '\0')
+ {
+ if (IsInterrupt())
+ return 0;
+ ptr ++;
+ }
+ if (ptr[0] == '+')
+ {
+ NextTerm (ptr);
+ if (ptr[0] == '(')
+ {
+ ptr ++;
+ char *endptr;
+ value = ParseHexNumber(ptr, &endptr);
+ if (endptr[0] == ')')
+ {
+ ptr ++;
+ return ptr - myPtr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (bByRef)
+ {
+ // handle dword [mscorlib+0x2bd788 (02ead788)]
+ ptr = myPtr;
+ // handle 'offset ' before the expression:
+ if (strncmp(ptr, "offset ", 7) == 0)
+ {
+ ptr += 7;
+ }
+ while (ptr[0] != '(' && ptr[0] != '\0')
+ {
+ if (IsInterrupt())
+ return 0;
+ ptr ++;
+ }
+ if (ptr[0] == '(')
+ {
+ ptr ++;
+ char *endptr;
+ value = ParseHexNumber(ptr, &endptr);
+ if (endptr[0] == ')' && endptr[1] == ']')
+ {
+ ptr = endptr + 2;
+ SafeReadMemory (TO_TADDR(value), &value, 4, NULL);
+ return ptr - myPtr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef _TARGET_WIN64_
+ // handle CLRStub@7fffc8601cc (000007fffc8601cc)
+ if (!bByRef && !strncmp(myPtr, "CLRStub[", 8))
+ {
+ ptr = myPtr;
+ while (ptr[0] != '(' && ptr[0] != '\0')
+ {
+ if (IsInterrupt())
+ return 0;
+ ptr ++;
+ }
+ if (ptr[0] == '(')
+ {
+ ptr ++;
+ char *endptr;
+ value = ParseHexNumber(ptr, &endptr);
+ if (endptr[0] == ')')
+ {
+ ptr ++;
+ return ptr - myPtr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif // _TARGET_WIN64_
+ return 0;
+const char * HelperFuncName (size_t IP)
+ static char s_szHelperName[100];
+ if (S_OK == g_sos->GetJitHelperFunctionName(IP, sizeof(s_szHelperName), &s_szHelperName[0], NULL))
+ return &s_szHelperName[0];
+ else
+ return NULL;
+// Returns:
+// NULL if the EHInfo passed in does not refer to a Typed clause
+// "..." if pEHInfo->isCatchAllHandler is TRUE
+// "TypeName" if pEHInfo is a DACEHInfo*.
+// Note:
+// The return is a pointer to a global buffer, therefore this value must
+// be consumed as soon as possible after a call to this function.
+LPCWSTR EHTypedClauseTypeName(__in const DACEHInfo* pEHInfo)
+ _ASSERTE(pEHInfo != NULL);
+ if ((pEHInfo->clauseType == EHTyped) && pEHInfo->isCatchAllHandler)
+ {
+ return L"...";
+ }
+ // is there a method table or a token to look at?
+ if (pEHInfo->clauseType == EHTyped)
+ {
+ TADDR mt;
+ if (pEHInfo->moduleAddr == 0)
+ {
+ mt = TO_TADDR(pEHInfo->mtCatch);
+ NameForMT_s(mt, g_mdName, mdNameLen);
+ } else {
+ PrettyPrintClassFromToken(TO_TADDR(pEHInfo->moduleAddr), pEHInfo->tokCatch, g_mdName, mdNameLen, FormatCSharp);
+ }
+ return g_mdName;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+BOOL IsClonedFinally(DACEHInfo *pEHInfo)
+ // This maybe should be determined in the VM and passed in the DACEHInfo struct.
+#if defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined(_TARGET_ARM64_)
+ return ((pEHInfo->tryStartOffset == pEHInfo->tryEndOffset) &&
+ (pEHInfo->tryStartOffset == pEHInfo->handlerStartOffset) &&
+ (pEHInfo->clauseType == EHFinally) &&
+ pEHInfo->isDuplicateClause);
+ return FALSE;
+void SOSEHInfo::FormatForDisassembly(CLRDATA_ADDRESS offSet)
+ LPCWSTR typeName = NULL;
+ // the order of printing and iterating will matter on the boundaries
+ // Print END tags in forward order (most nested to least nested). However, cloned
+ // finally clauses are always at the end, but they should be considered most nested,
+ // so have a separate loop to output them first.
