path: root/build.cmd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build.cmd')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/build.cmd b/build.cmd
index a37428ca6b..904bb028b4 100644
--- a/build.cmd
+++ b/build.cmd
@@ -3,7 +3,32 @@ setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion EnableExtensions
echo Starting Build at %TIME%
set __ThisScriptFull="%~f0"
-set __VSToolsRoot=%VS140COMNTOOLS%
+:: Default to highest Visual Studio version available
+:: For VS2015 (and prior), only a single instance is allowed to be installed on a box
+:: and VS140COMNTOOLS is set as a global environment variable by the installer. This
+:: allows users to locate where the instance of VS2015 is installed.
+:: For VS2017, multiple instances can be installed on the same box SxS and VS150COMNTOOLS
+:: is no longer set as a global environment variable and is instead only set if the user
+:: has launched the VS2017 Developer Command Prompt.
+:: Following this logic, we will default to the VS2017 toolset if VS150COMNTOOLS tools is
+:: set, as this indicates the user is running from the VS2017 Developer Command Prompt and
+:: is already configured to use that toolset. Otherwise, we will fallback to using the VS2015
+:: toolset if it is installed. Finally, we will fail the script if no supported VS instance
+:: can be found.
+if defined VS150COMNTOOLS (
+ set "__VSToolsRoot=%VS150COMNTOOLS%"
+ set "__VCToolsRoot=%VS150COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\Auxiliary\Build"
+ set __VSVersion=vs2017
+) else (
+ set "__VSToolsRoot=%VS140COMNTOOLS%"
+ set "__VCToolsRoot=%VS140COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC"
+ set __VSVersion=vs2015
:: Note that the msbuild project files (specifically, dir.proj) will use the following variables, if set:
:: __BuildArch -- default: x64
:: __BuildType -- default: Debug
@@ -24,9 +49,6 @@ set __BuildArch=x64
set __BuildType=Debug
set __BuildOS=Windows_NT
-:: Default to highest Visual Studio version available
-set __VSVersion=vs2015
:: Define a prefix for most output progress messages that come from this script. That makes
:: it easier to see where these are coming from. Note that there is a trailing space here.
set "__MsgPrefix=BUILD: "
@@ -40,6 +62,8 @@ set "__SourceDir=%__ProjectDir%\src"
set "__PackagesDir=%__ProjectDir%\packages"
set "__RootBinDir=%__ProjectDir%\bin"
set "__LogsDir=%__RootBinDir%\Logs"
+set "__PgoOptDataVersion="
+set "__IbcOptDataVersion="
set __BuildAll=
@@ -51,10 +75,11 @@ set __BuildArchArm64=0
set __BuildTypeDebug=0
set __BuildTypeChecked=0
set __BuildTypeRelease=0
-set __BuildJit32="-DBUILD_JIT32=0"
+set __BuildJit32=0
set __BuildStandaloneGC="-DFEATURE_STANDALONE_GC=0"
set __PgoInstrument=0
+set __IbcTuning=
REM __PassThroughArgs is a set of things that will be passed through to nested calls to build.cmd
REM when using "all".
@@ -71,6 +96,10 @@ set __BuildNative=1
set __BuildTests=1
set __BuildPackages=1
set __BuildNativeCoreLib=1
+set __RestoreOptData=1
+REM Is this a portable build?
+set __IsPortableBuild=
if "%1" == "" goto ArgsDone
@@ -89,9 +118,15 @@ if /i "%1" == "debug" (set __BuildTypeDebug=1&set processedArgs=!p
if /i "%1" == "checked" (set __BuildTypeChecked=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "release" (set __BuildTypeRelease=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "-portable" (set __IsPortableBuild=-portable&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
REM All arguments after this point will be passed through directly to build.cmd on nested invocations
REM using the "all" argument, and must be added to the __PassThroughArgs variable.
