path: root/packages/microsoft.dotnet.buildtools/2.1.0-rc1-03006-01/lib/depProj.targets
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/microsoft.dotnet.buildtools/2.1.0-rc1-03006-01/lib/depProj.targets')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/microsoft.dotnet.buildtools/2.1.0-rc1-03006-01/lib/depProj.targets b/packages/microsoft.dotnet.buildtools/2.1.0-rc1-03006-01/lib/depProj.targets
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..544ec2f7a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/microsoft.dotnet.buildtools/2.1.0-rc1-03006-01/lib/depProj.targets
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY this file unless you are knowledgeable about MSBuild and have
+ created a backup copy. Incorrect changes to this file will make it
+ impossible to load or build your projects from the command-line or the IDE.
+This file defines the steps in the standard build process specific for NuGet deployment
+projects. The remainder of the build process is defined in Microsoft.Common.targets,
+which is imported by this file.
+Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+<Project ToolsVersion="12.0" xmlns="">
+ <!-- Deployment project
+ Restores NuGet dependencies and copies them to the output directory.
+ NuGetTargetMoniker - determined by the TargetFramework* and TargetPlatform*
+ properties of the project, can be overidden.
+ NuGetRuntimeIdentifier - defaults to <empty> (""), can be overidden.
+ NuGetDeploySourceItem - defaults to ReferenceCopyLocalPaths, can be overidden to
+ specify Reference (for compile assets) or Analyzer(for
+ analyzer assets)
+ For the appropriate behavior of P2P references the project should set the
+ TargetName and TargetExt to match one of the files that will be copied
+ from the packages.
+ -->
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <NuGetDeploySourceItem Condition="'$(NuGetDeploySourceItem)' == ''">ReferenceCopyLocalPaths</NuGetDeploySourceItem>
+ <!-- suppress the attempt to copy build output. -->
+ <CopyBuildOutputToOutputDirectory>false</CopyBuildOutputToOutputDirectory>
+ <!-- Unless overridden, use no runtime identifier. This is transformed in packageresolve.targets.
+ We specify "None" here to avoid being assigned the default runtime for projects which set CopyNuGetImplementations=true. -->
+ <NuGetRuntimeIdentifier Condition="'$(NuGetRuntimeIdentifier)' == ''">None</NuGetRuntimeIdentifier>
+ <!-- make sure we tell nuget targets to copy, even if output type would not by default -->
+ <CopyNuGetImplementations>true</CopyNuGetImplementations>
+ <!-- by default there shouldn't be any assets in depproj files that require signing -->
+ <SkipSigning Condition="'$(SkipSigning)' == ''">true</SkipSigning>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <Target Name="CoreCompile">
+ <Error Condition="'$(NuGetDeploySourceItem)' != 'ReferenceCopyLocalPaths' AND
+ '$(NuGetDeploySourceItem)' != 'Reference' AND
+ '$(NuGetDeploySourceItem)' != 'Analyzer'"
+ Text="Unexpected value for NuGetDeploySourceItem:'$(NuGetDeploySourceItem)'. Expected ReferenceCopyLocalPaths, Reference, or Analyzer." />
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <!-- Don't set IntermediateAssembly since this is not produced -->
+ <IntermediateAssembly Remove="@(IntermediateAssembly)" />
+ <NuGetDeploy Include="@($(NuGetDeploySourceItem))"/>
+ <!-- filter to only items that came from packages -->
+ <!-- the following condition must be applied after the include because msbuild doesn't seem
+ to support property-defined-item-names in a metadata statement -->
+ <NuGetDeploy Remove="@(NuGetDeploy)" Condition="'%(NuGetDeploy.NuGetPackageId)' == ''" />