+ for (UINT i=0; i < EHCount; i++)
+ {
+ DACEHInfo *pCur = &m_pInfos[i];
+ if (IsClonedFinally(pCur) &&
+ (offSet == pCur->handlerEndOffset))
+ {
+ ExtOut ("EHHandler %d: CLONED FINALLY END\n", i);
+ }
+ }
+ for (UINT i=0; i < EHCount; i++)
+ {
+ DACEHInfo *pCur = &m_pInfos[i];
+ if (pCur->isDuplicateClause)
+ {
+ // Don't print anything for duplicate clauses
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (offSet == pCur->tryEndOffset)
+ {
+ ExtOut ("EHHandler %d: %s CLAUSE END\n", i, EHTypeName(pCur->clauseType));
+ }
+ if (offSet == pCur->handlerEndOffset)
+ {
+ ExtOut ("EHHandler %d: %s HANDLER END\n", i, EHTypeName(pCur->clauseType));
+ }
+ }
+ // Print BEGIN tags in reverse order (least nested to most nested).
+ for (UINT i=EHCount-1; i != (UINT)-1; --i)
+ {
+ DACEHInfo *pCur = &m_pInfos[i];
+ // Must do this before the isDuplicatedClause check, since these are marked as duplicated clauses.
+ if (IsClonedFinally(pCur) &&
+ (offSet == pCur->handlerStartOffset))
+ {
+ ExtOut ("EHHandler %d: CLONED FINALLY BEGIN\n", i);
+ }
+ if (pCur->isDuplicateClause)
+ {
+ // Don't print anything for duplicate clauses
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (offSet == pCur->tryStartOffset)
+ {
+ ExtOut ("EHHandler %d: %s CLAUSE BEGIN", i, EHTypeName(pCur->clauseType));
+ typeName = EHTypedClauseTypeName(pCur);
+ if (typeName != NULL)
+ {
+ ExtOut(" catch(%S) ", typeName);
+ }
+ ExtOut ("\n");
+ }
+ if (offSet == pCur->handlerStartOffset)
+ {
+ ExtOut ("EHHandler %d: %s HANDLER BEGIN", i, EHTypeName(pCur->clauseType));
+ typeName = EHTypedClauseTypeName(pCur);
+ if (typeName != NULL)
+ {
+ ExtOut(" catch(%S) ", typeName);
+ }
+ ExtOut ("\n");
+ }
+ if ((pCur->clauseType == EHFilter) &&
+ (offSet == pCur->filterOffset))
+ {
+ ExtOut ("EHHandler %d: %s FILTER BEGIN\n",i, EHTypeName(pCur->clauseType));
+ }
+ }
+// Implementation shared by X86, ARM, and X64
+// Any cross platform code should resolve through g_targetMachine or should
+// use the IS_DBG_TARGET_XYZ macro.
+// Return TRUE if we have printed something.
+ DumpStackFlag& DSFlag,
+ BOOL bSymbolOnly)
+ char Symbol[1024];
+ char filename[MAX_PATH+1];
+ ULONG64 Displacement;
+ BOOL bOutput = FALSE;
+ // degrade gracefully for debuggees that don't have a runtime loaded, or a DAC available
+ DWORD_PTR methodDesc = 0;
+ if (!g_bDacBroken)
+ {
+ methodDesc = FunctionType (IP);
+ }
+ if (methodDesc > 1)
+ {
+ bOutput = TRUE;
+ if (!bSymbolOnly)
+ DMLOut("%p %s ", (ULONG64)vEBP, DMLIP(IP));
+ DMLOut("(MethodDesc %s ", DMLMethodDesc(methodDesc));
+ // TODO: Microsoft, more checks to make sure method is not eeimpl, etc. Add this field to MethodDesc
+ DacpCodeHeaderData codeHeaderData;
+ if (codeHeaderData.Request(g_sos, TO_CDADDR(IP)) == S_OK)
+ {
+ DWORD_PTR IPBegin = (DWORD_PTR) codeHeaderData.MethodStart;
+ methodDesc = (DWORD_PTR) codeHeaderData.MethodDescPtr;
+ Displacement = IP - IPBegin;
+ if (IP >= IPBegin && Displacement <= codeHeaderData.MethodSize)
+ ExtOut ("+%#x ", Displacement);
+ }
+ if (NameForMD_s(methodDesc, g_mdName, mdNameLen))
+ {
+ ExtOut("%S)", g_mdName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ExtOut("%s)", DMLIP(IP));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!DSFlag.fEEonly)
+ {
+ bOutput = TRUE;
+ const char *name;
+ if (!bSymbolOnly)
+ DMLOut("%p %s ", (ULONG64)vEBP, DMLIP(IP));
+ // if AMD64 ever becomes a cross platform target this must be resolved through
+ // virtual dispatch rather than conditional compilation
