path: root/.packages/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.packages/')
1 files changed, 633 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.packages/ b/.packages/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..9e12b55cdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.packages/
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <assembly>
+ <name>Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http</name>
+ </assembly>
+ <members>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequestRewindExtensions">
+ <summary>
+ Extension methods for enabling buffering in an <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequestRewindExtensions.EnableBuffering(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest)">
+ <summary>
+ Ensure the <paramref name="request"/> <see cref="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.Body"/> can be read multiple times. Normally
+ buffers request bodies in memory; writes requests larger than 30K bytes to disk.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="request">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest"/> to prepare.</param>
+ <remarks>
+ Temporary files for larger requests are written to the location named in the <c>ASPNETCORE_TEMP</c>
+ environment variable, if any. If that environment variable is not defined, these files are written to the
+ current user's temporary folder. Files are automatically deleted at the end of their associated requests.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequestRewindExtensions.EnableBuffering(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest,System.Int32)">
+ <summary>
+ Ensure the <paramref name="request"/> <see cref="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.Body"/> can be read multiple times. Normally
+ buffers request bodies in memory; writes requests larger than <paramref name="bufferThreshold"/> bytes to
+ disk.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="request">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest"/> to prepare.</param>
+ <param name="bufferThreshold">
+ The maximum size in bytes of the in-memory <see cref="T:System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1"/> used to buffer the
+ stream. Larger request bodies are written to disk.
+ </param>
+ <remarks>
+ Temporary files for larger requests are written to the location named in the <c>ASPNETCORE_TEMP</c>
+ environment variable, if any. If that environment variable is not defined, these files are written to the
+ current user's temporary folder. Files are automatically deleted at the end of their associated requests.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequestRewindExtensions.EnableBuffering(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest,System.Int64)">
+ <summary>
+ Ensure the <paramref name="request"/> <see cref="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.Body"/> can be read multiple times. Normally
+ buffers request bodies in memory; writes requests larger than 30K bytes to disk.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="request">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest"/> to prepare.</param>
+ <param name="bufferLimit">
+ The maximum size in bytes of the request body. An attempt to read beyond this limit will cause an
+ <see cref="T:System.IO.IOException"/>.
+ </param>
+ <remarks>
+ Temporary files for larger requests are written to the location named in the <c>ASPNETCORE_TEMP</c>
+ environment variable, if any. If that environment variable is not defined, these files are written to the
+ current user's temporary folder. Files are automatically deleted at the end of their associated requests.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequestRewindExtensions.EnableBuffering(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest,System.Int32,System.Int64)">
+ <summary>
+ Ensure the <paramref name="request"/> <see cref="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.Body"/> can be read multiple times. Normally
+ buffers request bodies in memory; writes requests larger than <paramref name="bufferThreshold"/> bytes to
+ disk.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="request">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest"/> to prepare.</param>
+ <param name="bufferThreshold">
+ The maximum size in bytes of the in-memory <see cref="T:System.Buffers.ArrayPool`1"/> used to buffer the
+ stream. Larger request bodies are written to disk.
+ </param>
+ <param name="bufferLimit">
+ The maximum size in bytes of the request body. An attempt to read beyond this limit will cause an
+ <see cref="T:System.IO.IOException"/>.
+ </param>
+ <remarks>
+ Temporary files for larger requests are written to the location named in the <c>ASPNETCORE_TEMP</c>
+ environment variable, if any. If that environment variable is not defined, these files are written to the
+ current user's temporary folder. Files are automatically deleted at the end of their associated requests.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.DefaultSessionFeature">
+ <summary>
+ This type exists only for the purpose of unit testing where the user can directly set the
+ <see cref="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext.Session"/> property without the need for creating a <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.ISessionFeature"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.FormOptions.BufferBody">
+ <summary>
+ Enables full request body buffering. Use this if multiple components need to read the raw stream.
+ The default value is false.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.FormOptions.MemoryBufferThreshold">
+ <summary>
+ If <see cref="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.FormOptions.BufferBody"/> is enabled, this many bytes of the body will be buffered in memory.
