path: root/.packages/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.packages/')
1 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.packages/ b/.packages/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..3e11e3ed27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.packages/
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><span>
+ <assembly>
+ <name>System.IO.FileSystem.Watcher</name>
+ </assembly>
+ <members>
+ <member name="T:System.IO.ErrorEventArgs">
+ <summary>Provides data for the <see cref="E:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Error"></see> event.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.ErrorEventArgs.#ctor(System.Exception)">
+ <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.ErrorEventArgs"></see> class.</summary>
+ <param name="exception">An <see cref="T:System.Exception"></see> that represents the error that occurred.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.ErrorEventArgs.GetException">
+ <summary>Gets the <see cref="T:System.Exception"></see> that represents the error that occurred.</summary>
+ <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Exception"></see> that represents the error that occurred.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:System.IO.ErrorEventHandler">
+ <summary>Represents the method that will handle the <see cref="E:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Error"></see> event of a <see cref="T:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher"></see> object.</summary>
+ <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
+ <param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.IO.ErrorEventArgs"></see> object that contains the event data.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs">
+ <summary>Provides data for the directory events: <see cref="E:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Changed"></see>, <see cref="E:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Created"></see>, <see cref="E:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Deleted"></see>.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs.#ctor(System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes,System.String,System.String)">
+ <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs"></see> class.</summary>
+ <param name="changeType">One of the <see cref="T:System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes"></see> values, which represents the kind of change detected in the file system.</param>
+ <param name="directory">The root directory of the affected file or directory.</param>
+ <param name="name">The name of the affected file or directory.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs.ChangeType">
+ <summary>Gets the type of directory event that occurred.</summary>
+ <returns>One of the <see cref="T:System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes"></see> values that represents the kind of change detected in the file system.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs.FullPath">
+ <summary>Gets the fully qualifed path of the affected file or directory.</summary>
+ <returns>The path of the affected file or directory.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs.Name">
+ <summary>Gets the name of the affected file or directory.</summary>
+ <returns>The name of the affected file or directory.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:System.IO.FileSystemEventHandler">
+ <summary>Represents the method that will handle the <see cref="E:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Changed"></see>, <see cref="E:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Created"></see>, or <see cref="E:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Deleted"></see> event of a <see cref="T:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher"></see> class.</summary>
+ <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
+ <param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs"></see> that contains the event data.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher">
+ <summary>Listens to the file system change notifications and raises events when a directory, or file in a directory, changes.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.#ctor">
+ <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher"></see> class.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.#ctor(System.String)">
+ <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher"></see> class, given the specified directory to monitor.</summary>
+ <param name="path">The directory to monitor, in standard or Universal Naming Convention (UNC) notation.</param>
+ <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="path">path</paramref> parameter is null.</exception>
+ <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The <paramref name="path">path</paramref> parameter is an empty string (&quot;&quot;). -or- The path specified through the <paramref name="path">path</paramref> parameter does not exist.</exception>
+ <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException"><paramref name="path">path</paramref> is too long.</exception>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
+ <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher"></see> class, given the specified directory and type of files to monitor.</summary>
+ <param name="path">The directory to monitor, in standard or Universal Naming Convention (UNC) notation.</param>
+ <param name="filter">The type of files to watch. For example, &quot;*.txt&quot; watches for changes to all text files.</param>
+ <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="path">path</paramref> parameter is null. -or- The <paramref name="filter">filter</paramref> parameter is null.</exception>
+ <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The <paramref name="path">path</paramref> parameter is an empty string (&quot;&quot;). -or- The path specified through the <paramref name="path">path</paramref> parameter does not exist.</exception>
+ <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException"><paramref name="path">path</paramref> is too long.</exception>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.BeginInit">
+ <summary>Begins the initialization of a <see cref="T:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher"></see> used on a form or used by another component. The initialization occurs at run time.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="E:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Changed">
+ <summary>Occurs when a file or directory in the specified <see cref="P:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Path"></see> is changed.</summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="E:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Created">
+ <summary>Occurs when a file or directory in the specified <see cref="P:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Path"></see> is created.</summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="E:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Deleted">
+ <summary>Occurs when a file or directory in the specified <see cref="P:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Path"></see> is deleted.</summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Dispose">
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
+ <summary>Releases the unmanaged resources used by the <see cref="T:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher"></see> and optionally releases the managed resources.</summary>
