path: root/.packages/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.packages/')
1 files changed, 1932 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.packages/ b/.packages/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b91ccfd027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.packages/
@@ -0,0 +1,1932 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <assembly>
+ <name>Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions</name>
+ </assembly>
+ <members>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.ActivatorUtilities">
+ <summary>
+ Helper code for the various activator services.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance(System.IServiceProvider,System.Type,System.Object[])">
+ <summary>
+ Instantiate a type with constructor arguments provided directly and/or from an <see cref="T:System.IServiceProvider"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="provider">The service provider used to resolve dependencies</param>
+ <param name="instanceType">The type to activate</param>
+ <param name="parameters">Constructor arguments not provided by the <paramref name="provider"/>.</param>
+ <returns>An activated object of type instanceType</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.ActivatorUtilities.CreateFactory(System.Type,System.Type[])">
+ <summary>
+ Create a delegate that will instantiate a type with constructor arguments provided directly
+ and/or from an <see cref="T:System.IServiceProvider"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="instanceType">The type to activate</param>
+ <param name="argumentTypes">
+ The types of objects, in order, that will be passed to the returned function as its second parameter
+ </param>
+ <returns>
+ A factory that will instantiate instanceType using an <see cref="T:System.IServiceProvider"/>
+ and an argument array containing objects matching the types defined in argumentTypes
+ </returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance``1(System.IServiceProvider,System.Object[])">
+ <summary>
+ Instantiate a type with constructor arguments provided directly and/or from an <see cref="T:System.IServiceProvider"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <typeparam name="T">The type to activate</typeparam>
+ <param name="provider">The service provider used to resolve dependencies</param>
+ <param name="parameters">Constructor arguments not provided by the <paramref name="provider"/>.</param>
+ <returns>An activated object of type T</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.ActivatorUtilities.GetServiceOrCreateInstance``1(System.IServiceProvider)">
+ <summary>
+ Retrieve an instance of the given type from the service provider. If one is not found then instantiate it directly.
+ </summary>
+ <typeparam name="T">The type of the service</typeparam>
+ <param name="provider">The service provider used to resolve dependencies</param>
+ <returns>The resolved service or created instance</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.ActivatorUtilities.GetServiceOrCreateInstance(System.IServiceProvider,System.Type)">
+ <summary>
+ Retrieve an instance of the given type from the service provider. If one is not found then instantiate it directly.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="provider">The service provider</param>
+ <param name="type">The type of the service</param>
+ <returns>The resolved service or created instance</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.ActivatorUtilitiesConstructorAttribute">
+ <summary>
+ Marks the constructor to be used when activating type using <see cref="T:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.ActivatorUtilities"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.ObjectFactory">
+ <summary>
+ The result of <see cref="M:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.ActivatorUtilities.CreateFactory(System.Type,System.Type[])"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="serviceProvider">The <see cref="T:System.IServiceProvider"/> to get service arguments from.</param>
+ <param name="arguments">Additional constructor arguments.</param>
+ <returns>The instantiated type.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.PropertyHelper.#ctor(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)">
+ <summary>
+ Initializes a fast <see cref="T:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.PropertyHelper"/>.
+ This constructor does not cache the helper. For caching, use <see cref="M:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.PropertyHelper.GetProperties(System.Type)"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.PropertyHelper.Property">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the backing <see cref="T:System.Reflection.PropertyInfo"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.PropertyHelper.Name">
+ <summary>
+ Gets (or sets in derived types) the property name.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.PropertyHelper.ValueGetter">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the property value getter.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.PropertyHelper.ValueSetter">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the property value setter.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.PropertyHelper.GetValue(System.Object)">
+ <summary>
+ Returns the property value for the specified <paramref name="instance"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="instance">The object whose property value will be returned.</param>
+ <returns>The property value.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.PropertyHelper.SetValue(System.Object,System.Object)">
+ <summary>
+ Sets the property value for the specified <paramref name="instance" />.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="instance">The object whose property value will be set.</param>
+ <param name="value">The property value.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.PropertyHelper.GetProperties(System.Reflection.TypeInfo)">
+ <summary>
+ Creates and caches fast property helpers that expose getters for every public get property on the
+ underlying type.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="typeInfo">The type info to extract property accessors for.</param>
+ <returns>A cached array of all public properties of the specified type.
+ </returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.PropertyHelper.GetProperties(System.Type)">
+ <summary>
+ Creates and caches fast property helpers that expose getters for every public get property on the
+ specified type.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="type">The type to extract property accessors for.</param>
+ <returns>A cached array of all public properties of the specified type.
+ </returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.PropertyHelper.GetVisibleProperties(System.Reflection.TypeInfo)">
+ <summary>
+ <para>
+ Creates and caches fast property helpers that expose getters for every non-hidden get property
+ on the specified type.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <see cref="M:GetVisibleProperties"/> excludes properties defined on base types that have been
+ hidden by definitions using the <c>new</c> keyword.
+ </para>
+ </summary>
+ <param name="typeInfo">The type info to extract property accessors for.</param>
+ <returns>
+ A cached array of all public properties of the specified type.
+ </returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.PropertyHelper.GetVisibleProperties(System.Type)">
+ <summary>
+ <para>
+ Creates and caches fast property helpers that expose getters for every non-hidden get property
+ on the specified type.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <see cref="M:GetVisibleProperties"/> excludes properties defined on base types that have been
+ hidden by definitions using the <c>new</c> keyword.
+ </para>
+ </summary>
+ <param name="type">The type to extract property accessors for.</param>
+ <returns>
+ A cached array of all public properties of the specified type.
+ </returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.PropertyHelper.MakeFastPropertyGetter(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)">
+ <summary>
+ Creates a single fast property getter. The result is not cached.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="propertyInfo">propertyInfo to extract the getter for.</param>
+ <returns>a fast getter.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ This method is more memory efficient than a dynamically compiled lambda, and about the
+ same speed.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.PropertyHelper.MakeNullSafeFastPropertyGetter(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)">
+ <summary>
+ Creates a single fast property getter which is safe for a null input object. The result is not cached.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="propertyInfo">propertyInfo to extract the getter for.</param>
+ <returns>a fast getter.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ This method is more memory efficient than a dynamically compiled lambda, and about the
+ same speed.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.PropertyHelper.MakeFastPropertySetter(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)">
+ <summary>
+ Creates a single fast property setter for reference types. The result is not cached.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="propertyInfo">propertyInfo to extract the setter for.</param>
+ <returns>a fast getter.</returns>
+ <remarks>
+ This method is more memory efficient than a dynamically compiled lambda, and about the
+ same speed. This only works for reference types.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.PropertyHelper.ObjectToDictionary(System.Object)">
+ <summary>
+ Given an object, adds each instance property with a public get method as a key and its
+ associated value to a dictionary.
