path: root/packages/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/')
1 files changed, 392 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/ b/packages/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..5e924fa333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+<Project ToolsVersion="12.0" DefaultTargets="PublishOutputLeg" xmlns="">
+ <!--
+ Publish targets:
+ PublishPackagesToBlobFeed
+ PublishFilesToBlobFeed
+ Required properties:
+ ExpectedFeedUrl - This is the full URL to the index.json file for the blob feed.
+ AccountKey - This is the access token used to gain write access to the blob feed.
+ Optional properties:
+ PushToBlobFeed_Overwrite - Set to true if you want to allow overrriting of existing files or packages. Defaults to 'false'.
+ PushToBlobFeed_MaxClients - Number of clients to push in parallel.
+ FileRelativePathBase - The base relative path from the blob feed root for any files uploaded. Defaults to 'assets'.
+ Selecting packages for publish:
+ PackagesToPublishPattern - Property to declare a file glob for selecting the packages to be pushed. (eg. $(PackageOutput)*.nupkg)
+ PackagesToPublish - Item group that contains a list of packages to be pushed, if glob isn't enough.
+ Selecting files for publish:
+ FilesToPublishPattern - Property to declare a file glob for selecting the files to be pushed. (eg. $(OutputPath)*.zip)
+ FilesToPublish - Item group that contains a list of files to be pushed, if glob isn't enough.
+ %(RelativeBlobPath) - Metadata that can be put on file items to control the relative path where the file
+ goes underneath the blob feed. If not specfied it is default based on the FileRelativePathBase
+ Specifying build output manifest values:
+ ManifestName - The repository name, listed inside the manifest and used to name the file.
+ If $(GitHubRepositoryName) is defined, its value is used. Default: "anonymous"
+ ManifestBuildId - Build ID listed in the manifest. Default: "no build id provided"
+ ManifestBranch - Branch listed in the manifest. Default: none
+ ManifestCommit - Commit listed in the manifest. Default: none
+ SkipCreateManifest - If 'true', no manifest is written even if the blob feed allows them.
+ Default: false
+ -->
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <_MicrosoftDotNetBuildTasksFeedTaskDir>$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)net46/</_MicrosoftDotNetBuildTasksFeedTaskDir>
+ <_MicrosoftDotNetBuildTasksFeedTaskDir Condition="'$(MSBuildRuntimeType)' == 'Core'">$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)netstandard1.5/</_MicrosoftDotNetBuildTasksFeedTaskDir>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <UsingTask TaskName="ConfigureInputFeeds" AssemblyFile="$(_MicrosoftDotNetBuildTasksFeedTaskDir)Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Feed.dll"/>
+ <UsingTask TaskName="CopyBlobDirectory" AssemblyFile="$(_MicrosoftDotNetBuildTasksFeedTaskDir)Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Feed.dll"/>
+ <UsingTask TaskName="FetchOrchestratedBuildManifestInfo" AssemblyFile="$(_MicrosoftDotNetBuildTasksFeedTaskDir)Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Feed.dll"/>
+ <UsingTask TaskName="GetBlobFeedPackageList" AssemblyFile="$(_MicrosoftDotNetBuildTasksFeedTaskDir)Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Feed.dll"/>
+ <UsingTask TaskName="ParseBlobUrl" AssemblyFile="$(_MicrosoftDotNetBuildTasksFeedTaskDir)Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Feed.dll"/>
+ <UsingTask TaskName="PushOrchestratedBuildManifest" AssemblyFile="$(_MicrosoftDotNetBuildTasksFeedTaskDir)Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Feed.dll"/>
+ <UsingTask TaskName="PushToBlobFeed" AssemblyFile="$(_MicrosoftDotNetBuildTasksFeedTaskDir)Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Feed.dll"/>
+ <UsingTask TaskName="UpdateOrchestratedBuildManifest" AssemblyFile="$(_MicrosoftDotNetBuildTasksFeedTaskDir)Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Feed.dll"/>
+ <UsingTask TaskName="WriteOrchestratedBuildManifestToFile" AssemblyFile="$(_MicrosoftDotNetBuildTasksFeedTaskDir)Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Feed.dll"/>
+ <UsingTask TaskName="WriteOrchestratedBuildManifestSummaryToFile" AssemblyFile="$(_MicrosoftDotNetBuildTasksFeedTaskDir)Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Feed.dll"/>
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <PushToBlobFeed_Overwrite Condition="'$(PushToBlobFeed_Overwrite)' == ''">false</PushToBlobFeed_Overwrite>
+ <PushToBlobFeed_MaxClients Condition="'$(PushToBlobFeed_MaxClients)' == ''">8</PushToBlobFeed_MaxClients>
+ <FileRelativePathBase Condition="'$(FileRelativePathBase)' == ''">assets</FileRelativePathBase>
+ <FileRelativePathBase Condition="!HasTrailingSlash('$(FileRelativePathBase)')">$(FileRelativePathBase)/</FileRelativePathBase>
+ <ManifestName Condition="'$(ManifestName)' == ''">$(GitHubRepositoryName)</ManifestName>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <Target Name="PublishPackagesToBlobFeed" DependsOnTargets="@(PublishPackagesToBlobFeedDependsOn)" >
+ <Error Text="The ExpectedFeedUrl property must be set on the command line."
