diff options
10 files changed, 354 insertions, 149 deletions
diff --git a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/System.Private.CoreLib.csproj b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/System.Private.CoreLib.csproj
index d50c66f6b9..30b5b2bead 100644
--- a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/System.Private.CoreLib.csproj
+++ b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/System.Private.CoreLib.csproj
@@ -435,6 +435,7 @@
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Diagnostics\Eventing\DotNETRuntimeEventSource.cs" />
<Compile Include="$(IntermediateOutputPath)..\eventing\DotNETRuntimeEventSource.cs" />
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Diagnostics\Eventing\EventPipe.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Diagnostics\Eventing\EventPipeController.cs" />
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Diagnostics\Eventing\EventPipeEventDispatcher.cs" />
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Diagnostics\Eventing\EventPipeEventProvider.cs" />
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Diagnostics\Eventing\EventPipeMetadataGenerator.cs" />
@@ -461,6 +462,9 @@
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Runtime\Serialization\FormatterServices.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Runtime\Versioning\CompatibilitySwitch.cs" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\Microsoft\Win32\UnsafeNativeMethods.cs" />
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\Microsoft\Win32\Win32Native.cs" />
<Compile Condition="'$(FeatureWin32Registry)' == 'true'" Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\Microsoft\Win32\RegistryKey.cs" />
@@ -488,7 +492,6 @@
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\Interop\Unix\Interop.Libraries.cs" />
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Globalization\CultureInfo.Unix.cs" />
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Globalization\GlobalizationMode.Unix.cs" />
- <Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Runtime\Versioning\CompatibilitySwitch.cs" />
<Compile Include="$(BclSourcesRoot)\System\Threading\ClrThreadPoolBoundHandle.Unix.cs" />
<ItemGroup Condition="'$(TargetsWindows)' == 'true'">
diff --git a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/AppDomain.cs b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/AppDomain.cs
index be1330be2c..45ddeaae97 100644
--- a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/AppDomain.cs
+++ b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/AppDomain.cs
@@ -656,6 +656,8 @@ namespace System
SetupFusionStore(new AppDomainSetup(), null);
+ System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventPipeController.Initialize();
diff --git a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Diagnostics/Eventing/EventPipe.cs b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Diagnostics/Eventing/EventPipe.cs
index 94ace3cca5..d83dff8958 100644
--- a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Diagnostics/Eventing/EventPipe.cs
+++ b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Diagnostics/Eventing/EventPipe.cs
@@ -127,6 +127,19 @@ namespace System.Diagnostics.Tracing
+ private void EnableProviderConfiguration(EventPipeProviderConfiguration providerConfig)
+ {
+ m_providers.Add(providerConfig);
+ }
+ internal void EnableProviderRange(EventPipeProviderConfiguration[] providerConfigs)
+ {
+ foreach(EventPipeProviderConfiguration config in providerConfigs)
+ {
+ EnableProviderConfiguration(config);
+ }
+ }
internal void SetProfilerSamplingRate(TimeSpan minTimeBetweenSamples)
if(minTimeBetweenSamples.Ticks <= 0)
diff --git a/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Diagnostics/Eventing/EventPipeController.cs b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Diagnostics/Eventing/EventPipeController.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a9a54be7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Diagnostics/Eventing/EventPipeController.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+using Internal.IO;
+using Microsoft.Win32;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Globalization;
+using System.Runtime.Versioning;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace System.Diagnostics.Tracing
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Simple out-of-process listener for controlling EventPipe.
+ /// The following environment variables are used to configure EventPipe:
+ /// - COMPlus_EnableEventPipe=1 : Enable EventPipe immediately for the life of the process.
+ /// - COMPlus_EnableEventPipe=4 : Enables this controller and creates a thread to listen for enable/disable events.
+ /// - COMPlus_EventPipeConfig : Provides the configuration in xperf string form for which providers/keywords/levels to be enabled.
+ /// If not specified, the default configuration is used.