+ If the object is already an <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2"/> instance, then a copy
+ is returned.
+ </summary>
+ <remarks>
+ The implementation of PropertyHelper will cache the property accessors per-type. This is
+ faster when the same type is used multiple times with ObjectToDictionary.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.ConnectionInfo.Id">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets a unique identifier to represent this connection.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieBuilder">
+ <summary>
+ Defines settings used to create a cookie.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieBuilder.Name">
+ <summary>
+ The name of the cookie.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieBuilder.Path">
+ <summary>
+ The cookie path.
+ </summary>
+ <remarks>
+ Determines the value that will set on <seealso cref="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieOptions.Path"/>.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieBuilder.Domain">
+ <summary>
+ The domain to associate the cookie with.
+ </summary>
+ <remarks>
+ Determines the value that will set on <seealso cref="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieOptions.Domain"/>.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieBuilder.HttpOnly">
+ <summary>
+ Indicates whether a cookie is accessible by client-side script.
+ </summary>
+ <remarks>
+ Determines the value that will set on <seealso cref="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieOptions.HttpOnly"/>.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieBuilder.SameSite">
+ <summary>
+ The SameSite attribute of the cookie. The default value is -1 (Unspecified)
+ </summary>
+ <remarks>
+ Determines the value that will set on <seealso cref="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieOptions.SameSite"/>.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieBuilder.SecurePolicy">
+ <summary>
+ The policy that will be used to determine <seealso cref="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieOptions.Secure"/>.
+ This is determined from the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext"/> passed to <see cref="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieBuilder.Build(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext,System.DateTimeOffset)"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieBuilder.Expiration">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the lifespan of a cookie.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieBuilder.MaxAge">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the max-age for the cookie.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieBuilder.IsEssential">
+ <summary>
+ Indicates if this cookie is essential for the application to function correctly. If true then
+ consent policy checks may be bypassed. The default value is false.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieBuilder.Build(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext)">
+ <summary>
+ Creates the cookie options from the given <paramref name="context"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="context">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext"/>.</param>
+ <returns>The cookie options.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieBuilder.Build(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext,System.DateTimeOffset)">
+ <summary>
+ Creates the cookie options from the given <paramref name="context"/> with an expiration based on <paramref name="expiresFrom"/> and <see cref="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieBuilder.Expiration"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="context">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext"/>.</param>
+ <param name="expiresFrom">The time to use as the base for computing <seealso cref="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieOptions.Expires" />.</param>
+ <returns>The cookie options.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieSecurePolicy">
+ <summary>
+ Determines how cookie security properties are set.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieSecurePolicy.SameAsRequest">
+ <summary>
+ If the URI that provides the cookie is HTTPS, then the cookie will only be returned to the server on
+ subsequent HTTPS requests. Otherwise if the URI that provides the cookie is HTTP, then the cookie will
+ be returned to the server on all HTTP and HTTPS requests. This value ensures
+ HTTPS for all authenticated requests on deployed servers, and also supports HTTP for localhost development
+ and for servers that do not have HTTPS support.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieSecurePolicy.Always">
+ <summary>
+ Secure is always marked true. Use this value when your login page and all subsequent pages
+ requiring the authenticated identity are HTTPS. Local development will also need to be done with HTTPS urls.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieSecurePolicy.None">
+ <summary>
+ Secure is not marked true. Use this value when your login page is HTTPS, but other pages
+ on the site which are HTTP also require authentication information. This setting is not recommended because
+ the authentication information provided with an HTTP request may be observed and used by other computers
+ on your local network or wireless connection.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionaryExtensions.Append(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IHeaderDictionary,System.String,Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringValues)">
+ <summary>
+ Add new values. Each item remains a separate array entry.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="headers">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IHeaderDictionary"/> to use.</param>
+ <param name="key">The header name.</param>
+ <param name="value">The header value.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionaryExtensions.AppendCommaSeparatedValues(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IHeaderDictionary,System.String,System.String[])">
+ <summary>
+ Quotes any values containing commas, and then comma joins all of the values with any existing values.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="headers">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IHeaderDictionary"/> to use.</param>
+ <param name="key">The header name.</param>
+ <param name="values">The header values.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionaryExtensions.GetCommaSeparatedValues(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IHeaderDictionary,System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Get the associated values from the collection separated into individual values.
+ Quoted values will not be split, and the quotes will be removed.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="headers">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IHeaderDictionary"/> to use.</param>
+ <param name="key">The header name.</param>
+ <returns>the associated values from the collection separated into individual values, or StringValues.Empty if the key is not present.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HeaderDictionaryExtensions.SetCommaSeparatedValues(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IHeaderDictionary,System.String,System.String[])">
+ <summary>
+ Quotes any values containing commas, and then comma joins all of the values.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="headers">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IHeaderDictionary"/> to use.</param>
+ <param name="key">The header name.</param>
+ <param name="values">The header values.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponseWritingExtensions">
+ <summary>
+ Convenience methods for writing to the response.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponseWritingExtensions.WriteAsync(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse,System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
+ <summary>
+ Writes the given text to the response body. UTF-8 encoding will be used.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="response">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse"/>.</param>
+ <param name="text">The text to write to the response.</param>
+ <param name="cancellationToken">Notifies when request operations should be cancelled.</param>
+ <returns>A task that represents the completion of the write operation.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponseWritingExtensions.WriteAsync(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse,System.String,System.Text.Encoding,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
+ <summary>
+ Writes the given text to the response body using the given encoding.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="response">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse"/>.</param>
+ <param name="text">The text to write to the response.</param>
+ <param name="encoding">The encoding to use.</param>
+ <param name="cancellationToken">Notifies when request operations should be cancelled.</param>
+ <returns>A task that represents the completion of the write operation.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestTrailerExtensions">
+ <summary>
+ HttpRequest extensions for working with request trailing headers.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestTrailerExtensions.GetDeclaredTrailers(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest)">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the request "Trailer" header that lists which trailers to expect after the body.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="request"></param>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestTrailerExtensions.SupportsTrailers(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest)">
+ <summary>
+ Indicates if the request supports receiving trailer headers.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="request"></param>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestTrailerExtensions.CheckTrailersAvailable(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest)">
+ <summary>
+ Checks if the request supports trailers and they are available to be read now.
+ This does not mean that there are any trailers to read.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="request"></param>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestTrailerExtensions.GetTrailer(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest,System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the requested trailing header from the response. Check <see cref="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestTrailerExtensions.SupportsTrailers(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest)"/>
+ or a NotSupportedException may be thrown.