+ Condition="'$(ExpectedFeedUrl)' == ''" />
+ <Error Text="The AccountKey property must be set on the command line."
+ Condition="'$(AccountKey)' == ''" />
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <_ItemsToPush Remove="@(_ItemsToPush)" />
+ <_ItemsToPush Condition="'$(PackagesToPublishPattern)' != ''" Include="$(PackagesToPublishPattern)" />
+ <_ItemsToPush Include="@(PackagesToPublish)" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <Error Condition="'@(_ItemsToPush)' == ''" Text="No packages to push." />
+ <PushToBlobFeed ExpectedFeedUrl="$(ExpectedFeedUrl)"
+ AccountKey="$(AccountKey)"
+ ItemsToPush="@(_ItemsToPush)"
+ Overwrite="$(PushToBlobFeed_Overwrite)"
+ MaxClients="$(PushToBlobFeed_MaxClients)"
+ ManifestName="$(ManifestName)"
+ ManifestBuildId="$(ManifestBuildId)"
+ ManifestBranch="$(ManifestBranch)"
+ ManifestCommit="$(ManifestCommit)"
+ ManifestBuildData="$(ManifestBuildData)"
+ SkipCreateManifest="$(SkipCreateManifest)" />
+ </Target>
+ <Target Name="PublishFilesToBlobFeed">
+ <Error Text="The ExpectedFeedUrl property must be set on the command line."
+ Condition="'$(ExpectedFeedUrl)' == ''" />
+ <Error Text="The AccountKey property must be set on the command line."
+ Condition="'$(AccountKey)' == ''" />
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <_ItemsToPush Remove="@(_ItemsToPush)" />
+ <_ItemsToPush Condition="'$(FilesToPublishPattern)' != ''" Include="$(FilesToPublishPattern)" />
+ <_ItemsToPush Include="@(FilesToPublish)" />
+ <_ItemsToPush>
+ <RelativeBlobPath Condition="'%(_ItemsToPush.RelativeBlobPath)' == ''">$(FileRelativePathBase)$([System.String]::Copy('%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)').Replace('\' ,'/'))</RelativeBlobPath>
+ </_ItemsToPush>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <Error Condition="'@(_ItemsToPush)' == ''" Text="No files to push." />
+ <PushToBlobFeed ExpectedFeedUrl="$(ExpectedFeedUrl)"
+ AccountKey="$(AccountKey)"
+ ItemsToPush="@(_ItemsToPush)"
+ PublishFlatContainer="true"
+ Overwrite="$(PushToBlobFeed_Overwrite)"
+ MaxClients="$(PushToBlobFeed_MaxClients)"
+ ManifestName="$(ManifestName)"
+ ManifestBuildId="$(ManifestBuildId)"
+ ManifestBranch="$(ManifestBranch)"
+ ManifestCommit="$(ManifestCommit)"
+ ManifestBuildData="$(ManifestBuildData)"
+ SkipCreateManifest="$(SkipCreateManifest)" />
+ </Target>
+ <!--
+ Create an orchestrated build manifest based on the build output manifests uploaded to a feed.
