diff options
8 files changed, 1 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/src/mscorlib/src/System.Private.CoreLib.txt b/src/mscorlib/src/System.Private.CoreLib.txt
index 2d49bb81a5..e45de2dbbe 100644
--- a/src/mscorlib/src/System.Private.CoreLib.txt
+++ b/src/mscorlib/src/System.Private.CoreLib.txt
@@ -1575,85 +1575,6 @@ Serialization_DateTimeTicksOutOfRange = Invalid serialized DateTime data. Ticks
; The following serialization exception messages appear in native resources too (mscorrc.rc)
Serialization_MemberOutOfRange = The deserialized value of the member "{0}" in the class "{1}" is out of range.
-Serialization_NoID = Object has never been assigned an objectID.
-Serialization_UnknownMemberInfo = Only FieldInfo, PropertyInfo, and SerializationMemberInfo are recognized.
-Serialization_UnableToFixup = Cannot perform fixup.
-Serialization_NoType = Object does not specify a type.
-Serialization_ValueTypeFixup = ValueType fixup on Arrays is not implemented.
-Serialization_PartialValueTypeFixup = Fixing up a partially available ValueType chain is not implemented.
-Serialization_InvalidID = Object specifies an invalid ID.
-Serialization_DuplicateSelector = Selector is already on the list of checked selectors.
-Serialization_NoBaseType = Object does not specify a base type.
-Serialization_ArrayNoLength = Array does not specify a length.
-Serialization_CannotGetType = Cannot get the type '{0}'.
-Serialization_AssemblyNotFound = Unable to find assembly '{0}'.
-Serialization_ArrayInvalidLength = Array specifies an invalid length.
-Serialization_MalformedArray = The array information in the stream is invalid.
-Serialization_MultipleMembers = Cannot resolve multiple members with the same name.
-Serialization_ObjectUsedBeforeDeserCallback = An object was used before its deserialization callback ran, which may break higher-level consistency guarantees in the application.
-Serialization_RegisterTwice = An object cannot be registered twice.
-Serialization_IdTooSmall = Object IDs must be greater than zero.
-Serialization_TooManyReferences = The implementation of the IObjectReference interface returns too many nested references to other objects that implement IObjectReference.
-Serialization_NotISer = The given object does not implement the ISerializable interface.
-Serialization_MissingKeyValuePairs = The KeyValuePairs for this Dictionary are missing.
-Serialization_SurrogateCycleInArgument = Selector contained a cycle.
-Serialization_SurrogateCycle = Adding selector will introduce a cycle.
-Serialization_NeverSeen = A fixup is registered to the object with ID {0}, but the object does not appear in the graph.
-Serialization_IORIncomplete = The object with ID {0} implements the IObjectReference interface for which all dependencies cannot be resolved. The likely cause is two instances of IObjectReference that have a mutual dependency on each other.
-Serialization_NotCyclicallyReferenceableSurrogate = {0}.SetObjectData returns a value that is neither null nor equal to the first parameter. Such Surrogates cannot be part of cyclical reference.
-Serialization_ObjectNotSupplied = The object with ID {0} was referenced in a fixup but does not exist.
-Serialization_TooManyElements = The internal array cannot expand to greater than Int32.MaxValue elements.
-Serialization_InvalidType = Only system-provided types can be passed to the GetUninitializedObject method. '{0}' is not a valid instance of a type.
-Serialization_MissingObject = The object with ID {0} was referenced in a fixup but has not been registered.
-Serialization_InvalidFixupType = A member fixup was registered for an object which implements ISerializable or has a surrogate. In this situation, a delayed fixup must be used.
-Serialization_InvalidFixupDiscovered = A fixup on an object implementing ISerializable or having a surrogate was discovered for an object which does not have a SerializationInfo available.
-Serialization_InvalidFormat = The input stream is not a valid binary format. The starting contents (in bytes) are: {0} ...
-Serialization_ParentChildIdentical = The ID of the containing object cannot be the same as the object ID.
-Serialization_IncorrectNumberOfFixups = The ObjectManager found an invalid number of fixups. This usually indicates a problem in the Formatter.
-; The following serialization exception messages appear in native resources too (mscorrc.rc)
-Serialization_NonSerType = Type '{0}' in Assembly '{1}' is not marked as serializable.
-Serialization_ConstructorNotFound = The constructor to deserialize an object of type '{0}' was not found.
-; SerializationException used by Formatters
-Serialization_ArrayType = Invalid array type '{0}'.
-Serialization_ArrayTypeObject = Array element type is Object, 'dt' attribute is null.
-Serialization_Assembly = No assembly information is available for object on the wire, '{0}'.
-Serialization_AssemblyId = No assembly ID for object type '{0}'.
-Serialization_BinaryHeader = Binary stream '{0}' does not contain a valid BinaryHeader. Possible causes are invalid stream or object version change between serialization and deserialization.
-Serialization_CrossAppDomainError = Cross-AppDomain BinaryFormatter error; expected '{0}' but received '{1}'.