-set __PassThroughArgs=%__PassThroughArgs% %1
+if [!__PassThroughArgs!]==[] (
+ set __PassThroughArgs=%1
+) else (
+ set __PassThroughArgs=%__PassThroughArgs% %1
if /i "%1" == "freebsdmscorlib" (set __BuildNativeCoreLib=0&set __BuildNative=0&set __BuildTests=0&set __BuildPackages=0&set __BuildOS=FreeBSD&set __SkipNugetPackage=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "linuxmscorlib" (set __BuildNativeCoreLib=0&set __BuildNative=0&set __BuildTests=0&set __BuildPackages=0&set __BuildOS=Linux&set __SkipNugetPackage=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
@@ -105,12 +140,13 @@ if /i "%1" == "skipmscorlib" (set __BuildCoreLib=0&set __BuildNativeCoreL
if /i "%1" == "skipnative" (set __BuildNative=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "skiptests" (set __BuildTests=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "skipbuildpackages" (set __BuildPackages=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "skiprestoreoptdata" (set __RestoreOptData=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "usenmakemakefiles" (set __NMakeMakefiles=1&set __ConfigureOnly=1&set __BuildNative=1&set __BuildNativeCoreLib=0&set __BuildCoreLib=0&set __BuildTests=0&set __BuildPackages=0&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "buildjit32" (set __BuildJit32="-DBUILD_JIT32=1"&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "buildjit32" (set __BuildJit32=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "pgoinstrument" (set __PgoInstrument=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
+if /i "%1" == "ibcinstrument" (set __IbcTuning=/Tuning&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "toolset_dir" (set __ToolsetDir=%2&set __PassThroughArgs=%__PassThroughArgs% %2&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1 %2&shift&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "compatjitcrossgen" (set __CompatJitCrossgen=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
-if /i "%1" == "legacyjitcrossgen" (set __LegacyJitCrossgen=1&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
if /i "%1" == "buildstandalonegc" (set __BuildStandaloneGC="-DFEATURE_STANDALONE_GC=1"&set processedArgs=!processedArgs! %1&shift&goto Arg_Loop)
@REM The following can be deleted once the CI system that passes it is updated to not pass it.
@@ -204,6 +240,36 @@ call "%__VSToolsRoot%\VsDevCmd.bat"
REM =========================================================================================
REM ===
+REM === Restore optimization profile data
+REM ===
+REM =========================================================================================
+REM Parse the package version out of project.json so that we can pass it on to CMake
+where /q python || (
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Python not found on PATH, please make sure that it is installed.
+ exit /b 1
+set OptDataProjectJsonPath=%__ProjectDir%\src\.nuget\optdata\project.json
+if EXIST "%OptDataProjectJsonPath%" (
+ for /f "tokens=*" %%s in ('python "%__ProjectDir%\" -rf "%OptDataProjectJsonPath%" dependencies optimization.PGO.CoreCLR') do @(
+ set __PgoOptDataVersion=%%s
+ )
+ for /f "tokens=*" %%s in ('python "%__ProjectDir%\" -rf "%OptDataProjectJsonPath%" dependencies optimization.IBC.CoreCLR') do @(
+ set __IbcOptDataVersion=%%s
+ )
+if %__RestoreOptData% EQU 1 (
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Restoring the OptimizationData Package
+ @call %__ProjectDir%\run.cmd sync -optdata
+ if not !errorlevel! == 0 (
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Failed to restore the optimization data package.
+ exit /b 1
+ )
+REM =========================================================================================
+REM ===
REM === Build the CLR VM
REM ===
REM =========================================================================================
@@ -235,8 +301,8 @@ if %__BuildNative% EQU 1 (
set ___SDKVersion="-DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=10.0"
- echo %__MsgPrefix%Using environment: "%__VSToolsRoot%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" !__VCBuildArch!
- call "%__VSToolsRoot%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" !__VCBuildArch!