+ Check <see cref="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestTrailerExtensions.CheckTrailersAvailable(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest)" /> or an InvalidOperationException may be thrown.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="request"></param>
+ <param name="trailerName"></param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.ResponseTrailerExtensions.DeclareTrailer(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse,System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Adds the given trailer name to the 'Trailer' response header. This must happen before the response headers are sent.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="response"></param>
+ <param name="trailerName"></param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.ResponseTrailerExtensions.SupportsTrailers(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse)">
+ <summary>
+ Indicates if the server supports sending trailer headers for this response.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="response"></param>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.ResponseTrailerExtensions.AppendTrailer(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse,System.String,Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringValues)">
+ <summary>
+ Adds the given trailer header to the trailers collection to be sent at the end of the response body.
+ Check <see cref="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.ResponseTrailerExtensions.SupportsTrailers(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse)" /> or an InvalidOperationException may be thrown.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="response"></param>
+ <param name="trailerName"></param>
+ <param name="trailerValues"></param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FragmentString">
+ <summary>
+ Provides correct handling for FragmentString value when needed to generate a URI string
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FragmentString.Empty">
+ <summary>
+ Represents the empty fragment string. This field is read-only.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FragmentString.#ctor(System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Initialize the fragment string with a given value. This value must be in escaped and delimited format with
+ a leading '#' character.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="value">The fragment string to be assigned to the Value property.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FragmentString.Value">
+ <summary>
+ The escaped fragment string with the leading '#' character
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FragmentString.HasValue">
+ <summary>
+ True if the fragment string is not empty
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FragmentString.ToString">
+ <summary>
+ Provides the fragment string escaped in a way which is correct for combining into the URI representation.
+ A leading '#' character will be included unless the Value is null or empty. Characters which are potentially
+ dangerous are escaped.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The fragment string value</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FragmentString.ToUriComponent">
+ <summary>
+ Provides the fragment string escaped in a way which is correct for combining into the URI representation.
+ A leading '#' character will be included unless the Value is null or empty. Characters which are potentially
+ dangerous are escaped.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The fragment string value</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FragmentString.FromUriComponent(System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Returns an FragmentString given the fragment as it is escaped in the URI format. The string MUST NOT contain any
+ value that is not a fragment.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="uriComponent">The escaped fragment as it appears in the URI format.</param>
+ <returns>The resulting FragmentString</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FragmentString.FromUriComponent(System.Uri)">
+ <summary>
+ Returns an FragmentString given the fragment as from a Uri object. Relative Uri objects are not supported.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="uri">The Uri object</param>
+ <returns>The resulting FragmentString</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString">
+ <summary>
+ Represents the host portion of a URI can be used to construct URI's properly formatted and encoded for use in
+ HTTP headers.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString.#ctor(System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Creates a new HostString without modification. The value should be Unicode rather than punycode, and may have a port.
+ IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are also allowed, and also may have ports.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="value"></param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString.#ctor(System.String,System.Int32)">
+ <summary>
+ Creates a new HostString from its host and port parts.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="host">The value should be Unicode rather than punycode. IPv6 addresses must use square braces.</param>
+ <param name="port">A positive, greater than 0 value representing the port in the host string.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString.Value">
+ <summary>
+ Returns the original value from the constructor.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString.Host">
+ <summary>
+ Returns the value of the host part of the value. The port is removed if it was present.
+ IPv6 addresses will have brackets added if they are missing.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The host portion of the value.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString.Port">
+ <summary>
+ Returns the value of the port part of the host, or <value>null</value> if none is found.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The port portion of the value.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString.ToString">
+ <summary>
+ Returns the value as normalized by ToUriComponent().
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The value as normalized by <see cref="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString.ToUriComponent"/>.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString.ToUriComponent">
+ <summary>
+ Returns the value properly formatted and encoded for use in a URI in a HTTP header.
+ Any Unicode is converted to punycode. IPv6 addresses will have brackets added if they are missing.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString"/> value formated for use in a URI or HTTP header.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString.FromUriComponent(System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Creates a new HostString from the given URI component.
+ Any punycode will be converted to Unicode.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="uriComponent">The URI component string to create a <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString"/> from.</param>
+ <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString"/> that was created.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString.FromUriComponent(System.Uri)">
+ <summary>
+ Creates a new HostString from the host and port of the give Uri instance.
+ Punycode will be converted to Unicode.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="uri">The <see cref="T:System.Uri"/> to create a <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString"/> from.</param>
+ <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString"/> that was created.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString.MatchesAny(Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringSegment,System.Collections.Generic.IList{Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringSegment})">
+ <summary>
+ Matches the host portion of a host header value against a list of patterns.
+ The host may be the encoded punycode or decoded unicode form so long as the pattern
+ uses the same format.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="value">Host header value with or without a port.</param>
+ <param name="patterns">A set of pattern to match, without ports.</param>
+ <remarks>
+ The port on the given value is ignored. The patterns should not have ports.
+ The patterns may be exact matches like "", a top level wildcard "*"
+ that matches all hosts, or a subdomain wildcard like "*" that matches
+ "" but not "".
+ Matching is case insensitive.
+ </remarks>
+ <returns><code>true</code> if <paramref name="value"/> matches any of the patterns.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString.Equals(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString)">
+ <summary>
+ Compares the equality of the Value property, ignoring case.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="other">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString"/> to compare against.</param>
+ <returns><code>true</code> if they have the same value.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString.Equals(System.Object)">
+ <summary>
+ Compares against the given object only if it is a HostString.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="obj">The <see cref="T:System.Object"/> to compare against.</param>
+ <returns><code>true</code> if they have the same value.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString.GetHashCode">
+ <summary>
+ Gets a hash code for the value.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The hash code as an <see cref="T:System.Int32"/>.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString.op_Equality(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString)">
+ <summary>
+ Compares the two instances for equality.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="left">The left parameter.</param>
+ <param name="right">The right parameter.</param>
+ <returns><code>true</code> if both <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString"/>'s have the same value.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString.op_Inequality(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString)">
+ <summary>
+ Compares the two instances for inequality.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="left">The left parameter.</param>
+ <param name="right">The right parameter.</param>
+ <returns><code>true</code> if both <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString"/>'s values are not equal.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HostString.GetParts(Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringSegment,Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringSegment@,Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringSegment@)">
+ <summary>
+ Parses the current value. IPv6 addresses will have brackets added if they are missing.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="value">The value to get the parts of.</param>
+ <param name="host">The portion of the <paramref name="value"/> which represents the host.</param>
+ <param name="port">The portion of the <paramref name="value"/> which represents the port.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext">
+ <summary>
+ Encapsulates all HTTP-specific information about an individual HTTP request.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext.Features">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the collection of HTTP features provided by the server and middleware available on this request.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext.Request">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest"/> object for this request.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext.Response">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse"/> object for this request.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext.Connection">
+ <summary>
+ Gets information about the underlying connection for this request.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext.WebSockets">
+ <summary>
+ Gets an object that manages the establishment of WebSocket connections for this request.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext.User">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the user for this request.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext.Items">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets a key/value collection that can be used to share data within the scope of this request.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext.RequestServices">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the <see cref="T:System.IServiceProvider"/> that provides access to the request's service container.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext.RequestAborted">
+ <summary>
+ Notifies when the connection underlying this request is aborted and thus request operations should be
+ cancelled.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext.TraceIdentifier">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets a unique identifier to represent this request in trace logs.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext.Session">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the object used to manage user session data for this request.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext.Abort">
+ <summary>
+ Aborts the connection underlying this request.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest">
+ <summary>
+ Represents the incoming side of an individual HTTP request.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.HttpContext">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the <see cref="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.HttpContext"/> for this request.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.Method">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the HTTP method.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The HTTP method.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.Scheme">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the HTTP request scheme.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The HTTP request scheme.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.IsHttps">
+ <summary>
+ Returns true if the RequestScheme is https.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>true if this request is using https; otherwise, false.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.Host">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the Host header. May include the port.