-Serialization_CorruptedStream = Invalid BinaryFormatter stream.
-Serialization_HeaderReflection = Header reflection error: number of value members: {0}.
-Serialization_ISerializableTypes = Types not available for ISerializable object '{0}'.
-Serialization_ISerializableMemberInfo = MemberInfo requested for ISerializable type.
-Serialization_MBRAsMBV = Type {0} must be marshaled by reference in this context.
-Serialization_Map = No map for object '{0}'.
-Serialization_MemberInfo = MemberInfo cannot be obtained for ISerialized Object '{0}'.
-Serialization_Method = Invalid MethodCall or MethodReturn stream format.
-Serialization_MissingMember = Member '{0}' in class '{1}' is not present in the serialized stream and is not marked with {2}.
-Serialization_NoMemberInfo = No MemberInfo for Object {0}.
-Serialization_ObjNoID = Object {0} has never been assigned an objectID.
-Serialization_ObjectTypeEnum = Invalid ObjectTypeEnum {0}.
-Serialization_ParseError = Parse error. Current element is not compatible with the next element, {0}.
-Serialization_SerMemberInfo = MemberInfo type {0} cannot be serialized.
-Serialization_Stream = Attempting to deserialize an empty stream.
-Serialization_StreamEnd = End of Stream encountered before parsing was completed.
-Serialization_TopObject = No top object.
-Serialization_TopObjectInstantiate = Top object cannot be instantiated for element '{0}'.
-Serialization_TypeCode = Invalid type code in stream '{0}'.
-Serialization_TypeExpected = Invalid expected type.
-Serialization_TypeMissing = Type is missing for member of type Object '{0}'.
-Serialization_TypeRead = Invalid read type request '{0}'.
-Serialization_TypeSecurity = Type {0} and the types derived from it (such as {1}) are not permitted to be deserialized at this security level.
-Serialization_TypeWrite = Invalid write type request '{0}'.
-Serialization_XMLElement = Invalid element '{0}'.
-Serialization_Security = Because of security restrictions, the type {0} cannot be accessed.
-Serialization_TypeLoadFailure = Unable to load type {0} required for deserialization.
-Serialization_RequireFullTrust = A type '{0}' that is defined in a partially trusted assembly cannot be type forwarded from an assembly with a different Public Key Token or without a public key token. To fix this, please either turn on unsafeTypeForwarding flag in the configuration file or remove the TypeForwardedFrom attribute.
-; The following serialization exception messages appear in native resources too (mscorrc.rc)
-Serialization_TypeResolved = Type is not resolved for member '{0}'.
-Serialization_MemberOutOfRange = The deserialized value of the member "{0}" in the class "{1}" is out of range.
; StringBuilder Exceptions
diff --git a/src/mscorlib/src/System/Diagnostics/Contracts/Contracts.cs b/src/mscorlib/src/System/Diagnostics/Contracts/Contracts.cs
index 93d6c48701..4469bffb9c 100644
--- a/src/mscorlib/src/System/Diagnostics/Contracts/Contracts.cs
+++ b/src/mscorlib/src/System/Diagnostics/Contracts/Contracts.cs
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
#else // CLR
using System;
diff --git a/src/mscorlib/src/System/Diagnostics/Contracts/ContractsBCL.cs b/src/mscorlib/src/System/Diagnostics/Contracts/ContractsBCL.cs
index 5f4de4f666..00c9c35027 100644
--- a/src/mscorlib/src/System/Diagnostics/Contracts/ContractsBCL.cs
+++ b/src/mscorlib/src/System/Diagnostics/Contracts/ContractsBCL.cs
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
#else // CLR
using System;
diff --git a/src/vm/classnames.h b/src/vm/classnames.h
index 73d9853159..0c24914a56 100644
--- a/src/vm/classnames.h
+++ b/src/vm/classnames.h
@@ -166,10 +166,6 @@
#define g_CriticalFinalizerObjectName "CriticalFinalizerObject"
-#define g_StreamingContextName "StreamingContext"
#define g_AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute "System.Reflection.AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute"
#endif //!__CLASSNAMES_H__
diff --git a/src/vm/metasig.h b/src/vm/metasig.h
index a874a20da2..5933f64f59 100644
--- a/src/vm/metasig.h
+++ b/src/vm/metasig.h
@@ -526,11 +526,6 @@ DEFINE_METASIG(IM(Str_RetArrStr, s, a(s)))
// Object Clone
-DEFINE_METASIG_T(SM(Obj_ArrStr_ArrObj_OutStreamingContext_RetSerializationInfo, j a(s) a(j) r(g(STREAMING_CONTEXT)), C(SERIALIZATION_INFO)))
DEFINE_METASIG(SM(Obj_OutStr_OutStr_OutArrStr_OutArrObj_RetObj, j r(s) r(s) r(a(s)) r(a(j)), j))
// Execution Context
diff --git a/src/vm/mscorlib.h b/src/vm/mscorlib.h
index 2e90c3be35..d602deec90 100644
--- a/src/vm/mscorlib.h
+++ b/src/vm/mscorlib.h
@@ -507,9 +507,6 @@ DEFINE_FIELD_U(_stackTraceString, ExceptionObject, _stackTraceString)
DEFINE_FIELD_U(_remoteStackTraceString, ExceptionObject, _remoteStackTraceString)
DEFINE_FIELD_U(_dynamicMethods, ExceptionObject, _dynamicMethods)
DEFINE_FIELD_U(_xptrs, ExceptionObject, _xptrs)
-DEFINE_FIELD_U(_safeSerializationManager, ExceptionObject, _safeSerializationManager)
DEFINE_FIELD_U(_HResult, ExceptionObject, _HResult)
DEFINE_FIELD_U(_xcode, ExceptionObject, _xcode)
DEFINE_FIELD_U(_remoteStackIndex, ExceptionObject, _remoteStackIndex)
diff --git a/src/vm/object.h b/src/vm/object.h
index 1702e8cac5..8f711cd2ae 100644
--- a/src/vm/object.h
+++ b/src/vm/object.h
@@ -3748,9 +3748,7 @@ private:
STRINGREF _remoteStackTraceString;
PTRARRAYREF _dynamicMethods;
STRINGREF _source; // Mainly used by VB.