+ /// - COMPlus_EventPipeOutputFile : The full path to the netperf file to be written.
+ /// - COMPlus_EventPipeCircularMB : The size in megabytes of the circular buffer.
+ /// Once the configuration is set and this controller is enabled, tracing is enabled by creating a marker file that this controller listens for.
+ /// Tracing is disabled by deleting the marker file. The marker file is the target trace file path with ".ctl" appended to it. For example,
+ /// if the trace file is /path/to/trace.netperf then the marker file is /path/to/trace.netperf.ctl.
+ /// This listener does not poll very often, and thus takes time to enable and disable tracing. This is by design to ensure that the listener does
+ /// not starve other threads on the system.
+ /// NOTE: If COMPlus_EnableEventPipe != 4 then this listener is not created and does not add any overhead to the process.
+ /// </summary>
+ internal sealed class EventPipeController
+ {
+ // Miscellaneous constants.
+ private const string NetPerfFileExtension = ".netperf";
+ private const string MarkerFileExtension = ".ctl";
+ private const int EnabledPollingIntervalMilliseconds = 1000; // 1 second
+ private const int DisabledPollingIntervalMilliseconds = 10000; // 10 seconds
+ private const uint DefaultCircularBufferMB = 1024; // 1 GB
+ private static readonly char[] ProviderConfigDelimiter = new char[] { ',' };
+ private static readonly char[] ConfigComponentDelimiter = new char[] { ':' };
+ // The default set of providers/keywords/levels. Used if an alternative configuration is not specified.
+ private static readonly EventPipeProviderConfiguration[] DefaultProviderConfiguration = new EventPipeProviderConfiguration[]
+ {
+ new EventPipeProviderConfiguration("Microsoft-Windows-DotNETRuntime", 0x4c14fccbd, 5),
+ new EventPipeProviderConfiguration("Microsoft-Windows-DotNETRuntimePrivate", 0x4002000b, 5),
+ new EventPipeProviderConfiguration("Microsoft-DotNETCore-SampleProfiler", 0x0, 5)
+ };
+ // Cache for COMPlus configuration variables.
+ private static int s_Config_EnableEventPipe = -1;
+ private static string s_Config_EventPipeConfig = null;
+ private static uint s_Config_EventPipeCircularMB = 0;
+ private static string s_Config_EventPipeOutputFile = null;
+ // Singleton controller instance.
+ private static EventPipeController s_controllerInstance = null;
+ // Controller object state.
+ private Timer m_timer;
+ private string m_traceFilePath = null;
+ private string m_markerFilePath = null;
+ private bool m_markerFileExists = false;
+ internal static void Initialize()
+ {
+ // Don't allow failures to propagate upstream.
+ // Instead, ensure program correctness without tracing.
+ try
+ {
+ if (s_controllerInstance == null)
+ {
+ if(Config_EnableEventPipe == 4)
+ {
+ // Create a new controller to listen for commands.
+ s_controllerInstance = new EventPipeController();
+ }
+ else if (Config_EnableEventPipe > 0)
+ {
+ // Enable tracing immediately.
+ // It will be disabled automatically on shutdown.
+ EventPipe.Enable(GetConfiguration());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch { }
+ }
+ private EventPipeController()
+ {
+ // Initialize the timer to run once. The timer will re-schedule itself after each poll operation.
+ // This is done to ensure that there aren't multiple concurrent polling operations when an operation
+ // takes longer than the polling interval (e.g. on disable/rundown).
+ m_timer = new Timer(
+ callback: new TimerCallback(PollForTracingCommand),
+ state: null,
+ dueTime: DisabledPollingIntervalMilliseconds,
+ period: Timeout.Infinite,
+ flowExecutionContext: false);
+ }
+ private void PollForTracingCommand(object state)
+ {
+ // Make sure that any transient errors don't cause the listener thread to exit.
+ try
+ {
+ // Perform initialization when the timer fires for the first time.