+ </summary>
+ <return>The Host header.</return>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.PathBase">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the RequestPathBase.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The RequestPathBase.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.Path">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the request path from RequestPath.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The request path from RequestPath.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.QueryString">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the raw query string used to create the query collection in Request.Query.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The raw query string.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.Query">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the query value collection parsed from Request.QueryString.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The query value collection parsed from Request.QueryString.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.Protocol">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the request protocol (e.g. HTTP/1.1).
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The request protocol.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.Headers">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the request headers.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The request headers.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.Cookies">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the collection of Cookies for this request.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The collection of Cookies for this request.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.ContentLength">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the Content-Length header.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The value of the Content-Length header, if any.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.ContentType">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the Content-Type header.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The Content-Type header.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.Body">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the request body <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <value>The request body <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>.</value>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.BodyReader">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the request body <see cref="T:System.IO.Pipelines.PipeReader"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <value>The request body <see cref="T:System.IO.Pipelines.PipeReader"/>.</value>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.HasFormContentType">
+ <summary>
+ Checks the Content-Type header for form types.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>true if the Content-Type header represents a form content type; otherwise, false.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.Form">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the request body as a form.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.ReadFormAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
+ <summary>
+ Reads the request body if it is a form.
+ </summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.RouteValues">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the collection of route values for this request.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The collection of route values for this request.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse">
+ <summary>
+ Represents the outgoing side of an individual HTTP request.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse.HttpContext">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the <see cref="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse.HttpContext"/> for this response.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse.StatusCode">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the HTTP response code.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse.Headers">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the response headers.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse.Body">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the response body <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse.BodyWriter">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the response body <see cref="T:System.IO.Pipelines.PipeWriter"/>
+ </summary>
+ <value>The response body <see cref="T:System.IO.Pipelines.PipeWriter"/>.</value>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse.ContentLength">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the value for the <c>Content-Length</c> response header.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse.ContentType">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the value for the <c>Content-Type</c> response header.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse.Cookies">
+ <summary>
+ Gets an object that can be used to manage cookies for this response.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse.HasStarted">
+ <summary>
+ Gets a value indicating whether response headers have been sent to the client.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse.OnStarting(System.Func{System.Object,System.Threading.Tasks.Task},System.Object)">
+ <summary>
+ Adds a delegate to be invoked just before response headers will be sent to the client.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="callback">The delegate to execute.</param>
+ <param name="state">A state object to capture and pass back to the delegate.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse.OnStarting(System.Func{System.Threading.Tasks.Task})">
+ <summary>
+ Adds a delegate to be invoked just before response headers will be sent to the client.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="callback">The delegate to execute.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse.OnCompleted(System.Func{System.Object,System.Threading.Tasks.Task},System.Object)">
+ <summary>
+ Adds a delegate to be invoked after the response has finished being sent to the client.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="callback">The delegate to invoke.</param>
+ <param name="state">A state object to capture and pass back to the delegate.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse.RegisterForDispose(System.IDisposable)">
+ <summary>
+ Registers an object for disposal by the host once the request has finished processing.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="disposable">The object to be disposed.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse.RegisterForDisposeAsync(System.IAsyncDisposable)">
+ <summary>
+ Registers an object for asynchronous disposal by the host once the request has finished processing.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="disposable">The object to be disposed asynchronously.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse.OnCompleted(System.Func{System.Threading.Tasks.Task})">
+ <summary>
+ Adds a delegate to be invoked after the response has finished being sent to the client.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="callback">The delegate to invoke.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse.Redirect(System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Returns a temporary redirect response (HTTP 302) to the client.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="location">The URL to redirect the client to. This must be properly encoded for use in http headers
+ where only ASCII characters are allowed.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse.Redirect(System.String,System.Boolean)">
+ <summary>
+ Returns a redirect response (HTTP 301 or HTTP 302) to the client.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="location">The URL to redirect the client to. This must be properly encoded for use in http headers
+ where only ASCII characters are allowed.</param>
+ <param name="permanent"><c>True</c> if the redirect is permanent (301), otherwise <c>false</c> (302).</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse.StartAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
+ <summary>
+ Starts the response by calling OnStarting() and making headers unmodifiable.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="cancellationToken"></param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResponse.CompleteAsync">
+ <summary>
+ Flush any remaining response headers, data, or trailers.
+ This may throw if the response is in an invalid state such as a Content-Length mismatch.