+ If this threshold is exceeded then the buffer will be moved to a temp file on disk instead.
+ This also applies when buffering individual multipart section bodies.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.FormOptions.BufferBodyLengthLimit">
+ <summary>
+ If <see cref="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.FormOptions.BufferBody"/> is enabled, this is the limit for the total number of bytes that will
+ be buffered. Forms that exceed this limit will throw an <see cref="T:System.IO.InvalidDataException"/> when parsed.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.FormOptions.ValueCountLimit">
+ <summary>
+ A limit for the number of form entries to allow.
+ Forms that exceed this limit will throw an <see cref="T:System.IO.InvalidDataException"/> when parsed.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.FormOptions.KeyLengthLimit">
+ <summary>
+ A limit on the length of individual keys. Forms containing keys that exceed this limit will
+ throw an <see cref="T:System.IO.InvalidDataException"/> when parsed.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.FormOptions.ValueLengthLimit">
+ <summary>
+ A limit on the length of individual form values. Forms containing values that exceed this
+ limit will throw an <see cref="T:System.IO.InvalidDataException"/> when parsed.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.FormOptions.MultipartBoundaryLengthLimit">
+ <summary>
+ A limit for the length of the boundary identifier. Forms with boundaries that exceed this
+ limit will throw an <see cref="T:System.IO.InvalidDataException"/> when parsed.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.FormOptions.MultipartHeadersCountLimit">
+ <summary>
+ A limit for the number of headers to allow in each multipart section. Headers with the same name will
+ be combined. Form sections that exceed this limit will throw an <see cref="T:System.IO.InvalidDataException"/>
+ when parsed.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.FormOptions.MultipartHeadersLengthLimit">
+ <summary>
+ A limit for the total length of the header keys and values in each multipart section.
+ Form sections that exceed this limit will throw an <see cref="T:System.IO.InvalidDataException"/> when parsed.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.FormOptions.MultipartBodyLengthLimit">
+ <summary>
+ A limit for the length of each multipart body. Forms sections that exceed this limit will throw an
+ <see cref="T:System.IO.InvalidDataException"/> when parsed.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.ResponseCookiesFeature">
+ <summary>
+ Default implementation of <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IResponseCookiesFeature"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.ResponseCookiesFeature.#ctor(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IFeatureCollection)">
+ <summary>
+ Initializes a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.ResponseCookiesFeature"/> instance.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="features">
+ <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IFeatureCollection"/> containing all defined features, including this
+ <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IResponseCookiesFeature"/> and the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IHttpResponseFeature"/>.
+ </param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.ResponseCookiesFeature.#ctor(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IFeatureCollection,Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool.ObjectPool{System.Text.StringBuilder})">
+ <summary>
+ Initializes a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.ResponseCookiesFeature"/> instance.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="features">
+ <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IFeatureCollection"/> containing all defined features, including this
+ <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IResponseCookiesFeature"/> and the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IHttpResponseFeature"/>.