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ // degrade gracefully for debuggees that don't have a runtime loaded, or a DAC available
+ eTargetType ett = ettUnk;
+ if (!g_bDacBroken)
+ {
+ DWORD_PTR finalMDorIP = 0;
+ ett = GetFinalTarget(IP, &finalMDorIP);
+ if (ett == ettNative || ett==ettJitHelp)
+ {
+ methodDesc = 0;
+ IP = finalMDorIP;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ methodDesc = finalMDorIP;
+ }
+ }
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ if (methodDesc == 0) {
+ hr = g_ExtSymbols->GetNameByOffset(TO_CDADDR(IP), Symbol, 1024, NULL, &Displacement);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && Symbol[0] != '\0')
+ {
+ ExtOut ("%s", Symbol);
+ if (Displacement)
+ ExtOut ("+%#x", Displacement);
+ if (!DSFlag.fSuppressSrcInfo)
+ {
+ ULONG line;
+ hr = g_ExtSymbols->GetLineByOffset (TO_CDADDR(IP), &line, filename,
+ if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
+ ExtOut (" [%s:%d]", filename, line);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ else if (g_bDacBroken)
+ {
+ // degrade gracefully for debuggees that don't have a runtime loaded, or a DAC available
+ }
+ else if (IsMethodDesc (IP))
+ {
+ NameForMD_s(IP, g_mdName, mdNameLen);
+ ExtOut(" (stub for %S)", g_mdName);
+ }
+ else if (IsMethodDesc(IP+5)) {
+ NameForMD_s((DWORD_PTR)(IP+5), g_mdName, mdNameLen);
+ DMLOut("%s (MethodDesc %s %S)", DMLIP(IP), DMLMethodDesc(IP+5), g_mdName);
+ }
+ else if ((name = HelperFuncName(IP)) != NULL) {
+ ExtOut(" (JitHelp: %s)", name);
+ }
+#ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_
+ else if (ett == ettMD || ett == ettStub)
+ {
+ NameForMD_s(methodDesc, g_mdName,mdNameLen);
+ DMLOut("%s (stub for %S)", DMLIP(IP), g_mdName);
+ // fallthrough to return
+ }
+#endif // _TARGET_AMD64_
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return bOutput;
+void DumpStackWorker (DumpStackFlag &DSFlag)
+ DWORD_PTR eip;
+ ULONG64 Offset;
+ g_ExtRegisters->GetInstructionOffset(&Offset);
+ eip = (DWORD_PTR)Offset;
+ ExtOut("Current frame: ");
+ PrintCallInfo (0, eip, DSFlag, TRUE);
+ ExtOut ("\n");
+ // make certain dword/qword aligned
+ ExtOut (g_targetMachine->GetDumpStackHeading());
+ while (ptr < DSFlag.end)
+ {
+ if (IsInterrupt())
+ return;
+ DWORD_PTR retAddr;
+ DWORD_PTR whereCalled;
+ move_xp(retAddr, ptr);
+ g_targetMachine->IsReturnAddress(retAddr, &whereCalled);
+ if (whereCalled)
+ {
+ BOOL bOutput = PrintCallInfo(ptr-sizeof(TADDR), retAddr, DSFlag, FALSE);
+ if (!DSFlag.fEEonly)
+ {
+ if (whereCalled != 0xFFFFFFFF)
+ {
+ ExtOut (", calling ");
+ PrintCallInfo (0, whereCalled, DSFlag, TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ if (bOutput)
+ ExtOut ("\n");
+ DWORD_PTR cxrAddr;
+ DWORD_PTR exrAddr;
+ if (g_targetMachine->GetExceptionContext(ptr,retAddr,&cxrAddr,&cxr,&exrAddr,&exr))
+ {
+ TADDR sp = g_targetMachine->GetSP(cxr);
+ TADDR ip = g_targetMachine->GetIP(cxr);
+ bOutput = PrintCallInfo(sp, ip, DSFlag, FALSE);
+ if (bOutput)
+ {
+ ExtOut(" ====> Exception ");
+ if (exrAddr)
+ ExtOut("Code %x ", exr.ExceptionCode);
+ ExtOut ("cxr@%p", (ULONG64)cxrAddr);
+ if (exrAddr)
+ ExtOut(" exr@%p", (ULONG64)exrAddr);
+ ExtOut("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ptr += sizeof (DWORD_PTR);
+ }
+#ifdef SOS_TARGET_X86
+/// X86Machine implementation
+LPCSTR X86Machine::s_DumpStackHeading = "ChildEBP RetAddr Caller, Callee\n";
+LPCSTR X86Machine::s_DSOHeading = "ESP/REG Object Name\n";
+LPCSTR X86Machine::s_GCRegs[7] = {"eax", "ebx", "ecx", "edx", "esi", "edi", "ebp"};
+LPCSTR X86Machine::s_SPName = "ESP";
+void PrintNothing (const char *fmt, ...)