- OBJECTREF _safeSerializationManager;
IN_WIN64(void* _xptrs;)
IN_WIN64(UINT_PTR _ipForWatsonBuckets;) // Contains the IP of exception for watson bucketing
INT32 _remoteStackIndex;
diff --git a/src/vm/reflectioninvocation.cpp b/src/vm/reflectioninvocation.cpp
index a116d2affd..02c8891703 100644
--- a/src/vm/reflectioninvocation.cpp
+++ b/src/vm/reflectioninvocation.cpp
@@ -1568,95 +1568,6 @@ Done:
-FCIMPL4(void, RuntimeMethodHandle::SerializationInvoke,
- ReflectMethodObject *pMethodUNSAFE, Object* targetUNSAFE, Object* serializationInfoUNSAFE, struct StreamingContextData * pContext) {
- struct _gc
- {
- OBJECTREF target;
- OBJECTREF serializationInfo;
- } gc;
- gc.serializationInfo = (OBJECTREF) serializationInfoUNSAFE;
- MethodDesc* pMethod = pMethodUNSAFE->GetMethod();
- Assembly *pAssem = pMethod->GetAssembly();
- if (pAssem->IsIntrospectionOnly())
- if (pAssem->IsDynamic() && !pAssem->HasRunAccess())
- FCThrowResVoid(kNotSupportedException, W("NotSupported_DynamicAssemblyNoRunAccess"));
- {
- ARG_SLOT newArgs[3];
- // Nullable<T> does not support the ISerializable constructor, so we should never get here.
- _ASSERTE(!Nullable::IsNullableType(>GetMethodTable()));
- if (pMethod == MscorlibBinder::GetMethod(METHOD__WINDOWS_IDENTITY__SERIALIZATION_CTOR))
- {
- // WindowsIdentity.ctor takes only one argument
- MethodDescCallSite method(pMethod, &gsig_IM_SerInfo_RetVoid, &;
- // Copy "this" pointer: only unbox if type is value type and method is not unboxing stub
- if (pMethod->GetMethodTable()->IsValueType() && !pMethod->IsUnboxingStub())
- newArgs[0] = PtrToArgSlot(>UnBox());
- else
- newArgs[0] = ObjToArgSlot(;
- newArgs[1] = ObjToArgSlot(gc.serializationInfo);
- TryCallMethod(&method, newArgs);
- }
- else
- {
- //
- // Use hardcoded sig for performance
- //
- MethodDescCallSite method(pMethod, &gsig_IM_SerInfo_StrContext_RetVoid, &;
- // Copy "this" pointer: only unbox if type is value type and method is not unboxing stub
- if (pMethod->GetMethodTable()->IsValueType() && !pMethod->IsUnboxingStub())
- newArgs[0] = PtrToArgSlot(>UnBox());
- else
- newArgs[0] = ObjToArgSlot(;
- newArgs[1] = ObjToArgSlot(gc.serializationInfo);
-#ifdef _WIN64
- //
- // on win64 the struct does not fit in an ARG_SLOT, so we pass it by reference
- //
- static_assert_no_msg(sizeof(*pContext) > sizeof(ARG_SLOT));
- newArgs[2] = PtrToArgSlot(pContext);
-#else // _WIN64
- //
- // on x86 the struct fits in an ARG_SLOT, so we pass it by value
- //
- static_assert_no_msg(sizeof(*pContext) == sizeof(ARG_SLOT));
- newArgs[2] = *(ARG_SLOT*)pContext;
-#endif // _WIN64
- TryCallMethod(&method, newArgs);
- }
- }
struct SkipStruct {
StackCrawlMark* pStackMark;
MethodDesc* pMeth;