+ -->
+ <Target Name="CreateFeedOrchestratedBuildManifest">
+ <Error Text="The ExpectedFeedUrl property must be set." Condition="'$(ExpectedFeedUrl)' == ''" />
+ <Error Text="The AccountKey property must be set." Condition="'$(AccountKey)' == ''" />
+ <Error Text="The ManifestName property must be set." Condition="'$(ManifestName)' == ''" />
+ <Error Text="The ManifestBuildId property must be set." Condition="'$(ManifestBuildId)' == ''" />
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <ManifestTempDir Condition="'$(ManifestTempDir)' == ''">$(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)manifest-temp/</ManifestTempDir>
+ <ManifestDownloadDir Condition="'$(ManifestDownloadDir)' == ''">$(ManifestTempDir)downloads/</ManifestDownloadDir>
+ <ManifestFile Condition="'$(ManifestFile)' == ''">$(ManifestTempDir)build.xml</ManifestFile>
+ <ManifestSummaryFile Condition="'$(ManifestSummaryFile)' == ''">$(ManifestTempDir)</ManifestSummaryFile>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <ParseBlobUrl BlobUrl="$(ExpectedFeedUrl.Replace('/index.json', ''))">
+ <Output TaskParameter="BlobElements" ItemName="ParsedFeedUrl" />
+ </ParseBlobUrl>
+ <DownloadFromAzure AccountName="%(ParsedFeedUrl.AccountName)"
+ AccountKey="$(AccountKey)"
+ ContainerName="%(ParsedFeedUrl.ContainerName)"
+ BlobNameExtension=".xml"
+ BlobNamePrefix="%(ParsedFeedUrl.BlobPath)/assets/orchestration-metadata/manifests/"
+ DownloadDirectory="$(ManifestDownloadDir)"
+ DownloadFlatFiles="true" />
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <BuildManifests Include="$(ManifestDownloadDir)*.xml" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <WriteOrchestratedBuildManifestToFile File="$(ManifestFile)"
+ BlobFeedUrl="$(ExpectedFeedUrl)"
+ BuildManifestFiles="@(BuildManifests)"
+ ManifestName="$(ManifestName)"
+ ManifestBuildId="$(ManifestBuildId)" />
+ <WriteOrchestratedBuildManifestSummaryToFile File="$(ManifestSummaryFile)"
+ ManifestFile="$(ManifestFile)"
+ SdkTableTemplateFile="$(SdkTableTemplateFile)"
+ DotNetRuntimeTableTemplateFile="$(DotNetRuntimeTableTemplateFile)"
+ AspNetCoreRuntimeTableTemplateFile="$(AspNetCoreRuntimeTableTemplateFile)" />
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <SupplementaryFiles Include="$(ManifestSummaryFile)" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ </Target>
+ <!--
+ Push the orchestrated build manifest for a certain feed to a versions repo.
+ -->
+ <Target Name="PushFeedOrchestratedBuildManifest"
+ DependsOnTargets="CreateVersionsRepoDefaults;
+ CreateFeedOrchestratedBuildManifest">
+ <Error Text="The VersionsRepoPath property must be set." Condition="'$(VersionsRepoPath)' == ''" />
+ <Error Text="The GitHubAuthToken property must be set." Condition="'$(GitHubAuthToken)' == ''" />
+ <Error Text="The GitHubUser property must be set." Condition="'$(GitHubUser)' == ''" />
+ <Error Text="The GitHubEmail property must be set." Condition="'$(GitHubEmail)' == ''" />
+ <PushOrchestratedBuildManifest ManifestFile="$(ManifestFile)"
+ VersionsRepoPath="$(VersionsRepoPath)"
+ GitHubAuthToken="$(GitHubAuthToken)"
+ GitHubUser="$(GitHubUser)"
+ GitHubEmail="$(GitHubEmail)"
+ VersionsRepo="$(VersionsRepo)"
+ VersionsRepoOwner="$(VersionsRepoOwner)"
+ VersionsRepoBranch="$(VersionsRepoBranch)"
+ CommitMessage="$(CommitMessage)"
+ SupplementaryFiles="@(SupplementaryFiles)" />
+ </Target>
+ <Target Name="CreateVersionsRepoDefaults">
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <VersionsRepo Condition="'$(VersionsRepo)' == ''">versions</VersionsRepo>
+ <VersionsRepoOwner Condition="'$(VersionsRepoOwner)' == ''">dotnet</VersionsRepoOwner>
+ <VersionsRepoBranch Condition="'$(VersionsRepoBranch)' == ''">master</VersionsRepoBranch>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ </Target>
+ <!--
+ Fetch an orchestrated build manifest from the versions repo and extract its information into
+ items and properties.