+ if (m_traceFilePath == null)
+ {
+ // Set file paths.
+ m_traceFilePath = GetDisambiguatedTraceFilePath(Config_EventPipeOutputFile);
+ m_markerFilePath = MarkerFilePath;
+ // Marker file is assumed to not exist.
+ // This will be updated when the monitoring thread starts.
+ m_markerFileExists = false;
+ }
+ // Check for existence of the file.
+ // If the existence of the file has changed since the last time we checked
+ // this means that we need to act on that change.
+ bool fileExists = File.Exists(m_markerFilePath);
+ if (m_markerFileExists != fileExists)
+ {
+ // Save the result.
+ m_markerFileExists = fileExists;
+ // Take the appropriate action.
+ if (fileExists)
+ {
+ // Enable tracing.
+ EventPipe.Enable(GetConfiguration());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Disable tracing.
+ EventPipe.Disable();
+ }
+ }
+ // Schedule the timer to run again.
+ m_timer.Change(fileExists ? EnabledPollingIntervalMilliseconds : DisabledPollingIntervalMilliseconds, Timeout.Infinite);
+ }
+ catch { }
+ }
+ private static EventPipeConfiguration GetConfiguration()
+ {
+ // Create a new configuration object.
+ EventPipeConfiguration config = new EventPipeConfiguration(
+ GetDisambiguatedTraceFilePath(Config_EventPipeOutputFile),
+ Config_EventPipeCircularMB);
+ // Get the configuration.
+ string strConfig = Config_EventPipeConfig;
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strConfig))
+ {
+ // String must be of the form "providerName:keywords:level,providerName:keywords:level..."
+ string[] providers = strConfig.Split(ProviderConfigDelimiter);
+ foreach (string provider in providers)
+ {
+ string[] components = provider.Split(ConfigComponentDelimiter);
+ if (components.Length == 3)
+ {
+ string providerName = components[0];
+ // We use a try/catch block here because ulong.TryParse won't accept 0x at the beginning
+ // of a hex string. Thus, we either need to conditionally strip it or handle the exception.
+ // Given that this is not a perf-critical path, catching the exception is the simpler code.
+ ulong keywords = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ keywords = Convert.ToUInt64(components[1], 16);
+ }
+ catch { }
+ uint level;
+ if (!uint.TryParse(components[2], out level))
+ {
+ level = 0;
+ }
+ config.EnableProvider(providerName, keywords, level);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Specify the default configuration.
+ config.EnableProviderRange(DefaultProviderConfiguration);
+ }
+ return config;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Responsible for disambiguating the trace file path if the specified file already exists.
+ /// This can happen if there are multiple applications with tracing enabled concurrently and COMPlus_EventPipeOutputFile
+ /// is set to the same value for more than one concurrently running application.