+ </param>
+ <param name="builderPool">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool.ObjectPool`1"/>, if available.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.ResponseCookiesFeature.Cookies">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.RouteValuesFeature">
+ <summary>
+ A feature for routing values. Use <see cref="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext.Features"/>
+ to access the values associated with the current request.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.RouteValuesFeature.RouteValues">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary"/> associated with the currrent
+ request.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormCollection">
+ <summary>
+ Contains the parsed form values.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormCollection.Item(System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Get or sets the associated value from the collection as a single string.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="key">The header name.</param>
+ <returns>the associated value from the collection as a StringValues or StringValues.Empty if the key is not present.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormCollection.Count">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary" />;.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary" />.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormCollection.ContainsKey(System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Determines whether the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary" /> contains a specific key.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="key">The key.</param>
+ <returns>true if the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary" /> contains a specific key; otherwise, false.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormCollection.TryGetValue(System.String,Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringValues@)">
+ <summary>
+ Retrieves a value from the dictionary.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="key">The header name.</param>
+ <param name="value">The value.</param>
+ <returns>true if the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary" /> contains the key; otherwise, false.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormCollection.GetEnumerator">
+ <summary>
+ Returns an struct enumerator that iterates through a collection without boxing and is also used via the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IFormCollection" /> interface.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormCollection.Enumerator" /> object that can be used to iterate through the collection.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormCollection.System#Collections#Generic#IEnumerable{System#Collections#Generic#KeyValuePair{System#String,Microsoft#Extensions#Primitives#StringValues}}#GetEnumerator">
+ <summary>
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection, boxes in non-empty path.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator" /> object that can be used to iterate through the collection.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormCollection.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
+ <summary>
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection, boxes in non-empty path.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator" /> object that can be used to iterate through the collection.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormFile">
+ <summary>
+ Default implementation of <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IFormFile"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormFile.ContentDisposition">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the raw Content-Disposition header of the uploaded file.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormFile.ContentType">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the raw Content-Type header of the uploaded file.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormFile.Headers">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the header dictionary of the uploaded file.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormFile.Length">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the file length in bytes.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormFile.Name">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the name from the Content-Disposition header.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormFile.FileName">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the file name from the Content-Disposition header.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormFile.OpenReadStream">
+ <summary>
+ Opens the request stream for reading the uploaded file.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormFile.CopyTo(System.IO.Stream)">
+ <summary>
+ Copies the contents of the uploaded file to the <paramref name="target"/> stream.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="target">The stream to copy the file contents to.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormFile.CopyToAsync(System.IO.Stream,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
+ <summary>
+ Asynchronously copies the contents of the uploaded file to the <paramref name="target"/> stream.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="target">The stream to copy the file contents to.</param>
+ <param name="cancellationToken"></param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormFileCollection">
+ <summary>
+ Default implementation of <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IFormFileCollection"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormFileCollection.Item(System.String)">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormFileCollection.GetFile(System.String)">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormFileCollection.GetFiles(System.String)">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary">
+ <summary>
+ Represents a wrapper for RequestHeaders and ResponseHeaders.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary.Item(System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Get or sets the associated value from the collection as a single string.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="key">The header name.</param>
+ <returns>the associated value from the collection as a StringValues or StringValues.Empty if the key is not present.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary.System#Collections#Generic#IDictionary{System#String,Microsoft#Extensions#Primitives#StringValues}#Item(System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Throws KeyNotFoundException if the key is not present.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="key">The header name.</param>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary.Count">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary" />;.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary" />.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary.IsReadOnly">
+ <summary>
+ Gets a value that indicates whether the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary" /> is in read-only mode.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>true if the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary" /> is in read-only mode; otherwise, false.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary.Add(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringValues})">
+ <summary>
+ Adds a new list of items to the collection.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="item">The item to add.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary.Add(System.String,Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringValues)">