+ // Do nothing.
+/// Dump X86 GCInfo header and table
+void X86Machine::DumpGCInfo(BYTE* pTable, unsigned methodSize, printfFtn gcPrintf, bool encBytes, bool bPrintHeader) const
+ X86GCDump::InfoHdr header;
+ X86GCDump::GCDump gcDump(encBytes, 5, true);
+ if (bPrintHeader)
+ {
+ gcDump.gcPrintf = gcPrintf;
+ gcPrintf("Method info block:\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gcDump.gcPrintf = PrintNothing;
+ }
+ pTable += gcDump.DumpInfoHdr(pTable, &header, &methodSize, 0);
+ if (bPrintHeader)
+ {
+ gcPrintf("\n");
+ gcPrintf("Pointer table:\n");
+ }
+ gcDump.gcPrintf = gcPrintf;
+ gcDump.DumpGCTable(pTable, header, methodSize, 0);
+#endif // SOS_TARGET_X86
+/// ARMMachine implementation
+LPCSTR ARMMachine::s_DumpStackHeading = "ChildFP RetAddr Caller, Callee\n";
+LPCSTR ARMMachine::s_DSOHeading = "SP/REG Object Name\n";
+LPCSTR ARMMachine::s_GCRegs[14] = {"r0", "r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6",
+ "r7", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "lr"};
+LPCSTR ARMMachine::s_SPName = "sp";
+#endif // SOS_TARGET_ARM
+#ifdef SOS_TARGET_AMD64
+/// AMD64Machine implementation
+LPCSTR AMD64Machine::s_DumpStackHeading = "Child-SP RetAddr Caller, Callee\n";
+LPCSTR AMD64Machine::s_DSOHeading = "RSP/REG Object Name\n";
+LPCSTR AMD64Machine::s_GCRegs[15] = {"rax", "rbx", "rcx", "rdx", "rsi", "rdi", "rbp",
+ "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15"};
+LPCSTR AMD64Machine::s_SPName = "RSP";
+/// Dump AMD64 GCInfo table
+void AMD64Machine::DumpGCInfo(BYTE* pTable, unsigned methodSize, printfFtn gcPrintf, bool encBytes, bool bPrintHeader) const
+ if (bPrintHeader)
+ {
+ ExtOut("Pointer table:\n");
+ }
+ GCDump gcDump(encBytes, 5, true);
+ gcDump.gcPrintf = gcPrintf;
+ gcDump.DumpGCTable(pTable, methodSize, 0);
+#endif // SOS_TARGET_AMD64
+#ifdef SOS_TARGET_ARM64
+/// ARM64Machine implementation
+LPCSTR ARM64Machine::s_DumpStackHeading = "ChildFP RetAddr Caller, Callee\n";
+LPCSTR ARM64Machine::s_DSOHeading = "SP/REG Object Name\n";
+// excluding x18, fp & lr as these will not contain object references
+LPCSTR ARM64Machine::s_GCRegs[28] = {"x0", "x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5", "x6",
+ "x7", "x8", "x9", "x10", "x11", "x12", "x13",
+ "x14", "x15", "x16", "x17", "x19", "x20","x21",
+ "x22", "x23", "x24", "x25", "x26", "x27", "x28"};
+LPCSTR ARM64Machine::s_SPName = "sp";
+#endif // SOS_TARGET_ARM64