+ <!-- remove all existing items from NuGet packages we'll be defining these in our own item -->
+ <ReferenceCopyLocalPaths Remove="@(ReferenceCopyLocalPaths)" Condition="'%(ReferenceCopyLocalPaths.NuGetPackageId)' != ''"/>
+ <Reference Remove="@(Reference)" Condition="'%(Reference.NuGetPackageId)' != ''"/>
+ <Analyzer Remove="@(Analyzer)" Condition="'%(Analyzer.NuGetPackageId)' != ''"/>
+ <!-- add items defined by NuGetDeployItem property to Content so that we get clean behavior -->
+ <ContentWithTargetPath Include="@(NuGetDeploy)">
+ <CopyToOutputDirectory>PreserveNewest</CopyToOutputDirectory>
+ <TargetPath>%(NuGetDeploy.SubFolder)%(FileName)%(Extension)</TargetPath>
+ </ContentWithTargetPath>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <Error Condition="'@(NuGetDeploy)' == ''" Text="Error no assets were resolved from NuGet packages." />
+ <Message Importance="High" Text="%(FullPath) (%(NuGetPackageId).%(NuGetPackageVersion)) -&gt; @(NuGetDeploy->'$(TargetDir)%(FileName)%(Extension)')" />
+ <!-- Include marker files if an extension has been provided -->
+ <!-- internal builds use this to distinguish files which have already been signed -->
+ <Touch Condition="'$(DeployMarkerExtension)' != ''" Files="@(NuGetDeploy->'$(TargetDir)%(FileName)$(DeployMarkerExtension)')" AlwaysCreate="true">
+ <Output TaskParameter="TouchedFiles" ItemName="FileWrites"/>
+ </Touch>
+ </Target>
+ <Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.Common.targets" />
+ <!-- Required by Common.Targets but not used for depproj -->
+ <Target Name="CreateManifestResourceNames" />
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <!-- don't use TargetingPackReference, we do our own filtering -->
+ <SkipFilterTargetingPackResolvedNugetPackages>true</SkipFilterTargetingPackResolvedNugetPackages>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <!-- Support filtering to a subset of packages or files -->
+ <Target Name="FilterNugetPackages"
+ AfterTargets="ResolveNuGetPackages"
+ Condition="'@(PackageToInclude)' != '' OR '@(PackageToExclude)' != '' OR '@(FileToInclude)' != '' OR '@(FileToExclude)' != ''">
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <_nuGetDeploy Include="@($(NuGetDeploySourceItem))"/>
+ <_nuGetDeployByFileName Include="@(_nuGetDeploy->'%(FileName)')">
+ <OriginalItemSpec>%(Identity)</OriginalItemSpec>
+ </_nuGetDeployByFileName>
+ <_nuGetDeployByFileNameToRemove Include="@(_nuGetDeployByFileName)" Exclude="@(FileToInclude)" Condition="'@(FileToInclude)' != ''" />
+ <_filteredNuGetDeployByFileName Include="@(_nuGetDeployByFileName)" Exclude="@(_nuGetDeployByFileNameToRemove);@(FileToExclude)" />
+ <_nuGetDeployByPackageId Include="@(_filteredNuGetDeployByFileName->'%(NuGetPackageId)')" />
+ <_nuGetDeployByPackageIdToRemove Include="@(_nuGetDeployByPackageId)" Exclude="@(PackageToInclude)" Condition="'@(PackageToInclude)' != ''" />
+ <_filteredNuGetDeployByPackageId Include="@(_nuGetDeployByPackageId)" Exclude="@(_nuGetDeployByPackageIdToRemove);@(PackageToExclude)" />
+ <ReferenceCopyLocalPaths Condition="'$(NuGetDeploySourceItem)' == 'ReferenceCopyLocalPaths'" Remove="@(ReferenceCopyLocalPaths)" />
+ <Reference Condition="'$(NuGetDeploySourceItem)' == 'Reference'" Remove="@(Reference)" />
+ <Analyzer Condition="'$(NuGetDeploySourceItem)' == 'Analyzer'" Remove="@(Analyzer)" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <CreateItem Include="@(_filteredNuGetDeployByPackageId->'%(OriginalItemSpec)')">
+ <Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="$(NuGetDeploySourceItem)" />
+ </CreateItem>
+ </Target>