+ <summary>
+ Adds the given header and values to the collection.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="key">The header name.</param>
+ <param name="value">The header values.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary.Clear">
+ <summary>
+ Clears the entire list of objects.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary.Contains(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringValues})">
+ <summary>
+ Returns a value indicating whether the specified object occurs within this collection.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="item">The item.</param>
+ <returns>true if the specified object occurs within this collection; otherwise, false.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary.ContainsKey(System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Determines whether the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary" /> contains a specific key.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="key">The key.</param>
+ <returns>true if the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary" /> contains a specific key; otherwise, false.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary.CopyTo(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringValues}[],System.Int32)">
+ <summary>
+ Copies the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary" /> elements to a one-dimensional Array instance at the specified index.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="array">The one-dimensional Array that is the destination of the specified objects copied from the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary" />.</param>
+ <param name="arrayIndex">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array" /> at which copying begins.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary.Remove(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringValues})">
+ <summary>
+ Removes the given item from the the collection.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="item">The item.</param>
+ <returns>true if the specified object was removed from the collection; otherwise, false.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary.Remove(System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Removes the given header from the collection.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="key">The header name.</param>
+ <returns>true if the specified object was removed from the collection; otherwise, false.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary.TryGetValue(System.String,Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringValues@)">
+ <summary>
+ Retrieves a value from the dictionary.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="key">The header name.</param>
+ <param name="value">The value.</param>
+ <returns>true if the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary" /> contains the key; otherwise, false.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary.GetEnumerator">
+ <summary>
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary.Enumerator" /> object that can be used to iterate through the collection.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary.System#Collections#Generic#IEnumerable{System#Collections#Generic#KeyValuePair{System#String,Microsoft#Extensions#Primitives#StringValues}}#GetEnumerator">
+ <summary>
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator" /> object that can be used to iterate through the collection.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionary.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
+ <summary>
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator" /> object that can be used to iterate through the collection.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.DefaultConnectionInfo.Id">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.ReferenceReadStream">
+ <summary>
+ A Stream that wraps another stream starting at a certain offset and reading for the given length.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestCookieCollection.GetEnumerator">
+ <summary>
+ Returns an struct enumerator that iterates through a collection without boxing.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestCookieCollection.Enumerator" /> object that can be used to iterate through the collection.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestCookieCollection.System#Collections#Generic#IEnumerable{System#Collections#Generic#KeyValuePair{System#String,System#String}}#GetEnumerator">
+ <summary>
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection, boxes in non-empty path.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1" /> object that can be used to iterate through the collection.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestCookieCollection.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
+ <summary>
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection, boxes in non-empty path.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator" /> object that can be used to iterate through the collection.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.ResponseCookies">
+ <summary>
+ A wrapper for the response Set-Cookie header.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.ResponseCookies.#ctor(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IHeaderDictionary,Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool.ObjectPool{System.Text.StringBuilder})">
+ <summary>
+ Create a new wrapper.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="headers">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IHeaderDictionary"/> for the response.</param>
+ <param name="builderPool">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool.ObjectPool`1"/>, if available.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.ResponseCookies.Append(System.String,System.String)">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.ResponseCookies.Append(System.String,System.String,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieOptions)">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.ResponseCookies.Delete(System.String)">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.ResponseCookies.Delete(System.String,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieOptions)">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryCollection">
+ <summary>
+ The HttpRequest query string collection
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryCollection.Item(System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Get or sets the associated value from the collection as a single string.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="key">The key name.</param>
+ <returns>the associated value from the collection as a StringValues or StringValues.Empty if the key is not present.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryCollection.Count">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryCollection" />;.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryCollection" />.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryCollection.ContainsKey(System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Determines whether the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryCollection" /> contains a specific key.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="key">The key.</param>
+ <returns>true if the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryCollection" /> contains a specific key; otherwise, false.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryCollection.TryGetValue(System.String,Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringValues@)">
+ <summary>