+ echo %__MsgPrefix%Using environment: "%__VCToolsRoot%\vcvarsall.bat" !__VCBuildArch!
+ call "%__VCToolsRoot%\vcvarsall.bat" !__VCBuildArch!
@if defined _echo @echo on
if not defined VSINSTALLDIR (
@@ -251,8 +317,8 @@ if %__BuildNative% EQU 1 (
echo %__MsgPrefix%Regenerating the Visual Studio solution
pushd "%__IntermediatesDir%"
- set __ExtraCmakeArgs=!___SDKVersion! "-DCLR_CMAKE_TARGET_OS=%__BuildOs%" "-DCLR_CMAKE_PACKAGES_DIR=%__PackagesDir%" "-DCLR_CMAKE_PGO_INSTRUMENT=%__PgoInstrument%"
- call "%__SourceDir%\pal\tools\gen-buildsys-win.bat" "%__ProjectDir%" %__VSVersion% %__BuildArch% %__BuildJit32% %__BuildStandaloneGC% !__ExtraCmakeArgs!
+ set __ExtraCmakeArgs=!___SDKVersion! "-DCLR_CMAKE_TARGET_OS=%__BuildOs%" "-DCLR_CMAKE_PACKAGES_DIR=%__PackagesDir%" "-DCLR_CMAKE_PGO_INSTRUMENT=%__PgoInstrument%" "-DCLR_CMAKE_OPTDATA_VERSION=%__PgoOptDataVersion%"
+ call "%__SourceDir%\pal\tools\gen-buildsys-win.bat" "%__ProjectDir%" %__VSVersion% %__BuildArch% "-DBUILD_JIT32=%__BuildJit32%" %__BuildStandaloneGC% !__ExtraCmakeArgs!
@if defined _echo @echo on
@@ -296,7 +362,7 @@ if /i "%__DoCrossArchBuild%"=="1" (
:: Set the environment for the native build
set __VCBuildArch=x86_amd64
if /i "%__CrossArch%" == "x86" ( set __VCBuildArch=x86 )
- @call "%__VSToolsRoot%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" !__VCBuildArch!
+ @call "%__VCToolsRoot%\vcvarsall.bat" !__VCBuildArch!
@if defined _echo @echo on
if not exist "%__CrossCompIntermediatesDir%" md "%__CrossCompIntermediatesDir%"
@@ -305,7 +371,7 @@ if /i "%__DoCrossArchBuild%"=="1" (
pushd "%__CrossCompIntermediatesDir%"
set __CMakeBinDir=%__CrossComponentBinDir%
set "__CMakeBinDir=!__CMakeBinDir:\=/!"
call "%__SourceDir%\pal\tools\gen-buildsys-win.bat" "%__ProjectDir%" %__VSVersion% %__CrossArch% !__ExtraCmakeArgs!