+ /// </summary>
+ private static string GetDisambiguatedTraceFilePath(string inputPath)
+ {
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputPath))
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException("inputPath");
+ }
+ string filePath = inputPath;
+ if (File.Exists(filePath))
+ {
+ string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath);
+ string fileWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileName(filePath);
+ string extension = Path.GetExtension(filePath);
+ string newFileWithExtension = fileWithoutExtension + "." + Win32Native.GetCurrentProcessId() + extension;
+ filePath = Path.Combine(directoryName, newFileWithExtension);
+ }
+ return filePath;
+ }
+ #region Configuration
+ private static int Config_EnableEventPipe
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (s_Config_EnableEventPipe == -1)
+ {
+ string strEnabledValue = CompatibilitySwitch.GetValueInternal("EnableEventPipe");
+ if ((strEnabledValue == null) || (!int.TryParse(strEnabledValue, out s_Config_EnableEventPipe)))
+ {
+ s_Config_EnableEventPipe = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return s_Config_EnableEventPipe;
+ }
+ }
+ private static string Config_EventPipeConfig
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (s_Config_EventPipeConfig == null)
+ {
+ s_Config_EventPipeConfig = CompatibilitySwitch.GetValueInternal("EventPipeConfig");
+ }
+ return s_Config_EventPipeConfig;
+ }
+ }
+ private static uint Config_EventPipeCircularMB
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (s_Config_EventPipeCircularMB == 0)
+ {
+ string strCircularMB = CompatibilitySwitch.GetValueInternal("EventPipeCircularMB");
+ if ((strCircularMB == null) || (!uint.TryParse(strCircularMB, out s_Config_EventPipeCircularMB)))
+ {
+ s_Config_EventPipeCircularMB = DefaultCircularBufferMB;
+ }
+ }
+ return s_Config_EventPipeCircularMB;
+ }
+ }
+ private static string Config_EventPipeOutputFile
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (s_Config_EventPipeOutputFile == null)
+ {
+ s_Config_EventPipeOutputFile = CompatibilitySwitch.GetValueInternal("EventPipeOutputFile");
+ if (s_Config_EventPipeOutputFile == null)
+ {
+ s_Config_EventPipeOutputFile = "Process-" + Win32Native.GetCurrentProcessId() + NetPerfFileExtension;
+ }
+ }
+ return s_Config_EventPipeOutputFile;
+ }
+ }
+ private static string MarkerFilePath
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return Config_EventPipeOutputFile + MarkerFileExtension;
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion Configuration
+ }
diff --git a/src/inc/clrconfigvalues.h b/src/inc/clrconfigvalues.h
index 0d843fbade..a3b6515ac6 100644
--- a/src/inc/clrconfigvalues.h
+++ b/src/inc/clrconfigvalues.h
@@ -741,6 +741,7 @@ RETAIL_CONFIG_DWORD_INFO(INTERNAL_EnableEventPipe, W("EnableEventPipe"), 0, "Ena
RETAIL_CONFIG_STRING_INFO(INTERNAL_EventPipeOutputFile, W("EventPipeOutputFile"), "The full path including file name for the trace file that will be written when COMPlus_EnableEventPipe&=1")
RETAIL_CONFIG_STRING_INFO(INTERNAL_EventPipeConfig, W("EventPipeConfig"), "Configuration for EventPipe.")
RETAIL_CONFIG_DWORD_INFO(INTERNAL_EventPipeRundown, W("EventPipeRundown"), 1, "Enable/disable eventpipe rundown.")
+RETAIL_CONFIG_DWORD_INFO(INTERNAL_EventPipeCircularMB, W("EventPipeCircularMB"), 1024, "The EventPipe circular buffer size in megabytes.")
diff --git a/src/vm/ceemain.cpp b/src/vm/ceemain.cpp
index 83f1b23002..885a524340 100644
--- a/src/vm/ceemain.cpp
+++ b/src/vm/ceemain.cpp
@@ -983,11 +983,6 @@ void EEStartupHelper(COINITIEE fFlags)
- // Start the event pipe if requested.
- EventPipe::EnableOnStartup();
diff --git a/src/vm/eventpipe.cpp b/src/vm/eventpipe.cpp
index 42eea423a7..df6728e046 100644
--- a/src/vm/eventpipe.cpp
+++ b/src/vm/eventpipe.cpp
@@ -203,37 +203,6 @@ void EventPipe::Initialize()
-void EventPipe::EnableOnStartup()
- {
- }
- // Test COMPLUS variable to enable tracing at start-up.
- if((CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_EnableEventPipe) & 1) == 1)
- {
- SString outputPath;
- outputPath.Printf("Process-%d.netperf", GetCurrentProcessId());
- // Create a new session.
- EventPipeSession *pSession = new EventPipeSession(
- EventPipeSessionType::File,
- 1024 /* 1 GB circular buffer */,
- NULL, /* pProviders */
- 0 /* numProviders */);
- // Get the configuration from the environment.
- GetConfigurationFromEnvironment(outputPath, pSession);
- // Enable the session.