+ </summary>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IMiddleware">
+ <summary>
+ Defines middleware that can be added to the application's request pipeline.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IMiddleware.InvokeAsync(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestDelegate)">
+ <summary>
+ Request handling method.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="context">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext"/> for the current request.</param>
+ <param name="next">The delegate representing the remaining middleware in the request pipeline.</param>
+ <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task"/> that represents the execution of this middleware.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IMiddlewareFactory">
+ <summary>
+ Provides methods to create middleware.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IMiddlewareFactory.Create(System.Type)">
+ <summary>
+ Creates a middleware instance for each request.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="middlewareType">The concrete <see cref="T:System.Type"/> of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IMiddleware"/>.</param>
+ <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IMiddleware"/> instance.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IMiddlewareFactory.Release(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IMiddleware)">
+ <summary>
+ Releases a <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IMiddleware"/> instance at the end of each request.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="middleware">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IMiddleware"/> instance to release.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString">
+ <summary>
+ Provides correct escaping for Path and PathBase values when needed to reconstruct a request or redirect URI string
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.Empty">
+ <summary>
+ Represents the empty path. This field is read-only.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.#ctor(System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Initialize the path string with a given value. This value must be in unescaped format. Use
+ PathString.FromUriComponent(value) if you have a path value which is in an escaped format.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="value">The unescaped path to be assigned to the Value property.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.Value">
+ <summary>
+ The unescaped path value
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.HasValue">
+ <summary>
+ True if the path is not empty
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.ToString">
+ <summary>
+ Provides the path string escaped in a way which is correct for combining into the URI representation.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The escaped path value</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.ToUriComponent">
+ <summary>
+ Provides the path string escaped in a way which is correct for combining into the URI representation.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The escaped path value</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.FromUriComponent(System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Returns an PathString given the path as it is escaped in the URI format. The string MUST NOT contain any
+ value that is not a path.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="uriComponent">The escaped path as it appears in the URI format.</param>
+ <returns>The resulting PathString</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.FromUriComponent(System.Uri)">
+ <summary>
+ Returns an PathString given the path as from a Uri object. Relative Uri objects are not supported.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="uri">The Uri object</param>
+ <returns>The resulting PathString</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.StartsWithSegments(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString)">
+ <summary>
+ Determines whether the beginning of this <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString"/> instance matches the specified <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="other">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString"/> to compare.</param>
+ <returns>true if value matches the beginning of this string; otherwise, false.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.StartsWithSegments(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString,System.StringComparison)">
+ <summary>
+ Determines whether the beginning of this <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString"/> instance matches the specified <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString"/> when compared
+ using the specified comparison option.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="other">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString"/> to compare.</param>
+ <param name="comparisonType">One of the enumeration values that determines how this <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString"/> and value are compared.</param>
+ <returns>true if value matches the beginning of this string; otherwise, false.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.StartsWithSegments(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString@)">
+ <summary>
+ Determines whether the beginning of this <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString"/> instance matches the specified <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString"/> and returns
+ the remaining segments.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="other">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString"/> to compare.</param>
+ <param name="remaining">The remaining segments after the match.</param>
+ <returns>true if value matches the beginning of this string; otherwise, false.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.StartsWithSegments(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString,System.StringComparison,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString@)">
+ <summary>
+ Determines whether the beginning of this <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString"/> instance matches the specified <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString"/> when compared
+ using the specified comparison option and returns the remaining segments.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="other">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString"/> to compare.</param>
+ <param name="comparisonType">One of the enumeration values that determines how this <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString"/> and value are compared.</param>
+ <param name="remaining">The remaining segments after the match.</param>
+ <returns>true if value matches the beginning of this string; otherwise, false.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.StartsWithSegments(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString@,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString@)">
+ <summary>
+ Determines whether the beginning of this <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString"/> instance matches the specified <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString"/> and returns
+ the matched and remaining segments.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="other">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString"/> to compare.</param>
+ <param name="matched">The matched segments with the original casing in the source value.</param>
+ <param name="remaining">The remaining segments after the match.</param>
+ <returns>true if value matches the beginning of this string; otherwise, false.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.StartsWithSegments(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString,System.StringComparison,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString@,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString@)">
+ <summary>
+ Determines whether the beginning of this <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString"/> instance matches the specified <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString"/> when compared
+ using the specified comparison option and returns the matched and remaining segments.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="other">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString"/> to compare.</param>
+ <param name="comparisonType">One of the enumeration values that determines how this <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString"/> and value are compared.</param>
+ <param name="matched">The matched segments with the original casing in the source value.</param>
+ <param name="remaining">The remaining segments after the match.</param>
+ <returns>true if value matches the beginning of this string; otherwise, false.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.Add(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString)">
+ <summary>
+ Adds two PathString instances into a combined PathString value.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The combined PathString value</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.Add(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryString)">
+ <summary>
+ Combines a PathString and QueryString into the joined URI formatted string value.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The joined URI formatted string value</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.Equals(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString)">
+ <summary>
+ Compares this PathString value to another value. The default comparison is StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="other">The second PathString for comparison.</param>
+ <returns>True if both PathString values are equal</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.Equals(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString,System.StringComparison)">
+ <summary>
+ Compares this PathString value to another value using a specific StringComparison type
+ </summary>
+ <param name="other">The second PathString for comparison</param>
+ <param name="comparisonType">The StringComparison type to use</param>
+ <returns>True if both PathString values are equal</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.Equals(System.Object)">
+ <summary>
+ Compares this PathString value to another value. The default comparison is StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="obj">The second PathString for comparison.</param>
+ <returns>True if both PathString values are equal</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.GetHashCode">
+ <summary>
+ Returns the hash code for the PathString value. The hash code is provided by the OrdinalIgnoreCase implementation.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The hash code</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.op_Equality(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString)">
+ <summary>
+ Operator call through to Equals
+ </summary>
+ <param name="left">The left parameter</param>
+ <param name="right">The right parameter</param>
+ <returns>True if both PathString values are equal</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.op_Inequality(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString)">
+ <summary>
+ Operator call through to Equals
+ </summary>
+ <param name="left">The left parameter</param>
+ <param name="right">The right parameter</param>
+ <returns>True if both PathString values are not equal</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.op_Addition(System.String,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString)">
+ <summary>
+ </summary>
+ <param name="left">The left parameter</param>
+ <param name="right">The right parameter</param>
+ <returns>The ToString combination of both values</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.op_Addition(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString,System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ </summary>
+ <param name="left">The left parameter</param>
+ <param name="right">The right parameter</param>
+ <returns>The ToString combination of both values</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.op_Addition(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString)">
+ <summary>
+ Operator call through to Add
+ </summary>
+ <param name="left">The left parameter</param>
+ <param name="right">The right parameter</param>
+ <returns>The PathString combination of both values</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.op_Addition(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryString)">
+ <summary>
+ Operator call through to Add
+ </summary>
+ <param name="left">The left parameter</param>
+ <param name="right">The right parameter</param>
+ <returns>The PathString combination of both values</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.op_Implicit(System.String)~Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString">
+ <summary>
+ Implicitly creates a new PathString from the given string.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="s"></param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString.op_Implicit(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString)~System.String">
+ <summary>
+ Implicitly calls ToString().
+ </summary>
+ <param name="path"></param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryString">
+ <summary>
+ Provides correct handling for QueryString value when needed to reconstruct a request or redirect URI string
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryString.Empty">
+ <summary>
+ Represents the empty query string. This field is read-only.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryString.#ctor(System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Initialize the query string with a given value. This value must be in escaped and delimited format with
+ a leading '?' character.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="value">The query string to be assigned to the Value property.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryString.Value">
+ <summary>
+ The escaped query string with the leading '?' character
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryString.HasValue">
+ <summary>
+ True if the query string is not empty
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryString.ToString">
+ <summary>
+ Provides the query string escaped in a way which is correct for combining into the URI representation.
+ A leading '?' character will be included unless the Value is null or empty. Characters which are potentially
+ dangerous are escaped.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The query string value</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryString.ToUriComponent">
+ <summary>
+ Provides the query string escaped in a way which is correct for combining into the URI representation.