@if defined _echo @echo on
@@ -350,6 +416,12 @@ if %__BuildCoreLib% EQU 1 (
set __MsbuildWrn=/flp1:WarningsOnly;LogFile="%__LogsDir%\System.Private.CoreLib_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.wrn"
set __MsbuildErr=/flp2:ErrorsOnly;LogFile="%__LogsDir%\System.Private.CoreLib_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.err"
+ set __ExtraBuildArgs=
+ if not defined __IbcTuning (
+ set __ExtraBuildArgs=!__ExtraBuildArgs! -OptimizationDataDir="%__PackagesDir%/optimization.%__BuildOS%-%__BuildArch%.IBC.CoreCLR/%__IbcOptDataVersion%/data/"
+ set __ExtraBuildArgs=!__ExtraBuildArgs! -EnableProfileGuidedOptimization=true
+ )
if /i "%__BuildArch%" == "arm64" (
set __nugetBuildArgs=-buildNugetPackage=false
) else if "%__SkipNugetPackage%" == "1" (
@@ -358,7 +430,11 @@ if %__BuildCoreLib% EQU 1 (
set __nugetBuildArgs=-buildNugetPackage=true
- @call %__ProjectDir%\run.cmd build -Project=%__ProjectDir%\build.proj -MsBuildLog=!__MsbuildLog! -MsBuildWrn=!__MsbuildWrn! -MsBuildErr=!__MsbuildErr! !__nugetBuildArgs! %__RunArgs% %__UnprocessedBuildArgs%
+ set PackageCompatJit=
+ if "%__BuildJit32%" == "1" (
+ set PackageCompatJit=1
+ )
+ @call %__ProjectDir%\run.cmd build -Project=%__ProjectDir%\build.proj -MsBuildLog=!__MsbuildLog! -MsBuildWrn=!__MsbuildWrn! -MsBuildErr=!__MsbuildErr! !__nugetBuildArgs! %__RunArgs% !__ExtraBuildArgs! %__UnprocessedBuildArgs%
if not !errorlevel! == 0 (
echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: System.Private.CoreLib build failed. Refer to the build log files for details:
echo "%__LogsDir%\System.Private.CoreLib_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.log"
@@ -378,52 +454,25 @@ if %__BuildNativeCoreLib% EQU 1 (
set COMPlus_UseWindowsX86CoreLegacyJit=1
- if "%__LegacyJitCrossgen%"=="1" (
- set COMPlus_AltJit=*
- set COMPlus_AltJitNgen=*
- set COMPlus_AltJitName=legacyjit.dll
- )
- echo "%__CrossgenExe%" /Platform_Assemblies_Paths "%__BinDir%" /out "%__BinDir%\" "%__BinDir%\System.Private.CoreLib.dll"
- "%__CrossgenExe%" /Platform_Assemblies_Paths "%__BinDir%" /out "%__BinDir%\" "%__BinDir%\System.Private.CoreLib.dll" > "%__CrossGenCoreLibLog%" 2>&1
+ echo "%__CrossgenExe%" %__IbcTuning% /Platform_Assemblies_Paths "%__BinDir%" /out "%__BinDir%\" "%__BinDir%\System.Private.CoreLib.dll"
+ "%__CrossgenExe%" %__IbcTuning% /Platform_Assemblies_Paths "%__BinDir%" /out "%__BinDir%\" "%__BinDir%\System.Private.CoreLib.dll" > "%__CrossGenCoreLibLog%" 2>&1
if NOT !errorlevel! == 0 (
echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: CrossGen System.Private.CoreLib build failed. Refer to %__CrossGenCoreLibLog%
:: Put it in the same log, helpful for Jenkins
type %__CrossGenCoreLibLog%
- exit /b 1
+ goto CrossgenFailure
"%__CrossgenExe%" /Platform_Assemblies_Paths "%__BinDir%" /CreatePdb "%__BinDir%\PDB" "%__BinDir%\" >> "%__CrossGenCoreLibLog%" 2>&1
if NOT !errorlevel! == 0 (
echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: CrossGen /CreatePdb System.Private.CoreLib build failed. Refer to %__CrossGenCoreLibLog%
:: Put it in the same log, helpful for Jenkins
type %__CrossGenCoreLibLog%
- exit /b 1
+ goto CrossgenFailure
- echo %__MsgPrefix%Generating native image of MScorlib facade for %__BuildOS%.%__BuildArch%.%__BuildType%
- set "__CrossGenCoreLibLog=%__LogsDir%\CrossgenMSCoreLib_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.log"
- set "__CrossgenExe=%__CrossComponentBinDir%\crossgen.exe"
- "!__CrossgenExe!" /Platform_Assemblies_Paths "%__BinDir%" /out "%__BinDir%\" "%__BinDir%\mscorlib.dll" > "!__CrossGenCoreLibLog!" 2>&1
- set err=!errorlevel!
if "%__CompatJitCrossgen%"=="1" (
set COMPlus_UseWindowsX86CoreLegacyJit=
- if "%__LegacyJitCrossgen%"=="1" (
- set COMPlus_AltJit=
- set COMPlus_AltJitNgen=
- set COMPlus_AltJitName=
- )
- if NOT !err! == 0 (
- echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: CrossGen mscorlib facade build failed. Refer to !__CrossGenCoreLibLog!