- Enable(outputPath, pSession);
- }
void EventPipe::Shutdown()
diff --git a/src/vm/eventpipe.h b/src/vm/eventpipe.h
index d5273c4974..1982130a3e 100644
--- a/src/vm/eventpipe.h
+++ b/src/vm/eventpipe.h
@@ -234,9 +234,6 @@ class EventPipe
// Shutdown the event pipe.
static void Shutdown();
- // Enable tracing from the start-up path based on COMPLUS variable.
- static void EnableOnStartup();
// Enable tracing via the event pipe.
static EventPipeSessionID Enable(
LPCWSTR strOutputPath,
diff --git a/src/vm/eventtrace.cpp b/src/vm/eventtrace.cpp
index 3e11983a56..be83f1c7a4 100644
--- a/src/vm/eventtrace.cpp
+++ b/src/vm/eventtrace.cpp
@@ -1642,81 +1642,6 @@ void BulkTypeEventLogger::FireBulkTypeEvent()
UINT16 nClrInstanceID = GetClrInstanceId();
-#if !defined(FEATURE_PAL)
- // Normally, we'd use the MC-generated FireEtwBulkType for all this gunk, but
- // it's insufficient as the bulk type event is too complex (arrays of structs of
- // varying size). So we directly log the event via EventDataDescCreate and
- // EventWrite
- // We use one descriptor for the count + one for the ClrInstanceID + 4
- // per batched type (to include fixed-size data + name + param count + param
- // array). But the system limit of 128 descriptors per event kicks in way
- // before the 64K event size limit, and we already limit our batch size
- // (m_nBulkTypeValueCount) to stay within the 128 descriptor limit.
- UINT iDesc = 0;
- _ASSERTE(iDesc < _countof(EventData));
- EventDataDescCreate(&EventData[iDesc++], &m_nBulkTypeValueCount, sizeof(m_nBulkTypeValueCount));
- _ASSERTE(iDesc < _countof(EventData));
- EventDataDescCreate(&EventData[iDesc++], &nClrInstanceID, sizeof(nClrInstanceID));
- for (int iTypeData = 0; iTypeData < m_nBulkTypeValueCount; iTypeData++)
- {
- // Do fixed-size data as one bulk copy
- _ASSERTE(iDesc < _countof(EventData));
- EventDataDescCreate(
- &EventData[iDesc++],
- &(m_rgBulkTypeValues[iTypeData].fixedSizedData),
- sizeof(m_rgBulkTypeValues[iTypeData].fixedSizedData));
- // Do var-sized data individually per field
- // Type name (nonexistent and thus empty on FEATURE_REDHAWK)
- _ASSERTE(iDesc < _countof(EventData));
- EventDataDescCreate(&EventData[iDesc++], W(""), sizeof(WCHAR));
- LPCWSTR wszName = m_rgBulkTypeValues[iTypeData].sName.GetUnicode();
- EventDataDescCreate(
- &EventData[iDesc++],
- (wszName == NULL) ? W("") : wszName,
- (wszName == NULL) ? sizeof(WCHAR) : (m_rgBulkTypeValues[iTypeData].sName.GetCount() + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
- // Type parameter count
- m_rgBulkTypeValues[iTypeData].cTypeParameters = m_rgBulkTypeValues[iTypeData].rgTypeParameters.GetCount();
- _ASSERTE(iDesc < _countof(EventData));
- EventDataDescCreate(
- &EventData[iDesc++],
- &(m_rgBulkTypeValues[iTypeData].cTypeParameters),
- sizeof(m_rgBulkTypeValues[iTypeData].cTypeParameters));
- // Type parameter array
- if (m_rgBulkTypeValues[iTypeData].cTypeParameters > 0)
- {
- _ASSERTE(iDesc < _countof(EventData));
- EventDataDescCreate(
- &EventData[iDesc++],
- ((m_rgBulkTypeValues[iTypeData].cTypeParameters == 1) ?