+ A leading '?' character will be included unless the Value is null or empty. Characters which are potentially
+ dangerous are escaped.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The query string value</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryString.FromUriComponent(System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Returns an QueryString given the query as it is escaped in the URI format. The string MUST NOT contain any
+ value that is not a query.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="uriComponent">The escaped query as it appears in the URI format.</param>
+ <returns>The resulting QueryString</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryString.FromUriComponent(System.Uri)">
+ <summary>
+ Returns an QueryString given the query as from a Uri object. Relative Uri objects are not supported.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="uri">The Uri object</param>
+ <returns>The resulting QueryString</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryString.Create(System.String,System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Create a query string with a single given parameter name and value.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="name">The un-encoded parameter name</param>
+ <param name="value">The un-encoded parameter value</param>
+ <returns>The resulting QueryString</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryString.Create(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,System.String}})">
+ <summary>
+ Creates a query string composed from the given name value pairs.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="parameters"></param>
+ <returns>The resulting QueryString</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.QueryString.Create(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringValues}})">
+ <summary>
+ Creates a query string composed from the given name value pairs.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="parameters"></param>
+ <returns>The resulting QueryString</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestDelegate">
+ <summary>
+ A function that can process an HTTP request.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="context">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext"/> for the request.</param>
+ <returns>A task that represents the completion of request processing.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Endpoint">
+ <summary>
+ Represents a logical endpoint in an application.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Endpoint.#ctor(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestDelegate,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection,System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Creates a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Endpoint"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="requestDelegate">The delegate used to process requests for the endpoint.</param>
+ <param name="metadata">
+ The endpoint <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection"/>. May be null.
+ </param>
+ <param name="displayName">
+ The informational display name of the endpoint. May be null.
+ </param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Endpoint.DisplayName">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the informational display name of this endpoint.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Endpoint.Metadata">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the collection of metadata associated with this endpoint.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Endpoint.RequestDelegate">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the delegate used to process requests for the endpoint.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointHttpContextExtensions">
+ <summary>
+ Extension methods to expose Endpoint on HttpContext.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointHttpContextExtensions.GetEndpoint(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext)">
+ <summary>
+ Extension method for getting the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Endpoint"/> for the current request.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="context">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext"/> context.</param>
+ <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Endpoint"/>.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointHttpContextExtensions.SetEndpoint(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Endpoint)">
+ <summary>
+ Extension method for setting the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Endpoint"/> for the current request.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="context">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext"/> context.</param>
+ <param name="endpoint">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Endpoint"/>.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection">
+ <summary>
+ A collection of arbitrary metadata associated with an endpoint.
+ </summary>
+ <remarks>
+ <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection"/> instances contain a list of metadata items
+ of arbitrary types. The metadata items are stored as an ordered collection with
+ items arranged in ascending order of precedence.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="F:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection.Empty">
+ <summary>
+ An empty <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Object})">
+ <summary>
+ Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="items">The metadata items.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection.#ctor(System.Object[])">
+ <summary>
+ Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="items">The metadata items.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the item at <paramref name="index"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="index">The index of the item to retrieve.</param>
+ <returns>The item at <paramref name="index"/>.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection.Count">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the count of metadata items.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection.GetMetadata``1">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the most significant metadata item of type <typeparamref name="T"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <typeparam name="T">The type of metadata to retrieve.</typeparam>
+ <returns>
+ The most significant metadata of type <typeparamref name="T"/> or <c>null</c>.
+ </returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection.GetOrderedMetadata``1">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the metadata items of type <typeparamref name="T"/> in ascending
+ order of precedence.
+ </summary>
+ <typeparam name="T">The type of metadata.</typeparam>
+ <returns>A sequence of metadata items of <typeparamref name="T"/>.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection.GetEnumerator">
+ <summary>
+ Gets an <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> of all metadata items.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> of all metadata items.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection.System#Collections#Generic#IEnumerable{System#Object}#GetEnumerator">
+ <summary>
+ Gets an <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1"/> of all metadata items.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1"/> of all metadata items.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
+ <summary>
+ Gets an <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> of all metadata items.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> of all metadata items.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection.Enumerator">
+ <summary>
+ Enumerates the elements of an <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection.Enumerator.Current">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the element at the current position of the enumerator
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection.Enumerator.Dispose">
+ <summary>
+ Releases all resources used by the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection.Enumerator"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection.Enumerator.MoveNext">
+ <summary>
+ Advances the enumerator to the next element of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection.Enumerator"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>
+ <c>true</c> if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element;
+ <c>false</c> if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection.
+ </returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.EndpointMetadataCollection.Enumerator.Reset">
+ <summary>
+ Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the collection.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IEndpointFeature">
+ <summary>
+ A feature interface for endpoint routing. Use <see cref="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext.Features"/>
+ to access an instance associated with the current request.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IEndpointFeature.Endpoint">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the selected <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Endpoint"/> for the current
+ request.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IRouteValuesFeature">
+ <summary>
+ A feature interface for routing values. Use <see cref="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext.Features"/>
+ to access the values associated with the current request.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features.IRouteValuesFeature.RouteValues">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary"/> associated with the currrent
+ request.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.WebSocketManager">
+ <summary>
+ Manages the establishment of WebSocket connections for a specific HTTP request.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.WebSocketManager.IsWebSocketRequest">
+ <summary>
+ Gets a value indicating whether the request is a WebSocket establishment request.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.WebSocketManager.WebSocketRequestedProtocols">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the list of requested WebSocket sub-protocols.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.WebSocketManager.AcceptWebSocketAsync">
+ <summary>
+ Transitions the request to a WebSocket connection.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>A task representing the completion of the transition.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.WebSocketManager.AcceptWebSocketAsync(System.String)">
+ <summary>
+ Transitions the request to a WebSocket connection using the specified sub-protocol.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="subProtocol">The sub-protocol to use.</param>
+ <returns>A task representing the completion of the transition.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.Exception_UseMiddlewareIServiceProviderNotAvailable">
+ <summary>'{0}' is not available.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.FormatException_UseMiddlewareIServiceProviderNotAvailable(System.Object)">
+ <summary>'{0}' is not available.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.Exception_UseMiddlewareNoInvokeMethod">
+ <summary>No public '{0}' or '{1}' method found for middleware of type '{2}'.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.FormatException_UseMiddlewareNoInvokeMethod(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
+ <summary>No public '{0}' or '{1}' method found for middleware of type '{2}'.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.Exception_UseMiddlewareNonTaskReturnType">
+ <summary>'{0}' or '{1}' does not return an object of type '{2}'.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.FormatException_UseMiddlewareNonTaskReturnType(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
+ <summary>'{0}' or '{1}' does not return an object of type '{2}'.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.Exception_UseMiddlewareNoParameters">
+ <summary>The '{0}' or '{1}' method's first argument must be of type '{2}'.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.FormatException_UseMiddlewareNoParameters(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
+ <summary>The '{0}' or '{1}' method's first argument must be of type '{2}'.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.Exception_UseMiddleMutlipleInvokes">
+ <summary>Multiple public '{0}' or '{1}' methods are available.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.FormatException_UseMiddleMutlipleInvokes(System.Object,System.Object)">