+ Retrieves a value from the collection.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="key">The key.</param>
+ <param name="value">The value.</param>
+ <returns>true if the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryCollection" /> contains the key; otherwise, false.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryCollection.GetEnumerator">
+ <summary>
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>An <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryCollection.Enumerator" /> object that can be used to iterate through the collection.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryCollection.System#Collections#Generic#IEnumerable{System#Collections#Generic#KeyValuePair{System#String,Microsoft#Extensions#Primitives#StringValues}}#GetEnumerator">
+ <summary>
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1" /> object that can be used to iterate through the collection.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryCollection.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
+ <summary>
+ Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator" /> object that can be used to iterate through the collection.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestFormReaderExtensions.ReadFormAsync(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.FormOptions,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
+ <summary>
+ Read the request body as a form with the given options. These options will only be used
+ if the form has not already been read.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="request">The request.</param>
+ <param name="options">Options for reading the form.</param>
+ <param name="cancellationToken"></param>
+ <returns>The parsed form.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.SendFileFallback.SendFileAsync(System.IO.Stream,System.String,System.Int64,System.Nullable{System.Int64},System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
+ <summary>
+ Copies the segment of the file to the destination stream.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="destination">The stream to write the file segment to.</param>
+ <param name="filePath">The full disk path to the file.</param>
+ <param name="offset">The offset in the file to start at.</param>
+ <param name="count">The number of bytes to send, or null to send the remainder of the file.</param>
+ <param name="cancellationToken">A <see cref="T:System.Threading.CancellationToken"/> used to abort the transmission.</param>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.StreamResponseBodyFeature">
+ <summary>
+ An implementation of <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IHttpResponseBodyFeature"/> that aproximates all of the APIs over the given Stream.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.StreamResponseBodyFeature.#ctor(System.IO.Stream)">
+ <summary>
+ Wraps the given stream.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="stream"></param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.StreamResponseBodyFeature.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IHttpResponseBodyFeature)">
+ <summary>
+ Wraps the given stream and tracks the prior feature instance.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="stream"></param>
+ <param name="priorFeature"></param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.StreamResponseBodyFeature.Stream">
+ <summary>
+ The original response body stream.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.StreamResponseBodyFeature.PriorFeature">
+ <summary>
+ The prior feature, if any.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.StreamResponseBodyFeature.Writer">
+ <summary>
+ A PipeWriter adapted over the given stream.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.StreamResponseBodyFeature.DisableBuffering">
+ <summary>
+ Not supported.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.StreamResponseBodyFeature.SendFileAsync(System.String,System.Int64,System.Nullable{System.Int64},System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
+ <summary>
+ Copies the specified file segment to the given response stream.
+ This calls StartAsync if it has not previoulsy been called.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="path">The full disk path to the file.</param>
+ <param name="offset">The offset in the file to start at.</param>
+ <param name="count">The number of bytes to send, or null to send the remainder of the file.</param>
+ <param name="cancellationToken">A <see cref="T:System.Threading.CancellationToken"/> used to abort the transmission.</param>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.StreamResponseBodyFeature.StartAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
+ <summary>
+ Flushes the given stream if this has not previously been called.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="cancellationToken"></param>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.StreamResponseBodyFeature.CompleteAsync">
+ <summary>
+ This calls StartAsync if it has not previoulsy been called.
+ It will complete the adapted pipe if it exists.
+ </summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.StreamResponseBodyFeature.Dispose">
+ <summary>
+ Prevents CompleteAsync from operating.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.StreamCopyOperationInternal.CopyToAsync(System.IO.Stream,System.IO.Stream,System.Nullable{System.Int64},System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
+ <summary>Asynchronously reads the given number of bytes from the source stream and writes them to another stream.</summary>
+ <returns>A task that represents the asynchronous copy operation.</returns>
+ <param name="source">The stream from which the contents will be copied.</param>
+ <param name="destination">The stream to which the contents of the current stream will be copied.</param>
+ <param name="count">The count of bytes to be copied.</param>
+ <param name="cancel">The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is <see cref="P:System.Threading.CancellationToken.None" />.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.StreamCopyOperationInternal.CopyToAsync(System.IO.Stream,System.IO.Stream,System.Nullable{System.Int64},System.Int32,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
+ <summary>Asynchronously reads the given number of bytes from the source stream and writes them to another stream, using a specified buffer size.</summary>
+ <returns>A task that represents the asynchronous copy operation.</returns>
+ <param name="source">The stream from which the contents will be copied.</param>
+ <param name="destination">The stream to which the contents of the current stream will be copied.</param>
+ <param name="count">The count of bytes to be copied.</param>
+ <param name="bufferSize">The size, in bytes, of the buffer. This value must be greater than zero. The default size is 4096.</param>
+ <param name="cancel">The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is <see cref="P:System.Threading.CancellationToken.None" />.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.HttpServiceCollectionExtensions">
+ <summary>
+ Extension methods for configuring HttpContext services.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.HttpServiceCollectionExtensions.AddHttpContextAccessor(Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection)">
+ <summary>
+ Adds a default implementation for the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IHttpContextAccessor"/> service.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="services">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection"/>.</param>
+ <returns>The service collection.</returns>
+ </member>
+ </members>