+ [In]
+ $(VersionsRepoPath): The root folder inside the target versions repo where the manifest is
+ located. Doesn't include a trailing '/'.
+ Optional:
+ $(GitHubAuthToken): Auth token used when calling GitHub APIs. If this isn't provided,
+ anonymous access is used. Provide an auth token to avoid rate limit errors.
+ $(GitHubUser): The GitHub user associated with GitHubAuthToken.
+ $(GitHubEmail): The email associated with GitHubAuthToken.
+ $(VersionsRepo): The GitHub repo name. Default: 'versions'
+ $(VersionsRepoOwner): The GitHub repo owner. Default: 'dotnet'
+ $(VersionsRepoRef): The git ref to fetch from. If not specified, uses VersionsRepoBranch.
+ $(VersionsRepoBranch): The branch to fetch from. Default: 'master'
+ [Out]
+ $(OrchestratedBuildId): The orchestrated build manifest's build id attribute value.
+ $(OrchestratedIdentitySummary): Human-readable full identity of the orchestrated build manifest.
+ @(OrchestratedBuild): A single item describing the root manifest element.
+ %(Identity): The name of the build.
+ %(Xml): The raw XML string representing the build in the manifest.
+ %(...): Metadata is created for each attribute on the element.
+ @(OrchestratedBlobFeed): A single item for the orchestrated blob feed Endpoint.
+ %(...): Metadata is created for each attribute on the element.
+ @(ParsedOrchestratedBlobFeed): The result of parsing the OrchestratedBlobFeed url.
+ %(BlobPath): The root of the blob feed, without '/index.json'. Use this to construct artifact
+ download urls.
+ %(AccountName) %(ContainerName) %(Endpoint)
+ @(OrchestratedBlobFeedArtifacts): An item for each artifact in the orchestrated blob feed.
+ %(Identity): 'Package' or 'Blob', matching manifest element name.
+ %(Xml): The raw XML string representing the artifact in the manifest.
+ %(...): Metadata is created for each attribute on the element.
+ @(OrchestratedBuildConstituents): An item for each Build in the orchestrated build manifest.
+ %(Identity): The name of the build.
+ %(Xml): The raw XML string representing the build in the manifest.
+ %(...): Metadata is created for each attribute on the element.