+ <param name="disposing">true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents">
+ <summary>Gets or sets a value indicating whether the component is enabled.</summary>
+ <returns>true if the component is enabled; otherwise, false. The default is false. If you are using the component on a designer in Visual Studio 2005, the default is true.</returns>
+ <exception cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException">The <see cref="T:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher"></see> object has been disposed.</exception>
+ <exception cref="T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException">The current operating system is not Microsoft Windows NT or later.</exception>
+ <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException">The directory specified in <see cref="P:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Path"></see> could not be found.</exception>
+ <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"><see cref="P:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Path"></see> has not been set or is invalid.</exception>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.EndInit">
+ <summary>Ends the initialization of a <see cref="T:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher"></see> used on a form or used by another component. The initialization occurs at run time.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="E:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Error">
+ <summary>Occurs when the instance of <see cref="T:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher"></see> is unable to continue monitoring changes or when the internal buffer overflows.</summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Filter">
+ <summary>Gets or sets the filter string used to determine what files are monitored in a directory.</summary>
+ <returns>The filter string. The default is &quot;.\&quot; (Watches all files.)</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories">
+ <summary>Gets or sets a value indicating whether subdirectories within the specified path should be monitored.</summary>
+ <returns>true if you want to monitor subdirectories; otherwise, false. The default is false.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.InternalBufferSize">
+ <summary>Gets or sets the size (in bytes) of the internal buffer.</summary>
+ <returns>The internal buffer size in bytes. The default is 8192 (8 KB).</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.NotifyFilter">
+ <summary>Gets or sets the type of changes to watch for.</summary>
+ <returns>One of the <see cref="T:System.IO.NotifyFilters"></see> values. The default is the bitwise OR combination of LastWrite, FileName, and DirectoryName.</returns>
+ <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The value is not a valid bitwise OR combination of the <see cref="T:System.IO.NotifyFilters"></see> values.</exception>
+ <exception cref="T:System.ComponentModel.InvalidEnumArgumentException">The value that is being set is not valid.</exception>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.OnChanged(System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs)">
+ <summary>Raises the <see cref="E:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Changed"></see> event.</summary>
+ <param name="e">A <see cref="T:System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs"></see> that contains the event data.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.OnCreated(System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs)">
+ <summary>Raises the <see cref="E:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Created"></see> event.</summary>
+ <param name="e">A <see cref="T:System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs"></see> that contains the event data.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.OnDeleted(System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs)">
+ <summary>Raises the <see cref="E:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Deleted"></see> event.</summary>
+ <param name="e">A <see cref="T:System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs"></see> that contains the event data.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.OnError(System.IO.ErrorEventArgs)">
+ <summary>Raises the <see cref="E:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Error"></see> event.</summary>
+ <param name="e">An <see cref="T:System.IO.ErrorEventArgs"></see> that contains the event data.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.OnRenamed(System.IO.RenamedEventArgs)">
+ <summary>Raises the <see cref="E:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Renamed"></see> event.</summary>
+ <param name="e">A <see cref="T:System.IO.RenamedEventArgs"></see> that contains the event data.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Path">
+ <summary>Gets or sets the path of the directory to watch.</summary>
+ <returns>The path to monitor. The default is an empty string (&quot;&quot;).</returns>
+ <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The specified path does not exist or could not be found. -or- The specified path contains wildcard characters. -or- The specified path contains invalid path characters.</exception>
+ </member>
+ <member name="E:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Renamed">
+ <summary>Occurs when a file or directory in the specified <see cref="P:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Path"></see> is renamed.</summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Site">
+ <summary>Gets or sets an <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.ISite"></see> for the <see cref="T:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher"></see>.</summary>
+ <returns>An <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.ISite"></see> for the <see cref="T:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher"></see>.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.SynchronizingObject">
+ <summary>Gets or sets the object used to marshal the event handler calls issued as a result of a directory change.</summary>
+ <returns>The <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke"></see> that represents the object used to marshal the event handler calls issued as a result of a directory change. The default is null.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.WaitForChanged(System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes)">
+ <summary>A synchronous method that returns a structure that contains specific information on the change that occurred, given the type of change you want to monitor.</summary>
+ <param name="changeType">The <see cref="T:System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes"></see> to watch for.</param>
+ <returns>A <see cref="T:System.IO.WaitForChangedResult"></see> that contains specific information on the change that occurred.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.WaitForChanged(System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes,System.Int32)">
+ <summary>A synchronous method that returns a structure that contains specific information on the change that occurred, given the type of change you want to monitor and the time (in milliseconds) to wait before timing out.</summary>
+ <param name="changeType">The <see cref="T:System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes"></see> to watch for.</param>