+ <summary>Multiple public '{0}' or '{1}' methods are available.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.Exception_PathMustStartWithSlash">
+ <summary>The path in '{0}' must start with '/'.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.FormatException_PathMustStartWithSlash(System.Object)">
+ <summary>The path in '{0}' must start with '/'.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.Exception_InvokeMiddlewareNoService">
+ <summary>Unable to resolve service for type '{0}' while attempting to Invoke middleware '{1}'.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.FormatException_InvokeMiddlewareNoService(System.Object,System.Object)">
+ <summary>Unable to resolve service for type '{0}' while attempting to Invoke middleware '{1}'.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.Exception_InvokeDoesNotSupportRefOrOutParams">
+ <summary>The '{0}' method must not have ref or out parameters.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.FormatException_InvokeDoesNotSupportRefOrOutParams(System.Object)">
+ <summary>The '{0}' method must not have ref or out parameters.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.Exception_PortMustBeGreaterThanZero">
+ <summary>The value must be greater than zero.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.Exception_UseMiddlewareNoMiddlewareFactory">
+ <summary>No service for type '{0}' has been registered.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.FormatException_UseMiddlewareNoMiddlewareFactory(System.Object)">
+ <summary>No service for type '{0}' has been registered.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.Exception_UseMiddlewareUnableToCreateMiddleware">
+ <summary>'{0}' failed to create middleware of type '{1}'.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.FormatException_UseMiddlewareUnableToCreateMiddleware(System.Object,System.Object)">
+ <summary>'{0}' failed to create middleware of type '{1}'.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.Exception_UseMiddlewareExplicitArgumentsNotSupported">
+ <summary>Types that implement '{0}' do not support explicit arguments.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.FormatException_UseMiddlewareExplicitArgumentsNotSupported(System.Object)">
+ <summary>Types that implement '{0}' do not support explicit arguments.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.ArgumentCannotBeNullOrEmpty">
+ <summary>Argument cannot be null or empty.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.RouteValueDictionary_DuplicateKey">
+ <summary>An element with the key '{0}' already exists in the {1}.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.FormatRouteValueDictionary_DuplicateKey(System.Object,System.Object)">
+ <summary>An element with the key '{0}' already exists in the {1}.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.RouteValueDictionary_DuplicatePropertyName">
+ <summary>The type '{0}' defines properties '{1}' and '{2}' which differ only by casing. This is not supported by {3} which uses case-insensitive comparisons.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions.Resources.FormatRouteValueDictionary_DuplicatePropertyName(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
+ <summary>The type '{0}' defines properties '{1}' and '{2}' which differ only by casing. This is not supported by {3} which uses case-insensitive comparisons.</summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.EndpointBuilder">
+ <summary>
+ A base class for building an new <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Endpoint"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.EndpointBuilder.RequestDelegate">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the delegate used to process requests for the endpoint.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.EndpointBuilder.DisplayName">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the informational display name of this endpoint.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.EndpointBuilder.Metadata">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the collection of metadata associated with this endpoint.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.EndpointBuilder.Build">
+ <summary>
+ Creates an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Endpoint"/> from the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.EndpointBuilder"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The created <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Endpoint"/>.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IEndpointConventionBuilder">
+ <summary>
+ Builds conventions that will be used for customization of <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.EndpointBuilder"/> instances.
+ </summary>
+ <remarks>
+ This interface is used at application startup to customize endpoints for the application.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IEndpointConventionBuilder.Add(System.Action{Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.EndpointBuilder})">
+ <summary>
+ Adds the specified convention to the builder. Conventions are used to customize <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.EndpointBuilder"/> instances.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="convention">The convention to add to the builder.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.MapExtensions">
+ <summary>
+ Extension methods for the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapMiddleware"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.MapExtensions.Map(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString,System.Action{Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder})">
+ <summary>
+ Branches the request pipeline based on matches of the given request path. If the request path starts with
+ the given path, the branch is executed.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="app">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder"/> instance.</param>
+ <param name="pathMatch">The request path to match.</param>
+ <param name="configuration">The branch to take for positive path matches.</param>
+ <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapMiddleware">
+ <summary>
+ Represents a middleware that maps a request path to a sub-request pipeline.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapMiddleware.#ctor(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestDelegate,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapOptions)">
+ <summary>
+ Creates a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapMiddleware"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="next">The delegate representing the next middleware in the request pipeline.</param>
+ <param name="options">The middleware options.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapMiddleware.Invoke(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext)">
+ <summary>
+ Executes the middleware.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="context">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext"/> for the current request.</param>
+ <returns>A task that represents the execution of this middleware.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapOptions">
+ <summary>
+ Options for the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapMiddleware"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapOptions.PathMatch">
+ <summary>
+ The path to match.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapOptions.Branch">
+ <summary>
+ The branch taken for a positive match.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapWhenMiddleware">
+ <summary>
+ Represents a middleware that runs a sub-request pipeline when a given predicate is matched.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapWhenMiddleware.#ctor(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestDelegate,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapWhenOptions)">
+ <summary>
+ Creates a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapWhenMiddleware"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="next">The delegate representing the next middleware in the request pipeline.</param>
+ <param name="options">The middleware options.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapWhenMiddleware.Invoke(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext)">
+ <summary>
+ Executes the middleware.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="context">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext"/> for the current request.</param>
+ <returns>A task that represents the execution of this middleware.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapWhenOptions">
+ <summary>
+ Options for the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapWhenMiddleware"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapWhenOptions.Predicate">
+ <summary>
+ The user callback that determines if the branch should be taken.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapWhenOptions.Branch">
+ <summary>
+ The branch taken for a positive match.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.UsePathBaseMiddleware">
+ <summary>
+ Represents a middleware that extracts the specified path base from request path and postpend it to the request path base.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.UsePathBaseMiddleware.#ctor(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestDelegate,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString)">
+ <summary>
+ Creates a new instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.UsePathBaseMiddleware"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="next">The delegate representing the next middleware in the request pipeline.</param>
+ <param name="pathBase">The path base to extract.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.UsePathBaseMiddleware.Invoke(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext)">
+ <summary>
+ Executes the middleware.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="context">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext"/> for the current request.</param>
+ <returns>A task that represents the execution of this middleware.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.MapWhenExtensions">
+ <summary>
+ Extension methods for the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.Extensions.MapWhenMiddleware"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.MapWhenExtensions.MapWhen(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder,System.Func{Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext,System.Boolean},System.Action{Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder})">
+ <summary>
+ Branches the request pipeline based on the result of the given predicate.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="app"></param>
+ <param name="predicate">Invoked with the request environment to determine if the branch should be taken</param>
+ <param name="configuration">Configures a branch to take</param>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.RunExtensions">
+ <summary>
+ Extension methods for adding terminal middleware.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.RunExtensions.Run(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestDelegate)">
+ <summary>
+ Adds a terminal middleware delegate to the application's request pipeline.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="app">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder"/> instance.</param>
+ <param name="handler">A delegate that handles the request.</param>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.UseExtensions">
+ <summary>
+ Extension methods for adding middleware.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.UseExtensions.Use(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder,System.Func{Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext,System.Func{System.Threading.Tasks.Task},System.Threading.Tasks.Task})">
+ <summary>
+ Adds a middleware delegate defined in-line to the application's request pipeline.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="app">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder"/> instance.</param>
+ <param name="middleware">A function that handles the request or calls the given next function.</param>
+ <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.UseMiddlewareExtensions">
+ <summary>
+ Extension methods for adding typed middleware.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.UseMiddlewareExtensions.UseMiddleware``1(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder,System.Object[])">
+ <summary>
+ Adds a middleware type to the application's request pipeline.