+ -->
+ <Target Name="FetchOrchestratedBuildManifestInfo"
+ DependsOnTargets="CreateVersionsRepoDefaults">
+ <Error Text="The VersionsRepoPath property must be set." Condition="'$(VersionsRepoPath)' == ''" />
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <VersionsRepoRef Condition="'$(VersionsRepoRef)' == ''">heads/$(VersionsRepoBranch)</VersionsRepoRef>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <Error Text="The VersionsRepoRef property must be set." Condition="'$(VersionsRepoRef)' == ''" />
+ <FetchOrchestratedBuildManifestInfo VersionsRepoPath="$(VersionsRepoPath)"
+ GitHubAuthToken="$(GitHubAuthToken)"
+ GitHubUser="$(GitHubUser)"
+ GitHubEmail="$(GitHubEmail)"
+ VersionsRepo="$(VersionsRepo)"
+ VersionsRepoOwner="$(VersionsRepoOwner)"
+ VersionsRepoRef="$(VersionsRepoRef)">
+ <Output TaskParameter="OrchestratedBuild" ItemName="OrchestratedBuild" />
+ <Output TaskParameter="OrchestratedBlobFeed" ItemName="OrchestratedBlobFeed" />
+ <Output TaskParameter="OrchestratedBlobFeedArtifacts" ItemName="OrchestratedBlobFeedArtifacts" />
+ <Output TaskParameter="OrchestratedBuildConstituents" ItemName="OrchestratedBuildConstituents" />
+ </FetchOrchestratedBuildManifestInfo>
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <OrchestratedBuildId>%(OrchestratedBuild.BuildId)</OrchestratedBuildId>
+ <OrchestratedIdentitySummary>%(OrchestratedBuild.IdentitySummary)</OrchestratedIdentitySummary>
+ <OrchestratedBlobFeedUrl>%(OrchestratedBlobFeed.Url)</OrchestratedBlobFeedUrl>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <ParseBlobUrl BlobUrl="$(OrchestratedBlobFeedUrl.Replace('/index.json', ''))">
+ <Output TaskParameter="BlobElements" ItemName="ParsedOrchestratedBlobFeed" />
+ </ParseBlobUrl>
+ </Target>
+ <!--
+ Download packages from an orchestrated feed given their identities and versions.
+ [In]
+ $(AccountKey): A key to use when accessing the blob feed's blob storage.
+ @(OrchestratedBlobFeedArtifacts): The artifacts to download. All items with identity 'Package'
+ are downloaded. Expected to have this from FetchOrchestratedBuildManifestInfo.
+ %(Id): NuGet package identity.
+ %(Version): NuGet package version.
+ @(ParsedOrchestratedBlobFeed): The parsed feed to access. Output from
+ FetchOrchestratedBuildManifestInfo is expected.
+ Optional:
+ $(FinalDownloadDirectory): Custom directory to place downloaded nupkg files. This directory will
+ be removed and recreated to ensure no stale bits are included.
+ [Out]
+ @(DownloadedOrchestratedFeedPackages): Each nupkg file downloaded.
+ @(FinalPackages): The downloaded subset of OrchestratedBlobFeedArtifacts. Metadata is preserved.
+ -->
+ <Target Name="DownloadOrchestratedFeedPackages">
+ <Error Text="The AccountKey property must be set." Condition="'$(AccountKey)' == ''" />
+ <Error Text="A ParsedOrchestratedBlobFeed item must be set." Condition="'@(ParsedOrchestratedBlobFeed)' == ''" />
+ <PropertyGroup>
+ <FinalDownloadDirectory Condition="'$(FinalDownloadDirectory)' == ''">$(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)final-package-download\</FinalDownloadDirectory>
+ <BlobNamePrefix>%(ParsedOrchestratedBlobFeed.BlobPath)/flatcontainer/</BlobNamePrefix>
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <FinalPackages Include="@(OrchestratedBlobFeedArtifacts)"
+ Condition="'%(Identity)' == 'Package'">
+ <LowercaseId>$([System.String]::Copy('%(OrchestratedBlobFeedArtifacts.Id)').ToLowerInvariant())</LowercaseId>
+ <LowercaseVersion>$([System.String]::Copy('%(OrchestratedBlobFeedArtifacts.Version)').ToLowerInvariant())</LowercaseVersion>
+ </FinalPackages>
+ <FinalPackages>
+ <NupkgFile>%(LowercaseId).%(LowercaseVersion).nupkg</NupkgFile>
+ </FinalPackages>
+ <FinalPackages>
+ <DownloadFullPath>$(FinalDownloadDirectory)%(NupkgFile)</DownloadFullPath>
+ </FinalPackages>
+ <PackageBlobNames Include="$(BlobNamePrefix)%(FinalPackages.LowercaseId)/%(FinalPackages.LowercaseVersion)/%(FinalPackages.NupkgFile)" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <!-- Ensure no stale packages are on disk. -->
+ <RemoveDir Directories="$(FinalDownloadDirectory)" />
+ <DownloadFromAzure AccountName="%(ParsedOrchestratedBlobFeed.AccountName)"
+ AccountKey="$(AccountKey)"
+ ContainerName="%(ParsedOrchestratedBlobFeed.ContainerName)"
+ BlobNames="@(PackageBlobNames)"
+ DownloadDirectory="$(FinalDownloadDirectory)"
+ DownloadFlatFiles="true" />
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <DownloadedOrchestratedFeedPackages Include="$(FinalDownloadDirectory)*.nupkg" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ </Target>
+ <!--
+ Create/update a semaphore in the versions repo. This indicates some action is complete.