- &(m_rgBulkTypeValues[iTypeData].ullSingleTypeParameter) :
- (ULONGLONG *) (m_rgBulkTypeValues[iTypeData].rgTypeParameters)),
- m_rgBulkTypeValues[iTypeData].rgTypeParameters.GetElements(),
- sizeof(ULONGLONG) * m_rgBulkTypeValues[iTypeData].cTypeParameters);
- }
- }
- Win32EventWrite(Microsoft_Windows_DotNETRuntimeHandle, &BulkType, iDesc, EventData);
-#else // FEATURE_PAL
if(m_pBulkTypeEventBuffer == NULL)
// The buffer could not be allocated when this object was created, so bail.
@@ -1770,7 +1695,6 @@ void BulkTypeEventLogger::FireBulkTypeEvent()
FireEtwBulkType(m_nBulkTypeValueCount, GetClrInstanceId(), iSize, m_pBulkTypeEventBuffer);
-#endif // FEATURE_PAL
// Reset state
m_nBulkTypeValueCount = 0;
m_nBulkTypeValueByteCount = 0;
@@ -4249,6 +4173,13 @@ void InitializeEventTracing()
// a suitable token, this implementation has a different callback for every EventPipe provider
// that ultimately funnels them all into a common handler.
+#if defined(FEATURE_PAL)
+// CLR_GCHEAPCOLLECT_KEYWORD is defined by the generated ETW manifest on Windows.
+// On non-Windows, we need to make sure that this is defined. Given that we can't change
+// the value due to compatibility, we specify it here rather than generating defines based on the manifest.
+#endif // defined(FEATURE_PAL)
// CallbackProviderIndex provides a quick identification of which provider triggered the
// ETW callback.
enum CallbackProviderIndex
@@ -4266,7 +4197,8 @@ VOID EtwCallbackCommon(
CallbackProviderIndex ProviderIndex,
ULONG ControlCode,
UCHAR Level,
- ULONGLONG MatchAnyKeyword)
+ ULONGLONG MatchAnyKeyword,
+ PVOID pFilterData)
@@ -4282,6 +4214,26 @@ VOID EtwCallbackCommon(
GCEventKeyword keywords = static_cast<GCEventKeyword>(MatchAnyKeyword);
GCEventLevel level = static_cast<GCEventLevel>(Level);
GCHeapUtilities::RecordEventStateChange(bIsPublicTraceHandle, keywords, level);
+ // Special check for the runtime provider's GCHeapCollectKeyword. Profilers
+ // flick this to force a full GC.
+ if (g_fEEStarted && !g_fEEShutDown && bIsPublicTraceHandle &&
+ ((MatchAnyKeyword & CLR_GCHEAPCOLLECT_KEYWORD) != 0))
+ {
+ // Profilers may (optionally) specify extra data in the filter parameter
+ // to log with the GCStart event.
+ LONGLONG l64ClientSequenceNumber = 0;
+#if !defined(FEATURE_PAL)
+ if ((FilterData != NULL) &&
+ (FilterData->Type == 1) &&
+ (FilterData->Size == sizeof(l64ClientSequenceNumber)))
+ {
+ l64ClientSequenceNumber = *(LONGLONG *) (FilterData->Ptr);
+ }
+#endif // !defined(FEATURE_PAL)
+ ETW::GCLog::ForceGC(l64ClientSequenceNumber);
+ }
// Individual callbacks for each EventPipe provider.