+ <param name="timeout">The time (in milliseconds) to wait before timing out.</param>
+ <returns>A <see cref="T:System.IO.WaitForChangedResult"></see> that contains specific information on the change that occurred.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:System.IO.InternalBufferOverflowException">
+ <summary>The exception thrown when the internal buffer overflows.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.InternalBufferOverflowException.#ctor">
+ <summary>Initializes a new default instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.InternalBufferOverflowException"></see> class.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.InternalBufferOverflowException.#ctor(System.String)">
+ <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.InternalBufferOverflowException"></see> class with the error message to be displayed specified.</summary>
+ <param name="message">The message to be given for the exception.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.InternalBufferOverflowException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
+ <summary>Initializes a new, empty instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.InternalBufferOverflowException"></see> class that is serializable using the specified <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo"></see> and <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext"></see> objects.</summary>
+ <param name="info">The information required to serialize the T:System.IO.InternalBufferOverflowException object.</param>
+ <param name="context">The source and destination of the serialized stream associated with the T:System.IO.InternalBufferOverflowException object.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.InternalBufferOverflowException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
+ <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.InternalBufferOverflowException"></see> class with the message to be displayed and the generated inner exception specified.</summary>
+ <param name="message">The message to be given for the exception.</param>
+ <param name="inner">The inner exception.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:System.IO.NotifyFilters">
+ <summary>Specifies changes to watch for in a file or folder.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:System.IO.NotifyFilters.Attributes">
+ <summary>The attributes of the file or folder.</summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:System.IO.NotifyFilters.CreationTime">
+ <summary>The time the file or folder was created.</summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:System.IO.NotifyFilters.DirectoryName">
+ <summary>The name of the directory.</summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:System.IO.NotifyFilters.FileName">
+ <summary>The name of the file.</summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:System.IO.NotifyFilters.LastAccess">
+ <summary>The date the file or folder was last opened.</summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:System.IO.NotifyFilters.LastWrite">
+ <summary>The date the file or folder last had anything written to it.</summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:System.IO.NotifyFilters.Security">
+ <summary>The security settings of the file or folder.</summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:System.IO.NotifyFilters.Size">
+ <summary>The size of the file or folder.</summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:System.IO.RenamedEventArgs">
+ <summary>Provides data for the <see cref="E:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Renamed"></see> event.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:System.IO.RenamedEventArgs.#ctor(System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
+ <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.IO.RenamedEventArgs"></see> class.</summary>
+ <param name="changeType">One of the <see cref="T:System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes"></see> values.</param>
+ <param name="directory">The name of the affected file or directory.</param>
+ <param name="name">The name of the affected file or directory.</param>
+ <param name="oldName">The old name of the affected file or directory.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:System.IO.RenamedEventArgs.OldFullPath">
+ <summary>Gets the previous fully qualified path of the affected file or directory.</summary>
+ <returns>The previous fully qualified path of the affected file or directory.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:System.IO.RenamedEventArgs.OldName">
+ <summary>Gets the old name of the affected file or directory.</summary>
+ <returns>The previous name of the affected file or directory.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:System.IO.RenamedEventHandler">
+ <summary>Represents the method that will handle the <see cref="E:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Renamed"></see> event of a <see cref="T:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher"></see> class.</summary>
+ <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
+ <param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.IO.RenamedEventArgs"></see> that contains the event data.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:System.IO.WaitForChangedResult">
+ <summary>Contains information on the change that occurred.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:System.IO.WaitForChangedResult.ChangeType">
+ <summary>Gets or sets the type of change that occurred.</summary>
+ <returns>One of the <see cref="T:System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes"></see> values.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:System.IO.WaitForChangedResult.Name">
+ <summary>Gets or sets the name of the file or directory that changed.</summary>
+ <returns>The name of the file or directory that changed.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:System.IO.WaitForChangedResult.OldName">
+ <summary>Gets or sets the original name of the file or directory that was renamed.</summary>
+ <returns>The original name of the file or directory that was renamed.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:System.IO.WaitForChangedResult.TimedOut">
+ <summary>Gets or sets a value indicating whether the wait operation timed out.</summary>
+ <returns>true if the <see cref="M:System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.WaitForChanged(System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes)"></see> method timed out; otherwise, false.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes">
+ <summary>Changes that might occur to a file or directory.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes.All">
+ <summary>The creation, deletion, change, or renaming of a file or folder.</summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes.Changed">
+ <summary>The change of a file or folder. The types of changes include: changes to size, attributes, security settings, last write, and last access time.</summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes.Created">
+ <summary>The creation of a file or folder.</summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes.Deleted">
+ <summary>The deletion of a file or folder.</summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes.Renamed">
+ <summary>The renaming of a file or folder.</summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ </members>
+</doc></span> \ No newline at end of file