+ [In]
+ $(VersionsRepoPath): The root folder inside the target versions repo where the manifest is
+ located. Doesn't include a trailing '/'.
+ $(GitHubAuthToken): Auth token used when calling GitHub APIs.
+ $(GitHubUser): The GitHub user associated with GitHubAuthToken.
+ $(GitHubEmail): The email associated with GitHubAuthToken.
+ $(OrchestratedBuildId): The orchestrated build id. Passing this along ensures that we aren't
+ trying to pass stale data to the versions repo. This value is expected to come from the
+ FetchOrchestratedBuildManifestInfo target. It prevents stale data from being uploaded to a
+ newer manifest, instead emitting a warning.
+ @(SemaphoreNames): Semaphores to update. Usually a single item, like 'packages.semaphore'.
+ Optional:
+ @(ManifestUpdates): Updates to perform on the manifest. These help convey information to
+ downstream steps, but aren't required. For item requirements and behavior, see
+ 'UpdateOrchestratedBuildManifest.cs' in dotnet/buildtools.
+ $(VersionsRepo): The GitHub repo name. Default: 'versions'
+ $(VersionsRepoOwner): The GitHub repo owner. Default: 'dotnet'
+ $(VersionsRepoBranch): The branch to fetch from. Default: 'master'
+ $(OrchestratedIdentitySummary): Human-readable identity of the orchestrated build, used to
+ generate a concise commit message. This is expected to come from
+ FetchOrchestratedBuildManifestInfo.
+ Default: the full VersionsRepoPath is used in the commit message.
+ $(CommitMessage): Overrides the generated commit message.
+ @(SupplementaryFiles): Uploads supplementary files to the versions repo as part of the update.
+ For item requirements and behavior, see 'UpdateOrchestratedBuildManifest.cs' in
+ dotnet/buildtools.
+ -->
+ <Target Name="UpdateOrchestratedBuildManifest"
+ DependsOnTargets="CreateVersionsRepoDefaults">
+ <Error Text="The VersionsRepoPath property must be set." Condition="'$(VersionsRepoPath)' == ''" />
+ <Error Text="The GitHubAuthToken property must be set." Condition="'$(GitHubAuthToken)' == ''" />
+ <Error Text="The GitHubUser property must be set." Condition="'$(GitHubUser)' == ''" />
+ <Error Text="The GitHubEmail property must be set." Condition="'$(GitHubEmail)' == ''" />
+ <Error Text="A SemaphoreNames item must be set." Condition="'@(SemaphoreNames)' == ''" />
+ <UpdateOrchestratedBuildManifest ManifestUpdates="@(ManifestUpdates)"
+ VersionsRepoPath="$(VersionsRepoPath)"
+ SemaphoreNames="@(SemaphoreNames)"
+ OrchestratedBuildId="$(OrchestratedBuildId)"
+ GitHubAuthToken="$(GitHubAuthToken)"
+ GitHubUser="$(GitHubUser)"
+ GitHubEmail="$(GitHubEmail)"
+ VersionsRepo="$(VersionsRepo)"
+ VersionsRepoOwner="$(VersionsRepoOwner)"
+ VersionsRepoBranch="$(VersionsRepoBranch)"
+ CommitMessage="$(CommitMessage)"
+ OrchestratedIdentitySummary="$(OrchestratedIdentitySummary)"
+ SupplementaryFiles="@(SupplementaryFiles)"
+ JoinSemaphoreGroups="@(JoinSemaphoreGroups)" />
+ </Target>