@@ -4297,7 +4249,7 @@ VOID EventPipeEtwCallbackDotNETRuntimeStress(
- EtwCallbackCommon(DotNETRuntimeStress, ControlCode, Level, MatchAnyKeyword);
+ EtwCallbackCommon(DotNETRuntimeStress, ControlCode, Level, MatchAnyKeyword, FilterData);
VOID EventPipeEtwCallbackDotNETRuntime(
@@ -4311,7 +4263,7 @@ VOID EventPipeEtwCallbackDotNETRuntime(
- EtwCallbackCommon(DotNETRuntime, ControlCode, Level, MatchAnyKeyword);
+ EtwCallbackCommon(DotNETRuntime, ControlCode, Level, MatchAnyKeyword, FilterData);
VOID EventPipeEtwCallbackDotNETRuntimeRundown(
@@ -4325,7 +4277,7 @@ VOID EventPipeEtwCallbackDotNETRuntimeRundown(
- EtwCallbackCommon(DotNETRuntimeRundown, ControlCode, Level, MatchAnyKeyword);
+ EtwCallbackCommon(DotNETRuntimeRundown, ControlCode, Level, MatchAnyKeyword, FilterData);
VOID EventPipeEtwCallbackDotNETRuntimePrivate(
@@ -4339,7 +4291,7 @@ VOID EventPipeEtwCallbackDotNETRuntimePrivate(
- EtwCallbackCommon(DotNETRuntimePrivate, ControlCode, Level, MatchAnyKeyword);
+ EtwCallbackCommon(DotNETRuntimePrivate, ControlCode, Level, MatchAnyKeyword, FilterData);
@@ -4491,7 +4443,7 @@ extern "C"
- EtwCallbackCommon(providerIndex, ControlCode, Level, MatchAnyKeyword);
+ EtwCallbackCommon(providerIndex, ControlCode, Level, MatchAnyKeyword, FilterData);
// TypeSystemLog needs a notification when certain keywords are modified, so
// give it a hook here.
@@ -4551,23 +4503,6 @@ extern "C"
- // Special check for the runtime provider's GCHeapCollectKeyword. Profilers
- // flick this to force a full GC.
- if (g_fEEStarted && !g_fEEShutDown && bIsPublicTraceHandle &&
- ((MatchAnyKeyword & CLR_GCHEAPCOLLECT_KEYWORD) != 0))
- {
- // Profilers may (optionally) specify extra data in the filter parameter
- // to log with the GCStart event.
- LONGLONG l64ClientSequenceNumber = 0;
- if ((FilterData != NULL) &&
- (FilterData->Type == 1) &&
- (FilterData->Size == sizeof(l64ClientSequenceNumber)))
- {
- l64ClientSequenceNumber = *(LONGLONG *) (FilterData->Ptr);
- }
- ETW::GCLog::ForceGC(l64ClientSequenceNumber);
- }
diff --git a/src/vm/eventtracepriv.h b/src/vm/eventtracepriv.h
index ae4f1c5b3d..8e06daf5fd 100644
--- a/src/vm/eventtracepriv.h
+++ b/src/vm/eventtracepriv.h
@@ -254,10 +254,8 @@ class BulkTypeEventLogger
// The maximum event size, and the size of the buffer that we allocate to hold the event contents.
static const size_t kSizeOfEventBuffer = 65536;
// Estimate of how many bytes we can squeeze in the event data for the value struct
// array. (Intentionally overestimate the size of the non-array parts to keep it safe.)
@@ -299,9 +297,7 @@ private:
// List of types we've batched.
BulkTypeValue m_rgBulkTypeValues[kMaxCountTypeValues];
BYTE *m_pBulkTypeEventBuffer;
int LogSingleType(EEType * pEEType);
@@ -313,9 +309,7 @@ public:
BulkTypeEventLogger() :
, m_pBulkTypeEventBuffer(NULL)
@@ -325,12 +319,9 @@ public:
m_pBulkTypeEventBuffer = new (nothrow) BYTE[kSizeOfEventBuffer];
@@ -344,7 +335,6 @@ public:
delete[] m_pBulkTypeEventBuffer;
m_pBulkTypeEventBuffer = NULL;
void LogTypeAndParameters(ULONGLONG thAsAddr, ETW::TypeSystemLog::TypeLogBehavior typeLogBehavior);
void FireBulkTypeEvent();