+ </summary>
+ <typeparam name="TMiddleware">The middleware type.</typeparam>
+ <param name="app">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder"/> instance.</param>
+ <param name="args">The arguments to pass to the middleware type instance's constructor.</param>
+ <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.UseMiddlewareExtensions.UseMiddleware(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder,System.Type,System.Object[])">
+ <summary>
+ Adds a middleware type to the application's request pipeline.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="app">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder"/> instance.</param>
+ <param name="middleware">The middleware type.</param>
+ <param name="args">The arguments to pass to the middleware type instance's constructor.</param>
+ <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.UsePathBaseExtensions">
+ <summary>
+ Extension methods for <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.UsePathBaseExtensions.UsePathBase(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString)">
+ <summary>
+ Adds a middleware that extracts the specified path base from request path and postpend it to the request path base.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="app">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder"/> instance.</param>
+ <param name="pathBase">The path base to extract.</param>
+ <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.UseWhenExtensions">
+ <summary>
+ Extension methods for <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.UseWhenExtensions.UseWhen(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder,System.Func{Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext,System.Boolean},System.Action{Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder})">
+ <summary>
+ Conditionally creates a branch in the request pipeline that is rejoined to the main pipeline.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="app"></param>
+ <param name="predicate">Invoked with the request environment to determine if the branch should be taken</param>
+ <param name="configuration">Configures a branch to take</param>
+ <returns></returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder">
+ <summary>
+ Defines a class that provides the mechanisms to configure an application's request pipeline.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder.ApplicationServices">
+ <summary>
+ Gets or sets the <see cref="T:System.IServiceProvider"/> that provides access to the application's service container.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder.ServerFeatures">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the set of HTTP features the application's server provides.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder.Properties">
+ <summary>
+ Gets a key/value collection that can be used to share data between middleware.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder.Use(System.Func{Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestDelegate,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.RequestDelegate})">
+ <summary>
+ Adds a middleware delegate to the application's request pipeline.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="middleware">The middleware delegate.</param>
+ <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder"/>.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder.New">
+ <summary>
+ Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder"/> that shares the <see cref="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder.Properties"/> of this
+ <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The new <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder"/>.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.IApplicationBuilder.Build">
+ <summary>
+ Builds the delegate used by this application to process HTTP requests.
+ </summary>
+ <returns>The request handling delegate.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors.Infrastructure.ICorsMetadata">
+ <summary>
+ A marker interface which can be used to identify CORS metdata.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary">
+ <summary>
+ An <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2"/> type for route values.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.FromArray(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,System.Object}[])">
+ <summary>
+ Creates a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary"/> from the provided array.
+ The new instance will take ownership of the array, and may mutate it.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="items">The items array.</param>
+ <returns>A new <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary"/>.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.#ctor">
+ <summary>
+ Creates an empty <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary"/>.
+ </summary>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.#ctor(System.Object)">
+ <summary>
+ Creates a <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary"/> initialized with the specified <paramref name="values"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="values">An object to initialize the dictionary. The value can be of type
+ <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2"/> or <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary`2"/>
+ or an object with public properties as key-value pairs.
+ </param>
+ <remarks>
+ If the value is a dictionary or other <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1"/> of <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>,
+ then its entries are copied. Otherwise the object is interpreted as a set of key-value pairs where the
+ property names are keys, and property values are the values, and copied into the dictionary.
+ Only public instance non-index properties are considered.
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.Item(System.String)">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.Comparer">
+ <summary>
+ Gets the comparer for this dictionary.
+ </summary>
+ <remarks>
+ This will always be a reference to <see cref="P:System.StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase"/>
+ </remarks>
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.Count">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.System#Collections#Generic#ICollection{System#Collections#Generic#KeyValuePair{System#String,System#Object}}#IsReadOnly">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.Keys">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="P:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.Values">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.System#Collections#Generic#ICollection{System#Collections#Generic#KeyValuePair{System#String,System#Object}}#Add(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,System.Object})">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.Add(System.String,System.Object)">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.Clear">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.System#Collections#Generic#ICollection{System#Collections#Generic#KeyValuePair{System#String,System#Object}}#Contains(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,System.Object})">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.ContainsKey(System.String)">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.System#Collections#Generic#ICollection{System#Collections#Generic#KeyValuePair{System#String,System#Object}}#CopyTo(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,System.Object}[],System.Int32)">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.GetEnumerator">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.System#Collections#Generic#IEnumerable{System#Collections#Generic#KeyValuePair{System#String,System#Object}}#GetEnumerator">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.System#Collections#Generic#ICollection{System#Collections#Generic#KeyValuePair{System#String,System#Object}}#Remove(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,System.Object})">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.Remove(System.String)">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.Remove(System.String,System.Object@)">
+ <summary>
+ Attempts to remove and return the value that has the specified key from the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary"/>.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="key">The key of the element to remove and return.</param>
+ <param name="value">When this method returns, contains the object removed from the <see cref="T:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary"/>, or <c>null</c> if key does not exist.</param>
+ <returns>
+ <c>true</c> if the object was removed successfully; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
+ </returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.TryAdd(System.String,System.Object)">
+ <summary>
+ Attempts to the add the provided <paramref name="key"/> and <paramref name="value"/> to the dictionary.
+ </summary>
+ <param name="key">The key.</param>
+ <param name="value">The value.</param>
+ <returns>Returns <c>true</c> if the value was added. Returns <c>false</c> if the key was already present.</returns>
+ </member>
+ <member name="M:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteValueDictionary.TryGetValue(System.String,System.Object@)">
+ <inheritdoc />
+ </member>
+ </members>