- :: Put it in the same log, helpful for Jenkins
- type %__CrossGenCoreLibLog%
- exit /b 1
- )
if %__BuildPackages% EQU 1 (
@@ -434,7 +483,7 @@ if %__BuildPackages% EQU 1 (
set __MsbuildErr=/flp2:ErrorsOnly;LogFile="%__LogsDir%\Nuget_%__BuildOS%__%__BuildArch%__%__BuildType%.err"
REM The conditions as to what to build are captured in the builds file.
- @call %__ProjectDir%\run.cmd build -Project=%__SourceDir%\.nuget\packages.builds -platform=%__BuildArch% -MsBuildLog=!__MsbuildLog! -MsBuildWrn=!__MsbuildWrn! -MsBuildErr=!__MsbuildErr! %__RunArgs% %__UnprocessedBuildArgs%
+ @call %__ProjectDir%\run.cmd build -Project=%__SourceDir%\.nuget\packages.builds %__IsPortableBuild% -platform=%__BuildArch% -MsBuildLog=!__MsbuildLog! -MsBuildWrn=!__MsbuildWrn! -MsBuildErr=!__MsbuildErr! %__RunArgs% %__UnprocessedBuildArgs%
if not !errorlevel! == 0 (
echo %__MsgPrefix%Error: Nuget package generation failed build failed. Refer to the build log files for details:
@@ -561,6 +610,9 @@ REM === Helper routines
REM ===
REM =========================================================================================
+exit /b 1
echo Build the CoreCLR repo.
@@ -584,12 +636,14 @@ echo respectively^).
echo add nativemscorlib to go further and build the native image for designated mscorlib.
echo toolset_dir ^<dir^> : set the toolset directory -- Arm64 use only. Required for Arm64 builds.
echo pgoinstrument: generate instrumented code for profile guided optimization enabled binaries.
+echo ibcinstrument: generate IBC-tuning-enabled native images when invoking crossgen.
echo configureonly: skip all builds; only run CMake ^(default: CMake and builds are run^)
echo skipconfigure: skip CMake ^(default: CMake is run^)
echo skipmscorlib: skip building System.Private.CoreLib ^(default: System.Private.CoreLib is built^).
echo skipnative: skip building native components ^(default: native components are built^).
echo skiptests: skip building tests ^(default: tests are built^).
echo skipbuildpackages: skip building nuget packages ^(default: packages are built^).
+echo skiprestoreoptdata: skip restoring optimization data used by profile-based optimizations.
echo buildstandalonegc: builds the GC in a standalone mode.
echo -skiprestore: skip restoring packages ^(default: packages are restored during build^).
echo -disableoss: Disable Open Source Signing for System.Private.CoreLib.
@@ -598,6 +652,7 @@ echo -sequential: force a non-parallel build ^(default is to build in parallel
echo using all processors^).
echo -officialbuildid=^<ID^>: specify the official build ID to be used by this build.
echo -Rebuild: passes /t:rebuild to the build projects.
+echo portable : build for portable RID.
echo If "all" is specified, then all build architectures and types are built. If, in addition,
echo one or more build architectures or types is specified, then only those build architectures
@@ -619,7 +674,7 @@ at the install location of previous Visual Studio version. The workaround is to
of the previous version to "%VSINSTALLDIR%" and then build.
:: DIA SDK not included in Express editions
echo Visual Studio Express does not include the DIA SDK. ^
-You need Visual Studio 2015+ (Community is free).
+You need Visual Studio 2015 or 2017 (Community is free).
echo See:
exit /b 1